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978305 No. 978305 ID: 2bd15b

chapter 1 https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/757996.html
chapter 2 https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/777113.html
Discussion thread https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/107070.htm
Chapter 4 https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/929115.html
Draw thread, where you can ask me to draw certain things

wiki https://tgchan.org/wiki/Root_and_Branches
1288 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 1093290 ID: 42e098
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No. 1093505 ID: 581db2

I believe it is a mixture of both. We are playing a game of chess, each planning moves ahead, but also being forced to correct our strategies based on our opponents. The thing is however, at times the rules change based on a dice throw.
No. 1093552 ID: c88be6
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No. 1093553 ID: 581db2

*Corax stands and holds out his hand to shake*

Good to have you on the team, sir. You may refer to me as Corax for the sake of this assignment, this is my partner Peregrine. How much briefing have you had on this case so far?
No. 1093639 ID: 5ebd37

*Shuffles a big stack of notes into the crook of his arm so he can return the handshake. Several papers slip out and scatter on the floor.*

Good to meet you, sirs. I've had quite a bit of briefing, in fact it really wasn't brief at all. I gather you're trying to identify some sort of enemy boss, goes by Happy, and there's a bunch of suspects with not much to narrow it down. It seems you've interviewed a number of people but not gotten any definitive evidence, am I right?

*Hopkins attempts to bend down casually to pick up the dropped papers, loosing several more in the process.*
No. 1093672 ID: c79e29

That's the gist of it. We have our own suspicions however that Happy has misled many of the other teams that are a part of this investigation. At the moment we are trying to make sense of the illusions.

*Corax raises a brow at the papers scattered everywhere*

Would you like some assistance with those?
No. 1093691 ID: 18fe20
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No. 1093764 ID: 047965

Let’s establish a base, help me pull up everything we know about the other investigations. If they’re compromised and have different answers that may factor in. Most of the other investigators that I have seen all seem like they have something to prove, that makes them a target. Who are the other groups we’ll be talking with here?
No. 1093778 ID: 5ebd37

*Possession? Oh boy, what did I get myself into? Wait he can't hear my thoughts now right?*

I don't see anything about Whispers in these notes. You think they're protecting this Happy fellow?
No. 1093804 ID: 047965

Yes they are. The kicker is Happy may not know about them. For the moment, their goals are aligned. The Silent Whispers want Happy to succeed and are aiding him as a shadow task force without his knowledge.
No. 1093865 ID: c2631f
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No. 1093963 ID: 0a9b85

*Corax stares at the sleeping demon with apathy before clapping his hands loudly for silence*

Greetings to you all. For the purposes of this questioning you may refer to me as Corax and my partner as Peregrine. As many of you know, I and my fellows on the dimensional tribunal have been conducting an investigation into a known terrorist and threat the current universe; you already know this individual as they go by Happy the Tragedy Phantom. You are all here because each one of you is a suspect. There have been different investigation teams and each one them has built a case for one or perhaps each of you as to your guilt or innocence. We are here to find out what they missed. Some of you may know more than you have been letting on and the fact of the matter is, we are here to be a life line for each of you. We are here to check the other investigators work. This is your opportunity to prove your innocence. I and my team members are now ready to begin our cross examinations.
No. 1094119 ID: 5ebd37

*What a cast of characters. Time for the old 'he's taking notes on me, oh no what's he writing?' trick.*

*Shoving the pile of notes in a coat pocket Hopkins takes out a pad and starts scribbling.*
No. 1094178 ID: da4acd
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No. 1094182 ID: 0a9b85

Inner thoughts to “Peregrine” and Hopkins: We want them open and talking but in their confessionals we want to look for contradictions with each other. If they start pointing fingers, let’s make sure they are at least pointing in the right direction. I don’t necessarily think any of them are Happy but they must think one of them is. Also, perhaps this is me just on a hunch, Hopkins, watch the one who brought the tea. I never saw anyone order any, any outsider to this investigation must be considered as a threat.

*Corax claps his hands again for silence*
Perhaps the gravity of all of your situations has not sunken in. All of you are at the very least in danger of being put to death or imprisonment with no hope of release. And based on what I do know, many would rather die before going back to an oubliette.
The other investigative teams have built cases for each of you be to Happy, and some of them are getting desperate enough that they may indeed kill you or throw you all in a cell and throw away the key, just on the off chance that one of you is the target.

What I need from each of you, is transparency. I want each of you to build your own defense as it is very very likely we will not be able to help you when the time comes.

So, let’s start simple. Aside from names, what cause do you think each of you would have to be Happy. Why do you think you have been targeted?
No. 1094198 ID: 5ebd37

*while Corax starts the interview Hopkins sidles over to the suspicious butler-looking fellow.*

(whispering) Hey, could I get a cup of coffee?
No. 1094426 ID: 27fceb
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No. 1094490 ID: 44c167

No, that's alright. Sorry to bother you then.

*Does this guy work for Sirius? He was able to bring in a guy just for tea, even while he's being investigated? That's quite the level of control in this situation. Him and the other two mask wearers seem to have the most secret leader vibes so far.*
No. 1094627 ID: c79e29

To Hopkins: Keep him here if possible. And as for Gates Triumphant, the "spoon head," yes have him brought in immediately. He is a person of interest and one of our suspects.

*Corax looks at each person in turn as they explain*
So each of you are just victims of circumstances, prejudice, misunderstanding, and coincidence. I see.

Who questioned you? What did they each seem interested in most? What questions did they ask?
No. 1094633 ID: 44c167

*Grabs the butler's shoulder before he can turn away.*
Ah, actually, do bring that fellow here would you?
No. 1094751 ID: 40ea04
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No. 1094756 ID: 53f237

inner thoughts to Maya Go ahead. This works better when I have someone to work off of with this.

*Corax smiles at them*
Very well. I will explain my reasoning for my questions. Each of you were questioned by different agents. In my time with the Tribunal, the bureaucracy and attitude of my colleagues has been left wanting. Most of the people I have encountered have all acted as if they have something to prove, or would rather be anywhere else and so they seek to wrap things up as quickly as possible. I have seen people here who have accosted me because of my race, my record, any who knows what else. Imagine what they might do to someone whose head is on the chopping block.

This is why I need to know who interviewed you, what agenda they’re pushing, if they honestly believe that you are guilty, etc. Your glibness at this does not inspire confidence. My time is limited and so is my charity.

While you write down and think about what I have asked, my colleague Maya would also like to ask some questions.
No. 1094816 ID: 44c167

Speaking of professionalism, would any of the suspects care to say how they would carry out this investigation better?
No. 1094978 ID: ccf208
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No. 1095346 ID: 44c167

*Personal questions is good, shows who's able to control their emotions. For Happy to have remained hidden so long they must be have a good poker face. Lets see how this line of questioning plays out.*
No. 1095402 ID: 047965

Inner thoughts to "Peregrine" and Hopkins: *Agreed, I'll try to push a little harder.*

That's cute, Mr. Lorrence. On the topic of divinity and gods there are some among my people who believe in a whole other doctrine. The Church of Inkiversus has grown quite a following, despite the perhaps entirely valid claims that we were made as pure constructs by a mad creator deity, the very same of which is sitting here with us now. Divinity and creation is puzzle to which there is no solving and to it all I say "So what?" If you throw out the idea of creation inherently puts one above another you won't put them on a pedestal.

We're not here however to banter philosophical, you are all here because you all stand accused, and you wouldn't be here if there wasn't evidence. When threatened or your morality questioned, some of you have tried the old "deny, attack, reverse victim and offender your way out." A very basic tool for one backed into a corner.
No. 1095834 ID: e25c20
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No. 1095844 ID: 97dc3f

*Turns to the two devils*
And what about you Mr. Oxidius and Mr. Melkior? One of you has said the least of everyone here, an the other continues to run their mouth and is quick to cast shade on everyone else. Do you happen to have a suitable alibi?
No. 1095951 ID: 355e44

*I agree, shadowy hood has been awful quiet. Letting their unpleasant partner take all the attention, would be a good cover for a secret leader.*
No. 1096002 ID: ee57bd
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No. 1096016 ID: 047965

Very well.

*Punches Melkior in his gut to knock the wind out of him and makes him sit down in his chair.*

Peregrine, please restrain the suspect to the chair. Practical Hopkins, please lock the door. Mya should anyone get up out of their chair, shoot them.

Since you say you are all to condemn each other, you will go first.

*Corax pulls out his gun, cocks it, and puts the barrel to the side of Melkior’s head.*

We have a demigod and a god here with us, if you have any last rites to give this man, you may do so.

If any one of you are, or have information about Happy the Tragedy Phantom, come forward with it now. I will count to ten, if I do not have this information, I will shoot this man.

No. 1096281 ID: 355e44

Ah, eh, well gee whiz that butler sure is taking a long time to bring that spoon guy. I'll just- I'll just go- see- uh.

*Slips out the door, fidles with the lock but can't figure it out. Starts pacing in the hall.*

He's just bluffing right? I'll just wait here come back in when he finishes this round of questions. yeah, yeah, its like good cop bad cop. surely
No. 1096353 ID: f88514
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No. 1096555 ID: b0659f

Inner thoughts to Hopkins and "Peregrine":Hmm, best to keep him out for now. He is a person of interest at the moment for multiple reasons. Hopkins, be vigilant. We have reason to believe Triumphant wanted to have me poisoned, I don't fully know what he might be capable of.

No. 1096577 ID: 355e44

*Hopkins gives a sort of mental nod to Corax.*

Well sir, first off we have this Melkior fella. He seems nasty piece of work, but I suspect he's acting as a smoke screen for his partner...

*Hopkins proceeds to pull a wad of notes out of a coat pocket and ramble about the weird quirks of the suspects. The notes are numerous, but not particularly helpful.*
No. 1096677 ID: e46b34
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No. 1096679 ID: 0bbef8


Thank you miss Felafaf for that astute observation, please name who you accuse.
No. 1096690 ID: 355e44

*to Corax; better finish up whatever you're doing in there.*

Of course, let me get the door for you. (so that way I'm the first one to see in)
No. 1096691 ID: 047965

Inner thoughts to Hopkins No, please keep him out there for longer. You've shown him your notes I assume, ask him what he thinks on this case, of the assumed guilty, who in his view has the most cause to be Happy. Get his opinion on it, and if Mr. Darro is with him, him as well. Keep him talking for longer.
No. 1096696 ID: 355e44

*to Corax; you have a minute, I can't guarantee more.*
*Hopkins slows and then crosses to retrieve the cup of coffee*
I almost forgot, can't let it get cold. I wanted to ask as well, how certain is the tribunal that this Happy is in that room? Do you have a suspect in mind? Because all there seems to be so far is motives with no evidence.
No. 1096716 ID: e46b34
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No. 1096720 ID: 569817

You are all trying my patience.

Four five six seven eight nine.
No. 1096877 ID: 355e44

Corax is, uh, trying something a little unorthodox. If we just give him a minute, I think he's just about done.
No. 1097104 ID: b60ac5
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No. 1097144 ID: 355e44

Wh- uh, nooooo? He's just um, pressuring them.

*to Corax: Ahhh! Hurry up!*
No. 1097162 ID: 047965


*Corax moves the gun and shoots Melkior in his left leg.*

Don’t call my bluff. I said I would shoot you, I didn’t say where. Mad Creator, please say who you accuse or I will shoot him again.
No. 1097262 ID: d4b03b
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No. 1097268 ID: 0a3525

Of course, sir. *Corax holsters his gun.*

Corax's thoughts to his team: Well done Hopkins, Maya, and you... "Peregrine." I want you to keep watching everyone, the purpose of this was to watch their responses. Keep watching and observe any odd behavior that seems out of character for what we know about our suspects. Especially watch Triumphant.

I apologize for the surprise, but it was necessary for the exercise in which I was conducting. I wanted to see their reactions based on being back into a corner, as these ones are the most likely candidates to be considered as working with, or are Happy the tragedy phantom, and since it is also a possibility that the one who is Happy may not be aware of it, it was also a test of their subconcious.

The following is my own conclusions. Felafaf is innocent, she showed more moral worry and panic even worrying about my own position, as well as the well being of suspect Melkior and the fact that what I was doing was to quote her 'Unjust.' Happy would want me to continue as if I was making a mistake, why interrupt me? Never stop your enemy when they are making a mistake.

Lorrence was quick to point fingers to Sirius as the suspect, but his reasoning for which involves the mishandling of the being known as 'Essence of Life.' As for what we know Happy seems to relish the chaos of it all and making it dance to his tune. I think it's fair to strike Lorence as a suspect, for now.

Sirius is an unknown is this but also is too honest. Honest people make many mistakes, and that is something Happy does not do. He doesn't fit the behavioral profile.

Oxidius was more quiet than anything and his behavior showed more unrest and worry for his... Companion. Happy would be willing to throw anyone under the bus to get what he wants as we have seen, certain people be damned.

Melkior was egging me on, again why interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake, even demanding at one point that I shoot and kill him, continued to taunt his fellow interrogates. At this time, I feel more questioning of him may be appropriate as he certainly fits the behavioral profile.

The mad creator... He found most of this entertaining. Again, possible fit for the psyche profile, however it is intriguing the answer he gave as to who he accused. In fact both he and Melkior gave interesting answers. We can discuss that later in the debriefing.
No. 1097277 ID: 047965

Inner thoughts to Hopkins, Maya, and “Peregrine”: Something just occurred to me. Watch Lorence carefully. His body, it’s not his real body. It’s a corpse puppet, a kind golem made from dead flesh that he pilots from a separate location. How is this possible? In recorded interactions with Happy, he’s used similar abilities with puppets, and what’s more is that beings like Essence of life have also been able to use corpse puppets. One of you, ask him this is actually possible. By what technology or magics is this being done?
No. 1097326 ID: 355e44

*Hopkins skulks in the hall, peeking in but keeping out of the way.*
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