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1094701 No. 1094701 ID: 46e818 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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No. 1105405 ID: 2f41db

Polite fellow...
You know this dance muschio.
You were born to it.
This said, your guest has been doing this a long time.
Remain alert to what catches his interest, whether he speaks of it or not.
No. 1105412 ID: fdf2eb

Relax, he hasn't asked for anything yet, and he seems knowledgeable. There's no need to be wary. We should introduce him to the gang over a meal.
No. 1105413 ID: 273c18

I mean, it's possible he's a spy of some sort, or he's here to steal the thing all sneaky-like. However, I doubt he's going to do the deed himself. He's the center of attention so he won't be able to do anything. However, he's got tiny servants that could more easily escape notice; we should try to keep track of them. How many does he have?
No. 1105424 ID: ac9879

The real threat here is politics. He just told us straight to our face, we still have enemies, and now he knows that we're alive for himself. Enemy or not, if he leaves the Vault, that secret leaves with him.
No. 1105425 ID: d01d94

He seems well connected, could be opportunity in that.
Knowing there is still public support for you back home is great news.

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1102987 No. 1102987 ID: 4591f8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

FIRST NAME, MIDDLE INITIAL, LAST NAME: Poppy East HOME ADDRESS: 69420, Petunia Lane CITY: Eastbone NSFW?: y[X] n[ ]
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No. 1105419 ID: 4591f8
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POPPY: "Hey Lune."

Choose any, combine, or none:
A) "I died and saw Taxes itself."
B) "I am going to die in 24 hours. Conditionally."
C) Hug wife.
D) Finish swing; smash it.
No. 1105420 ID: d30887

No. 1105421 ID: 6c233e

Super C, and then B
No. 1105422 ID: 0d81fe

C: you can smash it in like, 3 minutes when your done hugging your wife
A: maybe *don't* start off by telling your wife who, given the situation, thinks you died (you did) that you are going to die, that'll fuck her up SO bad!
No. 1105423 ID: 273c18

B, C.
Please don't kill Solstice, it's innocent! Also, I think it read a bunch of books and is trying to communicate using sentence fragments. I'm not sure what method it's using, maybe it's like metaphors? Or we need to pick out only the bits that are relevant?
It was asked "where's poppy", and it started talking about *extensions* of the Four Kingdoms model, and then when asked for clarification it said something that seemed to make no sense but included "5th", so I think it was trying to say Poppy was in the Fifth Kingdom.

Well, now that it can give any communication at all, we should be able to ask yes/no questions, surely. Even if it can't use consistently chosen fragments, it should be reasonably clear from the contents if it's meant to mean yes or no. At the very least, we can tell it to stay silent if the answer to a question is "no".

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1074204 No. 1074204 ID: 0b594e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Rumors abound of the city.
They say it just appeared one day.
They say no one has ever seen its top.
They say it is a place of mystic secrets and wild pleasures.

But before we can get to that...
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No. 1104667 ID: 9bbb0e

These ears were made for listening.
No. 1105408 ID: 6c233e
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Mirrak: "Well we met a farmer on the way up-"

Elder Kesha: "Sinni." she sighs "That boy is a distraction. Hmm, this might be just what she needs to get her mind focused properly. How old did you say your friend was?"

HIlgar: "Well we found him in a place from the oldest stories I've ever heard of. So maybe, as old as the world? Our old world, that is."

Elder Kesha: "Its decided then. If anything will keep her rightly fixated on stone its old stone. I'm tempted to visit myself, but the humidity down there is hell on these old joints. Let us go and inform Palla of the good news."

Mirrak: (I think that went well. And it's past noon so surely they must be done by now.)


Martah: "Shouldn't they be done by now?"

spiky shon whose eyes now sparkle in the light and can see twice as many details (Saranna): "They've been waiting for this for a loooong time. Got a lot saved up to get out, hur hur."
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No. 1105409 ID: 273c18

I think the only thing we can do is to tell them to finish up, they're out of time. And also that Palla's going to work with us, which means Sinni will be able to visit her unsupervised.
No. 1105410 ID: 78bd3b

Well, no choice.

We will have to entertain the elders with stories of your people.
And also breaking your mouth curse. That'd be a neat party trick.

Oooh also, all this loving reminds me of something very important.

You gotta help me, Martha, you gotta help me deal with the Mainframe.
She's this weird lizardy-dragony-serpenty creature with wires coming out of her body and connecting her to all across the heavenly dome and precides over the passing of soul to and from meatspace, and she looks like this >>1102934 Martha. Can you see the mental image, Martha? Yes? No? Yes?

Anyways, she's mean, Martha. She doesn't let us do stuff like breaking your mouth curse with our dead ghost energy, or divulge secrets about the afterlife, like the evil soul-devouring lich at the center of Creation, or how ice-cream machines always break because they all die upon assembly and their souls end up there.

She hates me, Martha. She hates me because I meddle, but I only meddle because I love, Martha! I love this world, and I love her.
I love the Mainframe, Martha!

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No. 1105411 ID: 802951

You know what, this could be funny. Go for it.

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1087619 No. 1087619 ID: 6290ec hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

If we open our minds to the existence of other universes, there's no limit to the possibilities that we could experience in the world of boning.
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No. 1105401 ID: 29a396


No. 1105403 ID: 25c93b

Oh yall picked up an odd duck. B or C.
No. 1105404 ID: d30ef0

C or B. Toss some water on her.
No. 1105406 ID: 0d81fe

oh, the "Sanity--" wasn't a question, poor poor Ceri
A. ask Keireer about what I guess she has decided is your new friend
No. 1105407 ID: e4fa58

B, a

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1099443 No. 1099443 ID: 65be43 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

There is a most likely chance for this quest to go in the NSFW direction. The whole concept is that this will be a wrestling tournament against all sorts of strange fighters from different worlds.
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No. 1104961 ID: b0f6b7

Time to go David and Goliath on this nightmare's ass! Use the dreamcatcher as a slingshot and throw it at the head of this huge opponent!
No. 1104973 ID: 6c233e

She should be careful she doesn't... Burn her tongue! Use your fire power.
No. 1105385 ID: 756c41
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A) Embrace your friend.

B) Embrace your friend.
No. 1105388 ID: 6c233e

"Stay back! There's a bunch of nightmare dust here, you'll get sick!"
No. 1105397 ID: a7c3de

Sounds like bullshit, desu

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1105237 No. 1105237 ID: f1368b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Jess the fox and Henry the wolf navigate their marriage and friendships. Updates every other day.

Discussion thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/135483.html

NSFW, contains BDSM and casual bigotry
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No. 1105341 ID: cb76eb

A hot meal and a gentle touch might be a good place to start.
No. 1105342 ID: bfd8fc

Cooking dinner will be appreciated, but that may not be special enough to make an impression. Maybe you could pick up a co-op game to play together? It wouldn't be intimate, so it wouldn't hammer in the gender issue further, and it'd give you a bridge to try and interact and help him work through some of his feelings.

He's not gonna get over things on his own. You're going to need to talk about things directly, but just as important will be interactions where you're just trying to enjoy one another's company.
No. 1105362 ID: 7c0e25

Honestly yeah, as weird as it is to say, the intimacy may have to take a back seat to actually solving the issue. The best way to do this is to just become friends again, play games together, watch some stupid movies and riff on them, just stuff you used to do with each other before you married, hell maybe even before you both started dating.
No. 1105367 ID: 0db8d3

The Becca thing sucks but I doubt it's often front and center in Henry's mind.
Given the time that's passed, he's probably over mourning the fact that you aren't gonna be soft and subby.
Meanwhile the amount of consistency he's been putting into using male pronouns for you is... Well given the circumstances pretty impressive.
It's clear he still very much loves, respects, and is attracted to you.
This means that whatever is still upsetting him about this is largely in his head. He's having trouble adapting. Hell this could very well be a crisis of identity for him.
Thus, whatever you do for him should make the path easier for him.

I can think of two ways to help this.
First, in whatever you do, be extra thoughtful and romantic. Like pretend y'all are still dating and you're trying to impress him- which now that I think of it, is probably a place you two never were, isn't it? You two had more of a whirlwind romance. This should be fun.

Second thing you could do is casually be more risque, flirtatious, even seductive around him- but still don't initiate things yourself, just come close, tow that line. Every time Henry initiates sex with you is a choice he makes the reinforces his place in this new situation, this reality. The act makes it real but it's the decision that matters. The more he decides to fuck you the more he heals. Thus, if you can persuade him to have sex with you more often while letting him think it's still his idea, he should get better a fair bit faster.
No. 1105370 ID: f2320a

basically browbeat him with the nostalgia but there is perhaps some worry over becoming less attractive to him as he just does not like muscles at all or anything thats slightly more masculine in body
he seemed very devastated over it he did not just lose a sex partner he lost a friend he has had for years upon years long before you Jess you may need to grab Becca out of her Funk and use her do you happen to know what exactly was said and happened between them?
does it even need to be just in his head if he is being constantly reminded, and the sex the first time was when you did something insensitive

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1104401 No. 1104401 ID: 28d19c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Possibly (probably) NSFW.

Donut’s OCs have put off their chores for WAY too long. Won’t you help them?

An excuse to draw my OCs (and a few borrowed ones) in unflattering outfits.

Takes place in the same multiverse of Questden Holiday Threads, where the crossovers totally happened but no one talks about it in their quests.

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No. 1105361 ID: 12b116

Maybe Serah is the one who needs to learn a lesson about wasting food and Dotti did nothing wrong.
No. 1105363 ID: 270ab2
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Dotti should wear something completely scabdalous. Leave nothing to the imagination. That should get a rise out of her.
No. 1105365 ID: 6c233e

Borrowing clothes from the neighbors. A little girl's dress for Dotti and a mom's dress with apron for Serah. an adorable matching set
No. 1105366 ID: d30887

Bikinis. Rows and rows of bikinis tied into a single skirt.
No. 1105369 ID: 361e84


I'm on board with this for Dotti. She fluffs herself up massively to hide anything and tries to be smug about that.

As for Serah, Dotti brings her a nightshirt she borrows from the lost and found. It belonged to some adventurer probably on the scale of an ogre and would function well enough as a dress on Serah... If not for the large neck opening and laces down part of the front that may be a risk for flashing a bit more than just cleavage. Unfortunately long enough to cover her butt, but not much further than that.

Panties and bra are nowhere to be found.

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978305 No. 978305 ID: 2bd15b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

chapter 1 https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/757996.html
chapter 2 https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/777113.html
Discussion thread https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/107070.htm
Chapter 4 https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/929115.html
Draw thread, where you can ask me to draw certain things

wiki https://tgchan.org/wiki/Root_and_Branches
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No. 1104817 ID: 6c233e

hmmmmmm *frowns*
No. 1104830 ID: 933858

Ahh. Happy the Tragedy Phantom, pleased to finally make your acquaintance. With you being here, I assume my assessment that you are someone within the Tribunal, or having a liaison within it is correct.
No. 1105320 ID: 756c41
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No. 1105322 ID: 992165

Inner thoughts: An attack, drop low! Something thrown, potentially explosive, stay low. Avoid the crack in the floor where Hopkins fell through.

*Corax hits the deck and rolls, the knife might hit him but as long as it's not vital he doesn't mind bleeding.*

Clever, take out my sight so I can't fight back. Good move, you've done your homework. You threw something because you don't want to engage me up close so even the dark you keep your distance. While you're trying to kill me, enlighten me a little, please. Do you know about the group that helps you in the shadows? They said you don't but I don't know how much I put faith in that.
No. 1105368 ID: 6c233e

That's just what he has to do, being a hard boiled detective is tough. I knew it would be a tough case when I signed up.

But what about you, why are you still here? Shouldn't you be escaping, meeting up with your team?

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1095767 No. 1095767 ID: e25c20 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

This is the continuation of the second chapter of the Chasing Shadows and Hunting Rats.

Chapter 1


Chapter 2 part 1


Discussion Thread

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No. 1105313 ID: de2a13

Hell no to the no no!
No. 1105315 ID: 756c41
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Your dedication will be rewarded.

B) Don't expect much.

C) Why did you want that position in the first place?

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1105330 ID: 6c233e

A) If they can pull this off they deserve a good reward. Hell if they can just survive the attempt they should get something.
No. 1105355 ID: 267563

3 since it's a good question but also 1. Deceiving our enemy can be crucial if it's where it's needed.
No. 1105356 ID: f98c80

C) They said that they didn't need much and all of the sudden the pumpkin is asking for the position in our council. I just want to understand their reasoning.

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1009279 No. 1009279 ID: 5fc3a0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

6 Months Later

33-67. The first of the preliminary polls came in, and people who want to stay in town outnumber us nearly an exact two to one.
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No. 1105283 ID: 0d81fe

Well, do you have anything more important do do~
You two 'cooperatively' got yourselves into this situation so you might as well, curious how you'll handle this
No. 1105293 ID: 66de4b

> the wedding cake you've made out of my ass!

It is a rather amazing ass, but it might be good to remind Pillet that this is your body. You haven't done anything to her body, only your own.

Unless she thinks she owns your body? Which is valid~
No. 1105332 ID: 78bd3b

Oh, right.

The husband!

We should tell Pesh that you have one of those, see if she has issue with that.

And of course, see if the husband issue with that. He's very precious to us. He's a crocodile with a baseball. We won't find a catch like that in another hundred thousand years.

Let's see if we can call him.

Yeah, let's tell poor Pillet we would never have been so careless in looks or wardrobe if you were controlling someone else's body, let alone your dear sister.
Feel very hurt if Pillet tells you not to call her sister. She'll feel it first hand now.
No. 1105337 ID: d1f31f

I'm inclined to go for it, opportunities for fun like this in your future might be a whole lot more limited. And what else is there to do while you wait for the train to arrive at it's destination?

I would mentally check with Pillet to make sure she's at least ok with this though. The only thing worse than having to let the twins down would be to have to stop suddenly because she's not okay with it.
No. 1105348 ID: 273c18

>tell Pesh
We already told them. Said "my husband is a eunuch", even. Also Aelsaw had some internal thoughts about not being serious about the flirting, but finding it hard to resist doing it anyway, so it's hard to tell what she wants to do?

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1087342 No. 1087342 ID: 15a025 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Another experimental one shot.

*Art style may change at a moments notice or even with in the same update.
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No. 1105302 ID: 2f41db

Hes drank the kool aid.
Nothing will break that.
But, if youre feeling cruel gretchen, ask him how long it takes to heal, then ask what forever is going to be like with shattered feet?
No. 1105305 ID: 6c233e

This ain't self defense anymore Gretchen, y'sure you can live with yourself if you kill him, all tied up like that? Besides, why go to the effort when these facts should do the trick; He can still be injured and still feel pain, so you could just smash all his bones and dump him down a well. Let him stew on that idea.
No. 1105306 ID: d30887

Give him Gretta's blood, then break his bones.
No. 1105336 ID: 78bd3b

Eeeh, I'll take a gamble and vote for the police to handle this bozo, which we still have to make contact with, anyway.

Let's not forget to remind him that some of his crazy clown mask friends drank the blood and then died from things like blunt trauma and a chest full of buck shot after interrupting football time.
No. 1105338 ID: c8380b

If he's still able to feel pain, and the injuries you've made aren't healing... How does this guy like the sound of eternal life after being drawn and quartered?

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1102232 No. 1102232 ID: b57653 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Your name is Speedrun. You are an autistic lesbian. You've just transferred to a new school even though you are an 18 year old in her senior year.

Because your name is Speedrun you are obsessed with speedrunning, and now that you're starting a new school you've decided to attempt your greatest speedrun challenge yet: romance!

Just remember: if you fail to score a highschool sweetheart in record time, you'll be alone forever!

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No. 1105236 ID: dfa46e

Inform him that he'll have to do the gender reassignment sequence to unlock your route.
No. 1105258 ID: 2f41db

Poor butterball must be somewhere else.
Probably best she doesnt see this.

Hold on.
You need to deflate this potential rival.
Scan for vulnerabilities...
Target pride for a critical hit.
Turn to your best buddy and ask;
"Golden end? Isnt that when people pee on each other?"
I mean, it does sound like it.
No. 1105259 ID: d58817

Completionism is the stuff of life! If you don't have all 180 emblems, have youreally played Sonic Adventure 2? Getting all of the in-game unlockables is only the start of your relationship with a game, introducing you to everything it has to offer. Then, you can start the challenge runs.

But like we said, we're in a hurry. We know this tech; boob honk unlocks cutscene skip. Grab Casey's chest.
No. 1105309 ID: 033885

Just leave
No. 1105318 ID: 4c750c

Inform him that the sequence of words he’s talking about includes the phrase “I’ve suddenly transformed myself into a woman! With a vagina!”

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1099846 No. 1099846 ID: 10bc9b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

[nsfw/R18. content warnings: blood/gore/graphic violence, body horror, themes of suicide and dysphoria]
[disthread: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/143113.html ]


[UNIDENTIFIED USER] "Omigod. Did that actually work?"
[UNIDENTIFIED USER] "Omigod. Omigod. Did I just put a bunch of dead people in my eyeball. Oh, shit. Ohhhh. Fuck!"
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No. 1104958 ID: 1497ec

Before we part ways, I would ask two question of User:[DELVE], if it is not too imposing.

The first: Why would an Oss continue to exist without a user? What purpose does a chorus persue when there is no longer a singular will to be imposed upon? What schemes could possibly benefit the ossuary exclusively? If User:[DELVE]'s individual will is... Passed on, as you put it, wouldn't that render any agreement between the two of you irrelevant?

My second question is far more simple.

What do you, as User:[DELVE], gain from helping User:[GLAIVE]'s ossuary? Is this a debt repaid, or an act of altruism?


I am afraid of the answers we may or may not receive, fellow Chorus of DEZ. Perhaps that fear proves we haven't fully become monsters in this state.

I, too, vote to [RETURN].
No. 1104984 ID: 430113

Thank you [DELVE] for some explanation. You seem... more put together than a typical oss, but that could be due to your specific condition of knitting together into one approximation of Delve.
I would like to [RETURN] to user [DEZ] because she really needs us to be coherent right now, instead of scattered and jumping from osspop to osspop. I don't know how much of the two geists we lost to the Vitsplosion will be salvageable, but we absolutely need to warn Veil that he is up and at it again.
To [VEILGAOL]: Vittorio is getting up so we better move. User [DEZ] has friends outside that at least need to be notified of what's happening. Please have user [VEIL] take us to user [DELVE] for recuperation. It seems likely that she can move faster than a car.
No. 1105045 ID: 320abe

Thank you Delve Oss, this diversion, while not asked for, was more productive then expected. We'll be in touch. I'll [Return]

>I'd caution against texting humans too much, crosstalk between us makes us sound extra insane even without the weird context

I second this. We are not as good at talking to quicks as we think we are.

>don't just fuck off without delivering dez to them
>Yeah, we should go with Lilio
>see if she'll take you to your friend in the car

I don't second any of this though. We should be involving ourselves with the living as little as possible at this point. Not getting random innocents killed should at least be our 2nd or 3rd priority and things have been looking pretty dicey on that front since disco dick showed up. The last thing we want is to waltz up to a car filled with Dez's well meaning friends with an angry necrotech with a low value of human life and a high need of daddy's approval on our tale. It took him a solid 5 seconds to resurrect this time. We need to get away from him before he can cause serious harm.
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No. 1105046 ID: 273c18

Dez, can you text your friends and tell them to stay away? Vittorio is resurrecting too fast, it'll be near impossible to keep them safe.
No. 1105314 ID: bcf4bc

I'm sure the others have put it better, but I also want to thank you Delve. Also your vibe is cool, can't wait to hang sometime.

I want to hop back into [DEZ]. Encourage her to keep living... for the blog!!! (and also so we can get her better lipstick sometime. I'm not letting her forget that bc that other geist was absolutely correct)

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1101551 No. 1101551 ID: 86847c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Adult content 18+

First thread: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/860238.html
Wiki: https://tgchan.org/wiki/Moot_Point
Previous chapter: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1073931.html
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No. 1105289 ID: 81705d
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Caleb grunts and pulls himself loose from the bewildered mouse, letting out a pent up flood of cum from beneath his tail. “Flay me, that was a good fuck.”

Gabe lands face down on the floor and coughs up another gob of cum. When he gets his breath back he reaches for his stomach, expecting it to be full and swollen, only to find it skinny as always. “Hah- what the fuck? How- how’d you do that?” He asks, trying to sit up on wobbly legs.

“Bit a’ glamour.” Caleb winks and waves a hand towards the floor. “Take a look.”

The mouse looks down at the puddle of spent cum, only to find most of it evaporating away like morning fog. “Spite me, I thought I was gonna burst!”

“Course not. Glamour can’t hurt ya. That's why its glamour.” He gives the mouse a sawtooth grin and a heavy pat on the shoulder. “Pretty good, eh? I’m a bit outta practice.”

No. 1105290 ID: 81705d
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Kol speaks up, having watched Gabe with disbelief, “You’ve never done that before!”

“Rule number one of dealin with the fey…” Caleb wags a finger as he approaches his boyfriend, “Never assume you know all of a fey’s tricks.” He squats down to glare at Kol and growls, “Now that you’ve had a break, how about you show me how much tougher you are, Guardian boy?”

No. 1105300 ID: c8380b

This seems like the perfect opportunity for an unexpected romantic kiss.
No. 1105301 ID: 0d81fe

yeah yeah! with him all up in your face is a perfect time to kiss him! Just expect him to be fierce once he recovers from the shock and kisses back :)
To be fair it would be correct to assume you never know all of ANYONES tricks, how many things have you three made up on the spot?
Wonder how Glamour works... that could be quite fascinating
No. 1105310 ID: 273c18

Oh ho, clever glamour.
Damn, he's gonna go another round? I think everyone else is spent, all they'd be able to do is watch (do we really need to continue this scene though?)

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1104505 No. 1104505 ID: 6c233e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Winter's grip will not soon loose, the driving snow and biting wind bind all to burrow and hole.

Previous chapter: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/1080954.html
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No. 1105187 ID: 4fdf2e

surrep and the bat!!!
No. 1105202 ID: 462d8c

Bat and a beetle
No. 1105260 ID: d58817


We haven't seen any bats yet but the thralls. This will be a good opportunity to learn more about them and their position in the house.

And I'm kind of curious about the silk moth, too. The beetle won't be able to tell us anything while we're working, but it could be an in with the moth later.

So far, only Tem'rty, Lisel, and the Shale Ledge mice are part of the conspiracy, right? So the if there's been a leak, one of them would have to be the suspect. People knew we'd be going for coal, right? The shrews need it. It's probably not related to a leak, but we'd best stay frosty.
No. 1105263 ID: b07cdc

Is it possible to have a beetle and another beetle? I just find the idea of Tem'rty trying to have small talk with not one but two silent beetles hilarious.
Wishes aside, the bat and the beetle would be my vote.
We gotta take at least one beetle.
No. 1105287 ID: 756c41

D2 If we don't know them well this mission will be a perfect option to change that. We need to learn what others can do, the bat is most likely a capable fighter and the beetle, honestly I don't know what the fuck is up with that bug. So my suggestion is to go with those you know nothing about so no bat and no beetle.

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1076048 No. 1076048 ID: c4908b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

You go by Vex. You are an ARMS DEALER by trade and you've been at this for a couple of years now.

At the moment, you're having a smoke to try and calm down the adrenaline rush from almost (successfully) being SET UP.

R18. nsfw/gore/body horror potential. heavy themes including self harm may be explored (but not explicitly). Toxic Yuri Guaranteed.
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No. 1105141 ID: d30887

Try to persuade them on the usefulness of the frog. They're magical girls. And magical girls that can jump long get good views.

Definitely get the travel watch. Good for Eiko if you can't use it, and a life-saver for you if you need a few extra hours to recharge your AW.

Spyglass and marble mine give you breaching options, and a viable chance to assassinate your target with a solid wall keeping them from smelling you. Set up a C4 charge on the other side, and boom.

So I guess sell everything but the ring.

>Free T-Shirt
Tell them to give it to the next entity with the 'homeless' Tag that they see.
No. 1105163 ID: 6c233e

If you trade the box and frog you can get 500c, marble, spyglass, and info on angels.

and take the novel-t-shirt for fun
No. 1105199 ID: 73a678

I think your math is off. that's seven stars worth and unless we sell the ring can only get six.
No. 1105280 ID: 32cb67

ask her ab value of ring and if it can do anythin special, regardless of if shes lying to me or not, if the ring is 3 stars or more, sell it for cash only, if less than 3 stars then keep ring

sell also: music box, 2 magic scrolls
acquire: angel activity in the area, novelty t shirt, spyglass, healing potion
No. 1105284 ID: d30887

I thought the watch was only ***. We should haggle to lower the price to that.

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1084876 No. 1084876 ID: 0d1c28 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Quest will contain violence and possibly nudity

This quest is themed as schlock slasher film featuring OWO characters.
as a movie no character deaths will be permanent nor effect other OWO projects

All suggestions should have 2 parts
1)name characters and what they should do (E.G. Trisha should go to the vending machine for a Soda)
2)Name some event that happens (E.G. thunder strikes and she drops her change in a drain)

Quest objectives:
Brett wants to be a spirit of vengeance
Trisha wants their sponsor "Chickadee Red Soda" to get their money's worth
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No. 1105246 ID: 0d1c28
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Brett listens at the door

Panting and moaning

Kimberly: "Oh Dean~"

Dean: "I loooove you Kimberly~"
No. 1105247 ID: 802951

They should be interrupted before being hunted down by any psycho killers… but how to do it without a party foul?

There is no way! Darn! Guess they’re doomed. Leave them be.
No. 1105249 ID: c5529d


Brett gets an idea for a prank, and decides to sneak back downstairs to get Trish to plan for a prank on them.

scene change to inside the room

you see a shadow moving up and down.
Kimberly is saying something like: Yes Dean Yes! Just little more...
andthe camera pans over to the source of the shadow.
And we see...

Dean and Kimberly playing Field and Track on the Ninsixdo! they've been running in place on the Force Pad! Hence the panting and moaning. They're impressed at each other's aerobic movements and getting a high score. What else could they be doing?
No. 1105250 ID: 6c233e

Brett makes some yowly animal noise to prank them.
(Not enough to throw them off their game, thus setting up for later them getting murdered and Brett thinking the scream is just them still going at it.)
No. 1105257 ID: 2f41db

Strip field and track?
Nothing too risqué, but loser sheds an item of clothing. One or two items down.
Enough to keep the viewers watching between cans of red.
Theyre trying to put each other off with the loveydovey noises.

The prankening draws closer.
I like the idea of an animalistic yabbering and scrabbling in the hallway.
The prankster scritching claw and nail along the floor.

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1093931 No. 1093931 ID: 9f8647 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

A brief prequel to Lazy Fairy where nothing important happens.

Lazy Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/Lazy_Fairy

Art & Writing by Donut: https://questden.org/wiki/Donut
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No. 1105218 ID: bfd8fc

As one of the spirits who has been following Vivi around today (she's too much fun not to watch), I'll remind you that you seemed to care a fair amount about modesty when you were sober, and that is likely how you'll feel again when the alcohol wears off. Taking off your underwear will help deal with the heat, but be careful not to flash your hoo-hah to anyone when you do. Keep that toga on.
No. 1105231 ID: 6c233e

(terrible Johnny Bravo impression) Whoa foxy mama!


anyway, you should keep the blindfold Ellie. It's easier to be confident if you can't see if anyone is looking at you. But let Vivi know if you're feeling any bad reactions to the potions. Or if you're say, feeling the urge to dive into a snow bank to hunt mice.
No. 1105251 ID: 4c750c

Ohhhh I get it! Hi Ellie! So, you’re a fox right now, and the extra fluff is probably why you feel hot now! Don’t freak out though! Your foxness is WHY you can hear us. The commune with spirits potion turns you all foxy BECAUSE fox spirits can hear other spirits! Taking off your undies is theoretically fine, but like someone else has said, go somewhere private to remove ‘em! Let Vivi help with this process! She’s good at helping!
No. 1105252 ID: 4c750c

Also maybe explain your sudden foxness to Vivi! She’s freaking out about it a little
No. 1105256 ID: 2f41db

You are so fluffy!
And cute!
Very cute.
But mostly fluffy.
People are gonna love you.
YOU are gonnablove you.
This party is a henhouse and you have been let loose in it you sly vixen you.
Go wild! Make memories!
Some that you might even be able to remember yourself!

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1088718 No. 1088718 ID: 7a1a17 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

This will be a NSFW quest! Expect nudity, violence, gore, sexual intercourse, confusing story lore, cryptic bullshit, borked updates, and stupid names
Discussion - https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/129715.html
Wiki - https://questden.org/wiki/The_Family_Business (I swear I'll actually do something to this page. Someday...)

Pain. Dizziness. Nausea. Loss of Appetite. A typical morning for me.
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No. 1104536 ID: d30887

Okay, so Sizzala was pretty messed up, but she managed to be the sanest member of her gang. Became the head matriarch of a whole clan and everything.
And now said clan is brainwashed to serve the Yishic upstart who wants you, Venian, and everyone in the three main clans dead.
Regale them about your ambitions of a Crusade against the Yish - which includes beating Sizzala and Guk into the dirt. Goddess wills it and all that.

And then go find more girls to plow. Orgy for every time they introduce another member, and they'll be addicted to converting the whole clan.
No. 1105120 ID: f6534b
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Oooh that sounds bad. Yishic. Yishic, Yishic, Yishic. Name's familiar. I think that was in my lessons as a youth. Venian would know exactly what that is, but...wait. Wasn't Yishic the guy who blew up the south island as part of a plan to steal the Makag crown? Wait no, that's Yishava. Yeah, maybe tell Veni about it next time you see him.

I can hype them up as much as I can, but I don’t think it’s gonna be that much. I know some of their language, but it’s not enough to be like a great orator. But I mention Sizzala, and Guk. They don’t know why Guk is so important, but they do like the idea of putting Sizzala in her place. They’re ready to follow! And I followed them following me to the last two members of their hunting party.

I can smell them before I see them. Wait that’s the smell of meat getting roasted. Oh gods. This is what passes for cooking with them? They didn’t burn the hairs off, it’s burned on the outside and undercooked inside! Ugh! Is she just eating a wad of fat?! This is what passes for food with these people?!

>Okay, 2 girls, and a sock full of too-goo-voo stuff...wait no.
>There's a lot less goo now.
>Strategies please
No. 1105149 ID: 4e436a

we don't have enough magic fuck juice to just win this, so we need to divide and conquer. wait until they go to sleep, then smear some of the goop on one of the hunter's pussy's. hopefully, it'll seep in while she's asleep and once she wakes up, she'll be horny enough to break. while you're doing that, the other girls with you should be ready to hold down the hunter you're not fucking so that she doesn't immediately murder you. maybe you'll even be able to have all three ladies you've swayed to your side help you break in the last hunter.

i'd say we should ask the ladies we've got which hunter to go after first; if they're strong enough to hold down the strong one, go for the smaller one. if they aren't, try to break the strong one first.

once we get back, we'll need to make more of the love goop. and maybe something to ensure we keep a strong endurance to maintain a hold over the ladies
No. 1105201 ID: 0db8d3

Hmm... Whatever you end up deciding to do, it needs to be done to the one on the left first. She's *probably* just a huntress who specializes in either the javelin or the sling, given her uneven musculature. If that's the case she's the less dangerous one. HOWEVER! Any female Gormoamhi wearing teeth or bones *could* be a "woman magic" user. Even though the chances of that are low, the threat of one is so great no chances should be taken.
No. 1105240 ID: 4e436a

oh that's a good point, maybe we could ask one of our girls if she's a witch, and if so, break her first?

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1104662 No. 1104662 ID: 462d8c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

A quest about getting to know your neighbours.
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No. 1105134 ID: d30887

"Know where I can get a second job if things go bad?"
No. 1105138 ID: e4fa58

Yeah I guess since she brought it up ask were the grocery store is do you can restock your fridge after you get that set up and what’s to do around town for fun? Like are their bars, a movie theater, maybe a strip mall somewhere. Things like that.
No. 1105142 ID: 6c233e

grocery store, and just a general store. Need to know where to get cleaning supplies.
No. 1105156 ID: 66de4b

Ask if she wants to go sneak into the spooky forest with you tonight.
No. 1105159 ID: f0a5fd

Is there a town doctor?

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