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File 170918474696.png - (161.85KB , 662x600 , BloodHunt001b.png )
1084876 No. 1084876 ID: 0d1c28

Quest will contain violence and possibly nudity

This quest is themed as schlock slasher film featuring OWO characters.
as a movie no character deaths will be permanent nor effect other OWO projects

All suggestions should have 2 parts
1)name characters and what they should do (E.G. Trisha should go to the vending machine for a Soda)
2)Name some event that happens (E.G. thunder strikes and she drops her change in a drain)

Quest objectives:
Brett wants to be a spirit of vengeance
Trisha wants their sponsor "Chickadee Red Soda" to get their money's worth
6 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 1084885 ID: 5ebd37

definitely this
Brett: "Hey, I can't keep my eyes on the road if you've got the road in my eyes!"
No. 1084887 ID: 559471

Be careful not to take the WRONG TURN!
No. 1084895 ID: fe4cae

You have to wait a few minutes before you lean into the product placement, fellas…
Brett: Swerve to avoid a mysterious road walker!
No. 1085159 ID: 15a025

Well step on the gas and speed it up then, no-ones gonna pull us over out here for speeding.
No. 1085179 ID: 0d1c28
File 170944209415.png - (1.51MB , 1600x1200 , BloodHunt004.png )

Brett: "Aw man Trisha you better be right..."

Brett turns on the radio

radio: "-a third report of hikers going missing in Diamond woods , police officers hav discovered blood, and torn up articles of clothing around the locations of where the missing people were last seen. search parties looking for these lost individuals report sightings of an unusual giant deer wandering the forest-."

Trisha: "Ugh put on a cassette tape, news is boring."

Brett: "hey the news was talking about Diamond Woods, you didn't get a good look at the name of this forest did you?"
No. 1085181 ID: 0d1c28
File 170944213898.png - (2.81MB , 1600x1200 , BloodHunt005.png )

Trisha: "Whatever even if it is Diamond Woods, we're in a car and totally not lost with this shortcut. but I'll check the map anyways if it'll make you feel better."

Trisha pulls out the large road map

Brett: "Hey, I can't keep my eyes on the road if you've got the road in my eyes!"
No. 1085183 ID: 75b262

Oh, no! Brett, there's a vaguely pedestrian-shaped silhouette in the road! Slam on the brakes!
No. 1085185 ID: 7c55ad

Event: This is the part where Brett crashes into a giant totem pole. Surprisingly, the totem pole is not damaged, at all. but the car is totaled.

Brett: get mad Trisha, then get out of the car and check the damage. In the process of being in shock, you forgot to grab your keys when you exited and locked yourself out without knowing. whoops!

Trisha: you also exit the vehicle (your side is locked too after leaving) to apologize to Bret, and wonder how far it is to the next payphone.
No. 1085188 ID: a7a180

Brett: Responsibly push the brakes and come to a rolling stop until you can see again.
No. 1085189 ID: 7cea15

Bret tells Trisha not to fear, and runs over the pedestrian without incident.

At the next gas station, however, they will be confronted by a spooky guy with a blind eye named Bob (his other eye is called Jim), and he will tell them they have atracted the serial killer by spilling blood, for the killer hunts it.
No. 1085190 ID: 15a025

Hit the breaks! Then realize how low on gas you are.
No. 1085193 ID: ab46e9

BRAKES! It's a shame you're low on gas, though...
No. 1085196 ID: 08b744

step on the gas, don't look back, and do not stop. People are disappearing here and if you don't want to become a statistic just keep driving.
No. 1086290 ID: 0d1c28
File 171030196260.png - (599.86KB , 800x600 , BloodHunt006.png )

Brett sees a pedestrian-shaped silhouette on the road!

Brett: "AAh!"
No. 1086291 ID: 0d1c28
File 171030199435.png - (541.61KB , 800x600 , BloodHunt007.png )

Brett slams the breaks, and the silhouette darts into the woods
No. 1086294 ID: 0d1c28
File 171030205790.png - (477.96KB , 800x600 , BloodHunt008.png )

Trisha smacks into the map as the car swiftly halts

Trisha: "What the heck Brett?!"

Brett: "There was someone on the road!"

Trisha looks outside

Trisha: "I don't see anybody."

Brett: "I swear I saw something!"

Trisha: "Whatever lets just keep going."

looks at the dash

Brett: "Aw crap, we're almost out of gas..."
No. 1086297 ID: 75b262

Don't worry, there's spare gas at the cabin for lawn mowers and stuff! Sure. Right.

Still, it is kind of creepy when the car's engine cuts out just as we arrive...
No. 1086300 ID: 7c55ad

Brett: He could of sworn he filled the car up with gas yesterday... Regardless, he wants to go back the way they came to get gas. He's sure he saw a gas station over there earlier.

Trisha: Is really sure they are close to their destination, and believes they can hold out for just a while longer. She argues with Brett to keep going.

Event: They drive by... a torn up pair of panties on the road? Weird.
No. 1086303 ID: 7c55ad

I'll support this idea

except instead of it being lawn mowers... it's a cabin for motorcycles.
No. 1086313 ID: 5ebd37

Brett: glances over "What the heck kind of road map is that? Did you get it from a pirate?

An unexpected fork in the road comes up.

Trisha: "Wait that's not... (checks map) right, that's here. See we're totally on the right track."
No. 1086351 ID: e9eb3d

We will go to the nearby gas station: Newell's Jool and Fuel ( formerly Nazz's).

Newell is super despondent though, because his store has been thrashed.

And all the Chickadee Red Soda is gone.
No. 1086361 ID: 3be84a

Almost doesn't mean that you are out of it keep driving, you just need to keep driving. You are not alone in the woods and this isn't a problem that can be fixed with a suplex.
No. 1086394 ID: a7a180

Tricia: Here's a great idea, let's dump some of the junk in the backseat to get better gas mileage. We can come back for it after we fill up!
No. 1086551 ID: 15a025

Trisha: "There is a gas station, but we gotta go over this river bridge."

The car lights start to flicker on their own
No. 1086733 ID: 0d1c28
File 171082322231.png - (1.85MB , 1600x1200 , BloodHunt009.png )

Brett: "We should head back, we could probably make it to that gas station we passed a few miles back"

Trisha: "But we're so close to the cabin! there's spare gas in the gardening shed!"

Brett: "How would you know? that map looks like it was drawn by a pirate we'd be lucky if we're in the same state."

Trisha: "Hey the cryptic guy at truck stop I got it from seemed like he knew the area... come on Brett! we're super late as is!"

Brett: *Sigh* "alright well just go"

* * *

after traveling for ten minutes The car rolls to a stop

Trisha: "This is the place! the cabin is just past this bridge!"
No. 1086735 ID: 75b262

The front door is wide open... how spooky!

Who else is supposed to be here?
No. 1086736 ID: 0ce5cf

Brett and Trisha have a small argument over whether they should drive the car across or keep it parked on this side, with Brett being the more cautious of the two. Eventually, Trisha suggests they get out of the car and walk on the bridge to check how sturdy it is themselves.
No. 1086737 ID: 5ebd37

Brett: "Well it better be, cause we're out of gas."
The two open the trunk and get out party supplies, including a prominent case of Chickadee Red Soda™.
Trunk also contains a hunting rifle (setting up for the climax)
No. 1087015 ID: 0d1c28
File 171125509871.png - (591.13KB , 800x600 , BloodHunt010.png )

The car stops and Brett pops the trunk
Brett: So who all is supposed to be here

Trisha grabs a bag and a six-pack of Chickadee Red
Trisha: "Well Britany and Kimberly will be there, along with Tommy and Dean"
No. 1087016 ID: 0d1c28
File 171125519633.png - (465.35KB , 800x600 , BloodHunt011.png )

Brett picks up a hunting rifle
Brett: "Nice! I hope Dean brought his gun, ducks are in season!"

Trisha: "you guys and your guns... oh Brittany said her brother Kevin and his nerdy girlfriend Tina are doing some bird watching, so make sure you just shoot ducks"

Brett: "no problem. anybody else around these parks"

Trisha: "just the old caretaker, Frank Wilkins"
No. 1087017 ID: 0d1c28
File 171125524246.png - (474.73KB , 800x600 , BloodHunt012.png )

Brett and Trisha cross the rickety bridge, a figure with a lantern is at the other side
No. 1087020 ID: 7c55ad

event: the figure is a mysterious scary old man, being all like "the sacrifices have finally arrived, the ritual can begin!" or something scary and threatening like that.

Trisha: freak out

Brett: tell Dean or Tommy to knock it off

Old man: reveal to be Tommy or Dean this whole time, it's just a prank, bro
No. 1087027 ID: 5ebd37

But then the actual old caretaker jumps out of the bushes and gives a cryptic warning to get inside because 'something' is out tonight.
No. 1087031 ID: ab46e9

In a bit of a twist, it actually IS Frank Wilkins. But he's anxious for whatever reason. Ushering them to hurry up, follow him so they can get INSIDE, DAMNIT! Thunder sounds in the background, though that's not what Wilkins is referring to...
No. 1087041 ID: e4bb6a

No. 1087045 ID: 2f41db

Brett and trisha approach slowly with clear tepidation.
Rifle held tight but safely.
Delicious chickadee red soda clutched across trishas chest, logo in shot.

Mysterious figure is...
A long coat hung by the hood on a signpost and a latern resting on a nearby fence post.

Visible relief but confusion.

...followed by the real old man wilkins stepping into the light from behind a bush, adjusting his pants and apologising for being caught short.

I dont know the owoverse too well, but if he could be a felid form thatd take care of something important.
All good slasher movies have a catscare.
No. 1088179 ID: 0d1c28
File 171252255653.png - (519.86KB , 800x600 , BloodHunt013.png )

Frank Wilkins emerges

Frank: "What are you kids still doing out here?"

Brett: "uh we got a little lost?"

Frank: "Then hurry up! this is no night to be out"

Thunder cracks in the background

Trisha: "Good idea, I don't want to get my hair wet!"

Frank: "it's not the storm you should be worrying about"

you can suggest for and cut too any side characters at any time

All secondary characters have the quest objective to be slain in unique and entertaining ways, this quest only fails if the death is poor quality, a character can always have a good death in a sequel if they survive!

No. 1088197 ID: 7c55ad

Trisha: Ask if this is about the missing people you heard about in the news. Ask where your friends are.

Frank: Tell them there's no time to explain or worry about them. Move!

Brett: tell Trisha to go with Frank. You'll find your friends.

jumpcut to Kevin and Tina. They are somewhere alone in the forest looking at ravens
No. 1088208 ID: 2f41db

Cat scare!
Ticked box.

All of this.

Especially the ravens.
All of whom look well fed.
One of the ravens may even have an eyeball from... something held in beak.
...but they all watch kevin and tina with curupioys, unnerving focus.
like a thirsty man looking at a cool, refreshing glass of icecold chickadee red soda...
No. 1088362 ID: 75b262

Brittany is playing solitaire and wishing her friends would show up so she can play poker!

She notices the Joker card seems to be… smiling just a little too wide…
No. 1090159 ID: 0d1c28
File 171468255439.png - (564.42KB , 800x600 , BloodHunt014.png )

Trisha: "is this about the missing people? we heard the news... Where are our friends?

Frank: "Follow me I'll explain on the way."

Brett: "I think we should do as he says"

Trisha and Brett follow Frank along the path to the cabin.

Frank: "Your friends are mostly there already, all cept for those two sight seers kids, but I'll find them soon enough and when I do I'll tell the whole lot of ya about the truth to that news story..."


Kevin and Tina are in the woods

Tina: "Wow look at the size of that raven!"

Kevin: "-And it's just gotten a fresh kill! this shot'll be perfect for the college bulletin!"
No. 1090160 ID: baa23d

Dang! All thumbs on the camera after looking at the picture... and it just flew away! Maybe we can find it again and hey... maybe it goes back to what it was feasting on? That would be a great shot of it eating right from the corpse.
No. 1090162 ID: c5529d

After taking the picture, the flash of the camera scares away the Raven as it caws very loudly. Maybe to alert it's friends? or... something else...

The Polaroid is being developed, so they won't be able to look at the picture right away until it fades in. So they decide to head towards the lake, or maybe towards the direction where the raven flew away to as they wait since they figured the Raven's caw scared the other birds away, and they talk exposition
No. 1090165 ID: 5ebd37

but of course when they look at the picture, that's odd, hey it almost looks like some kind of shadowy figure in the background.
No. 1090173 ID: 2f41db


Oh yes.
This could work.
Exposition as they walk.
A little banter.
All the while one is holding the polaroid prints, and waiting for ut to develop.

The picture fades in and its good, but then that shadowy figure illuminated by the flash comes into view.
Odd. Just a creepy shadow though, right.
Play of the light.

...but as the next photo develops its there, more clear and... closer?
Again on the next.
Closer and very clearly staring right at them despite the lack of focus.
And again, but this time it can be seen to be almost at the edge of the clearing and is carrying something...

They both hold the last photo together.
Trying to will it into developing quicker.
They have to see.
The dark almost seems to gather around them, closing in as they huddle closer and move quicker down the path.
Their attention is locked on the photo.
And its...
just the bird.
No shadowfigure.
Almost like its left the photo.

The quiet of the moment is broken by the loud snap of a branch being stood on behind them.
No. 1091533 ID: 0d1c28
File 171634652216.png - (2.12MB , 1600x1200 , BloodHunt015.png )

a picture is flashed and the raven flies away

Tina: "Did you get the shot?"

Kevin "I think so, but we won't know for sure till it develops"

Tina "while we wait let's check out the lake, I think the Raven went there! maybe we'll see the carcass it was feeding on!"

Kevin: "yeah Okay!"

Kevin and Tina walk to the dark shiny lake
No. 1091534 ID: 0d1c28
File 171634656882.png - (1.94MB , 1600x1200 , BloodHunt016.png )

Kevin shakes the photo as it developes
Kevin: "So Tina, you think there's anything dangerous like that old man said?"
Tina: "probably just a bear.

The photo develops
Kevin: "Uh Tina, can you take a look at this?"
No. 1091535 ID: 3e5b92

Oh, deer! It's him! I recognize him from the papers!

Jason Burpees!

He was a kid that was bullied for his obsession for Chickadee Red Soda until he was pushed down a vat during a school trip to their main factory and he drowned. cue flashback of all this stuff happening

They said his restless corpse still haunts the region surrounding the old school grounds, draining victims of their blood, as he now confuses it for that delicious, nutricious, revitalizing elixir that is Chickadee Red. cue flashback of newspapers mentioning mysterious dissapearances/violent deaths

I didn't believe those rumours... until now! He's here, Brett, clear as day! He's real! Jason Burpees is really real! What will we do?!
No. 1091542 ID: 8f9bc4


What is that thing?! Where is it, is it right behind you, looming over you, rushing at you at an insane speed?!
No. 1091544 ID: 2f41db

The two had wandered onto the jetty as the photo developed.

As they look at it trying to fathom the nature of this oddity, looking back up the shore looks to be so much further away...
And if something were to stand at the end of the jetty they would surely be trapped.
No. 1091552 ID: 383345

Kevin shows Tina the scary deer looking thing.
When Tina looks at it, she doesnt see anything wrong with it.
When Kevin looks again, the creature is... gone???
No. 1091554 ID: ab46e9

This. Absolutely. Let's start revving up the spook-machine.
No. 1091560 ID: 2f41db

Oh, i like that.

Supernatural and mysterious.

Just like the bewitching flavour of chickadee red soda pop.
No. 1091883 ID: 0d1c28
File 171682018994.png - (556.58KB , 800x600 , BloodHunt017.png )

Tina follows Kevin to the end of the Jetty
Tina: "Huh? what'd you snap a shot of?"
No. 1091884 ID: 0d1c28
File 171682022328.png - (534.56KB , 800x600 , BloodHunt018.png )

Kevin:" Some sort of creature, see?"
Tina: "I don't see anything Kevin"
Kevin: "huh? it's gone..."
No. 1091885 ID: 0d1c28
File 171682025749.png - (562.49KB , 800x600 , BloodHunt019.png )

Tina: "You're seeing things' maybe that old guy was was right and it's getting too dark."
Kevin: "Nah it's probably just my glasses fogging up"
No. 1091894 ID: c5529d

Since they're at the lake with a killer monster nearby, this is usually the part where something kinda lewd happens to make the victims more vulnerable before the kill.

Tina notes that Kevin's glasses isn't foggy and he's probably so stressed out about this college project that he's starting to see things, and suggests doing a bit of skinny dipping before they take more pictures to help him relax a bit.

(although this could help raise the ratings of the movie, consider how exposed they are allowed to be If we want to keep Chickadee Red Soda's sponsorship. If the company disapproves of being associated with full frontal nudity, we may have to just have some convenient censorship going on, or have them just strip to their undies).
No. 1091905 ID: a307c2

She should make some quip about really steaming up his glasses. Which of course would mean he won't see anything sneak up on them.
No. 1091910 ID: 7c724f

So how good are you at swimming? If for no specific reason, you need to jump in the water how far would you be able to go?
No. 1091921 ID: 2f41db

Fully agreed.

Got to keep that sweet deal alive.

Skinnydipping in undies.
Only one in while the other complains
"Its too cold"
"There could be leeches"
Dismissed with a playful smile that freezes as they see the THING step onto the jetty behind their companion.
Ththeir eyes widen and they freeze as the cold hand of terror clutches their breath and steals away their voice.

No. 1092171 ID: 9f8647

No. 1098149 ID: 0d1c28
File 172789545783.png - (560.94KB , 800x600 , BloodHunt020.png )

As a note Blood Hunt is an R rated movie, the only content sponsors care about is their brand being portrayed positively, violence and nudity levels are irrelevant to that.

Tina: "here let me give you something to really fog up those glasses~"
Tina begins undressing

Kevin: "Woah! Tina! the water's too cold for swimming!"

Tina: "I think we just need to warm it up a bit~"

Kevin: "w-what about leeches?"

Tina "is getting sucked really so bad?"
Kevin gulps and gives a nervous smile
No. 1098161 ID: 355e44

Cut to a view from the bushes as the two undress and get in the water. Whatever is watching draws ragged, unnatural sounding breaths.
No. 1098162 ID: 9f8647

View from the bushes is good cinematography!
No. 1098190 ID: c5529d

Tina gotta help the nervous Kevin let loose, by just playfully pushing him into the lake.

and then jump in after him
No. 1098224 ID: 2f41db

Certainly is.
And the ragged breathing to top it off.

Follow with tina leading kevin into the water.
Wet tshirt scene.
Coldness very apparent, (...striking a fine balance between outright nudity and our sponsors consideration. Also gives us space to escalate later...)
Kevin very flustered.
Frolicing ensues.

Of course, kevin would leave his glasses up on the dock.
And the tomfoolery would happen to ensure he is the one facing the dock.
At first the blurry shape comes into some focus and kevin thinks they have a peeper.
But then he hears the crunch of his glasses and the ragged breathing.
He cant see clearly but tina, alerted by the noise can...
A violent swift movement from the dock,
Choking panic and struggling splashes.
A wet, hollow cracking then an uneven splattering noise.
a scream peircing the night.
Fade to red.
No. 1098322 ID: 0d1c28
File 172826935893.png - (1.80MB , 1600x1200 , BloodHunt021.png )

Kevin: "B-But I..."

Tina plucks off Kevin's glasses and pushes him into the lake with a big splash

Tina: "Tee hee!"

CUT TO Watcher in the bushes

Watcher: *Heavy breathing*
No. 1098323 ID: b24da3

The Watcher somehow is able to sneak right up to Tina- mostly because she's focused on Kevin in the freezing water. Boy, that water is cold.
No. 1098324 ID: 355e44

Kevin sputters in the water. Blurry shot from his perspective (water over the lens) of Tina on the dock. A looming presence is just visible behind her. By the time he swims through the frigid water and pulls himself up on the dock he finds himself alone.
No. 1098328 ID: c5529d

she is also gone without a trace as soon as Kevin pulls himself up, except for the clothing she stripped off. No blood or anything. gotta build tension, and hope in the audience that she is still alive.
No. 1098353 ID: 52f3c5


I like this. Maybe he cleans his glasses afterwards, and the presence has vanished.
No. 1098372 ID: f2320a

Heavy breathing in a bush always makes me think of someone masturbating
No. 1098425 ID: 0d1c28
File 172853634497.png - (1.91MB , 1600x1200 , BloodHunt022.png )

Kevin: *sputtering water* "That wasn't funny Tina!"

Tina: "it kind of was~"

Creature: *heavy breathing*

Kevin: "Are you going to come in then?"

he gets no response
No. 1098426 ID: 0d1c28
File 172853639564.png - (1.82MB , 1600x1200 , BloodHunt023.png )

Kevin: "Come on Tina! it's really cold in here"

Kevin: "Tina?"

Kevin puts on his glasses, recovered from the dock, he is alone
No. 1098427 ID: 52f3c5

Kevin climbs on the dock, examining the clothes left behind. As he does...

Tina pops out of the water behind him and catches him by surprise, eliciting a girlish squeal outta him.

First rule of monster movies: You gotta fake out the audience like 8 times before something actually goes down.
No. 1098428 ID: b24da3

Tina’s gone, sorry Kevin!

Time to run back to the group in your skivvies and form a search party. No splitting up!
No. 1098431 ID: eb0a9c

Cut to Tina getting an angel's eldritch wings forcefully grafted to her back. This clip should only last 0.25 seconds.
No. 1098432 ID: 7173eb

This is good
No. 1098446 ID: 63709c

Yes, more fakeouts
No. 1098452 ID: 2f41db

Kevin, frustrated to be pramked again, clambers out to recover his clothing.
Hevpickscit up but...
Red stains?
He does not remember enjoying a delicious Chickadee Red Soda recently.
He certainly would as the taste is as memorable as it is refreshing.
Plus hed never spill any...
What IS this red stain?
No. 1098505 ID: 0d1c28
File 172870811985.png - (2.04MB , 1600x1200 , BloodHunt024.png )

Kevin: "Tina? Where are you?"

Kevin rummages through the discarded clothing

Kevin: "Huh? did she just leave her clothes here?"

Tina bursts out of the water!

Tina: "BOO!"

Kevin: "EEEEEK!"
No. 1098508 ID: 52f3c5

Tina: Laugh at easily frightened dork

Kevin: Splash her in the face
No. 1098535 ID: c5529d

after a bit of splashing from tina & Kevin, Kevin notices that there seem to be a lot of scavenger catfish near them. Tina thinks it's kinda cute and tries petting one. They seem pretty docile. Weird since you'd think they would swim away. It's almost like they are waiting for something.
No. 1098536 ID: c5529d

Oh yeah, Kevin also needs to also ask Tina if she saw or noticed anyone behind her. He could have sworn he saw someone standing behind her at the dock there
No. 1098582 ID: 0d1c28
File 172884371735.png - (1.71MB , 1600x1200 , BloodHunt025.png )

Kevin: "TINA! come on that wasn't cool!"

Kevin splashes Tina


Kevin: "Okay maybe it was a little funny... when you were on the dock did you see anyone else up there?"

Tina: "Nope! why?"

Kevin: "Oh, well I thought I saw someone..."
No. 1098584 ID: ea5ee4

Oh no! Someone saw you in your underwear!
No. 1098590 ID: 355e44

Tina teases that he's worried that someone will see what they're getting up to~
No. 1098646 ID: 0d1c28
File 172904608289.png - (1.59MB , 1600x1200 , BloodHunt026.png )

Kevin: "It's probably one of my sisters dumb friends"

Tina: "you afraid they're going to see some undies?"

Kevin: *Gulp* "we should get out of here"

Tina: "Aw Kevin, that's no fun"

the Producer feels too much time is being spent on Kevin and Tina
A) Cut back to the stars Brett and Trisha: What are they up too?
B) Spice things up to sway the producer: And how?
C) Go for the kill: make sure little more screen time is spent on Kevin and Tina

No. 1098648 ID: eb0a9c

B) You have a good CGI artist right?
Spikes jut out all across the lake while the dock disintegrates. The killer casually strolls out of the bushes and insults their victims: "See you soon...", leaving them to drown.
No. 1098651 ID: ea5ee4

A, we gotta use those big names!
No. 1098652 ID: 355e44

A) Something creaks on the dock. The two turn to see. Tina looks terrified while Kevin can't see and asks what she's looking at. Just as she's about to scream we cut to Brett and Trisha entering the house.

This keeps Tina and Kevin in reserve to show up later as a wild card, or as a corpse to stumble on to ratchet tension before the killer is fully revealed.
No. 1098667 ID: c5529d

ooooh, that sounds fun!
No. 1098674 ID: 2f41db

Focus on tinas face
Tina draws breath to scream, flash cut to bretts face
Letting out a contented "ahhhh" as he steps under the cabin awning and tries to open the door.
No. 1098784 ID: 0d1c28
File 172939934383.png - (450.20KB , 800x600 , BloodHunt027.png )

Tina looks wide eyed at something off screen

Kevin: "Tina what are you looking at?"

she gapes in horror a scream held back for a moment
No. 1098786 ID: 0d1c28
File 172939949856.png - (682.85KB , 800x600 , BloodHunt028.png )

CUT TO THE CABIN with Brett and Trisha

Brett: "Ah finally we're at the cabin"

Brett grabs the handle and moves to open the door
No. 1098787 ID: 2f41db

Shes a natural screamqueen.
Great shot, excellent projection of building terror tina!
No. 1098788 ID: 52f3c5

When Brett opens the door, the cabin is surprisingly well-kept. Somebody must have cleaned it up for the party.

Trisha points out that there must be someone already there, since she spies an open can of Chickadee Red Soda on a nearby table.
No. 1098790 ID: c5529d

They enter the cabin to see a horrible sight...

Dean is on the ground motionless, with red liquid on the floor and on his shirt

the red liquid is actually Chickadee Red soda, Dean is just trying to prank Brett and Trisha. Maybe Tommy is in on the prank and will jumpscare Brett and Trisha for a laugh
No. 1098834 ID: ea5ee4

No. 1098841 ID: 2f41db

I like it.
Maybe lingerbon the condensed moisture a moment. So cold. So refreshing.
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