Lilac Silver Meadow
DAY 1 TIME 1:24:24
>Gaydar restored
Utilizing a conveniently-placed hole in the wall of your sanctum, you tell Casey about everything that happened over the past 33 minutes, and asking Casey to collect intel on the three girls you encountered.
DAY 1 TIME 2:01:02
It's over half an hour before Casey returns with the information she's gathered.
Casey: Speedrun it's me, Casey! Your best friend! I took off my glasses so that you'll look all blurry just in case you're naked in there.
Speedrun: I'm fully clothed.
Casey: This is what I found out on the girls you asked me about:
Clarice from the nurse's office is a lesbian. Age 18. She'll definitely go out with you (whether you want her to or not) but she's a total psycho. If you show her any affection, she will fixate on you to an unhealthy degree.
The girl with the red hair you buttslammed in the hall is named Sunny. Age 18. She's also a lesbian, but she's deep in the closet. In order to date her, you'll first have to get her to admit to herself that she's gay. Also I heard she has a boyfriend so you'll have to deal with him at some point.
The girl with the green hair is named Green Snake. Age 21. She's bisexual, but only dates cool people. In order to date her, you'll first have to prove to her that you're cool.
Each girl has advantages and disadvantages that will affect your run so choose wisely! I recommend going after Green Snake because you're obviously the coolest person in school!
Picking a girl will lock out all your other romance options and commence the courtship phase. If you want to try and draw a new girl it will cost you a day.