Shining Shining Cake
This is a toughie,
Alright, first, don't yell or anything when we tell you this, Abdle, but Wormworks put you in a golden coccoon to hide you, and make you stronger. Sadly you missed the negotiations, but don't worry, things went well all things considered. While we couldn't get soldiers to fight for us, we did manage to have Heartbeat cut ties with Iron Dredge, weakening his numbers, and we might be having more goblin allies depending how negotiations go with a goblin prince heartbeat captured and we released. We'll talk more about what happened later. For now, I need you to play along with this plan. Also, Heartbeat's daughter likes Bobbie, if we keep good relationships with her, then when she becomes leader, she will be a powerful ally with her troops.
C. The last thing we want is the crow to know that Abdle was in the golden apple, otherwise the crow has blackmail material on us. That said, instead of Abdle hatching out of the golden cocoon, like we always do, we have to lie and pretend that Abdle woke up, and destroyed the golden apple after waking up from a nap.
Bobbie, tell the crow to give you a few minutes, and then pick up the golden remains of the cocoon, realize the golden apple is destroyed, and start a pretend argument with Abdle. Yell at Abdle for destroying the precious golden apple gift Heartbeat gave you, claiming that was supposed to help the kingdom and its people financially.
Abdle, yell at Bobbie for putting it on top of you and making it hard to breath and move around, forcing you to destroy it, then yell at Bobbie for putting you to sleep in the first place, and making you miss negotiations. Accuse Bobbie of putting you to sleep because she thinks you're incompetent and terrible at negotiations.