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File 169250847412.png - (32.58KB , 550x500 , XV.png )
140397 No. 140397 ID: 15a025

Welcome to the grand opening of the Fanart Gallery XV!

We are currently accepting submissions to encapsulate in the upcoming volume of our wonderful art archives.

If you're searching for our previous volumes you can enter the archives over here, so long as you present a valid library card.
700 - 799: Art & Recreation: https://questden.org/wiki/Fanart_Thread

If you're interested in learning more about our host, you can read more over here:
147 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 142298 ID: c5529d
File 171770943995.png - (501.74KB , 2000x2448 , jotun.png )

A what-if scenario in Lazy Fairy thread 1 where in an alternate timeline, Serah panics and takes ALL the Jotund's Might mutagen in the lab to counteract the Lesser Dragon Armor mutagen... Now she's as big as a dragon.
No. 142302 ID: c5529d
File 171784132319.png - (3.06MB , 1256x1335 , PetraSingV3.png )

Had commissioned LonelyWorlds to draw this meme with Petra and Dotti
No. 142307 ID: 15a025
File 171798607320.png - (71.75KB , 700x550 , Kaktus_Lana.png )

A piece Kaktus drew of Lana and Kaari as part of an art trade we did.
No. 142346 ID: 3c8716
File 171911252405.png - (30.78KB , 631x631 , silv_mithra.png )

finally worked up the courage to post some fanart,
hope some of yall enjoy.

silv mithra from from nothing
No. 142347 ID: 3c8716
File 171911255737.png - (51.14KB , 631x631 , gretchen.png )

the eponymous angry deer wife
No. 142348 ID: 3c8716
File 171911258629.png - (44.45KB , 631x631 , river.png )

river from river's quest
No. 142349 ID: 15a025

Oh I love it! Thank you so much!
No. 142350 ID: 1effd3

thank you dude!
No. 142370 ID: 9ea24b
File 171946004440.png - (8.15KB , 500x500 , a3.png )

meat witch from dungeoneer wahoo
No. 142371 ID: 9ea24b
File 171946006737.png - (8.71KB , 500x500 , a5.png )

the pc from hannah dummons and the jury summons
No. 142372 ID: 9ea24b
File 171946009923.png - (7.85KB , 500x500 , a6.png )

a small ant
No. 142373 ID: 9ea24b
File 171946018930.png - (8.16KB , 500x500 , a7.png )

witch who lost her underwear which is quite tragic
No. 142374 ID: 9ea24b
File 171946021576.png - (6.66KB , 500x500 , a8.png )

omega the lad. the boy. perfect. from a cirr quest
No. 142375 ID: 9ea24b
File 171946034270.png - (8.91KB , 500x500 , a14.png )

deem with legs for the first time ever
No. 142376 ID: 9ea24b
File 171946036211.png - (7.33KB , 500x500 , a15.png )

brom character guy yippee
No. 142379 ID: a7a180
File 171952898759.png - (873.54KB , 959x1785 , bright eyes - karnoss.png )

Bright Eyes brought to you by: Karnoss!
No. 142434 ID: ef62c1
File 172056899942.png - (336.12KB , 900x800 , Transaction.png )

For the nth time, some The God Damned fanart from yours truly.

Preceptor Silver gives you a mandatory offer...
No. 142435 ID: ef62c1
File 172056920737.png - (362.65KB , 1000x800 , Don't forget alt.png )

..While Preceptor Steel does Hamilton.

Now these are leaders I'd vote for if, you know, that were an option.
No. 142436 ID: ef62c1
File 172056945561.gif - (1.85MB , 968x710 , Silly_Sect.gif )

Lastly, some Sect from Tobak Quest meet an intrepid captain from Star Control Free Stars and make a... lasting first impression!
No. 142489 ID: db4be1

Hell yeah brother
No. 142493 ID: 9ea24b
File 172161406339.png - (7.71KB , 500x500 , a12.png )

kaktus cretur feature
No. 142494 ID: 9ea24b
File 172161408113.png - (8.17KB , 500x500 , a13.png )

robut has existential crisis
No. 142525 ID: a7c2ff
File 172270821903.png - (726.94KB , 1000x1000 , eehh.png )

Franklin from Perpetuity wakes up one day to find things are 5% stranger than usual.
No. 142526 ID: a7c2ff
File 172273046840.png - (281.03KB , 600x600 , Encounter.png )

Shody illustration of Petra and Elias from Lazy Fairy, circa 20 years prior to quest start. (shodily colourized)
No. 142532 ID: 9ea24b
File 172315896261.png - (117.38KB , 600x600 , a27.png )

fillsby gallsby goat backshots
No. 142533 ID: 9ea24b
File 172315901112.png - (153.89KB , 500x500 , a31.png )

Raskrev rot spying on some hot action
No. 142535 ID: d66fb1
File 172316657559.png - (2.19MB , 948x1461 , radia.png )

No. 142634 ID: 08229c
File 172554980006.png - (587.22KB , 1250x1250 , 2024-09-04-dungeoneer.png )

Dungeoneer having a bit of a malfunction! Hopefully no slimes are nearby to jump on the opportunity.
No. 142643 ID: 9ea24b
File 172576216735.png - (130.59KB , 500x500 , a41.png )

rhbds loves castin spells
No. 142644 ID: 9ea24b
File 172576223003.png - (114.67KB , 500x500 , a42.png )

Hin but as lizard running quickly pog
No. 142645 ID: 9ea24b
File 172576227144.png - (162.09KB , 500x500 , a44.png )

thadeus from chupian date quest stands in a doorway suggestively
No. 142647 ID: 92a30c

very awesome! Never thought I'd see Thadeus suggestively showing up here
No. 142652 ID: a7a180
File 172600524185.png - (295.59KB , 327x961 , RuinDungeoneer.png )

Good news, she found her pants.
By missusruin.
No. 142655 ID: 9ea24b
File 172618214229.png - (13.56KB , 500x600 , a45.png )

crystal spire bee in a dress
No. 142656 ID: 9ea24b
File 172618219682.png - (300.71KB , 500x500 , a47.png )

carter calliope on da tree fo today
No. 142657 ID: 9ea24b
File 172618223369.png - (13.29KB , 500x500 , a48.png )

catalyst polt skunk
No. 142658 ID: 9ea24b
File 172618225874.png - (167.33KB , 500x500 , a49.png )

perplexed bloomin' alice
No. 142659 ID: 9ea24b
File 172618228964.png - (170.01KB , 500x500 , a50.png )

lazy fairy kayk with cake
No. 142666 ID: df10fb

The Chase is a very short visual novel. Join Kelsey as she attempts to wrest her skirt back from a conniving feline hell bent on eating her tuna soaked garment. Use her light and dark powers to try to stop him!

Featuring characters from [30 UPDATES OR LESS] and [CATALYST], as well as a few other cameos.

A short, sub 5 minute playtime
Clothing damage, clothing theft, embarrassed ladies, public nudity
Around 20 images of enf against a cute skunk lady
An extra downloadable windows .exe for those of you who have trouble playing it in the browser

Made as a commission for "Poltergeist Ethanoic Acid" a mutual friend of mine and the other collaborators. Check out their works and pages below:

> Himitsu (writing):
> Donut (funding):
> Edmango (coding and art):
> Poltergeist Ethanoic Acid (made for him):

If you have trouble running it in your browser you can download it here, the pass is "kelsey", unless I finished editing the page and it's now public lol.
No. 142680 ID: 19c2a7
File 172670211388.png - (21.41KB , 648x794 , PilletPaperdoll.png )

posting here so as to avoid putting nsfw directly in the quest
No. 142785 ID: c1a22b
File 172723235164.gif - (131.98KB , 500x500 , tippler_05_19_2024.gif )

zeurel made rokoa
No. 142786 ID: c1a22b
File 172723237427.gif - (213.75KB , 500x500 , Tippler_07_22_2024.gif )

zeurel made riley
No. 142787 ID: c1a22b
File 172723239504.gif - (151.82KB , 500x500 , tippler_09_21_2024.gif )

zeurel made gabe
No. 142788 ID: c1a22b
File 172723242580.gif - (133.84KB , 500x500 , Tippler_02_16_2024.gif )

zeurel made safety girl
No. 142789 ID: c1a22b
File 172723245366.gif - (177.23KB , 500x500 , Tippler_04_32_2024.gif )

zeurel made tozol
No. 142803 ID: 0040a7

That is pretty dang cool.
No. 142805 ID: a7a180
File 172740965784.gif - (205.51KB , 500x500 , a_real_cake-zeurel.gif )

Zeurel made crab cake
No. 142807 ID: 03c58a

zeurel Is becoming to powerful!
No. 142827 ID: 578f3f
File 172766049094.gif - (2.62MB , 600x600 , Legit_no_bootleg.gif )

I don't need Zeurel,
I've got Zeurel at home.
No. 142830 ID: 578f3f
File 172766205636.png - (197.50KB , 600x600 , ouchies.png )

Calliope fanart.
For when you travel back in time and you meet your best friend's past self.
It's a dream so there'll probably be no repercussions.
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