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File 169404244903.png - (858.87KB , 1411x1073 , Mech1.png )
1071850 No. 1071850 ID: ed041d

Clark IV, a world under fire.

The Interstellar Transit Authority currently holds the planet under martial law. The planet has seen a turbulent past century, guerilla fighters have been holding it hard and there has been no progress in taking hold.

Mercenary companies have been brought in to step in as a force multiplier, but they are beholden to no one but whoever pays the most.

Corporate entities have also begun to set their eyes on the planet below.

It is hell.
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No. 1100638 ID: 1effd3

It's either going to shoot an eye laser or self destruct!

No. 1100639 ID: 489269

You and wolf circle him at an increasing distance, a spiraling retreat. It can't shoot both of you, but it might try a pulse of some kind
No. 1100651 ID: 273c18

That looks like a self-destruct. Run.
No. 1100758 ID: ed041d
File 173333473403.png - (37.71KB , 358x387 , Mech247.png )

You quickly dodge out of the way, it's not from the optic of the mech, but a large energy blast is fired, it's unstable though, it spreads outwards.

Red Mask's mech seems to slow for a moment, energy still roiling off of it. Something is wrong with it.
No. 1100759 ID: eb0a9c

Okay, looks like that drone's going critical. Full retreat, get to cover.
No. 1100763 ID: 1effd3

yeah the drone seems to be overloading itself in an attempt to blast you away, or just blow itself up. Or both! getting nera it is NOT an option for Wolf if it does explode, so best keep taking cover and trying to disable it or shoot the arm off.

At least we'll get ONE arm, and its the one we know has a shield built into it.
No. 1100768 ID: 6c233e

fire at it, don't give it time to cool down.
No. 1100823 ID: ed041d
File 173349951828.png - (14.30KB , 175x167 , Mech248.png )

You open fire, attempting to distract the Red Mask, only for a sudden blade to stick out from behind it.

Seems Wolf got to Red Mask first.
No. 1100826 ID: 1effd3

"Cut off the other arm and grab it before it decides to blow up"
No. 1100884 ID: 6c233e

Given that they blew up the remains of the first mech in that earlier battle, they're probably going to do their best to keep this one out of your hands. Where did that first severed arm get to? Should grab it while you can.
No. 1101000 ID: 8f9bc4

No. 1101022 ID: ed041d
File 173375923951.png - (36.54KB , 462x275 , Mech249.png )

You grab the other severed arm while you can, alerting Wolf to back off quickly as you go rocketing out, an explosion behind you as the Mech detonates.

Whatever that Red Mask was, it isn't anymore.

That still leaves the other Red Mask, as well as the Diplomats. Which should you check up on?
No. 1101024 ID: 1effd3

have wolf check the other Red Mask, and you'll check the diplomat
No. 1101025 ID: 63709c

Red one is stuck in the canyon without a leg. Ditch that loser and get back to guarding.
No. 1101310 ID: ed041d
File 173436382364.png - (17.08KB , 260x126 , Mech250.png )

You let Lupin head off to handle the other Red Mask, you return to the Diplomats yourself.

In fact you see them both approaching their respective armored vehicles, it seems a resolution was gained in this time.

Do you want to ask how it went or do you want to wait until you return to base?
No. 1101311 ID: 3df1ab

Do one more patrol around just to be sure, and ask how it went on the way back.
No. 1101313 ID: 1effd3

remain on duty, ask about it on the way back. cant be distracted incase a third mask decides to say hi
No. 1101374 ID: ed041d
File 173453610090.png - (43.82KB , 362x386 , Mech251.png )

You run one last sweep, you detect nothing, it seems the area is clear, the other Red Mask having been handled. Perhaps it escaped.

The Diplomat lets you know it's time to leave, you begin the journey back to base. It's not a total loss, you have some more alien technology stolen from the Monarchy.

Quite the success. Will you inform your handler, or just take the ride back home?
No. 1101375 ID: 3df1ab

Inform your handler the mission was a success, but give no details until you're back home.
No. 1101376 ID: eb0a9c

I'd say you did well; that alien technology is probably worth more than your entire mech.

But don't report until the mission is finally over. There could be a second ambush.
No. 1101379 ID: 4b704a

Informing your handler sounds like a good idea.
No. 1101385 ID: 6c233e

Good point, given how compromised communication has been, better not to let the enemy know you've got their arm.

Can you stick the arm on your own stump and try to pass it off as yours?
No. 1101390 ID: 1effd3

Don't tell until we get back
No. 1101408 ID: ed041d
File 173470790872.png - (10.35KB , 170x196 , Mech252.png )

You shoot off a small message to Hannibal to let him know you're done.

:HandlerIcon: Good to hear 637, bring it home, I can see your mech took a lot of damage.
No. 1101409 ID: ed041d
File 173470810171.png - (59.54KB , 477x345 , Mech38.png )

You return to base, where shall you head to first? You still have the Mech Arm after all.
No. 1101411 ID: 1effd3

tell the handler about arm and where you should put it
No. 1101414 ID: eb0a9c

Do this

Head to the bar while your mech gets repaired
No. 1101423 ID: 6c233e

Need to stash the arm in the garage, hide it in plain sight with a little disguising.
No. 1101569 ID: 8f9bc4


Leaning a sign against it that says "NOT the arm of Red Mask" should suffice.
No. 1101809 ID: ed041d
File 173574440326.png - (35.44KB , 314x236 , Mech253.png )

You get into contact with your handler, Hannibal. It's easy enough, your neural implant has a direct line to him after all.

:HandlerIcon: Good to hear from you again 637, glad to see you got through that last mission, it was a long one for certain.

You agree, and lament the jamming.

:HandlerIcon: I'm up here on the Atlas, in geosync over your location keeping watch as best as I can. Jamming curtains can play hell on our tracking, rest assured I'm giving our friends in the ITA a rough time, the Agamemnon owes us more than a few trade tokens for our work.

You bring up the Red Masks, and the arm you severed.

:HandlerIcon: You have Alien Technology 637? Have you told anyone else yet? If not, good, keep quiet, that's a bargaining chip that can be used.

You tell him that Lupin from the Junk Division knows.

:HandlerIcon: That'll be a problem... we're not exactly on negotiating terms with Wilson Scrap just yet, my higher ups are still working out what terms we want, as well as what the ITA might do if corps start making deals. See if you can convince him to keep quiet, with a functioning shield projector like that we could easily bargain for nearly anything. I have an idea as to what you'd ask for, but tell me 637, what would you want yourself?
No. 1101814 ID: 8f9bc4

What sorts of sugar plums are dancing in 637-Fox's head? Is her boss thinking upgrades? Orbital assists? She should have an idea what he means. Because he's probably not referring to her ultimate goal of "getting your own life again." More likely something to help her do her job better for Kowalski-Wayne.

Then again that tax man did say Hannibal had some big goals...
No. 1101818 ID: 6c233e

what else is there to ask for but getting some of that shiny tech for ourselves? Could really upgrade the riot shield, or do something with the beam.
No. 1101889 ID: ed041d
File 173591716132.png - (15.85KB , 184x148 , Mech254.png )

You bring up upgrading your Mech with the shield technology.

:HandlerIcon: We could easily get that done, for now, keep that piece of tech under wraps. We aren't quite to getting you your life back, but it'll make good progress.

That's... good to know?

:HandlerIcon: Listen Fox, I know this isn't something either of us want. For now, just keep a close eye on future opportunities, we may be able to even out your fights even further. Speaking of Alien Tech, the ITA reports came in, they finally cracked that Mech you and the Junk Division Stole.
No. 1101891 ID: 3df1ab

Ah, that's good.
This can help negotiating who gets which pick of alien tech, between this and the shield.
No. 1101955 ID: 6c233e

So what did they find? was it worth the effort?
No. 1102045 ID: ed041d
File 173619760992.png - (17.88KB , 118x227 , Mech255.png )

:HandlerIcon: Completely hollow, beyond some minor internal structure, a cockpit with no standard controls only neurocables, and what they think is an alien power generator to run the damned thing. We have no idea how it works beyond some theories, we've yet to test it, as nobody has been brave enough to risk plugging themselves into it. Too many liabilities.


:HandlerIcon: However 637, there may be an opportunity here, a big one. Even if it breaks this can prove a big investment, I've pushed your name forward as a volunteer. The paperwork is processing and will be ready tomorrow. It'll be up to you, it'll be on the work board for certain.


:HandlerIcon: The payout would be massive, the ITA even is willing to pay with their latest mass production unit, something still off the market for now. This is a big chance for Kowalski Wayne. I'll leave it up to you, enjoy the rest of the day off, get some rest, and let me know tomorrow. Good luck.

The call cuts, you're left alone with your own thoughts, a mech so alien nobody knows how it moves and with no standard controls only neurocables. You're no stranger to those, most of your augmentation work was built around that. But even then, pure Neuro control schemes are... risky... even more so with an alien machine.

You have some time to think about this.
No. 1102046 ID: ed041d
File 173619765852.png - (59.54KB , 477x345 , Mech38.png )

You're on the Campus once more, left alone with your thoughts... you can get a drink, maybe go crawl into bed, you have the rest of the day to yourself. What do you do?
No. 1102048 ID: 6c233e

That was tough, time to unwind at the bar.
No. 1102055 ID: 1effd3

We need a god damn drink after all that.
No. 1102094 ID: ed041d
File 173634375714.png - (21.81KB , 270x164 , Mech256.png )

You enter the bar, and find the Bartender and Lupin already there. This might be easy, you should probably thank him for the save, but at the same time you've also been asked to get his silence on the alien mech arm.

How do you want to approach this?
No. 1102096 ID: 1effd3

First buy him a drink and chat with him in the quietest place in the bar
No. 1102098 ID: 9aa5be

Yes, it always starts with a free drink.
Thank him for the rescue, speculate a bit about Red Mask and whether coming back for you was in their initial mission parameters, then branch onto your handler asking for a delay in disclosure because your two corpos have a hard time deciding what exactly they want with each other.

I suspect if we can't get his silence, diplomatic intel would be an acceptable alternate prize for your handler.
No. 1102151 ID: ed041d
File 173652204304.png - (34.38KB , 289x201 , Mech257.png )

You order another drink of whatever Lupin is having, he doesn't respond other than a brief grunt. Seems he's like you in some ways, heavily altered for certain.

How do you want to broach the conversation, what do you say to him?
No. 1102169 ID: 6c233e

Praise his sweet moves today. And also his discretion (wink) (oh wait you can't wink, uh, tap the side of your nose.)
No. 1102205 ID: 1effd3

Thank him for the "hand"
No. 1102281 ID: ed041d
File 173678453809.png - (25.87KB , 263x211 , Mech258.png )

You ask the Bartender for some privacy, and thank Lupin for his help, especially with the recovered arm. You ask if he's told anyone yet.

:WolfMechIcon: No

That's good to hear. You bring up that your handler has marked it as a very useful negotiating tool.

:WolfMechIcon: Won't get you your life back.

Which is a problem, but still, you need him to maybe not tell everyone.

:WolfMechIcon: Why?

That's a good question, what can you possibly offer him to keep quiet?
No. 1102285 ID: 1effd3

perhaps give him some bonus in the future
No. 1102297 ID: 8f9bc4

Because your handler said they were gonna fix it up, and he'd let you test it out! :squee:
No. 1102298 ID: 90b21b

Because trade secrets are profitable and we don't want alien technology to proliferate among this already vast war.
No. 1102313 ID: 6c233e

Because we're friends?

Or for a favor and a good working relationship.
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