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1078544 No. 1078544 ID: 7ae8e6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

This is an NSFW Quest about sex, robots, and identity.

Welcome to the world.
316 posts and 44 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1097037 ID: 15ff12

Sure then. Let's go.
No. 1097052 ID: 3572a3

this sounds like AHN models are also a once per sector thing, if there were many agreement would not be so easy
No. 1097054 ID: 26801d

yeah, let's go see what she's excited about
No. 1097167 ID: f2320a

"oh i am not that sort of busy right now, to not help you my door is always open to help anyone"
"i been wondering some idle thoughts like who made the first robot? and why not just make more of the same parts and wait with assembly until everything is there, or like why does lust and love exist? what are emotions realy? what exact part causes it? why feel? i think therefor i A.M such things"

>Hold hands

but i dont know how to spoiler
No. 1097181 ID: 03c58a

> but i dont know how to spoiler
go to the rules tab at the top of the page, click it, go to the FAQ tab and it tells you how to do a bunch of stuff from spoilers to dice rolls, to more

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1009279 No. 1009279 ID: 5fc3a0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

6 Months Later

33-67. The first of the preliminary polls came in, and people who want to stay in town outnumber us nearly an exact two to one.
679 posts and 237 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1096744 ID: 53560f

You could maybe take up a hobby? Something you can get better at little by little without relying on the phenocosm’s mass produced perfection. Baking seems tempting even if no one but you will appreciate it here.
Regardless, visiting Klivania undercover seems like a good opportunity to appreciate all the little things and maybe you could visit a hobby shop or similar thing to see what hobbies they take up there to find inspiration for yourself.
No. 1096746 ID: 0cec82

perfection without variation, just like the academy, I wonder if Shuzenza also feels unsatisfied, like you now do. You'll have to see if he has any free time this week
No. 1096747 ID: 171efe

Souls seem to stay mostly intact, and they reform their bodies based on how they see and remember themselves.
I wonder if Mino always wanted to be rebel little goat guy.

At any rate, let's peruse some people's memories of Klivania living, and of espionage tactics, and of espionage tactics in Klivania!
It'll come un useful if we back there before the week is up.
No. 1096772 ID: debc82


> Not expanding much
Then I get the sense that, between the relatively stable state of the town and the ruined state of the Fog Islands, we were actually MOSTLY successful at Plan-B.

However, it looks like a lot of stuff was lost and the fog may have actually RECEDED in some way, resulting in a reabsorption of a lot of matter that wasn't in a stable pocket.


> Those donuts and that brush bath
Pillet, while this does look like an absolute blast, I imagine we've finally begun to comprehend WHY Paporron and the others would even want to make a subdimension to escape the Phenocosm.

Those experiences, all the little bits of chaos -- they're what make life worth living. Perfection is the pinnacle of achievement, but it starts to become hollow when every experience will be exactly the same.

While certainly dangerous to ... sympathize with these individuals, it would help to reflect on this, as it may make our own reintegration with them more believable.

After all, that's our aim, is it not? To prepare for working alongside (and sabotaging) them.
No. 1097147 ID: df45e0

Relax on planet. Don't train just enjoy the culture and have genuine experiences you will enjoy.

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1096162 No. 1096162 ID: 3f89df hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Quick ENF One-Shot to get back in the rhythm of posting updates.

-NSFW for lots of nudity (And possible sexual themes/sex? You guys better not get freaky with an anthropomorphic version of myself. )
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No. 1097079 ID: 861ceb

well, with your shirt all torn up you need to find somewhere where you'd blend in. Head towards the strip club where no one will give you a second glance while you try and find something to cover yourself up with. Hell maybe you'll get lucky and be able to nab some of the striper's clothes when they toss their clothes to the side.
No. 1097094 ID: 355e44

Does anyone still get physical newspapers in your neighborhood? That would be an easy fix for your shirt problem.
No. 1097099 ID: 3d8568

wear your shirt backwards! the perfect crime! will cover up your breasts (but inconveniently reveal your crotch since the backside was drafty, probably revealing your butt)

And yeah maybe look for some newspaper, but also remember that you left a key somewhere in the yard. Hopefully mr or ms angry squirrel you just pissed off isn't there waiting for you later, wherever it is... not that you remember right now!
No. 1097106 ID: 38f06c

Maintenece: Shirt backwards, get a newspaper. Also, think you can use the morning dew on the grass as liquid to stick some leaves on your private parts?

What do: got a trampoline? If not, steal borrow one from a neighbor, and drag it under the open window. Then, bounce bounce bounce higher and higher until you can reach and climb in the window. Dont worry, its totally not because we wanna see your breasts bounce or anything

god of ENF, Plz make worm derklord bounce so high, that she overshoots how high she bounces, ends up in the sky, and fall into a moving pickup truck full of pillows that will drive her farther from her home
No. 1097110 ID: 2f41db

Lick leaf.
Slap on nipple.
Instant shame free existance.

That was a particularly nasty squirrel.
Remember where he is though.
Four would be all youd need to fashion an emergency furkini.
If you could find acorns, youd be able to do it without skinning them.
Just negotiate and hire them to hang on to the relevant areas until youre home free.

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1089327 No. 1089327 ID: 681cb5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]


These are the voyages of the starship The Shed Scale. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly come where no one has come before!

It’s a small thrust for you… but a huge plunge for Sakkilian kind!

Wiki and previous threads: https://questden.org/wiki/Starlight_Afterglow
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No. 1097059 ID: 273c18

>IOD made everyone sterile
Ahh. That's what we detected in the scans, isn't it? Why did it disappear though? We need to do research. Scan people on the station to find people with the same "virus"(probably everyone), and then do various things to them that you'd do if they were hired as crewmembers, testing them again after each one. Did *all* of our alien crewmates get fertility treatments? It's also possible the solution has to do with our food, or sanitation, or... I don't know. At any rate, finding out the exact antidote will make it easier to complete this request.
Might also be neat to do some more in depth research to find out how the sterility works? Like, how does it interfere with the reproductive process exactly?
No. 1097060 ID: eb0a9c

>Mass-genocide through sterilization
Bastards. Not the population control part, the extermination of all cultures outside of the IOD for the crime of merely existing part.
...Wait. Could it be? Could they be trying to exterminate all life other than themselves because they are also biologically doomed?

>5 Sakkilians as breeders
You'll ask around. Many of your colonists wanted back into cold sleep, or to find their prospects elsewhere. You can spare a dozen volunteers.
However, it would be more viable to purchase Wronkir genetic material and start cloning right away. With their engineering crews, you could temporarily increase the yield of your cloning facilities and get everyone's kids in a couple days.
No. 1097065 ID: 8c95eb

>everyone is sterile
It's a form of population control, to make sure that nobody can gain the numbers needed to attempt to overthrow the IOD.

>need breeders
You'd better explain exactly how things work, so that she knows what she wants.

Explain the accelerated pregnancy process that allows birth within one day. And also explain the process of rapidly growing a child into an adult while implanting memories of their entire lives.

And if she wants the children to be rapidly grown into adults, then you'll need to update you capsules to implant memories of her race's culture, so that the children won't be alienated from their own parents by getting only Sakkilian culture implanted into them.
No. 1097067 ID: 273c18

...wait, if we've powered down the ship, do we still have our prisoner contained and the drones cared for? What about the cyborg, how long can she go without a charging station?
No. 1097103 ID: 2a82d3

Accept the deal, on condition that you vet who you will send over. You will need to do a roll call of willing volunteers, and evaluate their fertility, eagerness, and likelihood of romantic attachment. That last one isn't necessarily wrong, but resources are tight enough that you wouldn't want to lose your crew to anything, even this. Of course, discussing logistics can want after the signing. You don't want this contract declared null and void from dissatisfaction during the "signing" ;)

If there's any highborn that prefers a live-in partner, they will need to wait about a week for them. Ostensibly, this is to clear their work schedule and settle their duties. In truth, you'll need time to spin up the cryopods to make Breeders, or replacements for any crew that retires here. You can guarantee they'll be the most fertile among your crew, at least.

Ask about the child-rearing practices for her kind. With one of your own to care of during shore leave, you might as well help with hers while you're at it.

> “Be it from some biological agent or electronic wave, all I know is that every last person here cannot conceive a child no longer.
Hand off a copy of Vex's viral analysis as show of both good faith and interest in her colony's problems. It might prove misleading or outdated, but it's aid nonetheless.

Whatever the means, your species has been proven "naturally" resistant to IOD methods of control. All the more reason none of your kind be in their hands, least they use them to circumvent the means.

>No, there has to be some other reason.
Twice you've made clear how close you are to the High Magister. It'd be quite dim of him if he didn't realize what would happen if he left you to your own devices here.

He did recog
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1093728 No. 1093728 ID: 127310 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

An experimental philosophical debate (combat) simulator with RPG elements. Will likely contain blood and gore. Will introduce more mechanics as time goes on.

Provide feedback at https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/142424.html
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No. 1097039 ID: 127310
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>Head right, and pray that it's the Minister.
>If it's not the minister then it should at least be someone you can question. stalk the hummer.

You head carefully into the room on the right.

In this room is the hummer, a lady musing over some marks on the wall and making a cheerful noise while doing so.

Her black and red attire tells you that she works for the Hazard Association, which is like this organisation dedicated to categorising and ranking different hazards. Although it’s not officially affiliated with the government, it is generally respected by the government and community alike.
No. 1097040 ID: 127310
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“Oh, hey.” she says “I was wondering when you’d get here.”

You ask her your burning question.

“No, no, I haven’t seen the Minister. He’s actually why I’m here though. Since he disappeared, we need to re-evaluate the catacombs’ hazard level.”

You can see that she’s carrying a clipboard with some notes scribbled on it.

“I still haven’t seen everything here yet, so I can help you look if you want. Reckon the Association would get that kind of thing done faster than the pollies anyway.”
No. 1097041 ID: 127310
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You look at the wall she was inspecting before. The marks actually seem to be drawings. You didn’t know that mole people had it in them to draw. You didn’t think that they knew about most of the things they’ve drawn here.
No. 1097043 ID: 355e44

Compare notes, what has she seen out of the ordinary so far. And what does she make of this diagram.
No. 1097051 ID: 4c750c

An ally! Yay! Do we get to learn her name? Or shall she remain a nameless HA member in our eyes? As for game plans, we should definitely catch each other up on what we know. Being on the same page information-wise is the first step to successful collaboration~

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1085846 No. 1085846 ID: 3f89df hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

[NSFW] For Nudity, Sexual Themes and Gore.
A group of Bloodeians Kobolds worshiping the fallen draconic goddess Blood Mother attempt to rebuild their fallen home.

The story takes place in a custom world, with some elements and lore taken from Rimworld.
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No. 1097008 ID: 3f89df
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"Everyone deserves second chance-"
"Look what they've done to you; he says, putting his hand on my bandaged face; remember what they did to my father, what happened to Bardeibor, even at our recent trip to Viera's temple, you were sexually assaulted by them when I was in a meeting."
"It's fine Crocodile-"
"NO IT'S NOT, GREY. I'm sick of you dismissing yourself from what happens so as not to ruffle any feathers of the ones higher up the food chain."
He breathes and exhales. "If GoldScale doesn't get his money, we will lose everything, our land, our home, our pepole, nothing, he'll mark us as traitors, and we'll be run out where the insectoids will devour us, and yet you wish to throw away, our plans and for what?"
At first, my mind was blank, but then I remembered the message you told me, Muni, a way to explain my reasoning.
"Where laying the foundations for a new future, the way we've done before will just reveal itself to tragedy again and again; the way we've done is the same as GoldScale uses to oppress us; if we followed his way, we'd be repeating the cycle, however with what we lose in political bargaining, we make up for it with a special ingredient; Hope with that hope we've purchased their loyalty, and they'll produce more then if they where miserable, slaving away doing mindless tasks."
There's a great silence in the room while Crocodile turns his head to the ground. I hoped that I had finally made sense to him, yet in a moment, he looked up to me and tackled me, pinning me to the wall.
No. 1097009 ID: 3f89df
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"So is this is what it's all about? you know. I've trusted you , put you in charge of running the logistics of Bloodeia, and allowed you to sleep in my bed, sleep with me. Even though our relationship is frowned upon due to your status, yet you turn around and say that you are creating a libertarian populist uprising? All it took was for me to give you a tiny bit of power, and you immediately disregarded my word, my land

I'm dumbfounded, I trusted Crocodile; enough so with this information, Even though he works as hard as a labourer and doesn't seem to care much about his status, I was naive to think that uprooting the system in which his power originates wouldn't bug him, and now I'm here, pinned to the wall; my worst nightmares of our relationship come true across the cloudy skies of today; Even though we are far away from the capital, he still owns the right to execute, imprison, or do whatever he wishes with me, due to our class differences; I'm shaking, even war was less scary than this, maybe it was because it wasn't committed from someone I looked up too and love, Muni my mind is blank, and I need to say, something; anything, what should I do? What should I say?
No. 1097016 ID: c06b20

Like I said, you can do better than that idiot.
He has a solid argument... but it's powered by discrimination, mechanized with delusion, and built upon a foundation of privilege: the trifecta of most human tyrants.

This ties back to GoldScale, and Crocodile's servitude towards that dick. Even though you both hate that loan shark of a kobold tyrant, and for good reason, his foremost thoughts are of appeasing GoldScale rather than rebelling against him. Crocodile hasn't realized that by freeing our slaves, we have a new path to take should the colony be unsalvageable; just follow them. If we earn their trust then some will show us their ways and the methods they would attempt to use to escape slavery. Crocodile is so afraid of GoldScale's authority that he projects those fears onto the paranoia of you usurping his own.

Well, guess what, ya motherkiller: We're the Viceroys here. If Crocodile is dead-set in his authority-worshipping ways, then you need to find a way to force him to recognize us.

But for now, start with this:
"You are the one who lifted me up. And you did it because you were high - and alone.
If we are to survive, we can not do it alone. If we make all the colonists our slaves, Goldscale will grant them freedom - in exchange for their lies. They would claim our colony never existed, that we used them to mine some fictional gold vein in territory that allegedly belongs to GoldScale or other such atrocities, especially any we actually inflict on slaves, and then we would still lose everything."

...Also I am very sad to hear that you were sexually assaulted how soon can we arrest the prick who did that?
No. 1097021 ID: 355e44

What is he talking about? What uprising? They are still slaves for the time being, Crocodile is still just as much in charge. And if or when they earn their freedom they would either leave or continue to work under you.

You were just trying to give the workers the motivation they will need in these trying times. If Crocodile didn't want you to make decisions he should have been clear he wanted a mindless servant. Though that would change your relationship to a much colder one. No one can love a user.
No. 1097032 ID: 2f41db

You were looking to the future, grey mother.

Repeat the same system, recieve the same result.
Goldscale will never relinquish ownership of a profitable tribute giver.
Should we reach our tributes with spare resources, he will not kindly congratulate us with a warm smile.
He will squeeze harder.
You are not seen as people, nor subjects.
You are to be farmed.
We all know what happens to the muffalo that no longer gives wool or milk...

You seek to break that cycle.
Not just for them outside, but for you all too.
They may not be readily visible but you two are bound in chains.
To continue as you are, as goldscale expects you to, is to wait patiently at the butchers block.

As to the humans, i dont trust them completely either grey mother, but these here i dont think you can view as just any human.
They are outsiders.
Cast away by their own and removed from the positions that make other humans so untrustworthy.
You may see a difference in them robbed as they are of the authority of the throngnofbhumanity at their back...

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1080954 No. 1080954 ID: 5ebd37 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

(Will contain gore violence and death)

This winter has been harsh.
The snows started in September, by mid October the woods were buried.
Now the new year has brought the worst storm yet, and the dim sun overhead reflects the waning hope of those huddled around fading hearths clutching empty bowls.
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No. 1096987 ID: 355e44
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Ah of course, the cotton. Sighing to yourself you slink back into the cabinet. Climbing up to push over the glass jar, the cotton balls slide out with a pleasant tumbling noise. You stuff a bunch under your cloak. It makes movement difficult, but you only need to carry them a short way.

Watching you stumble along, Lisel's snickers are punctuated by hisses of pain. You manage to get most of the puffballs up to the sink, where you dump the lot into the little pool. Then it's simply a matter of tossing them back down to splat on the floor.
No. 1096988 ID: 355e44
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While you wring the sodden cotton over Lisel's acid burns the chemist seems to be getting her spirit back. She takes off and carefully wipes her goggles, giving you your first look at her striking pink eyes. Noticing you staring, she quickly dons them again. Her cheeks lightly flushed she leans closer to you and murmurs "Mister Tem'rty, would you like to examine the body with me?"
No. 1096992 ID: 273c18

Oh I'm always up for examining bodies.
No. 1096996 ID: a632cf

Did she get an acid burn on her face, that is seriously dangerous. The first thing that you should do is clean her face with water and then you can examine her body.
No. 1097004 ID: d58817

First aid must be the first priority. Make sure that Lisel is safe and assess her mobility before anything else. After that, we might spend a moment to examine the corpse of the bat, but beware; having caused such a disturbance here, are we not liable to attract even greater attention?

Will nothing come to the aid of the fallen bat, or follow its alarm? How fastidious should we be in covering our tracks, to put the cotton jar back where it was, in order to try to prevent discovery of the entire rodent operation on the grounds. Lisel may be able to advise here.

I would think retreat, as soon as we've put things in order, should be the priority, so as to avoid any coming reprisal, but if Lisel thinks that's not necessary, in spite of her injury, then we might tarry a bit further, and extract with the rest of the group.

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1093931 No. 1093931 ID: 9f8647 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

A brief prequel to Lazy Fairy where nothing important happens.

Lazy Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/Lazy_Fairy

Art & Writing by Donut: https://questden.org/wiki/Donut
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No. 1096932 ID: 812e4b

A new sports bra with a dotted line across the sternum that says 'Cut Here.'
Give in! Your sparkle will hide your hubris anyway.
No. 1096933 ID: 83e5f0

There is a crowd of people in a resturant of some sort that you never seen before, like it is packed. You also smell something so unfamiliar, yet so heavenly, it feels like you're being mind controlled to go in. You look through the window to find the source of the smell and you see something you couldnt believe: its some kind of large flat bread, with some kind of tomato sauce, cheese, and various meats.
You think you overheard somebody calling this new invention a... PIZZA!

You just gotta eat it! You must! fuck how unhealthy it is! Just one slice couldnt hurt! If anything, you have the excuse that it will be for everyone at the party.
No. 1096952 ID: ab55d7


I like sports bra, but instead of just a graphic, what if it has a built-in pocket? A bit of practicality for the small-titted fairies who have never known the convenience of carrying things between their bosom. While you aren't flat per se, you've never been so blessed as to know that joy.

You have never needed a garment so much in your life.
No. 1096965 ID: 2f41db

A pocket!
Just big enough for a blade oil kit or even an emergency duel markings paintset and associated target pennants.

You just gotta check it out.
Something that cool isnt going to be around for long.
No. 1097000 ID: 4c750c

Even better, what if it has two pockets? One on each cup! That’s double the carrying capacity of the cleavage of your average fairy! Two pockets is about one Ellie booba storage volume unit, according to most experts.

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1087342 No. 1087342 ID: 15a025 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Another experimental one shot.

*Art style may change at a moments notice or even with in the same update.
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No. 1096594 ID: eb0a9c

Does he worship his friends?
I'm worried he might worship his friends and treat their 'advice' as gospel.
In the late stages, God is his friend. Who he worships.
No. 1096602 ID: 2f41db

Are you really sure hes a good guy underneath or is that something you started telling yourself more and more as the years went on?
What was the last thing he did that reminded you that you love him?
Maybe its just been a crazy night.
Maybe hes a good guy like you say but youll need a drilling team to dig deep enough through the compacted asshole layer and fossilised totalfuckingdickheadium to reach the good right now.

Give yourself space from him and any sharp objects that might just end up planted in his forehead.
No. 1096809 ID: 171efe

There are thousand, dare I say a million better ways to adress the issue, and we likely should do it at a much less pressing time, especially with the police on the way.

But publicly emasculating your big meanie husband might still teach him a lasting lesson is way funnier.
No. 1096819 ID: 7c1f1c

You have a counterpoint about saving his wood. Without you, you'd be going back to a cold house with no way to stay warm. Actually, will you be returning to a warm house? Having run off to town, there's nothing stopping the harvesters from harvesting your wood again.

But you can totally make a loud, emasculating joke about this. "Yeah? Well, if I hadn't spent all that time looking for it, I wouldn't think you had any wood at all!"
No. 1096959 ID: 8f9bc4

This isn't about me George. You have a problem. I need you to help me fix it, so we can get past this and maybe survive the night. Just think about it! We can talk later.

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1084176 No. 1084176 ID: 0d1c28 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

This is a NSFW clothing damage adventure!
the quest will contain nudity and violence and possibly some sexual content
Lewd suggestions are encouraged but not required.

celebrate your future, celebrate your doom and prolong your final moments

This quest is funded by Patreon,
if you'd like to see more consider sending a few coins!

Previous Threads

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No. 1094950 ID: ee21ec

>>1094907 Legit question here. Who said this was the archduke's orders? Figuring that out gives us a lead. What's wrong with investigating? Either it's legit and we get lauded for Opsec or it's fake and we uncover enemies.
No. 1094953 ID: 25c0fe

I agree that trying to see the Arch-Duke ASAP is a good idea to check that he actually gave that edict.
No. 1096705 ID: 0d1c28
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N'Thar is pretty sure both himself and Laret have partaken of wine.
could this decree have some connection to the song?
he needs to know more'Who said this was the archduke's orders? did he tell you in person? did you see him?'

Niole flushes 'welll no, Niffle told us '

Of course! N'Thar remembers, he had tasked Niffle with delivering the paper to the Duke.
did Midas really relay this order through Niffle?
'didn't that strike you as odd? since when is the archduke in a condition to give orders?'

I ssupposse ssince now?Niole guesses

Niole apparently knows nothing.
Does N'thar go in to see Archduke Midas? or is something else that needs to be done first?
No. 1096718 ID: 081245

Looks like Niffle's fiddling with people's brains.

I wonder if it's connected to Niffle specifically or if the rat's weakened everybody's will. We could try giving a few orders to the snakes ourselves, see if they budge.

~~And I'm always up for a chance to strip Lylene~~
No. 1096872 ID: 0c8214

I think he should go and see Midas while asking someone else to find Niffle so they can be questioned about what's going on.

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1086407 No. 1086407 ID: eb0a9c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Note: Made with GANBot.
Warning: Not Safe For Work. May contain sexual content. Will contain gore, violence, and child abuse.
Posts will be very slow.
50 posts and 20 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1093537 ID: eb0a9c

rolled 99 = 99

Rolling for luck:
1-5: Horde Collective gets screwed over, +3 Panic and +1 Suspicion
6-60: Horde Collective takes unnecessary casualties obeying your commands, +2 Panic and +2 Suspicion, 138th Legion retired from duty and replaced with new legion
61-95: Horde Collective generally gets things under control but still thinks your orders were weird, +1 Suspicion
96-100: Horde Collective scores total victory, -1 Suspicion
No. 1095358 ID: eb0a9c

I don't believe it.
I had the 138th march in a circle across the fortress ground floor, and the Coalition still lost.

My generals are already praising the 'feint' - apparently the insane move distracted enough of the ballistae operators that the 93rd were able to swoop in with minimal casualties.

The Horde Collective has regained the morale it needed, and it's all my fault.

On the plus side, capturing those idiot captains means I can personally grill them for info and remove their incompetent asses from the fight.


The battle's over. Now that I look upon this... 'fort', all I see is an incumbent ruin that should have been demolished a long time ago. I'm no engineer, but something is wrong with the enchantments on the stone; I think the base bricks are shaking.

Some random lizardfolk walks up to me.

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No. 1095361 ID: cf7751

Well considering how useful it would be to the coalition if retaken option 1 would leave them with massive maintenance issues while option 3 would leave them with nothing. Option 2 though would leave them all they need to get things going with ease. Especially since the ease of the win makes light defenses seem fine. Who would expect them to hit again so soon following such a serious blow?
No. 1095385 ID: b3eab7

Perhaps it's time to reconsider the direction of your approach, for you have been given an unique opportunity here:

Usually, people who want to "change the System after reaching a position of power" are changed by the System long before they reach any useful rank. But you jumped directly to the top, you're still yourself!

So instead of sabotaging the Horde Collective, you could change it instead. Slowly turn the Collective into the Coalition, since you bypassed the System's main defense, you are in a unique position to influence it.
No. 1096820 ID: eb0a9c
File 172525925149.png - (278.98KB , 813x415 , ESMBTG1-21.png )

Hm... when I think about it, the first and third options seem looney. They're going to want that base immediately- wait. Immediately.
Me: "Get the mine running. I want the first shipment deployed by tomorrow."
Jup: "What?!But sir, we only have fifty qualified miners-"
Me: "I don't think you understand. Take the 138th legion and shove pickaxes into their hands. Actually, you know what? Give them the explosives you were going to use in option 3."
Jup: "But they- y- I can't-"
I stare her down.
Me: "Just do it."
I make a huge speech in front of the 138th legion, talk about tempering their success with gold, and promote Joh on the spot to Mine Foreman. He seems to be- okay leaving now ew ew ew
I'll need some time to find a way to contact the Coalition, but maybe the 138th will manage to blow themselves up as I intended.

I wish I could do that, but the Mad Gods would smite me. Still, the fact that they haven't intervened with the possession of their overlord for a whole day means they probably don't care. If I put on a show getting their little toy soldiers killed, they might even let me leave at the end of it.
Tibberloch: "By the way, the God of Couriers will be meeting you at 6."
Me: "Have the maids order catering from - WAIT WHAT?!"
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1079954 No. 1079954 ID: e139aa hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Flockload of Problems II

Part I: >>/questarch/1066631
Discussion: >>/questdis/139947

NSFW because nudity and probably other things, 18+, etc. etc.

Continued apologies to Lagotrope, Slinko, Typo and Roaway.
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No. 1095190 ID: 273c18

Well, in a way, My.a instantiated all of them. Might have even been on purpose.
No. 1095194 ID: 4b0f55

She's going in the block!
No. 1095229 ID: 44c167

I want to say Conduit is too much to deal with right now, and should be kept suspended until the mission is over and you can get her a body. But how long will that be? It would be so tempting to leave her there, just until things get a little less hectic. And then she stays trapped indefinitely because there's always a new problem to deal with.

So cheaper proxy body, let her prove her ability while showing her you can be trusted.
No. 1095363 ID: 05a3b7

>>1095133 I forgot to clarify, this is a vote for the proxy.
No. 1096636 ID: 6b6d79

Put her in the block, suspended.
Anything that buys time and allows for later imprisonment to review options in a better situation.

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1087705 No. 1087705 ID: 588b52 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

A spore lands on [SOMETHING], which rests on [SOMETHING]. [SOMETHING] grows nearby. Your senses are limited. Your knowledge is limited. However, you have some control over yourself - with some effort, you could roll off of [SOMETHING] and onto the [SOMETHING] it rests on, or the [SOMETHING] that is growing here. You feel that your choice, at this point, will more or less determine what sort of thing you will, eventually, become.

Potential pulses within your spore capsule, waiting to be realized.

You are not a normal mushroom.

>Roll off [SOMETHING]
>Roll towards the other [SOMETHING]
>Stay on [SOMETHING]
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No. 1096148 ID: 2f41db

Tap it with something hard like a small rock.
Place a mycellum against the ehell as you do so and see what you can feel with the vibration.
No. 1096588 ID: 2b99c2
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You find a stone and wrap a psuedopod around it, using it to tap on the monolith. It rings with a curious reverbation, and in response dark psuedopods emerge from the seam in its material. Three of them, rising up, with fractal branches near the ends that terminate in dark, blunt claws.
It warbles sounds at you, and there's a pause.

The warbles grow more urgent, more sharp, before it slows to a stop.

Oh. Of course. This is, after all, my containment. The box is just... a box, it couldn't hold me. But there's no one here to talk to but Y O U. The little thing you pilot can't even hear me properly. But Y O U can. Only three of you? That's it? Sure, I was put here because no one will bother with it, but... That's a little sad.

It's doing nothing. You should move back home and return to marshaling ideas.

Tell you what, let's make a deal. I can't open this like this. If you're more interested in seeing what I can do, just... uh, give me a little more.

Only three h a n d s won't do me any good... By the way, good to meet Y O U. No names here... Well, no names that matter for Y O U, but I'm Handy. It's a pleasure.

>Explore past the holes.
>Return home.
[color=red]>Examine the holes.[/red]
>Something else?
No. 1096593 ID: 355e44

Well there's certainly something in this shell, yet if you can't open it then time to head home.

Might as well check out those holes while you're out here though. Just a quick look.
No. 1096597 ID: 273c18

Well, let's examine the holes before we go home.
No. 1096603 ID: 2f41db

So many good things.
Passage somewhere else, buried treasure, well... biomatter, defenses,
Check those holes

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1083617 No. 1083617 ID: 6be2b4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

First time doing a quest, bear with me if I mess up. :)
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No. 1096152 ID: eb0a9c

Evel'yee: 'Accidentally' open up your shirt and feign terror (Seduce)
Tanna:Intimidate, grab the nearest brazier.
"You will not rape her! I will roast you alive first!"
Mina: Cast Fireball, do the actual roasting while everyone else is distracted.
No. 1096160 ID: 8f9bc4

OK it's not the end of the world. Butterfly made a mistake, but Evel'ee is holding together, for now. Bakoth is an asshole, but we'll do our best to keep him from getting to you.

1. you don't want to remember. You don't need your memories right now. You can worry about them later.

2. Darkness can be a friend. Any threats of exposing you are empty, because you have friends and you will have friends that care about who you are, not what you are. Do not doubt their compassion!

3. There is no razor's edge, there is nothing to question. Kick Roderick's ass, keep Bakoth at a safe distance, get the box. You know what to do.

4. Bakoth can put thoughts in your head, but he is not you. You can trust yourself, you know who you are, and neither we nor him, nor any lost memories can make you do what you don't want to do.

5. The Butterfly might be a threat, but that's not Mina's fault, and Bakoth can't see the future. Right now the only threats are Roderick, and Bakoth making rash, ignorant decisions.
No. 1096451 ID: 15a025

Is that grease flammable? Fireball it if so.
No. 1096529 ID: dd3fe0

To my understanding, unaugmented Grease isn't flammable; there's a higher circle version of it called Incendiary Slime which is, and there's a few ways to push more oomph in the Grease spell to make it flammable. Unless a more efficient flammable version of it was discovered since I've been in this form, maybe?
No. 1096582 ID: a671e8

I've forgot about the chakram! Throw it at him so while there is some distance between you and Roderick.

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1087619 No. 1087619 ID: 6290ec hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

If we open our minds to the existence of other universes, there's no limit to the possibilities that we could experience in the world of boning.
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No. 1096503 ID: 5edf55

Injecting cute boy thoughts into Ceri's head
D, C
No. 1096504 ID: 07ae19

A and D! either order would certainly lighten things up :V.
No. 1096515 ID: ae3286

D, A Brave of him to be hanging out without pants and a huge guitar. is he secretly packing serious penis behind it to cover up :3c
No. 1096546 ID: 3104f9

D! He's hot, fire is hot, it's like poetry!
No. 1096551 ID: 82e5d9

D, C. Wow I bet that guy's singing is HOT stuff right? Maybe the rest of him is too underneath his pantslessness and guitar

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1034777 No. 1034777 ID: 8483cf hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Attention, duelists! It’s time for a massively multiversal Questden card tournament!

The quest will follow the duelists of Group A in their quest to win the grand prize: their heart’s deepest desire, to be granted by the host of the tournament.

Group A’s Duelists
Name, Author, Quest Title, Wiki Link)
- Lady Serah Kensington, Donut, Lazy Fairy, https://questden.org/wiki/Lazy_Fairy
- Enid Anderson and Franklin, Himitsu, Perpetuity, https://questden.org/wiki/Perpetuity
- The Mystery Duelist, Clockwork Seal, ???, https://questden.org/wiki/ClockworkSeal
- Carl Marks, tippler, Good Impression/Girl Talk/STAY INSIDE https://questden.org/wiki/Good_Impression

- Companionship (and Attendants), Donut, Mosaic, https://questden.org/wiki/Mosaic

Many thanks in advance to all the guest artists providing card art and depictions of duelists!
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No. 1092722 ID: 4c750c

B, most of the twins cards seem to be built around getting more cards on the field, and they don’t have any character stronger than the kraken, so the odds a character would have an effect that would save them seems low. A trap wouldn’t be able to be used this turn, so spell seems like the best choice here.
No. 1092723 ID: c5529d

agreed on this
No. 1096479 ID: ab55d7
File 172463724330.png - (518.05KB , 1256x2000 , Team Captain Selections.png )

Charisse’s Field:
Eggplant-Kraken [3000/2500]

Franklin & Enid’s Field:
Lillian, The Olympian (A) [3000/3000]

Enid draws.

She and Franklin stare down at their card. It was a simple Spell, but not one that could get them out of their current predicament alone.

[ Team Captain Selections, Spell-Card: “Declare a level between 1 and 4, and then reveal your deck. Your opponent selects any character of the declared level from it, and special summons them to their side of the field, and if they do, you may do the same.” ]

“Is this good right now?” He asks. Enid doesn’t answer, clearly too deep in thought. Patiently, he awaits her conclusion.

Seconds later, she snaps her fingers. “We need to call Character on ‘No Peeking…’!”
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No. 1096480 ID: ab55d7
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“I think I see where this is going,” Charisse says. “Next, you’re gonna combine him and Lillian to get his adult version, which is either strong enough to beat my kraken or has an effect to get rid of it. Am I right?”

“No,” Franklin bluntly answers. “...That’s not what we’re doing, right?”

“Middle-school is all we need,” Enid says. “Rodney’s effect lets us boost the attack of another character by 1000 Attack Points! And we’ll be doing that to Lillian!”

“Ah, so that’s how we die,” Charisse mutters. “Hey, isn’t she immune to card effects?”

“Only our opponent’s effects,” Enid clarifies. “Clive was able to equip himself to her, right?

Rodney pats Lillian on the back. “Hey, I believe in you!”

Lillian smirks, flexing as her already toned body seems to increase in muscle mass. “Thanks. I won’t let you down.”

[ Lillian: 4000 ATK 3000 DEF ]
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No. 1096483 ID: ab55d7
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The start of Charisse’s turn has everyone sitting on the edge of their seats. Enid and Franklin are especially tense.

Charisse doesn’t draw, instead looking up at her opponents and throwing them a friendly smile. “You’ve got all your cards on the table, so why don’t I do the same?”


In a shocking move, Charisse flips her hand around, revealing it to everyone.

Eggplant-Kraken (Level 10 Character Card, 3500 ATK 2500 DEF)
Kiwi-Molebeast (Level 5 Character Card, 1800 ATK 1400 DEF)
Holly-Headsplitter: (Level 7 Character Card 2600 ATK 2000 DEF)

“Because I have no Characters on my field, PLANTIMALS Theme Song gives me an extra Normal Summon for this turn. Right now though, I don’t have a play”

“Even with a hand filled with Characters, you don’t have any you can summon without a tribute.” Enid says.
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1095743 No. 1095743 ID: 3ded2c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You are Special Agent Benjamin Cole.

You were entering the town of Misty Hollow, West Virginia when your car broke down. This is an inconvenience, but the walk along the road gives you time to reflect.

You are here to solve a horrible crime.

But first, what did you have for lunch today?
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No. 1095759 ID: 3ded2c


The Case of the 8 Armed Man. That's one for the history books. Folks almost didn't believe you, but fortunately you always carry a camera to capture evidence. Apprehending the criminal, that was a real tangle for the aquarium staff.

You still keep a memento of the occasion.

Town is just a bit more up the road. You'll be there soon.

Remember the last time you were forced to solve a problem with violence. How did you fight? Did you win?

Status Healthy
Eccentric 3/7 Detective
Skills: Surveillance
Inventory (2/10)
-Aquarium Key Chain (petty)
No. 1095763 ID: 462d8c

Technically the last time you solved a problem with violence is when you smacked the vending machine when it didn't give you your chips. You lost that fight when it fell on you.
No. 1095788 ID: 3ded2c
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It's hard to say you lost the fight. It's true. it's just hard to say. You've always prided yourself on your ability to engage in fisticuffs, but your foe was no mere man.


Finally, you arrive at the edge of town. The only thing here is a lonely gas station with a single pump. They must not get a lot of traffic through here. You eye the vending machine on the corner carefully.

It's late afternoon and the sun will soon sink behind the mountains.

Status: Healthy
Eccentric 4/6 Detective
Skills: Fisticuffs, Surveillance
-Aquarium Key Chain (petty)
No. 1095805 ID: 355e44

Use your surveillance skills to peep through the dirty front window. Wouldn't want to walk into an ambush.
No. 1096328 ID: 15a025

Anything oddly useful hiding in the vending machine that you'd normally wouldn't see in one?

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1085129 No. 1085129 ID: 75b262 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Ciarán, my brother, intends to summon the soul-devouring Airceacháin to start a war. It was my mother’s last wish that I, Ráichéalín Uí Liatháin, return from exile to end his madness.

Lazy Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/Lazy_Fairy

Takes Place Immediately After POV 7: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/1064862.html#1064862
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No. 1096056 ID: 355e44

You don't need gods or ghosts to lend you strength Rae, you have friends. One friend in particular sees what you're going through and wants to be there for you.
Let the bird in.
No. 1096057 ID: 273c18

No. 1096060 ID: bcab5a

Got a plan but you may not like how it goes. Since it's a huge bluff. Hide everybody but Kayk in the tunnels. Emerge with Kayk and have her go full dragon mode. Declare to the scouts that unless your bro accepts your challenge your dragon ally will burn his circle's territory until he does. He must face you in a place you both agree upon so that you can veto places that leave you at a disadvantage. General hope is he falls for the lie of using a dragon for harassing while underestimating you while you have equal footing.
No. 1096149 ID: 4c750c

It sounds like you need to hug a bird, Raelynn. Call Taranis in, and he will give you strength. Your friends will help as well. The major issue here is time. I really really really want Raelynn to express all these feelings with the group, but the circle is approaching. We need to get into those tunnels and at least far enough that they’ll lose you. Definitely find a spot for a RaeRae mental health stop ASAP, but we gotta keep the group safe. I can only hope you hold up ok till then, Raelynn. Hang in there!
No. 1096218 ID: e00f12

This guy is right, being strong doesn't mean being alone. Let others be your strength today, and don't for a second be such a fool you think that means you're weak.

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1080778 No. 1080778 ID: 681cb5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

[Blood, gore, death and perhaps nudity]

The world is ending. The gods are dead and their rotting corpses have crashed into the world, crushing beneath them what little peace this realm once had. What left of civilization is being torn apart by an endless stream of beasts and monsters pouring out from the decayed remains of what was once your idols of worship. Disease, starvation and death are well-known friends for those that still remain. This is the final generation before all life will be snuffed out…

Which means now is a great opportunity to make some gold!
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No. 1096074 ID: c8380b

I'm not sure how quickly we can move while carrying another person with broken ribs. If only she voiced her problem before Muscles-for-Brains walked away. We can always give it a try, but it's going to hurt. Is covering her in leaves to hide her while she recovers an option?

Gokk is endangering everyone right now. Appeal to the pride he feels as the group's bulwark. We won't last very long if we don't have his strength to depend on.
No. 1096075 ID: 273c18

The potion wasn't enough? Carry her, then. ...we're gonna have to take a closer look at her wound soon; if it's infected then that's another party member in a critical situation.

Also tell Grok that what he's doing right NOW is running. He's refusing to face the facts and accept the loss of his arm, which is endangering those around him.
No. 1096076 ID: 7c0da2

>>1096075 is right. Being a coward is turning your back to whatever you should be facing. Right now, it means the state of his arm.
Now, can he look you in the eye and say that, yes, he does want to die an ignominious death, not in battle but on the road, then have to be left on the side or worse, put down as he rises back up as some kind of pitiful abomination ? All for want of a moment's courage ? Or would he rather cut that damn rotting arm off before it kills him ?

And, yes, carry Kani, there is not really much choice, you don't stand much chances of succeeding if you lose both her and Grok. Besides, you probably shouldn't trust Orma too much, best not be the last one standing in her way. Just in case. And maybe you'll get lucky and Grok'll cut off his arm sometime soon and still be able to carry her after that. You can always dream.
No. 1096125 ID: 9e924b

She's slowed, not dead weight, and leaving her to die means pissing off Gokk, which inevitably leaves just you and the snake, if you survive him, and will probably end with just Orma and a reanimated corpse. Plus, you didn't save her to let her die.

Keep snark to a minimum, Kani has been nice in spite of her pain. If your shoulders can handle her, better for her to sit there then piggyback: she has chest pain and you'd have fewer free hands. Also, even if she's hurt, EXPECT her to go for your ears as payback for hers.

The cute crazy old hag has a point, but you'll get through to him better with Kani's help. Gokk is still running away, by not acknowledging the truth of his infection. But it sounds like you should be moving quickly too.
No. 1096130 ID: 355e44

Carry her, you did just save her after all.

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1094701 No. 1094701 ID: 46e818 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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No. 1096046 ID: 553635

you know im curious, is there any personal effects in erisol's clothing? i wonder if there's a name written on there or something or such. makes a man wonder who she was before being a sprite, or if she has always been one
No. 1096055 ID: 0e1248

Better Mint than Licorice, I'm I right?

Anyway, have you been able to tune up with the magical minerals in the mountain? ´cause we're looking forward to the great feats of magic you could be able to accomplish.
No. 1096066 ID: d1a285

I have a better idea Pwndle! Magic surgery. We'll make it so you don't need glasses. And if that fails and melts your eyeballs? We'll make magic replacement eyes out of gems or something! And if that fails, we'll invent braille. It's fool proof. Trust us.
No. 1096073 ID: 818210

The mint might be Tislomer. She likes it. A lot.

Fighting words.
No. 1096077 ID: 2f41db

No rules that i know of.
You be nice to him.
Hes kinda new to, uh.

oh yeah.
Guy talking to us. Long distance.
May have something to fo with point of origin.
Maybe some way he does it.
Maybe he really, really wanted a breathmint.
For all i know his psychic brainwaves flew through a humbug factory chimney.
Kinda weird but interesting.
Good to know youre alert to it.
Keep being awesome princess.

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