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1087619 No. 1087619 ID: 6290ec

If we open our minds to the existence of other universes, there's no limit to the possibilities that we could experience in the world of boning.
835 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 1094453 ID: be3107

No. 1094454 ID: 5f920e

You or your butler know towel tucking techniques to keep them covered right? B
No. 1094456 ID: dbabb8

B, c: I'm pretty sure there's a book somewhere that tells you not to panic, and that you should have a towel with you at all times. It's obvious this birds have been panicking so maybe a towel will help... I think I might've misread that book but let's just go with it
No. 1094457 ID: 7a406e

Aw I wanted Ceri to just explode clothes more. Petered out too easily.
B or A.
No. 1094458 ID: ba9785

Oh yeah D is a common bird thing from all my research. That sounds good. And the mall is always a good fallback so A.
No. 1094459 ID: d30ef0

A, C
No. 1094460 ID: 1ff64e

Look, I'm sure Daatra can take everyone's clothes to be fixed. What's that? Ceri's skirt wasn't damaged? Nonsense, it might not be visible but it needs immediate maintenance to not fall apart!

We'll just need to find an excuse to damage Daatra's clothes too, for reasons.
No. 1094461 ID: f49ea5

Primary B
Secondary A
No. 1094462 ID: 830162

No. 1094463 ID: 44c167

B,A) Towels, or bed sheets. Togas can make a comeback, and unfamiliar clothing styles are sure to not lead to wardrobe malfunctions.
No. 1094469 ID: 20e88c

C, A
Daatra's wardrobe (and the bird herself) is hot and badass, so you can make it work until you get more from the mall.
Ceri doesn't get too relaxed if you keep rubbing for too long, right? A dopey, affectionate Ceri is good, but happy naked dragon Ceri... That technique may be dangerous if there are any dracophiles around
No. 1094470 ID: 5fcc16

Enabling more shenanigans with B, also don't get weird with the tonic please
No. 1094471 ID: b67223

A then B
No. 1094473 ID: fa3034

Db for Daatra business
Your solutions are clear cut and not what they want to hear, but what they need
No. 1094474 ID: 4c202e

Don't like that!

A, B
No. 1094475 ID: 861ceb

they'll grow into it I'm sure.
No. 1094476 ID: 3f89df

ENF towel is top tier, so I gotta say B
No. 1094479 ID: 094d8d

secondary D, doent leave much to the imagination tho
No. 1094480 ID: 273c18

It's just reasonable to go buy clothes from the mall so we're gonna do that regardless.

Also C.
No. 1094482 ID: 50866a

D, A. Cover them up with bandages and then go shopping. Pasties are totally enough to shop even for weird mammalian and keybain clothing-sensibilities, so then they can get clothes for when the bandages come off!
No. 1094485 ID: 82e5d9

B is comfortable! Totally not enabling further things later.
No. 1094489 ID: 25c93b

No. 1094491 ID: df7ee1

C, B
No. 1094498 ID: 849406

C, B
No. 1094501 ID: e5e504

B, a
But far more important is that we learned that Ceri can be booped and rotated like a shark.
No. 1094507 ID: ae3286

Show us how good rich towels are! B, A!
No. 1094513 ID: c8380b

Damn, you can put Ceri under with just a rub to her snoot? How do you learn this sort of thing? Did you and Ceri "experiment" a lot before?

How do you feel about Ceri making friends with some other cute bird girls? You aren't worried your easily socially pressured friend might get into trouble without your firm guidance, are you? You might have to assert your dominance as their senior in Ceri friendship and keep these new nerds in line, too.

Clearly the best way to do that is to make them all undress completely while you shamelessly take them to buy sone new clothing. Nobody's going to try telling them to cover up while you're in charge.
No. 1094540 ID: e8918a

No. 1094565 ID: ce93a7

A, B Clothing shops are receptive to people in obvious need of clothes! No worry about prolonging less than ideal (or no) states of dress.
No. 1094571 ID: d58817

B, d

Towels will be the new fashion trend. Set those trends, birds!
Failing that, adhesive bandages are emergency modesty.
No. 1094576 ID: 9188de

Daatra, as Ceri's best friend, you know that Ceri's definition of "multiple copies" of her outfit is her panic answer of "actually just has 2."
Why do you know this? Because you've known her for a long time!
You know what giving them towels is great comedy down the line :3c. B
No. 1094580 ID: 57c52f

D, A
No. 1094697 ID: 07ae19

No. 1094722 ID: 6290ec
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Okay, my clothes wouldn't really fit them so let's get them some towels.

>Aw I wanted Ceri to just explode clothes more. Petered out too easily.
As funny as it'd be, unfortunately Ceri made me care about her, that jerk. Besides, isn't it a bit early for such a major explosion? There'd be nothing to look forward to if she blew her panicky load right away.

Not that I'm looking forward to seeing that because of all the aforementioned 'caring' stuff.

...maybe I did step in a bit too soon...

Wait no she'd have probably made me naked, too. Yeah, this was the right course of action.


>Daatra's wardrobe (and the bird herself) is hot and badass
Heh. Nice to see some good opinions around here.

No self-esteem issues here. I know I'm awesome.

>We'll just need to find an excuse to damage Daatra's clothes too, for reasons.
Hah. I'm probably the final boss of whatever clothing damage you're planning. Good luck.

Er, bad luck. I don't actually want you to succeed.

>Damn, you can put Ceri under with just a rub to her snoot? How do you learn this sort of thing? Did you and Ceri "experiment" a lot before?
What? Haha, nah... I'm pretty sure she thinks of me as her sister, and I'm pretty sure I feel the same way about her.

No, I saw it on TV once and thought to try it out one of the many times Ceri was freaking out. Lo and behold, it works even when she's using her 'mortal' form.

>Daatra, as Ceri's best friend, you know that Ceri's definition of "multiple copies" of her outfit is her panic answer of "actually just has 2."
She has a second outfit!?

>You know what giving them towels is great comedy down the line :3c.
Shhh, let's not reveal the real reason I'm doing this.

Okay, I hand everyone their towels and point them to the nearest bathroom so they can get changed.

Looks like Ceri's coming back around, so I'll give her back the narrative. Don't bully her too much, okay? See ya.
No. 1094723 ID: 6290ec
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Huh? What?

Last you remember Daatra was abusing your biggest weakness to calm you down. You can't even be mad that was probably the right thing to do.

And now you're all wearing towels?? Did you manage to wrap yourself up while still in TONIC IMMOBILITY? That's kind of impressive, to be honest.

Cekachii is blushing lots. "I-I don't think my towel's long enough!"

Daatra shrugs. "They're long enough for me."

"You're taller than me!!!"

"I dunno, maybe your giant tits are making it tighter than normal."

"My--!!!" Cekachii blushus even harder, not seeming to know how to respond to Daatra's up-front nature.

Keireer beams. "That just makes it more exciting, right?"


Really, you're the one who should be worried. You don't have feathers partially covering up your uh... l-lady bits like they do.

And while you're shorter than Cekachii, your um, chest, is a bit um... larger than hers. So you're in danger too if you bend your body too much!

Yeah, these towels are very much a temporary solution. You should get everyone to the MALL as soon as possible to buy replacements.

Suddenly you hear a male voice. "Oh, is this where you kids are hanging out?"
No. 1094724 ID: 6290ec
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D-Daatra's father!

Her sexy male bat father!
No. 1094725 ID: 6290ec
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See? I had your back~
No. 1094726 ID: 6290ec
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"Oh, are these your new friends, babygirl?" he asks.

Daatra smirks. "They're Ceri's new friends, but I might end up adopting them too."

"That's wonderful! It's nice to see you branching out, Ceri! Your mom must be pleased as peaches."

"H-haha yeah she's pretty stoked," you say. "I'm not sure I've ever seen her so happy."

He offers a smile only a dad could offer, one full of pride. In a way, he's been something of a second father to you, after all.

that one neuron must be so happy right now

"In that case, let me help you out a bit. Our mansion's felt a bit empty since Daatra's mom passed away, so why don't you use it as a base of operations? You can bring new friends here to hang out while you're running around town! Then, once you're done making new friends, we can throw a big ol' party for them!"

That's pretty convenient. For some reason you feel you shouldn't have more than THREE PEOPLE with you at a time. If you were making a comic of your life, you certainly wouldn't want to draw more than that!

boy you hope you don't freak out and do something embarrassing at that party

A-anyway, Daatra probably won't come with you right now, so you're probably good to keep the birbs with you for the moment. You'll want to come here after meeting another new friend, so you can make room for more.

"Thanks, sir! I really appreciate that," you say.

"It's my pleasure. I bet Daatra will enjoy the company, too!"

Daatra lets out a huffy chirp.

Okay, your next move is probably to go to the mall for clothes (does this mean you'll be wearing a new OUTFIT? Oh geez.). For the moment...

Is there anything you'd like to talk to the others about?
Feel free to suggest questions to ask, or topics to bring up!
No. 1094728 ID: be3107


Well, thank Daatra for helping out! How good is the hold on your towel?
No. 1094729 ID: 82e5d9

Cekachii, why is your chest huge? It does seem to humorously not help your situation! teehee
No. 1094730 ID: 19ea25

The Neuron is very pleased. But given that things need to wind down lets talk about some cool stuff and interests!
No. 1094731 ID: fa3034

Let's make a plan of attack here. You know where the store is located and because of Reasons™️ you know the guards' petrol routes. The three of you might need to sneak past some guards. ... Does everyone have money?
No. 1094732 ID: 5f920e

...How is the path from here to the mall? You might get a lot of unwanted attention like this!
No. 1094733 ID: c8380b

Hello I am that one neuron and I won't be happy until it's confirmed that Ceri's parents and Daatra's dad are a throuple.
No. 1094734 ID: 7a406e

A whole system for this?
You should plan a convoluted route to the mall that will get you there with minimal attention on you! So you can keep prying eyes off of you and not have any nature snags against your single defenses.
No. 1094742 ID: fa9b43

Give a bow to thank Daatra and her father, a big bow to show big respect~

Yes this too. Lets plan and figure out which convoluted route to take to sneak to the mall without being seen and without losing our towel on the way
No. 1094744 ID: a7a180

Talk about any unreleased games you're looking forward to seeing soon.
No. 1094748 ID: 1ff64e

How short could that towel really be on her? Let's find out! Try tossing Cekachii something to catch, or holding her hands, so she can't pull it down!

If it's really bad, suggest that she turns the towel vertically instead! That way it'll be long enough to cover her on top and bottom! She'll just need to keep a tight grip on it since it won't wrap...
No. 1094750 ID: a6e868

Try not to think about guys seeing you like this, also nice fit.
No. 1094752 ID: 9dbe90

Not a single worry in that head of hers, and it's wonderful. Cekachii seems to be stealing the group's bashfulness. Offer her a hand, tell her she looks cute/fine, and stand in front of her to help cover her. Embrace the calm.

Also, DILF bat spotted! Uh, Enhance Knockers? What's girl code say about crushing on your best friend's dad? Thank both of them for the very soft towels. Should you curtsy or bow or something? What does Daatra's Dad do?

Hey, can Mr. Daatra's Dad drive you to the mall? Totally not an excuse to hang out with him and Daatra a little longer. Might have to be careful about how you sit, and any convenient pot holes, but it'll get you into the action/mall faster. Need tactical insertion for this stealth mission. There are cute guys and books at the mall, after all.
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