Shining Glitter Buzzer
- A giant fox (size Large) is stalking a deer drinking at a lake. The majority of the fox's body is on the path. If you get within 10 feet of it before it notices you, you can attempt to scare it off; it'll jump away from you three times and then run full-speed.
- As you're camping for the night, a swarm of bats flies through the camp. Investigation finds a cave nearby, and a bear has just laid down inside, scaring the bats. If you back off, the bear ignores you.
(Potentially Violent)
- You see a dilapidated wizard's tower a good 200 feet off to the left of the path; surrounding the area are lots of small, wolf-like creatures with curious tail-ends. The area is spattered with partially-dissolved rocks, vegetation, and ground. If you get too close, the creatures turn out to be magically created rattlesnake-coyote hybrids, and they have learned to spit their poison like acid. The tower contains notes on how the wizard made them in the one book that is quite purposefully preserved - and covered in specks of acid damage.
(Violent) (pic related)
- As you're camping, a small swarm of moths bigger than your face flutter through. One lands nearby, its wings red and sun-yellow with a big black "eye" in the center of each.
- As you awake the next morning, everything seems to be quite normal, except that after a while you realize that the sky is green instead of blue, and the plants are blue instead of green. As you're packing up camp, you hear something howling through the air; you see a big white sphere surrounded by a purple-pink aura crash onto you like a 200-foot fireball spell. You all wake up in a cold sweat, and everything is back to normal.
(Nonviolent, gag)
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