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1101551 No. 1101551 ID: 86847c

Adult content 18+

First thread: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/860238.html
Wiki: https://tgchan.org/wiki/Moot_Point
Previous chapter: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1073931.html
62 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 1101866 ID: debc82


After our last brush of legally-dubious activities with the fae, are we SURE we want to get tangled up in that kind of mess again?
No. 1101894 ID: 41019a

Sounds like we should pay Vivian a visit. She might have some ideas on how to deal with Argus.

Also, could the gang potentially use sex to get it from him in some way? Let's be honest, it's proven to be one of the more effective cards in their deck so far. And who knows, it might appeal to a fae with an eccentric personality
No. 1101918 ID: 86847c
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“Woah, woah, woah! Hold up.” Nemo holds his hands out and lets his colors blend into the surroundings defensively. “Yeah, I know this guy. Back when I was starting out, I heard, ‘Hey, this guy is loaded, and what’s more, he loves thieves.’ Supposedly he’d invite you in and case the place like its a freaking museum. Yeah, nah: I was lucky to get out of there in one piece. Had me spotted as soon as I set foot inside. How- How did you even know about that?”

Cecil shrugs, “It’s my business to know things.”

Nemo shakes his head and jabs a finger as he makes another point: “Well, let’s not forget: I nearly got branded last time I dealt with the fae! Count me out!”
No. 1101919 ID: 86847c
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“That is, unfortunately, the punishment for illegal thievery.” Mr. Ocher rings a bell and one of his butlers appears, carrying a leather-bound folio. “Which is why I have taken liberty of having drafted a formal declaration: of intent to burgle.” He opens up the folio and lays it out on the table.

Inside is a long and arcane arraignment of legal documents, establishing that Gabriel Wikk, Kol Bardo, Casey Leander, Clio (no surname on record) and the thief known as Nemo, assisted by Cecil Ochre, (hereafter referred to as party A) by means of craft, subterfuge, stealth, cleverness and possibly brute force, intend to steal one (1) Divine Aegis, from the residence of one Argus (hereafter referred to as party B).
No. 1101920 ID: 61b048

Yeah that... sure is Fae all right, half wanna have Vivian look it over or suggest something, if nothing else she'll probably find this funny.
No. 1101922 ID: cb76eb

...How many of our fae friends gave this a look through? If they approve, this might actually work.
No. 1101923 ID: debc82


Oh, okay, that ... changes things?


I second this. Let's get Vivian to look it over. Maybe she knows this guy a bit (probably does, seeing as both are pretty famous amongst fae).
No. 1101924 ID: dc4bad

The fact this Argus invites thieves to case the place would seem to be either extreme confidence in himself or his collection's security.

It does suggest he'd probably enjoy this plan and be more willing to accept though.

Should definitely consult all our fae friends about the declaration and Argus.
No. 1101934 ID: 273c18

Alright. What are our risks when we use a formal declaration like this?
No. 1101940 ID: eb0a9c

Why must the rich always make a mockery of taxpaying?

Find multiple fae and get their understanding of the law.
No. 1101945 ID: 2a82d3

If this is a game to him, should we expect guards with predictable patrol patterns?

But seriously, he should get the rest of the paperwork out. Blueprints, profiles, gear requisition forms, the works. Someone get the coffee too. Planning looks to be an all-nighter.
No. 1101986 ID: 9b4bd5

Sounds incredibly stupid to play the game a Fae wants to play. There have to be better options unless the DM wants to rail-road the story they already worked out...
No. 1101994 ID: 0ec7ef

Seconding assembling a council of your Fae and Fae-Associated friends to review this contract so it's as Cold-Ironclad as possible.
No. 1102034 ID: 197188

Get the Dullahan on the case. We may need their help.
No. 1102084 ID: 995a6f
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Nemo’s eyes flicker over the paperwork before focusing on Cecil suspiciously, “Are you serious?”

The bower-bird nods and raises his palm in assurance. “If done through the proper channels, it is a perfectly, well… mostly safe and legal procedure. It is, in essence, a formal challenge of our ability to obtain the item, contested against his ability to protect it. If successful, in the eyes of fey law we would become valid owners.”

“And if we... fail?” Nemo needles.

Cecil turns to Casey as an expert in fey affairs. She swallows her mouthful of tea and explains, “You’re not allowed to brand a thief who’s challenged you. There would be some kind of agreed upon punishment: usually it's some amount of time spent working in the fey’s service.”
No. 1102085 ID: 995a6f
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“Wouldn’t a trade or a loan be easier?” Gabe asks. “Like, what if we brought him back a nice moon rock?”

“Hmm, I'll propose it in the contract, but if rumors are to be believed, Mr. Argus seems to relish the challenge.” Cecil stands and goes over to the window, waving at Flashing Feathers as he zips by. “Supposedly, he is always looking for new ‘opponents’ to test his wits and strength against. It's something of a pastime that the fey elite tend to enjoy: it's like a performance or a game of chess. Offering a trade might only buy us some leniency... or it could insult him. It's hard to tell. ”

“And that’s the problem-“ Kol sighs, and leans forward. “You can't beat a fey if you play by their rules. We need someone with more experience with fey law to help us plan this.”

“True, I was hoping we could use some of your contacts to assist us.” Cecil puts down his cup and nods.
No. 1102087 ID: 90c6b7

I assume that Elementals aren't as familiar with fey law, so a Fey would be best. Out of our options, Vivian seems like the best option, given that she was able to free Litany, who may also have a bit of insight. But maybe we could get another Binder involved to help with relations? Or ask the bartender in the coffee shop?
No. 1102089 ID: 6c233e

Vivian seems like the most knowledgeable about fey law, or at least would know who around here would be helpful. There's also Ometra, maybe check if they still hate your guts or if they've simmered down by now.
No. 1102090 ID: 273c18

We know at least 3 fey, why not ask all of them if they can help? Vivian is the most likely candidate of them all of course.
No. 1102091 ID: cd9cd6

Our best bet is either Vivian or Ometra. Or both, to be on the safe side. We got time, let's pay both of them a visit and get their respective opinions. I'm sure Ometra would jump at the chance to do something more productive than wash Sifr's dishes.
No. 1102107 ID: 995a6f
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Gabe fishes out his scrying stone and holds it up. “Okay, who first?”

“How about Vivian?” Casey suggests.

Gabe concentrates and brings up the kitsune’s face in the clear crystal. After a brief explanation, Vivian barks a chuckle and shakes her head, “I’m touched you thought of me first, guys! As much as I’d love to help… I can’t get involved in a heist, I have to prepare for this season’s opera.” She shrugs and shakes her head, "But if you ever do a theatrical re-enactment, hit me up!"

“Well, could you at least look over this contract?” Gabe asks.

“I can take a look when I have time, but I think you know a few people more familiar with fey theft laws.” She smiles knowingly before fading from view.

"What did she mean by that?" Nemo asks, as a pit of anxiety opens up in his stomach.
No. 1102108 ID: 995a6f
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Ometra sinks into the couch cushions, their voice echoing in everyone's heads like a neutronium church bell.

Nemo lurks at the other end of the couch, having turned completely transparent and eyeing the branded fey like a wary ghost.

"Absolutely not."

"Aw, come on! Why'd you take the gate then?" Gabe moans.

"...I needed to get out of the house..." The former thief-catcher admits. "But I see no reason to help you with this... madness."
No. 1102109 ID: efc373

All we really need is legal advice on the contract. He doesn't have to actually get involved in the madness that follows. And surely even that would be more interesting than housecleaning, right?
No. 1102110 ID: cb76eb

Consider this: You could claim that a team of thieves under your guidance stole one of the most coveted relics in the world. That's some real bragging rights. Could get you back into a good position.
No. 1102114 ID: 6c233e

Madness it may be, but it sounds like they're going stir crazy. So its a choice between which crazy seems more fun.
No. 1102119 ID: d44c14

Man it's just contract help c'mon it's not like you're stealing something yourself don't be such a sourpuss.

Besides, you owe Nemo. Seriously, you used him and intentionally set him up to be screwed over. Even for a fey, you can't have 'my personal identity is following the letter and spirit of the law' AND ALSO 'I use thieves to do my dirty work and then arrest them', that's just hypocrisy. Why not take this opportunity to branch out into being a more wholesome and well-rounded individual? There's not really a better group to do that with than these guys.
No. 1102120 ID: 0ec7ef

We're not asking you to take part in the actual heisting, we just want your Legal Opinion on the Contract about it. Think of it like...a test! How many loopholes could you find in it, obscure Fey Laws that would make the whole thing backfire, that sort of thing!
No. 1102121 ID: 273c18

Perhaps we can negotiate. Offer an incentive? More time outside the house, perhaps?
No. 1102128 ID: 995a6f
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“We just want some help with this contract. We need to hammer out some terms so that we aren’t stuck playing by Argus’s rules.” Casey sighs. “Is there something we can offer that might help incentivize you?”

The former justicar broods for a long moment: their flames reducing to an eerie simmer as they think.

”Help me find my head.” they propose. ”My spirit cannot rest without it.

“Uh, how?” Gabe asks, “Like, can we just scry for it?”

”unlikely, It is likely warded against most forms of scrying. Argus isn’t a member of the Court of the Pooling Deep, but he has contacts who know of it’s location.” Ometra reaches into the blazing furnace of their neck-hole and pulls out something. They open their fist to reveal a small, iron pin in the shape of a fey rune. ”This is a tracking sigil. Pin this to them without being noticed and the next time they come close to my head, I will be able to sense it.”

“How will we know who is an agent of the court?” Casey asks.

”That will be up to you. I don’t know who will be sent in my place.”
No. 1102129 ID: 2d74c7

All the more reason to find a way to work sex into this caper. It would be a perfect opportunity to pin that sigil onto something.
No. 1102132 ID: 3a61d4

hmm, can we glean anything from the fact that they "will be sent in [Ometra's] place"? what was Ometra's place, in full?
No. 1102142 ID: cb76eb

So the pin will help you find it. Is that all you need? The knowledge of it's location? Or do you want us to try and take that too?
No. 1102148 ID: 0ec7ef

Wait, hold up, maybe I missed something here, but why would your head be so important that it'd be protected against Scrying?
No. 1102164 ID: c57c8d
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“Wait, what do you mean sent in your place?” Kol asks.

The undead fey gives a telepathic sigh and explains, ”Once a month, Argus opens his house to visitors for a masquerade honoring the full moon. Many in attendance will be representatives from fey courts. In the past it was usually my duty to represent the court of the Pooling Deep.” There’s a slight shift of the fey’s massive shoulders, as if plagued by an unreachable itch. The dullahan’s monotone voice doesn’t seem particularly excited or nostalgic about this aspect of their past.

“No offense, but how did you pull off a masquerade without a head?” Gabe asks, eyeing the undead.

”I would usually wear a carved pumpkin. Argus found it… amusing.”

“So, we just need to help you find your head? Or do we need to steal that too?” Gabe asks.

”Once I know where it is, I will reclaim it myself. Branded or not, no one will stand in my way.” There’s an edge to the undead’s tone: as if their voice was being sharpened against a gravestone.
No. 1102167 ID: cd9cd6

Sounds like Ometra has already given us some good advice, whether he intended to or not. The masquerade ball will be a perfect time to get in for the heist, without having to worry about breaking in through tough security. And if we know anything about the schemes of fey courts, we won't be the only ones up to skullduggery during this ball.
No. 1102170 ID: 6c233e

Sounds doable. So what will identify the Pooling Deep fey? Some sort of theme perhaps?
No. 1102171 ID: 2a82d3

You had us at sweet costumes.

Being known to the Pooling Deep as both dutiful whistle-blowers and keeper of no secrets they would care about, expect your invitation to come in right about....
No. 1102178 ID: cd9cd6

Idea: Vivian may not be able to help us with the heist directly, buuuut... maybe her theater could help provide some fun masquerade ball costumes?
No. 1102200 ID: 5e860d

That provides a REALLY good time for the heist actually... and from a Fey perspective? why, there could be no better time, the intrigue alone!

On a note that is probably, but might not be, unrelated: Vivian referenced this seasons opera, where might it be? even if completely unrelated it would still be nice to show up when it happens
No. 1102204 ID: debc82


Nevermind that, as the host, Argus may be forced to maintain attendance and not directly interfere because of fey senses of propriety.
No. 1102226 ID: c57c8d
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“A masquerade? That’s perfect! We’d be able mingle with the guests without any suspicion! Plus, you know there’ll be more fey plots unfolding to keep everyone distracted.” Casey grins and snaps her fingers.

”Security would be very high, but if you could obtain invitations, you would be provided a degree of protection.” Ometra explains, ” Under the rules of a masquerade, guests would have to be unmasked before in order to be detained, and unmasking a fellow party member without just cause is considered a breach of etiquette.”

“An invitation? You said its a full moon celebration? What if we were to offer some moon rocks in order to get invited? I’m sure a few pieces survived the latest test.” Cecil suggests as he takes notes.

Ometra folds their arms and scoffs telepathically, ”Any fey would be able to detect fake moon rocks just by talking to them.”

“Oh no, they’re quite real.” Cecil replies

”Oh…. What?”. The dullahan sits up a little straighter and twists in their seat, as if looking over the assembled plotters with disbelief and curiosity.
No. 1102227 ID: 273c18

Let's just say they are going to be devalued quite soon.
No. 1102238 ID: 90c6b7

QUICK cecil blow your husband

a kiss
No. 1102249 ID: 6c233e

maybe some nice moon dust, or ash
No. 1102252 ID: 59f232

...Can Casey talk to rocks in her more elemental state?
No. 1102259 ID: c8380b

Rule number one of the masquerade: Wear a second mask underneath your fancy one.
Rule number two of the masquerade: Wear a third mask underneath your backup mask.
No. 1102261 ID: cd9cd6

So...are moon rocks like, really important and valuable to the fey? Might add an extra complication to the fact that we've just been casually using gates to get core samples out of the moon and have been dismissing the resultant piles of rubble as curiosities at best, scrap rock at worst
No. 1102295 ID: be1803

Ometra seems interested all of a sudden.
No. 1102367 ID: bef2e1

Given Ometra's sudden interest, should we go ahead and tell him that not only do we have a way to get real moon rocks from the source, and that the whole reason for this heist is so that we can actually travel there ourselves? Or should we keep that under wraps?
No. 1102438 ID: cfbe63

if you'll forgive the late dumb question: are airships a thing in this world? and if so, do you think some precursor group came up with one space-capable?
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