Sandy Climber
Further inner monologue/peptalk/goal setting
It doesn't matter if we fail sometimes, what matters is whether we endeavor to not only learn from these failures and become wiser/better for it, but also to find some way to correct or lessen our failures.
After all, this is what we are trying to do with Raitel, isn't it? Mistakes were made, some ours, and now we have the determination to go looking for her to make things right. And in the process? We are learning, gaining the knowledge and will necessary to make future mistakes more easily avoidable.
In fact, when we think about it, plenty of our attempts to rectify mistakes have led to our greatest gains. Sneaking into the camp to confront Calavera with no background knowledge was a mistake, and yet our efforts to survive and thrive in such an environment led us to taking his place and gaining new allies.
Confronting a Blutjaeger with no practical knowledge of them was a mistake, but it was how we met Raitel, and we surely don't regret that!
Our strength is growing to overcome obstacles made by our lack of foresight, and each mistake made or corrected gives us a bit more wisdom.
Never let doubt stop you, for there will always be something you can do, if only you think and put in enough effort.
But also, seriously, we have been having a lot of people way, way more kill-capable (I like the nonexistent word, shut up) than us. We seriously need to start trying to learn some survival/combat skills when we get the chance.