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File 166991039348.png - (1.25MB , 927x1115 , Chinzebeth165.png )
1050662 No. 1050662 ID: 9b127b

Chinzebeth VII is a NSFW clothing damage quest featuring YCH cameos check Discussion for more info

This is the story of Queen Chinzebeth the seventh
The year is x3146 the most dramatic point of her long reign.
it is summer on the Continental platform Ilax hovering over the planet Beta-Earatone
Durring a routine ceremony peace was shattered (Part 1)

Invasion has begun. The Royal guard have failed to contain the situation and the Queen is in danger.
Corporal Grimothy and his hardened commando team have been called into action has been called into action to end this conflict but are they enough?
Expand all images
No. 1050663 ID: 9b127b
File 166991045857.png - (626.13KB , 927x1115 , Chinzebeth166.png )

Grimothy is on the scene near Prudence Cathedral
He knows that Lung's invaders will be attacking the Cathedral soon and has to decide on his first course of action, he doesn't know how much time he has.

Feel free to pick multiple options but only one will occur at a time
A) Review and Rally Grimothy's Team
B) Scout the enemy forces and attack plan
C) introduce himself to Cathedral security for defense info
D) Set up and fortify team in ideal locations

No. 1050664 ID: ef2866

B is real important. We'll need to know what the enemy is planning so when we do D, we'll know where to place our team

So B, then D
No. 1050665 ID: 8483cf

No. 1050666 ID: 629f2e

B, if you can get a count of how many enemies they are, the number of ranged to melee, and where they're positioned, you'll be in a much better position to deploy your team effectively.
No. 1050671 ID: cd80c1

We should review and rally our team, then pick up defense info from security.
No. 1050682 ID: a7a180

No. 1050814 ID: 334c12

No. 1050917 ID: c5b936

No. 1052240 ID: 9b127b
File 167149524115.png - (1.09MB , 927x1115 , Chinzebeth167.png )

Grimothy scouts the enemy forces to determine their attack plan

he finds them, Lord Lung seems to be conversing with his mightiest warriors

Bandit: "...B-but master even if she did escape we did deal a serious blow to her pride!"


Bandit: "AH!? forgive me master! forgive me Skalda!"

Skalda: "quiet worm! My Lord! what is our next task?"


Raschid: "yesss YEESSS! the dark one desires this, first we shall tear down this false temple and those who would call this home."


it seems Lord Lung plans for frontal assault on the main gates.
at their slow pace Grimothy thinks he has 100 minutes to prepare.
No. 1052241 ID: a7a180

That's enough time to get lunch, I think. Let's go look at those cathedral defenses and get some tasty bread to nibble.
No. 1052244 ID: 629f2e

Let's return to our original options and introduce yourself to the cathedral security to get that defense info.
No. 1052253 ID: 7f8d90

Agreed, go see the cathedral security, and get security info.

Also, we just learned some important information, Lord Lung is going after the high priestess. We gotta let security know to tell her to evacuate out of the cathedral to somewhere safer before Lung and his army arrives (hopefully she has an escape route) or if thats not possible, we'll need to hide her.
No. 1053774 ID: 9b127b
File 167373166910.png - (0.96MB , 927x1115 , Chinzebeth168.png )

Grimothy arrives back at the cathedral and meets back with High Priestess Corrathyn Nydelle

Grimothy: "You're divine excellence, I need speak with you head of security"

Corrathyn: "oh, yes of course Corporal... however my chief of security was lost in the initial bombardments..."

A devotee steps forward
Donarah: "I am sister Donarah, Acting head of security."

Grimothy: "Very well then I'll get the information from you, I need layout map of defenses and secure points"

Donarah: "I'm sure you do, however how can we trust a mere corporal, and a few of the queens failures?"

Grimothy has 90 minutes left to prepare.
No. 1053775 ID: befea9

Your predecessor and former boss would have known that position is more important than rank, acting chief. We are in the position of fending off the invaders as best we can.
We can always perform our own assessment of the defenses on foot.
No. 1053777 ID: 629f2e

You shouldn't. Expect that our opposition to Lung's forces won't be enough, and have a plan for if that comes to be. You would be foolish not to plan for failure where success cannot be guaranteed.

At the very least however, the enemy forces will be slowed by our retaliation, and the stronger a defense we put up the more time is allotted for you and others to fortify stronger points. The difference between having the information you can provide and not, even in the worst case scenario, could be the difference of a few extra soldiers taken down, a few minutes of preparation time, and a potentially higher number of our rank getting away, keeping them available to defend another point. If we're lucky, it could even be the difference between the cathedral standing in the end or not.
No. 1053780 ID: e51896

Tell her that even though that the Queen's ex-royal guards may have failed their mission to protect the Queen's dignity, they still managed to prevent Lord Lung from actually kidnapping the Queen, failing his mission as well. You can confirm that after you did some spying over Lord Lung overheard his complaints over his armies' failure to capture the Queen 10 minutes ago.

And not only that, they succeeded in taking down all of Lord Lung's soldiers after the incident, even the powerfule Falune.

With those in mind, you're sure that if your commandos can be better prepared this time if we're allowed access to the layout map of defenses and secure points, the crew will be able to succeed in comparison to when previously, they were caught off guard by the invasion.
No. 1055159 ID: 9b127b
File 167545695201.png - (504.68KB , 927x1115 , Chinzebeth169.png )

Grimothy: "Your predecessor and former boss would have known that position is more important than rank, acting chief. We are in the position of fending off the invaders as best we can.
We can always perform our own assessment of the defenses on foot."

he states plainly, Sister Donarah narrows her eyes, before handing Grimothy the defense layout.

* * *
Grimothy examines the floor plan noting some key areas of importance:
1)-Main Gate
2)-Side Gate
3)-Summoning Tower
5)-Hall of Relics
6)-Healing Chamber
7)-Divining Pools

Grimothy has 86 minutes left to prepare
he can looking into any of these locations further or move on to other tasks

No. 1055160 ID: d09be1

Summoning tower. See if any shooters can shoot enemies from up there safely, and to where. Also, we gotta see if its possible to summon a spirit or monster to help us.
No. 1055169 ID: a7a180

Look into the main gate. Will it keep out the unwashed masses? Or let them in with open arms and armor?
No. 1059140 ID: 9b127b
File 167933605987.png - (915.84KB , 927x1115 , Chinzebeth170.png )

Grimothy checks in with newly demoted private Snowpea at the summoning tower.
magical structures aren't unheard of, and the commando is determined to use every asset at his disposal

Grimothy: "So, Can we use this?"

Snowpea: "As a defensive tower yes, though any magical hopes are a lost cause, the name is only a reference to calling people with the large bell"

Grimothy: "Hmf, was worth a shot"
No. 1059142 ID: 9b127b
File 167933614862.png - (0.96MB , 927x1115 , Chinzebeth171.png )

Grimothy checks in with his second in command, Konda Amoni.

Grimothy: "Can we rely on the front gate?"

Konda: "it's about as sturdy as the walls, it also contains gaps the weapons could shoot through, might make a defensive strong point"

Grimothy "yeah maybe..."

Grimothy has 73 minutes left to prepare
No. 1059143 ID: d8bd15

Interesting. What about the divining pools and catacombs? Are those just as literal?
No. 1059180 ID: 629f2e


Agreed, I'd like to check on those as well. It'll improve our ability to strategize.
No. 1059183 ID: e51896

see if there are any good hiding places in the catacombs for Corrathyn, or any hidden escape routes. We know our enemies will be looking to capture her
No. 1060979 ID: 9b127b
File 168092932763.png - (0.98MB , 927x1115 , Chinzebeth172.png )

Grimothy checks in with newly recruited private Kog Sillyman at the Catacombs entrance.

Grimothy: "So Kog what have you learned"

Kog: "As far as I can tell it's quite the maze down there according to old records and maps, looks like there are several underground passages that lead to other locations in the city"

Grimothy: "Interesting, hand me the map, I'll take a closer look if we need to go down there, until then keep it sealed.

Kog: "Sure thing.

Grimothy has acquired the catacombs map
No. 1060980 ID: 9b127b
File 168092936322.png - (677.45KB , 927x1115 , Chinzebeth173.png )

Grimothy checks in with new Royal Guard transfer Gerbera at the divining pools.

Grimothy: "Gerbera, will the divining pools give us any insight"

Gerbera: "Well maybe, the sisters are convinced it can show the future but when I ask for any details or even if they'll use it and they get all weird and cagey"

Grimothy: "Weird and cagey? what do you mean"

Gerbara: "stating that 'future isn't meant for our eyes' or 'the details of failure aren't important' stuff like that. makes me wonder if they can see the future at all"

Grimothy: "hmm..."

Grimothy has 58 minutes left to prepare
No. 1060981 ID: a7a180

Well, I hope the healing chamber works as advertised.
There's a lot of pews in the chapel. It's going to take time to drag them all in front of the main doors to barricade them. Chop chop.
No. 1060984 ID: 629f2e

Barricading the gates seems like a good use of your time. Don't forget to check out the side gate, you don't want to get flanked.
No. 1061784 ID: 9b127b
File 168203481866.png - (936.70KB , 927x1115 , Chinzebeth174.png )

Grimothy has the main gate barricaded with pews

Grimothy has 41 minutes left to prepare
No. 1061785 ID: a7a180

Well then! A fine tour of the chapel grounds indeed. Now it's time to rally the team and inspect the troops. There's plenty of time to think this through!
No. 1061787 ID: 629f2e

Take this time to review and rally the team, finally. We're running low on time, and we want to be sure our forces are ready to go when the invasion arrives. Plus, knowing how many men we have will help up strategize
No. 1061819 ID: e51896

Rally your team up and review them. Give them a pep talk the best way you can in your most grim, Grimothy way.

Afterwards, we'll Set up and fortify the team in ideal locations after reviews are done.
No. 1065617 ID: 9b127b
File 168650794057.png - (1.01MB , 927x1115 , Chinzebeth175.png )

Grimothy rallies his team.

He has six soldiers under his command, most of them former royal guards, glorified parade performers with minimal training. not one of them is genetically purposed for combat nor do the meet the physically requirements Grimothy was held to under his prior owner.

Grimothy: "Not one of you is fit to wield the weapons you've been given, I expect all of you to fold at the first sign of combat. not one of you belongs on the battlefield and you are to a man proven failures, should I survive this war I'll report all of your recruiters for incompetence. fortunately against the given enemy I don't need your help so I won't rely on it, if you want to prove me wrong try to be useful but mostly stay out of my way and don't make things worse than they already are."

Grimothy inspires the troops

Grimothy has 27 minutes left to prepare

No. 1065618 ID: 629f2e

Consult with Donorah. You've made your own observations and have ideas, and they'd be best implemented if you coordinate with the acting head of security. She may have insights regarding the location or the oncoming attack that may help you determine the best way to use your men.
No. 1065620 ID: a7a180

Good speech.
Gerbera clearly wasn't using the right tone of voice with the diviners back at the pools. Interrogate them for their battlefield intel. Failing that, you could use a good bird bath before the bloodbath.
No. 1065653 ID: e51896

Do this
and with the time we have left after, we should Set up and fortify team at ideal locations
No. 1066331 ID: 9b127b
File 168722828114.png - (523.17KB , 927x1115 , Chinzebeth176.png )

Grimothy meets with Donarah

Grimothy: "I would like to hear your defensive recommendations"

She considers for a moment then marks several locations on the map

Donarah: "I recommend you align your forces at locations A, B and C. it will give you wide coverage of all attack venues. I could station staff at locations D, E, F read to receive and support your troops should the outer wall fall. I would station myself with the high priestess in at location G ready to flee underground should you fail to hold the cathedral."

Grimothy has 19 minutes left to prepare
No. 1066332 ID: f58ae3

Alright, time to position our troops. Will think it over, but I recommend at least one person with a gun in the summoning tower to shoot at enemies from up there
No. 1066334 ID: a7a180

Put half of your forces at the sides, half at the side gate. Put your support staff in B.
No. 1066346 ID: 13740c

No. 1067075 ID: 9b127b
File 168849135757.png - (1.03MB , 927x1115 , Chinzebeth177.png )

Grimothy "Myself, Konda and Gerbera to the main gate. Snowpea is best sniper after me she'll hold the summoner tower, Crispen, Kog and Pawkaf you'll take the side entrance.

Crispen: "Shouldn't I be at the front line where the harshest fighting is to be?"

Grimothy: "no, I need a good fighter where I'm not, now go."

everyone heads to their post without further question

* * *

Grimothy notices a flare shoot out from the skylight of the cathedral, he finds this odd.

Grimothy has 12 minutes left to prepare
No. 1067076 ID: 9f4a0e

A flare is usually used to get someone's attention from far away. Since we got a escape route already Through the catacombs, it couldn't be somebody looking to get rescued... I think With our enemies Coming I think it's meant to get there attention to find out where we are, Or signal some kind of warning to them. we should probably investigate The area where the skylight is and see who's trying to betray us or get an explanation What's going on
No. 1067077 ID: 411670

Yeah, that’s a traitor at work. Go get ‘em Grimmy!
No. 1067079 ID: fce4fd

No. 1067080 ID: a7a180

A traitor telling everyone where we are? That's ridiculous, they already know where we are.
It's a pretty typical way to indicate distress and call for aid. You didn't actually tell everyone about the plan to retreat into the catacombs, did you? Juts the high priestess. Send a runner (Konda) to make sure everyone knows where to move towards in case of a breach.
No. 1067083 ID: a79990

Plan of action: since Snowpea can bumblefly, we'll have her fly to the skylight and spy through to see what is going on, and act as backup of we need it. Meanwhile, We'll enter through the front door and towards the cathedral. Snowpea can let us know what is going on on our way there and we can proceed from there.
No. 1067085 ID: 4481aa

It's probably not a traitor, but it IS probably a distress signal. There may be a situation inside the cathedral, so it'd be best to check it out.

Take Konda with you. You KNOW how long it might take for the enemies to approach from the front, whereas you don't know what's waiting for you inside. Be prepared for the worst, and travel in a group.

That will leave just Gerbera at the front, but Snowpea will be able to warn them when trouble is coming.
No. 1070136 ID: 9b127b
File 169181123626.png - (836.25KB , 927x1115 , Chinzebeth178.png )

Grimothy: "Gerbara, mind the gate. Konda with me"

Gerbera: "You got it cheif!"

Grimothy and Konda carefully make their way to the third floor gallery

A woman is there, she is in underwear, her arms and legs are bound, she is gagged and holding a flaregun, a broken window is nearby.

Grimothy has 8 minutes left
No. 1070137 ID: a7a180

Who is this unauthorized person? Take her down to the hall of relics and interrogate her. Konda, keep a watch from this perch the prisoner has created.
No. 1070138 ID: e51896

Konda scout the area for the intruder. Grimothy, unbind her and asked what happened.
No. 1070145 ID: 8f9bc4

Damn. This lady was barely dressed, bound and gagged with her arms tied behind her back, and she still thought to get a box of flares and a flare gun, and managed to fire one off? Whatever her allegience is, that is some capable thinking under pressure.
No. 1070146 ID: 7bf874

Agreed, assuming she’s the one who fired the flare. Can Grimothy recruit her?
No. 1070147 ID: 4481aa


This. I'm a little worried that this could be a sign of a plant among our ranks. Specifically, Donarah. This woman resembles her the most, so is there a chance we have an impostor acting as the head of security? It's only a possibility though, and we'd be better off listening to her explanation than speculating wildly.
No. 1070155 ID: 8f9bc4


She's still holding the flare gun.
No. 1071905 ID: 9b127b
File 169409207896.png - (682.76KB , 927x1115 , Chinzebeth179.png )

Grimothy gives a simple hand gesture to Konda who nods and begins scouting the area.
Grimothy interrogates the woman with the flare gun

Grimothy: "Who are you, what are you doing up here?"

she's hesitant at first but then notices the symbol on Grimothy's shoulder pad
????: "You're part of the royal army!? I'm sister Carlene head of security, I notice a woman amongst my people who didn't belong and she attacked me and left me up here, we have to stop her!"
No. 1071914 ID: fb8a42

I feel like we should give Sister Carlene the benefit of the doubt here, but I don’t see any proof of religious affiliation. Still, let’s go stop the impostor!
No. 1071916 ID: a7a180

If she was a threat, then why would she leave you up here with emergency signal flares? I'd be more worried about the enemy at the gates than about having an extra hand on the defenses. Arm Carlene and post her to the watchtower.
No. 1071920 ID: e51896

Corrathyn did say the head of security was lost in the initial bombardments and Donarah took her place as head of security. Donarah also seemed very dismissive of us. If there is a imposter, it might be her, and she is currently with Corrathyn.

Lets get to the bottom of this. First, ask if she knows what the person who was the imposter looked like, then Ask if she knows who Donarah is in that order. After she gives us info, make sure you keep a watchful eye of Carlene in case she is a traitor. Maybe handcuff her for now, but assure her that this is only until we get to the bottom of things and if shes innocent, she'll have nothing to worry about and you'll let her go. Assure her the Best way to find out is if Corrathyn recognizes her once we find Corrathyn and Donarah.

Order Konda to head to where Corrathyn and Donarah is heading with you (towards the catacombs). Konda will lead, Carlene will be in the middle, and you behind Carlene to make sure she doesnt get away. Also your in the back so that nobody attacks you and Konda is your shield. Make sure you guys run!
No. 1071925 ID: d3bf48

He’s right! Press X to DOUBT!
No. 1074007 ID: 9b127b
File 169653007631.png - (684.15KB , 927x1115 , Chinzebeth180.png )

Grimothy ask Carlene to describe the imposter, but the information could be used to describe many humans, which Grimothy has trouble telling apart.
Konda has a more discerning eye when it comes to his own kind.

Konda: "A mole on her right cheek you say? that could be Donarah"

Carlene: "I don't have anyone by that name in my security staff"

Grimothy isn't entirely convinced this woman is entirely to be trusted, but he has no choice but to verify.

Grimothy: "Konda take point, let's see what Donarah has to say for herself"

* * *

Grimothy and Konda reach Corrathyn and Donarah, they are in the catacombs, it seems Donarah decided to go down here before the cathedral even fell.

Corrathyn: "Corporal what are you doing here? and who is this undressed woman?"

Donarah: "indeed, shouldn't you be trying to guard the cathedral right now?"
No. 1074008 ID: 716b74

One of these women is an impostor. We will be conducting interviews with each of you to verify you are who you say you are. Who wants to go first?
No. 1075437 ID: e51896

the fact Corrathyn isn't aware what the person who claims the be sister Carlene, a head of security looks like, is already suspicious, especially since she's a sister but it could be she never seen what her security crew and sisters look like without their hoods. Ask if Corrathyn recognizes her security and sisters without their hoods, like Sister Donarah, a second in command, for example. How well does she know them. Maybe if Carlene wore a hood, she'd recognize her? Did Corrathyn knew Donarah before she took over as head of security and what she looked like besides her facial features like her mole.

one thing however, is that Carlene is able to know her security team member's names enough to recognize that Donarah isn't one of them, like a good head of security would. Maybe we can ask them both to name some members of their team, and if one of them has problems remembering a lot of them, they are our imposter.

for example, there is a security guard right there near Donarah. maybe our test could be we have Carlene and Donarah whisper that gaurd's name into our ear. Then once we get both answers, the security guard could reveal her name to us out loud. whoever is wrong is our imposter.
No. 1084989 ID: 0d1c28
File 170931966788.png - (1.03MB , 927x1115 , Chinzebeth181.png )

Grimothy: "Corrathyn, so you don't recognise this woman at all?"

Corrathyn: "No should I?"

Grimothy: "well she claims to be your head of security"

Corrathyn: "OH! well I suppose she could be, but then why is she out of uniform

Carlene: "because that woman stole my clothes!
she points to Donarah

Donarah: "Lies! this woman is clearly mad I wouldn't listen to a word this lunatic says"

Grimothy: "hm well one of you is an imposter, the true sucurity cheif would know the names of her underlings, name the other guard here."

Donarah: "Easy that's Sister Dockirri, one of the churches most loyal protectors"

Carlene: "That's not even a woman! that's clearly a man!"

Donarah: "I told you she's mad."
No. 1084990 ID: 0ce5cf

Ask the guard which of the two is correct, and launch an immediate attack on whichever that would label as the impostor.
No. 1084992 ID: 2c453d

Ask the guard which is correct, and immediately attack the one they name. Clearly they’re both in on it.
No. 1084993 ID: d7a2a9

Only one way to find out
Tell Dockirri to strip
If female, shoot Carlene
If male, shoot Donarah
If dockirri refuses to cooperate, shoot them around the waist area to find out yourself. Then have Konda shoot Donarah or carlene based off what is revealed.

Consider Dockirri is also an imposter and not the real Dockirri.
No. 1084994 ID: 0ce5cf


Oh. No yeah, you have a stellar point there, why wouldn't we expect the guard to be in on it? Shoot, that complicates things.
No. 1085043 ID: a7a180

Wisdom of Solomon, arrest them both and figure it out later!
No. 1085093 ID: 0d1c28
File 170940338821.png - (696.10KB , 927x1115 , Chinzebeth182.png )

Grimothy: "Dockirri which of these two is telling the truth?"

Dockirri: "Well I'm obviosly not going to side with the woman calling me a man."

Grimothy: "I see, then the only solution is for you to strip"

A wide grin spreads across Dockirris face
Dockirri: "You want me to strip? hahahaha! fine!!"

Donarah nods
Donarah: "Time to play our hand!"

Donarah&Dockirri: "Donarah and Dockirri dedicate devoties are in reality-"

Rhonda: "-Rhonda!-"
Rodrick: "-and Rodrick!-"
Rhonda and Rodrick: "-Rebelious Raiders!!!"

Konda:"raiders? more like Traitors!"

everyone draws weapons

Enemies and allies will take turns acting
Select a single character to act and explain what they do

-CT01 Grimothy
-CT02 Konda
-PH01 Corrathyn
-PS01 Carlene

No. 1085094 ID: 7c55ad

Carlene: lead Corrathyn away from here. If she gets captured, we fail. Take her back to the cathedral because obviously, lord Lung is waiting to ambush her at the catacomb's exit since that's where they were headed with Rhonda and Rodrick. Trust that the fighters outside will protect her.

Corrathyn: Follow Carlene. Also, try not to gush over or stare at her state of undress since you're a high priestess (but ultimately fail at doing so)

Grimothy: attack Rhonda

Konda: attack Rodrick
No. 1085095 ID: a7a180

Carlene: Take your clothes back from that impudent thief!
No. 1085096 ID: a54373

Grimothy, grapple Rhonda and use her as a shield to protect from Rodrick.
No. 1085097 ID: 75b262

No. 1086558 ID: 0d1c28
File 171064922854.png - (949.20KB , 927x1115 , Chinzebeth183.png )

Grimothy grabs Rhonda

Rhonda: "Gah! Let me go! Rodrick help me!"

Rodrick: "Sounds a whole lot like your problem, not mine!"

Rodrick delivers a hefty slash against Konda

Konda: "Hrn! You'll pay for that!"

Enemies and allies will take turns acting
Select a single character to act and explain what they do

-CT01 Grimothy (already acted this turn)
-CT02 Konda
-PH01 Corrathyn
-PS01 Carlene

No. 1086559 ID: a7a180

Konda: Staunch the bleeding!
No. 1086608 ID: 7c55ad

I will repeat my previous suggestion
Corrathyn: head towards the hall of relics. we can no longer take the catacombs' secret escape as it is likely lord Lung is waiting over there.

Carlene will follow later
No. 1090260 ID: 0d1c28
File 171479481622.png - (279.96KB , 927x1115 , Chinzebeth184.png )

Rhonda breaks free!

Rhonda: "I will never be held back!"

Konda takes a shot but misses

Rodrick: "way too slow!"

Konda: "I'm out matched here!"

Konda retreats, Corrathyn retreats, Carlene retreats

Round Two

Enemies and allies will take turns acting
Select a single character to act and explain what they do

-CT01 Grimothy
-CT02 Konda
-PH01 Corrathyn
-PS01 Carlene

No. 1090263 ID: a7a180

Grimothy: Pull back. The escape route's a bust. We need to break out of this compound with a daring pre-emptive strike on the enemy position!
No. 1090266 ID: 92c262

Grimothy: Maintain your grapple and use your beak to rip off Rhonda's top. If Rodrick swings into her trying to attack you, then that may just finish her off.
No. 1091783 ID: 0d1c28
File 171667983943.png - (812.27KB , 927x1115 , Chinzebeth185.png )

Grimothy delivers a quick peck to the chest

Rhonda is distracted and fails at her counter attack, only doing a slight glancing blow

Rhonda: "Ahh! it's not possible! no one on this planet should be better than me!"

Enemies and allies will take turns acting
Select a single character to act and explain what they do

-CT01 Grimothy (already acted this turn)
-CT02 Konda
-PH01 Corrathyn
-PS01 Carlene

No. 1091788 ID: 32ddc8

Corrathyn: keep retreating back to the cathedral
No. 1091789 ID: c6ae21

Konda: See if you can take out Rhonda, removing one of the enemy attackers and letting you and Grimothy double-team Rodrick. If that's not possible (looking at the map, Grimothy may unfortunately be in the way), help Corathyn and Carlene with some cover fire on Rodrick.
No. 1091818 ID: 8aebb0

Konda: Time to run and gun. You are not armed right to face off with that teenage looking mofo with scary whirlly chains. Make a lunge at Rha’s position and jam that shooty tool you carry up her skirt. Don’t stop running. Your only partially safe when using Grim as a living wall.

Just as an aside. I just want to give genuine words of appreciation the questmaster for the thoroughly bemusing smut story you’ve put us through over years that I’ve read. I didn’t get onboard early enough to be one of the voices in the peanuts gallery in the first adventure but I’m giddy about being in on this one.
No. 1091820 ID: 9f8647

No. 1093927 ID: 0d1c28
File 172040132199.png - (946.26KB , 927x1115 , Chinzebeth186.png )

Konda goes for Rhonda but fumbles it
Rodrick interrupts with another quick slash

Konda: "GYAAH!"
Rodrick: "Forget about me?"

Corrathyn retreats, Carlene retreats

Round three

Enemies and allies will take turns acting
Select a single character to act and explain what they do

-CT01 Grimothy
-CT02 Konda
-PH01 Corrathyn
-PS01 Carlene

No. 1093933 ID: 9f8647

Grimothy, go after Rhonda again!
No. 1093941 ID: c5529d

Grim go after Rodrick, Konda is in a pickle.
No. 1093943 ID: a7a180

Konda: Cover Grimothy's retreat, strike back at Rodrick. Die well, brave warrior! (Of embarrassment.)
No. 1097313 ID: 0d1c28
File 172616794346.png - (937.39KB , 927x1115 , Chinzebeth187.png )

Grimothy goes after Rodrick to aid Konda, but Rodrick deflects his attack send the rifle clattering to the ground

Rodrick goes in for a strike against Grimothy but he backs out of they just in time to avoid a flame strike from Konda, specialized to be more effective against non-living matter it scorches through Rodrick's sickle. and gives him a slight burn.

Rodrick: "Yeouch!"

Konda: "I'm not done yet!"

Rhonda moves in to attack Grimothy, but can't land a blow.

Corrathyn retreats, Carlene retreats

Round four

Enemies and allies will take turns acting
Select a single character to act and explain what they do

-CT01 Grimothy
-CT02 Konda
-PH01 Corrathyn
-PS01 Carlene

No. 1097340 ID: ab55d7

Konda! Strike Rodrick again and try to take out his other weapon!
No. 1097341 ID: 9f8647

Konda, get Roderick!
No. 1097343 ID: a7a180

Grimothy, counterattack Rhonda! Again!
No. 1097375 ID: c5529d

Konda can probably knock Rodrick down with a leg sweep and trip him up.
No. 1098289 ID: 0d1c28
File 172818216737.png - (744.16KB , 927x1115 , Chinzebeth188.png )

Konda: "Sweep the leg!"

Rodrick: "Gyaah! you bastard!"

Rhonda makes a slash against Grimothy

Commando Turn

What does Grimothy do?

No. 1098290 ID: a7a180

Attempts to negotiate a peaceful surrender in exchange for reduced sentences.
No. 1098291 ID: 52f3c5

Grimothy, slice through Rhonda's belt!
No. 1098297 ID: c5529d

with your sharp beak
No. 1098341 ID: 8f5986

This is the way.
No. 1098608 ID: 0d1c28
File 172896512592.png - (0.96MB , 927x1115 , Chinzebeth189.png )

Grimothy snaps Rhonda's belt

Rodrick flails on the ground and slices Khonda's weapon

Round five

Enemies and allies will take turns acting
Select a single character to act and explain what they do

-CT01 Grimothy
-CT02 Konda

No. 1098609 ID: a7a180

That thing is totally still safe to fire, Khonda. Shoot it point blank at Rhonda.
No. 1099018 ID: c5529d

Konda: pistolwhip Rodrick. weapon can still work as a melee weapon.
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