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File 172117712783.png - (119.63KB , 659x659 , 031524_FromNothing35.png )
142461 No. 142461 ID: 1effd3

Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/From_Nothing

A place to discuss things about From Nothing, while ill try to clarify some things if they aren't spoilers! You can also ask certain characters questions if you'd like!
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No. 142464 ID: 273c18

Does it consume runes to cast a 3-rune spell, or only to learn one?
No. 142465 ID: 1effd3

Only to create a spell. Some more info will be available in the next update.
No. 142483 ID: 2f41db

No question for now, just thanks for the quest.
Its compelling in its feeling of discovery and ecploration. theres a lot of engaging ideas at work.

Plus, shes an adorable lil silverfish.
No. 142484 ID: 1effd3

Thank you! I'm doing my best!
No. 142500 ID: 2f41db

Well, thanks to the above thread ill never be able to look at silv the same way.
Her chest is HUGE.
No. 142762 ID: 1effd3

people seem confused about the latest update, it's the same W3AV3R as before, but they closed the front door. Menacingly!
No. 142824 ID: 1effd3
File 172764244261.png - (231.05KB , 1002x1088 , 040924DailyDoodleSilv.png )

Im gonna post some doodles here because i can, thx for idea Slimequest discussion thread!
No. 142825 ID: 1effd3
File 172764250071.png - (314.07KB , 912x912 , 061524_DailyDoodle.png )

Silv cannot cook
No. 142826 ID: 08ef0d

She may not be able to cook, but she can burn better than any other chef
No. 143012 ID: 1effd3
File 173155201023.png - (167.72KB , 1418x968 , 111324_DailyDoodleSilv.png )

Another Silv, Tetsi, and Fern doodle.
No. 143246 ID: 1effd3

Since it's almost new years, and i might eb changing the format slightly for the next chapter, does anyone have questions about how i do things, or things i could do differently?
No. 143247 ID: 861ceb

things seem fine on my end but if you think changing the format would help go for and give it a try.
No. 143248 ID: b0afb0
File 173560620966.jpg - (570.82KB , 1536x1730 , Festive Fern or Christmass tree.jpg )

No questions, but doodles

Just a Festive Fern

Either a little late or very early for christmass
No. 143249 ID: 1effd3

I love it, ill be sure it gets added to the Wiki!
No. 143251 ID: 6c233e

aaaaah! Adorable!
No. 143448 ID: 1effd3
File 173956786123.png - (221.55KB , 1670x1084 , 021425_ValentinesDoodle.png )

Small plant doing a big cute.
No. 143508 ID: 1effd3

Oh I just realized the anniversary to me starting From Nothing was two days ago.

No. 143511 ID: 2f41db

Thanks for the work youve put in.
Its been a compelling and engaging quest.
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