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File 133261463347.jpg - (44.09KB , 436x500 , PfQDD.jpg )
20792 No. 20792 ID: 067a04 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Okay, so I wrote all this in posts on IRC, mostly just so Trout wouldn't write another one of those dragon rape things.

Pic most likely irrelevant.

~ Beginning ~

The Rexic family wasn't very well known before the 1800s, mostly being a very old line of very boring people. That all changed when Coby Rexic, a bean farmer, was dealing with his very boring problems and accidentally found an old cache of Spanish gold. Thirty tons of Spanish gold, actually. When experts were asked where this gold came from, they weren't sure, but considered it might be the result of ancient Spanish automatons made out of gold. From then on, every member of the Rexic family was a giant success in some way or another; Jack Rexic was a very influential member of British parliament, besides being five years old and American besides, Tom Rexic was the first boxer to win every boxing match he fought in while completely naked, and Mary Rexic was a housewife. But she was a very good housewife.

This string of success lasted until the 1980s, when the latest member of the Rexic family line, coincidentally also named Coby, was born. From the moment he slipped out of his mother and somehow (probably accidentally) killed his father, he was the unluckiest person on the entire continent. This title was scientifically proven, but all the scientists went missing under mysterious circumstances before they could reveal their findings. His bad luck seemed to radiate out and touch everyone who shared even a bit of blood with him. His mother, while taking him to watch the shuttle Challenger be shot into space, ended up being the world's first accidental astronaut, while the young Coby Rexic watched the pretty lights in the sky and thought about how much he loved Cabbage Patch Kids.

His biologist aunt Emily, one of the few adults of the Rexic family still left alive, went traveling in Africa, and ended up discoverin
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20760 No. 20760 ID: e82d4b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This quest hasn't really been going for very long, but the response has stopped and this is a good place to leave off until the next thread. Would it be frowned upon to archive it now and begin a wiki article before starting a new thread to continue?
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20774 No. 20774 ID: a76cbb hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

So how's browsing in three dimensions going
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20696 No. 20696 ID: 071b75 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

>Want to play RP games IRL but literally no game shops within 50 miles of my house
>No drivers license so even if i wanted to go through the retarded hassle of driving to a game shop or someones house it is still impossible
>Try to form and join games online
>They always fall apart.
>Find comic book store that sells miniatures and has tables to play in the back
Alrighty then, this place ought to have some RPG players
>A bunch of obese early 30 something year olds who are talking about anal plugs
>Fuck me why.jpg

I just want to play RPGs /tg/ but life keeps getting in the way. What makes it even harder is the fact that I am 18, most RPG players are old as fuck so they don't want to hang around some kid anyways.

Damn. Anyone else in a similar predicament?
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20359 No. 20359 ID: 2397ca hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I wish to create a Legends of the Wulin discussion thread.


For those unfamiliar, it is the spiritual successor of the Weapon of the Gods RPG and has been compared to FATE and Exalted.

You roll a pool of dice and create matching sets. The more sets you can create, the more actions you can do.

Anybody here familiar/interested in this game?
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20027 No. 20027 ID: 66a6f9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Stranded in Fantasy

So, a little over a week ago a fine intelligen/tg/entleman over on 4chan started a STORYTIEM thread...

and it's still going on

I can only recommend this with the might of a thousand burning suns: this is quality on-going writefaggotry similar to Wasteland Warrior and other /tg/ writefags of legend.

Part 1 archive: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/17586304/
Part 2 archive: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/17611378/
Part 3 archive: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/17632664/
Part 4 archive: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/17648894/
Part 5 archive: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/17663235/
Part 6 archive: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/17670989/
part 7 is still active:

We did have a small problem with a troll who for some reason got supremely asspained over the story - but he's been banned now (I reason this because I too got caught in that purge, sucks, but I'm waiting on the appeal to fix that)

>TL:DR - awesome fantasy story time. A fa/tg/uy and other humans get sucked into a D&D world. Epicness ensues.
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20137 No. 20137 ID: a2853b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I'm fairly certain one of you guys made this.
But I can't recall who.
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7662 No. 7662 ID: 70d9eb hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Hey diggity dogs we got some Vindictus up in this bitch.
Un-used at the moment beta key, please post the beta keys you get from using it in this thread.


Weaver is the most sparkliest and prettiest gnoll kicker.
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14867 No. 14867 ID: f5fe2f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

So there is an awesome game that will be out sometime in the nearish future.


It's a 2d thingmajigger, seems to be mostly about exploring, with combat and minecraft-style digging and building also being major themes. Character power is based on your wealth and equipment, there aren't any stats.
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18751 No. 18751 ID: b497b7 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

SKYRIM thread! Post your Dovahkiins!

Also be sure to spoilertag your spoilers.
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19941 No. 19941 ID: 2ae337 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

So Pokemon...the newest installment from Japan is a crossover with Nobunaga's ambition

So conquering Feudal Japan with pokemon. What do you think?
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19308 No. 19308 ID: d6ae01 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Emergency power systems active.
Loading sensors.....Success.
Scanning location....Location unknown.
Loading mind files...Error. Purpose file not found. Please seek out new purpose.

Ok, enough being pretentious. Welcome to the Slissabot thread! Slissabot is a game being worked on with two purposes: Teaching me coding (Actionscript 3 with Flixel for now) and, well, making a fun game. Hurray!

Development stuff and demos will be posted here as the game is worked on. Feel free to leave comments and suggestions.
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19810 No. 19810 ID: 4183c9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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19051 No. 19051 ID: 0c9433 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Legend of Groose: Grooseland is the best Wii game.

My logic is irrefutable.
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19161 No. 19161 ID: 476456 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Christmas is rolling up, pick 7 songs to be featured in the Christmas radio marathon.

Links appreciated.
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19407 No. 19407 ID: cdb8cb hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Did we have an optical illusions thread? I've forgotten if we did.
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19663 No. 19663 ID: 9c7c3b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Good night, sweet prince.
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19523 No. 19523 ID: ee3b18 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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19679 No. 19679 ID: 88dfaf hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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19345 No. 19345 ID: 84b916 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Postan epic pokemon story for posterity.
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19186 No. 19186 ID: 84b916 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Because General discussion isn't general enough for me. /sci/bro here, dumping some of the good news of nuclear power:
The Liquid Flouride Thorium Reactor.
tl;dr History, there were two competeing nuclear reactor designs. One was made for commercial and civilian use, with inherent safety designs and extrememly high energy efficiency. The other was built to produce lots of Uranium-235, which can be weaponized, and could also incidentally produce a little extra power on the side.
This competition being during the Cold War, the first one got mothballed and buried, while the second one became the de-facto nuclear reactor design because of it's widespread military application.
Cue the 70's, and suddenly everyone hates any mention of nuclear power, and the social stigma is such that the old researchers couldn't make any headway on their own, until about 40 years later.
In 2006 a fellow by the name of Kirk Sorensen rediscovered the old research notes for the first design while working in a government administrative position, and since then has managed to muster some level of interest in an advanced version of this design named the LFTR.
Today, China is now in direct competition with America to produce the first successfully mass produceable LFTR's as an answer to their energy crisis and heavy pollution, but are at a slight disadvantage due to all the nuclear engineers who know this stuff already are taying put in the States. However, we are at a huge legal and social disadvantage due to the decades-old stigma against 'nuclear' anything, and the extreme red tape of the Department of Nuclear Energy.
I will now begin dumping relevant infopics.
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19224 No. 19224 ID: 123de4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Put your random amusing video game screencaps here.

Have some NanSpray.
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19230 No. 19230 ID: 1444d5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

So chaps, about this whole Economy business? A pretty poor showing from all parties really.
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19004 No. 19004 ID: 64b5b0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Obviously it's appreciated in most cases, quality for the drawings in the quests.

But it's not a must is it?
I wanted to get something going but I am completely crap at drawfagging, but I still wanted to drawfag for a quest/run a quest.

some input would be nice on whether people really mind all that much or not.

that'll be all~
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8011 No. 8011 ID: 4c91d5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

So, I'm going to be posting two versions of this: one 3.5 edition with melon-analogues, and one 4th edition without them.

+++++++++++++++++++4th Edition++++++++++++++

Zeza'kal's approach was quiet as always, when Mark felt her hand on his shoulder. He twitched a little at the touch, his hand reaching for his sword that wasn't there--the warm tavern in this tiny town was as safe as can be. He sat in a large chair in front of the fire, next to Ogralah, the half-orc woman, as she tended to her axe and gear. The bard was at the bar, cashing in on his earning from earlier that night's entertainment by drinking all he could handle--he was thin and wiry, and had convinced the barkeep that all he could drink would be less than paying him. He could see the barkeep's deep scowl of regret, eyeing the crowded mugs at the bar.
Mark looked up and around the chair as Zeza'kal came around. Her head twitching occasionally as she kept his head in view.

He had known her to be quite shy, speaking little and keeping to herself. Her secondary arms were always kept tight at her chest when he saw them, and her main pair were folded up as she looked down to face him. Her mandibles squirmed and moved a little before she spoke, as if she didn't quite know how to approach the situation.
"Warrior, I require you azziztance." she said to him sheepishly. Her accent was thick and her voice seemed more like a buzzing than actual speech.
"Uh, yeah sure. What do you need?" he shifted in his seat.
"My equipment, I cannot find it. I believe it to remain in my room, but I cannot find it." Her d and t sounds seemed to pop as she spoke. "I think that zomeone has thrown my bagzz onto the rafterzz." she made a quick twitch in the half-orc's direction. He knew she like to pull stunts like this, often trying practical jokes on the rest of the group, much to her own
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2857 No. 2857 ID: 64f8ae hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

As you may or may not know, the front page consists of nothing but an image link to the boards. Ideally we could have several of these, possibly randomly rotating when you refresh it.

If anyone wants to contribute, we're looking for finsihed quality (that means colored), /quest/ or /tg/ themed art.

They don't have to look like covers to bad metal albums, but that would be preferable.

It'd be nice to get one from most of the quests represented, and I'll be doing some myself as well. They will all look like covers to metal albums.
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18811 No. 18811 ID: 953355 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Does anybody actually care about the ID system and/or want something that actually hides your IP?

Also sergals.
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18657 No. 18657 ID: aebc1f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

is anybody else getting this? maybe it's just me being cursed or something, but i don't think this is normal
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18353 No. 18353 ID: c7b6c2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

SOME of you have to be familiar with Akinator by now. I swear to god, this guy knows everyone. EVERYONE. Even quest characters.

Has anyone had any good finds?
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17815 No. 17815 ID: ae98cc hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

So, in case you weren't aware, we have a wiki. It is a promising wiki, but sparse of content and probably inaccurate considering a large amount of quests aren't on it.

In a vague attempt to promote our beloved yet much ignored wiki, here's the deal. It's already the 6th but the remainder of September is now Wiki Month.
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18422 No. 18422 ID: 0c9433 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

So uh..just wanted to discuss this. No idea why. Maybe it reminded me of quest worlds. Or I couldn't go anywhere else without accusations of furry. But...man this was a good RPG for nowadays.
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18086 No. 18086 ID: 692e92 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Do quests have to specifically follow a main character/one person? Or can it follow an entire civilization of people?

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18351 No. 18351 ID: 84b792 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Posting this thread got me a three day ban on /tg/ for 'off topic posting', even after five people responded with writefaggotry. I regret nothing but the current state of /tg/:

I want to be an Eldar warrior woman's little Mon Keigh plaything.:3

Here's the brief writefaggotry before I got banned:

Dear Abby,

Imperial Guardsman No. 654^58943 here, formerly Prisoner No. 654^46950.

My Comissar accused me of heresy when I suggested we refrain from destroying an Eldar broad's spirit rock so as to not spur them into a berserk jihad retaliation. That's not my problem (I outdrew him and flashfried his cerebellum).

My problem is that the little Eldar girl seems to have...God, I don't know how these ear people work. Imprinted? Is that the word? Look, bottom line is that I've got an Eldar kid attached to me at the midsection now, and she's got her little xeno arms and legs all locked around my waist and she's got her heels crossed and everything. I know what you're about to suggest, but apparently the earliens aren't ticklish, so that's a no go.

Anyway so my question is if I should cook off my lasgun and hope the bolter broads can't see through the mushroom cloud, or just take my chances with the grenades I scavenged off Comissar Nazi or whatever the dude's name was?
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14586 No. 14586 ID: ba5e43 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Pick a Quest Character. Past, Present or Future.

Go Here: http://www.pichacks.com/create.php

Post Favorite Result.

Example: SOUUOS. Now with DOUBLE the superiority.
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18324 No. 18324 ID: 543375 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Is there a way to RSS feed individual threads?
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18025 No. 18025 ID: 598506 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]


Monte Cook is officially back on the 4e payroll. Let us now speculate wildly upon 5e.
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11422 No. 11422 ID: 22d5a9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Alright, gonna make an announcement. Starting at 3pm Central Standard Time on New's Year's Eve, I will be streaming a marathon of Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt. This is now set in stone and will totally not change as that day gets closer.

The last episode should be available on Christmas Eve and I will announce when I stream that in IRC. If you are interested in this incredibly zany series, I suggest tuning in!
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17842 No. 17842 ID: 598506 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

>posting on RPG.net
>come across a discussion of how to handle LGBT issues in your games
>explain that I favor traditionalist Western settings with strong gender roles so LGBT people are going to be looked upon as aberrations and will probably be discriminated against
>explain psuedo-European Christianized culture
>explain that I feel I'm portraying the society realistically because contemporary social progressivism isn't present in most cultures that haven't achieved significant technological progress and an abundance of wealth like those we see today
>banned for hate speech, trolling, bigotry
Never fucking change, Internet hugbox.
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8802 No. 8802 ID: 445c48 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Do it. Go to your desktop, clean nothing, take a screenshot, post it.
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17734 No. 17734 ID: 9c538a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I saw this playing on the sample TV at the thrift store and I was like "oh yeah this movie was cute, had a dumb ending though" and then I realized, the adventure, the angsty humanity, the bizarre yet somehow sexy alien chicks, the sheer preponderance of plot holes... this movie could have easily been a tgchan quest! (if tgchan existed back then)

So then I thought how you guys would probably really enjoy the movie, considering what quests we end up making here. If you haven't seen it yet, please do! It's hauntingly remniscent enough that I'm tempted to peruse the archives looking for a quest that matches it to a T.
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2342 No. 2342 ID: d5b2d6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

I'll start.

I am God, all-powerful, omnipotent.
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2050 No. 2050 ID: d56ac0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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17448 No. 17448 ID: 2eac65 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

What happened to /quest/?
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17489 No. 17489 ID: b6ca92 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

YOU know, when you start looking at it...
Sinistar looks like a Tozol.
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4178 No. 4178 ID: a594b9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Hey guys look! I beat level 1.

Anyone beat level 2 yet?

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17597 No. 17597 ID: 8fb31c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Miranda Cosgrove broke her ankle guys! :(

Check it: http://news.yahoo.com/miranda-cosgrove-suffers-broken-ankle-tour-bus-accident-171922505.html
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17495 No. 17495 ID: b6ca92 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

So I accidentally found what looks like a hidden board on tgchan via google searching.

Are there any others I don't know about?
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14583 No. 14583 ID: a5dbe5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

SO I heard about this awesome game called Spiral Knights and I downloaded it and uhm there is no text.
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17336 No. 17336 ID: d9d3ff hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I came across the game recently and was thinking about giving it a try. But I haven't wadded through their wiki or watched 12thousand lets plays yet. So I've yet to discern the objective of the game. Could some one sum it up for me?

I don't want to have to read a mountain of wiki pages to see if I even want to play.

Also to any SP13 players out there, I intend to read up more before playing. Don't worry. I'm just looking for a good summary.
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17145 No. 17145 ID: 07416a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I have a plan to buy adspace on MSPA since I do nothing else to contribute. I think this may be cool in the long run though in the short run we may be flooded with retards. Unfortunately I am not made of banner-making skills, so people should make banners for tgchan and I will provide the money.
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6007 No. 6007 ID: 2eac65 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]


The /tg/ thread archives are going to have some threads deleted. Some quests might be caught up in it. This is a warning to notify the owner of any quest threads set for deletion.
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16424 No. 16424 ID: 383006 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

SO, I have a thing if somebody wants to give me a hand. I did a questlike thing in Livestream last night, and would like to share it, but there is lots of dead air and trivia questions. If somebody could edit this down to just the "story" posts, I would be pretty grateful!


is the raw footage!

Any help is appreciated!
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16109 No. 16109 ID: 1f2692 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]


so i was traveling the nets to find some shin megami tensei game news, which is by far the most awesome game collection title ever, and i found this mmo with it... I'm looking into it and it looks kewl

anybody else have any input?
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15434 No. 15434 ID: f4ee47 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

hi i have checked this forum for some time and i thought i may want to try this quest thingy
i have a story in my head that may just work but i have some things i want to ask first. if i make a quest how much time between updates is acceptable and how do you do when you make the story. shuld i just make up as i go or have some ideas before or a bit of both?
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16039 No. 16039 ID: 9cb4b3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

So, Modern Cosmic Marvel is just about the best thing to happen to comics in a long time. It's mostly self-contained, largely has nothing to do with the drama going on down on Earth-616 (Civil War, etc) and is basically just about crazy space adventures with little to no upper management meddling, some great writers behind it and great characters.

I can personally vouch for Nova, Star-Lord and Guardians of the Galaxy as being pretty darn good. A lot of it is written by Dan Abnett, who writes some of the better 40k books.

Also, please, no Marvel vs DC stuff here.

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13217 No. 13217 ID: 8e5432 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

It's time for us to "post our battlestations" or whatever it is the kids are saying these days.

This thread is inspired by Seal's kickass gaming rig.
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15445 No. 15445 ID: a34032 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Hey guys, one of my friends discovered /tg/ and he's becoming a huge faggot with it. I can't take it anymore.

You guys mind if I crash over here? Forever?
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15501 No. 15501 ID: f38bc2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Just sharing a little something out of nostalgia
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6395 No. 6395 ID: 8bd732 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Post home-made cards or other MTG related things here.

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15376 No. 15376 ID: f16b80 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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14688 No. 14688 ID: cf244d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

So some whores are dying or some shit
And people are getting mad about the wording of the announcement made by superheroes to protect them. I have a rewrite here:

Attention whores!

I'm writing you on behalf of a group called the New York Initiative. We aren't affiliated with the fuzz. We reckon we've got us a system to keep you safe when you're out turning tricks. That's right, we made your pimp obsolete. You can find our facebook page through Google, as well as Google us with the words New York Press or Superheroes Documentary 2011 to find out what we're about (Craigslist are fags and don't allow me to post our URL)
We dress like super heroes, which is admittedly some wacky-ass shit, but we are all quite competent and capable of doing the things we say.

So let me just get down to business: The Long Island Killer is out there. He's a scary bastard, and it's starting to seem like he is focusing on hookers like you, because folks are slower to report you missing, and also because apparently the law doesn't respect your personal choices and that means cops are slower to follow through when it comes to you. Well, I'm here to say FUCK THAT. We respect you as human beings, we believe in personal freedoms and think that you're doing something that is absolutely your choice to do. Even if you think you're just doing it because you need the money.

So peace out, bitches. We are on your side. With that said, we are here to help.

Also this shall be the general discussion thread for real life superheroes and/or dead prostitutes.
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15362 No. 15362 ID: 2563d4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Since Valve made a thing for sharing video of antics in TF2 and tgchan people talk/link video of antics in TF2 sometimes (usually on IRC) I thought we could try a thread for video of antics in TF2.

And since people can get iffy about it, up-front disclaimer: having people view these is worth achivements and a hat. Woo. You may feel sullied and abused for falling for my ulterior motives if you wish.

(TF2 general is fine too.)
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8986 No. 8986 ID: fd6d7e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]



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15143 No. 15143 ID: 4ae975 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Seems like it's a bannable offense to post sergals on 4chan's /tg/ now.
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944 No. 944 ID: 4553b2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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2204 No. 2204 ID: bde1b8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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13897 No. 13897 ID: 543aa6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I'm working with a friend on a Minecraft Adventure Map. It's slow going at first because we have to set up tutorials and the foundation for all the features to come, but we've finished this first island for people who want to give it a shot. Do tell me what you think, won't you?

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14679 No. 14679 ID: beeafd hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]


Build. Defend. Attack. Destroy.
Capture the enemy intel.

May or may not be inspired by a certain game containing blocks...

Try it, it's fun.

Also, BLUE ARE MASTER RACE. Watch your puny green heads.
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13958 No. 13958 ID: a78ce3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Hey, /tg/chan. I'm an older poster from /tg/ and was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of where the older name/tripfags went or if they got their contact info. Leman Russ, Kharn, Ceiling Tau, Grampa Dread, ya know, any of those old guys, if you know where to find them, I'm lookin' for my old bros.
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7977 No. 7977 ID: 05dd93 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

If you ever wanted to have a swarm of Rubies crawling and climbing around your desktop, attacking your browser window, scaling your monitor's edges, and generally being a nuisance, your dream has finally been realized.

Get it here:

Modified from the original free to distribute program here: http://www.group-finity.com/Shimeji/

Feel free to make your own -- all you need to do is edit the images!
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No. 14302 ID: 54b969 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Well, this is it, pretty much. I've been banned from the IRC channels so I'm announcing it here in it's own thread like the spoiled twelve year old child I am often compared to.
I have no desire or will to put up with my every effort being torn to pieces and being constantly ridiculed like this for days and days, so I'm out.

I'd request my quest threads for deletion but as I know the admin won't do even that for me I will simply point out that there isn't even a physical means for them to be updated any more in addition to the profound lack of any talent either artistic or textual in me.

Do what you want with the stuff I've posted here, as if I can't request it removed then clearly I never owned it in the first place. I won't exactly be able to stop you where I'm going.
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76 No. 76 ID: c7daa1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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14280 No. 14280 ID: 117a26 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Character portraits seem to be getting more popular now along with things like :pomf:.

So I ask this.
How can I make one?
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5441 No. 5441 ID: 4ba384 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

After a greater hiatus of Janitorial vengeance on /tg/, I come asking tgchan of their opinion on roleplaying threads.

Roleplaying threads, as such that you create your own persona, often with an avatar attached, and then you interract with the others within a certain thread.

They've been rather popular on /tg/ for the past few weeks, rarely hitting less than 700 posts before it dies of old age.

However, today, a Janitor brushed away ever attempt at it, and /tg/ is in a hiatus on wether it is related or not. What say you, tgchan?
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13960 No. 13960 ID: f16b80 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Hey guys, Pokemon friend code time?

Post your friend codes!

Black and white codes that is.
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13994 No. 13994 ID: 2eac65 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Why's everything turning all blue-gray now? It was tan a few days ago.
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6451 No. 6451 ID: f4963f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I couldn't think of anywhere else to post this, so into /meep/ it goes.

I'm doing a Nuzlocke run on my old Pokémon Ruby game! Anybody else here even heard of these?
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13708 No. 13708 ID: 963cf2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Hello tgchan, I am a newfag as you can guess and I wanted to know how things are in this little chan of yours. Also I can't access the IRC, for some reason, maybe its IE but whatever, glad to be here and I hope to have some memories with this chan.
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13284 No. 13284 ID: 9b2d80 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I got fucking b& from 4chan. Not for posting ponies, for some other thing. Oh well.
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11626 No. 11626 ID: 70d9eb hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

No images. No IPs. Experimental only.
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13671 No. 13671 ID: 1a693f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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13168 No. 13168 ID: b918b2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Sup /b/ronies.

You can probably tell I am from /b/. I've been watching My Little Pony from about 2 weeks ago. I've seen up to 15. but, The I think I am missing 14. Links?

Also, what the fuck is going on in this chan?
What do I do? Where do I go?
Pic, I guess, related. About I am about Applejack's level, I suppose. A little fluttershy.
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12921 No. 12921 ID: 252e1b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This is a selection of representative web-comics which are self-sustaining. It is by no means comprehensive. A larger list is available on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_self-sufficient_webcomics but it is perfunctory at best. All comics, unless otherwise mentioned, use advertising to supplement their income.



The comic follows the life of the cats Ray and Roast Beef. The stuffed animals Mr. Bear, Lyle the lion, Téodor the bear, and Philippe the otter are also major characters, and frequently get their own story arcs. The setting is a contemporary parody of American life. The comic’s latest story arc featured Téodor being abducted late at night by Nice Pete, the local serial killer/psychopath, to act out Nice Pete’s idea of what juvenile high school pranks are. The jokes are often outrageously dirty or obtuse, and the comic is in no way appropriate for children. Jokes tend to be situational, with few puns. Some violence, lots of sexual humor and toilet humor. Achewood uses multiple formats to develop the characters; main characters all have their own blogs that are maintained by the author, written from their perspectives.

The comic is updated weekly, and is grayscale with twelve or more panels per update. Earlier story arcs were done in the traditional three panel, but the author moved away from that as his stories grew more complicated. Mixed media methods are sometimes used, with photos inserted into the comic. Merchandising includes: monthly subscription for extra features (text updates, photos, previews of the comic in progress, e-books and other features), yearly subscription for two years of mixed-format archives and other content, graphic novels (won 2007 Time Magazine’s #1 spot for the
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
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13103 No. 13103 ID: d37e79 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

So I discovered this place from a pony thread on 4chan's /b/.
Kind of nice that there is a chan for such interest.
I used to have a chan myself with a /pony/ board before it died.
Mind if I stay for a while?

This horse was created using some pony doll maker I found online. I was inspired by WWE "Diva" Natalya.
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6577 No. 6577 ID: 7a28df hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Bang thread! Here's some achievements to go with the game:

Geniuslayer: Kill five 11-year-olds with jobs that require more than 10 years of university.
Expired: Kill ten 80+ year olds with jobs not fitting for such an age group.
You Die In The Game, You Die For Real: Kill someone who likes video games.
Game Over, Man: Kill five video game developers.
Machine Gunner: Seventeen bullets on the screen at once.
Spy Kid: Kill a secret agent under 18 years old.
Back to the Future: Kill someone who is a veteran of a war they could not have been in.
I'll Be Back: Kill a terminator.
Alternate History: Kill a cold war veteran.
Assisted Suicide: Kill someone who was going to kill themselves anyway.
Dirty Old Man: Kill a pornographer over 60.
You're Fired: Kill someone about to get a promotion.
Homewrecker: Kill someone under 18 with a husband or wife and kids.
Bitches Don't Know 'Bout My Achievement: Kill an 11-year-old gigilo.
Hello Jack Thompson: Kill 34 people.
99 Virgins But a Bitch Ain't One: Kill someone who belongs to a feminist group.
Chris Hansen: Kill a child porn star.
Headshot: Kill someone in one shot.
Counter-Sniper: Kill a sniper.
William Tell: Kill someone by shooting the air above their heads.
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1659 No. 1659 ID: badf27 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Someone told me to post this here.
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12948 No. 12948 ID: 310377 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This is my dumping ground and idea spawn for a project I am working on: turning Squeegy into a bunch of custom Magic the Gathering cards. Enough to play with. And have varying decks.

PM Squeegy at Squeegy @ irc.rizon.net if you want to be in on this or have ideas for cards.

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12889 No. 12889 ID: 49d6d7 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

SFW thread.
Starting with something awesome and nostalgic.
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12884 No. 12884 ID: 3e6377 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I know I'm a total newb, but I'm also a drawfag looking to get into the PaintChat. Does anyone have any hints on getting in, when I click the link in the sidebar, Firefox dosen't open the chat :(
Thanks :)
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12800 No. 12800 ID: 8039c3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I got banned from /tg/ on 4chan in the middle of running a quest.

Do you other guys mind if I move it here?

Pic unrelated.
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No. 12812 ID: fa1e59 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]


there is a crab serenading a dragonborn with a saxophone while she's laying an egg on the front page. i think you can leave prudish comments about a penis at the door :D
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8592 No. 8592 ID: 70d9eb hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Images. IPs. Experimental only.
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12712 No. 12712 ID: 701a19 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

>Have 4gb of RAM
>64bit OS
>Get this error
>Only 2gb in use
>Windows closes Borderlands anyway
>VM is enabled and system managed

Fuck you, Vista.
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12707 No. 12707 ID: bde7c1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Lol I've found your board in google.
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9579 No. 9579 ID: f16b80 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

So, now we have furry quests everywhere, furry pictures all over, and now furry music. >>9578

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11983 No. 11983 ID: 680f9f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I was curious if anyone knew the link that would have you able to look up any post with a specified key word of your choosing. A 4chan archive if you will, however I'm not referring to Suptg, the boards catered to /tg/, /a/, and /co/, mainly used it for /tg/.

IF anyone knows that would be appreciated, thanks.
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4304 No. 4304 ID: 000000 Locked hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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8992 No. 8992 ID: 754124 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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7401 No. 7401 ID: 43c7e5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

So, I've been thinking about how the majority of /tg/ doesn't utilize tgchan / quest.lv here. Which is a shame, because alot of stuff that DOES relate to the board can be talked about and posted here, even if it breaks the 'worksafe' rules of standard /tg/. Also, various things could be done in a more organized and paced manner here, without the need for a bump every 4 hours.

So, fa/tg/uys and ca/tg/irls who haven't come this way til now, why not? Resident posters who have been here forever, anything you'd like to say to new folk coming in?

Where does everyone want to see things go for /tg/ and tgchan?
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11513 No. 11513 ID: 4a07e6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Dear tgchaners Christmas is almost upon us and in that time of year we all get to exchange each-other presents. Here is the general jist of how this will work.

-Someone on the thread will request a game they want to be gifted.
-The other person will offer a gift and in exchange ask for something in return that is of equal value.
-Both are happy and everyone is playing the game they want for Christmas.

General tips
- Please insure that you are on steam at the time or in contact with each-other over irc to ensure a easier time with gifiting.
- If you want to gift someone and you don't want anything in return then say so.
- This is not a beging thread so try to remember even in Christmas time we a lot of us don't have much to offer.

Enjoy yourselfs and Merry Christmas
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11716 No. 11716 ID: 476456 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I was going through my old storage containers, i cant believe i had some of this stuff :V
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11551 No. 11551 ID: 701a19 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

wat do?
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11389 No. 11389 ID: 476456 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]


and use this format plox~
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11525 No. 11525 ID: ea02a8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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10718 No. 10718 ID: 4812df hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Holiday seasons are upon us tgchan, starting with the jew one and continuing on to the important ones. SO HOW BOUT EM FOLKS WHO IS EXCITED AND WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS I WANT TO KNOW

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9836 No. 9836 ID: 6c4937 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Machete is the best movie.
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10233 No. 10233 ID: 445c48 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Hallo, friends. I would like to ask how to make something similar to this, to help me visualize how I'm setting up my mooks in Rogue Trader. Would it require photoshop? Or could it be done in, say, Paint.net? Either way, how would I go about making something like this? I've practically no experience in either of these things.
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10511 No. 10511 ID: cc5437 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]


pic unrelated
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9951 No. 9951 ID: 70d9eb hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Oh shit son it's that game with the sheep and the farming and the fighting.
Look at all those fucking crops. Got some goddamn cucumbers.

English ROM with NO$Zoomer included since it's a tiny filesize increase.
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5646 No. 5646 ID: afa95b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

So, I heard we had a Spelunky-thread on /meep/.

Time to share our most delicious moments.

I'll go first: I installed Spelunky and played it through on the first go. Pic related.

So how about you? Had any fun times?
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9021 No. 9021 ID: 754124 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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8859 No. 8859 ID: 2563d4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You know the drill. HOWEVER, the twist is that you need to put a quest character, not yourself, in the centre.
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8648 No. 8648 ID: f16b80 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Never played pathfinder before, and I'm creating my character right now.

I'll be a half-orc bard named Mudy, and my alignment is Chaotic Good.

I wonder if anyone will get the reference.
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7705 No. 7705 ID: 4953e3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

For our first project, we will be doing a reading of Mudy Quest, thread 1. It will be read aloud using Teamspeak, and streamed live using Livestream. When this will happen has not yet been determined.

We are in need of the following parts:

Mudy -Gnome
Princess Silvermoon -Seven
Bladetree -Larro
Hans -Lunar
Calavera -BiteQuest
Totenkopf -Rosque
Darkmoon Dagger
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8017 No. 8017 ID: b0b0f1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This is you, tgchan.
according to
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7691 No. 7691 ID: 48b8a8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I, along with a few friends, have been working up our own tabletop game for some time now. We have, very nearly worked our project into something we intend to seek a way to publish.

But, none of us can produce art, and we need quite a bit for our initial release. We're willing to work out a fair price, and we won't ask for any speculative work.

The project is pulp-revivalist / gaslight fantasy / steampunk themed, so some familiarity with those themes would be appreciated. I will, of course, answer any questions I can in this thread. And I can be contacted in person
via email at steely.nick[delete this if you're a human]@gmail.com
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8010 No. 8010 ID: 70b034 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This is my way of saying "fuck these tilemap engines".
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8110 No. 8110 ID: 7971b5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

So, I was sifting through my pawn shop recently, when I came across an interesting looking game system--7th Sea. Gonna be giving it a try tonight, if only to check it out and see how it is.

The only thing I have left to set up, however, is music to fit the mood. It can be video game music or film music or whatever, but aside from Pirates of the Caribbean/Alestorm/Running Wild, what would be good music to play for a pirate campaign?
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318 No. 318 ID: 886eb6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

are you for, against, or don't understand the electoral college?
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7997 No. 7997 ID: fc9893 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]


Is SDF running this quest under a different name?
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7793 No. 7793 ID: 4307ff hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Cursed Pirate Girl thread. It's sort of like Alice in Wonderland, with pirates. Read, post your thoughts.


When we've seen more of the world I'm certainly going to look at using the Omertas as an RPG setting. '50 Fathoms' eat your heart out.
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6304 No. 6304 ID: 701a19 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I have a few proposed changes, and I was wondering if anybody would be interested in improving the mockup.
Or if somebody knows enough XML to alter it directly.
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7526 No. 7526 ID: 00e373 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Hey, I hope this is ok to post here:

I'm holding a movie night for 4/tg/ and thought I'd invite you guys as well.

Tonight we've got Treasure Planet, followed by [whateverfinishesuploadingfirst] (there was a server problem)

The show starts @ 10pm EST (0200 GMT), which is approximately 30 minutes from now.
I'll be streaming some shorts beforehand for anyone who shows up early.

Linky: http://autono-mo.us/vid/livestream.html (livestream2.html if you're getting lag)

PS. if you click the Play button and it opens up another window, just close that window and push the Play button again.
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7866 No. 7866 ID: 3d74a8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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6149 No. 6149 ID: 8ce2bf hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Yo diggity dogs what do you think this site should be called?
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2491 No. 2491 ID: fe0817 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Time to relieve the good memories with another round of the Oldest Game!

Instructions stolen from MudyQuest:

The oldest game is simple, and it does not involve chance. It is all about wits! The cleverest man wins.
The rules are simple: each person simply states what they are, and the other person then has to 'become' something to counter that thing.
For example:
Person 1: "I am a bunny. Grass-eating, multiplying."
Person 2: "I am a wolf. Grass-prowling, bunny-devouring."
Person 1: "I am a hunter. Horse-mounted, wolf-stabbing."

You play until one cannot think up a counter.

There are many ways to lose the oldest game. Failure of nerve, hesitation. (Lack of imagination.)
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7168 No. 7168 ID: 701a19 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This thread is for discussing the actions of the Minecraft server's admins and mods.

If you ban or unban somebody then post the reason here, including their prior behavior and a description of the event that prompted the action.
If you wish to appeal a ban then do so here.

Just keep things reasonably civil.
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7503 No. 7503 ID: 44484c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I love the beat'em up genre, and I assume most of you do to. So lets talk a bit about them, why we love them, which ones we still play from time to time.

The Dungeon and Dragons arcade games are an obvious high point. The magic and item use system actually is one I haven't seen used often (actually, I can't think of a similar system in a beat'em up right now), combat was solid and classic Capcom character designs and animation. One of the last greats of the arcade era, and sadly only made available on the Japanese Sega Saturn, I pretty much use a modded original xbox just so I can play it anytime I want.
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7699 No. 7699 ID: b82ee1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Super Mario Driblis
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7428 No. 7428 ID: fb388c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

My quest is moving painfully slow so I had the idea to make this as shameless advertisement
for it ill make more as it strikes me.

Read Plz
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1677 No. 1677 ID: 5ba271 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

I hear and obey.

Starting off the thread with the best touhou.
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7409 No. 7409 ID: 591f7a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Asked this on /tg/ but didn't get many responses, does anyone still play Warhammer Online?

I just resubbed and most servers are gone or barren but Badlands is really thriving, mostly everyone has gone there so its quite filled through all levels the only problem is an Asian Order guild is rampaging at Tier 4.

This is a big roundabout way of asking if anyone wants to join and possibly create a tg guild on Warhammer Online? It's really fun when you have people and I'm sure we could roll around as destro pillaging and what not.
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7419 No. 7419 ID: 03ccbb hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

So, I apparently found myself working on an actual game, obviously with Riel as the character.


'Tis the second build. Use arrows and space to move around, and yes I know there's bugs. No, I didn't make any level drawing system yet, those blocks are hardcoded.

Sprite drawing routines
Controls (sloppy)

To do:
Everything else. You can suggest what to include next, and you might see it in the next build.

I'll post every build here from now on, unless I'm left without internet for good.
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7388 No. 7388 ID: 70d9eb hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Game of the week thread, yo.
We are gonna play some gat dang Worms Reloaded. And some gat dang Vindictus when the next beta comes out.
Post your steam account names in this thread so we can all be worm buddies.

Name | Steam Account Name
Lawyer Dog | TheVimes
Peeved | Peeved
Gnome | Gnome7
Shiitake | McFrugal
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7103 No. 7103 ID: bdfa5c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I havent posted on /tg/ in a while.. but it seems like the janitor over there instantly deletes flare threads, or just flare posts in general.

no matter what hour of the day.

Did i miss some jim prophet level anti-flare sticky at some point?
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1733 No. 1733 ID: cc194e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Gentlemen, I think I have discovered a /tg/ related Browswergame.

Gentlemen! Hear me out, Gentlemen. The game I am talking about is called Faery Tale Online, referred to as FTO.


You take the role of a Gentleman or Gentlelady born into a still unnamed world, a world mere 76 years old. A world, that covers, according to the FAQ, "tens of thousands of square miles", with the FAQ being old it might be more by now. A world, that houses many different races, such as humans, strange, blue, arctic elves, Troll people and bipedal canines (Eugh ...) and probably many more.
To explain my vague statement, there is no wiki or elaborate list of contents, for the player is supposed to find out as she plays. Also, it being still in the open-beta stage ensures frequently added content.
And that's it. The programmers gave the dear players a world and a system. All gold filled dungeons that eventually will be explored and liberated of monsters were created by players. All grand cities and citadels were made by people. Nothing but the world, the land, is pre made. However, as I mentioned, the world is young, mere (ingame) 76 years old. The camps of the various clans only recently began to develop into villages.
The administrators don't enforce, but heavily recommend roleplaying and metagaming is heavily frowned upon. The roleplaying even goes so far, that the player are born into the world. This adds a unique (and sometimes awkward) roleplaying experience, which is by itself already interesting.
However, this is the reason for the existence of a birth queue. When I signed up 7 month ago I started on place 370 and it took me 5 month to finally get born. Fortunately various measurements have been taken to shorten the queue and by now it moves faster than before and upon signing up you'll likely find yourself on spot 150 o
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
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6806 No. 6806 ID: d46676 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

So, I've been n a bit of an anime kick lately. Mostly going back and watching some of the series that ran on Toonami, TechTV's anime block, even some of the stuff that ran on KidsWB or the Fox cartoon block; back in the early 2000's before I was aware of the "Subs vs Dubs" debate, before I had suffered through ANOTHER FUCKING Evangelion cut, while they were still on Namek, and not still in the Soul Society. And I got to thinking, I fuckin' loved those series. They were goofy, they made no sense, the dialogue would occasionally veer into full retard, but they were fun. And at the end of the day, you didn't question why a 15 year old was capturing robotic demons into trading cards which allegedly could destroy the cosmos, but were more likely to be used in a tournament arc in flagrant violation of the tie-in rules.

So, let's go on a little imagination vacation, and think up our own series to be gleefully nostalgic about. Or something less temporally vexing. Fuck that's a lot of purple prose.

Let's start with a setting. Then we'll need hero. A quest or goal, and a lead party.

But first, setting. The more awesome the better.
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6093 No. 6093 ID: 8ce2bf hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

MiB : Lawyerdog make a Player 1 thread in Genral
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169 No. 169 ID: e98c4f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Mrs. Frizzle thinks /meep/ is a-okay!
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6098 No. 6098 ID: 4f6e37 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]


They're goblins , and they have a camp. Orcs can come too. There are a lot of pies and bloodberries. It does not look anything like that image over to the left.

This game is in version 0.1 right now, and is already fully playable and actually sort of enjoyable. It appears to be one guy's efforts to make an accessible version of Dwarf Fortress with a focus on refining gameplay instead of how dwarves take shits (no offense o great Toady one) and a User Interface that is actually pretty great. It takes heavy cues from Dungeon Keeper and Anno as well as DF, and it's already sprouting a fairly dedicated community on SA and its own forums. Within 24 hours of the alpha's release it's already getting modded. This is definitely something to watch. Download it maybe! Give the very first version a go! If these barebones are any indication, you might be playing a slice of roguelike history.

It's going to give you some bizarre .dll error first, though. You can fix that by downloading VC++ from the link on the website.
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5293 No. 5293 ID: 476456 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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5466 No. 5466 ID: 9bddc8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]


Ok so I figured since I posted this like twice in chat last night and got two people addicted I might spread it further among the populace to those who still don't know about Realm of the Mad God.

RoTMG is a pretty cool browser-based MMO with awesome artses and addictive easydeath gameplay. I can't do it justice with words so just go there and play it. Also you'll want to give this a look.
Of particular note: CONTROLS AND COMMANDS. This will teach you how to do advanced moves like teleporting to other players and pausing the game! Shocking!

ok go play now

...oh yeah I almost forgot, when I play RoTMG I find myself playing with username "11". So you can try to find me and team up or whatever if you feel like it. Or not.

ok now go play
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5276 No. 5276 ID: 2b4d35 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]


+3 to Bluff (Bees) rolls; cumulative -2 to Listen checks.
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3955 No. 3955 ID: 8ce2bf hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Tiny Archer is always relevant:
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5495 No. 5495 ID: 31cbfc hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Yes, I'm not gonna even explain, just another idiot's shot at Metal Glen in 3D. Just started by the way. Making this in Unreal Engine 3, so there's a lot of possibilities. If I finish the facility and anyone's willing to help (and Weaver doesn't have a thing against it), it could even become a game. (Hey, not like RQ would be that hard to recreate in UDK - I could get it done without even making a new codebase.)
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5377 No. 5377 ID: c5296f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This new IRC client replaces something with horrifying severed baby heads. Discuss.
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4785 No. 4785 ID: 0f9dad hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

>signing up for gmail.
>click on wheelchair thing next to captcha
>oh god what the fuck my ears
Seriously, what is this?
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1470 No. 1470 ID: 8896b9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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3931 No. 3931 ID: 3441fa hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

A thread for posting ideas in the event one of us somehow has the money to run one of these confangled things.

The necessities would be Steve Shirts and Orbs of Infinite Psyche. From there, anything is open.
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5016 No. 5016 ID: 0f9dad hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

>trying to put air conditioner in room
>friend and I holding it
>hold still man hold still
>fly flies in through window
>he jerks out of way.
>my face as our air conditioner drops two stories.
>but somehow it still worked afterwards
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