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File 172117712783.png - (119.63KB , 659x659 , 031524_FromNothing35.png )
142461 No. 142461 ID: 1effd3

Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/From_Nothing

A place to discuss things about From Nothing, while ill try to clarify some things if they aren't spoilers! You can also ask certain characters questions if you'd like!
No. 142464 ID: 273c18

Does it consume runes to cast a 3-rune spell, or only to learn one?
No. 142465 ID: 1effd3

Only to create a spell. Some more info will be available in the next update.
No. 142483 ID: 2f41db

No question for now, just thanks for the quest.
Its compelling in its feeling of discovery and ecploration. theres a lot of engaging ideas at work.

Plus, shes an adorable lil silverfish.
No. 142484 ID: 1effd3

Thank you! I'm doing my best!
No. 142500 ID: 2f41db

Well, thanks to the above thread ill never be able to look at silv the same way.
Her chest is HUGE.
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