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File 173290049524.png - (571.39KB , 650x600 , secret_santa.png )
143048 No. 143048 ID: 92a30c

Hello, it’s me. That’s right, Thadeus Plymouth Saft speaking. And I will be your host for the evening! I had an epiphany the other month with a sexy apparition that I have squandered my wealth and I must amend to everyone I’ve double-crossed, conned, and back-stabbed throughout the galaxy and show I’ve turned a new leaf.

Thus I have invited you all to join my holiday mansion for a secret santa exchange party! So come on in and have a look at the rules of participating.

Here’s a Wiki Link to the previous years of gift-giving! With directions included:

What do you do? You can participate in several ways:

For Quest Authors/Signing-Up
For authors, all you need to do is declare which of your quest-characters will partake in this exchange. Include their name and a link to the quest or wiki page, or name drop the quest title. A picture is helpful as well. If posting multiple characters, you must state whether they’re a GROUP or INDIVIDUALS. Once we reach an appointed date, everyone will be randomly assigned their partner. After matches are made it is your job to write and illustrate what your character would gift their special someone! Perhaps something from their world. Or something personal! Maybe a secondhand participation trophy. Or a Goat RPG game! Maybe a genuine mint-condition “I Voted” sticker!

You’re not obligated to have the character respond to a gift received. But the process of your character finding/deciding their partner’s gift is expected. It can be done in one picture, five, ten, animated; doesn’t matter as long as you don’t tire yourselves out and lose momentum! Posting before or after Christmas is no problem either! You have until the 25th of July!

Pairings will be made on December 6th. Names will be posted with spoiler tags to keep pairings a secret! Have a look through past Secret Santas to get an idea how it works. I’ll do my best to avoid repeat pairings from the last few Secret Santas.

NSFW Content?
We sure love our holidays with tasteful humor, mmmyes. And we’ve all been on our best behavior in the past! But keep in mind that Secret Santa is one holiday that takes a breather from all the blatant clothing damage and body-part worshiping. That doesn’t mean there can’t be ‘crude humor’ or ‘suggestive themes’ as the ESRB may say! As expected, sexual congress is out of the question!

Any character unfortunate to not receive their gift will be compensated by Christmas in July! Sometimes artists need extra time after Christmas and New Years.

Well don’t just stand there, come inside and shake your boots off! Sign in the guest list, hand my maid your coat, and follow the signs to the entertainment room!
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No. 143049 ID: 681cb5
File 173290114755.png - (87.28KB , 656x477 , 1.png )

Tozlan and Tizli, the Raolme alien siblings from Starlight Afterglow, is joining this year’s secret Santa as a group! They have no idea what it is about, but they can’t say no to free stuff!

No. 143050 ID: a7a180
File 173290179168.png - (202.16KB , 500x500 , asq jnet.png )

Hello, outside world! JNET wishes to exchange packets with alien lifeforms once more!

No. 143051 ID: f1368b
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Flygon and Smeargle from https://questden.org/wiki/Nostalgia_Quest are looking somewhat on model and ready to gift as a pair.
No. 143053 ID: 2c21b8
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Prince / Princess Hollow Heart, their only appearance so far was in this part.

No. 143054 ID: 6c233e
File 173301870591.jpg - (636.89KB , 800x600 , 1 lisel and surrep.jpg )

Lisel and Surrep from House Cadvere will be signing up as a pair.

Even in a horrible murder house its Christmas. Lisel wants to introduce the deep woods rat to the holiday and get her some much needed relaxation.

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