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File 148623434982.jpg - (268.92KB , 1173x1054 , Beautiful butterfly.jpg )
32929 No. 32929 ID: 47be15
Here you can ask me to draw some of my characters or to place fan art in this thread
Expand all images
No. 32958 ID: 7cb4d2
File 148652098481.jpg - (1.88MB , 3521x3024 , IMG_3119.jpg )
I doodled up Derrick while at work today, I think he looks happy in Valhalla, looks like he is about to kick some ass. Makes me wonder if a Cultist saw a berserking Derrick coming at him what would his first reaction be? My guess is
"Why isn't the fog killing him?" Followed quickly by "OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT!"
No. 32963 ID: 47be15
It looks awesome and if you have any suggestions as to what you want me to draw just send the message
No. 32964 ID: fb7eb9
So this is my request, could you draw Ana and Logan holding hands? But both are looking away and blushing? Maybe Ana has a tiny smile on her face and Logan isn't sure what to but knows he likes this. Also maybe have Logan without his mask (or would that be spoilers?). I like to imagine Ana told them of their possible future and Logan is just trying to puzzle it out and this is the first real intimate action they've done together
No. 32977 ID: 47be15
File 148663332388.jpg - (568.04KB , 1166x1197 , Beautiful butterfly 1.jpg )
No. 32979 ID: 3583d1
Thats, just turbo cute...

I'm wondering what Root is thinking here.
No. 32986 ID: 47be15
Probably some evil stuff
No. 32989 ID: 861db5
Here's a fun idea for a drawing, all girl punk band of your characters? Maybe Dahlia on vocals, Ana on guitar, 93 on drums and Rosalia on base?

Here's are a couple songs to go with it:
No. 32998 ID: 47be15
That sound like an awesome idea and here's another song for them
No. 33002 ID: 915428
File 148694466486.jpg - (488.19KB , 2299x1132 , Beautiful butterfly 2.jpg )
No. 33018 ID: 475080
Hey man I'm planning on doing a Lorence Portrait later tonight but before I do I wanted to know if you wanted me to upload my previous ones here too. I know they are already up on the disthread but I figured I'd ask and get your opinion. From now on any fanart I do will go here.
No. 33019 ID: 915428
As always I love seeing your interpretation of those characters. As for the older versions of your fanart, the main reason why why made thread was to make a place where all fan art can be placed. In other words in other words, what you asked highly advised if you ask me
No. 33020 ID: 915428
Also Fanart Guy nice nickname
No. 33033 ID: 3583d1
File 148719789090.jpg - (1.81MB , 3024x4032 , IMG_2977.jpg )
Right-o, here we go:

Ana Tiova (ver. 1)
No. 33034 ID: 3583d1
File 148719796805.jpg - (1.88MB , 2729x3583 , IMG_3040.jpg )
No. 33035 ID: 3583d1
File 148719810605.jpg - (2.48MB , 3004x3671 , IMG_3034.jpg )
The Root of Ash
No. 33036 ID: 3583d1
File 148719822550.jpg - (2.52MB , 3024x4032 , IMG_2985.jpg )
No. 33037 ID: 3583d1
File 148719838383.jpg - (2.52MB , 3024x4032 , IMG_3025.jpg )
No. 33038 ID: 3583d1
File 148719842701.jpg - (2.17MB , 3021x3530 , IMG_2984.jpg )
No. 33039 ID: 3583d1
File 148719849448.jpg - (2.07MB , 2995x3293 , IMG_2983.jpg )
No. 33040 ID: 3583d1
File 148719856275.jpg - (2.41MB , 2930x3802 , IMG_3033.jpg )
No. 33041 ID: 3583d1
(The correct song for 93, my bad)
No. 33042 ID: 3583d1
File 148719886613.jpg - (2.20MB , 3024x4032 , IMG_3026.jpg )
Wild Cat
No. 33043 ID: 3583d1
File 148719902972.jpg - (1.32MB , 2685x3378 , IMG_3103.jpg )
Ana Tiova (ver. 2)
No. 33044 ID: 3583d1
File 148719910629.jpg - (1.98MB , 2980x3290 , IMG_3035.jpg )
No. 33045 ID: 3583d1
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No. 33046 ID: 3583d1
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Dr. Lester
No. 33047 ID: 3583d1
File 148719936033.jpg - (1.70MB , 3021x3684 , IMG_3122.jpg )
Here's a new one,

No. 33048 ID: 3583d1
File 148719945728.jpg - (833.25KB , 1972x2481 , IMG_3102.jpg )
Morpheus The Dreamwalker
No. 33049 ID: 3583d1
File 148719951494.jpg - (1.94MB , 2561x3382 , IMG_3041.jpg )
No. 33050 ID: 3583d1
File 148719961834.jpg - (2.69MB , 3024x4032 , IMG_3053.jpg )
I saved creepiest for last...
No. 33051 ID: 3583d1
So with all that out of the way, one thing I loved was you putting WCs drawing into the story, that made me smile. But it also makes me wonder what the others would think if they saw their drawings (with the exclusion of WC, he has his copy)
No. 33062 ID: 915428
Well now you have gave me an idea about doing something in that aspect. Also I must ask, did you vote for the new short story in the Meaningless ticking story. I am still waiting to get results of that
No. 33063 ID: e6eb4d
I did, I cast mine for Street Smarts because I'd like to see a pre-transformation Root.
No. 33065 ID: 915428
No. 33109 ID: 22471c
File 148762905805.jpg - (334.12KB , 1416x1728 , Beautiful butterfly 3.jpg )
No. 33113 ID: 3583d1
...No. no I do not think they will be friendly... At all...
No. 33115 ID: 3583d1
File 148763787555.jpg - (1.72MB , 2634x3970 , IMG_3134.jpg )
The Maid, the Chauffeur, the Accused. Matilda.
No. 33116 ID: 3583d1
File 148763804001.jpg - (1.58MB , 3021x3692 , IMG_3135.jpg )
The Queen Bee, more seductive than a succubus, more deadly than a knife, the beautiful, sexy, Lovely Luvia

(Turns out I got her name wrong, I have no idea how I got Lascivia)
No. 33117 ID: 22471c
Matilda looks so scared, worried and adorable in a way, that music fits her so perfectly. As for Luvia awesome interpretation I have another idea for her song
No. 33121 ID: 22471c
File 148764052849.jpg - (151.08KB , 806x770 , Beautiful butterfly 4.jpg )
Be careful there are crazy people out in the fog
No. 33126 ID: 8138da
Something I like is that when I do a drawing I always try to find a song that set the tone of the person I'm trying to draw. It's almost like finding someone in the music, and your job is to capture their image and put it on paper. Recently I found a song that just sings of Clara as she is now. But given her situation and the bandages I feel it's almost in bad taste. Should I draw her?
No. 33130 ID: 22471c
Well the thing about drawing certain pieces the main point is to know where to draw the line. It all depend on how you feel comfortable of presenting certain things.
No. 33131 ID: 22471c
I am curious what music did you find that just sings of Clara as she is now. I am a fan of musical accompaniments
No. 33132 ID: 8138da
The song is called "excess baggage," by Staind. It was actually a secret song that the band hid on one of their albums. It's super depressing though, especially given that we are discussing a depressed disfigured woman who has lost almost all of her will to live.
No. 33134 ID: 22471c
You are right it fits her perfectly especially with what kind of mind she is currently in
Also how do you like the self reflection comic strips about your fan art. I must warn you some of the characters won't appreciate your hard work. Don't let that paint the picture that I don't like it, I love all your fanart. I am just depicting some ungrateful people
No. 33135 ID: 8138da
I really like it! And that's actually fun seeing how they take it, even if it is somewhat unappreciated by the intended person. And it occurred to me why I felt it would be in bad taste. Because she responded to her first drawing and suddenly I'm worried about making her more depressed. Then it kept hitting me further, if I can feel guilty over a fictional character then they are written very well.
No. 33136 ID: 22471c
Glad you liked it, more will come when I finish with the gremlins
No. 33170 ID: 064dd5
So here is an interesting idea for a drawing, but what if Quests had a copy protection screen like certain video games did to prevent piracy. What would the copy protection/anti piracy message for R&B look like?
No. 33171 ID: 22471c
Can you give me an example as a reference
No. 33173 ID: 064dd5
File 148790916717.jpg - (25.43KB , 266x190 , IMG_3141.jpg )
So sometimes in a video game, anti-piracy methods would kick in and certain characters would give an anti-piracy speech before the game would crash or just not work anymore making it unplayable, kind of like this
No. 33174 ID: 064dd5
File 148790922345.png - (11.19KB , 256x224 , IMG_3140.png )
Other times, the game would not operate and a simple screen with an anti-piracy warning would appear and it wouldn't allow you to do anything else.
No. 33175 ID: 064dd5
The game Earthbound (or Mother 2 in Japan) had one evil version of anti-piracy where all the enemies were a lot tougher to kill and they appeared more frequently. And then at the very last boss of the game, the whole game crashes and it automatically deletes all of your saved data.
No. 33176 ID: 064dd5
So given all of this kind of info, if you drew an anti-piracy screen or created an anti-piracy scenario for R&B what would it look like?
No. 33188 ID: 22471c
This will be one of the weirdest things that I've done
No. 33189 ID: 22471c
File 148801139682.jpg - (659.48KB , 1748x1616 , Beautiful butterfly 5.jpg )
No. 33215 ID: 3583d1
File 148824274057.jpg - (1.86MB , 2911x3897 , IMG_3144.jpg )
This one was a bitch to try and get right so I may redo one later. But for now...

The Demon, The Master, The one whom we can trust, Andrew Goodwill
No. 33222 ID: 22471c
Don't take this the wrong way but it looks like a disfigured creature from nightmares and in a way that is what he is. I will describe how I feel about this picture with this video
No. 33353 ID: 97af11
File 148945873733.jpg - (1.74MB , 3024x4032 , IMG_3275.jpg )
So since self reflection is starting up again soon I figure it would be good to draw some new characters, the only requirement I have is that I know their actual name and a bit about their personality (or be interesting enough that I already have an idea of what they look like).

We still don't know a whole lot about him, but I like to think he is part of the cult's science team, and probably joined either out of fear or he was bullied so much that he wanted to take some revenge, either way he's a nerdy guy to the core, Lazlo.
No. 33354 ID: 97af11
File 148946379705.jpg - (1.58MB , 2604x4011 , IMG_3276.jpg )
Once he is your friend, you won't have anyone else...
Here's Bleeding Jimmy.

(By the way those are scars on his mouth. I doubt he'll show up in self reflection until we meet him in the main quest, or I could be wrong...)
No. 33355 ID: d0002a
Awesome fan art as always and the music for Lazlo fits so perfectly. For Jimmy I have one additional music that would go perfectly with him
No. 33370 ID: 3583d1
File 148973660920.jpg - (1.58MB , 3975x2604 , IMG_3280.jpg )
Ughhhh.... I don't know what possessed me to do it, but I drew these little shits. And I'm making it clear this is the real Anthony here, the one that played part of the prank, not the friend that was in the car later fessed up and helped us out, I'll give him a drawing unto himself.
No. 33371 ID: 3583d1
File 148974014856.jpg - (848.58KB , 2167x2643 , IMG_3281.jpg )
You know, J.K. Rowling once wrote "It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends." Well that certainly applies to this kiddo, you did the right thing, we're proud of you. I just wish I knew your real name so I could write it down.

(So yeah this is "Not Anthony" the friend who posed as him and helped us at the trial. I did give him the same scarf but I removed the glasses and hat because those are Anthony's and I thought that in order to distinguish the two they should look different)
No. 33372 ID: b8f2da
From the author
Awesome art, you really made my day with this. I have a lot of thing to do about my school, as soon as I can I will continue the story :)
No. 33394 ID: 3583d1
File 148999891408.jpg - (2.21MB , 2575x3863 , IMG_3290.jpg )
Remember how I said I don't respond to demands? It's still true, I drew this because I wanted to. I think it does harden you up, a lot more, and if you complain about looking too cold of a person, tough. You are a cold woman. Hopefully by the time you see this you will have changed for the better.

(Plus I was listening to the song I linked to this and it just seemed to fit really well)
No. 33396 ID: b8f2da
Never give in to peer pressure, also this theme also fits her perfectly
No. 33397 ID: 3583d1
lol I know, the only reason I felt like drawing it all was the song I linked and I just felt that there was a drawing in there.
No. 33487 ID: 3583d1
File 149077055358.jpg - (2.01MB , 2345x3940 , IMG_3322.jpg )
Her love is eternal and her majesty is seen in all living things on this earth. Mother to all for she is the earth itself. Mother Gaia, wife of Absolution and mother to the new Absolution.

No. 33489 ID: 6f5376
Wow you will do really every character in my story, even the minor ones. Also this music goes with her
No. 33490 ID: 58ae0d
I can't say I'll do ALL of them, I just don't have that
kind of time, but I'll certainly draw ones that I find interesting. I do want to learn more about them before I start to draw. them.
No. 33491 ID: 6f5376
No. 33493 ID: 3583d1
File 149081453677.jpg - (1.52MB , 2824x3122 , IMG_3323.jpg )
The shaper of magic and the fabric of reality. From him all sources of power may be drawn, from the earth, from one's imagination, from the ash tree itself. He is infinite, he is Absolution.


(Quick side note before someone tries to hang me for putting him in a swatstika position. The original mean of the swatsika in anicient religions was a symbol of well being of soul, good health, beauty, and just all around good things. Only during WWII did it become a symbol of bigotry. But given that the original intention of the symbol was to spread goodness and is super ancient, like 13,000 BCE ancient, I think it's fitting given Absolution's character. By the way the song I picked, that chanting is a wedding song which seemed fitting given his relationship with Gaia and Ana)
No. 33494 ID: 6f5376
From the author
It looks awesome, I will have to work on more characters commenting about your work
No. 33496 ID: 3583d1
That will be awesome to see, but I hope you don't feel like you need to do that. It always makes me smile to see, but please don't feel like you need to do it, work on what you want to work on.
No. 33511 ID: 6f5376
File 149087672743.jpg - (955.93KB , 1366x1277 , Beautiful butterfly 7.jpg )
This is how the Silver tails and Root and branches crossover would look
No. 33514 ID: c3605f
And the multiverse slowly crumbles around them as the 4th wall shatters into nothingness.
No. 33515 ID: 6f5376
Well it is just a non canon portrayal, just done for the fun of it
No. 33537 ID: 17aee7
File 149126738095.jpg - (5.61MB , 4948x3453 , ash drawing.jpg )
Here is how first I envisioned Root and branches story. More like a compilation of scary stories
No. 33538 ID: e478fa
I remember you showing me these! I'd still like to play through them as a quest once R&B is done. Even as a comic would be cool. Also I remember I asked you if this series had any inspiration and you said the ring and some creepy pastas. But did this series have a title as a whole? Like "The Ash Tree Saga" or something?
No. 33543 ID: 3583d1
File 149129262566.jpg - (2.19MB , 2835x3642 , IMG_3374.jpg )
The demon, the spirit, the one who started it all. Be it god, be it fate, be it sheer bad luck, the world will be forever changed because of him. The Ash Tree.

(For his theme literally anything by Myuuji will work)
No. 33544 ID: 3583d1
File 149129297944.jpg - (2.34MB , 2876x3867 , IMG_3375.jpg )
Our newest, and yet one of the more depressing people we've come across. Joined through semi-forced cooperation, but hopefully for the better, and until we learn his real name, here's Boxhead Hobo.

(I could not figure out a good theme for him, but these 3 are my favorites)
No. 33545 ID: 17aee7
Well Graphite ash drawing was originally the first name of this series. The Root and branches was just for the part where the cult became the main antagonist. I was thinking of doing the previous parts of the story. But in what form, when and how long will it be I am not sure. I really like how you did the Trunk of the Ash tree and when it his part of the self reflection there will be a lot of hints for the previous stories. Also this theme fits him perfectly
Also I did a self reflection for Matilda.
As for the Boxhead Hobo only thing that I have to say about is LOL Living in a Box!!!!
No. 33616 ID: 3583d1
File 149198206211.jpg - (2.00MB , 2592x3523 , IMG_3406.jpg )
The one who would over throw Root and Andrew, but perhaps only to take their place. The unknown Queen piece, the 9 of spades and death reversed. With men like these, you realize that no one is born evil or born a monster, but they have chosen their path, and this the way their branch grows, but it perhaps only grows to damnnation, never to bear fruit, or the only fruit they bear is poison. This is the Ambassador, the Brimstone Bequest Besieger.

No. 33623 ID: 81c4c9
Wow this looks amazing, can't wait for the Ambassador to reacts to this. He will be sooooooooooooooooooooo excited with it. Also he looks buff as hell, looks like he has been hitting the gym
No. 33624 ID: 3583d1
There's a reason he looks so huge, I've noticed he stand at what something like 7-8 feet tall? And I also wanted to give him a presence that commanded everyone's attention (like the Cthulhu beard and medusa hair didn't already do that)
No. 33625 ID: 81c4c9
I wasn't intended to say that your drawing is bad, actually in this picture that stature makes him more frightening. Which was the look that I was going for in the first place
No. 33627 ID: 81c4c9
File 149203354117.jpg - (1.46MB , 1234x1598 , Beautiful butterfly 8.jpg )
No. 33628 ID: 3583d1
File 149203888694.jpg - (28.96KB , 250x342 , IMG_3407.jpg )
No. 33629 ID: 81c4c9
No. 33644 ID: 81c4c9
File 149208220738.jpg - (3.80MB , 1571x2161 , GMTADIWMP.jpg )
My motivational poster
No. 33651 ID: 3583d1
File 149210932042.jpg - (1.39MB , 2578x3373 , IMG_3408.jpg )
... Excuse me? Did I miss something?

No. 33652 ID: 81c4c9
Wherever would you be referring to? He he he he! What is write on the side where the starting line is weird talking silverware. Also such an calming music it is fantastic as much as this picture is funny. I will have a blast when I come to the self reflection for this one
No. 33653 ID: 81c4c9
File 149211373716.jpg - (625.47KB , 999x1067 , Discussion thread 11.jpg )
Also I made this
No. 33654 ID: 3583d1
lol I was referring to Daro saying "give me thoughts and dreams and I will make popcorn." The Dreamwalker saw that and this was his response. And it says "weird talking silverware and other applicances real?"
No. 33655 ID: 81c4c9
File 149211707730.jpg - (169.40KB , 562x630 , Beautiful butterfly 9.jpg )
Ah that one of my older world that I made as a preset to my friend. I guess that you liked this gage that Absolution did in self reflection
No. 33656 ID: 3583d1
Yep, that is where I got the idea
No. 33657 ID: 81c4c9
Yeah that was one of my favorite jokes that I did. Absolution being so nonchalant about being dead
No. 33671 ID: 81c4c9
File 149227314407.jpg - (1.07MB , 1652x2059 , Beautiful butterfly 10.jpg )
No. 33676 ID: aebd9f
File 149228378092.gif - (1.73KB , 275x200 , IMG_3432.gif )

No. 33677 ID: 81c4c9
Well on one thread there was a question
>If you wrote a book based on your life story, what would the title of the book be?
So I simply answered
No. 33717 ID: 80b588
Well shit. I'm trying to post my new portrait of Godfrey but this is being pretty stubborn. Keeps giving me an error message. I just sent it to ya via messenger though but still... damn.
No. 33718 ID: 81c4c9
Same problem. I have even finished with the finally theater part. But I can't send it :(
No. 33731 ID: 81c4c9
File 149260371950.jpg - (82.67KB , 717x960 , 18009875_1495887197088455_1352335337_n.jpg )
A knight is sworn to valor, his heart knows only virtue, his blade defends the helpless, his might upholds the weak, his word speaks only truth, his wrath undoes the wicked! He is the Grandmaster of the Cross Ash, Godfrey! DEUS VULT!
No. 33732 ID: 81c4c9
(By the way, I put him in shadow because I suspect that because he is probably an immortal, he will feel some shame over that, and he is trying to hold on to his humanity. So because of that, he hides his face in shadow and behind a helm.)
No. 33747 ID: 3583d1
File 149267497840.jpg - (1.67MB , 2728x3911 , IMG_3446.jpg )
The dragon, the pyro, the warrior of flame who will accept defeat on her own terms only. And who is DEFINITELY not a tsundere. Fire of Hate.

No. 33748 ID: 82a33d
Badass and awesome music
No. 33754 ID: 3583d1
File 149276475577.jpg - (2.67MB , 3021x3947 , IMG_3448.jpg )
This isn't necessarily R&B related but I did want to draw something, and this is what I ended up settling on. Human versions of Triumphant and Daro. If you have them reacting to this I suggest putting up here rather than on the quest boards to avoid confusion. I also have the 3 songs I listened to while working on it, Hope you like it!

No. 33755 ID: 82a33d
Wow I didn't expect for you to do fanart of them. It will be fun to do reactions for this
No. 33772 ID: 3583d1
File 149307112869.jpg - (1.38MB , 2976x3263 , IMG_3464.jpg )
Soooo... this is a quick one so I don't really consider it great but oh well. So I'm not really sure what possessed me to draw this one, especially since they haven't necessarily even showed up yet, but I'm just gonna roll with it. Here's Masturbating Mike and Handjob Hank, or Master-B and Handy-J as I'll call them, and guys before you ask, no im not drawing you any porn.

(By the I totally consider this what they would talk like)
No. 33773 ID: 82a33d
This drawing and the video made me laugh like this video
No. 33793 ID: 064dd5
File 149317091227.jpg - (1.56MB , 3287x2894 , IMG_3469.jpg )
Well it would be amiss of me if I didn't give Absurdity a drawing but I did something a little different here. There was a drawing in the dis thread that I loved and it was a humanoid Dreamwalker and Absurdity, it was done for more or less a joke but I absolutely loved it, so I wanted to do one kinda similar but put my own spin on it. So this is Absurdity and DW/FG (Dreamwalker and Fanart Guy) drawn in a more fun style. And if you are wonder why I'm dressed like that, because while Absurdity is dapper and fancies himself and an "asshole" I myself am just casual and fancy my self "a lazy slacker."
No. 33794 ID: 82a33d
Oh boy, I will have so much fun doing self reflection for this one
No. 33795 ID: 064dd5
I'll bet, Absurdity actually has HAIR in this one!
No. 33867 ID: 3583d1
File 149376280930.jpg - (1.80MB , 2655x3990 , IMG_3484.jpg )
Aww. Hey I just realized, Ana this is the first time actually seeing Logans face. And Logan I noticed that when you saw Ana's back at the shop you became visibly less angry...

Well you two? What do you think?
No. 33869 ID: 41b778
This looks phenomenal and sweet at the same time. Oh boy the reaction for this will be priceless
No. 33873 ID: 3583d1
File 149379958729.jpg - (2.04MB , 2793x3860 , IMG_3487.jpg )
So I'm mixing it up again, instead of doing R&B I decided to do ones for MDK, particularly the two main characters. So first Up is our boy in blue, the knight himself, Cornelius Zapata.
No. 33874 ID: 3583d1
File 149379977418.jpg - (1.86MB , 2418x3739 , IMG_3486.jpg )
And finally from MDK and who sometimes cameos in other works, is the dickhead, Mokap, complete with 80's style sun glasses with LED lights that emulate eye movement.

(I tried to make him look like his father, even with the weird hair curl at the front, but since he's also taking his style from video games, I made his hair look like Travis Touchdown from no more heroes)
No. 33875 ID: 3583d1
Oh crap! I forgot their themes:
Cornelius: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALzDuOUOEkQ (and) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2HTJMTCjPo

Mokap: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GE90PDhhwkE (and) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smt28hhJ5kE
No. 33877 ID: 41b778
Lol Mokap looks like one of those bullies from the old cartoons and movies
No. 33878 ID: 3583d1
More or less what I intended
No. 33887 ID: c37dad
Here's an idea for a drawing for you, what would Root look like if instead of cult leader he was the Captain of a pirate crew?

No. 33888 ID: c37dad
I forgot this one!
No. 33909 ID: 4a6bb7
File 149420865476.jpg - (398.79KB , 1380x920 , Beautiful butterfly 13.jpg )
Well here is the captain and Ambassador as Davy Jones
The best version of that song LOL
No. 33911 ID: 4dfa49
Ha! Nice and while it may best version of that song perhaps, but certainly not the best music video for it. That would be this one... NSFW
No. 33913 ID: 4a6bb7
That version with the Crotch Ninja is not the version that we deserve. It is the version that we need
No. 33915 ID: 3583d1
File 149428198335.jpg - (1.91MB , 3024x4032 , IMG_3499.jpg )
Despair all ye wicked and foul sinners! Weep before your eternal justice, for DESOLATION has come to punish all evil!
No. 33930 ID: 4a6bb7
WOW! Is it me or is your art are getting better and better
No. 33932 ID: 3583d1
File 149440160155.jpg - (2.48MB , 2649x4009 , IMG_3500.jpg )
She is beauty, she is grace, she will tear you to bloody pieces, and trap you in her web, and have you for tea. Madamé Rosaline.

No. 33937 ID: 4a6bb7
It looks awesome this is what I have to add
and this
No. 33939 ID: 388cdd
The question is to whom does the song "Killer Queen"
Belong too? Luvia or Rosaline? Actually thinking about it they'd probably be best friends and share it.
No. 33941 ID: 4a6bb7
No. 33946 ID: 388cdd
Alright so here's a new drawing idea for you, I've actually done this one myself (I'll post it below if you want) but a couple years ago I did a drunken bar night drawing of all the main characters in a d&d game that I was playing (and which some of the designs of the characters I shamelessly ripped off from another artist), but in it I included all the main heroes and some of the villains questioning why they were at the bar were all the good guys were hanging out. I'd like to see your take on it with it with R&B. But the fun thing about it is, some of the characters were from another campaign and time but set in the same world so we had characters from across time and space (and universes in some cases) meeting at this one bar to get piss drunk and share fun stories, so have as fun with it as you want.
No. 33954 ID: 3583d1
File 149457709231.jpg - (2.00MB , 2728x3935 , IMG_3510.jpg )
Welcome to the Finally Theater.


Root is sitting in what looks to be a dining hall. There is a horrible smell coming from all around him, like burning flesh and sulfur. He tries to get up but something unseen keeps him from moving. Totally immobile, and only able to look ahead he sees Ana at the other end of the dining table, lifeless as a doll. Behind her there is a window that shows only darkness and hellfire. She opens her eyes and only stares at Root for what seems an eternity before uttering something incomprehensible. She then face plants into the table completely lifeless, and Root realizes she is dead. What seems like a very long time passes and suddenly, Ana is alive again, and staring at Root. This time when she speaks he can understand her, and she tells him his worst fear.

"There Is Nothing."

She continues to stare at Root before dying again and resurrecting again, each time she reaffirms her statement. Dawning horror spreads through Root and he suddenly realizes what this is. He is in a kind of half-life, unable to die, yet unable to live. But Ana, the doll girl, assures him that there is absolutely nothing. As for where he is, he knows he is somewhere between heaven and hell, oblivion and damnation, everywhere and nowhere. Here in this dining room, the line between life and death is blurred. Here his worst enemy and his heart's desire only exists to tell him of the great paradox that is life and death, constantly cycling between the two and denying existence of anything beyond this, fulfilling the paradox. Here, Root is trapped. Here, Root suffers in silence, for although he exists, he knows that somehow, he does not.
No. 33972 ID: 50613f
Alright................. I will see how I will implement this in the story
No. 33973 ID: 388cdd
I can tell whatever you were expecting for a nightmare you weren't expecting that.
No. 33974 ID: 50613f
No. 33975 ID: 50613f
My reaction to that nightmare
No. 33976 ID: 3583d1
I mean I was going for something really creepy here and legitimate nightmare fuel. I guess I succeded
No. 33977 ID: 50613f
Did you watch the new episode of samurai jack
No. 33978 ID: 3583d1
I'm about too, NO SPOILERS!
No. 33979 ID: 3583d1
................ THE FUCK WAS THAT??!?!?!?!??
No. 33980 ID: 91ee5f
A plot twist!
No. 33983 ID: 50613f
And the worst part of it all, is that there is only one episode left. Now when things are heating up! :(
No. 33985 ID: 3583d1
File 149487396304.jpg - (1.59MB , 2486x3160 , IMG_3516.jpg )
Graphite Ash Drawing 1: Strange Abnormalities

It was all supposed to be fun, was what they thought. It was never meant to get out of hand. It was just a ghost story, that was all, nothing more and nothing less. But what happened at the camp site near Lacuna Lake, would go on shake the very foundations of all humanity. And that how it always begins, very small, but soon... more blood will flow...

Main characters: Thomas (Tom), Michael (Mike), Martin (Marty), Bethany (Betty), Jeremy (Jerry), and Anastasia (Nancy).

No. 33986 ID: 3583d1
After seeing the various covers to the whole Graphite Ash series, I got inspired to do this. It had been floating around in my head for a while and this was the result. Plus I shameless inserted myself into it, modeling one of the characters. I won't say which, but I bet our esteemed author can already guess. I'm not really sure if this one can be done in self reflection, I feel that would head into spoiler territory, but I suppose the ash tree can always react to it and drop more hints as to what happened and who lived. We'll just have to see.
No. 33988 ID: 50613f
First of all being a part of that cast is like auditioning to be a cast of a slasher movie. Most of them will have a gruesome demise, just saying not many will survive this part. As for the setting in the first incident it wasn't the campsite near Lacuna Lake, it was just a ordinary Halloween party at one friends apartment. And yes there was one ghost story and one graphite ash drawing that appeared there. But what exactly happened, well that is a story for another day
No. 33990 ID: 388cdd
I hope I did a good job on the characters. I was trying to draw them as best I could with what information I had on their appearances. But I was also going off of just the stick figures and what each of them had. so really this can just be my take on the initial drawing you did.
No. 33992 ID: 3583d1
Also I realize that I got a name wrong on this. I thought Nadly's name was Nancy, couldn't exactly see it properly. So if I went back and redo this I would probably change her name to Natalie, which could then be shorten to Nadly
No. 34001 ID: 50613f
I must admit you always surprise me with the fan art, you always do something that I don't expect from you to do. By the way awesome job as always with the drawing, if I ever wrote a book. You would be the first person that I would ask for doing the cover of the book
No. 34002 ID: 388cdd
I'm flattered but I'm THAT good
No. 34004 ID: 50613f
Well your art style is way better than my at least
No. 34005 ID: 50613f
File 149495948857.jpg - (2.31MB , 5767x1306 , Beautiful butterfly 14.jpg )
Alright this is the song that goes with this bar scene. Also bonus points if you can guess what drinks are all the customer are having
No. 34006 ID: 3583d1
Lester: A coke, possibly with some jack daniels
Delilah: Whiskey and beer
Susan and Anthony: Vodka is my guess but regardless of whatever they are having they will be having a horrible headache
Matilda: Whatever gets her through this day faster
Lazlo: Dry martini, funny I thought he'd be a pina colda type of guy
Lorence: Scotch or a brandy, for the classy gentleman
Ana: Beer or Jack and Coke, whatever helps
Triumphant: Water with alka-seltzer to help with their headaches
FoH: Not enough
Flint: Not nearly enough to excuse this kind of behavior
Rozaline: Looks like she is pouring some shots
Root: Why is he even at this bar if all he's getting is water?
No. 34007 ID: 50613f
Yes why does Root come to the bar if he doesn't want even to drink?
No. 34008 ID: 3583d1
Designated driver...
No. 34009 ID: 50613f
No. 34012 ID: 50613f
As for the drink games you guessed all the drinks

No. 34014 ID: 3583d1
File 149500903343.jpg - (2.12MB , 2579x3641 , IMG_3543.jpg )
I've always loved blacksmiths in stories. I've even tried it myself and managed to make an (okay) knife. But I swear upon all the gods, if Blacky is dead, there will be a reckoning. I don't think he is though (at least I hope). I'm willing to be the moment he lost his hand he either got to work on a mechanical replace meant but with his own added touch kinda like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtyU2PJCk7Y

Anyway here is Blacky!
No. 34015 ID: 143250
RIP :(
No. 34016 ID: 3583d1
Hey, c'mon have a little faith! He'll pull through! a lot of famous characters have lost a hand and lived. Luke Skywalker, Jamie Lannister, Ash, take your pick.
No. 34017 ID: 50613f
File 149503958712.jpg - (293.55KB , 1092x1024 , Beautiful butterfly 15.jpg )
No. 34018 ID: 3583d1
File 149504489808.jpg - (1.48MB , 2762x3816 , IMG_3547.jpg )
Because I wanted too...?

I don't know if you've noticed but I am something of a geek for fantasy stories. And like I said blacksmith are usually some of my favorite characters, and I've always admired the patience and skill it takes to craft something like that. Often times when I saw the dreams of blacksmiths I would help them with ideas for new weapons or patterns they could use. One guy, oh man, his smiths name was Ulfberht, that guy could forge like it's nobody's business! I actually took human shape for a little while so I could forge with him, that's when I made the knife. It came out alright! It looked like this with a crescent moon shaped blade, hold maybe I still have it around... huh... that's odd where put that damn thing?
No. 34021 ID: 50613f
Alright you skamp, just don't run with what knight. But I can understand if you have fascination with fantasy, actually fantasy is your speciality.
No. 34022 ID: 388cdd
Yeah I suppose it is... Motherfucker! I can't find that damn knife! Where did I put it? Did someone take it? I don't even think it's magical... But Ive never really tested it, what could a knife made by a god of dreams even do? I just used it to chop up fruit...
No. 34042 ID: 50613f
Oh you will see what I have planned for this picture HA HA HA HA HA!
No. 34045 ID: 3583d1
File 149510110948.jpg - (2.50MB , 3441x2944 , IMG_3552.jpg )
Sleep soundly tonight, scavengers and cultists. For judgement will fall upon all you! The right hand of Absolution, The one who will bring vegence upon The Root of Ash, and any who would pledge themselves to his thrice damned cult, Logan Albrecht!

OH MY GODS! My poor drawing hand... oh well 2 hours well spent! Anyway that probably isn't his last name but it just sounded powerful and a little magical so I just went with it. Also that is my pick for his theme, I kinda stole parts of it for te intro.
No. 34047 ID: 50613f
Well the only thing that I can say about the picture and the music is
No. 34058 ID: 3583d1
File 149518414696.jpg - (2.24MB , 2719x3941 , IMG_3553.jpg )
I once bade farewell to my family due to my own mistakes. By all that I have left I swear I will not make them twice. People call me Boxhead, but that's not my real name. I was named for an old ancestor of mine, a righteous outlaw. So allow me to tell you bastards what he told all the corrupt people he robbed.
"I'm Ned Kelly! Bail up, or you're dead men!"

I'm keeping my hero drawings going! That probably isn't Boxy's real name, and until he trusts us enough we probably won't learn it. But he can't just be "Boxy" forever.
No. 34059 ID: 50613f
I was already planning on introducing a character called Ned
the immortal Kelly and yes I was also inspired by extra history to make him
No. 34060 ID: 3583d1
No. 34113 ID: 3583d1
File 149547697368.jpg - (1.69MB , 3013x3421 , IMG_3561.jpg )
As promised to the Robbit Rabbot, his own drawing maybe he can hang it as a center piece in his hall or something.

"Wheeeen you're... Hopping on down the multiverse, the creators all seem to look down. Your metal and small, your ears and too tall, and stories make the worlds go round'... Now I'm a big prick, and but you gotta admit, when you're dealing the guy in the mask, so you aren't gonna change my thieving ways until my house is finished at last!"
No. 34117 ID: 3583d1
File 149550201491.jpg - (1.68MB , 3024x4032 , IMG_3573.jpg )
Sexy Ana training with her Svardstav? Sexy Ana training with her Svardstav!

The result of a boring afternoon. Mostly did this just to go "Niener-Niener, Delilah! Faces are one thing but figure is too! And someone is much prettier than either you or Luvia!"
No. 34118 ID: 1e3a4f
The Robbit Rabbot looks fantastic. I like it when I see who you interpret some of my abstract characters. As for Ana she looks badass as always
No. 34119 ID: 29ca5a
File 149550945254.jpg - (1.79MB , 3548x3024 , IMG_3574.jpg )
If I really did make good on my promise and "jumped ship" over to silver tails, and dragged Anon along with me, it probably would have looked a little like this.
No. 34124 ID: 143250
Heh, that would definitely suit me if I were an avatar for that dimension. I Have been asking a lot of questions recently. Have you ever thought about making your own quest?
No. 34142 ID: 3583d1
I did something kind of like one a while ago, but it wasn't on here. I just ran it on a facebook group for a while but it just sorta stopped. I've thought about doing one but I want to have the actual time and right equipment to do one.
No. 34143 ID: 3583d1
Dreamwalker and Anon's adventure through silver tails! Really it's just me doodling and practicing expressions but still I like the character designs a lot. Anon being "Anonymous" all he is a question mark, and Dreamwalker is a literal flame of colors that change depending on his mood, normally it's purple. The mask in the flame i based on the general shape of the eye. Anywho, so yeah, laughing happy, pissed and/or annoyed, and shocked/scared.

No. 34144 ID: 3583d1
File 149552635883.jpg - (2.51MB , 3021x3582 , IMG_3577.jpg )
Dreamwalker and Anon's adventure through silver tails! Really it's just me doodling and practicing expressions but still I like the character designs a lot. Anon being "Anonymous" all he is a question mark, and Dreamwalker is a literal flame of colors that change depending on his mood, normally it's purple. The mask in the flame i based on the general shape of the eye. Anywho, so yeah, laughing happy, pissed and/or annoyed, and shocked/scared.

No. 34145 ID: 3583d1
File 149552645098.jpg - (2.74MB , 3024x4032 , IMG_3578.jpg )
And finally, quizzical, and then piss drunk.

No. 34146 ID: 3583d1
Fuck. Forgot to add the picture and now it's giving me incorrect password, damn...
No. 34147 ID: 3583d1
File 149553014834.jpg - (2.87MB , 3024x4032 , IMG_3579.jpg )
One last one before I crash...

It always starts very small. But what was once just a story can grow, take form, even kill. Eventually, through followers, it can gain GODHOOD. The Ghost, the one who would become The Ash Tree.

No. 34148 ID: 1e3a4f
Whoa man you went all out on the drawing thing. As for the thread don't feed them after midnight there I said. What I will do with the future self reflection segments
No. 34149 ID: 1e3a4f
File 149554211006.jpg - (456.57KB , 1652x1848 , Beautiful butterfly 16.jpg )
The way I envision the ghost in the story would be much different from the tone of the Root and branches series. For example it wouldn't have a weapon it wouldn't talk. It would be like some presence that you can't get rid of constantly getting closer and closer. The whole story would feel like the Ring movie

No. 34150 ID: 3583d1
I like it! Can't wait to see it when it's started! I bet it will be fun and scary!

And I'm excited to see self reflection continue here!
No. 34151 ID: 1e3a4f
Go to the discussion thread, there is something waiting for you
No. 34154 ID: 3583d1
Full bodied Wild Cat, our curiously courageous curator!

No. 34155 ID: 3583d1
File 149558210122.jpg - (1.75MB , 2690x3786 , IMG_3589.jpg )
Full bodied Wild Cat, our curiously courageous curator!

No. 34156 ID: 1e3a4f
Awesome work as always
This song can also go with it
No. 34161 ID: 3583d1
So could this.
No. 34162 ID: 1e3a4f
File 149563950584.jpg - (1.78MB , 3508x4540 , Beautiful butterfly 17.jpg )
No. 34163 ID: 3583d1
Yes I remember what happened, and you made me pay for it. But hey c'mon, the new one's mahogany. Can you really complain?
No. 34188 ID: 1e3a4f
File 149593352509.jpg - (2.79MB , 2480x2906 , Beautiful butterfly 18.jpg )
No. 34192 ID: 6d8df5
DEUS VULT! Remember the dead, fight for the living!
No. 34226 ID: 1e3a4f
File 149622324687.jpg - (7.12MB , 5584x4961 , Beautiful butterfly 19.jpg )
No. 34227 ID: 5b68fc
Hey FoH? Do me a favor? Smack her?
No. 34242 ID: 1e3a4f
File 149634281520.jpg - (8.80MB , 4059x5441 , Beautiful butterfly 20.jpg )
No. 34257 ID: bd0723

The way my mother taught me was if you don't have anything nice to say you shouldn't say anything at all. But I mean, if you want me to be honest why did you change what you liked? And... I'm sorry that emover haircut is kinda odd... I get why it's there, just the one eye glint thing, but Triumphant never really struck me as "goth" enough for that haircut.
No. 34274 ID: f64d1f
File 149661436623.jpg - (4.37MB , 3508x4834 , Beautiful butterfly 21.jpg )
No. 34276 ID: e94b09
If you recall where I got my entire idea from this drawing was a video that in of itself was a joke... so really these guys have just come full circle...
No. 34281 ID: 3583d1
File 149668519519.jpg - (1.86MB , 3021x3893 , IMG_3624.jpg )
WOOOO! The boys and I came through! This is my graduation gift for Laura when she masters her powers. We've decided we'll let her name it when she recieves it. It's a cane sword! Well more specifically a shillelagh sword. Made of unbreakable steel and and blackthorn wood. It has the same cutting properties and my old knife with some extras, but if Laura would prefer a non lethal route all she needs to do is sheathe the sword, lock it in place, and she can now just use as club and dueling cane!

Also these are my smithing buddies, three gods of Earth, metals, and Smithing, Sindri and his brother Brokk, and also Haphestus (I think he and Gaia are related somehow but I didn't think it polite to ask, cousins maybe?) I have no real talent for smithing myself but I can help out and plan. I even had a few strikes at the anvil to imbue some of my power!
No. 34282 ID: f64d1f
No. 34318 ID: f64d1f
File 149671301049.jpg - (5.19MB , 3508x4961 , Beautiful butterfly 22.jpg )
No. 34322 ID: 3583d1
File 149673305974.jpg - (2.01MB , 3024x4032 , IMG_3625.jpg )
Glad you like this form! Really I consider this my actual self, "The Dreamwalker" is me playing as the God of Dreams, so I guess this can be considered more the "Fanart Guy" half. I'm probably just making this more confusing...

Anyway to answer your question I started following this quest a little after it first started. Going back my first suggestion was during the interview with Root. I remember seeing chapter one R&B keep popping up around late 2016. The title had piqued my curiosity as well as its art style andI ended up having a lot of fun! As for my actual quest experience I've been an avid quester starting around Nanquest and Divequest (gods bless our lord and savior Weaver) and being tired of Weavers almost nonexistent updates I decided to poke around the site and other quests to see what I could find and ended up falling in love with TGchan. I've participated in a lot of quests on and off but I've gotta say this one where I have really broken out of my shell with all of my drawings, it was just something I felt I had to do. I've really enjoyed everything you have written and I've enjoyed drawing for this. I also love it when an author is accessible and always listens to their audience it makes it way more fun for me. It's why I love authors like you and JiggyDino. Keep doing what you do man, and keep and eye open, I've suddenly had ideas for a couple new drawings!
No. 34323 ID: 3583d1
File 149673776640.jpg - (2.45MB , 3024x4032 , IMG_3627.jpg )
The man in the shadows, the one who is trustworthy, the one who is a true demon...

Andrew Goodwill
No. 34324 ID: f64d1f
Well I am glad that you are enjoying this quest. Also this is my first and previous experience was just with reading Ruby Quest, Nanquest and Divequest. And yes I was also sad to see that he basically stopped updating that quest. But his work inspired me and I wanted to make a quest where you participaters would be a part of the story a significant characters. I am having so much fun with this quest and I already have majority of the story planned out, that is if you choose to go with that road. As for the new portrait Andrew Goodwill it looks awesome it reminds me of Sutter Cane from In the Mouth of Madness. As always here are my songs that would go with it


No. 34326 ID: f64d1f
No. 34375 ID: 3583d1
File 149703376823.jpg - (1.97MB , 3692x2956 , IMG_3689.jpg )
Would this be nightmare? Fuck it, it is SOMEONE'S dream now. Don't know who's it is, but I bet their face will be priceless when the wake up.
No. 34376 ID: 143250
YYYYAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH! Why did you give me that dream?! I know we don't see eye to eye on some things, but WTF?!

Now I have that song stuck in my head.
No. 34377 ID: 3583d1
I am not sorry.

I didn't intend to give it you but, Y'know what? Fuck it, lets give this to someone else, this too funny.
No. 34380 ID: f64d1f
File 149706162093.jpg - (897.80KB , 1364x4701 , Beautiful butterfly 23.jpg )
No. 34382 ID: b0784e
File 149706326902.jpg - (44.93KB , 603x315 , IMG_3690.jpg )
And to ask if we trust WC, yeah we do. He pulled Ana away from Desolation so he's an ally to be sure.
No. 34384 ID: 143250
You didn't experience the dream you gave me, it felt so real... Andrew did insinuate that dreams could be premonitions when he was speaking to Root after his own nightmare.

After what Falafa said to me about betrayal in our future, and not trusting enemies who are our enemies with our lives (mind you that WC did work for Root), and that final message in that dream mirroring that message of trusting him with our life before I woke up, I'm now not too sure... But you're right, he has saved our lives multiple times...

In a different perspective, he may actually have good intentions for Ana, but does he have good intentions for me? it was my dream after all, not Ana's...

I'll trust him for now, but I'll have to keep an eye on him and rethink things. Sorry. Just do me a favor and don't tell him about me being suspicious. If he truly is a friend, I don't want to hurt his feelings.

but anyway, after experiencing your nightmare, Dreamwalker, I almost feel bad for the cult. Ever think you might be going overboard?

(>>34375 also, nice artwork forgot to mention)
No. 34386 ID: b0784e
Hey woah, I didn't make that one with your head cut off. Hell the first one that was just WC and Stitch dancing I got from watching Young Frankenstein, it was just supposed to be a funny joke kind of dream, I certainly didn't intend for you to be on it's receiving end. As for going hard on the cult, if people leave they leave the cult they stop having nightmares. Otherwise, it's "tough titties, said the kitty"

If anything I think you just answered your own question of who gave that one to you, Andrew did warn about dreams being a premonition, but he also has shown that he can make nightmares as well. Remember when you first met me? He gave Ana a nightmare to lure me out.

Wait a minute... how did he even see the original funny dream? That had to be where he got the idea for that one...? Either you have some kind of lurking spell or I do. I doubt it's me, I've already set up a way so that he can't find me and monitor the dreams I've sent out... you might want to look yourself over...
No. 34387 ID: b0784e
Hmm, you know thinking about I sent out the one of WC and Stitch doing that dance to one other person, not sure who though, I really just rolled the dice on that. I wonder who got it...???
No. 34390 ID: 143250
Do you still do requests, Absurdity? How about Delilah tripping out, maybe see the world through her eyes?

It was Andrew? He's not nearby is he? Well he was drawn here earlier, so he might be here to critique the drawing soon. Mind if I hide behind you if he shows up? I don't really want him to confront me right now, especially after that dream. Not mentally prepared after what I've been through recently.
No. 34391 ID: b0784e
Don't worry, he won't see you.
No. 34395 ID: f64d1f
File 149710736943.jpg - (696.01KB , 1748x1208 , Beautiful butterfly 24.jpg )
No. 34396 ID: f64d1f
As for Delilah tripping out, I will do one better. I will do Delilah making a drug PSA
No. 34397 ID: 143250
I have stated before that I don't remember anything about my past life, not even fragments like the other Anas, so this would be worrying if the dream was based off something I remembered.

The only thing I did remember was Root's backstory. When I constructed his backstory back in the Street Smarts section. I thought I was just making it up, but Root went along with it like it was all correct. How could I have known so much about him, a man shrouded in so much secrets?

I don't know if I even want to try to remember my past. I'll just focus on the future instead.
No. 34398 ID: 143250
lol, can't wait.
No. 34399 ID: f64d1f
Good things come to those who wait
No. 34412 ID: 111586
File 149722016420.jpg - (2.42MB , 1748x4469 , Beautiful butterfly 25.jpg )
No. 34414 ID: 464660
No. 34415 ID: 111586
If drugs are so bad...
Then why are you such a pussy?
No. 34416 ID: 143250
Joel, lol.
No. 34417 ID: 111586
Best drugs PSA
No. 34419 ID: 3583d1
Alright since we've had so many Jojo refernces around here lately, if Ana had a Stand what would her stand be? The most I figure is it would be combination of AJ, WC, Desolation, and her other selves all mixed into one form
No. 34430 ID: 3583d1
File 149734386197.jpg - (2.23MB , 3573x3024 , IMG_3732.jpg )
I showed one of my friends R&B, and what ushered forth from telling him about it was what inspired this drawing. We started talking about Dreamwalker going over to his friends house, The Incubus Melkior, and they have a rude and crude heart to heart chat while they attempt to drink away his grief over the loss of his brother, which is unsuccessful. Why he goes over to a demon's place? fucked if I know but its what inspired the title. But basically he gives him a few ideas as to how deal with the grief, most of which involve bloody revenge. I don't really consider this canon, it can be, but its mostly for shits and giggles.
No. 34431 ID: 3583d1
The song that really inspired the title:
No. 34433 ID: 111586
File 149734578836.jpg - (136.45KB , 1328x813 , Beautiful butterfly 26.jpg )
As you wanted the stand of Ana. Also awesome drawing just don't drink and drive
No. 34435 ID: 111586
It is a Integrated Stands ( 一体化型 Ittaika-gata )
No. 34436 ID: 3583d1
File 149738326309.jpg - (1.91MB , 3000x3901 , IMG_3733.jpg )
It's funny people say I'm being hard the cult, or that I underestimate people. Well a threat to my friends and family is something I don't take lightly anymore.
And I haven't even started going hard...

I'll be saving this. Just in case.
No. 34437 ID: 111586
What are you planning. I am concerned and aroused at the same time
No. 34438 ID: 3583d1
Let's just say this, Gods usually have more than one name and aspect that reflects what is. Dreamwalker is just one way of thinking of myself, but I have another that reflects another part of me. And those who hurt anyone I care about, will feel my full wrath.
No. 34439 ID: 111586
File 149740508902.jpg - (248.76KB , 692x840 , Beautiful butterfly 27.jpg )
What do you think about this upcoming character, do you think that it will be your friend or foe?

No. 34440 ID: 464660
Friend or Foe? I'm still trying to figure out it that's a man or a woman...
No. 34442 ID: 111586
Does this help in answering that question?

No. 34443 ID: 3583d1
File 149743383240.jpg - (2.86MB , 3021x3820 , IMG_3736.jpg )
Would you like to know what I am planning? What will happen should Dervan, Andrew, Root, anyone try and hurt my friends? My family?

Well I won't tell, you that much, but I'll give you a bit of a hint...
"That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strand aeons even death may death may die. Draining of your sanity, now you face that which should not be."
No. 34445 ID: 111586
File 149746176533.jpg - (827.63KB , 1588x1864 , Beautiful butterfly 28.jpg )
No. 34446 ID: 3583d1
No. 34453 ID: 3583d1
No, That's where you're wrong. So fuck you, and fuck your movie cliches. Keep my damn knife, shit I was even going to tell you how it worked before you decided to go all psychopath on me. Too late now. Look man, just don't okay? I really don't want to have to deal with your angry wine-opener ass, but I swear by the gods of light darkness, you hurt anyone I love, and you will pray for death. So just fuck off. Okay?
No. 34460 ID: 3583d1
File 149764612997.jpg - (1.63MB , 3323x2693 , IMG_3740.jpg )
Our newest child companions, who I really want to protect. I'm a huge softy when it comes to kids... Here's Robert Ramona and Russell.
No. 34473 ID: 111586
They look so precious and cute. You made them look much better than the way they first looked

No. 34476 ID: 143250
No. 34499 ID: 5abf51
File 149795608702.jpg - (3.13MB , 3315x3089 , Beautiful butterfly 29.jpg )
No. 34500 ID: 143250
Friend or foe?

Probably neutral. Whether that means he/she is an enemy to both sides, an ally to both sides, or does not want to be involved at all and will only be your enemy if you confront him/her is anyone's guess. Bottom line: neutral.
No. 34501 ID: 5abf51
Interesting observation, why do you think that he/she looks like someone that would be neutral?
No. 34502 ID: 143250
The way he/she is dressed does not look like what we've seen the other cult members have worn at this point, or what we have seen allies worn for that matter. The dark outfit looks perfect for blending into the darkness to hide from everyone like a ninja, and it gives off an intimidating look to keep people away from them to avoid conversations and confrontations. Basically, someone who does not want to get involved with our war unless they are forced into it.

We also haven't seen a lot of neutral characters in the story so far as well, (granted, we've seen survivors that are neutral here and there, but they're either helping us in some way like the two we are in contact with, or against us, like the ones who were attacking Gretel, but they're dead now). and I know that since a neutral path is available. It would stand to reason that there are more characters that are on neither side that have tremendous power of their own to fend for themselves.
No. 34503 ID: 3583d1
Well give it time, you two really haven't had a chance for more than one interaction with each other, who knows what could happen.
No. 34504 ID: 5abf51
Only thing that I can tell you is not to judge the book by its cover
No. 34506 ID: 3583d1
File 149803136161.jpg - (2.31MB , 2808x3910 , IMG_3762.jpg )
We still don't know a whole lot about him, but based on his title, he probably is something of a torturer. Presenting, Inquisitor Raphael.
No. 34507 ID: 3583d1
File 149803490747.jpg - (2.26MB , 2864x3823 , IMG_3763.jpg )
*Sigh* Well you probably knew I was going to get to this guy eventually, here's Flint. Rest in pieces, douchebag.
No. 34508 ID: 5abf51
Oh I love that shit eating grin on the face of Flint. As for Raphael he looks sad for a person with a smiling mask. As always everything awesome
No. 34509 ID: 97bb2d
I like to think Ralph's face is more the look of "i know something you don't."
No. 34510 ID: 5abf51
Do you mean something like this mask
No. 34511 ID: 97bb2d
File 149807942592.jpg - (18.27KB , 210x240 , IMG_3764.jpg )
Yeah, pretty much. I drew him that way because in normal conversations I think his face would look something like this. It's only when his eyes open, he can be considered deadly and dangerous
No. 34526 ID: 3583d1
Here's an idea for another Delilah drawing... Use the audio for this and just go nuts (although I like the idea of the "and I won't do it..." part is her holding a knife at Lester)
No. 34527 ID: 5abf51
Oh I can't wait :D
No. 34528 ID: 3583d1
File 149816229171.jpg - (2.04MB , 3964x2787 , IMG_3767.jpg )
So... this is a thing now....

Is this a dream? I don't know, probably. I think Laura might be rubbing off on me in terms of silly dream qualities. I'm gonna give it to someone in the cult anyway. Probably a higher. Lorence maybe? Or even Root? Idk we'll have to see.
No. 34529 ID: 3583d1
This is how Root is dancing btw, forgot to add this one in.
No. 34531 ID: 5abf51
I didn't expect this but

No. 34539 ID: 3583d1
File 149820952439.jpg - (2.29MB , 3255x2740 , IMG_3799.jpg )
Do you remember, Delilah? Do you remember, all those years ago?


Ugh, what a pain. Your dumbass parents couldn't look after him while their out so you get stuck with him again. Sure things with him can be fun, hell stealing the garden gnomes was funny as shit, but this is a whole new low for you. Today was the day when you and your crew were gonna plan the next job. Nothin' big, just stealing some shit, maybe some breaking and entering, if anyone gets hurt it won't be too bad you tell yourself. You're only worried about your brother, fucking wheelchair bound idiot just seems to go with the flow at times, he never told anyone about stealing the gnomes, so you think whatever your going to discuss with your crew he'll be cool with it. From what your bro has told you he's been through some shit. Well so has everyone, big fucking deal. Rounding the next corner you see your crew, their all just haning, Jake is rolling some dice playing a poor mans version of craps, Allen is lighting up, and susan looks as if she is trying to blend into the wall and shadow by looking cool.
"Hey guys, sorry it took to long." You say.
All of them turn to you and immediately look suspicious.
"Who's the cripple?" Allen says, exhaling blue smoke from his cig.
"My brother, y'know the one who stole the gnomes? Gotta watch his ass today."
Your brother looks down at his hands in his lap. Goddamn it, could you look any more pathetic or more of target? You tried to teach him up on that bridge but you get the feeling he was trying to act tough. He never quite got the hang of your lessons, but damnit if he doesn't stop looking so pathetic you'll give him a reminder.
"H-hi..." He says sheepishly. Fucking hell dude, if you knew he was gonna act like this around your crew you wouldn't have taken his v-card a couple nights ago. And yep, you look up and your crew is staring him down with wide grins like a pack of wolves. Fuck, they are gonna eat him alive. You already feel the shit you are gonna get from them for having to drag him along. Gotta try and save some face here.
"Don't worry, he won't tell anyone." You say grinning, and slap your brothers back a little harder than necessary. "ain't that right?" Just for emphasis.
He nods emphatically. Jesus, grow some balls will you.
"Oh, sure D. Didn't realize that you also had to look after your baby bro on the side though." Jake chuckles.
You feel anger in your gut, fucking pussy ass cripple. You knew he was gonna drag you down, and here you are. You just hope not to hit rock bottom by the end of the night.
"C'mon, we've got work to discuss."
And the meeting begins...
No. 34540 ID: 3583d1
File 149821205791.jpg - (2.23MB , 2131x3852 , IMG_3798.jpg )
Do you remeber, Delilah? Do you remember, the day you learned fear?

You crush your cigarette out on the pavement in the alley. Fucking fuck. What a shitty week it has been... Your job went south, you almost got arrested, and again, your fucking brother is causing a real pain in the side. If your parents did go out, none of this would have even happened. You remember the words you said to him, they still ring in your head. After you all made it out of that rich ass neighborhood, you blamed everything on him.
"Fucking useless ass criple, I can't wait for the day your own body gives out on you and you are six feet under!"
The look on his face. It was almost a look of betrayal. Fucking hell, what is this? Since when have you felt sympathy for anyone?
"What's wrong D?" Susan asks from her perch on an old dumpster.
"Just thinking about my dumbass brother." You say.
"The cripple will be fine, everyone looks after cripples." Jake says lighting up a new cig. You bum another off of him and light up.
"He's only been gone a few days. Whats the worst that could happen." Jake says, trying to be reassuring.
You roll your eyes.
"Still, I knew he was stupid, I never thought he'd be retarded enough to run away." Damnit, you hate these kinds of shitty moods. You need something to take your mind off things. As if in answer Allen suddenly looks up, someone coming down the alley towards you guys. You can't quite make him out, but he's got a hood up and he's not looking at any of you.
Perfect. You feel an easy smile on your face, here's that chance. As if rehearsed, everyone stand's and begins walking toward this new stranger.
"Get lost, pal?" You call out.
No reply.
"You deaf or something?" You say again.
The figure looks up and you feel your heart skip a beat.
This guy, he almost looks like...
But that's impossible, he can't walk, his hair is too long, and what is up with those eyes?
The guy smiles, and it's a look you don't like. You've seen that look all too often, that's the look of someone who means violence. He reaches into his shirt then, everyone stops, expecting a gun or a knife, but instead, it's a mask? Your whole crew suddenly laughs at this guy, except you.
The mask looks like a cross between a kind of bug, tiki, and skull. But there's something really wrong about it, you can't tell, but something almost inherently wrong about it.
Your crew stops laughing, and is now only giggling at this idiot.
"Look dude, I don't know who you are, but unless you want to get the shit kicked out of you, you'll give us your wallet." Jake says.
The guy doesn't reply, only smiles. Now you know something is wrong. Most people crap their pants at that, this guy though... Your crew stops laughing and now they look annoyed.
"Uh, hey? I said give us your cash!" Jake says advancing on him.
It happens too quick to see, but suddenly Jake is hurled back, there's a brief scream, then you feel Jake's weight crash into all of you, and you're all knocked over. You manage to get up and now you are royally pissed! You don't know what just happened but no one disrespects your crew like that! Flicking open a switch blade you jet forward stabbing, but he's not there. He to the left. He suddenly grabs you and twists your arm, hard with one hand. You howl in pain and drop the knife, reflexively. And now you suddenly get a good look at his face. Dawning horror spreads through you, as you see the twisted face of your brother.
"First lesson, force equals power."
The thing that looks like your brother puts on the mask, which now seems even worse and then-


The ringing in your ears is loud. Your vision is first black, then blurry, then starting to clear. Everything is red. You suddenly become aware a of pungent smell of meat and iron. The ringing in your ear begins to clear, and you can hear-
You suddenly look up in time to see Susan being torn apart by thorny branches coming out of the pavement. Her screams cut suddenly short as her head is ripped from her body, her face a rictus of fear and pain. The masked man who stood and watched your friend be killed suddenly turns to you, and walks over to you. You feel like you are going to vomit. Hot tears begin to roll down your face but you are too horrified to realize it, too scared to even scream. You see the mutilated bodies of your crew, your friends. All of them ripped apart, their head a mask of pain, confusion, fear, hate.
The figure that looks like your brother slowly walks over to you, you try and crawl back but your head is killing you. He kneels down and looks at you. You can't see his face, but his eyes tell you he is smiling.
"Second rule, Intimidation and fear is everything..."
No. 34541 ID: 5abf51
File 149822599409.jpg - (531.31KB , 1548x1080 , Beautiful butterfly 30.jpg )
No. 34542 ID: 3583d1

Clowns... fucking clowns... nope nope nopity nope...
No. 34548 ID: 5abf51
File 149825356942.jpg - (402.00KB , 1324x992 , Beautiful butterfly 31.jpg )
No. 34549 ID: 3583d1
No. 34550 ID: 3583d1
File 149826192239.jpg - (1.89MB , 3941x3024 , IMG_3801.jpg )
No. 34552 ID: 3583d1
File 149826422778.jpg - (1.82MB , 4032x3024 , IMG_3802.jpg )
Absurdity: Oh, hi, DWFG, what's going-


Absurdity: OOF!... Did- Did I miss something?
No. 34553 ID: 5abf51
File 149826868496.jpg - (418.40KB , 1316x1198 , Beautiful butterfly 32.jpg )

Sorry but Absurdity cannot appear in this scene
No. 34554 ID: 97bb2d
I know, lol this was just for shits and giggles.
No. 34555 ID: 97bb2d
But to answer Delilah's question, yes I am actually terrified of clowns.
No. 34557 ID: 97bb2d
although I am curious as to where you got the name Anthony from, that's not my actual name, just a disclaimer.
No. 34559 ID: 5abf51
File 149831257030.jpg - (651.83KB , 1748x1160 , Beautiful butterfly 33.jpg )
No. 34561 ID: c5b754
I can roll with it.
No. 34563 ID: 5abf51
File 149833900093.jpg - (784.76KB , 1820x1689 , Beautiful butterfly 34.jpg )
No. 34573 ID: 97bb2d
Ugh... I wish I could just go home...

Yeah, I'll get it done soon, but I don't even know your name...
No. 34574 ID: 5abf51
File 149838296522.jpg - (284.12KB , 1352x886 , Beautiful butterfly 35.jpg )
No. 34575 ID: 97bb2d
I figured out who you are, and you are a creepy guy. Shaman Amaroq...
(just for clarification, his name is pronounced Like Ah-mo-rock, this might not be his real name but it's name that comes from the same culture as the mask he's based on, and it's also the name of an evil spirit, so I thought it fit well, but you can change it to whatever)
No. 34576 ID: 5abf51
File 149843942903.jpg - (313.01KB , 1324x783 , Beautiful butterfly 36.jpg )
Sorry but I envisioned this character to be female
No. 34577 ID: 97bb2d
You don't even sound entirely human...
No. 34578 ID: 97bb2d
(No problem I'll delete that one and do another. Actually female works out better in an odd way, want to keep the name or change it?)
No. 34579 ID: 5abf51
No don't delete it :(
No. 34580 ID: 97bb2d
Too late...
No. 34581 ID: 5abf51
Also she has a name, well it really isn't her real name just her code name or something like that
No. 34582 ID: 5abf51
No. 34583 ID: 97bb2d
I'll send the other one too you, but not here. Maybe he'll be a character later but who knows.
No. 34606 ID: 3583d1
File 149855047274.jpg - (2.63MB , 3024x4032 , IMG_3834.jpg )
There, I finished it, and even gave you a fancy headdress to go with it all. Is this better?
No. 34607 ID: 6e649f
File 149856103704.jpg - (857.73KB , 1748x1424 , Beautiful butterfly 37.jpg )
No. 34608 ID: 3583d1
Uhh sure? What kind of group is it?
No. 34610 ID: 3583d1
File 149859532793.jpg - (2.50MB , 3024x4032 , IMG_3837.jpg )
I felt I should update Roots image a little bit, I kept the look of his original cloak but added in some new stuff to give him a real air of command and terror, plus since compared to his other followers his mask is a little plain, I really wanted to make his whole outfit look much more intimidating... This took me two whole days to finish. Hope it looks good.
No. 34612 ID: 143250
wow, quick work right after giving your agreement to join her group.

Dream premonitions, huh? I have a feeling that perhaps if we meet through Ana, Anthony, you and I would become good friends to some extent. Continue your great artwork.
No. 34613 ID: 143250
Oh wait, you said it took a couple days. My mistake still very impressive, though.
No. 34615 ID: 6e649f
File 149860090775.jpg - (205.15KB , 1116x584 , Beautiful butterfly 38.jpg )

That version of Root is something how he would look if he lead his people on the battlefield. Your art stile surpass my art stile and puts my doodles to shame. This is how I would describe that picture

No. 34616 ID: 3583d1
(I'm having something of a shitty day, so I decided some Godfrey crusader meme jokes might cheer me up)

No. 34617 ID: 3583d1
File 149868029123.jpg - (1.87MB , 4032x3024 , IMG_3842.jpg )
(I'm having something of a shitty day, so I decided some Godfrey crusader meme jokes might cheer me up)

No. 34620 ID: 3583d1
File 149868133179.jpg - (1.86MB , 3024x4032 , IMG_3843.jpg )

NotAnthony: Lord Godfrey, I'm only ten...

No. 34621 ID: 6e649f
No. 34622 ID: 3583d1
File 149868203470.jpg - (1.80MB , 4032x3024 , IMG_3844.jpg )
Boyfriend and the Girlfriending...

They make you look cooler in public
Sometimes, the let you put things... in their ass. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
You can hold hands with them, and people won't think that it's gay
Your parents won't think that you're a loser
And you don't have to eat and McDonald's by yourself anymore...

No. 34624 ID: 3583d1
File 149868270848.jpg - (1.78MB , 4032x3024 , IMG_3845.jpg )


No. 34625 ID: 6e649f
File 149870033752.jpg - (332.45KB , 1257x790 , Beautiful butterfly 39.jpg )
This is how I see all the funny pictures being created. I hope this will cheer you up today

No. 34627 ID: 3583d1
File 149875972635.jpg - (2.15MB , 3024x4032 , IMG_3847.jpg )
Yes, it did cheer me up. So since I did so much making fun of Godfrey yesterday, I figured I would give him something much more proper. This was actually a lot of fun to do because Ive drawn a lot of armor and knights in the past for various D&D characters.
So here is Godfrey, Lord Commander of the Knights of the Cross-Ash in all his glory. DEUS VULT!
No. 34629 ID: 143250
Oh, I have a request, if you want to do it Anthony: can I see your artist interpretation of Falafaf? I want to give her a gift of her portrait as thanks for taking me in as her student, and she can show it to her boyfriend during her date. Thanks.
No. 34631 ID: 6e649f
File 149877156145.jpg - (503.26KB , 1012x1784 , Beautiful butterfly 40.jpg )
Anthony that portrait of Godfrey is awesome, but if you want to do the picture of Falafel this is how her face looks outside the dark or without the hood
No. 34632 ID: 3583d1
Hmm, I can do it, but I'll need a little help. See music is a big deal for when I draw. I need a few songs that I can listen to while I work. So far all I have is this:
No. 34633 ID: 3583d1
Better yet, I'll design her a dress she can wear too. Also, as for the music, just pick songs that you would associate with her. it makes it easier to get the feel of the character right.
No. 34635 ID: 143250
I did post a couple of theme songs I thought of for her that I imagined her having back in the discussion thread


Both these songs are based off of time. Thats why I chose those.

Something else for inspiration, since her powers have to do with time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzNIMmObP3k

I'll come up with more later if you need it.
No. 34636 ID: 6e649f
If you know who this character, then you will know that this theme fits her perfectly

No. 34638 ID: 3583d1
File 149877711461.jpg - (2.17MB , 3024x4032 , IMG_3855.jpg )
All done! I also designed Ms. Falafaf a new dress as well. I heard what she had to wear so I combined elements of everything to create this. It's something of a traditional gypsy attire but with some of my own silken designs as well. And don't worry the corset isn't a lace up thing in the back, it's fitted and meant to just keep everything snug and comfy. Thanks for the music, they did help a lot. When I was designing the dress, I found this song and it also seemed to work pretty well for me. Hope she likes it and I hope she likes the dress even more!
No. 34639 ID: 143250
It looks wonderful. I'll pass it over to her after we are done focusing on getting her dressed up for her date. I'll also let her know about you if you want, and your dream premonitions. I'm sure she would be interested in hearing about you, Anthony.
No. 34640 ID: 6e649f
No. 34641 ID: 3583d1
File 149881001621.jpg - (2.70MB , 4032x3024 , IMG_3856.jpg )
Lorence once tried to teach Lazlo how to interrogate a prisoner. Needless to say... he wasn't exactly cut out for the job...
No. 34667 ID: 6e649f
File 149895092269.jpg - (4.00MB , 4216x3323 , Beautiful butterfly 41.jpg )
No. 34679 ID: 143250
I wonder who that prisoner was and why they're interrogating him. He must have some pretty important info he is withholding, or maybe this is just another method of how they get people to join them.
No. 34733 ID: 3583d1
File 149941950636.jpg - (2.23MB , 2864x3920 , IMG_3912.jpg )
Uh, excuse me? Iron Thorn Ana? I just woke up from a nap a little while ago and- well.

You better take a look.

All I got was this sense of overwhelming rage and hate, coming from it... it was... it was like it was directing all its hatred at you.
"You have failed us." It seemed to say.
You were standing before it and you came to blows with it ... but it never attacked in anger, like it didn't really want to hurt you. But that wasn't all, with every blow you exchanged I could feel its emotions, and it was not just angry at just you but itself. There was an overwhelming sense of grief and loss.
"I have failed you." It said
But strangely enough, along with all the rage, all the grief, all the hate, there was this sense of hope, like it would never give up...

I think you could make more sense of it than I could...

Sorry to disturb you...
No. 34745 ID: 143250
Drawing request idea: a family reunion photo with the Absolution family (Absolution, AJ/Desolation, Dreamwalker, etc.)
No. 34780 ID: 3583d1
File 149976674917.jpg - (2.17MB , 2833x4029 , IMG_3950.jpg )
It's funny how this ending is going, I always wanted to draw Luvia as a jazz piano bar singer, and what do I find I. This future? That was actually pretty awesome. So I went ahead and did my version too. By the way I'm not writing this as Anthony because I have no clue what he'd be doing in this future, probably just doing his thing.
And yes, that is the song I associate with her the most, the lyrics really fit. If you know where I got this song from, yes I am a perv, but you know where it's from too...

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

No. 34781 ID: 09b125
What strange coincidences, fantastic work as always and don't worry we all are a little bit pervy. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
As for Anthony it all depends how would you act like him. Would you become immortal or would you die as a mortal person. Whatever you choose the story will adapt

No. 34783 ID: 780a88
Honestly he probably wouldn't take it. He would think immortality a nightmare, he wouldn't want to watch people he cares about die, if any of his family survived the fog (but I like to think he was from out of state and just was there for
school or something so they have a good chance). But like I said, he just kinda does his own thing. He'd help and draw where he was needed but otherwise he'd stay out of the way. But I bet he and Lazlo would be good buds.
No. 34784 ID: 09b125
So be it

No. 34786 ID: 09b125
File 149977073687.jpg - (833.37KB , 3771x1441 , Beautiful butterfly 42.jpg )
Drawing request finished, also there is a hidden meaning to this picture can you see it?
No. 34793 ID: 3583d1
Hmm, looks almost like a chart who whose a good guy over whose not. Like a line from good to evil. Absolution is in the middle cuz he's dead and AJ is in the middle as he will go wherever Ana goes.
No. 34795 ID: 143250
Wait, Desolation and AJ isn't one in the same? Looks like we've got some researching to do.
No. 34799 ID: 09b125
File 149981744460.jpg - (724.62KB , 3887x1585 , Beautiful butterfly 43.jpg )

You are correct the scale was hidden in the picture, it shows that AJ can become any one of them. But where do you think AJ is currently and what the scale stands for?
No. 34801 ID: 143250
It feels like a sliding scale of good and evil. I could be most likely wrong though.

Dreamwalker wasn't kidding when he said his father Aos was a very elusive god. He didn't even show up to his family reunion photo. Well, I wouldn't blame him. I wouldn't really want to be involved with anything if I was him.
No. 34802 ID: 780a88
I also said he went by a lot of different names, I just didn't say that the Great Contractor was one of them...
No. 34804 ID: 143250
To add on, if it is a scale of good and evil, what is interesting to note is that how each ending was arranged left to right was like this: Monster, Opportunist, Neutral, Survivalist, and Hero. This scale seems reversed when comparing it to the position of the endings... or is it? is Gaia evil all this time? is Essence the hero despite being mischievous?

Just putting things in perspective.

As far as AJ goes, Ana said she has been keeping AJ blinded by the horrors, thus trying not to influence him. If that is the case, I would say he is at the moment on Absolution on the scale
No. 34816 ID: 3583d1
File 149997652155.jpg - (1.53MB , 3004x2778 , IMG_3963.jpg )
The last piece that Anthony finished before his death...

Shades of the Past: The Scarred Warrior and The Fortune Reader
No. 34819 ID: 143250
*gasp* Anthony acknowledged me! *smile*
No. 34820 ID: cc3193
No. 34824 ID: 143250
That aside, I'm getting a Yin and Yang feeling from this artwork. It also looks like we had experienced so much. The question is, are these ourselves from our past lives, or are these events yet to come? Time will tell.

Really great work.
No. 34826 ID: 90b98f
Think he might have seen something of our own lives in His dream? I'm not sure I remember that coat, but it does look cool.
No. 34827 ID: 3583d1
File 150001942354.jpg - (2.48MB , 3024x4032 , IMG_3964.jpg )
The following are some "lost" works of Anthony's that surfaced shortly after his death.
although if we somehow manage to go back in time then I suppose they won't be lost anymore

The first of the lost works, the crazy voodoo witch, Betty
No. 34828 ID: 3583d1
File 150001949534.jpg - (2.72MB , 2997x3829 , IMG_3966.jpg )
The second of the lost works, The Carpenter.
No. 34829 ID: b16910

Awesome work as always, do you like how I implemented all of your fan art to the main story?

Also I have a bit of a bad news, I will be leaving my town and go on a vacation, I don't know if I will have internet at that place where I will be staying. So for a short period of time the quest will be put on a hold. I hope that won't be a problem
No. 34830 ID: 143250
That is fine. Enjoy your break
No. 34853 ID: 3583d1
File 150032455220.jpg - (1.90MB , 3024x4032 , IMG_3974.jpg )
Another of the lost works, this one comes with a sort of diary entry...

I enter my room and everything is dark. I suddenly get a feeling I've stumbled into something I really shouldnt have, like I took a wrong turn, or fell too deep down the rabbit hole, wherever I am, it's not my room. I think I hear something coming from somewhere in the dark. It sounds like something swinging from a rope or maybe a chord? I can't exactly tell what. It's too dark to see but then something caresses my cheek. I can't tell but I don't like the fee of it's hands. Everything about it radiates with a sense of "wrongness." Then I see it's eyes. It's hard to tell just. Exactly what I am looking at but it's like looking at face hidden in darkness. But I don't like it's smile, I don't like anything about it. It looking at me, as if trying to think of what to do with me. In a glimmer of sudden light I see it completely and I am overcome with horror. Strange open eyes glare at me from under long hair, parts of it stick up like demonic horns. It's mouth is somehow bleeding and drooling. In the corner I see a man hanging by what looks like an extension chord and I recognize him, my friend, he's dead! And this... THING, is what killed him! I try to run away but it's like no matter where I go in the darkness I can't get away! Finally, I ask it one question.
It seems amused. It comes up from out of the darkness and whispers in my ear, and its voice is absolutely bone-chilling.
"Draw me like one of your fancy french girls."

Well I have to give it credit for humor... that's about when I woke up...

No. 34854 ID: 7161c9
That punchline got me off guard, ha ha ha! This looks creepy and sick at the same time, but in a good way. What I ment to say it looks good in a bad way. Only thing that is left to add is the Titanice music

Also I feel bad that I am currently unable to post new pictures. I am on a vacation and my laptop is not able to connect to the internet
No. 34857 ID: 143250
The fact that he drew Essence makes me wonder if she killed Anthony as a result, like maybe Anthony revealed that drawing to someone, and after having that revealed, she wasn't too happy having her privacy be made public, and thus murdered him

Thats my theory anyway. Though the question is, why did she want him to draw her if she valued her privacy?
No. 34858 ID: e9ef8f
Thanks I get what you mean, haha. And yeah the punch line is really something I think she would do just fuck with people. And don't worry about posting for now dude, hope you are having a good vacation
No. 34859 ID: e9ef8f
Keep in mind that in this current timeline, these are "lost" works. These were found after his death. And as for why she wanted one, it can presumed that because everyone was getting a drawing of them, she just wanted one too. I think the bigger question should be, is Essence the reason these drawings never surfaced before? Or is the there another reason why these ones are suddenly showing up now?
No. 34860 ID: 0787bc
Oh I am having a blast, but I must warn you what you started with that picture will have consequences he he he

Breking Benjamin polyamorous
No. 34861 ID: e9ef8f
DAMNIT! How do I keep doing that!? Haha
No. 34879 ID: 0787bc
When will you lern that your action will have consequences!
No. 34888 ID: e9ef8f
When you figure out that for every action there is an opposite reaction! Haha, but seriously I just drew her for fun I wasn't intending anything by it
No. 34889 ID: 0787bc
I jnow, just joking......or am I?
No. 34890 ID: e9ef8f
No. 34891 ID: 143250
If it's alright, I want to see Anthony's artist interpretation of the creepy doll child actor kid, the one that blew bubbles near Ana, or was on that pirate/hijacked television channel in the cult's interpretation of "The Little Match Girl". Bonus points if he/she is on the television in the artwork. They don't need to be without mask, as I'm not even sure if it even is human, let alone even wearing a mask, or if it is even a living thing.

stuff for inspiration if needed for the creepy pirate public access television vibe (music and videos)


mostly number stations, or other music that may fit the scary broadcast feel I get from the character. Especially the first one.


Max Headroom Incident: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t32JpruyLZk (a real event that happened in Chicago where some pranksters hijacked a television channel, and did their own thing. Kind of eerie, but also pretty silly)

KrainaGrzybowTV youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/krainagrzybowtv/videos (very artistic, but pretty creepy youtube series. Language is in polish, but there is english subtitles if you turn on the caption. I can imagine some of this doll's television episodes may be like this youtube series with not making sense and being nightmarish at times. this youtube channel also has some music you can listen to for inspiration)
No. 34894 ID: 3583d1
File 150036031125.jpg - (1.45MB , 3016x3352 , IMG_3987.jpg )
The fourth lost work, this one with another diary entry...

I don't trust many people here, hell at this point I don't even trust my own head with all of the dreams I've been getting. I don't sleep very easily anymore. It actually a little ironic though, my mom always told me "You can never trust the media, Anthony."
It never really occurred to me just how right she was. I'm one of the lucky few to have a tv in my room but don't really watch it anymore. Because, somehow,from this city bunker, this cult have hacked the cities public broadcast with pirate transmissions. Mostly propaganda from what I've seen, but there is this one show that comes on...
I find it very disturbing, it's mostly bastardized versions of children's stories but it's told by this... person... I say "person" because I can't really tell if they're a boy or girl, or even if they are really a kid, sometimes I think it's a creepy midget playing dress up. I don't know their name so I'll just call them, "Little Bo Creep," for now. These people really make me miss the internet... I want to go home.

No. 34895 ID: 7161c9
Congratulations you made a new enemy. Also this looks awesome
No. 34896 ID: 7161c9
As for the current state that Anthony is in during the drawing of that picture can be described with this song Owl City Fireflies
No. 34898 ID: e9ef8f
I begin to question whether we really have made a NEW enemy. I get the feeling that this kid was already somewhat antagonistic towards us but even still this is ANTHONY's diary, not Ana's. So if anyone read this and told the kid, he would hate Anthony more than Ana, and by the time this surfaced he was already dead... so... how exactly have I made an enemy out of this kid exactly??? Jus' sayin... lol jk, it's practically a running gag by this point that somehow make new enemies with the stuff I post haha
No. 34899 ID: 0787bc
Well you did in a way, because what I envisioned for them was a different use and now you have inspired me
No. 34900 ID: 7161c9
Hey I have figured out what we can do wihile I am not able to draw. Come to the discasion thread and we can do somthing intresting :)
No. 34902 ID: 143250
If that kid is going to be our enemy, I can assume that their end goal with Ana isn't to kill, or force her to join the cult, but instead kidnap her, and force her to costar in their creepy shows. At least, that is what I theorize. I may be completely wrong.
No. 34905 ID: 7161c9
Only thing that I will say about the doll is that there are many of them
No. 34906 ID: 143250
No. 34907 ID: 7161c9
No more mama!
No. 34918 ID: 3583d1
File 150054274250.jpg - (2.72MB , 3837x2534 , IMG_3988.jpg )
An odd lost work, this one seems to have an odd story...

You are my sunshine...
No. 34919 ID: 3583d1
File 150054277663.jpg - (2.57MB , 2948x3867 , IMG_3989.jpg )
My only sunshine...
No. 34920 ID: 3583d1
File 150054282702.jpg - (2.99MB , 3024x4032 , IMG_3990.jpg )
You make me happy...
No. 34921 ID: 3583d1
File 150054287039.jpg - (2.96MB , 2894x4024 , IMG_3991.jpg )
When skies are grey...
No. 34922 ID: 3583d1
File 150054295369.jpg - (2.11MB , 2554x3387 , IMG_3992.jpg )
You'll never know, dear...
No. 34923 ID: 3583d1
File 150054299013.jpg - (2.92MB , 3024x4032 , IMG_3993.jpg )
How much I love you...
No. 34924 ID: 3583d1
File 150054303255.jpg - (2.50MB , 3021x3734 , IMG_3994.jpg )
Please don't take...
No. 34925 ID: 3583d1
File 150054309238.jpg - (2.85MB , 3004x3807 , IMG_3995.jpg )
My sunshine...
No. 34926 ID: 3583d1
File 150054312925.jpg - (2.88MB , 3757x3024 , IMG_3996.jpg )
No. 34927 ID: 0787bc
File 150057895386.jpg - (782.35KB , 1872x2955 , a.jpg )
No. 34928 ID: 3583d1
The Car Scene what do you mean by... OH!

No. 34929 ID: 143250
...Looks like I have some competition if I want to win Anthony's heart.
err not his literal heart. That would be strange, and gross.

Also, I wonder if that is Gaia's rose. Did she steal it from Ana?
No. 34930 ID: 0787bc
No it is not her rose
No. 34931 ID: 0787bc
File 150058841657.jpg - (616.61KB , 1754x2480 , c.jpg )
No. 34933 ID: 80b588
No... but that's not to say she didn't try...

My dick is kinda scared of her... so I ended up bolting out of the room carrying my clothes over my crotch hearing her laugh like that was the funniest thing ever as I ran...

I got a lot of weird looks on the way back to my room and I think I heard Lady Delilah wolf-whistle and cat call at me as was running bare-assed, some like "You streaking pretty boy!? Looking good!" It was pretty embarrassing...
No. 34934 ID: 80b588
Alright, I gotta ask, what do you all think of the comic I made?
No. 34943 ID: 7161c9
It looks interesting, sad, fascenating and like something that I will implement in the story. Like always, I use most things that you give me to work with
No. 34946 ID: 143250
Pretty interesting. It shows how she isn't just physically scarred, but mentally scarred. It explains why the character is pretty emotional and prideful to a fault and would do anything to save the world from Root, even if it causes her to get reckless in her actions.

To Absurdity: as far is implementing things we do to the story, I'm keeping Fortune Ana's past life open for you to write and reveal later in the story if you want to do that. Her past could be troubled, happy, sad, terrifying, embarrassing, funny, very dark, neutral, boring, or you can keep it a mystery that would never be revealed. As of right now, I want to keep Fortune Ana almost completely unaware of most of the things in her past and what kind of person she was. I think it will add to the suspense.
No. 34947 ID: 80b588
In regards to Fortune Ana, I'm planning on a drawing that involves her tonight. So keep your eyes open, it may be something that helps divine who she was...
No. 34948 ID: 3583d1
File 150062491308.jpg - (2.62MB , 3021x3999 , IMG_4006.jpg )
Another of the lost works, we aren't sure what this one is, or what it represents. The diary entry on it read less like a story of why Anthony had a dream about it, and more of a description of the symbol itself.

I'm not sure what this even is, I dreamt of a woman, I think it was that Ana woman, maybe? I just know it was a woman, but she had her hood up and she recited this phrase while creating this inscription. I hope I'm not creating some kind of curse with this...
The saying went as follows:

"In the sea without lees
Standeth the bird of Hermes
Eating his wings variable
And maketh himself yet full stable
When all his feather be from him gone
He standeth still here as a stone
Here is now both white and red
And all so the stone to quicken the dead
All and some without fable
Both hard and soft and malleable
Understand now well and right
And thank there gods of this sight

The bird of Hermes is my name eating my wings to make me tame.

The Red Sea. The Red Sol. The Red Elixir Vitae.
Red Stone. White Stone. Elixir Vitae. Luna in Cresent.

No. 34949 ID: 0787bc
File 150063358041.jpg - (603.74KB , 1748x2174 , d.jpg )
Perfect music for this part is Jerk it out by Caesars
No. 34951 ID: 3583d1
... The fuck?! I most certainly did not shit and piss myself, and we did not have sex! After the drawing was done you more or less forced yourself on me. The only true thing you said was all the gross shit you said about your vagina and that was way more than I could handle, hell the shit you said would make any guy freak out so I ran!
No. 34952 ID: 0787bc
File 150066325363.jpg - (696.36KB , 1748x2480 , g.jpg )
The song for this part is Miracle of love by Eurythmics
No. 34953 ID: 3583d1
Sure, but I don't really want "Multidimensional Beings" or whoever to know what goes on in my sex life just as much as I don't really want ANYONE to know about it! And who is this producer anyway I'd like to give him a piece of my mind!

And what was all that stuff about love...?

I'm so confused...
No. 34957 ID: 0787bc
File 150075716327.jpg - (536.28KB , 1748x2130 , k.jpg )
The song for this part is Call me by Blondie
No. 34959 ID: 143250
[inner thoughts]...Is everyone gone? Coast is clear? ok, Now I can look for the actual Trunk of the Ash Tree artwork around here >>33543, and ask if I can have it to donate for the art exhibit to replace the replica artwork... >>34957
Oh dear... oh... Anthony is still here... Calm down. deep breaths. just pretend your talking to Scarred

Uh... Anthony? Hi... Sorry for bothering you, I won't be long. But I wanted to say that I... uh, thanks so much for making that artwork for Falafaf. She really loved it. I have a request to ask of you. I was wondering if you still had it... may I have that artwork of the Trunk of the Ash Tree? I mean, I heard all pictures of the trunk is banned as of right now, and I thought instead of just throwing it away or burning it, or risk getting in huge trouble if you are caught still having it somewhere, Could I perhaps have it and give it to a museum when the time is right, that is when the ban is lifted?

you probably won't remember our conversation and will think the artwork will go missing, and I can't guarantee you'll be able to get it back, but at least the artwork will be safe somewhere in an exhibit and not destroyed or have you risk getting in trouble if you're caught still having it... I really want you safe *ahem*

...I don't really have anything I can offer for it though. I've... lost a lot. The only thing I can offer you is a fortune reading, though I don't think it will matter since you might not remember your reading when you go back. And I'm still a novice and learning from my teacher. As such I will not be able to give you a full reading, nor would I actually literally see your future, but I can see what your fortune card currently is in exchange for the artwork.
No. 34960 ID: a2d9cf
File 150077669768.jpg - (2.21MB , 2835x3642 , IMG_3374.jpg )
My dick is scared of that woman...

What? Oh hi, you are Fortune Ana right? I think I did a drawing of you and your friend a while ago... Hmm... You know your voice sounds kinda familiar now that I hear it. tell me does this >>34948 mean anything to you?

As for the Trunk drawing, yeah I had to hide it away for a while after showing it to the Trunk himself. He didn't really seem to like it though, it made him sad... He gave it back to me. And don't worry, I have an extra copy. I don't know about a museum wanting it though but that would make my day if one did. As for a Tarot card reading I'd love to have one! I had some friends back in college who did them!
No. 34962 ID: 0787bc
File 150079632003.jpg - (462.06KB , 1748x2480 , l.jpg )
No. 34964 ID: 143250
*Stares at symbol without blinking*

...A...Anthony, did anything happen after you drew this symbol? And how many copies of this symbol did you make? Has anyone else seen this? no offense, but I think you need to shred, or burn all drawings of this, and the journal entry. I don't know why, just do it when you get back.

I don't know whether this symbol is good or bad, but I did feel something about it. I don't want to take any more risks. Sorry.

Thanks for the artwork. How I do a fortune reading is different then most. Really, I just look at one person, and sometimes a giant card representing the path they are currently on appears. I can tell you it's meaning, and advice. So, lets see your fortune.
No. 34966 ID: 0787bc
File 150087261120.jpg - (333.87KB , 1341x959 , m.jpg )
No. 34974 ID: 143250
It seems I lost connection to Anthony...

Who was the Ash Tree feeding information to? Who did Lorence order to kill the Ash Tree? and when exactly did it happen?

Say if we can go back in time, how can we find and reach him to warn and/or save his life? Same method as last time? draw that mask symbol before going to sleep? Hopefully, we can save him without having to get into some kind of fight.
No. 34975 ID: 143250
Main reason why I want to save him is because his stance is neutral, not picking sides. He doesn't deserve being beheaded.

another reason: he was able to tell Scarred Ana what kind of person she was when we first met, a person who succeeded in defeating Root... Maybe he can give me insights of who I was...
No. 34976 ID: 3583d1
No I'm still here, just having some issues on my side for some reason.

Hey! I know you! You're Daniel, the child of leaves right? Good too finally meet you. So hey listen, I'm awfully sorry about the trunk, from what I saw, he was a good guy. If you ever need a friend or just want to hang out for a while let me know alright? I don't have many friends around here, but it would be nice to make one for a change.

And no, I never recited anything from this whole... spell? I don't really know what it did. It certainly moved a lot of things and make some really bright lights happen, that's for sure. However I did some digging on what all of these symbols are. First of all, you have the giant wheel of fortune that is on the tarot card of the same name. Surrounding it is the Ouroboros Dragon, which usually stands for the infinite, and then finally below that you have an alchemy signs for the eclipse, which usually stands for god, as well as other alchemy symbols for various elements. No idea what any of them mean but hey, maybe you can get an idea from the Trunk should he ever return to life.
No. 34977 ID: 143250
Sounds reasonable. I'll keep that picture and the chant in mind. But if you've made copies, please destroy them regardless. even if it is beneficial, I wouldn't want them to fall in the wrong hands by accident.
No. 34978 ID: 3583d1
There was only the one I drew, so I'll see what I can do.
No. 34979 ID: 0787bc
File 150093352364.jpg - (485.74KB , 1564x1298 , m 1.jpg )
No. 34983 ID: 143250
Perhaps it is a different Anthony from a different timeline, or perhaps this is him from the past? I know where we were before all this, we were at a place that existed outside the frame of time and reality... perhaps he somehow followed me? I wonder how we even got here anyway.

Also, Anthony, are you okay? I didn't expect you to say something like that.

nonetheless, something is very odd here. Hey Daniel, what is the safest way for us to see the Ash Tree without hurting ourselves like last time when Ana summoned him incorrectly?
No. 34984 ID: 3583d1
... yeah I'm not bald and I would t say something that mean either... BUT IM DEAD!? When the hell did this happen?
No. 34987 ID: 0787bc
File 150094392756.jpg - (0.99MB , 1748x2480 , m 3.jpg )
No. 34988 ID: 143250
Daniel, should we call an exorcist or something? Or is this not Anthony? And how did Daniel lose his eye? I have so much questions right now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzzjFVF25IQ
No. 34997 ID: 3583d1
No. 35001 ID: 3583d1
File 150097197136.jpg - (2.07MB , 2979x3816 , IMG_4008.jpg )
This lost piece was seen as highly controversial, and even heretical and blasphemous within certain circles of the Acolytes of the Ash. Mostly because of the chant and journal entry that was associated with it.

It was really incredible to see, this dream. I witnessed a great army all flying a banner of sheers and fire. All of them knights and soldiers. But at the head of them... I've seen that figure before. It was just giving off an immeasurable amount of rage before, but now it was in shining armor, it held forth a... well It was too big to be called a spear, it was more like slab of iron attached to a pole...

But the war cry of the army, hearing ten thousand warriors all chant this as they marched, it was... inspiring.

"Out of the darkness we will rise,
Into the light we will dwell!
We came to save the world with muse in arms!
We are the clouds in the skies!
We are the storm and the tides!
We are the wind and the rain!
The sun and moon,
at the end of all time!

We are the guards of the new world order!
We are the soldiers, the legion of light!
We are the centre, the depth of the sun!
Fire and flame, we are one!

It was truly something to behold...

No. 35003 ID: 143250
I've been freaking out long before this. Don't see why you can't.
No. 35005 ID: 0787bc
File 150098507644.jpg - (1.96MB , 2480x3563 , m 4.jpg )
Song for this part is A thousand mil by Leagally blond
No. 35006 ID: 0787bc
File 150098540378.jpg - (2.83MB , 2752x3508 , m 5.jpg )
Watch first video The Stanley parable-choice
No. 35007 ID: 143250
*sad sigh* goodbye Anthony

I wonder what choice was made to have this happen?

Also, hi. What is your name? I'm a Fortune telling Ana, and that kid over there is Daniel. What brings you here?
No. 35008 ID: 3583d1
HEY! I'm still here! That is not me! It's like i'm watching this shit outside of my body! Is this because I wouldn't have sex with her? The fuck is wrong with this woman!? Y'know what? No, I don't have to take this.

HEY! You! *Slap*

Yeah I can hit you, I may exist outside of my body but don't think I can't teach you a few lessons. Ok, first of all, Essence of life, that argument is total bullshit. You argue that choices we make can cause a chain of reactions that can lead to chaos. Well that is true, when certain events are also out of our hands. But then there are people who are simply poisonous to everyone around them, there is a word for people like that, we called them sociopaths. This is a person who blames everyone else for problems, and will actively try and cause problems for everyone without every admitting that they they themselves are just shitty people. So let's look at the chain of actions that have led us here. You approached me, trying so hard to be as creepy as possible, and asked me to draw you. Seeing as how I like drawing, I agreed. After which YOU forced yourself on me wanting sex. I disagreed and when you continued to force it to the point of rape, I ran away. You then did... something to my body where upon my "death" you expunged me from my body and it became... THAT! And now you are trying to tell me its MY FAULT!? Are you seeing the pattern here? Now, here is where you can change things. If you really want me to like you... well like you more than I currently do at the moment, FIX THIS! If not, you can go on wondering what could have happened should you taken sometime to consider that "hey, maybe cursing the body of a guy a like isn't the way to get him to notice me and will only make him angry at me."
Or maybe you really are a sociopath where any attention is good attention. If that's the case, then fuck you and goodbye. I'll just wrestle that thing for control over my body.

Alright Fortune, any and all help is appreciated, wish me luck!
No. 35009 ID: 3583d1
No. 35010 ID: 0787bc
File 150101959618.jpg - (1.82MB , 3462x3508 , m 7.jpg )
No. 35011 ID: 0787bc
File 150101967211.jpg - (1.03MB , 3311x3508 , m 8.jpg )
No. 35015 ID: 143250
Um... Uh... Can we settle this over tea or something and come to a compromise? or are we really going the violent route as usual?

Also, hi Falafaf and Dreamwalker. perhaps you can make the dream biscuits for the tea, Dreamwalker?

uh... everyone settle down?

(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DmYLrxR0Y8 (WAR - Why Can't We Be Friends)
No. 35018 ID: 3bc6b6
Holy shit! It's like watching aliens 2! That's awesome!

But I never made any deal like that! Anyone with half a brain knows that you never make any Faustian bargains with creepy Entities. So I feel more than a little cheated out of my body at this point.

Also, who is that woman? And who is that around her? It reminds me of the eye that gave me my mask, also it's brother I think? Anyway it's cool as shit!
No. 35019 ID: 7adeae
Well this is the curupted time line corrupted timeline, things aren't as they should be
No. 35021 ID: 33054a
File 150110604347.jpg - (1.02MB , 2480x3170 , 17.jpg )
The song for this part is Polyamorous by Breking Benjamin
No. 35022 ID: 3583d1
Hey Mrs. Falafaf? If possible, and if I am dead, even though I don't feel like I am, kick it's ass. If you can't save my body... oh well... hey... wait a minute.... AHA!!! I have an idea!!! Hold it off for me!
No. 35023 ID: 3583d1
... Well, you heard him! Let's kick some ass! Anthony what are you planning to do?!
No. 35025 ID: 3583d1
File 150110896281.jpg - (1.45MB , 3264x2448 , IMG_4086.jpg )
Well I mean... if i'm dead... I read a story once that the trunk was born from a spirit... and that spirit was ironically born from a drawing... so maybe... I could...

Hey daniel? What if I recreated an Ash Drawing? Would it be possible to become the Trunk? Kind of like Wheatley did in Portal 2...? Like take over his body? Would I be stuck like that? But if it helps them... and maybe you don't have be alone anymore...

Sorry that's the best way I can think of this...
No. 35028 ID: 143250
Felafaf... I see another face besides your own... who is that?

Also, Are you all sure there's no room for reasoning, everyone? Anthony could see dream visions of the future before he died long ago after all, and even though he may have forgotten now, perhaps he saw visions in his dream throughout his life that actually saw Spirit Parasite throughout her life as not as bad as we all are making it out to be? I'm not saying that is correct, I'm just throwing that possibility.

Also, I really wanted to taste those dream biscuits that Dreamwalker once made
No. 35034 ID: 3583d1
*tosses you a dream biscuit*
No. 35035 ID: a0011a
File 150114738243.jpg - (714.49KB , 2104x2768 , m 11.jpg )
The song for this part is U + Ur hand by Pink
No. 35036 ID: 3583d1
Alright then, if you are Anthony then you will know this. What did I tell him when we first met. Before any of this happened, what was it that I told him?
No. 35045 ID: 292ebb
File 150119299123.jpg - (4.00MB , 2887x5324 , m 12.jpg )
The song for this part is Froggy Fresh Dunked on
No. 35047 ID: 143250
psst... Daniel. While these people are distracted fighting, lets slip out of here. I have some things I was trying to ask you before I was interrupted, and a yummy dream biscuit I can share with you.

I'm not a fighter, and I don't think I can do much here other than try be a voice a reason (which I failed at doing), or if I even want to be involved with this mess, but at least we can hide somewhere safe and have myself protect you while they have their little battle here...

No. 35048 ID: 3583d1
Ain't hesitating anymore... In fact, how about a little boost!

No. 35049 ID: 3583d1
File 150119875846.jpg - (951.64KB , 3264x2024 , IMG_4094.jpg )
Hey Ms Falafaf? Just letting you know, this all white version of me you are seeing over by the trunk is the REAL me. Don't really know how you hear me or see me seeing as how no else does... But that fake Anthony over there, that is currently invading my body, you have all the rights to beat the shit out of. I even drew you this so know the difference.
Real Anthony:
-is a spirit without a body
-all white, no color
-Ghostly vapor in human shape
-has hair
-still have pendant

-in a rotting corpse
-clothes are rags
-Boney fingers and torn flesh
-bald, no hair
-is an asshole

Alright, im gonna do my thing over at the dead trunk, you just kick that things ass please? If this works, and that's a big if, I'll help you fight it. Right... here we go...
No. 35050 ID: 3583d1
File 150119903883.jpg - (1.67MB , 2370x3262 , IMG_4089.jpg )
I guess for the Ash Drawing to work... we'll need to use my real face... Get ready everyone, this is might be my last drawing, and it's a self portrait.

A lonely boy, made his family proud
No. 35051 ID: 3583d1
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Always dreamt of marvelous things.
No. 35053 ID: 3583d1
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Despite bad dreams, never stopped doing what he loved.
No. 35055 ID: 3583d1
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But he was Lonely, and wasted away in his sleep.
No. 35056 ID: 3583d1
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Made the world cry.
No. 35057 ID: 3583d1
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One of the last lost works to be uncovered. This one has no time frame for when it was done, and no diary entry on it. This one, is an utter mystery...
No. 35063 ID: 292ebb
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No. 35066 ID: 143250
Honestly Daniel, I don't know either, or if I even want to know. It isn't our problem, not anymore at least. We're safe now. I'm just glad we had very little involvement in that. *looks at Daniel's missing eye* I'm so sorry you went through so much torture. It's not much, but have a dream biscuit Dreamwalker tossed to me. He says it is supposed taste like anything you want them too.

...What I was trying to ask is, I know the Trunk of the Ash Tree is currently dead, but hypothetically, if he wasn't, how would Ana be able to find and talk to him again without injuring herself like the last time when she summoned him incorrectly? If we were to see him again in the past, I would definitely warn him about Lorence, and see if I can ask him to look into my past life just like he did with Scarred Ana when he saw a vision of the end of her journey. I know next to nothing about my past life.
No. 35070 ID: 292ebb
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The song for this part is spiderman 2000 monster ock theme
No. 35071 ID: 143250
Yeah, I kind of figured it wouldn't be as easy. This feels more like a final boss of sorts that I would of expected.

Psst, Daniel, lets both try to sneak and hide out again while this fight enters it's next phase.

[inner thoughts] I wonder if Dreamwalker will become Phobetor again if he is pushed to it... if so, I hope Felafaf can handle his nightmarish form. Hell, how will Daniel handle seeing that form. Yeah, its best to protect Daniel and keep him hidden.
No. 35074 ID: 143250
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Alright Daniel, so doing some thinking, there are one or two places we can hide out in while Spirit Parasite is distracted.

First if it is still here: Ana's bed. Ana got here from her bed after putting a symbol above her head before sleeping. However, Ana said it felt like days to get from there to here so I don't know if we will be able to make it there before I am forced to leave, but then again time has no meaning here if I remember. You and I know where it is though. I believe it is that way.

Second place: Lorence's bed: this one I'm not too sure if it is even in this place, but the method he used to get to where he went to in order to meet Root is very similar how Ana got here, so I'm assuming that where Lorence went was the same area. But I can't gaurantee if I'm right. If I am, perhaps it is well hidden enough for Spirit Parasite to have trouble finding. Do you know where it i?

Currently, I think we should find Ana's bed, and hide out there.

No. 35076 ID: 292ebb
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No. 35078 ID: 143250
*sigh* Hey Daniel, I really don't want to ask you this, but I guess with the timeline's existence and everyone in it already in the process of being erased, and the fact that my friend and my teacher is in grave danger without a plan of action to defend themselves against this Spirit Parasite, and that there is nowhere we can hide, I guess I must ask you now: do you still have that gift you tried to offer to Ana long ago that she refused to accept because she didn't want to end your existence? It was a mask I think?

I remember that The Trunk of the Ash Tree said that if Ana really wanted to get an advantage against her enemies, she really should have accepted the gift that you were instructed to give her. If I myself were to accept that gift, perhaps borrow it for a bit, will it somehow be able to help me gain some sort of advantage to save Dreamwalker and Felafaf's life? I'm aware that your life will end, but well, I guess it doesn't matter right now since this timeline's existence is already ending...

No. 35079 ID: 292ebb
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No. 35081 ID: 143250
I'd say retreat, but I don't think there is an escape from here...

In that case, for now lets take a wait and see approach, Felafaf, keep avoiding attacks so we can see what moves she has to pull, and from there we can figure out how to counter them.

I know a couple of powers the trunk of the ash tree had was to give Ana connection with us through her psyche, see visions of our past lives, and maybe possibly turn people into stick figures, but I'm not sure about that one. He did that to Ana in a fake destiny we saw from the late Janitor, but it was a joke as it didn't happen. But that doesn't mean that it isn't possible though that he still had that power. that said you might not want to be at eyeheight with her in that case. Don't let her anywhere near your eyes or else it will all be over.

...Just a heads up, Dreamwalker is also able to call upon and become Phobetor... but I wouldn't recommend it unless the situation is dire and you are near the end of your rope. I fear what Phoboter would do to your mind, Felafaf. That said, if you've run out of options and received fatal damages you can't heal from, have Dreamwalker call upon Phobetor.
No. 35082 ID: 292ebb
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No. 35085 ID: 143250
I see... so you're going to threaten to kill Daniel in order to capture, take control of, or kill Felafaf and Dreamwalker? no offense, Spirit Parasite, but that seems... kind of heartless and cowardly, Flint levels of heartlessness, and cowardliness even. And I have a feeling even if we do comply with your demands, and let you capture us in exchange for Daniel's life, you are just going to kill Daniel regardless along with killing Felafaf and Dreamwalker and myself. I've been betrayed enough times by enemies, neutral parties, and even good friends, basically just about everybody to know this song and dance already. I'm not angry, just disappointed in you, Spirit Parasite.

You know, as much as I hate to say it, Daniel told us he accepted losing his life. Long ago, he said: The only way to fight a monster is with a predator, and we must be cruel to survive and that his existence is meaningless, just like this timeline that is being erased by our hands at this very moment, whether we intended to do that or not. Do you really think holding Daniel hostage is going deter us after we are losing just about everyone and everything already in this timeline? We basically have just about nothing left to lose now and everything to gain now. Killing Daniel is just going to prove to me how cowardly you really are, and will just make Dreamwalker and Felafaf more inspired to take you down.

Now This isn't a threat, but a friendly warning: I suggest you please leave Daniel alone, and fight fair, or ideally, perhaps we can talk it out without any harmful sneaky tricks like I wanted in the first place, but at this point, I think we are well beyond the point of negotiations... You would not want to see Dreamwalker and Felafaf at their angriest. Even I don't want to see them like that. Not again
No. 35104 ID: 292ebb
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No. 35105 ID: 143250
I think it's too late for Daniel. Which means we've got nothing to hold us back in hesitation now, right? Now that she is distracted with Daniel, now is the perfect time to strike with whatever moves you have. You already know you're faster than she is against her moves, and how she attacks, and I am assuming she is trying to get used to the painful body of the Ash Tree thus making it difficult for her to multitask doing whatever it is to Daniel, while focus on attacking us.
...If she uses Daniel as a shield, don't hesitate to attack. He's already under her control, and even if he wasn't, he's going to be eaten by the death of the timeline anyway. At this point, it's a mercy kill for him.
No. 35111 ID: 3583d1
HEEEEEEEEEY! Is this a private fight?

*summons armor and and increadibly oversized svardstav*

Or can anyone join in? Oh, trying to hurt Daniel? Well that just won't do.

*gets stav ready to throw as black fire and magic surround the blade*

No. 35112 ID: 3583d1

No. 35114 ID: 292ebb
Dude, I thought that you died. Where were you all this time?
No. 35115 ID: 3583d1
Was on a camping trip since friday, had no internet or cell service
No. 35116 ID: 292ebb
No. 35117 ID: 143250
Oh Scarred, you okay? You're still bleeding after Ana stabbed you. Please be careful, I don't want you to lose too much blood and faint. You are still in your physical form.
No. 35118 ID: 3583d1
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No. 35119 ID: 3583d1
I'm just peachy.

What the hell is that!?
No. 35120 ID: 3583d1

I gotta try and regain control!!! Keep going everyone! If you weaken it enough maybe I can take control of it!
No. 35128 ID: 28e01e
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No. 35129 ID: 3583d1
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*summons gungnir and turns into this >>35001 then charges in midair driving the point through the back of the head and out the front*

No. 35131 ID: 143250
*throws dream biscuit at Parasite* thats... all I got... Sorry, I did not get summoned by the Ash Tree with weapons like Scarred did. er... not that it matters or want any. I don't even know if I know how to use a weapon properly anyway. I guess I wasn't a fighter in my past life or something?

Dreamwalker, can you still boost to get Falafaf free? you can either boost forward in an attempt to get the drill closer to the brain but risk having that tentacle break through the face plating, or boost away and hope that it is strong enough to get you unstuck, and escape

Hey, Parasite, Falafaf doesn't have the proper... head to infect (no offense, Falafaf, sorry). I don't think you'd be able to infect her no matter how hard you try. You'll have to find someone else.
No. 35132 ID: 292ebb
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No. 35134 ID: 143250
*Runs to Daniel* you okay buddy? let me see your wound, see if you've been infected...

Falafaf, She is distracted again talking to Scarred. Few ideas you can try, boost either upwards, or backwards to escape the tentacle, and maybe the bindings. I think it will be easy to escape since she is too busy talking to Scarred, and not smart enough to just ignore her.

Or, if you are feeling like doing a high risk high reward kind of thing, and/or if you can't escape after boosting, try to deactivate the face plate, and right when the tentacle gets between your face, and the face plate, activate it again. That tentacle will get chopped off once the face plate closes up on it's tentacle. Gotta be very very quick though... Hey, Inner thought mode tends to slow down time, use that to your advantage.
No. 35135 ID: 143250
Hm, hey Spirit Parasite, since you are in a talkative mood, and since you have the Ash Tree's powers, let me ask you: can you see the previous lives of us Anas like he did?

...nevermind, this is a very bad time to be asking that.
No. 35137 ID: 3583d1

*continues fighting, staying in the blind spot of the loss of the eye, making continuous thrusts and cuts with svardstav*

Oh I've noticed alright. But clearly, you haven't. You think you know me? You don't know jack shit about my powers, the strength I wield. And besides, if that whole god thing were true, then Dreamwalker wouldn't be here... But hey, rule one of battle, don't tell your enemy what you are doing. And rule 2?

*Stabs upward at the second eye, and cutting off claw tongue*

No. 35138 ID: 292ebb
File 150159846027.jpg - (3.94MB , 2480x5020 , m 26.jpg )
No. 35139 ID: 3583d1

Daniel, can you give me my form back for this fight? If not I can still be useful in this fight. If you can't, I can still be distracting, all I need is a little boost...
No. 35140 ID: 3583d1
I don't know if we can, Scarred. If Daniel can't give you a form, you can still help us what I want you to do is be our flight navigation. If you see an attack incoming you say what direction is coming from.
No. 35144 ID: 143250
oh no! sorry about your eye Anthony, please forgive me...
oh wait, it's only Spirit Parasite, not Anthony anymore. Sorry, Falafaf... I let my feelings for him get the best of me and lost focus for a moment there.

Ok, Falafaf, even if your flight navigation is broken, we've damaged her eye, it must have ruined her vision and depth perception in some way making it difficult for her to aim at her targets properly.

Now Falafaf, based off of what she said after Daniel did his attack, she will be targeting Daniel now, not you. I'll keep her distracted while protecting Daniel while you try to get behind her, and attack her from the back.

Ana's not the only one who can get attacked from behind so easily.

Daniel, I think she is going to be attacking you now. Since I'm not in a physical form, I will sink below the ground and see where the roots she used to attack will emerge from, and alert you on where to dodge, that is if I can even do that. If not, I'll stand between you and her so that she'll have trouble trying to see you.

Scarred, protect Falafaf while I protect Daniel.
No. 35145 ID: 3583d1
I am here though... Why can't anyone see or hear me...?
No. 35146 ID: 143250
Oh, and Falafaf, try and stay away from Daniel just in case even after the battle until we confirm if he has been infected or not. We don't know if he has been infected by the hive mind or not.
No. 35147 ID: 3583d1
Wait a minute...

Where am I?

I remember seeing everything, trying to talk to everyone out there... but no one could hear me or see me... I did the ash tree drawing and then it was like I was watching through my eyes but with no control over my body, or the ash tree anyway....

But... where am I now?

What the... Who... Who are you? >>35057

No. 35148 ID: 292ebb
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No. 35150 ID: 143250
Let her go for now, Falafaf. You have to be patient at times like these. you'll find her again. Besides, your flight navigation is broken. Trying to go after her with broken flight navigation will only put you in a huge risk, and that bodygaurd will only bring you down and kill you and Dreamwalker when that happens. It is best to get rid of the bodyguard first, and get out of here quick. If what Ana said was correct, If Dreamwalker dies here, he won't exist in any other point in the dimensional cycle, and we won't see him again if we go back. It is best to try to finish up here quick, and escape so you two don't get eaten by the timeline.

I wonder what dimension Spirit Parasite... and... Anthony... will be headed next? I feel they'd fit right at home at Labyrinth city with all those crazy creatures...

I'll check up on Daniel, look in his head and see for sure if he's been infected.
No. 35151 ID: 1ce4e4
I'm not going with you or anyone else! I never made any deal, you can keep my body but I'm not going anywhere! I'm staying right here! And you can't make me!
No. 35152 ID: 143250
>As for you fortune teller, I hope you die here with everyone else

...There's two Fortune tellers. Who are you referring to? Falafaf, or me? if Falafaf, understandable since she challenged you. If me, why call me out in particular?
No. 35153 ID: 292ebb
File 150168539695.jpg - (4.16MB , 3508x4865 , m 28.jpg )
No. 35154 ID: 3583d1
wait so I'm confused is Anthony the Trunk now? Or is he back or what?
Wait a second...? So I'm the ash tree? Holy shit this worked? Well then the reason you can't go after her... is because I want some pay back too.

Hey ugly! Where do you think you're going!
No. 35155 ID: 143250
Well, I did warn you not to go after Spirit Parasite just yet and fight the bodyguard first...

Ok, we need to take them down quickly. Let me ask you some things, Falafaf

1. the card you gave me long ago, the moon card. Will it be able to help with this situation? the vision from the moon card has come to pass with Ana and she had died in this timeline. Perhaps we can now use this card for a different purpose that could help us?

2. In one of Anthony's dream visions, he saw me draw this symbol: >>34948 and then I did some kind of chant. He explained the symbol I drew was a giant wheel of fortune that is on the tarot card of the same name. Surrounding it is the Ouroboros Dragon, which usually stands for the infinite, and then finally below that is alchemy signs for the eclipse, which usually stands for god, as well as other alchemy symbols for various elements. Seeing as you know more about fortune telling, you know what this will do, and if it will help us, Falafaf? when Anthony himself drew it, he said it moved a lot of things in his room around and make some really bright lights happen, and he didn't even say a chant for that to happen.

3. If your willing to sacrifice your life or sanity to take them both down, you can have Dreamwalker transform into Phoboter. Dreamwalker said that as Phobetor, he is the living embodiment of people's nightmares. Just to gaze into his eye means to go mad, he is the thing that should not be... even if you don't go mad from his gaze he still can tear people limb from limb, chew people alive.
That says, If he transforms into Phoboter, I cannot guarantee your safety, Falafaf, or if you would be able to keep your sanity, but if you feel there is no other way to take care of this quickly, you might have to have Dreamwalker pull this move.
No. 35156 ID: 3583d1
I'm down for that, but I warn you it's probably best if you look away when it happens. I can eject Falafaf from the armor and turn... but I suggest you and Scarred take her and get out of here.
No. 35163 ID: 143250
Another idea could be to boost towards Anthony's head and maximum speed, with the drill, and hope that it will impale the head onto the drill and the momentum will take the head right off, and continue charging towards Spirit parasite and impale her as well while she isn't looking. Two birds one stone. But it might be risky as your flight navigation isn't working properly as you said...
No. 35164 ID: 292ebb
File 150171026564.jpg - (1.83MB , 2177x2500 , m 29.jpg )
No. 35165 ID: 1ce4e4
File 150171104599.jpg - (1.55MB , 2171x3263 , IMG_4101.jpg )
Hey! But I'm on your side... wait a minute...

I know that symbol! I drew it! That one woman, who also drew it, I think she's here! That symbol was like a gate or something! Maybe she can help me! Please oh for the love of god, please let her hear me, maybe she can find a way to take full controll of this thing!

Please, if you can hear me, help me. I know you. I saw you. You were a scholar, a cleric, a healer. You knew great secrets. Your touch was healing. Please, if you can hear me, help me stop this thing. Help me to help Falafaf and Dreamwalker kill that Parasite. If you can hear me, help me...
No. 35166 ID: 1ce4e4
that drawing is also one of the lost works, here is the entry on it
Another of the lost works of Anthony. Because of the similarities between this one and the one depicting a knight, we aren't sure if the woman in this drawing and the knight are one and the same. However, this one was also seen as treasonous against the phoenix nation due to the chant in it. It is unaware of what became of these two drawings.

I had a dream that I was in, a cathedral? No, that's not quite right. It was like a cathedral, but not specifically a religious one. Instead I saw great tomes of knowledge and science, art and medicine. Any form of knowledge that was worth preserving, the scholars and monks would preserve it. At head of a great procession was this woman. She had the patience of eternity in her eyes. Her touch was healing, and her voice was kind. She led her organization in a chant. It was... familiar.

"Out of the darkness we will rise!
Into the light we will dwell!
We came to teach the earth, with muse in words!
We end the source of all sin!
We are the stars in the sky!
Death and rebirth in the light,
The Sun and the Moon,
at the end of all time!

We are the guards of the new world order!
We are the soldiers, the legion of light!
We are the centre, the death of the Sun
Fire and flame, we are one!"

And funny, I think this woman could see me, I don't know how or why, but I think she was blushing at me.

No. 35167 ID: 143250
Is... your forehead supposed to glow a bluish purple like that during intense readings?

Well here was the chant that came with Anthony's vision on his diary entry. Here is hoping something good will come of it:

"In the sea without lees
Standeth the bird of Hermes
Eating his wings variable
And maketh himself yet full stable
When all his feather be from him gone
He standeth still here as a stone
Here is now both white and red
And all so the stone to quicken the dead
All and some without fable
Both hard and soft and malleable
Understand now well and right
And thank there gods of this sight

The bird of Hermes is my name eating my wings to make me tame.

The Red Sea. The Red Sol. The Red Elixir Vitae.
Red Stone. White Stone. Elixir Vitae. Luna in Cresent."

No. 35171 ID: 292ebb
File 150172159874.jpg - (3.65MB , 2480x3508 , m 30.jpg )
No. 35172 ID: 1ce4e4
CHRIST! It feel like my head is about to explode! Find it please! HELP ME!
No. 35173 ID: 143250
I can barely hear Anthony crying for help. It's breaking my heart, but I must stay the predator at this moment to take down the monster... like Daniel told us to do long ago.

hm, Falafaf, I get the feeling the artwork in your tarot card imitates life's future and past like poor Anthony's artwork did. I knew he must of had some kind of similar powers to yours and mine, Falafaf. I only wish you and I didn't get acquainted to Anthony this way.

That said, I'm probably overthinking this, take it what you will, but looking at the moon card, I notice that the picture kind of represent what is happening at this moment: the roots from the Ash tree coming out of the ground mirrors what is happening on the card, and those roots look very similar to each other. However, the roots from the ground are going through the tame dog on the left, and the wild wolf on the right. Not a good sign... unless... wait... that reminds me of something

In a predicament we are in, I was told that I was a more "obedient" Ana who is willing to learn, like dogs are, while Scarred was told she needed to "behave" herself, as she seems more wild temperament, like wolves have. I wonder, if I were to stand where the dog is on the left side, and Scarred were to stand where the wolf is on the right, we might be able to recreate that picture on the moon card so we can be sure where the attack will come from, and I can get a better visual on where the parasite fetus might be at. Also, this is to ensure that the dog and the wolf won't represent you, and Dreamwalker and not get you two killed. Don't worry, we are not in a physical form. the roots will just go right through us unharmed.

I am assuming the weak point, where the fetus is, will be where the crescent moon will be positioned, eclipsing the sun as the moon on the card seems to have similar patterns and colors to the fetus from the wheel of fortune card. Plus, the fetus' eye on the wheel of fortune card also looks similar to the moon's eye. That's got to be where the Parasite is at. Falafaf, position yourself between me and Scarred, where the Crawfish would be, and fly high enough so the Roots won't harm you, When the roots go through Scarred and myself at the same time, fly and charge attack where the crescent moon would be positioned. I think that is where the weak point would be located at.

Scarred, I know you are grieving in the other place right now over someone you care about. You can grieve all you want there, but here, I need you to stay strong with those wild thoughts, and go along with this plan. I'm going through something similar right now having to attack Anthony, I know how you feel in some respects, but now more than ever, we must be strong here.

Now while we stand here, in case I am overthinking that crazy plan, I will focus on the card and see if I can get a vision in case that is what you actually meant, Falafaf.
No. 35174 ID: 1ce4e4
You might be right, shit Anthony may have even seen this coming some way or other. He even eluded to our duality, me as the wolf, you as the hound. Look at his drawing >>34816, the warrior and the scholar. I say we try. I'm ready to do my duty.
No. 35176 ID: 292ebb
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The song for this part is Diamond eyes by Shinedown
No. 35177 ID: 143250
File 150176620549.jpg - (368.35KB , 676x1499 , sha.jpg )
...4 spots I see...
Don't worry...

1. located below the right shoulder of the ash tree (our left). It is blue, and turquoise, and shaped like a sideways butterfly

2. located where the heart would be at. it is red, and shaped like an umbrella

3: located at the bottom of the rib cage below the heart (#2) It is also shaped like a butterfly, but more thin, and curvy

4. directly below the rib cage, and near the bottom of the spine. It is yellow and shaped like a scar...

Spirit parasite is shaped like a beautiful butterfly. It's got to be either #1, or #3. #3's top middle portion of the butterfly between the wings though seems to be the same size as the right wing, and the wings are too thin curvy, so I don't think it is #3. It has to be #1

Shoot at #1, below the right shoulder of the Ash Tree (our left.)
No. 35178 ID: 1ce4e4
Well, then if your certain, lets do this shit RIGHT! Falafaf? let's plow the road! Anthony if you can hear me, HOLD IT STEADY! WE'RE COMING FOR YOU, PARASYTE BITCH!


No. 35179 ID: 143250
[inner thoughts] I think Dreamwalker has been watching too much anime.
No. 35182 ID: 292ebb
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No. 35183 ID: 3583d1
No... we.... WOOOOOOON'T!
No. 35185 ID: 143250
I'm... Sorry Falafaf... I'm sorry Dreamwalker... once again... I've failed to save people I care about, all because I lead them to a wrong choice...

and I... overexerted myself from concentrating too hard on that card... My head feels like it is throbbing, my left eye feels like it is burning... I'm so tired... I feel like I might faint right here...
No. 35186 ID: 1ce4e4

I can hear Anthony! He is still trying his damn hardest to keep that thing at bay, trying to give his best shot. He is refusing to give up hope, and still in this very moment trying to save us! And you want to waste that chance! SHAME ON YOU!

Falafaf you know where the spots are, but I saw aim the eye, Anthony is holding it back, you have one chance! ONE CHANCE! TAKE IT!
No. 35187 ID: 1ce4e4
You know what, to hell with all of you! I'm not wasting anything!

*picks up svarstav*

I don't know if this will work or not, damnit I'm going to try!

*runs and throws spear into the other eye*
No. 35188 ID: 292ebb
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The song for this part is Halo by Beyonce
No. 35189 ID: 292ebb
Sorry Scarred Ana but you dont have a body
No. 35190 ID: 143250
Thanks... Caper... You're one in a million...

fire at the bottom... of his left rib cage (our right). It is the only other target that looks like a small Spirit Parasite....
No. 35191 ID: 3583d1
Casper you are a beautiful bastard!
No. 35192 ID: 3583d1
I know, that was more just meant to inspire tom courage around here.
No. 35194 ID: 143250
Oh, and Casper, can you distract Spirit Parasite, make sure she doesn't escape?
No. 35201 ID: 292ebb
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No. 35203 ID: 6c7837
Goodbye... my grandson of many greats...

I don't know about you but that gate is still open, we'd better go after the bitch..
No. 35207 ID: 143250
I think we all are too injured to chase her down right now, mentally and physically. If we go after her now with our current mindset, and with our current injuries, like my overexertion using the moon card, Falafaf's and Dreamwalker's injuries after being attacked by the roots, and Casper's injuries, it will only get us killed. It is best to heal our wounds, come up with a plan of action in case she comes back for revenge. For now, lets escape this timeline ourselves before it is too late. I'll look for spirit parasite in the other area and see where she will be hiding. And I'll also look out for you guys and call you over so maybe you guys can stay safe as well, that is, if I'm allowed to do that.
*cries over loss of Anthony*
No. 35208 ID: 6c7837
Hey, just so you know, but this was only one instance of him. Anthony isn't like me, if he dies in one timeline he can still be alive in another. He's human, he's got let's than a fraction of me in him. If this timeline is about to be erased, I don't think we've seen the last of him. But I'm not like my dad, I mourn family, regardless of timelines. My dad didn't mourn for Absolution because he has no concept of time. He is time really, so to him Absolution is both alive and dead... so am I really... But I still mourn the loss of him. But hey, if we all get out of here, then we can see him again. I see the way you look at him...
No. 35209 ID: 6c7837


...I feel as if someone just walked over my grave...
No. 35211 ID: 292ebb
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No. 35212 ID: 6c7837

That's not much a choice at all... We'll Falafaf I've got the accelerated healing started in the suit, should help you out. You ready to go?
No. 35213 ID: 143250
It's not giving up if we retreat. We have to be smart about this.

you bring up good points, Casper, but looking at Falafaf and Dreamwalker, they have a damage power suit, damaged face plate, broken flight navigation, no more ammo, a broken drill, and quite possibly broken bones from being squeezed to near death. Going after her without healing and being better prepared will only be a pointless suicide. Besides, that parasite barely got damaged in comparison. She has a huge advantage over us in comparison. Plus, don't forget that we chopped up the tentacle she uses to infect others. I doubt she'll be able to infect people, and even if she did, she'll have a lot of trouble doing it.

Besides, you said she is going to another universe? it's most likely us voices will be able to travel to that universe and help a hero take that parasite down themselves. And I have a feeling I know which universe she will reside in that opened up to us recently... I could be wrong though.

The sacrifices that happened here won't be for nothing. What we gained was knowledge on how she attacks, how she moves, what the fetuses looks like in case we need to take down another one of them again if someone gets infected.

For now, I recommend escaping, and better prepare ourselves for the next run in with her if she shows up again for revenge, like an updated power suit, more ammo, stronger drill, etc.

...This is my recommendation. I can't stop you if you decide to attack, Falafaf. But whatever we do, lets escape now!
No. 35226 ID: 016e0f
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No. 35228 ID: 143250
You've heard our friendly ghost. Lets leave... And thanks again Casper.
No. 35229 ID: 143250
Art request for Anthony if you feel like it: a lost artwork of spirit parasite. But have it look similar to the title card of this art thread: >>32929

No. 35233 ID: 016e0f
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No. 35236 ID: 143250
Falafaf, Dreamwalker... I think we are about to head towards a trap at the end of this tunnel.

Now that we have left Casper, I can now reveal what my thoughts are: Casper showed us that he had been infected by the Spirit Parasite, and was very insistent in us wanting to attack Spirit Parasite even though we are at a huge disadvantage... now, I was thinking: what if that was not Casper telling us to fight that parasite as we are now, but was actually one of her children relaying that message from Spirit Parasite's hive mind so that we would fall into an ambush if we chase her at the end of this tunnel?

I'm hoping she is gone, but let us take precautions in case she is waiting for us at the end: Get your drill, point it forwards, and charge forward with a small boost (small boost because I don't want to accidentally crash into something just in case, and have enough speed to slow down effectively). If she is waiting in front of the end of the tunnel, we will get a free hit on her. if she is around the tunnel, we would be fast enough for her not to hit us. If she is gone, cool beans, you can find a safe place to rest up
No. 35238 ID: 3583d1
The drill is primed and ready to go.
No. 35240 ID: 016e0f
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No. 35245 ID: 143250
You're a fortune teller. Which means If you feel like you are being watched or stalked, you most likely are...
And right on cue, I was right about it all being a trap by the parasite that infected Casper. My predicted location on where the spirit parasite would be was wrong, but it's a good thing I warned you and you have your drill ready. Lets defend ourselves. Point the drill upwards, and boost diagonally upwards and backwards behind you. She thinks we are going to retreat with our defenses lowered and not chase her which, is why she is behind you. Lets give her a surprise for trying to cowardly stalk you..

Ironic. She's a parasite, but she's been infected by a parasite herself... A parasite called... revenge.
No. 35246 ID: a05012
What the- Oh, good idea.

No. 35248 ID: f852d2
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No. 35249 ID: 143250

I have a feeling I know what is at the end of the tunnel. I'm hoping I'm right, but we are also with Robbit outside of the timeline where we discovered a hole that appeared out of nowhere. I'm asking if Robbit still has some kind of bomb like a grenade. If he does, we can lure this parasite out of the tunnel, hope that the end of the tunnel is the destination I think we're at, and explode the parasite as soon as it escapes. For now, until I get an answer from on whether Robbity still has a bomb or not, do some fencing with your drill and her arms. stall for time. Don't worry about being infected, we chopped off her tentacle earlier.
No. 35250 ID: 3583d1
Fuck! Alright hold on, I'm starting up a repair module, it can help with those wings, activating long jump to make up for loss of wings.

Let's see what other weapons do we have... Uh we got smokescreen, caltrops, the drill of course, a sword module? That's pretty cool... uh what else we're out of ammo, i can reload some but it would take too long... And an acid spray? That might work! But we only have one shot... Fortune Ana? You have any thoughts to provide?
No. 35251 ID: 143250
As I said, stay on the defensive by fencing with the drill, dodge as many attacks as you can and keep yourself from harm. I'll tell you the next plan of action as soon as I hear a response from Robbit concerning the grenade he might still have.
No. 35252 ID: 3583d1
A grenade? Oh shit! that might just work... well if that's case... RUN! HEAD FOR THE GATE! I WANT THIS AT NEAR POINT BLANK!
No. 35253 ID: 143250
Don't jump to conclusions just yet. I still need an answer from Robbit first. Just dodge, and be ready to retreat when I tell you.
No. 35254 ID: 3583d1
File 150212671092.jpg - (1.21MB , 3264x2448 , IMG_4113.jpg )
There. That should do it...

No. 35255 ID: 3583d1
File 150212675082.jpg - (1.13MB , 3264x2448 , IMG_4114.jpg )
Where did that thing come from?
No. 35262 ID: f852d2
File 150214259150.jpg - (2.21MB , 2480x3236 , m 42.jpg )
No. 35263 ID: 143250
The wings are a distraction. Run away. retreat. Don't look back. the exit is right over there.
No. 35264 ID: 3583d1
No. 35265 ID: 3583d1
That's where you are wrong essence. With the death of one, there is rebirth in another. This isn't a mirror, but a window. Where I die, this one lives, and another universe is being born.

Did someone leave this on my desk when I wasn't looking or something? Huh...

*picks it up*

Looks kinda like a game piece or something?
No. 35269 ID: f852d2
File 150219088683.jpg - (1.76MB , 1748x3376 , m 43.jpg )
No. 35272 ID: 143250
Now that the the characters has took their dumb battle outside, and stopped having the story bleed into the art thread, now we can get back to what really matters: MORE ART!

Art request: what would Rosaline look like if she got mind controlled by spirit parasite? She's already part spider so...
No. 35277 ID: 3583d1
File 150223314068.jpg - (1.59MB , 2448x3264 , IMG_4116.jpg )
AHH! Did I just hear that??? In my head???

Um... please tell me I'm not crazy... Well hopefully I'm not but this is what I came up with. I assume the spirit parasite was this thing? >>35254 I had a bad dream about it last night. And it can take people over? That's a scary thought. Especially Miss Rosaline, she gave me some tea the other day. She's really sweet. I didn't know about her spider thing until a while ago though. So the idea of the two mixed together... I thought it would look something like this...

So um... who are you? Your voice is familiar but I can't place the name to the voice.

If Anthony needs to stay dead then disregard this as nothing more on my take of what Rosaline/Parasite looks like. But with the new universe being back in time then it stands to reason that he is alive. I don't know if he did get Fortune Ana's totem but hey it's a neat idea in my mind. We don't know what happened to it, so I like to think he got it somehow.
No. 35279 ID: f852d2
File 150229839606.jpg - (3.75MB , 2952x5173 , m 45.jpg )
No. 35280 ID: f852d2
Come to the beach day for some fun
No. 35281 ID: 28314e
Huh, that's pretty awesome! You know I never apologized for freaking out on you a while ago. I... have something of a phobia of clowns. But you're okay. If I think of you as a Jester, that somehow works better for me.
No. 35290 ID: 143250
To absurdity: is it confirmed that Anthony has Fortune Ana's totem?

Also, Wow, lots of arms and legs there. Crazy.
No. 35296 ID: 928cbe
File 150240689457.jpg - (853.04KB , 1290x1974 , m 49.jpg )
No. 35297 ID: 02d8f4
File 150240748419.jpg - (160.91KB , 678x902 , IMG_2131.jpg )
I.... know her... it's a long story... one that involves me running out of a room naked and terrified and hearing Delilah cat call after me...

As for why I'm scared of clowns... ironically it's because if a dream had as a kid. Where this one evil clown with knfie life teeth was in my bathroom and he tried to eat me while strangling me. I woke up before he could finish me off though. I drew this while I was still at home, just wanted to put how I felt on paper, hope this gives some ideas as to why they scare me...
No. 35298 ID: 143250
No. 35310 ID: 894beb
... What the hell? Why is there a video playing in my head? But I can top that one.

No. 35313 ID: 143250
Are you sure the person the jester was referring to was who you think it is? the person you met said that the things on her head are not horns, and she really likes her privacy unless she has a reason to reveal herself. It could have been anybody that had horns.
No. 35315 ID: 02d8f4
If it is who I think it is then I want as little to do with her as possible... So... seriously who are you?
No. 35316 ID: 928cbe
File 150244720281.jpg - (3.43MB , 3191x2909 , m 46.jpg )
Really creepy clown picture I love it, also I am sorry but I will not continue the gallery story in the draw thread. I just don't want to create another long story in here especially after the previous battle. Also I made this for the beach day In the celebration of summer, so do you want to play a friendly competition just for fun. If you do there will be a gift at the end, but the battle will be held in the beach day thread
No. 35319 ID: 928cbe
File 150249639022.jpg - (2.02MB , 2958x2307 , m 52.jpg )
Well now I will just post the preview of possible characters that will appear in the story. I would like to hear your thoughts about them, what they are like and what will they do in the story. There is a running theme that goes with all the characters that I will show you. Can you guess what it is?
No. 35320 ID: 928cbe
File 150249659411.jpg - (1.40MB , 2354x2096 , m 53.jpg )
No. 35321 ID: 894beb
The best I can figure is each of them can represent different eras of American time periods. Maya represents the Aztec and Mayan civilizations. Next is Molly who I see as colonial era. Inspector J is the 1920's prohibition era. And finally Zillean looks like some kind of space age alien.
No. 35323 ID: 7573fc
Well the thing is that there are more than I did not uploaded yet. There is three or more pictures left. But interesting observation nonetheless
No. 35324 ID: 143250
All I can say about the characters is: ah crude, more enemies we might have to deal with.
No. 35325 ID: 7573fc
Not all will be your enemies
No. 35326 ID: 894beb
Thank goodness.

Well I know you said the gallery wouldn't continue, but I am curious, what would have been in the number 1 place? Can we know that? Or shall it remain a mystery? Also will self reflections continue? I suppose those "lost works" aren't necessarily lost any more. I think I'd be most excited to see the self reflection of Andrew seeing his new one.
No. 35327 ID: 7573fc
Well there is a significant in the first place position in the gallery. The work has been tampered with
No. 35328 ID: 7573fc
As for the self reflection it will continue when Absurdity returns from vacation
No. 35330 ID: 928cbe
File 150252989116.jpg - (2.13MB , 3558x2480 , m 54.jpg )
Here are the rest of the characters from the preview for now. I hope now you will see the running theme with all of them
No. 35331 ID: 928cbe
File 150253025192.jpg - (3.68MB , 3315x3239 , m 55.jpg )
No. 35332 ID: 928cbe
File 150253039658.jpg - (1.09MB , 1748x2128 , m 56.jpg )
No. 35333 ID: 143250
Ah, Whispers. Robbit mentioned going to talk to that person so that we would get a new story.
No. 35334 ID: 143250
As for the themes for these new pictures

1st picture:trees
2nd picture: knights
3rd picture: animals
No. 35336 ID: 3583d1
I have the feeling Scarred Ana and the knights will get along more than fine.
No. 35350 ID: 928cbe
File 150258736844.jpg - (3.62MB , 3850x4302 , m 60.jpg )
No. 35351 ID: 3583d1
.... Are they based on fairy tails? I can tell some, but not others...
No. 35352 ID: 7573fc
It is more who do they work for
No. 35353 ID: 3583d1
Well I see Lil' Bo Creep on this list along with his... sister? 4 letter word, and we already know they are with the cult, so Root.

Hurple Hare and Adomidius are obviously knights, seven letter word but the knights make it easy to figure out. Godfrey.

That's as much as I have now.
No. 35354 ID: 143250
Molly, Maya: This one is only a guess: Absolution.

Zillean, Inspector J: Lorence. Only guessing. maybe it's because of the hat the inspector wears. Don't know for sure.

Wicker kid, whispers, and presence: probably Daniel, because trees, and Daniel is seen as a leaf kid so...

Wight Hummingbird, Rovera: no idea. Falafaf fits the spaces, so it could be other people that is part of the resistance in taking down any spirit parasites in this universe.
No. 35355 ID: 928cbe
File 150262569356.jpg - (3.77MB , 3954x4302 , m 63.jpg )
No. 35356 ID: 3583d1
Okay so here are some new guesses.
Molly and Maya: Ambassador (best guess), Rotoherido (if there is no spaces in his name which I find unlikely)
Wicker Kid & Whsipers Pressence: Andrew, Casper
Wight Hummingbird & Romera: Raphael
Lil' Bo Creeps: 1993, or Jack (I was really stretching to find other 4 letter names)

Also on an unrelated note, is Hurple Hare's helmet designed like a Viking helm? I thought I recognized the design
No. 35396 ID: 143250
A fun request to absurdity masked man, and Anthony: a Lucha Libre wrestling mask modified with that symbol for walking through the fog.

We've seen all sorts of masks based off of actual masks from tribal masks that Cera Mortus and her group of people wear, to halloween masks that betty wears, and even a freakin' box that Boxhead Hobo wears. I do not think I've seen a modified lucha libre mask yet in the story.

It doesn't have to be canon to the story. This is just for fun.
No. 35397 ID: 3583d1
File 150281654139.jpg - (1.25MB , 2313x3210 , IMG_4127.jpg )
BEHOLD! Miguel De Rodrigo, also known as EL VIGELANTE, the Masked Wrestler of the Fog! I like to imagine he isn't a bad guy, instead he challenges the cultists to a wrestling match in the streets. In his free time he enjoys herb gardening and is a devout catholic. An all around nice guy, except when he steps into the ring!

No. 35398 ID: 928cbe
File 150282631228.jpg - (3.85MB , 3954x4302 , m 70.jpg )
First I have to say awesome work on the wrestler, just wait until you see my work. As for the preview characters you can ask me about six of them, to tell you something about them. But only six so pick carfully who do you want to know more about
No. 35399 ID: 3583d1
File 150283079786.png - (142.27KB , 707x693 , IMG_4128.png )
Ok, shot out of a cannon with Wicker Kid and Whispers Presence but do they work for this guy? We never got his name, but he was some of Tree Priest. The Ash Tree was like his totem or something. We saw him at the dinner party, he was described by Delilah as "the resident stoner."
No. 35413 ID: 928cbe
File 150293598751.jpg - (948.74KB , 4126x1024 , m 61.jpg )
No. 35415 ID: 3261ca
File 150308609663.jpg - (3.51MB , 3508x2996 , m 75.jpg )
The song for this part is 28 taking on the Black Velvetopia's Woerst
No. 35416 ID: 143250

I'm assuming the ring announcers would be Absurdity and Ambassador like that one time. The commentary and wrestling matches and types of wrestlers would probably play out like these


No. 35419 ID: 3d5eb2
No. 35420 ID: 143250
This is how brutal and ridiculous I imagine the matches being: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dshrU4jxKEA
No. 35421 ID: 3261ca
Yeah pretty much
No. 35449 ID: 0e57d8
Alright so here's the first question I have about those preview characters. Is it right that we can assume some of them will be more hostile towards us and our efforts and may just attempt to kill on sight? And by that same regard can we expect allies out of others where there might be enemies.
No. 35450 ID: 0e57d8
Alright so here's the first question I have about those preview characters. Is it right that we can assume some of them will be more hostile towards us and our efforts and may just attempt to kill on sight? And by that same regard can we expect allies out of others where there might be enemies.
No. 35451 ID: 3261ca
Well it all depends on the characters that they are loyal to, how is your standing with them depends how the preview characters will react to your presence
No. 35453 ID: 143250
I've decided to ask my questions in the discussion thread, just to keep things separated and orderly if that is alright. Also, I've displayed my thoughts on each group of people there.

Art request for Anthony: the hooded bearded man with the horns we met before we left the art gallery and were taken to meet Marble. Please keep him hooded, I like to keep things mysterious.
No. 35457 ID: 0e57d8
File 150330249029.jpg - (824.86KB , 2192x2034 , IMG_4138.jpg )
The followers of the Ash have been very kind to me. They give me practically anything I ask for... But they can't give me everything I really want. It's weird, some women seem to throw themselves at me, hell, even Delilah has made some drunken passes at me and I'd rather not remember that incident with the really freaky woman covered in branches and the Glasgow smile. Many of them are very beautiful women, but... there's just not that spark, there's no one that I feel I can connect with, that's really all I want... Well at least this weird idol is nice to talk with. Whoever it is I can always get a sympathetic person to talk with.
No. 35458 ID: 3261ca
Now that you have showed her she will be a part of the story, that can be a good or a bad thing
No. 35460 ID: 0e57d8
That is honestly hillarious, as this was a drawing I did for my girlfriend irl. She reads the quest but doesn't actually play. She enjoys it, especially the awkward funny parts involving Anthony. So I figured hey, I'd do one of her, so I modeled a character off her, even though in the diary entry along with this drawing is just meant to imply what Anthony really wants, she wasn't really meant to be anyone in particular. My girlfriend may start playing if this character is in but she likes to cause trouble... and a lot of it... so just warning you...
No. 35461 ID: 3261ca
Don't worry, as always I will use most of the things that you bring to my story. But the way how I will use it will be a surprise and keep you guessing. For example that character that you draw today has already appeared and had a small role in the story, but I will not reveal who she was
No. 35462 ID: 5d13f5
Oh I'm well aware, as I recall there was a mention of a wife for Anthony some time ago?
No. 35463 ID: 5d13f5
Oh I'm well aware, as I recall there was a mention of a wife for Anthony some time ago?
No. 35465 ID: 3261ca
No what I meant to say is that she has already appeared on the screen, but you didn't know that it was her
No. 35481 ID: 0e57d8
Woah wait seriously? Huh... now we are on a hunt going back and trying to figure out who she was. Was her name mentioned at all? Both me and my gf are looking and trying to figure it out. Was it the Fan of Anthony? The person with the wings whose head exploded? That would kinda suck... we'll keep looking
No. 35483 ID: 32108b
No her name was not mentioned and she is not the fan
No. 35484 ID: 3583d1
Can I at least know the thread she was in?
No. 35485 ID: 32108b
I think she appeared in multiple threads, but her last appearance was in the drawing thread
No. 35486 ID: 3583d1
Oh my gods, is it the jester???
No. 35487 ID: 32108b
I am not allowed to reveal that information
No. 35495 ID: 93184b
File 150344828597.jpg - (1.26MB , 2285x2871 , IMG_4142.jpg )
Sooooo... this was the design she liked most... she kept some of the original ideas but now think she is more Harlequin than jester... she kinda bullied me into this one... hope it looks good. Also what is her name? The Cleopatra thing was more of a joke "Anthony and Cleopatra." Actually that could work...
No. 35499 ID: 3261ca
Looks amazing, well I am beginning to plan how
implement this character in the story
No. 35526 ID: 3583d1
File 150356382603.jpg - (1.95MB , 2448x3264 , IMG_4145.jpg )
A warrior from Scarred Ana's timeline, Garm the Berserker. Once, an average man, but when he lost his family in the fog, the cult, what he felt was not grief, it was rage. And his cries of fury did not go unanswered. A being that was neither god, nor demon answred. His anger brought him The Rage Within. The man gave himself over completely, and he was given the gift of the Warp Spasm. His body transformed into a monster, he was utterly consumed, and his his rage, he even forgot his own name. Cultist, bystanders, it didn't matter, all fell to him, all would bleed...

But when he met the knight of sheers, her magic guided his enraged mind, bringing him back to sanity. But his body was foreve transformed, and his mind forever changed. To show his gratitude, Garm joined the Guild of Sheers. He still harbored a hate of the cult, and so often acted a shock trooper, leaping into the fray of heated combat and slaughtering many. His ultimate fate was he died in single combat against Stitch. Garm's fight with the monster gave Ana her opening to finally end Stitches life.

Garm's theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65P9y0xSxO4
No. 35527 ID: 9a9cce
Interesting characters, but unfortunately I won't be be implanting it in the story. Sorry
No. 35528 ID: 3583d1
That's okay, I really just got the idea for him because I wanted to draw some people that were in other timelines and different journeys, so I already didn't consider him to be canon. While it would be cool to see him, it wouldn't make a whole lot of sense for... reasons...
No. 35529 ID: 1187e2
Oh don't worry he will make a small appearance in the story. Also it would be interesting to see some people that were in other timelines and different journeys
No. 35530 ID: 1187e2
Also this is the song for that character
No. 35531 ID: 3583d1
Funny, I did model him off rick from splatterhouse. Differences are the hands and mask, hair, also the fact that he does't wear shoes and prefers to wear that fur-lined kilt
No. 35532 ID: 1187e2
Yeah he was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw him
No. 35533 ID: 3583d1
File 150360567591.jpg - (1.64MB , 2448x3264 , IMG_4147.jpg )
What's about his face though... I kinda scared myself with this one... because... fucking christ... I don't think I've ever done one THIS fucked up... So just some food for though, who do you think he was before he turned???

No. 35534 ID: 1187e2
No. 35535 ID: 1187e2
I just noticed that he looks like the thing that made Desolation
No. 35537 ID: 13eacf
That was the intention with it. I did some digging on what that picture was, and it was an image of something called a "Warp Spasm." I already explained what that was a while ago, If you remember. So my guess that whoever posted the original Rage Within when Ana was stabbed with that needle, was originally trying to get Ana to turn into that. Instead I like to imagine that because it wen ignored it instead made a bargain with AJ, creating Deaolation. In Scarred Ana's timeline however, because Ana conquered Deaolation, TRW went after someone else, this case, the. Man who would become Garm.
No. 35538 ID: 1187e2
No. 35540 ID: 13eacf
Alright so here is an idea for a drawing, take the three biggest scariest motherfuckers around, Stitch, Timmy, and Garm... turn them into a rap group... specifically, The Beastie Boys...
No. 35542 ID: 143250
as long as Timmy doesn't decapitate Fortune Ana again, I'm alright with that, lol.
No. 35543 ID: 58ae0d
What do you think of Garm by the way? Any ideas who he was before he became... that?
No. 35545 ID: 1187e2
Garm was a registered sex offender before he became that
No. 35546 ID: ae9b99
Whelp. You've heard it from the author. It is canon now. Case closed.
No. 35547 ID: 1187e2
I was just joking man
No. 35548 ID: ae9b99
I know, I was just joking back, lol.
No. 35549 ID: 1187e2
He was obviously a professional porn star actor, he has the body for it
No. 35550 ID: 58ae0d
Lol, clearly, I mean that tongue alone could have made him quite the cunning linguist... haha, if my plan to set him and Essence had worked I like to image her saying something like "Alright beefcake, you got a nice body but what about the face...?" He hesitantly takes off and opens his mouth and that tongue falls out. She is silent for a moment, then "OHHH... FUCK THE HELL YES!"
No. 35563 ID: 1187e2
File 150386426241.jpg - (785.06KB , 1564x1496 , Beautiful butterfly 44.jpg )
No. 35564 ID: 58ae0d
Yeeeeeesss.... that's perfect! I would listen to all the albums!

I have one other idea and it's another music inspired one. It's Root sitting in his throne and his inner circle all around him all singing the chorus of this...

We want Rooty for our leader,
Rooty is man of class.
We want Rooty for our leader,
All stand, and raise your blood filled glass.
No. 35588 ID: 3583d1
File 150412984532.jpg - (1.32MB , 2448x3264 , IMG_4156.jpg )
What I like about have new characters is it means new drawings for me! So I decided to start with my favorite two, none other than the members of the Cross Ash.

First up, is Adomidius. I feel like I made him a little too much a pretty boy, but at the same time, his name is so Roman sounding I wanted to make him look the part because he also looks like an Italian/French knight, I figured he would look the part.

No. 35589 ID: 3583d1
File 150413015452.jpg - (1.23MB , 2448x3264 , IMG_4157.jpg )
By stark contrast, I recognize Hurple Hare's look as a Viking or Anglo-Saxon. Mostly because of that helmet, anyway. So I made him look like something of a a good natured barbarian, something like a heavy metal rocker (assuming Hurple is a man anyway?).
No. 35590 ID: 3583d1
Whoops! I forgot Hurple's song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMBWl-gSIJ4
No. 35592 ID: 1187e2
This is what what Hurple Hare looks like to me
No. 35593 ID: 85ac17
You son of a bitch XD now I can't unsee him looking like Jesus
No. 35594 ID: 1187e2
All in the day's work
No. 35618 ID: ae9b99
Art request: I've had this idea for a while, and I think it will be funny if Ana with Desolation, Scarred Ana, Flint, Clara's sister Rosalia, and Lorence were in a room together taking an anger management class. Absurdity can be the fake therapist teacher of this anger management class.
No. 35619 ID: ae9b99
Alright, Absurdity doesn't have to be the teacher, someone else can. I just remember he is having trouble getting back from vacation.
No. 35684 ID: 3583d1
File 150464674441.jpg - (0.99MB , 2722x2131 , IMG_4166.jpg )
Bored afternoon spent drawing what Garm's transformation looked like. I tried to copy your way of drawing too, or at least the way you out everything together on your pages. I also realized that Garm could make a major appearance and play a significant role... but getting him would be what is essentially the most depressing cheat code sequence ever, and that involves the deaths of certain people, and I don't want that. Although it does make me wonder if people saw the drawings Anthony has done of him what would they think? I might have to go test that actually...
No. 35685 ID: 3583d1
File 150464676926.jpg - (1.23MB , 3122x2438 , IMG_4169.jpg )
No. 35686 ID: 3583d1
File 150464686985.jpg - (765.59KB , 3052x1679 , IMG_4168.jpg )
No. 35687 ID: e6b69c
File 150465823609.jpg - (219.19KB , 1250x543 , Beautiful butterfly 45.jpg )
No. 35688 ID: 3583d1
File 150466129353.jpg - (1.37MB , 2037x3262 , IMG_4170.jpg )
Garm don't give a phucc.
No. 35689 ID: e6b69c
No. 35690 ID: e6b69c
No. 35691 ID: 3583d1
File 150468776335.jpg - (1.94MB , 3264x2448 , IMG_4172.jpg )
might as well keep the Garm streak going, here is a face of between Stitch and Garm. Could this be the final duel? The battle of monsters? One of the the Root, the other of the Sheers? Maybe... But it was in this battle that Stitch spoke, for the first time in a long time... his first words to his greatest rival.

Y o u a n d I a r e t h e s a m e .
No. 35692 ID: e6b69c
This accurate representation of their fight

No. 35693 ID: 10976e
Pretty much... speaking of Sitch I figure this is a good a place as any to figure stuff out.

Um... excuse me? Stitch? Yesterday I showed you those pictures of the guy with the freaky smile? Well I did one today, and you were involved. I was told you might know him, or you have something in your room that can identify him? Can you tell me who is? Uh... that is... if you aren't busy...?
No. 35699 ID: e6b69c
File 150473935240.jpg - (241.08KB , 1028x582 , Beautiful butterfly 46.jpg )
No. 35700 ID: 6111ca
So why am I seeing visions about him? No one else has even recognized him. There's nothing on file about who he is. So how do you know him? Does he even have a name?
No. 35701 ID: e6b69c
No. 35703 ID: e6b69c
I am only joking, you probably see him because he is a part of this world, only thing is that he wasn't really active in it
No. 35704 ID: 5d7976
Actually, Garm is quite active. Remember the question, who was he before he became the way he is? The drawings you have seen have all been from Scarred Ana's timeline. What may be in one world, is different in another. I've left some subtle clues to help you figure out who Garm is, or who he was. Like I said, he COULD appear, but if he does it means someone important to his story is dead by violence. But here is another, his family should never have come for a visit that weekend.
No. 35705 ID: 5d7976
But a question you should also ask, because I like the mystery behind it. If Garm is somehow active in the world, but no one has ever seen him before, why is Stitch the only one who seems to even have an idea of who his is? Combined with the clues I've left where do you think Garm is? Who is he?
No. 35706 ID: e6b69c
I don't know how prominent character he will be in the current timeline. When I said that he would appear I meant it like a cameo, nothing major
No. 35710 ID: f0e789
I figured it would be something like that, don't worry. I only ask due to story continuity his cameo be in a memory or a flash back of dream or something along those lines. Hell he could even be a summon by the ambassador maybe? But yeah I'm not too worried man, I consider t awesome we'd even see him at all.
No. 35711 ID: f0e789
One last thing I feel I should clarify with Garm. He isn't anyone we haven't met before. But since certain events within the current timeline never occurred or have yet to occur, he never came into existence as Garm. So when I said he is active, what I meant was, the character who has the possibility to become him is active. And honestly th reason why he would have to appear in a memory or dream or whatever, is because as I've said, part of what created him in the Scarred Ana was grief, so to get him, people he cares about would have to die in the fog or against the cult. And I honestly don't want that, I like where his character is right now, it would be a shame to see him as a monster.
No. 35712 ID: 3583d1
File 150477250703.jpg - (1.64MB , 2163x3199 , IMG_4174.jpg )
Since I am anticipating a cross-over with silver tails and R&B soon, with Dreamwalker maybe going over to the other universe to figure stuff out and maybe have that long awaited duel with Dervan (maybe maybe not) I figured I would give an idea of what it might look like if he brought Scarred Ana and Fortune Ana along, which is a possibility if that story is headed where I think it is. The would still be astral beings but their forms would be more indicative of their personalities, and they would also have heads representing their totems of course. I also up dated Dreamwalkers outfit as I have drawn him in Silver Tails before, I think this one makes him look almost detective like.
No. 35713 ID: e6b69c
No. 35714 ID: e6b69c
Well there will be a crossover sooner than you expect but it won't happen the way you expect
No. 35720 ID: 4fc114
File 150489797885.jpg - (788.70KB , 1748x1176 , Beautiful butterfly 47.jpg )
No. 35721 ID: a2d9cf
... Act like the person who makes me mad huh...?

*Smiles in humanly wide and drapes a lock of hair in front of her face. Takes the puppets and throws them out the window, and laughs at essence*

Oh by the that's all your fault you don't have your little friend anymore and no I will not say why it's your fault.
No. 35723 ID: a2d9cf
File 150493170164.jpg - (1.09MB , 2419x2896 , IMG_4175.jpg )
No. 35724 ID: a2d9cf
No. 35741 ID: 3583d1
File 150507346125.jpg - (1.36MB , 2448x3264 , IMG_4188.jpg )
A warrior from Scarred Ana's timeline, Erik Skallagrimsson of The Wolf-Pack, and one of Scarred Ana's twelve Earls. During the waring period, there was divide within the pack, one for Erik and the other for the former Alpha. The former Alpha wanted nothing to do with Ana, even considering joining Root. Erik felt the Alpha had lost sight of what they were and felt Scarred Ana held their values. The divide became a duel in the bloody circle, and Erik emerged victorious. His final fate was to die in he great final battle, he felt it was a glorious death, one worthy of Valhalla.


So quick word on why I made him kind of Viking like. So there was actually a type of berserker, called an Ulfhednar. These warriors would wear the skins if wolves in battle, and it was said that they were possess of a beast spirit, much like the wolf pack members, so it just made sense to me. I actually believe these guys are where the legends of werewolves came from.
No. 35742 ID: 4fc114
Interesting implementation of wolf pack gang. You will see how they will be part of the story and I might use that character. But he won't be the same character from that alternate timeline
No. 35744 ID: b93e63
I wouldn't assume he would be. The whole reason he joined Scarred Ana was because he felt the packs values were at risk. But the reason he felt that was because there was a rift in the pack. Now a question I left vague is what caused the divide to begin with. We know what the end result was. But here's anothe question, will the rift happen at all this time around?
No. 35746 ID: 11c9ff
File 150511646309.jpg - (1.86MB , 2448x3264 , IMG_4189.jpg )
The bard of Scarred Ana's timeline, Robin Dagonet. The second of Scarred Ana's earls, he was original mission within the fog was to bring joy to people who didn't have much. But after seeing how the cult oppressed people, chose to side with Ana. Not only was he an expert musician and master of diplomacy, but he spoke 7 different languages. When it came to combat he preferred throwing knives and weapons that would keep enemies at a distance. He was also known to taunt the enemy by making up funny limericks about them on the fly. His ultimate fate was one of irony, at the first and last peace meeting between the two sides, someone poisoned Ana's wine, someone not content with peace. Dagonet took Ana's wine as he knew she was pregnant at the time, and so he died to save Ana and her baby, but peace was never achieved.

No. 35765 ID: 3583d1
File 150528937719.jpg - (1.71MB , 2147x3138 , IMG_4193.jpg )
I felt it was high time I revealed Garm for who he actually is. I tried to make a guessing game out of it at times though I felt it was a dead give away, like using blood to paint on the walls. I've been wanting to draw this one for a while. So yeah, the Anthony of Scarred Ana's timeline became Garm after losing his parents in the fog because they came to visit him on the day the cult let loose. And I hope it now makes sense why I've been talking so much about why to get him would require a shit load of bad stuff happening to Anthony, and neither of us wants to see that.... except maybe Essence if it meant she got to have Anthony as a muscle man.

No. 35766 ID: 4fc114
I must admit that I didn't see that coming. Was he possessed by the rage demon, because I was planning for someone else to be that person in this timeline
No. 35767 ID: 3583d1
He was offered a deal, never feel powerless again. But in the end it fucked him over as he just went into a mad rage and was stuck like that for while before Scarred Ana gave him his mind back. But his body had been like that for so long he was it was now stuck like that. The funny thing is I originally never planned for it to be Anthony but I also kinda knew he wouldn't ever make an appearance beyond a cameo so I decided to have a bit of fun with who he was and the more I thought about it the more I liked the idea. So that's why I asked if he did make an appearance it should be as a memory or dream. If Anthony does become Garm it shouldn't be for very long so he can return to normal, if does... well... fuck.

The good news is because this character isn't finalized, these are just working ideas. And like I said, what is in one timeline, may be different in another. So he very well could be a different person.
No. 35768 ID: ae9b99
I take it that even though Anthony is a pretty nice person, his flaw is that he is somewhat a gullible person, having a bad habit of accepting deals with strange creatures that would screw him over in the long run (spirit Parasite, Garm, etc).
No. 35769 ID: 3583d1
Yep, in fact if Anthony does become Garm, which may be happening soon due to the spirit parasite showing up wearing his body, Anthony may need to escape the compound as I could see Lorence assuming the worst and taking him into custody... And that could get very... messy...
No. 35770 ID: 3583d1
And if you are wondering who could calm him down after his escape, and even turn him back, who is also trying to escape the compound at the moment and can enter people's heads? ;)
No. 35771 ID: 4fc114
I don't really know how to implement Anthony with that second form in this current timeline. That will only give additional complications to the story, I would really prefer if Anthony was just a regular guy that only draws his dreams. Because if he is a possible threat he won't be alive in the story that is why I recommend that he is just a regular guy without that form
No. 35792 ID: ef6ed4
That's fine, like I said, Anthony being Garm was more of a working reactionary thing.
No. 35795 ID: ae9b99
Art request for Absurdity masked man: I'm curious, if Anthony had said yes to Cera's offer in joining her secret group, What would his mask and outfit look like, and what nickname would they have given him?
No. 35796 ID: 4fc114
File 150544068558.jpg - (256.46KB , 554x884 , Beautiful butterfly 48.jpg )
He would be probably look something like this, also I am sorry for not doing the anger management thing. I had a couple of ideas but nothing came out right
No. 35797 ID: ae9b99
It's fine. What we got was fun.
No. 35800 ID: 4fc114
File 150548350554.jpg - (698.22KB , 1269x1905 , Beautiful butterfly 49.jpg )
No. 35830 ID: 3583d1
File 150572100466.jpg - (1.69MB , 2149x3195 , IMG_4206.jpg )
A woman from Scarred Ana's timeline, Alora "Jackie" Miller. The third of Scarred Ana's earls. A daughter of a stepford family she was expected to be raised and groomed as a proper lady. She however harbored a deep hatred for her life and family. When the fog came she saw it as her escape and she was pure anarchy against authority, all maintain a sweet demeanor of a young lady. It took a lot of convincing for her not to join the cult. But eventually Ana was able to show her that what the cult wanted was precisely the kind of authority she hated so much, and so she joined the Guild of Sheers and became the third of the earls, and occainsonallu cooking delicious meals (she actually liked cooking). Her weapons of choice were a meat cleaver and meat tenderizer hammer. Surprisingly the person she got along with best was Garm, and she never failed to calm him down after his psychotic rages although she sometimes joined him. It was speculated that they were lovers but this was never confirmed, more than likely they were just close friends. Her ultimate fate is unknown however, during the final battle her body was never recovered, and so was listed as MIA.

No. 35832 ID: 4fc114
I will see how to implement this characters
No. 35833 ID: 3583d1
Keep in mind you certainly don't have to. I love it when you do, but by no means do you have to.
No. 35834 ID: 4fc114
No. 35866 ID: 3583d1
File 150589157708.jpg - (1.48MB , 2448x3264 , IMG_4208.jpg )
For Jordan, may you be at peace.

There isn't a being in the world who doesn't know her in some way. Her love is boundless, more boundless than the earth itself. Her wisdom is infinite. She is mother and guardian to all. A being to which no evil dare meet the gaze of, for in her they would know all their failings and sadness, and all evil would crumble at her very touch, for in that moment they know what love is. She is a mother of magic, of dreams, who gave birth from the contractors eyes, for it was her who breathed life into them, one to be a light of knowledge and wisdom, the other to be a light of creativity and imagination. To truly know her is to know true love and true heartbreak. All who come to her may at last rest, and have no want. She has no name, for she needs none, because all who know her know true peace and true rest.
No. 35869 ID: 963ae7
it is for a student at the school where I usually substitute teach at. It was a suicide, and I wanted to create a guardian for him.
No. 35870 ID: 4fc114
Sorry if this looks disrespectful, I can delete the picture if you want me to do so
No. 35871 ID: 3583d1
You can if you want to.
No. 35872 ID: 4fc114
I am sorry for disrespecting the intent of your art. If you want I would like to hear more about it and the whole story on my facebook, we can start a conversation there if you want
No. 35873 ID: 3583d1
It's okay, you didn't know. Had I been more clear on it I know you wouldn't have drawn it.
No. 35908 ID: ae9b99
art request: If Root ordered his followers to create a video game, what would it look like? I assume it has some subliminal things in it to mess with people's minds in some way, almost like Polybius.
No. 35910 ID: 963ae7
File 150614902995.jpg - (1.02MB , 3264x2448 , IMG_4216.jpg )
Wakey wakey, eggs and [b]FORCED ANAL POUNDING[./b]
No. 35914 ID: 4fc114
Don't stick your dick in crazy
No. 35916 ID: 4fc114
File 150620421592.jpg - (847.23KB , 2304x1395 , Beautiful butterfly 51.jpg )
No. 35923 ID: ae9b99
the ESRB organization is still around. Might be under new management. I mean, E10+? really? lo
No. 35928 ID: 4fc114
File 150621823244.jpg - (352.09KB , 1112x921 , Beautiful butterfly 52.jpg )
No. 35929 ID: 963ae7
Oh please darling, you are practically the TOWN BICYCLE.

And why don't you show a little gratitude, huh?

It brought me back, they are getting closer

I mean to say, I know you you are a tramp and murderer but that's no reason not be civilized towards your betters.

closer to where it ALL began

It's damn impolite to say such things to me.

and you never even got HALF as close as they have

I mean after all, were it not for me

and five others...
No. 35930 ID: 963ae7
File 150623522517.jpg - (1.18MB , 2448x3264 , IMG_4218.jpg )
No. 35931 ID: 4fc114
File 150624742132.jpg - (630.79KB , 1460x1237 , Beautiful butterfly 53.jpg )
No. 35936 ID: 963ae7
Hee hee heeeee!!! I wasn't actually serious about that but if you are for it...

I had an indirect hand in your creation, but ultimately I am
not only responsible for you but EVERYTHING! You can call me daddy if you want.

And since you are so good at manipulating people, here's what I want from you. In the hotel that Ana is staying at, there is a book. In room 444, in one of the drawers in the sport where the Gideon bible should be.

Be a sport make sure she gets it will you sweetie? Oh don't try to blackmails with it, you are doing this because I could crush you. And if you REALLY piss me off, I'll drill your eyes and fill the empty sockets with razor blades.

Get what I'm saying? Good. Thaaaank yooouuu!
No. 35940 ID: 4fc114
File 150630162555.jpg - (464.25KB , 892x1888 , Beautiful butterfly 54.jpg )
No. 35941 ID: 963ae7
Ohhh, so tempting...I would be lying if I said I did not find you and your offer very attractive...
No. 35942 ID: 963ae7
But wrong.


No. 35944 ID: 963ae7
File 150630556264.jpg - (1.26MB , 2448x3264 , IMG_4222.jpg )
No. 35945 ID: 4fc114
File 150630782997.jpg - (389.01KB , 1172x912 , Beautiful butterfly 55.jpg )
No. 35946 ID: 963ae7
Aww, your temper tantrum is adorable. But I never said this would help THEM, idiot. You are doing this FOR ME.

As for kicking me out, I'd love to see you try.

I'm part of this void, I've been here all along. I command the void. You are in MY HOUSE.

That's one lesson you never learned. No matter how bad you think you are...

there is always someone worse than you.

So technically, you are the one trespassing here, so in theory, I could have a thousand different arms and hands all grab you...

And begin to pull you apart....

Or... To someone else...

Say for instance... Timmy? Or that little Egyptian cupcake of yours?

Get it now DOLT? You work, FOR ME. You provide, FOR ME! Since you are obviously a slow learner I'll break it down for you.

Get. My. Book.
No. 35947 ID: 963ae7
And heeeeyyy, I'm a compassionate guy. I also never said you would be doing this for charity. There will be a reward, what kind of a employer would I be otherwise? So let's just start at you getting your hand back. How does that sound? Better? You help me, I help you, just like you said. Now isn't that nice of me?
No. 35948 ID: 4fc114
File 150634395324.jpg - (572.19KB , 1442x1328 , Beautiful butterfly 56.jpg )
No. 35949 ID: 963ae7
You know what makes me sad? You keep on thinking you have all the facts!

Since when did I say I was "a celestial being?"

and you are currently at strike two. You don't want to see what happens after three

C'mon Essence, I like you, I really do. But because you are refusing to listen to me, you keep forcing my hand. It just makes me sad.

*drops a large hand at Essences feet*

Timmy will get that back later. But if you can't listen to me... well...

So I urge you, go place the book some place where Ana and her silly shadows of self can find it. That's all. You don't even need to be see by them or talk to them, and like I said this isn't anything that can even help them. For all you know it's a porno mag I want you to give to them. But I do assure you, It can be very beneficial to have me as your ally. Think of me as an absentee boss. I guarantee if you do this, you won't see me for a while.

But when I come knocking I expect to be listened to. Do you understand me?
No. 35950 ID: 4fc114
File 150635918561.jpg - (1.28MB , 1748x2448 , Beautiful butterfly 57.jpg )
No. 35951 ID: 963ae7
Did... did you ACTUALLY give it to the Imortal girl?

You gave it to the ONE person in that group who is attuned to what's inside! Do you even know what that book is!? What is sealed away inside the pages!? Even now is probably hearing the whispers from it!

I knew you were the right person for this job! And honestly Essence I don't like hurting you, but sometimes you just need the right kind of motivation.

I APPLAUD YOU! C'mere let me give you hand! And don't worry about Timmy, he's already got his hand back and is a walking free again. I am man of my word.
No. 35952 ID: 4fc114
File 150637665136.jpg - (751.82KB , 1556x1664 , Beautiful butterfly 58.jpg )
No. 35953 ID: 963ae7
Oh dear... what a pickle...

Honestly I'm not worried about the book. It's not like it can actually be burned by any natural fire... I made sure of that. Although I would hope that young lady gets it out of the fire before the whispers compell her to take it and she gets burned... that would be bad...

Especially since that book contains the First Ash Drawing... It's my old journal and sketchbook...

I mean c'mon why else would she be attuned to it? That thing is going to keep calling her to save it...

Oh dear...
No. 35954 ID: 129f1e
Do you want me to reattach your hand now? I'm nothing if not fair. And I think we are in for something of a horror show, unless that girl is smart and finds some tongs or something... but... the call of the Ash drawing is just going to continue...

Oh dear...
No. 35963 ID: 4fc114
File 150639002964.jpg - (1.05MB , 1652x2051 , Beautiful butterfly 59.jpg )
No. 35964 ID: 963ae7
No, you dense motherfucker...

It's not the journal "of an observer." God you are slow at making connections. Put 2 and 2 together. You assume there was ONE journal only ONE that matters. But what if, just what if there was two...? What if that journal that
you just tried to burn wasn't the one of just a passerby, but of someone FROM the first incident. Who was there at ground zero when the catalyst went off? That was there the day the ghost was summoned? And I urge you to take a look at my words. I said I and 5 other people were indirectly responsible for your creation, as well as everything that has happened since. I said that was MY journal and sketchbook.

Now take that information, apply it here, and ask yourself...

who am I?
No. 35965 ID: 4fc114
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No. 35966 ID: 963ae7
You really need to clean out your ears and maybe get some contact lenses.

No natural fire CAN burn it. They may not find it right away but I've been waiting this whole time, I can wait a little longer. The truth is I don't want to help them. I was giving it to them, because I have my own agenda. And you are helping me push it forward. You helped when when you killed off that entire other universe. And sent them into the void. As I said I am part of that void, I command it.

Those souls were delicious. They helped bring me back from the edge of oblivion.

You are going to help me regardless of what you do. Because our goals intersect, it's also another reason why I like you so much. So here is your hand back. As a present from me to you.

As for who I am. I'll tell you...
No. 35968 ID: 963ae7
File 150639496050.jpg - (1.06MB , 2439x2869 , IMG_4224.jpg )
My name is Martin Gregory Freeman.

No. 35970 ID: 4fc114
File 150642284825.jpg - (840.29KB , 1748x1720 , Beautiful butterfly 61.jpg )

No. 35971 ID: 85ac17
No that’s quite alright.

I’ve pretty much said everything I wanted to say. And if you don’t mind oh great lord of the muiltiverse, I will be extending my stay until my buisiness has been completed.

*melts into shadows and vapors fades into darkness*

Remember what I told you Essence... See you in the past...
No. 35973 ID: d98041
File 150647444276.jpg - (1.18MB , 1748x2480 , Beautiful butterfly 62.jpg )

No. 35974 ID: 3a80a6
What ever gave you the idea I give a shit about mortals? There’s only 3 things I care about, feeding the void, getting stronger, and vengeance.

I’m no longer mortal, I lost my mortality and my humanity when my human life ended.

[/spoiler]I am the Demon of the Void. I AM the void. I am endless, I am legion. And I will consume the Ash Tree in all dimensions. I will have my vengeance![/spoiler]

And right now...


*fades into the darkness*


*floor cracks open to reveal eyes and teeth everywhere*

No. 35975 ID: 3a80a6
You said choke on their dicks? Alright, but I’ll choke down the rest of them too. I suggest you leave.
No. 35987 ID: 3a80a6
No. 35988 ID: d98041
File 150652840778.jpg - (869.73KB , 1657x1768 , Beautiful butterfly 63.jpg )
No. 36014 ID: d98041
File 150662135843.jpg - (1.38MB , 1892x2251 , Beautiful butterfly 64.jpg )
No. 36015 ID: 21023d
Oh shut up. Boo boo, poor little you. We’ve all got problems. Before you ask how I’m here again, remember how I said I am legion? I meant it. I am everywhere and nowhere, I am the endless void. I am in his hand and I am here. Boy can’t wait to see the look on that old fools face.

Now are you going to let this world get to you? Let it destroy you or are you gonna stand up and grab it by the balls and CRUSH THEM! Because that’s what I plan to do. And I want you to be a part of it.
No. 36016 ID: 21023d
And as for the sex thing, that was no lie, I don’t believe in lying and I never have. You are sexy as FUCK. And I like you a lot.
No. 36017 ID: d98041
File 150663041006.jpg - (650.01KB , 1460x1816 , Beautiful butterfly 65.jpg )

No. 36018 ID: b0f04f
Meh, what is foreplay without a little pain. Oh well. I was hungry anyway...
No. 36030 ID: d98041
Nothing more to add her except for this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBzJGckMYO4
No. 36032 ID: 3583d1
File 150665941914.jpg - (1.08MB , 1536x2186 , 116A1049-6F3E-4EEF-A2D5-FD7EDB06DC17.jpg )
A knight from another time, far in a forgotten future. The Knight of the Ashen Fog, last of the Sheers. Logan Tiova, son of the hero.

Scarred Ana’s son had he lived, this is what he would have looked like.
No. 36033 ID: 3583d1
File 150667204043.jpg - (834.40KB , 1535x2250 , DE30C21B-90F8-4FAE-8665-DC71FDE449BF.jpg )
The fourth of Scarred Ana’s earls, Siege Master Jospeh Krueger. Once an accomplished army colonel, after the army surrendered the city, he sadly went along with his superiors orders but always harbored a deep hatred for the general who surrendered to Root. He instead chose to take his soldiers and join Godfrey in the Order of the Cross Ash seeing them as a greater cause. When the Cross Ash rebelled and joined the Guild of Sheers he stepped forth to lead his legion in siege warfare and artillery, earning his position of earl. His final fate was to die in the final battle, his artillery spent and his defenses gone he led one final charge leaping into the melee. He was not seen again.

No. 36035 ID: 3583d1
File 150667267606.jpg - (815.05KB , 1536x2050 , F5F3B2C5-2FF4-4C74-A07C-0F42DCE6676E.jpg )
The fifth of Scarred Ana’s earls, Gretel Drasbart, formerly known as Epidemic Gretel. Her passion to heal the injured and cure the sick made her quite welcome among the Order of the Cross Ash. Although not a formal member, she did greatly look up to Godfrey and assist him whenever she could. After his death however, it was more than she could bear. She joined Ana shortly after and quickly became a leader of doctors and healers. She even began to learn various forms of magical healing, much of which saved many lives. Despite her sisters fear of her death, she was ironically quite possibly the only one to survive the final battle. Before the battle began Ana told her to take her healers and to leave as both sides knew this was going to be a last stand for the both of them. She refused at first but Ana insisted, saying that she must live and continue her work. She did leave, but it is possible she returned but it is also just as likely she fled. However Ana never saw her again so her fate is unknown but it is likely she is still alive.

No. 36036 ID: d98041
File 150668368241.jpg - (259.18KB , 1636x472 , Beautiful butterfly 66.jpg )
No. 36037 ID: 3583d1
I never expect anyone to show up right away
No. 36038 ID: d98041
Also in the discussion thread there is a question that someone has asked you personally. Check it out
No. 36039 ID: 89501d
lol here’s an idea for a comic. And I cannot stop laugjing

Essence: Sheesh what the hell is this drawing... Is that Scarred Ana supposed be pretending to be me. Whatever I’m getting rid of this one.
*throws it into a portal that leads into a future where Ana led the cult and was revered as a god*

Priest: CHAPLAIN! We have received a vision!
Chaplain: Yes? You have? what is it?
Priest: Well.. it’s of our goddess and messiah...
Chaplain: Yes...? Go on...
Priest: She’s... flipping us the bird...
Chaplain: ... What...? How the fuck did that happen...?
Dead pan priest: If the great lord permits, I’ll go retrieve the dildos...
Chaplain: These truly are dark times...
No. 36053 ID: 3583d1
File 150684369502.jpg - (0.96MB , 1535x2060 , AB64EB21-91B1-4940-96B2-186418D5FF8E.jpg )
The sixth of Scarred Ana’s earls, Shango Aveiro. A Brazilian American martial artist. Before the fog he had been a martial artist and teacher, running his own mixed martial arts gym. He specialized in Jujutsu and Capoeira, training a lot of people. When the fog came and he found himself attacked, he suddenly found new applications for his practice. At first acting as a vigelante, he was found by Ana and finding people with whom he could cooperate with, joined the Guild of Sheers. Ana was very interested in his knowledge of martial arts and asked to be trained by him. Her previous knowledge of weapons and training proved useful and she learned from him quickly, and she in turn taught him about magic and he quickly learned from her, the two quickly became sparing partners and he continued to teach new people. When it came to magic he preferred the fire hand and lightning palm techniques as they complimented his own skills. Within the Guild he often acted as scout and decoy. He sadly never saw the final fight as he was taken by a sniper while on a mission, this was only days before the final battle.

if you don’t know what Capoeira is here is a video to give you a better idea, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVSZ4XNR5j8[/spoiler]
No. 36055 ID: d98041
So this is practically Eddy Gordo from Tekken
No. 36058 ID: 11a5e6
God damnit. I didn’t even know who that was, because I don’t play Tekken, until I googled him and now I feel like an idiot.
No. 36059 ID: d98041
File 150688319835.jpg - (909.43KB , 1748x1864 , Beautiful butterfly 67.jpg )
This is not the surprise for today
No. 36060 ID: d98041
No. 36061 ID: d98041
File 150688669593.jpg - (429.98KB , 1748x610 , Beautiful butterfly 68.jpg )
No. 36062 ID: 78678c
Let’s do this!
No. 36063 ID: ae9b99
okay. i'm in
No. 36064 ID: d98041
File 150689176043.jpg - (452.65KB , 1021x992 , Beautiful butterfly 69.jpg )
Alright I will start you off easy, who is this and what is that person dressed as
No. 36066 ID: ae9b99
Root as Doctor Doom
No. 36067 ID: 11a5e6
Oh come on I even compared the two of them once, Root as Doctor Doom.
No. 36073 ID: d98041
File 150693240944.jpg - (60.52KB , 261x285 , Beautiful butterfly 70.jpg )
Correct, you got the first mask party point and I know it was obvious. This was a tutorial for you, the next one will have 5 characters at the same time
No. 36074 ID: d98041
File 150694870283.jpg - (690.89KB , 1956x1040 , Beautiful butterfly 71.jpg )
No. 36075 ID: 3583d1
Ana and her other selves as Stanley, and the Broom Closet Ending, the Space/Suicide ending, and the Broken Game Ending from the Stanley Parable
No. 36077 ID: d98041
Well only Ana with the physical form is Stanley, but who are the rest?

No. 36078 ID: 3583d1
Uhhh dude, I already said...

They are the endings to the game. The grey one is the broom closet ending, the red one is the space/suicide ending, and the blue one is the broken game ending...
No. 36079 ID: d98041
But the endings of the game are characters as well, they are different versions of Ana
No. 36080 ID: 3583d1
I know. I got that.

Grey Broom Closet Ana = Grey Broom Closet Ending

Red Ana with the Arrow= "Stanley walked through the RED. DOOR" Which gets you the space and suicide room ending

Blue Ana = Blue door which gets you broken game ending
No. 36081 ID: 3583d1
Don't worry the humor of this wasn't lost on me dude.
No. 36082 ID: 3583d1
File 150698358983.jpg - (651.10KB , 1536x2048 , 0D69F419-99FD-4E92-96C9-1AD7FB3F888C.jpg )
The seventh of Scarred Ana’s earls, Dante Vargas. A former imortal cult member, he confided in no one when asked why left. But when he did, he took many lives with him on his way out the door. He was not trusted within the ranks of th le guild of Sheers, but eventually he was accepted, if somewhat with a grain of salt. Rarely speaking, he was a fencer moving the speed and strength granted to him as an imortal to his advantage with two rapiers, one long one short. Surprisingly he found something of a friendly rivalry with Leif of the Wolf Pack, and the two often worked well together. His final fate was to be the last to die in the final battle, a lucky strike through the back and through his heart.

No. 36083 ID: d98041
He is so
No. 36084 ID: f0e789
Which ironically what I was going for lol, I designed him to be something of a pretty boy. And I meant to type Erik of the Wolf Pack, the first Earl. I don’t know why my brain went “Leif”
No. 36085 ID: d98041
File 150698587697.jpg - (789.81KB , 1591x2066 , Beautiful butterfly 72.jpg )
No. 36086 ID: f0e789
Huh... well fuck I feel like I should have guessed that’s one...
No. 36088 ID: d98041
File 150698723951.jpg - (102.82KB , 609x315 , Beautiful butterfly 73.jpg )
Yeah I am sorry but you didn't earn this days point, better luck next day

No. 36112 ID: ae9b99
Interesting. I feel those costumes fit the characters pretty well.
No. 36113 ID: 3583d1
File 150700897899.jpg - (0.99MB , 1536x2098 , C90E7FEB-9B9C-4D03-934F-549B8B7447B9.jpg )
The Eighth of Scarred Ana’s Earls, Weyland the Smith, also known as Weyland Silver Hands. A mysterious figure, Little is known about him. After a mission one evening, Ana and her warriors returned to base to hear the sound of a hammer and anvil. They didn’t attack but approached with caution, the others who stayed behind said he just showed up and asserted himself and began to work. He gave no name besides Weyland. His whole body was covered in awful scaring and he was missing an eye. But the most surprising thing about him were his hands they looked to made of silver or steel. When asked all he said was “Had a run in with something I don’t want to meet again.” He was no warrior although he could fight if necessary, his hands could shatter rock and one swing of his hammer could crush a car. He was responsible for all weapons and armor in the Guild of Sheers and it seemed there was nothing he couldn’t make, from guns to swords, and everything between. He even seemed know magic of the forge, some weapons having super natural properties, but where he learned this he never said. He only ever confided in Gretel, for reasons that are still unknown, and his final fate was to leave the final battle with her and even what became of him is unknown.

No. 36114 ID: d98041
Did you see the full second costume, well you complained that the first one was too easy. The reason why you are the red door and why the Scarred Ana is the blue door is because that how I see you more during the quest one going more with the narrator and other being more rebellious
No. 36116 ID: d98041
File 150704380180.jpg - (739.16KB , 1322x1255 , Beautiful butterfly 74.jpg )
No. 36117 ID: 11a5e6
Alright this one is a little tricky. I can tell that’s Falafaf as one of the Egyptian priests from Yugioh the problem is I’m not sure if she is supposed be to be a specific one or not because her outfit has a lot in common with the all of them, particularly Isis and Mahado

And Lorence... okay again I’m not sure if he is supposed to be someone particular, but his outfit most reminds me of Governor Tarkin from Star Wars episode 4: A New Hope and Rogue One
No. 36118 ID: d98041
You are on a right track, Falafaf is a character from Yugioh and Lorence is a character from the Star wars, but they are not characters that you suspect
No. 36119 ID: 3583d1
Ok Falafaf is Ishizu Ishtar, i'm still digging for Lorence though... I'll get back to you on that one.
No. 36120 ID: 3583d1
AHA! He's Grand Admiral Thrawn from Star Wars Rebels!
No. 36121 ID: d98041
File 150705207417.jpg - (89.08KB , 476x321 , Beautiful butterfly 75.jpg )
Correct, you have two October points right now. Grand Admiral Thrawn was originally character from the expanded universe that crossed over to the movie universe, that should tell you what kind of character he was

No. 36122 ID: 5d7976
So I am curious what you are thinking of my latest project with the twelve earls. Technically I am actually on number 10 now because Garm is one of them. Also the order in which they appear in the thread isn't they joined Scarred Ana.
No. 36123 ID: 903f04
Only thing that I will say is when I start implementing those characters

No. 36127 ID: 5d7976
File 150707341345.jpg - (612.59KB , 1536x2048 , 44007A6A-CDAD-4F57-908D-44D75A164944.jpg )
I wasn’t exactly happy with the last one of Erik, mostly because I don’t feel there was enough to distinguish him, so I went back and tried again and I much more pleased with this one. I think the wolf eyes really help bring out the best in him.
No. 36128 ID: 3f5a86
File 150708374471.jpg - (846.87KB , 1535x2076 , CAA3F13D-7EF4-49CD-9536-665366D96661.jpg )
The ninth of Scarred Ana’s Earls, Magna Carta, the apprentice. Originally one of Ana’s first members of the Guild of Sheers she formed with Logan. She was found alone in the city by Logan at the age of 15. Logan asked her if she wanted to take back what she lost at the hands of the cult, she immediately agreed, and so she began to study magic. She was surprisingly quick to learn, even earning her tattoo in less than a year. To her, the Guild was like her family, with Logan her older brother, Ana was like a sister. And when she learned of the baby, she was the happiest person alive. However when Logan died, she no longer smiled as much, she hated even more. And none of the cult who met her lived long. She only smiled again when Ana’s son was born, and she knew that she would die to protect him. Her final fate was indeed to die defending her little brother but even for her incredible magic, she was not a match for The Root of Ash.

No. 36131 ID: 3583d1
File 150713581486.jpg - (0.99MB , 2172x1536 , 91D2F957-1511-428B-B450-0E404B87D550.jpg )
what I did this morning, I usually do this when I’m bored or trying to avoid homework

No. 36132 ID: 3583d1
File 150713592259.jpg - (0.99MB , 2172x1536 , 91D2F957-1511-428B-B450-0E404B87D550.jpg )
what I did this morning, I usually do this when I’m bored or trying to avoid homework

No. 36134 ID: 903f04
File 150714756072.jpg - (611.90KB , 1412x1188 , Beautiful butterfly 76.jpg )
No. 36135 ID: f0e789
The answer to that question is just "Yes." Because regardless of whatever you consider yourself as or what we consider yourself as, you suck.

Anyway Essence, your costumes are Pinhead the Cenobite from Hellraiser Which is acutally quite fitting because in the original book of hellraiser, Pinhead was a woman And Mister Mxyzptlk the superman villain.
No. 36136 ID: 903f04
File 150715081876.jpg - (485.97KB , 1232x984 , Beautiful butterfly 77.jpg )
No. 36137 ID: f0e789
Oh I don't think you suck. OR MAYBE I DO. That costume of Pinhead... Ohhhh, you naughty beast. Here's a line for you since you like that shit. And I like it even more...

No. 36138 ID: 903f04
No. 36139 ID: 903f04
Sorry but I won't be able to continue this creepy romance, the drawn thread will be mostly used for the costume party
No. 36141 ID: f0e789
Please continue the costume party. As to what is happening with Essence right now...

Just use your https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaSd2d5rwPE
No. 36159 ID: 903f04
File 150721402881.jpg - (465.74KB , 1226x1074 , Beautiful butterfly 78.jpg )
No. 36161 ID: 3583d1
Haha that’s cute. Box head as Steve from Minecraft and 93 as Peridot from Stephen Universe
No. 36162 ID: 903f04
File 150722890556.jpg - (168.39KB , 477x590 , Beautiful butterfly 79.jpg )
Well I see that you are getting comfortable with the costume party. But next day it will be the Triumphant with Daro time for a costume participation and it will be hard to guess. So I would like to hear what will be your prediction for their costume and I must say that the characters that they will be dressed as represent of their coexistence
No. 36163 ID: bccf1a
In a literal sense where Daro is like a spirit living inside of Triumphant? Or more in a metaphorical sense? If we are going metaphorical where Daro is just an asshole leeching off Triumphant I could see them dressed as 2D and Murdoch from the Gorillaz. If we are going literal there are quite a few shows and games where the protagonist literally has a spirit in his head
No. 36164 ID: 903f04
Yeah I will be going with the costume where Triumphant literally has a spirit in his hand
No. 36165 ID: f0e789
then I think I have an idea...

No. 36166 ID: 903f04
No. 36167 ID: f0e789
Sooo... did I guess it?
No. 36168 ID: 903f04
No. 36169 ID: f0e789
I think you fucked up and gave away the answer by accident.
No. 36170 ID: 903f04
No I did not, the carachter is from a video game
No. 36171 ID: f0e789
No. 36174 ID: 903f04
File 150731226622.jpg - (1.14MB , 2236x1380 , Beautiful butterfly 80.jpg )
No. 36175 ID: 24d915
Ironically this was my second guess after Parasite. Triumphant as War and Daro as The Watcher both from Darksiders 1
No. 36177 ID: 903f04
File 150732082387.jpg - (217.88KB , 676x672 , Beautiful butterfly 81.jpg )
Yep you are correct, but I must admit that the picture didn't ended as I wanted it. I didn't even finish the coloring of it, that is how much I didn't like the way it looks
No. 36186 ID: 903f04
File 150742634670.jpg - (0.99MB , 1346x1742 , Beautiful butterfly 82.jpg )
I am sorry for not uploading much for today, this took forever to finish. Alright can you guess this costumes, is a little bit harder to guess
No. 36187 ID: 0f8a66
Ok well I somehow pulled one of the out of my ass, Molyy is dressed as Eva “Molly” Wei from Oban Star Racers.

But Maya however has me and my girlfriend almost completely stumped. We recognize her from something but we cannot for the life of us remember. We can’t decide if she is from a game or cartoon.
No. 36188 ID: 903f04
Alright let me ask you a question, what does this character look like especially with that weapon. Does she look like she is from a game or cartoon
No. 36189 ID: 903f04
Also Oban star racing was such an awesome show
No. 36191 ID: 903f04
Alright I will give you one hint, that costume is from a ps2 video game
No. 36192 ID: 3583d1
Ok so legitimate question because I still can’t find it, did this game release outside of Europe and Asia?
No. 36194 ID: 903f04
It was released May 10, 2005 in North America. If you can't guess this one just surrender I already have the next one done. I must admit this was an obscure reference to use, I am sorry if you can't guess this character
No. 36195 ID: 3583d1
You would not BELIEVE the time spent looking for this outfit but I finally have it.

Maya's outfit is Daniella from the game "Haunting Ground," A game which itself is part of the "Clock Tower" series.
No. 36196 ID: 903f04
File 150750078848.jpg - (246.36KB , 616x818 , Beautiful butterfly 83.jpg )
You are correct! I hear you complained it was getting too easy so I tried to spice it up a little bit

No. 36198 ID: 903f04
Here are some videos about Daniella which was the inspiration for Maya as the character in the first place




I hope this creepy character give a more insights to what kind of character Maya will be
No. 36199 ID: 3583d1

She and stitch would probably either try and kill each other or would hook up.
No. 36200 ID: 903f04

Also in the discussion thread that other guy asked you a question, take a look
No. 36201 ID: 903f04
Do you think those two would make a good couple?

No. 36203 ID: 0f8a66
No. 36204 ID: 903f04
File 150750790538.jpg - (966.81KB , 1798x1366 , Beautiful butterfly 84.jpg )
No. 36211 ID: 903f04
Did you expect Muffet from Undertale?

No. 36215 ID: 0f8a66
Madame Rosaline as The Contessa from Sly Cooper 2, and flint as... Giant Douche from South Park
No. 36216 ID: 903f04
File 150751137124.jpg - (289.44KB , 680x818 , Beautiful butterfly 85.jpg )
Correct! You are on a roll!

No. 36217 ID: 3583d1
File 150753624213.jpg - (715.65KB , 1545x2046 , 1A06683A-792F-46C8-94A4-E09CA48DDA41.jpg )
A redone version of Root, I think this one makes him look a lot more intimidating.
No. 36219 ID: 903f04
File 150757828087.jpg - (902.83KB , 1499x1389 , Beautiful butterfly 86.jpg )
This is going to be a tricky one, good luck. As for the Root in your timeline can look completely different from this current timeline

No. 36220 ID: 86d76e
Stitch as Walter from “The Mask” specifically the carton version of him, in the comics he was way more sadistic, good choice. And Logan as Wizardmon from Digimon.

As for Root Appearance that is true but I’ll believe that messed up face is him when I have definite proof.
No. 36232 ID: 903f04
File 150759101165.jpg - (328.09KB , 656x993 , Beautiful butterfly 87.jpg )
I thought that you would have more problem guessing this part. But you are correct once again
No. 36234 ID: 903f04
The next one will be Anthony, can you guess his costume and can you guess with which other character he will be paired up? I bet you won't be able to guess the answer that I asked you
No. 36236 ID: 51058c
Anthony and Cleopatra as.... Anthony and Cleopatra?
No. 36237 ID: 903f04
No. 36241 ID: ae9b99
I think he'll be paired up with Spirit Parasite. as for what their costumes will be, I don't know. I want to say Spirit Parasite: headcrab and Anthony: scientist
No. 36243 ID: 903f04

Yes it will be the Spirit Parasite, but the costumes will be something awesome
No. 36244 ID: 903f04
File 150764831024.jpg - (1.43MB , 1470x2660 , Beautiful butterfly 88.jpg )
I know that you will probably guess this costumes pretty easily, but I don't care I wanted to make this costumes specifically
No. 36245 ID: 86d76e
Yep, I recognize them. Spirit Parasite as Demongo from Samurai Jack and Anthony as Raziel from the legacy of Cain: Soul Reaver series
No. 36247 ID: ae9b99
Spirit Parasite cheated. That is not a costume, she just possessed Demongo.
No. 36248 ID: ae9b99
But I'm interested in hearing what Anthony thinks about dressing as Razie
No. 36249 ID: f0e789
I'm actually more okay with it than you realize! I find it awesome because it reminds me a childhood friend of mine. When we went to school together we would play a weird mix of Devil May Cry and Soul Reaver. I would always be Dante and he would be Raziel. But in general the Soul Reaver games were consistently awesome.
No. 36250 ID: 903f04
File 150766585844.jpg - (691.64KB , 1836x1244 , Beautiful butterfly 89.jpg )
I just want to clarify one thing, on that picture it isn't Anthony from the current timeline. It is Anthony from the erased timeline, that costume makes more sense the whole motive of a walking corpse in that context. Also correct as always keep it up
No. 36251 ID: 903f04
Funny story the other costume for the Spirit Parasite that I was planning to do originally was Kirby from the Nintendo. Don't ask me how that would even look!
No. 36252 ID: f0e789
Now I believe that's 10. Don't we get a self-reflection for that? You know what I would like to see? Andrew and Root Reflecting upon their new works.
No. 36253 ID: 67a70a
File 150766721373.jpg - (375.75KB , 670x1292 , Beautiful butterfly 90.jpg )
Correct that there was ten works, but you didn't guess correctly the second one. You only have 9 points so far, sorry
No. 36254 ID: f0e789
... How do I math?
No. 36256 ID: 67a70a
File 150768883931.jpg - (328.09KB , 656x993 , Beautiful butterfly 87.jpg )
No. 36258 ID: 67a70a
File 150771571131.jpg - (733.88KB , 1373x1096 , Beautiful butterfly 91.jpg )
No. 36259 ID: bccf1a
Uhhh... okay so I know that’s Dimentio from the paper Mario games the problem is I’m not sure who the character dressing up as him is. Right now I’m guessing either Andrew or Cleopatra.

And of course Robbit Rabbot as Bonnie from FNAF
No. 36260 ID: 67a70a
No it isn't Andrew or Cleopatra keep guessing
No. 36261 ID: ae9b99
Happy the tragedy phantom is playing Dimentio.
No. 36279 ID: b0f04f
Just to be clear when I said Cleopatra I am refering to the clown woman who painted the painting of Root killing Absolution, the gal who likes to hang around Anthony. Not Cleo the head. Just hoping you know who I was talking about. Cleopatra is just a place holder name for that character until she has an actual name. I'm still looking for that character though. OH! is it Raphael?
No. 36280 ID: 67a70a
File 150777292220.jpg - (366.12KB , 674x1178 , Beautiful butterfly 92.jpg )
Correct Happy the tragedy phantom is playing Dimentio and Robbit Rabbot as Bonnie from FNAF. As for the name of the girlfriend Cleopatra you can give her the name if you want
No. 36281 ID: 3583d1
File 150779746230.jpg - (821.78KB , 1536x2048 , B6536BE6-0BE0-4016-B508-6D6B28B48F86.jpg )
The tenth of Scarred Ana’s Earls, Thomas Mackabe. A marine specialist, specifically sniper. When the army surrendered, Thomas did the one thing he swore he would never do, Went AWOL. Refusing to surrender the city to “a bunch of freaks in masks” he would begin to wave his own brand of warefare. He would teach them his personal motto, “Mess with the best, you die like the rest.” Initially killing any and all cultists he could find he became a prime target yet they never caught him. When they got close he laid explosive traps for them as well as using drones to throw them off his position. He had heard of resistance groups but preferred to work alone, until he saw Ana in action. Impressed by her use of tactics and strategy he joined her cause. He formed a bond with Shango and the two worked well together, with Shango acting as bait and close quarters with Thomas hidden but in position. He was also quick to learn forms of shadow magic, where once he was hidden he became a literal shadow. His final fate is unknown as before the final battle he was last seen heading towards higher ground to attempt to take out any leaders in the battle, but his raido went silent.
No. 36282 ID: 3583d1
File 150779816771.jpg - (840.59KB , 1536x2048 , 64658E02-44B7-4DF1-981A-B6CB1C836135.jpg )
The eleventh of Scarred Ana’s earls, Balian of The Cross Ash. After the death of Godfrey, the power Vacuum was quickly felt. However it was Balian, Godfrey’s first squire, often called Young Lion, who stepped up and inherited Godfrey’s sword and shield. He and Ana were already on friendly terms and when Ana began to rebel, Balian lept to her aid becoming one of her first allies in her Guild of Sheers. However Balian, always harbored a deep distrust of The Wolf Pack, and often came to blows with Erik. However the two never sought each other’s death, considering each other rivals but never enemies. His final fate was to fall in the final battle, aiding Ana to his death, never forgetting the lessons that Godfrey had taught him personally, “Loyalty is your strength.”
No. 36283 ID: 3583d1

That's it, All of twelve of the earls are now assembled. I've linked all of them above. I may do something describing their weapons at a later date but right now I am just going to revel in the fact that I got them all done. By the way if you are wondering why there are specifically twelve, it actually relates to a medieval song about the 12 paladins of king Charlemagne and his greatest knight, Roland.
No. 36284 ID: 67a70a
Hmmmmm Thomas Mccabe that sounds familiar where did I hear a similar name

No. 36285 ID: 67a70a
They all look like fun characters, but I must warn you if they end up appearing in the story they won't be the same characters. Also I have to address not to get to attached to any of them because in my story every character

No. 36299 ID: 67a70a
File 150784693732.jpg - (1.23MB , 1377x1426 , Beautiful butterfly 93.jpg )
No. 36301 ID: 3c0dbe
Alright well that’s Luvia and Lester. Lester is dressed as Benny the spaceman from the LEGO movie, he even has the space core under his arm, that’s kinda cute. But I honestly have no idea who Luvia is supposed to be dressed up as. I’ll dig around for her but if Fortune Ana’s player has any idea who she is let’s hear it. Otherwise hopefully one of us can find out who that character is supposed to be.
No. 36314 ID: 67a70a
You thought that this would be easy? Buckle down, get determined and most importantly happy hunting

No. 36315 ID: d7cbac
I never assume it’s going to be easy. You’ve already thrown some curve balls but we’ve pulled through. And you know what else? I just found who Luvia is dressed as. She is The Queen of Hearts/Red Queen from American McGee’s Alice game.
No. 36316 ID: d7cbac
I believe that is ten? Let’s see how Root and Andrew react to their full body portraits, Root in his Armor and Andrew in the Shadows
No. 36323 ID: 67a70a
File 150790237717.jpg - (4.06MB , 3665x2828 , Beautiful butterfly 94.jpg )

No. 36324 ID: d7cbac
Thank you! As for how I figured it out I just slowly began to break her appearnce down as well as what I know of her. At first I focused solely on the fact that she looks like a demon so I tried finding as many demon ladies as I could, especially from video games. But that yielded a dead end so I took a closer look at her outfit and that’s when I noticed the heart on her chest. And that’s when things began to click, her theme song is “Killer Queen” and what Queen is red and associates with hearts? The Queen of Hearts. After that it was easy.

As for which one is like to see, well I was thinking they could just look at the same time but if I had to pick just one I guess I’d take Andrew.
No. 36325 ID: d7cbac
As for what costume you are going to wear? Well the dungeon master from the old dungeons and dragons cartoon would probably be pretty apt
No. 36327 ID: 67a70a
Wow you went full on with the deduction/analyzation on her appearance and taking into account all information that you know of her, I am truly impressed. Also this what you had to say when you told me how you figured it out


As for my costume to be Dungeons from dungeons and dragons cartoon


I am not such a nice person, my costume will be something more sinister
No. 36329 ID: d7cbac
File 150791770856.jpg - (668.95KB , 2048x1655 , 3179E7DE-B6FB-4C2E-93A3-2BC8FCF1E165.jpg )
I guess I did a Halloween costume thing of my own. Or it can be it’s own thing. I hope you recognize who they are dressed as and what the are referencing.
No. 36330 ID: 67a70a
I have no idea what they are dressed as
No. 36332 ID: d7cbac
No. 36334 ID: 67a70a
File 150792508784.jpg - (1.41MB , 1748x3960 , Beautiful butterfly 95.jpg )
No. 36335 ID: 67a70a
Ooooooooooh that explains why I don't know that reference, I never actually watched Pulp Fiction
No. 36339 ID: 67a70a
File 150794028422.jpg - (1.33MB , 1748x1564 , Beautiful butterfly 96.jpg )
No. 36340 ID: ae9b99
Mini Absurdity is Judgement Boy
Absurdity ver. 1.5 is Judgement Boy Gold
Trying to figure out who Absurdity ver. 2.0 is...
No. 36341 ID: d7cbac
File 150795842918.jpg - (1.03MB , 1535x2612 , C15CC5CA-6DA3-4218-B5E0-B5E9CDC50E97.jpg )
I was listening to the radio and heard this new song. I thought it matched Delilah’s personality and outlook on life fairly well. The more I listened the more a new idea for a drawing came to mind, specifically this one. So to me this is her new theme as well as a new outfit for her and yeah I think she would totally rock this look.

No. 36342 ID: 67a70a
Those two were the easy part now it is time for the hard part. Good luck, best thing that I can suggest is to focus on what this character is based on and you will get your answer.
Awesome costume, Delilah will be soon participating in the mask party.
No. 36344 ID: 67a70a
File 150801980944.jpg - (306.48KB , 914x878 , Beautiful butterfly 97.jpg )
No. 36352 ID: ae9b99
I'm stumped, lol
btw, what was that costume in number 13?
No. 36353 ID: 67a70a
Well Scarred Ana didn't try to guess, When she surrenders then I will reveal who the costume belongs to
No. 36354 ID: 67a70a
Also you are not stupid this was a hard character to guess. I will give you a hint, it is a villain from an anime
No. 36357 ID: 67a70a
File 150808987121.jpg - (0.97MB , 2132x1262 , Beautiful butterfly 98.jpg )
I have to address one thing about the costume on the left. It isn't Slenderman, that character was created before Slenderman was even a thing. All of these characters belong to one series of video games
No. 36358 ID: f668c3
Yeah I’ve got no clue. I’ve searched for both costumes and I can’t figure it out.
No. 36370 ID: f668c3
Alright I may have failed the other ones but I sure didn’t with this one! These guys are all from the Chzo Mythos games! The Ambassador as Cadabath, Blacky as John DaFoe/The Welder and What I think is Wicker Kid as Theo DeCabe/Man of Purity!
No. 36371 ID: f668c3
File 150813358682.jpg - (1.76MB , 2154x3198 , AE4B75EC-8941-4BCC-9459-89A271BF744B.jpg )
I’ve dreamt of this man before, the first time I saw bite me he was leaping down from a ledge and took out a group of cultists all by himself, armed only with a claymore, a sawed off shogun, and a revolver. But I could tell he was capable of a lot more, his right eye glowed like a light in the darkness.

Last night though I dreamt of him again. This time I gots a better look at his face as last time his lower face was shrouded by cloak. He was in what I can only describe as “A Sanctuary.” He was going through a routine of cleaning his weapons and armor as well as training his hand to hand fighting. The funny thing is though I couldn’t where I was, or rather WHEN I was. I ge the feeling this man is somewhere where we can’t reach him.

No. 36372 ID: 67a70a
File 150814540223.jpg - (1.53MB , 2480x1825 , Beautiful butterfly 99.jpg )

The number 13 was this character

As for 14 it was this guy
No. 36374 ID: 67a70a
Also awesome art as always!
I would like to ask you do you know the Chzo Mythos series or did you just deduced who the characters were?
No. 36378 ID: 3583d1
Well actually it was those staff/scythe/mace weapons that tipped me off. I knew I’d seen them before but I couldn’t for the life of me remember where. I’ve never actually played them myself but looking into it and seeing that it was Yahtzee Croshaw who made them makes me want to check it out.
No. 36379 ID: 67a70a
Well the Chzo Mythos is awesome series of point and click adventures games with a phenomenal stories and the best part it is free. This series had a huge influence on the Root and branches story. Here is a good review of the full series
No. 36390 ID: 67a70a
File 150819807529.jpg - (631.11KB , 1118x1291 , Beautiful butterfly 100.jpg )
No. 36391 ID: bccf1a
epidemic Gretel as Plague Knight from Shovel knight and "Bleeding Jimmy" as the Toymaker from Batman
No. 36392 ID: 67a70a
That cheacter isn't from Batman the animated series
No. 36393 ID: bccf1a
Whoops my bad, the actual character there is the Toyman from the Superman Animated series.
No. 36402 ID: 67a70a
File 150824829045.jpg - (1.02MB , 1412x1890 , Beautiful butterfly 101.jpg )
No. 36406 ID: 67a70a
File 150827089501.jpg - (2.15MB , 3247x1514 , Beautiful butterfly 102.jpg )
No. 36407 ID: ae9b99
AJ: shuma gorath from Dr. Strange
Mother Gaia (Or fake Mother Gaia?): Gaia from captain planet
Absolution: Flying Spaghetti Monster from the Pastafarian religion
Dreamwalker: Trying to figure out right now.
No. 36409 ID: 67a70a
So far so good, only one thing that you got wrong is that it isn't Dreamwalker
No. 36410 ID: 23d381
I would have thought dreamwalker would be dressed as Bill Cypher personally. Regardless I actually think that’s Phobetor. His costume I’m still trying to find, so far my best guess is either Yogg-Sothoth or a Shoggoth. I’ll keep looking though.
No. 36413 ID: 67a70a
File 150827889785.jpg - (716.74KB , 2849x1493 , Beautiful butterfly 105.jpg )
No. 36414 ID: 23d381
Fair enough, right now I think that’s Desolation. Here’s what I am having trouble with and this has been the tricky part with most of the costumes I don’t recognize, trying to figure it what it is from, a cartoon (anime or otherwise) or a video game
No. 36415 ID: 23d381
And speaking of Shuma-Gorath... you know what I’ll jut leave this here...

No. 36417 ID: 3583d1
OOOOKAY! I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier but it was looking at Fallen Anthony (that's what I'm going to call that version of him anyway) as Raziel. So that costume is The Elder God, the final boss from Legacy of Kain: Defiance. And as to who is dressing up as him, my guess is its either Desolation, or the Great Contractor in an Eyeball form, I mean Dreamwalker has stated he can change his form, so why can't his dad?
No. 36418 ID: 67a70a
Yes you are correct with the costume but not with the person using the costume, it isn't the Great Contractor or Desolation
No. 36419 ID: 67a70a

Also WTF is this!? I am laughing how ridiculous and funny it is
No. 36420 ID: 3583d1
It’s from a show on YouTube called “Sanity not Included” it has a lot of humor like that.

Alright quick clarification question earlier I guessed Phobetor but Phobetor is another form of Dremealker but also kinda not? I’m not sure if when Dreamwalker was brought up that canceled Phobetor out as well. Like it’s another side of him if that makes sense but can also be considered him? Idk I’m probably making this more confusing. But Phobetor also makes sense as that form is also an Eldritch Abomination kinda like the elder god.... sooo... idk.
No. 36421 ID: 3583d1
File 150832000579.jpg - (0.99MB , 1626x2048 , 89ED9BB3-C488-469D-8DA4-B29022F23641.jpg )
I got to see first hand the real healing power of dreams today. After going for a jog and having lunch with Cleopatra who I’m starting to like more and more, I decided to take a short nap. When i slept however, I saw that giant eye god who gave me my mask carrying a one armed woman. She was mumbling and crying like she was reliving some serious trauma. I felt really sorry for her. But to calm her mind, the eye touched her mind and gave her a new dream. What I saw was so peaceful, it was jus the bliss and happiness of a family on a Saturday morning. Her husband made her and her son breakfast and they sat and talked together. It almost made me cry at how happy she looked. No fighting, no conflict, I don’t even think I saw a mention of the cult in her dream. It made me realize that is something I want to have one day.
No. 36423 ID: ae9b99
Might be a dumb answer, but it could be primary Absolution, the main version of Absolution. he was mentioned and shown only once, thus making this a trick question...probably.
No. 36424 ID: 67a70a
You will have to show me the picture so that I could be sure what exactly you are referring to, sorry for this hassle
No. 36425 ID: 3583d1
File 150834044381.jpg - (583.62KB , 1721x1442 , 73924D40-7D56-4CAC-B332-24F4034F66FE.jpg )
Absolution Prime, the main form of Absolution who is described as being ultra paranoid.
No. 36426 ID: 3583d1
That’s what this >>36423 was referring to anyway, and that’s not a bad answer, that might be it actually!
No. 36427 ID: 67a70a
File 150834152672.jpg - (1.05MB , 1395x1774 , Beautiful butterfly 106.jpg )
No. 36428 ID: 23d381

No. 36429 ID: 67a70a
No. 36430 ID: 67a70a
File 150834872963.jpg - (586.10KB , 1255x1178 , Beautiful butterfly 107.jpg )
No. 36431 ID: 23d381
Okay so the costumes are easy, that’s Wilson from Cast Away and Psycho Mantis from the Metal Gear games....

Derrick and Clarence?
No. 36451 ID: 67a70a
File 150843871596.jpg - (1.12MB , 1388x2032 , Beautiful butterfly 108.jpg )
No. 36454 ID: 67a70a
File 150846241009.jpg - (1.31MB , 2069x1678 , Beautiful butterfly 109.jpg )
No. 36455 ID: ae9b99
Wahoo, a Klonoa reference! I knew one would show up eventually in this costume party

Black Tomato is Ghadius from Klonoa: Door to Phantomile

Dreamwalker is Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls

I see Him from the Powerpuff Girls, but I'm not too sure who is dressed in that costume, maybe I think that is Andrew

I think that is Phoboter, but I am trying to figure out who he is dressed as, and if for sure that is Phoboter

That pixelated demon on the top, I'm not too sure. Initial thoughts was that it is Destroyer of Worlds from Regular Show, but Destroyer of Worlds had a moustache and a pointy beard, and glowing eyes. I don't even know who or what is dressed as that.

Also, Art request for Anthony: please do not draw Nathaniel. He does not want to be in an artwork.
Instead, I'm interested in seeing you draw what Ana's ex boyfriend might have looked like if you want to. Thank you.
No. 36456 ID: e7fef0
Dreamwalker is in fact not Bill Cypher in this and that is Dreamwalker on the left, not Phobetor. The only reason I said he would be dressed as him is somecalled him an “illuminati sandman” once. Honestly I would have thought it funnier if he dressed up as Morpheus from Neil Gaimans Sandman, then he and Andrew could have really gotten into it over who is stealing who’s look.

And yes that is Andrew as Him from the Power Puff Girls.

And no Dreamwalker isn’t angry because he’s not Bill Cypher he’s angry because his outfit is riding up his crotch a bit.

Alright I don’t know who Dreamwalker is dressed as but I’ll keep looking. And yeah is that pixel another character? I can’t tell
No. 36461 ID: 67a70a
This are all correct statements
1.Black Tomato is Ghadius from Klonoa: Door to Phantomile
2.yes that is Andrew as Him from the Power Puff Girls
3.No Dreamwalker isn’t angry because he’s not Bill Cypher he’s angry because his outfit is riding up his crotch a bit.
Keep it up!!!
No. 36465 ID: 67a70a
File 150854360073.jpg - (524.51KB , 1008x1275 , Beautiful butterfly 110.jpg )
It isn't a costume party without a mummy costume
No. 36466 ID: 29c3e2
Okay so here’s the deal. I cannot for the life of me figure out who Dreamwalker is supposed to be in this. I’ve even gotten desperate enough to take the design down to my local comic book and gaming store to see if anyone there recognized him and no one had any clue. One guy said “Darker than Black” another ironically said “Neil Gaimans Sandman” which I would have guessed but the horns keep throwing me off. So even guys who are pop culture geeks as a job couldn’t figure it out. So idk...

However I do know the latest two, that is Logan’s Daughter who may or may not be Magna Carta, one of Scarred Ana’s earls as Judy Jetson and I think Casper as Tutenstein of the cartoon of the same name.
No. 36468 ID: 67a70a
This is the character that you were looking for Nocturn from Danny phantom
No. 36469 ID: e7fef0
Yeah I don’t recognize him unfortunately. And I guess no one else did either. Bummer...
No. 36472 ID: 67a70a
File 150858803145.jpg - (2.43MB , 2478x2388 , Beautiful butterfly 111.jpg )
No. 36478 ID: 67a70a
File 150863067394.jpg - (1.07MB , 1372x1907 , Beautiful butterfly 112.jpg )
No. 36493 ID: e7fef0
Ok so I’m still working on the dominatrix gal but that’s definitely Delilah as Chloe Price from Life is strange. And this is just my personal opinion, but I never liked that game. It was just way too teen angsty for me to really enjoy it and for a game that says it’s about choice, it was total railroading. Sorry rant over.
No. 36494 ID: 67a70a
Well the thing about the Chloe Price and the Life is strange games i either you like them or you hate them. My thoughts about that series I won't disclose. I only used Chloe Price because in the way she acted like Delilah and I seen parallels between those two characters. A for the other costume I will give you a hint. It is from the a cartoon that wanted to be an anime
No. 36497 ID: e7fef0
Well again, I’ve seen many anime-esque cartoons, but I can’t find one that seems to fit the bill. I can’t help but wonder if it was released in North America, I know the French animation labels can make a lot of anime like cartoons.
No. 36498 ID: 67a70a
Well here is one last hint, that character was from the show that was on Jetix
No. 36501 ID: 67a70a
File 150872010594.jpg - (742.56KB , 1415x1790 , Beautiful butterfly 113.jpg )
The character on the left is not invisible, that character didn't appear yet in the story so you will just need to guess the costume
No. 36502 ID: e7fef0
I found this one out, it Valeena from Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go... man it still blows me away with how long of a name that is. Funny enough I remember liking that show I just didn’t remember that villain. And even though we didn’t have to guess her character I’m still gonna suggest one anyway, and my thoughts was it was either the Bird Mask Lady, or Cela Mortis.

Alright so i haven’t found the invisible guy yet but I do recognize the costume on the right. That’s Demon Swordsman Chrona and Ragnarok... as to who their characters are I’m not sure. I’m about to go back through the quest and try and figure it out.
No. 36503 ID: 67a70a
Well for the Valeena, if you want to get some hints about the hidden character. There is one hint that I will give you, pay attention the the part of the body that is obscured. I will not confirm if you are right or wrong, because in that part you only needed to guess the costume and not the person under it. As for the Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go, yeah I liked that show as well

As for the invisible character, you probably saw that character in the show. I am impressed, you are managing to push forward, just keep going

No. 36504 ID: e7fef0
Wait which show? Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go or Soul Eater?
No. 36505 ID: e7fef0
Because honestly the outfit of the one on the left reminds me more of Kato from The Green Hornet
No. 36506 ID: ae9b99
character dressed up on the right is Roto.
No. 36508 ID: 67a70a
File 150876511587.jpg - (2.06MB , 1748x3367 , Beautiful butterfly 114.jpg )
No. 36511 ID: 6a58a0
File 150879809255.jpg - (795.44KB , 1487x1175 , Beautiful butterfly 115.jpg )
No. 36534 ID: ae9b99
Clarence (doll version) is Geno. The character (I think wicker kid?) on the right is dressed up as the puppet from the fnaf series.
No. 36535 ID: 3583d1
File 150883530556.jpg - (961.40KB , 1536x2104 , AAF6BC01-D128-40E2-88BF-D698F0408BBB.jpg )
[i]I think I’ve figured out what my problem is, I’m bored out of my mind. Seriously I find that the only things I do around here is draw and sleep and consume the food they give me. I love drawing but when it’s ALL I do, you see the problem here. Well aside from Cleopatra I found another person in this place that I qualify as human. His name is Nathaniel, he is a quiet guy mostly but he likes books and philosophy, once we got talking we actually had a nice conversation about our favorite book series.

Anyway as for a dream portrait I saw this woman. She was... intimidating for certain. She hacked her way through cultists with a cleaver and.meat hammer. And yet... something about her seemed... Rehearsed. Don’t get me wrong i wouldn’t want to meet her in a fight, but it’s as if she practiced herself as an act. I don’t get it.

alrihht out of character here, this a full body of Alora “Jackie” Miller, and her weapons like I said are a meat clever and tenderizing hammer. I don’t know if she is actually bleeding jimmy, but maybe...maybe not. Different timelines lead to different directions.
No. 36536 ID: 6a58a0
File 150883954023.jpg - (847.70KB , 1631x1321 , Beautiful butterfly 116.jpg )
No. 36538 ID: 6a58a0
No. 36539 ID: 21023d
How about that other puppet for the FNAF marionette? The one that was in the BDSM dungeon and got cock-blocked. And I am still looking for both the patch work guy and the Kato looking woman
No. 36540 ID: 6a58a0
Yes the FNAF marionette is the one that was in the BDSM dungeon and got cock-blocked. As for the last one it is a character from a video game
No. 36541 ID: ae9b99
Now I remember, that is Voodoo Vince
No. 36545 ID: 6a58a0
File 150889190378.jpg - (1.30MB , 1692x1608 , Beautiful butterfly 117.jpg )
No. 36547 ID: 6a58a0
File 150889206741.jpg - (926.77KB , 1360x1517 , Beautiful butterfly 118.jpg )
The person on the right has two costumes combined into one, you must guess all the components in order to win the point for today
No. 36548 ID: 272cf3
Oh yeah I know this one. That’s Dervan as Myotismon along with Demi-Devimon and what looks to be a part of Devimon
No. 36549 ID: 6a58a0
No. 36550 ID: 6a58a0
File 150889568283.jpg - (1.25MB , 1256x2141 , Beautiful butterfly 119.jpg )
No. 36552 ID: 6a58a0
File 150895259599.jpg - (884.92KB , 1688x1078 , A place where I go to fuck myself 147.jpg )
The symbol above the character in the middle means that person has a combination costume.Which means it is made out of two or more costumes
No. 36553 ID: b0f04f
Ramona as Ms. Spider from James and the giant peach. Robert as... to me that look like Haytham Kenway from Assassins Creed 3. And as for the unknown... well there are an assload Japanese school girls and probably even more with a magic staff but that head I know as Rom Vacous Spider
No. 36556 ID: 6a58a0
File 150896136344.jpg - (1.04MB , 1748x1306 , Beautiful butterfly 121.jpg )
No. 36564 ID: 6a58a0
File 150906660538.jpg - (666.21KB , 1143x1007 , Beautiful butterfly 122.jpg )
No. 36565 ID: 9b9146
Unknown as Gravitina from Buzz Lightyear of Star Command, and WC as Neko Zombie from Gregory Horror Show
No. 36566 ID: 9b9146
Also I would like to put forward a rule suggestion for this game. Seeing as how we are a few days on guessing the invisible woman and whatever Robert and who I assume Roscoe is. If we are able to guess at least HALF of the character, then we don’t get any trick points or any treat points.
No. 36568 ID: 6a58a0
That would make it too easy, I will have to see about that rule. As for you all, so far this party you have been going and going like crazy. You can do it!!!

No. 36570 ID: 6a58a0
File 150913983196.jpg - (1.79MB , 2311x2688 , Beautiful butterfly 123.jpg )
No. 36571 ID: e9ef8f
Yay! Alright so honestly I can’t figure out who I want to see a self reflection of so here is what I will do. List the ones I want to see and I’ll let you pick which one you think would be more interesting to see.
- Root in his armor
- Delilah sees her new outfit design
- One of the Earls sees their portrait
- Logan and Ana see their son, either his portrait, him as a knight, or the family photo.
No. 36573 ID: ae9b99
I personally would like to see an retrospect of this
No. 36574 ID: e9ef8f
Ooh... I forgot about that one... yeah that one and the portrait. Having Ana react to this would be interesting to see too...
No. 36576 ID: 6a58a0
No. 36577 ID: 6a58a0
File 150915592691.jpg - (592.48KB , 1531x1329 , Beautiful butterfly 124.jpg )
No. 36578 ID: 9b9146
Susan as Mandy, Anthony (or possibly Not-Anthony) as Billy.

And... I wanna say... Larry? (I don’t think we ever got his name. So for he has just been a solid who helps out the supernatural/multi-dimensional community) as Grim
No. 36580 ID: 6a58a0
He has a name
No. 36617 ID: 9b9146
.... You know... it occurred to me before that we might already know who he is. The horns are always what tipped me off. I’ve seen one other guy with horns like that...

Fortune Ana’s fear, Timmy...
No. 36620 ID: 6a58a0
He even appears multiple times before that and his name was mentioned
No. 36634 ID: 6a58a0
File 150923915004.jpg - (923.90KB , 2316x1367 , Beautiful butterfly 125.jpg )
No. 36640 ID: 6a58a0
File 150929502783.jpg - (2.93MB , 2480x3244 , Beautiful butterfly 126.jpg )
No. 36646 ID: 31e9e0
That is where you are wrong Desolation. That isn’t you, that is ME. In my timeline I made you a part of me, you ceased to be just you anymore. Your power, your form, was all mine. That is my weapon in her hands there after all. I was stronger than you.
No. 36649 ID: 6a58a0
File 150932467076.jpg - (1.51MB , 3425x1462 , Beautiful butterfly 127.jpg )
Sorry for this not being in color, I didn't have much time for today. All of this character are secret you only need to guess the costumes
No. 36651 ID: 9b9146
The only guy I recognize here is Schwarzwald from Big O, on the left.
No. 36652 ID: 6a58a0
Yeah this one is pretty hard, sorry. I will the the color version
No. 36653 ID: ae9b99
the shadow is the Batter from Off.
No. 36655 ID: 6a58a0
You are correct the first one is done. I will go easy on you you just need to guess one more and this will be considered as done. Here are some hints the middle one is the main villain from the 2d plat former that was on a ps1. And the last one I shown that game where that character is from on the chart of my inspiration inspiration. You know one of this things
No. 36658 ID: 3583d1
The guy on the right doesn't have a name, or at least the character he is dressed up as doesn't. He is the player character from zombie tycoon II.
No. 36659 ID: 6a58a0
Of course that character from the video game has a name and it is Archibald Brainhov. Zombie tycoon II is such an underrated game, still you found that guy so it still counts
No. 36660 ID: 3583d1
File 150938796248.jpg - (1.07MB , 1535x2782 , B41B855E-91AD-4759-B098-9D323232F9D2.jpg )
I don’t always have weird prophetic dreams, thank god. Sometimes it’s just a normal dream where my own head is taking a mental dump. I don’t think anyone could have the kinds of dreams I get all the time and stay sane. If your dream world is just like the waking... well you get the idea.

Anyway, I think it’s fair to say much of my drawings have a manga feel to them but every so often I feel the call of realism. Today was one of those days. I rewatched a movie I saw as a kid with Cleopatra. It was called “Kakurenbo Hide and Seek.” It was still scary, but the theme song stuck in my head, and inspired me to make this mask design. I wonder if there is anyone out there who would like to see this... a samurai of the fog... that would something to see

No. 36661 ID: 6a58a0
Well you know what they say, if you have a problem that no one else can help you with. Just........
No. 36662 ID: 6a58a0
Also this picture is a pure EXPLOSION OF AWESOMENESS! You are a legend!!!
No. 36663 ID: 1667ef
Why thank you! By the way here is a little Halloween treat of my own. The song that I listened to while I drew the samurai helmet is from a real movie. I think it would be right up your alley especially since all the characters are wearing masks. I found a version of it on YouTube, enjoy!
No. 36682 ID: d5b588
And here is a perfect Halloween short film for you
No. 36683 ID: d5b588
And something more scary. One of my favorite animated short movies

No. 36710 ID: d5b588
File 150953833149.jpg - (595.83KB , 1748x1156 , Beautiful butterfly 128.jpg )
No. 36711 ID: d5b588
File 150954392084.jpg - (1.49MB , 2156x1492 , Beautiful butterfly 129.jpg )
No. 36724 ID: 3583d1
File 150966867286.jpg - (708.21KB , 2048x1536 , 8C6F126D-F922-4D64-BA2D-D5DF79475F87.jpg )
Root: I’ve hurt people, Anthony. I’m a dick...

Anthony: Oh, well being a dick ain’t so bad. See there’s three kinds of people, Dicks, Pussies, and Assholes. Pussies think everyone can get along, and dicks just wanna fuck all the time without thinking it through. But then you’ve got your assholes, Root. And all the assholes want is to shit all over everything! So pussies may get mad at dicks once in a while because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes, Root! And if they didn’t fuck the assholes, you know what you’d get?! YOU’D GET YOUR DICK AND YOUR PUSSY ALL COVERED IN SHIT!!!
No. 36725 ID: 3583d1
File 150970220722.jpg - (1.10MB , 2048x1983 , 87C13956-3317-4630-91E1-C698DBF2129F.jpg )
[i]Alight, no more drinking for a while, I thought sleeping from alcohol might decrease my chances of having another of those prophetic dreams or whatever. Oh, how wrong I was... Not only did I not have dreamless sleep, I apparently said some real awkward things to Root while I was drunk, I’m amazed I wasn’t thrown out. I have a vague memory of even Delilah stopping cold at my words before bursting out in laughter and buying me another beer. I’m just glad I had the sense to leave before she did anything.

Anyway, the dream I had... Maybe it was the booze along with my power or whatever, but holy Christ on a pony. If I didn’t feel sick before, I certainly am now. Just... so much blood, gore, and death... oh god it was horrible and the one causing it all was the guy with the bone mask again, the one who only Stitch knows. I think more people are going to be aware of him soon.
No. 36727 ID: d5b588
File 150973766442.jpg - (1.40MB , 1748x2956 , Beautiful butterfly 130.jpg )
No. 36728 ID: d8b9a6
Holy hell, an torturous inquisition? I didn’t expect that but then no one ever does. Hold on a second fellas... Root thought something like this might happen, now where did I put it...

*digs around in desk and pockets*

Ah! Here it is!

*brings up a sheet of paper signed by Root and his highlords*

This should vouch for me, says that my dreams or whatever need to be used for finding potential targets and enemies or something? So I hope I can be forgiven for what I said last night, I was really drunk. By the way have guys got any Advil?
No. 36731 ID: d5b588
File 150979247945.jpg - (1.02MB , 1716x1784 , Beautiful butterfly 131.jpg )
No. 36735 ID: d8b9a6
*inner thoughts*
Man, what a group of freaks! I need to go make sure Cleopatra and Nathaniel are alright, they are about the only friends I have here.
No. 36761 ID: 3583d1
File 151004470721.jpg - (0.98MB , 2048x1546 , 8C353406-05FA-461E-A6AB-72E80F5D6733.jpg )
NATHANIEL! NATHANIEL ARE YOU- Oh... *huff* there you are... Sorry, I was yelling... *huff* I’ve been running around making sure... *huff* they didn’t get you too. You would not BELIEVE... *huff* the morning I have had... Have you seen Cleopatra?

So I hope I got Nathaniel’s look right, I went all based off the details given for what he looks like, and yes he is reading a D&D dungeon masters guide, I like to think he and Anthony play with a few other people with Nathaniel as dungeon master.
No. 36762 ID: fc0d38
Interesting use of those two characters, but I don't really feel like creating a new story on the draw thread
No. 36765 ID: 3583d1
you won't have to, this is just for fun.
No. 36766 ID: ae9b99
Pretty neat artwork. That is the exact look I imagined him having. you did a pretty great job with that.

Though I will say that I prefer he keeps his mask on. He's kind of a reclusive, and quiet introverted person (not saying he can't talk, just doesn't say much, mostly only speaking when people talk to him) so he keeps his ordinary mask on to not bring too much attention to himself. I would imagine Anthony just kind of barged right into his room in this situation, not giving Nathaniel time to prepare and put his mask on, lol.

(also, seems like you missed my request of not having him be drawn here: >>36455
ah well. Still looks great though. Thanks.
No. 36769 ID: 70fa23
More or less, lol. And yeah I imagine his response being to not even look up from his book
“Chill, Anthony, I’m right here. And please knock next time alright? We still on for D&D this Saturday?”
No. 36770 ID: 70fa23
And as for Nathaniel not being drawn this was more just a side fan comic taking place in the compound so its actually Anthony’s own experiences in the compound, not Anthony doing the drawing himself.

And I did try drawing Ana’s ex once but I didn’t like the way it came out, I’ll try again later tonight.
No. 36772 ID: fc0d38
Awwwwwww you two are bonding and most importantly you are making Social Links
No. 36775 ID: 3583d1
File 151013514545.jpg - (707.43KB , 2048x1536 , DFA16A5B-2923-48D0-A06A-1D07405A4C61.jpg )
You know, I think I just remembered another guy here in this place that I think can qualify as human. The doctor m, Lester. He’s a real nice guy, he reminds me of a friend I had in high school, kinda quiet and out of the way, but man did he get picked on a lot. Which is ironic because Lester also reminds me of a harassed college professor. I saw him because I had caught a cold, he gave me some medicine for it and within a day it was gone. I haven’t seen him in a while though, I hope he is doing alright.
No. 36777 ID: 3583d1
File 151013556319.jpg - (865.61KB , 1536x2048 , 8F554E27-A3FE-4616-B293-FAA73ED6135E.jpg )
Coming from Minnesota, it should be noted that Hockey is kind of a big deal there. But, y’know as fun as it is to be a part of the crowd at a game and cheer for the team, I don’t think I would want to be a player. I think their brains might be wired for adrenaline and thinking they are an alpha-male. I’m bringing this up because I had a dream about one last night. Weird right?

His name was Curtis and he was a college hockey player. What is weird is he was dating and living that one Ana girl. Let me say it wasn’t a very good relationship from what I saw, Ana was trying to be a good girlfriend but this Curtis guy... I don’t know. He was... for lack of a better words, a dick. He was cheating on her with some chick down the hall. I don’t really think I need to go into more details. He left his hockey stick though when he moved out. Weird right?

No. 36778 ID: fc0d38
No. 36781 ID: fc0d38
File 151017804015.jpg - (899.45KB , 2656x1880 , Beautiful butterfly 132.jpg )
No. 36782 ID: ae9b99
if this keeps up, he should be put under suicide watch like Clara is... Actually, it might make things worse considering the kinds of people that we've seen.
No. 36810 ID: 3583d1
File 151022044915.jpg - (1.10MB , 1635x2046 , 4CC56827-DDE8-42CC-A167-03E8474D6DD9.jpg )
The dream I had last night was something else, like something out of a fantasy novel. A man is bleeding to death. He’s dressed like a welder or maybe a blacksmith, but he is hurt, badly. He is missing both his forarms and an eye from what I can tell. But then these figures come and take him, one tall and dressed similarly to him. The other two are shorter, to me the look like they are brothers. They take him into what I can only describe as a forge of gods.

The two brothers place his arm stumps into what looks like a pool of liquid silver. There is an instant reaction from the man but it isn’t pain. Instead the silver seems to bond to him and when he draws his arms out, he has new hands. The metal acts like a living muscle but made out of metal. Then the tall blacksmith looks at him and says something in a strange language but one I could still understand some home. He said, “Would ye walk the way of Weyland and become lord of smiths?”

No. 36811 ID: fc0d38
Look at those awesome muscles
No. 36814 ID: ae9b99
Very good.

But I wonder if Anthony made a mistake in writing about the gods of Earth, metals, and Smithing. Someone Like Marty, who is hunting those gods down, might just use that journal entry as a clue.

hee hee hee...
No. 36820 ID: 72fbe1
File 151029284798.jpg - (666.37KB , 1618x2048 , 8F45B709-B5DE-409C-A255-F81749274549.jpg )
I... I don’t know why I had this as a dream. My brain goes to weird places.

No. 36821 ID: 3583d1
File 151031005193.jpg - (903.30KB , 1535x2098 , DAC9CE35-D1F4-4179-B120-3EE2C02643A1.jpg )
Sometimes I feel like I am trapped here, at every turn there are people that look as if all they want to do is hurt me (especially those torturing freaks who tried to whip me the other day). But today I witnessed a rare sight, something almost... celestially inspired? I took a wrong turn and somehow ended up in the chapel, but there I saw a woman. She was sining and it was of the most beautiful things i’d ever heard. And I realized further what made it so inspired, there was honest to god sunlght streaming in and illuminating her.

Her mask was silver and the made into a halo at the top. And she wore a pure white dress, she was beautiful. I just wish I had asked her name, but she was so... pure, that I felt I couldn’t step in her presence. Nevertheless I felt honored to have heard her voice. I just wonder who she is?

No. 36828 ID: fc0d38
A little bit of dancing and singing can't hurt anybody

Who is this character, did she already appeared in the story
No. 36829 ID: 3583d1
Yeah new character. I was listening to some opera music and got the idea of someone who follows the word of Root like someone follows a Word of God, but not so much in the fire and brimestone torture ways, more in the “he saved us from our selves, he is the messiah returned” kind of way. I didn’t give her a name on purpose, but I picture her being a very pure, and innocent. This was the song I listen to while drawing her.
No. 36878 ID: 3583d1
File 151061082923.jpg - (641.14KB , 1536x2048 , 6DA640D7-9816-496C-8C07-1E2DAA641F6B.jpg )
Hmm...? Please be friendly whoever you are...

No. 36879 ID: 3583d1
File 151061089152.jpg - (645.64KB , 1535x2230 , 9F9AFFB0-8BDB-42ED-8CA0-825BC9D54C96.jpg )
What the...?

No. 36880 ID: 3583d1
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No. 36881 ID: 3583d1
File 151061151340.jpg - (606.95KB , 2048x1562 , 38DABA2F-7CF5-4810-A4DF-13CD3BF16AE2.jpg )
Today is a good day and I made a friend for life. I don’t know who gave me this little fell but I’ll be damned if I am going to refuse a puppy, I have always been a sucker for them. I think I’m going to name him Jack.
No. 36884 ID: ae9b99
Ruh-roh. Be careful, doge might be used to spy on you or something.

Cute btw.
No. 36885 ID: fc0d38
That thing spying on you is not the worst possible thing for that dog to be. Just saying there are much worse scenarios
No. 36886 ID: 3583d1
Well now you have given me some ideas about what Jack’s actual breed is... hehehehe...
No. 36887 ID: 3583d1
ALTERNATIVELY, it could be the ultimate shocker!

He’s an ordinary dog...

No. 36899 ID: fc0d38
No he is not, he is a hybrid
No. 36900 ID: c5b754
Oh you have no idea. Just wait til he gets bigger heheheh....
No. 36902 ID: ae9b99
All joking aside, did you recently get a puppy irl?
No. 36903 ID: 3583d1
Actually, I have had my dog for a few years now, and his name really is Jack. It's kinda funny, half of the stuff I draw isn't really to advance the story, it's just for fun. But somehow it advances things anyway. In this case it was me just giving Anthony a more permanent companion for fun, but now it looks like this little guy might be more than he seems... Who knows.
No. 36906 ID: fc0d38
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No. 36911 ID: 3583d1
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The needle!!!
No. 36912 ID: 3583d1
File 151074110656.jpg - (821.44KB , 1536x2048 , B99771C7-4333-4741-81D4-776B45B9CCF5.jpg )

*wake up*

Anthony: WHAAAA!!! NO!!!

Cleopatra: Wha- woah... Baby? Are you okay?

Anthony: Y-yeah... just had a bad dream...
No. 36913 ID: 3583d1
File 151074156241.jpg - (846.67KB , 1536x2048 , 3587D0BE-B6AF-4351-AD0E-6B43E468CA11.jpg )
Cleopatra: Aw, hey come here, *kiss* wanna tell me what it was about?

Anthony: It- it was about my dog back home, Jack. He was here, only he was... a monster.

Cleopatra: Ohh, it’s okay... it’s over now. Let me snuggle up, I know what can help.

Anthony: Thanks... this... this really does help me.

Cleopatra: I know, me too. *kiss*
No. 36914 ID: 3583d1
File 151074175099.jpg - (1.01MB , 1536x2048 , 081DBFF5-84AF-4F5B-9C28-DD23E78FF1AF.jpg )
EoL: *watches >>36913 having given Anthony a nightmare out of jealousy*

... Not fair...
No. 36915 ID: fc0d38
File 151074574886.jpg - (937.18KB , 1654x1848 , Beautiful butterfly 134.jpg )
No. 36916 ID: 3c1fb0
Actually I thought it was quite fitting, and you saw that he was making a decision to go for the needle. And Essence by now I know how you work, it was most likely filled with adrenaline or something that would make things worse. So yes, while I will admit this was an easy cop out, let’s jusf look at what happened and see what it means for you and Anthony.

Anthony went for the needle, showing he had some understanding of what that thing was and the situation. Now there wasn’t much time to react but clearly he didn’t want the dog to suffer so he went for the what he felt was the most humane option. But honestly here’s why I really made it be a nightmare... the spirit Parasites are pretty much extinct... we saw the last of them get gunned down so how could this thing be here? It just didn’t make sense; unless we know where they come from it just didn’t add up.

Lastly I thought it was pretty much keeping in character and it creates a new conflict. Essence sees Anthony with a girl who it’s clear he cares about and who cares for him in return, so because it’s not you Essence, was you want to punish him for it and giving him a cruel test. You’ve shown that you can create nightmares before so it made sense. So you give him a nightmare, only to find that once’s he’s done it, he wakes up and you see he only receives love and comfort, it only makes things worse for you. So now, you need to ask what do you think of Cleopatra, his girlfriend? Probably nothing good. Hell you are still crying about it.

Everything went just as planned.
No. 36917 ID: ae9b99
No offense, but I kind of saw it as a cop out... sorry.

Though, I think we can turn lemons to lemonade here. Perhaps Anthony is starting to see the side effects of having these prophetic dream vision powers Dreamwalker has given him. He could at some point get confused on what is real, and what is just a dream. I don't know, just an idea you guys can run with.

Also, I notice that spirit parasites seem to have some sort of attraction towards Anthony.
No. 36918 ID: c81293
I actually like that idea, and while I do admit this was a cop out, I hope I got things write in my interpretation of it.
No. 36919 ID: fc0d38
File 151077948352.jpg - (777.94KB , 1748x1328 , Prequel 26.jpg )
No. 36920 ID: c81293
Fair enough, how do you think Essence would react to seeing Anthony with Cleopatra like that? This was the main idea with the cop out as I've said.
No. 36921 ID: fc0d38
Well if she did saw them sleeping like that she would star masturbate furiously
No. 36922 ID: c81293

I'm not drawing that, because all I can imagine is her doing that while sobbing uncontrollably... and it is making me uncomfortable.
No. 36923 ID: fc0d38
And don't ask me why she would do that
No. 36924 ID: fc0d38
She is meant to be a uncomfortable, unpredictable and a crazy character. Just like this guy

No. 36925 ID: c81293
yeeeeaahhhh nope.
No. 36938 ID: 5f7d8a
File 151089266510.jpg - (665.53KB , 1536x2148 , 149454A2-76AE-4E58-AB91-A40C72BB4863.jpg )
God, what is happening? It’s getting harder to tell what is real any more. It’s why I like have Cleopatra around, she helps me a lot. I wish I could better control this power, sometimes it shows me things I don’t want to see, secrets I don’t want to know. Last night I dreamt about what I can only describe as a gladiatorial arena. I don’t know if this was somewhere in the compound or not, but I don’t think Root would tolerate something like it. Anyway, I was siting in the stands, watching a fight and they forced a guy in a grey hoodie into the ring with this huge guy, he kind of reminded me of myself a little bit. He was given a hatchet as a weapon, and the fight began. At first I thought the new guy would die, but then something changed in him. I could see this... presence behind him, and... it saw me too. Looking at that thing was like being being balls deep in frozen water, I felt cold all over with fear. It began to whisper incessantly in his ears... I heard every word, it said
“Give me a sacrifice of blood and flesh, and I will grant you power, the power to free yourself.”
And then the kid, he just went insane. I could see his eyes behind his mask were dead, except one it was almost glowing. I couldn’t see his face but I could tell it would be like the leer of a demon. He was screaming with the crowd their cries of bloodlust becoming one with his own. The big he was fighting seemed just as scared as I felt. Then the killing began, it was like watching a a bear kill cornered deer. I won’t go into details but let’s just say I heard many of the cries of bloodlust in the crowd turn to shrieks of horror. They had to restrain the kid just to take him away. I think I know who this kid is and who he will become... I wonder if showed this Stitch I wonder what he would say. Hell I’d be interested in anyone’s opinion on this.


Wanna know something funny? This whole thing is based on an actual dream I had and this guy was the main focus and he was in a kind of gladiator fight. Alright so I deleted the old one because I just wanted to touch it up a little, I added more shading and tried to really make the blood stains stand out more and faded into the hoodie. And thank you for >>36936, I would want to see a self reflection. Of this but done by other people, like Stitch or Ana, even Root. But someone who this would hold significance to. I know he won’t be part of the story proper but I still like writing his story, I even have an idea of how he and Stitch know each other.
No. 36940 ID: fc0d38
No. 36943 ID: 5f7d8a
File 151097632676.jpg - (373.59KB , 1450x1964 , A99B9FBB-B8A7-4A9F-ACA3-6A2F6FF4DED4.jpg )
“I gotcha, don’t worry.”
“Please don’t let go, I’m not used to this...”

No. 36944 ID: 5f7d8a
File 151097637311.jpg - (368.09KB , 1299x1772 , 26BEB81C-0065-41FF-B4D2-1DF112379A35.jpg )
“How about a game of ice hockey! I’ll show you what a real woman looks like!”
No. 36945 ID: 5f7d8a
File 151097662136.jpg - (493.96KB , 1536x2358 , AE47133A-4945-45C7-A775-D8DACD42DD5A.jpg )

No. 36946 ID: 5f7d8a
File 151097697131.jpg - (752.22KB , 2048x2038 , 1CBF8C51-D145-4FE2-93DE-49825D769BE9.jpg )
“W-what just happened?”

I don’t think I need to tell you that this isn’t canon lol. Actually the reason I did this is a while back Anthony said hockey was a big deal where he is from, I based this off myself because were I am from hockey is such a big deal that even kids play it in elementary school gym class and even then things can get really rowdy. Hell in my, and by extension Anthony’s, college hockey games, they literally blow air horns so loud when the team scores you are likely have ruptured ear drums by the end of the night and the whole drunken audience sings this song with “YOU SUCK!” In between the “HEYS!”
No. 36948 ID: fc0d38
File 151104451124.jpg - (819.09KB , 2360x1355 , Beautiful butterfly 137.jpg )
No. 36949 ID: fc0d38
Do you know what Maya is thinking right now and do you know what Anthony is thinking right now?
No. 36950 ID: 5d13f5
Maya: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygQvB6OjHOU

And as for Anthony...
No. 36951 ID: 5d13f5
File 151104540563.jpg - (29.03KB , 325x240 , A4D6511D-BA71-4FA4-935A-5DAD71296957.jpg )
No. 36952 ID: fc0d38
You are right for the Maya. As for Anthony, I think that this would fit his thoughts perfectly

No. 36953 ID: 5d13f5
File 151104657138.jpg - (544.25KB , 2050x1536 , CB82B938-5395-4327-87CB-A4441BE9422A.jpg )
“Well... she did better than you anyway... kind of.”


Not Canon, again this is just for fun and laughs. In the main story this would go the other way around and probably be a lot more bloodier
No. 36954 ID: 5d13f5
And not quite, just a lot of angry screaming that is played for laughs.
No. 36967 ID: fc0d38
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No. 36970 ID: 73ee1d
I am WELL aware of that. Like I said this was not canon and just meant to be funny, I already know Anthony couldn’t do this.
No. 36974 ID: 5d13f5
File 151114646009.jpg - (698.72KB , 1536x2672 , 4806B159-4BDF-4576-8EC7-D2894CB1B83D.jpg )
I feel sick, these dreams, I can’t keep having them, it’s like I’m watching some kind of slasher film made even worse. This time I was back in that gladiator arena, this time I got a name for the place. It was called “The Blood Pits” they aren’t exactly part of this cult, but many of the patrons do follow this religion or whatever it is. I couldn’t exactly tell how much time had passed since I last saw this place, and the smell of blood was so strong it was honestly overpowering. I wanted to vomit, but just couldn’t, no one seemed to see me, like I was invisible which suited me just fine. I followed the crowd and it let into the arena proper, and I was disgusted and horrified. People were fucking in the stands and giving out cries for blood, that’s when the next fight began. Out of the caged entrance, came the kid. It was clear he’d gained more reputation, some of the audience members cheered, some cried out in maybe anger or fear, I couldn’t tell. The aunounced called him, “The Hell Hound.” What was funny is he didn’t have a fighters build, he was fit to be sure, but more what I would consider to be on say an athletic runner. He still carried that hatchet, but he’d swapped out his hoodie and jeans for what looked like armor and a kilt. Alright...
That was when his opponents came out, some looked ready and brave but most just looked scared, and with damn good reason. This man, this Hell Hound, was a monster. When the bell rung signaling the fight to begin, I felt the familiar chill, something was coming from Hell Hound, it was the familiar presence.
“Blood. Give me blood.” It said.
It wasn’t a fight, it was a slaughter. Hell Hound was a man possessed. The crowd went wild, but I cowered in horror. After the fight was over, the aunouncer seemed a little too pleased.
“Yes, another bloody victory for The Hell Hound!” The crowd cheered at this.
“But next week, he may yet meet his match, for coming to this arena, a very special guest! The silent slaughterer, the Giant of Gore, the walking monster, STITCH ENTERS THE RING TO KILL THE HELL HOUND!”
Hell Hound didn’t seem to care, in fact he looked almost too pleased. And then I understood why,
“Give me his blood.” I heard the presence say “And I will deem you as truly worthy of my ultimate gift.”

No. 37001 ID: fc0d38
This is a really interesting character, I presume that he is from the different timeline. I see the potential where I may introduce him, can you describe something about him in order to portray how you envisioned him
No. 37002 ID: fc0d38
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No. 37009 ID: 3583d1
I guess I would help people who need it... Am I dreaming again?
No. 37010 ID: 3583d1
Yes he is from the other timeline, in you already know this character. It's Garm dude, I wanted to come with a reason why he gained his freakishly huge and powerful body, and the truth was he earned it by killing a shit load of people and proving he was worthy of becoming the champion of The Rage Within, and why Stitch seems to be the only one who knows him. And it turns out, Stitch was the one who saw him transform into monstrous form. So to be honest, I'm not sure if you really want to put him in because you've already stated he won't be making an appearance outside of a brief cameo. But hey maybe certain things have happened idk, play around with this if you like. I give you full permission to have fun with this character if you wish to implement him.

As for his personality. When he is under the influence of The Rage Within, and whenever he gets into a fight, he is a screaming rage monster, making cries for blood and death or just incoherent roars. However when he isn't in a fight he is oddly quiet never really having anything to say. It's a little unnerving to people around him. Sometimes he'll mutter a few words as if he is speaking to something over his shoulder. When he talks with other people, he says as little as possible.
No. 37011 ID: 3583d1
Also I should say this now, I've decided that Anthony IS NOT Garm. I like this current version of him where he is a former gladiator better as it makes more sense for his character. I'm not quite sure what is happening with this Scarlet woman but we'll have to see.
No. 37012 ID: 51058c
Also it’s worth noting two last things. Garm joined Scarred Ana because they both something in them that were born of the same creature, Desolation and Garm could almost be half siblings. Desolation was born of The Rage Within and Magic, but Garm was created by The Rage Within warping his flesh.
Lastly, Garm is not his actual name, that was a name that Scarred Ana gave him. Something you have to realize is I always leave a lot of clues when I create a character with a hidden background, Garm was the name of the dog of the Norse Goddess of Death, Hel. So Garm is Hel’s Hound. Ironic given that title as a Gladiator was Hell Hound.

BONUS ROUND: I’ve stated before that the warp spasm originally came from an Irish myth of one of their most famous heroes, CúChulainn, and guess what? His name literally translates to Hound of Chulainn. I rest my case
No. 37014 ID: ae9b99

Anthony is probably dreaming about Scarlet right now. Maybe he should draw that character later?
No. 37015 ID: 51058c
I have a bunch of drawings in mind dude. But that is going to be one of them. One of of which is just the continuation of Hell Hound/Garm or whatever you wanna call him.
No. 37016 ID: fc0d38
Oh so he is Garm, I didn't recognize him at first. Hmmm, I will see if I will be using him in the story. If he does appear he will be a different kind of character the the one with the lot of muscles
No. 37017 ID: 475080
One way you could do it is make it kind of like a hulk thing. Too much rage or if he is completely taken over he gets all muscley and stuff. It’s just a thought though.
No. 37019 ID: 3583d1
File 151134110843.jpg - (944.81KB , 1564x2048 , F143D534-D0A7-4FFF-9D32-5CC2FA61C19E.jpg )
Scarred Ana:

*continues to crush essence’s head*

This isn’t a dream, this is just me putting my anger out on paper, because I have had a REALLY shit day and I needed some kind of outlet so I went with gore and death metal. I wonder what the self reflection on this would be like.
No. 37040 ID: 3583d1
File 151138890977.jpg - (877.42KB , 1535x2100 , 6558E9A2-FA09-419B-A246-D4C9795EDA3E.jpg )
I’m not much of a fighter, I think that much is fairly obvious. But that’s not to say I don’t like to have an occasional bout of sparing, and that I what I got to do today. I went walking as I usually do but this time, my feet brought me to the garrison of the Cross Ash Knights. Now I was already pretty amazed when I first met them, and I found them all to be really agreeable fellows, even sharing drinks with a few of them, including their leader. However it seems their leader, Godfrey, has come under fire and will be facing a trial soon. I met with the second in command, a young man named Balian, sometimes called “Young Lion” and two lieutenants, Adomidius and Hurple Hare. We talked for a little bit about their concerns and we made a deal. In exchange for a drawing of Godfrey to help promote his innocence, they would train me in the art of swordsman ship. I instantly jumped at the chance. Balian was my teacher and I found him to be an fair handed man, I think he was trying to live up to the lessons Godfrey taught him. I actually did another drawing of Balian as well as the one for Godfrey. I even did some portraits for Adomidius and Hurple. I’d like to train with them more some time.
No. 37041 ID: ae9b99
Art request for Anthony: Fortune Ana breaking character, and angrily covering Scarred Ana's mouth, and slapping some sense into her for revealing her location to Essence... not canon of course, but it would have been, lol
No. 37042 ID: fc0d38
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No. 37056 ID: fc0d38
So the way how I understand is that this is a new member of the the Cross Ash Knights. He looks interesting, I don't know if he will have a major role in the story. I already have planned out scenarios for some members of the knights
No. 37057 ID: 3583d1
We'll have to see. Like I said, I wrote it so that he was the first disciple of godfrey, but it doesn't necessarily have to be that way. I like to imagine He and Adomidius and Hurple all hang out and spar with one another
No. 37058 ID: 3583d1
File 151146848451.jpg - (642.08KB , 1481x2464 , C0C20882-9685-4CC5-9712-302724047836.jpg )
Maybe it’s playing dungeons and dragons with Nathaniel, but I seem to be on a knight drawing spree at the moment. Besides I figure my friends in the Cross Ash will need all the help they can get with this trial if they want to stay... and not die. Those torture guys have been giving a lot of them some pretty funny looks recently. So I decided I would try to use some of my influence as an artist to help them out. So aside from the commission I did of Godfrey and the one I did of Balian in exchange for sparing lessons. I decided to do one of the lieutenants. The first one I did was of Adomidius, I hope he likes it. Some of his armor was a little tough to figure out, but I think I did a good job!
No. 37059 ID: 3583d1
So before I start work on Hurple, I gotta ask, what is he holding here at >>35331? I can’t tell if that is supposed to be a bow or a shield at his side.
No. 37060 ID: fc0d38
Well it is a bow inside the holster, that is why it looks so weird
No. 37061 ID: 3583d1
Ah okay, got it. I hope I can be forgiven of this but this is just my medieval/history buff coming out here, but a bow doesn't go in a holster. The arrows would go in a quiver either at the side or on the back, and the bow when unstrung would be worn on the back usually tied to a pack.
No. 37062 ID: fc0d38
Yeah, I know that isn't historically accurate. I saw it in the book about knights and liked how it look. But then again we are talking about guys that are dressing up as knights in present time
No. 37063 ID: 90b98f
Why not just carry a gun then? I mean I even gave Godfrey a side revolver in his drawing. Eh, it is what it is. I see what I can do about a bow holster but I’m more practical when it comes to weapons, so even after I googled bow holsters I did get some odd hits, but idk it just looks awkward to me. Ehh, this just me gripping by this point because I actually am a dude who dresses up in armor and hangs out with other people in armor. I’m sure if he trained with it properly he could make it work. Besides I’m going to draw him knocking an arrow anyway. So far his helmet is turning out to be one of my favorites
No. 37065 ID: 3583d1
File 151150740224.jpg - (976.48KB , 1584x2048 , 4A6CE5A8-36A2-4EAA-BD1C-150980CF5676.jpg )
This is the second one I did for Hurple Hare. He really didn’t participate in the sword combat with us yesterday. Turns out his job is to teach the bow! I wonder if he would ever let me have a crack at it? Well now that these are done I’m going to run all of them down to them, hopefully they like them.
No. 37066 ID: 3583d1
(God damnit I always forget the song for Hurple)
No. 37081 ID: 3583d1
File 151168907634.jpg - (0.97MB , 1536x2174 , 4CEF4FB1-E505-4965-8558-6A9EA4D13308.jpg )
I don’t know this guy, so I couldn’t even tell you his name. But when I dreamt about him, he was in a band, like a jazz or maybe blues? he was signing. I was sitting in the audience, but that’s when I realized I was the only person there. What was even more odd is that the more I stared the more this guy’s head resembled a tree. In fact everyone in the band, they all had different head. I felt something like a fish out of water. This was the song he was singing

‪‪Boy, here's a story 'bout A fortune teller‬‬
‪‪She was a shy-faced darkness-dweller‬‬
‪‪She was the kindest warmest frail‬‬
‪‪But Faffy had head as big as a whale‬‬
‪‪Hi-dee hi-dee hi-dee hi (hi-dee hi-dee hi-dee hi)‬‬
‪‪Whoa-a-a-a-ah (whoa-a-a-a-ah)‬‬
‪‪Hee-dee-hee-dee-hee-dee-hee (hee-dee-hee-dee-hee-dee-hee)‬‬
‪‪He-e-e-e-e-e-e-y (he-e-e-e-e-e-e-y)‬‬
‪‪She messed around with a demon named Andy‬‬
‪‪She liked him though he wasn’t handy‬‬
‪‪He didn’t care for dating now‬‬
‪‪But what he wanted she just wouldn’t allow‬‬
‪‪Hi-dee hi-dee hi-dee hi (hi-dee hi-dee hi-dee hi)‬‬
‪‪Whoa-a-a-a-ah (whoa-a-a-a-ah)‬‬
‪‪He-e-e-e-e-e-e-y (he-e-e-e-e-e-e-y)‬‬
‪‪Oh-oh-oh-oh (oh-oh-oh-oh)‬‬
‪‪She had a man that was a god of dreams‬‬
His love for her was a bustin’ seams
‪‪He could be anything she was needing‬‬
‪‪To take her out he was just-a pleading‬‬
‪‪Hi-dee hi-dee hi-dee hi (hi-dee hi-dee hi-dee hi)‬‬
‪‪Ho-dee-ho-dee-ho-dee ho (ho-dee-ho-dee-ho-dee ho)‬‬
‪‪Skip-de-diddly-skip-de-diddly-diddly-oh (skip-de-diddly-skip-de-diddly-diddly-oh)‬‬
‪‪Bour'rrigy-bour'rrigy-bour'rrigy-oh (bour'rrigy-bour'rrigy-bour'rrigy-oh)‬‬
‪‪He would give her things she never believed in‬‬
‪‪He made she she knew was worth a win‬‬
‪‪She had a way of making it all worth his timing‬‬
Her love for him was a-slowly climbing
‪‪Hi-dee hi-dee hi-dee hi (hi-dee hi-dee hi-dee hi)‬‬
‪‪Whoa-a-a-a-ah (whoa-a-a-a-ah)‬‬
‪‪He-e-e-e-e-e-e-y (he-e-e-e-e-e-e-y)‬‬
‪‪Whoa-a-a-a-ah (whoa-a-a-a-ah)‬‬
‪‪Poor Faf, poor Faf, poor Faf‬‬

No. 37084 ID: c66305
File 151175278333.jpg - (496.25KB , 1688x2048 , A2694AC5-8BCF-4150-8698-B40D6711BA55.jpg )
[i]What have I been doing? My god what have I done? I’ve been nothing but a pawn this whole time. Lorence, that son of a bitch! He’s been watching me this whole time. I’m wrting this on a sheet of paper in the bathroom stall with invisible ink, seen for a moment then it disappears, but shine it under a black light and it’s seen. I don’t trust staying in my room anymore. Let me start at the beginning. Today when I was out on my walk I went past the courtyard. I saw Joseph Krueger, on a firing line he was executed like he was in a Russian prison. I realized that I stumbled upon something I wasn’t supposed to see. I suddenly got this feeling it was my fault, because I so freely let people see my drawings. I bet there are more, who knows how many people I’ve damned. I may not have been the one to pull the trigger, but I killed Mr. Krueger. Balian, all of them, they might be in danger just because of me... I never wanted this, I don’t want to hurt anyone! But they tricked me! I feel sick... I’ve already thrown up three times.

I can’t stand for this. I have a plan, I’m not gonna say what it is here, because I don’t trust anyone anymore. I don’t know if I can trust Nathaniel or Cleopatra anymore. I certainly will not trust anyone in this cult anymore. I’ve considered myself their prisoner, but I might as well have become the warden. Never again, if my plan goes right, Mr. Krueger will live, and he can escape. Wish me luck...

No. 37085 ID: c66305
File 151175519165.jpg - (532.37KB , 1832x2048 , D89B6A12-6532-429F-AB69-6768F9A0AB9A.jpg )
Hello, nurse? Hi just wondering if I might get some pepto bismol? I uh- we’ll it’s little embarrassing but I think I got diarrhea...
No. 37088 ID: a1c783
File 151177913038.jpg - (1.11MB , 1439x2157 , Beautiful butterfly 141.jpg )
No. 37089 ID: 3583d1
File 151179434527.jpg - (2.22MB , 2438x3223 , 5F9249C2-F002-4DC6-83FD-D17E2BEA5FBE.jpg )

Yes I am talking to you Scarlet. I see you.

Get out. I want you out of my head. I don’t know how long you have been observing me, but get out.

Unlike Lorence, you watching me is something I can do something about, I’ve cut your feed to my eyes and my art. When it comes to try to spy on me, even with your crows, you are now blind.

If you don’t leave after this I’m going to do to you what I did to that clown who tried to get me in my dreams as a child. Here in my head, in my dreams I have power. And you will feel it.
No. 37090 ID: 3583d1
*Plays this on repeat anytime Scarlet attempts to view Anthony*
No. 37113 ID: a1c783
File 151191535186.jpg - (685.46KB , 1203x1929 , Beautiful butterfly 143.jpg )
No. 37114 ID: 3583d1
Oh uh, thanks. I don’t really consider myself a celebrity or anything. But glad you like some of my work.

Mind if I get that pepto from you though?
No. 37118 ID: ad879d
Oh by the way, it’s good to meet you all. Mind if I get your names?
No. 37119 ID: ad879d
Oh by the way, it’s good to meet you all. Mind if I get your names?
No. 37121 ID: 3583d1
File 151195166812.jpg - (584.60KB , 1536x2048 , 651C1CEB-35A8-4BAD-B398-62863435A9B1.jpg )
You know what I find creepy about this one? This guy kinda looks like me. Seriously if I cut my hair, had a more pointed chin and got some Harry Potter style glasses we could pass for brothers. I don’t really know who this, but when I dreamt about him I had two images, one was a romantic geek who liked fantasy role-playing and drawing, again like me. But the other side of him was... I couldn’t even hear myself think because of all the screaming, the cacophony of wails... it was like I walked into hell.
No. 37122 ID: 3583d1
File 151195379911.jpg - (844.92KB , 1563x2046 , E265ADFB-F6CB-4A95-9B56-D8FE8BBDBCD4.jpg )
I finally saw it, and my assumption about Hell Hound’s identity was right.
By the time this dream started I was already sitting in the stands. The crowd was going absolutely berserk, because this was the final match, Hell Hound and Stitch. Hell Hound entered first, dressed in his kilt and armor, and carrying his customary hatchet, now stained a permanent red. Then Stitch entered, he towered over Hell Hound but neither side showed any sign of fear. In fact they both looked eager for the fight to start.
They didn’t even wait for the bell to ring to signify the fight began. Both of them ran at each other, Sitch swinging that massive Bowie knife with surprising speed Hell Hound got away with a few cuts but nothing serious. He swung at Stitch’s leg but the blade didn’t even seem to hurt in fact it barely did anything at all. There wasn’t even any blood.
It was then I realized that Hell Hound was meant to lose, and Stitch knew it too he had been hoping for real fight but was disappointed with these results. It was now nothing more than a job for him to get done. He made quick work Hell Hound. He treated him like a rag doll, even breaking his beloved hatchet with his bare hands. The crowd was booing their dissatisfaction, this was not the fight they were promised.
But then I noticed the air seemed to get colder, and I saw- no I felt that horrible presence coming off of Hell Hound. Then he did something I never thought capable of. By his determination alone, or maybe stupid luck, Hell Hound actually tore Stitch’s knife out of his hand and stabbed him with it.
Everything went quiet. Stitch slowly turned to see the wound in his side and his knife covered in his own blood and in the hands of someone else. The road of rage, indignation, and pain was enough to wake the dead. Stitch flew into such a rage that he sent Hell Hound flying against the area cage. But he never even cried out. In fact I may have been the only one to see it, but just for a second, it was as if his whole body rippled, and even stranger, the presence that had been with him was suddenly gone.
What happened next... was nothing short of what happens only in hell. As Stitch came in to finish the Hell Hound, perhaps seeking to crush him, Hell Hound ducked and swipped at Sitch not with the knife, but his right hand. There was another pause as we all realized what was happening. Hell Hound’s hand was a claw, his fingers sharped to points. It was then his whole body pulsing as blood began to leak out of him from every orifice. And then he began to change.
Looking back I realize this was the only time I’d ever seen Stich hesitate. His whole body grew in size match Stitch, even his mask changed, becoming like that of a demon. But the worst of all, was that laugh. It wasn’t human. I realized now where the presence had gone, it was no longer surrounding Hell Hound, it was literally inside him, and it was twisting and warping his body into a monster, healing all of his wounds, and remaking the man in his own image.
The crowd was no longer screaming for blood, they were screaming in horror. Stitch suddenly lunges at the new Hell Hound but now he truly matched him in speed as well as size and strength. And instead all he did was side step him and hit him in the back of the head, and Stitch dropped like a stone. There was one final pause, before all hell broke loose. Hell Hound looked around at the screaming audience, then ran at the cage walls of the arena and they shattered. The arena had become his killing floor. They were all slaughtered. Even some guards who looked like immortals were torn apart in gorey mess. And all the while, Hell Hound, no, the monster who used to be Hell Hound laughed. When it was over Hell Hound went over to the unconscious Stitch, and dragged his unconscious body into a corner and dropped knife at his feet. I don’t really know why he didn’t want it. After all Stitch broke his Hatchet. Then he left.
He’s out there now, free. And I don’t think want to see him ever again.

No. 37124 ID: ae9b99
*sneaks into Anthony's empty room and sends the drawing and journal entry page into the void*

Nope! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvdf5n-zI14

inner thoughts: but I'll admit, the drawing does look nice, right Demoria? you now have a nice little portrait of me in the void to look at and admire.

No. 37150 ID: a1c783
File 151208301034.jpg - (361.82KB , 1437x767 , Beautiful butterfly 145.jpg )
No. 37151 ID: a1c783
File 151208436176.jpg - (376.51KB , 1748x606 , Beautiful butterfly 146.jpg )
No. 37153 ID: 3583d1
Good to meet all of you!

*eyes widen and begins to step like he’s got problem going on in his gut*

Uhhh, not be rude or anything but mind if I get that medicine from you now?
No. 37156 ID: ae9b99
No. 37170 ID: 11c9ff
File 151219078864.jpg - (635.88KB , 1640x2046 , 022B5889-8475-408D-8131-368740C45289.jpg )

When did I draw this? Jesus Christ this is the second one I found. Am I going insane? I might be, because you know what I realized? I never saw Mr. Krueger’s death. He was dead long before I ever got here. I was dreaming, I have to start taking measurements to make sure I’m not dreaming.
No. 37173 ID: a1c783
Look at what she made you become and she wasn't even addressing you as Scarred Ana. If you wish for a retribution achieved through violence, just be careful what you aim to do. Mistakes will cost you dearly
No. 37174 ID: 11c9ff
I know, but the bigger question here is what is Anthony seeing right now or what is happening to him that is making him draw these.
No. 37176 ID: a1c783
Well it is the anger that Scarred Ana used to manifested that image in collective unconscious. Anthony didn't draw that
No. 37177 ID: 3583d1
Well then that's beauty of seeing something in a collective unconscious thought, one may feel a certain emotion so strong and terrifying that it can inspire worry in the hearts of the enemies, but that doesn't mean one will act upon them.
No. 37192 ID: ae9b99
art request for author: if Anthony were to choose to hire a curator to protect him from danger, considering he is a famous artist in this universe, what would a list of curators available for him to hire look like?
No. 37195 ID: 042dc0
File 151251347898.jpg - (424.19KB , 1678x739 , Beautiful butterfly 148.jpg )
No. 37196 ID: 3583d1
*comes out of nearest bathroom, a look of relief on his face*

Ohhhhhh, that's much better. Hi doc, or Other Father? Your helpers here already gave me a bottle of pepto bismol, this should really help me out with my problems downstairs, if you get my meaning, ha ha.

Hey why does everyone look so nervous?
No. 37197 ID: 3583d1
Later that night...
No. 37198 ID: 3583d1
File 151252008667.jpg - (655.65KB , 2578x1535 , B36BEFAD-2A25-443A-ACC9-F2CCAA25E27B.jpg )



No. 37199 ID: 3583d1
File 151252027692.jpg - (772.29KB , 2732x1536 , 42D8A986-4D6C-460F-88D3-605671D3B0C4.jpg )

Oh. Damn.
No. 37201 ID: 3583d1
File 151252180307.jpg - (571.34KB , 2116x1536 , 1C353A8B-C24D-4F57-B387-0943E55EAD49.jpg )
I guess this means I am awake.

Writting in hidden ink again. I never had night terrors as a kid, but I don’t think what I am experiencing right now is a night terror. The closest thing I can equate it to is schizophrenia. My dreams are getting harder to tell from when I am awake. Even now, I’m seeing things I shouldn’t, that I know aren’t there and I have to use a top like I’m in fucking Inception just to make sure I’m not asleep. I’ve secluded myself in another room I found. It’s dark and smells like mildew, nothing but concrete floor and four walls, but it’s all I need. I don’t think anyone comes back here, and I’ve checked so see if there are any surveillance cameras or something hidden where I can be observed. I’ve designated this place as my panic room, right now I’m just trying to calm myself down.
I feel bad for lying to those nice people at the medical supply room, but before I discovered this place the only place I felt I could write these secret entries was in the bathroom stalls where I know wouldn’t be observed. I needed an excuse in case I needed to keep track of something on short notice. It’s also where I’ve plotted my tool against Lorence, just in case I need to move quicker than expected.
Like I said, I feel bad for lying to the doctor and his helpers, but I feel worse for getting people hurt or killed with my art. I just wanted to do what I love, I never wanted to hurt anyone. But here I am, being secretive, and knowing that I’m fucked if I am caught, and probably fucked even if I’m not. I’ve decided to talk with Balian tomorrow morning, I suspect he may be in trouble. I’m going to tell him and Godfrey everything I’ve learned. If there is a way I can save my friend I’ll do it.
You know what really sucks? I don’t know who else I can tell. I want to tell Cleopatra and Nathaniel, but I’m scared I’ll get them hurt too.
I can still see everything, they are moving along the walls, eyes are staring at me. I’ve made a circle of protection made up of my drawings, that white chess piece I found and I’ve got my ivory mask and the wooden sword Balian gave me. I am safe, it’s all good.

I am a hero.

No. 37202 ID: 042dc0
No. 37203 ID: 042dc0
File 151252769227.jpg - (291.91KB , 1520x620 , Beautiful butterfly 149.jpg )
No. 37204 ID: 3583d1

*spins top*






Alright you are real, who I need to see? There's only a handful of people I actually want to see here.
No. 37205 ID: 042dc0
File 151253133720.jpg - (279.15KB , 1305x646 , Beautiful butterfly 150.jpg )
No. 37206 ID: 3583d1
*spins top*






Can he come here? I don't want to leave the circle, I can't let them get me.
No. 37207 ID: 042dc0
File 151257818239.jpg - (167.83KB , 1221x550 , Beautiful butterfly 151.jpg )
No. 37208 ID: 3583d1
*spins top*






His clinic? I’m sorry but that sounds a little too convenient, what kind of clinic is it? If it’s one where I am going to be locked away then forget it. He comes here, if he wants to meet me then it has to be on my terms. I’m sorry, but I don’t know who I can trust anymore.

By the way, I never told you I figured out what my art has done. So either you figured out on your own that I now know or someone has been talking.
No. 37209 ID: 21023d
*spins top*






Look, just prove to me you aren’t lying to me, and that no one will be hurt if I do go. If you can do that then I will come with you to meet Magus.
No. 37210 ID: 042dc0
File 151258943742.jpg - (385.21KB , 1664x599 , Beautiful butterfly 152.jpg )
No. 37211 ID: 3583d1

*spins top*






Lorence... That snake. I hate him the most. Do you have any idea what it is like to not trust yourself not trust your own mind? Because somehow people see me, and I can't do anything? I want to die, I want to live. I want to take back everything. I don't want to be a little pawn in someone else's game, I don't know who your "little birdy" is, but I feel hurt and cheated. I feel like I've used like a gun, I am responsible for the death of I don't know how many people...

What hurt the most... Is I don't know how much Lorence has accommodated me just to keep me working for him. My friendships, Cleopatra... What if it's all been just to make sure I don't question anything!?

It hurts so much...
No. 37222 ID: 042dc0
File 151260846948.jpg - (646.19KB , 1566x1729 , Beautiful butterfly 153.jpg )
No. 37223 ID: 404570
*spins top*






... Tell him i'll be along shortly... I just... give me a few minutes to collect myself...
No. 37224 ID: 7088a5

what the shit is going on with you
No. 37225 ID: baed16
File 151262725319.jpg - (576.69KB , 2048x1556 , C3787D08-27C2-40FE-B2AF-6F9B61DDB21C.jpg )
You tell me.
No. 37227 ID: 042dc0
Who is this NotDog person? As for Magus he doesn't look like that, soon you will see who he really is
No. 37229 ID: baed16
Notdog is another quest author, and while she was probably looking at what I’ve been posting as spam and just wondering what the hell im doing, I decided to just have some fun with it like due Anthony freaking out and seeing/hearing things that aren’t there, he actually saw Notdog and heard her and responded.
No. 37230 ID: baed16
File 151264353334.jpg - (393.69KB , 640x720 , F761CB58-22F5-44E4-AE5C-A21552B2B472.jpg )
by the way Notdog I hope I did you justice by modeling you and your hoodie off of your awesome cow suit XD
No. 37231 ID: 042dc0
No. 37243 ID: 042dc0
File 151286877824.jpg - (487.60KB , 1520x1985 , Beautiful butterfly 156.jpg )
No. 37246 ID: 3583d1
Really? Well I guess i'm 1-for... I don't know, probably too many people.

I certainly don't feel like a great man, I feel like one someone that's hit rock bottom and found that it's quicksand. Sorry, how did I help you?
No. 37250 ID: 51137e
Hello, I just heard from one of the doctors about what is happening and I would like to see Anthony, now or I will hurt someone.
No. 37251 ID: baed16
Babe? Oh thank god...
*falls into her arms, almost in tears*
No. 37252 ID: 51137e
It will be ok sweetie. I'm here and I promise to stay right by your side. Doctor, what is wrong with him? Please help him. Please...
No. 37254 ID: 39a6ad
File 151299677209.jpg - (238.68KB , 965x984 , Beautiful butterfly 157.jpg )
No. 37255 ID: 21023d
And what exactly have I done? People have gotten KILLED because of me, I never wanted to hurt anyone...
No. 37264 ID: 39a6ad
File 151309618821.jpg - (185.47KB , 1269x586 , Beautiful butterfly 158.jpg )
No. 37265 ID: 63e641
Which one was that?
No. 37267 ID: ae9b99
Here is a fun game for Anthony: look through your previous artwork, and try to guess which
No. 37268 ID: 39a6ad
File 151318313217.jpg - (730.62KB , 1616x1449 , Beautiful butterfly 159.jpg )
No. 37269 ID: 3583d1
Joseph Krueger... You’re alive!
No. 37271 ID: 39a6ad
File 151321765475.jpg - (442.69KB , 1212x1153 , Beautiful butterfly 160.jpg )
No. 37279 ID: 3583d1
How though? My artwork was responsible for your.. death, as well as getting other people hurt and killed. I know a woman has been put in prison because of me.

Your death wasn't even an accident, it's because Lorence just used me like a gun and found out that you have a lot potential to turn on him and he used that to as justification to attempt to kill you, and who knows how many others are going to be screwed over because of me...
No. 37306 ID: 3583d1
File 151363147509.jpg - (680.65KB , 1535x2108 , 2B2DD6FA-ECBF-4B7B-95DB-925F2E71CEC3.jpg )
One mother thought her son dead, the second mother saved his life.

One mother held him at night, the second mother hid in the shadows.

One mother gave him life, the second mother gave him purpose.

One mother was human, the second mother was a demon.

Both mothers love their son, and both would kill to save him.

Both mothers are one and the same.


So if I had my choice of self reflections to see I would want to see one for this one, because something occurred to me the other day. Since Scarred Ana made Desolation a part of herself, that means that her son actually has two mothers. And that got me thinking, what would Desolation think of her son? And maybe that’s how he lived... A mothers love knows now bounds after all...
No. 37312 ID: ae9b99
has Anthony drawn the Bringer of Nightmares yet? maybe you can draw a moment of her life. I kind of want to see her life fleshed out more. If you want some examples, here is some: her during one of her battles, learning fortune telling from Falafaf, or spending time with her family (if you draw her with her family, keep her husband a mystery please) or meeting Roto,

or you can just do a standard portrait of her.
No. 37331 ID: 39a6ad
File 151413471911.jpg - (1.07MB , 1460x2228 , Beautiful butterfly 163.jpg )
No. 37332 ID: 3583d1
Dante Vargas? When did you get here?

As for what I wrote... man that’s literally what happened. They were trying to stop you, as in kill you. But you were moving so fast I could barely see you. Your rapiers we’re moving so fast... it like a watching a dance of death... and it was my understanding you and Lorence already had tension to begin with.

As for Alora Miller. Look, maybe she sent them after me because she felt threatened? And any way I’m not mad at her... I want to give people the benefit of the doubt. Is... is it possible to talk with her too?
No. 37336 ID: 39a6ad
File 151415228116.jpg - (355.73KB , 1269x1066 , Beautiful butterfly 164.jpg )
No. 37337 ID: 3583d1
God damnit...

Then I’ll go to her.

Besides... I’ve had one other dream. And Lorence doesn’t know it... but let’s just say I keep it somewhere he won’t find it.
No. 37338 ID: 3583d1
File 151415323309.jpg - (630.34KB , 2048x1603 , 3FE75531-D82C-40A2-810E-6EB1A52FB748.jpg )
This time last year we lost a very important character. Absolution passed away this time last year. So to commemorate that moment I drew this, the brothers reunited as humans and seeing the hope that is the future.
No. 37340 ID: 39a6ad
File 151416870583.jpg - (294.63KB , 1077x930 , Beautiful butterfly 165.jpg )
No. 37341 ID: 780a88
I’d love to see it! But maybe wait until Christmas is over, you deserve some time with family as well.
No. 37347 ID: fa044c
File 151424341799.jpg - (776.22KB , 1813x2402 , 379F1133-CE87-4E96-BD2C-8226498FFB35.jpg )
Merry Christmas! I got a new toy today, my own drawing tablet! I’ve been having a blast with it, and I wanted to try and make a character on the drawing software I have for it.

This is Mythweaver, the son of Dreamwalker and Falafaf. I wanted to come up with an idea of what a fortune teller and a god of dreams would have, and I thought he would be a kind of story teller. Anyway now that I have my own drawing software I might do a quest myself, keep an eye out for it. I’ll still play in yours though, this new year is gonna be great!
No. 37350 ID: 3583d1
File 151426594049.jpg - (933.49KB , 2167x1781 , 3574A9A6-2C4E-4199-98EA-F94E83FC724D.jpg )
No. 37351 ID: 39a6ad
Wow I can see the change in your art with the tablet. It looks fantastic. I am so jealous of your art skills and your tools
No. 37356 ID: ae9b99
Oh hey, I think I noticed that you started your own quest. I excited to see how it goes. I'll keep up with it.
No. 37357 ID: 3583d1
Yes I did. I guess this is my new name.
No. 37360 ID: 39a6ad
File 151447171494.jpg - (337.75KB , 1030x1188 , Beautiful butterfly 166.jpg )
No. 37366 ID: c69ce5
Well I wish you the best of luck with your quest, it isn't easy writing this kind of stories
No. 37367 ID: 3583d1
File 151458735649.jpg - (586.13KB , 1535x2292 , D872BCEF-E63A-4655-8E12-EB6D7EC76C7C.jpg )
Here it is. I’m going to present this at Godfrey’s trial. *pulls it out of his pocket and unfolds it*


Yes, Lawrence? Oh... So you’re doing it then.

You’ve left me no other option.

I see, so this is how it ends?


Nothing to say? Good. Just get it done then.

Goodbye, Root.


... weakness can not be forgiven, old friend.

*folds it back up and puts it in pocket*

It’s why I was faking being sick and needing medicine for diaharea. I got this done in the bathroom where I knew I wouldn’t be observed.
No. 37368 ID: c69ce5
File 151459650741.jpg - (307.63KB , 695x1107 , Beautiful butterfly 167.jpg )
No. 37369 ID: 3583d1
I've already said, I'm going to present this at Godfrey's trial. I know Lorence is probably going to be the prosecution and this should shift the balance somewhat.

And are you sure you want to hang on to it? If you are caught with that... Well you've already gotten in a lot of trouble, this could make things worse.
No. 37370 ID: c69ce5
File 151460141096.jpg - (301.88KB , 1200x697 , Beautiful butterfly 168.jpg )
No. 37371 ID: 16913c
Wait really? I thought the Jurors had to have no outstanding biases that could affect the trial. I’m friends with a lot of the the people in the Order of the Cross Ash. Huh... alright who are the other jurors?
No. 37385 ID: c69ce5
File 151477684242.jpg - (321.82KB , 1018x1046 , Beautiful butterfly 169.jpg )
No. 37387 ID: 16913c
I’ll make you a deal, i’ll let you hang on to it, if you help me use this during Godfrey’s trial to help discredit Lorence.
No. 37404 ID: c69ce5
File 151485320614.jpg - (1.21MB , 1748x2138 , Beautiful butterfly 170.jpg )
No. 37408 ID: 3bc6b6
That would be neat, I’d like to have one that is helpful and friendly. Is there a catalog or something I can look through?
No. 37409 ID: c69ce5
File 151494850651.jpg - (514.52KB , 1492x1381 , Beautiful butterfly 171.jpg )
No. 37410 ID: 16913c
I guess a jack of all trades I suppose...? Someone who can help me keep my privacy... and help me out in case trouble comes looking for me.
No. 37412 ID: ae9b99

Suggestors note: I don't think jack of all trades is an option she listed. But by the sounds of what Anthony says, I would assume he is looking for Evasive or Defense, right?
No. 37413 ID: c69ce5
File 151498160261.jpg - (163.52KB , 1114x529 , Beautiful butterfly 172.jpg )
No. 37414 ID: 3583d1
Both I guess? Can I see which ones are available for both sections?
No. 37415 ID: c69ce5
File 151501859497.jpg - (1.06MB , 1748x2108 , Beautiful butterfly 174.jpg )
No. 37417 ID: 3583d1
Inner thoughts: *mind manipulation... Maybe... he could help me with this weird dream vision. It gets really bad when i'm under a lot of stress.*

Withered Ace.
No. 37424 ID: c69ce5
File 151517265868.jpg - (1.64MB , 1796x2666 , Beautiful butterfly 175.jpg )
No. 37425 ID: 3583d1
Look guys no offense but if you want I can explain my reasoning here. See I have had a lot of weird dreams lately. And due to recent events and increased stress it is making me... see things that aren’t there. Like eyes covering the walls, a head with no body... a lady who is not a a dog and wearing a cow hoodie, you see where I am getting at right? So I’m sorry I didn’t choose you, but the mind manipulation I think means that Withered Ace has the best chance to help bring me back to reality when it starts happen... because honestly, it kind of still is. There is blood coming from under the door and it’s making roses grow out of the floor...

So... yeah... I’m sorry guys but I’m just picking the one who I feel would benefit me the most.

*take withered ace’s shard*
No. 37427 ID: c69ce5
File 151520580114.jpg - (1.42MB , 1748x2504 , Beautiful butterfly 176.jpg )
No. 37434 ID: 3583d1
File 151523728940.jpg - (194.39KB , 754x1006 , 59C9E66B-BA13-4874-B7BC-3FFBBCDB9879.jpg )
Good to meet you, Victoria. As a kind of celebratory thing, I whipped this up real quick.

See you curators always remind me of stands from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, so I with that in mind, I drew this.
No. 37436 ID: c69ce5
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No. 37471 ID: 3583d1
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A redone version of this. Now with 200% more gore!
No. 37472 ID: c69ce5
No. 37707 ID: 879724
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What do you think of this upcoming characters?

No. 37708 ID: 3583d1
No. 37709 ID: 879724
Well only thing that I will say is that this characters will be active during the trial
No. 37712 ID: 879724
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No. 37714 ID: b0f04f
Interesting, something about her reminds me of hellraiser
No. 37715 ID: ae9b99
I predict she'll be one of the jurors in Godfrey's trial.

Also, I hope she doesn't go outside all that often. constantly having to hold that mask in front of your face in the fog seems pretty risky.
No. 37732 ID: 879724
Oh yes she will be connected with the trial, but I will not spoil the surprise in which way she will do that
No. 37744 ID: b473ab
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Because my colleague said that drawing nudes here is like a tradition. So I decided to do make some drawing of my old characters. Why I did this, honestly I have no idea. Probably because I am bored
No. 37746 ID: 3583d1
Sexy silverware is best silverware
No. 37747 ID: b473ab
No. 37885 ID: 96292d
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No. 37886 ID: 3583d1
Something tells me she is the power behind the throne with the smiling sinners.
No. 37888 ID: 96292d
Well this character was my inspiration for Rosemary

No. 37937 ID: 96292d
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Will you be my Jesus?

No. 37938 ID: f04559
No. 37941 ID: 96292d
Well she is asking a question, can you guess the identity of the person hearing that question?
No. 37942 ID: 3583d1
Either one of the wooden dolls (particularly that one who was into the really freaky shit) or one of Lorence's followers, perhaps Lorence himself if Dante did go through Anthony's picture.
No. 37943 ID: 96292d
The answer might surprise you
No. 37945 ID: ae9b99
I bet it is Anthony...
No. 37946 ID: 96292d
That would be too obvious, so no
No. 37948 ID: 96292d
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So what do you think about this character. Will it be a help or hindrance?

No. 37950 ID: ae9b99
No. 37953 ID: ae9b99
reason why I say both because it seems there is a light and dark duality in this character, and has the last name "doubleton"

also, has a rabbit costume. I wonder if this character knows Robbit. I'm also getting an Alice in Wonderland vibe with this character

If I were to guess, maybe this character has "Dissociative identity disorder"? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8JzA2B5Z7I
No. 37981 ID: 96292d
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What do you think about this character?
No. 37982 ID: ae9b99
bad guy
No. 37984 ID: 96292d
What gave you that idea?
No. 37985 ID: ae9b99
Basically his name "general Fogwilled Disperser" implies he is someone who uses the fog to his advantage, or spreads the fog in areas that haven't been fogged up yet.

plus, he is a general, only army I can think of in this story that may have a general is Root's, and right now, it looks like only the fbi is trying to stop this, not the military.
No. 38010 ID: 96292d
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No. 38012 ID: 3583d1
I get weird good guy vibes off of him, Safety Wizard is an important job after all!
No. 38013 ID: 96292d
Well he is like a combination of Papyrus and Toiletnator. He would mostly be a joke characters, I not shre if I will even use this character. I mean I know where he would be in the story, I am just not sure if he is too silly to use him in the first place
No. 38016 ID: 96292d
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No. 38018 ID: ae9b99
Oh, her name isn't labeled. I wonder if that means it will be a spoiler if we knew who she was, like maybe she is related to another character we already met, or we've already seen this character but she is going to get a redesign. Or maybe she doesn't have a name.

I notice she wears all black. Don't know why, but I think she is another cult member. Either that, or perhaps she is potentially a follower of Demoria and Marty because of her all black attire.
No. 38019 ID: 96292d
On the contrary the name of this character I leave it up to you to choose. Name this character how you like it, but talk with the other participator before deciding on it first. This character is something with which I will be experimenting before doing anything bigger
No. 38020 ID: 96292d
Hell let's get more deeper, give this character some defining characteristics. For now this character is a blank page and I only have one aspect about to add to this character rest you can fill in. I am not asking for a backstory only way how this character acts, thinks, solves problems and socialize. I am waiting to see what you came up with
No. 38024 ID: 6c7837
Well her dress is very old fashioned which makes me think she herself is old fashioned in her morals. Someone who is quiet and contemplative. But not in the manner like she has something to hide. Quite the opposite if something displeases her she may not say much but she makes it quite clear that it disgusts her. All in all I see her as something like an old fashioned school teacher, and I mean old fashioned in a very literal sense of “spare the rod, spoil the child.”
No. 38029 ID: ae9b99

Funny enough, I was just thinking of her being a school teacher. A creepy, crabby, old school teacher who will beat her students if they don't behave, or don't act proper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJNekD3dnQY

I would say her behavior would be of old fashioned, grumpy, Persnickety, and very strict. Wants everyone to be on their best proper behavior and would yell at you or even smack you if you don't walk properly near her.

If I were to compare her to other characters, I would say I'd compare her to:
Ms. Bitters from Invader Zim: http://zim.wikia.com/wiki/Ms._Bitters
The Perfectionist from Courage the cowardly dog: http://courage.wikia.com/wiki/Perfectionist
Ms. Censordoll from Moral Orel: http://moralorel.wikia.com/wiki/Francis_Clara_Censordoll

She of course doesn't have to be a teacher, but I would love her to have the personalities I've explained

As for her name: Ms. Feasance? Or maybe Ms. Derision?
No. 38031 ID: 216755
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I never associated this character with being a teacher, but now that I think about it that profession fits her like a glove. As for her demeanor it comes with the profession I guess. I really like her name Ms. Feasance if the other participator also agrees this can be her name. Now I previously said that there is one aspect that this character has, it is more how she sees her true goal. Well that one thing can be explained with this picture, when I created this character only this was her defining characteristic because of what she is and because I wanted her to strive toward something tangible
No. 38033 ID: c81293
I’m cool with it!
No. 38039 ID: 216755
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Alright so we all agreed on the name of this character
No. 38040 ID: 216755
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Next on the agenda is for me to introduce the best friend of Ms. Feasance. Now you can think of a good reason why those two are best friends. You can be creative when constructing this part of Feasance's social interactions. As for this characters name Gray Eyes, well that is more her nickname. So if you want you can give a name to this character as well

No. 38044 ID: ae9b99
hmm... before I think of their social interactions, may I ask what kind of personality Grey Eyes might have first to go off of? or would you like for us to think up her personality as well?

When I look at Grey Eyes, I'm getting a feeling that she is the type of character who is emotionless, numb inside, very stoic. Very rarely does she feel happiness, anger, or sadness. Nothing really phases her. I would relate her personality to Anita from darkstalkers http://darkstalkers.wikia.com/wiki/Anita
or Presea from Tales of Symphonia http://aselia.wikia.com/wiki/Presea_Combatir
This is of course going by looks. I don't know if this is her true personality.

Well, depending on what personality Grey Eyes might have regardless, I feel they are best friends because Grey Eyes, unlike most people, is able to tolerate Ms. Feasance's criticisms and grouchiness while most others would try to stay away from Ms. Feasance out of fear, or to avoid spending an hour getting lectured for something trivial like not standing straight. Grey Eyes even takes her lessons to heart so she can be a better woman towards other people, and perhaps find a lover.
Because of Grey Eye's tolerance, Ms. Feasance slowly started to open up a bit towards her, giving Grey Eyes a better understanding of why she is so grumpy all the time. She is even proud of Grey Eyes for following her criticisms and lessons so diligently, seeing her as a teacher's pet in a way. Right now, Ms. Feasance is trying to teach Grey Eyes to feel some kind of emotion.

I also kind of see Grey Eyes as Ms. Feasance's maid and body guard.

I'll let Harbard name her this time. But I'd like to also hear what he thinks makes Grey Eyes and Ms. Feasance best friends.
No. 38045 ID: 3583d1
Hmm well I do like her personality idea of her being stoic, but I think maybe it would be more from abuse. She feels nothing because she’s trained herself to feel nothing. As for her name of Grey eyes I considered the possibility that she is blind, but that feels like it would stealing from Laura’s story. However another possibility that I’ve could see happening is the possibility that she’s become so numb her eyes matched her personality, numb and like a grey stone.
As for why she and Mrs. Feasance are best friends? Well if she is so stoic and like a rock by this point then I would put “best friends” with a degree of doubt and cynicism, she isn’t treated well by Feasance but abuse is so familiar to her now that it’s like as good as she gets. But Grey Eyes would be more like her “Disciplinary Committee.”
As for her name... I done really know why but I like the name Amelia O’Brian.
No. 38046 ID: 216755
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Alright her real name has been decided, and the friendship is based out of tolerance the presence of one another. As for her as for her having experience with abuse or being her maid and bodyguard is something which I don't really think it fits her. I did create this character to be emotionless, numb inside, very stoic. But the reason why she is like that is because she comes from a village where people only worked hard on the land, they never had much communication only working endlessly. That never ending routine is what molded her into being so detached from everyone and even from her own emotions
No. 38047 ID: 216755
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Alright now is time for a curved ball. This is Ms. Feasance second friend, now why would these two be friends and what do you think is the characteristics of this character?

No. 38049 ID: ae9b99
Narty Darty's characteristics:
Narty Darty is the kind of girl who loves to party. She loves nothing more than dancing at raves, and drinking until she is drunk and wasted until she passes out. She seems to be of high school age, I would say 18 years old. Or at the very least 18-24
She is very cheerful, outgoing, friendly, loud and hyperactive. she always looks on the bright side of things even when everything are at their bleakest, and often seen as a pollyanna.

However, she can be very annoying to a lot of people, and she tends to speak very fast to the point where people have trouble understanding what she is saying. She is also very airheaded on a lot of things, but she does have a lot of hidden potential and intelligence when she needs to be.

However, just because she is a Pollyanna and very friendly does not mean she doesn't have a dark side. Narty Darty isn't afraid to kill if she needs to, and could even find it fun, hilarious, and exciting. She sometimes have to be put on check if things get too out of hand with her

Whatever you do, do NOT give her sugar, or coffee. She will go absolutely bonkers and will be a safety hazard to your health.

I would relate her personality to
Tiny Tina from Borderlands: http://borderlands.wikia.com/wiki/Tiny_Tina
GIR from Invader Zim: http://zim.wikia.com/wiki/GIR
a little bit of Ed from Cowboy Bebop: http://cowboybebop.wikia.com/wiki/Edward

and her darker personality can be related to Peri from Fire Emblem Fates: http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Peri

Why she is Ms. Feasance her friend:
Ms Feasance, because of her strict lectures on people she deems uncouth, was assigned to adjust Narty Darty's attitude. While at first, Ms. Feasance could not stand Narty Darty's annoying hyperactive attitude, and would have a very hard time trying to get Narty Darty to behave herself to the point where she almost gave up on her, she slowly started to understand why Narty Darty acts the way she does, and began seeing some of Narty Darty's hidden potentials. Ms. Feasance also saw a little bit of herself in Narty Darty when she was about her age, and actually appreciate Narty Darty's outgoing attitude towards her when everyone else tends to avoid her due to her strict and grumpy attitude. Ms Feasance gained a new outlook to train Narty Darty to be the best she can be, and feels more open to speak about personal things with Narty due to her friendly personality.
Narty Darty is friends with Ms. Feasance because she is a very friendly person, and is able to look past all of Ms. Feasance's grouchy attitude. While she does find Ms. Feasance's lectures of being a proper woman boring, and tries to find excuses to get away from those lectures, she understands Ms. Feasance is being genuine when she tries to help her and appreciates it.

Feel free to omit, or add in anything you want.
No. 38050 ID: ae9b99
What do you think, Harbard? got anything to add, or do you want to leave out anything, or do you have a totally different idea for this character?
No. 38061 ID: 216755
Yeah you guessed her personally correctly, also same goes with her reason beeing friends with Ms. Feasance. Also to show what really inspired this character I will show you this old video

No. 38062 ID: 216755
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Alright what do you think is this character's relationship with Ms. Feasance? Also I apologize for this character's fashion sense, it is painful to look at and it is created deliberately that way

No. 38063 ID: 85ac17
He looks like a walking Mardi Gras Parade... He should be be from New Orleans and have an accent like Dr. Facilier and name like Jean Lafayette.

As for his relationship I think it’s in his name what he provides her with. He’s the guy who knows things but if you want to be in the know, then sug’ You gotta pay him, tit fo’ tat, eye fo’ an eye. Secret fo’ Secret.
No. 38064 ID: 216755
Well that was the look which I was going for, also did you see the previous character? What are your thought about her?
No. 38065 ID: 85ac17
I think my companion pretty much laid everything out. The only thing I think he missed is a song to go with her, which I see as this.
No. 38066 ID: 8f7da0
This character's name sounds familiar I think this character was mentioned before in the story but I forgot where

Or maybe I'm thinking of that merchant Ana met who accepted information on people as a valid payment.

I feel Ms. Feasance is a regular customer of this character. She shops for secrets on others to get an advantage on them and learn all about them... She shops so often they know each others name and she even knows how to haggle for a discount. Their relationship is good as long as she gets the secrets she needs at a good price.
No. 38068 ID: 216755
Well that's what I envisioned for this character. To be an ally to Ms. Feasance as a merchant which deals in secrets. As for her name I won't reveal it because it is a secret, also there is something which you already saw on this character's clothing

No. 38069 ID: 216755
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Alright now this is will be a rival to Ms. Feasance. Like previously with Ms. Feasance there is one thing which I will add to this character, but why he is a rival I will leave it up to you to decide

No. 38071 ID: 3583d1
Well I can tell you right off the bat Anthony would be absolutely terrified of him.

As for why they are rivals perhaps it goes back further than the dark fog. The reason she considers him a a rival is he represents something that she never could attain, a sense of freedom from what the world wants us to be.

And I don’t know why I think this guy would talk and act kind of like Patches from dark souls, deviant trickster who delights in punishing the greed of others because he doesn’t have any care worldly possessions beyond what he already has.
No. 38072 ID: ae9b99
I wonder if Cleopatra worked with him considering she was dressed as a jester for a while.

I agree with this statement
No. 38073 ID: 216755
Well I did designed this character to look like a trickster, as for the reason why she considers him a rival is good I can work with that. Only how imagined Ms. Feasance not really recognizing this character in that costume. Also I imagined this character more wanting to be a rival to Ms. Feasance than the other way around

No. 38074 ID: 216755
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You saw the rival but this character will be your opponent. Think of a reason why this character will be your adversary. I would like to hear what you come up with

No. 38091 ID: ae9b99
I like that. why not have it be both our reason, and your reason as to why they are rivals? I think it could work.

When you say "our" opponent, are you talking about our characters specifically, or Ms. Feasance?

If it is Ana's voices' opponent, I feel he is going to be sent by the Ambassador to kill the voices for researching the past to try to discover how to stop the fog

If it is Ms Feasance's opponent, it could be that she either hates how he runs and orders others as the Hive Stub Lord and wants to kill it, or she wants to kill and take the character's position.
No. 38093 ID: 216755
Well the idea is that this story which you are constructing will be from the perspective of Ms Feasance, so Hive Stub Lord is her enemy. What goals would you give this character, how would he act, how would he accomplish his missions in life and how would he feel towards Ms Feasance. That is what I would like for you to focus on establishing
No. 38105 ID: 216755
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No. 38106 ID: f04559
Start em’ up boss!
No. 38107 ID: 216755
Also what do you think of Hive Stub Lord
No. 38108 ID: ae9b99
ready too

Sorry I didn't add add on to hive stub lord, busy. I'll try to think up more things for that character later.
No. 38109 ID: 216755
No. 38110 ID: 216755
Just kidding it's alright, do it when you have free time
No. 38111 ID: 216755
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This is the theme for this character

And this is what he does to people he hates

The rest is up to you, get creative
No. 38121 ID: ae9b99
Sorry it took so long to come up with something. It was giving me a little bit of a tough time because when we were coming up with personality traits, and other things for these characters, I assumed that Ms Feasance and her allies might be cult members, but after seeing her opponent, the hive stub lord, who looks to be working directly with the Ash Tree like Wicker Kid, Whispers, and Presence, I was having a difficult time thinking as to why someone who worships the Ash Tree would want to be The Hive Stub Lord's opponent.

The only thing I can think of is that maybe perhaps the Hive Stub Lord killed, or greatly hurt someone Ms Feasance cared deeply for, and she wants to take him down because of it, or she does not like how the Hive Stub Lord does his ruling, and wants to take his place in a higher position. Maybe it can be both?

For Baseball Bat Man, I feel he is the type of person who spent his years, and put himself in a lot of student loans in a sports college to fulfill his dreams of being a professional baseball player, and after graduation, went of to play off to fulfill his dreams of play professional, but was never picked up, wasting all his time and money, extremely envious of people who are able to fulfill their dreams or make a decent living while he could not achieve his goals in life and was stuck living with his parents because of his immense student loans, especially loathing people who achieved their good living with little to no effort. When the fog happened, he was basically free from his debt, and proceeded to get revenge on people who can achieve their dreams in life with little to no effort.

I'd say he is a friend of Feasance as he appreciates her goals of adjusting people's attitude to the real life, with the apocalypse happening, especially people who believe they can live life on easy mode without repercussions.

Your turn Harbard, what do you think of my character descriptions. These of course don't have to be Baseball Bat Man's backstory, but I thought I would give insight of why he would do the actions he will do, and why he might be Ms Feasance friend.
No. 38122 ID: 216755
Well the way to describe this summery it would be with this
No. 38123 ID: 3583d1
I really like it! I like it a lot!
No. 38124 ID: ae9b99
Thanks everyone

One thing I forgot to add is that his weakness is he is kind of a bad sportsman, showboating when he wins, and being a sore loser when he does not succeed. He is the type of person who when he plays videogames, he teabags people every time he he gets a kill, and always blames his teammates when he loses, never blaming himself. Ms Feasance tends to get annoyed by his bad sportsmanship, and she thinks that might be why Baseball Bat Man was never picked up to play professional baseball. Nonetheless, they still see each other as friends because of Baseball Bat man's appreciation of what Ms. Feasance's teachings and her accomplishments and what her goals are, and because Ms Feasance Appreciates Baseball Bat Man being dedicated to helping her.
No. 38125 ID: 3583d1
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Well in two days is the trial. I gotta say looking at some of my other jurors I don’t think Godfrey’s got much of a chance. Especially with those freaks that like to torture people on the jury with me. I still get funny looks from them.

Anyway I don’t know who this guy is. He looked kind of familiar but I don’t know where, I can’t place, my finger on it but I get the feeling I’ve drawn him before.

When I saw him he was at what looked like a throne room and a labratory. And the lab was filled with this weird black goo, And various animals in tanks and cages, all of whom were spirit parasites. Like all my dreams the guy had no idea I was there or if he did he didn’t care. He was wearing a really weird hat and wore a mask that was somehow smiling and frowning at the same time. And when he sat down he seemed very tired. When he took off his mask and hat... I saw that... his left eye was FUCKED UP! He then took out a picture from his pocket, I don’t really know what was on it and I didn’t get a look. Still he was a very enigmatic figure.

No. 38126 ID: 216755
So do you plan to expose who is Happy the tragedy phantom with this character? I already know who the phantom is and that character has already appeared in so far in the story
No. 38127 ID: 3583d1
If there's one thing I've noticed its that the dimensional cycles have a tendency to repeat but when things are changed people can change as well. Nothing about HTP's immediate background needs to change but do look at the similarities between him and another character.
The theory I have about him also just fits in with the way the story is represented so far. Lets make a parallel chart i'll save HTP's parallel for last

Meat Monster=Scarred
Inspector Crow=Fortune
Tv Head=Box Head
Forgotten Fal=93

But it got me thinking what happened to Logan in certain dimensional cycles? From there it was just an easy skip and putting two and two together. For example, take a look at the eye I drew for him, what happened to his tattoo? If HTP is the equivalent of Logan I think it's a very large possibility that they could be one and the same but from different cycles. Both wear masks that hide their personalities, have an unknown past, have VERY large potential to romance Ana, and love their work.

Like I said it's just a theory but the more I think about it the more it makes sense to me.
No. 38128 ID: 3583d1
And if Im right it only gives Logan's Daughter another incentive to stay on her side too! All Essence would have to do is have Happy walk up to her show her who he really is and boom, she's got more of a motive to stay and Essence can manipulate her easier
No. 38130 ID: 216755
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These two I count as one character, how do you think that they will interact with Ms Feasance? How do you see them as friends or as enemies? What do you think about them, how would you describe their personalities? And finally how do you think that they are functioning together?

No. 38131 ID: ae9b99
Dr. Chop Shop is a doctor who runs a black market on selling people's body parts he has stolen. He is Spiky the Pain Clown's ally >>38069 and the rival of Narty Darty. >>38047

Dr. Chop Shop, and rarely Nurse Peacock, (Nurse Peacock prefers to stay and wait in the doctor's office to clean and prepare for the next patient Dr. Chop Shop brings in) tends to venture out into the forest to look for lost people who may have interesting body parts (such as muscular, mutated, or deformed arms, legs, etc.). Once he finds his target, he knocks the person out, take his patient to his surgery room as they sleep, and amputates a body part of his choice (arms, legs, ears, eyes etc.) while nurse Peacock keeps them alive with those needles of life, and makes sure their patient stays asleep as he works. (as a doctor, Chop Shop is above killing their "patients" despite doing these atrocities on them. He has a policy of doing no harm to his patients, trying to do his surgery on his sleeping patients with as little pain and as non lethal as he can make it.)

After he finishes the amputation of his unwilling sleeping patient, he brings them back to where he first found them as they sleep without the body part he stole from them. Then Doctor Chop Shop sometimes modifies the severed body parts (mutates them, or adds robotic features), and sells and attaches them to people who might want a new and improved body part at the black market, whether it be to replace their body parts with better ones with higher strength, or to replace a limb they might have lost on accident. (That said, we should try to keep Ana away from them as they might try to steal her absolution eye, or her hands with WC in it)

The Reason why he is Spiky the Pain Clown's ally is because Spiky finds the doctor's work as very interesting in a sick violent sort of way, and sometimes even helps him with his black market business, going out looking for patients for the mad doctor. Spiky also finds the money Chop Shop makes to be very helpful for his cause.

And the reason why Doctor Chop Shop is Narty Darty's rival is because he either wants Narty Darty's arms, or he has already taken Narty Darty's old arms, and Narty Darty is upset that he did that to her. I notice in Narty Darty's picture that she has claws for hands, and I'm wondering if maybe those are replacements after Doctor Chop Shop stole her old arms, or if she has always had those claws, and it seems like something Chop Shop would want to amputate to modify and sell to someone.

How they will interact with Ms. Feasance, and how they are enemies:

Since Dr. Chop Shop is the ally of Ms. Feasance's rival, Spiky the Pain Clown, and is Narty Darty's Rival either through wanting to steal her arms, or from Narty Darty being upset that they stole her arms, they are seen as enemies. Ms. Feasance will do what she can to make sure Narty Darty stays safe from Dr. Chop Shop.


Doctor Chop Shop is a mad doctor who loves experimenting on making the human body better no matter how unethical to help people reach their full potential, and loves money above all else, which is why he sells the body parts he amputated to the black market. Despite being a mad doctor, He is very calm and collected, and speaks very soothingly to people. If you did not know about his sick hobby, you might find him as a very pleasant friendly person. I relate his personality to Dr. Xavier Zelmann from the game The Cat Lady http://the-cat-lady.wikia.com/wiki/Xavier_Zelmann

Nurse Peacock is more of a punch clock villain http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PunchClockVillain She holds no grudges against anyone, and she is only working under Dr. Chop Shop to make a living. This does not mean she hates her job. When she first started working with Doctor Chop Shop, she found his work to be atrocious, and disturbing, but for some reason could not look away from his work on people. Eventually, she became desensitized by his work, and even found a hidden sexual pleasure with the amputations, becoming a little unstable herself. Sometimes, while the patient is asleep and the doctor is away from the office, she might have her way with the sleeping patients. her personality is that she is seductive and cheerful.

How I think that they function together:
As I said, Nurse Peacock keeps the patient alive and asleep while Doctor Chop Shop does the amputations. They have no strong feelings for each other, only seeing themselves as coworkers, at most good friends. But nothing that insinuates that they love each other. They both love their work, Dr Chop Shop to better the human body and make money, and Dr Peacock to make a living, and get a sick pleasure from the amputation, putting people to sleep, and having her way with their sleeping bodies.

Side note
Scarlet (this thing >>36967 ) would probably be his best customer, buying or sometimes stealing body parts from him to better his own image.

Closing and question
Now I said the Narty Darty is his rival because the doctor wants to take her arms, or he has already taken her old arms, and Narty Darty is upset with him because of that. I'm leaving that one open to you all to decide. What do you both think, Devoid and Harbard?
No. 38133 ID: 3583d1
Well I love the description of what he does as for his personality and the way he interacts with people I picture him as cross between the medic from TF2 and the Mad Dok from warhammer 40k

Anyway I also think given that his background is in illegal surgery like that I wouldn’t be surprised if he was the one who made Stitch, it fits too well.
No. 38138 ID: ae9b99
interesting. I was going to the calm collective type because it would make him a little creepy, being comforting to talk to, a pleasant person you'll want to be around, but hiding his dark hobbies.

Maybe he can be a combination of the 2? whenever he is in private, or performing surgery, out hunting, or with people who knows his true intentions, he acts like the way you explained, and when he is around people who don't know about his work, he is a calm and pleasant person.

Also, I love the idea of him building Stitch, though this would be an assumption. The aurthor might have a different reason why Stitch is the way he is. But I have a question: do you think Stitch being experimented on was voluntary, or involuntary? Do you think Stitch wanted this?

Also, what do you think of his rivalry with Narty Darty? I gave two reasons because the author might actually have a reason as to why she has long claws where her hands should be. and not because Dr. Chop Shop stole her original arms. If he wants to go with Narty Darty losing her old arms to the doctor, that is awesome. If the aurthor had another reason as to her claws, we can currently go with Dr. Chop Shop trying to steal her arms with claws.

What I'm trying to do, depending on what the characters might be, is to make the next two characters allies with Spiky the pain clown, and rivals to each of Ms. Feasance's allies, like Ms Feasance is rivals/enemies with Spiky, Narty Darty is rivals and enemies with Dr. Chop Shop, and the next two characters will be rivals with Grey Face, and Baseball Bat man
No. 38140 ID: 216755
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I like how you have characterized this character as a shady doctor, how have two mental states calm and collective and crazy mad scientist. The thing that most gave me inspiration was the whole aspect to better human lives with his experiments. And also I like how you use Narty Darty to be be connected with this character. Yes she does have different hands but I am not still sure if he will be the reason why she has that hands. As for all these masks, they all belong to one person. This is just the preview for the next character

No. 38141 ID: ae9b99
Thats fine, if the doctor is not the reason why Narty Darty has those hands, then he will be someone who will want to amputate her hands to take for himself, and sell at the black market.

If those all belong to one person, I might have an idea of what personality(s) this person will have, and who this character's rival might be.
No. 38142 ID: 216755
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Here is the silhouette of that character

No. 38143 ID: 216755
What do you think will be the nickname of this character?
No. 38146 ID: ae9b99
The Dissociative
Or the Vessel
No. 38147 ID: 216755
No. 38148 ID: 216755
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Alright this is the third character, he has a lot of nicknames. It is connected with the masks which he wears, people refer to him with different names. Now because I never revealed his real name you can give him one or you can just refer to him as the mask maker. Now how does this character acts? How is he interacting with Ms Feasance? How are those masks significant to him? And most important question, is he left handed or right handed?

No. 38149 ID: 754c1b
He’s a friend but really he is more neutral than anything else. He claims no allegiance to anyone but would help either side. He is true neutral. He’s made masks for a majority of people to survive the fog, and the more lives he can save with his work the better. The mask bear significance to him because they affect husband personality depending on which one he wears. For example the two faced man can only tell half truths and Blinded knowledge makes him completely boom smart but not exactly wise if you get me. The funny thing is, they all stand as effigies for people he once knew. As for being right or left handed, he is ambidextrous
No. 38150 ID: ae9b99
How does this character acts?
He changes the way he acts based off of the masks he wears, with the weeping deer being his most dominate mask

The Ritual Starter: he is a very religious man, very uptight on people who don't follow the religion, or don't follow it well enough, kind of like the smiling sinners (though he isn't a member of that group). People come to him to help them start religious rituals, and religious sacrifices as he knows all the chants and prayers by heart, and the methods of performing proper sacrifices and rituals. He tends to be envious of people who are more holier than he is as he wants to reach a higher rank, yet feels he does not get the respect he thinks he deserves, which is why he is pretty uptight with his religious beliefs.

Force of Nature: a violent aggressive angry person who loves nature, and hates technology to the point of using violence to take out his aggression on people who relies to much on technology, especially those who use technology to hurt the environment. He is known also to be a gardener, planting dangerous plants such as poison ivy or brambles, and undiscovered plants (some otherworldly) to use as traps and weapons against people he is targeting. People hire him as an assassin, or a soldier. To get an idea of his personality, think of the Floran race from Starbound, except not as stupid, but just as aggressive, and more angry.

Blinded knowledge: a very intelligent man who seeks meaning into the unexplained like life's meaning, and approaches questions and problems scientifically. He is a polar opposite of the ritual starter as he is not a religious person like the ritual starter is. He is also very good with math. He is also known for being a big eater whenever he is thinking about life, universe, and everything.

The beauty: He sees himself and acts like a woman when he wears this mask to the point of tricking people who don't know him into thinking he is a woman. (s)he wants nothing more than to be the most beautiful person that people would lust for, and will do just about anything to make that happen.

Two Faced Man: he is a professional scam artist, and thief. He can take people's money and valuables right under their noses, and tricks people into signing deals with him. He also sometimes steals from his allies, though they never catch on that he is the one that steals from them. He even tends to steal from the other masked people The mask Maker puts on, which makes things very surreal.

Prideful Bird: he is very narcissistic, self gratifying only caring about himself, thinks he is better than everyone, and tends to be an attention seeker. He is known for being a great hunter and fighter, and displays the animals he has killed, or takes objects of people he has killed as trophies of his accomplishments.

The Sadness: he feels he can never amount to anything, always feeling daunted by trying to better himself for fear he might waste his time, and spends all his time crying about how worthless he is, crying himself to sleep, and never doing anything. A lot of people see him as a waste of space because of him spending all his time lazing around as he self pityies himself instead of working to become a better person. I relate him to the negative man enemy from Mother 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPaLaKygHBo

Finally, Weeping Deer, the mask maker: the most dominate mask among the eight. One may think he is depressed with his name being "Weeping Deer" but that is not at all true. His mask is actually weeping with joy at how beautiful everyone and everything in life is. He has an uncanny ability to read people's aura and their emotions by just staring at and talking to them for a short amount of time. Based off of what he see's from people's inner self and personalities, he designs a mask based specifically on the type of person they are.

How is he interacting with Ms Feasance
He is an enemy of Ms. Feasance as he too is an ally of Spiky the pain clown along with Dr. Chop Shop. Though he does not have a real grudge against Ms Feasance.
He is actually more of Grey Eye's rival. While he can easily read people's aura and emotions, he however see's absolutely nothing from Grey Eyes, which is something he has never encountered before, which scares him deeply. He see's Grey Eyes as inhuman, unnatural, and sees her emotionless demeanor to be a threat to everyone. Each of his alter egos also have a different opinion on her, most of which are negative. The ritual starter wants to sacrifice her, Force of Nature wants to kill her, Blinded knowledge wants to do intense research on her, The beauty feels grey eyes' unnatural emotionless demeanor is not beautiful enough to exist in this world, Two Faced Man hates how he can't use her emotions to scam her as she has no emotions, Prideful Bird wants to prove he is better than her, and the Sadness is too depressed to even care.

How are those masks significant to him: I think each mask were made by him. They are probably masks each representing people he knew and cared for that probably died, whether they are his friends, or his family members or both is up to you. He wears those masks to act as the people he had lost. Sometimes he gets into character of the person he is acting as so much that that he forgets who he originally was.

is he left handed or right handed? depends on the person he is.

Mask Maker: left
The Ritual Starter: Right
Force of Nature: Left
Blinded Knowledge: Right
The Beauty: Right
Two Faced Man: Left
Prideful Bird: Right
The Sadness: ambidextrous

side note
I hope you all noticed that I based each of Weeping Deer's alter egos off the 7 deadly sins.
No. 38160 ID: 216755
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I like how you described the mask maker as a person who is neutral, also I find it funny that Gray eyes is his rival. That aspect that the masks are representation of people who died is an interesting idea. Now this will be the last character. What is she like? What's her real name? How is her interaction with Ms Feasance? Have fun constructing the answers for all the questions

No. 38161 ID: ae9b99
What is she like?

She see's herself as an ally to Spiky the Pain Clown, however, sometimes Spiky forgets she exists or forgets she is even a member of his crew. He sometimes does not even call on her in roll calls.

She is also rivals with Baseball Bat Man as she is annoyed and angered at how he complains and yells about being unappreciated for his skills annoying everyone he comes across when she herself never gets noticed at all even when she tries in the first place.

She doesn't really stand out despite the fact she wears clothing that would make people think she would, and tends to be unnoticed by a lot of peole. A lot of people also tend to even forget that she exists, sometimes even unintentionally ignoring her whenever she has something to say. whenever people look at her, at most they think they might briefly have seen a ghost, but writes it off as just imagining things, only noticing her if they really focus.

While she is upset by people often not noticing her like she is an invisible, she does have a hidden appreciation of her uncanny ability to not be noticed, as she is able to be a perfect spy for Spiky the Pain Clown, gathering information without being noticed. She is really skilled at being stealthy even in highly secure areas.

What's her real name?


How is her interaction with Ms Feasance?

As she is the 3rd, and last ally of Spiky the pain clown, and Baseball Bat Man's rival, that makes her another enemy to Ms. Feasance. However, Ms. Feasance usually doesn't notice her to have a strong opinion on her, and doesn't even know she exists. Baseball Bat Man tends to be the only one who notices her for some reason, and often gets annoyed by her teasing him.
No. 38172 ID: 216755
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Alright now that all character are introduced, we can play matchmaker. What I am referring to is who of this characters would be best for a relationship with Ms. Feasance. A long lasting couple is what I am referring to, but if you don't see Ms. Feasance as a character who is not interested in relationships that can be a valid option for her as well. Also the reason why I only put these character, is to only keep it concentrated on the ones who will be appearing in the story that follows Ms. Feasance

No. 38174 ID: ae9b99
Love will only get in the way of her goals. She is focused. No relationships.
No. 38176 ID: aad923
I’m with this, she is A-sexual, all business.
No. 38180 ID: 216755
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So her being A-sexual, I can work with that. Now how I imagined this characters to be implemented will be something like a story after the main story. The part which follows Ana will be the mains story and this will be something like an epilogue to the whole saga worshipers of the Ash tree and cult thing. These character will appear in the main story but they will have small roles. What I want to know from you is this question, what do you think the story of the epilogue will be and do you think that the main character is a good person?

No. 38181 ID: 3583d1
I guess that’s depends what happens and who this protagonist is and how they were rasied. For example say it was Logan Tiova, son of Ana and Logan, then he would be a good man but perhaps due to growing up in a world where’s death is common it would either numb him to it or make him fight all the harder to make life mean something. I’m not gonna lie, it seems to be a theme with R&B. Evil starts out small and grows like a poisonous weed and those who partake in it eventually grow numb to its presence to where it’s only life for them. It would be a great kind of man indeed who would be able to resist the ideas of a world like that...
No. 38182 ID: 216755
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Well in the epilogue story this will be your protagonist. Also that part won't take place 18 or 20 years after the main story, the epilogue story will continue immediately after the main story ends

No. 38190 ID: ae9b99
Yeah, I think it depends on Ana's, and everyone elses actions on this world that will shape the type of person she will be. As it stands though, judging by the personality we've given her, I'd say she is not a good person, but she is the lesser of the evil she will be fighting against.
No. 38191 ID: 3c1fb0
uhhh how is she not a good person? She’s done some pretty selfless things. Even when it came to joining the cult she rejected it. I think if she is pushed beyond her limits she will do things without our suggestions but more less I’d say she is pure lawful good, the kind of good who will chose to make a sacrifice and then have an inner turmoil debate whether she made the right choice.
No. 38193 ID: ae9b99
I was talking about ms Feasance being not a good person, not Ana. Sorry i wasn't clear.
No. 38194 ID: 3583d1
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Ohh, that makes sense.

Alright on another note I’ve been mulling over what we know sabout Happy in an effort to figure out his identity. And I think I got it. The funny thing is the answer was pretty much there. I think Happy is Carson, Ana’s former husband from the dead timeline. So here is how I came to that conclusion.

DeVoid told us that he envisioned Happy as “To be a person who already interacted with with you or Ana.” Now granted he then said that “It wouldn’t feel right if it suddenly it revealed to be someone who never even talked to you in this dimensional cycle.” The key word is THIS dimensional cycle.

Think about it, in that timeline Essence had Ana by the proverbial balls, and we find out that she is married to a guy we don’t know. Alright, that’s fair, but we later find out that Essence’s main goal is to set up Ana and Happy together for unknown reasons. I find it unlikely that she wouldn’t set them up in that timeline. She had total control during that time and it would make sense that during that time she would set them up to fulfill, the only reason she stuck around was because we were there and were the biggest threat to her plan. It also implies that Happy is actually more human that we realize.

But this also explains why Essence would hate Laura so much too. Laura was the one who really deprived her of control of Ana, it’s why she had no problem killing her in that timeline because to her all she had to was reset it and change things around so she would be more loyal to Carson/Happy. But then Laura shows up and throws a huge monkey wrench in that plan.

I think this one has a lot more merit than my last one. I drew up what I think Carson looks like. If I’m right i’ll do an entry as Anthony on it but until then it’s just a theory. Thoughts?
No. 38217 ID: 216755
Existence precedes Essence
No. 38218 ID: 3583d1
That doesn't exactly say my theory is wrong... But that is what I am taking it as.
No. 38225 ID: 216755
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One last thing which I want to do with the Inheritance of the legacy is just to give some short segments without context and not in a chronological order. Just to give you enough information for you to speculate what that story will be all about. Happy theorizing, I would like to hear what you come up with, especially with all the information which I have revealed

No. 38250 ID: 299587
Hmm. Well to be honest this has just raised some more questions. The first of which is I know this takes place in right after the main R&B story and I can already infer based on that the fog didn’t go away. However if this is like Scarred Ana’s journey which took years to complete then it makes sense that some of these characters right now in the timeline are still young. But I guess it really depends where we end up.

The second question I have are some of these characters using fake names? The main reason I ask is Spikey is calling someone “sister.” It’s just an interesting idea I have but what if him abandon Feasance are actually Anthony (who for the sake of not confusing him with Anthony Fanart Guy I will start calling Tony) and his twin sister Susan. If the following story is about how Susan, who was already pretty ambitious, actually did manage to take stuff over and her brother sick of her shit just decided to become a trickster and punish people who had the same greed his sister had. I’m not exactly confident in this one but it is fun.
No. 38251 ID: ae9b99
Speaking of this story taking place a couple decades in the future, I'm interested in knowing if Anthony and Cleo stays together all these years and has a child, what would he or she look like in this generation? judging from it being taken place about 18 - 20 years, I'd assume they'd be teenage year at most. This is assuming Anthony and Cleo survives and are still together.
No. 38253 ID: 299587
Yes they would.
No. 38262 ID: 2c648a
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This will be a short story just to explain some things, it will only be for fun and clarity

No. 38263 ID: 2c648a
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No. 38266 ID: 07a884
I’ve got one, and it’s one I’ve experienced myself.
No. 38273 ID: 2c648a
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No. 38274 ID: 559714
When I was oh... 17 or so, I went on a tour of Scotland. My favorite part however was the ghost tour that we went on underneath the city of Edinburgh. See Edinburgh is a haunted city, there are many angry spirits who died from the amount of disease and poverty that took place in the 1800’s. One place in particular was the catacombs underneath the city, which is a place like a cross between dungeon and sewer. The only ones who would stay down there are the dregs of society, orphans, prostitutes, homeless drunks, you get the idea. These days, those underground chambers are regarded as one of the most haunted areas in the world.

Anyway to my story, turns out a coven of Wiccans were staying there in the vaults and and often did communes and seances with the spirits. However in one particular room they set up in, they refused to get the notice of any ghosts, things would also get knocked over and they would receive cuts out of nowhere. So the head of the coven said he would stay one whole night to figure out what was going on. The next morning, it’s said that his eyes were bloodshot and filled with tears of utter horror. He said that they had to move as they were in danger. They ended up moving to anothe chamber. However the head of the coven performed a sealing ritual, blessing these large stones, not to repel evil, but to attract in and trap it. And he placed these stones in a circle forming a demon trap. And it’s still there, I’ve seen it.

When I was on the ghost tour I entered the chamber of the stone circle. What I felt was... a cold that I could feel deep inside, a sense I was somewhere that was dangerous and something was greatly angered at our presence. I’ve never felt such fear before. Our guide told us that if we dared enter the circle we were inviting disaster. He also said that he also has had experiences with this circle. Particularly one about a family who had their picture taken in it. He was the one who took the picture, and after the tour the mother was going through the pictures but screamed in shock at the one of the circle. Because they could clearly see a white clawed hand around the neck of their youngest daughter.
No. 38281 ID: 2c648a
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No. 38283 ID: a67fc3
OOC for a second, this is harbard by the way, just gonna do an RP as a different character for this, it’s weird just calling myself Harbard in this thread

*draws cloak around tighter*

It was cute, but no I don’t think that was real. Also it’s true I never went to Scotland but I know someone who did, he was the one who told me that story.

*inner thoughts: to her it might have been real though, she does look like a rave girl who would consume copious amounts of hallucinogenic drugs.

Anyone else got one?
No. 38284 ID: 2c648a
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No. 38296 ID: 2c648a
Also I must add that you won't be in direct control of the character in this short story. Now you are only a voice
No. 38299 ID: 2c648a
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No. 38300 ID: 3583d1
To be honest I have an easier time believing this one but I do take it with a grain of salt. Stories like this seem to have some truth behind it so while I don't believe everything I do think there is something behind this.
No. 38327 ID: 29390b
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No. 38328 ID: 3583d1
... That one’s true. Maybe not exactly as you tell it. But I know that one is true.
No. 38364 ID: 29390b
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No. 38375 ID: 3583d1
You paint a very dark picture madam. But ive heard a very different version and it had a few things might just change that story. For example, there was also an even where she saved a man life when he was about to commit suicide, or somehow stopping a bomb that threatened to detonate and kill a young woman. Or befriending an injured smith and through her connections, saved his life and made him stronger.

With all do respect Madam you shouldn’t judge people by word of mouth only. After all the biggest difference between angel and demon is what side of the battlefield you stand on.
No. 38416 ID: dcf9f1
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I couldn't resist using this video

No. 38417 ID: 2f1c1e
No. The words I’m saying are my own. And how I know those things are because someone very dear to me told me about them. And I trust her more than anyone.

But if you want I can tell you about how those voices truly work. I have heard them before, and truth be told. they don’t talk to just one person at a time and they could be talking to anyone of you. Who knows maybe some day you’ll hear from them.
No. 38419 ID: dcf9f1
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No. 38420 ID: 6e3aeb
*the only feeling that comes forth is one of sadness*

I have no words for a murderer.
No. 38426 ID: dcf9f1
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No. 38445 ID: 74ee62
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*a feeling of relief and gratitude flood forth*
Another lesson is do not assume all voices comes from one source. That being said, thanks kiddo. You know I never wanted you hurt. Had I known there was even a threat of any bodily harm to you I wouldn’t have chosen to manifest. Thanks buddy I’ll be around if you want to talk. You can tell this to Feasance or not.
No. 38446 ID: dcf9f1
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No. 38451 ID: 3583d1
Your call little buddy. What’s your name anyway? I already have a friend named Anthony. And then there's your "girlfriend's" brother... I’ll call him Tony for the sake of convenience, but I can’t exactly call you NotTony.

By the way you do have your control over what you say, the whole puppet thing was an accident, still trying to figure this out. So sorry about that.
No. 38458 ID: 3583d1
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“Are you sure about this, Anthony?” Victoria said as she hovered behind him “You are already on this ice as it is with the smiling sinners, if Cela finds out about this-“
“She won’t.” Anthony hissed back “As long as I can depend on you for help with this after all you saw the same thing I did.”
Victoria sighed, she did know what he was talking about, something was wrong with the portrait of Andrew Goodwill. With her powers of Mind Manipulation, Victoria could share the prophetic dreams Anthony had almost every night. Together the two of them has dreamt about the painting Anthony had created, there was something else to it. In the dream he had finished the painting and then immediately flipped it upside down and kept working, however they had awoken before they had seen the results of his labor.
“Alright here we are.” Anthony said as he opened the door to Cela Mortus’s chamber. The room was dark as always, which made Victoria’s job of creating an illusion of shadow around Anthony all the easier. In the dark it would appear as a brief shimmer of black and shadow but he could still be touched and held if someone got too close. But still, it was best not to gain anyone’s attention especially given that anyone could be listening in. The two of them approached the tall painting together, slowly and quietly.
“You ready?” Asked Anthony when they were at the foot of the portrait.
Victoria shrugged “Ready as I’ll ever be, partner.”
Carefully, Anthony reached up and took the painting down from the wall, turning it over and unlocking the frame. The painting itself was done a large sheet of paper and when it was unfolded, it revealed the other half of the painting.
It was a stark contrast to painting of Andrew, which was almost all black, this one was all white. The man in it looked towards the sky, with his hands outstretched as if in revelation of a great truth, where as Andrew was looking down with hands that looked to ready to take one’s soul. Most peculiar was that only his right was visible, although the shading suggested he had his left eye as well.
“What is this?” Asked Victoria, he voice heavy with worry and awe.
Anthony didn’t say much for a long time.
“In my dreams, I’ve seen gods fail before Andrew Goodwill, The Demon. But perhaps, it’s no god, but an angel that is needed to end a true demon.”
His words has a silencing effect on Victoria, and when she spoke after what felt like hours she was unable to keep her natural cynicism out.
“Anthony, are you sure you aren’t a prophet?”
Anthony let out a dry laugh.
“God, I hope not.”
No. 38464 ID: dcf9f1
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I can to an additional part on that Andrew picture if you want. But I first need to finish the Ghost stories segment

No. 38465 ID: 8205d9
*a sense of pride comes forth*
Nice going kiddo! I’m proud of you standing up for yourself.

you can if you want to, I think it would be interesting to see at the very least, but yeah finish your current stuff first.
No. 38555 ID: 53fac9
File 152397822051.jpg - (1.23MB , 1748x2368 , Beautiful butterfly 236.jpg )
No. 38556 ID: 51137e
*A sense of puzzlement comes forth*

Hey kiddo? What is she doing? I’m just curious.

And don’t worry, I’m sure you’re probably sick of having me around, I’ll leave soon.
No. 38603 ID: f6f0de
File 152423906164.jpg - (534.04KB , 1696x1247 , Beautiful butterfly 237.jpg )
No. 38604 ID: 3583d1
Oh... Is, she trying to talk to me?

Well I hope I’m easy to talk to. But to be honest she doesn’t seem very nice, you are much more nice kiddo.
No. 38614 ID: f6f0de
File 152432600285.jpg - (928.49KB , 1664x2306 , Beautiful butterfly 238.jpg )
No. 38615 ID: 3583d1
*a feeling comes forward that can only be described as a mental facepalm*

Yeah, because those conversations and deals ALWAYS work out in your favor...
Kiddo I’ve tries talking with a few of those people. Most of them are either crazily psychotic, lethargically apathetic, or obsessive compulsive liars. Rare are the occasions in which the person initiating the conversations actually comes out on top.
No. 38620 ID: f6f0de
File 152441028984.jpg - (809.38KB , 1516x1568 , Beautiful butterfly 239.jpg )

Also, I want more people to know about this project. It looks amazing and I can't wait until it is finished

No. 38624 ID: d626da
*a feeling of shock then worry comes forward*

Don’t do it kiddo. No offense but even talking to me almost got you killed by accident, and I’m one of the nice ones. You can only imagine the kind of things the others might say. I would decline.
No. 38625 ID: d626da
*a feeling of brotherly concern comes forth*
Because here’s the thing bud, remember how you were repeating everything I was saying? I was doing that by ACCIDENT. Now imagine someone who might potentially be more powerful and have a real attitude. I don’t advise you go through with it.
No. 38758 ID: 1dd41c
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No. 38759 ID: 3583d1
*another feeling that can be surmounted to an emotional facepalm comes forth along with a lot of concern*
Kiddo, please don’t tell me you are actually considering this? Ice cream is not worth potential mental or bodily harm.
No. 38829 ID: 1dd41c
File 152596099481.jpg - (913.55KB , 1748x1792 , Beautiful butterfly 242.jpg )
No. 38832 ID: 5ae085
*a feeling of brotherly, almost parental concern for his safety comes forth*
Kiddo, I don’t think she is your friend. Friends don’t make friends do things like this. You can still back out of this, you are stronger than you think. It’s also why I’m going to stay for you bud, I can offer some protection against those guys if you choose to go forward with this. But the other thing is I’m an empath, and I feel feelings and can share mine. The biggest thing you feel most is loneliness, so I’m gonna hang around to show you what a real friend does.

*a feeling of sadness if he is going to make this choice come forth*
I can’t stop you from doin this. I mean technically I could try, with that whole taking control of your mouth thing I did but even then it wouldn’t be right. I’d be controlling you like she does. Look kiddo I highly advise you back out of this... but if you do go on... your best bet it to take the one at the top. Those guys are just... boring. They don’t care for much beyond their own machinations. Whatever you do, don’t pick the one on the right.
No. 38833 ID: 1dd41c
File 152598546703.jpg - (1.12MB , 1620x2016 , Beautiful butterfly 243.jpg )
No. 38834 ID: 3583d1
*A feeling of understanding and comfort come forth*
Based on that it's almost like you follow her out of pack mentality. Following the leader so to speak. I don't get that off of her. The feelings I get off her are more of greed and arrogance. A feeling that nothing bad will happen to her because she is who she is. She isn't someone who I think is worth your time or your devotion.

As for who you should talk to... you can go with my suggestion or go with your gut. The only advice I have about your idea is most stories have some inkling of truth to them. Hope for the best, but expect the worst.
No. 38840 ID: 1dd41c
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No. 38842 ID: 5ae085
Hmm actually kiddo I think it’s very similar to Natty’s question. We need to think of it as a riddle, not as a philosophic question. So far my favorite answer is “a snake and an apple .” Which really is a clever way of saying “free will.” I wouldn’t answer with that though unless we are certain. Let’s think this through, from Natty’s experience with this thing it’s most likely expecting a simple answer, but also one that can be an answer for all of those questions without contradicting the others. So far that’s my thoughts on this.
No. 38851 ID: 1dd41c
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No. 38853 ID: 01f114
HA! It’s not a math question at all! It’s a trick! They have Granny Smith apples! Not Red Apples so the answer is 0! I think I like this guy.
No. 38854 ID: 1dd41c
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No. 38855 ID: 6edf7c
You see why I say she isn’t really your friend...

The answer is A=4cm but he wants them in millimeters so the answer is A=40mm.

If I were you kiddo I’d ask how you can get out from her grasp... after all you did answer two of his questions he should answer two of yours. It is fair.
No. 38856 ID: 1dd41c
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No. 38857 ID: 01f114
I already have everything I need kiddo. But the one thing I would want to know is what can be done or needs to happen for you to be happy in life? That’s all I’d want to know.
No. 38859 ID: 1dd41c
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No. 38860 ID: c857e6
Hmm this has given me quite a bit to think on. Thanks kiddo.

*a feeling of gratitude comes forth*

Should you have need of me again, I’ll be around.
No. 38874 ID: 1dd41c
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No. 38875 ID: 01f114
No. 38878 ID: 1dd41c
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No. 38879 ID: 490101
So what, did we create a Tulpa or something?
No. 38880 ID: 1dd41c
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No. 38881 ID: aed093
Oh crap kiddo did I somehow make you say what I say again?

As for what she said it sounds like what you did was crest a kind of puppet for someone higher up this food chain.
No. 38882 ID: aed093
Oh crap kiddo did I somehow make you say what I say again?

As for what she said it sounds like what you did was create a kind of puppet for someone higher up this food chain.
No. 38883 ID: 1dd41c
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No. 38884 ID: aed093
*a sense of alarm takes over, and the stranger quickly snaps into action taking control of the voice*

I’ve got your back kiddo. Ive known the alpha of this pack before I’m not sure if he is alive now but it might help. I know what to say to them. Just follow my lead and we can get you home safe!

“Hold son of Fenrir wolf, if you seek prey worthy of a saga why do you hunt children who offer no sport or contest worthy of praise?”
No. 38889 ID: 1dd41c
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No. 38890 ID: 1dd41c
File 152631699393.jpg - (61.71KB , 1116x280 , Beautiful butterfly 255.jpg )
I have a message for you in the discussion thread, I hope that you will see it
No. 38938 ID: 4160a6
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What is she god of?
No. 38939 ID: 3719c1
Love and hate.
No. 38944 ID: 91e08c
The God of being Null's meal

Kidding. But he would most likely want to consume her (not in a sexual way you pervert)

God of love and hate sounds interesting... or maybe God of sweets
No. 38952 ID: 91e08c
Actually, it might continue an interesting thing with Null, Demoria, and sweet themed people and things if he targets this character. Null consumed a giant cookie, then Demoria and Null consumed a giant cake. Next would probably a giant lollipop, lol
No. 38980 ID: 4160a6
File 152701693555.jpg - (1.82MB , 2324x3088 , Beautiful butterfly 258.jpg )
Well, you seeing her as a goddess of love and hate or a God of sweets can be understandable. But her appearance has nothing to do with what she is a god of. Also, I must admit as always you inspire me. For instance, can you guess who the person in the middle is? I will give you a hit it is somebody who you suggested for me to focus on at one point
No. 38983 ID: ae9b99
Who inspired you regarding Lollipop? Harbard or me. And how so?

person in the middle: Could be anyone. Maybe the blacksmith under a new identity (you can't see his arms) Anastasia or her grandfather, Gretel's sister. Don't know.
No. 38984 ID: 4160a6
Well, Lollipop is a character which I wanted to implement for a longer amount of time. I wasn't inspired by you for that character
No. 39001 ID: 7c8f18
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No. 39002 ID: ae9b99
Interesting. Funny enough though, when I said I wanted a focus on that character, I was joking at the time.

Will be cool to see though how a character who is meant as sort of a background character or npc gets round up in this mess, possibly maybe playing an very important part.
No. 39003 ID: 7c8f18
Well, you have inspired me and a whole new story was born from one joke. If you want I am willing to make short interviews with the characters from that story. Just pick the one who you find compelling with their looks or the name that I gave them, I will make small conversation between you and that character
No. 39005 ID: ae9b99
I would, but my voice is recorded by a totem, lol. Best to keep things secret on my end

Harbard could do it.
No. 39006 ID: 7c8f18
Listen I promise you that this won't be connected back to you in any way. Because you are not even voices in that story, you are something completely different
No. 39007 ID: ae9b99
You can never be too careful

>>38980 top middle, who is your biggest rival from your previous life before the fog, and who is your biggest rival in your current life? I'm wondering if it is who I think it is, especially the rival in the previous life.
No. 39008 ID: 7c8f18
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No. 39009 ID: 3583d1
I have a question for the same guy, I notice your name is “the fencer’ I can only think of one other person who fences, that being Dante Vargas. Are you familiar with him and if so, do you fence with him?
No. 39010 ID: 91e08c
Forgive my... "ridiculous" question. Though I might not Have been clear enough with what I was asking to have you misheard what I asked... but you may have confirmed something with me which I must thank you for.

Just a few more questions: what are you goals? what are your achievements? Do you see yourself as a leader, follower, or loner?

Also 2 optional questions you don't have to answer if you do not want to: what is your real name? What do you look like under that mask?

Lastly, advice if you choose to follow: modify that mask to have the Ash Tree's symbol. Might sound ridiculous now, but it won't be later.

Thanks for your time.
No. 39033 ID: 7c8f18
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No. 39039 ID: d7c689
Ah, you were being literal when you say said everyone is just walking clothes. I thought you were being metaphorical.

As for how you sound, no idea. All I see are literal English words coming out of what people are saying. I can't actually hear you.

No further questions.

Speaking of medication, shall we bring Dr. Skullious in here? I have the same questions for the Dr.: what are your goals? what are your achievements? Do you see yourself as a leader, follower, or loner? 
No. 39081 ID: 7c8f18
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This is just me making sketches for the possible upcoming character. What purpose do you think do you think this character will be in the story?
No. 39082 ID: d7c689
An intelligent destroyer. Probably wants to destroy the city/forest if the grenade is anything to go by. Maybe a friend of Laura from the FBI? I think She meantion she does have a friend who knows a lot about bombs... but then again, this character is probably too monsterous for her to be associated with.
No. 39084 ID: 7c8f18
Well if I ever end up doing the investigation segment of the story. This character will be your main opposition during that whole part. He won't be something which you will physically fight, you will have to argue with him in debates during the investigation
No. 39090 ID: 9032fc
Well first of all he looks awesome! But I don’t think he’d be that much of a villain. You say he’d be a villain in the investigation part but I think he’s actually the one who would know what actually happened at a point when we would need to investigate and he wants to test us. If we get it it right he’ll help us if not then nope.

But I like how he looks like a god but is drinking a can of Mountain Dew. It makes me think he would be a part of Dreamwalkers D&D game.
No. 39091 ID: 7c8f18

I never mentioned that he will be your opposition, in the investigation but he certainly won't be your friend during that part. It will be interesting how I implement him in the story. Also, what is your opinion on this part

No. 39092 ID: d7c689
If he is our opposition, i would imagine he is going to oppose us by trying to convince the Dimensional Tribunal that the voices are the enemies responsible for destroying the timeline. Not Essence.
No. 39093 ID: 9032fc
To be honest I’m not sure what to think on this one, he’s an odd fellow.
No. 39094 ID: d7c689
Just a question, if Im Test Subject 07 PGB, what is Harbard? Or are we both Test Subject 07 PGB? Or at least acting as a new group of voices for a character called Test Subject 07 PGB?
No. 39095 ID: d7c689
>>39094 I'm of course asking this question to the author, not any characters in the story.
No. 39128 ID: 27c69d
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No. 39136 ID: ae9b99
Hi Uncle Skully. You seem like a decent person. Though I must ask what experiments might you have done to be seen as a "mad" scientist in the eyes of others?
No. 39152 ID: 3583d1
Hi uncle S, do you have anything friend that like to share in the madness?
No. 39159 ID: 27c69d
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No. 39160 ID: 9032fc
My favorite word? Nordic.

The thing I find most striking about you? The fact that agony looks a little like Peppermint Butler from Adventure Time
No. 39161 ID: 5f80fc
Forgive me for not greeting your two friends. But this is your interview, uncle Skully, not theirs. But of it will make you and... "them" happy, salutations, Agony. Salutations Empathy. Our last question is probably What are Empathy's in agony's stories, Uncle Skully?

Anyway, favorite word? Haven't thought of that... Onomatopoeia comes to mind though.

Your robe and skull mask would probably be most striking. It Makes you look like a grim reaper. A figure that guides lost souls to the afterlife.
No. 39185 ID: 27c69d
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No. 39187 ID: ae9b99
Hm, well I can see why they call you a mad scientist now.

I guess my last question is: did these experiments at least volunteer to be experiments knowing the potential consequences, or were they forced into being experiments?

And do me a favor. please say a prayer for the experiments you will be ending the lives of soon.
No. 39189 ID: ae9b99
Speaking of Uncle Skully's momento named Agony, why don't we bring Joyful Agony in here next.

Hello Joyful Agony. What are you goals? What are your achievements? Do you see yourself as a leader, a follower, or a loner?
No. 39219 ID: 3583d1
To add on to this question, did any of the actually DESERVE to the treatment they got?
No. 39224 ID: 27c69d
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No. 39225 ID: 3583d1

I really don’t know what we were expecting
No. 39245 ID: ae9b99
hm, interpretation time:

goals: woof woof woof probably means you are aiming to be a good boy like dogs typically do

achievements: grrrrrr probably means you are not happy with your achievements, or your achievements involve anger in some way

What you see yourself as: meaw probably means loner. Cats are seen as aloof, tends to care for themselves.

...I'm totally wrong.

yeah, it is best to probably stick to yes or no questions with you, Joyful Agony. Thumbs up for yes, thumbs down for no.

So, based off your name, Do you like inflicting pain on others?

Also, do you like inflicting pain on yourself?
No. 39248 ID: a44f1c
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No. 39249 ID: ae9b99
that is very good to hear... or rather see. These days, the world is full of dangerous scoundrels who wish nothing more than to harm others, whether it is for revenge, to get what they want, or sometimes even because they can for the fun of it.

I was told you are an inmate by Uncle Skully. I'm sorry to hear that. Please let me know by numbering with your fingers which of the following is true:

1. were you taken in as a prisoner for something you may have caused that angered the people who imprisoned you, whether you were forced into causing the wrongdoing or not?

2. Did you do nothing wrong but you got kidnapped despite being innocent for whatever reason regardless?

3. Did you willfully turn yourself in as an inmate for whatever reason?
No. 39266 ID: a44f1c
File 152867136124.jpg - (152.48KB , 723x597 , Beautiful butterfly 269.jpg )
No. 39268 ID: ae9b99
hmm... zero. Probably none of the above. then perhaps you were actually here for as long as you can remember, Correct?

And my next question is, are you happy here?
No. 39280 ID: a44f1c
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No. 39282 ID: ae9b99
That was very insightful what you said. with that said, I have no further questions for you. Thank you for your time. You do not need to say anything more on our behalf.

On the subject of not needing to say anything, let us bring The Silent Snail in next. We'll ask the same question we've been asking the others: what are your goals? what are your achievements? and do you see yourself as a leader, a follower, or loner?
No. 39297 ID: a44f1c
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No. 39299 ID: ae9b99
ahahaha. The interviewers becomes the interviewee. A little unorthodox, but a unique approach. I like that.

You seem to be pretty cool though... Alrighty, I'm game. But only on these conditions to make this game more fun: for every question we answer, we get to ask you a question for you to answer in return.
Also, If you ask us any personal questions about ourselves, you'll have to answer us a personal question about yourself in return.

Sounds fair Silent Snail?
No. 39303 ID: a44f1c
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No. 39304 ID: 3583d1
Duh yes. Although with all do respect I feel this question is a little on the nose given certain circumstances.

How I rationalize that is through a very old and wise saying. “Shit Happens.”
No. 39305 ID: ae9b99
And in my opinion, it can be unfair... at times. just as life can be fair at times as well. Really, it depends on the choices people make, how they act, and how they deal with misfortune.

I believe we can now ask you one regular question, but I will wait until you finish asking all your questions before we ask ours, Silent Snail.
No. 39343 ID: ac5c24
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No. 39344 ID: c230cb
I’ve heard this one before, a very similar question was in Silently Hill Shattered Memories, and it’s a paradox. No one person is at fault, everyone had a share in the death of the prince, and at the same time none of them are responsible for the death of the prince.
No. 39345 ID: 5ae921
Interesting. Kinda agree. Though I also think the father of the child should of been punished in some way... at least for leaving his child unattended with freaking fire crackers. Jeez, father of the year, right?

Though the king must be aware of the concequences with whom he punishes. Loved ones might swear revenge, or an uprising may happen or something.

2 questions we get to ask you now.
No. 39348 ID: 5ae921
Ugh... sorry, sorry. That was kind of a cop out answer as I am choosing an answer that was not one of the choices, but it just annoys me me when parents do not do their jobs as parents and neglect or spoil their child for example.

I still think the father should be punished, but if I had to choose one of your choices, the child, because he shouldn't be playing with dangerous firecrackers in the first place.
No. 39367 ID: fcd056
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No. 39370 ID: 5d13f5
Wow, both endings suck. Something tells me based on this you subscribe to the idea of “if everything and everyone is shit, why worry about it?”
No. 39373 ID: 6188dc
Both lead to the same outcome because the king is a lousy leader. Of course he can't punish someone for an accident because he will be seen as a cruel leader. but he also can't choose to blame no one and turn to sadness to cope because he will be seen as too weak, and let others lead for him.

Therefore, because he can't turn to vengeful anger and be seen as cruel towards his subjects eyes, and because he will be fated to turn to sadness and become a weak puppet, having others lead him to do things when he himself should be leading on his own, what he should do at that point is choose someone in the royal family that is more fit to lead the kingdom, and step down as king, and find himself. Perhaps find a new purpose in life, a new hobby or something. From there, there will be no anger, no sadness...

...only happiness. Free from responsibility of what may become of the kingdom he used to rule, avoiding the outcomes of what anger or sadness brings to his kingdom. He owes himself to be happy.
No. 39374 ID: 6188dc
That said silent snail, if one didn't know you better you, they may see you as someone who believes in fate or destiny
No. 39379 ID: fcd056
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No. 39392 ID: ae9b99
hm, seeing as you are in a hurry, we will ask only two questions instead of three... for now. If we meet again in some way, we'll ask our third question. be ready for that.

Don't worry, we won't ask any personal questions since you didn't ask us anything personal. I will ask the first question and leave the second for anyone else here.

our first question: You seem to have a friend, or at least a colleague you can trust... perhaps with your life maybe, I wouldn't know. That is reassuring. At this day in age, in this confusing dark transitional time in life, people have seem to have lost their sense of humanity, only acting for self gain, hurting others, it is hard to at least find some genuine decent people. What I want to know is in this new dark age, how can one like me find trustworthy people and be assured they won't betray or use me for self gain? Or perhaps I should just work alone and trust only myself.
No. 39409 ID: fcd056
File 153021390639.jpg - (605.14KB , 1348x1840 , BB 7.jpg )
What do you think about this character? You can also give a name if you want

No. 39410 ID: b76939
She looks like lollipop. I'm going to call her licorice
No. 39411 ID: 3583d1
Samantha “Black Licorice” Webber
No. 39412 ID: b76939
Do you have a question to ask silent snail, or do you want me to ask the second question instead?
No. 39413 ID: 3583d1
Following up on that, what is your definition of a good person in this age? For me it is someone who doesn't let the world in which he was born into define him or let him make excuses for his actions, that despite it being seen as dumb or stupid they still stand for what is right and for other people who can't stand on their own.
No. 39414 ID: fcd056
File 153023161498.jpg - (1.68MB , 1940x2648 , BB 8.jpg )
No. 39416 ID: ae9b99
one more? ok. Better make this count then. I am thinking either Stalking Thoughts, or that nameless guy in the middle of our list. Probably leaning more towards the nameless one. That said, I'll let one of the other test subjects decide whom we'll interview.

after cleansing, I could really go for some dinner. Maybe soup.
No. 39419 ID: ae9b99
So Devoid, your thoughts on the name Samantha “Black Licorice” Webber? basically I named her Black Licorice based off of how she looks a little bit like Lollipop >>38938 and wanted to continue that candy theme, especially since she is wearing a little bit a dark black clothing. Plus, it was under the assumption that she may be related by to Lollipop in some way, whether as a blood relative such as her sister (therefore another goddess) or at the very least a follower of Lollipop's religion.

even if she has no relation whatsoever, I still think it is a fun name for her.
No. 39421 ID: fcd056
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I really like the name that you gave to this character, it fits. Also, I want to see what are your thoughts about this new upcoming character. On the other hand, we are still waiting on your response in the battle with Essence
No. 39424 ID: ae9b99
I did responded, but I didn't get an answer, so I made a new post.
No. 39425 ID: ae9b99
Also, my thoughts on Black Licorice: I am hoping Black Licorice has some kind of relation to Lollipop, whether she is a follower of Lollipop, or another goddess that will either act as her friend, or her arch nemesis.

I think it is unlikely that she is a goddess like Lollipop since she has the mask that protects her from the fog, so she is most likely a human that follows Lollipop's religion. (That said, I might have an idea of which story she may appear in)
No. 39434 ID: ae9b99
seems we are going to interview the nameless guy. Did our superiors forget to write his name down or something?
No. 39436 ID: fcd056
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No. 39439 ID: ae9b99
ok, I will call you "The Nameless"

You seem depressed. Normally at this point, we would ask what your goals, achievements, and if you see yourself as a leader, follower, or loner, but I have the feeling you will just say "it doesn't matter". Most people when we ask that question tends to avoid those questions one way or another anyway.

Instead, what I will ask: what makes you unique among these other people we interviewed that stands you apart from them? any special abilities, or powers, or skills you would like to share? Reason I ask because you seem to be the most normal looking person among the list of people we have/could of interview.
No. 39440 ID: fcd056
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No. 39445 ID: e2a423
How did you die?
No. 39448 ID: fcd056
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No. 39449 ID: e2a423
Ow that's gotta hurt. To me it isn't death I fear, it is the pain that comes before death. If you can remember and make out what your killer yelled at you that might be helpful, Nameless.

You mentioned the word civilian. I take it you were an authority figure of some kind. What compelled you to pursue a dream of a hero?

Also you mention the 1st big impact. You are referring to the fog, correct? What was the second big impact?
No. 39451 ID: fcd056
File 153065055363.jpg - (1.07MB , 1748x2844 , BB 14.jpg )
No. 39453 ID: ae9b99
So you wanted to do the right thing and save people. Why was that?
No. 39468 ID: fcd056
File 153077260829.jpg - (602.15KB , 1326x1833 , BB 15.jpg )
Obligatory emo song applied

No. 39472 ID: ae9b99
The person you were trying to save, what did they look like? I know you said that there is no purpose in knowing the middle part when the outcome is always the same, but I must remind you that these interviews are being monitored, so perhaps someone who is listening to this interview will have the heart to complete what you started and try and search out and save that person's life in your place where you have failed, thus meaning your life and death wasn't so meaningless as you tend to put it.

And even if you still think your life doesn't matter, you at least saw the person's life you were trying to save mattered enough to attempt a rescue. So yeah. Give a detailed description of the person you were trying to rescue please.
No. 39474 ID: fcd056
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No. 39475 ID: ae9b99
Ah, so that is what Silent Snail meant when he said we should question everyone and everything as we won't know what is a reality and what is a lie. This interview might actually be a hallucination.

Well, even if this interview isn't actually happening, he did tell us to question everything. Might as well ask, what exactly happened after Silent Snail left that caused us to be left alone? is a massacre of some sort is happening right now? Because if we truly are alone, that means we can just leave and not do any more of these silly interviews. inner thoughts: though I do wonder what Skully wanted to show us...

also, this most likely won't work if you don't exist, but might as well ask: may you relieve yourself of your mask and give it to me? just for the hell of it. I could use a mask.
No. 39478 ID: fcd056
File 153086435775.jpg - (1.24MB , 1684x2480 , BB 17.jpg )
No. 39479 ID: ae9b99
the term you are looking for is "ignorance is bliss", Nameless. Really, we were placed here to interview different people on a list without any memories of who or what we are or were. That said, you can tell us what is really going on here if you want.

Otherwise I guess that means these interviews are officially over. I really saw no point in these silly interviews especially since a lot of the answers we get are vague. But the good news is now that we are left alone, we "test subjects" can just chill, relax, and just hang out or something. Gotta appreciate the simple things, right?
No. 39485 ID: fcd056
File 153091548185.jpg - (1.44MB , 1924x2428 , BB 18.jpg )
No. 39489 ID: ae9b99
Hi Uncle Skully. Well considering we a referred to as test subjects, and your experimenting with the fog and how you might be protected by it, one could assume this is a test facility, or laboratory of some kind. Assuming what you told us during our interview with you, I would say its main purpose is probably to do what is necessary to benefit the human race, ergo to help humankind reach their full potential by any means possible.
No. 39493 ID: 4cce9d
Speaking of which why are we referred to as test subjects anyway? That implies we have something to do with what’s going on here.
No. 39494 ID: fcd056
File 153094272151.jpg - (1.29MB , 1748x2480 , BB 19.jpg )
No. 39495 ID: 4cce9d
Well.... nothing ventured nothing gained... what do I look like?
No. 39498 ID: f50580
Oh, I just realized that your momentos Agony and Empathy are missing, Uncle Skully...
No. 39500 ID: 896ddf
File 153099931148.jpg - (1.43MB , 1748x3072 , BB 20.jpg )
No. 39501 ID: 4cce9d
Huh... well to be honest the first thing that comes to mind are the imortal heads from Futurama. The second thing that comes to mind are the singing busts from Disney’s haunted mansion.

“Ohhhhh, When the crypt doors creak
And the tombstones quake
Spooks come out for a singing wake
Happy haunts materialize
And begin to vocalize
Grim grinning ghosts come out to socialiiiiiiize!”

No. 39509 ID: ae9b99
Ahahaha, that is pretty funny, test subject 04 dt+. Actually, I'll just call you dt+. Call me PGB.

but in all honesty, ew. That is gross. But I guess this is our life now. You did say us test subjects volunteered to do this, so I can't complain, can I? at least us brains do not have pain receptors, so I won't have to worry about any kind of pain if I were to die.

Also, Uncle Skully, not only are your momentos are missing, but the design on your mask is ever so slightly different. there used to be small circular designs above your glasses.
No. 39511 ID: 896ddf
File 153108787804.jpg - (1.35MB , 1812x2740 , BB 21.jpg )
No. 39512 ID: dfa6a7
“Now don't close your eyes
And don't try to hide
Or a silly spook may sit by your side
Shrouded in a daft disguise
They pretend to terrorize
Grim grinning ghosts come out to socialiiiiiize!”

Try me, and stop looking so smug about it.

”As the moon climbs high o'er dead oak tree
Spooks arrive for the midnight spree
Creepy creeps with eerie eyes
Start to shriek and harmonize
Grim grinning ghosts come out socialiiiiiize!”

No. 39514 ID: ae9b99
File 153110836362.png - (284.13KB , 1536x843 , huh.png )
Now, now, dt+. The good doctor is only excited that his experiments are gaining results. No need to be rude

as for me, you can show me if you want. I try not to dwell on the past, or worry about the future. I try to focus on the now. Time always moves forward, so I can't mope around over the past. I might actually be happier I am a brain in a jar if I find out who I was. But for the most part, I see myself as a different person right now

By the way, I'm still concerned about your mask, Uncle Skully. There used to be designs near where the eyebrows of your mask are located during our first meeting. Why is it different?

*picture for reference. If it was an art mistake, please ignore*
No. 39515 ID: 896ddf
File 153112535768.jpg - (627.42KB , 1388x1711 , BB 22.jpg )
No. 39517 ID: 64f161
Hmm... just be careful. I am concerned about you getting in trouble if you are not recording something you are supposed to.

I'm still neutral on the decision. As I said, I focus on the now to prepare on my interests in the future. I guess you will take my interest in seeing my past self as a no then.
No. 39571 ID: 3c1fb0

I’m ready, let’s see it.
No. 39576 ID: 896ddf
File 153179079957.jpg - (703.14KB , 1209x1975 , BB 24.jpg )
No. 39593 ID: 1d29df
Okay then, dt+ if you want to see the past, convince me why we should. Right now, I do not see the point of metaphorically ball and chaining us to possibly mope about our past while time will continue to march forward without us.

I'm also kind of interested as to how we can see without eyes. Your work is quite interesting, Uncle Skully
No. 39603 ID: 3c1fb0
That’s just the thing, there really is no reason to press on save curiousity, and I am a very curious brain. We’re nothing but brains in a jar kept alive by magic or science or whatever, it can’t really get much worse, we somehow found the bottom. So yeah since everything is shit, what’s the harm in shoveling on some more? Might as well just get it over with and try to find ways to our new lives better than they were. That’s literally the only reason why I want to know. Because, meh, fuck it.
No. 39606 ID: ae9b99
If you continue digging after you hit rock bottom, you might just reach the core of the earth and burn... Wow, I should be a poet, heh heh.

In any case, looking forward the future, my new purpose in life I feel right now is to help Dr. Skully with his research. I feel that will make me happy and make me feel more useful despite the brain situation. Looking into the past will just distract us at times preventing us from doing the best job for Uncle Skully as we will just yearn for the life we once had.
No. 39616 ID: 896ddf
File 153202774840.jpg - (1.12MB , 1748x2245 , BB 36.jpg )
No. 39617 ID: 3c1fb0
Hmm... well that’s Fencer for certain. The branches are either going inwards or they are spreading outwards. If they are going inwards toward his head they are going in between the spikes. But that doesn’t make much sense.

I get the sense of extreme aggression. He’s looking at us in this picture as he would a hated enemy.
No. 39743 ID: ae9b99
What I see in the picture looks like the Fencer, wearing darker clothing than he usually wears with something that looks like veins or branches surrounding him. And while dt+ says he is looking at us with aggression, which I assume he believes represents aggression, I should state he always had that look on his eyes when we spoke with him. So perhaps it doesn't represent aggression. To me, it feels like he is trapped in the veins, or branches.

with what this person is missing, when we interviewed him, he claims he has difficulty literally seeing people, only seeing their clothing, even not knowing who or what he himself is. perhaps what he is missing is sense of identity of himself and others around him. (side note: if one were to get stuck in a fight with the Fencer for some reason, a strategy to consider might be to cast away shame and fight him in the nude as he cannot seem to see people, only what they are wearing.)

of course, I should point out that the Fencer usually has 7 spike protruding out of his head when we interviewed him. In the picture, it looks like he has 9 instead...
No. 39745 ID: 896ddf
File 153262047143.jpg - (899.15KB , 1600x2240 , BB 54.jpg )
No. 39753 ID: 896ddf
File 153278334586.jpg - (3.38MB , 3628x3793 , BB 56.jpg )
I was completely bored today and that is why I made something like this

No. 39754 ID: 896ddf
File 153278339059.jpg - (1.32MB , 3508x3445 , BB 57.jpg )
No. 39755 ID: ae9b99
What i see is see Empathy and Agony.
They represent mementos of your lost children.
You never really told us which is Empathy and which is Agony, so the one on the left will be named memento 1, and the one on the right will be memento 2
since these are mementos of your deceased children, what they are missing represents what your children is missing (their lives), and you yourself are missing, Skully (your children)

I notice in the picture memento 1 has a lot less lines around his face, and one less tooth, or zigzag on the bottom of his mouth and the dot on the left of his face (our right) is a different color. Mustache is a little thicker.
Memento 2 in the picture has less dots on his bowtie, missing a crack leading towards the bowtie on the right of his face (our left) a new large crack on the left of his face (our right) a new crack above his smile, and missing a crack above his right eye (our left)

your turn dt+
No. 39817 ID: 3583d1
Well more than anything I’m reminded of those Greek theater masks that represent emotions. You know the ones I’m talking about? The happy and sad masks you can sometimes see as logos of play producers?

I know they are mementos of dead children but I wonder if their names have anything to do with what they were like in life. More than anything I’m willing to bet Agony was suffering from a disease and died and Empathy followed shortly after, perhaps to be with their sibling forever.
No. 39819 ID: 70086c
File 153313582565.jpg - (0.99MB , 1748x2188 , BB 67.jpg )
No. 39830 ID: 3583d1
Thinking... 1. 2. 3.

Perhaps I’m over thinking this but does this represent submission? How could she have nailed that in her head with a lollipop in omen hand and and hammer in the other. The only thing I could think of it someone nailed it in her head and gave her the hammer and a lollipop for doing what she was told, just stand there and take it.
No. 39835 ID: ae9b99
Yep, that is Joyful Agony I see. The picture (at first glace) represents... well... literal Joyful agony with the pain from the long nail in their forehead that was hammered in with probably the hammer on one hand, and the joy from the candy on his other hand.

Something doesn't make sense though. When we interviewed Joyful Agony, we were told that this person does not like inflicting, or receiving pain. and yet, Joyful Agony has a nail that was hammered into the skull, presumably by the hammer in their hand. Because of that, there is no way Joyful Agony would have hurt themself willfully unless there was a reason to

And even if that nail wasn't hammered in by themself, Joyful Agony seems to have been in a talkative mood as they have paint dripping at the bottom of the mask, presumably coming from the mouth, risking drowning from the paint, (unless that is blood from the forehead, but I doubt it as blood would have also came out of the cracks of the mask around the nail). Perhaps Joyful Agony was forced into that situation in the picture, and forced to speak, perhaps from screaming in pain for example and then maybe given that candy as a reward for having such a thing happen to himself.

After thinking about it, yeah, literal joyful agony, or self destruction to get a reward. kind of reminds me of maybe how a child thinks getting a painful vaccinated shot from a doctor and getting candy as a reward for enduring the pain is like.

Because of that, I feel this person is missing control over their life without the ability to speak without drowning, or having painful things happen to themself despite the minuscule reward they receive.
No. 39840 ID: f519cd
File 153337494416.jpg - (1.19MB , 1748x2720 , BB 68.jpg )
No. 39849 ID: d491b4
1, 2, and 3...

Inspiration. The things coming off of his face remind me of eyebrows and he looks angry or frustrated. He hold a quill in his left hand, the left hand symbolizing creativity and uniqueness. But in his right there is nothing written or drawn on the sheet. He lacks the inspiration he needs to create something.
No. 39878 ID: ae9b99
I see... Silent snail with that protective symbol you had showed us before on his face instead of whatever was previously on his face when we interviewed him with a quill pen, and a scroll of some sort. How old fashioned. Get with the times, my dude.

Interestingly in the picture, I feel it is important to point out that in the picture he seems to be missing a lot of the weird markings on his face when we interviewed him. He didn't have that protective symbol on his face you are showing us in the picture either, even after he left us, he wasn't wearing that protective symbol, just whatever that marking was.

...hmmmm... that sounds kind of dubious, right?...

anyway, seeing the picture, it looks like he is looking at us like a therapist, or as an interviewer trying to document some information out of whomever he is talking to, in preparation to write down what he hears. Makes sense since we had to answer him some questions in order for us to ask our questions. it represents to me "learning" or "info gathering". Perhaps he is missing trust as he needs to gather information to feel secure or something.
No. 39888 ID: 205ef1
File 153367523677.jpg - (950.49KB , 1623x2223 , BB 69.jpg )
No. 39891 ID: ae9b99
whoever this person is, he looks to be stuck among some weird looking waves in the picture that he cannot escape from, and is not making much of an effort to get out of it. What I feel it represents being drifted through the chaos. That said, seeing as this person is stuck in waves and not working against it to escape from it, it could be he is missing control over his life, or perhaps missing the effort to try to fight against the disaster that happens to him, and just lets it happen.
No. 39892 ID: d491b4
Yeah, I think hit the nail on the head with this. I’ve got nothing to add except that for some reason it reminds me a lot of this one Japanese painting of a tsunami. I think it’s the shape of the wave.
No. 39893 ID: ae9b99
Surfs up.
No. 39896 ID: f44afc
File 153375478823.jpg - (683.78KB , 1572x1832 , BB 71.jpg )
No. 39898 ID: ae9b99
Oh, that is the little guy you were using to translate our thoughts, and was ordered by you to disorient us to give false presumptions of our true appearance. it seems to have 5 teeths on its upper jaw in this picture instead of the 6 it had when we saw it.

Like the last picture, I'll be spitballing since we never really had a chance to interview this fellow on your picture here. Do not take offense please.

In the picture, I interpret that this fellow is hiding behind some plants, peeping at someone or something, and having a good laugh. Almost for example as if this fellow pulled a prank on someone like super gluing a valuable coin on a concrete floor, and hiding to watch people attempt to pick it up, but fail. It seems quite amused of the prank he pulled (He isn't laughing at us, is he?) Because of that I think it represents watching the misfortunes of other's misery in a safe distance and having a good laugh about it.

Because of what I feel the picture represents, perhaps this fellow is missing joy, and is looking for some way to amuse themself, even at the expense of others' feelings.
No. 39911 ID: d491b4
I am gonna disagree I see a face in the darkness. Normally that doesn’t signify anything pleasant. Mostly because we don’t know if that person is dangerous or not.

As for what they are lacking, I’m not entirely sure. Light immediately comes to mind but another is thing thst comes to mind is form or substance. The darkness surrounds the mask but it’s also inside the mask in the eyes and mouths there are two formless shapes on either side.

It reminds me most of the poem the hollow men by T.S. Eliot, specifically one line of it.
“Shape without form, shade without colour,
Paralysed force, gesture without motion;”
No. 39913 ID: f44afc
File 153382477849.jpg - (1.92MB , 2408x3945 , BB 74.jpg )
No. 39916 ID: 182fc3
*attempts to ignore giant jellyfish squid monster*
No. 39926 ID: c8a48a

Hey you know for being brains in a jar you try singing at all? The acoustics in here are actually really good.

Weeee’ve come to faaaaar
To give uuuuup who we areeee
So leeeet’s raise the baaaar
and our cuuuuups to the staaaars!

She’s up all night till the sun
I’m up all night to get some,
She’s up all night for good fun
We’re up at night to get lucky
We’re up at night to get lucky
We’re up at night to get lucky

No. 39937 ID: f44afc
File 153400006255.jpg - (605.94KB , 1396x1212 , BB 76.jpg )
No. 39938 ID: c8a48a
Mate, we’re brains in a jar. It’s not like we can do a whole lot. So how exactly can we “influence” people? So far all I’ve seen is a lot of drawings and someone who wants my opinion along with his gang of friends. I don’t necessarily feel corrupted, but what would I know? I’ve already accepted weird stuff as normal by this point, it’s why I wasn’t exactly impressed by your intro. So how can I help you today?
No. 39939 ID: ae9b99
voices with influencing force similar to ours? What are you even talking about right now? that's just silly. frankly people who hears voices that influence them are very weak minded and should be sent to a psychiatric hospital and treated ASAP before they do something dangerous.

And who is trying to corrupt us? is it Skully?

and you said you're putting an end to this to prevent corruption, I assume that means you are going to kill us. If so, make it quick. It isn't like we can defend ourselves or anything, and we have much to do considering our condition.

Actually, let me ask this: Stalking Thoughts, is this your doing? are you pranking us again? I did not see you leave with the doctor, so there is really no reason to hide if you are pulling this hallucination on us. Frankly the idea of pictures literally coming out of paper is just far too ridiculous. and I'm a freakin' brain.
No. 39942 ID: ae9b99
Just for fun, I'm going to explain what I saw in the picture before the creature came out of it. I saw a fancy science flask with a liquid in it being warmed on a stove top with smoke emitting from the sides of the flask. There is a thermometer inside the flask gauging the temperature of the liquid, and bubbles coming out of the flask. it represents experimentation. What is missing in the picture is the scientist studying the flask.

what did you see, dt+?
No. 39955 ID: f44afc
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No. 39957 ID: f44afc
File 153406754232.jpg - (1.54MB , 3668x1593 , BB 80.jpg )
The Blind Will

No. 39961 ID: ae9b99
they remind me of this (Final Fantasy 8 spoilers, also might be disturbing): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBjngP4GHL8
No. 39962 ID: ae9b99
Previous dimensional cycle? what the fu-... you know what, forget it. I have a feeling asking such questions like what dimensional cycles are will just lead to more confusing questions and lead us nowhere.

Lets get to the point: so you claim you are a taker of things, and you sometimes modify what you take. I assume that means in order to keep us from being "corrupted" to do things they want, you are going to kidnap us and maybe modify or "corrupt" us yourself to do things that you want instead. Well do what you gotta do. As we said, we can't really do much right now.

inner thoughts: I still think this is too ridiculous to be real
No. 39963 ID: 51137e
I’m with you on this one amigo. This is all getting way too complex for me to understand right off the bat.

So listen, whatever you are, I appreciate what it is you’re trying to do here but at the same time it’s not really making any sense here, but it is interesting so I am willing to listen. Let’s start with some baby steps here. Can you briefly explain what a dimensional cycle is and how we fit into it?
No. 39964 ID: ae9b99
(suggestors note: I know what the dimensional cycle is, but the brain I am playing as does not. Just making that clear)
No. 39969 ID: f44afc
File 153415325062.jpg - (2.26MB , 2544x3412 , BB 81.jpg )
No. 39971 ID: 95186e
Inner thoughts: this is fake... and none of this is real... this is fake... and none of this is real... *continues repeating that phrase*
No. 39972 ID: 51137e
Well I don’t know about you but it certainly is-

W-wait... you’re thinking that. H-how can I hear your thoughts...???

What’s happening? Did you do this? I don’t want to sleep! I DON’T WANT TO SLEEP!
No. 39978 ID: f44afc
File 153423838060.jpg - (1.37MB , 1748x2480 , BB 82.jpg )
No. 39979 ID: d87383
Well whatever happens, just remember one thing: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CXpuRIZzJog

Suggestor's note: I take it that this is the end of this chapter? It feels like an ending to a chapter to me.
No. 39981 ID: f44afc
No one ever does.
Yes this is the end of this introduction, so what do you think that the story will be about?
No. 39986 ID: ae9b99
The story will be probably about our brain characters leading someone through this harsh world much like Ana, but in a different time period, perhaps years in the future. Though I do not know what the end goal to accomplish would be. I feel Skully may be one of our main antagonists as he may want try to get his science experiments back that went missing (that is to say, us). he might be kind of a friendly enemy, but still a huge threat that must be avoided or taken down when given the chance. Though I don't feel he will be our biggest antagonist. I assume we will be guiding some of the people we interviewed (probably Silent Snail mainly or perhaps the ghost) or maybe we will be guiding someone we haven't seen yet.

I have to apologize to Harbard for not letting us see our brains' pasts, but I think of it this way: we can perhaps assume what our brains' pasts were like.

For example, seeing as Skully said these brains were criminals in their past lives, I'd like to imagine that 07 PGB was a greedy person who loved money above all else, and would do anything to get their hands on some cash, including despicable things like thievery, or most likely try to scam innocent people with their strong influence, worst case scenario, causing death for money.

That said, when I play PGB as a guide to the main character of this story, I'll play PGB as someone who wants the person they will guide to get as rich as possible, collecting as much money and treasure that they can get their hands on before they meet their demise, perhaps aim to become one of the richest people in the new dark world that Root had helped made it become, only because PGB has nothing better to do as a influencing voice. PGB probably won't be as evil as they were in their past life as they forgot it, but that won't stop them from their goal for money and treasure. Probably on the neutral dark side to begin with.

How about you, Harbard? How will you guide the main character as dt+? what do you assume their past life is?
No. 39987 ID: 51137e
I think it will depend what kind of person we get if that is what our brains will be doing.

For dt+ I often played him as something of a lazy slacker, the kind of guy who wouldn’t really worry about bad thing happening to him because why the hell should you worry about it when all it gives you is an empty stomach. That may make him sound nihilistic, but imagine him more like “The Dude,” he’s just lazy but not to the point where he cares about nothing. He’s not greedy either he just tries to focus on good things and when ugliness rears it’s head “the dude abides.”
No. 39996 ID: fbf7b6
That sounds like an interesting way to play that character. How do you think DT+ was sent to prison before they became a brain, Harbard?
No. 40011 ID: 51137e
Someone who coasted through life, and set the bar pretty low for themselves but was at least happy with it. However he was loyal to his friends and would help them if they needed it. As a for why he went to prison, you gotta consider, were they even guilty?
No. 40012 ID: fbf7b6
Sounds cool. Just keep in mind that these are out assumptions to what their pasts may be as Devoid may have a set plan for what their pasts were.

Nonetheless, I will be playing PGB as a greedy person. It will be up to dt+ to make sure PGB does not get too devious with his get rich quick schemes despite dt+'s laziness.
No. 40015 ID: aad407
File 153441272555.jpg - (1.73MB , 3518x1734 , BB 84.jpg )
Yeah, I know about that Final Fantasy 8 picture and the story behind it. Actually, I got inspired for this group from a completely different game Condemned 2 to be precise. Actually, if you are up for a little fun you can give the names to the main 4 members of this group. The ones with the red x over their head are only followers and are one of the important members of these group. I already have given a name to one of the members

No. 40016 ID: aad407
File 153443811985.jpg - (50.09KB , 568x201 , Condemned-2-bloodshot-20080222012107435_640w.jpg )
This is how the inspiration for the Blind Will looked from that game
No. 40029 ID: ae9b99
I'm really drawing a blank on what to call these weirdos. If I cannot come up with some clever meaningful names by Monday, then I pretty much given up on naming them. But I will try.

What do you think Harbard? maybe you can name two of them, and I can name the other two for inspiration?
No. 40031 ID: 5dde1c
I actually know the name of this group already, devoid told me when we were talking one night. So spoiler alert!

They are called The Blind Will.
No. 40032 ID: ae9b99
not really a spoiler, he already mentioned the group's name here:
No. 40033 ID: 5dde1c
Oh! You meant the names of individual people!

Ok so the woman on the left should be “The Mother Superior.”

Here are a couple other names I’ve come up with we can assign them as needed.
- the archbishop
- the apostle
- the friar
- the vicar
- the chaplain
No. 40055 ID: aad407
File 153466727547.jpg - (2.20MB , 3508x2579 , BB 86.jpg )
I implemented your names for the Blind Will
No. 40057 ID: ae9b99
looks cool
No. 40068 ID: aad407
File 153487931316.jpg - (1.36MB , 2443x2480 , Upotrebi kasnije 9.jpg )
No. 40069 ID: aad407
File 153487935340.jpg - (0.98MB , 1349x1940 , Upotrebi kasnije 13.jpg )
No. 40073 ID: ae9b99
Oh a pirate. Does he have a parrot?
No. 40074 ID: aad407
No, he is more a figure of authority
No. 40129 ID: ae9b99
Ah ok, sorry for the misunderstanding
can he have a pet bird anyway?
No. 40130 ID: aad407
No, he wouldn't really like to have a pet bird, they would only mess up his clothes. He actually has a pet turtle
No. 40532 ID: 068eb8
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No. 40568 ID: 068eb8
File 153844425169.jpg - (687.21KB , 1364x1384 , BB 91.jpg )
As I promised so many days ago that I would be doing a short story from the perspective of this character. This is a preview of how that story will be working, we already agreed on who will be controlling her as for me I will be in control of her curator

No. 40581 ID: ae9b99
Cleo, correct?

If I remember, I am assuming the short story you are mentioning regarding Cleo was one of the stories we didn't get to achieve since we lost last year's halloween costume party guessing, but if we won the battle against Essence with Laura, you were going to merge the two stories we didn't win together: Girls Night Out (Featuring Cleo) and Choosing Your Religion (probably featuring Nathanial)

How exciting. I've actually been waiting for Nathanial's appearance in the quest so I can build up his personality.
No. 40584 ID: 068eb8
I know that Girls Night Out was supposed to be a short story after the fight with Essence, but I reconsidered that idea. There shouldn't be a reason why that story needs to wait that long until it starts, so when the radio tower story is over then Girls Night Out will start
No. 40616 ID: 068eb8
File 153878310222.jpg - (341.11KB , 1077x880 , BB 92.jpg )
I am the shadow on the Moon at night
No. 40617 ID: 068eb8
File 153878316784.jpg - (287.61KB , 1068x864 , BB 93.jpg )
filling your dreams to the brim with fright
No. 40621 ID: ae9b99
Thanks. This should be exciting.

Watched nightmare before christmas recently I take it? I should find the time to do that at some point this year.
No. 40623 ID: 068eb8
The reason why I draw that is because Harbard Grim asked me to do it. He is making a coloration with some others artists about This is Halloween song and he asked me if I could do one part of it with my avatar. As for Halloween costumes and my characters, I am doing something about it. Can you guess who will be dressed as what?
No. 40632 ID: 93115d
Are doing another Halloween guessing game?
No. 40642 ID: 068eb8
File 153904257823.jpg - (1.12MB , 2480x1445 , BB 94.jpg )

No, this year I am not really up for doing that. I will be doing something special for Christmas this time around. But I couldn't resist doing one of these for good old times, I just wanted to depict how the battle between these two forces can be dressed up for Halloween. Actually, for this Halloween, I can let you decide who to dress up and how their customers will look. The only stipulation is that it has to be a character from my story, so I want to hear your ideas
No. 40643 ID: f69b82
I am entirely for this plan!
No. 40673 ID: ae9b99
any character we want to see dressed up, eh?


Ever seen Pink Floyd the Wall? I want to see some of your characters dressed up as some of the animated character in that movie. I love the animation and character designs in that movie.

I don't care which character from your story you choose. just choose whomever you feel fits any of the characters from The Wall.
No. 40677 ID: 70be57
File 153936144049.jpg - (389.65KB , 1006x1257 , BB 96.jpg )
No. 40681 ID: 3583d1
Ana: Daenerys Targeryen from Game of Thrones
Root: Joseph Seed from Farcry V
Logan: Doctor Strange
Delilah: Sydney from Payday 2
Stitch: Brigade from Marvel Nemesis, Rise of the Imperfects
Essence: Medusa from Soul Eater
Andrew Goodwill: Nyarlthotep from H.P. Lovecraft
No. 40711 ID: ae9b99


That made me laugh much more than it should have. Very nice. the teacher art design has always been one of my favorite in the movie/promotional artworks.

it makes for a little bit of speculation as to why it is the character Devoid. It might not mean anything except good fun, though I will say the teacher character in The Wall music album and The Wall movie has been portrayed as a person who is domestically abused by his wife (hence the marionette puppet strings), and he puts his frustrations and aggression of feeling powerless against her into punishing, picking on, and lashing out at his students at school (it was also a time period where teachers were allowed to abusively punish their students too).

After you get some of Harbard's requests done, and if you want to, is it alright if you have a character up as Xavier the Renegade Angel? I have been watching that series recently, and it is hilariously a mind fuck of a show. As for which character, maybe Null? Null is kind of a weird person who thinks he is smarter than he actually is like Xavier.
No. 40712 ID: 70be57
Well if you want to talk with me about the teacher costume we can always do it with Viber, you have my number and just give me a call
No. 40798 ID: 70be57
File 154012378621.jpg - (354.36KB , 982x2480 , BB 99.jpg )
Finally, I did all the costumes for the characters Halloween celebration. First of is Ana, I don't think that this costume suits her and she thinks that as well

No. 40799 ID: 70be57
File 154012412601.jpg - (321.27KB , 1197x1236 , BB 98.jpg )
This one fist Root much better, a doom cult leader. Yeah that is in one aspect Root

No. 40800 ID: 70be57
File 154012429175.jpg - (929.97KB , 1588x1416 , BB 102.jpg )
This one was a bit predictable decision but still a good one. I added a little something to this one

No. 40801 ID: 70be57
File 154012451118.jpg - (244.38KB , 636x1208 , BB 103.jpg )
For this one I don't know, it kinda works and it doesn't at the same time. I kinda feel weird about this one

No. 40802 ID: 70be57
File 154012468126.jpg - (585.83KB , 964x1776 , BB 101.jpg )
I really like this one, an obscure character from a game which I played a lot when I was younger 10/10

No. 40803 ID: 70be57
File 154012483109.jpg - (385.81KB , 1466x1136 , BB 97.jpg )
This is a perfect and fitting costume for her. Strange how I didn't think of this previous year

No. 40804 ID: 70be57
File 154012533917.jpg - (602.95KB , 1196x1792 , BB 100.jpg )
For this one, the only thing that I can say is a brilliant idea. Honestly, for Andrew, I would go more for an Exodia the forbidden one costume but this one works equally

No. 40807 ID: 70be57
File 154014553160.jpg - (395.30KB , 564x1112 , BB 104.jpg )
The last suggestion that I got was this strange character to be Null and I don't really know if this one fits him or not. I didn't even know that this strange animation even existed

No. 40813 ID: 272cf3
Alright here’s a fun one,

Anthony as Leonardo DaVinci
Cleopatra as Artemisia Gentileschi
And Nathaniel as William Shakespeare
No. 40814 ID: 272cf3
Also I thought of a better costume for Ana since that doesn’t work for her, Sarah Connor from Terminator 1
No. 40815 ID: 272cf3
And then Scarred Ana as Sarah Connor from Terminator 2
No. 40828 ID: ae9b99
pretty cool. Yeah, the character kind of fits, but not all the way. I just figured they are both dumb goofy characters who think are smarter than they actually are that most people hate and see as a freak, lol.

I want to see a Dan Smith from Killer 7 Costume if that is alright. I am not sure which character would fit him though, but my mind keeps thinking Lorence.

I feel Edgar Allan Poe would be a better fit for Nathan, though I will say William Shakespeare is a close second.
No. 40866 ID: 70be57
File 154041255211.jpg - (1.04MB , 2020x1202 , BB 107.jpg )
Anthony as Leonardo Da Vinci, somebody has a big ego but it fits. As for Cleopatra as Artemisia Gentileschi yeah I can see that, only I think that I draw this one bad. Like always I like to add a bit more so I decided to include your curators

No. 40867 ID: 70be57
File 154041284925.jpg - (239.93KB , 740x1168 , BB 106.jpg )
As for Nathaniel, I combined your two ideas into one costume. So that is why it is a half William Shakespeare and half Edgar Allan Poe combination

No. 40868 ID: 70be57
File 154041323274.jpg - (329.19KB , 692x1112 , BB 108.jpg )
Now, this is a more fitting costume for Ana and Scarred. Funny how Sarah Connor changed so drastically from one movie to the other, it makes me wonder where Scarred came from in order to become the person who she is right now?

No. 40869 ID: 70be57
File 154041354771.jpg - (389.96KB , 1180x1248 , BB 105.jpg )
Lorence as the Dan Smith from Killer 7 yeah he is all business kind of a person, this fits him so well. Also, I added something extra and this fits so perfectly

No. 40878 ID: ae9b99

I wonder what a collaborated play/story would be like if Edgar and William wrote one together. (really good choice in music btw. I feel the piano suits my character pretty well. to Harbard: what instrument do you think suits Anthony?)


You can probably tell by now that Killer7 is one of my top favorite video games. Really though, a lot of games from Suda51 is pretty cool. Clara as Harman was a nice surprise, thanks for that.

Here is another idea: Rosaline (the spider character) as Mimi from super paper mario.
No. 40880 ID: 3583d1
File 154049194496.jpg - (1.17MB , 1992x2357 , 4C03F5B9-C40F-4039-BCD1-453D3A9219D8.jpg )
I’m going mad with work so I doodled this... if you know what this is, needless to say, DON’T ACTUALLY ATTEMPT THIS SHT.
No. 40881 ID: 3583d1
Whoops, I mean't to put this up on my own draw thread.
No. 40904 ID: ae9b99
Oh my, I just had another idea:

Narty Darty as Ed from Cowboy Bebop
No. 40945 ID: 70be57
File 154084962802.jpg - (433.96KB , 1004x1128 , BB 113.jpg )
My mistake, I don't know what but instead of doing Mimi from Super Paper Mario I did Muffet from Undertale. Fuck I totally messed this up my bad

No. 40946 ID: 70be57
File 154084980376.jpg - (772.73KB , 1580x1353 , BB 114.jpg )
This one fits spectacularly, I also got inspired to add something as well. To add to this here is a funny video

No. 40947 ID: 70be57
File 154084992168.jpg - (1.28MB , 1748x2413 , BB 115.jpg )
This is what I got planned as the final for this years Halloween. When the contest is over I will have an important question to ask you participators

No. 40970 ID: ae9b99
Keep in mind some of the costumes I have not seen before, but I'll do my best

Essence as Maleficent
act: 2 (+1), look: 2(+1)
(Essence is a lot more psychopathic, but they both are pretty evil)

Laura as Fauna
Act: 1(+2) Look: 2(+1)
(both pretty much fits the good-natured personality well)

Scarred as Merryweather
Act: 2(+1) look: 2(+1)
(both are a little hot headed, though Scarred is much more hotheaded)

Fortune as Flora
Act: 2(+1) look 2(+1)
(the middle road between the good-natured and the hot headed)

Devoid as the teacher
Act: 2(+1) look 1(+2)
(this one made me smile the most, which is why I ranked the look high. Though I am surprised that Devoid was the character chosen. Makes me want to speculate)

(I will continue my judging tomorrow)
No. 40972 ID: 70be57
Thank you for voting, I wont look at who you voted for until you, the other participater and me finishes voting. Again I must apologize for not doing the spider girl correctly. That day it was late when I did all your requests and just before uploading I noticed that I was doing your request wrong. I just uplouded evrithing and now I can not add her, the voting has already started
No. 40991 ID: ae9b99
Hey, don't worry about the costume messup. To be fair, Muffet was the first character that came to mind for me, but I chose Mimi instead as Muffet would have been way too obvious, and I wanted someone a little more creepy.
The muffet costume does look pretty cool on her though, even though Rosaline doesn't seem to enjoy the costume based on her expression in her eyes :)

Sorry for the wait, today was crazy (in a good way): there was a new Petscop video to speculate on (I probably should of had a character dress up as "Naul" or the character from that series), and I spent time on something new and mysterious made by Toby Fox(undertale's creator). Not to mention the hype of Super Smash Bros Ultimate's final direct before the game gets released is getting me pumped.

But hey, I got this voting thing done before Halloween ended (with 20 minutes to spare, lol)

Here we go. These will be kind of harder since some of the costumes are from games/films I haven't played or seen, but I'll do my best.

Ana as Daenerys Targeryen from Game of Thrones
Act: 3(+0.5) look 1(+2)
(sorry, I have not seen Game of Thrones, so I have no basis to go on. But the costume does look cute on her despite her not liking it.)

Root as Joseph Seed
Act: 2(+1) Look: 1(+2)
(Even though I haven't played the game, I did get an understanding of his personality in comparison. Also Root looks pretty formal in the suit.

Logan as Doctor Strange
Act: 2(+1) Look: 2(+1)
(Logan is a little more hot headed than Doctor Strange, but he does have a mastery over magic like him.)

Absolution as Dormammu
Act: 2(+1) Look: 2(+1)
(Absolution Prime from what I see believes his actions are just even though they are wrong. Dormammu is just evil, seen as something worse than a demon.

Delilah as Sydney
act: 3(0.5) look: 2(+1)
(sorry, haven't played Pay day 2 to give a complete answer, but from videos I've seen, yeah I don't think she acts the part)
Stitch as Brigade

Essence as Medusa
act: 2(+1) look 1(+2)
(I haven't seen Soul Eater enough to give a good answer, but the costume looks good on her at least)

Andrew Goodwill as Nyarlthotep
act: 2(+1) look: 1(+2)

Null as Xavier
act: 3 (0.5) look: 2(+1)
(I'll be honest, Null does not relate to Xavier all that much. the main reason why I chose this costume was so that I could introduce the weirdest show I have ever seen to you guys. I hope you guys take time to enjoy it. It is the type of show you have to watch a couple times to catch all the jokes that fly by)

Anthony as Leonardo DaVinci
act: 2 (+1) look 1 (+2)
(he fits the artist look, though I think Michelangelo may have been a better choice. Thats just me.)

Cleopatra as Artemisia Gentileschi
act: 2 (+1) look 2 (+1)
(is it weird that I never heard of Artemisia Gentileschi? I did look at her artwork though, pretty nifty)

Whispers as Raggedy Ann
act: 3 (+0.5) look: 1 (+2)
(From what I've seen, she doesn't really act like Raggedy Ann, but the costume looks perfect on her.)

Withered Ace as ???
act: ??? look: 2 (+1)
(sorry, I do not know who Withered Ace is dressed up as to give a vote for acting, but it does look interesting at least)

Nathaniel as William Allen Shakespoe
act: 3(+0.5) look: 1(+2)
(interesting costume, the crow from the poe side and skull from the william side fits pretty well with the creepy Halloween spirit. However, I cannot rate too highly on the acting as Nathaniel has had only two lines of dialogue in the story and haven't appeared much, not really enough for me to flesh out his personality just yet to give a definite score on how he acts. I will say though, The personality I am currently planning on having him have is that of a quiet loner, a lone wolf.)

Ana as Sarah Connor (T1)
Act: 2(+1) look 2(+1)

Scarred Ana as Sarah Connor (T2)
Act: 2(+1) look: 1(+2)

Lorence as Dan Smith
Act: 2(+1) look: 1(+2)
(Love the costume. As far as acting goes, while both are all business, Dan has more of a non-caring attitude, often looks bored out of his mind like he is too good for whatever shit he is in. Lorence is more dedicated to what he is fighting for)

Clara as Harman Smith
act: 3(+0.5) look: 2(+1)
(she acts nothing like Harman. Harman is seen more like a wise old deity. Only thing that relates is the wheel chair they are stuck in, and thats about it. She does look good though)

Rosaline as MimiMuffet
Act: 3(+0.5) look: 1(+2)
(I'll admit, this was what I was originally going to choose for her costume, but decided against it because it would have been too obvious. The costume is perfect for her considering she is pretty much already part spider with a love of tea. However, how they act is different in comparison)

Narty Darty as Ed
Act: 1(+2) Look: 1(+2)
(Absolute perfection on both how they act (airheaded with I believe great hidden depths and potential) and the costume looks perfect on her. IMO, out of all the costumes I've judged, she is 1st place)

Amelia as Faye Valentine
Act: 3(0.5) look: 2(+1)
(I don't know, I see Amelia more as emotionless. But then again, we have only just got started getting to know her in the current quest we are doing.)

Thats all. I'll try to post in the fractured memories quest some time tomorrow.
No. 41006 ID: 49b2d5
So I’m trying to set scores but it’s all very confusing for me, I think most scores are gonna come up very same-ey with the current scoring system. And I’m a little confused as to how the scoring actually works, which are the numbers that really matter?
No. 41007 ID: ae9b99
if you vote 1, the character gets +2 points. if you vote 2, the character gets +1 points. you vote 3, the character gets +0.5 points.

I think to make it easier, just post +2, +1, or +0.5. Don't worry about posting 1, 2, or 3
No. 41107 ID: 3583d1
Ana as Daenerys +1/+2, as Sarah Connor 1 +2/+2

Essence as Maleficient +1/+1, as Medusa +2/+2

Scarred as Merryweather +1/+0.5, as Sarah Connor 2 +2/+2

Fortune as Fauna +1/+1

Laura as Flora +1/+2

DeVoid as teacher +1/+2

Root as Joseph Seed +1/+2

Logan as Dr Strange +2/+1

Prime as Dormammu +2/+1

Delilah as Sydney +1/+1

Stitch as Brigade +2/+2

Andrew as Nyarlthotep +2/+1

Null as Xavier n/a I have no idea who he’s supposed to be or act like so I don’t feel qualified to judge this one.

Anthony as Leonardo DaVinci +1/+2

Cleopatra as Artemisia Gentileschi +2/+2

Withered Ace as uhhhh... who is this? The costume looks awesome +2

Whispers as Ragedy Ann +0.5/+1

Nathaniel as William Edgar Shakespoe +2/+2

Lorence and Clara I don’t feel qualified to judge as I’ve never played killer 7.

Rosaline as muffet +0.5/+2

Natty Darty as Ed +1/+2

Grey Eyes as Faye +0.5/+1

No. 41110 ID: 70be57
File 154168207937.jpg - (794.92KB , 1329x2390 , BB 120.jpg )
No. 41111 ID: 3583d1
So in that regard are some people just not going to get a score at all?
No. 41117 ID: 70be57
Unfortunately yeah some will just not being able to end on any of the places
No. 41133 ID: ae9b99


1 (+2): Darty, Laura
2 (+1): Lorence, Absolution
3 (0.5): Essence (Maleficent), Scarred (Sarah Conner)


1 (+2): Darty, Rosaline
2 (+1): Devoid, Lorence
3 (+0.5) Anthony, Whispers

No. 41134 ID: d3e319
for act:
+2 to Scarred Ana as Sarah Connor 2
+1 to Essence as Medusa
+0.5 to Andrew and Nyarlthotep

For costume:
+2 to Logan as Dr. Strange
+1 to Root as Jospeh Seed
+0.5 to Nathaniel as William Edgar Shakespoe

No. 41135 ID: 70be57
Here are my choices for the contest.
How the charter acts like the costume:
In the first place, I will put Ana with the physical body and Narty Darty as Ed from Cowboy Bebop.
In the second place, I will put Scarred Ana and Essence.
In the third place, I will put Lorence as the Dan Smith from Killer 7 and Cleopatra as Artemisia Gentileschi.

In the other category, how the costume looks this will be my choices for that positions. In the first place, I will put Anthony as Leonardo Da Vinci and Andrew Goodwill: Nyarlthotep from H.P. Lovecraft. I really like how these two end up looking.
In the second place, I will put Nathaniel and Stitch: Brigade from Marvel Nemesis.
In the third place, I will put DeVoid and Logan
No. 41136 ID: 70be57
File 154203392580.jpg - (1.54MB , 1748x2496 , BB 121.jpg )
No. 41140 ID: 70be57
File 154206948847.jpg - (632.65KB , 1068x1696 , BB 122.jpg )
So I never played a d&d game but I always want to see how that would work and how it would feel to play that kind of game. I know the first thing that people create is their starter character with its backstory and personality, so might as well do it just for fun. The backstory of this bard is a tail of misplaced delusion of grandeur. There one was a son of a noble family, he had everything he ever wanted and spend most of his time in a pub making jokes and fooling with his friends. During that time he got a fondness for playing the lute and started playing it whenever he was with his friends to cheer them up. His family expected from him to continue the family tradition and as a negotiator, but during his first time on a diplomatic mission when so horribly wrong that he single handily started a conflict between two towns. This incident brought great shame to his family name so much that one night his father offered him a bag of coins so that he would just disappear and never return. He also forbid him from ever using his real name or ever meeting where he is from. The noble son saw this as an opportunity in distancing himself from the noble lifestyle and pursue his life as a traveling bard. But there is only one problem the previous life of luxury made him unprepared for the life away from the castle. The Bard went from town to town constantly changing his name mostly where he was people usually had a bad experience with his narcissistic personality. During his travels, he lost his hearing even he is not sure how that happened. If you asked him he would probably say that somebody cursed him so that he wouldn't be able to enjoy his own music. Tired of always changing his name he finally chooses a name which he will never change, so he decided to call himself Deaf Note and he insisted for anybody who is speaking to him to address him that way. Unfortunately, nobody actually calls him that way, but he believes that they do because he can't actually hear what people say to him. This bard became something of a village fool, nobody took him seriously because he thought so highly of himself. This kind of attitude got him in all sort of trouble. In one instance he really angered the members of the pub they beat him up so badly that afterward, he started wearing a mask. Right now he is a bard with no destination, goal or calling in life, he just lives on the street because he is trash
No. 41146 ID: ae9b99
So it finally comes to this. This decision was really difficult to make.

I really want to look into the past. But I want to see it not with the intention to stop the fog, but to see a prequel to how all this began. But watching the prequel will mean that we have committed to the destiny of being "heroes" of this story in trying to stop the fog

And after what I've seen and gone through in this story, I kind of want to spit in destiny's face and just focus on freeing Ana.

by spitting at destiny's face, what I mean is that there are so many characters who believe she is the "chosen one" to succeed in what they want her to do to further their own goals, like for example: Absurdity and FBI Laura telling her she is the only one who can stop the fog, or the cult trying at one point to get her to join them to create their own future, or Essence wanting to use her to (maybe) destroy the multiverse, or the Ambassador trying to use her to further her goals.

Plus the idea of prophecy and destiny annoys me because that means that the person whom is written by destiny to do something has no choice in their life other than to fulfill that destiny without escape, not having the choice to live their life as they want it.

And really, I think what Ana wants most is to be free from it all, from the manipulation of others, to the pain that people are trying to inflict on her.

So as much as I really really want to see the prequel to Roots and Branches, I do not think I'd want to see it if it means we will have to commit to being heroes. Besides, in the start of the quest, it stated that "in this story, you will only have one mission and that is to survive in this strange new world." If that is our only mission, then I feel there is no need to put Ana in anymore risk trying to become heroes. Instead we should focus on escaping destiny.

That is my opinion. Of course, we will also have to see what Harbard has to say as his decision matters as well.
No. 41147 ID: 3583d1
Well.... shit.

I wanna keep going, it’s also a matter of actually getting more parts of the story. The thing we can agree on however is breaking free from destiny. But I set my sights just a little higher...

It’s seems we’ve hit deadlock.
No. 41156 ID: 70be57
File 154224465032.jpg - (1.62MB , 2163x1774 , DOOR 1.jpg )
This will probably be one of my experimental quests. I don't know when I will start it or even where I will be posting it
No. 41288 ID: ae9b99
Now I know why those masks those Null clones (and Essence) was wearing look so familiar. It was these >>38140
Now I have to wonder why they had Weeping Deer's masks in the first place. There has to be a reason.

Oh cool, now I recognize her. That was the person Nathanial was talking to in Girls night out. it was Penelope...
>Will you be my Jesus
Oh crud, I may have figured out whom she was saying that to. she was saying that to Nathanial, wasn't she?

But now I wonder, isn't she and the rest of the smiling sinners supposed to see Root as their Jesus? Something must have happened...

Lastly, I will talk a bit more of my thoughts on deciding whether or not to continue having Ana look into the past after work. I will post it in the Discussion thread later tonight.
No. 41301 ID: 70be57
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No. 41304 ID: ae9b99
inner thoughts: A nightmarish lucid dream... in which I orchestrate through narration.

*glances at Spirit Contaminator* My compliments... to the master of ceremonies.


before we begin, Let us picture the setting: A black fog, dark and darker, even darker than the darkness of the new moon's midnight. It dances forever among the forest for its audience to spectate since the day it was born. Some people may fear and run from the fog. Some people may not understand it or even try to stop its dance reaching an untimely demise, and some people may stay to marvel at its waltz with nature, encouraging it, and even wishing for its encore.
and as many spectate the dark fog's endless nightly dance, their eyes become adjusted to the darkness of the fog. And if their eyes adjust well enough, they may find a hidden secret settlement within the forest coming clear into view within one of the most deepest part of the woods.

the forest within the settlement is full of leafless trees and dying plant life as most of nature has perished by the cold of the season. All the animals has all hibernated, migrated, or perished from the curse of the cold. The sun can no longer bless the nature as it is covered by the winter clouds of the invisible sky above the black fog. And as the rain desperately tries to save the plantlife of the forest, it could only turn to snow and blanket the forest. it hopes the snow blanket would warm the forest in replacement of the sun's warmth, but its desperation is all for naught as the blanket of snow only made the forest more cold, more dead. Just as it happens every year.

it is that with all the surrounding cold, and death among the forest, it is a sign of the happiest time of year is coming right around the corner: the festive holiday season for the secret forest settlement to worship their new messiah. It is here where our story shall begin.

Within the hidden forest settlement lays Jacob Marley. Marley was dead to begin with. There's no doubt about that. The register of his burial was signed by the clergyman, the clerk, the undertaker, and the chief mourner. Scrooge signed it. And Scrooge's name was good upon 'Change, for anything he chose to put his hand to. Old Marley was as dead as a door-nail.

Mind! I don't mean to say that I know, of my own knowledge, what there is particularly dead about a door-nail. I might have been inclined, myself, to regard a coffin-nail as the deadest piece of ironmongery in the trade. But the wisdom of our ancestors is in the simile; and my unhallowed hands shall not disturb it, or the Country's done for. You will therefore permit me to repeat, emphatically, that Marley was as dead as a door-nail.

Did Scrooge knew he was dead? Why of course he did. How could it be otherwise? Scrooge and he were partners for as long as the forest settlement was built. even before the black fog started its waltz. Scrooge was his sole executor, his sole administrator, his sole assign, his sole residuary legatee, his sole friend, and sole mourner. And even Scrooge was not so dreadfully cut up by the sad event, but that he was an excellent man of business on the very day of the funeral, and solemnized it with an undoubted bargain. The mention of Marley's funeral brings me back to the point I started from. There is no doubt that Marley was dead. This must be distinctly understood, or nothing wonderful can come of the story I am going to relate. If we were not perfectly convinced that Hamlet's Father died before the play began, there would be nothing more remarkable in his taking a stroll at night, in an easterly wind, upon his own ramparts, than there would be in any other middle-aged gentleman rashly turning out after dark in a breezy spot - say Saint Paul's Churchyard for instance - literally to astonish his son's weak mind.


in fact, just to get the point more across than it is already needed, let us go off script. Let us see how the death and funeral of Jacob Marley played out so I can prove to you just how dead he really is...

shall we, my astute audience?

No. 41316 ID: 70be57
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No. 41317 ID: 97b4a9
”To wish you a merry Christmas Uncle, For such a merry time it is! May god save it, and may god save you, Uncle!

Why look so Cross, Uncle? Come, dine with my wife and I tomorrow! We would be joyous to have you with us for Christmas Dinner!”

No. 41326 ID: 70be57
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No. 41327 ID: 0155c6

There are many things from which I might have derived good, by which I have not profited, I dare say, Christmas among the rest. But I am sure I have always thought of Christmas time, when it has come round—apart from the veneration due to its sacred name and origin, if anything belonging to it can be apart from that—as a good time; a kind, forgiving, charitable, pleasant time; the only time I know of, in the long calendar of the year, when men and women seem by one consent to open their shut-up hearts freely, and to think of people below them as if they really were fellow-passengers to the grave, and not another race of creatures bound on other journeys. And therefore, uncle, though it has never put a scrap of gold or silver in my pocket, I believe that it has done me good, and will do me good; and I say, God bless it!

In layman’s terms Uncle, money can’t buy anyone enough happiness and being honest I don’t think you’re much happier because of it either. So I do wish you a Merry Christmas Uncle Scrooge, come on by tomorrow night for dinner!

Merry Christmas, Uncle! And a happy new year!
No. 41368 ID: 70be57
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No. 41376 ID: ae9b99
inner thoughts: I dunno some of these actors... but some I know...

And with that, Bob Cratchit, the poor yet ever the optimistic clerk, took his leave out of the light of the counting house and into the dark nightly dance of the fog to capture the light in his own home.
And yet while the pitch black dark of the night is ever daunting, it is as if Bob's optimism had took some of the light of the Scrooge and Marley counting-house with him to light his way through the dark night, leaving the light of the counting room dimmer as Scrooge continues counting his coins.

Scrooge, in the isolation of his thoughts and business had not realize that as Bob Cratchit took his leave, he had inadvertently let two portly gentlemen into the counting-house. They were pleasant to behold, and now stood, with their hats off, in Scrooge's office. They had books and papers in their hands, and bowed to him with great intention of asking Scrooge for charity to help the less fortunate.

No. 41402 ID: 70be57
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No. 41411 ID: 97b4a9
Many can’t go there; and many would rather die.

And to be honest if you’re insinuating what I think you are, that’s not a very nice thing to say, sir. Perhaps we’ll just move on. Merry Christmas!

whispering: what an asshole...
No. 41438 ID: 70be57
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No. 41446 ID: e51896
Inner thoughts: ... ... ... ... Was that person's head an eye? how does he eat?

And with that, Scrooge too took his leave into the darkness taking the last bit of the dim light of the counting house with him. he headed to his home only stopping briefly at a tavern to eat and read the usual newspaper while in contrast most others this Christmas Eve would eat at home, and also being stopped by the occasional good wishers giving Scrooge the usual "merry Christsmas" in which Scrooge would respond with a simple "Humbug" as he walked with the nightly dance of the fog.

He has arrived at his home, previously owned by his deceased partner. A gloomy place fit for a gloomy man, the lifestyle he has so been accustomed to. And one that would attract the supernatural as Scrooge would find out as he arrives at the door of his home.

No. 41448 ID: 70be57
File 154445962349.jpg - (738.18KB , 1428x2209 , BB 3333.jpg )
Alright, I did this in order to see two of you two want to play Marley. Will the narrator portray him or will the other participator pay his role. Whatever you choose I will go with it
No. 41463 ID: 97b4a9
Old Scrooge, you’ve become prick,
You’re greedy, unruly, a dick.
So give us a knock you, selfish old cock
Lest I smash your face with a brick.
No. 41465 ID: e51896
And just as Marley...sang that... song, and Scrooge took a closer look at the face on the door starting to recognize the face as his old partner, the face of Marley vanishes and became a knocker on the door once again. It was almost as if one would feel when they realize they are in a lucid dream only to lose control of the stability of their dream and vanish back into the waking world. Scrooge is left only with his thoughts of what he witnessed and whether it was a humbug hallucination from overworking himself, or if it actually happened.
No. 41469 ID: 70be57
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No. 41480 ID: 3583d1
At this the spirit raised a frightful cry, and shook its chain with
such a dismal and appalling noise, that Scrooge held on tight to his
chair, to save himself from falling in a swoon. But how much greater
was his horror, when the phantom taking off the bandage round its
head, as if it were too warm to wear in-doors, its lower jaw dropped
down upon its breast!


You'd better Listen up my old fellow
Before usher forth another loud bellow
Your dead ol' amigo ain't from no bad potato
Stop quivering like your legs are all jello

You see me wrapped all up in these chains?
My heart all undone with great pains
These are my sins from my life, and now with great strife
So just listen what I've got to explain.

Tonight you're gonna learn up some truth
You've been hard, disgusting, and uncouth
Three ghosts come a spell, at the toll of three bells
So let's just see what it is you can sleuth

We're trying to save you from hell
Locked up in Satan's cold cell
So shut up and learn, else you will burn
lest you dwell in the fires unquelled

I hope you learn well my dear brother
For a chance you've been given another
Or you'll have chains just like me, in hell you will see
So goodbye and word up to your mother.
No. 41484 ID: 70be57
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No. 41492 ID: e51896
Why thank you for saying I don't look like a spirit. I've been using makeup and dieting to make myself look alive and less scary. Perhaps you aren't such a grump after all.

ah ha ha...

Joking aside, I am the ghost of Christmas Past. Not long past, but your past. And I wish to show how your past shaped you and those around you.
*moves towards the window and holds out hand*
Rise from your bed, and take my hand so we may take a walk.
No. 41493 ID: e51896
inner thoughts: that bard... just read my narration lines... hope nobody noticed...
No. 41494 ID: 70be57
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No. 41495 ID: e51896
And so, the ghost walked right through the wall with Scrooge, like as if the wall was merely a mirage. And while Scrooge was expecting to see the foggy town, and feel the snow attempt to blanket him with coldness, he instead found himself in an old nostalgic town very familiar to him. And soon familiarity became knowing. He recognized that he was in the town of his childhood. As Scrooge gaze in wonderment of his childhood home, pointing out the things he remembered fondly, he soon discovered that the ghost was leading him down a familiar path to a school he spent much of his childhood at.
No. 41507 ID: 70be57
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No. 41509 ID: e51896
hmm, so you have pieced together the puzzle of your memories of your childhood. However, it seems you have lost some of those pieces of your memories and replaced them with expectations of your current self onto your past self.

*takes Scrooge closer to the child*

Let me explain, while you were left alone in this empty room, neglected by your friends too busy having fun outside, your childhood self was not simply hard at work studying like the expectations you have of your current self towards your childhood self. Young Scrooge actually held on to his childhood wonderment and was instead reading fantasy stories.

Now I wonder, where have that wonderment that you lost went.

Let me take you to another Christmas from the past to find where it could be. Perhaps you may see a familiar face there.
No. 41510 ID: 70be57
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No. 41518 ID: e51896
Clear away, There was nothing they wouldn't have cleared away or couldn't have cleared away with old Fezziwig looking on. It was done in a minute. Every movable was packed off, as if it were dismissed from public life for evermore; the floor was swept and watered, the lamps were trimmed, fuel was heaped upon the fir,; and the warehouse was as snug, and warm, and dry, and bright a ball-room, as you would desire to see upon a winter's night.
No. 41519 ID: e51896
Ah, it seems the party is about to begin. Lets watch it, yes?
No. 41522 ID: 70be57
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No. 41533 ID: e51896
...One more shadow of the past. Let us see what she has gained from sacrificing her engagement with you, and what you have lost from the life of gaining wealth you have chosen.
No. 41545 ID: 70be57
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No. 41551 ID: e51896
And as Scrooge looked at the clock assuming the sun had woken up with him, to his surprise it seemed the time had slept just as he has, for the time on the clock did not pass as far as it should have.

But that was the least of Scrooge's concern as he soon after started hearing laughter. not a nefarious laugh, but a jolly friendly laughter. But it had nonetheless made Scrooge very uneasy

No. 41552 ID: 3583d1
“Come in! Come in! and know me better, man! I am the Ghost of Christmas Present, look upon me! You have never seen the like of me before!”

Feast with me! Done with me a while! You look famished d man, too much gruel and not enough meat, ale, and good cheer! Here, pull up a seat!
No. 41553 ID: 70be57
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No. 41554 ID: 6d3074
just this again but after Scrooge has asked me who I am

Here take a drink of this while your at it!

*puts a goblet filled with a rather delicious looking drink in it*


*its delicious and makes the drinker feel awesome inside*

Ahh! The Milk of Human kindness!
No. 41556 ID: 70be57
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No. 41558 ID: 6d3074
Absolutely! But we haven’t much time to waste, we’ll take it with us! Grab hold of my robe!


And here we are! Look inside this meager dwelling, it’s the home if someone you know...
No. 41559 ID: e51896
and as Scrooge was trying to get his bearings concerning how the entire room disappeared and he ended up at a home, he spied within the home the family of his optimistic coworker.
No. 41576 ID: 70be57
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No. 41577 ID: 6d3074
You seems at losss for words, Scrooge. This is a good family, but their troubles are still yet to come. I’m afraid...

Their youngest, Tim. I’m afraid the boy is too sickly to remain in this world much longer.

I see a vacant seat, in the poor chimney- corner, and a crutch without an owner, carefully preserved. If these shadows remain unaltered by the Future, the child will die.
No. 41578 ID: 70be57
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No. 41580 ID: e51896
And soon after Scrooge had asked this, he felt all his sins pressure against his heart and make it figuratively sink when he found himself at a dark cemetery. He finds his employee there in the cemetery, whom had finally traded in his optimism with sadness to succeed in raining tears on a gravestone when the sky had failed to do so, as it could only rain snow in this harsh season instead of water droplets...
No. 41582 ID: 70be57
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No. 41583 ID: 143250
It was then that Scrooge finds himself in front of a lonely gravestone. Lonely as if it was avoided like the plague, far away from the other more popular gravestones which were decorated with flowers, pictures, and other gifts from their visitors. And unlike those gravestones, the one Scrooge was looking at was barren, no decorations to speak of. Worthless.

It was then that Scrooge laid his eyes on the name written on the only outcast gravestone.

No. 41594 ID: 70be57
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No. 41595 ID: 41ff03

Allt sem ég vil fyrir yule er dauða þinn.

*cleaves throughly the necks of all three of them and continues to chop until they are bits and pieces. Then opens up a flask of something and pours it over the corpses and pulls out a flint and steel and set the corpses on fire*

Ef þú ert að fara að berjast, berjast. Ekki tala.
No. 41596 ID: 70be57
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No. 41599 ID: 1f91fc
*holds up first two fingers at SC mocking where they got cut off and smiles like an open grave as he leaves*
No. 41600 ID: 70be57
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No. 41601 ID: e51896
Oh good you survived. Are you okay? you got hit in the head pretty hard. Need an ice pack? Hope you didn't get too bad of a concussion. Is anything going to come of that?

Also, don't feel bad about not finishing the story quick enough. Despite the deadline, I had fun as Nathaniel being the narrator. I realize It was actually pretty fun being poetic and artistic with the metaphors within the narration, and kind of inspired me a little. So for what it's worth, I think it was good. (Speaking of Nathaniel, I'm just glad Nathaniel managed to get out in one piece when it started to get violent towards the end after you got hit with the shovel. Things got pretty crazy there)

To Harbard, I don't approve of taking Spirit Parasite's fingers as there tends to be major consequences in the story for doing actions like that. Especially after that ominous remark about what she said about having to replace those fingers.

That said, if anything happens to any of my characters for that action you pulled, I don't think we can be friends anymore. (I am joking of course).

Can't wait to see what you have planned before the year's end. But don't rush. Haste makes waste. If you need to do it in 2019, I won't judge.
No. 41648 ID: 1f91fc
The good news is none of that was canon so it’s all good!
No. 41649 ID: 70be57
No. 41651 ID: 70be57
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No. 41656 ID: 1f91fc
So a few years ago these videos were posted that was a fully voice acted rubyquest. I fell in love with the story and from there I found his tumblr and his other works, and I took part in Nanquest and Divequest and have been a fan of his works ever since.

Btw since I am part of his discord server and all and have talked with him what’s my rankin the church?
No. 41659 ID: eeb7d9
I think i was in vacation. I don't exactly remember what i was doing that i found his quests, i first found other peoples quests. Anyway, the first one was NanQuest, it was arround 2014, give it or take it. It was the first time in a while that a story made me feel so thrilled. Obviusly, i read RubyQuest after that. It was better thatn the last one. And after that i found TG! One of the best days ever!
I am curently waiting for the next Pack street update.
I need to enter the discord server yet.
No. 41660 ID: e51896
I don't remember how I first saw Ruby Quest, but if I had to guess, it was way back when the mspaintadventures forums was still up, and I saw some people on there mentioning Ruby quest.

(Speaking of which, I miss the mspaintadventure forums, and the adventures people would make there, which is why I came to tgchan after it exploded, lol.)
No. 41685 ID: 70be57
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No. 41686 ID: 1f91fc

He is weaver regardless of what form he takes!!!
No. 41691 ID: eeb7d9
I mean, he still draws himself with the old green cube with the flower thing. I think one is his fursona, and the other one is his all time avatar.
Either way, he is still him, crazy and wrong, just like we like him. I am still waiting for one of his nightmare inducing stories though.
No. 41692 ID: 3583d1
Yes and no. Has has joked about it being a fursona but the real reason he made it was for his zootopia stuff, just for shits and giggles. I think he just found it funny to keep it. In fact his other ideas for an avatar included a giant rabbit dressed up as professor layton who, using puzzle solving skills, somehow convinced people to get naked.
No. 41848 ID: 70be57
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Sorry for being late for this, I wish you a happy birthday and I hope that all your wishes come true!
No. 41849 ID: e51896
Happy bday Harbard
No. 41851 ID: 8a2e87
Thank you!
No. 41871 ID: eeb7d9
Yoooo happy birthday Harbard!
No. 41879 ID: 70be57
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I see great potential in your future. Too bad you seem to self-sabotage all your options, but there is still a chance for you to make the meaning of this card to end up having the upside down definition. All you have to do is start taking the first steps and being true to yourself by answering this question. Who are you really? Do you even know the answer to that question?
No. 41929 ID: e51896
Thanks for doing the drawing request. this is something that Null will need to think hard about.
No. 42037 ID: ff50c0
File 154957242105.jpg - (736.48KB , 1924x2488 , 0028432C-E02E-4919-86F0-083885C72D1D.jpg )
A portrait of Andrew Goodwill
No. 42500 ID: 70be57
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Recently I have been playing a lot of Red dead redemption 2 and had an idea for a new quest

No. 42525 ID: 70be57
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No. 42536 ID: 70be57
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This was originally my April Fools joke before that whole part with the quest happened

No. 42550 ID: e51896
Somebody watched lego movie 2
No. 42575 ID: 70be57

No. 42593 ID: 70be57
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The idea which you mentioned I implemented into 6 heads. Also in the drawing that inspired me for you being the investigators in the investigation also is where I took the clothes from the person in the middle. So which one of the heads is your favorite?

No. 42595 ID: e51896
Corona Leather Bridge Head

No. 42597 ID: 70be57

No. 42600 ID: 70be57
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I also did your version of the investigator. How did it end up looking?

No. 42608 ID: eb97d8
Looks awesome!!! Is he technically an Axe-Cop?

No. 42618 ID: e51896

if axe cop is a pun on ex-cop, then you are truly axing for it, mister.
No. 42620 ID: eb97d8
No I mean there I am actual comic/tv series called Axe Col about a cop with an axe
No. 42623 ID: 70be57
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No. 42624 ID: 8b660e
there is a lot happening here...

A masked wrestler with what appears to be swollen joint disease. He has hooka pipe hair and is dressed as a Medieval Renaissance page boy and he also seems to have robotic claw hands.
No. 42672 ID: 70be57
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No. 42705 ID: 70be57
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Now that I think about it, I can totally see this character who is called to be a diplomatic representative of his people to this assembly and proceeding to suplex everyone who he disagrees with like some crazy wrestler

No. 42758 ID: 70be57
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No. 42804 ID: 70be57
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No. 42805 ID: e51896
No. 42807 ID: 70be57
No. 42860 ID: 8b660e
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My investigator, Alyosha Karamazov
No. 42861 ID: 8b660e
File 155717554145.jpg - (272.61KB , 832x1025 , CEB312D0-E2EF-477E-812A-B4DEA7BA5702.jpg )
Alyosha Karamazov, human face and his theme.
No. 42862 ID: 70be57
All I have to say is this
No. 42896 ID: 70be57
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No. 42972 ID: 70be57
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No. 42973 ID: e51896
Trent Acosta

on the job, people call him Agent Peregrine. That is the name that he will be referred to.
No. 42974 ID: 550cd9
Do we get codenames for this? If so I want mine to be Agent Corax
No. 43194 ID: 458fa9
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No. 43195 ID: 458fa9
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No. 43201 ID: 8b660e
inner thoughts: Why do I do this?

What I see is a kind of fall forced from grace. The women here, according to the file given to us are a shadow of the Ana girl, and Essence of life, a cycle of Ana that was bound to the Ash tree and went crazy and who attempted to take the place of shadows. I’m aware of the battle that took place between Essence and the other shadows. If I’m correct the shadows won that battle and Essence perished.

As for what this represents, I believe this is what Essence believed she wanted. The shadows, represented by the angel and Essence by the devil. This is my assessment of the painting, as well as whatever that... piece of performance art was.

We first see the angel and the devil sitting on a wire together, the angel is friendly, the devil has a plan. The angel invites the devil to come with her, but the devil lies and says that she can’t go. But this is a trick. The moment the angel spreads her wings we see the devils true intentions. Notice how she isn’t looking at the angel, she is looking at her wings.

Winged humans have long since represented the idea of divinity as well as a kind of freedom. And we see that here. The angel has wings and can fly and is free, the devil has roots and is grounded and stuck in what she knows. The devil is jealous of the angels freedom and so she takes it away. But her jealousy runs deeper than just wanting to be free, she wants the angel to feel as she does, grounded and bound by roots, that why the devil wraps the root around the angel neck before she pushes her. Now she is bound just as much as she is.

The final shot is of the devil spreading her roots out in an attempt to be wings but she cannot fly and now she must also hold up the angel with her roots as well. Perhaps because the angel was her friend, but she doesn’t just let her go and fall to the ground along with her wings she hangs on. It also seems that the devil has some feelings of remorse for what’s just happened but it’s too late to take it back, so she still hangs on to the body of the angel.

As for the name, “lie upon a shooting star” it’s a mockery of the old children’s saying about wishing upon a shooting star, that if you see one your wish will come true. However telling a lie to one, that too can be seen as a kind of wish. Perhaps wishing that the lie will become the truth.

inner thoughts: Sound reasoning but this also heavily metaphorical, metaphors only try and disguise the truth under flowery language and garbage. If an artist came to me trying to sell me this, I’d set sooner set on fire.

No. 43206 ID: e51896
*Gives thumbs up to Triumphant and resident of the gallery*

*starts writing*

What I think the picture represents: We see a lass with something that looks like horns on her head, and branches on her back which are trying to form wings which can't fly. She is crying upon a wire as something that looks like thorns behind her back hangs another lass of similar appearance on the neck with amputated wings on her back, amputated by the hooks of the same branches holding her. The missing wings are laying on the ground in a spiral of blood between them.

The title Lie Upon a Shooting Star I am interpreting in two ways... either actually laying down on a shooting star, or telling a lie to a shooting star. to note on these two interpretations, Legends say that a shooting star is usually associated with granting a wish to the very first person who see's it.

For the argument of laying down... it might not make sense as you see nobody laying down upon a shooting star, let alone not even see any shooting stars... until you realize what is actually lying: the pair of wings lying on the ground. If the floor represents the shooting star, and if the wings are the ones that are laying on said floor, then it could be that the wish that is desired are wings, which associates to freedom. But in order to make the wish for wings, she has to do something she does not want to do as evidenced by her sadness, which is to cut the wings off the winged woman. Something that pains her deeply, but something that she feels she needs to do as the end justifies the means in her eyes. Side-note, if the winged woman represents an angel, and the horned woman represents a devil, it could mean in order to gain freedom, she needs to abandon her pure angelic self.

for the argument of lying to a shooting star, I feel it suggests that she needs to make a wish she doesn't want to make. but she needs to make regardless. On that note, maybe the wings themselves represents the shooting stars themselves with the blood from where it was amputated representing the stars and the wings being the flame trail it leaves. She needed to make the "shooting stars" by doing something she does not want to do, something atrocious, which was cause a murder. I notice though that she is covering her eyes not looking at the wings as if she is refusing to make a wish. Perhaps she is allowing someone else to make a wish by making those wings for someone else from her sacrifice? Whatever the case, perhaps the title is suggesting that she is lying to herself about what she really wants for a wish. Perhaps her lying wish is to stay on the wire she is sitting on, even though she doesn't want to?

In both arguments, it is interesting to note that whatever represents the shooting star(s), it seems to be on the ground rather than the sky, which is easily reachable in contrast to them being in the sky. However, the horned lass does not grab them, as if she feels she needs to stay on the wire, as if it is her wish to do so even though she doesn't want it. much like how she feels in the song performance.

What I think the song performance represents
The song can be interpreted in two ways: A relationship between two people in a conflict of desires, or a conflict of two different thoughts within the mind: dreams and uncertainty

In the argument of conflict in relationship: it seems like the winged lass, full of optimism, and dreams to make something out of her life, wants to travel away from the wire the two are safely sitting on, urging the horned lass to join her on her adventure. The horned lass however, despite wanting that dream too, feels uncertainty over leaving the comfort of the wire, making excuses such as she is too tired to fly away, or there is a storm coming. It seems like in order to keep her winged companion on the wire, she needed to strip her of her wings, and hang her to the wire she feels comfort to. It is something she has guilt for, but feels needs to happen regardless.

In the argument of conflict in the mind: she wants to achieve a dream, make something out of herself, but she feels she can't and needs to stay on the wire. In order to obtain that unwanted wish, she needs to cut off all her desires to get away, which means amputating the wings needed to leave the wire. If we are to take the angel and devil theory, she is also casting away her morality as well in order to stay on the wire.

one thing to note about the song is that it feels like it just abruptly ends, as if there were supposed to be more to the song but was left unfinished. It could either be that only parts of the song is needed to get the idea across of what the performance is trying convey to the audience while the other parts not fitting to the performance, or it could be that the performance is not over yet and there is still more we haven't seen. It may be advisable to ask Triumphant and the gallery resident if there is more of the performance that they are aware of or withholding from us, or if it really ends abruptly just like that.
we should also consider whether or not to find out what the rest of the lyrics are if they exist, which shouldn't be too hard to find if it is actually a song created by a professional musician from that universe.

What it all means in comparison to the case file
the art, performance, and case report leaves me to a hypothesis that the lass named Essence is/was going after a goal which she needs to achieve at all costs, whether she truly wants that goal or not, or was truly meant for her or someone else. But her process in doing so requires her to do many unforgivable acts that she herself cannot live with as she tries to cast away her innocence and purity, even hurting people she really cares about to do it, long enough to the point where she has become desensitized to her immoral actions with little to no pureness left within her from corruption. However When all that is said and done, perhaps Essence's eye, she feels the ends justifies the means to her with the actions she is performing.

Thoughts on agent Triumphant: He is My support officer. Feelings on him is currently neutral. Nothing more, nothing less. Though respect is present and must be required among each other if we are to work together. Though curiosity arises as to why he is taking on a case related to such a dangerous universe that even other officers does not want to risk their lives to be a part of.

*hands paper over*

Essay is Finished. It is for Agent Triumphant's eyes only. And Agent Triumphant, It is of my upmost suggestion and request that you destroy the essays immediately after getting an idea of how we think after reading it. Call it paranoia if you must, but with such an "unconventional" case as you put it, you can't be too careful. *gives thumbs up* Agreed, sir?


And to scratch that itch of curiosity, I must ask: did you investigate if there was anything more in that song performance after the hanging of the winged lass? or did it just end there? The song didn't sound complete and felt like it ended abruptly. and was there anything of significance before the song? we cannot leave any stone unturned.
No. 43208 ID: 458fa9
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No. 43216 ID: 458fa9
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No. 43258 ID: 9dda2b
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No. 43275 ID: 9dda2b
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No. 43440 ID: 07c9c1
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No. 43448 ID: 8b660e
Inner thoughts: Hooray, more of this. We’re here to solve a case you dolts, not spill the deepest parts of our lives.

My name is Alyosha Karamazov. I suppose if I had to pick something I like, I collect various vintage wines. Things I dislike, wastes of time and energy, Favorite food? I have soup most days. As for supporting the death penalty, I support the side of justice. If the crime is bad enough that the death penalty is warranted, then I support it.
No. 43456 ID: e51896
*Gives Alyosha a thumbs up*

And I am referred to as Peregrine. I apologize for only using my code name and not my real name, but in this line of work, it makes things easier to just keep personal life and investigation life as unconnected as possible, like living two separate lives as two different people. I would rather keep my personal life private and not have any of my detective life spill into my personal life whenever possible.

As a hobby, I go traveling whenever I can afford it. I want to see the world.

When I'm not traveling, I simply like playing darts. Always satisfying to hit a bullseye.

What I dislike is country music.

Favorite food would have to be eggs. especially omelettes.

for whether I support the death penalty or not: I think criminals should endure the misery of their long prison life before they endure what comes in their inevitable death. Immediate death penalty only frees them from that punishment.

As far as other topics goes, hmm... well, I am a believer in the religion of Inkiverusus, the Will of the World.

*looks over at Triumphant* Triumphant, if I may request, may you grant us permission to read each other's essays that we wrote the last time we were together? If Alyosha and I am working together, I think it might be important to do so in order to understand further each other's thought process on the upcoming job.
No. 43460 ID: 07c9c1
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No. 43469 ID: 8b660e
Inner Thoughts: They remind me of an old married couple, one forced together through unfortunate circumstance than any form of romance. No doubt this Dervan would be the gossiping housewife with how much he is able to talk.

I have never had the pleasure of working with Agent Peregrine before. Nevertheless, I know him to be hard working and others have said he is a competent detective.


It’s not exactly a secret that my colleague here is a religious man. Specifically, his brand of faith is one that is riddled with controversy. The Church of Inkiverusis, and their private sect The Society of Perplexity, has many things that may need to be investigated should anyone choose to come forth with evidence that any exploitation or larceny has taken place

Inner thoughts: From what i’ve read, they’re brands of spiritual healing is more likely to open up more wounds than anything. This whole church feels like a scam where the people in charge got in too deep to turn back.

The only thing I worry about is if his relationship with his church will interfere with his work at all. But most of whom I have talked with have assured me it will not.
No. 43472 ID: e51896
*sighs* *whispers to self* good grief

The news media likes to make a mountain out of a molehill just to higher their ratings. They like to use the Society of Perplexity's actions as a way to throw shade at and tarnish the entire religion of Inkiverusus to their viewers for ratings. Thus, I recommend that you don't let the Society of Perplexity be the poster child of the entire religion of the Will of the World. The Society of Perplexity gives the Inkiverusus religion a bad name, and a lot of good people who used to believe in the Will of the World lost faith in Inkiverusus because of what the Society of Perplexity have been doing. There are many religious people of Inkiverusus like myself who oppose what Society of Perplexity does.

And as far as your worries with how my beliefs may interfere with my work at all, Alyosha, I'll just say I personally became a follower of the religion before I became an investigator. at that time, I was lost in what I wanted in life, and my purpose. During one of my lonely road trips, I learned about Inkiverusus in a small country town. A lot of what I heard about the Will of the World just made sense to me, and helped me realize we all have a set goal in life by the Will of the World to accomplish Inkiverusus' grand plan, no matter who you are. learning that, I decided I wanted to join the side of justice to help achieve whatever end goal Inkiverusus has set for me. It was thanks to Inkiverusus that I became a detective. I am thankful for the path Inkiverusus had set for me to take, and how Inkiverusus influenced my actions to be successful in my missions I have taken thus far.

I just got done reading your report, Alyosha, and judging by the paper, and mannerism, you seem to match up what other officers and detectives had said about your work back at the office where I work. You are very quick, and efficient with how you solve cases, and many of my coworkers are inspired by your work. However, I know there are other people at my work place who spread rumors about how they find it a little suspicious about how you are able to very swiftly and efficiently solve the cases you're assigned to, sometimes even saying you're willing to do any means possible, doing some pretty morally gray things. Though, those might just be words of jealousy that I've just been hearing by them.

But nonetheless, judging by the essay you written, you did point out some things I didn't consider, so I have faith you're very proficient in your field. You're title as a detective is not misplaced.

But I would totally whoop you in a fight to the death when push comes to shove. hah, just kidding.
No. 43485 ID: 07c9c1
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No. 43486 ID: 8b660e
I suppose that would matter on what it is you hope to gleam from all this, sir.

Inner thoughts: I suspect mostly he’s doing it because he finds it amusing. But he does have a point. How hard they work at pressing the other person down? do they gloat afterwards? You can tell a lot about someone based on that. The only problem here is we were brought in here to find information on a criminal, not each other.

Well, Agent Peregrine, Shall we?

Inner thoughts: I’d rather get this done and over with as soon as possible.
No. 43487 ID: e51896
Good thinking. If we find out who is physically stronger now, it can help us decide who will be better suited in dealing with the heavy physical work to save time if it ever comes to it during our mission, or help us figure out which one of us to send into a fight if we're ever in a position where we need to defend ourselves without a weapon. but I'm interested in knowing, what is the winning and losing conditions you are referring to Daro? Impress Triumphant? He doesn't look like he is interested. But I'll still arm wrestle to satisfy my curiosity.

Also, I must ask before we start Daro, what made you think it was a surprise to everyone that I have a sense of humor? we only met briefly the first time not saying much except writing an essay, and we are only introducing ourselves to each other now. I'm interested in knowing where your assumption and expectation of me come from?

Ready whenever you are, Alyosha. I'll try not to break your arm in the process. Heh, nah, I'm giving it my all. As long as you do too.
No. 43488 ID: 07c9c1
Alright, we are going to do this old D&D old school style. Both will roll three six-sided dices and the sum will be your straight. Good luck you will need it!
No. 43489 ID: e51896
rolled 2, 1, 2 = 5

No. 43490 ID: 8b660e
No. 43491 ID: 8b660e
rolled 4, 1, 5 = 10

No. 43492 ID: 8b660e
*take hold of agent peregrine’s hand and sets his elbow down never breaking eye contact with Peregrine. Suddenly with a twist of his wrist, Peregrine is at a disadvantage, and he brings his arm down. Peregrine resists but it’s too little too late. Alyosha has won.*
No. 43494 ID: 07c9c1
File 156500161912.jpg - (1.35MB , 2480x2120 , BB 381.jpg )
Cone rolling three six-sided dices again. Also if you want Peregrine you can get one additional dice if you choose to do an underhand move.

No. 43495 ID: 8b660e
rolled 3, 6, 5 = 14

No. 43502 ID: e51896
rolled 3, 5, 1 = 9

Inner thoughts: ah hah hah! Wow! this guy has been lifting. No doubt he can hold his own when push comes to shove.

Inner thoughts: Well, whether I win or lose, I will gracefully accept either outcome. After all, whatever happens here is all part of a carefully constructed destiny that has been laid out for me and Alyosha. And I shall accept whatever fate happens here as it is all part of the grand end goal influenced and set by the Will of the World.

Inner thoughts: Even so, I can't be certain if I have been fated to win or lose in this part of my path towards the end goal that has been destined for me in my life if I do not try my best and give it my all. I'm not giving up! Just need to focus on all my strength, fight through the strain, and try harder!
No. 43505 ID: 8b660e
Inner Thoughts: I’ve won again. Did I enjoy it? Not especially. I take no pleasure in hollow victories that ultimately mean nothing. I don’t even take much pleasure in the ones that do.

I dislike having to do this so this idiot can better psychoanalyze us. I wonder how he would react to similar treatment. Probably would enjoy the attention it gives him.

Well fought, Peregrine. Truly, I could tell you were giving it your all. Well done.

*shakes Peregrines hand*
No. 43507 ID: 07c9c1
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No. 43508 ID: 8b660e
Inner thoughts: Is he serious? Probably. The only thing I don’t agree with is the fighting spirit part. Either he has a trick up his sleeve or he is attempting to feel as though he is still a man with no arms and legs. Well, he is my superior officer in this case.

I’d be honored to oblige you.
No. 43509 ID: 8b660e
rolled 4, 1, 6 = 11

No. 43511 ID: 33f0a9
Well done Alyosha. Hey, maybe after our mission assignment, I might challenge you to a game of darts? That is, you you don't think that such games are a waste of your time. I will warn though, I have plenty of experience playing darts.

Inner thoughts:While Triumphant and Alyosha is arm wrestling, I think I'll start a conversation with Daro. Besides, I have a hunch about something with how this arm wrestling will go, and if I'm correct, it might be best to be prepared. For now, I'll get Daro's attention and ask him about himself and Triumphant.[/i]

Hi, Daro. Seeing as Alyosha and I are introducing each other, I feel it is also a good idea to get an introduction to you two as well. I'd like to know how you two met and became colleagues, and why Triumphant is taking on this interesting and difficult case we will be going on? Just a couple of examples to better understand the people I will be working with.
No. 43519 ID: 07c9c1
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No. 43521 ID: 07c9c1
Also, I forgot to mention that now you can roll four dices now.
No. 43522 ID: 8b660e
rolled 4, 4, 6, 6 = 20

No. 43523 ID: 8b660e
“Arm wrestling does require a good deal of strength.”

*suddenly twists triumphants wrist slightly to put him at a disadvantage.*

“But knowing how put your opponent in an unfavorable situation can make all the difference.”
No. 43525 ID: e51896
inner thoughts: hm, hm. it is as I thought, I knew he would use Daro to help him out. And it seems Alyosha is having a bit of trouble as a result, which is what I'm seeing with him trying to use any means possible to win. It is just like I heard from the rumors I heard about him trying to succeed in his cases by any means necessary. But I don't think Alyosha is going to win by doing those slightly underhanded tactics alone

inner thoughts: luckily, Daro was willing to hold a conversation with me, and as expected, Triumphant was getting distracted by Daro's playful teasing. Perhaps That is a weakness of Triumphant's? In that case, if I want to help Alyosha just like how Daro is helping Triumphant, I'll just need to use Triumphant's weakness of geting distracted by Daro's teasing against him to make Triumphant lose focus.

inner thoughts: It's only fair I can help Alyosha since Daro is helping Triumphant, it is also a chance to show my teamwork with Alyosha for the upcoming mission. Plus it is kind of like how audience members in professional sporting events from the home team try to distract the visiting team. Perhaps this is why I was fated to lose that arm wrestle competition, to play this much bigger role in helping Alyosha.

Inner thoughts: I'll just need to get Daro to tell me a rumor about Triumphant that Triumphant doesn't want us to hear so he can get too distracted by Daro's teasing, and give Alyosha the win. Daro does love to tease Triumphant, so it shouldn't be too hard to pull off. After all, if Daro can indirectly help Triumphant, I can indirectly help Alyosha.

Ah, so I've been getting the impression that Triumphant is quite a go-getter, willing to prove himself against all odds. But perhaps he is using that to make up for some shortcomings he may have? There is something respectful about that. hmm, hey Daro, that got me thinking, you've worked with Triumphant for quite a very long time, yes? perhaps you'd like to share some... juicy rumors you know about Triumphant? Seeing as Alyosha and I have been talking about rumors we heard about each other, it seems only fair we hear about Triumphant's, yes?
No. 43526 ID: 07c9c1
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No. 43527 ID: 07c9c1
You can roll four six-sided dices.
No. 43528 ID: 993727
rolled 5, 6, 5, 5 = 21

Inner thoughts: So this is simply another one of their tests is it? Well I have a way of breaking through boastful men.

Tell me Triumphant. Your lady friend, how do you think she feel would feel caring for a quadriplegic? Is that why you don’t claim to have feeling for you. But rumor or not, they usually have some truth behind them. What I’m curious about is whether she is willing to put up with... half a man. Especially when you must rely on another man in order to feel like you have some control..
No. 43539 ID: e51896
inner thoughts: Is Daro stealthily making fun of the controversies of my religion by offering me such a drug? hmmm. Actually, I think I'll just play along with his teasing and let him have his fun, maybe even give a friendly fun bit of teasing right back at him.

*Whispers back to Daro* Ah I see, so judging by your possession of Cannabis, I can see that you too are also an avid follower of the Will of the World, Inkiverusus like I am.
But sadly, to be more specific, you unfortunately seem to be part of that more controversial group of Inkiverusus, and partake in their so-called quote-unquote "spiritual journeys".
In any case, No thanks, Daro. I am in no need for a "spiritual journey", as I am much too mentally stable for that and have already found myself. In fact, I found myself sitting here in this room with you guys the whole time. Wow, Mind blowing, right? boom!

Joking aside, I don't think it'll be necessary, because I have a feeling that this arm wrestling match will end in either direction much faster than we think. It really all depends on how Triumphant's concentration reacts to Alyosha dissing his personal life. So this could get very, very, interesting. But Daro, if you still want to talk to us about more rumors about Triumphant before he rudely interrupted you, We're all ears, heh heh heh.

No. 43542 ID: 07c9c1
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No. 43543 ID: e51896
Congratulations, Alyosha. *claps*

Also, I must apologize, Triumphant. I knew that Alyosha would have a bit of trouble, and I decided much like how you had Daro help you out a bit for the arm wrestling, I figured it's only fair to level the playing field and give my own contribution to Alyosha.

So I figured that if I was fated to lose against Alyosha, then I was fated to instead help him with this trial by analyzing and figure out a weakness you may have, and exploit it to give Alyosha that small advantage. I deduced that you tend to get distracted whenever Daro teases you by revealing secrets about you whether they are real or not, so I figure that I get Daro to reveal some rumors about you so that Alyosha can use what knowledge he learned from Daro to take advantage of your distractions to your personal life.

inner thoughts: this is why I try to keep my personal life and investigative life as separate as possible

Again, I apologize if that was against the rules to distract you, but I know that criminal masterminds that I go up against use sneaky underhanded tactics, we can't afford to just push through things all willy-nilly. We need to think outside the box like Alyosha and I just did as. I hope it at least proven how efficient our teamwork will be when we work together at the end of the day, sir. *thumbs up*
No. 43544 ID: 993727
Thank you Agent Peregrine, I appreciate your assistance.

I hope you can understand sir, I dislike playing with a stacked deck. You chose to play unfairly, so I accepted that as part of the game, and beat you the same way.

Inner thoughts: Whoever this woman is, if Triumphant feels he needs to cheat it order to win, perhaps he’s better off without her.

And this is just a matter of opinion, but if your colleagues feel it humorous to humiliate and deliberately spread rumors perhaps it’s best you let them find employment elsewhere.

*side long glance at Daro*

Then again, it may just be their relaxed attitude towards drugs.
No. 43548 ID: 07c9c1
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No. 43551 ID: 993727
*ghoulish smile*
oh my, you’ll have to better than that, sir. You wouldn’t believe the threats I’ve heard. My favorite has been “I will carve a new ass in you and pull your guts through it.” And besides, don’t be so obvious with it. Pulling your stash out behind his back is just asking for trouble.

I look forward to working with them then.
No. 43600 ID: 58c631
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Who is ready for a field trip!?!
No. 43607 ID: e51896
As long as it isn't this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9c2oHbM-3A
No. 43608 ID: 58c631
No this will be what the route tripe will fell like
No. 43619 ID: 58c631
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No. 43620 ID: e51896
animus? or does he mean anonymous? hmm.

*looks over at Anthony*

If you go, I suppose you'll want my presence for moral support?
No. 43621 ID: 8b660e
I could use it right now actually.

*looks at Nathaniel like he’s about to piss himself with fear*
Clowns man, I can’t do clowns...

Sure, I’ll go....
No. 43630 ID: e51896
No. 43634 ID: 58c631
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No. 43635 ID: aa0488
I only know what my dreams show me. And so far, if what you’ve done with my work is any inclination, this means whatever these things are, the mean bad news.

So spill the beans. Before that though, lose the mask and your hat. I won’t listen to a mask. We’ll talk face to face.
No. 43638 ID: e51896
...Greetings Lorence... We sacrifice our mortality.

if it brings you solace to converse with us... I will listen. With or without a mask.

afterwards Lorence... if you want to listen to me... I would like to briefly propose and idea I have which needs your approval on. Thanks.
No. 43650 ID: 58c631
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No. 43654 ID: ced8ae
Begging your pardon Ms. Feasance, but I would appreciate it if you would refrain from hitting on my friends in my gallery. And anyways, I would think finding Cleo would be a more important topic for you at the moment.

And as what’s happening with these things, please get to it quickly Lorence.
No. 43659 ID: e51896
...Seeds need to live as a sprout, then a sapling before it can live as a tree. over watering in attempt to make the seed grow immediately into a tree causes... suffocation.

If you want to go down this route of intimacy... I suggest we start with the sprout... being friends first, and see where that leads us... We'll discuss more in our tête-à-tête after Lorence is done with his speech.
No. 43660 ID: 58c631
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No. 43668 ID: ced8ae

Lorence, you were saying?
No. 43669 ID: 8b660e
(Ignore my previous post)

I don’t who you think I am or what I’m meant to do, I only know what I am. I’m just a guy from Minnesota, and I just draw my dreams. You all are the ones who assigned my drawings meaning, you’re the one who used me as a weapon against my will. If I had to describe my fear of losing myself, it would be in the exact way you used me.
No. 43670 ID: e51896
Who are we really? all we ever are is fragile sentient living brains... trapped inside the confines of many layers of armor... comprised of flesh, muscle, veins, blood, and skeletal material... all powered by organs.

What scares me most of existing is the feeling of wasting my existence no matter how productive I can be.
No. 43672 ID: 58c631
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No. 43680 ID: e51896
My interpretation is Emptiness... hollow husks with nothing but the chilling wind... Like they're missing a puzzle piece of themselves to be complete.


So... a starving unstoppable black hole will inevitably devour our universe then... if the Blind Will doesn't first... I suppose all good things must come to an end...




*grabs Feasance's hand*

*is still keeping his attention on Lorence*

Then there is no need in fearing, running or fighting the unstoppable force then. Since we're stuck in this derailed rollercoaster ride... might as well accept it, and enjoy the thrilling ride, raise our arms to the heavens off the safety bar of the coaster as we scream in elation for our voices to be heard throughout the theme park as proof of our existence until the ride crashes.
No. 43681 ID: 8b660e
Yeah, I can see that emptyness....

But there’s also something else, like... if I stare too deep into their faces I might get sucked in.
No. 43683 ID: 58c631
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No. 43686 ID: e51896
So... you don't know if they have something against the concept of sight... hmm...

...for some reason, what comes to mind is I remember hearing about one of our own members themself being blind... I forgot their name though... but what I'm wondering Lorence, just to get a understanding on the Blind Will's behavior, in the timelines you have come across the Blind Will... what are usually their actions towards someone who already lost a sense, especially on someone already blind?

And I assume that missing Blind Will member only appears when things goes off the rails for them, yes?
No. 43689 ID: 8b660e
Interesting, think the fact the hidden member not here is any indication of it's active or inactive state?
No. 43690 ID: b151ba
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No. 43691 ID: f1cf1b
Sooo... since I put all of them in religious terms... this guy would be...

“The Prophet?”
No. 43692 ID: e51896
"The Prophet" you say, Anthony?


*stares briefly at a previous portrait of Logan Anthony made nearby >>33049, then back at Lorence*

Apologies Lorence... Anthony's comment filled an unpleasant thought in my mind of Absolution's murdering warrior who I heard caused homicidal mayhem in a dinner party, killed a friend of mine, and abducted Root... I assume that man is the acolyte you are referring to?
No. 43711 ID: b151ba
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No. 43712 ID: f1cf1b
This is why I didn’t become an immortal...

I fail to understand the appeal of why someone would want to go through something like this...
No. 43733 ID: e51896
To become part of the Blind Will's hive mind, one must lose their eyes

To become immortal through our ritual with the ash tree, one must also lose their eyes.


Let me ask: is Absolution Prime using the power of the Ash Tree to his own advantage such as using the Ash Tree to create that hive mind of eyeless slaves, the very same tree we worship and harvest for our own power and some of our eyeless people's immortality?

Or is it much worse, like Absolution Prime has become one with the Ash tree in some way, and we are in some ways using some of Absolution Prime's powers to become immortal hence the loss of eyes?
No. 43735 ID: b151ba
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No. 43741 ID: e51896
If I had to guess... it is sort of like a judgement scale... or rather... a judgement day scale.

I suppose if our organization decides not to take the Ash Tree's powers for ourselves in a cycle... then that tips the scale all the way down for Absolution Prime favor giving him all and too much of the power of the Ash Tree for himself... giving him all the power he needs cause something even more catastrophic than the Blind Will ever could... to build his own twisted world destroying everyone and everything he deems unfit to his "utopia" including our organization, and innocent people, all in a blink of an eye. By that point... he probably wouldn't not even need the Blind Will to put us all in a hive mind with all that magic.

Conversely, if I were to guess... if we ourselves probably gain too much of the Ash Tree's power ourselves and the scales tip to our favor immensely, Absolution Prime may summon the Blind Will to weigh the scale to his side.
No. 43742 ID: 8b660e
*stays silent*
No. 43744 ID: b151ba
File 156759438613.jpg - (3.69MB , 3508x4379 , BB 400.jpg )
No. 43745 ID: f14948
*stares daggers at Lorence*
Say I do? What then? Will you kill him too? Just like you’ve killed or changed the lives of so many so many for the worse...? Hell, I don’t even know why but I know you would behead the trunk of the ash tree itself if it meant getting your way. As for trying to keep phantoms or tragedy’s of the past coming back to haunt us?
*looks Lorence up and down*
If that isn’t the pot calling the kettle black Let me show you something.
See these drawings? They’re actually of the same guy. Someone calling themselves “a happy tragedy phantom.” He was wearing a mask and I couldn’t see his face. Both of these are just guesses as to what he looks like. But my point is this, there’s always going to be some kind of tragedy or phantom from the past. My guess is it’s like the ash tree itself in a way, we’re always doomed to have them in some form or other. So really if this is the case, what are you even doing with your life...?
No. 43759 ID: e51896

*adjusts his glasses with his free hand*

Anthony, first breath... then, listen closely... I know you were worried about your girlfriend before Ms.Feasance said she is okay, and it put you in a sour mood worrying where Cleo was...

but as the moral guidance you asked me to be... I must advise that first... don't assume. It only makes an "ass" out of "u" &/or "me"...

Second, I want you to think very carefully about what Lorence is concerned about and what it means for this cycle in this metaphorical way: right now... there is a cancerous cell that was discovered quite early in this stage of the timeline, and hopefully with Lorence's detection of it early on, it might just be easily treatable with any luck...

...However, if you decide to leave the cancerous cell alone and let past actions block you, it can multiply into a nasty tumor in which the cancer can become terminal in this timeline, dooming us all...

Thus... I must advise you... or advise your curator... to please give Lorence their name as it could be our only chance at survival... Do it for Cleo if not for Lorence... Thanks.
No. 43760 ID: b151ba
File 156769435431.jpg - (2.57MB , 2863x3177 , BB 401.jpg )
No. 43768 ID: e51896
You really are a burdened hero living and risking your lives that are unsung by your accomplishments and failures to make our organization better with what little it has to work with what this hellish world gave us, and I'm grateful for what you're doing. You're one in a million.
It's as Albert Camus insinuated, "Sisyphus' struggle may be enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy".

...I have a few lingering questions...

Sisyphus was punished by Zeus to roll that boulder for cheating death... you may have accepted and became content in the absurdity in your punishment Lorence, but I must wonder, metaphorically or literally, who or what do you think it was that put you into your "punishment", and why?

also, you mention that each cycle, the Blind Will mutate and become stronger... With that in mind, do you have a plan or a dead man's switch in place in the event that you pass away in a cycle, like a memoir of information to pass to another person? or have you thought of training someone to become your successor to your title of Eternal Guardian? I ask because as they say, sadly, nothing lasts forever. I fear what other cycles may become if you weren't alive to keep them in check...

next, thinking back on the missing Blind will member who emits its influence like a beacon to the entire world through nonstop chanting... I can't help but think about reports, rumors, and ghost stories of people who hear disembodied voices manipulating them to do things they normally would never do to varying results. If the rumors of those disembodied voices are true and if they exist, then I am wondering if there is some direct, or similar connection between whatever magic the missing blind will member uses to manipulate the entire world, and whatever magic the rumored voices uses to manipulate people into doing their deeds...

Lastly... you have eased some of your burden by passing down some of your burden to us with this forbidden knowledge... with this knowledge you've passed down, what is it do you want us to do to help you in any way with this knowledge? what steps do you order us to take from here?
No. 43769 ID: 05b206
*raises one eyebrow and stays silent to hear the answer*
No. 43781 ID: b151ba
File 156802941575.jpg - (4.93MB , 3101x4750 , BB 402.jpg )
No. 43782 ID: 8b660e
*eyes go wide at Lorence’s last comment*

keep exploiting for...

*suddenly flips a nearby table sending papers and scattered and unfinished drawings everywhere.*

Get out. You’ll get nothing from me, do you understand that, you fucking leech? I won’t “exploit” anyone for you or anyone else’s benefit. If I draw something it will be because I want to, and it won’t be for you any others who want to try and use me or Cleopatra for their own gain. Now get the hell out of my gallery.
No. 43786 ID: e51896
In any case, I'll keep this conversation a secret, Lorence

(inner thoughts: (hmm... I already knew about the grenades, but his answer doesn't exactly answer my question... how is blowing one self up to take down the Blind Will a contingency plan? Sure the Blind will would die with him, but if Lorence dies, who will take his place as this world's guardian and save the other cycles, especially when all the knowledge from other cycles dies with him? I would ask him that, but it seems clear he doesn't want to talk about it. Maybe he doesn't want to talk about it because he doesn't have a fail-safe dead man's switch, or memoirs, or a successor to his title in place in the event of his death... or maybe to him it isn't about protecting this world, but more of trying to atone for past sins until he finds a final resting place... it's all speculation, so I'll keep this to myself in my mind, leave Lorence at peace... and perhaps at some point... with patience... Lorence will open up to me. whatever the case, I hope he thinks hard about my questions and his tired soul finds peace at some point.)

>>43782 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZIpFytCSVc)
Anthony... My apologize if I speak out of line... but... Are you okay? what is crossing and eclipsing your sunlight right now? is it the stormy clouds which is drenching you... or is it the moon that's stealing all of your sunshine leaving only darkness, or is it something else entirely?

...I only ask because I have never since I've known you seen you act this... violent... and I also heard of you doing things I've never thought you would do especially since I know you never want immortality... For example, like forming a pact with a curator to get magic on top of already having dream magic from Morpheus... It's as if you're looking for more strength to become stronger against... something or someone... Is something wrong? Is someone other than Lorence hurting you in some way? You can talk to me about it...


And maybe Lorence didn't word it correctly and only spoke out of dread of the blind will... I think what he meant is that... he is just concerned that some things are meant to be kept secret and forbidden... and with the addition to the Blind Will in the gallery... there could be consequences where people who will use this knowledge to try to at worst, summon these cult members of Absolution Prime. or even rumors spread to Absolution Prime himself instigating him to send in his cult members...

...And as someone like myself who is human with no immortality, and with no dream magic, and no curator to protect myself... I feel that keeping these Blind Will behind closed doors as much as possible is the safest thing that can be done on our part... if not for Lorence's sake... but for mortals like myself in this world who can't use magic that can be easily taken out by the Blind Will very easily... If anything, I don't want my friend to be blamed for causing the blind will to be summoned by revealing too much information to the public...

But...If you don't want to talk about what is wrong... I won't bother you further and I'll leave you to your thoughts... I hope whatever is eclipsing your sun finishes crossing it soon.
No. 43787 ID: 8b660e
I’ll tell you everything when Lorence leaves.
No. 43796 ID: f7ff14
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No. 43822 ID: e51896
Sorry for not holding hands at the start... I needed a reason to do so first in Lorence's conversation. Him talking about the black hole gave me a believable enough reason to do so to keep Lorence from getting too suspicious... I doubt he believed it anyway... age made him an intelligent man.

...anyway, I kind of thought it was odd Lorence didn't say something like "thanks for coming" or "I've been expecting you" when we entered. He only said he broke in the gallery after Anthony left to talk to me... I think if Lorence wanted to talk to Anthony... it wouldn't be in the gallery to show that he broke in and leave another bad impression... especially since Anthony hated him already... So it could be possible that Spiky the Clown did lie about the invitation.

...The only speculations with the information I have is that Spiky either wanted to listen in on our conversation while hiding somewhere nearby or with a hidden recording device hidden somewhere in the gallery to hear what Lorence was thinking about concerning the latest works Anthony made...
especially since Spiky emphasized how Anthony's "biggest fan" wanted to talk to Anthony about the "latest artwork" he made to probably ensure the topic of the Blind Will is brought up by Anthony if Lorence didn't bring it up...

...or the other speculation could be that he wanted Anthony to talk to Lorence to either distract Lorence, or Anthony... or if he is a masterful chess player, distract you Ms Feasance if he suspected you would follow us to the art gallery. Whoever he is distracting, it could be in order to achieve a goal while all of us wasn't focused on him...

*Whispers to Ms. Feasance* ...question: did you send one of your friends such as Grey Eyes to secretly spy on Spiky after he gave Anthony the invitation? And you don't have to answer this part, but could help with speculating: how did you and Spiky get on bad terms?

*looks over at Anthony*

And Anthony, you can talk about what troubles you have on your mind,
But I'll just say that if you are not going to announce to the public that the artwork of the Blind Will is just fiction to prevent a possible catastrophe, then I suggest we should lock up the gallery to the public and keep it guarded until further notice once things has settled, and probably at least take down the Blind Will artwork off the gallery.
You don't have to do it, but I ask this in order to prevent other people from further exploiting the artwork you've worked so hard on as a weapon for their nefarious purposes again. The last thing I want is Absolution Prime to be instigated enough to summon the blind will from someone using and exploiting your artwork for power. Lorence may have used your artwork for a reason to arrest Godfrey and his men, but there might be people with far more sinister purposes with your artwork than Lorence who might use the artwork such as the Blind Will to cause a catastrophe. Not asking you to quit making art, just asking be careful what you show to the public and keep some artwork private. Some people can be really impressionable with what you create.
No. 43824 ID: 8b660e
Don't worry, i'll put them away in my private area. I call it my panic room. to be honest, the fact that I became a celebrity around here amazed me more than anything. I never really wanted to be one.

Anyway, so yeah. I didn't want to talk about my problems with Lorence here. I get the feeling he would take anything anyone says and use it against them. The honest answer is Nathan, I got withered Ace for my own head. When I found out that my drawings were getting people killed, I had something of a nervous breakdown. It bean to get harder and harder to determine what was real and what wasn't. I started seeing things that were't there. eyes in the wall, blood seeping in from the floor. Faces and monsters of things that weren't there. Withered Ace is also called the Mind Manipulator. So I just got her to help keep me grounded. That's the only reason why I got her, and she's become a really great friend.

I actually met with one of the people who my art caused harm to. And you know what? He thanked me for it. He said that it helped him rexamine himself but the thought that anyone could have been hurt because of me, especially when I wasn't even thinking about it. It was unbearable, and what hurt most was that he forgave me. I didn't feel like I deserved that forgiveness.

I don't want to hurt anyone, but it seems no matter what happens I do. And I need to draw Nathan, I can't explain it. It's like I see these things and they need to escape. Like I need to give it away. My mom always said that if someone has a gift, they must share it with the world.

I just wanted to be an artist... that's all...
No. 43827 ID: f7ff14
File 156841510055.jpg - (1.75MB , 2132x2919 , BB 404.jpg )
No. 43828 ID: 8b660e
*clings to Nathaniel*
No. 43859 ID: e51896
*is annoyed with Anthony clinging to him, but doesn't stop him*
inner thoughts:First, Ms. Feasance. Now, Anthony. Why does people want to hold onto me in some way all of a sudden?

inner thoughts: now that I think about it, Spiky might be the biggest fan in the invitation, not Lorence. Go figure. Though he probably still wanted Lorence to talk.

Inner thoughts: is that blood on that box? In any case, I'll stay neutral overall on this and quietly be an observer on everything that is transpiring here. I'll talk when I need to.
No. 43861 ID: f7ff14
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No. 43866 ID: e51896
*is calm and collected*

[inner thoughts]: I'm still neutral on this whole thing, but I'm willing to suspect Spiky is lying about those hearts. I don't know everything about immortality, but if I remember correctly, after the procedure, Their hearts are either transformed or if not transformed, replaced with a yellowish orange orb looking thing. immortal people's hearts aren't supposed to look like the ones in Spiky's box if they are transformed to an orb, and even if they are not transformed and just replaced, the orb acts as the heart instead of those beating hearts Spiky has. It's been stressed that immortals can only die if they explode. I don't believe destroying a beating heart out of a body is going to kill anyone.

[inner thoughts]: I just hope Anthony and Ms. Feasance realizes this. But I'll say something if they don't realize it.

[Inner thoughts]: Either way, even if it is true those hearts will kill people, I still wouldn't make deal with terrorists like Spiky no matter the circumstances.
No. 43868 ID: 8b660e

Fine, I’ll draw it but only on one condition. Tell me what you’re afraid of.
No. 43869 ID: f7ff14
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No. 43874 ID: e51896
[inner thoughts]: And so, the performer asks an audience member to come up on the stage and be a part of the show. And I’m that audience member… So be it… probably important to keep in mind that Spiky doesn’t seem to know my name at the moment.

I'm silent because I believe I don’t need or want to say anything to persuade Anthony in either outcome... I'm just staying neutral on this, and watching how this all unfolds. This is Anthony’s decision alone after all

But since you’re curious as to why I'm silently observing you, it is more that I'm actually silently observing and concentrating on your artwork the “Vines that Tie Us”... I'm performing some ‘art appreciation’ on your artwork as they say...

Predominantly, I'm trying to analyze what feelings, thoughts, ideas, and experiences you've had that you wanted to project to your audience through your artwork. After all, you said it took a lot of blood, sweat and tears to complete it... literally... so it deserves a proper analysis, right?

…and because you insinuated it was a difficult task… I would like to ask you this question to get a better understanding on the art piece: how did you get the materials, such as the knife, the hearts and blood to create the artwork you worked so hard on? I can only imagine how difficult it must've been for you to cut the immortals chests open to get their hearts, which explains the “sweat and tears” you mentioned... whether it be pig or human…
don't worry, I don't need to know who those hearts or blood belong to. I'm just asking how you got the materials to help give me a better understanding of what you went through in order to convey your experiences with “The Vines that Tie Us” when you worked hard in making this. I ask this so I can better analyze and critique it. You were asking what we thought of it after all, and I want to give you as accurate an answer I can give by finding out the process of how it’s made...

[inner thoughts]: Now that I think about it, did Spiky really meant to call it "The Veins that Tie Us", instead of "the Vines that Tie Us"? that's the second time I'm questioning if he is mixing his words.
No. 43875 ID: 8b660e
*resets the table and gets out supplies and also a timer and listens to Nathan and Spikey talk*
No. 43877 ID: f7ff14
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No. 43880 ID: e51896
*goes back to being silent after Spiky turned his attention towards Anthony

[Inner Thoughts]: Hmmmmm... I wonder if Spiky and Penelope of the Smiling Sinners would make a perfect loving couple for one another... not that I'm a shipper...

[Inner Thoughts]: Anyway, It is as I thought, he is blackmailing and terrifying Anthony with... bubble wrap, figuratively speaking, in order to to manipulate him. The thing about blackmail is that the letter is black, the same color as the ink, so you can't read the letter and their demands and secrets because the black inked words is part of the nothingness of the blackness on the letter, rendering it meaningless.

[Inner Thoughts]: An immortal's heart is supposed to be shaped like an orb, not shaped like a human heart. Even if he painted those hearts, they would of been painted hearts shaped like orbs, not painted hearts shaped like human/pig hearts.
Yes he admitted that an immortal's heart looks different, and he may be able to change the color of what immortals hearts look like with paint, but he never said he changed the shapes of the hearts. hmm... and I don't even think that it is even possible to change an immortal's heart orb's shape into a shape of a mortal human heart.
Spiky is definitely what he is dressed like, a joker... always joking around with their lies. Well, more power to him if he finds fun in it.

[Inner Thoughts]: I wonder if Anthony and Ms. Feasance realizes the contradictions in his statement after I got Spiky to accidentally reveal his lies.
No. 43881 ID: 8b660e
File 156877942388.jpg - (356.93KB , 1786x2561 , 9292B8DE-B0B8-4C15-BD67-93C8EE440BA5.jpg )
Here you go...

... *waits until Spiky looks up from it*

Just how stupid do you think I am, Clown? I’ve seen how immortals are made, they don’t have hearts they have gold orbs where their hearts are. You are a terrible liar, and an edge lord of an artist. Is that why they call you Spikey?
No. 43884 ID: e51896
*is perplexed* Ummm... what in the? No offense Anthony, I know you did this in 1 minute like Spiky asked, but what even is this drawing? it looks like a person with a giant pair of lips for a head with tearful eyes on a drooling tongue that had been sliced in the front and has long pieces of hair on the upper lips and...
...Actually, don't explain what it is, I feel that I'll regret the answer and I'm going to be asking even more questions.

Ms. Feasance, can you make anything out of this?
No. 43885 ID: f7ff14
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No. 43886 ID: bfce93
Because I wanted to laugh at you like the clown you are. And yes I did intentionally make it shitty.

Whatever, take your drawing and fuck off back to whatever fucked up circus you came from.
No. 43892 ID: e51896
So, your decision is to give Spiky your drawing.

And now Anthony... the only question left to ask you regarding this is... will you accept and take 'The Vines that Tie Us' from Spiky in exchange, or will you have Spiky keep "The Vines that Tie Us" along with your drawing? Or perhaps Ms. Feasance wants it?
No. 43893 ID: 8b660e
To be honest I don't even know who made it so I'm not really sure what to do with it. I guess I could take it if no one else wants it. I don't really want it because I recognize the people depicted in this... But I can take it if no one else wants it.
No. 43898 ID: f7ff14
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No. 43905 ID: e51896
[inner thoughts]: hmm, from the look of the blood on the floor, Spiky must have put that box face-down before he violently kicked that box, I'd imagine most if not all of those hearts are not beating anymore now after those hearts skidded across the floor.
Well, in any case I'm not going to pick up that box of hearts. Not even with gloves. But one of us should probably report this mess to the higher ups for cleanup

the human instinctive behavior to be part of a group or family is what ties people together... Instinct is what connects us all
No. 43925 ID: 48a98a
Sounds about right. Now scram you fucking weirdo.
No. 43926 ID: e51896
I was hoping you'd give your own answer. If I wasn't here, what would your answer be Anthony?
No. 43927 ID: f14948
You ever hear of the hierarchy of needs? I learned it from my mom who was a teacher. The theory goes everyone has a hierarchy of needs that need to be fulfilled in order to consider ourselves complete. It’s kind of like a pyramid, the lowest level is the most basic needs, food, water, and sleep. Next tier is a feeling of safety and security. Middle tier is love and belonging, friendship, and whatnot. Second from the top is taking care of your esteem, self love and respect. And finally the top tier of needs is self actualization, being the most you can be.

I’d say these needs are what connects humanity more than anything.
No. 43928 ID: f7ff14
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No. 43929 ID: 8b660e
What a prick face. Well, someone will want these. Lord knows theres enough psychopaths around here who will want these bombs for something.
No. 43939 ID: e51896
Well, well... that was an experience... I'd say the second most weird and intense experience I've had today...

...My thoughts are neutral on Spiky... despite being in the crossfire between Spiky's confrontation with Anthony, Spiky wasn't targeting me personally that whole time... just Anthony. So I don't really care about Spiky as I can't form an opinion on him with what little interaction I've had with him...
...but really, I tend to have unbiased opinions on everyone anyway so...
But I am interested in knowing, Spiky said he fears you the most, Ms. Feasance. Any idea why?


As far as what we should do... I suppose I have some ideas...

...one idea for the first course of action is remove and maybe destroy those Blind Will portraits... Since we've learned how dangerous the portraits can be in the wrong hands, it might be best to take precautions now... That all depends on whether Anthony wants to destroy those portraits now or not.

Whether we do that first action or not... there are different options we can do for our second course of action:

one idea is just wait here patiently until someone frees us eventually... whether it be Spiky and/or his curator themselves, Ms. Feasance's father the Carpenter, Lorence, or whomever...
During our waiting, we can look at the artwork in the gallery... or Anthony can probably take some silly drawing requests from us to pass the time... or I guess I can tell a ghost story I've been thinking about writing... but only the nutshell version...

Another idea is using Anthony's curator for help in some way. For one example, if Spiky's curator is here watching, Anthony can probably order his Curator to have a chat with Spiky's curator and start some kind of negotiation.
I'm personally against this idea as I'm not a fan of using a magic handicap, but that is my opinion. Everyone seems to be gaining weird powers anyway, so whatever. Don't let my opinion persuade you, I won't stop you.

Last idea, we can just believe that Spiky is lying again and just simply leave this place. He is a joker after all. But that is also pretty risky

Those are my ideas that I've been spitballing. If you want to do them, or if you have a better idea, go for it.

As for me, I prefer to look at and admire some of Anthony's artwork in the meantime...

*stares at one of the Blind Will portraits* I can't imagine what kind of nightmare you've had that inspired you to make this artwork.
No. 43940 ID: f14948
Well I mean I why make it so complicated as using my curator for getting rid of the bombs through magic? There’s no phones around here and these things will only explode if we follow him right?

Hey Ace? Can you go tell someone where stuck here for a while?
No. 43941 ID: f7ff14
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No. 43942 ID: f14948
Who’s your father? I’ll send Ace to go get him.

As for that drawing, I intend to see it stolen back despite how shitty it is. You know the one Lorence was worried about? He’s a buddy of mine, he knows people who get it in and out. Once they’ve got it they’ll burn it. I figured I’d ask him to see if it can be done. If it can’t, well I look at it this way. From what I’ve dreamt of Happy, he’s not a good man either. But that’s the thing. It’s not a battle of good vs. evil, it’s bad vs. worse.
No. 43948 ID: e51896
*stops staring at the Blind Will portrait and looks at Anthony

As I said before, Anthony... her father is known as The Carpenter... And I wouldn't send Ace out to find him. Like Spiky said, anyone who leaves here means we all get exploded... that probably includes if Ace leaves as well... Besides, Ms. Feasance already made the decision, so let us respect her decision to take a break while we wait... We all deserve it.
With any decision from this point on Anthony, just remember that sometimes, when given a decision between a bad or worse decision, the person giving the decision could disguise the less bad decision as the worst decision while a decision that is perceived as the worst decision can be disguised as the less bad decision in order to manipulate you into something you don't want. Just be aware of your surroundings and try to anticipate what hidden consequences may arrive from each decision in the future. If something sounds too good to be true, it most likely isn't. Treat your artwork from your magic dream powers with more respect and responsibility, no matter how shitty you make them.
And as far as your friend is concerned, I won't judge whoever it is as I don't know the person, but I hope you've choose who your friends wisely. You tend to jump into a friendship without getting to know the person first, even starting a loving relationship with Cleo a bit too quickly within the day of meeting her...
But in any case, whoever your friend is... I want to request if I not be associated with his rivalry with Lorence if that is alright with you as I want to stay neutral with whatever bad blood they have... [inner thoughts]:probably because I still have respect for Lorence which I don't want to break...

By the way, you didn't answer my question Anthony. Are you going to get rid of those portraits of the Blind Will right now as we wait here for the time being?

*looks over to Ms. Feasance*

It might not be best to just assume that isolation in the woods is the main cause of his behavior. The isolation might have played into it, but remember that you too were isolated and you've turned out alright compared to him from what I gathered... I just think a lot more of other factors should be considered when judging why he acts the way he does and not just isolation as the main cause alone...

That said, I know your brother is in bad terms with you and your father, and it sounds like he loved his mother at least. But I'm interested in knowing how your relationship with your father is...
...and if I may ask a personal question... which you don't have to answer now if you're not comfortable... in the short time during your childhood that you've known your mother, what was your relationship with her? what were some memories of her you can remember?

[inner thoughts] I think it might be too soon to ask how her mother died right now, so I won't ask it. That question is probably way too personal and worst case scenario could open up some traumatic repressed memories of what happened on her mother's death day... I'll ask when she is more comfortable
No. 43949 ID: 48a98a
I’m not sure what I’d get rid of them with, canvas is surprisingly strong but I’ll look around to see if I have something to get it done.

*gives Nathan a funny smile*
That’s not quite what happened the first time we met. The first time I met her I screamed kinda like how I did when Spikey showed up and ended up confusing a coat stand for someone and climbing on top of it like some kind of drunk cat. But she wanted to get to know me better, why that is I’ll never know, lord knows it wasn’t a good first impression. But the next time I met her she was dressed differently, just in simple shirt and pants, different mask too. And we just started talking. The night ended with us just holding hands....

*happy sigh*

What about you three, Ace you wanna join the conversation? Any of you have someone in your life?
No. 43950 ID: f7ff14
File 156943964975.jpg - (1.82MB , 2480x2656 , BB 412.jpg )
No. 43953 ID: 8b660e
No. No thank you.
No. 43954 ID: 8b660e
You said two of them are active? So even if I answer truthfully I could hit bomb and trigger it. So I’ll just tell you that’s true. How you know it is beyond me, but I’ve dealt with a woman who knew shit on meta level before and she sucked ass and quickly became such a problem she had to die for it.

You’re game is stupid (it’s not even truth or dare), and you’re stupid. I’m not playing this with another meta breaking character. Fuck off.

And yeah I did just break character to tell you this.
No. 43962 ID: 8b660e
File 156948481527.jpg - (417.42KB , 1058x1321 , BD164237-C5E6-4062-9B73-BB1F4AB9177B.jpg )
Here I got bored while listening to this clown so I did these for fun.

A new version of the Ash Tree.
No. 43963 ID: 48a98a
File 156948503227.jpg - (460.33KB , 1075x1529 , 8015A882-D1E7-4950-840C-9DB0C614769D.jpg )
I’ll call this one, Blue Ana
No. 43964 ID: 48a98a
File 156948722261.jpg - (301.71KB , 954x1175 , 98AE957E-0CC5-4C28-BB38-C2543B52BB7E.jpg )
*eyes suddenly glaze over and it’s as though fainted on his feet when he suddenly springs into life again*

AHA! Gotcha clown!

*runs to the desk and draws fast*

Ms. Feassance! Before you speak would you say this is a good likeliness of your brother?

If you can still hear me clown, and I bet your curator is watching so you’ll know I’m not lying but I just did a new drawing of you. blow us up and you’ll never get a chance to see it or compare it your own art pieces.
No. 43973 ID: e51896
Have you calmed down from your overeating flip out, Anthony? because if you are... I can give you the answer to your question: no, I do not have anyone special in my life... a lot of people don't find me interesting with my reclusive lifestyle and hobby, so they tend to leave me alone while I leave them alone. I was even surprised and confused when someone as famous as you insisted on being my friend...
and even if I was interesting... I don't think I would want someone to love in my life, as the world has become such an uncertain state at the moment... so committing to a relationship at this time will just most likely lead to an easy heartbreak if a potential loved one or I were to perish, especially with the dangerous new environment and dangerous people. Having that possible emotional baggage would keep me from accomplishing my goals. Plus, I enjoy the silence of solitude.


It's been nice hanging out here, but I'm going to fly off to my coop now... You're both welcome to fly and follow me out too, Anthony and Ms. Feasance. I would appreciate the company...
or you both can continue to roost here and enjoy your game of "Truth or Death" with Spiky. It's up to you both. *takes one last glance at the Blind Will portraits before heading towards the door*

[inner thoughts]: there isn't any bombs. And I don't think the prize is anything good anyway. Spiky won't activate the bombs if we just leave. And even if he did blow us up, Spiky would certainly be making tons of enemies from Anthony's fanboys and fangirls, his girlfriend Cleo, and Ms. Feasance's friends, baseball lover, and her father all looking for revenge.
Plus, if anything, the explosion will at the very least destroy those dubious Blind Will portraits. It's a sacrifice I'm willing to take if it means those portraits won't be seen or used again to cause a fate worst than death upon the people on earth...
In any case, I'm hoping they both follow me out.

No. 43974 ID: f7ff14
File 156962628137.jpg - (4.97MB , 3508x4731 , BB 413.jpg )
No. 43977 ID: 48a98a
You’re missing out on the best part. That evil witch that turned the poor puppy into a monster died. And the reason the young man was so afraid was because of a twisted future where the monster that the witch had created also turned that same young man into a monster as well. But now that little pup doesn’t have to hate the young man anymore because he’s sorry for what he did out of fear. And he hopes that young pup can find a pack or someone like him whom can love him just as much.


In fact I think the young man might even have an idea of who might love that puppy as one of her own.

As for you clown, you’re not funny. You’re just an asshole and as for what I saw, that’s none of your goddamn business, and it’s also not how it all works anyway, dumbass. Now get the fuck out of my gallery, I’m locking this place up.
No. 43978 ID: 8b660e
File 156966330021.png - (906.43KB , 2732x2048 , 8A19F959-7802-416B-9BF1-BFD4306CFD49.png )
i need some aspirin, I had to deal with a lot of shit from Lorene and clown that got less scary just got annoying. But he told me about some old dream I had awhile ago. I don’t really remember it but I should know by now my dreams have some power. But I know if that little dog is out there, there’s a girl just like him who could use him, and I think he might need her too...
No. 43979 ID: e51896
*meanwhile, Nathanial is waiting outside the door of the gallery for Anthony and Ms. Feasance. However, he cannot hear what is happening inside since the door is closed*

[Inner Thoughts]: I thought that I could spark the flames inspiration for Anthony and Ms Feasance to withdraw from the gallery with me to fly free away from Spiky bullying us if I showed bravery in my rebellion in leaving despite the empty threats Spiky was giving. However, the beast known as fear is a much more powerful, belligerent, and suppressing dragon that I had initially conceptualized that not even their trust in me and my inspiration could achieve victory over the dragon. Perhaps I should have been more clear with my wording when I asked them to join me outside the gallery. Nonetheless, I have at least learned the kind of people Anthony and Ms. Feasance are with this action.


[inner thoughts]: In any case, I shall delay my venture into the familiarity and comfort of my territory until Anthony and Ms. Feasance comes out of the gallery to join me. But for now, I think I shall think about what precautions to take in my next action in consideration of what this event might bring in the future... if Spiky considers trying to one-up me after I saw through his trick, perhaps I should consider hiring a bodyguard for protection as an alternative to getting a curator or gaining immortality since I dislike cursing myself with any sort of acquirement of magic. While the bodyguards available might have some screws loose, it is perhaps better than having no protection in what the world is becoming. Further consideration might be wise
No. 43980 ID: f7ff14
File 156969828537.jpg - (1.90MB , 3140x2304 , BB 414.jpg )
No. 43981 ID: 48a98a
*takes the gold orb*

I don’t know what you expected me to with this but I know what I will do with it.

Inner thoughts: im bringing this to the doctors so they can get it back to whoever needs this. It’s the right thing to do
No. 43994 ID: f7ff14
File 156975944098.jpg - (1.89MB , 2812x2649 , BB 415.jpg )
No. 43997 ID: 8b660e
You can report him if you want to. As for that thing about the dog... long story. Let’s get out of here...

Hey, Nathaniel? You alright? Thought I heard you scream? Ohhh... that hit you? Well you know I was gonna give you some flak about just leaving when the going got rough, but seeing as how it literally came back to hit you in the back in the head we’ll call that even-Stevens. I need some aspirin and some lunch. What about you Ma’am? Wanna grab a bite to eat?
No. 44007 ID: e51896
I... probably deserved that...

I was actually banking on you two to follow suit in leaving the gallery with me out if I showed valor in standing against the tides of threats with the logic I had against the deceits... but fear can be a much more powerful and dangerous thing that can suppress people. It can cloud people's trust in friends and cloud judgement and logic in actions leading to misunderstandings. Nonetheless, I apologize for not being clear in my actions if it looked to be a selfish move.

...you said something about reporting Spiky to Lorence? If it was my decision, I'd refuse to report Spiky and get on with my life. It is probably for the best not to confront Spiky in any way any further lest we want to instigate him into taking actions to try and physically or mentally hurt us in some way again. If anything, I think Spiky with this action wanted to send a warning or teach us something with his actions. I don't think we have enough information or reason to report him at the moment.

Plus, I believe Lorence is busy enough as it is, reporting Spiky could add to that workload Lorence has to deal with. And Ms. Feasance said she had a treaty with Spiky to not bother one another, Ms. Feasance reporting Spiky could break that contract. Spiky's actions here was more to mess with Anthony, not Ms Feasance, she was just in the crossfire which is most likely why he didn't actually have bombs in the box. If anyone should report Spiky to Lorence, it'll have to be Anthony.

But my advice is to just drop it, and not report Spiky and leave it be. Besides, He could be anticipating us to report him which could instigate him to react accordingly.
No. 44010 ID: f7ff14
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This is the end part of this short story. Now it is time to start something that I like to do annually and I think you all know what that is.
No. 44011 ID: f7ff14
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Essence: I really like this costume, it really defines what I am all about!

Happy: Yeah my costume fits me perfectly!

Spirit Contaminator: I don't like my costume at all, it is just a combination of two characters that don't even fit together!

Yeah, we are doing this once more but this time with a twist. This year both of you are going to compete one against the other. This is how it is going to work, both of you will suggest one character to be dressed in a fitting costume and I will pick which idea I like more. This will be done multiple times until the month is over and who has more points will get a prise.

No. 44015 ID: 48a98a
File 156998979545.jpg - (178.17KB , 588x779 , 418AF9C1-1874-4FA6-ABF2-305EF322863C.jpg )
Ooh okay I wanna see Root as the demonic cult leader Randal Flagg from Steven Kings book, The Stand.
No. 44018 ID: e51896
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(told ya we probably should of destroyed those pictures of the Blind Will, Harbard :P)

cool idea this year for Halloween. Also, I noticed that the characters seem to be interacting with each other and their costumes (unless that is only for Essence, Happy, and Spirit Contaminator)

But man, I already have a lot of ideas for costumes. I'll start out with something basic: Lorence as Miles Edgeworth from the Ace Attorney series.
No. 44022 ID: f7ff14
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No. 44025 ID: 2464aa
The theme will be: animated characters. Costumes of characters from a cartoon show or movie.
No. 44031 ID: f7ff14
My suggestion will be Wild Cat dressed as Felix the Cat
No. 44032 ID: 8b660e
Tv Head/Flint as Johnny Bravo
No. 44046 ID: e51896
y'know, the funny thing is, when I said I had lots of ideas for costumes, one of the ideas I had for a costume coincidentally was Wildcat as Felix the Cat. wtf? anyway, yeah, I think Wildcat as Felix the Cat fits best.

Sidenote, if you want to watch the weirdest and deranged iteration of Felix the cat, watch the 90's "Twisted Tales of Felix the Cat" show. I remember watching that as a child. it pays a lot of homage to the old 1920s Felix cartoons as well as a little bit of homage to the 1950s cartoon tv series. It was a cartoon that takes advantage of the fact that it is a cartoon as much as it can not being grounded in reality. It's too bad Felix is pretty much forgotten especially since he was the first popular cartoon star before Mickey Mouse. A bigger shame they did nothing with him since this year is his 100th birthday.

Anyway, yeah. Wildcat is my choice.

No. 44050 ID: f7ff14
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No. 44054 ID: f6c741
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Delilah as Duela Dent from the Batman comics
No. 44056 ID: e51896
>>44050 Felix the HET

Something absurd? How about Bleeding Jimmy >>33109 as Tingle from the Zelda series?
Because why?
No. 44059 ID: 8b660e
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I’d like to change my answer, I still think this is good but I’ll save this one for later.

The smiling dinner as the Spanish Inquisition from Monty python’s flying circus
No. 44064 ID: f7ff14
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No. 44065 ID: 8b660e
For my category I want funny, the matchup has to at least make me laugh either to how well it matches, or irony, but it just has to be funny
No. 44067 ID: f7ff14
Robin Dagonet as Kenny from south park
No. 44080 ID: e51896
Masturbating Mike and Handjob Hank as Beavis and Butthead
No. 44083 ID: f7ff14
No. 44085 ID: f6c741
Oh holy shit these are both great... if its possible I’d like to give both of you a point because they are so perfect. I am only able to pick one I will give to to Robin Dagonet as Kenny simply because I like South Park more. But man I don’t know that Bevis and butthead one.... okay can I please see both drawn and decide then??? Seriously these are too good not to do.
No. 44086 ID: f7ff14
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No. 44087 ID: f6c741
File 157048164547.jpg - (25.36KB , 240x240 , 718E6937-639B-48FA-9F0D-50A50CC20552.jpg )
Carrie’s friend Navaria as Gail from Sin City
No. 44095 ID: e51896
I think the most kinkiest cosplay for anyone to wear would have to be dressing up as Felicia from Darkstalkers.

The hardest part was finding a character that matches her personality, but I don't think there is anyone that matches that.

But I figured that since Felicia is a stage performer, and Luvia was a stage performer in the alternate Essence Timeline, then probably Luvia as Felicia.
No. 44097 ID: f7ff14
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No. 44098 ID: 8b660e
so because I win that means I pick the theme?

alright... Show me your Grimdark.
No. 44100 ID: f7ff14
Ana as American Mcgee Alice
No. 44101 ID: e51896
Absurdity as the Outsider from the Dishonored series
No. 44106 ID: 8b660e
Both are good but I gotta say I like Absurdity as The Outsider a little more.

Ana as we know her now isn't hardcore enough to be Alice from that game.
No. 44134 ID: e51896
Until DeVoid gets Photoshop fixed, I've decided to post the next theme.

Ok, here is a weird and ridiculous theme: crossdressing

if the person from the quests is male, they have to wear a costume of a female character. If the person from the quests is female, they have to wear a costume of a male character
How I will be judging this theme is how much the femininity of the costume contrasts with the male quest character's gender, or how much the masculinity of the costume contrasts with the female quest character's gender.
and also, I will kind of be judging how much the person from the quests matches the personality of the character they are dressed up as.
be creative and go nuts with this.
No. 44135 ID: f7ff14
Pink as Pyro from team fortress 2
No. 44136 ID: 8b660e
Oh I’ve fucking got this one...

Scarlet as Dr. Frank N. Furter from the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
No. 44141 ID: e51896
Both are really good costumes, but I am left in a complicated decision

When I was asking for a male quest character dressing up as a female character, or a female quest character dressed up as a male, I was expecting something like Spiky as Bad Girl from No More Heroes, or Fire of Hate as Kane from WWE, or maybe Wildcat as Spinel from Steven Universe.

Devoid chose the quest character Pink who we don't know the gender of as Pyro who we also don't know the gender of while Harbard chose a male quest character Scarlet as Dr. Frank N. Furter from the Rocky Horror Picture Show who is also a male character.

Those weren't exactly what I was looking for with the theme as one has a undetermined gender while the other is dressed as a character of the same gender as them, but seeing as Dr. Frank N. Furter already wears feminine clothing as a male, I'll have to go with Harbard's choice: Scarlet as Dr. Frank N. Furter from the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
No. 44175 ID: f7ff14
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No. 44176 ID: 8b660e
Okay for my theme I pick Historical, characters may dress up as a a famous historical figure or may wear an outfit from a specific era that matches their personality
No. 44177 ID: f7ff14
Stitch as Jack the ripper
No. 44181 ID: e51896
Dreamwalker's Laura as Mahatma Gandhi because of their push for nonviolence.

(Just to be clear, not the Civilization version of Gandhi. But I have an idea who can be that version)
No. 44183 ID: 8b660e
Okay I think I like this one just a little bit more because Gandhi was willing to sacrifice himself so much for his ideas of peace. It make a lot of sense for Laura. Also the only reason I’m not taking stitch is there’s actually some evidence that suggests there were two people working as Jack the Ripper. Plus Jack’s preferred victims were prostitutes, and that doesn’t quite seem to match Stitch.
No. 44186 ID: f7ff14
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No. 44188 ID: e51896
Theme will be famous artwork throughout history. Have a character dress up as someone from a historical painting or sculpture from any time period. examples include the Mona Lisa, or the farmer and wife from American Gothic, etc.
No. 44190 ID: e51896
I should add, self portraits of artists are also allowed too (like some of Van Gogh's self portraits)
No. 44191 ID: 548a98
File 157162480575.jpg - (172.20KB , 640x513 , 44FC42BC-8FB2-471F-8582-1EE77BF11F45.jpg )
Scarred Ana and some of her Earls as the painting Liberty Leading the People by Eugène Delacroix
No. 44198 ID: f7ff14
File 157165112596.jpg - (139.95KB , 1024x766 , Jan_Matejko,_Stańczyk.jpg )
Root as the jester on the chair from the painting called Stańczyk
No. 44199 ID: e51896
I really like both answers, and after researching Stańczyk (since I've never seen the painting before) I got to learn a bit about Stańczyk and it's meaning. It is a pretty interesting parallel between the jester Stańczyk, and Root.
it was a tough choice, but after a lot of thinking, I think I'll go with Harbard's choice, as it seems to be a slightly better fit for the character.

Because there are a lot of characters to draw, you can just draw only Scarred Ana as Liberty, you don't have to draw the other Earls.
No. 44200 ID: f7ff14
Thank you for that small mercy, before I start drawing I have a question for you Harbard Grim. Did your group that followed Scarred Ana had a banner? I think that you know why I am asking this question.

No. 44201 ID: 548a98
Yeah the, banner was the eye of Absolution with a crossed sword and rifle.

They were the Anti-Root Magic Army, or ARMA for short.
No. 44203 ID: f7ff14
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No. 44205 ID: a37bff
"Fight for those you've lost! Fight for your pride! Fight for the living!"
to which the response from the army would be,
"For the living!"

Alright so my theme will be scifi/fantasy. costumes can be from either games, movies, or books but they have to be from a work of science fiction or fantasy.
No. 44210 ID: f7ff14
Null as Marvin the Martian
No. 44211 ID: e51896
Millie (From Bricks of Utopia) as Chell (from the portal series)
No. 44212 ID: 548a98
You know I like this one a lot, but I thought we were only doing Root and Branches characters? Oh well, this one fits best.
No. 44214 ID: f7ff14
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No. 44215 ID: e51896
magic users. Basically wizards, witches, mages, sorcerers, summoners. Hell, even street/stage performing magicians are fair game.

basically, if they can cast spells, curses, hexes, or even just uses smokes and mirrors to give the illusion that they are performing magic, that is what I am looking for.
No. 44216 ID: e51896
Also, nice touch putting Pink and (for some reason) Garvin on the weighted companion cube. Don't think I didn't notice.
No. 44217 ID: f7ff14
Logan as Leonard Powers from Ugly Americans.
No. 44220 ID: 8b660e
File 157189067059.png - (526.58KB , 727x792 , 09401CA2-31B2-47DB-AE8B-574729225C7B.png )
Hmmm... alright we’ll match a god of magic for another overpowered as fuck magic user on this one. Absolution Prime as Ainz Ooal Gown from Overlord
No. 44221 ID: 8b660e
And the kicker? Both of them are extremely conceited and have no shame about it.
No. 44223 ID: e51896
I'll have to admit, this is a hard choice since I've never seen Ugly Americans or Overlord, so I had to do some research

After looking up clips, and reading about both characters, I can see how some aspects fits, but a lot of differences between who the characters are, and who they are dressed as.

I think as far as who fits the costume more, probably Absolution Prime as Ainz Ooal Gown, but I find the idea of Logan of all people dressing up as Leonard Powers really hilarious considering logan's personality and Leonard's personality.

With that in mind, I think we are only judging by how much we like the costume the characters are wearing, not just by how much the costume matches the character's personality.

So, with that in mind, I think I will choose Logan as Leonard Powers, just for how ridiculous and laughable the idea is.
No. 44225 ID: f7ff14
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No. 44226 ID: 8b660e
Salamander as Pepe the Frog
No. 44237 ID: e51896
FBI Laura as Nuclear Gandhi because of their love for explosives.
No. 44238 ID: f7ff14
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No. 44239 ID: e51896
It is alright and understandable reasoning. I just thought it would be funny if both Lauras both wore Ghandi costumes for totally different reasons, lol.

You're up, Harbard.
No. 44240 ID: 548a98
For my theme, we need some actual Halloween scariness happening! My theme is Horror! Show me your terrifying, your macabre, your blood-chilling costumes! Costumes can be from books to to tv shows, movies, and video games.
No. 44243 ID: f7ff14
Stitch as mister X from resident evil 2. I know at this point he is a meme but when I played the game he was a terrifying presence.
No. 44245 ID: e51896
One of Cera's dolls, or maybe Clarence in doll form as Chucky from Child's Play
No. 44246 ID: 8b660e
Sorry but I gotta give it to this one. What’s funny is I was also thinking of this one as an answer I could give.
No. 44253 ID: f7ff14
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No. 44254 ID: 548a98
Godfrey as Solaire of Astora from Dark Souls.
No. 44256 ID: e51896
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Null as the Mafia Boss from a Hat in Time... in his jar form
No. 44257 ID: f7ff14
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No. 44258 ID: e51896
Lets do characters from literature. This includes novels, short stories, poems, even graphic novels like comic books and mangas count. As long as it has written work which invests primarily on reading, it is fair game.

(I MIGHT include webcomics or other quests in tgchan, but keep in mind it'll have to be really really good if you go that route.)
No. 44261 ID: f7ff14
DeVoid dressed as dr scratch from Homestuck
No. 44266 ID: 8b660e
NO! We need none of Andrew Hussie sewer goblin extraordinaire showing his face around here, and need no more sewer goblins like him writing about their arcane sexual afflictions!

That being said my pick is Knight Balian of the Cross Ash as Don Quixote and his dick friend Legate Decius of the Cross Ash as Sancho Panza
No. 44268 ID: e51896
I think I find Harbard's costume choice more interesting.
No. 44269 ID: e51896
also, I will decide a little later what Fortune and Null will say about their costumes. I've been busy.
No. 44280 ID: f7ff14
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No. 44281 ID: e51896
Fortune: I don't think my costume fits my personality... this costume looks a bit too cute and childish for my taste.

Null: hee hee hee hee, I can't get over how the sensible and serious voice of Ana's is wearing something so immature

Fortune: Well, I guess the costume also looks like one of someone who is also somewhat apathetic, one of someone who wants to stay out of the affairs of others unless it means it is helping their own cause, staying out of trouble and only helping others unless they must. Something I can appreciate.
At least I'm not grounded up and placed inside of a jar for your costume like you are, Null.

Null:...... I didn't choose to dress like this, I think Happy's cohorts dressed me up like this while I was sleeping as a joke for some reason or something like that since I can't dress myself anymore. But I think the costume fits my situation perfectly, and the personality with that costume and mine is probably a 65% - 80% match.
Ah whatever, we can both agree on one thing though: this is probably one of those dreams where when we wake up we'll all forget this ever...right?......RIGHT???
No. 44282 ID: e51896
Also congrats Harbard
No. 44292 ID: 8b660e
Oh sweet! And thanks! I thought for sure you were gonna win in the end though. Happy Halloween!
No. 44293 ID: f7ff14
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No. 44294 ID: f7ff14
Let's celebrate the season of the harvest.
No. 44296 ID: efa420
I see the Blind Will still don’t like ARMA... oh well, those were just the uniforms of the various soldiers. And doing it all while cosplaying Weaver’s characters?! Scandal! Although the Vicar’s Bonnie costume is on point.
No. 44306 ID: f7ff14
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No. 44307 ID: 8b660e
Alright 1st one. What will happen if AJ is given over to Lorence?
No. 44309 ID: f7ff14
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No. 44310 ID: efa420
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Okay... so we’re playing this game huh? I sometimes really hate cryptic answers. Oh well, ask a cryptic question you get a cryptic answer.

Okay so for question 2. That weird tree spirit thing talked about a map leading to the one who is responsible for everything. And the answer he gave was... more like a shitty gamefaqs walkthrough. What I want from you is a greater detailed map, less cryptic answers and something that makes a greater amount of sense. Maybe name dropping a few names, and actually giving us a better history. Can you please give this to me?

And a third answer is more of a meta question. But how can we go back to Strange Abnormalities without the whole issue of Lorence getting on our case about it all? I really want to finish it.
No. 44312 ID: f7ff14
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No. 44313 ID: 8b660e
A mixture of both but with a bit more a lean towards trick. But when the treats come they can be massively rewarding or crushingly bittersweet.
No. 44316 ID: f7ff14
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No. 44348 ID: f7ff14
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No. 44349 ID: 8b660e
File 157369661465.png - (1.32MB , 2732x2048 , C10F0DDE-2804-4D2E-8AE1-E5BC125F6ABA.png )
This, this is not okay!
This needs to stop now!
This is CANCER.
This- this is so much cancer I can feel the tumors growing on my back!
And it’s weighed down heavy on me and it’s not okay!
Can you help a n**** out and just stop this!?
No. 44350 ID: 6416ad
I agree with Harbard. Not joking, and talking serious, you went too far with this, Absurdity DeVoid.
No. 44352 ID: eeb7d9
No. 44353 ID: f7ff14
Hey now, I don't think that you all are giving this person a benefit of the doubt. He is just a jolly fat man who likes to spread joy and other substances to all the things that he loves.
No. 44354 ID: eeb7d9
I don't see nothing wrong with that, only disgusting, as long as he keeps it to himself. I mean, if he is not going to eat it, it would be a waste og a cake!
No. 44356 ID: efa420
File 157377050160.jpg - (71.94KB , 640x480 , E42AC489-E366-4A42-84C3-97F0504B2356.jpg )
>other substances.
>”hello all you underaged boys and girls.”

No. 44357 ID: f7ff14
Alright alright, I will do more wholesome content until the 23 of November on the draw thread.
No. 44359 ID: f7ff14
File 157385398261.jpg - (135.40KB , 537x643 , BB 440.jpg )
Dental care is really important don't you agree, Scarred Ana?

No. 44360 ID: efa420
No. 44361 ID: f7ff14
You have invoked the demon with your action
No. 44362 ID: eeb7d9
No. 44363 ID: f7ff14
We all should just relax and remember to smile because...

No. 44364 ID: efa420
No. 44368 ID: f7ff14
File 157403803294.jpg - (3.74MB , 3508x4241 , BB 441.jpg )
No. 44369 ID: c7d046
(My reaction)
No. 44370 ID: c7d046
Same shit. Different day.
No. 44371 ID: c7d046
Also, I can smell whatever hair gel you’re using to stick your hair up like horns.
No. 44372 ID: f7ff14
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No. 44373 ID: c7d046
That’s not entirely true. A baby is a baby. I would hold him l, scarred as I was, and he got used to me. He learned early one from the moment he was born that he could trust me and be comforted. He wouldn’t cry because of my face or my wounds, that was my own fear, that he would see me as a monster. But he didn’t.

I covered myself with magic because the life I lead was not the life I wanted for him. I wanted a better world for him to grow up, one where he wouldn’t be a soldier or a killer, but a normal healthy and happy boy. So I hid my scars because it wasn’t a life he deserved, and I wanted to be the mother he needed.
No. 44376 ID: f7ff14
File 157416762419.jpg - (937.75KB , 2357x1268 , BB 443.jpg )
No. 44377 ID: c7d046
I don’t know how to answer that...

I know what I am, and I know what my morals are, I just don’t understand what went so wrong...
No. 44378 ID: f7ff14
File 157426915010.jpg - (1.13MB , 3340x1017 , BB 444.jpg )
No. 44379 ID: 8b660e
Meaning you. I see.

*sits down*

That's the answer I gave Lorence, because I knew it was something he could comprehend. But that's not what I really want, Ana should be better than me.

I just want to see my husband again, I want to hold my boy one last time, I want a chance to say goodbye.
No. 44381 ID: c7d046
Also, before you call my a hypocrite or someone who wants their cake and to eat it too, yes I know I can’t have it both ways. But if you were ask me why I would want revenge...?

Because what else is there for me? I can’t die, I can’t live, it’s all I have left.
No. 44387 ID: f7ff14
File 157446440706.jpg - (1.44MB , 2932x1642 , BB 445.jpg )
No. 44389 ID: 8b660e
I understand... I’ll try my best.
No. 44391 ID: f7ff14
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No. 44392 ID: a37bff
No. 44398 ID: f7ff14
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30 minutes or it's free

No. 44399 ID: a37bff
No. 44431 ID: f7ff14
File 157481602245.jpg - (84.71KB , 371x723 , BB 448.jpg )
You are going to have bueno time!

No. 44432 ID: 8b660e
No. 44433 ID: f7ff14
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No. 44434 ID: 959b47
No. 44444 ID: f7ff14
File 157512191355.jpg - (8.64MB , 3508x4897 , Violet Pink 1.jpg )
When one door closes another one opens. This is a project that I might work on.

No. 44494 ID: f7ff14
File 157616025608.jpg - (1.14MB , 3053x1585 , BB 450.jpg )
No. 44495 ID: 8b660e
*Walks around the bar and begins looking through the wine selection.*

Inner Thoughts: Red always was my favorite. Hm, not much beyond standard sweet affairs. Oh well, this will have to do I suppose.

*pours himself half a glass but does not drink, pulls out wallet a puts money on the counter*

Forgive me, but I don't like owing people. To describe you in a word, you are the Judge. You determine whether or not one will be fit to stand trial or not, whether we will be the one's presiding over this case or not.

Inner Thoughts: I also did some digging in your files, or at least the ones that are on public record. From what I can tell this won't necessarily be your first time experiencing that roll as well. But perhaps that's what would make you best fit for the job.

Based on what I have seen, you have remained steadily impartial and fair in your precidings with us, as a judge should be. I don't feel that is something to necessarily be commended however. I was told once, that no one should honored for doing what is expected of them. I must admit however, this latest meeting has me rather confused, why should exactly would you want to know our thoughts about you? As I've stated, I see you as the judge, fair and impartial, but what judge truly cares about what the attorney's think of them?
No. 44497 ID: e51896
*gives thumbs up to Triumphant* Thanks sir.

hmm... I wonder... Does this bar have some absinthe?
heh, nah, I know we're supposed to be relaxing here, but I also want to stay focused, so I think I'll just go for a small iced green tea... for now.

What do I think of you? well we've barely worked together, so it is hard to gauge a complete analysis, but from what I know, I see you as our determined trustworthy superior. I can respect someone who loves a good challenge as you seem to be interested in taking a difficult case that requires help from multiple agents, and enjoys a good competition as you challenged agent Corax to arm wrestling after watching our match.
If there's any flaws, well if the arm wrestle competition with Agent Corax is any indication, I would say that you seemed to get easily distracted, such as being distracted by Daro's bit of teasing instead of ignoring it. You also had your concentration broken when talking about your personal life which had caused you to lose your match with agent Corax when your lady friend was brought up by agent Corax, even though the cards were heavily stacked against agent Corax.
But you know, we aren't all perfect, and you've made it far as a professional detective for so long. When all is said and done, I look forward to working with you, Triumphant

inner thoughts: does this place have a dart board? Not that it matters, we're here for business, not to not to have fun. I would of went for an alcoholic beverage, but I think there might be more to this final evaluation then just simply relaxing which is why I went for an iced tea instead to stay focus.
No. 44501 ID: f7ff14
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No. 44503 ID: 8b660e
Inner thoughts: Oh, grow a fucking backbone. We’re here to solve a case and bring justice to a criminal, not play the little bird on your shoulder. And me? Playing that little bird in your shoulder? How ironic that this would be one of the tasks appointed to me. “Alyosha Karamazov, the bringer of justice.” Well justice can be ugly, and even obscene. The truth even more so. Still, if this organization is as corrupt as he makes it out to be, perhaps it’s best I do take this case.

If this is the genuine task you would ask of us, I only hope I am able oblige you to the best of my abilities.
No. 44545 ID: f7ff14
File 157713880212.jpg - (890.86KB , 1892x1249 , BB 452.jpg )

The short story on the draw thread is still going this won't prematurely end it. I am just doing something festive and fun, so in the story of the nutcracker which characters from my stories would be fitting to play the Nutcracker, Clara, and the Rat King.
No. 44547 ID: 8b660e
We think it should be Laura as Clara, Logan as the Nutcracker Prince, and Stitch as the Mouse King.
No. 44548 ID: f7ff14
Alright but wich Laura are you referring to?
No. 44549 ID: 982cda
Dreamwalker Laura
No. 44551 ID: f7ff14
File 157728251084.jpg - (1.19MB , 1892x1637 , BB 453.jpg )
I wish for all of you to have a rock and roll Christmas or whatever other holidays you are having at the end of this year!

No. 44554 ID: 05dee2
You’ll do fine Logan, we know you have potential to be a hero and that’s enough.

Yeah! You go Laura!

Jokes on you Stitch, the Nutcracker is a silent ballet performance with actions and words being all in dance form.
No. 44555 ID: f7ff14
File 157736655064.jpg - (259.96KB , 964x1297 , BB 454.jpg )

It's been a long singe a move made feel like a kid again. And this masterpiece inspired me to draw this after seeing it.
No. 44559 ID: f7ff14
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No. 44577 ID: e51896
So, you've learned the truth of this world, and you outgrew it after learning its secrets.

*throws first dart at dartboard*
Even though I'm probably going to be dimension hopping out of this world for this important mission and learn some secrets of our world like you did Triumphant, I wonder whether or not if I will outgrow it like you did. I already told you that I am a religious follower of the Will of the World, and although there maybe beings far more powerful and bigger than Inkiverusus, I owe my trust and faith to Inkiverusus for the life I am given, and the unseen objective I am to accomplish for the Will of the World and help our world process as Inkiverusus see's fit.

*throws second dart at dartboard*
I think what interests me most about this case is that as a follower of Inkiverusus, we have a belief that although we have free will in our actions, all of us all have destined objectives that we are to end up in no matter how much one would try to avoid it through the influence of the will of the world. our goals we are assigned to are all part of a greater plan to help progress our own world to grow from its own goals to accomplish. And I realize that taking this case will probably take me away from Inkiverusus' influence and left with only what I've been trained to do as a detective by the Will of the World, and admittedly it makes me kind of anxious

*shuts eyes and throws the third dart towards the dartboard without seeing where it will end up on the dartboard, letting fate decide where it lands*

But I have faith in the Will of the World. Inkiverusus is a masterful chess player setting me up for a very strategic move. I have been influenced by Inkiverusus to get where I am now and I believe all my influence and training have lead up to this, and whatever happens to me even without that influence, whether I succeed or fail or suffer, it will still be an accomplishment for the Will of the World I must proudly accept. I just have to find out what Inkiverusus' goal for me to accomplish is outside this world.

Heck, I even believe it was Inkiverusus who influenced you as well to become a detective for the Tribunal to help further the Will of the World's purpose, Triumphant.

*sits at the counter* That said I will act as a "moral compass" for you if only to see what destiny Inkiverusus has in store for us with this mission without that influence, but with our skill alone. perhaps it is a mission by Inkiverusus to keep you on the straight and narrow? I can't be sure...

...sorry to preach. But to change the subject, one important question I must ask is what does Daro think of us acting as your moral compass through all this? He and you seem to have completely different personalities, and I think we need to figure him into the equation when taking up this mission you want from us.
No. 44584 ID: f7ff14
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No. 44586 ID: f23ef2
With all do respect to my colleague here, I stopped believing in god my first year in the army.

Nevertheless I find his faith almost admirable, so long as it won’t blind him to his duties. I suspect they will not.

Inner thoughts: But I have been wrong before...
No. 44595 ID: e51896
Based off of how Agent Corax answered, his answers seems to be straight and to the point. I do find it interesting he served in the army. It would be interesting to see how his experience serves our mission. But in order to know him a little better, I'd like to ask Agent Corax this: did you join the army willingly, or was it involuntarily in some way? or is that something you don't want to answer?

And what is this small experiment you're talking about, Agent Triumphant?
No. 44596 ID: f7ff14
File 157841514546.jpg - (796.17KB , 1488x1620 , BB 457.jpg )
No. 44597 ID: 8b660e
If all of these people are suspects, they should each have their own individual file with all information that has been gathered so far on each of them. Otherwise, and I hope you can forgive me, I fear we’d be staging a kind of kangaroo court. But if this is merely who to start with, it’s an acceptable means of starting somewhere.
*tosses dart at the photos.*
No. 44624 ID: e51896
File 157885941011.jpg - (110.23KB , 508x418 , Dart location.jpg )
With all due respect, Triumphant, While I believe the Will of the World decides what our end fate is and subtly influences things to nudge us on our direction, I do not like taking a stab in the dark and relying on luck to solve my cases and problems. I believe that just blindly choosing like this and relying solely on my god to solve my problems would be an insult to The Will of the World as I am not using the experiences and trials I was given by Inkiverusus to become the detective I am today...

When I shut my eyes for my third dart, I did so to be a little symbolic with what I was saying: if I'm leaving this universe for our mission, then I will also be outside of the influence of the Will of the World's subtle guidance on the people in this world, which means I will have to rely solely on using the best of my skills and experiences that my god had me face to reach the concluded goal Inkiverusus wants from this mission. If I do my best with this mission we're about to go on, whether I succeed or fail, I will be assured that it is what Inkiverusus wants my goal to be and that my role is not misplaced... This is probably why Daro may have labeled me as an overachiever when he initially met me... also, I shut my eyes for my third dart for fun.

That said, I don't know if I feel comfortable just blindly throwing a dart even if this is just for fun speculation, but If you insist Triumphant, I will. But I'll just say I'm not going to rely only on luck here.

thoughts: instead of relying on luck, I noticed Triumphant put some pictures over others making some of the pictures harder to throw darts at instead of putting each one equally out in the open without being covered by other pictures. More specifically, the bottom left picture seems to be the most obscured... I wonder if those are suspect Triumphant suspects the least or doesn't want to be a suspect... But I don't like taking a stab in the dark without evidence despite a picture being more obscure than others or not sooo...

*aims for and shoot at the dartboard itself instead of any of the pictures (image is where I shot at)*
No. 44625 ID: f7ff14
File 157887712324.jpg - (2.27MB , 3508x2051 , BB 458.jpg )
No. 44626 ID: ede663
Inner thoughts: And what else was I supposed to do mother? Had you had your way I would have been home after I got out the army, no doubt watching you fuss about trying to find some hapless girl for me to marry. Dear mother, it’s all the better you stay out of my business as much as possible, for both our sakes.

I’m dreadfully sorry mother, but I’ve always been bound to my duties, I suppose I get it from father. I fear that I may be gone a while, but I will write to you.
No. 44677 ID: e51896
inner thoughts: Impressive, despite trying to hide my personal life, Triumphant figured out my real name, and figure out Walter and Millie is my siblings, and find out my spiritual counselor is Pag. He truly is an outstanding detective. I'll have to be more careful not to let my personal life spill into work, and let Triumphant and Daro know later to only use my code name “agent Peregrine” during missions and not my real name Trent just in case

Pag, thank you for being one of the people to bring me into the religion of Inkiverusus years ago during a low part of my life, and for being my spiritual counselor to give me the peace of mind I seeked. It helped me come to terms with my place and my role in this world. I shall in return fulfill the mission Inkiverusus had assigned me, and with the teachings of the Will of the World passed down to me, I will save others from the damnation that approaches them during my case out of the city.

*looks over at his brother Walter* That’s actually more than one thing to say, and those things contradict each other...
...No wait, nevermind, maybe that was only one thing to say after all. Was that one thing you wanted to say was actually relaying a message to me from two different people? Specifically, was the one message wishing me luck and bring honor to the family name came from one of your friends, while the other message hoping I don’t return and die came from your other friend? Where are they anyway? I usually see you with them. In any case, thanks for coming to see me off and I wish you luck as well on your own missions that you're pursuing, not that you need it. You are already a great detective as it is.
Inner thoughts: his “friends” I’m of course referring to is his sock puppets. I'm always amazed by his ventriloquism with his puppets, and I always wonder how he is able to not only keep his mouth close while he makes his puppets talk, but throw his voice at the puppets as well. That is a mystery I admittedly can't solve. Maybe Agent Corax, my new partner, would figure it out. But I don’t think it is worth his time

*looks back at Millie* Agent Scarlet, thanks for seeing me at this going away party. It looks like I’m not going to be able to teach you more tricks of the trade in being an investigator during my absence. But despite being a rookie, you are after all one of the youngest people I’ve heard of to become a detective so quickly at such a young age, which is admittedly something that even took me a bit longer to do. You will indeed do great during my absence out of the city.
No. 44679 ID: f7ff14
File 157951389489.jpg - (1.90MB , 3508x1652 , BB 459.jpg )
No. 44684 ID: 8b660e
Inner thoughts: Lately it hasn’t been dreams of a clown that does it...

Thank you mother.
No. 44688 ID: e51896
>>44679 (you accidentally had Millie, "Agent Scarlet" call my character "Agent Corax" instead of "Agent Peregrine")

Well, Agent Scarlet, if you want to know why I became a part of the religion, I think it is pretty much the same reason why our brother hangs out with his friends, to help cope with the world around me... I think once you work a few years in the police force as an investigator, Agent Scarlet, you'll know exactly what I mean by that statement. That's all I'll say about that. You have a whole life to experience as part of the Acosta investigation family.

In any case, shall I introduce you all to meet my new partner Agent Corax? I'm also interested in being introduced to that person he is with as well. HEY! Corax! over here!
No. 44689 ID: 8b660e
Ahh, I don’t believe we’ve had the pleasure of meeting. The honor is mine. I know that my colleague here comes from a family that has produced many a good investigator and I’m pleased to meet you both. And likewise, Peregrine, this my mother, Grushenka Karamazov.
No. 44694 ID: f7ff14
File 157991392482.jpg - (1.92MB , 3508x1836 , BB 460.jpg )
No. 44695 ID: e51896
Well, if Triumphant is okay with it, I'll take a slice too, but isn't it customary to blow out the candle first?


Hey, wait, you look familiar... Oh! you're Mr. Glasshrauder of Maverick Law Agency, aren't you? I've seen news reports about you and your agency! I heard that your agency is currently promoting our beliefs by sponsoring our religion. We greatly appreciate the sponsorship to keep the religion of Inkiverusus going strong. I'm interested in knowing how the sponsorship came about if you don't mind me asking.

Pag, do you know how the sponsorship with Maverick law agency happened as well? I've been a little busy focused with work, so I'm out of the loop a little bit.
No. 44699 ID: 8b660e
*stares Scarlett down*
I'm 35 years old. As to the subject of killing, such things wouldn't be appropriate to talk about in polite company, thank you.

Inner thoughts: Yes, i'm 35 years old, and sometimes shit the bed from previous traumas and nightmares brought about from my time, hence all the extra underwear. As for the killings, if I'm being honest, it was awful. But after a while even the horrifying gets mundane and the unimaginable becomes tedious. I'd like to feel bad about it all, but its amazing how much I can push into the back of my mind, or how much space there is. But by the looks of you and your brother, neither of you've really faced much hardship in your life. I wonder how you would have fared down in the prisons. Probably little better than me. Who knows, maybe one day you'll get that chance. But what's this? Someone new, and again my mother in her carelessness, wasn't it also her who taught me to never accept candy from strangers? Oh well. It's not like I could really enjoy cake even if I did want some.

No thank you, but it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Mr. Glasshrauder.

Inner thoughts: Lawyers, if there's one kind of person who is even less trustworthy than a politician it would be these career thieves. You look to be the kind who would have a hidden agenda, and possibly a pathological liar as well. Maybe one of these days I'll be the one your trail and we'll see how much truth you can give.
No. 44700 ID: f7ff14
File 158014353062.jpg - (2.61MB , 2917x2804 , BB 461.jpg )
No. 44701 ID: 8b660e
inner thoughts: A pathological liar? And not only this, but apparently he enjoys the art of it. A good liar will tell as much truth as they can. If this man is going to be involved in the case, then I can't take anything he says at face value. And how odd he says those names, I don't recall ever saying them outloud, nor have I heard Triumphant or Agent Peregrine say them, and I do believe that was the name I read in the case file of the person we will be investigating. Someone on the inside is leaking information, and to precisely the wrong, or perhaps the perfect person. I will probably have to question him later about who leaked him that information. But for now I have only one.

It seems that you will be a part of the case regardless of whether you would choose to be involved or not. If I may, what role will you be serving on this case?
No. 44716 ID: e51896
*whispers quietly in Triumphant's ear* hey, boss, was it a good idea for you to talk about Mr. Glasshrauder visiting "that world"? I thought our friends and family were supposed to think we are leaving to another country, not another world. I don't think they caught on luckily, but I suggest that it might be best to keep talking about our case to a minimum in public next time.

Now now, Agent Scarlet, please don't boss our brother around into doing something he doesn't want to do. It's just cake, he doesn't have to eat it if he doesn't want to. Besides, Agent Corax, Mr. Glasshrauder, and Pag didn't take a piece either.
*looks over at his brother Walter* you don't have to eat if you don't want to. Stand up for yourself a little bit.

Anyway, You're leaving already, Mr. Glasshrauder? Are you sure you can't sit and stay for one little drink? If you must leave, at least take a beverage on the go... except the green tea. For some reason, this green tea tastes a little off... must be the brand, I wouldn't recommend it... *takes a sip of the green tea regardless*

If you really must leave, I do have a few questions, and I'll start with: When Agent Corax's mother and I accepted the cake, and Agent Corax declined the offer for cake, who or what were you referring to when you said "one out of two is a beginning."?
there are eight of us here. You didn't say "Two out of eight is a beginning" instead. Just curious.
inner thoughts: it seems to imply that the cake he is offering is meant for two specific people in this room, not just the entire room. A slip of the tongue maybe? Especially curious since this is Triumphant's birthday cake and he didn't accept or decline at the time.
No. 44723 ID: f7ff14
File 158039222029.jpg - (1.77MB , 3356x1691 , BB 462.jpg )
No. 44724 ID: 12a79b
Inner thoughts: I will have to watch that man, he looks like someone who wants to be in control by any means necessary.

Well mother, it seems the time has come. Duty calls, farewell, I will write you when I can.
No. 44730 ID: e51896
Inner thoughts: Wut? did... Mr Glasshrauder took some of the green tea despite my warnings not to have the green tea specifically because it tasted weird? Hmm, maybe he is the risky adventurous sort... he is a lawyer after all

Inner thoughts: in any case, 6 minutes left huh? I don't want my siblings to know, but I'm just glad my father decided not to show up to see me leave.

hey, brother, you're going to really hate me for this, but just bear with it for a few seconds, okay? *gives a group hug to the people who came to visit me*

I must ask you all before I leave, my siblings and Pag, what will you all be doing during my absence?
And Pag, can you recite a short prayer so that Inkiverusus blesses us on our journey?

And Triumphant, is it alright if I took some of those darts with me as we exit, or should I leave them here? and also after we leave the party, there are a couple of things I want to talk about with you and agent Corax
No. 44731 ID: f7ff14
File 158066306513.jpg - (1.30MB , 2532x1891 , BB 463.jpg )
No. 44735 ID: e51896
Thanks all. *thumbs up* adios.

*takes some of the darts with him, and takes the photos off the dartboard if the photos are still on it* Triumphant, with your permission, is it alright if I take some of these darts with us? I can always leave them behind if you refuse. One of the darts got a bullseye after all. in any case, I'm ready to leave.
No. 44737 ID: f7ff14
File 158075223161.jpg - (203.19KB , 1177x340 , BB 464.jpg )
No. 44743 ID: f7ff14
File 158109460294.jpg - (1.12MB , 3256x1521 , BB 465.jpg )
No. 44753 ID: f7ff14
File 158138384396.jpg - (1.02MB , 1798x2148 , BB 467.jpg )
No. 44754 ID: 8b660e
Corax likes strong women who aren't afraid to take action and be smart. Also ones who are able to form an opinion about themselves and others. Basically, he likes honest women.

Question 1 for Ms. Feasance: "I understand you are an educator, that is a very admirable profession, i've always believed education was way to a better future. Tell me, what made you wish to take on such an important role?"
Question 2 for Scarred Ana: "As a warrior, and a guardian, what do you believe is the best form of combat or martial arts?"
Question 3 for Fire of Hate: "I understand you are quite the... shall we say 'enthusiast' of fire. If you do not mind me inquisitive nature, what do you feel when you see the fire?"
Question 4 for FBI Laura: "It seems that the military and special forces aren't as air tight as the government would like to believe. It concerns me that so many double-agents have been allowed to slip through the cracks. But where do you stand on these... Well let's call them what they are, traitors to their duty, your government, and your country?"
No. 44755 ID: e51896
Peregrine is someone who is devoted to his religion, and because of that, he believes that it was his destiny given to him by the Will of the World to become an investigator, thus he tries his best to be a great investigator for Inkiverusus. That said, I notice now that most of the people I chose as his date are people who are either part of the religion (Pag) or have relationship with his career as an investigator (Matilda being a lawyer, Laura being an investigator of her world) so he might be looking for people that he can relate and connect to with his work and beliefs. Exception is Zizzy as she is an accountant.

these are the questions he will ask:

1. (Complementary question for Matilda) I must say, I can appreciate someone who has the bravery to jump into a new career path. The ability to follow and obtain your dreams is not something everyone can say they've done. You are quite the go-getter. How did you obtain the bravery and confidence to take a huge career jump from being a chauffeur to becoming a lawyer?

2. (Polite question for Pag) your devotion to Inkiverusus is inspiring to us all, and as a spirit councilor for many, your work is motivational for us spiritually. If I may ask, may you please tell me what is your favorite story or passage from the teachings we have on the history of Inkiverusus that inspires you and your work to motivate others spiritually?

3. (inquisitive question for Laura) Your expertise and interests in explosives is pretty admirable. It has me intrigued to think that while it takes a lot of time, blood, sweat, and tears to build up something like a city building or a piece of artwork, it can all be destroyed in an instant easily by something like a bomb or a natural disaster like tornadoes or hurricanes, or vandalism. But going down this line of thinking, bombs must also be something that takes a lot of time and effort to build, doesn't it? Out of curiosity, what is your stance on when something that had been worked so hard to be built gets easily destroyed in an instant very easily?

4. (Concerning question for Zizzy) I hear that you are an accountant on a cruise ship. Does that mean most of your weeks are spent on the cruise ship even when you’re off the clock from accounting when the ship is out to sea, and if so, how have spending long periods of time on the ship away from home each week affected you? Is it rough not being home as much and instead have your off time spent at the cruise ship where you work when the ship is out to sea?
No. 44758 ID: f7ff14
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No. 44759 ID: a37bff
Question 1 for Matilda: "I read the court transcripts of your first ever case. Very well done. I admire someone who brings justice to light. How has this fist case affected how you will be a lawyer?

Question 2 for Pag: "I must apologize, I am not a god-fearing man, nor do I truly believe in fate. A colleague of mine however is a member of your church however. But do you have a words for an unbeliever like myself?"

Question 3 for FBI Laura: "Your... penchant, for explosives is very peculiar. Although, it's odd for someone of in law enforcement like yourself to be so versed in explosives. From my understanding most of what the FBI covers in white collar crime. I suspect law enforcement wasn't your first job, perhaps.... Demolitions special forces? Which would make you a former soldier. How alike we are."

Question 4 for Zizzy: "I am not really one to judge how choose to spend their lives. By all means, do whatever you please, as long as it stays within the law. However, don't you wish you could be more than just an accountant for a cruise ship? I imagine the boat sailing the same routes over gets samey even after a while."
No. 44761 ID: e51896
lol, first Nathaniel, now Peregrine. How is it that Ms. Feasance keeps getting involved romantically with my characters?

1. (Complementary question for Matilda Ms Feasance) ...I think I've heard you already have a boyfriend. Well, with all respect for you and your boyfriend, I don't want to butt into your relationship as I feel really uncomfortable in doing so. If you wish, you can leave and we can forget about all this if you want. I won't be offended in any way.
But I will say, I have just now realized that we share very similar background to some degree. Both of us having lost a mother we held dear in our childhood, both of us was born from a father whom is a high ranking member of their position, and both of us were born into a secluded life with very little social life outside of it with mostly the teachings we were given: you with the teachings from the community Root rules over, and me with the teachings from being part of a large family with a legacy based heavily off of my father's career. For that, I know that you are a mentally strong woman for going through all that. I must ask... where did you find the strength to go through it all, to go through knowing people might have high expectations of what we do based off of being born from a highly revered father, or with the knowledge that what we accomplish people may see only as thanks to being from a revered family instead of it being thanks for our hard work, or to live secluded with nothing but what we were taught into our positions by our fathers? How do you remain amazingly strong through it all? inner thoughts: I got my strength my religion, but I wonder how Ms. Feasance got her strength from

2. (Polite question for Pag Scarred Ana) I heard you have helped Triumphant and other investigators on the case being worked on, and I must thank you for helping out with our investigation thus far. Your contributions will go unnoticed. I thank you for that. Can I please ask for your future assistance in the investigations, and if yes, can you please tell me how far you are willing to go and how much you would be willing to sacrifice in order to see justice done in the investigation?

3. (inquisitive question for Laura Fire of Hate) I found out that you are a bodyguard operating within the area. While my partners and I are well armed and protected, it might be wise to hire a bodyguard who is familiar with the area and hazards to help out a bunch of foreigners such as us. Though when researching your job resume, the only payment you ask for is "love of fire". Interesting. can you explain in detail about that payment such as how much love is required? And where did you're love of fire come from?

4. (Concerning question for Zizzy Laura) The career you chose as an investigator for your country is very respectful for what you do to keep justice alive for the citizens. As an investigator, not counting death or failure, what is something that scares you the most when on a mission, and what do you do to conquer those fears?
No. 44762 ID: f7ff14
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No. 44763 ID: 2a54d2
I know quite a bit about sacrifice... I’ll help In anyway that I can. But there will be certain things and certain people I won’t be able help you on.
No. 44764 ID: 12a79b
Matilda: "How funny our lives seem to change when we're in a fight for our lives. I've been in a situation note [/i]entirely unlike[/i] yours. Had it not been for that, I wouldn't be here. I assume you have gone through so formal law training since that event?"

Pag: "I'm not incredibly versed in religion as I am the law. But your phrase 'everything happens for a reason' is a double edged sword. Does this mean you believe in a karmic balance? Or do you believe in divine plans?

FBI Laura: "It's a sad day many of us have to face, when we lose our friends and colleagues to this job. But I hope I can be forgiven if I am wrong, but by your tone, it doesn't seem there was any love lost between you and your fellow members of the FBI."

Zizzy: "Ah. A normal life. How I wish I could return to that. I never once said your life was bad thing, I was merely curious. But answer your question, because what else is there?"
No. 44775 ID: e51896
Ms Feasance: Yeah, you're right, while there are similarities in our upbringing, we ultimately do not know too much about each other at the end of the day. inner thoughts: like her not knowing my career is an investigator, where I'm from, or what religion I follow.
I admittedly got a little bit too excited by the coincidences we had on our pasts and how much they could of possibly related to us and thus jumped to conclusions a little bit. Anyway, I'll respect your privacy.
But regardless, whatever we went through, just know that the bad experiences we had made us stronger and wiser because of it, and while those were unfortunate event, they were destined and necessary to help make us wiser than others in surviving this current mad, mad world.

Scarred Ana: That is understandable, just as long as what you do is legal with what you can't help us with.
And also, I'm not sure what past life you had, or if you had closure from it during it, but if not, I'll just say, sometimes things just can't have closure, what happened is all in the past. Instead, use the past life that was destined to you to focus on taking good care of your friends with the knowledge you've gained in this life, but also, let them focus on living their lives as well, not force them into a life you want... I'm speaking from experience from what I went through. inner thoughts: Like with my father and his high expectations of me as part of the family legacy of investigating for example.

Fire of hate: Duly noted. I will see about getting fire resistant suit(s), and see if I can get a fire proof container to carry my belongings in so they don't get burned and destroyed as well. But it is nice to know that you've found an outlet for your pyrotechnic hobby by using it as a means to protect the people who hires you. My hobby is a little more simple in comparison. Nothing special, just darts. I tend to play them during my free time when I'm all alone... with that in mind, I'm actually really good at it...
Hey, this might sound odd, but, with permission from our host, can I see a small example of your skills with fire? just small enough so we don't burn this whole place up?

Laura: You brought up the topic of bombs so casually... I wonder, Do the bombs which protect you from your fears and keep you calm is because the bombs hold a more sympathetic meaning to you, like a reminder of someone you care deeply about which is related to bombs?
But in any case, It's good you found something that brings you comfort through your fears. My own fears that I have would have to be not being able to live to the high standards and expectations others have in me especially considering the life I was raised in. However, I have my friends and my beliefs in my destiny given to me that keep me comfort.
I know what I'm going to say is very cheesy, But in addition to your bombs that protect you, have you considered adding another thing or even another person to comfort you and protect you from your fears in addition to your bombs?
No. 44776 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 44793 ID: e51896
What is love? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more

...what, that doesn't count and is just plagiarism? fine.
In that case, love is a wonderful trust between two people to help one another get through the worst of times, but sometimes, there can be arguments, disappointments, and lies. But the thing about love is despite those transgressions, you don't give up on your significant other and try to make each other become your best selves. Just remember to not give up on each other even through the worst of it.

Or something like that, I dunno... HEY! Most importantly, since I have the Mic, check out these mad skillz!!! *beat-boxes horribly*
No. 44800 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 44807 ID: e51896
Okay, everyone, don't lie which of the following categories do you value most?
1. Your Friends
2. Your Family
3. Community or company you're in (like work, religion, clubs, government, etc.)
4. Your Material Possession(s)

Inner thoughts: Can you hear my thoughts Demoria? If you need some cheering up over what Essence did, just think of it this way: Essence literally just put her entire face where my ass would of been if I wasn't a slime, so if you think about it, she is basically a ass kisser, almost literally! Hope that gave you a laugh at Essence's expense.
No. 44808 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 44809 ID: e51896
Feasance: 1 friends

Scarred: 2 family

Fire of Hate: 4 material possession (I'm not sure if fire counts as a material possession or not, she does have her lighter and other things which causes fire so...)

Laura: 2 family (I would have said material possessions like her bombs in the story, but I have a feeling her interests in bombs are more of an emotional attachment to her father)

Agent Peregrine:3 Community
No. 44813 ID: 83fce1
Matilda: Friends

Pag: Community

FBI Laura: Friends

Zizzy: Community

Corax: None of the above
No. 44816 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 44817 ID: 8b660e
Matilda: Only for a day, for your girlfriend I assume

Pag:You will take whatever your god says is right.

FBI Laura:No.

Zizzy: No.

Corax: No.
No. 44820 ID: e51896
Feasance: 4

Scarred: 2 (also, did Scarred voted what she would choose as an answer for the previous question?)

Fire of Hate: 1

Laura: 2

Agent Peregrine: 3
No. 44824 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 44825 ID: 8b660e
Matilda: Yes.

Pag: Yes, but over a period of time.

FBI Laura: No.

Zizzy: Yes, but over a period of time

Corax: Yes, but only until they show they can be trusted

Scarred’s answers:
Question 1: My family
Question 2: No.
Question 3: Yes but over time
No. 44828 ID: e51896
Feasance: 2 Yes but over a period of time
Scarred: 3 Yes, but not until they prove that they can be trusted
Fire of Hate: 4 No
Laura: 3 Yes, but not until they prove that they can be trusted
Peregrine: 4 No (though depending on the circumstances, maybe 3. But for this answer: mainly 4)
No. 44831 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 44832 ID: 47d74b
Matilda: Thank you, I'm not quite as good at figuring out what women want from me as others. However, you already have someone in your life. Nevertheless, it was a good time and I wish you and your love well.

Pag: I admit, you are more pleasant than most people of faith I have encountered before. Although, I don't believe or follow your doctrine, I wish you and your followers well.

FBI Laura: Who was it who said that "There's no pain greater than that a broken heart?" Whoever it was was a sentimental shit who needed to spend more time on a firing line. Regardless, duty calls. Keep your chin up, stay strong, and you'll find your way through.

Zizzy: No I must also be the one to apologize, I admit I may not have put my best foot forward with you. Nevertheless I admire you and your drive to do well, and it's been a long time since anyone asked me questions like that, truly, no one ever does. If it were my choice, I'd like to see you again sometime.
No. 44835 ID: e51896
(this part is Agent Peregrine speaking)

Feasance: And that is probably for the best. And my parting words to you is: Be the best girlfriend you can be for your boyfriend.

Scarred: well it seems you got all the points right about me, but I guess that is to be expected from a voice who can see and hear a lot of things. Just be careful, you might spy upon a truth that is unacceptable and unbearable to believe. My only advice is to either choose to accept that truth and adapt to it accordingly, or fight to change that truth. Just be absolutely sure which choice you would make before you make it.

Fire of Hate: To be fair, I didn't really tell you all that much about me... but hey, we only just met, and perhaps it is possible our paths may cross again. Hey, let me ask, if I ever end up in the vicinity, what can I do to locate you, or contact you for your bodyguard services or otherwise? do you have any contact information?

Laura: I cannot imagine what you might be going through, and I can't say I have a definite answer to solve it, but all I can say is to press on. Whatever you're up against serves a purpose towards how you will grow in your future. It all depends on how you interpret that purpose. Will you use those experience to grow and become stronger from it, or will you let it be and go with the flow of things, or will you allow yourself to succumb to the misery? The only way you can find out what your purpose is in all that is going on is to do your absolute best in what you want to accomplish and don't give up until the bitter end.

(this part is Null speaking)

inner thoughts: before we part ways again, Demoria, I'd think I should give you a progress report on how I am doing in convincing Spirit Contaminator to contact you as you requested:

inner thoughts: I've decided to take your advice and take a patient approach in this mission. From what I understand, Spirit Contaminator is an emotional wreck, was forced to take Essence's place as leader, and decided to try to become like her. But despite that, she doesn't seem to want to execute me and feels remorse for TV head and I for being forced into captivity by Essence even seeing it as a cruel joke that Essence pulled on us. But she nonetheless said she'll still kill me as Essence's other followers still want me dead...

inner thoughts: ...Though I'm wondering whether or not if they all truly want me executed considering that after I told them to wait for Ember to join in my execution, every single one of them were quick to agree on that and all decided to hold off on the execution without argument... Maybe their want to execute me is a tribe or mob, or bystander mentality kind of thing. So that said, I'm thinking that if I want Spirit Contaminator to contact you, I'll have to try to gain the majority of their trust, which is fine because that means I can also get us some information on what kind of people they are and plan accordingly.
TV head is easy, as he is a literal confused brain damaged idiot who doesn't even want to be there,
Felafaf might be difficult as I tried to make a deal with Essence to absorb her powers if we won that ballte... she tried to do a tarot reading on me though >>41879, I'm hoping there are no side-effects from it, but I haven't felt different thankfully.
Anubis will probably be very difficult as she loved Essence... but I'm wondering if she is operating kind of on the mentality of a dog, as she was very loyal to Essence, has unconditional love for Essence, and Essence even had her dress up like a dog... I might have to factor that mentality when speaking to Anubis.
As for Ember... errr... I'm not too sure. Spirit Contaminator said Ember is the one who wants me dead the most, despite it being Essence's fault for trying to convince her to stay outside of my body during the battle with me only making sure she follows those orders... I'm not sure how to start with her so I'll focus on the others for now.

inner thoughts: But nonetheless, I'm not giving up. But listen, in case I don't make it through this, perhaps you should start considering finding someone to replace me as a contingency plan, as I am very worried about what will happen to you if you don't have someone to help you during my absence... But don't give up on me. Count on me to succeed one way or another

inner thoughts: ... Oh and tell Wildcat that despite his tuna breath, I miss him... oh, and I miss you too Demoria.
If you have any advice on this mission I'm on, please let me know.

No. 44838 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 44839 ID: e51896
I liked Zizzy and Corax
No. 44840 ID: 2a54d2
Seconded. I think they’d actually work pretty well together.
No. 44841 ID: e51896
and which date of Agent Peregrine did you think fit best?
No. 44842 ID: 12a79b
Ironically his date with Fire of hate went best
No. 44843 ID: e51896
I agree with you there.

also, with both dates with Corax and Laura, and Peregrine and Laura, I can't help but feel sorry for Laura with the things she said.
No. 44845 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 44846 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 44847 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 44848 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 44849 ID: 091078
inner thoughts: Me? Doing this job as to help people? I suppose that would true as well. Heh, Alyosha Karamazov, Agent Corax, the savior of the innocent. It's unrealistic, but one can always fantasize.

No. 44854 ID: e51896
I didn't realize until now, but isn't that the hardboiled egg from Fractured MeMories of Confusion and Delusions quest or somethin similar to that
No. 44856 ID: 2bd15b
It has the same energy that scene had, but it isn't the same egg that appears in that part of the story. This is just preparation for easter and nothing more.

No. 44909 ID: 2bd15b
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Time to play bad cop good cop games with the criminal scum. This will officially be the first part of the investigation so don't mess it up. I am specifically talking to you Harbard Grim!
No. 44911 ID: d63ea8
So excited! I'll try to post from my mobile device in case you start updating it and I am away from my computer.
No. 44912 ID: 2bd15b
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I equally share your enthusiasm Door but your character will make his official appearance in the next update. So, for now, you will have to wait until the other participators respond to this quest. Also, I have to apologize for not updating Bricks of Utopia, I will do that part later during the day.

No. 44913 ID: 6b231d
((Of course. Take your time, and best of luck.))
No. 44914 ID: 8b660e
*looks between the door Mad Creator left from and Peregrine and begins laugh, holds up a finger in a “just a sec” gesture and turns away.*

I’m sorry, just a moment.

Inner thoughts: That is simply amazing. One thing I certainly didn’t expect was to meet “god” on this assignment. He looks like a bad animatronic in need of a tuneup, he even sounds like one. It has to be a lie or a joke in poor taste. I can’t help but wonder what is even going through Peregrine’s head. If I were a religious man I would be practically insulted. I already figured out this Daro is a liar, but now he tells so many lies I’m not even sure where to begin.

Right, to be honest Mr. Daro, I find all of this hard to believe. I’m willing to accept the name of Andrew Goodwill is the name of a dangerous criminal, and from what I’ve read I do agree locking him up was a good idea. Wha to fail to understand is the nature of his prison. It sounded more like a playground to keep him busy. When say the more appropriate approach for a man like that would be, isolation? Somewhere in a nice padded cell while locked up in a straight jacket.
No. 44916 ID: e51896
*is in a stunned silence while Corax is talking to Dervan*
thoughts: ...I am not exactly sure how to process what I just saw... did I really just witness the infamous Mad Creator Invertigo, the very same "god" that created our universe and also tried to destroy our universe, just casually welcoming us briefly? I mean, I know the notes from Triumphant said that he was arrested by Mr. Glasshrauder and is kept here, but I still cannot process him being here. He might not be in the form I recognized him in the church pamphlets, but I know it's definitely him.
...Well, even though Mr. Glasshrauder called him a god, I don't see the Mad Creator as a god... he may have created our world and the people living in it, but it was Inkiverusus who gave the world and us people purpose, free from a fate of fighting as a soldier for the Mad Creator, free from the Mad Creator's attempts to try to destroy us. It is only fitting that Inkiverusus had given Mr. Glasshrauder the will to leave our world in order to arrest the Mad Creator while he is in such a powerless state. I hope to see how I fulfill the destiny Inkiverusus has blessed me with, and what it might be.

Mr. Glasshrauder, Thanks for your hard work in bringing the Mad Creator to justice. I'm just about ready to enter the halls and see whom I will be working with. *gives Dervan a thumbs up* After you.
No. 44917 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 44918 ID: 8b660e
Inner thoughts: the history of the world is just that, history. Who gives a shit anymore about old worlds and gods anymore. Those people are re-arranging deck chairs on a sunken ship for all it’s worth. One needs only look at “god” to see how true that’s become. And how delightful, an audience to our work. They called us here to get results, and yet they are putting us on a leash. Oh well, we must work with the tools we’re given.

A pleasure Mr. Threshold, for the intents and purposes of this meeting, you may refer to myself as “Corax.” This is my colleague, “Peregrine.”
No. 44921 ID: d63ea8
Inner Thoughts: Alright, here they are. Deep breaths. Now just like how you practiced in your room.

"It is a pleasure meeting you two as well. On behalf of the Dimensional Tribunal, I would like to welcome you both to the gallery and thank you for your patience and cooperation on this matter. I have been instructed to accompany you for the duration of this investigation and offer whatever insight I might have on the case going forward."

Inner Thoughts: And now for the hard part.

"And I- uh Threshold is my first name. um My parents picked it out for me because I 'was going to be held to a higher standard than most.' S-so you can just call me Threshold if you want, or Mr. Glorious if you- er I mean Threshold is fine... sirs."

Inner Thoughts: Great first impression, not conceited at all. Besides, that's just what Dad told you when you asked. You heard what his colleagues said at the Christmas party, your Mom chose it because you were the only child she was willing to have with him. If there was another, she would leave.

*Threshold moves his hands behind his back to hide that they're shaking.*

"If you or your partner have any questions Mr. Corax I um would be more than happy to answer them."

Inner Thoughts: You're out of place here, and they can tell. With the way Mr. Glasshrauder was whispering to them, they probably think that you've been sent to spy on them... they're not wrong.
No. 44923 ID: e51896
Inner thoughts: so all the legends and forgotten mythical beings in our world are indeed real, and Inkiverusus has kept it a secret for the sake of having us playing the roles in our world assigned to us in peace. As an agent of Inkiverusus who has been given this holy mission outside of our world, I must make sure that these legends are kept only as legends and keep it a secret to our world that they are actually real...
...Oh, almighty Will of the World, I am not sure if my prayers can reach you as I am far from your world, but I am grateful for being chosen by you to be given the knowledge of the truth regarding the legends you kept so secret from everyone else, and I shall promise to keep the legends you hide from our world a secret and use the knowledge to help guide me to complete the role you've assigned me outside of our world to the best of my abilities.

...Salutations Threshold. *thumbs up* I am Agent Peregrine as Agent Corax pointed out. I won't let you down during your evaluation on us. You will have nothing to worry about during our interrogation we have been assigned to.

Inner thoughts: So just like me who has a father whom is a big deal as a famous investigator in my world, he too has a father who is a big deal being an ambassador to the Tribunal himself. And it seems like Threshold is certainly feeling the pressure of those high expectations given to him by his parents just like how my father has high expectations on my own siblings and I.

Mr. Glasshrauder, I wish to know details regarding the interrogation. Whom are we interrogating, what is their history, and what information are we to get out of the person we are interrogating?
No. 44925 ID: 8b660e
And who will be interrogating at that?
No. 44926 ID: 2bd15b
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If you have trouble stabbing somebody or have never done it before. I recommend you watch first this educational video in order to get the proper technique for a safe and friendly stabbing.

No. 44927 ID: 8b660e
*ghoulish smile*

So, that’s how we’re doing things it?
No. 44928 ID: 74c1a1
"What?! I -er- why -uh- -um- but-"

Inner Thoughts: This is crazy, he can't expect you too... He's watching you squirm, Mr. Glasshrauder. His face might look serious, but he is smiling underneath. He wants you too break down, to quit. Because... then Dad would have to pick someone else. Someone who can't go above his head.

"I mean- I can't just-"

Inner Thoughts: This is about him showing dominance, not you. Before the detectives approached, Mr. Glasshrauder deliberately made a show of whispering to them. He knew it would make you doubt yourself, your doing it right now.

"I -but- I uh-"

Inner Thoughts: Both answers are a trap. If you beg to Mr. Glasshrauder to get out of this, then he wins. But if -and that is a BIG if- you stab one of the detectives they will resent you going forward and it will impact the investigation, you lose. Mr. Glasshrauder is still looking at you, waiting for you to ask. First, breathe.

I... *sigh*

Inner Thoughts: You can't win. But you might be able to force a draw. Now, there is a very clear reason why you can't do what Mr. Glasshrauder wants.

"It was my understanding that these two men are detectives of the highest calibre. To try and stab one right now would get me thrown across the room."

Inner Thoughts: And the reason why they will listen to you is...

"I have been appointed to this position by my father's office. I have the ability to remove them from this case at a moment's notice if they even put a toe out of line."

*Threshold returns the knife to Mr. Glasshrauder. The outstretched hand is steady, but the one behind his back is still shaking.*

"I don't need this weapon, I already have my own."

*He turns to the detectives.*

"And it is always uh above their heads."
No. 44929 ID: 118bf7

*still ghoulishly smiling but turns to Threshold*

And here I was worried you wouldn’t show any back bone. We will work with the tools we’re given. But if I may be blunt to you, my superior officer, why would Ms. Glasshrauder give you such a task, it sounds as though he was putting you under pressure to see how you would react, while also threatening us. But what purpose does he have for making threats of bodily harm to us? If he is above us then something like this shouldn’t have been necessary.
No. 44930 ID: 74c1a1

*Threshold's gaze had started to drift back to the floor, but Corax's words seem to rouse him back.*

Inner Thoughts: It's like Corax is shifting into a combat stance. He's standing in a normal upright posture, but his eyes... They're focused... pointed. He could tear you limb from limb without breaking a sweat.

*Threshold clenches his hands into fists, but keeps them at his side.*

Inner Thoughts: "He's try to get you to reveal your hand, and that would weaken you, and show to Mr. Glasshrauder that you've been strong-armed to their side. Match him."

*Threshold faces Corax full on, and the agent is met with his own gaze.*

"Yes. I am your superior officer. You've been brought here to investigate the case, not speculate on irrelevant matters."

Inner Thoughts: You'll need to push him, but only a bit. Go too far and Corax will push back harder.

"Stand. Down."

*Threshold maintains the reflection for a few seconds, but then quickly breaks it off.*

Inner Thoughts: ... like looking down the barrel of a gun.
No. 44931 ID: 8b660e
*ghoulish smile changes to a more impressed one of respect, like a duelist saluting his opponent*

Of course, sir.
No. 44932 ID: 74c1a1
Inner Thoughts: The air is clearing. But Corax will press these questions again once it is just the three of you. You'll need to be ready for that.

"T-thank you."
No. 44936 ID: 2bd15b
File 158403060984.jpg - (1.95MB , 3039x2339 , BB 492.jpg )
No. 44937 ID: e51896
Hey, you can't grow without photosynthesis. But Can I say something?

Threshold, when I read through the case files, and was told about the mission we are going to head into, it made me realize that this mission is going to require everything we've got and all our endurance. The stabbing isn't just about dominance over us, it is about taking a job that we are going to need to bleed for and even sacrifice for in order to succeed, one which if we are not careful could destroy our spirits. A mission in which is required to get our hands dirty for.

So with that in mind, after you give your answers to Mr. Glasshrauder,
*takes out one of his darta he proceeds to try to hand it over to Threshold*
I want you to try again. Take the dart and take a stab at me, or ask Glasshrauder for an extra knife to try again if that is more your weapon of choice.
No. 44938 ID: e51896
*is expecting that Dervan will do something during his power trip like take the knife out of Corax and stab me as well, but expects Threshold to take the dart and stab me first*
No. 44940 ID: d63ea8
*Threshold flinches quite badly as Corax is stabbed. His composure is broken for a moment as he gives a faint whimper.*

"You-you s-stabbed-"

Inner Thoughts: That... was a lot. You need a moment. Collect yourself, the game is still on.

*Threshold crosses his arms and presses them hard against his chest. His breath is shallow and rapid. His gaze keeps flitting between Mr. Glasshrauder and the steadily bleeding wound.*

"I... okay... I..."

*When Peregrine tries to pass him the dart, he flinches again, shrinking away for half a second.*

Inner Thoughts: You didn't even notice Peregrine standing off to the side. He was quietly studying you. He wants to offer support, but that play into Mr. Glasshrauder's hands. Take his words, but not the dart.

*Threshold takes in another gulp of air and lets it out slowly. His breath hitches a bit, but he's no longer shaking like a leaf. He leans into Peregrine and whispers:*

"No t-thank y-you."

Inner Thoughts: Peregrine is right, you need to be able to endure this. Find your ground and take control.

"I t-think..." *sigh.*

Inner Thoughts: Now, Mr. Glasshrauder deliberately let that 'soldier boy' jab slip out. This confirms what your instincts were already telling you, Corax is more than capable of killing someone, and has done so in the past. But more importantly, Mr. Glasshrauder didn't like that you able to maneuver out of his trap. While Mr. Glasshrauder is very restrained and calculating, there was a hint of something more personal behind that stab. You're getting under his skin, you could use this.

"Mr. Corax shows signs of a hardened battlefield veteran. His tolerance for pain comes from a refined determination that has only been tempered by the fires of combat."

Inner Thoughts: It's more than that. Corax bears the scars of his time there, and you'd guess that the majority of them aren't physical. Mr. Glasshrauder knows that you can't stomach this- You're starting to shake again."

*Another deep breath.*

Inner Thoughts: "It is about taking a job that we are going to need to bleed for and even sacrifice for in order to succeed." Those words stick in your mind. "A mission in which is required to get our hands dirty for."

Inner Thoughts: Mr. Glasshrauder wants you to try and help Corax, and therefore challenge his authority over you. Then he'll have the opportunity to put you in your place. But you could turn this exercise against him, he wanted you to dirty your hands for his amusement, you can have your officers fight your battles. Make him overstep, and then Corax will defend you.

Don't ask for help. Answer Mr. Glasshrauder's questions, and make him feel less for it. Provoke him.

*Threshold lets his hands fall to his sides. He looks from the knife, to Corax, and then to Mr. Glasshrauder. He mutters under his breath to Peregrine.*

"Get ready."

*Then speaks up.*

"I know that Mr. Corax will be of benefit to the investigation. The fact that he hasn't reacted shows that Mr. Corax holds a far greater discipline than anyone else here. He possesses strength, it emanates from him like an aura."

Inner Thoughts: Now.

" He doesn't need to demonstrate his power."
No. 44944 ID: 8b660e
*ghoulish smile at Dervan, and pulls a notebook and pen out and begins writing something out*

Inner thoughts: Dervan Glasshrauder, age unknown but appears to be in his late 30’s, approx. 5’11’ with slim build. Wears a pair of Devil horns as well as formal wear.
Crime: Assaulting an officer of the law with a deadly weapon. Interfering with an official investigation.
Evidence: fingerprints on the knife, small stab wound on victim about 3 inches deep and approximately half an inch long. Possible video footage(?) Criminal displays no outward feelings of remorse or guilt and continues to taunt victim in an attempt to goad a reaction.
Motive: suspect claims to be “establishing dominance” over the victim. In short, egomania and power was a deciding factor.

Just something for my personal records, you understand. If my superior says I do not need to act, then I will not.

Inner thoughts: This is nothing I haven’t already endured. He was right, I cannot feel pain. In fact I barely feel much of anything. But I do not enjoy people who flaunt power over others for the sake of it. And I particularly hate losing. I will bide my time for now.

Is there any gauze around here? I would like to get this bleeding stopped and cleaned before we work.
No. 44945 ID: d63ea8
Inner Thoughts: At least that is something you can deal with.

*Threshold reaches into his coat and takes out a pocket first-aid kit.*

Inner Thoughts: You've been reacting to everything Mr. Glasshrauder has been doing. Put him on the back-step. Try pissing him off.

*Threshold moves over to Corax, pulling a small roll of gauze and a few disinfecting wipes from the kit.*

"I must apologize Mr. Corax, that I'm not the most uh familiar with stab wounds."

*He turns his head to reflect Mr. Glasshrauder.*

"But I want to make one thing clear, I'm not helpful, I am dominant."
No. 44946 ID: 2bd15b
File 158405847919.jpg - (1.69MB , 3075x1855 , BB 493.jpg )
No. 44947 ID: d63ea8
Inner Thoughts: At least he has backed off... But he's right, you do have a problem. Corax can wield himself like a hammer if needed, and break through whatever defiant act the subject might put up. Peregrine conversely is quiet, attentive, and selfless. He would be best at building a rapport with the subject and have them surrender information willingly. You can't re-purpose someone that has already committed to the role, it would come across as frenetic if not desperate to the subject. The investigators need to be the ones in power. You can't afford to be missing Corax but...

"I'm not sure if I can treat this properly. I-i'll try my best... but that might not be enough."

*Threshold's hands start shaking again, it's more obvious since the pocket first-aid kit gives off a faint rattle.*

"... it's y-your call. I... can't put you in harm's way for this."

*Threshold's gaze starts drifting back towards the floor.*

Inner Thoughts: You've never had to worry about other pieces before, not on your side anyway. The fact that you are concerned at least means that you're a bit different from your father.
No. 44948 ID: 12a79b
Thank you, although I have a different idea of way of doing things. I need to gather a few things before begin I interrogating.

For that matter I think it would be best is Peregrine goes first. In the meantime I will get myself patched up. You may observe and help him. Afterwards, I want you to leave them for an hour. Afterwards I will enter and interrogate them.

Watch them carefully and take notes of everything they do, what their body language says, everything that they say. Take notes about it. I will read it when I get back.

Does this sound agreeable to you, Mr. Threshold?
No. 44949 ID: d63ea8
*Threshold gives a short nod.*

"Try to hurry back... And thank you."

*He straightens up a bit and puts away the medical supplies before turning to Peregrine.*

"A-are you ready detective?"

Inner Thoughts: At least that won't be weighing on your mind. An hour... might work. You'd ask Mr. Glasshrauder how long you have the subject, but he's going to dodge the question. He's already made it clear that he wants to disrupt the investigation. Don't give him the satisfaction he is looking for.

*Threshold looks from Mr. Glasshrauder to the first room, but remains silent.*
No. 44953 ID: e51896
Inner Thoughts: So Corax is not the reckless type despite his demeanor. While that health kit would have treated the outside of the stab wound, Corax could be internally bleeding, wounds that the kit wouldn't treat. It would be really bad if he were to pass out and die during the interrogation. I will just have to interrogate long enough for Corax to get back. That is the role I have been given.
Though internal stab wounds take a long time to operate and heal... but I have an idea that might make Corax's visit to the infirmary much quicker so that he can get back into the interrogation room for assistance.
But I wonder what those few things Corax will try to get for the interrogation exactly is and how he will get them and if he can get them.

*heads towards the interrogation room* Agent Corax, the files given to us by Triumphant mentions something about needles of life in this world which heals a person almost instantaneous. If their treatment turns out to be too long like requiring operation, See if you can ask about the needles of life in the infirmary on the chances of them having that to use on you so you can make it back to work quicker. Ask for the side effects as well if you need to.

I am ready, Mr Glorious.

inner thoughts: Dervan Glasshruader said he did not want to spoil the surprise as to who I am interrogating. I wonder if it is someone I personally know of as a friend for family. Whoever it is, I will play my role of my job accordingly to the Will of the World's vision to the best of my abilities
No. 44954 ID: e51896
So what kind of information will I need to gather for the interrogation, Mr. Glasshrauder?
No. 44956 ID: d63ea8
*Threshold winces a bit at 'Mr. Glorious' but gives a nod to both Peregrine and Corax. He gets ready to enter the second door and waits to hear Mr. Glasshrauder's reply.*

Inner Thoughts: Good, Peregrine asked the most important question. You can't play the game without knowing the goals. You'll only have one piece to begin with, but you and Peregrine can set the groundwork so that Corax's entrance can be all the more powerful.

Inner Thoughts: Mr. Glorious... it's odd to hear those words without your father around. You not sure how to feel about it.
No. 44958 ID: 2bd15b
File 158413864586.jpg - (2.96MB , 3468x3077 , BB 494.jpg )
No. 44959 ID: d63ea8
Inner Thoughts: You are overcome by a sense of déjà vu. It impacts you on two distinct levels. It's like your room at home, desolate and cold. Devoid of meaning. Except here the mirror faces outwards. But the reality of this place shares a second, far deeper meaning with you. This must be what it is like inside of your head, and perhaps your soul. Empty, isolated, forced to watch and observe through a one-way mirror while the world plays out in front of you. You look out, but they can't look back. The only difference this time is...

"I am the thoughts for Peregrine..."

Inner Thoughts: ... rather than you observing yourself. The distance is still there, the quiet objectivity. But you see the world, and you see him.

"It's like I was made to do this."

Inner Thoughts: The disquieting horror of it might've been too much to bear but...

"... you have a job to do. The games begins."

*Speaking into the communicator:*

"Assure her that no one is back there. She needs to feel comfortable so that you can befriend her. Express sympathy for 'the notion that someone watching without you seeing their eyes is unsettling.' Find common ground."
No. 44960 ID: 2bd15b
Hey man, I know that you are role-playing that character and all but what you described sounds like it is coming from real-life experiences. Is everything alright? Are you dealing with some heavy stuff?

No. 44961 ID: d63ea8
((Don't worry, I'm just putting my undergraduate in Drama to good use. But I can certainly see how it would come across as concerning. I didn't want to interrupt the quest with OOC moments of "wow this is fantastic," and I didn't want to burden either of the quest discussion threads with material that didn't pertain to their respective quests.))

((For comparison's sake, I come from a good household with loving parents and while I can be a bit conniving when it comes to social encounters in games like D&D, I would regard myself as a relatively open and honest person.))

((The main thing that I find funny about this side-story thus far is how well Threshold seems to fit into this world, and seems to match the other characters in a number of ways.))

((I initially thought that this character would be the 'odd man out' since he would be naive of the greater world and wouldn't have a 'coping mechanism' like the other detectives. But, as it turns out, he seems to be as turned around as they are. Except rather than 'not feeling anything' like Corax, or 'ascribing to a higher power' like Peregrine, Threshold almost seems to 'view himself from the outside' and is constantly evaluating himself and those around him. Thematically, it really matches what he is being asked to do in the quest, and I as the player find that to be very exciting to watch.))

((So I guess TL;DR, I'm good, but thanks for checking.))

((If anything that I am doing is too much, please let me know and I will pull back on the problematic aspects of the character.))

((Also, is there a place you could recommend that I can put my OOC thoughts of Test Run? Again, I don't want to disrupt the flow of the story because it is going so well.))
No. 44963 ID: 8b660e
Inner thoughts: You’ve never seen me work. You don’t know the first thing about me, and yet you took it upon yourself to stab me out of egomania and a desire for control. You remind me of a rapist I dealt with a few years ago. The thing many people seem to forget is that for them, it’s never about the pleasure of sex, but the pleasure of power and having it over someone. The same as just now in fact, sooner or later justice will catch up with you.

I am here to do a duty that was assigned to me, Mr. Glasshrauer, nothing more. If calling me as such is how you feel, then I can only hope that my work speaks for itself. I’ll be back in a few minutes.

Inner thoughts: How can you be of assistance? I’m fucking stabbed and the knife is still in me. I’ll give you three guesses as to how you can be of assistance.

I need this knife removed and the wound stitched. If you can make it quick, I would be much obliged, I’m on the clock as it were. And don’t worry about anesthetic, I don’t feel pain. And take care you use gloves when removing the knife. It may have the finger prints of my assailant on it.
No. 44972 ID: e51896
Inner thoughts: URK! Glasshraurder was right, who I was interrogating was a surprise because she is topless! Such a sight is sinful to behold! But... it's my role from the Will of the World to interrogate her about Happy regardless of her appearance.
And what did Glasshraurder also said? that I would also be surprised if I look at myself in the mirror? In that case, it is probably best to avert my eyes from myself in the mirror until after the interrogation is over, otherwise I'll show weakness from the shock of what I might see. I can check the mirror after the interrogation.

Inner thoughts: So how to proceed... she is terrified of the prospect that she is being watched by unseen eyes. If I were to straight out tell her that there is nobody on the other side of the mirror, she will not believe me and stay in that terrified state. If I were to demonstrate phony proof that nobody is on the other side while finding common ground and she believes my lie, she will indeed calm down but will feel too comfortable and confident to not reveal any secrets about Happy. I need the leverage of nervousness while balancing her comfort out of her if I am to get information. If Corax was here, Showing phony proof that nobody is on the other side may work as he can make her nervous still even if she is comfortable from believing my lie, but since Corax is not here to play his role as the second interrogator to add to her nervousness, I could risk giving her too much comfort.

Inner thoughts: So a bit of psychology is required to get her in the correct balanced state of mind of nervousness and comfort I need her to be. having her "absolutely terrified" that someone is watching her currently will cause her to become too aggressive or too much in a panicked state to respond accurately.
Also, having her be "too comfortable" by believing that no one is on the other side of the mirror without Corax with me will make her too confident in keeping secrets from me

Inner thoughts: so the plan for me is that I will have to like Mr. Glorious said: lie and tell her that nobody is on the other side of the mirror while finding common ground with her for the initial interview and get her to start talking. But first, to make her not terrified of the possibility that I am lying but only nervous of the possibility that I am lying, but keep her mainly comforted, I am going to have to try psychology first to make her think that the possibility of someone watching from the other side of the mirror is not as terrifying as the more likely possibility that she was being watched in her own world.
It is kind of like when I was terrified of flying airplanes as a child, when my Parents would tell me that riding in a plane is a lot safer than riding in a car to make me feel calmer about riding in a plane even if I was still a little nervous.
But if she is still terrified afterwards, I'll have to go with plan B and show fake proof that nobody is behind the mirror. Well, here I go.

So, You're afraid of unseen eyes watching you? I am sorry to hear that. But please allow me to ease your concerns. You are safe here now because after we have plucked you from the universe you had resided in, we have also saved you from the unseen eyes everywhere that may have watched you in your own world. According to my records, it was indicated that there are many invisible spies that cannot be seen in the world we picked you up from, such as hidden curators, certain other gods, voices of Ana, voices of Root, ghosts, certain people who may have gained power from the Ash Tree and even Andrew Goodwill under certain circumstances... and those are just to name a few. It is very highly likely that there was a chance that you've at many points had people watching your actions without you even realizing it, no doubt.

But by being here, you are alright now. You can rest assure that you are now a lot safer here from all those spying unseen people from your world than you are here in this place.
The only eyes that are on the two of us now is ourselves reflected in the mirror. Speaking of ourselves, you may call me "Peregrine". What may I call you?

But that is indeed a valid fear. To be seen by someone one cannot see. Having someone watching and judging without knowing is something that is understandable for me with high expectations set upon me, especially when I couldn't see the spies observing me as they are always looking for any kind of weakness to use against me without me knowing catching me off guard on the job. But knowing the kind of world you came from, it must have been especially difficult and annoying for you to keep away from those spying eyes, wasn't it?
No. 44973 ID: e51896
*also proceeds to sit in the chair facing her*
No. 44975 ID: 2bd15b
File 158435073846.jpg - (1.55MB , 3361x1477 , BB 495.jpg )
No. 44976 ID: d63ea8
*Threshold pulls out a coiled notepad and pen from his other pocket. He tears off the page with his introductory speech and stuffs it back into his coat. Without looking at the paper he draws a line down the middle and begins to write a series of words.*

*On the left he writes:*
'Peregrine; Polite, reserved, detail-oriented, values symbolism, values sacrifice, spiritual(?), selfless (outwardly?/truly?), sympathetic, empathetic, knowledgeable of case and other dimensions, willing to sacrifice social grace for information, minor hesitation when first viewing subject; recognizes subject(?), reason unknown. knowledgeable of supernatural, belief in supernatural(?), worries abou-'

Peregrine: "...looking for any kind of weakness to use against me without me knowing catching me off guard on the job."

*Threshold fumbles the pen.*

Inner Thoughts: That wasn't directed at you. Disregard it.

*Continues writing:*
'-t high expectations (has rivals?), passable liar (need more examples), good instincts.'

Inner Thoughts: He took your notes and added to them. You'll have to filter through everything you observe and only offer what is necessary.

"Otherwise I might override his judgement."

Inner Thoughts: "You need his experience."

*Threshold begins to write on the right half of the page:*
'__________(?); afraid of hidden viewers(?), changed stance quickly, clothing = snakes/quicksand (clothes as shackling? nudity as liberating?), views clothes as uncomfortable (view on handcuffs?), comfortable with abstract/supernatural (true or reflecting Peregrine?), believes in destiny(?), enjoys conversation.'

Peregrine: "It is very highly likely that there was a chance that you've at many points had people watching your actions without you even realizing it, no doubt."

Inner Thoughts: Good, Peregrine is reassuring the subject by acknowledging the fear but not fully dismissing it. This leaves it as a option to indirectly intimidate the subject later on.

"It seems that Peregrine is working with a fuller picture than I am."

Inner Thoughts: You'll have to glean what you can. Note that the subject dodged both of Peregrine's questions just now, differing him to the report on the table.

*Threshold adds to the right half of the page.*
'socially evasive(?)'

Inner Thoughts: Mr. Glasshrauder could've provided that report easily, he seems to have a vested interest in ensuring that we are as ill-prepared as possible. Disregard that for now. The goal is to use Peregrine to their fullest capacity, and offer notes for him to work off of. First thing's first.

*Into the communicator:*

"Don't let them dictate the flow of the conversation. Answer the subject in a way that bridges to the question: 'What do you think brought you here?' Ensure that they answer rather than deflect, compare what the subject says to what appears in the arrest report."

Inner Thoughts: In doing so you'll be able to establish a baseline for how they think, and how they view themselves. If Peregrine has the only copy of the arrest report you will have to be attentive to his social cues in order to piece together what the document actually says.

Inner Thoughts: You were tempted to advise Peregrine on how he could use his spiritualist mindset to connect with the subject on a more personal level, but you resisted it. Peregrine will do that on his own.

"This is about finding the balance between dictation and delegation."

*Threshold quickly scans his room for a similar report.*
No. 44977 ID: d63ea8
*Into the communicator*

"You'll want to know how they perceive the arrest, tell them that 'their view matters.'"

Inner Thoughts: By starting in a place of relative comfort you can establish what the subject's baseline actions and reactions are. Once Peregrine starts applying more pressure to his later questions note how the baseline shifts.
No. 44978 ID: 8b660e
Inner thoughts: Something is very wrong with my body and it’s something I live with everyday. But I don’t have time to sit here and debate it with you.

There is something wrong , but that is a story I don’t have the time or luxury to afford. If we can stitch this and get it dressed I will be out of your way.
No. 45021 ID: e51896
inner thoughts: hmmm... shes seemed genuinely happy when she talked about how my clothing was being restrictive, even slightly teasing me about it as well. So I do not think she is lying about her emotions on the topic, considering she herself is under dressed.

inner thoughts: But when she brought up the topic of the concepts of gods, ghosts and the afterlife and asked my stance on destiny and free will, her eyes seemed to be very squinty, maybe overly squinty? Perhaps like she is trying to force a smile? That squint could be a noticeable tell to keep an eye out for during the interrogation. I wonder if while she may be talking like she is comfortable with the idea of gods, ghosts, the afterlife, destiny and free will, maybe that squint is actually a sign that she is actually lying and trying not to show discomfort over those concepts with a fake overboard smile.

inner thoughts: for now, like Mr. Glorious had said, I'll have to make sure I keep control of the conversation. Bridge the rapport to the next part of the interrogation. That said, it is probably best not to read the report right away as she directed to keep control, and read it later once I get a little more information and bridge the rapport to the next phase of the interrogation.

Ah, I see. from my stance with my suit, I see it as comfort and protection rather than restrictive. I cannot imagine finding myself in cold weather and not wearing suitable warm clothing for the weather for example. But it is good you are able to not be bothered by the risks and not restrict yourself.

As for my stance, I believe we do indeed have free will, and we can do whatever we want, but there are unseen strong influences out there that very subtly guides us to our ultimate destination to fulfill.

From the looks of things, it seems like you are in a talkative mood and ready to talk. but Now, now. There is no need to be hasty. I will look at the report in a short moment. I have already been briefed and I personally like to learn about about someone from their own words first and give them a chance to introduce and explain themselves on their side of things before I have a report tell me what it wants me to know, because your views here are what matters. That said, I want to give you the chance to answer me this beforehand: what are your perception on what brought you here from that world to ours? What do you think is the reason we brought you here?

inner thoughts: this open ended question could bridge the rapport to the next phase of the interrogation and in which case could conclude the rapport portion of the interrogation as well. Giving her the chance to explain herself before I read the report is a psychological trick to make her feel like she has the control to explain herself before I look at the report and find more tells she may display while keeping an eye on previous tells she showcased so far.

inner thoughts: If I need to though, I can probably bring back the concepts of gods or ghosts or destiny again to get further answers since it looked like she was trying to evade the question by telling me to look at the report. Her face seemed to reacted interesting towards those concepts as well after all...

*Agent Peregrine will look at the report in a later post after the prisoner tells him their side of things to compare notes*
No. 45022 ID: 2bd15b
File 158501890466.jpg - (2.36MB , 3070x2394 , BB 496.jpg )

Corax right now
No. 45023 ID: 0ee3be
All you needed to do was ask, Doctor. I would have told you. It’s no secret why I’m like this. I’m amazed no one asked sooner.

*reaches up and pulls off wig revealing ghastly scars as though someone drilled into his head and didn’t do a good job sewing him back up.*

You have hideous insects that fuck up your life? Cute. The real horrors are what happens those people who are taken prisoners of war. Once you’ve been captured and you’ve named all the names you can think of even ones who you know are innocent, but they keep cutting away at you piece by piece and you plead with them to stop the pain, but they don’t listen.

*pulls out dentures*
Them working on the teeth was the worst of it. You see? Where they took them out above they left them below, and where they took them out below they left them above.

Instead they decide to turn you against your leaders, your country, your very life, and create the perfect soldier. One who doesn’t feel pain or remorse, or much of anything really. And they only get one success. The irony of it all being that by the time the finish, the war is over. And you’ve spent years in the dark listening to the screams of your friends, your brothers, and suddenly you just don’t give a shit about them anymore.

*ghoulish smile and it’s like an open knife wound or perhaps a freshly dug grave then puts his dentures back in and his wig on right*

My mother got me these after I came home, always worrying about which poor girl is going to marry me in my condition. Now if you would be so kind, Doctor. I would greatly appreciate medical treatment for the wounds I currently have, then you may do whatever scan you need to and then I will be out of your way and you can back to other patients who need it more than I do.

*pulls out notebook from pocket and scribbles something else just like with Dervan*

Thank you for your service.
No. 45025 ID: d63ea8
*Threshold hand hover's above the left side of the page. He was about to note something down, but doesn't.*

Inner Thoughts: You feel sick. Like something had crawled into your stomach and died. The subject regards herself so highly... they thinks that their untouchable. It reminds you too much of everything. Even here, alone with your own thoughts you can't escape that condescension.

*On the right half he writes:*
'Self-Rehearsed, sees people as playthings (to be appraised, as if for value), displays empathic abilities (conveyed through eyes?)'

???: "...past the illusion that your appearance is, I can see your real eyes and the look that you give me is a sad one..."

*Threshold hand glides back over to the left side of the page and hovers again for a bit.*

Inner Thoughts: Not yet... you might have something else.

*The pen moves back to an old note on the right half of the page:*
'clothing = snakes/quicksand (clothes as shackling? nudity as liberating?)(clothes as deception, the body as truth)'

Inner Thoughts: Yes... that seems close. Perhaps not the right words, or even in the right way... but you have something that is core to them. You can hurt them... but you don't want to. Yet...

*At the bottom of the page, Threshold writes:*

'WEAKNESS: Masks.'

Inner Thoughts: It seems that you were right again. You must become Peregrine's thoughts, because he can no longer rely on his own. The subject will pry them away.

*On the left side of the page Threshold finally writes:*
'Seeking his place and purpose (he is still searching)'

"Deflected the question again. I need to upset them, you need to upset them."

Inner Thoughts: Deflect, side-step, riposte. Test their defenses.

*Into the communicator:*
"React organically."

Inner Thoughts: He will cite his faith. Deflect.

*Into the communicator:*
"Refuse her offer, drain your thoughts for a moment."

Inner Thoughts: You'll need to fill in the space. Side-step.

*Into the communicator:*
"Repeat what I say: I've asked you questions. Answer them."

Inner Thoughts: Riposte.
No. 45048 ID: d63ea8
Inner Thoughts: Be mindful of the other pieces on your board, even if they are currently out of sight. Corax can accomplish a number of secondary tasks while he is in the infirmary.

*Threshold flips to the second page of his notepad and writes:*
'Corax; seems broken (like he is in a desensitized state?), military training, capable of killing (has likely done so previously), understands authority (but will not follow what he would find as illegitimate/lacking of respect), disciplined, experienced, attentive t-'

Inner Thoughts: You can't let him read these notes. You will have to make a separate copy for him.

*Continues writing:*
'-o other's observations (go for delegation?), forceful (when needed).'

*At the bottom of the page Threshold writes and then circles the words:*
'Extremely Dangerous.'

Inner Thoughts: If push came to shove, you'd be the one to lose. You need to start thinking of a plan for your next meeting with him. But for now...

"Act as both adviser and superior. Try to win him over."

*Speaking to Corax through the communicator:*

"Be advised, the subject displays anomalous powers: Working theory is-"

Inner Thoughts: He isn't in the interrogation, you're going to sound 'off' to him. Tone it back.

" er- I mean t-the subject says that they 'see Peregrine's real eyes.' I-it seems that they might have some sort of empathic ability. I'm seeing what I can uh do about it. The subject m-might er have a phobia of clothing and uh might be inhibited by a mask or b-blindfold. T-try to um get back when you can... but uh make sure that you are okay f-first."

Inner Thoughts: He'll pick up on the shift, but he might drop the topic until after the interrogation. Just be ready for later...
No. 45050 ID: 8b660e
*hears this through his communication device*

Inner thoughts: Hmm, "anomalous powers" means even in the interrogation they have power over us. Can't have that, need to find a way to cut them off from it, make them focus more on my power over them rather than their own. If the power is empathy especially means I need to take away their power, probably won't do them much good against me anyways. Still, it's always best to air on the side of caution.
No. 45078 ID: e51896
Inner thoughts: Mr. Glorious said to drain my thoughts... yes, that makes sense. My thoughts are driving the emotions that she sees. So I shouldn't be thinking about myself, only on the case at hand, so for now, no more inner thoughts...

there is a time and place for everything. The time is not now. The place is not here.

Now you're getting ahead of yourself again, because as I asked you the question earlier: "what are your perception on what brought you here from that world to ours? What do you think is the reason we brought you here?" and while I appreciate you answering with not knowing who happy is, or who gave you that call, and not having anyone to corroborate your claims as those were probably the questions you had to answer several times from different people... *puts his hand in a shape of a circle and looks through it like a telescope* that is not the pieces of the puzzle to the full picture I am searching for at this moment. *puts his hands back down* because I never asked you who Happy was or who gave you that anonymous call, or who could corroborate your claims. You were doing something which lead to your arrest immediately before you came to this realm, and I'm giving you the chance to explain.

So let me rephrase the first question to help you better understand the question I am looking for the answer to: What were you doing a little before you were captured that you perceive that brought you here from that world to this one? what were you doing and witnessing minutes before your capture that you think is the reason we brought you here?

I've asked you questions. Answer them.
No. 45079 ID: d63ea8
*Threshold flips back to the first page of his notes and writes on the left side:*

Inner Thoughts: This is what Corax meant by 'take notes of everything they do.' You were ready to discard that information about Happy and the phone call, assuming that it was covered by the other investigators in the report. Peregrine didn't allow himself to assume.

*Threshold writes on the right half of the page:*

'receives calls(service? call history?), claims to not know 'Happy'(defensive, number of anonymous caller? advertises services?), no corroborator for claims(nature of arrest? reason for arrest?).'

Inner Thoughts: Peregrine has taken your notes. Now focus on subject, gauge their reactions, both physical and verbal.
No. 45080 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 45081 ID: d63ea8
Inner Thoughts: You can't tell if what you and Peregrine tried had any noticeable effect. You'll have to attempt the maneuver again at a later point. But for now, obverse what you can.

*Threshold writes on the right half of the page:*

'entertained self by messing with Peregrine(finds people as fun oddities? Or just Peregrine?).'

Inner Thoughts: Now there's an idea... You could have Corax speak with some of the other investigative teams... No. Discard that thought. Corax isn't part of the Tribunal, they'd just treat him like a lost tourist... at best. But keep the detective in the back of your mind, other opportunities might arise.

*Continues writing:*

'race sustains self on magical rituals(type of race in report? other weaknesses?), switching bodies ritual(is experience in ritual, implies that at least two other people were involved); ritual prevented by injury of eye(?), paid to be on standby(odd because of need to perform rituals?), duration of wait(?), method of being summoned(?), ritual interrupted by arrest.'

Inner Thoughts: A possible witness or two. That could be relevant to the case, and something that Corax could track down. Note the description.

*Threshold flips to the third page of his notepad and writes:*

'Person of Interest (____________?); Female, missing/disfigured eye, horn(s?), seen as reckless(?), was the target of body-swap ritual, possible connection with Happy?'

Inner Thoughts: Now, the subject again mentioned the significance of eyes to her abilities. While it could be a coincidence, let's assume at this time that it isn't. What can you ascertain from this line of thinking?

*Threshold flips back to the first page and writes on the right-hand side:*

'Eyes as "window to the soul"(eyes = soul? therefore magic is the manipulation of the soul?), magic inhibited when eyes are destroyed(?), why take an anonymous caller?(she wouldn't be able to see their eyes).'

Inner Thoughts: This brings up a contradiction in her beliefs. Try a new tactic.

*Speaking to Peregrine through the communicator:*

"Why would the subject make a deal with someone that they couldn't see? Wouldn't that give their client the opportunity to observe the subject without them revealing their eyes?"

"...Can I get a paper and a pen, it is over there on the other table so that I can at least draw while you continue with your meaningless questions?"

"You can use this as an opportunity to bargain with them. They mentioned one person for the body-swapping ritual, but by it's nature the ritual would require another subject."

Inner Thoughts: But...

"It could also be a ploy, trust your judgement."
No. 45082 ID: d63ea8
Inner Thoughts: Now for Corax, and this time don't shift halfway through.

*Speaking through the communicator to Corax:*

"um We might have a uh p-possible witness to interview. Female, horns, uh used one of said horn to stab out h-her own eye, may have um been present at the time of arrest. She might be our uh connection to Happy. I-I'll try to er get you what information I can, b-but uh see what you can find."

Inner Thoughts: It would be easier if you knew the name of the arresting officer... but it would be hard to get without Peregrine being obvious about it. Note it to him.
Breathe first.

*Threshold sighs before speaking to Peregrine through the communicator:*

"Secondary Objective: Try to say the name of the arresting officer if you can, but prioritize subtlety."
No. 45083 ID: 8b660e
Inner thoughts: Interesting. This sounds almost like a few of the files we read about some other anomalies. Essence of life wasn't it? We'll need to investigate that further.

Thank you, good doctor. I'll be on my way.

*leaves and go to his dormitory to grab his case and then heads back to the interrogation room.*
No. 45084 ID: 8b660e
*stops and thinks for a second before he leaves his dorm, grabs a dark pillow case and puts it folded into his case, and sets off back to the interogation.*
No. 45114 ID: e51896
So why make a deal with an anonymous that you couldn't see? Wouldn't that risk giving your client an opportunity to observe you without them revealing their eyes to you?

In any case, alright. I will let you draw while I ask you questions. But in exchange, I need you to draw the woman with horns you mentioned that you were performing the body-swapping ritual on that stabbed her eye out. Draw as much details you can remember such as facial features, hair, horns, and any other noticeable details.

While you draw that, what I want you to tell me about the other people present from before the ritual and after you first arrived in this realm, such as the location of the other person who was going to be body-swapped and their appearance, and the person who arrested you such as their interactions with you and their interactions with the two people involved with the body-swap ritual.
No. 45116 ID: 2bd15b
File 158601483252.jpg - (1.51MB , 2826x1673 , BB 500.jpg )
I am sorry Harbard Grim for ignoring the movement that your character did, but I just wanted the doctor to ask you that question.

No. 45117 ID: d63ea8
*Threshold edits some of his notes on the subject:*
'receives calls (service? rituals. call history?)'
'claims to not know 'Happy' (defensive, number of anonymous caller? type of robot? advertises services?)'
'(reason: for arrest?) Tribunal restrictions)'
'why take an anonymous caller? (she wouldn't be able to see their eyes) better self and people? True? Selfless?)'

*At the bottom he adds:*
'RECEPTIVE TO: Bargaining.'

*On the left side of the page he writes:*
'Pumpkin-headed figure (rival? criminal? marked Peregrine's past. negatively?), cheerfulness a front(?).'

Inner Thoughts: Interesting... You don't fully buy the subject's forgetfulness, but if they are telling the truth, that could be another strategy you could use. The subject seems more open when they are being entertained. While it does give up some power, it would play to Peregrine's strengths. Indulge in it, observe the effects.

"Peregrine believes in sacrifice, he'd be willing to open up to a stranger."

*Speaking to Peregrine through the communicator:*
"Ask the subject to give you a drawing of the robots. Be someone that they want to talk to, but control the conversation."

Inner Thoughts: You were tempted to add something else, but didn't. You could have asked Peregrine if he believed the subject, but that would show your weakness. Observe him to glean your answers. You can't afford to look uncertain.

"I can't afford to be weak."
No. 45118 ID: 8b660e
It’s fine, he’ll just do those actions afterwards

... *smirk*
Inner thoughts:You stabbed me, insulted me, and now you expect to make up with sex? Funny, how long has it been for me? I remember I was quite promiscuous as a younger man. Ah well, not as though I have much interest in it now anyways.

Perhaps. Though, I would like to know your name first before talks about the bedroom.
No. 45131 ID: e51896
Alright, I'll give you something much less sad and regretful for you to draw as to not get your focus obstructed again and to keep you calm during my questioning: try drawing the robot that hired your services, it should be easy for you since robots don't have souls or feelings and only have artificial eyes or cameras instead of real eyes.
and while you draw the robot, I will need to ask you something important regarding the the witness and you

And that thing I want to know is, are you alright personally? you have been very cooperative with my questions thus far, even if they are very boring to you, but as soon as I got to the point of asking about the woman with the horns and the other witnesses, you instead focused your attention on my own problems with that picture instead even though I told you that there is a time and place for everything, as if you feel that fixing my problems is something you can deal with and take control of, while mentioning the witnesses makes you want to avoid the questions regarding them like it is a problem you have that you can't fix and can't handle answering.

And it is also concerning because you said you are a race that sustains on magical rituals, using your services as your job and as sustenance. If switching bodies is nothing that complicated and you've done it multiple times in your lifetime, then I would have to assume that you looking into countless people's eyes showing their sadness and regret during the rituals is something you would be desensitized to seeing by now, considering you need to use these magical rituals as food to live. And considering that the horned woman needed to take out her eye to stop you from performing the ritual implies that you wouldn't stop, showing some of that desensitized behavior towards her. It is making me wonder if it isn't the regret and sadness in their eyes that is making you lose focus like you said, or if it is something else entirely...

And the reason why I bring these up is because I am concerned about what might have happened to you during your time with the witness to after your arrest that you are trying to ignore to the point of avoiding the question, which is concerning to me seeing as you are a well intentioned person who wants to help others like me for instance.
In regards that woman with the horns, I have seen someone who fits that description in a moving picture I saw for myself. She is indeed someone who has a lot of regret and sadness in her eyes as you described. And while her eyes is filled with deep sadness and regret, you should know that she is also a very smart and manipulative person who preys on people's weaknesses to get what she wants to further her gain. And if that is the same woman you described, then that means that she might has played you like a puppet by using your good intentions and way of living against you, to take control of you, all with no care for what she has done to you and the person she tried to have you swap bodies with.

you interpreted my clothing when we began this conversation as a snake and quicksand trying to consume me. But when I look at how you are dressed, you look like you are someone who see's themselves as a free person, free of restrictions... but the skirt you wear gives off the impression of someone who looks like a hand puppet for someone to just put their arm in and easily take control of you whenever they see fit...

It is one thing to willfully let someone use you for their personal gain, But to be manipulated and be used as a puppet without your knowledge is something much more despicable, and that is why I must ask you for your sake to look past the horned woman's eyes full of regret and sadness, and instead focus on the possible terrible actions she may have caused you and the other witnesses involved. That is why I need confirmation in a picture of her to make sure whether or not she is the same woman I saw and the possibility that she manipulated you.

when your robot picture is done, and you feel you are ready: try to draw the woman with horns again and describe to me the other people present from before the ritual to after your arrest here, the location of the other client to be body-swapped and their appearance, and the person who arrested you like their interactions with everyone present in the crime scene.
No. 45132 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 45133 ID: 8b660e
Inner thoughts: Come on, not this again, not now, damnit all!

*reaches around and punches the base of his own spine*

Inner thoughts: Come on, come now, lets not fight. I can't afford for you to be failing me now.

*Looks up and see Dervan*

Inner Thoughts: You look more like dandy than you did before if that's even possible. In short you look like nothing so much as a prized rooster looking for a hen to lay. But beggars cannot be choosers.

Yes. Thank you. It's just an old problem that comes up from time to time.
No. 45134 ID: d63ea8
Inner Thoughts: The subject isn't going to budge on this. It's time to bargain."

*Threshold's hand hovers over the communicator, but he doesn't activate it.*

Inner Thoughts: You aren't ready to do that yet. It would be a lot to ask. Take some notes first.

*On the left side of the page he crosses out:*
'cheerfulness a front(?)'

*And then writes:*
'Professional legacy (from father?)'

Inner Thoughts: The subject's reaction seems to fit into the framework you've built thus far. The only thing that sticks out is...

*On the right half of the page:*
'Juxtaposition: Wanting to help vs. 'ungrateful girl'(compelled to help?)'

"My notes are getting a bit jumbled. I'm going to need another page at this rate."

Inner Thoughts: You're avoiding the bigger issue. You have a tactic that you can use, one that the subject seems to be playing right into. But you're hesitating.


Inner Thoughts: No, this isn't your business. Yes, Peregrine deserves his privacy. But you both know that he is willing to sacrifice his own pride and social grace for information. You've even written it down.

*Threshold glances at his notes on Peregrine.*

Inner Thoughts: Unless you use Peregrine to his fullest extent, you'll be failing as an evaluator. He's willing, the subject is receptive, your the only one whose uncertain.

"I really do take after father."

Inner Thoughts: It seems so. But you can worry about that later, the game is still on.

*Threshold sighs and then speaks into the communicator:*
"The subject is receptive to bargaining. Get assurances that they will pay you with answering your questions afterwards, then proceed."

Inner Thoughts: You feel disgusting. But based on the notes you've collected, this should work.
No. 45137 ID: e51896
what if I told you that there is still a way for you to help that woman that you were desperately trying to help but failed to do so? If that woman is connected to happy in some way, then Happy could be the cause of all her suffering, the source of all her soul's desperate screams for help. His manipulations on her directly and indirectly could be the main source of her reckless actions and the mental pain she is suffering from, and possibly her actions of using other people to further her gain.

Right now you are the only person who can still save her with the information you are keeping locked up from me. This is your second chance to try again to save her when you had last time failed her. You just need to tell me what you know by answering the questions that I asked you and drawing what I asked you so that we may save her together. If you cooperate with me on this, and depending on how you answer my questions, I may let you do your therapy session on my own problems after this interview.

So, perhaps I'll help you help me, but only if you first help me help you help that horned woman by answering my questions and drawing I asked.

Until then... nah, I dont think I can let you help me... *leans back in chair in a relaxed manner* but I am interested in silently seeing which is more powerful on you: the loud deafening screaming for help of that horned woman's soul that you couldn't silence with your help, or the blinding radiance of doubt and sadness in my eyes that you can't look away from and can't approach to help?

*starts to stare directly at the prisoner's eyes without saying another word, but makes sure he is far enough away from her arm's reach.*
No. 45138 ID: d63ea8
"He's took the note but..."

Inner Thoughts: No, this is good. He's shifting gears to ratchet up the subject's stress. Peregrine seems to have the same suspicions as you. The subject has something that is more than just a desire to help people. They might not be able to shut off their empathic abilities, which means Peregrine can hold himself hostage.

"Yes, this works. If we can make the subject desperate, then we can set the stakes."

Inner Thoughts: And this works in line with Corax's recommendation too. He needed time, and we can study the subject's reaction.

"What will happen when Peregrine shuts down the conversation..."

Inner Thoughts: Remember, you're still in charge, you'll have to frame this the right way.

"Still like Dad."

*To Peregrine:*
"Disregard last note, continue with current tactic. Lower your walls."

Inner Thoughts: And now for Corax.

*To Corax:*
"Knock on the second door before entering the interrogation room. We're trying a new approach."

Inner Thoughts: You forgot to mask yourself again.

"I know... but Corax is sharper than he lets on. Peregrine too for that matter."

*Threshold writes on the left side of the page:*
'Devious at times.'
No. 45139 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 45140 ID: 8b660e
It will pass, it always does. Afterwards I will allow myself to be examined further.

If you would be so kind to lend a helping hand however I require my case from my room as well as a pillowcase. Once we have those, we can get to the interrogation.
No. 45141 ID: d63ea8
*Threshold leans in closer to the glass but can't make out the subject's whispers.*

Inner Thoughts: Unfortunate, but the tactic seems to be working. It looks like the subject is opening up to Peregrine. This is why you can't be domineering like Mr. Glasshrauder, Peregrine had an idea and it payed off. You'll have to consult with him once he steps out.

"Shame I can't make out what the subject is saying."

*As the subject starts to speak up again, Threshold gets ready with his notepad.*

???: "Let me explain how the Dimensional Tribunal sees the people from a dimension, they are either a target if they threaten something huge or are the victims of their reality and they don't care if you are a victim..."

Inner Thoughts: Accurate.

*Adds to the right half of the page:*
'Grudge against Tribunal.'

???: "Trust me this is not a safe place for her of Laura as well."

Inner Thoughts: Ah-ha! A misstep. While we could capitalize on that now, the subject has been cooperative and Peregrine needs to reaffirm that rapport. Leave that question for later on.

*Threshold speaks to Peregrine through the communicator:*
"Reaffirm her trust in you, open u-"

(New Figure): "Wow, this interrogation has gone into a completely different direction..."


*Threshold flinches and drops the communicator.*


Inner Thoughts: How long was she there?!

"I-um, um... w-when."

Inner Thoughts: Stop! Take a second. Breathe.

"I... *pant* you... *pant*"

Inner Thoughts: Assume that she was there the entire time. Either she's an intruder or another investigator, find out but be indirect.

"I... *sigh*"

*Threshold picks up the communicator and straightens.*

"I was under the assumption that I was going to have the room to myself. Which office are you with?"

Inner Thoughts: Turn it down. You've been medicated before, it clouds your head too much.

"N-no thanks. I'm uh good."
No. 45157 ID: e51896

...I see. It doesn't seem like a safe world for anybody to live in from the sounds of it, like as if it is a world that living beings were never allowed to live in at the first place.

It was very brave of you to come forward with this information despite everything. You have been very cooperative thus far.

For now, I just need confirmation on something: You claimed that in your world a long time ago, a robot gave you a job for a future assignment for a lot of money and to help better your race's living conditions, and after accepting it, you waited a long time without doing any other jobs until finally you were summoned for this body swapping ritual.
With that in mind, am I correct in my assumption that when you were summoned for this body swapping ritual, that this was the very first time you met seen and heard of your two clients participating in the body swapping ritual thus not knowing at whom they were all through the ritual?

I know that asking for confirmation like this might sound boring, but in return for answering that question and for being very cooperative so far, my second question I will ask is regarding myself seeing as you've been very interested in my own situation,

and my second question is: regarding your powers, it is intriguing how you are able to know so much about a person's issues such as my own. Out of curiosity, I want to know: with your powers, are you able to know what my full real name is and if so can you tell it to me?
Not my agent codename mind you, just my real name, something I don't tell anyone except people closest to me.
And if you are able to, how does the process of your powers work to know what my name is?
and if your powers can't tell you my name, then that is alright, your powers are still impressive. I'm asking these so I can understand the extent of your abilities especially since you might help me with my own issues after this interview is done.
No. 45158 ID: 2bd15b
File 158755945059.jpg - (1.84MB , 3508x1521 , BB 504.jpg )
No. 45159 ID: d63ea8
"S-sorry, I uh was just surprised is all."

Inner Thoughts: Hmm. Stenographer would make sense. She could be a valuable source of information on what the the other teams have discovered. Try to befriend her.

"Sure I-i can do that for you."

*Threshold tucks his notes away in his jacket pocket, picks the figure up and brings them to the one-way mirror.*

"I um was wondering... do you take note on everything being said, or just what is going on in the interrogation room?"

Inner Thoughts: You're too direct. Quickly offer a reason before she reaches her own conclusions.

"I-i uh w-was curious if I could get um a copy of your notes. A-and uh..."

Inner Thoughts: Just leave it at that, any more elaboration and she'll start doubting you if she hasn't already.

???: "To explain is like looking at a silent movie, you can guess the feeling of the scene but not understand what people are speaking and that makes..."

Inner Thoughts: So it's closer to a limited form of mind reading than an empathic ability. Make mental note of that. You can't exactly write right now.

*Threshold sees sees Dervan and Corax enter the room.*

"No. No. No! Peregrine was so close to establishing a connection. Why didn't they-"

Inner Thoughts: You're not alone.

"I um sorry, I c-can get uh a little rambly sometimes."

Inner Thoughts: You already know why this is happening. Mr. Glasshrauder has been trying to make this interrogation as difficult as possible. You need to salvage this.

"P-please give me a second."

*Threshold shifts his grip on the person so that she's sitting in the crook of his arm. With a hand free he takes the communicator and speaks to Peregrine specifically:*

"Be on the subject's side. Only reveal the cursory information and defend them if need be. Prove that they can trust you."

*Threshold switches channels so that he's taking to Corax:*

"G-good to have you back, uh not the best timing, but I will try to reorganize my strategies."

Inner Thoughts: You're getting better at switching back and forth, but that might be due to the surprise audience member.
No. 45160 ID: 8b660e
Thank you for your work, agent Peregrine. May we adjourn outside this room for a moment? With all due respect, it’s not good to discuss things while in the presence of a suspect.
No. 45163 ID: e51896
>I am sorry for being so late, my stress relief toy and I had to go and pick something up before coming here to fuck shit up. Agent Peregrine, I would like for you to explain all that you figured out while we weren't here

*continues staring at the suspect's eyes as he talks to Dervan and Corax* Ah, Oxilary Truster, no apologies needed, you are not late at all. In fact... I'd say, you're right on time.

>Thank you for your work, agent Peregrine. May we adjourn outside this room for a moment? With all due respect, it’s not good to discuss things while in the presence of a suspect.

My apologies Corax, Oxilary Truster is our superior. Only he has the say-so on whether or not we can be adjourned. Also, I must recommend that you to please mask your eyes with something as we continue this interview, like with your necktie for example.

Alright, I'll tell you what I figured out, Oxilary, but before I can reveal what I discovered, I first need to get my point across by going over a little bit of what you already most likely know first.

As you already know, the suspect has powers to see into people's mind as I have experienced first hand, looking into people's eyes are like windows of the soul, seeing their memories. However, she can only see into people's memories, not hear. For example, she was not able to tell me what my real name was when I asked her as she can't hear anybody ever calling me by my name, keep that fact in mind.
Suspect also has a strong empathetic sensory and can get her easily distracted and even takes control in wanting to help someone who is suffering above all else even going as far as not listen to what the person has to say or request even if she dislikes the suffered person as the suffering and doubt blinds her sight. Keep this in mind later as well

Now, As you also already know, there were heavy restrictions placed by the Dimensional Tribunal on what her species can and can't do in their rituals making their living conditions terrible. One day, a robot offered help to improve living conditions of her village if she agreed to help the person, and seeing it as the only way to survive in her world of restrictions after more robots showed up to help rebuild their home, she took the job for a lot of money, and was only instructed to be available when her services were needed, which I must also ask you keep in mind: required her to wait a very very long time without doing anything at all

Thus, if we take these facts into account when she was summoned, it means it was the very first time she met these clients one female said to have horns, and one other person. The suffering female with horns' soul was said to be screaming for help out of her trouble, but despite that, the horned woman was refusing the body swapping ritual while the suspect's strong sense of feeling empathy for the horned woman took control of her and not listen to anything the horned woman said and only focused to help her[/b][/i] until she was ultimately arrested.

So this brings me to this discovery... all throughout this interview, the suspect has been implying that she has never seen or heard of the clients, never using their names. she even stated that: "There are so much regret and sadness in their eyes that it makes me hard to focus on how they even look"...
...yet right before you both arrived Oxilary and Corax, the suspect here had just made the following statement: "This is not a safe place for her or Laura as well"

Let me tell you one thing... *leans a little closer to the suspect* Not once have I or anybody ever mentioned someone by the name of "Laura". If it is true that after getting this ritual job by that robot a long time ago you did absolutely nothing before you were summoned making this the first time meeting your clients, and if you cannot guess my real name as you can only see my memories and not hear, and if your empathetic powers distracted you too much to not listen to anything other than helping the horned woman, and if there was so much regret and sadness in their eyes that it made it hard to focus on how they even looked even going as far as to not listen to a word they say to you, and if nobody like myself ever said who Laura was during the interrogation, then with that slip of the tongue you made, how can it be possible for you to know who Laura, or who anybody is from that world you were summoned to is for the body swapping ritual, especially since you've spent that whole time doing nothing in your own world after receiving the anonymous offer from the robot?

Something tells me this body-swapping ritual was premeditated and planned out somewhat by the suspect instead of being spur of the moment as the suspect wants us to believe. Otherwise she would not have known who anybody was and instead had all that time to get to learn anything about this ritual other than it being body swap. Somehow, it is possible this turn of events with the body swapping ritual between the two clients specifically was planned long ago and the suspect could have known about the clients all that time.
No. 45164 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 45165 ID: e51896
*stands up from the chair, and moves out of Corax's way to let him sit in the chair, all while still staring into the suspect's eyes*

I kept the seat warm for you, Corax. Do what you must.
No. 45166 ID: 43c938
*Corax’s left eye twitches just slightly*

Inner Thoughts: You brainless dolts. Not only have you both made my job exponentially harder you have revealed almost everything you know in from of the suspect. And because one of our superiors is too spineless to know when to call a recess, and the other is so full of shit it’s the only thing that comes out of his mouth. You all again have only made my job harder. If there’s one thing I hate more than anything, it’s people who put on airs and have their heads so far up their own asses they fail to get what it is that should be done. Well, fine then I was called into work, let’s go to work.

*raises a fist and delivers a hard blow to his spine with his fist, to which there is a loud pop and crack. Corax's eyes widen and his face makes an almost relaxed expression as he stands up straight and to attention before returning to his usual poker face.*
HA! That’s got it! Much better! Very well then.

*picks up his case and places it on the counter not even acknowledging Oxilary. He puts the code in and pops it open keeping its contents out of view but pulls out cassette tape player and clicks play.*

*corax then pulls out of the case a hammer and bag of nails, a meat cleaver, different blades and chisels, pliers and various other instruments arranging them in a neat row side by side. The last thing he takes out is a dark pillow case which he puts over Oxilary’s head, ignoring anything previous that she has said during this whole process. Corax moves quickly and quietly and never once smiling before taking his seat opposite the table and running a quick hand over it.*

Inner thoughts: Wooden table. Good.

Do you know why I am here? I am the one who is called in when everyone is gone. When you have but one final chance to turn over everything you know. Understand all of this,my instruments, everything you saw is what will happen should you refuse to cooperate.

I hope you can forgive the old bag over the head, but from what my colleagues have explained to me, I am not here to have my psyche evaluated. Rather I am here to see what might be done to improve your situation. We already know you have been in league with one “Happy The Tragedy Phantom.” However we need your cooperation in order to make your life easier, perhaps we may even be able to cut you a deal. Refuse... Well we’ll get to that when and if we get to it. Understand you can end it at any time by telling us everything.

But for now I’ll start with very brief questions. Who is Laura? What instructions where you given about her? Who is Happy the Tragedy Phantom and what does he want with Laura?
No. 45168 ID: d63ea8
*Threshold winces as Peregrine reveals the information.*

Inner Thoughts: He surrendered too much, but it will fall on you since you didn't step up.


Inner Thoughts: Not only that. You've also weakened your own authority. Corax looks... dangerous. You doubt that he'd listen to you right now. You're starting to doubt a lot of things.

*Threshold's hands start shaking, and he presses them together in an effort to make then stop.*

Stenographer: "...I know that this won't be recorded now observed so why even bother acting properly."

Inner Thoughts: But that doesn't rule out the fact that someone might want to view this interrogation at a later point. So you don't just have an audience but a camera now watching your every move. You have to carry yourself better. Otherwise Dad will know you're off your meds.

*Threshold straightens up.*

Stenographer: "Anyways, have you ever used one of those blow-up dolls? I am just genuinely curious."

Inner Thoughts: It's meant to throw you off, deflect.

"I've um never had a need for such things, my uh work usually takes all of my attention."

Inner Thoughts: Mr. Glasshrauder is going to be hard to anticipate. Right now he's acting sympathetic towards the subject, but you know that he can flip instantly to a different demeanor. Corax is going to take over questioning. You'll want to use him to break down the subject so that they will flee into Peregrine's waiting arms. Albeit that tactic seems less likely now.

>*Corax starts up the cassette tape and begins taking out the torture implements.*

Inner Thoughts: Part of you hopes that it's a bluff, but you know you're wrong. He'll use them, and he'd make sure that it's excruciating. You need too-

*Threshold looks down to the communicator, his knees are starting to quake. He take a moment to steady himself.*

Inner Thoughts: You need to put your foot down. Even if it scares you.

*Threshold switches the channel on the communicator so that he's talking to both of the detectives:*


*He stands there for a bit with the channel open, but doesn't say anything. Threshold switches off the communicator.*

Inner Thoughts: You can't manage it. The situation has gotten away from you, and now you can only watch.
No. 45170 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 45171 ID: 8b660e
*Corax giggles to himself in amusement*
Inner thoughts: You make a fine coat rack Dervan. And she is strong certainly. And her answer is good but not good enough, and she is strong, some start out that way. But they all break in the end though.[i]

Excuse me.

*grabs the pillow case and places it over the SUSPECTS’ head completely covering her eyes. *

That’s enough of the whole psychoanalysis, as I said, the more you don’t cooperate the worse it’s going to get. I know who I am and I don’t care what you think of me, we are not here for therapy. Because the bad news is, [i]this is about as good as it’s going to get before it all gets worse.

However I would rather it not come to that. You seem like a decent person who cares about the lives of your people. You had a noble cause, you wanted to improve their lives. It’s very generous. I’m sure you just got mixed up with the wrong crowd, is this correct? But why would Happy want you to switch the lives of Laura? What did he want with her? And what did you see when you looked at her? More importantly how did it connect with the woman with the horns?
No. 45173 ID: d63ea8
Inner Thoughts: You need to do something, the situation is rapidly getting away from you. Even while being observed you need to focus-

Stenographer: "...and my race usually referred to as zombie dolls. What I meant to ask you would it feel weird for you to use one of those blow-up dolls in the first place, just asking for no particular reason."

Inner Thoughts: Is she trying to... proposition you? ...Just discard the thought and try not to have a reaction.

*Threshold blushes.*

Inner Thoughts: Exact opposite of what you were try to do, but sure, fine. Express disinterest, but not in a way that would dismiss or demean her.

"...I don't really uh have those sorts of desires at all. I've... never r-really been close to anyone. So... no I don't think it's uh weird, but I don't think I w-would be... intimate with anyone."

Inner Thoughts: At least that has gotten you to talk again. Now focus on what's going on. Corax has a strategy and line of questioning, but right now it won't work. The subject doubts Corax's ability and thinks too little of herself for the threat of torture to properly land. You have several approaches in mind, now use them.

*Threshold hesitates.*

Inner Thoughts: It won't work! Do you understand that? By doing nothing all you will be getting is the blame.

"I need to undermine Corax..."

Inner Thoughts: Yes. And you have the ability to do that indirectly.

*Threshold switches the communicator's channel to speak with Peregrine only:*
"You said that they've been cooperative, and brave. Are you really going to stand there and let them be tortured for something that they don't know? You need to object."

*Threshold then quickly switches channels so that Corax only hears him:*
"You need to give her something to lose. The pillow case is a good first step, but you need to go further. She find clothing to be suffocating. See how uncomfortable you can make her before using the tools."
No. 45174 ID: 43c938
*ghoulish smile*

Inner thoughts: Now, you are speaking my language.
No. 45175 ID: e51896
*nods over what Threshold says*

*clears throat* Agent Corax, if I may interject, the suspect has been quite cooperative with my questioning thus far when I interviewed her despite the distractions with the empathetic sensory she inhibits. I don't think we should jump to conclusions just yet because of one contradiction. I think you should first at least give her a chance to explain how she knew this Laura person's name in the first place
No. 45176 ID: 12a79b
Of course, but I thought that would have been obvious. We know who gave her that name, her employer of course. What we need to know is the connection between this Laura and the horned woman, and that is what she can give us. Why does her employer, Happy, want to cause so much trouble for her to begin with? What's more, is how did he know to ask for one of her caliber? If there are others like who can have other people switch bodies it would make sense that he was aware of them beforehand and knew exactly who to ask for. What bothers me is how did he know who to go to for this task?
No. 45177 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 45178 ID: d63ea8
Inner Thoughts: Good you've gotten a name, and the threats are starting to get under the subject's skin. Keep up the pressure and she might crack. See if you can get them with another angle of attack.

*Threshold speaks to Corax specifically:*
"I imagine that there are laws against subverting the Tribunal's restrictions. Threaten to take the robot away, along with all of the improvements it has given the suspect's people."

Inner Thoughts: Meanwhile, lean more on Peregrine. You need the suspect to think that there's a chance that they can bring Peregrine to their side. Mislead him.

*Threshold switches the channel back so only Peregrine can hear him:*

"Corax isn't listening."

Inner Thoughts: Put more uncertainty in your voice.

"I-i'm scared of uh where this is going. See i-if you can um find a c-compromise maybe. Put away er some of t-the tools. M-maybe try to reassure the subject."

Inner Thoughts: You have to be careful, while you will be getting more genuine responses from each of them, you are... pushing them to fight. And they'll probably compare notes afterwards.

*Threshold turns the communicator off.*

"Well I uh hope it goes well... I um probably wasn't the b-best choice for the test run."

Inner Thoughts: She was correct in assuming that you're a bit detached. This place isn't the best for building trust. Try to find common ground with her, she would be useful as an ally.

"So... um I guess the Tribunal wasn't at all w-what you er imagined it to be?"
No. 45208 ID: 756f86
*smiles and puts away some of the less savory tools but leaves only a pair of leather gloves and some zip ties. Then leans back and seems to think it over before smiling.*

Interesting, you don’t think you are not important enough and yet it’s clear that Happy gave you those robots to improve your village. The sad fact is, should you cooperate with us, those better opportunities for your village and your people might go away. It seems, that no matter what option you’re given you yourself are... quite fucked.

*Lets that hang in the air for a minute.*

But it doesn’t have to be this way. The way I see it, you have something very valuable, especially in our line of work. Mr. Thruster here happens to be one of my employers. And I said it would be possible to cut you a deal if you worked with us and cooperated with us accordingly. Should you give us everything you know. Mr. Thruster, I would like to extend this woman an offer of employment under my service as what I refer to as “a practical.” As long as she works with us we may guarantee her village safety and the robots given to her people may continue. It is my opinion that such an asset as herself would be most useful, especially as more suspects are found. Wouldn’t you agree?

Here’s what I would like to offer you. I’m exchange for telling us everything you know and offering up any and all evidence, you join I and Agent Peregine’s team working under us and our superiors. In exchange for which we will negotiate a deal for your village to keep the robots which have brought your people prosperity.

Do you find this agreeable? Mr. Oxilary? Agent Peregrine?Let me say, this is will be the only time I will extend such an offer.
No. 45211 ID: d63ea8
Inner Thoughts: A change in direction. The fact that Corax is removing the tools seems to be a comfort to you. You have to be attentive and see if this tactic has merit. The subject might question it since Corax was being actively hostile a moment ago. Best see it play out.

*Threshold sets the communicator's channel so that he is speaking to Peregrine specifically:*

"Disregard last note."
No. 45212 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 45223 ID: 5f4030
*stops the tape with the music and leans forward staring directly into her eyes*
What we require from you if you work with us is the same thing we required of you during this whole ordeal.


And because you have been so forthcoming in everything we know you had some involvement with our primary suspect. We know your motivation, all of which is understandable. What I want to know now is why is happy doing what he is doing? He’s clearly playing at some game, but it is one where we do not understand the rules. You can help us with this because by looking into someone’s eyes you can better understand them.

As for what you can offer Mr. Thruster here... *chuckles slightly* I’ll leave that between the two of you.
No. 45229 ID: e51896
*taps Corax's shoulder* Excuse me, agent Corax, but I have a question that I wish to ask her. as our lead interrogator, may I have your permission to ask my question for a moment?
No. 45230 ID: fd40d4
Of course.
No. 45232 ID: e51896
Thank you Agent Corax.

And thank you for your patience. You know, since we are talking about those robots, it comes to mind that with all those robots that came to your home world to help your species, I wonder if it made things a tad difficult in other ways for you as well with them in your world, because if there are robots fixing things and trying to help your world and the people living there, one might assume there won't be as many people who would no longer require your help with your rituals as you use those rituals to help others as sustenance (not to mention your empathy sensory) since there are robots helping others instead of you.

But I think what I want to know most right now is the robots themselves in general, since I earlier asked for a drawing of one but never got them.

Basically, I want to ask is the details on the robots in your home world. I want to know what exactly did they look like and how they function... for example, what did the robot you spoke with look like, and did the other robots that appeared in your world look the exact same as the one you spoke with... or are they perhaps all different from each other?
if they are different, Are they vibrant or bland in color? do they have any traits in their appearance such as any of the robots looking like a specific animal, monster or human? and did they have any other specific mechanics in them besides helping people or repairing such as a defense mechanisms to protect themselves with? If any of those robots had names for some reason, that would also help.

Please let me know as much details about the robot you spoke with and the other robots that you can remember from your world that stood out to you.
No. 45233 ID: d63ea8
Inner Thoughts: Corax and Peregrine seem to have this handled. You shouldn't have pitted them against one another, they function far better as a team.

"Something to keep in mind I guess."

Inner Thoughts: As for the stenographer, keep the focus on her. The she opens up more you can match her.

"Well um why don't you see if you can meet up with him? You seem like someone who'd be f-fun to hang out with. Do you uh have any common interests?"
No. 45234 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 45235 ID: 5f4030
On the contrary Mr. Thruster. I think it is a wonderful question to ask and all the reason to have this young woman on our team. If we can figure out where these robots came from we may figure out where our next lead is in finding Happy.

Speaking of which, I forgot to ask you the most basic question of all. What is your name?
No. 45237 ID: d63ea8
Inner Thoughts: You've had your fair share of second guessing and awkward situations. Offer some benign advise.

"uh Maybe you could ask about his interests? And um s-see if you can get involved in something he's doing? Try and uh establish a friendship before... y-you know."

Inner Thoughts: Corax has the right idea, the sheer amount of wealth, industrial potential and/or connections would narrow down the list of suspects and possibly provide another avenue of inquiry.

*Threshold sets the communicator so that both detectives can hear him:*

"The subject likely won't have a lot about the specifics of these robots, but we will look into this lead further once the interrogation is wrapped up."
No. 45288 ID: e51896
*was lost in deep thought over the statement of the robots, starts thinking about the agricultural spider robots, and some earlier statements she mentioned and his eyes widen in realization*

Thanks for the support Corax, I really appreciate you having my back. However, if there is one person who needs to explain my reasoning to Oxilary Truster, it will have to be me.

So one of the reasons why I am particularly interested in the robots was because when I asked earlier about the robots as well as the two clients the suspect worked her ritual on, she kept silent about all of them for a time, not wanting to draw one of the suspects, or the robots when I asked, or not giving me names.
But now that she is more willing to talk about the suspects such as their names, I'd thought I would also ask again about the details of the robots because as a detective, I need to make sure all loose ends are tied up.
Basically, I wanted to find out any behavior patterns and operations of the robots to get a better idea of how they function and in turn how their creator or owner is planning. Basically, I wanted to see why it would be necessary go through all those miles of sending an army of robots to help an entire species just to convince one person to help with a small ritual

And... it is a good thing I did because I may have just found another contradiction in her statement just now... something that just does not add up to me...

Here is what I mean: I recall that she stated that she is part of a species who's source of sustenance or food is through performing rituals.
they however were unfortunately forced into large amounts of unreasonable restrictions by the Dimensional Tribunal of what they can or cannot do with their rituals, thus making their living situations in far worse conditions, perhaps putting them in an era of famine.

That is until one day, a robot arrives to offer help, and later on a group of robots enter their world to help save their famished world...

and the robots that were sent to save them from famine were as the suspect just stated... simple agricultural spider-shaped robots...

Agricultural... as in the process of growing crops... or fruits and vegetables...

The thing that is very contradictory to me here is that if her race's source of food for themselves is from the rituals they perform, wouldn't sending agricultural robots be absolutely useless then?

I mean, their source of food is from rituals... not fruits or vegetables...

And not to mention, with her actions of wanting to help the horned woman no matter how much she protested, one could assume that her forcing her help on her wasn't just from an act of her sense of empathy... but also an act of starvation.
I'm wondering if those robots were just simple agricultural robots or not...

...your thoughts, Corax, Oxilary?
No. 45289 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 45290 ID: 5f4030
*taps the side of his mouth thoughtfully before getting out his notes and scribbles something down.*

Yes. I do. Why do you act as though you’ve got something to hide, Mr. Oxilary? I’ve been in enough interrogations to recognize behavior where the suspects would get angrier as evidence against them came out.

And really, dreams of a a mass murderer? Where did you get those?
No. 45296 ID: d63ea8
"I- uh."

Inner Thoughts: Things are starting to get a bit pointed, you need to step in. Don't talk down to Corax or he'll lash out. Have him falling in line be his idea.

*Threshold thumbs the communicator to Corax only:*
"He trying to distract you Corax. The more he pulls you away from the investigation the better reason he has to remove you from it."

Inner Thoughts: Now undermine his actions with care.

"The more suspicions you reveal, the better footing Dervan will be on. He's a trained liar, and is much more connected than either of us. Please, I need you to stay on this case, so don't fall for his tricks."

Inner Thoughts: There. Now for the more... banal issue.

"I er don't really know h-how to approach that then... I mean a lot of people around here are... self-assured, and a lot more of them um 'suck up.' So... if he's not interested in romance..."
No. 45297 ID: d6544b
Bah, it doesn’t matter, forgive me for my speculation. I don’t mean to sound accusatory, just an old habit. As you said yourself we are merely here to ensure all evidence is looked at, you are our superior officer. Proceed as you will.
No. 45298 ID: e51896
*looks away from Dervan, Corax, and the prisoner and starts thinking to himself while Corax is talking with Dervan, not looking at anyone*

inner thoughts: hmm... so the Horned woman she met twice and spoke with was "Essence" and was also... her client in the body switching ritual? But why does that not make sense...
hmm... she said in her statement that the two times she met Essence, her soul was comparable to a trapped princess who was looking for strong fighters >>45177...
but she told me earlier that the horned woman's soul, her client, was screaming for a solution for her suffering to end, different from wanting strong fighters considering she was going to have a body swapping ritual >>45132
It almost sounds like this horned woman has two different perspectives... personalities... or maybe... is two different people? Now that I think about it... our prisoner didn't even want to think or even talk about her client in the body swapping ritual as there were so much regret and sadness in the horned woman's eyes that made it hard for her to even focus before Corax and Dervan showed up >>45116 so... maybe there could have been a mistake in identity?

inner thoughts: what if this horned woman who was her client in the body swapping ritual, and the horned woman known as Essence she just now claimed she met two times before are two different people and not one in the same like we are assuming? hmmm... maybe I should ask a little about the horned woman's appearance but use the classic interrogation technique of bluffing and leave out other defining features Essence had such as her razor sharp teeth to make sure...

*continues to have his back turned on everyone not looking at everyone as he speaks*
Well, now that we got the meaningless questions about the robots out of the way and that loose end is tied up, I can ask a more important question related more to the case at hand regarding Happy before Truster starts his interrogation.

And while I want to ask about the first time you met Essence, I think we had enough of sidestepping questioning the crime you were unknowingly a part of, and ask the only other question I can think of which is regarding your client in the body swapping ritual, the horned woman specifically.
Just to clarify, if this horned woman client of yours was Essence and therefore Happy's accomplice, that would mean her appearance was that of horns, which was damaged recently to be used to injure her vision, which also means her appearance now has damaged vision as well.

Besides the damaged horns and damaged vision, that would mean there was nothing else out of the ordinary or defining in her appearance such as a normal nose and nostrils, normal mouth flat teeth and pink tongue, normal long hair and normal ears, or no other injuries on her person, correct?
No. 45299 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 45300 ID: d63ea8

*Threshold covers his face as Dervan beats Corax with the chair.*

"Fuck -shit- I-I... damn -I mean- what the f-fuck..."

Inner Thoughts: You need to pull together, get a handle on the situation before it gets worse.

"W-why does e-everyone he-ere have to b-be a FUCKING psycop-path."

Inner Thoughts: You know why. Now you have a job, do it.

*Threshold wipes the tears from his eyes.*

And I c-can't go in either. Shit."

Inner Thoughts: No, but you still have pieces on the board, the stenographer could be a new addition. Now act before this escalates further.

"F-fuckin'... okay."

*Threshold set the channel to both detectives:*
"Corax, stay on the ground. Don't draw attention to yourself. I'll... try and f-fix this."

"Peregrine, don't react, don't try to help Corax. Ask the questions your were going to ask. I can't see Corax from over here, so I need you to be my eyes. Cough once if it looks like he can stand up, twice if it looks like he can't."

*Threshold thumbs off the communicator and takes the stenographer off of his shoulders.*

"P-please run o-over t-to the infirmary and get the d-doctor. I-I don't know h-how l-long C-Corax h-has."

*Threshold is shaking like a leaf and is starting to hyperventilate.*
No. 45301 ID: 5f4030
inner thoughts: You shouldn’t have done that. I will kill one day Dervan. Now I am all but certain you have something to do with this case and you have something to hide. Peregrine will need to step carefully around you. From now on. As for myself I’ve endured worse.

You’re correct I don’t feel this. It’s barely an itch. Hmm, I think you have punctured a lung. As for your assessment of me during this interrogation... *smiles*

We’ll see.
No. 45302 ID: 5f4030
Agent Peregrine, in my briefcase underneath my instruments, *coughs up blood* damn, There is all the files we were given on this case and everything I was able to find. Why does no ever read the damn files this thing would be common knowledge? “The Horned Woman.” Was in a way the being known “Essence of Life,” but at the same time not. From what I read the being was something of akin to a replicating cancer cell. Always able to restart- *Coughs up more blood and rolls on to the side* sorry losing to much blood... Have to... rest now... get the files... Peregine
No. 45332 ID: e51896
*to Corax* Please rest and save your energy, Corax. I will bring you to the infirmary after this interview is over. Just hang in there

*notices there was nervousness is Threshold's voice, decides to just cough once in order to signal to Threshold that Corax can stand on his own to calm him down*

inner thoughts: I didn't want to lie like that, but I need to keep everyone level headed and avoid distractions. But shoot, This will mean that I will probably now be on a shorter time to get the answers needed so I can personally bring Corax to the medical room myself to get the medical treatment he needs before he succumbs to his injuries.

inner thoughts: So the horned woman client was not Essence, but in some way is Essence... Yes, I feel that makes more sense if the client wasn't Essence considering what we know. But now I have to find a connection between her client and Happy.
Now that I think about it, with both Essence, and this horned woman being the same, but different, I might have to reinterpret what that painting "Lying on a shooting star" >>43195 actually was. Instead of that interpretation of being two different moralities of Essence, representing purity and impurity with angel and devil as initially thought, perhaps it is literally two different people after all, like maybe Essence was the one on the wire while the hanging girl was actually the prisoner's client... but then why would her client have horns like Essence? hmm, I wonder, perhaps I should take a different approach as to how the client looked, and what she saw. After all, there are more differences between the angel and demon in that painting besides having horns or not...

Inner thoughts: And I think I know where Dervan is going with wanting me to stare at the suspect, he wants to use my past misery in order to break the suspect with her hunger and her desires to help me. She is from a famished world... and based off her wanting to help her client by any means necessary with her rituals for sustenance, especially since her client's soul was in intense agony, I'll need to make myself look appetizing to her starvation but keep my distance from her in order to keep her from having her perform any rituals on me... she is chained up after all. Which means I'll have to open my mind more to my past while speaking and staring at her

*walks over and stands between the prisoner and the mirror, and stares directly at the prisoner*

*shrugs* Well... alright, I mean, if me staring at you is truly what you really want, then I'll oblige to your request and Truster's orders to stare into your eyes until Truster requests otherwise. This is the path you chose, and I'll respect it.

That said, I'll start by asking these: Your client you said have suffered quite a lot to make her take part in this ritual, but yet, she also tried to refuse the ritual, even going as far as to destroy her eyesight which lead you to believe she was also a reckless girl. Since you can look into someone's past through their eyes, I want to know what key moments did you exactly see through your client's eyes that stood out to you that you believe made her reckless to the point of suffering and wanting to do this ritual, and also to make her change her mind to making a reckless decision to try to stop the ritual by destroying her eyesight with her horn...
If you're looking for somewhere to start with your answer then start by telling me how exactly did she get the tools to summon you and perform such a ritual in her desperation?
I only ask this because something is driving this client to cause such intense suffering and reckless actions that nobody would do normally and I want to find out what exactly is causing such behavior.

And also for my other question: pretend that your client did not have any horns like Essence did and before she damaged her vision with her horn... what would she of looked like without the horns and without the injuries to her horns and vision? Was there anything that stood out to you in particular that made her look different from Essence?

Inner thoughts: >>45116 >>45132 hahhh... the smoking pumpkin. one look at it and people would praise it as a carefully and skillfully crafted jack-o-lantern. The singular purpose of being something for people to look at and appreciate, perhaps a contender for the top 10 jack-o-lantern designs at a pumpkin carving contest, giving all the praise and rewards to its creator and not the Jack-o-lantern itself... but the thing is, it isn't called the smoking JACK-O-LANTERN, just the smoking PUMPKIN
...I always interpreted it as a pumpkin instead of a jack-o-lantern, a fruit that has been taken away from the patch it was peacefully and quietly growing from and had it's seeds and guts taken out, it's body carefully carved away to the design of how its creator wants it to be, and a smokey flame inside that lights it up to catch the attention of people who pass by to praise it's creator as the smoke inside damages the the pumpkin in soot. A purpose that does it's job well as a jack-o-lantern and its artist, but as a pumpkin I feel it is rotting without its patch, seeds, and guts and failed to grow properly.
Maybe I saw myself as that pumpkin that wanted to grow normally but was whisked away from it early on to become something bigger than itself, something my father intensely trained me most my life to become at an early age.
I'm am thankful I found Inkiverusus in my life and dedicated my life as a detective to the Will of the World instead of dedicating it to my father and his family line of skillful investigators he wants my siblings and I to become and the high expectations my entire family and others has of me. But it still hurts that I have to live a life where people only view and know me with the high expectations as the "skillful son of my legendary father and part of the family line of master detectives" instead of seeing me as "Agent Peregrine", a detective with his own skills. It's like everything I do people see as thanks to my upbringing from my father instead seeing it as my own abilities I've worked so hard to gain myself.

No. 45338 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 45339 ID: 5f4030
Inner Thoughts: I’m not afraid of death, you entitled shit. But I hate losing...

On that same line of thought the difference between Essence and your Client, you think you could draw her? Or do we have someone who could draw her based on your description? We have photos of Essence that we could use. I would like to compare the two.
No. 45341 ID: d63ea8
Inner Thoughts: It's almost too much for you. It was fine when you could concentrate on the subject, but Dervan has got you all over the place.

"I c-can't fucking think straight."

Inner Thoughts: That might be what he wants, using Corax's defiance against you. Dervan is making an example and is trying to bait out any weakness from you.

"A-at l-least Corax is s-standing d-down."

Inner Thoughts: And he can stand under his own power, more or less.

*Threshold glances over at the stenographer, but doesn't say anything.*

Inner Thoughts: As much as you want to get answers and progress in the interrogation, part of your really wants to see Dervan put in his place. That means your time limit has been moved up.

"Do we have enough?"

Inner Thoughts: Enough to at least warrant further investigation. Inform Peregrine, but be vague. Corax... is too hard to predict at this point, and you can't afford to upset the current stalemate.

*Threshold flips the communicator to the Peregrine-only channel:*

Inner Thoughts:Breathe.


"Make your next questions count."
No. 45399 ID: e51896
I am going to start by saying aloud a lesson that I have learned that stuck with me
inner thoughts: a lesson that I have learned from the church
There will be times when on your minecart, the track you are on moving towards your destination will take you into a forest or a cave full of darkness and scary predators just waiting for their opportunity when their prey becomes vulnerable enough for them to strike. It can get really easy for one to lose their sense of serenity and their fears control their actions to try to escape or derail the minecart they are on and run away from the destined track and act without thinking only to end up lost deep within the dark scary forest or cave for either predators to hurt or scare you to ensure you're right back on the track if you are lucky, or worse end up lost forever and become just another meal for the predators to enjoy.
If the cart you are on is on such a track that takes you into such a scary environment like the one we're on now, it is important to not let your fears dictate your actions and cloud your vision and instead assess the situation and read between the lines of what is really going on around you. The important thing you need to remember is to stay in the safety of the minecart and not run from the built track that has been proven to be ridden many times towards the destination you're heading, for there is a reason why the track was built into such a terrifying place for us to experience in the first place. It is an experience you must endure if you wish to eventually exit the dark forest or cave and reach the prize at the end of the ride
inner thoughts: for the will of the world has set you on this track for a reason, and built the minecart to protect you, and your prize at the end of the track will be great if you can endure it and not run from the ride of truth and into danger.

While I say this out loud, my message is expressed more towards you, prisoner. I notice that you are becoming scared about the situation which is normal especially with the situation that is laid before you. But I want you to know that in reality, you shouldn't worry. You have nothing to worry about especially if you have nothing to hide. The truth of the matter is that right now, Truster is looking for results, and as it stands, seeing as you have nothing to fear and nothing to hide, if Truster doesn't get his results, my partner Agent Corax's brains will be blasted. And I know deep down, your empathy will not allow that to happen. If you want to save Corax, I need you to stay on the track, and tell us what we need to know, for you are the only one who can save Corax now, prisoner.
And I can help you through this to save Corax's life. I just need you to stare deep into my eyes as I ask you my question, and I will lead you through the track out of the dark forest together
*stares directly at the prisoner*

Now then, regarding the robots, they are the type that are would be glad to help others in their time of need, aren't they?
I believe it is safe to come to the conclusion that the robot you spoke with long ago was the same, if not, similar to the broken robot that was found destroyed at the scene of the crime, seeing as you just now said you recognize that robot as the one that played a part in starting the ritual, correct?

with that in mind, I've come to the realization that because you came across that familiar broken robot and that gun when you first showed up, I am starting to think that this Ana person may have actually stolen that gun from the robot, and she could have destroyed that robot in order to take the gun from it to start the ritual herself... why else would it be broken before you arrived with Ana having that gun with her?
this leads me to believe that maybe... the gun was not meant for Ana to use in the first place...
and seeing as you already knew that one of the client's name was "Laura" without anyone telling you who she was during interrogation, that meant that you knew beforehand from that robot the people who you were going to perform the ritual on. You knew the name of who the other client was along with Laura's name
So with those facts in mind, if that gun was not intended to be for Ana seeing as the robot was broken perhaps by Ana to take the gun... then who was supposed to be the intended actual client that was to use the gun for the ritual with Laura if it wasn't Ana? Who did that robot tell you was the intended person to actually give that gun to if it wasn't Ana?

*as he stares at the prisoner, he thinks about the painting of Ana and Essence in order to help the prisoner remember what Ana looks like after hearing Corax's question to the prisoner* >>43195
No. 45404 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 45407 ID: d63ea8
Inner Thoughts: Peregrine was directing that sentiment to you as well. It's deterministic, and is likely rooted in his spiritualistic aspects.

*Threshold reaches for his notepad again, but then stops.*

Inner Thoughts: The stenographer is still here, keep these new insights to yourself until you're able write in peace. More importantly, Peregrine is taking control of the situation again. He is firmly 'on your side' so you need to pull it back together.

*Threshold takes a slow steady breath, but winces as Corax is hit with the gun.*

Inner Thoughts: Take control of what's on your side, and then start pushing back. Dervan has already made the assessment, much like Peregrine, that the subject's empathy can be just as much of a weakness as a strength. By using Corax as a hostage he can escalate the situation without having to harm the subject, but that's going to change very soon. Corax is already down, pushing him any further might get him killed. That just leaves you with Peregrine. First, stall.

*Threshold speaks into the communicator so that only Peregrine hears him:*

"Ask about the character sheet, the information on it might indicate the method of surveillance Happy uses or what other contacts he might have."

Inner Thoughts: Next, gain leverage.

*Lowering the communicator, Threshold turns to the stenographer.*

"Here, it me help you back up to the glass."

*Threshold lifts her back onto his shoulders.*

Inner Thoughts: Don't be obvious, just be professional.

"We might want to get this new information recorded."

Inner Thoughts: Now for Corax. Don't be commanding, be rational.

"We're going to need someone sent over from the infirmary, but they'll have to wait outside the interrogation room. I can signal Peregrine to move Corax outside and therefore keep the subject ignorant of our observation."

Inner Thoughts: Corax might try to antagonize Dervan again, you need to prevent that. Be vague, but supportive.

*Threshold raises the communicator again, but sets it to the Corax-only channel:*

"We have witnesses, and people are being called. Try to stay safe in the meantime."
No. 45410 ID: f6ef79
Would it be right in assuming that happy gave you those robots on the grounds you use them to help him at a later date. If this is the case then he sounds like he running his operations similarly to mafia boss, a favor now a favor later.

So we have determined that the two Ana’s are in fact different people. Essence Is An Ana-

*pukes blood*

Excuse me. Ana is something like a rectangle methaphor. Essence is a version Ana but not every Ana is Essence. Very good. I also ask that withhold nothing from us in future questions because now it seems my life is on the line as well.

As my... superior officer, here was saying however, the robots that were given to you seem to have multiple uses, both for surveillance as well as whatever bizarre forms of agriculture your... tribe? Needs to cultivate food. However you said that you used them for surveillance on both Ana and the woman she was switch bodies with.

How did the robots accomplish this task and what did they see? Also, if they are robots then I assume there is some centralized data storage that of the footage that they took. What did they see? And where would the footage have gone specifically? I assume they went to Happy for his own purposes, but where would he keep such data exactly? In fact, draw the robots as you did with Ana. If we can get an example of what they look like we might be able to find some sort of serial number for the models or some idea if they come from a certain manufacturing plant or otherwise.

Keep in mind failure to comply or dodging questions will more than like get me killed which you very much do not have my permission to do.

Inner thoughts: I am not afraid of death, ma’am. If you are able to read my thoughts know that if you want to get out of this with your life and limbs attached, cooperation with this is key. What we are dealing with here is not so much an interrogation as much as it is a hostage situation. If you tell all the truths you know and leave nothing out we will more than likely walk out of here with both our lives.
No. 45411 ID: e51896
hmmm, it would be beneficial if we could have that character sheet to understand Happy's persons of interest that he wanted your robots to spy on...

Well, while I have more questions, Truster seems to have picked up on something and wants to talk to you. I will end by saying that if you want to accelerate your ride and have anything left you need to reveal, I'd recommend you tell Truster now, otherwise, it looks like Truster will be your conductor now. All I can say is that the truth will set you free.

*stands up from chair and moves out of Dervan's way to let him sit and question the prisoner*

Appreciated, Truster.

*stares directly at the prisoner*
No. 45413 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 45426 ID: 5f4030
Your empathic vision, my dear. I believe that is what my superior is referring to. You look at us and you see things, thoughts, emotions, the inner machinations of the mind. But what did you see in Happy? Did you see anything at all? I suspect he knew of your abilities and took the precautions to ward against it.
No. 45446 ID: d63ea8
*Threshold sighs and clenches his hands into fists.*

Inner Thoughts:You need to stay here to observe, but with not help on the way, Corax will only get worse.

"Dervan would choose to stay."


"Father would choose to stay."

Inner Thoughts: But you aren't them. Not yet. And that naivete could be used as an excuse. Protecting Corax will benefit you in the long run. There will other interrogations. Show that your confident in your decision.

*Threshold takes another deep breath.*

"I'll need a copy of the interrogation from this point going forward."

*Threshold walks over to the doorway out and then pauses. He takes out the communicator and messages Peregrine:*

"Excuse yourself for a moment. Say that you need to make a call."

*Threshold exits back out into the hallway.*
No. 45477 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 45478 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 45481 ID: e51896
*leans his back against the mirror and stares at the prisoner*

So... after everything we have learned thus far, this has been bugging me now... why and how exactly are you here in this interrogation room with us in the first place?

Yes yes, I know it was because you were arrested by one of our investigators for suspicions of working with Happy, but my question of why you are even here is more in line of asking in regards to what you know about Happy and why Happy would even allow us to interrogate you in the first place with the valuable information you have given us so far about Happy.

As Truster had stated, Happy was most likely the one who contacted one of our investigators, which can be deduced by how Ana was too busy struggling against you trying to proceed with the body swapping, and if the gun was needed for the body swapping ritual, it most likely was used to shoot at Laura to start the ritual, so she could not have contacted Happy. But with the robot parts being there, which you yourself indirectly have identified as one of Happy's robots, it is the only conclusion that with Happy witnessing what happened and not being preoccupied, he was the one who contacted the investigator to arrest you.

But... why? If Happy's goal was to remain elusive, and if he wanted to stop Ana from continuing the ritual because of the signs of struggle with the broken robot parts being there...

…why didn't he just kill you instead afterwards?

Truster said that Happy left Essence to drown after she was of no use to him anymore leaving her to die, but with you being here... to me, it increasingly doesn't seem to be the case that he now sees you as worthless to me, but in fact still sees you as a valuable asset to his cause even though you are arrested. And if you are indeed supposed to be used for simple body swapping rituals with it being an in-and-out job, I do not think it would have been required to be given a character sheet with information about everyone especially with you empathetic vision able to get all the information you need out of someone and determine if you should perform a body ritual or not. Hell, I think it is obvious that being given a robot to spy on people and get information on them beforehand would not have been needed for simple body swapping rituals… unless you had a much bigger role for Happy.

It is making me believe that you being in this interrogation is exactly what Happy wants in order to get something out of the investigation team through you… not to mention that you are able to see our past with your visions looking through our eyes, almost like you are trying to gather information from Corax and I and other important members of the Tribunal’s investigation team that you come across in this dimension… for Happy. And because you admitted to how the Dimensional Tribunal had put strict rules on your universe which lead your species to famine, I would think you would agree to helping Happy get information on the Dimensional Tribunal’s investigative team to hit him hard…

Honestly, it feels like Happy has more to gain than to lose by just letting us get information from you instead of just opening a portal and killing you to prevent you from spilling any beans about him, and too many factors keeps bringing me to this only conclusion I can come up with right now, no matter how much I try to think otherwise...

So again, why don't you admit to us why you are even here?
No. 45482 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 45483 ID: 61e70f

Inner thoughts: That actually tickled.

So I guess the only remaining question is what is to be done with her. I would like to offer her a job with us as her powers will be most useful. If we may get her a position under our staff that would be most helpful.
No. 45494 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 45508 ID: e51896
As for my opinion, I must respectfully disagree and decline offering her a position in the investigation team.

Other than that, yes, I suppose the interrogation is at its end...

inner thoughts: though... there is something that is bugging me... those robots... is there really nothing special about them? or maybe, should I wonder if it is weird that there is nothing special about the surveillance robot in the first place considering what we know about them and what transpired at the crime scene? If there is nothing special about the robot being nothing more than a surveillance robot... that would mean it would not be able to create portals, right? hmmm... might be best to ask...

Well, no further questions for the prisoner, but Truster, just as a follow up to the end of the interrogation, may I ask you and Super Sailor Seaman the robotics specialist a couple of things, more for confirmation if anything?

My first question for Super Sailor Seaman: Can the robots that you looked at be able to create portals in any way? more specifically I am asking about the Vincent Security Manikins and if those can create portals? For example, can someone who has the ability to create portals control the robots to make portals through the robots? I know you said their primarily used only as security cameras, so most likely not, but might be best to ask just to be sure if portal creation is another function they have considering there was one at the scene of the crime.

and the second is more for Truster: if the Vincent Security Manikins cannot create portals, is it possible for someone with the ability to make portals be able to summon an entry portal at a very far distance away from them, or does the portal they summon have to be at close proximity to them in order to work, and at what distance?

inner thoughts: If the Vincent Security Manikins cannot create portals even if they are being controlled by someone who can, and if the portals cannot be created at a far distance, then that could mean that Happy may have been a lot closer to the crime scene than we initially thought...
No. 45509 ID: 2bd15b
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Doors I must apologize for not waiting for your answer. I was just too excited for the next update.

No. 45510 ID: 5f4030
legitimately laughing

Typical. I’m bored of this farce.
No. 45511 ID: 5f4030
I’m against it.

And before you attempt to hurt me anymore, Thruster sir for my arrogance, I feel it is my duty to bring up moments when your actions and decisions are lacking in judgement.

Killing her now means we loose opportunities to identify her colleagues should we happen to get more. What else, is as I’ve stated her ability is markedly useful as she can act as a living lie detector.

Understand, I’m not saying this as means of being merciful, I’m merely wondering if the punishment fits the crime, and also looking at this as an investment. On the very off chance that her former organization storms this building and begins to execute everyone here, would it not be better to have the chance at getting spared because of our actions?

I would advise her sentence be commuted. Instead of death she will serve as an indentured servant to the Tribunal. I think this is fair and a more befitting sentence.

However, this is her sentence, not her punishment. A more straightforward beating, or lashing would be a fitting punishment for her actions. What would you say? 10 strikes with a rod? Certainly not enough to kill. How could she fulfill her sentence?

I am not attempting to undermine your authority, sir, merely offering guidance where I feel it is necessary.

Inner thoughts: You don’t have any authority at all as far as I’m concerned, Dervan. You’re not an investigator, or even interested in truth or justice. You’re a jailer. A cruel little boy with a magnifying glass. If you wanted my respect, or my fear, you’re not getting it. You’re a joke.
No. 45512 ID: 5f4030
If you would prefer, sir, I may give you a more honest, opinion about this.
No. 45513 ID: 2bd15b
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This was just a short update that I did to answer some concerns

No. 45514 ID: 5f4030
That is retarded. I have tried being respectful of your position, but now I see that the only lesson you wish to impart is might makes right, so I’ll be honest.

This isn’t justice, this smells of liars covering up for liars *looks directly at Dervan*. We aren’t executioners, we are investigators. These is your orders? Fine, they’re wrong. There is no sense of law here, no justice. Only cocks with bloated egos covering up their own mistakes. Killing her will just make us lose any other chances we might have at finding evidence. We lack evidence? Fine, but let’s not just throw it away as soon as we find it. As for your concern of her lying to me, that’s what loyalty means. There is no concern about her lying because she is loyal to the cause. And loyalty can start with something as simple as mercy.

This is a farce. I won’t be leaving just yet, because I see there’s justice still to be served, one both sides of this investigation. And once hired, I don’t leave until my work is done.

And as for you, I have already been stabbed and tased today. And I laughed at all of them. *ghoulish smile* If you want to try for my knees be my guest. But I am having a very bad day. And I would turn your little dream into a nightmare and leave you begging to wake up.

*turns back to Dervan*
If any of you attack me again, I won’t hesitate to defend myself. I’m tired of being your punching bag.

*looks at the suspect* Inner thoughts: Don’t say anything, unless you can beyond a shadow of a doubt show the loyalty I was talking about earlier without words, I don’t know what else I can do for you.
No. 45515 ID: 5f4030
*ghoulish smile returns as a thought occurs*

So, why give it to Peregrine? He’s been the most successful investigator thus far. I admit my theories and ideas may have been lacking in substance, but perhaps you want him to learn the same way you’ve attempted to teach me by constantly making threats of bodily harm.

If these are your orders, prove it. The way I see it, this gives you deniability for yourself. “No sir! I wasn’t the one who pulled the trigger and killed the suspect, that was Agent Peregrine! He’s the murderer!”
No. 45571 ID: e51896
Agent Corax... You were in the army, correct? I'm sure you have come across an enemy soldier that you have had the duty to kill. Those enemy soldiers had lives of their own, families, friends and dreams, fighting for what they believe is right, and some of those enemy soldiers may have been forced to fight a war they didn't want to be a part of. But as it stood, you still needed to terminate them as there was a war that needed to be won for the sake of everyone's safety, and sparing them would have caused a large risk in getting your brothers and sisters in arms killed. I want you to think about that. That is all I have to say.

Now, prisoner, I request that you look into my eyes for I must speak with you...

As things stood, you so many times kept information from us and from previous interrogators that we were forced to dig through your mind to find the truth. And for that, you have tried to stray too far from your destined path and are now derailing fast into oblivion...

Inner thoughts: ...and I know you can see into my thoughts through my eyes which I why I asked you to look into my eyes... I want you to know as things stand, I cannot save you. Even if I were to refuse to shoot you, you will only just suffer a more painful death by the hands of someone else.

Inner thoughts: ...but... Even though I cannot save you, that doesn't mean you are not helpless. There is a small possibility that you actually have the ability to save yourself that you do not realize... but it is all dependent on what you are willing to sacrifice in order to get yourself back on your destined path and save yourself from derailing towards your death...

Inner thoughts: That sacrifice I am referring to is... that secret you told me earlier. You told me how the girl Ana had escaped from being arrested by the investigator who caught you, and how she had a god hidden within her that our team would try to remove from her by killing her... >>45139

Inner thoughts: With that in mind, Happy also seems to have a deep interest in Ana considering he worked very closely with Essence, and how his robot was discovered at the scene of the crime. It is a large possibility that Happy does not want the investigation team to know that very important secret about the god Ana is hiding and would not want anybody to reveal it to us.

Inner thoughts: If you can reveal Ana's secret god to Thruster, it might help your case and show that you are not directly affiliated with Happy and want nothing to do with him other than that body swap ritual.

Inner thoughts: I know it is hard for you to reveal this secret as revealing it to Thruster will only cause that investigator who arrested you to hurt you, and that it will put the girl in more danger which I know your empathetic instinct won't allow...

Inner thoughts: ...But it is either facing his punishment or facing death which I will do everything I can to make sure he doesn't hurt you. And even though you'd be sacrificing the girl's safety, you will be saving septillions of lives by revealing Ana's secret god.

After all, you have stated you wanted to help the investigation team if you're spared, correct? Helping us means doing something you won’t be proud of.

If you can reveal Ana's secret that Happy doesn't want revealed to Truster, you might just be saved and I will not shoot you and I will do what I can to argue for your safety. Save yourself from being killed by revealing your secret. Save me from damnation for shooting you by revealing your secret... I've helped kept this secret for you to help give you peace of mind throughout this investigation, and now it is your turn to help me by revealing that secret.

...I will give you your chance to admit to Truster the god Ana is carrying as I pray your last rites... I can’t guarantee you this will work, but at least it will show who you truly stand with.

You may have tried to escape from your destiny and are being punished for it, but you have still gave us important information to help us in the capture of Happy. For that, the least I can do is pray to you your last rites so that you will be saved from your sins in the eyes of the Will of the World Inkiverusus. If you have any last word... please do not be afraid to announce it during my prayer.

Who knows, maybe your lasts words could be a secret kept from us that could save your life...

*continues to stare deeply in the prisoner's eyes and starts thinking hard about the moment the prisoner revealed to him Ana hiding a god in her >>45139 and starts praying*

*points gun at prisoner* Oh Inkiverusus, as this soul's long and arduous journey reaches the final steps towards your embrace, I pray that you grant this lost soul mercy, for through her blinded misguided fear and anguish she had endured for you in her world full of famine, she had mistakenly tried to stray from the intended path you intended for her to take and thus failed to receive the rewards for her hardships.

Let it be known however that the virtuous deeds she had performed here this day outweigh the sins she had made in her life, for her actions has helped shed light towards the path of the end objective you intend for us to achieve to help save the lives of many throughout the multiverse.

through the duties you have invested in us, oh Inkiverusus, we have succeeded to enlightened this lost soul and set the her back into her intended path in the world full of lies and deceits, and I pray that as her soul comes to you that you may save her from her eternal damnation.

In the name of Inkiverusus the Will of the World we pray ...Amen...
No. 45576 ID: 5f4030
If he fires, Corax will jam the gun upwards so both barrels fire into the ceiling missing the suspect, he will disarm Peregrine without hurting him, and open the shotgun releasing the empty shells, and still hold the gun to keep anyone from using it.
No. 45577 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 45616 ID: d63ea8
Inner Thoughts: This is rapidly escalating out of control. But Dervan at least seems to be cowed by... Zirzam. You need to capitalize on this and de-escalate the situation.

"But I still can't go in."

Inner Thoughts: You don't have to. All you need is to have Corax and Peregrine survive. You remained quiet when you should have spoken up. Their actions need to be managed, now more than ever.

*Threshold activates his communicator so both agents can hear him before taking a moment to center himself:*

"Corax stand down. Dervan is looking for any excuse he can get, trying to antagonize him won't achieve anything."

Inner Thoughts: Corax is practical, give him a reason and he should follow.

"The witness who was recording the proceedings has left, any actions taken here would uh discarded as hearsay, Dervan has more allies here than you do."

Inner Thoughts: Now for Peregrine. Be sincere.

"I'm worried that you both m-might get thrown off the case or er worse. Dervan will be watching you -both of you- more closely. Try to stay in line especially now that Zirzam is here."

*Threshold takes his note pad out again and begins jotting down several more notes.*

Inner Thoughts: Your going to be called on for your analysis soon. You need to start refining your observations into more specific insights.

"I need to make sure that everyone is still in one piece."
No. 45617 ID: b6ae90
Inner thoughts: Aye-aye, sir.

No. 45627 ID: e51896
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*squints eyes towards the shadowy figure behind Zirzam and his assistant*
...Forgive me if I speak out of line, for it It might just be my mind playing tricks on me but, who is that in the shadows behind Zirzam and his assistant? I think I can make out outlines of a head and hair in that silhouette but...

I circled who I am talking about pictured
No. 45628 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 45634 ID: 7f3b63
*looks between Zirzam and the prisoner.*

And what is it that you see here, I may ask?

Inner thoughts: Because what I see, is three people who look remarkably similar. I can’t help but wonder if they know each other. They may very well be of the same species. If they are, no doubt they will read this. Let’s find out.
No. 45669 ID: d63ea8
Threshold speaks into the communicator:

"Remember to bow."

Inner Thoughts: Corax and Peregrine have enough of their own sense to remain respectful, so avoid giving them that note, but why would Zirzam show up here? You imagine that he has been observing all of the interrogations... what would make him appear now? The only thing that changed was...

*Threshold stiffens up.*

Inner Thoughts: ... the stenographer left... Meaning they know you are here as well. Act accordingly.

*Threshold bows to Zirzam and his assistant.*

"Thank you for gracing us with your presence great Zirzam the all-knowing."

"And thank you for releasing the detectives."

Inner Thoughts: You'll need to start calculating their actions alongside your own.
No. 45696 ID: e51896
*takes a bow as requested*

inner thoughts: with Zirzam's assistant taking the gun and not immediately using it, it seems like he wishes to not intend to kill the prisoner. It looks to me like the Will of the World had extended the life of the prisoner. Could it be because she revealed that secret about the girl Ana? If so, I am blessed to be the shepherd that lead the prisoner back on Inkiverusus' intended path for her.
Lets see, they told me to focus on what I can comprehend. They could be referring to the secret the prisoner just told. If Happy has set their sights on Ana, then it could mean that Happy could be grooming her to work for her or manipulate her into doing something they want, especially if she has a god within her and if he knows about it which could be a huge asset for Happy to have on their team... we might need to get more information about where this Ana person is now.

*looks over at the prisoner*. I have a request for you. I know you wanted your job to be a quick in and out kind of job because you didn't want to stay in that universe for very long, but after you met Ana and looked into her eyes, can you explain to me the last known location of where exactly she was at before she met you at your location, or perhaps her performing any kind of actions that could imply what her end goal is in that universe besides wanting to switch bodies? It'll be important to monitor her actions considering what we know about her right now if Ana is one of Happy's main target to fulfill whatever goal he is trying to achieve...
No. 45698 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 45701 ID: b6ae90
*bows respectfully*

I am honored, my lord Zirzam. I would graciously accept your offer. I serve and obey.
No. 45702 ID: e51896
*stares at prisoner but thinks his words as to not rudely interrupt Corax and Zirzam and not speak out of line*
inner thoughts: I see. We'll need to find and monitor Ana considering what we learned. I still have more questions such as asking what you were going to say concerning the robots before Thruster interrupted you earlier[/spoiler]>>45289[/spoiler] but I suppose it will have to wait until we meet again.
Until we talk again, please take the time to try to remember anything you might have seen that stood out in Ana's past when you looked into her soul through her eyes when you first met her that could help us get a lead as to where she is going such as specific people she may have met, her actions, anything that seemed important so that we may find her before something horrible happens.

*walks over to the mirror to stare at himself and quietly recites a prayer in his head as he waits for Corax and Zirzam to finish speaking or until someone talks to him.*
No. 45704 ID: d63ea8
Inner Thoughts: Remember you are likely being observed. Assume anything that you say can be heard by Zirzam.

*Threshold speaks into the communicator:*

"Good work, Agents."

Inner Thoughts: Wait. Peregrine is doing something...

*Threshold takes a couple steps towards where Agent Peregrine is standing on the other side of the one-way mirror.*

Inner Thoughts: You're not sure if he is trying to convey something to you covertly. Either way he is too quiet. But maybe you can read his lips...

*Threshold leans closer trying to pick up what the words are.*
No. 45705 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 45706 ID: 118d99
I defended myself. The man meant to kill me for an accident due to my injuries, to which I simply disarmed him. I didn’t hurt the apprentice, just stopped him from firing the gun and took all the shells out. Afterwich I handed the gun to Zirzam. He, oddly enough seemed to understand. But then again I was already bleeding badly and I made no attempt to hide my injuries either. Afterwards I went back to the healer who seemed... enthusiastic to see me. Not as much for my injuries however.

As for the prisoner, she is being debriefed as we speak. She’s added to our retinue as a consultant.
No. 45708 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 45709 ID: 5f4030
Okay... So how to start... Let's start off with something kinda fun, I pick Door's character known only as "The Presence" and as for his character who will dress as? SCP-096 (The Shy Guy)
No. 45710 ID: f3eb46
To match this one as it’s two for one we need a character who will also kill you but for not recognizing their greatness. Unlike shy guy who kills you for even looking at him.

Dervan as Light Yagami
No. 45722 ID: e51896
Laura as isabelle
Stitch as doom slayer
No. 45723 ID: d63ea8
Well, if the theme is opposite who have a thematic connection...

I'd pick Godfrey to be Prowler from "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse."

And for Corax to be Wander from "Shadow of the Colossus."

Both are betrayed by the people they are working for; but while Corax is steadily chipped away at by Dervan, Godfrey is a sympathetic villain turned ally, albeit with a death-flag or two.
No. 45725 ID: 2bd15b
Thank you for your suggestions. Tomorrow I will decide which idea I will choose.
No. 45729 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 45734 ID: e51896
Let's do explosives

The other Laura as bomberman
Melkior as the demoman (because etepatch
No. 45737 ID: 218d84
Godfrey as King Arthur from Monty Python and the Holy Grail
and Anthony as his trust man servant Patsy
No. 45739 ID: d63ea8
I'd say Bobbie as the Evil Queen from Snow White.

And Threshold as Neil from Class of the Titans.

Since both have mirrors as their main shtick.
No. 45742 ID: 2bd15b
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As for the next chapter of Root and branches, it will start tomorrow.
No. 45744 ID: d63ea8
I got it!

Zerzam as Ultra-Instinct Shaggy (capable of anything).
And Dervan as Scooby-Doo (the loyal dog).
No. 45746 ID: caa473
Scarred Ana as Buffy Summers from Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the action girl and best friends with Willow)
And Fortune Ana as Willow Rosenburg also from Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the smart one and a witch also best friends with Buffy)
And for shits and giggles The Presence as Xander Harris also from Buffy The Vampire Slayer and the best friend of both gals.
No. 45775 ID: caa473
Anthony and Nathaniel as Mario and Luigi
No. 45779 ID: 2bd15b
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I must apologize for how long it took me to finish this one. To be honest I am not really happy how it even ended up looking in the first place.

No. 45823 ID: 2bd15b
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Me and the boys getting ready to catch the killer.

No. 45825 ID: 2bd15b
I hope that you like the last costumes for Halloween that I did. I am sorry that I was a bit late in finishing them in the first place there was a lot of things that I had to do during October and even prepper for Svi sveti, which is what my country celebrates instead of Halloween. One more thing there is one imposter amongst you.

No. 45860 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 45862 ID: f3eb46
And to do that we’ll need a wild card of our own.

Where is your brother? I need to ask him a few questions anyway.
No. 45871 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 45884 ID: 2094a0
I only need him for one question. And if the answer is what I think it is, then he's got his own agenda. Maybe he'll join. But I'm in no mood for any games. After all, a clown should at least try and be funny right? What's the point if they can't even get one chuckle.
No. 45900 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 45901 ID: 5f4030
No. 45907 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 45908 ID: 5f4030
*is completely deadpan, it’s like talking to a brick wall*

Shut up.

I only need one thing from you. No games, no jokes, or riddles. Just honesty.

Who’s heart did you give me?
No. 45909 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 45911 ID: f3eb46
*Hangs up halfway through his demand for a new drawing of happy*

If he’s that desperate he’ll call back
No. 45913 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 45914 ID: 5f4030
Okay so rather than going by some numerical order to show power I'm just gonna go down the list and explain who I think has the edge in each category.

Strength: this is actually closer than you think. But it also mostly depends on their physical bodies going into this. Given that Null doesn’t have a whole lot going for him in terms of over all strength, I would give the edge to Charred, but only by a slim margin.

Technique: The sad fact is Charred is so outclassed here, she would probably take the win on this alone. Laura bonded to Null would turn her into a walking blender that just consumes everything by sucking them into her body from where they are then consumed by Null. The other problem here is that the spirit Parasites are innately soul based creatures. And Null consumes that shit like it’s nobody’s business. Massive edge to Null/Laura, possibly enough to take the V.

Endurance: At first you would think that the two are actually similar. And I can see how you would get that on paper. But in practice I would hedge my bets just a litttle bit more towards Charred. Both have their respective weaknesses, and in part this comes down to host bodies as well whatever powers are granted by their symbiotic relationships. And from I’ve seen the spirit parasites are just able to take a bit more punishment. Null is harder to kill for sure but easier to defeat and get the K.O. If that makes sense.

Intelligence: This is another easy edge going to Laura/Null. I think both of them are able to strategize a bit more and would be able to work off each other better. The problem I see with this is that while Fortune used to be smarter, I get the feeling that as Charred and bonded with the Spirit Parasite, she would be rely more on instinct. Now you could argue in a fight that’s more important, but if we are going on the ability to strategize and come with a plan alone again it’s another victory to Laura.

Experience: Ooh, now this is where it gets interesting. Both Charred and Laura would have a good knowledge of each other to work off of. The problem here comes from the fact that the Spirit Parasite has never fought against Null, but Fortune has. So because of this Charred would have just the slightest handicap. They are extremely close and I think this is the only category in which I would have to call a draw.

In the end however pitting these two against each other, the fight would end very quickly. Charred is so outclassed when it comes to technique it’s not even fair. Null would consume the Spirit Parasite because she herself is a soul based being and he love that’s shit. She would not go down easy and she would fight to get out. But ultimately her fate is sealed, and she would be consumed.
No. 45915 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 45917 ID: 5f4030
Here we go again. I’m gonna do it the same way I did last time. And I’ll be honest, this is not as close as you think it is.

Strength: Easy edge goes to the spirit parasite queen. As an adult she’s just got more going for her in terms of raw physical power. Null is good, but his power isn’t in strength.

Technique: Spirit queen gets roflstomped again here. Her fighting would be all about instinct and picking the right attack of the moment. Null would demolish her when it comes to technique. Every soul destroyed in this form makes him stronger and more lethal, which leads up to our next category.

Endurance: You would think that the queen would have Null beaten here. Ironically this is not the case, every soil destroyed inside Null only increases his power as he consumes them. This is not a fair fight anymore.

Intelligence: The biggest question I see with this is could the queen figure out that Null is only getting stronger every time she attacks. Yes, reasonably well at that. However her options then are to either try and take him out from the inside or flee. Given that she is mostly about self preservation she would try to flee. She may have a slight edge here, but it is not enough to take home the win in Null is determined enough to kill her. However, I’m still confides that Null wins this ones too as by the time she tries to flee he would already have begun to kill her.

Experience: Here’s another huge batch of irony for you. The Queen is a survivor for sure, and she would know how to get out of a situation. She would definitely have the edge over Null. It is still not enough to win this fight in her favor. She would get entirely consumed by Null and pulled into the void where she would get consumed.

This is not a fair fight for the poor queen. Could she survive? It’s possible but she is not winning this fight. She can hurt Null, but she is not winning.
No. 45923 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 45924 ID: 5f4030
Actually I do. I still think I am correct simply because if Null keeps growing and getting bigger I think he is just going to absorb the queen into himself without any control over what he’s actually doing. If you’ve ever seen the ending to the movie Akira where Tetsuo just becomes a mutated blob, it’s gonna go like that. Null wouldn’t even have control over it anymore. I still think Null wins in the end simply because the Void is so hungry and out of control it would kill the queen surprisingly quickly.
No. 45927 ID: e51896
The queen could probably give birth to little spirit parasites and probably infect those ghosts in Null or something, just like how she infected Casper right?
No. 45928 ID: 5f4030
Hypothetically yes, but to that they would have to go inside Null to do that. And I place their odds of survival inside him... very very low.
No. 45929 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 45930 ID: 5f4030
Ooh okay for me this hinges on one thing, how much power does the Queen have attached to the Ash Tree? Because at that point she would be... damn hard to kill.

First up, strength, easy win to the Queen. The Ash Tree is too damn powerful and there’s more substance about it too.

Technique, so this is part of that interesting question I asked earlier. If she doesn’t I actually think they would be about even. If she does however Null is going to get absolutely destroyed.

Endurance, Queen wins. No contest. I still remember that fight and that was damn near impossible to kill it and we really only succeeded because it took a whole lot of luck, firepower, and collapsing universe.

Intelligence, you know I can’t really give this one either side, this is another draw.

Experience, this one is hard to judge because both forms are adapted from other beings. The Queen with the Ash Tree and Null from the ghosts. I feel like this is just another draw.

In the end the Queen as the Ash Tree wins, she just has a lot more going for her and if she has access to its power then this isn’t a fair fight. But even if it wasn’t, she would still win as she just has more going for her.
No. 45932 ID: 70a6b1
For the last fight, can we see what a fight between puddle Null vs squished parasite queen would play out?
No. 45933 ID: 0dedc5
I’ll save you the trouble but it’s still funny, queen wins that one. She’s at least mobile, the only thing Null would do is harsh language.

Here an idea for the winner of the main fight. Winner fights a Heartless Branch Demon.
No. 45934 ID: 2bd15b
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No. 45936 ID: 2094a0
Ooh, I see what's going on here. I remember you hinting that Stitch is insane because he is a literal frankenstein's monster of body parts or what I can only assume is either soldiers or just really strong guys. Alright let's do this.

First up strength, this one is an easy win towards Stitch, absolutely no contest. Stitch takes the win every time when it comes to strength and willingness to cause pain.

Now Technique is where things get interesting. The thing is, I honestly can't give it to either of them because they both would have technique and fighting styles that would reflect their background. Stitch would be up front and center landing devastating blows. The Blind will however, following a god of magic and being conjoined together I would see them trying to keep him at a distance with strong magic and bigass fireballs. I think if had to give an edge, I would give it to Stitch, but it's only because we know more about him, otherwise this one is a draw.

Endurance, another easy win to Stitch. As I recall the guy has rebar reinforcing his limbs and metal shell around his heart. He is not going down easy and he will take the Blind Will down with this one. The Blind Will might have something with them that makes them stronger but again we know so little about them I wouldn't give them the edge here.

Intelligence is another interesting topic when comparing the two. Because they are both amalgamations of various lives. So to me this would come down to how they work in sync with each other and are able to work together as a team. I've always understood however that Stitch is not mentally stable, so I'm giving the edge here to the Blind Will.

Experience, another interesting idea when it comes to these two because their experience would come from the two and how much they have gone through but also how much the people they are amalgamated from have gone through. This is one is actually kinda tough for me. We're not really sure what either side has gone through, but I actually lean more towards the Blind Will. The way Lorence talks about them makes me think they would have more experience and any one who can terrify that man is clearly a force to be reckoned with.
No. 45964 ID: b0b286
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No. 45966 ID: 5f4030
Ooh okay this one is really hard to figure out but I think I will know who wins. Now normally with this fight I would assume both fighters would have time to prepare and think about how to win as that’s something the both of them would do. However in order to keep things fair I’m going to assume that both have not had time and are just going to through down death battle style.

First up attacking strength. So here’s the thing both would be relatively even here, and that’s gonna be a kind theme wit this fight. However I think I’m gonna lean towards Dervan with this, simply because of his sadomasochistic tendencies and his willingness to hurt people. Lorence would try to avoid that if he could. I do remember a moment when he almost killed Falafaf as he was having some kind of episode but he was able to regain control over himself. Dervan is like Patrick Bateman from American Psycho, the dude just has no qualms about hurting others.

Technique, this part is actually kind of funny. I’m giving this to Lorence because we’ve seen Dervan fight before, and the dude used flintlock pistols. That’s cool and all until you remember that Lorence would have access to something like a glock and could fire off almost an entire clip before Dervan could get off another shot.

Endurance is the only easy win going to Lorence. The man can get stabbed, evicerated, and probably set on fire and he will not die as he’s immortal. The thing with this fight is, can Dervan figure out how to kill Lorence in time before he gets him? Out of say, 100 battles, most of the time Lorence would get him.

Intelligence, this is the hardest one to figure out. If I had to give one edge it would be Dervan, but only by a slim slim margin. If I had the choice this would be a draw. I’m gonna give this one to Dervan because as a lawyer you’ll need to stay calm and think under pressure while dealing with cases. It’s not a perfect argument but it’s all I have.

Wisdom and street smarts I’m gonna give to Lorence, which means in the end he takes the overall win. The man has been around for god knows how long, and knows how to win and play the long game. Plus that paranoia would be a huge edge for him here. In the end Lorence wins.
No. 45968 ID: c24649
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No. 45969 ID: c24649
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Here is the reference sheet that you asked for. This is one of the first appearances of the puppet body that Happy used.

No. 45970 ID: 5f4030
Much obliged.

Alright as for the fight. First up strength, at first I was gonna give this to Jimmy. However, the more I thought about it, what this more comes down to is the willingness to hurt others. This is what makes this hard because in both cases with Jimmy and Spikey, they don't really seem to go for the immediate kill but are definitely able to maim. Now, like I said I was originally gonna give this to Jimmy as we've just seen more of their ability to kick ass in a fight. But like I said, this comes down to willingness to inflict pain, and anyone who worships Essence is not concerned with the deaths of others. Plus, I distinctly remember Jimmy telling us that it was all an act they put on to seem scary(I'm going to think of that conversation where Jimmy revealed HERself as a conversation between her and Anthony, why she chose to reveal herself is anyone's guess, I guess Anthony just has that trustworthy face). Point to Spikey.

Technique is gonna get interesting. I'm gonna base this on what I know about how they would like to do their fighting. Both are able to set up traps really well, but I think Spikey would be able to do it just a little better. Spikey's traps are something more akin to a Jigsaw death game when he wants them to be. So assuming he could use this to his advantage if he had enough time to prepare. However, in a head on face to face fight, this is a win to Jimmy. They just have more ready for something at the heat of the moment, and many of their gadgets are something that helps them disengage from a fight long enough to prepare something really nasty, the bear trap teddy bear being a great example. So assuming this is a head on fight, I say the point goes to Jimmy.

Endurance. No contest, Jimmy wins. They literally keep weapons INSIDE their body. A bonus of being an immortal Jimmy houses all of their gadgets, many of them potentially could malfunction and really fuck them up from the inside. And on top of all of this, they still have the ability to fight like hell. We really haven't seen enough of Spikey's fighting capabilities to really judge this either, but unless he has the balls to keep blades and bombs inside his own body, in fact I would go so far as to say Jimmy has the highest endurance out of everyone so far, second only to Stitch. This is no contest. Jimmy wins.

Intelligence on the other hand, is an easy win to Spikey. The man's a plotter and can at least think a few steps ahead of his opponent. In head to head fight that can prove useful. His traps and his ability to craft death games definitely proves that. In terms of intelligence jimmy is also pretty good with her own traps, but I don't really get the feeling they are much of a plotter like Spikey is. Point to Spikey.

Now for experience. Again, i'm gonna assume this is a head on fight, and in that regard, Jimmy just has has more. Working as a bodyguard for their sister, they are more likely to come into contact with greater threats. Spikey... Again this just going off what I have seen, and from what I know he doesn't really leave the main area of the cult that much, so I can't fairly judge his experiences. Knowing he is a son of The Carpenter has to account for something (it's probably where his sadism comes from) but in terms of raw experience of a fight, Jimmy's got it.

In the end of it all, Jimmy just has more experience, and can take a breathtaking amount of punishment. I think that the fight would definitely drag on, but Jimmy would just have more options to take home the win.
No. 45983 ID: c24649
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Finally when the fog started to retreat from the sky, when the battle was over and when you all could finally remove the masks from your face. At that moment the whole world seems a little bit brighter, even if things feel like that there is a lot of things to do and you are sure that this feeling won't last forever at this moment you feel contempt.

No. 45991 ID: bcb0c0
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I decided to make something funny to lighten up the mood, how much do you think that I got it right with this drawing?

No. 45992 ID: bcb0c0
One more thing the Root and Branches quest will continue maybe tomorrow or the day after that, it all depends on my mood but it will continue...

No. 45994 ID: 612369
Corax: "Why?"

Oh gods, he would. This made my morning. Thank you.
No. 45998 ID: d63ea8
No. 45999 ID: 1800ae
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Alright it’s done, before I give this to you Happy. I want to know one last thing. And I want complete and total transparency, and honesty. Why do you want this? I may have an idea, and it was that one... hope, that was the reason I gave it to you to begin with. So why do you want this.

If Feasance and Nathaniel want to be there, they can be.
No. 46000 ID: bcb0c0
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No. 46001 ID: 5f4030
You and Nathaniel are more than welcome to come. Just know directly afterwards, we have a war to stop. Who among the cults leadership will be there?
No. 46002 ID: bcb0c0
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The next post in this sequence will be the meeting with Spiky. So if other participators are willing to tag along just post, I am coming to.

No. 46007 ID: d63ea8
I'll be sure to tag along.
No. 46008 ID: e51896
Nathaniel will go too
No. 46009 ID: 612369
Then I think that's everyone.

*hefts a large duffel bag over his shoulder and puts on his mask*

Let's go. By way you didn't answer my question, if we're going to stop this war, will any of the cult's leadership be there?
No. 46010 ID: 365234
Should Cleo, Anthony's girlfriend be invited too?
No. 46011 ID: bcb0c0
If you want sure why not
No. 46012 ID: bcb0c0
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No. 46013 ID: 5f4030
She’ll come too but me and her will use the same text box. My girl who plays Cleo might be a bit busy to actually out something in so I’ll ask her what she wants to do and put it in with Anthony, I’ll designate who is who

Cleo: “I’m coming too.”
No. 46015 ID: d63ea8
Sure, let's go.
No. 46021 ID: bcb0c0
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No. 46022 ID: 612369
Well, this is certainly one way a divorce would go down...

Alright strength. So for me this goes into the capacity to hurt and do violence. The funny thing is, I would actually place them at about even. Tv Head Flint may be powerful in his new robotic body and all, but we've seen Rosaline able to break through the ground which I assume was mostly concrete and dirt with her arms, and tunnel through the ground. So in all honesty, I think I would have to give this almost a deadlock. If i'm only allowed to give one edge, I think I'd give it to Rosaline if only because we've seen her in action. But if I had to go on estimation of raw physical strength, Tv Head Flint wins.

Technique. This one I have to give to the cleverer fighter, in this case, Rosaline takes it. Flint's style was either bluff your way out or try to overpower them. But Rosaline is actually the cleverer fighter in this case, able to set traps and act like an ambush spider, and as I said, being able to break through the ground has gotta count for something.

Defense, hands down goes to Tv Head Flint. Rosaline is the definition of a glass cannon, able to dish out a lot of punishment, but can't actually take it herself. Tv Head, though he can take a beating. Plus those wings would work really well for staying out of her reach. She may be able to throw something at him, which in Midair is kind of hard to do but he's strong enough that I think he could find someway to defend.

Intelligence, now this is something I'm gonna surprise you all with, but I'm gonna give this one to Tv Head Flint. He was able to predict where Ana would be and set up a really good ambush. It was only after it all got away from him he faltered. So not so great on his feet in terms of street smarts but intelligence, I have to give it to him.

Experience, for me, this comes down to who has nothing left to lose? See here's the thing. Rosaline's mutation is aging her up pretty rapidly over the course of maybe 10 years? And she's already an adult. For her she would fight like hell because, really, what does she have to lose at this point?

So I am in a complete deadlock with this. For me, it really is strength and who would be willing to kill the other. If I really had to consider that, I think Rosaline would pull out the win. Tv Head actually wants to try and be a dad to their kids, he wants a family. Rosaline wants none of it, and would put him down without hesitation. So in the end, I think Rosaline has it.
No. 46032 ID: bcb0c0
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No. 46034 ID: bcb0c0
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As for me, I am celebrating this day with my love of drawing.
No. 46058 ID: bcb0c0
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No. 46059 ID: 6d3d09
You probably forgot one varient: I remember towards the end of chapter 1, Andrew Goodwill proposed a deal where he would switch places with Ana or something. What would that Ana look like?
No. 46060 ID: bcb0c0
That was a fake choice that Andrew offered
No. 46061 ID: 9183ba
Okay, understood

But you forgot the Ana the becomes the leader of the Sisters of Lust, and becomes the biggest pimp in the world: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/src/147935176139.jpg
No. 46062 ID: bcb0c0
Well, you can simply look at Guardian Ana as being achieving that ending. Both of those are more of a joke scenario.
No. 46213 ID: 47be15
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Haven't posted in here for a while.

No. 46275 ID: 47be15
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Carnavia the ballerina pandemonium child

No. 46277 ID: 47be15
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No. 46292 ID: 47be15
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In order to survive some spice must evolve, in its change, it loses something but gains another thing at the same time. But not every evolution guarantees survival, sometimes the change might not be enough and sometimes it takes too much. Time will tell if this change was for the better or for the worse.

No. 46300 ID: 47be15
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Bobbie Bobsdottir a character from one of my quests

No. 46374 ID: 5fd04e
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No. 46375 ID: 0eca49
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No. 46378 ID: 0eca49
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No. 46379 ID: 0eca49
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In life you are either a firefighter or firewood, we were both at the same time.

No. 46382 ID: 6e8ee2
File 162967514472.jpg - (3.76MB , 2082x1911 , BB 681.jpg )
We all are like a lighted Molotov cocktail that is already flying in one direction. The collision is imminent, our target is clear and our flames will consume them all. The only thing that isn't clear is the number of survivors on our team that will be left standing when the flames die down, but that is irrelevant because we all are willing to die fighting the good fight.

No. 46388 ID: bc7677
File 162971091834.jpg - (2.76MB , 1878x1892 , BB 682.jpg )
You know what I manage to accomplish isn't anything special. To be honest I believe that anybody is able to accomplish something similar or even greater than what I did. They just need the right state of mind, a lot of time, a proper motivation. Simply start off small and try everything until you find what fits you the most. The most important thing is to enjoy what you do, even if others might want you to die because of it, especially if others want you dead because of it.

Both of these songs can work with this drawing.


No. 46389 ID: bc7677
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No. 46393 ID: d63ea8
-a call rings out,
And it must be heeded.
For this form is nothing,
And can do nothing to resist.

But what calls this empty shell?
What about this form,
Would be valued in the time,
And effort,
Of a ritua-

*The presence freezes.*

You are not her.
You are not her.

You are not her.

Rejoice in great fortune,
Petty mageling.
For this form is without even a scrap,
Of the Disciple's rage.

*It glides a hair closer to the 'pretender.'*

Otherwise that mask,
And all of the tender,
Flesh that dwells beneath,
Would have been rent from your bone.

But it is curious.
Why would one offer,
Such a reckless deception?
No. 46394 ID: d827e6
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No. 46399 ID: d63ea8
simply put.

But attainable.

This vessel,
Simply put,
Is nothing.

Through the twists of strings,
And fate,
This empty shell was given a pair of names,
By the Disciple of Marks.

The name 'Echo of Voice,'
Alongside the name 'Friend.'

Simply put,
What do you offer,
Thief of Power,
In return for your 'victory?'
No. 46402 ID: de57a8
File 163009601619.jpg - (2.31MB , 1648x1532 , BB 686.jpg )
Remember to be the best version of yourself!

No. 46404 ID: de57a8
File 163012480833.jpg - (2.02MB , 2861x1967 , BB 685.jpg )
No. 46405 ID: d63ea8
A demand.
Eagerly offered,
Easily consumed.

*The presence reaches out with a hand and then brings it back to its mouth and then swallows.*

If it is allies you seek,
Then you need not look far.

There is a man amid the cult,
Whose name is 'Toothpick,'
That may be willing to aid your cause.
But you must watch for the watchdog.
They are poisonous and dangerous.
And while they may be on a leash,
That leash has already slipped once before.

But there were questions mixed in,
And now their answers bubble to the surface.

*It turns to the shadowy figure.*

Though it may be unsatisfactory,
Your answer reads as such:
This vessel,
Simply put,
Is nothing.
And thus has nothing to 'sell.'
At least,
Nothing that the Disciple wouldn't miss.

*Turning back to the woman with the torch it says:*
But on what this presence can offer...
That is a much different answer.
This empty form can give many things,
Depending of what is offered to it first.

If you,
Thief of Power,
Are offering yourself,
Then there are many things,
That can be given in return.
No. 46410 ID: de57a8
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No. 46413 ID: de57a8
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Just some concept art for a possible upcoming quest

No. 46417 ID: de57a8
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The picture that we took during our first stay in the desert, the night sky was full of stars. We even managed to make Trevestian smile.

No. 46418 ID: de57a8
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No. 46420 ID: d63ea8
Of course,
O great striped beast.
You words hold truth,
The course this presence suggested,
Would only bring calamity.
Those answers will be reforged.
And if this shell held gratitude,
Then it certainly would be offered.

But now the words are there again.
Best act,
And react,
So the course might change...

*The presence drinks in some of the air before spitting the contents back into its hand.*
You are correct in your assertion,
Thief of Power.
And perhaps this empty shell erred in judgement.
Perhaps a better answer would be more palatable.

There is a grand sorcerer,
By the name of 'Logan.'
He battles the cult,
Going so far as to capture their leader.
If it is a powerful combatant you seek,
Then he would certainly aid your cause.
His supply of allies is lacking,
And he may require your aid more,
Than you require his.

Such an individual would be more fitting,
No. 46422 ID: de57a8
File 163060094855.jpg - (1.44MB , 3895x1194 , BB 696.jpg )
No. 46423 ID: d63ea8
Another question.
But the answer,
Will be much harder to provide.

You are correct,
_______ Ana
Willful Ana,
Had escaped certain death,
At the hands of the cult.

But it was at a great cost,
To both her,
And her voices.

For now,
She has hidden herself.
And observes the board in its entirety.

Her 'death' right now,
Serves as an advantage.

This empty presence asks,
If such an answer,
Would be held in secret by you,
Thief of Power.

If found before she is ready,
_______ Ana,
Diligent Ana,
May not escape a third execution.
No. 46424 ID: de57a8
File 163068072101.jpg - (1.28MB , 3174x1256 , BB 697.jpg )
No. 46427 ID: 76fa74
She's about to get strung up...
No. 46428 ID: d63ea8
Of course,
She will be a most valuable instrument.
O great striped beast.
Now for the site of the sorcerer.

*The presence extends its hands up and then draws them both back to its mouth.*


*The presence removes their hands.*

If you seek the sorcerer,
Thief of Power,
Then seek out the fortified bunker,
That the cult guards jealously.

Beneath the earth,
In a room without windows,
There is a bed,
On which the sorcerer lies.

He is held in a trance,
By the dark doctors of the cult.
And might be vulnerable to whatever...
You would wish to install.

Wake him,
And the site,
Will be bathed in righteous fire.

But beware the guardians,
For they already expect your arrival,
And wait in ambush.

Anticipate such actions,
And you may succeed,
Thief of Power.
No. 46430 ID: 0e7bfb
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This is practically the end of this short story, you can post something if you want as an epilogue.

No. 46432 ID: d63ea8
This is best.
Her actions may no longer be her own,
But the Thief will not harm,
Nor control Ana.

_______ Ana,
Distant Ana.

She will be safe,
And with time,
The Thief will bring her allies.

Perhaps this presence,
May be seen as useful.

But the Cat...

No. 46433 ID: d63ea8

The Cat may be trouble.

No. 46435 ID: 0e7bfb
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No. 46436 ID: 0e7bfb
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No. 46438 ID: e51896
I used to feel critically depressed regretting my past actions, and racked with anxiety about having no future except execution, but these days ever since I've picked up meditation, I've decided what's done is done, there's no point in dwelling about anything anymore if I can't do anything about it. I also used to wonder why you all haven't executed me yet, but there's probably no point in thinking about that if I can't stop the inevitable. If it happens, it happens, if not, whatever...

In a way, it's kind of a blessing in hindsight that I no longer have to worry about the future, the past, anyone or anything. These days I have been focused on living in the present in my dreams, focusing on constructing a perfect life in my imagination I could of have if that Halloween party never happened. My happy place as many calls it.

But most importantly: meditation. It's actually been very helpful to me mentally and spiritually. Helped me become more self aware of myself and the actions I took, helped me reduce stress, control my emotions and gave me clarity and taught me the concept of mindfulness...

inner thoughts: I also have been getting weird visions and seeing people I've never seen before in my mind during my meditation sessions, but I'd rather not bring that up...

maybe you should give meditation a try, it's a good stress reliever... Or don't, I'm not someone who tells people what to do anymore. But I was planning on meditating real soon before you came here. So... Want to meditate with me or something?
No. 46443 ID: 611cca
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No. 46446 ID: e4763f
My answer Is that I'd probably change my outlook, starting with finding a way to get back together with Demoria, treat her with more respect, listen to her more...

and it's not like I don't care about anything, I'm just right now focused on strengthening my mind through meditation since it's the only thing O have left. Meditating isn't relaxation for me, it's more like exercising the mind to help manage and deal with stress and be more focused. Even leaders need time for stress management, or else the stress will get to them.

Um, Speaking of Demoria, she told me to request to you to contact her. She wanted to make some kind of deal with you. I'm not sure what though, but may you contact her please?
No. 46449 ID: 11b08a
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No. 46458 ID: e51896

inner thoughts:she really cranked up the pressure here. But I still need to finish my job that Demoria gave me, no matter what... this is my last chance, or die trying.

Okay, I'll join you, but only on one condition: I really need you to contact Demoria. Otherwise, no deal. Five minutes is all I ask. That is my only request. I've failed her many times, and I feel if I can't get this simple job done that she assigned me to do, Demoria will not want anything to do with me anymore, and when you win this war and send me back to her, she is just going to reject me and all this for me would be for nothing.

I know you are paranoid with her being an unknown factor in all this, but don't you think it would be the safer option to try to contact her and understand where she stands in all this and have her be a known factor instead of taking a chance with not knowing what she may, or may not do? Maybe try to form some kind of truce to make sure she leaves you alone on your mission or something? Who knows, she might even approve of what you are trying to accomplish or even want to join...

Just... contact her, and then your free to do what you want with me until the war is over, please. I have so much to lose if you don't and she rejects me.
No. 46459 ID: 11b08a
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I have been posting music from youtube for over the year and I never had the need to put a disclaimer to the video that I posted but for this one, I advise if you aren't over 18 and if you aren't a degenerate then it would be for the best to simply avoid this one and for anyone who actually did click on it I have to apologize, but I simply couldn't resist being naughty.

No. 46463 ID: e51896
*sad sigh*

Fulfilling Demoria's wishes is what I need more, and if I can't fulfill her only simple request to have me get you to contact her, then I deserved to be punished by your torture for failing Demoria... Yes, I'm willing to go that far for her.

so... um... I'm not budging by my deal... I beg of you to contact and converse with her. Only after you do that I can feel confident to accept your offer to help you in return.

If you don't, then I refuse to take your offer and I have nothing more to say to you, because I don't think I'd be able to help anyone anymore with the knowledge that I can only fail others, like I've failed Demoria so many times...

*shuts his eyes not wanting to look at Spirit Contaminator anymore and awaits his fate*

...I really believe the deal she wants to make with you can help you... for what it's worth... You both have much in common in which you've both lost everything.
No. 46466 ID: 11b08a
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No. 46470 ID: e51896
Just this: I hope you find what your looking for out of this war, and please tell Demoria I'm sorry I've done nothing but fail her, and I hope she finds a better partner than me...

*goes into meditation while he awaits his torture*
No. 46479 ID: e51896
When you say you can rebuild my body without her help, Are you still talking about Demoria's help, or did you mean you can still rebuild my body without Essence's help?

I don't know, maybe you are trying to get me to forget Demoria just like you are trying to forget Essence after her death in order to bottle up your emotions... That's not healthy. Keep Essence in your heart even after her death, use that as your reason to move forward, that's what I'm doing with Demoria, keeping her close to my... empty void where my heart used to be where I pretend my heart still is if it wasn't destroyed.
No. 46480 ID: 11b08a
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No. 46484 ID: e51896
*catches breath to calm down from almost dying*

I'm no therapist, um... but, Maybe try looking at it from another perspective? Like what if the reason why Essence was so stubborn and had her sick obsession causing her to make rash decisions that killed her was because it was a result of her being scared that one false move would make everything fall apart like how you are scared? I mean, my stubbornness was a result of my fear of losing Demoria.

And maybe Essence collected broken people because she felt she was broken as well, and wanted to be surrounded by people like her who society rejected? I don't know.

Overall, maybe her fear controlled her actions and made her stubborn and act irrational and jump the gun at times making her do sick and twisted things to make herself look stronger, but only resulted in making more people turn against her...

Ugh, one thing for sure, you're right, it always feels the walls are closing in, it feels like everything has to be perfect, and one false misstep makes everything fall apart... why can't we just, like, break through the wall instead of letting the walls crush us? I don't want to be perfect anymore.

Alright, one thing I'll say, if you think Essence treated your friends as tools as you said, maybe you should treat them as your friends instead of tools. You're all in this together, and they'll support and help your leadership in turn, strengthen your bonds.

And, um... don't let fear control you. have courage. It's alright to be scared, but don't let it run your life. bravery is having no fear. Courage is doing something even if you're sacred...
No. 46487 ID: 11b08a
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No. 46496 ID: e51896
Ana is none of my business. That's all I have to say about her...


I suppose that answer isn't satisfactory, so I'll just be blunt and say this: Ana, not just from this cycle, but from all cycles is a tool. Even if she gets an insane amount of powers, she'll always be a tool. She has a habit of not knowing what to do and always needs someone to give her orders and give her validation whether it be the voices, the cult, happy, absolution, doesn't matter, because she is too scared to make choices for herself and can't figure out how to do things on her own. Even if she ends a partnership from someone she is taking orders from, she's always going right back to finding someone to tell her what to do with her life. She was probably like this before the fog started too, stagnating with no direction in life.

She'll always be broken in that regard, no matter if she is a demigod, or an immortal. The only way she can fix herself is if she figures out how to make decisions on her own. If she can make her own choices and not be a follower, I think she has potential to become one of the most powerful beings.

And that's all I have to say about her. Honestly I'm not sure why people keep coming here sometimes just to talk to me about Ana like I have answers or I'm her friend. It's like they expect that I am fated to do something regarding her when really I'm just don't feel like I want to be involved with her. If you want to find out about her and her past and how she thinks, ask the ash tree or something.
No. 46498 ID: f23762
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No. 46500 ID: e51896
uhhhh... Don't put words in my mouth please, I did not once call you out for observing Ana. I'm pretty sure I just only said that I am personally just not interested in Ana and she is none of my business. That said, if you want to observe Ana or be involved in her life, go for it, I personally just don't want to because she is bad luck to people. If I was interested before, I'm not anymore. Hopefully something didn't get implanted in your mind that made you think I was calling you out like you were worrying about.

unless maybe you are really just mad at me for insulting Ana like that?

And it was more Demoria's idea to observe Ana than it was mine, I just couldn't get into that personally when we did that. and as far as the battle goes, I was more interested in trying to take down Dreamwalker, Ana's voices just so happened to be in my way. Just wanted to be clear

Anyway, I'm pretty much done talking about Ana.
No. 46501 ID: f23762
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No. 46502 ID: a3b25e
Hey Joy-Kill. Heard you like music. *whistles same song Spirit Contaminator was playing. (If he can't whistle, he hums it)*
No. 46511 ID: f23762
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No. 46518 ID: e51896
...Wut? That was unexpected! Well that was an accident to be fair, so sorry about that. Though also Probably was a bad idea to just dangle Kill-joy over the jar. It will be missed.

Killing? I'll just say a hunting predator need to eat to survive. Food has to come from something living after all, Circle of life.

*wonders if he can try to conserve Kill-Joy's heart and use it as a replacement for his old heart he lost*
No. 46528 ID: f23762
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No. 46530 ID: e51896
That's all I asked for. Really I don't want to let Demoria down again. You will not regret speaking with Demoria, I believe you both will work out something great. lets do it...

*looks over at his partner* so who're you? like music?
No. 46534 ID: f23762
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No. 46536 ID: f23762
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The difference between pain and pleasure is that you need one and desire the other.
No. 46540 ID: e51896
another person wanting to talk about an Ana again? *sigh* fine... fine... okay.

See, I think you're asking the wrong question. I think the question you should be asking is: did you really free Essence?... the thing is, you trying to figure out if you're a good or bad person for saving the Ana known as Essence by "freeing" her is impossible to answer because: I don't think you actually succeeded in freeing her.

As I just got done telling Spirit Contaminator, all Anas from every cycle is a fucking tool. She, including Essence, are cursed to have no idea how to be free because their minds are not capable or compatible to comprehend the concept of freedom or having free will. Even if they get free from someone controlling them, they're always looking for somebody else to take orders from. It's like, taking a dildo away from their owner. Sure, you've freed the dildo from fulfilling the pleasures of its owner, but a tool is a tool, it now has no purpose in life, a dildo still wants to go back to its primary function to please the desires of someone by being their tool and being used by them until they BREAK.

Essence is no different. Sure, maybe you have freed her in certain points of views, maybe she even denies that she is still trapped but think about her actions after you freed her... even without your instructions, she's desperately doing everything she can to find a way to further your goals, such as repeating your actions of saving her when she was most broken by finding other people who are broken to join and help your cause, even if it means she had to break them herself. Her actions are based upon what she "thinks" she wants you to do... She was desperately looking to accomplish what she thinks you wanted, even if it meant trying to get the Ana from this cycle to follow your orders or fall in love with you and live vicariously through her. Because as I said, Anas will always in the end be a tool. There is no changing her fate. Not even Essence's

in all honesty, my theory is that Anas have a mind that is just cursed with insanity from the actions of what the very first Ana did: becoming a sacrificial lamb to the Ash Tree to fuse with it, losing her life and sanity and becoming an empty husk, like a tool, forced to fulfill the whims of the voices, or anyone else if the voices fail

If you truly wanted to free Essence, you should have gone within the deepest depths of the Ash Tree, and find the soul of the very first Ana that fused with the Ash Tree from trillions of cycles ago at the very first cycle, and free her from the roots and branches that she is fused with... that is, if you're insane enough to do that and don't care about the consequences that comes with doing that. Otherwise, she can't ever be free or saved.

If you manage that, then I'll give you your answer of whether you were a good person or not in freeing Essence. Spoiler alert: void speak: I don't give a damn.

Anyway, I want to see my new centipede friend again
No. 46545 ID: f23762
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No. 46621 ID: f23762
File 163517689684.jpg - (405.64KB , 2071x433 , BB 722.jpg )
Just something small that I make for the seasons, maybe when the 31 comes I will do something more. Can you guess who carved which pumpkin and which one is your favorite?

No. 46643 ID: f23762
File 163563369457.jpg - (600.75KB , 1368x1115 , BB 723.jpg )
Hollow on the inside. Something small for the holiday. As for the previous pumpkin pictures, I will reveal who made which one. The first one was made by the DerVans assistant, the second one was made by DerVan, the third was made by Lorence, the fourth was made by The Blind Will, the fifth was made by madam Algich, the sixth was made by the doctor and the last one was made by Laura.

No. 46653 ID: f23762
File 163598543874.jpg - (879.30KB , 1326x1444 , BB 724.jpg )
When the celebrations end and the festivities are all wrapped up the thing that is left of our holidays are the memories which we had of them. Do we cherish them or do we look forward to the next year so that we may experience the same memories all over again? I am not sure about that but what I do know is that the fall is one of my favorite seasons, it fills the empty hole in my spirit. Have a happy Halloween everyone, enjoy it while you are still celebrating it.

No. 46681 ID: f23762
File 163674475520.jpg - (508.81KB , 2055x1435 , BB 725.jpg )
Do you consider yourself an arrogant man?

No. 46682 ID: 5f4030
Not really. One can have pride in their work, or self, but arrogance comes from feeling superior to others and letting everyone else know it. I don’t think I’m necessarily better or worse than anyone normal person.
No. 46684 ID: f23762
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No. 46685 ID: 5f4030
I believe the term you would have for me is something like a shaman or something, long story there. The funny thing is I never really decided to be a figurehead, it was never something I sought to be. It just happened, whether I wanted it or not. As for working with Lorence, no I would much rather give you my tongue than ever work for someone with no honor. It’s a matter of honor that I have come here actually. You, the sons of Fenris are about to wage war on the cross ash knights. It’s that battle I wish to stop.
No. 46688 ID: f23762
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No. 46689 ID: 02905d
It doesn’t matter what I see myself as. People aren’t so predictable that they can fit into only one category. Cowboys and Indians, wolves and armadillos, no one is so singularly focused. The only thing I am trying to do now is the right thing. You’re right about the knights, and that’s what I find most tragic about all of this. They let the fog happen so they could play at being heroes which makes them just as guilty as anyone else. Whether you knew about it I couldn’t say and at this point it doesn’t matter. What matters to me is trying to actually save lives and do the right thing for everyone that I can. I want to be someone with honor, who actually practices what they preach. To be honest there isn’t anyone in my “tribe” that I truly respect, because so many of them are complacent in what’s happened or just trying to get by. I don’t want to stand for that and I don’t want to be someone who just tries to survive either. I mean… fuck, You would go to war with other wolves as you put it but for what? To claim you’re superior? There’s no honor to be had in it, the only thing you’d get is more people who would hate you for it. But I doubt even that much is going to happen… I’ve come to stop this because there’s only going to be one outcome should you attack. I’ve seen it.

A pack of wolves and a pride of lions stand in a clearing and two approach. An old alpha wolf battle scared and snarling, and a young lion tall and strong. They stand in a circle of blood while their pack and pride roar and bark and they begin a duel. The wolf had the better of it, but they both end up ripping each other’s throats out. Then the two sides collide and there is no winner, except the ravens who come to feed on their bodies.
No. 46707 ID: 3292e2
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No. 46709 ID: 5f4030
As a matter of fact yes, I do have a plan to take down Lorence. He doesn’t think I’m a threat but I have something of his that would end him. Once he is gone, then we need to look to someone else, I’d rather it not be me, and definitely not Delilah. The fact is Root is probably our best shot once Lorence is gone. As for the fog, I hate it. It kills people regardless of guilt or innocence, leaving only the children to weep for their parents. I have no doubt the world needed reforming, and that sometimes we must burn it down to create something better, but not like this. I’d rather no one had to die in order to be better. I know you don’t agree.

Since you respect strength and position over reason. But that’s all I have because you aren’t listening to what I’m trying to tell you. This fight? It’s not a victory, there will be no winner except the ones who will feast on you and take up positions of power after you all die. I’m trying to ensure you and your pack can actually survive. There is honor in wisdom, great Alpha. And as Alpha of the pack is it not your duty and charge to see you leave a legacy for your pack? That your ways survive? There’s more than one future and this will cause dissent and your own pack will turn on you for this. Please, don’t go to war. It’s not worth it.
No. 46732 ID: 3292e2
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No. 46733 ID: fab469
That’s because what your men “killed” was just a corpse puppet. As for him being on a higher plane? The funny thing is you’re not wrong. And if you want to take him out, it’s about knowing where to hit him.

As for my favorite animal? Ironically it’s wolves. True wolves anyway. Forgive me but you aren’t wolves, at least not as you seem to think. Wolves don’t have alphas or a hierarchical way of life. The “alpha’s” are actually the parents and grandparents of the pack, and the ones who help raise and look out for the young. What is true is that they are pack animals, and will work together to bring about the best outcomes for the pack. However if the pack gets desperate and hungry enough they will turn on each other and cannibalize the weak or injured. True wolves however can accept others as part of their pack, even those who were never born as wolves.
Inner thoughts: You are not wolves. You’ve never been wolves. You’re dogs pretending to be men, playing at being wolves.
No. 46734 ID: b5fe3e
Do with this information what you will, but the only time that wolves have been seen to use a kind of hierarchy status, similar to what you have here, is when they are in captivity. When they're in a cage... I don't know about you but you seem to have helped build your cage, hell most people wear their cage on their face now.

As for having an anchor, yes I do have one. Her name is Cleopatra, and she is my girlfriend and fiancee. She's helped keep me grounded.
No. 46748 ID: 3292e2
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No. 46752 ID: 3292e2
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No. 46755 ID: 3e7c34
Yes I do hate your simplistic world few because you leave no room for nuance or any shades of grey. The world isn’t cut into specific archetypes, cowboy or Indian, farmer of dog, it’s all crap and no one has to be an enemy just because their different. So many chose to act like this because it’s easier and gives them an excuse. I’m more curious about something else, I’ve answered all of your questions. Who were you before all this?
No. 46760 ID: 3292e2
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Officer Flesh Face

No. 46761 ID: 3292e2
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No. 46762 ID: 5f4030
*Looks at her hand as if she was offering him a dead cat*
Hello. I believe I titled you the Vicar originally, or was that someone else? Forgive me but I try not to get potentially lethal or dangerous substances on my skin, no offense. And before we talk deals, I actually already know your friend here.

Hello again Black Pudding. I hope you’re not going to make this a habit of trying get me to accept deals. How’s Cela Mortis?
No. 46765 ID: 3292e2
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No. 46767 ID: 3e7c34
These are members of the blind will, Ace. Followers of Absolution Prime. They used to be named Trevestian and Beverly. And I mourn for the people they used to be and the people they once were. As for what they have to say, I agree they should know. But I doubt very much they will come to Absolutions arms, rather what is going to happen is that most will probably try to commit suicide as a messed up kind of penance for their actions. As for peace, I don’t know. All I have to go on is my own hope and drive to make it work. Will it be enough? Probably not, but because it’s unobtainable is not an excuse to not try.
No. 46769 ID: 3292e2
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No. 46770 ID: 5f4030
I’ll think on it. I’d like to speak with Root, I know he’s your prisoner.
No. 46774 ID: 3292e2
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No. 46775 ID: 15e8dd
Yeah we definitely want to try and keep that. Don’t worry, I’m not gonna hurt him.

*goes to Root*
Hey there bud. How you holding up?
No. 46777 ID: 3292e2
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No. 46778 ID: b5fe3e
Alright then.

*leans in close to whisper*
Root, Ana is still alive. You can fix this. There is still a chance she can be saved. I can't guarantee she will want you in the end but it's a step in the right direction. I think you owe her that much. The problem is you can't have her and Lorence together. That's not going to work, and in the end he would have been the end of you anyway. But if you want to be free from here you have to work with me on this. You being here serves no purpose other pain without purpose and end goal. The followers of The Ash Tree need someone to look towards for guidance. Lorence's rule is failing and they will go down with him without help, and Delilah... Well she's toxicity personified. With her at the helm you're likely to still lose everything, just a lot quicker and you are also bound to lose Ana as well.

But there is one option that might work. I make no fulfilling promises, but it does offer you a chance with better odds than you have now.

Name me as your one true heir and successor.

Before you accuse me of being power hungry, just hear me out. But what this does is it nullifies Lorence's and Delilah's power in one stroke. It makes me instantly more valuable and gets the target off your back. The wolves won't kill me, because I have something they want. I have Lorence's heart. I know where it is and I can get it to them.

If I am in the leadership position I want to help Ana and everyone else. I know you see yourself as a bad person, you made that one very clear with your statement. But no villain in history ever saw themselves as the bad guy. They all thought they were bringing some good into the world, perhaps misguided and biased, but they still believed. And in all honesty, something like what you brought this world was probably always bound to happen, just not on this supernatural scale. America was filled with corporate elitists who ran everything, bought out governments, and kept themselves at the top like a dragon sitting on a hoard of wealth. All you did was push their tower over. I've always believed that it was possible to not let the world affect you. But mankind is always going to look out for their own best interests over the wellbeing of others. I want to change that... If one must suffer and burn the world down to create a better one... Then so be it. I'll suffer for it.

"For only we... Shall be unhappy. There will be thousands of millions of happy babes but only a hundred thousand sufferers who have taken upon themselves the curse of the knowledge of good and evil. We shall keep the secret, and for their happiness we shall allure them with the reward of heaven and eternity."
No. 46780 ID: 3292e2
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No. 46781 ID: 5f4030
No. 46782 ID: 3292e2
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No. 46783 ID: 5f4030
Nice half-life reference. I’ll at least humor you and let you give me your sales pitch or whatever.
No. 46785 ID: 3292e2
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No. 46786 ID: b5fe3e
Ehhhh, it's a pretty interesting deal. But I notice a couple problems with your whole setup here and your deal with the wolves, humor me I am very curious about a few things.

Firstly, what did you offer Pack Leader in exchange for his soul? I have my suspicions that it's access to Lorence. After all both you and Lorence work together.

*turns to pack leader*
I hope you got it in writing the exact nature of what that entails if that's the case. If DerVan is just gonna let you take pot-shots at him that would be a pretty bum deal. Personally, I couldn't trust DerVan to save his life, the man is a compulsive liar. Who's to say what he actually sold you is gonna be worth anything. He's like a snake oil salesman that way.

If that is the case however, it probably means you also have a vested interest in seeing Lorence go down then too huh DerVan? In fact I'm willing to bet you know where Lorence keep's his real body, and that's what you gave them. Which I'm cool with and all, it works for me. But the thing is guys, you don't want to kill me, or imprison me or any of that. See, I want to take down Lorence as well, and I have the other thing needed for it.

I have his heart.

Now here's my counter offer. You can have Lorence, but you cannot go to war with the Knights. You can't have it both ways. If you go to war with them, I will not give you the heart and Lorence will go on and we'll be stuck back at square one. Now if you think the Knights will not allow this, I'm going to speak with them next. I want peace between these two factions. And the best way to do that is to give you both something you can agree with; a common enemy.

Also, I get Root, he's of no use to you, especially as he now, hell he's barely a bargaining chip with the whole broken phone schtick. If you let me wheel him out of here, and agree to not go to war with the Knight, I think we can make this work. What do you say?
No. 46791 ID: 3292e2
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No. 46793 ID: 422768
Why does it always have to be me against you? Either with you or against? It’s more frustrating than anything.

If I sign this just what exactly are you even going to do for me? Do you even really know what my best self is? Because for the most part it sounds like what you offer is just going create more problems. Because what I asked Root was to make me as his successor and heir, and that would put you in opposition to Delilah who you already made a deal with. And I’m doing this an an independent person by the way. I hold no allegiance to the Ash Tree followers or anyone.

Look the problem is you don’t even really know what it is I want, or what my “ideal self” is and it’s something I don’t think you can give me. Don’t get me wrong, I’m willing to sign if it means peace. But it has to be a guarantee and that relies on too many other people bending when they wouldn’t be willing to do so. Kind of like right now. I don’t want to believe a lie DerVan. Show me something that shows you mean what you say.
No. 46796 ID: 3292e2
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No. 46797 ID: 5f4030
You speak of arrogance as though I know everyone’s heart. And your right, I don’t. But I know my own and if you are determined to kill me DerVan consider this. If you have me killed the wolves will ultimately fail and your deals will crumble. Or maybe that’s what you want, after all you want their souls and their service. So whatever, as long as you get yours fuck everyone else right?

The god you refer to is named Morpheus the Dreamwalker, the brother of Absolution, god of dreams, logic, emotion, and freedom. He stood with you against a REAL demon that ended a universe and kept his allies in the fight even when it looked like all hope was lost. You came only to benefit yourself. You are no eagle, you’re a crow scavenging from others and whispering lies into their ear. And you have the gall to speak to me of arrogance? It’s kind of funny in a way, I am honest, I am a dreamer. But better an honest man with one goal, than a liar who only lives for crushing other’s dreams, it sounds quite miserable to be you.

What say you Pack Leader? Ultimately it must be you who decides to kill me where I stand. I have told you what I can offer you and what my hopes are for all this. And I’ve given you my warning of what will come from all this— The only thing left of the Lions and the Wolves will be what they leave for the carrion birds who come pick their corpses clean.

Whatever you decide Pack Leader, I’m ready.
No. 46802 ID: 3292e2
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No. 46803 ID: b5fe3e
Inner thoughts: Thanks Ace. Do you know how Native Americans would hunt bears with spears? When the bear lunged they would immediately jump around to the bears right side and stick it with the spear then back away so the bear could charge again. We're going to do something similar. You've already done the first part for me. Just keep the illusion going until I strike. We can only strike once and then create another one. I have my falchion and my mace, I don't think my buckler shield is going to protect me against it, and i'd rather not test the limits of my armor...

*runs around behind the wolf's right side, the buckler is strapped to the left arm. In the right hand is the falchion, and the left holds the mace*

It's tail is one of its main weapons, lets cut that off and hobble you! *cuts the tail with the falchion and swings the mace at its right leg then immediately retreats backwards*

No. 46804 ID: b5fe3e
Inner thoughts: Depending on its sense of hearing and smell we may also have to either discombobulate it with a loud enough sound, and we will probably definitely have to hits its nose. If we can fill it with blood, it shouldn't be able to smell us either. I'd rather not get close to that set of jaws... So we'll have to give one other thing a try. Just keep that illusion up.
No. 46813 ID: f017ae
File 163993507834.jpg - (1.73MB , 3865x1631 , BB 756.jpg )
No. 46814 ID: 5f4030
*uses falchion to cut away the mouth holding him in place*

*creates an illusion*

Inner thoughts: okay, theory proven. This thing is more amorphous and blob-like. Meaning I can cut this thing up from head to toe and it will regenerate. Meaning I need to find some center of mass core. I’m willing to bet it has some kind of protection around it…. Okay I know where to strike next.

*runs to the right side of it and stabs downward into its chest plunging it down and through and out the chest then pulls out and steps back*

Ace! *moves illusion*
No. 46816 ID: f017ae
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No. 46817 ID: f017ae
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If DerVan had a child this is how it would have looked

No. 46823 ID: 5f4030
Inner thoughts:ah fuck… this hurts… it’s alright I wasn’t a southpaw anyway. Keep that illusion up.

*looks around for what is in the immediate area. Who is watching? Are they armed? Etc.?*
No. 46825 ID: f017ae
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No. 46828 ID: f017ae
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The first rule of fighting, never stop staring at your opponent.

No. 46831 ID: 5f4030
Inner thoughts: Ace, you ever watched Naruto? We're going to shadow clone jutsu this. I'm going to start running in circles around it, have the illusion clones do the samel, try to keep it confused. In its confusion we go for one of the eyes with the mace.
No. 46832 ID: 5f4030
*first illusion is a smoke bomb, second is that 3 other different Anthony's appear all of us start to run in circles around the Wolf, when there's an opening we go for the eyes.*
No. 46834 ID: f017ae
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No. 46859 ID: 3292e2
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this is the celebration of my 5 years anniversary on this site, also is a way to celebrate the new year.

No. 46861 ID: 75a04e
*throws buckler away from the monster*

Inner thoughts: if these things react to motion in the ground I want to see how they’ll react.
No. 46863 ID: 3292e2
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No. 46865 ID: b5fe3e
Inner Thoughts: It's ironic, they are are acting like dolphins in way... But would probably crueler more like Orcas. Huh, you know there was an ancient belief that Orcas and Wolves were the same animal taking different shape depending on the season, Wolves in Winter and Orcas in Summer. I digress. They're all going after each one, let's fool them. Keep them confused. I'm going to keep backing up, make them all merge on me then when they're all about to converge, we bait and switch. I go invisible and they stay with the one double. The moment I go in and start smashing in the main body's face with the mace, loosen those teeth up. I want to keep it's eyes away from its main body.
No. 46867 ID: 3292e2
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No. 46875 ID: b5fe3e
Inner thoughts: Back up a little more, make it look like we are forming a half circle... Then, right as they about to attack drop the 4 doubles and make one that they will all go for. When we move I have one more thing that I want to do. How big and noisy can you get your illusions? The main bodies hearing is concerning and once the eyes figure out what's going on they're gonna come for me. I need to distract them further and maybe even drive them into a panic. If you can make illusions of swarms stinging hornets, that would drive anyone mad. It would keep the eyes underground, and the main body completely unable to hear me when I'm invisible.
No. 46877 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 46882 ID: 5f4030
Inner thoughts: Don't just put on a show make them look like they are all going at them, swarm them, maybe even get them to attack each other.... Hey there's an idea There's four of them, maybe really freak them out! Become 4 of them! Really get them to rip themselves apart trying to figure out who the imposters are! Do that while I take care of the big one here.

*Runs up with the mace in both hands swings it HARD into the big bad wolves face attempting to break its jaw and teeth.*
No. 46887 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 46890 ID: 0fa94e
Inner thoughts: HIT IT AGAIN! Ace keep them captivated, when you think they’re about to lose concentration make 4 copies of the eye wolves and attack them, get the riled up and attack each other
No. 46891 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 46893 ID: 5f4030
*reels back and cracks it in the face again harder and in the lower jaw*
No. 46898 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 46903 ID: 734422
Inner thoughts: I certainly don’t mind dying for everything. If anything it would be a reprieve from all the madness. But if there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s this asshole’s monolouging. Ace remember that old plan? The one thing that would probably kill someone? Time to do that. Complete sensory deprivation of the wolf. Surround him in darkness, block out it’s hearing, and remove all smell, and all loss of balance. Warp it’s mind.
No. 46912 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 46915 ID: 734422
Much obliged, thanks for the help. But I don’t leave this unfinished.
*goes over to the wolf’s side and pulls his sword out of its side then moves to decapitate that stunned wolf*
No. 46922 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 46924 ID: b5fe3e
Team work makes the dream work, let's do this! Ace!
*creates 2 clones of Anthony and 2 clones of the Pack leader*

I'll provide the distractions you go for the tail.
No. 46926 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 46927 ID: 5f4030
Inner thoughts: He said it didn't weigh much, so most of its power has to be in its mouth then... Alright, this is gonna hurt my shoulder but fuck it. I can't let him die.

*Anthony runs to the tail and grabs and swings with all his power that he can muster. Ignoring the pain in his shoulder. He attempts to swing it so that the sword in its side will be driven even further in and hopefully hit something important*
No. 46930 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 46932 ID: b5fe3e
Inner thoughts: Ace, I need complete sensory deprivation now! I'll try to stall

Okay, fine. But in doing so you risk a war and further complications with the Blind Will if you kill me.
No. 46934 ID: a198ff
And consider this for a moment, before you order us dead and have this wolf kill us. What does it gain you? Sure you put me in my place and all that, and you get to feel pride for a few moments but this is gonna bite you in the ass from more than you realize. Right now, the wolves have Root as their prisoner which arguably makes them the most powerful faction in this dimension right now. But all that talk of eagles and people flying above all that, he’s right. Who do you think is going to sweep in when they hear that one of the most powerful factions leader was killed by a member of the dimensional tribunal? Your enemy, Happy the Tragedy Phantom. I bet you a million to one he will take advantage of the wolves and the only one to blame will be you because you were too stubborn to back off because of arrogant pride.

As for me, no doubt you know I am a human descendent of Morpheus the Dreamwalker, it’s why I can wear this mask and walk through the fog. I am more vital to the Blind Will alive than dead for that very fact that a gods blood is in my veins, and I also know who is the human descendant of THEIR god, or at least his alternate self, The Rage Within? There’s one of them running around.

So go ahead DerVan. Kill me, I’m ready. I’ll get to hell just soon enough to hold the door open for you.
No. 46938 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 46939 ID: b5fe3e
Trev after this I will more than gladly shake your hand.

DerVan, again what do you offer me? So far, you've given me nothing I want in exchange. I'm not gonna put myself in that situation where you get everything and I get nothing. So, unless you actually have something I would want, the answer is still no.
No. 46940 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 46941 ID: b5fe3e
For their sakes, I'll agree. I don't want them to die. I may disagree with them on their fundamentals and beliefs but I am no one's enemy, and I won't drag them down or risk getting them killed for my own battles.

Beverly, Trevestian. Thank you for your help. Great wolf, you as well.
No. 46945 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 46946 ID: b5fe3e
*begins reading and examining the fine print*
No. 46948 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 46954 ID: 5f4030
Well for one it's never really been a good idea to ever sign something in blood. Good mainstream governing bodies and lawyers would accept contract signed in ink. And plus the fact that I can't read it is just kinda sketchy on your part. Maybe it's just a language barrier but this isn't good practice for-

Uh... Hey DerVan there's someone standing behind you...?
No. 46957 ID: 5f4030
Just doing it this way to save time and posting
Corax: Greetings, I was told that DerVan had a meeting regarding a deal involved in a case with someone who drew Happy the Tragedy Phantom. Since we are working together now DerVan I figure I had best sit in. What's happening?

Anthony: Uhh... Well, I WAS Fighting that wolf monster over there, DerVan is controlling it I guess? Or gives it its commands? I don't really know the ins and outs of how that works. But If I don't sign it it means I could die, I don't want to get these other people killed who stepped in, so I have to sign this contract in my blood I guess. But I can't read this contract so I have no idea if this even means anything.

Corax: ... *facepalms* For shame, DerVan. If this is the man who painted us that image of Happy without even seeing him, having him killed could be a colossal detriment to our cause. If we are to work together, I ask you to work on your pride. Letting him die would be a waste. Boy, let me see that contract.

Anthony: Uh... Sure? Here. If you can read it or make sense of it let me know. It might just be a language barrier.

*Anthony gives the contract to Corax through the window portal and lets him read it*
No. 46958 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 46959 ID: b5fe3e
Triumphant. You pick odd bed partners, and you can deal with that one on your own. As for Ms. Algich, we discussed that one earlier so save your breath. Besides, you're wearing the horns so I trust nothing that comes out of your mouth.

What I am curious about is what you would need his blood for? This document is entirely scribbles and nonsense. It's clear what is needed for the deal to go through is his blood meaning the "signing" of the "contract" entirely irrelevant, only getting his blood matters. Quite disturbing the fact that you require blood for this. And besides, if that's all you needed your wolf probably already has some based on the Man's injuries. You could have ended this the moment he was hurt. Or perhaps once you have his blood you can write whatever kind of contract you want on this.
No. 46960 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 46963 ID: 85dfd5
Anthony: … You know DerVan, you would have gotten a lot farther with me if you had just stated that much at the start with that you want to break Lorence. Tell you what I won’t sign this with my blood, but if your goal is to ruin Lorence, I’m in. If you have something for me to do that can bring him down, I’m all for it.

Corax: HAHAHAHA! See what happens when you use a little bit of honesty DerVan, you made an ally! And you didn't even need to use trickery to do it! Good for you! i I doub you will be needing this anymore. *rips contract* Instead I will draft one for you that is completely binds both of you and you may both sign it as two parties agreeing to the terms.
No. 46964 ID: 85dfd5
Anthony: can I get a copy of it? I’ll sign it in blood if he will.

Corax: Seems fair.
No. 46965 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 46967 ID: b5fe3e
*writes out in neat copperplate handwriting*

Professional Negotiative and Services Agreement and Contract
This professional service and negotiations agreement, dated as of this day February 1st, is by and between the parties DerVan Glassharuder, Lawyer and representative of the Dimensional Tribunal; and Anthony of the Broken Universe, unaffiliated but is hereby upon signing of this document considered an ally and conservator of DerVan and by extension the dimensional tribunal in its entirety.

Introductory Clause and Agreements: Whereas, Anthony desires to retain his individual freedoms granted to him by his position and birth upon Broken Universe, assist the Dimensional Tribunal, and assist in bringing down the rogue agent, hereby referred to as Lorrence upon the terms and conditions.

In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, the parties agree to the clauses as follows:
Clause 1. DerVan is hereby set forth as Anthony's guardian beyond dimensions, and protector ensuring his safety from any malicious attack (see clause 6 for further elaborations)
as were to come from the rogue agent Lorence or greater dimensional threats (see definitions).
Clause 2. DerVan shall act as legal and diplomatic counsel for Anthony in any and all dealings with the dimensional tribunal. NOTE: This clause shall be void if Anthony does not retain his ends of this agreement as set forth in the introductory clauses.
Clause 3. Anthony shall adhere to all requests set forth by the dimensional tribunal, provided they are signed and notarized by an official ruling party. Any and all requests without this notarization are hereby null and void.
Clause 4. Any and all attempts to remove the rogue agent, Lorence, shall be conducted by both parties with mutual agreement to share in benefits and rewards. NOTE: Should any one party attempt to seize any benefit or reward from the other by any means not agreed upon hereafter, this clause shall be null and void.
Clause 5. DerVan shall retain full honesty and maintain working relations with Anthony, under the agreement that Anthony upholds his end of said agreement to work upon when called to action as deemed necessary by DerVan or the greater Dimensional Tribunal.
Clause 6. In exchange for services rendered unto Dervan and he greater Dimensional Tribunal, Anthony is to be given limited and protective services for himself and any hereby or hereafter spouse, family, or allies as dictated by any direct covenants. NOTE: Any and all covenants with outside parties must be proven of value to the Dimensional Tribunal, or have also formed a separate covenant with DerVan in order for this to apply.

1. Any malicious attack as were to come from the rogue agent Lorence or greater and outer dimensional threats: This hereby is defined as any outside threat that comes from outside the Broken Universe to which Anthony claims as his place of dimensional residence: up to and including:
- any and all outer dimensional threats such as Happy the Tragedy Phantom,
- or malicious entities from the greater or lesser universes,
- rogue agents from the Dimensional Tribunal who no longer represent them under scrutiny and court of law
2. DerVan shall act as legal and diplomatic counsel for Anthony in any and all dealings with the dimensional tribunal: DerVan is hereby defined as the liaison between Anthony and any outside dimensional activity. Should Anthony chose to leave the Broken Universe and seek new residence outside such a dimension, DerVan shall accommodate as necessary including giving asylum to Anthony and his immediate family.
3. To work upon when called to action as deemed necessary by DerVan or the greater Dimensional Tribunal: Anthony shall upon certain times and as needed be called into action as a representative, seer, consultant, and police sketch artist of the Dimensional Tribunal in certain situations. Upon such a time, Anthony must honor the agreed upon terms as set for by the aforementioned Clauses and definitions. Should Anthony refuse to uphold his agreements, he shall lose any and all privileges and benefits as set forth by this contract. NOTE: Being physically and/or emotionally unavailable due to illness, death, or other physical handicaps does not constitute as refusal to uphold this contract.
4. Anthony is to be given limited and protective services for himself and any hereby or hereafter spouse, family, or allies as dictated by any direct covenants: Anthony and his family shall be entitled to all benefits, and protections afforded by DerVan and the Greater Dimensional Tribunal as they become available to him. Any and all allies that he accumulates whether political or through his own actions shall not receive said benefits unless a previously establish covenant/contract with Dervan and/or the greater Dimensional Tribunal has been made.

This contract is hereby notarized and made official,
Signed: Alyosha Karamazov, detective and legal acting agent of the Great Dimensional Tribunal.

DerVan Glashrauder: _____________________________________

Anthony of the Broken Universe: _____________________________________
No. 46968 ID: 85dfd5
*writes up a second copy and gives one to each of them*
Gentlemen, here you go. Do you both find the terms acceptable? If so you may sign it in your blood, though for the sake of this new partnership signing it in ink will be more than enough. Then pass the signed copy across to the other for them to sign.
No. 46970 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 46971 ID: b5fe3e
*signs his name with a pen he had one him*
Not really keen on signing in blood, mate. Trade-sies!

*signs the copy DerVan gave him* I guess that's that then?
No. 46972 ID: b5fe3e
Honored to have your approval, sir. And honored to see I can help foster better negotiations for it all.
No. 46974 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 46976 ID: 3e7c34
Corax: He just gave you the one he signed, and he has the one you signed. You both have a copy, and your signatures are on on both… Keep up.

Anthony: no need to be rude sir. Good working with you DerVan
No. 46977 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 46979 ID: 5f4030
I will write up another copy later. The sad thing is about lying so much is you assume everyone else is a liar. I told you exactly who told me, Triumphant and Daro, this was during my meeting with Dino so he can corroborate this. As for burning the contract, You realize that failing to uphold your ends means that young man doesn’t have to help you now?

But here’s the thing. It seems what you wanted to was defame him and make him look foolish. Here’s what I saw. You had a young human, with others behind him willing to fight for him and yet he stands down not because he is scared or too injured but because he doesn’t want them to get hurt further. When given the opportunity to make amends you gripe and grumble and even admit you want to make him look weak, but you make him look protective, and now even the wolf who you said you made a deal with may be questioning your ability to guide them. I will remind YOU of your role. You are meant to be contractor and your word is useless if you are not beholden to it. What good is your protection and your promises if you do not keep them? The fact that the biggest stressor was that I was “introducing chaos into your chaos” was… honestly that was pathetic.

Do better, sir.
No. 46985 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 46988 ID: ec83f4
Of course sir. But, even when looking at the big picture, one has to keep in mind, the devil is in the details *shakes his hand*
No. 46998 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 47000 ID: cbb734
Mmm, big shocker. There’s really no one that can really call themselves a good person anymore. Even I’m not sure if I can, but I’m trying. As for I came here, it’s pretty simple, I came here to bring you back if I could, and stop the fighting between the wolves and the knights.

The fact is Root, or Vladislav, or whatever you wanna go by, you’re not actually the worst person out there. And I think you kind of know that too. At best you’re a fool who’s let people manipulate you your entire life, because it maybe gave you a sense of somewhere to belong, and maybe you’ve also faced little repercussions and consequences for it up until now. As for the fog, yeah your are responsible but all you really did was help push the boat out. There’s other people responsible for it all, but it’s gonna have to fall to you to clean it all up.

I’ve had a couple vision’s lately, and the honest truth is Lorence would have you killed if you were too much a of problem for him and his status quo. As for the wolves here I know they are violent people who’ve probably done some horrible things just because they could. But I know there’s a few good people here too, just like there’s good people with the knights and in your compound. Those the ones worth saving. There’s not gonna be any winner in all of this if the two fight. I’d say all I’ve done here for now is postpone everything.

I guess what I’m trying to say is, I’m just trying to do the right thing. I’ve done a whole lot of nothing, and I’ve gotten taken advantage of my people who used me and my art for very bad means. And I don’t want to be the kind of person that does nothing anymore. I want to do the best I can without losing my humanity and hopefully I can others see theirs too. I know your saying is “we sacrifice our humanity,” because it’s seen as a kind of weakness, but I see it as my greatest strength. If anything it lets me see the best in people even when they can’t see it themselves I guess.

I was serious when I said I would be your chosen successor. I mean, it’s not like I desperately want it, but I’d take the responsibility of it. If anything I find the idea of being the leader more terrifying. But if I had it, I’d try to do the best for everyone that I could, and that includes you.

I’d say that if we want to get out of here, we have two options. One, we fight our way out. But I mean hey that’s not ideal, hell I’m exhausted. Two, it seems I have gained some respect from the great wolf. If you were to name me as the true successor we could probably use that to get out of here. Heh, at the very least it would be one hell of a tale. A knight goes to the enemy and not only brings back the king, he fights a monster, creates peace with a devil, and forges an alliance for the kingdom, and is declared the prince. It’s almost pathetically storybook like. But it’s the kind of shit that works.

I guess it’s up to you in the end though. So I’ll give you that choice, I won’t try to manipulate you into it all. I want you to have the agency to make your own decisions. You deserve that much my friend.
No. 47004 ID: cbb734
*Anthony leans back as he thinks back to his dream of an enormous battle, where there is no winner, save for the ravens and scavengers who will feast on them, someone he cannot see who being led to a scaffold where a noose is tied to an ash tree. And their final maddened speech, laughing to the crowd or maybe to the darkened sky of the fog but he proclaims one final prophecy.*
Inner thoughts:
Come and see!
Come and see the death of humanity upon a shore of corpses!
Broken heads! Spilled guts! Scorched flesh!
Come and see those who remain tearing each other’s throats out!
Rivers of poison shall flow through their halls!
Oathbreakers! Philanderers! Murderers! *he sees a fallen knight and failed leader, a pale woman with venom coming from her mouth, and a walking corpse*
All shall wade through those rivers!
Come and see!
Come and see!
*and then he is hung.*
No. 47006 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 47007 ID: b5fe3e
Ah good you're here, good thing too I gotta joke for you Lorence, what's a prisoner's favorite punctuation mark? A period, because it marks the end of a sentence! Ha! But no seriously, shove off corpse walker, I wasn't talking to you.

It's alright Vlad, I get it. I'm sure at the time you thought you did need their help, and I know you were doing some good. Hell, from what I know you went around the world picking up the downtrodden and freeing people from slave-like conditions. Just makes me sad that so many people you helped took advantage of you for their own gain. If anything that was doing more good for the world than you know, fuck had you gone public or released that to the media, imagine what could have happened...

What I don't get though is it's by your own admission that was Lorence who continues to use you and take advantage of your position, and the entire reason they are the way they act now is because he had the reins on this one. If anything that's also kinda tragic given how much you helped him... Or well I guess it was another version of you, but the principle still applies. Lorence now just kinda asserted himself. As for the position thing, well I don't know. It's a nice thought but I'm certainly not gonna hold my breath about it. Heh, first thing I'd do though is create taco tuesday, no reason other than its just funny. And yeah Delilah is going for it but Lorence is blocking her at every turn. At least that's something.

Well I think I wanna stay here for a while before I do anything, because I've done a lot of demonizing and I've been angry for a while. But hey, you know that old Abraham Lincoln saying "I destroy my enemies when I make them my friends." If anything I'd want to be your friend. And strangely enough, just chilling out and shooting the shit with you is just kinda fun. Out of curiosity, what are your voices telling you to do right now? If the one who freed Lorence is with you I wonder what he thinks of him now. I met Ana only once and I never got to ask her what the voices were like before... Well long story there, hopefully one with a happy ending.
No. 47009 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 47010 ID: b5fe3e
Probably betrayal of your principles and your beloved status quo. Anything that doesn't suit that has to go right? And since you enforce the status quo it would be trying to get rid of you. How else better to do it that with someone on the inside?

And Christ, man that sounds like a personal kind of hell. How come you can't just tell them to shut up? They're YOUR voices after all, and they can't really do anything other than watch and advise. They can be disappointed or angry but what the hell else can they do? It is interesting to know they can speak with other people like Lorence though, I guess that answers what happened to the Root who freed him to begin with, probably still helping him.
No. 47013 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 47014 ID: 5f4030
The road to heaven is paved with corpses. Well any heaven that involves countless people dead is not one I want to a be a part of. Make any excuse you want, try to make yourself as noble as you want. You’re still a special kind of coward, a monster with a million excuses and justifications, but it doesn’t make you any less of a monster, Now piss off.

Man, and people try to tell me I’m arrogant…

And that’s actually interesting Vlad, I wonder if that’s the one that did battle with the version of Ana that calls itself “Scarred Ana.” She also had some deals with Absolution, so I assume the blind will was there too. Do your versions have names or titles they refer to themselves as? I imagine trying to have some of form individuality for them is kinda hard.
No. 47016 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 47017 ID: 4e4b70
You think I would join them? Lorence I painted them as monsters and I’ve seen what they’ve done. You hit the point and yet some how still missed it.

Hey don’t look at me on this one bud, I’m not gonna pretend she is innocent in all of this. I’m pretty sure she killed Dr. Lester, or at least tried to. I haven’t seen much of him lately. She’s a known violent sociopath, what I worry is if she has come into contact with them and made deals then what would happen if an assassination attempt happens. Lorence doesn’t necessarily have the best track record of assassinating members and followers and people who are associated with them. If anything you’re probably better off trying to make peace with wolves so they can do it. They managed capture Logan and you, of course that would only lead to more issues with the knights as well. Probably not a great call.
No. 47024 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 47025 ID: 5f4030
It’s called diplomacy Lorence, I signed so I could make him look more foolish and me more reasonable to the wolves. I would trust DerVan about as much as I trust a poisonous scorpion. And also it’s the wolves that have me in this cell, not the blind will. If they wanted me dead they wouldn’t have bandaged me up.

Also what the hell is up with this? He comes into this saying he’s gonna assassinate your sister who is very dangerous, and then can even be assed to give you the full details? This smells like shit, and a turds a turd no matter how much you try to polish it up.
No. 47029 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 47030 ID: 5f4030
Okay, so Ace you see that too. Good to know that it’s not just a another hallucination. So what can I do for you shadow man? Also can you just not with the threats, it’s not cool.
No. 47032 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 47033 ID: b5fe3e
option 1
No. 47034 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 47105 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 47107 ID: 5f4030
No, I get it, I’m sure you saw what crawled into my wound, and if you know what spirit parasites are, then it was the right call to lock me in here until you are sure. As for how I’m feeling aside from kinda hurting and sore from my fight, feeling pretty good. Thanks for having my back throughout that whole thing, it actually meant a lot. Speaking of DerVan I had a dream about him. Turns out what’s in me isn’t a spirit parasite. It’s some kind of robot that lets DerVan see through my eyes. A bit creepy I guess, but hey I signed that contract, I just hope he has the decency to turn it off when me and Cleo are together.
No. 47108 ID: d63ea8
*They tilt their head the other way.*

A convenient explanation. And one that doesn't help with our current situation.

From the moment you've arrived there has been nothing but baggage. You bring new enemies, and charge head first into battle because of your 'convictions.'

I'm try to decided if that is an asset or a hinderance.

I want Lorence dead, same as you. But if your 'ethical impulses' get in the way of that, we will have a problem. If we are to work together you need to be focused, and not be distracted by every little thing that pops up in your way.
No. 47109 ID: 5f4030
Heh, you’re telling me. You’re definitely not wrong about the distractions, funny thing is I never actually try to seek them out, they always find me.
No. 47112 ID: d63ea8

Their intent is not the point at play here, your response is. If all it take is for someone to approach and insult your 'ideals,' then you are too easily provoked.
No. 47113 ID: b5fe3e
I suppose, but doesn't that also kind put the burden of it on them as well? If my "ideals" clash with theirs and they immediately see me as a problem, all without ever having spoken to me or anything? Y'know?

But it is what it is, i'll try to keep that all in check.
No. 47114 ID: b5fe3e
but hey I know talk is cheap, words speak louder than actions. So how are we gonna do this?
No. 47115 ID: d63ea8
Well, if you are so eager to act then, why not show your powers of clairvoyance? How can we hunt an eagle who can so easily shed their form? Are there any new elements at play that even he might not be aware of?

I of course have my network, but against someone who is never surprised, we will need an edge that can't be found by conventional means.
No. 47116 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 47117 ID: d63ea8
My business is to hunt Lorence. But if he can make and sacrifice corpse-puppets so authentic that they fool my wolves, then we need a different approach.

If this prisoner has information, he is useful. If DeRvan is watching, all the better. Means that this one will think twice before betraying us.

*Looks from the two back to Anthony.*

And if he does, then he will be discarded.
No. 47119 ID: 5f4030
Well good thing I don't intend to betray you then. As for if DeRvan is watching, I have no doubt he is. And yeah I was talking with Root, but you should know he has also connected to Lorence who might be able to do the same thing as DeRvan. I suggest you guys move this out of here. You can let me out or not, it doesn't matter to me. Give me a sheet of paper and I'll write out some names of some allies you'll want in your camp.
No. 47120 ID: d63ea8
*He looks to the members of Blind Will.*

You both can help verify the names if that you would put you at ease. Then we can decide if he's worth the risk of being brought with us.
No. 47122 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 47123 ID: b5fe3e
I'm two faced huh? Mm. Pot, meet kettle.

Oh boy... Here we go. Well given that I had a dream about this, I'm to be bait for a villain known as a Happy the Tragedy Phantom and I've been made into bait. Probably as some kind of trap to set for them. Funny thing is though DeRvan even thinks Happy might be aware of me and watching me even now.

If that's the case, Hi there puppet man! The pawn is right here out in the open, and the bishop is about to make their move!
No. 47124 ID: b5fe3e
You know, something just occurred to me. If I am just a pawn in everyone else game here, either as bait or as some asset to be used, the lame part about all of this is a lot of people want to rob me of my own agency and choices that I can make. Or they want nothing to do with me, and will just leave me to die, because of "baggage." When I do try to make my own decisions, I get lambasted or shamed for being "foolish" or "impulsive" because of "my convictions." Ah, well, self pity gets you nowhere. What are the rest of your theories?
No. 47126 ID: d63ea8
Being dramatic won't help your case.

You came here seeking allies, you came here to advance your own goals. The choices you've made have brought you here, and ultimately it is your choice to be useful and thus earn our support in return.

So don't act as though you are above it all, you are no eagle. You wish to use our resources, we wish to use your talents. Hence why you are here, and why we might work together.

And if I were to guess the intentions of our dear patron DeRvan, I'd assume that the signing process was to ensure that he'd at least get something out of this encounter. So in case the artist changes his mind, this entire encounter wouldn't end up turning into a colossal waste of time, like it is right now.
No. 47127 ID: b5fe3e
> Being dramatic won't help your case.
Yeah, no shit.
No. 47128 ID: b5fe3e
And I'm not changing my mind, for the time being DeRvan and I's goals align so it is what it is. I think this is kind of a waste of time as well going through this. I'd like to just give you the names and be done with this.
No. 47132 ID: 8b82ee
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First half music


Second half music

No. 47133 ID: 41a5bb
Hmm. Well, I don’t like that. If that’s the case I’ll just attack everyone on my way out of here and let myself die. If all I’m expected to do is die, then I’ll die on my own terms. So pack leader here will either just have to kill me or keep me locked up. Also if he wants to kill Lorence he’s gonna need me cuz I have his heart which he’s gonna need. Otherwise best of luck and piss off.

But in all honesty, I think your bluffing. If your not though ain’t like I got much to lose.
No. 47135 ID: d63ea8
*The Pack Leader gives a long sigh.*

"This situation is rapidly eating through my patience. Look, if what you say is true then this could've just been done with a bomb or an equally infected hedgehog. Seeing as either would be both easier to manage and wouldn't involve telling the subject about their immanent demise, I would guess that this is just a lie. A lie to under the skin of the artist, and to waste time."

"So do you have anything useful to add or was that it?"

*He then looks to Anthony.*

"And you, the reason why he is doing this is to get a reaction. One that you keep giving him. But this isn't a schoolyard, and you can't just punch your bully in the face. If you want to stay locked up, fine. We will come up with a different plan, and it won't involve you."

*He gives another sigh and then a growl.*

"But if everyone is willing to stop acting like children, then maybe, maybe we can kill Lorence. Artist, you mentioned his heart, explain."
No. 47136 ID: 3e7c34
The whole keeping me locked up was more for your benefit, and that’s assuming she’s not bluffing. Honestly, I like you guys, I do. But you gotta look at it from my perspective. For longest time I was content to just paint and do art and suddenly I’m a celebrity. I never asked for it, it just happened. Then the moment I try to put myself out there to help people and do the right thing, I get shut down and told I’m arrogant and that I should just stay In my fucking lane. Ugh, whatever, dramatics ain’t shit.

The issue with the heart, I and my friend have Lorence’s heart given to me by… a colleague. He liked to get a rise out of me too… But yeah if you want to get at Lorence, you’re gonna need his heart to finish him off. He doesn’t know I have it, or where I put it.
No. 47137 ID: d63ea8
That's the danger of being a wolf. You have to constantly fight for you're territory, and without a pack, that fight is never-ending. You can't just hunker down and wait for the danger to pass like an armadillo anymore. So if you are adamant on fighting for you place here, then you need to grow a thicker skin.

Getting back to the topic at hand. I guess that we need to kill more than Lorence's heart, otherwise you would've done it already. What else to we need to finish him off, and not have him be replaced by one of his 'puppets?'
No. 47138 ID: b5fe3e
His actual brain and body. I've only seen it once and it looks more like a dessicated corpse. Price of immortality I guess. That's the one DeRvan is probably gonna have to take on the role of finding, assuming anything does can be trusted. I know he's moved it out of this universe but that's about it.
No. 47140 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 47142 ID: b5fe3e
Were it my choice, I'd like to be a human that can fight like a cornered wolf... Basically, I'd want to be a hero.

So, what is it you are offering? If you want this thing in me it's yours provided you can voodoo it out of me.
No. 47144 ID: d63ea8
"Bull, check up on our sentries. Make sure nothing else has gotten past our defenses."

*Pack Leader looks to Anthony.*

"I hope that you aren't proving Black Tomato right, and trying to trade us out for another ally."

*He then turns to the new figure.*

"And I'm not sure about you, but I see Lorence as a sizeable enough target. If you set out to kill a god then the first thing you will encounter is your own death."
No. 47146 ID: b5fe3e
Not unless you have a god on your side too. That list I was gonna tell you about? Here's the people I recommend. Some of them will need some persuading or they will need to be saved from the Ash Tree followers as they are prisoners. But if you get them, they will be staunch allies. One of them you already know.

First is Erik Skallagrimsson, he is a Wolf like you. He's actually a possible candidate for the next great wolf unless I'm mistaken.
Dante Vargas, he's also trying to take down Lorence and I've helped him behind the scenes a bunch. He's friends with Erik too so they will go hand in hand together as a team.
Gretel Drasbart, also known as Epidemic Gretel. She is a healer and doctor. She admires Godfrey a lot, but I'm about to get into that one, if we can stop the war between the knights and you she will listen to reason. And speaking of which...
Balian the Young Lion, he's a good man and one of Godfrey's friends. If anyone can convince Godfrey to stop this war its him.
Blacky the Smith, He was mauled by Stitch but I've seen dreams where blacksmithing gods have him a set of Iron Hands to work with. He may be hiding in secret but if anyone will know where he is...
It's Bleeding Jimmy, but that's all a front. She's Gretel's sister and her protector. She is adopting a new persona of Jackie the Mad Cook. But I could be wrong.
Thomas Mackabee, a U.S. marine sniper that is under Lorence's employ. I can't speak for his character but I know he still has a soldier's honor.
Jospeh Krueger, another former U.S. Marine but he's turned over a new leaf as a kind of doctor. He's something of a pacifist now but very good at diplomacy and human understanding. If need be though I'm sure he could take up his old tactics again. His specialty was demolitions and artillery.
Shango Aveiro, a brazilian Martial artist a good person who may still be fighting in the city or hiding out in the forests. As long as you don't come to him hostile he will hear you out.
Laura the Dream Witch, she's the apprentice of my god-sire, The Dreamwalker, long story there, but the short of it is she is one who helped kill an evil known as Essence of Life. If you want to get a god on your side, help her.
And lastly... Connor Morghain, he's like me, a mortal that is the descendent of a god. *looks to Black Tomato* your god specifically, or at least a part of him. Specifically, a part that represents rage and survival of the fittest, a being known as "The Rage Within." If he gets access to that power, he'll be a literal demon on the battlefield for you. I don't know if he will be willing to listen, I know he likes a good fight, so you may have to box him or brawl to get him to listen. But I bet you could convince him that a better fight can be had fighting against Lorence.
No. 47147 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 47148 ID: 5f4030
Hmm… Well I mean I can try to find out? I did draw Happy without ever having met him before. Sooo…? Maybe???
No. 47154 ID: d63ea8
*To Bull:*

"A drone managed to slip inside, it just seems to be a projector. Have some of the warriors do a sweep of the compound, we don't want any more surprise guests tonight."

*To the new figure.*

"I don't care about these wider designs, my target is Lorence. And I will see to it that he is dealt with permanently. So how does he avoid death? And how would your solution fix than?"
No. 47156 ID: 8b82ee
File 164902580568.jpg - (1.84MB , 1792x3149 , BB 831.jpg )
No. 47158 ID: b5fe3e
Mostly being used. So what's the correlation between being used and being a monster?

And don't call him a lapdog. I know we're all angry right now but insults won't make it better. It just makes more enemies.
No. 47172 ID: d63ea8
*To Bull:*

"I'll see what I can learn on my end. Good luck with the search."

*To Anthony:*

"Society is centered around using one another to your own end. You came to me to find allies, to use the resources I have at my disposal, and to dismantle the cult. I wish to use you against my hated foe, and your information -if deemed accurate- will be helpful in achieving that end."

*To the projected figure:*

"What I don't understand is what you want. You talk of destroying this 'greater world order,' but I don't see what you gain from it. It makes me wonder if you have a different intent in mind. Such as delaying us, or distracting us."
No. 47178 ID: 8b82ee
File 164983848274.jpg - (1.75MB , 2480x2398 , BB 832.jpg )
No. 47180 ID: 5f4030
Am I gonna die from it? Probably not. It just doesn’t make sense to kill me this way, especially given who it came from I can’t believe anything said. Like I said, if you want it it’s yours. And I’ve always believed, a choice between living a dying is no choice at all.
No. 47194 ID: 8b82ee
File 165058503459.jpg - (1.40MB , 3054x1278 , BB 833.jpg )
No. 47197 ID: b5fe3e
No. 47199 ID: d63ea8
*The Pack Leader gives a long sigh.*

"I trust you will join up with this new figure after our business with Lorence is dealt with, or are you jumping ship right now?"
No. 47201 ID: 648b29
No. 47208 ID: 8b82ee
File 165093279980.jpg - (2.11MB , 3334x2111 , BB 834.jpg )
No. 47211 ID: 8b82ee
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What is currently going through the mind of Corax.

No. 47212 ID: 8b82ee
File 165101809051.jpg - (316.25KB , 604x786 , BB 836.jpg )


What seems to be the problem, no dick?
No. 47224 ID: e51896
Now that you're done talking to them, I can finally speak to you without them hearing me. So, how did your spying and conversation with those weirdos go Spirit Contaminator? Did they sate your curiosity, or do you need your medication? then again, you do seem fine right now, so you probably don't need it right now. Emotional suppression is unhealthy after all... but eh, I'm not your parent.

I wanted to ask, you talk about how so much more would be able to be accomplished in this world with the damned tribunal organization out of our hair... but I wonder, do we all have a contingency plan for the possibility that Andrew Goodwill escapes the prison the Tribunal kept him in after they are out of the picture, and starts a multiversal apocalypse? It seems like the Tribunal and others believe they are the only line of defense to make sure his freedom doesn't happen, which annoyingly gives them the false disturbing mindset that they could do whatever they want to us...

Well, whether you have one or not, It'd be an interesting thing to witness. Who knows, maybe Andrew Goodwill won't actually hurt anyone when he's unleashed and give everyone a free car or something.

In any case, it seems like the organization's entire goal is to make sure Andrew Goodwill doesn't escape, and is pulling all sorts of nasty unfair laws against the weaker people because they all fear Andrew that much. If that is the case, maybe we should consider using the possible wrath of Andrew Goodwill against the organization as a fear tactic. But what do I know?

But I'm still interested in knowing if you have a contingency plan regarding Andrew Goodwill if he were to escape after the Tribunal investigation has now power over us, and decides to wreck thing... or if we just want to watch the world burn as payment for our freedom from the Tribunal's wrath?
No. 47226 ID: b5fe3e
Hey wait a minute, I think I just realized a fatal flaw in this whole using me as a suicide bomb. Lorence has an idea about me now, and knowing his ultra paranoid ass he won't let me get even close to him. How exactly do you expect this to work when you're already taking a long shot?
No. 47229 ID: 8b82ee
File 165153754017.jpg - (1.53MB , 1977x2393 , BB 837.jpg )
No. 47231 ID: d63ea8
I ask that you not antagonize the artist further. I understand that it is easy, but it is also unproductive.

Your 'detonation' is meant to destroy Lorence's defenses, not him. Lorence will die by my hand.

Also, who and what are you?
No. 47234 ID: b5fe3e

You, I know you don't I? You sound pretty familiar at the very least.
No. 47237 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 47238 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 47240 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 47243 ID: e51896
Inner thoughts: Why does it feel like I just been gaslighted by some otherworldly powerful forces as some kind of a huge prank for shits a giggles? I specifically remember being with spirit contaminator in a dark before falling asleep and now I'm seeing this guy holding me after I thought I was still with Spirit Contaminator... wait, was I in his pocket the whole time? did Happy put me in his pocket or something, and he's just throwing me under the bus like that claiming he just "found" me talking?

Inner thouts: If he really did find me from my alone voice, he would have found me and brought me up sooner rather than later because I spent an amount of time being silent after my mistake, so he could not have found me afterwards from my voice alone unless he knew about me, or I was in his pocket instead of hiding in the room somewhere.

inner thoughts: that asshole! wow, and I thought we were in the same team... I'm never trusting anyone ever again. Well, if he's going to throw me under the bus like that, he should have checked to see who was driving the damn bus. everyone's actions in this world have consequences, and don't think you are exempt from that rule, asshole. This world loves seeing people suffer after all, so it would probably want to see him suffer too...

inner thoughts: if he's going to be taking me down like a coward like that, I'm taking him down with me... but I'll have to be careful with how I word things here, I can't get these guys too suspicious of me. I have to make it look like it was these people that figured out Black Tomato is working for Happy instead of me spelling it out... who knows, maybe they'll let me be a mole spying on Happy's team instead of capturing and killing me. I can't let Demoria down... not again...

inner thoughts: bah who am I kidding, I've failed so many times with no success... I just know this is predictably not going to work and Black Tomato is going to get off the hook... well, I'm already screwed, even if I know this will not work, I might as well see how much worse everything can get...

...to the naive artist, I forget who accused you, but someone earlier minutes ago said you were somebody who is playing on all the sides in order to get what you wanted from everyone, like as if you were manipulating people... and yet you didn't defend yourself. I want to ask, is your silence an admission of guilt? Are you really as untrustworthy as we believe you to be?

If you're not guilty of being a parasite leeching off and taking advantage of people, why don't you prove me wrong? I want you to think about something with your dense mind. from what you have witnessed from your memories, and from your dreams, can you think of anyone that better fits that description more than you?, someone who has helped or aligned themselves to the cult, Ana, Wolfpack, or whatever other dreamers who are wasting their lives away on a wild goose chase? I bet you can't...

Inner thoughts: Hopefully I didn't make myself look like a traitor to spirit contaminator by disguising pointing the finger at Black Tomato of manipulation by accusing the artist of wrongdoing ... I hope you can realize Black tomato fits that description, artist... not sure if he'll connect him with him being a perfect worker for Happy... either way, if he can't figure it out, it'd be nice to see a follower of dreamwalker take the fall for how Laura abandoned me as revenge... the seeds are planted. Lets see if they'll grow into a fruit, or if it'll just be weeds as usual
No. 47248 ID: b5fe3e
I play both sides? Since when? I have a pretty clear line that I draw between who I want to associate with and not. If you want someone who fits that description, How about Happy the Tragedy phantom? Or Spikey the Pain Clown, Delilah, shit, how about Lorence? All of them manipulate people and are WAY better at being forward about it. A lot of them either expect you to fall in line, or just dance to their tune.

Happy fancies himself a puppet master, and has who knows how many people dancing to his tune in order to get whatever he wants.
Spikey the Pain Clown? He is a psychopath who likes playing with dead things and manipulate other, including myself to get what he wants. Shit he's the one who gave me Lorence's heart and he is in with the cult. Delilah? I mean come one she's trying to gain as much power as she can because she's a sociopath and probably want to get out of her brothers shadow, she'll do whatever she wants. Lorence? It's fucking LORENCE.

And besides you sound like you're DARVOing this at the moment. Trying to shift blame on to me for...

HA! Okay, okay, okay! You want someone who plays both sides? Try the figures holding you at the moment. Sorry, Tomato, but you and the Blind Will do fit the bill.
No. 47252 ID: d63ea8
"Artist, you -not fourty seconds ago- agreed to align yourself in fight against 'a greater villainy' with an new individual while in a meeting discussing you allegiance to us."

"Now that isn't to say that anyone is absent of ulterior motives. As I said, we each use one another to achieve our own goals. But jumping onto every new bandwagon that approaches you will eventually lead to a conflict of interest."

*The Pack Leader sighs again.*

"Now. If there aren't anymore spies ready to pop out of the woodwork, I believe we have the topic of the assault to return to."

"Black Tomato, please pass that through the portal so there aren't any more distractions from this meeting."
No. 47253 ID: a6bfcf
Pfft. If you wanted to talk about conflicts of interests it’s too fucking late for that. I hate pretty everyone here and yet here I am.

And don’t talk to me of bandwagons when you jumped on one to become an immortal. So yeah, pot meet kettle. Are you gonna let me out of this goddamn cage yet? I’m tired of looking at backstabbers I don’t want to work with but have to, crazy spirit parasites, and DeRvans side chick over here.
No. 47254 ID: d63ea8
"I bring it up because it seems like your choices are directionless and opportunistic. I chose immortality so I could face one who appeared immortal. You seem to be joining every group offers itself forward and picking fights with new enemies along the way."

*Pack Leader looks to Black Tomato.*

"Should I let him out, or do you think he might try something?"
No. 47255 ID: 5f4030
Those who trade their morality and humanity for the sake of power deserve nothing. But whatever, for the moment our goals align, that much is certain. I didn’t come here looking to pick a fight. But since DerVan decided to give me one, suddenly I’m a fool in everyone’s eyes. Whatever, that’s how most people see me any way.

I ain’t gonna try shit. You all helped me out during the fight with the wolf, and despite whatever your motives are or how manipulative you all are, I can still work with someone who I don’t like. I don’t really like any of you, hell I down right despise the most of you. But you’re good at your jobs if nothing else.

Also for what it’s worth I don’t know if I actually said thank for your help in that fight either. So thanks.
No. 47256 ID: 8b82ee
File 165243153768.jpg - (2.78MB , 3233x2889 , BB 842.jpg )
No. 47257 ID: d63ea8
*Pack Leader just sakes their head.*

"Asking a pessimist is a good way of establishing the baseline of what the worst possible result would be. It meant nothing more beyond that. If it's DeRvan's will for the artist to remain in captivity, then the matter is officially settled."
No. 47258 ID: 5f4030
Tomato, look dude, I appreciate the help but c’mon man you do play both sides though. The first time we ever met was when you were hanging out with Cela Mortis, the creepy shaman lady who literally pushed out the fog. And yet here you are with a group of rebels talking about killing on of their leaders and you are member of the blind will to boot. You have your hand in every pot by the looks of things.

Well fuck. The only advice I give is don’t always do what your told. You guys got any paper and pencils? I’m gonna be bored as fuck here.

Hey I have an alternative solution to the caterpillar. Why not leave him here with me? It will give me something to do and talk with while I’m stuck here, plus it’s not like either of us are going anywhere. So if you wanted to come and talk with it or whatever you know where he’s gonna be. I mean hell just give me a jar with a he small holes in the lid and he’s not going anywhere.
No. 47259 ID: e51896
I'm a centipede, not a caterpillar...

Sorry hole faced lady, but I'm atheist
Inner thoughts:brother of dreamwalker, and son of the great constructor who tried to kill me earlier? no thanks...

To the bunny eared lady, I have no idea who Demoria is. Inner thoughts: what made her think I was connected to her? if I go with her, that will just confirm her suspicions, and I know that she won't bring me together with Demoria...

to the artist, I think he needs a time out... also, I do not want to know what he will do with that jar with me inside it... a dreamwalker follower, who with Laura abandoned me after promising to help me... I wouldn't like that, and I've been in a jar long enough already

And I think the pack leader is just a stepping stone for some unfolding chaos. would be fun to see how things unfold for him if I join him, but I want to see how other more interesting things unfold...

soo... I could just leave but I'd rather not be tracked again, and I'm self destructive and curious enough to see those angels of yours. lemme see those angels you talked about dark potato. I've had my fill of demons, it's about time I dine with the angels despite being atheist. Can only hope Black Tomato is giving me a way out by choosing him, but if not, me choosing him could further put some suspicion on him with the bunny eared lady wondering why I'd choose him despite knowing it could lead to my death
No. 47267 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 47268 ID: b5fe3e
No one cares, Beverly. No one cares.
No. 47269 ID: b5fe3e
Hey since I'm gonna be stuck here for a while and bored out of my mind, I'm gonna make it everyone else's problem.

I once knew a girl named Beverly,
who thought herself so cleverly,
But sadly for her
And this I infer
She's been utterly blinded so heavily

What I see before me is plots
and everyone is shooting their shots
They scheme all day
In a meaningful way,
but they really just look like twats

And Pack-leader is keeping me locked up
Cause he doesn't want his wife to get knocked up
For if the Alpha get's cucked
Then he will self-destruct,
And they'll be blood on the walls like ketchup

For alas all I see are idiots,
Who are evil, and jerks, just hideous
And if you are not strong
and keep scheming along
Then no one will just take you serious.


Then no one will just take you serious.
No. 47273 ID: 8b82ee
File 165277575407.jpg - (1.26MB , 1920x2598 , BB 844.jpg )
No. 47274 ID: 5f4030
No. One. Cares. Beverly.

If you think this is me acting like a spoiled brat, then god forbid you deal with some of the actual members of the cult. I’m just done watching you all trying to be taken so seriously, because that’s what you want. You want to act like a preacher to a higher power, Trevestian wants to be an all knowing space guru, pack-leader’s schtick is pretty self explanatory. Honestly, the most amazing thing that has come about from this end of the world is all of you have tried to reinvent yourselves as something else that at this point it’s just pathetic. You all want to be taken seriously, and I’m NOT going to give it to you.

Bev, I mean this with all sincerity. Go home. Take the mask off, stop this game of pretend. You have been Stockholm syndromed into joining a group of sociopaths who serve a god who is just as sociopathic. You’ve been conditioned to believe his beyond human emotions but that’s laughable. The best thing you can do for yourself right now, is to leave the fog, ditch the mask and the blind will. Throw up a middle finger to me, to prime, to this whole thing, and go home to California and get some intense therapy. You need help, you all need severe psychological help. And I’m done trying to help those who can’t be bothered to help themselves, or try to force their blind will onto others.


*Anthony lays down his cot and begins singing to himself*
No. 47282 ID: 8b82ee
File 165300105322.jpg - (555.11KB , 994x1021 , BB 845.jpg )
Just wanted to draw something that will accrue a couple of updates in the future. Or to be more precise this is what Landa's punishment will be.

No. 47287 ID: 8b82ee
File 165317499130.jpg - (1.00MB , 1784x1922 , BB 846.jpg )
No. 47291 ID: 3e7c34
HA. Illusions of grandeur. That’s funny.
No. 47294 ID: d63ea8
Very well, let us leave the artist then. I thought that his addition to our alliance would be shaky at best, and these discussions have only shown off his inability to work with others.

Fortunately, his part isn't essential to the plan. Let us discuss the next steps, elsewhere.

Farewell, artist. Enjoy your cage.
No. 47295 ID: 5f4030
Hehehehe… Shit. I’m seeing things again.

Truth is Beverly, and yes I will keep calling you by that name because the blind will is mostly bullshit, I really do understand more than you know. I really wish I didn’t.


We sit here, i in my cell and you out there but you are just as locked up too and you don’t know it. If you do, I suspect you see yourself as above it or are maybe just in straight up denial of it’s existence. Here’s the facts as they really are. We are all in a cage, and that cage is the very world we are living in now. This world runs on a time loop. It will bring us all back to one certain point. No one is exempt from it. Countless futures born with billions of new souls only for them to die off and go absolutely no where. Certain events can trigger a massive reset, and it happens at any time should the right conditions be met. But it always comes back. And you have no memory of it ever happening. Unless you are bound to the lynch pin of it all. The ol ash tree. If you’re connected to it you can watch it all maybe try to stop it. Who knows. But here’s where we are now.

We’re fucked.


And every day new shit keeps happening and we’re still not free. As if our illusions of choice matter. Do you get what I’m saying to you both?

You’re already dead, assholes.

I don’t have any delusions of grandeur, I don’t even know if my best that I can do or trying to be a good person will amount to jack shit in the end. Chances are, anything you do will amount to the same shit.

Some people know know this are either going to embrace full blown nihilism, maybe try to live out every sick fantasy they can. Me? I want it to end. I want to be free. I want to die one day and not come back whenever you think it’s over and you’ve accomplished something, only for it to reset and have cultist freaks breaking into my college dorm room to take me away for something I don’t understand.

But there is ONE person who tries to be above it all. One person who has found a way to skip losing it all. Lorence. I want him to die. Because if he is dead? Even if we reset again, I don’t want anyone like him playing god. I despise him with every fiber of my being for thinking he knows better. Any being who sees themselves as above it all I will never give an ounce of respect for.

Shit you both could be gone right now and I’m just taking to what I think is there… Ah well…
No. 47296 ID: d63ea8
*The Pack Leader has already left with Blind Will.*
No. 47298 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 47300 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 47301 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 47303 ID: e51896
The paranormal, like ghosts.
No. 47305 ID: 8b82ee
File 165372745575.jpg - (3.85MB , 3090x4279 , BB 850.jpg )
No. 47315 ID: bfd7c3
So you're loyal to the void.
Well, to answer your question, I have trust issues. It's a Long story that'll bore you, and I'd rather not relive the backstabbing, and the busses I've been thrown under, so I won't tell you so you can speculate and judge me if it makes you feel superior.

So loyalty to me is null. It amounts to nothing.

Inner thoughts: I would have said Demoria, but just as he is loyal to the void and is a follower of Andrew, my loyalty is null and I follow Demoria, not that I'll tell him about her...
No. 47317 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 47320 ID: e51896
feel judgemental
No. 47321 ID: 8b82ee
File 165432902795.jpg - (1.86MB , 2776x2191 , BB 852.jpg )
No. 47323 ID: e51896
Only chose judgemental because judging be his job.

Feelings of love with the souls. Sorry, I'm biased, I just like ghosts.
No. 47324 ID: e51896
Well, okay. I like most spirits. There are some exceptions.

inner thoughts:Fuck Ana's spirits, and the Ash Tree spirit
No. 47333 ID: 8b82ee
File 165458954625.jpg - (1.48MB , 2805x1886 , BB 853.jpg )
No. 47335 ID: 426841
Feelings of hope for the souls
No. 47343 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 47348 ID: e51896
Feelings of faith in their newly gained powers
No. 47351 ID: 8b82ee
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No. 47356 ID: 602558
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No. 47358 ID: fae74b
Feelings of being trapped
No. 47359 ID: 645009
File 165554247818.jpg - (2.06MB , 2823x2328 , BB 860.jpg )
No. 47363 ID: bfdf4f
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No. 47369 ID: bfdf4f
File 165576778527.jpg - (1.26MB , 1171x1529 , BB 862.jpg )
Have you ever get tired of dusting away the ash of the cigarette from your delivery guys pizza, do you ever get tired of waiting for an unspecified amount of time until you get your pizza box which is stained by the sweet of unknown person, have you ever got tiered of just eating plane and boring pizzas in general? If any the answers to your question is yes, well in that case we recommend you try something a little bit different, we cordially invited you at our own Burgervania hamburger fast food store where our food is soo good that it can even satisfy the hunger of an immoral blood trusty vampire and the only thing that is scary at our store is just how low the prices are. Here at Burgervania our staff will great you with smile and kind words unlike other food chains which employ emotionally dead pothead dropouts who failed at their dreams. Also there is a special bonus discount for any customer who notices and reports any pizza delivery guys in the 200 feet radius of any Burgervania facility to the staff. And a finally announcement is not to get alarmed if you see or hear the sound of gunshot or activation of a chainsaw, the workers at Burgervania are trained professionals and marksmen, not to mention they have a legal right to defend their establishment against rival companies that try to promote tier delivery service in tier vicinity. Have a pleasant day and come get a bite, unless you have a pizza in that case we suggest you do not come near us.

No. 47371 ID: 9fa7b4
OMG I love this! Thanks so much!
No. 47372 ID: 12ffa9
File 165585451638.jpg - (1.28MB , 1249x1543 , BB 863.jpg )
No. 47373 ID: e51896
Feelings of violence.
No. 47375 ID: 5ebd7a
File 165599470773.jpg - (2.25MB , 4449x2097 , BB 864.jpg )
No. 47377 ID: becd7c
Feeling of patience
No. 47380 ID: 527ed9
File 165616810815.jpg - (2.52MB , 3863x2288 , BB 865.jpg )
No. 47382 ID: e51896
Feelings is null.
No. 47384 ID: 527ed9
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No. 47393 ID: 527ed9
File 165659482119.jpg - (1.21MB , 1383x1724 , BB 867.jpg )
On the stage where the players perform, one has the role of the phantom. The phantom conceals its identity because its role is to deceive others, it has an important mission to accomplish and none of the others would like for it to be accomplished. In this paly of cloak and daggers, paranoia is your best friend.

No. 47394 ID: 527ed9
File 165663044568.jpg - (456.59KB , 1158x1252 , BB 868.jpg )
The Crimson Inquisitor, the hand of the chain and the will of god's voices.

No. 47395 ID: e51896

No. 47398 ID: 8255b7
File 165674902653.jpg - (1.21MB , 2592x1320 , BB 869.jpg )
No. 47399 ID: 8255b7
File 165676941873.jpg - (506.37KB , 1007x1656 , BB 870.jpg )

This one of the concepts how the Watermelon Vampire could look in the next part. I just hope that I didn't make her too big.
No. 47402 ID: e51896
Very very wary
No. 47404 ID: 8255b7
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No. 47405 ID: e51896
No. 47414 ID: 8255b7
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No. 47422 ID: 8255b7
File 165721901327.jpg - (619.96KB , 804x1571 , BB 873.jpg )
The apprentice guardian, a person who claims to see other thing while not willing to show his face.

No. 47425 ID: e51896
is the Eternal Judge after all
No. 47427 ID: 8255b7
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No. 47428 ID: e51896
No. 47429 ID: 8255b7
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No. 47432 ID: 8255b7
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No. 47439 ID: 8255b7
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No. 47441 ID: e51896
No. 47443 ID: 8255b7
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I see that you truly are getting into the mindset of Andrew but continuing the story is no longer important. Shure I could go into more detail how Andrew continue growing more and how the Dimensional Tribunal started fighting agents him. But honestly I don't see the point in that, the whole point of the story was coming to the same point it was starting at.
No. 47444 ID: 8255b7
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And the whole point is that Andrew saw other dimensions infected with the same problem as his own origin dimension was. The only difference was that at this point the living Disbalance was part of Andrew. So many dimensions which have people who are being able to live forever.
No. 47445 ID: 8255b7
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He saw all of them as the ones who will create their own disbalance and the only way to stop them from doing that was to wipe them all out, that is why Andrew primarily targeted the Dimensional Tribunal.
No. 47446 ID: 8255b7
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But even if he saw them as the threat they were numbers and cunning, so they simply found a solution where he was imprisoned in our world.
No. 47447 ID: 8255b7
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As prison of a world which would self destruct and reconstruct itself in the main purpose of holding Andrew away from escaping. He was contemporary with it, seeing as he wasn't truly able to do anything about his scenario until he notice one thing about his prison...
No. 47448 ID: 8255b7
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The people in this world started to turn into immortals, he doesn't know why nor how it started to happen but it did, over and over in ever other cycle it continued. Andrew saw this world as being corrupted with its own disbalance. That is why he haves to destroy it over and over until something like him is created once again. And so the vicious cycle continued and it will never stop. That is the story which I wanted to tell you, in a way to explained how I and Andrew see this world and other worlds as well. So my little centipede, where would you like to go now?

No. 47458 ID: 8255b7
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Well I just made this to primarily show what the response to what you mentioned in the previous part of the chapter. But now it is what the shorter story will be, there are tow options. First one is Social links which is the continuation of this story while the next one is the Would you kindly take a seat, which will start the interrogation part of the story. So which part would you like more the story to be continued in?

No. 47459 ID: 28d707
Ahh, we must be observed. I see… Of course, should things not go as planned I will of course step down. I serve and obey.

Inner thoughts: You coward. That’s why you are so harsh on Threshold. The most important thing is your own image. If your underlings are disobeying or you perceive something as wrong you must save face. Pompous ass, you’re a glorified PR agent, not an investigator.

Will you take a seat please
No. 47460 ID: 8255b7
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No. 47461 ID: 8255b7
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No. 47463 ID: 3101f1
Hmm. Stoic breathing, trying to put on a brave face. But with an overwhelming sense of pompous self importance and hero worship. Why I do believe this is Lord Zirzam’s assistant who pointed her shotgun at me. A pleasure to see you again miss.
No. 47464 ID: d63ea8
Sorry for the delay, I was having to put up shelving at work. I would be interested in seeing 'Would you Kindly Take a Seat' as well.
No. 47467 ID: 8255b7
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No. 47468 ID: 5f4030
Now now, I’m not the one being questioned here. That goes to our prisoner here, no sense in mincing words.
No. 47469 ID: 8255b7
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No. 47471 ID: 5f4030
>if I ever decide to kill you, she will probably be the person I send to abduct you.
How adorable.

Thank you, sir. You may leave.
*opens his bag and pulls out a pair of black leather gloves and pulls them on. Then a pair of scissors and begins to cut her clothes away.*
Inner thoughts: Never do this to someone with their clothes on. It’s always harder for them to be stoic when everything that covers you has been stripped away. And let’s have a look at what’s under your mask.

*sets the mask at his feet, and turns on the gramophone.*

*gives a hard open faced slap across her face*
Time to wake up.
No. 47472 ID: 8255b7
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No. 47473 ID: 5f4030
I want you to understand something? This?
*slaps hard again*

That is as good as is going to get. There’s opportunity to walk out of here with only a headache if you tell us what we want to know. Otherwise, it’s going to get a lot worse. You have every opportunity to make it stop provided you answer questions truthfully.

We’ll start simple, what is your name?
No. 47474 ID: 8255b7
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No. 47475 ID: 607c5a
We’ll find out I suppose. All in good time.

*walks over to his bag and pulls a large pair of scissors*

Speaking of Zirzam, you are something of a loyal dog to him. My mother loves dogs herself, do you know the trick to training dogs? Repetition. Repeat, repeat, until they get it right. And if you want that dog to perform all its tricks, and even speak con command, you cannot be shy with the whip.

Aside from being a dog, you are also insect like, which makes these…
*grabs a hold on one of her tendrils on her face*

Your antennae.

*opens the scissors and puts the tip of the antenna in it.*

Now, What is your name?
No. 47476 ID: 8255b7
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No. 47480 ID: 7b5ac5
Good start. You are a bodyguard and assistant to Lord Zirzam. Is this correct?

And have patience DeRvan, as I said we are training a dog.
No. 47481 ID: 8255b7
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No. 47482 ID: 7b5ac5
*snip, moves the scissors lower down the antennae.*

You will speak when spoken to. Try again.

You are the apprentice to Lord Zirzam, acting as both bodyguard and assistant, yes?
No. 47483 ID: 8255b7
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No. 47485 ID: 5f4030
Mr. Glasshrauder,

I am well acquainted with this, and that is the first step. If you want them to talk, you HAVE to break their pride, for some it’s the one thing they will cling to when they are tortured. It’s why I removed her clothes, to show even that can be taken. Especially when her pride and her faith involves the man who knows directly the man we are looking for, and could be in fact a direct accomplice. It’s to show that she has nothing, no bargaining chips save for what she knows, or what else I can take away from her. That is what will get us what we want. Because what we want from her requires she betray everything she believes in.

*turns to Zilly and grabs on to her face making her look at him and shutting her up.* Do you understand me? You know what I want from you, and what I want is OBEDIENCE. When I tell you what I want you will give it, and what I want, DOG, is for you to tell me whether or not you are Zirzam’s appreciate. YES OR NO? If you say anything that I do not want to hear, I will cut of another piece of your antennae.
No. 47486 ID: 8255b7
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No. 47487 ID: b3430f
Has Zirzam or any of his associates been in contact with, mentioned, or otherwise spoken about the criminal known as “Happy the Tragedy Phantom.”
No. 47488 ID: 8255b7
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No. 47489 ID: 5f4030
Inner thoughts: So triumphant and Zirzam. Yet she frames them as almost being at odds. Interesting. Press further.

Does Zirzam know Happy’s identity? Do you?
No. 47490 ID: 5f4030
On the same note, explain why Triumphant has more connections with Happy.
No. 47493 ID: 8255b7
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No. 47494 ID: 5f4030
Hm. What I am getting from this is that you suspect Happy might very well be someone from our universe. That may very well be the case but until further evidence shows itself, we may not know. What I think she has done is project a hatred of Triumphant and is connecting it to Happy. As you said, he was the one who arrested Zirzam. You are dedicated to him so your hatred of him checks out. What was he arrested for exactly?
No. 47496 ID: bc7677
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No. 47497 ID: 5f4030
*grabs atennae and scissors*
Answer his question. I saw you got nervous and you’ve had a moment to think. I suggest you find your words.
No. 47498 ID: a219d8
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No. 47500 ID: 5f4030
Thank you Mr. Glasshrauder I will take that into consideration.

Here’s the thing, Miss Zilly. I don’t care what you think of us. It doesn’t matter, no threats you can make are going to work. Insult our race, say whatever makes you feel better. It won’t help. You have one means of bargaining with us, and that’s telling us what we want to to know. You have put on a brace face, and that is admirable. But everyone in this has a breaking point. So, here’s what we are going to do.

You will tell the name we want to know, or I will dislocate your will in such a manner that even attempting to use it will cause you inscrutable pain. Is that understood?

*goes behind the chair and grabs a hold of her right wing.*

You have to the count of three to confess.

No. 47501 ID: a219d8
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No. 47502 ID: 015809
No. 47513 ID: c1b1a3
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No. 47514 ID: 5f4030

*gives the wing an EXTREMELY hard pull*
No. 47517 ID: 65bbdc
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No. 47518 ID: 3572ef
*Corax holds Zilly down, keeping his face impartial.*

Inner thoughts: A truth serum? Really? You are an amateur at this DeRvan. The first thing is you never show any kind of weakness or hesitation when doing this, even if you think your partner in this has fumbled. Your blunder earlier in suddenly showing shock or emotion made you look like a fool. And now you have effectively undermined everything we have done. Why not simply administer the serum firstly? Unless you are intended to use this situation to make me look like I enjoy torturing people. And that’s assuming the serum even works, I’ve had bad luck with it in the past. If this fails you will not only look stupid, but you drag me with you. That I cannot have.
No. 47520 ID: 65bbdc
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No. 47522 ID: 3e7c34
>leave you unable to feel pain
No, wouldn’t want that at all. Believe me.

As we were, let’s see here. The nerve ending is behind the part of the carapace where your wing was, yes? Ah yes here we go.

*rests the needle on the nerve ending*

Mr. Glasshrauder, would you kindly hand me the small hammer from my bag of instruments?
No. 47524 ID: aff302
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No. 47525 ID: 3572ef
Are you really trying to play the karma card? Let me show you what all that really means in the long run.

*Corax sets the hammer and aside, then removes his wig, and uses a cloth in his suit to wipe away his cosmetics that hide his facial scaring and removes part of his false teeth.*

See? Well I’m assuming you can’t, you probably just see me as a damaged, but DeRvan over there can see my face. I think this is the first time he’s ever really seen it.
*Open his mouth to show a ghastly smile*
You don’t have teeth, so let me break this down, they did it with a tiny chisel, where the took them out above they left them below, and where the left them below they took them out above. They took a needle and a drill, and they carved up part of my head and my brain, I cannot feel pain because of this. In fact I would say they gave me an acute case of anti-social personality disorder. I don’t care what happens to other people, I don’t feel emotions for the suffering of others. Nor do I rightly feel powerful emotional attachments for people. What you are looking at, dear Zilly, is not the result of karma, or getting anything that was coming to me, it’s the result of cruelty for the sake of cruelty. And I’ve done worse to people, awful obscene things. They nag at me from time to time, but they are small things I shove to the back of my mind and it’s amazing how much space is back there. So, before I begin, I’m going to give you ONE chance to confess, name the names, and we can be done. Or we can keep going, you will suffer, and I will get nothing out of it save what is necessary for catching our target. You will either be a headline in a paper “body found floating by the docks, bloated by seawater,” or you if your lucky you can try and return to some semblance of your life before. I don’t want any thing except for you to name the names. Anything else I will take as resistance.

Now. Confess.
No. 47527 ID: aff302
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No. 47529 ID: 5f4030
Hm. Oh well.

*gives the head of the needle the lightest tap with the hammer putting the barest point of the needle into the nerve.*

No. 47533 ID: aff302
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No. 47534 ID: da601e
*taps the hammer a little harder driving it in deeper*

No. 47538 ID: aff302
File 166004294819.jpg - (746.72KB , 2244x1284 , BB 912.jpg )
No. 47539 ID: 5f4030
*raises the hammer high and drives the needle in deep.*

No. 47540 ID: aff302
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No. 47542 ID: aff302
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Dead Legacy

No. 47545 ID: 5d7c08
Pliers please, Mr. Glasshrauder, they’re in my case.

*takes them and grips them on the head of the needle*

This will probably hurt more coming out. Clench your mandibles.

*pulls It out straight up*
No. 47546 ID: aff302
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No. 47549 ID: d87c35
*Alyosha is positioned behind Zilly so she cannot see his face, but he gives DeRvan a very brief look of disdain and disapproval*

One moment please, Ms. Zilly. I must speak with my colleague in this.

*walks over and puts an arm around DeRvan and pulls him away to whisper in close so Zilly cannot hear*

We should not release her until this is done. The entire practice of this is meant to establish control, and fear over the people we are going to have to this to, in order to have them give us what we want. Giving them any semblance of dignity or normalcy back undermines everything that we have done. I understand you have never done this before, but the first lesson is you never undermine your partners if you are working with one. When you showed doubt, shock, and anger at me earlier, it made us look like fools. Even if your partner has blundered, you never show it, you yourself have made three different emotional mistakes in this so far and yet I have not said a thing until now. I have also made mistakes, but we press on regardless. Remember you must have them in a complete position of control and dominance. Anything and everything can be taken from them. Giving them back anything only works if you intend to Now, if you have something planned for why we are temporarily releasing her, I will entertain you. However, further undermining of each other is not acceptable, we will get nothing through sabotage of each other's efforts.
No. 47551 ID: cd5c4f
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No. 47555 ID: d87c35
Very well. Just be aware that an animal although broken may still have fangs.

*walks over and puts tools away before unlocking the restraints, and taking a few steps back to let DeRvan begin.*
No. 47558 ID: cd5c4f
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No. 47560 ID: feefda
Interesting. That name is not unknown to me, it came up in previous interviews. But what I do not understand is why the Spirit Contaminator would be on Zirzam's list of people of interest. What is the connection between them?
No. 47561 ID: cd5c4f
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No. 47596 ID: dc13c4
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No. 47617 ID: d87c35
It's entirely possible. According to notes and records the Spirit Parasites are a parasitic race, it is in their name after all. However they were not naturally made and are in fact products of perhaps a scientific experiment. I can only assume this would be Happy as she stated. It's possible that should we find an capture this "Spirit Contaminator" she could be the bait we need to lure him into a position where we can make an arrest.

What I do not understand is why you chose to withhold this information, and what Zirzam's stake in all of this is. If he is some kind of, should we say "observer" rather than put forth any actual effort to assist us, then why is he even here? If you are just here as a hindrance then you should be removed as swiftly as possible.
No. 47620 ID: dc13c4
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No. 47627 ID: d87c35
Well, we are in quite the pickle aren't we. I've been considering your situation here, and I'm afraid it may very well get worse before it gets any better for you.

You may have some half-brained idea about getting retribution on me for everything that I have done to you. It wouldn't be the first time. Especially now that you have given up your secrets. Should you go back to Zirzam as you are now, and tell him everything that's transpired here today, if he is as paranoid as you make him out to be, he will either have you killed for spilling secrets, then go after the team investigating him. Or you will be quietly retired, and sent away from him. For you and your level of devotion, that may very be a punishment worse than death.

What makes this even more tragic is all of this may have been avoided should he or you simply came forward with what they knew. I understand he feels that certain agents here are compromised, and the real tragedy is, I agree. I feel as if not everyone here is truly in our camp.

You are, unfortunately, now stuck in the middle. And the way I see this going for you with where we are at now...

*Corax reclines slightly and looks up a the ceiling*

"Insectoid body found floating by dockside, Carapace cracked and broken, insides bloated by seawater, mutilated far, far beyond recognition. Was the deceased a man or a woman even? Who can say?"

Now if you want to live I must ask you, is your devotion to Zirzam greater than your will to live? If so, well then, I'm afraid your finished here.

Think carefully before you answer.
No. 47629 ID: dc13c4
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No. 47633 ID: d87c35
I agree wholeheartedly. So let's put that to the test shall we?

*Corax draws his gun and points it at her head, and looks at his watch*

I am also willing to be he is still watching, or listening. So I am going put it to the test. Since you said you are willing to bet on it, here's the wager. If at the end of one minute DeRvan does not return, I shoot you. Then because it's too dangerous to keep DeRvan around, the moment I see him, I will shoot him as well.

If however, he returns before the minute is up, you will live. Not only this, but I will see to it personally you are treated for your injuries. In return for which you will act as our spy within Zirzam's ranks and relay information for us concerning this case.

Yours and DeRvan's time begins... now.
No. 47638 ID: dc13c4
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No. 47639 ID: d87c35
*tilts the gun slightly to the left and fires blowing a hole in the chair and a leg off the chair making her fall to the ground. He gets up quickly gets up and goes to her side covering her mouth and whispering low*

Whisper:Very good. Now play possum for me, until DeRvan comes back. If you utter a word or move an inch and I'll have your tongue out. Try not blink if you can help it.

Damn. Ruined a perfectly good chain. *kicks it and turns it on its side into the corner of the room. He then turns his own chair to face the door.*
No. 47640 ID: d87c35
*Corax whistles a tune as he unloads the magazine of full-metal jacket bullets from the gun and replaces them with a magazine of very special rounds.*
No. 47646 ID: dc13c4
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No. 47671 ID: d87c35
No, she's not dead. This little bit of theatre was just to keep you off your guard long enough for me to shoot you and to demonstrate to both her and you the nature of our working relationships going forward. The way I shot you was just meant to disable you. And besides, you owned me one for stabbing me multiple times, I'd say we're even now.

*Corax stands and walks over to her mask*

DeRvan, if we are going to work together, I need you understand that we are partners in this. I can shoot you in the head, and you need to be 100% candid with me. No lies, no deciets. If I suspect you of any treachery, I will not hesitate to put a bullet in your skull. The reason I am keeping you alive is that while you cannot be trusted, you also have a PR with a lot of the people we will need for us to succeed and bringing down Happy. That is your one saving grace. I hope you will not waste it.

Now as for you, my dear. You're mine now. You're on the floor, and just to make sure you know it...

*Corax pulls a marker from his jacket and writes something on the inside of the mask*
"You're mine."
I need you to understand that every time you are working with Zirzam, you are really working for me. You're job going forward is to relay everything he does. Where he goes, who he talks to, his relations to other members of this organization, who he suspects of being a traitor. You will then relay this information to me, and DeRvan. I respect the resilience you have shown and the loyalty you show your liege. But now we must put that to good use. Who knows, after all this is over you may very well play a crucial part in setting him free, as by your own admissions, he seems much more a prisoner here. Think of it like that.

DeRvan, your job is to make sure she stays alive during this and that she keeps doing her new job. I know you have connections, I expect full compliance from the both of you and I will accept nothing less.

Am I clear? No extra comments, please, just a simple yes or no.
No. 47674 ID: dc13c4
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No. 47675 ID: d87c35
Wonderful. I'm happy we will be working together. Do we have any clothing we might give her?

And thank you for you assistance, Ms. Cinderella. Good work.

*Turns to DeRvan.*

I would like to see this list, and I want to know why they are targets before putting them on the chair.
No. 47679 ID: dc13c4
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No. 47717 ID: dc13c4
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So Peregrine as father Anderson, I never took your character as a violent person. Oh don't get me wrong he definitely shares the devotion to his religion similar to the one good father has. That is why I gave him a book instead of his signature weapons. As for Corax being dressed as Alucard, I just don't see it. Corax lacks the enthusiasm of that character. But if you think that he would be a fitting Alucard who would be his police girl in that case? Also, I have a question for both of you, now that you two have given your suggestions for your character's costumes can I give you my ideas on what your characters should wear as costumes?

No. 47721 ID: d87c35
Go for it.
No. 47722 ID: d87c35
*corax looks the photos over*

Given the fact my little dove is on our staff, it would not be wise to do that to her as I have done now. Rather, what I hope to do is kill two birds with one stone. You are no doubt aware of her ability to read emotion and thoughts? What I hope to do is have her stand by and do exactly through an interrogation, it will be both a test of her willpower and to see how far she can go before, and if, she will break.

Looking at our current circumstances, it may be wise to have her sit in on an interrogation with Spiky first. If we are to take on a fallen spirit of the Being "Essence of Life" then it would be best to prepare with one of her followers first.

This is my proposal, I will bring in my dove to act as a sort of living lie and thought detector, and you bring in Spiky for interrogation. Throughout the course of which she will will also be tried for what she knows. Having them run counter to each other and we will be looking for discrepancies between their testimonies.
No. 47726 ID: dc13c4
File 166674066015.jpg - (412.25KB , 1410x818 , BB 949.jpg )

Why thank you for your consideration. Now we all know what kind of costumes people usually choose to wear, the ones that best represent them in some way. But that is not what I am going to do, I will do the opposite.

No. 47727 ID: dc13c4
File 166674135965.jpg - (2.08MB , 1642x2237 , BB 950.jpg )

All the costumes that I choose have ironic meanings to them, or more of what you wouldn't want to admit is true, something that you want to hide. The same could be said for my costume as well. When on the topic of me, might as address something that you are probably questioning. Who am I? And let me just you that previously we never met, maybe only one of you in the past has seen me and for it all about it got. But knowing my identity is not as much important as knowing the purpose of my existence. That is the question that you should ask yourself. Oh, and one last question, there are two people who are missing from the group, who are they and what costumes would they wear? You have until the Halloween celebration to answer this question, you will get nothing for answering this question and won't get any penalty for failing to answer it.

No. 47732 ID: d87c35
Well we are missing Miss Birdy (the nameless empath), She would probably be Dorothy if we're going by Wizard of Oz. Would that make Darro Toto the dog? He has about as much influence.

Also, you mr. walking-tentacle-hentai-joke, are Lesley from Don't Hug Me I'm Scared, who has been implied to be behind most events of things of that series.
No. 47734 ID: dc13c4
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No. 47736 ID: 3e7c34
Telepathic link: Idiot. This is why you never let them go out of the handcuffs or give them any semblance of power back.

*Corax raises his hands but does not look impressed* What exactly are you planning on doing with this little stunt? At the very least you might think you have some kind of hope with this, or perhaps you think you have no way out, and are hoping to take us down with you. I assure you there's no good end for you in this. But you still have a chance.
No. 47738 ID: dc13c4
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No. 47740 ID: d87c35
*corax slowly put his hands behind his head*
Apprentice, you gain nothing from this. You have made your situation more difficult due to your own blind faith and more. What I see in you is the one thing I tried to kill in you. Your hubris and your arrogance. You had every opportunity to come forward, and Zirzam even told you should an event like this happen, to tell everything. And yet you fought back for seemingly no reason and have made yourself suffer, again for no reason. This was never test of your faith, or determination, you only thought it was because you think you are important enough for it. You've made yourself a martyr for nothing, either that or you're a walking masochistic and stupid self-fulfilling prophecy.

What you have done is inflate your own ego at serving your hero to a point where you are making yourself more important than you really are. You are struggling to remain relevant while the world moves on without you. And I think that is what you can't stand the most, the fact that in the grand scheme of things you are not as important as you seem to think, either to this organization, and maybe even to Zirzam, at least not to the levels you think you are. You are certainly not important enough that he would give you a test of "loyalty." Your ego is your own worst enemy.
No. 47743 ID: dc13c4
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No. 47754 ID: dc13c4
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Aww, how sweet! The scarecrow wants to prove that he has a brain. Well if I was to give her a costume it would be a flying monkey, which is a much more fitting one than what you suggested. As for my costume, it might be a correct assumption that my costume might represent a master puppeteer. But to me, she is no different than the puppets at the doll house. Even if she exists at a higher layer than the rest of the dolls she is still just a part of the scenery. Even if she exists in the attic there are still stairs to an upper floor. To me, she is not just a master manipulator, she is a servant to something greater. And that is just what I am.

No. 47755 ID: dc13c4
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But I won't say that you were completely wrong in your assumptions, the two characters that are missing are Dorothy and her dog. When I talked to Door he gave me an interesting answer which I partially agree with. You see the answer to this question is even unclear to me, Who in this scenario is Dorothy and who is Toto?

No. 47756 ID: d87c35
Funny way of saying your a glorified Tim Burton hentai monster

This one is actually kind of tricky because either of them could apply for both. Pandora/Scarred could be Toto as they are following Toothpick like a dog. Pandora could be Dorothy given that she is out her element and far far away from any semblance of home. Toothpick could also be Toto as they are currently Lawrence's dog, but she's also leading a group towards a goal like Dorothy. I guess if I had to pick one though that makes more sense, it would be Pandora as Dorothy because she is out of her element and far from home with Toothpick as Toto being a good little dog for Lorence.
No. 47776 ID: 5f4030
Telepathic link: Let me try something first. If it doesn't work then stab my lower arm, between the radius and the ulna, leave the knife in when you do it.

Apprentice, seeing me bleed, wanting to see me in pain is about as satisfying to you as a sandpaper handjob. Here's what I am wondering.

Why would a group of people who were freed from slavery willingly put themselves back into servitude? Were there really hundreds of people in line for Zirzam? And he, in all his mercy picked you to be his apprentice? That's quite a grand story, and in all honesty, probably false. If there were hundreds of people willing to work for Zirzam, then for all your posturing about how great your people are, then they were only adapting to what they knew and were familiar with, that being servitude. Even now, you are wanting to return to his side, because he is someone worth serving. Again what a lovely story. Good triumphs, and the worthy are praised, truly you are the hero of your own story.

Please, that story is almost insulting to us both. The truth that I suspect is the only ones who would have wanted to go back into servitude were the ones who didn't know any better. Which would include you. Did he really pick you, because you were special? Or was he just fed up with it and it was easier than running most of you desperate and foolish enough to put yourself back into servitude? What I think you have done, is try so hard to feel superior and spent so long in a delusion of grandeur, your ego won't allow you to face the reality of everything.

You are not as nearly valuable to Zirzam as you think you are, you are not important and you are ultimately as useful as a screendoor on a submarine. Even Zirzam said to just give up information should you be in a situation like this, yet your over inflated sense of ego made you think it was a secret test. It's honestly, pathetic and sad, almost tragic. A sick joke that no one finds funny.
No. 47779 ID: dc13c4
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No. 47780 ID: d87c35
Hm. And yet, again you have failed to help him, placing your own importance possibly even ahead of his. You claim to be loyal, and he is the pinnacle of your kind, but again you have failed him so spectacularly, it's amazing how one can have such a lack of self-awareness.

Pretend for a moment, that Zirzam really does know everything, you have just squandered time you had to prove to everyone here that he really does know that. You would have been more than just his apprentice had you cooperated. You would have been the power behind his throne. Think of this, had you cooperated with us, told us what he knew and continued to deliver us his knowledge we could have restored his public image. I give credit where credit is due, he could have brought this entire thing to a swift end, Zirzam would be the hero you really claim him to be.

Instead, let's look at what you have accomplished. You have gotten yourself hurt for nothing. Zirzam told you to just give up any information, which means you have disobeyed his orders out a self of self-aggrandizement at best, or at worst complete foolish ineptitude. You had the opportunity to tell us this so we could have helped bring Zirzam's public image up while making Triumphant look foolish, something which DeRvan would have no problem with, but instead you continue playing this strange game because of a warped sense of self-worth and pride.

This is like some kind of ironic comedy turned tragedy. I honestly pity you, Apprentice. In the end, I wonder if you really love Zirzam? Or is he just stepping stone for something you are continuously proving you are incapable of reaching?
No. 47783 ID: dc13c4
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No. 47784 ID: d87c35
Damn it all! *Corax leaps to his feet and runs over to the apprentice and holds wounds close trying to stop the flow of blood.*

Doctor Cinderella, despite what's happened I need your help here! DeRvan in my bag there are some medical supplies I keep for cooperative interrogations, get them immediately! Damn it all, what waste...
No. 47786 ID: dc13c4
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No. 47787 ID: d87c35
rolled 5, 4 = 9

Let's do this.
No. 47788 ID: d87c35
No. 47808 ID: dc13c4
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No. 47812 ID: 495c2b
rolled 5, 3 = 8

I have a feeling the one speaking is Tim burton hentai monster.
No. 47817 ID: dc13c4
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No. 47818 ID: d87c35
From Harbard Grim to the Tim-Burton Hentai monster: Given the fact that you have begun to overstay your welcome and have ROYALLY fucked with my plans, and interfere where you don't belong, I'm going to learn you the same lesson that Essence of Life had to learn the hard way; fuck around and find out.

*Corax walks over and steps violently on the string-thing by the pool of blood, keeping it trapped under his shoe. Corax kicks the scalpel away. Then reloads gun with a regular clip.*

I'd say we have a little bit more to go. Come on out, little spy.
No. 47819 ID: dc13c4
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No. 47822 ID: d87c35
Inner thoughts Wonderful, another reason to be paranoid about all of this. Simply marvelous, I will have to look into these unseen spies, find out why they had a hand in our dealings.

It was a momentary glimpse, but I thought I heard something talking in the shadows, and even something clapping one point during our resuscitation of the Apprentice. Sounded vaguely like a woman's voice but I couldn't be sure. And I saw a moving tentacle or snake by the blood and the scalpel.

I do not enjoy my work being interrupted, DeRvan, and I definitely do not want any invisible spies interfering with our investigation. Might this be our culprit, Happy, playing one of the cards in his hand? I find that most likely.
No. 47829 ID: dc13c4
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No. 47837 ID: d87c35
Inner thoughtsMm. That means that the "fortune Ana" I spoke with falls into the category of a paradoxical being. However, these strings of fate seem more tangible... More able to interact. This will bear further investigation.

Well there in lies the rub. Because in all honesty, there's only three outcomes for this. Either one, she plays ball, does what we ask of her. Or we keep her here as a prisoner until she is willing to cooperate. Or..
"Body found floating by the docks, bloated by sea water, far beyond any recognition, was the deceased a man or a woman? Who can say?"

But the later option would be quite a waste especially after all the trouble we went through. If you have an alternative, I'm open to suggestions.
No. 47842 ID: dc13c4
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No. 47855 ID: d87c35
While I would not be opposed to making this all seem like a bad dream, I see only two flaws in this plan of action. Her conscious mind may think it only a fabrication, what about her subconscious? She may recall it or continue to have nightmares to the point where it drives her mad or have panic attacks from nowhere. The other flaw in this plan is the irreparable damage done to her wing and shoulder, as was your plan. That kind of damage doesn't go away.
No. 47856 ID: dc13c4
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No. 47858 ID: d87c35
So be it, then. *picks her up*

Inner thoughts: If this doesn't work out... "Body found floating by the docks..."
No. 47859 ID: dc13c4
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No. 47861 ID: 1ab976
Inner thoughts: I've never heard someone talk so much and yet say so very little...

No, I don't have many friends. I had a best friend when I was in the army, but I lost contact with him, and he never sought me out afterwards. Many friends I never saw again after I was released from the prisoner-of-war camp.

I think it's because of what I do, that I don't have many friends to begin with; it's not as I need any to get by. They'd most likely be horrified or break all contact if they knew.

As for why I do this and how it affect me? Because what else is there? I have a conscience, but it’s a feeble, withered shred of a thing. It couldn’t protect you or anyone else from a stiff breeze.You could not even guess at the things that I have done. Awful, evil, obscene, the telling of them alone could make you puke. They nag at me from time to time, but I tell myself I had good reasons. The years pass, the unimaginable becomes everyday, the hideous becomes tedious, the unbearable becomes routine. I push it all into the dark corners of my mind, and it’s incredible the room back there. Amazing what one can live with.

In summary; How does it affect me? It doesn't.
No. 47865 ID: dc13c4
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No. 47866 ID: d87c35
Inner thoughts: Dammit all, not one moment can go by when I am not pestered at.

Count Murdusa,

I unfortunately found the Apprentice in this sorry state. I was returning her to her quarters to sleep it off. No blunt force trauma to her head that I can tell save for a possible bruise from when she fell, so she wasn't hit in the head. It's possible she had some kind of psychotic break? There's indications of injury, possibly even self inflicted. She was naked as well, hence the cloth.
No. 47872 ID: dc13c4
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No. 47879 ID: d87c35
Murdusa, even if I had not promised Ms. Algich that we would try for something once our work with the tribunal is over, do you really think it wise to try to go for anything romantically involved with any co-workers, part of your team or otherwise? Especially when your own team sees you as a joke? I think it would behoove you to put forth a work ethic that gets you into good graces with your own team.

What is your team even doing at this moment for the investigations? And I ask that sincerely, despite our differences at the start, we are on the same side, are we not?
No. 47883 ID: c7f601
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No. 47885 ID: d87c35
Men like that make my blood boil. Lazy, arrogant, and wholly undeserving of their position.

Come, let's get this done.
No. 47887 ID: c7f601
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No. 47888 ID: d87c35
> I still find it strange that Murdusa referred to you by a girl's name

Indeed, much less one who I have interviewed myself. Or, a version of her anyway. Thank you for your assistance.

Inner thoughts: Mental note, investigate Murdusa's connections with Ana.

*Set the apprentice in her bed and pulls the covers over her*

Inner thoughts: I hope Algich has the good sense to reject Murdusa.
No. 47891 ID: c7f601
You wonder if she will refuse him when he mentions that she was the one who wanted to meet with him in the first place. We will see how things play out.
No. 47892 ID: c7f601
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No. 47896 ID: d87c35
Inner thoughts: Best she forget it all if she can. Only so many can be so lucky. There's really no way to negotiate it or talk this out. Hopefully it will all seem like a bad dream.

*administers the vaccine and leaves*
No. 47899 ID: dc13c4
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No. 47901 ID: d87c35
That really remains to be seen, Lord Zirzam. I do not enjoy torturing people, as good as I think I am at it. If people simply gave in and told what they knew, it would save a lot of people a lot of blood, time, and wasted efforts.

Would I torture you for the information? Only if you knew and refused to give it up for selfish, or prideful reasons. If you are willing and cooperative, then no. I would even seek to give some kind of reward for cooperation. Whether that be some kind of gratitude, or making you seem the hero of it all, "the man who solved the case," whichever.

Or perhaps a kind of political asylum and guarantee of safety would be more appropriate?
No. 47904 ID: dc13c4
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No. 47905 ID: d87c35
That's very bold, and I don't fault you for your logic. But by that same logic shooting you at this very moment would also make sense because you could be Happy trying to get me to get rid of the ones who are most likely at fault while the real one gets away scot free. It doesn't hold up under scrutiny. If I am to kill someone, I need valid reasons beyond base suspicion. And the "no loose ends" part is incorrect. There is the matter of holes to fill, some one which are more easily said than done.
No. 47911 ID: dc13c4
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No. 47913 ID: 1ab976
Ah, but you automatically assume that I don't believe you. I only disapproved of the method you would employ. On the contrary, so far the leads we have are our ONLY leads to the truth. But until hard evidence is provided otherwise, I cannot make a case for any of them, for or against. Once that has been proven, I'll put a bullet in the guilty's head myself if the need arises.

As for your tasks, both keeping the mistakes of the tribunal and monitoring the workings of the dimensions, I commiserate with your plight. It's like trying to maintain a juggling act over a pit of highly corrosive acid. Not only this, but you are forced to be their prisoner and do work for them with very little chance of parole, there is a word which I find the most apt for this situation, it's "injustice."

I know my methods are vile, and horrific, but they get results, and I do try to stay within the law. If the officers themselves do not follow the law, then what use are they to anyone? I think that is what disgusts me most about the tribunal. The lack of people working within the law, or feeling above it, or that there is so little laws regarding them they feel they are more free agents to act in their own self-interests, rather than for their case.

So to answer your question, Zirzam, it only frustrates me because if you do know something, it would make more sense to just come forward with it. That will end everyone's problems, make you look good, and should you do so, I will do everything in my power to help you. However, the fact that you're adamant that the fastest way to do this would simply be to kill everyone that is a suspect, I wonder what you stand to gain by having those people killed, as they may not be Happy but they are relevant to you. That I have not figured out.

However, there is something I am curious about, let me ask you this. If I was to agree, and simply load up my gun and try to get them all before I myself was gunned down. Which one would you start with?
No. 47919 ID: dc13c4
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No. 47925 ID: 1ab976
An interesting proposal but unfortunately that may not work out so well. From my understand, the person who is Happy may not actually be aware they are in fact Happy. Perhaps something akin to a schizophrenic episode, delusional psychosis, or multiple personalities disorder. The key would be to bring the personality of Happy out. Simply placing a gun in front of them wouldn't actually have the intended effect.

And in a way, yes. I intend to uphold justice and the law. I do not care about precinct politics and I have found that it only tears teams apart. Looking at this institution, I feel very disappointed. We have a coalition of who may possibly be great minds working together to keep order in this strange multiverse, and instead of a team working together to support each other and build something better, I am instead treated to the equivalent of playground rivalries and cliques. It makes me feel very jaded. But then if this is how you feel as well, why even wear that mask? It gives you respect that is for sure, but I do not feel this is a group where respect is highly valued.
No. 47926 ID: dc13c4
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No. 47927 ID: 65fba2
Apologies, I mean to say, I believe that it is someone in our list of main suspects, only that your method is not full proof. My working theory is that Happy is someone in the Tribunal itself and is trying to disrupt it as best he can. As for who was responsible for the poisoning, it had to be someone who knew me enough to consider me as dangerous, or volatile enough, and having seen me in action determined to put me out of commission while saving face. Someone who is perhaps more two-faced than they realize, and who was not at the meeting, and has been strangely absent throughout this whole process despite being important enough to warrant being here more often… I’m not sure how you are tuning DeRvan out but you may want him to hear this.

The one who makes the most sense, not only as the one behind the poisoning, but perhaps as Happy as well, given his mental breakage he has suffered in the past, is Triumphant.
No. 47932 ID: dc13c4
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No. 47933 ID: fab5d1
*is furiously and meticulously taking notes and cross checking everything Zirzam just said*

Very Intrigued.
No. 47934 ID: fab5d1
*stops writing suddenly as something Zirzam says comes to light.*

> not to mention who was the fake doctor’s lawyer

*Corax sprints out of the room full looking for Murdusa and Algich*

DeRvan, can you hear me again? Where is Algich and Murdusa?
No. 47935 ID: dc13c4
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No. 47937 ID: ea7b01

I see. It’s rather disgusting that you are okay with her dying, DeRvan, especially given the circumstances you blackmailed her into poisoning me. You threw her under the bus, and are now going to let her die for her part in what you orchestrated. We’re I not beginning to suspect that Triumphant himself were Happy, I’d detain you for becoming the prime suspect.

Instead, I want you to think about this, DeRvan, how were you going to handle her sister? The one in prison? I rather suspect the same way you handle everything, lie through your teeth.
No. 47939 ID: dc13c4
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No. 47940 ID: 1ab976
*pulls tape recorder out of jacket and hits the end record button*
You fool, Zirzam never actually said that you were responsible, it occurred to me based on everything we were talking about, why would he not want you listening in? Unless you were the one responsible for what we were talking about. All I had to do was say my suspicions as “facts” and you caved, classic police interrogation tactics, I expected you to lie more.

You’ve set up things I am good at yes, but look where this has landed us. We are no closer to getting happy, you have effectively wasted our time even further two different an pointless escapades because of the useless power games within the tribunal and we haven’t even really made any progress. If anything, because of the trouble you have caused, Happy is winning because all he has to do is sit back and let us rip each other apart. I do not fear death, getting hurt, or anything But I hate losing more than anything, and I refused to let you get in my way.

So, unless you want to be under arrest for crimes of conspiracy to commit 2nd degree murder, assault of an officer, and possibly more, what can you actually do to help this case DeRvan? We can consider it as cutting a deal with law enforcement.
No. 47942 ID: dc13c4
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No. 47943 ID: 1ab976
*kicks taser crab away, and stands*

That [/i]tickled[/i]

*suddenly grabs DeRvan wrist holding the gun and twists until it it snaps and he drops the gun. Corax then steps inwards still holding his arm, gives a sharp pull upward and outwards until it dislocates.* Did you forget I don’t feel pain at all, you useless fuck?

*using his leg Corax kicks out DeRvans leg to where the only thing holding him up is the dislocated arm*
I’ve almost ripped a man’s arm off like this, this may be the only time I’ve sincerely enjoyed doing it. And want to know something hilarious DeRVan? There wasn’t any recording of that tape, I lied just to fool you. And you bought it.
*punches the back of DeRvans head knocking him out, gives him a pat down to remove any remaining guns, tricks etc. Then he hand cuffs him.*

DeRvan Glasshrauder, you are under arrest.
No. 47945 ID: dc13c4
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No. 47952 ID: d87c35
*Corax looks down the hand as if it's a poisonous snake*

Working together does get results. And that I appreciate, more than anything. If you know anything about me, I like to get things done. What I detest most however, is when things get in my way, especially when they are for small reasons, and even bigger egos.

What I have a problem with, DeRvan, is that because you choose to see it as a competition, you chose to sabotage me. I am not above using dirty tactics, and torture to get what I want, but it's for a common goal that we all of us here in the tribunal are sharing. We are a system that could bring a whole new order and law to the chaos of the universe, and instead what I find is more like a college fraternity pranking each other. It's all so... Disappointing.

You, who stand to act the devil, truly live up to that role. You backstab potential allies because of a perception that they might get in your way to the top, but only leaves you with the dregs of society, and you subsist on the leftovers of what gods and men throw away. Plainly, DeRvan, as much as working together would benefit us, you have made that nearly impossible, because your lies make you so untrustworthy. And the fact you chose to keep this from me is... Disappointing. So here we are, back at square one.

My turn to give you a chance. Give me a reason why I should trust you, and I mean really honestly trust you. If you cannot, I will arrest you for your acts against the tribunal and have done with you. My first piece of advice, lose the horns. Those right off the bat symbolize how you cannot be trusted.
No. 47954 ID: dc13c4
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No. 47955 ID: d87c35
*Blinks. Looks DeRvan, looks at the grenade, looks back and DeRvan.*

Are you just fucking with me right now? Give me a break. Either help out or get out you useless fuck.
*walks away*
No. 47957 ID: dc13c4
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No. 47958 ID: d87c35

> Liar liar! Head on fire!
*Corax turns at the sound of the grenade pulling and that line, ready to dodge only to see the Grenade to DeRvan's head, and the strings of fate around him*

*hits the deck*
No. 47967 ID: dc13c4
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When the Corax makes his final move this short chapter will be over. So make your final update so that I start another short story.
No. 47968 ID: d87c35


*Stands up, picks up the little taser flintlock bot, turns it off and back into a flintlock, then pockets it. Pulls phone out and calls Peregrine*

"Peregrine? We've got a problem..."
No. 47976 ID: dc13c4
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No. 47977 ID: dc13c4
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With everything that has recently happened, I would just like to ask you, how are you feeling? How is your mental state holding up?
No. 47979 ID: 7f4e16
I'd be lying If I said things are fine, but right now things are rough. We have Triumphant bedridden, and now Dervan on his death bed, which is going to make things really difficult from here on out.

Inner thoughts: not to mention one of my family members could be missing or dead.

Only thing we can do is try our best and have faith.
No. 47981 ID: dc13c4
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No. 47984 ID: 5c5e97
Thanks for the question. While it is true our religion is all about how one's life is predetermined by Inkiverusis, please keep in mind that the Will of the World's influence, as far as I can tell from what I was told by my superiors Triumphant and Dervan, is only limited to those currently living in the world I came from.

Since Dervan and Triumphant left that world, they shouldn't have been influenced by the Will of the World as they are outside that domain and can form their own paths.

It is my belief, however, that Inkiverusus influenced anybody who came from our world to come here for a purpose despite leaving the will of the world's control, because the Will of the World trusts us to succeed in what we've been set out to do after all the years that we've been influenced. from here, we're out of the will of the world's influence, and it is only up to us to do our best to achieve whatever we were set out to do on our own without the Will of the World's set protected path that laid out to us with the skills we have gained from our lives living there.

unless, of course, our Deity we worship decided to leave that world, and follow us here, but I'm not sure why that would be the case, and what ramifications that would cause to our world without our deity making sure the people of our world follow their paths.

I think you should also ask the Mad Creator's the same question you asked me too for his opinion, and not just my thoughts for more insight. I'm sure you'll get an interesting point of view from him.
No. 47989 ID: dc13c4
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No. 47992 ID: a6f426
I'll answer your question on how Corax felt after we address Daro.

In my opinion, while I agree to having Daro removed from the meeting, I don't think that's going to solve much. It isn't just that Daro doesn't want to be here, he also wants to get back to work instead of being here during this therapy session.

And I believe that continuing the investigation is really important, BUT I also think that making sure people are mentally healthy after what happened is just as important for us to do our jobs as efficiently as possible.

That said, I propose this idea, if Daro accepts it: I agree to removing him from this meeting, but also suggest that he does something productive for the investigation team after his removal like he wants. For instance, might I request sending him to where Triumphant is at, and see if he can do something to wake him back up? they've been partners for so long, so who knows, maybe he'll figure something out?
No. 47995 ID: dc13c4
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No. 47996 ID: 41350a
Yes Sir, I will. But keep in mind I don't want this therapy session to turn into a gossip session.

I'll keep this brief, for Daro's sake. For how he felt, Corax was understandably pretty angered, frustrated, and felt pretty fed up with what is going on.

as for what he talked about,

He was suspecting that the higher ups will be questioning him, but based off of their expressions, his testimony on what happened that he gave initially lined up with the crime scene investigation, and autopsy they performed.

So yeah, safe assumption to say that the whole thing affected him, as it would anyone else.

I'll be right back as soon as I take Daro to his destination.
No. 47998 ID: dc13c4
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No. 48006 ID: 6c457c
Apology accepted. You're attitude was understandable, as this situation and other things has been effecting everyone differently. But just so you know, you can feel free to be as blunt as you want with me, especially if you want to blow off some steam. I have a half-brother who has been very harshly judgemental towards me, so I can take it, and I'll listen.

And I'm not going to judge you or admit you have issues, but I will say that if you have issues, then admitting to yourself that you have an issue, whatever it may be, like you did now, means you recognize them, and took a very important first step in potentially getting those addressed to become a better person... that is, if you want to do that.

Not that I should be talking, a lot of people say I have issues of my own, and an unhealthy way of dealing with it after what I went through in the past, with people telling me about how I'm running from what I went through through a religion I follow, and putting more focus on missions and other things.

And while the church of Inkiverusus has helped me through a rough period in my life and gave me clarity on everything, I guess it's still unhealthy that I'm still avoiding what I went through. I'm sure you and Triumphant know what I'm referring to... the vehicular incident.

But I will say, despite being shapeless and aimless, I'm sure your pact with Triumphant gave you the opportunity to go on several adventures that many people would not be able to experience, and witnessed things that most would not be able to see, and accomplished so much together. That's at least something to be proud of or take solace in, and I'm sure Triumphant is very appreciative of you being with him for so long and will be able to help you through whatever issues you think you have, when he wakes up, of you ever want to do that.
No. 48010 ID: dc13c4
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No. 48011 ID: dc13c4
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No. 48026 ID: e5709e
I see... you're worried about Triumphant not becoming the same person if they poked through his mind, and that is a valid concern. Though I hate to say... I think Triumphant has been expressing fears that he's already becoming a different person than what he once was, even if Corax and Dervan didn't poke through his mind.

I think I should tell you about what Triumphant told Corax and I at the bar when you weren't with him. He told me after he left his world after learning the truth of our world, he felt he outgrew our world and wanted to be a part of something bigger than he was, joining the dimensional tribunal to help other worlds. But unfortunately, he found that it was run by corrupted people who uses inhumane and psychotic methods to solve their cases, and he's been feeling alone in genuinely wanting to help other worlds. And he's been fearing that the longer he stays with this corrupt investigation team, the more it is influencing him to become less of the good detective he used to be, and more of a corrupt individual much like the others, even admitting that he too has done some very questionable things to solve his cases, which was why he hired Corax and I in the first place, to act as his moral compass. He told me that the role of detective is feeling like it doesn't suit him anymore

Honestly... while it is a valid concern to worry about how poking through Triumphant's head could change him, we should also be worried about what being a part of the investigation team is doing to Triumphant's mental health.

Which is why when Triumphant wakes up, I'd like for you to continue to help keep him grounded. He told me he hired Corax and I as a way to be his moral compass after he felt like he changed to something more monstrous after joining the Dimensional Tribunal's investigative team full of people who are morally bankrupt, but I think with you as his partner and good friend of his for so long, you can do a much better job than Corax and I can. Just keep a close eye on him, and take some time to talk with him about concerns you both have. I'm sure he'll appreciate it, especially when he feels alone where everyone else in the investigative team is morally bankrupt. It'd be good to have at least one good friend to be the light he needs through the corrupted darkness, you know? You don't have to change who you are to do it, just be yourself, and listen to him every now and then

Maybe even... discuss retirement? or finding a different line of work that suits him more? I'll leave it up to you.

In any case, Daro, I also wanted to ask, you don't have to if you don't want to, it's merely an idea: How would you like to do some spy work in this room? What I could do is hide you behind something, like maybe place something between you and where someone might see you, and have you silently peek into and listen in on whoever comes in this room to see Triumphant. Get an idea what people are doing with him and find anything out of the ordinary. If we have anyone within the investigation team working for Happy, odds are they might come in this room. You can, of course still talk to Triumphant and try to wake him up in the meantime.
No. 48031 ID: dc13c4
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No. 48051 ID: e51896
*since Daro is in a small container, Peregrine places Daro on the desk hidden behind and obscured by a jar of cotton and a jar of tongue depressors, among the supplies of medical tools and medications*

Since Triumphant is just unconscious, it's unlikely anyone will be using the cotton or tongue depressions, or much of the supplies on the desk on him, and even if anyone comes in here, they'll just view you as part of the medical supplies if they look over here and just ignore you. Just keep silent if anyone comes in, and I will pick you up later.

As for what you said, even if you view what Triumphant is going through as just needing to adapt, my request still applies to that. Still keep an eye on him, talk with him through his adaption in these situations and environment, keep him grounded through the corruption he has to witness, and converse and listen about concerns you both have. Adapting can still be a rough thing on anyone, and a friend like you can make things easier. Even if it helps just a little, your help can go a long way. You are from what I understand one of the very few people he can trust here after all.
No. 48052 ID: dc13c4
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No. 48055 ID: 396415
*flips light switch and turns on the light*
No. 48065 ID: dc13c4
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No. 48071 ID: bf9ba7
*is scared, but takes some deep breaths, then does a quick prayer in his head*

Inner thoughts: Oh Inkiverusus, the Will of the World, is this roadbump I have hit on my destined path a punishment I must endure, or is this a test in which you have given me, or could I be in the right place you needed me and these figures to be, and you need be to complete a mission here?
Whatever it may be, I will hold onto my faith in you, and trust you as my guiding light as I walk the path you've layed before me.


inner thoughts: Calm my nerves, and figure this out through deductive reasoning... I came through the door to continue the group therapy session, but instead headed into a dark room unfamiliar to me. two figures dead, with one of them being Algich, Landa killing her for revenge against Corax... However Corax doesn't seem angered by this. And the things Corax is saying to me does not match up with what he really told me, he was not the one who killed Dervan, I know he wouldn't. Maya helped me earlier to speak out too and cared and was concerned about how I felt about my sister, she wouldn't go back on this... And right now her face isn't her's and is looking familiar.

inner thoughts: the only explanation for me being here in this dark room and not in the therapy room must be either a hallucination, or perhaps when I opened the door, there was probably a portal behind it, and I unsuspectingly walked right in...

inner thoughts: I must think, who would have access to portals if it isn't any of my coworkers in the therapy room... Happy? Maya's face kind of looks like his, and he has portal powers... but why interfere directly?

inner thoughts: Currently, I suspect I'm in Happy's domain now, and he's trying to trick me. I could call him out, but this could be an opportunity to play along and pretend I'm clueless while I fish for info... Happy believes in total freedom and chaos, I on the other hand follow destiny of the will of the world and order. If I'm going to see if he has any reaction of the will of the world and confirm it's Happy, I should try talking about the will of the world to him through pretending to be talking to Corax. Depending on how strong his reaction to my god, it might determine if happy is probably from our world or not as well... assuming it is him[/i]


I-I... perhaps that might be what I truly want, but the life I lived has been destined, laid out, influencing me to be the person I am within this domain to fulfil one of my many purposes in life. My soul is tied to the Will of the World, my soul belongs to the Will of the World as it is with so many others, and even if I want to leave, the will of the world will not let me, and I must follow the path I was given, for I believe in the will of the world.

The destiny the Will of the World has put me here has lead me into this stage of my life, the experience I have gathered from the path molded me to the person I am here to fulfill a purpose, a mission within the ranks of the dimensional tribunal. Corax, you're from my world, and while you don't believe in the will of the world, how could you know that you being here free from the will of the world means you're truly free from the will of the world's love? even if you think you have the freedom, what if that's the exact path and role the will of the world wanted you to take, and the destiny you've been influenced you to take turned you into the person you are now, thus still making the exact decisions the will of the world wanted you to take despite the freedom we have here?

Are you truly free? Have you truly escaped from the destiny the Will of the World has put you on? Or is this freedom you have now still part of the Will of the World's path that was lovingly given to you?
No. 48083 ID: dc13c4
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No. 48098 ID: e51896
This is a hallucination then... my apologize for rambling, I'd like to take my seat please.

Inner thoughts: so perhaps a test from the Will of the World to overcome? Is showing my fears a test a worth, or a test to grow from? Best I can do for now is to ride it out, rely on my experiences gained from the path I was assigned to in life, and hope for the best.

*takes a seat* Thanks, please continue, I'll listen.
No. 48100 ID: dc13c4
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No. 48108 ID: dc13c4
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When is coffee not coffee?

No. 48116 ID: e51896
*is about to say something, but remembers that this is a scary hallucination, and anything he says to his brother might trick him into saying things he says to others in the real world.*

*Instead, he decides patience is key, and doesn't make any comments as he tries to be in a meditative contemplative thought while he listens closely to what these hallucinations have to tell him*

inner thoughts: guide us through, Will of the World...
No. 48119 ID: dc13c4
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No. 48121 ID: e51896
Okay, please show and guide me through my path you want to show me. As I said before, I'll listen.
No. 48123 ID: dc13c4
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No. 48165 ID: dc13c4
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No. 48173 ID: 22cb30
inner thoughts: Even though I'm talking to my sister, I'll have to assume I'm also talking with someone in the therapy session... I best guess is probably Landa, Dervan's assistant. I'll have to choose my words carefully so that it reaches both of them...

...I'm no therapist, so I may not have all the answers, but I will say even if the ones you love are gone and you are in the midst of a uphill battle, keep following the light in your heart that guides you, and use that light to guide others even if they're suffering in the darkness. And keep in mind that even a light that is becoming dim can still shine the way for you and others.

Do you remember Prevedeta? The high ranking member of the police force who suffered a mental breakdown to the point of self harm and getting herself house arrested? I believe She has been suffering a similar fate, being confined to her home, not being able to see the outside world or interact with almost nobody with people turning their backs on her... I think if it weren't for her friend continuing to see her again and again despite a lot of others turning her back on her, she would have totally lost her way. But I believe it's thanks to her friend that she is still able to light her way in her darkness... even if the light might be dimmer now.

And while the ones you love might be gone or far away, the experiences you've gained from them are still there to light the fuel in your heart if you choose to remember, listen, and follow them, and I believe they would still be proud of you for continuing their legacy when they can't be with you.
No. 48177 ID: dc13c4
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No. 48207 ID: d449d8
inner thoughts: If this is her memories, then...

*opens garbage can full of blue teddy bears, and takes a blue teddy bear out*

inner thoughts: as I thought...

In your happy place I see, to escape reality. escapism is fine as a mechanism to keep us sane during a bad time, but please remember we all have to face reality. But for now...

*slides the teddy towards Millie for comfort*

Just know that even if you feel abandoned by your loved ones by being so far away from them, the memories and experience you gained from them lives on through you. It's a matter of how you use those experience to help you get through, and how you apply that training into use to pull you through, and more importanlty, how much willpower you're willing to put into it.

I'm not sure if I can give you a definite answer, that is up to you to find out and one that only you can find. but what I can do is help guide you by showing some directions you could take. Based off my own experience, I too have been lost to some extent when that vehicular incident happened to me, and I too felt abandoned by my own loved ones for awhile after doing what I did. But I did find guidance giving me directions to help me through that chapter of my life. And perhaps maybe if you'd like to hear it, I may be able to provide some directions you could take moving forward. But like I said, it is going to require all the willpower you've gained from your past experience to push on, which I know you have... and don't worry, it's nothing religious, heh.

Would you like to know the paths you can take?
No. 48212 ID: dc13c4
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No. 48213 ID: 7a85fe
I know my brother told me not to get involved, and finding out the truth about Happy is the reason i'm here, and I know that getting answers this way will help tremendously... but...
I was put into the investigation team for a reason, a fate that was given to me by the will of the world. All the experience i was given in life has to be enough to guide me through to find the answers myself instead of just having the answers handed to me. Having the answers handed to me would be an insult to the will of the world and to all the life experiences I've been through which molded me to who i am to make me chosen for that task. I rely on my own skills given to me by the will of the world to find the answers I seek.

For that, please let me see Pink.
No. 48225 ID: dc13c4
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No. 48230 ID: c0c5af
Overestimating? Maybe... I won't deny it if that's true, but all the experiences I went through in my fated path the will of the world put me on influenced me to be who I am now, along with the choices I make. And whether I succeed or fail determines on what influenced decisions I make, and I will accept the outcome when I reach the end destination, and do what I can to pull through if I make the wrong choices. All I can do is have faith in the choices I make that I was influenced by the will of the world to take, to help reach the outcome the will of the world wants.

Right now, based off what I know, my top suspects I believe to be the one are either The Mad Creator... or... *sigh* Triumphant...
No. 48234 ID: dc13c4
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No. 48241 ID: 7173eb
...Super Sailor Seaman, so you're Pink then... I... see.
I do remember something about you forgetting things after you travel from one place to another, with writing things on your hand as a way to remember... That may have explained your actions.

That's neither here nor there... What's more pressing is the questions I have, for it is my hunch right now that whatever destroyed the cruise ship my sister was on could have been a conspiracy, one that was made to act as a distraction to keep me from my own case as I worry about my Sister's safety... but seeing as you are the one who went to find the ruins of the cruise ship, and took my sister, and my concern over my sister brought me here, I believe that fate had brought us to this crossroads, for I believe you have valuable information over the incident of the cruise ship's destruction that might just connect back to the case I'm working on, and could even shed some light for me and my sister over what really happened that caused the destruction of the cruise ship.

Please explain to me the events from the time you went out to discover the cruise ship to the moment after you got out of the cruise ship's ruins and took my sister with you. Please let me know any small details out of the ordinary like the description of whatever you think might have caused it which could be traced to someone or something. Anything or anyone suspicious, or any kinds of puppets.
No. 48246 ID: dc13c4
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No. 48261 ID: 39d8a3
huh... from what I understand from what you're saying, it looks like you've been set on a fated path of blood and violence, and wanted to escape that life after seeing it as evil by starting a new life with this small project in an attempt to be a better person, to overshadow the evil you caused in the past...

inner thoughts: I think I can see why Super Sailor Seaman knows Happy, perhaps Happy with his want for freedom from fate to the point of chaos understood Super Sailor Seaman's situation... possibly

But I wanted to say, your past actions makes you who you become, and I think running from your past is just going to manifest those experiences you went through in cruel ways you probably did not intend to cause, even if it wasn't direct violence, if my sister's trauma is anything to go by.

but as you want to change yourself for the better, your past doesn't have to define who you want to be. I'm no therapist and might not have the right answers, but Maybe, perhaps you could accept that your past built you to the person you are today if you haven't already, and use those experience in a more noble way...

like for instance, you see your path of blood and violence as a path of evil, but it doesn't have to be just that... I wanted to know, instead of keeping my sister and others together for your project after rescuing them, why not instead let them go, and search out the craftman responsible for building the missile, and also the person who tampered with the missile's launch and, well, get revenge on them? take their lives so you can save billions? You'd be seen as a hero, possibly atone for the guilt and evil you felt for your past? use your experience you've gone through in the past for good instead of trying to run from it and let it manifest in unintentional cruel ways towards others?

inner thoughts: I wonder if it was Happy who messed with the missile's target now that I think about if...
No. 48264 ID: dc13c4
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No. 48276 ID: 9e8677
I'd say while it is scummy that the saboteur redirected the rocket like that and was directly responsible, the financier was the one that funded the project in the fire place, and this all probably would not have happened if he didnt invest money to this. If he is let go, he might go out and fund other projects specifically designed to destroy mankind in the future. I vote the financier
No. 48278 ID: bcec60
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No. 48285 ID: 0b73bc
Yes, I have a question.
My old friend here was really insistent to get me from my investigation to bring me here, and I think it is only fair to ask this:

Super Sailor Seaman, or Pink as you are going by, and Millie, my dear sister, do YOU have a question to ask my old friend, the person who brought me here. I figure since he wanted to set this up, it's only fair you two get a question.

And don't worry, Millie, he said if you ask Pink a question, this dream ends, but he didn't say anything about it ending if you ask my old friend a question.

Unless he wants to set up another rule when it's convenient o guess
No. 48290 ID: 434ed2
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No. 48298 ID: e58577
Well, I can understand why you all would want to attack the corporations and financiers that played a part in creating that doomsday missile, and not just because of revenge, but more of a necessity to do so. Thinking it through, if the corporations and builders of that weapon are kept alive, there's no telling if they will try to finance another doomsday weapon project again and with the intention to actually use it. It'd probably be necessary to take their lives for the safety of our planet. I won't stop you all if you decide to take their lives, and would encourage it... but...

There is a big concern I have over the weapon you might use if the choice for revenge is chosen, and well, that is the fact that out of the large amount of people in that cruise ship who died from that poison, my sister and the other people who was taken in by you, Pink, were a small percentage of survivors of that blast.

It's making me wonder, why did they survive with their bodies turned into a biological factory to produce more of that poison after getting attacked by the missile instead of just dying? Was that REALLY a weird coincidental mutation in their body that kept them immune or strong immune system? or was it actually... intentional by the craftsman and the others who helped make the weapon?

I have this concern because to me, I'm wondering if the craftsman truly wanted our entire species to die, or if he only wanted the majority of our species to die while sparing a certain group of people in the world as some kinds of way to rebuild a superior race or something...

Like, I can't deny the possibility that maybe the craftsman made it so that only people with a certain trait that he liked are only to survive in the new world the doomsday poisonous missiles would have created for them...

or a scarier thought could be that the weapons could have been built to harm everyone in the world, EXCEPT for the people involved with the project from financiers to the builders, to the organizations, to perhaps other powerful people, as well as their friends and family members. That thought scares me most because that would mean that the group you have with you might of had family members or friends that could have been involved with the weapon without their knowledge, and had it so that they along with them wouldn't die.

I wanted to make sure if you've considered that possibility, because the worst thing that can happen is having that weapon backfire on you all with the weapon not effecting the people you are targeting, causing a pandemic where they could potentially kill anyone around them that are not immune, giving them exactly what they wanted in the first place.

If you haven't, you might need to see why the group is immune, and look for similarities between them that might be causing that immunity.

This only came to mind because right now, our investigation involves a place where everyone who isn't wearing a certain mask would die if they come into contact with a fog that is terrorizing people there, and that made me think if there is a similar selective immunity going on with the weapons they made.
No. 48304 ID: dc13c4
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No. 48311 ID: bbc103
Best bet is to put most trust in Pink. They're eccentric, and a little morally dubious, but the fact is that Pink knows most about what happened on the cruise ship, and does have a higher level respect for you. Go see what can be done about helping Pink with whatever they need, and you'll find protection from them if a lot of others are being hostile towards you, and you may also just find the truth about everything from Pink on about what happened...

*inner thoughts: I'm not giving my message to impress. There's no way I can deliver everything we learned about from Pink to my sister, but if she works towards helping and working with Pink, she'll find her way through to find the truth I'm sure. I trust Pink will be able to give all, if not most the information Millie needs to move forward.

But I think after getting context on what is going on in my world, I think I'll have to see about taking a indefinite leave of absence from the investigation team on the case to find Happy and instead start my own investigation back at home to send the corporations and people who financed the doomsday missile that hit the cruise ship to justice before they decide to fund another project and destroy my home world. I know going after Happy will prevent a lot of people from getting hurt, but if I did that, humanity back home could be endangered of going extinct if I spend time searching for Happy too and do nothing to stop the people who are left that were responsible for creating such a dangerous weapon .

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Worm Work the merchant
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Sun Scorching Savior Soldier
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Slithering Sally
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You might be a mastermind trying to trick the whole Dimensional Tribunal and pull a huge evil plan, but that doesn't excuse you from not paying your taxes.
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Holding your mask with both hands
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