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File 170951830923.png - (3.17MB , 2560x1440 , dialog.png )
1085319 No. 1085319 ID: 88065e

I inquire the Agricultural capital governor who is in seemingly paranoia after hearing about the attacks in the main galaxy:
"So the capital has activated an energy source displacement field to supress its signals through spectrums and is currently playing dead apart from the few emergency power supplies that keep everyone alive?"

The governor replies
"That is so, we are much safer like this until core systems send a military power to protect our frontier galaxy, we don't even have handguns on the planet because of gun controls... This is the same demilitarized situation in many surrounding systems, and there are dozens fertile planets out here we simply cannot lose until reinforcements arrive. Core worlds replicate their food, but the frontier galaxies require good organic nutrition for growth and vitality."

I request the governor:
"Please governor, I know you might feel paranoid but you're in the presence of your Super Star Empress, unmask yourself."

"As you wish"
Expand all images
No. 1085384 ID: cf7751

We supposed to do a thing here? Looks like a cutscene.
No. 1085556 ID: ded497

Sigh fine I'll take off my hood.
No. 1085558 ID: 1effd3

Ah, this energy displacement field seems to have trapped our outer consciousnesses again.
No. 1085604 ID: 65e394
File 170976559581.png - (3.04MB , 2560x1440 , superstarempress.png )

Super star empress opens her visual channel to the sideboard.

>What are we supposed to do?

The first thing as a star empress I've come to realize the importance of consciousness skills and focus at all times. Even now I'm aware that great power brings great convergence of thoughts, ideas, and events.

As we know my title is the Shadow, I even now consider in my mind the possibility of installing on remaining titan ships this planetary energy source displacement device and quickly figuring out an alternative power source and adapting these power systems into feeding with that power instead of what is detectable by the Spectres.

"In my retinue few dozen titanships and I personally am present in this system. My Nebula Devourer Doomstar will make quick end of any single Spectre force in one system, but I cannot divide my forces to protect an entire galaxy."

"My Super Star Empress, I was considering installing new stealth technology on the remaining titans from my personal fleet, but I'd need a mysterious power source to feed my systems with alternate physics"

"If I'm correct Star Empress, your friend has recently made such discoveries in the fringes of this galactic group. As discovered by my arts."

>Take off visors and masks in the presence of the Super Star Empress

I show my eyes.

>Energy displacement field affecting consciousness too

"My Super Star Empress, I wasn't able to sense your approaching because of the displacement field, it might be actually more potent than I presumed earlier."

"Shadow-biscuit, it does work against the Spectres, I'd install the same devices on my ships unless I wanted to scare them from attacking any of the vital agricultural worlds of Yours by assuring destruction."
No. 1085667 ID: f286ce

Also I would like request a stable commander for an expedition I'm planning, someone skilled, subtle and loyal.

It's a long shot but if it succeeds then I could secure a valuable cash of lostech.
No. 1085672 ID: 65e394
File 170979353676.png - (1.05MB , 2560x1440 , naerltanis.png )

>Request officer; Subtle, Loyal, Skilled

"Shadow I have Naerl'Tanis ready to go for a risky expedition. Her skills in camouflage and shapeshifting make her ideal for spy missions. She is completely loyal and can recognise and use some lostech on site. Her primary skillset is Spirit Mage. This is exotic to our civilization and most techno-archivist even in the Imperial Archives of the core worlds do not know the lore of her abilities well."
No. 1085681 ID: f286ce

Well she seems well suited for the field work portion of expedition.

Well as long as she's supported by a competent team then we might be able to steal the lostech right under the machines mechanical noses.

Though a hacker would also help due to the nature of the enemy and maybe someone handy with a blaster if thing go loud.

>"If I'm correct Star Empress, your friend has recently made such discoveries in the fringes of this galactic group. As discovered by my arts."

"Hmm funny that since I was plan on visiting them before my expedition but if what you said was true then ensuring her safety would take priority."

Also Before you go, you should ask the governor how's the capital holding up, are the citizens doing ok?
And what could I do to help?

(edit 2)
No. 1093228 ID: c6a9df
File 171897811598.png - (2.79MB , 2560x1440 , WEIRSPACE.png )

Kretra Super Star Empress fleet, peeking from the safe of the cross-stringy weirspace, the layered quasispace stable as "the normal space" behind an unknown number of hyperspaces, but three of which have been theoreticized and one of which has been mastered by the predecessors in the early galactic age. It was by an accident that an explorer found a lost tech device that lead our science to the trace of this highly hypothetical dimension, the basement of the modern Kretra Super Empire.

"Governor, I ask you to co-operate and explain the situation of the capital, we won't eat your head."

After a long silence that gnaws both me and the Super Star Empress' racial trait of painfulness toward meaningful delays. I know the weight of Super Star Empress' promise not to harm the governor, as many less conditioned Kretra minds would feel the anguish to drive them to kill someone for the painfulness of this moment.

"For the sake of the Empire, what is the matter?" Super Star Empress' pure temptous voice bombards the Kretra mind of mine as well, but I know the pressure on the governor is tenfold as his assumptions of execution may be piling up, but I know my Super Star Empress' grace better.

Observing my biometric monitors and looking at the pain, anguish, second level fear and anger of betrayal shock the governor before he cracks open like a mature cocoon, my feeling of wrong silences my inner critique to an univited acceptance of the situation.

"The planet is out of my control, there are many agri-centers that are trying to circumsvent the ENERGY BLOCKADE we set, also we have discovered a SPECTRE AGENT on our planet, they must have discovered us before the safety of the ENERGY BLOCKADE and it's all in vain!! There maybe already many SPECTRE AGENTS on the planet!!!"

The weighed words mark the words that brought the governor highest burst of emotions, marking the exit points of his anguish. The first must be related to his responsibility as a planet governor and the second, being spectre agents marks the fear of the enemy or situation that brings relief on him on a personal level when combined with a release from responsibility as a planet governor to a superior.

"Dire news, Governor, there must be something we can take care of her, the weight off your shoulders. Surrender your Status on me, from now on this is a super imperial military operation center, the neccessary actions being processed now as we speak to relieve the planet of your command to my... designated commander. There."

"Thank you Supreme Empress of the Whole!" Governor weeps in the comms.


My ship commander breaks the drama in private comms.
"My Highness, Shadow, the team to recover LOST TECH! has been assembled with the specialist from the new ships. They have left to hyperspace."
No. 1093398 ID: 47a33a

Hm The SPECTRE AGENT on the planet that going to be our operation center is very concerning...

Ask the former Governor on the recent activates of the agent. Did it attempt to sabotage the ENERGY BLOCKADE, attempt to take your life, ect.

Also why would the agri-centers want to circumvent the blockade? I though they would try to stockpile the produce in this situation...
No. 1093402 ID: c6a9df
File 171933455989.png - (2.49MB , 2048x1365 , ships_leaving.png )

Governor: "I think the main issue with the power blockade is Kretri center lords not being able to leave the planet with their wealth onboard their personal yachts, some of which have minor armament, some of which are just superfast courier ships. I guess they're something a type secretly drug lords or something in some cases and need the fastest ships in the galaxy. We produce a lot of very exotic produs on the planet, and I don't have track of all what's being farmed everywhere... Unfortunately."

Super Star Empress: "Does your planet legally farm Treunedendyium Roots? I could stock up on some. As far as we've operated the planet for five minutes we have not found a trace of the Spectre, but we'll keep looking. Galaxy Empress Shadow, I send you appease the agri-lords at once. It's your planet after all. I recommend suiting up and taking on the task personally, with a strong entourage. Keep in touch meanwhile, we're trying to find out all kinds of strands of information of what's going on under the hood on the planet."
No. 1093406 ID: c6a9df
File 171933747099.png - (1.81MB , 2027x1098 , mission_2.png )

[Accept Mission]
[Modify Mission Contract]
No. 1093439 ID: e4b9a0

Of course I'll take the mission.

I'll just have to organise my retunes for the landing, ask the governor about the center lords we're meeting so we're not going in blind and finally trying to find the spectre agent...
No. 1093441 ID: c6a9df
File 171940776381.png - (876.64KB , 1125x750 , governor.png )

Governor: "I will send messengers to gather the center lords to my platform from across the planet. It will take five *hours* for everyone to cruise here without normal cruise. So prepare for six *hours* of waiting."

((*using Earth timeframes to simplify))

Shadow: "I don't have time for waiting, I will wait on my ship however, to assess the situation elsewhere while the retinue prepares everything carefully. Did you say there was risk of an insurrection or an assassination attempt?"

Governor: "My security will deal with the illegal arms, if anyone even has them. There is however, an INSURRECTION ongoing on the planet -- Terrifying. They will wield anything that is suitable for smashing or hitting, I will prepare my stunguard for any eventual risk..."

I wish I could just lift the ban on at least projectile-based weapons, which I have a limited amount, but enough for everyone in my retinue to wield this occasion. Should I bring battle weapons onto the planet? Or even energy weapons? The situation is unsettling for sure, they seem to have a lot of mobile aerial vehicles still which are weapons by themselves, if not the robust self-preservation instincts of the Kretra.
No. 1093542 ID: 5673d6

Well the retune that's coming down with me isn't going to be equipped with ranged weapons of course.

Though it won't hurt to have a response team on standby if things gets out of control and the shadow equipped with a canceled holdout weapon for the worst case scenario...

Also it would be wise to ask the Governor to brief us about the local politics like what is INSURRECTION goals, what center lords we're gonna meet and the relationship with each other, ect.
No. 1095308 ID: 0b30aa
File 172280055402.jpg - (138.14KB , 669x600 , sectors.jpg )

The distribution of the 587 Center Lords
The flows of the galaxy are administered and perfected on San'Dra'El under the direction of the Center Lords themselves in case of a critical resource. There may rise inquiries about sustaining the shipping lanes to a blacked out capital planet in the immediate future to secure the production lines.

Most herd barons and xenobiologists are considered steadfast supporting to status quo. Most of the micro crop and GMO producers are unaligned to support any cause but rely on the planets of San'Dra'El the Sector to buy their products for refinement.

At least half of the industrialists in San'Dra'El are considered revolutionists inside the San'Dra'El sector as their nature is to produce innovation and breakthrough and they have assimilated during the last decades increasing amounts of autonomy inside the galaxy and wish to expand to other galaxies with their enterprises for maximal profit and expansion. Rest of the industrialists in San'Dra'El are considered imperialist loyalists, who depend on the Super Empire's money flows and ideas from the core systems to run business in an approximately productive manner.
No. 1095526 ID: 805104

Fascinating stuff.

But I would know who the center lord of this particular planet I'm meeting to short out this mess also why a INSURRECTION is happening on this planet and hunt a SPECTRE AGENT...
No. 1096773 ID: 0b30aa
File 172521171103.png - (828.50KB , 2560x1440 , shadow.png )


"I have decided not to have a council, send them back to their estates governor. I wish to meet the main perpetrator behind all this, find out who he is."

"As you wish, Highness the Empress of the Shadow"
No. 1096774 ID: 0b30aa
File 172521286206.png - (1.12MB , 2560x1440 , empress_weirmonitors.png )

The Super Star Empress contacts me through instruments of the ship.

"Shadow, we have located the Spektre agent, it's in the sewers near an information hub platform. Who would have guessed?"

"I cancelled the council and I'm using my normal approach to this problem. Should I eliminate the main surrectionist to make their effort collapse?"

"You should have taken the chance to appease the mass of center lords in unstable times, who knows what they feel anguish to do now as a discertained mass of antennae and mouthpieces?"

"I will eliminate the mastermind and the scheme will void out and the insurrection will be dismantled."

"You could take a ground battleship to shadow the skies then, make the insurrectionists shake in the presence of their superiors."
No. 1096787 ID: 6bd709

Hmm a ground battle ship is good for back up if things go wrong...

Still let's assemble a retune. The faster we deal with the agent the better.
No. 1097266 ID: d90a7a
File 172608018729.png - (2.35MB , 2560x1440 , retune.png )

"Empress of the Shadow, we've located three possible locations of the surrectionist main agitator, but he is himself turned off all the implants and tracking mediums and is according to personal surveillance possibly wearing a multi-invisibility cloak that makes his optronic tracking with remote drones impossible as well.
#the Yacht that's run by the personnel and a small retune,
#the Palace where his family is located and
#the meeting of the other agitators."

And then the Retinue.

Three Xenomorphs and some of my personal body guard the Black Cloaks. Should we descent into a direct ambush in the meeting with the surrectionist leader or should we beam into his personal Yacht, or his personal palace?
No. 1097288 ID: a7a180

Surprising him on his yacht seems most advantageous.
No. 1097290 ID: 6bd709

Yeah we should get his yacht. it would deprive him of a escape craft if nothing else.
No. 1098968 ID: f54168
File 172978948815.png - (1.56MB , 2560x1440 , barge_lights.png )

Wow! These guys are serious. They have backupg generators everywhere, even in the small city and their main platform is filled with powered buildings although that should be impossible. I could investigate this further, but now we have to face what's up on this barge. It's powered too, with some exotic power source and it's floating above the planetside.
No. 1099039 ID: 69efe3

Hm it seems the possible entrey pionts for the "yacht". And do you see any senors arrays that could spot our approach?
No. 1099103 ID: 263194
File 173005367513.png - (1.75MB , 2048x1024 , Approach.png )


I could assign the genetitans to attack the comms, the servants cabins in the rear or the main engine housing and immobilize the yacht.

When we arrive on the main landing deck, which is the only possible landing site for the whole entourage of mine as a uniform group, the door opens and a shady figure approaches me from the pleasure barge interiors.

"Ahhh, My Star Empress, I've been waiting for this encounter... but alas as I know my both Gene-angels would tear your troops down into their flesh even with blunt melee weapons, tho they're sharpened tonight, I would come to parly, for to avoid unneccessary loss of life, mi Highness. Not because of hospitality, but because of your fleet pointing its whole arsenal at my Planet. You will however, be taken as an insurance policy, Now. ACTIVATE!"

Well - What the fuck! My instruments feed in two energy entrapments activating at once he shouts his command. I have a time capsule of 5 milliseconds to decide emergency functions of my energy-cloaked suit.

Energy feedbacks recieved:
>> Anti-teleportation field activated surrounding the barge, I could still dive off the edge and try teleport from the air but at the risk the field would be too wide and I would hit the ground before I managed to escape. Leaving my troops fighting on the barge to their potential deaths without my supreme guidance.

>Potential emergency actions:
>DASH off Deck- cost 5 milliseconds
>Command Genetitans to destroy with sonic weapon all high frequency devices that are not protected, including some of my energy-cloaked instruments. ((Upcoming inventory before beginning of the main combat round))

>> Web Entrapment Field launching from the direction of the upper bridge or cabins ahead. We have to roll 5 d10 saving throws against energy enwebment, which we have +5 against from ethereal shape field generators. //The enwebment is in milliseconds timing and no non-supernatural martial training affects the saving throw further.
>Potential Anti-enwebment measures:
>Ethereal Form Supercharge Saving Throw +5 Action cost 5 milliseconds
>Ethereal Form Saving Throw without Supercharge +1
Action cost without Supercharge <<Instant>>
No. 1099105 ID: 263194

Decide actions, basic saving throw is 1 against d10, if the number matches the save is effective.
No. 1099190 ID: 1ef0a3

>> Web Entrapment Field launching from the direction of the upper bridge or cabins ahead. We have to roll 5 d10 saving throws against energy enwebment, which we have +5 against from ethereal shape field generators. //The enwebment is in milliseconds timing and no non-supernatural martial training affects the saving throw further.
>Ethereal Form Supercharge Saving Throw +5 Action cost 5 milliseconds


It has less risk of the MC going splat and we sill have our retune.
No. 1099259 ID: 263194
File 173045862559.png - (10.07KB , 1116x211 , dice.png )

Shadow Saved!
Praetorians: Bowyer Enwebbed! Drazzle Enwebbed! Cyclops Enwebbed! Primer Saved!
No. 1099260 ID: 263194
File 173045982211.png - (1.42MB , 2560x1440 , draft_battlefield.png )


No. 1100291 ID: f7cb29
File 173240668395.png - (2.87MB , 2560x1440 , bridge.png )

>>Identifying combatant threats for 1000 milliseconds

>>Enemy initial response
>>Geneangels approach for 1000 millisecond (20 meters)

>>Activating countermeasures for intial approach
No. 1100298 ID: f7cb29
File 173240904433.png - (3.60MB , 1440x2560 , geneangel.png )

>>Opening data node: Superimperial Agility Gene-angel

>>Gene-angels bred for purpose of supersoldier from various Kretra selected lineages and gene-splicing in the Core galaxies of the Kretra Super-Empire.

>>Gene-angel agility build is the perfected form of Gene-angels for responsiveness, neural pathing and a critical phenomenon described commonly as non-thinking among gene-psychologists, making them perfected all-biological killing-machines.

>>Defences. Agility Gene-angels are adamantly rooted in their ability to avoid contact until a critical strike is opportunized, speed of movement and "miraculous" fluid-like evasion of attempted attacks. Their bodies consist of meta-elements called Fluions and neuro-restructuring muscle-joint biomaterials, that are behind a extraneously heavy biological hyperbreeding and genetherapeutic readjustment processes. The agility properties of Agility Gene-angels would be best popularized in the neocommercial series of Terminomutant-1000 from Judgement Utopia season 17.

>>Weaponization. Agility gene-angels commonly are structured with joint-muscle mass and do not possess any kind of other structural skeleton, that would inhibit its fluid movement, albeit the gene-angel attempts to mimic bonestructured walking style to provoke anti-bone attacks then to evade such attempts and looking for an opportunity to single-slice through opponent's defences to a critical location with its adamantium-bone arm-blades.

>>Known ways to overcome opposing agility gene-angels. The only known weakness of agility gene-angels is restricting its movement potential and attempting to pinch from the sides its adamantium slicing arm-blades while they're using them to commit a critical attack and then severing off their only sharp weapons. This will drive them into a defensive flee-stance, making them much less material in their physical attacks. They will however still attempt to defend against attacks made by normalized biologicals, as their muscle-joint attacks are still potent at fracturing skeletons and skulls of non-reinforced biological entities.
No. 1100317 ID: 5b7cb3

Well as the post say the MC should look into they inventory to restrict the movement of the Geneangels from blitzing the Enwebbed Praetorians and have Primer cover the flank from any sneaky Geneangels.
No. 1100348 ID: b303e9
File 173250411493.png - (1.65MB , 1440x2560 , hover.png )

No. 1100401 ID: 0b1212

Use scorch and stun on the nearest gene angel.
No. 1100894 ID: b303e9
File 173356652110.png - (2.90MB , 2560x1440 , combat001.png )

>Shadow: Scorch and stun --
>Gene-Angel (1) evades

:Nebarian Mind Games
:Trystanian Mind Lock
:Saluris Primean Hook Twist
>Gene-Angel (2) stumbles and counter-attacks
No. 1100895 ID: b303e9
File 173356658182.png - (3.23MB , 2560x1440 , self_mutilate.png )

>Gene-Angel (2)
No. 1101047 ID: e8c40b

Ignore the injured Gene-Angel for now and focus on the remaining one. Have primer use Saluris Primean Hook Twist to try and catch it's blades and you try to flank it.
No. 1103576 ID: e59245
File 173921225959.png - (4.10MB , 2560x1440 , primean.png )

Hook Twist fails
No. 1103790 ID: 5f9994

Project a hologram of you charging towards the Gene-Angel to bait it to attack it and exploit that opening.

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