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No. 22861 ID: 35d27b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

also red, I'm older then you, why so focused on sex? leave her alone! or else we will conspire to kill you
15 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 22938 ID: 35d27b

she nod dead fact us both alive tho we did loose one
plus I got this ontop tho with pirwate wueen bwho saved us both, "sheep" sorry,but if it helps "rabbitt"dispie your hunt, you have what I can calla loverer, seems apparent you are together, dispite differemt specoes
No. 22939 ID: beeca1

Yes, he is. Red's well and truly dead. l2context.
No. 22940 ID: 62496e

I can not decipher this post at all past the first five words or so.
No. 22941 ID: beeca1

>she nod dead fact us both alive tho we did loose one

"She's not dead. Fact is, both (Itcher and Jessica) are alive, though we did lose one (Malsen).

plus I got this ontop tho with pirwate wueen bwho saved us both,

>Plus, I have this on top (of my earlier argument), though: With the pirate woman (Whiskers) who saved us both,

"sheep" sorry,but if it helps "rabbitt"

(You as a)"Sheep" (sorry) (he thinks that calling a belenosian a sheep is equivalent to calling a black human "nigger", even though it would be more alike to calling a human a monkey.), and, if it helps, a "rabbit"

dispie your hunt, you have what I can calla loverer, seems apparent you are together, dispite differemt specoes

Despite your hunt (for Whiskers) you have what I can call a lover (he thinks that sleeping in the same bed is equivalent to sexual activity). It seems apparent that you are together, despite your different species.

In short, he thinks I was talking about Jessica, not red, and says that despite Itcher's hunt for Whiskers, the interspecies thing, and the complete lack of any sexual activity, they are somehow a couple.
No. 22968 ID: 8b9215

What the fuck is going on here?

File 135323778518.jpg - (90.47KB , 1280x720 , Image1.jpg )
22831 No. 22831 ID: 34cbef hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

mkay, so i'm going to be streaming who knows what on thanksgiving because all my roommates are out on thanksgiving. I'm also trying to garner some donations. But it's not strictly for that. If you wanna hang out with me while I stream you can stop on by: www.livestream.com/bamumpenings

I'm also looking for potential download links for free games or video downloads to keep me and you guys occupied, because the current default I have for streaming is cheesy and terri-bad anime. So if you can't make it to the stream why not help me out by posting a link to any potential downloads to help me out!

Mkay, hope to see some of you folks around.
8 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 22904 ID: 34cbef

stream done for the night, but it will return again tomorrow.
No. 22911 ID: 34cbef


No. 22916 ID: 34cbef

Okay, the stream is on it's last movie of the night. But don't think it's over with yet, Tomorrow is Friday! And as a special beginning of weekend thing, i will begin streaming movies from my 'box'o'asian' collection. Get hype for some crazy movies starting at 3-4 central standard! First movie will be a rerun of the Cromartie High live action movie.

No. 22927 ID: 34cbef

mkay, so i got some bad news guys- the stream won't be all the way to sunday. Actually today will be the last day of it. I hope the guys who were apart of it enjoyed it, because I had fun doing it... though i didn't get many donations... heh.

well it was a try anyway.
No. 22928 ID: 34cbef

and the stream is now over, as the first post this was to garner some donations but that didn't happen. I enjoyed it anyway,

So the plan is to attempt this on christmas if i am able to. The chances are very small though, as current situations are impeding my plans.

For those of you who joined me, thx. For those who would want to see another-*rubs fingers together* i'd need to see some monetary incentive

so yeah, that's all from me.

File 135346608846.png - (227.52KB , 600x700 , 1343323250698.png )
22877 No. 22877 ID: befc95 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]


TROUT has to draw: 3 for Drgons, 2 for Kasaron_
DRGONS has to draw: 3 for Trout, 1 for Kasaron_, 1 for Britishhat, 1 for Fredrick
SLIKNOBOY has to draw: 1 for Trout
BRITISHHAT has to draw: 1 for Trout, 2 for Drgons, 1 for Kasaron_
KASARON_ has to draw: 1 for Trout, 1 for Britishhat, 1 for Fredrick
DRADBEARD has to draw: 1 for Drgons, 1 for Kasaron_
FREDRICK has to draw: 1 for Kasaron_, 1 for Drgons
8 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 22886 ID: 454d6b


No. 22887 ID: befc95


No. 22888 ID: b4b003
File 135347529337.png - (294.29KB , 1050x414 , B3DWw.png )

never forget
No. 22890 ID: 182b11

I'll start working on it tomorrow.

What do you want, pervert-san?
No. 22923 ID: 454d6b

Meh, I'm thinking that anyone who wants to, should just draw one of my game's races, or hot elf porn.

File 129842217811.png - (27.36KB , 750x750 , BIGDUMBARGUMENT.png )
13522 No. 13522 ID: bf1e7e Locked hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

This is the thread for BIG DUMB ARGUMENTS. If you want to have a BIG DUMB ARGUMENT, this is the place! If you were having a BIG DUMB ARGUMENT somewhere on the board and it vanished, it might be here!
1665 posts and 61 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 22737 ID: e17663

Because most people actually care about how other people view them, and would rather not announce it to the whole world every time they draw furry porn.
No. 22741 ID: 1ace6e
File 135193399125.jpg - (33.55KB , 500x374 , 1267499821410.jpg )

I've generally avoided this thread because I have no idea what happened (when I found my thread, the posts were already removed) besides what I was learned from the warning post. But I feel I should say my piece.

It was a gift image. I made it for a friend. I asked if I could show the little bit I was proud of, they said it was fine, and I posted it without realization that it would lead to some sort of weird avalanche of whateverthefuck. It wasn't some weird gamble for attention, I didn't expect anyone to ask to see the rest, and I never complained about the requests. In fact, that night I sketched something up (with dicks!!! wow) that I could share with everyone because it wasn't a gift. It sits uninked on my desktop with the rest of my works, but I digress.

Sorry for cropping art??? ? (also sorry to the poor soul who cleaned up the thread, thank you)
No. 22749 ID: cef479


But if he's already mentioned it then he HAS announced it to the world.

It's his own fault for bringing it up in the first place. If he doesn't want to share it then he shouldn't be flaunting details about it to everyone and getting buttmad when people get curious. And this is true for all artists who think this way too.

And when he does this, sure he's not obligated to give it to them when they DO get curious, but it's seriously not something to get so pissy over either. I'm sorry, but Cirr's not the victim here at all.

tl;dr Cirr has no one to be angry with but himself.
No. 22751 ID: 2f4b71

>I didn't expect anyone to ask to see the rest
If you post partial arts on the internets, internet people will want to see the rest. This is a constant. Adding a definitive 'I will not post the full image', with an optional reason (e.g. made for someone else) will effectively eliminate this. Otherwise the assumption will be that the image is a WIP towards something that will be posted.
No. 22810 ID: c4e057


Audio Stephen_Lynch_-_Bowling_Song.mp3 - (3.35MB , Stephen Lynch - Bowling Song.mp3 )
3235 No. 3235 ID: 7318ec hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

540 posts and 456 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 22595 ID: 1bdb8a

No. 22621 ID: ecfcdc

For easy downloading:
No. 22695 ID: 1bdb8a
Audio Ken_Ashcorp_-_CAD.mp3 - (1.06MB , Ken Ashcorp - CAD.mp3 )

Cocks And Dicks
No. 22696 ID: 1bdb8a
Audio Egoraptor_Birthday.mp3 - (6.53MB , Egoraptor Birthday.mp3 )

ken ashcorp x arin hanson otp tru gangstas
No. 22742 ID: ecfcdc
Audio Gummi_Bears.mp3 - (2.18MB , Gummi Bears.mp3 )

File 135148847606.jpg - (14.87KB , 480x360 , Dndc-dungeon_master.jpg )
22708 No. 22708 ID: 51bd11 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I've been enjoying my time as an early player in DnD (4E ,expecting rage) ,but I'd like to try my own hand at running a campaign. I've already decided I'd like to go with a small section of the unified setting as I've been been told playing directly from a published modual is not as fun as going with a basic setting and expanding on top of it, and I've always had an interest in vilous and micks creatures( I maintain the vilous mod at the bay12 forum hehe. ). Any advice how to get started?
No. 22709 ID: ecfcdc

Regarding DMing 4e:
Read the DMG. Read the other books too, for rules, but especially read the DMG, because that has more good advice on DMing than you'll find here.

On the Unified Setting:
Be aware that the races for the Unified Setting don't really have good 4e stats. If you want to work through them and get that fixed it should be relatively easy to revive interest, though. The current development thread is here:
No. 22713 ID: 6a1ec2
File 135157566236.jpg - (122.01KB , 900x695 , avanture.jpg )

Plan scenarios, but not a hard order to them. If the players fail to enter the room with the dragon, for example, don't force them in there, and don't discard your ideas. Just save the dragon for another room.

When the players try to second guess you at every step (and they will) give them a few red herrings, things that seem important, but are in fact just distractions.

Once you get their guard down with those, then you can provide a minor detail that doesn't seem important, but turns out to be incredibly important. A feather in the old sailor's boot for instance.

Once you really fool them badly, they will try to second guess you from then on even worse. That's when you introduce secretly timed puzzles. For example when they carefully explore the dungeon without missing anything, they return to the surface to find the village has been sacked while they were checking for traps the third time.

That's your basic starting game. After that, like chess, there's no right way to do things. Mix up the above three or do something else entirely. You'll just have communicated to your players that proper balance of trust and paranoia that will hopefully get them really into it.
No. 22724 ID: bf54a8

of course, don't make the bad things too bad at first otherwise they will think you are just fucking with them and not being serious about it.

File 135004025037.jpg - (0.98MB , 2560x1440 , PE-TempleEntrance01-2560x1440.jpg )
22579 No. 22579 ID: 782c69 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

So, some of the people who made Fallout and Planescape: Torment want to make a new game.


Anyone else excited? Because I am.
7 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 22605 ID: 1f8505

Looks like it finished just shy of $4 million, setting a new Kickstarter record!
No. 22615 ID: a8ba06

Final tally after Paypal donators:

Backers: 77,667
Pledged: $4,163,208

Which means it looks like we have 15 floors in the mega dungeon, and we reached the 4 Million stretch goal which adds live instrumentation for the soundtrack and in-game developer commentary. Also, Chris Avellone is being forced gets the privilege of playing Arcanum, which will be possibly streamed in the near future.

No. 22623 ID: f08b66

addendum: we only got 14 floors, not 15.
Unless their Obsidian facebook page gets 40k likes, then we get the 15th floor.
No. 22627 ID: 26a7c1

>new goal is 40k facebook likes
brb revving up the botnet
No. 22628 ID: f2c20c

Incorrect. From the latest update:

>How do PayPal backers affect the Mega Dungeon size?
>It counts toward the Mega Dungeon! We hit fifteen (15!!!!) levels!

File 130280112530.jpg - (27.96KB , 400x277 , you-are-umasou.jpg )
14464 No. 14464 ID: 54b969 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

More people need to learn of this thing. Adorable yet depressing. There's a 20 episode series with episodes about 3 or 4 minutes long each with a pretty primitive art style, and then a movie with a radically different art style (pictured).

Series: http://www.animebuzz.com/you-are-umasou/
Movie: http://www.animetake.com/you-are-umasou-movie/

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No. 14657 ID: 6b2b68

We're Back is kinda bottom of the pile. Granted, Screw-eye was kinda nightmare fuel but everything else about the movie was kinda bad, especially that song. I normally like John Goodman's voice acting too, he was particularly good in Emperor's New Groove.

On list of Dinosaur films I can remember, and just in my own opinion...

1. Jurassic Park
2. Land Before Time
3. You Are Umasou
4. Jurassic Park 3
5. Dinosaur (The Disney CGI film)
6. Jurassic Park 2
7. We're Back
8. Theodore Rex

Granted this does not include television shows. I feel a little bad actually about giving Land Before Time a spot above You Are Delicious, but I guess the art and production values behind Land Before Time give it the edge.

That said, I kind of would be interested in Hollywood doing a remake of Jurassic Park, or at least updating the dinosaur visuals star wars special edition style.Give the utahraptors feathers and actually call them utahraptors and such.

And yes, I know why they didn't call them utahraptors before.
No. 14660 ID: 383006

>or at least updating the dinosaur visuals star wars special edition style.

Why the hell would you want this? The Star Wars special editions had lots of unnecessary computer shit that looked completely out of place with the well-done traditional effects.

Jurassic Park used lots of great traditional SF that were supplemented by computers. I think they still look better than a lot of newer films that use CG exclusively.

Also, wasn't Jurassic Park 3 the terrible, terrible PG 13 one?
No. 14663 ID: 2563d4

>Jurassic Park used lots of great traditional SF that were supplemented by computers. I think they still look better than a lot of newer films that use CG exclusively.
Fucking this.

The only thing to change about the first Jurassic Park if you were going to fuck about with it is to downplay the stupid children. (And even then you can't outright remove them without losing "It's a UNIX system! I know this!" and making IRIX nerds irate.)
No. 22610 ID: 6a1ec2

Oh boy, karate dinosaurs. I can barely contain my excitement.
No. 22611 ID: 1d5849

How would you rate the Land Before Time sequels?

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21227 No. 21227 ID: 9cb4b3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

So I have a big but important question.

Who here would be wanting to start a competitive team for MWO?

This means once/twice a week scheduled games/practice sessions and stuff like that when the game hits.
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No. 21384 ID: 4de078

What, you mean they actually made it look GOOD? I'm sorry, but I think the MWO team are managing to take some really stupid-looking mechs and make them look fantastic. I'm looking at you, Jenner.
No. 21391 ID: 049dfa

the Jenner never looked good. There's only so much you can do with a naked man's lower torso running around with an erect penis shooting missiles out it's waist stump.
No. 21402 ID: 120db2

Weren't those in Serious Sam?
No. 21681 ID: a00410
File 134146140053.jpg - (108.36KB , 510x611 , jennerlaunchjf.jpg )


The Jenner looks even dorkier.

But the Urban Mech R2D2 and Robbi the Robots love child.
No. 22572 ID: 4de078

Okay, so NDA is lifted and Open Beta is next week.

I've been in the Beta for about two months now and I love how the game is shaping up. We just got a huge graphical update that's changed... a lot of things, for better and worse, but more detailed options are coming soon. The dev log says we can expect a few more mechs in the next month, along with the beginnings of electronic warfare and information warfare. Things are accelerating, it seems.

As things are now, there's a lot of depth to mech design and actual combat. I've been playing with LRM-bait pubbies for too long, though. Let's get a group formed.

File 134826286033.gif - (1.88MB , 680x297 , AAAAAAAAA.gif )
22473 No. 22473 ID: 063f2c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

So Torchlight 2 has been out for a day now.

Share your names, mines Deadbeard!

Audio Golem_Quest_Dramatic_Reading.mp3 - (4.91MB , Golem Quest Dramatic Reading.mp3 )
6859 No. 6859 ID: 54af1f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

And Now a Dramatic Reading of Golem Quest
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No. 21844 ID: c84373
Audio Sketchyquest_1_-_b.mp3 - (8.78MB , Sketchyquest 1 - b.mp3 )

No. 21845 ID: c84373
Audio Sketchyquest_1_-_c.mp3 - (7.76MB , Sketchyquest 1 - c.mp3 )

No. 22421 ID: 5abcdc
Audio RDM023.mp3 - (3.70MB )


No. 22435 ID: 34cbef

okay, so i got a reading done, it's 21 minutes long- but it's 19.7 MB, how the hell do i get it to be under 10 MB?
PS. i'm using audacity, and i have no idea what the hell i'm supposed to do to compress it

can somebody help me out
No. 22436 ID: 34cbef
Audio crashquest1b.mp3 - (9.90MB )

Read by me, authored by lonelyworld

File 131571716828.jpg - (113.63KB , 1280x720 , shining_twilight.jpg )
17878 No. 17878 ID: 2eac65 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Good news, everypony!

On September 17th, the new season of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic will begin.

Thread 1:
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No. 21564 ID: 197830

Damn, that's awful...
I'll have to try to make some time to archive everything cool I can find on Ponibooru while it's still up.
No. 21593 ID: 927efa
File 134043735781.jpg - (104.88KB , 720x720 , O3o.jpg )



No. 22341 ID: 4a20fa

Yes, I'm bumping the pony thread with something a month old which is also uncomfortably close to rap music. But bloody hell, the animation quality on this is unbelievable.
No. 22375 ID: 2eac65

It really is amazing what some people can make when they've found the right inspiration.

Which could be said about the show itself, in a way.
No. 22391 ID: c74c7d
File 134686894993.gif - (603.45KB , 240x135 , mylittledickbutt.gif )

File 130911934125.png - (400.11KB , 504x615 , moalla-front.png )
16707 No. 16707 ID: 2563d4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

'Tis free on Steam, and while the game itself is nothing exciting, for the price of sticking your e-mail in a registration form you can play with a fairly wide lump of free chargen bits. And since I know at least one other person has tried doing quest characters in it, have a Moalla.

No, I couldn't find a way to make her Orel not tiny. The angler fish thing looks even worse. Taken some liberties with the top, too, since although there are a few bustiers they don't really work as part of overalls.
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No. 17869 ID: 049dfa


A lot of the textures are pretty fucking stupid like that. I was trying to make a big glowing robot, and there were some neat bits of upper arm armor with glowybits, but if you set the texture on the part to metal (instead of the default non-glossy leather) it doesn't glow any more.

I don't even know what the fuck re: textures in this game half the time.
No. 18387 ID: 2563d4
File 131928232315.png - (178.39KB , 356x356 , screenshot_2011-10-22-12-13-11.png )


Note that if you log all the way into your character, the Bonus (rightmost) tab of the in-game C-store will now have one free character slot you can buy for zero points, even for Silver scrubs like me who have never given Cryptic/Atari a single red cent.

Also a partial Gando from a while back I couldn't finish because no checkerboard pattern for clothes or right material shapes.
No. 18392 ID: 55c4cf

This is the best thing you've ever done in your life.
No. 18653 ID: a40801
File 132084627150.png - (41.38KB , 227x220 , jchh.png )

No. 22327 ID: 4a20fa
File 134650284929.jpg - (72.43KB , 300x400 , Costume_DocScheme_RubbishAstara_CC_Comic_Page_Blue.jpg )

Needs more equine parts.

File 127023852926.jpg - (86.79KB , 603x1470 , KizNey.jpg )
3740 No. 3740 ID: 8eda28 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Gay - 1
Both - 0
Tits - 0
84 posts and 10 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 21274 ID: 2563d4

Translation: "oh god, I'm desperate, ANYTHING!"
No. 21276 ID: 197830

I don't know. Do I count as "desperate" if I already have a boyfriend (albeit one I don't get to see as often as I like)?

I just like sex. And people. And aliens (fictional ones, anyway, who technically are people too).
No. 21604 ID: 067a04

I will romance any person I have a mutual attraction with, but I don't like sex. Romantic asexual.
No. 21659 ID: b2112e

No. 22296 ID: 81ae09

Gay - 8
Both/Pan/omnisexual/Whores - 18
Straight - 13
Bread - 1
Asexual - 4
The Sun - 2
Non-orientable Surfaces - 1
Frills - 1 (but secretly everyone loves them)
Goatsexual - 1
Tits - 3
Sharksexual - 1
Sentientosexual? - 1

and plus one for the
everything that moves.(included in the count.)

File 134552312881.jpg - (200.12KB , 1280x720 , HappyFamily.jpg )
22188 No. 22188 ID: 9cb8fa hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Because Mann Vs Machine.
No. 22189 ID: 9cb8fa
File 134552323245.jpg - (185.03KB , 1280x720 , AveragedayinBeecave.jpg )

When all you have is a sentry
No. 22249 ID: a57e89

File 134250520748.png - (116.75KB , 616x589 , omg.png )
21872 No. 21872 ID: 6a1ec2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]


Tozols use themselves as bullets.
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No. 21882 ID: 4a20fa

>this discussion
No. 21883 ID: bf8c23

> adorable ferrets
No. 22024 ID: 6a713d

I'd recommend "planned-obsolescent death".
No. 22088 ID: 67e8b2

>science pistol
Teacup grip? What kind of loser would draw it like that?
No. 22103 ID: 4a20fa

And to think you sometimes claim that your art hasn't improved.

File 134451895103.jpg - (104.97KB , 844x1024 , warring states - jiang wu.jpg )
22032 No. 22032 ID: dff0f3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

My entire region was banned from 4chan, and seeing that Im from where I am, its most likely someone posted Child Porn.

And since /tg/ was my fave, here I am as a refuge. I'll be nice.
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No. 22082 ID: dff0f3
File 134494470415.jpg - (97.89KB , 472x395 , You.jpg )

No. 22085 ID: 4bdd79

>inb4 Elephant Guy gets banned 10+ times for ban evasion
No. 22086 ID: 67e8b2

Welcome to tgchan. We have Quests and... mostly just Quests. Sometimes other things!
No. 22090 ID: 34cbef

yes, sometimes.
No. 22096 ID: bdb3f8

also sharks.
and irc chat for when the board really *is* moving too slow.

File 134172210477.jpg - (101.38KB , 362x494 , Dragontoilet.jpg )
21726 No. 21726 ID: 9b5a1a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Because why not?
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No. 21836 ID: b4ee05
File 134207812356.jpg - (38.24KB , 576x960 , xmBAR.jpg )

No. 21840 ID: 68852c
File 134213635997.jpg - (47.04KB , 483x455 , catattack.jpg )

don't fuck with these things you guys.
No. 21841 ID: 4a20fa
File 134216385295.jpg - (121.90KB , 560x418 , 7539117032_507c79ffa3_o.jpg )

Have a cool, refreshing glass of cat.
No. 21955 ID: 53d7a2
File 134360818384.jpg - (58.55KB , 1024x768 , drake.jpg )

So here's the little nephew of the one from my original image.
No. 22035 ID: ce47da
File 134452873494.jpg - (209.52KB , 750x750 , cathugs.jpg )

File 134229270409.jpg - (348.27KB , 1920x1200 , dayz.jpg )
21848 No. 21848 ID: af3431 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

So we can get some sort of group going.

Post here if you play, what you're doing, and if you're looking for friends.

For those that don't know: http://dayzmod.com/
16 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 21909 ID: 34cbef

oh man, wish i could play this game- but oh god dammit i cant... laptop is shit
No. 21911 ID: 97486c

>Wow this game looks pretty interesting. I think I'll-
>Needs Arma 2 to play.

Well damn.
No. 21912 ID: 3ff87e


I'm running this on a PowerBook from 2006 with Bootcamp. I mean, the settings are all the way down and I get small freeze ups rarely when it's hot, but it works. Just try it.
No. 21914 ID: c74c7d


[ ] Macbooks
[ ] Cooling

Difficult choice there, brah
No. 21915 ID: b4ee05
File 134326509295.png - (12.23KB , 500x500 , 1317591729117.png )


= /

File 129788075611.gif - (7.22KB , 453x730 , kick.gif )
13306 No. 13306 ID: 1f2692 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Welp... i went for a jive on the town and a thought occured to me... i haven't been performing daily acts of evil like i used to...

so i decided i should kick something today

i haven't kicked a puppy in a long while, which is evil and gratifying in itself

but i also have seen a couple pony quests lately, so i need to express my opinion in these terms also

but which to kick... i couldn't decide, so i kicked both

has anyone ever found themselves being undecided lately? it doesn't have to be evil, i'm just an ass
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No. 20201 ID: d2f0c9
File 132887657204.jpg - (98.87KB , 639x479 , 1267860252818.jpg )


Have you been smart enough to give up smoking yet, or are you still trying to kill yourself?

Also, someone remind me to get more reaction images that aren't just rage, disgust or perversion. Here's a kitten in the mean time.
No. 20205 ID: 0d7a83
File 132888853148.gif - (0.99MB , 200x200 , 1325914109533.gif )

>get more reaction images that aren't just rage, disgust or perversion.

I don't understand, what would you use them to react to?
No. 20207 ID: d12795
File 132892246628.jpg - (38.17KB , 320x320 , e732_star_wars_coffee_inhand.jpg )

still smoking them death sticks, not like i can't just replace my lungs with cybernetic implants or anything.

Also, remember to get more reaction images that aren't just rage, disgust or perversion.
No. 20210 ID: ef1bab
File 132896531358.jpg - (69.44KB , 500x726 , 1267952623478.jpg )


God damn it!

>Also, remember to get more reaction images that aren't just rage, disgust or perversion

No. 21851 ID: 34cbef

never forget

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