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24440 No. 24440 ID: dcd676 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Starbound has grown incredibly popular, both here and on the internet at large. They've gathered enough money from their Kickstarter that they've even decided to add a community-developed race, the Novakids.

Well, perhaps they'd be willing to add one more to that list? I ask you, fellow TGChan enthusiasts, what do you all think of seeing about getting Neumonos into Starbound?

Thoughts? Comments? Support?
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No. 24658 ID: c3663c

It would be a simpler sort of game, although Rokoa isn't what I would call a good kind of lone protaganist. It might not be as relevant if it is, in fact, a simple sort of game, but I can't say I thought of it much.
No. 24662 ID: b53faa

Honestly my personal beleif here is that we should just make a mod for just cause 2 that replaces the main character with a model of rokoa
Nothing else
just rokoa blowing shit up and zipline-parachuting everything
(It also just occurred to me that the voice would clash hilariously and I love that prospect)
No. 24663 ID: 57a559

Kinda like that one GTA4 mod where we're Goofy and his model is so big and clunky most of the weapons and stuff clip through the body?
No. 24664 ID: e4ee1b


actually that is the perfect game for Rokoa to be in
No. 24732 ID: f29aa1

>a mod for just cause 2 that replaces the main character with a model of polokoa

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24519 No. 24519 ID: 72b600 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

So if anyone wants to know what I've been up to since I stopped posting quests in here, this is what I have been up to: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1552912590/inverse-world-a-dungeon-world-sourcebook

I'm writing Dungeon World content and selling it on the internet. Livin' the tradgames dream.

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No. 24549 ID: 48ab4b

I'm thinking it's a setting a la Eberron.

It also looks awesome 5stars
No. 24550 ID: 72b600

That is right. It is a setting book for the Dungeon World system, which is basically "D&D without all the bullshit." I highly recommend it, the core rules are available for free: http://book.dwgazetteer.com/
No. 24556 ID: 91c1b3

Alright, cool. I'll check it out.
No. 24698 ID: a6008c
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This kickstarter is in its last week! Also I have Crossfrown, the author of project5 and Princess Quest, providing some of the art.
No. 24712 ID: 1ca9d2

Huh! I didn't know you were the same Gnome as the one on this board. Small world.

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24511 No. 24511 ID: dde2e2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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No. 24530 ID: 57aa5a

Okay if you want to learn the lore of THIS site let me give you a quick summery of some of the tgchan side that you wont hear from the 1d4chan article. First TGchan and /tg/ are diffent places so the /tg/ history of something can be almost the opposite history for TGchan like in this case. As it says she actually was a notoriously good troll on 4chan's /tg/ being everything they hated but here where we already accept creepy role play and furries she doesn't have much of the same bite.

Even so she still has caused one or two people to flip out here before. Though it was mostly over our acceptance/love of her and our constantly putting of titles such as beautiful/glorious/magnificent before her name. Mostly she is just made fun of or loved and lauded over as a joke, as she's still a poster child for much of what any RPer is annoyed at.

Such as in flare quest as has been mentioned.

Also 2 chapters of Cutebold Slaughter Fest is devoted to her where we mostly just tried to make her cry before everyone got too distracted by plot.

And she was the most ridiculous wizard in Bite Quest (but in a good way).

Hope that helps for now.
No. 24535 ID: b53faa

huh, so generally the consensus here is "kinda a douche, but nobody really gives a shit", correct?
No. 24536 ID: 78c6ea

One word: cccd9
No. 24582 ID: 8b9215

Everyone loves Flarey. All 800 cheese-filled pounds of her.
No. 24605 ID: bdb3f8
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You forgot about the side-scrolling shooter FlaRe-Type, which has seen enough occasional bursts of development to have a working prototype.

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24589 No. 24589 ID: b53faa hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

delicious meat products rain from the sky, pelting and tenderizing my body as I drift ever further down. Suddenly, gravity ceases, and I begin to float among the meat.
A ham hock lazily floats by, pelted into a slow spin by a stray kielbasa. A set of barbecued ribs splits in half, the seperate pieces fluttering like the glistening Flagella of a deep sea creature.

And all the while I sit there, motionless, watching as the meat world surrounding me coexists with me in perfect abstract harmony.

I am with the meat.

Part of the meat.

One with the meat.

And then, the meat clouds come. Giant, billowing masses of ground beef, roiling with the hot frying grease and battered chicken eager to burst loose on the world.

Thunder rolls, and a thick rain of grease bathes the meat landscape, feeding the t-bone flowers, granting life to the wild bacon trees, and allowing life to thrive.

Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 24592 ID: 747c7e

No. 24595 ID: f2c20c

No. 24597 ID: b53faa
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No. 24599 ID: b53faa
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No. 24600 ID: 306558
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23587 No. 23587 ID: 772c81 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Hey tgchan folks, I have a humble question for you guys.

I've been looking for the past three hours for the source of these images, and can't seem to find any success. As close as I can tell, they're some sort of offshoot to a "unnatural selection" quest, but I can't find any links or records of it.

Do any of you out there know where I can find the thread these came from? I'll post a few.
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No. 23596 ID: 059ca3

May as well leave it longer than that, this is a slow board. At least wait until Ficus swings around so you can find out what the status of potential continuation might be. I'm you don't lurk IRC, since you probably would have asked there if you did; otherwise that'd be a great place to talk about such things.

Also if you didn't know and are curious, you can find Unnatural Selection stuff at:
No. 23597 ID: 772c81

yeah okay, either way then. And I've actually been reading up on the quest through the wiki for a bit here.

Though, apparently the quest cuts out in the sixth installation, not looking forward to that.
No. 23598 ID: 908c2d

Don't worry too much about it cutting out. Lago will be getting the next chapter going soon-ish (before the next chapter of Polo starts up, at least. Probably after the current Chop and Story Seeker chapters wrap up).

Lago quests don't die- they just get in each other's way for a while. :V
No. 23602 ID: 6c5820

Wouldn't is be time for a clamp-continuation?
We leaved him at some kind of cliffhanger... unless chop is interrupted by an invasion of zombies and clamp popping up with a couple of dwarfs, lamias and dryders out of some hidden tunnels, it's slowly clamps turn again in my opinion^^
No. 24203 ID: 65449b

Ah yes, Ficus's bizarre obsession with the "PG orgy."

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23843 No. 23843 ID: b5bc27 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Greetings. I am an ambassador going to all the "smaller" chans to offer them a chance to join the growing organism community at 3chan.

We have found that the community at tgchan is interesting, and we want to have it with us.
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No. 23994 ID: f1b3ee


>creepy tool

Burn, son. Reach over your keyboard and help yourself to some of that ointment; about time you used it for what you're supposed to.
No. 23995 ID: 952246

I'd like to take a moment to remind folks that sage works on tgchan, and this thread doesn't really deserve to hug the top of the board for months.
No. 24100 ID: a5c529

Damn dude, way to tell him. And how day you say /smaller/ chans! This is a thriving community, a big family, go away!
No. 24103 ID: 3ef034

Might just want to lock this thread or something to prevent people bumping it up.
No. 24202 ID: 65449b

This guy is, indeed, a creepy tool, and if he thinks he's getting anybody worthwhile to come over to his board with threads like this he's got another thing coming.

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23651 No. 23651 ID: a7d3c0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Heart of the Swarm is coming out soon which is pretty hype and TGChan people have been playing Starcraft 2 more so this is a thread for Starcraft 2 whoa.

A few of us are now in the HotS beta so we will probably hit that up along with WoL. I made a That Quest Clan clan on HotS so when you see someone with the [Dang] tag you can be like "Dang, that guy is in That Quest Clan!!"

I am LawyerDog 981 on WoL and HotS.
No. 23653 ID: d6ae01

I also have both SC2 WoL and HotS in beta form.

I'm Slinkoboy 664
No. 24187 ID: d126ad

Oh dang it's a Starcraft 2 tournament for TGChan dudes. http://challonge.com/TGCSC2
This tournament isn't going to be very serious. It will just be doing the matches whenever possible and then sending the replays to me. I will stream all the games and then we can do the finals live or something.
Sign up if you're a cool guy. Each match will be Wings of Liberty or Heart of the Swarm depending on whatever works for people.
No. 24189 ID: fcf67b

I am so bad v people.
Quite frankly I'm bad v robuts

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23620 No. 23620 ID: 34cbef hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

We at the house of chirps have gone into poverty, so we have to ration out the food with meals going on a permission basis. So as a response I want others to feel my pain as now I have to enjoy just looking at food instead of actually sticking any into my stomach.
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No. 24005 ID: 29c085
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As a brit I am confused as to why you claim that this isn't toad-in-the-hole.

Maybe I just come from a background of culinary confusion. We stuck whole sausages in Yorkshire pudding too.

In the interests of staying on topic, imagine brownies with no chocolate and brown sugar instead. They are the most amazing things.
No. 24009 ID: 2f4b71

The problem is not the use of whole sausages (which is correct), but that the batter should cover the sausages leaving little of them exposed. That way, they will bake without the skin losing moisture and will remain soft. Otherwise it's no different from cooking the sausages and Yorkshire Pudding separately and placing them together during serving.
No. 24030 ID: bf0685
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No. 24032 ID: 5c20c0
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These are some of the best cupcakes I've made.
No. 24048 ID: 218a2f

I have an excellent recipe for those around here somewhere, actually.

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23417 No. 23417 ID: 55c4cf hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

General Pokemon, Video Game discussion, Trading, Interesting art, or whatever. There are a lot of Pokemon players in the community, and I realized there's no thread to ask or talk about things so here you go.
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No. 23956 ID: 389f2b
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No. 23957 ID: 389f2b
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No. 23958 ID: 389f2b
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No. 23959 ID: 389f2b
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No. 23960 ID: 389f2b
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23813 No. 23813 ID: b53faa hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I haven't seen one yet, and despite my very VRY limited enjoyment of most of them, I decided I might as well make a place for the megukas and ninja soccer players to interact and discuss which magical girl is gonna die next.

Let's start with cowboy bebop, shall we?
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No. 23921 ID: a5478c

From The New World is amazing and makes for a great /tg/ setting
No. 23922 ID: b53faa

I started watching soul eater.
Good show.
(note that 27 might be broken, find that elsewhere)
No. 23925 ID: 2f4b71

It's also a nicely animated Studio BONES show. Go download it from TokyoTosho or BakaBT, instead of watching it in eye-destroy-o-vision from some shitty streaming site. Assuming you're unwilling to buy the BDs sight-unseen.
No. 23927 ID: b53faa

Actually, that website has surprisingly good quality.
I was pleasantly surprised when I found it.
No. 26932 ID: 518965


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23715 No. 23715 ID: b53faa hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Where did the bacon metaphor thing come from?
Because I am sudddenly very interested in reading that.
No. 23733 ID: 29c085

A Something Awful thread which has since been locked off and closed and sent on its merry way to the archives. It was a general Internet mock thread and this particular summary was about someone describing how they were asexual by, well, eleven paragraphs of comparing sex to bacon and why they had no desire for bacon. It was a ridiculous amount of waffling self-indulgence, but the original link to whatever it was escapes me. Seeing as it was on Tumblr, it more than likely has been deleted by its original author by now anyway.
No. 23735 ID: b53faa

Drat, I was really hoping to get a good read in on whatever that was. I love reading waffley things, rambling is neat.

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23707 No. 23707 ID: dfa9b0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Does anybody know why it keeps clearing my watched threads list? This is really annoying and I want it to stop.
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No. 23713 ID: b53faa

As it turns out, the website logs your list according to which IP address you are at! As such, my list wasn't carried over when I went to work today!
That solves that issue, I suppose!
No. 23722 ID: 17f7c4

No. 23729 ID: f922dd

That explains why I couldn't seem to keep my own watched list--I have a dynamic IP.
No. 23730 ID: b56fd6

Hm. Maybe there's a thing you can download that can keep things saved as a cookie or something.
TBH, having things saved to the server is just a whole mess of problems when it really comes down to it, but I'm not altogether sure if that's a fault of the chan setup or an error the programmers would be able to remedy.

Ah well.
No. 23732 ID: 29c085

WELCOME TO KUSABA. I hope you enjoy your stay.

Yeah, if you have a changing IP, it screws up everything. If you share your IP with someone else, such as being in the same house and using the same router, it screws up everything.

According to Dylan a cookie is already involved, in a stupid way, and the code is really dumb. No idea if any fixes are planned for the immediate future or not though.

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23646 No. 23646 ID: 2de44c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

let's talk about why king of the hill is the best show
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No. 23677 ID: 2ae337
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AH told yu Hank! I dun told yuh the gubmint's makin pod peeple clones uv all uv us to start the transition to a monarchy led by our aleeahn overlords! It's a sign I tells yuh!
No. 23678 ID: 2ae337
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No. 23679 ID: 2ae337
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"HEY! Are y'all talkin' bad 'bout me behind my back?!"

...are y'all even talkin' bout me behind my back?

...please say yes.
No. 23680 ID: 2ae337
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Dang it boys! Get offa mah computer!
No. 23689 ID: 389f2b
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one big happy family

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23650 No. 23650 ID: b53faa hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Is that still going? If so, what's the server IP. My old server is awful and I am looking for a change.
No. 23652 ID: b53faa

shit, it cut out the title
I am asking about the minecraft server I may or may not have seen mentioned at one point, sorry for the confusion!
No. 23660 ID: f2c20c

There is a thread for it already >>3251
No. 23662 ID: b53faa

Saw no mention of an ip, which is what i am after here mate.
also, the last updort was AGES ago.
No. 23666 ID: 62496e

No. 23668 ID: b53faa

ah, thanks.
didn't know I'd need a mod, but I'll bite.

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23497 No. 23497 ID: 8fd55e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

what happened to the wiki?
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No. 23541 ID: 4183c9

>People generally
Thank you for this verifiable fact, Mister President who we have elected with overwhelming majority to represent The People.

Maybe, but if you can't re-read it, you should probably ask yourself why you're giving a shit about the continuation in the first place.
>or years
If you can't re-read something after years, it's best you fuck off and concentrate on something else.
No. 23543 ID: 7b0ada

If that's a problem, just don't read the suggestions! Nothing stopping you from skimming through and only reading the image-ed posts, and following the story, well, like a story.
No. 23549 ID: 997ce7

Have you ever tried to read Lunar Quest after a long shitstorm? The updates are islands in seas of shit. It takes far too long to scroll through manually and if you use pgdn/up or space then you tend to overshoot.

Sure, it's only a minor pain in the ass, but since the purpose of scrolling is to avoid the nuisance of reading the shitstorms, that pretty much makes things counterproductive.
No. 23550 ID: 7b0ada

Yes, I have. I just use a mouse wheel- it's pretty easy to stop on the images.

But if you're really primarily concerned with efficiency, just jump from update to update with control f "Saulanna Rockblossom", and then keep mashing f3 or enter. (Or instead of a name, searching "File 1" works in pretty much any image quest). That'll get you pretty much the minimum keystrokes to scroll through the quest.
No. 23551 ID: 4a20fa


You'll have to use Firebug to inject it into the page; never got around to faffing with Greasemonkey because I was hoping I could convince Dylan to add it sitewide.

No guarantees that it still works or works properly, I wrote this ages ago and haven't used it much since.

No. 22606 ID: 1e7d43 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Behold its glory.
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No. 22616 ID: 067222

Sexual Lobster is pretty great. Although I think this thread could have just been an appendage to 'things worth sharing.' Whatever
No. 22617 ID: 1e7d43

Whoops. :I
No. 23397 ID: 78c6ea

It was pretty glorious. Somewhat lost on the creator that the joke that he would literally be consumed by bitterness was funnier than whether it was a parody or not.
No. 23412 ID: 027156

No. 27639 ID: b88e47
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23352 No. 23352 ID: 6f705c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Any one play the MTG online?

I just started out and would like some friendly people to play with.
No. 23357 ID: 44d136

No. 23359 ID: aaec57

Magic: The Gathering.

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20175 No. 20175 ID: 94ed3e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Since people from TGChan streaming is a pretty common occurrence, I figured there should be a thread for it.
Commonly used site for embedded streams: http://sharks.thatquestsite.org/
Account to follow to easily know when FF13-2 or Bastion racing is starting: http://www.twitch.tv/sildresharks

Beyond Lunch LP: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL81F333B020F500B9
Shark Stream: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL60AFA6DF35E2F06F
[On-going] Bastion Speedrunning: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5F6C659CA91C1269
[On-going] Let's Tolerate FF13-2: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDC84FDA9AD2FF3C0
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No. 23036 ID: d6ae01

My game stream moved to http://www.twitch.tv/slinkoboy

But I rarely stream games and even more rarely do it with audio, so I can't promise you'd be very entertained!
No. 23037 ID: 1f8505

I stream, though it hasn't happened a whole lot recently.

No. 23038 ID: 34cbef

i occasionally stream... alright, i stream once in a blue moon

No. 23348 ID: f7ae22

Recording of Bite's last stream:
Reading Latawnya & lawsuit: http://www.2shared.com/video/ewOhPJ35/bite_reading_latawnya.html

Drawing: http://www.slingfile.com/file/3hopsRheW3
or https://dl.dropbox.com/s/qjqpvfcjjl5ev74/2012-12-27_211503033.mp4?dl=1
No. 23349 ID: f7ae22

The essence of the Bitestream before that: http://tindeck.com/listen/lmiq

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23078 No. 23078 ID: 34cbef hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I got this crazy idea that i wanted to make a Kingdom of Loathing clone. This thread will be detailing my project and the progress i make on it. I will be accepting criticism along the path and I would gladly take some help if you are willing to offer it. Right now i have alot of ideas written in my little notebook, but I will start with working on the beginner area which will be the testing part. I would like to mention that I don't have any programming experience so i'll be doing this in baby steps. Maybe even slower.
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No. 23085 ID: 997ce7

Oh, and what's the balance? How high should stats be and what's the maximum level you should get from this zone?

I have one idea for an item:
chirps' khaki miniskirt:
+3 bility
+10% initiative

It looks like, well, a khaki miniskirt.

Description: A replica of the minskirt of <insert self-...insert here, possibly "the famed adventurer chirps">, it makes you feel nearly sas pretty as he is.

Or something.
No. 23089 ID: 34cbef

Its up to you, i'm compiling a list of potentially anything.

...it works. but they were pants.
No. 23094 ID: 34cbef

i figured out how to do a sort of adventure system that i like more then the KoL one. It's based on Energy Points from the meals you eat in a meal count. It'll work like this, there will be Food and Drink item categories. These food and drinks will each have quality types. The food count will be as follows, you will be able to have 3 meals before you Sleep. 1 meal comprises of 1 food and 1 drink. Each food and drink will have a quality rating: Terrible, Bad, Not Bad, Fair, Good, Great, and Fantastic. Each quality will represent an amount of energy you will receive after you sleep. A player will start off with being able to eat 3 meals any time before sleeping and get energy to go out to adventure some more. There will be items which will give tempory buffs to the amount of energy you recieve from foods, and there will be skills and such to increase the number of meals at a time. I'm thinking the meal cap will be 7.

Now the energy will be what you use to adventure and stuff, like places will require certain amount of energy to have encounters.

I think it's a good system- gives the players the chance to continually play the game as long as you can keep farming food items.
No. 23096 ID: 34cbef

alright, so the last day of the laptop. I'll be gone for a bit and will pop by to leave a comment or update my progress if i make any. either then that, just make some suggestions for items and whatnot.
No. 23100 ID: 91c1b3

Frank's pompadour? -Initiative because they see can see it from halfway across the map. Gloves of god strength? Cuddle bee honey? Gin and hair tonic? Krobin Headleaf Tea?

Good luck on the comp thing; I hope you'll be back soon.

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22974 No. 22974 ID: 4183c9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]


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No. 22982 ID: 4183c9
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No. 22984 ID: 98c372
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No. 22985 ID: 4183c9

No. 22986 ID: 98c372
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No. 22991 ID: b2bb1d

pffft...Cocaine is for pussies. REAL men do Jenkem

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