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934998 No. 934998 ID: 8275cf

The Fall of Astramar
"The Alliance saw their doom Looking upon Jucha, but like the light of a distant star their damnation had come long before" --Balren the storyteller

follows the events of crash quest and command quest,it is recommended to read these first
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No. 934999 ID: 8275cf
File 155984537643.png - (361.92KB , 542x920 , APO002.png )

Ecliptor Alta: Medbay

she asks about my suffering, I pry my eyes away from the mace hanging out of place in the medical bay and the vision it brought "I feel fine" the words aren't a lie, I feel no pain.

Leech Master Balthene Yeli doesn't seem convinced "you shouldn't feel fine, you should be suffering from Binders Lash; severe heart pain, Lunacy in addition to your broken arm,no malnutrit-"

"I feel fine, fix my arm so I can get to the bridge, the Ecliptor Alta needs her pilot" I keep the annoyance out of my voice.

"Let me perform some tests" the Leech Master Insists

Oken's response

a) relent +5 Boil
b) refuse -1 Boil
c) order her to fix arm 0 boil
d) grab mace -3 Boil
e) leave -1 boil
f) other ?? Boil

No. 935000 ID: 0fae41

Refuse. A mace? Leeches? How barbaric is Astranian medicine?
No. 935006 ID: 094652

"Fix my arm first, BEFORE the bones fuse wrong."

Let him do mobile tests on the way to the bridge.
No. 935012 ID: c49ece

c)- I wasn't asking I was telling.
No. 935016 ID: 7fb87a

f) spit in a petri dish. You can do your job while they do theirs
No. 935025 ID: eeb7d9

That arm needs to be in proper conditions. Fix it.
No. 935026 ID: 819b5d

Gonna be hard to pilot SQUAT with a broken arm. Fix the arm (C). If they want to take a quick couple of samples (spit, blood, cheek swab) and do some tests on their own time that's fine (F). You got stuff to do.
No. 935029 ID: 91ee5f

Fix arm
No. 935039 ID: e3e99e

"Fix my arm first, and then you can perform some quick tests. You have your duty, and I have mine."
No. 935040 ID: 5da03e

F) "Tell me what the treatment for Binder's Lash is."
No. 935122 ID: a9af05


You can't do anything with a broken arm, so you better get that fixed.
No. 935128 ID: de2669

The legend returns, and so continues the adventure. Much hype.

Tell him to fix your arm before anything else. It's the most pressing. Then you'll comply with the tests, so long as they're fast.
No. 935247 ID: 864e49

I'm guessing BOIL is our "blood lust", our want to do violent things, that rises each time we take the pacifist route.

A) There might be more wrong with us then we think.
No. 935310 ID: caf1de

get her to fix you face too
No. 936147 ID: 8275cf
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Doctors, they need to feel useful, I give her a scrap to feed on, I feel fine but my arm doesn't move right I tell her as much "you want to help? Fix my arm, I NEED it to fly.".

"but you could have severe-"still she insists on pointless tests.

I try and make myself clear."I don't care! and stop wasting my time, fix my arm."

" . . .very well" finally she does what she's supposed to.

Doctor Yeli attaches an arm brace

my arm van move correctly again, actually it feels stronger
I attempt to excuse myself politely "Thank you doctor, now I need to get to the bridge! I've wasted too much time."[i]

again she tries to stop me.[i]"wait! that arm brace is a complicated piece of technology, there's a lot I need to explain about it!"

I don't have time for this!

Oken's response

a) stay and Listen +6 Boil
d) grab mace -3 Boil
e) leave for the bridge-1 boil
f) other ?? Boil

No. 936148 ID: 0fae41

Grab mace. Who cares if this thing can shoot lasers and fold origami, we just needed basic finger function.
No. 936149 ID: 422cea

Grab the mace and point it at the NERRRRRRRD and simply ask one question "Does it let my arm be a fucking arm?"
No. 936151 ID: b1b4f3

A. Technology is cool, also you need to know how to not break the thing, and properly maintain it.
No. 936154 ID: fd2d31

unless it can unintentionally turn into a bomb or a impromptu torture device then there's no time for BS lessons.
ask the nerdmeister if it's REALLY serious, or if the geek wants the responsibility of lost lives because you dawdled around because of the whitecoats lectures instead of doing your job.
No. 936155 ID: 864e49

I'm pretty sure there's more then just your arm that's fucked up.
Why don't you stay A while.
No. 936161 ID: c49ece

Ask why she's so damn intent on wasting your time.
No. 936162 ID: e6b8d9

F. Tell her to walk with you to the bridge and show and tell you on the way and when you get there, starting with the most important parts. The infirmary isn't so busy that she could not leave it for the time it takes to inform you, right?
No. 936163 ID: 094652

D,F) Grab the mace and say:
"If I use it wrong, will it lock into place or cripple me?"
"Okay, fine. You have sixty-four words and two minutes of my attention. Starting NOW."
No. 936191 ID: 2202fb

F: Take a deep breath and calm the fuck down. You need to think logically here.

Then do A.
No. 936248 ID: 0a7f21

Tersely explain that duty compels you to go to the bridge right now, and you'll return if and when you need medical attention. Be very terse but use the professional military jargon these people were expecting.

Remember, they'll get rid of you if you explode at them. There's no such thing as an Astranian that isn't expendable, hero or no.
No. 936249 ID: e3e99e

"You can explain on the way. I have critical intel, and delaying my debriefing would cost far more than our lives are worth.
Here, add this to your damn chart: I am a bottomless pit of barely contained rage, and may whoever gets in my way find patience and mercy in the arms of whatever gods they believe in, because I. Have. Run. Out."
No. 936288 ID: 819b5d

The doc can tell you on the way to the bridge. (E, then F)
No. 936290 ID: 7f7b4c

E, we can walk and talk Doc
No. 936292 ID: caf1de

get your face fixed
No. 936296 ID: eeb7d9

Can you multitask, doc? Because if you can't walk and talk at the same time, i am leaving you behind.
No. 936298 ID: eeb7d9

Also, i think you need new googles, yours are cracked.
No. 936305 ID: 12d426

I don't remember Oken being this hot-headed in Crash... I wonder if something did happen...
No. 936308 ID: 91ee5f

E and F

Tell the doctor to walk and talk.

Oken suffering from what was described as Binder's Lash.

In the last thread of Crash, Oken described it as, “When an Astranian kills another for the first time it can cause short term lunacy and severe heart pains, I don't know much else about it, but apparently it has to do with conflicting ritual oaths.”

This is because Oken killed an Astranian traitor named Geragine Mint.
No. 936380 ID: dbf437

F talk and walk.
No. 936685 ID: 8275cf
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I take the mace hanging on the wall.

"Good Idea" doctor Yeli says "the champions believe there are still some insurgents lurking on the ship"

"Walk with me" I tell her you can tell me about the brace
she does, listing off the features and dangers of the brace, a take a mental catalog of the information but none of it is important now

pain starts to grow in my chest, as if I've run much too far, I feel tired.

what does Oken do?

a) sit and rest for a bit (+10 boil)
b) feint (+20 boil)
c) go to quarters and sleep (+30 boil)
d) keep walking to bridge (0 boil)
e) run to bridge (-2 boil)
f) something else? (??? boil)

No. 936686 ID: 0fae41

Run to the bridge. Begone, boil!
No. 936687 ID: 094652

Ask the doc to do a quick XRAY of your chest area. If your bones aren't broken, keep going.
No. 936688 ID: b1b4f3

Heart pain is a symptom of Binder's Lash. Ask the doc how best to deal with the syndrome.
No. 936689 ID: a9af05


Better get it under control before it spirals out of your control and causes you to make a mistake.
No. 936690 ID: b1b4f3

It's possible that Boil is an energy gauge in addition to a (reverse) sanity meter. Emptying it would be as bad as filling it.
No. 936693 ID: eeb7d9

I agree.
No. 936738 ID: 0a7f21

Don't be ridiculous, they'll dispose of Oken if they know about that. Don't let on at all.
No. 936741 ID: a9af05

That's only if she had killed one of her teammates. The circumstances are different, since she killed a traitor.
No. 936747 ID: b1b4f3

They already know. Go up and look at the first reply, the doc said she should be suffering from it.
No. 936960 ID: 0a7f21

Are we talking about the same Astranians here?

There's no such thing as a sacrifice an Astranian captain wouldn't ask his people to make. The doc might not be thinking that way but sure as hell everyone else will. Seeing Oken carrying a spiked mace woun't help either.

I'm assuming that as that boil meter grows we'll lose control of Oken who'll go into uncontrolled violence. We are walking a tightrope of choosing to be aggressive or do violence, or having anger slowly boil over until it expresses in a dangerous outburst.

But I gotta assume if anyone important finds out Oken is struggling they'll end it prematurely.
No. 936964 ID: b1b4f3

That doesn't matter. Like you said, we're talking to the doc right now.
No. 937147 ID: 8275cf
File 156143663671.png - (291.65KB , 542x920 , APO005.png )

I clutch my chest as if it could relieve my pain.
my steps stagger as I press to the Bridge.

"It's Binder's Lash"Doc Yeli speaks calmly before I can ask for assistance "your body is healthy and strong to have lasted this long before showing symptoms. You need to rest now."

I stand up straight "NO! I need to fly this ship!"

a strange expression crosses her face"Are you sure? your body and mind have undergone a great deal of strain."

I take a stance the I hope shows that I am in control "Give me another option! Any option"

"well I do have two treatments" she tries to cover her grin, she's excited.
"The Valus Stimulator, powerful radio waves will keep your brain function even in the most dire of conditions . . . "

"What's the other treatment?"I ask.

"A Neural equalizer, it should combat the effects of Binder's Lash directly, calming all emotions and mental stress"
She takes both out of her pocket, Doctor Yeli was ready for this
"The Neural equalizer is only a prototype I don't know how well it will work if at all, as for the Valus Stimulator, every user thus far has died in combat, we don't know it's long term effects . . . as a doctor I advise against using either under any circumstance . . . but you demanded options." this is a game she desperately wants me to use them, her concern it's only for show.

"How do you use them?"I ask.

"you just apply them to your temple and press the activator button once" she explains before adding "I'd advise against using them any more than once an hour and never both in the same day, they're highly experimental and should be used sparingly"

Oken action
a) she takes only the Valus Stimulator (+2 boil)
b) she takes only the Neural equalizer (+2 boil)
c) she takes both (0 boil)
d) she takes neither (+4 boil)
e) she uses the Stimulator (+50 boil)
f) she uses the Equalizer (-50 boil)
g) return to medbay to rest (+30 boil)
h) ask more questions (+4 boil)
j) continue to bridge (-2 boil)

No. 937149 ID: 0fae41

Use the Equalizer. It's gonna do something all right, doc.
No. 937150 ID: 2202fb

G: Return to the medbay and rest. Think logically here! You can't fly a ship if you cant trust your own body right now. Who knows what unforeseen symptoms have yet to surface?
No. 937152 ID: 7fb87a

Equalizer. You know the importance of staying calm as a pilot.
No. 937153 ID: 90f3c0

C: Might as well take both, decide to use them or not if things get worse.
No. 937154 ID: b1b4f3

Don't use them yet. We'll see if we need one of them later on, but let's endeavor not to use them if possible, eh? It would be best to test how high Boil can get before negative affects manifest. It *looks* like the negative affects of low Boil are fatigue and heart pain. I wonder if it goes negative?
No. 937156 ID: 864e49

C Take both for future use.
G lets go check on Hoft!
No. 937159 ID: 91ee5f


Take them both for future use, but don’t use either of them right now.
No. 937182 ID: eeb7d9

Take both, we might use one or another depending on the situation. Continue going to the bridge.
No. 937254 ID: 0a7f21

Ruminate on the likelihood that this is some experiment of this doctors and he's excited to get another live test subject.

Take them but don't use either. Don't hide from the pain either. Revel in it. You aren't having a heart attack, you are being hit with a lifetime of heaping piles of bullshit all taken in the name of duty. Every tense moment where you were struggling to survive, all so a bunch of ungreatful assholes can put a bunch more ungrateful assholes on the ground in some fetid backwater so they can shoot some idiotic aliens.

There's no medicine that cures that.
No. 937271 ID: 834f3d


Well said.
No. 937280 ID: 819b5d

Take both.
Ask if we in an active combat situation Right Now? Ask "You said there might be more insurgents on board? Explain."
If we are, we should probably use the Stimulator.

(It seems as though boil works as an aggression meter, at max we're stark raving mad, at min we're passive. Going too low means we drop unconscious or go otherwise catatonic/comatose. But going too high means we go berserk. We would become useless either way. At this point I'd wager we should cultivate some of our boil and get some rest. We'd be useless as a pilot if we go insane while driving.)
No. 939118 ID: eb2fe2

c, j, aaaand h!

While she's annoying she might provide some further insight on the way up to the bridge. At the very least she seems to have some concern for our well being.
No. 940389 ID: 8275cf
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I snatch the medi-sticks from her with more energy than I have.

a wave of tiredness and loss of purpose hits me

why am I here? what am I doing?

I feel my legs buckle under me and I fall to my knees.

I hear a voice of concern coming from the doctor, I hear the words yet only feel their meaning.

maybe I do need to return to the med bay, maybe I should rest . . .

others can deal with the problems . . .
No. 940409 ID: ceabd2

Brightslap self to keep self awake, get angry at self for even contemplating such dereliction of duty.
No. 940412 ID: 094652

Yeah this is not normal. Rest up and order the doctor to do a thorough scan while you're unconscious.

If she lewds you, you'll punch her into next week... next week.
No. 940418 ID: 4f0915

At this point you should abandon this idea of following this call to action and instead visit the med bay and stay if it's necessary, as much as they need you, a tired pilot is not a good one, and losing an ace to such a thing is not something you want (or anyone really), just ignore the "why am i fighting" voices and just hit the medbay
No. 940419 ID: 0fae41

Use the medi stick. You remember which one was the Equalizer, right?
No. 940425 ID: bb78f2

Your glory, your time to shine is here Oken.
Resting can wait.
I don't think you'll get up again if you rest Oken. Momentum's the only thing you got.

Take that neutralizer.
No. 940449 ID: 842ac4

No, you can't go rest, even if curling up into a ball and turning off is your most fervent desire. Now that the bullshit is laid bare to you you know exactly how expendable you are to these people and the minute you cede control of the situation they are going sedate you, catalog you as a test subject, and test their silly drugs on you. That's if they don't straight execute you for having killed another Astranian. You did the right thing, but you are now an inconvenient mess for whoever is running this place and they WILL dispose of you the second they get the opportunity.

If you are still under attack you might be able to wrangle yourself into a position of temporary authority long enough to maybe buy yourself an exit strategy. You can turn into a depressed lump when you are safely away from the Astranian authority.

For now, pretend like patriotism is still driving you and head to the bridge in an attempt to take control of the situation. One leg in front of the other, like you are marching in formation at boot camp.
No. 940456 ID: 10c408

Get to the medbay. Crawl if you have to, but walk if you can. This isn't the best place to take a nap.
No. 940458 ID: c49ece

You've got to get to the bridge- forget everyone else, if you aren't piloting this ship you're as toast as anybody on the Alta.
No. 940468 ID: 2202fb

Where did this come from? We killed a traitor and nothing more. Anything beyond that is just wild, paranoid speculation.


We should really just go rest. The ship can wait that long. It is too dangerous to do otherwise. The only exception being if a commanding officer shows up and commands us to pilot immediately.

I am honestly surprised they haven't tranquilized you and forced you into the medbay.
No. 940469 ID: b1b4f3

Stop being crazy.

Take a five minute break.
No. 940480 ID: 0a237f

One can't afford to rest in a situation that's this uncertain, do what it takes to get to the bridge.
No. 940490 ID: 842ac4



Are you guys familiar with the Astranians?

There's no such thing as "unacceptable losses" to them. To anyone in their hierarchy Oken is a loose end.
No. 940504 ID: eeb7d9

Who is Oken's superior right now? Should we ask them what to? As far as i remember, she has been doing things without receiving orders, i think it would make sense that she should ask for some right now. If Astranians follow a chain of command, she should follow orders instead of making decisions on her own, even less in the state she is right now.
No. 940547 ID: eb2fe2

If others can deal with the problems, then why do you still persist? You know damn well you're the best for this. You've already been through so much shit. You need to get up and get to that pilot seat. You can rest while you pilot.
No. 943499 ID: 8275cf
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No! I need to make it to the bridge
I pull myself back up, and keep walking
The commander needs me
the commander, something happened to him.
he's not on board the ship.
He's on Jucha.

I hear heavy footsteps approach.
I look up to see the towering form of Combat-Master Pary-Zegh.
She's in command now.
her vocal unit speaks to me.
"I admire your enthusiasm Pilot, but you look half dead."

"we need to rescue the commander" I respond trying to effect a strength I don't feel.

"Flek can wait"her words are meant to be warm, but the tone is cold "we need you to not die"
the combat master is in a grim mood

it feels wrong, it feels wrong that she commands this ship.
it feels wrong that I am more important than the Commander

but I feel weak, I can't tell if it's true
No. 943518 ID: 094652

Oken, try to remember WHY you specifically piloting the ship all the way to Jucha is so important to this mission. If it's less important than staying in optimal condition for combat parameters when you actually reach Jucha, take a nap.
No. 943522 ID: eeb7d9

I agree. You being half dead doesn't help anybody. Your superior gave you an order, do as you are told.
No. 943523 ID: b1b4f3

Ask for orders then.
No. 943527 ID: 0fae41

Push past the combat-master. Faint. Have your life flash before your eyes.
No. 943546 ID: e3e99e

"My duty... I need to get to the bridge. The commander needs me."
No. 943564 ID: 7fb87a

Tearing yourself apart before you even reach Jucha will not save your commander. You are part of a crew. Let them support you, and make you stronger.
No. 943692 ID: acfea1

Combat master gave orders: "Flek can wait. We need you to not die."

Follow your orders. Flek can wait. You have time to not-die correctly. The best person to keep you from dying is Leech Master Yeli. She's right there. Let her do her job. Then, when you're better, you can do your job.

Flek can wait.
No. 943708 ID: 0a7f21

This one is giving YOU orders? You saved the day here and this one is giving YOU orders?

If they weren't in that power suit you would've already crushed their skull and be on the bridge piloting your way to Flek right now.

Instead, standing right in front of you is everything wrong with the Astranian military hierarchy. Someone who doesn't know shit giving orders to someone trying to save the day.

S'people like this that caused you to crash on that planet way back when in the first place.
No. 943716 ID: c49ece

Odds are they know something you don't. Stand down, work on not dying.
No. 953076 ID: 6f7a5a
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I look into the dome of her helm "What are your . . . orders?"

she puts a hand on my shoulder and responds warmly "only that you rest and recover."

a) Rest
b) don't rest

No. 953077 ID: bef60d

You need to rest up for now, you can't pilot the ship as a corpse.
No. 953078 ID: cdabe3

No. 953087 ID: 094652

A - Okay, that is a spontaneous nosebleed, you're not going to stay conscious even if you pilot through adrenaline.
No. 953092 ID: 6c9030

You have been given an order by the lawful commander of this ship, and one who is above you in the chain of command.
You are required to comply.
No. 953096 ID: 33056f

B. When you cannot choose anymore, that is when you should rest.
No. 953098 ID: a96812

you're in no state to fight, go A
No. 953102 ID: 33adb3

Orders are orders. A
No. 953113 ID: f133dc

There's no winning this fight. But who cares. B.
No. 953139 ID: 5b0071

Rest and recuperate
You are running on fumes and the journey is still long. You must prepare for the rescue itself.
No. 953143 ID: acfea1


You have been given an order from someone directly in your chain of command. They have access to information you do not have.

No. 953240 ID: f133dc

You are doomed, the only question left is whether you die when you lay down and close your eyes or you die when you die trying to murder a superior who is fucking things up for you.

I say don't lie down until your legs won't work anymore.
No. 959238 ID: 6f7a5a
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yes . . . sir I manage as my eyelids grow heavy

* * *
No. 959239 ID: 6f7a5a
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A dreamless sleep passes with the blink of an eye, I am awake!
No. 959240 ID: 094652

Aaand... relieve tension.
No. 959241 ID: 0fae41

Up and at 'em, soldier!
No. 959243 ID: cdabe3

you somehow look worse than before. find some coffee
No. 959245 ID: 10c408

Mind the tube they shoved down your nasal passage before you bolt upright. See if there's anyone else nearby and double check that you've got pants on before you do anything else.
No. 959298 ID: a0dfd2


Oken needs no pants, only the glory of serving the Astramar.
No. 959303 ID: f0fa42

Ok, you look better, much less dead. How are you feeling?
No. 959324 ID: f133dc

Is that a blanket or are you strapped to that bed?

Getting out of bed is the obvious first step. Do not take any shit from nurses or doctors telling you to sleep.
No. 959344 ID: 6c9030

Now that you are patched up, call for an orderly and ask how long you were out, and what your condition is.
No. 959351 ID: 13059a

That's a abstract way of saying "let's go streaking"
No. 963328 ID: 6f7a5a
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I feel tense but strong, my arm no longer hurts and instead itches, the device attached to it is uncomfortable.
I sit up and take in my surroundings

there is no one else around, there are clean clothes on a nearby table, a medical tablet clearing me for duty and a blood stain on the wall.
No. 963330 ID: 0fae41

Leave room, getting dressed wastes valuable time. The bloodstain could be signs of shipboard action while you were asleep.
No. 963334 ID: b1b4f3

Time to get up and report for duty.
No. 963338 ID: e6eb48

Stand up and check how steady you are on your feet. Follow the tube that is up your nose to whatever device it is connected to and attempt to ID what it is for. It might be a feeding tube, which if it is means they couldn't rouse you for so long they had to resort to this way of feeding you. Whether it was a medically induced sleep or not you could not say. It would also mean you've been out of it for awhile. If it's just oxygen, then that may mean you had some respiratory issue. Whatever the tube is, you're gonna have to pull it out before leaving.

Examine blood stain to guess how long its been there. Dry, it's been there for awhile. Still damp means it's been less than a day. Ether way means that something has happened that has prevented the medical staff from cleaning it up, which is likely bad news.

Dress in clean clothes, take the medical tablet as proof you're cleared for duty and equip the mace in your right hand. Stand to side of exit door, press the open button and listen for activity before peeking around doorway.

Make a mental note to find a doctor or other qualified medical personnel to examine your left arm to determine if it is safe to remove the arm brace. Even though your left arm doesn't hurt any more, that is not a sure indication it would not break once without the brace's support.
No. 963467 ID: f133dc

Didn't you have something important you were supposed to be doing? On the bridge? Might as well get dressed and pretend everything is ok long enough to assess how you are going to do that.

Of course, that's no reason not to bring your mace.
No. 963950 ID: acfea1

Any signs of what caused the bloodstain? How old is it? Seems like it might be important to know if there's an insurgent or worse in the area.
No. 963952 ID: b4abb9

Get clothes, get to work. We need to find out why there is blood in your room. That shouldn't be there.
No. 966542 ID: e96198

Pretty sure a proper hospital would have cleaned that blood off. Look for a weapon.
No. 967310 ID: b2f24c

also avoid combat, it might cripple you further, you might feel fine, but you're still in a very vulnerable state
No. 967323 ID: 094652

Find a medical kit before you leave
No. 969509 ID: 6f7a5a
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I stand up and dress in the clothing left to me.

I take the mace and go to look at the blood stain . . . it's fresh

as my vision clears from sleep I realize I'm not alone.
No. 969511 ID: cdabe3

uh oh

better ask what happened
No. 969540 ID: 72056d

Take a look? Hide and wait?
No. 969541 ID: 0fae41

One good blood stain deserves another.
No. 969554 ID: b1b4f3

Oh I guess the person is behind a corner, that's why we're not being given a view of them. Couldn't tell when I first looked at the image.
Ready your mace, and ask who's there. If there's no answer, you're gonna want to silently move to get a better view while staying within mace range but out of grapple range.
No. 971250 ID: 6f7a5a
File 159366021697.png - (358.28KB , 542x920 , APO013.png )

"who's there?" I ask stepping around the corner, weapon ready.

I look down to see the fallen form of Combat-Master Pary-Zegh.
she shifts as I come into view "Oken . . ."

"Yes it's me." I confirm

"The assassin . . . 'Aimlock', I can no longer protect this ship, you must get it to . . . safe harbor, the Vin-Malor Shipyards."
No. 971252 ID: b1b4f3

Ask for information about the assassin's capabilities, and who else is alive on the ship. Is the assassin trying to kill someone specific or are they trying to destroy the ship and everyone on it?

We should get our bearings and figure out if there are any allies on the way to the armory. Oken's current equipment is not enough to fight an assassin (at least, not head on) so we need to gear up.
Actually hold on, find out if Pary-Zegh is going to die, or if we can save them. Maybe we can use their armor if there's nothing Oken can do to save them?
No. 971270 ID: 0fae41

It's time to live up to your family name and pilot, ace! Take a circuitous route to the bridge, and watch for traps/being followed.
Did the battle master drop any good loot?
No. 971278 ID: f133dc

If Aimlock is taking out powered armored troopers, you aren't going to stand much of a chance.

Didn't you have something else, something more important you were doing?
No. 971306 ID: ecd116

they look like their in a really bad state. is there anything that can be done for Pary-Zegh in terns of healing or patching up? at most to get them in a walking/moving condition or at least stabilized enough so they don't succumb to bleeding out or deadly infection which leave to organ failure.
otherwise if they are too far gone past that point. ask Pary-Zegh if they got any last words/regrets even requests for you, even if it just advice for you or any crewmember that is still living to up their own chance of survival long enough to either stop this assassin or to escape the ship alive.
No. 971312 ID: 977456

This appears to be a wounded comrade. You appear to be at a medical facility. Maybe you can spin this into some sort of combining mecha montage?
No. 971321 ID: 094652

"Do I have amnesia? The last thing I remember was being ordered to sleep.

Come on soldier, try to get up. If you die now, I'll need to tear your augmentations out of their sockets to survive this suicide mission."
No. 972976 ID: 6f7a5a
File 159546141545.png - (363.87KB , 569x920 , APO014.png )

I curse at the thought of the traitor marauding our halls "the assassin sounds pretty dangerous, If you're as good as dead I'm going to need that Armour"

"NO!" Pary-Zegh exclaims "my armor is no proof against Aimlock's sheild breaker rifle" the Combat-Master lifts herself up "besides this suit should still allow me to protect you"
No. 972987 ID: 094652

Find a medical station and staunch the bleeding before you go on. Even if they're willing to throw themselves at the enemy, you still need to try to keep them alive.
No. 972990 ID: b1b4f3

Yeah let's do some first aid (and also confirm that's who she says she is, can't see her face) then get moving. Head towards the armory if it's still secure. Shields are useless against the shield breaker apparently but you can at least upgrade your weapon and maybe pick up some other tools like grenades.
No. 972992 ID: 6c9030

"Which you will only be able to do if we staunch that bleed first."
No. 973024 ID: be5bd2

Okay I might be going crazy but does this whole interaction seem really weird to anyone else?

Pary-Zegh is apparently injured and in her last moments, speaking with difficulty, then just springs up and no longer speaking with any issues?

Come to think of it the language being used is strange too, it's like an NPC quest-givers dialogue. Also where is that blood coming from? For that much splatter on the outside of the suit I'd expect a big fukkin hole somewhere visible.

Either this is a dream or the assassin is inside that powersuit feeding you some bullshit.
No. 973075 ID: d186fc

Leaning towards this as well
No. 977639 ID: 6f7a5a
File 160151674101.png - (579.35KB , 597x920 , APO015.png )

Something feels wrong
"Lead the way Pilot" she says

I start to move then stop
wasn't her Injury seemed a lot more serious moments ago?

I turn and speak calmly "first lets get you to a medical station to staunch the bleeding" and to check if your really are Pary-Zegh.

"we haven't the time" she says "we have to hurry before Aimlock finds us"
No. 977640 ID: b1b4f3

Request that she lower her visor, or else you will assume she is Aimlock.
No. 977648 ID: d8a7af


A reasonable demand. But do we know how Aimlock looks like? Or how Pary-Zegh looks like?
No. 977649 ID: 094652

Medical Protocol states that you must subdue the target to ensure they receive medical attention.
That Sexy Paranoia says "bash her head in, see if she's Aimlock, and steal her awesome exosuit".
No. 977652 ID: b1b4f3

Actually let me amend my suggestion to be more forceful: ask to see her face. if she hesitates or refuses then commence with the beatdowns.
No. 977709 ID: 0fae41

Pretty sus. Go on without them.
No. 977722 ID: 735fa3

Yeah, cause a spindly deer with a spiky ball is a fair match to a power armored space trooper.
No. 977782 ID: 6f7a5a
File 160166708322.png - (487.09KB , 597x920 , APO016.png )

I know Pary-Zegh pretty well, she's a tall strong Gauthian the voice sounds about right too . . . still I have to be sure "raise your visor I need to see your face"

the person that might be Pary-Zegh pauses then responds flatly "you're getting distracted Oken, we need to go to the bridge" I see her looming over me, dominant in her power suit, what I wouldn't give to break who ever it is.

A) -Knows that she is weak and submits to the order
B) -Will die fighting and never surrender!

No. 977784 ID: b1b4f3

No. 977785 ID: f56a2b

A. Do not think, just execute orders!
No. 977786 ID: 4a0869

No. 977788 ID: 735fa3

Oken needed a chance to ambush her.

Oken just gave away that she was suspicious, and thus the only course of action is to die swinging that mace and hope to bring your foe a little pain. It's better than the inevitable laser shot in the back once whatever purpose they have for you is served.
No. 977789 ID: 0fae41

Never give up! Never surrender! Go for the wounded side!
No. 977790 ID: ba659f

Sigh... Why does she have to do this difficult? We are not asking something unreasonable.
You know what fine, let's keep going. I going with A. At least have your eyes and ears on her. Even if we are right in our suspicions, she is in power armor, we are in a disadvantage. We need to find a better position to strike or get away from her if everything goes south.
Just keep boiling your blood... For now. You should ask for a promotion after this.
No. 977796 ID: 094652

Begin humping the power suit. While she's startled, bash the helmet in.
No. 977802 ID: 3aa06e

B and also >>977786 that's a cool line. Use it.
No. 978187 ID: acfea1

Their purpose is to get Oken to take the ship to the Vin-Malor Shipyards, or perhaps to just reveal where those shipyards are.

Are the Vin-Malor Shipyards a secret location? Do they require passcodes that Oken would know to approach?
Or is this just a matter of Oken's expertise as an Ace Pilot being needed?

Astranian combat suits probably have onboard drugs for allowing a hurt fighter to keep moving and fighting. Would such drugs affect Pary-Zegh's judgement and ability to be emotive?

I think this is Pary-Zegh and that they are just drugged to the gills and trying to make the best of a bad situation.

A. Submit to the chain of command.
No. 983292 ID: 6f7a5a
File 160759107019.png - (499.11KB , 597x920 , APO017.png )


I keep screaming

I feel a small part of my try to maintain control

but there's no point

I will die here

but I won't make it easy

I won't let them control me

I give in to the fury
No. 983293 ID: 6f7a5a
File 160759121117.png - (533.99KB , 627x920 , APO018.png )

the enemy is saying words but I don't hear them

I'm still screaming

there are stars in the sky

a mirror shatters
No. 983294 ID: b1b4f3

See the face of your target before you strike it. Make sure.
No. 983310 ID: 894419

Spit into the face of your foe before you kill them! Give them no quarter!
No. 983314 ID: 1473b9

No. 983315 ID: 1af755

Don’t hesitate like the traitor did. Hesitation is death.
...How was that armor going to protect either of you if a tiny deer can smash it in?
No. 983322 ID: 8ac9ea

I think a solid chunk of the defence is from it having shield projectors. If they were, say, non-operational cause they were hit with something like a 'shieldbreaker rifle' and the suit is now being used by said assassin, the glass dome is probably just that.
No. 983337 ID: 6f7a5a
File 160764360139.png - (694.39KB , 627x920 , APO019.png )

I hesitate
a part of me is filled with doubt
that doubt hold back my fury for an instant
my thoughts flow back to me and my vision clears
I need to know I'm not making a mistake
I need to see the face of who I'm attacking

But there is no face, only the harsh glow from a robot's screen.
it's taken the time I've given it to draw a gun from a compartment on it's leg
the laser gun is aimed at my head
in a tinny voice that still resembles Pary-Zegh it speaks "OBEY OR DIE."
No. 983338 ID: 422cea

Fuck. This. Shit.

Lunge to the ground and try to drive your mace into the back of one of its knees to hamper its mobility. Your stature compared to this power armored robot is giving you WAY more clearance to move than you think.
No. 983340 ID: e8bee9

this, cripple it so it can't train its gun on us
No. 983341 ID: 1473b9

Ok, you are good to go to smash this thing. Go low, hit a knee and force it to kneel, then target the head.
No. 983345 ID: 67d59f

That morningstar probably has some sort of tech that allows it to penetrate (vibration, or something, idk). They wouldn't use them if they weren't effective.
No. 983351 ID: 0fae41

Dodge right, go for the face. If you survive, take this lesson to heart: Disloyalty is the only evidence you need to cast judgment.
No. 983392 ID: c862ff

What does this even mean exactly? I mean, in this case nobody was even disloyal cuz it is a robot. Also, fanaticism isn't necessarily good. Critical thinking is a virtue. Only be loyal to those who deserve our loyalty. That being said, our faction currently deserves it.
No. 983409 ID: 735fa3

You already chose DIE, now make it the thing that dies instead of you. Move and swing at once, and don't stop swinging until it stops moving.
No. 983410 ID: 98d886

Seconding this, you're not gonna be able to just beat it with brute force, be smart and cripple it.
No. 983439 ID: db14b0

Vomit into its optics.
No. 991558 ID: 1d109c
File 161587177566.png - (527.61KB , 627x920 , APO020.png )

I charge! going for the legs

I don't make it a step before the combat machine bludgeons me with it's gun

hard metal slams into my cheek and I tumble
No. 991559 ID: 1d109c
File 161587185405.png - (580.34KB , 658x920 , APO021.png )

I hit the ground, crushing weight weight pins me as the robot steps on me

so much pain, can't breath

a com-channel crackles to life,

the machine speaks into it "Pary-Zegh. this is Aim-Lock. The pilot knows I am not you. it has become hostile and dangerous."

a second voice speaks out "Killed it, it'll still serve its purpose for at least ten minutes"

"Understood" the machine responds as it levels its pistol
No. 991560 ID: 1d109c
File 161587192692.png - (565.32KB , 658x920 , APO022.png )

"No!" I manage to cough from my empty lungs as I ram my mace into the robot's knee

burning plasma flashes right by my head

I take in a breath
No. 991561 ID: b1b4f3

You'll want to get behind it, through its legs, and attack as it turns towards you. Try to hit its optics.
No. 991565 ID: 8483cf

Go for the exposed electronics. It's gotta have those somewhere.
No. 991582 ID: 777990

Hah, knew that bitch was full of shit. Should've crushed her when you had the chance.
No. 991671 ID: 6894eb

Why let it face you?
Stay to its rear, where it'll be tough for it to lethally assault you.
No. 991673 ID: dcdd1c

It can probably swing around pretty quickly. Staying behind would be nice, but with a damaged knee and possible damage to its power lines, it probably lacks endurance. If you can just get out of its line of sight, running away might be the best option.
No. 991926 ID: 777990

Isn't it funny Oken, that every time you've had the urge to kill someone so far it was the absolute right move?

Maybe they were always full of shit about binders lash.
No. 1099029 ID: 0d1c28
File 172990315058.png - (852.68KB , 658x920 , APO023.png )

Aim-Lock tries to report "Pary-Zegh. the target-"

I dive between it's legs

"-is resisting, I can't-" the robot continues

a blade narrowly misses my leg
No. 1099030 ID: 0d1c28
File 172990320197.png - (964.63KB , 658x920 , APO024.png )

"-hold a lock" the robots words are fast

I go for the head,
it bats away my mace with it's pistol.

"-require support!"the robot's words are too fast to respond

A blast errupts behind me I can't get away

"clarify! what is-" Pary-Zegh tries to cut it

Can't think. I just swing, crushing the mace into it's other leg

"Heavy Damage, Left leg!" Aim-Lock reports

wobbling the robot movies to stab me
No. 1099032 ID: eb0a9c

Neutral backstep, position carefully, charge attack in the nuts. Shoot through the hole.
No. 1099034 ID: e00f12

Quickly move around it towards the gun-side, sticking as close as possible. When it swings spring back-blade side and crush the forearm, from there the machine is helpless as long as you stay near it and on the blade-side.
No. 1099093 ID: ea5ee4

No. 1099112 ID: 2f41db

Close maneuvers and precise targetting of stress points.
Calm under pressure.
Very much in your flight lane.
No. 1099170 ID: 3f3838

Get on it's back.

Crush it's arms.

Then swing at it's head until it stops moving. Swing until it's a pile of scrap. Swing until you feel that rage that's building inside you since long before this twat attacked you subside.
No. 1099558 ID: 0d1c28
File 173119697333.png - (662.70KB , 658x920 , APO025.png )

"-happening! repeat" Pary-Zegh voice crackles from the radio

I step back to avoid a sword strike and swing for the arm.
the metal in the are squeals and twists, disarming the robot.

"Heavy Damage, right arm!" Aim-Lock reports
No. 1099559 ID: eb0a9c

Finish up with the left arm, then retreat. Find an area with minimal tech, it might be capable of hacking smart objects!
No. 1099564 ID: 273c18

Might be time to go for the kill, assuming you can avoid getting shot while doing so.
No. 1099610 ID: 2f41db

Complete operation disarmament and then get a distance to breathe.
Maybe see if you can spy a leg vulnerability while you recover
No. 1099611 ID: 2f41db

Complete operation disarmament and then get a distance to breathe.
Maybe see if you can spy a leg vulnerability while you recover
No. 1099612 ID: ea5ee4

No. 1099959 ID: 3f3838

You can't slow down, or stop, or hesitate. The only thing keeping you alive is the next swing of that mace keeping the damned machine off balance.

That's ok, because you love thrashing it to bits, the only ounce of joy you can remember right now is how good it felt feeling that things ankle crunch.

I'm betting it'd feel amazing to see it's head crunch and turn into a pile of splintered circuitry. That would probably heal all the wounds and make things seem positively rosy again. Just don't slow down, for even a second.
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