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File 172356143637.jpg - (4.41MB , 1964x3089 , Monster queen165.jpg )
1095767 No. 1095767 ID: e25c20

This is the continuation of the second chapter of the Chasing Shadows and Hunting Rats.

Chapter 1


Chapter 2 part 1


Discussion Thread

206 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 1101149 ID: 6c233e

What is your main goal Bobbie? Isn't it to protect your people? That's the only course that will get you out of this conversation looking like anything less than a genocidal maniac.

Worm Works, get that hand off your face. If you hadn't messed with Abdle we wouldn't be in this situation.
No. 1101153 ID: 64b993

Agreed, please don't face palm, Wormworks. This will make things worse if they catch your actions and call you out and accuse you of working with us. We will help Bobbie out of this mess, don't worry. Iron Dredge made much more big mistakes in this meeting after all. This was only our first one all things considered

>If you hadn't messed with Abdle we wouldn't be in this situation.

Let's not play the blame game for now, directing anger on someone else instead of focusing on the problem is counterintuitive. Let's focus on the situation at hand. We can talk about the errors everyone made here after everything is done here, and how to proceed in the future
No. 1101279 ID: 9246cb
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Agree with the Druid.

B) Disagree with the Druid.

C) Other suggestions.
No. 1101282 ID: c5529d

golden opportunity you say, Wormworks?

Hmm... golden opportunity... Golden Abdle... Gray Opportunity... is Wormworks hinting at handing over the golden apple to Heartbeat to borrow as a show of "gratitude"?

Gray Opportunity can manipulate people that holds Abdle, we seen that happen to Nasty when she held him. Honestly I've been considering that idea for a while, but was too unsure, but it feels like the vibe is now that's the direction Wormworks wants us to take.

We have to not make it too obvious that Gray Opportunity will be manipulating Heartbeat though, like having Gray Opportunity make Heartbeat too agreeable with us, or downright reject Iron Dredge automatically, or else Iron Dredge might get suspicious of everything and the apple.

Gray opportunity can have Heartbeat return Abdle to us a little later after the meeting, and if that don't work, Wormworks can get him back for us, considering he's an undercover mole within the Headsplitters as a druid.

A (might actually be C): Show sign of gratitude by handing over the golden apple to Heartbeat as a gift to show appreciation for a second chance.

I mean, we did tell Nasty earlier it was going to be a gift for Heartbeat anyways
No. 1101291 ID: 0e53e8

>>1101282 ...Well. Have been looking for a way to do this. Only one person here desires a fight which of course is dredge. Gray can you subtly -emphasis on subtle - point out this? Get a feel for how far he'd be willing to go to stop this? We are in his camp surrounded by his people. Just nudge him towards the obvious way to stop this. Just avoid going too fast because he may see what is going on if you do.
No. 1101301 ID: 6c233e

This is a cockamamie scheme that puts Abdle at incredible risk.

Better to play dumb. Yes, a golden opportunity for a generous... trade deal!
No. 1101350 ID: 27fceb

Maybe we can be a little bit subtle with our approach. Go for a handshake with Heartbeat and with your other hand put the golden apple in his pocket.
No. 1101399 ID: 9246cb
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Do it.

B) Don't do it.

C) Other suggestions.
No. 1101402 ID: 6f8677

Patience. For now. We suddenly bring up rage and her accusation of mind influence will have credence. So far dredge has dug his own grave and we've hardly had to provide the shovel. Subtlety is key here. Just make Bobbie's words look better and dredge's worse. He IS a self-admitted liar while Bobbie has spoke truth even when it was negative to do so. Just wait for dredge to screw up with his blustering and that's when to make a move on his mind.
No. 1101413 ID: a2cc2c

We better not push our luck, we are in his mind that will give us a solid hint in which direction to push but not make it too obvious. For now, we wait and see what our opponent will do.
No. 1101471 ID: 6c233e

Just knowing what he's thinking is enough. Assure him he doesn't need to pick a side, we simply don't want to fight. Let Dredge be the pushy one demanding action, just like he sent Rage into unnecessary conflict to then die.
No. 1101526 ID: c5529d

Can't be too greedy and influence his thoughts too early, especially since Iron Dredge's wife already is paranoid about Heartbeat getting near us. We can do it a little later though when suspicion of that has died down

probably the direction to go with this information is to make it look like Iron Dredge sent Heartbeat's son on a throwaway pointless mission like an errandboy and less of a hero.
No. 1101528 ID: c5529d

But yeah, I think the direction to go with Heartbeat's son is to try to make it look like that Iron Dredge sent Ramming Rage not to offer a deal with us like a hero would do, but more to start a conflict with us.
No. 1101529 ID: 9246cb
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Put in the mind of Heartbeat that Dredge wants to kill him.

B) Tell Heartbeat that Dredge wants to kill him.

C) Other suggestions.
No. 1101532 ID: c5322d

Dredge is threatening to tattle? Well dead men tell no tales... Living in fear of reprisal is living on your knees. When a greater threat shows itself petty squabbles lead to ruin and downfall. What you do in the face of such things is not divide by petty things but set aside feuds and unite. Dredge will never see that because he is a mercenary loyal to coin while we are leaders with homes and people to defend. (Pivot to rage who did have a home to defend and thus attempted to avoid the land's curse affecting his home at all costs?)
No. 1101539 ID: a2cc2c

It is better for him to conclude that he is being marked for death than for us to tell him that, so Gray put that idea in his head.
No. 1101610 ID: 9246cb


A Christmas present for all the participants of the Rotten Apple Quest.
No. 1101623 ID: 63709c

But be subtle about it. Just the hint that Dredge might kill him and let it grow naturally from there.
No. 1101657 ID: 9246cb
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Possible answers to the first question:

A) Push Heartbeat's mind more into the rage.

B) Tell Heartbeat that he should be angry.

C) Do the both.

D) Other suggestions.

Possible answers to the second question:

A) Ignore what Dredge's wife.

B) Give her a witty response.

C) Insult her.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1101658 ID: 64c536

Dredge just insulted him again by berating his parenting skills. Wow he is bad at this. We don't have to do a thing do we? Perhaps even the mind influence is unneeded. "Pyro. Hire a diplomat if you'd like to avoid this. Which of course you're not going to do because then you'll have done a thing I 'manipulated' you into doing. Since you're not going to do what I say then do this: de-escalate and stop with these accusations? Since if you did you'd fall for my evil trap." Well, only if you can say all that without lots of laughing.
No. 1101677 ID: 6c233e

A monster was he? So that really is Dredge's world view, any who disagree with him are monsters. Can you really be allies with someone like that Heartbeat, just one argument away from being marked as worthy of death.

As for Pyro just give her the most pitying stare you can muster. The pair of them's attempts at diplomacy are just sad now.
No. 1101700 ID: 27fceb

The relationship between Heartbeat and Dredge is degenerating by every second. We don't even need to say anything or manipulate his mind. Just let nature take its course, as for the Pyromancer, ask if she likes getting fucked by Dredge. I can imagine that it's a painful experience for her.
No. 1101808 ID: b9c033
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Push Heartbeat into killing Dredge.

B) Don't do that.

C) Other suggestions.
No. 1101815 ID: 6c233e

B) one; you think Heartbeat and whoever he has on hand can take on a mercenary leader and pyromancer together?

Two; we're right there, in prime burning range of a pyromancer who hates us.

three; I don't trust this gropportunity, he's the picture of devil-on-your-shoulder
No. 1101862 ID: 27fceb

Gray calm down and stick to our plan. Heartbeat has a possibility to become our allay but all of that goes out the window if we make him kill our opponent.
No. 1101865 ID: 7e654e

...Gray there is no de-escalation at this point so let it go on as-is. However you do have authorization for re-escalation if it seems de-escalation is ongoing. Heartbeat has to believe it was his idea to have dredge offed. Even if he regrets it later it's on him not us.
No. 1101951 ID: b9c033
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Tell the pyromancer that you are sad for her loss.

B) Tell the pyromancer that you are glad that Dredge is dead.

C) Ask Heartbeat if he is feeling alright.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1101959 ID: 6c233e

Okay, that was surprisingly easy. Watch out for Pyro's reaction. If that really was Dredge then she's probably going to freak out and start burning people, starting with Bobbie.

Anyway, ask Heartbeat what's next, now that he's made an enemy of the bulls.
No. 1101964 ID: 27fceb

Ask Heartbeat how he is feeling, we can use this concern to check if Gray Oppertunity has influenced his mind.
No. 1102039 ID: b9c033
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Try to intimidate him.

B) Try to flatter him.

C) Try to make fun of him.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1102041 ID: 27fceb

If you truly are unstoppable, then why did you come here to ask the tribe leader to give you some of his people to join your army?
No. 1102043 ID: 6c233e

A fatal blow, you say? So if someone cut off your arms it wouldn't come back? hmmmm

Also how was it getting decaped? Did it hurt?
No. 1102047 ID: c5529d

B. One thing for sure is that he seems to have a pretty big ego that we can stroke for information. We'll have to commend him for his status as a hero, and this invulnerability he apparently has if we want to put him in a position he can't dig out of.

I wanna hear more about the amulet, He's probably right about the phoenix amulet's power, but why does it feels like it has its weaknesses he's not telling us about.

I feel like if it is truly something that can make him invincible, he should be able to do a lot more things without the help of an army as >>1102041 puts it, or do some very helpful things only a "invincible" hero can do for the other villagers long ago, like saaaaay: try to kill the "unstoppable" monster deer that is threatening the headsplitters village like a hero he claims to be? That amulet seems like a powerful tool that could make it impossible for him to lose against an opponent like that deer. But yet, as a ally of the headsplitters, why hasn't he done something like that long ago?

Tell him that is an impressive artifact he has on him, and with that, he could do so many things a mere, or even a very powerful warrior only wishes to accomplish. You think as a hero with something like that, he can do something to save this village from something that has been plaguing it for a long time: hunting down the unstoppable monster deer that has been terrorizing the forest? You think doing something like that could truly gain respect from the Headsplitters as they have never truly been able to take it down, and it's looking like his power granted to him by the amulet makes him pretty much the only person here who can take that monstrosity down.

This will probably put him into a position where he has to explain why he won't or hasn't done something like that a long time ago, and we might get more information about the amulet this way, or he might start fibbing, in which case, we can look for contradictions and dig deeper to find the truth about that power.
No. 1102065 ID: fd7f7d

Sounds like we should steal or destroy the amulet he has. Preferably steal. Or capture him alive and let him rot in a cell. "So that's why you were so unafraid of insulting our host regardless of consequences." (Which will subtly remind our host why he was so mad.) >>1102041 Good catch. "Still it does beg the question of why you ask your fellow humans to die in your service when you can handle things with no risk at all. Seems rather heartless." Either he spills more details or he effectively admits he sacrifices people for nothing. Which may include heartbeat's kid. Favorite type of plan is one where we win even if we lose.
No. 1102122 ID: b9c033
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) He is trying to distract you.

B) He is up to something.

C) He is losing his mind.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1102123 ID: 55e8b5

Gray, I wanted to say you did a tremendous job back there with your manipulation. Great work!

A. To me, this feels like a distraction and he's trying to change the subject. Dont let him.

My guess: I think something is preventing him from killing Bobbie for whatever reason, and if I had to make a guess, the reason has something to do with the amulet maybe.
No. 1102125 ID: 27fceb

D) All the above. He is acting strange, until now he didn't even laugh and now he is like an Ace Attorney villain who is having breakdown. I don't know what to expect from him at this point. The only thing that I can suggest is to brace your for anything to happen.
No. 1102126 ID: e98161

Gray if you wish to be heard more you gotta temper your ruthlessness with being pragmatic about things. Per Dredge, we hit a nerve so seems like he's losing his mind. Still - never underestimate an enemy as rage did. Just be ready if he is up to no good. Option 2 is advised.
No. 1102138 ID: 6c233e

Grop, you're practically a stranger still, give her time to trust you.

C) that's not even the question that was asked. But maybe this is just an act? Ask him if he has his head on straight. Maybe Heartbeat should cut it off again so he can get it right.
No. 1102155 ID: b9c033
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Stay at the meeting.

B) Retreat to the castle.
No. 1102157 ID: c5529d

Good thinking, Gray Opportunity, I agree. We must stay. Plus, the cat took the bait and most likely will take our decoy if it's true. We expected this to happen from the start. I doubt she is going to attack anyone at the castle either, she's more of a stealthy thief.

Everything is falling right into place. All our hard work in this meeting managed to win us Heartbeat's support if him attempting to behead Iron Dredge is anything to go by, and now distrusts Iron Dredge. I think when given the choice, he will choose to fight for us over Iron Dredge now if a war breaks out.

A. This is where you get angry to sell the idea that Abdle is at the castle and not with us, but to also officially start this fight with Iron Dredge with the Headsplitters on our side. Yell at him that you and Heartbeat was hoping some kind of agreement could have happened, but his actions of kidnapping Abdle rip any chances of a peace taking place between you two, and this is now a declaration of war!
No. 1102158 ID: 27fceb

A brave leader once said: some of you may die, but it's a sacrifice I am willing to make. My vote is for option A.
No. 1102165 ID: 3091c7

Let's have the opposite reaction he'd expect of us. Plus a little lying so he draws false conclusions. "Oh that's all? Dredge you underestimate my people. Even if she doesn't get taken prisoner she'll never get to the secret room he's using." Do you guys have extra lies to add? Gray that includes you too. Either way we have a crucial follow up. "Oh and nice attempt to dodge the question we posed. So to encourage compliance we'll worsen it as you evade. Did you demand people - your fellow humans - from Heartbeat who would die in your service?" Further evades will get the question worse. Did you risk the curse affecting these people with the demand? Did you let rage be one of those who died in your service? He can't squirm outta this.
No. 1102168 ID: 6c233e

A) time to bluff that we're bluffing. Scoff and say that the front door is hardly our only line of cat defense. We are quite prepared for his little sneak thief.

And I want to say this now; if Dredge gets his head cut off again grab it and run
No. 1102191 ID: b9c033
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Stay at the meeting.

B) Retreat to the castle.
No. 1102195 ID: c5529d

A. Stay at the meeting. Cat can't do anything to hurt our people, because of the curse. He's trying to scare us away from the topic of the amulet and avoiding our questions we've asked earlier before he brought up the cat being in our castle,

Besides, even if we retreat, and the curse doesn't do anything, it'll already be too late if we retreated now.

get back talking about the amulet and challenge him to fight you here and now like last time, and again ask why he even needed an army and have his humans die for him if he is invulnerable. He still hasn't answered those questions, and even if the cat is at our castle, this is still a distraction Iron Dredge is attempting to steer us away from it. Stay vigilant.
No. 1102197 ID: c5529d

Hell, you can even remind him of the curse, and call him a freakin' moron before we get back to the question(s) that he's trying desperately to avoid answering.
No. 1102198 ID: 27fceb

I fucking called it, I already suspected that the cat would play her stealth mission like a crazy psychopath. Stay, no matter what he says to you just stay, he is trying to bait you to leave, do not let him do that. He is trying to get in your head, just be calm and insult him for using a cat, instead of fighting you himself.
No. 1102199 ID: ad0f7c

He really wants to avoid the topic bad. "Well now I know you're evading on purpose. Desperate to get me to leave. Desperately squirming in a corner with no way to escape. Only your word - a self-admitted liar's word - being proof of your claims. Won't be fooled. Get to talking."
No. 1102207 ID: 6c233e

Wait half? That earlier force with Rage was half his troops? What a show of incompetence.

Anyway rushing off won't help. If our people can't handle one sneak then it would be too late by the time we got there.
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