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File 172356143637.jpg - (4.41MB , 1964x3089 , Monster queen165.jpg )
1095767 No. 1095767 ID: e25c20

This is the continuation of the second chapter of the Chasing Shadows and Hunting Rats.

Chapter 1


Chapter 2 part 1


Discussion Thread

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No. 1095769 ID: e25c20
File 172356160322.jpg - (3.22MB , 1913x2471 , Monster queen166.jpg )

It is up to you to choose what she put on for the meeting. You can describe it or draw it.
No. 1095778 ID: 1010c0

Headsplitters are a warrior culture so armor is logical.
No. 1095795 ID: c5529d

Yeah, armor makes most sense

And don't forget that we do have a plan if it comes to kidnapping, Abdle. Take Bobbie's example and get some courage. You're a demon after all
No. 1095798 ID: 355e44

Light armor, nothing too showy. How about fur around the shoulders, implying a sort of hunter look.
No. 1095800 ID: 27fceb
File 172358098399.jpg - (4.28MB , 4160x3120 , 20240813_172114.jpg )

I think that you should still present yourself as the evil queen. No need to pretend to be something that you are not, so my suggestion for the dress to be like a combination of this
No. 1095801 ID: 27fceb
File 172358104892.jpg - (6.07MB , 4160x3120 , 20240813_172147.jpg )

And this
No. 1095802 ID: c5529d

Oooh! I really like these
No. 1095876 ID: e25c20
File 172371823166.jpg - (8.62MB , 3510x4904 , Monster queen167.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked for the first question:

A) We sent some goblins to fix the water pump.

B) We sent money to fix the water pump.

C) We didn't do anything about the water pump.

D) Other suggestions.

Possible answers to the question that was asked for the second question:

A) We will offer the leader of the tribe money as a gift.

B) We will offer the Happy Snail Spirit as a gift.

C) We won't give any gift to the tribe leader.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1095885 ID: 27fceb

Can we give them Gramleza as a present.
No. 1095942 ID: 355e44

Fix the pump, but be on the lookout for cats. The goblins should stay in a group and not let any of them out of sight.

A good piece of craftwork would be a good gift. perhaps a weapon, something that shows our spiders' talents.
No. 1095985 ID: 70f428

>>1095942 This.
No. 1095991 ID: c5529d

B money to fix the water pump to keep our goblins vigilant

D. A good weapon or armor the spider made so that they have a good useful gift, but also as a sample if they want to buy weapons and armor from us.
No. 1095999 ID: 27fceb

Forgot to mention, send the goblins to help with the water pump problem.
No. 1096007 ID: ee57bd
File 172400681917.jpg - (4.86MB , 3268x3415 , Monster queen168.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked for the first question:

A) The order was to create your new armor.

B) The order was for me to get an armor

C) Other suggestions.

Possible answers to the second question it is up to you to choose what to ask the two guys about the Head Splitters Tribe.
No. 1096058 ID: 27fceb

For the first question go with A) as for the second one ask the guys what was their experience with that tribe was and how the residents of it acted.
No. 1096222 ID: c5529d

yeah, we'll go with that
No. 1096275 ID: 355e44

sure, A. What sort of attitude do the Headsplitters value? What sort of impression should we try to give?
No. 1096297 ID: f88514
File 172433171379.jpg - (9.57MB , 3508x4961 , Monster queen169.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) There is a possibility for them to be on our side.

B) They will be a difficult negotiation for them to be on our side.

C) It will be impossible for them to be on our side.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1096323 ID: 27fceb

I am not sure how to feel about the tribe, they do send a lot of red flags but at the same time if they are on our side that would be beneficial to us. So my answer is B)
No. 1096344 ID: 355e44

B) Sounds like a direct approach is best, no tricks or fancy words.
No. 1096351 ID: 2f533b

So they're reclusive but can be negotiated with. Which is fine because we have an ace in the hole. We effectively have both them as well as their rivals in a prisoner's dilemma here. See the curse prohibits either from invading us - key word invading. Letting forces walk through to get at their rivals is not invading. Worst case is both sides fail to cooperate but are either side willing to bet their rivals won't leap at the chance? While best case is both sides cooperate and we act as mediators - while reaping rewards from both sides. Just remember a key rule, "when in rome do as the romans do," and diplomacy should prevail.
No. 1096417 ID: f88514
File 172450688711.jpg - (6.85MB , 3510x3464 , Monster queen170.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Go down and talk with her.

B) Leave her alone, she needs some free space.

C) Send down Abdle.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1096418 ID: 29d91a

A) Go down and talk with her.
No. 1096419 ID: 355e44

B) Don't push her, talk with Abdle. He can tell Archer how Gramleza like to make jokes that go too far.
No. 1096436 ID: 27fceb

Go with the A) option
No. 1096437 ID: c5529d

I like C, and while Abdle does that, we lesser demons can speak to Archer.

If C doesnt get much support, I'll choose B
No. 1096462 ID: 27314f

Eh, going with >>1096419
No. 1096505 ID: f88514
File 172467354091.jpg - (4.43MB , 3508x2052 , Monster queen171.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked for the first question:

A) Abdle is right he doesn't need to be in the cage.

B) Bobbie is right Abdle needs to be in the cage.

C) Other suggestions.

Since I see another participator in this quest. I want to say welcome to my story and I hope you enjoy my work. If there are any questions feel free to ask to ask them in the the discussion thread of this quest.
No. 1096520 ID: 8e549f

Well since Adble didn't say it I will. Gramleza was lying Archer and lying big. Since he failed he gets the cage. Perhaps he'd get a little security consideration if he undid Gramleza screwing up team cohesiveness. He needs to be selectively edited too.
No. 1096523 ID: 27fceb

Abdle is correct, Bobbie seems like she is going to be today with a bad attitude and he should be on a standby.
No. 1096542 ID: 355e44

That does look useful, as a decoy. Because you wouldn't actually lock Abdle in a horrible prison without at a least discussing it beforehand, right? Hide him in a sleeve or pocket.
No. 1096557 ID: c5529d

If you think about it, we are going to be speaking with some very powerful people. I don't think they would allow a cat to be sneaking around the area, especially if our negotiations do good and we form a partnership. What I'm saying is that the cat being here would be a huge risk for her. Armor will be last resort.

buuuut, if we want that extra protection since we aren't using the armor, I say we have the archer should focus on standing gaurd and keeping a lookout for anything suspicious, like the cat while Bobbie and Abdle attend the meeting. Archers have very good perception after all.
No. 1096605 ID: 3c76e9
File 172486703444.jpg - (4.29MB , 3499x2088 , Monster queen172.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked for the first question:

A) what a unique name.

B) Is that your last name?

C) It is a pleasure to meet you.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1096622 ID: 355e44

c) its a trick, don't comment on the name. Maintain your dignity.
No. 1096674 ID: 27fceb

Hello mister Motherfucker, it is a pleasure to meet you.
No. 1096714 ID: c5529d


Anybody in our group who even snickers at their names gets a smack in the back of the head...


No. 1096748 ID: e46b34
File 172518024127.jpg - (4.87MB , 3192x3118 , Monster queen173.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Still keep the apple in the pocket

B) Pull out the apple out of the pocket.

C) Put the apple in the cage.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1096777 ID: 5de8cd

Go with B) Abdle has stayed in the pocket long enough and the cat won't attack us while we are in the tribe.
No. 1096794 ID: 355e44

Abdle needs a less exposed place to sit. You should get a basket to carry him in maybe.
No. 1096825 ID: 65968d

Well if Abdle is out in the open it might bait the cat which would help convince these guys. Since it's a violation of sovereignty and all plus we'd have mutual enemies. Downside is we may lose Abdle. So do you prefer discomfort or being bait Abdle?
No. 1096856 ID: c5529d

maybe when the meeting officially start, we'll pull him out.
No. 1096888 ID: 42311e
File 172541161889.jpg - (5.91MB , 3508x2822 , Monster queen174.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Give Abdle to the Druid.

B) Don't give Abdle to the Druid.

C) Other suggestions.
No. 1096935 ID: d0fe53

Huh? He can speak and listen without having him in your hands. What more do you need to do?
No. 1096936 ID: c5529d

Yeah sure, lets have Abdle hang out with the druid for awhile. It'll help establish a good relationship and trust. If we are lucky, Maybe even use his healing powers to make Abdle less rotten and fresh like a green apple for a few weeks to a month until he is rotten again.

Though Please do correct the Druid by letting him know Abdle is not an "it".

This could also work for us too because if the cat does show up (which i doubt) she could target the apple basket bobbie is holding thinking abdle is in there while abdle is with the druid, the perfect distraction, hehehehe.
No. 1096945 ID: 27fceb

Go with A) this person is respected in the tribe and if he likes us that will go a long way.
No. 1096973 ID: 355e44

B) you and Abdle are a team, and this is a negotiation. Neither should go anywhere without the other.
Also every magic user we've met has been crazy or sketchy. No way should we leave Abdle with one we don't even know.
No. 1096995 ID: a632cf
File 172554871787.jpg - (7.26MB , 3508x3489 , Monster queen175.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Tell the Druid to show you.

B) Don't show interest in what the Druid is saying.

C) Tell the Druid that you are not interested.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1096998 ID: 584276

No. 1097014 ID: 3e9b65

Have an idea of where this is going. Still, perhaps unexpected insights will show themselves. Wisdom can arrive from even the lowest of low places. Quite frankly this is far from the lowest of low. Props to druid for getting psychology out of Abdle without his usual... defensiveness.
No. 1097031 ID: c5529d

Curious. Lets check it out, but take what he says with a grain of salt. See what he shows us can apply to how you already rule, and we can mix some aspects he shows you with yours.
No. 1097042 ID: 27fceb

Let the Druid show what he is talking about.
No. 1097127 ID: 42cdd2
File 172574771463.jpg - (4.76MB , 3360x2768 , Monster queen176.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Give the order to kill Worm Work.

B) Calm down the queen.

C) Remain silent.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1097128 ID: c6c371

B. Cool it. Attacking him will only cause our hosts here to become agressive towards us. This is most likely like taking a vaccination shot, where youll be sick for a lil bit before getting better and stronger... uh you guys invented vaccinations here in this world yet, right?

Though make it known you wish he would have let us know what he was doing before doing something so aggressive.
No. 1097130 ID: a3f820

Stay cool. He's on our side for negotiations. However telling him off is justified. He said he'd tell us a way that beats subjugating. He did not tell us he'd do... this. We have no idea if this has downsides or side effects. He keeps asking for forgiveness rather than permission which is the main issue. One day perhaps we will refuse to forgive. Don't push us.
No. 1097145 ID: 355e44

B) Wormworks secretive agenda is more and more seeming like a danger to us all. But this is not the place to do anything about it. Better to lull him into complacency, execute him quietly the next time he is at the castle.

For know you still need to impress the Headsplitters, so just move on.
No. 1097152 ID: 5de8cd

While we were in your dream you mentioned that today we could kill you so easily. So were you telling the truth or were you just lying.
No. 1097178 ID: 341e77
File 172583522279.jpg - (4.12MB , 3476x1929 , Monster queen177.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Ask Worm Work any question that comes to your mind.

B) Tell the whole tribe who he is.

C) Remain silent.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1097183 ID: 27fceb

Does Worm Lord mean anything to you?
No. 1097185 ID: c5529d

Hey, now we won't have to worry about the cat kidnapping him as she will just see a golden apple and Abdle can stop complaining about how we are hiding him.

might want to hide him from thieves that might find him valuable though.

A. Ask if there is anything we should know about the tribe before the meeting, like any rules or laws we should be aware of that we shouldn't break or prevent culture shock. We already were surprised about the people having interesting names

rather not kill wormworks with B
No. 1097186 ID: c5529d

oh right, we should ask how long Abdle's metamorphosis is. Hopefully not years.
No. 1097187 ID: 355e44

Hold WW's identity as a backup bargaining chip to sweeten any deal we make. For now stop wasting time with this jerk.
No. 1097193 ID: ee839d

How far do you think you can push us before we react to you like the headsplitters do?
No. 1097225 ID: 7f0a18
File 172596495918.jpg - (6.00MB , 3510x2672 , Monster queen178.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked for the first one:

A) Order Worm Works to tell you about Worm Lord.

B) Tell Worm Works to tell you about Worm Lord.

C) Ignore the existence of the Worm Lord.

D) Other suggestions.

Possible answers to the question that was asked for the second one:

A) Tell that your weakness is that you can't fight anybody.

B) Tell that your weakness is that you are too naive.

C) Tell that your weakness is that you can't stop lying.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1097227 ID: c5529d

Well, Bobbie, we're told to be vulgar around here, so give it a try: go ahead and call wormworks dickwanks. No offense, just getting Bobbie accustomed to the culture.

C for the first one, it's obvious we're not going to get a clear answer from him, and he's too nervous to speak about it and is a waste of time at the moment. Was an interesting reaction though. We'll find out later I think, when he's ready, or we stumble across learning about him ourselves. Let's stay on topic with the matter on hand

I think B for the second question. Lying can be beneficial, and there are workarounds to not being able to fight as we can have others fight our battles for example.
No. 1097229 ID: f38138

Oh I do believe you're underhandedly helping. However I might be the only one that gets how that may be useful. We are a team and I'm only one voice. So the catch is you are one voice but nevertheless you force decisions on us. While I still believe you are a loyalist the others may not be so inclined. Even I have my limits on being pushed too. Just a warning to keep in mind. Per - let's call him WL - I'll take your word. Seems like trouble, far too much to ever be worthwhile. Weakness during the siege, eh? Have to say it's that we had no proper backup plans ready to go. Had he called the bluff it was done, we lose. Period. We need options where several things must fail to get to a losing scenario.
No. 1097236 ID: 355e44

It's fine, don't tell us about Worm Lord. Only, by withholding that information you make it obvious we should look into it ourselves. Perhaps you'd like to make sure we don't get the wrong idea?

You know it's only helping if we agree on the end goal. So why don't you tell us what you think are our weaknesses. I have the feeling we'll disagree.
Though I would say Bobbie's main weakness is getting flustered at people's harsh words.
No. 1097255 ID: 27fceb

I peek behind the curtains and saw something that I shouldn't have. I just hope that I didn't invite anything with mentioning WL.
No. 1097270 ID: d4b03b
File 172609750081.jpg - (6.53MB , 3510x2781 , Monster queen179.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Tell her that you need the apple back.

B) Tell her that the apple is dangerous to hold.

C) Tell her that she can keep the apple.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1097281 ID: 5292b7

C. As shady as Wormworks is, he does have a plan to help us as he mentioned multiple times, and im sure we will get Abdle back later. Play along, but reiterate what the druid said that it is more for her father
No. 1097289 ID: 86980a

Option 2 seems well-rounded. Her dying would be bad for negotiations.
No. 1097297 ID: 27fceb

Tell her that we should be the one who deliver the gift to her father. Just don't present yourself in a desperate way when asking.
No. 1097320 ID: 63709c

B) tell her it would have been a good gift, but this guy did something to it, and now it bites. We wouldn't insult with such a paltry gift, let us take it back to get rid of.
No. 1097376 ID: 749232
File 172629942356.jpg - (6.98MB , 3508x3016 , Monster queen180.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Go with Nasty Shit to drink.

B) Send Archer to go and drink with Nasty Shit.

C) Send Worm Work to go and drink with Nasty Shit.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1097378 ID: c5529d

A. hell yeah drinks! GOGOGOGO!

err... i mean

hanging out with her will make for good relationships with her, and if we keep on her good side, we'll keep on her father's good side, or at least she can give him a good word about us.

that trick Abdle did can actually probably help against the cat if she steals him... not saying that we should let him get kidnapped on purpose, just that it's another layer of protection.
No. 1097385 ID: 27fceb

My vote is for Worm Work to go for a drink. Just the chaos of those two people being drunk is the main reason for wanting to see it happen.
No. 1097399 ID: 355e44

A) It would be rude to refuse
No. 1097430 ID: 78de2a

Well it seems Gray can be of use. How surprising. He still needs pragmatism to temper him though. Drink a little. However too much will be bad for negotiations so don't have too much of the stuff.
No. 1097473 ID: df64c0
File 172649089294.jpg - (2.93MB , 2637x2184 , Monster queen181.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked for the first one:

A) Nasty can you put me down?

B) Thank you for carrying me.

C) Can you switch the way how you carry me?

D) Other suggestions.

Possible answers to the question that was asked for the second one:

A) I will take the basket.

B) The Archer, should keep the basket.

C) Worm Work, should keep the basket.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1097482 ID: 5de8cd

Let her carry you and take the basket, simple as that
No. 1097484 ID: c5529d

C. this carrying position seems a bit too romantic for my tastes, and Bobbie seems uncomfy about it (don't tell your reasons why you want to be switched) Ask for a piggyback ride instead (by that, I mean ride on her shoulders) that way we can get a view and better vantage point from up high!

I think archer should take the basket so that he can feel more responsible, and to show we trust him. Also We don't need the worms removed from the apple.

though I'm fine with bringing the basket with us too.
No. 1097486 ID: 355e44

Archer should keep the basket, as Bobbie seems she will be rather harried for a while.
Guard it well, especially against creeps in masks.
No. 1097549 ID: ec26e4

We'd prefer to walk ourselves. Our archer gets basket since he's loyal and is aware of who to avoid.
No. 1097558 ID: 4b8fae
File 172678488474.jpg - (4.38MB , 3301x2307 , Monster queen182.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked for the first one:

A) Drink the whole alcohol glass.

B) Drink half of the alcohol glass.

C) Don't drink alcohol.

D) Other suggestions.

Possible answers to the question that was asked for the second one:

A) Talk about funny stories.

B) Talk about serious topics.

C) Talk about your and her dreams.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1097559 ID: 335de3

For drinking, A. To earn their respect, you gotta drink drink drink. Its part of their culture.
No. 1097565 ID: 355e44

Second question A) to get a feel for their culture but in a casual way.
No. 1097571 ID: 89950d

Just sip. Look like you're savoring. So what's life like as chief's kid? High expectations? Follow up - if it's okay with her that is - so why aren't you hunting too? Just prefer drinks?
No. 1097579 ID: 27fceb

Drink the whole thing, that will surely impress her. As for the topic go with first with a funny stories, later we can switch to a more serious topic.
No. 1097605 ID: 1160c4
File 172691292876.jpg - (4.27MB , 2756x2710 , Monster queen183.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Tell the truth about your brother.

B) Don't talk about your brother.

C) Offer the executioner as somebody who would be interested in interacting with her

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1097615 ID: c5529d

D. Don't go into detail about your brother. Just say that you have/had one, but you have no idea where or what he's up to.
No. 1097616 ID: 355e44

B) that's in the past, lets talk about the future.
No. 1097623 ID: 27fceb

If the brother is still alive just mention it but don't go into more details about it.
No. 1097624 ID: 865177

Will back Polt on this. Hunting goblins perhaps? Like a crude Romeo/Juliet thing?
No. 1097657 ID: 1160c4
File 172700614495.jpg - (1.90MB , 2478x1310 , Monster queen184.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Don't make her talk more about her brother.

B) Ask her more about her brother.

C) Change the subject.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1097682 ID: 355e44

C) yeah, down with brothers! You can commiserate on how annoying goblins are instead.
No. 1097722 ID: 5de8cd

Ask her if there is something that she is afraid of.
No. 1097747 ID: c5529d

C. Ask what she herself does to make her father happy. This feels like a good transition from talking about her brother to a new topic.

I'd leave out the annoying goblins topic part personally, if she talks about what we said to goblins to goblins, it might hurt our relationships with goblins.
No. 1097896 ID: b529cb
File 172743533216.jpg - (7.93MB , 3508x4121 , Monster queen185.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) I didn't fuck any goblin in my castle.

B) I would like to help you with the hunt for that forest creature.

C) Let's change the subject.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1097901 ID: c5529d

D. tell her that even if it feels like she's not making her father happy, the fact that he is terrified that the deer might kill her shows that he still loves her.

Still, I'm not saying she should give up on hunting that deer. Tell her that if this is about proving to her father that she isn't weak, having a goal to kill the deer and protect the citizens from it is a goal she can strive for. But if she wants to show her father she strong enough and capable to take on the deer like he is, she has to first put in the effort to gain the strength, experience, and courage to gain her father's approval to go after the deer.

For example, ask what animals and monsters she had hunted and mounted on the walls, or used as a rug as trophies to show for her expertise in hunting? How many of them did she hunt herself without much help? And how dangerous were those creatures she hunted? a good way to gain her father's approval to hunt the deer and to gain the courage to go after the deer is to set short term goals to continue growing her collection of trophies of mounted heads of dangerous animals, starting small with coyotes, wolves, mountain lions, then going after more progressively ferocious animals like bears, and then monsters. After taking the time and effort, and growing her collection of trophies, she can in this way show her father she has gained the strength, knowledge, and the courage to go after the deer.
No. 1097932 ID: 355e44

sound advice
No. 1097949 ID: 27fceb

I am getting a bad feeling from that deer thing. Ask her if she has a hunting team in order to take it down for good and if she does ask if she would like us to join her.
No. 1098032 ID: 8fd6c0

We don't do that with goblins. So anyway Polt has the general idea but Bass hits on a crucial thing as well. She has to have a team she trusts and can rely on to help. So while improving herself she can also improve her team's strength, tactics, and cohesiveness. Probably social bonds as a bonus.
No. 1098089 ID: 05f22f
File 172780452102.jpg - (2.81MB , 2935x1526 , Monster queen186.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Change the subject.

B) Lie that you won't tell her father what she is trying to do.

C) Confront the daughter about her plan.

D) Other suggestions.

Because it is October first there is something special planned for all of you.

No. 1098099 ID: 27fceb

Tell Nasty that you will inform her father about her plan, because she is being unreasonable. She will only get herself killed if she goes alone.
No. 1098103 ID: 355e44

C) keep being a belligerent drunk, run through her plan with you playing the roll of the deer.
No. 1098109 ID: c5529d

Agreed. Something tells me she is going to go after that deer, no matter what we say. Make it clear you won't stop her, but you would like to listen in to what her plan is, go through scenarios, and give our thoughts and ideas.

I will say, she doesn't have to do this alone. I'm sure there are plenty of strong people who wants to take down that deer too, and building a party can be beneficial. Doing it with a team isn't cowardly, it's just as viable as say, using a weapon. Plenty of monsters out there can't be taken down with just a single strong warrior, no matter how strong they are.

We might have to consider sending our top goblin warrior, and/or the archer to go into the forest and secretly search and protect Nasty if she decides to sneak away later today to hunt the deer.
No. 1098134 ID: c5529d

(to clarify, I mean if Nasty decides to sneak off, we send one of our members to secretly search and keep an eye on Nasty without her knowing)
No. 1098136 ID: 47c854

Hey I do love the gumption but do you have a plan at all? Was a princess once and I saw a lotta guys who only had bravery go off by themselves. Do some quest or stuff. Lot of 'em disappeared. Folks who had a team and a plan were usually the ones who got back alive. Successful too. So this ain't no parental concerns. Or fear or none of that stuff. Just what I seen of things. Like, how is you going off and getting killed my problem at all? Seriously ain't my issue. What is my issue is that fear your tribe has. Like, pragmatically as a ruler you succeeding just gives me one less headache to deal with. So I'm just attemptin' to tilt the odds. Otherwise I'd hafta send my gobbos to kill the thing. Havin' stuff like that in my backyard is just gonna get a bunch o' my gobbos dead. Got enough problems without a bunch of gobbo corpses.
No. 1098191 ID: c5529d

this sounds like a fun response too
No. 1098280 ID: b93ba2
File 172816382372.jpg - (6.82MB , 3510x2871 , Monster queen187.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Ask her if you would like to join her on the hunt.

B) Ask her if she would like you to create your hunting team to kill that deer.

C) Tell her that her plan will only get her killed.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1098288 ID: 355e44

B) although, a cool hunter like her probably has her own cool people to bring. Ask about that, and if she doesn't have a party in mind then offer some of your people's services.
No. 1098294 ID: c5529d

D. As she said before, she wants to do this by herself alone, so she'll most likely refuse any offer for allies, and telling her the plan will get her killed will just get her angry. Instead, I propose we get more information on her plan, ask her to wait so we can build her some weapons or armor later, and decide among ourself whether to secretly send someone to help her.

She's going to do this alone, yes, but what exactly will she be doing? Like is she going to be setting traps (Perhaps she can take those hooves with her as bait)? how will she be camping and protecting the campsite? just exploring the forest until she spots it? What armor or weapon does she need, cause our spider can probably build some strong armor and weapon for her if she is patient a bit more. We should let her know once we get things situated, we can offer her different kinds of armor, some of which are magical like silver that protect against ghosts, which the deer might probably be. We'll need moneys first

Most importantly, speaking of waiting, if she doesn't want to wait for our spider to smith some stuff for her, I want to know when she is planning on hunting.

Because once we know when she is leaving assuming we can't have her wait for us to make her armor and weapons, from there, we could set a deadline for when to craft her some weapons, and decide whether we can send some goblin warrior like Gramlera and/or the archer to secretly follow her without her and the deer knowing so that if Nasty gets into shit, they can distract the deer and rescue Nasty if she gets into danger.

another option could be we could probably go ourself too, that way, us spirits can give Nasty advice if Bobbie is nearby. Gotta have Nasty as an ally first. But our castle probably needs us.
No. 1098299 ID: 1181ab

Hardly a plan at all. Like ya gotta flush it out by like, setting up a forest fire. Don't just let it set how the fight goes. Why it could just wait for you to sleep, since ya gotta once enough time passes. Plus there's the whole mist thing. What if it flees? Gonna need flammable gas plus a torch or a way to freeze the misty stuff. Or some such thing. Don't play it's game but set up a game so that it only loses. Gotta use both brains and brawn to win this. Still say a team would help too.
No. 1098300 ID: 27fceb

Why do I get the feeling that this is also a way for you to protect the other people from the tribe by going to the hunt alone.
No. 1098368 ID: b93ba2
File 172838591545.jpg - (4.43MB , 2570x2600 , Monster queen188.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) I want to go with you to the hunt.

B) I want to give you some of my people to help you in the hunt.

C) I want to give you some equipment.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1098379 ID: 355e44

B) don't get carried away, you know you would be unhelpful on a hunt Bobbie. What with the unable to do damage thing. But you have a lot of competent folk in your service.
No. 1098382 ID: 27fceb

Oh no Bobbie is drunk!
No. 1098392 ID: d8e647

I like C most. We need our goblins and fighters, and we have potential to make some pretty unique armor and weapons if Nasty is willing to wait for it.
No. 1098404 ID: d0e338

Also reason why I am choosing to give armor and weapon over sending our goblins, if we send our troops and her father finds out, he will not be happy with us. At least with armor and weapon, it'll be harder to trace the source to us.
No. 1098515 ID: dab87a

>>1098404 Eh, still could be traced but that's easily dealt with. "Oh yeah, she bought armor from us. We didn't ask why since you guys are warriors. Just figured she needed a good set since our smiths just do superlative jobs." Perhaps Gram could give advice while she's fitted.
No. 1098611 ID: 2fa6b6
File 172898034379.jpg - (3.05MB , 2680x1991 , Monster queen189.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Drink the potion.

B)Refuse it.

C) Take it but don't drink it.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1098614 ID: eb853d

Will trust Wormworks on this one. Doubt he'd get much out of botched negotiations.
No. 1098617 ID: c5529d

Yeah drink it. After all, if we don't drink it, the tribe members will get suspicious of him
No. 1098619 ID: 355e44

It would look odd for Bobbie to just take something from a supposed stranger, and this state of drunkenness can be used to cast suspicion on WW. Ask Nasty if you should trust this fellow, who hides behind a mask.
No. 1098640 ID: 27fceb

No matter how much it would be funny to see Bobbie drunk during the negotiations, it would be for the best if we avoid that scenario. Take the drink
No. 1098840 ID: 05aa5e
File 172950145744.jpg - (3.31MB , 2048x2368 , Monster queen190.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Introduce yourself.

B) Shake his hand.

C) Spit in his face.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1098846 ID: 27fceb

Go with the A
No. 1098861 ID: 355e44

A) unless you heard of any other customs of theirs you should be doing.
No. 1098916 ID: 270e3b

Go with 1. Probably toss in a bit of flattery like "Your reputation of bravery precedes you" or stuff like that without sounding sycophantic because that will go bad.
No. 1098945 ID: 6562c3

A. Also give a good word on her daughter by mentioning being impressed by her strength
No. 1099024 ID: 9a1c51
File 172990173257.jpg - (2.73MB , 3176x1364 , Monster queen191.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Do you usually hunt goblins?

B) What did the goblin do to deserve death?

C) This will make it difficult for us to work together.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1099031 ID: c5529d

B. Let's hear what he has to say. could be an evil goblin that deserved it.
No. 1099035 ID: 355e44

B) having some trouble? brigands or thieves maybe?
No. 1099037 ID: 27fceb

Go with A, we need to know if this is something that has been happening on multiple occasions.
No. 1099040 ID: 501868

Steady on lassie. Our protection only applies to gobbos we command. So this was not one of ours. Pragmatically (and ruthlessly) this might actually be good because it may drive rival gobbos to join us. For protection from this.
No. 1099041 ID: c5529d

A very good point!
No. 1099351 ID: 150ac3
File 173073250764.jpg - (3.03MB , 2129x1957 , Monster queen192.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Are you threatening me?

B) It won't come to that.

C) If you want to start a fight that will be a battle, one which you can't win.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1099356 ID: ec1d93

Killing one of our people would be declaration of war. By all means if you catch one of ours, return them to us and they will be punished to match their crime, including execution if warranted. And they could of course demand recompense from us.
But the execution of our citizens may only happen on our terms.

This courtesy of course we would extend to any of their people who got lost or kidnapped or whatever, and ended up in our territory.
No. 1099359 ID: c5529d

I'd like to hear Gray opportunity's advice and plans on how we can go about doing this, even if we have to use fear to manipulate the goblins to join us.

right now, I'm thinking we should ask where these goblins are coming from. If these goblins are knowingly trespassing in their territory for food, they could be desperate enough to risk their lives for survival, which means they might be more willing to join with us if we were to relocate a lot of them to our territory so that the goblins can remain safe to thrive with better opportunity, while the Headsplitters won't have to worry about goblins invading their territory as much again.
No. 1099363 ID: c5529d

Another possible idea if we want to go in a route that will make us appear stronger than we are, we can tell the headsplitters leader Heartbeat that you and your loyal subjects will go and deal with the invading goblins personally so that the headsplitters won't get invaded by goblins again, and then we secretly let the goblins join us and relocate them to our castle with better opportunity and shelter, and food. That way, we can appear strong to the headsplitters for being able to appear that we've taken down a majority of the entire goblin tribe, and the new goblins will live better lives in our castle while being loyal towards us to help strengthen our castle, and army.

If Heartbeat questions this wondering why we would fight other goblins if we have goblins on our side following us, we can explain that just like how there are good humans, and evil humans, there are good goblins, and bad goblins. If Heartbeat offers some of his hunters to help us, we can refuse by telling them that you need an element of surprise, and having a hunter will only raise the goblin's guard up or run away since they see the hunters as a threat. Plus you'd rather have the hunters keep all their focus on hunting for food instead of helping us deal with the problem. It'll also be a good way to prove yourselves to them too to show how strong you are.

Other than that, my answer will be B for the question
No. 1099366 ID: 6ed133

He is bluffing, we all know that because of the curse he is not allowed to send his people to our castle. Call him out on his lie, tell him that it won't work for him to act though.
No. 1099415 ID: 4492b6

>>1099359 >>1099363 From my broad strokes you have made a masterpiece.
No. 1099490 ID: 65be43
File 173107308222.jpg - (5.23MB , 3080x3102 , Monster queen193.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Greet the Leaf Leader.

B) Ask to buy the prisoner.

C) Ignore all the newcomers.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1099509 ID: 27fceb

Let's introduce ourselves to the Leaf Leader
No. 1099514 ID: 355e44

B) I mean, if they don't want it. Just look at that hat! Maybe he really is a prince.
No. 1099521 ID: de430b

C (for now.)

If we want to convince the goblins to join with us later, we can't be all chummy with them inf front of the goblin prince cause then the goblin prince won't trust us and see us as their enemies' ally after they caught him as a prisoner.

And buying him will just make them suspicious of us as we just told their leader we will deal with the goblins personally. Will be odd that we would want to buy one after saying we want to deal with them.
No. 1099620 ID: 42c724

Either he's a fake which makes him useless or he's legit which gives us a power vacuum to fill. Prince implies a king/queen though. So who are these leaf people? Perhaps related to the druids?
No. 1099745 ID: fffdf0
File 173154937848.jpg - (6.02MB , 3128x2890 , Monster queen194.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Remain calm and see where this meeting will go.

B) Curse Heathbeath for this betrayal.

C) Share with everyone in this room just how much you hate humanity.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1099747 ID: 355e44

A) Let him make the first move, gauge how to respond.
No. 1099751 ID: e5bbc1

A for now. I think Heartbeat is trying to get us to make amends in some way. For now, let's wait and see.

I wonder if Wormworks knew Iron was here this whole time.
No. 1099765 ID: e2760c

Ooooooohhhhh! I just realizes, Iron being here is exactly why Wormworks turned Abdle gold, because then he will think Abdle is not with us, and his cat can search elsewhere for Abdle, probably steal our decoy (Yakbeet)

And I want to change my vote

D. Act sincere towards him. This will be a fun way to play mind games with him, and appear friendly in the eyes of the others so that if Iron dredge gets aggressive towards us, he will be seen as the rude one. Plus it will make you look confident.

Be like "Ahhhh... Iron Dredge, so glad we finally meet at last. Please sit down, we all got much business to discuss".
No. 1099772 ID: 27fceb

Go with the C option, let's see how they all will react seeing you telling how you really feel
No. 1099805 ID: 35419c

Please tell me we can speak to Gram from here. Our scouts would have a field day with this once he leaves. Perhaps we'd even pull off an assassination of dredge. Either way we are dealing with warriors so stay strong. Do not look weak at all. Just subtly act as if dredge is of lower status. Stay cool, see where this goes.
No. 1099839 ID: 6ba765
File 173176606659.jpg - (4.26MB , 2821x2205 , Monster queen195.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Remain silent.

B) Free parking space.

C) Try not to share with everyone in this room just how much you hate humanity.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1099840 ID: 5b1723

Dredge is digging his own grave. He either has to accept this or threaten conquering these guys. Should he threaten he'll drive them to our side. Let him dig. Don't stop an enemy when they're making a mistake.
No. 1099844 ID: 355e44

A) let the humans bicker. Try to get a hint of what Heartbeat and Leaf Leader's agendas are.
No. 1099865 ID: c5529d

Humans, right Bobbie? so annoying. But hey, that's politics for ya.

A for now, but this is an opportune moment here to pay close attention on everyone's agenda is, but also to see what makes them tick in an argument for when we need to talk our way to victory. Pay attention to how they are feeling, how they say things, and how they react to different moments in the conversation that we can exploit for later

Also, be sure to take a look at how the leaf leader and his servant are reacting to the argument. How are their reactions and facial expressions to certain moments? do they get annoyed? angered, worried, happy, indifferent? Just because they don't get involved in an argument, doesn't mean we can't find something about them that we can be informed about them, like their feelings to certain things.

But I will say that later, we will probably have to jump in the argument to calm down the situation to help Heartbeat out of it
No. 1099923 ID: 27fceb

8 don't like it that the c option is a recurring motive, not to mention that the other suggestion has been wired. Bobbie are you feeling alright?
No. 1099978 ID: 207b18
File 173193259120.jpg - (3.89MB , 2842x2091 , Monster queen196.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Tell him that he is bluffing.

B) Take cover behind your chair.

C) Ignore how much you hate humanity.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1100030 ID: da40bf

Get ready to dodge if need be. "Even if you had good intentions rather than an avaricious desire for the castle, even if you did manage to end my existence, death would solve nothing. What future would you build Dredge? Do you even have a vision beyond my end?"
No. 1100032 ID: c5529d

D, we will have to lie our way through by making them think that Abdle is not with us, since from their perception, it is only a gold apple that we have, while also playing into Heartbeat's fear of this becoming an escalation with the battles expanding to his territory.

Remind Iron Dredge that Heartbeat does not want to escalate the conflict and have his warriors dragged into this, and killing you here is a surefire way to have that happen, as for one thing, Abdle is not with you, as you knew something like this could happen. So killing you here will not stop your kingdom at all, nor will it solve anything for him as Abdle will still be alive and in control of things at your kingdom and the conflict won't stop. In fact, killing you here will only force Abdle's hand himself and escalate the conflict from possible misunderstanding.
No. 1100037 ID: 6c233e

D) counter-bluff. "You know if it was that simple to defeat me, Ramming Rage would have done it."

Thank Heartbeat for going to the trouble of setting this up, but it seems that it was a waste of time.
No. 1100040 ID: 27fceb

He is just trying to intimidate you, I don't think that he truly believes that he will be able to kill us with an axe swing. He is losing influence in this room and is desperate to take control in any way
No. 1100113 ID: 6a5cc1
File 173210322940.jpg - (5.74MB , 3487x2256 , Monster queen197.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Tell him that Abdle is here.

B) Tell him that Abdle is not here.

C) Tell him that it is none of his business.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1100127 ID: 682ca3

B. Like I said, this is likely why Wormworks turned him gold, to hide Abdle from Iron Dredge. So we gotta pretend hes not here.
Tell him the best thing about having two people ruling a kingdom is that one person can take care of business in one place, while the other can take care of other business in another place. But you do apologize that he couldnt be here today. So much to do, so little time.

This will make you appear responsible hardworking royals to Heartbeat and the leaf leader
No. 1100130 ID: 682ca3

Alternatively, another idea could be D: tell him you won't answer his question about the demon apple until he answers your question he refused to answer. You are not giving answers willy-nilly that easily.

he did mention not wanting to answer our question to give us ammo against him, so it must be too important to not let us know.

Of course, we still won't let him know the truth that Abdle is with us. Instead, we can just tell him where the decoy is located at.
No. 1100152 ID: b138f1

"One for one? We each have a question so we take turns." Give one of Will's responses.
No. 1100154 ID: 6ed133

A fair exchange would be the best way to learn a little bit about him while answering his questions.
No. 1100169 ID: 6c233e

I would second this
No. 1100205 ID: 6a5cc1
File 173232109846.jpg - (2.45MB , 2246x1617 , Monster queen198.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Answer his question.

B) Don't answer his question.

C) Try to change the subject.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1100220 ID: 9cf8d5

Well credit where it's due. Worthy goal to have people with destructive personalities be channeled to positive goals. We hope that you realize soon we are not a negative thing to be eliminated. Per your question Abdle is busy during these negotiations. Having co-rulers does mean things can be done in two places at once (zero lies even if it is very misleading - he's busy "changing" and the second sentence is just a fact but not in use). Just as you have a responsibility to your people so do we. So here's our followup. Since the castle was abandoned it would have dilapidated without people to maintain its status. We are doing you a free service and we would be willing to allow the landlord to visit freely so as to assure we are not up to no good. Why do you object to our tenancy and given our need for a place to stay do you have ideas for where we could go where our people would be safe as we would be in the castle?
No. 1100223 ID: 6c233e

A) Abdle is busy with other matters, thats all. And for the record, we were sold the castle under false pretenses. If it hadn't appeared completely abandoned we wouldn't have taken it.
No. 1100235 ID: 2e49be

A. Let him know the location of the decoy. Dont let him know Abdle is here. It will make Bobbie appear she is a woman of her word to everyone here

Here is the game plan, we have to pretend that we want to make ammends with iron Dredge, so try not to be too accusatory or confrontational. The goal is to make Heartbeat and leaf leader think we are the ones trying to make things work while Iron Dredge is being unreasonable and incompetent, and will make them trust us more if conflict inevitably does break out.

That said, say something along the lines of
"ah, so you forgive those who has committed evil acts and give them a second chance to redeem themselves for their actions by allowing them to work with you. That's honorable of you. In that case, you wouldnt be opposed to forgive us for our actions and allow us another chance to redeem ourselves by letting our two kingdoms to work together then?"

This might put him on the spot, if he declines, he shows himself to Leaf Leader and Heartbeat as a liar if hes willing to bring in and trust people who has done terrible deeds enough to get exiled but not us who had similarly done something evil in his eyes, and that he may have ulterior motives
No. 1100329 ID: 27fceb

Tell him, we're not so different you and I.
No. 1100353 ID: 8fff14
File 173251496692.jpg - (6.98MB , 3508x3117 , Monster queen199.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Talk with Heartbeat.

B) Try to talk with Dredge.

C) The thought of hating humans is coming back.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1100355 ID: ad0f7c

Have you forgotten we are guests? We are only allowed to stay by the will of the one hosting us. Heartbeat he has respect for you so perhaps he'd be less opposed to proposals from you rather than us?
No. 1100371 ID: 239831

Doing good so far, Bobbie. He gave us ammo to work with with his own lies if we want to show Heartbeat and Leaf Leader that Iron Dredge is untrustworthy to work with.

I think the direction we have to go now is to try and show that Iron Dredge have a more ulterior motive than just get rid of monsters, and there is something one of his followers did that proves that isn't just the case

Tell him "even if I did what you say and let my monster followers die and instead live with the peasants in the town in order to work with you, how can I trust you won't just attack the villagers after, especially when you had your cat theif terrorize them the other day? and might I add they are human villagers, not monsters. Is you refusing to settle our differences really all because you want to rid of my monsters living near the village? Or is that just an excuse and there something else you're purposely not revealing to us all here considering the fact you're harming the human villagers too?
No. 1100374 ID: 27fceb

We got this negotiations in the bag, nobody likes Dredge and how things might play out he is not making it easy for himself to he more likeable.
No. 1100380 ID: 6c233e

If he doesn't want to talk then so be it. Time to continue negotiating with Heartbeat. No doubt dredge will keep interrupting and making a nuisance of himself, but that just makes you look better.
If he tries to berate you anymore just tell him that you won't listen to someone who would ask you to betray your people.
No. 1100403 ID: 01d95d
File 173266631744.jpg - (6.88MB , 3424x3246 , Monster queen200.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) ...............

B) ...............

C) ...............

D) No other suggestions.
No. 1100404 ID: 6c233e

That's only a half truth. We threatened your son, but he went and got himself killed all on his own. Back alley doctors will do that to ya.

We won't apologize for defending ourselves, but it is regrettable how things turned out. He was a true warrior, defiant to the end. IF we can do anything to honor his memory please let us know.

(shouldn't mention this in front of dredge, but archer can corroborate our side of the story.)
No. 1100419 ID: d8e7b9

Wow good thing we avoided credit in his death. So all we have to do is give our official line and...
>Option D
Hah well played DeVoid you glorious bastard, slightly railroad-y but good tension added. Well no suggestions to Bobbie? Fine. Wormworks you know our official line. Would you do the honors?
No. 1100422 ID: 0d05ce

Sounds like the way to go,

But if we can't suggest this for some reason as D dictated, then the druid (wormworks) will have to help her out of this mess.

Wormworks, can you hear us? I think Bobbie is shocked into beinf speechless, so I would like for you to bring the Archer in and have him tell everyone what he witnessed in the exchange. Immediatly tell everyone you actually spoke with a witness (the archer) of what happened, and you can bring him in to speak about what he witnessed. Thanks.
No. 1100430 ID: 0d05ce

This was a good idea too, though him speaking for us about what happened might make the others suspicious since he's pretending to be a druid of heatbeat in no way associated to us, which is why I am going in the direction of asking him to invite the archer un to speak for us as a witness.
No. 1100444 ID: 27fceb

Bobbie you need to focus, snap out of this confusion right now. We need to deny the death of Ramming Rage don't lose the control of this negotiations.
No. 1100447 ID: c5529d

y'know, I was doing some thinking, and I might be misremembering the curse, so correct me if I'm wrong: but what if the reason Iron Dredge thinks there is no curse is because he thinks Ramming Rage was killed by us during battle at our territory, and no curse happened since it was assumed fight that happened at our territory? might be something to keep in mind if true if he is confusing what happened there was a battle, and not a session of mind games like it actually was.

I'll end with some pep talk to Bobbie too, yes, this is a bad situation, but I will say with this path of becoming an overlord, there's going to be plenty of bad situations like this in the future, as well as good. And as far as this bad situation goes, while it is a curveball, it is not the worst situation as far as bad situations go. As one of us spirits said, you didn't take credit for his death earlier, so this situation could have actually gone a lot worse. Believe me, I've helped an extremely unlucky person before, and it was unbelievable the amount of trouble she couldn't get out of was. Compare to that, this is nothing more than a setback that we can easily get out of.

and if you need time to compose yourself, Wormworks, and hopefully maybe Archer even will vouch for you here.
No. 1100451 ID: 1e46c7

Eh, he said he spoke to the villagers so he could have "heard" we denied credit for rage's death while there. Does explain why rage opted for diplomacy though. He feared the curse hitting his people.
No. 1100462 ID: c5529d

good point.
No. 1100522 ID: e12dd1
File 173284804634.jpg - (5.76MB , 3243x2421 , Monster queen201.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Make it 500 coins and he is all yours.

B) He is not for sale!

C) It is up to him to choose that.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1100527 ID: c5529d

hmmmm... not voting yet as I want to hear what others say, but I'm thinking this could be a good opportunity for Victorio the archer to play double agent here, pretend he's joining Iron Dredge, and he can get a good idea of what Iron Dredge is planning on the inside. This is all considering he did Bobbie's test with the needle earlier.
No. 1100530 ID: 6c233e

Dredge seems rather unhinged, I wouldn't expect archer to last long. Would probably be executed as an example weather dredge thinks he's sincere or not.

Lets not humor this rambling. Tell Dredge he should be making this offer to Archer, then walk away. Its up to Archer if he follows you or not.
No. 1100566 ID: 27fceb

A) maybe we can sell him and when we beat his boss we get him back for free.

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