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File 144254855726.png - (102.01KB , 800x600 , GoldeIsTryingToFitIn.png )
28107 No. 28107 ID: 2be160 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Maybe it's time for me to be even *more* active?
869 posts and 639 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 46005 ID: e7c7d3
Why do they need body mechs when I'm going to hold them and hug them and never let them go?
No. 46026 ID: 9cba7b
File 161324602876.png - (469.44KB , 2026x2043 , 2-13-21+Abigail+.png )
It gives them the ability to work on more complicated machinery! They are a very technologically forward species

Trying somethin' out with an old thieving cat character of mine, Abigail!
No. 46112 ID: 9cba7b
File 161764311940.png - (1.09MB , 2605x2433 , 4-5-21+Jaughter+.png )
An entertainer from Hell's Labyrinth. Their jokes are so bad they cause physical pain to all who hear them. Lumber and Lectro make a point to avoid this individual at all costs.
No. 46113 ID: 9cba7b
File 161764498179.png - (917.80KB , 2220x2553 , 4-5-21+Misintra+.png )
The towering giant dubbed the Strong Woman of Hell's Labyrinth. She's capable of bending steel into all kinds of magnificent shapes. Her and Embal used to be very close to each other, but have been rather distant lately.
No. 46358 ID: 0fae41
Forget the labyrinth, I want to get lost in that fluff.

File 148623434982.jpg - (268.92KB , 1173x1054 , Beautiful butterfly.jpg )
32929 No. 32929 ID: 47be15 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Here you can ask me to draw some of my characters or to place fan art in this thread
2700 posts and 1062 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 49440 ID: 9246cb
File 173508850324.jpg - (0.99MB , 1510x2146 , poklon 32.jpg )
No. 49515 ID: 477903
File 173948578929.jpg - (1.75MB , 1448x2029 , Core 391.jpg )
No. 49549 ID: 67e615
File 174126823535.jpg - (313.88KB , 584x931 , Core 414.jpg )
No. 49552 ID: 67e615
File 174144984637.jpg - (1.42MB , 1645x1542 , Core 416.jpg )
No. 49577 ID: 756c41
File 174294111842.jpg - (1.23MB , 1263x1654 , Core 421.jpg )

File 172223803145.png - (20.98KB , 487x487 , shart.png )
49169 No. 49169 ID: 4591f8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
midnightrasterspine/nasterspine art stuff dump, especially as questden related
19 posts and 19 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 49301 ID: 4591f8
File 172820832504.png - (11.43KB , 725x522 , vibri in a quest like situation.png )
No. 49302 ID: 861ceb
now that's a throwback.
No. 49381 ID: 4591f8
File 173174868366.png - (35.69KB , 741x631 , MYHOUSE.png )
NAN (titular) (clueless)
No. 49478 ID: 4591f8
File 173728017960.png - (10.47KB , 328x489 , tobakriel.png )
id be surprised if this hasnt been done
No. 49510 ID: 4591f8
File 173901307785.png - (20.57KB , 526x797 , peppermint.png )

File 169233547559.png - (34.34KB , 1185x873 , 8-17-23+The_Twimstiest_Drawthread+.png )
48373 No. 48373 ID: 69973e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Roughly 2 years later, a sona change, and a lot of self discovery I find myself with the vigor to return. Does this mean quests? Probably not yet.
77 posts and 46 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 49001 ID: ba2cd5
File 171772824807.png - (68.67KB , 1110x1566 , 6-6-24+MineServal+.png )
Shockingly never posted this character before, but in a way she's kind of another sona? She's my Minecraft Bedrock avatar, with a few personal tweaks I did to make her stand out a bit more.
No. 49002 ID: ba2cd5
File 171772828562.png - (59.88KB , 1413x1490 , 6-6-24+MineServalLewdAlt+.png )
I am, however, not immune to lewding my sonas. If anything, I love doing it.
No. 49003 ID: ba2cd5
File 171772831212.png - (55.38KB , 1413x1490 , 6-6-24+MineServalLewd+.png )
Also a nude version, because I actually did alts for once
No. 49007 ID: b3eab7
She looks great.
No. 49015 ID: ba2cd5
File 171843609982.png - (238.25KB , 2799x1589 , 6-14-24+Grimal_Concept+.png )
Thank ye!

A rather uncreatively named grimalkin, all things considered.

File 171424390892.png - (1.40MB , 1627x1693 , image.png )
48915 No. 48915 ID: ba9633 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Hi, I'm Xen (@xenoyia on twitter)! Wanted to post some of my arts here.
3 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 48919 ID: ba9633
File 171424397737.png - (2.55MB , 1944x1962 , what da bat doin.png )
No. 48920 ID: ba9633
File 171424400043.png - (3.40MB , 1986x1974 , Buchio.png )
No. 48921 ID: ba9633
File 171424401656.png - (1.06MB , 1653x1881 , Kobold Time.png )
No. 48949 ID: 462d8c
Hey, good arts! Unfortunately, you probably won't get much interaction on this part of the site, just as a heads up
No. 49167 ID: ba9785
Very cute! And good taste in anime.

File 144394688492.jpg - (1.49MB , 4000x3000 , newthread_drawpile.jpg )
28236 No. 28236 ID: eaf326 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Previous thread: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/draw/res/211.html

We've largely replaced openCanvas with Drawpile because it's less ridiculous: http://drawpile.net/

Canvas by OVERLORD, Anon44, RML, Whaat, and TestPattern
7 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 48663 ID: 2aa5f0
I always like when these things pop up. It's fun seeing just what people like to doodle. Also amused by how it seems everyone is afraid of the the spider web even thought there are at least 2 spiders among the doodles.
No. 48707 ID: 2870a3
File 170764232746.png - (3.95MB , 4096x6044 , QuestDen drawpile 2.png )
Did another Open Canvas on the Discord.

• Thaumikat
• Discobole
• Doomsby
• Kaktus6409
• LifeAndLemmons
• Nalthar
• Midnasterspine
• Vios_Dead
• Hexadecimator
• BingofBings
No. 48712 ID: 2aa5f0
the list of people working on these things is growing I'm noticing.
No. 48803 ID: 462d8c
File 171010402540.png - (2.37MB , 3500x3500 , QD 1.png )
Trying out the magma program

We've got this time:
No. 49149 ID: 2870a3
File 172035251123.png - (2.72MB , 4096x6044 , QuestDen drawpile 3.png )
Did another Open Canvas on the Discord.

• kaktus6409
• LifeAndLemmons
• Midnasterspine
• Vios_Dead
• Hexadecimator

File 124414579868.png - (3.55KB , 300x300 )
1 No. 1 ID: 8f3856 Locked hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Look, oekaki-scripts work too.

View animation
No. 2 ID: 7b284c
File 124414732933.png - (1.93KB , 300x300 )

View animation

File 151526071970.png - (211.24KB , 638x299 , SarcDraws.png )
37437 No. 37437 ID: 11f77a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Where I can't find a place to appropriately submit stuff. WIP pictures too.
288 posts and 267 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 48929 ID: 2eb1da
File 171425780080.png - (1.70MB , 1472x2016 , willow-gh.png )
commission // giant hat

No. 48930 ID: 2eb1da
File 171425783131.png - (3.60MB , 2141x2768 , gh-jinks.png )
commission // giant hat

No. 48931 ID: 2eb1da
File 171425787814.png - (1.52MB , 1933x2681 , ryeguy_2.png )
commission // theryeguy

the doe returns
No. 48932 ID: 2eb1da
File 171425791494.png - (3.39MB , 2509x2170 , vulpine-fury.png )
commission // vulpine-fury
No. 48933 ID: 2eb1da
File 171425797765.png - (5.71MB , 4856x3000 , patrigue.png )
reference // patrigue

gator gal Liv

File 148097325471.png - (2.88KB , 313x188 , op wip2.png )
32244 No. 32244 ID: 15a025 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Been feeling like drawing and spriting lately. Hopefully you'll enjoy seeing what ends up getting plopped in here.
1051 posts and 1033 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 49496 ID: b6ea64
File 173828752652.png - (3.82KB , 200x200 , glasses deer.png )
No. 49498 ID: b6ea64
File 173829471158.png - (3.55KB , 200x200 , glasses deer2.png )
No. 49519 ID: b6ea64
File 173959953422.png - (2.91KB , 200x200 , Spike deer returns.png )
No. 49531 ID: b6ea64
File 174044901366.png - (1.23KB , 80x60 , 2025Deerfishing.png )
No. 49579 ID: b6ea64
File 174295607839.png - (416.30KB , 500x500 , can't save no text.png )

File 138146504107.png - (111.41KB , 624x832 , sports drink with electrolytes.png )
20932 No. 20932 ID: d92f71 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
62 posts and 44 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 43257 ID: db8bde
No gnoll girl peen. -1 quest ;)
No. 43276 ID: 1ed92d
What a cute lady!
No. 43413 ID: 5a5548
File 156405993074.png - (2.38MB , 2000x3760 , embiggen pupper.png )
a DnD game gets way out of hand when the party wizard casts a discount spell upon Carver Nash
No. 43414 ID: 5a5548
File 156406005229.png - (840.21KB , 1500x1714 , coupleapairofdicks.png )
one of my real actual real life employees wanted me to illustrate an inside joke for one of his guildmates' birthdays.
No. 48644 ID: 1704f7
Do you currently have any accounts on such places as FurAffinity, Twitter, Reddit, or Discord?

File 159779318515.png - (9.68KB , 800x800 , 8x8.png )
45539 No. 45539 ID: 15a025 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
How to play:
Draw a quest character in an 8x8 Pixel canvas, others guess who it is.

So your image is actually visible, please upscale it to about 64x64 or 128x128 at least.
47 posts and 44 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 46772 ID: 15a025
File 163937141465.png - (577B , 128x128 , 8x8 Pascoe.png )
Pascoe, the HD REMIX.
No. 46773 ID: 15a025
File 163937269277.png - (635B , 128x128 , Ceres Mountebanc.png )
Ceres Mountebanc from Hunt Quest, by Roaway.
No. 48500 ID: 15a025
File 169795015843.png - (599B , 128x128 , Josephine.png )
Josephine from Scion of the Old Blood
No. 49403 ID: b6ea64
File 173310531714.png - (553B , 128x128 , Tanna.png )
Tanna from Alde Quest
No. 49404 ID: b6ea64
File 173310549028.png - (626B , 128x128 , nashi.png )
Nashi from Down Up North

File 169548255746.png - (8.93KB , 623x348 , image_2023-09-23_112219634.png )
48425 No. 48425 ID: bffc02 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Random shitty art and concepts I make. Perhaps enjoy!
No. 48426 ID: bffc02
File 169548268361.png - (69.46KB , 276x290 , image_2023-09-23_112320562.png )
This one I had drawn in Krita, depicting a pixelated mountain and pond. One of the only pieces I'm fond of.
No. 48427 ID: bffc02
File 169548278879.png - (23.88KB , 193x194 , image_2023-09-23_112600494.png )
A particular depiction of a Sentry automaton experiencing regret.
No. 48428 ID: bffc02
File 169548287373.png - (77.48KB , 305x357 , image_2023-09-23_112720257.png )
Two Tulvens. I have a framed picture of this piece in my house.

File 154905097525.png - (10.13KB , 800x800 , LagoDrawThread3.png )
41980 No. 41980 ID: 5fc3a0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Where I put patreon rewards and any side drawings I do.
46 posts and 29 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 44802 ID: e2f5cc
the goat

why does he scream
No. 44805 ID: 074fe6
Do not ask for whom the goat screams,

He screams for thee.
No. 44942 ID: 864e49
A Goat Man sits in a Goat House. Is the house made of flesh or is he made of house?
He screams for he does not know.
No. 46146 ID: 77cba3

Istrian scream,

Ewe Scream,

Wiltipoll scream,

For goat cream.
No. 48419 ID: c01f58

File 131553500243.png - (19.16KB , 900x900 , rotelk.png )
6679 No. 6679 ID: e8cd4a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
i maek thred
100 posts and 46 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 11108 ID: 9c7c3b
Jesus H.
No. 11806 ID: 0006f5
File 133223969117.png - (32.60KB , 633x970 , corruption2.png )
may as well post this while i work on freds pic
No. 11823 ID: 259da0
That is a cool armour suit.
No. 11830 ID: 496845
I agree!
No. 11863 ID: a40801

File 146982839140.png - (156.30KB , 600x600 , drawthred1.png )
30772 No. 30772 ID: a4ec41 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
I've sort of put off making a drawthread up to this point because I don't tend to produce a lot of artistic byproducts. I do almost all my concept sketching on paper, and use the computer to create finished work.

But it seems like a drawthread is the best venue to do requests and trades and stuff, so here is my ART STATION.
41 posts and 11 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 38796 ID: b4793d
File 152577675252.png - (83.26KB , 600x600 , boobles.png )
Boobles the boobie dragon
No. 38797 ID: ca0e20
Cute dragon gal! =D
No. 38830 ID: 8df643
Why are you so good at drawing dragons?
No. 38961 ID: f58510
Do you have an social media where you keep your art?
No. 48127 ID: 1704f7
Do you still do art anywhere?

File 151626245668.png - (605.50KB , 590x600 , D050B326-FE0D-48E7-BF2E-3AED6E00899E.png )
37534 No. 37534 ID: 3583d1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Hooray! Somewhere where I can dump my random drawings other than on other people’s draw threads!
503 posts and 265 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 47800 ID: d87c35
File 166812813919.png - (3.04MB , 2732x2048 , Child.png )
The Child of Worms
No. 47801 ID: d87c35
File 166812819311.png - (4.07MB , 2048x2732 , Child 2.png )
Another of the Child of Worms
No. 47802 ID: d87c35
File 166812824681.jpg - (1.23MB , 2732x2048 , Hydra.jpg )
A head of the false hydra.
No. 47803 ID: d87c35
File 166812835061.jpg - (526.24KB , 1838x2429 , Broken Savior.jpg )
The broken savior
No. 47804 ID: d87c35
File 166812844994.png - (7.96MB , 2048x2732 , unknown.png )
Rejoice, for now comes the shriek of infinite galaxies, as gods weep in horror, souls cry out as they are consumed into the great nothingness. All of this culminates in a great silence. There is not even the sound of blood moving through veins or even the single sound of a thought. There is only, nothing. Rejoice.

File 133460665796.png - (218.75KB , 640x640 , Malice.png )
12373 No. 12373 ID: 27d278 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Welcome to my Mind, it caters to most people's tastes, and I hope it does yours too. Any custom orders must be made in advance. And for the love of God, stay out of the back room!
20 posts and 14 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 14155 ID: c1f108
File 134233054984.png - (667.37KB , 1200x800 , Colored Kokanzo.png )
No. 14189 ID: c1f108
File 134240213954.png - (608.78KB , 800x800 , A kind of Beauty.png )
One of these days, I'll quit hitting the Reply button in lieu of the Browse button
Colour practice, don't feel like sage'ing, move on folks.
No. 47569 ID: 66db45
File 166161557447.png - (320.59KB , 800x800 , KreetDecade.png )
10 years is a long time. Hi again I guess
No. 47570 ID: e7c7d3
Hallo! Welcome back
No. 47571 ID: 2aa5f0

File 142885343434.png - (124.66KB , 600x600 , jukashidraws.png )
26669 No. 26669 ID: 7092c6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
It's about time I had a thread for things I don't feel like putting elsewhere.

What, I already have a drawthread? Don't be silly, and definitely don't go looking for such a thing. That would be a really dumb thing to do. I think we are all quietly offended by such a suggestion and should forget it forever.
191 posts and 54 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 38015 ID: 2939d2
File 152036347927.png - (111.18KB , 500x500 , 142885351841 colour.png )
Just coloured this Maolla in because. Hopefully I didn't mess it up!
No. 38017 ID: 2efe4b
Only one thing I can see: Maolla's underbelly color extends a bit into "landing strips" on the insides of her thighs and tail. You can see it in >>30005 and >>26671
No. 38735 ID: 153dbc
File 152534072174.png - (63.96KB , 1041x578 , Exalted Jukashi Ebon Dragon.png )
This is only tangentially related to the thread, but I figure this is where I have the best chances: I'm looking for a screenshot kind of like pic related, except it's Jukashi talking about how there's really only two endgames for Abyssals, facing the maw of Uncreation or being seared anew by the Unconquered Sun. Anyone have that in their folders please?
No. 39271 ID: d22dc0
Just read and enjoyed Keychain of creation, figured this was as good a place to say as any. Great work thumbs up really makes you wanna play exalted, huh?
No. 40977 ID: 0c3c2c
Even better, the Dragonblooded book for third edition is in redlines, so that means we'll have more variety in protagonists and antagonists in the Exalted community. Even better, Dragonblooded have really good charms now.

File 145552427672.jpg - (173.36KB , 821x513 , Title Page for Draw Thread.jpg )
29289 No. 29289 ID: 2c322d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Here's a Draw Thread to prove I'm self insert.
18 posts and 16 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 46982 ID: a70a13
File 164412946423.png - (18.85MB , 3000x3750 , Bad Bad Things.png )
Also I just like this drawing, lol
No. 46984 ID: 93ba79
Nice. And weird, too.
No. 46989 ID: a70a13
File 164426126969.gif - (1.47MB , 3000x3000 , Connor's-First-Gif-in-Awhile.gif )
Lol Thanks, that's honestly a big compliment.

Made this gif a hot minute ago.
No. 47076 ID: a70a13
File 164662736258.png - (11.93MB , 3000x4500 , hellsion commission.png )
First time doing porn. T'was a commission from the great Gnolla in the sky, praise be.
No. 47316 ID: a70a13
File 165412698972.png - (17.79MB , 3000x3000 , Girl and the Road FINAL.png )
Concrete roaaaaaads, everywhere I gooooooo

File 128339642610.jpg - (278.20KB , 1287x800 , slowprogress copy.jpg )
1020 No. 1020 ID: 44484c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
I was thinking about how there isn't really a basic help or advice thread here, and that the only other options most people mess with are asking in drawthreads (where honestly it's not nice to nitpick unless asked) or 4chan's /ic/ (which from what I've seen is a cesspool of hate). So, for those who want the opinions of others on a specific work, ask here. For simplicity sake, if you want advice on something you posted in another thread here, just post the link to it instead of changing it to post again, or whatever.

I'm no pro, but I'll try to offer what help I can, and I hope others will do the same. Stay civil of course, and try to be specific and constructive with your advice. If you can't say it in words, I think we should all be fine with you drawing atop the image to make yourself clear. If anyone is shy about going first, tear into this thing I posted. I'm sure I could have used one more pass to sure up anatomy!
84 posts and 34 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 9491 ID: 0448b9
Iiiinteresting, thank ye.
Now that I have some idea what I'm doing, this should be helpful!
No. 9493 ID: 9f75ce
Seconding this book. The anatomy part is where it really shines, but the sections prior on gesture and construction are some of the best I've seen in recent times. It really is an excellent resource.
No. 9505 ID: 8dbd8a
So, this was already posted (I think?), but it's such a nice compilation it deserves to be mentioned again (many things already in this thread).


(take a look at the available books at the end, if some links are down, feel fee to request)
No. 10092 ID: 1854db
File 132652067099.jpg - (273.10KB , 1200x1200 , dicks.jpg )
It is actually really hard to find tutorials for drawing dicks. Here's one.
No. 21460 ID: 4a20fa
Interesting action-pose reference material time: video footage of people walking (or trying to) in extreme winds:

(You may think that police hi-vis vests in Europe actually double as powered exosuits. You would be mistaken. They are able to withstand the storm due to their MIGHTY BEARDS.)

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