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1087342 No. 1087342 ID: 15a025

Another experimental one shot.

*Art style may change at a moments notice or even with in the same update.
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No. 1099225 ID: b6ea64
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I don’t have time to worry though, not even enough to finish my salad! A group of officers escort us to the parking lot. Gretta and I sit in the back of the cop car and George stays behind to wait for a cab.

At least he’s being responsible in some form tonight.

It’s a long drive and I lose track of time. I’m knocked out of my daze as a loud crash thunders through the night and the car comes to a screeching halt.

Gretchen: “Huh?! What’s going on???”

Gretta: “There’s a big tree in the road blocking the way!”

Gretchen: “What?! Ah shit!”
No. 1099227 ID: 273c18

Nope nope nope get the fuck out of there this is an ambush for sure.
No. 1099228 ID: dd3fe0

"This is an ambush. Back up and stop wayyyyy becore the tree, see if we can spot where it will come from "
No. 1099229 ID: dd3fe0


Under no circumstances do we get close to that tree, that's the killzone for sure. Are there binoculars in here?
No. 1099232 ID: 578f3f

Well, let's make a U-turn and let's look for a different road. Do you know any that is more in the open and not through the woods?
No. 1099234 ID: 2f41db

A sweet moment.
Proof he still has a hart.
There's hope for the buck yet.

Oh hell.
Eyes on swivel deer.
If the officer tries to step out, tell him you can see things in the treeline, moving into position.
Whether you do or not.

Spare a glance for gretta.
Where is she looking?
How is she reacting?
No. 1099271 ID: b6ea64
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>If the officer tries to step out, tell him you can see things in the treeline, moving into position.
Gretchen: “Don’t get out of the car!”

The front seats are empty.

Gretta: “Should have said that before they got out to move the tree.”

This isn’t good.
>Are there binoculars in here?
I can’t reach for the front to look. There’s a partition blocking our access.

>get the fuck out of there this is an ambush for sure.
>make a U-turn and let's look for a different road.
I reach for the door handle aaand of course there isn’t one. I slam my hoof against the window in frustration.
Gretchen: ”Fuck…

Gretta: “W-what’s wrong?”

Gretchen: “There’s no way to open the door, we’re stuck inside!”

I pound on the window and start shouting,
Gretchen: “Get back! Get back in the car and turn around! It’s an ambush!”
Gretchen: “Hey! AMBUSH! WATCH OUT!!”

Gretta: “G-gretchen!”

Gretchen: “Gretta, we’re getting out of this. Don’t worry. We’ll figure something out.”

Gretta: “Gretchen they’re gone! It’s gone!”

Gretchen: “What?”
No. 1099272 ID: b6ea64
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We need to get to the front seat and pull out of here NOW.
No. 1099274 ID: 273c18

Um... well, you can try kicking the window out?
No. 1099278 ID: 763f97

Arent cop cars specifically designed against that?
No. 1099279 ID: 52fc1e

Seems simple enough. Get in the front seat and pull out of here NOW.
No. 1099281 ID: 273c18

Well if we can't open the doors and we can't get past the barrier and we can't kick out the window, then we're completely trapped.

George's taxi would have to take the same route though wouldn't it? So eventually someone else will arrive. Or the cultists will attack the cop car.
No. 1099283 ID: dd3fe0

Do we have any tools with which we can break the glass? Anything sharp, that can be used as a weapon or anything?
No. 1099288 ID: 25fb94


In general it's the non laminated side windows which are easiest to break. Use a car key at the corner of the window.
No. 1099310 ID: 2f41db

Cop cars are resistant to escape but not intended for holding.
Resistant enough that you could not get out quickly enough to cause trouble without your escort noticing. Not so resistant the cop could fuck off for donuts or WALKING INTO AN OBVIOUS TRAP...
Persistance and applied fury will eventually work, but before tapping your anger, take a look and see if theres anything you can jimmy or work free or reach through.
A little unsecured speaking grill perhaps.
Even if its too small its a starting point for breaking out.
No. 1099329 ID: b6ea64
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>Do we have any tools with which we can break the glass? Anything sharp, that can be used as a weapon or anything?
>In general it's the non laminated side windows which are easiest to break. Use a car key at the corner of the window.
I dig around my pockets and I find my house key!
Gretchen: “Turn around and cover your eyes Gretta, I’m busting the window open!”

I smash the key into the corner of the window. Each strike with more anger and desperation than the last. When it finally gives in and shatters, the car alarm starts blaring. I fling the door open and rush for the front seat. Keys are thankfully still in the ignition.
No. 1099330 ID: b6ea64
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I glance and see one of those masked freaks in the rearview mirror.

Gretchen: “You’re messing with the wrong deer, assholes!”

I shift into reverse and run’em over! Afterwards I swing around and u-turn out of this death trap.
No. 1099331 ID: b6ea64
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Gretchen: “Gretta, is there some other way to get home?”

Gretta: “We could go off-road and down the hill. There’s another route that way.”

Gretchen: “Anything that doesn’t involve driving down a dangerously steep hill?”

Gretta: “Well if we go back to town and drive out through the paper mill, there’s a long bridge over Broken Rods River we can take.”
No. 1099336 ID: eb0a9c

Rubbish options, both. Find the nearest commercial area and make a scene, you can paper over the scandal with money later.
No. 1099337 ID: 355e44

If they set up an ambush here, then they definitely did on the bridge too. But they couldn't cover the whole forest, so I think you're gonna need to go down that hill.
No. 1099338 ID: 8f9bc4

...drive to the police office? It's probably more fortified than your cabin. Might not have any firewood though.
No. 1099339 ID: 4c750c

You’re in the front seat now? You should be able to radio in that the situation has escalated, and that multiple officers are down from walking into an obvious ambush. Whether that’s effective or not, down the hill seems like the best option.
No. 1099454 ID: 2f41db

No firewood, but maybe firearms.
Lets go.
No. 1099638 ID: f944db

That could work, but only if none of the police are in it. If they are, we'll be hunted by them too. It doesn't even need to be all of them, since that's clearly not the case. But just a few in the right place would really complicate things.

Probably better than nothing, though.
No. 1099675 ID: 25fb94

Don't a bunch of gas stations have firewood to buy? Aren't there probably gas stations near where the police station is?
No. 1099881 ID: b6ea64
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>If they set up an ambush here, then they definitely did on the bridge too. But they couldn't cover the whole forest, so I think you're gonna need to go down that hill.
>down the hill seems like the best option.

Gretchen: “Alright, if they tried to ambush us here, they’ve probably got one set up on the bridge too. Got your seatbelt on?”

Gretta: “Yup!”

I grit my teeth and drive down the hill. It’s so steep that we’re going forty with my hoof on the brakes!
No. 1099882 ID: b6ea64
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There’s a few close calls, but as we reach the bottom the car doesn’t stop, we end up crashing into a tree head on!

When I start coming to, everything hurts. Not a great, but tells me I’m still alive.
Gretchen: “Gretta? Gretta are you alright back there?”

I can hear some heavy breathing coming from the back,

Gretta: ”I- I need help getting out, my leg’s stuck on something.”
No. 1099883 ID: b6ea64
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Good, we’re both alive. Wish I could say the same for this car.

I go to open the door but freeze, there’s another one of those masked assholes making their way down the slope.

I have had enough of these assholes and their relentless chase for us. So help me, if I have to bash each and every last one of them to a pulp tonight. Then I’m going to see it through.
There’s a police club next to me, and a good selection of glass chunks. What am I arming myself with? Do I make my charge first or do I help Gretta out of the back?
No. 1099884 ID: 273c18

Use club.
Help Greta out.
No. 1099885 ID: c5529d

Gretta isn't dying, she can wait. deal with the threat with the police club, and charge at him with fury
No. 1099887 ID: 6c233e

Well he has the high ground. Help Gretta while he comes to you. be ready with the club.
No. 1099888 ID: eb0a9c

Today just keeps ramping up.
Look for keys, unlock the police car's trunk, grab guns and threaten cultist.

Load the guns when they bolt.
No. 1099949 ID: 578f3f

Throw a glass shard like a shuriken! Woo!
No. 1100611 ID: b6ea64
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>Help Gretta while he comes to you.
>Use the club
I grab the club and rush out to the back seat. The fox was closer than he appeared, but slips on an ice patch. Every second counts…

I fling the door open and see Gretta is looking rough. She’s struggling to pull her leg.

Gretta: “My hoof is stuck under the front seat!”

It’s an awkward maneuver, but I use the club to quickly pry up the seat.

>Look for keys, unlock the police car's trunk, grab guns and threaten cultist.
Gretchen: “I’ll hold off the fox, try to find some keys or a way to open the trunk.”
No. 1100612 ID: b6ea64
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I climb out the back seat and the fox is back up, now brandishing a long bloodied knife.

Gretchen: ”Forget the keys, grab anything you can use as a weapon and get ready.”

Talk about a rock and a hard place. Seems like my only choice is to improvise. Maybe I can bait the fox into coming at me first.
No. 1100613 ID: b6ea64
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Gretchen: “You want her that badly? Come and take her, ya flea ridden varmint!”

He comes charging at me, knife in tow! I dodge out of the way and swat his shins with the club! The fox fumbles into the door! Before he can recover, I slam the door shut and pin him between the car.

Gretchen: “Beat him! Hit him with everything you got Gretta!”

I put all the strength I have into bashing the back of his head with the club. Eventually the fox’s body goes limp. I pick up the knife and make sure the job is finished.

Gretchen: “I know a lot just happened Gretta, but we need a new plan here. We’re out in the cold by ourselves on a quiet road. I don’t suppose hoofin it to your house is an option from here?”

Gretta: “We-we’d probably freeze before making it.”

So much for that. Hm…. I know there was some kind of building or something near this road. Just can’t remember what it was. A barn, or was it just a general store? No…was it a gas station? If I could just remember what it was I could remember where it was.
No. 1100614 ID: 6c233e

Its the old brick switch house, by the railroad right? Long abandoned, but the teens hang out and stash things there.
No. 1100617 ID: 2f41db

This one!
I think theres an old steel barrel there which hoboes used to light a fire in on colder nights.
Might be some old planks to burnbeven ifvthe light would give away someone being there
No. 1100948 ID: b6ea64
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>Its the old brick switch house, by the railroad right? Long abandoned
>I think theres an old steel barrel there which hoboes used to light a fire in on colder nights.
Yeah! That’s it.

Gretchen: “Come on Gretta, there’s an old switch house by the railroad. It’ll take a bit to walk there, but it beats waiting out here in the cold. Might even be a phone we can use to call for help.”

The walk in the cold is uneventful. When we arrive though, the building doesn’t appear as abandoned as I remember it being. There’s a car parked outside and the lights are on. Hopefully it’s someone that can help and not more of those mask wearing killers.
No. 1100949 ID: b6ea64
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The two of us walk towards the building when we hear quite the grumpy voice.

Grump: “Hey! Hey! I don’t know what you hoodlums are doing around here but this is private property, get lost!”

Gretchen: “Excuse us, we’re-“

Grump: “Trespassing, now move on ‘fore I make you.”

A goat with an old uniform of some kind walks out and approaches us.

Grump: “Woah Betty! What in the world are you two lasses doing here all bloodied up.”
I decide to keep things simple,

Gretchen: “We were in an awful car accident. Car slipped on a turn over on the hill and we came barreling down. Went head on right into a tree. Remembered this old place was nearby and hoped the phone might work.“

Grump: “Ha! Only thing left in this building that works is the lights. Sorry to hear about the accident though. Come on, let’s get yous inside where it’s a bit warmer.”
No. 1100950 ID: b6ea64
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There’s a fire burning in a rusty barrel. It’s not much warmer inside than it was outside. He’s got some folding chairs for us to sit on.

Gasket: “Allow me to introduce myself. Folks call me Gasket. Used to work on the train around these parts. Till they shut things down anyway. I’d help patch the two of yas up, but- well no. I think I got something here to help ya with.”

He rummages through a tool box and gives me some tweezers.

Gasket: “Should be able to pluck them shards a glass out of ya with those. I’d offer some rags to clean up with, but mine are all covered in oil and grease.”

Gretchen: “Thank you Gasket.”

Gasket: “Hate to ask for help, but once you’ve cleaned and warm up a bit, could use another pair of eyes. Trying to switch out a flat tire but can’t find where in the ‘el my lug wrench went.”

Gretchen: “Do you remember where you had it last?”

Gasket: “In my toolbox. Saw someone had rummaged through it though. Drill bits were all over the floor when I got here. Couple other of my tools were scattered around. Probably some damn scrappers looking for copper.”

Not sure I like the sound of that, could be those masked marauders. What should we do?
No. 1100952 ID: 273c18

Warn him about the cultists then go investigate together, with weapons. Make sure he knows they all wear masks, so if you DO find someone unrelated who was just rummaging, then there won't be an accident.
No. 1100958 ID: 2f41db

No need to confuse the sweet old soul with the crazier details.
just tell him some mask wearing assholes stole your wood earlier and youve seen em lurking elsewhere.
And theyre armed.
Enough to make him not trust any mask wearing loonies he spots and be on his guard.

Then you get gretta set near the fire.
Blood loss shes had, the cokd will bite harder.
Warm yourself too gretchen, for a moment.

Then check out the layout.
Entry, exits, windows.
No. 1100986 ID: 6c233e

Ask if he'll give you a lift after you find his wrench.
No. 1101217 ID: 71fafc

Ask him how exactly you will be able to find that wrench if someone stole it.
Are we going to comb the woods for a thief in the middle of the night?

It'd be much more sensible to lock the doors and look for it in the morn. At least you'll be able to travel on foot back to town then with much less danger.
No. 1101242 ID: b6ea64
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>It'd be much more sensible to lock the doors and look for it in the morn.
It might, but this place isn’t in the most structurally sound condition right now either. Anyone could probably break in with only a bit a of effort. We need to stay on the move.

> Ask if he'll give you a lift after you find his wrench.
Gretchen: “If we help find your lug wrench, can you help me get her home?”

Gasket: “Assuming my spare tire don’t grow legs and run off into the cold, I’d be happy to help. Though, you sure you wouldn’t want a ride to the hospital? That glass shard in your head don’t look so good.”

Gretchen: “I’ll worry about it later.”

>Warn him about the cultists then go investigate together, with weapons. Make sure he knows they all wear masks
>just tell him some mask wearing assholes stole your wood earlier and you’ve seen em lurking elsewhere, and they’re armed. Enough to make him not trust any mask wearing loonies he spots and be on his guard.

Gretchen: “We should stick together for the search. Been dealing with a group of armed thieves wearing these creepy masks all day. Went and stole all my firewood! Could have been them messing with your tools.”

Gasket: “Well you’re in safe company then lassie, used to be quite the gunman back in the day. Still carry my trusty pistol around. If I see them masked crooks, they better hope I don’t.”
No. 1101295 ID: b6ea64
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(Reposted to add in map descriptions for easier accessibility and screen reader use.)

With that out of the way, I scoot my chair a little closer to the fire and starting mapping out the area.

North west there’s a room with two doors, both are have rusty signs that say storage.
North east is a set of old looking wood crates and pallets, unlabeled. There’s also a set of stairs leading down towards a basement.
To the east is a side door and where Gasket has his tool box and shelves.
South east corner has another room with a crooked sign that says switch room. Looks like it’s ready to fall off. There’s also a caution symbol on the door.
To the south is the front door we came in.
South west is a room with a reception sign. There’s holes where windows probably used to be. Looks like they were just taken out, no broken glass or anything. I can see some lockers through them.

What seems to be the most promising spot to look first?
No. 1101297 ID: 6c233e

If I was a hooligan stealing a tool and poking around, I would be using it to open crates and stuck doors. So its probably wherever the most scrap would be; the switch room.
No. 1101344 ID: 71fafc

Yeah, Gasket did say it might have been someone looking to to steal copper.

If these are a common burglars, they'll likely try to steal some wiring from the switch room,
If it's cultists, they'll go there anyway to turn off the lights and leave you vulnerable.

So yeah, switch room, I say.
No. 1101415 ID: 2f41db

Lot blind spots, lot of ways in.
Let's see...

If those crates are empty, may be able to drag them to that side door and make a barricade.

Front door is more narrow and defensible.

Maybe see if you can cobble together annimprovised torch out of something from the wood pile and some greasy rags.
Theres gotta be greasy rags here somewhere.

Itll help you help find the lost tool.
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