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File 169669541223.gif - (4.11MB , 1000x800 , falling-city-title-animation.gif )
1074204 No. 1074204 ID: 0b594e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Rumors abound of the city.
They say it just appeared one day.
They say no one has ever seen its top.
They say it is a place of mystic secrets and wild pleasures.

But before we can get to that...
330 posts and 85 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1100438 ID: 6c233e
File 173268189087.jpg - (201.13KB , 1000x800 , fallingcity_83 taking a moment.jpg )

Hilgar helps the guy sit up, which is a little difficult as he is kind of floppy.
Hilgar: "There there, we're not demons. or goats. We're robolds!"
Mirrak: "We're here to trade, and not in souls!"

The salamander sniffles and wipes his eye. "So that isn't one of the pillars of hell come to herald the endless day?" He looks to the distant Jormun, drifting ever downward.

Murdoc: "Nah, mate" the hunter says, plopping the horns back on his head. "Just a big wurm."

The three surround the goatherd, eagerly awaiting him to make the next move. The lizzbolds have adjourned to some nearby rocks to nap in the sun. The salamander pets the goat in his lap while staring at Jormun for a while, glancing nervously at the bolds around him.

salamander: "So, uh, if you're not from around here, how do you know our language?"

Mirrak: "Just a little brain trick we robolds have!" she taps the side of her head. "Don't worry about it."

salamander: "Oh that's, huh." he seems a little lost, but shrugs it off. "Sorry, we don't get many visitors up here. It's just me and the goats. I'm Sinni, by the way." Climbing to his feet and brushing the last loose leaves off, Sinni backs up a step and gives the bolds a sinuous bow. "Please be welcome on our lonely peak. So eh, what is it you seek on this lonesome peak?"
No. 1100440 ID: 273c18

Information, first and foremost. We seek knowledge of these lands, like what settlements are nearby and what resources there are to trade for. We can provide numerous services that are likely in short supply in these parts, and maybe some interesting materials not found here, though in that case we have a limited supply...
No. 1100442 ID: 8f9bc4

One important thing to seek would be making it clear that Jormun is just a longboi and not a pillar of Hell. He did accidentally (?) fall into their world, and then fell into it again recursively, to avoid crashing into the ground. I imagine if there are sapiant beings nearby, they might be a little concerned about it.
No. 1100453 ID: 441914

On the note of services in particular - healing (and potentially alterations) are some of your specialties. Do they require maintenance, or are they set-it-and-forget-it kind of things? I don't remember. Anyway, ask if there's anyone who is sick or injured, you can help. Alterations have the potential to be even more valuable, but also could cause consternation and should be approached tactfully in case e.g. they take it as an affront to the Creators or st.
No. 1100471 ID: 9bbb0e

We would like to make contact with a local settlement.

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1083617 No. 1083617 ID: 6be2b4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

First time doing a quest, bear with me if I mess up. :)
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No. 1100421 ID: 273c18

probably shouldn't steal from the corpse of a friend's friend.
No. 1100437 ID: 2f41db

That was cute.

Mhhg. Okay.
To business.
Treat rodericks body with respect.
He paid the heaviest price this night and in doing so you will convey your reluctance to have felled him so.
Predistigitation cleaning. Pose him restfully. Close eyes and drape his cloak over him.
No looting slinky.
Hes got nice stuff, sure, but his status to the others is more important than a smattering of treasure and kit. Examine it, sure, but dont keep it.

Now, bakoth said something as you stifled him.
He was cut off but expressed fear at the prospect of the preist touching him and that it would have an effect on us both.
Possibly both.
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No. 1100443 ID: 8f9bc4


Oh no! She's reached murderous levels of cuteness! She must immediately put on a very serious no nonsense frowny face before she kills us all!
No. 1100445 ID: 14fcbb

Yeah, no looting. If anyone should get his stuff, it should be his friends.

You know, maybe before you lost your memories, you were able to keep him silenced before, just like now, which might actually put your pre-amnesia self in a better light.
No. 1100449 ID: 25fb94

If you get the stuff get it to show his friends and ask what they want to do with it. But hmmm.

Maybe just ask his friends what they want to do with his effects? Don't actually loot their friend?

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1099534 No. 1099534 ID: d8443c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You find yourself at the mouth of a dark cave. Whether you chose to come here or simply happened upon it, you’ve arrived nonetheless.

Perhaps you're a treasure hunter, or maybe you're on the hunt for a monster. Maybe you're just exploring the strange lands beyond your home, just to see what's out there. Your purpose is yours to determine.

The light is dim, probably late in the evening. You’re not that far in this small cave, but the darkness in front of you feels particularly deep and thick.
There are stalactites and stalagmites around you, some small to medium sized rocks and boulders. Patches of cave moss decorate the walls and ceiling. The air is cool and dry. It smells about how you would expect. There are a few bones visible near the edge of the cave. They look to have been gnawed on, not a scrap of flesh remaining. You can’t see or hear anything from this far away, but it feels like there’s something in there peering out at you.

(you can observe the world with your senses and interact with things. Pairing words like LOOK, TAKE, USE, GO, SPEAK, etc with details will be your actions. you know how this works~)

((this is also going to be a short one, probably. Good luck))
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No. 1099816 ID: b85892

LISTEN Darkness
SAY sorry, was that your bone?
No. 1099818 ID: 0c6fb8

the commands whose result you're describing, for clarity?

SAY I've got a BONE to PICK with you!
XP eyeroll
Also, TAKE another BONE
No. 1099824 ID: d9b49f

USE rope on STALACTITE to secure yourself in case you get lost in the dark or fall in a hole.
No. 1100034 ID: d58817


There's not solving this mystery if we don't get started. Even if we can't rely on our magic for safety, we need to take the first step.
No. 1100429 ID: 71fafc

SPEAK to Darkness: you thought it was a wiindigo instead of another chupacabra. Made you territorial.

PAUSE for a moment.

THROW a nearby stone at Darkness.

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1085319 No. 1085319 ID: 88065e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I inquire the Agricultural capital governor who is in seemingly paranoia after hearing about the attacks in the main galaxy:
"So the capital has activated an energy source displacement field to supress its signals through spectrums and is currently playing dead apart from the few emergency power supplies that keep everyone alive?"

The governor replies
"That is so, we are much safer like this until core systems send a military power to protect our frontier galaxy, we don't even have handguns on the planet because of gun controls... This is the same demilitarized situation in many surrounding systems, and there are dozens fertile planets out here we simply cannot lose until reinforcements arrive. Core worlds replicate their food, but the frontier galaxies require good organic nutrition for growth and vitality."

I request the governor:
"Please governor, I know you might feel paranoid but you're in the presence of your Super Star Empress, unmask yourself."

"As you wish"
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No. 1100291 ID: f7cb29
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>>Identifying combatant threats for 1000 milliseconds

>>Enemy initial response
>>Geneangels approach for 1000 millisecond (20 meters)

>>Activating countermeasures for intial approach
No. 1100298 ID: f7cb29
File 173240904433.png - (3.60MB , 1440x2560 , geneangel.png )

>>Opening data node: Superimperial Agility Gene-angel

>>Gene-angels bred for purpose of supersoldier from various Kretra selected lineages and gene-splicing in the Core galaxies of the Kretra Super-Empire.

>>Gene-angel agility build is the perfected form of Gene-angels for responsiveness, neural pathing and a critical phenomenon described commonly as non-thinking among gene-psychologists, making them perfected all-biological killing-machines.

>>Defences. Agility Gene-angels are adamantly rooted in their ability to avoid contact until a critical strike is opportunized, speed of movement and "miraculous" fluid-like evasion of attempted attacks. Their bodies consist of meta-elements called Fluions and neuro-restructuring muscle-joint biomaterials, that are behind a extraneously heavy biological hyperbreeding and genetherapeutic readjustment processes. The agility properties of Agility Gene-angels would be best popularized in the neocommercial series of Terminomutant-1000 from Judgement Utopia season 17.

>>Weaponization. Agility gene-angels commonly are structured with joint-muscle mass and do not possess any kind of other structural skeleton, that would inhibit its fluid movement, albeit the gene-angel attempts to mimic bonestructured walking style to provoke anti-bone attacks then to evade such attempts and looking for an opportunity to single-slice through opponent's defences to a critical location with its adamantium-bone arm-blades.

>>Known ways to overcome opposing agility gene-angels. The only known weakness of agility gene-angels is restricting its movement potential and attempting to pinch from the sides its adamantium slicing arm-blades while they're using them to c
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No. 1100317 ID: 5b7cb3

Well as the post say the MC should look into they inventory to restrict the movement of the Geneangels from blitzing the Enwebbed Praetorians and have Primer cover the flank from any sneaky Geneangels.
No. 1100348 ID: b303e9
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No. 1100401 ID: 0b1212

Use scorch and stun on the nearest gene angel.

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1088718 No. 1088718 ID: 7a1a17 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

This will be a NSFW quest! Expect nudity, violence, gore, sexual intercourse, confusing story lore, cryptic bullshit, borked updates, and stupid names
Discussion - https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/129715.html
Wiki - https://questden.org/wiki/The_Family_Business (I swear I'll actually do something to this page. Someday...)

Pain. Dizziness. Nausea. Loss of Appetite. A typical morning for me.
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No. 1100265 ID: 7a1a17
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"It is working. Keep talking."

>What the lady wants the lady gets
>"I think we talked enough..."
No. 1100277 ID: 3df1ab

Keep talking, but gets handsy too.
No. 1100290 ID: eb0a9c

Time to ramp it up. She's all about short-sighted superiority, so discuss the fundamental properties of the Golden Ratio while stroking her in sequences matching those proportions. Make her realize, subconsciously, "that you a smart - you a very very smart".
No. 1100339 ID: 4e436a

Keep talking, get handsy. Figure out if she wants to be dominated the same way Loquui was, and if not, we need to convince her that she actually does
No. 1100352 ID: 2a82d3

Do the Gormoamhi have an alphabet? You'll never have a better opportunity to put 'U' and 'I' together ;)

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1085846 No. 1085846 ID: 3f89df hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

[NSFW] For Nudity, Sexual Themes and Gore.
A group of Bloodeians Kobolds worshiping the fallen draconic goddess Blood Mother attempt to rebuild their fallen home.

The story takes place in a custom world, with some elements and lore taken from Rimworld.
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No. 1100146 ID: 3f89df
File 173212115183.png - (146.57KB , 1000x1000 , awww but i wanted my mommy to give me mommy love, .png )

Oh, I just felt something. Is that you, Muni? I was wondering why you've been so quiet. It's been about a week since we last spoke. A lot has happened since then, and we've been quite busy.
The farm you suggested, while not finished, is in a state where we've started to plant seeds in the finished plots; the approximate yield won't be something that we could trade with at the moment, but enough for emergencies. We've got a fundamental outhouse setup with a pit for ease of dung collection, which Kent has surprisingly taken care of despite it's stench. and a storage area doubling as beds for the freed people. The construction of individual huts or homes and furniture is still underway. It's enough progress that we can allow ourselves a little rest in between and nearing the end of the gruelling work hours.
I've never worked this hard before, and my physical body feels the same.

No. 1100147 ID: 3f89df
File 173212115468.png - (167.32KB , 1000x1000 , yo is that manure in the background just like the .png )

As for the freed people, besides work talk, I've not had much time to get to know them individually; I'm currently taking a break as I don't think I can push myself anymore. Getting to know the freed people would be friendly. The children have been helping with our jobs, but we've been allowing them time to play and be kids, and we're not at the point where we need extensive child labour.

I asked Kent :kent_normal_noanims: and Aludem :Auldem_normal_noanims:
if they were spying on us, telling them why I wasn't accusing them of wrongdoing and how those skills could be helpful in the future.
Kent said nothing, his stomach mostly grumbling. Meanwhile, Aludem took all the credit and loudly boasted about his accomplishments and past accomplishments; Auldem has been loudly complaining while helping us with work, begging and moaning to know when we'll send somebody or something to go on an adventure or even a supply run.

Trick, :trick_normal_noanims: Kent, :kent_normal_noanims: and Baredibor :baredibor_normal_noanims:
have been taking rounds hunting, and Bardeibor's been warming up to them, Trick I understand, but when I asked why Kent he just responded. :baredibor_happy_anims: "He's Pretty Strong, and he can eat an deer in one bite." I don't know what my response should be to that.

Although most of the freed people's morale has fluctuated, they haven't attempted to flee yet; sleeping on the ground among supplies and others
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No. 1100161 ID: eb0a9c

...You sure? We know of many insectoid species that burrow as a way of life.
Most insectoids we know of are... small. Maybe that has something to do with it.

We are advisory spirits, not poltergeist servants. From the moment we are born, we are trained to use our minds, and occasionally to use our excuses of bodies for the further purpose of further reinforcing our minds. We also have access to a great library of knowledge. Now, see, the problem is that the library is corrupted - there's no ban on adding content that is a complete lie.
Ah, the wonders of our 'sacred' First Amendment - more information than your entire nation could ever read... and about half of it is completely false. Or rather, some is based on false information and some is completely made up garbage. Our education is mainly about learning how to find the true stuff, and to know how to look for it. Results vary; some teachers use the wrong half by mistake.
...You know, you kind of look like a Neumono from this angle. You don't have any obsession with developing a close, family-like bond with as many-


...Mom made it to the afterlife. We just got the call. Should... should I be happy about that?
What did she mean by a choice - why the hells would she call us
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No. 1100240 ID: 2f41db

We... we missed you.

Time well spent grey mother.
Bedding should be a secondary priority now.
Anything made can be moved to the eventual residence.

Have you cohsidered spending a little time making a simple game?
Skittles, chess, dice, even something as simple as a stick to throw rocks at.
Something to relax with and perhaps socialise around.
Build bonds.
Learn who works well with each other and those who do not.
A community is like any construction, you have to know where every part goes best or it will fail to work.
No. 1100243 ID: 6c233e

Time to get to know some people. You'll need to learn who you can trust so you can delegate tasks.
Getting enough shelters built for everyone is the next priority. Don't want people getting sick and unable to work.

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1019446 No. 1019446 ID: 7a1a17 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Unofficial Discussion thread - https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/129715.html
Wiki - https://questden.org/wiki/The_Family_Business
Family Tradition Chapter 1 - https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/372338.html

"Pushing the speech forward? You know I just gave one like right before you invaded right? People are going to start getting ideas. Conspiracy nuts will be coming after me. After you for this."

"We anticipate zis. In fact, we are 'oping for it. Ze sooner we identify problem cases in your city, ze sooner we can form plans that isolate zem from ze populace with minimal damage."
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No. 1099972 ID: 19973a

They'd probably look good in a monochrome asymmetrical one piece dress.
Maybe a patterned outfit with a mix of light and dark shades. A toga would work well too.

Also you're right, this whole mind thing seems completely unlike what we've done before. Nothing about our abilities have ever had any subtle effect, especially on the mind, which is why I feel a good portion of what you're feeling is really you.
Trust me, when we exert our influence it's pretty obvious, you'll typically blank out for a while when following a command, as far as I'm aware it's the same thing we could do to those who hold us for long enough, but allows it at a distance, kind of like what happened with Sergei when we first met him. So it must be some quirk of his rather than ours.
Seriously though, the things we made Venian Makag do with that power...
Well, we're a bit more careful with it now of course, nobody wants a puppet emperor.
Ah, don't tell Sergei we forced Venian Makag to do kinkplay though, it'd hurt his national pride.
No. 1100024 ID: 7a1a17
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"Where did you even pull this stuff from?"

"You'd be surprised 'ow much luggage is left unattended."

"There are hobos riding this train? I feel like I'm back in Balzhemund's lab, fresh out of the tank."

"Well you want to attract ze right kind of attention guun?"

"In what world does this attract the 'right' kind of attention?"

"And what is your...right kind...another Balzhemund?"

"Ze kind zat will see a Manbuilt not associated wit ze 'Egemony or ze Empire?"

"Yes, a masterless Manbuilt."

"In the most lawless part of the world...where manbuilt are enslaved if people think...they can get away with it?"

"I'm starting to see your point..."

Oooh an excuse for a fashion show! How lovely!
No. 1100026 ID: eb0a9c

Wear a combination layer of bras and chest wraps.
Chest wraps are fashionable among canines these days, but they can slip.
No. 1100046 ID: 19973a
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I never was good at art but...
This and some dress shoes would go nice. The current outfit is atrocious.
No. 1100083 ID: 6c233e
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Look vaguely important so as to not be messed with. A nice robe, fancy fur mantled cape. The sandals are fine as is.

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934998 No. 934998 ID: 8275cf hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

The Fall of Astramar
"The Alliance saw their doom Looking upon Jucha, but like the light of a distant star their damnation had come long before" --Balren the storyteller

follows the events of crash quest and command quest,it is recommended to read these first
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No. 1099564 ID: 273c18

Might be time to go for the kill, assuming you can avoid getting shot while doing so.
No. 1099610 ID: 2f41db

Complete operation disarmament and then get a distance to breathe.
Maybe see if you can spy a leg vulnerability while you recover
No. 1099611 ID: 2f41db

Complete operation disarmament and then get a distance to breathe.
Maybe see if you can spy a leg vulnerability while you recover
No. 1099612 ID: ea5ee4

No. 1099959 ID: 3f3838

You can't slow down, or stop, or hesitate. The only thing keeping you alive is the next swing of that mace keeping the damned machine off balance.

That's ok, because you love thrashing it to bits, the only ounce of joy you can remember right now is how good it felt feeling that things ankle crunch.

I'm betting it'd feel amazing to see it's head crunch and turn into a pile of splintered circuitry. That would probably heal all the wounds and make things seem positively rosy again. Just don't slow down, for even a second.

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1067229 No. 1067229 ID: 753464 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Help a cat overcome her fear of hospitals

Among other fears...
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No. 1099614 ID: 389547
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Radio: Help in huhh cardiology, i understand-
Which room are you on-h (unintelligible)
-Scratch that i have the room right here

Radio: Ah room 636, miiister...
Didn't give us a name
I only have the pseudonym here.

Anyways, i just sent someone over to check, they'll be there shortly.

The device goes silent, as you turn to look to Enesen, he looks ectastic
No. 1099615 ID: 389547
File Goodjob.mp4 - (10.09MB )

No. 1099678 ID: d9add0

Nah I'll do it.
Hey. You wouldn't happen to want to give me that thing would ya? In the off-chance it's not someone who's looking to help. Only thing I have is this fork.
No. 1099683 ID: 355e44

Easy with the knife there, don't start a fight you can't win. Have him stay here while you scout ahead.
No. 1099891 ID: b6ea64

Keep that knife steady. We don't know if they're hostile yet or not. Push comes to shove, you can surprise them with ambush should our scouting efforts find danger.

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993309 No. 993309 ID: ead888 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

WARNING: Proximity to unknown PLANET is approaching negative values! WHEEE!

Initialise and eject REPTEKA cargo before their DAY becomes a BAD DAY.
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No. 1098528 ID: 355e44

Keep moving, but rest when you need to.

BLU double down on Wub

sorry rad yolkies, you'll have to split the toxic waste we have
No. 1098858 ID: 273c18

Oh right we know the dinodata does *something* when applied directly to a repteka, so let's apply some to ROCKS to see if that heals his severe damage.
No. 1098889 ID: 8f9bc4

Need to get back to NEW HOME so you can make it safe from the RAD AMOEBAs. Doing that with DIIRA and BIG RAD YOLKIE will be hard, but what else can you do?
No. 1099837 ID: 273c18

Ah, I just realized there's one option we've been ignoring. We can send Reptekas out to go get things. Not just raw resources though, we can go fetch stuff from our base(s)! We can, for instance, fetch enough materials to repair the CART, which should allow us to transport the giant Rad Yolky.
No. 1099838 ID: 273c18

BLU go back with the radyolkies and fetch TOXIC WASTE for travel rations, and let the radyolkies eat waste at the site so they get bigger, which would let us travel faster and also fight the radmoebas better. And while that would potentially result in creating more giant immobile radyolkies down the road, what's more important is that we survive the trip back home.
ROCKS rest.

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1098675 No. 1098675 ID: ca2950 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

"That's it. If the letters are all melting together into indecipherable blobs, that's a sign that it's time to stop. Time to hit the ol' icy trail..."
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No. 1099812 ID: e42f8c

Stun it by asking a deep philosophical question, then run around it to the door.
No. 1099815 ID: b85892

Get height advantage, climb on the desk do if it gets close you can hop the divider. Then you'll have the breathing room to aim a shot.
No. 1099819 ID: 0c6fb8

The danger there, of course, is that we are a feeble academic and it is a muscle beast. The ones growing tired and slow? It is us, most likely. We should probably play to our brainy strengths - using tools and our environment (e.g. doors, electrical hazards, material properties), our smaller form (maybe can fit through tighter spaces), maybe hiding, uhhhh tactics?
No. 1099820 ID: 273c18

Run away. If you can't get enough distance to blast it then leave the room and hope it can't open doors.
No. 1099834 ID: eb0a9c

Persistence running would be a good idea
Keep throwing objects to tire it out

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1070092 No. 1070092 ID: 770f88 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

An Elimination Style Quest (Like Danganronpa)
Nsfw: Nudity, Blood and Gore, Intense themes.
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No. 1099739 ID: 3f89df
File 173154299907.png - (106.70KB , 1000x1000 , uhoh wilabo_s seen the fanart everybody run! she k.png )

Wilabo adds: "Welp, I was orignally planing to study for the really important question that's been on my mind, but then the whole, y'know- forced teleportation thing happened. Not saying that I'm against the whole most of my day be spent doing something else, but it kind of has to be important, or something I'd like to do; Not saying I didn't enjoy the exercise break Hop, Don't get me wrong, but I've been spending an large ammount of time goofing off." She looks at both of us with a weird glare.
Alex looks at her back defensively. "Hey don't get the wrong idea, me and Hop were just thinking of doing our regular exercise routines; and decided to add you guys and put a sprinkle of Magical training alongside it, There's no obligation to continue our group like we did last time. No need to put all the Obligation on Hop, specifically, If any of you guys wished to continune, We could vote again, or just do something I personally wish to do, or be the leader."
No. 1099740 ID: 3f89df
File 173154300182.png - (131.42KB , 1000x1000 , alex dont you look at me with them big ol eyes.png )

"I also had some ideas on stuff to do today, but in retropsect, It's not as important as my connection with my lil fluffy friend he says putting his arm around to mine. Of course, if that's what you want" He looks at me his eyes almost pleading for me to come along, but not showing any direct decisions, as to not look controlling.

And then like most things the decision; turns to what I should do next.

No. 1099791 ID: e972bb

Are...are we supposed to choose? We should go with him.
No. 1099795 ID: a3152e

How cute. Yeah, go with him. Will continue strengthening your bond with him
No. 1099807 ID: f6a008

Huh. Well Iceli either prefers to be carefree or is in denial. Wilabo seems to be a good match for her as she can keep her safe. Or at least less unsafe. Either way we're Wilabo's wingman (winggal?) because tight bonds lower the odds of a kill by either as one escaping means risking never seeing them again at all. Stay with Alex but do suggest the two should "go have fun" as a group. Er perhaps with less implications. Oh by the way Hop. Since that whole thing with the ultinian I'm curious if ultinians can be redeemed? Perhaps you could convince her to swap to ultravisc or at least stop... being one of the ultinians? (Do I have that backwards? Either way question stands.)

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1044452 No. 1044452 ID: ab70bc hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Early autumn is pleasant in Cedar Ridge. Summer's hottest days are behind you and the shade of the Douglas fir trees that blanket the town keep the underbrush cool.

North of the lake that divides the town are sets of woods. Interrupted only by mud roads and storm drains that rarely see use outside of the rainy season. This grove is only a mile from the town's one high school. Frequented by teens and alcoholics alike for bonfire parties that leaves the smell of ash in the air. This far east into Oregon the breeze is warm and sluggish, trapped in by mountain ranges.

From where you stand you can hear when the occasional truck passes through Cedar Ridge's main road. Barely. It helps you keep your facing when you're unsure which way is home.

You are in the north in the outskirts of town.
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No. 1099654 ID: 273c18

Food, huh?
...is there somewhere nearby we can get some food that isn't attached to a person?
No. 1099676 ID: c5529d

Do we still have the sticky bun we can feed it with?
No. 1099677 ID: 273c18

Oh yeah we have the sticky buns. Give the ghost some buns in exchange for information.
No. 1099781 ID: 2f41db

Buns i have and i shall share
Because our lives you chose to spare
Our question we shall surely make
As you feast upon my cake
I must assure i talk of food
And nothing even slightly lewd
I am a young lady of class
These are baked goods, theyre not my ass.

Someone think of a question quick, i burned out my thinky parts rhyming
No. 1099787 ID: d8685b

Toss ‘em the bunbag and ignore Riley.

Apologies and buns for you,
In trade for answer straight and true.
To cut it quick, a simple tell,
What’s going on here, what the hell?

Or if you want a ghost to find someone Spirited away, replace the last two with:

Snack on those, there should be many,
Now please tell, how to find Penny?

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1078371 No. 1078371 ID: 135f1c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

This quest is gonna be NSFW!
Water gently lapped at the low and bare bridge as wind carried on summer breezes. In the distance, the chains of Gatespire silently wobbled.
"Nice, quiet place to think, check! Place is some kind of path of travel, check!"
A small splash of water sounded out. "Pills chucked, check!"
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No. 1099672 ID: 506837

This is suspicious, but too convenient not to look into. Seems like your (rather, Jack's) horny wish come true.
Accommodations, apparel, and appetite: is any of that covered? Important to know if you're stuck with your roommate, and might have to meet them naked.
How are points (and dares) tracked and exchanged? It's effectively a currency, and you should find out how it works.
What's the breadth of the goods and services? It's unlikely, but as motivation, consider this: Tobak AI Boyfriend.
No. 1099673 ID: 4ad84b

Why do you need to make a wish to get laid? You already have us to yell at you if you aren't feeling confident. Ignore this creepy stalker and go sign up for a dating site. If he really wants to meet you so badly, he'll have to wait in line like the rest of the guys/dick-havers/folk down to peg you(?) that you match with. No cutting!
No. 1099674 ID: 25fb94


Sorry google became a verb in one of our civilizations, it was a brand name of a search engine, we forget that translations sometimes are wonky. It's a form of 'genericide', like how aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid, and Kleenex is paper tissue and Band-Aid is adhesive bandage. You have the same sorts of things happen, right? Even if you don't have a free market economy (we don't know one way or another), there should still be brands, yea?

Anyway... so how well do you know if really skeevy dangerous businesses that lie a whole bunch... are those a thing here? Does the government do a good job at handling and preventing that kind of thing? Are there reputable that list reviews and whether or not something is a scam? Where do consumers go to educate themselves on if something is a good or a bad idea? For that matter, where would you go to find real, reputable information on being Called?
No. 1099744 ID: 578f3f

>Can't look at guys in loincloths cuz I get horny.
I think you may have actually suffer from some early stage of nymphomania.

Like, clinically. You should go to a professional about that before joining to anything.

Speaking of, let's ask some questions to this "Jack."
How big is this club? What things of note does it do besides these fights? What was your very private wish? Was it fame? Was it the heart-shaped spot? Was it causing money to appear every time you strip naked?

And, didn't you die on the way to your homeworld?!
No. 1099784 ID: ff1274

Being hypersexual is generally described as an experience 'like torture'. IE, joke all you want but most people who have it describe it as being really really bad and unpleasant.

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1086981 No. 1086981 ID: 681cb5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

[Super NSFW]
May contain breeding, vore, transformation etc…

”Prurient Passage”
A Lascivious Labyrinth side story.

Wiki and previous threads: https://tezakia.net/wiki/Lascivious_Labyrinth

Somewhere deep in the most tenebrous wilderness, far from civilization and decency, it is said that a grand temple of the demi-god Wjares lays hidden. In those ancient rumor-shadowed halls, acts of unbridled hedonism and profane rituals were indulged in wild abandon, all to please the demi-god the structure was dedicated too. It is a place where instinct and impulse is acted up- huh? You’ve already heard this before? Alright, fine…

Welcome to the Prurient Passage! Hope you enjoy your stay…
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No. 1098101 ID: b8585e

No. 1098108 ID: a7a180

Don't get cocky. Are you sure she isn't a distraction from the real assassin?
B4, and quickly.
No. 1098115 ID: 77189b

you know
she seems more prideful than smart

maybe you can use that?
find out what she can do AND get someone to watch your back for a full second without getting distracted by ass. even if she cant do garbage beginners tend to be lucky right?
something like
"ok kid tell you what, iv dealt with a LOT of would be killers in my years. show me what you can do to the next chump to try and jump me.
if you impress me well have a fight. maybe ill even show you a couple moves that never made there way down here before."
No. 1099322 ID: 681cb5
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While we wait for the next update, I’m currently running a vore tournament set in this universe that might interest readers of this quest over at my furaffinity. Do come and vote if you’re interested.
In other news, an update is being worked on, but Scion of the Old Blood will probably be priorities for now.
No. 1099716 ID: a3165d

So that rat ana would she not be trying to make herself as tasty as possible slather on sauce and fattened?

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1084585 No. 1084585 ID: 681cb5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Wiki and previous threads: https://questden.org/wiki/Scion_of_the_Old_Blood

“Gazhtur! That which watched from beyond the stars, I call upon Thee! Nazhir! The formless lurker from the gulf between thresholds, I summon Thee! Urk’og! A devourer of worlds, of realities, I welcome you! The seals have been broken! The gates have been thrown open! Come, and bless us with your presence, oh end of endings! ” – Bövel Kråkholme, the last sermon held on the edge of oblivion.
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No. 1099506 ID: 273c18

I guess the nailed plank could serve as a weapon.
You could try to use a pole to pry up the garage door, maybe... Or try to force the lock on the gate with the hammer and screwdriver. Use them like a hammer and chisel? Do you have any idea how to pick a lock? You have most of the tools needed here, you're just missing something thin enough to put into the lock and manipulate the pins.
No. 1099507 ID: 273c18

If you can pry up the garage door you could put the plank(s) under it to keep it propped up. Hmm, you could even use the pliers and hammer to blunt the opening so it's less dangerous, but hammering it would be very loud.
No. 1099513 ID: 355e44

Well you could twist all the barbs away, but that would take a long time. Propping up the garage door seems quickest.
And keep one of the poles as a weapon, or the nail plank. Whichever isn't too heavy.
No. 1099566 ID: b6ea64

Aw that hammer isn't broken. It's just been shortened for use with smaller paws/hands. You could use the (shortened) hammer and the screwdriver to probably bust the hinges off that door and climb the ladder. Problem is, that's gonna be LOUD!
No. 1099570 ID: eb0a9c

Just try to pick a lock with that screwdriver. And keep it for now, it should work as a shiv.

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1084876 No. 1084876 ID: 0d1c28 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Quest will contain violence and possibly nudity

This quest is themed as schlock slasher film featuring OWO characters.
as a movie no character deaths will be permanent nor effect other OWO projects

All suggestions should have 2 parts
1)name characters and what they should do (E.G. Trisha should go to the vending machine for a Soda)
2)Name some event that happens (E.G. thunder strikes and she drops her change in a drain)

Quest objectives:
Brett wants to be a spirit of vengeance
Trisha wants their sponsor "Chickadee Red Soda" to get their money's worth
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No. 1098995 ID: ea5ee4

No. 1099394 ID: 0d1c28
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Brett goes to the top of the stairs

Brett: "Hey Dean! where you at?"

Does something happen when Brett reaches the top of the stairs, does he hear something?
No. 1099400 ID: 355e44

He can hear someone fooling around in one of the rooms. Its the perfect opportunity to try and scare them.
No. 1099409 ID: eb0a9c

Unrelated random survivor crashes through door, pivots across the railguard, falls on head and goes crazy.
No. 1099412 ID: 856057


I don't have anything better cooking in my noggin, so I'mma support this.

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1085368 No. 1085368 ID: 4591f8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Jury Summons with Hannah Dummons
Warnings: SFW. Death likely. Gore maybe.

“In a world of animals that would tear each other to shreds for a dime, there is one force that can maintain the good in the world.”


“Justice isn’t a clean blade. However, today, it is in your hands.”
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No. 1094142 ID: 5ebd37

Why would they execute you now when they could do it live for the ratings or whatever? They don't need an excuse, its not like the audience is going to know if they're lying.

I guess just keep the pick under you until you free your head.
No. 1094160 ID: 7c1f1c

Derringer stock? Lockpick? This feels like the sort of thing we shouldn't convert into something else immediately. The potential is worth more than a toothpick launcher at the moment.

The new guys could be useful. If they're really that talented, then if we can spring them, they might be a big enough distraction to cover whatever we're doing. The downside is that they might be loose enough canons that we get caught in the crossfire. Communication is gonna be limited, but scoping out exactly what their talents are and how dangerous they would be to us should be a high priority.

What's that in the lower-left corner? It looks kind of irregular, not intended, especially with the discoloration. Does it go somewhere, is it a pipe, or just a random, unintended hole from a stray gunshot or something? Did someone punch it and leave blood around the jagged edges?
No. 1094248 ID: 15a025

That toothpick is going to turn into your life line here. Might even be able to use it as a lockpick.
No. 1098653 ID: eb0a9c

If you made a low-grade gun with the Concealment trait, something prone to failure and nigh-incapable of firing but with a supernatural chance of evading discovery, you could put the splinter in its hole.
No. 1099295 ID: 600150

No matter what, continue to make getting unstuck your primary focus. The chances of you getting killed for "resisting" shoot way up if you're still stuck in place when your turn at trial comes around. And if you do actually decide to resist, this is an extremely disadvantaged position from which to do so.

In the meantime...

"So, Barbara; I know one half of why you're here - you were found guilty of something death penalty-worthy regardless of whether you actually did it. But if this trend of 'special talents' continues... what special ability have you supposedly got that made the authorities extra scared of you?"

Come to think of it... this whole production seems wildly unprofessional for the purpose it's supposedly serving. There's duct tape holding down the intercom button. The way the 'contestants' have arrived is inconsistent in several ways. There are robot guards, but they're wielding wooden spears - and they aren't even in particularly good shape.

Actually... try asking everyone where they're from, come to think of it; specifically, where they were arrested and sentenced. Compare stories in full (assuming the new guys can take their tape off now that they aren't being watched), making no assumptions about details like that. I'm still of the theory that this whole show isn't legitimate, at least beyond a certain point. A front for some criminal group underbid for the right to handle the "disposal" of death-row inmates from various places - that only some inmates had to sign paperwork could suggest they're from different places with different laws and procedures pertaining to prisoners' rights. The goal, of course, is to recruit different criminals with supernatural abilities and help them 'disappear' off the living record to become everymen with no history and thus theoreticall
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1099198 No. 1099198 ID: e3fb63 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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No. 1099202 ID: 53560f

That’s cool I guess, doesn’t beat something though. Something is waaaay better.
No. 1099203 ID: 355e44

turn the candle on
No. 1099211 ID: 1effd3

Enable Dowsing option:
No. 1099218 ID: 578f3f

This better be a real quest or I will give you a spam-kin'.
No. 1099235 ID: 2f41db

I get the feeling theres a pair of mice with a clipboard taking notes as we bash our collective heads against this maze...

Maybe its pictographic?
Responds to images.
Not normally the done thing to post an image unbidden in someone elses quest though so...

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1092522 No. 1092522 ID: 0b7e05 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

A Sci-Fi Mystery Quest about Ethics, Loss and Finding Oneself

Thread 1: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1079873.html
Previous Thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1082438.html
Discussion Thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/141592.html
Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/History_Unmade

You find yourself in a dark corridor, lunging for a floating weapon. Too late.
Too late for what?
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No. 1099135 ID: f6efb7

Addendum; Or, perhaps even more worryingly in an attempt to prevent our own future from coming to pass europe was intentionally nuked by the mutineers or a radical faction of mutineers (a victory lap was mentioned in the dream, someone took things too far…). Destroying Europe could have been a desperate gamble to have things turn out differently.

Didn’t work though, because here we are again, different players, same events. Guess its just human nature.
No. 1099136 ID: 273c18

I'm not sure we caused the nuclear blasts. Those may have been part of the colonization efforts. The "victory lap" that broke the camel's back.
Regardless, both Disquiet and Rage agreed that it had to be done. They were both certain that it was necessary to kill everyone, because of what was at stake.

Do you remember what was at stake?
No. 1099137 ID: 8f9bc4

Dear god, we are time colonists.

But what does that have to do with orbital nuclear bombardment of ancient Rome? Was that... why "it was necessary?" They weren't trying to stop Rome's ostensible evil, so much as set up shop there? And you fucked shit up so they couldn't? Why nuclear, then? It'd make the whole place unusable! The colonists already left the moon and took over Rome, and you... had no other way to breach their planetary defense systems?

This is getting nowhere. Are... are you "kid?" Are you OK?
No. 1099138 ID: a7a180

Maybe if you can find security logs from the medical bay you can find out what was in the box she smuggled in. (Or maybe the boxes they use there are like the one you found the pipe bomb in.)
Also, a club, huh? I hope it was in habitat 3. Maybe you could go there to relax.
No. 1099139 ID: cca44f

And I suppose we should keep some brain cells on the lookout for "the thing we were supposed to do". Nothing occurs to me yet, but maybe it'll click for somebody else.

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