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File 144394688492.jpg - (1.49MB , 4000x3000 , newthread_drawpile.jpg )
28236 No. 28236 ID: eaf326
Previous thread: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/draw/res/211.html

We've largely replaced openCanvas with Drawpile because it's less ridiculous: http://drawpile.net/

Canvas by OVERLORD, Anon44, RML, Whaat, and TestPattern
Expand all images
No. 28242 ID: b88e47
<3 tozols
No. 28483 ID: 2b3525
File 144640382311.jpg - (793.09KB , 4000x4000 , ZwGojcn.jpg )
Super sneaky Halloween canvas featuring N, LionsPhil, What, and TestPattern.
No. 28979 ID: fd8fad
File 145180311356.png - (1.48MB , 3000x3000 , happy nude deers pawpil.png )
Post newyears weekend drawpile with lionsphil whaat and cockhole
No. 38163 ID: eaf326
File 152136044291.jpg - (1.48MB , 4000x3000 , 2018 st patricks.jpg )
Cockhole, LionsPhil, Whaat, TestPattern, and Chachitataya

(note: We got out of the habit of posting canvases here since nobody seems to use it)
No. 40697 ID: 4dc321
File 153947860173.jpg - (1.61MB , 3840x3840 , plane_canvas.jpg )
Planes! And tozols.

by k0bold, whaat, LionsPhil, Chompy, Chachitaya and TestPattern
No. 40698 ID: b3c8ff
I like to see them!
No. 48655 ID: 2870a3
File 170587601304.png - (3.77MB , 4096x6044 , QuestDen drawpile.png )
did a open canvas thing over on the discord.

by midnasterspine, LifeAndLemmons, kaktus6409, thaumikat, vios_dead, discobole, kirhn, & doomsby
(im pretty sure thats everyone who joined)
No. 48663 ID: 2aa5f0
I always like when these things pop up. It's fun seeing just what people like to doodle. Also amused by how it seems everyone is afraid of the the spider web even thought there are at least 2 spiders among the doodles.
No. 48707 ID: 2870a3
File 170764232746.png - (3.95MB , 4096x6044 , QuestDen drawpile 2.png )
Did another Open Canvas on the Discord.

• Thaumikat
• Discobole
• Doomsby
• Kaktus6409
• LifeAndLemmons
• Nalthar
• Midnasterspine
• Vios_Dead
• Hexadecimator
• BingofBings
No. 48712 ID: 2aa5f0
the list of people working on these things is growing I'm noticing.
No. 48803 ID: 462d8c
File 171010402540.png - (2.37MB , 3500x3500 , QD 1.png )
Trying out the magma program

We've got this time:
No. 49149 ID: 2870a3
File 172035251123.png - (2.72MB , 4096x6044 , QuestDen drawpile 3.png )
Did another Open Canvas on the Discord.

• kaktus6409
• LifeAndLemmons
• Midnasterspine
• Vios_Dead
• Hexadecimator
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