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File 168386556128.png - (55.19KB , 1920x1202 , Chapter2.png )
1063548 No. 1063548 ID: 7ae8e6

SFW Quest about Robots, Genetic experiments, and Violence

Chapter 1: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/1000552.html
Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/System_Boot_Zero
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No. 1063549 ID: 7ae8e6
File 168386559839.gif - (34.20KB , 409x256 , VIXEN.gif )

No. 1063550 ID: 7ae8e6
File 168386587599.png - (12.88KB , 409x256 , EXPERIMENTS.png )

You find yourself in a new environment with your friends, the air feeling humid but cold

Protyte looks around, trying to recognize the location, "This place seems.. Familiar"

Isen watches from above, taking his place in the shadows, "I-I've been here before.."
No. 1063551 ID: fb2164

Investigate notes

>I-I've been here before..
Were they responsible for the Property Damage? Proper Crimes? :V
No. 1063556 ID: 273c18

Check out that corkboard first, it's got a bunch of notes on it.
No. 1063560 ID: 7ae8e6
File 168386987422.png - (12.51KB , 409x256 , LOGS.png )

>Check out that corkboard first, it's got a bunch of notes on it.

You walk over to the loaded corkboard, looking over the notes one by one.. They're all experiment logs and outcome theories, though there are three documents that catch your eye, titled "Organic Cybernetic Enhancement - Isen" "Artificial Organs - Project Zero" and "Artificial Organs- Project Zero Prototype" Though the last one had a piece of tape with a new name next to it, "Protyte"

There's another note underneath the corkboard, it made your heart sink a little..
No. 1063561 ID: 7ae8e6
File 168386992098.png - (7.07KB , 409x256 , IMSORRYVIXEN.png )

No. 1063562 ID: 7ae8e6
File 168387006233.png - (3.83KB , 409x256 , WASNTME.png )

>Were they responsible for the Property Damage? Proper Crimes? :V

"N-No," Isen replies, "I didn't do this, I-I was just here for regular checkups on how my body was handling the experiments.. T-This is the bio-experiment s-section of the facility, o-organic work and chemistry was done around h-here.."
No. 1063570 ID: 273c18

What were they trying to achieve here? Medical research? Or military?
Let's look in the filing cabinet now.
No. 1063578 ID: f8083d

What are the pictures on the right wall?
No. 1063667 ID: 7ae8e6
File 168394962940.gif - (76.51KB , 409x256 , REPLACEMENT.gif )

>What are the pictures on the right wall?

You wander over to the wall where a poster hangs, looking at it for a few seconds it seems very.. Familiar

Though something about it makes you feel a bit agitated..
No. 1063668 ID: 7ae8e6
File 168394982037.png - (10.18KB , 409x256 , YOURREFLECTION.png )

Moving on, you walk up to the second thing hanging on the wall.. It's not an image, its a mirror

It's been smashed, but you can still see yourself in the reflection.. Seeing yourself feels slightly.. numbing, almost calming.
No. 1063669 ID: 273c18

-information recovered-
The feeling is envy. For some reason they didn't want to mass-produce you, Zero, and instead made Skye, who was claimed to be superior in various functionality and even do things that robots shouldn't even be able to do, but who knows if that's true. Could've been PR. First we've heard of them though, does anyone here know what happened to Skye?

Who is that? There's a robot in the shadows behind you.
No. 1063673 ID: 7ae8e6
File 168395232053.png - (9.45KB , 409x256 , Nothing.png )

>Who is that? There's a robot in the shadows behind you.

You turn around, looking behind you to see who's there..

..Nothing, not even a shadow..
No. 1063674 ID: 7ae8e6
File 168395269244.png - (12.61KB , 409x256 , AboutSkye.png )

>The feeling is envy.


>First we've heard of them though, does anyone here know what happened to Skye?

You turn to the others, asking them if they know about "Skye"

Protyte answers, "Skye? Wow, haven't heard that come out of your mouth before. Yeah, we know about Skye, really sweet girl, last I heard about her was she was preparing to be mass-produced, had a few public appearances and was going through thorough checks before release. Who knows, we might find some Skye bots down here, as for the real Skye, your guess is as good as mine. Or not, since you don't remember shit" he smirks at you, teasing you playfully

Isen chimes up "I-I can go scout ahead to see if I can f-find any survivors or p-possibly functioning Skye bots..! S-Since it'll be safer and faster if I went ahead, n-no one can touch me.."
No. 1063675 ID: 273c18

I don't like these hallucinations you're having.

Feel free, Isen.
Let's root through the file cabinet.
No. 1063677 ID: f8083d

Sure, but don't go to far. Best I be able to rush there under a minute if there's a problem.

Yes, that's all that's left here.
No. 1063678 ID: 7ae8e6
File 168396803682.png - (11.44KB , 409x256 , Keycard.png )

>Sure, but don't go to far. Best I be able to rush there under a minute if there's a problem.

Isen zooms off through the broken window, he is a LOT faster than you thought

>Let's root through the file cabinet.

Turning towards the file cabinet, it seems Protyte knew your intentions

"No need, went through it while you were oggling yourself in the mirror" he smirks, raising a hand, holding a keycard between his fingers. "There was nothing interesting in there except this, pretty sure this is a student keycard for when Xeno lets people live here to research with him, should have access to almost all sections of the facility that need a card except for personal rooms and the rooms only us who fully live here can access"

"And if you were curious at what was in the cabinet, just a bunch of files on the organic subjects, Xeno documented absolutely EVERYTHING about them, mostly useless info though"
No. 1063709 ID: 8f9bc4


Good thinking, Isen, but don't be careless. Maybe you just haven't found what can touch you, yet!


They're just damaged memories. Perfectly normal for someone with a green eye alert. Data recovery analysis reports it had something to do with the fact that you're the prototype for Skye, much like Protyte is for you. Doesn't explain why Xeno tried to destroy you all, since he could just have just left you alone.

Skye's ultimate fate might have some indication of what Xeno's true intentions were. Is that what he meant by "they're all dead?"


Anyway, groan and press your palm against your forehead, because Xeno apparently dropped his own personal keycard on the floor, since it let you into his personal room, so it'll work for anything a student would be able to access. Another dead end. Are there any biological things left, through that broken window perhaps?
No. 1063713 ID: 7ae8e6
File 168402010860.png - (12.33KB , 409x256 , NoClue.png )

>Data recovery analysis reports it had something to do with the fact that you're the prototype for Skye, much like Protyte is for you

>groan and press your palm against your forehead, because Xeno apparently dropped his own personal keycard on the floor

Protyte stares at you, unsure whether to laugh at you or lecture you

"..You really forgot everything, huh? There are no keycards for personal rooms, that was just his office, the keycard you picked up seemed to be a guest card, able to enter non-important display sections of the facility, that office just so happened to be one of them. The robots of the facility act as their own keycards, while organics have physical cards and a microchip to allow them into the more secure sections of the facility. And for that Skye comment, you are not her prototype, you are a completed design that got scrapped, compared to me, you're living luxury"

Protyte seemed a little agitated during that last part about Skye, maybe he's a little envious himself..

"Lets just use the keycard to get out of here"

>Are there any biological things left, through that broken window perhaps?

"No clue, I doubt many would be left after 20 years of no food or water, if they're lucky they might've found a stasis chamber or something.. Whatever the case, yes, they would be through the door / window"
No. 1063788 ID: 8f9bc4

Oh, well that helps then.

Actually it doesn't help at all since his office is the only keycard slot you've seen in this facility.

But one is sure to come up any moment now!

Envy is an interesting feeling, because it grows more powerful the more you push it away. Mere slights seem to become grave wounds; every one a bitter reminder of what you can't have. Envy itself seems to become envious of your attention.

Oh, point out that the humidity of the air indicates there is water somewhere in here. With nothing else to examine in the room, try peering through that broken window back there.
No. 1065397 ID: 7ae8e6
File 168627997809.png - (11.32KB , 409x256 , Peeking.png )

>With nothing else to examine in the room, try peering through that broken window back there.

You peek out through the window, leaning over the broken glass...
No. 1065398 ID: 7ae8e6
File 168628014230.png - (50.27KB , 409x256 , TheOrganicWing1.png )

...There's a hallway, with a bunch of doors with gold plaques on them, they seem like names. You can only see two from this distance and angle, Vixen and Isen...

There's also a green glow coming from around the corner

You wonder where Isen went
No. 1065439 ID: 8f9bc4

Look, Protyte! So many card slots! One for every personal room of each—dammit none of them are going to work, are they.

Be careful of broken glass, see if you can check some doors. Particularly Isen's. What does the sign on the back wall say?

Still no indication where this humidity is coming from... I wonder if the green light on the wall indicates minor software issues.
No. 1065697 ID: f8083d

Well no other way but forward I guess. I'd say try and grab something reflective and peer around the corner.
No. 1078470 ID: 7ae8e6
File 170152092434.png - (10.25KB , 409x256 , IsensRoom3.png )

>What does the sign on the back wall say?

Its hard to read from a distance, but it seems to say "Organic Wing"

>see if you can check some doors. Particularly Isen's.

Walking over to the door, you hover the keycard against the reader, only to hear the unmistakable hiss of a denial, the card does not work on personal rooms.

Just as you're about to leave, however... you notice the door isn't locked, slightly opened from the last time Isen left.

Pushing the door open, you peer inside...
No. 1078471 ID: 7ae8e6
File 170152102845.png - (10.70KB , 409x256 , IsensRoom4.png )

...Nothing of note, apart from a few posters and the fact this kid had terrible colour matching, kinda hurts your eyes.
No. 1078485 ID: 8f9bc4

No. 1078505 ID: 5cf64e

what's the sticky note on the poster say?
No. 1078508 ID: 8f9bc4

Pick up Zero Plushie Collectible 1/10
No. 1078512 ID: 7ae8e6
File 170157146130.png - (10.86KB , 409x256 , LoveYou.png )

>what's the sticky note on the poster say?

"Love you, dork"

They seem close.
No. 1078513 ID: 7ae8e6
File 170157150812.png - (8.91KB , 409x256 , Collected.png )

>Pick up Zero Plushie Collectible 1/10

Collected, this shall sell for millions.
No. 1078514 ID: 8f9bc4

Is that a picture of Isen? Might be useful for uh... backup recovery purposes. Who's the pink OwO though?

There doesn't seem to be anything vitally important here toward repairing ourselves and... everything else too. Isen probably just forgot to close her door, when she uh... left. Don't invade her privacy anymore, just head around the corner to Organic Wing.

Leave the door open in case she has trouble opening it in her current state.
No. 1078515 ID: 7ae8e6
File 170157317524.png - (20.56KB , 409x256 , Sounds.png )

>Who's the pink OwO though?

Alpha, the girl in the screen. It seems there's a monitor here but the camera is missing, communication isn't currently available with her.

>Don't invade her privacy anymore, just head around the corner to Organic Wing.

...Do you hear something?
No. 1078516 ID: 5cf64e

we are deaf, though I do see a red light behind you
No. 1078518 ID: 7ae8e6
File 170157511498.png - (17.35KB , 409x256 , ALLICANDOISDREAM.png )

No. 1078519 ID: 8d7f01

Is something banging on the door?
No. 1078529 ID: 5cf64e

knock back?
No. 1078565 ID: 8f9bc4

Shit! Hide!
No. 1078585 ID: 7ae8e6
File 170164547174.png - (50.23KB , 409x256 , ALLICANDOISSCREAM.png )

>Is something banging on the door?

...Not the door
No. 1078586 ID: 7ae8e6
File 170164557890.png - (101.66KB , 409x256 , IDONTEVENKNOWIAM.png )

No. 1078589 ID: 273c18

Well if they could have broken out they would've done so already. Go see who that is.

Why is there such a bright glow?
No. 1078590 ID: f90eeb

Read the computer next to it? See if that can give you a clue to what exactly you’re looking at.
No. 1078629 ID: 8f9bc4

Huh, VXN. It's Vixen?

Oh no hurry and get over there. From what you found of the others, there's no telling what kind of critical damage Xeno did to her!

Eeeexcept that the lights are green not red, but that might not be the same color coding as your eyeball errors.
No. 1078903 ID: 7ae8e6
File 170199631039.png - (101.22KB , 409x256 , SAVEME.png )

>Oh no hurry and get over there. From what you found of the others, there's no telling what kind of critical damage Xeno did to her!

Help her..
No. 1078904 ID: 7ae8e6
File 170199632541.png - (118.33KB , 409x256 , HELPOHGODHELP.png )

No. 1078905 ID: 7ae8e6
File 170199633928.png - (100.05KB , 409x256 , ICANTWAKEUP.png )

No. 1078906 ID: 7ae8e6
File 170199637744.png - (26.48KB , 409x256 , ProtyteIsHere.png )

"OH MY FUCKING GOD, VIXEN?!" A voice screams out from behind you, a mix of genuine horror and shock
No. 1078907 ID: 7ae8e6
File 170199639318.png - (79.61KB , 409x256 , ProtyteIsHere2.png )

Protyte is here.
No. 1078910 ID: 2aa5f0

oh cool he can move again... uh, I guess see if you can't open the tank and let them out?
No. 1078912 ID: 8f9bc4

Something's wrong with her stasis tank. She's online in there! Protyte knew Vixen was here didn't he?! Alpha said her stasis tank reported her as alive and unconscious, so he knew she was here somewhere! Carry Protyte over here if you have to; she needs both your help. How do you get her out of there safely? Can you at least let her know someone's found her?
No. 1078916 ID: 273c18

I have a bad feeling about this. Back away from the tank. See what Protyte has to say about it.
No. 1091537 ID: 7ae8e6
File 171635036281.png - (113.69KB , 1920x1080 , ISEN.png )

"Survivors... Survivors... If I were a survivor, where would I go..."

Isen pauses, frowning softly as he turns another corner, "...It's been 20 years, they're not... They're not gonna be here. M-Maybe Skye, but... I d-doubt she..."

A noise catches his attention from above, a soft clank of metal followed by deafening silence... He decides to move on.

"W-Why did this all happen..."
No. 1091539 ID: 7ae8e6
File 171635053649.png - (89.87KB , 1920x1080 , ISEN1.png )

Finally coming across something new, Isen finds himself in the ruins of the stage.

"Skye used to sing here... H-Her door is boarded up... I c-could maybe slip through, but--"

A sound from behind, and a sound from in front make Isens non-existent heart stop, remembering that he is, in fact, terrified of unknown noises.

"N-Nothing can... T-Touch me..."
No. 1091541 ID: 8f9bc4

It's OK to be scared. You're hurt, and you can use it to help, but you don't understand what happened to you. The only way to go now is forward. It might be scary, but isn't it more terrifying to stay here and never know what's just past that door, until something gets you?
No. 1091543 ID: 273c18

Looks like something's behind the curtain on the right. You just passed by a hole in the ceiling, so something probably dropped down...

I say dodge to the side and then look behind you, which won't leave your back exposed to whatever's hiding behind the curtain.
No. 1091584 ID: 3e5b92

What were those noises like? Did they actually sound threatening?

At any rate, it would be good to peek through the curtains to see if there is anything off and then stick to the wall while crossing it.
No. 1092427 ID: 7ae8e6
File 171755676667.png - (67.06KB , 1920x1080 , Punch.png )

>It's OK to be scared. You're hurt, and you can use it to help, but you don't understand what happened to you. The only way to go now is forward. It might be scary, but isn't it more terrifying to stay here and never know what's just past that door, until something gets you?

A thought flows through Isen's head, how the only way was forward, and that waiting is more scary than moving forward...

>I say dodge to the side and then look behind you, which won't leave your back exposed to whatever's hiding behind the curtain.

Suddenly, a commanding voice spoke inside Isen's head, his body moving on its own as he dodges a blade...
No. 1092428 ID: 7ae8e6
File 171755683786.png - (221.75KB , 1920x1080 , Dodge.png )

His body filled with pure terror, turning his head to look towards the attacker, time seeming to stop as his non-existent heart beat out of his chest...
No. 1092429 ID: 7ae8e6
File 171755687244.png - (335.10KB , 1920x1080 , Zeta.png )

Zeta is here.
No. 1092438 ID: 273c18

Hrm. Well, nothing can touch you but you can't touch anything either. Time to go back and report this very important information.

Fly directly through Zeta if you wanna spook him.
No. 1092454 ID: 8f9bc4


Zeta, minor software issues, no hardware issues. He seems to think he can touch you. Stay away from that blade. Keep your distance, go where he can't reach, and he'll stop being scary.

Zero's software issues included amnesia and that was a green light error. Does Zeta remember the attack, or anything at all?
No. 1092482 ID: 5ebd37

Get up above him and try communicating.
The key to this encounter is to not lead a hostile security bot back to your friends. So make sure to be sneaky when you leave.
No. 1092514 ID: b3eab7

First order of business is to put some distance between you and him. Don't want to find out whether this blade can hurt you or not.
No. 1092621 ID: 31e74a

Zeta is the one that was crazy and serving Xeno, right?
Well, blast.

Get away from him and hug the wall. Why, hug the ceiling if you move up there. You are a robo-ghost with robo-ghost superpowers, after all.
Also, try to tell him to calm down. If he keeps attacking, turn back the way you came.
No. 1103258 ID: 54300c
File 173871646966.png - (393.64KB , 1920x1440 , SBZ1.png )

>Fly directly through Zeta if you wanna spook him.


>Keep your distance, go where he can't reach, and he'll stop being scary.

Isen struggles to breathe, his flames flaring up as his vision blurs, flashbacks to a similar bot in a similar situation flooding his mind as he dashes back...

>Get away from him and hug the wall. Why, hug the ceiling if you move up there. You are a robo-ghost with robo-ghost superpowers, after all.
Also, try to tell him to calm down. If he keeps attacking, turn back the way you came.

Isen's back slams against the far end door, unable to understand the strange commands in his head.

He can't see, he can't move, he can't breathe.

He's felt this once before.
No. 1103260 ID: 7bdf7f
File 173871668028.png - (545.31KB , 1920x1440 , SBZ3.png )

Zeta's expression grows angrier as he sees Isen approach the door,

"STAY AWAY FROM HER" he shouts as Isen's shadows slip through the cracks and the large hole in the corner, though he can barely understand him.

Zeta's blocking the exit, how will you proceed?
No. 1103262 ID: 273c18

Is there a reason we can't switch to Zeta and tell him to fuck off?
No. 1103290 ID: 6c233e

Flee, but he will follow. Slip through the cracks and hide.
No. 1103317 ID: 7bdf7f
File 173876238376.png - (330.77KB , 1920x1440 , Wait.png )

>Flee, but he will follow. Slip through the cracks and hide.

Isen slips through the cracks, much to the distress of Zeta, who just barely didn't make it to the door in time to try to grab him.

Panting heavily as Zeta yells through the door, Isen tries to regain his bearings...

"That's not Xeno, It's not him..."

After a short moment, Isen turns around, his eyes falling upon something shifting at the other side of the room, locking him in place...
No. 1103318 ID: 54300c
File 173876240931.png - (398.56KB , 1920x1440 , ItsSkye.png )

Skye is here.
No. 1103329 ID: b4ed20

Well at least she looks uninjured. Say hi
No. 1103330 ID: 273c18

Say hello. Ask if she's alright. Is she being kept here against her will?
No. 1103331 ID: 273c18

Oh don't forget you look pretty scary, so try to calm her down.
No. 1103344 ID: 861ceb

tell her not to go out there, there's a crazy guy with a knife out there.

Also look for an escape from this room incase said crazy guy manages to get in.
No. 1103382 ID: 8f9bc4

OK it's Skye. A Skye, at least. That's good. Zeta said stay away from her, so do that. Wait but Zeta's head was destroyed. Oh this must be another Zeta. Any hiding places in here?
No. 1103389 ID: 3df1ab

This. Start by shrinking in a corner (which has the advantage of getting away from the door which is the likeliest attack surface for Zeta).
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