Ribbon Tart
I wake up in my relay station, on my bed.
I've been on this planet for maybe a total of four or five of its days and this is the second time this has happened. I lose consciousness, and wake up in a bed. A useless burden of an object in-between.
Maybe I just dreamt the entire thing. Maybe that's all I'm doing now is dreaming this entire thing. Maybe I just wasn't good enough and I've been stuck in one of Lord Co.ro's simulation pods to live out my disgraced retirement until the day I die, given endless makework tasks to stop me from figuring out that I'm not Lord Vi.al's favourite, I'm not loved by Lord Vi.al, and I'm a failure, and a disgrace, and a reject, and should quite honestly spend some time figuring out how a construct can dissolve themselves so I can take the only useful parts of me and give them back.
"Hello, Vi.si.mi," I hear an extremely familiar voice say.
I stare up into the anxious face of Lord Vi.al, much smaller than I remember them being.
"Are you well?"
The question is asked in a way that suggests its asker is extremely, painfully aware that the subject is, not, in fact, well, and is doing rather badly, but basic decorum demands the asking of such an empty, useless question.
"I'm fine, Lord Vi.al."
Lord Vi.al is quiet. I hear the humming and whirring of flocklets around me and diagnostic chirps between the units.
"You are of little use to anyone like this, especially not yourself. If you need to discuss anything with me in private, I can arrange it. My reputation as the Keeper of Secrets is not for nothing. If so desired, I could make this room impermeable to all Shapeless signals, in and out."
Lord Vi.al leans closer towards me.
"Whatever is troubling you, please, share it with me. I cannot fix an ailing spirit like I can a broken eye."
"Lord Vi.al..." I already start choking on sobs. "Do... do you care about me?"
Lord Vi.al looks at me, shocked at first, and then deeply saddened.
"I will block out the room," they say, and I hear the background hum of substrate layering upon itself over and over.
I feel Lord Vi.al's wing on my head.
Lord Vi.al almost never uses their wings to touch anything, that's what the flocklets are for.
"You are my most precious, beloved creation, Vi.si.mi," they say. "If I have ever given you reason to doubt this, I am deeply, truly sorry."
"How can I know that's true? How do I know this is real?"
"I do not think either question has been solved since it was ever first asked. Forecaster sends her regards and regrets she couldn't be here to see you, as her presence on this world would interfere with her predictions. She is worried sick about you and is very fixated on the outcome of this situation. I will not be leaving this world without ensuring you two can more reliably talk to each other."
"Now. I know you, Vi.si.mi, and I know you hate to feel useless. I would advise you to remain resting for a time here, as this situation has evolved in ways I did not anticipate that have made things far, far too weighty for one little bird to cope with on their own."
"No, no you can't take me off this mission, Lord Vi.al, I can still--"
"Sssshhh. Hush, please. I wasn't finished. I am pleased Li.ni.si took the initiative to arrive here sooner, as I do not know what may have happened otherwise. I have assigned Li.ni.si the duty of temporary, please note the use of the word temporary, mission command due to having more general familiarity with the current state of affairs. You are not being replaced. Do learn from this experience that you are one piece of the apparatus that will solve this situation, however, and that you should value your own wellbeing just as you value the mission. I know you have a tendency to, well, throw yourself at a problem until it breaks or you do. I wish you wouldn't. I have spare bodies. You do not."
Lord Vi.al looks around at the thickened insulative substrate honeycomb around us.
"And also I had to give the duty of leadership officially, so Nu.ya.si doesn't get any ideas and start trying to take control of the mission himself. Monarch's beak that one is a wingspanful. I thought his rebellious phase would end as he got older but if anything he's only more certain in his convictions. And the Monarch-damned thing is he has a right to. But never, ever tell him I said I think that, or I am never going to hear the end of it. Ugh, far too much like his creator."
Vi.al pauses on saying that, staring sadly into the distance for a moment.
"Ah, Vi.on... It's a cruel place, sometimes, this universe of ours, Vi.si.mi. I've lost so much that can never be replaced. Please don't be the next cherished thing I lose. Forgive my wandering. You look like you have a question."
"I thought Su.ki.fu was coming with you?"
"In light of..." Lord Vi.al looks at me, and starts over. "I felt it prudent to provide all earmarked resources for this mission at once rather than in smaller amounts. You have enough substrate to expand the relay station to roughly four times original size, the full set of team members originally agreed upon, and permission to establish a physical goods delivery route to this station if required. The actual infrastructure itself I cannot simply will into being on a whim, but if you require it, I will ensure the construction is prioritised as critical."
"Now. You have alluded to wanting to talk to me in private before, but I recognise this might not be a good time for you. However, if there's anything you wish to discuss or tell me about, in confidence, this is a good opportunity."