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File 151626245668.png - (605.50KB , 590x600 , D050B326-FE0D-48E7-BF2E-3AED6E00899E.png )
37534 No. 37534 ID: 3583d1

Hooray! Somewhere where I can dump my random drawings other than on other people’s draw threads!
458 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 45102 ID: fdb3c8

Come back Ana, we need you.
No. 45103 ID: 475080

Come back Ana, we need you.
No. 45104 ID: ba08b4

Come back Ana, we need you.
No. 45106 ID: 73ee1d

Come back Ana, we need you.
No. 45107 ID: d23ed3

Come back Ana, we need you
No. 45108 ID: 9fcfda

Don't die Ana, come back
No. 45110 ID: ed94cc

Come back Ana, don't die. We need you.
No. 45199 ID: fdb3c8
File 158853456782.jpg - (4.72MB , 2048x2732 , C0944624-7BDB-4417-975A-99827FFA078B.jpg )

Malcor’s horny warlock girl, Li
No. 45200 ID: fdb3c8
File 158853463804.jpg - (2.32MB , 2048x2732 , 02F7FFE9-5D39-4634-9B37-3D24B9361950.jpg )

T h i c c is my aesthetic when it comes to women. So here’s a horny ghost character done for a friend’s birthday.
No. 45201 ID: fdb3c8
File 158853470854.jpg - (531.12KB , 1408x2536 , 890428FA-03FC-47B8-8FB6-49B4DD268F87.jpg )

I am down with the t h i c c n e s s
No. 45202 ID: fdb3c8
File 158853536221.jpg - (1.18MB , 2732x2048 , B92F0745-EC32-4FEA-B09D-04E34882C819.jpg )

The five and a half minute hallway, based on the book House of Leaves.
No. 45203 ID: fdb3c8
File 158853577491.jpg - (621.53KB , 2048x2732 , D67411EA-6922-41C6-8E41-7CFE9D48146D.jpg )

But then my nostrils flare with the scent of something bitter & foul, something inhuman, reeking with so much rot & years, telling me in the language of nausea that I’m not alone.
Something’s behind me.
Of course, I deny it.
It’s impossible to deny.
I wanna puke.

Another piece inspired by House of Leaves
No. 45204 ID: 2bd15b

No. 45239 ID: 5f4030
File 158906380087.jpg - (5.94MB , 2048x2732 , 2428872E-9EDE-4335-ABA7-1842FE383C9A.jpg )

Toll the great bell once!
Pull the lever forward to engage the piston and pump...
Toll the great bell twice!
With push of button fire the engine and spark the turbine into life...
Toll the great bell thrice!
Sing praise to the god of all machines!
No. 45240 ID: 2bd15b

No. 45244 ID: 5f4030
File 158909561880.jpg - (752.86KB , 1695x2327 , 6E6CC3F7-AB33-4D57-9D32-9D46241CD4D2.jpg )

A drawing based on an art piece by Weaver, which in turn was based on a nightmare he had...
No. 45246 ID: 2bd15b

when you open gum at school
No. 45308 ID: 5f4030
File 159002952791.jpg - (235.26KB , 720x960 , A0ACCC87-F2B1-4653-A551-6ACCD32CB6AB.jpg )

"I am the punishment of God...If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.”
- Genghis Khan

The First Born son of The Dread King, The Chained Man
No. 45311 ID: 5245b2

No. 45312 ID: 2bd15b

No. 45313 ID: d6544b
File 159010526792.jpg - (597.58KB , 2048x2732 , 4E9543E9-1E7A-4592-BD49-99F0EFA469EE.jpg )

Becquerel “Bec” Schwarzwind, a d&d character from a game I’m currently running.

More just an experiment with color types.
No. 45317 ID: 2bd15b

No. 45361 ID: 88d8fc
File 159113982979.png - (7.82MB , 2048x2732 , 16BC862B-9C04-4DE5-9372-5FF26320749F.png )

No. 45362 ID: 2bd15b

No. 45382 ID: 5f4030
File 159156050818.jpg - (415.30KB , 2732x2048 , 3904C9C7-722B-45D7-8624-68C51C15F23A.jpg )

There will come a soldier,
who carries a mighty sword.
He will tear your city down.
O lei o lai o lord...

O lei o lai o lei o lord

He will tear your city down.
O lei o lai o lord
No. 45383 ID: 5f4030
File 159156068140.jpg - (378.94KB , 2732x2048 , 570BCFD7-C899-438D-83D4-C5E64FEC837D.jpg )

There will come a poet
who’s weapon in his word.
He will slay you with his tongue
o lei o lai o lord...
No. 45384 ID: 5f4030
File 159156078264.jpg - (434.53KB , 2732x2048 , 6FEF4BD9-5BD9-4512-93F6-49C85476F706.jpg )

o lei o lai o lei o lord

he will slay you with his tongue
o lei o lai o lord...
No. 45385 ID: 5f4030
File 159156088689.jpg - (393.53KB , 2732x2048 , 231C7719-153E-4279-ACF8-E393BF22A5A6.jpg )

There will come a ruler,
whose brow is laid in thorn.
Smeared with oil like David’s boy.
o lei o lai o lord...
No. 45387 ID: 5f4030
File 159156109359.jpg - (468.25KB , 2732x2048 , CC10C4EC-B855-4F6B-BA4C-CE2A196E6B4D.jpg )

o lei o lai o lei o lord

Smeared with oil like David’s boy
o lei o lai o lord...

o lei o lai o lei o lord

He will tear your city down
o lei o lai...

No. 45388 ID: 2bd15b

No. 45500 ID: 5f4030
File 159622073209.jpg - (5.00MB , 2732x2048 , 4385618E-FA10-41A0-8C97-D3A54A32DFD2.jpg )

The Killpop, the tragedy. Two figures, a sister and brother who can’t escape the cycle of abuse. Each one hurting the other, taking advantage of the other.

He comes upstairs, his face leering from behind his mask. Only to find her again, shooting up with the drugs he gave her. Her skin, once pale and fair, turns ruddy with pox marks and makeup from her trying to hide it. He swallows his disgust and rage at this sight. And something else rises, and his disgust turns inward, hating his own lusts.

She once told him, that when she is high, she can pretend no one hurts her, that she’s loved. In that moment, he can’t help find her beautiful.

He takes her on the floor, hating her, hating himself. He tells herself she’s done the same to him. She doesn’t put up much resistance. After it’s over they lay back to back, exhausted. She can’t feel anything anymore, his head lulls and he realizes he’s crying silent tears. The disgust makes bile rise in his throat. But in the end, perhaps they were meant for this.
No. 45501 ID: 5f4030
File 159622097127.jpg - (4.31MB , 2048x2732 , 5FF4982A-2767-41F3-9869-1E367BCAA97B.jpg )

It took me a while to realize who this is, but I finally figured it out.

No. 45846 ID: 9dda6a
File 160526496319.jpg - (161.46KB , 720x960 , 4F394211-4A91-4AD3-B4A3-F6B01F400C92.jpg )

I looked at myself in the mirror today. Did my face always look like that? I didn’t recognize this face, this person looks cold and angry. It had a message for me and to everyone reading this in my gallery. I’ll tell you what it said.

I know why you all wear masks. It’s not just a way to protect yourself from the fog. It’s because you can’t look at yourselves. Because seeing your face is looking at a monster who let the tragedy of this world affect them to where they are complacent in the murder and deaths of others, where they have sacrificed what made them human to begin with. You make excuses, you think they’re good. Most people wouldn’t really want to live forever, but your time is short and fleeting, gone in the blink of an eye. You didn’t want to have any regrets going forward with your life. You didn’t want to succumb to misery.

You were wrong.

Misery is inescapable, the only people who have no regrets are monsters and killers. Your oppression of this world reeks of disgrace and shame. The only thing you will learn as a monster is to take and take. The monster has, but the man has not. How can you call that a life worth living when you force your misery on others?

Look in my eyes and see humanity again, and pray to a god you’ve long since denied that there’s still hope for you.
No. 47785 ID: d87c35
File 166810500095.jpg - (386.37KB , 2048x2732 , Voodoo Doll.jpg )

Anthony sits alone in his cell, singing to himself as he draws with some charcoal and paper the wolves gave him.

"When the needle speaks,
Taking you from me
I can hear you fall
Feel you hit the wall.
So when you're pushing pins
Underneath your skin
I can feel it all,
You are, you are my voodoo doll..."
No. 47789 ID: d87c35
File 166812683208.jpg - (220.29KB , 2732x2048 , Kingdom.jpg )

Inspired by the lo-fi album, Kingdom in Blue, by Kupla
No. 47790 ID: d87c35
File 166812695551.jpg - (175.80KB , 1125x844 , IMG_0242.jpg )

Bonsai tree
No. 47791 ID: d87c35
File 166812714043.jpg - (0.97MB , 2732x2048 , Crossroads.jpg )

The crossroads, mind you make no deals.
No. 47792 ID: d87c35
File 166812723277.jpg - (660.47KB , 1519x2513 , Goya and Bacon.jpg )

Inspired by the works of the Goya's black paintings and the work of Francis Bacon
No. 47793 ID: d87c35
File 166812727014.png - (3.48MB , 2048x2732 , Eidolon.png )

A fallen angel
No. 47794 ID: d87c35
File 166812733739.jpg - (316.73KB , 2048x2732 , pose.jpg )

Run me like a river.
No. 47795 ID: d87c35
File 166812745108.png - (2.23MB , 1860x2400 , Mary.png )

You go down just like holy Mary, mary on a cross.
No. 47796 ID: d87c35
File 166812755192.png - (1.75MB , 2048x2732 , Galaxy.png )

No. 47797 ID: d87c35
File 166812775752.png - (12.08MB , 2048x2732 , Rage.png )

Black Dog Nash kneels to no man, be they lord, king, devil or god.
No. 47798 ID: d87c35
File 166812786011.png - (7.73MB , 2048x2732 , Ahab.png )

From hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee.
No. 47799 ID: d87c35
File 166812804314.jpg - (864.15KB , 1919x2307 , Black Dog.jpg )

Cut cut cut me up, and fuck fuck fuck me up
No. 47800 ID: d87c35
File 166812813919.png - (3.04MB , 2732x2048 , Child.png )

The Child of Worms
No. 47801 ID: d87c35
File 166812819311.png - (4.07MB , 2048x2732 , Child 2.png )

Another of the Child of Worms
No. 47802 ID: d87c35
File 166812824681.jpg - (1.23MB , 2732x2048 , Hydra.jpg )

A head of the false hydra.
No. 47803 ID: d87c35
File 166812835061.jpg - (526.24KB , 1838x2429 , Broken Savior.jpg )

The broken savior
No. 47804 ID: d87c35
File 166812844994.png - (7.96MB , 2048x2732 , unknown.png )

Rejoice, for now comes the shriek of infinite galaxies, as gods weep in horror, souls cry out as they are consumed into the great nothingness. All of this culminates in a great silence. There is not even the sound of blood moving through veins or even the single sound of a thought. There is only, nothing. Rejoice.
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