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File 173673875124.png - (228.23KB , 1200x1200 , ALS1.png )
1102232 No. 1102232 ID: b57653

Your name is Speedrun. You are an autistic lesbian. You've just transferred to a new school even though you are an 18 year old in her senior year.

Because your name is Speedrun you are obsessed with speedrunning, and now that you're starting a new school you've decided to attempt your greatest speedrun challenge yet: romance!

Just remember: if you fail to score a highschool sweetheart in record time, you'll be alone forever!

Expand all images
No. 1102234 ID: b57653
File 173673891216.png - (176.54KB , 1200x1200 , ALS2.png )

Choose Your Special Interest!

Besides speedrunning, you have another special interest. It's...

A. Sonic the Hedgehog

B. Trains

C. Star Trek
No. 1102235 ID: b57653
File 173673899241.png - (163.46KB , 1200x1200 , ALS3.png )

Choose Your Boob Size!

You have large boobs. They are...

A. Big

B. Huge

C. Gigantic
No. 1102236 ID: b57653
File 173673923322.png - (189.75KB , 1200x1200 , ALS4.png )

Choose Your Best Friend!

You have a purely platonic best friend named Casey who will stick by you though thick and thin. They are...

A. A girl with a huge cock

B. An effeminate boy with a huge cock

(Note: you're not into dick no matter who it's attached to, so this is more for the author than anything.)
No. 1102237 ID: b57653
File 173673935562.png - (153.58KB , 1200x1200 , ALS5.png )

Choose a Perk!

Haha, being on the spectrum is awesome so you get to choose a perk! You have...


B. Anxiety

Make your choices! The traits with the most votes will determine your fate haha!
No. 1102239 ID: 462d8c

Your interest is Sonic, more specificly Bunnie Rabbot
You've got Big boobs
Your best friend is a girl with a huge cock (you're sure they have other traits)
And you suffer from ADHD

That is to say, nothing but straight A's, just like your grades
No. 1102240 ID: f1368b

No. 1102241 ID: 54cbae

A - Sonic teh Hegheg
B - huge
B - boydick

You are the dancing queen!!
No. 1102242 ID: 45011e

No. 1102243 ID: a7a180

C, B, B, B.
No. 1102245 ID: 280bb3

A, Sonic
B, Huge
A, Girl
No. 1102246 ID: 7c5835


I would never wish anxiety on someone
No. 1102247 ID: c5529d

No. 1102253 ID: 43bfa4

No. 1102260 ID: 90b21b

C, B, A, B
No. 1102263 ID: 3b9d4a

A - Sonic
C - Gigantic
A - Girl
B - Anxiety
No. 1102264 ID: 6c233e

No. 1102266 ID: 0db8d3

A-The classic signature autistic mascot
A-Booba big but not whole body
A-What's an Apples Quest without Futa?
Both- Let's be realistic here
No. 1102268 ID: 4c750c

My vote is for
A Sonic
A Big
A Futa
And A for ADHD
Not only are these the choices that align with my interests, but a TRUE speedrunner would just pick the first selected option instantly for faster menuing.
No. 1102271 ID: 0477be

I thought that autistic lesbians were all MRAs.
No. 1102275 ID: 3ac676

No. 1102276 ID: 273c18

No. 1102278 ID: 096368

BABA is you, indeed
No. 1102279 ID: 771180


The next update is in progress.
No. 1102286 ID: c6d04f
File 173681112555.png - (165.52KB , 1200x1200 , ALS6.png )

Traits locked in!

In addition to speedrunning, you love all things Sonic the Hedgehog (especially Bunnie Rabbot, hubba hubba!)

Your tits are Huge despite your relatively young age because of your Macromastia which you inherited from your mother. Also, let's be fair, you're a bit of a chonker.

Your best friend Casey is a Girl with a huge dick. She suffers from acute macrophallus disorder. You met at the endocrinologist back in middle school and have been best friends ever since.

Finally, you're blessed with ADHD. As a result, multiple choice options have been disabled. Good luck on your speedrun when you're subject to the whims of any random thought that pops into your head!

DAY 1 TIME: 00:03:27

The clock is ticking! You decided to start the timer at the earliest possible time when you could be romancing, which by your calculations would be your first encounter with another female student. A girl in your school uniform said "Hi" to you about three minutes ago. That's when you broke into a dead sprint and are currently booking your way at max speed toward the school.
No. 1102287 ID: c6d04f
File 173681113019.png - (218.85KB , 1200x1200 , ALS7.png )

DAY 1 TIME: 00:08:55

Suddenly, a gawky, awkward, four-eyes waves at you from across the street and starts running after you. It's your best pal Casey of course! The girl who suffers from acute macrophallus disorder.

Apart from her a truly monstrous schlong, Casey is also endowed with an utterly infallible gaydar which comes in handy because despite the fact that you're a lesbian (you've self-diagnosed as a 5.8 on the Kinsey scale) your gaydar is shit.

Seriously just complete shit. If it weren't for Casey backing you up you'd probably never find a girl to date because she'd be flirting with you to your face and you wouldn't pick up on it.

Casey: "Speedrun! Hey Speedrun! Wait up! It's me! Your friend Casey!"
No. 1102288 ID: c6d04f
File 173681128638.png - (235.21KB , 1200x1200 , ALS8.png )

DAY 1 TIME: 00:09:20

Even though it might hurt your time, you slow down to let Casey catch up.

Casey: "I got your text last night. You said you're starting a new speedrun and you need my help!"

Casey: "I can't wait! What game are we playing?"
No. 1102290 ID: c5529d


Tell her you're doing a speedrun right now, no time to explain, tell her to find the gayest girl on this campus for you, gogogo!
No. 1102291 ID: a7a180

Wingman Commander.
No. 1102292 ID: 1effd3

"We're speedrunning me getting lesbi-laid, and sorry you cant be counted for this run since we're already friends! That'd be cheating."
No. 1102294 ID: 6c233e

The game of love, now find us a target.
No. 1102296 ID: 0db8d3

We're playing "Speedrun Speed running to get Laid. Romantically."
Speedwagoning for short.

You're going to be my trusty Wingman Commander.
Alternatively you can be my Tails if you swap from pony tail to pig tails.
No. 1102299 ID: 280bb3


No. 1102300 ID: 25fb94

I'm trying to get some pussy and you are my wingman!
No. 1102306 ID: 2f7f6e

What exactly marks the end of this speedrun, anyways? Getting a girl to agree to date you? A kiss? Getting laid?
No. 1102309 ID: 7c5835

yeah is this a get sex speedrun, a have x dates speedrun, a have someone else say you are dating speedrun? is this any%

Also Gotta data fast is your response
No. 1102311 ID: c6d04f
File 173682398416.png - (169.75KB , 1200x1200 , ALS9.png )

Speedrun: "We're playing 'Speedrun Speed running to get Laid. Romantically.' Speedwagoning for short."

Casey: *GASP!*

Speedrun: "You are going to be my trusty wangman—wing...Wing Commander... You're gonna be my Tails... My Miles 'Tails' Prower! So do up your hair into twin ponytails and go find me the gayest girl on campus!"

Casey: "I've been training for this moment my entire life!"
No. 1102312 ID: c6d04f
File 173682398724.png - (227.76KB , 1200x1200 , ALS10.png )

Casey hurriedly does her hair up into twin ponytails and is off like a bloodhound. Within minutes she's spotted her quarry.

Casey: "Speedrun, over here! This giraffe is gay as hell!"
No. 1102315 ID: 6c233e

Go for impact! Down on one knee and propose... a date!
No. 1102316 ID: 7bdd10

Run to her, sonic adventure style, which is basically the Naruto run
No. 1102317 ID: 3e8516

Gay as hell? That means she likes devils!

Talk about devils, wear your deviless costume, show her how many you've caught in your Pokemon Ars Goethia catridge for the Playboy Colour.

Make sure you have a pillow to catch her when she falls head over heels for you.
No. 1102318 ID: 57c47c

You have to impress that gay giraffe. Gotta go fast! Ask her her opinion on Sonic Boom, that's pretty easy to get into.
No. 1102320 ID: a7a180

Don't run away after she says hello this time. You need to build up speed first for... something.
No. 1102321 ID: 4591f8

Do you have any cheese? I heard you can fascinate a woman by presenting a piece of cheese.
No. 1102325 ID: 0db8d3

Deep breath.
Gotta pretend to be normal not to scare them off.

Introduce yourself, ask their name, apologize for your friend calling them a giraffe even though giraffes are cool.
Fall into an info dump within the first 30 seconds of conversation containing info relevant to all other suggestions.
No. 1102326 ID: 90b21b

Ask if she wants to play porn multiplayer games.
No. 1102327 ID: 273c18

The true speedrun is to cut straight to the point. Ask her to be your girlfriend.
No. 1102379 ID: 2de020
File 173691197871.png - (238.73KB , 1200x1200 , ALS11.png )

DAY 1 TIME 00:12:45

>Run to her Sonic Adventure style

Gotta go fast! You morph yourself into the most aerodynamic possible shape and sprint at full speed toward your target!
No. 1102380 ID: 2de020
File 173691198258.png - (275.10KB , 1200x1200 , ALS12.png )

DAY 1 TIME 00:12:47

>Get down on one knee and propose... a date!

You try to get down on one knee while still under a full head of steam and end up doing a sort of power slide instead. You skid to a stop on the sidewalk at the giraffe girl's feet.
No. 1102381 ID: 2de020
File 173691198571.png - (181.39KB , 1200x1200 , ALS13.png )

DAY 1 TIME 00:12:48

The pain you're experiencing is incredible, but there's no time to feel it. You have to focus. You must... HYPERFOCUS!

You take a deep breath in...
No. 1102382 ID: 2de020
File 173691199119.png - (224.68KB , 1200x1200 , ALS14.png )

DAY 1 TIME 00:13:18


Speedrun: "Do you know what speedrunning is a speedrun is when you try to beat a game as fast as possible it's also my name my parents named me Speedrun and that's why I love speedrunning more than anything in the world and right now I'm attempting a speedrun in real life called the 'In Real Life Romance Speedrun Challenge' where I try to get a high school sweetheart as fast as possible and now that—"


Speedrun: I think of it I really haven't set the parameters of what the win condition of this speedrun is but I know it first starts with getting a girlfriend and that starts with going on a date do you think a date is something you might be interested in pleasesayyes...
No. 1102383 ID: 2de020
File 173691199549.png - (116.28KB , 1200x1200 , ALS15.png )

DAY 1 TIME 00:13:42

The giraffe girl stares blankly at you for several precious seconds.
No. 1102384 ID: 2de020
File 173691200056.png - (230.92KB , 1200x1200 , ALS16.png )

DAY 1 TIME 00:13:50

Giraffe Girl: "Speedrun sounds like a Warrior Cats name have you heard of Warrior Cats? There's a cat in the stories called Swfitpaw and that's kind of like Speedrun when you think about it do you have a Warrior Cats OC? I do his name is Tallcat and he has the power to grow taller than all the other cats. . . ."

Oh NO! She's got the 'tism real bad too and now she's infodumping hard!

DAY 1 TIME 00:15:38

Giraffe Girl: "...And that's when Rusty changed his name to Firepaw and joined the Warrior Cats clan, but the evil Warrior Cats were scheming something and. . . ."

It's still happening! She's going to totally blow your time! What do you do???
No. 1102385 ID: a7a180

Let's cut class to talk about Warrior Cats at the library!
No. 1102386 ID: f1368b

it's a dead end, remember your speedrunning tactics to stabilize after a flub. don't get tilted and pivot to a new girl!
No. 1102387 ID: 90b21b

The only way you could be even more lucky is if you accidentally stabbed her to death and became a goddess immediately afterwards.

Shift the conversation over to a porno game and then ask if she wants to do you and your giant rack in the bathroom.
No. 1102388 ID: 6c233e

Invite her to continue this conversation at a bookstore coffeshop. Or a cat cafe if your town has one.
No. 1102390 ID: 280bb3

Silence her with a kiss. It's the only way.
No. 1102391 ID: b6fc11

Form a connections by connecting your interests with hers and asking what if Blaze the Cat was a warrior cat?
No. 1102393 ID: 9b76c6

Abort the run. You already know it deep down in your soul, but this run is a fail. Besides, speedrunning is all about the thousands of retries, it wouldn't be right to succeed on the first try.
No. 1102394 ID: 0db8d3

To break info dump mode you must reset their brain!

Cause a break by touching her. Put your finger on her lips and slide it downward!

Then go for the kill!
Let's go back to my place! We can get naked while you show me your Tumblr/AO3/neopets/Gaia/IMVU/Sims 3 neighborhood!

Alternatively you could cause a segmentation fault by instead asking if she wants to make out, but that's not very speed-runny is it?
No. 1102397 ID: e0cc8e

Press the skip dialogue button by poking her nip
If there is no skip dialogue button, mash the other nip 69 times per second to go thru dialogue faster
No. 1102411 ID: 4c750c

We only get this one shot! Any resets would be ng+ since any gameplay at all permanently affects the save file.

I’m surprised by a lot of you. Since when is this NMG? This is a scripted unskippable cutscene which means the camera is locked. We can use this time while the player model is offscreen to do some blind inputs. As she’s infodumping, we can push the romantic interest over to the library so the escort quest over to it autocompletes. (She moves slower than our running speed, but faster than our walking speed! Shit design!) We can also pick up the mandatory quest item, “Warriors: Into the Wild” while we wait for the dialogue to finish. All these inputs are blind, but you’ve got your metronome for this occasion. Your name isn’t Speedrun for nothing.
No. 1102413 ID: 4c750c

Oh right! Also actively listen to her infodump while you’re performing the skip! She might give some critical information that’ll help with the run!
No. 1102443 ID: c6d04f
File 173699720555.png - (178.55KB , 1200x1200 , ALS17.png )

DAY 1 TIME: 00:17:05

Your gamer's instincts war inside you. Part of you wants to just abort the run and start over, but after some consideration you see this for what it is: an unskippable cutscene!

Time for some blind inputs. Maybe you can fondle her tits a bit while you're not being rendered and increase her arousal levels so when the cutscene ends she's already primed and ready to go.

You reach up and grab a handful of the giraffe girl's boob.


Giraffe Girl: "Did you... did you just honk my boob?"

Oops! Looks like it wasn't an unskippable cutscene after all.
No. 1102444 ID: 2f41db

Squeeze thenother one so theyre even.
Her 'tism will appreciate this pro move
No. 1102445 ID: a7a180

"I wanted to tousle your hair romantically but I can't reach."
No. 1102446 ID: 90b21b

"I have no idea why I just did that."
No. 1102452 ID: 6c233e

No time no time! Scoop her up and get to the nearest hot date location.
No. 1102456 ID: 4c7343

Which is the rooftop of the school! Hopefully they didnt lock up the door leading outside to the rooftop
No. 1102459 ID: 4c750c

Okay, shit, we can recover this by flirting? We’re not sure how gay this girl is. Well, actually, we know she’s gay as hell. But we don’t know how horny she is! So, 3 step recovery plan.
1. Apologize. You got ahead of yourself cuz this is a blind run, you’re still figuring out the mechanics. Fastest way to make up for the timeloss is to spend a bit of time smoothing things over before you ruin everything and have to circle back to the gay girl locating phase (MASSIVE timeloss)!

2. Offer her a touch of your boob as compensation. It’s only fair! Plus, it’s flirty! If she declines, it’s a bit of timeloss, but again, it’s best to stick to this girl cuz who knows how long it’ll take to find another one? She’s bound to appreciate the offer either way.

3. For the love of god, find out this girl’s name so we can stop calling her Giraffe Girl!

4. Once all of this has been done, tell her you’d LOVE to learn about Warrior Cats later. Optimally, genuinely mean that, cuz after the run you still will have a life, and that life will probably involve this girl, whether she stays your high school sweetheart or not. It’d be nice to have something in common~
No. 1102461 ID: 3df1ab

Ask if she wants to honk yours.
No. 1102462 ID: 7c1f1c

If this girl's 'tism is strong enough, an indirect approach like flirting is not the right move. We should take advantage of this; there will be fewer inputs necessary to get to the goal, and if we crash and burn, it's a quick reset. Be clear, direct, and radically honest:

"Yes. You're really hot."

(This may have been intended as an unskippable cutscene, by the way, but it looks like you've found an exploit. You can look back at this as the discovery of Infodump Skip.)
No. 1102475 ID: a62b1d

TRUE ACTUALLY!!! Also offer a honk in return if you wanna, but being direct like this is a massive timesave for SURE!
No. 1102478 ID: 9b76c6

Ask her if this isn't how Warrior Cats lesbian sex is done? Maybe she should show you then.
No. 1102498 ID: 435f13
File 173708579239.png - (223.38KB , 1200x1200 , ALS18.png )

DAY 1 TIME: 00:17:15

Speedrun: "You want to honk mine? They're really big so they honk real loud."

Casey: "It's true! Tell me if you're going to honk them so I know if I need to cover my ears."
No. 1102499 ID: 435f13
File 173708579877.png - (126.83KB , 1200x1200 , ALS19.png )

DAY 1 TIME: 00:17:20

Giraffe Girl: "Um... I'd like that, but..."

Speedrun: "I think you're super hot, by the way."

Giraffe Girl: "I um... sort of have a girlfriend."

Speedrun: "..."

Speedrun: "Is it... Is it me?"

Giraffe Girl: "..."

Giraffe Girl: "No."
No. 1102500 ID: 4c750c

OH! Okay, from the way she said that, polyamory isn’t on the table. For minimum repercussions, quickly profusely apologize!
Express an interest to remain friends, and that you’ll talk about Warrior Cats later, but you’re in a bit of a rush right now and make your swift exit with Casey in tow. Also, PLEASE get her name if you can!

Alternatively for MAXIMUM repercussions just sprint away right now dragging Casey with you. “We gotta find another gay girl NOW!!!” Friendship possibly ruined, but timesave? Not worth it imo, but you do you
No. 1102501 ID: 6c233e

Pivot. Recruit her as friend to augment your existing friend. Her height can increase the range of Casey's gaydar.
No. 1102502 ID: a7a180

Hm. Better ask about girlfriends first now. It's a great segue into wanting to be one.
No. 1102505 ID: 7c5835

shake her hand, wish her well on her relationship and ask her if she knows anyone that's gay, follow up with a question if they wear glasses.
No. 1102506 ID: 4c750c


Actually this! Recruit! No gays left behind!
No. 1102507 ID: 90b21b

Apologize, move on, run.
No. 1102508 ID: 25fb94

Polyamory is NOT on the table based on what she said.

Know any single lesbians on campus?
No. 1102510 ID: 9b76c6

Tableflip and move on.
No. 1102511 ID: d58817

Reset, attempt number two. Thank her for her time. And if she's gracious enough to give you any hot tips, we night make it New Game+.
No. 1102512 ID: 4dc159

No. 1102513 ID: 2f41db

For sure.
Her height should give a bonus to lesbian spotting.
No. 1102528 ID: a62b1d

Oh! If we’re recruiting her, she needs a Sonic character! Knuckles is tempting, but this girl is like, the opposite of Knuckles. No Sonic Heroes just yet. But she’s into Warrior Cats so see if she’d be open to being Blaze the Cat?
No. 1102546 ID: 25fb94

There's a LOT more female feline sonic characters in addition to Blaze the Cat! Honey the Cat, Nicole the Holo-Lynx, Ebony the Cat, and Hershey the Cat. Maybe one of them might fit?
No. 1102552 ID: 435f13
File 173717518191.png - (248.29KB , 1200x1200 , ALS20.png )

DAY 1 TIME: 00:18:18

Speedrun: "I'm sorry I honked your boob. Will you please help me on my speedrun to find romance?"

Giraffe Girl: "I'm not sure what I could do..."

Speedrun: "You're super tall. You could let Casey ride on your shoulders to extend the range of her gaydar..."

Giraffe Girl: "Oh uh... sure, I guess."

Casey: "My nutsack is the size of a neck pillow. It would be very comfortable!"

Giraffe Girl: *makes an expression of regret*

Speedrun: "Can she climb on your shoulders now?

Giraffe Girl: "... School is going to start in a few minutes. Maybe after?"

Speedrun: "It's a deal. Welcome to the team! Your code name shall be... Vector the Crocodile! Because you're long like a crocodile."

Giraffe Girl: "... My name's Yuri."

Yuri turns to leave, glancing back over her shoulder to give you a tentative wave before striding away in a manner that reminds you more than a little bit of the Rain Deer from Rainworld.
No. 1102553 ID: 435f13
File 173717518960.png - (345.71KB , 1200x1200 , ALS21.png )

DAY 1 TIME: 00:35:40

Ms. Cougar: "Okay class, settle down. We have some new students joining our school this semester. I want you all to make them feel welcome."

Ms. Cougar turns to you and Casey.

Ms. Cougar: "Girls, please introduce yourselves."

Speedrun: "Hello, everyone. My name is Speedrun Community and I love speedrunning. My greatest speedrunning accomplishments so far are achieving the eighth place world record for any% at Puni Puni Possum and the twelfth place world record for 100% completion in Frog Coin Jamboree. It's not technically a speedrun but I can also complete the Super Mario 64 120 star run in 25 and a half A presses..."

Casey: "Hiiiiii new friends! My name's Casey Jane and my penis is exactly the same size as three soda cans stacked on top of each other. I'm Speedrun's best friend in the whole world!"

The class breaks into a fit of laughter.

Ms. Cougar: "Ms. Jane! That's highly inappropriate! See me after class!"

Casey: "Sorry, Ms. Cougar..."

You realize you're probably not going to get much romancing done during Homeroom, so you and Casey take seats in the back and decide to spend the time coming up with what exactly the goal of your romantic speedrun is...
No. 1102554 ID: 7c5835

No romance? that's a challenge you accept, quick, flirt with the cougar professor!
No. 1102555 ID: 4c750c

Right, planning phase! What qualifies as having a high school sweetheart? Getting laid is already in the title of the category, but there’s probably some smaller objectives to add before that. A bit of research indicates one of the qualifying traits of having a high school sweetheart is going to a dance together. Perhaps you could throw a party yourself, in the interest of time? Seeing as school dances tend to be towards the end of a semester.
No. 1102556 ID: 2f41db

Date as the goal, but bonus points for anything else.
A second date would be new game plus so while desirable, doesnt impact the speedrun.

Potential escape route if homeroom drags on.
Your knees are still bleeding.
A trip to the nurses office escorted by your friend?
No. 1102564 ID: 9b76c6

Damn, Casey is already hitting it up with Ms. Cougar. Good thing that doesn't count as romance, otherwise you'd already be in a second place!

As for reaching your goal, the strats are very simple. You need to send all the males in the school to the hospital. Doing so will both free up all the potential lesbians, and greatly impress the existing lesbians. You may even try for a 100% run!
No. 1102570 ID: 6c233e

The key to a speedrun is knowing the route. This is unfamiliar territory, you'll need to recruit a guide who knows where the quest triggers are.
No. 1102598 ID: 8e4913
File 173726415123.png - (185.21KB , 1200x1200 , ALS22.png )

DAY 1 TIME 00:55:21

After some discussion, you and Casey work out the win conditions for the speedrun:

Condition 1: You and another girl must go on at least one date.

Condition 2: She has to go with you to a dance (explore possible options for sequence breaking...)

Condition 3: You and she must get to at least second base, with each other, CONSENSUALLY.

Condition 4: She must acknowledge you and she are girlfriend/girlfriend.

Once all these conditions have been met for the same girl, you will have completed the run.


By now, your knees are really hurting you a lot. You don't even have to fake the pain in your eyes as you ask permission to go to the nurse's office. Ms. Cougar gives her permission right away.

Unfortunately, Casey is not allowed to go with you (there's only one hall pass) and you have to make your way on your own.

DAY 1 TIME 01:00:13

You find your way to the nurse's office after a few minutes of running through the halls. At the office, you encounter a strange girl...

Strange Girl: "Welcome... My name is Clarice. I'm the nurse's assistant. What brings you to my lair?"

Clarice's eyes wander down to your huge tits.

Clarice: "Those look heavy. Are you here because you're suffering from back pain? Maybe your bra is pinching? If you take your shirt off I can take a look..."

Clarice licks her lips and her fingers twitch with excitement as she stares at your knockers.

You really wish Casey were here. You can't tell if this girl is gay or straight. If only she'd send some kind of signal as to her sexual preferences!
No. 1102599 ID: 90b21b

Red flags
potential murder lesbian
abort now check her website later
No. 1102600 ID: 462d8c

Sadly, there's no way to tell her orientation. Best err on the side of caution and presume she's straight. Besides, we can't gamble on what-ifs! Taking needless gambles has sunk many a speedrun

However, undressing for the doctor/nurse (and presumably their assistants?) is just part of the procedure. Take of your shirt. You'll be 0.05% more aerodynamic anyways boosting your time
No. 1102602 ID: 6c233e

Whip off your skirt so she can see what needs fixing.
No. 1102603 ID: 7c5835

shes the doctors assistant you should obveously listen to her, ask her if she knows anyone who is single and looking to mingle of the lady variety while you're at it, maybe she's got key information on how to unlock a secret route.
No. 1102605 ID: e9c1c2

This is clearly a yandere.
Her sexual preference is probably whoever she's obsessed with. Let's make that you!

Go along with whatever she says and give her EXACTLY ONE COMPLIMENT to establish co-dependence. More might cause her to flee and enter her stalking phase, which will negatively impact your time.

Perhaps compliment her hair. It's clearly the only part of herself that she takes care of.

Alternatively you can compliment the tombstone tattoo on her right arm that's not entirely covered with her sleeve and most definitely isn't a bruise, shadow, or shading artifact at all.

Alternatively alternatively, and definitely in no way rude, insulting, or inappropriate, compliment her lack of arm scars despite clearly being emo.
No. 1102610 ID: 4c750c

If we’re assuming this girl is straight, we should probably still do what she says and take our shirt off. We should definitely also explain that our knees are what need patching up, since the sooner we’re at full health, the better we’ll perform in the run overall!
(In my personal opinion, this girl is ULTRA gay, but I’d hate to jump to conclusions)
No. 1102619 ID: 25fb94

Well, you could always just ask if she's into you, right? Whether you can tell whether she's straight or gay or not, nothing stops you from asking!
No. 1102629 ID: e61200

Ask her with elegance and kindness if she is a girl and if she wants to go on a date romantic with you. Elegance and kindness at top of lung.
No. 1102636 ID: f3d9ea
File 173734962129.png - (170.20KB , 1200x1200 , ALS23.png )

DAY 1 TIME 00:56:30

Even though it's you knees that are hurting, you decide that the doctor—or, in this case, the nurse's assistant—knows best and obediently take off your blouse.

Clarice's eyes go as wide as dinner plates.

Clarice: "Wow, I didn't think that would work..."

She quickly regains her composure and begins staring intently at your boobs.

Clarice: "H-have you been running? Your tits are all... heh... heheh... all sweaty. Th-that could cause chafing. You'd better take your bra off as well, just to be safe."

You remove your bra as well. Clarice, panting hard now, lunges forward and buries her nose in your cleavage.


Clarice moans and a her eyes roll back in her head as she huffs your boobsweat.

Clarice: "Fuuuuuuuck..."

Speedrun: "I know you're the expert here but I've actually come here because I've skinned my knees pretty badly. It's actually extremely painful."

Clarice: "Your knees, you say? I guess I'd better have a look..."
No. 1102637 ID: f3d9ea
File 173734962531.png - (226.72KB , 1200x1200 , ALS24.png )

Clarice: "Did you know that human saliva has antiseptic properties?"

Speedrun: "I did not know that..."

As Clarice diligently applies her tongue to your skinned knees, you feel one of her hands creep up under your skirt so that one of her knuckles just brushes your labia through the fabric of your panties...
No. 1102638 ID: f3d9ea
File 173734962835.png - (153.21KB , 1200x1200 , ALS25.png )

This is by far the most unusual medical examination you've ever experienced!
No. 1102640 ID: 462d8c

Damn, she'd be one thirsty bitch if she were gay. Too bad we'll never know! Insist on seeing the nurse as you're on a tight schedule to find a date!
No. 1102642 ID: 4c750c

Okay, yeah, bring the nurse in. Those wounds need to be cleaned with something that’s not saliva. Do mention the date speedrun as the reason you’re in a hurry. On the off chance Clarice is gay, she might be a little too crazy for normal dating, but… she might be optimal for the run. You’d ruin your life forever once you call time, but like, she would definitely get you through all your wincons pretty quickly. Condition 2 would be a bit of a sticking point, I’m not sure if the mundanity of a dance would appeal to Clarice. But also she’s a mega creep, so idk how we’re weighing irl consequences vs timesave. I don’t think it’s worth the timesave personally, but if a fast run is all we care about…
No. 1102646 ID: 90b21b

Get your knees sterilized, she might have AIDs for all you know
No. 1102648 ID: 9b76c6

At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if this "Clarice" was actually a crossdressing guy.

Kick her in the balls to check.
No. 1102649 ID: 90b21b

...Man are you for real
The unsterilized tongue on an open wound is the important part, focus!
No. 1102650 ID: a7a180

Put your shirt back on before seeing the nurse.
No. 1102651 ID: b6aa9c

Speedy, quick theory check: What'll be the romance TTK if this girl is gay?
No. 1102657 ID: 2f41db

It is a bit weird but also very thorough.
Shes dilligent like Knuckles and that is admirable.
You should tell her that.
Heck, her nickname can BE knuckles.
Given where her knuckles keep ending up, purely by accident of course, that would be a cool easteregg for the run.
No. 1102685 ID: e61200

Oh, no! Oh, no! Oh, no!

Quick! Age all the characters to 30-year-olds who keep repeating freshman year!
Do it before it's too late!

>You are an 18 year old in her senior year.


Do it anyway! It's funny!
No. 1102692 ID: f0ac2f
File 173751936309.png - (154.55KB , 1200x1200 , ALS26.png )

DAY 1 TIME 00:59:00

>Insist on seeing the nurse as you're on a tight schedule

You appreciate Clarice's help but you really can't afford to waste any more time.

You try to calmly summon the nurse, but for some reason your voice comes out sounding much more panicked than you intended...

No. 1102693 ID: f0ac2f
File 173751936610.png - (239.03KB , 1200x1200 , ALS27.png )

The nurse appears and everything that's going on is swiftly forgotten when you get a gander of this woman's gigantic ass.

Nurse: "Alright what's all this commotion—"

The nurse catches sight of Clarice.

Nurse: "Gat dang it, Clarice ya little varmint! Whut have ah told y'all about comin' 'round here molesting mah patients!"

Clarice: *HISSSSS*

Nurse: "Gwan now! Git!"

Clarice scampers away on all fours, hissing over her shoulder at the nurse.

Nurse: "An' don't come back!"

The nurse turns her attention to you.

Nurse: "You alright, sugahog?"
No. 1102694 ID: 90b21b

"Sterilize wounds please."
No. 1102698 ID: 6c233e

Ask for a full restore, and inquire what stat boosts are available.
No. 1102702 ID: 9b76c6

Tell Nurse about all the Sonic ass-clapping memes.
No. 1102706 ID: 7c5835

this but in gamer terms
No. 1102708 ID: 2f41db

In an echoey voice
Start singing the drowning sonic theme with increasing urgency.
Dahdah dahdah dahdah!
No. 1102715 ID: 4c750c

Knees still need fixing up. Ask if Clarice is actually her assistant. Seems unlikely she is, but always good to confirm.
No. 1102716 ID: 8a37bd

You need a [Bloodred Moss Clump] or perhaps a [Stanching Boluses]

Or maybe a [Bandages]?
No. 1102745 ID: 4a0685
File 173767621796.png - (199.21KB , 393x393 , speedrun.png )

hehe speedrun hehe go fast
No. 1102815 ID: ec0837
File 173777840624.png - (620.31KB , 1200x1200 , ALS28.png )

DAY 1 TIME 01:03:03

You need to make it clear to the nurse that time is of the essence and you gotta go fast!

The best way you can think to express the need for speed is to pull out the drawing you made of what you would look like if you were an anime girl and point to the little Sonic the Hedgehog on your portrait's shoulder.

Nurse: "Oh wow! Did you draw that, sugahog? It's lovely!"

You tap the tiny Sonic more urgently and begin to hum the Sonic drowning theme.

Nurse: "Uhh... okay, sweetie. Let's take a look at those knees, huh?"

You tap even faster and hum louder. What is it about Sonic the Hedgehog this woman doesn't understand??
No. 1102816 ID: ec0837
File 173777841091.png - (222.92KB , 1200x1200 , ALS29.png )

DAY 1 TIME 01:18:11

After an interminable delay, the nurse finally finishes bandaging up your knees.

To make up for lost time, you run back to class at top speed.


Whoops! You weren't looking where you were going and ended up crashing into a Very Grumpy Girl!

Very Grumpy Girl: "Hey! Watch where you're going, you dumb fat cow! Who told you I wanted your big dumb udders in my face, huh? What, you think I want my face squashed into those stupid monster tiddies? Huh? S-stupid! I don't even like boobs!"

Aw damn! What a shame. This girl is almost certainly not a lesbian if she doesn't like boobs...
No. 1102817 ID: 90b21b

Quick do a BLJ!
No. 1102818 ID: f7f850

What if she's like an Amy Rose to your Sonic the Hedgehog?
No. 1102820 ID: 421554

Apologize, and say that you didn't mean to assume anything about her sexuality, you just had trouble stopping the sheer amount of momentum your massive gazongas had built up. Still, ask her if she does have any lesbian friends, since you kinda need to find a gal who would like to smooch ASAP.
No. 1102823 ID: 7c5835

apologize and then trip again landing your fat tits on top of her, whoops sorry!
No. 1102824 ID: 6c233e

Maybe she's more of an ass man, er, girl. Do a power stance over her to gauge her reaction to make sure.
No. 1102826 ID: 0db8d3

No. 1102828 ID: 2f41db

Apologise for your badonkeroos intruding into her facial area.
Then the talking.
She may have access to the gaydar skilltree our other companion has.
Remember to skip parts of your own dialogue choices to save time while you talk.
She'll understand you.
No. 1102836 ID: 9b76c6

Tell her that you have the Mad Tits Syndrome, which means you either need to be squishing or jiggling your tits by running fast, or you'll die! And your titjiggling was interrupted, so... ask her if she can please save your life by squishing your tits. It can't be helped, right?
No. 1102837 ID: 4c750c

Pfffft this is hilarious, I love it
No. 1102878 ID: d58817

Her tit affection score must be very low. If we can lower it even further, then we might be able to underflow it. The thing tit-haters hate the most is tits, naturally; open up that shirt again and give her a big wobble. That should tank her score so fast it wraps around, and then she'll be so taken by your physique that she'll be putty in your hands, and will agree to be girlfriends on the spot.
No. 1102879 ID: 4a0685

do bathroom skip
No. 1103024 ID: 6693a9
File 173812217917.png - (262.51KB , 1200x1200 , ALS30.png )

DAY 1 TIME: 01:18:14


This girl obviously hates tits and you don't want to offend her further so you do the only thing that makes sense in this situation: the Backwards Long Jump!

The BLJ is a tried and true speedrunning method for bypassing otherwise impassable obstacles.

You hurl yourself backwards with all your strength.

Unfortunately, it turns out the BLJ is a lot easier to execute on an N64 controller than it is in real life. You end up misjudging your trajectory and smashing your huge ass right into the very grumpy girl's face.

Very Grumpy Girl: "Aaaagh! W-what do you think you're doing, idiot! Your huge ass could have crushed my skull! Do you think all I do all day is sit around daydreaming about some dumb girl's fat ass smothering me to death! S-stupid!"

The very grumpy girl pushes you off of her and goes sprinting down the hallway.
No. 1103025 ID: 6693a9
File 173812218344.png - (240.85KB , 1200x1200 , ALS31.png )

DAY 1 TIME: 01:20:05

>Do bathroom skip

You decide to skip the next period and hide out in the bathroom so you can avoid the teacher's tedious dialogue (a canny speedrunner always skips the tutorial).

Unfortunately, your find your path is blocked by a powerful bicep.

The green-haired girl who owns the bicep looks way too old to still be in high school. She's got to be at least twenty.

Green-Haired Girl: "Where do you think you're going, titty monster? This is the cool girl's bathroom. No dorks with huge tits allowed."
No. 1103026 ID: be8301

Is she saying tits are uncool?
No. 1103027 ID: 2f41db

Dialogue heavy scenes are a nightmare for speedrunners.
Keep her locked in a dialogue option as
It might be possible to clip between the ogresses legs if you get a good run up.

Your knee health is diminished so maybe a spindash?
No. 1103028 ID: 0c31e8

Awww man, we should have chosen the gigantic option instead of huge at the start of the quest.

This is an easy fix, go stuff your bra with something to make your breasts look gigantic, like toilet paper from the boys bathroom.
No. 1103029 ID: 0db8d3

I liek yur hair pretty lady.
No. 1103031 ID: 7c5835

Try not to shit your pants any% run since apparently asking questions without your gaydar best friend won't happen.

So act oblivious and maybe say something like "there are cool girls at this school????"
No. 1103032 ID: 6c233e

"Ah but you see, I'm not a dork, for I am a speedrunner."
No. 1103040 ID: 9b76c6

It looks like you need a special item to pass into this area. Try offering your items to this guardian.
No. 1103043 ID: 4a0685

retcon reality so that you had gigantic boobs all along
No. 1103048 ID: 4c750c

Okay wow, this is like, near impossible without Casey. We should definitely look for her after this encounter. As for this encounter, the obvious choice here is to respond with the observation that the green haired girl’s boobs are pretty big too. What does she classify as too big, exactly?
No. 1103052 ID: afc729

No. 1103066 ID: 8a37bd

Okay lets be real you gotta hit on that even if its maybe not a lesbian because what if it is?
No. 1103092 ID: 2f41db

Hang on.
Your mom thinks youre cool.
Youre in the right place!
No. 1103111 ID: fe12b4

Then why are you here? You are huge, and tits.
No. 1103124 ID: 7c1f1c

We already know this technique: boob honk activates dialogue skip.
No. 1103166 ID: a4f810
File 173853185948.png - (124.48KB , 1200x1200 , ALS32.png )

DAY 1 TIME 01:20:25


Gotta go fast! You curl up into a ball and rev yourself up to maximum speed!
No. 1103167 ID: a4f810
File 173853186790.png - (224.48KB , 1200x1200 , ALS33.png )

... Unfortunately it turns out it's much harder than it looks to spin at high speeds while remaining anchored to the same spot on the ground. Instead of charging up for a huge speed boost, you end up doing a sort of awkward forward somersault.

Green-Haired Girl: "..."

Speedrun: "My mom thinks I'm cool!"
No. 1103168 ID: a4f810
File 173853187340.png - (165.01KB , 1200x1200 , ALS34.png )

Green-Haired Girl: "Pffft! Nice panties, dork!"

Speedrun: "Thank you."

The green-haired girl arches a sardonic eyebrow.

Green-Haired Girl: "Listen, titty monster, only the coolest girls in school are allowed to use this bathroom. If you become cool, I'll let you in. Until then, you stick to the second floor bathroom with the other dorks and fatasses, comprende?"
No. 1103169 ID: 63709c

Ask what she did to become cool. Then just speedrun that.
No. 1103170 ID: 4a0685


Oh yeah, we're very cool, we do a lot of drugs of all sorts all the time.
No. 1103171 ID: 9b76c6

Ask her to show you her cool panties.
No. 1103176 ID: 4c750c

Yay! She likes our panties! Great start! So we gotta be considered cool. Sounds like we gotta keep that in mind for tomorrow. Sunglasses might be on the docket for a purchase later. Find out Green Haired Girl’s name please! If we’re still committing to bathroom skip then we should go to the upstairs bathroom like Green Haired Girl said. But honestly, Casey is probably in class, so if we want her help, we might wanna consider doing bathroom skip skip to wrongwarp back to class.
No. 1103177 ID: 0db8d3

No. 1103188 ID: 2f41db

Skill points spent in cool must have combos with dating skilltree.
There may be some value in becoming cool.
We havent time to buildcraft the optimal skillspread though.
Ask green haired ogress what she thinks is cool, then acquire items to acheive that.
Remember to skip dialogue if you get the gist of the sidequest before she finishes.
No. 1103191 ID: c5529d

once you get the gist of it, in order to dialogue skip, think of something that will have her uppercut you into the air, and land to our next destination in seconds. Sometimes, speedrunning requires taking damage.

Maybe just walk in the cool bathroom while she's busy talking, and once she realizes what you're doing, she'll launch you to your destination.
No. 1103202 ID: fe12b4

Are we talking fashion cool, attitude cool, popularity cool, or sonic cool?
No. 1103203 ID: 3df1ab

You know what's cool? You're in perfect position to cunt-punt her.
Violence is the only thing bullies respect, after all.
No. 1103300 ID: 012630

I like the idea of the damage boost. But remember, in "real life," there are no I-frames! We need to rely on the purest sense of "damage boost," the burst of movement that happens when you get hit. If you can tempt her out from her alcove (maybe by offering to give her your cool panties? She'd probably think that's cool), and get between her and the bathroom entrance, you might be able to get her to hit you and clip you into the bathroom earlier than intended, before completing the sidequest.
No. 1103455 ID: 6693a9
File 173899164716.png - (187.46KB , 1200x1200 , ALS35.png )

DAY 1 TIME 01:22:00

>Damage boost

You decide to expedite your retreat by attempting to provoke the green-haired girl into attacking you for a damage-based speed boost.

You try to push past her into the cool-girl's bathroom.

Green-Haired Girl: "Your big boobs muffling your ears or sumthin' dweeb? I said get lost!"

The green-haired girl boots your right on your fat behind!

It was slightly faster than walking those few feet you guess.
No. 1103456 ID: 6693a9
File 173899165091.png - (236.90KB , 1200x1200 , ALS36.png )

DAY 1 TIME 01:24:19

You hurry upstairs as fast as you can and barge your way into the second floor bathroom.

Casey: "Sepeedrun! Hiiii!! It's me! Your friend Casey! Did you know you just crashed into the futanari bathroom?"

Several pairs of hungry eyes turn in your direction.

Other Futas: "Tittiiiies..."
No. 1103457 ID: 462d8c

You may need to talk to someone about all these highly specialised bathrooms. Sometimes a girl just needs to pee, ya know?

More pressing question: does a girl having a penis disqualify her from your goal conditions? Otherwise get your Tails to point you to some of the people here
No. 1103458 ID: 6c233e

Well, any port in a storm. Dodge roll into a stall to hide until they lose agro.
No. 1103470 ID: 90b21b

Speed dating time
No. 1103483 ID: 12398e

> Not into dick
Thou forgettest too easily! Best we can do is let Casey know to meet us outside and wait there. Thank heavens we found her! Gaydar restored!
No. 1103537 ID: 047965

Remember to keep defensive stances up, we don't have a shield so if we can get into the stall to pee we can use the door as our shield. Remember to take advantage of I-Frames.
No. 1103541 ID: 4a0685

t r a n s c e n d
No. 1103555 ID: 2f41db

Good old informative tails.
Always ready to exposition whenever whatever and wherever.
Hurry with your tank drainage!
We have lesbians to track!
No. 1103559 ID: 9bb216

If the other girls try to mess with us, offer to wingman for them with our unmatched knowledge of speedrun-related trivia (aka droning on and on until everybody is bored to tears)
No. 1103817 ID: d51ca6
File 173968194283.png - (152.92KB , 1200x1200 , ALS37.png )

>Does a girl with a penis disqualify her from your goal conditions?

Absolutely! You've made it pretty clear you're not into dicks. Dicks aren't sexy and are actually a little bit gross. You don't even like looking at drawings of them!

>Dodge roll into a stall to hide until they lose agro.

No time to wonder how Casey was able to go use the bathroom when earlier the teacher made it clear there was only one hall pass, you've got to move!

Before any of the extremely horny girls can cut off your escape, you tuck yourself into a ball and dodge roll into the nearest open stall where you hurriedly close and lock the door.
No. 1103818 ID: d51ca6
File 173968194799.png - (358.93KB , 1200x1200 , ALS38.png )

DAY 1 TIME 1:24:24

>Gaydar restored

Utilizing a conveniently-placed hole in the wall of your sanctum, you tell Casey about everything that happened over the past 33 minutes, and asking Casey to collect intel on the three girls you encountered.

DAY 1 TIME 2:01:02

It's over half an hour before Casey returns with the information she's gathered.

Casey: Speedrun it's me, Casey! Your best friend! I took off my glasses so that you'll look all blurry just in case you're naked in there.

Speedrun: I'm fully clothed.

Casey: This is what I found out on the girls you asked me about:

Clarice from the nurse's office is a lesbian. Age 18. She'll definitely go out with you (whether you want her to or not) but she's a total psycho. If you show her any affection, she will fixate on you to an unhealthy degree.

The girl with the red hair you buttslammed in the hall is named Sunny. Age 18. She's also a lesbian, but she's deep in the closet. In order to date her, you'll first have to get her to admit to herself that she's gay. Also I heard she has a boyfriend so you'll have to deal with him at some point.

The girl with the green hair is named Green Snake. Age 21. She's bisexual, but only dates cool people. In order to date her, you'll first have to prove to her that you're cool.

Each girl has advantages and disadvantages that will affect your run so choose wisely! I recommend going after Green Snake because you're obviously the coolest person in school!

Picking a girl will lock out all your other romance options and commence the courtship phase. If you want to try and draw a new girl it will cost you a day.
No. 1103819 ID: 462d8c

Go after Sunny. Clearly there's a progress flag that is triggered after defeating the boyfriend. So just find a way to cheese his defeat and you should be able to skip straight to romance
No. 1103820 ID: d30887

Clarice and Green Snake are clearly out, but Sunny might be hard mode. Can we just keep looking for better prospects?
No. 1103822 ID: 6b8094

Clarice will obviously be the fastest to any% date. This is what you wanted!
No. 1103824 ID: c5529d

Green Snake is our missing knuckles for the trio. go for her.

but then again, consider giraffe girl, she has a girlfriend, but if we can get them to break up, without Giraffe girl knowing it was you, she'll be all yours.
No. 1103825 ID: 6c233e

You are cool! Just need to do something cool fast and you'll have Green Snake in the bag. and the sack~
No. 1103833 ID: 3df1ab

Well, are you going for any% or for the good ending?
any% is Clarice, good ending is Sunny.
No. 1103846 ID: 4c750c

I think true ending% is the way to go, which rules out Clarice. Clarice might be more of an obstacle than anything else. I personally think Sunny’s route sounds interesting~ But I’m also intrigued by Green Snake. Both routes seem to have interesting options for timesave. We still haven’t tried the gaydar range increase thing though. If we end up making our choice here and now, maybe Yuri/Vector can help us some other way? My overall vote is for Sunny
No. 1103847 ID: 2f41db

Theyre right.
If any% is goal go with crazy clarice.

I like green snake and she has seen our panties which is technically first base. And she thought they were nice.
If we go for her wed have to be her kind of cool
That means stepping away from the cool blue dude and going somewhere darker.
We'll have to channel our inner Shadow.
For that we need a bije, a leather jacket and a gun.

Sunny is sweet but very angry at... things.
A lot of unknowns but theres something about her...
If we go with sunny we have to immediately show her our panties to get her percentage complete equal to green dragon so we save time.
Then we'd have to be seductive.
Super seductive.
Sexy even.
Theres only one spirit we can channel for that...
Big the ca- wait, no.
Bring out our inner bat.
No. 1103848 ID: 2f41db

>bije = bike. Curse my stubby fingers.
No. 1103871 ID: 3937ba

Gotta go fast. Get Clarice in the bag. Maybe you can clock a new record for breakup% later, but Clarice is maybe your one shot at getting run in by the end of the day.
No. 1103905 ID: 42afb0

This depends on what kind of speedrun we are going for. Do we want the speediest speedrun? If so, go for Clarice. Do we want to speedrun the true ending? Go for Sunny. We don't speedrun mid-tier endings in this economy, so Green Snake is off the table.
No. 1103921 ID: 7b7513
File 173982490458.png - (258.29KB , 1200x1200 , ALS39.png )

This is and any% speedrun... and you seriously consider going with Clarice, but ultimately you decide it's probably safer in the long run to go with Sunny. (this isn't just a mission to get laid, you're trying to acquire a sweetheart here after all. If you're planning to ditch her beofre you even go out, is she even a sweetheart in the first place?)

It's time to channel your inner Rouge the Bat and become a master theif to steal away Sunny's heart!
No. 1103922 ID: 7b7513
File 173982490994.png - (267.79KB , 1200x1200 , ALS40.png )

DAY 1 TIME 3:15:00

It's third period before you encounter Sunny again. Turns out she's in your algebra class. You and Casey decide to discreetly surveil her as you prepare to make your move.

Sunny: "What the hell are you staring at me for, freak??"

Uh oh! You've been spotted! Sunny's keen senses somehow picked up on your subtle glances in her direction. What do you do??
No. 1103923 ID: 6b8094

I am looking, respectfully.
No. 1103925 ID: 2bb3a1

Tell her she's cute! You like her hair.
No. 1103927 ID: 63709c

Compliment her pretty hair
No. 1103929 ID: cf3f73

Compliment her hair and how it matches her eyes.
No. 1103930 ID: c5529d

Lean in closer and get a better view
closer than that
get up in her face
then compliment her hair, it reminds you of knuckles
No. 1103931 ID: d30887

Mash your titties, QTE-style
No. 1103932 ID: 856723

Hey you have a really hot tempered personality, you know who also has a hot tempered personality, Shadow the Hedgehog. Do you know who he is? He's really cool, you remind me of him because you look cool too. Shadow was a robot made by doctor Robotnik, not doctor eggman, and was best friends with Maria a little girl who was also one of Dr. Robotnik's grandkids. He was designed to be the perfect life form and that also reminds me of you because you are also perfect.
No. 1103952 ID: c5529d

this too!
No. 1103973 ID: 4c750c

We should probably apologize for the collisions earlier. Also make sure not to address Sunny by name until she introduces herself. Otherwise things might be a little weird.
No. 1103975 ID: d58817

You should tell her that you're staring at her because she's the prettiest lesbian you've seen all day.
No. 1103981 ID: 2f41db

This three!
Remember to wink.
Thats what makes words flirty.
No. 1103984 ID: fe12b4

he wasn't a robot, he was a biologically engineered supersoldier project
No. 1103985 ID: fe12b4

he wasn't a robot, he was a biologically engineered supersoldier project

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