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1076048 No. 1076048 ID: c4908b

You go by Vex. You are an ARMS DEALER by trade and you've been at this for a couple of years now.

At the moment, you're having a smoke to try and calm down the adrenaline rush from almost (successfully) being SET UP.

R18. nsfw/gore/body horror potential. heavy themes including self harm may be explored (but not explicitly). Toxic Yuri Guaranteed.
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No. 1076049 ID: c4908b
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After a cursory review of your surroundings, dead bodies aside, you've spent about 1 PLASMA CARTRIDGE offing the goons your customer sent after you. That's about 800C's worth at minimum for an archaic dimension. Which you're adding to that greedy bastard's tab before you send a knife through his throat.

You only came in a few hours ago with about 15C. This FAILED OPERATION was meant to pay for your room and meals for the next few days.

Fuck, you're hungry. And bleeding.
No. 1076050 ID: c4908b
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You check your AW (ANGEL WING). Roughly going off of how much time has passed, the cooldown will take about 2 DAYS. You won't be able to hop dimensions until the cooldown is finished.

That means two days of laying low, tracking that bastard down, and selling some arms. Or maybe you'll just dick around until then.
No. 1076051 ID: d3bf48

Tell us more about the angel wing!
No. 1076052 ID: 0fbdcd

Steal clothing from dead goons, tear into bandages and wrap.

What did you sell to the guy, where he thought it'd be cheaper to kill you than pay?
No. 1076054 ID: 273c18

Treat your wounds, then loot the bodies. What building are you in? Is there potential for burgling the place?
No. 1076141 ID: a6d18e

Well time to open you're Stash you prepared for this situation. You did prepared a stash
No. 1076142 ID: c4908b
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>Tell us more about the angel wing!

Your AW is a special MODDED version of a typical AW. AW's were originally MAGITECH developed by DB (Divine/Dimensional Balance), a cult disguised as a business. Or maybe just a business that uses cult tactics. Their excuse is maintaining "balance" between the dimensions when they're really trying to colonize them for G0D, an extradimensional being, and CEO of DB.

Said cult business targeted you after selling ANGELTECH without a permit and dispatched an ANGEL to stop you. After killing them, you got their wings ripped out for your MODDER. That earned you the classification for all interdimensional criminals, DEMON.

All AW's require special attunement to each user. Your AW though is imperfect. Without the second wing, it requires COOLDOWN PERIODS and is RANDOMIZED TRANSPORT. The dimensions you go to are always RANDOM but they tend to stay within a SPECIFIC GROUP since you can RETURN to certain dimensions more often than others.

From what you understand, you will ALWAYS enter a dimension that has these requirements:

>Some form of society/civilization
>Widespread communication
>Survivable for organic beings
No. 1076143 ID: c4908b
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>Steal clothing from dead goons, tear into bandages and wrap.
>Treat your wounds, then loot the bodies.

You move to start looting the bodies and ripping up their clothes into makeshift bandages. You just need to stem whatever's bleeding the heaviest until your REGEN kicks in. Though it tends to be SLOWER when you're hungry.

>Well time to open you're Stash you prepared for this situation. You did prepared a stash

Of course, you could use some of your WARES to speed things up. But you have the constitution of a roach. So, unless you're going into that deep void, you'll AVOID that at all costs. You've survived this long by being STRICTLY CONSERVATIVE with your things.
No. 1076145 ID: c4908b
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>What did you sell to the guy, where he thought it'd be cheaper to kill you than pay?

Your SPECIALTY is selling INTERDIMENSIONAL ARMS. Real rare and illegal shit that you mainly acquire from STEALING. Usually, these arms are impossible to come by through virtue of how STRICTLY interdimensional travel is regulated. Bringing things between dimensions and giving them around tends to DRASTICALLY AFFECT things.

Fuck if that matters to you though. You can get a PLASMA CARTRIDGE from a tech dimension for 15C and upcharge it in any archaic dimension for 800-1000C. MAGITECH particularly sells the BEST in any dimension whenever you get your hands on them.

Your soon to be dead customer was a REGULAR of yours. You have an established clientele for dimensions you've visited a few times to make things easier. This guy always bought you're more EXPENSIVE ARMS, things like SPELL SCROLLS, PLASMA GUNS, & LOWBAR MAGITECH.

Looks like he got tired of paying enough for a city.
No. 1076146 ID: c4908b
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>What building are you in? Is there potential for burgling the place?

You're in an abandoned warehouse that you scoped out before the meeting. The customer chose the location since he pressed URGENCY on your arrival. Stupid, you know, but again, you needed cash.

There's nothing too useful around from when you scoped it out. You could take another look around in case there's a hidden gem, but you don't know how much time you have before your customer will notice the lack of communication from his former goons.

Originally, you showed up early to set up your wares upstairs in the management room. Two goons were there looking a bit panicked at your early arrival. When they insisted you go back downstairs you knew something was up.

The rest of them came charging in pretty quickly after.
No. 1076147 ID: c4908b
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You have 10 INVENTORY CARDS. Each card can hold one category of item designated from: AMMO, FIREARMS, MARTIAL WEAPONS, EXPLOSIVES, MAGITECH, CONSUMABLES, ENHANCERS, COMMUNICATORS, SUPPLIES, & CURRENCY. There is no limit to how many of an ITEM you can have per card, but the TOTAL WEIGHT must not exceed 20LB PER CARD.

Current Inventory Status:

>AMMO = 14LB + 3LB of lead rounds = 17LB (Magic, Plasma, Lead, Silver)
>CONSUMABLES = 12LB (Magic Scrolls & More)
>ENHANCERS = 6LB (Armor & Enchantments)
>COMMUNICATORS = 10LB (Shitton of Phones)
>SUPPLIES = 10LB + 6LB from your folding table & chair = 16LB
>CURRENCY = 14LB + .5 from giftcards = 14.5LB

You pocket the rounds by adding it to your AMMO CARD (17LB).

You may have some use for the ARCHAIC PISTOLS since archaic weapons can be modded easier and have better customization.

After this, you'll try out the WCDONS giftcard just to see if you can get something off the cheaper menu.

What items should you keep from the loot?

(Also, suggest items in Vex's inventory! DND 5e is my main point of reference but any reasonable item can be suggested. Items can vary between magic, non-magic, to sci-fi. Please include weight per item.)
No. 1076170 ID: 0fbdcd

Keep the ammo, gift cards, guns, watches, and keys. The keys might unlock something around here and it's worth a quick check. Or maybe a car outside. The guns and watches might sell ok in a medieval world.

Otherwise, looks like trash. Go get a bite to eat.
No. 1076205 ID: a6d18e

So how much do you know about the world you're currently stuck in for the time being.
No. 1076209 ID: 7c0da2

You might as well take everything. Except the nail bats, you really only need one and you're better off using a firearm anyway. If the 20LBs in your Martial Weapons card is entirely taken up by 5 nail bats I suggest you drop 4 of them, you need room for things you can actually sell.
Then go try the WCDONS card, you need to eat, and you need to be far away from here when the customer sends someone to check on his goons.
No. 1076429 ID: feda8a

i realize that for custom items it would be best to submit them to a diss thread so here it is: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/141108.html

throw items you want to appear in the story in here and i'll do my best to add them in as loot or something vex has in store.

questions and other comments are welcome too!

No. 1076582 ID: c4908b
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>So how much do you know about the world you're currently stuck in for the time being.

The current dimension you're in is pretty RUDIMENTARY in terms of technology. Smartphones have just started getting introduced to the wider populace and computers are still bulky boxes. Wifi is shit but you're flip phone still works at least. There's also little to no magic outside of minor shapeshifting among the populace. (Not too impressive since you can minorly shapeshift yourself.) Even when you use spells or magic items, their effects are slightly suppressed. You call it "archaic" because of these factors. Time for you is hard to keep track of, so you don't bother counting years and just use labels.

Usually, whenever you get transported here you end up in the SAME GENERAL AREA. There's three cities you frequent in the state where your REGULARS reside. You don't have the names memorized but you refer to them as STEAK (NORTH CITY), PEPPER (EAST CITY), and SALT (WEST CITY). It's easier for you to remember things if you refer to them by easily categorizable groups.

You are currently at the outer edge of SALT. From what you heard when you first arrived, your REGULARS seem to not be warring with each other anymore. Instead, they mind each others business and fight with the other gangs around. Because of how much fighting goes on in the area, you've stuck around and haven't felt the need to visit other states or countries nearby.

The MAJORITY of your clientele are petty gangs or rich individuals with a penchant for collection. You prefer the gangs as your primary customers since they're a lot more consistent with their needs. So long as someone's fighting, there's someone to sell to.

Your richer clientele also usually want to jump your bones and mixing personal with business is a baaaad idea. You will deny any exceptions you have made in the past.
No. 1076583 ID: c4908b
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Current Inventory Status:

>FIREARMS = 17LB + 3LB archaic pistols (x3) = 20LB MAXED
>COMMUNICATORS = 10LB + 1.25LB of burner phones (x5) = 11.25LB
>SUPPLIES = 16LB + 1LB of keys (x2) + .75LB silver watches (x3) = 17.75LB

You only manage to take 3 of the better looking ARCHAIC PISTOLS before maxing out the FIREARMS CARD. The KEYS could prove to be useful unlocking something around here and the WATCHES could still sell for a decent price.

You also pocket the HANDCUFFS but just keep it attached to your belt loop to save inventory space.

Next, you wipe the blood off your face and hands with your jacket so you can look a little more presentable and restore your vision. It's a little easier now that you have the makeshift bandages stemming the wounds.

Afterwards, you swap the dirty jacket with a different one from your SUPPLIES card. It sucks though that you got your jacket dirty. Fuck knows when you'll have the time to get it washed.

To seal the deal you take out a simple FACEMASK. You don't know how much of your face is out there thanks to DB and you'd rather not get SNITCHED ON while you're busy doing other things. While you always enjoy a visit from the lovely ARCHANGEL that's out to KILL YOU, you have some errands to run. People to see. Things to eat. All the good stuff that comes with preferably not being hunted for sport.
No. 1076584 ID: c4908b
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After that's all settled, you take stock of your current state.

EQUIPPED: Trusty Hunting Knife (Magisteel w/ Plasma Cutter Function)
MAGIC: Wild Luck. You can draw one card at a time from a deck of 5 MAGIC CARDS as many times as you would like (roll of 1d5 per draw). The deck automatically shuffles itself before every draw and will only activate the card's spell if it is drawn facedown and then turned faceup. After a card is used, a new card will generate with a RANDOM prepared spell of varying power. You are not immune to outward effects from the card's spell. One of the cards in the deck will ALWAYS be FIREBALL.
ABILITY: Intuition. You can IMPROVE your chances of drawing a specific card to a roll of 2d5 based on experience and inherent luck. 2 winning numbers from 1-5 will be picked before the roll. 2 uses per day.

Choose which 4 spells are currently in your deck:

>BURST: An object of choice explodes violently.
>DARKNESS: Darkness envelops the area around you. This blocks ALL vision and light sources momentarily.
>SILENCE: You can silence all sound from any number of people around you that you can see.
>DANCE: All creatures around you are hit with the irresistible NEED to dance.
>IDENTIFY: You can learn the properties and use of one chosen object you can touch.
>PUPPET: You momentarily control the body of one chosen target.
>FEAR: Cause life-threatening fear in one living person within sight. May cause person to flee in terror.
>FLEE: Teleport to any neighboring area that you can see.
No. 1076607 ID: 510d57

>FLEE: Teleport to any neighboring area that you can see.
>DARKNESS: Darkness envelops the area around you. This blocks ALL vision and light sources momentarily.
>DANCE: All creatures around you are hit with the irresistible NEED to dance.
>SILENCE: You can silence all sound from any number of people around you that you can see.

Combat maxxing.
No. 1076636 ID: b0ae71

>IDENTIFY: You can learn the properties and use of one chosen object you can touch.

I'll back any plan that use this skill since it's handy to have something to appraise an item's resale value in you're line of work.
No. 1076665 ID: 83015e

So how much do know about the jerk who tred to stiff you?
No. 1076717 ID: 462d8c

Burst, Identify, Puppet, and Flee
No. 1076788 ID: 83015e

^ this We gonna need IDENTIFY, you know just in case you stumble across a cursed equipment.
No. 1076886 ID: c4908b
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The current cards in your arsenal are FIREBALL, FLEE, IDENTIFY, BURST, and DANCE.

An interesting set... You tuck your MAGIC DECK into your inner jacket pocket and your HUNTING KNIFE into your other pocket.

For a moment, you assess your surroundings before heading back downstairs, keeping a careful eye for anyone that might be lurking. Or any secret objects that may be hidden away.

As you descend there's not much to catch the eye. The building remains a large, looming, seemingly empty thing. Its emptiness draws your mind to thoughts of what it could have been. Maybe it was a cannery or textile place at one point of its history. You wouldn't know, with how gutted it is.

And thanks to you, it's a little more haunted...

Not quite as empty....

But nothing jumps out at you.

Not this time.
No. 1076887 ID: c4908b
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The sight of the sun in the horizon blinds you for a moment. The warehouse was relatively dim with only some rays of sunlight coming in through the windows. Breathing in the fresh air reminds you that you are, at least, somewhat alive.

It's hard for you to remember that you are alive sometimes. Not just a ball of adrenaline and wounds. Even in a life of running away to extraordinary places... its started to feel a little boring.

But that's all you know now.
No. 1076888 ID: c4908b
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>So how much do know about the jerk who tried to stiff you?

You remember the important bits. He's currently the head honcho for the Wolf Bites here in Salt City. He wasn't much when you first met, just a small disposable goon. His boss at the time sent him out on a mission to find you, since word was still getting around on your specific services, and they needed to verify their info.

You smelled an opportunity with him. He was smart enough and power hungry. He already stole a good sum from his boss to pay off your first deal with him too.

The coup happened a few days after with a couples of others that already sensed blood about to hit the water.

You didn't think he would be stupid enough to betray you. So, he must have some other alternate source that he's now tapped into. Thing is, you only know a few other ARMSDEALERS on your level that have lasted this long, and you have relatively good relationships with them. You all also overcharge to keep the prices consistent, so it wouldn't be a cheaper source.

Unless it's none of those guys...

You rub your eyes and spot two cars parked in the street in front of the warehouse. You know only one was parked there when you arrived. A sleek nondescript car with tinted windows.

You slightly limp to the one that you didn't see before.

And open the door.
No. 1076889 ID: c4908b
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No. 1076890 ID: c4908b
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No. 1076891 ID: c4908b
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What's this...?
No. 1076892 ID: c4908b
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"Who are you?!"

Fuck. Okay alright okay alright. Just one more thing to deal with. Fine. That's fine. That's A O K A Y.

You take a deep breath, though it comes in a little sharper than you'd like. Focus. Focus.

The first thing you notice is the way her hand shakes when she points the gun at you. The nervousness in her eyes. It looks like she hasn't shot another person before, maybe just practice targets. Or ones that can't run away.

You can handle her. You might get shot, but your reflexes are quick. A snap of the hand really.

But she looks young. Naive. Maybe a trainee? Made to stay in the car in case they needed back up?

What should you do?

>A) Kill her (the least amount of trouble)
>B) Disarm her (you'll have to deal with her)
>C) Persuade her (you'd need the right words)
>D) _____
No. 1076899 ID: a7a180

Disarm, and maybe take the gun away while you're at it.
No. 1076901 ID: 354ff3

>C) Persuade her (you'd need the right words)

Pretend to be a clueless goon whose sacred out of his mind about the scary arms dealer.
No. 1076902 ID: 8f9bc4


...do you make a habit of just going into random cars you happen to come across?
No. 1076908 ID: 96815d

So is the gal look like a hired goon or a cop who got in wayy too deep.
No. 1076930 ID: 7c0da2

B) Disarm
I think you should try to talk, but it will be easier if there isn't a gun involved.
No. 1077106 ID: 34713f

Sidle out of her line of sight while saying: "Easy there - I'm assuming you aren't with the thugs that tried to jump me since your car wasn't here before."
No. 1077123 ID: eb0a9c

"Sorry! Sorry! Wrong car! Look I'm also a runner but today really sucked and my job went FUBAR, and I just want to go back to my apartment and take the whole damn week off! Great, now I have to find my driver - if you don't blow my head off first."
No. 1077176 ID: e420b7
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>So is the gal look like a hired goon or a cop who got in wayy too deep.

From what you can assess, she looks like she's associated with them. The gun is the same make, and while her outfit is casual, she has the tell-tale wolf's ears. Not every Wolf Bite has them but it's one of the easiest marks of loyalty to have. If she was a cop, well, it wouldn't take too long for them to sniff her out. No help on your part needed.

You lower your head and duck a bit behind the driver's side headrest so her line of sight is more obscured. It's easy to look smaller and hide it all away. Knowing how to act is another key to your survival, whether it's in a dimension where you look too human or out of place, you just need a few minutes to adapt.

Your voice comes out a little shaky and uncertain, all practice, "Easy there! Sorry! Sorry! Uh, wrong car. I don't. Um, my job went to SHIT today and I just, today's really sucked and I just got out of there and, and..."

You shift your eyes to look behind the Wolf Bite enough times that she'll notice, and she instinctively freezes, picking up on your body language. "I just, I want to go back..." You duck a bit more-- but not too fast-- as she whirls her body towards the window, expecting someone that isn't there.

That's all you need.

You're off like a shot.
No. 1077177 ID: e420b7
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Twist the arm. Get rid of the gun. Pin her down with all your weight and out of biting reach.

She snarls and her teeth start to grow, body thrashing and nails sharpening. You can feel the way her body starts to shift under your knee, wolfing out.

"ASSHOLE!!!! GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!!!" her words end with a growl.

You work quickly, the handcuffs proving useful as you take them off your belt and swiftly cuff her wrists together. They must be enchanted with the way they hold against her shifting wrists, chain going taut but not breaking. Goosebumps go down your neck.

It's a good thing she doesn't have that much experience. You could've lost a few teeth if she kicked you on your way in.

"Calm down! I'm not trying to kill you, but I could." you snap.

She thrashes more, almost throwing you off, "I. Don't. Believe. You." A growl punctuates between each word.

You sigh and grab the gun off of the car floor and press it to the back of her head point blank. For good measure, you click the safety on and off, making sure she hears the noise. But there's no pull of the trigger.

She freezes up. Though she glares at you from the side, she's quick to pick up on how much of a disadvantage she's in, relaxing, "Are you the arms dealer?"
No. 1077179 ID: e420b7
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You don't answer as you try to catch your breath, trying to stash the gun away in your INVENTORY but it's MAXED OUT. Shit. You settle for stashing it in your jacket pocket with the safety on instead. Your wounds also got agitated from the sudden motions and warmth bleeds through your bandages again. The air comes out heavier and you clench your teeth as each exhale sounds out in a low whistle.

She sniffs the air, her pupils dilating at the scent of blood, "You're injured."

You slide off of her and into the driver's seat a little less gracefully than you'd like. "Yeah well, they're dead."

She, surprisingly, doesn't seem angry at that, just staring at you blankly, "Why aren't you going to kill me?"

Well, you aren't going to mention how you DID think about it. And maybe you should. Tie up every end you meet unless it's useful for later. Then once it's no longer useful, well, then you just have to tie it up like all the others. Keeps everything neat that way, less painful.

You frown as you try to take the SET OF KEYS out of your INVENTORY, you figured that one of them must work for one of the cars here. And you weren't exactly expecting someone to be inside said cars, otherwise you wouldn't have just waltzed in. "I don't see why I should. Unless you're going to stop me from killing your boss."
No. 1077180 ID: e420b7
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She sits up straighter, the change in her expression giving you whiplash. "You're going to kill Julien?!" she smiles with this.. unhinged tint, "I want him dead too."

You pause. Interesting development. "You do?"

She nods with a fervor, "I figured infiltrating and working my way up would be the longest but easiest way of going about it. Keep your enemies close right? It's a lot easier to stab someone in the back then it is going in headfirst and getting shot at point blank," she doesn't even breathe between words, "Of course it would be grueling and I'd have to kill a lot people and compromise my morals but that's fine! It'll get the job done. But you, from what I've heard about you. You can do it. You got him into power. It would be faster with you."

... You cannot trust her. Nope. Not at all. The worst people are the ones willing to do whatever it takes.

You would know that the best.

You laugh, "I'm not teaming up with you, kid. Whatever revenge you have in store for him is all a fantasy in your head. This is business."

The words seem to bounce off of her, "You're not that much older than me. Well, you don't look that much older. I know where his base is and I know how to navigate it. I've never heard that you've visited in person before. And if they don't hear back from me, they'll know the mission failed and he'll be sending out more people to hunt you down across the city."

Fuck, you just want some WCDONS man.
No. 1077187 ID: 8f9bc4

You might point out that 'Julien' didn't get where he was by trusting every crazy bitch he hired. She was probably supposed to die when this deal went south, and it's dumb luck that she stayed in the car. She won't find it as easy to sneak up on his back as she thinks, but she does have knowledge and you could use her help.

Then ask her what she's really getting out of this. No one gets anything out of just killing a man. She thinks she's saving a busload of orphans from his next operation? She wants his job so she can finally live the good life? Or is it just because she doesn't want to think about the people she lost and how killing him won't bring them back?

He kicked her when she was a puppy?
No. 1077188 ID: 34713f

"... So, if we're going to do this, it has to look like I'm dead at first. If they know the mission failed, that makes you a coward at best and a traitor at worst. Even if they don't just kill you, any attempt to talk a way into the compound on my behalf will go up in smoke. Take this bloody jacket, and I suppose I should find a way to cover up my own scent so they don't connect the smell-dots and realize that he is me." Also, a visual disguise if more than a single guy knows your face.
No. 1077189 ID: eb0a9c

"Actually, the plan is to drop off the face of the planet, wait until he thinks I've been killed by another former client, then teleport into his base and shoot his balls off."

Gauge her laughter.
No. 1078441 ID: d20702
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It's likely that Julien suspected her. That guy's one of the most paranoid fuckers out there for good reason. This was probably her test to see if she was more valuable as an asset or she'd be easily disposed instead. Funny how luck can be valuable too.

You go through the ring of keys, trying to match the right one with the car, and taking her threat as nonchalantly as you do, "Actually, the plan is to drop off the face of the planet, wait until he thinks I'm dead, then find him and shoot his dick off."

You pause as you glance at her to gauge her reaction. She's silent for a moment, almost stunned before snorting and leaning back, a nervous chuckle. Her cheeks are flushed with clear embarrassment. It's almost cute.

"You're joking?"

You stay dead silent for long enough that she almost looks impressed at your audacity.

You laugh then, loud, before she can respond, "I'm kidding, what I'm planning to do to that fucking traitor will be a lot worse."

If there's another dealer, you get the temptation to shop around and see what they have to offer. It's another thing to stab your back. You might have to set an example.

She ponders your words. There's still that same bloodlust in her eyes, "I want to see it."

You find the right key and turn it into the ignition. The car stutters, tik tik tik, then thrums to life with a startle.

It's like hearing your heart beat as you gesture to her, "Look, I don't want to deal with getting ambushed by more goons. It would be inconvenient as hell, but not impossible. If you want me to accept your help, then tell me what you're getting out of this."

She's silent again. You slowly exhale through your teeth.

"He killed my brother," the words drop like stones, "You're right. I want revenge."

Well. That doesn't sound like the whole story.

"Is that all?"

She stares right into you, "It's my right." Ah, there's that suicidal determination. It might be more than you could persuade.
No. 1078442 ID: d20702
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You wisely set the topic aside for now as you set up the game plan in your mind. You don't want to start pulling teeth.

"Alright, I'll accept your help. Call me Vex."

"Eiko. What kind of name is Vex?"

You don't entertain the question, "Anyway, if we're going to do this, it still has to look like I'm dead first. If they know the mission failed, that makes you a coward at best and a traitor at worst."

You remove your jacket from your INVENTORY and gesture for her to lean forward. She catches your meaning quick and reluctantly obeys as you put it over her shoulders. Eiko's pupils are as black as pits when the scent envelops her.

Instinctively, you stare back, "Even if they don't just kill you, any attempt to talk a way into the compound on my behalf can go up in smoke. If you keep this on, it'll give you more credibility. Only Julien knows my scent enough to recognize me."

Her eyebrows raise, "How..."

You laugh and look around at the car dash since you haven't been looking at it closely, "Nah, he's not my type." A certain someone comes to mind. "But we've spoken enough times alone, I've rarely made deals with just his goons."

"You really have been around. Where do you get your stuff anyway? I've seen some of the magic in person but it's still hard to believe that..."

Her words start to fade as you head down the street. Only one thing stays on your mind.
No. 1078443 ID: d20702
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>a visual disguise if more than a single guy knows your face

The only ones that know your actual face and have spread it are the ANGELS. They're not too bad to deal with if it's not your ARCHANGEL around. Unless there are some RELIGIOUS ZEALOTS among the WOLF BITES, you'll worry about that later. For now, the facemask will have to do. And besides your eye color, you can't shapeshift your face adeptly or you'll end up with three nostrils instead. Or something less human.

For your deals, you always wear a SHOPKEEPER mask. It's ENCHANTED to obscure your features and dampen your scent. You took it off after the bust and don't wear it in public since it's very visually striking.

Not even Julien has seen your face in person.
No. 1078444 ID: d20702
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You eat in the car after going through the WCDONS drive thru. Thankfully, that giftcard had enough change to spare after your order too.

And with the cosmos as your witness you are fucking this burger up.

Eiko watches you with both disgust and envy, "You know, you'll have to uncuff me eventually," she leans forward with more desperation than earlier, "At least feed me a fry or something! This is torture! Torture!"

You take a few more bites before mercifully feeding her some of the fries, "So, what's the layout of the compound?"

Half your fries are gone by the time Eiko answers and you squint at her, "It used to be an office building. About four floors with the crab on top. He usually isn't in the crab, but his office is in the very top floor."

Kings do love their towers. At least your wounds have stitched back together and some sensation has returned to your numb limbs. You clench your fingers a couple of times to make sure.
No. 1078445 ID: d20702
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"How's the security?"

"Two guards at every entrance. The most people hang out on the first floor and the underground garage. The second floor is where the main supplies are kept and the third floor is the books area. There aren't really people on the third floor except dispatchers and counters. I know the vault is on the fourth floor, but I haven't seen it or Julien's office in person."

She gestures, "Most of the gang are out right now collecting, but they'll be coming back in waves once it's evening. And they're probably expecting my call now."

Apparently, it's 4PM. You could technically wait until tomorrow to settle things, maybe prepare better, and have less of a risk of more people showing up. Your AW will likely be charged up by then and you could make a quick escape.

Though you have many options. Strangers are generally welcome if they're coming in for loans, so you could pretend to be one that Eiko found. You could also sneak in instead while she works as a distraction.

Eiko's ability to PERSUADE the gang not to suspect anything is also a loose factor. Her status is only slightly better than a grunt but still a newbie.

Ah, that reminds you.

As you draw up your plans, you look at her more pointedly, "I forgot to ask. Did they tell you to stay in the car or did you choose to stay?"

It's quiet. She stares at you. 1 second, 2 seconds, 5 seconds.

Her ears lower and the words come out low, "I told them I'd stay and call back up if needed. I had a bad feeling."


Eiko has good instincts. She'll value her life more than anything depending on the situation and would be able to sense danger. You'll have to take this into account in your plans.
No. 1078466 ID: eb0a9c

Hit his piggy bank. If he can't pay his army, they'll ditch him, forcing him to confront you if you start destroying what you can't carry.

Plan A: Pretend you're a double-dealer who Eiko arrogantly caught on her own. She'll demand to be taken to the upper floors, and while they argue, detonate a load-bearing wall and flee. Loot what remains afterwards.
Plan B: Make your way up to the third floor, neutralize all guards as quietly as you can. Then slowly plant explosives or charge spells and hit the vault from below.
Plan C: Fight your way to the vault, use heavy artillery to blast it open, destroying most of the contents. Salvage what you can, then flee and watch as the boss' army abandons him.
No. 1078633 ID: f2cf5a

Okay, so off the jump, there's an issue of her answering the question of 'where'd the other people go?' and 'why is she alone when she was supposed to be a warning sign?' She needs to have a way to answer those questions and keep suspicion low. I can't think of a reason for either, however, so that makes me believe she might not be super helpful in infiltration except as a distraction- though that in itself can be valuable. The how is also suspect.

You DID say no one's seen your face before, so that's a boon. I'd suggest trying to keep yourself hidden as possible. If there's some way to keep yourself quiet, then...well, normally I'd suggest the garage, but that's where a lot of people are, so that's out. Some way to get in the first floor...

...ugh, not a lot of info and too much risk. I feel like we might want to wait and scout the place out, get intel first. Though that does still leave her issue of 'why are all the guys dead and you didn't say anything?' What's an answer that WON'T get her shot dead on the spot? (Not that it matters super much, but you have a resource in her, might as well milk it.)
No. 1078939 ID: f2cf5a

Upon further thinking, there IS no good answer that wouldn't get her shot dead for dereliction of duty to the gang, since she never called for backup, but showed back up ALONE. Even if she 'admitted' she wussed out and kept our presence secret. This is the CHARITABLE explanation, presuming they put 2+3 together and get 5 instead of 2*3 and get 6. Her coming back alone by default means the target is VERY LIKELY STILL ALIVE since she said she'd call for backup if needed. And since he/we are likely still alive, we're either dipping REALLY hard, in which case the Asshole That Is Us just murked a bunch of their guys with little to no chance of recompense, or we're coming to 'complain' in person (which we are), in which case that means everyone needs to be on guard and she might've just lead him/us there (which she did). Again, this isn't even approaching the possibility that they guess right and they decide she turned traitor, in which case we're pretty hosed.

...so honestly, her best move, should she enjoy life, is actually to go to ground and let everyone believe she bit it in the crossfire, too. She shouldn't be helping at ALL.

(NOTE: This is all moot if she didn't tell her bosses exactly what she was trying to do, and by 'told them' simply meant 'she told the people meeting with us and no one else'.)

Which STILL leaves us without any good ways in. And the sad thing is we kinda NEED to raid this guy's base to pay rent, so...Shit Creek, we are up it.

Still thing we need more intel. Let it sit a day.
No. 1079172 ID: a7ddda
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You consider the implications of her having to explain why everyone else is dead with no call for back up, "Who did you tell that you'd be calling for back up?"

She gestures, "I only told the guys that were in the car with me. I had a little more seniority, so they took my word for it."

Okay, good. That helps clear up the main issues that may arise from everyone else dying but her. She made it out just barely, and the others were valiantly sacrificed in the process to make sure the job got done. Now you just have to figure out where to go from there.

>Hit his piggy bank. If he can't pay his army, they'll ditch him, forcing him to confront you if you start destroying what you can't carry.

A good point. You don't know how much of the money he would keep in the vault but it would be a good target. Even if you don't end up looting it, destroying it entirely could prove useful for dwindling down his allies.

You finish up your food and look back at Eiko, "Why don't we try making our way up to the upper floor where the vault is or maybe just the third and blow it up? If that doesn't kill him, it'll flush his ass out and get rid of a good chunk of the gang."

Eiko tenses, brows furrowing, "I don't.. I don't want to kill EVERYONE if we don't have to," she pauses then adds quickly, "But I mean, I'll still do it if it means killing Julien."

"Aren't you in this to kill Julien and destroy the gang?"

She stares at you then shakes her head, arms tensing around the cuffs like she wants to talk with her hands, "I'm in this to kill him. I've just. I've been in this gang for almost a year, not all of them are that bad. I wouldn't call them all close friends, but they're still people. I'd rather not do anything unnecessary, just what I need to do."

You almost laugh, thinking back to how indifferent she was before, "What about the guys I murked? They don't matter?"

"That's different. You already killed them and I can't do anything about that anymore." She shrugs, "Besides, I didn't like those guys that much anyway."

"So, you don't want to kill the gang but you want to get rid of their leader. Unless you're going to succeed him, you're going to be the next target in whatever power vacuum you create."

Eiko mutters, "I... maybe could lead them. But I mean," she seems to be talking more to herself, "It would be better to destroy the gang in function. You don't have to kill everyone to do that. If you get rid of the leader and whatever funds are keeping it operating, well, naturally people are going to disband."

You know it won't be that perfect of an ending. You massage the bridge of your nose, "So, you're on board with blowing up the base with no one inside of it? How is that going to work?"

Her fangs flash at you, "I don't know okay! Let's come up with something else!"

This is why you never work with other people. You'll push it to plan D for now.

"Alright. In that case, we'll need more intel. If the first floor and the garage are crawling with people and they're the main entrypoints, we'll either have to smooth talk our way inside, I sneak in, or we get in through the upper floors."

Eiko thinks, "The building is emptiest around 1-2PM, that's when everyone leaves to make their rounds across the city. Bare minimum guards and all the important personnel are upstairs."

Looks like waiting until tomorrow may be the best choice. Eiko doesn't seem to be in a rush, seeing as she had an entire 5 year revenge plan going for her. But let's deal with her phoning base first so that can get settled.
No. 1079173 ID: a7ddda
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You gesture for her to turn around. For the sake of being quick and not spending 5 minutes lock-picking the cuffs or trying all the keys, you take your knife and use the PLASMA CUT function to split the chain. She stays still, but her hands twitch at the heat, breathing deeper.

"Phone them in and let them know you succeeded."

Eiko rubs her wrists and goes to pick up her flipphone off the car floor. She takes a deep breath, "Here goes."

They answer on the first ring. Eiko's ears lower and you already have a feeling that a lecture's being told over the phone.

She takes a deep breath, her tone surprisingly smooth, "Mission success. The pack's gone, except me." A pause. Her gaze turns to you, "Target's jacket was acquired but arms could not be retrieved. The, um, magic holding them won't respond."

Eiko winces and moves the phone away from her ear, and you can hear a staticy voice almost boom from the phone, "I don't care what you do, DON'T come back empty handed. The boss needs something off that fucking guy's corpse after all the trouble. Anything valuable you can pry off! Fucking anything!"

To her credit, her voice stays even, "Alright, loud and clear."

"Good. Your dues for the month will be waived." They hang up.

"Well, they sounded like a peach."

Eiko rubs her ear and smacks her flipphone shut, "That was Maggie, they handle the lower packs."

You nod, "What was that she said about dues? I thought only the people you guys bully give those."

"I'm still on probation, new recruits have to pay 3000C every month for 18 months. Doesn't matter how you get the money, just that you show you can. After that, you get promoted to a Loan Wolf, and you can start taking dues for yourself."

HUHH?? Is this how Julien affords everything you sell?? This sounds more like a scam than a gang. Do people really fall for these things willingly?

"What the fuck? 18 months? You've been paying them that much for almost a year? Is that all they make you do?"

Eiko stares at you blankly, "You can get your dues waived if you do enough grunt tasks. Rough people up, help collect interest, clean up, that kind of thing. I haven't been paying them the entire time. When I got officially inducted, they stranded me out 30 miles from the city with only the clothes on my back and I had to smell my way back to base."

Are you the only normal person around? Hm. But if that's all it takes, you could try to get your way into the base by saying you'll pay in. And skip out on the induction of course.

"Okay... But I'm not giving you any of my stuff. Not unless you pay for it. I already gave you my jacket for free to help your cover story."

"Did you not hear them? How am I supposed to get back to base and get any plan in motion if you don't give me something to show for it?"

You both end up arguing for a few minutes about the next course of action. You want to kill this guy, sure, but you'll ALWAYS value your arms more. You've bled and ran just to acquire some of these items and like hell will you give them away for FREE.
No. 1079175 ID: a7ddda
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Eiko eventually concedes, "FINE, you can stay at my apartment for the night for free OR I pay you 200C for the cheapest thing you can give me. That's all I have to spare."

At most, you'd be willing to give her 2 PLASMA CARTRIDGES or 2 PLASMA GRENADES for a measly 200C. But, being able to stay at her place would cover your need for shelter for the rest of the night. You'd also be willing to give a little extra. Maybe an ADRENALINE SHOT. But these items would presumably be going into the gang's hands.

Here are the current possible plans:

>A)Infiltrate: You give Eiko the items she needs to come back and report the mission complete. You enter with her as either a guest that needs money or a new recruit that will pay. She could demand to hand the items over to him personally so you can both get to him directly. You both kill him from there and loot the vault. However, you'll have to safely make it out afterwards since your AW will not be done recharging by then.

>B)Sneak: You give Eiko the items she needs to come back and report the mission complete. She does something to cause a distraction (maybe detonate a grenade) while you sneak in from the back of the first floor entryway OR you scale up to an upper floor and enter that way. You find and kill Julien yourself and possibly loot the vault. However, you'll still have to find a way to escape without alerting anyone to what you have done. The crab may prove useful if you find the keys.

>C)Wait & Gather: You give Eiko the items she needs to come back and report the mission complete. While she's inside, you scope the outer area for alternate entrypoints then return to her apartment. While she's reporting, she can gather more info about the upper floors and peek the 4th floor. Tomorrow, you both sneak in while there are less guards around and head to Julien to kill him and loot the vault before making a swift escape. However, Eiko won't know which people will be on the guard schedule or inside the base.

>D)Annihilate: You give Eiko the items she needs to come back and report the mission complete. You follow either plan A or B. Without telling her, you plant explosives on all the floors you pass. If things go south, you'll jump out the nearest window and detonate everything. You'll wait it out, then see who survives, or if there's anything left of the vault.
No. 1079186 ID: eb0a9c

C. With enough time, you can charge up your Angel Wing, meaning you don't need to plan out an escape route for yourself.
No. 1079675 ID: a7ddda
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Alright, you decide to take the more careful route and gather more information. With your AW fully charged, you'll be able to make a quick escape if things go badly.

Speaking of, you take a moment to check its current progress. It's less than 50% but should still be following your estimation... Roughly.

"I'll crash at your place after I scope out the compound." You lay out the rest of the plan for the next day. But you don't mention to her how you'll be dipping right after.

Eiko nods, expression neutral, "Works with me."

You hand over the ITEMS then climb into the backseat while Eiko gets into the driver side. You wouldn't want anyone to spot you next to her before you both fully arrive.

After she's situated, she examines one of the ITEMS with a curious eye. A PLASMA GRENADE. Hell of a burst on that one with a range of almost 25 feet.

But she takes a beat too long to be comfortable. For a moment you're on edge, hand on the hilt of your knife that you keep tucked away in your other sleeve.


It feels like an entire minute passes before she puts it down in the cupholder. There's no sigh of relief.

Eiko could crash this car if she wanted. Now. Or later. Or maybe straight into the compound. She could rat you out to the gang while you're scoping out the building. Or maybe even after while you're at her apartment so you'd be trapped.

Logically, you know she wouldn't (probably), and you aren't going to do anything about it (yet). But it's there in your mind. And it never leaves no matter how quiet you make it.
No. 1079676 ID: a7ddda
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Eiko glances at you from the rearview mirror, "So, I heard you're from a different world. What's that like?"

The question pulls you out of your thoughts and you laugh, "Hah man. I barely remember my home dimension." You mainly have vague recollections, "It was like this, but more modern. Lots of screens everywhere." You had a big family once. Siblings. The colors of them are washed out through the thin paper of your mind.

Eiko's ears perk up, "Woah like in the movies? Did you guys have flying cars too?"

You shake your head, "Nah, nothing that advanced. There were robots but they weren't too smart yet." You went to school at some point then dropped out. You couldn't afford it anymore.

"Oh, did they take peoples' jobs too?"

"Some of them did. Most of them were made for shit like war." Does your family miss you? You haven't thought about it. In your mind, there's nothing to return to.

"... How do you travel?" That time you left to take that angel's wings was the last time you'd ever see your home dimension.

You groan playfully, "You know, if you're going to ask me 30 questions, you should answer some of mine." You lean more in your seat, glancing at the passing city.

Eiko looks at you again but nods, looking embarrassed, "Um, yeah, sure."

"What were you doing before the gang?"

There's a pause and she leans forward in her seat, "I was an architecture major." She opens her mouth like she's going to say more before switching the words, "I- You didn't answer my question."

"Magic." You keep your tone blunt. "Why did Julien kill your brother?"

Her grip on the wheel tightens. "Because he's a greedy bastard." You guess 'he' means Julien here. But you know there's more to the story.

"Can I learn magic?"

"Only if you're exposed to it or someone teaches you. Are you from the area?"

She pauses, "I am. I grew up here. Can you teach me magic?"

You snort, "Ask me something else."

Eiko shoots back, "How'd you get those scars on your face?"
No. 1079677 ID: a7ddda
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Automatically, your fingers go to trace the scars. The tissue still aches every now and then. In this moment, it burns like the sting of metal as it leaves flesh, your face coloring red.

The words come out almost reverent, "An angel gave it to me." Your first gift from your Archangel. She got the drop on you (the first and only time) with such terrifying and unmatched skill that it gets your heart racing every time you recall your first meeting.

It was years? ago. Cycles? Sun rotations. You don't even remember what you were doing, if you were out getting food, or in your hotel, or just fucking off somewhere. Deep enough into your career that you couldn't keep track of just how much shit was tacked on your list.

You just remember spotting someone ahead of you. Standing so still. Like a ghost. The hairs on your neck stood up but you didn't move. Most people approached you with some type of fire. They want something. They burn in their need.

But this was cold. Business.

Thump, thump, thump. Was that your heart?

Your eyes met then. It was icy. Dead.

Were those really a person's eyes?

Then sharp, bleeding, burning pain.

Thank fuck your AW was charged.

They are the only scars you've ever let stay post-regen. You keep them there as a reminder (to her) of her failure to kill you. And how she'll fail every time after.
No. 1079678 ID: a7ddda
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"Wait, angels are real?" Eiko seems to ask before remembering to park the car beside an alleyway. "Shit, um, as long as you don't get too close to the building you shouldn't get caught." She points to this building in the distance. Bingo.

"Cool. I'll be out here then."

You move to exit the car and Eiko hastily adds, "I'll find you after I'm done. It shouldn't take more than an hour. Or two." She nods at you then goes to drive off back to the compound. You watch until she's out of sight completely.

Back to business. Where should you start?

>A) Scope the surrounding buildings from the ground
>B) Enter a business and ask about the area
>C) Climb a building closeby to get a higher vantage point
>D) Get within eyesight of the compound and search the perimeter
No. 1079680 ID: 8f9bc4

No. 1079682 ID: 462d8c

C) Vantage points are always good
No. 1079684 ID: 76615e

C) the high ground is harder to get ambushed in.
No. 1079708 ID: eb0a9c

B) Nothing like a little Social Engineering to get all the intel you need from your adversary's inconsequential neighbors and favorite stores.
No. 1079997 ID: bba018
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Good to start from up high. You rub your hands before examining the wall of the alley and testing the strength of the bricks with some soft pulls. When the brick refuses to give, you haul ass up the wall in record time.

It's not the tallest building, but you've got a decent enough view of everything.
No. 1079998 ID: bba018
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The compound is within eyesight. It looks like most buildings around it have been demolished to make it easier to surveil the perimeter. Scaling it would be the best option from outside, but it's a matter of getting spotted or not. You have enough experience to scale a building that tall if there aren't people throwing shit at you. There may also be a blindspot somewhere that you could take advantage of. Maybe a fire escape.

All the buildings that remain near it are shorter by a story or two with a two building distance. Other than that, it looks like a regular downtown area of shops, restaurants, and other misc. businesses.

There's a few people milling about yet it's not busy despite it being peak dinner time in a downtown area. The ones you do see haul ass like they already know where they're going. No time for tourists.
No. 1079999 ID: bba018
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A few billboards and advertisements also catch your eye. Man. Looks like DB's made its way here with their usual propaganda.

When it comes to dimensions that lack magic or high tech, they tend to work their way in culturally. Religion's pretty easy to sell when you're promising salvation in exchange for servitude. If you work hard enough and follow every angel's word and mission then your devotion will be rewarded with otherworldly gifts and a ticket to PARADISE.

It wouldn't be surprising if G0D just consumes them like Saturn instead. Extradimensional beings feed off of belief in them. They grow stronger with their influence. The more you give, the more they eat.

And unlike most cults, they do have something to show for it. When you have people appearing in bright showy ways with shiny halos and wings, well, you might as well see what that's all about.

Maybe PARADISE does exist. Or maybe it's some fucked up higher dimension. Emptied of all life and endlessly vast.

Do you vandalize the billboard? Or do you head off to a different roof?

No. 1080109 ID: bba018
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You leave the billboard be for now. If only to conserve resources. You'll blow it up some other time.

As you travel, you find a shop that catches your eye. One goon's out waiting in the front. Another Wolf Bite. Looks like it's one of those collection tasks Eiko was talking about. Another goon exits the store with a heavy envelope of cash. You don't even have to shake it to know it'll be enough to cover everything you need and more.

Goon 2 calls back into the shop as they exit, "Pleasure doin' business! Don't be late next time or I'll catch your other horn, got me?"

You strain your ears to listen from your vantage point and hear what might be a soft whimper of a response. Whatever poor shopkeeper they've shaken down can't even speak.

The goons don't seem to care, just giving each other a look for a moment before starting to head off. Looks like to another stop before HQ.

This could be your chance.

They haven't noticed you at all from where you're hidden up high. You're supposed to be laying low, but you have good hands and you'll be able to follow them well from the roofs. It wouldn't be too hard to pickpocket them. Just a bump on the right street corner.

Though a second glance at the shop name tells you it's some kind of antique store. They could have some valuable items in there. You could also put that social engineering to use and get some info.

>A) Follow them
>B) Enter the shop
>C) ____
No. 1080111 ID: 8f9bc4

Damn someone's a wall climbing badass...
No. 1080131 ID: 462d8c

A) Follow them goons
No. 1080132 ID: 5bb274

B) Help the store owner and he'll be liable to rant about something that nobody realizes is an exploit.
Don't follow the goons, they may be dumb but they can smell you a mile away.
No. 1080165 ID: f2cf5a

>B) Enter the shop

Play the avenger and they might spoil something interesting.
No. 1080435 ID: bba018
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>Don't follow the goons, they may be dumb but they can smell you a mile away.

That's true. Your initial hope was that they wouldn't notice when their spoils were stolen until much later. If they did notice, that may be a different story.

You resist the temptation to follow them and climb down from the roof swiftly after the Wolf Bite goons are out of sight.

When you enter, a bell attached to the door jingles with a sad novelty. The smell of dust and wood engulfs you quickly after. It's like you've walked into a tomb that doesn't know it's dead. There's too much to see, a collection of objects from different eras of this dimension, laid bare to tell a history you haven't cared to explore before.

You sense magic here. It shocks you for a moment. Where are they? Were they made here? Or did someone else bring them?
No. 1080436 ID: bba018
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You look to your left at a figure meekly seated behind the counter. He stands quickly, collecting himself at the sound of a customer entering. Your eyes draw automatically to the broken horn on his head and the glasses hanging from his apron pocket. A fine line of a crack on the lens catches your eye when he shifts in the light.

You resist wincing at the sight of him. It's pitiful. How long have they been living like this?

You never cared for the activity of the gangs or others you have armed. What they did was not your business, only what they could give you.

Even now, you find it hard to feel guilty. It would be empty to feel it after everything.

Your thoughts turn instead to curiosity. Is this Julien's influence? Or were the Wolf Bites always extorting people?
No. 1080437 ID: bba018
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He smiles at you despite it. "Welcome valued customer. Please let me know if you need any help."

>Play the avenger and they might spoil something interesting.

Hmm.. You're not typically the savior type, but you'll put on any face that proves useful. The only issue is that you aren't the best with comforting words. You can trick, lie, and joke, but being genuine is not your strong suit.

What do you say?
No. 1080440 ID: f2cf5a

Don't have to get too out of character for this kinda thing. "Mostly? Information. Your last...customers. Didn't seem like they bought anything, did they? I've found they have a habit of doing that. I intend to collect what's owed."
No. 1080443 ID: eb0a9c

"You uh... you're not going to flatline on me, are you?
Anyways, I'm here to browse. There's something worth restoring and reselling in this shop, I can feel it."
No. 1080936 ID: 16433f
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You approach slowly, the words just tumbling out "You uh... you're not going to keel over on me, are you?"

He blinks at you. His face slowly colors red and he laughs nervously. "My bad. I-I'm alright. I'm used to it."

You eye him before clearing your throat and leaning on the counter, "That's the thing. Your last few... customers. Didn't seem like they bought anything, did they? Well, I intend to collect what's owed. And I'll need information to do it."

He stares at you as he tries to gauge how serious you are. There's a hint of fear and doubt at your rather meager appearance. You get it. If you were extorted for years by a bunch of big sharp toothed oafs you'd be doubting any schmuck walking in saying they're the next hero in town.

He looks off to the side, hands fidgeting behind the counter, "I don't.. I don't know how much I can help with that. But if that's all you need, ask away."

You get right to it. "How often do they come by?"

"Um. Once a month. I'm not the only one.. But it's my fault, really. I took a loan from them when my family business was going under."

"Does every shop around here owe them money? How much do you owe?"

"I'm not sure. Most of the ones here will owe something. If you don't take the loan, they'll come in and intimidate people and drive out your customers." He sighs. "But I owe a lot. They keep charging me interest... I'm over ten thousand..."

Sounds like they just want to keep this poor guy in debt.

"If everyone's feeling the heat, why don't you guys poison their coffee? There's got to be a few restaurants they regular."

He jumps at the insinuation, looking around as if he's going to get caught. "It-It's not all like that. If they like what you sell, they'll spend a lot. There's a few businesses that thrive from their... excessive spending. If anyone were to try something serious... Someone would say something."

Well, that definitely explains all the brothels you passed by. If you were the type to plan long term, you'd start out by paying the sex workers off for information. Yet, as romantic as uniting the city and starting an uprising would be, you have about a day and a half to kill off one guy.
No. 1080939 ID: 16433f
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"You ever met the boss, Julien?"

He glances towards the door before speaking low, "No... No I haven't. I don't really want to. He has an unpleasant attitude from what I've heard.. But it wasn't always like this. Ever since what happened two years ago... It's. It's been hell."

You wince, "Right. What's the difference exactly?"

He sighs, tone wistful, "They used to protect us. Sure, it would get bad sometimes with the violence or the money tossed around. We'd have to close shop early or fight with insurance claims. But it was difficult back then with all the other gangs around. At least you knew Akito was one of our own."

Damn. Well... Shit. You can't say much to that.

Hm. But why does Akito sound familiar?

"Is that who lead the Wolf Bites before?"

"Yes, I think they made the gang about 6 years ago. I would've joined it if I wasn't a wimp." He laughs, "It was made up of locals when the Bulls would still bother people."

The Bulls are the gang over in STEAK. You've had a few dealings with them before. They're a lot more short tempered and broke on account of their bad bookkeeping.

But, you do have a few REGULARS over at STEAK. You haven't tried contacting them since all this shit has been going on. They could know something about Julien's alternate ARMS SOURCE. Or maybe they're tapping into it too.

That's enough for you to chew on for now.
No. 1080940 ID: 16433f
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You thank the shopkeeper, "Anyway, don't mind me browsing. There's something worth getting here, I can feel it."

He gives you another smile, "Of course, let me know if you need anything else."

You can take your time to think of more questions to ask him as you continue.

As you look around the shop, you find a number of items that give off a magical feel. (You won't know what the item can do until you ACTIVATE the magic of the item or use IDENTIFY.)


With your natural experience as an ARMS DEALER, you can determine that each item's current value could be DOUBLED when sold in the future, regardless of the item's current properties. However, if the magic within it is useful enough you'll be able to further MAXIMIZE the price.

You have 75C worth of GIFTCARDS. You are UNSURE if the shopkeeper would be willing to take them. You could also try BARGAINING or even STEALING when he's not looking.

Do you take the risk and buy/steal item(s) without knowing their properties? Or try to activate one of the items here at the risk of setting off an unknown spell?

You could also try your luck and attempt to draw IDENTIFY. An item from the selection and a winning number (between 1-5) will need to be picked.

Intuition Uses: 2.

No. 1080942 ID: 462d8c

IDENTIFY the ceramic frog. Winning number of 4
No. 1080969 ID: f2cf5a

Music box speaks to me. Maybe the old ring.
No. 1081085 ID: 3dd74f

Agreed. Use intuition. Winning numbers 1 & 4.
No. 1081129 ID: 5ebd37

Maybe stick to the smallest items if we're going to be carrying them around. The ring, say.
No. 1081256 ID: a7ddda

rolled 2, 5 = 7

Target Spell Card: IDENTIFY
Winning Numbers: 1 and 4

Intuition has been used. Fate has been cast.
No. 1082143 ID: 32f4b5
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When you examine the old ring, you note the tentacle carvings in the silver that slowly curl into a held pearl. You can intuit that there's likely some type of enhancement magic stored inside. That's usually how it is with rings. People like subtlety with their power, whether it helps them charm another person or lets them jump 30 ft higher than normal. Though there's a staticy feel to it when you run your thumb over the metal. It's intriguing, the other rings you have tend to be more plain.

You pocket the ring easily. It's small enough and sleight of hand is one of your fortes.

Comparatively, the music box is plain. The wood is a polished oak with simple gold paint that's faded and chipped in certain areas. You can even make out the grain. You open it just slightly to test and hear a few unrecognizable notes play, then a slight vacuum of pressure. A balloon inflating. You quickly shut it. Just in case something comes out.

You're unsure about taking it, but you leave it close to you as something to bargain over.

Lastly, you examine the ceramic frog. It's small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. It's painted a minty green and in its hands it holds what looks like a crystal. It's clear, polished and pink like a typical quartz.

The magic inside it is more subtle. You wouldn't have noticed it at first if you weren't taking your time. This one also feels like it has some type of enhancement.

Your curiosity is piqued. These items feel like they've been dropped here over time from other interdimensional travelers. Maybe this dimension is more of a focal point than you first thought. Strange. You're not the only one getting away with things here.

Just to be sure, you take out your magic deck. The deck shuffles itself when you move to try and draw IDENTIFY. You can never cheat the deck, it's always luck. You close your eyes, taking a deep breath as you try to feel for the right card.

Instead, you draw DANCE.
No. 1082146 ID: 32f4b5
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Like all your spells when drawn, the DANCE card glows then disintegrates as the magic is activated.

Immediately, you are compelled beyond your meager mind to dance like no tomorrow. The shopkeeper is also hit with the effect and starts to do a novice tap dance routine. He's so startled he doesn't even speak.

Huh, you wouldn't have expected him to be the tap dancing type.

Your limbs meanwhile punch in and out. Hands and feet flying and flossing. Doing some type of DDR shit right now. Abruptly, your body drops to the floor with your hands on the ground as you start to do the worm.

On principle, you no longer have shame, so the routine is of little effect against your mental state.
No. 1082149 ID: 32f4b5
File 170664971444.png - (75.06KB , 1000x700 , dh47.png )

"WHAT'S GOING ON????" the shopkeeper is practically screaming as his tap dancing feet carry him away, "SKIES ABOVE HELP ME"

Your expression is deadpan despite your gyrating form. "Chill out. Take some deep breaths."

Your bodies magnetically pull towards each other into a type of tango. Hells alive. Your hands clasp as your other holds his hip. Looks like you're leading this one.

The sweat pouring from his frazzled face glints in the warm light of the antique shop. He looks terrified as you lead him in step. His breaths just barely getting even as you move.

The magic compels you both to dodge out of the way of the various shelves and items all around the shop. Shoes clattering in rhythm against the wooden floor. Some dust kicks up in a cough from the unusual movements of its dancing patrons.

"Would you believe me if I said that this is a dream?" You spin him around and he surprisingly does well on his feet.

The shopkeeper blushes, "I don't. Maybe? No!"
No. 1082150 ID: 32f4b5
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You start to laugh at the absurdity of it all. A breathless ha, ha, ha followed by the shopkeeper's own nervous voice. Looks like it's getting to him too.

Your magic is always like this. You want one thing. One simple spell at a convenient time. Yet, fate decides where you step, where you go, what you do, what you say. There is no escape for as long as you live.

But you've accepted this long ago.

Fate decides, but it is yours. It has always been yours. You might as well go with the flow of it. And when you need to defy it. You will.

The spell ends just as you dip him. Much sooner than the typical spell due to this archaic world suppressing it. At least there's a small benefit to that.

He looks at you. You don't look back. The time on the grandfather clock is more eye-catching.

It's now 5:15 PM.
No. 1082152 ID: 32f4b5
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You unceremoniously drop him to the floor. The shopkeeper yelps as he lands on his back. Looks like no ones taught him how to fall properly.

You stand straight, hand moving to wipe your forehead. The physical exertions of the day have been compounding on your body. You'll need to eat again soon before you pass out from exhaustion. What a mess.

The shopkeeper pants, unused to the exertion. Adrenaline courses through him as he examines himself. His hands pat his clothes then his face. Checking for puppet strings.

"I. That. That was magic? Magic right? What the wolves use?" His hands grasp his face tightly in almost panic, "I haven't felt it before but I saw it once. That felt... I don't even know!"

"Yeah, it was magic. You feeling alright?"

He stares at you and laughs nervously, "I don't know. Yes? Was that because of you?"

This could get tricky.

You have the OLD RING and the CERAMIC FROG. It's enough spoils to get by and dip. A new spell card has also appeared in your deck that you can check at any time.

You could ask him more specific questions since he seems receptive. Maybe at the cost of revealing things about yourself.

What do you do?
No. 1082182 ID: 8f9bc4

Just tell him you're really bad at magic, so just trying to identify what to buy kind of backfired on you. It's a harmless effect, luckily. Don't tell him you could have drawn FIREBALL instead.

Also don't cast any other spells unless you're sure you can deal with the results when you inevitably draw FIREBALL.
No. 1082345 ID: 32f4b5
File 170691803281.png - (52.62KB , 1000x700 , dh50.png )

The half lie comes easily past your lips, "Yeah, but it's not what I wanted to happen. I'm not that great with magic, so things like this happens sometimes. No real harm, though."

He buys it easily and nods. Can't argue when your knowledge is as deep as a drop. "Oh, oh that's cool! What did you want to happen?"

"Just wanted to check a few items you had in here. Some of them could be useful to me." You eye the music box.

He looks at you with a curious eye. It's clear he wants to understand what useful means to you. His gaze then drops to the bloody bandages around your waist, like he's just now noticed them, the perspective from the floor helping guide his eye.

You note the way the shopkeepers brows twitch in an attempt to hide his reaction.

He moves to stand quickly and brushes himself off. What he's noticed is quickly compartmentalized away, in favor of being in a better mood. It's a wise decision. "I see. Well, depending on what it is I could give you a discount. I don't know how it'll go with the Wolves, but if you have magic, you should be able to do anything."

You open your mouth to say otherwise but you quickly close it. Instead, clearing your throat, "Right. Now we're talkin. I was eyeing this music box actually." You gesture to it, "All I have on me are gift cards, if you're willing to take them."
No. 1082346 ID: 32f4b5
File 170691821814.png - (56.25KB , 1000x700 , dh51.png )

His brows furrow as he moves to pick up the music box. With one hand holding the bottom of it he opens it without fear. The magic inside does not activate. Magical objects tend to be rendered moot, even with their passive effects, if they're handled by someone with no magical knowledge or talent.

The tune starts to play. It's a slow.. almost melancholic rhythm. One you don't recognize.

A small golden figurine of what looks like a cherub rotates as the song plays. It holds a trumpet up to its lips, posed mid dance, or maybe mid flight? It's a cute thing. Intriguing. What kind of enchantment does this have? Is it holy?

The shopkeeper's voice interrupts your thoughts, "If it's a debit gift card, I can take it. Can you do 50?"

Your own bargaining sense is triggered, "How about 30?"

He looks at you in surprise at the lowball number, voice surprisingly firm, "45."


There's a pause as he stares at you with a slight squint. You hold steady. You're both shopkeepers when it comes down to it.

"42. I haven't had that many sales."
Not too bad. He did just get robbed, "Okay, deal."

He gives you a nod as you both head to the front counter to process the transaction. Thankfully, the giftcard doesn't decline.

You have 33C left.
No. 1082347 ID: 32f4b5
File 170691839265.png - (59.95KB , 1000x700 , dh52.png )

>Also don't cast any other spells unless you're sure you can deal with the results when you inevitably draw FIREBALL.

That one's always the kicker. Though you don't draw FIREBALL as often as your other spells. The worst incident was in Dimension 2-73PP. You can still hear the singing.

You'll try drawing IDENTIFY again when you find a nice alleyway to hole up in.

For now, you tuck the music box under your arm. You don't trust this guy enough to see you use your inventory cards.

He wipes his forehead with the back of his hand and leans a bit on the counter, "So, um, what else can you do?"

You put a finger to your lips, "Well, I gotta keep that a secret. Who knows what kind of nose will smell it." You pause, thinking quickly, "Maybe I could tell you something interesting, if you have anything good?"

He squints again then nods, catching your drift, "Again, I'm not sure how useful my information would be, but ask me anything."

You're cutting close to an hour before Eiko might show up again. She did say 1-2 hours, but it's best not to overestimate.

To save time, pick two options.

Do you:
>Ask about the Wolf Bites (their compound, goons, or former leader Akito)
>Ask about the Bulls
>Ask about another location or person (to visit)
>Ask about an item
>Ask about Salt City
>Ask about Divine Balance
No. 1082361 ID: 462d8c

Ask about the Wolf Bites' compound, and maybe about the Bulls
No. 1085433 ID: 2f41db

Ask about the wolves.
He mentioned them already.

Frame it like you want to avoid them and that kinda trouble.

You may not be here for long but no need to leave yourself open.

Even if he hates them, he could call in to the bites telling them you were asking after them in an effort to gain credit with them before the next shakedown.

If you play the role of another potential victim looking to avoid them and frame any question around that, he'd have nothing to gain and may even empathise enough to answer.
No. 1090641 ID: d1dff1
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>If you play the role of another potential victim looking to avoid them and frame any question around that, he'd have nothing to gain and may even empathize enough to answer.

Pretending to be scared now will only seem more suspicious. Being avoidant though, you can work with.

"You know anything about the compound? Seems like if I walk anywhere near it they'll shoot me point blank."

The shopkeeper chuckles nervously, "Oh, that building used to be an old research facility before they took it over. It had two other buildings next to it before they demolished them." He pauses, "They got rid of them. But they didn't... do a good job of it..."

You gesture for him to continue.

"For a while... the sites were like sinkholes. They buried most of the debris, but you could watch them go down. Just... sinking the entire day."

Maybe there was more to that garage than you thought. If both buildings had deep enough underground floors they might have been connected.

"You think they were connected under there?"

He shrugs, "Maybe partially? I remember that shipment trucks would go down there, but only to the middle building."

There it is. Maybe the underground pathway isn't fully blocked out. If you're lucky, you could avoid anyone knowing how you got in entirely.

"You don't think they filled them in?"

The shopkeeper gets this troubled expression, "I can't say..."

No. 1090642 ID: d1dff1
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"The Bulls, they been around recently?"

The Bulls are known for cage fighting. Mainly making their money on childish stuff like cock fights or desperate people. They've had it out for the Wolves for dwindling their fighter base by paying off their contracts. Purely just to piss them off. It could have been a symbiotic relationship, if their leaders weren't hard headed as hell.

"I don't see them as often as before. Sometimes they'll come by just to shop around, but they keep to themselves," he pauses, seemingly lost in thought, "One did come by in the past week and asked me a few things. Stuff about other gangs"

"Other gangs?"

He gestures, "There's been an uptick in 'tourists' lately."

Hmm.. Everyone seems to be sensing blood about to hit the water. The Bulls would massively benefit with the Wolf Bite leader gone. While the Bite's are fighting over who's going to take over, they can snatch up more territory and fighters. Maybe crush them entirely.

Your goals would align momentarily in that sense.
No. 1090643 ID: d1dff1
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You thank the shopkeeper for being helpful, but there's always that nagging thought in your mind.

>Even if he hates them, he could call in to the bites telling them you were asking after them in an effort to gain credit with them before the next shakedown.

You tried not to give too much info about yourself, just in case. But you wouldn't be surprised if he calls in right after you're out of earshot. It would put a massive dent in your plans. The Bites would go on high alert if they thought anyone was going to try breaking in.

You weigh now, the option of killing him. It would put him out of his misery of getting beaten down every other day. And it'll save you the trouble of worrying about what he's going to do.

Besides, you got all the useful information you could need. Right?
No. 1090644 ID: d1dff1
File 171528573925.png - (59.64KB , 1000x700 , dh56.png )

For the rest of the hour, you hole up in a dark alleyway to look over the items and only manage to set off FIREBALL once. You get slightly singed clothes and the heavy scent of burnt plaster for your trouble.

Here's what you find:

CERAMIC FROG (Enhancer) - Allows the user to leap up to 30ft forward or upward while held.

HARMONIC MUSIC BOX (Magitech) - Temporarily stuns all those within hearing range for the length of the song (30 seconds).

The CERAMIC FROG can prove very useful to you with your current mission. You reason that since it's a new acquisition, you won't squirrel it away in your INVENTORY forever. You'll keep it in your pocket just in case. Current value of 150C.

The HARMONIC MUSIC BOX is valuable as a low-grade magitech item. This you'll store away to repair and sell for later. Current value of 500C. Maybe 750C to start.

After another spellcard sets off, you decide to take a break from identifying. With some careful wall scaling you manage to make out the debris sites that the antique guy described.

There's an array of shallow holes along the surface of each previous building. Debris is scattered among it. It's not a neat clean up by any means, but you can identify some good spots to try weaseling down into.

You now have two ways of entering the compound for tomorrow's ambush:
>1) Scale it
>2) Go underground
No. 1090645 ID: d1dff1
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As it gets closer to 6:30PM, you walk around and internally assess everything you've learned.

>1) Julien's made the Wolf Bite presence significantly worse on everyone in the city after overthrowing Akito
>2) The presence of magical objects that were not the norm before
>3) The new presence of the cult DB
>4) Eiko's odd attachment to the Bites
>5) Your interests align with the Bulls & other gangs

You pause your walk as an unfamiliar car pulls up to you suddenly. You brace yourself for the doors opening up and for people to rush out.

Instead, the tinted window rolls down, revealing a familiar figure.
No. 1090646 ID: d1dff1
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Eiko's werewolf form is... larger than you expected. She practically has to hunch over the wheel to fully fit in the driver seat. Biceps bigger than your head. Impressive.

Reminds you of how close you got to getting mauled in your first encounter.

You make your voice playful, "Sooo, how'd it go?"

Her ears pull back in clear irritation, "Get in the damn car."

You snidely obey, peeling into the passenger seat of the beat up car. The cuffs are gone from her wrists and so is your jacket.

You sit back in your seat and you pull the mask down, "You're all big."

She huffs, reminiscent of an irritated teen, "It's the only way they take me seriously."

You nod, understandingly, "They bought it?"

She nods back, "For now. They're still mad they lost some grunts and they couldn't get anything else. Kept your jacket too."

"I bet as a trophy."

Eiko laughs dryly, wrinkling her snout, "God that'd be gross. Hung up on the wall and stinking up the place."

"It'll stiffen up like a dead body. Next thing you know, they'll be treating it like an heirloom and passing it around. Big game, big jacket."

She snorts and smacks her paw against the wheel. "Yeah, yeah. How did it go with you? Find anything useful?"

You shrug, "There's some activity with the other gangs around. Nothing good for y'all, that's for sure," you've considered how much to omit, "Danced around with some shop staff and got a mini history lesson about the Bites."

You watch Eiko's reaction carefully. Looking for some type of tell. Or giveaway. Although her wolf features are harder to read, her ears look more alert. "What did they say?"

You roughly summarize it for her. The public perception & how it all started out, then on to how it is now. Eiko seems to be deep in thought as you speak. Features tight. You can almost hear the way her teeth seem to be grinding together.

There's some real beef there. You lean a little closer to the door in case you need to make a quick duck and roll escape.

Instead, she cusses Julien out under her breath for the rest of the ride.

"He never should've trusted him. Never should've taken that little bastard in."
No. 1090647 ID: d1dff1
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Eiko's apartment is farther out in the edge of the city where there's a slight residential district. It's a five story building in surprisingly good condition. She even has a little garage to park her car at.

It's nice. Too nice for the type of girl she is, in the type of work she's in.

She grabs her bag from the trunk and leads you up the stairs still wolfed out. Thankfully, Eiko's still lost in thought, so there's little conversation as you absorb all the details of the building from entrance to floor.

Tacky cream painted walls and floors with lint-thin carpet. Wall art of random paint strokes and flowers. A heavy chemical perfume that tries to mask it all. It screams cut corners and overpriced. Gentrified, even here, in this gang-driven city.

Before she opens the door to her apartment, you almost imagine that you're going to walk into a secret rich kid's space. It would explain how she pays this off and her gang dues with no side jobs she's mentioned so far.

Instead, she opens the door to the most bare minimum apartment you've seen. Still large, as expected. But it reminds you of your college days, when all your furniture was found from dumpsters or other kids moving out.

It's too quiet, there's more space than there is anything to fill it. Nothing covers the walls except the windows. No plants, no decor, all function. A bare minimum of furniture occupies the living room like a checked list: couch, old coffee table, box tv stand, tv.

Damn bitch... you live like this?

She kicks her shoes off and gestures, "Set your stuff down next to the couch. That's where you'll be sleeping. I'll be ordering takeout for dinner, so just do whatever. Don't touch anything."

"No promises."

There's a good amount of ground to cover. You can try and explore and gather more clues about Eiko or talk to her directly. The more you understand her, the better you can gauge if she's a trustworthy ALLY. A common goal only gets you so far from being stabbed back once it's done.

Though, you have a feeling that if you want to explore her bedroom, she'd have to be DISTRACTED or PERSUADED.

>A) Explore Porch
>B) Explore Kitchen
>C) Explore Bathroom
>D) Talk to Eiko (Choose Subject)
No. 1090662 ID: 2f41db

Ask if you can get a drink and what she wants.

Explore the kitchen under the pretence of making tea, coffee or whatever shes wanting.

Icebreaker mainly.
Place is big but voice can carry.
Compliment her commitment to the minimalist style.
Keep it light.
Build trust.
Ask her take on the bulls if theyre the likely successor in the power vacuum you teo are planning on making.
No. 1090726 ID: d1dff1
File 171545385815.png - (60.47KB , 1000x700 , dh60.png )

>Ask if you can get a drink and what she wants.
>Explore the kitchen under the pretence of making tea, coffee or whatever shes wanting.

"You want something to drink?"

Eiko eyes you at the oddly polite gesture, but concedes, too tired to try and argue, "Nothing alcoholic right now. I need to think. There's a teapot in the cabinet to the right of the microwave."

After taking your boots off, you turn towards the kitchen. It's of the times, the cabinets painted over in white, a chipped gas stove, and vaguely stone counters. There's no oil splashes anywhere on the stove or bottom of the microwave. You figure Eiko is either a meticulous cleaner or she rarely cooks.

You open both cabinets above the microwave. There's a few tea boxes and spices but the top racks look empty. A beaten up metal teapot sits on the bottom rack, so you grab it. Behind it is a nicer clay teapot with a matching set of cups. It sits neglected.
No. 1090727 ID: d1dff1
File 171545387572.png - (74.67KB , 1000x700 , dh61.png )

>Icebreaker mainly.
>Build trust.

As you fill the metal teapot with water, you clear your throat, projecting your voice as Eiko moves about the space just passed your view, "So, you've got a real minimalist thing going on here."

She seems to laugh, "I don't like having too much stuff. It weighs me down."

You can relate to that. Almost too well.

The pot meets the stove and you turn the burner on. Click, click, click. "Me too. Helps that I just travel all the time."

"Do you?" Her voice sounds amused, "I don't know what's normal for time traveling criminals."

You chuckle as you press your fingers and knee against the hinge of the bottom cabinet, softening the sound as you open it, "I travel dimensions. Not time. Time can change depending on the dimension. It could be the stone ages in one or a sci-fi movie in another."

There's a pot and a few mixing bowls in the cabinet. You slowly lift the lid and see a gun inside. You close the lid.

"How is that different? Isn't time a dimension?"

"And magic's real." You laugh lightly, "It's just what I've learned to say. I don't know much about all the science and theories, but from what I've scraped together, each dimension is just a cut layer of something bigger. Think of a diamond. Each cut is unique, even symmetrical, but it's a part of one big thing. And each cut is a world. The ultimate shape, I guess, is our universe."

You pause to let her process the information. Truth be told, you've had a few people explain it to you in more complex ways, but it all sounded too complicated to memorize. "I don't know what that shape looks like, but it must be huge. I've been to worlds so different from each other that they might as well be on opposite sides. Seen people that don't look like you or me. To top it all off, there are beings that exist outside or within multiples of those dimensions. We call them extra-dimensional. You call them gods."

You open the top drawer to test the sound it makes. It's oddly smooth, but Eiko's silence makes it sound like a bomb dropping. You see an array of neatly arrange cutlery. Some knives and chopsticks. You lift the cutlery organizer to look underneath and see an envelope taped to the hollowed bottom. You pick up a spoon.

You continue your lecture when she stays quiet, "Because of how each world is arranged, it's easy to cross over to the next one. That's how typical dimensional travel works. You find that boundary? You can cross. You might not even notice, each neighboring world is only slightly different. They reflect each other. Each boundary is different. There could be an entire solar system contained in one layer or just one endless plain."
No. 1090728 ID: d1dff1
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Eiko finally speaks, "It's that easy?"

You open the next drawer just enough to get a peek. It's all plastic bags. Next one.

"It's like crossing states. But it gets harder when you're traveling cross country, you get me? That's where it's regulated. You need something special to really jump around, but you leave a signature when you do. And if you get caught doing it without permission, they'll take your ass in or kill you."

The next drawer has a bunch of snacks. You take out a few of them to put on the counter.

"Who's they? How do you move around?"

You look back at the teapot. "They're the Wolf Bites for dimensions, DB," you laugh, "criminal enterprise, cult, gang. Whatever. You're too small to worry about them."

Her tone sounds annoyed, "They're the only ones? I doubt it."

"They are. They monopolize all their competition. And I hate to say it, but they have some of the best magitech around. Since they were the first to make the most efficient travel gear across worlds, they've been keeping that title and spreading their influence. Only those within the camp can use them, so they sell their service as regulators. Most extra-dimensional beings don't care for their service. Not until people like me show up and start disrupting the natural order of their playground."

You move towards the other bigger cabinets and peek into them. Protein shakes, vitamins, plates, bowls, and more empty racks. Makes you wonder how often she eats. You take a few of the smaller plates and start to open and set the snacks on them. Like this is a tea party.

Eiko's voice is incredulous. You haven't heard her make any sounds, yet she still remains out of view, "And you just... do that? Aren't you the reason they even need to regulate it?"
No. 1090729 ID: d1dff1
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There are many reasons you could give for what you do. It's money, of course. You do all this to make money. You want to live well. Eat well. Do as you please. But you can never settle. You can't find peace with this target on your back.

So, you make money. You'll make a lot of it. You'll make so much fucking money that you can suffocate in it.

"Yeah, why not? Fuck em"

The teapot starts to whistle. Time's up. You hurry to tend do it, dropping oolong teabags into mismatched mugs. You wont touch the tea set. You want to keep this light.

Eiko finally walks into view to plop down onto the couch. She's changed into more comfortable clothes.

"You want some sugar or milk in these?"

She looks at you, like she's making calculations in her head, "That sounded personal." She pauses, "There's honey next to the fridge."

You nod and add all the sweets. As you move to grab the milk you open the fridge, there's soju, beer, bread, and a few tupperwares in various states of decay. You check the expiration date of the milk twice before pouring it into your mug. Last thing you need is the shits.

You set everything down on the coffee table, sprawling on the other end of the couch, "Everything becomes personal. I've been at this a long time."

Eiko snorts, picks up her mug, then hands it to you. "Take a sip."

Smart. You grin and pluck it from her hand to sip without hesitation. She takes it from you a few seconds after you swallow. Looks like you're both testing each other.

After you clear your throat you gesture, "You've been at it a long time too."
No. 1090730 ID: d1dff1
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She rolls her eyes, "I couldn't exactly rush it. If you weren't here, it would take me a few more years."

You lift your mug up, "Cheers to that." You eye each other, "So, you think the Bulls will take over after we're done?"

Eiko glares but sips her tea, staring into it for a moment, "Like hell. Over my dead body that I'll let those cunts even try it."

Your eyebrows almost fly off of your face. "Really? So you'll take over? If the Wolves disband they'll take advantage of that."

There's an awkward pause. It tells you all you need to know. She hasn't thought it through passed the point of killing Julien. Maybe she thought she'd have a few more years to think about it.

"I couldn't talk to Julien directly." She avoids your eyes as she changes the subject, "It looked like he was in a meeting, but I don't know with who."

You speak without missing a beat, "Could be anyone. Could be the Bulls."

She shakes her head, "He hates them as much as I do. When I tried asking, the other wolves said that he's been making deals."

Deals? It's got to be the new Arms Dealer then. This could be your chance.

"No description? How often have they been visiting?"

She shrugs, "Very recently. Maybe this month? It's pretty hush hush. The other wolves said they don't even come in through the front door. They just appear at Julien's office whenever they want."

Traveling unimpeded? Not many criminals can get their hands on tech that good. They'd need both wings or something equivalent. And your guy is already one of the best.

She continues, "Only Julien's seen them. Their meetings last at least an hour."
No. 1090731 ID: d1dff1
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No suspects come to mind except one.

You hope it's not her. She's usually too strict about consorting with criminals. That would also mean she's been camping here a while and that's not her usual style. Your Archangel likes to ambush you at a random inopportune time. Usually in a building. Usually where there's a bed.

Eiko sips more of her tea as you are momentarily lost in your drunken horny thoughts, "Tell me more about a world you've been to."

>A) DIM 2-67SS: World of Glass
>B) DIM 3-30XO: Kingdom of Nox
>C) DIM 3-30NS: The Necropolis
>D) DIM 4-50LR: Solar Circuit
>E) ______ (No DIM Tag Needed)
No. 1090732 ID: eb0a9c

Talk about the world where honking is a sacred musical art.
No. 1090740 ID: dd3fe0

Tell us about that world with the Magitech Tallships In Space, sailing the luminiferous aether!
No. 1090772 ID: 2f41db

Speak truth in what you share.
See if you can convey a bit of the beauty, wonder and terror of it all.
Because thats what it has to be, the sheer scale and potential of everything.

A world of glass sounds interesting.

Then the honking thing, whether its true or not.
No. 1100474 ID: 546545
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It was cycles ago, on a cargo ship, as it traversed the well-worn interstellar Zutofian highway. Giant stars filled the galaxy, bathing space into a luminiferous aether, the heat radiation powerful enough to feed magitech engines for light years. You landed in this world after some cops broke down the door of the hotel you were staying at at the time, right into the supply closet of a spa resort center, to be exact. There you stayed for a few weeks to recuperate with bottomless mimosas and a swimming pool large enough that your float would be considered a minuscule island in its depths. Good times.

You managed to hitch a ride on a cargo ship after the crew sloppily crashed into your pod (or at least that's what you told them). They had one of the better ships on the dock, the helm polished with fresh copper paint lining its exterior. The bulk of their cargo were universal snacks and other beverages kept in temperature controlled rooms, the space equivalent of a vending machine refill crew. A minuscule target for space vagabonds. All the better for you.
No. 1100475 ID: 546545
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Between trips from rec center to rec center, you'd ply whatever wares you'd acquire from each stop. Banned raunchy media and cigarettes were the main stock of interest to that particular crew, so it was easy to meet their demands. Guns didn't mean much to them except to flex, since their routes were on the safer side of space. They also really liked board games. A lot. You learned more about TTRPG's on that ship than you ever did at any other point in your life.

On this particular day, you managed to pin down the captain of the ship as they were taking a walk in the rec dome. They were a hard duck to catch, always busy with whatever paperwork or travel coordinates they had to keep track of at all times of the day. But, they were the most loaded out of everyone there, and had a fascination with knick-knacks and other sentimental junk that could catch their eye.

Also, a real easy mark. You could practically hear slot machine noises every time you saw them.
No. 1100476 ID: 546545
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"Just got this one in stock. It takes in light through a modified glass lens and captures images of particular scenes that you point it at. And get this, it will take that captured image and synthesize it into a physical object in your hand. No need to buy anything to transfer the data and manifest it."

"Fascinating... And it doesn't use magic?"

"Not at all. You only need to plug it in for about 2-3 hours to let it charge. Should be good for days. And I'll give you the captain's discount of course."

"Hmmm.. Oh. Is that?"
No. 1100477 ID: 546545
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In the corner of your eye, you just made out the vague movement in the distance.

You had never seen that before. Even with your excellent vision, you could only just make out their translucent forms as they swam through the endless ether. Space seemed to distort in them, the vague rays of light from the ship and stars just barely managing to capture their forms. The roiling masses, as it moved, vaguely clicked in your mind, as the shape of a whale. You were reminded then of how the ocean mirrored space.

"What are those?" It was awe in your voice.

"Hooohoo look at those! They're cosmodaes. You don't normally see them in this part of space, must be migrating."
No. 1100478 ID: 546545
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A big one. Two small ones. Mother and child. Their bodies naturally translucent in order to blend in with the darkness of space, but when the light hit them just right, they would refract, as if made from glass.

"Looks like they're surrounding those asteroid chunks."

"Yup, they eat space debris. When they get real big, they'll be grown enough to eat a whole asteroid in one gulp. Maybe a moon too."

The mother cosmodae swam around the other two, gesturing, like it was teaching the others what they could eat.

"I haven't seen them before."

"Yeah, they're pretty rare nowadays. They get hit by ships a lot since they're hard to see. Poor things."

It's not often you see things like this anymore. For every world you've seen, you slowly became desensitized to the extraordinary. What is a bird to super computer? Walking on a scenic route to the act of calling fire to your hands? In this moment, you thought, what are you to this space whale? It likely didn't even understand what you were, or that you were even there.

As you both watched the cosmodaes eat their fill, you hear the radio on the captain's waist go off, a crackle of static. They moved to grab it and chuckled at you.

"She's singing."
No. 1100479 ID: 546545
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Somehow, the vastness of the world seemed to wash over you as the whale song captured the ship radios, resounding in every inch of the ship. An alien yet familiar twinkle, the depth of a sonar and the rumble of shaking earth. A song of happiness about her family being fed. A simple thing. Beautiful.

The sheer size of this cosmodae could have been big enough to swallow all of you in a single gulp. Yet, she carried on, indifferent to her audience as her children had their fill.
No. 1100480 ID: 546545
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"After that, we stopped at a planet that was really into clowncore honking music. Like it was gospel. One of the crew members became obsessed with playing it on the ship aux, so I left not too long after."

Eiko stares at you, speechless.

"I'm not lying, you know. I've seen a lot."

She contemplates this for a while, processing all that you've told her, and likely what she wants to do with this information. You don't blame her for not believing it outright.
No. 1100481 ID: 546545
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Eventually, she takes a sip of her tea, staring off, "You're fucking with me."

"I'm not. Even if I took a pic of them it wouldn't be good. Like trying to capture the moon."

Eiko still seems suspicious, but eventually relents, tone wistful, "I wish I could've seen it."

You laugh and lean back to take a sip of your tea, "Yeah, it really was a once in a lifetime thing."

"Maybe I could see it one day."

You aren't sure how to answer that. The topic drops easily as she moves onto asking you other questions, though you can see in her eyes that she's still thinking about it. It's a dangerous hope brewing there. What you both have is temporary, after all.

What do you do?
No. 1100484 ID: eb0a9c

"Well, I had to steal from an angel to get it. Good luck with that."
No. 1100497 ID: 0db8d3

Well to do that, you'll need to kill an angel. Preferably two. You'll be marked for death though, hunted by powerful angelic assassins.

It's a dangerous life. Not for everyone.
There's nothin else like it, though.

I don't know for certain but that new dealer of Julian's? That sounds like an angel to me. If you want this life or just a fancy method of suicide, that's your best shot.
No. 1100524 ID: 2f41db

Tell her what it cost you too.
If not exact, as that may compromise you, then impart the weight of it.
"Its not all good".

You are an arms dealer, not a thief of dreams.
Just be real with her.
That it is out there, and its not beyond possibility, but its a sliver of a chance, that what worked for you may not work for her and the price it can extract may be heavier than it was for you.
Youre not trying to dissuade her.
Just arm her with the truth.
Its Not impossible, its not easy by a long shot and the cost may not be truly known until you are already stuck paying it.
No. 1100536 ID: 73a678

It's not a wonderful life, what you live. It's one that's yours, though. Not easily gained, and not one you want to lose, either.

If she wants anything like that, no matter the reason, she's got to be willing to give up everything else. Peace of mind, happy future, all of that. It's a one way commitment. To slake that wanderlust might be worth it for some folks. Is it worth it to her?
No. 1100552 ID: 546545
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Uncharacteristically, you decide to address it, clearing your throat and taking on a more serious tone, "Well, in order to travel around, I had to steal from an angel to get it. Good luck with that."

You can feel her gaze more intensely now, but you stare down into your tea instead of meeting her eyes. "That angel you mentioned before..."

You shake your head, "Not her, a different one. But I'd do a lot to take her wings too."

"Her wings?"

You explain the concept of the Angel Wing to her. How she'll likely have to kill an angel. Preferably two. It's not pretty stripping them off either, they're practically embedded into the flesh of the back, and can only be removed when they've been manifested. Killing comes with flaying, then the excrutiating pain of attaching it to your body. "Going off instinct here, it sounds like Julien's been consorting with one too. If you want this life or just a fancy method of suicide, that's your best shot."

She snorts, "You're just saying that."

>It's a dangerous life. Not for everyone.
>There's nothin else like it, though.
>Tell her what it cost you too.
>If not exact, as that may compromise you, then impart the weight of it.

"Everything comes with a price. I have the power to do what I want, but I've done a lot of bad shit to get it. Worse things than you can imagine. And I've been on the run for as long as I remember. This life isn't for everyone, it takes everything from you that you don't fight for. I don't have a home, a family, barely any friends, or peace of mind of where I'll be tomorrow."

"I have a lot of enemies that wouldn't think twice about selling me out or killing me on the spot. Got angelic assassins chasing me for every breath I take. I wake up half dead sometimes. I've lost limbs and been blown up more times than you can count, but I keep moving because I have to. There's nothing else waiting for me, except the kiss of a blade."

Eiko stares at you with a mixture of suspicion, "That sounds terrible," a pause, "Why keep going?"

"It is terrible." you lean your head back on the couch, "But I'm alive because it pisses people off. And I want them to stay pissed off. Not sure if that aligns with you the same."
No. 1100553 ID: 546545
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There's another moment of silence before you bring it back around, "Of course, seeing what exists out there... It's unlike anything that can be."

Eiko stares down, contemplative, as you continue, "There's the cosmodaes, there's food out there that you can't even fucking believe. I've eaten things that have danced on the plate before they died. Drinks that taste like sweet liquid gold. Been to places where lights dance around the sky at night and castles travel on the backs of turtles. It's an endless frontier out there. I admit, you don't have to do what I do out there either, but you gotta keep some kind of living to maintain it."

She snorts, "Sounds like you just make it harder on yourself."

"Yeah, that's one way of putting it." Yeah, you have a bit of a sunk cost fallacy complex, okay? We all have something we dig too deep in.

"It's a full-time commitment, and yeah, I made it at about your age, but it's not easy. It's never easy."

She sighs, "No, it never is. Nothing's easy," her ears flatten, "But it sounds better than this."

"... Killing Julien?"

"No.. Just.. Everything else in my life. I don't know what I'm doing.. I thought I'd have more time to just concentrate on killing him. Building my life after it. But now that it's going to happen. Well." Looks like your intuition was just right.
No. 1100554 ID: 546545
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"Hey, it's fine. You're young. First kills go like that."

"I don't have anything. What is there for me to lose, really? My brother's gone, my mom's old, I don't have a job or an education. The friends I had.. I cut them all off when he died. I was.. I was so angry. I don't know why. I threw it all away, like a fucking idiot. I threw my life away."

There's a snarl to her words now, "And I was. I was supposed to take this gang. Now it isn't right. I thought I'd have more time to build.. Something with them."

You're a bit surprised, yet you aren't, grief can do that. "To lead them?"

"I don't know! I don't know. I thought I could understand once I got there. Why. Why he started it. Why he spent his life for it. What made it all so fucking worth it? At least I understand now why you did it."
No. 1100555 ID: 546545
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For the first time in a long time, you feel a pit in your stomach.

Eiko becomes eerily calm, yet tired, shoulders slumping. You try to find the words, but she beats you to it. Her words are icy, like she's held them in her chest for years, the fire dying away and leaving ash in the soil. Ground away by every winter past.

"Did Akito mean anything to you? My brother? Did you even meet him before Julien killed him? Was he anything to you, besides a concept?"

There it is.

You admit, you never met the former boss of the Wolf Bites. Not much to go off in looking for a family resemblance.

Do you LIE? Or tell the TRUTH?

Your answer will not change the objective.
No. 1100557 ID: eb0a9c

Tell the truth. You didn't kill him, you never even met him, you just bought stuff from his employees.
But you're involved because Julien's idea of a 'business relationship' is to murder every trader that comes his way. That's bad for you, that's bad for everyone around him.
You put yourself first - but after that, the many come second. And Julien's an asshole who is going to kill many people, both by incompetence and direct murder. May as well kill him to shut him up.
No. 1100610 ID: 73a678

It took longer than I want to admit to clue in why she was suddenly pointing the finger at him and stuff. NOW I get it. But.

Honestly, you might as well admit that no, you'd never met him. Thinking too hard about the people you step over to stay alive in this business is a fast way to die in it.

Knew at least one guy it happened to. Ran into each other slightly more than 'every now and then'. Jolly fella, seemed like. Almost was a friend. Wasn't even expecting it- you'd ran across each other near a bridge, chatted a bit, said bye, then you'd turned away and about 7 seconds later, *pop*.

Wasn't sniped.

(OOC- I know you said 'heavy themes including self harm may be explored (but not explicitly)' so adjust as necessary if you want to use this.)
No. 1100618 ID: 142076


No. Never met him. Never saw him. Didn't know what he was about. To me this was just business. I don't know if Julien would have killed him or not without my goods, but I won't pretend that I didn't co-sign that check in a way.

You know, I try not to think about this sorta thing. The way it's come together though, it's like I just appear in people's lives suddenly, make them worse while making some sort of deal, only to then fight an angel and vanish.
Taking about it like this, it kinda sounds like I'm some sort of demon, doesn't it?
You know what? Forget I said anything. Yeah, I'm the shithead that sold Julien the guns he used to kill your brother. A person who... Like you said, was just a concept to me and nothin more.
Business as usual.
No. 1100794 ID: 546545
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You consider the possibility of lying, of assuring Eiko that you did meet her brother. How they were a noble nice guy that didn't deserve to get cannibalized by their own gang. Or maybe a manipulative coldblooded boss that deserved what was coming to them. Though, wouldn't that paint you even worse?


You decide to tell the truth in all its mundane ugliness, your hand falling away, "Nope, never met him. Never saw him. Didn't know what he was about, honestly. To me, this was just business. If it wasn't me and my goods, Julien would've found another way, believe me, but I won't pretend that I didn't co-sign that check in a way."

Eiko stays silent at your admission, her ears slowly pulling back.

You press on, a manic edge to your voice, "Hah, you know, I try not to think too hard about this sorta thing. With your brother, the city here, and all its broken people. The way that it's come together, it's like I just appear in people's lives suddenly, make them worse with some sort of deal, then fight an angel and vanish. Talking about it like this... it kinda sounds like I'm some sort of demon, doesn't it?"

"But if I think too hard about the people I gotta step over in this business, well, that's a fast way to die in it. Compassion's not something I can sell myself or other people on."
No. 1100795 ID: 546545
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"I knew at least one guy it happened to. We ran into each other more than a handful of times. Jolly fella, seemed like. An arms dealer like me. Didn't need a wing to travel, just used this fancy magitech device. They exported goods from their homeworld all the time, real good stuff, the kind that gets you more than plenty in bounty hunters and other clientele either trying to kill you or sucking your dick."

Your voice stays casual in its manicness. You can only talk about this in jest. To think about it too seriously... It's not within your mental state.

"We crossed paths one time. I don't remember too much about it, what we talked about, but we were out by a bridge looking at the water. Guy seemed like the usual. Crackin' jokes. Then they handed me a pouch and told me it was a gift. I thought, man, what's the occasion?"

There's no pause between your words.

"Didn't answer me then. We said our goodbyes, I turned around. Then, well.." You mime the gesture, "You can guess what happened from there." You don't mention how you laughed after. How you threw up. How you ground through a set of molars trying to figure out whether to bury them or contact their family. How in the end, you rolled the body into the water and watched it float away into the horizon. How as you watched, a part of you felt jealous.

You take a deep breath, then laugh, "But you know what? Forget I said anything. Yeah, I'm the shithead that sold Julien the guns he used to kill your brother. A person who was just a concept to me and nothin more. Business as usual."

And what is there, to sugarcoat? You have to hammer it in, "To be like me, can you do what I do? Julien's a fucking idiot killing traders that he shouldn't, but what about the next guy you have to step on? Can you kill another one like your brother? Can you be at peace with that? If there's a kinder life that you want to live, I can't help you find that."
No. 1100796 ID: 546545
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Eiko stands abruptly, cutting you out of your spell. You expect her to say something as she clutches her mug tightly with both hands.


There's the swing of movement--
No. 1100797 ID: 546545
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The hot tea burns your face on contact, soaking your hair and smattering your clothes, but you at least caught the movement soon enough to close your eyes. That would've sucked. The pain of the hot liquid stings as it cools on your skin, though overall negligible. You can already feel your skin starting to heal itself in itchy prickling waves.
No. 1100798 ID: 546545
File 173343205643.png - (43.54KB , 1000x700 , dh82.png )

Eiko stomps away a few seconds after you wipe your eyes. You only get the tail end of her exit before you hear a door slam and the sound of a loud vent turn on. She must've entered the bathroom.
No. 1100799 ID: 546545
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Well... You guess you kind of deserved that. Though that's another jacket ruined in just one day. Now you are sticky, wet (not in a good way), bloody, hungry, and broke.

Fuck, you could go for a smoke right now...


Despite Eiko's outburst, your relationship with her has not gotten any worse than it already was.

What will you do?


>A)Try to Reconcile w/ Eiko
>B)Sneak a Peek into Eiko's Room
>C)Smoke on the Balcony
>D)Check Phone
>E)Check Status Window
No. 1100800 ID: 0db8d3

Goddamnit. Shit got too real. Trying to reconcile now would just make shit worse. Girl needs time to process.
Speaking of which, fuck. A cigarette sounds fucking great right about now.

Hit the balcony for a cig to wind down and get our head straight. Don't even bother wiping the tea off our face.
No. 1100803 ID: 73a678


Basically this.
No. 1100990 ID: 546545
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>Hit the balcony for a cig to wind down and get our head straight. Don't even bother wiping the tea off our face.

You don't need to be told twice. Eiko probably needs a moment alone to process everything you've told her... Which you admit... You were a dick about...

But that's fine. You're alright with being another monster in her story... She'll come to her senses and realize that she shouldn't be around you for longer than necessary, and you can go back to a day ago when you didn't have to worry about someone's wellbeing that wasn't your own.

When you slide open the balcony door, the night air hits you, the cold of it especially chilling you to your bones from the dampness of the tea. It's a refreshing chill, as it grounds you and a clarity returns to your mind. The sound of motors running and the quiet thrum of nightlife blankets the city. You breathe it all in.

From your pocket, you take out a single cig, menthol & tobacco, nothing fancy. From your sleeve, you unsheathe your hunting knife, turning on the plasma cutter function to use as a makeshift lighter. The cigarette easily sparks against the heat as it presses against the blade. The sound of it is always distinct. A crackle instead of a low sizzle.

For a moment, you imagine pressing your thumb against it just to feel the heat.

You ignore that thought.
No. 1100991 ID: 546545
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A calmness washes over you as you smoke and take in the city. For a moment, you are not you, but a part of something much larger than you are. Where morning feels far away, a life changing decision is made, and a dead man walks alive for a few more hours.

Do you:

>Recall the Past
>Switch Perspectives
No. 1100995 ID: eb0a9c

Does 'switch perspectives' mean we get to catch Eiko... playing with her bathtub tabletop figures?
No. 1101002 ID: 546545

By Switching Perspectives, 3 choices will be given. Eiko will be one of them.

Recalling the Past will allow you to play Vex as their younger self. Options will be given on which points in their life can be played.
No. 1101026 ID: 66dbf9

Variety is the spice of life.

>Switch Perspectives
No. 1101031 ID: 0db8d3

Switch perspectives sounds good. Let's see who we can be.
No. 1101067 ID: 546545
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>Switch Perspectives

CUT SCENE initiated. A new character will be loaded momentarily.

Who will you be?

>A)Maggie, The Bookkeeper
>B)Violet, The Bloodhound
>C)Eiko, The Rightful Heir
No. 1101075 ID: 66dbf9

Eiko is the first obvious choice, but Violet seems interesting. Bloodhound, huh?

...sure, her.
No. 1101077 ID: 6c233e

No. 1101079 ID: eb0a9c

No. 1101081 ID: 0db8d3

Violet sounds interesting, though I wouldn't mind seeing a bit of Eiko afterwards.
No. 1101308 ID: f35d91

No. 1101490 ID: 9f3801
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Time shifts to roughly half an hour ago. You are now VIOLET. Also known as THE BLOODHOUND of the Wolf Bites, on account of your excellent, almost CLAIRVOYANT sense of smell (that part you keep a secret). And the job pays well enough.

Not too long ago, you were tasked by your boss, Julien, to tail one of the member's and see if she's hiding anything.

He didn't give you much information to work on. All you know is that this member was in charge of an important mission and might have stolen some shit that she shouldn't have. When you spoke to some of the other Wolves for more info, it sounded pretty suspicious. Whole pack dies under her watch while she's walking around with barely a scratch.

To help with your search, the boss gave you what looks like a hood torn off from a jacket to use. Her scent's on there distinctly enough for you to smell. An almost chemical floral scent. And someone else's you don't recognize. Iron and sulfur.

When you first had a sniff, hazy flashes appeared in your mind. A fight. Gunshots. A dying howl. Desperation. Anger. A pair of handcuffs. A conversation.

Not enough for you to come to any fancy conclusions. More confusing, if anything. And gave you more of a headache than they usually do.
No. 1101491 ID: 9f3801
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You've learned to take your time tracking her, since she's been driving around the city in a way that's slowly making you go fucking crazy. Her cars been circling the same damn blocks and winding all around the streets, back and fourth like a lost dog. It's like she knew she was going to be tracked. If it were anyone else doing this job, they would've given up from how confusing the scent trails go around, nevermind how it already starts fading away from general city smells.

And with how your nose works, you have to follow her pathway exact to keep the scent imagery clear. Unfortunately for you, that means circling the same 5 blocks for half an hour. On foot.

Though it looks like you're almost at the end of the trail as you approach the edge of the city.
No. 1101492 ID: 9f3801
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Which leaves you to your thoughts. You haven't spoken to her before, but you've seen her around and heard the rumors. Hell, there's already one going around right now about her eating some body.

Purely based on appearance and scent alone, Eiko is one scary bitch. It's.. pretty hot.

How will you confront her?
No. 1101496 ID: 73a678

Ideally? You don't. As said earlier: 'tail one of the members and see if she's hiding anything.' If you can, keep it outside of her sensory range if she has any way to keep tabs on her surroundings that you know of. If not, then keep it casual. IF she realizes you're there, you can honestly be halfway honest: 'Came around to make sure you've got things handled. I'm in the area for other shit and he said to stop in on you.' You're not there for other purposes, but that's not the point.

The point is making them believe you're there for a completely different reason than you are and thus not a threat, or making them think (or at least have to consider the idea) that you will be at X location at Y time, when you will really be at location Z. So wherever you give an excuse needs to be something either unverifiable but logically sound, or something obvious that any superiors she checks in with will recognize is a cover story and corroborate with you on.
No. 1101497 ID: 6c233e

Aye, just some sneaky spying, with a plausible cover if she spots you.
No. 1101499 ID: eb0a9c

If she's acting smarter than she usually does, she might not be alone. Plan for anything from her hiring an assassin, to her building up her own sub-gang.
No. 1101732 ID: 9f3801
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>The point is making them believe you're there for a completely different reason than you are and thus not a threat
>Aye, just some sneaky spying, with a plausible cover if she spots you.

When you think about it more, keeping it to stealth may be the best method for avoiding any unnecessary conflict. Though it may prove difficult, if you can't spot her without her spotting you, you at least have a cover prepared. It's not unusual for the Boss to micromanage whenever he gets the chance.

You'll try to prioritize a more PASSIVE approach.

>If she's acting smarter than she usually does, she might not be alone.

The thought has you pause. From what you've observed, Eiko has a streak as a solitary wolf. She's avoided attending any parties or kickbacks other members host off the clock. People have called her the "straight to the point no-nonsense type" that makes her more popular with the old asses. And rarely has anyone seen her hustle for money the same way the newer pups do.

You wouldn't be surprised if she's been secretly loaded this whole time. Though you don't see why she would betray the gang just yet...

If she's trying to do something wild like start her own gang.. Now that would be unexpected. Colluding with other gangs is one thing, but you've got more friends than she does at this point. And you don't even like half of 'em.
No. 1101733 ID: 9f3801
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As you walk, your eyes are drawn to some girls that look way out of place. Looks like.. some cosplayers? Their outfits are strange, similar to modified school uniforms.

You sniff the air. The scents have you wrinkle your nose, reminding you of that sulfuric smell from the hood you were given. While still different, almost silvery, it puts you on alert. You can't quite discern the connection from this far, but it's too much of a coincidence. How many strange people have been around town lately? Too many to count.

You perk your ears to try and hear their conversation...

Something about a party in a warehouse later tonight. A little too early for Halloween. Maybe it's a themed event?

You note this for later, then refocus on your mission.
No. 1101734 ID: 9f3801
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As you try to focus and refind the scent trail, a familiar face pokes out of the approaching alley to greet you. Having spotted you first.

It's Kenji. He's a friendly guy when he isn't being... like that. Always reeks of weed and cheap cologne. Fine to smoke with, since he always pays for the good strain and rolls his own blunts by hand. Damn good at it too since he used to be a sushi chef.

He's been in the gang longer than you have.

"Hey, hey, Violet of the hour. Watcha' doing out on the town? You want a hit?" he waves the blunt in front of him and invites you to join him in the alley. You spot a few other wolves over his shoulder playing a game of blackjack.
No. 1101736 ID: 6c233e

You're on the clock, but ask if he's seen Eiko today.
No. 1101742 ID: 0034e5

Not right now, but if you have some time, you can join a game or two later. Right now, we're wondering if they haven't seen Eiko, since you’re looking for her...or maybe other folks giving a weird vibe off. The idea that those two mystery gals have a similar smell might be a red herring...but if you have the opportunity to casually inquire, no reason not to.
No. 1101786 ID: 73a678

You're going to want to keep it simple and friendly. "Nah, not right now. Lookin' for Eiko? She been around here? I'm trying to keep an eye out for her or anything weird surrounding her." Don't elaborate why. Heck, he might know, but no need for too much detail to get out.
No. 1101807 ID: 9f8435

Take a hit to get the edge off. You're gonna need to be cool when contact comes.
No. 1102057 ID: 9f3801
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>You're on the clock, but ask if he's seen Eiko today.
>Not right now, but if you have some time, you can join a game or two later.
>You're going to want to keep it simple and friendly.

You consider taking a hit to get the edge off, mulling the pros and cons for a moment. Despite how much you're craving it, being a little too high might end up impeding you instead, since you're supposed to be keeping it stealthy.. Though maybe the secondhand smoke will be enough if you sniff a few extra times..

You keep your tone light, "Nah, I'm on the clock. Maybe I'll come back later."

Kenji shrugs and moves to take a hit, "Eh, suit yourself. More for me." He chuckles to himself, "You need somethin'?"

You nod, hands in your pockets, "You seen Eiko today? I'm trying to keep an eye out for her or anything weird."

He seems to squint as he takes a deep, deep, breath, then gives the blunt a slight puff before fully exhaling. Like he's showing off how much you're missing. You try to remain chill despite your deepening envy.

"Ah that wolf. Yeah, I saw her sometime this morning before she went out on that mission the Boss gave her. Seemed to be in a peachier mood then. When I came by to drop some stacks off I caught the tail end of her comin' up. Seemed pissed."

"Pissed in what way?"
No. 1102058 ID: 9f3801
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He gestures, like he's telling a joke, "Didn't want anyone comin' near her. Had all my pups tuckin' their tails in too. The usual. Though with a little more oomph. Practically stormed in draggin' this bloody jacket like she just had a big meal and wanted to show off her prize. Makes sense, since she was supposed to be takin' someone out today."

You think back to hearing how her whole pack died, "You think she was pissed from losing her pack?"

"Would make sense, yeah. Would be messed up not to. Even I got some empathy," he chuckles and you feel a brief prickling of embarrassment at judging her a bit too quickly.

"Who was she taking out?"

Kenji gives you this funny look, a cross between a smirk and a wince, "Ah well... You never had to deal with the guy, but I see why he gave the order, y'know what I mean? If you think we're scammers than that guy was the king. Ever since the boss started talking to that one lady, it's been a lot smoother sailin'."

You don't have all the pieces, but you get the gist. "Must have been a tough guy."
No. 1102059 ID: 9f3801
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He laughs at that, "Real scummy one. You hear about the aftermath? The cleaners came by and didn't find the target's body anywhere. Instead, they found a whole lot of blood. Wasn't pretty to look at."

The thought unnerves you, "... You think she?"

"Who fuckin' knows. If you're lookin' for her, you should ask. I'd like to know too."

As you pause to mull this over, he suddenly leans in to whisper, "You didn't hear this from me, but I only met the target once. And they're a different level of crazy... I don't think the boss was expectin' her to come back."

You feel a chill tickle your spine, the torn hood in your pocket weighing a bit heavier, "Huh.. Why her?"

"You never met the old boss, but I was there when they were still around. Every time they got pissed off they had this real mean look to them. The kind that made you realize you're about to get your whole shit rocked, up the boat and out the water.. So if I can see it, he probably does too."
No. 1102060 ID: 9f3801
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He leans back and yells, the ears of the other wolves wincing, "But those are all rumors! You hear me?! HAHAHAHAHa.."

Yeah.. You are listening to Kenji after all. You can never fully take him seriously...

Before you can ask him to clarify, he starts speaking again, "Oh and what's that you asked about something weird? Yeah, I saw some cosplayers walking around. Fun seein' what the kids are up to. Some hornies and scalies sniffin' around too," he takes another hit of the blunt and you subtly sniff the air as he exhales, "Besides that, there's been more of those tie-necks makin' the rounds. Even gave me a paper talkin' about this wondrous world on the other side. I'll eat my blunt if that shit's real."

There is a giant mecha crab that sits at the roof of your base...
No. 1102062 ID: 0bbd56

Time to get back on the trail. Thank him for the intel, and it's time to go over everything you know now. Granted, you're no detective, but it might help to figure out as much as possible. Here are the knowns:

1: Eiko is told to take out a target. The target has history with the Boss and is 'scummy'. Presumably tough, and it was entirely plausible a mutual kill could've happened.

2: The Boss has been talking with a different...agent, let's call them. A girl. Supposedly doing better for the organization.

3: Eiko encounters the target, walks away from the altercation without a scratch, all other parties dead. Something enraged her.

4: The target's location is relatively clean and there is ZERO indication of the target's demise except a bloody jacket.

5: Eiko may or may not have taken something she wasn't supposed to.

6: Eiko's trail has NOT been straightforward, it’s been looping on itself and otherwise very complicated and redundant, as though trying to lose a tail.

I don't know about you, but something REALLY isn’t adding up. The questions here are:

1: What actually happened to the target? Because no one's a flawless eater, I'd be shocked otherwise. It's likely they were either disposed of somewhere only known to her- in which case, why bother amd not kisy bring a body part or the corpse? - or...the target is still alive.

2: Why would she let the target walk, if so? Do they know each other? Is there something that she thinks the target can help with that the gamg can't?

3: Is there a connection, adversarial or not, between the new girl and the old target, or Eiko? That may be a motive for the intended murder as well as the sequestering away. If Eiko knew the guy, or perhaps didn’t want her favored 'agent' muscled out, that could be incentive.

Still some problems to solve, but I feel like the picture is getting a bit clearer.
No. 1102088 ID: 73a678

We need to keep after Eiko, but I'd say solid odds we don't want a fight right now. If we don't know for sure what was taken, we'll have to play it cautious, but at the least we might be able to use some of the goings-on here as a scapegoat if Eiko spots us and decides to engage in talking before action. But we for sure need to find her first.
No. 1102160 ID: 3e8516

I don't know what that last sentence has to do with the situation.

It honestly seems like Kenji is kind of high right now, might be best to move on and keep looking for this crazy girl before we lose the scent.
No. 1102172 ID: 9f3801
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As Kenji continues to ramble to you, you instead focus on the knowns and unknowns of what you have learned about Eiko. She is paranoid, suspicious, and can be openly hostile. Ulterior motives are likely at play that are outside of your usual scope of work. All together, the pieces click into place enough for you to see a better picture, but your lack of personal knowledge is frustrating. As much as you can psychoanalyze her from your vague memories, seeing her will help you know best what to report back.

On the other hand, you want to be skeptical yet cautious, and keep an open mind.

You would be open to hearing what she would have to say if it comes down to it.
No. 1102173 ID: 9f3801
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Though it's time to get back to business. You thank Kenji and head off until you find an empty street. The less people around the better.

From your pocket, you remove the torn hood, the blood long dried. The scent is still there, distinct, floral. You exhale before putting it up to your nose. You have done this hundreds of times. One crazy girl will not escape you.
No. 1102174 ID: 9f3801
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The world is not just color. It is texture, temperature, sensation, scents. Every scent is distinct in the way that it forms, the imagery it evokes and the sensation it can trigger. When you smell bread, the smell is gentle, warm, almost sweet, it triggers hunger, and it evokes a distinct picture of it in your mind. Death smells sour, cloying, thick, your mind tells you to be repulsed because something primal in you wants to survive.

If you were to close your eyes, the world would shift just so. You can still perceive where objects are, where people went, when the garbage was taken away.

In a way, you can perceive time as it passes. Rewind based on the staleness of a scent. The longer it takes to fade, the more it passes as sand through your fingers.

Slowly, you take a deep breath and isolate everything that is different. Until there is only you and this wolf.

You take in as much of her as you can.
No. 1102175 ID: 9f3801
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Chemical flowers and gasoline. A car. Down and down the city but only for so long until it has to stop.

You move with the scent as you follow its trail, and before you even see it, you know what building she has entered. Up and up the stairs. Third, maybe fourth floor. Down a hall. Through a door. There, her scent is at its thickest, a cloud-like beacon that can only be her home.
No. 1102176 ID: 9f3801
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Found her.

As an extra attribute to your Clairvoyant Sense of Smell, you can choose to focus on another scent that coats an individual when you are within range of them.

What is more important? What does it smell like?

>Danger (You will know how dangerous they are to you)
>Friendliness (You will know how friendly they are to you)
>Movement (You will be able to predict their next move)
No. 1102177 ID: 273c18

Friendliness. You don't know her motives; this will answer that pressing question, and also tell you if approaching peacefully is an option.
No. 1102206 ID: 73a678

Generally, danger can be eluded and deceived. Danger is one thing. Willingness to BE a danger is another, and is wholly dependent on the individual.

No. 1102332 ID: f9c4b2
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You decide that centering on friendliness will aid you best. It will help you to determine her motives and may prove more useful than knowing how dangerous she could be. It is a lighter, sweeter, almost warm scent. Friendliness, as an emotion, can easily shift during the course of a conversation and help you keep a positive track over it.

Depending on the friendliness level of an individual, they can be more likely to listen to what you have to say. So long as you are within range to pick up the scent.
No. 1102333 ID: f9c4b2
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As you finish walking her trail, you eventually find her apartment building. It's a relatively quiet area, with some minor bustle here and there, but no one that gives you a second glance. The night air's chill is cushioned by your fur as you exhale mist.

Up above, you spot a figure outside, smoking on the balcony. You know for a fact that they are at the apartment that must be Eiko's... And from their faint scent... You can't quite deny what you see... You may have to report this to the boss.

But you are wondering why.

Do you:
>A) Get closer
>B) Observe
>C) Sneak inside
>D) _____
No. 1102339 ID: 6c233e

get closer
No. 1102358 ID: 0db8d3

This is HUGE. You'll need to verify. Get closer, if you can't confirm than sneak in.

This potentially just got a whole lot more dangerous. Tread lightly.
No. 1102361 ID: b36f0b

Well that's not good. Probably want to sneak a bit closer. Tread carefully, however. Two dangerous folks in league with each other like this? What could they be possibly up to?
No. 1102371 ID: 73a678

Okay, so I'm actually going to say


in this situation. Why? Because looking at this angle- if you can see them, they can probably see you, and if they have any sense of danger, they probably can tell someone's looking at them. You don't want to get too obvious with your movements. Just act like you're people watching for now.
No. 1102628 ID: e61200

Get closer, but out of sight. You don't need direct line of vision to smell this fellow and make ure it is who you think it is.

If indeed it is, I think we can call off the mission and warm the boss to bring the heavy hitters on this joint!
No. 1102664 ID: f9c4b2
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You try to slowly and stealthily move closer to the suspect to verify. You're aware that your line of sight could make you just as easy to see back, so you try to position yourself under one of the balconies to further obscure you and to make your movements less obvious. It's still not ideal with how far above they are, but you try to get another sniff of their scent.

Menthol, sulfur, and what smells like... tea(?) hits your nostrils. It's enough to confirm that they're likely the owner of the jacket, but it leaves you puzzled. Is this person really the Boss's target? They don't seem like much.

>Two dangerous folks in league with each other like this? What could they be possibly up to?

The first thought that comes to mind is retaliation. Of course, if the Boss wanted this guy dead, that's motive enough for this guy to act too. Question is, why would Eiko work with them? Is she being threatened by this guy to help them?

To answer this, you try to observe them a little longer. A part of you hopes that Eiko comes out so you can decide here and then.

Instead, for a few minutes, you watch them chainsmoke 4 cigs down to the filter. Once they do, they put the filter out on the corner of the porch, the spark of the cig ash falling downward just a few feet out of your range. Then strangely.. they toss the filter into their mouth... Eating it whole.
No. 1102665 ID: f9c4b2
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Just as you're about to lose your nerve, a call comes onto their phone. They pause to check the number before flipping it open, and you strain your ears to try and listen.

"Hey bastard, what do you need?.... Yeah, I'm busy at the moment..... Keep it quiet... Really?...... Party at what time?...... Alright, I'll see if I can make it before midnight.... If your crowd doesn't have anything valuable to give back, I'm kicking your ass.."

Another party? Or the same? Does everyone know everyone around here? You hastily push that thought aside, it looks like there may be a moment where those two will be separated.

Additionally, you do get a gauge of their friendliness level. They're at about 65%. More than half. If you were to talk to them, they'll hear you out and be more likely to be persuaded.
No. 1102666 ID: f9c4b2
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Is it enough confirmation to report back? You aren't 100% sure, you never saw the target visually before. Eiko could have lied about the real owner of the jacket and this could be a different accomplice.

Just as you decide to turn tail and report back, your fur fluffs up in alarm. Shit. Did they catch you? Did someone else? Or is it anxiety? You keep your head down so you don't make any eye contact. As calmly as you can, you press into the wall and into the closest doorway, which ends up being the entrance to the building.

No one seems to be around. Your heart is beating fast from nerves. If these two are as dangerous as everyone says, you may be in more danger than you signed up for. You're not exactly a loyal dog of the Wolf Bites, like many others are, you just do your job because they pay better than everyone else. If you could use your skills for a different gig, you wouldn't have an issue with it. Cause' it'll be a hot day underground before you ever find yourself dying for a guy like Julien. But that's just personal preference.

Okay, let's assess. Inhale. Exhale. You to take in the surroundings of the apartment building. To the left and right are what looks like hallways that lead to other apartments and a door that leads to the laundry room. In front of you, is the elevator and stairway. Above that is what looks like an abstract painting. The floor of this lobby area has various old carpets with dirt and footprints tracked onto them as time has passed. Many scents linger here, including what smells like chinese food. Must be a delivery person down the right hallway.

There are many ways this could go.

Do you:
>Try to knock on Eiko's door and use your cover story.
>Risk it and walk out.
>Wait the suspect out until they're gone from the balcony and leave.
>Call and report your findings to the Boss.
No. 1102672 ID: 73a678


>Party being mentioned twice, once by oddly dressed individuals, second time by an odd man who's a potential target/POI hanging out with a primary target.

There's gotta be something to that, for certain. Might not be something to ignore. You're after something she might've stolen, right? The line was ' If your crowd doesn't have anything valuable to give back...' that, to me, indicates a trade of some kind, or at least the reciprocation of being gifted something. Definitely something to follow up on. However, as you said, you haven't actually SEEN the target nor the thing she's supposedly stolen. You want visual confirmation of that. If it is a sale in progress, the item to be retrieved might be what's on offer. And you have an easier time getting it back with less people around than more.

You need to get visual confirmation on them somehow, and be in a position to get whatever it is back. That's gonna take more than just following them to wherever, but you don't want to risk them having too private or too open a place to fight...this is a hard decision, but methinks you should

>Wait the suspect out until they're gone from the balcony and leave.
No. 1102677 ID: bd2177

It might be more dangerous for us to follow this strange new guy. I think we should take our chances with Eiko and get some answers.

Let's wait this guy out then continue sneaking. Try to get a visual on Eiko. We don't need to give it away just yet.
No. 1102684 ID: e61200

Let's wait until Eiko is alone in her apartment to talk to her.

Let's kill some time by sniffing the surroundings, maybe there are more clues and to who she is hanging out with.
No. 1102696 ID: 6c233e

Sniff around her door, see what scents that guy brought.
No. 1102733 ID: f9c4b2
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You heavily consider your options in focusing on one person over the other. The suspect could be heading out to trade whatever item Eiko might have stolen. However, you would need to follow the suspect to the party location and snatch the item before the exchange could take place. It's... a bit too risky for you with other unknown variables. But you don't want to fully ignore this information...

You ultimately decide to wait the suspect out until Eiko is alone. Getting some solid answers are what you need the most right now. And no other reason of course. There's a little less risk since you have a better idea of the type of person she is, and maybe she'll feel more comfortable chatting in her own space. If that doesn't take long, you'll try stopping by the party too and sniff around there.

Just in case, you shoot a quick text to one of your friend's that you have a location of interest. Hopefully, he'll get back to you with an address or snoop around himself and take the risk for you.
No. 1102734 ID: f9c4b2
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>Let's kill some time by sniffing the surroundings, maybe there are more clues and to who she is hanging out with.

You wait about 10 minutes in the lobby before opening the front door just enough to sniff the air. The suspect's scent is still present, so you move to search for more clues around.

You figure that you can retrace her steps. The first scent trail you pick up is the one that leads to Eiko's car, past the stairs door and through the back entryway. It's a beater of a car, and just on the approach, you can tell the suspect's scent is a lot more faint compared to Eiko's. Looks like they haven't been in the vehicle enough times to imprint onto it. Which may be a good thing? It could mean they weren't working together for long.

Still, there's something you could glean here. You close your eyes and take a sniff of the passenger side window where the suspect was sitting, hoping to learn more. Particles pass through scent receptors. A ghost of a memory flashes through your mind in quick snippets. Nostalgic. Happier. Quick arguments and loud terrible singing. The faces are hazy, but the unexpected weight of it is there. Followed by stretches of silence.

It's not quite what you're expecting. Your mind pounds in warning and you step back to massage your temples.

You feel heavier now. You aren't sure why.
No. 1102736 ID: f9c4b2
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You quickly shake your head and step away, back inside, to check if the suspect is gone. Thankfully, they are, their scent trail going straight down the balcony and exiting down the street. This is your chance. Maybe you can sniff around Eiko's door.

You head up the stairs, following Eiko's trail as she yet again winds down the various hallways on her way up. On the second floor, you pause at the sight of a small figure struggling to read the door numbers. The scent of chinese food coats their figure in an appetizing way.
No. 1102737 ID: f9c4b2
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At the sound of you entering the hall, they turn, "Oh thank goodness! Do you live here? I'm terribly lost. Could you help me find this apartment? It's 313."

They smell heavily of spices and oil. Aromatic. Salty. Filling. Your mouth starts to water a bit.

Their friendliness level is at 85%. They are extremely trusting of you and would easily listen to what you would have to say.

You also have a sneaking suspicion that you know which apartment they're trying to go to.

Do you:
>A) Offer to pay for the food and deliver it yourself
>B) Help them find the apartment and follow sneakily behind
>C) Knock them out and take the food
>D) Trick them
No. 1102740 ID: f3a097


Jist in case it's the wrong place. Also an Eiko being fed might be more amenable to questions...hopefully.
No. 1102749 ID: 6c233e

B) Say you're visiting a friend so you know the way. If that is the apartment you're looking for showing up with the delivery peng should keep things from getting heated.
No. 1102752 ID: 73a678

Honestly, I like >>1102749. That works.
No. 1102849 ID: e61200

The lying is easier when it's rooted in truth. Tell our new best friend pengu that you are a co-worker of this person and you wanted to have a friendly chat with her, and then help find the apartment and be all smiles about it.

We wil then be promptly interrupted by a surly man named Yuri, who is so foul-smelling it's acyually harming our bodies, thus fulfilling the promise made at the start of the quest.
No. 1102923 ID: f9c4b2
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You figure that helping the delivery pengu could be beneficial in keeping the full brunt of the heat off of you. Plus, it gives you a better cover.

"Yeah, I know where that is, I'm actually going to visit her now. We know each other."

They do a little joyful hop, "Wonderful! Oh thank you, thank you."

You chuckle a bit to yourself at seeing the little guy do their thing. It's been some time since you've had any friendly interactions with people that weren't in the Bites. Most just avoid eye contact or talking to you entirely. Not that you've minded, or noticed, until now.

Feeling generous, you gesture, "How about I give you a ride up there? Just so you aren't running next to me."

They look at you with big sparkling eyes, "Really?"

You answer by crouching down to throw an arm around them then lifting them straight up. It's like picking up a package.

"Heheh it looks different up here. Onward!"
No. 1102924 ID: f9c4b2
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"Have you never been here before?"

"Eh, well, one other time. I work in the kitchen but our usual guy's out sick."

You navigate to the elevator this time (now the delivery wolf of the delivery penguin) and when you stop on the 3rd floor, you know you're at the right place. Though the suspect's scent is very faint outside of the apartment, since Eiko's scent masks it as it wafts from her apartment door. Imperceptibly, your cheeks heat up as well.

The delivery pengu points to the wrong door, "Is that the one?"

For a moment, you wonder if they can read, and give them a pat before going straight to Eiko's apartment, 313. You take a deep breath before knocking.

The delivery pengu says something but you don't really process it, more concentrated on the door as you strain to hear her footsteps.. Your heart starting to beat in anticipation..

A click. The turn of the knob. Slowly, the door opens a few inches...

... You have no idea who you're looking at.

The person's eyes go downward first then up over your form in surprise, landing on the delivery pengu tucked under your arm, then back up to your face. You look back at her in confusion, the scent undeniable, but if this is.. Eiko's current form is so... small. Usually, she would tower almost more than a foot over you.

When you make eye contact, you can see her eyes are bloodshot, tired, nearly vacant-- only briefly shifting to a mixture of suspicion. In as subtly as you can manage, you take a sniff, her friendliness towards you tasting just as closed off as she appears, at 25%.

There's a slight creak to her voice, likely from dryness, her ears pulling backward, "..... Violet?"

The voice is unmistakable. Your mind briefly goes blank, not having expected her to remember your name either, ".. Hie-Hi! Hey, Eiko."

Mercifully, the delivery pengu cheers, "Eiko! Delivery for you, hatchaha!"
No. 1102925 ID: f9c4b2
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When they start to wiggle, you move to set them down, your eyes still on Eiko as she turns her attention to them. They move to unzip their delivery bag, the smell of chinese food now tantalizingly filling the hallway.

"One chow mein! Two fried rice! One orange chicken! One broccoli beef! One honey walnut shrimp!"

Eiko watches them count off the food and slowly, she seems to relax, almost giggle, "Thanks, dude." By pure association, she opens up just a bit more towards you, her friendliness increasing from 25% to 35%. You mentally sigh in relief at your successful maneuver.

As the delivery pengu sets the food down, you politely move to pick it up while Eiko pays in cash. For a moment, you want to tell the delivery pengu to stay and help lighten the mood.

Alas, their job is done, and they give a salute before waddling off.

Eiko looks back at you and picks up the rest of the food, her gaze moving down to her food in your hands. Her tone this time is flat, "What do you want?"

You gesture sheepishly, about to say the cover story you thought of, but with the new knowledge you've learned you decide to keep it a little more vague, "I was in the area and I came by to check in.. and that's when I ran into that little guy."

Her eyes narrow, and you can already sense the sharper words building on her tongue.
No. 1102926 ID: f9c4b2
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Abruptly, a door opens. A smell akin to mold and 5-day-old piss hits you hard enough to make your eyes water. You try to cover your nose with your claw as the nausea hits you right after, the acrid smell burrowing into your senses. It's moments like these that having a good sense of smell suddenly bites you in the ass.

Eiko wrinkles her nose before covering it too, a flash of annoyance clear on her face before she opens the door wider for you to come in, "Fuck, that's my neighbor Yuri. Just come in before he starts trying to talk to us."

You nod quickly and practically bolt inside, the door shutting behind you a second later. You barely have time to process the apartment as Eiko snatches all the food from your hands and heads to the living room.

You still feel dizzy as you move to take your shoes off to leave at the entrance, but now that you can fully take in this form of Eiko's, you do so. She's so small... her wolf features more subdued. A towel hangs around her shoulders and there's a dampness to her hair. You wouldn't have expected Eiko to be the type of wolfkin that had a human form. It's much more rare in this area nowadays, unless you're being changed. You don't even have one.

So much smooth skin... You want to take a bite.

Eiko's back faces you as she asks, "How did you know where I live?"
No. 1102941 ID: 73a678

(I'd noticed the description discrepancy, but wasn't sure what to say about it...)

Honesty makes a bit of sense here.
"Did I know where you live? No, I didn't. There's been some weirdness around here lately. Recognized your scene and it was...odd. Got curious so I followed it for a bit- then I realized it was looping on itself. Curiosity changed to concern. Well, sorta."

Mostly truth in a weird way but also not. I'm not even positive this is the best option, but it's what I have.
No. 1102943 ID: 273c18

Hmm, 35% isn't great. If she's stronger than you, you're gonna have to build up to asking questions rather than come out with it and risk a confrontation.

Just tell her you just followed her scent. If she says she tried to hide it, then shrug and say you picked it up nearby so you must've bypassed her obfuscation by chance.
Ask about the guy who's been staying here. A boyfriend?
No. 1102948 ID: 90b21b

"Boss told me. He said something about you getting shot at. He ordered me to make sure you didn't lie about being okay. Not that he cares about your hopes and dreams, but we're the employees and we lose money if we try to work while sick.
We got like a week or two before Boss wants us back at work. So, you order takeout every day? I'll have a..."
No. 1102980 ID: 6c233e

"Well they don't call me bloodhound for nothing. Boss wanted me to check up on you, you know how he gets. But hey, you're not looking so hot. I heard the fight earlier went bad. Are you doing alright?"
No. 1103125 ID: f9c4b2
File 173837676613.png - (48.89KB , 1000x700 , dh115.png )

>Hmm, 35% isn't great. If she's stronger than you, you're gonna have to build up to asking questions rather than come out with it and risk a confrontation.

It is lower than you were expecting. Most people tend to be at 40% as a base, even among strangers. It looks like what Kenji and the others have said is.. about right in their characterization of her..

Gotta tread carefully... You don't know how much control she has over her form, while you may be able to rush and overwhelm her for a moment if needed, you aren't the best fighter around. You can do hand-to-hand and growl/bite pretty well, but you're not exactly hired muscle. Nor are you armed.

Hopefully, one awkward answer or question won't lead to immediate hostilities.

"Did I know where you live? No, I didn't. But they don't call me bloodhound for nothing," you try to punctuate your words with a bit of humor and well-placed concern, "The Boss wanted me to check up on you, you know how he gets. He said something about you getting shot at and things going bad."

Eiko's ears seem to twitch at the mention of the Boss, but she stays quiet and lets you continue.

You clear your throat and press on, "Anyway, you're not looking so hot. Are you doing alright?"

She doesn't face you, so you don't quite see her expression as she stands still with the food in her hands. Your senses are still off from the nauseating scent a second ago, but she looks tense, shoulders hunching in and tail flicking side to side. Eventually, she gives a dry laugh, a sharpness to her voice, "I'm hungry. You should go sit down."

Your body moves to obey quicker than you expect, just barely catching the scent of tea before you're already sitting on the couch that feels... Weirdly damp. The fuck happened here?
No. 1103126 ID: f9c4b2
File 173837692828.png - (62.84KB , 1000x700 , dh116.png )

Eiko moves to set the food down on the coffee table, tone more conversational, "So you followed my scent all the way here.. I assume from the base?"

You find yourself sitting up straight, claws resting on your thighs as you try to act like you aren't starting to sweat through the beans, "Oh well, I picked it up nearby. It kind of happened by chance."

She nods as she moves to open the various foodstuffs, her gaze fixed on the food, "He didn't want anything else?"

You shrug, "Well, it'd be bad if it turned out you were actually hurt.. Not that he's the type that cares about our hopes and dreams, but he loses money if we try to work while we're sick."

Eiko seems to be mulling over your words. You're hoping you don't sound too suspicious.

Her tone stays curt, "That's true."

You nod. Though you want to make it clear this is about her, have her soften up to you gradually, "Yeah, he'll want you back to it soon. Maybe a week or two? Once you're feeling better."

Eiko snorts, this slight turn of disbelief in her eyes, "That's funny."

Damn. Does she hate you already? You start to become hyper aware of your jeans getting damp, subtly shifting so you're more on the drier cushion, "So, you order takeout every day? Can I have a shrimp?"

She looks at you now, this slight upward turn to her brow, deadpan, "I'll think about it."
No. 1103127 ID: f9c4b2
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She still heads to the kitchen, so you assume she's getting some plates for the food. You take this moment to look around, a bit unnerved by the minimalism of her apartment. It's like she moved in here yesterday. Your place isn't exactly the most well decorated, mainly filled w/ posters and albums you enjoy, but there's at least a... sense of personality. You feel as though you're staring into a void.

While your sense of smell slowly returns to you, vague outlines of her moving around the area forms in your mind. This is definitely her living space. The scent of the suspect is here too, more subtle, clearly not here long enough to imprint more than a vague caterpillaring of movement from kitchen to balcony.

An odd clanking of what must be a pot breaks your concentration, your head turning to the sound.

Ah. Hmm. Damn.

As she moves to stand, you immediately turn your head and pretend you were appraising the food, "Soo, there's been some.. Weird stuff going on around here lately. Have you noticed anything?"

"Weird in what way?"

"People dressed weird. Something hard to explain. Maybe a pig with wings?"

Eiko snorts at this, "Nothing any weirder than usual."

Ah, still giving you nothing. As you eye her again, you notice her shirt's slightly more tucked in as she comes back from the kitchen, only sporting a pair of chopsticks and a small plate. Not quite friendly enough to share yet, it seems.

She sets the plate down and sits in the space in front of you where the table surface is empty.
No. 1103129 ID: f9c4b2
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Now that you're facing each other, you find yourself nervous again, moving straight to the point now, "So, you had someone here? A boyfriend?"

Eiko's eyes narrow-- as if she expected the first question-- then blinks in surprise. Quickly, she turns her head and laughs, damn near guffaws, arm curling around her middle as she tries to contain it all.

You find yourself getting flushed watching her, her friendliness rising a bit more to 45%. Nice?

She continues to laugh, her words punctuated with a breathless haha, "Fuck. That guy? No, no, hell no. Fuuuuck no. I'd rather eat shit and die."

You nod quickly in agreement despite not knowing anything about this guy. Besides that Eiko seems to hate them. Maybe you hate this guy now. Maybe you'll throw them off the balcony if they come back.

"Have they been bothering you?"

Eiko leans back and moves to dig into the food right out of the takeout box, in front of you, "In a way. I'm still deciding if you're bothering me."

You pause at that, "What would decide that?"

"Do you like the gang? Our boss?"
No. 1103132 ID: 273c18

Tell her the old boss was better. Still, you have a job. That's something.

Speaking of which, ask her how the mission went. She didn't give a full report, so you might as well hear it now.
No. 1103133 ID: 73a678


"'Like's an awfully strong word. Not a ton I 'like' in general. Pays the bills, though. Boss? Ehhh. I ain't gonna complain to his face. Wouldn't exactly die for him, either, but if you tell him that I'll deny it."
No. 1103139 ID: 6c233e

They're... tolerable. And the boss may be a suspicious bastard, but he doesn't expect us to throw our lives away for him. Or at least, he didn't used to. Sounds like that might have changed huh.
No. 1103146 ID: 0db8d3

I like the gang. I don't mesh too well with the culture admittedly, but the folks are pretty alright.
The boss though... He seems a bit too... Self interested, if you know what I mean. It doesn't really feel like he's looking out for the people below him like a leader should, you know?
No. 1103503 ID: f9c4b2
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You mull over the questions, your mind trying to decipher what would be the most appealing for Eiko to hear. She wouldn't ask if your answers were expected, though you don't know what she knows of you either. You regret even more how you hadn't had the chance to talk to her before this...

You try to keep your voice nonchalant sounding, "I like the gang. I don't mesh too well with the culture sometimes, but the folks are alright. And it pays the bills."

As you speak, she munches on the orange chicken quietly, her gaze fixed on you, expression neutral. You find yourself averting your eyes to the food every few seconds to get a break from her.. undressing stare, as it makes you uncharacteristically nervous.

More the interrogated than the interrogator.

"The Boss? Well... I'm not gonna complain to his face. He may be a suspicious bastard, but he doesn't expect us to throw our lives away for him. Or, well, he didn't used to.. And I'm not exactly gonna to volunteer for the cavalry either.. And if he asks, I'll deny it."

Which is true. A few others feel the same way you do, but they keep it to themselves. Everyone else seems to have this overzealous loyalty, the cash stuffing their heads instead of sense. The power too, of course. The Boss has created a pretty cushy throne in the city, whatever law enforcement leftover from that last purge now dug deep into the dirt under his heel. And he'll look the other way no matter what you do, as long as you're keeping the cash flow good and not getting any funny ideas.

Maybe that makes you a bad person, to be a part of this. You do what you do, look the other way, get your cash and keep quiet. But not endorsing, not doing any extra shit. And when the pups are getting too hot with the city folk, you'll tell them to knock it off.

... Everyone has to be kinda bad to live decently around here.. Not just you.
No. 1103504 ID: f9c4b2
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Refocus. There. Eiko's gaze softens just a bit, your nose tuning in to the easier, almost lighter air she starts to exude. Her friendliness steadily increases, close to half now. Your ears perk up as you try to press on.

"It doesn't really feel like he's looking out for the people below him like a leader should, you know?" You don't know how much of that you believe.

Eiko though seems to sigh, leaning forward, and you find yourself leaning in too, "That's true... A leader should take some responsibility too. Your group's only as good as you are, right?"

That doesn't sound wrong... You nod.

Her tone takes on a gentleness that gives you pause, the strain on her throat coloring her voice with a certain depth, "We do this to earn a living, but it's what we have to do. You, me, we're just doing what we can, right? But Julien... he's only doing what he wants. While we're just collateral. Despite what we do for him." She gestures, "But without us.. What does that make him?"

Eiko's not... not wrong. But the implications leave you pause.

"I'm not sure.."

Her hand brushes against yours, "You do know. You don't have to pretend. And I won't say anything."

Your mind whirrs, the gears hitting against each other, "Why do you ask?"

Eiko stares, "Because I care. I didn't always, but I care now."

... Was she always like this? This doesn't sound like the Eiko you've heard about.. And what did that mean? That she cares now? "What, um.. What exactly happened on that mission? The one earlier today?"

Is the mission why she's asking you to be a traitor?
No. 1103505 ID: 90b21b

Dodge bullet
No. 1103506 ID: f9c4b2
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For a moment, you think you asked the wrong question. It's not obvious in her features. Instead, her scent takes on a harshness, a perfume a bit too strong, grabbing hold of you.

You trace the red lines of her bloodshot eyes as you stare into each other.

Eiko's voice follows, deceptively sweet, "Do you really want to know?"

You find yourself inching closer and closer, the gap between you starting to close.

No. 1103507 ID: f9c4b2
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The air gets knocked out of your lungs as a heavy force slams into your chest.
No. 1103509 ID: f9c4b2
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Your head knocks against the wall, vision blacking, back hitting the couch a second later. The surprise catches up to you as you try to breathe, but find yourself struggling.

A heavy paw pins you down, her leg half then fully transforming, fur growing as the muscle starts to weigh you down.

"Listen, Violet, I've had a rough day today. You know what that feels like, right? But unlike a lot of the people I've had to deal with today, I like you. So I'm going to be nice. Do you understand?"

You nod frantically.

"I'm going to give you another chance." Eiko digs her backpaw into your sternum, the claws threatening to break skin. You feel your nerves fire frantically at the thought of her stomping you a second time.

She smiles, "Ask me again. What do you want to know?"

Friendliness level: 40%

Do you:
A) Answer
B) Grab her
C) Stay Quiet
D) ___
No. 1103512 ID: 6c233e

Firstly, keep your hands up, you won't be winning this fight.

Say you want to know if you can have that shrimp now. Because you don't want to know what she's up to, its just what the boss asked for, and its not worth a fight. You'll just tell him you couldn't find anything out. He won't believe you, but he wouldn't have sent you if he wasn't suspicious, so that doesn't really confirm anything.
No. 1103513 ID: 85291f

No. 1103517 ID: 0db8d3

And then they Kith'd
No. 1103519 ID: 73a678

Seconding >>1103512 but without saying the latter bits. The less you say the more she can twist her thoughts to what she hopes is true herself.
No. 1103535 ID: 90b21b

No. 1103542 ID: 65aead

Are you single?
No. 1103698 ID: f9c4b2
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No.. Not yet.. You can't admit weakness like this.. You have to stay strong despite how turned on you are. If she reads you as easy who knows what could happen...

You're a service top after all damnit! Sure, it's been a while since you've messed around with anyone, but you still have your pride on the line. You can't ruin your jeans at the beck of every mean crazy girl you meet! Keep it together!

>Say you want to know if you can have that shrimp now.

You keep your hands up, having no problem with admitting defeat, your ears low, "Can I, uh, have that shrimp now?"

Eiko tilts her head at your response, eyes calculating, as if she wasn't expecting your submission so easily. She presses her weight on you again as if to test you. You can practically feel her break your rib in and you use every ounce of willpower not to find it hotter than it is.

When you hold out, she eventually relents with a snort. "Hmm... I like that. Sure."

Your head is dizzy as the tension seems to break. Bullet blissfully dodged.
No. 1103699 ID: f9c4b2
File 173942421560.png - (62.36KB , 1000x700 , dh125.png )

She shifts her paw. It slides slowly down from your sternum to your stomach with a curious ease, the claws slightly raised so she doesn't catch the fabric of your top. The slowness of the touch has your fur raise as you shiver. And Eiko maintains eye contact as she does this.

"You know, I realize I kind of overreacted there. I know you're just doing what you're told."

You chuckle roughly, "I get it. You've been on edge since I got here." You don't tell her how you kind of wish she did more.

She pauses her movement just at your abdomen as you feel yourself start to sweat. The weight of her paw presses in, your breath caught, before she fully pulls back, her leg shifting back into the furless humanoid form. You feel like you're going to sink into the ground and die.

"Yeah, I was expecting you to attack me after I closed the door.. But I can see now I was wrong. You're a good dog, aren't you?"



You almost cough, "I don't know what you mean." You take a moment to sniff the air and realize that Eiko's scent has softened to you, her friendliness now at 55%.

"There's just some things I can't tell you.. Not because I don't want to, but because it'll complicate things.." she gestures, the manic glee sparking in her eyes again, "You know, I wasn't supposed to come back."

Her words align again with what Kenji told you, though you at first dismissed it as his high ramblings. It's one thing for Eiko to have stolen something, and another for her to be retaliating.. Normally, in a situation like this, you wouldn't take any sides.

Though you don't have long to dwell on it as Eiko grabs the shrimp and moves to grasp your chin with her free hand, catching you by surprise. Is she touchier with you now that she's friendlier? Or are you hoping for something that isn't there?

>Ask if she's single

As much as you hope she is, you don't quite want to ask that in case she says yes.. Even though she laughed about the boyfriend thing.
No. 1103700 ID: f9c4b2
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"Open up."

You obey. You're finding it harder and harder not to...

Eiko feeds you the shrimp and smiles when you eat it. It practically tastes like gold as she seems to muse aloud, "I think I've been going about this all wrong.. I know that you're in this for the money. But what else would buy you?"
No. 1103709 ID: 73a678

...y'know. That's a good question. What else WOULD buy us? I mean, aside from more money.

...Some type of security, suppose. Some kinda assurance that you're not gonna get shanked in your sleep because Some Dude fucked Some Other Guy's sidepiece and now they're looking for revenge and you're the best target.

...maybe better threads? Dunno, you've mostly been thinking about survival over comforts.
No. 1103716 ID: 273c18

Oh, safety for sure. Working for a cause you believe in. Being able to enjoy the work is a plus.
No. 1103722 ID: 2308cc

A place to stay maybe? Since you're well on the way to failing the mission, and the boss might send someone after you in turn.
No. 1103729 ID: 3dcfde

A guarantee. A promise.

A promise that she'll kill the boss.
She's got something dangerous up her sleeve. She could probably pull it off.

As for you, you just need the bills paid. Doesn't really matter who's signing the cheques. The gang would probably be better if with someone else anyway.
No. 1103906 ID: 9cd6c3
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You're momentarily rattled out of your horny thoughts at the question.. What WOULD buy you? What matters more than money? You find yourself going through the basics of living in your mind that you haven't thought about in so long; safety, shelter, stability, fulfillment.

You're not exactly an easy target. People within the gang respect you and people pause or avoid you when they see you on the street. It was funny at first.. but now it just feels lonely. The work's been getting more dangerous, demanding, more people upset, more people one rough day away from popping a cap in your ass.

There's always been threats in every corner, it comes with the territory of being in the Bites. When you joined, you knew you could handle it. How about now?
No. 1103907 ID: 9cd6c3
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When was the last time you felt safe? How many days? Months? Has it been years? When did it start to feel normal? Did the anxiety become manageable or just easy to ignore? You've been in survival mode for so long you didn't even realize it.

To live is to survive, you reasoned. You eat up what you can and snap your jaws at every opportunity to live better than before. You aren't that pup going from rundown motel to motel anymore, your parents constantly fighting over jobs they can't hold down. You're grown up. You have a place to stay. It's empty without you in it, but at least it's yours.

The work is good, but when was the last time you had a choice in it? To believe in it?

You consider reporting back with nothing, essentially failing the mission. Would the boss kill you for that? Normally, you wouldn't think it would be that serious. But he's been getting more paranoid, and if he's willing to try and kill off Eiko for an association, he might just shoot you himself thinking you're the next Brutus.

It doesn't help knowing some outsider has been whispering in his ear and he damn near hangs on every word.

>As for you, you just need the bills paid. Doesn't really matter who's signing the cheques. The gang would probably be better off with someone else anyway.

Traitorous thoughts... But what's another knife in the back of a guy clearly willing to do the same?
No. 1103908 ID: 9cd6c3
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You finally speak, "I want a few things. Security, for one, some assurance that I'm not gonna get shanked in my sleep. Maybe a new place to stay, if I tell the Boss that this was a dead end."

She considers you with softer eyes, "I see. I can work on both those things. You can stay here for now if you want, and I'll work on getting you a rental on the nicer side of the city. It's not my plan to make people that help me disposable."

Despite the vagueness, there's some weight to her words that makes you want to believe in her. You almost sigh in relief, finding yourself emboldened, "And I want a guarantee. A promise. You get it done and kill the boss."

>She's got something dangerous up her sleeve. She could probably pull it off.

You believe that. Just by going off of her vibes, her home, the way she interacts with the gang, she has nothing to lose. There's nothing more dangerous than someone with nothing left but a single goal. Even if she dies, she doesn't seem like the type to go down alone. Though you don't have much time to think of the fallout, you have to believe that it will be good in the end.

Eiko doesn't even hesitate at your terms, just nods at you, and reaches her hand out. You grasp her hand in yours as you shake on it. Deal sealed.
No. 1103909 ID: 9cd6c3
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After that, you both quietly eat together. It's a strange, damn near surreal atmosphere. Just hours ago, the You of the past would have never expected to be where you are now. The realization that you could be sleeping in her home hasn't even fully hit you.

You kind of want her to call you a good dog again...

Eiko, still eating directly from the container, pauses, "Can I ask you something?"

You blink, "You haven't had a problem asking me things."

She does snort at that, her gaze turning serious, "It's different. More personal."

"Go ahead."
No. 1103910 ID: 9cd6c3
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Eiko takes a deep breath, "If you had to decide between these different things, what choice would you make?"

>A) To venture into the unknown of endless possibility and wonder, at the cost of everything familiar to you.
>B) To dedicate yourself to rebuilding something with obstacles every step of the way, if it means to earn fulfillment and stability.
>C) To let go and start over completely somewhere new and easy to acclimate, in the hope that your past and your choices will not haunt you.

[Friendliness level: 75%. Your choice/reasoning will impact Eiko's future actions.]
No. 1103915 ID: 273c18

Bit of a hard choice between A and B. On the one hand, a new place means new SMELLS to smell! On the other hand, you just said you desire stability.
No. 1103953 ID: d30887

No. 1103962 ID: 6c233e

A) haven't you had enough of the grind? You have a home, a job, not safe but stable. It doesn't bring you happiness, does it?
No. 1103964 ID: 73a678

A's tempting just due to the sheer scale of it. Trying to find something out there, at the price of everything else? It could be a lot better...could be a lot worse. The ultimate gamble. Forget stability, though.

B is more what we're used to. Things are familiar, and you know the pitfalls and potentials, but likely you'll be stuck going only so far, and it'll be a lot harder because your obstacles are likely going to be familiar with YOU, too. Stability for all the good and ill. Near the opposite of A.

C sounds like a more 'safe' version of A...but with the potential of it all coming back around on you. And we're smart enough to know that you're never going to completely run away from your past, even if only in your own head.

Although thinking about it like that...yeah. A is very tempting, considering you might start out with more than you had, and you can see about making THAT stable. It can't get THAT much worse, can it?
No. 1103970 ID: 0db8d3

Wait... Is A even Possible?
That sounds like a childhood dream...
Do... Do you have an A?

Like a real adventure? Like the sort of thing we hear about in games, stories

... If so, that's hard to pass up.
Something so fanciful. So Romantic. Could you imagine? Just... Escape this life entirely... Step into something that's not... this... To not run but to rather go somewhere entirely beyond. A truly fresh start?

Honey, if you got that than HELL YES! Take that plunge!
No one alive could blame you. That's the sort of thing that dreams are made of. The sort of thing that truly only comes about once in a life time. You don't let that kind of thing go. not ever.

The rest of us though... We're stuck with givin' our best with what we got. Not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just... If someone offered you wings... wouldn't you want to fly?

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