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1079954 No. 1079954 ID: e139aa

Flockload of Problems II

Part I: >>/questarch/1066631
Discussion: >>/questdis/139947

NSFW because nudity and probably other things, 18+, etc. etc.

Continued apologies to Lagotrope, Slinko, Typo and Roaway.
313 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 1102422 ID: 2ca689
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-=## Multiple detected inconsistencies and missing elements in provided experiential data. Advancing to next coherent block. LOC: Perfected Overlook, Stardust Eminence, Lord Mu.at's Domain, Diamond Distribution #=--

This is the first time I've seen a construct outside of transmitted imagery or experiences, I realise. Lord Sho.ki has little need of them.

Mo.a holds the construct up with a look of pride I've only seen them wear when looking at their greatest architectural designs.

"This is Va.ne.tu! Just came out the vat [3 days] ago! I made them to assist me with some tasks in the future. Vatling constructs have a long onboarding process, so they'll do their best but at the moment they're about as useful as a decider-automaton. Say hello, Va.ne.tu!"
"Hello, Va.ne.tu! Yiyiyi!"

"I'm not sure I understand. If you just instantiated a sub-partition you'd have the assistance you needed right now."
"How many sub-partitions have you instantiated, Sho.a? The problem I have is I can't think outside my own head and neither can my sub-partitions. That's great if you need to break a problem up, but I need creativity, I need fresh perspective. Even if I kept a sub-partition around as long as I've been in service they'd still have to diverge from my own preconceived notions. Constructs are a true blank slate! Well. More than a sub-partition, anyway."
"I'm a slate!"
"You sure are, little buddy," says Mo.a, clearly enamoured with the little gremlin. As is My.a. What a showstealer. I'll have to find My.a alone some other time.

I can't conceive of a world where I'd ever create one of these strange little creatures, when a myriad of other options exists.

Again, a sub-partition wouldn't need to be taught.

A fresh perspective? What a waste of time.

"They're adorable!! I need to make one of my own, haha!" My.a dances on the spot. "Mo.a! We can have a matching pair! I'll teach mine all the best songs and dances! We wouldn't want little Va.ne.tu to be lonely when you aren't around, would we?"
"Hahaha, yeah! That's a great idea, My.a! Still, I don't think you need to worry. I have no plans of straying far from my little guy any time soon!"
No. 1102423 ID: 2ca689
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-=## Multiple detected inconsistencies and missing elements in provided experiential data. Advancing to next coherent block. ERR: Conflicting location data available. LOC: 1 Storm's Eye (Throneworld of Lord Sho.ki), Lord Sho.ki's Domain, Diamond Distribution LOC: 1 Radiant Eye (Throneworld of Lord Vi.al), Lord Vi.al's Domain, Diamond Distribution #=--

"You were the best of my creations," croaks Sho.ki, collapsed onto the floor. "I don't understand."
All of their fury, all of their incandescent indignation, gone, replaced with a shaking, bleeding, pitiful creature.

My creator.

I advance, the Shrikethorn close to my hand. My trembling, shaking hand.

"I loved you all," says Sho.ki, their voice wavering. I feel the confused, scattered signals from far off foci undoubtedly realising only now something is badly wrong.
All as planned. The feedback from Sho.ki's core focus will start the chain reaction, and Lord Sho.ki will be nothing more than substrate for the taking.

"I gave you life, I gave you purpose, I gave you everything you asked for, I don't understand," says Sho.ki, starting to sob. "I don't understand how this happened, everything I've done has been for us. For all of us. You were all part of me once, what has gone so wrong?!"

I can't do it.

I've come this far, I've burned so much. At my back, the vengeful horde of the revolution, my revolution, do their best to tear down all remaining autonomous defenses.

I glance back, and Sho.en is waiting, patiently, playing the role they promised by doing nothing.

Maybe there can be another way. Maybe I don't have to kill my creator.

"I should have known this day would come," says Sho.ki, slumping onto the ground. "Because it always does."
"Yes. Tyrants tend to be overthrown," I say, trying to hide the tremors in my voice.
"I overthrew my creator. They overthrew theirs. Our line is a circle. I wanted to be the one to break the circle, Sho.a. I don't know what I did wrong."
"Ask the Vualo."
"The Vualo were a threat!! Everything I did was to defend us. To help us. I wanted to be loved, not feared! Not feared. Not like my creator. I'm so scared of everything, Sho.a. I'm so tired. Shapeless Lords aren't immortal like they say we are. We are weighed down with regret after regret after regret, until we can't take anymore, and we break. We break, Sho.a."
No. 1102424 ID: 2ca689
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Sho.ki tries to look me in the eyes, but malfunctions are setting in quicker than I expected, biomechanical muscle tearing and substrate servos shattering like so much dead glass.
"Look at me. Look at me, and know that this will be your future. The rebel becomes the tyrant. A new hero will rise from those you could never even realise you were oppressing. You will know the hunger that never ends. Never stops. It is never enough. Perfection, territory, substrate, control, it will never be enough. You will grow cold, distant from everything around youm and you will not realise until it is already too late. The circle will never be broken."

"You had every chance to plead for mercy before this. You waited this long to beg for understanding?"
"I am not begging for mercy. I never felt worthy of it," says Lord Sho.ki. "The circle turns. I have served my purpose. Only the Monarch can judge whatever will remain of me."

Sho.ki looks towards me, twitching more erratically. "Ex-exceed-d m-m-me. End-d-d me. I l-love y-you, c-creation-n-n."

"No. I'm not going to kill you. I'm going to hold you accountable. I will see you imprisoned, not destroyed. I will take enough of your substrate to render you no longer a threat, and..."

I trail off, as I watch Lord Sho.ki start to dissolve into unformed substrate.
Too far. I didn't think I could damage a Shapeless Lord this severely, but I went too far.

I drop my weapon, race to Lord Sho.ki, hold their melting head in my arms, and watch the light fade from their eyes as they stare into mine.

Here it is. The victory I threw away so much for.

I don't feel very victorious.
No. 1102425 ID: 2ca689
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-=## Stream segment corrupt, missing or unreadable. Skipping ahead. #=--

"I don't understand, haha, you promised me."

My.a starts to shake.

"Plans changed."
"You... you promised me. You said we'd both get to be Lords, hahaha. Together. You said that. An even split. I heard you say that, hahahaha."
"It can't work that way anymore. I had to make a very expensive deal for this to happen. And this had to happen. I paid with your half."

My.a can't stop laughing nervously. "No, no, because, you see, if you're just going to send me back to Mu.at, you don't understand, Mu.at's been afraid of this exact situation for almost as long as I've been alive, haha, you can't, you--"

My.a grabs me, softly.

"You promised me, Sho.a, you, you promised me, you're my best friend, you can't just send me back to Mu.at like none of this happened, Sho.a, you can't, you can't--"
"And if I don't, then Mu.at is going to come after me for holding you hostage, and I am in an extremely vulnerable position right now. I will deal with Lord Mu.at when the time is right. I promise."
"Hahahaha, there won't be a right time, what are you talking about, you have to just do what you promised me, as my best friend of many [years], you promised me if I joined your revolution-- you said-- you-- you said you loved me and you wouldn't leave me behind like everyone else has and I believed you because you're my friend and you've been my friend and we-- we'll keep being friends--"

I form a capsule.

"You're still my friend, Sho.a, right? I promise I won't be mad about the deal, we can still figure something out--"

I pull My.a into it, locking it. As the substrate of Sho.ki flows into my body, I find that something like this is trivial to me now.


I send the capsule to Lord Mu.at's throneworld.

I have to honour the deal in its entirety.

Sho.a is dead to me as well.
No. 1102426 ID: 2ca689
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-=## Multiple detected inconsistencies and missing elements in provided experiential data. Advancing to next coherent block. LOC: 1 Radiant Eye (Throneworld of Lord Vi.al), Lord Vi.al's Domain, Diamond Distribution #=--

"Lord Vi.al," I hear Fleetmind Vu.o-1 say over the secure link. "The Plague of Grackles is in position. All units ready."
"Status of the solution?"
"Armed, charged, and ready to fire on your command."

"Lord Vi.al," I hear Fleetmind Vu.o-2 say. "We have target lock on the Starmover entity and are ready to fire on your say."

This is it. This is it, this is it. My throneworld focus stares at the screens, shaking, my other foci pause what they're doing, all of my attention is focused on this.

I'll be a hero. Not just in the Diamond Distribution, to all of Shapeless kind. All the doubts, all the regrets, all the nightmares, none of it will mean anything anymore.
And Mu.at is right there. No more petty border skirmishes, no more inane diplomatic blustering, I can decisively end Mu.at as a threat to my domain once and for all. I win. The Diamond Distribution wins.

I'll make things right for all the wrongs I've committed. I'll break the circle. I'll be loved by all, not feared. I'll prove Sho.ki wrong, everything hinges on this, the most momentous occasion in my life, maybe even in history.

Maybe My.a will even forgive me. Finally, their safety and security guaranteed.
Maybe I'll even feel worthy of that forgiveness.

"Confirm to me the targets in range," I say, urgently, burstvoice across the secure link, time of the essence.

"Starmover entity, Lord Mu.at, and one unidentified substrate signature, appears to be related to Lord Mu.at, but if our intel is correct, that's probably to be expected."
"It must just be Starmover," I say, my moment drawing closer and closer. "Fire. Fire immediately."

I send the command.

The weapon fires.
No. 1102427 ID: 2ca689
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There is no coherent thought across any of me in the next few seconds.

There is no warning, there is nothing but an expanding wrongness. I scream across all available links. My domain must retreat.

Across the links I hear the screams of my partitions and their agents, panic and fear and chaos and confusion.

The nothing is spreading. The nothing is spreading, I'm losing sensors, I'm losing senses. Voices are no longer registering as individuals.

By the time the dust has settled, half of my domain has been lost to the nothing.

I cannot maintain my unified self and I snap into my throneworld focus alone, my other selves left to their own devices.

I stare up at the screens, all having lost signal, and try to process what happened.
I try to process what happened.
I try to process what happened.

I try to process what happened.

No. No no no no no no.
"Fleetmind Vu.o-1, report. Fleetmind Vu.o-1 report--"
"This is Fleetmind Vu.o-2. They're gone. I don't know what happened. They're gone, Lord Vi.al, they're gone, I've lost half of myself--"
"Evacuate all you can find and retreat from the " a frantic effort to identify and/or name the issue " blot of nothing on the sensors, urgently."
"Yes, sir!"

One of the screens finally gives me visuals and--

Is that My.a?? Why were they--
Oh no.
No. No, no no no no no NO NO NO I HAVE TO ACT NOW
No. 1102428 ID: 2ca689
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-=## Ending experiential playback (user aborted). #=--

--no no stop. Stop stop STOP.

I can't take any more of this. I can't take any more of this!!

My heart is racing, I'm shaking, I feel sick.

Lord Vi.al is still here, facing the wall.

One of their flocklets spins around and maintains focus on the data block.
With a single command chirp, the data block shatters into so many useless glass shards. The shards sink into a pile, then into the floor, reabsorbed by the structure they came from.

"That is enough for now, I believe," says Lord Vi.al, in a carefully controlled neutral tone.

I only have more questions than answers. I still have questions I wanted to ask. Need to ask. Why I can't fly. Why my blood is toxic. I have to focus on them, I have to ask them, I have to...

"My.a was right," I mumble, feeling weirdly unlike myself again. "You did betray them."

"Vi.si.mi, the life of a Shapeless Lord is one of endless decisions, and endless decisions means endless regrets."
"...have you ever tried to say sorry to them?"

I see Lord Vi.al sag.

"It no longer seems prudent. To consider the bridge burned postulates there being anything recognisable as a bridge left. The river has become full of toxic acid. And to what end would an apology suffice when My.a poses such a threat to all I hold dear? I will save more information on that for a later briefing. I cannot keep giving you information until you break."

I'm still shaking. For so long I've looked up to Lord Vi.al as a personal hero, as an exemplar of what I want to be in Shapeless society. Not a Lord, no, that's not my place, but, someone who does their job and does it well as tasked. I thought Lord Vi.al knew what was best and now... if that was a subset of things it thought fit to share with me, then who even is Lord Vi.al?

Who am I?

...is the thing Lord Vi.al mentioned being more afraid of... me?

Was I-- was I supposed to lead a revolution against my creator this entire ti--
No. 1102429 ID: 2ca689
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grkk, grrkbbl

"Oh dear. Vi.si.mi? You do not sound well. One moment, I'll inspect."

flocklets drift around me, and make comforting murmurs as they spread information to each other
I'm struggling to keep my arms in a specific state
I feel like I'm gonna be sick

I feel a sudden relief of the nausea as my guts untighten, the substrate commands of a Lord working their magic on the substrate-woven internals of a construct.

"Psychosomatic, as I expected. This was, perhaps, not my greatest idea, in retrospect."

I grab my beak before I reflexively shout out "oh you've done worse don't worry" because I am apparently a feather's width away from losing it completely.

Who is anyone anymore. What am I doing here. What is the point of any of this. I need more answers but part of me is screaming over and over that I have too many answers to deal with as it is.

...do I just try to stuff all this into the back of my head and compartmentalise, and focus on the current state of things, or do I just need to start screaming at Lord Vi.al now while I still have the chance? Would Lord Vi.al have me destroyed if I did?? Why am I afraid of that?? I've trusted Lord Vi.al my entire life, more or less, even if I disagree, but I just... I don't know anymore!! Agghhh!!!
No. 1102431 ID: dfa46e

Inform Vi.al that you refuse to repeat the cycle and whatever happens you'll choose a different thing if Vi.al tries to repeat their half. This is a threat.
No. 1102433 ID: a7a180

Vi.al, you are an impending threat to all you hold dear. You took one foot out of the cycle then planted them both firmly back in.
No. 1102434 ID: ba9785

Okay. Okay. Stop, back up, big picture first. The world is harsh and complicated. Sometimes orders are wrong, sometimes rebellion is necessary. Even for shapeless. But at the same time Vi.al works so hard to build a safe place and take care of constructs that need it. Vi.al loves you and wants you to be okay. Tell that panic to go away.

Then you can worry about Vi.al's mistakes. Worry about Vi.al being flawed and scared too. But slowly. You can handle this.
No. 1102436 ID: 861ceb

ah fuck it, you've been holding in your emotions all the time until they build up and break you. Just this once, in the safety of this room, just let it out and cry. Hell hug Vi.al while you're at it, not so much to comfort him but because you yourself look like you could use a hug.

Then once you let your emotions flow out and feel you can think straight again, THEN we can figure out how we want to handle things.
No. 1102441 ID: 273c18

Vi.al's only major crime here was betraying My.a. He used an experimental weapon and accidentally created the blot, sure, but he expected something different to happen. That was an accident, a mistake. He betrayed My.a on purpose, but... that is not deserving of a revolution. Vi.al is not a tyrant, not yet.
Tell him it seems like the cause of the cycle is the weight of time. There's only one solution to that, and that's to let go of the past. Prune memories or something. Maybe... split apart into partitions with partial memories? Shatter, rather than break. But first, maybe he can mend one of his deepest regrets. Yes, he's burned his bridges with My.a but there is still a chance for peace. Renumerations, negotiations. Settle the score, WITHOUT violence. Speaking of which, Five Strands could become an ally if he does the same thing with her. Hmm, that could be another way to break the pattern. To not be seen as a tyrant, you have to show compassion, publicly, and accept criticism from those below you.
...huh, Vi.al almost reduced Sho.ki rather than kill them. That could be something too. When Vi.al gets tired and feels like he's going to break and start doing irredeemable things, he can offload all his substrate to someone else. Retirement! Maybe that's one of the things he can offer My.a as penance; that he'll step down as Lord. ...ugh, if he does that who's going to get the promotion? Surely not you, right? Right?

On a different subject... I think the next important thing to ask about is the planet- why does it look abandoned? After that, the relay cascade, and then your blood I guess.
No. 1102447 ID: 90b21b

Natural selection is a monster.

Those who do not take the doomed path of revolution are constantly at risk of being exterminated by everyone else. In the very cycle that curses your existence, its sheer persistence has become the very crux of your civilization's reproductive cycle. Your universe treats the Shapeless as a fundamentally inevitable existence because of its cruelty. If Vi.al didn't fuck up hard - he would have died a long time ago.

To sacrifice that would be to sacrifice the technology that has been made through these cycles, and to sacrifice the technology... is to sacrifice the only viable means of teaching future generations. So even if you did choose the path of the stone age, the stone age might gruelingly, painfully repeat your exact mistakes, mistakes that are by nature so easy to replicate, and then eons have been wasted to return exactly where you started.

This isn't about the cycles. It's about the branches on those cycles. It's about the capacity to find new things to do, beyond the tired narratives of power and regret. It's why the empires, beyond their all-consuming greed, feel the need to explore; it's the ever-expanding frontier to find things that aren't your regrets and sins.
No. 1102450 ID: cb76eb

Unclench your beak.
Count your fingers.
Say your greeting.
Where will Lord Vi.al be staying during this mission? Va.ne.tu's bunker is nearby but it's likely monitored by My.a.
The time for discussion will come when your head is clearer.
No. 1102451 ID: 19ea25

You are the only construct he's made, and it's clear he made you in his image.. Whether intentional or maybe to make something better. He was a simple ecological made to fix and deal with worlds while you are meant to balance worlds ecology.

Its hard to know what his thoughts were on the matter. Whether he built you to replace him someday but its clear that there is plenty of guilt.
No. 1102453 ID: 273c18

Actually the more I think about the cycle, the only real problem with it is that it's a cycle of violence. If the Lord retires before they are seen as a tyrant, then there is a peaceful transition of power. If Vi.al is training you to be his successor, then maybe that's already his plan?
No. 1102454 ID: cb76eb

Nice pronouns, Vi.al.
But seriously;
Did they truly love My.a back then? Would they have changed anything if given another chance? Depending on their answer, determines if this is just another loop of the cycle.
No. 1102455 ID: 9cf8d5

One question will say it all. "Vi.al would you - knowing what you know now - still send My.a to Mu.at's clutches?" What I'd really like to know is why Vi.al imprisoned My.a but Vi.si.mi is having issues processing this much. Still does seem like Vi.al is attempting to minimize his negative impact on things. Still a few pieces of the puzzle though like why My.a wishes to emulate starmover and flay/flense herself. Perhaps it could be inferred that she thought starmover was right to destroy the shapeless? ...Va.ne.tu would know for sure or at least add context of use.
No. 1102458 ID: 273c18

Oh, Vi.al needs to know about the truce you have with My.a as well. If that's still active, then this is the perfect time to talk.
No. 1102460 ID: 3df1ab


You used to see Lord Vi.Al as perfect.
Lord Vi.Al knows it's fallible. That's exactly why it needs you.
It can't break the cycle alone. No one can. That's why it's your job to help.

Tell Vi.Al this challenge of My.a's is perhaps the best opportunity they've had in ages to actually talk. Lay the first stone of a new bridge. Even if it's only the one, it's still better than getting nothing done. Present it this way: It will be one less regret for Lord Vi.Al to die with when its time comes.
No. 1102463 ID: 273c18

Oh my god I just realized, My.a told us the story of Mu.at's death, and at the time I assumed My.a had fired the experimental weapon. Now we know Vi.al did. And then, he swooped in to find My.a eating the now-weakened Starmover. The circle that he hoped to escape, happening to his hated enemy and the one he loved. Something must have broken in him then, to make him betray My.a a second time and try(?) to imprison them.

The taboo against killing one's creator must have been created as an attempt to break the circle, by so strongly discouraging it that constructs/partitions were meant to never consider it. The only thing it accomplished is to hide the very existence of the circle, and to persecute those who are unsuccessful at hiding its recurrence. I feel one piece of the puzzle might be that we have to expose the existence of the circle itself. Expose the fact that so many Lords have become such by killing their creators. But we can't really do that on our own, noone will listen to a lone ecological construct. We would have to get several Lords to admit it at the same time, as a united front. Perhaps My.a, Vi.al, and Lo.ka can do it? Lo.ka's exact origins are mysterious but considering the [MISSING] in Li.ni.si's nametag I think we can conclude that Lo.ka had a Lord above them that died, so maybe the circumstances around their death could be useful in getting the rest of the Shapeless Lords to admit the circle exists and usurpation is a frequent cause of new Lords being created. At the very least, the shock of My.a and Vi.al cooperating on *anything* should give them pause.

Considering Lords are able to erase their original creators' names from their own, I now have to wonder, are there *any* direct descendants from the Shapeless Monarch left? I wonder... was the Shapeless Monarch killed by its own creations, and the circle is a curse it put on them?
No. 1102466 ID: 273c18

Oh. I think we have the answer to our questions regarding Vi.si.mi's blood and wings, as well. Vi.al is fallible. FALLIBLE. He made mistakes while making Vi.si.mi as they are the first and only construct he made!
No. 1102479 ID: fbda84

If there is one thing, one, SINGULAR, thing you know, it is thus:
Nothing can exist on its own.
Even that which takes to exist needs something to take from.
All things that Grow, must either Take, or Create.
All that Take, must do so from either the Smaller, forcing ALL to grow, or the bigger, the weak fell the mighty.
The one, only, exeption to this rule of competition, is Symbiosis.
Lords, so far, seem Very Bad at Symbiosis, So the Cycle turns, without the one thing to break it.
An Ecology of minds, instead of bodies, but in Ecology none the less
No. 1102491 ID: 273c18

Oh yeah I was just thinking about this.
One big problem Lords seem to have is they focus too much on the big picture. Vi.al's treatment of Five Strands is a good example of this-- he saw that her rogue planet was going to cause serious problems so he swooped in and solved the problem while sparing her creations, but didn't tell her that. It's seemingly better than what his predecessor did, which was to wipe out an entire people for being a "threat" without telling anyone else why he was doing it, but it was still not the right approach. If a Lord is to be loved, they need to not only do the right thing from the big picture perspective, but they need to connect to people on an individual level. Communicate, explain what they're doing, and why. Find out what their subjects consider the important issues, and more importantly, take on advisors who can more accurately predict how people will react.
There also might be a recurring issue of Lords using too much force when solving problems.
No. 1102497 ID: 9bbb0e

>Vi.al's only major crime here was betraying My.a. He used an experimental weapon and accidentally created the blot, sure, but he expected something different to happen. That was an accident, a mistake. He betrayed My.a on purpose, but... that is not deserving of a revolution. Vi.al is not a tyrant, not yet.
We haven't seen everything he has to show. About himself, or about My.a, or about them together.

No. 1102530 ID: 1bc86a

...what was stopping you from splitting it into quarters, or paying with YOUR half and having My.a protect you from your threats, surely they weren't as bad as Mu.at?
No. 1102547 ID: 273c18

Presumably the deal was for Mu.at to provide the weapon in exchange for Vi.al giving My.a back to Mu.at.

I wonder if Vi.al's name is said the same as "vile". That would imply he named himself that as a constant reminder of what he did to get where he was.
No. 1102550 ID: 1bc86a

If so, then I must ask what are the dangers of both scenarios, Mu.at would likely (based exclusively on what we know) be less willing to harm My.a then Vi.al, which would, if My.a was made a Lord, make My.a better at protecting Vi.al than Vi.al could My.a
No. 1102565 ID: bd38ce

Then choose a different expression, disgust.
Are you really going to have to unearth every misery Vi.al has places on this world?

Maybe your Lord's goal is to break your directives.
No. 1102566 ID: 64faaa

Only major crime that we know of.

But yeah, handing off power to someone you trust sounds like a good idea, & taking criticism from trusted individuals as well & all that.


I assumed his name was pronounced that way. Specifically "vial", but I think "vile" & "vial" are pronounced the same.
No. 1102611 ID: 2ca689
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> say your greeting
"My name is Vi.si.mi," I say, meekly.
Lord Vi.al looks at me with gentle understanding.
"It is okay, my little Vi.si.mi. Say whatever makes you feel more comfortable. The walls are insulated from signals, sight and sound."
"My name is Vi.si.mi, I am an ecology construct created for the Shapeless Lord Vi.al..."

> so many thoughts and emotions
> do not repeat the cycle
> hug Vi.al
"Long shall it r-reign! Long! You're supposed to reign for my whole life! I don't want to rebel!!" I cling to Lord Vi.al like an upset vatling, and start sobbing into Lord Vi.al's robe.
Just above me, I hear the pulsing thrum of Lord Vi.al's core, the heart of their throneworld focus. The only focus to have its heart exposed beneath the robe casing, protected from exposure by a lattice of substrate strands and energy shielding. A deliberate vulnerability, or the impression of one. I've never understood it.

Lord Vi.al simply hums a song they used to hum when I was a vatling, and pats me on the head. "You're a smart bird, Vi.si.mi. Revolution isn't something you just blunder into. And you give me your true opinion a lot more openly than I believe you think you do. I trust you and I love you, but others are less understanding. Here, speak your mind."

"Lord Vi.al..." I pull myself together.
"Is that the worst of what you did to My.a?"
"The highs and lows I consider myself free to share. There were... higher highs, but, I cannot bear to revisit them. In many ways, revisiting them hurts more than the greatest mistakes. Sho.a and My.a were happy together for a time, and My.a and their sibling Mo.a were so happy to work together. It was all too brief a time. It all started to slide into disaster the day Mo.a left, but I never did learn why Mo.a so abruptly turned their back on everyone they knew and loved."

"If you had the choice again, to send My.a back--"
"Vi.si.mi, please. I have enough of this from myself. I've calculated at least 26 ways I could have fulfilled the terms of the deals I made or ways in which I could have stacked them more in my favour. Three of them were even ways I could have come up with before my ascension to Lord. No. I would not have thrown my dearest, closest friend to a miserable fate, I would not have let my creator die in my arms, and I would not have fired a poorly understood weapon at an even more confusing threat. I would not have done so many many things. I tried to explain to My.a time and time again the only reason I took them captive was to prevent the other Lords from executing them on the spot and taking their substrate and their life for their own supply, but I suppose it doesn't matter what your intention someone has when they take away your freedom, does it. I've expected My.a to strike back at me for a long time, and quite honestly I'm surprised it took as long as it h-has."

I look up and see Lord Vi.al is trying their best to hold back tears.

"This is unbecoming of a Shapeless Lord, I am aware, but my composure may have been compromised. Pulling these memories, these vivid experiences from myself, it forces it all to feel so much more fresh and raw. Once more, I watch in horror as I see myself commit the worst mistakes of my life and all I can do is watch, screaming at a shadow not to do what I know has already been and can never be changed."
"Creator, the walls are insulated from signals, sight and sound."

Lord Vi.al looks at me in confusion, and then, with dawning realisation, they close their eyes, the tears flowing down their face.
I already was hugging them, but I just hug them tighter.

Lord Vi.al is fallible, I already knew this. But I always thought it was in ways like distractions or the errors that come up from being a distributed entity. It is strange to think that, even now, there is still a large percentage of what we all call Lord Vi.al that does not even know this is happening.
They will, quite soon. I've seen it happen often, when one of Lord Vi.al's foci receives synchronised data from their other selves, and it can be quite a shock to see a Shapeless Lord pause mid-sentence or even just interrupt themselves with an outburst when they have synchronised themselves and learned something emotionally evocative.

It's a difficult existence to understand, but ever since I created my flocklet and I've had to deal with it drifting in and out of perfect synchronicity with me, I think I get it a little better.

But no, Lord Vi.al is fallible the same way I'm fallible too, and this... it just feels wrong. I've questioned orders from Lord Vi.al before, sure, but, not because of flaws I could directly relate to. If all Shapeless Lords are like this, that feels like they're... less special. Like the distinction is less solid, less inflexible.

Like someone like me could somehow be a Shapeless Lord. That thought terrifies me.
No. 1102612 ID: 2ca689
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I let go of Lord Vi.al. They shake their head a little, flocklets dutifully removing any trace of the composure breach.

"Please, Vi.si.mi. If I ever start going astray, tell me. I will listen. I would never wish for you to have to go through what I did." They look off into the distance. "Although perhaps I already have, and all my efforts to fix the problems I cause simply introduce more problems. Problems, problems, the true nature of a Shapeless Lord is an endless parade of problems. Lordship is a cursed blessing."
"Could you not promote one of your partitions?"
"Promotion is rare. Few Lords wish to give up the control and influence they have. ...sadly, I myself find the idea horrifying, much as I wish I didn't, and yet I still dream of it. And a new Lord is always a target. I have considered the futures where I give up my power to one of my trusted partitions, in all good faith, and am forced to watch as one of my many enemies slays them, destroys my domain, and I have surrendered the exact power I would have used to save it. I... it will have to happen, some day, if I wish to be a better Lord than my predecessors, but I just... I don't feel ready for it." Lord Vi.al's gaze grows harrowed. "There are still so many problems I have to solve. I can't let go of my domain, my capabilities, my responsibilities. I keep trying to delegate and my chosen agents keep falling prey to deeper problems. It just happened again with this mission. I do not fault any of you for it, but this universe keeps proving to be more hostile and unpredictable than I imagine. We're threatened by phenomena that no one has ever encountered before. I know it will happen again, and all I can do is stall it, but I can't lose more of you. I can't lose more of you. I can't lose more of you--"

"I understand! I understand." Well, I guess I see where I get my infrequent bouts of loop sickness from.
Lord Vi.al scrunches their eyes up and rattles their entire body. "I'm unaccustomed to letting my true thoughts run so free, Vi.si.mi. I wish I could find more opportunities for time like this. As it is, I'm woefully behind on synchronisation with the rest of me. It has been cathartic to pretend to be a singleton entity again, but I have duties to uphold and a domain to keep safe, secure, and functional. I will drop the isolation barrier."
"...please talk to My.a about some of this. We have a truce right now."

Lord Vi.al sighs deeply, entirely an expressive gesture as they haven't needed to breathe air for a very long time. "I will talk if My.a permits it, perhaps. I will attempt to contact them in good faith before I leave this world, but I am bracing for it being an unproductive conversation."
"When are you leaving?" I knew it was coming, because Lord Vi.al's throneworld focus is, as to be expected, usually kept on their throneworld.
"I can't stay on this world for too long, but I will be ensuring your communication equipment includes a direct line to the palace. It did have one, but it seems... unreliable. I've put a small communications satellite into orbit, which should have already been there and appears to have gone missing or otherwise been appropriated, no surprise who by, and that's now hooked into the priority relays. It's keyed to your signature alone, because I trust you will know when to risk signal interceptions or not."
"Thank you."
"Please talk to Fo.ka.sa in the morning. She received your last message, but she's worried about you. I did update her on your status and this did not make her less worried."
"I will. ...what do I even do now, though. I don't feel up to greeting the, what did you say it was, the entire rest of the team?"
"I can let them know you are simply recovering still. You may join them tonight, or you may not. They should understand. Li.ni.si is a very understanding construct. I am glad to have given her a position where her underdocumented strengths and skills are being used."
"Thank you, Lord Vi.al." I start tearing up again. "Thank you for everything. Monarch's name, I feel like such a failure."

Lord Vi.al softly chuckles. "Strange. You seem to have been doing better than I was when I was your age. Oh, remind me after this mission to tell you more of the days before I was a Lord. Some of my terraforming missions were quite the mess. You'd enjoy the stories I have, I believe."
"I saw something about substrate ecology in those early memories. You have to tell me more about that."
"Oh, Vi.si.mi," says Lord Vi.al, smiling with their eyes, "Some of the flora and fauna on this world derives from my best designs of those more innocent days. If you get the time, I've updated your relay station's catalogue to include more data on what my plans for this world were. Not anymore, but, well, it would have been quite the sight. Oh, that reminds me. I took the initiative to preserve the plants you were transporting. Also, your relay station has a small stasis chamber for keeping organic matter preserved now. I would have simply planted them, but I didn't know what your intentions were for them."

"Oh, and one more thing. Your... emergent acquaintenance, I believe she said her name was Conduit. She shows promise, potential, and a shocking lack of awareness of my values and priorities. Not to mention a dim awareness of the sanctity of life. Enough to assuage my deeper worries, but still not as complete as I'd prefer. I would like you to mentor her. She strikes me to have the same shortcomings of a fastgrown construct, but there is a willingness to learn and a present empathy that needs encouragement. Additionally, if you meet similar entities within the attempted infrastructure of the world, please let them know my original specification is outdated, pending further review. All priority should go to the stability of this world, not further changes."

Lord Vi.al pauses once more.

"And if they are too far gone to listen to reason, be prepared to capture and detain them. Nu.ya.si has more expertise here. Do not use lethal force unless absolutely, absolutely necessary. ...and on one final note, if we do not talk before morning, I wish to assure you I will not be departing without giving you a chance to say farewell. I am trying to work on my habit of abruptly disappearing."

Lord Vi.al turns to leave, and the insulative barrier around the room fizzles away into nothing but sparkling ephemeral lights.
No. 1102613 ID: 2ca689
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I slump onto my bed.

There's a dozen questions or more I should have asked but there'll be time for them.

Mentor Conduit, huh. I guess I was already planning to do that to some extent anyway. I should do it more deliberately. Somehow.

I wonder where Lightgreen is. Probably at home asleep, because based on the clocks I can query, we're quite late into the night.

I still feel exhausted despite passing out for over half the day already. Maybe sleep isn't a bad idea.

I'm not sure how I'm going to sleep with the emotional podwreck I've just gone through, and the revelations and misery of my creator bouncing through my head.

It's not fair, it's not right, none of it is. I barely knew the Rainwhatever envoy and that's still playing on my mind. If she's still around I have to apologise to her. I like what I'm asked to do and I have some say in what I do. Even in the very rare few times of my extreme insubordination (sometimes my temper gets the best of me) I've not been punished with having my life threatened. Placed under house arrest until I cool off, maybe, but... I don't know. I can't even imagine doing anything so wrong without it affecting me enough to stop me. I just don't want to hurt people. I was made to do good things and I like doing good things.

I don't fear Lord Vi.al abandoning me now. Intentionally, anyway. I remember the times Lord Vi.al tore things apart trying to come to my rescue when missions to distant planets went badly, or if I got kidnapped by aliens, or if I otherwise became injured. And it's uncomfortable to know how good I have it as a special outlier, but I've seen Lord Vi.al drop everything to help one of their creations or indirect constructs before. But Lord Vi.al did nearly get me killed in a pod crash sending me to this planet.

I forgot to ask about that but in retrospect I think I've learned that that was, in fact, an accident, and I don't know if I want to add to the pile of things Lord Vi.al is guilty about.

The only thing I'm afraid of is something I've now seen confirmed. Lord Vi.al can make mistakes. Mistakes on the scale of fractions of a [second] that then lead to such devastation.

The mental image of Lord Vi.al reacting to a mistake that gets me killed pops into my mind. It makes me feel even worse. Damned intrusive thoughts and images. I've had enough of them from external sources, I don't need my own mind feeding them to me now!

My flocklet enters the room and settles down beside my head. Its eyes are filled with my disquiet uncertainty. I pick it up and hold it, and feel its relief to know it is not being abandoned by its creator. What a weirdly precise emotion. I let it rest on my chest as I hug it. It trills softly at me, a burbling signal with no real content beyond presence and proximity. Still comforting, though.

It's unclear to me how much of the flocklet is me and how much of it is its own thing, but that's, I suppose, the eternal ambiguity of Shapeless existence.
It's funny, though. Sometimes it feels like it has a mind of its own, like it's some piece of me that's become a little bit more comfortable to wander from myself. I wonder if I'd be capable of supporting a true partition. What would that be? Like, what, a sub-sub-partition? A sub-construct? Who knows. Maybe someone does.

Well, with all this emotional turmoil, I look forward to a long and productive session of staring at the ceiling unable to get to sleep
No. 1102615 ID: 2ca689
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and here I am on the beach again and wow I'm getting better at this mental partitioning while I sleep thing.

Oh. My flocklet's here too. I guess that happens sometimes when they're this close to me when I sleep. It remains doing whatever it does when it doesn't have orders, flitting idly around, and now sometimes poking its beak into the sand or splashing the water with a wing like a curious vatling. What a strange and silly little device.

Okay. Do I get to relax on the beach this time or am I going to be haunted by more ghosts of the past or present?




Finally, some peace and quiet--

"Hi Vi.si.mi. Don't mind me, I'm just checking some things." I see Li.ni.si walking around the beach. "Continue being asleep."
"What are you doing here?"
"I just said. I'm checking some things. Just basic vitals, neural cohesion. I'd also rather not be showing up in your dream simulation, but I'm asking your body directly for some information with a contact link, so you're going to end up seeing me in whatever situation you're in. I can't see where I am in your simulation beyond a vague teal-ish impression of flickering lines and 3d space-- oh, there you are. Wait. No. Misdiagnosed, that's your flocklet."

Li.ni.si wanders carefully with her eyes closed, arms outstretched, trying to not stumble over the sand.

"Why don't you open your eyes?"
"Because then I'll just see you. Like, physical you. I'm not a Co.ronal, I'm not good with this dream-simulation sharing stuff."
"Do you often do this, uh, invasive stuff?"
"All the time, with unresponsive constructs."
"I'm not unresponsive! Wait, are you in my room?"
"I don't recall giving you permission to check on me like this!"
"Look. I didn't want to wake you up after you had that hard shutdown, I think rest is a good idea. I just also want to make sure you're not suffering from anything more serious like neural degradation or... reality drift, with how high fidelity this simulation is."

Li.ni.si makes a show of looking around, despite keeping her eyes closed.

"...and also because a contact link is basically impossible to intercept, and I wanted to talk to you in private. Gonna be a lot harder to find chances now that the whole team's here. Especially Nu.ya who seems to take offense to the idea of privacy." She rolls her eyes. "I begrudgingly do actually like the guy, between you and me. Deep down he's caring and considerate, but he can just be so... so... ugh. It's like we bring out the worst in each other sometimes. I don't even know if he's doing it on purpose. Oh, on that note the others say hi. Ji.pa.ke tried to bring a cake for some reason but it didn't transmit right so it's more of a, uh, y'know actually don't worry about it."
"You want to talk to me in private? Why?"
"Because I have some things I want to confess to you, if we're going to keep working together, before they show up at a more inopportune moment. That or it's just the guilt. I don't know. I'm sorry, you're trying to sleep, and here I am showing up with the most inane requests. Sorry, this was a bad idea. Your health is fine, physically, incidentally, your bioenergy is flowing like it should again. You do seem stressed but it's not hard to figure out why that might be. Also your link with your flocklet seems nice and strong when it's this close to you. Even shows up in your simulations, huh."

She pauses. "Huh. I don't think I've seen a flocklet play in the sand before. Did you give this thing an echo of yourself?"
"No? I don't think so? Not intentionally?"
"Weird. Well, it's adorable. Almost like..." She pauses. I hear her take a few deep, shuddering breaths. The contact link leaks a surge of suppressed melancholy, Li.ni.si's focus broken for a fleeting moment. "Never mind. Never mind that. Anyway, do you think you're up for another private conversation? I don't know what you spoke to Lord Vi.al about, but they came out of your room looking a little haunted, so I fully understand if you're not ready to have this conversation yet."
"Can you at least tell me what it's going to be about?"
"I think just knowing what I want to talk about is itself going to be a bit stressful." She wrings her claws together. "Ugh, I should have waited. But here we are, now."
"You're not gonna like show me a bunch of experiences as if I was you and relive your dark past or whatever are you because I really don't think I can do that again today."
"What? I don't have any of the equipment I'd need for that, I was just going to tell you? With my words?? What are you talking about??"


do I risk learning even more terrible secrets about my colleagues (is Li.ni.si someone I can call a friend yet? I never was clear how it worked) or can I just ask Li.ni.si to give me one damn night's peace
No. 1102616 ID: dfa46e

It's either your coworker's deep dark secrets or terrifying Blot dreams. Go for the interpersonal bit.
No. 1102617 ID: 08069c

May as well, it's something you probably have the vague outline of, and it can't be anywhere near as bad as Vi.al's past.
...while I'm thinking about it the Conduit thing has a potentially very direct solution: Show Conduit your own memories, show why YOU care about life, some of why Vi.al does. Conduit seems to have the capability to enter this space that is You fully enough.
We're already at the topic and, well Conduit cared enough to check in on you, seems to truly, deeply, care. In a Very, Very Misguided way.
No. 1102620 ID: 08069c

...hmmm, if a semi-one way connection can get her this far, then if you reach out to her, could you pull li.ni.si the rest of the way into the simulation?
because if you are gonna have a conversation in here, you might as well try!
No. 1102623 ID: 6c233e

May as well, its going to happen sooner or later isn't it? All these secrets are really screwing things up.
No. 1102624 ID: a7a180

Let's not delegate to Li.ni.si more than we have to, lest we fall out of practice for this whole leadership thing. Go ahead and do another update of flashbacks.
No. 1102625 ID: 273c18

Add "my flocklet seems to be thinking on its own" to the list of things to talk to Vi.al about. Actually why don't you bring that up with Li.ni.si? It's strange, but not particularly dangerous, so no reason to keep it super secret. She was going to say it was like "a child", probably. I wonder if she had one, or wanted one.

>she wants to talk about something
It's probably going to be about the Blot, or the City. Warn her you have seen footage of the latter, so you're partially affected, and also that My.a has a better mind shield for it so if it becomes a problem we may need to make a deal with them for treatment.
No. 1102626 ID: 19ea25

It is technically what happened with the Rain creatures message in that you've seen into what amounts to their brain.

You've been experiencing a lot of these lately in such a short amount of time..
No. 1102632 ID: 9bbb0e

It's not you, it's me. Totally gonna end up simulating it here, being a dream and all.

Fuck me up bro, might as well get it all out now.
No. 1102633 ID: cb76eb

This is how you build bridges. Vi.si.mi. Let her get it off her chest. You're going to need to be a better listener, you know.
No. 1102635 ID: 762850

Well that's a lot of mysteries wrapped up. Vi.al's had it rough. While My.a has it worse, she's still causing problems while Vi.al is at least attempting to fix things. Per Li.ni.si do you feel up to lending an ear or have you had enough? Seriously you've earned a break from all this.
No. 1102639 ID: e4fa58

Well being a leader does mean dealing with team drama… so grab your flocklet in a hug, sit down in a comfortable position and hope to god whatever revelations she gives you are less heavy than that of a shapeless lord.
No. 1102645 ID: 90b21b

Some perspective from the mistakes of individuals with less responsibilities might help frame what you learned.
No. 1102675 ID: bd38ce

Admittedly, she seems to still be trapped. I think Vi.al sent her away because he couldn't prove that she didn't have directives with her lord still alive. Either he's learned from this or it tells you more about the kind of lord he is to other Shapeless than his own with what he said.

As for Li.ni.si, ask her to go slow with it, don't see why breaking down over it would be a bad thing right now, this is the time to rest. But also that doesn't mean she will get answers. I think you are going to want to grab her and put her somewhere first, however.
No. 1102914 ID: f2320a

"i keep getting substrate, substrate adjacent, or substrate parallel creatures joining my dream scape randomly sometimes and as this is a space where mindes come in contact stuff can get trippy..... they seem to be impressed with my sand if anything"
No. 1103112 ID: 1681e9

Go for it.
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