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1087619 No. 1087619 ID: 6290ec

If we open our minds to the existence of other universes, there's no limit to the possibilities that we could experience in the world of boning.
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No. 1095648 ID: c8380b

Just get her to the clothing store lol.
No. 1095652 ID: 8b1abb

Can we modify the towels? There might not be enough fabric for two full dress-things, but there's probably enough for a pair of not-bikinis if you get a little creative with cutting and wrapping
No. 1095653 ID: 14eb5b

May as well attempt to go for saner options
No. 1095656 ID: 26801d

Primary C, secondary B
No. 1095657 ID: 0480e2

No. 1095660 ID: e8918a

Wow that is some powerful fire, uhh A or C
No. 1095663 ID: 36c6e4

D, B
No. 1095664 ID: 07ae19

A C.
No. 1095669 ID: d963ce

Path of very close friendship! B, a
She needs a hug regardless though!
No. 1095674 ID: 19ea25

B, C. Hugs are the best! But if need be solidarity is better
No. 1095675 ID: 5f920e

Proclaim you have a plan that needs every towel gone to get Cekachii's. Afterwards, say you don't know what it is but it might be fine! Primary C, secondary A
No. 1095677 ID: fa3034

For database of dragon incidents you're helping build here.
No. 1095678 ID: ce93a7

No. 1095679 ID: e83784


But Poke Ceri, which won't definitely make her shoot out the fire at everybody, also reduces the guard's clothes to dust.
No. 1095680 ID: c5529d

B primary. Its too cute not to.
A secondary. I'm changing my secondary vote to A because it's more fun if the characters lose their towel one by one than all together.
No. 1095694 ID: c3de96



e. Convince the other two to construct new clothing from thought balloons using the combined power of PSYCHIC and TELEKINESIS
No. 1095699 ID: fffe44

Keireer, remember that even if C wins, that doesn't mean that you shouldn't also hug Ceri! In that case you can get Cekachii into the hug too!
No. 1095729 ID: ae3286

No. 1095833 ID: ebae20

B, C
No. 1095875 ID: eb0a9c

Ask for a hug so you can cover up her boobs with your hands
No. 1095917 ID: 6290ec
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>We haven't made it to hard mode yet.
>Yay! Or I mean, what a shame... time for more sacrifices to the goal!
>The lord demands towel sacrifice!
>Don't call it stripping, call it getting faster by losing weights.
>How about C to even the playing field? The field of... you three and the mallgoers...
>its only fair!
...Oh, my.

Well, who am I to argue that logic?

>Aw c'mon, let us commit to being Ceri!
Sorry! This must happen whenever Ceri breaks down too much to continue moving the plot forward!

Or something!
No. 1095918 ID: 6290ec
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"Hey, Cekachii. How about we remove our towels too so Ceri doesn't feel lonely?"

"W-what? Man, I'm struggling enough with having a towel that's too small."

"Exactly! If we remove our towels, we'll have an easier time moving around!

"I-I'm not gonna go any faster having to use just my hands to cover up!"

"Well, do you have any other ideas for helping our new friend out?"

"Not really, but that doesn't mean we should just toss away the little clothing we still have!"

"Hmm. How about this? Let's do a round of Rock Paper Scissors. If I win, we'll go with my plan. If you win, we'll think of something else. Deal?"
No. 1095919 ID: 6290ec
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"Oh, you are so going down."

Haha, that always gets her excited.

"Okay! One, two, three..."
No. 1095920 ID: 6290ec
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"Mother-*chirping*-- Best of three!"

Oh boy, I really got her going. Oh well, maybe it'll be fun!
No. 1095921 ID: 6290ec
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"This is fun!"


"Guess I'm just lucky!"

"THIS GOES BEYOND THE REALM OF NORMAL LUCK. You're making suboptimal plays, even!"

"*Cheeheehee~!* It's all about going with your gut!"

"Complete nonsense. you're just lucky i'm not unleashing my full power..."

"Okay! Guess we're going with my plan, then~!"

"Hang on no wait I didn't--"
No. 1095922 ID: 6290ec
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"Hey Ceri look! Now we're all naked!"

"freaking 'going with my gut' more like having the luck of the gods i should have gone all out mumble grumble..."

"Oh! Also I should probably give you the narrative back. I think they miss you."

Ceri huffs. "The narrative is dumb and stupid and I don't want it."

"Aww, come on. You know I can't stay in charge. This isn't 'bird romance'."


Well, um. Any ideas for getting Ceri to, uh... take you back?

A: Hug Ceri, transfer narrative via osmosis.
Is that how it works?

B: Promise to go at least five updates without voting for fire.
Can we even enforce that?

C: Promise to totally focus on getting new clothes without random distractions.
No promises on what happens after that, though.

D: Promise more dragons to romance.
Then the title will make sense!

E: Remind her of your importance.
Ceri needs you. Without you, this is just a comic. She'll give in eventually.
No. 1095923 ID: 4f903f

E, C
Tell Ceri this: "How many romance books have you read where you just wanted to scream at the main character to do something different? Forced to watch as uncontrollable outcomes play out in front of you...
Living the rest of your life as a comic means you're at uncontrollable whims of the author. The remainder of your adventures will keep you embarrassed forever constantly for all we know! You need us to have those interruptions to make a difference.

Also matters are currently pressing- without us right now, you don't have sharp plans of action on your own to take that gets you clothing unseen."
No. 1095924 ID: c5529d

F. Fine we dont need Ceri anyway. We'll just follow Keireer, she's cooler


(actually B, E)
No. 1095925 ID: a6e868

We're about to show off the other side to having us as a double-edged sword if you let us back in: despite many past incidents of accidentally nudifying yourself in public, you've been able to get away by the skin of your teeth most every time right? You need us if you don't want to break that streak now!
So C, A
No. 1095926 ID: 9188de

F. We'll stick with Keireer and Cekachii then, get them all bundled up. Have fun Ceri being nude foreveeeerrrr...
No. 1095927 ID: a7a180

C/a. We love making promises we can't keep!
No. 1095928 ID: d30ef0

This, and adding on: forever getting called cute and hot because of your nudity!!! We'll keep the birds company and in clothes. :3c
No. 1095930 ID: 5edf55

This or, E. Keireer and Cekachii get priority on clothes as their thoughts, we won't be able to control if Ceri will have any leftover clothes at the clothes store, oh nooooo.
No. 1095931 ID: c7e937

E, C, mhmyes, we can definitelly totally do it
No. 1095932 ID: 355e44

C,B We are aligned in wanting to get clothes quick (because you can't lose clothes you don't have.)
And who needs fire? That's easy mode, we can come up with way more convoluted ways to lose clothing.
No. 1095935 ID: 99ca7b

A, C
No. 1095941 ID: c8380b

If we're not in her head, then we can't make her think about cute boys.
No. 1095943 ID: 36c6e4

D, A
No. 1095947 ID: ec6ba6

DrAgon time (That's D and A): Dragons to romance! Ceri's big on romance, so that should help! And if the offer doesn't work, the actual physical contact of a hug should.
No. 1095950 ID: f49ea5

Primary C
Secondary E
No. 1095954 ID: fa3034

I promise we can be normal. :]
No. 1095955 ID: 849406

B , E
No. 1095956 ID: 57ec6f

B then A
No. 1095962 ID: fffe44

Primary A, secondary E.
Naked hugs in the mall are very important, and Ceri needs to learn this.
She also needs to be learn that her state can't update while we're not in control, so if she doesn't take us back she's going to be naked forever and everyone will just start assuming she's into that.
No. 1095970 ID: 07ae19

E A. I guess Ceri wants to be naked potentially in front of a lot of people, we see how it is.
No. 1095972 ID: ce93a7

No. 1096000 ID: 072480

E for making Ceri Explode in reverse blushy psychology.
No. 1096006 ID: ebae20

A, D
No. 1096059 ID: b67223

E with A
No. 1096068 ID: 7c08a3

A, e
No. 1096366 ID: 6290ec
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>Fine we dont need Ceri anyway. We'll just follow Keireer, she's cooler
Oh! Maybe this is Bird Romance!

I mean, I'd be okay with that.

O-oh! Right! Of course that's what you meant! I'm worried she'd just agree to that, though.
No. 1096367 ID: 6290ec
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>Tell Ceri this...
"Hey, think of it this way. How many romance books have you read where you wanted to scream at the main character to do something different? You're forced to watch as they continue making bad decisions that the author thinks is good storytelling! For all we know, without your neurons(?) guiding you, you'll be embarrassed forever!"

"Also you probably need their help to figure out what to do, right?"

Ceri grumpily blushus. "I-I don't need them to make decisions!"

"Oh? What should we do next, then?"

"I-I'll just... uh... hang on. No wait, that's a tie vote. Uh, let's try again. Okay, that was also a tie. And that one. And that one."

"See? Your neurons only sometimes have tie votes!"

"When they don't have tie votes they make me set myself on fire, though."

"That's the thing. Every time they get you into a pickle, they also help you get out of it!"

"That's not actually a good thing."

"Isn't it? Without them, you'd still be at home hiding away from the world, right? I mean, it's thanks to them that we're fast friends."
No. 1096368 ID: 6290ec
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This gives Ceri pause. "Ah... I guess that's true..."

"Also, if they're not in your head, they can't make you think about cute boys!"

"Y-yes, well, maybe I don't want to okay that's a lie it actually kinda sucks that I suddenly can't visualize it."

"See? You'll take them back, right?"

"...Okay. But only if they promise to be good."

>We love making promises we can't keep!
"Sounds like they promise!"

"Are you sure you're not taking their suggestions out of context?"

"Haha, you're silly."
No. 1096369 ID: 6290ec
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Yes okay hi what's up.

I guess I should probably work on not freaking out so hard people keep having to rescue me from the narrative.

...Hmm? I'm still using first-person narrative?

Right, sorry. and I was just getting used to it, too...

Now that things are back to normal, you ponder your next move to get Ceri to embarrass herself further.

Wha-- hey! I thought you promised to be good!

You can't help but laugh at Ceri's naiveté. Ah, it's good to be back.
No. 1096370 ID: 6290ec
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Okay, we were able to make it to another sign, and now the CLOTHING STORE is in sight!

Looks like there's already a distraction? That NEARVAN is playing music, garnering the attention of people nearby.

"Oh! There he is!" Keireer whispers. "He's one of the POTENTIAL NEW FRIENDS I told you about!"

Oh no, but you're completely naked! This would be a terrible time to go say hi!

That's fine. You'll take advantage of his distraction to go into the store, get clothed, then come back out and make a new friend.

"Hi~!" Keireer suddenly says, casually walking out of your hiding spot.


Quick! What should you do??

A: Dart into the store!
He'll be focused on Keireer, now's your chance!

B: Pull Keireer back before she's noticed!

C: Continue hiding, motion to Keireer to not point you out yet!
She might be a better distraction once she's closer to him.

D: Light everything on fire.
What? You promised to be good!

No we didn't.
That's not even a voting option!!!

Okay fine. E: Casually walk out like you're normal-universe-Ceri and nudity doesn't bother you.
I dunno what I was expecting.
No. 1096371 ID: 4f903f

D, A. Nothing left to lose (aside from being seen) means everything to gain! Don't worry about everyone around the mall and the clothes store burning all of their clothes as collateral
There is absolutely no waaay you'll cause a feedback loop of embarrassment by accidentally nudifying everyone (including all of the cute, hot guys). :]
No. 1096372 ID: 86bb39

A, B
No. 1096373 ID: 7c08a3

A/a, let Keireer make our friends for us while we get clothes, return to new friend fully dressed and ready to lose your outfit again!
No. 1096374 ID: a7a180

D/b. Pyrotechnics are a classic part of any musical number, and hey if you set off the fire alarm there will be fewer observers in the mall.
No. 1096375 ID: 830162

D, C
No. 1096376 ID: 25c93b

No. 1096377 ID: 7a406e

Nevrean? C or D!
No. 1096378 ID: 7e2ac4

D, C. Welcome back Ceri!
No. 1096379 ID: 0d61dd

C then A
Because she's already caught his attention and certainly not because you were too distracted staring at the cute musician playing his heart out and... don't think about the fact that you're going to have to talk to him at some point! Focus. He probably gets hounded by fangirls all the time, so he could probably use an actual friend. After you get some clothes.
No. 1096380 ID: 36c6e4

B, A
No. 1096381 ID: a6e868

C, A Nah, D. There's a strategic reason for fanning the glames here by embarrassing other people before your embarrassment catches up to you first! Thats how that works.
No. 1096382 ID: 6645ca

D - Keireer no!! Keireer takes the blame for this happening!!
C - Maybe you won't be spotted in the aftermath
No. 1096383 ID: b67223

C or E
No. 1096385 ID: 273c18

A, C
No. 1096386 ID: 9ab918

A. Out of the frying pan and into the flames. Youre probably not sneaky doing this and ran into more people... or maybe end up in the wrong store in a rush

Secondary B her calling might get peoples attention and start looking for you all
No. 1096387 ID: df7ee1

C, D
No. 1096389 ID: fa3034

This is your chance! The eyes will be off you for the moment. Do not let her sacrifice be in vain!
No. 1096394 ID: 0480e2


Greatest chance to immediately interact with Birb
No. 1096395 ID: 355e44

A,C She's taking one for the team, what a good friend. Better move quick though, because she'll probably immediately try to introduce you.
No. 1096399 ID: d3ed3c

A, b. As much fun as birb romance sounds, let's try to not have Ceri try to murder us
No. 1096402 ID: 861ceb


fly you fools
No. 1096405 ID: d3fb0f

C, D

Engage Bird Chaos.
No. 1096406 ID: 849406

D, C
No. 1096407 ID: e5e504

C, then A
Veto D. we can't solve everything with fire. (on second thought... could fire be clothing? Imagine, clothes burn to ash? BOOM! Nun habit made of fire!)
No. 1096408 ID: b87b96

D/No we didn't

You haven't turned into a dragon once this quest! Now you have to to prevent the mall from burning down! Ahhh HAHAHAHAHA-*Hack* *Cough*
No. 1096409 ID: d30ef0

No. 1096410 ID: 57ec6f

C into D because that wait will cause some anxious blushyness
No. 1096411 ID: 072480

D for Dexplode, love a good naked first meeting! It'll get all awkwardness out of the way by... letting each of you stare at each other be awkward. and naked.
No. 1096415 ID: 97b601

No. 1096416 ID: ec6ba6

A, E.

He's attractive enough to forget any embarrassment but we can still get some clothes first--you know, for future interactions that aren't with somebody that makes you forget them.
No. 1096420 ID: 54ee3d

A , b
No. 1096428 ID: f49ea5

Primary D
Secondary D
No. 1096444 ID: ce93a7

D, C
No. 1096456 ID: c5529d

Hey, wait a minute, he's just wearing a coat, an open coat, and NOTHING ELSE! He's practically naked too! Without that guitar positioned to where his feathers are covering himself, he'd be showing himself, wouldn't he?
No. 1096457 ID: ebae20

E, B
No. 1096461 ID: e8918a

No. 1096465 ID: 01fe07

Primary A. Get in the store quickly!

Secondary C. Let Keireer be a distraction!
No. 1096468 ID: 3f89df

Wow, he's cute. Imagine you and him together, imagine both of you naked, oh wait, you're already naked, maybe you can both be naked Ceri ;3
No. 1096471 ID: 9188de

Don't think about how he isn't wearing any pants, kinda a hot thought (D)
No. 1096474 ID: 5f920e

Don't imagine him naked Don't imagine him naked Don't imagine him naked
No. 1096503 ID: 5edf55

Injecting cute boy thoughts into Ceri's head
D, C
No. 1096504 ID: 07ae19

A and D! either order would certainly lighten things up :V.
No. 1096515 ID: ae3286

D, A Brave of him to be hanging out without pants and a huge guitar. is he secretly packing serious penis behind it to cover up :3c
No. 1096546 ID: 3104f9

D! He's hot, fire is hot, it's like poetry!
No. 1096551 ID: 82e5d9

D, C. Wow I bet that guy's singing is HOT stuff right? Maybe the rest of him is too underneath his pantslessness and guitar
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