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File 169404244903.png - (858.87KB , 1411x1073 , Mech1.png )
1071850 No. 1071850 ID: ed041d

Clark IV, a world under fire.

The Interstellar Transit Authority currently holds the planet under martial law. The planet has seen a turbulent past century, guerilla fighters have been holding it hard and there has been no progress in taking hold.

Mercenary companies have been brought in to step in as a force multiplier, but they are beholden to no one but whoever pays the most.

Corporate entities have also begun to set their eyes on the planet below.

It is hell.
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No. 1093652 ID: ed041d
File 171985949335.png - (22.81KB , 301x178 , Mech182.png )

You raise your shield and open fire with the gatling, Red Mask keeps boosting, it seems your on the money. A light build, They can't take sustained fire and will likely get shredded, keep focused for now.

You also pull a mental trigger and call in a copter swarm, you get a report back that Agamemnon has responded and fired. One drop pod of Drones on its way.
No. 1093653 ID: ed041d
File 171985955887.png - (26.59KB , 178x279 , Mech183.png )

Unfortunately, that'll take some more time, keep up for now until they arrive.

What is your next action? Keep back and protect the APC, following the mech at all costs? Push forward and attack? Some other thing you haven't thought of yet?

You have options, you have tools.
No. 1093657 ID: 273c18

Protect the APC!
No. 1093665 ID: 1effd3

Protect the VIP, try to make the terrain as unpleasant for RedMask to traverse as possible. Speed means nothing if you can't utilize it.
No. 1093667 ID: 8f9bc4

He's trying to bait you away. You can't catch him with that mobility. Protect the diplomat, make Red Mask come to you. You don't have to beat this guy, only make his operation more trouble than its worth. ASSUME PORCUPINE CONFIGURATION
No. 1093673 ID: 5ebd37

Stick to the vip, Red is just waiting for you to step away so they can swoop in.
No. 1093693 ID: eb0a9c

Stick the APC to your shield for extra protection.
No. 1093956 ID: ed041d
File 172044980245.png - (17.63KB , 215x143 , Mech184.png )

You stick close to the NPC, tracking Red Mask and watching their movements, your shield blocking incoming fire. For now you two are at an impasse and you can't do anything.

Can you think of any other ways out?
No. 1093960 ID: 1effd3

I say keep playing with him. He'll run low of ammo for that gun soon enough, and he'll either have to get into melee range or bail.

If he tries to get closer, release a volley of missiles to keep him in check.
No. 1093964 ID: 68ca71

How much route is left to traverse? And how many turrets can we call in?

If we have plenty, or if we are close to destination, we could call one in ahead of our position for covering fire while pressing on. In any event keep up the defensive stance.
No. 1093968 ID: 5dfd0b

Shoot out they legs. All those speed would be useless if they can't maintain blance.
No. 1094037 ID: eb0a9c

For that matter, scan his mech and find a module that is both necessary for function and has a high surface-area-to-armor ratio. Open fire until you damage something.
No. 1094071 ID: ed041d
File 172062201319.png - (64.05KB , 236x500 , Mech185.png )

You opt to scan the Red Mask mech while keeping them off foot, your scans don't penetrate anything. Must have Faraday Lining to prevent scans... whatever this machine is it has so many modifications that you can't presume anything.

You hear a sudden slam.
No. 1094072 ID: ed041d
File 172062204189.png - (87.17KB , 483x399 , Mech186.png )

The Drone Pod has landed, it pops open, 6 drone copters flying out, ready for orders.

Well, will you make those orders?
No. 1094073 ID: c540e0

We need cover fire.
Order the drones to fire on Red Mask simultaneously and use the cover as an opportunity to close the gap.

Your scans can't penetrate the armour so let's see him dodge point blank gatling shots
No. 1094080 ID: ff35d5

The drone copters should spread out and concentrate fire in coordinated bursts.

Start by probing his torso armor:
- If the bullets have a good penetration chance, keep firing at the torso.
- Otherwise, concentrate fire on his left thigh to try and reduce his mobility. Success would make him vulnerable to heavier weapons.
No. 1094088 ID: 273c18

You do NOT want to get close to an enemy with a pile bunker.
Using the drones to restrict his movement will allow you to get some hits in at range, though.
No. 1094104 ID: 5ebd37

Targeting legs seems the best shot
Have the drones fan out to push him away from you
No. 1094290 ID: ed041d
File 172106227450.png - (32.20KB , 362x297 , Mech187.png )

You command the drones to swarm and keep Red Mask off balance.
No. 1094291 ID: ed041d
File 172106229611.png - (29.90KB , 275x213 , Mech188.png )

While taking your shot to shoot out their left leg, they're off balance for certain now.

Next action?
No. 1094295 ID: 273c18

Try the missiles again!
No. 1094296 ID: b3eab7

Try and disarm him (still remotely for now).

Also make sure no one snuck on the VIPs while Red Mask had your undivided attention.
No. 1094300 ID: 63709c

Take the opportunity to get some distance between them and the vip.
Have any other foes shown up?
No. 1094354 ID: ed041d
File 172124594754.png - (22.67KB , 236x213 , Mech189.png )

There is no one else around, you keep yourself close to the VIP, none shall get past your shield.
No. 1094355 ID: ed041d
File 172124602291.png - (15.63KB , 147x154 , Mech190.png )

Firing the missiles again, most miss but one does strike dead on.

Blows the arm right off, very light armor, whatever Red Mask is running, it's built for pure speed. This gives some options. That damaged leg has also hampered its ability to dodge.

Do you want to do anything else, perhaps open a comm link? Or do you just want to end this now.
No. 1094356 ID: b3eab7

Just be professional and end it now. The mission is not over after this, we still need to get the APC safely to its destination.
No. 1094357 ID: 1effd3

stick to the VIP and open comms to him. let him know whatever they're paying him, it's probably not worth dying. a few demerits or his life?
he wont be easily dodging you now.
No. 1094358 ID: 1effd3

addendum: make sure the copters maintain pressure.
No. 1094359 ID: 273c18

Tell Red Mask you respect their skill and will give them one chance to escape.
No. 1094391 ID: 44c167

This seems too easy. Disable the other leg and move on.
No. 1094505 ID: ed041d
File 172140051464.png - (58.80KB , 469x393 , Mech191.png )

With another burst you draw Red Masks's attention, you open a comms channel and say.

:PilotIconF: "This isn't worth the fight, I have ITA support. Back off now."

You get the drones in, do you want to call in any other attacks from the Agamemnon or do you want to keep pushing?
No. 1094541 ID: 44c167

Keep the drones between you and be intimidating.
No. 1094624 ID: ed041d
File 172169249177.png - (41.42KB , 437x266 , Mech192.png )

You lower the drones, it's between you and Red Mask now.

Do you have anything else you want to say?
No. 1094626 ID: eb0a9c

"...You're not the real Red Mask, are you."
Unleash Hell.
No. 1094628 ID: 47c854

Hard to spend your pay while you're dead. From ace to ace let this one go. We're both too good to die on this hellhole. (So how much more would we make as a group of elite mercenaries?)
No. 1094629 ID: 273c18

If Red Mask hasn't backed off yet then they're a fool. Open fire.
No. 1094631 ID: 44c167

You told them to back off. If they don't then end this now.
No. 1094674 ID: ed041d
File 172185595791.png - (28.05KB , 252x225 , Mech193.png )

Red Mask doesn't respond, you move closer, when you hear a sudden impact.

It looks like a support pod, but you don't recall calling in another one.
No. 1094675 ID: ed041d
File 172185600041.png - (22.22KB , 206x163 , Mech194.png )

Out of the pod pops a shredder turret, its barrels spin, suddenly you hear something, distorted.

:RedMaskIcon: You proved a little tougher than expected, but this isn't the end here.
No. 1094676 ID: 1effd3

No. 1094679 ID: eb0a9c

Concentrate your fire on the turret! Red Mask is going to deal massive damage, but if the turret spins up it'll force you to block all its attacks on the APC!
No. 1094682 ID: 65968d

Send copters as decoys but fire a pair of missiles at the thing. Odds are at least one will blow it up. Watch out though it may just be a distraction for him to pull the wool over our eyes.
No. 1094684 ID: 44c167

Have the copters surround it at high angles so it doesn't shoot past them to hit you. keep your shield between it and you and the vip.

If you can, fire on red to force them back into the turret to block even more of its field of fire.
No. 1094695 ID: 7de5a4

Shred him with your gun while you send missiles at the turret.
No. 1094753 ID: ed041d
File 172200683608.png - (59.71KB , 353x474 , Mech195.png )

You send the turrets in, firing a pair of missiles at it, 2 of your copters are already shredded.

You hear a sudden boom...
No. 1094754 ID: ed041d
File 172200697605.png - (23.07KB , 297x248 , Mech196.png )

You look over and see Red Mask suddenly boosting off, the weapon pack having been dropped.

:RedMaskIcon: Not bad, not bad at all. I'll give you this for now, you made the mission a little harder, but I'll just bring something more fit for fighting mech to mech in the future.

As they begin to fly off, you see where the boom came from, it was the sound of several more pods being sent your way.

:RedMaskIcon: If you survive. Ciao.

Red Mask flies off, and you only have moments before these pods land, and deploy whatever they have inside them. What will you do?
No. 1094755 ID: 1effd3

gtfo with the VIP. we can loot whatever is left after we ensure their safety
No. 1094757 ID: 58d99c

Grab that apc like a football and boost away
No. 1094764 ID: 8f9bc4

Shoot the pods!
No. 1094799 ID: 343421

Deploy your own turret pods!
They will provide both firepower and distractions.
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