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File 138146504107.png - (111.41KB , 624x832 , sports drink with electrolytes.png )
20932 No. 20932 ID: d92f71

17 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 21966 ID: 7e38be
File 139046659997.png - (18.76KB , 800x800 , Casca Polzin1.png )

reworked the design for Navani slghtly. decided to showcase it by drawing a pinup model named Casca Polzin. 1 of 3
No. 21967 ID: 7e38be
File 139046661146.png - (28.57KB , 800x800 , Casca Polzin2.png )

2 of 3
No. 21968 ID: 7e38be
File 139046662194.png - (14.15KB , 800x800 , Casca Polzin 3.png )

No. 22266 ID: 7e38be
File 139335999734.png - (20.81KB , 800x800 , 3-030.png )

No. 22267 ID: a87e3a

Navani kindof all look the same to me. What are their identifying characteristics?
No. 22272 ID: 7e38be

No. 22435 ID: 7e38be
File 139497719302.png - (19.58KB , 800x800 , nero booty.png )

an attempt at perspective and additionally booty.
No. 22440 ID: 9b786b

Looks pretty good.
No. 22451 ID: 7e38be
File 139531736975.png - (18.19KB , 800x800 , Hannareich.png )

M'raach design I may use later.
No. 22452 ID: 7e38be
File 139531779428.png - (19.80KB , 800x800 , Versi.png )

design for a member of an unnamed subterranean race that has been annexxed by the underling empire.
No. 22453 ID: 7e38be
File 139531818624.png - (17.61KB , 800x800 , Ceres.png )

design for a Raksha I may be using later
No. 22456 ID: 2c6ff1

Looks like a Navani offshoot.
No. 22466 ID: 7e38be
File 139545706178.png - (31.33KB , 1400x800 , fredrick.png )

fredrick maxing and relaxing
No. 22500 ID: 7e38be
File 139576656512.png - (31.89KB , 1000x1000 , Untitled-1.png )

a giant spider with a top hat. I am a professional artist
No. 22506 ID: e1609c

>inb4 webbed jizz
No. 22513 ID: 7e38be
File 139595078731.png - (18.92KB , 800x800 , hey kid wanna blaspheme.png )

whoops you're supposed to go here you silly hellspawn
No. 22584 ID: e1609c

>inb4 webbed jizz
No. 23058 ID: 7e38be
File 139918164501.png - (24.56KB , 1000x1000 , gargoyle.png )

No. 23176 ID: 7e38be
File 140019038098.png - (49.35KB , 1000x1000 , roll to seduce.png )

No. 23864 ID: 7e38be
File 140512795890.png - (19.99KB , 1000x1000 , lupa.png )

No. 23969 ID: 7e38be
File 140579509976.png - (18.87KB , 1000x1000 , Untitled-2.png )

No. 25607 ID: 7e38be
File 141793215969.png - (12.00KB , 1000x1000 , ART.png )

No. 25608 ID: 7e38be
File 141793317282.png - (382.26KB , 625x790 , fortunes loss.png )

No. 26266 ID: 971050
File 142231637329.png - (42.22KB , 1000x1000 , 0034.png )

No. 26267 ID: 971050
File 142231663881.png - (42.12KB , 1000x1000 , 0034.png )

No. 26417 ID: 7e38be
File 142446275412.png - (240.05KB , 768x768 , Knock knock its knuckles.png )

No. 26730 ID: 7e38be
File 142927101238.png - (57.14KB , 1000x1000 , failing your trapfinding roll is considered consen.png )


chocolate flavored Emerald
No. 28432 ID: 0fff38
File 144588015510.png - (26.23KB , 1000x1000 , pull over those hips too abominable.png )

reference sketch for the main character of the current tyson thread
No. 30024 ID: 0fff38
File 146201990331.png - (34.15KB , 1000x1000 , ludeling redesign.png )

a redesign for the ludelings from Crawler and Skin Crawler
No. 30040 ID: 4854ef

All I can imagine from that getup is pain once it needs to come off.
No. 30370 ID: 0fff38
File 146636563390.png - (30.19KB , 1000x1000 , carthage tests.png )

working on some ideas for carthage and Crux in general. any feedback would be appreciated.
No. 30371 ID: 4854ef

So with the knuckles they would be more multi-jointed correct? Though having some sort of head thing would be interesting, maybe not hairlike, but the tendrils would be interesting depending how versatile they could be, or hairlike.

The bone ridge doesn't seem that good, but it may be from that direction.
No. 30392 ID: 0fff38
File 146650372186.png - (37.82KB , 1000x1000 , adult nero tests.png )

went more in depth with this one, since I have a lot of fun drawing nero. as always, any feedback is appreciated as I keep working on a unified design for Twinkle
No. 30395 ID: 398fe1

Broad shoulders, but small chest? How does that work?
No. 34642 ID: 5e2c69
File 149881141591.png - (88.76KB , 1500x1500 , a short respite.png )

a party of crawlers taking a short break from murderin and lootin.
No. 34730 ID: 5e2c69
File 149939143204.png - (41.77KB , 1000x1000 , the ballot's rigged.png )

No. 34736 ID: 5e2c69
File 149945558069.png - (34.16KB , 1000x1000 , training with dad.png )

No. 34969 ID: 7cdf1e

No. 42923 ID: 5a5548
File 155772363276.png - (2.16MB , 2336x2000 , zen skin.png )

from left to right: Runs-with-scissors, Roses-are-free, and Blades-drawn-loosely. lucky for them these Phantom Wires are only tuned to cut clothing.
No. 42924 ID: 5a5548
File 155772389055.png - (1.26MB , 1500x2934 , Ai.png )

Sangi Meridian: you bring the bugs, we bring the blood.
No. 42925 ID: 5a5548
File 155772421819.png - (1.58MB , 1500x3298 , vixxanblu.png )

"I'm looking for a lil' lady what goes by the name Dia. you hear something about her, mister?"
No. 42927 ID: 5a5548
File 155772437921.png - (1.12MB , 1500x2793 , young dia.png )

it's a shame about that girl, Dia. she seemed like a real stand up lady.
No. 43254 ID: 5a5548
File 156214023581.png - (0.96MB , 2000x1241 , Callewd.png )

lizard person right here.
No. 43255 ID: 5a5548
File 156214039433.png - (4.53MB , 1500x5651 , Gnollgirl.png )

a gnoll forgets her shitty spell resistance
No. 43256 ID: 5a5548
File 156214046528.png - (860.86KB , 2000x2000 , like sticking your dick in a dust devil.png )

a sentient cloud of plasma and her various sexual adventures.
No. 43257 ID: db8bde

No gnoll girl peen. -1 quest ;)
No. 43276 ID: 1ed92d

What a cute lady!
No. 43413 ID: 5a5548
File 156405993074.png - (2.38MB , 2000x3760 , embiggen pupper.png )

a DnD game gets way out of hand when the party wizard casts a discount spell upon Carver Nash
No. 43414 ID: 5a5548
File 156406005229.png - (840.21KB , 1500x1714 , coupleapairofdicks.png )

one of my real actual real life employees wanted me to illustrate an inside joke for one of his guildmates' birthdays.
No. 48644 ID: 1704f7

Do you currently have any accounts on such places as FurAffinity, Twitter, Reddit, or Discord?
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