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File 173402578717.png - (950.06KB , 1920x1080 , necrotech99disthread1.png )
143113 No. 143113 ID: 2620c6

art, extra stuff, chit chat!

read here: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1099846.html

find me:
Expand all images
No. 143114 ID: 2620c6
File 173402612320.png - (3.60MB , 3000x2040 , necrotech99.png )

little concept doodle page to kick us off, featuring a bunch of idle font testing and a relatively bland veil design that i'm glad i chewed on some more lol. those dezzes are cute as hell tho
No. 143115 ID: 34fb06

HOWDY! Sorry about the multiposting before, I´m new to questden and the posting etiquette. Excited to keep contributing and following along.
No. 143116 ID: 2620c6

no problem at all!! it's not really a firmly codified ettiquette thing afaik, and i think different quest authors vary in how they feel about it, but my threads tend to get very long (to the point where eventually they'll struggle to load) and i like them to not be TOO hefty for backreading, so i prefer to point people over to the disthread sooner rather than later! and in this case the disthread didn't even exist before today lol
No. 143118 ID: 2620c6
File 173404223180.jpg - (4.75MB , 3072x4096 , 24-12-12-23-20-54-991_deco.jpg )

i waffled a little on whether to drop these bc at first i was like ehhhhh but it's really fun and good that u don't know Anything abt the other techs BUT then i got really charmed by the idea that necrotech99 readers having access to the necrotech99 pinboards is kind of very lore-appropriate to the ossuary having really vague memories of a lot of the characters...!

plus if someone would rather go in totally blind they can just not look at them. it's all just for funsies anyway no genuinely important plot info will ever be confirmed or denied by a pin on a pinterest board lmao... BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY. i think the pinboards are fun and cute

so! consider this a repository of the ossuary's vague useless echoing memories and consider it fun but unreliable. wheeeee: https://pin.it/35VSAfHq5
No. 143119 ID: a68d47

kicking my feet having soooo much fun with this story!!!
No. 143120 ID: 75dce7

i just want to say i love the idea of ossuaries so much! really cool way to involve the players and just a rad idea in general, having a bunch of ghosts in your head giving you advice/shit all the time.
No. 143121 ID: 84eb9d
File Vittorio_is_having_a_bad_time_possibly.mp4 - (1.23MB , Vittorio is having a bad time possibly.mp4 )

do you guys thiunk Vittorio is doing alright
No. 143123 ID: 992af8

Yeah!! We're (a) character(s)! legit, in-universe! no fourth wall breaking stuff required (fun as that is). It's so cool.

I'm very excited to continue with this, the setting's fascinating, the characters are great. I like our protagonist, the ridiculous little idiot. (/affectionate)

Also, are you planning on aiming for any particular schedule, or just whenever you've got time and there's enough replies?
No. 143124 ID: 2620c6

still exactly as obsessed w this as i was when u first showed it to me. thank you

TY!!! i am too >:3

thank u so much!!! yeah the ossuary/twitch-plays-quest-protag format is something i test ran a long long time ago in an abandoned quest but weirdly enough, despite it being the coolest thing about that story, it was honestly kind of the thing i spent the least amount of attention/energy on??? so it's very gratifying to come back to it but this time in a story where it's way more center stage

i'm also just fond of it bc it's woven into the lore/culture of the setting in a way very inspired by/affectionate towards how questers as a group tend to engage with stuff ime over the years doing this. everyone is focused on/prioritizes different things and that's GOOD and helpful to the protag ur guiding!

as for a schedule: optimistically i would like to aim for once every week or two, depending on what else i have going on irt my workload etc, but trying to pin down a strict update schedule for quests has never worked for me!
No. 143125 ID: 72fddb


He´s fiiiiiiiineeeeeeeeeee
No. 143126 ID: 0db8d3


I can't help but feel like Appeal's pinboard is more or less just an advertisement for wetwork, lol.
No. 143129 ID: f8d932

I looove how graphic the panels are getting. the bold colors, the emphasis on expressiveness and mood. it sets the scene really well and I think it's a Great contrast to how clear and linear the text can be
No. 143130 ID: 0be709

Glaive pinboard is showing off a lot of very cool cyberpunk body parts. .....and we´re stuck in Dez instead now. WE NEED TO UPGRADE HER, STAT
No. 143178 ID: 992af8

I'm so jazzed I'm so excited about this thing. I've got to get a friend or two interested so I can chatter at them about it also.

Pinboard suggests Glaive was/is sexier than anybody else here. I hope they're intact somewhere, even though they're Mz.Caused an ontological mystery and an Incident for Reasons.

not just because I want to see glaive in more detail because hot. but partially.

very amused by the revelation that Glaive Cave is something she called us herself. I assumed that was a Vittorio thing.
(am I right to be she/theying glaive I don't know if I remember or made that up)

very Very excited to transfer between. whatever. hell yeah let's be in multiple places at once.

Rambling here partly in an attempt to not post *way* too many times in the main thread. Not sure if successful yet.
No. 143179 ID: 992af8

Also Desideratum is my new vocal stim. not familiar with the word, but very pleasant to say. Desideratum.
No. 143181 ID: 81c11f

me reading about how we can travel between....who knows what. IC assuming its between Osspops but maybe its between....different iterations of Glaives osspop? Since it was noted she split us up.

No. 143182 ID: 0b3a9d

i'm glad u guys are having fun sniffing at the pinboards lol...! they are very fun for me to work on. i sit around on pinterest to unwind all the time so over time these boards will def grow

thank u!! i'm having a lot of fun playing w color and finding ways to keep the art style expressive and (relatively) fast lol

omg thank u... makes me smile to imagine ppl chatting w friends abt this story. :D
No. 143183 ID: 0b3a9d
File 173481349729.jpg - (397.19KB , 1080x1591 , IMG_20241221_211825.jpg )

pulling back the curtain on a necrotech99 thing: the audience is essentially creating the character of glaive's ossuary as we go (via me putting the tone and personality of all suggestions into a blender and then adjusting the tone and characterization of the narration accordingly)

and to keep that consistent over time (vs it fluctuating update to update based on what i immediately remember lol) i have a little document where i'm jotting down broad observational strokes about how nt99 questers are Playing the oss as a collaborative player character. im not showing you everything but here's some first impressions from these first few updates so far

thank u to the suggestor who first referred to individuals in an ossuary population as "geists" btw. i love that and i'm slurping it and making it canon terminology
No. 143188 ID: 0db8d3

Any quest that let's me be both pragmatic and fucking unhinged makes me a happy suggester!

Also, I still wanna eat Vittorio! If only so Dez can gain the from-the-ground fisheye perspective disco-walk energy I like to imagine he possesses!
No. 143211 ID: f1368b
File 173533186220.gif - (161.18KB , 500x500 , tippler_12_27_2024.gif )

zeurel animated icon dez
No. 143219 ID: 46aad3

No. 143226 ID: a68d47

No. 143227 ID: a68d47

this is so so cool to get a peek at and also makes me feel better for not being particularly consistent in my individual response tones all the time like. it's fiiine we all meld into one big cacophany!!! ugh this is so fun
No. 143252 ID: 46aad3
File 173566295238.png - (2.46MB , 3000x2040 , cesvito warmups.png )

oh i should be porting over other doodles i've done. nt99 makes up the bulk of my warmups lately. here's some vitos (and some bosses)
No. 143253 ID: 46aad3
File 173566321870.png - (1.50MB , 1280x1736 , fantasydezdoodles.png )

also, fun fact, dez began life as a tiefling-adjacent fantasy oc!! for a webcomic idea i kicked around for a while but never did anything with, about a romance-obsessed bard college dropout who decides to make their masterwork by traveling all over the world collecting love stories
No. 143254 ID: 46aad3
File 173566324978.png - (567.57KB , 958x942 , death by hangover.png )

i do miss the horns. just a little
No. 143291 ID: 46aad3
File 173643904275.png - (1.16MB , 3000x2040 , song sketchies dec 24.png )

song sketch warmups! (drawing for only the duration of a song, on shuffle. fun)

i've been on holiday break but i'm back now -- a little swamped w comms etc so i have to get some chunks of those done but i hope 2 update again soon >:3
No. 143292 ID: 46aad3
File 173643905784.png - (1.37MB , 3000x2040 , song sketches dec 24 2.png )


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