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1079954 No. 1079954 ID: e139aa hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Flockload of Problems II

Part I: >>/questarch/1066631
Discussion: >>/questdis/139947

NSFW because nudity and probably other things, 18+, etc. etc.

Continued apologies to Lagotrope, Slinko, Typo and Roaway.
335 posts and 111 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1102466 ID: 273c18

Oh. I think we have the answer to our questions regarding Vi.si.mi's blood and wings, as well. Vi.al is fallible. FALLIBLE. He made mistakes while making Vi.si.mi as they are the first and only construct he made!
No. 1102479 ID: fbda84

If there is one thing, one, SINGULAR, thing you know, it is thus:
Nothing can exist on its own.
Even that which takes to exist needs something to take from.
All things that Grow, must either Take, or Create.
All that Take, must do so from either the Smaller, forcing ALL to grow, or the bigger, the weak fell the mighty.
The one, only, exeption to this rule of competition, is Symbiosis.
Lords, so far, seem Very Bad at Symbiosis, So the Cycle turns, without the one thing to break it.
An Ecology of minds, instead of bodies, but in Ecology none the less
No. 1102491 ID: 273c18

Oh yeah I was just thinking about this.
One big problem Lords seem to have is they focus too much on the big picture. Vi.al's treatment of Five Strands is a good example of this-- he saw that her rogue planet was going to cause serious problems so he swooped in and solved the problem while sparing her creations, but didn't tell her that. It's seemingly better than what his predecessor did, which was to wipe out an entire people for being a "threat" without telling anyone else why he was doing it, but it was still not the right approach. If a Lord is to be loved, they need to not only do the right thing from the big picture perspective, but they need to connect to people on an individual level. Communicate, explain what they're doing, and why. Find out what their subjects consider the important issues, and more importantly, take on advisors who can more accurately predict how people will react.
There also might be a recurring issue of Lords using too much force when solving problems.
No. 1102497 ID: 9bbb0e

>Vi.al's only major crime here was betraying My.a. He used an experimental weapon and accidentally created the blot, sure, but he expected something different to happen. That was an accident, a mistake. He betrayed My.a on purpose, but... that is not deserving of a revolution. Vi.al is not a tyrant, not yet.
We haven't seen everything he has to show. About himself, or about My.a, or about them together.

No. 1102530 ID: 1bc86a

...what was stopping you from splitting it into quarters, or paying with YOUR half and having My.a protect you from your threats, surely they weren't as bad as Mu.at?

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1095767 No. 1095767 ID: e25c20 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

This is the continuation of the second chapter of the Chasing Shadows and Hunting Rats.

Chapter 1


Chapter 2 part 1


Discussion Thread

261 posts and 52 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1102400 ID: b9c033
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) It wasn't your fault.

B) You shouldn't have stopped chopping.

C) I apologize for destroying the reputation of your tribe.

D) Other suggestions.

If you can there is a question that I would like to hear your opinion on, here is the link.

No. 1102449 ID: 6c233e

A) It was a noble goal
No. 1102457 ID: 78d9e6

"He wishes nothing less than my death. So blame him rather than yourself." Perhaps now would be ideal to float the idea of ending this now before it gets worse. Got a few ideas if he's open to acting.
No. 1102464 ID: 27fceb

Go with B) hope he will find it funny and a way for us to lighten the mood.
No. 1102529 ID: b9c033
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) I don't know.

B) Try to find somebody who can help me with this annoying problem.

C) I need to return to the castle as soon as possible.

D) Other suggestions.

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1102232 No. 1102232 ID: b57653 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Your name is Speedrun. You are an autistic lesbian. You've just transferred to a new school even though you are an 18 year old in her senior year.

Because your name is Speedrun you are obsessed with speedrunning, and now that you're starting a new school you've decided to attempt your greatest speedrun challenge yet: romance!

Just remember: if you fail to score a highschool sweetheart in record time, you'll be alone forever!

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No. 1102510 ID: 9b76c6

Tableflip and move on.
No. 1102511 ID: d58817

Reset, attempt number two. Thank her for her time. And if she's gracious enough to give you any hot tips, we night make it New Game+.
No. 1102512 ID: 4dc159

No. 1102513 ID: 2f41db

For sure.
Her height should give a bonus to lesbian spotting.
No. 1102528 ID: a62b1d

Oh! If we’re recruiting her, she needs a Sonic character! Knuckles is tempting, but this girl is like, the opposite of Knuckles. No Sonic Heroes just yet. But she’s into Warrior Cats so see if she’d be open to being Blaze the Cat?

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1085846 No. 1085846 ID: 3f89df hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

[NSFW] For Nudity, Sexual Themes and Gore.
A group of Bloodeians Kobolds worshiping the fallen draconic goddess Blood Mother attempt to rebuild their fallen home.

The story takes place in a custom world, with some elements and lore taken from Rimworld.
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No. 1102523 ID: 3f89df
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“How’s everything been going from the rest of the World? I’d like to admit that I’ve never seen your races before, and none of my textbooks or anybody else has really talked about you, I know what’s going on from an kobold’s perspective, but I’d like to get everyone elses.”

Sweetie looks on at me curiously, like I’m out of the know for something that’s so simple.

“Well, The Fallen Empire’s been expanding pretty rapidly actually, It’s how I got caught actually, us Corgidom borders have been shrinking ever since, but I feel like that’s just because we're closer to their motherland. I don’t know what It’s like over near I think the northern sea? But in the southeast, there’s been a large discussion regarding the empire, War, and how to deal with it properly, I’m not a Fighter so I don’t really want to start arguments over it, I just know that there are a couple of factions I know have been sprouting up near my motherland who are either pro or anti Empire, and I wouldn’t be surprised that when they inevitably touch your borders, you’ll have to make a choice as well.”

“Family’s Pro-Empire, less they agree on their idology, but mainly because they're a good trade partner, and they protect us when usually somebody like the House Lil or others try to take our pillage from us, it also stopped the gnolls, and less invasive animals have been trying to take our crops, It made it so we didn’t have to spend energy using our line of defensives which made us get quite prosperous actually, sure they tax you, but it’s less then if we where living in serfdom and weren’t buddy-buddy with the earl, baron, king etc. The thing that makes them quite controversial is that they require an annual or sometimes even bi-monthly if you have too many problems. “Tribute.
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No. 1102524 ID: 3f89df
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She says it so positively and like it’s a daily occurrence. It makes me shudder thinking what living under the Empire’s jurisdiction is really like, and deep within me, a repressed fury of the fallen empire grows, I had known they were bad, I had seen on many different occasions, the absolute depravity and lack of empathy they provide, these.. Things.. They have a human shell, but are they something that doesn’t even resemble this world, their weird flying ships of the sky, and their fast-as-light bows; for ounce, I feel.. A disconnect between them and their ideas of people. When I think of them, All I can think of Is the Gore of slighted villages, families being Torn aprt as their tall guards full of nearly impervious armour drag away a member of an family, all for their “prottection”, and all of the sins they have done, a thing that sticks in my mind, is when I was in the Right-212#-Swan Bettalion, and on the mission an old friend, tried to go help some injured most likely dead kobolds as the empire ransacked “A Old Ruin”, which in reality was an old Field Kobold City where people lived and worked. My friend was shot down instantly, and instead of moving on, the soldier went, bent down and began looting them, not even caring about discretion, they stole everything off him, and then blew his body until he was unrecognizable from the floor. What scared me is that they were so… non-chelant. Like they have done this for their entire life, and they were going through the motions after killing somebody they saw as “lesser.”

[i] And in retrospect, we Kobolds have it easy, only seeing them when they are collecting their tribute for the land or scavenging “abonded” structures or very rarely in small skirmishes with only a couple of scouters. I only shudder in where beyond The Smilling Corpses Mountain the people who live across from us have to live with their presence. It fills me with an overwhelming fury, in which
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No. 1102525 ID: 3f89df
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It seems that even through my internal dialogue, no extra time had passed, and Sweetie had begun fishing her sentence; it’s as if time stood still. Odd, Untella goes next. [/i]

“Well less regarding the Empire but more so that I’ve seen a lot more stuff. I guess if I’m talking about my own sob story of how I got captured, It’s more so me and my party of mercenaries got an job to wipe out an nearby encampment of camp of say 3 soldiers, It’s an job so you don’t ask questions, budda beem turns out their fallen empire soldiers. And that’s how you get shackled into slavery as an Prisoner of War, and whipped until you get there, I felt like my future there would have ended either me working to death in some silver mines or someplace else, or..” She shudders heavily. ] “I just hope they didn’t notice my curves at all.”

“But I’m presuming you’ve been hearing non-stop about the Fallen Empire, and while they are the hottest deal in the continent, I don’t know much about their own stories, and tales of apparent savagery, I do have a lot to talk about, some of it’s political, some of it’s from what I heard from others, but I don’t want to bore you, and I feel like you seem pretty antsy already, so you can ask me some other time. I’ve just travelled a lot.”

I then move on to the next topic of discussion; before I go to talk to the other citizens.
No. 1102526 ID: 3f89df
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>Then, discuss their long-term plans. Naturally, you're planning to jump-start their old careers, as you need money and they need stability, and they're still... your employees. But, in regards to our speech about freedom, you want to encourage any ambitions, prepare a startup for anything grander. Let them know about various jobs throughout the world, and tell them you also have some information on weirder jobs. Stuff thought up by the Fallen Empire; harvesting sand as if it were marble, coming up with faster ways to sort beans (and many other things), children's games turned into professional sports. There's also something called a 'vozzler' but the professional I heard it from has a really hard time describing what they've done for centuries.

“Say you didn’t own any debt, and it was a perfect scenario where you could pursue whatever job or passion you dreamed of, what would you wish to pursue? Or what would be you goal’s in the long term?”

Sweetie bounces energetically, so Untella nods at her to allow her to go first.
“Hmm! Well, I don’t know! I’m pretty happy with what I’m currently doing, but I’d be okay with learning some stuff as well, as long as I’m not alone doing something, I’d be fine with whatever! Maybe I would not do espionage work or fighting, but I’d probably be pretty bad at it.”

I continue by giving her additional ideas.
“There’s a Scribe, GlassMaker, WeaponSmith, ArmorSmith, Engineer, Scientist, Alchemist, Spy, Runner, Envoy, Chancellor, Tax Collector, Explorer, Guard, ChildRearer, Jester, Genera
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No. 1102527 ID: 3f89df
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Do I take her Deal? It may anger Crocodile and/or Baredibor that she would be debt-free and her secret, not theirs to keep. Still, if it’ll truly help us and help speed up our farm work and or increase our future, then it may be an opportunity for us to speed down on the settlement process, and more-so into the living process. She also is saying that she won’t leave, at least not right away, and she promises to see her family, if she left to go to her family, and wouldn’t come back is to be decided, but selling off your daughter to be a slave of either gruelling manual labour, or concubine status, isn’t a nice talk over the dinner table.

Maybe It’d be better to get either of the other kobold's opinions, but that wouldn’t throw my schedule into the rack, but in all there are some potential positives and negatives. So Muni..

Should I take Sweetie’s Deal? [/i]

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978305 No. 978305 ID: 2bd15b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

chapter 1 https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/757996.html
chapter 2 https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/777113.html
Discussion thread https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/107070.htm
Chapter 4 https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/929115.html
Draw thread, where you can ask me to draw certain things

wiki https://tgchan.org/wiki/Root_and_Branches
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No. 1102258 ID: 6c233e

*Hopkins backs up until he's in the corner of the room, or bumps into someone.*
No. 1102480 ID: b9c033
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No. 1102490 ID: 5d17fb

Listen closely, we need words! Anything! We might not be able to stop this, but we can gather evidence, listen closely what's being said!
No. 1102495 ID: 6c233e

*Creeping closer, feeling around for something to use as a weapon.*

Shouldn't we save him? He clearly has the info we need.
No. 1102517 ID: 4a562e

If we can yes, but I don't know if it's possible. Is there anything your strings can do?

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1071850 No. 1071850 ID: ed041d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Clark IV, a world under fire.

The Interstellar Transit Authority currently holds the planet under martial law. The planet has seen a turbulent past century, guerilla fighters have been holding it hard and there has been no progress in taking hold.

Mercenary companies have been brought in to step in as a force multiplier, but they are beholden to no one but whoever pays the most.

Corporate entities have also begun to set their eyes on the planet below.

It is hell.
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No. 1102402 ID: 1effd3

If Hannibal can handle us, he can handle Lupin well enough.
No. 1102403 ID: 8f9bc4

Of course he can talk to your handler. Why didn't you think of that? Hannibal is the one who knows stuff and it was his idea to keep it secret!

But uh... that's what Lupin wants? Really? He didn't strike you as much of a talker.
No. 1102405 ID: 273c18

Sure thing bud.
No. 1102417 ID: 6c233e

Well you can let Hannibal know, but you can't really promise he'll respond
No. 1102516 ID: ed041d
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You think you can handle that, you assure him that Hannibal might not respond.

:WolfMechIcon: Contact him.

Okay then. You connect to your Handler.

:HandlerIcon: 637, what is it?

You're here with the Junk Division Pilot who helped. He says he wants to talk to you in exchange for his silence on the recovered arm.

:HandlerIcon: Ah, negotiations. I can handle that.

Really? This isn't out of the way?

:HandlerIcon: 637, my job does involve negotiations, it's how you get those jobs on the board after all. I can handle this.

You pass Hannibal's contact info on to Lupin, in an instant he turns away from you and you can hear him mumbling as he begins his call with Hannibal.

Do you want to wait this out, get a drink, or anything else?

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1034777 No. 1034777 ID: 8483cf hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Attention, duelists! It’s time for a massively multiversal Questden card tournament!

The quest will follow the duelists of Group A in their quest to win the grand prize: their heart’s deepest desire, to be granted by the host of the tournament.

Group A’s Duelists
Name, Author, Quest Title, Wiki Link)
- Lady Serah Kensington, Donut, Lazy Fairy, https://questden.org/wiki/Lazy_Fairy
- Enid Anderson and Franklin, Himitsu, Perpetuity, https://questden.org/wiki/Perpetuity
- The Mystery Duelist, Clockwork Seal, ???, https://questden.org/wiki/ClockworkSeal
- Carl Marks, tippler, Good Impression/Girl Talk/STAY INSIDE https://questden.org/wiki/Good_Impression

- Companionship (and Attendants), Donut, Mosaic, https://questden.org/wiki/Mosaic

Many thanks in advance to all the guest artists providing card art and depictions of duelists!
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No. 1102467 ID: 62b154
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From above, a tiny flaming bird looks down with disapproval.

“Why is she showing them the internet?” the flaming pipsqueak asks. “It’s unclean.”

“With a well-meaning guide like Charisse, I’m sure they’ll be just fine,” the friend-shaped blue bird bobs.

“Your view of the internet is woefully saccharine. You can’t be so trusting on that fruit-shaped computer of yours.”

“W-what? Why do you have access to my computer?”

“Cookie cleaning. Antivirus. For the heavens’ sake, you can’t keep clicking on those banner ads. Just because the banner tells you you’re a winner doesn’t mean you are. I’ve seen your browser history, don’t try to hide it.”

“Pan’s browsing history?” Tianna’s head pokes up out of her papers. “Oh, do tell!”

“Don’t tell her!”
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No. 1102470 ID: b6d790

No. 1102472 ID: 4ee3d2

A1! Make TMD react to her, not the other way around.
No. 1102496 ID: 280bb3

B2, Since Momo went first in the last Masked Duelist duel, why not let him set up his board first this time? See how well Selma can break through his set-up.
No. 1102515 ID: 3ee96b


And while the mystery duelist is doing the thing, Selma tries to break free of her preconcepcions so she can create things with her mind and all those things the duelist said.

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1099443 No. 1099443 ID: 65be43 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

There is a most likely chance for this quest to go in the NSFW direction. The whole concept is that this will be a wrestling tournament against all sorts of strange fighters from different worlds.
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No. 1102340 ID: 6c233e

Well adversity is needed to grow. But next time you should sign up as a tag team.
No. 1102477 ID: 0dff7a

Yes the two of you could be a great tag team, you even have the whole electoral powers as a good stage presence.
No. 1102493 ID: b9c033
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A) Continue to the next opponent.

B) Stay a little bit longer with your friend.
No. 1102504 ID: 6c233e

A) assure your friend that you will win this tournament or survive trying.
No. 1102514 ID: 7c820f

A) We will endure, climb to the top of the mountain just you wait and see

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1100786 No. 1100786 ID: 3f89df hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Dream Quest Continued Rebooted!

NSFW: For Nudity, Sexual Themes, Possible Gore, Dream stuff Really.

An look into my dreams! (And you can mess everything up!)
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No. 1102487 ID: 3f89df
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and you both keep getting increasingly pushy with each other near the eight-story drop, until whoop! You both fall, weeee! This definitely won’t end badly!
No. 1102488 ID: 3f89df
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*You both fall perfectly fine next to a tree in a long sprawling field next to your culdesac! That was fun! You look up at the sky, but it seems to be getting late, and if you aren’t home in time for dinner, your mothers will kill you! You have two ways home: the long way through the forest or the entrance to the culdesac. The Culdesac is quicker, but you might see......

The Creepy Man.
No. 1102489 ID: 3f89df
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*Also, don’t tell your friend this, but you like your friend and mean like your friend. She’s very energetic and kind and doesn’t make fun of you for being a late bloomer. You are still of Unknown Childlike age but most likely 6-8, so you have a very basic understanding of love that you saw in the movies: two people, boy and girl, kiss and then live happily ever after, but your friend is another girl! And you remember that the daisies don’t like your family too much, but should you tell her that you like her?

Choice Path 1:

* [A] You like your friend romantically and end up as anaeally cute childhood lesbian seedling lover.
* You like your friend that way, but maybe not tell them right now. (You may get an additional choice later on.
[C] you are just a confused little seedling, and maybe you should try exploring your sexuality when you are a teenager, instead of being in love when you're still learning about the world.

Choice Path 2:

* [D] Take the Culdesac with a chance of seeing [b] The Creepy Man
, on the way there.
[E] Take the long and winding forest path that your parents don’t like but you take it anyway because the creepy man, creeps you two out.
No. 1102494 ID: 6c233e

C) you're just a little seedling

D) better not make your moms wait
No. 1102503 ID: bf347e

option C

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1087619 No. 1087619 ID: 6290ec hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

If we open our minds to the existence of other universes, there's no limit to the possibilities that we could experience in the world of boning.
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No. 1102415 ID: eddc56

No. 1102437 ID: d5698d

No. 1102471 ID: 124485

Get C with A's gloves!
No. 1102474 ID: a43f74

Ceri switching to alternative fashion because the clothing is more fire-resistant is honestly a bit of a vibe. Clearly she was meant to be punk.
No. 1102492 ID: fd414c

>C with A's gloves
Yes do this!

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1099846 No. 1099846 ID: 10bc9b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

[nsfw/R18. content warnings: blood/gore/graphic violence, body horror, themes of suicide and dysphoria]
[disthread: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/143113.html ]


[UNIDENTIFIED USER] "Omigod. Did that actually work?"
[UNIDENTIFIED USER] "Omigod. Omigod. Did I just put a bunch of dead people in my eyeball. Oh, shit. Ohhhh. Fuck!"
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No. 1102118 ID: dbc857

The other two decided decided to hide, but haven't changed their decision when I didn't!
Maybe they think they can snoop while I have the Veilgaol's attention???
No. 1102124 ID: e65d0a


Ey, I´m not hiding I´m hailing! And going rogue a little.
No. 1102127 ID: 0db8d3

Ah, yes, I see you now!
Good, good! If we aren't going a little rogue, why jump in the first place? Ha!
No. 1102440 ID: 8bbc33

I just want to point out that while you all are blaming poor Dex for fumbling that goth bitch, it was the Glaive cave that suggested she take the photos for her blog. Next time, maybe we should try to live in the moment, eh?

And speaking of the Glaive cave, should we still be calling ourselves that? We have a new user (for now) and we've been told that Glaive is still out there somewhere, likely with the rest of their oss still intact. So what are we? The Dex den?
No. 1102469 ID: 4fa6b6

we're still glaive's oss as well, that's our history and heritage, we're just... out on residezntial for a bit

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1098850 No. 1098850 ID: c1a22b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Henry the wolf and Jess the fox get married and settle into domestic life

Discussion thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/135483.html

NSFW, warning for anything that might happen in an abusive relationship. Will update every other day.
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No. 1102432 ID: d58817


But yes, just enough to get put in your place.
No. 1102439 ID: e2687f

B)No bite but nibble on foreskin
Guess she is bloodthirsty
No. 1102442 ID: cb76eb

Exactly this
No. 1102448 ID: 90b21b

Blow into his anus like a balloon. Bad dog, both of you:P
No. 1102468 ID: a7a180

B. She’s not going to be able to restrain herself to a gentle nibble.

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1080954 No. 1080954 ID: 5ebd37 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

(Will contain gore violence and death)

This winter has been harsh.
The snows started in September, by mid October the woods were buried.
Now the new year has brought the worst storm yet, and the dim sun overhead reflects the waning hope of those huddled around fading hearths clutching empty bowls.
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No. 1101952 ID: b9c033

All that we need is matches go to the library and start a fire, the puppet master has been attacking us so let's return the favor. Let's hurt him this can create a huge distraction or a huge destruction. So it is a win-win scenario, we need for him to fear us and to know that we can fuck up his shit.
No. 1102369 ID: 6c233e
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"I do like the sound of a grappling knife." you say "It should pair well with the long knife I already have."

The matches are giving you some troubling ideas, but they would be so useful. "Tell me, how loud are the-" before you can even finish the thought Kate claps her paws together just short of your nose. "That loud!" the shrews all snicker as you jerk back. "Hmmph, well give me one of those and a couple torches." you grumble, rubbing your snoot.

"Ya got it, boss!" Geoff offers a sloppy salute while his sisters eagerly bundle the supplies into the cart. "Come by in the morn-" CLANG "the morning ta" CLANG "TA PICK UP THE" CLANG "THE GOODS!"
A final clang and a wrenching snap ring out, accompanied by giggling. You look into the cart to see the scissors already unscrewed, and the first half cleft blade from handle in some torturous looking springed contraption. Kate draws the cart cover closed "Kee hee, no peeking silly."
No. 1102370 ID: 6c233e
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Shoed away from the cart, you make your way over to the far wall, where the Surrep's family's tents are visible high up on a shelf. With no obvious way up you dig your claws into the rough shed wall and climb.

Reaching the shelf, you are met with a gangly young rat. He reaches down and helps you up, pointing towards the larger tent as he does. "They're waiting for you." he mutters, then turns back to watching the camp below. With no further conversation coming you slip into the tent.

A small lantern hangs from the tent pole, the fungo inside shedding its sullen glow into the gloom. The rats seated within look up at your arrival, and a figure you can just make out as Surrep gets to her feet. "Good, everyone's here then." Pulling a pinch of punk from her belt, she feeds it to the fungo, which chitters and brightens.

The light washes over the rough looking rats, including one big enough to loom, even while seated. He inclines his head to you, waving a hand to indicate you should be seated. "Well met, Tem'rty." he rasps "My name is Tempestuous, or Pestuous for short. On behalf of the Shale Ledge family I bid you welcome."

"As you're here, I presume Surrep has told you our story, and you are willing to help. Suffice to say, we will have vengeance on the monster of this house. Tell me, as an outside perspective, what would you say we most need to do this?"
No. 1102435 ID: b9c033

Dealing with this puppetmaster feels like making one step forward and making two steps back, maybe we should change our approach. Instead of moving slowly from one room to the other, why don't we enter the room from the chimney opening? His monsters will never see us coming, he will probably not see us coming from that entrance. My question is has anybody else tried this approach?
No. 1102465 ID: 7c1f1c

This is our chance to influence things in Lisel's favor. What we need is intelligence and new approaches. We have the element of surprise, and shouldn't surrender it; but it's not enough. We need to know more about the Master, and how he runs the house, in order to know how to strike a killing blow to his control over it. Our current means are insufficient to accomplish shuch a coup, as well; we need weapons capable of standing up to the Master, of effecting whatever blow we determine is necessary.

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1101551 No. 1101551 ID: 86847c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Adult content 18+

First thread: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/860238.html
Wiki: https://tgchan.org/wiki/Moot_Point
Previous chapter: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1073931.html
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No. 1102259 ID: c8380b

Rule number one of the masquerade: Wear a second mask underneath your fancy one.
Rule number two of the masquerade: Wear a third mask underneath your backup mask.
No. 1102261 ID: cd9cd6

So...are moon rocks like, really important and valuable to the fey? Might add an extra complication to the fact that we've just been casually using gates to get core samples out of the moon and have been dismissing the resultant piles of rubble as curiosities at best, scrap rock at worst
No. 1102295 ID: be1803

Ometra seems interested all of a sudden.
No. 1102367 ID: bef2e1

Given Ometra's sudden interest, should we go ahead and tell him that not only do we have a way to get real moon rocks from the source, and that the whole reason for this heist is so that we can actually travel there ourselves? Or should we keep that under wraps?
No. 1102438 ID: cfbe63

if you'll forgive the late dumb question: are airships a thing in this world? and if so, do you think some precursor group came up with one space-capable?

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1087342 No. 1087342 ID: 15a025 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Another experimental one shot.

*Art style may change at a moments notice or even with in the same update.
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No. 1102373 ID: b6ea64
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I wince as my boots clunk on the floor, but being on the move is better than becoming a still target.

Once I make it behind the crates, all I can hear is the crackling of the fire. The still silence has me nervous, but a sudden metallic creak makes my fur jump and almost drop the torch!
I listen closely as a pair of shoes clomps up the steps.




There’s a sudden stop, maybe three or four steps up the stairs. I hear a faint whisper, but part of me feels like I might just be hearing things.

The tension is starting to get to me. My arms are restless, it’s getting harder to hold onto the board. This glass stuck in my head is really racking my nerves.

Something needs to be done, and whatever that something is needs to be done now
No. 1102374 ID: 273c18

Put the torch down.

...when did you get glass in your head?
No. 1102376 ID: b6ea64

(See >>1099882)
No. 1102377 ID: 6c233e

Alright, so they must have known Gasket was up here, but they might not know he has company. So he should yell at them to come out, what are they doing here, etc; meanwhile you are placed to get behind them if they go for Gasket.

Only issue is, that torch is going to give you away. better toss it back towards the middle and hope Gretchen can snatch it up before it lights anything.
No. 1102404 ID: 8f9bc4

> This glass stuck in my head is really racking my nerves.

What a pane in the glass!

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1078964 No. 1078964 ID: 0ba437 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

PART ONE: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1002454.html

Thousands of thousands of years ago, a Grand Slime was murdered by a mysterious entity known as the Void King.
Thousands of thousands of years later, Nemo reawakens with only a few fractured memories of her former life.
She quickly reunites with two of her broken pieces, and sets out to explore the world in search of the remaining fragments of her shattered core.
After accidentally uncovering and releasing a strange figure imprisoned in stone, Nemo meets another unfortunate end, and it's up to her other parts, Humphrey and Mirrow, to carry on the mission to reunite themselves.
Elsewhere, but not too far away, a runaway Elsekin named Sam is trapped in a dense forest filled with hostile vines.
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No. 1101057 ID: 6c233e

Its just the spooky woods, as long as you stay on the path (avoiding noisy leaves and twigs) you should hear anything stalking you early enough to avoid it.
No. 1101066 ID: c1f120

Caution's good at this stage, let's try to take it slow. Get our bearings in these woods first and all that good stuff.
Sigil of Sight is likely going to be useful in the future, but not now, especially when we don't even know what we're looking for. Sure, it's a slime with a core shard in it, but there could be tons of slimes...

Actually, searching for shards of our core specifically using the sigil is a pretty good idea! If we can ever find some time to cast that (and the energy to spare), it might behoove us to do just that.
No. 1101071 ID: 29776c
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Just to recap in case anyone doesnt fully remember, we're here because Grace of the Underworld told us a piece of our grand slime core was somewhere in Froasting and that this piece had the power to heal slime crystal, so we can both heal Nemo and hopefully convince her to join us if we meet her. Grace also wants us to write her letters once a month (not urgent) and find a way to kill the Trickster, which it seem we'll likely need all of our pieces in order to do.

We have a spell phone with "Push", "Pull", "Hot", "Cold" and "Mend" crystal magic spells and Tricky's contact. We have a cloak that channels void magic and know the runes for "Blink", "Ask" and "Beacon". (Also worth noting that void magic only works for us because Cali is bonded to us)

The Void King is also currently looking for parts of a weird gem, that might be our core? I don't remember if that was made explicit, or if it might be some other gem. The map shows the places they've checked. The west set of smaller islands is where we started, and Froasting, where we are now, is the forest in the south. If we feel like it, when we're done here we might want to take the opportunity to go on to the Yawn region (south east) and visit the 'slime university' which the doctor suggested one of our pieces mightve ended up at (also im just super curious what a slime university would be like i bet itd be amazing)
No. 1101294 ID: 60653e

run as fast as you can, there's a lot of ground to cover! if there's any debris in the way, do a cool flip or dodge roll over it!
No. 1102310 ID: e267b4

Find a village/town and try to ask people if they've seen or know about the crystal healer/part of your core.

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1076048 No. 1076048 ID: c4908b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

You go by Vex. You are an ARMS DEALER by trade and you've been at this for a couple of years now.

At the moment, you're having a smoke to try and calm down the adrenaline rush from almost (successfully) being SET UP.

R18. nsfw/gore/body horror potential. heavy themes including self harm may be explored (but not explicitly). Toxic Yuri Guaranteed.
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No. 1102333 ID: f9c4b2
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As you finish walking her trail, you eventually find her apartment building. It's a relatively quiet area, with some minor bustle here and there, but no one that gives you a second glance. The night air's chill is cushioned by your fur as you exhale mist.

Up above, you spot a figure outside, smoking on the balcony. You know for a fact that they are at the apartment that must be Eiko's... And from their faint scent... You can't quite deny what you see... You may have to report this to the boss.

But you are wondering why.

Do you:
>A) Get closer
>B) Observe
>C) Sneak inside
>D) _____
No. 1102339 ID: 6c233e

get closer
No. 1102358 ID: 0db8d3

This is HUGE. You'll need to verify. Get closer, if you can't confirm than sneak in.

This potentially just got a whole lot more dangerous. Tread lightly.
No. 1102361 ID: b36f0b

Well that's not good. Probably want to sneak a bit closer. Tread carefully, however. Two dangerous folks in league with each other like this? What could they be possibly up to?
No. 1102371 ID: 73a678

Okay, so I'm actually going to say


in this situation. Why? Because looking at this angle- if you can see them, they can probably see you, and if they have any sense of danger, they probably can tell someone's looking at them. You don't want to get too obvious with your movements. Just act like you're people watching for now.

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1093931 No. 1093931 ID: 9f8647 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

A brief prequel to Lazy Fairy where nothing important happens.

Lazy Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/Lazy_Fairy

Art & Writing by Donut: https://questden.org/wiki/Donut
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No. 1102301 ID: 3e8516
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Definitely, the Helenic style is ever alluring.

Adding earings or, if feeling particularly daring, a half-mask, in gleaming gold would add a wondrous touch.
No. 1102302 ID: 3e8516
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I think the request was for a "toga" outfit, but in case I misread...
No. 1102308 ID: 25fb94


What about a snowy tree, for taiga?
No. 1102314 ID: 6c233e
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Something stately, matrician even, to show off her height. and a hunter's moon
No. 1102319 ID: 43bfa4

Submissions are closed! Thank you, everyone!

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1074204 No. 1074204 ID: 0b594e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Rumors abound of the city.
They say it just appeared one day.
They say no one has ever seen its top.
They say it is a place of mystic secrets and wild pleasures.

But before we can get to that...
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No. 1102161 ID: 3e8516

>I fused two animals together. It was so cute.
You need therapy, man.

Hmm, we should find out why exactly the elders don't want these two to be together. May not be as arbitrary a reason as we suspect.

But first:

>Spite is a powerful force
I'm an impotent soul living vicariously through the actions of others. I am FULL of spite. Probably not the only one, either.

Tap into our combined essences and wring, I say WWWWRRRRRING the power to undo the curse from the cosmos! Existence entire hath no fury like whatever-we-is scorned!
No. 1102163 ID: 90b21b

I think it would be easier to flex his biology so he doesn't shed after mating.
No. 1102166 ID: 273c18

Oh, could also just... remove the mouth entirely and put a whole new one on. If your lips don't work, use someone else's!
No. 1102189 ID: 8f9bc4

He's eh... he's got a lot of leaves on him.
No. 1102303 ID: 9bbb0e

It leaves a lot to the imagination, heheh. We should definitely get a look at what we're working with.

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1085129 No. 1085129 ID: 75b262 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Ciarán, my brother, intends to summon the soul-devouring Airceacháin to start a war. It was my mother’s last wish that I, Ráichéalín Uí Liatháin, return from exile to end his madness.

Lazy Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/Lazy_Fairy

Takes Place Immediately After POV 7: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/1064862.html#1064862
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No. 1102272 ID: 4c750c

I think Serah’s plan is the only effective answer here. It’s okay and perfectly normal to be afraid, cuz this plan does involve a lot of danger. That being said, the best play here is to put your faith into Serah, and trust she can handle herself (alongside Kayk.) Serah is strong. Serah is resilient. Serah is clever. You’ve seen her exhibit these traits before, looking back. You’ve already trusted her with all this information and that’s a HUGE step! It’s amazing! From here, the next step is to trust that Serah can help you, if you’ll let her. You’re doing great, Rae Rae!
No. 1102274 ID: 395e7c

We're missing one thing. So what are we doing for a cover story since the elves will make inquiries? Gotta make sure our stories line up.
No. 1102280 ID: 2a7dc9

I still think plan: sneak out the back tunnels is better.
No. 1102283 ID: 90b21b

1) She's drawn up something that could outwit your brother, that's the best you've got.
No. 1102293 ID: 6c233e


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