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1092905 No. 1092905 ID: c540e0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

NSFW (obviously)
97 posts and 35 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1094502 ID: c540e0
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RECALL (Arrival at O’Malley’s). FOCUS (Expressions on the faces)

Grim couldn’t remember noticing anything wrong when he got to O’Malleys . Everyone just looked like their normal selves.
No. 1094503 ID: c540e0
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RECALL (The woman with the umbrella). FOCUS (Descriptive details)

Grim recalled the woman with the umbrella. She was dressed kind of trashily. The kind of girl Grim would usually avoid at a bar like that to avoid getting certain illnesses.

She was wearing a jumper and a mini skirt that sat quite low on her hips. She had a lot of piercings including what looked like nipple piercings on her sizeable breasts.

She was maybe 30-35. She had a tattoo of a butterfly on her back left thigh. She wore thick rimmed, round glasses.

The Umbrella wasn’t particularly remarkable so far as he remembered, maybe some details about it were relevant, he wasn’t sure. But the more he thought about it, the more suspicious she seemed.

He described her and what happened with the umbrella to Officer black.

Black - ‘we did find an umbrella at the scene, it’s currently in evidence, we’ll take a closer look at it.’
No. 1094504 ID: c540e0

Continue recall or end the questions and move on?
No. 1094529 ID: 2f41db

There was a fat dude in the redtraunt and a guy just outside.

Recall if the guy left after them or if the guy outside approached.

Also, recall any overheared details from their conversation but consider before sharing any of them first.
No. 1094530 ID: eb0a9c

Make sure you confirm Raquelle's face is the same as when you left it.
Come to think of it, she said she had an asshole of an ex-boyfriend...
Also, talk about the football game that was playing during pool, to prove you were watching it.

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1088718 No. 1088718 ID: 7a1a17 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

This will be a NSFW quest! Expect nudity, violence, gore, sexual intercourse, confusing story lore, cryptic bullshit, borked updates, and stupid names
Discussion - https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/129715.html
Wiki - https://questden.org/wiki/The_Family_Business (I swear I'll actually do something to this page. Someday...)

Pain. Dizziness. Nausea. Loss of Appetite. A typical morning for me.
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No. 1094467 ID: 855371
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As far as kidnappings go, this is one of my better experiences. Needy girl, easy to please. And she almost ripped something off. Actually the more I think of it, the more I realize I seem to date people that can easily kill me. I wonder if that's a problem.

"Nnnngh...Y-yahn. Don't leave your female..."
No. 1094468 ID: 855371
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"L-let your female clean you Yahn. Your female is a good pet. She cleans the Consort good!"

Do Gormoamhi have no concept of roleplay? Or did I do some Gorm culture thing I'm not aware of?
No. 1094472 ID: 19ea25

Well she now thinks you are above her because you are a consort to her goddess. So yes, you managed to inadvertently do so well she considers herself below you on the hierarchy.

I'd suggest making good use of this and trying to start getting her to help you escape before the others return.
No. 1094487 ID: 26801d

this isn't roleplay, i think you actually own her now

congrats on getting your first concubine! you should probably make a plan on how to escape... aaaaand eventually claim more bitches
No. 1094500 ID: dd3fe0

So no, they don't have a concept of roleplay. Again, this whole thing is REALLY HIGH STAKES. We've been talking about stuff like personality-destroying drugs and magic, and you think it's roleplay?

Now is the time to conspire with her (and give her aftercare and show her you are pleased with her). Also, talk to her about how you're going to need to 'pass' as acceptable to others, you are going to need to get some resources, you all are going to need to get out of this chickenshit place, and you are going to need to find a place to raise your children in a culture that isn't utterly horrid and stifling. Does she know any others who are ready to share the gift you gave her? There is safety in numbers.

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1089578 No. 1089578 ID: 521475 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Despite some of you being complete strangers, you've all been seated together at a restaurant in Nexus, due to the law against dining alone after sundown. Some guy tried to sell you a memory crystal containing a treasure map.
A pretty lady at another table (who turned out to be dragon-blooded) bought him a drink (which turned out to contain yozi venom) and then, while he was dying, grabbed the crystal and ran off. Might want to be out of town before her employer realizes that one of you actually managed to boot it up first, and got a pretty good look at the map.
Site's over a thousand miles away, but most of that would be river travel, and there's an underground manse, so it should be easy enough to zero in on with geomantic surveying tools even if the map, or your memory or navigational skills, end up a few miles off-target.
If somebody's willing to pay for yozi venom (which is not cheap!) to cover it up, gotta be something seriously valuable out there.

Destination is ~800 mi southeast of Nexus as the crow flies, and half that far north-northeast of the ruins of Denandsor, right in the middle of rocky uplands between the headwaters of the Rolling River and a minor tributary of the Grey River.
So, you could take a more direct route up the Grey, but then face a longer trek overland,
or start by going up the Yellow past Great Forks and then turn south along the Rolling.
Or try something more complicated, to take advantage of esoteric travel options and/or throw off potential pursuit.

Houserule hub: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10VAUEYEqWYWcQ9gz4bk9uok8OkAIYl1cy50KEw2y75o
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No. 1094258 ID: cfc7cc

Four hours later, Kisara has added a bat to her form library.
Ten foot high ledge makes for an excellent defensive position against a conventional infantry attack. More concerning possibilities are something coming up those stairs, or skirmishers shooting or throwing stuff from the tress.
Clearing all the trees within bowshot of the camp is probably not feasible. I mean, you could certainly try - you've got axes and people who know how to swing 'em - but it wouldn't be quick or safe. Even if successful, risks interference with the geomantic power supply of the manse you came here to plunder.

Moonfire Tribe's tents are each fifteen feet in diameter, and sturdy enough to provide useful protection against the sort of light projectiles you'd expect tree-climbing skirmishers to use, so first priority is probably getting those unpacked and set up. Ought to leave some space between each of the tents, though, for general accessibility, and so if someone sets one tent on fire it wouldn't spread as easily. There's only so much space atop the platform, though.

Draw a diagram of how you're going to arrange the camp.
No. 1094259 ID: df0e2b

Rolling Perception 2 + Awareness 1 with no stunts to see what I can scout out as I head back to camp.
No. 1094260 ID: df0e2b

rolled 2, 2, 6, 9, 8, 1, 8, 5, 6, 1, 9, 8, 6, 7, 8, 6, 8, 5, 9, 7, 10, 7, 1, 7, 5, 8, 2, 3, 7, 6, 9, 7, 3, 6, 3, 2, 6, 1, 10, 7, 2, 7, 5, 3, 2, 1, 5, 10, 1, 4 = 271

No. 1094261 ID: cfc7cc

>rolled 2, 2, 6, 9
With the +1 from being focused on keeping watch, you successfully find your way back the camp, but don't spot much else of lasting interest. Echolocation is amazing, you can actually "see" the interiors of solid objects! Beetle larvae burrowing beneath a tree's bark are as instantly apparent as the spiderweb cracks of a shattered windowpane would be in broad daylight.
No. 1094433 ID: c76dcd

"Hm, see you're back, Kisara. How's being a bat?"

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1069187 No. 1069187 ID: b15e1f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Written by Naocat.

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No. 1094263 ID: 17abec
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“I’m sorry to intrude on your fun, but it’s lovely to see you too, Ma’am.” You bow your head and take a seat in front of her desk.

“Oh please, Not at all! You know you’re welcome here anytime you’d like, don’t be a stranger!” She beams. “Now as for the job I’ve got for you, I’ve got something missing. Possibly stolen, right from this pretty pup.” She pats the woman’s head and rubs her shoulder.

>See if either of them recognize the logo from the mask, before getting down to business.

You take notice of the woman’s leather mask. Maybe the two of them have some sort of insight on the current case. “Actually Ma’am, before you tell me, do you think you could help me out with the case I’m on right now? I have a feeling one of you may have a bit of expertise. It’s a case of uh… Leather equipment, as convenience would have it.”

“Oh? Well I suppose I could bend my ear a bit, what’ve you got?” You stand up and present the red mask on the desk, showing them the logo on the back.

“See I recognize the logo, but for the life of me I can’t remember what it’s from. I-” Jane stands and snatches the mask right from your hand. She’s completely taken aback. Her expression shifts from surprise, to confusion, to fury, and then to horror. As for the woman, she leans forward on the desk.

“Detective” the woman says, “You got this from Harv, didn’t you? He’s out there, right?” Her voice is calm, yet deeply saddened. You can see the worry through the eyeholes of her mask.
No. 1094265 ID: eb0a9c

Aw crap.
Get the full story. No details spared. Then ask what the point of all this is.
No. 1094275 ID: 273c18

SPILL IT, bucko!
No. 1094279 ID: 5ebd37

She probably heard some of how he's taking it. If she wants any chance of salvaging this relationship she should come clean now.
No. 1094428 ID: f2320a

So whats the story here Jane and Missus

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1076764 No. 1076764 ID: ea857f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Its been a while since i told a story... hey how about this one... it all happened a long long time ago, and it happened to yours truly... yes thats right! the scarlet talon, lucifer's strongest warrior, and if you will allow me, a pretty fine swordswoman even back then...
This is the story of a lost dog finding herself at home... and if you want to hear all of it, you better keep these drinks coming!

[This quest is nsfw, and will contain sexual and kink content]
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No. 1079674 ID: be2ac4

You seem distracted... doctor love prescribes you suck a dick to calm down while you take care of yourself
No. 1094417 ID: 3d2396
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"Hey Taal..." Runi clears her throat, "you're uhm, into breathplay and stuff?"

the elf beams, nodding, as she clears snow from around the tents, "yes, I'm a bit odd in my tastes."

"would you want me to uh..." Runi smiles nervously, "sit on your face...?"

Taal looks back at Runi and smirks, "ah. well, dear... I meant breathplay for my partner. I have a thing for causing pain. I'm a bit a a sadist, hehehe."

Runi's tail wags as the idea of Taalsen doing harm to her clouds her vision. Runi had never had anything more than light spanking but the idea of someone that could snap her in half like a twig toying with her like that... it really excites her. Runi is used to being the top, maybe a little time being a pain princess would be nice...

"do you only top?" Runi hums

"I suppose I'm open to alternatives." Taal gives a playful smirk, "what do you have in mind?"

"well, I'm usually on top, so... I was thinking..." Runi flashes her teeth, "I could sit on top of you... make you eat me out, while i play with your cock..."
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No. 1094418 ID: 3d2396
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the kobold heads into the woods. elsewhere, an other kobold stalks the woods. Kadra sits atop a tree branch, catching her breath. that goblin certainly saw her, and the tiefling may have too. in any case, she's far from either of them. she shudders to think if she got caught out by whatever person was strong enough to cleave those scouts in half or punch a hole through one. well, she's safe now. she pulls her helmet off, and scratches her scalp. itchy, probably just the air drying out her skin... hopefully...

she digs under her breastplate, finds the little parchment envelope. when she shakes it she can hear the little pills slide around. she smiles. still plenty. she looks up at the sky and tries to figure out what time it is. she should take a pill soon, but she has time. first, she'll find this kobold. she doubts anyone else in her group speaks beast tongue. she just needs to convince them to come with her, and this chore can be over with, and she can go back to her work.

she shoots upright. footsteps below. she nearly drops her helmet as she shifts to hide in the branches. a kobold. a southerner! that must be her... Kadra perks a brow, she is rather pretty... and also preoccupied. she stares down at the forest floor, gathering fallen branches, occasionally muttering something to herself in a flustered voice and giggling. eventually she sighs and leans against a tree. Kadra stares at her for a while, wondering if she should confront her, or just keep watching for now.
No. 1094420 ID: a671e8

Your proposal won't be appealing to them and they've already shown aggression, so it's better to demonstrate your diplomatic approach is intentional and not fear of retaliation. For this reason get near this southerner while she is alone and vulnerable, state your desire to talk peacefully and, depending on her reaction, either offer a meeting somewhere else when she calm down or hopefully have a civilized conversation here and now.
No. 1094425 ID: 861ceb

could you sneak down and away from her without being seen and causally stroll by her and be surprised to see another kobold here and just pretend to be an adventure doing a scouting run to get information and a lay of the land for some quick coin since you couldn't find a group willing to team up with a kobold and just happened to bump into her? Or would traveling alone be too suspicious?

If it could work could be a good way to ask her about her group and if she doesn't like them then try and convince her to come with you. hell maybe ask her about her adventures so far and see if she can tell you what happened back at the fort without directly asking her what happened back there.

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1083617 No. 1083617 ID: 6be2b4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

First time doing a quest, bear with me if I mess up. :)
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No. 1094246 ID: 8f9bc4


Sorry, I was going to go on a lengthy diatribe, but I inadvertently started channeling the power of Peanuts.


Great... so there's a second kind of magic only we can see. Be sure to let us know any time you're detecting magic. Interestingly, the geas on you to get the box is the same as the geas on the other two, except for them it's to open the box. So whatever you're feeling about the box, that's kind of how they feel right now. You should tell Mina that, so she knows it really is some sort of hidden spell, not anything she did to make her friends hate her.

I really hope your geas doesn't require you to touch the box. You might have been set up, so that once you get the box, the second geas will hit you and you'll have to open it. More likely you're protected, so that... whoever sent you could get you to fetch the box without opening it. But try to be safe and wrap it in cloth, or something, instead of touching it.

Oh I'm so sorry for calling you disposable. I meant that I feared the ones who sent you thought you were disposable, not that you actualy were.

> what about my current plan to deal with Roderick?

If you grease his sword, be sure to grease the hilt. If you grease the blade, he'll just set it on fire and now you're fighting Roderick with a flaming sword.
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No. 1094255 ID: eb0a9c

Ugh, there's a higher spirit debasing themselves by bullying your subconscious. HEY ASSHOLE, CUT IT OUT! She's got enough on her plate!

That's totally a magical spy, catch it!

We have an unhealthy obsession with disproportionately large sexual organs, but you don't have those.
But maybe it's your disproportionately large anime-style eyes. Those two traits are usually linked together for artistic purposes, you see.
So at the end of the day, you have one major magical compulsion, to obtain the box, but none of it involves opening the box. Meanwhile, everyone else is obsessed with opening the box by magnitudes more, but there is no compulsion to actually get the box.
Hm. I think there's a solution here. Can you create a long-term mental curse that deludes the target into believing they are holding the box? That way, their compulsion will make them open the box, but it won't push them to look for anything else, like the actual box.
No. 1094257 ID: dd3fe0


Oh, by the way, 'anime-style' is an art style, one of may, that has overly large eyes on the face, useful for showing expressions on certain styles of rapidly drawn visual art. Now, since it is probably highly unlikely that your eyes are any shape OTHER than spheres that actually fit in your skull AND which also leave room for your brain and nasal cavity and such, I figure this is merely one of the many ways our perception of you and those around you is distorted; not to be *wrong* but rather to emphasize certain realities to our perception.

Though you probably DO have eyes that we would perceive as adorable regardless; undistorted non-sapient mustelids do, after all. And I would contradict the previous Wind; while it is true that art that is distorted in one way is often distorted in others, one does not imply or cause the other! Art is made for a specific context and a specific audience, and those factors matter MUCH more than a bit of correlation to one style or another.

My guess? The entity that brought us here wanted us to be able to read emotions on faces that might look a bit odd to some of us, like those of us NOT familiar with all of your all's species.
No. 1094281 ID: 8f9bc4

I don't think the art style of the artist is plot relevant to the quest. Her eyes aren't that much larger than a feral ferret's anyway.
No. 1094303 ID: dd3fe0


Well it was mentioned so I responded. It could be a thing that exists in setting, or it could be a thing that doesn't. Who can say? The author is free to ignore both if it doesn't make sense or fit their worldbuilding, as always!

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1085368 No. 1085368 ID: 4591f8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Jury Summons with Hannah Dummons
Warnings: SFW. Death likely. Gore maybe.

“In a world of animals that would tear each other to shreds for a dime, there is one force that can maintain the good in the world.”


“Justice isn’t a clean blade. However, today, it is in your hands.”
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No. 1094116 ID: 273c18

Did it seem suspicious to you that the splinter came off right in front of you? I wonder if someone else's power is responsible, or if this is some kind of trap. They can sure execute you if you kill someone with your toothpick launcher without probable cause.
No. 1094123 ID: 2f41db

For the love of all that is holy, do not hide it in your prison wallet.

Youve got fur. And hair.
Tuck it in to that temporarily while you appraise the new situation.

Have a sneaky look around your cell too.
Theres a possibility that they have cameras on you.
Look for spots one could hide a camera.
Small holes in corners .
Elevated and with coverage of the cells inside and out.
No. 1094142 ID: 5ebd37

Why would they execute you now when they could do it live for the ratings or whatever? They don't need an excuse, its not like the audience is going to know if they're lying.

I guess just keep the pick under you until you free your head.
No. 1094160 ID: 7c1f1c

Derringer stock? Lockpick? This feels like the sort of thing we shouldn't convert into something else immediately. The potential is worth more than a toothpick launcher at the moment.

The new guys could be useful. If they're really that talented, then if we can spring them, they might be a big enough distraction to cover whatever we're doing. The downside is that they might be loose enough canons that we get caught in the crossfire. Communication is gonna be limited, but scoping out exactly what their talents are and how dangerous they would be to us should be a high priority.

What's that in the lower-left corner? It looks kind of irregular, not intended, especially with the discoloration. Does it go somewhere, is it a pipe, or just a random, unintended hole from a stray gunshot or something? Did someone punch it and leave blood around the jagged edges?
No. 1094248 ID: 15a025

That toothpick is going to turn into your life line here. Might even be able to use it as a lockpick.

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1094063 No. 1094063 ID: 26801d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Update 1

Today, I told myself I was finally gonna stop lazing around, be productive, get my homework done on time, and finally make a Quest. It was gonna be beautiful, insightful, thought-provoking, simple in its complexity yet grandiose in its humility. It was gonna put the masters of old to shame.

Then I got distracted playing video games for two hours, jerked off, took a shower, and watched Youtube shorts for two more hours, couldn’t think of anything to actually draw when I finally sat down, and now it’s 5 in the morning and I have work tomorrow and can’t do any art or writing because I have to go to bed!

But maybe… just maybe, while I’m sleeping… inspiration will strike, and I’ll make that masterpiece after work tomorrow.

Perhaps the Muses will be of some assistance?
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No. 1094167 ID: 26801d
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GodsDAMMIT, not again! The power went out; that’s the fourth time this week! Ugggggggh right when I was about to start drawing. Last time it took an entire day before the landlord actually came out and fixed it.

… well, uh, now what should I do? I’m brimming with creative energy and it’s still daylight. I could, uhhhh, fold laundry? Do the dishes? Or I could go see if there’s anything going on outside. Who knows, maybe I’ll just so happen to meet a girl or something.
No. 1094168 ID: 2f41db

Dont despair.
Could just be a broken fuse, gofind your circuit breaker, see if a switch has flipped.

Worst comes to the worst you can go sit outside with a old school paper notepad and write out some preliminary choice trees and character layouts.
No. 1094173 ID: fd3ba8

You could also grab paper and pencil and just get sketching. Try to come up with some character designs that are simple (and therefore quick to draw) yet distinct and perhaps even memorable. No way to do this without actually drawing stuff. Get the bad ideas out now so you don't get stuck with overcomplicated designs that are a pain in the ass to draw consistently.

Also consider making daring characterization choices, like giving characters pronouns that clash with their gender presentation. Your Suggesters getting super confused is gonna be worth it in the end when they crown King genius of Questden.

I guess if it's actually too dark to draw, maybe take a walk? Fresh air is important. Good for daydreaming. You can jot down notes on your phone.
No. 1094174 ID: d58817

If you're drawing on a tablet, and don't need a whole PC setup, then you can take your tablet to the library, and keep drawing there. Sometimes, there are even girls at the library.
No. 1094179 ID: 63709c

Get out of the house. See of the power out is just you or the whole neighborhood.
Visit your favorite restaurant and bring along a sketch pad. By the time you finish the meal the power should be back.

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1093728 No. 1093728 ID: 127310 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

An experimental philosophical debate (combat) simulator with RPG elements. Will likely contain blood and gore. Will introduce more mechanics as time goes on.

Provide feedback at https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/142424.html
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No. 1094152 ID: 1e982e
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Turn 2 (Continued)

>Counterargument: Permission to be in this area has been granted by the relevant authorities.

Conceded. You follow up your lunge with a smack from left to right.
1 damage dealt.
No. 1094153 ID: 1e982e
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>Counterargument: The usage or application of force is unrelated to the concept of belonging.

Conceded. The baton retraces its steps, injuring the Mole Person such that the bruises will be symmetrical.
1 damage dealt.

Turn 2 Summary:
Mole Person α [3/5hp] → [1/5hp]

Turn 3

You [20/20hp]

Opponent: Mole Person α [1/5hp]
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No. 1094163 ID: 4591f8

Violently sagacious fanfare! Win for rhetoric! We were here to find the minister right? If this mole person can talk after the fight, we should find out what they know.
No. 1094164 ID: 4591f8

Whoops shit early celebration. They still have a hit point remaining.

To attack the thesis directly, according to our own authority assigned to us, this is explicitly the location where your work requires to be. We act according to this authority. Thus, we are supposed to be here and we should be here.
No. 1094175 ID: ab47f3

Arguement: the mole person is not here in any official capacity and thus has no say on who should or should not be here.

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1019446 No. 1019446 ID: 7a1a17 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Unofficial Discussion thread - https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/129715.html
Wiki - https://questden.org/wiki/The_Family_Business
Family Tradition Chapter 1 - https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/372338.html

"Pushing the speech forward? You know I just gave one like right before you invaded right? People are going to start getting ideas. Conspiracy nuts will be coming after me. After you for this."

"We anticipate zis. In fact, we are 'oping for it. Ze sooner we identify problem cases in your city, ze sooner we can form plans that isolate zem from ze populace with minimal damage."
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No. 1087601 ID: 1e0c72
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Giant explosion, everyone dies again.
No. 1087657 ID: 8f9bc4

No. 1088770 ID: 7a1a17
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Good point. I don't really have many options left to me. Which means I'll probably need all the help I can get. I'd feel better with Viv but she probably wouldn't be sticking around waiting for me would she? She'll be long gone. And better they come with me than rotting in an Imperial holding block. Well time to see if my lessons in speaking paid off.

:nusergei:"Heyha, are you done with my assistant?"

"Your assistant?"

"Your assistant?"

:nusergei:"Yes, Miss Bellany is my assistant, and the best that I've had. And I would like to have her back now."

"And you are?"

:nusergei:"G-Governor Sergei. I believe you've heard of me."

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No. 1088773 ID: eb0a9c

"Captain Balzhemund lent his slave to me as a favor, after his experimental Gormoamhi cyborgs went rampant and tried to kill me. Said he'd pick her up in 50 years. And yes, I know Balzhemund's a human. Or at least, he was.
Guy's a @#$%ing maniac. Did you know he sleep-experimented on himself to replace his jaw? Point is, I fully intend to process Anders' complete defection to the Rezan Empire to keep her the @#$% away from him."
No. 1094147 ID: 855371
File 172075250998.png - (888.78KB , 2073x2004 , 164.png )

Oh that's a good idea. Formal enslavement of a foreign citizen is a huge diplomatic and bureucratic hassle, and nobody wants to get trapped in that! But just to make sure...
:nusergei:"Captain Balzhemund lent his slave to me as a favor, after his experimental freaks went rampant and tried to kill me. Said he'd pick her up in 50 years."

"Sergei?! What are you-"

:nusergei:"Shh! I'm saving you from a prison cell, let me talk and play along. Yes, before you ask, that's a hegemony name, we are all survivors of the island. And between you and me I think those fellows across the wasteland are getting crazier. Did you know he sleep-experimented on himself to replace his jaw?"


:nusergei:"Not the point. Point is Anders is my property now and thus a defector to the empire. I am going to process her integration. She's already completed her paperwork, but the process was only halfway through before we had to flee right?"

"Hmmm? Uh. Y-yes? Yes I already filled out my-"

:nusergei:"Forty five twenty three"

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1086981 No. 1086981 ID: 681cb5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

[Super NSFW]
May contain breeding, vore, transformation etc…

”Prurient Passage”
A Lascivious Labyrinth side story.

Wiki and previous threads: https://tezakia.net/wiki/Lascivious_Labyrinth

Somewhere deep in the most tenebrous wilderness, far from civilization and decency, it is said that a grand temple of the demi-god Wjares lays hidden. In those ancient rumor-shadowed halls, acts of unbridled hedonism and profane rituals were indulged in wild abandon, all to please the demi-god the structure was dedicated too. It is a place where instinct and impulse is acted up- huh? You’ve already heard this before? Alright, fine…

Welcome to the Prurient Passage! Hope you enjoy your stay…
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No. 1094060 ID: 77189b

do you know anything about that demon lord? could maz?

we need to know costs here
but it may be smarter and more in line with this bizarre to make an offer, giving them access to demon dicks sounds like a start.
stamina potion is a must
you already nearly bit it (heh) from old- uh er i mean middle aged, man sleepiness.

asking about the tf seems wise too
No. 1094061 ID: 77189b

hes practically loyal...
No. 1094078 ID: 9d3b39

An amulet of stamina would help with both staying ahead of your hunter and impregnating multiple partners without tiring you out too much... Though I do notice he seems to be trying to shift the quick digestion ones considering he mentioned them twice.
No. 1094081 ID: c8380b

Could we afford to buy the demon dick and just chuck it through a portal back to its owner? I'm sure whoever's missing their dick would be very happy to have it back.
No. 1094087 ID: 273c18

I think one is for digesting quicker, and the other is for being digested quicker.

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1081683 No. 1081683 ID: 127310 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

quest about making a house. will likely contain violence, blood, gore, death, and horror themes, though will try to keep a lighthearted tone. other nsfw content may arise given your suggestions.
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No. 1093726 ID: 273c18

Compliment the carvings. Do they look familiar?
No. 1093774 ID: 127310
File 172010261568.png - (30.71KB , 1024x1024 , u19p1.png )

>Aw, little carvings! Having an in-house artist is classy as hell. Just tell him not to break anything important.
>Compliment the carvings. Do they look familiar?

You tell him his carvings look cool. You can almost hear his squeaks of gratitude.

As for the carvings, they sort of look like something you might have seen before? This one looks like a horsey. Or a knight, if you’re a chess terminology prescriptivist.
No. 1093777 ID: a6ff85

This fellow seems nice, you should let him stay.
No. 1093876 ID: ef62c1

Welp, guess we are going to invite Reepicheep over here to play chess!
No. 1094086 ID: 8f9bc4

yes I see he's carved a bishop, and a knight, and a... sad...whale?

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1050662 No. 1050662 ID: 9b127b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Chinzebeth VII is a NSFW clothing damage quest featuring YCH cameos check Discussion for more info

This is the story of Queen Chinzebeth the seventh
The year is x3146 the most dramatic point of her long reign.
it is summer on the Continental platform Ilax hovering over the planet Beta-Earatone
Durring a routine ceremony peace was shattered (Part 1)

Invasion has begun. The Royal guard have failed to contain the situation and the Queen is in danger.
Corporal Grimothy and his hardened commando team have been called into action has been called into action to end this conflict but are they enough?
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No. 1091820 ID: 9f8647

No. 1093927 ID: 0d1c28
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Konda goes for Rhonda but fumbles it
Rodrick interrupts with another quick slash

Konda: "GYAAH!"
Rodrick: "Forget about me?"

Corrathyn retreats, Carlene retreats

Round three

Enemies and allies will take turns acting
Select a single character to act and explain what they do

-CT01 Grimothy
-CT02 Konda
-PH01 Corrathyn
-PS01 Carlene

No. 1093933 ID: 9f8647

Grimothy, go after Rhonda again!
No. 1093941 ID: c5529d

Grim go after Rodrick, Konda is in a pickle.
No. 1093943 ID: a7a180

Konda: Cover Grimothy's retreat, strike back at Rodrick. Die well, brave warrior! (Of embarrassment.)

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1084176 No. 1084176 ID: 0d1c28 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

This is a NSFW clothing damage adventure!
the quest will contain nudity and violence and possibly some sexual content
Lewd suggestions are encouraged but not required.

celebrate your future, celebrate your doom and prolong your final moments

This quest is funded by Patreon,
if you'd like to see more consider sending a few coins!

Previous Threads

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No. 1093735 ID: 0d1c28
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N'Thar considers his magic as he waits for the clearly blind underlings to notice him

N'thar's Magic(listed are his lower and moderate powered spells, each spell can be cast once per day)

Spell power 1:
-Golden Mirage (create an illusion of treasure)
-Dust cloud (stir up blinding cover)
-Preserve (keeps an object fresh and clean)
-Stash (hide an item in a safe place)
-Soothing Sleep (sooth an individual to rest) SPENT
-Sap health (steals life force and gives it to you)
-Alarm ( a magical sensor that sounds loudly if disturbed)

Spell power 2:
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No. 1093741 ID: 8f9bc4

Too bad you don't have Golden Beer Mirage, or you could see what happens when violation of this so-called edict occurs.

I'd suggest setting up a magical circle, but your most powerful arsenal might not work as well as a subtle approach. If this is a curse, it certainly is not a weaker curse, and you have no particular treasure location you need to defend with curses or searing sand.

Probably just best to continue on in search of the parchments. You can't be letting that seek relic spell go to waste.
No. 1093763 ID: 081245

Ask Lylene how she got her special underwear from mommy.

Wait, wrong thread. Ask her about the edict. Not just what it is, but who gave it, how it came about. If it's a result of this mind-altering song rather than any actual law, grilling her about specifics might raise her suspicion and get her working with us against the songmaster.

We should tease her about her underwear if we can justify it though. It'll be funny
No. 1093767 ID: ede0b6

I'd say finding the parchment first and then asking about the edict makes sense (I don't know how long the Seek Relic spell will last so making the most of that seems logical).
No. 1093769 ID: 4c750c

Agree with >>1093763
Especially on the undies teasing. Not sure how it’d be justifiable but I DEFINITELY wanna see it.

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1038059 No. 1038059 ID: 629f2e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

A mystery/horror quest about children uncovering the horrifying mysteries surrounding their small town.

THREAD 1: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1010078.html
THREAD 2: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/1019132.html
THREAD 3B: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1038066.html
WIKI: https://questden.org/wiki/Perpetuity


And again, you see it all play out, reliving the mistakes exactly as you’d made them on that day. The performance of a tragedy...
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No. 1093513 ID: fe12b4


Albert is the wrong person to be right now, he does not possess the kind of emotional guile we need to navigate this.

As an aside, I'm pretty sure Clive is low-empathy. Not sociopathic, he does care about his friends and values their wellbeing. He clearly has a sense of justice too.

This will be tricky to navigate him through, and involve some realizations about human nature that children may not be capable of understanding this young, especially through the veil of trauma.
No. 1093558 ID: 6ed5c6


Agreed. Of all three kids who have had their minds opened, Albert needed the most guidance of them in order to avoid his negative character traits taking over. He’s also clever, and we’re in the stage of the game where we need to protect our most clever boi to get the most mysteries unraveled and end the cycle the most quickly.

Funny enough, in this case, I don’t think Albert would take advice that well, and as Liminori said, our guidance has actually been a hindrance at times. He thinks he knows best- and Roger is the one who has the best shot at guiding his impulses away from declaring what he knows at the top of his lungs at the worst possible time.

So while Albert is key, Roger is the one who we can help the most without screwing up.
No. 1093565 ID: b47b8f

...For the sake of keeping things noted, it's probably worth mentioning that Clive's Fear is the only one we've been seeing. He was at 64/100 before he resolved this situation himself at the price of a whopping 26 Fear.

Last Seen:
[Albert: 58/100]
[Enid: 34/100]
[Roger: 35/100]

Confirmed Current:
[Clive: 90/100]

It's safe to assume that any time anyone's fear reaches 90, we'll see more Trauma Responses.

...If nothing else, this is just another point towards Roger taking the lead, seeing as Albert's Fear is also pretty high, and we have some form of context on the weight of the gauge.
Assuming "critical fear cost for critical failure" is around 25 (give or take based on context and probably round up), this puts Albert right in that danger zone as well.
No. 1093566 ID: b47b8f

Also, I just want to say that Bec should totally have a Fear Gauge- but I imagine that the reason she doesn't have one is because her mind isn't and can't be opened.
No. 1093614 ID: feecf0

Bec DOES have a fear gauge. It appeared after they found the corpse.
While you are correct that Albert has the highest fear at the moment one thing you need to consider is the fact that Rodger is weary of Clive at the best of times, And while him spending some amount of time with him has kinda made progress towards breaking that preconception that Clive is a violent person, Clive basically stabbing a man to death in front of him has probably undone most of that progress.
Basically I'm assuming if we really want Rodger to talk to Clive, Then we would probably suffer some significant fear gains in the attempt (in addition to any gained from witnessing Clive stabbing this guy).

Not to say Alberts a particularly great choice either. He DOES have issues about shutting his own mouth (though he's been better about it with Clive) and he's the one who suggested they all kill somebody (to which Clive had some particular thoughts about).

They're both bad choices but if I had to pick one after considering them both I'd probably still keep my vote to Rodger too.

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1074913 No. 1074913 ID: 3ea497 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

An Asteroid Quest-inspired story, written by someone who never got around to reading the damn thing.

Content warning: contains crude language, crude drawings, off-color humor, inaccurate lore galore and is hosted on Questden, which is even worse.
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No. 1093529 ID: ef62c1
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-*Pant* *Pant* “Give them what for, Miss Roco.”

Your boss’ still conscious! And he crushed that tiny pomi with his portable rocket! The damn snake-crab can actually do something!
Even your new patatooz pet is trying to help by making threatening gestures and stuff. Go team!


Seems this fight is pretty much done. Now what should we do with these scavenger thugs?

>Accept their surrender and let them leave.

>Dupe into getting closer to eat them.

>Make further demands in exchange for your hostage.

>Apologize profusely for harming them and killing their leader (yeah, right).

>Other (write in)
No. 1093534 ID: 273c18

>further demands
Well, first they all have to ditch their weapons, and drop any objects of value. THEN you'll release the hostage and let them leave.
No. 1093536 ID: 5ebd37

Yes yes, off they go. Once they're a ways away he can go too, and you'll be taking her gun so they don't follow.
No. 1093548 ID: 8f9bc4

Accept their surrender and then eat them!
No. 1093551 ID: 19ea25

They threatened your potential future profits! Lure them in and eat them. You can keep their gear afterwords too!

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1085319 No. 1085319 ID: 88065e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I inquire the Agricultural capital governor who is in seemingly paranoia after hearing about the attacks in the main galaxy:
"So the capital has activated an energy source displacement field to supress its signals through spectrums and is currently playing dead apart from the few emergency power supplies that keep everyone alive?"

The governor replies
"That is so, we are much safer like this until core systems send a military power to protect our frontier galaxy, we don't even have handguns on the planet because of gun controls... This is the same demilitarized situation in many surrounding systems, and there are dozens fertile planets out here we simply cannot lose until reinforcements arrive. Core worlds replicate their food, but the frontier galaxies require good organic nutrition for growth and vitality."

I request the governor:
"Please governor, I know you might feel paranoid but you're in the presence of your Super Star Empress, unmask yourself."

"As you wish"
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No. 1093402 ID: c6a9df
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Governor: "I think the main issue with the power blockade is Kretri center lords not being able to leave the planet with their wealth onboard their personal yachts, some of which have minor armament, some of which are just superfast courier ships. I guess they're something a type secretly drug lords or something in some cases and need the fastest ships in the galaxy. We produce a lot of very exotic produs on the planet, and I don't have track of all what's being farmed everywhere... Unfortunately."

Super Star Empress: "Does your planet legally farm Treunedendyium Roots? I could stock up on some. As far as we've operated the planet for five minutes we have not found a trace of the Spectre, but we'll keep looking. Galaxy Empress Shadow, I send you appease the agri-lords at once. It's your planet after all. I recommend suiting up and taking on the task personally, with a strong entourage. Keep in touch meanwhile, we're trying to find out all kinds of strands of information of what's going on under the hood on the planet."
No. 1093406 ID: c6a9df
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[Accept Mission]
[Modify Mission Contract]
No. 1093439 ID: e4b9a0

Of course I'll take the mission.

I'll just have to organise my retunes for the landing, ask the governor about the center lords we're meeting so we're not going in blind and finally trying to find the spectre agent...
No. 1093441 ID: c6a9df
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Governor: "I will send messengers to gather the center lords to my platform from across the planet. It will take five *hours* for everyone to cruise here without normal cruise. So prepare for six *hours* of waiting."

((*using Earth timeframes to simplify))

Shadow: "I don't have time for waiting, I will wait on my ship however, to assess the situation elsewhere while the retinue prepares everything carefully. Did you say there was risk of an insurrection or an assassination attempt?"

Governor: "My security will deal with the illegal arms, if anyone even has them. There is however, an INSURRECTION ongoing on the planet -- Terrifying. They will wield anything that is suitable for smashing or hitting, I will prepare my stunguard for any eventual risk..."

I wish I could just lift the ban on at least projectile-based weapons, which I have a limited amount, but enough for everyone in my retinue to wield this occasion. Should I bring battle weapons onto the planet? Or even energy weapons? The situation is unsettling for sure, they seem to have a lot of mobile aerial vehicles still which are weapons by themselves, if not the robust self-preservation instincts of the Kretra.
No. 1093542 ID: 5673d6

Well the retune that's coming down with me isn't going to be equipped with ranged weapons of course.

Though it won't hurt to have a response team on standby if things gets out of control and the shadow equipped with a canceled holdout weapon for the worst case scenario...

Also it would be wise to ask the Governor to brief us about the local politics like what is INSURRECTION goals, what center lords we're gonna meet and the relationship with each other, ect.

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1086407 No. 1086407 ID: eb0a9c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Note: Made with GANBot.
Warning: Not Safe For Work. May contain sexual content. Will contain gore, violence, and child abuse.
Posts will be very slow.
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No. 1093268 ID: eb0a9c
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I'm trying out a new battle system.
Everything depends on rank, type, and the number of attackers.
1) The difference in rank can determine everything. When both sides have even ranks, the probability of killing an opposing unit is 50%. With a +1 advantage, the probability jumps to 66.66%, but with a -1 disadvantage it drops to 33%. At +2/-2, the probabilities are 95% and 5%, and at +3/-3 the probabilities are 99.75% and 0.25%. Anything at +4 and higher is 100% defeat, anything at -4 is a total loss.
1a) Multiple factors on the battlefield can increase or decrease rank.
1b) Unit types determine an increase or decrease in rank, AND whether or not an opponent can counterattack. For instance, Ranged attackers gain +1 rank against melee attackers, and cannot be counter-attacked by their melee targets. Similarly, melee units gain +1 against artillery and the artillery cannot counterattack, artillery units gain +1 against ranged units and ranged cannot counterattack. Airborne aerial units are always +1 against ground units, and melee/ranged/artillery type rank differences are ignored; melee/ranged/artillery just determines attack range. When aerial-type units are on the ground they suffer -1 to everything, but they can counter-attack. Ineffectively.
Ranged -> Melee -> Artillery -> Ranged
Airborne units -> Ground Units -> Grounded Aerial Units
1c) Melee units can only attack enemies up close. Ranged units can attack at a medium distance or up close, Artillery units can only attack at a distance, medium or long. The former is cheaper to train than the latter.
1d) Ballistae deal 2^rank attacks, but in turn, not only do they require 2*(rank-1) units to man, they also grow exponentially more expensive. The requirements do not increase or decrease with buffs.
2) However, the number of attackers det
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No. 1093269 ID: eb0a9c
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Newscast: Winning with Broken Promises; Overlord Scores Massive Victory but Fails to Meet Stated Objectives

45th General: "DAMNIT!"
Me: "Okay, so we didn't score a total victory. We lost some soldiers, and they lost an army."
45th General: "That's still eight of my men who died on your half-baked strategy, 'Overlord'!
Me: We just murdered all their melee units. The battle is won. Hell, if you want, you can issue a full retreat to your legion right now and I'll claim you fully participated, with... appropriate shares of the loot.
45th General: "Gods, what-... something is wrong with you today. And I won't be privy to this mess any longer."
A beastial scream erupts from within the fortress.
Me: "Okay, but shouldn't you help me arrest the-"
45th General: "We were going to persuade the fools to surrender... but this whole situation is stupid. Take your brutes and mop one set of corpses with another."
Me: "Hm."
The general of the 45th legion leaves me alone... alone to decide the true flow of the battle.
This is an important moment. Right now, I can intentionally increase the number of casualties among 'my' troops by issuing asinine orders. The 138th is stupid enough to believe anything I tell them; if I told them an incoming wave of melee cavalry was coming and they had to stand their ground, they'd stand their ground and get pelted by arrows. Or some other strategy that could even get more of the 93rd legion killed off, somehow. But maybe I should just let the 138th legion kill anyone who doesn't surrender - or maybe leave no survivors.
Some important stuff:
Hatred - The Coalition, on principle, generally hates the Hor
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No. 1093411 ID: c6a9df

Order the 138s to count to 60 in formation out loud and walk back and forth as a time consumer.
No. 1093518 ID: dd3fe0

Bad idea, too obvious. Just make an obvious bad call regarding stuff like ambushes or hidden reserves or things which would require splitting forces or keeping certain units in reserve in a way that lets elements of them be defeated in detail. PLAUSIBLE stuff!
No. 1093537 ID: eb0a9c

rolled 99 = 99

Rolling for luck:
1-5: Horde Collective gets screwed over, +3 Panic and +1 Suspicion
6-60: Horde Collective takes unnecessary casualties obeying your commands, +2 Panic and +2 Suspicion, 138th Legion retired from duty and replaced with new legion
61-95: Horde Collective generally gets things under control but still thinks your orders were weird, +1 Suspicion
96-100: Horde Collective scores total victory, -1 Suspicion

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1085129 No. 1085129 ID: 75b262 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Ciarán, my brother, intends to summon the soul-devouring Airceacháin to start a war. It was my mother’s last wish that I, Ráichéalín Uí Liatháin, return from exile to end his madness.

Lazy Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/Lazy_Fairy

Takes Place Immediately After POV 7: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/1064862.html#1064862
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No. 1093327 ID: c5529d

Dont forget that while it is dishonorable for you to reveal elven secrets, your brother is doing something far more dishonorable by summoning demons for power, and potentually ending the world.

even if they were to leave you to solve your problems yourself, who knows what Pierre's bad luck might do to the party if you aren't there to protect them.

Consider that the reason why you need them with you is because they've had your back when during your own hardships. Youve had their backs all this time, and you need theirs when you go face your circle and you brother.
No. 1093328 ID: c5529d

Also think about the things Pricilla told you: "faith is a willingness to accept and move forward, even in the face of uncertainty. It takes bravery to have faith.” and "peace is often kept through upsetting means, and she (Eirene) understands that. Nature is violent, and it takes enlightenment to overcome it. Not everyone is enlightened."

I think this applies here too. You need to have the bravery to have faith in telling your friends the truth so that you may get their help for peace. And as Pricilla said, peace is often kept through upsetting means. Telling your friends about your circle's tactics and secrets is going to be upsetting, very upsetting for your honor as a member of the circle. But to prevent the demon summoning to protect the peace of the world, you'll have to make this sacrifice. Think hard about what matters here.

Not sure if Taranis can hear us from here since he's out keeping watch, but if he can, I would love for him to send Rae an emoticon of a symbol of the Church of Eirene, and/or a dove or something. Remind her what really matters for the fight for peace against your brother's action.
No. 1093329 ID: 4c750c

Raelynn, I think you’ve grown too accustomed to being the straight man while Landi rambles nonsensically. So accustomed, in fact, you’ve been blinded to the fact that right now, those positions have reversed. You care about your friends! Ditch the whole “emotions are for the weak” facade for a second and THINK! These people have zero clue about this whole thing with your brother because you’ve been so cagey about the whole thing. If they knew, they wouldn’t abandon you if you PAID them! They’d be by your side helping you deal with your problems like you’ve done for them COUNTLESS TIMES because they CARE about you! Himitsu is right in that you cannot do this alone, but even if you could, you shouldn’t HAVE to.

Just for posterity, let’s go over your current plan.

1) Send your friends away without you with limited information. (They could die. I’m 90% sure you’re confident that unless you spill what your people are capable of, at least one of them WILL die.)

2) Confront your people, alone. (Couldn’t they just refuse you an audience with your brother altogether? What if they kill you on the spot?)

3) Confront your brother, alone. (See >>1093326)

4) P-Profit? What happens once your brother is defeated? Will you be stuck in elf land rebuilding society or something? That sounds like strenuous busy work you would HATE! “OhHhHh I have one gajillion contingency plans to delegate that to someone capable or whatever” FINE! But you’re still resigning yourself to a life hovering over their shoulder paranoidly ensuring that they don’t take the same path as your brother, miserable in the forest forever, with no way to contact Serah, or Kayk, or ANYONE! Your friends!

In conclusion, this whole plan of “I’m goin
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No. 1093333 ID: 5ebd37

These are your friends Raelynn, they'll help you, if you let them. Tell them what's going on. If you try to do this alone you will fail, not because you are weak, but because no one is that strong! It's pushing allies away that is a weakness. Trust them the way they trusted you in guiding them here.
No. 1093335 ID: 273c18

Hey, if you look weak, then they'll underestimate you. Your *brother* will underestimate you. Then you can kill him easier. Consider the surest path to success, regardless of your pride.
Also uh I thought we couldn't fly anymore due to the storm?

...say, if Serah gave you some potions, would you be able to keep them for the duel?

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1078544 No. 1078544 ID: 7ae8e6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

This is an NSFW Quest about sex, robots, and identity.

Welcome to the world.
296 posts and 40 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1092712 ID: 64faaa

yeah, this
No. 1092714 ID: c8380b

My guess is she knew another Jack model. Even if she didn't know us specifically, she's clearly attached to our line somehow. She needs to understand that we're an entirely different person and likely won't meet any expectations she has. If she insists, we wouldn't be opposed to getting to know her.
No. 1092721 ID: 8f9bc4

Yeah, she seems nice! Probably the sweetest person you've met so far. And she's not proposing marriage or anything; it's just lunch. You can get her trust by showing up, then you can say it seems like something is troubling her, and you won't hold it against her if it's about something you've forgotten. Or something like that.
No. 1092818 ID: bde9b1

I say 'yes' on lunch. I like this girl. She's cute.
No. 1093288 ID: 940726

Nothing to say? Just going back to acting like nothing happened?

I can tell that you're trying to be more sympathetic to Jack right now, but we still need to talk about what you said before. There are questions that warrant answers. If you don't want to talk about it now, we will have to talk about it later.

Just to be sure, Hax has been in Passive mode this whole time, right?

It's odd that your model only has nine members. Aren't robots usually made in sets of ten? It wasn't resource limits, or they would have made even fewer, instead of giving you "substitute" parts. Seems suspicious to me. Call me paranoid, but I'm worried that something happened to Jack 10.

It's a shame that you lost all those memories. But your memories aren't all gone, right? Some of them are only missing names and faces. Do you recall anything like a therapy session you had with someone? May be worth pondering why some memories are completely gone, and others are only incomplete.

Might as well accept her offer, if you're genuinely interested for your own sake and not just doing it because you feel outnumbered. I like her, but I don't want you to feel like you're being forced into anything.

I noticed she tends to stutter when she lies. It's looking more and more likely that she's a former client of yours that developed a crush on you during your sessions. Let's not press the issue just yet, so she'll have a chance to confess on her own during your date.

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