Royal Chanting Cake
Sure enough, Ellie is determined to pay you back for earlier. She asks you to swap cards- and you turn it right around on her with the King.
“Come at the King, you best not miss!” you declare, flipping the card over to Ellie’s dismay. “The King dares you to… plunder and pillage Rocio’s panty drawer!”
“Pan-ty raid! Pan-ty raid!” the circle chants.
“Oh, no!” Ellie wails.
Ellie’s glow has faded more than a little as she got drunk. She’s a focus-oriented fairy, unlike Landi, whose glow is powered by being a social butterfly. A good, solid task like this should restore Ellie’s glow to a nice and healthy shine. Still, it’s on you to keep an eye on her as she takes a detour to the sorority house and make sure Drunk Ellie makes it to and back safely.
“Don’t you want to clear your head with a good ol’ homework assignment?” you ask. “It’ll be like extra credit for the party. Look how excited everyone is for you!”
Ellie’s glow brightens up immediately. If you position yourself as the Teacher, of course she’d be the Teacher’s Pet.
“I’ll go with her and make sure things don’t get too crazy,” you tell Landi, who nods, grateful not to have to leave the party. You’re a little disappointed you’re missing out on the fun too, but you knew what you signed up for when you took the deal to get Ellie along in the first place.
One Panty Raid Later…
Thankfully, Rocio was showering off her milk bath when you and Ellie snuck into her dorm room. Ellie took all the clean pairs, and you “helpfully” threw Rocio’s laundry pile into the wash for her (such a good friend, you are.) Stealth mission successful!
Unfortunately, by the time you get back to the party, you notice the pile of panties in Ellie’s arms has dwindled from when you set out. It seems Ellie isn’t that good at holding onto her catch- she’d make a terrible Viking. If Rocio follows the trail of undergarments, she’ll be led right here.
Well, you don’t feel like picking up the mess. Sunset was ages ago, and the party is in full swing. You’re not wasting time hunting in the dark, even with your glow. There’s better things to do- like party!
“Good work, Ells,” you say, giving Ellie a pat on the back. She beams with pride.
“Hail the conquering heroes!” Landi shouts on your arrival. “Ellie the Panty Pirate and Vivi the Panty Ripper!”
“We didn’t rip any!” Ellie protests, but then she looks at my “blood-stained” toga and gets the joke. “Ohhhhhh….”
“You’re not gonna keep all the booty for yourself, are you?” Landi teases. “Come on, share the wealth! Don’t worry, I’ll give you first pick. It’s a panty party now!”
Landi insists you both accessorize with one pair each. Which of Rocio’s pairs does Ellie end up with, and which do you take?