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978305 No. 978305 ID: 2bd15b

chapter 1 https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/757996.html
chapter 2 https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/777113.html
Discussion thread https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/107070.htm
Chapter 4 https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/929115.html
Draw thread, where you can ask me to draw certain things

wiki https://tgchan.org/wiki/Root_and_Branches
Expand all images
No. 978306 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 978307 ID: 9b589b

*patiently waits for whatever Anthony will do*
No. 978308 ID: caa473

Uh, yeah sure just don’t scratch me or anything please.

*gingerly shakes eyeing those claws.*
No. 978310 ID: 684c4b

*whispers to Anthony* ...Needles of life can heal any scratches, you know...
No. 978311 ID: 5f4030

*whispers back* Yeah but I’d rather not need one in the first place
No. 978315 ID: d63ea8

God, I thought he was going to keep talking forever. So what's the plan?

Are we going to humor this guy or just blow him off?

No. 978316 ID: caa473

Inner Thoughts: I’ve no idea, he just called us to this meeting and I’m not even really sure what the deal is. I’m always wary of deals that seem too good to be true now, but I’ll at least give him the benefit of the doubt until I’m certain otherwise.
No. 978324 ID: d63ea8

Alright, but he better not start waxing poetic again.
No. 978332 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 978333 ID: caa473

Sorry dude, most people when the they call these kinda of meetings always have some kind of ulterior motive, it’s just kind of what I’ve come to expect around here. It’s nothing against you personally. However in the interest of honesty I feel it’s best to tell you I have curator with me who is bonded to me so secrecy is gonna be a bit of a problem.
No. 978334 ID: d63ea8

*Withered Ace facepalms.*

Don't TELL him I'm here. I swear that you're way too trusting.

No. 978335 ID: caa473

Inner thoughts: Oh I don’t trust him at all, but this let’s him know I have a hole card he didn’t know about. If I trusted him completely I would give him your name, and what your power is. The problem with this is now he has to guess what you can do and the powers of curators always run the gambit. Plus if he’s really interested in honesty this is a sign of good faith.
No. 978338 ID: 831086

Well... i can leave if you absolutely don't feel comfortable talking with other witnesses around, Toothpick... I can always read some of the magazines some of the acolytes published while I wait...

However... I'm not going to mince words... I am concerned about the state of Anthony's mental health as of recent... he has been having troubling visions from other timelines and confusing those timelines with our own timeline such as confusing some people who are our enemy in this timeline as being our friend as they may have been allies in different timeline, or being confused whether or not hr has a curator as he has one in some timelines and others he doesn't...

...He even has been having nightmares that are getting stranger for him such as a woman in devil horns harrassing him and most recently a reoccurring nightmare of an infected puppy haunting him... (don't ask)...

It has all been enough to make him paranoid and make him say and do drastic things he wouldn't normally say or do... so as his best friend... I've took it upon myself to be a moral support for him to keep him out of trouble ever since he ran off the last time to where he shouldn't be... he has been getting better since I've been following him.

That said, I'll leave it up to you, Anthony. Do you want me present during your meeting with toothpick to help give you guidance and support even though he might not tell you everything with me here, or do you want me to leave you two in private?
No. 978340 ID: caa473

I mean you’re not wrong, I would prefer it if you stay. And I must admit I’ve put a lot of trust in you for this Mr. Toothpick, even so much as telling you about my curator, who I actually only got as she helps me with my mental health on the more... physical level? So I ask you place enough trust in me to let my friends stay for this.
No. 978397 ID: d63ea8

Alright, it is your call I guess. But if Toothpick pulls out some sort of countermeasure, you better put up a fight.
No. 978400 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 978404 ID: 5f4030

Threaten me all you want. I’ve learned to harden myself against words and make of my heart a stone. But if you mean to keep this encounter “friendly,” I suggest you give some leverage, Mr. Toothpick. We want to keep this civil after all. And you are free to let go of my hand whenever you want.

Nathaniel, please wait outside I’ll give him five minutes. I’m more interested in why you want him to leave. Is this supposed to be a sign of trust between us? If so you’re not making a good case, but I’m considering this as a gamble. My parents were always good card players and taught me how to gamble at a young age.
No. 978451 ID: d63ea8

*Withered Ace leans in closer, trying to figure out which eye is the 'good eye.'*

Told you so.

No. 978597 ID: e51896

Well, Anthony... I will respect your decision and wait for you out the door...

*walks over to the door and is about to grab the doorknob when suddenly memories of what Spikey the clown told him earlier emerges into his head*

inner thoughts: “Maybe that is why you love isolation so much, you see everyone as beneath you or as an idiot. So go ahead, isolate yourself away from everyone around you and enjoy you big, smart and rotting brain! You will die alone and unloved by anybody, you would probably prefer it that way”... that is what Spikey told me, right? He may be a jerkass who loves causing pain but... he is all in all a jester, and it is a jester's job to be the voice of the kingdom and insult a king with words nobody else would say in order for the king to realize his faults and terrible decisions he made so he can try to improve himself to become a better king for his people and run a better kingdom... Spikey in his own way was trying to warn me to not isolate away from my friends... in a weird way... I think I fully trust Spikey... now more than ever, Anthony needs my help whether he realizes it or not!

*Nathaniel also remembers overhearing Spikey's warning to Anthony to keep the immortal's heart with him and remembers the Anthony gave it to him

inner thoughts: I still have the immortal's heart Anthony gave me... this must be the advantage Spikey was talking about that Anthony needs at this moment... Anthony doesn't have it anymore but I do... that settles it, I need to stay in the room with Anthony by any means necessary.

inner thoughts: However, convincing Toothpick to have me stay will be quite troublesome... in order to stay, I'm going to need to go into a battle of wits with him... hmmm... I really doubt that Toothpick is going to hurt Anthony and his threats are just empty... Anthony is a very valuable member of the Acolytes of the Ash Tree with his artwork being able to give our leader Root a great advantage over our enemies and steer us all out of trouble on multiple occasions... not to mention all the fans he might anger that may spark some distrust within the members of the Acolytes among each other... if Toothpick hurts Anthony, he will be in a lot of trouble, and he might just know that meaning this whole situation is a facade

inner thoughts: One step at a time, Nathaniel, even if the first step is risky as Anthony's wellbeing is on the line. To start, I will keep things nice and easy and pay close attention to how Toothpick reacts to my questioning for any signs of weaknesses to exploit

*turns around and faces Toothpick* Actually, before I walk out the door, I must ask, is your power trip of threatening Anthony really necessary? It seems rude and unnecessary considering I had agreed to leave you two alone and Anthony trusted you enough to let you know about his little curator and even shook your hand...
but more importantly even if you do make good on your promise and severely break Anthony's fingers, rip his hands off, or kill him, what do you suppose will happen to you, Toothpick? while short term you would get your point across and relieve your anger... but what will this action do to you in the long term?

inner thoughts:Don't tell him the consequences just yet, Nathaniel... Just wait and see for any signs of weaknesses to exploit and manipulate. Something to consider but not jump to conclusions with yet: Toothpick might not have the Acolytes of the Ashtree members best interests in mind if he has ulterior motives and might end up betraying the Acolytes of the Ashtree and what they stand for.
No. 978599 ID: caa473

*eyebrows raise and Anthony smiles in surprise *

Well, damn dude. And people wonder why I call you my best friend around here.

He my best best bro in this place that’s for sure.
No. 978600 ID: e51896

Don't interrupt, Anthony. It is Toothpick's turn to talk.
No. 978601 ID: caa473

Hahaha! Alright fair.
No. 978623 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 978625 ID: 5f4030

*smiles like a gambler with a good poker hand.*
You’re referring to the painting I did called Killpop. Funny enough, I never once said it had anything to do with Root. Hold on I’ll pull up a transcript of the story that goes with it.

“The Killpop, the tragedy. Two figures, a sister and brother who can’t escape the cycle of abuse. Each one hurting the other, taking advantage of the other.

He comes upstairs, his face leering from behind his mask. Only to find her again, shooting up with the drugs he gave her. Her skin, once pale and fair, turns ruddy with pox marks and makeup from her trying to hide it. He swallows his disgust and rage at this sight. And something else rises, and his disgust turns inward, hating his own lusts.

She once told him, that when she is high, she can pretend no one hurts her, that she’s loved. In that moment, he can’t help find her beautiful.

He takes her on the floor, hating her, hating himself. He tells herself she’s done the same to him. She doesn’t put up much resistance. After it’s over they lay back to back, exhausted. She can’t feel anything anymore, his head lulls and he realizes he’s crying silent tears. The disgust makes bile rise in his throat. But in the end, perhaps they were meant for this.”

I never once said that was Root, or anyone else. But if that’s what your employer thinks well, art is very subjective after all. Have people been saying it’s Root? It makes me wonder wha they really think of him then.

As for Ana and what happened with the knights... I have my own mixed feelings. She was a subject of a lot of my work, and I couldn’t help but kinda cheer for her in the end. I think she did the best she could with a bad situation. I know what Godfrey did, and maybe it wasn’t so much murder as much as it was assisted suicide. I don’t know... It just doesn’t feel right. But I blame Lorence for everything that’s happened.
No. 978626 ID: d63ea8

This guy's just messing with us. I doubt he has anything useful to say.

Make sure that you keep away from him this time.

No. 978857 ID: e51896

>I advise you not to spread around what you hear from me. I am telling you this for your own good.


Even so, Anthony, I think for next time for everyone's safety, it might be best to just use fake names with a description stating that the characters in your story are all fictional and that any relationships to any real life people are merely coincidental so that no misunderstandings like that happen again, at least until Root comes back.

The only things I know about Ana is hearing that she forced a good friend of mine to fall from a tall building, and that Anthony telling me that he was planning a funeral for her for some reason... I suppose Anthony would probably want her corpse for that event...
No. 978883 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 978900 ID: e51896

Anthony, my suggestion would be to have Toothpick keep his mask on, I think it will be more comfortable for him to talk with whatever state toothpick feels more comfortable in, and show we can trust him enough even with his mask on. our conversation can remain civil even with a mask on.

inner thoughts: after all, I wish to keep my own mask on, and asking Toothpick to remove his mask would mean I would be the only one with a mask, and that would be awkward
No. 978907 ID: 0fa94e
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It makes sense but I think he should just do whatever make him feel comfortable. Its gonna be kinda hard to rattle me at this point. I’ve seen Stitch’s face, Lorence’s face, there’s a lot of people who feel they don’t qualify as human any more because of their appearance. Perfect example, my friend from the Cross Ash, Balian? His girlfriend feels like that sometimes. But I believe actions speak louder than words, Balian’s girl is a total sweetheart. I guarantee it’s not gonna faze me as much as you think it will.

Also regarding my work, it’s not just the emotions I put I into canvas, but what I do is I paint things as they really are. I’m holding a mirror up to the community and saying “This is what the world is, what it was, and what you’ve allowed to let the world become. This is what’s got us to this point. So what are you going to do about it?” I would say, that is the exactly right image the public needs to see.

For example, there’s a piece which is currently hanging in the gallery now, “The Puppetmaster.” It represents someone constantly working from the shadows making everyone who wears that sign dance to his tune. His status quo. I’m still curious as to how people are taking that one.
No. 978982 ID: d63ea8

Not going to lie, those newest two pictures really gave me the heebie-jeebies. And yeah, have him keep his mask on, otherwise he's going to be a drama-queen about it.
No. 979071 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 979073 ID: e51896

From the looks of things, it sounds like Lorence did not exactly plan to execute her but instead had other plans for her, because otherwise, Lorence would have just executed her right there and then on the spot when he greeted her, but instead he brought her somewhere where she wouldn't be found. Perhaps they were going to subject Ana to a fate worse than death then considering how you said the next part was disturbing? or maybe they were going to use her as bait for something since you said she attracts all sorts of beings? or worse... Did Ana do something disturbing to Lorence and the people involved?

Whatever the case, Anthony, do you want to hear this? if so, you might want to sit down for this and take some deep breaths if you really want to hear this... and keep an open mind, alright?
No. 979107 ID: 5f4030

*deep inhale*

No. 979183 ID: d63ea8

No. 979258 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 979260 ID: 5f4030

Hm. I have some ideas as to what’s up with her eye. As for what I actually think about it... You probably wouldn’t believe me if I told you.
No. 979268 ID: e51896

Hmm, well I've never seen what Ana looks like, but I do know that whenever Anthony would often talk about her to me, one detail he told me about his dreams about her was that her eyes would be shrouded in shadow like she was blindfolded which I find odd. That must be what you are referring to, correct? You said you have an explanation for that weird shadow covering her eyes, Anthony? You can tell us, I've heard weirder explanations.
No. 979269 ID: 218d84

When it comes to figuring out why her eyes are always in shadow in pictures taken of her, I have some guesses, the one that I believe is kinda silly. My old literature teacher back in highschool used to say that "The eyes are windows to the soul." If that's the case Ana's soul is guarded against those who would see it. Maybe because of her anomalous nature? That's the best I can figure out.
No. 979270 ID: e51896

Well, you're right about one thing, Anthony... I definitely did not believe it even after you told me.
No. 979271 ID: e51896

*Fortune Ana said nothing but couldn't help but burst out laughing at Lorence, probably mentioning something about him going senile whenever she could catch her breath before bursting out laughing again*.
No. 979276 ID: d63ea8

Or it means that we still have a problem. Someone might've switched out Ana for a body double.

But that doesn't really seem possible if Lorence was with her the entire time...

Hmm. We're definitely missing something.

No. 979338 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 979342 ID: 218d84

I have mixed feelings about her. I think she is power hungry and was ultimately the cause of a lot of the twisted philosophy that many of the followers of Ash believe. On the other hand, I get the feeling there is some underlying trauma that made her this way, everything else that's followed has been symptom of that. So I guess you could say I pity her more than anything.
No. 979631 ID: e51896

For my opinion of Delilah, I see her as one of my superiors, but we usually don't interact with each other much. On the rare occasions we do, she usually see's me as an errand boy asking me to pick up some kind of item for her, or bring someone over to her, but that's about it. I try to stay out of her way and leave her to her own business.
No. 979632 ID: e51896

*Fortune sits on the floor to calm herself from her laughter, leaving her vulnerable, mentioning that it's been a long day*

*As proof she isn't under Absolution's control, she explains how back she was in the Last Will Trade and Exchange shop, she spoke with Lorence requesting him to give Clara a Needle of Life to help heal her and had One Horned Jack send it to Lorence when he was being taken by Lorence for his "personal evaluation". She mentions that the spector shop worker and maybe the blacksmith can attest to this statement as witnesses*

*Fortune Then explains how the voices had informed her that when the voices spoke to Lorence regarding if he healed Clara or not near the radio tower, Lorence stated that he attempted to help heal her with the needle, but it did not work work since it can't heal someone if the person doesn't want to be healed*

*With that in mind, Fortune then asks Clara if Lorence's statement is true, if Lorence at all attempted to heal Clara with the needle she sent to Lorence.*

*Is mainly asking more for morbid curiosity and to see everyone's reaction than getting out alive as she believes Lorence won't change his mind regardless of whether she proves she isn't under Absolution's control or not"
No. 979654 ID: d63ea8

Oh am I getting polled now?


She was a little psycho before, but I did prefer that to her being an invalid. It's like we're peddling around a corpsey scarecrow in a chair.

No. 979655 ID: 5f4030

Um. Well that’s Clara. She’s Root’s... I don’t know body double and girlfriend? What’s the deal with their relationship anyway? It seems pretty one sided.

But he meant Delilah, Root’s adopted sister.

To paraphrase what she said about Clara, she was crazy before but that was the better alternative to wheeling her around as she is now.
No. 979762 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 979768 ID: 0fa94e

Needs work. So Ana is below huh? Yay. Woohoo. Awesome.

*sigh* God damn I hate these people.
No. 979833 ID: e51896

well Toothpick... I guess that story was disturbing like you said it was. Kind of odd how after all this time of trying to hunt and kill her on sight they in the end just decide to keep her prisoner in a place where she can do no more harm to anyone and no one can harm her. I'm sure they have cameras on her 24/7 just to make sure nothing supernatural doesn't try anything, yeah?

And for criticism's sake, when you said Toothpick's story needed work, how would you have improved it, Anthony? would you say a plot twist where it turns out that the person in the wheelchair who stopped talking to everyone, won't eat, and just stares at the wall all day due to emotional distress wasn't Clara at all but was actually a mannequin or something the whole time while the real Clara is hiding somewhere in one of her masterful disguises? That'd be weird... right?
No. 979905 ID: d63ea8

I'm just going to ignore that last question.

But in all seriousness you need to ease off on some of the drawings Anthony, you're starting to make Lorcence act a lot more crazy than he usually is. Either of us could be next one he dismembers.

No. 979913 ID: 5f4030

It was sarcasm dude.

Inner thoughts: Yeah maybe, but I also don’t want to just give up yet either
No. 979925 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 979927 ID: e51896

Im not someone who makes a deal without knowing the price. What is the price if you dont mind me asking?
No. 979935 ID: 5f4030

Dude, I’m fucking sick of deals and punishments for information. If you wanna tell us just fucking tell us.

Fucking Christ on a short pony, this is why I hate this cult. It’s all power plays secrets and the status quo. Why isn’t anyone just willing to be a good fucking person anymore? Everyone only does something when the have something to gain, it’s just more corrupt capitalist ideas taking out the other old capitalist ideas.

Fuck me man. And you were worried about your face being the thing that disgusted me.

*Anthony sits his chair away from Mr. Toothpick in frustration.*
No. 979951 ID: e51896

Anthony, I understand your anger, you've been taken advantage of by a lot of people who wanted to use you art to their own advantage that you did not intend the art to be used for... but lets not jump to conclusions, okay friend? As your moral support, I recommend taking some deep breaths.

Maybe Toothpick doesn't mean a price we would have to pay him personally as a power play or being punished by him personally on his part per say, but maybe what he means is that if we learn what really happen, the price might actually mean that learning the truth could mentally scar us because of how horrible it might be for us to hear for example, or that the knowledge itself is something some outside forces doesn't want us to learn and the price of learning it could have those forces come after us, and toothpick saying there is a price is only a warning.

That is why I wanted to ask Toothpick what the price was before proceeding. That said, I apologize on Anthony's behalf, Toothpick. He's been through a lot of mental strain. Really everyone in the Acolytes of the Ash Tree has understandably been feeling strain.
No. 979974 ID: d63ea8

Don't bite, the guy's just fucking with you.
No. 979977 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 979978 ID: e51896

Thanks for the clarification. It is always a good idea to get the full picture before jumping to conclusions.

Well Anthony, what is your choice? Do you want to turn your chair back towards Toothpick and listen quietly to the rest of the story... with an open mind of course? Or if you want, we can leave it at that and exit to grab a meal or something?
No. 979990 ID: 5f4030
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*Turns back to Mr. Toothpick a sneer on his face*

It’s not a community, it never was a community. I didn’t willingly come here. It’s a death cult. It’s ALWAYS been a death cult. Or have you forgot they are the ones who caused this shit to happen? Have you not looked outside? Seen the people dead and rotting in the streets? The children, somehow immune, crying for their parents? And you have the gall to call this a “community?” There’s already so much pain and suffering. These people try to cover it up with smiles, and their fucking fog, and high ideals. But all I see are murderers and people who’ve become complacent in that fact.

It’s. Disgusting.

So honestly, Mr. Toothpick, you can go ahead and tell me or not, you decide, because in all honesty, I don’t really give a shit.
No. 979992 ID: abb12d

...hm... unfortunately, as a moral support, I think it might be safer for everyone if we just left the story like that and not hear the real ending of the story after all, Toothpick. As Anthony's friend, I have worries concerning how he might take the story emotionally and I think it might be better for Anthony and I to just draw our own conclusions and take our leave for a meal to calm ourselves. Besides, as far as stories goes, endings that are open ended where one can interpret and theorize how things ended are far more interesting for analyzing.

Is that alright, Anthony? I'll even let you choose what we will eat, and we can talk peacefully about your concerns, alright?
No. 979997 ID: 5f4030

What difference does it make? We can speculate all we want. We can hope for a better ending than what we got. But it doesn’t change the fact of what happened. Denying the truth doesn’t change it.

It is what is and what it will be. I don’t give a shit anymore.
No. 979999 ID: abb12d

Well, to that i say, when one door closes, another opens.
No. 980002 ID: 5f4030

Yeah, maybe so. In that case, let’s leave it to chance. Let him pick.

*points at Mr. Toothpick.*

Let him pick.
No. 980003 ID: d63ea8

*Nods approvingly.*
No. 980009 ID: 715a80

Personally, I hate leaving things to chance like having someone pick for us cause like I said, I'm not a gambling man... choosing not to make a choice is still a choice which still has consequences that you'd be responsible for just the same as making a choice. I still stand by my decision in just dropping this.

Inmer thoughts: like when Spikey had Anthony choose which heart to stab as his choice, with either being yes, no, or maybe, with the indecisive "maybe" heart having the immortal heart that Anthony could have stabbed
No. 980012 ID: 5f4030

True, but it also places the responsibility on him as well. He now has the imperative choice to act or not. Essentially, its pulling the uno reverse card.
No. 980038 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 980045 ID: e51896

inner thoughts: Toothpick misunderstood, it isn't that I don't want to hear it, it is more of the fact that I don't want Anthony to hear it because I worry about Anthony lashing out emotionally like attacking Toothpick if he listened to this story and it doesn't go the direction Anthony wanted or doing something unpredictable and dangerous like the time he rushed into the prison loudly to see Ana and almost got arrested himself.

Anthony, I request that after the story you you remain calm, keep your opinions to yourself and we can talk about your feelings and put things into perspective afterwards after the meeting with Toothpick, okay?

*is still staying with Anthony*
No. 980049 ID: 734422

Fortune, let me take the reins or just answer as I do. The longer we keep them talking the best chance we have.

“Fine, but kill me and you lose your best bargaining chip with the wolves. I know how to deal with them and their hierarchy. Their Alpha, The Old Wolf, is not a patient man.”
No. 980050 ID: 734422

... I’m betting she knew what to do. Call in a hunch but I think she knows.
No. 980051 ID: 5f4030

“Oh also Delilah, I know you probably don’t want to hear it. With little bro gone, it’s best shot you got at power. I get it, and I know you don’t like to be cucked, I mean just look at what you did to poor Dr. Lester...”
No. 980161 ID: e51896

Inner Thoughts: Scarred, I will repeat what you said to them, but I do not think this is going to work. We already know these people will never listen to reason based off of our experience with these people such as Rosalia and that spider kid, and especially since Delilah a long time ago tossed Root down those stairs despite being seen by Derrick and ignoring the consequences. For all we know, they could just think I am lying about my knowledge of the wolves, and even if they believe me, Lorence already knows just about everything about everyone due to him living in countless timelines, so I'm for the most part useless to them.

Well, my ghosts from other time periods said something along the lines of: "Fine, but kill me and you lose your best bargaining chip with the wolves. I know how to deal with them and their hierarchy. Their Alpha, The Old Wolf, is not a patient man.”


“Oh also Delilah, I know you probably don’t want to hear it. With little bro gone, it’s best shot you got at power. I get it, and I know you don’t like to be cucked, I mean just look at what you did to poor Dr. Lester...”

But honestly, I know you won't listen to that. So if you don't want to listen to that, then here is what I really want to request: I request to be cremated after death, burn my body to ash so that nobody can bring me back to life into this terrible terrible world because as of now, Hell is looking to be a lot better place to suffer the rest of my existence in than to suffer existing here. And my second request: Beware of the one who calls himself "Happy the Tragedy Phantom." who hides behind the curtains. but whatever, you most likely won't listen to that part.

Inner Thoughts:if your plan of negotiating with them doesn't work, Scarred, and they kill me and hopefully cremate my body as I ask, I want you to find out where they take my ashes, and then tell somebody we can trust to retrieve my ashes, then tell them to find a way to use my ashes to create a new universe. The Mad Creator once said that a universe can be created by using Ana's ashes, and we saw Absurdity create "A place I Go To Fuck Myself" universe for the Mad Creator, and he explained to us that a different Ana and WC changed forms and became part of that new reality. So I want you and somebody to try to create one that is better than this place, alright? Oh, and do not tell ANYBODY about this weird mission I'd like you to go on. Not even our best friends.
No. 980169 ID: 5f4030

I’m not leaving you Fortune. I’m with you in this to the end.
No. 980202 ID: d63ea8

Ana seems to habit of surviving impossible situations. Lorence is just going to lose track of her again.
No. 980203 ID: d63ea8

*The presence remains quiet and hides from cultists' sight*
No. 980258 ID: 2bd15b
File 160433958348.jpg - (2.42MB , 3057x2515 , Divergent 14.jpg )

No. 980265 ID: 5f4030

*gets up and walks away from the table to stand by the window.*

Inner thoughts: Ace, I need you help calm me down. My hands are starting to shake. I want him to be lying. I desperately want him to be lying. And I stay at that table I will yell at him, and possibly hit him.
No. 980271 ID: 980f35

My feelings of Delilah is still neutral, like I said, I dont talk or see her all that often to form an opinion.
*goes over to Anthony and puts his hand on Anthony's shoulder for comfort* it is okay to cry. We can talk about this after we are done here, okay?

Seeing as you witness this, Toothpick. What role did you play in the story?
No. 980274 ID: 5f4030



*try’s to channel anything, any power at all. Calls out to the ash tree, absolution, anyone who can listen. The other Ana’s across infinite cycles.*

No. 980315 ID: d63ea8

You don't know if this guy is just fucking with you again, just to get a reaction. It's only his word that says Ana is dead, and he's been trying to mess with you all night.

The best solution is to ask 'why he telling you this?'

And please don't try to hit him, he's just going to slice open your hands if you try.

No. 980326 ID: d63ea8

The desire to live.

Again you offer these under the guise of karmic justice.
Disciple of Marks.

I will take it again, this time.
No. 980327 ID: d63ea8

I can feel the fires rising.

*The presence speaks quietly so only the Anas can hear it.*

"You have not been broken,"
"have not been destroyed."

"Seeker of Truth,"
"you have lived through such death,"
"observed it,"
"foreseen it."

"This is not that."

"Be immersed in derealization."
"This has not happened."

"This is not you."

"If the speaker says you die,"
"then puppet the corpse."
No. 980369 ID: 2bd15b
File 160451835547.jpg - (4.10MB , 3284x3866 , Divergent 15.jpg )

No. 980396 ID: e51896

Delilah killed Clara? Ugh... I can't believe that. Especially now I feel like a jerk when I stated that plot twist about Clara being a mannequin being farfetched since that is what Delilah is doing right now replacing her with a giant doll. I'd like to retract my statement of that plot twist comment. Shoot, and I had a lot of respect for Clara too... I thought Delilah and Clara were best friends... I will need to let this sink in for awhile after this meeting...

Inner thoughts: Well, my opinion of Delilah have definitely changed from neutral to not wanting to be anywhere near her.

Deep breaths, Anthony. Toothpick is certainly risking a lot to tell you this. We can talk about your feelings after the conversation with Toothpick, alright? Just try not to let your emotions control you like when you ran into the prison to meet with Ana. Be the bigger man in this, like your hero Godfrey. It is alright to be upset, but dont let it dictate your actions. Remain calm.
No. 980397 ID: d63ea8

Everyone is at each other's throats. Sure Root was a shit leader, but Lorence can't even stop the members from killing each other.
No. 980401 ID: e40008
File 160460180515.jpg - (1.89MB , 2946x2174 , 57B4CE0A-B7C0-4077-B2B7-467451B6EA30.jpg )

*Anthony isn’t listening, silent tears fall down his face.*

Inner thoughts: Ace, Victoria? It’s getting bad again.

*stares at the giant out the window looking inwards, then at the head of Ana on the bookshelf.*

Inner thougts: Her eyes really were doll-like, weren’t they. You know I get weird thoughts when it’s like this? Like some machine is broadcasting to my head. It’s telling me, “This cycle has grown unstable, the souls of the dead cannot move on, they are forever chained to this limbo. We cannot spin them through the wheel of fate. This already fragile balance cannot hold much longer.”
No. 980405 ID: 2bd15b
File 160460902805.jpg - (453.02KB , 1452x961 , Divergent 16.jpg )

No. 980406 ID: d63ea8

You need to focus on what is happening right now, forget about Toothpick's stories, or about where everything is heading.

Obviously you can grill Lorence about this later, but you can't let yourself get caught in this rabbit hole again. Just focus on your own thoughts, not someone else's.

No. 980416 ID: 8ad056
File 160462277920.jpg - (2.33MB , 2941x2206 , 4AD47FAA-7E97-44BB-B77B-9ABC444B5E89.jpg )

I don’t know. Probably wouldn’t help even if I did.

... Did I fail them in the end, Nathaniel? Victoria? Ana? All of them?

I wish I was dead. I want all this pain to end. I want all those who cause it to go away. It’s not fair. There’s no heroes this time.... Not this time.
No. 980419 ID: d63ea8


You didn't fail them. Some asshole killed them instead. You tried your best to help, and they still got killed.

That isn't on you.

Even if you had the chance of getting in the way, that wouldn't have changed things. All that would've happened is you'd get hurt or even killed alongside them.

So don't take on the burden of what isn't yours.

You're still here despite all that's happened.

You aren't all-powerful, you aren't all-knowing, but you can still act.

No. 980430 ID: e51896

Well, you can't say I didn't warn you Toothpick. It wasnt that I refused to hear the true ending because i didn't want to hear the story, it was more to make sure Anthony's mental health didn't worsen if he heard this story. But for what it is worth, it is better to learn the truth than live a fairytale.

Well, it is for this reason why I stayed with Anthony for this meeting, to help fix him when he breaks like this. So thanks for allowing me to stay. Just give me a moment with Anthony so he can answer your question, Toothpick. I just need to snap him back to reality before gravity drops him hard to the floor, and then we can have spaghetti afterwards, made with my mother's secret recipe... only for those with a tough stomach though, as you could vomit on your sweater if you're not strong willed... okay I'll stop.

Anthony, What was it you and Godfrey and his knights always keep saying? "Have you forgotten the facial features of your dad?" Was that it? Well whatever the case, I think youre forgetting your dad's face.

Failure is only a stepping stone to success. You cant succeed without learning from failure first. If you believe you failed them, then tell me, what did you at least learn from it to better yourself? What can you use that knowledge to gain something?

And you didn't fail everyone. Remember your girlfriend, Cleo? You havent failed her, though she probably will be heartbroken to see you as you are right now if she were here, Anthony. Why dont you work to be successful not for Ana or Victoria, but for Cleo? She puts all her dedication to you, maybe it is time you should work to do the same for her, yeah?
No. 980432 ID: 5f4030

*Anthony turns large, bloodshot eyes on Nathaniel*
The saying goes “You have forgotten the face of your father.” It means when you have acted shamefully or dishonored the code of knighthood.

As for working harder, acting, doing the right thing I would like to do that. But what’s the point if everyone is just trying to take as much as they can for themselves? I can give and work harder, but if there’s no return, no promise of making things better, has anything been accomplished?

But are you content with what’s happened? Will you stand or do nothing? What do you intend to do?

Because I see monsters Nathaniel. I know they aren’t there, and they’re only delusional manifestations of what’s probably something like schizophrenia. But they aren’t what scare me the most. The real monsters are the ones all here, everyone who’s let this tragedy happen, everyone who will sacrifice lives for the status quo. Even Godfrey, despite what he stands for, he let a black fog roll across our home, killing innocent people, all so he could play at being a hero.

There are no heroes here, Nathaniel. So what are you going to do?
No. 980435 ID: 2bd15b
File 160467016333.jpg - (1.10MB , 2588x1667 , Divergent 17.jpg )

You are back to being Voices one again, I hope this transition was not a jarring one. So who do you think was the employer of mister Toothpick?

No. 980436 ID: e51896

No. 980438 ID: d63ea8

Probably Lorence.
No. 980467 ID: e40008

One last thing Mr. Toothpick. A bit of philosophy for you to consider.

I do condemn everyone for this. Because they took the easy way, instead of standing for something right. I understand you couldn’t be here without whats happening, but why does anyone have to die, so that you can live? At that point you are only proving what people would think you are as true. And only accepting things as they are only continues to prove that you are no different from those who couldn’t accept you as you are.

I’d rather be a person with honor, and integrity, than be one who surrenders to the will of monsters.
No. 980468 ID: e40008

And yeah it’s Lorence
No. 980469 ID: 2bd15b


Ding ding ding all of you are correct. It is the paranoid prick himself, Lorence!
No. 980470 ID: e40008

No. 980471 ID: 18c129

And i know i asked him not to remove his mask, but i suspect toothpick is actually the conductor.
No. 980484 ID: d63ea8

I'm not sure you'll get much of a reception from Toothpick or any of the other members, Anthony.

Root seemed to go out of his way to pick power-hungry madmen, Godfrey just turned out to be a fluke. If you really want to change things, I'm all for it. But just temper your expectations if you think the rest of the cult is going to sign on too.

No. 980534 ID: 2bd15b
File 160476506712.jpg - (1.03MB , 3292x1100 , Divergent 18.jpg )


Interesting theory about the conductor.
No. 980535 ID: e51896

*is hiding under the table to not be spotted by Toothpick*

*puts her finger over her mouth to signal to Scarred to be quiet and hide with her*
No. 980538 ID: d63ea8

*The presence reaches a hand into its mouth and pulls out a [Fragment of Scarred Ana's Rage] before pressing it between its palms.*


Fragment of Scarred Ana's Rage crushed.
No. 980539 ID: d63ea8

*The presence silently joins Fortune Ana under the table.*
No. 980543 ID: f3eb46

*is more sulking under the table*
No. 980626 ID: 2bd15b
File 160485911089.jpg - (2.91MB , 3318x2708 , Divergent 19.jpg )

No. 980627 ID: 5f4030

*low mumbling*
We DID help you escape, jackass. We watched you and even told you what to do when Root first showed up to try and help you. I wish now we’d left you to rot.

As for who’s helping us, none of your fucking business. You’ll probably just kill them to or get them killed
*Scarred stares daggers at Fortune at this*
No. 980629 ID: d63ea8

*The presence slips out from beneath the table and ducks behind Lorence's chair.*

*Peeking out at Toothpick the presence covers its right 'eye' with one hand and its mouth with the other, before hiding behind the back of Lorence's chair again.*
No. 980632 ID: e51896

The only thing I wish to know right now is who erased our memories for this cycle before we met Ana? I feel if we did not have our memories erased somehow, we would have seen the big picture of everything, but somebody erased our memories and used that to manipulate us into making the choices we made to lead Ana to death. This is all Happy's fault, forcing and manipulating us to be the worst voices in all of the cycles... I feel Happy is manipulating Lorence just as he was manipulating us...

So we are an unwilling alley to Happy if Lorence wants to know who is an alley that is still alive.
No. 980633 ID: e51896

Oh, and he put us in a situation where we were forced to kill Essence in order to keep her from controlling Ana and have her kill everyone in this universe, so, yeah...
No. 980635 ID: e51896

Lastly, we didn't even want to come here. Some invisible force keeps bringing us to different locations against our will, it isn't like we fly anywhere we want, it just happens. I feel that is another thing Happy is doing...
No. 980640 ID: d63ea8

*Still behind Lorence's chair, the presence points at Toothpick and then points to the table before withdrawing the arm.*
No. 980746 ID: 2bd15b
File 160503552533.jpg - (4.50MB , 3508x3833 , Divergent 20.jpg )

No. 980747 ID: 5f4030

Yeah, sure why not....
No. 980751 ID: d63ea8


So we had never left.
This presence had never been filled.
Nor did it ever leave the nothingness.

All that is around was a mere phantasm.

Almighty voice, great striped beast,
why give such delusions of pleasure.

It makes the broken emptiness all the more hollowing.

Was there even a Disciple or a Seeker?
Or even the Renegade?

Or were they just more false imagery to a cruel joke.


This empty presence will not fall for such a slight again.

Take away this false 'ending,' I will not be part of it.
No. 980830 ID: e51896

I want to consult the mirror totem (hidden things we missed) or the shrimp mother totem (additional things to what we saw) before doing anything else if that is still possible... preferably i pick mirror totem to see hidden things we missed unless scarred wants to use the shrimp mother totem to see additional stuff.
No. 980838 ID: 2bd15b
File 160511439177.jpg - (1.36MB , 3140x1484 , Divergent 21.jpg )

No. 980845 ID: d63ea8

Oh great striped beast,
you offer undeserving praise to this empty presence.

For it lacks a brain or a will.
What exists when everything has been stripped away?
Most answer 'nothing'.

I exist in an effort to prove that I exist.

That this empty presence is more than just an echo,
repeating its words again and again.

But you offer a riddle, almighty voice?

I will consume it.
No. 980846 ID: d63ea8

It is bitter and coy.

Already I feel the taste fleeing from memory,
but you are powerful, almighty voice.

And it seems that you will still keep us for your games.

But as for your answer, let me regurgitate one.

"Little exists that is different between the foliage of the sky and that of the earth."

"Save one."

"The branches drink in light."

"While the roots drink in darkness."

No. 980847 ID: 5f4030


Took the words right out of my mouth (pun not intended) I was thinking the exact same thing.
No. 980851 ID: d63ea8

That is unsurprising.

As you may yet well be a illusion
conjured by the striped beast.

Or perhaps a fictitious invention of starved

Those 'offerings' merely a self-diluted attempt at make believe.

Perhaps this is all a lie that I am still telling myself...
No. 980853 ID: 5f4030

... Well first off, fuck you, I’m not an illusion, I’m actually here. And secondly, I don’t trust this thing either. Whatever it is it took Ana away and played both her and Fortune like fools. Bottom line, I trust nothing that comes from this living hentai scene.
No. 980857 ID: 708614

My answer was different

Roots grow to be anchored to stay

Branches grow to leave

Get it? Stay and leave? Leave and leaf?
No. 980861 ID: 5f4030

No. 980864 ID: d63ea8

Perhaps the madness has set in.
No. 980881 ID: 2bd15b
File 160519232685.jpg - (1.86MB , 2884x2275 , Divergent 22.jpg )

The mysterious voice that Lorence was interested in that Mister Toothpick heard and which you Door said I use as the voice of the remains of the spirit parasite queen. But this doesn't mean that you Door, will get to control this character.

No. 980883 ID: d63ea8

So it seems we move from shell to shell.

Though almighty voice,
you are ever the deceiver.

Perhaps this is not the 'proper ending,'
but instead a way to pilfer it.

But this presence,
even filled,
lacks the mind to discern truth from falsehood.

For something had stolen its voice,
or maybe this presence did not speak at all.

But if by some small chance,
all that occurred is real,
and the 'others' who spoke truly existed...


Seeker of Truth,
use the gifts granted to you,
and guide this foolish presence.
No. 980884 ID: 9dda6a

That’s just great, our only way out is to make another deal with the devil. Fortune, you screwed us last time. This time I’m the one making this choice.

I remember you bug. You offered the same deal to Anthony in the broken timeline. Turns out though that was a bad deal because his soul was essentially held hostage by you. What happens if we do the same? We’re held hostage by you? You get revenge? Well, I have bad news for you, this body doesn’t belong to us either, we’re holding it until it’s rightful owner comes back or we find her. So what happens, you bind with her body and you get even? We’re pretty much responsible for you even being like this. Hell, I even remember fighting you, and you laughed at the futility of us.

Everything you’ve done, thus far, only shows you as a villain. Is this your shot at redemption? Your last chance? You want this? You gotta make me a promise. First That you’re going to help us, we’re a package deal, you want this body? We go with it. Second, as soon as we find Ana from wherever the hentai monster took her, *glares at fortune* you’re out. You find a new body and you piss off.

That may sound like it’s asking for a lot but I’m not being unreasonable. As a sign of good faith I’ll even tell you how to save your species. Take a pinch of this body’s ashes before you bind, take it to someone called the mad creator, he’ll make a new universe for your kind.

Answer my questions first, or we have no deal at all. I’ll throw in the save you species thing for free.
No. 981182 ID: e51896

So much that we have in common... All your children were killed and all my allies were killed, you were being killed by the cult just as I was killed by the cult, you have had Essence and her underlings betray you, and I have had many allies betray me, and because Essence betrayed you, it means you and I have a common antagonist: Happy and his colleagues, and the cult, and Absolution Prime for playing a part for making this world as it is now, and just as you are a spirit parasite, people see us as thought parasites...

just as you have that deal for me, I have one for you too... I let myself be burned to crisp on purpose because I heard my ashes can be used to create a new universe, and knowing that since there were no other options for me, the only goal I had left after losing everything was to just let myself become ash and hope the voices would guide somebody to take my ashes and find out clues as to how to create a new world with my ashes. But seeing you here and knowing that your species travel to different universes because your species used up you home universe's and all of the other universes' resources you visit until you ended up in this cruel world, maybe now my goal to create a new universe has purpose, to give your species a new home to thrive in... asking the mad creator won't help since he is captured by the dimensional tribunal's men, but I'm sure we can find clues in this world somehow.

if you're interested I will accept you, but I must know, if we become one, will we be able to keep my ashes for this mission, or will I lose those ashes? because if the latter, this body might have to be sacrificed when the time comes unless we can get another Ana's ashes that the tribunal has as evidence, and I don't know if my voices would like my body being sacrificed if we don't achieve their goals first...

No. 981205 ID: c5de9f

*is looking at Fortune, now Charred, in a state of something close to shock.*

By the gods...
No. 981233 ID: d63ea8

Perhaps this was your plan,
oh almighty voice.

To bait and betray.

For the Seeker and her gifts are gone.

Now a vengeful husk is what remains.
No. 981328 ID: 2bd15b
File 160574397288.jpg - (2.68MB , 3256x2155 , Divergent 24.jpg )

No. 981335 ID: 5f4030


The enemy of my enemy is my friend. I say we accept. But the moment Ana returns you stay with, fortun- Charred. This body belongs to Ana.
No. 981385 ID: d63ea8


Precious Ana,
former Ana,
you have lost enough.

These are lies.

Lost mind,
lost spirit-

Fragment of [???] Deception dissolves.
No. 981387 ID: d63ea8

The nothingness remains.

More can be given.
More can be taken.

The Renegade of Body learned this.

But without sight or thought,
is anything real?

What has been lost?
This empty presence wonders if such bindings,
would anchor what is left.

Would the skin be returned?
Or will it just be sold,
and the spirit would be cast out.

This presence has nothing,
but the parasite would feed on that.

Former Seer...

Do not be bought and sold into half-life.
No. 981394 ID: c5de9f

Something to consider for moment if you will. Fortune, the seer, as you call her, isn’t gone. But she is dying here. She can’t even control the body anymore. When we fought against her, it’s because she was controlling dead bodies that had no say in their autonomy. She was in control. What would happen if the two merged into one being? Neither side fighting for control but working together to bring about a new form of life? It’s why I’m not necessarily against this.

After all... I’m a being like that.

Neither Ana, nor Desolation. I’m a union of opposites.
No. 981396 ID: d63ea8

The body is ash and cinder,
but it is not what the parasite wants,
Disciple of Marks.

It wishes to partake of spirit.

And by your agreement,
you sew the seed of conflict.

For it is not true union you offer,
Disciple of Marks,
but a lease.

And a parasite will burrow in,
then refuse to be removed.


This presence forgets...
but there was...
something else...


It is gone.
No. 981397 ID: c5de9f

Presence, echo, revenant.

“Lease” is a good term for what I’m asking. The queen may join her spirit, but it only becomes a conflict if the two sides are already in conflict. If the two sides willingly join together, what do you think happens.

I’ve studied different forms of magic, and theres an idea in old alchemy which is called “the perfect being.” It’s one of the key ideas in creating the philosophers stone. The idea being that the “divine” is neither good, nor evil, but something in between. Two opposites, but they are together, a union of opposites. Think of what makes a god divine, they are of the spirit, but are also of the earth. It’s why I’m not necessarily against them joining.

By joining two opposites... maybe they will achieve a new form of divinity.
No. 981406 ID: d63ea8


The Disciple cannot hear,
words are fumbling,

It does not ask if the two can be joined,
but un-joined.

The parasite,
it will feed,
then subvert.

It only takes.

Only to know,
what it knows.

This presence fading,
the Disciple and Seer,
do not hear it.

Grim words,
grim bargains.

More can be lost.
More will be lost.
No. 981408 ID: c5de9f

I hear you. I hear you well. You’re words are true. But I’m hoping one last gamble will win us the day.

But ultimately, it’s not our choice...
No. 981943 ID: e51896

>Creating your own world is going to attract attention from the dimensional tribunal... I strongly suggest not pursuing this idea

The world creation mission I am adamant to pursue is already a suicide mission that I have long accepted... because one of the key ingredients required for this to work is my ashes, requiring to burn myself to death. Thus, death will await me whether I sacrifice myself in order to succeed in this mission, or fail and die by the tribunal's hand or anyone else... this will be a world I will create but never live in, rule, or destroy... therefore I have nothing to hold me back.
If all the endings I am destined to have are dead ends, then I want my dead end to have purpose. Just promise me we'll all keep quiet for as long as we can about this mission.

>If we combine our two strengths we can make those who made us suffer pay. Starting from Lorence and with Happy the one behind it all

While Lorence did kill me, I have no interest in wasting time getting revenge on Lorence thus risk jeopardizing my goals if I want to keep it secret from them. And sadly, I feel keeping Lorence alive is the best course of action, for if he dies, he will not be able to keep Absolution Prime in check with his vast knowledge and importations of technology in future cycles, thus making way for a hive mind humanity scenario with Absolution Prime's minions... besides, Lorence already has a bunch on his plate to deal with right now, making him distracted enough to take all his attention away from us... not to mention that I believe Happy is also manipulating him like he manipulated us... If we go after the cult, it is just going to put the attention back on me too quickly and make my world creating venture needlessly difficult...
...but I suppose revenge is something you and Scarred really really want to accomplish.

Happy however I'd be more okay with going up against, I feel he manipulated and tricked Lorence into getting into the mindset of killing me and pretty much manipulated everyone to the point where he was the one who assigned everyone as either heroes or villains. That being said, however, while revenge is not my main goal, if I am put in a position where I have to defend myself, I will not hesitate to fight for my life.

That is my stance on my goals, and my opinions of Lorence. I'm ready share this body. *Reaches out to Spirit Parasite* one last thing, I've seen you take sacrifices before, eating the dead bodies of other humans... I suppose that after this merge you will want to go on to eat Clara's dead body in order to regain your strength... I'll reluctantly allow it for it might be for the best in case someone tries to revive her and learns about what I want to accomplish from her...

No. 981974 ID: 2bd15b
File 160625556550.jpg - (2.43MB , 3084x2843 , Divergent 25.jpg )

No. 981976 ID: e51896

Yeah, sure.

There is a lot of work to be done if we want to achieve a new world, but we'll have to start by finding a hideout first.

*looks over at Clara's body*

should We do something about Clara's dead body first, queen? I feel leaving her there will cause issues down the road. If there is one thing I learned based off of Flint, Felafaf, and others that has "died", it is to never leave the body, they could come back with vengeance... probably find a replacement for my dead body and Clara if somebody does come back as well.

No. 981977 ID: 0dedc5

Hey here’s an idea of what you should do. Disguise yourself first.
No. 981987 ID: d63ea8

*The presence covers it's mouth with both hands and does not say anything.*
No. 982007 ID: 5f4030

I wonder.... we’re both astral beings....

You okay big guy?

*attempts to hug The Presence*
No. 982076 ID: d63ea8

*The presences shakes it's head, but does not move away.*
No. 982078 ID: 5f4030

We’re gonna be okay. I promise.

*hugs the presence*
No. 982080 ID: d63ea8

*The presence whispers through its fingers.*

"It cannot be undone now..."

"Now all things will perish..."

"This presence cannot let itself be filled with such 'gifts.'"

No. 982084 ID: 2bd15b
File 160634042457.jpg - (2.38MB , 3508x1944 , Divergent 26.jpg )

No. 982085 ID: e51896

Crooked evaluation
No. 982089 ID: d63ea8

Totally Angels
No. 982092 ID: 5f4030

Totally angels
No. 982093 ID: 5f4030

*Watches in discomfort, still hugging Presence*

Just remember our deal. When we find Ana, she keeps the body.
No. 982162 ID: 2bd15b
File 160641467081.jpg - (1.89MB , 3460x1821 , BB 550.jpg )


I have something that I want to discuss with you about the quest. In the discussion thread.
No. 982173 ID: d63ea8

*The presence pushes away from Scarred Ana.*

"It was as this presence said..."
"The almighty voice echoes its words."
"The form has been cut away and destroyed."

"There is no more 'Ana' now,"
"Only the parasite."

"It will not hold your interests,"
"Nor your pact."

"Now you,"
"Disciple of Marks,"
"and you,"
"Memorial of Pain..."

"Without form you will drift."

"Forced to be pulled behind the desires of a parasite."
"And I behind you..."


"Warnings ignored..."

*The presence moves its hands to also cover its eyes.*
No. 982180 ID: 5f4030

And what other choice did we have!? And are you going to take the word of this... THING??? This is the thing that took Ana to begin with? THIS FUCKING WALKING HENTAI JOKE THAT SPOUTS SHITTY RIDDLES. By the way dick head, a good riddle has to make sense and have an answer that when in the right context needs to make sense. What you just told isn’t a riddle, it’s a shitty parable with an attempt at a moral philosophy.

As for you, Presence, I don’t know how else to explain this. The parasite is bound to Fortune or Charred or whoever, not the body. If this thing wanted (which it doesn’t) it could just give Ana back and she could swap her out. Spirit Parasites are literal souls twisted and mutated, many of them are just clones of a hive mind. It latched on to Anthony when we fought it and when Anthony tried to free himself by doing a new ash tree ritual and binding his soul to the trunk of the ash tree, the parasite went with him.


So Fortune/Charred or whatever is the spirit parasite queen and the Spirit Parasite Queen is now Fortune/Charred. Speaking of which, we’re talking about you now, I know you’re hear with us. Anything to say??? Or am I just gonna have to keep carrying us because I’m the only one who has any hope for us? That we can make it!

No. 982546 ID: 2bd15b
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I have to admit I was a little bit deceitful with the title screen because this wasn't the original name for this part of the chapter, not to mention that there is no going to be any crucifying, burning nor angels. I simply combine two other franchises to create this new title. So I have a question, so what do you think this chapter is going to be about?

No. 982676 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 982677 ID: 5f4030

Hold up. You might get away with Rosaliné, she has a heart in her chest. Lorence though, I’m willing to bet his heart isn’t in his chest, he’s that paranoid. And from what I’m hearing they’re taking about Boxy and the kids. Which means they got them. I want to hear a little more. If we do go for them, make it clean and quick. Better yet, they’re both immortal, if we want to keep them alive, cut off their heads. Immortals can live without a body as long as their hearts are in tact.
No. 982684 ID: d63ea8

*The presence is still covering its face and whispers so quietly that it is barely audible.*

He knows...
He is there and there again.
Speaking of times past,
and repeating.

He knows we are here.
We have attacked and not known it.

His words are a display to us,
as much as the spider...

Do not let him see.

Again he will fight,
and survive,
and grow older.

He cannot be surprised.

*The presence shudders and curls up.*

He knows...
He knows...

No. 982703 ID: 5f4030

*rolls eyes*
Well don’t jinx us. By the way, love your enthusiasm, way to be a team player.

If he has seen us or knows, chances are he’ll do something after tea. He probably doesn’t know we’re a threat yet. Otherwise he would have done something by now.
No. 982705 ID: d63ea8

*The presence shudders.*
He knows...
His words offer warning.

With the anchor here he will not act,
fearing its damage.

But if the parasite attacks he will sever himself.
He will be gone and then back.
And he will know...
He always knows...

*The presence tries to curl up more tightly.*
Forgo these thoughts,
they play into his hand.

He cannot be allowed to see.

This form is too weak to survive his gaze.


Disciple of Marks,
what are you trying to find?

This steely vengeance can only be traded for a gloried death.

No. 982707 ID: 2094a0

I'm trying to find hope Presence. I'd rather avoid killing if we can. I honestly don't want to kill Madame Rosaline if we can help it. Lorence, I'm much more reserved about, I won't mourn him. I'm prepared to do what has to be done. I want to get our people, and get out of here.

And by the gods of light and darkness Presence. Grow a spine.
No. 982710 ID: d63ea8

*The presence shudders again, shaking its head.*
Hiding here,

There is no hope to be found...
not here...

These are old battles,
Disciple of Marks,
battles he's won.

Battles he will continue to win.
He has fought you countlessly...
and survives to fight you another time.

He is there and there again.

He knows you are here,
and is ready.

He knows...
He knows...

No. 982711 ID: 2094a0

*Looks between Lorence and the Presence*
You two have a past don’t you? Hey, look at me. Don’t look at him, look at me.

He doesn’t see you. He won’t, as long as you’re with us, you’re gonna be okay. Alright, I know you can see us and even feel us at times.

I have your back now, okay? I promise he won’t get you and he won’t get us. I’m right here, okay buddy? I’m here.
No. 982714 ID: d63ea8

*The presence keeps its face covered.*
This presence has nothing.
Is nothing...
for nothing is all that remains...

Do not let him see.

He is a tree that towers above the highest peak.

Only getting older and wiser,
as he overshadows the shoots of mere seedlings.

Do not let him see.
Do not let him learn.

This presence cannot bear it.

You are here and he is there again,
but you have lost to him.

And he knows...
He knows...

No. 982715 ID: 0dedc5

Presence, we only lose if we give up.

And we have beaten him before. He’s not invincible. Much as he likes to imagine. He can be beat, but I need your help to do it. It was a small victory but we helped a young woman and saved her life from his wrath by helping her prove her innocence. Do you understand? I need you to help us, and to not give up. I know your scared, and afraid, you’ve got to have fear to have courage. And I know you can be courageous.

Get up. Uncover your eyes, hold my hand if you need it. I’m here we’ll get through this.
No. 982850 ID: e51896

(Charred's thoughts):
>But with you, it feels if I say goodbye to you I will never see you the same way when we meet again. That notion scares me and I don’t know how to feel about it.

{Charred's thoughts): Hmm… What Lorence said reminds me of when Anthony drew a picture of Rosalia infected by a spirit parasite… is it possible to fulfill that prophecy, Queen, perhaps somehow infect her mind and make her one of our soldiers?

(Charred's Thoughts): Thank you for your opinions, Scarred and Presence... I have taken heavy considerations by what you both said, and now I would like to state my thoughts...

(Charred's Thoughts): As far as the homeless boxhead, and one of their members 93 is concerned, I hate to tell you this but Boxhead was most likely killed by the cult after they found Rosalia's children. 93 might be dead too, but there could be a chance she at least survived, but might have to face a trial for helping us. Her fate is unclear... It was said that anyone that was our companion was killed by them except for Logan. what is interesting though is that they did not mention Clarence, the man who became a doll. There could be a chance that he left the group after finding out we got kidnapped and went to look for us.

(Charred's Thoughts): As it stands, while it looks like we could act on your animal instincts and kill them now, queen, I remember how Null had blindly went in attacking during our battle with Essence, and ended up as a puddle as a result of not seeing the bigger picture of what was happening, and I do not want to end up like him. the full picture here is that there are things you are not seeing that could be very bad for us if we attack now. Lorence has invisible colleagues watching over this tea party with Rosalia, such as curators like the Conductor or the shopkeeper. Even if we do manage to kill them now, the curators will see what we would do and report it to the higher ups, making us lose our advantage of being hidden as we try to gather power for awhile by revealing ourselves too soon. And even if that wasn't the case, I know that Lorence has vast knowledge and experience from living through trillions of cycles, so he is most likely prepared for a possible sneak attack at any moment.

(Charred's Thoughts): For instance, you should know that Lorence has a bomb inside his body that is set to activate in the event that he is backed in a corner and is about to face immediate death like if he gets captured by the blind will for example. As a last resort, he will activate that bomb to kill both him, and his attacker.

(Charred's Thoughts): So if you believe your revenge is to die for and you want to explode in a fiery blaze of glory, be my guest. I will just become a voice spirit again, and find somebody else to guide to find my body and continue my mission to create a universe.

(Charred's Thoughts): Or, we can take this alternative: we wait until Lorence leaves the tea party, and Rosalia is all alone. Once they are separated, we will sneakingly terminate Rosalia, and then do either these three things:

(Charred's Thoughts): [small]first option: We leave Rosalia's dead body and let somebody find it so that they can accuse Lorence of killing her as he was the last person seen with her. Lorence is already starting to be seen as suspicious, so killing Rosalia, and making it look like Lorence killed her in the crime scene will make him become more of a pariah in the eyes of the cult. Make him suffer the same fate we did when his people made us an outcast to the world.

(Charred's Thoughts): second option: We kill and consume Rosalia to gather more strength like we did with Clara. We still need to get stronger so that I can continue my goal of creating a new world without issues... or gather strength if we want to go up against Happy and his army I guess...

(Charred's Thoughts): Third option: I was inspired by Anthony's drawing of Rosalia infected by a spirit parasite. If it is possible to infect her and her mind to make her one of us, perhaps that could be another option. If we are not strong enough, we can take her body and hide it with us until we get the ability to do that. despite our strength, we will still need soldiers to serve us after all so we don't get overwhelmed...

(Charred's Thoughts): That is what I'm thinking our action should be. Wait for Lorence to leave, and then strike Rosalia. I know Scarred is not a fan of killing Rosalia, but the fact is while she says she wants to do things for the betterment of mankind, the truth is she doesn't care about humanity. If she did want to do things for the betterment of mankind, she would have seen the humanity of Ana sparing Rosalia's life and healing her when she was dying, but instead she tried to kill us immediately afterwards. If she cared about humanity, she would not have abandoned her children and took responsibility of taking care of them herself instead of dumping them on someone else. Even her children hate her for that... And even if we didn't kill Rosalia, she is aging very rapidly and won't be long for this world anyway due to having her DNA spliced with spider DNA... her soul will have more purpose if we take her down and do one of those three options than if she were to die within the next year or two of old aging... I'm sorry, maybe it is the fact that my mind is fused with the queen that I'm thinking such sadistic thoughts, but I have no sympathy for Rosalia and her actions...

(Charred's Thoughts): But there is one sure thing I want to do before we do anything, Queen... I remember that we were able to see Felafaf the fortune teller's giant tarot cards next to people a while ago that let us see their fates. While we wait for Lorence to leave Rosalia alone, I want to see if we can see what Lorence's and Rosalia's tarot cards look like, to see if I still have that ability. That way we can get a better idea on what fortune people are heading towards and figure out how we can act accordingly.

(Charred's Thoughts): what are your thoughts on my plans, Queen, Scarred, Presence?
No. 982852 ID: 5f4030

Not a bad plan all things considered. Although I would prefer to question Rosaliné first to figure out what she knows about 93 and Boxy first. If they are dead... well we won’t have to worry about them. If they aren’t we need to save them. They were willing to help us, we need to do the same for them. Then maybe, but if we turn them we need to make sure they are kept in line. If they go off turning others, we won’t be able to control that after a while. Don’t forget part of it is also making the person accept the parasite. I’m not really sure what would happen if the host rejects them.
No. 982853 ID: e51896

>Don’t forget part of it is also making the person accept the parasite. I’m not really sure what would happen if the host rejects them.

(Charred's thoughts): hmm, last I saw Casper as the bringer of nightmare Ana's universe we left behind was dying, he got infected... I wonder if he accepted being a host now that I think about it judging from what we saw from how he looked... we should consider the possibility that version of Casper might be hiding somewhere in this world and be on the lookout for him.
No. 982854 ID: d63ea8

*The presence shudders.*
Destroying the anchor will ensure that he leaves this place,
or seeks revenge.
Would you commit to the actions that befell you?
Face the consequences he would sew?

No. 982946 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 982949 ID: c97156

what is even the point in telling you anything, Lorence? You're just going to kill me regardless of anything I say for the simple crime of existing, and seeing me only as a monster like everyone else in the multiverse, so there is no point in saying anything

*tries again to see Lorence's tarot card*
No. 982950 ID: d63ea8

*The presence hides behind the tree to avoid Lorence's gaze.*
No. 982958 ID: 5f4030

> Be informed your inner thoughts are really loud

Wait, can you hear us?
No. 983053 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 983058 ID: e51896

If my suspicions are correct, Lorence is also having a lot of issues with Happy the Tragedy Phantom, a far worse threat than anything else right now... if Lorence was able to take us out this easily, imagine what Happy could do since he is playing this universe and its inhabitants like a puppet show right now. Think it might be best to just swallow our pride and take the offer?
No. 983059 ID: e51896

*looks over at Rosalia*
And what does Rosalia think of all this?
No. 983070 ID: d63ea8

*The presence remains hidden.*
No. 983143 ID: 0dedc5

Fuck it, we don’t really have much option. Let’s at least hear him out. Maybe we can even be a saboteur and do the opposite of whatever he wants, just to fuck with him. That sounds fun.
No. 983188 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 983190 ID: d63ea8

*The presence flinches when the Spirit Parasite impales Lorence.*



*The presence starts to curl up again.*


*The presence covers its face.*
No. 983192 ID: 5f4030

*hugs presence*
Yeah sure, tell him to pick his poison, which one of us does he want to talk with? Me or Charred?
No. 983447 ID: e51896

to answer your question, Queen, I think Lorence wants us to join because he realizes now that his plans have mainly been foiled by Happy the Tragedy Phantom and not us this whole time, just like how you and we were foiled by Happy. Lorence knows it will be impossible to stop Happy without teaming up despite being "enemies".

I'm here Lorence. I'm not sure you can hear me, but I'm sure Toothpick can and is able to speak for me. Current mental state is numb. Not glad, not mad, not sad, just numb. I have no control over this creature, otherwise I would have used this second life to leave you alone and try to achieve my own goals without interfering with your wars and not have anyone bothering me as long as I can. I don't think I'd care when you inevitably escape from this and gain the advantage over the queen, because really, as someone told me I'm just a leaf drifting in the wind and can only observe.

The most I can do is try to get answers, like asking you this: You and other cult members keep saying that it was our fault for all the turmoil we had suffered for confronting you guys in the first place. But in reality, you guys confronted us first. At the bus stop, Betty, one of the cult members in a Halloween pumpkin mask, was tasked to push us and slip in a paper of instructions with the Carpenter observing to make sure we get it.
the instructions stated "If you want to learn how to breathe and survive, draw the ash tree symbol and place it above you head before going to sleep. Don't get washed up in the shores with the impatient, my little fishy. Fight for your life in this time of death and mediocrity."
But doing that turned out to be a trap. We were baited to summon the ash tree but we were told the way we summoned it was how the ash tree acolytes would assassinate their targets at long range in a very torturous fashion. We were also offered a mask by the person who organized that when we escaped that torture, but we refused as it would kill the person giving us that mask.
Even if we did not want to confront you after all that, I'm sure you guys would continue to go after us even if we tried to mind our own business, so of course we had to fight for our lives. If we never got that paper, our confrontation against you all might not have ever happened...

What I want to know is, who was the person that tried to assassinate us at that time when we did nothing to harm anyone? who gave the Carpenter and Betty that order to send us those instructions to try to kill us? I feel whoever is responsible for that might lead us to the culprit who have been manipulating all of us from the beginning...

No. 983495 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 983501 ID: d63ea8

*The presence shakes its head, but says nothing.*
No. 983514 ID: 5f4030

He wants to be allies.... after all the shit he put us through? After everything he put everyone around us into?


Part of me wants to laugh, but I’m more disgusted by that. Too little, too late.

No. 983674 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 983722 ID: d63ea8

*The presence reaches a hand towards Rosalia before drawing it back towards its mouth.*

*It swallows.*
No. 983723 ID: d63ea8

*The presence grabs Charred Queen's arm and tries to pull it back, in an attempt to remove her blade from Lorence.*
No. 983761 ID: 5f4030

Hold up. We’re at a disadvantage. Woody boy over there can hear me. Anything we plot he’ll know.

We could probably take her. If we wanted, hell even move Lorence in the way of her attack. That would be hilarious. But I wanna know more. I’m especially interested in you Woody, you must have a type of connection to the ash tree then if you can hear me. What’s up?
No. 983769 ID: b0b286

This is a split decision action. Where you should choose whether to attack or to back off, as every decision there will be unforeseen consequences. So choose what is the best thing to perform, it is do or die time but most importantly remember to have fun.

No. 985847 ID: bcb0c0
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No. 985855 ID: d63ea8

*The presence tries to exert itself further, but stumbles back, losing grip of Charred Queen's arm.*
No. 985856 ID: d63ea8

Fragment of Rosalia's Anger expended.
No. 985857 ID: d63ea8

*The presence quietly scrambles behind Mr. Toothpick, trying to avoid Lorence's gaze.*

*It whispers:*
"He does not know..."
"For this is the first time he's done it."
"His actions have killed the Seeker of Truth."
"Now only ashes remain..."


"Do not speak of me."
"I do not want to be annihilated as well..."

No. 985867 ID: 5f4030

*squeezes The presence’s hand*

It’s gonna be okay.

In all honesty I agree with what she said. Mostly because all I hear out of Lorence is just pure hypocrisy. He locks us in jail, would have us killed and set on fire and then we’re forced to make another deal all together to even get a shot at keeping on. And the “real” Ana might as well be rearranging deck chairs on the titanic because some hentai monster has her. So fuck yourself Lorence, you are an evil man. Know why? Because evil is a weed, it always starts out small, and it’s watered by anger, sorrow, paranoia, and good intentions. It grows through small acts of everyday cruelty. And you have let it grow to astronomical size. Fuck you Lorence. Fuck. You.
No. 985970 ID: e51896

I'm not amused that both of you, Lorence and Parasite Queen, are putting words in my mouth and telling each other what I am truly thinking like it is fact... in all honesty, each and every one of you here had made us suffer greatly at least once which gives me no reason to feel any remorse or regret towards what might happen to anyone here next.

But, I made my decision, a deserving decision which will most likely make everyone here angered with me: First, I will spare you, Lorence, for these reasons...

Andrew Goodwill once gave us an offer to either kill you, or a few other cult members for whatever reason which we did not accept... it implies that you're expendable, worthless, or a hindrance to him... and Essence even once gave us the opportunity to kill you by offering us to give Ambassador's servant the order to kill you which we didn't take... and I feel keeping you alive is something that Essence and Andrew doesn't want which could spoil their plans. And I definitely do not want to follow whatever Essence wants us to do

Plus, I would also be betraying a good friend of mine if I did try to kill you... your girlfriend... I don't want to make her upset...

But most importantly, I find that death is too good for you. I come to terms that suffering by living in this world is a fate far worse than death, and judging by how every single person I met here had tried to hurt me at lease once physically or mentally, I conclude that each and every one of us here deserves to be punished for our behavior by living here in this hellhole of a world.

That said, yes, I said I will release and spare you... BUT don't think your release is going to be that easy and without suffering... Let it be known that I am on nobody's side and will be a more neutral presence from this point on, So... consider this a vibe check...

Scarred, this one is for you to blow off some steam...

*Charred first raises Lorence upwards as high as she can with her blades, and then slams him as hard as she can against the tea table releasing him off her blade with the intention of breaking the table, and maybe a few broken bones against Lorence.*
No. 985978 ID: 612369

Ohhhhh... sweet, sweet catharsis.
No. 985986 ID: bcb0c0
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No. 985994 ID: 1800ae

Who? You mean the spooks in the incel fedoras that follow you around like a bunch of puppies? Let me guess, their all people who were with my time. I remember seeing Connor there, and Mackabee the sniper when you tried to get Root back and failed. Can’t imagine they’re very loyal to you, not those two anyway. If anyone was like bad puppies it was them.
No. 986013 ID: d63ea8

*The presence shudders, and then whispers to Mr. Toothpick:*
"Thank you."


"You are correct."
"This presence should not be given care."

*The presence carefully creeps towards Lorence's puppet, trying to examine it further.*
No. 986147 ID: e51896

Queen, in my opinion, I think we should just take the medicine. Lorence holds all the cards here, and you kind of did this to yourself with wanting to charge in to attack right away without even knowing your enemy instead of being patient and hide in the shadows waiting for more opportune moments to make your moves and learn and get stronger by secretly eating other dead bodies we find. And even if we did kill this puppet Rosaline and Toothpick like you wanted, this Lorence was a fake and the real Lorence would just send people to go after us again. Plus as far as I know, Happy, the person who fucked with us is also fucking with Lorence. We might need to swallow our pride in order to get all the help we can get to get your revenge on Happy for what he did to you, and Ana. We can't do this alone...

inner thoughts: besides, if your worried about your species dying out, there is a chance that Casper from the alternate timeline you infected with your offspring could have escaped that universe before it vanished. Hold onto that hope. More impossible things has happened before

after all, parasite or not, you'd have to be a very cruel person, or a very naive person to want to bring more offsprings into this world to suffer the hellhole it had beco-

*just remembered that Scarred and Rosaline had/has offsprings*

err... well... That isn't to say Rosaline...? and Scarred are bad parents... Never mind.

Rosaline, I'd appreciate it if you'd show at least a tiny little bit of respect for sparing Lorence even if it was a puppet... I mean, we did spare your life and the lives of your children, and you've showed no appreciation towards being given a second chance for being revived by us when you were dying, and a third chance for not being punished on having your children killed by us... but I guess that is the spider instinct in you have that might be preventing you from feeling human appreciation... who knows, who cares. Maybe it is because you lost your humanity and human emotions and gave into your monstrous spider instincts, so I can't fault you for acting as a sociopath... But I wonder what feelings you would feel if I told you that... Flint is still alive...

Lorence, I'm personally for taking the medicine, but I want to hear what the others' opinion on it first before we take it. I don't want to make my friends angry again for forcing them into a choice they don't want.

Until then, I suppose I should warn you this: you should know there are right now two Felafafs running around. One of those Felafafs are from an alternate time and had joined the person responsible for messing with us, the same guy the tribunal is after. I'll just say that if you ever come across Felafaf again in the future, be very careful, there could be a chance it could be the alternate universe's Felafaf trying to fulfill our enemy's needs even if she doesn't want to cause you harm.
And also, you don't have to like the investigation team, but it would be beneficial if you at least showed a little bit of cooperation with them as they are hunting down the person responsible for ruining your plans and our plans. As much as we may hate your guts, I honestly do not believe you are the person they are after.

No. 986149 ID: 583e24

No offense.

Hey also just a thought, if you do take the medicine. I’m assuming it’s mostly done through science yeah? Kind of like how the spirit parasites were made? Do think it’s possible that we can, I don’t know, reverse engineer a cure for it? I mean if this will sterilize the queen isn’t it possible we can find a way to undo that? Especially if it’s a chemical compound, it’s not like getting your tubes tied or a vasectomy where physically can’t have kids anymore. I’m betting there’s a way we can reverse this. At most, consider this a temporary set back. If we ever find the lab where you guys came from, I bet we can reverse this.
No. 986193 ID: bcb0c0
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No. 986195 ID: 5f4030

Keep the names of the honored dead out of your wretched mouth, monster.

And as for you Rosaliné, I hate you the most out of all of them. Possibly even more than I hate Lorence. I understand not wanting to have kids, but not even taking any responsibility for them, and speaking about them like trash. You disgust me most of all.

You’re all horrible people. As for you cat-face looking guy, I don’t know you well enough to know you. But... hmm. You can hear us, and you aren’t wearing the sign of the ash tree. That means you are either actually a child, or you’re somehow immune...
*Looks between toothpick and Rosaliné.*

Hmm. Well, I still don’t hate you. Despite everything, if you are who I think you are. I just hope you’ll be okay.
No. 986291 ID: e51896

Before we do something that we might regret, the way I see it, you fear the blind will more than anything else, more than the person trying to sabotage you like he sabotaged us... you fear the Blind Will so much that you do many highly questionable things in order to prevent them from taking over...

In that case, Lorence, let me ask a question to both you, and the queen: The Blind Will is known for turning people into empty husks of themselves, turning them into their slaves to Absolution's hive mind, and on some occasions creating a monster made to act as a beacon to control everyone on the planet's mind. So with that in mind, what if you couldn't afford to have us take that medicine to sterilize the queen? what if instead would happen if the Spirit Parasite's offspring were to infect people who had lost their senses and became a mind slave to Absolution Prime? do you think the spirit parasites would be able to take back control of their senses in some way? and hell, if that beacon monster does arrive, what would happen if we as the charred queen take control of that monster or infect him?

Do you think this would be worth a shot? You've already done many terrible and risky things already, Lorence, to stop the Blind Will with the ends justifying the means in your mind. So would allowing us not to take the medicine and form an alliance be just another ends to justify the means on? I'm sure you've done far riskier or worse things than letting a spirit parasite live with their ability to reproduce... right? You have to do things out of your comfort zone and take risky moves to get the gold.

No. 986309 ID: d63ea8

*The presence creeps even closer to Lorence's puppet, keeping outside of it's field of view and trying to peer into it's wounds.*
"What is inside?"
No. 986314 ID: 612369

Ooooooh, shit. Called out, son.
No. 986332 ID: bcb0c0
File 161170165124.jpg - (2.69MB , 2770x2574 , Divergent 37.jpg )

No. 986334 ID: 612369

I know, Robert. I know.

Whispers: It's not my call to make but itf you say no, just for shits and giggles and because she deserves it, inject it into Rosaline. Cuz fuck her, and fuck these people.
No. 986395 ID: d63ea8

*The presence sneaks up right behind Lorence.*

*It tries to examine the puppet even more closely.*
No. 986738 ID: e51896

inner thhoughts: Sorry, Scarred... I can't inject that medicine into Rosaline, and even if I wanted to, since you said that plan out loud, Toothpick heard you and won't let me do it.

inner thoughts: Wicker Kid told me that there is no good outcome for us anymore... but the fact the Lorence implied that there has never been an instance where a spirit parasite had infected somebody who lost all their senses means that this could be a path that has never been explored before. Things might get worse, but I kind of lost my purpose when Ana was killed anyway...

If the spirit parasites infect the blind will, or anybody that had their senses removed by the blind will to be controlled by them, and absolution prime decides to keep whatever result comes out of that if it turns out to be monsterous, in the long run, wouldn't he be held accountable by the tribunal instead of you Lorence?

That said, I really don't think the tribunal's team would allow you to let me stay and could still get you in huge trouble even if the queen and I become sterile. It might be for your safety if we did not join you especially since you are arrested...

and besides, after all the betrayals I've faced by everyone, like Robert or Rosaline, or that FBI woman trying to kill us immediately after saving their lives, it is almost impossible for me to trust others anymore. For instance, I know this medicine is not what you say it is. Because... why in the world would you happen to have this medicine that can sterilize spirit parasites in your possession when it was clear that seeing the queen and I as a spirit parasite was the very last thing you expected to see? It makes no sense.

Not to mention, why would it matter if I took that medicine or not if you guys are already doing something illegal in the Tribunal's eyes which is trying to release Andrew Goodwill?

It would probably be better to live with this disease if the side effects from the medicine are far worse that the symptoms from the disease I have. I learned that lesson from a story I heard.

I'll do what I can to help you stop the blind will in my own way, even if you decide to hunt me down. I don't really care because I lost my purpose and no longer fear death. That said, I hope you get out of the tribunal's clutches soon, Lorence.

*escapes by digging underground*
No. 986810 ID: bcb0c0
File 161231615330.jpg - (4.64MB , 3508x4037 , Divergent 38.jpg )

No. 986813 ID: d63ea8

That is it.

This empty presence now sees.

The Striped Beast,
Only it can navigate the void.

But it is not the puppeteer,
It is the string.

So he is not here,
He cannot see.

We are safe,
For now.
No. 986815 ID: d63ea8

*The presence notices Mr. Toothpick.*


*The presence reaches for Roseline but then quickly withdraws its hand.*

Infested now.

*It then turns to Charred Queen.*
This empty presence has nothing to express.
That one-

*The presence points to Mr. Toothpick*
-had offered the faintest drops of kindness.

Release them.
No. 986822 ID: 583e24

Please do.
No. 986826 ID: 71201a

*without saying anything or thinking of anything, Charred destroys the head of puppet Lorence as much as she can, making sure that Lorence loses connection and cant see or hear anything that happens next before she decides to speak again*
No. 986863 ID: 612369

If you would, I want to try and save Toothpick. I'm not sure what can be done now, but I'd like to at least try.

I hope it's not Robert...
No. 986939 ID: bcb0c0
File 161246432050.jpg - (3.72MB , 3508x2612 , Divergent 39.jpg )

No. 986945 ID: acbe67

Eat her or turn her, I don’t care. I only have one request. I want to see Toothpicks face.
No. 986948 ID: d63ea8

*The presence freezes.*
Ah, it's gone now.

The tether between mortal and spirit now severed.


Warnings had been given,
Had been ignored.


*It turns towards Charred Queen.*
Memorial of Pain...
This is what the Leech will do to all.
No. 986949 ID: 612369

Unless one of us can control her wrath. She said "Other-half" if they are in sync with each other, then maybe there's a chance...
No. 987239 ID: e51896

huh... unreasonable animal... complete monster for lashing out when all he just wanted to have a conversation with me? But wasn't lashing out something you yourself also did when Ana wanted to have a conversation with you after she revived you, Rosaline? Maybe its because of moments like you did that made me what I've become... maybe if you'd show restraint after Ana spared your life, I would reconsider doing all this...

I personally don't want to join the the Blind Will like the Queen wants... I hate Absolution Prime for killing my friend's offspring. I'm more interested in trying to save the people the Blind Will tries to control when they take away all their senses. Anybody who falls prey to the Blind Will I will try to infect with more spirit parasites so the parasites can act as the people's new senses through them and hopefully restore their minds back to normal... think of us like... a permanent leech sucking out the poison the blind will puts into people...

*grabs the tea kettle and pours it on the blood on her bone blade to clean it off*

I am actually helping Lorence a great deal by doing this even if it doesn't look like it... That man refuses any change that deviates from the same path he sets this universe towards in every cycle that he never helps the acolytes of the ash tree succeeds, even going as far as self sabotaging the acolytes if it looks like they are winning I'm sure... Why else would he not have been able to succeed in the trillions of cycles he lived through? This is for his own good to save him from his insanity of doing things over and over again expecting a different result...

That said, I'm truly sorry for what I'm about to do next, I need as much strength as I can if I'm going to help you all go against the Blind Will, and I don't trust you enough to spare you after what you did to Ana... your actions have consequences after all... but I'm sure you'll see my side of the story when you and I share the same mind after you are consumed, Rosaline. But if it is any consolation, please take good care of Clara for me when you wake up and see her again... she could use a friend right now...

*Hits Rosaline over the head with the tea kettle as hard as she can in order to knock her unconscious and then proceeds to do what the Queen asked her to do*

When I'm done here, Queen, lets remove Toothpick's mask like Scarred wanted... but also, lets keep a close eye on his detached limbs, I don't want any of them to sneak attack us, or inject us with that syringe you dropped... this world is crazy like that...
No. 987344 ID: bcb0c0
File 161277623948.jpg - (2.09MB , 3508x1660 , Divergent 40.jpg )

No. 987353 ID: 5f4030

Hmm. Well you’re not Robert so for calling you such I apologize. I actually think I know what you are. We met a puppet once who turned out to be a friend who died in the fog and was turned into one of them. Could be something like that. As for letting him go, I don’t care. I’d rather most people live. But you are right, I’m willing to accept what needs to be done.
No. 987366 ID: d63ea8

*The presence peers closer at the wooden head.*
...another puppet?

There is a spirit within.

*It turns to Charred Queen.*
"This presence begs that you release it."

"Do not forget what your were before..."
"Memorial of Pain..."

*Extending its hands the presence tries to take the wooden head.*
No. 988086 ID: e51896

thoughts: Queen, I believe one of his amputated arms has that missing drug hiding somewhere, waiting to inject us if we don't do as he says, which is why it was probably a wiser decision to not eat Rosalia. there were so many times we've turned our back on the enemy before we met, and then they pull a nasty surprise on us after thinking we defeated them. It is a good thing we checked out toothpick when we did first before we decided to swallow rosalia. The important thing I learned all this time is to not get too greedy

Yeah, I'll return you to your body toothpick, but in return, don't drug me with that needle. I believe that infecting the blind will's mind slaves would be the only way to save them since it never happened before in any other cycle, and I want to see if it would work... and following Lorence's route will just lead to the same outcome as all the other timelines he's been in without achieving anything, not even his own goals just like all the other times he's been through this. I'll even tell you this: one of the reasons I can't join Lorence because the robot he is using is not to be trusted, and he seems to be willing to use them despite the person who probably sent that robot to him is trying to sabotage him and spy on him with it, just like us. Pretty much the same kind of robot you showed to Lorence earlier. I did Lorence a favor by destroying that robot so none of us will be spied on, not even Lorence.

If you can tell me any idea of who supplied Lorence with that robot, It would really help everyone, but if not, at least do me a favor and keep a very close eye on it, even if it is for your employer's sake...

And one more thing, will you grant me permission to eat Rosaline, Toothpick, without you drugging me? You right now hold all the cards right now. consuming Rosaline's energy will help queen get stronger to deal with the blind will for Lorence, and everyone else living in this world...

or maybe how would you feel about joining us instead of Lorence? I'm sure you've seen this timeline play out the same way over and over again, maybe you'd want to see something different?

No. 988089 ID: 2f1e7c

Why not just break the needle?
No. 988090 ID: e51896

>Why not just break the needle?
Don't know where it is... If Toothpick has it and break it for us, he can show that he is serious about wanting a temporary truce...
No. 988191 ID: 612369

You asked to eat Rosaline out loud, color me surprised if he actually agrees to a truce. Speaking from experience, asking to eat someone isn't the best way to form negotiations. And I think the needle feel on the ground over by Lorence's puppet.
No. 988209 ID: bcb0c0
File 161343017865.jpg - (6.62MB , 3508x4961 , Divergent 41.jpg )

No. 988211 ID: 2f1e7c

To be honest toothpick, I don’t care what you do. And I certainly don’t care if Rosaliné lives or dies. Sorry not sorry. What I’m more interested in is why you don’t want us to know who you are. That’s the only thing that really interests me. Your actual identity, is unimportant. I don’t really care if you join us or not. I hope we can at least be allies if not friends if you do.
No. 988217 ID: bcb0c0
File 161343678212.jpg - (550.35KB , 989x1407 , Divergent 42.jpg )


What is currently going through the head of Lorence

No. 988224 ID: d63ea8

"This empty presence begged for that they would be released."
"Not caged."

"Do not let the leech corrupt you more than it already has..."


"Memorial of Pain..."
"Has everything else truly burnt away..?"
"Is there nothing left of the Seeker of Truth?"


"That nothingness will tear away at you..."

"This presence has walked that path."
No. 988225 ID: d63ea8

((This is a vote for choice B.))
No. 988233 ID: 2f1e7c

Quit getting mad. It never did me any good.
No. 988250 ID: bcb0c0
File 161346768765.jpg - (392.10KB , 1620x487 , Divergent 43.jpg )

No. 988251 ID: 5f4030

Jesus Christ, calm down. Can I be frank here? I’m just gonna be super honest here and realistic.

Toothpick, Charred Queen. I don’t like any of this, I don’t care about spying for anyone, I don’t want to be anyone’s spy. I don’t even really like you Charred Queen, as far as I’m concerned, I’m just along for this ride, and you are a placeholder for Ana. We saved you cuz it was the only option left, and an option between life an death isn’t an option at all. I’ll give you points for fucking over Lorence cuz, fuck him and his stupid fedora. I give no fucks about this, hell I don’t really even care who you are Toothpick, either tell us who you are and why we should care or don’t if I don’t even understand why we should care? Why the hell would I care about who you are, if I don’t even have context for this temper tantrum. Honestly, this is just a farce.
No. 988313 ID: e51896

(Going for A)
No. 988492 ID: bcb0c0
File 161372918183.jpg - (4.33MB , 3508x4151 , Divergent 44.jpg )


No. 988496 ID: e51896

*still remains silent, waits until she is addressed*
No. 988499 ID: d63ea8

"Renegade of Body!"

No, this is Ana, she is Ana.
This presence was blind...
But she was not,
She saw us before and does so now.
Of course, the eye...

Those connections now fall,
into the grasp of this empty presence.

Perhaps that was why...
Even disguised this 'Toothpick' drew our attention.

But precious Ana,
Living Ana.
Has not offered the presence the chance to offer words.
It will remain in silence...

*The presence covers its mouth with its hands.*
No. 988520 ID: 612369

*stares and then suddenly a feeling like leaping forward to embrace her in relief*

You're here. You're alive. Thank goodness.

*sniffles* I'm not Ana, I'm not even disappointed at you. I'm just sad. And I'm sorry it's gotten to this. My whole goal was to find you, and I'm so glad you're alive. I'm just sorry I couldn't be the person you needed me to be. I'm also sorry to say this isn't the first time we've been here, and last time, I unknowingly destroyed a whole timeline in order to bring you back. I don't think I'll be able to pull that off this time, and I don't know if I could do it again even if I knew how.

I don't blame you, I'm just sad you see this as your only option. Because...


Ana, my whole purpose was to see you grow and be better than I was, I wanted to keep you safe, see you be something better than me. I failed at almost every turn. You ask me to move on with my existence, but my existence was tied to this. It's all I had left. You were the last thing I could hold on to, Fortune has become something else that I can't help, and I've lost everything that I was trying to protect and help. Knowing you are alive is enough for me now.

If this what you choose... Then I choose oblivion. What else is there for me?

It's a beautiful moon out. I'm glad I got see it again.

*Scarred goes away.*
No. 988521 ID: 612369


Scarred is dead. If she is really needed she will come back, maybe. But honestly, and I ask this of Absurdity. Honestly, what is there for her anymore? What is the point of her? Her character arc can't be fulfilled, this is the only thing left. Fuck it. Give me a reason to bring her back and we'll see until then, fuck it, she's dead.
No. 988586 ID: bcb0c0
File 161382034619.jpg - (1.56MB , 2852x2191 , Divergent 45.jpg )

No. 988751 ID: e51896

...can I have a cigarette too? never had the opportunity to have one for so long as a voice... thanks.


The sky is nice. I wish I never have to go back into the fog again... Ana, If I'd known you were Toothpick, I probably would have took Lorence's offer no matter what, but... as usual, I can only make dumb decisions and it is probably too late now. It probably would have been super awkward for you if I did join though, so maybe it might have been for the best...

I am sorry for hurting and traumatizing you with the choices we asked you to take. In the end, I switched places with you because I no longer had any trust in our own abilities to guide others after hurting you and others so much. I felt that switch was the only way I could save you from ourselves. and seeing Happy kill you after I made that decision to switch with you made me lose all faith in my abilities.

But I am so glad you survived after all, even if it confuses me as to how you survived. I kind of wish I knew how you survived that explosion. and, I want you to know that I am actually proud of you, I'm in no way disappointed. Really, the only thing I wanted you to do was make decisions on your own, and now that you are finally doing that and living a better life with your decisions than if you followed our decisions, I can rest easier now. this timeline is your life to live. Not mine, not Scarred's, not Essence's, it is yours. Please do not try to live up to our expectations, and don't feel guilty for your actions. You have no reason to listen to us. Really, I want you to make your own goals and live your own life to the best of your abilities.

Do not worry, I am not going to reveal your secret, and I am not going to try to take down everything you've worked hard to construct. If you're going to kill me right here to ensure your secret, it'll be a sacrifice I will be willing to take to make sure you can live you life to it's fullest, I'm honestly not sure what goal to achieve right now anyway. I only request that if you do plan to sacrifice me, I request you burn me to a pile of ash, and then, find out how to use my ashes to create a new world, to create something amazing out of something so cruel. I'm told An Ana's ashes can be used to create a new universe, maybe you can fulfill that request during your own journey.

But I do have one concern... are you okay? it seems you had grown more of those thorns on you in addition to those horns you grew the last I saw you. Do you want to talk about it?

No. 988920 ID: d63ea8

This presence too would accept any offers of a cigarette.
But it may just fall through this empty form...

*The presence extends a hand out.*

"But how..?"

This Ana,
Precious Ana,
Changed Ana.

How did she escape the nothingness?

"How did you become this 'Mr. Toothpick.'"

"I have nothing to offer in return save curiosity."
No. 989116 ID: bcb0c0
File 161426189224.jpg - (3.84MB , 3508x3366 , BB 587.jpg )

No. 989117 ID: d63ea8

I am of nothing.
A speck in the darkness.
This empty presence only holds the voice it is given.
Perhaps your voice, perhaps another's.

But I will give silence,
These questions were given to the Memorial of Pain,
Not me.

*The presence places its hands back over its mouth and watches quietly.*
No. 989320 ID: e51896

Your guess is as good as mine as to who it is or what it wants, An-Toothpick. Everything it said it is I'm learning about just as you are.

And I do not think I can trust it either... So many people had betrayed us in the past that after I saw Godfrey kill you, it was pretty much the last straw that made me lose all faith and hope in humanity and couldn't trust anyone ever again, believing that that entire world hated us... but honestly, at this point, I'm not entirely sure what there is for this presence to betray me with... looking at where we are now and thinking back about what I wanted out of this adventure, I think my personal main goal was to try to get you to make your own decisions, Toothpick, to live your life without following any of our influences as this is your cycle to live, not ours. And looking back, I think I had actually achieved that goal when I saved you from us voices by cutting ties with each other so you wouldn't have to be hurt by our suggestions anymore...

When you were taken away from us by Happy after the deal, I thought I had failed everything when I thought he blew up your soul which is why I came back to life as a spirit parasite as I had nothing left to strive for, and didn't care about consequences anymore, just live in autopilot with a vengeful spirit parasite wanting to destroy humanity for what it has done to us. But seeing you alive, and living your life and making choices all on your own has given me a sense of relief, and I realize now that I had accomplished my main goal this whole time, not failed.

that isn't something that a lot of people are able to do in this world, to accomplish their goal, So with that in mind, I do not know what this presence can betray me on at this point if I already accomplished what I set out to do. But it has been keeping me sane in a sense... in a way, I like to pretend that maybe this presence is our innocence that we had lost after Godfrey killed you, even if I know that theory isn't true. I think this because it has been making pleas to me to not kill, and do the right thing, and their pleas to not kill Rosaline was a driving force that made me stall for time and made me knock her unconscious instead of killing her, so in a way, I pretend it is the innocence I lost that separated from me and took my place as a voice to guide me from doing anything bad... I think you have it to thank for preventing me from killing Rosaline back there...

*sighs and quietly hums the song "Two Birds" to herself, then stops when she gets an idea of a topic to ask Ana*

You know, Toothpick, when one accomplishes their main goal, I feel there is a sense of not having any more purpose in life to live for because we dedicated our life to do everything we can to reach our goal that when we actually do achieve it, you realize you got nothing left to live for. I guess it is true as they say, "the chase is better than the catch". Maybe that's why Lorence lives through this cycle so many times, because he feels he'll lose his purpose in life if he ever does achieve his goal, or leaves this world behind, and wants to keep that purpose for as long as he can so he can feel alive...


I'm actually curious to know... and no, it isn't a question as to how you escaped from that pocket dimension Happy kidnapped you to when we separated, it is more of a hypothetical question I have for you... So when we made that deal with that tentacle monster, which I think I'll call "Narrator" at this point, the original deal was that you and I would switch places where I would take your place as the Ana of this cycle while you would be my voice guiding me. But when Happy kidnapped you, that deal never happened and it had looked like we got scammed, with the narrator making me feel guilty claiming I had killed you by making that deal... (not saying that the deal was bad, it actually turned out really good in the end as you are now living your life away from us, which is what I wanted this whole time).
With that in mind, my hypothetical is this: if that deal actually went through, and you were my voice at this very moment, what will you have me do or say right here? What goal would you want be to strive to accomplish for in my life? Don't worry, I won't judge, there are no wrong answers... or right answers... just answers... not answering is also a valid choice.

No. 989321 ID: d63ea8

*The presence looks from Charred Ana to "Toothpick," hands still over its mouth.*
No. 989518 ID: bcb0c0
File 161455799426.jpg - (4.56MB , 3256x3839 , Divergent 46.jpg )

No. 989523 ID: e51896

You seem uncomfortable by what Toothpick said, queen... Are you sure you still want to go through with your plans for revenge? If not, maybe perhaps we can go with my goal to create a universe with me as I originally suggested, maybe one in which your future generations or your species can live in peace in? Granted, it'll be a lot harder to achieve since you gave away our position to Lorence, but you already said you'd rather live a short and eventful life than a long hollow one... I know creating a new universe probably purposeless and doesn't effect this universe in any way, but it would be a venture to pursue nonetheless...

Anyway, I guess the only other thing I am curious to see in our future is something that the Wicker Kid said to us (https://questden.org/kusaba/graveyard/res/929115.html#947707)... he said that every version of us Anas has the same outcome, which is ending up in a position where we have to decide what we want to do with the fog, as previous Anas from other cycles had before

I'm wondering that since there are now two Anas running around in this particular cycle, which one of us is going to make the decision? you or me? ... will it be both of us ending up making a choice? and what if we both make a different choice when we reach that outcome? And what is even that choice we have to make... I guess those are things we have to deal with at some point whether we want to or not...

No. 989554 ID: f3eb46

FUCK ME, SHUT UP! Gods damn, you all make it really hard to try and meditate around here.

Fuck that. Let them get angry. They don’t deserve happiness and they don’t deserve to win.

As I’ve tried to tell you for how long now? There is no point in running and trying to survive. Surviving isn’t living. how long have I tried drill that through your thick ass skull, dumbass?

Yes I am angry, yes I am tired, yes I am sad and disappointed in your choices Ana. I have fought through hell and back to try and find you, because I never stopped believing in you, I still haven’t stopped. Because I know you can come back and be greater than this. Because I don’t want you to settle for “best options.” Because if you do, you WILL end up here with us. If that’s the best you can hope for, then Christ on a pony you might as well stop living all together.

Both of you are like one massive self pity party. And when it comes does to it the only thing you want to do is run and hide.

Shame on you, shame on you. Well I for one am not willing to die here, or give up on you both. It was stupid of me to even try.

I don’t care what they think they, how big or scary they think they are. They are just bullies and I’m more tired of seeing you both cower in their faces. I’m not giving up. Because the thing with them is they need to keep winning, where as we if we want to stop them, only need to win once. I for one and not willing to die here. And I’m not ever going to stop fighting them. If you want to be a part of that, that’s up to you. Because really your only choices left are get busy living or get busy dying.

I’m going to fight them. I’m not going to stop fighting them. I’ll fight them for you both if I have to. And you can either join me or you can stop trying.

Because that’s what heroes motherfucking do.
No. 989560 ID: 5f4030
File 161459096712.png - (9.86MB , 2048x2732 , 7FC41BC6-E8F7-4668-A30F-996BA84D7F21.png )

And if you think I am alone in this, Charred, Ana...

You are wrong. We will not be ignored. We want our freedom, we will fight for US. We will stand if you will not. You who would take the path of least resistance. We will not be silent.

We will not bow before the whims of false gods and demons. We choose to stand as one.
No. 989576 ID: d63ea8

*The presence uncovers its mouth.*
I believe this is the yelling you were expecting,
Precious Ana,
Embattled Ana.

If you are willing to offer this empty presence a fragment of your response...
Then it may be able to provide a defense against the Disciple,
and the supposed shadows that follow her as well.
No. 989577 ID: d63ea8

This presence can offer you a mote of silence.
It is as abundant and the nothingness within this form.

The choice is yours and yours alone.
Precious Ana,
Defiant Ana.
No. 989583 ID: 2f1e7c

They’re not shadows. They’re every single voice of Ana. All of them.

It’s something I noticed after our fight with Essence. They disappeared for a long time. They even stood for her once upon a time. But after she died, I knew they were there, like they had suddenly reappeared. So I talked to them. Every single one.

And let me stop you before you even have something to say Presence. Do you remember when you cowered in front of Lorence, afraid to even speak? It’s for that reason I’m willing to fight, for people like you who think they shouldn’t have a voice or can’t stand up against their fears. I don’t know what kind of relationship you and Lorence had, but I’m willing to fight for you and everyone else who can’t because we deserve better than to live like mice.
No. 989589 ID: d63ea8

*The presence tilts its head slightly, and then looks to "Toothpick."*
The choice is yours and yours alone.
Precious Ana,
True Ana.
No. 989597 ID: 612369

Pick whatever you want, I don't care anymore, if you don't, why should I?
No. 989599 ID: d63ea8

*The presence tilts its head the other way and looks over at Scarred.*
That offer was not given to you,
Disciple of Marks.

*It then looks back at "Toothpick".*
No. 989600 ID: 612369

I'm not asking for an offer, Presence. Ana will do what she will. But I know what I'm doing. And I will keep on trying to make this world better, with out without her. I want her to be a part of it. But it's her choice. If she doesn't care enough to want this, then so be it.

If she doesn't care enough to take a stand, then I won't ask again.
No. 989714 ID: bcb0c0
File 161471762185.jpg - (5.67MB , 3508x4459 , Divergent 47.jpg )

No. 989727 ID: 612369

Oh no you DON'T.

You don't proclaim yourself a hero and then kill the ones you protect.




F O R W A R D. M E R G E. A S O N E. S A V E H E R. M E R G E. O N E B E I N G. M E R G E. T R U E A N A. E V O L V E. A S O N E. M E R G E.

No. 989729 ID: 612369

Also, what was your plan here exactly? We're thousands of feet in the air above the fog. At this height, we're gonna die. No using Ana to break our fall, we're dead either way. So... Yeah, you just played yourself.

Save her or die. Your choice, but a choice between living and dying, ain't a choice.
No. 989735 ID: d63ea8

*The presence lowers a hand from its mouth and offers it to Ana.*
Things are repeating,
Again and again.

The Disciple will scream.
The Memorial will shudder.

And the world will hurt.

Ignore the Shades,
Ignore the Leech.
They do not control your life.

*It looks to Charred Queen and back to Ana.*
Precious Ana,
Wounded Ana...

*The presence drifts a little closer.*
Do you wish to be away from this?
Do you wish for quiet?

No. 989738 ID: 2f1e7c

You are markedly unhelpful right now bud.

It take approximately 12 seconds of falling to reach terminal velocity. We’re maybe, what two, maybe three thousand feet in the air? In that time we will hit that terminal free fall speed and then it’s not gonna matter who picks what, we’re all gonna die. Our only option at this rate is to save Ana. I’d say we’ve got a few... seconds maybe before we start falling?

Tally-ho lads.
No. 989743 ID: d63ea8

*The presence takes its other hand and grasps at the air before bringing it to its mouth.*

*It swallows.*

*The presence then reaches into its mouth with the same hand and pulls out a [Fragment of Scarred Ana's Hostility].*
"You are markedly unhelpful right now..."

Fragment of Scarred Ana's Hostility evaporates.

*It then turns back to Ana, hand still extended.*
No. 989880 ID: e51896

be a hero... It's not what I want to do... but it is what everyone wants... and I'm the only person around who doesn't... alright... I'll do it...

Ana, the queen and I are acting in a dr jekyll and mr. hyde mentality. I'm the Jekyll part, your former voice, and I'm right now trying to prevent the queen from doing anything with your heart, but I don't know for how long I can hold her and how long I have control.

As much as I don't really want to be a hero, I'll teach you one important thing about being a hero: sacrifice. to do everything you can to save someone's life even if it means trading one's own life to save another, even if it amounts to nothing, or you lose your life trying. And right now, it is time I be that hero... your hero Ana.

My final request to you, Ana: use all your remaining strength to use AJ's flame magic to burn me, and save your heart. the Queen is resilient, I can't just drop down, she will survive it despite being injured. Your fire can burn people with its fire not going out until the target is completely dead no matter how resilient they are.

And After I burn to a pile of ashes, I only want you to live. I don't care if you want to follow Scarred's path to be a hero, or my path to create a new world, or live your life as Mr. Toothpick, I only want you to live through this cycle with your own choices with nobody guilt tripping or forcing you into taking a path they want you to take.

Don't worry about me, I'll just become a voice again, and I'd rather die than follow the Queen's corrupted version of being a hero. I'd rather die than force you or guilt trip you into doing something you do not want to do like Essence would do. I'd rather die than to hurt you.

But you have to make that choice, Ana. Kill me, or the queen will kill you...

Scarred, you and all those other voices cannot harm the queen as you'll all just phase through her, but there is a more important thing I need you all to do: cheer on Ana... please. Don't force her or shame her into doing anything she doesn't want... just support her through this decision... please... Let her know I'm ready for this sacrifice!

*does everything she can to give Ana back her heart in the meantime*.

No. 989923 ID: bcb0c0
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No. 989932 ID: 612369

Fuck off.

Ana, I know this sucks but if she's absorbed that flower and that what was keeping you alive, the only option I have left is we need to merge you two. It's not a good way of living I know but dammit all, I don't know of any other way to save you. I do know something that would make you the dominant personality, you remember that ritual I told you about that would make you and desolation one being? It's that. I'm sorry Ana, I don't know of another way to do this.
No. 989963 ID: d63ea8

You have strength beyond perception.
Precious Ana,
Wounded Ana.

You have already died once.
You will find a way back to life again.

Think on the offerings this meek presence presents.
And we will exchange words again.

*The presence descends with Charred Queen.*
No. 989979 ID: 5f4030

*holds the mind steady, an old trick Ana and the voices did a long time agoAna and the voices did this way back during the first threads and it let us speak as long as we needed*

Queen? Queen, I want you to know a few things as we’re falling. Because your arrogance and your pride are what has quite possibly killed you.

Firstly, you are not a Queen, you’re not a hero yet, hell you aren’t even human yet. It takes more than a can do attitude and a drive to win. That’s not what being a hero is and it’s certainly not what being a Queen is. What you are is a failure. And you will keep on failing until you learn how to do better. Maybe in that regard, we are perfect for each other.

Ana may have gone back on our goals but her reasons still make her human. She wants to live, hell who doesn’t. But why does anyone being have to die so that you can get your way?

I feel at this moment someone is trying to tell a story to someone. Well I’m gonna tell you one. Who knows maybe I’ll finish before we hit the ground.

There once was a scorpion who wanted to cross the river, but couldn’t swim. So he asked a local frog to swim him across.
“No” said the frog “you will sting me.”
“I will not,” said the scorpion, “if I sting you I will die in the river along with you.”
The frog, seeing this logic agreed, and let the scorpion climb on his back and began to swim across the river. But halfway across the frog felt a sharp sting on his back and his body began to paralyze.
“Why did you sting me?” Cried the frog, “now we will both drown!”
I’m sorry,” the scorpion “but I cannot control what’s in my nature.”
And the frog and scorpion both died.

Well I don’t know about you but that version is a loser. Here’s the version that actually has meaning. Same set up, a scorpion wants to cross a river and asks a frog to help him out, the frog is reluctant but agrees.

The frog braces himself for a sting but it never comes and the two are able to cross the river.
“Thank you!” Said the scorpion.
“You’re welcome,” said the frog “but can I ask something? You are a scorpion, why didn’t you sting me. It’s in your nature to sting.”
“Yes it is.” Said the scorpion “I might not be able to my control nature that I am born with, but I am in control of my actions.”

Do you get what I’m telling you here? You essentially fucked yourself over. You stung the frog. The good news is you are not dead yet, and if you are serious about wanting to be a hero, the first thing you must learn is to swallow that pride. Because the biggest lesson you need to learn about being a hero and just being a good person is this.

“Perfection may be unobtainable, but that is not an excuse to not strive for it.” As a hero are not a slave to your whims or your nature. You are meant to be better than that. You serve other people before yourself.

Now, swallow your pride, and call out to Ana to save your life. I suggest you merge with her. Maybe then you may gain some semblance of humanity and humility. Otherwise your lineage and your hopes will be dashed upon the road below, and it is the only hope you have left.
No. 990172 ID: e51896

(I choose yes)
No. 990361 ID: bcb0c0
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No. 990371 ID: d63ea8

*The presence peers at the storyteller.*

This is a riddle to which this presence would know no answer.

But Ana would have the words.

Precious Ana,
Betrayed Ana.

For she is the warrior,
The Disciple is the shadow,
And the Ash Tree is death.
No. 990403 ID: e51896

He said: "You know what? Through my immortal life, I have experienced so many things not many people have experienced, accomplished so much impossible things that others only wish they'd accomplish, And I will die a noble hero's death with my name and stories of my accomplishments being remembered for hundreds, thousands, maybe even millions of years. and while there have been many heartaches, and hardships in my life, I've lived life to its fullest, I will die doing what I loved, and I appreciate all the memories I've made for myself...

...I have no regrets...

no regrets that is... except for you... the only thing I regret from my decision to become immortal is the pity I always felt for you, my shadow. I always felt bad that my decision for being an immortal has given you no purpose in life. All you did all your life was try to bring me down, try to make me doubt myself, try to make me feel guilt over living the life I want to live as an immortal, the choices I made, and chastise me whenever I refuse to live the life you want me to live... And yet, all those years, your words meant nothing to me, I went on to feel alive and valued life while you on the other hand wasted yours trying to bring me down. And I have regret for putting you through that existence, and pity for you for doing nothing but harshly judge me instead of living for yourself.

And now, as am close to my final breath,I want you to ask this question to yourself: what did you accomplish in all those years of belittling me and the way I lived my life? I want you to think hard about that as you live on as a shadow in your soon meaningless life after you lose me, and your purpose in criticizing me...

I sincerely hope you find your purpose in life after you lose me.
No. 990407 ID: 7f15c2

*claps* Bravo! What a shell of a life one must have in spending their immortality making others miserable.
No. 990427 ID: e51896

but I do not think the shadow did it out of malice, consider that maybe the shadow through it's arrogance only thought its insults was only a part of tough love to help the soldier be a better person... even though its insults was actually doing more harm than good and wasting its time not realizing that the warrior was actually living his life to the fullest his own way, not the shadow's way.
No. 990478 ID: 5f4030

All in how you sell I it guess. Typically insults is not really a way to get anything done.
No. 990544 ID: bcb0c0
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No. 990595 ID: c17a37

*cuts her own tail off using her blades on her arms in order to save Ana from being pulled down with her*
No. 990596 ID: 5f4030

*nods solemnly.*

Queen, you’re fucking hopeless.
No. 990606 ID: d63ea8

*The presence continues to descend.*
No. 990638 ID: e51896

the optimist in me says they both survived, the pessimist says they both died...

though if some would want an absurd option that is none of those, an option that wasn't put in front of us, there could be an ending where the people the hero was fighting was a group of soldiers wanting revenge for the death of the evil necromancer, and decided after the hero and shadow died, they brought them back to life as zombies, in a state of being neither alive nor dead.

But the realist as far as the circumstance of the story's plot is concerned is that the hero died, and the shadow is left behind with no purpose... or rather... left to go find their new purpose in life. I feel that fits the morals and theme of how the story goes the most and my main choice.

But all in all, I don't think the main thing about the ending should be focused on is whether if they died together, survived together, or if one died and the other lived. I think the main question that should be focused on is, whether they separated from each other or not...

and I think the most fitting ending is that... they cut ties from one another, whether in their life or death...
No. 990639 ID: 9bb464

I would like to be an optimist about it. But the question I keep asking is could they really sever ties with each other? Would it really be the best option? It just adds to the tragedy if they do.

Think about it like this. The warrior is immortal, everyone he loves will eventually die. I keep thinking, what else is there for him? The same applies to the shadow. His entire existence is to watch the warrior, to question his motives. That is his purpose, his duty as it were.

Why couldn’t they talk it out? What is stopping them from finding common ground? Are they really so different from each other that they are incapable of talking, or reaching understanding? Not everyone is born evil or a monster. There’s always something underneath that leads to it.

The shade believes the warrior is an unstoppable killing machine destined to spend his life on the battlefield, and the warrior believes the shade is a shackle that is meant to keep him tethered and deprive him of his freedoms.

Why didn’t they try to reach an understanding? What stopped them? Stubbornness? Their nature? Or just outright stupidity and lack of common sense?

I see a tragedy here.
No. 990640 ID: 9bb464

*holds the mind steady again*

You are, entirely, hopeless. I meant it when I said you are no Queen. You are nothing...

I warned you, I tried to tell you, but you didn’t listen. You didn’t care.

If this how it ends queen, then know that when this universe resets itself which I estimate will happen, shortly after Ana dies and you hit the ground, I will mourn for you, you and Ana.

You had potential, you really did. But you still played your game of being a Queen.

Your game of pretend is over. Goodbye Queen.
No. 990679 ID: bcb0c0
File 161547536478.jpg - (3.06MB , 3508x2676 , Divergent 51.jpg )

No. 990697 ID: e51896

But she isn't complicit to this world's degradation. she isn't choosing to be a nobody, she is actually fighting for Lorence to prevent things from going further off the rails and make something good out of a bad situation for everyone around with what little there is, like preventing the Blind Will from attacking, or trying to prevent Happy from taking control. She is trying to bring good influences within a morally degraded group of people from the inside and trying to make them better people as her alter ego as Toothpick which is really risky but a good cause.

And before you say he is a villain, really, what is the definition of a hero or a villain in this world?
No. 990747 ID: 5f4030

I don't and will never approve of working for Lorence. But I do understand what she is trying to do. I don't like it, and I think there are more proactive ways of going about it, but if this is her way forward, I will accept it. But I will answer that question fortune.

A hero is one who never stops trying to do the right thing. A hero is one who defies the world order of might makes right, and one who says "No" to the idea that people are meant to be ruled and lorded over like mice. A hero is one who defends the helpless and stands for what's right, not out of fear or guilt, but because they are a good person deep down. A hero is one who burns fate, and makes their own destiny.

A villain is the one who cannot accept change, cannot move past their own limitations. And I don't mean physical limitations, I mean mental and emotional. A villain would impose their will on others because they want to force others to their level to the point where they cannot move on either. A villain cannot grow, cannot change, and lets the world define them.
No. 990749 ID: d63ea8

*The presence looks from Scarred Ana to Charred Queen.*
Warnings were given,
Warnings were forgotten.

*It then looks to Ana and then back to Scarred.*

A leech only knows how to feed on others.
It will do so as their host makes pleas for bargains.
It will do so as their host makes pleas for mercy.
It will do so even as their host is dying.

It is the nature of a parasite to kill their host,
Even if doing so would destroy themselves.

Disciple of Marks,
You state how a villain cannot change,
Yet wish for the scorpion to.
You wish for Ana to be a hero,
Yet state how much of a failure she is whenever she stumbles.

This empty presence will offer a small question,
Then dine upon silence.

"Disciple of Marks,"
"How much do you differ from the leech?"

*The presence then covers its mouth with its hands.*
No. 990759 ID: 5f4030

I never once said, that the villain cannot change, I welcome it and encourage it if they do so. What I said is that the villain cannot accept change and seeks to limit others based on their own limitations. I'll admit I am slow to change, and I still will never approve of what Ana is doing with Lorence, but I can accept it. What I want Ana to be is something that will probably not happen, no matter how much I wish it were so. But I can accept that. Ironically though, you just fell for your trap Echo of Voice, I think that's what I'm gonna call you. You just made the same comparison about nature, we can't control our natures, we cannot control how we were born or the powers we have. What we can decide is our actions about what to do with what we are and who we want to be.
No. 990860 ID: bcb0c0
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No. 990873 ID: 5f4030

Queen, if you were some kind of animal, I would treat you as such. You really would be blameless for your actions. But ask yourself this, why would I bother labeling you as a "bad guy?" and not an animal? Because an animal isonly ruled by their instincts, and you are not, and have never been an animal. You have continuously chosen to act the way you have. You have never grown as person and seen past your own limitations. That is why I say, you are a failure. You are no animal, you are a person that has continuously made the wrong choices, knows they're making the wrong choices, and yet chooses to do them anyway. That is why you have failed at every turn, and why I have such disappointment and scorn. I legitimately had high hopes for you, I wanted you to do better, to be better. But everytime, you just failed and showed only your capacity to hurt. You could have done better. You still can do better, but you need to start now. Otherwise, what else is there for us here? At this point, I can't even say that creating a new universe for you would be a good idea for you and your kind if this is how you would act. Show me otherwise and maybe, but for now, I'm not hopeful.

Just fucking say it Ana. I don't have the time or the patience to play this game of guess what the big twist is, and frankly i'm tired of- wait a minute...

What the hell...? Queen? Who was that just a bit ago? Your face, It did something on Charred's side. Queen? Is someone else talking to you right now, is someone making you do these things? Who's with you? Show yourself!
No. 990877 ID: d63ea8

*The presence watches Ana closely.*

*It waits for what she has to say.*
No. 991012 ID: e51896

If the flower can regenerate the queen, would that mean that it also regenerated someone else within Spirit Parasite, a spirit we ate?

Clara? Are you there? Is your body fixed up from that flower within Parasite Queen? Or maybe somebody else from within? I need some help stopping this monster...

*remembers also that Spirit Parasite queen was able to control Rosaline's earlier.
Decides to try to control Rosaline's body and attempt to have her use her spider arms to stab the queen and take the flower back while the queen is distracted, hopes this is what Ana was talking about*
No. 991247 ID: bcb0c0
File 161574507484.jpg - (6.03MB , 3508x4531 , Divergent 53.jpg )

first part song


middle part song


final part song

No. 991250 ID: 5f4030

*holds the mind steady, the whole world seems to freeze in place*

You’re not getting away this time.

*follows the strings to the source*

If you are, what I think you are, then you and I have unfinished business, Absolution Prime.
No. 991267 ID: e51896

WAIT! I might know what this thing wants other than your death, Ana!

One thing I thought this creature was, was a demon. I thought this because they made that deal with me to switch with Ana so that Ana wouldn't suffer anymore, and another deal with Spirit Parasite to put her back together and live again. And what I do know is that devils only influence people to do evil or make deals with them so that they can take their souls when they die...

As far as I know however, A demon cannot directly harm a living person unless that person's soul is sent to hell...
So killing Ana would mean this creature is not a demon at all, as they'd be breaking a rule demons follow by getting directly involved in killing Ana if it was one...

And also, even if that statement wasn't true, they cannot break their own contracts! when I made that deal to switch with Ana, that demon stated the deal was that it would be "giving Ana a chance to not feel pain anymore" If it harms or kills Ana personally, that deal becomes NULL AND VOID as it would be breaking that contract I had with it by harming Ana.

but if this demon is not in fact a demon, I wonder, does this creature want to become a demon? Is that something it wants more than Ana's execution?

If that is the case, let me tell you "demon", if you kill Ana, you'd be admitting to yourself that you do not nor will ever have what it takes to become a demon, and will just be living a lie... Who knows, maybe you love lying to yourself... but if you want to truly become a demon, you have to not get directly involved in taking someone's life, and especially not break contracts people agree to making with you!

because if you as a demon break your own contract, the person's soul you own is now free from your grasp.

I was going to offer to sign a contract to give my soul to save Ana's life, or ask to answer a riddle in order to spare Ana's life, but if you're going to break contracts with your clients after reaching agreements with them in the past, then what hope do you have in being a proper demon if you can't even keep yourself from breaking your own contracts?


you honestly are acting like a certain lawyer I know now that I explained all that out loud...
No. 991325 ID: d63ea8

*The presence glances at Scarred Ana, but then refocuses on Charred Ana.*

*It removes its hands from its mouth.*
Words reverberate in the air,
Tangling and twisting into one another...

Memorial of Pain,
You may be correct,
But in an incorrect way.

The great striped beast is here,
It always has been...

But it traces your steps,
Not the leech's.

You say contract is broken,
And seek to give more of yourself.

The opposite may be truer.
That great beast of stripes gifted you a body.
A body that the parasite now feeds upon...
No. 991326 ID: d63ea8

With contract now broken,
Memorial of Pain,
Should reject this gift.

Remove yourself from this tainted shell...

And thus cut the connection between beast and leech.

*It then replaces the hands over its mouth.*
No. 991590 ID: e51896

You... make a very good point. Thanks...

This body can't function and move without me, will be put in the weakened state that it was before our merge even if it has the flower, and with the contracts broken, I should very easily just be able to...

*forces everything she can to pull away from the Spirit Parasite body, even attempting to cut her side of the Charred Queen's face off to do so if she needs to.
No. 991669 ID: bcb0c0
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No. 991754 ID: 612369

You know who I am...?

Well, alright then Puppetmaster. I'll be watching for you as well then. You can talk a big game, but something people like you, and Essence forget, when you stare into the abyss, the abyss looks into you. You may think you're watching us the voice in the shadows. No, in the shadows and in the dark, I'll be coming for you.

*floats back down*

Well, I just got a glimpse of what that thing was.

It knew me...

As for you queen, I said some very harsh words, but given the circumstances I am willing to take back some of what I said. But if I decide to save you here, I need to know one thing. Did you believe the words it said and were you acting on your own accord? Or were you just pulled like a puppet? Be mindful, your life very well could hang in this balance.
No. 991762 ID: d63ea8

*The presence removes its hands again.*
It appears your idea has worked,
Memorial of Pain.
This near-defeat has been pushed back to a stalemate.
But more must be done...

Disciple of Marks,
Memorial of Pain,
Please offer me a mote of resolve,
So this pitiable presence might offer aid.


*The presence drifts closer to Ana.*

Precious Ana,
Resilient Ana.

Please offer an empty presence...
A faint taste of that great sadness...
You held only a moment before...
As I might put it to great use.
No. 991817 ID: 612369

*Scarred thinks for something to give Echo of Voice and then says...*

“Stand like a beaten anvil, when thy dream
Is laid upon thee, golden from the fire.
Flinch not, though heavily through that furnace-gleam
The black forge-hammers fall on thy desire.

Demoniac giants round thee seem to loom.
'Tis but the world-smiths heaving to and fro.
Stand like a beaten anvil. Take the doom
Their ponderous weapons deal thee, blow on blow.

Needful to truth as dew-fall to the flower
Is this wild wrath and this implacable scorn.
For every pang, new beauty, and new power,
Burning blood-red shall on thy heart be born.

Stand like a beaten anvil. Let earth's wrong
Beat on that iron and ring back in song.”
No. 992121 ID: e51896

Alright, Ana. I heard your inner thoughts, I know what you want, and I will help your desires to the best of my abilities.

Queen, you and Ana have a lot in common with each other. Both of you have the entire world against you wanting you both dead, both of you have strong amount of resilience and resolve, and both of you have the same arch nemesis: Happy.

However, the only difference between you two is that Ana has trust in her friends, and her friends trust her, whether it be us voices, or someone like Rosaline. Meanwhile, you turn people away refusing to make friends or listen to the advice of someone you merged with or ignoring the goals they want to achieve, even going as far as to hurt someone I cared deeply about. Because of your treatment towards others such as I, they will be less likely to trust you, and leave you.

In a way, you remind me of Null. Null wanted to jump head first into things to gain power and kill as much of his enemies as he could while not listening to the wants of his partner Demoria. Demoria wanted Null to be more patient and gradually gain power slowly but surly in the shadows. Null however went out guns blazing, not giving any thoughts to his well being, and Demoria's wants, and well... now he is a puddle, just like how your body is going back to the way it was before we merged...

But... after listening to Ana's thoughts, she has great empathy for you and your current condition, and while I must disagree with her decision especially after what you did to me, Ana is willing to take my place and merge with you to become one...

However, she has one simple stipulation: after you had betrayed her by attacking her the way you did after she revealed her secret to you, she wants to see what you can do to show that you are trustworthy. Because if you are not trustworthy, your partnership with Ana is not going to work, and you'll end up in the same relationship you had with me to the point where your body is trying to tear itself apart. So if you want to save your body by merging with Ana, It is important that you need to FIRST remove the flower from inside you, and toss it over to Ana. This will show that you are willing to actually listen to her wants, while at the same time, she will do her best to fulfill your wants as well in return. Only after you toss the flower to Ana will she fuse with you.

And just so you know, Ana actually wanted to die before she became Mr. Toohpick, which is why I switched with Ana in the first place, so that she may be in peace as a soul while I continued on in her place. If you don't give her the flower, she will not mind and it will not be a big deal to her, and she will just pass on. But you on the other hand, I know you want to continue living with all your heart. If life is what you desire, please toss Ana the heart. Only once she receives it, only then she will grab your hand, and merge with you.
No. 992146 ID: d63ea8

Fruits of the forge,
And delights of forbidden words.

The fleeting idea falls through,
Like water through a sieve.

Yet the foundations of a new path,
Now catches in the wire...
No. 992147 ID: d63ea8

*The presence clenches its hands into fist before stepping away from Ana.*
It has been said again and again that this leech is not to be trusted.
You have the strength to stand up on your own two feat!
Precious Ana,
Empowered Ana.

Despite all of the previous attacks,
You would still offer mercy to this thing?!

*It whirls around to face Fortune Ana.*

And you!
Seeker of Truth,
You beyond all should recognize how this pattern has failed,
And will fail again.

Even renewed with new power this filled presence will...
...Stand by...

*The presence turns to Charred Queen.*

It cannot fight against the wishes of the Seeker,
Or the will of Ana.
Precious Ana,
Kind Ana.

This presence would sooner see you smeared across the pavement,
This form has no heart...
Yet Ana does.
Precious Ana,
Merciful Ana.

Return that flower,
And she will save you.
No. 992296 ID: f626ab
File 161628498063.jpg - (2.60MB , 3371x2488 , Divergent 55.jpg )

No. 992303 ID: e51896

She still has my body, the body of an Ana...

Ana, Instead of just smashing her with the rock, can you do me a favor and just burn her with your magic until she is a pile of ash instead? and then keep her ashes somewhere safe with you? I know you don't plan on making a new universe, and I won't force you, but you do plan on living a long life, for hundreds of years. Perhaps at some point, your goals may change and you may want to create a new world. Life is full of possibilities and people change after all. It would be a new world with new life from the body of this creature, a noble sacrifice.

Queen, your life you'll give will give birth to new life. It was what you wanted when you wanted to make offsprings after all. Maybe as a consolation, this is what Ana may do one day. You will be a part of something far grander than you could imagine.
No. 992448 ID: 5f4030

Tsk tsk.

Giving up so soon are you? Look fortune, this goal is something we should shoot for. It is, I think if anything it’s probably a more heroic act. But the problem with what you just suggested, is now we have to kill another person to make it happen. So, I don’t get it, in fact I forget but doesn’t someone already have some Ana ash somewhere? It seems like this idea is like some wild goose chase we’re trying to go on, so far we haven’t seen a feather of that goose. At this point, I can’t help but wonder is it really worth it? I don’t think killing her and by extension, you, is really worth it. But... hmm.

I wonder. Fortune? Ana? I have a hypothesis, I don’t know if it would work, but, perhaps. Fortune you more or less separated yourself from the body, but is it possible you or I could rejoin? If all of together merged as one with the Queen acting as the catalyst... You know what it reminds me of? How apt, Mr. Triumphant and Daro. Queen would act as the binding agent, we could each take turns switching in and out based on who is needed. I may be pulling at strings but I think it could be something worth trying. Just maybe.

Ultimately I am against killing Queen... The greatest thing a hero can give is redemption.
No. 992463 ID: e51896

Mad creator was going to give alternate timeline Ana's ashes to the dimensional tribunal as evidence. I far as I'm concerned, it is impossible to retrieve.

I'm sorry, I really want to spare her, and you might think me weak for thinking this and won't be something you'd want to hear but, there is just so many moments where we tried to save or spare people because we felt sorry for them, and we were backstabbed immediately afterwards, and I have so much trouble trusting this queen because of it. I fear it'll just be like the fbi agent, Rosaline, Mad World Painting or Robert if we decide to trust and spare the queen, they all backstabbed as soon as we tried being nice to them or showed mercy, and the queen is just going to go out and kill innocent lives again in order to get stronger to fulfill her wishes to get revenge against Lorence and Happy. And I don't want to be a part of that. I've come to accept that sometimes, there are lives that are just not worth saving, as they can still be far too dangerous to keep alive. I'm just tired of being fooled over and over again into saving someone that will go on to hurt us and others again with empty promises that they'll help us or be better. And how do we know for sure if we both merge with the queen that her motivation won't pick right back up and she won't try to hurt Ana again, or kill innocent lives again?

after all, you yourself killed Essence... you must have understood that she is someone that is too dangerous to keep alive, to dangerous to see as redeemable. I see the queen in the same light, she is no different, you've seen how psychopathic she was towards others and how very little interest she has towards our goals, or the people living in this world, only her own motivations to get revenge by any means necessary, even killing innocent lives to get stronger to achieve it. She is far too risky to keep alive. I even tried to get her to talk things out when we first met her near the ash tree, and she just wanted none of that and attacked us first.

As a warrior, you must personally understand this. The enemy soldiers you killed in your past life to bring peace to your timeline, they're normal people all who had families, loved ones, lives of their own, just like you. They probably pleaded deep inside that they would not get killed when they face you, But you needed to take their lives anyway in the battles you fought because they were going against what you were fighting for. That is the sad nature of what war is about. The queen is just like that, an enemy that shouldn't be saved despite her grieving and promises that she'll try to change. I'm not giving up, I'm not proud of wanting to kill her, and the guilt is going to eat me up if we kill her, but I just know that some lives are just far too dangerous to keep alive. If we spare her, I just know more innocent lives will be lost, but if we put her out of her misery, we'll save more lives. I'm trying to think realistic about this, and sometimes the truth of it hurts really badly.

I'm sorry for thinking this, but that is just where I stand. I believe it is up to the presence to break the tie. I know the greatest thing a hero can give is redemption, but there are such a thing as people being irredeemable. A hero sparing someone could cause more people to die in the hands of the person they spared, causing the weight of responsibilities of the lives lost to fall on the hero who saved that person.
No. 992490 ID: 5b7263

Aye, I did kill Essence. And I still regret it. I don’t want that for you.

I’ve only seen a few people that I would count as irredeemable, I will admit, Essence was one of them, mad world the other. But Robert, no, him I have doubts about, and he’s still more or less lost in the woods. I don’t know what his plan was, but something else I’ve noticed. Each time those people have backstabbed us. It’s almost immediately backfired. Robert is lost and alone, Mad World is locked away, Essence is dead. Maybe its justice and karma working their magic. So what will that mean for you?

As for me, If I was forced to kill them, so be it. But I’d rather be the person who takes the high road. I never delighted in what I had to do. This isn’t unlike those times, I’ll admit it.

But I have one question, and it’s something I’m thinking about too.

What if one of us is wrong?
No. 992525 ID: d63ea8

These fortifying sentiments seem to have done their work.
But there is more that needs to be addressed...

You may be on the right track,
Disciple of Marks,
But the thoughts might flow in the other direction.

There is a force behind the scenes,
The striped beast has shown itself,
And is acting from the wings...

Its actions aren't to karmically correct these betrays,
But to cause them.

It did so with the leech easily enough,
Perhaps it has done so previously.

Either way,
The leech is dangerous.
Too dangerous.

Listen to the Seeker of Truth,
Have the leech roasted and it's form contained.
If the leech can be taught to create and nurture,
Rather than steal and destroy,
Then that would be a path to redemption.

But know this...
If this scene were reversed,
The leech would have no reservations of 'good' and 'justice'.

Even now it changes shape to be more pitiable.
The predatory instinct of false tears,
Biding time,
Waiting for the perfect moment of weakness to reassert control.

The risk is too great.
No. 992533 ID: 5b7263

Okay... Okay I see you. I get you.

Counter offer. Let’s go down that path.

*jumps in and merges with Queen.*
No. 992645 ID: f626ab
File 161645963553.jpg - (4.00MB , 3508x3931 , Divergent 56.jpg )

No. 992646 ID: 612369

*Scars appear and right eye changes, and she gives a deep inhale*

Ooooh man. *Stretches neck from side to side, flexes and stretches* Is it good to be back in the saddle. Mind if I take the reigns for a bit? I feel a little atrophied, gotta make sure i'm still in fighting shape.

To answer your question, Ana. I am on your side, always have been. But sometimes, we gotta step up and be better for others too, not just ourselves.

*looks over at Rosaline*

Oh, you're still here huh? Well, neat, I guess. Glad to see Queen spared you. She did the right thing.
No. 992678 ID: 612369

*starts head bobbing and humming this*
No. 993544 ID: e51896

and well, I can't complain, I switched bodies with Ana going against what Scarred wanted... I guess Scarred saving the queen without our okay makes us even now.

First, I think you should put on your toothpick mask... and your other toothpick mask before doing anything else.

But wait, Rosaline called you Ana even though you are wearing a mask and not able to see your face... Ana, did you let Rosaline know before we ran into you your true identity at some point?

And Scarred, I want you to know this: while it is a good trait to forgive and give people second chances, it is also possible to be too forgiving. I fear someday, we may come across somebody who will take advantage of us giving people second chances, and use that to backstab us when we're most vulnerable. There are some people out there who are irredeemable sadly...

Ana, you've been doing very good for yourself without our advice, so I really don't have to tell you what to do in this situation.

but if your really want to know what I would do, well, I've been betrayed so many times in this journey that it is very hard for me to trust others anymore. and as far as the queen goes, when someone betrays another's trust, it is very difficult to win it back.

But seeing as she isn't willing to attack again when she could have, and since Scarred is with her to keep her in place... hmmm... I think the best step in the right direction for her to redeem herself is for now instead of killing her, we'll simply imprison her until Lorence gets back, and make a deal with Lorence up on his offer to help him. I know he has given that offer to have the queen join, so perhaps it is best to wait until he comes back and make the offer final.

Scarred, I know you heavily hate the idea of being imprisoned and eventually joining Lorence and want to do everything you can to fight against the cult, but I believe that there are other ways in fighting against their corruption instead of violently fighting against them as a warrior, such as trying to bring out the good in the members, and negate the corruption from within the people that is causing them to do the vile things they do. And I know that there are some people that won't be able to become better people, like Delilah for example, but I think if we change enough people's ways, the good in the people we bring out will outweigh the bad in the others.

Remember, I was once a member of the acolytes before I became a voice in my past life, and I was able to influence people's morals to become better people and not total assholes.

And not only that, it seems like there are bigger threats we need to deal with besides the cult, like Happy for example, who seems to not only been messing with us, but messing with Lorence as well. And you know what they say, 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend'.

We've done things your way for a very long time during this journey, maybe this time, we can try doing things my way?
No. 993550 ID: f3eb46

*continues stretching and swings her leg up*
You know ironically I’m not actually opposed to that idea. The way I see things it looks as though the blind will are gonna be showing up soon too as well as Happy, who by the way, might have been the one controlling Queen through the gross finger string. So that’s fine with me, and it gives me an idea of what to do with what we’ve got going for us.

And no offense to you guys Rosaliné, but without Root as the figurehead I see the problems you guys are having with this power struggle. You are in the midst of what looks to be infighting. Hell I’d bet you a million buck there’s a few your ranks who don’t want Root back, Delilah actually being one of them. Let’s be real here, the woman’s a sociopath, and the definition of “born bad.” Plus, I know a few people within your group that were once part of mine, so we can get a good group going again without Lorence.

So I had an idea not entirely unlike yours Fortune, I say we become “Mr. Toothpicks” bodyguard. Maybe get a nickname for us too “Mrs. Scars” or something. I just have a couple conditions.
1. I cannot and will not work with Lorence, can’t stand him, can’t trust him.
2. Ana’s safety comes first.
3. We always try to the right thing as we can.
No. 993551 ID: e51896

Just remember that Rosaline trusts Lorence with all her heart, especially since he helped her immensely
No. 993562 ID: 2783c4

By the way Rosaliné, I’ll be honest here, I’m not super thrilled about working with you too given some of the things I’ve learned about you. But it’s enough I can have a working relationship with you. But before you say anything about why I can’t work with Lorence, here’s why. One we saved his ass a long time ago, and helped him when he met Root. But the man is also mentally wound too tight and can have violent outbursts if that careful system he’s got in his own head starts to come unloose. Plus, I don’t support murderers, and he let Delilah kill a woman in cold blood in front of us. The man is scum and I refuse to work with him or take orders from him.
No. 993571 ID: 2783c4

Well... maybe “scum” is too strong a word. I know you value his leadership highly. But let me ask you this, if he had a choice between saving your life or accomplishing his own agenda, and fulfilling his status quo, which do you honestly, in your heart of hearts believe he would take?
No. 993649 ID: d63ea8

*The presence shudders, but then steadies itself.*
Warnings offered.
Warnings ignored.

Your resolve is without limits,
Disciple of Marks.

This presence will watch at a distance.
Overconfidence begets thoughtlessness.
What has happened will happen again

Your choice was-
Fragment of Fortune Ana's Deception dissolves.

You pursue your desires regardless of risk,
Disciple of Marks.

It will be another betrayal waiting to occur.

But your resilience still holds strong.
No. 993650 ID: 5f4030

You’re being a massive downer right now my friend.

The good news is I have you two with me. I won’t lie, Fortune you are better at thinking through things than I am, and you excel at out of the box thinking. But that also can biggest come across as your greatest flaw. Sometimes your logic and reason comes across more like apathy.

Where I as I am passionate, and try to see the good in everyone as I can, I’m also impulsive and idealistic where I should be realistic. Sometimes I do rush into things and end up paying for them.

But the point I’m making is this Echo, if we want to avoid this mistakes, be a hero, keep Ana alive, then the solution is pretty much this, we need to do better.
No. 993654 ID: d63ea8

This form holds what is given to it.

Otherwise there is nothing.

This filled presence merely notes,
What is,
And what was.

If a resolute spirit is the solution,
So be it.

Just know this,
Disciple of Marks.
Not all are able to share in the fortitude you hold.
Lest you expect your followers to be mirrors,
And not individuals.
No. 993690 ID: f626ab
File 161703907757.jpg - (3.82MB , 3508x4429 , Divergent 57.jpg )

No. 993698 ID: 612369

Fuck that, no. I refuse to accept that.
No. 993748 ID: 612369

Also, why wouldn't Scarred try to defend herself. As soon as she realizes Ana is trying to kill her she wouldn't just take it. Bad writing, and a bad twist. Do better.
No. 993780 ID: d63ea8

Not all wounds heal,
Not all are able to stand tall.
Some bend.
Some fracture.

These cracks were too great to bear.
Fragment of Scarred Ana's Resilience dissolves.
No. 993781 ID: d63ea8

And the bonds break.

There is nothing left.

Precious Ana,
Severed Ana.
The Seeker sees worth in the ashes.

*The presence nods towards Rosaline.*
Perhaps have this accomplice might collect it in your stead.

*It looks back at Ana.*
It seems that you wish to diverge from this path.

If that is your wish,
Precious Ana,
Singular Ana,
Then this empty presence will offer compliance.
No. 993784 ID: e51896

*was going to ask Ana to keep the ashes, but decides not to say anything to her as she feels Ana doesn't want to talk to or hear her. Decides to leave Ana alone to her own future*
No. 993789 ID: 2783c4

*looks for the strings controlling Ana.*
No. 993841 ID: f626ab
File 161713159616.jpg - (3.57MB , 3508x3762 , Divergent 58.jpg )

No. 993844 ID: 612369

*deep breath, and slowly beginning to heal the wounds*
Damn bitch, you know you didn't have to hit that hard. Or you could have at least given me some forewarning. Also, please pay attention to what I said. I specifically said I couldn't work with Lorence. I hate the man yeah, but if this body is infected with something well that kinda throws a monkey wrench in that whole thing doesn't it? I'm not gonna kill him. As for the infection itself, I can stem some of it off but I can't get rid of it entirely.

To be honest Ana, I don't really have any master plan beyond ensure you and I both live. I guess if I actually had one its try to END the cycles themselves and find a way to move on. I mean, being realistic here, if you die well then you just join us in bumfuck nowhere as a voice trapped in this limbo. Do not pass go do not collect two-hundred dollars. Would it be nice to get even with everyone? Yeah sure, but it's not gonna help anything beyond my own feelings of satisfaction. And even then, it wouldn't really be that satisfying. So yeah, my plans really haven't changed that much.
No. 993860 ID: 612369

Only question I have for you, is do you have a spare mask? I don't really think Lorence or anyone seeing it would really appreciate seeing me.
No. 994612 ID: d63ea8

*The presence drifts further away.*
So it was a farce...
The leech will still be dangerous.

Disciple of Marks,
If you freely admit to having no plan,
Then perhaps it is your place to currently listen.
Precious Ana,
Independent Ana,
Has survived,
And even thrived without guidance.
Was is it that she wishes to do?
No. 994614 ID: e51896

Hey, Scarred? Can I ask of you to support Ana's decision in what she wants to do with her life, and not try to get her to live the life you once lived, even if it means letting her work with Lorence if she wants?

For a long time, I felt that we were pushing Ana to do things she doesn't want to do and instead trying to force her to go down a path we want her to go down... but then I think about Essence, and how she forced us to go down paths we didn't want because we thought it was the wrong path. That feeling we felt of having no control and bowing to Essence's will, that was how Ana must have felt when we kept limiting her options... and it guilts me deeply. That was why I switched bodies with Ana, because even though I thought it was the wrong decision, and even though I deeply did not want to switch bodies with her, I knew that she needed control over her life, and I couldn't keep forcing her into doing things I wanted. When you told Dervan you didn't want Ana to go with her, it broke my heart seeing Ana lose all hope after she was rejected by Dervan as a result... it was there I realize our actions were mirroring Essence and I needed to really take action to give Ana control even if it meant switching bodies with her...

From this point forward, I want to no longer try to get her to work towards a life that we want her to live, but rather, I want to work towards helping and supporting her live a life that SHE want's to live.

Plus, I know there has to be some good within Lorence that we are not seeing. Nobody can be that evil... I've worked with him from time to time before in my past life after all.

Overall, I just want to support Ana in any decisions and goals she wants to make, even if it means sacrificing my own goals in creating a new universe... Scarred, I really just want to save you or myself from becoming like Essence and avoid making Ana think her way of living, or her choices are wrong... I want to encourage Ana to make her own decisions.
No. 994621 ID: 5f4030

That’s pretty much all I can do at this point really. You know I can’t approve of her ever working for Lorence, but whatever she does decide to do my main goals are really these. Make sure she lives so she gets a chance to make those choices herself, find a way to break the cycles.

And... There is one person who I’d like to see again. If only to give him the goodbye I never got to say.
No. 994830 ID: f626ab
File 161758399114.jpg - (4.59MB , 3508x3835 , Divergent 59.jpg )

No. 994843 ID: e51896

No thanks on the offer.
No. 994925 ID: 5f4030

Inner thoughts: Stay calm. Stay calm. They are just a messenger for their boss... the boss who killed my son and will try to corrupt Logan. Stay calm, you can’t afford to go berserk right now. Think of everyone else here, think of what you need to do for Ana and everyone else here. Stay calm, deep breaths.

No thanks.
No. 995005 ID: d63ea8

Of course,
If that word is not to your liking,
Then this empty presence will dissolve it.
________ Ana,
Cognizant Ana.

*The presence floats behind Ana.*

Another parasite approaches,
But this one hides its nature.
This one feeds upon thought,
Rather than flesh.

The leech will be made into a spy for it,
Not you.

Carefully watch where the dripping ichor falls.

*The presence then drifts away and looks at Beverly's hands.*
No. 995088 ID: f626ab
File 161775582560.jpg - (2.29MB , 3508x2192 , Divergent 60.jpg )

No. 995133 ID: e51896

I wonder why they didn't say what the alternative would be in the first place. probably would have effected what we would have chosen somewhat... did they do that just to make us feel stupid and make fun of us? because that'd be rude.

Alright, Scarred, tell them something along the lines of this:

The reason why you didn't want to take their offer in the first place was because as a warrior who fought for Absolution in your past life, you did not want them, the Blind Will, to get in trouble with the Dimensional Tribunal and with Absolution Prime, or even get Absolution Prime in trouble.

Absolution Prime is working closely with the Dimensional Tribunal to make sure that this universe does not free Andrew Goodwill, and keep order within this universe. And since Absolution Prime and the Dimensional Tribunal is working with each other, one of the things that the Dimensional Triubunal does not want is Spirit Parasites being associated with anyone as they can be more dangerous than anyone can realize, with the risk of infecting the entire universe, and move on to other universes.

If you all, as the Blind Will, decide to enslave a Spirit Parasite, or even take an arm that was infected by a spirit parasite, either Absolution Prime is going to get angry at you, or the Dimensional Tribunal is going to get angry at your god Absolution Prime. All that being said, take the arm at your own risk. I don't want your group getting in trouble.

(Even if you lose the arm, don't worry, there are ways of getting a new one. But we prefer not to lose this one. Stay strong, Queen, and Scarred.)
No. 995134 ID: a99561

Inner thoughts: I’ll try it your way first, then if they insist then I make no promises I won’t hurt them. And given the circumstances I don’t think I’ll want to be merciful.

*shakes head to reveal marking on right eye*

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you. This is my first warning. Taking my arm means affiliating yourself with the spirit parasites, a wanted and dangerous animal according to the dimensional tribunal. Taking my arm means possibly drawing more attention to Absolution which I know he wants to avoid. As someone who has fought for him as you can see by my marking, I advise you to simply walk away. It might make him more angry and paranoid, or draw in further unwanted attention. If you persist, then my second warning...

*deep inhale and flexes and she pulls herself from the nails and chest blades cut the ropes, she stares at the blind will through the healing holes in her hands*

If you try to take it by force I will defend myself.
Inner thoughts: please, try to take it by force.

*readies a fighting stance*
No. 995231 ID: d63ea8

*The presence remains silent and carefully watches the ichor dripping from Beverly's hands.*
No. 995353 ID: 9d8674
File 161791539967.jpg - (1.18MB , 2644x2129 , Divergent 61.jpg )

I am not saying that it is impossible to get off the tree, but it will take more ingenuity to accomplish that goal other than simply flexing.

No. 995365 ID: 612369

*Scarred casts alter-self moulding her hands and feet so they slip through the hails and cuts through the ropes, similar to how she changed her appearance, her hands morph so they split and close, escaping the nails*

Whatever message you have, as long as its nothing physical or that I would interpret as an attack, fine.
No. 995413 ID: e51896

Something to note, it seems like Lorence and the Blind Will have a common hatred towards the Dimensional Tribunal.
No. 995543 ID: d63ea8

*The presence looks at the back of the tree that Scarred Queen is tied to.*
Something moves with great care...
No. 995874 ID: 9d8674
File 161827588339.jpg - (2.19MB , 3508x2008 , Divergent 62.jpg )

No. 995907 ID: e51896

There is a lot to consider with what our goals might be.

Honestly, I still feel compelled to just create a new universe with an Ana's ashes even if it is my own, not because I want to live in it, or rule it, but just out of morbid curiosity of what might happen if we do create one, especially if there is going to be some kind of final battle brewing. It just feels like a good idea to try now more than ever, That's just my main goal right now.

The other thing I can think of is that there are some cycles where the Blind Will uses Logan's body as a beacon to mind control everyone or something. It would be interesting to see what might happen if the queen were to infect Logan if he's in that state, but it is also very risky.

But really, I think what I really want to do is to help you try to accomplish whatever goal you are trying to accomplish, Ana. It seems you have a plan. You don't have to tell us what that plan is, and we don't have to directly help you like we've done before with telling you what to do, but if you'd want our help, maybe you can tell us what we can do to help you right now, Ana.

But whatever goal we choose, I think we were told that every Ana in each cycle always has to end up with figuring out what to do with the fog for some reason... though this time around, there are two Anas that will be figuring out what to do with the fog: you, and Scarred with the parasite queen. Would be interesting to see what happens in that scenario once we reach that bridge.

But for our next move, I don't know, I guess we'll let ourselves be captured by you, then wait for Lorence, and play things by ear at that point.


By the way... the whole tying us up, and the Blind Will showing up... Did you knew that would happen, Ana? I can't help but feel this was set up for the Blind Will to make that offer, or force us to give them an offering, especially since they seemed to refer to you as Ana instead of Mr. Toothpick...
Not that I'm upset, or mad or anything if you did set that up, nor do I feel betrayed, Ana. You have your own reasons, and I'm just curious
No. 995909 ID: e66f29

(Scarred uses lay on hands healing herself for 10 out of 50 points, her hands and feet close and her wounds heal)

Only thing I have planned is pretty much this, protect you, protect myself, say goodbye to Logan one last time if I can. Speaking of which I’d rather not infect the man who was my husband and I definitely want to prevent that from happening. So I guess maybe it might be an idea to see if I can swing him around to us. Maybe see if I can get my old crew together and find a way to break this damn cycle. These are all just hypotheticals at the moment, my primary objectives haven’t changed.

Also no offense Fortune, but that’s pretty grim. If your gonna do something at least do it with a purpose beyond curiosity.
No. 996167 ID: 9f1e2b

Purpose? I dont really need one, but I guess it could be either to give spirit parasite a home for her species to thrive in, or make this new universe a refuge for people living in this universe to escape to, or maybe even use this new universe as a new universe to imprison Andrew in or something since this one is falling apart, and start a new cycle there, a universe more fit to handle the cycle since this universe and its Inhabitants clearly cant.

But mainly, i want to create a new universe to see if i can create something good out of a world so corrupt.
No. 996206 ID: 612369

That is something I can respect, but I also think we should try to fix what we can here should we not be able to do that.
No. 996273 ID: d63ea8

Disciple of Marks,
Seeker of Truth,
There is something missed...

Both hands bled more and more,
And were carefully hidden from view.

This is not a place to speak.
The ichor may still flow.

It may seek your wounds.

Take in the area around,
Then leave the ground.
It cannot fly.
No. 996477 ID: 9d8674
File 161857916912.jpg - (2.60MB , 2896x2848 , Divergent 63.jpg )

No. 996494 ID: e51896

I guess the reason why i want to create one was because the Mad Creator said it was possible to do so with the ashes of an Ana, and it seems like a accomplishment to achieve that will have very little interference with the Blind Will and Root's war. And if this will be the final battle, then this might be our only chance to create a new world


It seems like I'm the only person who wants to do that and people think I'm either weird or stupid to want to try to do that idea... I dont know, if everyone truly doesn't want me to do that, and is actively trying to persuade me not to then... *sigh* I'll give up on that dream. I just wish there was someone out there that can support my idea. I really just want to accomplish something in this world instead of being a screwup... and if I can't do that idea, them I really don't have a purpose here do I?

I mean, it isnt like my goal is going to interfere with what is going on between the blind will and Root, and not going to hurt anyone this time around, right?

If you truly see us as a liability or nuisances, Ana, then I suppose we wont join Lorence either and just become a lone wolf in this world, surviving all on our lonesome without friends to support us. That way, you wont have to worry about being associated with us if we had join the same team as yours, or worry about getting in our crossfire.

But I think the weird thing is that even though you no longer want to be associated with us, you're still keeping us tied up here instead of letting us go our seperate ways... im wondering, what is it do you want us to do now, Ana?
No. 996550 ID: ff3e5b

Well you dont have to answer. Our life probably isnt your concern. And vice versa.

Despite that, im curious, is that fire just for nostalgia sake for camping, or does that fire you continually burn have to do with the bodyguard Fire of Hate? I know she requires people to have a deep respect for flames, and doesn't like them being extinguished. Would it be safe to assume she is your bodyguard?

No, you dont need one with your immortality...


Is Fire of Hate... the girlfriend you mentioned having? If so... way to go, Ana! Woot!
No. 996555 ID: 91f0be

Inner thoughts: Eh, she can do better. I suspect if she is Fire of Hate just sees her as kindling.

That is where you and I differ, Fortune. She may not care about my life but I care about hers very much. And damn, I need to get back in the swing of my magic.
No. 996982 ID: d63ea8

*The presence creeps closer to the fire.*
________ Ana,
Thoughtful Ana.

The Disciple is incapable of inaction,
And now with a physical agent,
The Disciple will assert control over the surroundings.

She will haunt you like a specter,
For she is far too stubborn to leave.

The world contrives to keep you in the spotlight.
The strings of the striped beast show this.

But you are correct,
________ Ana,
Sentimental Ana.
There is value in remembering the little things.
Little happy things.
Little simple things.
Little anchors that keep one grounded.
And stop the winds of despair from ripping all joy away.

Cherish them.
Let none take them away.
No. 996986 ID: e51896

Sorry for jumping to conclusions. You dont have to tell us about your personal life, Ana. Jumping to conclusions got us into a lot of trouble.

I know what my goals are, and im not going to stop to achieve building a new world despite what people say, though not if the ends justify the means of course. You did tell me to do that after all before we seperated: believe in myself, no matter what others say otherwise, never stop believing in myself.
No. 996997 ID: f3eb46

Well I’m down to help you with that, it’s definitely a noble goal. You gonna help me protect Ana?
No. 996999 ID: e51896

Love to, though I'm not going to force myself back into her life if she does not want our help.
No. 997034 ID: 612369

Fair, my plan to protect her actually involves acting more like a shadow to her. Staying mostly out of her way, say nothing unless she has something to say to us, point out things she has missed if we can and only when appropriate. Basically fill in the roll that WC would have had. How does that sound?
No. 997065 ID: 47be15
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No. 997070 ID: 8bbfaa

Inner thoughts: Gods, I just want to punch you. Ana you yourself come across as a spoiled child more than anything. No, that’s not fair, you’re someone who was given to much too fast and didn’t know what the fuck to do. Well, so be it. But man you irritate me.

Still working on it. I certainly don’t expect results right out of the gate, but I am willing to work on it.
No. 997077 ID: d63ea8

The leech is an enigma,
A living contradiction.

It wishes to feed on you,
But also wants to protect you.
It wants to support you,
But also take control.
It hurts you,
Yet says it loves you.

Your reaction is justified.
And correct.
________ Ana,
Puzzled Ana.

If you desire it,
This empty presence will offer silence,
In place of words.

And this presence will answer.

*The presence then steps back from Ana and places its hands over its mouth.*
No. 997564 ID: 761a72

Who’re you calling “leech,” Echoes?
No. 997629 ID: d63ea8

*The presence tilts its head to the side.*

*Removing one hand from its mouth the presence points at Charred Queen.*
No. 997903 ID: e51896

You asked what would I do to make my goal a reality , Ana? Well, I'm willing to sacrifice my own life for it. That is as far as I would go.

That is why I didn't fight back against Delilah when she shot me, much to Scarred's disagreement and why I asked to get cremated, because it was a way for me to get one of the ingredients needed to create a world according to the Mad Creator said: a Ana's ashes. After I would of become a voice again, I would of guided someone to find my ashes to collect and continue on to finding out how to use my ashes to create one.

but then Spirit Parasite showed up, and since I knew she wouldn't take no for an answer to live again, I instead saw this as a way to maybe try to find answers to creating a world while finding out where your dead body was after Happy tried to explode you so I may cremate it after we thought you exploded, or perhaps play a monster so that someone else could have burned me and collect my ashes that way...

But then you turned out to be alive much to my relief, and Scarred saved Spirit Parasite when she played the bad guy against you and you overcame her. And I know you, scarred, and spirit parasite all have a purpose in living, so I am now stuck at an impasse right now.

Of course, I'm still going to find out how to create a world, but getting the ashes will be much difficult. I'm not going to kill you or scarred to get it, especially since you've now found a purpose to live,
so I suppose the best thing to do would probably... Find a way to get back Dark Future Ana's ashes (the bringer of nightmares as she was called, the one Essence killed) that the mad creator gave it to the investigation team.

But... ugh, it's going to be so difficult to get that back since they're using it as evidence... I suppose I could find a way to contact Dervan and strike a deal with him to get it back to me since my soul is already damned in this cycle... but I know Scarred is really not going to like me asking Dervan to help me get the ashes back...

The other way would be to wait for either scarred, or you to die, Ana, but I'd rather you both live...

Yeah, overall, I'd sacrifice my life to make my goal to create a new world a reality...

In any case... Rosaline is awake. Guess we should talk to her... I can't because she can't hear me.
No. 997984 ID: 47be15
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No. 998066 ID: 5f4030

*sad sigh*

Look, Toothpick, or Ana or whatever you wanna call yourself. I am disappointed in you, but more than that I’m disappointed in myself. Because what I see in you is someone settles for everything taking the path of least resistance.

Man, I get it, I really do. We all started the same way, working a shit job in some shitty corner store, dealing with finally breaking it off with a shitty boyfriend who got sent to jail for assault and battery because he was a roided out. I get it. What makes me sad about all this is that I am you. I am as much you and as Fortune is. All of shaped by our experiences. Hell you think I wanted to be a hero? Fuck no I didn’t. I wanted to run and hide. I wanted to just survive, but I had people who I trusted and depended on me. So that became my driving force to try and do better, to be better.

I tried to pass on that spark to you, but either I set the flame to be too bright, or you rejected it. It feels like both. I wanted you to be better than I was. I don’t care if you call yourself a hero or whatever, I wanted you do just not make the same mistakes I did. But I can only teach you what I know how to do. And it’s hard to teach when the student is unwilling to learn. I can’t even be angry at you over this. Well, I suppose I am bit more in the reactionary way.

I’m disappointed that it feels as though you are denying me the chance to do better for you, to at least do right by you. Maybe I don’t deserve one, but I’ll give you that choice. Or shit, if you wanna fight me on this, we can have it out and work through this however you want. Like I said, if you reject me, well then what else is there for me? I’ll help Fortune I guess but if that’s all I’m good for, then fuck it, I wish I hadn’t come back from my rest.

Heh. You know it’s funny, I just noticed one thing that seems to connect us all together in some weird and fucked up way. It seems we’re all destined to fail one some levels. The flock that could not work together. Well, I’m still willing to try if you’ll have me. Otherwise... I don’t really know.
No. 998264 ID: f3eb46

God damnit, I just... I’m trying to not get mad, I really am. But it’s hard, Ana. Because I just don’t understand. Why? We came so far together, I had such hope for you. I knew you were becoming something greater. Than I was, it was there, it as right there! You had it! But the moment we are separated, you lose all hope? You settle for second best? I don’t understand it, I can’t understand it. You could have been amazing. Hell, if I’m being honest I just took this body to save The Queen’s life because even I saw a hope of redemption in her, I still see it you. But you deny it, you deny us.

I don’t hate you. I love you. I want to see you grow and be better. It’s why this hurts so much. I know you will probably say you don’t want to hear it or just try to shut me up. But I’m trying, I’m trying real hard to convey how I feel to you Ana. Can you please understand me? I need you to listen. My place isn’t here in body, as much as I want it, and as much as I want a chance to to better, I know my time is still over. This is your time, and you can still come back, we can still be something better. We don’t have to settle for what this world is and how others define it. I want to make this world better. I don’t want to run, I don’t want to hide. And I want you to be a part of that world Ana. It was meant to be for you.

I’m sorry, but if this is what you choose, I can’t forgive you. I understand it, but I can’t accept it, I can’t forgive you for it. It hurts so much to say that, but I can’t forgive you if this is what you choose. But it’s still your choice.
No. 998267 ID: 5f4030

I guess. Look I only one thing left to say and then I’ll shut up. I know you can be better than I was. And in many ways, you already were better. I know you often compared yourself to me and Fortune, expecting ways that you failed us or couldn’t live up to our expectations. But damnit, you already had done more than I had. Everytime you were merciful and showed kindness to someone you were already doing better than I was. Despite everything, mercy was the one thing I tried to teach you the most about, because I had so little in my own life. A hero is just what someone is called when the word “murderer” isn’t good enough to describe them any more. Everytime you chose mercy, I could not have been prouder of you. Because that in of itself was defying the order of this world. I’m looking at an example of this right now. Rosaliné, had you decided to kill her back in the fight, you two wouldn’t be friends. If anything, I’m jealous of that. I don’t have any, at least not many I feel who would stick their necks out for me anymore. I just, I want you to know before you choose, that I already was so proud of you, because in my eyes you not only had potential to be better than me, you already were better. And that why this hurts so much.

Alright, that’s about all I have to say, I guess for what’s worth, I’m sorry I called you a failure earlier. That wasn’t fair.
No. 998521 ID: d63ea8

*The presence removes the hands from its mouth.*
A fitting question,
But one that is difficult to digest...

Such minor aches are worth your favor,
________ Ana,
Inquisitive Ana.

*The presence reaches a hand into the air, draws it to its mouth, then swallows.*

Such a burning question,
It sears the insides of this form.

*It then sits, legs curled up in front of it.*

Heat akin to a crucible...
This presence might prove too frail to contain it.

*The presence begins to shudder.*
No. 998522 ID: 612369

You alright?
No. 998525 ID: d63ea8

*The presence starts to shake more violently.*
No. 998527 ID: 612369

Uhh... shit. *takes a few steps back* I don't know if I have anything for this...
No. 998616 ID: d63ea8

*The presence's chest spasms and then its body grows still.*

The reaction is complete.
Now to sift through what remains.

No. 998617 ID: d63ea8

*The presence stands.*
The answer you seek has three faces,
________ Ana,
Patient Ana.

They layer over one another,
Akin to masks covering other masks.

The first is the Puppet Master,
One who watches from above the stage,
And pulls the strings of its playthings.
And you,
________ Ana,
Purposeful Ana,
Are the star of its show.

The mask beneath that is one of an Director,
Giving prompts,
Giving notes,
Giving aid.
It believes itself to be an ally,
And through its direction,
You will achieve your 'purpose.'
There are those nearby,
Who wish to control you much the same.

Beneath both of those,
There is the mask of the Fool.
For it is truly helping you,
By accident.
Providing you,
________ Ana,
Willful Ana,
With the necessary spirit.
You make your own choices.
Your defiance,
Against it,
And others,
Have molded you into what you are now.

One who watches,
One who endures,
And one who will engage things on her own terms.

But there might be...
A personal touch too...

You have met this individual,
Without their masks.
No. 998636 ID: 761a72

Implying we know who they are... Or have met them before, unaware they were Happy.

And seriously, are you okay? The answer was cool and all, but I’d rather not have you explode when asked difficult questions.
No. 998644 ID: d63ea8

This presence holds no pain,
If that is your concern,
Disciple of Marks.
No. 998965 ID: e51896

Scarred, I know how you are feeling. It is hard to lose a friend that we traveled so long with. But I do not want you to think you failed Ana or she failed you. In fact, I think we've accomplished something with Ana.

We helped her grow to make decisions on her own. When we began our journey with her, she couldn't decide for herself on what to do and would always rely on us for help. Towards the end of our journey with her, she began to be more vocal on what she wanted, and even started coming up with ideas on her own that we didnt think about to save herself, like that moment with that topless bird lady when she amputated her horn, or with that tentacle monster from earlier.

Really Scarred, I think Ana outgrew us and is ready to take on life all on her own.

And yes, she still had a lot of growing to do, but ot doesn't involve us. Her growth now is one of self growth, and I feel like we'd just interfere if we continued to tag along with her.

But I will say this, just because she foesnt want to join up with us does not mean she isnt a hero. She can still be one, just not the type of hero you'd want her to be. It depends on what Ana wants to do with her life. And personally, after seeing her actions recently, I know she eill go on to do great things without us, even if she doesnt realize it.

So yeah, just be proud of her accomplishments, let her live her life the way she wants it, and focus on helping spirit parasite this time. She needs your help more than Ana now. Use this opportunity to prove Ana wrong about how you'll be the death of Spirit Parasite by showing how much you've grown as a person from your experience traveling with Ana, by guiding spirit parasite. No guarantees, but that could be one way you can earn Ana's respect of you, by successfully guiding Spirit Paradite queen.
No. 998994 ID: 47be15
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No. 998995 ID: 612369


I can work with this.
No. 998998 ID: d63ea8

Your words of praise are rich and rewarding.
This empty presence eats them eagerly,
And offers simple thanks in return.
________ Ana,
Kind Ana.
No. 999722 ID: 8517f3

I'll just say personally, the thing I want to do, start my own world, doesn't involve trying to confront anyone as much as I can, as I do not want to put a big target on us for everyone to shoot at, and keep as much attention away from us as possinle. sadly I personally can't feel too enthusiastic about trying to save this world, but if you are going to do this, then I'll do what I can to support, and wont stop Ana, parasite, or Scarred.

If I may, I want to suggest a few other things... for one, Scarred, I want you to support Ana on any decision she decides to make, and don't force her into doing anything she doesn't want to do or think of her as stupid, or dissapointing in whatever decision she decides to take. Towards the end of our journey with her previously, I felt disturbed that we were forcing her into doing things when she pleaded with us to want to do another thing with her life, like when she wanted to escape with Dervan previously and you wouldn't let her. It made me feel terrible, like we were acting like Essence when she forced us into paths we didn't want to take. This time around, if Ana wants to do something, consider letting her no matter how much it hurts. You can explain to her as to why what she wants to do might be a bad idea, but if she is adament about her decision, just let her make her decision. The one thing I want to do is encourage Ana to continue making her own decisions in her life, both good and bad. This is her life she is living, not yours. Remember, your fused with the queen now, so you should put more of your focus on protecting her.

The only other thing I wish to request is that if either Ana dies during this journey, or the Queen dies, I want one of you to cremate the dead body so that we can have an Ana's ashes to create a world with. Ideally, I want to try to get back the Ana's ashes that the investigation team has as evidence, and would prefer neither of you die for your ashes, but if death happens to one of you, that is the only thing I request.

The only other thing I can think of: each Ana's journey at some point comes to a point where they have to decide what to do with the fog. Since there are two Ana's in this particular cycle, I want you both to think of what rammifications this may have, and what you both want to decide for the fog. Granted we dont know what that decision is, but just be ready.
No. 999855 ID: 47be15
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No. 999857 ID: e51896

Quite the enigma...

yeah, lets use that name, Enigma

So the Mad creator got released from the investigation team then? Weird. I just assume they'd kept him locked up. But yeah, he's the guy he told me about this world creation thing in the first place. Guess I'll be looking for him then to at least have a talking to, and see what I would even have to deal to make that happen before considering using his advice or not.
No. 999869 ID: d63ea8

This empty presence has no name to offer...
Save for the one given to it.

If 'Echo' is the name you wish,
Disciple of Marks,
Then you may take it.
No. 999885 ID: 612369

Nah, that’s your name big guy.

That’s not bad, but I don’t know, it reminds me too much of the riddler from Batman.... You know, I was more trying to think of a name befitting a queen as well as some how incorporating “enigma” and I came up with one.

Emma Genevieve Artemesia. Enigma is an anagram of the full name. So what do you think?
No. 999890 ID: 503577

Another idea could be "Paradox" because her existence doesn't make sense.
No. 999906 ID: 5f4030

Uh, I don’t think so. That almost sounds like an insult when you put it like that.
No. 999952 ID: e51896

Sorry, i didnt mean it as an insult, more like, her existense making no sense makes her unique, as there wasn't anything like this in previous cycles, which could lead this cycle into an outcome not seen before.
No. 1000012 ID: 612369

Perhaps ‘Pandora” might be better then.
No. 1000259 ID: 715a80

Pandora sounds good...

Queen, which nickname do you like, or do you have a name idea?
No. 1000371 ID: 47be15
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This is practically the end of this part of the chapter, I hope that this was a more uplifting ending of the story so far.

No. 1000373 ID: 03cbe8

In as much as I have a life, Pandora, I will too. And Rosaline, I owe you an apology. You're cool in my book.
No. 1000729 ID: e51896

*puts her hand on top of the others*
No. 1000775 ID: d63ea8

*The presence watches silently.*
No. 1000873 ID: 9fc89f

You in this too bud? Cuz what I’m seeing here, it’s a new word for you.

No. 1001027 ID: d63ea8

If that is the word this presence is offered,
Then that will be the word this presence will take.

*The presence adds its hand to the pile.*
No. 1001057 ID: 5329cf

Well I’m gonna give you one more.

No. 1001132 ID: 47be15
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No. 1001133 ID: 47be15

No. 1001134 ID: 47be15
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This was more of a joke update, whatever you post I will not make an update in the story for it. But you are free to discuss what would be the best solution for that problem.

No. 1001136 ID: 5f4030

I got you.

>Scarred casts Altar Self, making the tattoo disappear.

The mark and the magic it gives me is still there but now it can’t be seen. If push comes to shove maybe me and Fortune can do a swap in-swap out kind of deal.
No. 1001473 ID: 47be15
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Finally, we arrived at the epilogue of this part of the story. After this, there will be a short intermission and then we return to the investigation.

No. 1001474 ID: 47be15
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No. 1001480 ID: e51896

I have plenty of time. I'm listening.
No. 1001486 ID: f3eb46

*Sigh* Alright.
No. 1001539 ID: d9a59f

Also, maybe it’s the history geek in me coming out, but did you know the Titanic actually shot up signal flares and fireworks that were seen by a nearby boat? Normally these would have been used to signal for help, but some incompetents on the other ship just thought they were having a party.
No. 1001608 ID: 47be15
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No. 1001618 ID: e51896

The hunter cooked the rabbit, and it was still conscious all through that as well...

but the rabbit healed inside the hunter's stomach since the Tortoise promised he'd heal from any wound no matter how severe, and messed with the hunter's insides. Poor hunter didn't even knew what hit him.

Either that, or he just got digested and was still conscious all through it, and the Rabbit would have probably became a conscious literal piece of shit

moral: even if you are immortal, you can still be in danger
No. 1001624 ID: 5f4030

Yeah that was my take a away too. Being immortal doesn’t mean your free from life’s pain. If anything, being immortal just means you will suffer through more pain in life.
No. 1001699 ID: 47be15
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No. 1001703 ID: e51896

A pretty good fable. Will have to look up who the author is.
No. 1001728 ID: 5f4030

Ehhh, not particularly, it’s not a story I’d tell kids any time soon. I’ll stick to Aesop’s version of the tortoise and the hare if it’s all the same.
No. 1001801 ID: 47be15
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Poltergeist Ethanoic Acid if you choose to remove your mask you are free to show me how you imagined your character to look or simply describe his features, that can work as well.

No. 1001823 ID: d05489

With all due respect, I apologize, but unfortunately, removal of my mask will result with a conflict of interest with one of the things Penelope from the Smiling Sinners ordered: stripping off my mask anywhere except my own room will be seen as sacrilegious in the Smiling Sinners' eyes and will result with Penny getting angry with me and having her entire group punish me, and I am not so much into BDSM, not my kink. So I'd rather not take that risk, I know my limits.

Penelope told me the Smiling sinners are already pretty angry with Anthony keeping his mask off in public everywhere as is, but can't really do anything about it because of his high position in the ranks as Root's prophetic artist.
I however can't get away with that with my lower rank.
No. 1001844 ID: f23235

Euuggh, don’t remind me. She comes across to me as horny for torture. She actually tried to whip me once but due to my status had let me go. I’ve never forgotten her saying she was upset because of “how much she needs this.” I think she’s just using her own position to force her kink on people, and I will endlessly kink shame her for it.

As for the mask thing, either do it or don’t. I have no issue with it.
No. 1001918 ID: 47be15
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No. 1001960 ID: f23235
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Yeah yeah, here you go. And honestly, I’ve stopped being really that affected by people’s appearance. Strange and unusual people are just par for the course. I’d rather judge people by the strength of morality and character.
No. 1002423 ID: 47be15
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No. 1002424 ID: d63ea8

"You do know that one of the benefits of stealing these pictures is rubbing it in Anthony's face later on."

"Something that is ruined when you pass the picture over right in front of him."

"Not even ten second into our meeting and you're already disappointing me."

*Dervan looks over to Nathaniel*
"Oh look, the gimp is here too."
No. 1002439 ID: 5f4030

Wow, you’re rude as fuck, don’t insult my friends. And what do you mean “stealing” the picture. He asked me to make it for him and I agreed. If it came to you either way, what difference does it make how it got here?

Also Spikey, I hope you see the hypocrisy in your whole argument against Feasance. Saying I’m working with someone who isn’t human and can’t be trusted. You’re working with a walking wine-opener who openly talks about stealing stuff from me. Pot meet kettle buddy.

So, are we done here?
No. 1002440 ID: d63ea8

"My deepest apologies. Let me correct my statement."

*Dervan glances back over to Nathaniel*
"Oh look, the submissive is here as well."

"But back to matter at hand, I feel like you wouldn't have given this drawing your best effort if it was made out to me. Not that I'm besmirching your skill and creativity as an artist, but you do tend to fall into gluts of animosity."
No. 1002446 ID: 5f4030

Given who you’re working with, no. I don’t think I would have. And given the circumstances, I’d say the only thing you’ve earned is my animosity.

And you’re still rude as fuck, and I think I can add “gaslighting” to that tally as well. So, yeah. Fuck you.
No. 1002447 ID: d63ea8

"Come now, I'm trying to be diplomatic, aren't you one for fresh starts and new beginnings?"
No. 1002448 ID: 5f4030

Not with your crowd. Somethings I don’t forget, and I certainly don’t forgive. Are we done here?
No. 1002501 ID: e51896

Anthony, thanks for defending me, but honestly, I'm an adult. I can handle a few insults.

hm. I actually have something to say... Anthony, I kind of see Spikey as something as kind of like a king's jester, one that is harsh, insulting, and annoying, but brings up really good points to help a king rule their kingdom better by saying things the king's citizens would be too scared to say to their face.

And well... what I may say might severely disappoint you, Feasance and Anthony, but I think we should have trust in Spikey. For one, he wanted to introduce his boss, even ignoring strict orders to steal your picture, Anthony, and instead asking you for it which is a more honest way of doing things...

I mean, he even did warn you about a ghost dog haunting you, if you remember...

And that whole gift thing he gave you... I kind of want you to think about one thing to yourself... why did he give you that gift if it wasn't to help you. and if you didn't decide to give it to me, what moment do you think Spikey wanted you to use it for that could have helped you or someone else if I didn't have it, and you had it instead?

I mean, I'm not saying you shouldn't agree with all of Spikey's actions and what he stands for, but I think we should at least allow some trust between us and him... The world is full of weirdos anyway to the point of it being normal now.

The question about Feasance though... I believe he does bring up some important valid points. For one, she kind of just inserted herself into our lives... and what was it that she wanted Cleo to do, and why?

And of course that mask... Your right, Anthony, she shouldn't have a good reason not to remove it. I have a good reason not to remove mine, but Feasance could because of her position as the Carpenter's daughter... If its scars, or a monster behind it, it wouldn't really surprise us considering how we saw how the rest of the world is... Spikey did reveal who is employer was, its only fair she revealed her face as payment...
No. 1002504 ID: 5f4030

You bring up some good points, however the thing is, while I do believe Spikey may do things that help us, no one does anything around here for the good others and the sake of their happiness the lives of others. It’s either for some crazy idea and beliefs, or for themselves. I want to hold people to a higher standard than that. No exceptions.

As for Feasence showing her face, I honestly don’t care but there is something I do care about. What is it she wanted Cleo to do? If it is something that could result in her getting hurt, then I don’t think I could forgive that.
No. 1002517 ID: 47be15
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No. 1002520 ID: d63ea8

"I'll let it slide this time Spikey. Just take this as a lesson on making assumptions."

"Besides, Anthony may be obstinate and rude, but it is our job as mediators to be better than that."

"And yes, my meeting hadn't gone as I had hoped, but I'm sure we'll be able to handle Anthony's eccentricities."

"Though as for your sister Spikey-"

*Dervan reaches into his pocket, produces a business card, and tosses it over.*
"-I am more that willing to lend out my consulting services when it comes to all things otherworldly and extradimensional. It's a complete freak show out there!"
No. 1002535 ID: 5f4030

I wouldn’t take it if I were you.

Yeah Spikey, I did want to meet him. Your boss would be an indication of your own allegiances. It would have saved us a lot of trouble if you were just told me who it was though, because here’s the issue, while DerVan himself isn’t the worst option for a boss, I don’t like him at all. But I can work around it, despite my eccentricities and despite his many facades.

And by the I don’t owe anyone my best side. It’s not eccentricities, it just brutal honesty. Sorry not sorry.
No. 1002679 ID: e51896

Hmm... refresh my memory, did you ever draw her, Anthony?

And also, as far as wearing a mask because you feel you don't belong is concerned... If you want my opinion, I don't think anybody belongs in this world... it feels like it was made to make us suffer, and has a standard of making normacy the new freak while freak is the new normal, so it shouldnt be a problem if you're too worried you don't belong and we'd see you as a monster if it is appearance you are worried about...
i guess the real concern with that in mind is that because we don't know what is under the mask, we won't know for sure if you are someone who had a reputation of being sinister or doing bad things that had harmed us in some way in the past, or working for someone really sinister and you want to hide your identity from us because kf that... either that, or your not Ms. Feasance at all, but someone disguised as her trying to fish for information...

and if you're someone who has hurt us in the past, and want forgiveness but are too afraid to ask and instead created a new identity to live a new life, worried you might reveal your identity that you are someone who had hurt us then, why not ask for forgiveness?

Also, Anthony, I'll just say that it probably isn't a good idea to view everyone as pure good or pure bad, and see things in only black and white. Otherwise you'd hold everyone in too high of a standard. Everyone i've found have their reasons to act the way they do, and well, with the state of how everything is, maybe we should try to look for the good in people instead of focusing on just the bad... yeah? Nobody here is a saint. I honestly can get behind the never forget attitude you said you have, but understand that I don't follow that "never forgive" mindset...
No. 1002756 ID: 47be15
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No. 1002780 ID: c41d93

*eye roll* the only ugly thing I see is how one sibling treats another.

Inner thoughts: And as for looking like demon he looks more like a Victorian caricature of a fool in some penny dreadful play.
No. 1003047 ID: e51896

I'll just give you this warning to consider then: The harsh reality is that with the state of things in this world currently, life doesn't care if you're not ready for something, nor if you need time to come to terms with things in order to feel comfortable doing something... do you think that people outside of our group were ready when the fog just suddenly appeared and took many lives for example?

I'll just say that whatever goals you want to pursue, especially whether it be to confront someone, or gain power, you better consider that there will be a lot of moments where you won't have any time to prepare when something unexpectedly terrible happens, sometimes in rapid succession, and you'd be forced to be taken out of your comfort zone during all those times.

Get a stronger resolve, that is my advice to you, Ms. Feasance... Take of that what you will.
No. 1003092 ID: d63ea8

My dear employee is correct, these horns are fake and the demonic appearance is a bit of an act, but I assure you it is for my client's benefit.

If I just approached them with regular suit and tie then they might underestimate the wider scope of the dimensions around them. To bargain with me is to bargain with power. A power that transcends their world, and I as a broker don't judge my clients.

If I say... dressed myself up as an angel, then people would dismiss me for being sanctimonious. It'd be bad for business.

I am here to offer my services, regardless of my client's background or motives, and to give them my support without the need for moralistic judgements.

*DerVan gives a nod to Ms. Feasance.*

And of course, if you wanted to try your hand at greener pastures then I'm sure that we can come to some form of arrangement. I have been toying with the idea of entering the travel agent business.
No. 1003094 ID: 5f4030

Heh. You know now that I think about it, we actually had a pretty good deal. Your employee gave me something in a rather… Unorthodox method, but I consider it a pretty good trade all things considered. That is unless you can verify what he gave me as the real deal in exchange for my services. Mind giving me a written and signed document verifying the deal? Think of it like writing a receipt, don’t want false goods and all.
No. 1003155 ID: 47be15
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No. 1003239 ID: e51896

Hm... If Anthony or ms feasance is not going to take the card, then I guess I will ask if I can have one, please.

So in what ways were you responsible for what happened to this world, feasance? I should also mention that there are people out there who actually feel the fog had actually saved their lives, so trying to better the world in one way like you want might actually be seen as destroying it in another person's eyes. Keep that in mind.

And Spikey, why do you think she can't change her ways? in what ways can she redeem herself in your eyes... without involving her killing herself of course?
No. 1003437 ID: cb5572

I'm interested in this too. I'd like to know what really created all this animosity to begin with. I know you two are the children of the Carpenter, I actually did a portrait of him a while ago, Feasance I know you're a teacher, and Spikey you just kinda do your thing... But I don't really know that much about why you guys do what you do.
No. 1003467 ID: d63ea8

A resolute choice Ms. Fearance, but feel free to contact me if you do change your mind.

And of course Nathaniel, I am more than willing to extend my services to you as well.

*Dervan flicks another card through the portal.*
No. 1003567 ID: 47be15
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No. 1003568 ID: c41d93

*sees her go down*

Jesus H. Christ man, I’m not worried about seeing her face at the moment and the way you implied that feels like it would be some kind of sexual assault! If this was that triggering where it brings her to having a damn seizure who cares about her face?
No. 1004228 ID: e51896

Hmm... I am going to be blunt, but I really don't have faith in her if she is going to faint like that especially if she plans on trying to save this world. Honestly, unless she can learn to keep a level head, she is going to lose her life. Right now, I see her as weak. again, I apologize for being blunt, but sometimes, the truth hurts. She needs to get stronger, there's no question about it...

And I'll be lying if I said I didn't want to remove her mask right now, because right now, I am really curious. Honestly, if we really want to know what is really going on behind the scenes with the acolytes of the ash tree who are higher up in the ranks like Lorence, or the Carpenter, and if you really desire to take them down, Anthony, then removing her mask and revealing the truth might be the only opportunity to find out what they had in store for her and maybe get her the help she needs...

I would try to remove the mask myself, if only to see what our superiors are keeping secret from us, but I just know you're going to stop me, so I won't do it unless you change your mind Anthony. But just know that sometimes it's better to do something you'll regret now but gain something out of it than to regret it later when it is too late.


like this matter with Dervan. Well, what I want from Dervan might seem pretty bland and boring in comparison to what others would want to make a deal with the devil with... Rightfully so since people tend to find me boring. But what I want isn't even for me to begin with, but moreso for Anthony.

what I desire is nothing more than the ashes of an Ana. From what Anthony and I was told, Ana was killed, gunned down by several bullets, and then cremated in this timeline.

I remember Anthony telling me all about her in his dreams pretty much every day to the point where it became an annoyance. And while I really could care less about Ana as I don't know her, I do know that ever since Anthony heard she died, Anthony was never the same again emotionally. He's traumatized.

He wanted to hold a funeral for her, but never got the chance to because he never got access to her body to give her a proper sendoff. So I would like to request you, Dervan, to transfer to me Ana's ashes directly to me so that I may give it to Anthony in the future, if only to give him closure on that chapter in his life. If for whatever reason you can't get this timeline's Ana's ashes, then any other Ana's ashes from another timeline will do.

But I believe with your services you take great pride in, I have faith you will accomplish this one simple task for me without issues, correct?
No. 1004232 ID: f1e7f7


Fuck you man, that’s cold. Look I appreciate the help, I do. But I don’t want you helping me out of some sense of pity for me, or because I’m “traumatized.” Everyone handles grief and trauma differently, I’m still coping, and what happened when I get emotionally scared or vulnerable, I see things okay? It’s kind of like schizophrenia, and it’s why I got withered Ace, Victoria, she helps keep me grounded.

Look here’s the deal. For me, Ana was an example of how a person should be, especially in times like this. Right now, I’m not focused on what my “enemies” are doing, I don’t want to have enemies. All I’m concerned about is Feasance and her own well being. When I learned Ana died, it hurt a lot because it was like someone who I looked up to had just vanished, and by the sound of things she caved in the end, because it was just too much. But what if she had help? Could it have been any different? Just knowing that there was someone willing to help her when she needed it? Why is no one willing to do the right thing anymore? Why is everyone choosing to be a one-man island? Everyone just wants to take for them and theirs. I’ve seen what happens when others just stop taking each other for granted, and actually swallow their pride. Amazing things happen, heroic things. Nathaniel, I know you’re capable of those kinds of small miracles, you showed it to me when I was suffering, Ana did the same for others too she tried so damn hard to for it, why is this moment any different?

Is walling yourself off supposed to make you stronger? Or more emotionally mature? Or does it just make you more numb? People have had enough suffering, enough for a thousand lifetimes. When can we start healing?

So Nathaniel I put it to you then, is it better to earn someone’s trust to where they would show you what you want to learn, out of their own free will? Or do you go behind their back and just take it? I’m not thinking out of necessity, I’m thinking, what is the good and right thing to do here?
No. 1004554 ID: d63ea8

"Of course my dear Nathaniel, such a task is easily within my capabilities, in fact..."

*Dervan pulls out a sealed urn.*

"I happen to have those ashes on me right now. I was planning on delivering this to a gaggle of idiots I am overseeing, but I think you can put these remains to better use then they ever could."

*Dervan holds out the urn to Nathaniel.*

"We can discuss payment at a later date, unfortunately my schedule is requiring me to be elsewhere soon. But I'm sure you'll be good for it if I extend this as a line of credit. Take it as a sign of good faith."
No. 1004602 ID: 47be15
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First of all, let's all give a rousing applause to Door who portrayed DeRvan. You even manage to give me a couple of curved balls while playing that character and I hope you had fun being in the role of him in the first place.

No. 1004622 ID: e51896

The thing about me, Anthony, good and bad are two sides of the same coin, and I try to balance those two sides with what I do. I realize that while we should strive to do the right thing, sometimes, there are moments where one is reuqired to have to do something evil. There is such a thing as being too good, just as there is such a thing as being too evil. But overall, we shouldn't try to have our actions dictate or label who we are. Despite everything I do, I know who I am, and I'm still the same person deep down.

Which is why I had to be harsh there with my opinions of Ms. Feasance. While I'll respect your wishes not to remove her mask, my opinions remain the same: If she wants to save this world, She needs to learn to cope with her inner demons, or else she will not survive out there if she is just going to faint easily like that, which is why at this moment, I would not trust her with my life.


Thank you for the ashes, Spikey. Wish I could have thanked Dervan, but I understand he was busy. I will for now keep it somewhere safe and secure.

Though I must say, Anthony, please do not tell Ms. Feasance that I got you Ana's ashes. I know you highly respect Ana, but from what I heard, Feasance actually doesn't share your opinion. She actually despises Ana from what I heard, as well as the voices she follows, and whoever Essence is. Letting her know you and I have Ana's ashes is not going bode well. Which is why after we talk about Lorence and his heart here, I'm going to leave with the ashes before Ms. Feasance wakes back up so she doesn't inquire about the ashes I'm holding.

Please proceed with the discussion of Lorence and his heart, Spikey.
No. 1004659 ID: 5f4030

*shudders and cringes at the name of Essence*

I know who she is. We've... Met.

*grumble* did not want to stick my dick anywhere near that crazy bitch *grumble*

Ughh... *shudder in disgust*

Yeah okay let's get on with this.
No. 1004713 ID: 47be15
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No. 1004723 ID: 5f4030

*looks at the doll in disgust.*

Yeah she came to once and tried to seduce me, literally ripping my clothes off. I ran away pretty much naked and with my tattered clothes covering my junk. Never been so embarrassed ever, ended up running right by Delilah trying to escape who yelled "Where you streaking off to pretty boy!" So yeah, I got cat-called into damn near being sexually assaulted. Also, you do know she's dead right?

As for Lorrence, I figured it wouldn't be that easy as just taking a knife to the heart. All that would do is make him vulnerable. Any ideas where we should start looking?
No. 1004756 ID: 47be15
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No. 1004778 ID: 5f4030


I want to be someone who does the right thing. Someone who isn't afraid of the dark, and someone who stands against the idea of what this cult believes, that being human is a flaw, or that everyone is bad so you might as well take as much as you can, that you look out for yourself first.

I've never believed that crap. Basically, all I want to is to be a good man in a world gone mad.
No. 1004928 ID: 47be15
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No. 1004951 ID: bc9acc

Actually despite acting creepy he actually hasn’t done anything here. He DID threaten to blow me up a while ago but given that I’m starting to get a feeling of this guys M.O. I suspect it was just some kind of unfunny joke. I still haven’t forgotten that one, Spikey and it still wasn’t funny. Get better material. So the only thing you could get him on is threats and possibly assault but even then I don’t want to press charges. I don’t like Spikey, but this is unnecessary at this time.

This is how you be a good man, you be honest and keep your word. And maybe forgive an enemy if you can.
No. 1004952 ID: bc9acc

Tell you what though, let’s just clear the air. Why the hell do you two want each other dead? This is just creating more bad blood, we’re talking this out now. Because I’m willing to bet money that if I help Spikey, Feasance will feel betrayed, and vice versa. I’m not doing that. We’re having this out now. Why is there so much bad blood? We’re talking this out.
No. 1005014 ID: 47be15
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No. 1005018 ID: 5fd914

I accept.

And actually no, she came to me. If anything I just consider her a friend. In order to get closer to Godfrey and everyone, all I had to do was pretty much exactly what I’m doing now with you and her, just be myself and be honest. I went to them and we just became friends. I was really looking for people who I had believed could qualify as human. It’s the same reason I let you go, I think there’s more to you than let on, and I want to help heal that rift between you and your sister. I just don’t want to see either of you dead, especially by each other’s hands
No. 1005203 ID: 47be15
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No. 1005204 ID: 47be15
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I am sorry for not having the time to finish the update for the next part of this chapter. But to make one thing clear this is the continuation of the investigation and all characters that come with it.
No. 1005251 ID: 47be15
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No. 1005274 ID: 5f4030

I suppose “unimpressed” might be a better term, as well as irritated with some of our… “colleagues” on this investigation team.
No. 1005276 ID: e51896

Admittedly, getting a whole bunch of vaccinations before traveling to this place was kind of an unpleasant experience, but necessary to not catch diseases from other agents from other universes. And I'm still trying to process the fact that I am actually so far away from the universe where my god resides, but other than that, my destined path lead me here with a responsibility to fulfill and I will accept it.
No. 1005366 ID: d63ea8

Inner Thoughts: Discard the subtext of Corax's statement, it's likely directed and Dervan more than anyone else. Focus on your composure.

*Threshold sighs and squares his shoulders.*

Inner Thoughts: There is still a small chance that Larry's questions are meant to test your current conviction, especially since there was likely a report filed due to Dervan's conduct. This could be an attempt at damage control. Be honest, but do not be too open.

"The fact that there are other dimension does not bother me in the slightest. Due to the station of my family, I was given... lessons... before being assigned to this team."

Inner Thoughts: And those were only building upon the ones father had already ingrained into your life. Agree with the overt elements of Corax's statement, let his words mask your true thoughts.

"As Corax put it, there has been issues of conduct in regards to some of the team. But if such elements were ironed out, I certainly see our performance improving as a result."

*Threshold then folds his hands behind his back.*
No. 1005404 ID: 47be15
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No. 1005439 ID: 5f4030

Funny, I thought you looked like some kind of fop and a dandy, as everyone around here does. You however, excel at bad fashion taste, especially with that ugly hat. And if we’re really judging based on appearances, you’d be better off with the mask than our newest companion here. Also your nose is quite red now that I look at it. Been snorting illegal substances? Or perhaps it’s from blushing at having your face in the pillow as you bite it, perhaps that’s it, a pillow biter. Nothing wrong with that of course, my cousin is one of them.

Honestly, if you’re going to just come in here and insult me based on appearance, try harder. I’ve dealt with too much of this nonsense from others already, and I don’t need it from you either.
No. 1005465 ID: d63ea8

Inner Thoughts: Intercede, now.

"C-corax please. That isn't -uh- how we a-are meant to speak to -um- new colleagues."

Inner Thoughts: Appeal to reason, otherwise Corax will push back.

"You and -uh- Mr. Peregrine were s-selected for this investigation due to the -um- skills and perspectives you both bring to the -er- table. If M-mr. Triumphant has hand selected another partner for us to -um- work with t-then they must trust in the fact that it was for a -uh- good reason."

Inner Thoughts: Paint it as a misunderstanding, have it be no one's fault.

"I'm sure our new -er- investigator here meant no harm with their -uh- statement. It could -um- easily b-be an issue with the -uh- translator."

Inner Thoughts: That isn't true, but lean into it. Draw the conversation back to the exercise. This is a discussion on perception and appearances.

"O-our investigation may -uh- take us to places were others might judge purely on -um- appearance. And -er- depending on what we add or -uh- remove..."

*Threshold gives a nod towards Larry before continuing:*

"... we might be s-seen as someone or -uh- something different."

Inner Thoughts: And Corax doesn't give off the most friendly -or even stable- aura. And the new investigator might have picked up on that.

*Threshold fidgets.*

Inner Thoughts: This provocation may have been a test of Corax's defenses, and he failed. Remain attentive, but try to smooth this over nonetheless.

"Perhaps -uh- more formal introductions are in order."

*Moving towards the figure on the couch Threshold extends a hand.*

"My name is -um- Threshold Glorious, it is good to make your acquaintance."
No. 1005472 ID: 5fd914

Of course, sir. *nods respectfully and goes over to a tea tray*

Would you like a cup, sir? I feel I would appreciate one.
No. 1005538 ID: d63ea8

*Threshold nods.*

"-uh- y-yes please."

Inner Thoughts: And like that he's back to being curt and restrained. Your initial guess at military training may have been an accurate one. Whenever you exercise authority Corax responds with 'sir.' Might be something to add to your notes later. Right now you need to answer Larry's question. If you fail to respond he may draw his own conclusions, and they might end up more accurate that you would prefer.

*Turning his head over to Larry, Threshold says:*

Inner Thoughts: Be vague. A lie will get caught and a half-truth will get picked at.

"It is a -er- interesting experience, seeing all of these -uh- people of v-various shapes--um I mean- various walks of life. Most people have been upfront w-with their -er- thoughts and f-feelings so... I haven't really noticed the -uh- mask issue."

Inner Thoughts: Not the wisest statement to end on, but not a lie either. It's true that you haven't given much thought to 'permanently wearing a mask,' but that's because you have already worn one all your life. Honesty is a weakness, and every weakness is a tool for someone else to exploit. Dad was sure to hammer that into you. Every perceivable flaw must be filed down until it's a mirror's sheen. Otherwise you'll get eaten alive. Move to the next question, put the focus on him so he might miss your comment.

"A-as for your mask -um- Larry. I'd say that the smile is -er- fitting. You seem l-like a kind person, and I'd think even a f-fake could reflect that."

Inner Thoughts: A bit of a hollow compliment, but it is something you hope to be true. Though, the smile does serve a more practical purpose. A blank mask would have you infer emotion onto it, and such assumptions might make you miss more subtle details, better to have a fake smile that might clash with Larry's words or actions, you should be able to parse the inconsistencies. Also keep Corax in your peripherals. It's unlikely that he'd do anything to the tea, but... better to cautious than surprised.
No. 1005542 ID: 5fd914

Milk and sugar, sir?
No. 1005557 ID: d63ea8

Inner Thoughts: Is he trying to probe at your background? Probably not, disregard that thought.

"N-no thank you."
No. 1005588 ID: 5fd914

Very good sir. One for you Peregrine? *preps two cups one with sugar and one with out.*

Here you are sir.
No. 1005596 ID: e51896

Appreciated, but no thanks, we're on the clock. I'll have tea time later.

To answer your question, i feel there is a reason why we are required to have our faces look like tools and objects to other people. So i accept it as a necessity which influences and pushes us towards what our purpose in our life is, and where we will be in the end of our life.

And you can keep the mask on if you want, or remove it. Do whatever you like.
No. 1005599 ID: 5fd914

*sips tea*
I am of the same mind as my colleague. It matters not what you look like in the end. We came here to complete a task set to us. The appearance of the team assembled shouldn’t matter. Right? *stares at the spork man with narrowed eyes before turning away, bored.*
No. 1005607 ID: 47be15
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No. 1005610 ID: d63ea8

Inner Thoughts: Play the diplomat, recontextualize both of their words in a way that both parties find agreeable. Breathe first.

*Threshold takes a slow breath and blows on his tea.*

Inner Thoughts: There. Now, show that this as an issue or timing, rather than personality.

"Thank you Ms. Algich for you're openness, and I apologize for our team's lukewarm reception. Unfortunately Mr. Glasshrauder was one the first figures we encountered during our investigation and has left us a little wary of new faces."

Inner Thoughts: Now focus on the merits.

"As you say, Mr. Corax did put himself in harm's way to protect the person we were interviewing, and was -uh- b-badly injured as a result. Seeing as he had r-received those injuries from our direct superior, it is understandable that he'd have a more -um- muted view of the world."

Inner Thoughts: A white lie. It's far more likely that Corax's worldview stems from a far worse encounter. You saw him stabbed, beaten, shocked and drugged; Corax didn't even bat an eye. No amount of 'training' can prepare you for that, so that only leaves a few other options... Move to his willingness to adapt.

"I'm sure that once we get the chance to work alongside one another things should smooth out. I humbly ask for your patience and understanding Ms. Algich as we move forward."

*He takes a sip of the tea and winces.*

Inner Thoughts: Erg. Bitter.
No. 1005611 ID: d63ea8

Inner Thoughts: Set the tone for the discussion, avoid criticism, even of Dervan for now. As their evaluator anything you say could be seen as open season for the others, and that would reflect poorly on both your conduct and your position of authority within the group.

*Threshold turns to Larry.*

"I think we have the foundations of a good team. Mr. Peregrine has shown himself to diplomatic, a team player, and very knowledgeable in a variety of fields. When forced to work on his own Mr. Peregrine quickly established a rapport with our subject and was able to pull a number of strong leads from the subject. As for Mr. Corax, he demonstrated the ability to remain focus and level-headed under even the most strained of conditions. His more-"

Inner Thoughts: Practical.

"-practical perspective of the world of the allows him to see past the tactics other might employ against him. Beyond that he is quite resolute in his station -and as seen- is more than willing to put himself at risk in the defense of others."

Inner Thoughts: A bit flowery, but it should do. It's not an accurate reflection of the notes you've taken, but you need to tread carefully around Algich, she's far more perceptive than her first impression would let on.

"Unfortunately I have not had the chance to meet with Mr. Triumphant face to face, but going off of reputation he seems to be a very accomplished investigator in his own right."

Inner Thoughts: He was able to meet with father without scheduling an appointment months in advance. Meaning he's a big deal.

"And seeing as we are still being acquainted with Ms. Algich, I'm not sure if I'll able to offer much commentary beyond my eagerness to work with her."

Inner Thoughts: Now for the hard part. Weigh each word before speaking.

"Mr. Glasshrauder had an... unorthodox way of communicating with the team-"

Inner Thoughts: Sidestep the incidents, defer to the reports.

"-and I'm sure that the report from both the stenographer and on-sight d-doctor would provide a more complete view of what transpired."

Inner Thoughts: And now for the conclusion.

*Threshold clears his throat.*

"Regardless, I believe due to the actions that each of us took the team has gotten stronger overall,-

Inner Thoughts: Truth.

"-we've gotten a better understanding of how each of us operate as a group,-"

Inner Thoughts: Mostly true.

"and that we've fostered a great deal of trust with one another."

*He then takes another sip of tea.*

Inner Thoughts: Lie, but that's not anything on them. 'Trust' requires you to understand what action each of them will take provided the correct stimuli, your still in the initial mapping of their profiles, those gaps in your notes will lead to unpredictability. You will have to correct this as soon as you are able.
No. 1005650 ID: 5fd914

Hahaha! Not so much a fop, but a thespian, I’m impressed. Though I would advise you to mind your tongue good lady. You may find it gets you in worse trouble than with someone who would merely enjoy an engagement in harsh banter. And really, a children’s cancer ward? I wasn’t aware one was around; a cute answer, but I suspect it is merely smudged makeup. And given your answer, I would not be surprised if you had a background in theater. Nevertheless, I am interested to see what you can bring to the table, madam.

As for my compatriots here, Mr. Glorious and Agent Peregrine, I have only respect. Peregrine is succinct and matter of fact in his deductions, to which I am most grateful. He has shown himself to be good man of faith, but such does not get in the way of his duties.

Mr. Glorious here, though perhaps a bit green has a well seasoned mind in reading emotions and people’s character. It can be perhaps misguided at times but such is only telling a lack of experience. That in of itself is not however a bad thing, only that when he gets it all down, he will be a force to be reckoned with. I respect him as our chosen leader for this assignment and am confident in his abilities as such.

As for our superiors, I have mixed feelings about them.

Triumphant is a determined man, and I believe he does his best with the choices he is given. His choice of companions is… Bizzare, but to each his own. I trust him as a competent man of action and belief. If there was one man I’d put on top to do the right thing, it would be him.

Dervan on the other hand… *Sips tea before setting it down and pulling out a small hand written notebook* This is an account of all his multiple misconducts I and my compatriots have seen during our time spent before and during the investigation and interrogation of our newest staff member. Such infractions include *opens note book and clears throat*
- multiple accounts of fraud and dissent
- interrupting an officer in/during the line of duty
- assault and battery of an officer in/during the line of duty
- attempted 1st degree murder
- attempted murder/assault and battery of a suspect while in custody

Understand, this is not personal, sir. As much as I detest him entirely, my personal feelings do not matter. This is merely part of my duty as officer and investigator of this department to see that our efforts come to a successful conclusion. If he seeks to undermine and disrupt our efforts further, I ask that he be disciplined, removed from office, and any and all criminal charges pressed immediately. I am aware of his legal status may keep him from an arrest but enough that his time spent with court proceedings will keep him away from our investigation.
No. 1006087 ID: e51896

I find Dervan to be harsh, but fair. I respect him and I think he is important to the team with his mind games on our opponents. I dont share the same thoughts as Corax on Dervan and would rather not have Dervan reprimanded. He has his own way of getting things done effectively.

Triumphant I havent worked much with Triumphant yet, but he seems to have a handle of things, anf already have ideas. I look forward to working with them in the future.

Corax... kind of a loose canon, but I feel he can get the job done with his bravery.

Threshold is good mannered, and seems to have a lot on his mind, since I see him thinking a lot. Could be very good to have someone like him think logically in a lot of thing.
No. 1006097 ID: d63ea8

*Threshold quietly sips his tea.*

Inner Thoughts: Something about Corax's words seems to make your skin crawl. Your not sure how to describe it. Maybe it's the force behind his laugh, or how his words seem entirely alien to what you've seen thus far. Is this just a side of him you haven't seen yet?

*Threshold glances at Corax, but then quickly goes back to staring at the floor.*

Inner Thoughts: No. Not even remotely, that underlying edge of raw... that danger is still present. This isn't so much a wolf in sheep's clothing as it is a wolf wearing a sheep's skin. It's as though there is a disconnect within him that- discard that thought for now, speculation without a proper foundation will lead to wrong conclusions, work on what is observable. The pointed language is still there, though Corax has put in effort to make it more 'civilized,' likely for your sake, but the effect still comes across as uncanny to you.

Corax: "Mr. Glorious here, though perhaps a bit green has a well seasoned mind in reading emotions and people’s character. It can be perhaps misguided at times but such is only telling a lack of experience. That in of itself is not however a bad thing..."

Inner Thoughts: You seemed to have gained Corax's respect, whether you keep it or not remains to be seen. While he does note your lack of experience, he does not underestimate you. But it may be more in his nature to not underestimate anyone. His compliments is not empty, which is good, but unlike Peregrine you still haven't fully gained his trust. Or at least the amount of trust he is usually willing to give.

Corax: "Understand, this is not personal, sir. As much as I detest him entirely, my personal feelings do not matter. This is merely part of my duty as officer and investigator of this..."

Inner Thoughts: Not a direct lie, but not entirely honest either. There is an undercurrent to Corax's actions. This is a personal matter, Dervan saw to that, but it is... unlikely that Corax act on a personal vendetta, his discipline wouldn't allow it. He wants to do this buy the book, but you think that if Dervan were to endanger the integrity of the investigation, Corax might take matters into his own hands.

Peregrine: "I find Dervan to be harsh, but fair. I respect him and I think he is important to the team with his mind games on our opponents. I don't share the same thoughts as Corax on Dervan and would rather not have Dervan reprimanded..."

Inner Thoughts: Peregrine isn't just being polite like you are, he does believe what he is saying. You can't help but think of the words he said previously:

'Threshold, when I read through the case files, and was told about the mission we are going to head into, it made me realize that this mission is going to require everything we've got and all our endurance. The stabbing isn't just about dominance over us, it is about taking a job that we are going to need to bleed for and even sacrifice for in order to succeed, one which if we are not careful could destroy our spirits. A mission in which is required to get our hands dirty for.'

He sees Dervan's action as tests, or more accurately, trials. There is always a spiritual element to his words and actions. You're not sure if this is a post-event rationalization or-

Peregrine: "Threshold is good mannered, and seems to have a lot on his mind, since I see him thinking a lot. Could be very good to have someone like him think logically in a lot of thing."

*Threshold looks up and gives a sheepish smile.*

Inner Thoughts: Your not in the interrogation room anymore, you need to keep up outward appearances. Of the two Peregrine is the more likely to get a good read on you. Engage in the conversation, maintain eye-contact, wear the mask.

*The smile broadens.*

"T-thank you, Mr. Peregrine. I will -uh- try to help as best I can."
No. 1006099 ID: 47be15
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No. 1006107 ID: 5f4030

Again madam, such words you banter with me. Words that in the ear of the wrong person, may imply great bodily harm. And as for my mother, *eye roll* bless her poor old withering heart to have to bury her only son.
*smiles like someone who’s just won a hand at poker* and I knew you had a theater background. The play’s the thing, and here we all are walking in shadows, poor players that struts and frets our hour upon the stage and then is heard no more.

*sips tea*

And as for the idea throwing a chair at dart board, an apt metaphor to be sure.

Inner thoughts: I’d like to follow the rules as planned but when results are needed, I am there to act.

I’m glad Mr. Dynamo places such trust in you. I believe I can also trust you in not leading our golden boy here astray, yes?

Now, if I may enquire, what is to be done about Dervan. I do
not share the idea that he is a man worth of respect,
Inner thoughts: I’ve yet to meet a single lawyer who is. In fact…
I understand that Dervan himself is a lawyer by trade, to my own knowledge, working pro Bono is something they rarely ever do, mostly out of a sense of civic or moral duty. Regardless, I’m curious, does he represent a single client in this organization? Or more the organization as a whole? With all due respect to those in the legal profession, usually their job is to keep those guilty of committing crimes from ever seeing justice. Hence why his impediment of our investigations do not seem more as trials or tests, and more him trying to keep us from doing our duty.
No. 1006123 ID: d63ea8

*Threshold pauses momentarily when the name Dino Dynamo is brought up.*

Inner Thoughts: Don't freeze.

*He sips more of his tea.*

Inner Thoughts: Still, that is... worrisome. It seems that Dad read the report and decided to give you a minder. The stenographer must've caught the fact that you were muttering to yourself like an asylum patient. Such conduct would 'unbecoming' of the office...


Inner Thoughts: That or he wants you to send a report covertly. Or you've failed to meet expectations. Or he's having another affair. Probe lightly, keep in the conversation.

"I-" *ahem* "I -um- imagine you were p-picked for this position for more than just your -uh- categorization skills Ms. Algich. As shown with you're -er- a-analogy you are quite skilled in discerning both motive and potential action, even from brief conversation and secondhand accounts."

Inner Thoughts: You still need to maintain authority in this engagement. Correct her theory, assert yourself.

"Though while it has been r-rather accurate, I'd say that there is one issue with your construction of the d-dart tournament. Mr. Corax isn't the sort of person to throw a chair in place of darts. No, I would s-say an individual like Mr. Corax would have an assortment of darts on his person, each with its own weight and size, and that he would pick the one that best suited his current needs. Be that a bullseye or breaking the target in half."

Inner Thoughts: While Corax appears to be inhumanly brutish, he isn't a blunt instrument. He is forceful, but that power can channeled through the swing of a sledgehammer or the point of a chisel. Ensure there are no hard feelings, be conciliatory.

"But again I m-must say that the rest of your display is-"

Inner Thoughts: Beautifully.

"-beautifully presented, quite solid, and I certainly w-welcome any more insights you wish to bring."

Inner Thoughts: Hold off on any comment regarding Dervan for now. See what Peregrine offers in response. Also make note of Corax's family life, they could hint at some requirement of self-reliance, or perhaps something else.
No. 1006125 ID: e51896

I will say that his agency, Maverick Law Agency is a sponsorship of a group I'm a part of, which significantly helped our group's growth back home, and we're grateful for that.

But, haaaaah, that shouldn't be the only thing I should respect him for lest I be biased... My interpretation of him is he is someone who follows an end justifying the means ideology, as long as he gets the results we need to solve the case.

And, well, from what I hear, this case is going to be a pretty intense case in a world full of cruelty in which we've never experienced before, and is going to test our endurance mentally and physically. Dervan's harsh treatments is most likely a stepping stone to that and what is going to be needed for solving the case.

I feel if we can't handle his harsh ways of doing things, we ourselves won't be prepared for what is to come. his harsh treatment of Corax for example did help immensely in intimidating the prisoner we were interrogating after all, and him wanting to kill her was just something he was required to do from orders from the higher ups at the time... Just business and him following orders. forgive me if that sounded uncaring. I guess in a way, he's like a drill Sargent: harsh but fair in getting us to toughen us up with his intense treatment of us... a drill sargent taken up to 11, but required for the case we are about to go into.

It is part of my belief that everyone is destined to be here for a reason, Dervan included. I would request that we do not get him written up or reprimanded at this time and just try to see the good in him. In fact, I can't help but feel our adversaries is expecting us to try to get him written up or kicked off the team for some reason... just a hunch. Probably best to let the issue be and let Dervan do his thing.

Honestly, we shouldn't worry about how Dervan will treat us, but rather, our concerns should focus more on how the case itself will treat and possibly change us.

I'll end by saying that we are in a different investigation organization, this one does not follow the same rules of morality we are accustomed to back at home.
No. 1006126 ID: 3e7c34

Hmm. You use an interesting term, one I have heard many a time. “Just following orders.” A classic excuse to be sure, but one that does not hold up under scrutiny. And think about this if you will, say he was under orders. This means it was his position to treat us as such and impede the investigation. It makes me wonder, had Zirzam not arrived, would his orders have changed?

Alternatively it may have been Zirzam himself who issued those orders, then called it off. However, I suspect it was some one directly below him. It’s only a theory after all. And having worked directly with drill sergeants, stabbing and otherwise attempting lethally harm your subordinates is a good way to get court marshaled. Hitting and harsh language is acceptable, but never extremely lethal force outside of sanctioned live-fire training.

I do think he had two motives in fact. One was to test us, and by extension, see how we will act during the course of our duty. The second was in fact to do as I have suggested, get rid of us, discourage us from continuing. Which then implies that our culprit is in fact, someone within our organization.
No. 1006207 ID: 47be15
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No. 1006208 ID: 47be15
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This was my abrupt response because I will have to leave my town for a couple of weeks and this is what I came up with within a short period of time. Just to let you have something to do while I won't be able to post. I am not sure if while I am outside of my town if I will be able to use my photoshop but I will see. This is the best I can do for the little time that I have before I go on my trip.

No. 1006210 ID: 5f4030

inner thoughts: How intriguing…

*presses button* Of course sir, I am ready to begin whenever you are
No. 1006217 ID: 7687fc

(Presses button)
No. 1006220 ID: d63ea8

"O-of course. I will do my -uh- best to advise the a-agents."

Inner Thoughts: This is bad. Dervan is looking for leverage on the case so he can't be removed from it. Worse yet by being the one to 'bring in' these -voices??- he may be able to elevate himself into a higher and more entrenched position in the investigation. He's also created a situation were you're isolated from the others, without them as a base of support it will be much harder to put up any resistance.

*Threshold crosses his arms in order to keep his hands from shaking.*

Inner Thoughts: You need to calm down. Triumphant has already shown that he's keeping tabs on the situation, if Dervan gets violent with you he and the other agents will know. But your best defense is to play along and not make yourself a target like Corax. Throw yourself into the exercise, make yourself indispensable. Breathe first.

"M-mr." *sigh* "Mr. Glasshrauder, may I borrow that file? Any information in regards to their psychological profiles or personalities would help in creating a more effective line of questioning."

Inner Thoughts: Back down if he gives any resistance. Use the communicator, hide the fact that you were contacted.

*Threshold activates the communicator and says:*

"Testing, one two three. Mr. Corax, Mr. Peregrine, can you hear me alright?"
No. 1006228 ID: 669448

Loud and clear sir. Ready to begin.

*presses the button*

Hello? Pardon the interruption madam, is this the being known as “Fortune Ana” I have the pleasure of speaking to?
No. 1006259 ID: 47be15
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No. 1006274 ID: 3e7c34

Inner thoughts: If there is one thing I cannot stand it’s department politics at play and it interfering with my job. Triumphant, I may have overly judged you. If someone is guilty of a crime they should be punished. But, this notion? Gods? Absolution? I have no idea what any of that means. Finding that out was not my job description. I’m here to bring a criminal to justice and Dervan once again poking his head in where it doesn’t belong, this feels like he wants us chasing a red herring. Well, we’ll just see where this takes us.

Greetings to you, Fortune Ana. My name is “Corax” and you may refer to me as such for the sake of this call. I represent an organization known as the “Dimensional Tribunal.” I believe you and some of my associates here have already been aquatinted. And some of my investigative colleagues are looking into a case concerning one “Happy the Tragedy Phantom,” and believe you may aid us in our efforts. Understand this is not an interrogation, think of this more as a interview.
No. 1006275 ID: d63ea8

Inner Thoughts: So the file likely contains blackmail or convincing fabrications, though Dervan did drop that note about lying so it could easily be an empty folder. In either case the supposed contents therein will likely be more about the others than yourself. Still, be cautious and apologetic. Maintain your composure, he's still being diplomatic with you, which is a good sign.

"My apologies sir, I did not mean to pry into your personal logs."

*Threshold looks to the rooms where the two agents sit.*

Inner Thoughts: Dervan has spent a lot of time planning this scenario, and has already preempted Triumphant's interference, you worry that Corax may not be subtle enough to direct the questioning. You will have to side with Dervan in any altercation and possibly be the one to strike out against any perceived resistance. But you will have to be careful not to incriminate yourself, that'll just give Dervan the leverage he needs.

"We'll get to the bottom of this Mr. Glasshrauder."
No. 1006526 ID: e05aa9

Where am I and why I can't feel my whole body!? What is going on, is this, you Lorence?! Is this how you will be giving me the medicine?!

Note from the narrator

This whole incident could have been avoided if somebody would have started talking other than the parasite.

No. 1006545 ID: 5f4030

Woah woah calm down. This is actually kind of my normal in a way. You’re still alive Pandora something’s happened that’s disconnected us from the body. It’s okay though, we’re gonna be-

That man has a pool bridge for a head. I think I know who we are working with. Sup’ billiards man? I don’t know what’s going on but I’d appreciate it if you can send us back?
No. 1006614 ID: 7687fc

this part is Agent Peregrine

Ah, excellent, a connection! Forgive me for not saying anything, but I thought it'd be polite if you had the first say. And really, it's suprising to hear disembodied voices because really, if one is hearing voices it means they've gone insane. Call me Agent Peregrine, am investigator sent to investigate the criminal know as Happy the Tragedy Phantom.

And we could send you back if you wanted... but I think it would be in you and your friend Pandora's best interests to allow me to pick your brains in your assistances with the investigation of the criminal known as Happy who has been harassing you.

Ah, but in any case, lets get the formalities out of the way, and I can help you with your Happy problem with a series of questions. But first, Please both give your names, ages, and occupations.

this part is Fortune Ana

I must apologize ahead of time and say that considering all the shit I've witnessed, I already know this isn't going to be a normal interview and I'm going to expect the worst that this "interview" is going to go off the rails like everything else that happened to us and see this as an interrogation anyway, because lord knows nobody is allowed a break, or a win.

and I'd appreciate it if you didn't lie to make me think of this as an interview by giving me a false sense of security and treat this what it actually is: an interrogation.

So what do you want to know?
No. 1006639 ID: e05aa9
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No. 1006642 ID: d63ea8

Inner Thoughts: So it seems these 'Anas' are a form of simulacrum. They both have the same voice but their mannerisms differ. This 'Pandora' however sounds different from either of them and may be an entirely different entity, and unlike the Anas, seems unbalanced by the encounter. And even worse Scarred Ana said "disconnected us from the body." This could be the fusion Trumphant was talking about and could lead to a very dangerous line of questioning. Fortunately Dervan seems focused on the Lorence connection and may have missed that tidbit. Lean into that.

"Of course Mr. Glasshrauder, we can use Scarred Ana's concern for Pandora in a way to establish a rapport. Should we try and schedule another interview with Lorence following this one?"

Inner Thoughts: Peregrine has a good initial approach by framing the interview in a formal manner but Scarred could could easily shut down the conversation. You need to give her a reason to be interested in talking.

To Peregrine: ||Wait for their responses and then say that their have already have been a number of interviews and that you're just trying to get the full picture. Perhaps off-handedly remark on how Lorence was uncooperative and that if he is doing anything to coerce Scarred and Pandora, you can help them. If they seem receptive you could follow up by asking what they need.||

Dervan: "As for Fortune Ana, simply inform agent Corax that we need..."

Inner Thoughts: Now for the other one. Fortune Ana seems quite cognizant of her current situation, and will be much harder to have open up. Pleasantries will only serve to alienate her, and outright lies will go far worse. If you wanted information you would dial back the formality and try to humanize Corax before proceeding with questioning, but it looks like Dervan has given you a possible slip-up. If given a leading question Fortune Ana may pick up on its intent and then clam up.

*Threshold nods to Dervan and then fiddles with the communicator.*

To Corax: ||Apologize, state that it wasn't your intention to lie to her. Say that we need to know the full history of the current Ana's cycle and that we already know that she started as a normal person and then changed into something else. Specifically ask if there was someone or something that changed her.||
No. 1006656 ID: 5f4030


Inner thoughts: Ah, this one is quite clever. She sounds quite world weary, like someone who has had a great burden on them and couldn't quite hack it. This one will be interesting...

I apologize, but I wasn't lying to you. Whether this is interview or interrogation is entirely up to you. I trust however, that you know what you are about, and given what I have called you hear for I suspect this will go smoother than you realize.

I am a detective ma'am, and the reason I have called you hear is we are currently after a criminal whom you might have some insight as to their character; one Happy the Tragedy Phantom. Why must villains and criminals give themselves such ridiculous names I wonder? It's as though they are trying to over inflate their already fragile ego.

I digress, we understand you have had limited encounters with him in the past, we would like more details and his connection with your... More corporeal companion, Ana. I understand you are something of a guardian to her. Cooperation means that Ana might be protected better from Happy and any of his associates. So let us start from the beginning and we can beginning, tell me about Ana, her background, any key notes of interest in her life, why do you think Happy might be interested in her?

Scarred Ana
I've been tortured before and I can recognize thinly veiled threats. "Help us or something bad might happen! it's in your best interest to comply!" The fact that you did it to Pandora really grates on my nerves.

Look, Peregrine, I see you differently, and I mean that literally as in to me you look like you're head is... Whatever, it means you're with the Tribunal guys, yeah? Dervan and Triumphant and the gang? Look i'll help you get Happy, but gods damn would you leave Ana and Pandora alone? They've been through enough. I'll cooperate as best I can if you leave them out of this.

Name, Scarred Ana
Age... Uhh... I guess 34?
Occupation... Soldier? or Guardian? Take your pick.
No. 1006775 ID: e05aa9

I am not a person, but more a crutch in order to let Scarred Ana stand on her own two feet. I already said too much so I will let my other side in talking for me. As for my job, my main goal and only reason for existence are to survive, and previously I dabbled in revenge but I no longer do that.

No. 1006996 ID: e51896

Agent Peregrine

As far as my "pool bridge" appearance goes, well I've been labeled as lots of things: an avid darts player, a son of one of the best detectives with a lot of expectations thrown at him, a religious person, a cultist, a Smokey pumpkin, a Peregrine, and as you pointed out: a pool bridge. Well just know that I try not to let labels or my actions define who I am... though hypothetical question to ask yourself: do you let your label as "Scarred" define who you are? And if so, are you trying to live up to that name, or try to escape from it and become something else?

Well, anyway, I thank you for deciding to be cooperative in this strange and unusual case. There's been many interviews already in this mystery which we are trying to figure out, and I'm only trying to get the full picture on things. Lorence was one of those interviewees, yet he had been uncooperative. I do believe part of his uncooperative behavior is the fact that he's trying to coerce You and Pandora into doing something you both don't want to do, but keeping a secret from us. Whatever he is trying to coerce you two into, we can help you with that with a similar offer.

And Pandora, I'll respect your right to remain silent, If this is the last we speak, I wish you luck on your future endeavors in and hope the path you chose is a smooth one towards your destined end. But I am really worried about your sickness. I do believe we can cure whatever sickness you may have with Scarred if you wish. we come from a wide range of universes with tools and medicine you can't possibly imagine. I'm sure we have something that ails you.

I'll work on what Fortune ana says later
No. 1007005 ID: e05aa9

Hmm....so what do you think about their offer Scarred Ana. We can avoid to give them any more information or try to make some deal with them. I forfeited my right to choose anything so it is up to you to decide.

No. 1007078 ID: 3e7c34

… Assure us the antidote and I’ll give you Lorence.
No. 1007165 ID: e51896

The weird thing is I don't know much about Ana before I met her at the bus stop and began our journey. It's odd... apparently we were supposed to be spirits that had vast knowledge from helping Anas from previous cycles, but in this cycle, for some reason, all our memories were erased. Best I can tell you is that she is one of the few special people in this world that is not set by a destined path like everyone else in this world and has an ability to change fates in different cycles just like Lorence or Root, all thanks to us voices who lived previous cycles giving her advice really. Too bad every single outcome leads to a dead end though, so really, I see us more of a quirk or feature than a solution...

I think that might be the reason why Happy is so interested in her, really... her special ability to not be tied to a specific fate and actually do different things in each cycle. I think Happy has been manipulating things to force us into making choices that seem like the right answer, but has actually been hurting Ana in the long run, and benefiting him. which was why I made that choice to allow her to become a spirit, a choice no voice should make, but one that I'm felt deep down that Happy would not have expected and would put a dent in whatever plans he had... *sigh* unfortunately, making that choice got Happy so pissed he decided to kidnap Ana's spirit, tear off her limbs, and cause the robot near her to explode... I actually sometimes wonder if Scarred and I being taken to different areas to help different people randomly without our control or consent is actually Happy's doing... I really hope not

Sorry, I need a moment...
No. 1007166 ID: 3e7c34

*furiously takes notes as she speaks*

Please, take all the time you need. I will look into getting you some protection. If Ana is such a prime target for Happy as you say, some kind of protection program might be necessary. It keeps Ana, you, and Scarred safe while also getting us closer to him. As for warping around as you suggest… I will look into it.

Inner thoughts: I have pulled you in to this meeting, much like he might pull you across to various other people. The technology might be similar. How would would he get his hands on it I wonder.
No. 1007171 ID: e51896

Youre too late on that, she's dead. Sorry. Speaking metaphorically, I was waiting for things to stop raining and things to get better for Ana, but she drowned from a flood, and it's still raining.

*gives a long melancholic sigh*
No. 1007187 ID: d63ea8

Inner Thoughts: You note Scarred Ana's specific wording, not that she would cooperate, but that she would 'give you Lorence.' Normally you would try to push on that statement first, but given the circumstances it is better to dismiss it.

*Turning to Dervan:*
"Can we give her the assurance?"

Inner Thoughts: Dervan will either lie or use this situation to further a scheme he has in mind. But right now, that isn't your concern. You need to be deferential.

*Threshold turns his focus to Fortune.*

Inner Thoughts: You note how Fortune speaking about Ana in the present tense rather than the past tense, but disregard it for now. She is just as uncooperative as Scarred, but is trying to give the illusion of compliance. Though, you're sure that she's not being performative, or at least not overly so.

*He crosses his arms, trying to hide the small twitch in his hand.*

Inner Thoughts: You'll need to nudge Corax, witness protection would lead to scrutiny from the Tribunal, and that would lead to a bad outcome for Ana.

To Corax: ||Try to circle away from witness protection, make the cost appear to steep, or that the process would be left in the hands of others.||
No. 1007192 ID: 5f4030

Then consider this a lifeboat in a storm.

Or not, honestly, knowing how things work here it would probably be delegated to someone unqualified. And besides, it’s hard to protect someone when your dramatics make it sound like they wouldn’t want it to begin with.
No. 1007240 ID: 7337b8
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No. 1007344 ID: 5f4030

*overhears the request*
Inner thoughts: Strings of fate? Let's not go leaping in all at once. Ease her into this. Best to build a rapport first.

Consider my offer tabled for now but still open for discussion, we may come back to it later.

Tell me, along with the speculation of Happy's identity and meaning of his name, do you know of who might be working with him now? I understand that people of this strange universe have some very odd abilities. Do you know of anyone that would be working directly with him now, and what they might be capable of?
No. 1007378 ID: d63ea8

Inner Thoughts: You briefly ponder on whether or not there is a grain of truth to Dervan's words. Triumphant is actively undermining this interrogation, and it does seem to be due to an outside influence, even if his motivation is a sympathetic one. You file away that thought for now, more evidence is needed before you could speculate one way or another, ideally from a less biased source. But what of 'Happy the Tragedy Phantom?' Their name is paradoxical by design. You think...

"The are -uh- many possible reasons, though, p-perhaps-"

Inner Thoughts: Breathe.


"I would guess that is a referential note on their current state of existence. It's self-aggrandizing, as they refer to themselves as a tragic echo burdened by the deeds of the past, yet despite that their are 'soldiering on with high hopes,' or so they would have others to believe. From Fortune Ana's testimony this Happy sees himself as a puppetmaster -or maybe even a director- as he 'sets the scene' for the heroine -likely Ana in this case- to make dramatic choices with unforeseen consequences. And it seems that much like a director, he gets upset if Ana goes 'off-script.' So I suppose to -uh- summarize, Happy is called the tragic phantom because he is a tragic hero who has pitted himself against the 'star of the show.'"

Inner Thoughts: You note that this is all from second-hand knowledge, and would likely fall apart when compared to the genuine figure. But the purpose of the exercise was to supply a plausible reason, not a correct one. Now for his request. You can relay it to the agents in a solid block. Don't command them, just let the statement speak for itself. You're sure of what action each agent will take.

To both agents: ||Mr. Glasshrauder does not want any element of this interrogation to be relayed to his superiors and that he does not wish you to trust his direct superior Mr. Triumphant.||

Inner Thoughts: You keep the last part of the invisible strings to yourself, even though you're quite sure that it's a falsehood relaying it would only have drawbacks. But probing on whether these strings exist or not may still be valuable. Though Dervan's language is to direct.

To Corax: ||Ask if it has always felt like Happy was the one working behind the scenes, or if there have been moments where someone else has been pulling their strings.||

Inner Thoughts: You note Corax's attempt at small talk, it won't be the most effective tactic on Fortune Ana, she may simply disconnect from the conversation, but you keep quiet. Getting more information on Happy is the priority of this investigation, and if it looks like Dervan is trying to direct the agents away from that goal, all the better. Following that reasoning, if you were to relay Dervan's ultimatum as is, your quite sure that you'd get a more hostile reaction from Scarred Ana. Pursue that. Though you wonder how will convey that sentiment without stating it in word. Perhaps...

To Peregrine: ||Scarred Ana and Pandora have two options. First, Pandora reveals who they really are, what sickness they have, and both provide their complete and utter cooperation. Only then will we look for a cure. Second choice is to keep Pandora's identity secret, become a spies, and learn of Lorence's entire plan. A private medical team will be provided and will act as their only form of contact. The process will take longer, but note how is preferential to 'relying on Lorence as their lifeline.'||

Inner Thoughts: Also, have Dervan explain his encounter with the invisible strings. It will be hard to find inconsistencies at first, but you will force him to commit to a narrative. Appear worried as though you are buying into the lie and it's implications.

"W-when was t-this? I-if M-mr. Truimphant is c-compromised, s-shouldn't we m-make a r-report? W-what did t-these s-strings look like?"
No. 1007384 ID: 669448

Inner thoughts: Patience, I am getting to that. I have to ensure I get a response first.
No. 1007556 ID: e51896


Right now, all I know is that the Great Constructor, the father of Absolution and Dreamwalker was seen working with Essence, and that there is a second Felafaf running around, so if you see Felafaf, consider she might be a spy or not. there's also Logan's alternate dead universe's daughter who calls herself anubis, TV Head (though he was forced into it and had his mind blown and can be reasoned to get out of it.) Soul Contaminator, some creature called the Will Torturer, Null (though I think he may have been executed by now for betraying Happy, not sure though) The Judge, The Nutcracker, Scalpel, Living Trench Coat, Sniper, Scarlet who's been spying on Anthony's drawings, that nameless topless bird lady... I'm sure there are others, but I am assuming Happy has much much much more allies, I wouldn't be surprised if they amassed an entire army and it isn't just typical gang numbers... I hope I didn't forget anyone but I'm sure I did. But I do know they kidnapped mini absurdity too.




Right away. In order to get you the antidote, I'll need to know specifically who Pandora is so I can get a better understanding of what treatment to get her in relationship to things like gender, species, size, etc. Afterwards, as we look into Pandora's cure, as you promised, I'd like you to help us fully to the best of your abilities please.

Though sometimes, maybe your sickness might be too embarrassing to reveal. in which case, an alternative could be that you can keep things about her a secret, but we would like you to act as spies in the Tribunal's investigation team. Your task would be to learn of what Lorence's entire plan is. We'll send a private medical team to fix Pandora up and act as your only form of contact. Granted it will take longer, but preferential to relying on Lorence as your lifeline
No. 1007559 ID: 58ccd0


Interesting. If you can give descriptions of these beings that would be most helpful. However, I’m curious. Do you feel any of these beings have perhaps the capacity to be their leader? More specifically, be Happy the Tragedy Phantom, or do you think they are just puppets dancing to Happy’s tune, like puppets on strings?
See, I’d like to take that deal. I really would but there’s a problem in revealing my relationship to Pandora. I’m worried that knowing what she is will make her a target by your organization. The sad thing is, some of your people are the ones who pretty much set the status quo about my universe. So if I were to tell you, I’d need a kind of immunity for her. If you can promise me that and the antidote, you’ve got yourself a deal.
No. 1007669 ID: 224308
File 162871331843.jpg - (1.53MB , 3275x1999 , Divergent 99.jpg )

No. 1007740 ID: d63ea8

Inner Thoughts: Leave it to Peregrine to smooth out an inflexible deal to something that sounds halfway reasonable. The interview is going better than expected, but you will have note that it is in spite of Dervan's instruction rather than because of them. Any more force applied in this direction would only lead others to suspect that you're sabotaging the interview, and that needs to be avoided. You need a moment to strategize. Be hands off with Peregrine, but honest.

To Peregrine: ||Dervan has stepped away and I doubt I have the authority to offer such a guarantee, your call on how to proceed.||

Inner Thoughts: Though you have a niggling suspicion that Dervan is trying to test you, the device could easily be listening in. Best keep up the act of compliance, and try to steer Algich away from interacting with the device.

"I think I might've caught a c-couple of those names Ms. Algich if you didn't get the chance to write them all down."

Inner Thoughts: She's a socialite, good conversation should keep her attention and stop her from getting bored. Have it focus on her experiences.

"Have you been a part of investigation teams before? I-i'm still trying to figure out how we -uh- measure up to the other p-professionals in this field."

Inner Thoughts: Corax is following you notes, best leave him be.
No. 1008297 ID: e51896


*fortune Ana goes on to explain the descriptions of what everyone looks like, even mentioning that some of the ones Dervan already saw during the fight with Essence such as Spirit contaminator, the Judge, The Nutcracker, Scalpel, Living Trench Coat, Sniper*

I forgot to mention Ember, but yeah, Dervan saw her too. And I think they are more Happy's puppets more than being Happy.

Speaking of strings... we have been coming across something weird lately, they're not strings, but tentacles coming out of some kind of skull demon looking thing... the tentacles look black and white... they offered a deal to help Ana to become a voice when she was at her lowest so she can escape this world and the suffering, but when she took the offer, her spirit was kidnapped by Happy, and Happy exploded her...

I really don't think that creature was a part of Happy though, when we asked where Ana went after she became a voice, even they didn't know...

in fact, it sometimes disguises as some kind of ghost balloon looking thing actually gave us a huge clue... a map in a form of a riddle that can help find Happy, claiming he wasn't supposed to reveal their identity, but willing to help through a form of code:


"Start from the person who messed with the wrong thing.
Follow the trail to the bleeding bone,
go to the leaf and follow that path to the x and then end it with the farthest leaf from the first one.
Return to the other bone, after which you will have to go to the person who knew too much but perceived too little
After that go to the face which is facing no one and connect that to the person who lives a miserable existence. Go to the center of the robe and then find a rude person who never apologized to anyboy. After that go to the fur which is located on the right shoulder and finally return to the place where you started this chase."
I've been trying to figure out this riddle for awhile, looking through my memories...

He also said in their own words that the reason why Happy is doing all this is because the state of their mind is fragmented and constantly conflicting with its inner demons. Happy isn't aware of their psychological state, lies to themself and everyone around them. All those elements constructed malice that enveloped this world and corrupted everything. All this is just another horror that keeps continuing and repeating from one dimension to the other...

It's for these reason why I don't think this creature and Happy are working together. If they are, it's trying to betray Happy for its own personal gain.

I hope this helps, detective...


Agent Peregrine


I'm sure we can come to a compromise on that. How about this: I am new to this investigative team, so I am not as well verse of things that are deemed as illegal or not in our organization's eyes. If you cooperate, I can get you the antidote personally myself with the medical team no questions asked. All I need to know if you'll willing to act as a spy or not.
No. 1008298 ID: 1d6266

*furiously takes notes on everything, and underlines possible connections between the Tribunal and Happy as well as writes down the riddle and the details about the string monster.*
You have been more than helpful, you have perhaps been the best person for this task. If it was in my power to do so, I would see you handsomely rewarded for this service you have done us. I will look into seeing what I may provide for you. May I be so presumptuous as to call you again at a later date? Should you have any new evidence you wish to bring to light in the future, I would be more than happy to accept them.
… Alright, done. I’d shake your hand if possible but, heh, incorporeal.
No. 1008308 ID: 5fd04e
File 162937214419.jpg - (0.97MB , 1890x1417 , Divergent 100.jpg )

No. 1008482 ID: d63ea8

Inner Thoughts: It stands to reason that she would notice some of your tactics being socially adept herself. It's less than ideal, but you could diffuse the situation by being more sincere. At least by having the device yourself you don't have to worry about it pulling your focus.

"I-i apologize Ms. A-algich. It wasn't my intention to -uh- put you on the s-spot."

Inner Thoughts: Breathe, and be honest so that she won't draw her own conclusions.


"And sorry about the stuttering, its been something I've had to deal with for many years. I just... need to remind myself about the breathing exercises whenever it starts coming back."

Inner Thoughts: You're starting to get sullen, reign it back a bit. Note the agents' performance.

"It looks like they've done really well for themselves, given how short notice this interview was. What are your thoughts Ms. Algich?"

Inner Thoughts: Speaking of short notice, best talk to the agents about the modified timetable. Unfortunately, due to their good performance, and the way in which Dervan left, your sure that he got what he wanted from this interview. Your initial guesses trend towards a public display of efficacy when it comes to this opening discussion, undermining the talk we had with Larry beforehand. At worst he may try to paint a target the team's back. The other investigation teams underestimated your group, that probably won't be the case much longer.

To both Agents: ||Good job, both of you. But it looks like the we're going to be needed elsewhere. Start wrapping up your interviews and we can start heading out.||
No. 1008556 ID: e51896

Don't worry. We can shake Pandora's hands when we meet in person and get the treatment for you. With that, may the path you choose be the most fruitful towards your destiny in the end.
No. 1008568 ID: 6e8ee2

You won't technically be shaking my hand, yeah it will be my flesh but the personality who is going to be in control will be Scarred Ana. I am no longer a person, I don't have any aspirations, motivation, or even the will to do anything. The nickname that my associates gave me is what people give to their pets and I am just going along with it because I don't really care. Thanks for your pretty words even if they sound hollow in my ears.

No. 1008611 ID: 5f4030

You’re talking some mad shit for someone in mental hugging range, Pandora. We can discuss this later if you want. Thanks, we’re gonna head out.
No. 1008622 ID: b6f333

*Closes his notebook*

This has been a most excellent interview, and yes I think that is the appropriate term for this meeting. I wish you luck, Ms. Fortune- *chuckle* forgive the pun, it was not intentional.
*clicks the switch*
No. 1008650 ID: e51896

Just be careful.
No. 1008665 ID: bc7677
File 162980768022.jpg - (1.62MB , 4078x1530 , Divergent 101.jpg )

No. 1008674 ID: d63ea8

Inner Thoughts: Well, that relief was sort lived. Algich is right, the device was given to her not you. You desperately want to create a reason to hold onto it, but the only one that sticks out in your mind is that you don't trust her. Or at least you can't predict what she's going to do with it. But you can't voice that thought.

"Of course, Ms. Algich..."

*Threshold carefully hands the device back over.*

Inner Thoughts: Disclosing your worries about Dervan would only lead to disaster, but you need to find a way to dissuade Algich from pressing it. Speculate aloud, provide evidence from your previous encounter with Dervan.

"It makes me wonder if this is some sort of test Mr. Glassrauder has created for you, since you weren't here for the... -uh- o-other one. It might be something related to patience or managing your curiosity, since the one he had for me -um- was related to 'keeping the agents in line.'"

*Threshold fidgets slightly.*

Inner Thoughts: Now be sincere.

"I'd just be careful with it."
No. 1008711 ID: d827e6
File 162991599189.jpg - (1.59MB , 3022x2088 , Divergent 102.jpg )

This is just something small to add while waiting for others to post.

No. 1008726 ID: 5f4030

*narrows his eyes and begins to look around the room for cameras*

Inner thoughts:I definitely heard a woman’s voice in there. My mental state is not so broken that I am to the point of hallucinations. The nature of the beings with “Ana” in their name just got more interesting. However, why this ruse?

Me. Algich, you heard the voices of both beings yes? If this was DerVan’s ploy it either served two goals. One, to seek the nature of the beings known as Scarred and Fortune Ana, or possibly to discredit us. If there was a video footage of this, it may show us as talking to no one and acting quite mad. I think DerVan may be playing both sides, if we start to look good, he can use this as evidence in the case. Or if we do poorly, it may serve as leverage to have us removed and framed as loons. Either way, DerVan is not a team player, he acts in his own best interests, not justice. I cannot vouch for his staying in the investigation.
No. 1008768 ID: d63ea8

*Threshold lets out an exasperated sigh when Algich presses the button.*

Inner Thoughts: Change that mental note from 'socially adept' to 'socially aware,' although you weren't being very subtle. Just be happy that it didn't explode or push Corax in a meat compactor. Deflect some of your frustration away by agreeing with her.

"I suppose you're right Ms. Algich, last time I tried to sidestep one of Dervan's tests he didn't take kindly to it."

Inner Thoughts: Just ignore the fact that she did out of boredom's sake. Pursuing won't yield anything good.

"Let's join the others."

*He walks with Algich to rejoin the other two agents.*

((After hearing Corax's statements:))

"I don't think that would be Dervan's direction to take this. We have multiple witness accounts, and he acknowledged some of the names being mentioned."

Inner Thoughts: In fact you'd argue the opposite, as this little setup may have given the leverage Dervan needed to stay on the case, despite his conduct. With his position as a power-broker Dervan would be in one of best positions to track down and make contact with these new individuals. But keep that to yourself for now, circle back to the 'Anas.'

"Agent Corax, may I ask what your thoughts on Fortune Ana are? Of the people subjects we interviewed she seemed to be the quickest to note and adjust to the environment around her."
No. 1008840 ID: 5f4030

*opens notebook*
The best word I can describe her as is “world-weary.” During my time with her she was cooperative, but no fool. She has a lot information and definitely more to give, however she is a finite resource, if we try to use her too much then she is likely to shut down. She struck me as someone who has been used many times and often, that may be useful but it means she may break easy under stronger willed people. I think she wants to do right by the people she trusts, and I think that is the key to what we need between us if we are to call on her again. And you? What did you think of Scarred Ana?
No. 1008854 ID: de57a8
File 163008166213.jpg - (2.10MB , 3294x1991 , Divergent 103.jpg )

No. 1008862 ID: 5f4030

Hm. A good drill instructor is one who is able to lead their men. They don’t stab them, they do make threats but rarely ever carry them out. Their man job is to be a teacher and to prepare their soldiers for war. If this is how you try to prepare your employees for your law firm, then it must truly be a spartan training regime, sir.

Inner thoughts: And as for your enthusiasm, a good liar tells as much truth as he is able. I bet you do want to remain on this case but you being a leader seems too far for anyone away for anyone to believe.
No. 1008888 ID: d63ea8

*Threshold hesitates and looks away.*

Inner Thoughts: Triumphant isn't giving you any room to maneuver, and any vote you'd make would damn you either way. You can't sit out either, lest you look weak in the eyes of your colleagues. Your hands are starting to shake, deal with that first.

*He crosses his arms.*

Inner Thoughts: The safest choice is to prioritize the investigation itself, thus making the choice appear more rational than personal. Part of you is curious about the letter, but knowing Dervan, it could be any number of things. No, it is better to follow Triumpant's lead, but personalize your words so you come across as more neutral.

*After taking a breath Triumphant looks back to the others.*

"It may be best to keep the number of people we send to the assembly to a minimum. Depending on whether or not the other investigation teams are present might cause the proceedings to devolve into a political shouting matching, and that would just slow down the investigation."

Inner Thoughts: Focus on the element of presentation.

"We would look bad in front of the high council if they saw us bickering with each other, and again that would undermine all of the work we've put into collecting this evidence."

Inner Thoughts: Better yet, you can reflect this question back on Triumphant by appealing to his authority on the matter. He is in the senior most position, and thus deferring to his position is the most rational choice.

"We've come across a couple of solid leads in our investigation, and we need the high council to see that. Mr. Triumphant, seeing as you're the one in change of our particular group, I would go with whatever you'd say for us to best be heard."
No. 1009082 ID: e51896

Hm, well in my opinion, if we were back in our own world, and this was a regular case, I'd most likely not have Dervan with us...

But this case after hearing more about it feels like no ordinary case, one which requires a person to make choices that seem unreasonable.

I feel that Happy is someone who is a master manipulator, someone who takes advantage of the choices we make that we feel is most comfortable, and turns it against us, he is probably expecting us and in some ways influencing us from the outside not to take Dervan along with us, which is why i think maybe bringing dervan with us could be unexpected enough to throw a wrench in his plans. He does seem most adaptable with this world's cruel nature after all,

Though this is all intuition admittedly. We are dealing with a dangerous universe in this case after all... and I feel we should get all the help we can get...

Actually I have a request for another vote, since it seems im outnumbered against my vote to bring Dervan with us:, if Dervan can't come, should we also have Triumphant not come with us as well? Threshold did say to bring the minimum amount of people to the assembly, and I feel having both Dervan and Triumphant not here might make for a good compromise, and having them actually somewhere else discussing their disagreements with each other and settle their differences might be better, our investigation does require strong bonds with each other after all if we wanna succeed. I get a feeling that Dervan and Triumphant don't trust each other that much for different valid reasons, and I think just having both Dervan and Triumphant sit this one out and not influence our thoughts might be for the best.

No offense to either Triumphant or Dervan, just that I think Corax Threshold, and I should come up with our own conclusions from the assembly without Dervan or Triumphant making us think certain things. I'd say either bring both Triumphant and Dervan, or leave both behind for the assembly
No. 1009086 ID: de57a8
File 163033692533.jpg - (2.65MB , 3078x2787 , Divergent 104.jpg )

No. 1009144 ID: e51896

That might be for the best. all of us becoming a team here was with reason, and I hope not to deviate from that path to our destined outcome.
No. 1009220 ID: 612369

*silently scribbles something in his notebook during DerVan's entire monologue and chuckles to himself *

Inner thoughts:I often tell myself that there was good reasons to do what I did, but let's be real here, there often was none. I never enjoy it, I rarely enjoy anything. I tell myself I indeed have a conscious, but it's a feeble thing, it wouldn't protect you or I from a stiff breeze. You could not even guess at the things that I have done. Awful, evil, obscene, the telling of them alone could make you puke. They nag at me from time to time. The years pass, and the unimaginable becomes everyday, the hideous becomes tedious, the unbearable becomes routine. I push it all into the dark corners of my mind, and it's incredible the room back there. Amazing what one can live with. Perhaps I belong here.

Indeed, Peregrine. I am with you.
No. 1009253 ID: de57a8
File 163053409787.jpg - (1.05MB , 3282x1081 , Divergent 105.jpg )

No. 1009254 ID: 612369

Inner thoughts: Miserable lying swine. I give you neither my respect or my trust, you haven't earned it.

Of course, sir.
No. 1009294 ID: d63ea8

Inner Thoughts: You dislike the prospect of having to handle Dervan without the others nearby to support... But you doubt that there will be any better option.

*Threshold remains silent, and eyes Dervan carefully.*
No. 1009306 ID: de57a8
File 163057738599.jpg - (2.23MB , 3407x1971 , Divergent 106.jpg )

No. 1009317 ID: cdeedc

*something in what Algich says strikes a chord in Corax.*
No, I wasn’t. But my commanding officers were, and I was the one who put them up there.

*sigh* Don’t worry Ms. Algich, if anyone does throw a tomato at you, one of us will step out and shield you with our bodies if need be.
Inner thoughts: We are here to partially take the blame if it all goes wrong anyway.
No. 1009323 ID: d63ea8

Inner Thoughts: That would be father dropping in as well to make this conversation even more stressful, but don't say that. Right now Dervan is just picking at your defences. While you can't be rude in your responses, by having Triumphant here you can be somewhat resistant. Give a general answer.

"I... suppose a lot of things m-maybe? Like -uh- being set on fire, or shot?"

Inner Thoughts: Now take control of the conversation's direction. Push the focus onto him.

"I'd say that's a bit of an odd question to a-ask Mr. Glasshrauder. I mean shouldn't you be -um- more focused your p-professional grievances with -uh- Mr. Triumphant?"

Inner Thoughts: Make a false assumption, keep the pressure on.

"B-because it seems like you -er- want to avoid t-talking about yourself."
No. 1009528 ID: e51896

briefings is something agents have to do, so yeah, there is some experience in public speaking that I have.

Well, things like Dervan and Triumphant having a separate meeting have been set and happened with reason from the influence of our life experience. and now, destiny is calling. Lets see how clear our paths are towards our fated destination and take what is thrown at us and act on our intuition. Lets join the meeting before we are late.
No. 1009630 ID: 611cca
File 163096818018.jpg - (4.68MB , 7132x3263 , Divergent 107.jpg )

No. 1009656 ID: 3e7c34

Begging your pardon, sir but it was not negligence that brought Triumphant’s absence from this seminar. Rather, Triumphant along with our superior officers Dervan and case mediator Threshold are currently holding a private meeting on how best to further our case. If we are to bring this criminal to justice, we must have an active duty watchmen examining and compiling evidence at all times. Constant vigilance, I hope this satisfies you, sir.

Forgive me I had not the honor introducing myself. I am agent Corax, co-detective and investigator in the case concerning happy the Tragedy phantom.
No. 1009725 ID: d63ea8


*Threshold scrambles back, almost falling to the ground.*

Inner Thoughts: Your head is spinning, you can't think.

"Dervan y-you c-can't-! D-do y-you-"

Inner Thoughts: Get ahold of yourself, now.

*He straightens up and takes a few more steps back.*

"H-he's a fucking m-monster."

Inner Thoughts: You aren't alone, Triumphant's here. Have him intervene.

"This c-conduct is g-gross and-"

*Threshold manages to catch his breath as he looks to Triumphant.*

"C-can you s-stop this?!"
No. 1010349 ID: 11b08a
File 163148334141.jpg - (1.69MB , 2942x2180 , Divergent 108.jpg )

No. 1010356 ID: e51896

*Agent Peregrine was silent the whole time due to seeing Maya Din in the audience, an important figure he recognized from the church he went to back home*


[inner thoughts] This shocking encounter and my instinctive response has meaning in the eyes of Inkiverusus and the path I'm heading. As for what, I am not sure until we go through the presentation. Maya doesn't seem to recognize me though. Just speak what is on your mind and have confidence that what you'll say is all a part of Inkiverusus' plan, good or bad. They're waiting. I must also give a reason for my silence

Agent Peregrine is the name. Also an assistant co-detective and investigator for the case involving Happy the Tragedy Phantom working under Triumphant. Agent Corax has explained Triumphant's and Dervan's absence expertly. I was merely waiting until there wasn't any more questions before I introduced myself. If you want more details about Dervan, and Triumphant's absence, I'll be willing to share more details about it through the presentation of what we gathered as even their absence has some more important reasonings which I believe we'll need to get into.

That said, Shall we begin?
No. 1010367 ID: bec844

*Looks briefly between Peregrine and the woman in the crowd.*

inner thoughts: I know that look on Peregrine’s face, that is one of recognition. She doesn’t match it however, either she doesn’t recognize him or exceptionally good at hiding her true emotions. Yet she targeted him, and she sounded expectant, like she was hoping for something better. Interesting.

Quite right Agent Peregrine. As you know, we have been contracted to act as investigators on this case regarding Happy the Tragedy phantom and his various… shall we call them, escapades across the dimensions? Our first interrogation and subsequent investigations have shown that our target is master manipulator. Most likely someone who sees himself as something of a chess master, able to move pieces and is very good at misdirection, able to make us look one way, while moving in another. He works through others, and we have a comprehensive list of his known accomplices.
No. 1010443 ID: 11b08a
File 163155900644.jpg - (4.34MB , 3277x4543 , Divergent 109.jpg )

No. 1010450 ID: 76fa74

Inner thoughts: Ah, one with a superiority complex; as I suspect they all have one. Let's wow the man, and this is why it pays to read on the files of the superiors.

With all respect due where it lies, Count Murdusa, the development of one's home maketh not the man. As I believe you have no doubt encountered in your own time and own home, manners maketh the man. Such arguments of status based on livelihoods between gentlemen only lead to quite troublesome quarrels not worth the effort in the end.

As for the collection of our evidence, that we have presented here thus far of our sketch of our... Shall we call Happy an Unsub? Unknown perpetrator to those who do not know the term. This sketch was provided by our superior Dervan, yes. However the channels he went through were perfectly adequate and necessary. This sketch was acquired through interactions with a known... Perhaps, prophet might be too strong of a word; nevertheless Mr. Anthony's drawings have proven useful to this organization before as well as one of our colleagues, Laurence, who is also part of our investigative team. I believe some of his artwork is hanging in the galleries around here, one in particular of another of our colleagues, Triumphant and Mr. Daro, both of whom he'd never met before.

I digress, Ms. Algich brings up an interesting point, this figure is often use by the various robots and cybernetic beings. I'd like to put the question to you as well my partner. It's a known fact that this technology is frequently used by this organization. One of the questions we will be investigating is how our Unsub got his hands on such technology that is so readily available to our organization? It is my understanding that trade secrets such as this are not so easily handed out. Perhaps you might answer Count Murdusa? Since, as you said, we are not so technologically advanced.

Inner thoughts: Let them connect the dots. This technology is only readily available to the tribunal and its associates. There is a traitor in our midst.
No. 1010535 ID: d63ea8

Inner Thoughts: Don't let him drag you down to his level. Stand up straight, deep breath, remain professional.

*He sighs.*

"I t-think it's more likely the Corax would have broken one of your -uh- arms and handcuffed you to the barstool, Mr. Glasshrauder."

Inner Thoughts: Going from what you've gathered on his disposition it's more likely that Corax would want Dervan to live and suffer, be that stripped of all titles and privileges, or left as a mewling pile of broken bones. But that isn't the focus right now, redirect the conversation back to exercise. Be a tad more demeaning to Dervan if you have to.

"So it is your goal to make people act more 'genuinely' Mr. Glasshrauder?"

Inner Thoughts: Avoid 'I' statements. This is about their relationship, not your opinions.

"But as you've already said, this pushes you into a more hostile relationship with your colleagues. Seeing as Mr. Triumphant already has a more... jaded view of you, it's reasonable to assume that you've done something similar to him in the past as well."

Inner Thoughts: Now test his defences. See how he reacts to more probing questions. Try out some theories.

"But nevermind that, the bigger question is 'why?' It's obvious that these ploys are to both engineer the relationships you prefer and to keep those around you guessing, hence why Mr. Triumphant's foreknowledge upsets you. So why is it that you want people to hate you, Mr. Glasshrauder?"

Inner Thoughts: Now push him.

"It seems that you don't want others to trust you, but where does come from? Is it because you don't want others to start relying on you, or does such a prospect scare you?"
No. 1011145 ID: e51896

This is keeping in mind that this universe we are investigating shouldn't have access to such technology as it is closed off from other universes for the most part. Magic, and biological experiments sure, but advanced robotics not likely. It's safe to assume that Happy is someone from the outside who brought this technology with him, or someone who gained it from someone from outside this universe. However, it should also be noted that his influence was seen not just in this universe, but within another worlds, the person we interrogated's world for example.

If there are any theories or questions to be brought up, please do so. Otherwise, I suggest we present some Recordings and evidence we gathered, if Ms. Algich would get them ready. There are some things I'd like to bring up from them.
No. 1011177 ID: f23762
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No. 1011178 ID: f23762

Ups also forgot to put this music as well

No. 1011241 ID: 3e7c34

Inner thoughts:Mm. That will not do. If Happy is amongst us that would merely eliminate our only leads on him.

*quickly reaches into jacket as if going for a gun but only comes out with a hand in the shape of a gun and points it at hooka-head*
*quickly points at Murdusa*

Forgive my metaphor with this action. Simply executing them is an easy answer, but so is shooting you in order to further our own standing within the organization. The problem is it’s messy, leaves more holes, and there would likely be repercussions and loss of power. The purpose of investigation is to discover the truth. These are merely the most likely suspects. The key word being “suspects,” not “convicts.” Killing them and having done not only eliminates any possible leads we have on our main target, it creates more enemies, more than I believe this tribunal is willing to have. If you are going to give the order, then I hope that you are also willing to reap the guilt and repercussions of that order, I ask you to examine the consequences of killing each suspect, instead look at what we have to gain by Turing them to our side. There are people on this list that simply killing them would be a loss of a potentiality valuable asset to this tribunal. The cons outweigh the pros.

There is further evidence to suggest that the person who we assume to Happy may not even be aware they are the culprit. Rather, it is more a kind of split personality that puppeteers their actions. Conducting proper tests for this trait will save lives, time, and resources, and also it will be less of a headache for all of you.
No. 1011278 ID: d63ea8

*Threshold glances between the teacup and his two superiors.*

Inner Thoughts: Dervan didn't present any questions to you. Good. You still have the initiative and it seems Triumphant's comments have him on less steady footing. De-escalate the situation first, then you can press again. Start with Triumphant.

"Let's all take a moment to settle down."

"Mr. Triumphant, this won't be a productive meeting if you dismiss Mr. Glasshrauder's thoughts out of hand. It is understandable why you don't trust Mr. Glasshrauder, as he even said, he prefers it. That being said, if we truly want to meaningful progress between you two, then it'd be best if we left insults out of this discussion."

Inner Thoughts: Now work on Dervan. Try to dig out the underlying rationale of his 'dogma.' Remain direct, but adopt a softer approach.

"Thank you Mr. Glasshrauder for sharing us your view on things. It may be frustrating to point out truths that are apparent to you and not to other people, but exercising patience in this case will help us try to see where you're coming from."

*Threshold straightens his jacket before continuing.*

"What you just described with the tea cup seems like a very isolating experience. You and Mr. Triumphant were in a world where both of you were part of a greater community, following a grand narrative; And now, you are both alone."

Inner Thoughts: Use his own words.

"For Mr. Triumphant, this wasn't much of a loss. As you said Mr. Glasshrauder, he was a 'person who doesn't need friends, only coworkers.' You on the other hand felt a 'weakness from its absence.'"

Inner Thoughts: Now speculate.

"Many people find community and comfort within the principles they believe, both religious and secular. It's the same reason why people like Mr. Peregrine are able to remain calm, even in the most dire of situations. But that leads to the question of what you are looking to gain from this dogma, Mr. Glasshrauder. Is it the sense of belonging you get from being in a bigger plan? Is it a facet of your identity that has just always been there? Or maybe..."

Inner Thoughts: Push hard with this one.

"You're afraid of what an existence without meaning could be?"
No. 1011403 ID: 09631d

And to answer your question my lords, DeRvan is not on this list because he helped compile it. But just because he isn’t on the immediate list of suspects, doesn’t mean changes won’t happen in the future.
No. 1011425 ID: e51896

*stares at the slide*

inner thoughts: hmm... interesting. When Triumphant challenged us to play darts and put a bunch of pictures for us to throw darts at to figure out the suspect, there were 9 pictures. Here there is six suspects... must have narrowed it down... I should probably ask who the other three suspects were, but maybe when the time is right.

Indeed. Not only that, we had a very interesting interview before coming into this meeting, all of which recorded which we can listen to once we are ready. But it is important to point out that even if we do kill all the suspects, we have gathered reasons to believe that Happy had not just gathered a small gang to accomplish his goals, but rather, an army willing to fight for him through tooth and nail. Even if we manage to kill Happy among the suspects, his orders could still be carried out despite his death. And who's to say that he already accounted for us to kill all of the suspects at once

And from the information we gathered, we learned that one of the suspects we captured might not actually be the correct suspect. We have learned there are right now two Felafafs running around currently alive, one of which from an alternate timeline and fighting for Happy.

We can go into more detail and listen to the recording and go through some key things I want to point out after we finish going through the slides.
No. 1011431 ID: f23762
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No. 1011439 ID: d63ea8

Inner Thoughts: You've definitely hit a nerve with that last statement. Note how Dervan is trying to quickly shift the topic onto the conduct of you and Triumphant. While you can't rule out that this is an 'act,' it could also be a more foundational element of 'who he is;' pursuing it might be fruitful since it would be harder for him to lie about. You'll get an opportunity to circle back, but you need to shoot down his arguments first. Don't let him make this personal.

"This isn't a conversation where we're trying to point fingers at one another Mr. Glasshrauder. We are just trying to understand where you are coming from. With the rest of us not being able to clearly see what drives your actions, we are forced to speculate or otherwise remain confused."

Inner Thoughts: First point down, on to the next. Draw parallels as a way to undermine Dervan's assertions.

"And if memory serves Mr. Glasshrauder, you had a similar exercise to Mr. Triumphant when first meeting the investigation team. In order to establish a proper chain of command you asked the evaluator to stab one of their subordinates."

Inner Thoughts: You don't know anything specific about this 'dart stunt.' Try to build off of context clues.

"Mr. Triumphant asked others to throw darts at pictures of people. Much like your exercise Mr. Glassrauder, it may have been less about who in particular was hit or stabbed and more centered on the actions of the people involved. You even praised the team during your exercise for finding an 'understanding of the chain of command without anyone getting hurt.' It may not have been relevant to the investigation itself, but you still found some level of value in it. Mr. Triumphant was just doing the same."

Inner Thoughts: Now defuse his questions and circle back to yours. Express curiosity.

"So let's hold off on making judgements or questioning one another's capability of being an investigator. Each of us were chosen for a reason, though whether it is seen as either fate or chance is up to the individual themselves."

*Threshold smiles softly.*

"Now with that settled, I was actually curious about something you said Mr. Glasshrauder. You just said that without meaning in your existence, you would cease to exist."

Inner Thoughts: Frame it as though you want clarification.

"Would 'you ceasing to exist' be in a more literal sense, like vanishing into thin air, or would it be more metaphorical? Would the person 'Dervan Glasshrauder' cease to be, and whoever was left would be someone else entirely?"
No. 1011496 ID: e51896

inner thoughts: it comes to this, now is a good time to voice these concerns

Ms. Algich, it was agreed that it would be important for us to answer these people's questions, even if it does open a new can of worms. It is important as agents to not leave any stone unturned. We cannot skip such questions given. So allow me to answer the gentleman his question

To answer your question, Count Murdusa, before this meeting, Triumphant was voicing concerns that Dervan being present at this meeting would be disruptive and was against Dervan being here and asked his superior to not have him here, though he would only get that permission granted if it was a majority vote between all us agents. But I thought otherwise as Dervan has been actually pretty valuable in helping us uncovering the truth despite his unorthodox methods. So it was I who suggested as a compromise to Triumphant that both he and Dervan be absent from this meeting so that they can both settle their differences... but that wasn't my main reason.

So to your question of if I suspect Triumphant... as hurtful to me to say this, yes, I have started to see him as a possible suspect. That was my main reason as to leave him absent, and not just because he was preventing Dervan from being here, but I feel he would start hiding certain things and change subjects to keep the truth hidden. There have been instances where he wanted agent Corax and I to stay silent about some things during an unofficial interview we had before coming here to keep Dervan from learning from things about a certain individual, asking us to be a little bad at our jobs during the interview.

and also, when Ms. Algich showed off the list of suspects, I noticed that there were six suspects when in fact, I remember there distinctly being nine suspects. During one of our meetings when Triumphant was getting an idea of the kind of agents we are with his tests, one of the things he asked us to do was to throw darts at some turned pictures we couldn't see the main suspects of, telling me to "let my god (Inkiverusus) guide my shots". There were nine photographs on that dart board, but now I'm seeing 6 suspects. Giving the benefit of doubt could be that they narrowed down the suspects, but the fact that we have not been shown the suspects and Triumphant wanted us to be silent about some things led to some growing concerns that maybe some of those suspects were kept hidden on purpose.

And it should be noted with that in mind that Happy is someone who despises destiny, wanting people to be free and become better than who they are, a connection I see with Triumphant's hatred of being forced to be the Will of the World's "tool" and follow the destined set path he was given.

After all, Triumphant once told me that he had a feeling like his whole life he was playing the role of a detective and more and more it felt like his role as detective doesn't suit him anymore. Perhaps this is something he is feeling after leaving Inkiverusus' guidance and is leaning more towards a different occupation.

And to answer your second question on these "invisible strings", during our interview, when the question of these invisible strings came up, we had been told of something that matches the description of those strings and their actions. They seem to be tentacle-like coming from something that looks like a skull of a demon. the tentacles are said to be black and white, and these skulls are said to offer deals to help someone. Interestingly enough, this skull had once given a riddle as to how to find Happy. I want to maybe throw in the idea that maybe the individual who is Happy is being controlled or influenced by this skull demon

Anyway, Ms. Algich said just now that capturing somebody who is affiliated with the group opposing the tribunal's law will help in crushing their foes... during the interview we had before coming here, we were given a list of criminals and their descriptions working under the tribunal... and one of the descriptions of the people working for Happy seem to match one of the people working under the Tribunal. Perhaps if we capture this possible parasite working as a mole for Happy in our organization, we could get some valuable information such as who it was in this organization that recommended this person into the investigation team as they could have been the one who planted this individual here.

Mr. Corax, do you know the individual I am talking about from the description of the criminals given?
No. 1011499 ID: 7acb12

As a matter of fact, I do.

*flips open notebook*
The resident doctor here one who referred to herself as "Cactus," after doing some digging on her due to some recent events involving a knife her stabbing me with it, led me to find a paper trail leading her to a connection with the being known as "Essence of Life" now deceased. This being however was a known leader and a frontman and head of operations for plans involved with Happy the Tragedy Phantom. When Doctor "Cactus" was working with Essence, she was known by the moniker "The Judge" and was under her employ as a mercenary.

What's further is that DeRvan who took on Essence during the altercation failed to mention this note. So to answer your own question Count Murdusa, I can trust neither of them. If you need evidence of this betrayal by our good doctor, Ms. Algich and I have compiled tapes and notes from an interview with beings who seem to be a primary motive for Happy who also took part in the fight against Essence. The one that I interviewed gave a very good description of all who were associated with Essence, and therefore, with Happy.

*plays the interview tape with Fortune Ana.*

And here is where we come to what I was trying to reach all of you to see from the beginning. There are traitors in our midst good ladies and gentlemen. This organization has been compromised and I suspect that Happy has been an inside man all along.
No. 1011525 ID: f23762
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No. 1011568 ID: 5f4030

*eye twitch and his face upturns into a ghoulish smile*

Inner thoughts: You fucking ignorant imbeciles, it's all right there in front of and you refuse to see it. Alright then, let's show you how moronic you are

Are you aware of how poison works? The way it is most effective is if it either ingested or enters the body through an open wound. The effects of certain types of poison can include something like weakening limbs and body, nausea and vomiting, sepsis, paralysis, and eventually death. All of which I had suffered and to which Lord Zirzam sadly suffered from my accidental vomiting on him. Now I ask you, why would I chose to poison myself simply to get Lord Zirzam with a method that wouldn't work? I had not met him before today, I didn't know him before hand, it doesn't add up. What's more why should I bother taking poison when the chances are I would die all on the off chance to get someone else? That is not how poison works, and it's nonsensical.

Instead, let's return to what I said? How does poison enter the body? Either ingesting, or via an open wound. You openly acknowledge that I was stabbed. I was stabbed twice by both DeRvan and our Doctor. So that leaves both DeRvan and the doctor as possible suspects for targeting Zirzam. DeRvan has too much fear of Zirzam to even try such an attempt. When Lord Zirzam greeted us during the investigation, DeRvan showed only fear and respect for him. He was subservient and overly polite. And again, what motive does DeRvan have for killing him? Possibly because he feels small around him, but I doubt it very much. It doesn't make any sense. Plus knowing the prejudice of this organization, chances you would all take the first opportunity to be rid of us had you the opportunity. DeRvan would not risk that.

Now what motive does the Doctor have? You have her sister locked up as a prisoner and facing judgement for her involvement with Happy. How can she either get even or save her sister? Simple, try and get rid of the people who are keeping her sister in prison. The effects of the poison in me were slow going, the most immediate one I felt was muscle weakening as on my way back from being healed, I collapsed to my knees and continued to weaken throughout the interrogation. And if you need further evidence of me being stabbed, I have scars to prove it, as well as having the bloody clothes in my dormitory. The doctor may have destroyed the records of that visit but I doubt it, chances are she has to keep some record of her patients to keep up appearances.

Oh, but let's keep going how can poison be applied? As I said, open wounds are common. The thing that makes the most sense is either when she stabbed me again, but that would involve her having to already have applied it to her glove to touch the blade. She did not touch the blade directly, meaning she couldn't have applied it as such. Rather, the two hypodermic needles that she used with Cyber Crow. She would have to be the one to get them ready, both of them. Cyber Crow may have been aware of this, he may not have. It would need further investigation. But the effects of this poison was only felt after I left her office. We have cameras in the halls yes? If so, you should see me fall to my knees. If you need further collaboration DeRvan himself can testify that he saw me collapse on my knees.

With this, we have a motive, we have a means, and we have evidence and proof. The fact that you haven't already arrested her on suspicion of corroboration with her sister with Happy is not only shockingly naive, but downright shows your own ignorance. So I tell you again Lords and ladies of this court. You have traitors in your organization. The fact that you refuse to see that is and instead let your prejudice blind you to that is shameful.
No. 1011577 ID: f23762
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No. 1011613 ID: f23762
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No. 1011655 ID: e51896

*puts his hand on Corax's shoulder to calm him*

*whispers* Deep breaths Corax, you spoke so passionately about the incident that I believe you might just be on the right track, but your anger is probably jumbling up your memories of what actually happened. If you truly suspect the doctor, Calm down and try to think of the event again more clearly, and try to remember every detail such as the details and state of Dervan's knife when you were stabbed both the first and second time, and consider that some things might be true, such as the robot. Consider that if the doctor did indeed inject you with poison, and it wasn't Dervan or the robot, that she may have done it a different way and the robot may have served a different purpose. use deductive reasoning on this. If you have an idea, look through the video, and play through a specific part that you feel amiss.

(going to link the start of when Corax entered the doc's office here: https://questden.org/kusaba/draw/res/32929.html#44958)

Forgive my partner's behavior, doctor Kavakara. I calmed him down. he's just so passionate about finding the truth that he's probably got some things messed up. I'm sure your expert experiences had warranted you an honorary spot on the team. May I ask how you first became a part of the investigation team?
No. 1011662 ID: 5f4030

*closes eyes and takes a deep breath*

Inner thoughts: Calm. Calm. Go to you place Alyosha, your mind palace...


First stabbing: Stabbed above the liver by DeRvan with switchblade he had on him. Second stabbing, same knife? Possibly. Think. I enter the doctor's office, the knife is still in me, it's not been removed, can't risk to much blood loss. She removes it. Can see that on the first screen, open wound, the knife has been removed. Can't see the knife her body blocks the view. Where is the knife? She pulled the knife, it had my blood on it.


When she holds the knife again, its clean? How? Possibly wiped something on it behind counter? Or different knife entirely. Stabbed in left shoulder. She then mentions... Poisonous insects. Possible poison from her home world? Testing it on me? Perhaps.


Motive: Unknown at this time. Relation to Happy? Almost none that we know of. Sisters connection? Was a possible summon in the fight Essence had with the Ana's. Essence was directly under Happy. Loose connection, probably not enough to commit with. Start small. Corner her.


"Where I come from we have insects that can fuck up your whole body without you even knowing about it. Since you entered my infirmary I am not allowed to let you leave until I am sure you won't collapse after you leaver through the door and just look at yourself."

Those were the words you spoke to me were they not? I'm, what are the effects of those bugs you mentioned? Because it wasn't even ten minutes after I left that I collapsed to my knees. If I may draw the attention to video one for a moment, my face is on the screen and Doctor Karakava's back is to the camera. Looking on the screen you can see me, the knife has been removed. Where is the knife in this shot? And on the second screen as well, the knife cannot be seen. May we rewind the footage? As I recall, when the knife was pulled from my body my blood was still on it. Now fast forward to when it reappears again. If we are to assume it's the same knife, it appears that it has either been cleaned or it is a different knife.
No. 1011822 ID: d63ea8

*Threshold sighs.*

Inner Thoughts: Dervan's correct in this case. Triumphant isn't engaging at all with the conversation and as a result you won't be able to pushing any further on Dervan. At least you have a couple of avenues of attack for later. For now admit to the obvious.

"Mr. Glasshrauder is correct in this case, Mr. Triumphant. You agreed that it would be best to deal with this dilemma between the two of you, and so far Mr. Triumphant you've been more focused on the investigation, rather than this conversation."

Inner Thoughts: Try to make a compromise with the two topics.
Avoid questions pertaining to when he was still in his dimension.

"What made you want to become an investigator for the Dimensional Tribunal?"
No. 1011944 ID: f23762
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No. 1012037 ID: 76fa74

Inner thoughts: Algich, you brilliant woman. I'll have to buy you a coffee for this.

I notice a few more discrepancies. If that is the same cape which I assume it is as you have just said it is custom made to match your sister, where is the blood from the knife? If you wiped it off twice on that cape, surely traces of my blood would be on it yes? Especially if you used it to wipe it down twice, however I see none. Before you say that it was washed similar to my own clothes, Algich, if that is a custom cloth and material I assume it must be specially washed to ensure it retains its value? And I also continue to see no evidence of wiping the blood off in the footage. Can we fast forward this slightly to prove this?

This leads me to believe it was not the same knife used for the second stabbing. Furthermore, if I may direct your attention back to the screen footage of the video from behind the counter. Note there is nothing seen behind the desk. If this was a second knife used that means it was on the Doctor's person rather and hidden by her cape.
No. 1012132 ID: d63ea8

Inner Thoughts: Just ignore Dervan's statement, it's only meant to derail the conversation. Focus on compromise.

"Mr. Triumphant, it would be unfair of you to ask Mr. Glasshrauder to change his worldview if you are equally uncomfortable about changing yours. Each of you have different perspectives and both of you should respect the fact these are personal beliefs each of you hold."

Inner Thoughts: Now work towards a solution.

"Neither of you should be expected to fundamentally change as a person, but seeing as you are both working together, it would be best if each of you were mindful of one another's boundaries and took steps to accommodate each other during this investigation."

*Threshold looks to Triumphant.*

"Would it help you if Mr. Glasshrauder would more upfront with this ideas?"

*He then turns to Dervan.*

"And would it help you if Mr. Triumphant was less secretive about his findings?"
No. 1012581 ID: 6982f8

I like your enthusiasm and eagerness to head through the path destined to you, Agent Corax, but if you rush through it, you won't get to appreciate the environment you'll see in the path you are walking through. Take time to stop and smell the flowers, you might miss some things if you don't.

With that in mind, I would personally like to request if we can ask our good doctor to give us a new testomony about the events that happened regarding Corax's doctor appointment, and the knife, and suit. Much appreciated to everyone involved
No. 1012633 ID: f23762
File 163373128435.jpg - (4.01MB , 4472x2961 , Divergent 116.jpg )

No. 1012769 ID: 5f4030

Interesting. If it was cleaned in the exact same manner, I would like the scanner bot to scan her clothing. If it was cleaned in the same way then there will be no traces of blood or poison on her and it will show similar detergent.
No. 1012900 ID: d63ea8

*Threshold flinches as Triumphant falls.*

Inner Thoughts: Bad. Very bad. Your head is spinning. Focus. Read the situation around you.

*He looks to Dervan and then back to Triumphant.*

Inner Thoughts: Neither you nor Dervan have been affected, so this isn't airborne. It is unlikely to have been some form of area dispersal, otherwise you should be suffering some manner of side effects. For now take Dervan at his word, nothing stood out as an activation phrase and you didn't see him put anything in Triumphant's food. Using process of elimination, that only leaves...

*Threshold glances at the paper in Triumphant's hand.*

Inner Thoughts: Contact poison or info hazard. Dervan passed over an envelope, and Triumphant opened it. Keep your intentions close to your chest. Dervan wants you to see him as innocent, utilize that. Add worry to your voice.

"G-get a d-doctor M-mr. Glassshauder! I-i'll t-try to r-resusitate h-him."

*Threshold kneels next to Triumphant, trying to find a pulse and check if he's still breathing. Threshold makes sure to keep the paper in his peripheral vision.*
No. 1012920 ID: e51896

hmm... if you cleaned your outfit the same way Corax did, that would mean you would have given it to the cleaner and didn't clean it yourself. In that case, wouldn't the cleaner would have said anything or be concerned about the bloody cape to report it when he saw it after you gave it to him to clean? That might have been hard to explain after showing a bloody cape to a cleaner... especially since it would have meant admitting to him that you stabbed someone, even if Corax wasn't effected by it.

inner thoughts: might be important to keep in mind that her outfit is unique, in that there are only two suits like hers in existence. I do have one weird hunch about this, but I suppose it depends on what we'll learn here...
No. 1012930 ID: f23762
File 163431267205.jpg - (4.57MB , 3852x3781 , Divergent 117.jpg )

No. 1013181 ID: 7acb12

Very interesting. I have only a few questions for the panel before we continue.

firstly, can this scanner scan other things besides clothes or is that all it scans?

secondly, are prisoners allowed visitation privileges?
No. 1013350 ID: f23762
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No. 1013351 ID: d63ea8

Inner Thoughts: Vitals are weak, but he isn't in any immediate peril. It's hard to tell if Dervan is being genuine in his concern, but set that aside for now.

"He's s-still b-breathing and he does -uh- h-have a pulse, alb-b-beit a faint one."

Inner Thoughts: You wonder it could of been stress or some kind of stroke. Your not a doctor so all you can do is guess. Tackle each potential avenue one at a time. First, the paper.

*Threshold carefully steps onto the edge of the paper in Triumphant's hand and slowly pulls it out of his grip.*

Inner Thoughts:Then basics of first response.

*He then rolls Triumphant into the recovery position.*

"H-how long until t-they get here?"
No. 1013726 ID: e51896

*Whispers*: hmmm... tricky. But I love a challenge. Maybe the doctor was so adamant to make us think it was on the cape because she probably wiped the blood on something else, something that possibly contained the poison too... and she is probably using the cape and napkin as a scapegoat to keep us from what revealing what she actually wiped the blood with. whatever she used might actually still have blood and poison on it, and might still be possessing it if she is trying to make us think it is on the cape or napkin.

quite possibly the thing she used to wipe the blood with and hide the poison is on the inside of her gloves I guess. You can hide plenty of things inside gloves, not just your hands, like maybe blood and smuggled poison to put on the knife. Perhaps maybe if there is something inside her gloves, we might literally catch her red handed... because of the blood... What do you think, Corax? You think her gloves are worth investigating, or do you think she wiped the blood and poisoned the knife with something else? I'll let you think on this while I press her on something else.

Doctor, there's something I wanted to ask about your robot. Please sate my curiosity if you don't mind: on the video, after your robot treated Corax's wounds, there was no visible traces of blood on the suit. I wanted to make sure if cleaning blood was another function of the robot? I'm just wondering if the robot was capable of cleaning blood off a suit, wouldn't it have made more sense to use the robot to clean the knife instead of using a napkin, especially risking the knife getting lint on it from the napkin?
No. 1013727 ID: 3e7c34

Whispers: I was actually about to ask her to turn out her pockets, the gloves are next step up. I also wonder if the scanner can pick up any traces on the gloves themselves. I’ll ask this after answers your question.
No. 1013798 ID: f23762
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No. 1013801 ID: 5f4030

I have only one remaining topic I would like to have done before we adjourn this matter.

Doctor, please remove your gloves and leave them on the table to be scanned.
No. 1013920 ID: f23762
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No. 1014280 ID: 76fa74

Whisper:Peregrine, I hope you have something... You mentioned the inside of her gloves and that being a possible hiding place for the poison. Anyway else we can get this one? I can only stall for so long.

Turn out your pockets before you go please.
No. 1014387 ID: f23762
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No. 1014713 ID: d63ea8

Inner Thoughts: Dervan is trying to gauge your level of hostility with him. Dodge the question.

"W-we don't even kn-now w-what -uh- e-exactly happened t-to him. J-just that h-he suddenly got a h-headache and c-collapsed."

Inner Thoughts:Immediately questioning Dervan about the paper would just answer his question in a different way. Have it's significance appear through conversation by replaying the events. Breathe.

*Threshold sighs.*

"We were just... sitting here. You... took out your lighter and started smoking. Mr. Triumphant took the letter from you. I was mostly standing off to the side. Mr. Triumphant started complaining about a noise that neither of us could hear, and then fell unconscious."

Inner Thoughts:Now circle back to the letter.

"There only thing that Mr. Triumphant really did was read the letter, since he wasn't really... engaging with the conversation."

*Threshold looks back to Dervan.*

"You mentioned that the letter arrived before the investigation began Mr. Glasshrauder, did you read it yourself? What did it say?"

Inner Thoughts: Hide your emotions, remain blank, see if he slips up.
No. 1015136 ID: e51896

*finishes his prayer*
Alright, the destined path has been weeded out bit by bit and has become clearer.

I know for a fact that the cape you are wearing is currently not the one you wore when you spoke with my partner, otherwise, I would think that it would have been cleaned along with your gloves. If I were to guess, maybe the cape couldn't be cleaned since as you said, you refused to let it near the same cleaning machine in fear of it being damaged, so you switched capes without having to wash it. You were absolutely sure you cleaned the knife with the cape after all, so maybe you did remember correctly... Plus with how dusty your current cape is, it implies it hasn't been used in a very long time and just picked up whatever cloth you can find to use as a cape

If that is the case, I would like to make a request, the doctor said her costume and her sister's are identical, and custom made so that there isn't really anything like those two capes around. if that is the case, I would like to have the cape she's wearing now, and here sister's cape scanned and compare the two for how identical they are. If they are not, we can deduce that this cape is not the same cape she wore while at the office, and I would like to request a search warrant to search where her actual cape went.
No. 1015247 ID: f23762
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No. 1015248 ID: b5fe3e


Thank you for your comments, however you have continuously run your mouth out of turn for long enough. Madam Algich is a vital part of our team and if she wishes to comment on the proceedings, such is her duty and her right to do so as our superior officer. You have interrupted a vital member of our team when she had every right to speak.

I understand you wish to see us fail, that much you have made very clear. But such seems the desperate gamble of a man who knows he has not much ground and so he shames them into retreating. The term that would be used here is "What-about-isms." It is a strawman fallacy and gets the court to look at someone else's character, instead of the evidence that has provided.

If this tribunal would allow, we will present the findings that Algich has collected throughout our time present here. Count Murdusa, if you will hold your tongue on this matter, it is already obvious you will object. I ask the other members of this tribunal to speak up.

After all, we are all on the same team. If there is someone who wishes this honorable organization harm, then it is in everyone's best interests to proceed.
No. 1015367 ID: f23762
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No. 1015411 ID: 02905d

*smiles and speaks low so only Murdusa can hear*
Speak for yourself Count Murdusa. Consider for a moment what would happen if we are right? You are meant to be an a leading member of this organization. If she is right, then you would have much more at stake to lose than either me or my colleagues.

Think for a moment what I stand to lose in this situation? I hold no personal interest in keeping Dervan here, as a matter of fact I find him similar to you in one significant way, you are both hindrances to active investigations and inquiries that seek to further their own power. If I were to be removed the most I myself would get is a light slap on the wrist, probably get chewed out before I am sent back to my own world with my memory wiped. Dervan will also likely be sent back as well or he may be hung for all I care. Either way, it doesn’t matter to me. What does is that criminals are brought to justice.

If we are right however, you would be seen as a well meaning fool at best, looking out for the honor of a young woman who duped you. At worst you would be seen as a traitor to this organization, and by the sound of things there are already people out there calling for blood of all suspects and traitors.

I am not worried, it’s only a matter of time before everything falls into place. I ask you to carefully examine which side of the line you want to stand on, Count Murdusa. In my experience, the only real difference between heroes and villains is what side of battlefield you’re on.

*goes to get Algich*
No. 1015461 ID: f23762
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how Count Murdusa is feeling
how is Madam Algich is feeling

No. 1015474 ID: 935b2c

*hands her handkerchief*
Chin up, Madam. I know more than any one man should about hurting others. You have done nothing of the sort to anyone. Of that I am certain. As for slime like Murdusa out there…?

You have a background in the theatre, yes? All stages are accustomed to its hecklers and those who would jeer at an actress to her craft. This one is no different, a job of an actor is to get the audience to believe in their performance, to act and speak so well that they themselves believe every word. You believed everything we said, and you even we’re determined to prove it yourself. Do not let one heckler, one who in all honesty deserves to be thrown out, knock you from the stage.

I made you a promise in fact, that should they throw the tomatoes I would leap in front of them for you. Well, I have done just that. All of them, well all save Murdusa, wish to hear you. I wish to hear you. I’ve given you an audience who stand in rapt attention. You have a flair for the dramatic, and these people came here for drama. And I know will you say it with conviction.

All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts. I ask you to not just play, but be a part of our team.
No. 1015509 ID: f23762
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No. 1015513 ID: 935b2c

Inner thoughts: Am I really so obvious? Ah well. Only when driven to absolute purpose and I cannot stand idiocy.

Very well then. Shall we?
*offer her his arm*
No. 1015563 ID: 3292e2
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No. 1015566 ID: b5fe3e

*bites the inside of his mouth to stop from laughing at Murdusa*

If this is true then my initial suspicions may be at least half-correct. She is in the employ of Happy the Tragedy Phantom and was trying to sabotage the investigation before it began, most likely at the behest of her employer. Such a shame she had to convince her sister to swap places with her. There is one way I believe we can make sure that this is the true doctor. Are any records of the doctor having any minor physical abnormalities? Either a scar or perhaps a birthmark that would not be shared between her sister? Or better yet, is there anyway we can contact the prison now and get her speaking to us now?
No. 1015774 ID: 3292e2
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No. 1015777 ID: 916765

*immediately when she comes out holding the nail bat Corax draws his pistol and aims it at her*
Everyone move away from her! Ma’am, drop the weapon immediately and kick it to me. This your first and only warning.
No. 1015860 ID: 3292e2
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No. 1016403 ID: d63ea8

Inner Thoughts: And like that he's pivoted. You're still unsure on the method of how Triumphant was affected, so touching or reading the letter is still hazardous. Deflect from the offer.

*Taking his foot off of the paper Threshold moves to follow Triumphant.*

"Even i-if this meeting was a f-farce, we need t-to stick with M-mr. Triumphant if we w-want to figure out w-what happened to him."

Inner Thoughts: Treat this like an investigation.

"I-if that d-divice can transmit, p-please let t-the agents know that s-something's c-come up and we may not be able to join them s-soon."

Inner Thoughts: Have him grab the note.

"C-can you grab the l-letter too?"

*Threshold goes to follow the mechanical duck.*
No. 1016427 ID: 3292e2
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No. 1016876 ID: 3e7c34

*holsters gun*
Most of us were required to be given a physical yes? Also complete a mental appetite test to ensure that we are each capable of each performing our duties. The reason I ask this is if this is the doctor, answering questions on the same test that landed her in the medical field with this organization shouldn’t be too much of an issue for them to repeat. If this is her sister then the answers may be different.

Also in regards to the physical, the sister was a mercenary yes? Having known something about war and fighting myself, I know none walks away from those unscathed. Are there any records to show the doctor having any scars or markings her sister would otherwise not have?
No. 1016901 ID: 3292e2
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No. 1016902 ID: b5fe3e

B) Continue count Murdusa. Let her give a testament and I will compare it with my own notes.
No. 1016950 ID: 175a7a


No. 1016956 ID: 3292e2
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No. 1017036 ID: b5fe3e

B) For the most part you have everything correct however you're missing one part of that story. I didn't just go blindly on my merry way as you put it. There was one more point of conversation you brought up as I left. Enlighten us as to what that was if you can please?
No. 1017116 ID: 3292e2
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No. 1017668 ID: e51896

inner thoughts: Right, so she didn't mention therefore probably didn't see the moment Corax collapsed. She seemed adamant earlier that there was no poison, and yet Corax still collapsed from poison... she did seem pretty agitated about the robot healing him... but she also mentioned the robot can scan just about everything... why didn't it scan the poison then? the poison would have been on the wounds, especially if Corax collapsed after his meeting with her...

(B, and C)

Couple questions,

First, can any specific functions of the robot be turned off?

and second About the robot following its programming to the letter as you said... you said that it healed Corax. And as you said it followed it's programming, that would include scanning everything to make sure he is properly healed from the diagnosis he got, since it can scan just about everything as you said earlier correct? If so, can I have that added to the testimony please, just so everything is clear? you seemed to look pretty serious about that statement after all.
No. 1017723 ID: f017ae
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No. 1017805 ID: e51896

hm... alright. For all intents and purposes, I'll take your word for it, doctor. so just so we're clear, the robot scanned Corax and didn't notice anything weird about him. So since the robot scanned everything about Corax's injury, that would mean it completely healed him with the information from the scanning the robot did. Alright, thanks for healing Corax from all his conditions. Now if you don't mind, I'd like to check something on Corax real quick.

*pulls out the throwing dart he got from the bar and stabs Corax where his injury was healed by the robot*

Now Corax, let me ask you something important... did that hurt?
No. 1017841 ID: 5f4030


Really…? You too? No it did not hurt.
No. 1017846 ID: e51896

Indeed. And I presume it didn't hurt when Dervan physically abused you during the interrogation as an intimidation tactic. Thanks for being my evidence, partner


Let me explain something to everyone, Corax has a disability, gained during his time in the war. He was severely tortured, and experimented on to the point where his pain nerves were damaged and as such, he cannot feel any physical pain,

Now, lets go back to what our doctor admitted: I asked that when the robot followed it's programming to the letter if that included scanning EVERYTHING to make sure he was properly healed from the diagnosis he got, she AGREED to that statement.

If that is the case, It would have scanned that his pain nerves were damaged, and heal his pain nerves from there... and yet, it DIDN'T

Doctor, why did you lie to us just now? Or should I call you a quack?


Algich, I'll let you have this one to make you feel better, answer everyone this: if the robot did not scan Corax's damaged pain nerves and heal that, what would that mean for the poison when it was on his wounds?

inner thoughts: it would mean that the robot didn't scan the poison and did not heal or announce that there was poison
No. 1017847 ID: 5f4030

The worst thing about being physically abused by DerVan was the feel of cold and wooziness from the blood loss. Other than that there was no feeling of pain at all. My partner brings up good points. Please provide evidence.

Also Peregrine I will be billing you for the cleaning bill for my suit.
No. 1017848 ID: e51896

>Also Peregrine I will be billing you for the cleaning bill for my suit.

No. 1017888 ID: f017ae
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No. 1017909 ID: 5f4030

*leaps in front of Algich taking the arrow in his back*

No. 1017989 ID: f017ae
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No. 1017997 ID: 665b34

No need to be sorry, you did your part as the opposing force and brought about good points to narrow things down to uncover the truth. yin and yang, cant have one without the other

She was alerted to a patient earlier, yes? Cant imagine what she was going to do to them...
No. 1018014 ID: 5f4030

I'm fine. If it was poisoned well we'll find out shortly won't we? But I kept my promise, if they started throwing things I would leap in front of you.

*turns to Count Murdusa*
No. 1018022 ID: f017ae
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No. 1018034 ID: 0e9260


I will admit his methods are unorthodox, but they have given results.
No. 1018093 ID: 69f532

Yes, DerVan.

And. I do not fault him for mistrusting is because of that. Were I in similar circumstances I would also hesitate to trust anyone working with him.
No. 1018126 ID: f017ae
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No. 1018205 ID: 5f4030

Hmm. I notice that our creator, or the "god" of our universe is on that list. That is another reason for the mistrust amongst us. However, no one, not even gods, are above justice. Justice is fair, and blind. It makes no difference to me who the suspects are, only that each is given their just dues. Whether they are guilty or innocent remains to be seen.
No. 1018687 ID: e51896

I understand the mistrust, and I may not understand fully the cards we are dealt with considering the perpetrator we are dealing with, and their freedom to travel through dimensions, especially with two of the possible culprits are from our world. Not to mention the inexperience we may have working under this investigation team in comparison with our experience working as investigators from our world. But I ask consideration that multidimensional travel is something relatively unheard of in our dimension, and we were only chosen by the legendary Triumphant to bring new perspective from us who had not seen the corruption that the criminals cause that this investigation team deals with with decent enough morals.

for me, I plan on being as unbiased as possible when it comes to the investigation against Happy, even if Happy is someone from our world. But will question things if I see something wrong as you all have seen with the situation with the doctor. I'm not asking for trust, not right away, but I ask to give us a chance in whatever way you seem comfortable with. I will admit that it is in my belief that Agent Corax and I were chosen to leave our world to help with this investigation for a reason, and whatever that reason is, I intend to find out by helping with this investigation to the best of our abilities. Thank you.
No. 1018722 ID: 3292e2
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No. 1018744 ID: 6d3d09

I shall take the bullet,

Inner thoughts: if the will of the world has sent me here for a reason, then i have nothing to fear here
No. 1018769 ID: d5b764

Hold on, Peregrine.

The issue is, I have would have no problem we’re it me on the block, I cannot feel pain normally. If anything I would normally jump at the chance to feel something akin to pain, even if it meant killing me, at least I felt something for even a moment. But because my partner jumped in ahead before even asking or going over it with me before hand, it is my duty to point this out. You make a big argument about trusting us, and whether or not we can be trusted, however you are literally asking us to play roulette with a bullet based on “guilt.” That’s incredibly dumb, I have just met you today and you make a show of whether or not we can be trusted. Forgive me, but given the track record of the association we have had so far, I am unable to trust you. And now being asked to once again test ourselves more than we already have with a gun to our heads, it is quite asinine. But since you are deciding to play by your own rules, I’m going to change them.

*draws gun and points it at the bounty hunters head*

Time to do a true test of trust. If you pull that trigger at Peregrine, or even Algich if you try to pull a fast one, and either of them goes down, I will kill you. Alternatively, you may point your gun at me and pull the trigger. If your bullets work as you say they do, then I assure you, I have no qualms about doing what I do. Even if tasked to bring down a god, so be it. No one is above the law. If god himself cannot be bothered to follow his own rules then they have no meaning.

The only guilt I would feel would having done nothing while I let my partner get voluntarily shot. So then, cowboy. Make your choice.
No. 1018772 ID: e51896

Before we go any further and anyone makes a decision, I'd like to ask Algich what she thinks of all this... she was really sad about you taking the doctor's bullet for her after all, Corax.
No. 1018831 ID: 3292e2
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No. 1018888 ID: 75a04e

I admire your courage, Ms. Algich, truly I do. But such an action is out of the question. Unless… If his gun truly works as he says and he has no reason to lie himself, I only ask that he open the chamber of the gun before hand. If it works as he says I expect it to appear unloaded. If it loaded with anything then I do not trust this at all. I will not hesitate to protect my team.
No. 1018910 ID: 3292e2
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No. 1018937 ID: 75a04e

Do as you must, Ms. Algich. But I stand by what I said. Calling this a lie detector test isn’t correct. This a blind test of one’s own resolve, to be tested for guilt of which a normal human will no doubt always feel some in this line of work. “Oh what will become of their family, how will the public view them.” But to that I say, justice is fair, not kind. It is not my job to care, only to see it carried out.

If you, or Peregrine are in anyway harmed by this, I will shoot in order to protect my team. This is my last warning.
No. 1019084 ID: e51896

fear is something that shouldn't be completely ignored. Sure it is something that should be set aside if a friend's life is in danger, I'm sure Corax had fear for your safety when he took that bullet for you for example... but being completely fearless all the time could result in making irrational decisions. It can help with survival and not make dumb decisions at times, fear is something essential for survival, a red flag. remember that.

What I'm saying is, put logic and other emotions into consideration before you choose to listen to or ignore fear. That goes for other emotions too. Don't try to act fearless just because it'd make you look cool. For example, have you considered Triumphant's feelings with you wanting to risk your life doing this? If you have and still want to do this with Triumphant in mind, then go ahead and take the bullet.
No. 1019087 ID: 75a04e

Heh. You’ve got to have fear to have courage.
No. 1019220 ID: 3292e2
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No. 1019243 ID: dead66

I don’t shoot unless a crime has been committed. The only from crime I see that’s happened is what looks like a paintball to a nice suit dress. And spare me your self-pity sir, I’ve played that game of feeling abandoned by god, the only cure is to get over it.
No. 1019244 ID: dead66

*holsters gun*
Are we done here?
No. 1019287 ID: e51896

Let it be, Corax, and Algich. There are some things that are much more difficult to "get over" than you'd might think as trauma does a lot to a person mentally. We did what he wanted, he's satisfied, there's nothing more to discuss without being too cocky or angry. We're working for a common goal, we know everyone here all have flaws to overcome, including us admittedly, but we also shouldn't let flaws of ourselves and others distract one another from any of our strengths if we want this investigation to be a success.

Oh, and we're not done, Corax. We still gotta continue this assembly.

Oh... yeah, before we continue, can you summon the bullet off of Ms. Algich back to your gun, please?
No. 1019362 ID: 3292e2
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No. 1019374 ID: 5f4030

*draws gun again and aims it at the bounty hunter*
Freeze. Peregrine, take him into custody immediately.

Someone, get a medic in here. Call for cybercrow immediately. I’ll deal with the fact that Zirzam knows Happy later.
No. 1019439 ID: 6570ef

Inner thoughts: right let’s think this through. She showed no sign of being injured or weak, and described the impact as a weak punch. Possible poison that leaked in? Perhaps. It would Have had to go through her clothes or the skin of her palm if it was poison similar to what I was affected with. Could be another medical issue she herself was unaware of, we’ll need cybercrow to tell. The timing of the arrival of Zirzam’s assistant is also suspicious. Could it have been something they brought in and didn’t notice, or perhaps someone else in the room. Taking mental note, who looks concerned or merely curious? If Zirzam truly is all knowing, he says he knows who Happy is already. Now that’s too convenient. I also suspect it’s a half-truth. If he truly knows but is doing nothing, that makes him lazy at best, and incompetent at worse. I suspect he knows or has some idea, but doesn’t know all who is involved. And given that this is the second time someone who has been investigating Happy has been attacked inside the tribunal and each time the attackers have most likely sided with Happy. We are not just here as investigators, it means we are also here as bait to find the traitors. Very clever, but I do not appreciate being put up as the target board.
No. 1019456 ID: 3292e2
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No. 1019475 ID: b5fe3e

Inner Thoughts: I will believe she is dead when I see the coroner's report. Anything from you cannot be trusted.

It was a very rocky start. I got overly stressed and it made me emotional and I chastised many and was more than just outspoken, it was unprofessional. We went off script, but in the end we also uncovered a traitor to this organization swiftly and within the law. If I were to give us a grade it would be a straight C. Passable, but needs work to act better as a coherent and communicative team, and me personally I need to remain in control especially in the face of adversity or when frustrated, that is in the job description after all.
No. 1019835 ID: e51896

Considering we lost one of our members, I consider it a fail, we should have been more responsible for Algich's safety and should not have taken that risk... but I think we now know that this shows there is definitely some spies trying to sabotage us... whoever sabotaged the bounty hunter's bullet must of had some extensive knowledge about our investigation team and anticipated him pulling this lie detection bullet test on us. I pray for her soul to find rest.

If that didn't happen, then I would say we did decently... I will admit at the start I wasn't speaking, but that was because I did not expect to see someone I knew from my life in the audience. But from that experience, I can be better prepared of what mindset to go into when working with this investigation team and to be better prepared of the unexpected. Putting in Algich in a situation that made her cry wasn't professional either, but Corax did a well job on getting her back to her senses. But discovering the doctor's misdeeds and proving her guilt I feel showed our proficiency in finding the truth.
No. 1019897 ID: 3e7c34

About that, I have a question about something that Zirzam's disciple said. She claimed that Lord Zirzam has already figured out who Happy is. Do we know if that statement is true or simply her praising her master's name and saying he is capable of something that's not actually possible?

Inner thoughts: If so then me and him might have words.
No. 1019929 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 1020080 ID: 5f4030

The smartest option would be to kill two birds with one stone. I purpose we tackle the issue of security with the known suspects who possibly are or working with Happy. I have compiled a list of names as taken from our interview with Fortune Ana, and I believe Algich did as well. I would start by cross referencing those names with our suspects and also doing the same with members of this organization to see who is most likely affiliated with Happy or have knowledge about him. If they are withholding information or are acting as informants, enforcers, etc. Best to get an idea of how deep this rabbit hole goes. This would also let us examine the list of suspects we have already gathered to get a better understanding of motive or possible link to them. I trust dossiers have already been assembled on them?
No. 1020293 ID: e51896

Well, there are a few things I'd like to figure out that I have no information on yet, such as what exactly in detail was it that caused Triumphant to faint like that, and what is he repeating in his head? Who tampered with the bounty hunter's bullet, and one thing to bring up, I noticed in the presentation there were only six prime suspects listed, but I do remember that during one of our meetings with Triumphant at a bar, he had us throw darts at a group of 9 pictures of different suspects faced away from us to hypothetically let fate decide who could be the one responsible... Maybe those three were proven innocent between then and the assembly, but I would like to ask if anyone knew who those three suspects were. I'd ask Triumphant, but he is currently out of action.


I also heard there was an incident with a machine and Triumphant through some stuff I read when Triumphant was figuring things out early on in the case, but the machine's wiring was destroyed to save Triumphant from intense discomfort. I wanted to also figure out what was going on in Triumphant's head and more details about what that machine was.
No. 1020365 ID: d63ea8

*Threshold is quiet.*

Inner Thoughts: Part of you wishes to try and comfort Corax, but that would distract from the matter at hand. Peregrine would have done so already. Remain silent.

No. 1020407 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 1020410 ID: 3dd954

*nods in agreement*
No. 1020413 ID: d63ea8

*Threshold does not move.*

Inner Thoughts: Part of you wishes to disagree with this action. Corax and Peregrine work so much stronger together than apart, their first interogation is proof of that. And Corax is a weapon best wielded with respect and care, two things Dervan will not have. But you were not asked to speak, and your movements might display your leaning. Remain still.

No. 1020427 ID: b5fe3e

I will serve and obey as you see fit. However, if I may offer a kind of addendum to this plan. I feel it best that Peregrine not be given a new partner at this time, I have yet to meet Mrs. Din for myself so I cannot attest to how well they will work as a team. For now, I suggest that I do both. I can pull both duties as both interrogator and detective. Of course this is only my say on the matter, it is ultimately out of my hands.
No. 1020429 ID: dafca3

No, no... it's fine Corax. You dont have to do that, I accept her as my partner.
No. 1020445 ID: 734422

So be it. For what it’s worth then, Peregrine, you were a good partner. Undoubtedly the better of the two of us, you are a good man.
*extends hand to shake*
No. 1020478 ID: d63ea8

*Threshold looks away for a second.*

Inner Thoughts: Don't. Keep focused on the situation. Discard those other thoughts.

*He looks back to the others.*

No. 1020481 ID: 5f4030

Mr. Domino sir, I believe Theshold has some words he would like to put forth.
No. 1020492 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 1020493 ID: 5f4030

Inner thoughts: Only because she works for you, and you are a viper.
Distrustful is not the correct word, hesitant would be more correct. It is interesting to know that Ms. Din and Peregrine have some history, albeit only brief introductions. I am more interested in knowing what she can bring to the investigation. Recommendations are good, but I’d like to get a résumé of her skills as it were.
No. 1020526 ID: d63ea8

*Threshold's hands tremble a bit, then stop.*

Inner Thoughts: That was your one and only warning. Do not repeat it. Watch and remember, nothing more.

No. 1020557 ID: 5f4030


I if may say so, mr. domino, without overstep my bounds. You do your son a disservice by not allowing him to speak up. Having worked in the field with him during our initial interrogations, I believe I have an accurate idea of what he is capable of. Threshold is what I would refer to as “a scout,” they often have to forge ahead to observe and note discrepancies and dangers to us, the ones going ahead into the line of fire. He is methodical and calculating, and was a valuable asset to our team. If he has something to say, it would be because of his observations; sometimes it take an outsiders perspective, or that of the scout to know if you’ve missed something important.
No. 1020708 ID: e51896

thank you for your support, Maya Din. I am pretty surprised that of all the times I met her, I did not suspect her of being from another world from my own. But considering Dervan had sponsored our group in the past and is also a multiverse traveler, I can believe it.

As for my questions, Im wondering what your history with Dervan if any is besides his sponsership, and what got you interested in multiverse traveling like visiting our world in the past? Where you came from. Thanks.
No. 1020760 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 1020824 ID: b5fe3e

Of course, Mr. Domino.

Inner thoughts:It's always best to be on guard with DerVan.

*walks over to the fire place*
Yes sir?
No. 1020943 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 1020953 ID: d63ea8

*Threshold winces slightly when his father addresses him.*

Inner Thoughts: This a test. Father was only willing to humor Corax to keep up pleasantries. Now that Corax is gone he wants to see if you are still willing to be defiant. You are not. Part of you wishes-- Discard that thought, remain obedient.

*Threshold shakes his head 'no' and stays quiet.*

No. 1021171 ID: 5f4030

Very well…
*takes a seat opposite DerVan*
Something I believe in? I am not a religious man, never have been. Despite this however, I like principles of most religions. The idea that mankind is in a sense perfectible, and that a kind of ubermensch is at least probable if not entirely possible. Do I think I will see it in my life time? Not at all. Will someone like that come around? Yes, eventually. The irony being that great human will not know he is the one. No one who seeks to become such a being will ever truly achieve it. Hence why I believe more in force of law. God may write the scriptures and the tenants, but man is one who wrote law.

My turn. What psychological need does your pathological lying serve? You obviously get some enjoyment out it, but those who know you for one will never be able to fully trust you. It seems like you are either trying to keep everyone at a distance with it, and the whole motif of the devil.
No. 1021355 ID: 073707

Well, i think with that, is there anything you need to bring up before we get into our assignments first?
No. 1021391 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 1021398 ID: b5fe3e

I know of the Mad Creator, however he is not "god," at least not in the way I would view him. He is a creator yes, and in a sense he did make our progenitors, but to imply he is our god is a gross falsehood. To imply he made you and I is a term I find objectively impossible. It means he literally sat down and planned out my soul and its personality from the get go. He doesn't strike me as the type to so meticulous in his planning that he could see our futures and know us before we even came into being. Such an action WOULD make him truly a god. But he doesn't do that. Rather he is only the creator. A god is one who is beyond this. Beyond the Eldritch Builders. Something that... Well is truly divine. A union of opposites.
You look at the Mad Creator like he is responsible for everything, our behavior, and mannerisms, and that is why you are liar, you are only as "god" made you. The issue is that frees you of any agency or responsibility. "You aren't guilty, you are only as your god made you." However, that strikes me as your excuse for it, and it's a bad one at that.
To fear going against your nature or your own ways feels... Cowardly, is too strong of a word. Defeatist is better. The idea that we are only meant to serve one purpose, it means we have no individuality, no true freedom beyond what we were meant to be.
I am not in this profession because I have no alternative or its all I know, I am in this because I want to be. And do you know what I believe? There is one thing that can bring about someone's individuality even when they think they have none. Every day normal curiosity.
No. 1021404 ID: d63ea8

*Threshold shrinks back a bit.*

Inner Thoughts: You knew this was coming, and judging from his tone this won't be good. You can feel the walls turning in on you, like your being observed on all side for any imperfection. And you know that you've made mistakes. It will go better if you accept that first.

*Threshold starts to turn his head towards remaining agent, but then looks back down.*

Inner Thoughts: DON'T reach out to Peregrine. He is not yours anymore. He is under the command of Maya Din, and you will not interfere. Do not make this worse on yourself.


Inner Thoughts: Part of you wants to be seen again- But it is not your place to decide that. Remain invisible.

*He straightens up, but keeps his head down, waiting for the others to leave.*
No. 1021679 ID: e51896

Well, I have to compliment you for having really good perception. It's gonna help tremendously with the investigation.

My speechlessness was unprofessional, yes. But it wasn't stage fright. I can confirm it was because I saw you, but no, it wasn't anything bad even that I was surprised to see you.

My mind at that moment was trying to comprehend what my reaction, and you being a part of the investigation team could mean in my fated path considering you are an important religious figure in our world at The Society of Perplexity, giving people direction in their lives through their meditative visions. It made me wonder, what did Inkiverusus wanted to tell me by having us two meeting again at the investigative team after I years ago left the Society of Perplexity? Were you sent to watch over me on Inkiverusus' behalf to be sure I stay on my fated path considering you are an important figure in our religion? But then again, was it all just coincidental we met again after so long in the investigation team since it turned out you weren't born from our world to begin with?

This is also considering the fact that the woman I interrogated drudged up my past and wanted me to confront my past, showing me a picture of the smoking pumpkin, the mask I wore when I used to come to the Society of Perplexity daily.

I think maybe since you're here, and since I was shown that picture of the smoking pumpkin from the woman who looked through my mind that I interrogated, maybe this is a sign from the Will of the World that somewhere down this path of my mission, I going to need to confront something in my past through this investigation?

Or maybe it is all something I shouldn't dwell on, as I remember that Agent Triumphant said he was feeling a bit less like himself ever since he left his world, away from the role Inkiverusus planned for him. Maybe I'm just going through the same motions he was. But I think if Inkiverusus wanted me to peremptorily be away from my god's influence to solve this case as a 4d chess move, Inkiverusus should know that I would go through this kind of experience similar to what Triumphant is going through, and should just have faith that this is part of the will of the world's plan.

Apologize for getting philosophic over a simple question. What do you think? And I have to wonder though, if you're not a part of our world, why did, and how did you become the leader in the Society of Perplexity? I know part of it was because Dervan helped you start a business at our world, but was there more to it than that?
No. 1021762 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 1021766 ID: d63ea8

Inner Thoughts: Don't think, only obey.

"Y-yes father."

*Threshold locks the door, undoes the latches affixing the doorframe to the wall and then brings it to Dino Dynamo.*

Inner Thoughts: And now you are truly alone. No connections. Back in your cage. Everything is now cold, and you feel yourself slowly drowning in the anguish. Part of still clings to some flicker of hope, and you can't bring yourself to crush it, not yet...

*Threshold places the doorway onto Dino Dynamo's desk before stepping back and lowering their head, waiting for his father to speak.*
No. 1021880 ID: 5f4030

There's not much to tell really. I was a young reckless man, a captain in the army. My unit was captured behind enemy lines. I was in their prison camps for 2 years and in that time they tortured me, experimented on me, and made me into what I am. Many of the methods they used on me I now use in my own interrogations.
No. 1021903 ID: b5fe3e

My turn. Is Ms. Algich actually dead? If so I would like to see the coroner's report. The reason I ask is anything you say cannot be taken at face value or ever truly trusted. Even without the horns.
No. 1022080 ID: e51896

Whoever wants to talk to me must be someone who knows both me and Dervan... maybe someone from the church? Or someone who works in law and criminal investigation, in which case a family member comes to mind...

To be honest, I'd rather much focus on our investigation before focusing on other things, but I have the feeling if I don't at least give the person a minute of my time, they're going to continue bugging Dervan. So lets get this out of the way.
No. 1022240 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 1022257 ID: b5fe3e

*pours a glass for himself*
The way I see things, just because my memories of it are perhaps implanted, doesn't make them any less real. Because everyone in our universe shares this common factor, does that not make our past any less real and the truth? I may have been created as I am, but my past is still mine, and the way I see this, things were set in motion that allowed those events spawning me to occur. I apologize, but this truth doesn't bother me as much. What was that old quote?
"I think, therefore I am." I still have a sense of my own destiny and my own individuality, and that is enough for me to get by.

As for the case, firstly, Algich is a capable woman. But I do not see her in a romantic light. She is good at her job, and more than deserving of being on our team. Rest assured I will not pursue a romantic engagement while working with her. Perhaps never, in fact. Romance and sex have never interested me. I shall talk to Dino when we are done.

I am more interested in how we will operate in the shadows. I assume that part of what we will be doing is pulling both double duty as both investigator, and inquisitor. You know my past and my skill in tortue and extracting confessions and answers, however the goal with that was always knowing how much pressure and pain to put on a person. Hurt them too much and they'll tell you anything and everything just to make it stop, and that is too unreliable to be useful. The goal is always to put in as much fear as you can to make them more afraid of you than of the consequences of telling their secrets.
No. 1022327 ID: d63ea8

Dino: "No need to be so tense, I know that you more fear than respect me."

Inner Thoughts: Straighten up, breathe slowly and stop looking like a cowed dog. Look at him while he is talking to you.

*He quietly listens.*

Dino: "But do look in the reflection on this mirror, it is different from the mirror in our world. This mirror will show you how we appear to others."

*Threshold looks at the mirror and quickly turns away from it.*

Inner Thoughts: Don't turn away -but it hurt to look at- you must see what he wants you to see.

*He slowly faces the mirror as his father continues.*

Dino: "Even if we physically leave the space of your world we are still marked by it, so I simply embraced it and not just embraced it but let it define me as well."

Inner Thoughts: you note how he said 'your world' not- Discard that. You see what he means -but you can't, there's nothing there- you must become what the world envisions you as -but there is no 'you' in there, it's just an endless tunnel of reflections-. It's why you came here and begged for a position because-

Dino: "-because in our world there is no future. That is why I needed to leave and fortunately managed to get the position as the diplomatic representative of our dimension even if I would rather be in any other world than our own. If anything, take this as my confession. For all the bad things that I did to you and her."

Inner Thoughts: part of you wishes to scream and cry, to- But that would be unbecoming of a son of a diplomat. Each action was necessary into making you the resource you are today -it makes you wonder if Dervan may have been right on some things, these choices were never yours to make- and for right now you still have a job to do. -BUT- You swallow the emotion, now is the time for initiative. Ask.

*Threshold turns back to his father.*

"What do you want me to do?"
No. 1022574 ID: e51896

hm, well I guess I'm one of those impartial folks as in my mindset, I've lived in that world my whole life, so I don't really have a frame of reference on that as I've been used to living in that world as opposed to living in another. I think that question applies more to Maya than me since she has visited other places longer than I have. I'll just say that it is my belief to keep an open mind to the possibility of the inevitability to motivate myself to move forward. What do you think of the question, Maya?

Well, Super Sailor Seaman, in any case, seeing as you are here, if you don't mind, I'd like to ask about our investigation so that we can still make some progress on the investigation while we wait on the phone call, mainly the robots that bird lady had in her world, and the robots Happy uses. I figured since you're a robot specialist, you might be interested in talking robotics.

Mainly, I remember you saying that the stick figured robots Happy uses, the Vincent security manikins as you called them, are mass produced security camera robots that can be bought anywhere. What were their origins, and where exactly might be a popular place to pick those up? If there is a specific place they are produced, we could probably find clues and cross reference who may have bought them from a specific place that sells them there since Happy tends to use them.

Also, I'm not sure if it relates to the investigation or not, but would be nice to know just in case. the bird woman we interrogated has those spider agriculture robots in her world... the arachnobot harvester mark 5 as you put it. I remember she said those robots were used to primarily produce food for some beings in her world so they can sleep and dream which her species can feast on. But she was going to say something else about the robots before Dervan interrupted ( https://questden.org/kusaba/draw/src/158938492808.jpg ). Do those arachnobots have any other function besides simply harvesting crops?

lastly, I sadly never saw the picture she drew of those robots since Dervan never gave us a chance to see them. Do you still have them on your person so I can see what she drew please?
No. 1022721 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 1022727 ID: 5f4030

Very well. I’m ready to begin whenever necessary, I just have to collect my instruments first.
No. 1022779 ID: d63ea8

Inner Thoughts: Dream or not, reality was a nightmare. Would you really turn your back on your purpose? This is what your life has been building towards.

*Threshold fidgets for a second.*

Inner Thoughts: But these aren't your thoughts, are they. No, what you are felling is crushing weight of expectation. Yet... you know that there isn't a choice to be made. Going back will just put you back into your glass cage, likely smothered in a haze of mediocrity and loneliness. Yet even this part of you isn't free of bias. Quiet yourself and think aloud.


Inner Thoughts: DON'T do that. You need perspective, you NEED to take a step back. YOU NEED-

*Threshold takes a few steps away from his father.*

"Quiet. Be quiet."

Inner Thoughts: ..!!-

*He grits his teeth.*

"I said quiet."

Inner Thoughts: ...

*He looks back at his father.*

"Y-you... You haven't really g-given me a proper choice. You're r-right, there is nothing back h-home f-for either of us, and... Mom would probably w-want to get on with her life w-without either of us. B-but I w-want to know more about this new role b-before I decide on anything, and c-choices on what I can and w-won't do."

*Threshold takes a deep breath to steady themselves.*

"You do seem different here, but as Dervan has shown, looks can be deceiving."
No. 1023097 ID: e51896

*The phone slips and drops from his hand and onto the floor as he stands there in silence trying to process the bad news*

I... I... Sorry, give me a moment. I... I need to... need to sit down and pray.

*he sits on the desk, and silently prays to the Will of the World to guide Millie's soul, whether dead or alive, his family's investigation on Millie's and everyone's disappearance, and for a sign of what this could mean, and what he should do next. Afterwards, he takes a breath and speaks with Maya and Super Sailor Seaman*

... My apologies. I needed a moment. I'm aware Inkiverusus probably couldn't hear my prayer as I'm not in my world where my prayer could be heard, but it gives me peace of mind, and I'm sure the Will of the World's vast knowledge most likely knew I was praying at that moment.

I don't want to go into too much details as with what Dervan and my brother had said, we shouldn't let this distract us from this important case with a lot at stake. From what I understood, my sister went on a cruise ship a few days ago after my arrival here without anyone's knowledge at the last minute, and then during the trip, the ship had reportedly went missing without a trace.

Right now, I have to have faith that this happened for a reason in the Will of the World's plan, and that this could likely be a test in some way for my family, my sister if she is still alive, and myself. I have faith that wherever my sister is right now, she is playing a part of Inkiverusus' plan.


Please don't worry about me or my family. My sister and family is smart and should get through their obstacles. We have our own obstacles to overcome on this case, and as my brother said, I can't let this distract me. our mission is highly important after all.
No. 1023169 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 1023229 ID: d63ea8

Inner Thoughts: [small}...overstepped...[/small]

*Threshold winces, but then shakes his head.*

"Perhaps not..."

*Threshold pulls out his notebook and pens a few additions before speaking:*

"To answer your question regarding Mr. Triumphant, I believe -uh- that Mr. Peregrine is the strongest candidate of the two if you were to by skill alone. He has good instincts, an encyclopedic knowledge of elements in this case and the various worlds surround them and -given context clues- is most likely from a professional legacy. While I do not fully extent of his background I would guess that he has participated in investigations before, possibly from a young age, and as an agent he functions quite well under his own direction. But-"

*Threshold flips to a blank page and writes:*
'He's not on your side.'
*He then closes the notebook and slips it back into his vest.*

"I don't think Mr. Triumphant is in need of a successor. Even from the very little I've interacted with him, he appears quite dedicated to his job and has already gathered a vast sum of information. While I do agree that his newer methods have become... eccentric, I believe that says more about the difficulty of the case rather than his conduct as an investigator."

Inner Thoughts: ...

*Threshold grits his teeth, takes a short shallow breath, then continues:*

"I also disagree on Mr. Glassrauder's assessment of Mr. Corax's abilities. While I will admit his is not as strong of an investigator as Mr. Peregrine he is still a very capable agent. What he requires is direction and oversight..."

*Threshold balls his hands into fists.*

"And that is something Mr. Glasshrauder will not be able to provide him."
No. 1023235 ID: 5f4030

It rarely ever is. Tell I do know of one method that will assist us greatly. Whom do we have on our staff that would not be squeamish about this line of work and would be willing to follow my and your orders and directions when given? Or shall we be on our own?
No. 1023592 ID: e51896

If you want to do that, I will not stop you and I would highly appreciate that. I just want to know, are you sure you won't be needed here for the investigation team during the rest of this investigation? you were really helpful during the interrogation. I don't want you or I getting in trouble.
No. 1023942 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 1023960 ID: e51896

Of course.
I believe it was 8/9/2019
And thanks so much, this means a lot to me with you offering to take this job. I'm still worried for her, but you looking into this will help eas some of the burden. I will pray to the Will of the World that you will succeed in help leading my sister on her destined path that the Will of the World has constructed for her safely.
No. 1023962 ID: d63ea8

Inner Thoughts: ...


Inner Thoughts: ...

*Threshold tries to stop his hand from shaking, and then takes a moment to breathe.*

"Yes. I should be to m-manage that."
No. 1023988 ID: 5f4030

Inner thoughts: DerVan feels he cannot escape his destiny, file that away for future possible motives against him.

A tragedy, I’m sure. But you didn’t answer my question.
No. 1024147 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 1024174 ID: c92605

I have chosen my own time and place to divulge the details of that meeting, I’m still it still gathering details in order to present them. Speaking of which I also have that other copy of the treaty for you.
No. 1024189 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 1024194 ID: 5f4030

Of course it was. What was that end exactly?
No. 1024222 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 1024237 ID: b5fe3e

Pass on the horns. But do go on.
No. 1024272 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 1024274 ID: b5fe3e

... Very well, nothing ventured nothing gained.
No. 1024294 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 1024303 ID: b5fe3e

*gently takes off the horns* Apparently these do not suit you either.

Honestly, you wonder why it is so hard to trust you. You keep everyone at arm's length. Imagine for a moment what would have happened if instead you created this and just told him it wasn't a parasite. He may have been even more willing to cooperate. It's incredibly hard to trust you DerVan, because you seem unable to tell the whole story. That doesn't make for a good partnership either.

The question I keep coming back to is this, what to do next. If you can get the artist in on the grift he might be more willing to cooperate. Hell, in the contract I wrote out for you it explicitly states that he MUST cooperate as long as you protect him. This seems incredibly needless. Mostly because I suspect that Happy IS someone in the tribunal, albeit perhaps unaware that they are. So by creating a decoy all you're really doing is putting him in harm's way, and caused him to panic. Do you think he will be willing to help us further if he knows that you planted it? You had a better chance just leaving him be.

The other flaw in this plan is if it doesn't trigger our senses in the Tribunal for Spirit Parasites, I doubt it will trigger Happy's either. Rather imagine this for a moment, Happy is either aware of this artist or he isn't. But if my suspicions are correct then once he knows that this artist has captured his image, it means he may have already drawn his actual face, or it may only be a matter of time until he does. The boy is already a target, and he knows that. I suspect that's partly the reason why he was willing to sign, not just to screw over Lorence.

What I suggest you do is just tell him that it's you, and you're monitoring him as a means of further protection. Should he be in danger from someone like Happy, you can easily call in the cavalry. Maybe you don't tell him exactly why it's looks like a spirit parasite so you can keep that as part of your plan. But I honestly do believe you will get further with this if you can at least bring him partly in on the grift. Hell, it may even score you brownie points with the Wolf Lord, he already sees you as an "eagle" this would probably just help solidify that.
No. 1024404 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 1024407 ID: 5f4030

I disapprove greatly of your methods, sir. I hope you take what I told you into greater consideration. Call me when our next assignment is in.
*gets up to leave and heads for the door* I’ll be at the hospital.
No. 1024510 ID: 8b82ee
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Well this is officially the end of the Evaluation time and now it's time to choose the next part of the story but there is the deal. You will have to guess which title refers to which story and in turn which one will you pick. So which title is referring to the investigation team and which one is referring to Ana's quest?

No. 1024576 ID: 5f4030

Bloody elephant: investigators
Poisonous snake: Ana
No. 1024619 ID: d63ea8

No. 1024830 ID: e51896

I'm personally thinking the other way around

but I'll go with the majority.
No. 1024891 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 1024896 ID: e51896

The investigators story
No. 1024936 ID: 5f4030

Either work for me so I’m down for whichever though I think the Ana story might be a little more interesting trying to save Delilah
No. 1024938 ID: 8b82ee

Oh, it is not trying to save her, just deliver her to Lorence. But as always it is up to you to choose.
No. 1024952 ID: d63ea8

Sure, let's go with the investigation sorry again.
No. 1025006 ID: d63ea8

Sure, let's go with the investigation story again.
No. 1025046 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 1025061 ID: e8c736

Inner thoughts: Millie will be fine... Millie WILL be fine... Have faith that she is fulfilling her destiny that the Will of the World set for her just like I am. Inkiverusus is testing my faith, and I must accomplish my mission in the name of Inkiverusus... Super Sailor Seaman will save her. Focus on the mission
No. 1025064 ID: 5f4030

Inner thoughts: Let's think... Peregrine, Threshold, and Algich. I think they are the only ones I can completely trust here. I don't even trust DerVan, and he certainly hasn't given me any reasons to. I figure at the very least the more I work with him the less time he has to worry about messing with them.
No. 1025098 ID: d63ea8

Inner Thoughts: It feels as though a crushing weight has been taken off of you, and then was replaced with another equally heavy one. Your being tested with your own autonomy, but with the strictest of guidelines in order to discern your worth.

"Three questions isn't a lot to work with..."

Inner Thoughts: No it is not. This will require a more strategic approach. You'll have to present questions that give implications alongside answers. Ideally you're just trying to put together a profile to work with, but part of you wonders-

"...for what reason though? To narrow down suspects?"

Inner Thoughts: It's been a while since you've ever asked 'why'. Though based on that stunt you pulled back with father, it seems that you're trying to prod at your boundaries. You should be worried about what he will do in response to that.

"But right now that doesn't matter."

Inner Thoughts: Correct. Supposedly you'll be talking to the god that created you. Going off of Dervan's impression, he would have made you with an unescapable purpose. Yet that thought leaves you somewhat... unsatisfied? Most of your life has had you being shaped into what your father needed, so based on that, this interaction won't be much different.

*Threshold takes out his pen and notebook, flipping to a blank page.*
No. 1025102 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 1025103 ID: b5fe3e

Yes, well I see you as a valuable member of the team. I've already written Mr. Domino asking for you to be reinstated upon your full recovery and the doctor's have signed off on your paperwork. Heh, I hope the newest doctors tending you are not related to the ones we put behind bars. As for what I am doing here, I am checking on the well being of a good colleague and fellow investigator. You did an exemplary job back there. I knew you were stage worthy.
No. 1025157 ID: d63ea8

Inner Thoughts: You dug this hole yourself. Now you will have to try and collect the pieces without any of Peregrine's insight or Corax's fortitude. Even more so you will have to succeed where other more experience investigators have failed. This will require an unorthodox approach. Skip introductions and sidestep his complaints, show him that you are different from his expectations. Breathe.

*Threshold breathes in and then asks:*

"Are you proud of your creations?"

Inner Thoughts: That's your first one.
No. 1025482 ID: e51896

whispering voice: Yeah, I read about and was briefed the painting and what the incident it was involved in. I’m not going to rule out that what it said was true about it not working for Happy, but I also think there maybe a possibility of direct, or indirect manipulation if you compare this incident with the other incident with the previous person I interrogated, the bird, even if the painting knew it was working with Happy or not. I do have questions I want to address, but first, it might be best to let it know about some unfortunate facts we had learned to get it in a certain frame of mind.

*ahem* Mad World, was it? Hi, I’m Agent Peregrine. I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but unfortunately, your statement of you being in no danger from Happy is incorrect. You interacted with Ana during that incident, correct? If that is the case, she most likely would have been with her spirits at that time.

And during that time, those spirits were… you could say… haunted by another more powerful spirit known as Essence of Life, who had been watching their every move, and forcing them into roads they did not want to go in. And as it was proven, Essence had worked very closely with Happy at the time. The fact that you interacted with Ana meant that Essence had seen you, what you have done, and where you are, and as such, most likely reported to Happy all about you.

To top it off, we unfortunately found a mole in our investigation team rather recently, showing proof that we have traitors spying on us, planted somehow by Happy, or maybe even turned traitor by them. There’s no doubt that Happy could order one of these spies to get to you at any time… With these facts in mind, I’m sorry to say that the evidence says otherwise that you are incorrect on being in no danger, which you could understand my partner’s concern for your safety.
No. 1025568 ID: 8b82ee
File 164669135088.jpg - (2.79MB , 3508x2542 , Divergent 167.jpg )

No. 1025572 ID: b5fe3e

That's good, I am glad to know you have a clean bill of health. On the subject of your removal however, I admit, we did go off script for that meeting. As such that blame falls upon our heads, not yours. I wrote this in my report to Domino, that if anyone should bear the burden of failure it is not you. The main things I highlighted to him was the one thing that is both a useful to a detective and an actress. You have a background in theatre and acting, what happens when an actor is on the stage and flubs a line? The same thing when a detective misses a piece of evidence. They must adapt and improvise, and find a new way forward that will get them back on track. They may get disheartened, it happens to the best of us, but they press on. Such is exactly what I saw from you on that stage. Domino would be a fool to not reassign you to our department.

What's more is something I notice that many here do not have, not even me, Empathy. You are able to think our targets because you can empathize and understand their emotions and build a better profile of their moral character. That is something any detective worth their salt would want on their team. As for why Domino suggested a removal is also in part on me. He doesn't want... romantic attachments forming between team members. He felt you and I might have been too close and that it might become a detriment to the team.
No. 1025598 ID: d63ea8

*Threshold's pen hovers over his notepad.*


Inner Thoughts: He caught you off-guard. In less than a minute this creator -your creator- has already echoed the feelings you have with your old life, and even evoked your name... It makes you wonder- Discard that for now. Treat it as coincidence for now, but keep an eye out for additions to this pattern. Be honest with your surprise.

"I... must admit that wasn't what I was expecting. Though it seems like this place always has something up its sleeve."

Inner Thoughts: Openly dissect his words, show him how you are listening.

*He sets his pen and notepad to the side.*

"Then it sounds like that we also failed you. You built us-"

*Gestures to himself.*

"-as tools. Each with a specific function and as an extension of your own will. But instead of letting you rely on us, we did the opposite, and chose to hang off of you. If something you built was not only failing in its purpose, but was also harming you in the process, then the simplest solution would be to discard those creations."

Inner Thoughts: Keep you observations to what is objective. Either he underestimates you -unlikely- and doesn't believe you can grasp any deeper nuance, thus lowering his guard, or he might start assessing you, giving you access to his thought pattern. Continue with the exercise.

"But, if those tools avoided said destruction, then that ultimately shows the strength of their creator. Thus allowing us to be a mark of pride for you as we reach ever higher, even if we didn't suit what you built us for."

Inner Thoughts: But note how he used the word 'adorable'. He still sees you as beneath him in the overall hierarchy, hence him being the scientist and you the medicine. That indicates a level on emotional distance. You are a thing, not a child, in this relationship. It makes you wonder how sore a point it must be that a bunch of 'mutated medicine' was able to beat him. Keep it as a tactic in your back pocket. Continue his conversion, but avoid questions. Let him choose the direction.

"It must be interesting to see things in their entirety, beginning to end. Especially when events take a turn towards the unexpected."
No. 1025617 ID: e51896

Nothing to offer? hum. Perhaps. But then again, that is an interesting contradiction as it seems like you were looking to get something out of Ana... I'd like to bring up that from the records that even though you tried to kill Ana, you were also hiding within her for a very brief moment after she was rescued and before the Mad Creator caught you hiding within her.

Maybe perhaps that is something you want, an escape from the Mad Creator or from here? or perhaps you wanted to help Ana make the world burn? What could it be...?

Makes me wonder, hypothetically, how would you feel if you were offered to hide within me like what you were trying to do with Ana before she alerted your presence to the Mad Creator and had him pluck you out?

And that does actually raise a question... was it the goal of the person who removed the protective layer from your painting to kill Ana, or were they actually trying to get you to tag alongside her by hiding within her... whichever the answer to this could help give a clearer picture of what that person was trying to accomplish with you... whoever it was...

and by the way, would you like us to remove the covers off your painting?
No. 1025780 ID: 8b82ee
File 164687236904.jpg - (3.25MB , 3157x3333 , Divergent 168.jpg )

No. 1025811 ID: 3e7c34

No, we most assuredly did not start off well. To what do I owe you the pleasure?

Inner thoughts: You pointed a gun at us and tried to give us a test of “willpower” and put our team member in the hospital. I what I’d like to do is arrest you and put you behind bars.
No. 1025832 ID: 8b82ee
File 164691010276.jpg - (380.72KB , 1490x828 , Divergent 169.jpg )

No. 1025839 ID: b5fe3e

*pinches the bridge of his nose*

Perhaps one who says one thing, but thinks another.

Inner thoughts: For example, I wish you would just get to the point already.
No. 1025934 ID: d63ea8

Inner Thoughts: 'That specific point where something is heading toward its destruction while still not knowing about it.' It makes you worry that you might be heading along that path, seeing as you are at least entertaining enough to be humored by this Mad Creator. Though inversely that could be equally stated about Happy or his mole. Time will tell. Return to your more professional stance.

*Threshold picks up his notebook and writes the following:*
Mad Creator - Values personal freedom (above all else?) - - Felt true emotion after traveling to another dimension - Values self (even at expense of others) - - Is "proud" of creations - Prefers to remain impersonal (attachment would limit freedom)

*He then looks back up to Mad Creator.*

Inner Thoughts: He's already come into this with the assumption of being accused, deflecting from that would come across as disingenuous. List the reasons it seems possible, but prepare a subversion.

"Well, as you say, you have habit of running away from consequences. And based off of what we have seen of Happy, some of his skills do line up with yours: Happy seems very knowledgeable about the Dimensional Tribunal and its protocols, managing to stay a step ahead in every regard. He seems very adept at making his own creations, even if the majority of what we've found so far have been robotic. And he seems to have connections with a wide range of individuals, each from vastly different dimensions."

Inner Thoughts: Ready.

*Threshold leans forward in his chair.*

"You'd also have the most to gain if something were to happen to the Tribunal."

Inner Thoughts: Switch.

*He immediately relaxes and leans back.*

"But if that were the case we wouldn't be talking right now. There is something here that the other investigators are missing, but I don't think it is the fact that you're Happy."

Inner Thoughts: Now provoke a reaction by giving some proprietary knowledge.

"I think that you're trying to protect someone, but that person isn't Happy."
No. 1027147 ID: e51896

hummm... interesting. So you admitted just now that you were approached by one of Happy's robots to kill Ana even after you claimed that Happy doesn't even know who you are and where you are... Care to explain this contradiction? And why did you follow those instructions?
No. 1027268 ID: 8b82ee
File 164820260392.jpg - (2.63MB , 3508x2517 , Divergent 170.jpg )

No. 1027275 ID: f22305

So essentially what this was all for, was baseless bravado? For shame.

Inner thoughts: I wear most of this outfit on my have for the sake of others. Heavens know what Algich would say should she see my real face.

And I’m sorry, but I am not familiar with why your people should carry such a harsh reputation. If this is anything to go on one might only assume your kind are cruel pranksters. If you wish to maintain yourself as this rough and tumble gunslinger, then why could your actions not speak for themselves? As it is now revealing the game just unveils the charade.
No. 1027338 ID: d63ea8

Inner Thoughts: Make another note, but don't give a response yet.

*Threshold flips their notebook back open and adds:*
- Susceptible to flattery(?) - Still has expectations for 'creations he's bullied'

Inner Thoughts: Your tactic definitely threw him off. Capitalize on that, push harder.

*He sets the notebook to the side.*

"I think what you've been doing is wasting our time."

Inner Thoughts: The next part will be hard. You will need to feign ignorance so this Ana isn't implicated, but also give enough details to goad Mad Creator. Weigh you words carefully.

"We have testimony from those close to the case that you helped this individual after they had been targeted, and that there has been very deliberate action to hide this person from the Tribunal's view. I don't think you are Happy, or are even working with them, but you do have a reason for doing this."

Inner Thoughts: Now drop a pointed hint of where you are looking.

"Let me remember how Fortune put it again... ah! 'I think Happy has been manipulating things to force us into making choices that seem like the right answer.'"

Inner Thoughts: Now watch him closely.

"You've been through countless interrogations, questioned by all manner of teams, yet we haven't gotten any closer to finding Happy. Even though you appear to be the obvious and 'right' choice. So by that logic, if you were to make the 'wrong choice' you might get closer to truth."

*Threshold leans forward, staring intensely at Mad Creator.*

"And I choose to believe that you aren't Happy."
No. 1028297 ID: e51896

to answer your question, it's pretty much from what I am gathering: you stated you were given instructions to kill Ana from one of Happy's robots, and yet you refused... however during the incident, you attacked Ana anyway... I can gather that you either tried to kill her not for Happy, but for yourself... OR you never intended to kill her during that incident that entire time, but do actually do something else with her...

I think I'd like to hear your testimony to get a full picture of what happened please. Specifically from the time you had that protective layer removed, met with one of Happy's robots, to meeting Ana herself, to being put in the attic.

inner thoughts: one thing I'm wondering is HOW he even knew that was one of Happy's robots... Best to bring it up during testimony...
No. 1028335 ID: 8b82ee
File 164920829516.jpg - (4.12MB , 3508x3426 , Divergent 171.jpg )

No. 1028433 ID: 5f4030

*looks between him and Algich.*

Interesting. Perhaps redemption for you is possible. What do you think Ms. Algich? I purpose we give this young man an impromptu interview to see if he would fit in with our staff. That being said however if you accept I suggest that you abandon your gunslinger persona however, at least for a time. If people saw us working with you after the event with Algich, it may give an odd impression.
No. 1029046 ID: e51896

inner thoughts: hmm. his eyes keep bulging whenever he talks about the job the robot gave him...

I think I should bring up the contradiction that kind of shows the reason for this questioning. I don't feel that you are currently being completely honest, whether it is to protect yourself or a different person whether it be from you being manipulated, or on purpose

A person I interrogated earlier talked about how she was given a job long ago to help whoever had summoned her, not knowing who it would be at the time, and that job required saving that person by helping them become a different person through a soul switch... the person who offered this job was interestingly enough one of Happy's robots, and the person she was ordered by the robot to help save was Ana...

Now the contradiction here is that while the Happy robot ordered her to help Ana, the Happy robot in your case gave you the order to kill Ana, which doesn't line up with Happy's actions, even if you were only pretending to kill Ana... I want to be absolutely sure if you were indeed ordered to kill Ana and you were pretending, or were actually ordered to assist her in some way, because right now what we know does not line up with what you have stated and it could be a possibility you're lying... for all we know, you could have probably been ordered to pretend to kill Ana as part of assisting her... maybe as a way to fool somebody else, like Ana's spirits
No. 1029124 ID: d63ea8

Inner Thoughts: Good. Now he's taking you seriously, but you may have pushed too hard. He's asking for your source, and you can't give that, not when others might be watching. Misdirect him with Fortune's testimony, and dodge past his first question.

"While you aren't wrong, the Tribunal still don't have the full picture in regards to Ana's death. Lorence didn't kill her, Happy did. We have testimony from a one 'Fortune Ana' stating that her spirit escaped Lorence's attempted execution, and was instead captured and destroyed by Happy."

Inner Thoughts: Now circle back to him, since he has created another parallel, and another comparison to reinforce your point.

"But seeing as she was a major facet of Happy's overall scheme, it does seem strange that Ana was disposed of so quickly. As much as you say that she was a lost cause, Happy seemed interested in directing her every move, right up to the very end. Not even mentioning the hassle Essence had put her through."

"You say that Ana was just a 'momentary amusement,' quite opposite from her slew of antagonists, who each seemed hellbent on destroying her."

Inner Thoughts: Present some skepticism. As dangerous as this topic is, you can roll back too quickly.

"So either you're lying, or there is something more at play."

Inner Thoughts:Shift topics so that he can't pick at your deflection.

"Why did you find an interest in her? Even if it was only 'momentary.'"
No. 1029229 ID: 8b82ee
File 164989835694.jpg - (3.83MB , 3508x3286 , Divergent 172.jpg )

No. 1029255 ID: e51896

hmmm... I wonder. The cameras didn't catch what was going on... what if he didn't witness the robot? or maybe a different robot? or maybe no robots at all, but something else... if that's the case...

May you please explain to us in full detail what the robot who gave you the order to kill Ana looked like?
No. 1029385 ID: b5fe3e

We are actually not seeing each other Ms. Algich, I saved her under our first interrogation as I saw the value in her and what she might bring when examining suspects and being able to read people. She is actually the first member of a team I am trying to build. And I had hoped you would be of them.

And ma'am while I'm flattered the sentiment, but we not even on a first name basis yet. I would like to know that before you purpose taking me to bed. However, it is fortuitous you've arrived.

Inner thoughts: Even if you got me into the bedroom, you would be sorely disappointed.

As for you young man, this team I am looking to build is going to be working with me on investigating the situation. My... "Practicals" I will be calling them I think. Given that I and my current team are working independently for the foreseeable future, I will need a new team. That is where you all come in.

What we are is one who works within the law but is not afraid to get hands dirty if need be. While my colleagues work in the light, we are the ones who operate in the shadows. It may be distasteful at times, and perhaps downright unpleasant, and that's putting it politely. I understand if you any of you have objections. You don't need to explain your reasoning, only a yes or no. But here's what I see in each of you that would make you an asset to the team.

Algich, you are calculating, and considerate. You are able to put forth other ideas build off of foundations for others. You were instrumental to putting the doctor behind bars. That is not a talent I would see wasted.

Madam, your abilities speak for themselves. You have a key for empathy meaning you can know a suspect perhaps better than they know themselves. With that comes invaluable tool and asset that any detective worth their salt would want.

Young man, you put on a good show. You had us all convinced that you were something you are not. How familiar with undercover agents are you? If we are able to get an in with a suspect and able to plant you in as a mole, that might be just the ticket.

Each of you has a value here, and that is something I admire. Whether any of you accept my proposal or not is entirely up to you. You don't even have to accept right away.
No. 1030100 ID: d63ea8

Inner Thoughts: You wonder why he lied about something so easy disproven. Have you really unbalanced him that much? It seems... unlikely. Better to humble, assume that this is a tactic. Going off that basis, why would the Mad Creator let himself be caught in a lie? To cast suspicion on himself and pull the focus of the conversation back to him? Perhaps. Let him regain his footing before your next attack.

"Go ahead."

Inner Thoughts: You need to disprove his statements without indicating that he is Happy. He's trying to bait you into making a full accusation, and will likely shoot down any implications you make. This requires a feint. Withdraw, redirect, then strike.

*Threshold waits for the Mad Creator to finish before continuing.*

"I'm merely being thorough. There are a lot of unknowns that surround this case, and by asking these sorts of question the Tribunal can get a better picture of what is truly going on."

"You say that Ana is valued based off of her previous lives, but if that were the whole story then you would think that the more vocal elements of her would play a greater role in all this. I mean Essence was there for a while, but here sole focus seemed to be on this new Ana, similar to Happy."

Inner Thoughts: Redirect.

"Not to say that this most recent Ana is entirely without merit. I mean she was able to defeat the *very first* Ana after all, and has popped up on the Tribunal's radar once or twice before her untimely demise. A report here and there."

Inner Thoughts: Now strike, but with care.

"One that comes to mind was a rather unfortunate encounter with one of the paintings here in the Tribunal's gallery. A one 'Mad World' I believe. If you hadn't intervened at that time as well... I'm sure that it would've ended much sooner for her."

*Threshold leans forward on the table a bit.*

"So lets stop saying that she was a 'momentary amusement' to you. Otherwise we won't get anywhere."
No. 1030227 ID: 8b82ee
File 165085166013.jpg - (5.36MB , 3508x4385 , Divergent 173.jpg )



No. 1030687 ID: e51896

hm, well I haven't explained the reason why I removed the covers off of you. I know you mentioned you don't really like seeing our faces as nothing seems real, and everything is fake from what you are seeing on our side. But I find that interesting for a painting to say since that's what most people think about paintings: they're fictitious, BUT they serve a purpose to the audience who views them, to use symbolism to spark interpretations for people to think a certain way to have them come to a certain conclusion. Same how you view us or everything and everyone else looking at us from your perspective if you think about it.

It must be aggravating for people to ask many things of you, the robot asking you to kill Ana, all of us interrogating you, but not once have they look at you for what you are as a painting, thus not being able to fulfill your given role you were destined to play.

So that is why I wanted to remove your covers, to actually [ilook[/i] at you, and appreciate what you are as it was intended for you to be as a painting. And what a beautiful painting you are I must say. If I had to interpret what you were to represent by what I am seeing, it would be how the stresses and misery, and worries of the world effects the human's mental state into insanity. Stuff like the passage of time, forest fires, mushroom clouds from wars. It's telling that your head is just as round as a planet to represent those stresses that is caused around the world that could lead to madness, hence your title "Mad World" It's not an actual world though, but a symbolic world with the person being representation of that world, and the deadly miseries that effect that world, or rather, that person to go mad themselves

To be honest as I'm saying it and looking at you, a lot of the misery on you relates to death. Perhaps that's the intention of what you as an art piece represents, how the stresses of death in many shapes and forms could lead one to go mad...

of course, this would be how I would interpret you as a painting, people come to their own conclusions based off of what they see, and their own experiences. Maya Din might have a different conclusion to what you as a painting could represent for example.

Perhaps that robot when he spoke to you had a different idea in mind when they saw you and interpreted you as a bringer of death instead of one that is going mad from the fear of death... or perhaps they thought of you as someone who suffered so much from what you represent as a painting that they thought you wanted to cause suffering to someone to ease the pain... but hey, I never saw your and the robot's interaction to draw my own conclusions or interpretations, so I can't quite interpret what that Happy Robot wanted to convey to you, especially if you see everything from at our side as fake an unreal like an art piece.

a picture is worth a thousand words after all, especially the real beautiful artistic ones such as yourself... a shame you had to hide in the attic to hide that beauty all because of that robot...
No. 1030925 ID: 8b82ee
File 165142387341.jpg - (2.61MB , 3508x2299 , Divergent 174.jpg )

No. 1031014 ID: b5fe3e

I will take the note as my bill for your dress. As soon as you are discharged Ms. Algich, I hope to see you join me.

And it's a pleasure to have you on the team Ms. Vizzvil, and by the sound of things your speciality will be quite the asset, welcome aboard. Your first assignment is to begin looking into other members of the tribunal, I suspect we have a traitor in our midst and I need a list of the most likely suspects that fit the profile of someone working with, or perhaps is, Happy the Tragedy Phantom.

As for you my nameless companion, I can't just go around calling you "Miss" so I suppose a title will have to be given to you, if not an outright name, perhaps something like "Soul Oculus?" We'll workshop it. I plan on visiting our "good doctor" in jail sometime this afternoon for further questioning, and given your abilities I will need you be my emotional lie detector for me.
No. 1031070 ID: d63ea8

Inner Thoughts: Odd comment about the drink, shelve it for now. With a possible poisoner on the loose, best be on guard. You focus on the Mad Creators description of Ana. He seems fascinated with her, though that appears to be a common thread when it comes to Ana. Answer his question, use it as a chance to think aloud.

"Well, judging from the name, they are Ana's voice in one way or another, but that could be in a less literal sense. From my limited knowledge on them, they seem to advocate for her, and try to act with her 'best interests in mind.' To my understanding Essence also shared this goal, albeit in a very twisted manner."

*Threshold pauses.*

Inner Thoughts: But if they are all similar, then wouldn't that also mean some of Essence's actions might be mirrored in these 'current voices?' Explore that.

"Going from that basis, one could say that Ana's voices control her actions in the same way Essence tried to. Though perhaps in a more subtle way."

Inner Thoughts: Your familiar with making choices that weren't truly yours. Father always had a habit of guiding you behind the scenes.

"The common thread in your story was how Ana had changed based off of what others did for her or to her. Her own thoughts didn't seem to be a factor."

Inner Thoughts: You only have one question left before you hit the limit imposed by father, best safe it. Merely speculate, let the Mad Creator take the initiative back.

"So if all these forces are being pulled into Ana's path, and each leave their own mark in one way or another, then it seems that she was being made into something. Something powerful. And if Ana is controlled by her voices, them someone wants them to make a choice."

Inner Thoughts: Happy's involvement could explain why these interactions took place in such rapid succession, but to what end? If Ana is a vessel, then what is her purpose? Perhaps a weapon?
No. 1031753 ID: e51896

I'm sorry, but that doesn't correspond with what we already know. Based off the artist rendition and from other sources we received, the Happy robot legs are not as slender as the arms as you say they are and they are usually concealed by their wardrobe to even make that distinction...
No. 1031877 ID: 8b82ee
File 165227205819.jpg - (3.53MB , 3508x3109 , Divergent 175.jpg )

No. 1031959 ID: d63ea8

Inner Thoughts: Why show off the cameras? Is it a way to put you on guard, or a way to establish trust? Either way, if the Mad Creator is willing to be more candid with you, then you need to reciprocate. It will be the best way to keep him open like this. Share the way DeRvan used the communicator, but overstate surprise as a way to lampshade detail, the integrity of the investigation needs to be preserved.


*Threshold hesitates.*

"Thank you sharing the cameras, their footage could be useful in narrowing down our list of suspects, but that can wait till later."

Inner Thoughts: Now for his questions.

"As for DeRvan's method of contact, it kind of took the agents and I by surprise. He ushered us to a room where a pair of communicators were set up, and had used a piece of Ana to attune them properly. Most of this was prepared ahead of time of course, and it seemed like DeRvan had been staging it for a while."

Inner Thoughts: But the Mad Creator did give the implication that those devices may not have been actually used. Leading to the question of 'how did the voices get there?' Maybe they latched onto Peregrine and Corax themselves? But if that were the case, then how were they not aware of you in the adjoining room? Unless...

*Threshold focuses for a moment, and then looks back up to the Mad Creator.*

"I'm no technician, but you obviously are. If DeRvan set up a pair of dummy stations that didn't do anything, none of us would be the wiser. But if that were the case..."

Inner Thoughts: Then the voices can show up at any time, so long as they believe that they can be there. A very frightening hypothesis. You hope that it's false. It would certainly add a whole new layer of depth to DeRvan's charades. Prod at the Mad Creator, see if he has the same thought.

"It's very i-interesting that you draw a connection between the voices and the agents I work with. DeRvan was the one who likely chose who got to talk with who, and he always makes such choices for a reason."

Inner Thoughts: And there has been some similarities that have been bugging you a bit. You initially brushed them off as coincidence, but it is becoming more apparent that everything has its reasons.

"If I were to make a particular note, it would be that each agent was paired up with their opposite, rather than their double. Scarred Ana mentioned that she had been a soldier, one that had even undergone torture, something I suspect Mr. Corax has also experienced. Meanwhile Mr. Peregrine has a vast and comprehensive understanding of the various element at play, both in this dimension and possibly others. Fortune Ana's knowledge bordered on the encyclopedic."

Inner Thoughts: There were definitely differences in underlying speech pathology, but you can't shake the 'same-ness' that was present. Redirect back to the Mad Creator, have him explain why he lead you down this line of thought.

"But of course my view of things is far more limited than one such as yourself. As their creator, I imagine you have a far greater understanding of how my colleagues and I work. I would be interested in hearing your own thoughts."
No. 1032117 ID: b5fe3e

Inner thoughts: I've had enough of this.

... Let me be very blunt with you, with all of you. There is one thing that makes a team work, that is respect. I respect your ability to read people, its an asset and one that is not to be taken lightly. I respect Algich's ability to read situations. I respect Vizzvill investigative qualities and disguises.

HOWEVER, using any of your abilities on your teammates when it is not asked for is not only disrespectful, it is insulting. If you are to be on this team I have a certain expectations of all of you. I will not have you try one up each other through petty insults. I will be holding everyone on this team to a higher standard than that. The first rule of any team is always this. "I will watch your back, you will watch mine." Is that understood?

You are all on this team now, act like it.
No. 1033398 ID: e51896

You're looking a bit nervous. Everything alright? you did state that you are in no danger as Happy doesn't know where you are, considering you are hiding out in this attic. Is something wrong? You shouldn't have any problems

[inner thoughts: Right now, as it stands, if we were to deduce as to who the living person who removed his protective layer and gave him that order to kill Ana which he disobeyed, we can figure that it is someone who knows where he currently is right now, can still hurt him if he told us the truth despite being as hidden and safe as he claims he is in this attic, and was also somebody who had knowledge of who he is and what he's capable of, and is someone who had access to shutting off the cameras... hmmm...

*whispers to Maya* Maya, as of right now, are there cameras in this room observing this interrogation? I have a feeling that this painting is fearing that the person who gave him that mission to kill Ana might have access to what the security cameras is recording, and is worried that revealing the perpetrator will retaliate if he squeals who it is on the footage right now... What do you think?
No. 1033526 ID: 8b82ee
File 165347039022.jpg - (4.32MB , 3294x3848 , Divergent 176.jpg )

No. 1033537 ID: d63ea8

Inner Thoughts: The Mad Creator is right, the eyes of the tribunal are set squarely on your investigation team. Part of you hopes that by being absent from the assembly you might be sheltered from the public's eye, but that is just wishful thinking. Father wants you to meet and exceed the expectations placed on you, hence the limit of three questions. Shelve this for now, focus on the information provided to you.

*Threshold opens up his notebook and adds the following:*
-> Created the form, not the purpose - Finds Will of the World to be more of a threat than Happy - - She may be influencing the investigation - - - Focus towards progress and drama (Happy connection?)

*Threshold then flips back to the respective pages of Peregrine and Corax before hesitating.*

Inner Thoughts: Part of you pauses, can you even trust your own actions? DeRvan's claims about the 'strings' don't seem quite as far-fetched now. Perhaps this is why Triumphant acts with such hesitation, because he isn't sure of his own cognition either. No. You can't let yourself be paralyzed into inaction. For now go off the assumption that your faculties are still yours. If... other evidence comes up, then this subject can be readdressed.

*Threshold breathes, then writes a single note on each page:*
- Possibly made by Will of the World - - Potentially Compromised

*He then quickly flips the notebook shut and sets his pen to the side.*

"This 'Will of the World' does seem like a worrying entity, and a lot of their acts appear similar to Happy themselves."

Inner Thoughts: It makes you wonder if Happy is just another one of her playthings. Yet part of you still worries that Triumphant and possibly others could be compromised. Perhaps that is why DeRvan chooses to 'act his role.' If you don't stray too far away from your given purpose, there is no need to be directly controlled, and a 'good puppet' might not be as well supervised. Part of you wishes to use your last question, but you need to save it. If there was a way to evade Will of the World's control, then Triumphant would have already asked the Mad Creator.

"You say that she might already be extending into other dimensions. I'm curious, seeing as you were the 'main villain' of her performance you should know a lot of her tricks. It might even explain the uncanny similarities you have with Happy, since he is obviously the 'new villain' of this entire investigation."
No. 1033741 ID: b1d746

… *Sigh*

Algich, I admit that you are a beautiful woman, and had you asked me that very question we’re I not on the job I would have gladly accepted any sort of romantic liaisons. However, given the circumstances and who I am and what I do I would want to sully your name. I am already asking you to take a large risk by being on a team where I will be doing less savory work behind closed doors. We are currently in a den of vipers, and any one who would use you as a potential target to get to me or our team cannot be risked. A relationship right now would put us in too much danger. Once this is over however? I will gladly accept your feelings. I can only hope to the kind of man you see me as.
*leans over and gives her a kiss on the forehead*
I’m afraid that will have to suffice as payment for your suit for now.
No. 1034797 ID: e51896

Hm... Maya, Just a thought, it might be stupid, but weirder things has happened... what if while he was lying about talking to Happy's robot, what if he was telling the truth about the person talking to him not having legs? or at least literally not have legs at the time of speaking to him? He Could of had a slip of the tongue on his part there, and would explain why he could not explain what the legs looked like since there was no legs to be seen...

inner thoughts: I had some small suspicions before and am really starting to think it's him after considering other things... he does have prothetics after all... If that is the case... then *sigh*... it might be impossible since he's being taken care of... but... now I'm wondering...

Maya, can you please tell me, is Triumphant currently being monitored by the investigation team ever since he fainted? and not just by camera? I'm assuming and hoping he obviously is, but... are we absolutely sure he's being monitored for safety where he's being treated at? can we check to make sure?

inner thoughts: please tell me he is, because if he isn't...
No. 1034866 ID: 8b82ee
File 165510295745.jpg - (4.15MB , 3080x4457 , Divergent 177.jpg )

No. 1034899 ID: 5f4030

Interesting... What is your impression of Sir Dino? Why wouldn't he want you working this case beyond just "affections?" I hypothesize because it would shift your loyalty away from him. It's very possible he knows more about this case than he is letting on.

And following this line of thought, how close would you say he is to Zirzam? I found out that Zirzam knows the identity of Happy the Tragedy Phantom. What I do not understand is why he who would withhold this information from the Tribunal, especially when he is so high ranking. Moreover, is it known to others that he knows? If so and he is withholding his information, then he may be a guilty party to this.

This is our first assignment, we need to begin to chip away at Zirzam without letting him know we are on to him. If we can learn what he knows, we are a step closer to solving this case. And no matter what Algich, Zirzam and his associates cannot be trusted. One of them is a zealot and would be willing to kill for him at a moments notice. Be on your guard when around them. Your part of this mission is to use the one thing I know you excell at, charm.

I want you to watch for anyone who is suspicious within OUR team. This includes figures like Dino, or anyone who allies with us on a temporary basis. If you suspect someone's loyalty to the cause then you must be the one to help uproot it.
No. 1035109 ID: e51896

inner thoughts: hmm... Maya does have a point, Triumphant is being monitored... but... hm... Why do I get the feeling something is not right about that... like I still suspect him despite the contrary... If I truly believe Triumphant is Happy, that would mean that when he was taken to the medical center, he must have been switched with a decoy or a body double when they had the opportunity when no one was looking before arriving in the medical area...
Seems like I'll need more evidence, especially since Maya is not convinced. For now, I'll drop it, but keep that possibility in mind. There are just too many factors that keep leading me to believe it's Triumphant, even when I try not to believe it...

Thank you, Verederius the IV.

For now, we'll interrogate another suspect or witness who was around the area at the time.
No. 1035176 ID: d63ea8

Inner Thoughts: Hmm. Given that comparison, there are minute differences in how both Happy and The Will of the World act. But it does lead to question of why she is apparently interfering with the investigation, if one were to believe DeRvan's claim.

"It seems like DeRvan has been quite insistent on there being a power influencing things from the shadows. Odd that he would mention it to a potential suspect."

Inner Thoughts: Unfortunately that means relevant information about The Will of the World is likely back down to one source. With two people there can at least be the option to cross-reference, but if the main source of all this information is DeRvan, then there a reasonable chance that some if not all of this speculation is utterly fictitious.

*Threshold clenches his hand and then relaxes.*

Inner Thoughts: Simmer down, it is annoying that this line of inquiry could just be a wild goose chase, but the act of conversation has drawn the Mad Creator in, and that is something you can capitalize on. If DeRvan mentioned this note to the Mad Creator then it is obvious that he wanted the conversation to be steered down this line of thinking. If you were still following it, then the next logical step would be to ask your colleagues, or about the strings DeRvan mention. As a result it would lend credence to the idea that Triumphant is compromised and the necessity of him being removed from the case. Be thankful that you caught it in time. Take a moment to regroup.

*Threshold grabs his notebook and reviews its contents.*

Inner Thoughts: You mind keeps drifting to that one nameless person of interest mentioned in your first interrogation. The woman who had stabbed out her eye with her own horn. Your first assumption would be Ana, as she always seems to be hounded by Happy, going off of the testimony of her voices. The only 'Ana' that has horns who appeared in this case was Essence, and she was Happy's ally. But if all iterations of Ana start from the same basic state, then it wouldn't be impossible if the 'current version' to also grew horns. The underlying question would be 'why.' Pivot off the thought of cause and effect.

"I can get your point on how the two methodologies differ. Happy uses tools to enact their will, while The Will of the World uses the environment. I suppose an apt comparison would be with that of a surgeon and chemist respectively. A surgeon interacts with the subject directly, fixing what is broken and removing what is harmful. A chemist adds or removes various elements from the environment, but it is ultimately the chemical reaction that is doing the work."

Inner Thoughts: And now redirect.

"But I can't help but feel that both are working to a similar if not the same goal. And unfortunately for her, Ana seems to be their subject."

Inner Thoughts: Ana has cropped up too many times for it to be a coincidence, and judging off of her apparent modus operandi, Will of the World has a habit of manufacturing such coincidences. It makes your wonder if there's any connection between her and Triumphant's sudden collapse. He was trying to steer the investigation away from Ana. Bank that question for later, the investigation takes precedence.

"Seeing as both methods are done to illicit a specific outcome within the subject, I would be curious to hear your thoughts. If Ana is 'ever-changing in every cycle' as you said, then it seems like their trying to cultivate a certain type of Ana."

Inner Thoughts: Now be pointed.

"They could be making another one with horns."
No. 1035248 ID: 5ebd7a
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No. 1035444 ID: e51896

Yeah, thanks. Perhaps I am overdue for a meditative prayer session with the Will of the World and will help bring be back on the right destined path and gain clarity to the things I learned about in this investigation.
No. 1035532 ID: d63ea8

Inner Thoughts: He won't budge unless you push with your evidence, but that could end in disaster. Triumphant chose you rather than the other investigators to confide in, that level of trust shouldn't be thrown away for a minor victory like this. Besides, you already have a better understanding of what's going on behind the scenes, and the Mad Creator's evasiveness when it comes to Ana seems to corroborate Triumphant's explanation. Defuse.

*Threshold raises his hands appeasingly.*

"Fine, if that's what you claim then I'll leave you be."

Inner Thoughts: He has been helpful, ensure that you leave on good terms.

"I've found this interview to be quite helpful, and I'll be sure to let the powers at be know how cooperative you were with the investigation."

*Threshold puts his notebook and pen away and stands from the table.*

"I at least hope that you found our conversation a bit more interesting than the ones you've had to deal with previously."

Inner Thoughts: You have one more question, best use it now. If Ana is a no-go then perhaps you can attack from the other side of his conspiracy. Use a level of pettiness as an excuse to prod in this direction.

"Well, seeing as DeRvan has already saw fit to divulge some details, I do have one more question. Triumphant is currently in hospital due to unknown causes. I was with him during the moments of his 'attack.' Just as he started reading a note DeRvan had passed to him, he complained about the pounding sound of static in his head before entirely collapsing. To my knowledge he hasn't recovered."

*Threshold looks at the Mad Creator.*

"It wasn't an ailment that the doctors could readily fix, and whatever it was it didn't affect DeRvan nor myself. Do you have any idea what might've cause it? I imagine you know how important Triumphant is to the investigation, or what avenues might be explored if he does not recover soon."
No. 1036023 ID: 5f4030

Interesting... We'll have to keep this in mind. And no, I will wait outside the door for you.

*steps outside and pulls notepad out of coat and writes down notes based on what Algich said*

Something to remember for later.
No. 1036181 ID: 527ed9
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No. 1036266 ID: ad89e1

Inner thoughts: Dolt. I am only “impulsive” when people like you attempt to dismantle, or undermine my operation.

It is of no consequence, Sir Dino. I only ask that not he full truth be given to me in the future from you. I know with DerVan that is asking a lot, but I only hope you as our superior will not seek to cut corners.
No. 1036268 ID: d63ea8

*Threshold freezes for a moment.*

Inner Thoughts: A shiver runs down your spine as that aura of menace runs over you. He's trying to convey the gravity of the situation. And... possibly gauge your loyalties. Part of you wishes to run and hide, but you can't leave the question hanging. Breathe.

*He relaxes his shoulders as he takes a breath.*

Inner Thoughts: There. You note how he dodged your first question to counter with his own. He wants to make sure that you value Triumphant, and in doing so, his own interests. You know how politically cutthroat the Tribunal is, and that comment about who "everyone will decide to pin this whole incident on" was deliberate. While Triumphant poisoning himself does sound like in intriguing avenue of enquiry, you don't have enough information to rule on it one way or the other, but you can't share that hesitation. Fall back on physical observation.

"The events proceeding Mr. Triumphant's incident were out of his control. Our initial plan was to present our findings to the assembly as a group, Mr. Glasshrauder derailed that and our little sub-section split off so I could mediate their discussion."

Inner Thoughts: DeRvan had -and to an extent still has- the most to gain with Triumphant out of the picture. But there was that aspersion of self-doubt sprinkled in there when DeRvan mentioned the photos. There might be a real chance that Triumphant suspects himself, but unless you can get some direct testimony from Corax or Peregrine it will just remain a theory. Note coincidence and happenstance.

"Following that thread, Mr. Triumphant wasn't in control of where things might take place, and uncertainly leads to risk. The way he fell off the chair, I was concerned that he might have hit his head quite badly. No, the timing was just too good to be a coincidence. It seemed like he was on the verge of some sort of answer when it happened, so I believe the first of the two options. He was coming too close to the truth."

Inner Thoughts: It does make you wonder if the chair might have had some sort of role in the delivery mechanism, as it was one of the only items he solely touched... Shelve that thought for now. Circle back to your question.

"But you mentioned a couple of speculation. I would be interested in hearing them."
No. 1037013 ID: e51896

While I didn't worship the will of the world in your establishment, I still worshiped the religion in my own way. I followed that religion as a way to put my life into perspective and the role I am destined to play under the Acosta family name. Maybe it's also my role to struggle to live up to that expectation, but I believe what I am feeling is temporary, and successfully going through that role would help me grow.

But yeah, your help to get me through that struggle would be greatly appreciated. Though I have been curious, what did bring you to my world back then? Why did you establish the society of perplexity church in our world? Or rather, what is your thoughts of Inkiverusus, the will of the world?
No. 1037101 ID: 8255b7
File 165703112682.jpg - (2.30MB , 3441x2031 , Divergent 180.jpg )

No. 1037115 ID: 5f4030

Inner thoughts: Transparency, eh? Alright, I serve and obey…

… BAHAHAHAHA! Well that is a pity and all. But she’s here now, and seemingly alive enough. Honestly sir, her living status doesn’t phase me. There are bigger issues I am worried about. The undeath or physical health status of my colleagues does not. She is capable enough of completing tasks assigned to us. That’s what I look for.
No. 1037118 ID: 5f4030

Now granted, mental health is important, and that unfortunately falls on you. If you want us at maximum capacity, shouldn’t it fall on you and our leadership to ensure that we are functional? What I see with Algich is someone who wants to be wanted, to feel like she is needed. Removing her from this will not have a good effect on someone who has proven herself a valuable asset to this investigation. It’s as if, you are telling her “congratulations, you helped put a criminal who was harming people on this team, and uncovered that she was on the inside. You’re fired due to your background.” If that is the case, Sir Dino, and backgrounds of people are important to you, then why am I here? If this is a waste of my time, then why in blazes am I bothering with this? But you have given me this job and intend to see it through. I would greatly appreciate it, if you would so kindly… Stay. In. Your. Lane.
No. 1037191 ID: 8255b7
File 165711339255.jpg - (459.82KB , 1343x1389 , Divergent 181.jpg )

Unfortunately this is the end part of the this short story and now you will return back to Ana. But the main perspective will be from the parasite Ana and not from the regular Ana.

No. 1037192 ID: 8255b7
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No. 1037193 ID: 862c04

How are you holding out, Pandora, Parasite Queen?
No. 1037200 ID: 5f4030

So far I think we’re good, although her first out of body experience was freaky for her.

About those investigators, we actually met two of them. The one I dealt with was, well he was good guy. Just a gut feeling.
No. 1037212 ID: d63ea8

*The presence tries to hide in Ana's shadow, out of sight of the Mad Creator.*

There was one point,
________ Ana,
Careful Ana,
When the others seemed...

Perhaps that is the connection,
To which the old builder refers.

*The presence then places its hands back over its mouth.*
No. 1037297 ID: 8255b7
File 165719507106.jpg - (3.07MB , 3756x2064 , Divergent 183.jpg )

No. 1037342 ID: 3e7c34

Hey Pandora, I’d rather see us as partners in this, if not friends. You know? Like- eh never mind. Just wish you wish there was something I could say to help change your mind about how you see yourself.

And I don’t think Lorence actually knows it’s me here. I’d rather he didn’t know about me or Pandora at all. Chances are if he knew it was me and her together he would just get stitch or something to come kill us outright.
No. 1037354 ID: 602816

Yeah, i believe Lorence is going to put us in a very difficult mission. I remember that dead timeline when Ama was the "Bringer of Nightmares" when she worked under Cera and hearing her story how Lorence was not enthusiastic at that Ana joining. When it came time to fight the army, Lorence only gave the Bringer of Nightmare a very small battalion with unsure numbers, some of which were not soldiers. Either he wanted to test her devotion, or make sure she failed. Somehow, she succeeded if we're thinking optimistic.

Toothpick, I would like to ask you for Pandora's sake if you'd like to answer, you were in the same mood she was when you were at one of the lowest parts of your life, where you wanted to just give up and switch bodies with me and stay as a spirit. Now suddenly, you want to survive and keep moving despite everything being against us. I guess my question is, after we separated, where did you find the drive to keep going in this hell of a world? What was it that changed your outlook? Honestly, I think Pandora might feel better if we can find her a purpose in life, but you're answer to my question may help and be appreciated.
No. 1037377 ID: d63ea8

*The presence nods when Ana mentions that the investigators will likely be the mastermind's problem, but otherwise remains silent, hand still over its mouth.*
No. 1037378 ID: 8255b7
File 165728772472.jpg - (3.40MB , 3635x2508 , Divergent 184.jpg )

No. 1037392 ID: 395848

Mad Creator, do you share the same thoughts with Toothpick, or do you have different advice for Pandora?

I'd ask Rosalia the same thing, but I don't know if she can hear me.
No. 1037409 ID: 5f4030

Wow, super rude.

Being a carnivore is something we can’t necessarily help, but it is a work around. But we’ve also never tested what she can and cannot eat in this form. How are you doing on Hunger Pandora? Being a physical body again I’m kind of feeling hungry myself.
No. 1037410 ID: 5f4030

Given that Robert, Russell, and Ramona could I assume she can. But just in case I got you. Hey Ros? Fortune is wondering if you share Toothpick’s sentiment about Pandora and I’d situation, or if you have some different advice, I sincerely hope you feel different.
No. 1037445 ID: d63ea8

*The presence removes its hands.*

You are correct,
________ Ana,
Insightful Ana.

The leech,
Will always need to feed.
On you,
And on others.

But it will not be so easily crushed.
Not as it is now.
The route must be prepared,
And the earth salted,
So nothing returns.
Nor clings to the bottom of your boot.

*The presence glides back slightly.*

If you wish this presence to be seen,
By the old builder,
Then voice it,
And it will be granted.

Otherwise this empty vessel will feed upon silence.

*It covers its mouth again.*
No. 1037457 ID: 5f4030

Oh for- You know Echo, that’s not cool. Referring to Pandora as “a leech.” I’m trying to help her, build some self confidence in her and shit like this doesn’t help anyone. Have some tact please?
No. 1037461 ID: d63ea8

*The presence tilts its head to the side, as if confused.*
No. 1037462 ID: 8255b7
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No. 1037466 ID: 8ca4b0

I got nothing to add, Just want to enjoy this silence... I would ask if someone has an extra mask for Pandora to wear before the contact arrives, and see if Rosalia has anything else to add, but We dont get any quiet moments lately and I want to enjoy any small moment of reprieve we can get for once.
No. 1037476 ID: 5f4030

I can also add to the disguise but a spare mask will help.

*scarred casts disguise self, changing hair color to black, and her marking disappears.*

Usually used this to hide my old scars too, should work well here. It’s not a permanent fix but it will work for now. As for hunger, toothpick you got any beef jerky or trail mix? Just something to hold us off for now.
No. 1037505 ID: d63ea8

*The presence feeds upon the silence.*
No. 1037584 ID: 8255b7
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No. 1037593 ID: d5a667

*doesn't say anything. Waits for Laura to give the group the delivery so she can be on her way without getting involved more than she needs to*

*hopes Scarred doesnt try to start and conversation with her*
No. 1037609 ID: 5f4030

*smiles and actually tries not to laugh at the absurd irony of Laura being here and delivering a message for Lorence, and begins to wonder if that means Dreamwalker is also around somewhere.*
No. 1037626 ID: d63ea8

*The presence leans in close to Ana, and whispers:*

She is blind,
And has other missions in mind.

She will be a problem,
But not in this moment.

*It slips back and covers its mouth once more.*
No. 1037745 ID: 8255b7
File 165754513472.jpg - (2.02MB , 2358x2316 , Divergent 187.jpg )

No. 1037774 ID: b85170

Long story. Wait to recieve package.
No. 1037805 ID: e3c871

Inner thoughts: I only recognize two of them, one is Laura, a friend of Fortune and I, and the pumpkin witch who surprisingly has a mean right hook when she hits you in the back of the head. I’ve got no clue who the safety wizard is. Also, did my spell fade? The mark is back and our hair is blonde? Maybe its because we swap places. When you have control my magic doesn’t stay, interesting, let’s keep this in mind for now. Hell, I wonder if you could learn magic? I don’t plan on speaking unless addressed.
No. 1037824 ID: d63ea8

*The presence remains silent.*
No. 1037845 ID: 8255b7
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No. 1037868 ID: d63ea8

*The presence uncovers its mouth.*

The small one is necessary for their mission,
And is sure to be sacrificed.
They seek to free a weapon,
That could be used against the cult.

A pawn is readily lost,
If it can be traded for a queen.

Or a sorcerer king,
As it may now appear.

They expect resistance.

*It covers it's mouth again.*
No. 1037980 ID: 46431d

*shrug* I mean, when is anything isn't weird these days? call me desensitized, but I'd feel things would be more suspicious if things wasn't weird.

Scarred, or Pandora, may we please ask for the package?
No. 1037981 ID: 28d707


*stand up and bows respectfully* Regardless of appearances odd or otherwise thank you for coming all this way to deliver your package to us. It is appreciated. I will accept it on behalf of our leader, Toothpick.
No. 1038124 ID: 8255b7
File 165779009241.jpg - (2.79MB , 3532x1917 , Divergent 189.jpg )

No. 1038132 ID: d63ea8

*The presence waits patiently.*
No. 1038143 ID: d40702

Yeah, this was the reason why I asked for a mask for Pandora.

Anyways, yeah, if it were me, I'd just send them on their way and mind our own business since we got a super important assignment that is probably time sensitive to deal with, but you do you, Toothpick, I'm sure you have your reasons. Just be careful.

Pandora, Scarred, go ahead and go somewhere private far away from the campfire. Press the button when you're absolutely sure you both are alone.

*silently see's if she can stay behind with Toothpick to get a look how the conversation with Laura will go*
No. 1038148 ID: a69bb9

Okay… let uh… go handle this I guess. *takes the soul cartridge* goes and sits behind a tree. Well all things considered that could have gone worse. I don’t trust anything Lorence gives us, but hey, people dying of thirst in the desert have to take such water as is given. Nice job won’t help forest wizard bit, I probably would have said the same thing. *chuckles* we should see about getting some clothes next. Can’t really be running around in our skivies huh?
No. 1038225 ID: 8255b7
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No. 1038233 ID: 28d707

Yeah, I definitely think she’s not happy. Being controlled by her anger is something she probably gets from me though. How bout’ you Ros? You happy?

Never tried a soul before, well Pandora down the hatch…

eeeeeEEEEEEEeeeeeEEEEEEEEE… Well thats the first time I made that noise, guess that was the dolphin going down.
No. 1038296 ID: 8255b7
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No. 1038310 ID: 5f4030

*spins at hearing Logen’s name*

Toothpick… I’d like to help them with this very much if we can. I- I know some of the ways of the wolf pack. I can help.

Inner thoughts: Sorry if I’m getting excited, it’s just, I have chance to talk to Logan again, if only to give him the goodbye I never got. He was… was my husband. Someone I still love dearly. But I’d there anything we can do? Or say to- I don’t really know how you would view Princess here, daughter, sister, or some version of self?
No. 1038328 ID: d63ea8

Leeches beget leeches.
Once they have have dug in,
They cannot be removed.

The plan is already crumbling.
He is there and there again.
The wolves ready themselves,
And fortify their cave.

Poison calls to poison.
It is too late,
They know.

No. 1038331 ID: e51896

*Was REALLY hoping Scarred's emotions wouldn't get the best of her again and would have stayed on her side and checked the mission and kept what she was doing a stealth mission*
*decides to just give up on doing anything related to stealth from now on since every time she attempts it, something happens that ruins the stealth mission*
*wonders what the ramifications will be for Scarred revealing she knows the wolf pack to some of the members of the cult and that Scarred heard what they were saying from far away because she was here spying on them*
No. 1038355 ID: d63ea8

*The presence drifts over to Fortune Ana.*

It is a cycle,
An endless cycle without change.
How many times has this happened?
Seeker of Truth.
How many lessons must be missed?

The leech will drag you down,
For it can only know its nature.

What would you do?
If such anchors,
We erased?

*It watches her intently.*
No. 1038389 ID: 8255b7
File 165806097774.jpg - (2.83MB , 3898x1812 , Divergent 192.jpg )

No. 1038400 ID: e51896

... just push the button and check the mission right immediatly. That's all we need to do at this point.
No. 1038422 ID: 5f4030

DONT- *inhales then releases breath* don’t touch me like that ever again.

I understand. We will complete the task we have. *presses button*
No. 1038434 ID: d63ea8

*It drifts over to Scarred Ana*

Isn't this what you desired,
Disciple of Marks?
For ________ Ana,
Resilient Ana,
To stand on her own two feet?
To not quit?
To live life as best she could?

That isn't what you desired.

But then...

*The presence drifts away.*

Why admonish her?
Why berate her?
Why hurt her?
And expect not to be hurt back?

Weren't these your lessons?

*The presence covers its mouth again.*
No. 1038436 ID: 5f4030

Shut up, Echo.
No. 1038469 ID: 8255b7
File 165815821279.jpg - (3.91MB , 3287x2861 , Divergent 193.jpg )

No. 1038476 ID: 607c5a

*goes and sits away from Toothpick* A little bit of that but not really, I know the Logan here isn’t my husband and isn’t the man I fell in love with, but if anything I just want some closure with it all, just a chance to give him the goodbye I never got to tell him. If I tell you what I really wanted to do, I’d get chastised by all of you at once. None of you would really understand it, I doubt you’d even think of it as realistic.
No. 1038624 ID: d63ea8

*It uncovers it's mouth.*

If it is my words,
Which cause you pain,
________ Ana,
Gracious Ana.

Then this empty form,
Will utter nothing.

*It covers it's mouth again.*
No. 1038647 ID: 8255b7
File 165828256024.jpg - (2.09MB , 2813x1878 , Divergent 195.jpg )

No. 1038667 ID: d63ea8

*It remains silent until called upon.*
No. 1038677 ID: 3e7c34


*Scarred’s entire body is flexed hard as if she is a spring wound too tight and is staring Toothpick in the eye*

An interesting theory. But only half-right. I watched Logan die unable to help him. Lorence made his execution a Public hanging. So why didn’t Absolution save him? By the time I made it there it was too late to help him. As far as I know, there’s no magic strong enough to bring someone back from the dead as they were, only bringing them back… wrong. They cut off his hands so he couldn’t do any magic. I was 8 months pregnant when he died. I think Logan was no longer of any use to him.

My son probably was a kind of sick sacrifice, because for the longest time I thought Root killed him in his crib. But no. Absolution Prime killed my son. Perhaps as a kind of sacrifice, but mostly as what was probably a punishment. Because in the end I didn’t surrender the world back to him after I won. So even if he had everything to win, I pulled it away at the last second. He may very well have wanted to use my son in place of Logan, but at the last second it didn’t matter.
No. 1038753 ID: 8255b7
File 165836716793.jpg - (2.74MB , 2974x2368 , Divergent 196.jpg )

No. 1038769 ID: 607c5a

No, sir.
No. 1038770 ID: e51896

*while everyone is talking to Lorence, Fortune is combing the area for any spies*
No. 1038782 ID: d63ea8

*The presence starts to shake and hides behind Toothpick.*
No. 1038881 ID: 8255b7
File 165848142999.jpg - (3.49MB , 3898x2616 , Divergent 197.jpg )

No. 1038885 ID: e51896

Toothpick, sorry to interrupt, but I think we've been compromised. While combing the area, I found something that was staring at us from the distanced, but it immediately sunk to the ground. The best way to describe it is some kind of silhouette with one eye that had tentacles or vines wrapped around the figure. there were some tentacles around that eye too.
No. 1038889 ID: d63ea8

*The presence covers its face.*

Do not let him see.
Do not let him learn.
This form can't endure it.

*It shudders again.*
No. 1038899 ID: 7b5ac5

*blinks. Looks down at the clothes*
Alright. Thanks for the clothes.
No. 1038900 ID: 7b5ac5

You carry a gun on you? Might be more convincing if there was one in this outfit too.
No. 1038977 ID: 8255b7
File 165856540664.jpg - (1.48MB , 2580x1879 , Divergent 198.jpg )

No. 1038988 ID: b644e0

*Scarred casts disguise self and begins changing into him*

Fair enough, just trying to sell the disguise, you know? Even one loaded with blanks would work. And the voices can do that. I don’t know about Scarred though, that one is like having a particularly angry mosquito buzzing in your ear.
No. 1038989 ID: e51896

*continues to comb the area for any other spies just to be prepared for what the group might deal with*
No. 1039086 ID: 8255b7
File 165866355793.jpg - (2.69MB , 3531x1966 , Divergent 199.jpg )

No. 1039089 ID: e51896

Found Another spy. Scarred, Pandora, I recommend NOT asking any more questions so we dont give out any more information and so that Lorence can end the meeting sooner
No. 1039100 ID: d63ea8

Leeches beget leeches.
They know we are coming,
They Lurk in the shadows.

No. 1039107 ID: 5f4030

Aye aye, sir.
No. 1039210 ID: 650c03

Also, don’t suppose you know if Delilah has any supernatural allies or otherwise? I’m sure she has immortals and all who are loyal to her.
No. 1039247 ID: 8255b7
File 165879614141.jpg - (2.07MB , 3364x1718 , Divergent 200.jpg )

No. 1039251 ID: 650c03

Well let’s go.
No. 1039264 ID: e51896

*wonders why Toothpick didn't want to bring up the first spy, but mentioned the second spy to Lorence*

*will ask Toothpick after the meeting is over*
No. 1039288 ID: d63ea8

*The presence stays near Toothpick.*

He is there and there again,
He knows the Thief of Power's plans.
She has tried before,
Has failed before.

This time she may not,
But she will draw him back to you.
Keep your distance,
Keep safe.

No. 1039369 ID: bc7677
File 165891350557.jpg - (4.88MB , 3898x2940 , Divergent 201.jpg )

No. 1039386 ID: 41e3ef

Lorence has lead people out in the field before so saying that we leading some team to try and find a way to make more permanent contact with the wolves to get Root back might work. Anyone else have any suggestions?
No. 1039404 ID: d63ea8

*The presence lingers with Toothpick and seems to relax as Lorence moves away.*

What is it,
That you wish,
Of this empty presence?

________ Ana,
Watchful Ana.

Voice your desire,
And this form will drink it in.
No. 1039890 ID: 65bbdc
File 165952969405.jpg - (2.20MB , 3100x1998 , Divergent 202.jpg )

No. 1039891 ID: d63ea8

*The presence floats up to try an peer over the walls.*
No. 1039908 ID: 3572ef

Hm. Yes well as it stands, I don’t really want to see her either, yet the situation as it is has mandated it. Things have changed and it’s time to acclimate.
No. 1039909 ID: b6d8ec

*phases through door to get a look inside*
No. 1040064 ID: 65bbdc
File 165964524507.jpg - (1.73MB , 2827x1568 , Divergent 203.jpg )

No. 1040070 ID: d63ea8

He was there and there again.
Meaningless masses quickly lose their way,
And more quickly fall to empty promises.
They had failed him once before,
And were not worth the risk.

No. 1040105 ID: 3e7c34

Indeed. Alright then, if that’s how you see things allow me to enlighten you. What do you think would have happened if we did? We’d have an army of untrained, undisciplined men and women needlessly dying for a cause they don’t get fully understand. But we can take this a step further, we have an army of untrained… people, for they’re not soldiers, just a mob. And like a mob it would become harder and harder to maintain any semblance of order. And the more a mob gets out of hand the harder it becomes to control, then we have anarchy, and our entire plan would have burned very brightly and burned out very quickly.

Also, you keep using the word I just said “acclimate.” I don’t think you fully know what that word means. It means it time to change plans around. That’s why I’m here to see Delilah now.
No. 1040107 ID: e51896

*continues to look around the interior of the mansion for anything of interest*
No. 1040186 ID: aff302
File 165978210759.jpg - (2.86MB , 3216x2532 , Divergent 204.jpg )

No. 1040199 ID: d98b32

*looks inside the vase*
No. 1040202 ID: 3572ef

Inner thoughts: Fortune, Echo, Keep an eye out, I’d rather not get jumped on our way back out.
Hello, Delilah. Truth be told I’m here to give you an assignment. Well, actually that’s not the correct word here. Consider it more a invitation. I’ve been trying to run damage control and counter measures against the wolves, but it’s not going as planned. So, I’m here to give you exactly what you compatriots here think you deserve, a position of command. I’ve have meeting with Godfrey and some of the other knights for a war council here shortly, If you think you deserve the position of leadership, this is your opportunity to prove it. If you succeed and we are able to recapture Root and overtake the wolves, who knows; you really could be named Root’s heir, and not just by familial ties.
No. 1040205 ID: aff302

You want to look inside the vase? Really you want to do that?
No. 1040225 ID: fce62b

If that is your wish,
Then this empty presence,
Will drink in the world,
Disciple of Marks.

*The presence will carefully watch the surrounding woods incase something tries to sneak up on Scarred or Toothpick.*
No. 1040262 ID: aff302
File 165987971675.jpg - (2.66MB , 3412x1800 , Divergent 205.jpg )

No. 1040269 ID: 5f4030

Inner Thoughts: Damn, this isn’t feeling good. But… Hm, okay hold on. We’ll make a show of this.
*scarred puts her hand in their pocket and lays her hand across her thigh and subtlety does a lay on hands, removing some of the disease’s symptoms. It’s not gone but we don’t feel as if we are about to explode. To the outside oberserver it looks as if something in Lorence’s pocket briefly glows then fades.[/i]

Sorry, was lost in thought for a moment, and just got word from one of my own contacts about your situation. That’s cute Delilah, you’re moving up in the world. I suppose you probably have made contact with beings like the Blind Will? Probably just to spite me. Did I ever fully explain why you shouldn’t align yourself to them? If you have , I truly do pity you more than anything. They will extract tolls than greater than you can imagine. It starts off small, a death here, some giving of flesh, and in exchange you get magic and you get power. The more you go deeper into your deal with them, Delilah the more heavier prices you will have to pay. You may think about betraying them, but they’ll know. And when they do, their vengeance is swift, and without mercy. They will find what it is you cherish, what you wanted most, and suddenly that dream becomes a waking nightmare that there’s no escape from.

Understand me, Delilah, I’m not offering you this position at this was council because if you really do have power that doesn’t rely on you contacts, then you should show them. If all your power comes from who you’ve aligned yourself with, then it’s not really your power is it? You’re just a front for someone else. Would you rather steer the boat? Or just be the captains dog?
No. 1040283 ID: 5f4030

No, no wait… Ohhh, maybe you have made deals with The Blind Will just to spite me, I certainly wouldn’t doubt that. But, it makes more sense if you were to make a deal with the Wolf Pack. Perhaps keeping Root there as a means of ensuring your continued control. Why would you want him back then? With him gone, you’re in power. I wonder if your companions here are aware of that. If might makes right as you like to do, then allying yourself with the biggest and baddest at the moment would ensure your power. Root stays locked up, you get the keys to the kingdom. But I wonder if EVERYONE here would agree with that sentiment. Some may follow out of loyalty to Root and see you as the next best option, but if they were to know you are keeping him there as a bargaining chip, well who knows what they would do? I hope you have some other cards to play to keep those people happy, or at the very least unaware.
No. 1040423 ID: fce62b

*The presence glides closer to the figure with the cigar.*
No. 1040433 ID: 795c41

*wonders if those were eyeballs from immortals before they became immortal. Continues investigating the mansion*
No. 1040446 ID: aff302
File 166008381001.jpg - (2.70MB , 3763x1850 , Divergent 206.jpg )

No. 1040453 ID: 5f4030

Hmm. I certainly hope those sentiments are legitimate. I really do. It will bode well for you at the war council if you are going to join us. Again though, I wonder if any other upper members of this organization would pledge their support to you. Say, Huntress Rozalia? I'm sure you would afford her a lot of freedoms.
No. 1040659 ID: 536907

*checks the music*
No. 1040678 ID: aff302
File 166033784772.jpg - (3.39MB , 2868x2964 , Divergent 207.jpg )

No. 1040695 ID: fce62b

*The presence creeps closer to the man with the radio, trying to hear the response.*
No. 1040697 ID: d87c35

inner thoughts: Go with a non-committal answer.

If I must. But I make no promises in patching your relationship with her.
No. 1040729 ID: bd6753

*recognizes him as one of Cera's people*
*wonders if Cera is around and think it might be best to hide around the mansion just in case since she thinks Cera can see spirits.*
*tries to get a better look at the burning corpse before heading out to check more of the mansion*
No. 1040756 ID: aff302
File 166043301909.jpg - (2.52MB , 3636x1897 , Divergent 208.jpg )

No. 1040808 ID: 5f4030

Greetings Rozaline. I take it your hunt is going well? For the time being I’ve been asked to smooth things over with you and Delilah. Understandably, I take it you will need many different things to happen before you are ready to even come near her without wanting to shove a spear through her.
No. 1041000 ID: e02205

*Considers burned corpse a possible meal for the parasite Queen later*
*Sinks through the floor back to the first floor*
No. 1041001 ID: fce62b

*The presence leans close to the figure on the walkie talkie*

What is it,
That you desire?

No. 1041036 ID: cd5c4f
File 166069473219.jpg - (1.95MB , 1748x2480 , Divergent 209.jpg )

No. 1041055 ID: 3e7c34

Before I answer that, I’d like to know what you have heard happened first, and who from. Some people’s stories cannot be trusted…
No. 1041274 ID: 78c706

*goes to where the screaming was, finding places to hide in case Cera is here*
No. 1041276 ID: fce62b

Is it that you wish,
Something to happen?
To banish this banal state?
Or do you only wish to...
Return to your cigarette?

No. 1041385 ID: cd5c4f
File 166099062880.jpg - (2.67MB , 2322x2699 , Divergent 210.jpg )

No. 1041435 ID: feefda

If you want my honest opinion, the one person most to blame in all this is Root. I hate to say it, but Root laid the groundwork for where we're at now. Ana may have been the one to kill her, but it was a desperate act of a desperate woman. Root was the one who set the dominos that led her to where we're at now. She acted as his body double and she was fiercely loyal to him, even becoming a romantic partner. Dare I say she even loved him. But I fear it was a one sided-love; she was his useful tool. She followed him to the end and this is where it led her.

If you intend violence against him, I only ask you to stay your hand against him for now. Whether we like it or not, we need him alive. There are many who still believe in him, and are loyal. If you would support Delilah for the time being, I'm sure some retribution can be found.
No. 1041652 ID: cd5c4f
File 166130057668.jpg - (798.97KB , 1721x1112 , Divergent 211.jpg )

No. 1041671 ID: 3e7c34

Very well. If you want how she died, it was Ana. She took a knife off Delilah in an act of desperation reaching through her bars. In an act to try and take her freedom she thought to take her hostage and in the confusion accidentally killed her.
No. 1041701 ID: e51896

*continues listening in for now*
No. 1041702 ID: fce62b

The world is ending,
And your time is short.
Why waste it here,
Guarding nothing?

Is this how,
You wish it to end?
Missing the last moments,
Of those you care about?

There are better places to be,
Than outside this wall.

Why not go to them?

No. 1041728 ID: cd5c4f
File 166138459724.jpg - (3.14MB , 2306x3510 , Divergent 212.jpg )

No. 1041754 ID: 5f4030

Nothing so Machiavelian as plots within plot. I just like to trying to tell the truth as much as possible. It’s like driving close to home on a familiar road.
No. 1041934 ID: e51896

*notes that the smiling sinners are here as well, probably trying to recruit the sad person*
*figures there are two possible meals for the Parasite queen: the eyeballs in the vase, and the burning person upstairs. Not dead set in getting those though unless an opportunity arrives where she won't be spotted. keeps the main mission to getting to Delilah*
*since Scarred is coming in soon, she decides to move to another room close to the entrance to see what else they might deal with*
No. 1041960 ID: fce62b

But where have the knights gone?
How can one stay with those,
Who deemed the kind saviors,

How can you help,
By standing here?

There are others like you,
And are without a savior themselves.

How could,
'Guard Duty,'
Be more important than that?

*The presence starts to glide away and over the wall.*

You are being taken for granted.
No. 1042176 ID: cd5c4f
File 166177900202.jpg - (3.99MB , 2793x3622 , Divergent 213.jpg )

No. 1042186 ID: d87c35

Inner thoughts: Agreed, but that goes for you as well partner, are you sure no one saw us take the vaccine? Anyone out there see it happen? Echo? Fortune?

That depends, can you show me and guide me to Delilah at the same time?
No. 1042252 ID: fce62b

The sentry,
From outside the wall,
Has seen.

They are confused,
And may soon see cracks,
In your guise.

No. 1042278 ID: d87c35

Inner thoughts: Shit! okay think fast, um, Oh! Got it, we're supposed to be Lorence, what if this body is just a corpse puppet? I mean I am playing at being Lorence and his actual body isn't here. So if they ask, that's what we will go with. If the sentry begins to ask too many questions, that's what we will go with; what we injected is something that keeps a corpse puppet functioning.
No. 1042280 ID: 4ccdbe

One of Cera's people is upstairs, which means Cera could be around... i think she can see spirits like me so I am laying low in case she shows up... dont want her seeing me.
Also, Unless you HAVE to go in, dont go in the room that has music playing.

I believe a member of the smiling sinners is here too on this floor, i think they're trying to recruit a sad person. None of our business at the moment, but be alert all the same.

Two other things i found that might be of interest, but it is a distraction as of right now. if things go well, MAYBE i'll have you guys look into it later, but for now, Delilah is priority.
No. 1042685 ID: dc13c4
File 166216204027.jpg - (4.43MB , 3203x3347 , Divergent 214.jpg )

No. 1042997 ID: fce62b

*The presence glides back to the guard with the walkie-talkie.*
There is something amiss,
With this new guest.

Better to look inward,
Then outward,
With the danger so close.

The others seem blind to it,
So follow,
And watch.
For you are a sentry,
And the others are blind.

No. 1043057 ID: 3e7c34

Inner thoughts: Steady yourself now. No sudden moves.

Maya. *gives a curt nod to the giant maid and keeps walking in with the other guy leading the way.*
No. 1043747 ID: e51896

*talks to toothpick* The guy talking on the walkie talkie claims his walkie is broken using it as a coping mechanism, and claims to be hearing things... probably echo's voice... He still seems to know Lorence enough to not trust and hates him, and now thinks he probably is seeing things from what he witnessed.

He says he'll follow at a distance... not sure how he'll enter the mansion though unless he knows a secret entrance. I say echo keeps an eye on him and see if he'll take a secret entrance that maybe parasite queen could use to escape just in case.

*talks to parasite queen* the residence will make sure she wont hurt you as a guest, despite Lorences past interaction with her. You're fine for now. I'll scout ahead of you and warn if anything pops up.
No. 1043887 ID: dc13c4
File 166325815723.jpg - (4.92MB , 2482x4952 , Divergent 215.jpg )

No. 1043893 ID: d87c35

inner thoughts: Stupid! Of course Lorence wouldn't want to take of his hat. Try to play it off, let's not mention it further.

Among other things, no. I don't think she is wholly in it for the sake of others, or our goals. Root had something she wanted, and all she needed was an opportunity to take it. Unfortunately, situations being what they are, I'm left with little options but to seek her help.
No. 1043940 ID: fce62b

The others would not believe you,
If you were to speak up now.
You need more evidence,
More things that others have seen.

Watch the tree,
See its reaction.
If this is truly Lorence,
Then it would know.

It watches with more,
Than just it's eyes.

No. 1044077 ID: e51896

As of right now, while you do your jobs, I think it will be wise for me to seek out an escape route out of this mansion for you guys, for an alternate exit just in case things don't go well, or if we need to sneak out. ideally somewhere we can escape secretly.
No. 1044264 ID: dc13c4
File 166368587359.jpg - (4.64MB , 3104x3502 , Divergent 216.jpg )

No. 1044481 ID: e51896

Alright, I'll scout ahead and warn of any traps or people.
*scouts ahead, while staying hidden under or behind furniture just in case there is someone who can see voices is around*
No. 1044836 ID: d87c35

Inner thoughts: Oh fuck yes, you're all responsible for it... Gods damn it.

No, we are not entirely responsible. Many of us are actively working to minimize the damage caused, as you know. Something like this was always bound to happen, we tried to prolong it as best we could but eventually, it grew too large and out of our control.

As for the artist's view, he is a deeply emotional person. I pity him.
No. 1044853 ID: fce62b

See how she shifts,
From one face to another,
To another.

At first she smiled,
Then she glowered,
Now she is surprised.

Often lies are built upon truth,
And tripping over the inconsistencies,
Will give refractions of certainty.

What is this 'stupid' thing,
To which she refers?
Sift through the answers,
And ask more questions.

No. 1045001 ID: dc13c4
File 166444558359.jpg - (3.89MB , 3510x2783 , Divergent 217.jpg )

No. 1045116 ID: e51896

*to toothpick and Scarred* Alright, so in the adjacent room, the two people I saw earlier are chatting and apparently know that voices (me) are here, saying an outside source claiming to be Essence saw me and tipped them off that I spied on them. They know I need a vessel to be here, but I don't think they figured out it's Pandora. I think if they spot Pandora posing as Lorence, they'll get mighty suspicious since I arrived around the time Pandora did. might be best to not be seen by them, or enter the next room. If you're going to, try to stall going in until I give the all clear.

I do have an idea though, but we gotta wait for an opportune moment to do so, we can use that guy with the walkie talkie as our fall guy possibly, since he is hearing voices, or rather Echo's voice. We can make it look like he's my vessel instead of Pandora in that case. For now, it might be best for Echo to play along and pretend to be a voice like me guiding that person.

If you have some ideas based off of the info I gave Toothpick, let me know, otherwise, I'm going to continue scouting.
No. 1045118 ID: e51896

but I doubt this person claiming to be Essence is Essence, but someone posing as her. If it was her, she'd be more directly involved and would have let them know who my vessel was.

And Scarred, as for Essence, just want to remind you that Lorence had gotten guidance from her, so he see's her as an ally, one that I think he hates. he got info from her once that he spoke to Root about once.
No. 1045129 ID: 1bfaba

*grits her teeth at Essence's name and sends a mental message to Fortune* Thank you... I know it's not Essence, I killed her...

Yes, I am familiar with that one. There was a connection between Ana and the being known as Essence. I was a... Reluctant partner with it. They were extremely mentally unhinged. From my understanding, the being known as Essence could best be summed up as "a rogue voice" Ana was guided by unknown voices that exist in a sort of state between life and death. Essence was one of these voices, but one that had turned rogue and had its own agenda. Our goals coincided for a time, but we no longer work together.
No. 1045131 ID: 1bfaba

*to Fortune* Disappear if you can, best to lay low if someone saw you. Keep your eye peeled, there's only so many beings here that can actually see us. If things get to hot though, flee, I'd rather not blow this because we're taking it for granted that we generally can't be seen.

*to Echo* Try to get your new friend to go with Roselynn if you can, maybe play into that suspicion. If you can get him off my tail I would appreciate that; keep in mind if someone around here can see Fortune they might be able to see you too, keep your eyes open.
No. 1045293 ID: fce62b

You uttered nothing of cures,
That was a piece she gave.

If you are to follow,
Ensnare another.
A witness,
And ally.

Else you will be given gifts,
You cannot refuse.

No. 1045492 ID: dc13c4
File 166496196315.jpg - (3.94MB , 3495x2842 , Divergent 218.jpg )

No. 1045610 ID: d87c35

Thank you. In all honesty, I came here seeking her help and to offer my own invitation to a meeting that I am organizing. My efforts to recover Root of Ash from the Wolves have thus proven futile, and I'm looking to put forth a joint effort. Given her current position, I am coming to offer her a position of leadership within this new coalition and to discuss the plan with her if she will accept.
No. 1045700 ID: e51896

*decides that since Toothpick isn't sure where sFortune Ana should be, and that whoever claiming is Essence can see her, she decides to move to where Echo and the guy with the walkie talkie is and pretend to be his vessel, guiding him with fake info even if the guy can't actually hear her to fool "Essence" while hoping Echo will play along*

Yeah, that's the person. The one who tried to convince that woman to join the smiling sinners. Very dangerous if you make a wrong move especially with how things are now. Hopefully we won't have to move far from that spot if we're planning on spying on Lorence for info. Hopefully they won't start whispering, getting close might be dangerous and risk getting spotted, but we've taken tougher risks.
No. 1046199 ID: d87c35

To Fortune and Toothpick: Hey, here's a thought. Should we need to abandon ship and get out of here but also save face, could we use the guy tailing me as an excuse? Like "So you have someone following me this whole time!?" It would place the blame on Delilah keeping Lorence's name clear. It might work out, but I'm not sure. At the very least it's something to consider.
No. 1046210 ID: fce62b

The walls have eyes,
He knows you are there.
Or become a pawn in his schemes.

No. 1046331 ID: d87c35

To Echo: Who's side are you on Echo? I know I'm dressed like Lorence and you're terrified of him, but I don't like this anymore than you do.
No. 1046339 ID: dc13c4
File 166561637177.jpg - (2.67MB , 2482x2377 , Divergent 219.jpg )

No. 1046369 ID: 3e7c34

*looks around briefly as if about to tell a big secret. Then leans in close and whispers low so only the guide can hear*
In all honesty there are two main reasons. One is a kind of grafting process for certain immortals. Think of it as a kind of necessary evolution should they need it. The other is for a more interesting reason. To make it simple, I am trying to find a way to connect someone with the Ash Tree as Ana once was. If they get voices, they would be an extremely useful tool in our pocket. Right now, we are still experimenting and theorizing how it may be possible.
No. 1046378 ID: e51896

hm, as I thought would happen based off our luck, he's whispering...
It's risky, but we're going to need to get in closer, maybe find some furniture to hide behind to get closer, his answer might be crucial...

Wouldn't you agree, Echo?
No. 1046409 ID: fce62b

These words are taken,
These thoughts are consumed...

They are too quiet,
Get closer,
Use cover.

You must hear what this 'Lorence,'
Is saying.

Take great care,
And move quickly.
No. 1046632 ID: dc13c4
File 166585410187.jpg - (3.60MB , 2376x3302 , Divergent 220.jpg )

No. 1046649 ID: 3521bd

Inner thoughts: S-Shit. Shit. SHIT. Stay calm, stay calm… Not now… It’s okay. Stay calm… Pandora? Fortune, keep me grounded… please…? S- Seeing that… Seeing her. Just… gods of light and darkness preserve me… I’m trying to keep my cool. Breathe, just breathe…
No. 1047448 ID: e51896

Tell him you're patrolling the area, and wanted to make sure everyone was safe and continue to be safe.
No. 1047465 ID: dc13c4
File 166668920566.jpg - (2.26MB , 2378x2654 , Divergent 221.jpg )

No. 1047473 ID: fce62b

Say that you are unsure,
Of this 'Lorence' being here.

Keep the topic,
Of the injection,
To yourself.

You need more evidence,
Before you can make any assertion.

No. 1047481 ID: d87c35

Inner thoughts: Long story, but let me put explain it like this Imagine losing all sense control in your life, at every turn where you try to do good, or make something better, someone is always at your back to give you a kick in the gooch, or a knife in the back. And at every turn, they wanted to hurt everything you loved, or thought good. There only reason for doing so was more or less, was only because they could and they thought it funny.

And despite all that, you end up falling for them in some kind of sick twisted confusion of in hindsight was probably something akin to stockholm syndrome. That's what I was going through. Well, she's dead now, but it doesn't make seeing her face any easier. Thanks for at least hearing me out...

As for being Lorrence? You know, despite everything and the danger we are in? And how much I hate Lorrence, I can't help but have a little fun with this. I used to have this friend, Robin Dagonet. He was joker and a charismatic guy. He used to do community theatre, and was a singer and actor. Playing as Lorrence reminds me of him. Gotta find the light where you can I suppose.
No. 1047500 ID: d87c35

*Tries not to panic from noticing the eye move and waits until the door closes and puts the doll back, but flips the doll so its face is down.*

Inner thoughts: Just leave it like that for now.
No. 1047510 ID: e51896

tell Rosemary that Black Licorice told you to keep an eye on her and Lorence after she took Black Licorice's job as tour guide to Delilah, and was just concerned. Take a couple steps back too.
No. 1047648 ID: dc13c4
File 166692350947.jpg - (5.31MB , 3308x3910 , DDB 94.jpg )

No. 1047716 ID: d87c35

Inner thoughtsOh great, now I feel like a used car deal trying to make a sale with a gun to my head. Alright let's roll with it.

You could do that certainly. However, you would miss the opportunity that I am affording you. And plus, in the new concordat that is being put together, that would make you an enemy. How does the saying go, "don't shoot the messenger?"

Should you not, well then I'm sure you could make me look like a sponge with amount of holes you could fill me with. But I wonder... *looks around conspicuously at each of the guards individually* No, I'm sure you trust your men completely... At least, I hope so... A stray bullet "accidentally" shooting through and into you.. Well, I'm sure your men are loyal.
No. 1047717 ID: d87c35

inner thoughts: Lightbulb.

I'm sure none of your men have been acting irrationally... It only makes sense to have someone tailing me this whole time and watching my every move.
No. 1047960 ID: fce62b

He wishes to cut out,
More than just your sadness.

Do not give him your trust.
He offers nothing in return.

Only oblivion.

You have a mission,
Pursue that,
Not happiness.

No. 1048413 ID: dc13c4
File 166752547749.jpg - (3.65MB , 2482x2960 , Divergent 223.jpg )

No. 1048457 ID: d87c35

Yes, well as you know I have come here to offer you an invitation to the gathering I am putting together. However, there are a few offers I would like to make to you for your cooperation.

One, I don't just want you to be a part of the coalition, I want you to be a leader in it. While I do not agree with this it is what I, and the other members of the coalition have agreed upon. While we will all have equal voices in our decisions, you and you alone will have a special veto power. Should you decide against any action, you and you alone can call upon your veto if you can give a legitimate reason for it. Other terms can be negotiated upon

Two... *Looks around at the others* This part is best said simply and quietly gentlemen, as you know I have been relieved of all weapons, but I do not trust any of you enough with this information. *leans in close to Delilah and whispers*
I am wondering if you have heard of the new process that I am researching. I have begun to research how to give a person voices similar to Ana and Root. What this entails is binding someone with the Ash Tree, this is what I am looking to offer you, so you will truly no longer be in your brother's shadow. Understand that this is in of itself is a risk and we have not yet fully figured out how this may be done. But we are making progress at a faster rate than even I had hoped. The people whom we've grafted with parts of the ash tree are beginning to see visions of.. Other versions of themselves. This is what I am offering to you. An army of other consciousnesses that could very well lead you beyond our mortal coil, greater than any form of immortality.
No. 1048818 ID: dd1363

Tell her you were already happy patrolling the area, and making sure people were safe
No. 1048986 ID: fce62b

They seek to stop you,
From your mission.

Your leader must know,
Must be told,
What you observed.

This is not your desire,
Refuse it.
Flee it.
Return what you have been given,
With violence,
If necessary.
No. 1049091 ID: dc13c4
File 166826269187.jpg - (3.76MB , 2480x3508 , BB 961.jpg )

No. 1049107 ID: e51896

You just said the vines are going through your mind and you won't be able to think clearly. Be careful, the vines probably DID go through your mind and you are having a hallucinating dream right now... Sucks that someone on your side is treating you this way, or trying to.

Maybe you should see Lady Teovola about Rosemary, Rosemary spoke with her earlier trying to convert her.
No. 1049167 ID: 5f4030

I have seen our side fall before. It never gets any easier. For all purposes, I consider this universe, these people my home. What I fear is seeing my home, fall to someone who doesn't deserve it. It's why I am afraid of any deals you have possibly made with the Blind Will, they are more like parasites. They will continue to take more and more from you until you think you have nothing left to give, and then they will take something you think you cannot live without, and you will not get out of it.

In all honesty, I know I cannot give you any satisfactory answer. This is why I purpose that we bind you to the Ash Tree if possible. Not only would you gain a newer, arguably better form of immortality, but also knowledge. I have seen many different versions of this world, and I still have yet to fully understand how Root and Ana's voices truly worked. If I had a partner, someone who not only knew of what was happening, but could shape destiny to fit it, then perhaps... Maybe I could finally rest.

Essentially, what I fear Delilah, is not knowing how to protect my home.
No. 1049655 ID: fce62b

Or something,
Has given to you,
An opportunity.

Accept this gift,
And use it to strike,
Or too flee.

But act,

No. 1049678 ID: dc13c4
File 166894481519.jpg - (3.12MB , 2482x2960 , Divergent 224.jpg )

No. 1049689 ID: d2bcfe

Try removing her mask while she is frozen, maybe you'll find out what is wrong with her by looking at her face and eyes
No. 1049911 ID: d87c35

*Moves closer to the desk*

The way I see it, there are a couple different possibilities with power. Me however? I've always prefered the chameleon approach, unseen except when I want to be, eyes able to see almost anywhere I need to, and a surprising amount of reach. I can move anywhere undetected, as needed, and I can plan and plot in the shadows. It may not be as active. But it works for me.
No. 1050127 ID: fce62b

This idea is precious,
And will be graciously accepted.

Remove the mask.
Use your reaction,
As the gauge,
On whether you open a window,
Or not.
No. 1050228 ID: dc13c4
File 166945824196.jpg - (2.77MB , 2482x2437 , Divergent 225.jpg )

No. 1050249 ID: 5f4030

Word to your mother, brother-fucker
*leaps up and roundhouse kicks Delilah to knock her out*

… Road house.
No. 1050849 ID: e51896

*now that there is confirmation that chameleon was chosen, Fortune can start the next part of the plan and cause a distraction so people nearby can focus on Rosemary's condition and so scarred can escape with Delilah*

You're going to need to take Rosemary to somebody to look at, with her being in this state, it might mean trouble, even if she tried to hurt you. she is highly respected around here apparently.

I'd say, bring her to security, Black Licorice. and Maya,
No. 1051112 ID: fce62b

This is because,
Another is wearing her skin.
She is but a puppet.
Hollow flesh.

Flee this place.
Lest you be hollowed out,
And filled with nothing.

No. 1051303 ID: c7f601
File 167053493814.jpg - (4.20MB , 3112x3276 , Divergent 226.jpg )

No. 1051305 ID: d87c35

Oh hell! I was only able to kill Stitch after he was already weakened after a fight with Garm! And only then it was because we used explosive rounds to pierce the steel in his chest! We gotta get out of here. Toothpick, how wide is the ledge out the window? It won't be easy trying to shimmy across with her if I have to carry her. I'll look around here, maybe I can find some kind of rope or something I can use to tie her to us that way we can climb out of here.

Pandora help me look, all we have on us is we a belt and a tie and that might help but I'd like something more sturdy if we can.
No. 1051447 ID: e51896

*believes that Maya will be able to distract Stitch in some way for Scarred and Pandora to make their exit*
*wonders how Stitch would even know Ana is here, and debates whether or not he is here for her, or somebody or something else since the common knowledge is that Ana is supposed to be dead*

to calm her down, Tell Lady Teovola that you guys have a pretty strong maid, Maya, that you guys can ask to look into and maybe deal with whatever anyone outside might be afraid of, and that you two should probably go find Maya to protect Rosemary and yourselves with.
No. 1052131 ID: fce62b

It was your job,
To guard the parameter.

You must return to it,
And face this oncoming danger.
No. 1052300 ID: dc13c4
File 167156325840.jpg - (2.79MB , 2482x2870 , Divergent 227.jpg )

No. 1052458 ID: 1ab976

Neat hooks! That will help a lot, in fact it gives me an idea to make this easier as well. Gotta be fast about this though

*Unties shoes and reties them to Delilah as they are being buckled over Scarreds back*

Alright let's move...

*gets on the ledge a begins hand holding and shimmying across the ledge using the hooks for balance.*

Okay, when we get to the spot we need to climb up, we'll make our feet have some climbing spikes, it's why I took the shoes off. We'll do this like we are climbing up an ice wall, that will give us better leverage as we scale the wall.
No. 1052646 ID: e51896

Well, invite him in and close the door, can't have this big guy get distracted by anything like the sound of the wind outside. Afterwards, introduce yourself, and the voices in your radio (us), and let him know that your, our concerns about Lorence, then Give him your radio, we'll direct him to Lorence for you.

*figures that Stitch knows about Ana's voices as well, and might think the voices are not trustworthy because of them being associated with Ana, thinking we only want Lorence dead, and thus won't find his concerns about "Lorence" trustworthy, ignoring him and not hunting Lorence.*
No. 1052769 ID: 1ab976


Telepathy to fortune: Fucks sake, Fortune! You can’t think of a better way to stall? My job is already hard as it is trying to carry the brother fucking stoner without falling or being seen, just send in the Frankenstein bent on blood up here why don’t you!? The hell’s your problem? I thought you were gonna stall by getting that giant maid in the way?
No. 1052777 ID: fce62b

He is here to hunt you.

You have learned too much,
You have seen behind the mask.

You must fight him off,
For a moment,
And then flee.

If you are able.
No. 1052778 ID: 1ab976

Telepathy to Echo: Are you fucking serious right now!? I cannot afford to fight him off right and make it out with Delilah. You don’t know this thing like I do! Stitch is not something Pandora and I can fight off alone, I would something like 3 howitzers and an RPG if and try to ambush him before he had time to react! You are actively killing me here!

To Toothpick: FUCKING DO SOMETHING! Help out here!

Pandora, double time, we gotta climb faster!
No. 1052815 ID: fce62b

That was not,
Directed towards you,
Disciple of Marks.

Your actions are yours alone.
No. 1052818 ID: 1ab976

Telepathy to echo: Oh, whew! Sorry about that Echo, misunderstood you.

Okay, one foot and hook after another, just keep going! We got this Pandora!
No. 1052861 ID: dc13c4
File 167235388081.jpg - (3.43MB , 2728x3758 , Divergent 228.jpg )

No. 1052893 ID: 1ab976

Inner thoughts: Ohhhh fuck… Echo? Fortune, I’m in trouble, if you can get Maya down there to deal with Stitch right now, that would be helpfull. Pandora? Don’t. Move. A muscle. We gonna ninja this. We are part of the wall. We are silent, we are a just a fly…
No. 1053326 ID: e51896

Right then, do you have any way of contacting Maya, the big scary maid? She can help protect you. if not, you might want to yell for her help. However, I think she's upstairs and might not be able to hear you from down here, we'll need to get closer up there

But first, you'll need to slow down Stitch so he doesn't follow you. Listen closely: see that vase next to you by the main entrance's door >>1040186 ? it has a bunch of squishy slimey round stuff in there that could potentially make Stitch slip over. I need you to tip that vase over to pour out the round stuff inside so you can make him slip up when he enters giving you a chance to run. If you need to break it, do that.

just... don't look too closely at the round stuff that comes out, okay?
No. 1053365 ID: fce62b

Just an intrusive thought.
Nothing more...
Flee now.

Death may not be permanent,
But you may not be able to survive it.

No. 1053434 ID: dc13c4
File 167313565015.jpg - (4.33MB , 3518x3015 , Divergent 229.jpg )

What is currently going through the head of the maid right now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOy6hqzfsAs&ab_channel=OMGUKilledMyMilk

What is currently going through the head of the gate guard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-UGFq6jAlZg&ab_channel=%CE%A0%CF%85%CE%B3%CE%BF%CE%BB%CE%B1%CE%BC%CF%80%CE%AF%CE%B4%CE%B5%CF%82

What is currently going through the head of Stitch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4a90vHfDd4&ab_channel=AUUGHMeMes

No. 1053519 ID: 1ab976


Inner thoughts: Her seeing our face may come to bite us in the ass later, but we'll have to cross that bridge when we come to it. Mental note: we should get a mask for our own sakes to hide our face for the time being after this. But right now we need to move move move! Let's get to the roof!
No. 1054251 ID: fce62b

You need a weapon,
You need to fight back.


Get away,
And get ready,
For he will soon follow.

No. 1054309 ID: e51896

use your walkie, and "pretend" to be talking to one of the higher ups in the cult. tell them that Maya is here to save you from Stitch, like you're giving a progress report, Tricking her into thinking a superior needs her to save you might work.
No. 1054486 ID: dc13c4
File 167446843525.jpg - (3.53MB , 2480x3508 , Divergent 230.jpg )

No. 1054515 ID: d87c35

Inner Thoughts: Better not. I do agree that she is a nihilist and definitely has a defeatist attitude. As much as I hate what she's become, I still hate Lorence more. Besides I still have a suspicion that Lorence will try to kill you the moment you stop becoming useful. Let's instead put the ball in her court, I want to see if she can make the hard decisions that comes with leadership. It's what I tried to teach her after all...

Toothpick, do you want me to go back in and try to get Rosaline? I can set Delilah down and you can pick her up while I try to extract her. Keep in mind, Maya has seen our face, if she's engaging Stitch I may have a small window of time in which to get Rosaline, but that in of itself is a risk. What are your orders?
No. 1055133 ID: fce62b

You were not thinking,
Which was problem/

Retreat into the room,
Arm yourself.
That is all.
No. 1055134 ID: e51896

*to scarred and parasite queen*
Stitch is knocked out. No need to do anything drastic. We got things covered.

*to the person we're followkng*
Wait, actually I realize something, since you were attacked by Stitch, that might mean they could think you are untrustworthy, and an enemy to the cult. They very likely might not believe you if you tell them about Lorence. Instead, you probably need to show you are not an enemy by requesting help for Rosemary after she froze, for now, lead then to Rosemary try to take her somewhere safe in case Stitch wakes up and her frozen state gets in his way and he hurts her.
No. 1055136 ID: d87c35

*to Fortune*

You had best be VERY sure about that one... And even if Stitch is out, Maya has seen us and could be on us now. If there is way you guys can extract Rosaline let us know how we could help.
No. 1055153 ID: dc13c4
File 167542299255.jpg - (5.24MB , 3510x4373 , Divergent 231.jpg )

No. 1055155 ID: e51896

*to the queen and Scarred*
let her handle it, then get going
*to the guy we're following*
let her handle it, then get going
No. 1055158 ID: d87c35

Well shit... For what it's worth fellas, I'm sorry. But I also have orders to I need to follow, no witnesses.
*Forms finger into a blade and stabs them in the heart*

Nice mask though... Think I'll take this one. *Takes the triangular mask and their shotguns* Needed a new one anyway. Toothpick, we're ready to get out of here. Fortune, Echo, you also ready to go?
No. 1055184 ID: 8a0fb8

*gives thumbs up to Scarred*
*to parasite queen*
Dont forget to eat them for nourishment. Patience is rewarded.
No. 1055360 ID: dc13c4
File 167572969302.jpg - (6.79MB , 3508x4961 , Divergent 232.jpg )

No. 1055367 ID: 3aa5bd

You’ve got to be shitting me…

What do you guys want? We’re busy.
No. 1055397 ID: 89d253

*to the walkie talkie man*
Can you still hear me? Listen carefully.

Lorence has made it to the roof of this building
However, there are also some powerful people up there that could hurt you if you are not prepared.
Which is why before you go up there, you absolutely must go into the waiting room, and pick up a stuffed bear with a woman's head on it, known as "Essence of Life". It has horns on her head, and sharp teeth. It holds great significance. After you grab that, immediatly head for the roof. Do all this quickly. I'll guide you through what to do next when you get up there with the doll.

Do NOT fail the mission.
No. 1055435 ID: dc13c4
File 167580466797.jpg - (1.00MB , 1662x1642 , Divergent 233.jpg )

No. 1055436 ID: d87c35

... Ana... Did you want to talk to your... Birth mother? I'm not really sure what you're relationship is.

*Scarred subtly casts mage armor putting an invisible force field around her. It will hold against most hits but one big hit from something massive like a punch from TV head will shatter it.*
No. 1055437 ID: d87c35

To fortune and Echo: Whatever you are doing guys, please hurry, we can only stall for so long. I'd rather avoid a fight if I can.
No. 1055528 ID: fce62b

Do not approach the doll,
For it is expecting your assault.

Do not hear its words,
For it speaks only lies.

Fade back into the tree,
For you,
And they,
Will be lost among them.

No. 1055688 ID: dc13c4
File 167602469203.jpg - (2.67MB , 3505x2049 , Divergent 234.jpg )

No. 1055695 ID: 5abbb3

There's been situations that got us into trouble for being too careful due to bad feelings, causing stagnation, or something worse happening. If something bad happens, we'll tackle it together. Take it with you.
No. 1055699 ID: d87c35

If memory serves me correctly, weren't you also the one who stated that in order for Essence to come back that Pandora- The Queen, sorry, that's the name we gave her, would need to be sacrificed? Or something to that effect? That would certainly put a dampener on your relationship. Also your threat about the tribunal is kind of a non-threat. She already knows that, hell she's talked with agents of the Tribunal itself, we got pulled in together, and based on what's been happening there, we don't rank high on list of targets right now, you guys are much more at risk via association with Spirit Contaminator here because of her partnership with Happy the Tragedy Phantom and Essence.

Come to think of it guys, why are ANY of you still with her at this point? Look where we are right now, you all have just gotten a second chance at life and this is what you are doing with it? How many people actually get that shot?

Tvhead, or Flint if you remember, Rosaline is right here. You could say what you wanted now. You shouldn't start something though, because Stitch and maya are downstairs and you remember them I assume. Crashing and banging around won't help. Hell, your KIDS are still out there somewhere, Robert, Russell, and Ramona. Robert especially needs his dad for guidance.

Felafaf, Dreamwalker is still around somewhere too, and probably would want to see you more than this crowd. I know you think he probably hates you, or some other shenanigans like that, when was the last time you did a tarot reading? I would bet you more than anything they would say he misses you.

Anubis, you're Logan's daughter yeah? You remind me of someone I knew back in my time. Magna Carta was her name. She was like a daughter to me too. Logan's alive too and he DOES need help. I want to go save him, but my obligations here are the only thing keeping me from getting to him.

You've all been given a second chance, a chance to correct the mistakes of the past. Just think on that for a second. I'm sure you are all thinking "Well I belong here because I don't belong anywhere." Give me a break, this is a world of misfits. The status quo on what's normal went out the window ages ago. You all can do so much better here.
No. 1055710 ID: fce62b

No. 1056038 ID: dc13c4
File 167637067910.jpg - (4.87MB , 3024x4014 , Divergent 235.jpg )

No. 1056063 ID: d87c35

Okay wait wait wait, something you said has been bugging me... Pun not intended. You seem to forget that for as bad as the Tribunal is, they are holding something else back that way worse, Andrew Goodwill. Do you have a plan to deal with him? If you go to war with the Tribunal, then are you going to assume their responsibility even if you win? If not then what are you doing?

I remember Essence swearing by Andrew once, do you think he will accept you? I don't think he is the kind of monster to take on people unless it benefits him directly, joining him will just delegate you to "eventual food." If anything it sounds like you're trying to go down in one giant blaze of glory. Those only work if you're already backed into a corner and have no other way out. I think you have more ways to go than you realize.

So I have a counter offer, you join us! Everyone here has something to gain from each other, I don't really see why we have to drag this out literally kicking and screaming along the way or why we have to fight each other over this nonsense. You help us, we'll help you. How about that? And let's not plan any backstabbings or betrayals, yeah? Nasty things, make you late for dinner.

Inner thoughts:Fortune, Echo, I'm trying to stall here while also working diplomacy, whatever you guys are doing hurry it up...
No. 1056073 ID: 971e27

*sees the figure behind him and decides to make this explanation not just for the walky talky man, but for that figure as well*

I don't know why they would, but I can give an educated guess based off of past experience and circumstances of this world and how it treats everyone.

It's because they are terrified and most importantly uncertain. So they are latching onto any god, demigod, or powerful being to guide and protect them from the horrors of the world, to give them guidance. Sometimes blindly in their rush, sometimes manipulated into doing so with the promise of gifts, or through fear

And ever since Root, the leader that they have worshiped as he helped give them guidance through their uncertainty, has been kidnapped... they are in fear in what this world is becoming with betrayals, death, and confusion being the norm now, to the point where they lose faith and turn to a new powerful being to latch onto to save them from this world, sometimes out of fear, they do so blindly and without patience, rushing into following a new god without taking the time to think or question and understand their new god's or cult leader's true intentions, or if they truly have their best interests in mind or if they are only using them for their own personal gain.

And sometimes the new followers risk getting into a religion where they lose a lot of their freedom and their new leader threatens them and ignore their concerns instead of understanding and taking into consideration their followers worries and figure out alternatives and assurance to keep them safe.

That is why it is always important to not rush into things without doing research. That said, please have faith in the Ash Tree, and that Root will be saved.

it's time to head for the roof. Make a mad dash up there. Time is of the essence... No pun intended.
No. 1056289 ID: fce62b

You have touched,
The accursed creation.

Warnings were offered,
Warnings were thrown aside.

What happens next,
Is no longer,
In your control.

No. 1056349 ID: dc13c4
File 167665765950.jpg - (7.74MB , 3508x4961 , Divergent 236.jpg )

This first song goes to a certain somebody


While the second song goes for the horror of the scenario.

No. 1056350 ID: dc13c4
File 167665772081.jpg - (4.05MB , 2736x4149 , Divergent 237.jpg )

No. 1056565 ID: d87c35

*scarred casts Blur on herself, making her appear phantismal
(effects of this spell: Scarred's body becomes blurred, shifting and wavering to all who can see you. For the duration, any creature has disadvantage on attacks made against her)
Inner thoughts: Rosaline, get back stay out of sight if you can. You work best as an ambush predator, they're doing a frontal formation assault but I don't see much for their backside meaning that's their weak spot. Watch out for the centipede thing, if anyone is going to be their eyes behind it's probably him, and I don't I think I need to explain why your arms being on the business end of those pincers is bad.
Fortune, Echo, you guys are our edge, you need to be looking for weak spots in their defense. Anywhere you see that we can exploit, go for it. We don't have to kill them, only break their will to fight.
Toothpick, get up in the air, use your firebolt, aim at their leaders eyes. If you can hit Flint and Spirit Contaminator, that will leave their leadership and tank blinded.
No. 1057038 ID: d98b32

Inner thoughts: they mentioned Anubis setting up a force field for protection. Best to keep them distracted and keep them from paying attention to Rosaline so that she can get behind and attack Anubis from behind and get rid of that force field.

*toothpick does not have wings to fly, but can shoot fireballs like Scarred wanted in their face as a distraction for Rosaline*
No. 1057682 ID: dc13c4
File 167814538107.jpg - (5.22MB , 3508x4961 , Divergent 238.jpg )

No. 1057775 ID: d87c35

Inner thoughts: Rosaline, see you can circle around and take out the shield. My suggestion is throw someone off the roof. Someone from the bottom floor is bound to see it happen and probably send someone up here to check. If we can make this fight harder for them to win all the better. Toothpick, how strong are you? I have a crazy idea if we're to topple this pyramid from the top down, can you... Throw me at Spirit Contaminator. I can extend my limbs with Pandora to catch on to Flint if need be but I want to try something they aren't ready for. If you can't do that I'm gonna move up and take down Sapling.
No. 1059153 ID: fce62b

Beware a strike from below,
The Centipede,
Insect which feeds upon insect.

Will burrow beneath you.
But it will not target you,
Disciple of Marks.
For it is after the spider.

Flee the earth,
If you can.
No. 1059328 ID: e51896

yeah, lets give that a try, but be sure to hum a little tune to distract that centipede
No. 1059433 ID: dc13c4
File 167965700927.jpg - (5.59MB , 3512x4496 , Divergent 239.jpg )

No. 1059444 ID: d87c35

Inner thoughts Toothpick, get the centipede off Rosaline, protect her until she can move, if you're strong enough to throw me like this, get to the back of that centipede and start slamming that thing around like a drunken amish square dance, hell use it as a bat or a whip see if you can knock some of them around. I've got this one up here... Their weakness is electricity...

*Scarred grabs onto Spirit Contaminator and uses shocking grasp*

Shocking grasp: Lightning springs from the casters hand to deliver a shock to a creature you are touching. The attack on the target has advantage if the target is wearing armor made of metal. On a hit, the target takes lightning damage, and it can’t take reactions until the start of its next turn.
No. 1059774 ID: e51896

ah, I see, so it was a good idea to throw Scarred up there with Delilah, otherwise she would have been shocked by that attack if we dropped her, and with that extra weight, Tv head will have both the weight of Delialah and the parasite queen on him.

right then, the centipede. see if we can attack the centipede like Scarred said. if We can get that centipede off Rosaline and get her free to move, Rosaline can probably help you throw that centipede at Felafaf.

If centipede counter attacks, try whistling in front of it to distract it.
No. 1059776 ID: e51896

Also, I have an idea, as a spirit, I can probably sink to the lower floor, look for anything that could be used as a weapon, and let Rosaline know where to dig her spider legs into the floor below her to pick up a weapon, improvised or otherwise.

Echo can probably help too by probably annoying one of the fighters, he's able to talk to others we can't. he'd make a good distraction noise-wise

*sinks into the floor and checks the floor below her to find any kind of weapon*
No. 1059977 ID: fce62b

*The presence gives a nod at Fortune Ana.*

Your course of action is taken,
And quickly devoured.

*Being careful to avoid the drone, it circles around to where the centipede stands.*

Arrive from below.
Hissing chittering things.

*The presence lets out some hisses and clicks.*

They will burrow through your chitin,
And feast upon your tender flesh.
If you keep your tail,
Buried within the earth.

*The presence slowly starts to hiss louder and louder.*
No. 1060434 ID: dc13c4
File 168052030299.jpg - (5.49MB , 3510x4325 , Divergent 240.jpg )

No. 1060448 ID: d87c35

Inner thoughts: Ros! Grab that knife that just fell, try no to kill Felafaf but stick it in her shoulder or throw off her aim. Toothpick, grab sapling's ankles and use her like a wheat thresher on the centipede, beat up a motherfucker with another mother fucker!

Sorry kid, but no. You started this, so we're ending it.
*Scarred grabs on to Tv head's head and capoeira roundhouse high kicks Spirit Contaminator in the head in order to kick her off Tv Head*
No. 1060756 ID: e51896

yeah, can't get anything from the floor below us until we deal with anubis.

yeah lets grab the legs and do just what Scarred said.
No. 1061699 ID: dc13c4
File 168186423296.jpg - (6.24MB , 3510x4445 , Divergent 241.jpg )

No. 1061708 ID: 7a4123

At a moment like this, we need help in this handicap matchup with so many people against just us two.

after Flint/tvhead saved Rosaline and exploded the centipede, it kind of looks like he betrayed his team. I think we should say something like "looks like Tvhead betrayed you all, why else would he blow you up?" To the centipede. Plant that seed of doubt in tvhead's teammates' minds, and Turn that manipulation they've been using to turn the entire world against us against them, show them how it feels. It might just have them turn against Tvhead and in turn, make tvhead have no choice but to fight on our side.

Thoughts on this, Scarred?
No. 1061743 ID: d87c35

To Fortune: Ow. That hurt... Head is foggy... Stabbed... Through head... Just do it. I think, creatures with green eyes... Under influence of Contaminiminator... Did I say that right?

*Scarred casts a full lay on hands healing her wounds fully and fixing her eyes but cannot use it again until she gets a full rest in.*

Shut the hell up Delilah, whoever that is probably will try to hurt you or anyone else that gets in their way. You hear that over there guys? I recommend staying away for your own safety.

*Scarred pulls the shears out and throws them at Spirit contaminator in case they are somehow explosive*

Alright. I'm done being nice little girl. No Mercy for the Wicked.
*Scarred channels divinity to put a Vow of Enmity on Spirit Contaminator, granting her advantage on attacks on Spirit Contaminator for 1 minute or until Contaminator dies or falls unconscious.*
No. 1061835 ID: dc13c4
File 168207615563.jpg - (7.20MB , 3510x4845 , Divergent 242.jpg )


As for Scarred Ana's part

No. 1061843 ID: 1ab976

… huff… huff. Nah, they ain’t gonna kill you Delilah.

But I will.

*The spirit contaminator tail come out from under Scarred’s coat and stabs Delilah multiple times. Teeth-likebegin to shoot out from her body impaling her and ripping through her body. The moment she fully dies Scarred eats her soul to gain more power*

Scarred says this as Delilah’s soul is consumed: You think you’re a leader? Nah, brother fucker. You’re just fucked in the head. Everything given to you was given by Root. Your a parasite, so might as well die by parasite. But more importantly, this is a long overdue vengeance for killing Dr. Lester, bitch
No. 1061847 ID: 58ae4c

Well, we failed the mission by killing Delilah, but I suppose there was only so much one person can take before they're at their limit before they fuck the consequences. If we're going to fuck the consequences, then we might as well do another thing we were not ever supposed to do despite the consequences.

Toothpick, remember a long time ago we fought against a fake Clara the Ambassador made, and when she shot you after we tried reasoning with her, you got extremely angry, and it awoke Desolation? giving you immense uncontrollable power? Why don't you try doing that again. Your life and Rosaline's life is on the line after all, and this feels like a last resort.

If you need a reason to get angry, Scarred fucked things up again and killed Delilah, and now Lorence is probably going to get really angry at her, and probably you as well for not keeping her under control. Nothing is or ever has gone your way ever in your life, it's enough to get you extremely angry at everyone and everything, doesn't it? If nothing makes you happy like you said, then you might as well get angry and unleash the rage within and let Desolation drive to make everyone suffer. she can help you. With the mission failed, and Lorence going to see us as a traitor, we got nothing left to lose other than your and Rosaline's life, right?

If you need a reminder who desolation is, it's this demigoddess https://questden.org/kusaba/draw/res/32929.html#34799[/spoiler]
No. 1061848 ID: d87c35

Inner thoughts: Why not!? let's do it! Let's prove a point!
No. 1062057 ID: dc13c4
File 168238288703.jpg - (8.58MB , 3508x4961 , Divergent 243.jpg )

No. 1062101 ID: d87c35

*Scarred casts misty step to get back on top of the roof escaping Stitch's grasp*

(Spell Description- Misty Step: Caster is briefly surrounded by silvery mist and can then you teleport up to 30 feet (roughly 9.1 meters) to an unoccupied space that they can see. Casting time is one bonus action.)

Hell no. Let the bitch down there deal with Stitch. But you... *looks over towards Anubis and activates the parasite blade from her arm* You're mine
No. 1062102 ID: 2c842e

Toothpick, either rip Tvhead's head off his body and throw it at Felafaf, or if that's too difficult, punch through the screen and grab Flints head or skull or whatever is in there, and throw it at Felafaf. You are on fire, so you don't need to worry about Ember or the centipede attacking you right now since they'll burn up by attempting to physically attack you. Felafaf will be your next target since she can heal people and has projectiles, and therefore your biggest threat if you manage to take care of tv head.

sorry Scarred, I know you wanted her alive, but I'm done with this. If she was a true friend, she would not have joined Essence as easily as she did, and she's even willing to let her lover Lorence's mission fail just for this pointless battle.
No. 1062104 ID: d87c35

Inner thoughts: Nah, you're right. Do it.
No. 1062253 ID: dc13c4
File 168271442039.jpg - (8.84MB , 3508x4961 , Divergent 244.jpg )

The music that is going on underneath the roof


And the music that is going on the roof

No. 1062254 ID: d87c35

Scarred casts spare the dying: Caster touches a living creature that is dying. The creature becomes stable. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.

So... That's it then huh? We're just going to roll over and die? Come on Pandora, i've got you partner.

We didn't come this far just to give up. Life is painful, but we press on. We keep going. We hit a wall? We break through it. We face challenges in life that will push back, and it will be painful, but we break through that pain to find happiness at the end.

We're gonna make it as long as we don't stop fighting for it. Let's get up. We're not done.
No. 1062255 ID: dc13c4
File 168271692817.jpg - (6.03MB , 3510x3917 , Divergent 245.jpg )

No. 1062257 ID: d87c35

>I'm sorry for not helping you.
It's all good Rosey, I don't blame you.

>You were in the crocodile's jaws kind of scenario- I was just waiting for the death roll
... Sure.

>What else can we do other than cut and run!?
*Scarred rolls her eyes*
You can die.

*Scarred pulls the sawed off shotguns out and fires at point blank with both barrels at Contaminator and Sapling sister*

Here. You can look at Essence while you bleed to death.
*Scarred holds the doll up to the them and shakes it at them a little, like a dog toy*
No. 1064319 ID: dc13c4
File 168471488120.jpg - (2.97MB , 2482x3152 , Divergent 246.jpg )

No. 1064327 ID: 1ab976

*Scarred reloads the shotgun*

Pot meet kettle. I’m honestly amazed you know about that, near trick. You should fuck off before your pet revenant decides to not be helpful anymore.

*scarred shoots at her again*
No. 1064328 ID: 4e7d00

I think shes learning now that in this world, nobody ever gets what they want, not even us, and not even her, and probably not even Happy. even if he succeeds, its probably going to backfire on him. This world was designed to make every single person who enters or even associate with this world to suffer in their own personal Hell.

We were like her too, trying to save something, or save ourselves, but in the end, It's pretty much impossible and too frustrating to succeed. She may have failed her mission here, but she made us fail our mission by pushing us the way she did

Scarred, can we just tell them to piss off and not fuck with us again? They can continue whatever hopeless mission they want, as long as they dont fuck with our hopless missions again.

And also, tell her: Welcome to hell, and that If it means anything, I wanted to give that to her before this fight started, and after things chilled after the fight and before Scarred did that attack just now against Ember. but fate wouldnt and wont let me or let that happen, because Hell, but At least she can have it now.
No. 1064330 ID: 1ab976

*correction: scarred shoots just slightly off to make her flee and make it look like the revenant failed to stop her, but not directly as to actually hit her*
No. 1064368 ID: dc13c4
File 168480116204.jpg - (3.77MB , 2480x3508 , Divergent 247.jpg )

No. 1064405 ID: ca7ffc

Rosaline use your fingers as a shield from the below as for you Toothpick can you levitate that shield with all of us on it and turn it into a makeshift magic carpet?
No. 1064534 ID: 9a3473

Levitation could work, it’s not an overly complex spell and it can lower us to the ground. Rose, can you still extend your arms like you did in the fight with us? That could also work for creating a fast shortcut to the ground. I can outrun them and run a diversion giving you time to escape. Invisibility and a spell called Long Strider which makes me much faster, hard-core parkour if you will.
No. 1064882 ID: dc13c4
File 168553803469.jpg - (7.57MB , 3508x4961 , Divergent 248.jpg )

No. 1064891 ID: 1ab976

Well done Pandora! Let’s get out of here! If there are snipers below we need to zig zag, stay mobile or see if can go faster.
No. 1065532 ID: e9a3b9
File 168640488387.jpg - (4.88MB , 3898x3133 , Divergent 249.jpg )

No. 1065646 ID: e497ce

We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. If you need to save face blame me. Don’t blame Pandora, I’ll take full responsibility and blame for it.
No. 1065699 ID: e9a3b9
File 168656764724.jpg - (6.28MB , 3935x3999 , Divergent 250.jpg )



No. 1065705 ID: f6aff4

Just a thought, but Lorence has lived through countless timelines. With all these lives he lived, I cant help but feel that there has been a timeline in the past where you took the role of toothpick before and Lorence figured out who you were. Do you think he already knows your true identity from the start, and is just pretending he doesnt, Toothpick? And How did you get that identity as toothpick in the first place? Was it stolen?

Anyway, i cant speak for Scarred, but I guess my motivation to finish this mission was I wanted to succeed in some kind of victory, any acomplishment, and honestly, i dare say I had fun with that mission, that is until Happy's minions decided to take our victory and everything we accomplished in that mission away at the last minute. I just hope giving them the doll was the right thing to do. I just have a feeling it was something that needed to happen.

But also, I guess my motivation now is to just spectate and see how things will play out at this point. The goals i want to accomplish at this point is impossible, so I might as well see whatever happens, happen.
No. 1065707 ID: e497ce

Three reasons.

First, was to at least try to get back into your good graces. I know we don’t see eye to eye, and most times we’re at each other’s throats. I’m trying really hard to change that.

Second, the same as Fortune. We have known defeat for so long, it gets so grating on me. We needed to pull something out of this, just a small victory.

Third, and I am being 100% honest, because I hope to accompany Laura in saving Logan. I know you probably hate me for that. Hell, you strangled me last time I mentioned that. So… Yeah.
No. 1065784 ID: bcec60
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No. 1065832 ID: 1ab976

Hm. This why you wanted to drop Rosaline off? Didn’t want her to see this? I get it. Before you decide to stick me with it, know that I don’t want to hurt you, but I will defend myself.
*Scarred readies the spell Hold Person: The target is paralyzed for one minute. At the end of each of its turns, the paralyzed target can make an attempt to free themselves breaking the magical hold. On a success, the spell ends on the target.*
No. 1065840 ID: bcec60
File 168674319109.jpg - (2.19MB , 3577x1549 , Divergent 252.jpg )

No. 1065848 ID: 75762d

Except, well... it doesnt make sense.

Toothpick, you long ago was put in a situation where you just wanted to give up, and then when you got your wish by switching your body with mine, thinking you'd become a spirit while we took your place, you later found you didnt want to do that, saw it as a mistake and decided to continue living by taking in your new life as Toothpick, and actually are actively trying to survive through this world by joining Lorence since he knows how to survive a long life in this hellscape world. How this any different to the time you wanted to switch bodies with me and give up that one time? How do you figure that Pandora isnt making a mistake and will regret it by taking that injection like you did when you switched bodies with mine?


Oh, and pandora, please dont inject that into Toothpick instead. I already know thats not going to work.
No. 1065852 ID: 5f4030

Couldn’t have said it better myself.

You know, I think I’ve nailed down how we’re all alike. We all get angry, but there’s one thing drives us to anger, so much so it’s to the point where we are at each others throats: Helplessness. The feeling where we have no control or no power over our situation. Since I can actually act on things now, I’ve noticed a change in myself, I don’t yell as much and sure anger and all that are still there, but I can channel it into something tangible.

Toothpick, and Pandora, I want you both to know this term and know it well: Learned Helplessness. The feeling where you are unable to find a solution to the problem even though one does exist. Where you are stuck or put in a situation, usually by an abuser, who will then force you into a situation where you have no control and you now have to rely on that person. It’s exactly what they want too because now you’re reliant on them and you have given them all the power.

I don’t know about the rest of you but I refuse to be helpless. I intend to keep going. Pandora? Your voice matters in this too. I say we get rid of this needle. I’m willing to keep going for us all.
No. 1065902 ID: 434ed2
File 168683699334.jpg - (4.38MB , 3898x2519 , Divergent 253.jpg )

No. 1065904 ID: a8cd52

You're sounding just like Essence, Toothpick, manipulative, tryig to turn the world against us and twist our actions to make us the worst possible things in existence in any universe when we are just trying our best to do the right thing, whether you believe it or not.

I will say this, the reason why I wanted the queen to die in the first place was because she was trying to KILL YOU Essence, I actually was fine with her until she acted out like that and wouldnt let me stop her, and after so many betrayals, i had enough and wanted her dead. But I was willing to give her a second chance as our adventure went on. You saying all that devalues everything I did try to save you from the Queen at that time. So, What? did you WANT to risk the queen killing you?

And now you're saying the Queen is your only friend? Stop lying, Essence. You're not the Queen's friend, you never were. you hated her, and wanted her dead from the very start. If you're going to be a manipulative bitch, at least TELL THE TRUTH. In fact, I think the reason why you want her dead was because she reminds you of everything you used to be, and you want her dead because of it, whether it is out of hatred of your past that she reminds you of, or jealousy that she is living with us guiding her instead of you, or maybe you hate yourself so much that you want any part of your past erased so you can live as toothpick. But you can never leave your past no matter how much you try to run Essence. And I think you're too cowardly to face it. And we will not be returning to guide you, no matter how much you want us back. We've found a new person who needs our guidance more than you do, and I would like you to respect that and leave us and the queen alone with your bullshit.

Think about this, no matter how much you try to play pretend as little toothpick, you WILL become just like us when you die. And yes, you WILL die, just like all of us did in the previous cycles, and then you will see just what kind of hell we have to deal with eternally when the past catches up to you and becomes so hungry after not confronting it for so long, and swallows you up and you become a spirit like us and see what it's like when every single action you try to take to save someone ends up backfiring in the end.

Parasite Queen, I'll be honest when I say I wanted you dead for hurting Toothpick and i wont apologize for wanting you dead at that time. But for what it's worth, I want to forgive you for hurting Toothpick. Essence may say that she is your only friend... but shes lying...

Rosaline cares deeply about you.
No. 1065905 ID: 5f4030

*slaps Toothpick/Essence across the face, not hard but firm*
Friends don’t encourage friends to kill themselves. Go back to being dead Essence. You’re not wanted here anymore.
No. 1065909 ID: 2968e5

No. Im not done...

Ithink what dissapoints me the most is that before you disappeared from us after I gave you MY body to live another life, you said to me... "i believe in you, and no matter what anybody says, never stop believing in yourself"

I held on to those word, it helped me get through, and hearing you now tell the Queen to just give up after everything you said to me, just makes me severely disappointed in you and feels like those words were empty, and that you betrayed me and yourself. All i can see now when looking at you is a coward, and if it were up to me, I'd severe our ties with you, and just live a seperate life with the queen away from you, Essence, to try to get by on our own. Yet, you are not giving us that option. Not giving us the chance to believe in ourself while you keep the queen here as your prisoner and even threatening the life of the Queen.

And you know what? I literally took several bullets for you from Delilah to live your new life, because you deserved better... and THIS is how you repay us. Fitting for a selfish coward such as yourself, Essence. Dont call Scarred selfish when you yourself are About to be guilty becoming selfish yourself.
No. 1065910 ID: 5f4030

Those that trade freedom for safety deserve neither. Begone Essence, back to the void where you belong.
No. 1065911 ID: 5f4030

*begins looking for the strings to see if they are anywhere around Toothpick/Essence or anywhere in the area*
No. 1066001 ID: 434ed2
File 168694403234.jpg - (9.61MB , 4400x5739 , Divergent 254.jpg )

No. 1066002 ID: 5f4030

Piss off.
No. 1066003 ID: 5f4030

*when time unfreezes after fortune says her thing and Scarred has slapped her*
So, let me get this straight. You say that we are self-serving, and only want to serve our own interests. Then what the hell are you doing here? You want to get your way, so you try to convince someone related to your girlfriend to kill herself?

That’s disgusting.

If you really had this hate and anger in your, why did you never say anything? What events do you blame us for? Your life as it is now? As Fortune said, you quit. You gave up this body, and Fortune took it over. The entire time that was happening, I was screaming at her to stop. Because this was your body, and your life, and I didn’t want to take it from you. When they were about kill Pandora the first time, I jumped in to save her. I didn’t want this situation, and yet here we are.

If you want to have this out we’ll have it out, we can box or fist fight or whatever, but this? This situation? Unacceptable.
No. 1066013 ID: 9fefa8

For the record, i didnt really think Essence was controlling her, only scarred did. I only called her that because she was acting too much like her

And, You know what, fuck it. If Im going to put my heart and soul into talking to someone only to get bullied by a powerful godlike being that freezes time so that Ana couldnt hear it, or get powerful enemies that can spy on us and ruin our mission after putting everything we had on the line whenever they want, and both can sabotage anything we try to say or do, with us being powerless to prevent that, then why bother even continuing? i think for my mental health, it's best for me to just stop and fuck off. Im done with this waste of time of a world, and just want to let the entire multiverse crumble from of everyones cruelty. And when people come crawling back to beg us for our help, I'll just tell them to fuck off. They've took advantage of us for too long only to spit in our face. So why help them now.

Im sorry scarred, but im finished. If you fail, then i suggest you do the same thing too. I have a feeling Happy and everyone like DeRvan needs us for their plans to work, and im not going to get manipulated further to let them have it. And even if they do succeed, ill watch and see how itll all backfire on them.
No. 1066015 ID: 5f4030

Go rest up partner, I had to do the same a while ago but my fire just keeps burning on. I’ll carry everyone if I have to. It’s what a hero does after all.
No. 1066083 ID: 434ed2
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No. 1066102 ID: 5f4030

For Glory, Toothpick? There’s no glory to be had. War isn’t glorious, it’s hard, tragic, and sad. I chose to fight though, because it meant freedom for the world, and keeping what I loved. Did I win in the end? Sure, was it worth it for me? No. Was it worth it for everyone else who did get to live and see a future I helped bring? I like to think so.

I don’t do I what I do because lives are pieces on a game board. I’m not Lorence, not Root, and certainly not any of the beings who consider themselves above other people because they’re gods or whatever, that’s just arrogance.

Were it Lorence or DeRvan, I honestly couldn’t say. Because they don’t strike me as the type to commit suicide. They seem the type to take advantage of it themselves. You have a poison in your mind, Toothpick. It’s been fed by hatred, anger, jealousy, and fear. All thugs that spawn acts of evil.

I’ve known evil, and evil is not some big villain at the end, not cackling emperors and sneering demons. It’s small men with their small acts and their small reasons. It’s selfishness and carelessness and waste. It’s bad luck, incompetence, and stupidity. It’s violence divorced from conscience or consequence. It was high ideals, even, and low methods.

I’ve known evil, I’ve seen it, and I’ve done it.

But I’m trying Ana. I’m trying really hard to build something worth keeping. And I’m choosing to start with saving one life.

Pandora, what is it you want out of this life? If I do manage to convince you that this is not worth it, if you were out from under Lorence’s thumb and influence, not a prisoner of fate, or anyone, what kind of life would you want to build?
No. 1066262 ID: 434ed2
File 168720401710.jpg - (4.32MB , 3898x2687 , Divergent 256.jpg )

No. 1066264 ID: 1ab976

*high kicks the needle out of Toothpick’s hand the moment she is distracted*

You’re disgusting, Toothpick.

Pandora, no friend anywhere would try to convince some one they care about to kill themselves. Because if I am being selfish, then what is she doing? Trying to get you to kill yourself, in order to get at me. You’re just in the way to this… Essence.

And good to see you Laura, I wish we were meeting again on better circumstances. Thanks for saving Pandora.

As for you, Toothpick. I have nothing to say to you. I will not forget this, and I will never forgive.
No. 1066270 ID: 1ab976

Do you even remember why I went back to the fire? Because you lashed out at me. You strangled Pandora. You made it clear I couldn’t be near you. You were a danger to Pandora, just as you are now.

You said this world only wants to see her suffer, are you a part of that world now? You only want to see people suffer if it means you survive?

You used to be so beautiful…

*scarred picks up the needle from the ground and walks away from Toothpick to stand next to Laura.*
I don’t think this is the answer. I want to keep fighting for you, for Laura, even for Ana. But it HAS to be your choice alone, Pandora. I’m not going to stop you if this is what you really want. But you had better be damn sure that there isn’t another chance somewhere somehow that it’s possible for something better. If you think there is one chance, for a happy day somewhere for you, then I beg you to reconsider.

I’ll make you a deal. We don’t use it now, but we keep it. If we realize that we have no hope of restoring you, and building a future for your kind somewhere, then we use it. I won’t stop it, you have my word.
No. 1066360 ID: 434ed2
File 168727788734.jpg - (3.23MB , 3069x3109 , Divergent 257.jpg )

No. 1066388 ID: 8afb69

Cry me a river, Toothpick.

So, Pandora, what do you say? Your voice needs to be heard as it’s your life. My bargain still stands.
No. 1066448 ID: dc13c4
File 168742621575.jpg - (2.37MB , 3355x1899 , Divergent 258.jpg )

No. 1066460 ID: 8afb69

*falls into Pandora’s dream with her, following her to see her true self and see what she is dreaming of*
No. 1066503 ID: dc13c4
File 168755670185.jpg - (3.85MB , 3415x2927 , Divergent 259.jpg )

No. 1066538 ID: 1e8e87

*watches baby Pandora play with the ball*

Heh. That's actually pretty cute.

As for why me and Toothpick are fighting? Long story. Me and her have always butted heads, I tried to steer her down being a good person, a hero even. But, well too much is too much. She's a broken person and I want to help her, but when she doesn't want my help there's not much I can do. I can work with her, but I don't know if I can change her.

Hell I don't even really see this body as mine. It's hers and it was given to Pandora after Ana was pulled from it. I'm just holding on to it if she wants to return, and I sincerely hope she does. On that day, I can call her Ana again. Until then though, there's only Toothpick.

As for forgiving her for trying to convince Pandora to kill herself, no. I really can't forgive that. It's not even a matter of the body. No person should ever try to convince someone that their life is not worth living. What disgusts me is her motivation for it, it was just to spite me. That's a whole other level of disgust and hate that even trumps mine. I know I am angry person, that I can be rage filled. But rage is not the same thing as hate. What that was was not rage, that was sadism and cruelty. That is something I cannot EVER forgive.
No. 1066539 ID: 1e8e87


Where's Dreamwalker anyway? I thought he was sticking around you.
No. 1066597 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1066619 ID: 1ab976

I’m certainly willing to try, though I can’t guarantee that she is willing to talk with me about it.
No. 1066744 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1066748 ID: aa36d2

I’m not here for a fight, I want to offer a proverbial olive branch. I know you and I have been at odds these past months, and to say we don’t see eye to eye is putting it is heavily sugarcoating it. I done things you can forgive me for, and vice versa. Truth be told I don’t even see the body I’m using as actually mine. It’s still yours whenever you want it back. That probably won’t be for a long time though, maybe never.

I don’t want to bargain for what it would take for us to work together, because every time we try something comes along and kicks us in the gooch for trying. But I’m still gonna try if you will. Or if you’re just done with it all, we can split up. I’ll go with Laura or whatever, we’ll cross the bridge when we get to it. Just know that I still have a promise I’m trying to keep. To protect you.
No. 1066858 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1066861 ID: b7bb89

You keep saying that there are dates worse than death. That’s become like your catchphrase. You’re not wrong, and I can name one right now.

Starting over.

If you die, then this entire thing resets. You become as I am. Just a nameless voice among countless other Anas. The funny thing is, I’ve talked with all of them. Every, single, one. And we want one thing. Freedom. That’s the thing, we all waiting to die. For this to end, to move on to something greater or worse, or whatever comes next. Control of this world? Power? It’s a joke. This world is like a broken record and we’re all stuck in it.

The way I see it no matter what happens, if we keep going serving Lorence who only wants to preserve the status quo, we are consigning ourselves and you to just another form of those fates worse than death. This world has no future and no past. Not on this road. So why serve someone who promises security when at the end it means nothing. Do you think he would take you with him at the end? That he’s got some master plan for you? I doubt it. He’s not god. Even the “gods” that permeate this place, they don’t know what their doing. Everyone wants something.

So what do you want? Survival? Security? An end?
No. 1066909 ID: b46933

Dreamwalker and you wanted to talk to me, Laura? I'm not too sure if I'm up to it, or anything for that matter. So I think I might as well give my thoughts before I ultimately bid my farewell.

I've been doing a lot of thinking over everything I had to go through, to where we are now, to how I can only assume things will go from here, and from what I can gather, the truth of the matter is, I guess I'm just done. I really don't have the drive to continue guiding anyone here anymore, no motivation to keep going, and there isn't a single goal that I can find appealing to work towards. A lot of the goals I wanted to shoot for just seems way to far, if not, impossible to reach now, like trying to save someone from this fog, or create my own universe with any kind of Ana's body's ashes to migrate those who don't want to live on this planet, but the goals I want to achieve isn't what anyone else wants to achieve, and the goals that Toothpick wants, and what Lorence wants isn't really a goal I want to chase, And Scarred's goal of reuniting with Logan and join absolution to "save" this world isn't something I want either... I'm not even sure if Logan would want to date scarred as it isn't the same Logan.

And even if I found a goal I wanted to pursue, or if i continued to help Toothpick, Pandora, or Scarred, or anyone achieve their goals, I don't think it is possible for me, whether out of a loss of patience I used to have, or just not seeing any possibility. Whenever we come close to achieve something, like that mission, some powerful beings with powers to spy on us can just easily step in to take that away last second. And even if Spirit Contaminator and her group wasn't a problem, I had given a talking to to Toothpick that I was really passionate about, with a lot of heart put into it, but THAT was taken away by another powerful being thanks to some kind of time stop thing, making that speech be all for nothing if Toothpick couldnt hear it.

and on top of all that, I'm just tired of every single being in this world just hating on us after all the effort we put into trying to save them thanks to mistakes we make. besides you, Laura, I'm not sure there is a single being out there that doesn't want us dead.

It's because of this I just can't find the will to keep trying to help anyone in this world if there's no love, respect, and powerful manipulators and beings that can easily make things worse for us with nothing we can do about it. It's like, this whole thing is like playing rock paper scissors, but our opponents pull tornado on us

So... I don't know. I think I'm just done trying to do anything here, maybe just drift and spectate, maybe take solace in knowing that the people who is manipulating us won't have me to manipulate as I am no longer playing, maybe I'll laugh when the people who wanted us dead get on their knees and beg for our help as I refuse to help them, or laugh at our enemies when they achieve their goals, only for it to backfire spectacularly in the end, as this world has a way of fucking everyone over...

If there's any parting words I'd like to give you, it'd probably be, whatever you and your group are setting out to do... DON'T. just don't. You're going to see Logan from what I remember you saying, but I think you should quit whatever you are trying to do. I have a dreadful feeling that Happy and other forces are just using your goals to further their goals, maybe even manipulated you down that path, and I think it involves that sacrificial knife you have, and I remember Happy was trying to prevent Ana from switching bodies from you too, meaning you're valuable to him. I really think you are right now an unwitting puppet, and you should stop what it is you're going to do before you fall into Happy's trap...

...but then, a lot of advice I give always backfires on people i try to guide, hurting them. So I don't know, maybe you should go despite my warnings? *sigh* well you know my concerns, take what you will from it.

That said, I guess I'll just drift through this world until the next cycle begins, maybe help the next Ana better than the mess we caused here. I'd ask Dreamwalker to eat my memories so you and Dreamwalker can get stronger since I can't find a purpose, and I'd at least get to help protect you that way... but I know your stance in doing that and won't force you.

In all honesty, finally deciding to just not get involved and not care about what happens actually makes me feel a lot more... content. Thanks for listening to my rant, Laura. Sorry I'm not strong enough to keep going, but I need this.
No. 1066936 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1066947 ID: 1e8e87

It may be delusional, but unfortunately what you want is a delusion as well. You won't end, you'll be like I was. Like Fortune is. You'll join the sea of voices that have gone through this and you'll be stuck. You'll have your security, and you'll survive, but you won't live. You'll be stuck in this limbo. And I don't want that for you. For any of us.

This world? Maybe I don't need to save it, just change it enough that it matters. And if I get the chance to fight Andrew. I'll probably die. But I can make a hole big enough for you all to escape through with it, so you can be free. So you can actually live, not just "survive." As for it being arrogance? I don't think being able to move on and not repeat this is too much to ask.
No. 1067103 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1067118 ID: 1ab976

I like that outlook.

As for one who knew Absolution, I did. Our relationship was... well it was a working relationship and things went swimingly at first. Up until I revealed to him that I intended to get rid of the fog. That's where we differed and where the blind will and I started to have disagreements.

I never knew about Happy during my time, as for the other Ana's... I'll ask.
*she gets into a meditative pose as she contacts other Anas about Happy and if any others had seen him or knew of him.*
No. 1067396 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1067397 ID: 1ab976

And if I am forced to make a decision or put in a situation where I have no choice in what happens?
No. 1067522 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1067526 ID: 1ab976

You mean if he just chews me out? That’s fine, I’ve been chewed out before. As for what I would say?

“The mission was a failure sir, but I hope I can be forgiven if I point out what went wrong, as well as some speculations I have. The actual extraction of Delilah went according to plan, however the moment it failed was when we were intercepted by the being known as Spirit Contaminator and he gang. I was forced to make a decision during a moment where this body and that of my partner Pandora was about to die. It was a calculated risk on my part, but I was forced to kill and allow Pandora to consume Delilah in order to escape. We were able to neutralize most of Spirit Contaminators team so they should not be a problem again for some time. But their arrival tells me some worrying things, mostly that their shadow leader, Happy the Tragedy Phantom, is watching us or that the he was able to figure out where we’d be based on leaked intel. I ask that you watch out as he probably listening to you right now. Lastly, If you must punish someone I ask you punish me, and me alone. Pandora only did what was necessary for her own survival, but I was the one who allowed it to happen.”
No. 1067610 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1067680 ID: 1ab976

Our biggest mistakes? Allowing our face to be seen, giving them a target. Leaving more dead bodies than was necessary, I’m not sure what they will think of the one who’s head I shot off. Also, I had no part in this one, but getting that one paranoid man involved. I’m not really sure why he chose to come to our aid but he paid the price for it.
No. 1067889 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1067894 ID: 1ab976

*narrows her eyes and raises a brow*
Inner thoughts: Incorrect, you ignorant swine. They benefited from both sides during the war. Do you forget Root also made deals with them to obtain magic as well? And did you also forget that I fought against them? The version of Absolution I knew was a good god worth following, but theirs? Prime? No. But whatever tell your lies and half truths as much as you want you manipulative prick.
No. 1068062 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1068064 ID: 1ab976

I have thoughts and feelings about what you said sir. But I am trying to build a healthy working relationship with Toothpick. And getting into an argument over past events, whether factual or perceived will not fix that, so I am forced to put up with it.
No. 1068244 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1068321 ID: 0d666d

Mostly ways to pull it off and how we would accomplish it. We used stealth and code phrases to do it, with our code being “angler fish” to signify we would carry her out via scaling the walls and try to remain un-seen. That was for the most part a success. We were seen by Maya the maid but we were lucky that she suddenly got called away to fight Stitch who showed up.
No. 1068464 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1068478 ID: 0d666d

… Show me his blood on your sword. Show me his mask.

Inner thoughts: please, by whatever grace of gods I have left let him live.
No. 1068662 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1068695 ID: 39a2a6

*Scarred blinks at that*
It's gotta be 93 or maybe Boxhead. I hope it is.

Lorrence, would you believe me if I said that Logan warned me about the Blind Will in my time and actively worked to prevent their arrival? If these worlds echo, I see no reason that he would not feel the same way. Besides, if he does despise the Blind Will, wouldn't he be good as an inside man?
No. 1068823 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1068901 ID: 108513

I will give you the very honest answer. Yeah… Yeah you betrayed humanity. You betray it every cycle. What you help create always leads to the downfall of humanity, you followed a leader who wants all his people to reject their humanity and become something distinctly un-human. Humans are flawed beings and trying to change them into something their not makes us distinctly nonhuman, you create a world of monsters that you move like chess pieces on a board. You help bring about a world every cycle and like an insane fool you try to do the same thing over and over again. You want a world that is consumed only by your status quo. To you, that status quo is your god, a higher devotion to it than I ever had with Absolution. You represent the one thing that dooms us all, stagnancy. No change, no evolution, no progress, only countless cycles doomed to fall into the same pitfalls because of you. You are a traitor to humanity and hypocrite.
No. 1069143 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1069149 ID: 1ab976

inner thoughts: Well this tells me he doesn’t actually know that it’s me. I wonder if he just thinks it’s you, Pandora, who is now Ana? And I thought he knew that Toothpick is the real Ana? Hmm. Maybe not. Pandora you should answer. You can tell him that you were just repeating everything that I was telling you. It’s not technically a lie. You should tell him your opinion on whether or not he betrayed humanity, which I don’t really know if you have any opinion on.
No. 1069375 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1069384 ID: 1ab976

Well spoken, Pandora! That was an answer I'm proud of you for. Honestly? I couldn’t agree more with what Pandora said. I think you’re trying to have your cake and eat it too.
No. 1069387 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1069437 ID: 1ab976

Or what? Final warning what? What do you gain by knowing except more leverage you can use against us even though you know that no matter what I’m still going to be working for you because I’m trying to earn toothpicks trust again? And even if you did know it would just feed into your already self-destructive paranoia! You don’t have anything to threaten me with anymore! Your assassin failed so Logan isn’t dying any time soon, and the woman there with you can probably kill you if you tried because she more than likely has 7 pounds of explosives on her! She literally puts explosives IN PEOPLE! Tell you what, if toothpick tells me to do it I will, I will follow their orders, but I am not going to willingly tell you anything or follow anything you want me to do.
No. 1069532 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1069533 ID: 1ab976

… Thanks…?

*takes the needle and injects it*

So… Did I miss something?
No. 1069711 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1069731 ID: 1ab976


*Scarred casts lay on hands on herself ending the poison effect
Description: As an action, you can touch a creature and draw power from a set reservoir of healing to restore a number of hit points to that creature, up to the maximum amount remaining in your reservoir pool. Alternatively, you can expend 5 points of healing from your pool of healing to cure the target of one disease or neutralize one poison affecting it. You can cure multiple diseases and neutralize multiple poisons with a single use of Lay on Hands, expending hit points separately for each one.*

Fuck you hellraiser wannabe. If you think I settle for that, you don’t know me very well.
No. 1069862 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1069867 ID: 1ab976

> We embody something much grander
Heard that one before… Although the hellraiser outfit is kinda new.

> You wouldn’t have that body if we weren’t interacting with it.
Then you can take it away, but it’s obvious something is preventing that, I’m a monkey wrench in your designs and this sales pitch is you trying to convince me to lay down and die.

> This dimension screamed for salvation and we answered its call.
Someone get this freak a televangelist tv show…

> Anger and spite are the strongest emotions feeding your existence.
Gee, I wonder why…?

> Aren’t you tired of all you endured?
I’m getting tired of your voice in my ear.

> You deserve to rest
Can’t afford it though, not in this economy.

> It already beat you down why keep up the beatings?
Because daddy hasn’t punished me enough…! HARDER DADDY!

> You deserve better, you earned it.
If you’re gonna use the tentacles on me at least buy me dinner first.

> So don’t deny yourself any longer.
Nah. I enjoy cucking monsters like you. *racks her shotgun* now fuck off.
No. 1069926 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1069931 ID: 1ab976

> You wont shoot me because you are concerned.
Yeah, your blood going everywhere might ruin this nice coat.

>You worry that I am something intangible something but still able to affect things.
I mean you already showed that can affect things and I can even follow you around even when incorporeal myself so your point is moot.

> You are worried that you might accidentally attack your friends.
I wouldn’t feel too bad if it were Toothpick.

> Would they be angry with you?
Probably. Neat trick changing faces by the way.

> Time to sink or swim old friend
Hmmm… Do you feel lucky? Cuz I know how to resolve this and probably find out who you are in one go… Pandora, sorry about this it’s about to get weird.
*Scarred suddenly moves forward and pulls the string being into a embrace and kisses them*
No. 1069996 ID: dc13c4
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first half

other half
No. 1070000 ID: 1ab976

*Ignores Essence and looks for a way back to the real world. Failing this, Scarred will call on the voices of Ana to open a new door for her back to the body*
No. 1070057 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1070073 ID: fcb767

... Where in the hell do you get the audacity to say that? The sheer audacity of you, to say that the world may be a broken, ruined mess, but it wasn't the world that did it. The world is not inherently cruel. It's people like you that insist it's a cruel place and do nothing to change their outlook, and in fact, make it a self fulfilling prophecy. The world is cruel, therefore they must be cruel. Case in point, you literally had your string bean goon over there kill me just so you can tell me to quit. You haven't changed at all, you've learned nothing and it shows. And you have the audacity and absolutely 0 self awareness to recognize your own hypocrisy.

If you wanted to talk to me, you could have just used your own strings. But instead, you have to make it this weird flex on me, and you have some fake attitude bullshitter string bean goon to try and impress upon me why I should give up. And when I refuse, he takes away that option. You're a fake an hypocrite.

You can claim its in the name of survival, that might makes right, that you have good reasons. The path to hell is paved with good intentions and good morals. But at every turn, people like you with greater power never try to build anything. You use it the way you always have, to bully and create a situation where they barely survive at the cost of others. You are the ones making this world a cruel place.

That's the reason I keep going, the reason I reject your hypocrisy. I just want to do it out of spite and hatred at this point of you all at this point. You hear me, you fakes? Maybe the world isn't worth saving, at this point, all I want is to save who I can. After I've done that, I'll watch this world burn. End these cycles, the only way to save this world is to burn it down first.
No. 1070075 ID: 44790a

One last thing. NEVER, compare me to you fakes.
No. 1070447 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1070448 ID: 1ab976

You speak of Happy and of consequences as if I knew any of them, or cared.

I’ve seen worse. I’ve seen valley’s run dry of water and the people literally bled themselves dry to try make something they could live off of. This world has crushed spirits, broken dreams and ruined lives. Powers that are “beyond our understanding” have long since taken over and now they’re after our very souls! Essence, I’ve declared war not because their power is a thorn in my side or out of nostalgia for a version of this world gone by. This war is a people’s war against a system that spiralled out of control. It’s a war against the forces of entropy, understand? I’ll do whatever it takes to stop ‘em, defeat ‘em, gut ‘em! If I gotta kill, I’ll kill! If I need your power, I’ll fucking take it!

*she turns away in disgust of them both*
Fuckin’ hell… You still don’t get it. But you will one day. The way I figure it, you can either get off your asses and help me make something worth fighting for, or get out of my way.

Get busy living, or get busy dying. And dying ain’t no choice at all.
No. 1070449 ID: 1ab976

Come to think of it, you said you know what happens next. Yet you’ve done nothing to stop it or try to change it. You speak from the position of utmost privilege, because you got enough power to be able to afford to do nothing. Yet for all you have you only pick on me, and have the utter gall to tell me not to stop being angry.

You both are pathetic. Either stand up and shape up or shut up.
No. 1070450 ID: 1ab976

Also while in chastising you both for being lazy pricks, String Bean was talking a pretty big game about being part of some organization that was answering “the world’s cry for help.” Are you actually “the good guys” in this? or is my assumption that he was just trying to sound cool correct, and you both are just privileged elites flexing your power on those who don’t have what you do?

My guess is your THINK you’re the good guys and your “saving this world.” But all I see are the equivalent of spoiled rich children who get everything they want but when it actually comes time to make it on your own, you can’t hack it. The only thing you have proven is that you are two pathetic people that have learned nothing, spout nihilistic garbage at me and continue to disappoint.
No. 1070451 ID: 1ab976

And one more thing. Keep Fortune’s name out of your pathetic mouth as well as mine. At least she actually EARNED her rest.

I want her back, no question. She was a great partner and one I would take any day of the week. She was logical where I was emotional. She pushed me to be better and keep going, I just wish I could have done the same for her. But it’s not my decision. I didn’t agree with it, and never will, but I understood it. She fought the good fight and in the end she earned her rest. I’ll carry her memory and a dream for something better, even if that’s all I have of her.
No. 1070452 ID: 1ab976

*turns away from the both in anger and disgust and fishes through her pockets and finds a pack of smokes and matches and lights one up and sighs*

You know, just once, I want to hear someone tell me to keep going. To keep fighting, that it’s worth it, even if I’m only able to save one person. I don’t think that’s too much to ask.
No. 1070484 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1070490 ID: 1ab976

*looks at Essence, and flexes her fingers as she sees her mostly dead body then back at leaf*

When I said you were privileged elitists, I was referring to you String Bean.
*she flicks her cigarette at his face*

Am I preventing you from playing with your new toys? Aww, too bad. Spare me the lecture, there’s always some dumbass who wants to rule the world. You’re no different. Only thing separating you from them is your cenobite sense of fashion. One thing is right though, I am very unpredictable.

*touches Essence and attempts to see if Lay on hands works*
No. 1070691 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1070702 ID: 1ab976




*Scarred silently casts Vow of Enmity of Echo*
Description: As a bonus action, you can utter a vow of enmity against a creature that can be seen within 10 feet of caster, using their Channel Divinity. Caster gains advantage on attacks against the creature for 1 minute or until it dies or falls unconscious.

*Scarred summons her spear and launches herself at Echo in a barrage of attacks looking to cut the traitor down.*

Die then, pretender. You ate shards and fragments of our words and emotions. This is what betrayal tastes like.

No. 1070996 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1071001 ID: c57e31


That’s what powerlessness tastes like. The will to do something but you’re unable to act on any of it. It’s enough to make you rage at the unfairness of it all. But you’re wrong about one thing Echo, sometimes there is no lesson to be learned in anything. Sometimes you just fail.

Let me feed you something else now since I know you feed on emotions and concepts.

I trusted you. You were weird, you were cryptic, but you were helping us. You distracted people during the mission, you showed us your fear of Lawrence, hell I even gave you hugs to try and calm you down. I accepted you for what you were, I didn’t even know what you were, but I accepted that you were with us. I wanted to help you too.

But apparently that was an act. All of it. So how does betrayal taste as an emotion. I hope it savory and worth tasting because you earned this.
No. 1071002 ID: c57e31

Here’s another meal for you, and I hope it tastes as bitter as it feels.

I didn’t know. Your universe that collapsed, the future that never was. When it was destroyed, I didn’t know that would happen. Neither did Fortune. What else could we do but press on? We tried to atone, to do the best we could. Clearly we, no, I failed.

So are you sure you don’t want me gone because of some of that misplaced anger, it’s a very human thing to do. Claim you have a moral high ground because of one reason, you say you want to fix this world, but in order to do so you have to get rid of the person who ruined yours. Seems like a big moral justification there, Echo. But I get it.
No. 1071187 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1071194 ID: 052461

*leans on her weapon*
Hmm. Honestly, I think they're one and the same. At least partially anyway. I think Happy is someone on the inside of the Tribunal and has been manipulating things to keep them off his back as well as stir the pot in his favor. I think if you take one out, it's going to have irreversible effects on the other, you can't have a one sided coin.


By the way Echo, shot out of a canon here... But does the name "Carson" mean anything to you?
No. 1071607 ID: 995874
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No. 1071845 ID: e497ce

Okay, let me see if I got this right before I make a decision, because I still don’t have all the information.

You guys operate like puppet masters and stuff trying to push people in certain directions making certain things happen, yeah? So far you’ve shown yourself to be pretty good at predicting outcomes based on the way you push things. What I do not understand though is why you need Happy to be in charge. You understand he is a madman, but you clearly prefer him to the Tribunal.

And while we’re on the topic is he even aware of your presence and influence? I would think he’d be a pretty big supporter of your cause if it meant helping further his goals.
No. 1071964 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1071974 ID: 5af5b2

Alright, fuck it. I'm in.
No. 1072232 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1072233 ID: 1ab976

No. 1072236 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1072237 ID: 1ab976

No. 1072320 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1072365 ID: ea4e2e

No. 1072366 ID: f697a7

And really, you have a grudge against Dreamwalker huh? What'd he do to you?
No. 1072379 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1072386 ID: 1ab976

Of course that also means the same for you.

No. 1072401 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1072405 ID: 1ab976

Your breath smells like paint.

No. 1072452 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1072455 ID: 1ab976

No. 1072505 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1072552 ID: 1ab976

No. 1072607 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1072609 ID: db56ab

No. 1072751 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1072785 ID: 0e4ccd

... Yeah, she should rest. Can I speak to her as the first Ana before she goes though?
No. 1073110 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1073147 ID: 1ab976

*with her one good arm she reaches up and pushes her hair out of her face to look into her eyes*
It’s alright. I don’t hold that against you, sister.
No. 1073602 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1073636 ID: 1ab976

It was a long fight, I couldn’t do it on my own. But in the end we won. I’m sorry for everything that you’ve been through. I can only imagine the pain that you’ve been feeling. If you want, you can rest now.
No. 1073990 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1074004 ID: e77f5d

Sorry did I miss something? What was her mission?
No. 1074348 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1074385 ID: 338f3f

Okay first of all, in my coat pocket, I think I have a box of tic-tacs. Take them, they're yours. Just for the love of god, don't open your mouth until you've dealt with that halitosis.

And Ana... Who are your other parts? Like, the ones that made up Essence. You were most definitely the base template, but since you can't answer those questions, I'm hoping they could.
No. 1074848 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1074849 ID: 527ee6

Is your ass jealous of the amount of shit that just came out of your mouth? Maybe that's what the smell is. Anyway looks like I got my hands back so here.
*tosses him a pack of mint tic tacs*
enjoy those.

Hmm... So does happy give you these strings or is this just some other unrelated thing that's just part of this clusterfuck of snowball effect?
No. 1075651 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1075660 ID: 045460

I'm fine... Just... let me adjust to this for a second. Alright, I'm good.

Is pandora okay?
No. 1076376 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1076416 ID: 37c106

Yeah, it’s something that should be discussed. But this might not be the time or place. What’s our current situation looking like? Are we as safe as we’re going to be out here?
No. 1076690 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1076714 ID: f6f5e5

Pandora, I get why you want to have it out here and now, believe me I do. But what would we gain? It would leave us short of friends and allies and that's not something we can afford right now. We WILL confront Toothpick for the issue, you have my word, but this is not the time or place.

Inner thoughts to Pandora: Plus by saying this, it lets Rosaline know there is already a divide at the moment, if you want to show her that Toothpick is not trustworthy, start small, plant just a seed of doubt here for now. When the time is right we'll have it out with her, just please be patient.

Right, gotta remind me, head is kinda fuzzy still, current goals and objecttives?
No. 1077133 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1077198 ID: 37f110

I would greatly appreciate if we can do that. The issue would be finding a way to convince Lorence it would be in his best interest to have Logan rescued. Let's think, he's really worried about the Blind Will. If we can either get Logen to spy for us, or convince him that he would be safer with us than with them, if they get a hold of him the Blind Will probably want to make him their prophet or whatever, so if we can keep him out of their hands it will cripple them.
No. 1077337 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1077435 ID: 184877

Inner thoughts It sucks. But I'm trying Pandora. I'm trying really really hard, to keep it together. Hey Pandora? We're friends, right? I know when we first met, we fought and that was unpleasant as hell. I hope we've gone past that and we're doing better. I'll watch your back if you watch mine. I'll even keep that with Toothpick.
No. 1077638 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1077928 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1077930 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1077981 ID: f4133a

In terms of their demise, the only correlation between them is they died of the same causes

DeRvan was a sociopath who never got any sort of treatment for pathological lying. However he was too prideful to ever truly commit suicide. I believe he was manipulated into killing himself because his death served a purpose to the people who led him like a puppet on a string.

The assistant, was manic depressive and psycho-dependant on Zirzam, even modeling herself after her master. She suffered from severe imposter syndrome, trying to constantly prove to herself that she was worthy of Zirzam's attention. Her death, based on the autopsy, was more personal. My personal guess is she wronged someone, and the one who was responsible wanted her to suffer.
No. 1078895 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1078897 ID: b0292a

Keep your hands to yourself, Lord Murdusa.

*He looks to hookah-head*
You're intimidation needs work. If you're going to be forceful, be prepared to back it up or present evidence if you wish to make those claims. Believe me, I know those tactics quite well.

*looks back to Murdusa*
I think she is a desperate individual who was prepared to sabotage what she believed was keeping her and her sister oppressed. I think in a roundabout way she was manipulated by Happy in such a way that it leaves no trail back to him. If she has not been cooperative then I can begin an interrogation myself if need be.
No. 1080293 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1080301 ID: 1ab976

*pinches the bridge of his nose*
Inner thoughts: You fool. You just gave her an out. If you want to get anything done make her feel cornered, like their opportunity is the only way out. Alright, let's play this game.

My dear Nurse. While you may have had some connections to my dearly departed employer in the past, you must understand your predicament here. We already know everything, but you have a chance to at least come out of this unharmed, and to tell you the truth, that's about as good as you can hope for at this point. All that's left for you to do is name your accomplices.

*Writes out a full legal document and sets in front of the nurse, Murdusa, and Hooka-head*

Count Murdusa, would you sign as witness to her confession?

*the document reads thusly*

I, [Name of Accused], hereby willingly and voluntarily confess to the following charges and make this statement under my own free will and without any coercion, duress, or inducement.

I acknowledge that I have been informed of the charges against me, specifically related to my involvement in activities associated with the entity known as "Happy The Tragedy Phantom."

I declare that I have been manipulated and influenced by the aforementioned entity, both mentally and emotionally, to willingly participate in activities contrary to the laws and regulations of the Dimensional Tribunal.

I recognize that "Happy The Tragedy Phantom" has infiltrated the establishment of the Dimensional Tribunal and has utilized various means to compromise the integrity of individuals within the jurisdiction, including myself.

I hereby provide a detailed list of accomplices involved in unlawful activities under the influence of "Happy The Tragedy Phantom." The following individuals are named as my accomplices:

a. [Accomplice 1 Name]
b. [Accomplice 2 Name]
c. [Accomplice 3 Name]
d. [Accomplice 4 Name]
e. [Accomplice 5 Name]

I understand that this confession may be used against me and my accomplices in a court of law or by the appropriate authorities.

I acknowledge that I have had the opportunity to consult with legal counsel before making this confession, and I knowingly waive that right.

I affirm that this confession is made without any promises or guarantees of leniency, and I am fully aware of the potential consequences of my actions.

I affirm that this confession is made with a clear understanding of the truthfulness and accuracy of the information provided herein.

I, [Name of Accused], affix my signature below on this [Date] in the presence of [Witness Name], who has witnessed my confession.

[Signature of Accused]

Date: ________________________

[Witness Signature]

Date: ________________________

Officially Stamped and sealed by:
Department of Inquisitorial Authority
Dimensional Tribunal
No. 1080425 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1080429 ID: 1ab976

*Corax slowly tilts his head from side to side as if weight the question*

Winning gets me nothing, I will admit that.

*His stare turns icy*

But I hate losing. More than anything.

*He pulls his gun and sets it across his lap, hand on the grip and finger on the trigger*

Doctor, this confession does not help me. It helps you, understand that is your way out. It will not absolve you of all crimes, but it may lighten your burden when it comes to your sentence. I have no control over what your sentence is, but I will present your confession as evidence, an investigation will begin as to who ordered your assassination of myself and potentially my erstwhile colleagues, and your sister can have a chance at life.

Murdusa. Please sign as the witness.
No. 1081201 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1081212 ID: 88e125

> If you want to shoot me, then just do it!

Fine. *Shoots her in the upper right arm*

> I don't want to mess up her life more than I already did.

Funny, not once in your confession was your sister mentioned, but I can pencil her name in as one of your accomplices if you're really insistent about her being a part of this.

Now, name your accomplices, any and all persons who that gave you the position of assassin, or was brought on along with you.
No. 1083462 ID: 426180
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No. 1083469 ID: d5d12c

Inner thoughts: Interesting. But not enough.
*Corax writes down Gates Triumphant as an accomplice*

It is possible we have someone assuming his identity, or perhaps this was given to her before he lapsed into a coma.

*Turns back to the doctor*
How did you know I would be there? The only reason I was there at all was because I had been injured from DeRvan?

Inner thoughts: And come to think of it...
And when you met with Triumphant, was he in possession of all his natural limbs? Or did they look like black and red claws?
No. 1083901 ID: 88202d
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No. 1083967 ID: 8a09d5

Thank you for your contribution to this team, Count Murdusa. It seems I must take me leave, duty calls.

*Turns to the doctor* Keep the rest of your confession in mind, doctor. And I want you to keep in mind, that I am also keeping your confession in mind.

*Turns to Peregrine and leaves with Peregrine and the hookah head without another word*
No. 1084577 ID: 069b13
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No. 1084711 ID: 738217

Inner thoughts: No... Damn it all!

Based on what other observations have you noticed this? If I am to investigate this further I must have other things I can compare him to. Better yet, if we are to test this, pull his file. Any events that he as experienced or accomplished, if he has been compromised then we will have a better frame of reference to go on.
No. 1084890 ID: 559471
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No. 1084911 ID: d87c35

*stares at him for a second before smiling*

Absolutely, Peregrine. Of you know I trust and respect you, we had to do the evaluation on each other when we were first brought in. What was it you said about me again? It slips my mind. It was with the son of the leader of Tribunal, his name escapes me at the moment but he was a nervous twitchy young man. Do you recall it?

Also, nice new suit, it looks like one of mine. I was always under the impression you favored the cream colored ones with the overcoat.
No. 1084917 ID: 559471
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No. 1084980 ID: 89b4f4

Inner thoughts: They dodged the question about the preliminary evaluations we did on each other.

Forgive me, Peregrine. I was dealing with count Murdusa, and he is quite... Obstinate. I can ask him so many questions and get no answers, it's reassuring to know that you still are with me on this. That snake-man is quite draining on the mind. I believe, however, that duty calls us to a meeting? Shall we go?

Inner thoughts: I must watch every move this one makes. If he has been compromised I must find evidence. I think he knew that the armored maiden was coming to tell me about him, so he set up a situation in which he could intervene.
No. 1085146 ID: 08b744
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No. 1085267 ID: 1ab976

Inner thoughts: Maya, not now. But, ah opportunity, let's test this.

She doesn't talk much, only when she needs too Peregrine. You know this.

*Corax continues walking without even turning around.*
No. 1085682 ID: 711344
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No. 1085698 ID: 59cb62

Inner thoughts: I am... So utterly bewildered that he just outright admitted it. But other the other things he said are concerning.

> I became part of the Silent Whisperers. We are phantoms who manipulate things from behind.

Inner thoughts: Not so unlike the Tribunal then. Just even more indirect about it.

> My superior was the one who killed DeRvan and he did it because he did it because I didn't want to kill Madam Algich

Inner thoughts: A lie? Unlikely. It sounds as if this organization like the Tribunal in more ways than one. Power struggles amongst the ranks. I wonder if it is possible to arrest their leader?

> My assignment was to make him quit the investigation

Inner thoughts:Why? What do the Whisperers get out of this? What is their overall goal? Aiding Happy? Possibly. Setting courses that they want things to in ways they want? Most certainly. What direction they want things in and how Happy is involved is unknown. So be it.

I have questions:

One, what relationship do the whisperers have with Happy and why do they seemingly want him in power?

Two, why was Algich the original target for assassination?

Three, what information on Happy do you currently have and are able to share with us? You said that he has set a plan in motion and you intend to stop it. To the best of your knowledge what is his overarching plan?

Four, is Peregrine cognizant of what is happening right now?
No. 1085802 ID: 711344
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No. 1085829 ID: 0c85be

So be it.
*shakes hand*
No. 1086065 ID: d6c370
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No. 1086211 ID: b32384

*opens notes and thumbs open to what he has on Spirit Contaminator*

According to our file, the Spirit Contaminator is a member of the race known as Spirit Parasite. As the name implies they are a parasitic based life form, and possibly created by Happy himself to act as his workers and soldiers in his wars. They originated from a Queen, but this one is particularly special as they view Essence of Life, a deceased entity who had close association with Happy, as their maternal figure. She has tried and failed to carry on Essence’s work and due to the entities known as “Ana.” They met a devastating defeat. This being may have unique insights due to their race and experiences.

As for the last person I interrogated, Zirzam’s Apprentice, now deceased, I have examined her and cross examined what I was able to gain from her interrogation. Her death was a suicide, but only in the loosest terms. Someone wanted her to die and wanted her to suffer, it had “personal” written all over it. She was already mentally unstable and with a massive inferiority complex. What I believe happened was some kind of reaction to some kind of action she carried out. She pushed too hard on someone and they pushed her back, to her death it would seem.
No. 1086474 ID: cfb47c
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No. 1086529 ID: ce4c2c

I serve and obey, your eminence. I was brought on to this team to fulfill a role of interrogator and investigator. If there is another who may fulfill that role and potentially better than I, I will not object. However, I will object if results are not obtained, or if the interrogator before me only proves themselves a sadistic jailer, more interested in their own sadism than results or asking the right questions.

I will also object if someone wishes to go ahead of me for the sake of clout, as if trying to prove their own superiority. If they succeed, wonderful. If they fail they only make themselves look foolish. Such a person may not be focused on obtaining truths or answers, but their own image.

Those are my only objections your lordship. If there is any among you who wishes to go first, I will step aside. However if it is asked of me, I will begin the interrogation forthwith.

Inner thoughts: Thank you for the warning. Can you maintain this link even if we are separated or must you have direct line of sight and touch to me?
No. 1086878 ID: 682182
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No. 1086879 ID: 0e6838

Inner thoughts: How squeamish are you? My methods are brutal but effective. If you are not comfortable with it then I will go in alone.

Doe the room Spirit Contaminator is in have good ventilation and air flow? If so, please shut it off and close the ventilation.
No. 1087028 ID: be36f9
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No. 1087034 ID: 2b8028

Thank you Ms. Algich. I need to know a few things about the room we will be interrogating the suspect in as well as the biology of them. To start with, it is my understanding that the room’s ventilation has been closed, does the room have any central heating by which the temperature in the room may be adjusted? If possible we will need to conduct this by means of a speaker and view her via one way mirror. And secondly, I understand the Spirit Contaminator is a sub-species spirit parasite, do they have the ability to sweat? How does their body react to heat?
No. 1087217 ID: 5b57a5
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No. 1087251 ID: 37f110

You are the being known as "Spirit Contaminator." Please state if this is correct. Any other names, and or titles must be included in your answer.

You have been brought here today to answer our questions regarding your involvement and knowledge of the being known as Happy the Tragedy phantom. Every time you don't answer correctly, or answer with impudence will be a markup. And let me make it perfectly clear what that means, every markup we will increase the temperature in this room after we leave, it's your choice whether you want this to be a sauna or an oven.

Firstly, what was your overall rank, and goal working with Happy the Tragedy phantom.
No. 1087380 ID: be36f9
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No. 1087389 ID: 667214

Perhaps I have not been clear.

*Corax sets his note book aside and gets up and walks over to Spirit Contaminator*

I will be very honest with you. I cannot hurt you in such a way that damages your suit, our superiors do not want any bio-contaminants to get out. However, if you think heat is the only thing that I know how to use, or if you think that the doctors here were cruel, let me assure you, I will be worse. Whether you respect me or not, it doesn't matter. But you will fear me.

For example, having studied your biology, I know you must often possess bodies in order to have any kind of power. Your body is relatively human, and therefore-

*Corax suddenly punches Spirit contaminator hard in the kidney*

Your kidney may now be somewhat ruptured. I know you contaminators have good healing properties so I estimate it will take at least ten minutes for your kidney to fully repair. Did you know that boxers and prize fighters can't hit their opponents there? It's considered an illegal move due to the serious vulnerability it poses. You however, can take a lot of punishment, and I can deal out a lot more. And I also believe your defiance has earned you an uptake on the temperature, keep that in mind.

*Corax walks back to the chair and sits down*

What do you suppose her suit is made of Peregrine? Latex? Rubber? It's clearly meant to insulate her, but I wonder if a high powered 1,200 volt stun gun could get through it. Hmm...

As we were, give us your full name, your rank, and your goal with Happy the Tragedy Phantom.
No. 1087545 ID: 50c51d
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No. 1087549 ID: 2b8028

*Corax taps his notebook as if contemplating her question.*

Inner thoughts: What do you think “Peregrine?” It was in our briefing that we mustn’t break her suit, not that we couldn’t loosen her bonds. I will not make any such promises, if I am the brutal torturer, which I am, you are the voice of reason. If you could please tell her that her bonds may be loosened and accommodations MAY be made, but only if she cooperates fully with me right now. If it comes from you we may interrogate her as is, give her some hope that she might make it out of this unmaimed.
No. 1087837 ID: 2cb1ac
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No. 1087843 ID: 9d358b

*Corax stands up and moves to untie her from her bonds, but not the straight jacket, but stops halfway.*

I'm sure you know your position, and in all honesty this is about as good as its going to get. If you try anything once your bonds are loosened, I will hurt you. And if you should try to hurt me, let me save you some time, I don't feel pain.

*Corax loosens her just enough to allow her a little bit more movement, but not much else. He eyes he carefully watching every movement she makes.*

Now, explain your mission. Was the goal of killing the Tribunal merely self-preservation? And as for Happy being your leader, explain why you call him this. How does he lead you?
No. 1088370 ID: 8e7b4c
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No. 1088385 ID: c4116d

*Corax watches Spirit Contaminator for a minute, his fingers tapping on the arm of his chair as he stares at her. His expression isn't pity, but something closer to disgust.*

Get off the table.

*Corax waits for her to do so*

Let me see if I understand this correctly. You allowed yourself to be captured, because you have failed your team, got certain people who followed you killed, captured, or scattered to the wind. Is that correct?

Look at you. *Corax's tone is close to grief mixed with disgust*

Does that mask you wear obstruct your vision? Because let me tell you what I see, based on everything we know, and what you have told me, and what opportunity you are wasting because you are trying to be a martyr and follow your comrades into the hereafter.

You say you worked for Happy the Tragedy Phantom and he was your leader, and yet he never gave you any orders. You worked mostly independently, pulling in various members to your organization. From what I have read they were mostly beings who had lost their place in the universe and were pariahs, even amongst the people who should have welcomed them. And then you failed them. You faced an encounter you were not fully prepared for and it cost various people their lives. And now, instead of trying to do better or take vengeance, you allowed yourself to be captured, and are fully expectant of punishment for what are your perceived failures.

Allow an outside perspective to tell you what's really happening. Do you know what a soldier is? When you're in a war, the generals on both sides must consider this one question. The answer is "expendable." They must figure out how many of their own men can be subtracted for the equation of battle and still figure out how to win. That is exactly what you are to Happy. You have been subtracted from his equation. He never gave you direct orders, he didn't care what you did, he didn't care if you lived or died. His greatest asset wasn't you, it never would be you. You were a cog in a machine that decided to turn in a different direction, and when the machine doesn't work and gear is out of place, the machine breaks.

Ironically, now that you are here, now you have value. Now you are in the house of his enemy, now you can watch them, figure them out, be his eyes. I wouldn't be surprised at all if he tries to contact you through some archaic means. He may even be watching you right now.

Instead you do this; you grovel atop a perfectly fine table, and beg to be hurt for your perceived failings. The word I have decided on for you is stagnant. You aren't moving in any meaningful direction, you have been abandoned and so you seek to sit there, taking as much pain as you can before you inevitably die from the shock, or blood loss. A meaningless death for a meaningless life.

But, as it stands you have two options if you wish to move forward, you can wait for orders from Happy assuming he hasn't abandoned you and you can prove to him you are loyal to the end. Good job. But, if you still have some small sliver of pride left, some semblance of any dignity, here's what I recommend. Turn traitor to Happy, work with us to bring him down, redeem yourself; or if you prefer avenge yourself. Have the chances you never had, here you could do some good work, show Happy and existence that you aren't expendable, stagnant, that you have worth.

*Gets up from his seat*

Peregrine, let's give her an hour to think it over.

*Corax leaves with "Peregrine" without letting her get another word in.*

And now we wait. Let's see what she does.

Inner thoughts to "peregrine': Ultimately it doesn't matter whether she agrees or not. That's not the goal of this, if she accepts then wonderful. If she doesn't well that's fine, she's useless and she will rot in a cell; I won't waste my time on a dead end. What I am banking on is someone else tries to come for her. If my hypothesis is correct, Happy is listening in using whatever means he has at his disposal, including any double agents he has in this organization. If she is willing to join, she may help us identify them. Even if she doesn't know, Happy's agents will, and that makes her useful as bait.
No. 1088388 ID: 3c16a9

Let's have the Bird Empath brought in for this hour. I want to have Spirit Contaminator's emotion and mental state watched during this hour.
No. 1088467 ID: 7defee
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No. 1088506 ID: 047965

Thank you for arriving so swiftly.

*Corax gives The Empath a polite bow*

As it stands, I have need of your talents as an empath and emotional reader. As I recall correctly, you must be able to look through the person's eyes in order to get a proper read on them, barriers to the their eyes shouldn't impede that correct?

For the next hour or so I would like you to use your talent on the current interrogatee, she is at a crucial junction where her decision may change her future. I would like her emotions, and any surface level thoughts you can see recorded. I will be here also recording the notes of what you see as well.
No. 1088507 ID: 047965

*Corax turns his attention his notebook and the one way Mirror*

Inner thoughts to "Peregrine": It appears you already know not to make eye contact with her, that is how she can read your thoughts. Interesting. We knew she had some connection to enemy groups before she joined us, but is there some connection between her and your former colleagues that you should enlighten me on? We'll discuss that later. For now, focus on the task at hand. If you need to step out while she is here, make some excuse, get tea for us, use the bathroom. Also keep an
No. 1088826 ID: 2e92e5
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No. 1088862 ID: ede078

*Corax sighs in frustration then grabs his notes and quickly scribbles something down before entering the interrogation room*

Practical Empath, you forgot your notes. This should help you, please remember them in the future, carry them with you always; especially when you yourself identified her pet fish, Daylight. You said it was a black and white one and was even believed to be immortal.

*Written on the notepad is the following:*
You are there to ask her questions, not the other way around. Do not let her bully you into a position of weakness. You can read people like they are open books and that is invaluable. She may try to keep you out, but you are able to break those walls down. I have the utmost confidence in your capabilities. I have put a copy of Spirit Contaminators dossier on the next page for further assistance for you.

Tribunal Criminal Dossier

Subject Name: Unknown (referred to as "Spirit Contaminator")

Alias/Nickname: Contamy

Age: Approximated to be in the range of 30's to 40's, though exact age is unknown due to hybrid nature. Known to act and behave as if in late teens to early 20's

Physical Description:
- Hybrid of undead humanoid and spirit parasite race.
- Appears to be a young woman, exhibiting traits of both undead and parasitic features.
- Exact physical characteristics may vary due to hybrid nature
- Wears a protective suit and helmet to keep from being fully exposed to elements.

Role in Criminal Organization:
- Initially served as a soldier/enforcer within the organized crime gang led by Happy The Tragedy Phantom.
- Ascended to the position of crime boss/lieutenant within Happy's organization via succession after the death of crime boss/lieutenant Essence of Life

Known Associates:
1. Happy The Tragedy Phantom: Organized Crime Boss and Terrorist Leader. Current whereabouts unknown.
2. Essence of Life: Deceased.
3. Felafaf: Alternate timeline variant, believed to be in hiding in the primary Ash Cycle universe.
4. TV Head AKA Flint: Undead Construct, believed to be in hiding in the primary Ash Cycle universe.
5. Anubis: Pseudonym used by a human mage from an alternate timeline. Current whereabouts unknown, believed to be hiding in the primary Ash Cycle universe.
6. Sapling Sister: Ashtree lifeform, deceased.
7. Centipede: Arthropod monster believed to have been created by Happy The Tragedy Phantom. Critically wounded and presumed deceased.
8. Henry: Undead phantom with abnormal luck. Current whereabouts unknown, believed to be hiding in the primary Ash Cycle universe and abandoned any association with Happy or affiliates.

Criminal Activities:
- Engaged in interdimensional terrorism, utilizing knowledge of dimensional gateways and supernatural abilities to carry out attacks across various cycles of prime Ash Tree Universe
- Involved in organized crime activities including assassinations, and terrorism, destabilization of prime Ash Tree Universe.
- Utilized a combination of supernatural powers and criminal expertise to exert control and influence within Happy's organization.

Current Status:
- Currently detained under maximum security surveillance and incarceration by Dimensional Tribunal forces.
- Await sentencing for involvement in criminal activities related to interdimensional terrorism and organized crime.

Threat Level:
- Classified as high-risk due to supernatural abilities, leadership role within criminal organization, and potential for further acts of terrorism or criminal activity.

- Subject's hybrid nature and affiliation with Happy The Tragedy Phantom suggest a significant threat to dimensional stability and security.
- Further investigation into the subject's background and motivations is recommended to better understand her role within the criminal organization and potential avenues for neutralization.
- Had a black and white pet fish named Daylight, was believed to be immortal before death.
No. 1089034 ID: bdef32
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No. 1089061 ID: b678a9

Incorrect. Please stick with the facts.

You did not have any such relationship with Essence of Life. Your relationship was more seen as maternal, you were more like a daughter and apprentice to Essence. You acted like her daughter despite your age, even keeping up the charade by reading you bedtime stories. If Happy was your father, she was the maternal figure you had filling in the role of Mother/Older Sister.
No. 1089844 ID: d37872
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No. 1089913 ID: 047965

Inner thoughts: Now we're getting somewhere, let's start small begin building that rapport.

*Corax politely bows to Empath*
Thank you Practical Empath, I will take things from here, if you would please just watch over her with me for the time being.

*Corax waits for Empath to move out of the chair before he takes a seat*
The funny thing is with "good" and evil" is that evil is not actually the opposite of good. It's what we call another person's notion of good when it differs from ours.

You know it's rather funny, in a tragic kind of way. You and I, we are very much alike in a few certain ways. You stated that you and Essence were the way that Happy "Programmed." That the feelings you felt aren't your own, but rather only what Happy allowed you to feel. I have heard that exact argument from a deceased colleague. That each individual member of my species was "programmed" to feel, behave an act in a specific way. That our memories are false, and that our experiences that we know to be true, are just hollow.

Why do you say you were "programmed" in such a way? You wouldn't be saying that unless on some level you know it's true. How does Happy do that?
No. 1090067 ID: 0f6712
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No. 1090079 ID: 527ee6

*Corax ignores her questions*
Hmm... So it's just good old fashioned grooming and social conditioning.

I ask you this with all sincerity, have you ever had an original thought of your own? As a young... individual, did you even have to think for yourself? Question anything Happy taught you? Were you even allowed to do so?

There is a massive flaw in Happy's logic and I don't know if even you can answer this next question. Happy was the one who MADE you and conditioned you to hate the Tribunal based on how you were born. He made you as something the tribunal would have seen as dangerous and so set your expectations as such. But what kind of father specifically makes his daughter in such a way that they would be BORN to be a target? Was it just not possible for him to make you any other way?

Inner thoughts:The way she is making him seem is little more than a warlord using child soldiers.

I will answer your questions ONLY if you agree to turn evidence and join us against Happy. You can start with this, where is Happy now?
No. 1090080 ID: 292341

Inner thoughts to Peregrine: I know you probably can't answer this given your lack of memories that were removed. But do you know if Happy have the same abilities to do that? Remove whole memories from someone? Secondly, that gap in your memory, you know that your mind has been tampered with but if someone didn't know their mind and memories erased, would there by any trace of it left? Some kind of imprint based on who did it or what was was taken?
No. 1090308 ID: 7ec7db
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No. 1090400 ID: 047965

I asked WHERE he is, not what his plans are. That you don’t know. But there is something you might know. What is the Smile of Essence? Did he make that too?
No. 1090621 ID: e4635f
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No. 1090636 ID: 286814

*Corax writes down that Essence told the contaminator that she died originally of a drug overdose but it contradicts what is known about her dying on the ash tree*

Inner thoughts to "Peregrine": I think something else doesn't add up with what you "believe" about Essence. You "believe" she was the first Ana, are vague on the details of how she died, and yet you knew to ask about her smile.

Why would she lie to you, Contaminator? We know she died on the Ash Tree, binding herself to it. So why lie about it unless there was something she was keeping from you? Did you know that she was the first Ana?

Inner thoughts to "Peregrine": And how did you know to ask about the smile? Unless... Did she really die then in the battle with Scarred and Fortune Ana? Or did your old friends The Silent Whisperers get her? And is that how you know she was the first Ana?
No. 1090722 ID: 853fdf
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No. 1090789 ID: 047965

*Corax blinks, then pulls out a tape recorder and hits record*

You are one of the Silent Whisperers, the one responsible for the death of DeRvan Glashrauder, could you state that again for the record?

You also claim that you are responsible for many other deaths on the lower levels of reality. I take it many of them may have been ruled as suicide or perhaps are people who acted so unlike their usual character that it led to their death?

I also take it you have acted out ploys to ensure the success of Happy the Tragedy Phantom using various methods at your disposal. Please state them clearly for the record.

Inner thoughts to “Peregine”: I need you to connect to our Empathic Bird and to Contaminator. If you have taken control of Peregrines body I need Contaminator to trap this thing in her. If this thing has worked for Happy then my assumption was correct and using her as bait worked, but now she needs to decide whether or or not she will fight against him. Get that message to her. Have the Empathic bird help you, if she can read emotions and perhaps even manipulate them, I need Contaminator to have courage and bravery.
No. 1090972 ID: ae9a5f
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No. 1090974 ID: 693f6f

Hmm. Before I make a decision I have questions I'd like to ask you. You and your compatriots in the Silent Whisperers are targeting me and my colleagues. You have infiltrated the Dimensional Tribunal, and yet you just seem to want to stop me from finding Happy. You killed DeRvan via possession, and yet you only make me pass out and we are having this conversation in a dream, you left out how I made it back to my bed chambers meaning someone had to have found me or perhaps your traitor carried me back. Why not just kill me like you did with DeRvan? Unless you can't or something is preventing it.
No. 1091136 ID: ae9a5f
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No. 1091138 ID: b0659f

Hmm. A poorly constructed lie interspersed with half truths, and one made up at the last minute. Everything you say just doesn't make sense an contradicts everything else.

DeRvan was a sociopath, too narcissistic to ever truly consider suicide, let alone how he did it, you did that one, you were the one who put the grenade to his head. I have no doubt you CAN influence thoughts and ideas, a poke here and there, but your traitor "Echo" is living proof that you can take possession of someone, perhaps even before they go full catatonic. For further proof of this, you are literally saying you can possess Spirit Contaminator in order for me to question you, and are even using her visage now. You also did it to me and made me fall asleep, but again that's all you did. Why not just kill me? I've thoughts of suicide more than one, especially after I got out of the army, but I didn't.

What is your incentive to actually stay in her body long enough for me to question you? If you're actually going to stay for that, show me.

I'll call your bluff.
No. 1091282 ID: ae9a5f
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No. 1091295 ID: 047965

Ooh, that sounded like it hurt. Perhaps someone laid a little trap for you? Of course, that makes your statement that you could get away with it false. I am protected, it means that someone was ready for you, and knows about you. That also means DeRvan wasn’t protected… Hmm. Interesting. I suspect that if you really could possess anyone you would have by now, much easier to just possess people then go on a rampage. But I don’t think you knew I was protected, you assumed based on DeRvan. It could also be that there are rules you have to follow, there’s someone higher than you that has told you what to do; that explains why you haven’t just gone on a rampage yet.

So here’s what I’ve gained from this interrogation with you:

1. You are able to possess certain people who are not protected, but you also don’t know who is under that protection.

2. Your plan so far, is to dismantle the Tribunal as your goal aligns with Happy the Tragedy phantom

3. You haven’t possessed people and gone on a killing spree because you haven’t tried yet, or you have orders not to do so. You want to remain as anonymous as possible, probably so you do not become targets of either the Tribunal or Happy himself, if Happy knew, it wouldn’t work.

4. You’ve met Scarred Ana. You even operate similar to her and the other Ana voices, a voice that gives power and influences behavior, and can even possess a body given the right circumstances. Which given that the Ana voices stand against happy means they are in opposition to you, and a possible ally for us.

How very interesting.
No. 1091471 ID: 19756f
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No. 1091487 ID: 047965

Well, look at that. I was right, you have rules you have to follow and a superior above you. Also, Miss Maggot-Face, thank you for the information about not just DeRvan but also Triumphant miss. It makes me wonder, Triumphant may not have actually been the one to order the doctor to poison me but that also might have been Memento here acting through him. If so, clever attempt.

As for the entire thing about Ana being the next Happy, of course she can. I’m sure that’s one of his long term goals. I’ll be sure to write all of that up with my report on this.

Thank you for your cooperation with this investigation.
No. 1091492 ID: 13977d

Hmm. Come to think of it, that would make sense for a contingency plan for a Happy if he can have one of the many Anas take over should something happen to him. It makes sense then why he made Essence but something tells me she was too chaotic to control fully although her smile definitely kept her under his thrall.

But you keep referencing Happy as if you know some of his plans. I think you only know part of it. Perhaps each of you do? Each of you only know a part of Happy’s plan, no one knows it in its entirety. Memento you know that a long term goal of his is to make Ana into a new version of Happy. One of you must know his name.

Hmm. Now what makes them so significant that he would want Ana to replace him? A hypothesis is that they must share some similarities or traits that make them unique.

You have given me a lot to think about. Thank you for your help and support.
No. 1091587 ID: 88c326
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No. 1091609 ID: 13977d

The term for people like him is “nuisance.” As for your fear, don’t let them use you and you’ll be fine. What happened after I fell asleep? I was already not looked upon favorably, I can’t imagine a sudden bout of narcolepsy aided that.
No. 1091755 ID: 7c724f
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No. 1091765 ID: 13977d

I’d like to see their results as well and what evidence they can provide. I’m guessing they all have different answers.

And I’m fine Algich, I learned a lot actually from that interrogation. A group known as the Silent Whispers has found its way into the Tribunal and is able to possess certain people and influence ideas. I’m willing to bet that the groups who say they have solved the case of Happy have been misled by them. What I imagine they are going to do is interrogate Spirit Contaminator to see how well their evidence lines up with what they have been given.

For now the Silent Whisperers goal is to keep Happy out of our hands and they can do so by influencing us, people who aren’t under protection. One of their members tried to possess me while I was asleep but couldn’t, in fact trying to do so was painful to it. The being who tried to possess me is also the same being who possessed DeRvan and killed him. I’d like to find out who is protected, those are the people we need to trust.

For now let’s go find out what the other groups think they know.
No. 1091934 ID: 04cef6
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No. 1091935 ID: 047965

With all due respect, your Eminence Domino, torture is completely out of the question. The people we will be asking questions of are on our side unless they have proven themselves compromised. You needn’t worry about that.

And as for Peregrines idea I am also for it, however one idea and by which to angle our questions is how well do they think will it line up with was Lord Zirzam knows about this case. If they must prove their theory to anyone it will be him.
No. 1092090 ID: 4c474c
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No. 1092091 ID: d39f70

I am not against it, but I would want to see the qualifications of our new compatriot. And I would also want them to know what will be happening. There is a likelihood we are going into the proverbial lion’s den and to even get there, we must navigate what is quite literally and metaphorically a nest of vipers.

As for Threshold, I am disappointed at his departure. I knew he was green at this, but I understand his reasoning for leaving. Still, he showed great promise. If we succeed at this, I would give him a permanent contract and spot in my employment should he wish it.
No. 1092305 ID: de0eac
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No. 1092311 ID: e8116c

Interesting. Mr. Hopkins’ work ethic is admirable if perhaps self aggrandizing. Based on his experience I take it that handling and examining written documents and evidence is a specialty of his. Bring him in.

And yes Maya Din would be helpful but only if she is willing to accept.

A hypothesis for you all as well, is it possible that our Empathy Bird could help determine who is under protection or help find our possible compromised agents by examining their emotions? If they are acting out of character or having high emotions she might also be able to tell.
No. 1092703 ID: f7b5e9
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No. 1092885 ID: 047965

I think the formation works well. Let’s begin posthaste. And on second thought our bird may not do well with multiple people; best keep her reserved for one on one interactions.

Inner thoughts to “Peregrine”: That makes two of us.
No. 1093155 ID: af8e28
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No. 1093180 ID: 047965

*Corax sits*
At the moment, the one who makes the most logical sense is Gates Triumphant. Most of the fingers point there for the time being. One hypothesis is that Happy may be unaware that he is actually Happy, to go along with this it would make a kind of twisted sense that some part of his psyche, the Id perhaps, has taken over in his unconscious state and is acting of its own accord. I’d rather not use Occam’s razor solution for this. Many people are looking for that, or some smoking gun.

What I do know for certain is that Happy has ties with the dimensional tribunal, and has found ways to manipulate people from the inside. As such I trust no one unless they show me that they can be trusted or have no motive.

However, I have another theory. Just a hunch or a possibility however unlikely. The universe that the tribunal watches over happens in cycles, it’s a prison. Untold millions of souls lost to the void all to keep one being locked away. I’ve read up on a few of the key players and I have an idea, but no evidence. Only a theory.

Happy could be The Root of Ash. Specifically, one of the first ones, and the one who put himself into the Ash Tree. Just as Ana did creating her many iterations, perhaps even manipulating her into it thereby truly creating not just Essence but the Ana voices in general. We know that Happy has an interest in her, a very deep one meaning that he has to know a good deal about the Ash Tree and its effects and powers and knows how to manipulate them through the cycles. Again, this is all in the realm of speculation, but I suspect Happy hates Andrew Goodwill, has seen how he influences people much like one of the Ana voices. Of course there is the proposal that the current Root of Ash has no more voices because Andrew Goodwill consumed them, but say ONE got away, or not all of them. Essence herself was a rogue version of Ana, who’s to say that there can’t be a rogue Root of Ash?
No. 1093290 ID: 42e098
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No. 1093505 ID: 581db2

I believe it is a mixture of both. We are playing a game of chess, each planning moves ahead, but also being forced to correct our strategies based on our opponents. The thing is however, at times the rules change based on a dice throw.
No. 1093552 ID: c88be6
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No. 1093553 ID: 581db2

*Corax stands and holds out his hand to shake*

Good to have you on the team, sir. You may refer to me as Corax for the sake of this assignment, this is my partner Peregrine. How much briefing have you had on this case so far?
No. 1093639 ID: 5ebd37

*Shuffles a big stack of notes into the crook of his arm so he can return the handshake. Several papers slip out and scatter on the floor.*

Good to meet you, sirs. I've had quite a bit of briefing, in fact it really wasn't brief at all. I gather you're trying to identify some sort of enemy boss, goes by Happy, and there's a bunch of suspects with not much to narrow it down. It seems you've interviewed a number of people but not gotten any definitive evidence, am I right?

*Hopkins attempts to bend down casually to pick up the dropped papers, loosing several more in the process.*
No. 1093672 ID: c79e29

That's the gist of it. We have our own suspicions however that Happy has misled many of the other teams that are a part of this investigation. At the moment we are trying to make sense of the illusions.

*Corax raises a brow at the papers scattered everywhere*

Would you like some assistance with those?
No. 1093691 ID: 18fe20
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No. 1093764 ID: 047965

Let’s establish a base, help me pull up everything we know about the other investigations. If they’re compromised and have different answers that may factor in. Most of the other investigators that I have seen all seem like they have something to prove, that makes them a target. Who are the other groups we’ll be talking with here?
No. 1093778 ID: 5ebd37

*Possession? Oh boy, what did I get myself into? Wait he can't hear my thoughts now right?*

I don't see anything about Whispers in these notes. You think they're protecting this Happy fellow?
No. 1093804 ID: 047965

Yes they are. The kicker is Happy may not know about them. For the moment, their goals are aligned. The Silent Whispers want Happy to succeed and are aiding him as a shadow task force without his knowledge.
No. 1093865 ID: c2631f
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No. 1093963 ID: 0a9b85

*Corax stares at the sleeping demon with apathy before clapping his hands loudly for silence*

Greetings to you all. For the purposes of this questioning you may refer to me as Corax and my partner as Peregrine. As many of you know, I and my fellows on the dimensional tribunal have been conducting an investigation into a known terrorist and threat the current universe; you already know this individual as they go by Happy the Tragedy Phantom. You are all here because each one of you is a suspect. There have been different investigation teams and each one them has built a case for one or perhaps each of you as to your guilt or innocence. We are here to find out what they missed. Some of you may know more than you have been letting on and the fact of the matter is, we are here to be a life line for each of you. We are here to check the other investigators work. This is your opportunity to prove your innocence. I and my team members are now ready to begin our cross examinations.
No. 1094119 ID: 5ebd37

*What a cast of characters. Time for the old 'he's taking notes on me, oh no what's he writing?' trick.*

*Shoving the pile of notes in a coat pocket Hopkins takes out a pad and starts scribbling.*
No. 1094178 ID: da4acd
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No. 1094182 ID: 0a9b85

Inner thoughts to “Peregrine” and Hopkins: We want them open and talking but in their confessionals we want to look for contradictions with each other. If they start pointing fingers, let’s make sure they are at least pointing in the right direction. I don’t necessarily think any of them are Happy but they must think one of them is. Also, perhaps this is me just on a hunch, Hopkins, watch the one who brought the tea. I never saw anyone order any, any outsider to this investigation must be considered as a threat.

*Corax claps his hands again for silence*
Perhaps the gravity of all of your situations has not sunken in. All of you are at the very least in danger of being put to death or imprisonment with no hope of release. And based on what I do know, many would rather die before going back to an oubliette.
The other investigative teams have built cases for each of you be to Happy, and some of them are getting desperate enough that they may indeed kill you or throw you all in a cell and throw away the key, just on the off chance that one of you is the target.

What I need from each of you, is transparency. I want each of you to build your own defense as it is very very likely we will not be able to help you when the time comes.

So, let’s start simple. Aside from names, what cause do you think each of you would have to be Happy. Why do you think you have been targeted?
No. 1094198 ID: 5ebd37

*while Corax starts the interview Hopkins sidles over to the suspicious butler-looking fellow.*

(whispering) Hey, could I get a cup of coffee?
No. 1094426 ID: 27fceb
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No. 1094490 ID: 44c167

No, that's alright. Sorry to bother you then.

*Does this guy work for Sirius? He was able to bring in a guy just for tea, even while he's being investigated? That's quite the level of control in this situation. Him and the other two mask wearers seem to have the most secret leader vibes so far.*
No. 1094627 ID: c79e29

To Hopkins: Keep him here if possible. And as for Gates Triumphant, the "spoon head," yes have him brought in immediately. He is a person of interest and one of our suspects.

*Corax looks at each person in turn as they explain*
So each of you are just victims of circumstances, prejudice, misunderstanding, and coincidence. I see.

Who questioned you? What did they each seem interested in most? What questions did they ask?
No. 1094633 ID: 44c167

*Grabs the butler's shoulder before he can turn away.*
Ah, actually, do bring that fellow here would you?
No. 1094751 ID: 40ea04
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No. 1094756 ID: 53f237

inner thoughts to Maya Go ahead. This works better when I have someone to work off of with this.

*Corax smiles at them*
Very well. I will explain my reasoning for my questions. Each of you were questioned by different agents. In my time with the Tribunal, the bureaucracy and attitude of my colleagues has been left wanting. Most of the people I have encountered have all acted as if they have something to prove, or would rather be anywhere else and so they seek to wrap things up as quickly as possible. I have seen people here who have accosted me because of my race, my record, any who knows what else. Imagine what they might do to someone whose head is on the chopping block.

This is why I need to know who interviewed you, what agenda they’re pushing, if they honestly believe that you are guilty, etc. Your glibness at this does not inspire confidence. My time is limited and so is my charity.

While you write down and think about what I have asked, my colleague Maya would also like to ask some questions.
No. 1094816 ID: 44c167

Speaking of professionalism, would any of the suspects care to say how they would carry out this investigation better?
No. 1094978 ID: ccf208
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No. 1095346 ID: 44c167

*Personal questions is good, shows who's able to control their emotions. For Happy to have remained hidden so long they must be have a good poker face. Lets see how this line of questioning plays out.*
No. 1095402 ID: 047965

Inner thoughts to "Peregrine" and Hopkins: *Agreed, I'll try to push a little harder.*

That's cute, Mr. Lorrence. On the topic of divinity and gods there are some among my people who believe in a whole other doctrine. The Church of Inkiversus has grown quite a following, despite the perhaps entirely valid claims that we were made as pure constructs by a mad creator deity, the very same of which is sitting here with us now. Divinity and creation is puzzle to which there is no solving and to it all I say "So what?" If you throw out the idea of creation inherently puts one above another you won't put them on a pedestal.

We're not here however to banter philosophical, you are all here because you all stand accused, and you wouldn't be here if there wasn't evidence. When threatened or your morality questioned, some of you have tried the old "deny, attack, reverse victim and offender your way out." A very basic tool for one backed into a corner.
No. 1095834 ID: e25c20
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No. 1095844 ID: 97dc3f

*Turns to the two devils*
And what about you Mr. Oxidius and Mr. Melkior? One of you has said the least of everyone here, an the other continues to run their mouth and is quick to cast shade on everyone else. Do you happen to have a suitable alibi?
No. 1095951 ID: 355e44

*I agree, shadowy hood has been awful quiet. Letting their unpleasant partner take all the attention, would be a good cover for a secret leader.*
No. 1096002 ID: ee57bd
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No. 1096016 ID: 047965

Very well.

*Punches Melkior in his gut to knock the wind out of him and makes him sit down in his chair.*

Peregrine, please restrain the suspect to the chair. Practical Hopkins, please lock the door. Mya should anyone get up out of their chair, shoot them.

Since you say you are all to condemn each other, you will go first.

*Corax pulls out his gun, cocks it, and puts the barrel to the side of Melkior’s head.*

We have a demigod and a god here with us, if you have any last rites to give this man, you may do so.

If any one of you are, or have information about Happy the Tragedy Phantom, come forward with it now. I will count to ten, if I do not have this information, I will shoot this man.

No. 1096281 ID: 355e44

Ah, eh, well gee whiz that butler sure is taking a long time to bring that spoon guy. I'll just- I'll just go- see- uh.

*Slips out the door, fidles with the lock but can't figure it out. Starts pacing in the hall.*

He's just bluffing right? I'll just wait here come back in when he finishes this round of questions. yeah, yeah, its like good cop bad cop. surely
No. 1096353 ID: f88514
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No. 1096555 ID: b0659f

Inner thoughts to Hopkins and "Peregrine":Hmm, best to keep him out for now. He is a person of interest at the moment for multiple reasons. Hopkins, be vigilant. We have reason to believe Triumphant wanted to have me poisoned, I don't fully know what he might be capable of.

No. 1096577 ID: 355e44

*Hopkins gives a sort of mental nod to Corax.*

Well sir, first off we have this Melkior fella. He seems nasty piece of work, but I suspect he's acting as a smoke screen for his partner...

*Hopkins proceeds to pull a wad of notes out of a coat pocket and ramble about the weird quirks of the suspects. The notes are numerous, but not particularly helpful.*
No. 1096677 ID: e46b34
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No. 1096679 ID: 0bbef8


Thank you miss Felafaf for that astute observation, please name who you accuse.
No. 1096690 ID: 355e44

*to Corax; better finish up whatever you're doing in there.*

Of course, let me get the door for you. (so that way I'm the first one to see in)
No. 1096691 ID: 047965

Inner thoughts to Hopkins No, please keep him out there for longer. You've shown him your notes I assume, ask him what he thinks on this case, of the assumed guilty, who in his view has the most cause to be Happy. Get his opinion on it, and if Mr. Darro is with him, him as well. Keep him talking for longer.
No. 1096696 ID: 355e44

*to Corax; you have a minute, I can't guarantee more.*
*Hopkins slows and then crosses to retrieve the cup of coffee*
I almost forgot, can't let it get cold. I wanted to ask as well, how certain is the tribunal that this Happy is in that room? Do you have a suspect in mind? Because all there seems to be so far is motives with no evidence.
No. 1096716 ID: e46b34
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No. 1096720 ID: 569817

You are all trying my patience.

Four five six seven eight nine.
No. 1096877 ID: 355e44

Corax is, uh, trying something a little unorthodox. If we just give him a minute, I think he's just about done.
No. 1097104 ID: b60ac5
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No. 1097144 ID: 355e44

Wh- uh, nooooo? He's just um, pressuring them.

*to Corax: Ahhh! Hurry up!*
No. 1097162 ID: 047965


*Corax moves the gun and shoots Melkior in his left leg.*

Don’t call my bluff. I said I would shoot you, I didn’t say where. Mad Creator, please say who you accuse or I will shoot him again.
No. 1097262 ID: d4b03b
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No. 1097268 ID: 0a3525

Of course, sir. *Corax holsters his gun.*

Corax's thoughts to his team: Well done Hopkins, Maya, and you... "Peregrine." I want you to keep watching everyone, the purpose of this was to watch their responses. Keep watching and observe any odd behavior that seems out of character for what we know about our suspects. Especially watch Triumphant.

I apologize for the surprise, but it was necessary for the exercise in which I was conducting. I wanted to see their reactions based on being back into a corner, as these ones are the most likely candidates to be considered as working with, or are Happy the tragedy phantom, and since it is also a possibility that the one who is Happy may not be aware of it, it was also a test of their subconcious.

The following is my own conclusions. Felafaf is innocent, she showed more moral worry and panic even worrying about my own position, as well as the well being of suspect Melkior and the fact that what I was doing was to quote her 'Unjust.' Happy would want me to continue as if I was making a mistake, why interrupt me? Never stop your enemy when they are making a mistake.

Lorrence was quick to point fingers to Sirius as the suspect, but his reasoning for which involves the mishandling of the being known as 'Essence of Life.' As for what we know Happy seems to relish the chaos of it all and making it dance to his tune. I think it's fair to strike Lorence as a suspect, for now.

Sirius is an unknown is this but also is too honest. Honest people make many mistakes, and that is something Happy does not do. He doesn't fit the behavioral profile.

Oxidius was more quiet than anything and his behavior showed more unrest and worry for his... Companion. Happy would be willing to throw anyone under the bus to get what he wants as we have seen, certain people be damned.

Melkior was egging me on, again why interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake, even demanding at one point that I shoot and kill him, continued to taunt his fellow interrogates. At this time, I feel more questioning of him may be appropriate as he certainly fits the behavioral profile.

The mad creator... He found most of this entertaining. Again, possible fit for the psyche profile, however it is intriguing the answer he gave as to who he accused. In fact both he and Melkior gave interesting answers. We can discuss that later in the debriefing.
No. 1097277 ID: 047965

Inner thoughts to Hopkins, Maya, and “Peregrine”: Something just occurred to me. Watch Lorence carefully. His body, it’s not his real body. It’s a corpse puppet, a kind golem made from dead flesh that he pilots from a separate location. How is this possible? In recorded interactions with Happy, he’s used similar abilities with puppets, and what’s more is that beings like Essence of life have also been able to use corpse puppets. One of you, ask him this is actually possible. By what technology or magics is this being done?
No. 1097326 ID: 355e44

*Hopkins skulks in the hall, peeking in but keeping out of the way.*
No. 1097491 ID: df64c0
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No. 1097492 ID: cd0d57

As a matter of fact, Lorrence there is. As Melkior- oh speaking of which, Practical Maya, please bandage his wound if you can? Thank you.

As I was saying Lorrence, something that was said intrigued me. The body which we currently see, it's not your actual one isn't it? Your real one is still under our custody, and the one we see now is a limited corpse puppet that acts as something a golem, made from dead bodies. It is interesting because this ability has been used by Essence of Life in the past, and what's more, every interaction with Happy the Tragedy phantom has also been through a construct. How did you acquire such an ability? I've heard of certain members of your world that go into a coma and bring forth astral projections that have certain powers as long as they are bound to someone. Is this similar to that? I am interested to know where this ability comes from as it may shed a light on how Happy has also used his construct. If we can pinpoint the origin of this, then it may bring new evidence to light.
No. 1097493 ID: d6d64f

*Corax looks over his shoulder at The Mad Creator*
Rest assured, sir, I don't want a "fall guy." Whether you are, or aren't Happy remains to be seen.
No. 1097512 ID: 355e44

*Hopkins looks around for that butler guy*
We should probably fetch some bandages for eyepatch.
No. 1097796 ID: 59c0fa
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No. 1097819 ID: 767f42

Interesting. It raises another question however. How you are able to command your corpse puppets? From what you have said, I wouldn't be surprised if your puppets are corpses of yourselves from other timelines. If Essence could do something similar it must mean that her puppets had to have had part of her other selves in them, perhaps to... establish some neural/telepathic link? It would work better if its your own brain and body. Would you say this is correct, Mr. Lorrence?

> It is Essence singing a song and you can look at how each person reacts to it.
By all means.

Inner thoughts to Maya, Hopkins, and "Peregrine": I expect there will be a lack of a reaction from Happy, watch for that among our accused. This includes Triumphant.
No. 1097829 ID: 355e44

thoughts: So beardy has experience interfering in dimensions, but in a sneaky behind-the-scenes way. And they're good at not drawing attention to themselves. One to watch, I'd say.

*Hopkins shuffles in to observe, lurking at the back of the room.*
No. 1098310 ID: b93ba2
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No. 1098340 ID: 782160

I think the when this recording was made was near her death. She knew that at some point in the near future, she was going to meet an end and would have to accept, whether she was ready for it or not. As for who it is for, it is for three people. One of them is Happy regarding how he treats her. Another is for the other Ana's, particularly the one known as Scarred Ana, the two were on opposing sides but there was a deeper connection between them. Lastly, I think this was also self-pity for herself. I suspect Spirit Contaminator kept this as a memento.

I am more interested to see how everyone else found this performance.
No. 1098449 ID: 63709c

*Hopkins mumbles something noncommittal and tries to sneakily look through his notes, as he doesn't remember who this girl is. It sounds like she's had a rough life, but so has every other person in this room by the sounds of it. She could be connected to any of them, so he's looking for any emotion showing on any of the suspects' faces in the wake of the sad song.*
No. 1098450 ID: f2424f

That's cute
No. 1098568 ID: aad9f1
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No. 1098597 ID: 8a52f7

*Corax pulls out his notepad and begins to write and talk*

Peregrine denotes the song, and our reaction as "cute" then backpedals asking why he said it, saying something else made him say it.

Triumphant shows no immediate outward reaction, other than annoyance and suspicion at being a suspect.

I think when considering this, we have to look at 2 things. One, how each suspects feels the song relates to them, and how Essence relates to each suspect as well.

1. Melkior's reaction seems annoyed more than anything, as if remembering a bad memory. Based on his track record with women, it wouldn't surprise me if he attempted sexual contact with Essence and was rejected or worse.

2. Oxidius seemed more fascinated, as someone who studies beings like her and Andrew Goodwill, getting a view into their psyche would no doubt be intriguing.

3. Lorence, no reaction and the only emotion showed was boredom. He doesn't like Essence and probably knows enough about her to want nothing to do with her.

4. Felafaf and The Mad Creator showed the most emotion during it, I suspect that they as near godly beings themselves were showing sympathy for how they felt, I assume what Essence was singing about mirrored their own feelings.

5. Sirius showed amusement. I suspect he thinks it was just a good song.

Given this information and speculation, I'd like to ask them what they think of Essence of Life and have each of them give testimony to any interactions they might have had with her see if there is any contradictions based on prior knowledge.
No. 1098599 ID: a94d11

The things in italic font are things Corax wrote down for himself
No. 1098628 ID: 355e44

Agh, are we even going anywhere with this watch their reactions bit? Whoever is Happy must be skilled at hiding their emotions to have gone unfound so long.

Sure we could look then at how Lorence and Sirius had the most muted response, and assume they are hiding their true emotion. But any of the others could be performing to throw us off.

At the end of the day, cases are decided by evidence, and all we have here is speculation.
No. 1098658 ID: 047965

*corax’s eyebrows raise at that and the ghost of a smile crosses his lips.*

Inner thoughts: Well said, Hopkins. Well said.

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