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1093931 No. 1093931 ID: 9f8647

A brief prequel to Lazy Fairy where nothing important happens.

Lazy Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/Lazy_Fairy

Art & Writing by Donut: https://questden.org/wiki/Donut
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No. 1097490 ID: c5529d

I just realized: if we protect Ellie, we might get a chance to see what potion she bought that she is too embarressed to have us know about

Changing vote to protecting her.
No. 1097494 ID: c5529d

And if we find out what potion Ellie bought, we are not telling Landi cause she made us do busy work babysitting during a party
No. 1097535 ID: 9f8647
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“Huh?” you reply to Landi’s volunteering of your knightly services. “Hey, it’s a party. What could go wrong? And if something does go wrong, it’s an easy fix. Just don’t drink too much and keep your toga tight. This isn’t Fairy Kindergarten, it’s Fairy College.”

Ellie looks at you, crestfallen.

“You mean… you won’t be looking out for me?”


Oh, come on. Words aren’t supposed to cut this deep.

“Of course I’ll be looking out for you,” you say with a sigh. “Just…”

“Just be sure to have lots of fun, Ellie!” Landi pipes in, and it’s a sentiment you can agree with. You nod.

“I’ll be your bodyguard, Ellie,” you nod. “Landi and I will make sure you have a great time.”

“Yay!” Landi cheers. “Vivi the guard-lady! So fierce! I know a guy who’ll be all over you right on the floor if you like that kinda thing, hehe. Hey, you wanna let me try something with your hair?”

“Nah,” you say. You’re perfectly confident how you are. Why change it? Just put on a toga and your sword n’ scabbard and go from there.

“Yeah, but look, look!” Landi holds up a mirror. “What if you let me draw attention to your best features?”

You look into the mirror, up and down your “features.”

What does Vivi look like under her glow? Suggest two features. Her body type is Athletic.

Features can be anything, but you can only suggest two! Examples are:

- Height relative to regular fairies
- Hairstyle (subject to change by Landi if you agree)
- Hair length
- Hair color
- Tattoos (you can describe multiple tattoos as a single feature)
- Eyebrows & facial demeanor (does she have RBF? Is she fierce, or have puppy eyes?)
- Exceptions to her Athletic body type
- Dueling scars she hasn’t chosen to heal via magic
- The sky’s the limit!

Skin tone will be determined by Donut to fit the hair and glow colors.

No. 1097536 ID: 355e44

Fierce, hawk-like features; nose like a beak and intense eyes.
No. 1097537 ID: 9d12b8

1. wavy braided half up half down hair
2. eyepatch
No. 1097538 ID: a7a180

-Looong hair!
-Basketball player height! (but for fairies)
No. 1097539 ID: 1e6eb2

Alright, two options, let's make 'em count:

Height - Vivi is considerably tall. To put it in scale: Her height, when compared to the average fairy woman, is about what Serah's height is when compared to the average human woman. She is a giant

Eyebrows & Facial Demeanor - Intense. Her neutral expression is almost a glare, but it radiates less anger and more of a sense of deep focus. You can tell by looking that she's ready for anything, and would be difficult to catch by surprise. As for her eyebrows, make 'em thicker than just a curved or angular line. Hers are thick enough that you gotta draw a shape and fill it in with color.
No. 1097543 ID: 4e32eb

- Hair color
dark green with some light green streaks or patches, or vice versa

- Tattoos (you can describe multiple tattoos as a single feature) has some names of the people who beat her in fencing cause she wants to remember and honor them cause not many people can beat her. She sees those names of winners as battle scars too.
No. 1097560 ID: 2f41db

Her ears are a little longer than average and quite expressive.
Even a little mobile, tilting up and down and moving in ways that sync with her mood.
She is self conscious about them, and regrettably her ears redden too when she blushes, rare as that is.
Primarily, the biggest annoyance is that shes started to worry that they are a tell in duels and as such she has taken to wearing a binding head band to tie them down during matches.

She has the brightest, most infectiously joyous of smiles and while it is as rare a sight as it is singularly charming, when something brings out that smile she melts hearts.
Much to her chagrin, it is adorable.
A badass blade dancing fae shouldnt make people want to squee at her cuteness.
No. 1097587 ID: d1fcc8

I think Vivi has bigger hips than she’d prefer. Where the rest of her body is toned, and firm, her tush is soft and squishy. She’s come to terms with the fact that it makes her sexy. She only dislikes the size of her rear due to it increasing her size as a target, in an area she’d rather not be struck.

Also, Vivi’s hair is purple. Well, it’s NATURALLY purple. She dyes it green to match her glow for duels, but if it’s been a while since her last fight official fight, you start to see some purple at the roots. She usually uses this as a timer. As soon as she can see the purple, she knows it’s time to get it over with and issue a challenge herself before she starts to get rusty.
No. 1097588 ID: d1fcc8

This doesn’t count as a suggestion, just wanted to point out, if she ends up having pubic hair, she wouldn’t see a point in dying it. Just a detail considering the type of quest this is.
No. 1102179 ID: 43bfa4
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You examine yourself in the mirror.

You look fierce.

Landi means well by offering to do your hair, but what does she really know about fierce? You’re happy with how you look, and that’s what matters.

If you’re gonna be Ellie’s bodyguard at this four-alarm toga party, you’re gonna do it your way. No one’s gonna bother Ellie: they’re gonna have to come through you to do it.

“Thanks, but no thanks, Didi,” you tell Landi, reaching down (way, way down) to give her an affectionate rub on the shoulder. “My best features all work together, you know? Let me just grab a toga to hang out tonight.”

“But Viviiiiiiiiiiiiiii!” Landi whines. “Are you really gonna not let me have any fun? Let me spice your outfit up a bit! Pretty please?”

“I mean… what can you really do for a toga party?” you ask, a bit curious.

“I’m so glad you asked!” With a possessed strength you didn’t know she had, Landi grabs you and shoves you into the changing stall, smothering you in a toga. “Put it on, put it on!”

Potential accessories pop out of portals, are quickly reviewed by Landi and sent right back where they came from, more and more odds and ends coming and going at a frenzied pace.

ANTI-PAPER DOLL! Accessorize Vivi in a toga- and you cannot use the image in this update as your base. Only entirely new art will be considered!
No. 1102208 ID: 280bb3
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I think Vivi would be most receptive to a look that evokes fierceness and her warrior spirit, so that's what I tried to incorporate into this look.

The toga itself is mostly basic, but has been cut at the bottom to evoke an armor-like design (I think it's Spartan, but honestly I just saw something similar in a couple Google Image results and liked how it looked). Vivi actually cut them herself, which is why they're so short and uneven (as she messed it up a couple times and had less material to work with).

Landi insisted on the cap, and Vivi had to agree, since the back-cut of her toga ended up being particularly short. A bit of extra coverage doesn't hurt.

The helmet and bracers were easily accepted, being literal armor. Landi had to push a bit for the sandals, as they really complete the look.
No. 1102219 ID: a7a180
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I went and looked up some ancient toga designs, so here is my original drawing of what to wear. I give it two thumbs up!
No. 1102223 ID: 7c5835
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you know what would look fierce to all these nerds who are thinking inside the box about togas at these parties (not the suggesters, the regular in universe nerds), an axe murderer toga outfit, terrify everyone because it's totally in theme and who'll question it and you're also a body guard. Who'se gonna call you out for having a prop for your outfit?
No. 1102224 ID: 90b21b

I think we have a winner
No. 1102248 ID: 475fe8

The deadline for submissions is 24 hours from this post! Thank you to everyone, you’re awesome!
No. 1102250 ID: 462d8c
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My first thought for accessory would be a golden laurel, and other golden accompaniments. Maybe some amethysts if it's in the budget
No. 1102273 ID: 9d12b8
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Imagine if you will, an outfit befitting those who refrain from looking a GIFT HORSE in the mouth.
SURPRISE your acquaintances with this dashing work of art, while HARBORING no insecurity.
desTROY any sense of conformity with something outwardly bold, as what truly matters is on the INSIDE.
No. 1102301 ID: 3e8516
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Definitely, the Helenic style is ever alluring.

Adding earings or, if feeling particularly daring, a half-mask, in gleaming gold would add a wondrous touch.
No. 1102302 ID: 3e8516
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I think the request was for a "toga" outfit, but in case I misread...
No. 1102308 ID: 25fb94


What about a snowy tree, for taiga?
No. 1102314 ID: 6c233e
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Something stately, matrician even, to show off her height. and a hunter's moon
No. 1102319 ID: 43bfa4

Submissions are closed! Thank you, everyone!
No. 1103185 ID: 833743
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I’m stuck doing guard duty for Ellie, which limits how much fun I can have tonight. There has to be some look I can try to make the best of things.

I spot a prop fireman’s axe and know just what to do. A few minutes scrounging through torn-up sheets and budget-friendly crusted-over paints later…

“Waow!” Landi gasps. “Slasher villain, in the house!”

“Are… you sure you want to be so, um, scary?” Ellie asks, shifting nervously.

“Everybody loves horror flicks,” Landi nods sagely.

“Why? They’re so scary!”

“You don’t watch the movie for the plit, silly,” Landi giggles. “You watch it so you can get scared, scream and jump into somebody’s lap!”

“Some of us just like the look,” I shrug.

“The look is pretty hardcore. Though maybe we could have some fun with it?”

“How so?” I ask.

“I’ve got a riding pony in my inventory. If you want to play trojan horse and pretend you’re ambushing someone, it’d be so funny! Plus…” Landi slides up close to me conspiratorially, getting on her tippy-toes for extra secrecy (not that it does her much good). “Guys love it when girls slide rods between our legs. Hehe!”

I can’t help but laugh at that. “Okay, sure. If I’d like it, I’ll ask for it. Ellie, are we all paid up and set to go? We’ve got the mixers we promised Minna, right?”

Ellie makes a motion of patting her toga, painfully obvious she’s hiding something cylindrical under her sash. I don’t pry. “Y-yeah!”


We make our way straight to the toga party. It’s a bit of a trek to get there, and the sun is down by the time we arrive. The fairies and djinni have only been drinking for a little over an hour hour, so nothing too crazy has happened yet. Landi is hyped up and bursting with enthusiasm.

Which drinking game does Ellie end up joining? Landi and Ellie can both use peer pressure to influence her decision- the final vote will determine where she ends up.

1. Flip Cup
2. Beer Pong
3. King’s Cup
4. Asshole
5. Fuck the Dealer
6. Screw Your Neighbor
7. A variation of Poker (specify which)
8. Write-in
No. 1103186 ID: 21b8ab

Screw your neighbor!
No. 1103187 ID: c5529d

King's cup sounds fun
No. 1103190 ID: 280bb3

I'm gonna go with Screw Your Neighbor, because I don't know any of these but that one sounds the most aggressive.
No. 1103192 ID: 6c233e

screw your neighbor sounds fun
No. 1103201 ID: 4c750c

Strip poker is always fun!
No. 1103617 ID: 2f41db

Im partial to the classics, so beer pong.
No. 1103693 ID: 833743
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Landi hands Ellie and you two heaping cups of punch each.

“Just hold on to these. Way better than having to rush over to the punch bowl and stop making kissy lips at the hotties in the circle,” Landi says. “Hey, Avery! Yoo-hoo~~~! You got space at that table?”

“Sure do! It’s Screw Your Neigbor.”

Ellie flushes. “Um… is it actually a game where…”

“Not unless you wanna,” Landi says with a wink. “Nah, it’s just a game where everyone draws cards from the deck, and the lowest card in the circle has to finish their drink! We go around clockwise and you can make that person clockwise next to you change cards. But if they have a King, they can reveal it, refuse to trade and make you do a DARE as punishment for challenging the KING!”


The game starts, and everyone is having a good time. It’s early in the party and everyone’s sipping on their drinks, with the loser of each round having to finish their cup. Landi loses one round (you suspect it was on purpose, since she didn’t trade a very low card).

Ellie is sipping modestly on her drink, and at this rate she’ll never even finish one cup.

You get forced to trade a card with the person next to you, and sure enough it’s a three. Ellie is next in line after you for trading.

Do you screw Ellie and give her the losing card?
No. 1103694 ID: cf3f73

Screw her!

Ellie could use a little loosening up, a bit of spirits to calm her spirits. With you and Landi watching out for her, she can relax and get drunk.

And hey, maybe she has the King, and will get to screw you back. That could be a confidence booster for her too. It's a win-win that way!
No. 1103696 ID: c5529d

On one hand, I'd love to take the loss and have ourselves drink for Ellie's comfort.

buuuuuut, if we end up drunk, especially this early on, we won't be sober enough to protect her properly. It's better if she ends up drunker than us so we can keep an eye on her even if she's drunk.

Screw her.
No. 1103697 ID: 6b8094

Screw her good!
No. 1103701 ID: 6c233e

its all in good fun. Give her that push to let loose. screw her
No. 1103706 ID: 4c750c

Yeah! Let’s screw Ellie!
No. 1103886 ID: 833743
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It’s time for Ellie to live a little!

“Oh, Ellie?” you ask sweetly. “Would you please trade your card with me?”

“Huh?” Ellie looks at her card and gulps. “Um… I can’t say no unless I have a king, right?”



Ellie is traded your low card. She gives you a sad look of betrayal.

“How cruel it is, turning friends into enemies in this game of screwing thine neighbor!” a very nerdy guy says. He looks like a theater kid. Bleh.

“So sad,” Ellie agrees. Hm. Well, at least she’s found a kindred spirit. Good for her.

Ellie tries to trade her card away, but she ends up with an even lower card. You’ve doomed her- and she has to finish her drink. It doesn’t take long for her to feel the effects, and two rounds later she’s solidly drunk.

“This is a fun game,” Ellie says, a warm blush spreading over her features, watching two guys perform a flex-off as their dare. Technically only one of them had to do the dare, but you just know they’re enjoying showing off for you ladies.

“You know it!” Landi giggles, batting her wings at the guys.

“It’s getting hot in here,” Ellie says, loosening her sash and letting her toga slide down her shoulders a bit.

Ah. It was bound to happen sooner or later. You step in to protect Ellie’s dignity by fanning her with your wings, but…

“Ew!” Ellie covers her nose. “Vivi, you smell like stinky armpit!” She gets a round of laughs from the table.

WELL. She’s not getting any more wing-fanning with that attitude. She flaps her loose toga a bit.

You draw a king- and this time, the circle changes direction. You’ll have the opportunity to give Ellie a dare if she trades with you, which is almost certain.

What payback do you give Ellie for such rudeness?
No. 1103887 ID: 6b8094

Put her in a headlock for daring to insult your athletic musk.
No. 1103889 ID: c5529d

Well remember you're supposed to protect her, so nothing too too crazy like stripping. but still, something silly for her to do.

to protect her dignity, her dare is that She has to let you fan her as much as you want without complaints.

(wait, doesn't this humiliate you too because you're admitting how bad you smell?)

or maybe now that I think about it, is Rocio here at the party? or is she still too humiliated to come to this party?

If the latter, dare Ellie to go get Rocio over here to the party! Maybe after Rocio see's how embarrassingly drunk Ellie is, it'll negate how embarrassed she feels now and she'll come over
No. 1103891 ID: cf3f73

Now, you have made a pact to protect Ellie, so your dare must respect that promise. Ellie's dignity must not be threatened by whatever you dare her to do.

Your best tactic is to set a time bomb of some sort that'll go off after your obligation has closed.


Now, I don't think we can send Ellie home alone without breaking at least some portion of our agreement. That said, I think that as long as either Vivi or Landi escort her, we're in the clear.

I'm gonna take Polt's idea and go in a slightly different direction. Instead of trying to bring Rocio, I think we should play on Ellie's memory of the last time we saw Rocio to give her a similar test of courage.

I say we dare Ellie to retrieve Rocio's bikini bottom. In her current intoxicated state, I think it'd be easy to manipulate her into viewing it as some weird test of courage (since that's a big part of what we were emphasizing back then).

Send the drunk girl on a panty raid, and when your protection gig ends Ellie can deal with Rocio's understandable anger with her afterwards. If it goes well, you might even get Rocio to show up to an event she'd otherwise skip due to recent embarrassments.
No. 1103892 ID: c5529d

I support this
No. 1103893 ID: 2f41db

Oh yes.
I love the classics like i said and you cannot get more classic than a panty raid.
Make it so.
So sayeth the king.
No. 1103895 ID: 4c750c


I also support this! Ellie must steal panties!
No. 1103983 ID: 833743
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Sure enough, Ellie is determined to pay you back for earlier. She asks you to swap cards- and you turn it right around on her with the King.

“Come at the King, you best not miss!” you declare, flipping the card over to Ellie’s dismay. “The King dares you to… plunder and pillage Rocio’s panty drawer!”

“Pan-ty raid! Pan-ty raid!” the circle chants.

“Oh, no!” Ellie wails.

Ellie’s glow has faded more than a little as she got drunk. She’s a focus-oriented fairy, unlike Landi, whose glow is powered by being a social butterfly. A good, solid task like this should restore Ellie’s glow to a nice and healthy shine. Still, it’s on you to keep an eye on her as she takes a detour to the sorority house and make sure Drunk Ellie makes it to and back safely.

“Don’t you want to clear your head with a good ol’ homework assignment?” you ask. “It’ll be like extra credit for the party. Look how excited everyone is for you!”

Ellie’s glow brightens up immediately. If you position yourself as the Teacher, of course she’d be the Teacher’s Pet.

“I’ll go with her and make sure things don’t get too crazy,” you tell Landi, who nods, grateful not to have to leave the party. You’re a little disappointed you’re missing out on the fun too, but you knew what you signed up for when you took the deal to get Ellie along in the first place.


One Panty Raid Later…

Thankfully, Rocio was showering off her milk bath when you and Ellie snuck into her dorm room. Ellie took all the clean pairs, and you “helpfully” threw Rocio’s laundry pile into the wash for her (such a good friend, you are.) Stealth mission successful!

Unfortunately, by the time you get back to the party, you notice the pile of panties in Ellie’s arms has dwindled from when you set out. It seems Ellie isn’t that good at holding onto her catch- she’d make a terrible Viking. If Rocio follows the trail of undergarments, she’ll be led right here.

Well, you don’t feel like picking up the mess. Sunset was ages ago, and the party is in full swing. You’re not wasting time hunting in the dark, even with your glow. There’s better things to do- like party!

“Good work, Ells,” you say, giving Ellie a pat on the back. She beams with pride.

“Hail the conquering heroes!” Landi shouts on your arrival. “Ellie the Panty Pirate and Vivi the Panty Ripper!”

“We didn’t rip any!” Ellie protests, but then she looks at my “blood-stained” toga and gets the joke. “Ohhhhhh….”

“You’re not gonna keep all the booty for yourself, are you?” Landi teases. “Come on, share the wealth! Don’t worry, I’ll give you first pick. It’s a panty party now!”

Landi insists you both accessorize with one pair each. Which of Rocio’s pairs does Ellie end up with, and which do you take?
No. 1103988 ID: 6b8094

You take the black & white one. Ellie takes the monkey!
No. 1103989 ID: cf3f73

Honestly, I don't think Vivi has any strong feelings on the various styles of undergarment, aside from writing a few off as too colorful.

Therefore, I propose that Vivi selects the pair with a horse character, because she subconsciously remembers Landi talking about trojan horses earlier.

As for Ellie, since she's not swapping her current pair for these, you don't have to consider your bodyguard role in this. Vivi still lacks strong opinions on most of the undies. If she takes the horse for herself though, then perhaps Ellie can have the monkey to match having animal prints?
No. 1103990 ID: 55bda4

Vivi: horse
Ellie: Monke

Consider: what if Vivi or Ellie wears the panties on their head? Ellie cause she drunk enough, Vivi because it’s fun
No. 1103997 ID: 6c233e

cute hearts for Ellie, fancy stars for Vivi
And of course they go on the head. Where else do you wear extra panties?
No. 1104006 ID: 71143c

Vivi: Stars
Ellie: return to Monke
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