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1088718 No. 1088718 ID: 7a1a17

This will be a NSFW quest! Expect nudity, violence, gore, sexual intercourse, confusing story lore, cryptic bullshit, borked updates, and stupid names
Discussion - https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/129715.html
Wiki - https://questden.org/wiki/The_Family_Business (I swear I'll actually do something to this page. Someday...)

Pain. Dizziness. Nausea. Loss of Appetite. A typical morning for me.
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No. 1088719 ID: 7a1a17
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The ropes are new. The hells happened to me?
No. 1088721 ID: 83a18d

If this is a regular thing, you should consider a change in lifestyle. What do you remember last?
No. 1088723 ID: 26801d

Most important question: are the ropes turning you on?

Second most important question: are they loose? Are there any sharp rocks near you you could use to cut them?
No. 1088727 ID: eb0a9c

Ask me about my decade. Go ahead. ASK.

... It's been an unsatisfying journey since last we saw you.
Also, I'm planning to have a four-eared supersoldier punch Venian in the face multiple times. He... disappointed me.

Mentoring a clan of gang rapists. Finding a prophecy about Venian having a temper tantrum at some free states and unleashing a ritual that destroys worlds just because they killed his father. Seeing for ourselves the sprawling, underground ghettoes that Venian plans to create. Watching a re-enaction of the worst war I've ever had the displeasure of fighting through.

Your world is getting dark, man.

Baron I'm roleplaying cynicism, IRL keep up the edgy grimdark storytelling plz
No. 1088771 ID: 7a1a17
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Oh trust me, I'm not getting grimdark yet. This is me still being whimsical
Ha! I have no idea what you're talking about. Veni's still tucked away with his daoine girlfriend I bet. Having the time of his life. While I'm here in this damp, musty tunnel wearing only my underwear I haven't changed in...how long has it been? Ew! Long enough.

The ropes are tight, but clumsy. I should know I've tied plenty of these on raids. As to what I remember. I remember...rosemary. I have no idea how Kell found any, but his hair still smelled of the stuff.

Kellach. That's right. The ship grounded. We had an argument and proceeded on foot. Saw more of those puppeted reasons with karvings all over their body. They were pushing the locals around, sending equipment and weapons this way and that. Looks like they were turning that colony into a war camp.

Kells and I had another argument about sneaking around or going back to the ship and trying to get the thing back into the water. Kells was mad cause I said we should just push it. But I mean how else do you move a boat right? And then I slipped and fell down a hole and...yeah I don't remember much after that. Somewhere between then and now I lost my pants again, got tied up, and put in this sandy pit

No. 1088772 ID: 7a1a17
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It might have something to do with that Gormoamhi girl over there.
No. 1088774 ID: eb0a9c

Well, I hate to admit it, but we screwed up.

See, we took a mercenary job. Help the Gormoamhi survivors of Venian's Titan rampage survive and rebuild. I was hoping we could get them to accept a surrender to clan Makag and become Venian's personal army.

Turns out, it was all a conspiracy by House Yish - or rather, the supposed descendants of the tyrannical lineage of emperors that was exterminated. They're the ones creating that army of magical zombies. The head honcho's a loser, still managed to usurp the two clans we created and is busy using them to, in his words, 'breed me an army'. Point is, we have some affinity with clans Guk and Sizzalak, but they're now enemies working for someone who wants the three clans to die screaming, and if you stay here, that asshole is going to torture you until you tell him where Nietch is, and since you don't know who that is, he's not going to stop until you die.

Try talking to her. I know the clan's leaders have implants that can translate their tribal language, see if the grunts got them yet.
No. 1088821 ID: 273c18

Politely ask to be untied.
No. 1089069 ID: 7a1a17
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I could check that weird thing you just said. Or...

:iagn2:"Hey! Hey blue girl!"

Yeah that got her attention. She throws her loin cloth back on and scrambles up to me.
No. 1089071 ID: 7a1a17
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Ooh I knew these things were strong, but she lifts me up pretty easy. She's sniffing me, looking me up and down. Now I'm not a judge or nothing, but she looks real shocked.

"You! How do you speak?!"

:iagn2:"With my mouth."

I don't think she'd understand "I picked it up with the six other languages they speak in the bordellos in Rezo-Low. If Veni knew, he'd probably be upset and lecture me about using my attention in lessons instead of negotiating a discount at the whorehouses.

"NO! The nonpeople cannot speak! You are stupid! You cannot speak until we teach you. We cannot teach you until you are half person! How do you have a soul of Gormoamhi?!"

I don't think she'd untie me if I asked.
No. 1089072 ID: eb0a9c

Yep, definitely a Gormoamhi tribeswoman. You can't fake that level of ultra-racist arrogance.

Keep distracting her. I'll start casting spells to get you out of this.

[Pymary('spear tip', 'loincloth', hardness);]
Okay, done! I'm no expert at magic, but I got creative and weakened her spear while strengthening your loincloth into a shiv! Sit up and jab her with it!
No. 1089173 ID: 7a1a17
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Well good thing I learned how to strip without my hands!


No. 1089174 ID: 7a1a17
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That was panic. Not pain. Which means I don't got time to untie. I'm out of-
No. 1089175 ID: 7a1a17
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Oh! Nevermind!

No. 1089176 ID: 7a1a17
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You know, as far as failed escape attempts go, I don't feel too bad about this one.



"Hunt Mistress Shokzali said you are to guard the ghostskin! I know you are bad at listening, but you better listen now! Guard him, or I will rip your face off!"
No. 1089177 ID: 7a1a17
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The big one tosses me back into the girl called Loquui. She catches me with her body and we tumble around until she hits the rock. These things are resilient aren't they? She doesn't even appear dazed!

So new plan. Find out how many Gormoamhi there are before trying another escape attempt.

:iagn2:"Well it sounds like we'll be stuck with each other for a while. Loquui was it? Call me Iagn."

"I...I-a. Ya? Ya-neh? Yahn."

:iagn2:"Good enough."

"Yahn. You're...a male?"

:iagn2:"You didn't know?"

"...I do now"

Hey you said you played with Gormoamhi before. How do I get one to talk?
No. 1089178 ID: eb0a9c

Ack, fumbled that spell. Sorry.

Anyways, Gormoamhi magic is split into two fields; life magic and death magic. Life magic is charged by siphoning power from whatever happens when sperm meets egg, and is mainly used for enchanting stuff. Death magic is classic blood magic; sacrifice some body parts (typically someone else's) to unleash destructive chaos.

Gormoamhi male mages are typically life magicians and Gormoamhi female mages are typically death mages.

So... I guess you should start by discussing the clan's leaders. Apparently, Saquar's really popular with the teenage girls, so if you could deceive her into believing you're his... 'ass-prentice', she might lose focus again for a chance to get laid with the genius.
(Well, 'genius' for a Gormoamhi. Mostly an idiot.)
No. 1089187 ID: 8e6873

Pleasure them, make them feel like they're in control, and then instead of asking questions set them up to gloat about what you wanna know.

Works everytime.
No. 1089197 ID: 61be31

Yup, best way to interrogate a captor.
No. 1089349 ID: dd3fe0

Also, you ABSOLUTELY do not want them repeatedly using their 'brew' or their 'paste' on you prior to sexually topping you as part of 'training'. You want to not NEED 'training'! That stuff -- the brew mixed with the sex, and who knows what other magic they don't even know they're doing, maybe -- ruins your mind, and makes you docile and submissive (things they value extremely highly in their sex thralls! Their culture is hypersexual and hyper-focused on fecundity and breeder-theft and similar things; their tribes tend to live short, violent lifestyles) and disrupts your cognition. You want to seem convincingly eager and helpful and submissive in a way that doesn't seem especially fearful.

The good news is they are somewhat stupid (don't overestimate how stupid, though! They're often quite insightful! And have magic that can steal memories!), so are relatively easy to socially manipulate if someone clever spends the time to learn their patterns to get a lot of de facto 'power behind the throne' sort of thing in their societies. More immediately, they value physical pleasure, and that isn't limited to just sex, but many pleasures of the senses -- and this can be exploited.
No. 1089354 ID: 7a1a17
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Well I dunno how their magic will help me but...oh. That brew and paste thing. That sounds like fun if I could get my hands on some.
Not so much the training and the magic. Let me try bringing up Saqrar. Once she's calmer. She seems to be all frayed nerves already. Scaring her with knowledge a 'ghostskin' like me shouldn't know probably won't help. So I'll do as you said. Make her feel like she is in control.

:iagn2:"Why do you let her threaten you like that? You were very strong, you could lift me up." That's how to do it right?

"No, no she is correct. I am useless. This was meant to be my first hunt. OUR first hunt! But the other girls are so much better than me."

:iagn2:"Better? Better at what?", I hope my tone makes me sound like I don't believe they are better. I'm not sure how tones work with Gormoamhi.

"Muamta is bigger stronger and stronger. Naqzamti is faster and smarter. And Shokzali!"


"She is our hunt mistress! The youngest of the hunt mistresses! But she is already so good! I knew I was not ready. I told her I was not ready! I only entered maidenhood days ago! I was always the runtiest of the girls! I'm like a scrawny man. I am slow, I am weak, I do not know what is happening half the time...Weeping Mother Goddess, I'm in the middle of my first heat and they still dragged me out here! I am talking to a nonperson about things he doesn't understand."

And she's going very fast, I could only pick out bits of it. There are three others out there. I'm the melon girl I ran into was Muamta. Shokzali is their leader. Still have not seen Naqzamti.

Oh and that her race can go into heat! I suppose that lines up with the hypersexual thing you guys were saying. And why she still hasn't taken my loincloth off her snout. She seems lost in self pity instead of fear so I can try dropping that name.

:iagn2:"Your first heat? Did you have a man in mind? Saqrar maybe?"

She looks at me like a two headed Gulpa. "The tuglavu brewer? That old fart? Why would I ask an Odd old man to be my first? He might try to destroy my mind with some experiment with his tuglavu. That's how his daughter got so strange...how do you know who Saqrar is?"

Now she is suspicious. Quick what else about do you know about them? Can I exploit that paste stuff? Their religion?
No. 1089382 ID: eb0a9c

Dang, my intel got stale. Least we're in the right clan territory.
Okay, quick recap: We started out by guiding a party of six survivors. Guk used to the be the leader, but he went crazy with paranoia and I expect the other tribes hate his guts. He rules over the spies. Sizzala's the head matriarch, master battlemage, if you need to piss her off fast, go after her sons. The twins Saqrar and Seqrar are the mages in charge of what passes for 'technomagick', but they're only smart in terms of studying magic, hence the wacky experiments. There were two others, but they're long dead. We recruited Waya, the captain of the huntresses, and Bizangi, the head courtesan. Mix in the dozens of slaves they captured and bred, and you've got a whole city-state. All usurped and ruled by the iron fist of that short-tempered loser who's been brainwashing the bunnies.

Explain that you're a servant of the Leader; you were supposed to bring some important cargo by boat to a specific location, because apparently the last time someone tried to bring that specific type of cargo through the giant green portal it exploded - or something, you weren't given details and you don't care. Long story short, ship gets wrecked, your Ootanshi Karved slave spontaneously goes nuts, and you were chasing after him in your skivvies when you ended up tripping down here. You were going to find the nearest Mistress and explain the situation so you could report to Clan Yish before the big guy gets angry of waiting for his shipment - again - and Soul Karves you for incompetence. Compared to that, insulting every huntress in the cave at once is preferable.
No. 1089392 ID: b3eab7

Tell her you got mixed up because your old man feared a cunning Gormoamhi named Saqrar, but you forgot it was long ago.
No. 1089393 ID: dd3fe0

Question for you: what do you know of the rules of inter-species fertility among sapient races? Who is compatible, under what circumstances, what results, what influences things, etc.?

Possible high risk, high-reward line of questioning: 'I've heard old tales of your species culture, mostly about other tribes, so I don't know if it's true. Is it true that you separate 'female-gender-role' from 'having-female-sexual-bits' for, uh, 'non-people'? And that mating with 'female-gender-people' is how you turn 'non-people' into 'half-people', a sort of higher class? Or is that something only the males of your species do? I'm confused with the details! I admit, I ask because I find you appealing! Is it taboo for one like you to mate with a male-sexual-bits non-person in your first heat? Or is it the act of having a child with one, but not, say, the sorts of sex that don't produce progeny, that's taboo? Something else? How does any of this work? Like, I heard a tale you value virgins more or something like that?'

And if pressed on how you know this, you'd answer 'Other tribes of your species used to sometimes send your enslaved 'half-people' to talk the young and horny of other species into joining their tribes sort-of willingly, with stories of living lives full of limitless sexual hedonism and debauchery, and with no responsibilities of note. Needless to say, such tales, of course, spread like wildfire! I presume important details are left out or exaggerated or lost; the tales are old. I just don't know where or what.'

Now... the problem with this is twofold. ONE, you are giving out a lot of information, and admitting limits to your knowledge, in the hopes of getting information back. This isn't precisely 'leave them open to gloat about a topic'. TWO, this story is extrapolated from patterns of a specific clan which was put in a very very difficult place and had to adjust their traditions under stress -- so they adjusted the jobs given to their men and women in nontraditional ways, AND they included a LOT more 'nonpeople' in things; but this can't be the ONLY time this species ever had that idea! Hence the bit about the tales being old; some other clan was under similar stress a long time ago -- regardless, that's a bit of a yarn, so use at your own risk. But I dunno, it seemed relevant.
No. 1089405 ID: dd3fe0

Also, the females tend to be smarter than the males in this species, except when the females are having their heat. They still might remember things that happened during their heat when their mind clears, though. Also, much of my information from previously is from male 'culture', such as it is. And as such, one should remember that details of male culture are things that the matriarchs could override the importance of when given a chance to run things.

You could ask her if she isn't good at the physical tasks of her gender, surely there's another sort of task that she might excel at? Not knowing what's going on around you is just one sort of thought -- surely there's another type of more mental skill she could do?

IE, you're hinting at her options to learn female, 'use up corpses to power destructive spells' magic, or to learn more intellectual pursuits of the nonpeople to help her clan.
No. 1089413 ID: dd3fe0

Also, ask her, flat out, how do you become a half person, and what exactly is a half person. Maybe even ask her, can she sponsor or make you a half-person?

In general, your objective is to a.) become a half-person, and b.) become a half-person that is specifically claimed as the sole property of someone reasonable. and c.) not have your mind destroyed in becoming a half-person!

Now, we know that males can take 'claim-mate' of people they fancy to be their fucktoys. We know males of this species are unreasonable as fuck. We know females *can* be reasonable and sane (though that varies). We don't know if females can have claim-mates, nor details of how females treat males of other species under their power in general. These things are VITAL to learn!

You need protection by someone sufficiently clever to reason with and who won't destroy your mind permanently as a matter of course or a general precaution!

Also, general note, the racial gifts -- strength, endurance, mass/size, durability, the ability to be stealthy despite being bright blue, the various magical gifts of this species are so ludicrously strong that a collection of morons of this species made absolute chaos of several large, organized, technologically and magically sophisticated groups in a matter of days! One might take the viewpoint that intentionally mixing some bloodlines might be a good idea. Maybe the males being stupid goes away if one is 1/4th Gormoamhi, but leaves the magic?

Though the magic and that drug and learning how to mindbreak people into a 'slave mindset' via edging them while they're drugged has totally fucked up their culture, to be sure. But I think sex with Gormoamhi males might have some odd mental effect in general, even without the drug? Otherwise getting people --of different species, even!-- reliably to the 'slave mindset' end wouldn't be possible, magic drugs or no! Just traumatizing people into a variety of different sorts of madness. Dunno if the sex alone having mental effects thing is true with the females, though. Too many questions, ugh. Might have to risk it anyway.
No. 1090436 ID: 868f55
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Alright, you're throwing names at me after the first one didn't work. How do I know all these other names will?

As for-what'd you say? Inter-something something fertility? All I know is cause I'm a Rezan I gotta be careful. And I guess I'm pretty boring cause the Great Pervert in the Sky didn't drop a baby in my lap yet! But if you mean that I can knock up this Gormoamhi girl. I dunno. Yes? I guess?

:iagn2:"Heyha, I heard stories of your people, mostly other clans, so I don't know if it's true. Is it true that you make females out of uh, 'non-people'? Like how does that work? How do you make that into a half person?"

"Hah...you...you smell good."

She finally took my underwear off. I was wondering if she forgot about that. But I don't think she's listening. I'll try again.

:iagn2:"Hey is it taboo for one like you to mate with a non-person in your first heat?"

"It is very forbidden! But that's what makes it so good..."

She pushed me against a rock, and is licking her-oh. Oh I don't think she's listening.

"I don't care if it's wrong. I like it when it's wrong. I don't care if that's my heat talking. You're a male! And I will get what I want!"

Okay whatever's happening is gonna happen, and it's either gonna go very wrong or very right. I want it to go right. Your experts, tell me how to make it right but make it quick! She doesn't look like she's gonna wait!
No. 1090439 ID: dd3fe0

Uhhhh, fuck. I dunno? Maybe:

"Swear to make me a half-person and also your formal claim-mate, including releasing these bonds, and not only will I do everything in my power to keep you and any kids we have out of trouble for breaking this and any other taboo, I will also be more creative and kinky in fucking you. I have *skills*! I'm smart and I swear I will loyally use my mind on your behalf, especially when your mind's clouded. Swear it, and I'll swear to follow my part of this deal!"
No. 1090440 ID: de798b

Hmmm, don't you think that sounds a little bit too cold and dry when you're trying to talk to a woman in heat? Try to put some more teasing in there. Tell her that if she unties you, you'll make her feel better than any of the others could with their men.
No. 1090441 ID: eb0a9c

Tease her. Make her beg for your erection. Give her an extra taste every time she bends the knee.

As for recruiting her once she's too far gone and marked by her clan, we have a Gormoamhi in Venian's party now. So, they should get along. Maybe.
No. 1090460 ID: dd3fe0


See, I don't think the whole 'make her submit to us sexually over everything else' is the best play here. That just inverts the dominant/submissive social relationship in her mind. It doesn't *invalidate* it or *mock* it enough! If we want to invalidate it completely, we need to do more than JUST get her excited to break taboos in a fun way -- by the way, tease her about helping her break a LOT more taboos! -- we need to invalidate the entire structure as a whole. My view is we should overtly lean into 'switch' play; swapping who is dominant and submissive, who is taking the role as master and slave during sex, several times during this (no doubt extended) sexual session. Not just for positions, but what is said and allowed to be done and the roles. Make the whole concept of these things being unchangeable a bit of a farce.
No. 1090463 ID: dd3fe0

Mmmmm. How about this:

"Yea, breaking taboos is so fucking hot. Follow my lead tonight, and I can help you break all the taboos and not get caught. First, undo my binds, I promise to not try to escape, and if you follow me tonight, I will introduce you to the likes of pleasure the other women can only dream of."

Some taboos to break:

"Yea, on your first heat, you're going to beg a non-person to get you pregnant, and then we actually do it!"

"Let's make me a half-person and your claim-mate, except not really. To everyone else, that's what I'll be, but to us, we'll be that wonderful mystery that we discover tonight!"

"We could make you submissive, have you beg for my cock and cum, be a lowly female, turn the normal way these things go upside down. Yawn. Instead, let's make a joke of how those stuck up other Gormoamhi do things. Let's swap back and forth who's the bottom throughout the night instead! Lemme tie you up for a bit, give you an erotic spanking, then we fuck, then you tie me up and do the same!"
No. 1090467 ID: 031458

You want taboo, huh? How about this:
Release my bonds and lay down.
I'm gonna fuck the shit out of you!
No. 1091915 ID: 7a1a17
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All great suggestions. You seem to know what you're talking about. But I think it'd be lost on her. She's ah-

"So helpless, so smooth, so clean. You taste good little ghost thing."

She has no idea what she's doing. I get the feeling she only fooled around with other girls. And she wasn't to good at it.

"I bet you wish you were free tiny male. But you could do nothing."

Okay this is getting irritating. Looks like I need to take charge.
No. 1091916 ID: 7a1a17
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:iagn2:"Yes feels nice to break taboos isn't it? But you are terrible at it. So let me tell you what is going to happen. You're going to get on your knees like a meek, little female. I won't be your half-person toy. You are going to be mine. Nod if you agree."

She nods. Vigorously. Damn she's strong. I don't think she realizes how easily she could have broken my wrist like that.

"Oooh little Yahn is so smart! Yahn knows just how to set my loins on fire! Do it then! Make me a meek little female!"

First Veni with that Tsang Naji and now me with this Gormoamhi. What is it about our family that attracts girls who are into strange shit?
No. 1091929 ID: eb0a9c

Because you're a Rezan.
Look, it's this whole fetish where someone is supposedly so virile that they can make impossible pregnancies, like making a cyber-bun with the literal oven or other weird crap.
For the Gormoamhi, it's the fetish. Their fertility rates are somewhere in the gorod range, which means every female that wants to get pregnant has as much a chance as a slave making it to the head of a family.

So, you'll want to make creepy one-liners about breeding her:
You're going to fill her with so much sperm that her ancestors will start spurting it out of their mouths.
You're going to plow her so hard that her boobs will grow three sizes in advance.
You're going to make her cum so deep that she'll orgasm every time she thinks about you for a week.
No. 1091936 ID: dd3fe0


This. Also start spanking her. Maybe tying her hands with those ropes you just worked your way out of. Maybe some grabbing and pulling her around and stuff. Don't be a jerk about it; like when you pull her hair, use the right technique to do it safely and without harm, etc. etc. You are also showing off your skill, yes?
No. 1091938 ID: 19ea25

Just remember you cannot let her gain control during this. You've noted she's inexperienced both with her heat and "non-people". If she takes charge it is very likely you will be hurt during it.

Though as you can see.. Well make her meek, bind her, but treat her well.
No. 1092576 ID: 7a1a17
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Oh ho, so that's why the whore masters back home never let the Gormmy girls do anything but dance. They'd get too out of control if he let them off the leash.

It sounds like the breeding part is the best part for them. But it also sounds like I need to establish I am in charge for good. So I'm gonna do what I doubt any gorm girl gets. I'm not gonna jump her that quick.

"Hey what are you doing? No you stupid ghostskin, you're supposed-oh! Ooooooh! Haaaaah! What is...?"

I'm going to play with her. She doesn't have much on her chest compared to that other girl. What was her name again? Muamta? Yeah.
Now those were an impressive pair of melons. I grab one of her modest teats and give it a squeeze as I give the other a nibble. It's rough on my tongue, but I guess that's to be expected with rough people. It's enough to make Loquui squirm under me.

"Little Yahnny! What is this? Every touch you make is-AH! It is a sharp kind of good! It is a very good! Better than sisters! Do not stop!"

I'm only pinching her nipple and she's already soft like mud. Either the heat is making this too easy, or Gorm women are really neglected. She squirms around my hands, curling around them like that that can change what's happening to her.
No. 1092577 ID: 7a1a17
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I move my hand between her legs and she jumps with a yelp! She pushes me back against the rocks, but I don't think she's noticed.

"Aaaaugh! We haven't mated, but it feel like we have! Goddess wept, are you a Consort to the Mother Goddess?"

She's rambling now. No idea what any of that means. But let's see what happens if I slide in?

"Oh! Ooooh!"

Ach-ka! One moment she's soft as cream, the next it's like my fingers are clamped between two rocks. She's so scrawny, but there's so much strength locked up inside her. She's squeezing my fingers hard as she kicks the air. She squeezes my head between her claws and scratches the back of my neck! All that from just a finger!

"You are, you are! Only a Consort could do this! Hah! You're a nonperson! But you are a Consort!"

No idea what's she's howling about, but I'm gonna play along.

:Iagn2:"I am a -fuck how do I pronounce that- Clownsort. And you're going to bear my pups."


Her voice becomes a squeak the moment I say 'pups and she nuzzles my head, hugging me into her titty.

"My first heat, and it's a ghostskin to put pups in me! But he's a Consort! Of course he caaaaan! Yes! Do it! Please Yahn. Please!"

I stop plunging my sopping wet digit into her squishy folds. She whines as I free her tortured teats and I give her a smug grin.

:Iagn2:"Mmmmm...please what?"

"Damn your beautiful eyes...you know what I want..."

>Play dumb
>Demand obedience
>Tease her more
No. 1092579 ID: 26801d

demand obedience

no guts, no glory
No. 1092582 ID: 19ea25

She's basically saying you are enough of a stud that you would be one to plow their own goddess. It's certainly one hell of a compliment even from someone who has no experience.

If you are someone who could please a goddess then you should demand obedience. Let the one below you beg for it.
No. 1092599 ID: dd3fe0

Make her say it in the dirtiest way possible!
No. 1094464 ID: 855371
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:iagn2:"You want me so much?"

"Mmmfff, yes!"

:iagn2:"Then get on your knees."


:iagn2:"I want you on your knees. You want me? Then be a lowly female, get on your knees and beg me to do everything you want me to do."

I think that will work on her. Everything I know is through some whores. And I might be mixing them up. But she shivers in my grip and just-melts out of my arms onto the ground. Oh! And she's presenting! Ripped off her belt and everything.

"Females don't deserve clothes! I'm sorry <my claimer>, forgive your claimed property. I will be good!"

It's working! It's working real good! She pushes her legs up wigging her naked rear at me.

"Make me your female <my claimer> ghostskin! I want your gracious tool to plow my fields! Plant your seed and raised a great harvest!"

Either she's really inexperienced or her language has horrible naughty talk.

No. 1094465 ID: 855371
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Don't matter. A girl offers, I take! I climb atop her legs, hugging her midriff as I line everything up.

"<My claimer> please do not-"
No. 1094466 ID: 855371
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"Oh! Oooooh you claim your female! You claimed the female!"

She bucked the moment I went in. Loquui is either just babbling noise or speaking so fast I can't catch what she's saying, but the way she's shivering and how her body's responding? It's clear she's in the heat bad and I came along with the perfect cure. She's sucking me in and I'm fighting her to get back out! For such a wiry thing her muscles are very damn dense! She just repeats my name and screams about being a female over and over, before smashing her face into the dirt and roaring into her shirt as she drenches me! Fucking hells, it feels like she's about to break my dick off!

...buuuut I probably knocked her up. Worth it.
No. 1094467 ID: 855371
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As far as kidnappings go, this is one of my better experiences. Needy girl, easy to please. And she almost ripped something off. Actually the more I think of it, the more I realize I seem to date people that can easily kill me. I wonder if that's a problem.

"Nnnngh...Y-yahn. Don't leave your female..."
No. 1094468 ID: 855371
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"L-let your female clean you Yahn. Your female is a good pet. She cleans the Consort good!"

Do Gormoamhi have no concept of roleplay? Or did I do some Gorm culture thing I'm not aware of?
No. 1094472 ID: 19ea25

Well she now thinks you are above her because you are a consort to her goddess. So yes, you managed to inadvertently do so well she considers herself below you on the hierarchy.

I'd suggest making good use of this and trying to start getting her to help you escape before the others return.
No. 1094487 ID: 26801d

this isn't roleplay, i think you actually own her now

congrats on getting your first concubine! you should probably make a plan on how to escape... aaaaand eventually claim more bitches
No. 1094500 ID: dd3fe0

So no, they don't have a concept of roleplay. Again, this whole thing is REALLY HIGH STAKES. We've been talking about stuff like personality-destroying drugs and magic, and you think it's roleplay?

Now is the time to conspire with her (and give her aftercare and show her you are pleased with her). Also, talk to her about how you're going to need to 'pass' as acceptable to others, you are going to need to get some resources, you all are going to need to get out of this chickenshit place, and you are going to need to find a place to raise your children in a culture that isn't utterly horrid and stifling. Does she know any others who are ready to share the gift you gave her? There is safety in numbers.
No. 1097528 ID: 5f4803
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Huh. So what I hear from the girls back home aren't totally true or...yeah they aren't true at all. Thought consort was a pet name in their language. And yeah I heard all that stuff about personality destroying drugs and crap but you can get that in the slums of Rezo-low. I thought you meant it in a sort of 'fun times on a weekend you'll never remember' sort of thing.

Does this make her my first consort? No. Does this make her the weirdest one? Kind of? Guess it depends on if she does any more strange stuff later.

:iagn2:"So. How do I find my way out?"


:iagn2:"Oh right. How do I leave?"

"Why do you want to leave? Outside place is dangerous. We cannot go out alone it is too dangerous!"


"Unless you want us to go together? You want the clan to protect you? Does that mean you want the whole clan as your Nakumu?
(Untranslatable. Closest meanings - "Guardian/Wife/Harem/Master/Slave")"

That last word didn't translate. What's nakumu?
No. 1097529 ID: 5f4803
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"You want to show all of them don't you?"

:iagn2:"No I-"

"Make them beg and bow as you prove you are Consort of the Mother Goddess! Oh that sounds so good! I get to watch Muamta, and Naqzamti grovel cause you picked me first!"


Oh! And Shokzali! She is so mean all the time! It will be so sweet to watch her suffer!"

Okay that thing I said about her not being strangest? I'm starting to change my mind.
No. 1097530 ID: 5f4803
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"Wait! Do you smell that? Blood!"

I don't smell anything, but I do hear footsteps. Heavy footsteps. Clumsy. Like melon-Muamta. That or it's another one of the girls carrying something heavy.

"I see, I see I see I see! It's Naqzamti! She returned with a kill! A foodbeast to put in the larder! And it is so big too! She will have tired herself out hunting it! She is perfect!"

:iagn2:"Perfect for...what?"

"They think I'm dumb, but I know. I see it in their faces. They brought me along not knowing how much the Frenzy gnawed at me. Now they have been bitten too! They have the heat burning inside them now! I can smell the change in them, even if they don't admit it!"

She is giggling way too much now. Is this a normal thing in Gorms you guys ran into?

"She fights to ignore it, to hide it. She goes hunting for the biggest foodbeast to distract and not think of it. But she will be tired. She cannot fight the urges now I know it, I know it I know it! I can show-no! No, no, no, no! I must prove I am better, I was made Nakumu first! I must be first, and she must know it! I will bring her here! But no she will not listen to me! She will just mock me. Stupid Naqzamti, ignorant Naqzamti! Fool Naqzamti! She cannot see my greatness, never will! Not until she is touched by the Consort! No I must be clever. She must smell the Consort first. Let the heat burn hot in her before she sees the Consort! Yes, yes! And then! The Consort-he will! He will! He wil-mate? But no, she will think she is first of the Nakumu. That will not be allowed! She has to know I am Nakumu! How how how how!?

She is talking to quiet and too fast for me. Translation please!
No. 1097531 ID: deb35c

That Nakumu word is a possessive meaning like, your protective warriors that you fuck. Power dynamics between you and the harem are wobbly. Dangerous, but possible upsides are obvious.

This one is trying to figure out how to get the girl with the molerat horny enough to fuck you too, without compromising her position as your first choice. Presumably being first puts her at higher rank in the Nakumu she is imagining. Are you even good to go again?
No. 1097563 ID: 64faaa

I'm not sure exactly how you two should subdue Naqzamti. Maybe you should distract her, and have Loquui surprise her & tie her up. Or maybe Loquui knows where they keep some of those drugs, & you two can figure out a way to get those drugs into Naqzamti.

Either way, when you do figure out a way, Loquui can keep her position in the Nakumu by riding Naqzamti's face & otherwise helping keep her under control. Like, have her act as your muscle while you dom them both?
No. 1097578 ID: 19ea25

To sum up what she's saying.. She basically wants you to breed them too, but she at the same time wants to be known as your highest breeding consort too. So she wants to have a high status amongst them while making them your figurative bitches.
No. 1097582 ID: dd3fe0

That word is a specific type of harem with it's own behavioral expectations and obligations amongst all involved.

Okay, so she is confused at the idea of you leaving. That leaves (for now) her suggestion -- a power grab within the tribe.

Which is fine for now, but that shouldn't be your long term goal. The society here is very... brittle. It does not lend itself to the long term thriving of you and your inevitable progeny.
No. 1097583 ID: dd3fe0

And the personality destroying drugs thing is a 'this permanently and irrevocably changes who you are at the deepest level, and frighteningly quickly'.
No. 1098041 ID: 7a1a17
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Oh. Well that is very interesting. Nakumu sounds like the Rezan method of marriage. Complete with all the taboos of marrying slaves rolled into it! I like it. You have NO idea who many bonded back home I've had affairs with that died because of the whole bonded situation. Well if Loquui wants that so bad, I'm not going to stop her.

"You still smell nice..."

The drug on the other hand, that doesn't sound as good as I thought. Like a brute force soul karving that strips everything away. Rather than cutting out their rebellious nature, you rip everything out. It defeats half the purpose of slaves! You lose their ingenuity formed from their foreign perspective. But I know plenty of people back home who would love to get their hands on that. If it hit Rezo-low, it would start a disaster.

Now as for subduing Naqzamti, that animal looks rather big, and she's hauling it off by herself. And Loquui told me she is not the strongest. Maybe these drug makers could do with a taste of their own medicine.

No. 1098042 ID: 7a1a17
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:iagn2:"Hey Loquuui. Stop eating my ear."

"But it is pointy and it tickles my tongue."

:iagn2:"Stop it and tell me, do you have any uh...what's the word...medicine for your nonperson to make half-person?"

"What are you? Oh! Tuglavu! You want the tuglavu...wait. You know what Tuglavu is?!"

:iagn2:"I am the Consort. Yes."

"That is true! Oh I was right!"

:iagn2:"Loquuui, the tug-glag-vug. Where is it?"

"We didn't manage to take much before we had to leave. Everything would be with Shokzali. We have enough for healing. Or to fix a nonperson. But only one! And that is why Shokzali said to not use it that way, and why she holds onto it."

Their leader? This may complicate things. Should I-

>Steal the tuglavu drug from Shokzali and use it on Naqzamti
>Steal it and use it on Shokzali
>Use the tuglavu on melon tits
>I dunno, gorod-rush Naqqy?
No. 1098049 ID: dd3fe0

I would consider bringing Tuglavu into the picture for personality alteration as an escalation. You do NOT want to escalate your tactics prematurely and without cause. Letting that cat out of the bag early just makes things complex and leads to scheming and counter-reprisal. Also she's talking about low, limited, non-repeated, controlled doses being used for healing purposes, which IS a useful use of the stuff.
No. 1098082 ID: 0db8d3

Hmm... Tuglavu brainwashing is usually a multi day process consisting near constant sex... It addicts the victim first to pleasure, then to it, then to you.

Normally using it against Gormoamhi would be a bad idea, as they are somewhat less affected by it than you are, but you're in a unique situation...
It's a bit more effective on females than males, the females are in heat, and the Tuglavu that this clan makes is EXTRA powerful.

Melon tits is currently suspicious of you (she caught you in an escape attempt), and Shok should not be underestimated.
So, Steal the Tuglavu and use it in Naqzamati.

You're going to need to apply it to her tits, inside of her sex, inside of her butt, and have her drink some. You're going to be exposed to it too, so you want to maximize her exposure so she breaks before you do.
No. 1098160 ID: dd3fe0


This is risky! And is there even enough present for this course of action?
No. 1098236 ID: 0db8d3

When dealing with Gormoamhi it's fuck or get fucked!
No. 1098631 ID: 7a1a17
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Hey hey! Let's not get ahead of ourselves. I still need to get the stuff. And right now I don't think Loquui's going to help much. She's all clingy and keeps muttering to herself. I'm starting to think there's a reason the other girls pick on her.

She just grabbed me and crawled into some dank tunnel. Why am I even up here?

"See? Down there, down there. She is down there!"

No. 1098632 ID: 7a1a17
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And there's the fearsome Shokzali. Talking to herself and swinging her spear around. Did I just stumble on the most insane bunch of Gormoamhi in the entire world?

:iagn2:"What am I looking for?"

"She hides it under her [color=#ff0000](shoulder guard). She takes it out when she spars with us. She beats us, and thrashes us. Only then she takes out tuglavu to give us pleasant feelings while our broken bodies heal."[/color]

Well that's great. Not on a table or a rock I can snatch it from. Just how the hell will I get it away from her?

:iagn2:"Does she ever sleep?"

"I don't know! She doesn't sleep when we sleep. She is awake before us to kick us out of our dreams! Shokzali is a [color=#ff0000](monster) with cinder for blood!"[/color]

:iagn2:"You sound like you admire Shokzali"

"She is amazing! I hate her..."

>Well now what?
No. 1098650 ID: eb0a9c

Your civilization is about three cuckoos crazier... Note that half-Rezan Gormoamhi exist in these camps.

>What do
Loquui should try to seduce her while you find a way to smash her pauldron, forcing the liquid to seep into her shoulder.
No. 1098654 ID: 26801d

Is she the type of person your slave could seduce? We should probably try to gather more Intel if possible
No. 1098661 ID: dd3fe0

Yea, who is at this place? How many? Where? What are their habits, their roles? Where can you go that wouldn't get you in immediate trouble?
No. 1098869 ID: 0db8d3

You two could just fuck until she retires. She [/b]must[/b] sleep, eventually.

Plus there's a distinct possibility that she already knows your there. If that's the case that would put her more at ease, strangely.

Alternatively, Loquuui could attempt to steal it herself. When she inevitably fails, have her tell Shokzali that she needs it to "Train" a slave. When she is inevitably told no, she can then ask to "prove" that she's worthy/capable of doing so.
Loquuui will then be subjected to some flavor of torment. If she can endure to the end, she will be given the tuglavu.

Personally I think she's crazy enough to do it.
No. 1099092 ID: 855371
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I don't think we're that crazy. Rokofs sure, Gamin maybe, but not a Makag. I dunno about fooling around. I am always up for another romp or two, but an all day thing? I'm going to need a lot more Alua-weed and kafei before I'm ready for something like that. And I currently have...none. I have no weed or kafei. So other decisions.

Loquui seducing her? Well let's see what she thinks.

:iagn2:"Hey Loquui. Do you think you can uh...do they even have a word for seduce? Wait I think they have-trick her into playing with you?"


:iagn2:"Yes. Play like you and me."

"No. Oh no no noooooo. I cannot play with her. She is a woman. And a mean one. Don't ask me to do impossible things."

I don't think she's up for it. Even if I reword it, I think she's just gonna say no again. Let's try the fake stealing thing.

:iagn2:"What if you spar again? I can take the tuglavu then."

"But she would hurt me."

:iagn2:"I can help you feel better."

"...really? If you will help me...then I will do it Consort. But what if she sees you?"

:iagn2:"She won't because-"

>You will fight so hard she won't pay attention.
>You will pretend to kick it over here by mistake
>I can sneak in and use the tuglavu on her.
No. 1099095 ID: eb0a9c

Some classic misdirection should work on a honed tribeswoman.
Loquui fights, pretends to steal the tuglav bottle (go find a spare bottle somewhere) and throws it in a random direction, meanwhile you sneak up from behind while she's distracted and smash her pauldron.
No. 1099096 ID: 4e436a

A staple of classic heroes is conquering their challenges through wit and cunning. Time to practice that stealth, hero >:)
No. 1099116 ID: a7a180

You'll sneak in, because you are so good at that.
No. 1099567 ID: 7a1a17
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Hrmmm, but as Jumago Makag once said "Why be a hero when I have people willing to be heroes for me?"

:iagn2:"I have an idea. You steal the tuglavu from her! But you steal it by being sneaky!"

"But she'll beat me."

:iagn2:"No no, see if you act like you made a mistake and steal it while you bump into her, then she will not hit you. Because you do not punish a mistake with a beating."


I think there's a lesson in there, about simple languages making simple minds. Or maybe Loquui is just more likely to accept whatever I say as fact cause she thinks I'm her demigod lover or whatever. Whatever the reason, she makes the clumsiest attempt I've ever seen to fake an accident.

"Mistress I greet!"

"Loquui, what are you doing here?"

"Nothing Mistress! I am just walking."

"Walk back to your place little girl!

"Oopa! I trippped!"

"Clumsy girl! Watch where you stumble! You disturb my circle!"

"I am so sorry Mistress. This is a mistake! I tripped!"

"Get off me!"

This is so pathetic, I almost regret telling her to do it...

"Oopa! I keep tripping!"

"Get your hands off of me Loquui!"

"I am trying Mistress! I am so clumsy!"

"Then I will teach you to stand straight!"

Well the plan worked. Sort of. She threw the pauldrons off, and the tuglavu with it as she-yeah there's she goes. Beating the shit out of Loquui. Damn she was PISSED
No. 1099568 ID: 7a1a17
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Shokzali is winding back her fist and punching Loquui anywhere she isn't protecting. But good for me. She's so pissed she doesn't notice me sneaking over to-got it!

>Save Loquui and dose Shokzali
>Jump Shokzali and tell Loquui it's time to restrain her.
>Something else
No. 1099569 ID: eb0a9c

Stab the Tuglavu canister, then swing it at Shokzali and follow up with a lunge to try and poison her.
No. 1099579 ID: 3df1ab

Throw a rock into the opposite corridor to distract Shokzali.
No. 1099583 ID: f2320a

Like the mighty butter sock we will swing hard and splatter her
No. 1099590 ID: eb0a9c

Fuck I was drinking soup and almost choked on my laughter
No. 1099798 ID: 855371
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Oooh is that anything like the slime sock? I love doing that!

:iagn2:"SLIME SOCK!"

"What dAAAUGH!"

No. 1099799 ID: 855371
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:iagn2:"Come on Loquui we're not done yet."

"Ah-haha-heeem. Did Loquui do good?"

>Shokzali is blinded by Tuglavu
>Have Loquui restrain her!
>Go high while Loquii goes low!
No. 1099800 ID: a7a180

High and low!
No. 1099822 ID: 6a185e

Loquui do very good. Now go for the legs!
No. 1099833 ID: eb0a9c

Yes it is just like slime sock, in some ways it is slime sock

Grab her weapon and tell her she does not want to be blind forever, so she should surrender
Wait until she can see you through tuglavu-dosed eyes, then go for the stupid seduction
No. 1100199 ID: 7a1a17
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:iagn2:"Yeah Loquui did good. No trip her Loquui! Hold her down!"

Loquui squeals then grabs the fallen weapon and trips Shokzali. Before she's up, Loquui is already pressing it to Shokzali's heart. For being such a tall clumsy girl she is pretty damn good at fighting when she wants to. I think she just needs some extra encouragement is all.

:iagn2:"That's a good girl Loquui, you're so good at this."

"Heheee...Consort says I do good. Stupid Shokka, who is clumsy now?"

Shokzali is still blinking the green muck out of her eyes, but she still looks plenty pissed.

"Loquui, you took the ghostskin and made him your female? Is that it? Is this you trying to take authority? It is a stupid thing you do!"

:iagn2:"She made me nothing. I am leader of her. After all. I'm the Consort to the Mother Goddess."

Shokzali is blinking. So fast I swear her eyelids might fall off. Is this a thing Gorm women do when aroused?

"That's...that is stupid! This is all stupid! How do you speak? How does a nonperson know the Mother Goddess?! Loquui! You idiot girl! You-"

Loquui plants a foot on Shokzali's foot.

"You don't mock the Consort. He may want you for the Nakumu but I will not let you insult him! I will kill you if you speak bad again!"

"Agh...Loquuii...what did you do?!"

Two girls who could probably kill me now fighting over me. I have no idea why I find this so arousing.

>So...tell me about this thing you call stupid seduction.
No. 1100210 ID: eb0a9c

>Stupid seduction
Recall every moment in your entire, centuries-long life where a sleazebag would try to woo another person with uninspired, bland motions and rhetoric, only to be slapped in the face or worse.
Do all of that, stupid.
No. 1100264 ID: 7a1a17
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Oh that's all? I'm great at those! Well great in Rezanti. I dunno how good it translates over. But hey no time like now to give it a try!

"It's looking at me..."

:iagn2:"Are you on fire? Because you heat me up."

"What are you talking about?"

:iagn2:"I'm talking about you and me and all night long."

"Loquui did you teach it to speak our language?"

:iagn2:"I don't need help to know how to speak passion sweet dish."

"Did you call me sweet?"

:iagn2:"Because I want to taste you."

"Wait, wait...this is part of some plan. You are trying to act smarter than a gormoamhi man. You and Loquui think that because I had to spend days with this horn-stroking jazuyana(untranslatable. Closest approximation: colloquialism for sexually confused male/female) that I'd be in my own damned heat period? Or that by striking me with the tuglavu, you will break my concentration and make it so you will seduce me with poetic words?"

:iagn2:"Well it is working?"
No. 1100265 ID: 7a1a17
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"It is working. Keep talking."

>What the lady wants the lady gets
>"I think we talked enough..."
No. 1100277 ID: 3df1ab

Keep talking, but gets handsy too.
No. 1100290 ID: eb0a9c

Time to ramp it up. She's all about short-sighted superiority, so discuss the fundamental properties of the Golden Ratio while stroking her in sequences matching those proportions. Make her realize, subconsciously, "that you a smart - you a very very smart".
No. 1100339 ID: 4e436a

Keep talking, get handsy. Figure out if she wants to be dominated the same way Loquui was, and if not, we need to convince her that she actually does
No. 1100352 ID: 2a82d3

Do the Gormoamhi have an alphabet? You'll never have a better opportunity to put 'U' and 'I' together ;)
No. 1101036 ID: 7a1a17
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I don't think she even knows what math is. I start quoting that and it will be lost on her. I'll just recite what the whores used as poetry back in Rezo. If something like cheap seduction works on her, then the lewd poems scribbled in the bathroom walls should be enough for her.

And it seems to be working. I recite a Four Ballad Stanza someone wrote about the Blueberry Bush, I'll let you figure out how she got that name. Real easy words, stuff I know how to say in her language, and it still rhymes. Lucky me.

"Hrrrrngg! You sound so good. No man ever said such things about me. Or anyone ever!"

It's a very lewd poem. As she gets closer, my hands start caressing her body. I slide along her sides, squeezing the soft and tender orbs on her chest, the softness of her thighs, her butt, and her flanks. She is growling now, and saying all kinds of things I can't even catch! But she's licking me. And that's what Loquui was doing so I think this is their clan's way of saying 'more'.

"See? He is the Consort! What man controls words like him? No one! What man mates like him? No one!"

"Nnnrrrgh Loquui shut up!"
She's clearly more frustrated that Loquui reminded her she has an audience. Suddenly Shokzali is pushing me to the floor and climbing on top of me. I think she likes me cause she's deliberately blocking my view of Loquui. "A small ghostskin can speak amazing true, but comparing his ability to plow with the men?", she sounds pissed but she's rubbing herself against me so I don't think she means it. "You are a foolish little girl smitten by your first breeding."

"I am Nakumu! I know what I am saying!"

"I'm in this damned heat because of you! You don't get to speak!"

:iagn2:"Shokzali, calm down, let me show you what I can do."

"Yes you show me ghostskin, and if you do not please me I will rip your tongue out..."

Honestly not the worst threat that has happened to me.

>Action time!
No. 1101040 ID: 4e436a

better get to finger blasting that pussy; make her cum so she's weak, then you can push her over and assert your dominance and claim another female for your new harem
No. 1101041 ID: 25fb94

So do the sorts of sex that they aren't necessarily used to -- use your fingers and mouth all over her body, tease, draw things out, nibble, do all the foreplay stuff she likely never gets to experience!
No. 1101042 ID: eb0a9c

Fist her. She's too dumb to realize that's not your penis.
No. 1101154 ID: 7a1a17
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Now I'm not going to be cruel. I get a lot more out of the girls and boys back home using honey instead of salt. Get her shaky and she'll let me do whatever I want.

"What are-oh. Oh! MMnnghugh..."

She tastes different from Loquui. Loquui was salty when I was nibbling her. Shokzali? She's got that salt from whatever the hell amount of sweat these unwashed primitives coat themselves in. But under that, there's a buttery aftertaste.

:iagn2:"Mrmmm did you have pups?"

"Haaahhn...I had daughters. And a son. All left for-hffff-Clan Golsamwe."

No idea who that is. Still explains alot. Shokzali is a mature woman. Like the Gormies in Lower Rezo. I learned is they don't really care for guys that go in hard and fast. And they don't care about size. All the pleasure they feel is near the surface. I don't even need a fist, when fingers will-

"Aaaauoooo! Damn you Loquui! This heat! I c-can't even take a the touch of a nonperson!"

:iagn2:"What a beautiful voice you have. You sing so good for me."

"HRRRNFF! And he makes me want more with just words!"

These poor girls never got a chance to explore themselves properly like the whores back home. I let go of her teat, and slide down her belly. She doesn't resist me as I push her down. Her body twitches as I continue to slide my digits in and out of her, like she's on the verge of letting loose the next time I move. Why do I get the feeling they never experienced a tongue down there?
No. 1101155 ID: 7a1a17
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"No that's where pups come from, it's not for tasti-agh! What are you doing?! You are not mating! This is not plowing! This is-ooooh..."

Thought so. You'd think with all their licking, they'd try something like this. Shok never had anything like that. She's leaking her sweet honey across my face like a cracked dam. It's spilling down my face and-

"Like the playing we sisters do with each other when we cannot get a man." Loquui is there, and even though I barely understand their language I can hear the smugness in her tone. "His touch is better than a woman, his mating is better than the men. What do you think that makes him?"

"Con...sort? NNNNNNGH!"

Oh, poor thing climaxed already. She's got so much more life experience than Loquui, but knows nothing about her own body-



Ach-ka, I can barely breathe! This woman's claws are squeezing my skull!. I keep going but remind me how strong are these women again?!
No. 1101159 ID: ffe8b9

Strong enough.
If one fought a gorod alone and without magic, they'd have a non-zero chance of winning. An incredibly low chance, but a non-zero one unlike most other races. That alone should tell you something.
No. 1101179 ID: eb0a9c

"Alone, I am weak. But the goddess has many kinds of thralls and I draw strength from each of them. That is the Rezan way."

Use various sex techniques from different cultures to emphasize this.
No. 1101211 ID: 19ea25

Strong enough to break your skull if you don't retake control.
No. 1101262 ID: 4e436a

might be strong enough to crush your skull if she really wanted to. you should take control, you need to assert that you're the Consort and you need to claim her so she doesn't dominate you. while her guard is down, climb up and start rutting her, figure out the best position to get her to cum so she's drained of energy and more willing to submit to you. don't be afraid to play with her clit at first to get her off faster as you fuck her
No. 1101544 ID: 7a1a17
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Right. I don't think I'll survive foreplay if she keeps squeezing like this. I-


"Haaah-nye-haaah! Enough! I want more. MORE!" She pulls my head out from her thighs and pulls me into her breasts. I'm losing control of this-nope! None of that! I'm the consort here! I grab her leg. Shokzali doesn't fight it. No, she knows what's about to happen and she wants it.

"Wait Consort Yahn wait!" Now Loquui is interrupting! If this was a service, I'd be demanding my money back about now. "Shokzali, you were always calling Loquui stupid. Beating Loquui. Well Loquui is the first of Consort Yahn's nakumu! That means you need to beg me to join!"

Oh right, Loquui's whole inferiority thing. She hovers over Shokzali, pulling at the older woman's hair."I know you want Yahn to breed you Shokzali. You want a consort's pups! That's the only kind of man you think you deserve! So beg me!"

Shokzali's breathing is heavy, and she's still grinding against me. Still she manages to look proper pissed. "You disgusting ash-spawned pup..."

"Beg me."

:iagn2:"No. Shokzali begs me!"

"But Yahn!" Loquui gives me a pitiful expression. "That's not how nakumu-" I am so sick of this.

:iagn2:"I am consort! Goddess chooses me! So what I say will happen. Shokzali will beg me!"

"Yes!" Shokzali is wriggling into me. I can feel her muscles flexing under me as she presses ever so close. "Let me join your nakumu Yahn!" And that's good enough for me! "Yessss!"

She's like a damn vice. I can actually see her muscles rippling in time with my movements, trying to pull me in as I plunge into that angry Gormoamhi hole. Shokzali's yipping and barking now, no words. Just enjoying her consort. And damn is it good to be the consort! Loquui is glaring at me and looking all pouty. I get the feeling she's going to be a problem.
No. 1102180 ID: 7a1a17
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Shokzali's got the body of a fighter. The Gormoamhi whores at home let their bodies go soft, spend all their time on pillows eating butter-fry meat and honeycakes. Shokzali's body is hard cut stone. I don't need to look down, I can feel her power. Passing my entire size into her folds is like being squeezed by silken lips, her hot insides are like silk wrapped gloves and a tongue of the perfect temperature merged into one, sucking and stroking, lavishing me with her attention in ways Loquui didn't even come close to matching!

"Consort...so good..."
Our pace is slow, I watch her breasts bounce in time with the rise and fall of her chest. Shokzali's breath hits me, hard and wet. I run my hands through her body. Underneath that fuzz are knots of scars from who knows where, and it makes her shiver as I trace circles around them all. As my pace climbs, so does her whimpers and moans. She moves beneath me even faster as well, erratic shaking as I feel the telltale sign of a Gormoamhi woman in climax. A sign for me to speed things up! She's tensing, and-


I feel a nibble and-Loquui? Oh I guess it's a racial thing. When the girls back home joined in, I thought it was because they wanted to give me a special time so I'd come back. Maybe they just can't resist when there's a good time.

"Nyeh heh heh-Consort Yahn is so small like a whelpling" Shokzali sounds like she's drunk. I guess that was also a racial thing.

"So cute, but so good at laying, so much better than a man." And just like that the anger seems to be gone? They're rubbing and caressing each other as much as they rub against me. Loquui grinds herself against my leg as Shokzali is holding me inside her and against her. Interesting. Is this a Nakumu thing or another racial trait? Weird places my mind goes when squished between two girls. That could kill me if they wanted to.

>Study the behavior, take mental notes
>What am I? A nerd? Leave them breathless!
No. 1102181 ID: 90b21b

Study the behavior, you're going to be dealing with brasher Gormoamhi soon
No. 1102186 ID: 19ea25

Given that there are others in this group still. If you take the chance to study them you'll get more to help you when you seduce the rest down for your future harem.
No. 1102187 ID: 3df1ab

Study their behavior, but only the sexual aspects thereof; can't afford to lose steam mid-act.
No. 1102190 ID: 4e436a

Study the behavior; you need the edge to stay in charge so they bow to you instead of crushing you.
No. 1103194 ID: 7a1a17
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I am pressed between two girls! A moment ago Loquui was gloating over Shokzali like they were enemies, and Shokzali was beating her senseless before that! Now look at them. Embracing and giggling like-oh right I need to breath.

:iagn2:"Excuse me!"
No. 1103195 ID: 7a1a17
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Fuf! It felt like being pressed between rocky slabs back there.
Interesting...get one worked up, and any other girl nearby will join in. I always thought those Gorm girls back home were doing it as part of a show. Get what you paid for and stuff. Maybe this is another one of those racial things.
I think they forgot me.

No. 1103196 ID: 7a1a17
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Oh no they didn't! Loquui is calling for me and-oh!

:iagn2:"Ooo-OOOH-hoo hoo~"

The girls are licking my tool. Their tongues are so long and silky smooth, with the right technique I would burst! Just something I'll have to teach them when I get home.
"Yahn-consort, we are not done with you!"

:iagn2:"No, I and not done with you!"
No. 1103197 ID: 7a1a17
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Loquui tries to grab me, but I'm on them first. Such strong muscles turn into such supple clay under my hands as I open her cleft and bury myself between her folds. Shokzali squirms and whines as I thrust back into her and prop her body up as I show Loquui just what I did to her mentor to make her sing. And oh does she sing!

"Mmngaaaah~ Yanny!"

No. 1103198 ID: 7a1a17
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Loquui collapses, Shokzali bites her. The girls are hitting their limits, just as I am! Loquui's climax hits me in the face just as Shokzali covers my waist in warmth. And the muscles! The way they're rippling around me! Ach-krrrr!

"Auugh-haaaa!" Shokzali is louder than Loquui as I release inside! She is clenching around me, squeezing me tighter than Loquui like she is trying to drain the life out of my manhood! Gods I didn't think a second release would be this hard!

No. 1103200 ID: 7a1a17
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I am such a terrible Makag boy. Breeder God look away I am plowing primitives...

"No Loq, stop licking. You watch the men plow their females. You see how the females must clean them after. You need to clean the man off like this!"

"Like this?"

"Mmmngff mmm!"

The girls are 'cleaning me' now too. Still not the best technique but better than Loquui. And there's two of them now!

So what have we learned? When lost in their passion, Gormoamhi will forget everything. Rivalries, old grudges, and just start nipping and playing with each other. And that to get them into such a passionate state we must...what? I kinda zoned out back there.

No. 1103560 ID: 7a1a17
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Ah whatever


She snaps back up like a student whose name was called. Complete change from that taskmaster beating Loquui senseless not too long ago.

:iagn2:"Calm down. Tell me how many of you here are here? Why are you here?"

"Oh. I can do that"
No. 1103561 ID: 7a1a17
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We fled the metal giant when it burned our home. I was about to take 3 new girls on a food-beast hunt when the ground shook and the metal man erupted and burned the clan's warrior cadre. Survivors were reeling, the clan matrons could not decide if they should evacuate or make a stand to buy others time. I took action. I took the only men I could find in the Odd People's quarter and fled. But then we were separated as the Metal Man ripped open the walls and separated us. I do not know what happened to them.
No. 1103562 ID: 7a1a17
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Oh hello there. How strange, I do not hear from you since Rezo and now you're here again. Terrible timing though, just terrible timing. I'm preparing an expedition to find a missing scout party. I will speak when I have this nasty business behind me. Go back to minding whoever you were minding before okay?
No. 1103563 ID: 7a1a17
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"Wherever they are, they are likely dead. I could not even save the worst men of the clan. I am ashamed."

:iagn2:"Poor Shokzali. You did good."

"The Consort praises me...I haven't felt this happy in a long time..."

So I caught almost nothing of what she said. Lots of big Gormy words that I never learned. But I did catch that there are only 4 including her and Loquui. Which means there's just Big-Boob Muamta and Naqzamti.

>"So where is Muamta now?"
>"Where is Naqzamti now?"
>Give new orders
No. 1103569 ID: 90b21b

Okay ask her if she knows a Sizzala and tell her that she's not in a good place right now. Get her riled up for crusades and adventures and all the sex interludes.

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