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1099846 No. 1099846 ID: 10bc9b


[UNIDENTIFIED USER] "Omigod. Did that actually work?"
[UNIDENTIFIED USER] "Omigod. Omigod. Did I just put a bunch of dead people in my eyeball. Oh, shit. Ohhhh. Fuck!"
190 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 1100283 ID: 6fe5c7

Hey, so, is it possible for you to queue up a post to send automatically, later? I'm leery of actually posting st when our probable demise is standing right there, but like, there's probably a ton of internet traffic in the area continuously, so hopefully Veil wouldn't notice one private packet? You could prefix it with "If you are reading this, I am probably dead"
No. 1100284 ID: 2147c5


I mean, possibly but as much as he seems less dangerous than Veil....he´s still a Necrotech! An inept, bumbling, unlikable fool of a necrotech, but a necrotech nonetheless.

I do not value Dez´s chances against him in an actual confrontation. Maybe we can get some upgrades first? I´d like some claws.
No. 1100285 ID: ce144f


Listen. Dez needs to act nonchalant. Unbothered. Unsuspicious. Perfect time for a relaxing round of CUNT WARS. click the malware, Dez. Click it.
No. 1100286 ID: 8be000

Warning. Do not click on the malware. No seriously: this thing will fuck us up. This voice desperately warns you to NOT CLICK ON THE VIRAL BOMB. Play something else instead. Game recomendations: Highway Family Business Bomb II, A Taste From Nothing: the Game, All Points are Set Moot, and of course, Pussytron Galaxy.
No. 1100288 ID: eb0a9c

You're not as cool as you think you are. I mean, you are pretty cool, but the 'ball-poking' thing. Wearing a mask is normal but you have to try and let it slip from time to time, or you may not like what you let happen to the face behind it.
But yes we'd like your help thank you very much for the offer.

Even in a dystopia this reads like a madman's basic instruction manual.
I advocate against the complete destruction of any knowledge, even that which is meant to mislead and enrage, but there's more than one way to preserve data than letting it corrupt someone's mind. Mark this stuff as misinformation, to be re-analyzed by professionals, and throw it in an encrypted file cabinet. Delete the key if you need to.

Honestly, you give off a first impression that combines cute with insufferable. It's little wonder so many people like to observe you from a distance, but I guess that's very effective when it comes to your blog.

Democracy, Dez. It doesn't 'work' - what it does is keep tyranny from working, at least until it grows too old to not be part-tyrant.

Veil has one objective: get revenge on whoever killed Glaive.
Right now, you need to find some way to make her doubt you killed Glaive (because you didn't), convince her that you're the best lead she has to finding the real killer and that killing you would blend us up, making her evidence harder to read
No. 1100289 ID: 2147c5

I third everyones Suggestions of playing Pussytron Galaxy instead of the Malware, IF we´re gonna play anything. It´s a classic.
No. 1100300 ID: 6c233e

Eyyy [Dez] that's super hot right? And have we got some spicy backstory for you! Circle around and get some more good shots (coincidentally taking you closer to the exit in a calm and subtle manor)
No. 1100301 ID: 05a3b7

First off, let's not get distracted by games or malware? There's being calm, and then there's being out of it. Honestly, guys.

I don't think we can really do anything special—decoys or whatever else—and I'm not sure if communicating with either pursuer's osspop is going to help us very much either. I think all we can do is try to read Veil; surely if we can remember parts of her from our previous host, we can remember parts of her fighting style (past the obvious things of being fast and slashing with those claws).
No. 1100303 ID: f821b8

i know you all mean well, but I think we're being a little too lizard brained about this!! [Veil] wanted us to keep the quick alive--if [Dez] gets shredded, we're scattered to the winds and she definitely doesn't seem to want that. we're important to her, she knows who we used to be. [Vittorio] has dog water for brains--speak to [Veil], she might /actually/ help us find out what happened to [Glaive]
No. 1100304 ID: 0db8d3

Oh... OH...
Our previous host...
He was her lover!
He was her rock!
She is lost without him!
Such passion!
Such drama!
[DEZ]! You're playing a leading roll in this carnival of tragedies, baby!
This is your moment!

Alright babe, you got 3 directives here!

1)Stay out of sight!
If she can see you she can scan you. If she can scan you she can see us! Proceeding through the crowd with a low stance/dance will be helpful. You're tall! Do everything you can to stay obscured, even if that means taking risks, even if that means harming or condemning others! Look around you. Many of these people will be dead soon. Don't count yourself among them!

2)Try to remember everything you can about when you acquired us!
Give us as much info as can. A photo of the seller might help us too. She's after Glaive's body! Any info you can give us will improve our chances of finding a real lead, which is just the thing that'll get rid of her!

3) Escape! This place is about to fall into chaos! Find the nearest "Employees Only" Area and slip into it! Any will do, but the best one you can find would be the Fire Riser Room! From there you can turn on the sprinklers as a distraction, covertly summon firefighters and by proxy the authorities, and climb the pipes up through the ceiling! You should be able to escape through the roof, which will also be the last place our friend here checks, since she's already been there!
No. 1100306 ID: 273c18

Glaive was a she.
No. 1100308 ID: eb0a9c

...Uh... duh?
Dez, you've spent your whole life learning about ^&*(ty love stories. And now you're living in one, except you have to factor in that the neo-medieval caste system means this 'princess' can murder a commoner in public and get away with it. That commoner being you.
Your goal is to steer this tragic love story into a forbidden romance between berserker princess and lazy commoner! But realistically you should get Veil killed by steering her unending rage at whichever hunter widowed her.
No. 1100311 ID: cbdb24

>User loves goth bitches.

Ohhh and so did we [VEIL] is STACKED


Lets not lose focus tho we should def distract [VEIL] while we retreat... maybe we can handle the distracting while u sneak out another door! We could chat w her osspop and explain our situation- tell her we n our quick are trying to figure out what happened to [GLAIVE] and we need [DEZ] to solve it so she doesnt kill them, and u can get the fuck outta here while we are chatting. THEN we can start playing Pussytron Galaxy.
No. 1100314 ID: 89a43f

Oh god, bitch, get an adblocker, I'm begging you. Also I really don't know whether to be flattered or annoyed by the art school philosophy, but I'll begrudgingly accept the "this too is yuri of this situation.

Anyway, this should REALLY go without saying but I strongly advise against engaging with VEIL. Clearly she's in a bad way, and while uh. Clearly she needs some kind of comfort, you are Not That Bitch.

We've gotta trick her into moving away from the door so you can make your escape. Something has to catch her attention far, far away from you. What's the range on that sprite?
No. 1100323 ID: 4c286c

dez, good job keeping calm. your blog rules, in a stupid way.

im just one guy in your eye and don't have the grandeur of some of the other self-important edgelords in here, but - yeah im out of ideas. maybe faint and feign death like an opossum. hit 'em with the im just a little guy.
No. 1100326 ID: 498971

By the way, did you happen to see if the guy who sold us to you is still inside the club?
No. 1100327 ID: 248e08

Bring up the Reference Codex entries for [Soul Tether] and [Second].

Search the codex for the terms:
Soul Storage
Memory Storage and Recovery
Personality Storage and Recovery
Quick Start
Getting Started
How to
User Manual
Beginner Guide
No. 1100328 ID: a68d47

oh girliepop (gender neutral) you are living the real cuntwars now
GREAT post tho!!! and well plugged for the hot latex we take care of our own <3
that said I'm with the general consensus of sliiiiiding back into the crowd and acting like a good little sheepy. maybe go lift the DJ's keys off him or something, surely one of these hot goths has a ride you can borrow?
whatever you do don't draw attention to yourself. That second scan showed no more blip so hopefully veil won't have a dang clue who in here is the meat they're after

tho yeah, *is* that guy who sold you the oss still in here??? where did he even get it??? does HE know where glaive's body is??? maybe when the hot grim reaper isn't staring you down you can ping him
No. 1100330 ID: acfa4f

I think reaching out right now Veil's ossuary is a bad idea BUT if/when she spots us with hostile intent, we should send the message: "If user [VEIL] kills this quickmeat we will never forgive her"
No. 1100331 ID: d3f333

NOOOOO, I didn't expected to remember that we LOVED her. Glaive Loved her? WE loved her? Does it make any difference, really.
Fuck everything. Fuck all the plans. Stand there and gawk at her like a fool. Maybe we get to see another glimpse of whatever that was.
Maybe we get to feel it.
No. 1100337 ID: 6a5191

My fucking god you guys are slow. Did it really not occur to you that the love at the core of Veil's pain that's causing this rampage could have been reciprocal?

Okay I see I'm gonna have to completely recalibrate, here. Fuck therapy. Fuck sensible opsec. Gonna have to aim for what's doable in this madhouse of a bone house.

Whatever loser shit Vittorio's osspop is on, they're probably right that Veil is not herself right now. If we wanna rekindle something romantic here (which I don't think has legs, honestly. Dez is NOT Glaive!!!!!), we have to do it LATER, when Veil isn't having an episode!

Locate a back exit. Stay blended into the crowd. Get out before the limbs start flying, because I have a distinct feeling there's gonna be limbs flying soon!

TL;DR Do NOT FLIRT with the hot vampire lady (yet). Sneak OUT THE BACK. LIMBS WILL FLY
No. 1100340 ID: d3f333

Sure, man, but knowing it is one thing, and getting slapped straight into our nonexisting face with those memories is a whoooole different matter.
Glad we have, like, many of us here. You can go try make Dez do sensible stuff and I get to have feelings about this. (If the sensible ones make good enough decisions, maybe Dez can live, and then also blog their feelings about this too)
No. 1100342 ID: e9c39a

What do you mean our old meat used to have a death beam, a carapace, and a strap, and the best our new meat's got is like, extended shins? I'm sorry to say this, guys, but Veil is never going to fuck us.
No. 1100343 ID: 8b64c1

Listen. You like goth bitches, we like goth bitches. In front of you is the gothiest bitch you will likely ever meet.
One way or another, no matter how long it takes, you're gonna have to seduce her somehow.

Stay alive until then.
No. 1100346 ID: 992af8

yeah I don't think Veil is likely to want to murder us absolutely forever.
but she definitely does want to murder us absolutely now immediately.

we can hit her up later. maybe after we figure out what happened to Glaive and she mulches whoever's actually responsible. it might be murder mystery time after we finish escaping
No. 1100350 ID: 9ad848

as much as I want to go towards our hot murderous ex (?), I think staying unassuming and blending in with the crowd is the way to go. If we can get some distance, maybe we can explain the situation, when our death isn't imminent. If we can get a ride off of someone else in the club (or like, hotwire something, is that possible?) i think that's the best bet, but if [VITTORIO] is our only escape option, we might just have to meet up with him.

If all else falls, try to seduce [VEIL]. At least we'll die as we lived (being gay as fuck)
No. 1100354 ID: 273c18

If Veil catches you, tell her you can help her find Glaive.
No. 1100357 ID: 0ec60c

I just thought of an important question.

Ask Vittorio's Osspop if he likes to fuck currently dead meat.
No. 1100358 ID: c08cca

Wowza, I don't think I was fully appreciating [VEIL]'s T1000-esque murder hotness until it was right in front of us. Really stops a gal's Not-Heart. Metaphorically. Let's try and prevent that from being literal for at least the time being.
Observation: [VEIL] is in a hyper emotional state right now and will probably not be very receptive to talking.
Suggestion: Maybe the DJ and the ones who are still dancing have the right idea? [VEIL] is clearly in need of a healthier outlet for the emotional high she's experiencing that ideally isn't turbo murdering all the meat in the room. Perhaps cybergoth raving is the answer?
No. 1100364 ID: 19973a

I feel like actively deceiving the grieving and panicked (friend? girlfriend?) of Glaive is the worst possible option as it means out chance of death goes from a good cool 30% to 2% as we piss her off.
Right now she's actually surprisingly calm as she's simply looking around. Furthermore, it seems to have been established by Vittorio's osspop that she actually does care about quickies and avoids killing them, just not recently, probably because she went on a murder spree looking for answers.
So the one thing deciding whether we become the next part of the murder spree is whether or not we cooperate. Veil, out of all necrotechs, is the most likely to be partial to us, and Vit's ossuary is talking about how long a head can stay alive chopped off someone's body.
So the choice is between someone who looks vaguely threatening but has proof of being partial to us, or someone who has casually sent us death threats. None of you thought to inform the meat of that, by the way?

How about this? We put those clubbing skills of yours to good use. You know how to communicate well with gestures, right? She's gonna notice you the moment she sees you, and from there we gotta be in charge of the interaction. When she sees you, motion to go to a more secluded place where you can talk easier, but not too secluded.
Try and talk things out, say how you're in deep with something you didn't fully expect and offer what you do know about how you got us, and for the love of god don't flirt with the grieving girl.
No. 1100366 ID: b13ce0

Do you remember?
Do you remember?

No, how could you.

Approach [VEIL]
Be not afraid.
>>1100358 is right. It's time to dance.
No. 1100367 ID: 6fe5c7

Man this quest has ACTIVE SUGGESTORS, haha, it is HOPPIN
No. 1100368 ID: fd9a3b

Why don't we test what we can do and create a distraction, send off every flare and beacon and transmit every piece of information we can as loudly as possible and generally try to do everything that doesnt tie us back explicitly to our location. then run while veil is dazed
No. 1100377 ID: 1b5c76

No. 1100381 ID: fd13ef

This voice is trepidatious. We must keep trying to avoid [VEIL] but I believe that will not be possible under the penetrating glare of her scanner. We must prepare to engage with her as well as her ossuary.

Our priority: Immediately connect to [VITTORIO]'s osspop. Both him and his osspop appear to be silly, charming, and mostly supportive. We must 1. report that [VEIL] is here, 2. query about ossuary capabilities, and 3. tease them, for if they wish for meat pics they must come and take it themselves. I wish to know whether or not we as an osspop have a way to block scanning, or possibly shut off temporarily to avoid detection.

[DEZ] is intriguing. They possess multitudes we did not at first see. Though they are still a soft little thing that I wish to protect and dote on, I am beginning to see creative depths in them. It will be a tragedy if we were to lose them. We must ascertain how much agency we as an ossuary population have in the dealings of necrotechs and if we can claim this little puppy as our own.

Speculation for later consideration:
Could the being that is [GLAIVE] currently be living on as memories within [DEZ] now? Could [GLAIVE] have stumbled into being an ossuary citizen, here among us?
No. 1100382 ID: 4fa6b6

ok I didn't want you to post but honestly I'm not even mad, that's some solid commitment to what matters to you and I respect that

just back away slowly, stick to the pack, looking shitscared is fine even if we uhhhh need to fake it with you know other feelings

we can think about Vito later I think that sitch is pretty stable, he's on the hook and so's his osspop with the ;) routine, they'll get here when they get here and probably they'll keep Veil distracted and vice-versa while we move.

Just. No sudden moves. No need to get all that razor attention focused on us.

god if Veil does catch us we're absolutely posting the moment her fist tears into our guts, though, right? if we can't save your life at least your death can become immortal
No. 1100383 ID: 4fa6b6

oh also this is not the time but you asked about meat pics. that's you! you know like in the saying - "the ghost is down but the meat is busy with their own problems"

fr seems like your vibe, yeah? postin meat pics on the blog for the followers. it's a good look on you! <3

(ossgang don't don't don't send that blog link to Vito's osspop, we have them right where we want them and that's WANTING MORE AND NOT KNOWING WHAT WE LOOK LIKE, we're doing amazing sweeties, keep it up <3 )
No. 1100386 ID: 551903

I just realized that the best outcome for [DEZ] is to kill and eat Vittorio. (The rest past so she gets his Necro tech. Remember the death beacon animation showing others eating the corpse. Yup. That's [Dez]'s future if she wants to live.) Luckily, Vittorio looks like the perfect target for someone's first blood. No one will miss him, afterall.
No. 1100387 ID: c8e1bb

Where is that guy? Maybe they have leads on other necrotech we can use to give us an edge
No. 1100388 ID: 4fa6b6

hey osspal LOVE the out of the box thinking. do not love the long-term projections on the "hey how about we actually do the thing everyone's pissed off at us for that we didn't do, yet, just to catch the people who weren't pissed off yet" plan. don't want those quences on my cons till we suffer, y'know?

(sidenote, do we have a read on how much the other techs like Vito? I'm getting... "not massively" from the whole "hey does nobody trust me to handle this" biz. probs some of them would wild out just on principle if we did kill him though so I still don't recommend it.)
No. 1100389 ID: 461c5c

I was more thinking we could throw them to the wolves, but yeah, I guess getting info is important too.
No. 1100391 ID: 6a5191

No! Absolutely not! I'm drawing the line at murder! Are you serious right now?!
No. 1100392 ID: fd13ef

please do not kill or fuck over vito hes just a slutty lil guy
No. 1100393 ID: 794bf9


I'm pretty sure murder is like a huge part of what we do/did. If we are to make DEZ into a proper Necrotech we gotta be with it!

But again, I'm pretty sure Vittorio would kick our ass.
No. 1100394 ID: 794bf9


You know what, thats fair. I do think it is too soon for a get to know each other with VEIL rn though. Distraction now, heartfelt talk later?
No. 1100395 ID: 992af8

By the way Dez, we don't remember how revival actually works, but if it's viable I promise we'll try and bring you back if you get killed. <3
No. 1100400 ID: 794bf9

Hey new idea. So we had a quick popup of GLAIVE when we scanned that didnt repeat....

Can we [SCAN] the Osspop for any new members? Any GLAIVE shaped new members?
No. 1100402 ID: 0db8d3

Vittorio appears to be despised by the local Necrotechs. Even Glaive didn't like him. There's clear history here, he had to have done something *heinous* in the past.

Also, no one is pissed off at us! The local Necro community sees us as victims within the larger tragedy that is [Glaive]'s demise. Veil and Vittorio are coming to rescue us, albeit for their own reasons. Us deciding to help [DEZ] at all is technically us going rogue.
It's barely been five minutes since [DEZ] put us in, and she's already marked for death and being hunted. The necro's hunting her don't even have a problem with her, it's just that we're in her brain, and if we're to be removed it appears that it must be done... Very physically.
Given her lacklustre capabilities and what she's up against, I can't see [DEZ] surviving unless she techs-up, and fast. We don't know if her black market dealer has the rest of [GLAIVE]'s body and techs, attempting to rob him may be a dead end. We do know that Vittorio is coming, though. We also know he's a horny bastard who thinks [DEZ] is fine, if that reaction to their picture is anything to go by. Vittorio will surely attempt to kill [DEZ] given his desire to "Fix" the situation, but there's a good chance he can be convinced to "play" a little, it's then we can strike.

In theory we could just have [DEZ] evade and lay low, but I don't think [DEZ] is capable of doing that, given their personality.

The way I'm reading it, it's a kill or be killed situation right now. You know the primary function of us Ossuaries is to keep our charges mentally stable and functional, right? Why do you think that is? Why are we necessary?
Our charges live hand in hand with death. It is a traumatic, inhuman experience. [DEZ] doesn't have a normal life anymore. These people are out to kill her and they don't even treat it like it's a big deal. It's like it's a normal Tuesday evening for them. This is the world [DEZ] must adapt to to survive. They don't have the luxury to even refer to it as "Murder" anymore. There is now only death. It's up to [DEZ] if they want to bring it to others, or embrace it themselves.
No. 1100496 ID: c5e0d7

Definitly keep "be mega gay/hot/sad" as a last-ditch plan. It *might* save you or cause hesitation, but I doubt it.

A much better plan is avoiding notice until VEIL calms down, or until you can forward her info about the people actually involved in GLAIVE's death or disassembly.
No. 1100520 ID: 6a5191

If Dez were as good at jumping as we are at jumping to conclusions, she might seek shelter on the moon.
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