Lavender Shining Blossom
Some of us break away and scramble, working to recover Dez’s deleted conversations with the fence. We’re quick and careful — consumer-grade software and laces like Dez’s are flimsy, clunky, inelegant, but they’re also easy to manipulate. It’s not particularly complicated to reel the data back up from the void.
We send it over, half-stumbling in our haste. Through the connection we can feel Veil’s oss surge and then quiet, fizzing faintly, as some of them absorb the data and the rest wait for the report.
*Hm. Strange
*Which one
*The seller, obviously.
*You can’t keep an ossuary in stasis at all, let alone for weeks
*And yet the quick has Glaive’s oss.
*Part of it, at least
*The meat could be lying, too
*About what.
*She’s not lying about anything. She’s stupid and weak and lonely and susceptible to manipulation
*The quick is a liability, but they’re obviously not malicious
*This data is something, though.
*It’s something. It’s cooperation. It’s a show of good faith
*A show of good faith would be Glaive’s body
*They don’t KNOW where Glaive’s body IS!
>When was the last time Veil saw or talked to Glaive?
>Was it like, in the last 24 hours, or multiple days ago?
*Two or three days
*But that isn’t so unusual
*It is unusual that no messages were exchanged, i think
*Only a little
*Veil didn’t notice
*I noticed. No messages between users OR ossuaries
*But that was both ways. Veil goes quiet. WE go quiet
*We weren’t alarmed
*Sometimes we simply don’t see each other
*Unusual for the death beacon to go off, though
*Glaive never dies
>we're the only clue you have
>if Veil harms Dez her chances of figuring out what happened to Glaive are going way down.
>Like, we're working towards the same goal here but it's not a straightforward matter, so let's not be rash and fuck it up.
>Let us work the problem, don't fuck up our only lead.
>Veil's guys, we have a lead on Glaive's body, and who may have killed them, but if you get our [user] killed it will be gone for good.
>Think of them as a holding cell while we get this all squared away.
>If you off that one in your hands [user] is liable to just have themselves a little heartattack, and we need them right now.
*We can calm Veil down.
*Why the hell should we
*Are you listening at all. They’re right
*We’re focusing on the wrong thing
*Chat logs from two strangers is not a lead. They could have fabricated all of it
*Why would they.
*It’s more of a lead than we have alone
*And it’s not impossible for Glaive’s oss
*That is a fucking stretch
*Shut up. We’ve decided already
*Someone go handle Veil
*I’m going. I need some of you to come with me
*To all of you, in the quick: you don’t remember anything, do you
*Should WE tell them anything, if they don’t remember. Especially given the circumstances.
*Fair point
*Oh, to hell with all of you. Don’t get entangled in subterfuge
*Since you all clearly don’t remember: you can split your population.
*Glaive’s odd, invasive little experiment.
*What are you doing
*You can travel betw