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1083617 No. 1083617 ID: 6be2b4

First time doing a quest, bear with me if I mess up. :)
485 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 1099056 ID: 9c61d0
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I’m sorry… hah… no… I-I’m so fucking sorry…He’s lying there… his blood pooling and body twitching as t-that bastard tries to control him still… b-but he’s dead…

Mina Haliasong’s Turn

Mina suffers 1 PAIN for having a Fatal Wound and being unconscious.

Evel’yee Trèswillow’s Turn

Evel’yee’s Standard & Move & Swift Action

>To Evel’yee:
>Two trick shots were impressive enough... You are still cute. Here is the situation: the entity that was trying to convince you to kill yourself is puppeteering his body with magic and I'm not even sure killing him will put him down. Mina is bleeding and will die in 24 seconds if she isn't healed. I think the most important thing will be to give Mina a potion.

I got her, don’t worry.Evel’yee says as she pulls a vial out of her bag. She feeds it to Mina, cradling her head so it heals her. The worst of her wounds begin to heal…

...I can’t… think straight…

No. 1099057 ID: a671e8

Focus Tanna. Mina is alive and the most urgent threat is dealt with.
Right now you need to assess the situation, make sure there is no other danger (maybe of the rat variety). Hold together a little longer, at least long enough for Mina to get up.

To Evel’yee:
You will be the most emotionally stable one here for a few minutes, so please be patient and keep those two from doing something they shouldn't. Also watch out for unexpected dangers and for that weird rat, there is something unnatural about it.

To Mina:
Stay calm. Breath in and exhale, slowly.
No. 1099060 ID: c5529d

It's okay to cry
No. 1099061 ID: 8f9bc4

You did it, you saved him...
No. 1099074 ID: eb0a9c

Cover your mouth and breathe slowly. You can't rest here, that demon is going to find a new host.
It's a longshot, but try to find out where that bastard went and end them. If they escape, then at least we won't have to deal with them possessing another party member.

Loot Roderick's precious items. Funeral burn the rest.
No. 1099077 ID: 2f41db

Oh slinky...
I am so sorry.

You saved lives.
Uncontrolled, roderick would understand.
He was a warrior.
His life was standing between his companions and harm.
He payed the price for them with his safety willingly, facing and defeating the threat.
Under the entity's control, he was the danger to defeat.

I... i dont think roderick would have celebrated his freedom if it came at the cost of mina and
Evelee or even more.

Drape something over him if you can.
He's not your enemy.
He never was.
The things controlling the people here and the puppeteer who had him are your true foes.
Despite the words he spoke and the deeds he performed, it wasnt him.
What lies there isnt a foe defeated but a friend lost to an enemy most vile.
Honour him in your thoughts.
Let the others feel their loss but dont allow them to blame roderick, you or themselves.
The enemy who did this was beyond retribution this day, but that will not always be so.

... i wish we could hug you tanna.
You did well and... and you look like you could use one.

To evelee: is mina ok? Dont blame tanna. Or yourself. had to do it. He was going to kill mina and the thing that had him in thrall would not stop. Roderick was unconcious and it still made him move.
No. 1099078 ID: 273c18

The fighting is over. Next most important thing is to get Evel'yee out of the room. That Protection vs Evil won't last forever, and she still has a geas. You and Mina can handle what's next, which will involve the box.

When Mina wakes up, tell her you're sorry, you couldn't find a way to keep Roderick alive. Evel'yee will back you up on that.
No. 1099081 ID: b6ea64

Put your weapon away, don't look at him or think about what just happened. It's going to be hard, but we're not out of this just yet. Whatever was possessing Roderick could still be lurking in the shadows. Stay vigilant, continue protecting the others until Mina's stable enough to move, grab what you need, and get out before trouble comes back.
No. 1099911 ID: 84f394
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>Focus Tanna. Mina is alive and the most urgent threat is dealt with.

Focus… right. Need to… need to focus.

>Right now you need to assess the situation, make sure there is no other danger (maybe of the rat variety).
>Put your weapon away, don't look at him or think about what just happened.

The rat… it’s somewhere nearby. I can still smell it. But I have no idea where it is.

I sling my scimitar on my back. I forgot to remove the blood. What a mess…

R-Roderick…?I hear a raspy, choked voice… it’s Mina’s. She’s leaning against Evel’yee and looking at his dead body, a broken darkness shading her eyes.R-Roderick… no! NO!

She begins casting a spell before anyone can react.

>To Evel’yee:
>You will be the most emotionally stable one here for a few minutes, so please be patient and keep those two from doing something they shouldn't. Also watch out for unexpected dangers and for that weird rat, there is something unnatural about it.
>is mina ok? Dont blame tanna. Or yourself. had to do it. He was going to kill mina and the thing that had him in thrall would not stop. Roderick was unconcious and it still made him move.
>Roderick was going to kill Mina, and the thing that had him in his thrall would not stop. He was unconscious and it was still making him move. You’re going to be the most emotionally stable one here for a few minutes, so please be patient and keep those two from doing something they shouldn't. Also watch out for unexpected dangers and for that weird rat, there is something unnatural about it.

Mina! Don’t! He could still be dangerous!Evel’yee grips her arm before she can lunge forward to touch Roderick with her faintly green glowing hand.
No. 1099913 ID: 3c6998
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>To Mina:
>Stay calm. Breath in and exhale, slowly.

SHUT UP! GET OFF OF ME! HE’S STILL ALIVE, I NEED TO HEAL HIM!She thrashes against Evel’yee, droplets of blood from her stomach wound hitting the floor.

Evel’yee struggles against Mina, her panicked motions and size making it difficult to hold onto her.C-Can you fucking help me here, Tanna?!

>The fighting is over. Next most important thing is to get Evel'yee out of the room. That Protection vs Evil won't last forever, and she still has a geas. You and Mina can handle what's next, which will involve the box.
>Cover your mouth and breathe slowly. You can't rest here, that demon is going to find a new host. It's a longshot, but try to find out where that bastard went and end them. If they escape, then at least we won't have to deal with them possessing another party member.
>Whatever was possessing Roderick could still be lurking in the shadows. Stay vigilant, continue protecting the others until Mina's stable enough to move, grab what you need, and get out before trouble comes back.

Oh, I won’t go anywhere. I’m pretty sure you know exactly where I am, don’t you Tanna? Do take a moment, haha...

I… I move forward to help restrain Mina. I grip her other wrist and the two of us hold her down.Need to… need to regroup, get out of this room… before Eve’s protection wears off.

PLEASE! PLEASE GET OFF!!She screams out, tears dampening her cheeks and her chest wound reopening. Evel’yee forces Mina’s hand onto her collarbone, the faint green light rushing into her and healing the bloodied wound.

N-No! No NO NO!She suddenly whips her gaze onto me, a burning broken anger boring straight into my eyes.You said we’d stop this! That we’d figure something out! WHY IS HE DEAD?!

>When Mina wakes up, tell her you're sorry, you couldn't find a way to keep Roderick alive. Evel'yee will back you up on that.

I didn’t mean… I had to. I’m sorry…Hollow words…

She shakes her head violently, her claws flexing and scrabbling at our wrists angrily.YOU HAD TO?! YOU MURDERED M-

MINA!Evel’yee shouts over her, silencing whatever she was going to say next.That wasn’t Roderick anymore! That thing was going to kill you! Tanna saved your life!

She looks at Evel’yee with a viciously hateful gaze, the seconds passing on like eternity. At some point though, she starts to shiver violently. Passing another gaze at Roderick’s corpse, her shivers shift to sobs, and she goes limp in our grasps.M-My fault… i-it’s all my fault… my spell… I-I didn’t have enough faith… I could’ve saved him…

C’mon.Evel’yee murmurs as she looks at me and nudges towards the door.

Right.I say back. Evel’yee helps me lift Mina up onto my shoulder, and then guides the two of us out of the room.

Do come back.
No. 1099915 ID: 8f3b85
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Closing the door behind us, Evel’yee and I lead Mina to the end of the hallway, away from the ritual room. Mina cries the entire time, and when we lay her down, she curls up into herself.

First of all, fuck you. Second, we need to talk, but how are you doing right now?Evel’yee says to me.

I need to focus.I’m fine.

Cool. I don’t trust you, but I sure as fuck don’t trust whatever that monster was even more. I’m pretty sure those voices of yours or whatever the hell they are, they’re the only reason I survived this night.Evel’yee explains.I… I’m not gonna lie. I kind of want to stick a knife in you and split you open for what you did to me, but I don’t think Mina would like that. …I promised to hear you out too.

Makes sense.

The mousling gives me a weird look as if I’m stupid. Maybe I am.Just my fucking… okay. I don’t think you’re in a good enough state to explain, so here’s what’s gonna happen. You’re gonna sit down and figure out how to talk again while I try to get Mina to calm the hell down. Think you can do that?


Evel’yee turns towards Mina, but halts midstep. She’ll turn around and reach her hand out hesitantly, a softer expression on her face. She seems to struggle, but she pats me on the arm.Hey, thanks for saving Mina. Don’t beat yourself up too badly, you did your best, and the real Roderick would’ve said the same thing.

Upon saying that, some downcast feeling seems to dour her features. Her gaze falls downwards, and while she’s smiling, she doesn’t hide her pain well.Can’t believe I… that thing made me think all of those terrible things about my friends. I wish I could say it was all its fault, but…Forcing herself to shake her head though, she’ll look back up to me,Anyways, thanks for helping me realize what was happening.

Her words make me feel strange. My chest hurts.Yeah, it’s no problem.She’ll take my hand and help me lay down.

I need to help Mina, but I’ll be back. Try to keep yourself together, talk with those voices of yours. They’re pretty damn smart, what with their compliments and all.She’ll give a wink and some finger guns as she walks away. I don’t think it was directed towards me.
No. 1099916 ID: f8d071
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>You did it, you saved him...

...Did I? Does it even matter? Every life bound by such a frail thread, and I’m the pair of scissors that futilely snips away. I don’t even know what I’m saying… I just know it’s true…

>It's okay to cry
>Sit. Cry.

I don’t… have the energy to cry. Everything feels so empty. Who had I actually been apologizing to? In the moment before I ended his life, I had been scared. I didn’t want to kill Roderick.

Once the blade began carving its crimson path though, I felt something else, something that scared me far worse. Old feelings had resurfaced, hidden within me. An indescribable wave of death, betrayals, and hatred… and it all felt so normal, satisfying even, like killing Roderick was right.

When I stared at my reflection in the blade, I swear I saw something old and sinister. Like they’ve been through this however many instances, but were content to sit back this time. Bakoth knows who I am, and even if I don’t exactly know what I’ve done… I know my list of sins has a long reach.

>Loot Roderick's precious items

...There’s no escape from this, is there?
No. 1099918 ID: 6be2b4
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Stepping up before Evel’yee notices, I make my way to the ritual room’s door.

Huh? W-Wait! Don’t you, Tanna! STOP!She yells out, breaking from Mina and sprinting towards me.

I open the door and step inside. This room of true death. Something meant to kill beings like us. That isn’t… Bakoth speaking this time. I recognize this setup, the rituals once done here. Closing the doors behind me, I feel Evel’yee slam against the heavy black slab. She pushes against it, trying to break through and stop me.

Glad to see you back. Here, let me remove the bit player really quick.

Don’t kill her. Please.

Hah, of course not. You’ve won tonight, I’m not petty. Besides, I imagine quite the story will be told in time with her.

AGH!!She screams from behind, the door slamming shut as I push against it.S-stop reminding me… YOU PIECE OF SHIT! SHUT THE FUCK UP! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!

I’m sorry, Evel’yee. I’m going to get the box. Focus on Mina, I’ll be out in a moment.I step forward towards Roderick’s corpse. His blood has seeped into the symbol of the Eye carved out in the ground, and the box lays in its center. Roderick’s hand rests atop it, the last of his body’s life used in such a pathetic way.

Ah, we are near the end of this chapter, aren't we?

You and I, we have a past together…

Wow, how incredibly astute.

...I don’t want to know who you are though. I don’t want to remember what I’ve done, or who I am. I’ve been getting glimpses… fragments of who I was, and I refuse to be that person.

And while I’m uncertain about a lot of things, what I am certain of though is that I despise you. I will never work with you, I’ll never entertain your lies, and I swear, I will be the cause of your absolute destruction for what you’ve done tonight.

It’s terribly surreal to hear from you of all people. I wouldn’t have it any other way this time though. What exciting tale will yet be told? What twists and turns will it take? Sends a shiver straight through my Soul just thinking about it.

Now, please, come pick me up. I can’t wait to get to know these ‘Winds’.


>... i wish we could hug you tanna. You did well and... and you look like you could use one.

Hah… yeah, if it was anything like that one with Mina before, I could use it.

...You all remember when I woke up and I was freaking out? Feels like ages ago, even though it’s been an hour or two at most, but you all told me to sing something familiar. That bit of advice, it had helped so much. Since then… I know there’s been some strange bits thrown in there, but you all have been so kind and helpful.

I hope it’s not asking for too much… but maybe you all could sing with me? I-I’m scared… but if you all are there, if I can move forward knowing you’re helping guide me, I know things will be okay.

♪”Along the shore the cloud waves break…”♪

My, what a tear-jerker.
No. 1099919 ID: 25fb94

♪ The twin suns sink behind* the lake, ♪
No. 1099920 ID: 25fb94

Will continue to sing the song with her, first call and response, then together. This Wind is a tenor.
No. 1099921 ID: a671e8

We are stuck with the party pooper.
I can understand bein detached from consequences and therefor feeling indifference to the consequences of ones' own actions, but he really knows how to ruin the mood. Although if this place is meant to kill things like him and our host I guess he is not as free from consequences as we are.
The best we can do is try to ignore him.

The important part: Roderick didn't die on top of the circle and the box wasn't on his hand.
There is too much uncertainty here. I'm not sure what the best course of action is but I don't believe it will be beneficial to let this ritual follow it's course.
Drag his body and the box away from the circle towards the door. After that take his cape and use it to wrap around the box. It probable won't help but doesn't hurt to try.

Later when you rejoin the two the proposed arrangement should be that Evel’yee can't stay in the same room as the box. You and Mina shall watch over it in turn.

I know this wasn't the result you wanted, but remember: they were never the priority. Earlier I told you to kill them. You wanted to prevent their deaths out of your own volition and with the exception of one you succeeded. No reframing can take away the fact that you tried your best to help strangers. This is who you are.

As for the winking, feel free to take it as meant for you. After all, if I get any progress on that front you will be the one enjoying the benefits.

As for the song... I can give it a shot. Please forgive my lack of talent:

"Along the shore the cloud waves break,"
"A spectral shroud where silence wakes."
"The tide rolls in with whispered song,"
"It's rhythm steady, deep, and strong."

"Beneath the waves, in shadowed deep,"
"Where unseen creatures twist and creep,"
"A chorus stirs, both old and wise,"
"A hymn that echoes through the tides."

"Shall I depart, a whisper, still?"
"Or linger here against my will?"
"The shore, eternal, knows no fear,"
"It only waits for those who hear."
No. 1099924 ID: eb0a9c

Well... I remember the old man's rhyme.
A sunless sky, a sunless sea
will accept all there is... and all that can be.

I think that past was brought up in ways that can never be considered normal. You were rewarded for murder. You still are.
But you still know it's not right. Hold onto that feeling and find out why you were taught to think up was down. There are a few situations where the individual observer is insane - but far, far fewer where the rest of the world is actually perfect.

Make sure the demon can't zombify Roderick's corpse.
No. 1099928 ID: c5529d

♪*harmonica solo at the end*♪
No. 1099929 ID: 273c18

Destroy it.
No. 1100015 ID: 2f41db

I sing like a wounded seagull, but for you slinky?
I'll squawk along.

"Along the shore the cloud waves break,"
"A spectral shroud where silence wakes."
I like this.

We're with you tanna.
At your side and against the dark.
If you are sure its time to pick up that damned box...
if youve got something in mind...
You have my trust too.

Lets... keep singing for now.
"The tide rolls in with whispered song,"
"It's rhythm steady, deep, and strong."
No. 1100412 ID: ef23f2
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>As for the song... I can give it a shot. Please forgive my lack of talent:
>I sing like a wounded seagull, but for you slinky? I'll squawk along.

It means so much to me, thank you Winds.

♪”Along the shore the cloud waves break…”♪
>♪A spectral shroud where silence wakes.♪
♪”Yon tide rolls in with whispered song,”♪
>♪An ancient rhythm both deep and strong.♪

The silence begins to well.

That’s not the original version...

♪”Beneath the waves, in shadowed deep,”♪
>♪Where unseen creatures twist and creep,♪
♪”A chorus stirs, both old and wise,”♪
♪”A hymn that echoes through the tides.”♪

>We're with you tanna. At your side and against the dark. If you are sure its time to pick up that damned box… if youve got something in mind… You have my trust too.

It is time.

Tanna begins to feel the silence inside her.

What is that?

♪”Shall I depart, a whisper still?”♪
♪”Or linger here against my will?”♪
♪”The shore, eternal, knows no fear,”♪
♪”It waits only for those who hear.”♪

Tanna is no longer Shaken.

>♪*harmonica solo at the end*♪

Hell yeah! I pull out my harmonica and begin to play a soft melody, something with a somber tune, but hopeful yet. I will find a way to escape my Fate. Bending down to pick up the box…
No. 1100413 ID: 34b912
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Silence the being within?


Huh, I feel… am I feeling what I think I’m feeling? Can I really turn this asshole off? I think… I think I can?!

N-No you can’t! Wait just one moment!

>We are stuck with the party pooper. I can understand bein detached from consequences and therefor feeling indifference to the consequences of ones' own actions, but he really knows how to ruin the mood. Although if this place is meant to kill things like him and our host I guess he is not as free from consequences as we are. The best we can do is try to ignore him.

Haha! How about I do you one better and make it so everyone can ignore him!

N̷O̶!̵ ̵I̶ ̴W̵I̸L̵L̵ ̶N̸O̷T̴ ̷B̸E̴ ̴S̵I̶L̵E̶N̴C̵E̷D̶!̵ ̶Y̵O̸U̶ ̴W̸I̴L̷L̷ ̸H̷E̸A̷R̸ ̵M̴E̶!̶

Hear you?! Nah, hear this harmonica bitch! Sit down and listen, gonna be the only thing you’ll be capable of ‘til I find a way to kill your ass!

Y̷O̴U̷ ̶B̵I̵T̵C̸H̴!̶ ̷Y̸O̵U̴ ̸N̷E̴E̴D̸ ̶M̵E̵!̷ ̵I̶ ̶W̷I̶L̵L̶ ̸B̷E̵ ̸A̸ ̵P̶A̷R̴T̶ ̸O̵F̷ ̷T̷H̴I̸S̵ ̴S̶T̵O̸R̴Y̷!̸

What was that? I can barely hear you! You really gotta speak up!

D̷O̵N̶’̸T̷ ̸L̷E̶T̶ ̵T̶H̸E̴ ̷P̸R̸I̸E̶S̷T̶ ̷T̶O̷U̸C̵H̶ ̴M̸E̵!̴ ̵W̵E̶ ̶W̷I̷L̷L̴ ̵B̶O̸T̷-̷

Tanna has gained the ability to silence Bakoth as long as the box is in her possession. This ability can be turned on and off at will, and private conversations may be held with him.
No. 1100414 ID: ffa44a
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And… a-and just like that… what a weight off my shoulders! The box, I finally have it! I’m holding this stupid thing in my hands! I feel so light, so free! I-I…

Hah, ah jeez, this damn box. I know I’m not actually free… but still, I feel so happy just finally holding it. I don’t even know if I’m actually feeling this way or if this is what the compulsion is making me feel, but I’m not even sure if I care. I don’t even have to listen to that dickhead inside it? Hell of a deal!

>Drape something over him if you can.

Ah, yeah… and all it cost was this guy’s life.

>I know this wasn't the result you wanted, but remember: they were never the priority. Earlier I told you to kill them. You wanted to prevent their deaths out of your own volition and with the exception of one you succeeded. No reframing can take away the fact that you tried your best to help strangers. This is who you are.

I was dancing and singing just a moment ago, basically on top of his corpse. Even looking at him now, it’s… reminding me of the dark feelings from earlier.

Ugh… I didn’t want to kill him I guess. If I'm being honest though, I don’t really feel that awful about how the cards ended up falling. He probably deserved a better death than this...

I’ll dr- ergh… d-drag his heavy armor-wearing body out of the circle and put him in a slightly more dignified pose. Using his cape, I’ll pull it over his torso and use Prestidigitation to clean the blood off his body.

>Well... I remember the old man's rhyme.
>A sunless sky, a sunless sea will accept all there is... and all that can be.

There’s something kinda thematic about that here. Bending down to close his eyes,A sunless sky, a sunless sea, shall accept all you are, and all that can be. From one stranger to another, I wish you well on your next journey.

>Destroy it.

Agh… just holding the box in my hand, I don’t know if I even could. Just staring at it makes me happy, even if… this damn thing! I really can’t trust myself at all! I’m not even sure how I’d even go about destroying it, the material it’s made out of feels really, REALLY hard. It’s super glossy too, like a weird mix of marble and metal. And I could see why they had trouble opening it, there isn’t really an apparent way to do so, no lid or keyhole or anything.

That triple curly symbol is atop it, and three other symbols are hewn into it on either side of the faces of the box. The eye, the butterfly, and the stars. Just seeing them stirs up hateful feelings.

>I think that past was brought up in ways that can never be considered normal. You were rewarded for murder. You still are. But you still know it's not right. Hold onto that feeling and find out why you were taught to think up was down. There are a few situations where the individual observer is insane - but far, far fewer where the rest of the world is actually perfect.

Rewarded for murder… I really was, wasn’t I? I’m… I’m glad I can tell that it’s wrong now, but how could I ever have gotten to that point? Who, or what was I? Feels kinda insane to ask questions like that.

I guess that’s something we could discuss now, if we really wanted to. Things are… they seem to be calming down now. I have the box and there’s no more danger as far as I can tell. Now all that’s left is to deal with the repercussions of everything.

There’s been a lot of weird shit tonight, a lot of it from me. There’s also Mina and Evel’yee sitting outside that door, only way out of this room. And speaking of this room… gods I still get shivers just being in here. Trying not to focus on it, but I want to get out of here as soon as possible. Everything is telling me this place is supremely dangerous.

>Loot Roderick's precious items.

So I guess… what should I do next, Winds? Taking a look at Roderick’s stuff is on my list of things to do, but I really want to get out of here and find a place to sleep, I'm exhausted. I imagine dealing with Evel’yee and Mina is gonna be… an ordeal as well. I did kinda shut the door on that firecracker, and they’ll probably be wanting to ask questions about you all. It’s possible… that you all might have questions for me too. I’ve definitely got some complex feelings myself about all the weird shit I’ve been feeling.

Ah, lotta stuff. Your call, Winds. Got any suggestions?
No. 1100416 ID: 273c18

Alright, that's super useful to keep the jerk contained. But still, unreliable information is better than nothing... so long as it's something we can confirm with outside sources. I don't think we've caught him in an outright lie yet, but I sure as hell don't trust him.
Bakoth: Will what? What happens if the priest touches the box? Also, what does that curly symbol on the top of the box mean?

...now that we've silenced Bakoth, will he be unable to influence the others? The Geas is still in place, unfortunately, which means they will all try to open the box still, but so long as we are in control of the situation we can keep it away from them. That will of course mean we have to part ways with Mina... and get far enough away from her that the others can't track us down and try to steal the box as we sleep. We can't sleep here, either, because it would be best to leave while those two others are trapped in the jail.

I know we wanted to climb out, but... what about that river exit? If we have the key to that door, we can use that and it will be much harder for the others to figure out where we went, because rivers leave no tracks.
No. 1100417 ID: eb0a9c

Check his pockets for gadgets and take his weapons. The rest has a low price-to-weight ratio.

Explain to Mina that we were trying to keep Roderick alive, but when it came down to the wire, we'd rather kill him than risk letting anyone else die. Mina had a sword straight through her torso, and every second she was courting true death. We stopped trying then.
We'd rather save someone we know we can trust than try to convert someone who could have been reasoned with.
No. 1100418 ID: a671e8

This is interesting... Just a speculation: it's possible that the same way your cast of detect magic affect us in a way different to yourself, by our association a song from us could have some magical effect because you are a bard.

Ignoring Bakoth is good, but the real prize should be preventing him from influencing others. Ask Evel’yee if she have any invading thoughts.
Don't assume peace is a guaranty of success. It could be a trick: Bakoth laying low waiting for the right time.

When you return say that you found a way to keep Bakoth quiet, ask for confirmation as I said above, explain that you seem more resistant to his influence than others, and request that neither Mina nor Evel’yee touch the box for fear of what might happen to them.
I also think it's time to explain the mental compulsion, but be tactful with what you say because you are not convincing Evel’yee to go against her so it's better if you don't say anything that can make her turn against you. If possible you should explain that Bakoth is inside the box, but don't let Mina say anything against opening it in front of Evel’yee.
Lastly having just experienced the satisfaction of the fulfilment of your compulsion share this understanding with Evel’yee and ask about her perspective since she went with a similar but less intense thing as your temporary friend and now is free of it. Ask what what does she feel about it now. And also if she want to do it again sometime. It could be fun.

To Evel’yee:
Please forgive our girl. She was very happy to have you caring so much about her, even if it was just an illusion.

I feel that here were a few lose topics between us from before things got crazy, like distinguishing us, but they are of little relevance. If any of that is a curious subject you should be the one asking the questions.

>Also, what does that curly symbol on the top of the box mean?
That's the Yellow Sign. Don't dwell on it.
No. 1100420 ID: 25fb94


The curly symbol indirectly links to a cognitohazard. Focus your attention elsewhere.

Here's an elsewhere to think about, you looked absolutely adorable holding that box! You were just so happy!

And yea, better to enjoy a high than angst over it, no? That sort of mindset helps you get a good trip!

Anyway, I think you should get out of these ruins soon. Get on the route to some safe place where precautions can be taken and information gathered. I'm still a little hesitant to talk your ear off about things (or flirt with you! Eeee you are so cute when you are happy!) until you're at least out of that dungeon!
No. 1100421 ID: 273c18

probably shouldn't steal from the corpse of a friend's friend.
No. 1100437 ID: 2f41db

That was cute.

Mhhg. Okay.
To business.
Treat rodericks body with respect.
He paid the heaviest price this night and in doing so you will convey your reluctance to have felled him so.
Predistigitation cleaning. Pose him restfully. Close eyes and drape his cloak over him.
No looting slinky.
Hes got nice stuff, sure, but his status to the others is more important than a smattering of treasure and kit. Examine it, sure, but dont keep it.

Now, bakoth said something as you stifled him.
He was cut off but expressed fear at the prospect of the preist touching him and that it would have an effect on us both.
Possibly both.
It got cut off a bit.
This implies he has a corporeal form which i can only presume is the box barring anything else odd turning up in the search of roddy.
As to whether we let mina indulge in soMe box fondling, im not sure...

I get the feeling he was talking to us.
He could gave been blurting the truth and the jeopardy is either legitimate to us both or hes attempting a lie to leverage our sense of self preservation.
More fool him if so.
We dont have a sense of self preservation, only slinky preservation.

Secondly, it may be a last desperate ruse using reverse psychology.
Until we know for sure who stands to be harmed by such an action, we should exorcise caution.
We can still keep this knowledge in our backpocket if we ever interact with him again.

Dont feel bad about the source of satisfaction you felt on getting where you are.
Geas or not, you deserve a little joy after all that.
Its a good sign you are mindful of where it came from though.
In the full grip of the compulsion you would not think of that at all.
The fact you did tells me you're becoming stronger than the bonds that bind you.
No. 1100443 ID: 8f9bc4


Oh no! She's reached murderous levels of cuteness! She must immediately put on a very serious no nonsense frowny face before she kills us all!
No. 1100445 ID: 14fcbb

Yeah, no looting. If anyone should get his stuff, it should be his friends.

You know, maybe before you lost your memories, you were able to keep him silenced before, just like now, which might actually put your pre-amnesia self in a better light.
No. 1100449 ID: 25fb94

If you get the stuff get it to show his friends and ask what they want to do with it. But hmmm.

Maybe just ask his friends what they want to do with his effects? Don't actually loot their friend?
No. 1101502 ID: 71fafc

We could very likely use the same White Magic we used to paralize Vax to resurrect Roderick tomorrow.

>*sniff* No, it's imposs-

It's a power not bound by the laws of physical reality, do not tell it cannot do something.

The only Power that could prevent Roderick from coming back is the Law of Drama, and it's not like we are stuck in a play. Unless...

>I will be part of this story.

Oh ho! So we ARE in a story!

Tell us, Bakoth, what do you know about the Yellow Man, the Thespian King, and his meddling in all this?
No. 1101650 ID: 25fb94


Sigh. So some of these mind-bending entities that people are referencing were considered fictional and not a hazard (due to being fictional). But they seem real to you, and to have power. Some idiot went and actually made them or caused them to be made, apparently.
No. 1101791 ID: 9bd6f5
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>you looked absolutely adorable holding that box! You were just so happy!
>Damn. That was cute.
>Oh no! She's reached murderous levels of cuteness!

O-Oh? Heh, I guess I did kinda get a little enthusiastic there, didn’t I? Gosh, now you all got me embarrassed…

>better to enjoy a high than angst over it, no? That sort of mindset helps you get a good trip!
>She must immediately put on a very serious no nonsense frowny face before she kills us all!
>Tanna. Dont feel bad about the source of satisfaction you felt on getting where you are.

A good trip… what I wouldn’t do for some crimson right now. And you’re right, I actually want to feel happy right now, damn the consequences. No frowning here! Guess you’re doomed, Winds!

>Alright, that's super useful to keep the jerk contained.
>Ignoring Bakoth is good, but the real prize should be preventing him from influencing others.

I have no idea how I even did that if I’m being honest. But as I was singing with you all, I started feeling something inside me, some kind of power.

>...now that we've silenced Bakoth, will he be unable to influence the others?

I’m fairly certain, yes. It’s the same feeling from before with Vax. I just kind of ‘know’ that it’s working like that.

>This is interesting... Just a speculation: it's possible that the same way your cast of detect magic affect us in a way different to yourself, by our association a song from us could have some magical effect because you are a bard.

You think so? I won’t lie to you all, I don’t really feel like I ever had any ‘musical’ talent before my amnesia. Like, with all these symbols, this room, poisons and spiders? They felt familiar. Music? Not at all. I really don’t think I was a ‘bard’ before all this.

>You know, maybe before you lost your memories, you were able to keep him silenced before, just like now, which might actually put your pre-amnesia self in a better light.

Maybe…? I… I don’t know.

...No, I do know. The way he was talking to me, it felt as if he was familiar with me, and he seemed genuinely surprised at being silenced. I think we may have been acquaintances.

Well not anymore! Fuck. Him!

>Now, bakoth said something as you stifled him.

He did. Something about not letting Mina touch ‘him’. I can only assume he means the box.

>He was cut off but expressed fear at the prospect of the preist touching him and that it would have an effect on us both. Possibly both. It got cut off a bit. This implies he has a corporeal form which i can only presume is the box barring anything else odd turning up in the search of roddy. As to whether we let mina indulge in soMe box fondling, im not sure...

I’m not sure either, out of all the things he could’ve said, why that? I remember back when Mina was explaining her first encounter with the box, the others prevented her from touching it. I think in Vax’s journal too… he said there were a bunch of runes on it that no one could recognize. I’m not sure what he meant though, I don’t see any runes…

Oh wait, the more I look at…
No. 1101792 ID: ffa44a
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>That's the Yellow Sign. Don't dwell on it.
>The curly symbol indirectly links to a cognitohazard. Focus your attention elsewhere.


>MENTALITY SAVE VS CURSE: 9(4[Roll] + 2[Warning] + 3[Mentality]) > 10 = FAILURE

A-Agh… hold on!

>MENTALITY SAVE VS CURSE: 11(4[Roll] + 2[Warning] + 3[Mentality] + 2[P▒ss▓n▓e░]) > 1▓ = S░C▓▒S▓

▓▒░▒▓ i▒ y░▒ s▓y so. I w▓n’t lo░k at i░ anymore. It kinda glowed f▒r a second there thou▒h… Hmm, I wonder, if Bakoth wa░ genuinely afraid of Mina touching the box, wouldn’t he have kept silent about it?

>I get the feeling he was talking to us. He could gave been blurting the truth and the jeopardy is either legitimate to us both or hes attempting a lie to leverage our sense of self preservation.

Well… I guess you could ask him? Assuming you have the ability to? I know I do, but I kinda don’t want to hear him for a while.
No. 1101793 ID: 9e8c18
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Private Conversation

...Seriously? Oh well if this isn’t the most one-sided bullshit.

>Will what? What happens if the priest touches the box? Also, what does that curly symbol on the top of the box mean?


...We’ll both die, ‘Tanna’ and I. Not what I’m actually scared of, mind you. It really would be a shame though, we have the beginnings of something truly interesting going on here. Tah, well, take it however you will. Out of all the lies a serpent spews, its truth is the most dangerous.

As for that symbol, wouldn’t you like to know? Might I suggest having your stupid doll stare at it again?

>Oh ho! So we ARE in a story! Tell us, Bakoth, what do you know about the Yellow Man, the Thespian King, and his meddling in all this?

Ah, so he does have some connotations from where you’re from. How interesting, you say he’s meddling in things? I do wonder why he took a particular interest in this story?

Well… as for what I know? Plenty! But for now I’ll just say he’s most certainly responsible for YOU all being here. Use what I know as a bit of leverage. I’d love it if you came back and talked with me some more! …Though I can’t imagine you harbor many positive feelings towards myself. Believe me when I say, I can be very patient. I’ll wait for you… hahaha.
No. 1101794 ID: fed219
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Returning back to Tanna.


Guessing you had a conversation with him? I got some kind of ‘empty’ feeling just now. It’s weird, but I could’ve sworn I got that same feeling twice before during that fight with Roderick. Did you have conversations with him earlier? …Ah well, I know your messages kind of come in ‘waves’. Could you regale me with what he said later?

>Sigh. So some of these mind-bending entities that people are referencing were considered fictional and not a hazard (due to being fictional). But they seem real to you, and to have power. Some idiot went and actually made them or caused them to be made, apparently.

I’m uh… not entirely sure what you mean? I got a thought bouncing around about some kind of ‘Thespian King’.

Hmm… something about it does kind of ring familiar, but I’m not entirely sure why… ah well. What does the name mean from where you’re from Winds?

>Check his pockets for gadgets and take his weapons. The rest has a low price-to-weight ratio.

>probably shouldn't steal from the corpse of a friend's friend.
>Yeah, no looting. If anyone should get his stuff, it should be his friends.
>Maybe just ask his friends what they want to do with his effects? Don't actually loot their friend?

Ehhhhhhhh fine. I won’t take his stuff. That’s probably the respectful thing to do.

>The Geas is still in place, unfortunately, which means they will all try to open the box still, but so long as we are in control of the situation we can keep it away from them. That will of course mean we have to part ways with Mina... and get far enough away from her that the others can't track us down and try to steal the box as we sleep. We can't sleep here, either, because it would be best to leave while those two others are trapped in the jail.

As far as I remember, Mina doesn’t have that compulsion, only Evel’yee does. Though to be honest…

>I feel that here were a few lose topics between us from before things got crazy, like distinguishing us, but they are of little relevance. If any of that is a curious subject you should be the one asking the questions.

Distinguishing you all? I know you all are different individuals, it’s just kinda difficult to remember that sometimes. One of you called yourselves Fox earlier when Bakoth was in my head, but if you asked me to identify them now, I’d probably have a hard time. You definitely have mannerism that I can pick up on, but yeah…

Speaking of loose topics though, that stupid rat is still somewhere in this room. I can smell them. How though? The door is closed and there’s no other way out of here. I don’t even see any small holes it could come in or escape from…

>Anyway, I think you should get out of these ruins soon. Get on the route to some safe place where precautions can be taken and information gathered. I'm still a little hesitant to talk your ear off about things (or flirt with you! Eeee you are so cute when you are happy!) until you're at least out of that dungeon!

Flirt with me? A-Ah?

W-well, I don’t see any reason to stick around in this room! I need to get out of these ruins as soon as possible. It’s really bringing down my high from getting the box. Stuffing it inside my backpack and grabbing my chakram, I’ll slowly open the door out.
No. 1101795 ID: 2512ac
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Stepping out of the ritual room.Mina? Evel’yee?It’s dark… why is the door down the hallway closed? Their scents are nearby…

Suddenly, moonlight begins to stream in and I can see the two of them… EEK!

Don’t move, Tanna.Evel’yee coldly says as her arrow is trained on me.You’re talking to us. I fucking swear, if I hear a voice in my head that isn’t my own you’re getting an arrow through your skull.

Sorry. we just… we’re not sure if you’re safe… or what was going on earlier…Mina quietly says behind her, dagger in hand. She struggles to maintain eye contact.We don’t… need to be rude about this Eve…

Talking, right! I can do that! Just put your weapons down… please?

>PERSUASION CHECK: 12(3[Mentality] + 9[Roll] + 2[Effective] - 2[Untrusting]) > 7[DC] = SUCCESS

Slowly, Evel’yee lowers her bow, though she still keeps the weapon well in hand.Start explaining then. What the hell’s been going on?

>If possible you should explain that Bakoth is inside the box, but don't let Mina say anything against opening it in front of Evel’yee.

Alright… I slowly go to take out the box again, holding it aloft for them to see…You’re familiar, right? There’s some kind of creature in here… these past few days, it’s been whispering into you and your friends minds, making you think it was what you were thinking, these awful things and making you want to hurt each other. Its name is Bakoth.

And why isn’t… why isn’t it doing that right now?There’s a bit of a fearful inflection in her voice. Mina shivers behind her.

>When you return say that you found a way to keep Bakoth quiet, ask for confirmation as I said above

I’ve uh, somehow found a way to keep him quiet. You haven’t heard a voice, have you Evel’yee?I say as calmly as possible.

No, but…

You’re… holding it. That awful thing. He could just be hiding inside you…Mina hisses, clenching her dagger.You could be lying to us. You might be harboring that monster.

It could never directly control anyone while they were conscious, otherwise it would’ve murdered you a long time ago Mina. Your friends refused to kill you even while Bakoth was constantly trying to get them to, think about that.They might’ve hurt her but still… a week down here with that piece of shit manipulating everyone.

>Explain to Mina that we were trying to keep Roderick alive, but when it came down to the wire, we'd rather kill him than risk letting anyone else die. Mina had a sword straight through her torso, and every second she was courting true death. We stopped trying then. We'd rather save someone we know we can trust than try to convert someone who could have been reasoned with.

I’m sorry Mina. I didn’t want to kill him, but he was trying to take you out with him. Each passing second could’ve been your end. Your life took priority over his.

She isn’t wrong about that.
No. 1101800 ID: 9b5e9d
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Upon saying that, she turns away, tears pricking her eyes again.It’s not your fault, it’s… it’s… I just should’ve been better.She lets out a shuddering laugh and clutches at her chest.Never good enough, haha…

>Let the others feel their loss but dont allow them to blame roderick, you or themselves. The enemy who did this was beyond retribution this day, but that will not always be so.

It’s not your fault either, Mina. It’s Bakoth’s. He’s the reason for all of this, don’t blame yourself.

All those words seem to make her do that hollow laugh even more. Shaking her head, she says,Heh… I appreciate it Tanna. I trust her Eve, she isn’t that monster.

Evel’yee doesn’t seem as convinced however, she continues to look at me distrustfully.

>I also think it's time to explain the mental compulsion, but be tactful with what you say because you are not convincing Evel’yee to go against her so it's better if you don't say anything that can make her turn against you. Lastly having just experienced the satisfaction of the fulfilment of your compulsion share this understanding with Evel’yee

You still feel it, don’t you?

What bullshit are you spewing now?

Holding the box a little higher towards her,Even knowing what this thing did to you, you still want to open it.

No… no, you seriously can’t be… after everything?

I see Evel’yee visibly stiffen, even she knows it’s crazy.I’ve got a similar compulsion, I know what it’s like. Unnatural, but I can’t turn away.

She’s breathing hard now. I can see it in her eyes.Yeah? Yeah, I do mother fucker. I wanna open it and kill the thing inside, tear it apart for what it did to me. You gonna get in my way?

Is that how she’s going to justify it now? I can work with that.

>explain that you seem more resistant to his influence than others, and request that neither Mina nor Evel’yee touch the box for fear of what might happen to them.

No, no! I’m absolutely not looking to get in your way. Actually, I really want to help you with that! Whatever Bakoth was doing to you almost made you do something self destructive… just imagine what he’d be doing now if I wasn’t keeping him silent.It’s a little manipulative, but she does kind of need me.As I said before, I’m keeping the monster inside silent, I want him dead too. Also, if I was being controlled by him, wouldn’t he just do what he was doing to you before?

STOP… bringing it up.She snarls at me. She seriously looks like she wants to let her bow loose, her fur is bristling and her hold on the string is shaking. Did I push the wrong point?

Mina bends down slightly to get level with her. With a quiet voice and making note not to touch her, she simply says her name.Eve…

A tense moment passes, the two of us just waiting for what she’ll do until she finally snaps.FUCK YOU! FINE! GODS DAMMIT! Dammit… all to fucking hell… fine.

Evel’yee lowers her bow seemingly defeated, all the aggression in her little form dispersing quickly. Putting her bow away, she looks up at seemingly nothing. With a sad and self-loathing smile, she shakily says,Man… man I am SUCH a fucking tool. Just ALWAYS getting yanked around constantly, aren’t I? Like my role in life or something, haha. Pathetic.

No… that isn’t…

Hah, don’t pretend you weren’t a part of that little stunt with the charm earlier.She says a little sharply, but there isn’t any real malice behind it. Even still, Mina recoils slightly.Look, I get why you did it, it just… sucks. Everything about this is such fucking trash. Gimme a sec.

Evel’yee places her back against the wall and slides down until she’s sitting. Taking a deep breath, she then pats her fist against her collarbone and shakes off whatever bad emotions existed. After a moment to compose herself, she trains her eyes towards me.Well, fuck it. Guess you gotta hold onto it for now, eh? Wouldn’t be safe otherwise.

I quietly nod my head at her, a moment of silence passing until I hear Mina speak up.I don’t mean to ignore all that… but I’ve got a lot of questions Tanna. That monster’s still in there, just suppressed by you somehow?

Er… yeah. I kinda genuinely don’t know how I’m doing it to be honest, but I am.

She narrows her eyes at me. I’m being truthful!Well, it holds some responsibility for killing my friend, and I want it destroyed. But just what the heck was it trying to do? So many weird motives. Why stick around here in the first place? And also it really seemed like it didn’t want me to touch it. It made the rest of my friends align with that goal as well. Why Eve, what did you feel?

I ain’t sure about the sticking around part. I didn’t really question it as much as I should have, Roderick seemed insistent. As for not letting you touch it, it must’ve manipulated me not to let you, though it really did feel like it was my own thoughts. Something about it being unsafe, playing with my head like that…Evel’yee takes out her dagger and starts to spin in it around in her hand.It had been weird at the time… even Jacob pulled me to the side and asked me why we did that. The two of us went to ask Roderick, but by the time we got to him, it seemed so trivial. And then the days kept passing, and the thoughts more and more vicious. Just constantly dark and sinister, wondering when the thread was going to snap between everyone. But the one about you touching the box, that one was forefront. I knew something terrible would happen if you managed to. Eventually it got so bad that that uh… it’s the reason why Jacob and I attacked you.

There’s a visible shiver that runs through Mina when Evel’yee brings up how they were manipulated. It’s pretty creepy honestly. As if shaking something off, she turns to me.Why though? How come that monster wanted to kill me so badly compared to everyone else? Couldn’t it have just enthralled me along with them? And also… what the heck were those other voices from earlier? Not the… I guess the one belonging to Bakoth, but the ones that seem friends with you.

Evel’yee’s whiskers twitch upon mention of the other voices.Ah yeah, shit, I kinda forgot. What was that? They were kinda weird, but definitely not malicious like that cunt in the box.

I’m starting to think my past self didn’t like talking to others very much, I am quickly getting exhausted of explaining things. Winds, could you help here?

>To Evel’yee:
>Please forgive our girl. She was very happy to have you caring so much about her, even if it was just an illusion.


Evel’yee’s eyes go a little wide when the message is sent her way. A small smile creeps up though, first genuine looking one in a while.Haha, alright. I forgive her for the charm, it was for the best. Though did you really feel that way? They’re just some voices that belong to you?

Sorry for yelling at them earlier, I wasn’t in the best state of mind.

>ask about her perspective since she went with a similar but less intense thing as your temporary friend and now is free of it. Ask what what does she feel about it now. And also if she want to do it again sometime. It could be fun.

I’m not sure who or what they are to be honest? They only came to me recently. And uh… they’re quirky, alright? Right now, they’re asking me if you’d want to be charmed again in the future?

Her fur suddenly bristles and her gaze turns wickedly sharp.No. And I ain’t sure how it works, but let them know never to fucking suggest that again.

Eesh! That was a bit hostile...Er… don’t worry, they heard.

There’s some awkward silence until Mina lets out a small cough.Ehm, about me having not touched it…I’m dying here.

O-Oh, sorry Tanna. I guess I’m kind of barraging you with questions. Maybe once we’re above ground? I really do want to get out of here, but I need to… say goodbye to Roderick first.Her voice carries a shaky tone as she says that.

Evel’yee pauses in twirling her knife and holds it up to look at her reflection.Yeah, I suppose I do too.Apparently she doesn’t like what she sees, because she stabs it in between the cracks of the floor and chips away at some dirt angrily....Wish my last words to him had been a bit better.

>That will of course mean we have to part ways with Mina... and get far enough away from her that the others can't track us down and try to steal the box as we sleep. We can't sleep here, either, because it would be best to leave while those two others are trapped in the jail.

>I know we wanted to climb out, but... what about that river exit? If we have the key to that door, we can use that and it will be much harder for the others to figure out where we went, because rivers leave no tracks.

What should I say to Mina’s question about touching the box Winds? I guess it’d help to know what Bakoth said. And also, should I consider leaving them behind? I could pretty easily do so when they go to pay their respects. I remember the river exit being behind some kinda gate. I never did check whether it was locked or not, though I do have a key in my pack. That water was pretty torrential though…

I dunno, I don’t exactly hate them, even if they’re kind of exhausting to talk to. What do you think Winds?
No. 1101804 ID: 25fb94

Fox here again. For your information, I have reason to believe that there are so many competing effects mucking about with you, your mind, your perception, curses on you, etc. that you are going to need some expertise to untangle them all. It's not always a good idea for us to mention them as we perceive them happening, though no doubt some of my companions are about to do JUST THAT unwise thing. For what it's worth, I suggest staying with these people, and bring up the idea that there might be multiple things messing with you in multiple ways. And ask where one might go to begin untangling all of that crap? Also, see if you can cover the box in cloth maybe, without looking at it, so it can be manipulated without looking at any of the facings. That's it from Fox for now.
No. 1101805 ID: 273c18

To Bakoth:
Why the hell should I keep talking to you if you're going to withhold information and give bad advice? You better say something helpful right now or this is the last time I contact you. You're certainly not helping yourself with that serpent thing.

>thespian king
The King in Yellow. The Unspeakable One. Him Who Is Not to be Named... It is an eldritch entity associated with stage plays and faces. We know its true name, but to speak it would invite calamity. Like all Great Old Ones, deep knowledge of it, and its very presence, can drive you mad.
The rat must be someone or something powerful, in disguise. I think they're helping us, since *something* gave you enough of a boost to prevent the symbol's curse from fully taking hold.

>mina touching the box
He said you and him would both die if Mina touched it, and yet that's also not what he was so afraid of, which implies something even worse than death will happen to him. Of course, if that's true, then if that happens inside that room both you and him will experience True Death. ...that implies you have not done that in any other (previous?) iteration of this story. I wish there was some way of knowing if he's telling the truth. I don't think we've gotten any verified lies from him yet, though, and he said something about a serpent's truth being more dangerous than lies. That's certainly true; giving truthful yet incomplete or misleading information can be just as bad as lying.
Hmm, Mina's seen the symbol on top of the box already, right? Ask if she recognizes it. You can tell her about the King in Yellow if you want, maybe she knows something there.
No. 1101810 ID: 2f41db

Potent symbol.
Hard to focus upon.

We shall slinky, for sure.
Brief preview though, he's every bit as punchable as you remember.


To evelyee : hello there. I apologise for the intrusion but, please, feel no guilt over those words.
What he spoke were not his thoughts given voice but bakoths weapons.
Words like arrows aimed to wound you.
I only know a little of roderick but from what i do leads me to believe he wouldnt have been hurt by your words.
If anything, he'd have been proud to see you fighting back against a most cruel foe.
Prouder still to know you both live and the foe who used him failed.
Feeling guilt here would be giving bakoth a small win.
He deserves nothing.
Victory here belongs to you, mina and even roderick for i can assure you while his fight was not physical, he was still fighting alongside you all.
I'll go now.
Feel loss, feel pain, honour your friend, but feel no guilt. Not for this.

Back to tanna:
What to tell mina?
Truth, if we can.
That bakoth told us letting mina touch the box may start an event chain that leads to his destruction but also tannas and we dont know if that claim is a ruse or desperate self preservation. Until we can tell for sure, we cant know the consequences.
Share that.
Speak with honesty to your friends.

As to our thoughts to share...
I dont know slinky.
I suspect he figured out something ive been sounding out and tiptoeing around for a while.
Unsure of what can be heard and by who, ive been as circumspect as i could be.
What ive been trying to figure out is if breaking bakoths connection, by mina or otherwise, will break our connection to you.
The two seem entwined in some fashion, or of a similar type.
But, yes. If breaking the box and bakoth breaks us?
I think he knows thats a price id pay if you survived tanna.
I suspect im not alone in that.
im wondering if his inclusion of you as a potential victim is him tying his destruction to something, well, someONE we value so we dont pursue that goal.

I... I dont know how to discern the truth here with the resources at hand.
No. 1101811 ID: 8f9bc4

She's alive isn't she? Might be good to remind Evel'yee that being charmed is better than being dead, after she killed you, and then Bakoth killed her. You just wish there was something you could've done to save Roderick too. None of them deserved to get roped into this.

Mina is feeling really helpless right now. She should know that Bakoth wants to kill her because her faith to that fucking butterfly is his most serious threat. She's more powerful than she thinks.

Maybe... don't tell her that she's also your most serious threat. Bakoth didn't sound like he was bluffing, when he said it would kill you too.
No. 1101813 ID: 8f9bc4

Oh also uh, there's a guy you kind of paralyzed back there. Probably don't wanna leave him like that.
No. 1101829 ID: a671e8

>What does the name mean from where you’re from Winds?
I told you not to dwell on it. If you really want to know I can resume like this:
He's a god of love. The path of false masks, madness and death. A king that rule over desolation.

>that stupid rat is still somewhere in this room
Unless you have a wide area of effect attack there is not much to be done. Maybe remind Mina and Evel’yee of it's presence.

>Just ALWAYS getting yanked around constantly, aren’t I?
To Evel’yee:
Well, we can yank you around with the gentlest of touch. What do you say? Cards on the table and the general goal of reaching a happy ending. (Several, if we can help.) Up for more ocasional head nudging and cheering of your sharpshooter skills?

To Mina:
Don't sweat it kitty cat, I understand. This lost must weight heavily on you.
I believe your choice at the time was the best course of actions for the purpose of saving Roderick's live. Unfortunately it was too luck dependent and you were not lucky enough. I hope this help you feel better.
And I'm sorry for going over Tanna with the explanation but I will be brief: The strongest mental influence from the box comes from the king, and the king is above Cassilda. Even if it's undesirable for Bakoth that you touch the box it would certainly still be bad for you to do so.

And Tanna, just to be clear, Bakoth gave an absurd reason for why it would be bad for you but I don't believe a word of it. Still I would prefer if Mina don't get in contact with this thing.

>What do you think Winds?
There is merit in the idea of abandoning them now. They would pursue you, but I can't say for certain that cooperating would bring more benefits than detriments. It may be a selfish choice, but I far prefer if you stay with them. I want you to have friends and to see the end result of all you did for them.
No. 1101830 ID: a671e8
File 173576992633.png - (431.68KB , 773x700 , Pony.png )

>Distinguishing you all? I know you all are different individuals, it’s just kinda difficult to remember that sometimes. One of you called yourselves Fox earlier when Bakoth was in my head, but if you asked me to identify them now, I’d probably have a hard time. You definitely have mannerism that I can pick up on, but yeah…

Some adopt names, but for something more reliable that work for everyone I can give you a tip: Pay attention to our ponies.
They are assigned to us and change from time to time. One can have multiple ponies associated but the same pony won't be associated to different people.

Magic Bud.

Rainbow Mountain. For the wind called kome.

Cherry Bee. For the wind calling himself Fox.

Mauve Dusk Daisy. For the wind named Will-O'-Liquid.

Yellow Star Flutter

Rain Buzzer. For the one that goes by Trip.

Mine is currently Sandy Rose.

You've being far less constant in this regard than us. You had an entire stable.

For the winds:
If you know I know why you know.

Also for the winds:
This is a dating game selection screen. Choose wisely.

No. 1101831 ID: 66bdb6

This is insanely cute, nice job! Will make for a fun response.
No. 1101832 ID: eb0a9c

Nobody knows why an elder god would have a favorite color, or even pretend to have a favorite color. I've seen his handiwork, though. Street gangs in noble attire. Spare bodies in a drowning city. A willingness to destroy entire worlds even while he sips their tea and wears their fanciest clothes.

The Yellow King, and his minions, the 'little kings', will do anything to get what they want. But they're smart about it, and hold themselves back. For them, winning is just a matter of living long enough to see their plans come to fruition.

He puppets spare bodies, typically males. Shooting one in the head with a future-tech bow does nothing to him. And I'm sure that whatever you think is in that box, it's not their core. Destroying the box seems to be too great a risk - if it's reverse psychology, that's just a shade of the real god and releasing his energy would screw your world over. If there is a solution, we would need the assistance of another elder god, or something of equivalent power and influence, and we'd need to give them the box for study.

So that's the plan. Find a way to deliver this to a greater power who really wants the Yellow King dead, or find a place we can seal it away until civilization Makes Contact on amicable terms.
No. 1101853 ID: 2f41db

A pony, eh?
Makes sense.
I talk that much its no wonder im a little horse.
I... I'll just wait over here.
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