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1102232 No. 1102232 ID: b57653

Your name is Speedrun. You are an autistic lesbian. You've just transferred to a new school even though you are an 18 year old in her senior year.

Because your name is Speedrun you are obsessed with speedrunning, and now that you're starting a new school you've decided to attempt your greatest speedrun challenge yet: romance!

Just remember: if you fail to score a highschool sweetheart in record time, you'll be alone forever!

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No. 1103167 ID: a4f810
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... Unfortunately it turns out it's much harder than it looks to spin at high speeds while remaining anchored to the same spot on the ground. Instead of charging up for a huge speed boost, you end up doing a sort of awkward forward somersault.

Green-Haired Girl: "..."

Speedrun: "My mom thinks I'm cool!"
No. 1103168 ID: a4f810
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Green-Haired Girl: "Pffft! Nice panties, dork!"

Speedrun: "Thank you."

The green-haired girl arches a sardonic eyebrow.

Green-Haired Girl: "Listen, titty monster, only the coolest girls in school are allowed to use this bathroom. If you become cool, I'll let you in. Until then, you stick to the second floor bathroom with the other dorks and fatasses, comprende?"
No. 1103169 ID: 63709c

Ask what she did to become cool. Then just speedrun that.
No. 1103170 ID: 4a0685


Oh yeah, we're very cool, we do a lot of drugs of all sorts all the time.
No. 1103171 ID: 9b76c6

Ask her to show you her cool panties.
No. 1103176 ID: 4c750c

Yay! She likes our panties! Great start! So we gotta be considered cool. Sounds like we gotta keep that in mind for tomorrow. Sunglasses might be on the docket for a purchase later. Find out Green Haired Girl’s name please! If we’re still committing to bathroom skip then we should go to the upstairs bathroom like Green Haired Girl said. But honestly, Casey is probably in class, so if we want her help, we might wanna consider doing bathroom skip skip to wrongwarp back to class.
No. 1103177 ID: 0db8d3

No. 1103188 ID: 2f41db

Skill points spent in cool must have combos with dating skilltree.
There may be some value in becoming cool.
We havent time to buildcraft the optimal skillspread though.
Ask green haired ogress what she thinks is cool, then acquire items to acheive that.
Remember to skip dialogue if you get the gist of the sidequest before she finishes.
No. 1103191 ID: c5529d

once you get the gist of it, in order to dialogue skip, think of something that will have her uppercut you into the air, and land to our next destination in seconds. Sometimes, speedrunning requires taking damage.

Maybe just walk in the cool bathroom while she's busy talking, and once she realizes what you're doing, she'll launch you to your destination.
No. 1103202 ID: fe12b4

Are we talking fashion cool, attitude cool, popularity cool, or sonic cool?
No. 1103203 ID: 3df1ab

You know what's cool? You're in perfect position to cunt-punt her.
Violence is the only thing bullies respect, after all.
No. 1103300 ID: 012630

I like the idea of the damage boost. But remember, in "real life," there are no I-frames! We need to rely on the purest sense of "damage boost," the burst of movement that happens when you get hit. If you can tempt her out from her alcove (maybe by offering to give her your cool panties? She'd probably think that's cool), and get between her and the bathroom entrance, you might be able to get her to hit you and clip you into the bathroom earlier than intended, before completing the sidequest.
No. 1103455 ID: 6693a9
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DAY 1 TIME 01:22:00

>Damage boost

You decide to expedite your retreat by attempting to provoke the green-haired girl into attacking you for a damage-based speed boost.

You try to push past her into the cool-girl's bathroom.

Green-Haired Girl: "Your big boobs muffling your ears or sumthin' dweeb? I said get lost!"

The green-haired girl boots your right on your fat behind!

It was slightly faster than walking those few feet you guess.
No. 1103456 ID: 6693a9
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DAY 1 TIME 01:24:19

You hurry upstairs as fast as you can and barge your way into the second floor bathroom.

Casey: "Sepeedrun! Hiiii!! It's me! Your friend Casey! Did you know you just crashed into the futanari bathroom?"

Several pairs of hungry eyes turn in your direction.

Other Futas: "Tittiiiies..."
No. 1103457 ID: 462d8c

You may need to talk to someone about all these highly specialised bathrooms. Sometimes a girl just needs to pee, ya know?

More pressing question: does a girl having a penis disqualify her from your goal conditions? Otherwise get your Tails to point you to some of the people here
No. 1103458 ID: 6c233e

Well, any port in a storm. Dodge roll into a stall to hide until they lose agro.
No. 1103470 ID: 90b21b

Speed dating time
No. 1103483 ID: 12398e

> Not into dick
Thou forgettest too easily! Best we can do is let Casey know to meet us outside and wait there. Thank heavens we found her! Gaydar restored!
No. 1103537 ID: 047965

Remember to keep defensive stances up, we don't have a shield so if we can get into the stall to pee we can use the door as our shield. Remember to take advantage of I-Frames.
No. 1103541 ID: 4a0685

t r a n s c e n d
No. 1103555 ID: 2f41db

Good old informative tails.
Always ready to exposition whenever whatever and wherever.
Hurry with your tank drainage!
We have lesbians to track!
No. 1103559 ID: 9bb216

If the other girls try to mess with us, offer to wingman for them with our unmatched knowledge of speedrun-related trivia (aka droning on and on until everybody is bored to tears)
No. 1103817 ID: d51ca6
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>Does a girl with a penis disqualify her from your goal conditions?

Absolutely! You've made it pretty clear you're not into dicks. Dicks aren't sexy and are actually a little bit gross. You don't even like looking at drawings of them!

>Dodge roll into a stall to hide until they lose agro.

No time to wonder how Casey was able to go use the bathroom when earlier the teacher made it clear there was only one hall pass, you've got to move!

Before any of the extremely horny girls can cut off your escape, you tuck yourself into a ball and dodge roll into the nearest open stall where you hurriedly close and lock the door.
No. 1103818 ID: d51ca6
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DAY 1 TIME 1:24:24

>Gaydar restored

Utilizing a conveniently-placed hole in the wall of your sanctum, you tell Casey about everything that happened over the past 33 minutes, and asking Casey to collect intel on the three girls you encountered.

DAY 1 TIME 2:01:02

It's over half an hour before Casey returns with the information she's gathered.

Casey: Speedrun it's me, Casey! Your best friend! I took off my glasses so that you'll look all blurry just in case you're naked in there.

Speedrun: I'm fully clothed.

Casey: This is what I found out on the girls you asked me about:

Clarice from the nurse's office is a lesbian. Age 18. She'll definitely go out with you (whether you want her to or not) but she's a total psycho. If you show her any affection, she will fixate on you to an unhealthy degree.

The girl with the red hair you buttslammed in the hall is named Sunny. Age 18. She's also a lesbian, but she's deep in the closet. In order to date her, you'll first have to get her to admit to herself that she's gay. Also I heard she has a boyfriend so you'll have to deal with him at some point.

The girl with the green hair is named Green Snake. Age 21. She's bisexual, but only dates cool people. In order to date her, you'll first have to prove to her that you're cool.

Each girl has advantages and disadvantages that will affect your run so choose wisely! I recommend going after Green Snake because you're obviously the coolest person in school!

Picking a girl will lock out all your other romance options and commence the courtship phase. If you want to try and draw a new girl it will cost you a day.
No. 1103819 ID: 462d8c

Go after Sunny. Clearly there's a progress flag that is triggered after defeating the boyfriend. So just find a way to cheese his defeat and you should be able to skip straight to romance
No. 1103820 ID: d30887

Clarice and Green Snake are clearly out, but Sunny might be hard mode. Can we just keep looking for better prospects?
No. 1103822 ID: 6b8094

Clarice will obviously be the fastest to any% date. This is what you wanted!
No. 1103824 ID: c5529d

Green Snake is our missing knuckles for the trio. go for her.

but then again, consider giraffe girl, she has a girlfriend, but if we can get them to break up, without Giraffe girl knowing it was you, she'll be all yours.
No. 1103825 ID: 6c233e

You are cool! Just need to do something cool fast and you'll have Green Snake in the bag. and the sack~
No. 1103833 ID: 3df1ab

Well, are you going for any% or for the good ending?
any% is Clarice, good ending is Sunny.
No. 1103846 ID: 4c750c

I think true ending% is the way to go, which rules out Clarice. Clarice might be more of an obstacle than anything else. I personally think Sunny’s route sounds interesting~ But I’m also intrigued by Green Snake. Both routes seem to have interesting options for timesave. We still haven’t tried the gaydar range increase thing though. If we end up making our choice here and now, maybe Yuri/Vector can help us some other way? My overall vote is for Sunny
No. 1103847 ID: 2f41db

Theyre right.
If any% is goal go with crazy clarice.

I like green snake and she has seen our panties which is technically first base. And she thought they were nice.
If we go for her wed have to be her kind of cool
That means stepping away from the cool blue dude and going somewhere darker.
We'll have to channel our inner Shadow.
For that we need a bije, a leather jacket and a gun.

Sunny is sweet but very angry at... things.
A lot of unknowns but theres something about her...
If we go with sunny we have to immediately show her our panties to get her percentage complete equal to green dragon so we save time.
Then we'd have to be seductive.
Super seductive.
Sexy even.
Theres only one spirit we can channel for that...
Big the ca- wait, no.
Bring out our inner bat.
No. 1103848 ID: 2f41db

>bije = bike. Curse my stubby fingers.
No. 1103871 ID: 3937ba

Gotta go fast. Get Clarice in the bag. Maybe you can clock a new record for breakup% later, but Clarice is maybe your one shot at getting run in by the end of the day.
No. 1103905 ID: 42afb0

This depends on what kind of speedrun we are going for. Do we want the speediest speedrun? If so, go for Clarice. Do we want to speedrun the true ending? Go for Sunny. We don't speedrun mid-tier endings in this economy, so Green Snake is off the table.
No. 1103921 ID: 7b7513
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This is and any% speedrun... and you seriously consider going with Clarice, but ultimately you decide it's probably safer in the long run to go with Sunny. (this isn't just a mission to get laid, you're trying to acquire a sweetheart here after all. If you're planning to ditch her beofre you even go out, is she even a sweetheart in the first place?)

It's time to channel your inner Rouge the Bat and become a master theif to steal away Sunny's heart!
No. 1103922 ID: 7b7513
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DAY 1 TIME 3:15:00

It's third period before you encounter Sunny again. Turns out she's in your algebra class. You and Casey decide to discreetly surveil her as you prepare to make your move.

Sunny: "What the hell are you staring at me for, freak??"

Uh oh! You've been spotted! Sunny's keen senses somehow picked up on your subtle glances in her direction. What do you do??
No. 1103923 ID: 6b8094

I am looking, respectfully.
No. 1103925 ID: 2bb3a1

Tell her she's cute! You like her hair.
No. 1103927 ID: 63709c

Compliment her pretty hair
No. 1103929 ID: cf3f73

Compliment her hair and how it matches her eyes.
No. 1103930 ID: c5529d

Lean in closer and get a better view
closer than that
get up in her face
then compliment her hair, it reminds you of knuckles
No. 1103931 ID: d30887

Mash your titties, QTE-style
No. 1103932 ID: 856723

Hey you have a really hot tempered personality, you know who also has a hot tempered personality, Shadow the Hedgehog. Do you know who he is? He's really cool, you remind me of him because you look cool too. Shadow was a robot made by doctor Robotnik, not doctor eggman, and was best friends with Maria a little girl who was also one of Dr. Robotnik's grandkids. He was designed to be the perfect life form and that also reminds me of you because you are also perfect.
No. 1103952 ID: c5529d

this too!
No. 1103973 ID: 4c750c

We should probably apologize for the collisions earlier. Also make sure not to address Sunny by name until she introduces herself. Otherwise things might be a little weird.
No. 1103975 ID: d58817

You should tell her that you're staring at her because she's the prettiest lesbian you've seen all day.
No. 1103981 ID: 2f41db

This three!
Remember to wink.
Thats what makes words flirty.
No. 1103984 ID: fe12b4

he wasn't a robot, he was a biologically engineered supersoldier project
No. 1103985 ID: fe12b4

he wasn't a robot, he was a biologically engineered supersoldier project
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