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File 173091667358.jpg - (689.82KB , 1298x950 , interdimensional wrestling tournament 1.jpg )
1099443 No. 1099443 ID: 65be43

There is a most likely chance for this quest to go in the NSFW direction. The whole concept is that this will be a wrestling tournament against all sorts of strange fighters from different worlds.
Expand all images
No. 1099444 ID: 65be43
File 173091670058.jpg - (85.82KB , 478x556 , interdimensional wrestling tournament 2.jpg )

For this tournament give suggestions for the main contestant. There are only three stipulations, they are that it has to be a bipedal, human size being and it isn't a character from other media. All the other suggestions are up to your discretion. You can even give this character supernatural abilities, your opponents will have them, just to warn you.
No. 1099457 ID: e7f3cd

The main contestant should be a 6 foot tall, muscular, bipedal, busty, female triceratops. She doesn't need any special abilities, she is already built like a brick shithouse. Her muscles are are the power that she needs.
No. 1099458 ID: c5529d

support, dinosaurs are cool
No. 1099459 ID: 65be43
File 173101918365.jpg - (603.98KB , 1134x2161 , interdimensional wrestling tournament 3.jpg )

So the main contestant is a strong triceratops. So what is her name, why did she join the Interdimensional Wrestling Tournament, and how does she act?
No. 1099460 ID: 63709c

Name's Rowdy, and she lives up to it. She's here to prove she's the best brawler, but also she needs to find friends who can keep up with her.
No. 1099483 ID: 6d4c36

She's a strong silent type who LOVES fighting
Also gets angered pretty easily, but is pretty friendly once you get to know her.
No. 1099485 ID: 947819

She likes to dominate her oppnents.
No. 1099496 ID: 65be43
File 173109070391.jpg - (2.03MB , 2804x2415 , interdimensional wrestling tournament 4.jpg )

A) Empowered
B) Excited
C) Unstoppable
D) ___________
No. 1099500 ID: c5529d

No. 1099511 ID: 355e44

D) Disappointed, she wants strong opponents.
No. 1099532 ID: 6c7ad4

I'll change my vote to disappointed
No. 1099533 ID: 88c2d7

A little bit turned on and a lot addicted to the fame
No. 1099551 ID: 65be43
File 173117999322.jpg - (2.51MB , 2661x3652 , interdimensional wrestling tournament 5.jpg )

A) In a fair and sportsmanship way.

B) In a sneaky and underhanded way.

C) In a beserker way. She went all out and lost herself in the fight.

No. 1099557 ID: 0c6d5f

A. She's a proud gal and all, and she does not lose her shit in combat nor tries to make underhand tactics. She's got honor, she's got game: if she wins, its because of her strength. If she loses, its because it wasn't enough, and also means that she can always get stronger by challenging her limits with her own will. Defeat is just as exciting as victory to her.
No. 1099561 ID: c5529d

C. Let's play the monster heel.
No. 1099562 ID: 355e44

A) she's too confident to try anything sneaky.
No. 1099582 ID: 156715

C) Go apeshit on her ass.
No. 1099584 ID: 65be43
File 173125581296.jpg - (1.95MB , 3056x2279 , interdimensional wrestling tournament 6.jpg )

A) Talk smack back to the demon girl.

B) Give her a silent staredown.

C) Flip her off.

No. 1099585 ID: 112b75

A): Trowing my weight? Gravity? You have no idea, don't you?! Don't underestimate me! Listen up punk! I'm a star, flying free and unbound and wrecking shit as I go! I spin the world around, and this stage is a slave to my orbit! Do I look like a weakass weightless asteroid to you? Maybe you're having vision problems cuz your eyes are frying in my atmosphere! Mountains are nothing to cosmic novas! You're a stepping stone, a height I already overcame the moment I was born! But guess what! Ding-ding, the bell's ringing. No more time-wasting in the cold dark space! Feel the gravity that chokes you and drags you to me! You dust won't even reach my surface as aerodynamics gonna rip you appart! TIME TO BURN, BABE!
No. 1099586 ID: c20183

Couldn't have said it better myself!
No. 1099623 ID: fffdf0
File 173132245072.jpg - (2.50MB , 2895x3465 , interdimensional wrestling tournament 7.jpg )

A) Battle this opponent in a careful way.

B) Battle this opponent in a fearless way.

C) Battle this opponent in a flirty way.

No. 1099626 ID: 13372b

If she is such a strong opponent, you just need to be faster and stronger than her. A simple solution to this problem, if this strategy doesn't work then go for the C).
No. 1099630 ID: 1cc56b

Agreed! You feel that, Rowdy? You feel that excitement? She's not just a real challenge! You've been silently fighting in the ring for so long, for none could spark the flame of the battlethrill. Yet there you are, giving a speech just from looking at her, for you can feel her pressure just from her presence. She's the realest of them all! She might even be able to defeat you! The forbidden taste of defeat... And she's the one that could give it to you! She's fascinating! Beautiful! She's giving all of her, so why not give all of yourself a go! Push yourself to your limits! Perhaps even show how much you appreciate the excitement that she is giving you! (tldr B and C)
No. 1099633 ID: 206746

C) finally a real challenge, how exciting
No. 1099665 ID: fffdf0
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Show me your creativity in order for Rowdy to turn this battle in her favor.
No. 1099668 ID: 8eeb9d

Taunt her with a little bit of flirting and when she's close enough then proceed to bitch slap her with your tail. She will never see that attack coming
No. 1099704 ID: 355e44

yeah, mental warfare! psych her out
No. 1099723 ID: c5529d

No. 1099766 ID: fffdf0
File 173157595045.jpg - (1.46MB , 2296x2520 , interdimensional wrestling tournament 9.jpg )

Show me your creativity in how Rowdy will end this fight with one last attack.
No. 1099776 ID: c33d70

The Rowdy Extinction Tour! Grapple her with the horns in your head, then use them to make a modified powerbomb. Then, grapple her with your tail and hurl her towards the ropes. When the ropes bounce her back, keep spinning and use the tail as a lariat. And to finish her off, jump on the ropes and use them to hurl yourself into the air, completely and utterly exterminating the oponent with a meteoric dinosaur-exterminating moonstomp.
No. 1099779 ID: 8eca0e

I wanted to suggest a simple double knee, but your suggestion is something much greater and devastating that I had to go with your suggestion. You truly are an artist when it comes to wrestling
No. 1099786 ID: fffdf0
File 173162450080.jpg - (3.14MB , 3140x4090 , interdimensional wrestling tournament 10.jpg )

A) Brag on how you are unstoppable.

B) Tell that this tournament was an interesting challenge for you.

C) Tell that this tournament was unsatisfying to you.

No. 1099790 ID: f822cc

B) and C). At last I've tasted something akin to a real challenge, yet it was nothing but a brief moment. I wish for more! More challenges! Also, I must thank that demon girl for being a worthy foe! Looking forward for more great warriors to fight against!
No. 1099796 ID: 355e44

C) Was that it? Only one worthy opponent? Surely there must be stronger out there.
No. 1099803 ID: 27fceb

The demon girl was a worthy opponent but we don't need to show that to all who are watching. Use her unconscious body as a chair, just to show how below us she is
No. 1099804 ID: 62af75
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This is your victory, so you get to choose how to celebrate it.
No. 1099813 ID: 5f45de

Perform a hundred pushups, a hundred sit-ups, a hundred squats, 10 kilometer run. Go to the bar, have a couple of rounds (no alchohol, that shit is poison for your diet), play just dance, get the highest score. Train every day to be the perfect warrior, train until the next battle- wait, are we actually meant to do something with her? Uhh... I mean, the taste of victory was already pretty fullfilling. Thank her for being a good challenge I guess... Ooh, maybe not actually doing anything can be even more stinging than anything else!
No. 1099817 ID: 833c3f

Steal her panties as a trophy
No. 1099829 ID: 355e44

Strike a saucy pose. She's earned it.
No. 1099931 ID: 207b18
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A) You are correct I am up for a good fucking after a good fighting.

B) I am just teasing you.

C) No you're not my type.

No. 1099932 ID: 6c233e

B) Ha ha, just reveling in victory. unless...?
No. 1100123 ID: 7fc55c

No. 1100197 ID: 6a5cc1
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The protagonist has changed from Rowdy to the candle girl. Give her a name and pick her next response.

A) This is something that I need to do.

B) I might be a little bit unsure but I am still ready to participate in it.

C) I am going to win this tournament.

No. 1100201 ID: 8be000

Her name is Lampwicky, she's unsure about it but will do it anyway (B).
No. 1100231 ID: 6c233e

Lampwicky is good
B) but she's got something tricky planned
No. 1100237 ID: ca06e2

Does she have a fiery personality?
No. 1100271 ID: 6a5cc1
File 173239339528.jpg - (2.18MB , 3222x2991 , interdimensional wrestling tournament 14.jpg )

A) The Burning Torch

B) The Fighting Fury

C) The Fire Tornado

No. 1100297 ID: 6c233e

D) Lampblack, and get a cool outfit to match
No. 1100325 ID: 3afff6

I agree with that name
No. 1100349 ID: c5529d

sounds good to me
No. 1100361 ID: fc6ad5
File 173255296354.jpg - (1.18MB , 1968x2755 , interdimensional wrestling tournament 15.jpg )

Choose how her wrestling outfit will look and describe it.
No. 1100365 ID: 81d88d

For the clothes just put on a normal wrestling attier something black, but for the face put on a warpaint in the shape of flames around her eyes
No. 1100379 ID: 6c233e

Well since a mysterious hood is out (for obvious reasons) I'll go with black leotard over dark gray leggings and arm...ings. and a tear away half cape, for drama without being able to be yanked by it.
No. 1100461 ID: 25096c
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A) And you look like somebody who is afraid to show their face.

B) You talk too much.

C) All bark and no bite.

No. 1100482 ID: 6c233e

Is your power being discouraging? Because if not I think you're wasting your time.
No. 1100495 ID: c46c0c

No. 1100582 ID: 2c21b8
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A) Just start the fight.

B) Talk more with her.

No. 1100583 ID: 6c233e

A) c'mon its wrestling, have some fun with it. Take on this mysterious stranger as your first challenge.
No. 1100616 ID: 1f6993

Introduce yourself and tell her how you are going to beat her and win this whole tournament
No. 1100625 ID: c5529d

B, wrestling is more than just being about fighting, it's also secretly a soap opera for the audience. gotta get some drama going to keep the crowd hooked
No. 1100649 ID: 3ea4ff
File 173317322363.jpg - (1.87MB , 3068x2523 , interdimensional wrestling tournament 18.jpg )

Pick how you want her to start this fight
No. 1100718 ID: a2cc2c

Return the favor, the hit to the head answer with another hit to the head. Headbutt her.
No. 1100725 ID: 6c233e

Do a dropkick!
No. 1100820 ID: 3ea4ff
File 173348601133.jpg - (1.73MB , 3432x2320 , interdimensional wrestling tournament 19.jpg )

Pick how you want her to continue the fight
No. 1100827 ID: a2cc2c

If she relies on her feet then we will use our fists. Wait for her next attack and grab her leg.
No. 1100888 ID: 6c233e

Yeah! and then use that to flip her on her back and go for the pin.
No. 1101034 ID: 3ea4ff
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A) Play the next move defensively.

B) Play the next move offensively.

No. 1101063 ID: 6c233e

A) since she's got the mobility advantage now, let her come to you.
No. 1101074 ID: c348a3

Keep your guard up, we don't know what she will be up to, I have a feeling that she is going all out on us in her next attack. If we can tank the damage maybe she will be easier to catch.
No. 1101158 ID: 9246cb
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Pick how you want her to continue the fight.
No. 1101168 ID: 8e8086

She is being cocky and close to you grab her and make her regret her it and when you grab her this time do not let her slip out of your fingers
No. 1101197 ID: 6c233e

She's pretty close. What can you do with that flame of yours? A flare to force her back while you get to your feet would be good. And keep a better eye on her this time.
You need to grab her next attack and redirect her, like in judo.
No. 1101304 ID: 9246cb
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The next move that you do will hit your opponent, so make it count.
No. 1101314 ID: a2cc2c

Give her the hadouken
No. 1101335 ID: 6c233e

Fire punch!
No. 1101573 ID: 9246cb
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A) Show her no mercy.

B) Accept her surrender.
No. 1101577 ID: 1facd3

It is too little and too late for apology, time to go all out on her ass. She earned a good beating.
No. 1101582 ID: 6c233e

That's your friend right? You can't beat her after she gives up.

But you can tickle her until she really surrenders.
No. 1101871 ID: b9c033
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Choose the victory speech.
No. 1101953 ID: 5eb9d0

Give an empowering speech, how you are going to beat this whole tournament and nobody is going to stop you or get in your way.
No. 1101957 ID: 6c233e

To all the naysayers; get out of the way or wind up on the mat!
No. 1102076 ID: b9c033
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continue the conversation
No. 1102077 ID: 6c233e

She really would have just forfeited if she had won? But she did so well, that would have been a waste. Next time she should aim for the top herself.
No. 1102092 ID: e349d3

But why? Why did you have the need to do this in the first place?
No. 1102251 ID: b9c033
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continue the conversation
No. 1102330 ID: 75f8db

I mean, okay? Do you have anything you can actually tell or just an ominous looming portent of doom?
No. 1102340 ID: 6c233e

Well adversity is needed to grow. But next time you should sign up as a tag team.
No. 1102477 ID: 0dff7a

Yes the two of you could be a great tag team, you even have the whole electoral powers as a good stage presence.
No. 1102493 ID: b9c033
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A) Continue to the next opponent.

B) Stay a little bit longer with your friend.
No. 1102504 ID: 6c233e

A) assure your friend that you will win this tournament or survive trying.
No. 1102514 ID: 7c820f

A) We will endure, climb to the top of the mountain just you wait and see

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