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32929 No. 32929 ID: 47be15

Here you can ask me to draw some of my characters or to place fan art in this thread
2655 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 48052 ID: dc13c4
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No. 48055 ID: 396415

*flips light switch and turns on the light*
No. 48065 ID: dc13c4
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No. 48071 ID: bf9ba7

*is scared, but takes some deep breaths, then does a quick prayer in his head*

Inner thoughts: Oh Inkiverusus, the Will of the World, is this roadbump I have hit on my destined path a punishment I must endure, or is this a test in which you have given me, or could I be in the right place you needed me and these figures to be, and you need be to complete a mission here?
Whatever it may be, I will hold onto my faith in you, and trust you as my guiding light as I walk the path you've layed before me.


inner thoughts: Calm my nerves, and figure this out through deductive reasoning... I came through the door to continue the group therapy session, but instead headed into a dark room unfamiliar to me. two figures dead, with one of them being Algich, Landa killing her for revenge against Corax... However Corax doesn't seem angered by this. And the things Corax is saying to me does not match up with what he really told me, he was not the one who killed Dervan, I know he wouldn't. Maya helped me earlier to speak out too and cared and was concerned about how I felt about my sister, she wouldn't go back on this... And right now her face isn't her's and is looking familiar.

inner thoughts: the only explanation for me being here in this dark room and not in the therapy room must be either a hallucination, or perhaps when I opened the door, there was probably a portal behind it, and I unsuspectingly walked right in...

inner thoughts: I must think, who would have access to portals if it isn't any of my coworkers in the therapy room... Happy? Maya's face kind of looks like his, and he has portal powers... but why interfere directly?

inner thoughts: Currently, I suspect I'm in Happy's domain now, and he's trying to trick me. I could call him out, but this could be an opportunity to play along and pretend I'm clueless while I fish for info... Happy believes in total freedom and chaos, I on the other hand follow destiny of the will of the world and order. If I'm going to see if he has any reaction of the will of the world and confirm it's Happy, I should try talking about the will of the world to him through pretending to be talking to Corax. Depending on how strong his reaction to my god, it might determine if happy is probably from our world or not as well... assuming it is him[/i]


I-I... perhaps that might be what I truly want, but the life I lived has been destined, laid out, influencing me to be the person I am within this domain to fulfil one of my many purposes in life. My soul is tied to the Will of the World, my soul belongs to the Will of the World as it is with so many others, and even if I want to leave, the will of the world will not let me, and I must follow the path I was given, for I believe in the will of the world.

The destiny the Will of the World has put me here has lead me into this stage of my life, the experience I have gathered from the path molded me to the person I am here to fulfill a purpose, a mission within the ranks of the dimensional tribunal. Corax, you're from my world, and while you don't believe in the will of the world, how could you know that you being here free from the will of the world means you're truly free from the will of the world's love? even if you think you have the freedom, what if that's the exact path and role the will of the world wanted you to take, and the destiny you've been influenced you to take turned you into the person you are now, thus still making the exact decisions the will of the world wanted you to take despite the freedom we have here?

Are you truly free? Have you truly escaped from the destiny the Will of the World has put you on? Or is this freedom you have now still part of the Will of the World's path that was lovingly given to you?
No. 48083 ID: dc13c4
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No. 48098 ID: e51896

This is a hallucination then... my apologize for rambling, I'd like to take my seat please.

Inner thoughts: so perhaps a test from the Will of the World to overcome? Is showing my fears a test a worth, or a test to grow from? Best I can do for now is to ride it out, rely on my experiences gained from the path I was assigned to in life, and hope for the best.

*takes a seat* Thanks, please continue, I'll listen.
No. 48100 ID: dc13c4
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No. 48108 ID: dc13c4
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When is coffee not coffee?

No. 48116 ID: e51896

*is about to say something, but remembers that this is a scary hallucination, and anything he says to his brother might trick him into saying things he says to others in the real world.*

*Instead, he decides patience is key, and doesn't make any comments as he tries to be in a meditative contemplative thought while he listens closely to what these hallucinations have to tell him*

inner thoughts: guide us through, Will of the World...
No. 48119 ID: dc13c4
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No. 48121 ID: e51896

Okay, please show and guide me through my path you want to show me. As I said before, I'll listen.
No. 48123 ID: dc13c4
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No. 48165 ID: dc13c4
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No. 48173 ID: 22cb30

inner thoughts: Even though I'm talking to my sister, I'll have to assume I'm also talking with someone in the therapy session... I best guess is probably Landa, Dervan's assistant. I'll have to choose my words carefully so that it reaches both of them...

...I'm no therapist, so I may not have all the answers, but I will say even if the ones you love are gone and you are in the midst of a uphill battle, keep following the light in your heart that guides you, and use that light to guide others even if they're suffering in the darkness. And keep in mind that even a light that is becoming dim can still shine the way for you and others.

Do you remember Prevedeta? The high ranking member of the police force who suffered a mental breakdown to the point of self harm and getting herself house arrested? I believe She has been suffering a similar fate, being confined to her home, not being able to see the outside world or interact with almost nobody with people turning their backs on her... I think if it weren't for her friend continuing to see her again and again despite a lot of others turning her back on her, she would have totally lost her way. But I believe it's thanks to her friend that she is still able to light her way in her darkness... even if the light might be dimmer now.

And while the ones you love might be gone or far away, the experiences you've gained from them are still there to light the fuel in your heart if you choose to remember, listen, and follow them, and I believe they would still be proud of you for continuing their legacy when they can't be with you.
No. 48177 ID: dc13c4
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No. 48207 ID: d449d8

inner thoughts: If this is her memories, then...

*opens garbage can full of blue teddy bears, and takes a blue teddy bear out*

inner thoughts: as I thought...

In your happy place I see, to escape reality. escapism is fine as a mechanism to keep us sane during a bad time, but please remember we all have to face reality. But for now...

*slides the teddy towards Millie for comfort*

Just know that even if you feel abandoned by your loved ones by being so far away from them, the memories and experience you gained from them lives on through you. It's a matter of how you use those experience to help you get through, and how you apply that training into use to pull you through, and more importanlty, how much willpower you're willing to put into it.

I'm not sure if I can give you a definite answer, that is up to you to find out and one that only you can find. but what I can do is help guide you by showing some directions you could take. Based off my own experience, I too have been lost to some extent when that vehicular incident happened to me, and I too felt abandoned by my own loved ones for awhile after doing what I did. But I did find guidance giving me directions to help me through that chapter of my life. And perhaps maybe if you'd like to hear it, I may be able to provide some directions you could take moving forward. But like I said, it is going to require all the willpower you've gained from your past experience to push on, which I know you have... and don't worry, it's nothing religious, heh.

Would you like to know the paths you can take?
No. 48212 ID: dc13c4
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No. 48213 ID: 7a85fe

I know my brother told me not to get involved, and finding out the truth about Happy is the reason i'm here, and I know that getting answers this way will help tremendously... but...
I was put into the investigation team for a reason, a fate that was given to me by the will of the world. All the experience i was given in life has to be enough to guide me through to find the answers myself instead of just having the answers handed to me. Having the answers handed to me would be an insult to the will of the world and to all the life experiences I've been through which molded me to who i am to make me chosen for that task. I rely on my own skills given to me by the will of the world to find the answers I seek.

For that, please let me see Pink.
No. 48225 ID: dc13c4
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No. 48230 ID: c0c5af

Overestimating? Maybe... I won't deny it if that's true, but all the experiences I went through in my fated path the will of the world put me on influenced me to be who I am now, along with the choices I make. And whether I succeed or fail determines on what influenced decisions I make, and I will accept the outcome when I reach the end destination, and do what I can to pull through if I make the wrong choices. All I can do is have faith in the choices I make that I was influenced by the will of the world to take, to help reach the outcome the will of the world wants.

Right now, based off what I know, my top suspects I believe to be the one are either The Mad Creator... or... *sigh* Triumphant...
No. 48234 ID: dc13c4
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No. 48241 ID: 7173eb

...Super Sailor Seaman, so you're Pink then... I... see.
I do remember something about you forgetting things after you travel from one place to another, with writing things on your hand as a way to remember... That may have explained your actions.

That's neither here nor there... What's more pressing is the questions I have, for it is my hunch right now that whatever destroyed the cruise ship my sister was on could have been a conspiracy, one that was made to act as a distraction to keep me from my own case as I worry about my Sister's safety... but seeing as you are the one who went to find the ruins of the cruise ship, and took my sister, and my concern over my sister brought me here, I believe that fate had brought us to this crossroads, for I believe you have valuable information over the incident of the cruise ship's destruction that might just connect back to the case I'm working on, and could even shed some light for me and my sister over what really happened that caused the destruction of the cruise ship.

Please explain to me the events from the time you went out to discover the cruise ship to the moment after you got out of the cruise ship's ruins and took my sister with you. Please let me know any small details out of the ordinary like the description of whatever you think might have caused it which could be traced to someone or something. Anything or anyone suspicious, or any kinds of puppets.
No. 48246 ID: dc13c4
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No. 48261 ID: 39d8a3

huh... from what I understand from what you're saying, it looks like you've been set on a fated path of blood and violence, and wanted to escape that life after seeing it as evil by starting a new life with this small project in an attempt to be a better person, to overshadow the evil you caused in the past...

inner thoughts: I think I can see why Super Sailor Seaman knows Happy, perhaps Happy with his want for freedom from fate to the point of chaos understood Super Sailor Seaman's situation... possibly

But I wanted to say, your past actions makes you who you become, and I think running from your past is just going to manifest those experiences you went through in cruel ways you probably did not intend to cause, even if it wasn't direct violence, if my sister's trauma is anything to go by.

but as you want to change yourself for the better, your past doesn't have to define who you want to be. I'm no therapist and might not have the right answers, but Maybe, perhaps you could accept that your past built you to the person you are today if you haven't already, and use those experience in a more noble way...

like for instance, you see your path of blood and violence as a path of evil, but it doesn't have to be just that... I wanted to know, instead of keeping my sister and others together for your project after rescuing them, why not instead let them go, and search out the craftman responsible for building the missile, and also the person who tampered with the missile's launch and, well, get revenge on them? take their lives so you can save billions? You'd be seen as a hero, possibly atone for the guilt and evil you felt for your past? use your experience you've gone through in the past for good instead of trying to run from it and let it manifest in unintentional cruel ways towards others?

inner thoughts: I wonder if it was Happy who messed with the missile's target now that I think about if...
No. 48264 ID: dc13c4
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No. 48276 ID: 9e8677

I'd say while it is scummy that the saboteur redirected the rocket like that and was directly responsible, the financier was the one that funded the project in the fire place, and this all probably would not have happened if he didnt invest money to this. If he is let go, he might go out and fund other projects specifically designed to destroy mankind in the future. I vote the financier
No. 48278 ID: bcec60
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No. 48285 ID: 0b73bc

Yes, I have a question.
My old friend here was really insistent to get me from my investigation to bring me here, and I think it is only fair to ask this:

Super Sailor Seaman, or Pink as you are going by, and Millie, my dear sister, do YOU have a question to ask my old friend, the person who brought me here. I figure since he wanted to set this up, it's only fair you two get a question.

And don't worry, Millie, he said if you ask Pink a question, this dream ends, but he didn't say anything about it ending if you ask my old friend a question.

Unless he wants to set up another rule when it's convenient o guess
No. 48290 ID: 434ed2
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No. 48298 ID: e58577

Well, I can understand why you all would want to attack the corporations and financiers that played a part in creating that doomsday missile, and not just because of revenge, but more of a necessity to do so. Thinking it through, if the corporations and builders of that weapon are kept alive, there's no telling if they will try to finance another doomsday weapon project again and with the intention to actually use it. It'd probably be necessary to take their lives for the safety of our planet. I won't stop you all if you decide to take their lives, and would encourage it... but...

There is a big concern I have over the weapon you might use if the choice for revenge is chosen, and well, that is the fact that out of the large amount of people in that cruise ship who died from that poison, my sister and the other people who was taken in by you, Pink, were a small percentage of survivors of that blast.

It's making me wonder, why did they survive with their bodies turned into a biological factory to produce more of that poison after getting attacked by the missile instead of just dying? Was that REALLY a weird coincidental mutation in their body that kept them immune or strong immune system? or was it actually... intentional by the craftsman and the others who helped make the weapon?

I have this concern because to me, I'm wondering if the craftsman truly wanted our entire species to die, or if he only wanted the majority of our species to die while sparing a certain group of people in the world as some kinds of way to rebuild a superior race or something...

Like, I can't deny the possibility that maybe the craftsman made it so that only people with a certain trait that he liked are only to survive in the new world the doomsday poisonous missiles would have created for them...

or a scarier thought could be that the weapons could have been built to harm everyone in the world, EXCEPT for the people involved with the project from financiers to the builders, to the organizations, to perhaps other powerful people, as well as their friends and family members. That thought scares me most because that would mean that the group you have with you might of had family members or friends that could have been involved with the weapon without their knowledge, and had it so that they along with them wouldn't die.

I wanted to make sure if you've considered that possibility, because the worst thing that can happen is having that weapon backfire on you all with the weapon not effecting the people you are targeting, causing a pandemic where they could potentially kill anyone around them that are not immune, giving them exactly what they wanted in the first place.

If you haven't, you might need to see why the group is immune, and look for similarities between them that might be causing that immunity.

This only came to mind because right now, our investigation involves a place where everyone who isn't wearing a certain mask would die if they come into contact with a fog that is terrorizing people there, and that made me think if there is a similar selective immunity going on with the weapons they made.
No. 48304 ID: dc13c4
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No. 48311 ID: bbc103

Best bet is to put most trust in Pink. They're eccentric, and a little morally dubious, but the fact is that Pink knows most about what happened on the cruise ship, and does have a higher level respect for you. Go see what can be done about helping Pink with whatever they need, and you'll find protection from them if a lot of others are being hostile towards you, and you may also just find the truth about everything from Pink on about what happened...

*inner thoughts: I'm not giving my message to impress. There's no way I can deliver everything we learned about from Pink to my sister, but if she works towards helping and working with Pink, she'll find her way through to find the truth I'm sure. I trust Pink will be able to give all, if not most the information Millie needs to move forward.

But I think after getting context on what is going on in my world, I think I'll have to see about taking a indefinite leave of absence from the investigation team on the case to find Happy and instead start my own investigation back at home to send the corporations and people who financed the doomsday missile that hit the cruise ship to justice before they decide to fund another project and destroy my home world. I know going after Happy will prevent a lot of people from getting hurt, but if I did that, humanity back home could be endangered of going extinct if I spend time searching for Happy too and do nothing to stop the people who are left that were responsible for creating such a dangerous weapon .

No. 48313 ID: dc13c4
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No. 48320 ID: dc13c4
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Worm Work the merchant
No. 48504 ID: dc13c4
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No. 48884 ID: 11d55a
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Sun Scorching Savior Soldier
No. 48966 ID: 20a211
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No. 49229 ID: 30e3b3
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Slithering Sally
No. 49238 ID: e46b34
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No. 49241 ID: 42311e
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No. 49242 ID: 42311e
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You might be a mastermind trying to trick the whole Dimensional Tribunal and pull a huge evil plan, but that doesn't excuse you from not paying your taxes.
No. 49262 ID: e6ebbf
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No. 49299 ID: b93ba2
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Holding your mask with both hands
No. 49377 ID: 6ba765
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No. 49423 ID: 9246cb
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No. 49440 ID: 9246cb
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No. 49515 ID: 477903
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No. 49549 ID: 67e615
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No. 49552 ID: 67e615
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No. 49561 ID: e8a23e

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