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File 125509443666.gif - (4.18KB , 400x400 , 125506037227.gif )
4297 No. 4297 ID: 9ded94

Taking the initiative. It's not like there isn't going to be one in here soon anyway.
Expand all images
No. 4298 ID: 43d730

Five internets on the hotel thing being a dream or ten on just being unprovable.
No. 4321 ID: f21281

What if it's limbo?
No. 4322 ID: 43d730

Then I lose my stake.
And the quest goes a funky direction.
No. 4323 ID: f21281

After death, there is only blown fuses and scorched wiring.
No. 4326 ID: 76e04d

Relax said the nightman, we are programed to receive... you can check out any time you like... but you can't never leave...
No. 4361 ID: 047739

So when is this thing starting up again?
No. 4365 ID: 76e04d


Also, I too would enjoy a general hint as to when the esteemed Weaver could show his/her next quest update (Nan or Mustachio, either way=win!)
No. 4383 ID: f21281

Something tells me Nan will update every Thursday.
No. 4443 ID: f98b1d

We need to do some experiments on that doorway between the lobby(ies). Throw some stuff through it.
No. 4514 ID: 9ded94
File 125535763510.gif - (15.95KB , 701x683 , 1231758369131.gif )

What I want to know if this is the same Nan whose head was discovered from the wired cabinet in Metal Glen.

Because if it is, it gives this Quest rather a depressing twist.
No. 4525 ID: 76e04d

Being horrifically mutilated, nay even beheaded means nothing...
remember who got shoved through a fan..
he came back, kinda.
No. 4546 ID: f21281

The goat thang in RubyQuest has bigger horns than Nan. Usually indicates male. So probably not Nan.

That or Nan's in Purgatory.
No. 4550 ID: 76e04d

Hmm, good point. I was simply assuming they had grown in the intern.
No. 4557 ID: 119b5c

I'm not missing out on another weaver story.

I'm thinking this.
No. 4597 ID: fd6933

That head could also belong to Gruff, Iggy, Sven, or Chevre. Animal Crossing is a pretty big place. Not big enough for you to ever escape the secrets it burdens you with, nor the terrible knowledge of how thin a veneer the waking world is and what it is stretched over, but, y'know, pretty big.

Nan should just climb out a window.
No. 4598 ID: 76e04d
File 125541514041.jpg - (142.69KB , 500x750 , Terrible Secret of Animal Crossing.jpg )

Indeed, pic related?
No. 4599 ID: 4ee19c

I hope this goes for a very Twilight zone vibe,also hotel California references

please let there be mirrors on the ceiling
No. 4600 ID: 76e04d

Just remember the steely knives can't kill the beast...
No. 4602 ID: fd6933

Awesome, I haven't seen that poster before. I was aiming for generic Lovecraftian prose there, but yeah, what's the deal with people turning AC into a horror setting? And is Cjopaze a Gyroid or what?
No. 4611 ID: 276781

>Nan should just climb out a window
...Only to find that she's suddenly climbing -in- the window, into the hotel.

Try again!
No. 4620 ID: 76e04d

Actually, I hear The Barbed Wheel from a far earlier work of Weaver's called the World Eater Campaign (GURPS I think.)

But I can't confirm that, I do know that the World Eater campaign existed, (a thread can be found in the /tg/ archive, but more than that... I don't know.)

The reason AC makes for effective horror is because it's familiar, innocent, and ultimately rather childish. The most intense terrors are ultimately those that revert us to the simplicity of a child's terror.

Animal Crossing (like any good children's setting) does half the work for you by peeling back those defensive layers of mental callous' to reveal the vulnerable sensitivities of a child's imagination.

Primal fears are more effective than learned ones, and this is the reason Slender Man (hehe almost typed Slender Nan) will always be scarier than say, Global Economic Collapse.
No. 4624 ID: 8ce2bf

It's fanart for http://lparchive.org/LetsPlay/Animal%20Crossing/index.html which is an amazing Animal Crossing horror.
No. 4644 ID: 76e04d

I just spend the last hour reading that... I am now even more weird-ed out. It wasn't as... shocking as Weaver.

but now I just have those ideas and plots roiling uncomfortably at the base of my skull, like a witch's brew on low simmer.
No. 4681 ID: f21281

...and suddenly, everything about RQ suddenly makes sense.
No. 4683 ID: e1347e
File 125549316695.jpg - (83.27KB , 400x573 , 1254074828963.jpg )

Oh wow, how much of the stuff in there was not in the real game.
No. 4686 ID: 4553b2

Two or three chapters. The rest all was.
No. 4747 ID: 73ad2b

Everything that looks like an in-game screenshot usually is.
No. 4748 ID: dda9dd
File 125558371333.jpg - (204.70KB , 800x587 , 646315571_di3Ge-L.jpg )

Apparently, one of the Penney Arcade guest comics recently wandered along similar, unsettling paths.

I'll see if I can dig it up... ah here it is.
No. 4757 ID: d6a754

If I recall correctly that was the head of one Dr. S(ven).
No. 4761 ID: 9ded94

There was a Dr. S?
No. 4767 ID: 27fd4d

Yeah, but I thought it was Dr. S(hrunk)...
No. 4910 ID: bf1e7e


You're making it up.

Dr S. was a reference to Dr. Shrunk.
No. 5027 ID: 955848
File 125619814161.gif - (31.75KB , 766x1291 , crossingpals9.gif )

I hope that thing coming down the hall isn't a troll, because trolls fear billy goats, which are boy goats.
No. 5028 ID: 2dd482

god crossing pals is so awesome
No. 5029 ID: cd0725

I lol'd like a nigger
No. 5030 ID: 12fc66
File 125620890224.gif - (13.33KB , 701x683 , 120b.gif )

I'm posting the original 120 panel here, which Weaver replaced with bare Nanass, just because I think Nan looks cute in boyshorts.
Take that, Weaver!
No. 5032 ID: 6faa8c

Odd realization:
The OHGODWHATTHEFUCK thing that showed up after the mirror was broken had no blood.
No. 5038 ID: 27fd4d

...Maybe the pizza the guy at the arcade gave us had something a little more sinister than sauce under the cheese.
No. 5039 ID: 12f282

Nan's boyfriend murdered her in a fit of rage by throwing their alarm clock in the tub while she was bathing.
What we are seeing is a scrambled mess of Nan's memories before she dies.
No. 5042 ID: dda9dd

Wow.. wait why did e' replace it? Is Weaver getting more intentional with the fan-service.

Also...>>314832 how do you figure this? Could we get a still frame of the monstrosity?
No. 5043 ID: 6faa8c

Remember the first horror incident in Rubyquest? BLOOD FUCKING EVERYWHERE, and it looked very similar: mangled and grotesque.
No. 5044 ID: f21281

To be fair, there isn't any anti-nudity rule for /quest/~
No. 5045 ID: 43d730

>You are a breast.
>You're inside some kind of cuppish thing, and it's dark.
No. 5046 ID: c1b520

*funds it*
No. 5049 ID: 43d730

Work your way up with your partner all the way from A to DD!
Experiment with hormones, milk, and squeezing!
No. 5050 ID: afbe56

Lookit how the tail interacts with the boyshorts. Makes sense to me.
No. 5051 ID: 73ad2b

Nan can
No. 5054 ID: 632862
File 125626851787.png - (8.71KB , 800x600 , Monster.png )

Still frame of monstrosity, you say? Okay, I will provide it.
No. 5055 ID: 6faa8c

No fresh blood, as I thought.
No. 5056 ID: dda9dd

Why does the skinless monstrosity appear to be rather well hung?
No. 5057 ID: 2dd482

well it's obviously a reflection of Nan's inappropriate sexual desires.
No. 5079 ID: 9ded94


No. 5080 ID: 9ded94

Anyone noticed Nan's wearing different clothes now?
No. 5122 ID: dda9dd

I was more concerned with the Ia ia Ftagn -memory error- that seems to be going on.

On one had I could feel the "wake-up it was all a dream" coming because of clock in the elevator.

On the other hand, we now seem to be spontaneously remembering relationships and events we may/may not have ever experienced (boyfreind ect.)
No. 5137 ID: 632862

The dark things in the Hotel don't kill Nan. They just want to fuck with her head.

What are her real memories, and what are fake? Did she have a boyfriend before entering the Hotel, and just forgot? She didn't mention either way beforehand. Was anything real? Who is Nan?

We don't know anything.
No. 6244 ID: 9d07d9
File 125841470817.jpg - (46.28KB , 320x240 , nan gives away porn.jpg )

No. 6249 ID: dda9dd

No. 9246 ID: 0e252b

More Nan please?
No. 9255 ID: 3416ec

Seconding the request for more Nan Quest in the near future.

'cause its good stuff.
No. 9256 ID: 9ded94

Goddamn you people. Seeing this thread up made me think I had missed another one.

But yeah, thirding.
No. 9259 ID: 34470e

Fourthing. We need moar nanbutt!
No. 9271 ID: e45568

Fifthing the shit out of that idea

if not Nan, Nanporn will suffice.
No. 9273 ID: 1831fc

This is a good quest.

I hope to see it up again soon.
No. 9276 ID: 8dc9d5

Yeah, NanQuest is great.
I would definitely like to see some more of it.
No. 9277 ID: 689e9b

can someone at least get weaver to post an update schedule, or something?

also, sixth(?)ing
No. 9284 ID: c16184

How about just letting Weaver do what he feels like and enjoying what's currently on offer
No. 9285 ID: c50a92

Hate to nag, but I'll have to ninth that request.

Dive should still take priority, what with the whole "parallel with Knight Blades" thing, but I would definitely like to see some more Nan in the future.
No. 9288 ID: 0e252b

XD Oh wow, "More Nan Please?" here.

I agree with both of these people; I LOVE DiveQuest and Knight Blades both rather a lot. They're fantastic stories, and I'd not want them to be set aside just for more of this.

I am simply letting it be known that I do want more of this in the future, because this is awesome. : D Thanks Weaver!
No. 9291 ID: 6faa8c

Also gonna say I <3 Nan.
No. 9294 ID: e3f578

Nan hips are the best hips
No. 9370 ID: 1963d1

Yeah, when is this starting up again?
It's been a long time.
No. 9387 ID: 3416ec


It starts up when someone bribes Weaver to do it.
No. 9407 ID: 1963d1

Well when is THAT happening?
No. 9408 ID: af3e6d

When you feel like ponying up the cash.
No. 9415 ID: 08a008

Or the steamy, passionate lovemaking.

Weaver is a demanding girl.
No. 9426 ID: 3416ec

I've got... let's see... $23.44.

Is that enough?
No. 9427 ID: 34470e

I have over $105.
No. 9461 ID: f08146

reaver and weaver live in the same apartment, yes? someone get me the address and ill buy a pizza for them
No. 9463 ID: 3416ec


I think that's only a mysterious myth. Not a legendary legend.
No. 9465 ID: 8f8ead


Reaver is Dutch and Weaver is Murrican
No. 9468 ID: 689e9b

well shit then. someone find me weavers adress and ill buy her a pizza as a bribe then >_>
No. 9469 ID: 8e18cd


> her

No. 9472 ID: 8ce2bf
File 126411700732.jpg - (126.74KB , 800x507 , PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE.jpg )

Excuse me sir I have photographic evidence of Weaver's female nature.
No. 9473 ID: 445c48

This doesn't exactly prove anything!
No. 9474 ID: 8ecfd4

Well it might prove that Reaver us a furry and we know he likes to jizz in the turkey.

But while I would love to see more Nan quest I do think that Divequest should come first. I want to see how that one plays out between Mushio and Ridder. I don't think it will have a happy end.
No. 9475 ID: 2d8f04

Reaver is weaver's fursona.
No. 9477 ID: 9d07d9


Thing is, no one except Weaver and Reaver (and maybe not even them) have any idea how close to finishing Dive Quest and Knight Blades are. But what's to stop Weaver from updating Nan Quest before the next chapter of Dive?

personally I'd like to see the next chapter of Dive before he picks up Nan again
No. 9483 ID: 655d51

I'm honestly surprised none of you recognize the girl in the picture, or recognize Weaver's art style. Reaver is a bit harder, but still entirely possible to figure out given the clues that have been dropped (or at least make an educated guess)
No. 13255 ID: c50a92
File 126982754342.png - (7.31KB , 287x298 , scarednan.png )

No. 13256 ID: 1ac39d

i am flipping the fuck out!
No. 13264 ID: 73d42c

Okay, just posting my thoughts in a place I can find them later.

1.) It was 6:30 AM when Nan first woke up. There was a clock next to her bedside at that time.
2.) Nan did one job, then waited 5 minutes before rewiring the outlet in the hotel.
3.) Nan then found a clock in the elevator, reading 4:66 PM.
4.) Nan wakes up back in her bed, with Henry(?). Her alarm clock is displaying "weird numbers." Henry informs her that it is 10:30.
5.) Nan is back in the hotel, still with the clock reading 4:66 AM.

Actually, now that I think about it, 4:66 doesn't make any sense as a time.
No. 13266 ID: e3f578

Any significant symbolism on 4:66 then, with or without colons?
No. 13268 ID: 7630d5
File 126983643580.gif - (9.38KB , 695x577 , nan_eating_naan.gif )

theres also the whole "60 minutes in an hour" thing... anyways, anon44 did this :V
No. 13269 ID: 348fbd

I was trying to see if I could start at the beginning of the day and could the time, to see if the clock stopped at roughly the time Nan finished the outlet. I guess I misread the 4:66 for an actual meaningful time, though.

Still, following the clock is interesting. I'm wondering if the one Nan is holding is supposed to be the one in her bedroom.

We have a working (red light) clock in Nan's bedroom at the start.
We get the 4:66 (red light) clock in the elevator.
Nan sees a "weird numbers" (not shown) clock in her bedroom a second time.
The clock in her possession has always shown 4:66, which are certainly some odd numbers for a clock.

466 upside down is 99h. Neither 6 nor 4 works very well sideways, though.
No. 13275 ID: bc1727
File 126984328038.jpg - (138.67KB , 471x867 , nan.jpg )

Nan fan art. Because goats nom shirts!
No. 13279 ID: 3416ec


To be fair, goats nom a lot of things.
No. 13280 ID: 34470e

Random Experimentation ahead


4+6+6=16, 1+6=7

46+66= 112 | Is there something in room 112? We need to enter there.

4=d, 6=f -- dff

four six six - 6-15-21-18, 19-8-24, 19-8-24 -- 60-51-51 -- 162 | Maybe something will be revealed on update 162
No. 13281 ID: 632862

Stop that. You can find any pattern you want using very few numbers.
No. 13282 ID: 34470e

61070, 61170, 61244, 61206 - 61211, 61097, 61271 - 61211, 61097, 61271
14,15,17,15 - 11,23,17 - 11,23,17
noqo kwq kwq
No. 13283 ID: 34470e

61070, 61170, 61244, 61206 - 61211, 61097, 61271 - 61211, 61097, 61271

Boredom is a wonderful thing, isn't it?
No. 13299 ID: 860bd9

dont understand the clock or the "hour" by itself. unless 4:66 is a bible passage, we should simpl use it as a indication that shit is cthulean.
No. 13300 ID: 860bd9

salm 66:4
>"I also will choose<Dic> their delusions<Dic>, and will bring<Dic> their fears<Dic> upon them; because when I called<Dic>, none did answer<Dic>; when I spake<Dic>, they did not hear<Dic>: but they did<Dic> evil<Dic> before mine eyes<Dic>, and chose<Dic> that in which I delighted<Dic> not." "delusions: or, devices; "

see? nothing makes sense eit

god dammit
No. 13306 ID: 362f0c

Actually that verse is:

Isaiah 66:4
>I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon them; because when I called, none did answer; when I spake, they did not hear: but they did evil before mine eyes, and chose that in which I delighted not.

Still good find... I just... please spellcheck and work on the grammar. This isn't a chatroom you have the time.
No. 13326 ID: 860bd9

i actualy had trouble getting a quote in english. this was supposely translated from latin somewhat directly.
No. 13331 ID: 7d3870

Well if google is any indication, 99h means that the cause of all this madness is "Microsoft Portable Xbox Microsoft Portable Xbox"
No. 13332 ID: a7a85a


Heheh, cute. :3
No. 13342 ID: 2c4b6b

Well, if you convert those 66 minutes into 1 hour and 6 minutes, 4:66 would actually be 5:06. The hotel only looks to have three floors, so it can't be room 506 (unless it's bigger on the inside), but maybe it means something else. Or maybe it's just completely random.
No. 13345 ID: 7d3870

You know, if the clock is PM, and you 24-hour-clock that shit, 4:66 becomes 16:66.
Then again I like to think that it wouldn't be something as painfully overdone as 'Oooo, it has the numbers 666 in it, it must be evil'.
No. 13875 ID: d6cb21

I wish Weaver would get back on NanQuest.
And am I the only onw seeing Silent Hill connections everywhere?
No. 13942 ID: ce3dbc

Which silent hill arer you talking about? If its a particular one, speak up. We need all the into we can get.
No. 14441 ID: 1fea9a

Seeing as how we have food now, lets NOT open the can until we need it. After all, Nan just ate a little while ago.
No. 14491 ID: 944c5f

I never considered starvation a factor we had to deal with. >.> <.< I don't see a reason to open the can yet, UNLESS THERE LIES AN ITEM! Yeah, I doubt that too. (With this can at least.)
No. 14607 ID: 88fc9a

Maybe it will be full of lightbulbs.
No. 14626 ID: 67c611

My friend and I spent a good two hours looking for a lightbulb before we came across a can we had overlooked. So we look around for a can opener and get ready to open it. I say "I swear to god if that has lightbulbs in it....". We open the thing and, lightbulbs. It fucked with us so badly we had to stop playing for a while.
No. 14639 ID: d6cb21

A lightbulb? I wouldnt be surprised if there was a lightbulb inside the can. And if there IS a lightbulb in the can, then that would point towards the Silent Hill theory.
No. 14658 ID: 88fc9a

It was intended as a deadpan joke, you know...
But you've got to love the Silent Hill games.
No. 14920 ID: c50a92
File 127241770724.gif - (29.81KB , 1402x683 , padre2.gif )

No. 14921 ID: e3f578

Huh! It's the Pilgrim!
No. 14922 ID: e3f578

No wait, its the filename. Goddamn hat. I should figure out what exactly a Padre is.
No. 14924 ID: a56bd0

Padre means 'father' it's Spanish and generally used to address Catholic (and sometimes other denominations) priests.
No. 14925 ID: d6cb21

I'm wondering, if we find the clock again, Lets keep it. If breaking the clock sends us back in time, then we should use it if we need to undo something. Time travel puzzels ahoy!
No. 14934 ID: d6cb21

If its us in that elevator, I am going to freak the hell out.
No. 14935 ID: 1ac39d

serious question for Weaver:
why are you s good at blowing people's minds?
No. 14936 ID: d6cb21

Because he CAN READ THEM
No. 14937 ID: 705b6e

Anyone else reminded of the movie Triangle from this quest?

I get the feeling that there is only 1 ending for this quest, and it is an endlessly repeating bad end full of death, ignorance, and trauma no matter what.
No. 14938 ID: 1ac39d

if that's the case then we need to figure out how to get NAN spiral powers so she can break out.
No. 14940 ID: 2cff42

Let's see if we can guess what's going on:
There was an electrical fire that killed those that are now the dark figures. Nan was involved and may possibly be also dead (just a hunch) and is now being haunted/tormented.
No. 14944 ID: c50a92

I'm still amazed he managed to get us to put a cloth on Nan's face so current-Nan would match the past-future-Nan-doppelganger from the beginning of the thread.
No. 14945 ID: 1ac39d

i think the only thing with a more confusing timeline is homestuck. but it's impossibly hard to beat that in time line confusion.
No. 14948 ID: 9ded94

If this was back in /tg/, people would scream railroading.

But it's not /tg/ so I'm just calling Weaver a Magnificent Bastard.
No. 14961 ID: a85626


>> Nan hurries after the shambling figure ahead,


>> We totally shoulda teamed up with ourselves

Something tells me this would not have ended well.
No. 14962 ID: e3f578

You don't know that. Experimentation is the foundation of a good time.
No. 14967 ID: 12b099

You know, we might have already been teamed up with ourselves.
No. 14969 ID: d6cb21

True, how do we know weather or not the us from the future is influncing the us of now in oder to get us to survive so that later on we can go back in time again to influence our past self to save ourself.....

Time travel logic makes my brain hurt.
No. 14997 ID: 5eedac

i'm pretty sure that was the Dr. S mentioned in Filbert's notes. In animal crossing, there's a goat named Sven.

Sven's not female. I don't think that's Nan.
No. 14998 ID: 5eedac

Going by this logic though the missing subject in RubyQuest was a pig. Which could be Lucy.

If we meet a Lucy, it'd be time to enable Todd-Bertuzzi-flip-the-fuck-out mode.
No. 15002 ID: ff8863
File 127257224065.png - (12.65KB , 701x683 , pablonanhenrynodaddy.png )

Remember Nan Quest viewers: only through teamwork can we overcome any obstacle!
No. 15003 ID: 1ac39d

......... daum.
No. 15004 ID: 5eedac
File 127258946282.gif - (1.99MB , 300x225 , bananaguy.gif )

No. 15005 ID: 3416ec


No. 15006 ID: 3416ec


Also, why you do this.
No. 15008 ID: 8ce2bf

No. 15009 ID: 9d07d9


henrybutt oh no
No. 15011 ID: 3297aa

No. 15012 ID: 3297aa

Wait a minute.
Is it just me, or does the hat on that rack look a lot like the Padre's?
No. 15021 ID: f98e0b

Hey, yeah. There's a cross there too.
No. 15073 ID: d6cb21

Mayhap the monsters are the former guests at the hotel, who got stuck there when they all died for some reason. And the ones that are more deadly are the ones that had a stronger will, or had something to do with what caused this mess.

Just a thought.
No. 15182 ID: 1fea9a

Yo Weaver, planning on continueing any time soon?
No. 15237 ID: 77f7e5

I'm interested as well.
No. 15256 ID: 3416ec


Whenever she feels like it.
No. 15262 ID: a594b9

HE. Weaver is male.
No. 15263 ID: 1ac39d

you sure?
weaver has kinda gotten the same thing as ZONE and conflicting reports of gender keep showing up.
No. 15264 ID: 60be74

Weaver is a proud nubile woman and you'd best be rememberin' that.
No. 15266 ID: 3441fa

Men do not get Dainty Leg Syndrome.
No. 15269 ID: 9d07d9

Weaver is a little brown girl with purple hair who happens to have a very masculine voice.
No. 15284 ID: 1963d1

>masculine voice
How u kno dis?
No. 15287 ID: 1d1077

(Update 79, if I've interboard-link FAILed)
I'm guessing those are the Padre's clothes there (hat, cloak, crucifix)? I was half-expecting the Padre to help us, and end up being future-Nan, or future-some-other-character.
No. 15289 ID: a594b9

I think you mean:
No. 15293 ID: eb6d46

That'll be it. And silly me for missing that 'Padre' in
is unusually helpful.
No. 15831 ID: 5448f9
File 127424813790.png - (270.19KB , 1023x760 , woichimanya.png )

It hardly looks like Nan, and I couldn't be assed to dig out my AC manual
No. 15872 ID: bb43fd

No. 15874 ID: 5448f9


Fuck I knew the color was off

oh well
No. 15876 ID: 2eac65

It's still a very pretty picture.
No. 16057 ID: 5448f9

Why thank you

I drew it just for you guys. :J
No. 16303 ID: 19f4db

Sorry to bump, but has it been said if this was dropped or not? I know Weaver's very busy, but i hate the lack of knowing.
No. 16308 ID: a594b9

It's not dropped. Weaver's just kinda busy and is doing that... Andellousia quest thing right now.
No. 16314 ID: f95872

Incidentally, that name always fucking bugs me. It's like he tried to spell "Andalucia" and failed.
No. 16315 ID: cef587

Actually it's from a playing of the word "Andalou", from Un Chein Andalou.
No. 16316 ID: f95872

Translated into Spanish, that's "una Perra de Andalucia". It's the same thing, just different language. Even the English bastardization of the word just swaps the c for an s (thus, Andalusia) which at least is phonetically identical, and thus less grating.

Also, I suspect that very few people have watched the film, which would cause any references to go over folks' heads.
No. 16322 ID: cef587

Nah, you're reading way too far into it. It's just supposed to sound neat, not be a reference. That's just the etymology of the name, for what little it's worth.
Besides, isn't this a Nan thread?
No. 16386 ID: 19f4db

Ahh, thanks, thats great to hear. I'm surprised by how much Weaver's done since he(she?) finished RubyQuest. I was there for the original threads, but haven't been keeping up with the mass influx of quests that spawned from the craziness, though I do idle in the IRC all day.
No. 16503 ID: 0f9dad

I got that once, it wasn't fun.
No. 16655 ID: 1a99f0

so i just realized how little we know here. The first time Nan woke up she seemed to be living alone and then when she met henry she acted like it was the first time. Then all of a sudden he's her boyfriend and she has an ass.

Then when Nan woke up after smashing the clock she only knew to spin around because she'd already seen that situation before, so it had to have played out chronologically the same way we saw it. That still leaves the question of why she got her old clothes back though. Maybe she got some of her old inventory back as well. We'll need to do an inventory check as soon as we get a chance. And try to get an evaluation on the henry situation. See if she has minor amnesia or if the second bedroom scene a hallucination or something.
No. 16657 ID: 1a99f0

Cedar Glen...do we know why metal glen was named as such? Why is the apartment complex named as such? Are they in the same general area? Do these stories take place at a similar time? It's possible that the same evil force could be at work here. Maybe we should ask Nan if the town is on the coast. Or if she remembers hearing anything about a trio coming out of a facility for the blind recently. Or anything about a facility for the blind. Nobody actually directly asked Nan if she knew anything about Metal Glen.
No. 16658 ID: 1a99f0

okay so Henry didn't recognize Nan either. Just realized that DOES affect the situation. Essentially something weird has to be going on with that. It can't just be a weird time lapse since "That's not how they met!" Some parts of this might actually not be real, or could be a dream or hallucination. When she saw the cross necklace she seemed to recognize it but didn't know where from. But then it was a gift from Henry. Perhaps two dimensions are even intersecting or something. NEED MORE INFO!
No. 16667 ID: 1a99f0

well we're up to over 100 at the end of one hall of floor one. both 466 and 506 are possible rooms. 99h might mean something as well.
No. 16669 ID: 1a99f0

What the hell is real around here? I would say that the second visit to Nan's bedroom was a dream or hallucination if she hadn't gotten some new clothes out of it. Which could mean that the whole scene where she's wearing those clothes is somehow not real, except she carried over the fire axe. Which could mean that this part isn't real either, but Nan is back to her normal clothes now and events have been coinciding properly with the whole time warp thing. Assuming that was real I would then say that the first part where Henry and Nan don't seem to recognize each other wasn't real, except that the inventory carried over through the next part and presumably after the clock was broken as well. It could be that all of the events are real and the hotel is just capable of bending the minds of those inside. Or that everything that has happened since entering the hotel has been a hallucination to some degree or another, with a little bit of reality in each one. Maybe we just need to do a couple more cycles to start being able to piece things together.
No. 16816 ID: 1a99f0

so i got this new idea, k? basically, everyone we met inside the hotel is already dead. Pablo, Anna, the Padre, probably Henry, maybe even Nan at this point. So when we first see Henry and Pablo (for Pablo it was when Nan was doing the wiring work) they were ghosts. That's why Pablo disappeared, and why Henry had that thing going on with his reflection. Then the second bedroom scene was a hallucination caused by Henry projecting his memories into Nan's. Nan (probably not dead) then gets trapped in this limbo hotel with these tormented spirits. This explains the conflicting reports of Henry and Nan's relationship status, and why Pablo didn't mention coming out of the shower and running into Nan. This also means that the dead rat and the helpful rat with the bean can could be the same rat.
No. 16860 ID: 1a99f0

Next chapter needs some Nan and Henry sexies, or some Nan and Anna sexies, that's cool with me, too.
No. 17457 ID: 8cb3d6
File 127632083231.png - (14.06KB , 701x683 , PadreAnna.png )

Interesting thoughts, fellow viewer. Although personally, I don't think there's enough information to determine any sort of underlying reason behind all the madness. Once again, great theories.


Ever since this as been brought up, I've been wondering if Padre is actually someone dressed up like a monster, for whatever reason. This person may be just a normal person, or someone with incredible abilities beyond a mortal, but still dressing as Padre noneoftheless.


Remember when we're introduced with Anna? That weird smoke/blackness at the top-right? This lead me to believe that Anna is secretly Padre. Yes, it's a stretch, but something about that bunny doesn't seem right.

Also, kudos to the person(s) who fleshed out the Nan Quest page at the wiki. Awesome!.....Though I personally think Pablo is a bat. It's them ears. They feel bat-like. Well, my opinion.
No. 17466 ID: 3297aa

I seem to remember Weaver confirming Pablo's bathood at some point. May have been in IRC.
No. 17516 ID: 8cb3d6

Oh boy I hope you're right.
No. 18641 ID: a145b3
File 127776048495.png - (154.87KB , 688x676 , naneralls.png )

Hey, it's me, the guy who drew Nan in those pants

Here's something for the people that still care.
No. 18642 ID: a145b3
File 127776056973.png - (132.20KB , 688x676 , nanked.png )

Aaaaand another version.
No. 18644 ID: 1a99f0

I care. Keep being awesome.
No. 18646 ID: a145b3
File 127776319417.png - (301.00KB , 1000x1000 , rubynan.png )


Okay, okay.
Here's another.
No. 18647 ID: 05c9fd
File 127776361794.jpg - (290.21KB , 900x1024 , bison-cfe.jpg )

No. 18650 ID: 8ce2bf

but but but nan ain't got no panties
No. 18651 ID: 2eac65

All lovely pictures.

It's kind of weird seeing Ruby/Nan Quest characters in color, though. Most of the time they're only black and white.
No. 18652 ID: 67c611

nice work
No. 18653 ID: a145b3

Working on another at the moment because I'm that badass
No. 18658 ID: a145b3
File 127776536117.png - (186.36KB , 674x992 , nanrubs.png )

Ehh, this one's kinda suck, but I hope someone can like it.

I'll draw more maybe if people want me too.
No. 18659 ID: 1a99f0

Why would anyone not want you to draw more?
No. 18660 ID: a145b3


I'm out of ideas, but I'm up for a few requests.
No. 18661 ID: 1177ca

Do something nice about Ruby and Tom. Still not had enough of those two.

Something cute.
No. 18662 ID: a145b3

Idunno, this IS a NANquest thread after all, but I'll definitely consider it.
No. 18664 ID: 2eac65

Delicious bunny paws.

How would Ruby and Nan end up meeting? Maybe a support group for occult horror survivors.
No. 18669 ID: e3f578

Ruby leads a supernatural squad with a goal to stop the world's horrors from hurting people, Nan joins once Ruby manages to bust in at the last minute.
No. 18671 ID: d560d6

Generic quest fanart thread is over here for non-Nan-ness:
No. 18674 ID: a145b3
File 127777295072.png - (328.01KB , 917x904 , henry.png )

No. 18675 ID: 8ce2bf

Oh my~
No. 18676 ID: 0b2a05

Ahahaha oh my god

The mirror is the best part, but not by much
No. 18685 ID: 67c611

Oh fuck yes you sick bastard. Give me a hug.
No. 18689 ID: a145b3
File 127777861885.png - (85.26KB , 445x743 , nanbutt.png )

How about Nan's ass instead?
No. 18690 ID: 0b2a05

This is also acceptable!
No. 18693 ID: 35cea2


Gog dam her ass is like %70 of her body.
No. 18694 ID: 2a421d

Why am I reminded of Kurhal at this moment?
No. 18697 ID: a145b3

>implying this is a bad thing
No. 18701 ID: a145b3


well it's there
No. 18704 ID: 1a99f0

well, she's pretty round.
and soft.
and so inviting...
No. 18716 ID: a145b3

thus is nan
No. 18719 ID: b4b04d

Whoever's doing these, they're awesome and you're awesome.

All this has sort of made me want to go back to updating more Nan.
By which I mean all the discussion, of course.
No. 18721 ID: a145b3

Thanks, I'm glad you like them. C:
No. 18722 ID: e3f578

No. 18724 ID: a145b3
File 127778907112.png - (164.04KB , 308x270 , omgbecky.png )



god becky
No. 18725 ID: 2eac65

Her butt is three times the size of her chest. That's a little too much!

We should've known her lazy attitude would get to her eventually. Someone should help her work off those extra pounds.
No. 18728 ID: a145b3

I think trying to survive in the hotel from hell should give her a workout.
No. 18735 ID: 2fa60a

You're right, her breasts are definitely not big enough.
No. 18763 ID: a145b3
File 127784950685.png - (129.09KB , 684x924 , nanupper.png )

No. 18767 ID: 4f6e37

I think she's inflating more and more with every image...
No. 18768 ID: a145b3

Nah, that's just me being inconsistent.
No. 18769 ID: d560d6

No. 18773 ID: 2eac65

At this rate, the only way she'll get back in shape is if she was hancuffed to a treadmill.
No. 18774 ID: a145b3

Also, if anyone has any Nan-related stuff they'd like to see drawn, just kinda

say it and I'll try to later
No. 18775 ID: e3f578

She's so fat, her kneecaps would blend in with the rest of her flesh if they weren't so goddamn shiny. ARE THOSE KANKLES? Goddamn, that fatness qualifies as being somebody's middle-aged aunt level.

Goddamn, Bill Clinton would wreck that.
No. 18776 ID: a594b9

I want to see nan doing her job. Electrician work.
No. 18778 ID: a145b3
File 127785505169.png - (239.24KB , 684x924 , clinton.png )

No. 18829 ID: a145b3
File 127793197431.png - (105.71KB , 506x808 , showtunes.png )

Nan occasionally enjoys humming showtunes.
No. 18830 ID: b7fdd4

No. 18832 ID: 1a99f0

hey look, she dropped the weight.
No. 18833 ID: e3f578
File 127793469985.jpg - (16.93KB , 400x249 , Bill_clinton.jpg )

No. 18839 ID: a145b3
File 127794172489.png - (234.18KB , 905x798 , billnan.png )

Bill strikes
No. 18841 ID: de38a3

I did not have sexual relations with that goat.
No. 18842 ID: a145b3

oh shit
looking at that picture while listening to this:

oh shit
No. 18843 ID: 1a99f0

sure, Bill, we believe you...
No. 18874 ID: d15937

"99h" is programming shorthand for "99 in base 16". That's 153 in normal numbers, or ™ in ASCII.

...I may be overthinking this.
No. 18905 ID: a145b3
File 127804382672.png - (115.91KB , 1000x1000 , streetfighteralphatwo.png )

Okay I can do like maybe a few more really good ones before my drawing skill dwindles they all just turn into incoherent scribbles.

There was an earlier request for her actually doing her job, so I'll work on that one next.

In the meantime, have this picture of Nan playing a SNES.
No. 18906 ID: 1a99f0

awesome work.
shouldn't practicing make you better?
No. 18907 ID: a145b3

To be fair, it should but depending on what I draw, it can be counterproductive at times.


I tried a couple of trick on this one I'm pretty proud of, so practice is good.

Really, I'm just doing all this cause I like Nan . :U
No. 18909 ID: 05c9fd

>shouldn't practicing make you better?
Only until you burn out from staring at the screen for so long and maybe from the exertion itself.
No. 18910 ID: 8ce2bf

streetfighteralphatwo.png more like supermarioworldghosthouse.png
No. 18912 ID: 1a99f0

okay well sleep is good.
No. 18913 ID: a145b3

No. 18956 ID: dcf697


Does anyone have any idea what color Henry would be?
I'm thinking like a kind of beige or brown combination.
No. 18957 ID: dcf697
File 127813243639.png - (209.78KB , 770x762 , henrynan.png )

No. 18958 ID: 7324e7

No. 18959 ID: 8ce2bf

That sure is some Henrybutt.
No. 18961 ID: 1e9d01

No. 18965 ID: 2eac65

Henry looks girlier than Nan there. Especially with the prominent chest fur.
No. 18970 ID: dcf697

>Henry looks girlier than Nan there.

I...don't find this to be a problem.
No. 18973 ID: dcf697
File 127813797414.png - (166.72KB , 880x764 , gonnamissE3.png )

problem solved
No. 18974 ID: 8ce2bf

a++ service would order electric nan again
No. 18975 ID: 823f5d

>electric nan

The toy sensation of this Christmas season?
No. 18976 ID: 3416ec


Poor Padre is gonna miss the World Cup.
No. 18977 ID: 2eac65

No, I'm not complaining. It's still delicious. I was just commenting.
No. 18979 ID: dcf697
File 127814714083.png - (218.54KB , 1000x1000 , pablohen.png )

Pablo and Henry. Someone may like this.
No. 18980 ID: dcf697
File 127814717726.png - (164.00KB , 735x865 , rubyleznan.png )

More RubyxNan.
No. 18986 ID: 8ce2bf

No. 18991 ID: a7a85a


Cute and stylish.
No. 19010 ID: de38a3

Draw Nan and Henry having consensual heterosexual sex in the missionary position.
No. 19012 ID: f21281

You sick, disgusting bastard.
No. 19015 ID: 03640a

Now that's just uncalled for.
No. 19018 ID: 1a99f0

dude keep your sick fetishes to yourself
No. 19036 ID: dcf697

You know, it's kind of loses it's charm if it's just flat out sex

But the reason I'm not going to do it is because you didn't say please. >:U
No. 19038 ID: 0f5309

pretty please yattermang. i would be ever so grateful.
No. 19040 ID: dcf697

>implying I wasn't going to end up drawing it eventually

Ruby and Nan is my favorite OTP, but I GUESS I can draw some more Henry
No. 19042 ID: 1177ca

I wouldn't mind some sweet Ruby/Tom loving, either.

Pretty please? Whenever you have the time: no rush.
No. 19044 ID: b4b04d

We've already seen what happens if Nan and Ruby were to meet up: >>314827
No. 19046 ID: 2eac65

You mentioning that reminded me of this:
/r/ Nan in bed taking pictures of herself.
No. 19050 ID: f21281

/r/ nan in bed taking pictures of herself as if it was the actual picture she took of herself while in bed
No. 19051 ID: dcf697
File 127821064839.png - (196.73KB , 344x353 , pat.png )


Okay I'll probably do like 2 tonight, so which should I work on first?
No. 19052 ID: aa4289

rolled 1 = 1

i'll help
1= nan/henry
2= nan alone
No. 19060 ID: 8ce2bf

There can never be enough Henry.
No. 19061 ID: dcf697

Too bad I'm the only one drawing him. >BU
No. 19062 ID: 8ce2bf

Truly one of the worst problems today's world is facing.
No. 19088 ID: dcf697
File 127823199624.png - (198.79KB , 1000x1000 , nanexhenrey.png )

No. 19089 ID: dcf697
File 127823202369.png - (107.08KB , 802x654 , frail.png )

failed version:
No. 19090 ID: dcf697
File 127823451497.png - (101.89KB , 724x546 , nanny.png )

I'm exhausted, but I managed to draw it.
No. 19094 ID: 2eac65

This is fantastic.

This is... not quite so fantastic. Nan's arms and shoulders are too big, and Henry's got a weird sort of expression you'd expect from an overly polite con artist.

Honestly, I like this one better.
No. 19095 ID: dcf697

Ack, KNEW something was wrong with that one.
Oh well, that's the price for choosing a weird perspective I guess.

At any rate, I'm ultimately glad you like them.
No. 19096 ID: dcf697
File 127823864711.png - (235.33KB , 1000x1000 , simplerepairwoman.png )

SLIGHTLY better version...?
No. 19111 ID: c4c313


Ay chihuahua!
No. 19148 ID: 3b3f66

Does this update anymore or is Weaver done?
No. 19152 ID: 8d16ab

Part 3 showed up five months after Part 2 ended. I think it's safe to say that an extended absence isn't indicative of quest death, at least in this case.
No. 19348 ID: dcf697

Sorry I have not drawn any fanart, I got kinda burnt out.
I'll try to have something new for you tomorrow, maybe.
No. 19366 ID: 3416ec


No worries.
No. 19367 ID: 407b5b

Yeah it's cool, and feel free to fanart any other quests that catch your fancy. Weaver's awesome, but his updates schedule is always sketchy at best.
No. 19374 ID: dcf697

By burnt out, I just meant drawing in general. I think I stated earlier that constant drawing is a kind of easy way for me to put myself in a block.

Give it a few days, and I'll maybe have some more Nan.
No. 19469 ID: dcf697
File 127867490377.png - (208.08KB , 626x938 , agol.png )

whoa how did I forget about this
No. 19503 ID: 05c9fd
File 127870162985.jpg - (180.08KB , 700x1000 , heat nan.jpg )

The shape of her sunglasses reminds me of someone.
No. 19507 ID: dcf697
File 127870752325.png - (2.87KB , 256x224 , hm3.png )

No. 19661 ID: a7a85a
File 127890105760.gif - (11.98KB , 256x224 , uhoh.gif )

No. 19663 ID: f4963f
File 127890142290.png - (34.28KB , 256x224 , Megaman_FFFFFF.png )

Wait. Shit.
No. 19676 ID: dcf697

No. 20095 ID: db60d0

Nan is an AC character.
Nobody else is.
Conclusion: She still hasn't woken up. Once she does, she'll be in her locker, ready to push the red button and turn on the lights...
No. 20096 ID: dcf697

Depends, will Ruby be there?
Delicious Nan and Ruby collaboration?
No. 20097 ID: db60d0

Yes. This will be attempt number three of the total thirteen that occurred.
No. 20098 ID: dcf697

Delicious Nan.
Delicious Ruby.

No. 20099 ID: db60d0

Deep fried.
With Buffalo-style sauce.
No. 20100 ID: dcf697

Now that's just fuckin' sexy.
No. 20101 ID: db60d0

I was actually thinking tasty. I've already been /s/atisfied if you know what I'm saying.
No. 20104 ID: 541ce9
File 127927844868.png - (119.83KB , 536x831 , nananananananan.png )

herpus derpus
No. 20105 ID: dcf697
File 12792785892.jpg - (18.67KB , 240x225 , fukken_saved.jpg )

No. 20211 ID: 5116bc
File 127934084348.jpg - (52.59KB , 600x600 , 1231740622913.jpg )

I am awfully confused. This is current yes? ongoing? The dates I'm seeing from investigation say that Weavers last NanQuest thread was months ago, and that the first post from this thread is months in the future...

Could someone help clarify the situation for me? Does this board take place in the 4th dimension?

Posting with Ruby in an attempt to stay on topic.
No. 20213 ID: dcf697

No. 20215 ID: 4ae7b5

Hell, he 'just' got back to updating Dive Quest after a hiatus, and that quest is practically as old as this site.

Also, that particular pic always makes me think of those old Winnie the Pooh cartoon.
No. 20234 ID: ad5250

>first post from this thread is months in the future

Are you sure you don't mistake the day and the month in the date of the post?
No. 20235 ID: 2eac65

This thread was started in 2009.
No. 20238 ID: f95872

>last NanQuest thread was months ago
It is not unusual for Weaver to go months between update cycles. He'll get around to it when he gets around to it.

>and that the first post from this thread is months in the future...
Note the year.
No. 20250 ID: 5116bc


Yikes, Thanks fellows. Really looking to future NanQuests.
No. 20420 ID: dcf697
File 127953417813.png - (197.68KB , 576x964 , nanquiver.png )

Some more.
No. 20423 ID: dcf697
File 127953583224.png - (121.99KB , 668x842 , nanunderpants.png )

And another.
No. 20425 ID: b4b04d

Man you guys must really want me to continue this
No. 20426 ID: 541ce9

not really, I'm in it for the nan porn
No. 20427 ID: dcf697

nan's a cute-ass goat okay
No. 20428 ID: 3c803c

If you make more Nanporn I'll update again.
No. 20429 ID: 55c4cf


very much
No. 20430 ID: dcf697

Include small bits of fanservice that don't derail the plot or destroy and sort of character development, and we'll call it a deal.

Not that I'd need coercing to draw more nansmut, but it's fun to pretend I can make a deal.
No. 20450 ID: b4b04d

That's not me.
No. 20458 ID: dcf697

If I draw more nanstuff will you update again anyway? :U
No. 20496 ID: 4f1ba8

I do hope you update someday. I want to see how Anna fits into the whole incident, and if we can trust her. Because I don't. She's a bunny. Bunnies have been nothing but trouble in every one of your stories. T.T
No. 20502 ID: 3416ec


Shouldn't that be "Nanderpants?"
No. 20504 ID: 05c9fd

No. 20515 ID: 5116bc


I know at least I would like you to continue. I'm a huge fan of your work in both Nan and RubyQuest.
No. 20517 ID: a6e87d

way to miss Dive numnuts.
No. 20522 ID: 4ae7b5

He's also doing Andelosia...
No. 20523 ID: b4b04d

It is possible he just doesn't like those two quests.
No. 20524 ID: c4c313

I'm a huge fan of your work in both Nan and RubyQuest.




...just kidding :o)
No. 20542 ID: 72cd24


Eh, I actually feel that way. Except for the kidding part.
No. 20570 ID: d3ac24


I've been meaning to read through DiveQuest, I am intrigued by it but just don't have the freedom that I did when I went through Ruby.

And I haven't even heard of the other one D:
No. 20571 ID: f05b95

We have a neat wiki with quests sorted by author. Quite difficult to miss a quest thanks to that.
No. 20574 ID: e973f4

Except that a certain SOMEONE WHOSE NAME BEGINS WITH "T" AND ENDS IN "O" has been really lazy with the wiki runs as of late so there are a whole bunch of recent quests with no articles with which to find archive links. >:C
No. 20594 ID: 1bc8fd

I wish there was some sort of more reliable idea of if this is ongoing or not.

By which I mean; I've migrated here from /tg/ and I'd like to see a thread. I feel like I'll just end up missing one if I don't check all the time now... and I don't have the opportunity to check all the time.
No. 20595 ID: 8ce2bf

If you idle in the IRC and set NanQuest as a hotword you would have the best chance at being here for a session.
No. 20751 ID: 98a8ee

more nan please.
No. 20766 ID: dcf697
File 128013387596.png - (152.70KB , 628x850 , roobymaid.png )

Haven't drawn any Nan, but will a Ruby suffice?
No. 20777 ID: e3f578
File 128016017535.jpg - (257.57KB , 760x506 , PresidentBillClintonMay282003Disk2074.jpg )

No. 20778 ID: dcf697
File 128016110017.png - (18.93KB , 881x883 , billstop.png )

No. 20783 ID: 55c4cf
File 128017064890.jpg - (6.28KB , 260x190 , s-BILL-CLINTON-large.jpg )

No. 20798 ID: e3f578
File 12801984409.jpg - (227.72KB , 800x570 , vE7KEoNScWkkjRY.jpg )

Man, what did I do?
No. 20812 ID: d6a592

Man, whatever law made it illegal for me to go around smacking fat asses, we should repeal that
No. 20817 ID: dcf697

Are we talking about smacking fat people

or smacking fat booties?
No. 20818 ID: 1177ca

Or donkeys?
No. 20858 ID: a7a85a
File 128027085036.png - (150.51KB , 476x350 , conveyance.png )

No. 21131 ID: 98a8ee
File 128067455072.png - (152.42KB , 368x381 , 9o6.png )

Give me my new nanQuest.
No. 21296 ID: dcf697

I have not drawn any nan whatever for quite some time.

Guys, hit me up with some request or something.
No. 21297 ID: c1c607

Nan punching a Touhou.
No. 21305 ID: 620bfb

A Touhou punching Nan.
No. 21306 ID: 87bb9c

a cross-counter between a touhou and nan
No. 21308 ID: 8beedd

And Touhou wins. (only if its not Reimu)
No. 21309 ID: dcf697


i don't know a single thing about toohoo
No. 21311 ID: 70d9eb

Bill Clinton raping Henry while Nan watches.
No. 21313 ID: 620bfb

In a very confused, disgusted, and slightly aroused way.
No. 21314 ID: c71597

Just have Nan beat up a small asian girl.
No. 21315 ID: dcf697
File 128095645472.png - (165.09KB , 668x842 , nannotnotnot.png )

No. 21321 ID: d560d6
File 128096460162.png - (20.04KB , 640x480 , yes-ona-i-fear-it-is.png )

No. 21339 ID: db60d0

Have Nan beating up a Toho then.

>John punches Gamera.
No. 21386 ID: dcf697
File 128108831720.png - (263.62KB , 1000x1000 , nansim.png )

Here's a thing in the meantime.
It's sucky but, hey, I tried. Kinda.

I'll draw those requests soon, guys.
No. 21387 ID: dcf697
File 128108835854.png - (97.31KB , 689x1113 , base.png )

Here's the base without all the BS
No. 21396 ID: 1e1932
File 128111433460.jpg - (4.41KB , 165x204 , 1271219085652.jpg )


My penis is so confused...
No. 21401 ID: b4b04d

damn man you should have drawn the nan strip poker set instead of me
No. 21404 ID: 1963d1

Who's to say he can't draw another one?
No. 21414 ID: dcf697

Who's to say I have the ideas to create another? :U

I still have to draw Nan laying the smackdown to an asian chick and Mothra
No. 21415 ID: 4ae7b5

Combine the two and make it an asian mothgirl... saves time.
No. 21426 ID: b4b04d

In all fairness strip poker doesn't really take a lot of ideas. They just get progressively nakeder and then either it's over or they go further
No. 21428 ID: dcf697

Oh, I thought he meant another lame mockup screen thingy.

I'm focused on how to draw tohotouhous and how they would respond to being punched
No. 21438 ID: a41aaf

>I'm focused on how to draw tohotouhous and how they would respond to being punched
No. 21447 ID: dcf697
File 128120154745.png - (80.61KB , 143x250 , gool.png )

Thanks for the oddly relevant help bro
No. 21745 ID: 1e2cb2
File 128172803073.jpg - (8.10KB , 140x140 , Bentusi-Interior.jpg )

We are the Bentusi, and we remember. We recall a line from the poem before.

" And as she danced in field and glen
The world sang joy about her. "

The glen was also the name of the place she (Ruby) was taken to. But what if the glen is not just a physical place, but a state of mind? Both were in darkness at first (Ruby in the box, Nan in her room). Both have lost their temporary innocence (Metal Glen, freaky hotel). Both have been thrust from the glen of innocence into the darkness of some new place (Blood everywhere in the glen, the shadowy figures in the hotel).

We also give you this, though we are not sure it has meaning in this tale.

"All the earth shall worship thee, and shall sing unto thee; they shall sing to thy name." Psalm 66:4. It may not be related. But who knows?

We enjoy your songs weaver. They shall not be lost to the void while we remain.
No. 21816 ID: a07aad

On a side note, I tried to read Ruby quest again to try and find anything related to Nan there ("secret hints" or sumthin'), but it seems the whole archive is giving a 404 error...
No. 21837 ID: d560d6

Use "oldsuptg" instead of "suptg". It's an effect of the purging.
No. 22431 ID: 602d5d

hey guys, it's your friendly neighborhood yattermang

I've been busy with back-to-school stuff, but now that that's over with, I'll get back to drawing Nan/Ruby stuff

Oh and, I probably won't draw that Nan punching a tohotouhou just because

No. 22432 ID: 97cb33

haha, that's okay.
No. 22435 ID: d3dfb8

Dude. I fucking love homeworld.
No. 22445 ID: d6a592

if you enjoyed TITS you might also enjoy: BUTTS
No. 22725 ID: 602d5d
File 12838320309.png - (42.05KB , 1361x1675 , rubyexnan.png )

i'll just drop this here
No. 22726 ID: 86b8dc

I like the subtle blood splatter on Ruby's feet.
No. 22818 ID: 602d5d
File 128400737558.png - (204.90KB , 1142x1198 , mirrorh.png )

Henry's evil reflection joined the party!
No. 22819 ID: 602d5d
File 128400741564.png - (21.79KB , 735x837 , nanexmirror.png )

No. 22820 ID: 0b2a05

This is very much a positive plot twist!
No. 22825 ID: e3f578
File 128401362822.jpg - (20.31KB , 460x288 , bill-clinton-460_786386c.jpg )

No. 22904 ID: 754124

Its face reminds me a lot of the rat creatures in Bone in this picture.
No. 23121 ID: a119c4

I have a theory that everything that happened BEFORE she got to the hotel.. may not have actually happened.

For some reason, I just feel this weird similarity between the arcade manager and the forgotten horror beast-thing that appeared in Henry's darkened room.

Plus, you'd think Nan would have heard rumors about this strange hotel that people go to but don't seem to actually come back from.

I also have a theory that Padre didn't attack Nan and Pablo in the hallway because, for some reason, it doesn't want to cause a paradox.
No. 23128 ID: 602d5d
File 128441160015.jpg - (35.25KB , 94x116 , Mullet_man.jpg )

If Padre doesn't want to cause a paradox, then Nan's safety is guaranteed.

And if you're right with the whole "events before the hotel" idea, due to some crazy time fuckery, Padre could be Nan
No. 23134 ID: eef1b5


No. 23138 ID: 7c61f7


Nan back bye the way
No. 23139 ID: e3f578

When I noticed I did a YEEESSSSS hand pull thing. Here lemme do it again, YEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS
No. 23146 ID: 602d5d

No. 23152 ID: 3e7f27

Personally the "bicycle+pizza" commonality strikes me as super-odd, compared to the relatively weak commonalities among the other characters. Some spice that interacts badly with exertion? Something in the groundwater, maybe? The arcade guy giving us pizza always was kind of weird...
No. 23155 ID: 05dd93

Wait what? The implication was she was distracted while biking and got hit by a car.
No. 23156 ID: e3f578

The guy only gave us Pizza so Weaver could set up this whole death thing Kim is obsessed with. Honestly, get Genre Savvy bro. Some shit happens only for set-ups for Red Herrings and character establishment... if it is a Red Herring, which it likely is.
No. 23159 ID: 602d5d

Red herrings?
I thought Nan told him to...
No. 23160 ID: 602d5d
File 128444002859.jpg - (11.46KB , 320x240 , horatio.jpg )

...hold the anchovies.
No. 23166 ID: 3e7f27

Okay somehow I was remembering Kim having claimed to be riding a bike and eating pizza too. Which is apparently not the case. Nevermind. ._.
No. 23168 ID: 8c0848

There's still something fishy going on. I think you're just trawling.
No. 23170 ID: d6a592

Whoever posted that picture w/ the ithilid head: things don't need to have tentacles to be scary. Dumbass.
No. 23171 ID: f82d85

It's a direct reference to something. I doubt a child would find that scary.
No. 23172 ID: cf4942

Nah, Nan's safety was guaranteed right up until everything Past-Nan had seen (herself on the otherside of the door, something chasing her) had come to pass, which now has.

However, if there are future timetravel shenanagins/double-mobius-reacharounds, it may become a problem again.

I do get the feeling that creating a paradox in one of Weaver's games would be... bad.
No. 23173 ID: cf4942

/same poster
No. 23177 ID: 1e1932

What I'm wondering is why all these people were chosen to be brought to this other-dimension-type thing when the hotel has supposedly served a huge number of people over the course of its hundred years of service, who came and went without incident.

Perhaps everybody has something in common that links them together somehow?
No. 23178 ID: 602d5d

This kind of reminds me of Devil Survivor.
Like, Nan sees the way she's going to die before it happens, allowing her to make plans on how to avoid her death.
No. 23182 ID: 50727d

Reposting from the current thread:

Uhh... do you guys remember when Nan tried to open the window only to find out it was blocked with bricks?
Could that mean that when that happened, the hotel was still under construction?? Like if Nan went through a time loop or something?
No. 23184 ID: 602d5d


As far as we know, the encounter with Padre in the the fiery kitchen (it was a kitchen, right?) could be a moment from the future, like our choices up to that point would cause that encounter to happen.

As long as we have some sort of way of knowing what bad events are in the past, and what are in the future, we can be sure not to alter the past ones to avoid nasty time paradoxes, and plan ways to avoid the the future ones.

This is all assuming we'll have another blackout and end up in some random spot in time.
No. 23185 ID: d97d76
File 128450512288.png - (25.04KB , 473x733 , HEEERE\'S SCOTTY.png )

Then I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house in!
No. 23186 ID: 602d5d


No. 23195 ID: 50727d

you just blew my fucking mind...
No. 23200 ID: 1a99f0

i'm fairly sure we've been in the present so far. well, as much as we can be around here. Other Nan should still be going about as she did previously until the clock is broken. Too bad the clock got broken, anyway. Also too bad we couldn't get it back without tearing the universe asunder. You know what? Time really sucks. It causes nothing but problems.
No. 23207 ID: 3d2824

The hotel was built on top of a spanish mission.

Padre seems to wear the garb of a spanish missionary/priest, I think? Hrm.

Guess: Something horrible cult thing actually went on at the mission, maybe?

... Come to think of it.. do we know 'when' Pablo is from?
No. 23208 ID: 22038c

In before the precautions we take to prevent this inadvertently cause it, ala time paradox story cliches
No. 23211 ID: c37cd8
File 128453756060.jpg - (44.27KB , 300x265 , male-lamancha.jpg )

This is what I imagine Henry to be... A LaMancha goat (they have very small ears).
No. 23213 ID: 139b1a

im thinking 4:66 is really a reference to the bible.

we may be in some sort of epic struggle between a missionary priest, a beast and a indian?
No. 23215 ID: d560d6

My, we are quick to trust Anderson, concealer of evil cigars, sole checker of the bathroom, master of timekeeping.
No. 23217 ID: 3e7f27

>The hotel was built on top of a spanish mission.
So, probably a Californian town, since this is all taking place in the US.

I'm beginning to wonder if Hotel California really is this game's Metal Glen.
No. 23224 ID: 9d07d9

So Anderson, Anna, and Henry didn't think it was unusual that Kim had a taser, a device that wouldn't be invented for decades after their time? It's a wonder they've only just figured out they're all from different years.
No. 23229 ID: 44d67c

Science Fiction existed even as far back as Anderson's time. They probably just think they're future gizmos. And Kim didn't share her inventory with anyone until now.
Man we should totally make up all these crazy stories about the future to tell them.
No. 23231 ID: 602d5d

Why would an average college student own a taser?
No. 23232 ID: 275a1c

Why not?
No. 23233 ID: e3f578

It also turns out Weaver not only wrote the Metal Glen, but also is the head singer of The Eagles.
No. 23237 ID: f03d2b

Excuse my newfellowship, but do we have any idea when Weaver might continue? Or do we just sit and wait?
No. 23245 ID: 0b2a05

Weaver does a loootta stuff, switches between alot. It'll come when it'll come I guess is the best answer.
No. 23246 ID: 05dd93
File 128462706924.gif - (11.20KB , 701x683 , mirror.gif )

Give it another day or two. I'm unashamedly distracted by Vindictus's open beta.

Here's something to tide you over.
No. 23247 ID: 05dd93
File 128462808393.gif - (10.79KB , 701x683 , mirror2.gif )

I may have gotten
No. 23248 ID: 05dd93
File 128462809473.gif - (11.89KB , 701x683 , mirror3.gif )

A bit carried away
No. 23264 ID: 6547ec
File 128464944070.png - (13.29KB , 445x407 , Hehasnopenis.png )

Obvious conclusion.
No. 23268 ID: e3f578

Quite frankly I don't see what's so impressive.
No. 23282 ID: f03d2b

I'm 12 and what is this?
No. 23285 ID: 1e1932

I hope you're a grower, man.
No. 23286 ID: 602d5d


No. 23287 ID: 9d07d9


No. 23307 ID: 602d5d
File 128469529512.png - (30.87KB , 1271x1230 , mirrornan.png )

Mirror Nan is MY OC DO NOT STEAL
No. 23308 ID: 602d5d
File 128469533530.png - (27.62KB , 928x1072 , bestend.png )

No. 23314 ID: e3f578

Why in the hell does Henry have woman hips?
No. 23319 ID: 9d07d9


b/c it is hot that way
No. 23322 ID: ea2a3c


Everyone has woman hips in Yattermangquest
No. 23326 ID: 5a2e05

I am okay with this.
No. 23387 ID: 8a6625
File 128494763895.jpg - (35.08KB , 503x428 , 1279943446417.jpg )

why no happen yet?

pic potentially related
No. 23458 ID: 602d5d

because I am lazy and inconsistent
No. 23467 ID: 1963d1

Speaking of which......

You should know what to do by now.
No. 23538 ID: f03d2b

Did I miss something? What makes Nan guilty of sloth?
No. 23539 ID: 3416ec


Nan not waking up early in the morning?
No. 23542 ID: 939372

And not doing her electrician jobs until they pile up in her mailbox.
No. 23547 ID: f1e847

Dear god it's like Red all over again. If he fucking smiles, I am going to freak out.
No. 23550 ID: a362cc

Why would anyone ever want to leave? We should calm down.

~Relax, said the madman, we are, programed to receive...

/Maybe this IS losely based off of hotel california...
No. 23552 ID: 05dd93

>~Relax, said the madman, we are, programed to receive...
Pretty sure that's "night man". The guy who works the reception at night.

>Dear god it's like Red all over again. If he fucking smiles, I am going to freak out.
He's actually smiled a couple of times already. Or did you mean in that way?
No. 23555 ID: 4db293

I'd say these were better examples
>>/quest/230467 ’this could be heaven or this could be hell’
>>/quest/233416 And she said ’we are all just prisoners here, of our own device’
No. 23588 ID: 644ca1

Someone mentioned Hotel California in thread one, since then evidence has just been piling up. The Beast, that you can never leave, and all the stuff that has been mentioned lately. It is obvious that Hotel California is to Nan Quest what The Metal Glenn was to Ruby Quest... except I don't think Weaver is a member of the Eagles. I know I am not the first to mention this but, whatever.

Anyone who have an idea how this could help us? Only thing I can think of is that "steely knifes" won't work on the Beast.
No. 23593 ID: e3f578

>I don't think Weaver is a member of the Eagles

Nonsense, we know nothing of Weaver (Beyond joke purple tan girl and vague references to classes and shit). I like making my own image of him. This one features him being the tortured soul of an Eagles Member, screaming to get his writing online because everybody just loves his music shit so much he can't change to his writing shit. He also took some animation classes on the side while his other eight hands, generated from a mutant genome undeveloped until puberty and accented with some nuclear waste, did all the other things he was doing.

Now the true question is, who is the most tortured soul of The Eagles?
No. 23594 ID: e3f578

Glenn Frey

Holy fucking shit we found our Weaver
No. 23597 ID: 2563d4

\m/ I bet he was totally metal, too. \m/
No. 23671 ID: a7a85a
File 128558284877.png - (351.42KB , 702x592 , anderson_anna.png )

I want to give this a background and color. Not sure when I can, but I hope you like it so far. Anderson and Anna.
No. 23679 ID: 922689

Jeeebas, man, this looks fantastic.
No. 23680 ID: e31d52

Especially Anna.

Man, I want to see you do everyone now.
No. 23685 ID: 2563d4

This is awesome and you absolutely have to complete the set.
No. 23693 ID: 1963d1

So Anderson's a gorilla!

No. 23706 ID: fb7ba5

omg do more pls
No. 23711 ID: e3f578

I always thought he was a bear or doggie
No. 23718 ID: 48235a
File 128564945419.png - (20.94KB , 666x994 , nanslut.png )

No. 23723 ID: a594b9

Excuse me sir but the proper term for a woman that gives out sexual favors in exchange for money is whore, not slut. Sluts give it away for free.
No. 23740 ID: d50231

Finally caught up on NanQuest today. This post is rapidly growing into a wall of text, but it can’t be helped.

If you’re not Weaver, feel free to skip this part and proceed further down.
Put shortly, so far so good. Sure is RubyQuest in here, and in some aspects it’s certainly a step up from RQ.
The vase trick was a bit obvious. Characters don’t usually go tripping on random background elements, and it tipped me off as being important. And sure enough, the vase was broken only to appear perfectly repaired shortly after.
Still, I really liked how you built up the creepy atmosphere with perfectly ordinary and non-threatening things (like the vase, the hole in the counter note, the alarm clock) with only sparse use of WTF elements (the ratbell, specifically).
But what in the world made you give us "but where is EAST?" puzzle? Seriously, would it matter what outlet Nan would fix? That kind of common sense question requiring the players’ attention really made me raise an eyebrow.
Moving along, it impressed me how you stuffed the whole time loop into one chapter. That sure requires some planning. And though it was clear Nan would have to cover her face with a napkin to tie in to a previously posted image, you gave out the information in a way that the choice to use napkins became obvious, and it did feel like the players made the choice. Nice.
Time loops and time travel are a tricky theme in storytelling, let alone its interactive variety, and I’m really looking forward to see how you pull it off.

Now to the double Henry question. It seems we have the businessman-Henry from 1936 and the boyfriend-Henry, who do not share memories, only hints thereof.
It is possible that the second bedroom scene (which I dubbed "underwear" arc, spanning from Nan waking up with boyfriend-Henry to Nan smashing the clock with the axe and disappearing) was a hallucination/dream, but that just sounds like a rather lame cop out. Besides, it was already pointed out that the fire axe somehow remained.
I’m going to assume that the "overalls" arc (ch1, most of ch2, and whole ch4,) happens before the "underwear" one chronologically and they just interweave in the hotel. What I think is that BEST END is Nan escaping with Henry and them living together afterwards. Then she somehow ends up caught in the hotel again and meets herself from the past.
The "underwear-Nan is future-Nan" is further supported by the fact that Pablo is only seen in that arc, and none of the "overalls" arc characters seem to have met Pablo, unless I’m missing something.

As much as this might be just looking too much into things, I tend to agree with 5Copper on the Bible reference thing. This thought found its way into my head even before I read the discussion thread. The numbers flashed after the clock were destroyed, which leads me to believe the numbers itself are important and not really the device.
And given that Weaver looked up that Murdoc guy, not to forget wrote a frickin' poem for RQ, I wouldn’t put it past him to plop some Bible references this time. The cross pendants and door marks are already here anyway.

Weaver feedback: good stuff.
Nan got tangled up in the hotel nightmare twice in her life, hence the sudden change to her bedroom in chapter 2.
4:66 might as well be a Bible reference.

Also, it’s dark outside, and while going to the kitchen I found myself (slightly) scared of the darkness ahead and hurried to turn the lights on. That’s a sign of quality material. Either that or I’m just really impressionable.
No. 23765 ID: 48235a

We all know by know this quest is like totally based on Hotel California

which make it totally badass

which means I'll have to do a comic adaptation of all this
No. 23773 ID: e3f578

If there end up being a total of 9 canvases I reckon they're all meant for each person when they die. Must be some sort of soul capture thing.

Delete-paste from thread because I am dumb realizing this is for discussion
No. 23775 ID: f03d2b

I was thinking the same thing. But that means we're already dead. Balls.
No. 23776 ID: d6c9ed

*sniff* This quest. The discussion. It's the fascination of RubyQuest all over again. Manly tears are shed.
No. 23779 ID: e3f578

yeah sorry, uh, i shouldn't post tired and frustrated. Now I even realize no one has done that yet. I was thinking of a while ago dammit.
I don't know what inter-board bullshit is though. Something bad I guess. man all i know is that back then you still got a different feeling and now it's different. nostalgia drowning?
No. 23781 ID: e3f578

ooooooh okay. Yeah I guess that post woulda brought that into this. Aww geeze. It's just nostalgia vision. Good thing I deleted it then
No. 23783 ID: 19dce0

we're already dead in this time. This pablo has been through more than we have. we just hopped forward.
No. 23786 ID: e3f578

anna no D':
No. 23787 ID: f03d2b

Jesus fucking christ
No. 23788 ID: f03d2b

Maybe it's putting her back together? Weaver just said that it's doing something with its hands.
No. 23795 ID: bc3b7a

Something's been bothering me.

We found Henry in the safe room.

Then Pablo came up to the safe room after we smashed the clock and vanished.


We also found Henry slumped unconscious in the hallway *before* we smashed the clock. And took him into Pablo's room.

That Henry *can't* be the one that met us in the safe room, I don't think. The times don't quite match up right. (We clearly get to the safe room 'before' we smash the clock, unless the elevator is REALLY fucking slow).

But.. Pablo didn't seem surprised to see Henry there. Not at all.

No. 23796 ID: c49f76

Anna is (presumably) dead. She was not on the canvas. I'd venture Nan's not dead yet.
Nan was among the "paintings" though, as was Kim. Maybe Kim fell asleep accidentally, and something just wakes up in everyone when they fall unconscious?
No. 23797 ID: c49f76

I don't think I follow. Why exactly should Pablo be surprised too see Henry?

The saferoom we found Henry in is 114. Pablo picked us up in room 117, and at that time 114 was chained (hello Silent Hill!). While these are different acrs/continuities/whatever, I don't see why Pablo couldn't have met any of the Henries before. He might not know there are multiples of him. Hell, we can't even be sure if that wasn't some trick of mind.

Still, these "dreams" are sure puzzling. Like some sort if weird twisted Twin Peaks.
No. 23801 ID: bc3b7a
File 128577704099.gif - (12.12KB , 701x683 , 127165678613.gif )

No, I mean:

.. God damnit, I hate trying to talk about time travel. Okay. Nan before clock-smash is Nan A, Nan after clock smash is Nan B.

I'm also going to use this picture to talk about the point in time I mean. Part of the text is "Nan confirms what she's suspected: the man is Henry. He's still alive, and doesn't beat any visible wounds as far as she can tell."

When Anna took us/Nan B to the saferoom, Henry was *THERE*. In the saferoom. With Anna and everyone else.

Due to the time shenanagins, this is before we/Nan A found Henry slumped unconcious in the hallway with Pablo, since Nan B was running from Padre (and Nan A was running from Nan B, not realizing it was simply Nan B) when Nan B went into the elveator. (I also recall us seeing a.. *monstrous* figure in the elevator when we ran past before the timejump. Not Anna).

So we Nan B met Henry in the saferoom on the third floor. Okay, no problems here: There's still time for him to somehow get out and become unconcious where Nan A and Pablo find him.

Except now Pablo's in the room with us, and has made it clear that Nan A already smashed the clock. Which manes Pablo found Henry, *outside* the saferoom on the third floor, with Nan A. But Henry's been with Nan B in the saferoom the entire time. And Pablo doesn't seem surprised to see Henry in the room on the third floor, when he'd seen Henry not long before on the first floor, with Nan A.

... Unless I'm getting confused, but I'm pretty sure it was Henry we found in the hallway. *double-checks*
No. 23806 ID: c49f76

... okay. If that's the same Pablo, something doesn't click indeed.

I'm not sure it plays any significant part, but in these things every detail counts.
When we first walked beside the elevator (before shit went down), there were stairs up. Later, we got trapped and met Henry (Nan B in your terms, overalls-Nan), stairs were still there.
One broken mirror and shambling monster later, we wake up as Nan A (underwear-Nan). The stairs are gone and replaced by a painting (?), so it might be a different hotel and the question you brought up might have some semi-logical answer.
Ironically, after we smash the clock (reverting to Nan B), encounter Padre, run away from the diner/cafeteria and meet Anna, we are not showed if there's a painting or stairs there. This bit in information, quite important I'd say, is missing.
No. 23809 ID: bc3b7a
File 128578012438.jpg - (6.73KB , 326x155 , ratskull.jpg )

I just realized something else! (Thank you, discworld novel covers, giving me a mental image of what one looks like)

I think the skull of our robed figure..

Is a rat's skull.

And the rats have showed up in more than a few places..

This leads me to consider something.

Assume this figure cutting up.. whoever IS The Pilgrim.

The Pilgrim also 'tore apart'.. someone, whose name I can't remember. But.

In either case, were they seen doing the attacking, or just.. dismembering the corpse (for some reason) afterwards?

If it IS a rat's skull, I'm not sure it's necessarily hostile, given how the rats have acted. Of course, assuming it's friendly may be a mistake, too.
No. 23811 ID: c49f76
File 128578141611.jpg - (4.07KB , 232x217 , cowskull.jpg )

I would like to think so, my friend. However, the shape resembles a cow/buffalo skull to me.

Also, is the rope in its "neck" a part of a monk's outfit? Looks like he was hung at some point.
No. 23813 ID: bc3b7a

Oooh, your right, that is a better fit. Cow/Bufallo skull it is.

.. Well, there goes that theory!
No. 23815 ID: f35afd

Yeah, that's a horse skull, not a rat's skull. Unless it's drawn horribly, horribly wrong.

*eyes on side instead of forward facing
*position of nose
*Many small incisors instead of 4 large ones
No. 23819 ID: a7a85a
File 128578615037.png - (346.95KB , 1600x800 , horse_skull.png )

I have to agree on horse skull.
No. 23824 ID: 2563d4

Best of all the animals.
No. 23831 ID: c49f76

On an unrelated note: as someone of non-English-speaking origin, I have to ask. What's the joke about "Nan used to play these a lot when she was just a kid"? I don't get it.

On a related note, Hotel California has been stuck in my head for the whole day. I forgot how much I like that song.
No. 23833 ID: 8dd1ee

A 'kid' is another word for a juvenile goat. Nan is, of course, a goat.

Which is just fucking hilarious.

And, yeah, Hotel California's been following me around since NanQuest started updating regularly again. I mean, it's been on the local radio stations three times today, two of which were within the space of fifteen minutes.
No. 23834 ID: c49f76

Ah, that explains the reaction image.
No. 23838 ID: 48235a
File 128579943756.png - (16.31KB , 745x737 , thetrupilgrim.png )

I think we can take him.
No. 23844 ID: 668fc4


So what I presume is "The Pilgrim" wants to kill us.

.. and we know that The Padre, the Beast, and The Pilgrim are *not* allies, and may be working towards different ends.

And the Padre, when he caught us in the hallway, left us more-or-less alone....
No. 23845 ID: f03d2b

Could this fellow be Santiago? He had a blade when we last encountered him, and he certainly seems batshit insane enough.
No. 23846 ID: 3e18de


Wrong skull shape. Santiago has a more pointed face.
No. 23848 ID: f03d2b

Just got off work and have a bit of a cold, so please excuse any retardation on my part, but how do we know what the Pilgrim's skull(not the skull he's wearing) looks like?
No. 23849 ID: c14916

So on the topic of Hotel California: here we go!
>On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair
>Warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air
>Up ahead in the distance, I saw shimmering light
>My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
>I had to stop for the night
>There she stood in the doorway;
>I heard the mission bell
Pretty much all of this can be ignored for now, it may be pertinent later on.
>And I was thinking to myself,
>'This could be Heaven or this could be Hell'
Pretty quickly Nan figured out she was not in a normal Hotel, this was most definitely going through her head.
>Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way
Could be Anna?
>There were voices down the corridor,
>I thought I heard them say...'
May be irrelevant, time will tell with this one, but could be Henry?

>Welcome to the Hotel California
>Such a lovely place (Such a lovely place)
>Such a lovely face
Looks nice from the outside.
>Plenty of room at the Hotel California
Almost no guests, basically every room is vacant.
>Any time of year (Any time of year)
>You can find it here
It apparently exists in many times, this line is pretty easy to link to NanQuest.

>Her mind is Tiffany-twisted, she got the Mercedes bends
Nan may be going insane.
>She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys she calls friends
Maybe we should not be trussting the menfolk so quickly? This line alludes to that.
>How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat.
Unknown, at some point there will probably be a courtyard chase scene, this line will likely go with that.
>Some dance to remember, some dance to forget
It is heavily implied that everyone has some sort of dark past.
No. 23850 ID: c14916

>So I called up the Captain,
>'Please bring me my wine'
Unknown, should be clearer later.
>He said, 'We haven't had that spirit here since nineteen sixty nine'
This is odd, because 1969 is particularly close to 1966, which is Pablo's time.
>And still those voices are calling from far away,
Anna felt like something had called her. She left for that reason alone.
>Wake you up in the middle of the night
>Just to hear them say...
The monsters like to attack in the dark, and we have now had two nightmare/dream sequences.

>Welcome to the Hotel California
>Such a lovely place (Such a lovely place)
>Such a lovely face
>They livin' it up at the Hotel California
>What a nice surprise (what a nice surprise)
>Bring your alibis
This chorus, imagine it being sung by Santiago. It makes sense in every single way, just think about it. Especially the 'such a lovely face' line, what with him being a rapist and all.

>Mirrors on the ceiling,
>The pink champagne on ice
Unknown. The chandelier in the room we first met the Padre maybe?
>And she said 'We are all just prisoners here, of our own device'
Anna obviously, she thinks we are all here by our own admission.
>And in the master's chambers,
>They gathered for the feast
Unknown, let's wait this one out.
>They stab it with their steely knives,
>But they just can't kill the beast
Obvious, she tried to hurt that thing, which is either the beast or the Pilgrim. Even if it is the Pilgrim, we already know that Anderson thinks the Beast can not be killed under any circumstance.
No. 23851 ID: c14916

>Last thing I remember, I was
>Running for the door
>I had to find the passage back
>To the place I was before
These four lines refer to the time she ran through the door and ended up seeing her self back in time. Considering the timefuckery, 'last thing I remember' is fitting.
>'Relax,' said the night man,
>'We are programmed to receive.
Santiago, a literal 'night man' He wants us to stay here, and relax about it.
>You can check-out any time you like,
>But you can never leave!'
This doesn't need explaining.

I think it should be pretty apparent that the Hotel California connection is intentional. We should probably consider it the 'theme-song' for Nan Quest.
No. 23852 ID: c14916

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgLfoQfmSQ4 Just in case anyone wants to listen to it. I may be wrong on some points, but I still believe that weaver did this on purpose. Especially considering all of the overt Spanish references and the whole thing about the mission, which basically means this *has* to be taking place in California.
No. 23853 ID: e3f578

Ummm sorry I said "metagame the fuck outta this." I forgot that getting immersed is the point of games and metagaming is like... the anti-thesis to storytelling. I'd like to blame tvtropes but uhhhh... I'm just an idiot trying to be a smart person.
No. 23855 ID: 86ae0f

Anyone else notice the similarities between Anna's wounds and the wounds on the goat skull from Ruby Quest?
No. 23856 ID: c14916

Except I don't think Anna is any kind of goat. I thought she was a rabbit or something at first, but might be a dog? I haven't seen any horns on her.
No. 23860 ID: 8dd1ee

See the OP's image? Those pointy things on top are horns. Plus, Weaver made a 'kid' pun a while back.

Oh, and her name is 'Nan' as in, a nanny goat.

...and there's that one comic Weaver made (>>314827) where the goat was named Nan.

She's a goat.
No. 23861 ID: 3392ab

No. 23864 ID: c14916

No. 23865 ID: 3c3565

The song is originally about Californian celebrity culture of drugs, overindulgence, facetious appearances, etc.
Lines like "Tiffany-Twisted" and "Mercedes-Bends" are more about the obsession of material (and brand-name) wealth than about insanity.

I won't deny being inspired by the song in some ways (and certainly, motivated by it when I want to update) but a general thematic, suggestive, and musical influence goes much further here than a literal interpretation or a line-for-line draw.

>And she said 'We are all just prisoners here, of our own device'
This is about the closest to a literal link as you'll get, and Anna's adoption of this philosophy is a reference to this line.
I'll give you that much.
No. 23866 ID: 8dd1ee

Oh, wow, it took me five minutes to figure out what the fuck you two were talking about.

Yeah, disregard that. I suck cocks.
No. 23870 ID: c14916

Well even if unintentional, bunch of the other lines are eerie how well they fit to the story, especially 'Running for the door / I had to find the passage back / To the place I was before' and 'But they just can't kill the beast'

But thanks for responding to my humble musings :3

(Also while you're here, where would I go to read all of your 'Crossing Pals' comics? I am curious about them.)
No. 23871 ID: f26953

Well, at least Anna isn't getting raped by Santiago anymore. Unless he's even more fucked up than we've seen.
She got the punishment she was longing for. I just hope we won't have to encounter some horrible monster-Anna in the future.

Also, two things about the Pilgrim.
Firstly, he doesn't seem to give a shit about lights vs darkness thing.
Secondly, if its goal is to kill every guest, which I think it is, it could just backstab and drag them somewhere one by one. It seems to work in a more subtle way. For one, the victim must willingly choose death over life.

That is a possible explanation to why the survivors are gone. The Pilgrim appeared, the team fled, but Anna stayed behind on her own will. I don't believe she was trapped and the rest just left her to die there. And if they did, we should reconsider our alliances. Favor rats more, maybe.

Something stops the Pilgrim from outright charging Nan and flaying the shit out of her. It might be that Nan doesn't want to die yet. It might be that the pendant protects her. It might as well be that the Pilgrim is so confident in his control of the situation that it is taking its time.
No. 23872 ID: c14916

Well even if unintentional, bunch of the other lines are eerie how well they fit to the story, especially 'Running for the door / I had to find the passage back / To the place I was before' and 'But they just can't kill the beast'

But thanks for responding to my humble musings :3

(Also while you're here, where would I go to read all of your 'Crossing Pals' comics? I am curious about them.)
No. 23873 ID: e3f578

I'm sad that we don't get to hear what she had done in the past and that she was kinda awesome and she died. I hope we get to go back through time or get to talk to her spirit or something. Maybe we can save her still? Somehow?

I just realized that this shit is 10x more frightening than Ruby Quest
No. 23874 ID: 3c3565
File 128583221371.gif - (12.06KB , 701x683 , alt1.gif )

Some things I wanted to address in sort of an open statement.
I realize a lot of people are frustrated with the quest because they feel powerless, and not just in a "Nan is not Duke Nukem" sort of a way. Some people have said it feels like their actions are impotent, that nothing they attempt will change the flow of the story. (I have heard this complaint before).
It is a valid concern. So I wanted to address my stance on it.

I wanted to start with a statement that this is sort of the close of the "Intro" phase of the quest. Up until now there has been a lot of scene-setting, introductions, imagery, and a lot of jumping around narratively. Most encounters with danger have been mere brushes. Hopefully that gives some insight on the pacing and structure thus far. Things are kicking into high gear now.

As for the speech itself, let me first say this: I know that the quest and its continuity and interrelation is a little hard to understand. It will continue to be that way. I'm sure some things will become clearer and some connections will be formed, but it will take work, and it will take time. This is not something that's going to just be handed out in easy to read, signed notes.

I know also that sometimes you're not entirely sure what effect a given action will have. This is normal. It's meant in many ways to be unpredictable and though I know the correlation in action isn't always very clear, there are definite patterns and motifs that will become apparent and over time I feel that the players and the characters will learn to pick up on these and more reliably 'navigate' their objectives. But again, this may take time. It will not be immediately apparent.

But lastly, I also want to stress that Nan is just one person, and she's the only one you can control. Nan can do her best, but you have to realize that as with Anna, Nan may not be able to save everyone. Sometimes a simple mistake can have grave consequences. I'm not going to throw in a bad end for Nan because of a minor detail you couldn't possibly have known (at least not an inescapable bad end) but Nan won't always be able to keep things "perfect" which is what everyone always strives for in quests.

DiveQuest for example is light. It's easy to stay 'perfect' in that mistakes are easily patched, and the mood is kept generally upbeat and tongue-in-cheek. I try to keep super-serious deaths and injuries down. I try to keep the tone mostly happy, sometimes almost farcical.
But this isn't DiveQuest. People can be hurt, and there won't always be a magic solution to put them back together.

I really want to elaborate on Anna's death.
I really do, because it's sort of a lynchpin of this point.
People have complained about how it was bound to happen, and there's nothing we could have done. And it's so right and so wrong at the same time, on a fundamental level. But I can't explain why or how without giving away the game.
Could things have happened differently? Yes.
Could you have said "Nan wake up and save Anna right now"? No.
Did Anna die simply because of something as arbitrary as not choosing the right organization of guard shifts? No.

You do have agency -- as Nan. And she has agency here, over her world, her surroundings, and the people around her. But she is still only one person, and can't do everything.

I will say this though: Now that the 'intro' phase is over, there will be much less "arbitrary" warping and correlation. I know perhaps the most frustrating part is doing one thing and suddenly "oh hey now you're over here", so at least you can take some relief in knowing that trick won't really be played anywhere even remotely near as much. And if it is played at all I'll be sure to give more reason/warning.

As one final point, one thing I wanted to bring up just because I am a troll and love seeing you guys squirm:
You are completely off-base with one of your most basic assessments about NanQuest.
But I won't say what~

To make up for that long rant, here, have the original panel for 272.
No. 23875 ID: e31d52

>I will say this though: Now that the 'intro' phase is over, there will be much less "arbitrary" warping and correlation. I know perhaps the most frustrating part is doing one thing and suddenly "oh hey now you're over here", so at least you can take some relief in knowing that trick won't really be played anywhere even remotely near as much. And if it is played at all I'll be sure to give more reason/warning.

Thank you.

That's really all I need to say. :V
No. 23876 ID: e31d52

A stunning realization: Nan is the Pathologic of quests.
No. 23877 ID: e3f578

Oh god I'm squirming. There is a fucking twitch just maddening my face into oblivion. It's as if some sort of hot, iron clad marking has besieged my face and the decided to then get funky with a lemon all over my face.

Jesus christ it hurts it hurts it hurts.
No. 23878 ID: e31d52

nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
nan nan nan nan nan nan nan

it feels good
No. 23880 ID: c14916

>'You are completely off-base with one of your most basic assessments about NanQuest. But I won't say what~ '

I'm gonna have to guess we're wrong in assuming that this has anything at ALL to do with RubyQuest. Unless... IT HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH RUBYQUEST. WEAVER YOU TROLL. Aughhhhh. Imagine if, like, RubyQuest happened 40 years ago and one of the characters is Ruby's descendent or is her and AUGHH AUGH AUGHH AUGHHHHHH

Why do I love you so much weaver? I should hate you D:<

I have one honest question though. I usually defend people when accused of railroading, but uhhh. How could you have known that someone would suggest nan puts a napkin over her mouth? I would have been okay if you just put 'nan put napkin over her mouth and then..' but someone actually suggested it. Considering we saw future!Nan with the napkin over her mouth... How? Was this a case of railroading? Really freaking lucky suggestion? Are you psychic?
No. 23885 ID: a7a85a
File 12858430572.gif - (487.94KB , 559x516 , rest_in_peace_anna.gif )

Rest in peace, sweet Anna.
We will miss your savvy expressions and can-do attitude.
No. 23886 ID: c14916

At first I was like :D

but then I D:
No. 23887 ID: 3be5cf

Jesus, fuck, I didn't notice it was a gif. Until I clicked it.
No. 23890 ID: 19dce0

>Are you psychic
I'll answer this one for him: Yes.

He knows the playerbase is intelligent/not completely retarded, and has enough of us that weaver can anticipate basically any action that saves Nan. So, all he had to do to make us try to protect ourselves from the smoke was provide something we could put over our face. Say, some napkins. The obvious alternative, using cloth/clothing, isn't as convenient for Nan since she lacks sleeves.

So how did he ensure someone would suggest using the napkin? Put us in a restaurant on fire. Napkins abound, smoke abounds, breathing is at a premium. Anyone in that situation who could think clearly would grab a napkin for their mouth.
No. 23891 ID: f21cfe

> I wanted to start with a statement that this is sort of the close of the "Intro" phase of the quest. Things are kicking into high gear now.
Hell yeah!

Also, I'm not bashing you for skipping around the place (though it has been abundant) or lack of answers. It's sort of part of the genre: it's up to us to read between the lines, draw connections and solve puzzles.
That said, it does make me happier that the flow of the narrative is becoming more coherent.

How could you have known that someone would suggest nan puts a napkin over her mouth? I would have been okay if you just put 'nan put napkin over her mouth and then..' but someone actually suggested it. Considering we saw future!Nan with the napkin over her mouth... How?
It's not that mysterious, really. It's just a matter of carefully putting bits of information. Give players a problem, and hint at an acceptable/rational solution, and then impose a time limit ("you have to think fast or Nan will choke").

Now let's think about it, people. What fundamental assumptions we set off of?
In no particular order, off the top of my head:
- there has been time travel/time loops
- we are alive
- there is no escape but through the courtyard
- other survivors are our allies and are trustworthy

Keep 'em coming. What do we draw conclusions from?
No. 23894 ID: f03d2b

We assume that NanQuest is drawing from Hotel California...in reality, Hotel California drew from NanQuest!
No. 23898 ID: f03d2b

>For one, the victim must willingly choose death over life.
Maybe this is how we were supposed to save Anna. We were supposed to convince her that she didn't deserve this punishment for whatever she did, that she deserved to live. One contention with this idea, though, is that Weaver generally seems to steer away from long talky scenes.

As for basic assumptions
Nan being alive is definitely not assumed, and I don't think the other tenants being trustworthy is assumed either. I dunno about the courtyard one, though.

Its connection to RubyQuest seems up in the air as well, so I don't think that counts.

The only legit possibilities I can think of are a)time travel shenanigans as a whole and b)any given assumption about the time travel shenanigans. But I am not a clever man(.jpg), so there's probably more that we're assuming.
No. 23899 ID: 263f45

I'm going to assume our incorrect assumption is that this has anything to do with Hotel California.
No. 23900 ID: f03d2b

No. 23902 ID: f03d2b

On second thought, Anna seemed pretty sincere that she intended to get out of there and seek atonement on her own terms.
No. 23904 ID: a5463d

>Did Anna die simply because of something as arbitrary as not choosing the right organization of guard shifts? No.
i guessed she died because it was needed to set the mood.

inb4 noone tooked the bed because it gives nightmares and nan will soon wake up wiht everyone safe in the hotel

the other option was panties or choke to death. this isnt rocket science yet.

maybe she was lying to herself.

i think that the wrong assumption is that nanquest isnt nanquest
No. 23905 ID: 2563d4

Alright, brutal honestly go.

I think you've really badly undermined it with the reality-skipping. It's not just feeling a lack of control (although that's a big part of it); it also feels almost more like a cheesy The Outer Limits episode, where we're going to reach the end, finally escaping the hotel with a survivor or two in tow, and the whole thing will turn out to have been a dying hallucination from choking on expired seafood pizza and the paramedics happen to be a gazelle and a bat. And then Nan wakes up and she's back in a bed in the hotel or something, dramatic chord, roll credits. Ironically enough, I find it gives the impression that if Nan got herself cut up by Horsebones, she'd just time-skip again and it'd have been another hallucination or such---whereas Ruby seemed quite a bit more mortal even though the converse was true. I really hope toning this down can undo some of the damage.

The antagonistic forces in Nan are kind of plain monsters that attack directly, and that makes them less interesting and terrifying. The dummy in RQ was far more effective for its continual background presence; Filbert and Red were better proper psychos than an equine reaper whose response to dialogue is pretty much "die" in more words. Stitches was a great tragic antagonist, and that meant he could wander about a bit being unnerving without players thinking in pure game mechanics of whether they could just kill him and end the threat. I'm just not feeling the oppressive horror of the Glen even for all the shadow-tentacles.

There's probably some mental crosstalk that right now your art style is still more strongly correlated with the zany hijinks of Dive. Hopefully that will pass.

And, frankly, in my case at least, a lot of it is the readers. I know Ruby got the hell discussed out of it, but thankfully most of that is very skimmable when reading it from archives. Here it feels like trying to watch a horror film only the cinema is full of people who catch a glimpse of the corner of a number 5 in one frame and suddenly start loudly spewing whole theories about how it's deep symbolism about Eristic principles and that Nan is clearly a metaphor for a large quantity of flax. And the whole Scott Pilgrim and Bill Clinton thing, especially showing up in the actual thread, takes the whole undermined horror and decides to go blasting at what few foundations remain---I know the intent isn't mean but the effect is MST3K-style heckling during the all the tense parts. Seriously, guys, you can have your fun in /dis/, but in-quest cut it the fuck out.
No. 23909 ID: f03d2b

I think it's way too early to just call "fail" on the antagonists. We don't know anything about them yet. Remember, Stitches was just a dumb creepy zombie when we first met him. It was only later that the "tragic" light was cast upon him.

And this goes for ALL of the characters, really.
No. 23912 ID: 2563d4

When it comes to looking at it in retrospect, Nan Quest will probably all seem very clever, and people will kick themselves over all the "obvious" foreshadowing of things we then screwed up at and such.

But I dunno. Something has gone wrong with the tone of this and it's got into a feedback loop with the suggestions, that means we're getting "throw a television" rather than "flee for Z-hatch". (Including myself, which is why I've stopped suggesting again.)
No. 23913 ID: f03d2b
File 12858735539.gif - (10.40KB , 701x683 , meanlefthook.gif )

We had to "flee for z hatch" because that's all there was.

And in this particular scene, the only exit is behind Horsebones. Nan is going to have to do SOMETHING if she wants to live, and it isn't "cower like babby at sight of horror." It's motherfucking pic related.

I'm not saying your opinions are bad and you should feel bad. I just think you're being too critical, and it's making it hard for you to enjoy this certifiably awesome story. Which is dildos, sir. Absolute dildos.
No. 23914 ID: 0b2a05

Maybe the assumption is that NAN is innocent, we don't know about her past.

Or maybe that the hotel is in any way evil.
No. 23915 ID: f03d2b

Addendum: please don't hurt me tgchan, but I think the difference in reader suggestions is partly because this isn't /tg/.

There were a lot of people following RubyQuest who were just in it for the ride, and weren't so interested in sussing out mysteries and symbolism and such. The "OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT" "AAAAAAH!" "FFFFF-" etc posts, as silly as they might seem, really helped to reinforce the atmosphere.

But tgchan, as far as I can tell, is mostly made up of the sleuthin' types.

To put it another way: the people here are more interested in NanQuest than they are in Nan.
No. 23917 ID: e31d52

I'll be honest, Weaver, that big text wall alleviated a lot of concerns. However, I just feel the need to put this down here, get it off my chest.

Like many others have said here, there's a sort of lack of permanence, a lack of a... a point. Yes, I know, we're supposed to escape, but there aren't any signposts to follow, there aren't any smaller objectives to fulfill in the middle aside from "stay alive on no look darkness/madman/ect". It's like you're pulling us along by the hand. You said awnsers aren't going to be given on a silver platter? That's fine. But give us something to DO, beside wander from room to room, occasionally fleeing from something. Give us smaller objectives, so that we can complete them and feel like we have made a difference. Because without them, it feels... I don't want to say railroady, but it feels like I'm waiting for it to get good.

That shouldn't be happening. I shouldn't be waiting for some indeterminate point in time for the quest to suddenly kick up in quality or salience, because it's not like you.

Yes, we're in the 'intro', but that's the bit that sets the tone for the whole quest! If all it is is wandering from room to room hoping to randomly find a way out, with no way to solidly speculate, with no feeling of accomplishment the whole way... Then what's the point?

I don't want accomplishments just handed to me. I want the chance for them, to do something beyond running away from or killing some nameless horror who just popped out of nowhere and killed our best friend.

Who knows, maybe that'll change. But until it does, it doesn't feel like there's much of a point in suggesting, because we are going to get away, we are going to survive, and all it takes is one or two suggestions, and someone else can do that.
No. 23920 ID: d677cc

>it feels like I'm waiting for it to get good.
Why can't I phrase my own thoughts this well? This is basically what I was trying (and failing) to come up with in the discussion last night. Even more so than the "it's like we're at the end of the intro" comments, really. I just don't feel that into the quest, and it's probably because of the apparent disconnect I mentioned between our actions and the things that are happening to us outside of short-term, obvious things.

I'm still reading the quest, obviously, but I definitely have this anticipatory feeling that's kinda clouding everything else.
No. 23922 ID: f03d2b

>Yes, we're in the 'intro', but that's the bit that sets the tone for the whole quest!
We're in a bigger environment this time around, with more characters in play. It's not like RubyQuest where Weaver could get away with "You wake up in a box. What do?"

By my interpretation of Weaver's words, after this jaunt with Horsebones concludes we'll either be at a point analogous to Ruby waking up in the locker or to Ruby waking up in the dummy room.
No. 23925 ID: 1963d1

Sure is walls of text in here.

Am I the only one who might be just a tad bit dissapointed if it turned out NanQuest and RubyQuest are related? I don't know, maybe it's because the latter got a satisfying ending and somesuch. Then again, I'm not about to argue if that is the direction Weaver's taking it in.

Also, point of discussion: If Anna's head was not removed in the original panel 272, does that mean she's dead or just really fucked up?
No. 23927 ID: f03d2b
File 128587738420.gif - (12.52KB , 701x683 , supnan.gif )

I'm...I'm going to go ahead and assume that she is very dead.
No. 23928 ID: 3c3565
File 128587915960.gif - (7.30KB , 800x600 , hoodconcept.gif )

>I think you've really badly undermined it with the reality-skipping.
This concern (and some of the others you touched on) are pretty much entirety of the reason why I posted the that long explanation.
And like someone said I think you're jumping in a little early to judge some of the overarching elements.

>those posts takes the whole undermined horror and decides to go blasting at what few foundations remain---I know the intent isn't mean but the effect is MST3K-style heckling during the all the tense parts.
I agree with this in full.

>Because without [tangible progress], it feels... I don't want to say railroady, but it feels like I'm waiting for it to get good.
This is largely the source of my comments about the quest so far being sort of the 'intro'.
Ruby had a fair amount of jumping around early on too, but it wasn't in quite the same way. Still though, players made the complaint at the time -- it was only later that the coherency and purpose became as clear.

>I shouldn't be waiting for some indeterminate point in time for the quest to suddenly kick up in quality or salience, because it's not like you.
Not that I expect any sympathy for it, because so many people are instead envious of my reputation, but "living up to RubyQuest" with a spiritual sequel is incredibly fucking stressful and difficult. I'm doing my best but RQ was so well received that I know everyone has astronomically-high expectations for this quest and the slightest slip-up or fumble, the smallest use of cliche or unoriginal storytelling will get me called out, and loudly. Every single post has to be a masterpiece, every sentence will be picked apart, every frame or animation will be judged. And the end result of something I spend an hour or two on making can just be "eh. I liked X in RubyQuest better" or "X was scarier than this in RubyQuest".
There is so much pressure to perform here, and expectations are so high I feel I have no room for error at all.

Living in the shadow of RubyQuest sucks.
No. 23929 ID: 3c3565

Oh, one more thing I was going to mention:
That is also probably why NQ updates are so few and far in between and why there are long breaks between every chapter.
It's disappointing to work really hard on something only for the response to be a lukewarm "oh" because it didn't live up to the progressively-increased standards that have grown since RubyQuest, and it's stressful and disheartening to have every update dissected to see if the surface quality is "like me".

Again, I know that with the success I enjoyed with RQ I can't expect much sympathy on the subject, but the pressure of living up to that success is always hanging over my head.
No. 23930 ID: d97d76

I just want to say that despite all the "OH THERE ARE NAPKINS HERE" and "OH YOU ARE JUST ABOUT BLACKING OUT FROM ALL THE SMOKE" hints he was throwing at us, I was apparently somehow the first one to catch on and give the requisite "USE THE GODDAMN NAPKINS" response and that is kind of sad because I am slooow.

So yeah basically I think we need to make an effort to consider more factors before spamming "KILL IT WITH A TV; THIS WILL SURELY WORK"
No. 23933 ID: f21cfe

> The "OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT" "AAAAAAH!" "FFFFF-" etc posts, as silly as they might seem, really helped to reinforce the atmosphere.
They sure did, and keep doing that. Scroll back to when Nan opened the door from the diner/cafeteria. Everyone was like that. I "FFFF-"ed too, when I was reading that part.

Yeah, the horrors in RQ seem less tangible in comparison SO FAR, but come one, give it time.

>But until it does, it doesn't feel like there's much of a point in suggesting, because we are going to get away, we are going to survive, and all it takes is one or two suggestions, and someone else can do that.
You casually mentioned something I can kind of relate to. I don't know what's going on, but I can't shrug off the feeling that Nan's wearing Plot Armor. I try really hard to drive out that thought when suggesting, because I don't want Weaver to kill Nan just to demonstrate that such a thing can happen.

ITT everyone compares RubyQuest to NanQuest. Oh well, that's what you get when you say "spiritual successor".
No. 23934 ID: a594b9

Hey guys. I think I know why Anna died.

We didn't ask her at all about the voice she heard, or check the elevator, or everything. She was pulled out of the room by an outside force, and instead of eliminating that threat or shielding Anna from it somehow we just... talked to Santiago and Henry.
No. 23935 ID: e3f578

Argghhh Anna is dead lets leave it analyzing it ain't gonna save anybody. They're characters, they may be cool and we do really want to save the cool people but it is also cool for them to die. If Anderson dies it's likely going to be badass plus I'm feeling sad Anna died and that's good.

Also, Weaver and other guys, dudes, I'm so sorry about the Clinton thing in thread. I didn't mean to detract horror :(
No. 23936 ID: a7a85a


Despite being just as fond of Ruby Quest as any of your fans, I for one am enjoying Nan Quest for Nan Quest. I shelved all my expectations in either direction from the start, and I think it's a small but important part of what's helping me enjoy the hell out of this quest.

If it's any help there are a few of us that are not A, B-ing this.
No. 23937 ID: 1963d1

It must be tough to follow up on what many consider to be a magnum opus...
That's not to say you should get discouraged or anything. At this point I'm enjoying NanQuest at least as much as RubyQuest and that's gotta be my all time fav.

Do you think Anna's death could have had something to do with our response to Santiago? This is just a guess, but remember how we *kind of* agreed with him about the hotel being a place without sin? Possibly, because we rejected her ideals, that killed Anna off. Maybe if we had told him we WERE being punished or that we DID have a sin, then somebody else would have died.
No. 23938 ID: f21cfe

Hey, I sympathize with you, for what it's worth. It's all true: people are comparing not to RQ in fact, but to the memory of how awesome RQ was. It's a commonplace effect, when a piece of fiction gains a fanbase, the praise grows larger as time passes. I'm quite convinced we wouldn't be as excited about RQ if it didn't happen then and happened now. Back then it had the originality factor, now there's a whole imageboard full of them, inspired by only a couple.

And if someone is envious of your reputation, or anyone's, for that matter, it's stupid and they should feel stupid. Anyone willing to invest time, imagination and effort can wear this wreath of laurels, and if they're too lazy, well, fuck 'em.

Incidentally, the wili seems fairly outdated. Is the NQ article abandoned for good or is there just not enough available editors?

inb4 "do it yourself faggot"
No. 23939 ID: 2563d4

Well, RubyQuest is kind of a good touchstone for horror quests. I could probably write the comparisons in terms of another good, serious horror quest if I could think of one.

And, sure, early days, we've not seen the depths of things or had much chance to see how bits fit together yaddayadda---but right now this seems to be causing mood/tone problems. Unfortunately I don't really know how to fix that other than getting people to keep the silly larks in /dis/.
No. 23940 ID: 3c3565

Strangely enough I'm not really a fan of the NQ wiki article because it's basically just a step-by-step of every update in a thread. No real summaries, just "this happened then this happened then this happened" and nothing is really pieced together. It just reads so differently from every other wiki article.
No. 23941 ID: 6550ad

I have my own opinion of why there's this feeling of discontent about Nan Quest.

And it's the updated rate. While Rubyquest lasted like two months with weekly, complete sessions, Nan's schedule is completely arbitrary and has to share its time with Dive, Andellousia, and other one-shots Weaver might come up with.

Rubyquest was fast and to the point. We feared for the Ruby and Tom and were waiting for the next Thursday (heh) to see what would happen next.

While with Nan, it's been almost a year, and according to your own words, Weaver, we're still at the intro.

I'm not accusing you of slacking, and I know how hard is to keep such an infernal pace like RQ had. But I just say that after all this time, the anticipation for updates dilutes, there's more idle time for put every crazy theory you might come up with, compare with the old glory, all that...

Anyways, disregarding if I'm right or not, Nan Quest would obviously benefit of a more stable updating pace.
No. 23942 ID: e31d52

I *am* judging Nanquest on its own. The reason I offer what I say if because you asked for feedback at this point in time.

When I say 'signposts' I mean small, achievable goals that help towards the main one. Similar to, say, (fuck fuck don't compare to ruby) uh, rescuing Tom (FUCK) or, to dig into an even thinner microcosm of a story, recovering from THE GODDAMN SPEAR TRAP in Dive: These are little things that make us feel like we have impact and power, make us feel important, needed. They throw us bones.

I'm not saying that Nan is doomed to failure or even if this is how it's gonna be throughout: I'm saying it's not the best way to start. I'm certain in a few months I'll be losing just as much sleep as before we reached the Hotel.

>it was only later that the coherency and purpose became as clear.

I'd actually say this isn't so. In fact, with Rubyquest, the opposite is true, that we slowly shed those smaller objectives as time went on and the facility began to simply fall apart. That loss of universe-wide sanity was incredible, and was confusing in a good way.

In Nan, we're thrust into it from the start, and supposedly, the opposite of what occured in Ruby will happen, that is, things will become more clear, more salient, more stable over time, until that glorious moment when we walk out of the Hotel in 1960.

You'd totally do it, too. I know you would.
No. 23944 ID: c14916

Well we could stay with Henry then :3
He has a sexy butt, I think we should try to stay with him~
No. 23945 ID: f03d2b
File 128588245165.jpg - (36.11KB , 400x368 , Anonymous and Nan at the WQAs.jpg )

>Not that I expect any sympathy for it
I'm honestly surprised at the lack of sympathy for it. I thought that the people here would have the two brain cells necessary to realize that saying "It's not as good as RubyQuest", "You're better than this, Weaver", etc. is unappreciative and insulting as fuck.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not choking on Weaver's cock over here -- I have my own opinions about both him and his quests, not all of which are positive.

I know it's not a perfect analogy, but you guys are kind of pulling a Kanye right now.
No. 23946 ID: 2563d4

>inb4 "do it yourself faggot"

To be fair, that is pretty much how wikis work.

>basically just a step-by-step of every update in a thread

There are a few others like that that need some better aggressive editing and summarising. At least Nan has chapter abstracts, though.
No. 23947 ID: 3c3565

I already addressed like all these points, and I feel like it was largely ignored.
I don't know what more you want me to say.
No. 23948 ID: 17b5c0

I understand, Weaver. I've understood all along. And I applaud and love you for what you've done and what you continue to do. -Z
No. 23949 ID: f21cfe

Ohoho, I know from experience (hence me inb4'ing). I used to be a chief editor on one wiki for an obscure indie sci-fi arcade space MMO, and I had to incessantly poke the playerbase to stop whining about outdated wiki, get off their asses and correct it themselves.
The wiki died eventually, having lost its remaining faithful contributors.

Also, Weaver's updating, but it's 4:66 1:46 AM here. Decisions, decisions.
No. 23950 ID: f03d2b

Disagree. As the quest progressed, we learned what was going on in the facility and how things started(coherency), and we went from "well we should probably go to the next room" to "GET TO DA CHOPPAH RUBY! THIS PLACE IS DEMONS!"
No. 23951 ID: ce69d7

I love RubyQuest. It and NanQuest are the biggest inspirations for making my own quest. I have to say though that I like NanQuest more than RubyQuest. Not to knock its predecessor, as it will always be a classic, but NanQuest feels much more organized, and I get the impression that even though the pace is slower due to spaced out updates, the participants will be able to do more with it and get more out of it. NanQuest certainly feels like extra care is being taken with the story elements than with RubyQuest, as Weaver said.

Try not to let the shadow of RubyQuest get you down, Weaver. Almost every author suffers when working on their second novel, especially if the first was a bestseller. A lot of authors never finish their second book due to the pressure. Just remember that even though there are a number of naysayers there are also many people cheering you on and appreciating the effort you've taken to give us this spiritual sequel. You're doing great so far. Keep it up!
No. 23952 ID: 2ed296


I completely agree. As much as I loved RQ, I figured that Nan Quest is Nan Quest, and not Ruby Quest.

I'll enjoy it for what it is. :3
No. 23953 ID: 2563d4

Constructive criticizers. If I wanted to go all "it suuucks", I know where the anon thread in /meep/ is.
No. 23956 ID: f03d2b

Calling NanQuest's antagonists categorically inferior to RubyQuest's, especially when we've barely met NQ's and don't even know anything about them yet, is not constructive and is arguably much worse than just saying "it suuuucks."
No. 23960 ID: 2563d4

Weaver has already replied that point himself. You do not need to leap to his defence.
No. 23962 ID: a41aaf

I'm enjoying NanQuest, but (especially recently) it feels a little like the goal of 'escape from the hotel' is getting lost in Random Encounters. There's been plenty of 'character has disappeared, we must find them' or 'horrible skull guy, run for your life' moments, but while these were all things that happened in the process of Escape, they feel a bit separated from that process.
GAH, this is hard to articulate. I guess sort of what I'm trying to say is: while each encounter follows logically from the previous, they feel disconnected from the ultimate goal rather than part of a path to that goal.
Maybe this will be alleviated when we can start placing our subjective time line into an objective timeline, and I'm just being incredibly impatient.
No. 23964 ID: 3c3565

I think it's a little reactionary to say that making any positive comment on a point is "leaping to my defense" when the reverse is certainly not true for people who voice a repeated complaint.
I think it's not any more fair to try to dismiss "weaver fanboys" than it is to dismiss "naysayers".
No. 23967 ID: 1963d1

Although, you've probably got equal amounts of both...
No. 23969 ID: f03d2b

Crazy dude with a blade stops chasing us, and out of nowhere a crazy dude with a blade comes to our rescue.

Just sayin'.
No. 23970 ID: f21cfe

Good point, actually. We should be careful.

Gah, timezone difference is getting the better of me. Off to sleep.
No. 23971 ID: 1963d1

Why, you don't mean to imply that the crazed maniac we encountered when he dragged us into a dark stairwell and (possibly) propositioned us for sex at knifepoint could be a VILLAIN, do you?
No. 23973 ID: 70d9eb

Hey now man, Santiago hasn't tried to kill us, he's just a little on edge. I mean, he's been here for like a month.
No. 23976 ID: 938b64

Dumbasses. I wasnt suggesting that the goat skull was Anna, i was suggesting a connection because their wounds were the same. Murders use the same tactics a lot of the time, y'know.
No. 23977 ID: c14916

I just noticed that weaver likes to make insane/unhinged characters foxes. I wonder why?
No. 23978 ID: dad664

Considering that nearly everything minuscule appearing in Weavers quests ends up being important: The years each guest entered the Hotel in chronological format.

No. 23979 ID: 8dd1ee
File 128589850573.gif - (14.55KB , 488x1401 , 1230385538382.gif )

I think it's the teeth

They just have the best manic grins.
No. 23980 ID: e3f578

probably because foxes are adorable/awesome and insane characters are awesome. It's like peanut butter and jelly.

Man, lots of years in the sixes.Nan and Anderson are the only anomalies.
No. 23981 ID: 8b9dd7

Honestly, I'd just like to see you continue, the whole "Rubyquest is better then X" Doesn't seem as important as seeing you continue on.

Even if people generally decry it as less awesome, by most standards it'll still be much more awesome then everything else.
No. 23982 ID: 2563d4

>The tune is strangely beautiful yet discordant.

Music to taunt goatgirls by. (Think it was Reka who linked this on IRC.)
No. 23983 ID: c14916

I think you mean Nanderson

No. 23984 ID: 8dd1ee

Here's the same list, with a bit more detail:

July, 1912.......Anderson
May, 1936........Anna
June, 1946.......Henry
???, 1966........Pablo
???, 1986........Santiago
December, 2009...Nan
August, 2016.....Kim

We should ask Santiago and Pablo what month it is for them; so far, at least, everyone "arrived" at a different month, which, if this remains true, would mean that there are 4 other survivors out there somewhere. (Not counting Alan)
No. 23985 ID: e3f578

If Pablo's month is April than that would explain 4:66 and a more solid connection between him and what's going on.
No. 23986 ID: a7a85a
File 128590074788.png - (273.63KB , 559x516 , anna_predicts_good_end.png )

Okay, I think I've squeezed all I can get out of my goofy little scare gif. But the two reactions made it totally worth it. Especially >>333687

Here they are separately.
No. 23987 ID: a7a85a
File 128590085494.png - (302.52KB , 559x516 , he_is_right_behind_me_isnt_he.png )

No. 23988 ID: 8dd1ee

July, 1912 - Anderson
May, 1936 - Anna
June, 1946 - Henry
???, 1966 - Pablo
*December, 1986 - Santiago
December, 2009 - Nan
August, 2016 - Kim

Well, shit, there goes my little "each character has a month" theory.
No. 23989 ID: 7d8185

ah, but notice most have something6 as their year. Anderson and Nan are oddballs in that. why so many with those numbers?
No. 23990 ID: 8dd1ee

Really, it's hard to tell. Nan is the repairgoat protagonist, and Anderson is the cigar-smoking US marshal and general badass. We'll probably see some sort of connection in time, unless this turns out to be a red herring.

Also, we still need to find out Pablo's month. If it's April, then, like Dirtbag said, it'll give 4:66 more meaning, and will raise a few questions about Pablo himself.
No. 23993 ID: 620bfb

I don't actually care about or pay attention to any of this whole picking-everything-apart thing, I just think Weaver should just keep being awesome. It's working so far.
No. 23994 ID: f03d2b

So is this why Santiago told us to look in a mirror? Do we look like him, when the lights are out?
No. 23995 ID: fd6d7e


That and, I think it's being subtly implied that Nan is somehow responsible for this entire nightmare and everyone's suffering. She just hasn't been around long enough to get sent back to the past, do it, and then get killed by Pablo. I'm still betting that the only hope to escape her fate, or at least save as many as possible, is to fix the hotel wiring, because not only is that what she does best, and not only is this whole thing about the lights going out, but if anything she could do would result in a situation so horrifying like what she's seen so far, it would be faulty wiring that she failed to fix.
No. 23996 ID: a594b9
File 128590611455.gif - (7.30KB , 701x683 , Annavator.gif )

Check out what Anna looked like when the elevator opened the first time.
No. 23997 ID: f03d2b

Fuuuuck. I am dying to point out the hypocrisy of Santiago ranting about freedom when he's letting the darkness take over him, but I do not think he would take that very well.
No. 23998 ID: c14916

No. 23999 ID: 3416ec


I contend that the horrible dripping black madness in the elevator is not Anna.
No. 24000 ID: 3d2824

A thought just occurred to me. (Although, given my previous track record.. heh.)

We're assuming timey-wimey shenanigans.

Why? 'Cause we've had Nan see herself.


There've been other things that haven't made sense. Things in the hallway shifting. Broken Lamp is no longer broken. Stairways are gone when we're running from padre. The 'two' henries (We help Pablo save one, we meet another in the safe room with everyone else, supposedly at about the same time we help pablo save one, then dissapear. And Pablo does not seem perturbed by the two Henries...). Weird memories of things we're not sure actually happened.

.. What if.. what if there hasn't been any time travel at all?

What if this hotel is some sort of bizzare convergence of parallel dimensions? With 'things' leaking in from the outsi oh god this sounds like the Dark Tower doesn't it.

But. That could explain a lot of things: The mirrors, the hazy memories (we're picking up the memories of 'other nans', perhaps.) When we smashed the maybe, we didn't necessarily time hop. Perhaps we sidestepped. That's why Pablo wasn't surprised by Henry being in the safe room: in that 'universe', We'd met Pablo, and *only* Pablo. Pablo hadn't helped us save Henry: Henry was in the safe room. But the Nan from *that* timeline also smashed her clock and sidestepped, so he still saw her vanish.

This could also explain why we saw a monstrosity in the elevator when running from Padre the first time, but saw Anna the second time: Because we weren't in the same 'world'.

This is all just supposition, and given how good a job I've done figuring stuff out BEFORE (Oooh it's a Rat's skull!.. WRONG), this could be horribly off base. But, I don't think I saw the idea suggested yet, and it could also fit.
No. 24001 ID: 3be5cf

While I do not want to trash your theory, I have to point out that we did not simply had a "Nan saw herself" event, but a "time loop", with her doing exactly what she'd be doing in the future.

The thing with the lamp broken / not broken is, I'd say another indicator for time shenanigans (since it's the same lamp, but in different states of existence)

Parallel dimensions could involve the shifting of position or appearance of furniture and things (e.g. it's still a lamp, but once 60s style and once a gas lantern or whatever (this example does not really make
sense, I just realized)).
No. 24003 ID: 8a6625

okay okay....true, rubyquest was better, but god fucking dammit Nan quest is freakin awesome too. personally I think weaver should lay back and do whatever the fuck he likes with this quest. the moment X HAS to be better than Y, X usually becomes clishee. so weaver, if your reading this, it doesn't have to be the best, it just has to be what it is, and then it shall be awesome.
No. 24004 ID: 8a6625

I hope I make sence, I just might be a biiiit too drunk to post.

but if it does make sence, fuck year I mean it
No. 24005 ID: c14916

You mean to say that if he tries too hard to make it better than RubyQuest, it will fall flat. If he just does what he thinks is right, it will be awesome, for different reasons than RubyQuest. The two will both be great, for entirely different things.
No. 24006 ID: a41aaf

Technically, if you use Many Worlds rather than Copenhagen, then time travel and 'parallel dimension jumping' are functionally equivalent.
No. 24007 ID: 14e3f8

Hey. Quiet reader here, but I would like to chime and say...

Honestly, I find the idea of this being negatively compared to Rubyquest a bit surprising.

If anything, it seems better than Rubyquest in a lot of ways. The setting and cast are immediately more complex, and I'm really looking forward to seeing things play out.

It does feel a bit hard to contribute with all the crazy theorycraft going on in the thread. I'm not really interested in analyzing all this myself; it's all well and good to want to solve the mystery, but we're still in the introduction...it seems a little soon to go off on big bouts of analysis and hypothesizing.

Maybe a more brisk updating pace would help? I just know I'm glad when I see another thread go up, Weaver does horror really quite well. I hope he keeps going with this, doesn't let the pressure get to him. I'm sure this'll be great.

Just...not the same as Rubyquest. It is a spiritual successor, after all! :P
No. 24009 ID: c14916

Honestly I never found DiveQuest or that other one (forget the name) to be interesting. I mean, the main attractor for RubyQuest is just the whole 'you are here, you need to not be' feeling. There is no explanation, there is no '-verse' there is no real given story to give the next chapter more meaning. I think it's better when Weaver does individual quests that are disconnected from other ones.

But I am just one voice, and one opinion. And mine is not right, or wrong. I'm not going to try to tell Weaver to stop making DiveQuest, I know there are fans of it, c’est la vie.
No. 24010 ID: b8229a
File 128592944192.jpg - (364.11KB , 908x1204 , Happy_couples_always_smile.jpg )

Eh, I can see the attraction of going off into the weeds with Santiago, but it probably wouldn't be sustainable in the long term... sooner or later he'd probably decide that something a bit more exciting between you would be more fun, and then whoops, you're fighting to the death with your only ally.

Then again, there are probably worse ways to go.
No. 24011 ID: dc9f15


This is pretty much my disposition too. I never could get into Dive Quest, but I loved Ruby Quest, and I'm really enoying Nan quest so far.
No. 24012 ID: ae2225

The whole sequence with Santiago... I can't help but feel that the room was dark all the time. And that Santiago already did not have eyes when Nan entered through the window.

Santiago whole behaviour was, well, caused by him already being a part of the darkness/hotel. As he stated himself. I see him as part of the environment now, not a guest (kinda a semi-independant plot device inside the hotel).

Whenever there's no apparent light source, the hotel probably wants to lure us somewhere.

Santiago's "unlimited freedom" philosophy... Somehow I think there's a flaw in that. He's still dependant on staying in the hotel. In a way, he is controlled and not free at all.

Anyway, I think following Santiago any further will lead to a terrible, painful, deadly death. Just a feeling.
No. 24013 ID: 2563d4

I think he's one of the few truly helpful characters so far and that following his lead here is preferable to playing hide-and-seek in the darkness with another beast-thing.

Unstable and dangerous as a bottle of nitroglycerine doesn't necessarily mean intrinsically evil.
No. 24014 ID: e31d52

I remember when I compared Nan and Ruby to two vidya (Ruby was Silent Hill and Nan was Resident Evil) he stated he preferred to think of Nan as SH.

And now I get why. I think I understand what the hotel is... or at least, a part of it. You see, Silent Hill doesn't punish people. It gives them what they truly desire. That's what is so terrifying about it. Everyone feels guilty for something, in their heart of hearts, except for a very slim few.

So the Hotel takes people who are, for some reason or another, unsatisfied. For instance, take Anderson, who says he's never met an innocent man. He probably joined the force wide-eyed and idealistic, wanting to stop the bad guys and protect people. But eventually, he realized he was just protecting assholes from worse assholes, on the large, and his satisfaction of his job steadily went downhill. The Hotel sensed this, and drew him in.

I think this is a better argument than IT'S EAAAATING YOUUUUU, but I'm really uncertain whether it's any closer.
No. 24015 ID: 3d2824

I think Santiago's 'freedom' philosophy may be something he adopted to cling to the last remaining shreds of his sanity, something he invented to make it feel like he had SOME degree of control over what's going on. So he chooses to believe he's not trapped: he *wants* to be here.

Or, you know, he's just bugnuts psychopathic, that's probably a good hunch too...

Aye, I was thinking about that. I wish we'd gotten more details of the hallway before Nan went into the elevator...
But if some of the timelines were 'off' from each other, side-stepping might still have that effect. And it still makes me wonder why we saw a monstrosity the first time.. but it also could have just been the hotel screwing with us. My theory's not really sound yet by any means-we'd probably need a hell of a lot more info to make a positive claim either way, I just wanted to toss the idea out there. =)
No. 24016 ID: c14916

Your theory makes... a lot of sense actually.

I like it. +1
No. 24017 ID: df26fb

well, i havent compared NQ with any other quest in particular. i usually save that for sequels and related quests.

NQ has had a slow update but id say its pretty good on its own. i would not rush the work of a artist, if weaver does not feel like doing NQ then she should not do it, bar we get crappy updates or the NQ equivalent of "rocks fall, everyone dies, stop bugging me for RQ2." the onlt real complain i have on NQ is that the enemies are indeed in black and white, except for redsantiago wich seems to be pretty much insane.

lastly id say for everyone to NOT compare a whole work with a incomplete work. let quests, enjoy the updates and discuss it fairly and nicely.

now for actual discussion!

im beginning to think nan has control over what happens to her based on what she belives. of santiago is really a indication of something, it could be possible to lose our fear and survive better here. im also beginning to think that the events happens due to the mood of the characters.

>Santiago's "unlimited freedom" philosophy... Somehow I think there's a flaw in that. He's still dependant on staying in the hotel. In a way, he is controlled and not free at all

thats... a good point. would he try to escape the hotel if we point it out to him?

>I just noticed that weaver likes to make insane/unhinged characters foxes. I wonder why?

isnt NQ and RQ characters based off animal farm or some other little game like that?

>Santiago's 'freedom' philosophy may be something he adopted to cling to the last remaining shreds of his sanity

its likely he was already not that fine when he got in the hotel, or the adaptation time would have killed him. its likely he was a runaway criminal and got caught here, upon realizing what this place is, he finaly snapped.
No. 24018 ID: acf168

> thats... a good point. would he try to escape the hotel if we point it out to him?
I would strongly advise against telling a mentally unstable person with a knife and no moral compass that his existantial theory is wrong.
Santy would probably try to defend his point logically, and failing that, vent out his fear and frustration on Nan.
Whatever we talk about, Nan should only say something that fits into his outlook. We got lucky with the hand, but that does not mean Santy's going to heed our words.
I, for one, do not intend to put him on my "Try to save these people" list.
No. 24019 ID: acf168

I wish it was like Cube, where all teammates had different professional skills that allowed them to survive the traps. Then we could pinpoint possible ways to "fix" the hotel. But this doesn't seem to be NanQuest's premise.

Still, it's a good idea to try to get into the janitor's room. Take a look, at least. Maybe Nan being an electrician matters at some point.
No. 24020 ID: 1963d1

>isnt NQ and RQ characters based off animal farm or some other little game like that?

Animal Crossing actually. At least in RQ. I'm noticing less correlations with NQ, but whatever. Besides, Weaver has stated that what animal they are doesn't really matter anyway.
No. 24021 ID: f52552

It's all her fault.
See, when you don't fix older electrical systems like that, you get spanish ghosts, time/space distortions, and blood everywhere.
It's science.
No. 24022 ID: 2563d4


I've put the hotel entry dates in the wiki, since posts in a busy discussion thread get buried easily and a pain to re-find. And they've got citation links so we can get back to the updates where people are spinning their tales easily.
No. 24023 ID: e31d52

>im also beginning to think that the events happens due to the mood of the characters.

>Anna wanted to die.
>So she did.

>Anderson wants to have monster to kill and people to protect.
>So he does.

>Henry wants cute girls to seduce and flirt with.
>So he meets them.

>Nan wanted excitement, a break from the norm.
>So she has it.

>Santiago wanted freedom.
>So he has it.
No. 24028 ID: c14916

That's... wow.
No. 24040 ID: 1ce613

I now suggest we wish really hard for a machine gun and a shovel. And maybe a friendly dorf.
No. 24041 ID: 099247
File 128598590324.gif - (5.83KB , 650x450 , Kanaya wat.gif )

>oh hey i wonder how that NanQuest discussion is going
>people throwing stones at weaver
>weaver is a nervous wreck

Ya'll jus' wanna chill the fuck out a sec? Weaver my man you're doing grand, there's a silent minority out there that's enjoying this greatly, keep the ol' chin up, aye skipper?

That sounds pretty fucking solid, there may be more to what Santiago said than meets the eye.

Here's some stats; Name, year they came in from, how long they've been here. I personally don't think the months have much to do with it, but Weaver sure is a fan of Chekhovs Gun so i'm probably already missing something out.

Anderson 1912, two weeks
<Alan> 1926?, week and a half
Anna 1936, one night
Henry 1946, an hour?
<Alan> 1956?, week and a half
Pablo 1966, week and a half
<Alan> 1976?, week and a half
Santiago 1986, a month
Nan 2009?, an hour?
Kim 2016, a week
<Alan> 2026, a week and a half

As you can plainly see, im desperately trying to fit Alan into this pattern of the hotel snatching up people 10 years in difference from each other.
Of course, Nan doesn't fit into this pattern which is a little worry, neither does Anderson.

Anderson said he met Pablo a week and a half ago and around that time Alan was butchered. So Alan either appeared at the same time as Anderson, and Anderson did not spot him, or at the same time as Pablo. Or even further still, maybe Alan came in way before Anderson, maybe a week and a half before?

Another theory i'd like to suggest is that the Pilgrim and Padre are not native people to this place. I'm pretty sure when Pilgrim was rambling about wanting to release himself he was in fact talking about getting out of the hotel. If this is true then it's no stretch to assume Padre is in the same position. Hell, even Santiago was talking about letting the darkness consume him, maybe Padre and Pilgrim did this a long time ago?

Oh look at that, that would explain the gaps in the years no? Let's have another look:

Anderson 1912, two weeks
<Pilgrim> 1926, a fucking long time
Anna 1936, one night
Henry 1946, an hour?
<Padre> 1956, quite a while
Pablo 1966, week and a half
Alan 1976?, week and a half
Santiago 1986, a month
Nan 2009?, an hour?
Kim 2016, a week

GOD DAMN IT NAN AND ANDERSON, YOU'RE STILL RUINING EVERYTHING. I need to think about this shit more. Peace, bros.
No. 24042 ID: fd6d7e


Weaver is a nervous wreck, what? How? People throwing stones? All I see here is exhuberant praise and frantic efforts to keep one step ahead (which just give Weaver more fuel to be one step ahead of us). The only thing I would be regretting is the not ending every year in 6, assuming Weaver didn't get the idea to do that long before we started harping on it. But more likely Weaver does not regret that, because the numbers and times fit some mysterious pattern that the rest of us simply have yet to see.

Could it be that what Weaver is planning for this quest is so horrible and betrays the hopes and dreams of every one of us, and is simply stressing from the guilt it brings?
No. 24043 ID: c14916

This is assuming all the years and dates and weeks and stuff aren't all SCARLET FISH.
No. 24047 ID: a594b9

...maybe Anderson came to the hotel earlier than it expected, and Nan sat on the work order so long that it delayed her entry?

Oh by the way, I suspect that the hotel throws people FORWARDS in time most often. Everyone did enter at the proper year... the issue here is that the hotel has to throw people forwards in time so that they don't meet the maintenance staff or find themselves in an occupied room. Most likely the hotel gets pissed and sends shadowmen after us when we do something that leaves physical evidence behind that the people running the hotel find.

The hotel isn't empty of staff. They're there... we just can't meet them. The hotel won't let us.
No. 24048 ID: 9406d6

It was me (jerk).
No. 24060 ID: 8a6625

yeah that! exactly!
-considerably less drunk tonight-
No. 24061 ID: 71ce86

> im also beginning to think that the events happens due to the mood of the characters.
>Nan wanted excitement, a break from the norm.
>So she has it.

Now Nan wants to escape.
But she can't.
No. 24065 ID: e31d52

The issue of these places is that they take their 'wishes' not from the conscious mind, but instead, from deep within the subconscious.

In other words, Nan may be thinking, to us and to the world at large, 'holy shit this is terrifying oh god' her subconscious is going 'This is kinda cool'.

Until she really and truly wants out, she's stuck there. The most obvious example of what this sort of revelation looks like is in SH2, during the last encounter with Pyramid Head.
No. 24067 ID: 8b9dd7

Not to detract from the current thought process. A thought on the pilgram, he says that Nan has to die for him to escape..

Does anyone believe he is a time warped Nan? Who knows she can only escape if her past self was killed?
No. 24071 ID: c14916

Possible, but Nan only got here recently, we have reason to believe the Pilgrim's been around for *years*.

The name 'Pilgrim' does suggest that he was once a guest, however. As a Pilgrim is someone who has left their home for something new...
No. 24073 ID: 17beed

That is if you're not counting the possibility that the monsters were once human themselves.

Hear me out on this one, I think that the people choose whether or not they want to be monsters.

If we ever can talk to the monsters, a good question would to ask what month they came from.
No. 24080 ID: 9d2107

nan wants to escape with everyone.
she wont suceed because not everyone wants to leave.

im more eagerly to belive he may be a actual ~1900 pilgrim that wanted to understand this place and now becamed a part of it because he wanted it. also the pilgrim is a horse, not a goat.

padre would make sense, he wanted to convert everyone and this place would keep him occupied with new people.
No. 24081 ID: 9d2107

i also just noticed this somewhat matches the isaias 66:4 on the clock :>>323106
No. 24092 ID: 2563d4

>Guess we'll see you inside, Lor.

Ouch, man. Ouch.
No. 24097 ID: f03d2b

So is Padre the creator of this place or is he its first guest?

Assuming, of course, that the hotel didn't exist in a different incarnation prior to the Spanish mission.
No. 24099 ID: 2563d4

If this Mission building worked as a proto-Hotel, I want to know what happened to Padre and Pilgim and anyone else from its time while it was being demolished and replaced with the hotel we know. From Anderson's description ("it just recently went up") it doesn't sound like an in-place refurbishment.
No. 24100 ID: 8b9dd7


The pilgrim has a Horse Face, but we are not sure yet whether it is an actual face, or a mask.
No. 24102 ID: 2563d4

Lorenzo's ears look plausibly equine. There's no way that skull would actually fit in his round head, but I put that down to art style.
No. 24103 ID: f03d2b

That part is really gnawing at me as well.
No. 24104 ID: f03d2b

I think we really screwed up with Santiago. Which is a shame, since I think up until the lamp we were doing excellently.
No. 24121 ID: 1ef7bb
File 128607490116.png - (77.91KB , 444x590 , SantyWantsYouToWantIt.png )

No. 24138 ID: c5628c

Do you think that these "jumps" in time can be triggered?
No. 24141 ID: 939372
File 128608860149.gif - (1.62KB , 701x683 , 1.gif )

Since as far as I can tell it hasn't been mentioned yet, I thought it'd be worth pointing out: even though the quest began at 6:30 AM, the clock said 4:66 back then too. From Page 1.

I've got a theory about what we're seeing here, but I'm not sure it matches everything we've seen so far - there's a lot of hints hanging around, even in inconspicuous stuff, and I'm pretty sure I'm not remembering all of them.
No. 24142 ID: 099247
File 128608968349.gif - (4.64KB , 495x286 , santiago copy.gif )

Here, now lessee..

Looks like I was right about Padre and Pilgrim both being people at one stage.

We now have a start date for all this craziness. Pretty confident in saying the construction of the hotel disturbed whatever the fuck padre had set up or simply switched it on, I say Padre because Lorenzo is a pretty chill dude when he's not all sacrificial knife all up in Nans shit. Plus all the guy wants is to be released, I think it's relatively safe to say he's just a victim.

Well, yeah, piss off the hotel and cause waves. Turn up a light in a dark room? Yeah that's going to piss the hotel off. I suggest we take a 'don't touch anything' approach for the future.
No. 24143 ID: 939372

Padre or Father, yeah.

Doesn't explain what that sequence was with Pablo trying to immortalize Nan, though.
No. 24144 ID: 939372

Actually, come to think of it, "Father" may just be what Santiago calls "Padre". Curse my forgetfulness with respect to languages!
No. 24145 ID: 099247

Pablo is a fucking wild-card who tends to disappear a lot on us. It's too early to call him out on VILLAINOUS INTENTIONS but we should be a little suspect of him. We should attempt to talk to him a bit more at some point about what he's seen since he's been here.
No. 24147 ID: a594b9

That is unreadable. Besides, if it was really 4:66 on that clock, Nan would've said so. How else would she know what time it was?
No. 24149 ID: e7f44c

>I think what's going on is that touching an item from a given time period takes you to that time period.
An interesting point, but we've interacted with all kinds of stuff, including the oil lantern we got from Anderson when we went looking for Anna. Nothing happened though. I can't think of anything that would trigger the flashback/time travel.

My take is that the Mission was destroyed altogether, possible burying Padre, Lorenzo/Pilgrim and a bunch of other people inside. It wasn't done to free up space for the hotel: the Mission flashback was at 1828, and the hotel "just recently went up" in 1912.

Also, another coin the >>333823 / >>333865 piggy bank:
>And yet he wishes he could stay in this lovely place, so long that he too could lose track of the years.
No. 24150 ID: e7f44c

Oh, forgot to add: Padre was most likely looking after this place from the start, and is not a guest.
No. 24156 ID: a7a85a
File 128610456651.png - (152.31KB , 346x430 , santiago1.png )

First stab at Santiago. Somehow turned out more furry then I originally intended. I'm gonna try again.
No. 24157 ID: ae2225

It's the big, floppy ears. And the short snout.

But anyway, great to see you're continuing!
No. 24163 ID: f03d2b

Maybe Pablo is Padre.
No. 24164 ID: 3eba7e

the lantern looked like some sort of artifact. it could be because it was part of the old mission that it now bears powers.

i am also led to belive that because of what santiago said, we experienced a random point in time instead of a specific hallucination. now for a mindfuck, was it a consensus that we wanted information provided by the "flashback"? we saw the mission, we almost talked to padre, we now know that the villains once were humans...

im pretty sure this isnt true, but we should ask anyway.
No. 24165 ID: 101ec5

ho god do more I want to see more
No. 24239 ID: 86b6fc

I've been noticing an awful lot of broken mirrors in this hotel. We broke one in Henry's room, there was one in the "safe room", and one in Santiago's room. When Henry looked in the mirror his reflection turned sinister, and shortly after we saw our first monster. And Santiago told us that if we wanted something to be afraid of, we should look in a mirror. Santiago also told us that the lights go off when we defy the hotel; breaking the mirror made the lights go off.

I'm not sure what this all means, though it seems to mesh well with other theories; but the highest-priority question is what we should do the next time we find a mirror. Breaking it is dangerous; looking in it is dangerous, but might give us some important information. Alternatively, it might be a "physical" obstacle we have to avoid.
No. 24240 ID: 86b6fc

Also I just want to say that Nan 4 was my first time following a live quest and it was freaking awesome. So yeah.
No. 24241 ID: 2563d4

>Santiago's room
Torn paintings, actually:

The saferoom's bathroom mirror actually looks intact.
No. 24242 ID: 86b6fc

My bad on Santiago's room, but the "safe room" mirror is definitely broken; when we woke up, we checked the bathroom. Only the non-broken part is visible through the door.
No. 24245 ID: 8b9dd7

Related to the above, there ie indeed alot of torn paintings as well.
No. 24358 ID: f03d2b

I hope we don't have to wait too long for the next chapter. Now that we're really in the thick of things, I neeeed moar.
No. 24360 ID: 90b7cf

im guessing its scenic? the paitings could determine a timeline even within the hotel.

im wondering if someone lives on them like the mirror dude.
No. 24389 ID: a7a85a


>ID: dad664


664 ... 4:66

No. 24419 ID: fd6d7e


No. 24514 ID: a7a85a
File 128643492476.png - (178.92KB , 357x553 , nan_freaks_out_again.png )

Weaver's body language rocks. It's fun to base drawings off of. And you can never freak out enough, Nan. Never.
No. 24515 ID: 3416ec


Keep arting, Sir Ten. You are quite good at it.
No. 24516 ID: 099247

It looks like she's mimicking her reaction to a telesales man.
No. 24517 ID: 50bd2b

I, for one, am loving this quest at any pace. I wish you did not have to worry about the whole RQ thing. Shine on Weaver. Shine on.
No. 24518 ID: a7a85a


Thanks! I'm glad people seem to like my Nan fan art. I'll keep at it.

She kinda does. XD


Me too. Although I love Nan Quest I'm happy to see him updating Dive too. Good stuff.
No. 24519 ID: 438218

Looks kind of neat, really. Although I wish you'd put more emphasis on DOSE HIPS.

Also, nice touch with the braid there. I just realized I can't imagine what hairdo would any of Weaver's characters have (except for Muschio, but that's kind of obvious).
No. 24532 ID: 1963d1

It's good, but to me it doesn't look that much like a "freaked out" Nan. She looks mildly annoyed at most.
No. 24533 ID: e31d52

A peice of advice: Shrink the pupils to show fear.
No. 24536 ID: fd6d7e


Right hand should actually be pulling at the cheek. People do that instinctively when they are freaking out at the gravity of the situation. Also the mouth doesn't open as wide sideways when terrified. ALSO NAN IS A FATTY WHAT ARE YOU DOING
No. 24537 ID: e3f578

Is Nan having long braids and hot pants canon but invisible due to Weaver's simple style? Because I think that should be canon.
No. 24542 ID: 3c3565

Hair is open for debate but no, she does not wear hot pants. She wears overalls or boyshorts.
No. 24554 ID: a7a85a

Actually she's wearing sporty girl underwear. But I'll change it to boy shorts in future drawings.
No. 24581 ID: a41aaf

Those aren't the same thing?
No. 24601 ID: 8a40c2
File 128657714883.jpg - (21.20KB , 300x366 , boy-shorts.jpg )

Boy shorts are a kind of panty. Hot pants are outerwear.
No. 24783 ID: 614361

So, first time posting in a discussion thread.

Stumbled onto all the flashes of RQ, and read them in one night. Scared the piss out of me, and made me fear the dark around me.

Coming onto this, it felt the same way as RubyQuest did, but only in the sense of existential dread that slowly creeps in, like a chill through a cracked window.

Weaver, i've shared your stories with many a friend, and they've all replied that they're amazing. Keep up the good work, don't let us hold you to a schedule, and keep shocking the hell out of us.

I was just growing attached to Anna, too.
No. 24787 ID: 510612

You should look up Surprise Sex Quest - by far Weaver's most ambitious and successful work to date.
No. 24792 ID: 3416ec


Welcome aboard, Geek-chan.
No. 24797 ID: 754124

You have the most terribly generic name I have ever seen.
No. 24816 ID: 9e5b05

Hey, it is no more terribly generic the the fact that every other person picked the name 'Anonymous', now is it? I mean, really!
No. 24828 ID: a09a03

There's no need to be so rude.
No. 24832 ID: 754124

"Anonymous" is non-specific, but not generic.

Just sayin'
No. 24833 ID: 48235a

Is this really important/necessary?

and it's not like Cruxador is a better name anyway
No. 24836 ID: e3f578

It certainly does, Lawyer Dog. A name is the first impression of a user online. You are quaint in the verse of law and doggies, yattermang is a mang that yatts a lot, and Cruxador is a Matador with several Horcruxes keeping him immortal since his cowboy days

I am a Dirtbag idiot
No. 24841 ID: a35ff5

And I am a tobacco product that falls down a lot.
No. 24843 ID: e3f578

Or smushed

See, does this make sense? Now I've changed my name so I'm an inconsiderate annoying Douchebag who is normally associated with Harley riders while wearing a bag.
No. 24844 ID: 4f6e37

Such a lovely welcoming party Geek-Chan has
No. 24845 ID: f35afd

I am a quest that bites.
No. 24847 ID: 754124

This name predates the word "horcrux", and possible all of Harry Potter. It pertains to the cross, and uses romantic syntax. It could be considered a form of "Crusader" or "Cruzador". It does basically the same thing, but from a different language. Also, the period of time between now and the days in which I interacted more heavily with horses and cows fits easily within a normal lifespan, no magic has thus far been required for my continued existence.
No. 24852 ID: cd44d9


I think the point of what he was saying was not what you intended of the word, but what other people read into it. I, for example, thought it was something to do with "crux" as in "the crux of the situation". Hence, first impressions given by a name.

Don't know what my name makes people think of. And I certainly ain't revealing where it actually comes from!
No. 24854 ID: f52552

I prefer to think that he carries around an oversized holy symbol like that one guy from Trigun and beats people over the head with it.
No. 24855 ID: f03d2b

I think the real point is that Cruxador is a total dick.

Also, everyone stop posting in this thread because seeing all these replies gave me false hope that NanQuest was updating again.

And I know you're reading this Weaver. Stop spending your time providing free entertainment for other people and go back to spending your time providing free entertainment for me.
No. 24861 ID: 2563d4

>NanQuest discussion
>Bitching about names
>NanQuest discussion
>Bitching about names
No. 24872 ID: 48235a
File 128686238143.png - (37.65KB , 1000x1000 , nansad.png )

All this arguing is making Nan sad!
No. 25028 ID: 8a6625

I wonder what kind of impression my name gives off

-hugs nan-
No. 25530 ID: fd6d7e
File 128790621754.gif - (762.14KB , 152x152 , batshit1.gif )

I found a good real life example of freaking out at the gravity of the situation.
No. 25536 ID: a7a85a


Huh. I wonder why people pull their cheeks anyway? A really mild, naturally occurring equivalent of slapping yourself to help get your shit together?

If you watch as many horror movies as I do you might notice that the girls in the old school movies only lift their hand and curl in front of their face. (Don't want to mess up their screen time makeup?) I think that stuck in my mind and that's why I did that.

But yeah, Nan is clearly pulling her cheek in the Weaver drawing. I'll try for that if I draw her freaking out again.
No. 25807 ID: 38d9a0

Well, in the name of discussion, I've found another possible meaning of 4:66. I googled "Verse 4:66 and came up with a passage from the Holy Quran, apparently some Arabian book:

"And if We had decreed upon them, "Kill yourselves" or "Leave your homes," they would not have done it, except for a few of them. But if they had done what they were instructed, it would have been better for them and a firmer position [for them in faith]."

Make of that what you will.
No. 25827 ID: e2876e

>the Holy Quran
>apparently some Arabian book
No. 25872 ID: 38d9a0

Here: http://corpus.quran.com/translation.jsp?chapter=4&verse=66
It's translated seven ways. Probably not what Weaver's using (If he is using anything) but could stretchingly relate.
No. 25876 ID: 49b733

The hotel was built on the grounds of a Spanish mission. I don't think they'd be reading the Quran there.
No. 25881 ID: 725496

I was more expressing incredulity at you referring to the Holy Quran as "some Arabian book"
No. 25904 ID: f03d2b

So Nan's supposed to off herself? :(
No. 25915 ID: 38d9a0

Sorry if I offended anyone with that. I'm not exactly an expert on religious text, so I didn't know what it was. (The word Holy SHOULD have clued me in, but meh.)

>>335704 Hey, it's a pretty warped place. For all we know, killing herself could wake her up. I doubt it, though.

I have a slight theory, however. Her 'vision' showed Lorenzo going to get the Padre's Blessing. Perhaps that blessing was never obtained? I think, as it seems the Pilgrim is (somewhat) coherent, we should ask if it's Lorenzo, and see what it(he?) does. Maybe getting him that blessing is the key.
No. 25916 ID: 3df3c1

Might be the case.
It also might be the case that he got Padre's blessing and it was why he ended up becoming a bloody monster.
It also might be the case that it has nothing to do with a vague, obscure "blessing" and that what the residents have become depended on their inner motivations and desires.

I'm leaning towards the last one, to be honest.
No. 25917 ID: 3f8b4c

My question is... what is the beast?. The Padre/Pilgrims have an obvious relation.

Once we find it, steal knifes? Not a good idea...
No. 25925 ID: a5fa17
File 128847680773.jpg - (167.64KB , 699x527 , gkjhgkjh.jpg )

I read that as "steal kittens."
At any rate, I'm not sure if knives would do much damage to the Beast (but you never know!).

Happy Halloween, you nutty kids!
No. 25948 ID: 701a19

I'm pretty sure that even if they stab it with their stealed knives they just can't kill the beast.
No. 26991 ID: ddaa88

For what it's worth, Spain had a hell of a lot to do with Islam when the Islamic Moors conquered the Iberian peninsula around 711 AD
No. 27580 ID: f9f44f

First off, you win. That's all there is to it. Hell yes.

Second, keep rocking Weaver, it really makes me sad that my college blocks all of the Chans, since tg is totally awesome.
No. 27608 ID: 14dc37
File 129082946929.png - (82.96KB , 394x343 , aufvh.png )

Daww, you guys are pretty adorable.

Also, I can't wait until nanquest updates again, I miss it so much... ;(
No. 27680 ID: e9ab30

Cool Ruby costume.

Who's your friend supposed to be?
No. 27688 ID: 99446b

Nan, maybe?
No. 27691 ID: bf88fc

Dear god, not the duck lips... I don't care if you're doing that 'ironicly', that's just a terrible expression.
No. 28182 ID: 039199
File 129200547532.jpg - (20.20KB , 400x300 , badclock.jpg )

seemed relevant...
No. 28445 ID: 55c4cf
File 129250597081.png - (48.38KB , 444x444 , spd006.png )

No. 28980 ID: 055d7b

Is there any ETA on part five?..
No. 28981 ID: 585f92

Well, I haven't read every single post here, but I have an idea of what the running theories are.

I personally lean more towards the parallel dimensions one. I'm not sure if we can narrow it down to two, but it seems like a good starting point. We can go between "Nighties Nan" and "Overalls Nan", since her clothes change when everything changes around her. There hasn't been any reason to assume that there are more than two dimensions going on here, since Nan only saw herself once.

Well, down to the grit. There's a lot of contradictions and parallels I've caught that I'm not sure anybody else noticed. Here are a few.

1. Henry's story. In >>230557 Henry says that "He drew a bath, relaxed in it, and just as he closed his eyes he heard someone in his room -- Nan."
Most people probably assumed that to be the reason that he was naked. -BUT- Nan never entered Henry's room, even though he said she heard her in there. Henry's story actually lines up with Pablo's. So I say we don't trust Henry too much, considering his obvious lie.

2. I'm not sure about this one, it was just a little something I noticed. In chapter three, we attacked the thing holding the fire extinguisher.( >>171111 )
When we did that, we managed to sever two of its fingers. I found it specific and kept it in mind. Then, in chapter four ( >>235683 ) we saw this silhouette on the canvas... with two fingers missing from its right hand. It looks like they were severed.
One of the posts in the thread mentioned that the silhouette is probably Alan, considered he was "Carved apart by the pilgrim". He looks pretty carved to me. With this, I'm not sure if we can assume that his two severed fingers were done by us or the pilgrim.
All of this made me ponder a bit, branching off from the two world theory. There were a few posts where people mentioned that people turn into monsters int he darkness, which made me think. I believe that it isn't that they turn into a monster, but that they appear as one. Since there are two dimensions, there are two of everybody.
This makes me believe that when you see somebody from the other dimension, they appear as monsters. Alan may have been carved apart in one dimension, but he may still be around in the other. If the thing that grabbed the fire extinguisher was Alan from the dimension with "Nighties Nan"...
Now, regarding the room with the canvas and the thing in the middle. Aside from Nan, there are six canvases. I counted the people mentioned aside from Nan (Kim, Anderson, Henry, Pablo, Anna, Pablo, Santiago). I got 7, but there are 6 spots. It feels like it should match up... but it doesn't. My guess is that Santiago already surrendered to the hotel, so he doesn't have a canvas.
These canvases, as I imagine, are for the dead. Alan died in one dimension, yet he is still here as a monster. It also looks like he's being ordered around by the thing in the center, which I'm assuming is whatever is controlling the hotel. Maybe there's only 6 canvases because one of the 7 is controlling the hotel...? Probably wrong there.

3.Not so much of a parallel as an observation. In >>61563 in chapter one, the door started rattling. Something wanted to get out, obviously, and this little cubby corresponds with room 211. Something's in room 211... or was in room 211 and is now free in the hotel. In the next chapter, I think we should check out room 211.

for the tl;dr:
1. Henry's lying about noticing you in his room in the shower. That was Pablo.
2. The thing that grabbed the fire extinguisher may have been Alan.
3. The rattling cubby door in ch.1 was for 211. We should check it out.
No. 29116 ID: 146948

Recurring themes:

Temporal distortion
-hotel guests' arrival dates
-Nan at Spanish mission
-Nan seeing self/multiple Henries


-Nan is an electrician/repairwoman
-Nan's first job is to restore light to an arcade
No. 29117 ID: 146948

Enemy evaluations:

Pablo reports that common shadow husks can be killed like anything else.

The Pilgrim over Anna's corpse and Pablo reporting that Alan was killed by the Pilgrim earlier. The Pilgrim is actively hostile and has communicated with Nan. It demands that Nan allow herself to be killed ("it can not end until your life is extinguished") and appears to have an interest in killing Nan and/or the rest of the guests("release me"). It appears to be intelligent.

The Padre has been observed to act both neutrally (Pablo and Nan finding an unconscious Henry) and actively hostile (Nan vs. Padre in the kitchen). Santiago reports the Padre to be intelligent. It's worth noting that the Padre first attacks us after we strike the husk holding the fire extinguisher.

The beast has only been seen through a window and then only partially (piano room). Anderson reports he has seen it inside the hotel twice. Otherwise it resides in the courtyard.

In the oil lamp-follow Santiago flashback Nan is placed in a Spanish mission and meets a Pilgrim and a father (padre).
No. 29131 ID: 897302

Santiago is the most interesting character we've met so far, I think, even keeping in mind Pablo's ravings. These are my thoughts on him.
1. He is obviously unhinged, but he's also the character we know who knows the most about the hotel, its inhabitants, and presumably anything else we may want to know. While he may be dangerous, he should be kept friendly simply because he could be incredibly useful.
2. He also seems to know more about the other 'guests' at the hotel than he lets on - he implies Anna wanted to die, even though she told us she 'doesn't plan to die in a place like this. She's getting the hell out of here first, and sorting out her absolution later.'
3. >>333815 's idea has a lot of merit, especially considering he gets mad at Nan for thanking him, saying that it was HIS choice, as he gets defensive whenever his 'freedom' is compromised.

The most interesting piece of info Santiago's given us is that 'there is no way to move safely here, especially not in the darkness.' In the same panel, he confirms that 'they' (perhaps not the Beast, Pilgrim, or Father?) can turn off the lights. He also says Padre gets to roam only when the lights are off, which is odd, seeing as how we've seen him in the light once before. This says something, either about Santiago, or that that particular Padre wasn't Padre? That line was a bit confusing.

I wonder what would have happened had we not turned on that goddamn lamp.
No. 29151 ID: 585f92

Yeah, agreed there. Santiago is easily manipulated, despite how unpredictable he claims to be. He just does what he wants to, so it's easy to convince/suggest that something is in his best interest. He's so unpredictable he's predictable and usable. He just uses freedom as an excuse to play pretend.

As for what would have happened if we hadn't turned on the lamp, it depends. If we assume this whole freedom thing is an excuse to cling to sanity, it's easy to believe that he wouldn't have left us behind to fend for ourselves. It wouldn't have been easy, but he would have helped us survive.

But honestly, I feel that it would've extended chapter 4 into a running/survival incident instead of ending with a flashback. I feel that the only thing we lost from turning it on was Santiago's trust, which can easily be regained. We can manipulate him very easily with this whole 'freedom' business.
No. 29156 ID: 897302

Yes, something I didn't touch on was how easy he'll be to manipulate, but that may take a bit of thinking on our toes. I don't doubt he would have cut off a few of Nan's fingers to prove he can (NOTE: another possible reason for his 'freedom' philosophy is control - he can exert control over others by acting unpredictably) had we not spouted some bullshit about how it was our choice to do so.

Even though he's manipulable, he should be still treated with caution is what I'm saying.

What still needs to be touched on is Pablo - his ravings may have happened while we were in a dream sequence, but they should still be given credence.
No. 29195 ID: 0fa59d
File 129399685348.gif - (29.25KB , 615x599 , 615px-Nan_Freaks_out_again.gif )

So I did a little research of 4:66 because I was bored and decided to think about NAN QUEST a little...
I thought maybe Weaver used the Bible as a reference as #:## is typical seen as a verse from the Bible.
Unfortunately, my search for 4:66 came up fruitless...


I decided to turn the numbers around to make verse 66:4. I'm not sure how many verses there are under the category of 66:4... But the first one I saw came from Isaiah.
"...so I also will choose harsh treatment for them and will bring upon them what they dread. For when I called, no one answered, when I spoke, no one listened. They did evil in my sight and chose what displeases me."

I dunno about you guys but I think there are bricks in the back of my pants. :I
No. 29196 ID: 0fa59d


When you said that I thought back to the dream sequences. Maybe they are based off of the 7 deadly sins? I mean, Anna mentioned sins right? Maybe they all correspond to a sin? Maybe, in the dreams with saw with Nan gave us some site as to who is what sin?

Maybe Henry is Lust? It would certainly fit him. Especially after considering how he mentioned repaying the favor and everything.

Maybe Pablo is Wrath? He's most likely an artist because of the canvases we saw... Maybe he hurt a few people? Maybe he did that canvas in the background? It looked like NAN... Maybe she thought it was creepy and left and he got pissed?

Nan is quite obviously gluttony.

And maybe Anderson... Got nothin for him atm. But who knows? But I'll be on the look-out for more potential references to the sins.
No. 29197 ID: 0fa59d

I meant Nan was quite obviously Sloth!
No. 29213 ID: 897302

This fits ... a lot more than I really want it to, to be honest.

Because if Anna was right, then...
No. 29229 ID: d3f55c

Have you noticed that when Nan is in her room, the lines she's drawn with are thinner than the usual, thick lines? Not to much at the beginning but when she wakes up with Henry, there's definitely a difference.
No. 29241 ID: 85144d

I admit I'm still hungup on a weird 'inconsistency' that occurred after we smashed the clock and got to the saleroom-
That being that Henry was there in the safe room, when (before we smashed the clock) he was unconscious in the room with Pablo (and if time travel was involved, there's some overlap with those times).
And that Pablo doesn't seem surprised when he enters the saferoom (after we've smashed the clock and vanished) to find Henry *Already there*.

That's what caused me to start considering parallel worlds, but maybe one of them is Mirror Henry? But that doesn't explain why Pablo A) Left unconscious Henry in the room (if he did, indeed, do that, and there's not weird parallel dimension crap going on) and B) Why Pablo wasn't surprised to see Henry suddenly be in the saferoom.

I *really* think we should ask him some detailed questions about that, when next we see him. It could really help clue us into WTH we're dealing with.
No. 29242 ID: 85144d

*Saferoom. Not Sale room. Safe room, sorry.
No. 29252 ID: 0fa59d

You could quite possibly be correct. From what we've seen there quite a few interesting pointers to that assumption. I mean, during the scene in the bar with Nan and the Padre, she opens the exit and sees herself. And then before that when she opened the front door (i forget which time) she sees herself being attacked by the Padre.

Either that, or when she opened the front door, she was looking ahead in time. It could be all one consistent time line with a few missing parts. Looks like we'll have to wait and see.
No. 29354 ID: b62a9b

Oh God, what ?
No. 29380 ID: 897302

Just noticed something -

> smooth, green stone

Anyone remember what the fetus-statue from RQ was made of, hmm?
No. 29655 ID: d3f55c



or perhaps

fetus necklace.
No. 30155 ID: d3f55c

This is really stretching it, but perhaps there are a few 1984 references as well? I mean, the rat theme... and Santiago's theory on freedom sounds a bit familiar.

I haven't really given this much thought. Perhaps I should do some research.
No. 30156 ID: 2563d4

Uh, yeah, perhaps you should.

1984 is in Project Gutenburg, if technically probably not in the country you're in. More people should read it, if only so they know to what "Orwellian" is supposed to refer. And "newspeak", for that matter.
No. 30618 ID: f8fbbd

> The Padre has been observed to act both neutrally (Pablo and Nan finding an unconscious Henry) and actively hostile (Nan vs. Padre in the kitchen).

IIRC, The Padre was "neutral" with Underwear Nan and "violent" with Overalls Nan, which if so brings me to this next point;

I skimmed through the parts again and if I use the "The nans are of two different dimensions" theory I arrive at the theory that "Everyone is related differently to either nans."

As overalls nan, Pablo is someone we meet in room 117 or whatever and Henry is someone we meet in 114. Two complete strangers. Everyone else are also "just met", With the exception of the Pilgrim because he may be Lorenzo, who in the flashback, has talked to Nan.

Considering what he (Lorenzo) told Nan during our encounter with him in the hallway (where we find Anna's corpse) more happened than what we were able to see, This means Nan may have also had an encounter with the past Padre, We don't know what happened but it must have something to do with the Padre's different reactions to the different Nans.

Underwear Nan is different, She's closely connected to Henry and Pablo (though with Pablo there's obviously something that went horribly wrong there.) and she hasn't encountered Kim, Anna, Alan and Anderson. (I included Alan and Anna because they may actually still be alive in Undernan world because everything is different there so it's not really much of a stretch) And like pointed out before, The Padre didn't attack Undernan.

BTW: I'm gonna try making an updatable status sheet with summaries for lulz later and I was hoping you guys could take a look.

This is my very first post here so if any thing here is wrong, already pointed out or just tickin you off then I'm sorry. =C
No. 34032 ID: 38d9a0
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Oh... Oh my gosh!
Your reaction image has made it clear... 4:13, 314... It's the trolls, man. The trolls. Why didn't we see it before?
*Is shot hard*
No. 34143 ID: 6d4402

Oh hey look at that timestamp five months ago.
No. 34806 ID: 26d95d

Is it just me or did part 4 of NanQuest not archive properly?
No. 34832 ID: 874bd8

This quest is still ongoing right? I'd really hate for it to just stop after how awesome it's been so far. :c
No. 34893 ID: cf244d

It's as ongoing as any of Weaver's other ongoing projects. Which means it could be months until he touches it again, but he will almost certainly do so eventually.
No. 34920 ID: 2b9066

yeah i am not seeing the pictures and am pretty sad about it
No. 35156 ID: 3bff9c
File 130267102099.png - (14.44KB , 481x515 , 1284255638999.png )

Just when I think to go back and reread this. Awesome.
No. 35157 ID: 70d9eb

www1 fucks up redirecting you to archives, you need to add "arch" after "quest" if you can't see images in a thread.
No. 35158 ID: 3bff9c

Duly noted. Thanks for that.
No. 35184 ID: ca92f8

You are a miracle worker, I love you!
No. 35995 ID: 644ca1
File 130433749797.png - (1.68KB , 112x164 , toilet.png )

Is it just me who sees the flushing handle as an angry eye?
No. 35997 ID: 202e3b


Not just you. I think Angry Toilet from Nan Quest gets together with Disapproving Water Cooler from Ruby Quest on the weekends to complain about work.
No. 36000 ID: bccf7b

Actually... they plot against us. Ever wondered how Ace always knew where to find us? Or how the Pilgrim was just waiting there?

Yup. They have it in for us.
No. 36015 ID: c9f43c

So, what do we have for 4:66? Bible verse, floor/room number. It could mean "04/1966". Given that Pablo was born in 1966 and we found that clock way before we met anyone, Nan might be connected to Pablo somehow.
No. 36018 ID: a94d88

Pablo entered hotel 1966, he didn't birth himself and age 18+ yrs in an instant ಠ_ಠ

However that 4:66 in relation to pablo is worth looking into...

holy crap... every1 besides Nan entered the hotel in a year with 6 in it... besides Anderson who entered 1912
No. 36023 ID: 8c7c47

Well... I've got a few ideas.
1. Weaver said a while ago that one of the basic theories was wrong, I imagine that's the bible verse thing relating to 4:66. Considering how large a point it's made, appearing in the wall, the clock, it's unlikely to be a bible verse unless we happen to come across a bible later. Thats just slightly too obscure for a part of the plot that has been made a big deal of.

2. I don't think anyones mentioned this and I'm not sure why... Do you remember when the padre disappeared? Well Pablo said to it 'I'm not afraid to die' just before it buggered off. Could this possibly mean that Santiago telling us that you'll be fine as long as you aren't afraid could be true? That perhaps, as with the pilgrim there's the theory that you have to Want to die, with the padre you have to be afraid of it? Just a thought.

3. Somebody mentioned that the padre and pilgrim might fit in between the missing dates but I imagine they're much older than that. However I love the theory that they are people that have been in the hotel too long.

4. Lastly. While I really like the parallel universe/s theory it just all seems a bit too complicated. In order for it to work there's a lot of explaining needed and it is very very convoluted with the changes that occur.
Occam's razor, while the simplest explanation is most likely not correct in this case, I think that the answer is a lot simpler than we think. Weaver is a great writer and I think they appreciate that if the back story is too complicated it becomes difficult to explain without large blocks of text.
However, I could be wrong with this, like I said weaver's a good writer so he/she could figure out a good way to get it across.

On a separate note. I like Nan Quest and RQ equally, however Nan quest has scared me much more than RQ did at this point. It matches up with the terrifying parts towards the end and even surpasses them.
No. 36024 ID: a94d88

Somewhat Urgent question... why did we decide to axe the alarm clock?

I kinda have a feeling since Nan found the clock in the elevator, it has some tie to Anna, and by Axing the clock we doomed Anna to her fate.
No. 36025 ID: eba49f

Some things I noticed (I don't know if anyone else said these already):

When entering the hotel, everyone completed their reason for entering before noticing that they were trapped. Nan fixed a circuit, Henry stayed in a room there, Anderson took a look inside, Anna started work as an elevator operator.

Also, it may just be small (and completely understandable, considering the difficulty of setting it up) mistakes by the writer, but there are noticeable differences between the first and second times we saw the seen with the door and the Padre.

Time 1. Open door - slam door - crash at door - SECOND crash at door with spike poking through - we run - splintering wood and door is open (we see the smoke come out)

Time 2. Open door > slam door > spike goes through door (NO first impact) > Open the door (Not break through with splintering wood sound)

Not to mention the first time there was a shadow thing in the elevator and the second time there was Anna.
No. 36026 ID: 5cf8d6


I like your thoughts in #2. Maybe the crazy-ass Santiago actually does have a bit of a point; don't fear death and it won't come for you here? I feel like we've got too small a sample size to be sure, but it's worth holding on to, and as a last resort, trying to accept death when cornered may get us out of an inescapable situation. Not something I'd particularly like us to go out of our ways to test, though.
No. 36039 ID: ff02a9

>Pablo entered hotel 1966, he didn't birth himself and age 18+ yrs in an instant ಠ_ಠ
Oops, my bad.

Well, the undies-Nan/overalls-Nan theory brings at least some consistency to what's going on. Nan did meet herself after all, it's either time travel or parallel realities.
No. 36042 ID: 874bd8

Just a quick theory here, has anyone stopped to think that instead of all this 'time travel' stuff the hotel is just trying to mindscrew us?

After all we are dealing with apossibly sentient building that likes to turn out lights when we piss it off (If Santiago is to be believed) and happens to be filled with shadowy monsters a few of whom happen to be stronger and smarter than the normal ones.
No. 36053 ID: bccf7b


Convergent Timestreams?

Perhaps there is only "one" technical reality (ours), but we have actually split into "two", which briefly came together in that freaky moment.

Or, without some quantum physics, it's just another "Weaver's Paradox".
No. 36054 ID: a94d88

Im more inclined to think time travel. Earlier in this thread som1 lays out how ppl in this hotel are getting what they desire i.e. Henry meeting a nice piece of ass, Anna getting punished, Anderson wanting som1 to protect.

So it could be that after shattering mirror Henry and warping to Nan's bedroom with Henry, we are seeing Henry's desire manifested using the haunted power of the hotel.
No. 36119 ID: 8c7c47

Ooh. Just a thought on the dates, could they line up with any important events? natural disasters? I imagine that it probably doesn't but just was thinking. (Bad Things do happen a lot though so if they do it could be a coincedence)
No. 36121 ID: 8c7c47

scratch that, nothing of signifigance seems to have happened on those dates, oh well
No. 36222 ID: a94d88
File 130464752565.gif - (10.74KB , 701x683 , 125507098870.gif )

reposting pic 29

hotel has only 3 floors
No. 36227 ID: bccf7b

Balls. There goes that idea. Though here's a second question: why aren't there any OTHER timepieces here?
No. 36240 ID: 85c761

Or so it looks from the outside.
No. 36270 ID: 749b9c

dun dun DUNNNN
No. 36285 ID: 874bd8

Quick theory here regarding the pendant, I think maybe it acts as a kind of Padre repellant. When we had it he left us alone, even though he and Pablo were about to tear eachother apart seconds earlier. And then later on when Henry took it, he attacked us like he would any normal guest.

As always, sorry if I'm stating the obvious, re-stating an old theory or I got my facts mixed up. xux
No. 36377 ID: b09cda

Does that look like a cave painting to anyone else?
No. 36381 ID: f7ae22

I think that aged burn mark has something to do with the Spanish Mission that burnt to the ground where the hotel now is. Could be of importance and related to the Padre.
No. 36386 ID: 135fce

So..... any new theories in light of these developments? Why was Anna working on the hotel's elevator when she said she only just got here, and who's this mysterious Mr.Bowerman? Also, what the hell just happened?
No. 36391 ID: 8c73c8

maybe the elevator is now an actual safe zone, since we managed to avert a disaster. that being the thing she only partially tightened came undone. now that it is fully tight it wont happen.
No. 36399 ID: e3f578

I thought that we just went into Anna's past and apparently helped her on one of her jobs, probably the one before this one where she got fired.

I didn't know being the elevator button pressing person also meant you're responsible for repairing the elevator. I thought you just pressed buttons for lazy jackasses who don't wanna press the elevator buttons.
No. 36401 ID: aca15f

This is most likely, the elevator had different proportions. It was one of Anna's past jobs.

I wonder what would've happened if we didn't do anything. Probably not Anna being brought back alive in the present.

I'm not even sure we want her back alive. She might become another monster like Lorenzo/Pilgrim.
No. 36402 ID: e3f578

Oh man, I just got something.
Anna dropped her screwdriver down into the darkness, went to retrieve it, somebody got in the elevator before she could repair it, it fell down and got the occupants killed.

That's probably the sin she feels guilty about, like weirdass survivor's guilt. Or maybe it's something a bit more legitimate than a simple mistake with bad consequences like that. egh, I dunno.
No. 36404 ID: 6930ef

I was thinking that's what would have happened had we failed to assist her memory.

Seems very likely. Nice speculating.
No. 36405 ID: d0eaad

>Anna dropped her screwdriver down into the darkness, went to retrieve it, somebody got in the elevator before she could repair it, it fell down and got the occupants killed.
She said something like "should be fine anyway", didn't she? Maybe she dropped the screwdriver and didn't want to go through the effort of going all the way down, getting the screwdriver, climbing back up, and tweaking it a little more when she figured it was good enough. Maybe that little extra was the difference between safe operation and a crash?
No. 36406 ID: 3416ec
File 130497982558.gif - (9.89KB , 701x683 , nan_wait_a_second.gif )

So apparently, there was a stairwell where the picture hangs now.
No. 36449 ID: 1854db

I wonder how many people used that screwdriver to repair things? Are we going to send ghost replicas of Nan's screwdriver to every other occupant of the hotel?
No. 36520 ID: 202e3b

Duhhh. Rereading the threads, I think that we missed something obvious. Look at the room where Nan met Santiago in Thread 4: I'm pretty sure *that's* the Anasazi Lounge. I mean, piano + tables = lounge, right?
No. 36522 ID: 1b2d08

I was assuming that the Anasazi Lounge was the burning room from the end of Thread 3, but that could be it too.
No. 36534 ID: 874bd8

Actually that was the Sunset Room. :V
No. 36566 ID: 3f475a

What makes Nan so special, huh?

Why are we controlling her, as uppose to any of the other characters? We don't know enough about all the shit going on in this hotel, sure, but why are we in control of the repairchick? She even said it herself at the beginning. There's nothing special about her. Why is she the hero then?

Because she's a repairwoman. That's her reason for being her.

She's going to fix things.
No. 36576 ID: 7093e5

If you mean the last flashback sequence, this would be a nice bit of symbolism.
No. 36670 ID: efe1d2

I haven't read through this whole discussion so forgive me if someone's already pointed this out.
Here's my 2 cents about the 4:66 thing:
There seems to be good reason to think that 4:66 is either important or at least an intentional red herring. If it was meant to be an unimportant detail it would have been a normal time. 66 minutes stands out. So the natural question is "what does it mean?"
The bible verse theory is tempting since there's been a decent amount of religious imagery and talk (the padre, the mission, the cross, and even Santiago's talk about there not being an God or morals). The problem is that 66 is also too high for a Bible reference. 4:66 would mean the 66th verse of the 4th chapter of some book. Chapters generally only have about 20-40 verses, and as it turns out there is NO 4th chapter with a 66th verse anywhere in the Bible. Not even one.
There is ONE 66th chapter with a 4th verse (Isaiah 66:4 it's already been linked in this thread) but I find that unsatisfying. Reference numbers are, to my knowledge at least, always written chapter first and then verse. Referencing it backwards would be awkward at best. It would be a poor allusion. The verse is also pretty generic and uninteresting. It does fit with Anna's fears of being punished but it provides nothing new to think about or consider.

Whatever 4:66 is it probably has nothing to do with the Bible.
No. 36782 ID: 58727b


Maybe she used to be an elevator repairman, but after her mistake/moment of laziness led to an accident (assuming that theory is correct) no one would hire her for that anymore, and that's when she got the elevator operator job? Which would raise the question of why she decided to stick around elevators (you'd think they'd bring back unpleasant memories) but maybe it's part of her atonement thing.

... or Weaver's just taking some artistic license with the duties of an elevator operator and I'm way overthinking it. Which is more probable, really.
No. 37203 ID: 76cef2

I haven't read the recent discussions from the update, but I thought i'd throw in my two or three odd cents.

Nan was sent to the Hotel to repair the wiring, yes? And Anna was sent there for a job. What if all the people there are supposed to Fix something within the Hotel? Nan fixing the wiring could give the Hotel more stability in ridding itself of the monsters that plague it (presuming the Hotel is a neutral or good-aligned Thing), and Anna fixing the elevator could help something else along.

Just throwing that out there.
No. 37352 ID: b17655

SECTION 466-469

466. Every person having upon him or her in his or her possession a
picklock, crow, keybit, crowbar, screwdriver, vise grip pliers,
water-pump pliers, slidehammer, slim jim, tension bar, lock pick gun,
tubular lock pick, bump key, floor-safe door puller, master key,
ceramic or porcelain spark plug chips or pieces, or other instrument
or tool with intent feloniously to break or enter into any building,
railroad car, aircraft, or vessel, trailer coach, or vehicle as
defined in the Vehicle Code, or who shall knowingly make or alter, or
shall attempt to make or alter, any key or other instrument named
above so that the same will fit or open the lock of a building,
railroad car, aircraft, vessel, trailer coach, or vehicle as defined
in the Vehicle Code, without being requested to do so by some person
having the right to open the same, or who shall make, alter, or
repair any instrument or thing, knowing or having reason to believe
that it is intended to be used in committing a misdemeanor or felony,
is guilty of a misdemeanor. Any of the structures mentioned in Section
459 shall be deemed to be a building within the meaning of this section.
No. 37353 ID: b17655

No. 38164 ID: a4f716

I think that it could be entirely possible (though I would have to sift through masses of nightmare-inducing material to check for consistency) that upon completion of the duty at hand, there came into existence two hotel realities. This would explain Nan going through the front door of one and appearing at the other. The mirror-selves (creepy-ass Henry) could possibly be "windows" into the other hotel reality.

Or maybe this is all one HUGE misunderstanding and Nan accidentally got mixed up and ended up going into the second compartment of a compound hotel, where some wise-acre teenagers are causing a ruckus and turning off the lights to scare people. (A traveling troupe of troublemakers, perhaps?) The weirdness is a combination of narcolepcy (thus Nan falling asleep randomly - allowing her jobs to accumulate), sleepwalking (her appearance in other places), and pizza laced with LSD. And now her friends are pulling tricks on her by dressing up in costumes and dying and such.

Weaver's Moral of the Story: Don't do drugs.
No. 38168 ID: eba49f

>People sent to fix something
Henry just stayed there, and Anderson just stepped inside.

The door leads to different places at different times, so it is not directly mirroring. (Remember the room that was on fire.)
And I can't think of a 'just a dream' ending for anything that is not extremely lame.

We should check if there were any buildings in town that Nan worked on that burned down in an electrical fire. The things like the faulty lighting and the burned corpse grabbing the fire extinguisher kind of suggest that Nan may have had an equivalent of Anna's mistake with the elevator.
No. 38195 ID: 2fd111

Dude... the moment I read the words 'faulty lighting' my lights flickered. Scared the crap outta me.
No. 38275 ID: a4f716

Guys I think we replaced the wrong outlet.
No. 38277 ID: a4f716
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Guys, this is a Padre. Three theories surround this:

1) Each of these pieces of clothing is cursed. The hat: Turns wearer into Padre.
The coat: Turns wearer into Pilgrim
The cross: Turns wearer into Beast (?) (completes the set I guess :D)
Anyway, I think that this could explain the resemblence between this creepy inanimate object and our nightmare-fuel friend.

2) By removing the cross pendant, you have turned this coatrack (back) into a Padre. I think that there was a curse placed on the original Padre that turned him into a coatrack and that it involves the cross pendant. When Nan took the pendant off the coatrack then the coatrack was turned back into a Padre. And by donning the cross pendant... NAN IS SLOWLY BECOMING A COATRACK. loljk

3) This is all a sham and The Padre is really just a coatrack. Silly Nan! The reason that it only appears in the dark is so that it looks like a creepy thang. That's why it didn't burn up!
No. 38283 ID: bccf7b


Or, it is that we have taken something from this place, which has solidified our presence there.

Too bad it doesn't seem like discarding these items will change anything.
No. 38288 ID: a4f716


!!! Yup. The hotel started shaking and everything got effed up when Nan took the screwdriver. Oh dang.

And Henry took a nap... He should put it back.
No. 38303 ID: eba49f

So Anderson 'took' a look? A bit of a stretch. (Unless the Hotel has a sense of humor.)
No. 38355 ID: bccf7b

Henry took an offered bed, a place to sleep. By proxy he took what the hotel had: a room.

I have no idea on the others. Perhaps there is something different, like the cigar-thing.

We should also keep in mind that their arrival was relative to their own times until they became a part of the hotel. It's possible that they "took" something relative to themselves.

Nan: A screwdriver, as she is a repair woman
Henry: A nap in a hotel, as he is a business man and travels.
Anderson: A cigar (or "evidence", perhaps?)
Anna: Her position as the elevator attendant (a little abstract, but probable)

The only one I don't see is Kim.
No. 38402 ID: a4f716

I think it's notable that Anna dropped her screwdriver in the elevator shaft and that Nan (in turn, perhaps) found a screwdriver in one of the cubbyholes. Maybe somehow the cross necklace ended up in the cubbyhole, too.

The cubbyhole, then, seems to be kind of like a lost and found of sorts. Plausibly. Maybe the elevator is too? There's so much to know about that devil alarm clock.

There are several things Kim could've taken that we just don't know about yet. Or it's possible that she had "taken" a nap as well, though I think that's a stretch. Upon meeting up with other characters, we should ask if they've borrowed anything from the hotel.

And to think, this very well may be a scary-ass PSA about taking hotel shampoos and towels.
No. 38486 ID: 41616d
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I'll be honest, I skimmed the thread in large parts, so it's possible that I'm saying things that are ridiculous. But, throwing some ideas out there.

- Pablo is the Pilgrim. This is based mostly on A) the Pilgrim knowing Nan's name, B) Pablo always being separate from everyone else, C) the "apology" that was written on the wall of the safe room after the Pilgrim killed Anna, D) that he has a Hispanic name ('cause I'm racist). Also, I remember something about the guy who wanted to meet the Padre in the Spanish mission hallucination looking like Pablo. D might also implicate Santiago. But, yeah, that's my theory. Pablo can't control his Pilgrim form; perhaps he's being transformed by "what he really wants" (re: Santiago's theories)?

- I think I might have a fix for at least part of the calendar problem. Consider: the hotel was still under construction when Anderson entered. Could it perhaps be the case that the hotel only *opened* in 1916? This would solve the numbers problem. It doesn't explain the lack of a 1926, 1956, or why Nan is in 2009 (I think she's the odd one out because she's the protagonist, but that's too easy), but it might clear up Anderson at least.

- Kim's mom is totally Ruby. Not that it matters, but look at that picture. Totally a cameo :D.
No. 38487 ID: 1963d1

>Kim's mom is totally Ruby

The parent is wearing pants, so that's probably Kim's dad. Sorry.
No. 38490 ID: e3f578

what if she put on her marine fatigues that day?

We already have a name for The Pilgrim, he likely is Lorenzo from the flashback.
No. 38526 ID: e1c562

Kim can't be Ruby's daughter because Kim is clearly not half cat
No. 38562 ID: 543aa6

She has awfully strange ears for a bunny.
No. 38609 ID: bccf7b

But what about tiny vestigial hands?

She's gotta have them.

No. 38611 ID: 1963d1

Maybe instead of three eyes, she has

four eyes!
No. 38885 ID: a4f716

You know, Ruby WAS blind from birth. Maybe Kim was born with a slight astigmatism! It all makes sense now!

So the same supernatural forces could be at play here, with the green cross necklace and whatnot. Or maybe the green hint was just a Mythology gag.

If not, could the Anasazi lounge be the excavation room this time around? And where did Kim get that key? So many questions that need answered.
No. 39823 ID: a4f716

hey weaver i heard from a friend about your fight with TB. just wanted to let you know that i and all of the other people here from serebii are cheering for you! youre in our prayers.
No. 39825 ID: 543aa6

Rumors of my death, and sickness unto death, have been greatly exaggerated.
No. 39845 ID: ab6eee

Does that mean you'll continue the quest soon?
No. 39875 ID: a7104b
Audio 06_Perfect_Fit.mp3 - (4.72MB , 06 Perfect Fit.mp3 )

For some questionable reason this song brings NanQuest to mind. It's probably the somewhat eerie piano at the start.
No. 40079 ID: a4f716


I know why! Because it's the Perfect Fit for this quest!
No. 40719 ID: 0d1959
File 131172533080.png - (315.39KB , 810x872 , 1311661865183.png )

Oh my god, after merely reading about past quests, I finally get to participate in one...

My two cents:
1. Researching 4:66 is pointless. Remembering it seems incredibly useful. I'm getting this "Fallout 3" vibe from the numbers, like they'll answer some puzzle in the future. We're to take note of it - 66 is an unusual number for minutes on a clock after all. But reading the Qu'ran and California prison codes is silly. Remember how not-useful the random latin words in Ruby's Quest was?
2. We gave Santiago an inch of trust and we were rewarded with information. We gave our screwdriver to Anna, and it ended the scene. Other characters have greatfully handed over their weapons and light to us. As in Ruby's Quest, being nice seems to pay off. Then again, us being mean to Filbert saved us from learning about Tom, which arguably gave us a good ending.

All in all, Weaver, you are amazing at what you do. I do like how this has a more "supernatural horror" feel to it as opposed to RQ's sci fi feel. And on it's own merits apart from it's predecessor, it's amazing. The talk with Santiago has got to be the most awesome, suspenseful, and terrifying thing in any of the quests so far.
No. 40743 ID: 9c538a


I'd go an additional step and say that researching the significance of 4:66 pretty much ruined any chance Weaver had to make it relevant to the story. Now it would just be pointless to have a dramatic reveal.
No. 40839 ID: 2fd111

If anything ,our most worthwhile endeavor right now should be scrutinizing our discussions vs the the threads so far to list and separate the facts from our assumptions and conclusions.

We need to find what Weaver is referring to here >>333674

>As one final point, one thing I wanted to bring up just because I am a troll and love seeing you guys squirm:
You are completely off-base with one of your most basic assessments about NanQuest.
But I won't say what~

Also ,an actual list (even if it is arbitrarily long) would be invaluable to the endeavor.
No. 40841 ID: 1854db

It's probably that "light is safety".
No. 40855 ID: ac5fa3


Someone is an inside man?
The monsters aren't monsters?
The hotel is a monster?
The dream world doesn't actually exist/isn't an alternate reality/time/space/etc?
4:66 isn't important?
We're not in the present?
We're not on earth?
The hotel is normal?
>>"Light is safety?"
There are more floors than visible?
The mirrors are a gateway to an alternate realm/hell?
If alternate Nan and real Nan meet, it wouldn't devastate time and space?

WE CAN'T MEET with alternate Nan?
(Hell I'm starting to like this idea, I mean Weaver keeps telling us that NAN is the only one under control as a means to make us assume we're "Limited" because there's only one Nan but there actually ISN'T one Nan?)

Trying to get out is the way?

All I can think of.
No. 41147 ID: a4f716

"Anna" is "Nan" inside-out
The exceptions being Pablo and Henry. ANd Lorenzo.

*grasps at straws*
No. 41150 ID: dc4a44

I need more NanQuest in my life.
No. 41164 ID: 685167

Damnit, why do I keep discovering Weaver stories halfway through? I crave more. D:
No. 41169 ID: 685167


Hey, I'm late to the party. I'd just like to say that I'm enjoying this immensely, in its own right.
No. 41241 ID: 65cde8

So after reading through (most) of this I felt like throwing out my own internet search net on 4:66 making some RL reference just to see if something (aside from the Quran passage, which seems pretty good) gets caught that might have slipped through.

I found this> http://www.biblestudytools.com/lamentations/passage.aspx?q=lamentations+3:4-66

The first part practically SCREAMS Santiago to me. TL;DR basically its about that even if it feels like God has abandoned you and/or is actively trying to harm you that you should not give up faith for in the end it is your perseverance through trying times that matters most. Santiago took the other rout, instead of withstanding the punishment (and imprisonment) of remaining faithful, he instead gave in and became like the ones causing the pain and in turn gained a kind of "freedom".

There was also this> http://www.sermoncentral.com/bible.asp?Sort=book&HideReference=False&sitesearch=chan-keyword--malachi+4%3A6&sscat=bible&

HUGE stretch, but interesting at least.

How ever, if one gets off the inherent fixation our culture has on the Bible when it comes to religious texts, one finds this> http://vedabase.net/sb/9/4/66/en1

"...the pure devotees, who are equal to everyone and completely attached to Me in the core of the heart, bring Me under their full control."

Do I even have to say it?
No. 41268 ID: 0472f1

Got shown NQ yesturday, and it's brilliant (huge RQ fan)
Thanks Weaver!
No. 41299 ID: 19ce0e

My thoughts are that the flashback things we keep having with the other people (Anna and Pablo) are examples of their sins. Pablo probably killeed his girlfriend, or did something bad that was related to his girlfriend. Anna killed people in an elevator on accident. Anderson probably killed innocent people (although he says "there's no such thing as an innocent man"), Henry might have raped someone or been a notorious cheater, Fuck Kim, i don't even know, maybe she's a druggie. And Nan is the Messiah sent to relieve everyone.
This includes the Padre, Beast and Pilgrim. Maybe Pilgrim/Lorenzo was running from something bad where he came from, when to the Padre for absolution. Padre probably wasn't that Christian, and hell if I know what's up with the beast.
Then again, since we gave Anna the screwdriver, maybe we're accidentally going back and making sure these things happen..? Anti-Jesus.
I don't know.
No. 41300 ID: 19ce0e

and the I'M SORRY that was scrawled across the painting could be related to how Pablo was talking to Nan in the flashback-thing.
It would also explain why Anna was drawn to the elevator- she heard voices. Maybe the voices of the people she killed.
No. 41301 ID: 19ce0e

goddamn, I keep posting, I'm sorry. XP
Maybe when this updates we should attempt to find Santiago. He seems to like us just fine, and he said he'd do something for us. He could lead us to the Anasazi lounge and we could look for some clues there. Or a severed hand, or whatever it is we usually find in Weaver's quests.
Okay, I'm done, I swear.
No. 41303 ID: eba49f

>goddamn, I keep posting, I'm sorry. XP
I hear the thing to do when you are posting on a thread without wanting to bump it is to put "sage" in the email box.
No. 41318 ID: 670879

co-noob tip: Delete and re-post.
No. 41347 ID: 2fd111

Ah, good to see the discussing in back. I knew making a reference to a childhood hero would get someone's attention!(>>350639) I'll just like to add that after many a night spent pondering my own question (technically Weaver's but you what I mean) I've come to the conclusion that it (see >>350639) is almost guaranteed to be a question we wont be able to support with anything other than guesses (like how Tom was #5, Till the concrete proof it would have just been a guess). But I have made a small list of questions we may be able to answer and get to keep the ball rolling on this thread. Now I'm just copy/pasting it from my notes because I don't feel like re-writing it for the sake of context.

How much time passed between frame >>61484 and >>61516 for Pablo to dry off, get dressed, and leave the room, all without Nan noticing.(Aren't hotel doors known for being notoriously loud? Also maybe this was the when the first "time skip")
What happened to all the keys in frame >>61321, they're are all gone in frame >>61543.
How did the vase get unbroken?
What happened to the sign in lobby, it has a hole in it in >>61551?
What >>61553 said.
What was behind the screw driver?(see >>61557 and >>61563 )
Are the lobbies in >>61543 and >>61583 (and possibly >>61321 ) even the same room?(the little door thing is gone in >>61563 )

Oh, right. The link things don't work out of thread would they... right, well all them were from part one so just use the numbers to see what I'm referencing.

Also, thanks for the tip non electrical mouse!
No. 41400 ID: 19ce0e

I know it was said that we should stop looking up things that relate to 466, but I was just thinking about why 4:66 would be on a clock.
4:66, when converted into actual time, is 5:06. Psalm 5, verse 6:You will destroy those who tell lies. The LORD detests murderers and deceivers.
Maybe it's something to do with why everyone's there. It kind of seems like Pablo killed someone. And Anderson definitely has. Just saying. It's plausible that Henry killed a woman, Kim hit someone with her car, Anna messed up an elevator, and Nan hasn't been responding to electrical problems- maybe it started a fire. Just something to consider
No. 41489 ID: 2fd111

Well, this seems to be the most founded of the 4:66 possibilities I've read so far, but it's probably not the best of idea's like you said.
No. 41591 ID: a4f716

Other basic assumptions that we have:

Lorenzo is the Pilgirm
Kim was seen in Part 1
4:66 is meta
All of the (known) guests are murderers
The hotel is meant to punish those inside*
Time-travel is happening**

*I think Anna's inquiry about this is solely meant to fulfill the quest's relevance to "Hotel California"

**I'm thinking that this hotel could possibly have to do with more experimentation. Maybe the people in the hotel are (successfully) being preserved for a long time, and all of the flashbacks that are happening are blackouts as a side effect of the medication.

The dark might make us see different people in really scary ways, and the Padre and the Pilgrim are just medical staff? This would explain the chains over room... what was it, 214? Perhaps his/her treatment didn't go so well.

The other darkness-husks may just be several failed attempts of the medication. Perhaps a side-effect is that the patient becomes extremely sensitive to light?

Sorry to make this so Ruby-esque. I appreciate both quests separately, but the medical hotel theory seems to fit this deal.
No. 41677 ID: 685167


You could wrap the storyline to any theory, if you really wanted.
No. 41690 ID: a4f716


Yeah, that's true. I guess we should just focus on the little things. See >351391 part a.
No. 41696 ID: a4f716


>(Nan) knows she is part of a vital link in a chain of many individuals, and in order to keep things running smoothly, and to prevent catastrophy, she and all the others must remain vigilant.

Hmmm... something tells me that this may have to do with more than electrician work, yes?
No. 41701 ID: a4f716
File 131370530036.png - (154.62KB , 782x525 , nanqch1.png )

Here's a map of what went down in Chapter 1. I'm not making the separate maps in the assumption that there are several continuities (though that has been heavily suggested), I'm just including them to make reading a little bit easier.

Note that the Weirdness didn't happen until Nan lied down for a rest. I might suggest rereading this part for details. There's some weird stuff in there. (i.e. Henry leaves a puddle but isn't in the bathroom. mirror travel?)
No. 41733 ID: a4f716
File 131376278697.png - (110.43KB , 800x563 , nanqch2.png )

Here's another map - this time for Chapter 2! Nothing new stands out to me except that the alarm clock is in UnderNan's room now.
No. 41767 ID: 2fd111

Good work so far Leo!
No. 41771 ID: a4f716
File 131389589792.png - (130.23KB , 969x509 , nanqch3.png )

I'll just keep grinding these out. Hopefully they're a helpful resource! Let me know if I need to change anything.

The only aspect of this map that I think presently affects us is the cubbyhole business. We need to find out why the magnifying glass is significant to 114 when we get the chance, and we need to check out 212 and see what a ballpoint pen might have to do with that. So much backlog! :o
No. 41775 ID: 33f1a4

This may just be me under-thinking, but if it's P.M. (which for all we know it could be), couldn't 4:66 be read as 16:66? Or is that too straightforward?
No. 41792 ID: 0a5d1a

I hope that Weaver will point out stupid stuff we've done, or at least stuff that could have gone differently had we done other choices. After NanQuest is over, of course.
No. 41796 ID: b6edd6

I kind of get the feeling that smashing the clock was a bad idea. You know, considering how Nan's job is to repair electronics, and the clock was a broken electronic device.
No. 41803 ID: a4f716


Yeah, this is probably like the opposite of the family picture from RQ. Though I don't think smashing it will earn us a BAD END, I think that we should keep it in our minds to fix any electronic things that come our way.

Oh, and hum more showtunes.

So I just noticed something (I'm probably late for this one). The outlet we fixed (in room 117) is the one that the rat comes in from to give us sustenance. If there's any time-warping going on, then we can use this as a valuable resource.

>>351575 If it were so... What would the point be for having that number sequence? That's a good theory, and we need to keep stretching our minds to encapacate these theories though.

Just to be safe, though, let's check room 1666.
No. 41810 ID: dc109a


I was just assuming it was meant to be "oh mah gawd 666" symbolism because I'm dumb like that, but considering the current geometry we might actually see that somewhere.
No. 41830 ID: a4f716

Henry's story doesn't add up. He says he ran down the stairs to escape the Pilgrim, but... What stairs?
No. 41851 ID: a4f716
File 131404731998.png - (82.59KB , 859x594 , nanqch4.png )

This map was a pain for whatever reason. I decided not to map out the TERRA COTTA COURTYARD because we didn't really have full sight of it. The silhouette we see in that sequence does seem to match that of OUR Padre.

The only odd thing I find here is the shadow that's in the elevator that we see right before being abducted by Santiago. I'm guessing it's the Pilgrim; the voice that Anna is led to.

I'm not mapping out Ch5 until it's done. Makes sense, don't it?

Oh. Right. Take a look at this:


On the other side of the courtyard is another silhouette in the window opposite that of the Sunset Lounge. That just screams mirroring to me. These guys gotta be significant.
No. 41910 ID: a4f716

You know what? I'm thinking that the paintings are much, MUCH more significant than we're giving them credit for. For example, when we tried to examine a painting, the lights went out. Then there's the painting that's where the stairs used to be (bringing the possibility that they're spreading), and THEN you've got all of the torn-up paintings. There's the mirrors, the paintings and the canvases... WEIRDNESS.
No. 41946 ID: 2fd111
File 131439162965.gif - (8.34KB , 701x683 , 128589658854.gif )

Interesting observation. Maybe they're there for the old 'hidden mechanism/safe behind the painting trick'. It could be that we're being watched and someone cut the lights so we couldn't examine it?
Perhaps it was this the [guy?] in the window across from the Sunset lounge? It's not likely a that it's the Padre given lights but that's still unproven that it means anything. Lest there are two of them or they teleported it can't be the Pilgrim, the Beast(assuming that is the beast in court yard),or Santiago. It's not likely Kim or Anderson either, unless the hotel is rectangular (as suggested be the presence of a courtyard.) and assuming you can't get from one side of the building to the other while staying on the third floor. So that leaves Pablo and Henry as our suspects to who that is.

Also, I was editing using ms paint and even though I chose red (or any other color) it showed up grey. Anyone know why that is?
No. 41954 ID: a4f716
File 131441746731.png - (35.77KB , 495x594 , hotelmap.png )


It's possible that the image format is messing with your colors. I've had that happen before (namely with one-frame gifs). Try saving the file as a bitamp, editing it, then resaving it (<3 .png) and reuploading it. A pain, but so is using a red-gray.

As for the shape of the hotel: It seems impossible that the courtyard is in the center of the hotel. It seems to be on the outside. Just look at them pictures Weaver gave us! In my opinion, this further supports the "dual existence"/"mirror hotel" theory. Something is mystical or something about the windows, paintings and especially mirrors. I think the silhoutte we see is an inhabitant of the mirror hotel. (I soooo want to look back at this post once we figure this thing out. I'm prolly SO wrong)

I wanna try the stairs sometime... It might help us get more info. Just don't trip! On top of that, we can see what this business is with the disappearing stairs of floor 1.

Here. Have my conceptual map of floor three.
No. 41970 ID: 9c538a
File 131447289572.gif - (7.38KB , 701x683 , who.gif )


All I know is in the GIMP, you go to the menu where it says Image -> Mode -> RGB. GIMP also is good at converting it back to indexed, doing dithering and such. You could also go to Windows -> Dockable Dialogs -> Colormap and just edit that particular grey color to be bright red like I did here. That might mess up other parts of the image though, since they all use that one color. Don't try to save an indexed png though. GIMP fails horribly at that. You can only have indexed GIFs.
No. 41974 ID: 9c538a
File 131447700514.png - (6.11KB , 701x683 , who.png )


This is a full color PNG though, which is still smaller than the GIF. Thus, an indexed palette isn't really all that great.
No. 42270 ID: a4f716

Here's something to chew on with the alarm clock - just a theory; perhaps underpants!Nan was trying to contact overalls!Nan? When we controlled UnderNan, she didn't seem too surprised at the connection with the two alarm clocks. That is, assuming there are two different Nans.
No. 42367 ID: 4bdd79

No. 42377 ID: 2fd111

I'm sorry , but whats with the exclamation points?
>...perhaps underpants!Nan was trying to contact overalls!Nan?

Also I was thinking sense no-one has gotten around to doing it that I'd try to update the NanQuest wiki (http://tgchan.org/wiki/NanQuest).
It hasn't gotten many (if any) updates since part 3. Just one problem, part 4 needs to be summarized but I'm a terrible writer and a slow typist (I failed typing class twice(the whole class, not just some lessons), and am only marginally better now). So if someone else could handle summarizing part 4 it would be appreciated.

Edit: I just tried to request an account so as I can update it but this part of request is giving me mixed messages as to what I'm supposed to put in.

>Personal information

>Your biography will be set as the default content for your userpage. Try to include any credentials. Make sure you are comfortable publishing such information. Your name can be changed via your preferences.

>Explain how it feels to not be a bot in at least seven words.

Is that a bot test or something? I'm not sure what to put if not...
No. 42413 ID: 9c538a


Well I guess if you're not a bot, you'll be able to figure that out!
No. 43079 ID: ab6eee

Everybody needs to watch the latest Doctor Who episode, called the God Complex.

It's like the fucking Nan Quest.
No. 43114 ID: b0c899

It's been four months so far, but I just want to say AWESOME! I'm never able to participate in these, but I love reading them. Would love another chapter before the year is up!
No. 43239 ID: 04254c

>doing anything quest related

I have some bad news for you, dude...
No. 43284 ID: b0c899

Why, what happened? Drama? Disease?
No. 43289 ID: 513efb

Is it time to hack into Weaver's computer and find nqtcheatsheet.txt?
No. 43299 ID: ece8e5

Ponies. Does ponies count as a disease? Infectious as it is.
No. 43408 ID: 30df25

Don't just leave that hanging. What do you mean "bad news" about Weaver doing anything quest-related?
No. 43409 ID: a4f716


I dunno. Something about him going to a hotel in California to go fix something, and then he stopped updating his quests. He disappeared right around the year 2006 and was a girl of 25-33 years of age. He is a member of a chain of people that are here to stop catastrophe from ensuing.

And ponies. He's off drawing ponies.

You know, Weaver, if you'd just conjur up a pony character you could easily satisfy your fetish as well as our own. I would suggest it.
No. 43410 ID: 543aa6

Stop being such pussies
No. 43432 ID: ae92af


yeah, like that's gonna happen.
No. 43433 ID: f80fb0


You're asking for a lot...
No. 43438 ID: c04c0d

I have been enjoying the pony stuff. Maybe we could get a pony quest from him if we ask nicely.
No. 43441 ID: b6edd6

By pony stuff do you mean the DF pony thing, or is there other stuff (and can you post a link if there is)?
No. 43444 ID: dc4a44

Just pony comics. Check 'em out.
No. 43445 ID: 543aa6

This is NanQuest discussion. You want to make it about meta shit or about me, make a new thread.
More NanQuest is coming. But until it's here, you'll just have to keep being patient.
No. 43458 ID: 2fd111

At least one person [me] is willing to wait patiently. Oh, and good to know you're still alive!
No. 43478 ID: a4f716

ID: 3c3565

ID: 543aa6 (the ID consistent with the rest of the updates)

I'm cornfused. Two different Weavers? Mirroring each other? I wonder if one is wearing only underpants... Hm...

Well, perhaps our Pilgrim friend is a pony, and is fulfilling Weaver's pony desires. This could get interesting.

Well anyhoo, I'm curious as to what the monstrosity could be that we saw in the elevator during the time warp, what it could have to do with Anna, its relation to the Beast, and the dreams.

Right now the next logical step would be seeing if we can separate the two dimensions that are apparent in this quest. The ones that seem to mirror each other. I'm convinced that the shape of the hotel, and our panel that was most recently discussed (the one with a silhouette) that there's something of this nature happening in the hotel.
No. 43819 ID: b706a1

My god I read through all of Ruby Quest some time ago and loved it. It honestly creeped me out.

Then I started reading Nan Quest recently, and got as far as I could find, on the fifth thread where it abruptly stopped.

I have never been so shit scared in my life and I am frantically searching for MOAR.

I know weaver is doing tons but I really hope he or she continues this because EPIC STORYTELLING.
No. 43824 ID: 2fd111

As do we all, friend.
As do we all...
No. 43869 ID: b17655

The Pilgrim Is someone we know, someone large and beefy.

The Beast is not a beast. Everything looks scary in the dark.

Have Nan look up next time were near a window I wish to see how many floors there are in the courtyard or ask the others.
No. 43882 ID: b706a1

Except that the Pilgrim we have already seen is the horse skeleton dude with the knife who carved Anna apart. Are you thinking the Padre?
No. 43903 ID: b17655

It, as of this post. has only appeared in light. So my thoughts thinking is it's one of the party and the only one that tall is...
No. 43904 ID: b17655

My apologies, I just got up.
No. 43910 ID: a4f716

I'll have to agree that a motif of the story seems to be that everything is scarier in the dark. That would explain the elevator behemoth in Chapter 3 later being Anna. It's safe to assume that the Padre and Pilgrim aren't what they seem. I'm curious to see what that was behind the fire extinguisher!
No. 43911 ID: 2fd111
File 131794152299.png - (16.24KB , 1410x683 , Untitled.png )

Case and point.
No. 44283 ID: 09a2fd
File 131880063162.jpg - (178.71KB , 800x800 , NAN.jpg )

No. 44293 ID: 5b0012

No. 44346 ID: 09a2fd
File 131889426211.jpg - (962.15KB , 978x800 , nanquest.jpg )

Anyone like my shitty poster?
No. 44348 ID: 2b479f

MMMMMMmmmm deliscious fullcolor shaded /quest/ arts.

That is really good fanart,I mean, really.
especially for a quest that REQUIRES MORE UPDATE
(Albeit I suspect Nan is a bit... thicker?)
Also, nice attention to detail especially the, well... you know the one I mean.
No. 44377 ID: 04254c

This is actually pretty kickass fanart
for a quest that's never going to be updated.
No. 44391 ID: 210977

that face will give me nightmares.
No. 44442 ID: 09a2fd
File 131899843369.jpg - (65.59KB , 600x532 , ruby quest.jpg )

Just as planned. But anyway I'm glad you guys like it. I don't want to sound like an asskisser, but I'm a huge fan of Weaver's shit. I also fucking love Ruby Quest. With its creepiness and emotional backstories, it almost reminds me of Silent Hill 2 in a very good way. I don't know if it's appropriate to post non-Nanquest art in this thread, but I did some RQ art as well, this being one of them.
No. 44443 ID: c7b6c2

We're all fans of Weaver's shit. In fact, that's probably the reason most of us are here. He/she/it brought questing to the masses, after all.
No. 44453 ID: 374689

Ruby is nightmare fuel
No. 44457 ID: 1854db

Where are her unattractively large feet?
No. 44642 ID: 15268f

Just read through NanQuest a couple of times, and I gotta say it is probably one of my most favorite things at the moment. Really really great stuff. I will definitely be patiently awaiting more once the hiatus is finished (no pressure, of course!)
No. 45199 ID: a4f716

I think there are two possibilities here that it would behoove us to explore:
1. Some force of the hotel is accelerating the rate of time, or there are massive time gaps during unconciousness.

2. Mirror hotels. There are alternate universes presented through this hotel.

I think both are plausible at this point, and we need to find evidence that would support either or that possibly crosses either. I've already presented a bit for #2. Feel free to use my maps as references. It's okay, they're clean. :)
No. 45237 ID: bc4843

it seems to me that it's more than just time acceleration, it's like the people were frozen in time only to be let loose in the hotel as a batch
No. 45255 ID: a4f716

But Santiago's been here for a month, Nan's only been here for "a couple of hours" but that does seem plausible still, considering the naps that have been taken and such. It definitely COULD be both.
No. 45666 ID: 74df55

Just caught up with this whole quest, only to find that there is nothing more. That's a little disappointing, but I'm not going to cry about it. It was enjoyable.

One thing did occur to me though. Has anyone considered the possibility that Santiago is the Pilgrim?
-He clearly has a better understanding of the Hotel than some of the others, which is consistent with him being there for a while. He could easily have lied about when he arrived.
-He's clearly deranged and directly mentions enjoying Annas screams for mercy
-He said that the next time he saw Nan that they would have some fun
-In the scene where Nan is being chased by the Pilgrim and climbs out of the window, Santy appears at the other window right afterwards (very reminiscent of a similar scene in Scream with Billy/Ghostface). 'But how did he get to the other window?' I hear you cry. A few posts later, Weaver makes a point of mentioning that Santiago can run very fast.
-Spanish name, which could (possibly) indicate a connection to the origin time period.
-Weaver indicated that a basic assumption was wrong. I would suggest this assumption is that Lorenzo is the Pilgrim.

If there is a really obvious reason why this is not possible, please point it out so I can facepalm and crawl away.
No. 45937 ID: 2fd111

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, what I'm thankful for is that NanQuest hasn't been given up on despite the delays. Also, I just noticed the name thing. Yay I'm no longer anonymous! I have a name and it's Trilicon!

It may have been awhile, and it my still be a while yet till the next update ,but don't forget about this guys(and gals), we can't let it die... I've been ,without exaggeration, checking daily for updates since I joined it at part 5. I've read through the whole thing thrice and the whole discussion thread twice,*que American flag rolling down to drape the wall behind me* but did that make lose hope? NO! I will wait years if I have to and I'll do it with a smile on my face! WEAVER! I know you're out there! You can take your time knowing damn well we'll wait forever, but you best know this. You can take your time, but you can never take our NanQuest! *up-roaring applause*
No. 45939 ID: 56c687

Well put. You know, I've always wondered what Weaver does when he/she isn't running questsohwait
No. 45946 ID: a4f716

Upon trying to post in the main quest thread: "Invalid thread ID.
That thread may have been recently deleted."

...:'( Weaver, make it better please.
No. 45947 ID: 25d956

Threads that go more than three months without an update end up in the graveyard until the author requests that a mod move them back onto the boards.
No. 45966 ID: de7eea

Tonight I sang Karaoke for the first time.
The song I chose was Hotel California.
No. 46415 ID: 491278


It fits with why he was so enraged by Nan going back in time and meeting the Pilgrim and Padre pre-Hotel. However, he nonchalantly gives the year as around 1986 (IIRC). He could be lying, but it seems too natural, like he spoke without a single thought given to the question.
No. 46740 ID: a4f716

I'm thinking that keeping the clock intact could have given us some useful insight as to the time shenanigans transpiring. Stupid us. :(
No. 46776 ID: 00af45

Maybe Weaver feels that updating in real time isn't immersive enough. I call it: next update, summer of 2016. Kim.
No. 47006 ID: d6a6d7


We wanted Weaver gone? I sure as hell didn't.
No. 47008 ID: 97cc92

/tg/ is not tgchan.
No. 47245 ID: a4f716

Well maybe /tg/ didn't want Weaver, but we sure as hell do.
No. 47447 ID: 7e5996
File 132438163308.png - (43.24KB , 530x360 , Screen Shot 2011-12-20 at 11_44_51.png )

melodrama and disappointment general?
No. 47508 ID: ba38a8

Wow, is Weaver REALLY trying to justify himself becoming a ponyfag?

That's so stupid, it's almost kind of insulting. He should just admit he doesn't care about quests anymore and cares more about ponies instead of making up some bullshit excuse about "im not doing anything different guis!" despite MLP being a very polarizing topic of which most people rabidly love or hate with a passion.

(Shut up.)
No. 47510 ID: a133a1

>Wow, is ba38a8 REALLY trying to justify himself being an asshole?

>That's so stupid, it's almost kind of insulting. He should just admit he doesn't care about not being an asshole anymore and cares more about assholing around instead of making up some bullshit excuse about "weaver bein a ponyfag guis!" despite MLP being a very polarizing topic of which most people rabidly love or hate with a passion.

Fixed that for you.
No. 47513 ID: 10d022

Except that sentence makes no sense, and Weaver is a ponyfag. What's your point?
No. 47514 ID: 10d022
File 132453687585.jpg - (31.15KB , 520x363 , my-god-its-full-of.jpg )

My God.
No. 47515 ID: a133a1


My point? I didn't really have one, till you mentioned it, but I guess I kind of want Weaver back, and while I severely doubt that this line of conversation will affect that situation in the least, I didn't like that the general attitude of that post was overwhelming negative in respect to Weaver. Also, that sentence made perfect sense! Completely perfect. I am a grammar genius. I have so much sense-making grammar, all of my orifices are just pouring it out 24/7.
No. 47516 ID: a133a1

No. 47526 ID: 1444d5

>MLP being a very polarizing topic of which most people rabidly love or hate with a passion
You realise you're kicking up a shitstorm over a kids TV show about brightly coloured psuedo-horses that 99.9% of that planet is unaware of the existence of, and another 0.09% are aware of it and still give not even the tiniest shit?
No. 47527 ID: 10d022

If we cared only about what was relevant to the rest of the entire world we would be insignificant little worms indeed.
No. 47541 ID: 55c4cf

Shut the fuck up about this a second or third time, this thread is about Nan. Talk about Nan.
No. 47546 ID: 02c112

No. 47550 ID: 19d7f9

I don't understand Weaver's answer up there. Am I supposed to?
No. 47552 ID: bdf35e

No. 47663 ID: a4f716


What Nan?
No. 47690 ID: d6ae01

Weaver, contact a mod/admin on IRC whenever you want this thread re-opened for Nan Quest.

Until then, there's really no point beating a dead horse in my no horse town.
No. 49078 ID: 543aa6
File 132865449904.gif - (14.73KB , 800x600 , hallway.gif )

I told you guys.
I said it'd be back.
No. 49079 ID: e79d6a


I'm glad this quest keeps happening.
No. 49080 ID: 459534

I like this, especially the attention to detail in it--from Nan's rectangular pupils to Henry's cross pendant.
No. 49086 ID: 874bd8


Oh Santiago you're such a card. Sneaking around the halls and being all crazy!
No. 49088 ID: 874bd8

Not sure wether to say this here or in the main thread, but perhaps in terms of theories we shouldn't just stick with the 'Future Us' stuff now. The hotel is starting to fake us out with 'premonitions' that could easily just be traps like Kim said.
No. 49091 ID: 459534

Did we ever learn much about Alan? The guy that Anderson knew?
No. 49113 ID: 4d8070
File 132882150514.png - (25.62KB , 473x451 , santiago.png )

I just hope Santiago doesnt meets the same fate as his alter ego Red.
No. 49126 ID: 1081fc


You don't want Santiago to be definitively dead and free from this hellhole?
No. 49128 ID: 4d8070

good point...but well i hope we get to see more of him anyways
No. 49156 ID: a4f716

So there was something in the hole for 117. This is the room that the broken outlet was in, the room where we fist meet Henry (or was it Pablo?), and it was also the room where we broke the alram clock. This seems to be a pretty special room.
No. 49157 ID: e3f578

When did we lose the totem? I don't remember losing out inventory back in chapter 4
No. 49158 ID: ff0733

The hotel probably considers room 117 our room.
Having just found out about this, and Weaver's continued existance after Ruby Quest, first off, excellent job Weaver. Next, on to what I think on the theories so far.

I'm not buying the multiple nan/multiple hotel/time travel theory. Far more likely, the hotel is fucking with us. After all, what we saw with nightshirt nan just doesnt add up. First thing we saw was the clock, still reading 4:66. After that, we saw Henry. In our room. But Henry is from 1946, he'd be at least 60 by the late 2000s. And when we thought about bringing up the hotel, our response was 'thats not how we met'. Plus, we had a kindasorta flashback to the mission, nearly 200 years ago. I think the hotel exists outside time, or something like that. It can steal people from many different time periods to a single, nonspecific point in time and space. And it can likely create images of things that did, or did not, happen. For example, after falling asleep, we woke up in a bloody room with a corpse I am inclined to believe is Alan, who had been long dead when we showed up, then saw the aftermath of some event in Pablos past or future. If his vice was murder, that bit makes a ton of sense, though I strongly doubt it was nan he killed. Again, hotel creating images of the past, bending it in ways to fuck with us.

Santiago is likely on the verge of becoming another dweller in the dark, like the pilgrim and the father. He, like they, isn't concerned with the dark, or the livelyhood of others. Though, he isn't completely lost yet, it may be possible to draw him back.

The clock. Important, but we have no clue how yet. The 66:4 bit fits a fair bit, and the Quaran bit fits the pilgrim fairly well 'it will be easier if you let yourself die' "we forced them from their homes (our cast was all taken here, none wanted to be here, but were drawn by circumstance) though it would be easier if they left of their own accord (matches the pilgrim's words pretty well).

The hotel? I think the silent hill theory makes the most sense. This place does seem to draw in people with dark pasts, likely to punish them. How they handle the punishment is most important. Do we seek freedom, as Santiago? Do we seek more punishment, as Anna? Or do we forge our own path? What path is it?

My long, drawn out 2 cents. Keep it up Weaver, you have already captured the same emotion you did in RQ in me, and we aren't even at the juicy, 3rd eye bits yet. I eagerly await to see where this goes. Also, ever considered making fucked up childrens books or screenwriting movies? You seem to have an exellent grasp on many story elements many professionals lack. Plus you could make good money off this.
No. 49160 ID: 874bd8


At least someone else here isn't into the whole 'Time Travel' theory. On another note, we might need to be REALLY careful around Anderson for a bit. He's turning into a paranoid wreck like Santiago, but unlike Santiago he has military training and a (possibly) loaded gun. Something tells me smoking the whatever it was in his cigar probably didn't help much either.

Also my own little theory, the monsters so far are other people killed in the hotel, with the Padre being some sort of manifestation of the hotel/land itself. Like when someone got wounded in Ruby Quest, only this time instead of resetting the mutations they come out wholesale. Granted, we know close to nothing about the monsters other than the fact that they're basically immune to any real harm and they all want to kill the other guests (Maybe to make more servants for the hotel itself?).

One more kinda big theory, remember that black thing in the middle of the floor when we were in the canvas covered hotel? What if this isn't Alan, but the Hotel's heart or something? With its twisted roots spreading throughout the hotel and blocking our progress at a few points to make us easier prey for its 'creations'? As soon as it saw us it brought Alan's canvasthing to life and sent it after us, probably because it knew we were too close to it to have it use Padre to fight us instead.

tl;dr points:

-Anderson is dangerous, don't let him get any crazier.

-Dead Teammates may lead to more unkillable monster.

-The weird thing in the canvas 'dream' might be more important than we thought.

These are all just really REALLY long winded theories of my own but whatever. <:3
No. 49161 ID: ff0733

Anderson is still human(like), so I doubt hes just going to start attacking people unprovoked, he recognizes that despite the fact he can't trust us, working together is the best chance to escape. That said, I think his sense of justice, to punish criminals, might get in the way of that. After what we said of our dream, he seemed quite interested in Pablo, who he formerly didn't care for.

Shadow things being former residents makes perfect sense. Though, as I said, the hotel doesn't follow the timeflow of reality. And Santiago made it seem like a LOT have been here in his time, and even more before him. Don't think dead teammates will put a sizable increase on their forces, there could be legions of them.

I think everything is important. Except the things that aren't. I'd link the picture of the canvas room, but the thing in the center looks brutally murderized (with us present considering the blood void) and ripped apart, the exact description we were given for the fate of Alan. The 'heart' of the motel would likely make itself known for exactly what it is considering just how much control over us it has.

The hotel seems capable of creating copies of people good enough to be believed. We need to keep this in mind when we see someone that has left for awhile. God help us if it teleports someone from the group like it has with us on occasion and seamlessly replaces them. Might be a tad TOO devious though.

On another note, the hotel doesn't seem 100% malevolent. It provides, be it a near endless flow of food from what must be a small stash in the janitor's closet, even with multipe people taking from the same source, the rats to retrieve the food for us, or cigar monsters to keep the tobacco on hand to avoid withdrawl. Or vauge visions of having a relationship with someone we met here, perhaps to keep our spirits up, or to foster a possible real relationship. Ab-so-lute-ly no clue why though.
No. 49167 ID: d080f3

Has anyone considered that the thing we saw in our nightmare (the one on the ground, with tendrils connected to the hotel) WAS Nan? It looks similar enough... and if Nan is the consciousness directing the hotel, it could explain the disjointed memories we're experiencing... if they're memories that hotel-nan is reliving.
No. 49170 ID: a4f716

The dream creature could definitely be a "heart" of some sort. Let's condifer what we know: The hotel was (prossibly) built on a mission, and the Pilgrim and the Padre, while they have power, seem to be victims of sorts. The black thing in the middle seems to be in pretty pathetic shape.

Another possibility is that this thing is being held captive, but in some sort of Stockholm Syndrome complex. It feels loyal to its captor, which is why it sent the things after Nan.

Either way, something is telling me that the black thing and the hotel are not on the same side. I'm interested to see which one is fighting for "good".

I expect to see a lot of Heel-Face changes with the hotel's denizens.
No. 49187 ID: c83292

Roger on the heel-face turns. "Everybody's got their bad thing..." No one's as on the up and up as they might seem.

As for the black thing... I expect that it is a captive, but that it's also sort of powering the hotel.
No. 49188 ID: 462845

I am not sure, what our immediate goal is?
Of course, survival. But I mean beyond that?

At the moment we go the the safe room, get out for some reason, lose a group member and get back to the safe room.

Our group gets reduced and we're still trapped in the safe room.
I'm not suggesting to just blindly leap to danger.
But so far, only trying to survive is a war of attrition. We should make our time count.
No. 49192 ID: bfb7b8

Agreed. I think the first thing we should do is stop revisiting places we've already been, and try to get out into the rest of the hotel. We've not even been to the second floor, let alone the other half of the hotel (the part beyond the courtyard and the *brrr* Beast).
No. 49211 ID: a4f716

I'll have to agree on going and making new discoveries, too. This will help with my cartography as well! :D
No. 49225 ID: 1081fc


Weaver, I know your adamant that the characters species doesn't matter in any way, and that's quite alright. But, since you drew this picture to kick off this most recent un-hiatus of Nanquest (can you call it a hiatus when the absence of updating is BY FAR the norm?), any chance you could do one like this showing Anderson, just so we can see what species he's supposed to be? I totally get that if he is in fact a gorilla it doesn't mean he's going to get "gorilla strength" or whatever, just like Nan can't chew cans or Henry can't run at 60mph bursts to escape cheetahs and lions, or Kim/Anne don't need to eat and crap out food several times to completely absorb the nutrient, etc. but it still helps us fully visualize the scenes being depicted in your elegant, minimalist art style. This is coming from one of your non-furry fans, so I can only imagine how much they'd appreciate this.
No. 49246 ID: ff0733

Alright, reviewed the floorthing. It does resemble us with the downward ears, but I can't be sure due to shitty phone resolution. It actually reminds me a lot of thr shriveled Ruby-in-a-box, plus either tendrils, roots, or off-colored blood stains. Could be any of those, again bad resolution.

Exploring good, lets check on pablo then explore the second floor. Might want to start checking rooms too, we've gone by a lot of them without so much as a second glance.
No. 49270 ID: 1b0f2f
File 132912332269.gif - (14.99KB , 701x683 , O SOLE MIO.gif )

Does this count as fanart? I don't think this counts as fanart.
No. 49284 ID: ff0733
File 132915669245.gif - (19.75KB , 701x683 , nanthing.gif )

For easy reference, here is the thing on the floor.
No. 49287 ID: a4f716

The canvas showing up in Henry's room makes me think that the room that we saw in our dream is actually in the hotel. Maybe it's the Anasazi Lounge? Regardless, we should explore floor 2 once we're done here.
No. 49304 ID: 459534

I just realized: Nan's supposed to "bring light to the darkness" and all that, and she's an electrician! :3
No. 49305 ID: ff0733

So what, next time the lights go out we dissasemble the switch?
No. 49306 ID: e3f578

Why is Santiago taking off her clothes?
I'm for serious, no rape jokes please, why?
No. 49308 ID: bc4f86

Guys, have you noticed that Santiago has gotten a lot beefier since we last saw him? And the whole "YOU CAN'T HELP ANYONE, NAN" Has been stated by both him and the Pilgrim. There's something fishy there.
No. 49309 ID: 459534

I thought he was just holding on to her clothes to keep her from escaping, but considering he also removed one of her suspenders he may honestly be trying to rape her. :(
No. 49310 ID: ff0733

We've established the hotel draws in wrongdoers. I truly do think this is one of those rape things. He seemed skilled at capturing us in the dark the first time, and make a comment along the lines of 'I can show you what free people do in the dark', and how we 'would have fun when we meet next', he was interupted by the darkness last time. I think his wrong was rape.
No. 49311 ID: 459534

I don't think he's beefier. In fact, I think he's skinnier. We can see his ribs.
No. 49312 ID: 6faf95


Basically, this. Also, getting odd feeling of Pilgrim or Padre interrupting Santiago's assault. It'd work in the "crazy guy ranting about ghosts just got stabbed by ghosts" sense that's in horror movies

I haven't actually seen a horror movie in forever
No. 49313 ID: bc4f86

Look at past drawings of him, his arms arent just lines anymore, they're much more wider and defined now, although the ribs are a valid point.
No. 49314 ID: e3f578

Huh, this might be the first rape attempt on tgchan that ISN'T an attempt at dark humor and just dark.
I think.
No. 49317 ID: 6faf95

Ok, unless he's crying due to pain, I'm getting definite "Apologetic Attacker" vibes from him, especially if he wants to not actually rape Nan and is trying to just beat the shit out of her. He realizes he can't just stop there, but can't just run off because, well, he's fucking Santiago. He's doing what he wants because he's free and able to defend himself.

Even if he doesn't want to despite having all the freedom in the world.
No. 49318 ID: 543aa6
File 132919810395.gif - (11.62KB , 701x683 , 234.gif )

>Look at past drawings of him, his arms arent just lines anymore
No. 49319 ID: 459534

Maybe...maybe he is getting bigger?
No. 49320 ID: 874bd8


You too can gain these amazing results in five months or less with our evil hotel package!
No. 49339 ID: 459534

I know that lots of people have been trying to ty 4:66, 66:4, or some other variation of those numbers/symbols to a Bible verse, and I'm curious. Has anyone checked for these verses in the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical books of the Bible? i.e. the 7 books that Catholics accept and Protestants reject? Considering all the Catholic imagery, it might be a good idea.
No. 49340 ID: f1e9be

none of the books have a 4:66. The clock must have a different purpose, if it serves any at all.
No. 49341 ID: e3f578

The reference may be only be inside a book in the quest though. Like maybe the padre bookmarked something in his own bible that he personally wrote and was important before this all happened.

The pilgrim is the only person to have actually managed to kill anybody so far, right? He killed both Alan and Anna, I wonder if that's significant. The Padre has tried to kill us, but he's never succeeded once. At most, he's harmed us. Is he going for lethal kills? He could want something else than the death of others.
No. 49342 ID: 1577d0

So the hotel doesn't like lights where they are not supposed to be and vandalism... It is even caring enough to send for repairmen when something broke... maybe it was the vase that makes things difficult for us... and the screwdriver for anna...
So maybe the hotel only wanted to get some things fixed and got mad at them... otherwise there would be more people at all and more people of one job (like janitor like padro)

But I don't thing padre etc. are on the "same site" as the hotel, as padre has damaged that wall and Pilgrim wants to be set free...
No. 49403 ID: 08dcd0
File 132932919617.jpg - (200.49KB , 701x683 , dammitbillthisisnotokay.jpg )

Hey guys, does this remind you of anything?
No. 49405 ID: b45b5f

It reminds me of the fact that it's been over one and a half year since the last yatternan.
What a shame.
No. 49409 ID: 070b67

Hmm. I'm worried that unless we can convince Santiago that he WANTS to leave, we're going to end up with a fox that WANTS to die (either at the hands of Nan, himself or one of the resident horrors) or one that WANTS to kill every other sane being, and considering he is the only one who knows the hotel well enough to survive this long, we need him to WANT to help us. The issue being that he is goddamn crazy and hard to work with.

TL;DR: Keep Santiago alive and he might return the favor.
No. 49422 ID: 459534

I was gonna put this in Weaver’s tumblr, but it wouldn’t fit. So I’ll just leave it here.

Hey. I don’t know if this’ll be useful in the least, but I imagine living in the shadow of something as popular and widely-praised as RubyQuest can be a bit nerve-wracking, so I wanted you to know I don’t think you should let yourself fall to pieces trying to live up to your earlier successes. I don’t even know if this is a problem for you, but I can imagine it does crop up from time to time, so I figure it’s worth addressing.

The stuff you’ve written since RubyQuest is good. As good as, if not better than, RQ. The inter-character relationships in DiveQuest are complex—but not too complex to understand—and they really tie the reader into the story emotionally (I know “relationships” isn’t what you were going for with that quest but, c’mon, it’s true). NanQuest has an aura of mystery and subdued fear about it that rivals its spiritual predecessor. The tension is thick enough to cut, and everyone who reads it comes out with a laundry-list of pet theories. Even your crappy stuff is enjoyable and, therefore, relatively good (Don’t believe it? I enjoyed Boxdog. There, I said it.). You’ve shown yourself to be one hell of a writer and worldsmith.

I reiterate, what I’m trying to get to is this: I don’t want you to feel like you’ve got anything to prove, or like you’ve got to constantly strive to meet the standard set by RubyQuest. We know you’re good at what you do. We’ve seen it. You’ve shown yourself to have enough skill to write RubyQuest twice-over if the mood took you. So don’t let the success of RubyQuest eat at you. If you ever find it looming over you—find yourself sweating and wringing your hands, doing your damnedest to think of some mind-blowing twist or development to put in your current quests to ensure they meet RQ’s standard—relax. You don’t need to churn out masterpieces. One is enough. If you wind up making more, all the better—we’ll be sure to appreciate them—but you don’t have to make sure all your quests wind up as masterworks. As long as we enjoy your work, and we DO, that’s enough.

Of course, if you just feel like making masterpieces, by all means, go to it. And if none of this is a problem for you…well…at least it felt nice to write. :)
No. 49423 ID: 543aa6

I wanted to remind everyone, only since I'm getting messages about it, that TK and I are roommates, but not the same person. We have the same post ID but please don't read his posts as mine.
No. 49424 ID: 459534

No. 49425 ID: ddc0da

If you look at the quest thread and look at the recent posts, you'll notice someone named "TK" with the same ID code as Weaver's.
No. 49426 ID: 459534

No. 49428 ID: ff0733

So, wait. That means TK might know what is going to happen, though possibly only in the very short term. Meaning his posts are more likely to actually meet results.

Or I'm being paranoid and overanalytical. Reasonable mindsets for NanQuest imho.

Just got done playing Silent Hill 2 again after 10 years. Now that I know about stuff like psychoanalasis and symbolism, man does it make more sense. But I digress. In SH2, we have a few elements very similar to Nan's. We have a place that draws in troubled people. We have horrible gribbly beasts out for our head. Said beasts dislike light (in SH they probably wont attack if your light is off, and some notes you find early tell you just hiding in the dark might be enough to protect you). We have 2 delusions vying for dominance, and this is where new theories come in.


SH has 2 monsters of great significance, Pyramid Head and Maria. As well as 2 others in similar situations to our MC. Those people are Angela and Eddie. Angela realized something from her past, and rather than redeem herself by moving on, she saught redemption in death. Eddie, on the other hand, embraces the opportunities of SH to do as he pleases, ignoring the hints to realize what he is so he can dance to forget, as it were. Maria is the MC's delusions and denial given form, and only ever leads him astray from his goal of realizing what he has done. PH is the MC's Guilt given form, and though he gives the appearance of an enemy, is the MC's guiding light, subtly and overtly showing the MC what must be done to rid himself of both guilt and denial.

Anna is our Angela, she sought her death and accepted it. Santiago is our Eddie, embracing his darkness and his denial. The remaining are a bit more dicy. The Pilgrim seems to make a good literal PH, but I doubt he is helping us along our path. After all, the best emotional help comes in the form of a friend. We have no representation of denial yet. Oh yeah, meant to say. I think we belong here, and the hotel is working to reveal our denial to us. Though, it is pretty hard to recognize a delusion without knowing it's source. The parallels are quite close, and fits thematically.

No. 49430 ID: a9f1dc

The problem is that Silent Hill is a place. It has a location in the mythos with a town, and people live there - In some of the games, the place looks only recently abandoned (Shattered memories and 3, for instance). Further, there's major time fuckery in the Hotel, whereas Silent Hill displayed oddities with space.

Namely - all the people in the Hotel are, like, generations apart. I think. I don't remember the times offhand. Meanwhile, Silent Hill's other people are all from the same time period. The Hotel also messes with space, but more in an effort to keep Nan in the Hotel.

Further, we've only met a few creatures in the Hotel. Padre and the Pilgrim. Silent Hill takes a person's psyche and makes a very specific 'profile' of it, drawing from that profile to create monsters. This element isn't present in the Hotel - As far as we know, Padre and the Pilgrim look the same to everyone, and I'm pretty sure the Cigar-bug looked the same to everyone.

Since Nan is not being 'targeted' I believe the Hotel is indeed a Genius Loci - but of a different type. It wants it to be dark, it dislikes vandalism, it wants people to stay. This is bluntly obvious from observation. It might be said that the Hotel 'feeds' on people somehow, and this is what allows it to continue with the time shenanigans. It's further possible that the Hotel has Always served the same purpose, but appeared differently as time passed to evade casual suspicion. Since travelers on religious pilgrimages would often be weary when they arrived, it's wholly likely that there'd be a place of rest and relaxation at such a destination.

I dunno, I'm just typan what comes to mind at the moment.
No. 49437 ID: ff0733

You can't very well divide time and space, as they are the same thing. Mess with one, and you are messing with another. Teleportation isn't just travel through space, it is time travel as you arrive somewhere before you otherwise could.

As for the tailoring, why not? Perhaps that is why this specific cast is here now, and another group of residents isn't. Each person, or at least some of them, represent something to eachother. It might indeed use a specific profile, gathering the absolutely perfect group to be together to deal with people in batches. As in SH, other real people are there for their own reasons, but they also represent something, that is why you meet in the first place.
No. 49438 ID: 8947c3

anyone ever read a book called The Thief of Always? it was a good book.
No. 49440 ID: 378452


I agree. Castration was brought up in the other thread (Santiago not reacting to a shot to the groin), and castration, either physical or chemical, has been used as a punishment or option for those convicted of sex-related crimes at various points in history. Wikipedia mentions a large German study of the effects of castration on recidivism rates as late as 1963, though I don't know if it was still a possibility by the 80's. But then we don't know how old Santiago is, either...
No. 49441 ID: bccf7b


I'm pretty sure you're over-thinking this, now.

Also, time and space, while mutual, are still fairly exclusive. Space is not a function of time, nor is time a function of space. One would have a more solid argument claiming gravity as the connection.

In other news, I'm becoming curious about Santiago. He always came across as the lose end, but it doesn't make sense that he'd turn on us like this.

Then again... we don't know all that much about him. Motives aside, maybe we should just learn what we can. He KNOWS something about all this -- or at least seems to -- so we would certainly be remiss to ignore that opportunity.
No. 49442 ID: 1b0f2f

Santiago is hot.
No. 49445 ID: 69aeb9

Be quiet, Reka!
No. 49449 ID: dfa2de

Maybe Santiago doesn't know that much more than we do. I mean, he's been here longer, so he obviously knows more things just from his experiences. He knows what pisses the hotel off, and what doesn't, (obviously, piano playing doesn't) and may have learned those things the same way he had, by fucking up first. Santiago likes it here, so once he figured out exactly how not to fuck things up, he was able to live freely. But here comes Nan and it seems she won't quit with the fuck ups. She keeps "fighting the hotel" instead of just living it like he does. Perhaps he thinks that nothing good can come from her continued way of doing things, so she needs to stop. She should just live in the dark where it’s enjoyable instead of fighting until she finds out something or triggers something that will ruin it, possibly for everybody. That’s what he’s afraid of: her ruining it for him, as well. He doesn’t know what’s going on, he just thinks that, whatever it is, it shouldn’t be found out. We don’t need to know, anyway. It’s not like we can escape.
Santy also knows a lot more about the locations of the hotel, and probably a lot more about the different horrors, as well. Again, though, that’s probably just because he’s been here long enough to learn.

Another theory (to further extend this wall of text) is that he DOES know what’s going on, and that’s why he’s so fucking insane. Although that might just be because having to live in the dark for so long with a very firm set of rules that you must live by constantly to keep from dying in the most horrible way at the hands of the horrors that are always nearby probably doesn’t fare well with the psyche.
No. 49460 ID: 1081fc

Oh god Weaver please don't let the feb 14th update be the end of this spurt of Nanquest, after which we need to wait several months to a year for more. And we need to see what happens with the book! Like, can't you at least press onwards enough to wrap up Thread 5?

We believe in you.
No. 49461 ID: 1c4ef7
File 132961108527.png - (37.93KB , 600x200 , Muschionoping.png )

I just had this thought.
Muschio in this setting would be HILARIOUS.
No. 49462 ID: 8947c3


unless he got laid. then you should be happy for him.
No. 49520 ID: 502b88
File 132976884917.jpg - (607.53KB , 780x780 , ThePadre.jpg )

Theories on the Padre! Mostly just so my fanart is relevant.

He probably had something to do with the fire that burned down the mission, because he fought Nan while on fire and usually carries around a poker.

I had the idea that he and the Pilgrim were just guests of the hotel like Nan and the rest, but they're more deeply connected with whatever happened to the event at the mission all those years ago and the magic behind the strange events of the story. They also might just have been in the hotel for the past hundred years or so and gone crazy, but neither of those theories explain The Beast, which I suspect is also part of the magic behind the hotel.

No. 49550 ID: 459534

I kinds suspect 466 is a reference to either a year or a room number. Maybe some dark entity came in the year 466 or 1466 or 1666, or maybe something horrible happened in one of those years. Maybe that's when the Mission was abandoned/destroyed.
No. 49559 ID: 49eceb

Well, I know everyone has prettymuch wrote off the bible theory, but I typed "Bible 4:66" into Google, and got some neat stuff as the very first result.

You can read it over here:

I think, if you get all metaphorical, you can apply a lot of stuff to things in the hotel. But then, you can apply a lot of stuff to anything if you get metaphorical enough.
Metaphors are kindof annoying that way.
No. 49561 ID: f1e9be

Looking for 4:66 in the bible isn't going to get us anywhere. The clock was probably intended to let us know we're in a place where time doesn't function normally.
No. 49569 ID: ff0733

Out of all the clock theories, I think you just took the cake.
No. 49582 ID: 4d068d


I have a feeling that the hotel is some version of this.
No. 49601 ID: 70029f

Hey Weaver, thank you for making my Night Class awesome. Screw Data Management, I'm reading a journal!
No. 49602 ID: a4f716

I think that the 466 could possibly have to do with the journal entry that says "NAN I WON'T LET YOU LEAVE!"

Oh, and on that note I might as well update my map. Will be up by Satruday~
No. 49603 ID: b4adaa

The entries from the book
My eyesight isn't very good, and I'm having trouble reading the font. Would somebody mind posting what they said, please?
No. 49604 ID: e3f578

Was this entry made recently or because Nan will eventually go back in time again and get involved more personally with what happened in the past, making her the Padre's biggest and most personal target?

Because an entire page dedicated to a random victim of the hotel's curse thing seems unlikely. She's got to be of significance more than the others or the other's involvement and personal conflicts with the hotel will be revealed.
It's so great. I can't understand what's going on and I fucking love it.
No. 49606 ID: 6fba28

I'm inclined to feel that every page with 'for the love of god' written on it denotes a person claimed by the Hotel. That would, by extension, explain why Nan is specifically mentioned.

466 is her page.
No. 49616 ID: 1268e6

If that was a very old entry, then certainly it would have been much earlier on in the diary.
No. 49617 ID: e3f578

I'm not so sure The Padre, as he is, would stop and write down a message or direct threat to Nan in his journal while he's hunting her and the group.
I don't know, I interpreted most of the pages in the 300s and above as visions of when he was not so horrid looking, but crazy and in the middle of whatever Santiago's weird dark state thing is. Because, again, I can't see that guy stopping to write when he seems so busy right now and go as far to predict Nan was going to read that page or his journal at all.

But now I see the reference to how "today" was going to change everything and maybe the guy would write down a whole lot of the same thing leading up to a dramatic NAN before he started hunting. Do not know why Nan is singled out.
No. 49619 ID: 378452


Not necessarily, assuming he wrote the whole diary before becoming the shadowy presence in the hotel we know and love.
No. 49622 ID: 3542ea

>Not necessarily, assuming he wrote the whole diary before becoming the shadowy presence in the hotel we know
fix'd :V
No. 49623 ID: a2de16

http://freetexthost.com/p1y1n5clbi The formatting got messed up, but here.
No. 49624 ID: b4adaa

No. 49649 ID: 543aa6


Believe me, I'm getting no more inside info from Weaver than anyone else. I know what the new update is when I see it, same as you. He's a secretive dude when it comes to his quests.

As for my posts having more weight, I've joked with him that my last couple (kill Santiago, burn the book) are suggestions that no one else (him included) would go along with, and will never happen. I just wanted them to be "on the record."
No. 49652 ID: a4f716
File 133012410366.png - (46.39KB , 752x858 , nanqch5.png )

Here's this weeks map! I might come up with a map of what I think the general layout of the hotel is.

While I was reading back through, I noticed a couple of interestings.
-Anderson said that the mission burned down long ago, which I think could be the fault of the Padre.
-The lights were /melted/. Fire, perhaps?
No. 49699 ID: 249d6e

So my scary friend decided it would be a good idea to record the pilgrim's monologue being read aloud.


I'm inclined to agree with him on this.
No. 49734 ID: a4f716

I was doing some looking-over of the past couple of chapters and noticed something odd (right?!).

The date on which Nan visited Lorenzo (whom we can more certainly assume is the Pilgrim now) was June the 3rd ("or perhaps the fourth?" he says), and Weaver seems to go out of his way to include with finesse a couple of details;
-"The warm scent of flowers rises in the summer heat. / / The sun is out. Nan had forgotten how comforting its light was."
-"Beneath the warm summer sun,"
-"The man smiles, looking up at the warm sky"

Hmm... Weaver mentions several times that... IT'S WARM! The Padre mentions quite a few times that the weather has been thundering a lot lately. Well, according to this the weather is fine. He also mentions once or twice that he's cold, and that he needs to build.. .a fireplace, yes. Now there are two things that THIS bit affects:
*The furnace has to be have more significance, even more than we've seen so far.
*It's likely that this fireplace burned down the mission. Anderson mentions that the mission burned down when he was young: "When [Anderson] was a boy, its ruins were here. Burnt to the ground some time ago. Cleared out years later, in preparation for the hotel." This lines up nicely with when the hotel could possibly have been burned down. Either way, there's a very distinct hot/cold/fire theme going on here.

More things from part 4 and the journal:
-About the mission: "It seems quite well maintained, with no signs of age."
From the journal: "May the 7th / Repairs have begun on the front gate. The metal was becoming rusty." This lines up nicely, too. I think it's safe to assume that the interaction we had with the TERRA COTTA COURTYARD was a legitimate one and not just a hotel-induced hallucination.

Something else of note is that both Santiago and Lorenzo have a scar on their head. This could suggest some kind of virus in the vicinity (as it could have entered through the wound), as Santiago has evidently begun some sort of metamorphosis, possibly akin to that of the Pilgrim. (Introducing beast number 4... The Guest.)

-In regards to Lorenzo: "In a place like this, it must be so easy to lose track of time."
-"He's just passing through, himself. Here to see someone, and then move on. And yet he wishes he could stay in this lovely place, so long that he too could lose track of the years."
While this may very well just be some well-executed dramatic irony, this might also be suggestive of the hotel having an appeal to its victims.

Another thing to note from the last couple of gifs for the TCC is that the Padre does not want to go out into the sunlight.

Alright, folks. Make of this wall of text what you will THEORYTIEM
No. 49778 ID: 5bf190
File 133044711085.gif - (6.93KB , 701x683 , themanagement.gif )

Alright, I just caught back up on this myself, so I want to lay down a theory of my own.

First off: what is the "basic assumption" that Weaver said we had been wrong about? I think it's this: that the hotel is necessarily evil. Or, to be more specific, that there's only one hotel entity. It may or may not be true that there's genius loci involved here, but in either case, whether it's the place or its inhabitants, we can use the idea of a hotel-entity as a metaphor at least.

Let's assume that at the very beginning of the quest, Nan was in the normal, "real" world where things are not terrible. In this world, we also know that the hotel exists, and that it's open. If Anderson is believed, it's been open for nearly a hundred years (more, by Kim's reckoning), so it must have been in business. We know, therefore, that in the normal world, it is a real hotel that has real guests and must have real staff. As the quest goes on, Nan progresses into an "other" hotel, and possibly - given the changes in the architecture - further shadow-hotels after that. Whenever she moves from room to room, when the lights go out, and possibly under other circumstances such as dreaming or interacting with mirrors, Nan may move from one instance of the hotel to another, and these different hotels can exist in different times or have different rules or inhabitants. This explains Pablo's disappearance in the first thread - he briefly resurfaced from "deeper" in the hotel, then slipped back under again. Now, some of these shadow-hotels are clearly evil and mean and wrong. Probably nearly all of them. But sometimes, inexplicable things have happened that were helpful. There was the rat, which brought food, or the space-time bending that warned Nan about her encounter with the Padre later. Most noticeably, the note from The Management, which we have here, seems to be an instance of something trying to directly talk to Nan, not another person, but also not hostile to her.

Who or what is The Management? Now I'll leave my more solid statements and get into my crazy theories. There's a sort of theme of dualism going through Nan - mirrors, dreams, light and darkness. My feeling, at the moment, is that there's the "evil" hotel, ruled by madness and fear and monsters, and a weaker "good" hotel, which I'll refer to as The Management because I think it sounds cool. The evil hotel does most of the abductions - every guest who's date ended with 6, perhaps, though I have no more reason to think that than that maybe the evil hotel's strength is strongest once every 10 years or something (santiago has said there were other guests which didn't survive) - while the good hotel tries to stop it. It took Anderson, who is a lawman, a vanquisher of evil, at the earliest time that it was possible for the hotel to take people; and later, it took Nan, who is a repairwoman, someone who can fix things.

And, on the subject of the hotel taking people, let's look at >>359084 there. Those are canvases, but they're an odd shape, aren't they? They're just the right size for doors, or beds - both a metaphor for entering and leaving, whether it be places or sleep (or dreams, such as the one in which Nan has this encounter). Does each canvas represent one of the guests taken by the hotel? Why does only Nan - and someone else, let's assume the mysterious Alan - have a clear white outline, which in her case is gradually being filled in? Is it representative of some sort of corruption? Nan's silhouette on her painting was filled in a bit more when she ran away, and the mysterious other figure wasn't filled in, just carved up.

Was Nan right to run away? That black figure was pretty horrible, but it didn't look threatening. It was curled up on the floor. The first thing the white figure did, coming out of the painting, was kneel down next to it. Maybe listening to it? Comforting it? Then it chased after Nan. Did it have some terrible intent, or just want her to come back? She heard something crying as she left. I wonder if that blackened thing - looking burnt and ruined, just like Padre's victims, and just like the mission, the house of god itself - was, in fact, The Management, Nan's feeble benefactor?

Perhaps we shouldn't assume that Nan's not without some supernatural assisstance.
No. 49779 ID: 1854db

I think it's pretty clear what we were wrong about.

Light doesn't keep us safe. In fact, lighting up certain dark areas pisses off the hotel.
No. 49790 ID: b4adaa

I kind of thought/hoped that Anna really being dead was the thing we were wrong about.
No. 49803 ID: 5369e0

Sorry if this was posted here before, but i gave a quick glance and didnt seem to find this theory on a post, but sorry if i am double posting it?
Anyways remember how Anne mentioned that probably the reason they were all there was because of a Sin? and how she wouldnt mention what her "sin" was?

I think i have a theory of what might be her sin, after she died and Nan encountered her in the past, she was fixing an elevator, or building, i dont know. Then she drops her screwdriver and is too lazy to go find it, so she just calls it a day until Nan offers her the one she had before.

What if her sin was that she was way too lazy to get the screwdriver, and didnt finish the work (she did say that "that should be fine anyway" when she didnt find another one), and this caused an accident, and the people that got in died because of it??

I dont konw, but when i saw that, and how she was prompted to tigthen whatever she was tigthening when she found another one, made me think of that. Opinions??
No. 49805 ID: 5369e0

And then i go being all derp and accidentally call her Anne instead of Anna. sorry bout that
No. 49808 ID: a4f716


Actually, the more I think about this theory, the more it makes sense; take the very first chapter. The hotel (not the Management) called for Nan to fix the outlet in room 117. This outlet covers up the hole through which the rat came to bring gifts of sustenance to Nan. This lines up perfectly with the rats being allied with the Management and there being two sides to the hotel.

Also see: my dual-hotel theories.
No. 49818 ID: 0aadef

has anyone thought about why the pilgrim has a severed noose around his neck? he must have been killed or something after he met nan there
No. 49820 ID: 1268e6

That's probably also how he can still be around after nearly two centuries of being dead.
No. 49826 ID: 2fd111

A seeming obvious fact of hotels just occurred to me. Check-In. Wouldn't everyone ('cept us obviously, and Anna, who seems to be working as a ...... HOLD ON! Something just occurred to me while I was typing, the thing in elevator, the vision thing, with Anna she was working as a mechanic, A MECHANIC. WHAT DID THE HOTEL NEED NAN FOR? Maybe it got rid of her because she out lived her usefulness?

Anyways, back to the point I was making. Check-in. Would the lack of anyone to check you in make you want to leave? Obviously ,but thats not my point. My point is, what did happen after the tried to leave? Or did they take a key for themselves? Or did someone show up to check them in? One of those last two seems likely for Henry considering he didn't seem at all suspicious to anything odd going on, like he checked-in like normal. Did someone check him in?
No. 49844 ID: 0a0e9d

you know what i think?
i think were over thinking this guys
No. 49847 ID: 2fd111

Probably true, but wild mass guessing is lots of fun!
No. 49848 ID: a4f716


Actually this is a really interesting point. We should ask Henry this the next time we get the chance.

Overthinking doesn't exist. This is Weaver we're talking about.
No. 49866 ID: 2fd111
File 133073680810.png - (12.65KB , 695x668 , Discrepency.png )

Ha! You've got a point there you do.

I noticed something odd about Nan's butt that hasn't been brought up, it's gotten bigger! That is, unless this is a drawing quirk. Can't tell which. Any thoughts?
No. 49869 ID: a4f716

It may very well be possible that Nan's choice ass is drawing power from the same source as Santiago. We should find all of the panels that so much as hint at Nan's fine backside and put them here. For pure analytical purposes.
No. 49875 ID: 9d9a29
File 133075432146.png - (217.53KB , 814x864 , nan.png )

I just recently discovered this quest (and Weaver's stuff in general). I love love LOVE it, Weaver! Hope to see more from you soon. <3

Some quick'n'crap character sketches.
No. 49884 ID: ce73b5

I'm wondering where the kitchen is. Someone (Anderson?) said that he had been brining food from the kitchen to the janitor's room. We should probably ask that person where it's the kitchen simply to improve our map. Pablo had a key to the Janitor's closet and Henyr opened it wiht the chair's leg but how did Anderson access it if he was the one actually doing the food moving.
No. 49885 ID: a4f716


At the moment we don't know anything about its whereabouts in the grand scheme of the hotel, but Nan has been in it before (see chapter 3). It's the place where she fought the Padre and set him on fire. You know, that scene.

I'm really interested in these planes of existence. How long until this comes back? :<
No. 49886 ID: ed79e1

Following from >>359578 , what if the hotel itself is actually entirely (or almost entirely) helpful, and it's just the various vile creatures dwelling inside that are malevolent? Perhaps the Beast, say, is the focus of evil, and its presence corrupts people, or attracts corrupted people, and the hotel itself tries to stop it?

- The Beast usually stays out in the courtyard, and only rarely enters the hotel itself.
- When Nan got a vision of the past, the description of the place itself was very positive.
- The hotel offers places of refuge and ways of escape, delivers lost objects back to where they can be collected and even delivers food and information; meanwhile, bad things happening are the results of independent agents. If I recall correctly, the only bad thing the building does is prevent people from leaving, which makes sense if it's some sort of protective entity trying to prevent evil getting out. (need to re-read to confirm this one)
- The creatures in the darkness do not actually seem to care about light or darkness. Rather than the dark being somehow beneficial to them, perhaps it's the opposite: when the creatures come, the hotel makes it dark so that people can evade them. The hotel doesn't like Nan shining her flashlight because she's endangering herself.
- Nan, the protagonist, is a repairwoman and is thematically aligned with aiding the building rather than the people.

Perhaps the spanish mission was built over some imprisoned supernatural Bad Thing, and its holy spirit or whatever kept it safe; but the evil presence leaked out, got into the Padre's mind, made him crazy, and burned the place down. When the hotel was built, what was left of the good thing inhabited it and still tries to keep things suppressed, but the evil presence is much stronger and takes people to feed off them or corrupt them or whatever.
No. 49888 ID: ce73b5

>This appears to be some sort of lounge, judging by the stacked chairs and tables, as well as the glasses and drinks by the bar, and the thick cloth napkins on the countertop.
It doesn't look like a kitchen to me...
>Nan asks what Anderson knows -- where he's been getting food, how he's been staying alive. He responds simply, and his voice is gravelly: He's been going to the janitor's closet and the kitchen to get food and water when necessary. Somehow they haven't run out yet. He stays in the light and doesn't let his guard down. That's how he's still alive -- because he's not about to die here, in this place. Not without even knowing what it is.
How did he open the Janitor's door when Pablo said he used his key to do it?

There are plenty of interesting theories going around but I think we need more data before we judge so I'm just pointing something that caught my attention :P
No. 49889 ID: a4f716


...Wow. This is actually an awesomely plausible theory. I love it! And this could very well be the thing that Weaver said we were assuming that's wrong.

On an unrelated note, I think it would behoove us to try and explore some other rooms. The lights went out in chapter 3 when we tried the doorknob to 116. We need an optimal suggestion to-do list.
No. 49890 ID: ed79e1

>It doesn't look like a kitchen to me...
It had a bar, so presumably it would have had a connection to the kitchens.

>How did he open the Janitor's door when Pablo said he used his key to do it?
Under the "benevolent hotel" theory, the hotel may allow people to enter and exit rooms when they need to, and locks its doors otherwise, possibly because there are monsters being held behind them. It didn't let Pablo pass because he has something to do with the bad shit that's going on, so it doesn't like him. Him having a key may represent some sort of hold he has over the hotel.

I notice that when the Padre wanted to block off Nan's routes, he actually created visible locks and chains to seal doors off, implying that his will/desires are separate from whatever force controls the locks normally.
No. 49905 ID: ce73b5

The hotel might be good although at the moment, I really don't think we have enough evidence to suggest one way or the other and my gut feeling leans more towards evil or at least uncooperative... but I'll keep firmly in mind that the hotel might be good.

At the moment, I think that taking into account it was fairly early that Weaver said we had made a false assumption, I'm more for the "Lights are good and protect us" being it.

I brought up the matter of the key because maybe, just maybe we should be suspicious of Anderson (not that we aren't suspicious of everybody by default :P).
No. 49938 ID: fe5b5f

Ah its been 2 years~ when will chapter 6 be?
No. 49944 ID: a4f716


Actually it's been a little less than two weeks! It just updated recently.

I just now saw a commercial for a psyche episode. Looked like it was about a hotel that drove people crazy. Yeeeah.
No. 50125 ID: 4a09e5

I'm really glad Nan Quest is back.

I'm not sure how useful this is, but it may be possible to exploit Padre's position as a Catholic priest next time we run into him.

According to Catholic theology, a priest retains his position and his place in the 'Communion of saints' even in death. Thus, he may still be bound, or at least remember, some of his obligations in life. Given the theme of forgiveness, it may be worthwhile to try and invoke the sacrament of Reconciliation, if only to bide time. While a priest can deny Communion to those who "live in grave sin", under no circumstances can Reconciliation be denied.

He has to at least hear your confession. It's up to him whether to accept it as sincere or not.
No. 50126 ID: 459534

That might be worth a shot, especially if Padre is hunting people because he thinks they're evil/sinful.
No. 50134 ID: f1e9be

Weaver's getting kicked out of his apartment. He's asking for donations on his tumblr http://tgweaver.tumblr.com/post/19107187069/help
No. 50135 ID: 1268e6

There was a thread about it I saw yesterday, but it seems to have been deleted.

I guess the argument brewin' turned into a real shitstorm and some mod removed it?
No. 50136 ID: 88e5ad


it's been moved to /general/.
No. 50137 ID: 97486c

They moved it to /general/ since it isn't quest discussion. Kinda like this conversation
No. 50140 ID: d85795

I had a thought... last time in Rubyquest, the evil came from unearthing something terrible. Mayhaps we've overlooked the idol too much? Perhaps a Native American curse was brought upon the place. Either the Catholic mission kicked them off their land or "forced" them to convert *OR* someone before them might have committed an atrocity against whatever culture was there and the poor saps in the mission just happened up on the cursed idol.
No. 50146 ID: 1268e6

The father did have a dream, of a woman confessing him, and he could not forgive her.

I always thought that had something to do with this.
No. 50154 ID: a2519b

when will thread 6 come out
No. 50169 ID: 4a09e5


Of course, it might be a good idea to figure out exactly what we are confessing.
No. 50175 ID: 439f55

In Padre's diary he started out using "God" with a capital "g," then ended by using "god" with a lowercase "g," and still continued to use capital "I" to refer to himself.

Could that mean anything?
No. 50264 ID: 137823

The Journal of Father Francis Velasco really fascinates me. I decided to type what it said down and I have been forming theories as to what these entries point at. Here are some findings that stick out to me most.

"Entry number 91
May the 15th

Vermin are becoming more
pervasive. They give me little
rest. ..."

"Entry number 105
May the 28th ...

...Vermin everywhere. Infested.

Cant get rid of them. ..."

Father Velasco grows increasingly flustered over apparent "Vermin" in his Mission. I was wondering why on earth he would be THIS frantic about rats (unless of course the infestation was that severe). And then my brother made this joke as I was typing all this down. "A.K.A The church-goers!"

Wow. I'm beginning to wonder if something was turning Velasco against his own followers. If he began seeing them, or mistaking them as "Vermin".

"Entry number 104
May the 24th

Very cold now. Even the sun does
little to dispel this chill. Thunder
roars almost nightly.

Very cold now.

May the light of God warm us. ..."

"Entry number 114
June the 2nd

My skin is ice."

That's funny. We saw that Nan visited the past just chapters ago, and apparently it was very warm outside the mission. "Even the sun does little to dispel the chill. Thunder roars almost nightly. ..." If it was so nice outside, then why can't Velasco feel it? Obviously he was experiencing something that no one else saw.

"Entry number 321

they don't see what I see
maybe only I can see it maybe
they will never see it they will
never understand what I am
they cannot see this is for them
this is for their souls ..."

There you have it. Father Velasco is being tormented by something that no one else perceives. His writing has grown rushed and scrawled and he has failed to mark the date of the entry. Looking further into the entry...

"... so many souls
who do they belong to
into the fire into the fire into
the fire into the fire into the fire"

Into the fire. That part brought to mind a verse I once read in the Bible.

Deuteronomy 18:10
"There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire ..."

Velasco is the Padre, the Father, of the mission. I believe he had set up some sort of sacrificial system. Maybe he was too out of his mind to realize what he was doing. But it sounds like he was sacrificing his followers A.K.A his children into his own fireplace. One thing is clear; some sort of malevolent force has attached itself to his mission, and to him. Something that making him see, feel, and do things. And it's been this way for years.
No. 50323 ID: ef67f0

Following up on your thoughts re: vermin, I'd like to point out that , apparently, mice have traditionally been used to represent souls in purgatory. For example, Saint Gertrude of Nivelles (who was known for her devotion to souls in purgatory) is often represented with mice at her feet or running up and down her staff or cloak, and offerings of gold and silver mice have been left at her shrines.


Just further food-for-thought.
No. 50347 ID: 0e2123

Son of a bitch.

Like a few others, I thought that maybe 4:66 was a Biblical verse of some kind. When this didn't pan out (as others have described), it occurred to me that since this number originally appeared on a malfunctioning and/or possessed clock, it might make sense to convert those sixty minutes into an extra hour, which gives us 5:06.

Leviticus, Book 5, Verse 6:

As a penalty for the sin they have committed, they must bring to the LORD a female lamb or goat from the flock as a sin offering; and the priest shall make atonement for them for their sin.
No. 50348 ID: ef67f0

Fuck. :I
No. 50349 ID: f730a1


No. 50351 ID: e3f578

My god, the sin theory of Anna's is correct, rather than only vaguely correct and consistent with a few people like Pablo, Santiago, and Anna!
I really thought she was being a bit melodramatic like Kim was, but in a less annoying way and in a rational manner that just gives us food for thought.

Isn't the rational behind the goat being sacrificed is that it's technically considered an innocent dying for the sins of the sinners, right? Does this mean that Nan is the one real innocent here? At most, she's just lazy, but the seven deadly sins are the inspiration behind the idea of sins instead of being sins themselves, isn't that one theory? The angry and the slothful aren't sinners because of their characteristics, but their sins could very likely well be based from those aspects, correct?
No. 50361 ID: 4a09e5


That does beg the question how Nan got trapped in the hotel if she is truly innocent. It still might be worthwhile to try and ask for forgiveness.
No. 50369 ID: ef67f0

Easy, now. The verse may reflect how Padre sees things, not how they actually are. And, though I think I've heard that said about the seven deadly sins before, I think it's more complicated than that. For instance, I know that anger isn't always treated as a sin (there's even such a thing as righteous anger), but others, like envy or lust, seem to always be sinful. It might have something to do with how the sins are defined.

And yeah, if memory serves the sacrificial lamb was meant to "take on" the sins of Israel, in one sense or another, and be slain for those sins in place of the Israelites. In the Christian/Catholic tradition this is taken as a foreshadowing ofholycrapNanisJesusChrist!
No. 50370 ID: 439f55

Sorry to interrupt the discussion but has anybody seen Weaver's blog recently
No. 50371 ID: ef67f0

Ja. There's a post on it in the "general" board.

But it's good to see you concerned about it. I'm sure he'd appreciate that. :)
No. 50468 ID: d85795


I think you might be reaching too far. 466 is the last entry in the Padre's log: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/src/132996020295.gif

It could be still referencing something farther down the line, but I feel like this is the thing Weaver mentioned that we're all assuming wrong: that it's a reference to a bible verse.
No. 50771 ID: 28c0fe

does it seem that Kim and Anderson have a "thing" going secretly.
I mean, Kim and Anderson are ALWAYS together, there must be something between them, right?
No. 50775 ID: 1268e6

It's possible, but honestly, I think they're hanging out just because they can't let the other one run around alone in a place like this, and there's no one else there to take care of each other, what with the rest being either dead or the main characters.

There's no particular vibe from them.
No. 50781 ID: 28c0fe

True, true, but I still feel a vibe, nonetheless.
You know how Anderson says "trust no one" yet he and Kim seem to be putting a lot of trust into each other. I dunno, I think I'm just getting this vibe cuz the two are paired up a lot of the time and we don't hear from them for long periods of time. There maybe not be anything here, but still, the smallest clues could lead to something big.
No. 50782 ID: 28c0fe

True, true, but I still feel a vibe, nonetheless.
You know how Anderson says "trust no one" yet he and Kim seem to be putting a lot of trust into each other. I dunno, I think I'm just getting this vibe cuz the two are paired up a lot of the time and we don't hear from them for long periods of time. There maybe not be anything here, but still, the smallest clues could lead to something big.
No. 50786 ID: 28c0fe

Other different note.
Who would win in a fight? Ace vs. the Padre, the Pilgrim, and the Beast.
My money's on Ace.
Always bet on Ace.
No. 50787 ID: 0a166b

not so sure, it was crazy powerful, but in some note it was said that tom was able to fight on near equal ground whit im
No. 50817 ID: 28c0fe

Hmm, well, the "cure" was what gave Tom his MANLY PHYSIQUE, and that strength was so powerful that Tom could rip the good doctor's arms and head off. And even grounds? Even with MANLY PHYSIQUE Tom had to evade Ace, for no one could defeat Ace. (possibly Stitches, but my guess that he was ripped to shreds as Ruby and Tom escaped. I think Ace is bad ass enough to go one and three.
No. 50861 ID: e4a136

The A looks like a penis.

No. 50872 ID: bccf7b


Actually, both would work:

1). They are trapped because of their sins. Escape, as it seems, may indeed be death/sacrifice.
2). How many people have tried to kill Nan so far? It's possible that the Padre is attempting to escape the sins of the many (including his own), via way of sacrifice.

In essence, if Nan escapes and leaves the hotel, he (and possibly all the others) will remain trapped. Ergo, it could be that she is trapped because she is the innocent party, and in essence, the "key".
No. 50939 ID: 305745

My theories:
1) "The Padre" is Father Francis Velasco. It's obvious when a) Padre is Spanish for Father b) The Padre was okay with being in fire, relating to how Valasco wrote about a fire place (also, the Padre's weapon is a fire poker)
2. I think that Santiago is the "beast." a) Santiago, upon leaving the light that shines down into the chapel, he appears wilder looking and somewhat "beast" like. b)Santiago seems to care more about the beast than the other two big monsters. c) The beast appears to be a creature of darkness, and Santiago has embraced the darkness, becoming "one with it" d) Santiago is really damn creepy, and violent.
3) All three monsters are against each other because the Padre used the Pilgrim for his own intent back when the Spanish mission was there, so the Pilgrim might want revenge on the Padre. Also, I believe the beast is a part of the Hotel, most likely the Hotel's main monster of darkness, and the other two are against the beast because they are stuck in the hotel like everyone else. Further more, I believe that the Padre and Pilgrim only wish to kill, while the hotel only does violence when the people try to go against it. The Hotel may even provide a certain amount of safety in the darkness for the characters if that embrace it, much like what Santiago had done.
No. 50946 ID: 2be8fb
File 133358150638.gif - (6.04KB , 701x683 , 128589658854.gif )

but wait, if santiago is the beast, then it would mean san can be in two places at once, because she saw the beast when she was in the room with san
No. 50947 ID: 2be8fb
File 133358162653.png - (16.70KB , 701x683 , WHOS THAT.png )

wait whos this in the window there?
No. 50965 ID: 305745

Possibly the real master mind behind the twisted hotel, the manager, who I assume is called "Mr. Bowerman"
Also, I think Santiago being in more than one place is very possible, especially in this hotel. The beast in garden could even just be an decoy entity created by the hotel, to keep the people from realizing who the real beast is.
No. 50966 ID: d6db43
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Who else notices that Henry's pendant matches the symbol of death from Weaver's world eater campaign? http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/3899167/images/1236379539932.png I did.
No. 50969 ID: f01ebb
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Why is room 114 locked and tainted with blood in this panel?
No. 50970 ID: d5ee6f

Hotels generally have all even numbered rooms on one side and odd numbered on the other side. That's probably room 113. Or just room 13, since the 1st 1 is the floor number.
No. 50972 ID: f01ebb

The rooms after that are 116 and 117 so that's room 114.
No. 50973 ID: bccf7b


Of note is that the hallway faces an exterior wall, so all the rooms would thus be interior and no doors could be placed on the opposing wall.
No. 51005 ID: e37972

Hey, is there any way we can perform last rites on the Padre? Like if we found a bible or something?

Although he probably wouldn't let us finish before sticking that poker through our skull.
No. 51029 ID: 067a04
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I always thought it was because this guy lived there.
No. 51034 ID: b52f89


Nan would need some oils. Any oil would do, even olive oil. She would also either need to get a priest to bless it or a priest to administer the sacrament him self.

So, I would guess the chances of Padre receiving Last Rites are pretty low right now.
No. 51093 ID: bccf7b


You know, we never did figure out who/what ... that is.
No. 51098 ID: b85f8c

I thought it was obvious. It's Henry.

Every visitor has a dark, monstrous visage under the right circumstances.

Even Nan.
No. 51108 ID: bccf7b


I'm going to need to reread the quest. I think I'm starting to forget things.
No. 51126 ID: 2fd111


Uhhh, dude[te]? I kinda beat you to asking that by a few months...
No. 51180 ID: 055686


i think you mistook me for someone else the guy that cares is over there
No. 51186 ID: 2fd111

Oh right... thanks dude.
No. 54554 ID: d79664

I don't suppose I could get the contact information of weaver, fidchell, and trout, I have seen many great authors on this site and would like to have meaningful conversations with them instead of making meaningless contact in threads that are meant for other things...
No. 54556 ID: 28be62

You can find most of us on the RubyQuest IRC at irc.rizon.net, channel #rubyquest
PM there and all your wildest dreams will come true~♥
No. 54600 ID: d79664

Gratitude good sir, gratitude.
No. 54604 ID: d79664

hmmm every time I fail to connect to the server... I only got in once then it continued to fail to connect...
No. 54607 ID: d79664

hhhmmm a password you say, who has a password?
No. 54610 ID: 80b123

Trout's usually on #tgchan on the Rizon network. He's not on right this minute, though.
No. 54620 ID: a43a6c

Um, yeah, if you're still here, I'm on #tgchan, but not on #rubyquest (though I probably should start lurking there at the least). I'm open to anything you might want to ask/tell me.

There's also the "ask the author" thread in /questdis/, but that might be the whole "meaningless contact" you want to avoid.
No. 54627 ID: d79664

Thank you!
No. 54846 ID: 9f3890

so i guess that would make nan a........
No. 55227 ID: 581486
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Hey dudes, i'm not sure if this is worth anything, but weaver just posted an image of ace from ruby quest crawling out of a furnace on his tumblr.

Not sure if its just a joke or whatever, but its pretty neat either way.
No. 55228 ID: 4afaea

Why fear the beast that prowls in the shadows?

There’s nothing there in the dark

that wasn’t there in the light.

Holy shit, we crossover now?
No. 55745 ID: 2fd111

What if it's NOT a crossover, but a hint? What if rubyquest and nanquest are directly related ,and we just shot it down as too unlikely?

On a more serious speculation note (I'll quote and ref this properly later, it's frigging 5am) vermin, into the fire, my skin is ice, that bible verse, the padre's apparent immunity to fire, our pergatory theory, and mice being representative of souls in pergatory. Given these, I think I can conclude two things, 1: this IS infact some form of pergatory or at padre thinks so 2: the padre has been burning people alive in that furnace (possibly to warm up). Given this , Nan meeting future Nan, Kim in the furnace, the arms reaching out of the furnace, and Kim showing up immediately after that, I can't help but conclude that thing crying out for help in the furnace wasn't a trick to pull Nan into the furnace. It was future Kim. As for the arms, perhaps it's the others? Just my take.
No. 55747 ID: 874bd8


The link could be the pendant. It was made of weird green stone, possibly the same stone that the fetus statue in RQ was made of. We may be dealing with our buddy the Barbed Wheel again.
No. 55754 ID: 9bf503

>Fetus statue
do you mean the dummy?
No. 55758 ID: 2fd111

No, the thing behind the boobytraped displaycase that Ruby broke with the doctors bag to slow down Ace.
No. 55759 ID: e3aff6

Eh, they seem to me to have quite different methods.
The Barbed Wheel dealt primarily in mutation while the Hotel is more focused on shadows (metaphorical and physical).
No. 55773 ID: 874bd8


Here's the thing though, in Metal Glen the mutations were because people were ingesting the mutagens fresh from our favourite eldritch abomination. The mutations and things here may be more subtle than in RQ because no one has pieces of Cjopaze in their system...yet.
No. 55774 ID: 874bd8

WMG/Also, the Padre's slow descent into madness could be due to some sort of relics that were under the mission itself (Like say, the pendant.) But unlike Red, he held off on digging them up, or only found a few things (Like another statue, which he might have carved into more 'holy' things, again, another possible pendant origin) and in finding these things (And possibly messing with them) his descent into madness began. He probably never even wrote about them because he felt that perhaps they were sinful, so he'd want to forget about it, or he was influenced to never write it down.

One more thing, in going with the 'Relics' theory, Nan originally found it with the Padre outfit, and later when Padre attacked he stopped, which Pablo said never happened. Maybe he remembers that the pendant is 'Unholy' like the other relics and was afraid of it?

Again, this is mostly wild mass guessing, but I think it could be kinda neat.
No. 55788 ID: d79ace
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the furnace is going to be really important.
No. 55850 ID: d026d9
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hey dudes. hope you like hot girls dressing up as nan.

No. 55852 ID: 8ebaa1

No. 56313 ID: 50dac1

Here's my theory, flaky as it may be:
The hotel is its own being, trying to survive against the world, as Nan and the rest are to it. It is the only thing pure in the world, but it can't handle things messing up it's insides. Upon which, it retaliates. After the first month or so in the hotel, it speaks to you, tells you of it's plight. The Padre probably heard this first, and became a servant. The Pilgrim, however, was spoken to, but declared the hotel was wrong, and went against them, attempting to kill it's occupants before they could be put against the world. That's why he's carving everyone up. Santiago probably also heard the call of the hotel, which would explain him being at home in the dark, and able to shift through walls and the such. Finally, The Beast. EVERYONE is afraid of the beast. It's the true nature of what's outside. During the building of the hotel, some of the world got in, aaand yeah. Created The Beast. Basically, the Hotel is the only good-aligned thing in the world, while the rest of the world is just sugar-coated evil. The traps? Just to startle you, make you a bit more mentally unstable, and to make you more susceptible the hotel's offer.
Well, that's all I've got that's (Maybe?) new.
No. 56357 ID: 5762cd

I've got a question: Do you think Pablo's Bad Thing was before or after he entered the hotel? Or... both?
No. 56409 ID: a4f716

I'd put my money on "after". I really want to know more about the dream though - it was nothing but curious.
No. 57098 ID: 2fd111

It occured to me that I don't know for sure how to pronounced Nan. I've be saying Nhan, like KHHHAAAAAAAAN! , but it occured to me it might be Naan, like Nancy. Both fit as goat puns. Naan being like the phrase nanny goat. Nhan being the sound a goat makes. Note: I'm talking an adult goat, not a baby one. Thought I'd make the distinction since the sounds of the goats from the fainting goat video are likely what popped into your head when you read 'sound a goat makes.

Also, when I typed Khan I could help but laugh at the though of someone[Henery?] yell Nan like the Khan.
No. 57116 ID: 5f62d5


I had always assume it was pronounced like the flatbread, but then, I don't actually know how to pronounce THAT.

Delicious, though.
No. 57128 ID: 1e5dc7

It's "Nan" as in "Nanny Goat".
No. 57129 ID: 2fd111

Oh, thanks Weaver.
Nan as in nanny goat it is!
No. 57679 ID: ffd73c

Hey, if everyone else watching this thread is like me and wants to see more updates from Weaver, perhaps you might want to participate in the fundraising drive going on at his tumblr. The money goes to a good cause - easing up on his financial troubles so he can get back to the storytelling we all love. There's also milestone rewards, and the more money raised overall will mean more months of updates. Even if you can't afford to donate yourself, a signal boost to spread the word will help.

No. 57745 ID: 6a1ec2
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>tfw you pronounce both the same way
No. 57838 ID: 1d4084

I doubt this money-supporting will work in the long way...
However, I'm happy weaver already got 5570$ acording to Chipin, so that would make 7 months for low-standard or maybe 6 with some comfort in not beeing worried^^
No. 57850 ID: 28e503

Is it possible that the windows are an exact mirror image of the windows Nan is looking out of? If that is true, maybe crossing the courtyard past the Beast just leads to a mirror image of the hotel. I at least feel we should be looking more into all these mirrors at the hotel.
No. 57862 ID: 067a04
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>we should be looking more into all these mirrors at the hotel.
No. 57877 ID: e3f578

I think Weaver's started Boxdog again
He IS the creator of boxdog, right?
No. 57878 ID: b85f8c

Yep. It's due to him getting money. We should expect more Nan and Dive on Aug 2, and some sort of mystery quest in September.
No. 57985 ID: cfd2bf

only a few more hours left until Dive/Nan quest continue.
No. 57995 ID: ff2b77
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"Nan meets her cousin at the airport."
No. 58003 ID: 5741e5
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My face when nan tonight
No. 58010 ID: 7f2d33
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Waiting is always the hardest part.
No. 58014 ID: 34b761
File 134395171426.jpg - (82.75KB , 356x431 , full body face burried in arms sad.jpg )

Weaver it's almost 12AM my time, you gotta come through with this maaaan ;_;
No. 58015 ID: e9c0eb

Is it me or is neither divequest/nanquest getting updated tonight?
No. 58016 ID: b62897

I don't need sleep anyways....
No. 58017 ID: 562a9f

Calm the fuck down. Weaver is in California and it's only 9 here. You've got another 3 hours.
No. 58018 ID: b62897
File 134395206285.jpg - (58.42KB , 500x375 , tumblr_lhoh49kbKA1qfj4coo1_500.jpg )

>inb4 Weaver and his brother takes donation money and flees the country.

j/k please don't do that....
No. 58025 ID: 8ff502

Guys, the figure on the balcony doesn't have a long snout, he was covering his face with his arm/sleeve, I think.
No. 58026 ID: d94e2c

Oh, I think we did a bad thing. Maybe we shouldn't try to flashlight everything. We did meet Lorenzo, yeah, But it might screw us like when we saw future pablo and almost got killed (in the dream).

Maybe it's just paranoia but you ALL saw what Santiago said about sticking our nose in places. Also, when we timejump or perspective/vision/continuity flip or what the hell ever we do, we get lost. We wake up someplace random and that screws with our inventory, location, coninuities and SAN.

tl;dr when we change times we get lost.
No. 58027 ID: 20820e

come on, weaver, some poor saps have resorted to repeatedly correcting their sad excuse for a literature reference in the quest thread
No. 58028 ID: 759569

Come on what? What are you even saying?
No. 58029 ID: 20820e
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Hey man, I give myself a gold star for trying.
No. 58031 ID: 20820e

I think they were trying to say come on and post the next image
No. 58033 ID: d94e2c

Come on guys, don't be greedy. It's kinda late (depending on time zone of course). Besides, We got all the time in the world now.
No. 58037 ID: 7f2d33
File 134397077531.jpg - (112.24KB , 425x295 , tumblr_lpon7cmoNO1qlxdqt.jpg )

My reaction when I awoke to see the updates. My morning's just gotten a lot better already~
No. 58038 ID: b62897


What you did. I see it.
No. 58043 ID: b62897


What you did. I see it.
No. 58056 ID: 589acc

Note to hive-mind self: if we insist of shining our light in random people's eyes, at least give a warning first. Like, "Hey, watch out" or whatever. Iunno, seems like it might be a good investment.
No. 58091 ID: f0ec70

"Vermin are becoming more pervasive. They give me little rest."

"More vermin."

"Vermin everywhere. Infested.

I can't get rid of them. 

I must remember the work of God. Can't forget the  mission."

Before, he dreamt about a Spanish woman begging or forgiveness and not being "moved to speak". He complains of being cold and his skin feeling like "ice." 

Now he speaks of a fireplace being the answer and how a certain pilgrim is "perfect".

He goes on about "vermin everywhere", questioning why they're there and how there's thunder outside. He says that they can't see that "it's for them" and their "souls", "so many souls", and stars repeating "into the fire" again and again. 

I think he goes crazy and sees the "savages" in the area as vermin and burns them alive, to try to warm himself and save their souls. Remember that helpful rat earlier in the story? Maybe the souls of the burned have become rats or something. 

Just my two cents. (Wow, that's a lot of quotations.)
No. 58094 ID: 2fd111

As I said in the quest thread, when the when I read the Spanish responce, I thought of somthing. Note, this hinges on the assumptions(even if logical) that the Father is the Padre ,and Larenzo is the Pilgrim. And that Larenzo speaks Spanish.
The Father is obviously an English-speaking man,so why is he called the Padre(in spanish). Plus I doubt he named himself that for two more reasons. He refered to himself as father in his journal, he obviously considers this his title, not padre. Then there is the fact that The Padre's mouth is sown shut. With this I conclude conclude that 'The Padre' is not a self appointed title, but one given to him. Now here's were Larenzo/The Pilgrim speaking spanish comes in, I think he gave him the title.

Also, conserning The Padre's mouth being sown shut, I'm begining to think Larenzo did that to shut him up. But that's only a guess.
No. 58097 ID: 4dfc5f
File 134411550671.png - (127.68KB , 1468x731 , santiago\'s dance.png )

i'd love to see some more santiago??
No. 58098 ID: d94e2c

You know, Padre mentions seeing a vision of a bespectacled spanish woman whom he could not forgive. I think this might be a future vision of him killing Kim. Maybe he stuck her in the furnace because he couldn't forgive her so he had to kill her like the other vermin and firey deaths are his MO?

Kim's ethnicity was never commented upon so maybe she is Spanish, or maybe because she's white, the xenophobic Padre assumes she's spanish like himself as opposed to all those dirty native heathenous vermin he's used to. Or, hell, maybe everyone's spanish or hispanic and the quest takes place somewhere in Mexico, I don't know.
No. 58111 ID: bc80f9

Basic thing we all have wrong about Nanquest: Everyone is speaking Spanish.
No. 58112 ID: 2fd111

That's what I've been getting at for awhile now (no offense, just can't think of any other way to phrase that right now).

If we get the chance to talk to The Father we should try talk about dreams, and the discribe (as if it were a dream) our first encounter with the Padre. Then if possible describe (again, as if it were a dream) finding Kim in the furnace, but be as vague as possible about the location, but be verbose about decribing Kim (not just her state of health, but her physical description, but avoid paraphrasing his journal). He needs to know that some more is going on here if someone else could perfectly describe the woman he saw in a dream, AND the woman he's speaking to looks exactly like the woman he saw in another dream, which the discription of perfectly matches that of the dream he had(assuming he 'dreampt' the part with Nan) but from the perspective of the woman. This may show him that something HERE and not necessarily him. Convincing (or even suggesting (it's a powerful thing, suggestion) him that there is somthing unholy going on here rather than him going insane may give us some lee-way, in the future[possiblely an unintentional pun].
No. 58114 ID: 5215e9

Kim-in-the-furnace tried to drag Nan into the fire. This makes me think it was more of an illusion by the Hotel/Padre rather than a version of Kim from another time that was thrown there by Padre.
No. 58117 ID: 1d5849

The only connection we have with Kim and the woman in his dreams is the glasses. A lot of people wear glasses.

Personally, I think that's just where the whole thing started: he couldn't forgive the woman, so she cursed him.
No. 58119 ID: bc80f9
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Sup, I just found out about NanQuest 2 days ago, and I've been mulling a few things over in my head now, so I guess I'll just put um out here.

1. Henry is a liar and we cannot trust him. "He drew a bath, relaxed in it, and just as he closed his eyes he heard someone in his room -- Nan."

This is just not true, and I was surprised when no one seemed to call him out on it when this happened. If you look back, it is clearly Pablo who walked in on Nan in his room. She knocked on Henry's door and talked to him from outside of it. This would also imply that Pablo and Henry have been talking off screen for some reason, and trying to hide something.

2. The Black-Tentacle-y thing on the floor in the "blood" painting room looks an awful lot like Santiago to me.

There don't seem to be any ears, but he's the only character we know of with an elongated snout, right? Added to the fact that we know he's been letting the darkness in a little bit too much recently.

Also, here's Pablo again, right next to the creepiest room we've seen so far, covered in blood and crying. We have a lot to learn about him.

3. The unknown(Alan..?) ghost-painting(???) that attacked us in the "blood" painting room has its fingers cut off.

Santiago talked about doing something similar. Just something I noticed.

And finally, a theory (that others have talked about too) that complicates everything I just said.

4. There are no time shenanigans regarding sleeping/waking-up/jumps.

Firstly, how do we explain Nan meeting herself without time shenanigans? Easy, two Nans. But if there are two Nans, there are two Henrys, which means there are two of everyone, and two hotels. Or possibly more.

What we've seen to support this are: the missing stairs near the lobby, creepy-evil-mirror-Henry, creepy-evil(?)-mirror-Nan, Henry being our boyfriend.

Things that might contradict it: there are definitely SOME time shenanigans with the years and memory(?) hopping.

That's all I can think of at 5 in the morning. I'd love any input on anything I've forgotten or anything I have blatantly wrong.
No. 58134 ID: 58396a


Well, if we look at the hotel as a self-contained space and regard some of the strange hallucinations we've experienced as actual, physical events...

... it could be explained that the hotel is showing us both the real past and the possible futures...

Or, more simply: what is.

Nightmares aside, the second Nan could have actually been a "previous attempt". At what? Probably escape. This would fit Kim's theory of a Purgatoria-styled otherworld, which might fit as many of our events seem to reflect upon the "failures" of others, and ourself (Nan).

It might also indicate that, if they follow the same logic, the "punishment" is our own doing, as said by the Pilgrim, and, by proxy, Taxirabbit.

The question that remains is: what must be done to escape intact?

Or all of this is the head-cold talking and whatnot. Who knows.
No. 58159 ID: 7f2d33

>Mark on Lorenzo's face

There's a few possible explanations for this.

1. Weaver made a tiny error.

2. The Padre has already hurt Lorenzo, but Lorenzo thinks it's his own fault so he won't talk about it.

3. This may have something to do with when we attacked the Pilgrim the first time. Keyword MAY.
No. 58168 ID: fa410f

The mark was there since the first time Lorenzo appeared.
No. 58170 ID: 7f2d33


Whoops, must've missed it. Sorry Weaver. <:3
No. 58171 ID: f0ec70


You're right. Henry peeked out the door of Room 114, while Pablo was the one who came out of the shower in Room 117 while Nan was resting. He disappears, and Nan checks the bathroom and behind the shower curtain. He's gone.
No. 58172 ID: f0ec70

There was a mouse under the bell in the lobby, and when Nan cleaned it out and rang the bell again the lights went out. Significance?

Also, after Nan and Henry introduced themselves to each other, Henry asked for a minute to change. As soon as he went inside the lights in the hallway (only the hallway) went out and Nan could hear footsteps. He was also pretty flirtatious, which could mean nothing or perhaps he's trying to cover up something. I'm just a bit suspicious about him now.
No. 58187 ID: 7f2d33

>Father referred to locals as vermin
>Mice in hotel have either been dead or friendly thusfar

Coincidence? Maybe?
No. 58191 ID: 2fd111

Perhaps he literally sees them as vermin. The journal did mention something like 'maybe they don't see what I see'.
No. 58194 ID: 7d7faa
File 134420477456.gif - (700.45KB , 152x152 , nanfuk.gif )

>Nan freaks out at the gravity of the situation
No. 58196 ID: 28e503

I know this has been ages ago, but am I seriously the only one wondering why there was a picture of Henry in the newspaper we looked at earlier in the story?
No. 58199 ID: bc80f9

Speaking of tiny things people have forgot, how about that "safe house on the 2nd floor" being switched to the 3rd floor?
No. 58203 ID: f0ec70


Wait, when did we look at a newspaper?
No. 58206 ID: 2fd111

Huh? When did that happen?
No. 58209 ID: 7d7faa
File 134428929454.png - (19.18KB , 701x683 , helpme.png )

She checks a newspaper in the main lobby after leaving 'the bedroom' with Henry at the beginning of part 3
No. 58210 ID: 7d7faa
File 134428992011.gif - (9.99KB , 701x683 , 130472128557.gif )

also something I haven't seen mentioned so far, I went back to check whether or not Mirror Nan in Chapter 5 was Underwear-Nan or not, and it's curiously one of the few panels in the entire chapter where she's drawn without her overalls (most other times due to odd angles)

I personally think that these panels were purposefully left vague and could be more evidence for the dual-nans theory.

The only thing that confuses me is that if we are controlling two different Nans, arguably in different points of time, (maybe even 3 Nans, if spanish missionary Nan actually exsisted and isn't timefuckery), why is our inventory the same when we switch between them?
No. 58213 ID: fb5404

I've wondered that too. Hold on. Our inventory has changed. We used the check to throw the ratbell rat in the trash, didn't we? I think we had the check again a few panels later. Was that an error, or...?
No. 58215 ID: f0ec70

(I'm rereading this whole thing and taking notes.)

When Henry goes into his room to change, Nan waits outside and notices a painting of a lighthouse outside the door in the hallway. "Looks like a..." And then the lights go out. And she hears footsteps; whose could those have been?
No. 58216 ID: 7d7faa
File 134429220409.gif - (13.38KB , 701x683 , 128574411329.gif )

If I can ramble and expand a bit more-

At the very least I'm tired of the bedroom scene with Henry disregarded as a 'dream' or an illusion by the house or darker forces, especially with weaver insinuating early warping wasn't "arbitrary".

We have controlled at least two separate Nans up to this point. We don't know for sure if they're both the same Nan in different points of time, or two parallel Nans...

but if you were to dismiss the bedroom scene with Henry, the entire intro and fixing the arcades power could easily have been an illusion as well. We may only want to believe that's the true origin because it was the first we were exposed to.

(the only problem with that being that we are still carrying around the check from finishing that job. Perhaps we should try reading the writing on it sometime and see if the writing is jumbled like the newspaper?)

I'd even go as far to say that the creepy bloody encounter with Pablo was very real and did happen, despite it occurring literally after Nan fell asleep.
No. 58217 ID: f0ec70


I agree, those instances shouldn't be disregarded or considered unimportant. We should keep those in mind.

Maybe Henry's in trouble with the law, or something happened, and that's why he was in the newspaper. That's why he was acing suspicious and lying. Apparently Ed on business; his room didn't have much in it. I dunno, I'm going to reread this whole thing.
No. 58218 ID: f0ec70


Nan wraps up the dead mouse with the manager's note, not the check.

She still has the check when she enters the hotel lobby from her bedroom with Henry, and she's still wearing her nightclothes. Maybe the scene with Henry was real?
No. 58219 ID: 4cc308

We shouldn't lead Lorenzo against the Padre, because The Padre ends up hanging him for going against him if we do.

Seriously though, how else do you explain the noose around his neck? Unless he hung himself from the guilt of helping The Padre.
No. 58220 ID: 7d7faa
File 134429591291.png - (354.45KB , 717x559 , newspaper_rubbish.png )

I know I've replied a lot today so after this I'll knock it off

I attempted to rewrite the newspaper by following the motions on paper, as expected it's complete gibberish, even when upside-down and flipped. Sharing for possible reference
No. 58228 ID: fb5404

Nothing to do at work today, so I reread everything and wrote down everything that I saw that didn't have a concrete answer yet.

No. 58229 ID: fb5404

Oops, my bad.
Reading the check is a great idea.
No. 58241 ID: cfd2bf

we need to excommunicate the Padre,thus removing his religious powers over the pilgrim and maybe freeing him from his "religious Fervor", GET ME A BELL, A BOOK, AND A CANDLE STICK!.
but for serious, if we can get the front desk bell, grab the journal and find some candles, we can make this thing work.
No. 58250 ID: 58ded9

The front desk bell vanished :p
No. 58253 ID: cfd2bf


yes, but so have a lot of other things, i'm sure if we make our intent to find the bell, then head to the room boxes it will show up in one of them, i doubt the Hotel (and/or Weaver) would remove the bell unless it was either, Very important or very UNimportant.
No. 58260 ID: 2fd111


Didn't we put in the trash can behind the counter because ,even without the dead rat inside, (which we wrapped up in the note (not the check) before throwing out) it was still caked in rat gore. That and it wasn't working anymore anyway. Not objecting looking for it, we didn't really figure out why/how it was/is[/will be?] broken. But then again, would you want to go through all that rat gore to figure out what exactly about it is broken?

On another note, I'm still holding on my theory that the Kim in the furnace and the kim that showed up immediately after that are the same Kim, either by way of timey-whimy shenanigans(furnace Kim being future!Kim the other being past!Kim), or by way of the duel Nan theory. Changing subject to Nan(thought point that out claritys sake). In the event one of those two theories is true, I'm thinking we should refer to the Nans as under!Nan ;the Nan that woke up in bed with Henry[?] and walked out of the bedroom into the lobby in her underwear( or were those hotpants or something? I think remember a discussion(in the discussion thread, but it's too far back for me to check on this this) about which it was). Anyways, kinda got off topic there. Call one under!Nan (the in her underware[?]) , call one over!Nan (in overalls), and one mirror!Nan. Now ,mirror might be one of the two Nans we've controled (assuming duel Nan theory is true). One last thought ,not sure if I'm serious about this one though, maybe mirror!Henry (or was it Pablo I forget) was smiling after non-mirror!Henry/Pablo turned around because he got a look at the other's ass. If it was Henry , we did talk of him being a bit of a perv earlier in the thread. I also wouldn't be surprised if he swings both ways.
No. 58262 ID: c1655b

Nah, the bell vanished when we left the room then came back to ring it again because everyone loves ringing bells.

Also Under and Over!Nan, that's perfect! Almost too perfect.

And Mirror Henry never saw Henry butt, the Mirror image didn't turn to face us until Henry was sitting on the bed.
No. 58264 ID: ac8941

Hey! I just realized something.

Kim in the furnace:
No. 58270 ID: f0ec70


And she was trying to pull Nan in, too! I strongly believe she was part of the hotel or something, trying to hurt Nan.
No. 58271 ID: f0ec70

That thing outside the doors to the courtyard looks like the eyes in the elevator in Chapter 3. Does anyone have a still of the elevator creature?
No. 58272 ID: 7f2d33
File 134440470237.png - (10.32KB , 454x459 , Ding.png )


Well I tried.
No. 58273 ID: bc80f9

No. 58274 ID: 7f2d33

Even if it IS the thing in the elevator, we have no clue how it'll react to light, or if it's going to react to us period.

Seeing how everything else here made of the evil shadow stuff hates us, probably not too well.
No. 58275 ID: 7f2d33


Sorry, I meant "how" it's going to react period. Not "if". Sorry.
No. 58280 ID: 2fd111

I've argued my point this far, I'll keep it up. What if the other arms were pulling her in too? The only reasonable reaction on here part would be to grab Nan and hold on for dear life while she does a tug of war with her as the rope.

Also, this got me thinking, it turns out there are two Nans, that might might mean there are two Annas! TAXIRABBIT MAY STILL LIVE!

Bit of wild mass guessing, but what if they're copies of them? Think back to the paintings in the dream[?] sequence ,and the thing that 'walked' off of one. What if that was a copy? Maybe whatever Pablo did has something to do with the copying.
No. 58281 ID: 2fd111

Correction: IF it turns out there are two Nans. It's not a certainty.
No. 58309 ID: e9c04d

Thing we've gotten wrong about NaQuest the whole time: Lights aren't affecting the creatures.

it does affect them, but they power through it because they ain't gon have non o yo Sheet

Possibly, Beast has an allergic reaction and goes all Tetsuo on us and has to be blown up by a heavy-weapons-weilding Padre while they both shout each other's names. But that seems unlikely.

also Nan is a shapeshifter
No. 58310 ID: 2fd111

Thanks for the /wmg thing. Your post left me highly confused.
No. 58328 ID: feea89
File 134453013148.gif - (3.89KB , 701x683 , 134438912863.gif )

Just realized i was discussing a quest in a quest thread. :facepalm:

Repeat here, w/o spoiler tags:
I don't like the eyes though. They're closest to being Santiago's, but on the close-up they're not perfectly round and are slanted just a bit. The Beast has different, highly slanted inward eyes and the teeth seemed to be visible if the Sun Room pics are to be trusted. A third party?
No. 58331 ID: feea89


Figured just saying RUN wouldn't cut it, Nan needs some serious adrenalin in her veins - Anderson specifically warned us that trying to do anything to the Beast other than running away from is a surefire way to get killed. The problem is we're not exactly SURE the eyes behind the Courtyard doors belong to the Beast - in fact, I am full of doubts about that. However, we know for sure that's where the Beast lurks and someone's screwing around looking through windows in its turf, so it might not be the best idea to stay and look around, especially with the flashlight on.

If it really is Santiago, we basically worded a very strong "stay away asshole" message in the earlier chapter, so there is no reason to suddenly feel all sympathetic to him, ESPECIALLY if he's trying to lure the Beast within range of Nan.

If it is an unknown third party, backing away slowly is the best response - we send a message that we're not a threat, but we're wary of any unknown presence. If the third party is friendly, he/she/it will do better to contact us under better circumstances. If not, backing away is obviously a good course of action preparing us for any hostilities.

And if it really is the Beast... well, I'm inclined to listen to Anderson on that one.
No. 58356 ID: a4f716

There will come a time when we'll need to shine light on things for information and for exposition. I feel like a major theme of this quest is bringing things out of the dark but not forcing light on them. We'll have to see with this one.

Anyway, I feel like we need to do some light-less investigation and figure out wtf is going on before we start shining everything.
No. 58382 ID: d8537a

While it sprays darkness, the Beast(?) gives off a light of its own, and in that light Nan casts a Padre's shadow.
(That might suggest that the Beast is derived from the people who the Padre burned to death, and it sees everyone else as the Padre.)
No. 58392 ID: b85f8c

>Padre's shadow
I'm pretty sure that's just the shadow of her ear, not the brim of a hat.
No. 58407 ID: b4c49c
File 134464257806.jpg - (555.83KB , 1402x683 , jesuschristitskyubey.jpg )

Anyone else think the shadow looks a bit like Kyubey? No? Just me? Oh... alright then.

>>"Nan, I'll grant you a wish! Why are you running, don't you want to be a magical girl?"
No. 58409 ID: e3aff6

The angle is different (shadow's projection curves down, her ear curves up) and the shadow does not have horns (possibly the first case in which that has made a shadow more sinister).
No. 58413 ID: 7f2d33
File 134464597406.jpg - (13.70KB , 380x234 , Progg0.jpg )


I still honestly think it looks like the Smoky Progg from Pikmin myself.

No. 58414 ID: 7f2d33

Also, this thing may not actually BE the beast (Unless Weaver outright says it is) the Beast that Santiago warned us about clearly had nasty sharp teeth and angry. This thing looks kinda chill (Okay, except for the obvious darkness thing).
No. 58415 ID: 7f2d33

* and looked angry. My apologies.
No. 58428 ID: 6a1ec2


Not to mention tossing a pew across the room like a child's toy with the force of its entry.
No. 58430 ID: 2fd111

Maybe its mouth is still closed?

If anyone's wonder wtf he/she's talking about with this Kyubey/magical girl/contract business, he/she is making reference to the anime Pualla Magi Madoka Magica(pobably spelled that wrong somewhere). If you like bight happy-go-lucky shows that manage to become somthing completely differnt what you expected (in prettymuch the same way no-one expected RubyQuest to be the bloody bodyhorror fest that we all love) then you will like Madoka Magica. It may strictly speaking be a show about magical girls, but it is in the same way Rubyquest was about a somewhat shy bunnygirl going about here merry way just trying to leave this build without a care in the world. As in that doesn't even scratch the surface of what the show is really like. If I caught your attention, you can whatch it for free (and totally legally. No, seriously they have the rights to stream it) on crunchyroll(search it).
If you're still reading because I piqued you curiosity, I implore you, give it three episodes, it's a short series only 12 episodes so it won't take too long. You won't be disappointed.

Getting back on topic, I'm beginning to consider seriously that the Kim in the furnace wasn't 'another' Kim, the 'for the love of God' thing said is one coincidence too many for me stick to my gut reaction that both Kim's a the real Kim.
No. 58438 ID: a4f716
File 134465826057.gif - (97.51KB , 701x683 , beastthing.gif )

The thing that's invading Nan's personal scare bubble actually reminds me of our friend from the dream.

Theory time: One of these Proggs is representing one continuity of the hotel, and the other Progg represents its own. Or these guys are just common "shadow husks" found throughout the hotel; the one we're dealing with now simply being more powerful/potent.

No matter what, though, I'm seeing running as a good option. I don't want to find out what happens if we die - I wouldn't put it past Weaver to kill off Nan.
No. 58441 ID: 5ed066

Tonight's Nan/Dive updates will be a few hours late due to a few obstacles, and long-term planning
Thanks for your patience.
No. 58446 ID: bc80f9
File 134465996822.jpg - (15.57KB , 303x312 , 1341706096788.jpg )

>100 more annas
No. 58453 ID: 2fd111

We need a pic of checkerboard pattern onion with a hundred Annas with leaves on their heads popping out. Oh and Nan should be wearing a bubble space helmet(just a circle around her head). Then maybe one of here doing the the wistle blow thing while the Padre is running from the Annas.
No. 58455 ID: 6a1ec2
File 134467339418.jpg - (178.10KB , 490x330 , mcphee-returns.jpg )

You fools. They wouldn't be 100 Annas. They wouldn't be Annas at all!

They would be Nannas.
No. 58460 ID: 9b4436
File 134468396552.gif - (30.18KB , 701x683 , 134458172642.gif )

So why does everything in this picture act like the Beast is the light source?

Lantern eyes? Sounds silly, but it could be the reason everything else in the hotel is aversed to direct light.
No. 58462 ID: ce47da

it don't look much like a kitty kat now.
No. 58464 ID: 2b06f6

I've noticed something while reading through all past threads. I don't know if this has been brought up, if it has, my apologizes.

In the Padre's Journal, he notes a dream he had of a young spainsh woman with glasses. She was begging for forgiveness. He could not be moved to even speak, let alone grant forgivness.

The name "Kim" doesn't strike me as spainsh in origin, but maybe I'm wrong.

Either way, this dream seems important and we know only of one young woman with glasses. We need to grill Kim on her family history when next we see her, says I.
No. 58465 ID: cfd2bf
File 134470085485.gif - (95.15KB , 701x683 , theshadows.gif )

Check out the shadow nan is casting on the balcony doorway, it has her eyes showing on a shadow, possible drawing mistake, or possibly something important.
No. 58466 ID: ce47da


I just see a silhouette. which don't have eyes, by the way. maybe it's just in your head?
No. 58470 ID: 2fd111

No ,I saw it too, maybe the picture was darkened somehow. Check the original in the thread. That shadow clearly has eyes.
No. 58483 ID: 7f2d33
File 134471537542.jpg - (120.08KB , 1152x1408 , _Nanmin_.jpg )


Ask and you shall recieve!

Apologizing now for my terrible art skills.
No. 58486 ID: 2fd111
File 134472080338.jpg - (76.30KB , 400x304 , HNI_0059_MPO.jpg )

Holy Shit! You call that bad?! It's fantastic! Now please excuse my poor editing skills, while I show you how I feel about this.
No. 58493 ID: cfd2bf
File 134473026715.gif - (22.41KB , 701x683 , 134468255726.gif )

yeah, im on a new computer, its only got imitation paint, if you check the original you can see it.
No. 58497 ID: 6a1ec2
File 134473909625.png - (13.45KB , 1267x400 , ENHANCE.png )


Yeah that's... uh...something...
No. 58498 ID: a4f716

So if that door leads to the courtyard... I'm curious as to where the balcony will lead us.
No. 58504 ID: 9a34be

Looks like Nan's shadow to me, considering the beast thing seems to be giving off enough light to cast shadows. The oddness of the shape is probably just from Weaver not filling it in all the way in the already-shaded parts.

What I find interesting about it is that the beast is giving off light.
No. 58507 ID: 2fd111

Though I do find the fact that it gives off light odd as well, the fact that Weaver hasn't up and said it was an error by now leads me to believe there is more to it.
No. 58517 ID: 886a4d

Well we already have seen that the Dark changes people... perhaps Nan is starting to be effected. A living shadow would suit someone who constantly shifts from light to dark.
No. 58521 ID: 2fd111

We don't know that the dark changes people... yet.
No. 58522 ID: 886a4d

>>/questarch/388306/ says differently
No. 58538 ID: feea89


While I'm not sure the reason for the whatthehellisthatness is the darkness, it could be argued the Hotel itself has some sort of influence upon the visitors - we know Santiago and Anderson were in here the longest, with Santiago having a huge lead here. Santiago is a complete wreck and/or psycho, while Anderson certainly has his (explainable with his character, mind) darker moments. There is also Alan about whom we know almost nothing, but he seems to have uncovered the most facts about his place having given strangely appropriate names to all of the denizens, so he seems to have been in it quite long before having an unfortunate carving session with the Pilgrim. Most of the other visitors are fairly recent newcomers, relative to the whole time screw that's going on, so maybe the Hotel hasn't had the time to extend its influence upon them.

But hey, with all the wild mass guessing going on, Santiago could be the will of the hotel personified for all we know. For now, I'd rather refrain from such longshots, considering Weaver has one hell of a track record with sidestepping guesses such as this. For now, lets just hope the Balcony is relatively safe from the (suspected) Beast.
No. 58539 ID: feea89

about THIS* place

this keyboard i swear
No. 58622 ID: 2fd111

Ok, I keep hearing talk of excommunicating the Padre, someone mind bringing me and I'm sure several others up to speed on this?
No. 58624 ID: f0ec70

Someone mentioned excommunicating the Padre as a solution. Maybe it'd get rid of him, or get rid of his monster form.
No. 58625 ID: 6a1ec2


Exorcising, not excommunicating. Big difference.
No. 58626 ID: b85f8c


No. 58629 ID: f0ec70

Whoops. My bad.

What do you guys suppose that wooden thing on the wall could be? Looks a bit like a messed up cross. Along with the Bible, which has been scribbled in, maybe this room is the Padre's?

...Uh oh.
No. 58630 ID: feea89


So that gives us all of the residents up for slaughter...

...and ten for burning.

I'll wager the ten have already been burnt.
No. 58633 ID: cfd2bf

the Bell Book and Candle is not exorcism, it is excommunication, a way of removing someone (usually a priest) from the church and by proxy from god, this is the ultimate punishment for a sinning christian, the idea that their sins have become so bad that not even their "All Forgiving God" could never absolve them, if the padre is trying baptism by blood and fire then he is trying to remove sin, his or others, we cant tell, but from his ramblings we can assume he was burning people to absolve his sins, this can be assumed to collaborate with his Bible scrawling, now that we have a bible and a candle we just need a bell to get this thing going,
No. 58641 ID: 1f8505


Like maybe the bell from the front desk?
No. 58659 ID: 7f2d33


There's a teeny problem with this plan, who's to say he's not just going to throw a fit and kill us anyways, or ignore it altogether? It's obvious that he's so deep into his madness that he's probably not going to listen to us.
No. 58663 ID: 6a1ec2


Woah, really? I guess I didn't know the legend right. So bell, book and candle = anyone not just the Pope can excommunicate people? Damn, I'm gonna go get me some of those right now!
No. 58664 ID: cfd2bf


well, no, it needs 12 priests and a bishop, but i'm sure that we can do something about that, maybe an emergency excommunication? i doubt weaver would supply us with a bible and candle the moment after a discussion gets going about the idea without due cause.

unless its like the god-awful-smoothie of ruby quest...
No. 58665 ID: 2fd111

Hate to be cliché, but you got a better idea?
No. 58674 ID: d94e2c

Maybe the darkness doesn't change the guests but only our perceptions of them. Everyone assumed that Santiago physically changed when he was walking away ad getting all beasty but Henry only saw Him walking away in the dark.

And the earlier view of the elevator monster >>58272 that we saw running away from Future Nan as undies Nan turned out to be Anna.

So maybe it's not the other people but US that have something wrong with them. Plus things always look different/scarier obscured by shadow.
No. 58675 ID: 7f2d33


Yeah, avoid the obviously insane and nigh-indestructable scarecrow monster until we learn more about him. Even if the "Excommunication" DOES do something, there's no way to be sure it won't just piss him off.
No. 58676 ID: 2fd111

Fair enough.
No. 58680 ID: f0ec70

Is it just me, or did Nan's clothes change in that last panel? Was she always wearing a skirt?
No. 58700 ID: 9382f0

No, she was wearing some sort of pants in the previous panels. I think that was just a small mistake.
No. 58706 ID: f0ec70

Isn't Padre a lot taller and skinnier than Nan? I'm not even sure if he could fit through that small door.
No. 58707 ID: 7f2d33
File 134505521072.png - (88.00KB , 1246x595 , 444.png )

>444 Posts

Spooky. :V
No. 58708 ID: 7f2d33


He could probably fit if he ducked a bit. If Nan can fit then a skinny guy like Padre should have no problem getting in.
No. 58712 ID: f0ec70


Sorry, I meant to suggest that that guy might not even be the Padre. It's a small chance, though; he probably is.
No. 58716 ID: a4f716

I'm 62% sure it's not the Padre.
No. 58756 ID: f0ec70

No. 58757 ID: 1f8505


Shoot with what??
No. 58759 ID: 6a1ec2
File 134510190773.gif - (7.25KB , 701x683 , junkotron missile launcher.gif )

No. 58767 ID: feea89


Right now I'm considering whether nicking the Padre's stuff is the smartest thing to do - it will obviously piss him off, significantly. We already know that he's immune to light, and we don't know whether the safehouse is safe by something more than his unwillingness. On the other hand, we need at least the Candle for the Excommunication idea... but using it will require matches, which so far we've seen only with Santiago - and he will be most uncooperative.

The other thing is waiting out the Padre - we don't know how long he will stare at that Bible, we don't know if he intends to leave any time soon and we don't know if he will suddenly try to look into the cupboard. I am thinking about trying to slip out while his back is turned, but that is even more risky than trying to wait him out.

Fucking smokemonster, ruining our shit.
No. 58799 ID: a4f716


This theory is starting to hold some ground as the Padre takes off his hat.

<-- Closet genius
No. 58823 ID: 3c7559

I know that Saint Andrew asked to be crucified on an X shaped cross becasue he didn't feel he was worthy to die the in the same way as Jesus. I think other martyrs were crucified on oddly shaped crosses as well.
I don't know how this could be related, but that's just what immediately came to my mind.
No. 58824 ID: 3c7559

Or it could just be a broken regularly shaped crucifix with the mini Jesus ripped off.
That little square could be an inscription or something. If it says "INRI" it's most likely just a regular broken crucifix.
No. 58841 ID: feea89


It's okay, happens to every one of us :hug: .
No. 58850 ID: 2fd111

Bit off topic but I'm not sure where
to ask or find the answer. What is the textcode for making bold/italicizing text. It's been bugging me that I have to use ALLCAPS and 'apostrophes' in their places respectively.
No. 58851 ID: 2fd111

Wasn't it an inverted cross? Also, in order for a crucifixion to be the method of torturus execution that it's know for, the arms need to be out to the sides, so I'm not sure how crucifixion on a x-shaped crucifix would work.
No. 58852 ID: a4f716


As long as the lungs are collapsing due to the weight of the body, it works as crucifixion.

Either way, I doubt this is relevant. I think it's just a run-down place. :u
No. 58855 ID: b2b95c

i don't really trust anderson myself. he says he was only a boy when he heard about the spanish mission being burned down, or something like that?

but didn't we see him when we met lorenzo for the first time? unless it was just a bystander who looks a lot like him. like him but maybe younger.
No. 58856 ID: 2f1157

Since everyone in the story so far has been an animal of some sort (bunny, goat, gazelle, bat thing) maybe Padre used to be an animal?
No. 58885 ID: a5f39d

I have been reviewing most of the old posts. I'm going to make a short summery of stuff we already know and their obvious conclusions for any newcomers.

The hotel was built on top of a Spanish Mission.


VELASCO frequently mentions being cold and a VERMIN infestion in his journal.

The PILGRIM is most likely LORENZO (the man who nan meets during her trips to the 1800s)

VELASCO will not let LORENZO or NAN leave.

VELASCO refers to the native peoples he was sent to convert as VERMIN.

VELASCO mentions dreaming about a Spanish woman with glasses praying for forgiveness. He could not forgive her. Could this be KIM?

In the PADRE'S BIBLE, atonement by fire (Levithicus 5:9-10) is highlighted.

The PADRE and the PILGRIM are enemies.

VELASCO wants to build a FIREPLACE.
No. 58899 ID: a4f716

Now we have to choose: Go to the room that the Padre just went to, or go back to the balcony.

*Padre room*
Pros: -A place we've never been
-Possibly lots of information regarding the Padre
-We might find our friend from the beginning of the chapter who shielded his face from da light

Cons: The Padre is PROBABLY GONNA BE IN THERE (barring sheNANigans that I'll dive into later.

Pros: -Teethmonster is probably gone, and if he's not, then he probably isn't able to reach us.
-We know our way around from there
-Meet up with Henry

-Exit may be blocked by Teethmonster
-No way to get down because broken pew
-We probably wouldn't learn anything new, and would end up going to the saferoom.

Now, I suggest our next course of action should be to look through the window of the room Padre's going to until we see him leaving. There's more light in the room he's going to than the room we're in now (we were able to see his shadow before he came in), so he shouldn't be able to see us through the door's window.

Also, for the hell of it we should look into the chapel. No harm in gathering any intel we can.
No. 58907 ID: 066f72

I think there is something to be said about the connection between the "vermin" that The Father saw at the mission and the literal vermin that infest the hotel.
No. 58928 ID: cfd2bf

look into chapel, see self, cover eyes from torch light, TIME SHANANAGANS!
No. 58966 ID: 42dd08

This has been bugging me a lot

So padre said the dawn had come in this very creepy page: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/src/132996020295.gif

and Santiago said some things are better left in the dark.

I was going to suggest that dawn meant enlightment by god but that's unlikely, so I'm leaving this here.
No. 59026 ID: 5d5628

>So padre said the dawn had come in this very creepy page

El Padre also said the dawn was coming from the sea. But there ain't no sea to the east of California, I tells ya!
No. 59032 ID: 4356a6

Okay, so... Former residents of the monastery have been turned into undying rats and live on in the hotel and Padre is on a vermin hunt (his flock).

Crazy Y/N?
No. 59033 ID: e3f578

All the residents that we believe were turned into mouses were actually mouse people. Like how Nan is a goat person.
Which might mean Padre has the ability to turn others into their pure animal forms.
And since I don't think Nan's death will absolve his sins unless she's a true goat, the padre might try and turn her into one.

The Pilgrim is killing off people in the hotel to stop this process of turning into animals, in his attempt to save them from the padre. He's not helping the padre at all, he's trying to ruin everything for him. For all we know, now that Anna's dead, she might have left the hotel and returned to her time. We can't take that chance, but it's a possibility. Or maybe killing them is preferable than whatever the padre has planned so everything the pilgrim does is a mercy.
No. 59037 ID: 2fd111

As for them anyone being any animal-person before if at all; the animal motief(not sure how to spell that) of the people (but not necessarily the rats/mice) is purely cosmetic. The fact that everyone are animal people is just so you can identify one person from another through Weaver's minimalistic art-style.
No. 59038 ID: e3f578

Nan's goatness is relevant to the story though! She's the most important kill because of what she is.
No. 59056 ID: d94e2c

I'm pretty sure thats still just fanon/wmg.

As far as I can tell she's only important by virtue of being the protagonist and Us telling her to shine the flashlight on stuff to rock the boat.
No. 59063 ID: ba1062

god dammit Weaver you got me
No. 59067 ID: 0c2247

Judge not, that ye be not judged.
For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?
Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone?
Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?
If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?
Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.
Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Matthew 7:1-23
No. 59075 ID: eed64f

I just about shat myself. Goddamnit Weaver I love you.
No. 59077 ID: a4f716
File 134567044034.gif - (27.25KB , 701x683 , padre2.gif )

Padre does not approve.
No. 59080 ID: 6a1ec2
File 134567333026.gif - (28.28KB , 701x683 , dwitpadre.gif )

No. 59124 ID: a4f716

How is there not a whole bunch of buzz in here? We just saw something hat wasn't really there, and it was a trick of the light or /something/. We now know that everything is indeed not as it seeeems!

What if the Padre himself is just an illusion or something? What does this mean for Nan's mental state? So many questions were just brought up with those last panels!
No. 59125 ID: 6a1ec2


Well the rest of us have got it all figured out already. We additionally communicate telepathically now, and have no need for the discussion board.
No. 59126 ID: cfd2bf

We have formed a hive mind assimilate or be Deleted.
No. 59131 ID: 2a621f

I'm putting money on a Future-Nan being the Mystery Person at the start of the latest quest doc. And I can't wait to see how wrong I am...
No. 59139 ID: cfd2bf

An interesting idea/WMG some one suggested to me recently that stuck in my mind.

Nan is journeying into her subconscious,
the beast is her Blood-lust,-giant monster that even padre is afraid of
the padre is her Anger/Rage,-he fucks shit up
Nan is her own Ego,-the part that balances ID and Super Ego
We are her Super Ego,-The part that strives for Perfection
Santiago is her ID,-the part that controls base instincts
Anderson is her calm,-even upon finding his cigar is alive he just crushes it and moves on
Kim is her depression,-"lol we're all dead"
(after this it starts to fall apart.)
Pablo is her paranoia,-he is kinda creepy
Anna is her hope (now dead oh noes),-always cheerfuller(becomes more resigned to her/our fate)
Henry is her Narcissism (or maybe the mirrors are and Henry is lust?),- nice ass
the Pilgrim (probably Lorenzo) is her patience ,-he has waited so long to be released/blessed by the padre
Alan is probably something like... intellect?,-he seemed to be the one who discovered shit and told the others, no idea is his death is relevant

TL:DR = Nan is adventuring in her mind and everyone else is part of her subconscious.
No. 59142 ID: 2fd111

Join usss . JOIN USSss.
No. 59145 ID: cfd2bf

Once We Are One Then The Truth Shall Become Known To One And All.
It Is The Only Way To Know The Truth of Nanland.
Join Us.
No. 59146 ID: e9130b

I realize it's a bit adventure gamey, but you can't just jam two items together (key inside a book!) and consider your inventory condensed. If the items don't work together, you can't condense them.
No. 59149 ID: cfd2bf


Except that a key is a rather small object, by placing it in the book we don't combine them into a single object but remove our usage of the key until we remove it from the book, same with the check.
And anyways we aren't making BOOK-KEY a tool for opening the library portal into L-SPACE, we are placing a small key into a book for later.
No. 59153 ID: 1f8505


No. 59159 ID: e9130b

And that's why it doesn't work.
No. 59161 ID: e3f578

I also suppose using nonstandard inventory spaces such as cleavage/mouth/hands/hats also do not work or are already included in the current inventory display, just that the labels are not worked into the UI?
No. 59166 ID: 2fd111

Does putting a key in a book reduce the total pocket space the two items use?
No. 59169 ID: cfd2bf


probably not, but it would have been nice...


so none of our inventory can be condensed? not even the thin and bookmark...ish check into a book?
(i'm trying to get an idea of just how adventure gameish the inventory is)
however with the appearance of the second shadow i guess time is up for that...
No. 59180 ID: 2fd111

One last thing before we shelve the inventory problem to deal with the figure at the door, If we do infact find a pillow case , if so inclined, could it be used to expand our Inventory? Say, at a cost of mobility? Plus, necessary or not, extraneous clothing/gear attached to the body is a no-no in a horror setting.

On another note, my improvised mace or flail, if we find the materials to make it, is it a good idea for a weapon? Just wanted to know what you guys think of it. Also, another good blodgen for it if we can find it: brick. Bricks are fucking deadly as they are. Add a lever to the equation and, look out!
No. 59186 ID: ffd73c

I suspect being unable to condense our inventory, plus the Bible being all black now, is a gentle nudge from Weaver that it's not important enough for Nan to take it with her.
No. 59193 ID: a4f716

IDE: The pillowcase is on the Padre's head.
No. 59198 ID: cfd2bf

A half brick in a sock is the usual hero's weapon... i prove of this idea.
No. 59200 ID: 2fd111

Simple, and effective. I like it. It unfortunately lacks range. That's where the pipe comes in, if you can secure the brick to the end of the pipe, or let it hang from the end, It's effectivenes increases dramatically. Though a flail may require some exotic weapon skills. I just had a great Idea, if we can find a box of nails too , we could combine the pipe, nails, totem, and pillowcase to make an improvised morningstar!
No. 59203 ID: 490056

Hey Weaver. I hope you are doing well with real life.

I'm wondering if we can clear up some technical aspects of this "game".

1) Inventory. It's full. Can we know right now if we can combine or drop items? If we cannot drop, then maybe it would improve the suggestions such that we don't try to pick up every damn thing we see. Can we know if it is a rigid inventory where everything is the same size and we can only combine things that make sense to combine (can't put the cheque in the book but we could combine a lighter and gas), it would be nice to know that so we don't waste posts doing incredibly easy inventory management. But this is relatively minor.

2) Time. I guess my major suggestion is that I'd like to know whether we have infinite "time" to perform actions in a moment where the story isn't progressing. The padre has left the room right? But there is always the potential that he'd come back so we'd have limited time to explore but if we had infinite time/suggestions we could do whatever we want until we decide to leave the room. I understand that there are benefits to both limited and unlimited time.

I guess what I'd like to know is that to improve the quality of our suggestions that you tell us we have limited actions before you automatically advance the plot because I understand flashing us the Padre to get out of the closet giving us the chance to look around before yunno, whatever in that door currently comes through. I'm not asking for specifically how many actions we have but just the vague knowledge that it is finite. If we have infinite then who cares. Because if we have limited time we wouldn't be wasting time trying to read the bible in a hazardous area and just taking it and reading it later when it is "safe" or wasting time looking under crap for no reason. The "rules" of limited time would also give you the opportunity to punish us for dawdling around in dangerous areas.

Or you can just tell us that we have to use our good judgment whether to dick around in a room or not. I'd appreciate that too because with this knowledge we could improve the quality of our suggestions.
No. 59221 ID: e9130b

Regarding inventory: Like I said, it's a bit adventure-gamey. You have slots, you have items, that's it. Too many items, not enough slots, you can't pick up more. You can't just jam items into the same slot. If they combine to make something, as you described, that's one thing. Batteries in a flashlight, for instance. But if you're just shoving them together to save space, that doesn't work. Key in a book, for instance.

Regarding "time limits":
What fun would it be if I told you when you were being stalked?
No. 59222 ID: 1b4142

Just popping in to say that we're rapidly approaching the dreadful 466.gif.
No. 59231 ID: 490056

This is all I'm looking for. Thanks.

Because from my perspective it is better to know that the actual bad things that happen are because our collective suggestions are the result of stopping to smell the flowers with a grizzly bear on our heels. Petting a burning dog as it were. It gives a reason for our success and most importantly, a reason for our failure. I appreciate that you minimize blatant railroading and that it in small doses necessary to keep the train going.

I guess these thoughts are in my head because in Ruby Quest Tom would have died if we hadn't intervened in a creative manner. And I hope that once Nan is all done we can reflect on all our near-misses or gross failures. Kinda like how in Avatar if it wasn't for the intervention of some very intelligent writers the character of Toph wouldn't have been some little girl, which I feel really enhanced the character's impact on series and therefore the audience; "The show could have been worse."
No. 59271 ID: 6a1ec2
File 134596054536.jpg - (16.84KB , 381x235 , realization.jpg )

No. 59277 ID: 1e7d43

There's been a lot of talk about excommunication and exorcism here and, while the excommunication idea has kinda been shot down (need a bishop, yadda yadda), I think exorcism is still a valid option, especially since--in addition to freeing possessed people--it's supposed to drive off evil spirits. I'm not sure that any of the big three would count as "possessed", but we *do* know that evil spirits of some sort are at work.

Before we can perform an exorcism, though, we've gotta know how to do one. It can only be done by a priest who has permission from the local Bishop IRL, but we may be able to fudge the rules here. This is fiction, right?

Anyway, for the sake of accuracy, I've contacted a Catholic priest to help us figure out what to do (not kidding :I ). Let's see if he responds.
No. 59319 ID: f0ec70

If I recall correctly, Pablo was holding a fireaxe when we first met him for protection. He said he'd "never hurt someone on purpose". So we at least know where the weapon came from.
No. 59326 ID: f0ec70
File 134602687947.gif - (4.28KB , 701x683 , 128556052366.gif )

Anyone else think Santiagoin the dark looks a bit like the Beast? No? Only me?
No. 59351 ID: feea89


Different eyes, different ratio of length between features, different teeth.

Also, he'd need to be in two places at the same time (not impossible in this place, mind!) if we're going with the Sun Room pics.

If we're treating the recent smokemonster thing as The Beast though, the size and eye shape is incorrect. The only visible mouth was in the lower-right quadrant of it while it was lurching forward during our daring pewledge-based escape.
No. 59441 ID: 81b312

Since people have been asking:
Nan struck Pablo because even though there were only a few suggestions to actually strike him, the overall mood of the responses fit it, and the reaction was largely one of panic, violence, and distrust.
No. 59442 ID: feea89

No problem with that I think, it was appropriate dramatically and I enjoyed it.

Just... just give Pablo a chance, that's all I'm saying.

*f5* *f5* *f5* *f5* *f5* *f5* *f5* *f5* *f5* *f5* *f5* *f5* *f5* *f5* *f5* *f5* *f5* *f5* *f5* *f5* *f5* *f5*
No. 59443 ID: 81b312

Give your keyboard a rest; that's all the updates for tonight I'm afraid
stay tuned for tomorrow night
No. 59444 ID: feea89


Thanks for all your hard work and godspeed Weaver!
No. 60025 ID: 4c12c3

So we've encountered rats on three occasions:

1. The bell near the beginning of thread #2.
2. Giving Nan a can of beans.
3. Helping Nan distract the Padre.

The rat(s) are obviously benevolent.

My question is why the rat was in the bell? Was it intentionally trying to stop Nan from ringing it? Because when she did clean out the bell and rang it, the lights went off. Afterwards the bell could simply not be rung for unknown reasons.

Could this have something to do with the Bell, Book & Candle idea mentioned in Thread #6? We have a book & candle, and a bell has to be rung as part of the excommunication ceremony. If the bell is still to be found, Nan should probably try to take it (once she clears some of the dead weight from her inventory).

Another thing would be to have Nan ask any of the other survivors if they rang the bell upon entering the Hotel.

I just think it has some significance, given the somewhat strange occurrence of a dead rat inside of it.
No. 60043 ID: 1e7d43

The bells referee to in the last post are almost certainly those of the mission. Maybe Mass is starting. It'd be interesting to see how that goes.

We should be thinking of things to ask/tell Lorenzo.
No. 60066 ID: 060b31

That was pretty brilliant, Weaver.

I'm starting to think there really is something to the bell, book, and candle theory. At first I thought it was grasping at straws, but the more I think about it, the more it seems to fit. And one of the first bits of weirdness Nan encountered involved a bell, after all.
No. 60068 ID: 1e7d43

The bells we keep running into may have more to do with the line "I heard the Mission bell". They may be important, but I *still* don't think the excommunication idea ("bell, book, and candle") will work. Though I suppose it wouldn't hurt to keep an eye out for those things--just in case.
No. 60069 ID: 5d5628

>we've encountered rats on three occasions:

Four, actually. We also saw one in thread 4 when Nan woke up from the nightmare.
No. 60136 ID: c81002

I am on the edge of my seat! I can't WAIT for the update!
No. 60178 ID: a4f716


"'Don't you hear the bells?

It's time.'"

Anyway, it seems like the forces of the hotel are trying to keep from being excommunicated. When we rang the bell, the lights went out, and the creepies started coming. When we shine f-


The souls must have thought mass was coming, and the lights went out to indicate their presence (or something). That's why things started coming down the hallway. And that's why the mouse tried to keep us from ringing the bell?

Maybe a crack theory. Anyway,

When we mess with flashlights, things start going wonky, too. For all intents and purposes, maybe the flashlights act as candles.

When we tried reading the bible, we came back and it was illegible. As was the newspaper. The hotel is a fan of illiteracy.

Perhaps the hotel is just a force against social activism. I'm pretty sure we're just blowing all of this out of proportion.
No. 60181 ID: 28e503

Does anyone remember how when Nan looked at her mirror self before, her head was cut open? I'm honestly afraid that Pablo, in an act to get rid of the scary darkness creatures behind Nan, is the one who causes this. I'm not sure if that means Nan is now dead, thus completing a requirement of one of those previously mentioned bible verses about sacrificing a goat. Seriously afraid for Nan here....
No. 60186 ID: 7f2d33


Actually, that was most likely because the mirror itself had a missing piece right over the side of Nan's head. If anything it's implying that anything that happens to mirror people might happen to their normal counterparts as well. A sort of weird example here, but after we shattered the mirror near the beginning when Mirror Henry appeared, didn't we find him passed out in the hallway after?

tl;dr We may need to be careful with our mirror selves.
No. 60264 ID: 1e7d43

Very interesting point. I wondered something like that, myself.

The mirrors are almost certainly dangerous, but Lackadaisical still has a point. The bloody Nan image on the canvas we saw earlier was also missing a chunk of its head. What's more, Pablo showed up in that same vision, apparently weeping over having killed Nan. All the arrows point in the same direction.

I really, really don't like the excommunication idea. I just don't think it would do anything here. I mean, it could only be done to Catholics, and both the Pilgrim and the Padre are *already* in a kind of hell. It just seems like a dead-end. *Exorcism*, on the other hand...

I'm intrigued by your thoughts about Mass. Perhaps the spirits do think the bells are for Mass, but are they trying to attend or trying to stop it? Perhaps it's best to wait until after this next vision before trying to understand what role Mass plays in NanQuest's hotel.
No. 60339 ID: fa8dbe

You know, about the dual Nans theory...

Keep in mind earlier, overalls!Nan ate the pizza, but shorts!Nan feels sated from eating it, as revealed when talking to Pablo earlier.

Just throwing that out there.
No. 60343 ID: 2fd111

As I suggested earlier, let's call them Under!Nan and Over!Nan.
No. 60454 ID: d94e2c

Best idea.
No. 60545 ID: 0eddb1

Let's hope we don't have to wait another effing year for the next part.
No. 60548 ID: 1f8505


Dude, just be patient. He'll get to it.
No. 60566 ID: 2fd111
File 134714569819.png - (111.57KB , 500x418 , Oh Stop It You.png )

No. 60991 ID: 1e7d43
File 134794612166.jpg - (62.83KB , 960x716 , 390386_433285480040883_488898820_n.jpg )

Hey, Weaver! Thought you might get a kick out of this fanart I ran across at Facebook's "Official Prequel Fan Group". Three down-on-their-luck ladies drowning their sorrows.

Here's a link:

I should've put this on your tumblr, but it wouldn't let me link the picture. Sorry, man. :/
No. 60994 ID: f2c20c

I don't recognize the one on the right.
No. 60996 ID: ab701f

Probably Tomoko Kuroki from Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaete mo Omaera ga Warui!
No. 60998 ID: 6a1ec2


Huh, Tomoko looks interes

> whose only desire is to cut loose of her shut in ways and become popular so she can get a boyfriend

No. 61003 ID: 97486c

Don't think the manga is about her trying to be a party girl or the hunt for true love. She's horribly socially crippled to the point that she had trouble saying goodbye to a teacher who said the same to her.
It's funny in a cringe sorta way. Like prequel and boxdog
No. 61005 ID: e3f578

She's also a terrible person, granted because of her social handicap, but it just keeps on making her do terrible, disgusting, or pathetic things just so she can match up with her warped perception of a normal life in Japan.
Boxdog and Katia are at least good people that have bad things happen to them. Motoko ain't got shit compared to them.
No. 61059 ID: 41f254

So I found my old Animal Crossing DS cartridge three days ago and have been playing around with that, and I only just realized that the goat living in my town is Nan.
No. 61062 ID: 2e7174

So, I was just thinking. . . maybe the rats are the new forms of the indigenous people the Padre had come to convert in the first place? It could be that they are being so helpful because they want to help Nan escape and thereby end her torment. Also, I think the Pilgrim is in love with Nan and is trapping her in this place. I have a feeling that I am just pointing out the obvious, but I wanted to say something about it.
No. 61068 ID: 2fd111

Oh god, it just clicked, they're not shadow monsters, they're the husks of the congregation.
No. 61074 ID: 2fd111

Just speculation, but I just thought of another possibility for the meaning of 466. We found it on a clock ,right? Time, 466 , the christian themes, and a monster known as 'the beast. These together made me think of the mark of the beast ,666 , and in turn the hour of the beast, 6:66 or 7:06. What if the clock means the time is 4:66, as in the hour of the beast is approaching?
No. 61076 ID: 2f4b71

If your clock is reading 4:66, your clock is broken.
No. 61080 ID: 2fd111

I know, I know. I'm saying it's a sign that was made, not a clock to the hour of the beast. As in it was rigged to display that to tell someone something.
No. 61084 ID: 480687

I think there might be a link between fear and the hotel's aggressiveness.

Remember when Pablo told the Padre he wasn't afraid to die anymore? The Padre left them alone.

And Santiago also said while you won't be free from the danger of the shadow monsters, the trick was to not be afraid.

There might be something to that, especially since this is the third time the subject of fear has come up.
No. 61087 ID: 9c8e90

I think you might be on to something there.
No. 61088 ID: a4f716

These guys are so adorable-unsettling and I love them. <3
No. 61089 ID: 2fd111

Are you suggesting fear is literally the mind killer? That makes... a lot of sense actually.
No. 61110 ID: a4f716
File 134832407197.gif - (14.05KB , 701x683 , 128604755789.gif )

Oh hey it's these guys.
No. 61188 ID: f4feaa

Hey, tg! I got this crazy theory regarding Lorenzo after seeing gif #477.

We all assume that just because Lorenzo is the only pilgrim we see in the mission, that he is the Pilgrim we see killing everybody in the hotel. However, notice how Lorenzo's "dark" version in this image looks nothing like that Pilgrim.

So here's my zany idea: What if THIS is what Weaver was telling us we were assuming wrongly about the quest? What if Lorenzo ISN'T the Pilgrim?

Thoughts? Theories?
No. 61190 ID: 2fd111

What makes you say the pilgrim doesn't look like Lorenzo? The pilgrim is wearing a hood, we don't know what he looks like. Either way, theta's not what he meant, as we concluded (correctly or otherwise) that he's the pilgrim long after Weaver said that.
No. 61191 ID: f2c20c

You're late to the party. Someone figured it out a long time ago:


A couple other people theorized along the same lines but picked the wrong book to get a quote from. It's definitely Leviticus.
No. 61192 ID: f4feaa
File 134845818577.png - (33.88KB , 1405x683 , Pilgrim-Lorenzo.png )


I dunno, man. Comparing these two images, they look nothing alike to me.

However, if Weaver himself confirmed that Lorenzo is INDEED the Pilgrim, then this idea's all bollocks and we can keep theorizing, eh?
No. 61196 ID: e3f578

This is both an illusion and time warp created by the congregation to tell their story and for Nan to affect the past. The congregation spirits went to all the way before the event that cursed them, staged a play-like illusion (one of the shadow thingies is merely playing lorenzo as a role) that allowed Nan to manipulate the past, which wasn't a manipulation in the first place anyway since it actually happened already, like with napkin fireNan.
This play also is how Nan has affected the past. Another theory is that was and wasn't Lorenzo, like Lorenzo's mind is simply in his body while his soul is with the congregation as a shadow thingy, showing Nan the past and allowing her to affect it at the same time.
No. 61241 ID: cfd2bf

if Nan passed out when she saw the tings, then does that mean every time she saw stuff she was unconscious? and if so does that mean that someone/something has been moving her about into safe/safer areas(discounting the flaming room) for her to recover in?
No. 61245 ID: 2fd111

'Think you're on to something. In that case, and I know this is gonna sound like one of the post in the thread who I'd cite if I could right now, maybe we're having trouble distinguishing when Nan is having a vision from reality. That got me thinking, and this is more wmg than the former, maybe we're also misconstruing when the visions are beginning, as in certain parts (possibley the distinctly impossible one's, like the vase being unbroken after we broke it/layout changes) were because we were in a vision without knowing it.
No. 61246 ID: cfd2bf


mind = blown
No. 61247 ID: f4feaa


Here's another theory to build upon these thoughts: What if it's actually the creepy burnt people who are moving us around?

I know we're still debating on whether or not these guys are friend, foe, or neutral, but if this theory is correct, perhaps this knowledge would be helpful in the future.

Do you think it's a long shot?
No. 61251 ID: 2fd111

Actually, I'd find it the MOST likely possibility, in that case.
No. 61256 ID: a4f716

We's better get to hug Lorenzo before this story's over. >:(
No. 61272 ID: e68f23
File 134863728037.png - (41.25KB , 500x377 , tumblr_maxqm0qjB71r5h2ogo1_500.png )

Weaver just posted this
"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life:
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever."

I'm just gonna WMG this as if it was a hint, from this we can assume that nan is being followed by Allies (the husk thingies) and in a holy place (the hotel is god?) for ever and ever (forever i guess?)
end WMG

in addition, that picture is hella creepy.
No. 61285 ID: 2fd111

'Hella creepy' doesn't even begin to discribe it. That shit's fucking terrifying!
No. 61286 ID: 629257
File 134865734759.png - (45.59KB , 788x594 , nan.png )

Might as well post the full size
No. 61336 ID: 58396a


Mmmm... possible symbolism~
No. 61350 ID: 494d42
File 134879722589.gif - (1.28MB , 701x683 , lessaccidental-anim.gif )

Whoops I accidentally a gif
No. 61356 ID: f4feaa

A little off topic, guys, but just out of curiosity, is there an existing DiveQuest discussion thread that's active right now?

Would be really nice to organize all of our thoughts in there if there was one.
No. 61357 ID: e68f23

Yup, http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/4059.html
however it is rarely used for anything though.
No. 61358 ID: f4feaa


No. 61576 ID: a7f4bd
Audio Surely_Goodness_and_Mercy_-_Martha_Reed_Garvin_.mp3 - (829.01KB , Surely Goodness and Mercy - Martha Reed Garvin_.mp3 )

No. 61651 ID: ca5f5f

if it wasn't for you, dear Batman, I woulda gone to sleep today without having laughed once. so thanks.
No. 61712 ID: e68f23

so the newest development seems to be "if you think you deserve to die, then you will", Anna was sure she belonged in some hellscape, and the pilgrim found her. While Pablo thinks its his fault "everyone" is dead, And then the thing comes around the corner.
No. 61748 ID: 00cb16

What if the Pilgrim is still acting on the Padre's wishes? To see his insane plan to the end?

What if Nan dying is part of the Padre's ritual, and that will set the Pilgrim free?
No. 61892 ID: e28272
File 134973505572.jpg - (124.49KB , 558x609 , nanandsantiago.jpg )

"Disobedient child
Bad little girl
If you won't do as your told then you'll have to be punished"
No. 61895 ID: e28272
File 134973871028.jpg - (114.65KB , 601x627 , nanandsantiago2.jpg )

"Why would you want to leave? Don't you know what this place is?"
I love nan quest <3
No. 61916 ID: e68f23

No. 61935 ID: e28272
File 134982348972.jpg - (893.20KB , 2442x2442 , nanquest3.jpg )

"Nan opens the door..."
No. 61938 ID: e28272
File 134982647257.jpg - (67.40KB , 403x437 , santiago.jpg )

"Nan enters the Chapel to examine the book on the podium."
No. 61957 ID: e68f23

No. 61974 ID: dd2f7f

Several points looking back at past memories
* Padre left when Pablo said he was not afraid to die - perhaps he can only attack if someone is feeling fear, or represent fear. Padre also is a shepherd to his flock - he seems to appear when we interact with the burned shadow things.
* Pablo might be responsible or feels he is reponsible for summoning the Pilgrim or enraging it - if it subsequently attacked Alan and Anna, that would match up with his guilt and talking about 'they'.
* The Beast seems associated with sin, maybe we have to absolve Pablo for it to disappear. Anderson thinks you should just keep running from it and never stop - running from your sins?
* The dream Nan had about the paintings could point to 2 dead at that point (Nan and Alan), so perhaps when we were sent back in time, in fact a copy was created which we followed, and the Pilgrim got the original, explaining Pablo's guilt/
* We need to show Pablo his totem and ask him about it
No. 61976 ID: 8616c3

Very cool work Vsmile
No. 61992 ID: 2fd111


You know what I'm gonna get my one complaint out of the before I gush. Nan has a much blacker fur than that.

Now that that's out of the way,

No. 62012 ID: e68f23

its WMG time again.

Anna believes she has done something wrong and deserves to be in the hotel, and she gets cut up by the pilgrim (who is probably Lorenzo).

Pablo started freaking out at how he perceived himself to be the cause of Anna's death, and (what is probably) the beast turns up.

Anderson turns up to save them with his iron will and belief that they can defeat these creatures, and the beast gets fucked over with a shot that would have barely injured a bear or lesser size. (also Anderson arrived in a non XXX4 year, like Nan, possible connection)

From these we can assume/guess that the beast and maybe the hotel in general is responding to feelings of guilt, sadness, and faith.

AS weaver said in his tumbler "...The puzzles are figuring out how to deal with other people. Knowing who to trust. Understanding your predicament. Deducing cause and effect. The place you are, the people there with you..." (http://tgweaver.tumblr.com/post/32691878090/ ,end of the fourth paragraph) , assuming this means that our job is to resolve peoples feeling of guilt and such about why they are in the hotel.

also we must forge a sword from willpower and a shield of resolve (e.g. the pipe plus the belief that it will do the job needed, also lol symbolism) or failing that a half brick in a sock, the weapon of the gods.

OR weaver is trying to throw us off the trail by having had the (probably) beast follow them from the chapel, and Anderson's shot was just really well aimed/was a critical hit.

OR there is a second force in the hotel, a friendly force to counteract the evil. this could explain the rats helping Nan (beans for pablo, woken up to find Anna before being killed in her sleep, distracting the padre e.t.c) and maybe the thunder roar we heard when Anderson fired was the good force adding its power to the bullet. the force may be the rats (maybe the spirits of the burned congregation or just some clever rats) an actual magic building that is loosing to its evil side, or maybe I've been watching to much doctor who and the hotel is just a hotel.

anyways this is just some things that only make sense if you ignore half the other stuff, intended to get your mind juices flowing (eww) and thinking up idea.
insert your WMG's here.
No. 62014 ID: 1e7d43

No. 62094 ID: 1b355f
File 135019660541.gif - (37.40KB , 701x683 , 132995694655.gif )

Two things worth noting in light of Weaver's response to the critique on tumblr (I don't think anyone's pointed them out, but I could very well be wrong):
1) I think that there is a pattern to Nan's visions. They seem to be triggered by brandishing a bright light in the darkness. I'm not sure of the significance to this.
2) It would appear that while he was dreaming, the Father's consciousness took over Henry's body when not!Kim was trapped in the furnace many years into the future. It might also somehow explain why not!Kim kept yelling "for the love of god!". Journal exert below.
No. 62096 ID: 1b355f

I might be forcing patterns on events that might not be connected, but that being said, I have a theory. Also, the main resource I'm drawing on is wikipedia, so take it with a grain of salt. Clearly, we're dealing with monsters of biblical proportions. What if the monsters are horsemen of the apocalypse?
We're aware of three main monsters at the moment: The Pilgrim, The Father/Padre and the Beast. These correspond to the three (groups of) characters described in the journal: Lorenzo, the Padre (duh) and the Vermin, respectively.
To start with the most superficial connection: The Pilgrim is Death. He wears the typical black robe with the noose around his neck and blade in his hand. Assuming Lorenzo was not secretly a horse, it looks like he's wearing a horse skull/mask, really embodying the term "Horseman".
The Padre is War. He took it upon himself to rid the land of the "vermin"; he saw them as godless heathens. He was a one-man religious war. Additionally, the color red is traditionally associated with War. So far, his room has been orange and when we first met him, he was covered in orange flames. (The medium is primarily black and white, when Weaver uses color, it probably has significance)
This is where is gets a little fuzzier.
The Beast is Pestilence. They are called vermin and looked down upon as nothing more than creatures who spread disease. The unrestful souls of all those burned melted together to form the Beast Pestilence.
The Beast is Famine. Now, my knowledge of history is scant, to say the least, but from what I recall, the natives didn't necessarily fare so well around the time that Missions were moving in. They might have been poor and starving. They might have shown up hoping there would be scraps of food and drink provided after services. They were burned by the Padre and by doing so, forged Famine.
This leaves one Horseman unaccounted for. Here are my suspects:
Nan (One interpretation of the four horsemen replaces Pestilence with Conquest, a good guy. Nan might be a horseman without being evil.)
The Hotel itself
Those things that lurk in the shadows
Something we just haven't seen yet
Now that I've explained that, I'm going to backtrack slightly. Before the four Horsemen can really get down to business, the seven seals have to be broken. I believe these are represented by the seven canvasses splattered in blood or red paint from Nan's vision. We have had seven normal people in the hotel (i.e. everyone other than Santiago). If they are all seals, then it would explain why the Pilgrim needed to kill Nan (among others) to release himself, and it would most certainly serve to give her death the purpose or reason that he spoke of.
Now, take all this and combine it to Weaver's recent response on tumblr "Maybe discovering the object of the game is the object of the game". What if the initial objective of the game "figuring out how to escape" turns into the true objective "figuring how to prevent the unleashing of the apocalypse by escaping, thereby removing a critical piece of the grand plan of Armageddon".

Anyway, that was my theory. Hope you enjoy the food for thought.
No. 62097 ID: cddbd8

Well I wanted to state something that I didn't see anyone post yet. More Lorenzo=Pilgrim conjecture. Everyone is pretty certain that Lorenzo WILL be the Pilgrim and I just saw a bit more proof. If you recall when Nan first met the Pilgrim, it was saying how Nan must die for it to be free and how it was always about her? Well Lorenzo says the same thing to Nan right before the mass. Interesting huh?
No. 62098 ID: 6a1ec2


Great now you stepped in it. Now Nan's going to have 7 eyes and 7 horns and shit. Just you wait.
No. 62100 ID: 1b355f

I don't think so.
I only see two horns and 10 eyes.
No. 62101 ID: 1b355f
File 135020451728.gif - (8.58KB , 701x683 , 134527619282.gif )

I'd like to assemble 3 images side by side, but since I'm having trouble doing that, here are the urls of the other two.
First, note that the rat is carrying an access card. There are no access cards in Nanquest. Second look, at the way Anna was killed (sorry about the gross detailing here). The skin around her mouth was peeled away. Note how the goat head in Rubyquest lacks skin around the mouth. Coincidence? I Think Not.
No. 62104 ID: 629257

Just to clarify a vague image, that's not an access card, that's his other ear.
No. 62108 ID: e68f23

there is a high chance that Weaver just likes that as a way of showing that the killed is really fucked up in the head. i mean, Anna (probably) had her lips pealed off BEFORE being beheaded, this means she may have been alive up till then. terrifying. and very fitting of the (at that time) current feel of Nanquest.

Also, using your logic we must assume that the Rubyquest pic meas Nan will die and have her face peeled, and that Kim will grow a 3rd (5th) eye. there are some similarity's, but there's (almost) no way they are connected at all...

not trying to attack your theory, just thought it needed a counter argument.
No. 62113 ID: 1b355f

No offense taken. It looks like my theory has been debunked.
No. 62160 ID: 6a1ec2

No. 62163 ID: e68f23

i wish...
No. 62348 ID: 86e91d

Regarding beast , I think we should not let it live as it tried to kill us twice . Besides, Anderson will be the one killing it so we have someone to blame .

Christianity is well known at forgiving so if we screw up, an apologize will do
No. 62351 ID: be66af

If we're still going by a particular theory where people equate to sins or actions to sins...Anderson is Wrath and Harsh Justice or something along those lines.
By which I mean he was overzealous about something before he entered the hotel and went into Knight-Templar territory, killing somebody with no evidence or just because he was angered. But if he gets the chance, he WILL kill the Beast, and Santiago, and anyone else he feels has done a wrong or is likely to get them killed. Where Santiago is evil out of self-motivation, Anderson is by pragmatism. This will also make him go off on Pablo for abandoning Anna as soon as they get a safe moment together, and will definitely NOT help Pablo's new death-seeker tendencies.

I know we should be taking baby steps, i.e. GETTHEFUCKAWAY from the Beast, but this is something we need to worry about.

Also, we need to keep Anderson from trying to finish off the Beast- not because it's bad to put a stop to the monsters, but because it's more likely than not a ploy to get him to lower his guard and let the Beast kill him.
No. 62397 ID: a4f716


Here's a thing aout Hotel California and Satanism.
No. 62448 ID: 490056

We are continuing to tackle this quest knowing nothing about what is going on like some idiots weaned on video game RPGs. We still don't even know why Nan and the others are doing here and it's been relatively forever.

I'm feeling that every stupid decision we've made since the beginning has been knee-jerk reactions with no long-term goal of discovering what the hell is going on. Every time there's a moment of relative peace we just want to go explore more unknown crap instead of putting some pieces of the puzzle together.

I'm just complaining. I can't figure any of this out. There's a billion clues in front of me and I'm trying not to use any information outside the game (eg. The Bible).
No. 62449 ID: 490056

I think that the desire for punishment for past sins is both what brings all these people to the hotel and what summons the Beast/Padre/Pilgrim to dole out the punishment.

When a person (like Pablo now and Anna earlier) reaches a critical point in their desire for justice, one of the figures comes and they pay the ultimate price. This is why Santiago does not fear anything because he knows so long as he does not desire penance, the hotel will not go out of its way to harm him. However, his refusal to acknowledge whatever he has done means he remains trapped here and for some reason becoming a part of the darkness.

I know this probably does not apply to Nan (whom we know(?) has no sin), but as Nan, it is up to us to help her solve what is necessary to escape. Because feeling sorry for yourself is probably what caused Anna to leave the room and got the Beast into the hotel to stalk down Pablo. In the dream Anna's sin is leaving the elevator in "fine anyway" condition after dropping her screwdriver and not using Nan's to fully repair it. It resulted in an accident that cost lives.

Are we solid? This is about as solid as it gets for me.

We have to trust Santiago, it is obvious this is the reason. We cannot fight the hotel. Regardless of whether or not we kill the Beast it will probably come back.

The hotel has two "fates" prepared for its visitors. Punish those who deserve and seek punishment. OR help those who deserve punishment come to terms with their misdeeds and seek forgiveness and thus escape. WE HAVE TO FIND OUT HOW TO ACCOMPLISH THE LATTER.
No. 62450 ID: 1b355f

In response to >>62448
What we need is a controlled, safe environment where we can test out how the Hotel and its inhabitants work. Until then, it's hard to isolate what motivates everyone. Ultimately, I think it will involve Nan finding the hotel's fusebox and remotely turning on and off lights and watching reactions. It would be great if we could trap one of the monsters in a room with a window that can be seen across the courtyard.
No. 62454 ID: f6a48e

>We still don't even know why Nan and the others are doing here and it's been relatively forever

That's because finding out why is essentially impossible. We can't figure out anything with the information we know, and when we're not running into one of the "OMG SO SPOOKY" monsters, we're being tossed around into dream sequences or inexplicable shit happens. There's no real opportunity to piece info together, and even if there WERE, the solid information we have is so minuscule and seemingly unrelated, and the other inhabitants are so useless when it comes to help, it would just break down into a huge WMG session.
You say we are "tackle[ing] this quest knowing nothing about what is going on like some idiots weaned on video game RPGs." but really, what choice to we have? There's no real room for experimentation, and the rules seem to change whenever. Really, we kinda just have to go with the flow until a lightbulb clicks.

I don't know if there's something we're just not seeing, but it seems like Weaver's playing a game with us. It feels like every time there's information right above us, it kinda gets reeled back up, like if it was attached to a fishing rod.
No. 62483 ID: a4f716


Not sure if this helps, but Weaver was answering someone with generally the same viewpoints as you two. THIS MAY CONTAIN THE ANSWERS YOU SEEK.

But probably not, by the nature of your argument.
No. 62689 ID: f0ec70

We don't know much about Nan's past, do we? She doesn't seem like the type to sin (majorly) or to hold on to a feeling of regret and remorse for a very long time.

Maybe we could ask her a bit about her past?
No. 62694 ID: f6a48e

>everything goes white again
No. 62715 ID: 6a5a08

Every day until you like it
No. 62725 ID: f2c20c

Of course it went white. What do you think was gonna happen, honestly?

Personally I think maybe it might be a bad idea to keep revisiting the past. Wasn't Padre about to burn the church down? If we are there when that happens, won't we burn too?
No. 62726 ID: 1f8505


Just out of curiosity, what events preceded each transition to white?
No. 62800 ID: a4f716

Lorenzo flashbacks:
1. Lantern is flashed on the shadows husks while we're in Santi's room
2. We had just shined a flashlight on the mysterious figure in the chapel
3. Shining a flashlight on the shadow husks chasing Pablo

Anna flashback: touching Anna's silhouette in the elevator

??? Dream: After we slept

Kim in furnace: Weaver returns to nanquest
No. 62809 ID: 1b355f

We knew using the flashlight triggers a flashback. Shining light on the shadows always does.
Also, I keep getting the sense that we're dealing with 4 main entities here, not three. Regardless of my hypothesis earlier, I feel like there's another piece to the puzzle. We know the big bads are the Pilgrim, the Padre and the Beast, but the hotel itself seems like it might be a separate entity entirely and there is an entire population of shadow things that we seem to just be taking for granted. Shadow things are not normal; what are they, where do they come from, and what do they do? Are they part of the Hotel or separate from it?
Also, as long as Nan's is with someone who might help her, I think triggering flashbacks might just be the most resourceful thing to do right now.
No. 62819 ID: 1b355f

A better theory (than my previous one) about the shadow husks:
The Padre and the Pilgrim are not effected by the light/don't trigger flashbacks, the Beast and the husks are. If the Beast is a collection of souls, maybe the husks aren't individuals, rather bits or extensions of the Beast. This might explain how the beast knew where people were hanging out when it decided to come in and attack.
No. 62859 ID: 3b8cf9

right gents, heard "Hotel California" on the radio today and immediately thought of a Nan-Quest. that means its...
Wild Mass Guess Time Again!

(i know weaver told us there was a connection and that this is not a new line of thought, it has been almost completely explored by Butterscotch >>23849 >>23850 >>23851 but bear with me)
Could Hotel California be what Lorenzo sees? he always hears the mission bells before he sees her as that is when she flashes back/time warps/whatever, i'm not suggesting that Lorenzo is part of the eagles, but what if he ends up in the hotel like Nan and the others and THEN becomes the pilgrim, instead of becoming the pilgrim THEN entering the hotel.
Lorenzo is already in the hotel, as the pilgrim and THEN he becomes Lorenzo, like he goes back in time and gets stuck, goes to find the padre to forgive his sins, this might explain the scar on his face, as Nan did throw a rebar-sword into his face earlier.
Lorenzo is a time traveler and he is trying to stop the hotel by, first killing everyone inside it, then be going back and trying to help Nan stop it, but while trying not to cause a paradox by outright telling her.

Once again these ideas are all not possible, but might help your brain juices(still cant find a less squicky word for that) flow and get some better idea's or more possible WMG's.
No. 62861 ID: 3b8cf9

another WMG, the alarm clock from (way) earlier said 4:66, what if it was upside down and said 99:h, maybe after 99 hours in the hotel something happens? a quick google of 99:h gets nothing i can find though.
No. 62874 ID: 1b355f

People still seem to think that we could influence the past when we go back and visit it. So far, Nan hasn't been able to change anything. I think, by now it's safe to assume we can't make any significant changes, and we should try to learn as much as we can in the flashbacks.
No. 63031 ID: 3b8cf9

Right, quick WMG:
the flashbacks are Nan seeing an ancestor's life, and all the people in the hotel now had, at one time, had ancestors that have been part of the mission.
No. 63039 ID: f2c20c

We already figured that out. 4:66 rolls over to 5:06, which refers to Vindictus 5:06. That's the verse Padre was obsessing over.
No. 63046 ID: 3b8cf9

yeah i know, i was just bored during a lecture and thought up some stuff to hopefully get the ideas flowing back into the discussion thread.
No. 63077 ID: a4f716


I agree that the dichotomy between Pilgrim/Padre (former actual people) and the husks and beast (souls? parts of the hotel?) needs to be noted. Pilgrim/Padre seem to be pretty physical, while the others are more ethereal. Which also means that, since lighting him up triggered a flashback, the figure we saw on the balcony is also somewhat ethereal.

I really just want to know who/what that was.

Also, I'd like to assert that we investigate the Hotel and the Mission equally. Both are going to give us insight as to what's going on.

I'm excited - the more we keep triggering these flashbacks, the more consistent this storytelling is seeming. We're starting to figure out the gameplay for this one.
No. 63198 ID: eabb24

just a quick thought, there's nothing in the darkness that wasn't there when the lights were on.

Also a line in hotel california says "mirrors in the ceiling" which could mean that the mirrors reflect the oposite of the person in question, so the worst the mirror image is the better the person.

One thing that's been bothering me is that I read somewhere they used to call native americans vermin. Make whatever you want on that.

(I'm basing a lot of my theories on the song which might not be a good thing because I don't know to which degree nanquest was based on it.)
No. 63199 ID: 3b8cf9

have we ever checked our inventory while in the past/flashback/mind?

if not then we might need to start, could be important hints there... or not.
No. 63228 ID: a53eea

So in the latest update, we hear the name "Father Bowerman"

WE HAVE HEARD THIS NAME before in Anna's flashback, which she calls down to a "Mr. Bowerman"

Perhaps we should keep this name in mind.
No. 63301 ID: 86e91d

Regarding that ^

I have the strong feeling the arcade's owner was Mr. Bowerman, he seems to 'abduct' people into the hotel , I guess .

We still have the check from him so I suggest opening it as ap, might find something more than a blank check
No. 63307 ID: f2c20c

Pfffahahahaha the hotel is in the PAST isn't it.
No. 63394 ID: dd8409

So ruins = Cjopaza / Pelroga temple?

I wonder if Sister Nancy is the beast in the present?

I will not suggest saying "Don't lose your head."
I will not suggest saying "Don't lose your head."
No. 63419 ID: a4f716

So our job now is to absolve ALL the souls!

Nan: Ghost Buster!

Also nice catch with Mr. Bowerman stuff!
No. 63447 ID: cef479


It could explain where our favourite green necklace came from (Assuming it's made of the same stuff as the fetus statue in Ruby Quest). I also might as well throw a sorta theory out now:

The hotel is becoming an entity itself, given life by being built over the mission, and by proxy the possible temple. It's calling in all these people and trapping them because it needs things to take care of it.

However, it's become a mix of three places now: A mission, Temple, and Hotel. So it wants different things. Long story short, all three versions of the building could want Nan, Pablo and Anna to keep it repaired.

The Hotel part wants Santiago as a pianist.

The Mission wants worshippers.

And finally the Temple wants worshippers as well, and was trying to use the Mission to do this.

The problem is that both the temple and mission fell, and they took Velasco and Lorenzo with them. Velasco may have accidentally tampered with relics from the temple that lead to the downfall of the church and created the beast in the process, which basically screwed up the Temple's plans. In doing so, he has also transformed himself and Lorenzo into monsters.

Padre is continuing his 'kill the vermin' routine because he's unaware of what he did, or was too crazy to care.

Pilgrim is trying to spare people the fate of becoming the pawns of the hotel.

The beast is a bit of an anomaly though, it may be the nun transformed by whatever Velasco did.

As for the shadow zombies, even if they are killed by Pilgrim, the hotel may keep their souls trapped and use black shells to do its bidding, which is also why it tried to stop Nan from escaping Padre: She can't fight back from its power if she's dead.

tl;dr The possible Cjopaze temple could be behind all of this.
No. 63462 ID: be594e

I am a newcomer to this, so I may be late to the party, but has anyone considered....

My COMPELLING EVIDENCE is; he's wearing the freaking cross that was on the wall of Padre's little bible room!!
Also, he didn't even TRY to help you save Kim from the furnace while he believed it was Kim.
No. 63463 ID: be594e

Considering it's pretty obvious now that the spanish mission BURNED DOWN after Padre deliberately set fire to it, I think the black ghosts are BURN VICTIMS.
No. 63466 ID: be594e

More conspiracy theory evidence to Henry being an evil product of the hotel...
When you first meet up with him in the saferoom and he mentions to the others when he first saw you, he says he heard you in his room while he was taking a bath and found you there... Except it was PABLO'S room you were in..
Also, there was that creepy incident with him in the mirror.
And it was Henry's room that was chained up, marked with blood and rattling.

And PS, that cross pendant belongs to the Padre. Remember where we found it first?? Handing on a coat rack ALONG WITH PADRE'S HAT AND ROBE!! (I'd be curious to see if the hat and robe are still in the lobby)

And if we're going to have to save the current hotel patrons using items we collect (the same way we redeemed Anna with the screwdriver), I get the feeling you've all damned Kim. Her issue was waking up, right? Mayhaps something horrible happened when she failed to wake up. We had an item meant for waking people up right (alarm clock)? ...But you carelessly smashed it for no good reason. Sure, we got a crazy timewarp out of it, but surely that was not it's intended use.
No. 63467 ID: be594e

Moar speculation:

I think Kim and Anna's theories about the hotel were BOTH right. And Santiago is also right.

Remember back when we first saw the elevator open, and what we saw was a MONSTER? Yet on our timewarp back there, it wasn't a monster, but it was Anna! And we saw Santiago looked like a burn victim in the dark as well.

I think everyone in the hotel was, in a past life, a victim burned to death in the spanish mission.
And I think they also are already dead. But died holding onto a regret over something they did (Anna probably accidentally killed people with shoddy elevator repair).

Where Santiago being right comes in is...STOP TRYING TO SAVE THEM!! Let the hotel patrons die (they're already dead), and then redeem their souls as you did with Anna, and also save them in the past to keep their past selves from burning alive.

Items to redeem dead people:
Anna - Screwdriver
Kim - Probably the alarm clock....
Pablo - He's clearly got some 'artist' theme going, so...that statue he apparently carved (and signed).
No guesses about the others so far.
No. 63468 ID: be594e

Sorry for the multiple posts, but... MOAR CONSPIRACY to Henry being EVIL!!!

Henry's room was 114. He says he arrived at the hotel in June...
Padre's JOURNAL ENTRY #114 was written in June, and was a simple, bleak "My skin is ice".

I'm curious to look back and see...Have we EVER seen the Padre whilst in the presence of Henry? Yeah, there was that time that Henry was 'knocked out (was he?)', and we saw an imperceptible shadow that Pablo SAYS was the Padre, but WE never get a good look at it. And then it just leaves... Could it have been a fake? Could, perhaps, Henry BE the Padre??

But while researching this, I noticed something... Barring the theory that Henry is Padre and that our first encounter with the Padre really WAS the real thing......
It struck me that it simply went away after Pablo announced to it that he was "Not afraid to die anymore"...and then Pilgrim told us that WHATEVER HAPPENS, don't be afraid!! Yet being afraid is all we've been doing...

What if we truly do be NOT AFRAID in the face of the Padre (He only chased us when we ran). Would he go away??
No. 63473 ID: cef479


Problem. The Padre attacked us anyways. The only reason it didn't attack us the first time is because we had the necklace (At least I think we did). In his current form the Padre is obviously still driven by his desire to get rid of "vermin", so when he saw the cross necklace he assumed Nan was actually a real christian or whatever instead of a native.

Also letting everyone die to save them is a bad idea. We might as well become the new Pilgrim if that's our new plan, since he probably has the same thought process. If we have a chance to prevent someone from getting slaughtered in front of us we should just prevent it. It's not rocket science.
No. 63475 ID: cef479

Also, this is some serious random guessing, but if we're going with the past selves theory, what if Henry is the reincarnation of Velasco before he went off the edge?

He has the necklace, Padre left him alone in the hall when he could have easily killed him and so far he's one of the only Hotel characters who doesn't have obvious issues and is willing to help Nan.

Again, wild mass guessing or whatever but it's always a possibility.
No. 63499 ID: be594e

This seems like a possibility, as also entry 114 in Padre's journal was right before the Pilgrim showed up and he decided to burn everyone alive.
No. 63501 ID: be594e

Actually the Padre has not attacked us at any time we were not actively trying to run away and being blatantly scared. When we stood and tried to talk to it, it didn't come toward us, it hit the wall, which while it did narrow our escape route, it wasn't technically an attack on us. When we ran is when it chased us. And when it attacked us in the burning lounge, we were freaking out and trying to flee through the doors.
No. 63511 ID: be594e

Weaver- Ever consider making one of these into an actual text-based game so it can be replayable and more fully explored and enjoyable for people late for the party? They make programs for it (Inform 7, Adrift, etc). I know you could make a wicked awesome one. No offense to the other people here, but it's kind of frustrating to watch us have to stall and dick around until we're eventually railroaded into the proper path because no one can be arsed to actually follow the clues.
No. 63512 ID: 419cdb

Or better yet, Twine.
No. 63525 ID: 06913d

Three main factors to that that I can think of off the top of my head.

1. Length of time between updates. Nothing wrong with that, but people naturally forget things as a result. And they generally don't have time to constantly reread quests to refresh their memories.
2. The surreal setting. It's harder to figure things out when the rules're that different. And people're less inclined to experimentation in such a scary, deadly environment.
3. Group input. Everyone has their own ideas. As such, you can't really expect to see too much coherent goal-setting.

In the end, I think you're being too harsh. Also perceiving more railroading than there is. "Proper path?" Judging from previous comments on his part, Weaver doesn't really roll that way. Rather, I think it's more that things have causes and effects we don't fully understand yet.

A Weaver produced game might be interesting, but would require a different set of storytelling skills. And would require Weaver actually wanting to do one. Even then, it would have a certain lack of interactivity compared to this.
No. 63526 ID: be594e

Yes, it would lose some of the interactivity and innovation (Though Weaver could just try to put more time into making sure its highly interactive), but as it is, I feel like we aren't even CAPABLE of dying unless we're deliberately monumentally stupid.
If Weaver made it into an actual game, it could be enjoyed over and over and you could pick new paths each time, and enjoy all the creepy goodness of Weaver's storytelling with the added thrill of the fact that you could be much more likely to doom yourself.
As it is, this is a one-time playthrough and naturally Weaver wouldn't allow us to get killed so easily.
As it is, it feels almost sure that we'll make it to the end and survive, and the only difference will be how much of the mystery we solve along the way...where as were it an actual game, reaching the end and surviving could be far less of a possibility, and thus also force people to think harder before making rash decisions like smashing clocks and stealing rugs.
No. 63545 ID: be594e

Maybe "thunder roaring" is the bell ringing.
No. 63553 ID: 6c3b85


Buddy, you seem like you're new here. Y'know Weaver has a whole bunch of other projects he's got to work on besides Nan. Making an actual game would take waaay too much time, he's tried it before.

He also has a life that is not questing. He eats cereal. He does laundry. He draws questionable pictures of monster girls.

Just roll with the flow of the updates, man.
No. 63561 ID: cef479


Gonna have to agree with this guy dude. As well as put my own long winded two cents in.

There have been people that have been reading Nanquest and waiting patiently for each update (As I have), and the last thing we need is an obnoxious newbie mucking up the main thread with: "WEAVER STOP EVERYTHING AND MAKE A GAME BECAUSE THIS IS TOO SLOW". It's insulting to readers, because we've been waiting and reading this long, and it's disrespectful to Weaver because you're telling him how to tell his own story.

I'm not trying to be a dick about the whole post thing, but I'm just being honest here dude. There's a time and place for that kind of post you made, and it sure as hell wasn't the main thread with pretty much all the other players (metaphorically) standing right there. It just wasn't cool man.
No. 63576 ID: be594e

Uhhhh.... Try actually reading what I said and not read things I DIDN'T say.
I never suggested Weaver stop what he's doing, I never suggested Weaver this instant and make a game.
I never suggested he make a game because these are too slow.

ALL I SAID, was I think it would be a great idea if he made a game, because I'd like to be more in control of the story and try things no one else it trying, and NOT do things like smash clocks which I feel was counter-productive.
I don't care if he waits 10 years to get started and 10 years to finish it, or if he never starts one at all.
It would be great if he did. How am I obnoxious or a noob, or impatient for merely suggesting he make one EVER? In fact, making a game would be SLOWER than these, because it takes PROGRAMMING all paths in. But an actual game in the long run, I feel would be far more thrilling.

Now unbunch your panties and stop putting words in people's mouths. Thanks.
No. 63579 ID: cef479

>Uhhhh.... Try actually reading what I said and not read things I DIDN'T say.

>How am I obnoxious or a noob, or impatient for merely suggesting he make one EVER?


This here? This is what I was talking about. It's ridiculously obnoxious to shove this in the main thread like you did. I know I didn't write this. You wrote it yourself. And when you DO shove these kind of things in the thread instead of putting them here where they're supposed to be you look like another impatient noob who thinks Weaver is doing it wrong. I doubt you really are, but you're making yourself look like one when you pull this shit man.
No. 63585 ID: 3b8cf9
File 135289675878.gif - (7.07KB , 701x683 , 1232185346342.gif )

first up, seconded, also
Nan quest would never work as a premade game, the entire point is that the game evolves as players suggest, like in ruby quest where the players MADE the game better by doing 2 things weaver never thought of, entering a Pipe he had drawn and ignored and then giving Stitches a group photo, causing him to save them later, or like in Dive quest where the difficulty of using the mana system caused weaver to reform the game into a 1-1 conversion of manikins to sprite. I'm sure that later in Nan quest we will somehow do something weaver never though of doing, like killing the padre be giving furnace-Kim a light saber made from dreams, which is something that NO-ONE (not even our lord-made-flesh Weaver) would probably never think of writing into a game.

No. 63588 ID: fb9917

The prickly fist is simultaneously the best and worst idea.
No. 63597 ID: cef479


If we were to do RubyQuest again, do you think we would have the infinte rocket launcher unlocked for getting a good end, or would we have to get the perfect ending for that?
No. 63618 ID: be594e

Again, you people are reading things into what I said that were never there. I never suggested he stop doing these kinds of quests, I never said I thought these were too slow, I never said he should drop what he's doing, I never said anything even vaguely like what you're saying I said at all.

I suggested he, at any point in his life, turn one of these stories of his into an actual game. Yes, I already said I was aware it would lose SOME of the interactivity, but it would also have the added thrill of being more capable of dying, and of being able to go back again and try things you didn't try the first time.

Now... NOTHING in that says anything about him no longer doing /tg/ quests, or stopping this one, or hurrying up, or cramming the development of a game into his currently busy life. Nor was it a demand, nor even so much as a request.

IT WAS A SUGGESTION ONLY. Something for him to consider in his own time and think for himself if he would like to do it or not. He doesn't need you or I to decide for him, he's clearly intelligent enough to make such decisions for himself. ONLY HE would know if making one into a game would genuinely be a good idea.

You act as if me making the suggestion and him seeing it will make him my zombie minion and he'll have to stop doing what he's doing and make a game for me.

You think I sound whiney... Well YOU sound like you're OPPOSED to if he made a game ever in the expanse of his life (even if it's what he wanted to do). You sound like greedy little people who think you own Weaver. That's what YOU sound like.
No. 63619 ID: cef479


>You think I sound whiney... Well YOU sound like you're OPPOSED to if he made a game ever in the expanse of his life (even if it's what he wanted to do). You sound like greedy little people who think you own Weaver. That's what YOU sound like.


Seriously. Dude. You're trying too hard.
No. 63620 ID: be594e

Trying too hard to what? And please stop calling me "dude".

And honestly, that is what you sound like.
No. 63625 ID: 629257

There's no need for an argument here. Erohiel has their opinions and they are entitled to them. If I disagree or don't like an idea or suggestion, I simply don't go with it. That's all there is to it.
I don't need you to defend me on my behalf, and there's no need for hostilities. I know we can be civil about this.
No. 63628 ID: be594e

:3 Thank you, Weaver.
No. 63630 ID: cef479

Meh. I thought I was pretty civil tbh, but okay man. :V
No. 63649 ID: 3b8cf9

just when it was getting good.
No. 63705 ID: b1f99d

Hey look, everybody! I have a shiny new distraction from the fighting: a theory!
The Padre and the Pilgrim share certain similarities with each other that neither share with the Beast, namely that they seem corporeal/solid and vaguely humanoid. Most of us are assuming that Padre and Pilgrim both became connected to the hotel through the mission/church (a pretty solid theory). We also know that the whole hotel is a big wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey mess. Maybe the Beast is from another time/place and what we're seeing now could relate to its creation. Minimally, it should help us figure out what happened to the second floor.
No. 63707 ID: b1f99d

The hotel is the Master's Tardis.
No. 63708 ID: be594e

Unless that's Henry instead of Pablo in the room, I'm thinking Henry and Pablo are connected, but I don't know how or why.

When Pablo saw you in his room, it was Henry who claimed to see you, and when you asked Henry about his 'past time', he mentioned a woman and a child. Now we see what looks like a woman and child in the room with what appears to be Pablo.

Maybe--and I'm not sure at all about this--but maybe Pablo and Henry is the same person, and maybe Pablo's wife is you, and Pablo/Henry/Lorenzo has been pairing off with you and killing you for generations. :D Derp.
No. 63764 ID: 3b8cf9

except that we saw them both at the same time when Nan and Pablo entered the hall way (back in part 3) and found an injured Henry before being attacked by the Padre.

So unless they are time traveling twins/psychic doubles/reincarnations then this seems less than likely.
No. 63766 ID: 3b8cf9

Oh look, another outfit, i wonde...>>/quest/472091... WAT?
i think Nan might be living OTHER peoples lives (the lost souls that form the beast) throughout the mission to the hotel, everyone who... something? people who helped others? (told Nun to be with mother, possibly saved children from crazy father/acted oddly to father playing "crazed-axe-killer" with children)i don't know, some more WMG's
No. 63770 ID: 2fd111
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no , seriously


I don't even...

how the fudge are we supposed to react to that?
No. 63773 ID: be594e

I was thinking something along the lines of, since they're all from different times, you could get duplicates. But honestly, I have no idea.
Now Nan's family is rabbits. I still suspect she's living her OWN 'past lives'.
No. 63783 ID: b52950

Well... I think weaver took it personally that we always repeated we would surely surprise weaver when at least expected ^^

So here is the surprise for us instead.
No. 63792 ID: f2c20c

I figured it'd be a fakeout immediately. I mean, when you think about it, it's obvious. The room wasn't broken into, so Pablo must belong in there. The children weren't trying to run away, so they must not be in danger.
No. 63793 ID: 86e91d

guise, holy shit you guise
what of the guy holding the axe is protecting the children from US ?
No. 63794 ID: 802e50

WMG: Older rabbit daughter is Ruby and she is blinded in the hotel.
No. 63808 ID: 3b8cf9

except weaver has said that there is no connection between Rubyquest and Nanquest
No. 63823 ID: 629257

Not to mention Ruby's documents specified she was blind from birth.
No. 63824 ID: f2c20c

Huh, okay, looks like I was totally wrong!
No. 63833 ID: 3b8cf9

happens to the best of us... and the rest of us... and weaver... and probably other people too... and zoidberg.
No. 63838 ID: 629257
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All right, I don't normally like to tip my hand or directly influence the way people suggest, but this has gotten out of hand.

Sometimes you have to take action. You guys seem allergic to it. When I said that these are social puzzles I meant figuring out how to handle other characters was your concern. I didn't mean words will solve everything.
There are times when a monster is barreling down at you or as here you essentially find a wild-eyed man with a gun to a child's head, and your reaction is "Well, let's talk to him! Let's tell him about sin and forgiveness and let's just have a discussion about this big old misunderstanding."
If this were Alien or something, the xenomorph would leap out and Nan would start sympathetically asking him what was wrong and how did this happen to him and why does he think hurting Nan will solve anything, and a second later she'd have a hole in her throat.

I'm not saying you should never take the time to talk to someone, or that you should never stop to observe your situation. But if a rabid wolf is twenty feet away and barreling down on you, and you post a three-paragraph speech you want Nan to make, what do you honestly think is going to happen?
No. 63839 ID: 86e91d


It's true, but I think we are afraid of screwing up again. We don't know how our actions' aftermaths will affect everything so we normally try to talk it out . It's like a butterfly effect .

We can take the risk but I hope we don't end up in Room 101 or exploding the whole hotel down
No. 63840 ID: 030ca7

No. 63842 ID: 629257
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This is the kind of thing I'm talking about.
You have a man with an axe standing over your children and talking about getting "the last laugh" and you want to give lectures.

There's more to handling others than making speeches.
No. 63846 ID: be594e

Except this guy isn't a monster barreling down on anyone. He has an axe, sure, but it's not currently up and ready to strike. Notice what the guy said, that he 'wont let you take them from him'. He's a father afraid you're going to take his kids from him--so of course he's angry!
He needs to be assured that you aren't here to take his kids away (even if you are).
He can't pull the "if I can't have them, no one can" if you let him have them.
And you have no idea what the situation really is...maybe you WERE against him and laughing at him and trying to take his kids (you DID just bust in like Rambo).
Sure, words aren't always the answer, but rushing blindly into violence isn't always the answer either.
No. 63847 ID: 629257

Sorry. No. You're wrong.
No. 63883 ID: 6c3b85

No. 63884 ID: d89abb

But what if every character in Nan Quest is actually just one person with MULTIPLE PERSONALITY DISORDER?!?!?! The hotel is a metaphor for the real person (whoever that may be), and as the people die the personalities disappear and the person becomes more sane! Therefore, Nan is actually aiding the insanity by protecting the personalities and refusing to die!
No. 63885 ID: d89abb

in case it's not obvious, this is a joke
No. 63886 ID: ac36d0

I just now realized something. We've done nothing to equip Nan with weapons through-out this quest. The best things she's had were a flashlight or screw-driver.
No. 63902 ID: ffd73c

In defense of my own suggestion, I will admit that I was drawing from instances I've read about in the news and a couple unfortunate real life occurrence where people on the edge have been talked down from taking their life or the lives of others. The fact that the guy is Nan's husband gave me the impression that it was still possible, or at least she could use words as a distraction for getting a more advantageous position to attack. A wolf we know at a glance will rip our throat out and not care, but a spouse is a person supposedly loves you, so you basically have to gamble on how much humanity they have.

That said, I'll concede that there are moments when words won't work, even against someone who supposedly loves you, and betting on red when you should've put it all on black will leave you with nothing. The article "Daddy ate my eyes" is one of the most vivid and horrifying recent real life examples I can think of. Some people are people are sociopathic, abusive, horrible monsters, and talking will just waste precious time when you should be caving their heads in.

In this instance, it seems I gambled on the wrong side. At least Weaver was kind enough to point this out before it was too late to change my bet. I hope changing my vote will help sway things towards feral mama bear in attack mode so we can save those little girls. I'd feel awful if my suggestion contributed to their deaths.
No. 63934 ID: a4f716



>"She knows she is part of a vital link in a chain of many individuals, and in order to keep things running smoothly, and to prevent catastrophe, she and all the others must stay vigilant."

Hey guys this is suddenly becoming relevant! Maybe Nan is some sort of medium/time-traveler? A combination of the two?
No. 63935 ID: 629257

You don't need to defend or apologize for your suggestion. I was just trying to point out a growing trend I see in all quests, not just Nan: That no matter how imminent or undeniable the danger or threat, a lot of people will always just choose to try and talk it out.
No. 63941 ID: cef479


It's hard to explain, but when it comes to a lot of quests I usually find just acting on impulses or suggesting that the character straight up murder someone is normally frowned upon, or considered the "evil choice", especially in terms of a story where the readers actions can change what sort of ending they get.

It's like when you play like, I'll just say Silent Hill because whatever. In some of the games to get a "good" ending you need to think and not just kill monsters, who are always an immediate threat. But, at the same time there's monsters you NEED to kill to complete the game, so it balances out a little, and the weapons and ammo you save from not killing every other monster is more than welcome when you take on something that takes a million bullets to die.

I think people remember how they saved extra people in Ruby Quest, so they feel like just rushing in to certain situations would be too risky. Now, I'm not entirely defending them of course, even though there are other quests where diplomacy could work, the over-diplomacy of some of the suggestions in NanQuest was slowing stuff down quite a bit (People thinking we need to talk to Padre and Pilgrim even though they obviously wouldn't listen being the most prolific examples in my opinion).

tl;dr I think my point is, diplomacy is okay in some quests, but there are definitely times ("Boss Battles") where we NEED to just kill or attack someone.
No. 63957 ID: b1f99d

Just some WMG-ing: Say the Padre, the Pilgrim and the Beast aren't actually people twisted into powerful, ageless beings. What if they were golems created (maybe by the original Padre or Pilgrim) to carry out some task. This would explain why the Padre's head looks like a stack stuffed with hay and the Pilgrim has a skull-mask for a head.
No. 63965 ID: cef479


This makes an interesting theory. It could also explain why the Padre and Pilgrim don't really react to being set on fire and stabbed in the eye.
No. 63983 ID: 86e91d

So any theories regarding our situation ? , Second floor no longer burnt , different clothes, Nan knowing something we don't and of course our new friends.

My guess is that when we redeemed Mag, the Padre delayed the whole sacrifice thing and everything went diferent, for better or worse , in any case , we changed the future .

Nan's current intentions are unknown, besides escaping . It seems like she betrayed her family and turned them to Padre , why is unknown. They were supposed to be death, apparently burned along the second floor .

The beast was his family's rage for justice, along every one of those who got sacrificed. We can destroy the beast (if we didn't already) by not doing our past mistakes.

Nan's husband must not die then , or blood will be spiltered and our deed would be useless .
No. 64015 ID: 3e1ac3

This might be repetitive but my pet theory is that light equals visions, time travelling to the past, ... while darkness equals reality (there are many examples but the one that seems more stark is when we point the flash light to Anderson and see the dark side smirking like it was his true? twisted personality).

Speaking of Anderson, him, the hotel and the time travelling shenanigans sometimes remind me of the film Cube and its sequels.

I kinda lean more with the Nan "impersonating" other people than past lives. I mean, why would she have bunny daughters (unless they are adopted or genetics don't matter)?
No. 64129 ID: 86e91d

What did we just do ;_;
No. 64131 ID: 26fe86

we did everything right and now everything is fine... right?
No. 64133 ID: 2fd111


No. 64134 ID: cef479

Uhhh...this may be the temple the mission was built on? It looks kinda evil temple-ish.
No. 64137 ID: 0288c0

For the record, the place Nan is now matches the description of the SEASIDE PAINTING we encountered in Chapter 5.
No. 64154 ID: 1f8505

Scarface there reminds me of when Nan looked into that broken mirror.
No. 64156 ID: bb74a6

Hey, awkward question here.
Where can I find an archive?
No. 64159 ID: 86e91d
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Speculation time :

We've seen this cloacked figure before, wether It's Father Velazco or the pilgrim is unknown , He addresses Nan as "Child" like a Father would do , but he has some similarities of Lorenzo .

Maybe it's a third party, like Father Bowerman but that's unlikely . . .
No. 64160 ID: 86e91d
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It isn't the Pilgrim as he seems to be taller, besides that long thing is his arm covering his head, not an enlongated animal skull .

It isn't the Padre as he's slender and smaller , and he doesn't dress like that .

Beast is out of question .

Our next target should be of getting to know this man better , as he seems to be responsable of everything indirectly, or directly . Meaning anyone else are just pawns , the major uninvited guests are hostile but not guilty

this man, I shall call him
No. 64161 ID: 86e91d



forgive my samefag btw
No. 64162 ID: 15c31c

or... wiki?
No. 64163 ID: 579d8a

Hmm everyone we meet in the past seems to have scars
No. 64169 ID: 0288c0

I don't think Maggie had one, but thanks for bringing that up.
No. 64211 ID: 17ee92

A scar does appear here when she passes.


Pilgrim = Lorenzo
Beast = Maggie
Padre = Guy in Tunnel
Then the scars we could be seeing could represent the damage we inflicted on them in the present.

Also new theory about why the scar only appeared at the end! Our ally shot the beast in the head, (other wound was on its body), explaining why the scar appeared.

Of course the Guy In Tunnel has just said he's not Padre, so ???
No. 64221 ID: 3b8cf9

i think that my just be a shadow from the eyebrow, if it were a major plot point then it would be more obvious, it also doesn't really fit with the other Scars, which are usually done in a much finer line.
No. 64222 ID: 8cf6a0

I thought that at first as well, but if you cover it up with your thumb, her expression makes more sense, which leads me to believe it is indeed a scar.
No. 64235 ID: a4f716

Hm. So this guy's not the Padre, and Lorenzo can't be the Padre (he was seeking his blessing)...

jk that was a pretty good theory but Weaver just shot it in the face, leaving a scar in its past manifestation.
No. 64242 ID: 629257
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"this man, I shall call him
No. 64318 ID: b1f99d

Id like to point out a few things (I'm not sure what to make of them, but they are worth noting):
- The color of Nan's robe matches the color of the cross pendant from before (pale green)
- This person seems to be summoning the thunder, whereas the Padre feared it. (I should also point out that thunder is the noise of the Beast.)
- This person is disturbed by the notion that you thought they were Father Valesco. Though both appear to be evil, they are against each other, much like the attitudes of the Uninvited Guests towards one another.
- His face scar looks somewhat like the pendant necklace.
No. 64323 ID: b1f99d
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In these visions we have seen into a number of places (discounting Anna's because it appears that was different):
-The Hotel
-The Mission/church/terra-cotta courtyard
-The weird Lighthouse-thing
We have seen the inside of the Hotel and we've seen pictures of the other two places. We have also come across one more painting that we have yet to visit (above) the Well (I think it's a well). The time depicted in this painting is dawn, which we keep hearing is the moment everything will change.
Again, I'm not sure what it means, but I would bet something big is going down at dawn, and we'll be standing by the Well, watching it happen.
No. 64328 ID: b1f99d

Apparently, I have nothing better to do right now than look through the NanQuest archives for all the incidences we saw the use of color. Here goes:
Ch 1:
~The clock glows red
~Any shower water is blue
Ch 3:
~There is red blood on the door of rm 114,
~Everything in the lounge where the Padre attacks Nan is tinted orange by the fire
Ch 4:
~When Nan "wakes up" and finds a room with red, blood-spattered canvases, a prone form with glowing red eyes and Pablo with red blood on his face
~The first time we meet the pilgrim we see the Anna and the wall covered in dark red blood
Ch 5:
~The thin cuts on Nan's head that form in the same place her evil reflection has been cracked bleed red
~The entire Janitor's closet scene is tinted deep orange
~The single canvas alone in a room is splattered with red paint
Ch 6:
~When the Beast breaks into the chapel the circular thing above the podium is streaked with red (it disappears in the next panel)
~Everything in the Padre's room is tinted orange
Ch 7:
~The burnt second floor is tinted orange
~Anderson's gunshot/the Beast's wound is a burst of red, orange and yellow
~The current sequence on the lighthouse[??] overlooking the grey sea seems to be in full color, but it's most distinctive colored elements are the orange/yellow fire and the green/grey robe. We also (finally) see Nan in full color here; she has grey/black fur and yellow horns.
No. 64330 ID: b1f99d

Please excuse my incorrect use of a contraction (I meant "its" in the last bit).
No. 64334 ID: 4a6f01
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>the Well (I think it's a well)

Curious. I always thought that was a lighthouse. A more modern-looking type, though.
No. 64347 ID: 86e91d

> an scarred and unfamiliar face

okay, the man (faggot) is the main antagonist and we can apparently kill him by pushing him off the ledge or fire . We aren't sure but this could be our only chance, I say we kill faggot now.

Also, anyone has any idea on the lobby cabinets? So far all those who had objects had something significant, Ballpoint pen for room 212 for instance, We have checked everyone except for 211 , which was closed.

Any ideas on mirrors ?
No. 64380 ID: 079929

Fun Fact :

" This is what the LORD says--Israel's King and Redeemer, the LORD Almighty: I am the first and I am the last; apart from me there is no God. " Isaiah 44:6
No. 64381 ID: b6edd6

Another fun fact:

Lightbringer translates roughly into Latin as 'Lucifer' (which itself refers to fallen angels in Jewish tradtions and Satan in particular in Christian traditions).

And by extension that might mean the feelings of cold could be related to Dante's version of hell, in which Satan is a three-headed demon constantly trying (counterproductively) to pull itself out of a lake of ice.
No. 64384 ID: a4f716

Guys. Hey Guys.
I think this guy is
Anton LaVey


See: Hotel California album cover
No. 64398 ID: b1f99d

With the whole "Lightbringer/Lucifer" reveal, I'm just gonna leave that link here...
(Not that I'm any more sure about it than before)
No. 64399 ID: b1f99d

There's also the possibility that Nan plays the role of lightbringer in the hotel with her flashlight (as mentioned in the quest thread). If that's the case, then this mystery man is probably working against the hotel as well.
No. 64401 ID: 4a6f01
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>I would bet something big is going down at dawn, and we'll be standing by the Well, watching it happen.

Maybe the dawn hasn't come only once. After all, Lucy over there said he wasn't the first nor the last. Anyhow, a couple observations:

(1) Lucy calls the place he built "home of light", not "lighthouse".

(2) Lucy doesn't call the Bible a book. He calls it a story.

I have a feeling that we are in rather ancient times.
No. 64405 ID: 39f7c2
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No. 64413 ID: b6edd6

Our meeting with Lucy brings us to the issue of what to think of light in the hotel. On one hand, basically everything about our meeting with Lucy suggests that light is the element of our enemy, but on the other hand shining light on things in the hotel has so far shown us on multiple occasions (including this one) what at least seem to be useful and possibly essential knowledge.
No. 64436 ID: 86e91d

New revelations :
- Guy is confirmed to be someone completly unknown
- He plans to die to complete his ritual, I don't know what the porpuse is but he just wants to die
- He might be Velazco or faggot, velazco hasn't been completly debunked imo
No. 64481 ID: 2fd111

Wow, I did not intend for that last suggetion (for future reference, the one after the horned guy's hood came off) to be anywere near that long!

I thought I should point what I was doing at the end there. I'm almost certain the Anasazi (which I somehow managed to spell 'anazie') are the people the natives that we keep hearing about. Next, I think this Nan is the one who is a Nun at the mission. Assuming she isn't being divinely inspired (in plot, or by us) of what she knows, then reason why she would attack him (or rather why see would use that suggestion) is that she knows what he is doing/has done, then her motivation to kill him is either retribution for the mass murder of the Anasazi(if this is after) or a not very thought out attempt at stoping him from commiting 'the burning'.

On a related note, I'd like to add to somthing I suggested awhile back, since we apear to have a third Nan; the one that is a nun, Sister Nancy, so suggest we refer to her as nun!Nan. In the event you missed what I said before , the other two under!Nan and over!Nan.

Two more things, I almost just said we sould call nun!Nan ,
Nancy, but that could get confusing since that's likley [all of their?] real names.
Second, I suggest we give major events names to help with the apparent timey-wimeyness. For example, let's refer to the incineration of all the natives (possibly know as the Anazasi) as 'the burning'.
No. 64484 ID: 491319

info about the real anasazi people I found round the internets

"It is an Anasazi belief that our current world is the fourth Earth to be in existence. The previous three were supposedly destroyed by the Creator. The Anasazi, modern and ancient, believe that if humans don't live up to their commitments to honor Earth, Mother Nature will punish us by bringing the world to a violent end."


“The final period of Anasazi history is very murky. Around the 1300s AD, they disappeared, and noone truly knows why. Theories that have been presented are that drought brought them down, or maybe warfare from other tribes."

No. 64487 ID: 2fd111
File 135423878067.jpg - (34.04KB , 350x370 , HNI_0075_JPG.jpg )

My God, this explains everything!
No. 64536 ID: b1f99d

As much as I like that theory, the Anasazi were rumored to have disappeared around 1300, and we have been specifically informed that the critical time period here is the 1820's (in Valezco's journal).
No. 64538 ID: b1f99d

I also think that there's too much christian symbolism for Christianity to be disregarded completely. Here's my current theory: Padre Valezco, disgusted by the native people, decided to "save their souls" by cleansing them with holy fire. His act of declaring holy war triggered a change in him. Rage and vengeance became him, transforming him into War, the Horseman. This change triggered a change in others; the Pilgrim became Death and the husks of the souls of the burnt-out Anasazi became Famine. Nan is neither Anasazi nor a devout christian; she is Conquest.
No. 64540 ID: 5a5002

Either way, I do not think this Nan is nun!Nan, as we seem to be in an entirely different place (what with all the colors)

(also we are forgetting yet another "Nan", the wife that beat her husband)
No. 64541 ID: b1f99d
File 135429820362.png - (6.51KB , 180x327 , 180px-Neutered_kokopelli_svg.png )

Final theory for the day
Here's are some notable things about Santiago:
~ He likes music and dancing
~ He tried to rape Nan
~ He's often seen crouched over, not standing upright
~ He does as he wishes
Here are some notable things about Kokopelli, a deity in some southwest Native American cultures:
~ He represents the spirit of music
~ He's a fertility god
~ He's a hunchback
~ He's a trickster god

So, I wonder if Santiago is Kokopelli....
No. 64542 ID: b6edd6

Valezco's time is in the 1820s, but keep in mind there is weird time stuff going on, and McCultist has heavily suggested that there is some sort of cycle involved.
No. 64548 ID: 290c8a

I've been reading Nanquest for a while, and reread it again, posting for the first time and I'm still confused about a lot of things...

One thing I want to bring up (even though it happened long ago) was when Nan asked Henry what happened, and he said he saw a vision of a family, or his family or something...(can't find the exact page...)
Also, he wears a pendant, cross thing around his neck (I think similar to the one Nan has now), and he believes he and Nan had met before the Hotel in Chapter 4.

Has anyone besides these two been getting visions? And is this significant? I think Henry is in the same position as Nan and/or plays a role like Nan's. I think he's the only one we've seen unconscious and involved in time shenanigans like Nan.

Now about Pablo, I remember there was a totem with his name carved on. Maybe he is related to the ancient times and those anazie/anastazi peoples - maybe he has ancestors of the natives?

just my two cents, sorry if this was said before in the thread...
No. 64551 ID: f2c20c

Henry was wearing the normal cross pendant; the one we got when we first entered the hotel.
No. 64554 ID: 290c8a

Ooh, right. I guess I was looking at that picture wrong.
No. 64556 ID: b1f99d

Wasn't the cross on the safe-room door upside-down?
No. 64558 ID: 088606
File 135436934120.gif - (7.44KB , 366x494 , solstice.gif )

The developments of the last few days have been very exciting. Now I want to go read the Golden Bough, or something.
No. 64572 ID: d8f424

Welcome! Please contribute. I think we could really use some wild mass guessing right about now.
No. 64581 ID: 2fd111

Maybe we should confront him with that name, see if we get a reaction
No. 64594 ID: 86e91d

I sure wonder why nobody cared about Nan killing someone
No. 64604 ID: f2c20c

Well I didn't really want her to, but how else do you stop the leader of a cult?
No. 64620 ID: b1f99d

Who did Nan kill? You're not referencing the fact that the Lightbringer wanted Nan to kill him, are you?
No. 64635 ID: 86e91d

Well that's actually more interesting, but I meant the fact she killed her husband (the broken jaw and nose and liters of blood speak by themselves) and that apparently nan already killed the ram guy in the past

Nan doesn't seem like a goody two shoes for me anymore
No. 64639 ID: 9b23a3

I don't think he's dead.
>Some part of her wants to take his life.
>It takes all her willpower to stop there, but she does.
He's just, uh, badly hurt, it seems. Although, I think killing him would have been completely justified and she'd still be same old Nan.
No. 64644 ID: 7409f7

> Nan doesn't seem like a goody two shoes for me anymore
> still the same old Nan

Nan's character, so much as it has been formed by tgchan, seems to be a deterministic messiah.
On the one hand, she wants to save everyone. She is kind to everyone. She tries to save lives. Even Santiago, who is easily the darkest team member, receives forgiveness, kindness, even friendship. Nan genuinely wants everyone to make it out okay. I feel this is mostly a result of tgchan's pathological need to befriend absolutely everyone.
On the other hand, when push comes to shove, she's not a wide-eyed idealist. If she has to fight, she'll fight. And she fights hard. She fights dirty. She goes for the eyes. In a flurry of violence and fury. The few times she's been forced to fight (usually as a result of complete relationship breakdown), Nan has ALWAYS been told to fight dirty. Suggestions range from grabbing whatever's handy to use as a weapon, to targeting very specific parts of anatomy. This is clearly an attempt to bridge any 'gap' between "main protagonist who is not used to fighting" that we are used to seeing in more or less helplessness, and "guy trying to kill me".

I feel this is most exemplified in the confrontation with Santiago in the chapel. At first, Nan tries to reason with Santiago. She's been friendly with him before, and she doesn't want him to be an enemy. But Santiago is crazy, so that's not going to happen.
What proceeds is a frantic beatdown spurred mainly by Santy's crazed determination, culminating in repeated kicks to the groin as he screamed in pain. I genuinely feel that Santiago was 'losing' that fight, and held on remaining dangerous entirely through a mixture of determination and crazy.
However, afterwards, when Santiago is no longer able to hurt her, Nan forgives him. Sort of.

> Nan says she forgives Santiago. He is hurt, confused, scared, just like anyone else here. And if there is a way to save him, she will see that he escapes this place too.
> But she cannot forget what he has done, and warns that if he ever comes after her again, she will be ready.

I actually find this type of character weirdly compelling. Someone who is genuinely trying to help everyone, and many other characters see as idealistic or even bumbling, but really isn't.
Nan just believes very strongly in doing the right thing. If she has to go through you to do it, she will. But she really doesn't want to.
No. 64647 ID: e3f578

Nan is what happens when Ned Stark, Yoren and Stannis Baratheon have a goat baby together.
No. 64649 ID: e3f578

No, not Yoren, Bronn.
Goddamn bearded fools looking all the same
No. 64671 ID: 2fd111

Anyone else notice the last color panel's number ended in 666?
No. 64674 ID: 86e91d


Ram guy being lucifer confirmed by satanic trips
No. 64996 ID: b1f99d

So, it just occurred to me: who or what sent out that work order?
No. 64999 ID: b1f99d

(to Nan, in the very beginning)
No. 65001 ID: 2fd111

If you we're to ask that before the color scene, that would have been much more thought provoking, but taking what the ram[?] guy said we can probably assume he 'sent' for Nan.

Thinking aloud here ,assuming the possiblity that this whole multible Nan thing coincides with Anasazi lore, all the Nans may not be same person, but a (at the very least) very similar person from each of the four 'worlds' of Anasazi lore. Maybe he's trying to make a fifth one? In other words, he's trying to end the world to remake it. Just a thought though... Still, there is a whole wild mass guessing to be done if we assume this has to do with Annasazi lore, specificly the 'world has been created four time and destroyed thrice' thing.

Oh, and I added that [?] because I'm still holding out that he has horns because he's a demon, possessed by one, or Lucifer himself, rather than a ram.
No. 65002 ID: 2fd111

Oh, I forgot to say, we need to give that guy a name, a designation, something. Ram guy just isn't a good enough name.
No. 65007 ID: b1f99d

I like that idea, but considering how unfamiliar the "ram guy" was with our world ("bible, what bible?") he doesn't seem, to me, to be a likely candidate. Then again, because we met him in a flashback to the past, and we think he's immortal, he might have seen enough of our world to pick up a few tricks.
No. 65008 ID: b1f99d

Also, I don't think Lightbringer is a ram. If he was, he would have horns and ears (like Nan). This guy just has horns which makes me think he's something else entirely. Though that could just be an artistic choice.
No. 65057 ID: b1f99d

From the "how long have we been in the hotel" discussion in the quest thread
I'm terrible at gauging time, so I could very well be totally off. If I recall correctly, sleeping was someone else's idea, not Nan's. Considering how long some of them have been here, they might be on an entirely different schedule. It also looked dark in the courtyard, but considering how the hotel and it's inhabitants seem to prefer the dark, I wouldn't be surprised if the courtyard was always in "nighttime". Either way it might be worth asking the others how long Nan has been in the hotel, especially if she's been there more than one day.
No. 65058 ID: b1f99d

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but when every other "vision session" (excluding Anna's because that was different) ended, the chapter was concluded. I was anticipating the close of chapter 7 when Nan came to this time. The fact that it didn't leads me to believe that something big has yet to happen.
No. 65072 ID: 1127d7
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Got it. His name is Light.
No. 65159 ID: 8d181e
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>As one final point, one thing I wanted to bring up just because I am a troll and love seeing you guys squirm:
>You are completely off-base with one of your most basic assessments about NanQuest.
>But I won't say what~

I'm gonna list a bunch of basic assumptions I've made from reading Nanquest. I feel if we focus on "basic assessments" first, instead of "basic assessments that might be wrong." we might hit something we missed or may be more openminded on the matter. if anyone would like to add or say which one might be it, feel free to say so:

Nan is morally good.
We are in a hotel.
We are in another dimension when lights go off.
Light is good.
Dark is bad.
The Hotel is evil.
The monster are evil.
Everyone in the hotel has done something wrong.
Everyone told the truth about their origin story before entering the hotel.
Anna's dead.
We are actually having visions.
That bible was written by the...head church man person, whatever he was called again.
Everything that happened before entering the hotel was real.
One of the characters is not the animal we thought s/he was.
No. 65161 ID: b53faa

My heart is going after the "monsters are evil" assumption being the wrong one.
No. 65188 ID: 8d181e

Person who wrote the post here. I'm gonna knock off the diar/bible one since Weaver made the post before we got to that part.
No. 65189 ID: 8d181e

Sorry, I'm tired.
No. 65193 ID: f2c20c

Well, most of the monsters aren't evil, the dark isn't evil, and light doesn't actually keep us safe.
No. 65238 ID: 478133

Hey, I know that we're doing assumptions and everything, but I thought of something.

Someone had a theory about Nan's visions being her previous recreations right? In every vision except one, she was as young as her current self. So, if this is her previous self, how do she stay young? Maybe she dies or early.
Maybe because she keeps getting murdered.
Maybe because she keeps getting sacrificed. For a certain hotel.
No. 65239 ID: 478133


No. 65259 ID: 2fd111

That's what I've been thinking it is.
No. 65370 ID: 3e8475

We've also been assuming Lorenzo is the Pilgrim, though this is looking to be less likely as of late.
We assume that those who introduced themselves as trapped guests are who they claim to be. How do we actually know we can trust ANY of the other guests?
No. 65413 ID: 421587
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I haven't seen anyone suggest this. The horned creature denies being Velasco, and judging by the presence of the symbol in the Padre's room and the necklace's implied (though not proven) ability to protect the wearer from him, it's possible that he's in the service of the horned creature. Maybe unwittingly, too.
No. 65451 ID: e18a3c

I am really disappointed that when Santiago asked why Nan helped Henry, no one told her to respond that she did it because she was free to do it.

He would have probably been pacified by that.
No. 65457 ID: fdbaf5

I think they're trying to warn us about the possibilty of too much knowledge. I.E finding out what everyone in the hotel did (the reason why they're there according to kim)
No. 65507 ID: 86e91d

Casual here, does weaver take these breaks oftenly or am I too eager ?
No. 65512 ID: 4211c1

he's been fairly consistent the past little while, but yeah sometimes there are update gaps. in the past, months have passed before the next update or the next chapter. sometimes real life gets in the way, sometimes he has to plan for what's gonna happen next, sometimes he's working on a different project, and sometimes i'm sure he just needs a break
No. 65565 ID: b1f99d

Considering the Lightbringer seemed to know who Valesco was, I would assume the Padre is working for him, unwittingly or not.
No. 65604 ID: d85795

I can't believe I didn't notice this. Nice catch! This is clearly no accident and I think you may be right about certain people being unwittingly in service of the Lightbringer.
No. 65635 ID: 263da5
File 135678777695.gif - (208.81KB , 912x1355 , My-nan-is-ice.gif )

Yeah, although it might not be the lightbringer in control, but something else entirely, whatever the symbol represents. Even the lightbringer himself could just have the symbol on his forehead as a sign of whatever it is they all serve, which would also be why the Padre built himself that crude version on his wall.
The reason I don't think the lightbringer is the ringleader of it all is because he complains about the same icy feeling in his skin that Velasco did in his writings.
But, there could still be other unknowns in play. I also really want to figure out what the Beast is.

Thunder roars.
No. 65674 ID: 263da5

oh, and I don't necessarily mean that anything is "in control" here, but that there is one overall cause for all the dark and terrible things happening, and the symbol represents that somehow
No. 65821 ID: 61c480

I heard he got kicked out of his home recently or something. He might be too busy looking for a place to live before he updates again.
No. 65828 ID: 41b863

I thought he got a better place to live in after the whole spending-action...
No. 65833 ID: 46d9f8
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Nan freaks out at the gravity of the situation.

yes I realize how long overdue this was but it just crossed my mind a few moments ago and I had to do it.
No. 65945 ID: 9f645e

Why would anyone want to be thoroughly killed? What is the shiny-headed man's long game?
No. 65981 ID: 4bc724

Where have you read that Weaver is out of his apartment again?
No. 65982 ID: 220c8b

When is Weaver coming baaaaaaaaaaack
No. 66065 ID: f5cafa

On his blog, it was the last update. It might've been really old though. I can't remember the name of his blog, or what it was on anymore so that should be a clue on how long ago it was. Although, this thread hasn't posted much since then, and nanquest is where it was before when I read that, so it couldn't have been too long ago...
No. 66066 ID: 90895e

was it http://tgweaver.tumblr.com/?
No. 66135 ID: b53faa

This is indeed his tumblr.
He says he's on a trip to his parents right now.
No. 66226 ID: 9ddf68

First off i would like to point out that I only recently found nanquest and there is not a snowballs chance in hell I am willing to read about 4 years worth of post so if this idea has been mention before, sorry about that

Random thought I had about Nan is what if this little flash back things we see whenever we flash one of the showdow things with light is one of Nan's actual memories and not just some moment in someone elses life. By this I mean what if Nan has actual been here since the church, and before you all say I'm crazy think about what we know ACTUALY know about this little cermony thing the padre did. All we really know is that he was cold and was bulding a fire place, we ASSUME he burned everone in it but don't really know for sure. Now i know i could be wrong here but that doesn't sound like a good cause to burn down the church with everone in it just to get warm. what if there is something else that the padra's little ritual that we don't know of yet. Now my theory (which is probly wrong) is that Nan has been invovled from the begaining as in well into the 1800s or maybe even earlier and has tried to stop the ritual from the begaing and has always failed or hell maybe even succeeded and because of the ritual she keeps comeing back to the church/hotal area and just can never remember anything. I mean if the ritual gives someone immortality or something then the burning people becames more plausible, And if you don't think that any of that is possible rember in chapter 2 when she woke up in here bedroom and for that brif moment she and Herry were a COUPLE.

In truth i don't really belive in this thoery to much myself but I thought it should be brought up because it does kinda sound like something weaver might do
No. 66274 ID: 200fca

The one I remember had his posts in the upper corner with the pics being on the opposite side. But I really starting to doubt my memory. Doesn't matter much anymore anyway. Already confirmed what he's off doing anyway.

Who here is also a fan of Dive Quest? I just read through all of that plus Knight Blades. I don't know which one I want an update more of, Nan or Dive.
No. 66323 ID: b53faa

I'm hoping for some more dive quest, personally. It has halted on more of a cliffhanger, y'know?
No. 66324 ID: b53faa

I'm hoping for some more dive quest, personally. It has halted on more of a cliffhanger, y'know?
No. 66332 ID: 8fecfe

yeah, I know that feeling^^
After reading through divequest, knightquest and a couple others I decided to make the fanart-flashes for dq...
I sure hope, that weaver will find time again to update his quests regularly...
No. 66339 ID: b53faa

haha, yeah
he's apparently staying with his parents at the moment, so that's a thing i guess!
No. 66410 ID: 4fec1b
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I'm a bit late here, but I just wanted to say that you're awesome, Llama118. Clearly, that symbol is much more significant than I initially thought.
No. 66621 ID: 79a295

It’s clear that before the Spanish mission, it was an Anasazi sacred place (represented by the Anasazi Room and the picture on the lobby wall).

This scary priest guy isn’t anyone we know, and Nan’s latest vision was probably from hundreds if not thousands of years ago.

Nan: "doesn't the Bible say 'thou shalt not kill’?”
Guy: "I'm afraid I don't know that story."
No. 66697 ID: 65810b

Update when?
No. 66720 ID: b53faa

not anytime soon, more than likely.
Gonna be honest, I haven't seen much of him over on his tumblr, and while I haven't been here long I doubt it is normal for him to bugger off his quests for as long as he has.
I don't know if anyone here has word on where he is, but all I know of as a way of contacting him is tumblr and the irc, and I have only been to the latter a grand total of one time.
I would really like to know if the dude is ok.

I'm worried about weaver, does anyone have news of what is going on with the dude?
No. 66721 ID: 07e10b

He was on tumblr all last night
Having teeth problems 8(
No. 66724 ID: fc681f

>I doubt it is normal for him to bugger off his quests for as long as he has.

Actually, NanQuest has taken quite a few month-long breaks since its beginning. For example, see how long it took to complete chapter 5. To be honest, I'm ok with the idea of Weaver only writing when he's in the right mood for it, rather than lowering his standards. In the meantime, there are lots of stuff in the material already available that we still haven't figured out: Has the death symbol changed or are there two different pendants? How did Pablo enter the hotel twice? Why is El Peregrino noose backwards? Am I still making any sense or has sleep deprivation finally taken its toll on my brain?

>I'm worried about weaver,

I must admit I'm a little worried too. His tumblr makes his life sound like an endless stream of misfortunes and misery, what with depression, rotten teeth and not having a notebook. I'm not sure what we can do to help, though. (I'm no position to send money weaverwards, sorry)
No. 66728 ID: b53faa


You misunderstand, I was simply unaware if this was a normal thing or not! I agree that if he needs a break, he should take one.

And yeah, his life does sound pretty rough. I'd try to help, but getting by at minimum wage is hard enough as-is.
I'm hoping we can find some way of supporting the poor dude, he seems like a pretty decent person and if nothing else is one of the finer writers I've come across.
No. 67234 ID: b129ea

I was a bit lazy, i have a few complaints, and theories, i don't really know if they had already been talked about, and if so, i would like to know.

1)So I think we all know that the "Hotel" it's like a jail, the ones enclosed into it are there cause of their sins, Anna's sin could have been lying and Pablo's, obliously, the murder of his wife. I have ben especulating that The "Padre" and The "Pilgrim" are there because of the same thing. Padre's sin was burning the mision with the people in it, also, the reason he's using the sack on his head could be because he burned his face in the incident.
i do think that The "Pilgrim" it's the strange guy that Nan saw in her dream, the "L;over of the Death" I could say. His sin could be his devotion to think that "Dead" it's the only salvation, and the only way he can be free of the hotel is to kill everyone in it (Just thinking, cause when Nan escapes from him, he says that she must free him).

Now, I read a lot of people complaining about the case that Nan know the Nun's name, Meg (or Mag, I don't really remember)and the cause could be that Nan it's just in another one's memory, like when she acted like Pablo's wife.

I think the beast it's a manifestation of the burned people in "The mision",and it's mission it's to keep the people in The Hotel.

Now, if they are in the hotel because of their sins, Nan's sin could have been the lst on Henry, or maybe she is just sent there for helping the others with their sins (Had a dream with Lorenzo that always tell her what happens, Anna and pablo).

Say what you want, thank you for reading...

P.D: has anyon thought that when Henry and Nan find anna in freont of a light source, it looks lik there's a shadow from someone kse in front of her?
No. 67243 ID: 0bf290

forgot to add a few things.

1)The burning shadows in the furnace could have been the ones burned in the mision
2) The dream where Nan it's Henry's girlfriend it's probably anothe of the flashbacks Nan is having, where she enters others memories.
No. 67257 ID: d1c5fc
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>the ones enclosed into it are there cause of their sins

I'm not sure if the Christian perspective is the only one we should use to interpret what is going on.

>when Henry and Nan find anna in freont of a light source, it looks lik there's a shadow from someone kse in front of her

Indeed, there is! Thanks for pointing that out!
No. 67314 ID: 69883f

Im reading my other comments and I hate when my keyboard fails like that :L
No. 67315 ID: 69883f

Maybe someone has a theory about this...
What the hell is Santiago? I mean, at first I thought he was just insane, with his idea of loving the darkness and saying the hotel is freedom, then, in the chapel, he enter's the shadows and practically changes his form, looking like he had no eyes, he looks like he is crying, his hair looks weird. Not much people has been thinking about this...
No. 67897 ID: d79ace
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>death symbol
i want to go back to this because i'm bored and we saw it again recently and i feel like jumping to conclusions.
it looks not dissimilar to the chi-rho - ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ - one of the earliest forms of the christogram, or the IX Monogram, though obviously the old monastery and Christianity are only parts of the backstory considering that we've already seen several mentions of the anasazi people.

The word Anaasází is Navajo for "Ancient Ones" or "Ancient Enemy". There's that.
No. 67899 ID: d79ace

*aren't the only parts
No. 68043 ID: b53faa

Well, this is probably the closest thing to a rubyquest discussion thread I'll be able to find tonight, SOOO...
Somebody over on the tamblers is making a rubyquest game. They got it all the way up to the stitches scene already, it's looking pretty danged cool yo.

Just thought I'd let all you dorks know about it.
Wouldn't be surprised if this is old news for you guys, though!
No. 68057 ID: 4c0017

And then cries of "OH SHIT" were heard across the land.

*checks the folder
Oh, of course it uses Nitrosparxx's terrible soundtrack, what a surprise!
No. 68060 ID: 4c0017


I present the Ruby Quest Demo: Way Fucking Better Edition For Reels
No. 68085 ID: cef479


>Terrible soundtrack

What soundtrack were you listening to? The one Nitrosparxx made was pretty good. I'd be more worried about the fact that there's apparently combat in the game. It's not exactly scary when you can just fight the horrors.
No. 68106 ID: a4f716

Guys. Theory time:
Padre is the dummy from RubyQuest. :O!!!! He's certainly creepy enough, is triangular, and seems to be stitched.

Also, bells! So far the things that have "chimed" are
-the elevator door
-the manager bell
-the call to mass

iirc there are three rings to the excommunication business? Did we ever get that candle?
No. 68115 ID: cdc793

Well, not terrible, exactly, but really uninspired. Nothing very distinctive about it at all.

I think a worse problem with the game is how many opportunities it missed for puzzles/interactivity. Instead of having to physically enter the door code yourself, for example, it's just handed to you as a dialogue option.

Same thing with trading items with Tom. You can't actually select which items you want, it's just "here are all of the plot relevant items you need to solve the puzzles, enjoy."

If this is the way the game intends to carry on, I want no part of it.
No. 68170 ID: 754555
File 136201670071.gif - (44.56KB , 400x400 , super-nan-64.gif )

>Guys. Theory time:

I'd actually preferred your previous theory about being inside those paintings.

But my second favorite solution for the plot is, of course, "the goat is a shapeshifter". It wouldn't make any sense, sure, but at least it'd be funny. Unfortunately, the only candidate for shapeshifter so far is that nasty chihuahua Santiago...
No. 68181 ID: d79ace

my theory is that the hotel is a tesseract basing on the time shenanigans

the rooms "melting" like we've seen in recent updates are temporal rifts.
No. 68271 ID: 68bbc5

the hotel is a therapist's office
No. 68273 ID: 4c0017

No. 68320 ID: cef479

Kind of random but has anyone else noticed that Henry and Nan are the only characters who don't seem to have some sort of issues or onset insanity to them yet?

Anderson is clearly shaken by the war.

Kim is convinced the hotel is hell, and is a nervous wreck.

Pablo is being haunted by guilt.

Anna had sins she wouldn't disclose with us, and heard voices calling her.

Santiago is Santiago.

I'm not counting Nan zoning out or waking up in random places as insanity just yet, but I find it kinda weird that everyone else is obviously breaking down while Nan and Henry are still mostly there. This will probably change later but whatever.
No. 68357 ID: 86e91d

According to the nqcheatsheet.txt nan was tricked to belive she has another life and escape the sacrificial ritual and leaving everyone behind .
No. 68447 ID: 852b28
File 136236732303.gif - (4.90KB , 200x200 , uzumaki-nan.gif )

>According to the nqcheatsheet.txt

My third favorite theory was that there was no nqcheasheet.txt and that Weaver was making everything up on the fly. The encounter with the Anasazi priest has dispelled any chances that this was the case, though.

> Anderson is clearly shaken by the war.

War? Am I missing something?
No. 68573 ID: b53faa
File 136257693057.png - (1.25KB , 64x96 , rubywalkcycle.png )

You know, if someone here could help me code it and someone else could cook up some good music, I have a few ideas for gameplay that would help with a lot of the glaring faults the current game project is having.
I can do most of the spritework, simple as it is.
I got a look at what they were doing with it, and to be honest a straight-up RPG just doesn't fit at all.
I'd see it as more of a puzzle-based exploration type game, with enemies acting similar to the toringen from yume nikki. that is to say, touch one and you are screwed over.
Anyone care to join me in this endeavor?

Pic related, it's the first frame of a WIP ruby walkcycle.
No. 69045 ID: da9a91

anyone else think henry is a monster? anderson said that the things in the darkness are there in the light, too. that thing we saw when the lights went out might have been what henry really looks like. he says he opened the door and something came in, but wouldnt we have heard that? when kim was in the furnace, he didn't try to help us. if he thought she was a monster, he didn't try to warn us. he said he ended up in the furnace room after being chased by padre. how did he not notice padre come in after him and hide in the corner? he was out in the hallway, passed out on his own, and when padre saw us with him padre just left. his reflection was distorted and obviously evil. he lied about how he got into the hotel. we saw him wearing the 5-pointed cross we just got. and imo, he was lying when we saw santiago melt in the light. nan hasn't been hallucinating. he's trying to make us doubt our own eyes.

henry is BAD FUCKIN' NEWS, chums. once we get anderson to calm down and make damn sure pablo doesn't keep blaming himself for what happened to anna, we need to sit down and have ourselves an epiphany that maybe the hotel wanting us to feel close to this dude is Not A Good Sign.
No. 69062 ID: 6f8d67

Are you still searching?
It may be better to specify the jobs more than just "a developper and someone with music"^^

e.g. which kind of music and how much would be required
e.g. which platform would you need a developper for. Do you want to make a flash, some exe or some mobile-game? As you have given the example, I assume it should also look like "yume nikki" in the end. There are also some free programs (GameCreator, GameMaker etc.) which doesn't need much coding and produce similar looking games... Or would you rather someone using basic.net/C/C++/C# to make something like that?^^

So, please specify your expectations more^^
No. 69144 ID: b53faa


I have tried using game maker before, actually. It uh
didn't go so well.
Never let me near anything that requires making games, I am not good at programming.
And do excuse the typos, I was typing that at around the same time I am now. that is to say, 11 o'clock at night.
Still, if we can snag some music, someone to plug this into the engine, and maybe someone to help me do backgrounds from the chan here, I can easily push this thing into proper gear.
No. 69146 ID: b53faa

That made my night, seriously.
No. 69155 ID: 78c6ea


Damn that... actually makes a lot of sense.
No. 69157 ID: aaef55


Do you have a game concept?
General project concept?
Have you considered asking in a developer-forum or a musician-site for assistance?
I once tried to work with those game-editors, but I don't like having too much coding done by something else... I could offer some assistance if you would choose standard C++/C# or vb.net...

So maybe you should ask in a Game-Creator-Forum or for music on a site like http://soundcloud.com/ .
No. 69160 ID: b53faa

I actually do have a concept for how gameplay would work:
Essentially, a lot of it would be puzzles. Things like the console command thing in the first part of the game would be perhaps a mastermind-style guessing game, otherwise it would be a sort of standard point-and-click adventure game type thing.
I have a lot of the puzzles and ideas thought out, and if I can get in contact with weaver we might even be able to come up with a few bad ending ideas, IE "what if you leapt head-first into the door filled with teeth" and things of that nature.
Moving on, I am thinking for the finale there be something like a long chase sequence or something? Maybe a QTE kind of thing, though I am not entirely fond of those it MIGHT work.
I do have other ideas for those sorts of things, though.

And if you actually wanna program this, I can set up a skype thing or maybe set up a discussion thread on here, either or would work fine with me.

So, to recap, we have the following things so far:
-sprite artist (might need another to help with backgrounds and objects, perhaps even puzzles)
-ideas on gameplay

Things we are still in need of:
-music (I am willing to use some open-source things, but original soundtracks are, as usual, the preferred option.)

I'll set up another /dis/ thread in a moment, if there is any interest in this.

It is possible we could also spread this to a nanquest game once the rubyquest game is complete, if anyone is still willing to do that once the original idea is complete.
No. 69166 ID: d8f424

Coming back to theories for a bit...
I think Anderson got too close to the Beast and it now has a hold on him. He is becoming the Beast, or at least part of it (which makes sense if we're still assuming the Beast is a conglomerate of burned souls).
No. 69167 ID: d8f424
File 136356589660.gif - (8.83KB , 701x683 , 135253910394.gif )

I think the mark might be on the wrong side, but isn't that roughly where the Pilgrim was hit with the Rebar sword. There might be a connection here?
No. 69168 ID: aaef55

Well, I would be glad if it wouldn't just be me^^ but I have fun at things like this and some experience regarding general development...
Skype has same Nickname as here.

I though about you contacting someone on Soundcloud to especially make something like you want, not about just using something generic... I'm sure there are some people interested in this...
No. 69207 ID: 99b053

I'm starting to get the impression that a major part of the game that we're not paying attention to is time. I think we should start assuming that we are always on a timer. Which means we need to stop wasting time trying to have polite conversation with the forces of evil and get our shit together. The puzzle is who we trust, who we get close to, and who we avoid, not writing the perfect speech to make everyone realize the error of their ways and come together for a group hug and kumbaya.

Unrelated note: anyone else find the thread of abusive relationships as pressing as the whole religious burning thing? Nan's vision of Pablo. Nan and her husband and kids. Santiago. It's definitely a theme. And it suggests that Henry is pretty important, because he's been the one relationship option who seems normal. Keyword seems.
No. 69208 ID: 2996b6

If you mean the thing on her forehead
that's an eyebrow
No. 69286 ID: 9f645e

This is like Jesus wondering into church.

Seriously love you Weaver. Keep it up!
No. 69362 ID: 9f645e

I wouldn't say that there's a theme of abusive relationships, but there is a strong undercurrent of trust betrayed.
No. 69398 ID: c3ec16

Thanks for the clarification!
No. 69479 ID: 86e91d

> quests are officially restarting !
> 1 act, 2 if feeling generious at most
> months pass
> repeat

I can't help but feel tired , I would understand if you didn't update because you didn't care about the quest or us, that's fine , but when you say you WILL regularly update and you don't it feels like a kick in the nuts

Probably I shouldn't complain but I still wanted to say that
No. 69525 ID: 2996b6

I've got excuses and reasons but obviously you don't want to hear them, so I'll just say things are still gearing back up
I didn't say we were back into a regular schedule yet
No. 69527 ID: 1f8505


Cut him some slack, he just had some serious dental work done after being in pain for 48 hours straight.
No. 69535 ID: 65449b

Yeah, this is kind of a dick move. He doesn't owe you anything and he has good reasons for not being able to keep a schedule.
No. 69542 ID: 2996b6

He has every right to voice his dissatisfaction. He even presented it in a way that wasn't really hostile or accusatory.

My tooth pain has been distracting me from serious endeavors. But before that it was the move, and before that it was something else. They may vary in legitimacy but they're all excuses.

I am however still trying to get this right.
No. 69546 ID: 83bdda

So, now, back to Nan quest:
WTF happened to Anderson?
Does ths mean that maybe everyone it's like Santiago was in the dark area?
Strange creatres, Monsters? Maybe that could eplain why when the lights went out in henry's room there was an horrible creature (Whatever the hell it was) there.
Someone has any theory about this?
No. 69553 ID: 619a48

Maybe Anderson's freakout is similar to how Santiago got to be the way he is. Anderson seems to be looking for some kind of control over the situation, and many have theorized that Santiago's statements about freedom are a coping mechanism.
No. 69559 ID: a365a0


That's possible. The first time we saw Anna she looked like a monster in the dark elevator. I wonder if that's why people keep shouting "No!" when we light them up.
No. 69569 ID: b53faa

I can't help but feel as if by furthering the story (through the light-induced flashbacks) we are going to fuck up our escape options, if any.
I think we may have to choose between understanding what the high hell is going on and just getting out
Curiosity killed the cat and all that jazz, after all.
No. 69570 ID: 619a48

Perhaps. but if we don't have some knowledge as to whats going on, we may not have an effective escape strategy anyway.
No. 69580 ID: 5a5ebe
File 136476092282.gif - (26.07KB , 701x683 , 136462015781.gif )

What's up with Anderson's face here? It looks like it's tearing off. Thoughts?
No. 69581 ID: b53faa

If I had to guess, I'd have to say it's a side-effect of Nan's adventures in the past.
I doubt that he ACTUALLY is looking like that, and that Nan is seeing a physical representation of each person's feelings in a sort of hallucinationy sort of way?
not sure if I am explaining this right, think of it as a sort of ESP kind of dealy only with strong emotions, probably linked up to the mental stability of the person she is looking at.
No. 69602 ID: 86e91d

it's unnerving that Kim has seen the Pilgrim before and we didn't know . Imagine what other stuff happens to everyone else and they don't tell us
No. 69609 ID: f595d3

hey anyone else noticed that the little browser tab icon changes when your in nan quest? it turns into a little burning head..
No. 69610 ID: 891921

and then kim was ruby
No. 69611 ID: 1b6225


Presumably non-canon.
if it is...well then I have no idea what our plan of attack will be.
No. 69612 ID: 891921

okay but think of it this way

ruby was originally blind, right?

kim wears some thick ass glasses

then again, this could very possibly be a joke.
No. 69613 ID: 1b6225


Remember this rule:
when April First rolls around, consider all internet sources false and void.
No. 69614 ID: 891921

true. lets not get our hopes up.
No. 69615 ID: 14c73c

>ruby was originally blind, right?

Yeah, but Kim is Ruby from the future! She has already defeated Perogra, escaped the evil Murdoch Corp. and recovered her sight. Living enough time without the red growth diet has obviously sealed her third eye back again.

However, Ruby hadn't got a family and was born blind, so she couldn't be the girl we saw at the arcade -- that was the real Kim. We all know where this Kim is now: she burned in the furnace and now works for the hotel, trying to doom other people to the same fate as hers.

But there is one last piece of the puzzle that isn't fitting: whatever happened to Tom? Well, Ruby, smart as she was, must have eventually figured out he wasn't the good Tom, but actually the psychologically unstable patient #6. Shocked by the revelation and with a broken heart, he lost his mind and fled to an abandoned hotel. There, brooding in the dark, he found a strange journal. A journal that described a bloody ritual. A bloody ritual of fire that -- he was convinced! -- was his only chance to find salvation. To make things right again. So, he put on a robe to conceal his extra limbs, a mask to hide the gaping wound of his eye, and started laboring for the love god...
No. 69616 ID: 1b6225


As interesting as that theory is, I must ask.

Are you pulling some sort of notweaver gambit?
No. 69621 ID: a66d1a

Right, the tumbler report states that Ruby is not Kim. Hopefully this isn't some prank-seption sort of deal, so lets get on with our scheduled program.
No. 69632 ID: 68bbc5

Or Kim could just be Ruby and Tom's daughter who grew up with mutants for parents, and happens to have a strong family resemblance.
No. 69640 ID: 5aeab6


He who slays monsters...
No. 69653 ID: 3970b1


I disagree. We have no good reason to believe she's hallucinating. The only time she's seen something strange with someone else around was Santiago melting in the light, and as previously mentioned, Henry is not exactly trustworthy. This place obviously changes people. The Pilgrim, the Padre, and the Beast are obvious evidence of that.
No. 69676 ID: 86e91d

april fools image is still there , it hasn't been deleted . . it's a joke afterall . . right ?
No. 69686 ID: a66d1a


Given Weavers update habits, the images may take time to come down. there is also a report from his tumblr account stating that Kim isn't ruby.

There are some less likely theories, such as the images and dialog being cannon, but ruby being present is not, but that is more than likely that everything we've seen is not cannon.
No. 69842 ID: a4f716

So the hotel is a place for souls to stay? And when we look into their eyes (maybe) they have us relive their memories through them.

In that case, I believe that the souls that have been taking us to the Lorenzo memories are people that Padre burned up in the fire, and that the reason they are showing us Lorenzo is to show us that he isn't the bad guy. They want us to either help the Pilgrim come to terms with himself or to avenge their death by killing the Padre.

The reason I say Lorenzo needs to "come to terms" is that I believe he is a monster in the same sense that we saw Anderson as a monster. It was the same text font as the Pilgrim and was very similar and syntax and stuff, too. I think that all we need is the convince Lorenzo that everything is okay.
No. 69860 ID: 5df2d2

S-so has anyone noticed the last 3 digits in the filename in the OP image for this thread

i mean it's a coincidence and everything but

just sayin
No. 69916 ID: ad8e18

A nun tending a garden in a small courtyard.
A young woman crying as she writes a letter to her mother in the back of a chapel.
Three children playing in the halls.
A woman making love to her husband.
A fistfight in a bar.

This is super important. We talked to the nun in the courtyard. We told her to go home to her mother. We fought our husband and saved our children. We fought off the Padre in the bar.

Now, who are the three children?
No. 70317 ID: f0f6ee

New reader of Weaver's quest works. I'm enthralled and can't wait for the next update.
No. 70383 ID: b243be

Better get used to waiting, friend.
No. 70509 ID: 54812a

oh well im just gonna have to join this waiting party too then haha
No. 70811 ID: 86e91d

kinda late but why would the goat man want to be killed ?

leaving aside all that complex explanation, why can't he kill himself ?
No. 70816 ID: 1d5849

Probably because this place keeps him alive no matter what he's tried, like what happened with Red.
No. 70818 ID: 7725fa

Forgive me if this is stupid or has been answered already, but why is the Pilgrim called the Pilgrim? The Padre is the Padre because it looks like a Padre. The Beast is the Beast because it's all beastly-like. Only the Pilgrim looks nothing like a real pilgrim. You could call it the Reaper, Death, or the Horseman, but Pilgrim? It spoke to us, but I don't remember it introducing itself.

We got that name way back in >>166730 when we heard it from Pablo:

>Pablo says that thing may not have a name. It's some... thing that's dressed up like a Padre, so that's what he calls it.

OK, makes sense.

>He picked up the names from Alan, another he found trapped here, who had been here far longer. There's something... a man in a black robe. Alan called it the Pilgrim.

Now that's interesting. How did Alan come up with that name? What did he know about the creature that we don't? And that's assuming that Pablo – who's also a pretty shifty character – is telling the truth.

I guess it wouldn't bother me so much if it weren't for the fact that the entire Pilgrim=Lorenzo theory pretty much hinges on this weird little naming convention.
No. 70830 ID: 86e91d

that sounds possible. I guess suiciding doesn't really kill you, I'm sure Anna tried but realized she couldn't die, hence all her depressive behavour. So far there is nobody who has died by suicide in the hotel.

I thought he was named Pilgrim because he was sent (by the goat man?) from a far place to the hotel, with a religious goal, in this case, killing everyone. Once he succeds on his pilgrimage, he'll be free. But he's stuck.
Probably Alan knew about Lorenzo and took the rushed relation between him and Pilgrim by the dark hood.
No. 70914 ID: 78c6ea


Wait, Anna's back? I don't recall seeing her since she was torn to pieces back there.
No. 70963 ID: a25e1d

This is somewhat irrelevant to what is going on right now, but I've got a Santiago theory. It mostly started as a joke and is still mostly a joke, but it's got some grounds.
It's potentially possible for Santiago to have the French Pox, or, *cough cough* Syphilis. Common symptoms are weight loss and headaches. Santiago is definitely incredibly skinny and headaches could be something on can attribute his avoidance of light to. I mean, that's also attributed to his "embracing the darkness," but still. French Pox was also known to infect people's brains and make them slowly go wonky until they die. Just saying.
No. 71038 ID: 703aed

I'm not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but what is Anderson was possessed by the Beast somehow when Nan was experiencing the vision? The Beast was completely gone when Nan came went back to normal, and we had not really seen Anderson act this hostile beforehand. Also there is the mouth tearing picture before Kim's speech.
No. 71183 ID: 32c1fe

I have a theory:
This hotel alters you. This would explain Anderson and Santiago. Santiago, being here for a month or more, has almost fully mutated. Anderson has only been here for a week, and is already becoming a monster. This would also explain Padre's, The Pilgrim's, and the Beast's strange form(s).
No. 71976 ID: 86bdec

I'm just throwing this out there so it can get out of my head and into someone else's.
The necklace the Light Bringing gave Nan? Its five points are kind of like a 5-pointed star. Sort of an inverted pentagram.
No. 71997 ID: ab9506

does anyone know when nanquest starts again?
No. 72016 ID: 0c1bf8

More pieces of the puzzle, yay!

1. Kim suggests the visions are for the shadows' sake, not theirs. These visions are triggered by light being brought upon the shadows.
2. More than once we saved someone's life in a vision, or at least rectified someone's past mistakes.
3. After the Mag vision:
"In a rush of darkness, Nan can feel herself being spirited away from the courtyard, and memories seem to emerge from shadow, only to dip again into the blackness."
4. After the axe-husband vision:
"There's another torrent of shadows around Nan."

This serves as further proof to the following points:

* shadows are the flock that burned with the mission;
* Nan is reliving their past, because they want to fix something they regret;

This could also be why light does squat against Padre or the Pilgrim. They have nothing to regret OR they don't want help changing anything, OR they're past the point where they could be saved.
No. 72018 ID: 072379

But why pick people from random timelines?
No. 72020 ID: 0c1bf8

Good question, to which I have no answer beyond "it's how they work".
No. 72051 ID: 86e91d

I always though it was for the sake of being 2spooky. Think of Anderson's buggy cig or the bloody canvas. They are (so far) irrelevant and pointless except for shock value
No. 72052 ID: 842b6d

Nah. It's Weaver we're talking about here. As far as we know everything is freakin relevant
No. 72067 ID: 30044f

No. 72075 ID: 3ad8f8

No. 72437 ID: 86e91d
File 137153182224.gif - (197.94KB , 1185x738 , 1.gif )

i'm stupid
No. 72529 ID: b3a175

What's that on the left?
No. 72530 ID: b3a175

What's that on the left?
No. 72533 ID: f99dee

Earthworm Jim?!
No. 72534 ID: bf54a8

nyarlethotep, the crawling chaos.
No. 72535 ID: 99ee53
File 137174786036.jpg - (671.84KB , 1000x1158 , nyarlathotepm.jpg )


Nyarlathotep, the crawling chaos, is a Lovecraftian abomination who sometimes walks the Earth in the forms of men and as far as I know he is also the only outer god capable of deception. people have been comparing him to Satan.
No. 72538 ID: 86e91d
File 137174951892.jpg - (100.62KB , 256x256 , ttgzG[1].jpg )

I'm starting to see a pattern here
No. 72540 ID: bf54a8

yeah nyarl is the only one that UNDERSTANDS people. he knows that his true form makes people's heads explode if they look at it so he takes non-mindrending forms so he can actually talk to people. what he says is completely up in the air though. if he has a plan it's unfathomable. his thought process is still of an outer being. think of it like someone studyng ants until he understands how they work then shrinks down, wears an ant suit and influences their hive from within. is still far more intelligent then the ants, but knows how to blend in.
No. 72548 ID: f595d3

He is also the only one that actually give a shit about humanity, as a central part of Lovecraft's work was the idea that man is totally insignificant and the giant, powerful creatures that squabble over earth are totally unaware/disinterested in us.

even calling him Satan put's to much emphasis on his interactions with mankind, hes more like a guy pausing in his work to observe that there is a bug on the desk next to him, before ignoring it and continuing with his work.
he isnt trying to tempt us to gain power over us, he just likes to watch us run around when he kicks the hive over
No. 72726 ID: 9b1525
File 137206656476.jpg - (273.59KB , 701x683 , whois.jpg )

Not to beat a dead horse, but I don't think that Lorenzo is the pilgrim. Looking at thread 7, I think that the person calling himself the "lightbringer" may be the piglgrim instead, given some the lightbringer's mannerisms. also, to counterpoint the horse skull argument, some breads of ram or goat have skulls similar in appearance to that of horse skulls. And the lightbringer certanly looks like some kind of ram or goat.
No. 72729 ID: 9b1525
File 137206785418.jpg - (686.74KB , 1816x1896 , pilgrim.jpg )

Yes I think I agree with you. In fact I've compared a few images and kind of came to this conclusion.
No. 72731 ID: f2c20c


Weaver has gone on record saying it's a horse skull. It doesn't even look like a ram/goat skull anyway. Also where the hell would horns fit under that hood?
No. 72745 ID: 9b1525


the lightbringer's horns fit under his hood without showing any indication, and they were far too large to be hidden too.

But if Weaver has stated that it was a horse skull, then this detail is a bit moot point.
No. 72777 ID: 86e91d

I think the light bringer is more of a schemer. The pilgrim seems like another victim of.. whatever happened in the hotel, he's trapped just like everyone else.

Or maybe Nan didn't kill the light bringer thorough, maybe she didn't kill him at all. Then the light bringer would become the well know Pilgrim
No. 73195 ID: 20e5d3

Man, it'd be so easy to blow Anderson's mind. Just start talking about the Great War or WWII.
Hell, if she just had a smart phone or anything, just whip out some touch-screens and portable music, boom. Kim's a college student from around the same time as Nan, she's bound to have something like that. Although, the hotel probably took it from her.
No. 73469 ID: c45f2f

well fuck
No. 73599 ID: 15d8ac

where or when does it say that the totem has Pablo's name on it? I don't rememeber that ._.;
No. 73600 ID: 60d420

the guy at the arcade store was nan's husband
why anderson and kim left the safehouse when they were supposed to be sleeping?
the Padre wants us alive. For what ?
No. 73606 ID: 1d5849

The pages look like a butterfly... "reborn"...

Quick, someone go back to see if they looked like a caterpillar before!
No. 73637 ID: bac511
File 137386726995.png - (48.29KB , 600x500 , 125861614694.png )

Now that's a familiar symbol.

Yay cross-quest continuity? Eh, why the hell not.
No. 73735 ID: 4dd411

my friend and i got to talking about how santiago is "blending in" with the dark as in, he's becoming a monster, and then that weird thing happened to anderson where he started yelling and acted/looked...strange. anderson has been there for the longest, has he not? it kind of made me think that the longer you stay there, the less afraid you become of the dark and the more you become one with it. when they all met each other they seemed like pretty normal people, but people like anderson are becoming more fucked up the longer they stay. i thought this for santiago too before realizing that he came a lot later than anderson, which makes me think that maybe santiago was fucked up when he got here? maybe he didn't just "accidentally" end up in the hotel, maybe he knew. maybe he has something to do with it. is he lying about who he is? could he be the hotel manager?
No. 73736 ID: c23ab0

Anderson isn't trying to "blend in" with the darkness. When Nan has followed along with Santiago's advice she hasn't become monstrous. It's strong emotion that seems to trigger the changes. Or the changes trigger strong emotion it's hard to say. In fact it's hard to say how much of that is simply cinematic technique, and how much of it is actually relevant to the story.

We should be focusing on getting the characters to respect and trust each other more though. That seems to be the key for moving forward.
No. 73793 ID: ade237

ok but guys what if when they leave the hotel, they're born again??? i think'd fit, seeing as they arrived at different time periods and some of them would just go ghost if they were to leave....
No. 73824 ID: 885b28

We don't know that's how it works, they could just as easily exit in their own times.
Like, they escape and then Nan visits an elderly Pablo in a retirement home or something.
No. 73830 ID: 1a2469

that'd be cute but really kinda sad....
No. 74837 ID: af3477

What kind of hat does Anderson wear? And what animal is he? A bear? A dog?
I can't tell
No. 76292 ID: cfc035
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Everybody noticed that this was entry number 466, right?
No. 77691 ID: 3e3dfb

I don't know if anyone still checks this, but I was doing some research for a paper when I came across this on the wikipedia page of paradoxes (specifically those addressing the concept of infinity):
"Hilbert's paradox of the Grand Hotel: If a hotel with infinitely many rooms is full, it can still take in more guests."
I'm not sure if it's directly relevant, regardless, it's something interesting to consider.
No. 77792 ID: c608b0

I don't know if anybody ever reads this anymore . . . but a theory popped up, conquering my dominant thought processes while rereading Nan Quest up until the current point.

And . . .

For some reason, I don't think The Padre is one of the bad guys at all.

I'd explain, but . . . honestly, first I'm making sure people still check this thread out. Anybody?
No. 77798 ID: 8ba8ce

No. 77799 ID: 30df25

I'd tell you if I was listening, but that would clutter up this thread with talk that isn't about the quest.
No. 77832 ID: 86e91d

Yeah, I think it's pretty clear that the Padre is not so bad.
Now, Henry on the other hand..
No. 77845 ID: 409f28

Hey, what if that Alan really is Anderson's son, but was stuck in the hotel for years and, well, got older?
No. 77868 ID: c608b0

Well, The Padre we can safely say probably isn't as bad as it all makes him seem. If anything, I'd say he was as much prisoner to the place as them. I have a theory typed out on tumblr, but . . .

But, if there are figures we shouldn't trust, there's Anderson, Henry, Pablo . . . and Santiago.

We all got explanations on how the others got there, but Santiago never really told us HIS story, did he? And Pablo got involved in a dream that apparently showcased and heavily hinted towards Nan's murder, and Henry's just out of place . . . Santiago, on the other hand, we should keep an eye on. Anderson's unstable, and showing signs of the Hotel getting to him.

But Santiago . . . Perhaps he let too much of the place bind itself to him.

Not to mention that ' Lightbringer ' fellow . . . the last story involved lovecraft in a mixture of science/horror, so is anybody else thinking there's going to be demonic mentions here?

Say, Satan, or anybody else?

It is a religious horror after all, and The Pilgrim's skull looks like that of a Ram . . .
No. 77893 ID: 4a5db0

ok, i finally got caught up on everything. i read ruby quest a long time ago via the flashes, but i read the archived threads this time. read every last bit of the threads for nanquest too. and oh god it took so long. but damn it, i wanted to be informed.

i know you posted this literally years ago, but... Weaver, i really admire your writing. rubyquest was excellent, and nanquest is excellent too. i think rubyquest was a bit better, but i'm attributing that -mostly- to the audience being more focused and serious. there were suggestions in rubyquest you could just choose from and reply directly to. nanquest's audience has changed their expectations, and a lot more railroading becomes necessary simply because of the lack of suggestions that would move the story forward in any meaningful way. as a fellow writer, i really sympathize.

but i said "mostly." nanquest has a lot more characters. there were brave attempts to mitigate the drawbacks of this by separating the group into teams, but that only made things worse. in rubyquest, the audience was pretty much able to focus on ruby and tom running around solving puzzles together. it felt more intensely like everything happening was to them instead of the nebulous group-as-a-whole thing you get in nanquest. you also didn't have to take asides to develop the main pairing's relationship as it was so well woven into the same plot elements that moved the story along. so nanquest ends up lacking focus, and that only encourages the bad tendencies the audience already has to jump at all the plot hooks at once.

but so what? find a way to fix it in the future maybe. nanquest is great. i honestly think you're great at what you do. you have the underlying abilities a great writer does: pulling meaning out of seemingly unrelated events and manipulating your audience without them knowing it. also, your pictures are stylized and expressive. you may not "stack up to professional artists," but there's really no need for that. it would be different if the drawings were different, and i like what you've given us.

sorry about that. here's my theory on nanquest. and forgive me if i'm repeating anything. like >>62449 i tried my best to read the whole discussion thread, but i skimmed over some parts.

guys, nan doesn't experience timeskips or anything. she just has an overactive imagination. really overactive. remember back in chapter 1 when she knocked over this vase on the way to 117 and then it was repaired on the way back? i think she didn't break it in the first place; only just barely caught herself before she did and strongly imagined a reality in which the vase was broken, so strongly that she was lost in it. that's how imagination works. we're constantly processing multiple futures in the background so that we can be sure of the right course of action. ...granted, she did attempt to put it back together, but i think that was just her being cheeky rather than her having some kind of repair ability that she doesn't know about. actually, both possibilities support what i'll say later in different ways; but i think the imagination one is correct because a similar experience happened later in the padre's room.

this is angel beats. everyone's in this hotel because of something they regret. kim calls them "sins" like our current bible passage (5:06). anyway, nan's job is to use her imagination abilities to go into those souls' memories and make sure the moment they regret never happened so they don't keep reliving it. (this is similar to freeing souls from purgatory so they can ascend to heaven, which is why we have other religious imagery. but do i think that nan is literally an angel or something? no.) so, when we get into these scenarios in other people's lives after shining our flashlight, we shouldn't be suggesting actions that keep nan from harm; we should be figuring out what happened in that person's life and then make sure it doesn't happen that way.

we succeeded with >>>/quest/473900 pablo, >>>/quest/470354 sister maggie, and >>>/questarch/302702 possibly anna. in anna's memory, we gave her the screwdriver, allowing her to finish her work; but she didn't disappear in a flash of light. maybe that's because it was before Weaver decided to use the flash of light? i dunno. it's not clear whether dropping the screwdriver led to the elevator accident she regrets or whether not tightening the screw did. but, if we failed to change her memory, it's possible we can access it again like we did with the pilgrim. since she got eaten, we'll have to find her soul to do so. if she soul's not here, we succeeded and she got out of the hotel.

anna's screwdriver and pablo's totem were found in the cubbyholes behind the front desk of the hotel. this seems to be the place to find items closely related to others' memories.

this having been said, i don't know if it's wise to go to the lounge yet. the memory of the padre seems to be in there, and all we really know is that he set his congregation on fire because he was "cold." do we really know what his regret even was yet? actually... i'll speculate on this later. also, guys, the lounge is going to catch on fire when we get there, and, if we don't succeed, we're just gonna be imagination'd back to underwear nan opening the door front door. we'd better really make sure we know what we're doing when we go there.

it seems to me only being eaten by a shadow demon can turn a "live" person into a shadow demon. we guessed at several points that staying too long in the hotel turns one into a shadow demon, but staying longer in the hotel likely only gives you a greater chance to be eaten. evidence is that anderson and alan have both been in the hotel about a month.

this is also higurashi. no one is "the bad guy." everyone has negative emotions, and those summon the shadow beasts. that's why the darkness left mysteriously in the first chapter when pablo told the padre he wasn't afraid to die. and why santiago could play piano safely for hours. that's when santiago was happy. we need to share all our feelings upfront so we can get clues.

shining light at a shadow beast makes your own shadow beasts appear behind you (where there isn't light, there's shadow). this is why santiago panicked when we turned the oil lamp to max because he really loves nan and didn't want to get into any trouble since he didn't know if he could keep her safe. the times we've used the light, we've been around allies, who have saved us after we blanked out: santiago outside the piano room, henry in the chapel, pablo in the padre's room, and anderson outside the saferoom. but using the light when we're not around any allies seems like instant game over. but, in the end, we're going to need to face our own shadows to get ourselves out. i wonder if nan's regret has to do with letting someone down, which is why solving her regret involves solving everyone else's? either that or defeat the hotel or live here with santiago <3

i'll speculate on the padre. his journal said that citrus fruit arrived at the beginning of the summer season. either he didn't eat it for some reason and got scurvy or the fruit got infected with a local disease, which he had no immune system for. either way, he got sick. his health slowly degraded until he had a constant high fever and accompanying intense chills.
>"it's cold"
fire was the only way to relieve the cold, but the fevers only got more intense. he found or built a huge furnace underneath the chapel because he needed more fire to stay warm, but it quickly consumed his available firewood. the only fuel he had left was his congregation, which he didn't care for much from the beginning, secretly calling them "vermin." however, he was a man of god and didn't want to do it. he desperately tried to hang on without committing this atrocious sin for weeks, remembering to whom he owed his oaths.
>"for the love of god"
but he was unable to hang on in the end. he fed the fire so much fuel that the chapel above caught fire as well, burning the whole remaining congregation at once, including his favorite pilgrim, lorenzo. possibly in an attempt to save him, the padre got consumed by the fire himself. but it was already too late because he had already chosen to sacrifice other children of god, thus letting the shadows eat him.

the padre was/is a failed Job. ending his regrets probably means helping him endure the toture or otherwise curing his ailment. he won't die from the ailment because, in Job, God didn't allow Satan to take Job's life.

lastly, i really, really want to save santiago, you guys. especially because we let red die in ruby quest. please let's put some concerted effort into solving his regret. nan is an awesome repairwoman; she must be able to repair -everyone's- lives. i'm reasonably sure santiago always wanted to be a famous pianist but was never noticed for some reason and/or made a mistake when he had a chance to succeed. that feeling of impotence leads him to be castrated while in the hotel. eventually, he gives in to the darkness and kills himself. even in the hotel, he can't fight the darkness; he just wants to be free to play. nan is his hope; this is why he was so happy when she liked his piano and when she forgave him for trying to rape her.

list of regrets so far:
>nan: ???not saving a loved one from an automobile accident???
>henry: ???
>pablo: abusing and murdering his wife
>anna: elevator accident
>anderson: ???letting his son down???
>kim: ???
>santiago: ???never being noticed for his piano???
>sister maggie: not seeing her mother before she died
>lorenzo: not getting the father's blessing and being alone when he died
>the padre: burning his congregation and his church
>the beast: ???
>alan: ???not apologizing to his father???
>anasazi/druid: ???
No. 77898 ID: cef479

Nah dude. Until we find a really legitimately damn good reason, we need to avoid Santiago for now. Or did you completely forget how he tried to get all touchy with Nan? He's not going to tell us "his story" and there's a good chance that right now with tensions as high as they are that anyone else wants to tell their life's story to Nan either. We pretty much got lucky with Pablo actually telling us about his wife and Anderson's son. Whether or not the stuff about Anderson from Pablo is /true/ is questionable for now but it's the most information we could get on the guy since he didn't really want to reveal much.
No. 77910 ID: 4a5db0

fair enough about tensions being high with santiago. you're probably right.

from my perspective, though: maybe it's just wishful thinking, but i trust him. he didn't try anything even remotely violent with us the previous time we'd seen him; he was even helpful. ...and then he did back off after henry arrived, and it wasn't like "i'm outnumbered! run!" either. it was more of a sad retreat, like having his way with nan was something he felt he really -had- to do in the first place and we kept him from it. not that i think he should have gotten to do it as hot as that would have been
No. 77956 ID: c608b0

So what you're telling me is you WANTED Santiago to successfully rape Nan? I think you need to reevaluate your theory on pitying that disgusting demon.

Santiago is one of the MOST SUSPICIOUS guests other than Pablo and anderson. We should NOT trust him under ANY circumstances, and we know damn well why.

When he's first mentioned by the others, they say he's just been there for a little over a month, and yet he knos the hotel like the back of his hand. This is made eerier when he tells Nan about his method, walking in the shadows ' unafraid ' and letting himself become bonded to the Hotel. This becomes more concerning when he's leaving the chapel and we see a smoky black demon instead of a fox or rat.

He not only doesn't care for the others dying he DELIGHTS in it, wishing upon it and composing insane themes for their non-existent funerals. He says Nan ASKED for it. That she WANTED it. And he wanted to write one for Nan next. Does that NOT scream ' creepy ' to you?

He DOES NOT want them fighting back against the hotel, and attempts to rape nan in the chapel as punishment when he finds her again. He says she shouldn't fight back, and after that, that she's made enemies on all sides then.

Santiago speaks of the place as a sin-free sanctuary, he speaks of Nan like an objct, he attempts ot RAPE nan and ENCOURAGES the deaths of the others, and personally, I wouldn't be surprised if he was lying about how long he was there.

In fact? Judging by how well he knows the hotel I wouldn't be surprised if he was that unseen MANAGER.

But yet, you want to not only TRUST HIM, to GO BACK AND HEAR HIS STORY, but you think his disgusting actions were out of PITY?!

You think he tried RAPING NAN out of PITY?! You think he loved her in a healthy light, IF AT ALL?!

A N D Y O U W A N T E D H I M T O S U C C E E D I N R A P I N G H E R B E C A U S E I T W O U L D B E H O T ? !


No. 77960 ID: cef479


You sir or ma'am deserve a cookie. You might wanna calm down a bit though.
No. 77962 ID: 4a5db0

>So what you're telling me is you WANTED Santiago to successfully rape Nan?

XD no; i said as much:
>not that i think he should have gotten to do it

caaaaaaalm down. i don't like what he tried to do to nan either.

but, as i explained, i'm going under the assumption that everyone is a victim. people were pretty scared of red [rubyquest] too... until he killed himself to save ruby and tom. then we all felt really bad we hadn't saved him. that's what i'm saying about santiago. yeah, it might not be the best time to approach him now; but i'm convinced there's a way to get him on our side and save his soul. poor santiago.

Weaver's doing this to make it hard for us to save him because most of the audience is going to turn against him. if we hadn't trusted stitches in rubyquest--if we hadn't redeemed him--tom would have died at the hands of ace in the end Weaver wants to make sure we don't save everyone. he (rightly) wants to make it legitimately difficult for us to get the best end. but i think we can save everyone if we trust everyone despite appearances and mistakes.
No. 78991 ID: 131513

Lucifer means light bringer as an adjective when translated in latin, and means bringer of the dawn when translated into Greek.
No. 78995 ID: 7bbaae

We already failed saving everyone. Pilgrim killed someone already, remember?
No. 79084 ID: 24eceb

's just not worth it, man. Santiago is a piece of shit. We have Nan's survival to ensure.Everyone else is secondary and we have our hands full as it is.
Santiago simply doesn't deserve this much leeway in a situation like this.

Let's worry about Nan first, the other guys second... And not at all about the rapist.
No. 79328 ID: 30df25
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This isn't Nan Quest, but it looks familiar.
No. 82066 ID: 5b596d


why did this suddenly pop up?
No. 82068 ID: a46bff

>why did this suddenly pop up?

My first guess is that there was a spammer and their post was hidden/removed.
No. 82072 ID: 5b596d

but nan-quest of all things? I had such hope when I saw those horns appear
No. 82074 ID: d470e9

If you must post, then unless you are actually discussing the quest, please put sage in the email field so that you don't keep on bumping this thread.
No. 82079 ID: 95170a

What the fuck is going on here?
No. 82080 ID: 0bd34b

Spambot posts bumping the thread.
Stop using the subject line as part of your name.
No. 82295 ID: 86e91d

what's the longest hiatus there's been for nanquest ?
No. 82522 ID: cc08c7


We're currently in the middle of it.
No. 82539 ID: 95170a

Seeing as the spambots have begun there uprising on this thread.

Is there/was there anything in Christianity about asking permission to enter holy land or anything about trespassing on holy land?
No. 82665 ID: cc08c7


I'm no expert in the Bible or Christianity by any means, but if there's one thing that comes really close to intruding on Heaven or holy ground it's the Tower of Babel. The hotel itself doesn't really seem to be reaching to the skies though so it's probably a moot point.
No. 82668 ID: 16903a

See, what I was thinking is that the only thing in common with all of them is that non of them got permission to enter the hotel.
They all just walk in.
No. 83331 ID: d27519

Finally got caught up with this, surprised that it hadn't already ended. Reading through this I wonder why Anna's dream was the only one where we were a ghost. In all the other dreams we appeared as one of the characters and played a role within it. I think her specific flashback is really important being that it took place after she had died. Perhaps it is only after someone dies that we truly have a chance to save them. I'm going to guess that at that point we have one shot of getting it right and that we need to gather as much info about everyone's sins as we can before they die so we can try to figure out what item's and actions we should take to save them.
What I wonder is what happens when Nan herself dies. From what the pilgrim said Nan is binding him to this place, why would her death free him? If this is truly purgatory then perhaps Nan is what's keeping everything going as she is basically given the task of giving redemption to the residents. Perhaps when Nan dies is when the souls that she could not redeem are sent to the darkness and those she could are sent to the light. Ahhh there is so many questions still left unanswered it drives me crazy.
No. 83332 ID: d27519

Weaver thank you so much for these stories they really make good use of the unique interaction that Quest give between the writer and the audience. The mysteries make it so that we have to carefully consider each action we recommend as we don’t fully realize the consequences they may bear but if we can figure them out then we can better know how to lead the characters. And you involve the audience even more by letting them know that the actions they take can and will shape the progression of the story. Sorry for the wall of text just kinda wanted to get all my thoughts out there.
No. 83387 ID: 5b596d

I think it's rare if non-existant that weaver comes in here though he might prove me wrong. Still I don't know why he doesn't start this back up and give us a good honest ending.
No. 84339 ID: 789f06

Call me crazy, but maybe the Lightbringer has something to do with Santiago? Since his room was illuminated with no apparent light source... sorry if this has already been said.
No. 84480 ID: 53548a

You're crazy for bumping this thread.
No. 84501 ID: 2f2fc2

funny enough but he posted something on ruby quest not too long ago...maybe he'll come back
No. 84988 ID: 2f2fc2

guess whats back!?!


whooooo I'm so happy!
No. 84989 ID: 924b43

To be honest I've long since lost steam with all these interruptions. I can barely remember what the story is about anymore.
No. 84990 ID: 8b6612

Hail to the king, baby.
No. 84991 ID: 59295a

Count down till ded again?
No. 84993 ID: e1bc99

Nooo don't let it happen! the show must go on!
No. 84994 ID: 25067f

I hope weaver sempai notices me
No. 84996 ID: 9ddf68

truth be told I thought that weaver moved on from tgchan do to shifting interest and problems with his day to day life, I'm quite happy that I was wrong however and am glad to see that he is back. Also welcome back weaver we've missed you.
No. 85012 ID: 2f2fc2

OK weaver I'll make you a deal.....deals help things happen

I will do shit... i will create, dump ice cold water on my head....literally anything in my power to make you happy/motivated to keep up with the quest.

Seriously Let's have a bargain where you do something and I'll reward you for it with something. We start this here and now ...as soon as you reply BAM sealed deal. You just have to tell me what needs to be done.

I'm yours to command....seriously. This isn't a beg, it's a call to action!

I was there for the final days of ruby quest and things were awesome (i really wish I'd have known about it sooner) and then I found out about nan-quest and I was definitely interested, but you stopped, and reasons don't matter. All that matters is you know tgchan still exists and you're ready to get back on the horse!

Let's do this! You and I... I'll be there for moral support. You just tell me when and how and I'll be there.
No. 85042 ID: 3009b4

When I get impatient I just re-read the glory of Ruby Quest.
No. 85045 ID: cef479

Kinda obvious by now, but I think now we may have a better idea of who the weird shadow critter was when Nan was in the canvas dream.
No. 85057 ID: 8ae478

so... pablo and his girl had a fight, yes? and he thinks it's his fault because he never got the chance to tell her he didn't mean all the terrible things he said. instead, he took the time during which he should have been calmly talking it out with her to transfer his anger into the totem. and she--not trusting him to be a better person the same way he didn't trust her to listen to him--overdosed on antidepressants, siezed, and died.

pablo must have always been a troubled person because he knew what the demons were capable of before he walked out that day. (or were they merely the manifestations of the stress from the couple's inability to make a dime and live together without fighting?) after the totem has been made, he seems oddly calm, both upon seeing his wife dead and at the funeral.

if the totem was buried with his wife, then... rather than the wife having risen from the dead and being here, this is just sounding more and more to me like the hotel is purgatory. the hotel manifests key items from people's lives that trigger memories full of regret, and they're not necessarily anything but copies. anna's salvation was replacing her screwdriver. pablo's will probably be replacing his totem. but where? in his wife's grave or in her living hands?

of course, the ideal for all these characters is to make it so the awful events in their lives never happened, but i'm not sure if that's possible in this world. weaver could just as easily be going for "keep them from making the mistakes in the first place" as "teach them how to face their demons and live with their pasts as they are."

no one ever asks, but Nan, what would you do?
No. 85065 ID: cef479

Super fun theory time. I'm starting to think that hotel itself isn't "purgatory", or "hell" but it's become an entity itself by feeding on insanity and the negative emotions of the people trapped inside. Something happened on the spot where the hotel was built (presumably with demon guy) and it stayed dormant until Velasco went crazy, then it triggered whatever was there and gave it life. The hotel gets built on top and the "thing" starts feeding on the people in it, making it stronger and giving it more power. Cut to now, where it's trapped people from various time periods and is slowly turning them against eachother and making them re-live their traumatic pasts. It's trying to make them all upset and bringing up memories it knows will make them snap, as shown when people in the hotel get upset and start turning into monsters or getting creepy shadows around them. The worse the memory for the person the stronger the "thing" they can become when they die in the hotel. I think The Beast is made up of people who's insanity or pasts aren't traumatic enough for the hotel to play with, so it just fuses them altogether into a massive lump and sets them loose. Since Velasco and Pilgrim were around when the trigger was presumably set off, Velasco ended up with a more "solid" form, as did Pilgrim. It's also pretty obvious that Velasco (if he is The Padre) was completely bonkers by the time whatever triggered this happened, which could also explain why he has such a powerful form in the hotel. I dunno, just a rambly theory.
No. 85072 ID: 8ae478

that's a valid interpretation and is certainly supported by as much of the story (or more) than mine is, but i don't like it as art :P since then it's just some plain, boring "good vs. evil" story with no real neutral or even ambiguous elements.

weaver's the kind of guy to have absolutely everything planned out himself but find it more interesting to see what other people come up with, though, so i imagine the story will become whatever the audience interprets it to be.
No. 85073 ID: 8ae478

also possible the memories never happened at all and something about the hotel or its demons is just making the people it's trapped invent it all, threatening them with their worst fears. i guess that would be the hell/metal glen interpretation. it wasn't entirely clear in the end of ruby quest either if the events were figments of tom's and ruby's imaginations. ...though that's a bit simplistic too, actually :P
No. 85075 ID: cef479

Well if you think my theory backed up with what's happened up to this point is "boring" then I'm sorry, but that's not entirely my fault. Also it's very clear how Ruby Quest ended and that it was "real" in the context of the quest, unless you made up your own "better" ending in your head like I'm assuming you did because you thought it wasn't deep enough. I love Ruby Quest, but it was far from ambiguous by the end of it and there were no neutral parties left alive in the Metal Glenn either.

Also even if the hotel IS hell or purgatory, it's killing off everyone around us and going after us with shadow monsters and a priest that can survive being set on fire. If that's not Good Vs. Evil right now, then I don't know what in the holy hell it is. Any "neutral" action is occurring within the side of the "Good" characters right now and a lot of things are still ambiguous, even with my theory, which only explains the barebones minimum of what could be going on.

I wouldn't respond like this normally, but basically responding with "oh well that's boring MY IDEA IS BETTER" is honestly really fucking rude and didn't add anything at all.
No. 85076 ID: cef479

Also adding to my theory this little bit, take it with a grain of salt though: Nan is acting out the role of someone who was killed as a result of whatever each person has done, or died and was known by them in some way.

She appeared as Pablo's lover after she died.

She appeared on the elevator with Anna, maybe a co-worker who died because the elevator broke and fell.

She appeared as (possibly, not entirely sure though) Kim's mother, defending them from their father who was about to kill them.

She also appeared with Henry in bed, possibly another loved one who may have died.

The only real difference is that Pablo's memory was completely warped and made sick by the hotel, but that's probably because he was actually guilt stricken by what he thinks he's responsible for.

In all the other memories the people feel no guilt for what's happened to the person Nan is replacing, but with Pablo we know he really beat himself up over it even now. As far as we know he could have even SEEN it like that in his mind after all the guilt and problems he's had up to this point.

Again though, just a theory. Take of it what you will.
No. 85077 ID: cef479

I might as well say it because I'm sleep deprived as shit and I'm rambling at this point: The hotel is Silent Hill concentrated into one fucked up building and if we end up in Santiago or Anderson's memories they might be very, very VERY messy, maybe even worse than Pablo's was considering how they've been looking really monstery. It's only if I'm right though. So far the only real roadblocks are the Mission flashbacks and the flashback to...whenever that Horned Guy was there. Also apologizing in advance for snapping earlier, but that response was still pretty damn rude.
No. 85102 ID: 1ca426

No Nan wasnt Kim's mother. Nans kids were named little Holly and June.
No. 85374 ID: dbd097

Hey, this is back.

So we're starting to get some kind of pattern with these flashbacks. Which is ~fabulous~.

-We met Anna in the elevator. That's where she saved our life.
-Later, we see her scorched silhouette and scrape it with the screwdriver.
-We help her out using said item, bringing order to the elevator.

-We "met" Alan in the safe room (we need to ask around about Alan to see if there's more connection here)
-We later find Alan-shaped floor-toast in the saferoom and scrape it with the pen.
-We use the pen to bring order to Alan's flashback vision.

I'm also under the impression that our vision with the canvases was a similar situation to these flashbacks.

So we need to get to as many of these as possible, I'm assuming. We seem to be taking up a role as undertaker.

Next step: gather intel on Alan.
No. 85376 ID: cef479


Floor-toast is officially one of my new favourite phrases.
No. 85411 ID: dbd097
File 141096694537.gif - (23.40KB , 701x683 , 141092485633.gif )

These people look an awful lot like Henry, Anders, Padre and Pilgrim.
No. 85417 ID: 2fd516

Two of those figures are horses, bro.
No. 85420 ID: dbd097

so is the pilgrim :u
No. 85434 ID: 2fd516

No, Pilgrim is wearing a horse skull.
No. 85435 ID: 3009b4

I wonder if the amount of darkness around their faces is significant.
No. 85441 ID: 3009b4

I also can't find the entry where Anderson even having a son is mentioned now.
No. 85442 ID: 3009b4

Nevermind, found it now. Something odd about the story with Anderson saying he was 'looking for his son' only to Kim. Be nice to know how many Alans there were. Or maybe the hostage situation didn't go bad, and Anderson entered to negotiate when he got trapped there along with Alan.

Alan could even be the hostage.
No. 85475 ID: 3009b4

This does not bode well: http://sacredscribesangelnumbers.blogspot.ca/2011/09/angel-number-466.html
No. 85477 ID: 2fd516

Well, first off, numerology is bullshit. Second off, we know what 466 means already. It rolls over to 5:06, which is Vindictus 5:06, the verse Padre was obsessing over.
No. 85480 ID: 86e91d

What's with the sudden mass Alzheimer
No. 85493 ID: dbd097

I wonder whether our shining the light on the hooded figure at the beginning of chap6 was in a similar vein to our scraping Anna and Alan's Floor-toasts?

Also, I wonder whether this is a coincidence:

leaving Kim and Pablo on their own.
No. 85495 ID: dbd097

Ooh. I'm also beginning to wonder whether the door to the Anasazi Lounge may not be as important as the key itself.

Maybe we should try using the key on one of the room doors? And if that doesn't work, trying it out on Room 211. After all, that was the one whose cubbyhole shook and transported us here.
If neither of those work, let's check the lobby to see if the main doors have keyholes.
No. 85831 ID: cef479

Not sure if this belongs here or in the Ruby Quest thread, but apparently Nitrosparxx is making a re-mastered version of the soundtrack he made and from what I've listened to it's already a lot better.
No. 85853 ID: 643dd8
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Newfag here.
I've been recently introduced to the wonderful world of Quests™, and it's simply enthralling. Rubyquest was amazing, and I'm loving Nanquest. I just wanted to say this is all really great.

And, about the discussion itself, so I won't be wholly out of topic: I've heard some anons say that Weaver's father is sick.
Is this true?
If so, I hope he gets well soon. Taking care of an ailing parent is a shity experience.
No. 85859 ID: 2fd516

That's what his tumblr says.
No. 85869 ID: 2f2fc2


*rubyquest highfive*
No. 85898 ID: 0dc9cf

Thank you for at least coming to the dis thread. A LOT of newfags come straight to Nan from Ruby and the first thing they do is start bumping the thread with questions or suggestions that have already been gone over, are off topic or whatever. It's worst with weaver's quests and Nan especially.

So thank you random internet guy,for not being shitty. You're a good person.
No. 85981 ID: b8eae4

A quick google later, and yep. That's right. Lot's of activity lately, too. It seems things are at least a bit better, thank God.



No worries, mate. Most newfags nowadays forget that they should always lurk before posting.

What color is Nan supposed to be?
No. 85985 ID: 59295a

She has a black coat of fur and yellowish-orange horns.

She's colored in the thumbnail of the page's tab, if you have Chrome.

There're also a few colored panels of her in Chapter 7, if you want exact colors.
No. 86573 ID: 1c3514

The wounds on it look oddly similar to Anna's, especially around the mouth. And goodness knows whether or not she had horns - she was always wearing that hat. Didn't see any in the image of her being killed, though.
No. 86641 ID: 9b0e21

Finally up to date with this quest. Just started reading it a week or two ago.

Here are some random theories/musings I've come up with. I don't necessarily believe this, they are just possibilities:

[1] Everyone here has caused a death, directly or indirectly. Aside from Nan and Henry, I think there is decent evidence of this. (And I may have Nan evidence in 1.b) Pablo left his suicidal girlfriend alone, Alan caused a hostage to die, Anderson admit to killing people, Anna was too lazy to fix the elevator, and Kim seemed oddly insistent that we were all sinners.

[1.a] There may be another criteria to the death. Negligence, or something like that. The only reason I'm considering this is that Alan looked like he was going to shoot cops even after we "fixed" his scenario. I suppose that could end without a death though.

[1.b] The death has to occur on the grounds of the old mission. The axe murderer was certainly in this hotel. Pablo is hard to determine; the room looks different (large window) but it's possible. Alan was probably there before the hotel construction in his flashback, which makes sense if that really was Anderson outside. Again, if that was Anderson, he may have shot one of Alan's comrades. (Or Alan?) Kim and Henry, no idea. Now here's my Nan theory: There are three ways Weaver could explain us having killed someone at that hotel. First, the scorch marks could be there because we took too long, and someone was electrocuted. Second, that "east or west" puzzle may have been designed as impossible from the start. Either one we picked, Weaver could say "They meant the other one", leading to a death from the staff assuming it was fixed. And third, when we fixed the outlet, Weaver's post description included "The socket is pretty much repaired." Now maybe I'm over-analyzing here, but "pretty much" could mean we half-assed it. I'm going to assume the first one, because otherwise we shouldn't have seen Henry before fucking up the job. That would mean we should be able to see random people who *haven't* commit sins yet.

1c. As Kim said, everyone here may have died at the hotel. (or within the mission's area) Nan biked while eating. Henry took a bath while tired, Anderson may have got hit by a beam, Kim hit her head, Alan was probably shot by cops (or specifically Anderson, since no other cop is here), and Pablo may have commit suicide after realizing what happened to his GF. It's possible that the hotel lures you back to kill you once you have killed on its grounds. This matches up with everyone just happening to both kill at the hotel, and then later show up at the hotel.

2. Father Velasco is bitten by a rat, and gets the Bubonic Plague. Some symptoms according to Wikipedia are chills, delirium, and general ill feeling. In his delirium, he finds the Bible verses on absolving a priest (sacrifice a goat (Nan), and burnt offering (Anasazi people), and thinks that he needs to be absolved. (Possibly to absolve himself after killing the Anasazi) He's always wearing that robe and hood because the Plague would be noticeable on his skin. He then has to devise a way for Lorenzo to get infected, so he can convince him to help him. (Velasco is now too weak from Plague to force people into a furnace, so he needs help, and Lorenzo isn't Anasazi). He has to keep Lorenzo waiting though, because the furnace needs to be completed before he can infect Lorenzo (can't risk it taking too long to build after Lorenzo's infection, as they would both then be too weak) Immediate problem with this theory is that the Bubonic Plague kills within ~4 days, and Velasco lasted way longer. Possible Weaver messed up (doubt it), or there is another rat-borne disease that causes chills and delirium.

3. The magical part of all this is some kind of Anasazi curse. When people are killed on their land, the killer must remain in limbo until they die. The victim's soul has to wait in limbo also, as one of the shadows that make up the beast. Once dead, another person in limbo can live out their old situation and prevent it from ending in death. This creates a time paradox, which removes the killer from needing to be in limbo, and thus having them be killed by the Pilgrim *earlier* in the story. Maybe the victim souls that make up The Beast are supposed to kill the killers, and that's why the Pilgrim and Padre keep the beast away. For some reason they want souls to be stuck here. This may be why Santiago doesn't care about dying, and was happy that Anna got killed (as dying here is basically a good thing, since your soul can move on, and an innocent death was prevented). Weaver said "yes and no" when someone asked if we could have prevented Anna from dying. Maybe we all have to die to escape, but technically we could have prolonged her stay. The longer you stay alive in limbo though, the less human you become. Lots of flaws with this theory though. Like why wouldn't you redeem your own soul, why would that be someone else's job? Why does the Pilgrim kill certain people if he wants people to stay? Why wouldn't the Pilgrim kill them earlier if it's a paradox, or after someone fixes the past if it's cause/effect?

3.a I don't have a clue when it comes to the light/time/mirror/dimension stuff and the previous theory. I assume Weaver has logical reasons for all of these, but aside from light on beast = flashback, I am beyond lost here.

3.b Assuming idea 3 is true, there is a very interesting loophole that could be performed, which may be what Lorenzo is talking about. If Lorenzo killed Velasco, or vice-versa, by having someone kill them in limbo, they could return the other one to life by preventing the death situation from even happening. Although since Velasco was here for murder...how on earth would that work? When Lorenzo killing Velasco is "fixed" in limbo, could Velasco even return to life, since he's in limbo for murder himself?

Anyway, that took like 4 hours and I haven't slept, but hopefully something useful or interesting came from it.
No. 86649 ID: 01fba9

Cloven feet and horns. Symbols of the devil. Goats themselves are associated with Satanism and other things unholy. The entities which have come closest to harming her include a former Spanish priest turned into a religious abomination, a false Kim crying out, "For the Love of God!", and Santiago who's name is derived from the Catalan translation of "Saint James" (Sant Iago). Either Nan is unknowingly the devil and acting upon some greater cosmic scheme of which she has no control over, or at the very least looks Satanic which could explain why Velasco is set on smiting her. I'm probably looking too deeply into the animal and biblical aspects of the characters which are more likely than not irrelevant to the true inner workings of this five-star bonafide hellhole. Just the ramblings of a newfag with too much time on his impure hands.
No. 86662 ID: d9a44e

Hello, sirs.
I don't usually hang around here, but I recently discovered DiveQuest, and as always, fell in love with Weaver's work. I didn't want to make a thread just to ask this, and I have the same question for NanQuest : do we have any info on whether they will be continued, or are they abandonned by the author?
No. 86753 ID: 9b0e21


Dude, the last update was a month ago. That's *nothing* for Nanquest.
No. 86755 ID: 4a3df7

Weaver actually made a post about that on his tumblr. I remember him saying he intends to finish all of his quests
No. 86830 ID: d52967

The Lightbringer gave us the five-cross and said it would protect us. This entire area has been sectioned off with tons of those all over the walls. Seems we're no longer under the protection of the hotel in here.
No. 86834 ID: eda9d1

So I reread the intro to see what >>86641 was referring to, and I noticed this: >>/questarch/61563

This is the first overtly creepy/supernatural thing in the story, and seems to be either a cause or effect of things going pear-shaped, because Nan becomes trapped in the hotel immediately afterwards.

I'm pretty sure this loose end was never investigated. Readers immediately opted to bolt instead of investigate initially, and in the next thread there's just an offhand mention that the cubbyholes are empty.

Did I forget Nan resolving this later on and this is old news, or is this still something worth looking in to? Given its role as horror catalyst I think it's pretty important. Granted, Nan may have bigger things to worry about by now.
No. 86843 ID: 01fba9
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From the side in the darkness, Pablo kind of looks like the pope. :P
No. 86844 ID: 01fba9

You might be on to something. A lot of major things have occurred in the lobby. I kinda wonder if there might even be something new in the cubbyholes if we come back there.
No. 86845 ID: ccea58

Pablo for Pope!
No. 86846 ID: 0f2a62

Did anybody else notice the "scrape away crusted stain" update was deleted and an altered version was quickly posted? I'm pretty sure the name of the hotel is the Kowerman hotel, as a K is clearly visible in the original update. Did we know this already?
No. 86847 ID: ccea58

Oh okay, i thought i was experiencing amnesia or something. I was really confused when I saw it a second time but there was only 1 post.
No. 86848 ID: 9f37d6

The edit was because the text shifted, so it looked (incorrectly) like the article was actually changing, not because too much was shown. Just a technical error.
No. 86849 ID: ccea58
File 141611016429.gif - (20.92KB , 701x683 , weaveryoumademethinkihaveamnesia.gif )

No. 86852 ID: 0f2a62
File 141611279260.gif - (4.90KB , 200x195 , 141611114942s.gif )

Well it looks like we have lots of evidence that the apparently fascinating bookcase is actually the Beast.


1. They're both some shade of brown, probably.

2.It's a metaphor for Beauty and the Beast, with the bookcase being the beautiful, feminine side.

3. They both start with B.

I'm certainly convinced.
No. 86853 ID: ccea58

This is cold hard evidence, inform the FBI. We have a serious case on our hands.
No. 86876 ID: 01fba9
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Here's Pablo with the pope's hat (mitre).
No. 86922 ID: aefe68
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I drew the Nan
No. 86926 ID: 01fba9

I kinda feel bad for Padre Velasco and Pilgrim Lorenzo. I don't think that it was their fault that they fell from grace. They were powerless against the evil which has warped their devout minds. They probably think that they're still doing the Lord's work and that salvation has yet to come, because they aren't trying hard enough. Their burden is greater than I can possibly imagine.

What about that lightbringer fella? What is he after, again? What's up with the storm? If I recall, Velasco mentioned in his journal that a storm was ravaging their church. The lightbringer was seen spouting mystic crap on the edge of the seaside cliff. Is there a connection between the lightbringer and the storm?
No. 86930 ID: cb071d
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I feel like an idiot asking this but can someone explain what's happening in this image? I can't really make anything out
No. 86932 ID: eda9d1

It's probably too soon for me to get a straight answer, but Weaver, would Nan have been able to activate the flashlight successfully if she hadn't taken the time to say "Lorenzo"?

Nan raised her hand to use the flashlight and the Pilgrim lunged with the knife, knocking the flashlight away and impaling her hand. The white splatter is the blood (which is a bit weird since blood has previously been red, but the art style of this area is unusual in general). His arm just looks weird because he has really baggy sleeves.

Although now that I look at it, it looks like he's thrusting with his right arm (his torso is in front of it), which may be an error since he was clearly holding it in his left hand in the previous panel.

Anyway, it looks like the theory about the Pilgrim only being able to hurt people who wanted to die is wrong, unless Nan has some dark regrets she's kept hidden or she's an exception (which she may well be, given his fixation on her). Someone should ask Nan if she has any regrets or feels guilty about anything... later, though.

(And this is apropos of nothing except me seeing Weaver talk about it earlier, but personally I like Nanquest better than Rubyquest so far. Just putting that out there.)
No. 86941 ID: 01fba9

I just realized that the lightbringer's cave is now meshed... with a lighthouse... which also happens to be completely shrouded in ADVANCED DARKNESS. The significance? I dunno.

It's always about light in this place or rather the lack of light... Isn't Nan supposed to be an expert in fixing lights? Wouldn't that technically make her a lightbringer? I think the hotel owners were confused and only hired her because they heard she was good at fixing lights, but didn't factor in that she specialized in ELECTRICAL lights. For all we know, she might only be there due to some massive misinterpretation of her skill set.
No. 86963 ID: a19cd5
File 141646364951.gif - (8.81KB , 320x320 , aaaayyy.gif )

hey look it's one of those little "Get going you lil shits" sprites you see in beatemups
No. 86977 ID: 8f3a65


>That zipper


On a different note;

Just how fucked are we? I don't think I've seen a GAME OVER, quest-wise.

I'm scared.
No. 86981 ID: dbd097


Best theory. Actual best theory.
She is one of a long line of lightbringers. But she's actually an electrician.
No. 87029 ID: ee7a58

>Henry is a liar and we cannot trust him.

Rereading the quest, I found more evidence for this:

>Out in the hall, he found Anna, freshly killed, and tried to approach, when the skeleton-faced creature attacked him.
>Then the lights went out. He came back to the room. Tried to get help. But everyone was gone. It was just you, Nan.

These two stories don't match up. Henry says that he woke up after Anna died, but Pablo says no one but Nan was in the room when he went back - before Anna was killed.

Plus there was the reflection and monster in his room, the chains on his door, and his weird reaction to Kim in the furnace... Henry is just incredibly suspicious. Next time he appears, grill him.

In short, I support this course of action.

(Originally I thought he might be the Pilgrim, but assuming the figure at the start of chapter 6 is the Pilgrim they've been seen in the same place.)
No. 87116 ID: 35909f

Oh hey, also:

How did Henry get free? It looks like he just flipped that giant shelf thing off his crushed arm, and he's no worse for the wear afterwards. Does he have super strength like Tom???

Since Nan's headed to the first floor (which is where we saw Henry last), I think she's going to run into Henry soon, and he needs to be interrogated somehow. The man is just too weird. She's on her own though, so it'd be risky to let him know she's on to him...
No. 87149 ID: cb78a5


Given the recent events, I'd like to calmly remind everyone that I FUCKING CALLED IT
No. 87165 ID: 6ccc9a
File 141706720330.png - (695.57KB , 1104x1453 , nanquest returns.png )

Hey here's a crappy doodle of Nan I did cause I'm really excited to see updates again. So I figured I'd post it to the discussion thread cause I can.
No. 87169 ID: 9b57d3

Hmm... if Nan actually went back in time and convinced that nun to stay home, did 466 still die in the fire? Or 465?
No. 87206 ID: f1beae

"Lucifer" also translates to "Lux," the latin word for Light. In addition Lucifer itself has close ties to "light bearing." Your theories are spot on, but it's not Nan who is satan, it's the Lightbringer.
No. 87209 ID: 49ce39


Well actually, now I'm not so sure. I expected the lights to go out and/or for him to turn into a monster, but...


Henry doesn't actually seem to be malicious or aggressive. His actions are entirely defensive - he blocks and disarms, but that's it. I think people are right to be suspicious, but also overreacted. At the very least, he definitely does not want to kill Nan. When he shows up again, Nan should be more diplomatic and try to understand him.

Remember, a central theme of Nanquest seems to be forgiveness and redemption. Behind every face there is a story.
No. 87213 ID: 91cfcf

To be more specific, "Lucifer" is made of the accusative form of "lux" and "ferro", to bring. It literally means lightbringer.
No. 87224 ID: 86e91d

He isn't openly hostile to Nan, but I doubt we should hang around and find out
No. 87241 ID: db83ac


I disagree. While it is possible that Henry has an agenda that does not necessarily end with the survivors dying, there are a lot of ways to hinder the survivors' progress without actively attacking or even blocking them.

Henry seems to be "The Sellout", a former survivor who surrendered to the enemies in exchange for his prolonged existence, and joins up with new survivor parties only to betray them by acting as the mole for the enemies. Attacking enemies is counterproductive - the killers may want to deal with the survivors themselves, and the backlash from assassination may lead to Henry's persona deteriorating, making him less trustworthy.

By acting the fool and playing the weakling (or pretending that he's unwilling to kill), he basically plays the wounded gazelle gambit and tries to get survivors to hesitate so that the real killers can perform takedowns and stuff.

Think about it: Henry has been away from the party for some time, but it's obvious that he was observing the party from a safe place. It's possible that he was filing a report to Lightbringer on how the survivors were doing, and returned to ensure that Kim would die. It wouldn't have to be more than second-degree murder; just talk to Kim while Pilgrim gets ready to shove her in the furnace.

Basically, there is a LOT that a mole can do, aggressive or passive or offensive or defensive. That's why I don't trust Henry to have Nan's interests at heart. He might be doing this for himself or he may actually be another Hotel monster, but whatever his angle is, it seems to involve capturing Nan. Not a good idea when a giant monster with two really big eyes is within twenty meters.
No. 87252 ID: 49ce39

Maybe. I'd still like to know for certain before we commit to anything, though. Information and ambiguity is a big theme here too; we can't be sure we're acting morally until we have all the information. When Nan gets another weapon and can encounter Henry with the upper hand, she should interrogate him, or even just cut out the middleman and pry into his soul with the flashlight. Even if he his evil, it helps to know his motives.
No. 87255 ID: 97a8d5
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I assume I was banned from /quest/ because this belongs here. In the recent picture on Wednesday, 666.gif, there is a shape of sky with no stars. We got our first good look at The Beast. He's cute.
No. 87273 ID: 9f37d6

Rather big to be the Beast, don't you think?
No. 87275 ID: 2f2fc2

Twist ending....it was aliens
No. 87285 ID: cb78a5


I wouldn't call Henry specifically evil, but he seems more like the hotel's emissary or something. Not Backstabby McGee, but not trustworthy either.
No. 87299 ID: 9b0e21

I made a thingy to help organize the details of this quest.

We can nitpick and discuss any individual update, and use a tag system to find relevant updates. (Filter for "Pilgrim" or "Flashback")

If you make a free account, and post your username here, I can add you and let you comment/add/tag/etc.

You can see the small progress I have so far here, and click on one of the individual posts to see the layout I'm using: https://trello.com/b/hrNaSFFk/nanquest-timeline

I'll be adding the rest of the posts as fast as I can, and hopefully some of you could help me add them. (Certainly need help with the tagging system)
No. 87308 ID: 9582f4

Are we exactly sure of the rules that The Beast must follow? Time doesn't quite work the same in this world as it does in ours. What if size doesn't work the same either? The Beast cooould be a huge hulking thing and a smaller, Toyota sized thing.
No. 87317 ID: fe6f71

Not the beast. But we need a name for it. I vote to call it Abby, which would be short for Abomination.
No. 87322 ID: 97a8d5

IF you get out of there.
No. 87323 ID: eba6db

Henry is clearly the hotel manager and MAN OH MAN is he desperate for more guests. Silly bastard. He runs a shadier operation than Crazy Redd. Be sure to file one HELL of a lawsuit once you finally get out of there.

(This guy replied to a previous posting of this comment. Don't ask why I keep deleting and reposting it.)
No. 87327 ID: eba6db

Oh, Nan's gonna get out of here, alright. One way or another, be it living or among the dead. OR perhaps she'll undergo a mental escape and believe she's made it out, but in reality, her sanity has been depleted to a point where she is only able to perceive what she wants to see. Constant freak outs can't be good for her mental health... And you know what? After everything she's been through, she's probably not even going to paid. Not a single cent...

Come to think of it, she hasn't actually fixed the lighting yet. When you aren't running or fighting for your life, be sure to remember that you still have a job to do, Nan. And as you're doing it...

be thorough.
No. 87329 ID: 319fae

What? She totally did her job already. It was to fix the outlet, which she did in chapter one. The idea of her being able to fix the lights is an interesting one but how would she accomplish that? If anything, killing the lightbringer seems like it would accomplish the opposite.
No. 87330 ID: 8c4822

I've been trying to figure out why Henry kept appearing at the same time as the Pilgrim but went down completely the opposite theory route (maybe Henry is related to Lorenzo, maybe he's protecting us) but him being the hotel manager makes way more sense.
Would also explain why the hotel was on board with what he was doing. Damn it, I misread all those signs.

Still really unsure what the heck that monster is, though I suspect we're gonna find out as soon as Henry's done chucking us at it.
No. 87332 ID: 86e91d

It starts to dawn on me that everyone will harm us, given the chance
No. 87336 ID: 97a8d5

I put this in the suggestion thread but it should be here too. When Nan tackles Henry, he has his shirt on. Earlier in the chapter, we see he made his shirt into bandages. How did Henry get a new shirt? Ai believe we have two Henrys
No. 87337 ID: 9f37d6

He does not have a shirt on.
No. 87348 ID: 1fbb52

No. 87350 ID: 687279

I'm starting to wonder if anyone but Henry even existed at all.
No. 87353 ID: f4f6ba

New guy here. Been rereading the threads, noticed something kind of odd. Kim loaned her taser to Henry back in chapter 4, but one thread later and "Kim screams, then sighs in relief, lowering her taser."

And now Henry's just zapped us with it.

It's possible that Kim and Henry could've met up and swapped it back and forth while Nan was unconscious/away, but neither of them mentioned it.

...But as I was typing this, Henry just did his big reveal and now I feel like an idiot for focusing on something so minor.
No. 87355 ID: 2e2233

I can think of two theories for the tazer thing;

Either there's some paranormal bullshit going on, in which the real Kim died in that furnace (thanks to Henry) and something... Else has taken her place. Something in cahoots with Henry.

That, or he nabbed it off of Kim after we fled the lounge and left the others behind.
No. 87358 ID: f4f6ba

Personally, I'm voting paranormal bullshit. She did just kinda vanish right in front of us, so it might've been a fake Kim... or an evil elevator illusion or some shit.

We could just ask Henry if he ever gave it back, but interrupting his grand speech might be a bad idea right now.
No. 87361 ID: 319fae

Woah woah woah, if Henry's the Pilgrim who was that guy at the beginning of chapter six? Was that the real Pilgrim? Lorenzo? The lightbringer?
No. 87362 ID: f4f6ba

My guess is that it was Lorenzo(?), since shining a light on him started a flashback. So far, it doesn't look like Henry has weird time powers.
No. 87367 ID: 9f37d6
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Just a reminder since people seem very confused for some reason and keep insisting on something wrong

This is not Henry
No. 87369 ID: 6ccc9a

There's a part of me that wants to say that Henry is Lorenzo but they look different.
It would make sense though, seeing as we all thought the Pilgrim was Lorenzo to begin with and how we now know that Henry is apparently the Pilgrim. On top of that he's been going on about how he's been here longer than anyone and I don't THINK we know what happened to Lorenzo do we?
I dunno. Weird connection but the bottom line is they look different so I don't think it works. Just felt like sharing.
No. 87370 ID: 86e91d

It's funny in hindsight, that we met Henry for the first time naked
No. 87377 ID: 5d2d74


That foreshadowing...
No. 87379 ID: 6ccc9a
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Heeeere's a little more fanart I doodled up. I'll get to drawing the other characters soon I swear.
No. 87380 ID: eba6db

He kind of is a pilgrim, he reads Padre's bible and he instantly has faith in what he finds. He's been wandering the hallways, making sacrifices ever since.
No. 87382 ID: eba6db

Considering he's been killing plenty of people from various time periods, Henry HAS to have altered the course of history somehow.
No. 87384 ID: 687279

I wonder if Henry said all that mysterious shit while in costume just to freak out Nan.
No. 87385 ID: bb78f2

Theory: Hotel is actually meant to redeem people. It is a location that cries for its inhabitants, desperately trying to redeem them. Which is why Nan is going back through time and changing a lot of things.

It wants to redeem the Padre which was an inciting incident, and Velasco might not have burned his congregation if Kim is correct, but he does desperately need help and some sort of redemption. And everyone is trying to encourage Nan to help him through his shit, because she's the only active force of redemption in this place.

Killing Nan won't actually let Henry escape, having Nan help him is his only chance, but he's about to fuck that up. In a way, I think Santiago realizes this. Santiago doesn't care if Nan redeems's Henry or not, just that she keeps doing her mojo. She's only been able to redeem the dead, and through their redeemed deaths they have been allowed to move on. We've started with Pablo and it's starting to work. If we continue, we might see what our efforts have on alive people. Pablo's still got his shit to carry, but he IS starting to move on. We just need to keep him alive long enough to do it.

We've also realized recently that the only force that has been killing people is the inhabitants, not the ghosts of the past.

It's hard to read all of these theory's, so this is probably retreaded ground.

I'm almost confident this part was related to Kim because of the whole bunny thing. Though Kim's been really helpful with her analysis and if the redemption hotel theory is correct, I also believe Kim has a similar role to Nan as a active helping figure. Otherwise, I'm actually sure you're playing the role of Kim in this part, she has a husband, and she might have murdered the fuck out of him to protect her kids. I forget Kim's stated age, if she has one, but even if she's in her 20's (I'm predicting 24?) that doesn't bar her from having children appearing that old looking. Kim could have started VERY young, and her abusive husband might have gotten her pregnant at like 14. The older kid looks like 10 or so. Not impossible. Terrible implications though, as her husband looks to be in his 30's.
No. 87386 ID: f4f6ba

Kim's in college, so I'd say she's in her early 20's. Plus she was a kid in the arcade when Nan was fixing the lights.

Doesn't rule out the theory, though. Could be more weird time shit. Could be something in Kim's future. Could be abuse. Or we could be totally off the mark.
No. 87387 ID: 6ccc9a
File 141766983983.png - (113.38KB , 1239x1179 , pablo doodle.png )

Expect a few of these in the next couple days.
I got at least one more after this.
But Pablo is one of my favorite characters seriously.
No. 87388 ID: 6ccc9a
File 141766987690.png - (42.60KB , 1610x1124 , nanquest panel redraw.png )

AAAND here's a panel redraw I did too.
Found my new favorite paint too SAI tool.
No. 87397 ID: 0769b3

I would say that the hotel is a way of reedeming people but it doesn't want to do it through talkingbut through 'testing' to see if you really are worthy of being redeemed and not just killed off or left to slowly left to rot away. henry is a prime example of this as he has been here for months now and when he mentions how they first started getting food and how he killed his entire group just to eat enough says a number of things, first off is that the hotel rewards you if you murder someone, second is that this resembles a skinner box scheme which is designed to teach you that murder is okay and rewards you. Take as you will from this
No. 87400 ID: 35909f

Wait, Henry said he killed Anna because she was "in the way". What did he mean by that, exactly? How was she an obstacle to sacrificing Nan? He could have just killed Nan in her sleep, really; it's odd he went for Anna instead.

(I know this is a silly thing to say after Weaver just slapped everyone for focusing on tiny details, but I'm just curious.)
No. 87402 ID: b069df

Anna had probably figured out henrys intentions and/or had seen him become the pilgrim so when she confronted henry he disposed of her.
No. 87404 ID: 6b4339


This might very well fall under "focusing on details too much", but after Henry's speech, we know the hotel controls its light system based on the actions of its inhabitants. The lights snapped right back on when Santiago knocked on the door. Is it possible this means something beyond having dramatic appeal?
No. 87405 ID: 6b4339

Also, going along the same lines, it's not impossible these can us something about Pablo's role:

No. 87409 ID: dbd097

I'd like to remind people that Santiago pretty much stepped into the shoes of Santiago for a moment. Focusing on minutiae, being nice--these things can get us killed. We're being given a second chance here, let's do it right.
No. 87410 ID: dbd097

Also, I'm willing to bet Velasco may not be all that supernatural. Remember that when he saw him with his hat off, it looked like he was wearing a burlap sack over his head. It's possible he's still wandering the hotel with a charred, messed up face with that sack over his head and may also need "redeemed."
No. 87411 ID: b069df

That moment were santago broke the atmosphere of the situation by knocking on the door nan and henry just kinda stopped in surprise, the hotel also stopped as well going from a evil approveing dark mood to 'normal' again, but then again i can't truely say that the hotel is truely alive because i lack solid evidence it does
No. 87412 ID: 9582f4

Henry put a burlap sack over our head... and it looks pretty similar.
Possibly Velasco is just another victim of the hotel, driven mad by loneliness. He knows he can trust nobody and so he's attacking anyone who tries to hurt him.
He's scared.
No. 87413 ID: 9582f4

Also he's a fucking crazed man of god.
No. 87418 ID: d3be40

So, my current theory is that the hotel is trying to clean house - that it isn't allies with the ghosts and wants them out.

Whatever is in control of the hotel, it could have ended Nan and the other survivors a long time ago. Think about it. With all this power, what are the odds that it's directly forbidden from interfering with the survivors' progress?

Henry said that blood sacrifices result in payment of light and food - shelter and supplies. If so, then why is the hotel goading the survivors to keep killing each other? If the survivors are damaging the hotel it could easily show agitation in the trade - make light payments flicker and appear in random rooms, put cans of food in random areas.

So then I got to thinking, what happened when a survivor died? Well, Henry was able to kill Anna while she left a corpse, and then later we found a charcoal silhouette in the elevator. They look a lot like Pablo's Anti-Bloody Silhouettes, but when Nan interacted with one, she appeared to "save" Anna by giving her the tool she needed to fix the elevator, instead of committing negligible homicide by leaving the repair job incomplete. It's possible that Anna was resurrected by this act, but Santiago's note implies that the accident still happened. Or some accident happened.

If the hotel didn't want Nan touching the charcoal, it could have directed whoever carried over Anna's corpse to somewhere that was usually in the dark or unchecked by survivors. If it had to be a symbolic burning, then as for Alan's corpse, why wasn't it in a locked or unchecked room?

Notice, then, that both Blasted Corpses (the nickname I gave for each of those charcoal silhouettes that are probably created from cremating the survivors' bodies to the walls and floors) were always in the light. Lights didn't flicker whenever there was a corpse in the area (if there WERE any lightbulbs). It may be possible that the act of sacrificing a corpse results in the exhumation of light.

As for the fact that most (if not all) of the survivors are sinners, think of the analogy like "charcoal": it's black as the heart, yet burns bright. So basically, sinners burning leads to lots of light emitted.

Which means that it doesn't really make sense for the ghosts to be in charge since doing this in important areas (elevator, safe room) only makes them hurt more.

What if the hotel (or rather, the spirits that haunted the burial grounds earlier) is cleaning house, wants all the recent ghosts gone, so that it can get actual customers / worshippers?

Of course, this would involve inducing light in every single room...

But Nan's an electrician. That's part of her job.
No. 87419 ID: eda9d1

That's an interesting theory but unless Lorenzo got ear grafts they can't be the same person. I honestly think that Lorenzo was a red herring and he's just one of the 466. Perhaps the Pilgrim skull is his - maybe that implies he had an important role once, maybe not, but regardless he's not around anymore. Unless chapter 6 robe guy was him. It's all very confusing.

Here's a crazy theory of my own: What if Santiago is the Padre? We've just been introduced to the concept of seemingly supernatural monsters actually being normal people under a costume, and people have noted how the Padre seems to just be wearing a burlap sack over his face. Santiago has the same abnormal, grotesquely thin body type and seems to have knowledge of the events depicted in the visions. Henry lied about how long he was in the hotel; Santiago could have too. And now he's helping Nan. The only issue is that I don't see how he could have moved from the chapel to the second floor study so quickly, but who knows. They've never been seen in the same place, have they?

My gut instinct is that this theory is wrong, but just putting it out there. I suppose we'll find out soon enough.
No. 87427 ID: 97a8d5
File 141773646862.png - (16.87KB , 487x512 , Untitled.png )

How to get The Padre to leave if we see him again:
Politely tell him that he's a dick and you want him to leave. He'll get sad and leave.*

*results may vary
No. 87433 ID: 86e91d

This is exactly what the lightbringer wants
No. 87437 ID: 3009b4

The Padre is also unfazed by BLOODY FIRE.
No. 87438 ID: 0f2a62

There's not really any alternative though. It seems like we can actually off Henry here and solve a lot of our problems. Besides, Nan is only acting in self-defense, so I wouldn't say she's corrupted.
No. 87442 ID: 59e07c

Ignoring Henry's entry date, which was a lie, all the dates for Hotel entry end with 6, except for Nan, who was called in by Henry, and Anderson, who was called in by Allan. Is there a connection here?
No. 87443 ID: dbd097

I was thinking the same thing earlier. Doubt it's a coincidence. Kim and Pablo are also different from the rest. They don't have "an" or "en" in their names.
Sure that means something.
No. 87452 ID: beef12

Two things: remember mirror Henry? What if that was the Hotel trying to warn us? What if there is more than one force at work here? those trying to kill us and those trying to help us?

Secondly, If what Henry said was true then Nan was invited here. She may be the only invited guest.
No. 87454 ID: 640534


my toughts exactly. theres also 2 other times we have been warned of him. The Kim in the furnace straight up pointed at him and went "He's evil!". In the chapel when we shone our light on the "Pilgrim" we saw a vision of Lorenzo who we tought was the pilgrim, but how did that vision end? With his figure going mysteriously black and Henry being in his place when we woke up. If the hotel gets angry now that we've killed Henry, why did it warn us of him so many times? Is there some other force here?
No. 87455 ID: 9cf987
File 141778692551.jpg - (55.92KB , 282x341 , 1416498669330.jpg )

So, is this it?

Are we going for the final stretch? Are we reachind the ending?

It just doesn't feel right. There still are so many questions.
No. 87456 ID: a8adaf

Ruby Quest ended with a whole lot of unanswered questions, as well. I feel that this is how it should go too.
No. 87457 ID: bdd703

I promised a post here: >>>/quest/609058

What the heck is up with Santiago?
In the past he's been rather passive, in a strange sort have way. He rolled with whatever the Hotel threw at him. He avoided shining lights, he wandered in the dark, he didn't break things or poke around.
Heck, he even got mad when Nan started poking around in the chapel, and flipped out out of fear that she would provoke the anger of the Hotel.

All of a sudden, he's bursting into rooms and freeing people, and wants to break into the altar? Something has changed his outlook:
>Things are rather different than the last time the three of us met.
>I think I was wrong about you. Maybe about a lot of things.

Finally, While he always called the hotel dangerous, he usually spoke of it in a neutral or even positive light. Compare his grinning commentary in the Sunset Room to now:
>I doubt this place works like that. All it's done is hurt us. So frankly, I don't give a shit what it wants.

Something has badly thrown Santiago.
No. 87459 ID: dbd097

Anyone else notice the blood disappearing from this room? Which is probably room 114? ???
No. 87463 ID: eda9d1

Ruby Quest was 860 panels, and each "part" is roughly the same length as one of the threads here. If Nanquest is going to be around the same length then it is approaching the finale, but personally I think it'll be longer. Nanquest seems like a more involved story to begin with and there are too many beats that haven't been hit - I mean, we haven't even met the main villain (presumably the lightbringer) yet. Nanquest also has more decompressed and detailed scenes, which would inflate the panel count even if it has the same information content as Ruby. I still think there's a ways to go.

And this is totally off-topic, but I presume the way Anna could have been saved is if Henry was outed at the start? Pity no one noticed his origin story fib in time. Though I still wonder how he knew Pablo's origin story, or if that was just a coincidence.
No. 87468 ID: 3009b4

>And this is totally off-topic, but I presume the way Anna could have been saved is if Henry was outed at the start?

I doubt it, Ana was the first victim as far as we were concerned. As a writer, if I needed to bring attention to the fact that there is a serious threat in the Hotel I would have killed Ana too -- we only knew her a brief period of time but she was nice enough to generate sympathy. Minimal impact to the long-term story, major impact to players... perfect victim.
No. 87472 ID: 5d2d74

I believe this is because of the reaction Nan had after he tried to assault her.

We could have (and would have been justified in) calling him scum and/or killing him, but we chose to forgive him. That was a game-altering decision and probably the catalyst for his change in character. On par with when we didn't kill Stitches in Ruby Quest and he came back to mess up Ace.
No. 87475 ID: 0f2a62
File 141781180898.gif - (14.53KB , 701x683 , nanstab.gif )

I'm personally kind of glad we killed Henry, for a variety of reasons.

Obviously, he was crazy. He had killed people before and he was going to keep killing. Even if he did eventually "escape" the hotel this way, he wouldn't have come out the same person, and I doubt his family would even want to associate with him. We had given him multiple second chances, allowing him to explain himself, and it made things worse every time. The way I see it, killing him wasn't even really an option, as he was entirely prepared to kill Nan and would've without a second thought. Even if we did have the chance to be "merciful", killing him probably would've been the best for the future safety of everyone we care about.

Secondly, it allowed Nan to prove she isn't so defenseless after all. Pretty much everything we've faced thus far, we've run away from or let somebody else take care of. Henry was really the first opponent that we could reasonably strike back against, and I'm glad we took the chance to do so. Nan had every opportunity to flee while Henry was injured and restrained, but she wasn't "ready to run" just yet. On the flipside, it shows she isn't quite as innocent as we once though, but as Santiago put it, it probably doesn't matter that much anyway. We've already failed at keeping everybody alive, and I doubt Henry would have contributed much to the group even if we did let him keep up his façade.

Further, it gained us an ally in Santiago. He was obviously impressed by the way Nan fought. He knows his way around the hotel, and though we probably can't fully trust him, as someone pointed out, he seems to be different than the last time we saw him.

Besides that, the Pilgrim, one of the most direct threats, seems to be taken care of. We got information. bandages for our wounds, and a much better weapon. We're definitely better equipped than we were before.

On a more personal level, we got revenge for both Anna and Alan, and whoever else Henry has killed. That felt nice.

Finally, now that Henry is dead (and also evil), it opens the way for my OTP, NanXPablo. It just works so well!
No. 87476 ID: dbd097

Yeah, letting Henry back to his family would have been like the end of Prisoners and Hugh Jackman and stuff.
No. 87477 ID: a8adaf

> we haven't even met the main villain

We never met the main villain of RubyQuest.
No. 87478 ID: 9cf987


The main villain of RubQuest was an eldritch abomination, and used Ace as its agent, with the ojective of mutating the people in the Glen. For what purpose, well, it's better if we don't know.

Actually, had we directly met the main villain of RQ, Im pretty sure we'd have lost.
No. 87479 ID: 35de0f

To everyone shitting on Santiago saying "Kill the rapist!", might I remind you that HE DID NOT RAPE US OR ANYONE ELSE.

He clearly likes fucking around with at least us, but hasn't done anything serious to harm us, and has helped us multiple times. He also threated us with a knife before, and then did nothing. It's just something he does, false threats.
No. 87480 ID: f22c86

Henry mentioned sea monsters. Cjopaze confirmed?
No. 87481 ID: 1fbb52

Cjopaze wasn't really a sea monster, though, it's just the borders of reality were particularly weak in that area or some shit.
No. 87482 ID: bc6cf7

So is Henry not a gazelle? If those growths from his head were horns, then they should have been visible underneath the cowl on the pilgrim costume.

I guess they're just long pointy ears, then?
No. 87483 ID: dbd097

Guys I hate to say it but I'm pretty sure Santiago is going to die.
No. 87486 ID: 0f2a62

Any particular reason why?
No. 87487 ID: 0ce41b

What's with everyone and the rat?
No. 87488 ID: 35909f

I'd consider Filbert the main villain, in that he was an active, human antagonist who had character and could be opposed. Eldritch abominations are more just atmospheric elements.
No. 87489 ID: eba6db

Well, we've done it, we've actually killed another person. Like totally on purpose. A family man apparently. I wouldn't dwell on it. Nan can just live the rest of her life thinking that she was simply in the midst of another freak out and was acting out in reaction to the circumstances. Totally not her fault. I mean that job notice never mentioned that this hotel was haunted or that she was going to be sacrificed or that she wouldn't be paid afterwards. So there's that... You're gonna need some serious pizza if you survive this mess...
No. 87491 ID: dbd097

Maybe the Rat is Henry's soul...
No. 87492 ID: 0f2a62

If I recall correctly, the rat left us breadcrumbs or something, implying it's on our side.
No. 87493 ID: eba6db

If Tom were here, he could eat it and then put his Henry's burdened soul to rest... by digesting it. :)

If it was his soul, it probably wouldn't be a good idea to follow it, but hey, I've always been a fan of certain doom, so let's soldier on forward.
No. 87494 ID: dbd097

That fucking flowerpot is eternal.
No. 87495 ID: dbd097

Hey Weaver, why the edit/repost?
No. 87496 ID: eba6db

A gift from the gods of throwing shit at assholes. I'm sure it'll come in handy later. Nan's pretty good at throwing things.
No. 87497 ID: 9f37d6

I've done a few, this time it was because the water layer was over the flowerpot somehow
No. 87498 ID: d3be40

Considering how being stuck in another world may cause THE DEAD TO COME BACK TO LIFE (See Divequest, specifically Chapter 7), that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Also, like I said, preplanning and technology. They go to the past, they can take advantage of events that they already know. They go to the future, they get to use modern-day fun stuff, like smartphones.
No. 87499 ID: dbd097

Cool. Thou shalt not taint the flowerpot. It is only to be thrown at assholes.

Also, I feel like Santi probably nabbed the tazer? That or it's still in the lobby. And unusable now because water damage.
No. 87500 ID: dbd097

New theory: Potted Plant is "The Management"
No. 87501 ID: eba6db
File 141784452669.png - (11.65KB , 701x683 , THETRUTH.png )

No. 87505 ID: eba6db
File 141785466490.png - (6.63KB , 218x338 , unproductive.png )

Now, Why are there chains on the janitor's door? They weren't there before. Whose jobs was it to chain every door we need to use? TELL THEM THEY'RE FIRED! WHAT!? THE KEY WON'T FUCKING WORK!? YOU'RE FIRED TOO!

...You just can't delegate ANYTHING around here...
No. 87507 ID: 2f2fc2

Wow... reading the last few hundred posts makes me realize I don't know what the hell is going on in this....there's just too much. I think I'm going to give it up for afew months and see if it makes sense then.
No. 87510 ID: dbd097

I'm considering throwing the potted plant at the chains.
No. 87523 ID: eba6db

I wonder if Anderson's still alive. He was badly wounded when we left him. If he's dead, I kinda want to take his hat.
No. 87526 ID: 86e91d

There's something I don't understand, back in >>/questarch/230454 Henry states he was trapped for about a day. How could't the others see him before?, specially Anderson, he was there for 2 weeks.
There's clearly a discrepancy here.
No. 87527 ID: e31d12

He knew all the secret passageways around the hotel. It probably wasn't too hard for him to stay hidden until his "pure" sacrifice arrived and he could start his scheme.
No. 87528 ID: 0f2a62

Anderson's outlook isn't looking good. I think if we try to save him at this point, we'll probably make things worse and kill him. We should probably focus on comforting him and making sure he's not in pain.
No. 87530 ID: eba6db

"I don't know how long I've been here. Months. It feels like forever. I was here before any of you."

Henry was clearly lying about how long he'd been there. He's no businessman. All he remembers is his family.
No. 87531 ID: 35de0f

I find it interesting that only Nan, Santiago, and Kim have had visions. Henry has been here the longest, and hasn't seen shit apparently.

Also, I don't know whether to be pissed or amused at the fact that so many of us were like "No! Don't try to fight! He's clearly immortal!" and now we find out it's Henry in a fucking halloween costume. Still doesn't explain the Padre not minding fire though, so it was at least somewhat called for.
No. 87536 ID: bdd703

Why is everyone obsessing over people coming back from the dead?
Did I miss something? Because so far all the deaths in this Hotel seem pretty damn permanent.
No. 87538 ID: 86e91d

I thought the general consensus is that the Padre is already burned to the bone, and that he is confirmed to be supernatural ?
No. 87540 ID: 5d2d74

Maybe Kim was right about everyone being dead? She hit her head... Alan was shot... Anderson walked into the hotel while people were on scaffolding and could have dropped something on him... Nan WAS riding her bike in a dangerous way although it'd be weird that she didn't notice the whole getting hit thing... not sure what Henry and Pablo's deaths would be. Pablo could've done something desperate after his girlfriend died.

If this is true then we're in the business of saving souls over skins more than we thought. We saved Anna's, after all, even though she was offed. And we sorta redeemed Pablo. We told the mouse nun she could see her mother. We gave Alan the pen (not fully certain what that did since he already seemed to have one though).

I also wonder if the "Three children playing in the halls" mentioned might be Holly, June, and Kim, and Kim just wasn't around during the scene. Maybe we should ask her what her biggest regret is sometime?
No. 87542 ID: eba6db
File 141799233418.png - (210.06KB , 469x198 , aceventura.png )

No. 87543 ID: 35de0f


The Padre is probably supernatural, but I'm talking about the Pilgrim. Everyone was like "No! Don't fight him! He's supernatural!" Which is exactly what Henry wanted. Hook. Line. Sinker.


Busses weigh about 10 tons. Let's say residential speed limit is 25MPH and you're biking toward it at 10MPH. The force you are being hit by is incredible. Not at all surprising if her death was instant.

I'm guessing Anderson shot Alan, and then Alan appeared in the hotel only to be killed by Henry. This supports the "Everyone is dead" theory.
No. 87551 ID: ca118c
File 141800759216.png - (338.14KB , 587x663 , Henry.png )

So, the blood sacrifices are what gives power to the hotel?
Without Henry, the Hotel should become weaker now, doesn't it?
No. 87555 ID: 687279

I doubt it was giving power to anything. More likely, the Hotel would simply exist until 466 people "died" in it, to give vengeance or flesh or something to the victims of the fire.
No. 87577 ID: dbd097

No. 87630 ID: d8315e


Anderson isnt dead so i aint leaveing him to die slowly
No. 87635 ID: 687279

Okay you're clearly an idiot so let me spell it out for you.
When someone is dying, it means they will die soon without proper medical attention. Nan cannot give Anderson the medical attention he needs. Therefore, there is no way to keep Anderson from becoming dead.
No. 87637 ID: 9582f4


So why not deny him comfort in his final minutes of the hotel, right? Let's not only manage to kill someone through our sleep and end up making everything worse but also cause a dying man discomfort while he dies.
No. 87638 ID: dbd097

Right, but people aren't trying to "leave him in comfort," they're trying to save him. Which isn't going to happen. And is wasting a lot of space.
When did we start liking Anderson so much anyway? He's a papa bear, sure, but he's pretty much also a dickweed.
No. 87639 ID: 86e91d

Kinda off topic, but the Hotel has called people long before the quest characters were known. Why hasn't new people been invited?
No. 87641 ID: b3bcec

While I agree that, narratively, he seems pretty doomed, I would like to point out that making such a fatalistic declaration is silly when we're talking about an interactive story written by an author who has changed his original plans in response to reader reaction before (see the ending of Ruby Quest). If people can figure out a convincing enough way to save him Weaver might just do it, and I think that's worth striving for even if I personally think it's futile.

(Also, "wasting valuable suggestion property" just, what? It's the middle of a cutscene, what else are people supposed to suggest?)
No. 87642 ID: 687279

From what Henry said, it sounds like they come in groups or spaced far apart.
No. 87645 ID: cef479

Am I the only one who's a little worried if this is actually endgame? Maybe it's because it's taken so long to get here but for some reason things seem a little underwhelming, for me at least. If it's not endgame then disregard this post or whatever.
No. 87652 ID: 35de0f


Not only is it wasting time, but people want to cauterize his lung with a burning pocket knife. How? And also, ow?


To quote Weaver's blog: "In fact, we’re drawing ever-closer to the final and long-awaited conclusion of NanQuest! It may even be finished by the end of the year, so don’t touch that dial!"
No. 87720 ID: b1b296

Does anyone know how many bullets Anderson had to begin with? Somehow I remember it being 3 but he doesn't specify in his introduction. I guess he must have had 4 (or 5 if he took that shot at the Beast).
No. 87730 ID: c1dee7
File 141843145477.gif - (13.60KB , 701x683 , 749.gif )

Am I the only one who didn't see this coming? At all?

Kim always seemed pretty level-headed, just a herbivorous bunny girl under the protection of Anderson.

And now, she's babbling about forgiveness, and the Padre, and sins. And she never seemed particularly religious!

What the hell happened?

Also I just love Pablo's reaction to Kim's crazy talk.
No. 87732 ID: bb78f2

Kim's weird.
She's always been weird. She's pretty much always been right, like how Anna was right at first. Doesn't mean Padre AIN'T gonna fuck her up.
Padre ain't evil, he's a sinner like the rest of us. Human. She's right about that. Asking him for forgiveness is a mistake though. Helping Padre through his own sins would be a lot better than fucking asking him for forgiveness.

Kim's given up in her own way, dedicated to her thoughts as much as Henry's was to his and it will be her undoing.
No. 87740 ID: a2b630

Except she's not asking the Padre to forgive her at all! She's going to ask god to forgive the Padre!

The Padre is the one who gave up on himself all those years ago, but through the brief, non-violent glimpses we've caught, he's not the villain of this fairy tale.

Henry was. Henry was antagonizing the Hotel by killing more, by luring in more sinners to fuel the fire. He was the Lightbringer reincarnate. The devil-nay-doer.

The Beast is a misguided amalgamation of negative emotion from all the victims. Remember when we got to the Church, and Padre was leading it in one image, briefly? Need I link that one? You've never seen the Pilgrim and the Beast on the same sides.

Not to mention that Nan aggressed Padre first, back in the burning room. She saw him, she flipped, she attacked him, and THEN he charged. Who was to say he'd kill her had she not immediately lashed out?

He didn't kill Pablo when he had the chance either. Back in the beginning, Pablo was wholesomely ready to die, and he just left them. He's threatened, and he's chased, but he's never directly had a hand in any killing. Henry confessed to it all.

Padre is as much a victim as the rest of them. The Lightbringer fooled him, fooled him into hurting his own congregation, and he's lived in as much negativity as his victims since.

Kim's right. The villain is done with. The only way we can end this is by setting things right. And we won't do that with any more bloodshed.

After all, what good did it do Henry?
No. 87741 ID: a2b630

PS - need I also link the private moment with him and his bible, and how he left Nan to her own devices? Remember that?

I hope I don't have to link it, because WOW that is FAR BACK.
No. 87766 ID: 0f2a62


1. Let Kim do whatever she's doing and try not to die.

2. Escape the hotel.

3. Sloppy make-out session with Pablo.
No. 87773 ID: edb710

the padre may not have outright killed anyone that we know of, but he's always been aggressive

I think kim is and always has been naive. Which isnt a horrible thing or anything but idk man i don't think praying to an aggressive and seemingly violent psycho priest is the best fuckin idea at this point
No. 87776 ID: 47f8fc

Flashlight Padre

good idea or bad idea?
No. 87785 ID: edb710

Unreasonable idea, we don't have the flashlight
No. 87786 ID: edb710

This is bullshit

She may be super involved in her ideas and beliefs but (as far as we know) she hasn't been killing people to sate the fucking demons of an evil hotel, and comparing her to henry is absurd

Leaving her to die is fucked up. Leaving anderson to die upset me but it seemed inevitable and i didn't really fight it. Kim's situation is different and if you guys dont try to help her then honestly fuck all yall

Sorry for the double post btw i am just feeling all sorts of invested in this
No. 87801 ID: 86e91d

So yeah, Santiago was right. The things in the dark can hurt, especially Padre.
No. 87805 ID: bb78f2

So I was honestly surprised that my "The power of Christ compells you" shtick I suggested before the attack would actually work against the padre.
Nan didn't say anything like that, and the effect was much subtler than in the movies, but the Padre apparently works like a vampire or demon.
Cool, we know more.
The things in this hotel are susceptible to religious symbols OR items of personal meaning to the thing (i.e. Christianity to padre), I do not know what would work against the beast if it's a personal thing, who knows. Biggest threat IS the padre though so that cross should work a majority of the time
No. 87808 ID: db83ac

I have a plan, but I might be too busy to post. Hope this helps:

Anderson, Pablo, and Nan throw Padre into the elevator, and then Nan throws the pot ON THE ELEVATOR CONTROLS. This effectively traps Padre in a lighted room.

Kim and Anderson are too injured to be of any help. Their best bet is to go to Room 114, track down Santiago, and hold on for as long as they can. He might kill them, but after this unholy nightmare, it would probably be better to trust him than risk the hotel hunting them separately.

Nan, when you get to Lightbringer, ask him to close his eyes and hold still. Ask if breaking the pendant does something. If he allows it, press the pendant to his forehead, and put the muzzle of the revolver to the pendant. Fire.

For extra effect, take the still-hot muzzle of the revolver and jam it in his eye. Pistol-whip him until you see bits of brain. Put the resulting mess in the nearest fire you see.

Wait for the end of this nightmare but be ready to jump into the ocean and swim.
No. 87810 ID: 86e91d

I don't know about leaving Anderson alone with that thing, he might be the Stitches of this quest; forever doomed for being a hero
No. 87814 ID: 00fd2f

I think we've been given enough hints that Anderson's not gonna make it. I'd love to save the badass grump too, but I don't see how we can stop his blood loss save for lifting the curse as soon as possible and magically teleporting everyone back to their timelines.

You know, like that japanese businessman from Inception.
No. 87819 ID: 49ce39

Hey guys this is bugging me.

Okay so Henry = Pilgrim and he was doing it to get back to his wife and kids.

Nan had that weird false memory of waking up with Henry.

But...while we have a lot of people who seem to have missing memories thanks to the hotel, do we have any other examples of the hotel giving fake ones?

What if that the fake was her not remembering Henry?

That'd mean the hotel pulled her in to make Henry kill the very justification he was using for his killing, and suggest the hotel is trying to force people into greater and greater sins.

The hotel doesn't want forgiveness. The Padre is the anti-forgiveness. Henry couldn't be reasoned with because he was sure the sins he committed were right. The Padre can't be redeemed because the sin he refuses to admit is refusing to forgive anyone for anything.

tldr throw Padre in the furnace before he kills Kim, Padre/Hotel are set up to oppose redemption and seem to be trying to make people continue their sins. (Anderson was close to shooting and murdering someone not long ago, too.)
No. 87820 ID: a5a0c4

what exactly are we trying to do with the furnace/altar? The fact that it's being described as an altar implies sacrifice. Are we supposed to give it something?
No. 87821 ID: 86e91d

I think this is RQ's Brig Room equivalent, soon enough something paranormal will guide us.
Or if you are implying to burn Kim
No. 87822 ID: bb78f2

Some blood of goat should do.
It shouldn't mean Nan's life, a little prick and drop should be enough.
No. 87831 ID: 2e2233

Kim's wounds are starting to remind me of the weird, black entities that we've seen in the dark. Do you think the Padre has been creating these things out of people who wander into the hotel? Perhaps most, if not all, were his previous congregation.

Either way we should keen an eye on Kim for... Changes in mood, I think.
No. 87833 ID: db83ac

It's possible that Henry was Nan's father, and what we saw in that dream was Henry and Nan's mother before all this unholy ^&*( happened.

So, is this quest scheduled to end right before New Year's? Kim entered the hotel in 2014, after all.

Or does everyone who survives the hotel end up in 2015 or later?
No. 87834 ID: db83ac

Wait, do you think it's possible that you can scrape off the Blast on Kim's face, using an inventory item, and redeem Kim while she's still alive?

Might be dangerous, but it's worth a shot. Or you could wait until she dies or after the nightmare ends, and then experiment. Methinks her eye is permanently scarred. At least they have artificial replacement eyes in 2014.
No. 87835 ID: 00370b

unlikely, weaver has stated that the father in that scene was not henry. Also the kids were rabbits, which nan decidedly is not.
No. 87836 ID: 4f8eac

I've got a feeling burnt!Kim is about to be a snackrifice on that there altar.
No. 87852 ID: 577796

>Her face is black and flaking, like ash. Nan hasn't exactly seen a lot of burns, but she's pretty sure they don't normally look this way.
Well, not on flesh.

Oh shit. Maybe this is some 4th wall stuff. Whenever things get fucked up, and at most places we're going through lately, ink blotches and scribbles show up everywhere. Neither Nan or anyone else has reacted to those.

Maybe Kim is burning like that because she's paper? They're all on paper! The whole nightmare is going on in some kind of 2D universe!

Yeah, this is a far stretch. But that "Well, not on flesh" is bugging the hell out of me.

What the hell do you guys think it means?
No. 87853 ID: 00fd2f

I think you're overanalyzing and it's merely a notion that this is not any kind of regular burn we can treat. Like, a burnt wood might flake this way.
No. 87856 ID: cb071d

Have the dark figures themselves ever hurt anyone? Lorenzo in a flashback told nan not to be afraid as he (and the congregation behind him) turned into the creepy black figures. I figure they're just the souls of the padre's congregation, and judging by the flashing light that happened when nan told a young nun to stay home the day of the fire i assume that was the "right choice"

But obviously there's way too many to go through one by one and "save" them

Is there any way at this point to help them? Or shit, unleash their souls on padre or the lightbringer or the big ass monster outside? Also what ever happened to the beast
No. 87862 ID: db83ac

I'm talking about the dream in chapter 2. Read the last dozen story posts and you'll see what I'm talking about.
No. 87866 ID: 86e91d
File 141869392656.gif - (24.78KB , 701x683 , 141869358575.gif )

You might be onto something
No. 87868 ID: 4f8eac

I hate to say it, guys. I really do. But it looks like Lorenzo's probably been facilitating these sacrifices and all the hotel's bullshit.
No. 87869 ID: 4f8eac

I hate to say it, guys. I really do. But it looks like Lorenzo's probably been facilitating these sacrifices and all the hotel's bullshit.
No. 87870 ID: 5d2d74

Not to mention Santiago appears to be a coyote. What are coyotes known for in native american myths...?
No. 87871 ID: 3009b4

Think that perhaps he has been trapped in the hotel the longest, eh?
No. 87872 ID: 0f2a62
File 141869983204.png - (26.55KB , 666x208 , kim.png )

Kim entered in 2016.
No. 87873 ID: c6ec0b

I hope it turns out that Lorenzo is just another victim

Oh it seems Weaver has a Patreon page
No. 87880 ID: 9f37d6
File 141870548655.gif - (10.81KB , 701x683 , 784a.gif )

In the interest of continuity, here's the most recent panel in the original image dimensions the rest of the quest follows. The original version of this image, posted in the active quest thread, intentionally uses different dimensions than the quest at large. Therefore this extra piece will be useful if I ever put together a compilation or something and need all the images to be the same size.

Obviously this is a spoiler if you're not caught up.
No. 87881 ID: 687279

...oh for crap's sake.

No. 87882 ID: 687279

This is on top of the 4:66 turning into 5:06, which is

Oh, here's 6:8 on biblehub as well
No. 87890 ID: 63db0e
File 141872392040.png - (38.04KB , 740x783 , 01ff19fa0e26c64ebb91a9b659d4761c[1].png )

This may not be current, BUT.

Remember the flashback to the lightbringer-- The one that looked very oddly like Henry did? The one who has scars that look suspiciously like the ones that we delivered to Henry as we "killed" him?

Remember how he told us to be "thorough" when we killed him?

I suddenly have a terrible feeling of dread about whether Henry is actually dead or not.
No. 87892 ID: cb071d

Is there anything to suggest henry didn't actually die? I feel like we were pretty "thorough" in killing him

Is it generally accepted now that henry was the lightbringer
No. 87893 ID: 640534

happy birthday weaver
No. 87894 ID: 640534


We gave Henry only one slash across his face. The lightbringer has 2 or 3 scars so it's not him. Henry does have the same amount of scars as Lorenzo tho but I havent seen any horns on him so thats unlikely as well.
No. 87897 ID: 687279

Yeah, that's not the same scar.
No. 87902 ID: 00fd2f

I'm uncertain about Lorenzo's part in all this. He doesn't look like the Lightbringer or his agent. At the same, Padre (Velasco) chose him for something, and I'm leaning towards that this was the reason he's still alive. And just before the fire burned the congregation, Padre did seem like he was unwittingly doind someone else's bidding.

I hope we won't have to kill him ;_;
No. 87903 ID: 687279

I'm pretty sure "Lightbringer" is the real villain here, and is trying to escape hell by having us accidentally perform the sin offering ritual.
No. 87904 ID: 00fd2f

On second thought, we got the cross pendant from Lightbringer, and it was the key to Lorenzo's tomb...
No. 87912 ID: 4f8eac

No, we got the key from Henry. Different from the pendant.
No. 87914 ID: 63db0e

You guys aren't thinking outside of the box.
What if there are a few more scars we have yet to give him?
No. 87915 ID: 584645

That's what I was thinking. :( I'm not looking forward to it.

It's especially cruel because I'm pretty sure Lorenzo's not sticking around. I mean, he shouldn't be alive righ now. A brief reunion before the end, and if your guess is right, it's gonna be that much more painful.
No. 87920 ID: 4f8eac

"The Hopi have a high rate of albinism - about 1 in 200 individuals."
carry on.
No. 87922 ID: 5d2d74

Ooh, good call. Would explain why that part was in colour.
No. 87926 ID: d3be40

Wait, is THAT the connection? That everyone who arrived to the hotel in a year ending in 6 is a descendant of the Anasazi?
No. 87927 ID: 86e91d

And who would they be?
No. 87928 ID: 63db0e

It may be worth mentioning that a dark room, surrounded by the imprints of people, with a single, still-alive and emaciated figure in the center may sound a bit familiar...
No. 87930 ID: 4f8eac

If you're talking about the dream with Pablo's canvases, I was thinking the same thing. Good work, team.
No. 87941 ID: 63db0e
File 141879560217.gif - (19.92KB , 701x683 , 134823831711.gif )

Yes. So if we are to accept that dream as a premonition, it means two things:
1. Lorenzo is actively dangerous.
2. Something that may or may not be threatening is going to enter the room.

I don't think it's too far-fetched, considering THIS was how our last vision with Lorenzo ended.
No. 87943 ID: 687279

That means nothing. As we've seen repeatedly in the quest, lots of characters look monstrous in the dark or in the right light.

Do not be fooled by appearances.
No. 87958 ID: 4f8eac

So here's the inferences I've been mulling over in my head:

-The Beast is the thundery thing from across the sea and the one who has been feeding off of the sacrifices. Somehow he controls the hotel.
-His powers manifest in darkness. They affected Santiago and that's why he looked different in the dark.
-Henry doesn't know about the Anasazi or about Lorenzo or the Beast. He just knew deaths brought survival.
-The little black husks are the Anasazi who were burned in the fire.
-Padre is really really powerful bc he sacrificed 466.5 people to the Beast. I say 466.5 because
-Kim is pretty much half a husk now.
-The dream with Pablo and the canvases and his girlfriend rising up offa the ground and whatever was probably prophetic? We need to figure out what of these were dreams. It seems we relive a lot of other people's memories here. We're hardly separate entities in a way.

Things I am a little bit shaky about.
-The damn Lightbringer. Was he an Anasazi shaman? Some other precursor/prophet for the Beast?
-Lorenzo. How the hell is he alive and not a husk? Was he not sacrificed to the fire or was he too pure? (ooh just now thought of that--he and Nan may be the only "pure" ones we know of. Not that neither has sinned, just nothing big maybe?)
-The rats. ??????
-What happened to Under!Nan?
-Who were the people in the window across the courtyard that we briefly saw for like one second?

There's still quite a few questions, but I no longer feel quite as completely lost!
No. 87960 ID: 687279

The Beast is dead. There's some other huge thing though, that was likely controlling the beast.

Padre didn't sacrifice people to the Beast, why would he do that? He sacrificed people to hold back whatever this altar demon is.

There was never a separate Under!Nan. That was a past life we only saw a glimpse of, just like we only saw a few parts of Nun!Nan.

The dream with Pablo was probably a red herring. Well, that, or Pablo's personal nightmare that we were somehow able to access. Think about it, a mutilated body surrounded by paintings that come alive. It's the scene of his roommate's death, gone hostile. That's all. It doesn't have anything to do with the altar demon, unless that's what the altar demon does- turns someone's worst nightmares into a reality.

The people in the window could actually have been the others we already knew, twisted in time and space. We've seen that the hotel doesn't obey the laws of physics. Or maybe it's another group of visitors cut off from Nan's group, who knows? We likely won't ever meet them if there was another group. Red herring maybe. There are lots of red herrings in this quest. The Pilgrim and The Padre were both red herrings, so was the alarm clock. Hell, we could have investigated practically nothing and gotten the same speech from Velasco, considering we found out about the furnace/altar from Henry and Santiago.

I can't tell who Lightbringer was at this point.
No. 87964 ID: 687279

Excuse me, I mean Lorenzo.
No. 87968 ID: 35de0f

I'm still confused as fuck.

So some giant shadow beast came across the sea, and Velasco realized he had to sacrifice people for it.

I'm guessing he was supposed to sacrifice 500 people, and then Velasco himself (the sacrificer) had to be sacrificed by someone pure of heart (Lorenzo, or now Nan)

Something fucked up though, maybe he took too long to get the kills, and the beast took over his body. Now the beast lures people into the hotel, and uses Velasco's body to keep getting sacrifices?

This still doesn't explain a damn thing. Why do they leave Santiago alone? Why did they leave Pablo alone? Why don't they just disable the lights and immediately kill everyone? What does this whole repentence subplot have to do with anything? It can't be a red herring, because we have mystical time-travel powers that specifically let us solve past sins. How does any of this explain the time travel stuff?
No. 87970 ID: fbd8d6

hey guise i think this place is a kiva, an underground ritual space used by puebloan peoples like the hopi and their ancestors the hohokam, mogollon, and the anasazi


also i think our question about why lorenzo is still alive is already answered. remember anderson is from 100 years ago; kim is from the future. time has little meaning here. lorenzo is the original hotel "guest" but has stayed safe beause he's been sealed in the "altar" in this kiva

there's still the question of why he was locked up and why he survived the sacrifice tho
No. 87992 ID: 2f2fc2

is it time for "hug Lorenzo" yet? :^)
No. 87995 ID: 4f8eac

For those who have read Ruby Quest, here's some recommended reading with regard Lorenzo: http://tgweaver.tumblr.com/post/104639608122/rubyquest-behind-the-scenes-part-3

Also, hugging Lorenzo would be gross. He's like 300 years old, probs really frail, and also likely smells really bad right now.
No. 87997 ID: 2f2fc2


fine then we should just hug tom =^)
No. 88002 ID: befdf8
File 141897043686.png - (67.17KB , 701x683 , nanquestcomic1.png )

"And another thing! You're too damn NICE. Can't you see where you are? This isn't the Girl Scouts.

You're so trusting of everyone you let the devil you know murder your friend. Too busy picking over piece of dust to see the devil walking among you!

This world is born of blood.
At least, this place certainly is."

No. 88003 ID: befdf8
File 141897052533.png - (65.20KB , 701x683 , nanquestcomic2.png )

Santiago paces around as he rants, circling behind Nan.

"And now look where you are. For as nice as you tried to be, look how you've ended up. Stupid child."
No. 88004 ID: befdf8
File 141897057731.png - (32.08KB , 701x683 , nanquestcomic3.png )

Nan opens her hand, thinking that santiago would give her something.
No. 88005 ID: befdf8
File 141897062991.png - (40.54KB , 701x683 , nanquestcomic4.png )

And she was right. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
No. 88006 ID: befdf8
File 141897070753.png - (61.62KB , 701x683 , nanquestcomic5.png )


That isn't a knife.
No. 88007 ID: befdf8
File 141897076794.png - (57.81KB , 701x683 , nanquestcomic6.png )

Santiago starts rubbing his dick... slowly

Nan starts to blushing for this awkward moment.
She could stomp Santiago, but he is the only one who can help her now (Maybe???) so that might be a bad idea.

Besides, this is not so bad, actually she start to...
No. 88008 ID: befdf8
File 141897080409.png - (58.45KB , 701x683 , nanquestcomic7.png )

Enjoy it.
No. 88009 ID: befdf8
File 141897088982.png - (31.29KB , 701x683 , nanquestcomic8.png )

Henry sees to Nan and Santiago. This is not okay.

"What the hell are you doing??! Keep your hands off her!!!"
No. 88010 ID: befdf8
File 141897096888.png - (56.81KB , 701x683 , nanquestcomic9.png )

"Oh, come on, but she likes it. Besides I haven't touched a woman in a month so, sincerely I think if you just kill her it will be a waste."
No. 88011 ID: befdf8
File 141897101795.png - (21.99KB , 701x683 , nanquestcomic99.png )

"Yeah... A waste"

*COUGH* *cough*
No. 88012 ID: befdf8
File 141897108770.png - (64.59KB , 701x683 , nanquestcomic999.png )

"Ok Nan, I think we can make a deal..."

Henry approaches to her.

"I'm not going to kill you, if you give me something in return...Ok?"
No. 88013 ID: befdf8
File 141897118220.png - (64.52KB , 701x683 , nanquestcomic9999.png )

Henry put the knife in the floor. He walks over it, approaching more to Nan.

"See? You do not have to be afraid, just... just let me do it... It's been a long time since I..."
No. 88014 ID: befdf8
File 141897126418.png - (64.35KB , 701x683 , nanquestcomic99999.png )

"CUT!!! CUT!!! CUT!!!"
No. 88015 ID: befdf8
File 141897134636.png - (49.85KB , 701x683 , nanquestcomic999999.png )

"Goddammit, how many times I have to tell you??!"
No. 88016 ID: befdf8
File 141897142960.png - (70.84KB , 701x683 , nanquestcomic9999999.png )

"YOU, give her the knife so she can cut the ropes and stab Henry"
No. 88017 ID: befdf8
File 141897149127.png - (70.22KB , 701x683 , nanquestcomic99999999.png )

"AND YOU have to die, NOW!!!"
No. 88018 ID: befdf8
File 141897159076.png - (38.15KB , 701x683 , nanquestcomic999999999.png )

"This IS the seventeenth time guys, We are repeating the same scene for SEVENTEENTH TIME."
No. 88019 ID: befdf8
File 141897167508.png - (66.88KB , 701x683 , nanquestcomic9999999999.png )

"Sorry but I can't help it... This is my fetish."

"mmhp-mmhp" (Mine too)

"...Mine too"
No. 88020 ID: befdf8
File 141897175125.png - (36.85KB , 701x683 , nanquestcomic99999999999.png )

No. 88021 ID: befdf8
File 141897185357.png - (36.16KB , 701x683 , nanquestcomic999999999999.png )

"Mine too"
No. 88024 ID: 687279

Well that just happened.
No. 88030 ID: 86e91d

This is canon in my head now
No. 88032 ID: d3be40

Hey, is it possible that the giant outside the hotel is none other than the cutebold who drank the potion in Divequest, was possessed in Knight Blades, and journeyed to another world?
No. 88034 ID: 1fbb52

So that symbol shows up again on the hammer that Lorenzo is holding in the flashback. It's the symbol for death from Weaver's world eater campaign, right? Most likely doesn't carry the same meaning in this setting, but interesting to know that it acts as a ward.
I'm reminded of how Old Man Henderson struck down Hastur, by attacking when he was actually able to be killed for a few moments. Although in this case it's because of possession or some sorta Reaper Death Seal type 'a deal.
No. 88036 ID: 687279

That symbol appears to be a holy symbol related to the ritual. The horned Lightbringer we met in that vision had it marked on his head, it was carved all over the place in the lighthouse, and the protective pendant Nan wore is shaped that way.

I expect the tool for killing the Lightbringer must have a symbol like that on it for the ritual to work.
No. 88039 ID: 00fd2f

> It's the symbol for death from Weaver's world eater campaign, right?
Yes, and his Quorum mini-stories: >>73637
No. 88042 ID: cc08c7
File 141902836608.gif - (94.79KB , 701x683 , imsosorry.gif )

Lord forgive me for I have sinned.
No. 88060 ID: 86e91d

So a long time ago Weaver said Anna could be saved somehow, and it wasn't about choosing the right shifts.
How then ?
No. 88068 ID: cb071d

what exactly is the thing that comes with the storm

the thunder thing

is that the beast? do we understand anything about it? is it the souls of the ppl who have been sacrificed for "the lightbringer"??? and if so

wouldnt it be on "our side"?
No. 88244 ID: fd893a

ok so we will have to kill pablo eventually

but first we have to make the padre remember himself so we can release him from the darkness (read: murder his ass with a metal pipe). we've seen him show mercy, so velasco is definitely still in there somewhere. but how do we get through to him?
No. 88247 ID: 742b4a

I'm guessing
A) By recognizing Henry was lying to us and exposing him early
or B) By helping Anna come to terms with her guilt, so that she didn't head over to the elevator at the wrong time.
No. 88250 ID: a2a256

huh? why do we have to kill pablo?
No. 88252 ID: 742b4a

He probably meant Lorenzo.
No. 88253 ID: fd893a

yeah i meant lorenzo

No. 88260 ID: 4f8eac

I wonder what's actually going on when we absolve those souls and whether it suppresses the Thing's powers.
No. 88271 ID: 59f0bf
File 141958909113.png - (56.05KB , 1200x683 , illuminati.png )

case cracked
also, have we bought up how our mousie friend might be sister maggie reincarnated? i need to catch up on the discussion, but mousie might be of more significance than originally though. obviously, though. either that, or it's just a helpful friend from beyond the fourth wall to give us hints.
and i do think that saving souls in flashbacks (like we did with maggie!) might have weakened the abomination that is the padre. but we really need to catch up soon. maybe we should get someon trustworthy (like pablo) to stay with lorenzo, then go catch up with santiago, kill paps, then dash back and kill lori?
No. 88338 ID: fbd8d6

holy shit weaver what have you done

No. 88339 ID: 687279

That is an amazing coincidence.
No. 88363 ID: fbd8d6

i think it's pretty well established that the beast and the big bad - the darkness in padre - are separate entities. which means it's likely either the restless souls of the sacrificed conregation waiting for the end of the ritual, the people consumed by the hotel since, or both.

either way, what effect might redeeming people in the past have on it?

somethink to thing about...
No. 88373 ID: c5f6a8

Well, when we redeemed Alan we found his letter, which without our intervention would most likely not exist. Then Anderson said HE killed his son and not the Pilgrim, which most likely happened during his redemption.
I'd say the redemptions affect the past and evidently the present; now if we could repent Velazco somehow . .
No. 88551 ID: c247da
File 142065322970.gif - (226.32KB , 240x180 , Ohhhh yeeaaa.gif )

No. 88611 ID: 584645
File 142086486364.jpg - (32.94KB , 498x526 , image.jpg )

No. 88612 ID: 584645
File 142086489411.jpg - (29.30KB , 455x505 , image.jpg )

Goddamn it, Weaver.
No. 88614 ID: 86e91d

This happened with Pablo and Santiago too
No. 88624 ID: 26a3f2

There is something missing that we are not geting,I don´t really understand, But i consider that we might have need for
No. 88625 ID: 26a3f2

(fuck, I clicked Reply accidentaly) As i Was saying there is something that We may be missing, Maybe, is not the ritual itself, It has to do with the fact that there is more than just "padre" going around.
Remember What Henry said, He send a note outside, and the "hotel" let Nan enter, a places where te time itself is ruled out. How is that? How did he sent a note, precisely just for Nan in the first place? How did it get there?
"Padre" would´t have allowed it, or at least, the darkness within him. So what or who was the one ho let the note come out? And Why would they do that? We need this answers!
Also: though i Think that I may be over-thinking it, This ritual comes from an ancient grat civilisation of the area, that means they were at leas much more that 645 persons, They dessaperared without trace, or so the scholars say... Was it becasue they needed to do so many rituals?
No. 88631 ID: fbd8d6

so lorenzo's role is to tether the darkness to one spot - which explains the fucky hotel. i assume that means if lorenzo hadn't been so quick not only would the darkness gain full control of padre, it also wouldn't have been tied down to the mission/hotel?

also i think it's important that padre doesn't attack us when we have the amulet, and every time we are attacked we find it missing from our inventory afterward.

the outsider is supposed to kill the lightbringer just as the change occurs; maybe we can exploit the amulet's power over him.
No. 88684 ID: 2073cc

What I said:
I'm suggesting flint & coal to shine light as a way to teleport, not to attack him.

Yes, he reacts against the pendant oddly, like its his weakness. But I'm seeing the Padre as semi-invincible right now. I want to go back in the past when he's still mortal and possible to kill. Preferably in that sweet spot when Lorenzo...consumed him, and the Padre is just acclimating to his body.
But, as past travel knowledge seems loose and incomplete for the moment, I'd suggest at the quickest possibility, craft a flint and get some coal for the ability to create fire.

Useful as distraction, offense, defense, etc.

What someone else said:
wait up a minute, I think this is the best idea we have seen in a long time. Take a look at what we know. The padre took in the lightbringer in an attempt to kill it. An outsider has to kill the one who contains the lightbringer at the moment it happens, but Lorenzo, the outsider, failed his job. Now anyone remember the flashback where Nan was referred to as an "outsider"? Now take a look at the walls behind lorenzo. Touching that ashy substance has taken us back in time to make important decisions. So if it takes us back to the ritual, then we can use the cross pendant to kill the padre right as the ritual happens, maybe preventing a lot of this, or at least fixing it. Just remember what the lightbringer said "When you kill me, BE THOROUGH"

What third bro said:
don't listen to the voices telling you to start fires, nan. remember how we fought padre in the burning hotel lounge, how the fire didn't even faze him? fire is not our friend here.

i'm down with continuing this discussion, but we should move it to the discussion thread

What fourth brah said:
Agreed, "we" should glean more information from Lorenzo; if he is as clueless as "we" are then we should go with what has been tried and proven,the pendant. However "we" should not face off against the Padre unless we have SUFFICIENT proof that "we" can END that unholy husk. End game is probably near so we should minimize operating off of hunches if the crew is to succeed.

Let discussion begin on this holy shit what a long discussion thread.
No. 88743 ID: fd893a


so i kinda hate open metagaming but i think the fact we had our flashlight taken away is a pretty good indication we won't be using light as a weapon or for "time travel" for a while.

it's not the first time weaver's taken the light either. he's taken it before, and then returned it before the beast next showed up. he tends to take it when people start fixating on the light game mechanic. let's not annoy weaver by fixating on something he's already hinted we should leave alone for now.

back to talking in-universe, we can only visit the terracotta courtyard of the mission by illuminating the beast, and we have never actually seen the padre in our "time travel" visits there - because he's not part of the beast, he's always hidden in shadow. our other "time travel" shenanigans that occur when we touch the scorched marks only let us interact with the pasts of people in the hotel, and we can't interact much, just drop a thing they needed.

so barring any major changes to our situation, we're going to have to find a way to destroy padre in the present. i still think the amulet is our key for that because it's the only thing that has ever affected him in the slightest. know how in the ritual the outsider kills the lightbringer just as the darkness overtakes him? padre is two beings fighting over a single body. the bit of darkness lorenzo ate weakened the darkness in padre allowing velasco occasional control of the body (those encounters with padre where he didn't attack, just left). lorenzo told us as long as the darkness clings to a bit of velasco it is mortal within him. that should mean that if we catch him just as he loses control he will be vulnerable.

i'm also interested to see what the magnifying glass we found earlier might be for. it seems like it might let us redeem another of our companions if we didn't already miss our chance
No. 88780 ID: 334290

Is it possible that Santiago is the Beast, but an alter ego? The whole thing about him going off to seemingly distract it, the italics in his speech and the creepy way he faded into the light seems odd. Thoughts?
No. 88983 ID: fd893a

In the mind
Of no one
Forming sun
Forming love
Break the chain
Hide within
Not innocent
In the sense
Eat the beast
Keep him in
Take the blame
Speak the name
No. 89001 ID: fd893a


interesting idea, but seems a bit of a stretch tbh. just about everyone in the hotel has shown supernatural-level weird behavior when on edge. henry as pilgrim spoke in fonts; anderson turned monstrous when angry. what besides that makes you think the beast is santiago?

also if it were santiago, why would we be taken back to the terracotta courtyard when we shine the light on it?
No. 89008 ID: 718382

Hey wait a second, this is minor but I don't think anyone's brought it up yet: how in the world did Henry achieve the skeletal hand effect? I can understand someone wearing a skull, but the Pilgrim's hands are clearly shown to be different than normal and I didn't notice Henry donning gloves or anything while he was dressing up during his big speech. Hotel magic?
No. 89048 ID: 86e91d

I thought about that too. My guess is that fear distorts reality at some degree, like the guy above said regarding henry and anderson.
I wonder if fear warps our vision on the Padre and the like. Fear is a recurring theme after all.
No. 89053 ID: 4f266c

Interrupting your sensible theory-making to bring you a new toy to play with: a Weaver Quest Scenario Generator! For all your weaver quest scenario generating needs! http://www.generatorland.com/usergenerator.aspx?id=8668

Buuuut seriously, the idea that fear distorts reality- it doesn't sound like too much of a longshot. Perhaps it has something to do with the seven sins, though- Anna's might have been sloth, half-assing her work, while Anderson's was wrath- which could explain the whole monster-face thing...? This has probably been bought up before, like, a million times. But I think a plan to leave Kim (maybe Pablo too) to guard Lorenzo, then go out and butcher the Padre in a moment of his lucidity, sounds pretty solid.

But we need to remember that we don't have time to fuck around, Santiago can't buy us time forever. But our plan is forming, and it's forming well! Don't fuck with fire, be xtra-thorough when killing the Padre (and not to fuck with him until we know how), scratch all the walls you can find, follow mice friends. We sound good.
No. 89056 ID: c99bc8

"Father Velasco, Filbert and The Pretender have a bloody battle to the death, end up causing the apocalypse."

I... I can actually... see it happening...
No. 89098 ID: 334290

>>89001 As you said, people go a little crazy. I think the Hotel changes and influences people to become like that. Anderson went a little pyscho with pressure, Henry went mentally insane, what, with killing people, and I think physically stronger than usual when enraged with being stabbed. Perhaps submitting or simply being close to the Hotel for too long changes people, like Santiago submitting to the Hotel and becoming feral and uncontrollable. Other than that, it's just an inkling. No idea about the light thing. I just foresee a dramatic scene with Santiago fighting his alter ego.
No. 89099 ID: 334290

>>89001 Ooh, and the fact we don't know Santiago's background. He could be linked to the Hotel like poor Lorenzo for a reason we don't know yet, which could be why we see the courtyard after shining a light on him. 'Santiago' also sounds Spanish, like Padre, Lorenzo, Father whats-his-face... He may be linked to the ritual or the place itself.
No. 89118 ID: fd893a

>>89099 that sounds less like evidence and more like a lack of evidence. we know very little about anyone in this hotel - including nan. in fact, with her trips to the mission every time we illuminate the beast, nan's a more likely candidate than santiago.

back to business, we should probably figure out what the magnifying glass is for (if we still have it, that is). we picked it up quite a while ago, in the same cubby-holes the other past-altering items are from. i hope we didn't miss our chance to use it.
No. 89119 ID: baaf70

I just realized that in ruby all the characters were numbered but NAN is Not A Number
No. 89247 ID: 352147

some fun wikipedia exerpts for y'all

they're not southwestern but maybe there's some anasazi equivalent.


>Only those having visions of the thunder beings of the west, the Wakinyan, could act as heyokas.

>When a vision comes from the thunder beings of the West, it comes with terror like a thunder storm; but when the storm of vision has passed, the world is greener and happier; for wherever the truth of vision comes upon the world, it is like a rain. The world, you see, is happier after the terror of the storm.

>In art, [Heyoka] is depicted as having two horns
No. 89303 ID: 7ec9f4

Eh, it was a nice spree while it lasted
No. 89500 ID: d958ad

I feel as though some suggesters are thinking a bit too much in black and white as far as Santiago is concerned. Yes, he saved Nan's life, and that makes up for him trying to rape her. That does not instantly make him a good person, that certainly does not make him Nan's best friend, and I don't even think he'd even WANT to be hugged.
No. 89512 ID: 86e91d

Yeah, in fact, we don't even know if the people presently in the room doesn't hold any ill towards him.
No. 89518 ID: de9428
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No. 89606 ID: 7e5dac
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No. 89623 ID: 18404a

holy shit yattermang is back

that aside, iunno if it's been mentioned before but i have a feeling that the reason only Kim and Nan have had these visions or whatever w/ Lorenzo is because they're probably the only spanish speakers
we're all aware that Kim is a native spanish speaker, and i'm taking more of a stab in the dark with Nan; i'd just kinda assume that given she's an electrical worker in Southern California she probably knows some spanish. it's taught as a second language pretty much everywhere in america and it's obviously MUCH more prominent in states bordering Mexico.
No. 89649 ID: 352147


wait, it's pretty given they're in California, but why Southern California?
No. 89653 ID: c22069

Not that poster, but it was probably just a guess.
I personally figured it might be more towards the North since I thought there were more Spanish Missions total located outside of SoCal. But it turns out its only off from being even by 1, with 10 of the 21 Spanish Missions being inside the Southern Californian region.
So it could be either region really.
No. 89736 ID: 31707a

A aaa I started reading yesterday and it was SO GOOD I caught up today
This os wonderful, poor Anderson though.
No. 89759 ID: 18404a

several hints; the irl Anasazi being settled in southwest america, and in Anderson's flashback, they say something along the lines of 'taking someone across the border to Mexico which indicates they're in the south end.
No. 90140 ID: b19c9a

So from what I can gather...what happened was the Father saw some kind of dangerous event on the horizon which caused cold skin and storm noises, and based on the history of the area, it was a sign of some kind of darkness rolling in to destroy the land, like before when it nearly wiped out the Anasazi people. The father saw this, and thanks to research, he found a ritual to stop it which required a mass sacrifice, and the sacrifice of himself from a non-Anasazi person, the Lightbringer and the Stranger. What I think HAPPENED was the stranger timed his kill wrong, or he didn't put in 100% to try and kill the Lightbringer, so he basically invited the darkness into a fleshy body. Fearful, he ate a piece of flesh from the weak but growing darkness and fled, either the flesh keeping him alive for what should be over 2 centuries (since the most recent date is Kim's time in 2016), or the fact the location is "a time outside of time" doing so, while the darkness grew stronger and stronger in the body of the Padre. The darkness has grown too strong, so now the only way to stop this, is to go back, and finish the ritual PROPERLY. Did I get it right?
No. 90142 ID: b19c9a

Also, am I the ONLY ONE concerned with WHY this hotel was built, and who ordered it to be built?
No. 90150 ID: b19c9a

One last thing (or maybe not) came to my mind. The way it ends. Based on the fact that Nan plans to go back in time(?) and finish the ritual, I theorize it'll end like it never began. Nan will wake up in bed, at 6:30, at the start of the day, find her work orders, one of them being an Arcade, but none of them concerning a hotel. She will get a brief flashback of said hotel, wondering if it was all just a dream she had. That's my projection, and prediction.
No. 90169 ID: b19c9a

Why is this Thread Dead?
No. 90171 ID: 2cd359

Weaver updates sporadically, usually takes a bit between updates. It gives him leeway with which to best plot our downfalls.
Patience yo
No. 90172 ID: 2cd359

Weaver updates sporadically, usually takes a bit between updates. It gives him leeway with which to best plot our downfalls.
Patience yo
No. 90174 ID: b19c9a

Would think someone would at least make a COMMENT on my posts.
No. 90181 ID: b19c9a

Okay, to try and breath life into this thread, who here would fuck the absolute shit out of Nan?
No. 90186 ID: 2cd359

Of course, I hear she's quite good with her hands.
Get it
She's a handyman
No. 90206 ID: 8c70bc

A better question would be who wouldn't.
No. 90207 ID: 8c70bc

Meant as a reply to >>90181
No. 90211 ID: b19c9a

I know what you were replying too.
No. 90274 ID: b19c9a

Okay I have to ask, where the hell is Weaver? It's been 14 days since the last update. What happened?
No. 90275 ID: 0ee153

>being this new
No. 90276 ID: b19c9a

Yeah insult me for being fucking new to an awesome series I haven't heard about until I stumbled onto it. Can you answer my question and stop being a jackass or are you just gonna twiddle your peen some more?
No. 90277 ID: a19cd5

As much as I desire to help in pointing at the asshole and laughing, Weaver doesn't post terribly regularly. It's one part procrastination out of fear of not meeting the par for writing, one part making sure the writing is up to par, and one final part drawing the actual update. That last bit usually doesn't take long, but the first two do.

So chill yo ass, sit down, and read some of the other quests while you're here. One in particular I enjoy is http://tgchan.org/wiki/Static_on_the_Wire , a quest about a dystopian future assassin-zombie.

There's lots here to read, don't confine yourself to just weaver's works.
No. 90278 ID: b19c9a

Now that was more the answer I was looking for. Thank you.
No. 90314 ID: 3009b4

Hey Anon #b19c9a, what brought you here? How'd ya find NanQuest?
No. 90340 ID: b19c9a

Well I stumbled onto the animated version of RubyQuest on e621 when I was looking at Weaver's submissions, and noticed comments about more quests he did, one of them being NanQuest. So I googled it, and here I am.
No. 90350 ID: b19c9a

Why did you ask Smik?
No. 90371 ID: b19c9a

I have a feeling the new update is Weaver questioning out decisions and telling us to reconsider. That's how I see it anyway. But I just wanna say to him that you need to trust in us. We're the same people who saved Stitches and ultimately changed the entire ending to RubyQuest. I think we can handle ourselves. AM I RIGHT!?
No. 90372 ID: 932e3c

No. 90376 ID: 3009b4

>Why did you ask Smik?

Just curious, mostly. I found about Ruby Quest and NanQuest via TV Tropes but apparently Tropes isn't popular 'round these here parts.
No. 90377 ID: 296917

We're not the same people. Not even remotely.
No. 90380 ID: b19c9a

Whelp. There goes my chance to inspire hope. Might as well have just spouted gibberish.
No. 90382 ID: 1a4c53

TV Tropes is what led me here too!
No. 90416 ID: b19c9a

You know what I realized shortly after the first April 2015 update? Weaver actually did nothing...but buy himself more time to think. Holy shit dude. If you're having writer's block just say so.
No. 90417 ID: 296917

Are you serious? It's clearly an "Are you sure?" update. This is GMing 101.
No. 90436 ID: b19c9a

>inb4 Weaver takes another 17 days to update again.
Honestly, it actually might be one or the other to me. He might be either having writer's block coming up with scenarios for each choice, or he's doing the "Are you sure?" thing.
No. 90437 ID: f4d65a

this quest has been going on from 2009 tho, and weaver takes frequent breaks anyway, so im fairly sure all of weaver's quest updates are very intentional
No. 90451 ID: 182e75

If I just needed more time I would have taken it; there's no need for me to make a "stall" update
No. 90458 ID: b19c9a

Holy shit Weaver is actually here. Well while he's here, I just wanted to ask what's going on. I'm still new here so I dunno how you really...do things. Yes I'm THAT new. Big whoop, wanna fight about it?
No. 90462 ID: 7b7ab3

Wow. Rude much?
No. 90469 ID: b19c9a

I'm just sick of people using that line.
>Being this new.
It honestly gets annoying.
No. 90470 ID: 296917

Okay for starters, try being less antagonistic to everyone.
No. 90471 ID: ca6401

Then why did YOU use it just a second ago?
No. 90472 ID: 0ee153

>being this new
No. 90481 ID: b19c9a


...that's why.
No. 90482 ID: 2a7417

Instead of drawing attention to your newdity, just ask questions about what you want to know, more specific ones preferably.
or lurk moar. it's never enough.
No. 90483 ID: 2f2fc2

I want bad end just so you guys feel bad
No. 90484 ID: 0ee153

No. 90485 ID: 557bac

How about less personal attacks and complaints about having no updates and more questchat.

As someone who found this place through the flash version of RQ, I'm stoked to see what our decision has wrought. Also surprised as hell to see that there's another chapter (at the very least) before the end. Should leave us plenty of time to fuck things up horribly or redeem everyone and have the good end.
No. 90487 ID: 3009b4

Honestly I think taking Santiago will result in the most *interesting* story. I have a preference for seeing how authors handle taking the most morally ambiguous character along for the final battle because it lets one see what the character is REALLY made of. The end game draws the line in the sand and forces the character to pick a side, and I love it when the rogue who might normally take a low road is forced to do something noble because there's no second chance for redemption (I also hate it when the rogue reverts to 'normal' afterwards despite a huge life-changing decision).

Examples - in Planescape: Torment, it's interesting to see how your party handles the situation at the end game.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, I found Knights of the Old Republic extremely disappointing as far as taking characters along for the final battle went. They were pretty much well regulated to 'backup only' instead of being given any real chance to truly shine. (The amount of terrible plot in the game notwithstanding)

And finally, there's Deadly Premonition, which does something entirely different but extremely meaningful.
No. 90488 ID: efaf78

deadly premonition voted for best game ever
does that make us zach to nan's york?
No. 90510 ID: b9cef6

I'm actually totally okay with taking Santa, even though I wanted both. It'll make for the best story, because Santa is fun to be around.
And if we hadn't taken him it's entirely possible that it would've been Rape O'Clock with Kim. I mean, I kind of doubt it would have, but it might've.
But I'm just glad to be here so maybe my opinion is irrelevant I dunno
No. 90511 ID: fba9e6

Weaver, if you read this, I just want to let you know that NanQuest is like my most favorite thing ever and despite all the arguing over whether you should've done x or y, *I've* personally enjoyed the story 100% so far and can't wait to see where things go in the future.
No. 90517 ID: 86e91d

>NanQuest will end during my lifetime

You are the blood, flowing through my fingers.
No. 90524 ID: 2f2fc2

I kinda want this to end so he works more on divequest

I got into it from knight blades and am curious to see what happens but nanquest never captured me like RQ

I just didn't care about nan enough by the end of it...hell I liked Pablo more than nan and now he's going to be shelved for the rest of the quest
No. 90580 ID: b19c9a

I'm still wondering what happened to the other quests that just straight up stopped like Surprise Sex Quest, and Weaver Quest. I would lurk more on that but I don't know where to lurk for that kind of info. I don't usually do threads.
No. 90584 ID: 182e75

SSQ was mostly a joke quest and Weaver was an experimental thing that didn't end up being what I'd hoped. Both are done.
No. 90603 ID: 15fae4

So this is what the end looks like.
No. 90604 ID: 7656df

so does this mean santiago is our romantic interest?
No. 90605 ID: 15fae4


By process of elimination, yes.
>I mean if we're in the final chapter we gotta kiss somebody and Henry's been eliminated from the pool and Lorenzo's a dirty-ass hundred year old.

I mean, everyone else is dead, right
No. 90628 ID: cb5dd3

I smell Stockholm's Syndrome. You do remember he almost raped us, right? Twice.
I personally believe he can make a heroic comeback and completely redeem himself, but forget about any kind of romantic interest.
No. 90629 ID: 3009b4

I think romantic interest is right freaking out, I just wanted to bring him along 'cause he's a wildcard.
No. 90631 ID: e8e481

I still think, personally, that Santiago is going to turn out Anasazi and whatever great demon is trapped in Father is going to go to the one guy in the room that isnt on fire, aka more boss fights for Nan.
No. 90658 ID: 15fae4



Pfft. Nan wanted it. Look at the lust burning in her blank white eyes.
No. 90669 ID: b19c9a

Personally I think Pablo is the romantic interest, that's just how I feel.
No. 90684 ID: 15fae4


Pablo's a SCUMBAG
No. 90706 ID: 86e91d

I love how it's a goddamn moral dilemma to open a door
No. 90712 ID: 15fae4


i don't think moral is the right word, the only morality here is the people inside and they're long dead

it's just being exacerbated cuz of the wait between panels
No. 90741 ID: b19c9a

Well that sir is your opinion, and you are entitled to it, just as I am entitled to mine. Good day.
No. 90742 ID: e114bc

I thought one of the central themes of Nan Quest is that everyone there has done something horrible.
No. 90746 ID: 15fae4


literally what could Nan have ever done in her electrician life that could possibly have hurt anyone
No. 90747 ID: defceb

She didn't have to take the pizza.
No. 90749 ID: b9cef6

I thought the whole point of it was that Nan had never done anything sinful, and that's why somethingsomething pure something sacrifice something.
No. 90751 ID: 15fae4


Henry: This is the last one, right? Also, what's she done lately?
Henry: ...And?
Henry: So?
Henry: ...Can we do her for that?
Henry: Alright, let's get her. What's she doing right now?
Henry: Well, let's get her to choke, or fall over, or something.
Padre: ...
Henry: Did you do it?
Henry: ...That works.
Henry: Give her the boyfriend hallucination! Make her trust me!
Henry: No.
No. 90815 ID: 469e5e

can I just say I really like the custom icon in the final chapter instead of the usual "Quests" thing
No. 90817 ID: 469e5e

guys we're not looking at the proper questions

was Henry a Gazelle or what
No. 90819 ID: e2a92b

Henry was a person. Who made a lot of bad decisions.
References to the characters being animals are never made in-quest, you see, barring one RubyQuest reference to Ruby's "fluffy white butt."
No. 90829 ID: b19c9a

I'm throwing my vote for Gazelle.
No. 90846 ID: 469e5e

Strangely enough there's a large part of me that wants to pretend Santiago was really nice and he's just been driven insane by the Hotel
I want Nan/Santiago to happen

i'm gonna pretend the rape as just his hotel-tainted mind trying to justify his crush on Nan
No. 90894 ID: 409b75

So it wasn't a scar on Lorenzo's face after all.

I urge anyone making suggestions to re-read the flashback sequence from two threads ago:
No. 90895 ID: 409b75

We assumed it was the Padre who started the ritual, and it was him who wrote those journal entries about vermin and feeling cold.
Another assumption was that Lorenzo was the outsider whom the Padre used to perform the ritual.

If Lorenzo's mark is indeed the same as in the Lightbringer flashback, we'll have to scratch those.

Thoughts on the matter:
- I might be wrong and the Padre is indeed the Lightbringer, and has a similar mark on his face under his, uh... bag hood.
- If I'm right and the Padre is as much a tool in this ritual as the congregation, this means the Lorenzo in the present lied to us about the events that transpired during the ritual.
No. 90902 ID: 1f8505

I hate time travel.
No. 90905 ID: b19c9a

Either that is in the future...or since the picture of that place was described as "A picture of an ancient stone structure"...it's in the past...and we were seeing Ancestors of Nan and Lorenzo.
No. 90906 ID: 15fae4

Don't tell me that's all the panels for tonight Weaver you cocktease
No. 90907 ID: 15fae4

who the hell suggested "my best"
No. 90917 ID: 15fae4

So, could we have prevented ending up "Somewhere" if we had done things a little differently? Found an alternate route in to the Church, explained ourselves to Lorenzo more, destroyed the Padre faster?
No. 90941 ID: a8fc76

I don't think lorenzo is completely good. I think that he might actually try to attack the others in the room. I also think that's the reason for Weaver warning us not to take Pablo and Santiago both... Just a theory.
No. 90945 ID: e114bc

Are you forgetting that Kim was turning into a Thing?
No. 90957 ID: 86e91d

So yeah, I guess we changed the present a little. Lorenzo never got to eat a chunk off the Padre and apparently Santiago was never born.
I think if we check the altar now we might find something interesting.
No. 90958 ID: 2a7417

Or he was never caught by the hotel, in which case we've already saved him.
Where are you getting this from, though? We were simply teleported alone to the front desk after revisiting some past visions.
No. 90968 ID: 469e5e


I thought this was all taking place in Nan's head. Padre grabbed her and is trying to kill her from the inside,orsomething.
No. 90977 ID: e8e481

i have a feeling we're royally fucked
No. 90980 ID: a19cd5

Naaaah, every horror game ever has a scene where you gotta escape thenfight the big bad monster. We can pull this off.
No. 90981 ID: 8c4822

My best bet for what to do so as to avoiding fucking up - and this is coming from someone who was like "we should trust Henry!" panels before he tazed us so I mean I'm not exactly confident here - is through 117's hole to the chapel

We get through there, either get the Padre to repent or just straight up kill him on the altar there, or hope the Beast bursts in again and does it for us (though I thought Beast was dead) and then we haul ass back through whatever vision shenanigans we may or may not be experiencing to go kill Lorenzo thoroughly on the altar

anyone got any better ideas because I am pulling this out of my ass like a bad idea magician as I type, but I re-read the entirety of Nanquest last night while furiously refreshing the thread and this is the best I could come up with
No. 90982 ID: 15fae4


Sounds good to me.

Spoiler: Weaver will pick whatever plan's the right one. I love him, but he's not subtle about telling us we're going the wrong way.
No. 90999 ID: 86e91d

>Nan races to the end of the hall, hoping she has made the right decision.
>hoping she has made the right decision
>right decision

Where were you when we lost Nanquest?
No. 91000 ID: 15fae4


I... I was reading NanQuest
No. 91005 ID: 15fae4
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No. 91007 ID: 15fae4
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No. 91017 ID: e02e80

Actual loss, or Weaver's masterful trolling?
No. 91018 ID: 15fae4
File 143121646369.jpg - (126.87KB , 800x507 , 124888480627.jpg )


>Reaver follows Weaver to her room to enquire how she got that fantabulous tan, but Weaver is already too busy trolling Reaver on the internet.
No. 91026 ID: 50459d

Hey weaver Im calling you out for what you said in the quest.

That was really fucking petty yelling at someone who was being goofy in your quest and saying youd "ban" them if you could

I dont care what history you have here you shouldnt act like an asshole to people
No. 91030 ID: 84b841

You're right: who I am should have no effect on what logic applies to me. And because various stresses have again thrust me into insomnia, my spare time and I have carefully prepared a list of responses. Feel free to pick as many as you like.

1. This was not a first offense by a longshot; I asked them to stop before, much more politely, and it was not heeded
2. The repetition of the object obsession (which again, I advised them to knock it off in the past) is akin to a forced meme, especially in the absence of an NQ-equivalent "read note/hug tom" mantra
3. Quest threads are for suggestions only, discussion goes here
4. "Goofy" suggestions at the climactic scene of a serious/horror quest are disruptive to the quest and atmosphere, acting like the hilarious class clown is not endearing in this context
5. Shit-- or "Goofy"posting -- in someone's quest thread is generally more rude than calling someone out for doing it
6. I am well within reason to desire basic moderation control in my own quest.
7. Darkly is more than capable of defending themselves if they felt wrongly slighted by my response. In fact, despite your inserting yourself into the argument, Darkly actually messaged me directly, right afterwards, to apologize. And I said it was not a big deal, in the end. That there was no real harm done, so please don't feel bad. But by inserting yourself presumptuously into this argument, you have actually made it worse, when the involved parties have, in fact, already reached an amicable conclusion and understanding. Perhaps because the two parties involved were seeking resolution, not further conflict and callouts.

And again, any disruption was all the more egregious given the context of the quest and its progression

So in the end, a minor disruption was handled and both parties worked towards a mutual understanding. Darkly and I are not enemies, I didn't get them banned, and we both kind of worked it out quietly between ourselves to avoid the very spectacle now underway.
I hope this was every bit the showdown you were expecting.
No. 91031 ID: 0207a0

That talk with Padre made it seem like Nan and Padre are some kind of "good vs evil" forces that have been battling from the start.
No. 91034 ID: a19cd5

dude, you got good intentions and all but let it go.

so, how bout that dank ass?
No. 91035 ID: 0207a0

seconded, that ass is dank
No. 91039 ID: 557bac

Cleaning up the thread a bit.
Enjoy your bans.
Not like we didn't warn you.
No. 91040 ID: 84b841

I thought LD already took a sweep
hopefully nothing too dire
No. 91041 ID: 557bac

Some people just haaaad to get a parting shot in.
They'll be back.

No. 91058 ID: 15fae4

I feel for some reason as if using the Pendant too much will cheapen it's power and the Padre won't be affected.
No. 91087 ID: b19c9a

I feel like with the fact the Darkness stopped approaching Nan means that Weaver isn't gonna let us die, but he's not really gonna give us the BEST ending. If anything, we're now aiming for "Just Below Par" Ending, meaning "Yeah you did it...but you kinda...sucked at it."
No. 91088 ID: b19c9a
File 143150089994.gif - (8.21KB , 200x195 , Nan_Mad_Cause_No_Mint.gif )

Also...Oh how naive we were back then.
No. 91091 ID: 15fae4


Nice thumbnail, bumbus.
No. 91101 ID: 2a7417

We all knew where this was going from the start. 'Twas only a matter of when.
No. 91104 ID: 8403a7

Nan dies at the end.
No. 91111 ID: 1fbb52

That most certainly is a possibility. If that's what comes to pass, I guess we fucked up. But we should still actively try to keep Nan alive.
No. 91122 ID: 15fae4


We're trying very hard to do that. No one has (yet) suggested Nan just walk straight into the Padre and accept death.
No. 91132 ID: 86e91d

I'm confused, did Nan lose her hand?
No. 91133 ID: 15fae4
File 143169653198.png - (52.34KB , 701x683 , 1636236.png )


Unless Nan has grown an elastic wrist, yes.
Since it mentioned the poker being white-hot, hopefully the wound has been cauterised and we won't have to worry about losing blood.

We can still do this guys. We don't even need all our extremities.
No. 91134 ID: 15fae4


Also, uh, woah. I didn't notice, but Nan has some... Serious boob going on.

I mean jesus, not to kill the vibe, but damn. I don't think I've seen it like that in any other panel.
No. 91140 ID: 92a16a

Nan didn't lose her hand. Her arm was badly broken, thus the extra bend in the forearm.
No. 91141 ID: 403654

So we're naked and our right arm is broken. We can't run can't hide. (Unless the fake wall people are right). Fighting won't work. Our only actions are talking and using the amulet. Already tried the amulet, padre didn't like that.

The symbol seems binding. We can't put it on him? Throwing it at him could work but we lose our defense if it doesn't.
We know it's not the actually padre anymore so can't use Christian values...hmmm
No. 91142 ID: 403654

Suppose this is what we get for not shooting padre. Naaloqomvi.
No. 91144 ID: 642b9a

>nan''s hand, not attached to her, lying on the floor

shiiiiiit. there goes her working ability, time to sue.

really tho, we fucked up
No. 91147 ID: 6e1eb1

It's not on the floor. Her wrist/arm is broken.
No. 91156 ID: 403654

Right, so what I'm hoping for is that the drawing on the wall will let in a laser beam of light that vaporizes padre. The whole trapping him in light after luring him with souls was the goal after all. Maybe the wall will break letting in the sunlight? Then vampire style death.
After which we find Lorenzo who was the real boss (after all, who's first reaction is to eat a piece of the guy possessed by a demon that you just tried to kill?)
No. 91200 ID: 403654

Actually now I'm hoping he lunges, nan sidesteps, and then padre gets exorcised head first through a wall.
No. 91204 ID: 5bbb75

Heh. Those teeth of his look pretty FNAFy.

He's got too much reach. One swing, even as he supposedly burns in holy flames, can take Nan down. I don't want to take thart chance.
No. 91214 ID: 15fae4

That red light sure is ominous.
No. 91217 ID: 15fae4

Also, I get the major feeling Santiago's about to die.
No. 91218 ID: b19c9a

No. 91219 ID: 15fae4

are you mocking me

i will fight you man

let's take this outside
No. 91228 ID: b19c9a

OKAY! *Opens door and instantly dooms us all as I let the beast in*
No. 91229 ID: 469e5e


Look at what you and your careless misuse of roleplay have done
No. 91230 ID: 403654

nevermind, don't open the door. we can't risk padre escaping. Climb the wooden cross to the window/balcony. Actually get Santiago to break the window? no that seems like a worse idea. how do we let the beast in without letting the padre out?
No. 91231 ID: b19c9a

ME!? This is all YOUR fault!
No. 91232 ID: b19c9a

I MEAN IT'S 15fae4's FAULT.
No. 91234 ID: 15fae4


hey, i'm not the one that murdered me
No. 91252 ID: 92a16a

I get the impression some people are greatly overestimating the amount of time Nan has to work with here, especially with plans like lifting furniture
No. 91253 ID: 469e5e


I support the plan of getting Nan to open the door by having Padre attack, dodging away and smashing open the lock, then climbing for Santiago.
No. 91299 ID: 846718

Unrelated to the current events, was Alan's silhouette being present in Pablo's flashback ever explained? I thought they might be related, since Alan and Pablo are both spanish names.
>>49284 , pic related.
No. 91300 ID: 403654

Maybe because Alan died in Pablo's room right? Or am I mixed up?
No. 91302 ID: 9d330d

I'm a little confused why Padre was saying Nan is the one who left the church - we told Maggie it would be okay for her to leave, but that's not really the same is it? (I mean it's possible she also left later but we didn't control that)
No. 91320 ID: fc551d

Alan died in the saferoom. Pablo's room is the one on the first floor, which is right next to the chapel. Interesting.
No. 91325 ID: 403654

I do enjoy how the Beast is looking at us like a puppy wanting to be let in
No. 91328 ID: e114bc

It makes sense that Nun-Nan left, because we had her acting like she strongly disapproved of what the Padre was doing.
No. 91329 ID: 9d330d

I did forget about that one flashback that was implied to take place right before the mass. I wonder how much she actually knew about his plan. Sister Nan sort of did because WE knew, but I'm not sure if that was just like a sense of foreboding for her or if she was supposed to have a larger part in it.
No. 91336 ID: 469e5e

in dive if we're the fragmented parts of muschio's mind because of a curse

are we the souls of the people who were burned in the church in Nan?

no real relevance just a randomthough
No. 91337 ID: 469e5e


random thought, even
No. 91339 ID: 15fae4

OK I've gotta know

what would have happened if in the Church instead of going for the mallet we just used our gun and shot the Padre
No. 91340 ID: 61b599

Seem to end up quite badly, I really have no idea how to get out of here alright. Weaver seem to be giving a slight push to having a character be here at the final confrontation so I doubt they will just play a spectator role. With an arm broken we don't really have any options for pulling something fancy with things around us. Seems a leap of faith is our last choice. What other options are open to us?
No. 91341 ID: 8c4822

my bets are something to do with the red light - it looks like it's stripping away the darkness around velasco - and the symbol

though i am really hoping we don't have to somehow crucify the padre on the four-spoked cross because that is a wrestling match nobody needs
No. 91364 ID: 86e91d

We might've killed him in time. I don't know why people thought snatching the mallet would be the best course of action.
No. 91374 ID: 825af6

...Dammit, the revolver did have one bullet left in it. I misremembered and thought it was out of ammo. It's possible others misremembered like I did, or didn't remember Nan's inventory from the end of the last thread and didn't bother to go back and check it, and that's why so many suggested going for the mallet.

That was possibly the best chance we had to end the Padre and it was blown 'cause nobody remembered Nan had a loaded revolver. Though, we'll never know if using the revolver would have worked; That is, unless Weaver speaks on it after the end of NanQuest.

Thinking on this, I get the feeling that there's been a lot of suggesters over the course of NanQuest that have just dropped in without going back to read the previous threads and suggest based on a combination of what other suggesters are saying and what's happened in the current thread or even only the last few updates. Anybody else here get that feeling?
No. 91385 ID: 500d72


failing grade on reading comprehension.


"it's not a note"

No. 91396 ID: e114bc

I was suggesting to tell Velasco not to hesitate. That was the mistake we needed to correct, not to kill the Padre ourselves.
No. 91449 ID: 15fae4


Do you mean Lorenzo? Because I don't think Velasco is hesitating at all. To kill us.
No. 91466 ID: 64a739

the longer the wait between panels, the worse the suggestions get
No. 91468 ID: e114bc

Crap. Yes.
No. 91493 ID: f67c46



the latest suggestions are "use the door i assume is hidden in the fourth wall" and "literally lay down and die."
No. 91494 ID: f67c46



the latest suggestions are "look for a door hidden in the fourth wall" and "literally lay down and die."

and it's not just like one lone nut! both of those suggestions have had people go "OOH GREAT IDEA, THAT MERITS CONSIDERATION!"

i know it's been a while since the last update, but jesus, people are losing their motherfucking minds
No. 91495 ID: 9d330d

and the one that combines both of those suggestions

Anyway I'm really amused by the idea that there's just been this huge glowing exit door since the beginning of the comic that none of the characters decided to mention.
No. 91496 ID: e114bc

What door? You mean the window? It's not like she can just climb up there with a broken arm (I'm not sure how she would even with two functioning arms, honestly) and she'd have to somehow break the glass, to boot.
No. 91498 ID: 3fcdaa


oh no my friend. shit has gotten much crazier than that. they're suggesting that weaver has hidden an escape route in the unseen fourth wall.

latest suggestions now include "allow yourself to be killed because i think this is a false reality" and, no shit, "HUG PADRE"

is this some poe's law shit? because these are starting to read like parodies of stupid, horrible, batshit crazy suggestions.

i half hope weaver just kills nan and ends the quest there because that's the ending some people seem to want and frankly at this point deserve
No. 91499 ID: 15fae4


yeah let's not go through the window and gore ourselves on the insulated glass
No. 91524 ID: 86e91d

Did Santiago just undergo the Red treatment ?
No. 91526 ID: 469e5e

RIP Santiago.

He was a good man driven insane by the darkness. Shame he'll never get his proper redemption.
No. 91534 ID: 1f323e

RIP Santiago, everyone's inexplicable favorite. "he never ACTUALLY raped anyone

that we know of"
No. 91536 ID: b19c9a

No. 91541 ID: 15fae4
File 143323392420.png - (12.76KB , 356x571 , 2156262613631.png )

Santiago's last stand: The exploitable.
No. 91550 ID: 1d157d

Do you have any better ideas? I have absolutely no idea what the correct course of action is at this point, to be honest. I think that's why people are freaking out and making nonsense suggestions -- nobody has any idea what's going on or what they're supposed to do. I feel that there's something crucial people are missing, but I don't know what that could be.

It seems to me that the only option is to open the door -- Nan has no items, time, or freedom of movement, and Santiago just showed that confronting the Padre directly will end badly. Except Santiago also implied that using the Beast is a bad idea so... I don't know. Possibly the red light or the cross are important, but they haven't done anything yet and Nan never had any time to poke them.
No. 91553 ID: 2cf9d0
File 143328359976.png - (30.12KB , 530x627 , santiagos last straw.png )

But what could drive him to such feral fury, I wonder?
No. 91595 ID: a200a1

Just who was Nan in the before time visions? People keep saying she was a nun, but iirc, she told Lorenzo she wasn't.
No. 91602 ID: 3009b4

I'm pretty sure that whole "who are you" spiel was a fourth-wall lean.
No. 91625 ID: bb78f2

It seems that the one sister we helped and Nan switched identities? I guess that's the gist of it.
No. 91627 ID: bd2f4d

multiple people are no-joke, straight-up, unironically suggesting "hug padre"

these people should be fucking executed
No. 91628 ID: e114bc

...maybe? Maybe we've been Maggie all along. Maybe we've been the Beast all along. NAN IS NOBODY AND EVERYBODY.
No. 91629 ID: 51649e


in my opinion: it seemed pretty obvious that we had to be violent with the father of those kids. there was no talking our way out of it. also that we had to be violent with henry, which led to his death. it now seems like there was also no pacifist route with the padre

but lorenzo hasnt really done anything wrong. the father was threatening the kids. henry wanted to kill you so he could leave. the padre killed a lot of people for some fucked up belief, and was ready to kill us (and others, again). lorenzo is not like this

please dont let lorenzo die just because we've been on the vicious vengeance route (which, for the record, i have agreed with until now)
No. 91630 ID: e114bc

I think you might want to re-read what you just typed.
No. 91632 ID: bd2f4d

ok done

now what
No. 91633 ID: e114bc

Are you seriously saying people should be killed for making stupid suggestions?
No. 91634 ID: bd2f4d

this feels like it's going in a funny direction, so i'll say yes.

people should literally be murdered if they say something dumb on the internet.

No. 91635 ID: a19cd5

yo have you ever been on an airplane tk?
No. 91636 ID: bd2f4d

that is the strangest follow-up question i think i've ever heard.

um... why do you ask?
No. 91637 ID: a19cd5

because I can't imagine them letting you through customs with all that EDGE, SON.
No. 91638 ID: bd2f4d


*blast beats*
No. 91639 ID: 55c4cf

(air horn)
No. 91640 ID: e114bc

Well okay just don't say that about Gabe Newell or your game could be pulled from Steam.
No. 91644 ID: bd2f4d

"i'll never forget you, uh paulo."
No. 91645 ID: 6c8858

Isn't it ironic that the wolf would be helping the nanny goat to walk? And kind of endearing in its own twisted way.

Yada-yada, they're not anthropomorphic animals, it's just to differentiate between characters in a minimalistic drawing style. I remember.
No. 91646 ID: 15fae4

<TG_Weaver> knowing what we know now about Santiago
11:14:34 PM <TG_Weaver> it might be worth re-examining certain past events
11:15:15 PM <BoxDog> Sounds like he was gonna begin something about being abused in his youth or something?
11:15:16 PM <Myconid> I don't even know what we know about Santiago
11:15:29 PM <BoxDog> We know he was super crazy before and a little less crazy now.
11:15:37 PM <BoxDog> We know he feels bad about helping Henry.
11:15:53 PM <Myconid> ...maybe the crazy was an act to get people to focus on him instead of paying attention to Henry?
11:17:01 PM <TG_Weaver> well
11:17:01 PM <TG_Weaver> we know that he was working for henry under threat of death
11:17:16 PM <Myconid> oh... he didn't want to be thanked because he didn't want to be thanked by the people he was fucking over
11:17:39 PM <TG_Weaver> I mean what did santiago originally say was his favorite part of the hotel
11:19:08 PM <Myconid> he enjoyed the freedom of it? but he was basically being bossed around the whole time.
11:19:27 PM <Bergeek> He enjoyed that there were no rules, anything went in that place.
11:19:43 PM <Bergeek> Paradise of man or something he called it.
11:19:52 PM <BoxDog> World of man's design.
11:20:44 PM <TG_Weaver> Myconid's right
11:20:51 PM <TG_Weaver> he was talking about the freedom
11:21:07 PM <Dallas> b-but i said that
11:21:14 PM <BoxDog> But he was under authority the whole time.
11:21:16 PM <Bergeek> I made Myconid think about it. It was my idea, where's my little star sticker
11:22:22 PM <Myconid> I think all that nonsense is stuff he was instructed to tell people. To get them to maybe stop trying to leave
11:22:44 PM <Myconid> it might be all Nan did was make him think of rebellion
11:23:05 PM <BoxDog> That doesn't seem like it would help, since you can't leave regardless. Maybe he was trying to scare them, really play up the craziness?
11:23:33 PM <BoxDog> Henry lead us right to him on our first meeting. Maybe he was there to build up Nan's trust of Henry?
11:23:43 PM <BoxDog> Maybe the rape and Henry's rescue from aforementioned rape was part of that?
11:23:55 PM <BoxDog> That's why he was crying, apart from being kicked in the balls.
11:25:15 PM <Myconid> hang on, does that mean.... yeah
11:25:18 PM <Myconid> that...
11:25:25 PM <Myconid> wow
11:25:26 PM <BoxDog> After all, Henry could have just bashed his head in, but he intentionally just stopped him from continuing and let him leave.
11:25:41 PM <IdiomAlso> :o
11:25:52 PM <BoxDog> TG_Weaver am I in the ballpark
11:25:59 PM <IdiomAlso> Is Santiago actually a coolguy?
11:26:18 PM <Dreamer> i thought that was clear the moment henry showed his true colors..
11:32:16 PM <TG_Weaver> I mean, BoxDog, about what you said earlier
11:32:23 PM <TG_Weaver> If Santiago was working for Henry all along
11:32:30 PM <TG_Weaver> it might put their earlier encounters in a different light, no?
11:32:34 PM <Myconid> yes
11:32:40 PM <Bergeek> Yeah I suppose so.
11:32:54 PM <BoxDog> Yeah. Henry was very intentionally leading Nan to Santiago.
11:33:05 PM <Myconid> we could just straight up throw out everything Santiago said before he betrayed Henry
11:33:18 PM <BoxDog> He thought Santiago was afraid of him enough that he wouldn't, say, betray him at the last moment.
11:34:09 PM <Myconid> thinking about what Santiago was like after Henry died... he's kindof tough on Nan but not a bad guy
11:34:50 PM <BoxDog> I think the thing about thanking was correct. He didn't want Nan to thank him, because he was expecting her to die. He grew attached to him when she forgave him for what he did.
11:35:00 PM <BoxDog> So he decided to fight the power. Row, Row, Santiago.
No. 91647 ID: bd2f4d
File 143350897459.gif - (61.65KB , 640x400 , 46-mi_38_42.gif )

No. 91648 ID: 6c8858

>everyone crying "READ NOTE"
>not for old meme's sake
Oh, Weaver :>
No. 91649 ID: bd2f4d

one mystery i can now definitively put to rest: santiago is a tiger.
No. 91650 ID: 86e91d

I recall a RubyQuest thread solely dedicated for IRC discussions like this. Would you mind sharing the important bits like this please?
No. 91651 ID: 7aeb02

Weaver, are you going to do Q&A now of after you get some sleep?
No. 91652 ID: 86e91d

Also, I feel like there's a lot of things that haven't been touched thoroughly, even moreso than Ruby
No. 91653 ID: 15fae4


We made some bad decisions. I'm happy with the ending we got, considering how much we fucked up, especially during the final chapter.
No. 91654 ID: 87695f

I feel like it was more of a whole ending than in rubyquest, but I really don't think that weaver is gonna let us go that easy, especially considering how much we fucked up in the last chapter.
No. 91655 ID: 465ba0

i keep hearing shit like this... how, exactly, do you guys figure you fucked up?
No. 91658 ID: 61932c

Because we trusted Henry. Because we ran to Kim instead of trying to help Anderson and Pablo.
No. 91663 ID: 090e2d

I'm a bit mad I managed to miss the ending session due to work and being an European.
No. 91664 ID: 2db827

I still don't know what the beast was supposed to represent...
At first I thought the figure would be the janitor from the perfectly fine hotel from the parallel universe where we (Nan etc. ) were the ghosts...
No. 91665 ID: bb78f2

I just want to know what was up with Kim in the end. We never got her story. She obviously had some shit go down, same as the rest of the cast, but didn't share it.

We can't confirm anything beyond speculation that maybe we took Kim's place in that one situation with the kids and the husband, but it was never clear.
No. 91666 ID: e84caf

So wait, what was the point of the whole thing with Kim screaming right inside the hotel and Santiago going in to help her? It doesn't seem to have done anything.
No. 91667 ID: 0207a0

To scare us shitless
No. 91670 ID: e114bc

I think the Beast was a conglomeration of souls driven mad by having burned to death. Or maybe from regret? When the bright flashes happened in flashbacks we seemed to have been solving peoples' regrets. Nan managed to bring some of them back from madness via her flashback manipulation and thus they didn't kill her when attacking the Padre. Heck, it even seems like Sister Maggie switched bodies with Nan for a little while in order to let her kill the Padre.
No. 91676 ID: d385d1
File 143354412232.gif - (16.49KB , 701x683 , 143350487327.gif )

I'm unsure if this is blatantly obvious to everyone, but I figured I'd point out the cross symbol beneath the fire is akin to the scars on the Lightbringer's face (the fire itself is also reminiscent of him obviously).
Though I figured out the connection between these things on the ceiling and the Lightbringer, I honestly have no clue what the signficance of this is, if there even is one. Does anyone know?
No. 91678 ID: 5d546b
File 143354527641.png - (239.91KB , 540x405 , nanquest.png )

WOW what an ending huh
No. 91679 ID: e114bc

It's the symbol associated with the ritual in general.
No. 91681 ID: 409b75

It also got a cameo in his other quests, like Atophane's Tales. See >>73637
No. 91683 ID: e114bc

Hmmm... I think that might be the Quorum symbol for Death. I remember seeing a chart of the various symbols in Quorum but I can't find it now.
No. 91684 ID: ad627d
File 143357702541.gif - (28.14KB , 701x683 , 143348381824.gif )

I JUST noticed something.
Look at Nan's shadow in this panel.

It might just be because of the angle but I think it looks quite like the padre, at least looks like his hat. Nan most likely the only person the beast can see at that time, and probably assumed, in it's rage, that Nan was the padre.

And after seeing what it did to the padre, it's clear the beast had a large grudge against him.
No. 91685 ID: ad627d
File 143357728475.gif - (20.90KB , 701x683 , 141862327066.gif )

I think it's a simplified image of whatever the creature from across the sea is
No. 91686 ID: 4ec5ce
File 143357970566.gif - (29.58KB , 701x683 , 85.gif )

another one comes to mind
No. 91691 ID: 0207a0
File 143358966343.jpg - (67.68KB , 500x500 , Santiago hates canadians.jpg )

No. 91693 ID: a200a1

Could it be the other way around? If the symbol stands for death, the creature could be modeled off of it.

I didn't realize the creature was so similar to the symbol though, that's interesting.
No. 91694 ID: 2042be
File 143361732478.png - (401.15KB , 689x1028 , nanquest end.png )

Here's some fanart for the end.
Just wanted to share it here and thank Weaver again. Thankyou for this wonderful quest, you are an inspiration to me sir
No. 91695 ID: 1f3797

Totes adorbs.
No. 91696 ID: fc602a
File 143361995835.gif - (21.96KB , 701x683 , 143348472001.gif )

Poor Francis.
He just wanted the best for everyone.
No. 91697 ID: 86e91d

A big mistery for me is Velazco's motivations. Why ?
No. 91698 ID: e114bc

Probably because he wanted to protect everyone from the nebulously defined monster that may or may not have come from the darkness inside his own soul.
No. 91701 ID: bb78f2

So is Nan going to be the single mother of a literal man-child?
No. 91702 ID: fc602a


More like wife
I patiently await the /ss/
No. 91703 ID: a200a1

I think it's pretty cool how the creepy, unknown figures lurking around in the dark actually turned out to be people we knew.

The Pilgrim was Henry and Padre was Francis Velasco. We were really scared of the Beast but in the end, it didn't harm us, and we even saw our nun friend Maggie waving to us inside it. The hooded figure on the chapel balcony and in the courtyard was Lorenzo "dreaming". The dark thing in the elevator could have just been Anna.

This all can be taken as "don't be afraid of the dark", but it can also be reversed in that people aren't exactly as they seem. Good one, Weaver.
No. 91704 ID: fc602a

What was the giant creature at the Terracotta Coutyard?
No. 91705 ID: a200a1

The Beast?
No. 91709 ID: 0fc976
File 143364805660.gif - (3.73KB , 701x683 , 141705636125-666.gif )

In updates #665 and 666.
As 666 is the number of the beast, this could be some earlier form of it. However, Nan actually says it is "Not the Beast." I'm still wondering about this as well.
No. 91736 ID: a19cd5

knowing weaver its likely we wont get a full answer on this or possibly even partial until years after the fact.
definitely curious but weaver is an unabashed slow-drip type
No. 91737 ID: ad627d

They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
No. 91740 ID: 1d157d

>The hooded figure on the chapel balcony and in the courtyard was Lorenzo "dreaming".

Wait, where did it say that? That's one of the things that still confuses me.
No. 91743 ID: 86e91d

I think I know why Santiago turned a child.

As seen in >>91676 , there's a fire basin on the roof, and it's directly linked to why Kim screamed. The fire cleanses corruption, and she was physically tainted. The fire tried to clean her.
Santiago rushed in and got Kim out of the way, presumably catching the fire himself. He was cleansed from sin the from the very root, and that's why he turned into a child. The epitome of purity.
Am I onto something ?
No. 91744 ID: 0207a0

Dude, are you on LSD?
No. 91745 ID: 5ce120

>"turned into a child. The epitome of purity."

Never met a child fitting that description...
If anything they are the "epitome of naivety", because of their lack of experience. Maybe that's what people make thinking of them as being pure...

Anyway I still have trouble understanding who Nan was and what to think of all the to-child-turning... Well, I also assume dead people (died in the hotel) also stayed dead now, right?
No. 91749 ID: a200a1

Right after Santiago arrived in Chapter 8.
No. 91752 ID: 30df25

and let me tell you, it is horrible on my car's suspension.

I thought the people who entered the Hotel reverted to their state when they entered. Santiago never had ice cream, which is pretty unlikely without a sheltered upbringing. I think Santiago entered the Hotel when he was a child, and he's been there so long that he grew to an adult in the Hotel. He's basically a good kid, but he grew up among terrible people, thus learning to behave in terrible ways. He's literally got a second chance now, and he's got Nan as a new role-model -- who won't teach him to be a hard worker, but will show him he doesn't have to be a dick to survive in the world.
No. 91753 ID: 72883a

But what about him saying that he did something to his father when he was 15? If he grew up in the hotel, then was his dad already there? Or did he do something horrible before entering the hotel, thus making him not really a good kid?
No. 91754 ID: 86e91d

He hasn't tried ice cream because he had no childhood to begin with. He was a troubled child. He entered the hotel as an adult, this was stated by himself.
No. 91767 ID: 2042be
File 143374238820.png - (272.82KB , 1000x850 , goodbye nanquest.png )

Heeere's one more end-game fanart thing.
Wanted to share cause I like this one almost better than the other one.
No. 91773 ID: 9644e8

Maybe Santiago was lying about when he entered the hotel? Maybe he didn't enter in 1986 and just told nan that?
No. 91774 ID: b6b593
File 143378686441.png - (13.83KB , 701x683 , Nanquest.png )

For a moment there, I was afraid that Kim will be stuck in Hotel to become a new host for the darkness.
No. 91783 ID: 4ec5ce
File 143382143513.gif - (11.77KB , 701x683 , 111.gif )

I'll probably do a bigger QA thing sometime soon, but for now, I wanted to say I'm really glad someone picked up on this theme.

Major spoilers of course, though I figure at this point most people reading this thread have read the quest:
One of the most important lines in the whole quest is something Anderson says: "There's nothing there in the dark that wasn't there in the light."
Now of course this has a double meaning. The comforting implication is that new evil doesn't spontaneously appear when the lights go out. But on the other side of this, it means that any evil you DO see in the darkness was there already.
There's a lot of imagery for this I won't go into comprehensively right now, but stuff like the first time the lights go out in Henry's room, Nan sees a horrible figure standing, coincidentally, exactly where Henry just was -- and when the light hits him, we're brought into a memory in which he figures prominently. So if there's nothing there in the dark that wasn't there in the light...
Same with various figures, monsters, flashes, and so on.

Another theme line is Nan being told to look in a mirror if she wants to know the real truth. And when she does -- well, pic related.

>he did something to his father
Other way around
No. 91788 ID: ed048e

Diving through the entirety of Nanquest after midnight is not something I would recommend to anyone

>Child abuse
How horrific
No. 91792 ID: 6c8858

Huh. I hasn't even occured to me to take it as reassurance. I thought you were cranking up the paranoia with the whole "these are your friends you should be afraid of" thing.

Speaking of the phrase. It's probably stupid and cheesy as hell, but it got stuck in my head a couple days ago, and after a few hours of gestation this verse popped out:

Не потревожат монстры сон,
Ведь их боятся только дети.
Там, в темноте нет ничего,
Чего там не было при свете.

[ne potre'vozhat 'monstri son]
[ved ikh bo'yatsa 'tolko 'deti]
[tam ftemno'te net niche'vo]
[che'vo tam 'nebilo pri 'svete]

Monsters won't trouble your dreams -
Only children are afraid of them.
There's nothing there in the dark
That wasn't there in the light.

So... fanart, I guess?
No. 91796 ID: 16db6b


Did Santiago's dad chop his dingalings off:(
No. 91798 ID: ed048e

I don't think so. He seems way too happy after getting out for that.

Has anyone noticed that Santiago and Kim, the two people who are really kids, were some of the ones most adept at figuring what was going on? The other most knowledgeable ones were Henry, and maybe Alan from what I recall Nan being told. I don't know what that means it all, besides the fact everyone identity might not be entirely solid. Kim was supposed to be in college right? Kinda talked like it too, being eager to use what her brain. But in reality she's just a kid. So everyone else's identity, except almost certainty those of Lorezo, Anderson and Alan, can and should be doubted.

Also I have a theory on the beast: It contains everyone that's been dying in the hotel. The only thing making believe this is the end, where the beast engulfs everything, BUT DOESN'T KILL NAN, and disables Padre. You can clearly see Alan with an axe, 'bout to give the Hellish Father some retribtuion. However, shining a light on it also revealed Nans husband and kids, and the Lightbringer, so there's more to the beast than just everyone who's dead.
No. 91803 ID: 6a96c4

>the two people who are really kids

Both entered the hotel as adults.
No. 91804 ID: dccc95

Aye. But if we reverted to Nan's timeline the year is now 2009.
Kim entered in 2015/16.
Santiago entered in 2021.
They were likely reset to how old they were in Nan's timeline.
No. 91805 ID: e114bc

2021? How do we know that?
No. 91806 ID: 6a96c4

I'm pretty sure Santiago entered in the eighties.
No. 91807 ID: 2042be

Yeah Santiago entered in 1986. He didn't revert to the age he'd be in Nan's time. It would make sense for Kim but not for Santiago.
What happened to them is a bit confusing. Maybe the hotel gave them a second chance to live their lives?

Nan was supposed to be the "outsider" or something that was there to stop all the madness so maybe that's why Nan didn't revert to being a child?

I dunno, I'm going to be reading through the whole thing again anyway so maybe I missed something.
No. 91808 ID: e114bc

It is possible Santiago was lying about his year, but I can't imagine what the point of that would be. Most everything else he did was because he was under orders from Henry to be the "bad guy", I think.
No. 91818 ID: 2042be

Just a thing I felt like pointing out is that, Kim's last name was Bowerman (as of the end), the man that Anna was working for was Mr. Bowerman, and it was stated that Father Bowerman was there before Father Velasco. By that logic Kim probably got all tied up in this due to family connections.

Everyone else there had to have some sort of tie to that place, it's weird though cause I can't figure the others out though at the moment. Just figured I'd point out the Kim thing.
No. 91820 ID: e114bc

The Anderson family was involved in renovating the hotel... Yeah you're probably right.
No. 91821 ID: 22c4b7


It's possible. I noticed that >>>/questarch/386478 has this

>Nan reacts quickly, slamming her knee into Santiago's groin.
>He barely reacts.

but then, in >>>/questarch/386494

>Nan stomps her heel down hard on top of Santiago's foot, and he howls in pain.
No. 91825 ID: 0207a0

He could have been in so much adrenaline that the pain came later
No. 91830 ID: e114bc

Or he wears a cup, because he's been in that situation before and doesn't like getting kicked in the nuts.
No. 91838 ID: ed048e

>Bowermans own/built the hotel
>Andersons were involved in its renovation
>Nan fixed some wiring, then the Inferno Inn kept her around
>Anna was a repairman/elevator worker
Seems like everyone "contributed" to the hotel
Now what did Pablo, Henry and Santiago do?
No. 91840 ID: 2042be

Yeah it's those three that don't seem to fit in.
Hard to say. Maybe we just don't know the full story cause we never really asked them about their histories.
Ah well.

Maybe Weaver will answer some of these questions in the near future. Either way I'll keep speculating on what could have happaned.
No. 91844 ID: 4ec5ce

But he reacted immediately to getting his foot stomped.
No. 91847 ID: e114bc

Maybe Pablo made some of the paintings that were hanging around. Santiago could have been a piano player. Henry... we don't know anything about his past other than he had a family. Perhaps he/his family was management.
No. 91848 ID: ed048e

Kims family was management, probably. Her last name IS Bowerman.

>Henry contributed paintings
>Santiago played piano
Not sure about these. As for Henry, he SAID his year was 1946, and he was passing through on buisness. He doesn't seem to have any connection to the hotel, or contribution to it. Henry also seems to have had some sort of relationship with Nan, but that might've been the hotel messing with the past.

Also, what the fuck was up with Andersons cigar? What kind of creature was that?

And looking back at when Santiago exited the chapel, and passed through... whatever the light was that was casting a wide beam, his eyes were gone. I wonder if that was what his father cut with a knife. And if Santiago is naturally blind without the aid of the Hotel, then perhaps he can move in darkness because darkness doesn't scare him?
No. 91851 ID: 2042be

Possibly confirmed that Santiago was essentially castrated by his father? It's funny that I never noticed that he didn't react to the groin kick but did to the foot stomp. If Weaver doesn't confirm it I might just headcanon it. Either way I'm assuming he's healed in the end seeing as Kim's face was healed as well.

About the Nan and Henry relationship, that part was just Nan taking the place of Henry's wife in a memory I think.

Also about Santiago I'd agree but he did know to go right to Nan at the end and he looked right at her. Then again he could've been healed of that as well.
No. 91852 ID: e0a753

nah, the reason self-defense classes teach you to go for the nuts is it's not the kind of pain you can just shrug off, adrenaline be damned

a hard enough hit to the nuts can make you vomit or even pass out from the pain
No. 91856 ID: e114bc

If that is the case, I wonder if time was reversed for him to before it happened. That may be why he's a kid- it was the time of life he really truly wished to return to. Same with Kim, and Nan I guess.

I wonder what happened to Kim later in her childhood.
No. 91865 ID: ab5a55

Hey, didn't Pablo have janitorial duties?
No. 91867 ID: 6d0774

>Possibly confirmed that Santiago was essentially castrated by his father?

That sounds very brutal, his dad must be rotting away in jail for it. I don't think a kid could survive full castration. Although worth mentioning that Santiago says Nan has been bad and must be PUNISHED when he strips her, and since he's really just a kid I imagine rape wasn't on his mind.

Heh, it's actually pretty obvious when you think back, the childish way he bit her during their tussle. His way of making light of people's death is disgusting coming from an adult, but for a child it's a natural way of handling trauma.

Could've been a miss. It's not really an issue if balls aren't being crushed. I mean, hey, if she had hit a pelvis bone when showing Henry who's boss she could've broken a toe.
No. 91868 ID: 6d0774

There were a few abnormalities in the Hotel that stick out from the rest.

>Anderson's cigar
>The mirror, both times
>Illusion of Kim

I think the mirror is the most interesting, because it seems to be benign at first by hinting at Henry's deceptive nature, but after it is smashed, it uses its notably diminished powers to try and kill Nan.

Kim's illusion also tries to warn her about Henry, but seems far more keen on luring and killing her. Still, if these things wanted Nan or anyone else dead, why would they be trying to expose Henry?

The cigar is trying to kill Anderson through less direct means. Or it wanted a kiss and danced with joy when he finally noticed her. Like the mirror and illusion, she ultimately dies, suggesting that they are not necessarily immortal ghosts.

So this is where the fun theories start. My favorite is that the hauntings want more SACRIFICES and are trying to recreate the way they die. Inhalation of smoke - Check. Burned to death - Check. Being cut by shards of glass makes sense looking back in Nan's visit to that other fire, there are a few glasses and people probably panicked knocking some over.
No. 91870 ID: 22c4b7

>If that is the case, I wonder if time was reversed for him to before it happened

I think the age he's at now is before it happened, yeah. He says at >>>/questarch/645867
>When I was fifteen my dad took a knife to me and--

and he appears to be below 15 now, so it would seem he's reverted to a state before the worst part of his abuse happened.
No. 91871 ID: 86e91d

Since we're talking about Santiago, there's something I've always thought about. His malnourishment.
Maybe he refused to eat, unless stricly necessary, because he knew the food the Hotel 'spawned' came from people's deaths, mainly from Henry's doings.
No. 91872 ID: ed048e

If the hotel provides food, why did Nan and Pablo get a can from that rat that one time?
No. 91875 ID: 6d0774

Alan had recently died, the rat probably stole from that batch but couldn't open it.

The rat eats corpses.
No. 91876 ID: 2042be

Well there were still a few cans left in the janitor's closet. It's probably just leftover that they were saving in case of emergency ("they" being Henry, Santiago and whoever else came before the group we know)
No. 91877 ID: c22069

Does anyone else wonder if Helpful Rat/Mouse and Sister Maggi or who ever appeared at the end wearing repairman's clothes are one in the same?
No. 91890 ID: 0a61c7

Good taste, as always.
So, is that a broken cross, or a broken symbol of death?
Is a good or bad thing.
No. 91891 ID: 0a61c7

Sorry, wrong version of Nan thread
Apparently you can't post in that one anymore. Huh.
No. 91903 ID: 6d0774

Many characters died as a result of our poor decisions. What should we have done differently to get a perfect play?

I think pairing up Henry and big guy Anderson would go a long way.
No. 91917 ID: 4ec5ce

NanQuest involved complex, troubled characters, social dynamics, dark pasts, and unspoken conflicts. I feel like the very line of thinking in these posts actually caused more damage than they prevented.

Treating every interpersonal conflict like some adventure game puzzle that had a "correct" answer, aiming for a "perfect" ending where everyone returns to their old lives happy and in one piece, trying to dig for easter eggs and clinging to diplomatic solutions even when that point has long-since passed -- all that may have worked in a Sierra Adventure, but that's not what NanQuest was. People pried rudely thinking they needed to know everything. People allowed violence because they were too busy talking to act. People took too much fretted conversation as objective narration.

People often missed the forest for the trees.

Things could have turned out differently, but a "perfect" run doesn't even exist here.
No. 91920 ID: 99bb2f

I still think everyone would love to see the continued adventures of Nan and Lil Santiago, even if it's just their everyday lives after the incident.
No. 91935 ID: ad627d

It was never stated anywhere what would happen if one escaped the hotel.

I think what happened is that when Santiago went to save Kim, it just sent him back to her time as well, and if Nan would have made it back inside she would've been a kid too.
No. 91945 ID: 6d0774

Makes sense, everyone here knows how to play adventure games but there hasn't really been anything like nanquest before. The Fat Man Trolley Problem comes to mind, nobody wants to take action in fear it might do harm, so their inaction causes worse problems.
No. 91959 ID: 696535

While I agree on what weaver said about there being no way to make a "perfect run" I can say for certainly say we all made some silly mistakes.
For starters, quite a number of us tried to treat Nan more as some character in some interactive adventure game than what she really was; a scared, confused electrician who is ultimately a goat a human(-ish) being. No superhuman strength, no masters degree in like 75 fields.
Secondly, we were way to preachy. opting to find diplomacy in a situation where there was none. If a giant shadow monster is chasing you down a near-dark hallway would you try to use your five seconds to give it a fifty minute speech on the value of human life?
No. 91985 ID: 469e5e

What if we had killed Santiago in rage after the rape attempt
No. 91986 ID: e114bc

That would've been the biggest mistake we could have made.

...hey Weaver, what was the biggest mistake /quest/ made during Nan Quest?
No. 91992 ID: 6a96c4

And conversely, were there any incredible strokes of genius that you could not have possibly predicted?
No. 92102 ID: 15fae4

Would anyone mind helping out with the Wiki page? I've been trying to fix the Characters tab up some.

If anyone wants to help out with the Chapter summaries, which haven't been updated in literal years, or add more theories and fanart, that'd be great.

No. 92105 ID: 46984a

There's also a character sheet for NanQuest on TVTropes, and it's a lot tidier than the wiki page. It might offer some help.
No. 92118 ID: 4ec5ce

Frankly, I absolutely hate the tgchan wiki page for NanQuest (and DiveQuest, while I'm at it).

It's absolutely loaded with spoilers, many of which make no attempt to conceal themselves. As of this writing, Father Velasco's fucking portrait is his final reveal appearance AT THE FUCKING CLIMAX OF THE ENTIRE STORY and is easily one of the biggest single image spoiler you could post.
Characters fates are hidden behind single spoiler bars (sometimes) and even just trying to visit for the links in the corner you could easily be spoiled by accident. For a story built so heavily around suspense and mystery this undermines the whole quest.

Also the chapter and character summaries are an elementary-level play-by-play with ridiculous composition, bad writing, and again, way too much given away.

This irks me especially because when people ask for links to NanQuest, to see what it is and get into reading it, they're often sent this article. So their first exposure is reveals, spoiler frames, and poorly composed summaries by people who have no real grasp of the story and for whom most points went over their heads.

I know this sounds ungrateful for the people maintaining it, but fuck it. I hate it. I've always hated it.
Burn it.
Into the fire.
No. 92119 ID: 15fae4


I'll be honest, I did a lot of the stuff on the characters tab. Well, at least the stuff from the past 20 hours or so.

I was trying to make it more comprehensive, and was working to spoiler up the stuff later. Sorry.
No. 92125 ID: 4ec5ce

The Padre thing is just one example, but when a lot of characters are basically walking spoilers in their very identity, it seems like a fine line.
The whole article has been spoilery for as long as I can remember though, so it's definitely not a new thing.
No. 92126 ID: e114bc

>the darkness monster thing has a name, hidden somewhere in the quest
Oh boy, I wonder how long it's gonna take for someone to find that.
No. 92127 ID: 409b75

It's prooobably somewhere in the arc where we're explained the backstory of the whole sacrifical fire, that is thread 8. Haven't searched yet though.
No. 92128 ID: 86e91d

I think we'll never know the motivation of the sea monster (and Cjopaze's, while we're at it). For all we know, it could be random evil.
No. 92134 ID: e114bc

Hmm. What if Anasazi is the creature's name? The darkness was "inside" the Padre all along, so maybe the thing was that they're all part of the monster, and every now and then the monster resurfaces in one of them so the ritual must be performed to suppress it.

Consider the origin of the name. "Ancient enemy". "You are not Anasazi" means you're not part of the monster.
No. 92136 ID: 090e2d

To them, "the darkness that came from across the sea" would be a pretty apt way to describe the European settlers.
No. 92137 ID: ab5a55

Maybe it's "Naaloqomvi", from panel 794, Chapter 8.
No. 92139 ID: ab5a55

Okay, I did a little research and I think that's our guy. From what I could find, "naalöyö'" in the Hopi language means "four". Dark thing has four tentacles coming out of its head. "Qömvi" means "black", and it looks pretty black to me.
No. 92146 ID: dc7870


You mean an entire re-write of it all?
No. 92148 ID: ed048e

Wait a second. Isn't Cjopaze under the sea? What if Cjopaze and Ananzi have the same source, or are even the same being? There is that one pic of Ace emerging from the furnace, indicating a link between nanquest and rubyquest. There's spooooooky stuff under the waves, and its up to weavers heroes to find get themselves and their new friends!
No. 92149 ID: ab7529

>I know this sounds ungrateful for the people maintaining it, but fuck it. I hate it. I've always hated it.
>This irks me especially because when people ask for links to NanQuest, to see what it is and get into reading it, they're often sent this article.
Honestly, there aren't a whole lot of us maintaining the wiki. A lot of that content has been sitting there untouched for years.

Wish you'd mentioned you hated it earlier. Covering up / commenting out / removing a bad article until the day if and when it gets rewritten is easy.

As far as I'm concerned, the primary purpose of the wiki is to provide easy to find links to threads. Character lists and summaries and other things to aide readers are secondary. If the secondary stuff is negatively impacting the primary purpose, it loses.

NanQuest spoilery character lists and summaries removed per author request.

Is your complaint with the Dive page the same thing?
No. 92151 ID: e3e577

No. 92152 ID: e3e577

oh whoops that was me btw

also i was totally in favor of killing santiago. anti-santi league 4 lyfe
No. 92160 ID: e114bc

That's probably it then. Congrats!
No. 92163 ID: 15fae4
File 143487389697.png - (21.83KB , 1096x491 , 757285.png )


sweet fucking christ that santiago is bad
No. 92164 ID: 15fae4
File 143487444384.png - (35.54KB , 1096x491 , 37572387258.png )

and another
No. 92199 ID: 1d157d

To be perfectly honest, I think the problem with NanQuest was that it was a little too complex. When there are so many crazy things happening and reality is so unstable, it's natural for people to be extremely cautious and uncertain of their actions. Weaver criticized the players for "finding easter eggs" and prying for information, but, like... how else were they supposed to figure out what was going on? I think the reason people were so obsessed with the flashbacks was because it was one of the few things that adhered to a coherent set of rules and could be experimented with. With everything else, there were too many moving parts. Like, Henry -- sure, it seems obvious now that people should have jumped down his throat immediately after seeing the inconsistency in his backstory, but, like... at that point Nan has three mutually exclusive backstories and has seemingly jumped through alternate realities. Maybe it's just more hotel weirdness! It's made clear that normal rules of reality don't apply, so nothing can be assumed! I thought it made perfect sense for people to take things slow and wait until they had enough information to make an informed decision. That's the responsible thing to do in any situation.

I'm also still waiting for the explanation on how Henry had skeletal hands that were pointedly drawn in a different style from human hands. Were they really just gloves?

Granted, I'm an observer, not a player, but while I greatly enjoyed NanQuest as a story, it looked far too difficult as an interactive adventure. Players couldn't isolate variables, so figuring things out on their own was borderline impossible, at least in the timeframes given.
No. 92202 ID: 3009b4

>Players couldn't isolate variables, so figuring things out on their own was borderline impossible, at least in the timeframes given.

I'm not sure. In retrospect there was plenty of warning for Henry although I do think it was quite a leap in logic to assume he was one of the monsters since obtaining the supplies to become one seemed rather unlikely.

It's a difficult case to make. In Yahtzee's "7 Days..." he gets rather defensive about the twist and never quite admits it's pretty stupid. The foreshadowing doesn't matter, it's the context that's completely out of place because it has nothing to do with the theme and threat the player has been dealing with meantime.

Henry being a guy in a costume did feel a bit 'Dark Twist Scooby-Doo'; the costume seemed contrived. It would have been far simpler to simply kill people off screen and just blame it on the Padre or the Beast rather than play dress-up. So the concept of a traitorous survivor was just fine, the execution (pardon the pun) was the problem and therein may be the reason why players had issues solving it.

It's a hard call, because sometimes players can be very clever too such as planting the photo with one of the subjects in Ruby Quest. In Nem's Quest, the fact that Nem and Macha were gradually changing throughout the adventure seemed completely lost on the participants, and yet Kome turned around and made the connection that Macha was just an aspect of Nem, which was actually supposed to be a big twist reveal as a side-effect on solving a puzzle. People had just assumed my colours were inconsistent, and given my less-than-consistent style it was reasonable but obvious in hindsight.

Apparently I can even repeat this in another quest and nobody picks up on it there, either. In Nem's Quest here eyes shifted from bright yellow to orange to red at the very end. In the other quest I've done it in, I not only changed the colour but the pen used to make it rather bright. I've actually revealed it to one person because I was curious about this very element and he hadn't noticed in the slightest.

In conclusion, writing solvable mysterious is very difficult.
No. 92218 ID: 2ca975

it seems to me that the final page suggests our nan was "originally" the nun, nancy, and that the memories of repair-nan were just one of the hotel ghosts (whom we observed at the climax). we played through the opening electrician sequence, but if you reread it it seems extremely surreal in tone -- i think we might have already been inside of someone else's memory at the start of the quest

this is because of a dual meaning in the padre's journal. "nan, i won't let you leave," could also refer to the nun, nancy leaving the mission. nancy leaving is depicted in the Thing's rant ("Are you simply the one who left, when I needed you the most?") and is distinct from all the other scenes depicted in that it is the ONLY one we did NOT encounter in a light-
induced faux-flashback. we DID encourage Maggie to leave the mission, but we did this AS NANCY -- at no point did we inherit Maggie's memory

"I won't let you leave" -- because of the upcoming ritual. "When I needed you the most" would be another dual meaning insofar as the Padre needed Nancy FOR the ritual (because she is not Anasazi and therefore a candidate Stranger). this would also explain why Lorenzo got so close to us despite meeting Nan only a few times -- Maggie implied that Nancy had been getting very close with Lorenzo

Henry observed that the Hotel "draws in" anyone who a current occupant calls out for. Henry insisted that he had called us (as an electrician), but we also know that both the Padre and Lorenzo were connected to Nancy (the Padre didn't want her to leave and Lorenzo was emotionally attached to her), and that she was not present at the sacrifice (if she left). so by Henry's logic, Nancy would have been drawn back into the Hotel.

ultimately this leads to the core paradox -- if nan has the memory of someone who abandoned the mission then how did that memory come back to the hotel if its owner wasn't present for the sacrifice? clearly whoever had that memory (of abandoning the mission) had to come BACK to the hotel. i think it was nancy -- because both the Padre and Lorenzo were calling for her
No. 92219 ID: 2ca975

also did we ever get a year that Santiago entered? if not then the best explanation as to why he's a kid is that he entered at a later time (like Kim)
No. 92221 ID: 4ec5ce
File 143507540182.gif - (3.23KB , 350x350 , OH HO.gif )

>To be perfectly honest, I think the problem with NanQuest was
I honestly didn't have a problem with NanQuest

Obviously if I went through it again there are some things I'd do differently and some suggestions grated after a while but overall I'm very pleased with how it came out and I like how the players went through it
No. 92222 ID: 4ec5ce
File 143507614660.png - (54.19KB , 689x652 , rubynan.png )

To actually respond to your criticism though, I think you completely misinterpreted what I was saying. I don't fault players for wanting information and I don't think it was unreasonable to look into backstories and flashbacks. I encouraged it. It turned out to be instrumental in the way the quest resolved.

What I had an issue with was people pussyfooting around when it finally came time to act, always hesitating. Always "wait and see" even when death was staring them down in the face. Always overestimating Nan's strength, always overconfident, always too unwilling to flee or admit they were outmatched.
What you're addressing is not what I had a problem with at all.

Also, until very late in the quest, most players did not seem to recognize even the most simple clues or patterns.
When Nan had "white flash" flashbacks early on, people became frustrated with the quest. Spatial teleportation and leaping in a way that could not be fully understood was taken by some as proof that their actions didn't matter. Yet no one seemed to be asking even the most obvious question: what was causing the flashes? There absolutely were patterns to how things worked in the hotel, there were reasons for everything that went on. It seemed chaotic but the more we learned and the more we probed the more we (should have) understood. If anything I feel one of the biggest weaknesses of the audience, in addition to perhaps being too ginger with their actions, was a lack of critical thinking. So few people bothered to just stop and analyze what they'd seen and heard, and instead of working with what we had ("okay, what's the pattern here?") people were instead leaping off to wild and baseless speculation ("but what if this is an alternate reality in the future because time travel was discovered IN THE PAST??")

> it looked far too difficult as an interactive adventure
See, this mentality is the exact problem I addressed earlier, and even warned people about repeatedly in the early quest.
RubyQuest was much more like a traditional adventure game: most puzzles were lock-and-key, you had to find the important items and information, and then use them on devices.
NanQuest is more an ontological and social puzzle. It's not about locks and keys (though those certainly did exist).
Looking at it as "difficult" just proves you're thinking about it in too goal-oriented a way, that you're trying to shoot for some good ending or some plot reveal secret. Just focus on what's right in front of you instead, and worry about surviving, not getting 182 out of 182 points.

I've got more to say on other points but I'll split it up
No. 92223 ID: 9ddf68

>NanQuest is more an ontological and social puzzle. It's not about locks and keys
probably not the best person to argue here seeing as I was more of an off and on player at best but the thing I remember hearing most about Nan quest (at least at the beginning) was that it was the spiritual successor to Ruby quest. Which in my mind mean similar but with different characters and in a different setting. Just saying that and with that mentality it would make seance that people where more goal orientate. That and from ruby quest I know people even today look at some of the crap that was never explained and scratch their head trying to piece it together so some people probably would/did try to get that 182 out of 182 simply in the hopes of not leaving any unanswered questions again.

Just how I see anyways.
No. 92225 ID: eac8be

>Also, until very late in the quest, most players did not seem to recognize even the most simple clues or patterns.
I feel like players lacking pattern recognition is to some extent inherent to the format, since the posts being spread out over time means that players don't perceive what they had seen and heard so much as a vague summary of past events if they aren't actively searching the (possibly large) archive with some idea of what to look for.
I also feel like people kind of expect horror stories in general to have small creepy details that (as far as the audience can tell even after seeing the whole story) are there more for a menacing ambiance than for any particular plot reason. (For example, I still have no idea whether the mouse in the bell or the plant looking like a hand that one time represent anything.)
No. 92226 ID: 7dac06

>Always overestimating Nan's strength

I don't know if it was just because she tended to be drawn to look relatively stocky, but I always got some impression off Nan that she was pretty stronk, comparatively speaking. A lot of the other characters looked more stickish than her, and the wearing of overalls is also often associated with physically strong characters. So, although logically there wasn't that much evidence for Nan being too strong, the visual cues may have been a subconscious influence on the suggesters when they considered how physically capable she was.
No. 92231 ID: 3009b4

> Always overestimating Nan's strength, always overconfident, always too unwilling to flee or admit they were outmatched.

TGChan as a community seems to suffer from binary thinking. If the protagonist can win one fight, they think the protagonist can win ALL the fights, no matter how ordinary or unprepared you depict them.

>I don't know if it was just because she tended to be drawn to look relatively stocky, but I always got some impression off Nan that she was pretty stronk, comparatively speaking.

She's a lazy electrician and a goat. Neither are known as pillars of strength or ferocity.

>I feel like players lacking pattern recognition is to some extent inherent to the format, since the posts being spread out over time means that players don't perceive what they had seen and heard so much as a vague summary of past events if they aren't actively searching the (possibly large) archive with some idea of what to look for.

I have to agree there. It's more difficult to do a quest when details are strewn about and nobody updates the wiki.

>What I had an issue with was people pussyfooting around when it finally came time to act, always hesitating.
>Just focus on what's right in front of you instead, and worry about surviving, not getting 182 out of 182 points.

I think the players being so successful in Ruby Quest set that up, people seemed to think "Well we got both Tom, Ruby & Emo Bird out alive last time!" via the photo gambit.

>NanQuest is more an ontological and social puzzle.

That seems to be something TGChan itself has problems with -- the social puzzles, that is. I think it's because most games don't include real social puzzles.
No. 92232 ID: a19cd5

>She's a lazy electrician and a goat. Neither are known as pillars of strength or ferocity.

I mean, you are wrong on both accounts tho
Goats are kinda known for bein' brutish dorks, what with the whole headbutt display dealio and that whole association with SATAN, and electricians gotta be goddamn BEEF to work with ironworkers the way they do.

Also, the stockiness and overalls did lean towards nan being a bruiser.
No. 92245 ID: 55c1ca


"That seems to be something TGChan itself has problems with -- the social puzzles, that is. I think it's because most games don't include real social puzzles."

i think it's because most of the people here fall somewhere on the autism spectrum and have no idea how to interact with people socially in any instance

i personally loved nanquest but most of the suggestions were frankly embarrassing

in my opinion, tg should acknowledge this as a tremendous failure - not of author/artist, but of audience - and really take a good hard look at itself, its preconceived notions, and its dopey-ass habits, then shape the fuck up or accept the fact that you are grinding good ideas into dust
No. 92246 ID: 6e1234

No actually most of tgchan is just fine. The problem is that NanQuest had a much larger audience than most of the other quests on here as many people (especially from tumblr) came here just for Weaver's quests. And the larger the audience the more likely you are to get people who think it's funny to constantly make silly or stupid suggestions even when it's inappropriate.
No. 92250 ID: f68a09


Yeah speaking as a moderator the Nan Quest threads were always report-generating nightmares
And speaking as a quest author the suggestors in my stuff were always a lot more... reasonable. Most of the guys we'd call "regulars" were actually some of the biggest voices of reason in the quest (with a few exceptions)
No. 92252 ID: 2a7417

In this context, is being a "voice of reason"
a good thing or a bad thing?
No. 92257 ID: ad627d


>I feel like players lacking pattern recognition is to some extent inherent to the format, since the posts being spread out over time means that players don't perceive what they had seen and heard so much as a vague summary of past events if they aren't actively searching the (possibly large) archive with some idea of what to look for.
I don't know, in my experience Weaver tended to give us a good amount of time between posts (during updates) to look back at the story
Which in my opinion didn't take long to reread, at least if only reading the prompts that had been accepted.
No. 92261 ID: 3009b4

>Goats are kinda known for bein' brutish dorks, what with the whole headbutt display dealio

They're prey animals.
No. 92290 ID: 7aeb02

The Q&A session is announced! Yay!
It starts at 3:00 AM local time! Nay!

I'm definitely not gonna make it, much to my dismay, so here are the questions I had for the session.
Weaver, it'd be really cool if you'd touch upon them, although I'm sure someone else will ask at least some of them.

1. What would've happened if we told Maggie to stay at the mission instead of leaving to visit her mother?
2. Would Pablo risk his freedom to help out Kim in the end, if we had picked him as our companion for the finale?
3. Was it at all possible to save everyone?
4. The undies-Nan sequence started when we flashed a light at a monster; then, if we were reliving some goat girl's memory, then why did undies-Nan meet overalls-Nan in the same reality?
5. In the colored sequence with the Lightbringer (when he told us to be thorough), were we reliving Lorenzo's memory? If so, wouldn't that mean the Padre is the Lightbringer?
No. 92333 ID: 15fae4
File 143535833055.jpg - (4.71KB , 352x94 , 672472457.jpg )

A little pre-Q&A fun.

Weaver's cooking is terrifying.
No. 92336 ID: a18bb6

I think I missed the Q&A. Did anyone take pics and would be willing to put them on here?
No. 92337 ID: defceb

It's still going on.
No. 92339 ID: 15fae4


Alright, I won't post any more, since there'll be more complete logs later, but I just loved this. Seeing the reactions flood in was golden.
No. 92342 ID: eec2b0

Here are the complete logs. They aren't edited at all.

No. 92343 ID: 15fae4
File 143538412662.png - (102.48KB , 747x457 , 8356.png )

No. 92405 ID: 6ba835


For those who would want it, here's the log edited to include only Weaver's messages and the messages he mentions or replies to (with a single exception I just couldn't leave out). Down from 5555 lines to 589.

Q&A session summary:
<Shea> weaver dropping all this profound character analysis to the background noise of everyone talking about asses
<Diesel> the salt from my tears are actually burning my eyes right now Im having a great time here guys
<papplemelon> again, late, but better late than never http://i.imgur.com/mb2S4tC.png
No. 92410 ID: 86e91d

Who killed Alan then ?
No. 92435 ID: ad627d

No. 92436 ID: ab5a55

It was probably Henry the first time around, but after we intercepted and gave him the pen, he stayed behind to write the letter instead of fleeing. Thus Anderson shot him instead.
No. 92466 ID: 7aeb02

Also it's cute how Weaver responds to TK about "The Fall" and then mentions his brother in third person (that he introduced Weaver to it). It's just so adorably tactful ~

I really gotta watch it some time though.
No. 92483 ID: 469e5e


Would be more adorable if TK's head wasn't so far up his ass
No. 92500 ID: 3777ae

haha yeah fuck that guy
No. 92513 ID: 7aeb02

So, who's Nan?
Since this is left to interpretation, here's mine.

Several characters in the story really, really wanted someone like Nan to appear. Father Velasco, assuming any shreds of his mind sirvived the demon possessing him, longed for another outsider to come, for another chance. Lorenzo imprisoned himself in the altar room for who knows how many centuries, and I bet he wished for someone to end the ritual proper. And let's not forget Henry, who was waiting eagerly for a chance to offer a goat sacrifice to whoever he thought would give him the reunion he sought.

There's not much in common between these three, except for maybe a long exposure to Naaloqomvi. Less so for Henry, but he's still been in the hotel longer than other survivors - his bloodlust being the reason for the their short lifespans. Maybe some of that supernatural force, the otherworldly nature of the evil from across the sea "rubbed off" on those under his influence. But not in any direct, readily obvious way that could be consciously used.

I theorize that Nan is the physical manifestation of their combined wills. Not a particular real person, but a spirit summoned by a common wish, she first mimicked human behavior by sifting through other people's memories. For how long is unknown - after all, we don't know when exactly she appeared in the hotel.

In the end she did grant all three their wishes (except Henry, but fuck him). She could've disappeared after that, but I like to think Nan wanted to regain her identity so much that she finally became a real person - the experience she went through gave her enough memories of her own to carry on. By the end she no longer needed to peek into other minds to be someone.
No. 92514 ID: 7aeb02

It is because Nan was summoned into existence with a purpose that she said what she said in the grand finale. Ending the nightmare, which was a common wish of Velasco, Lorenzo (and even Henry, although fuck Henry), was more important to Nan that figuring out how real she was.

It is also why the Padre says what he says: he mocks Nan's nature as a fake, ridiculing the attempt to banish him that she embodies. No doubt he knows how she came into being.
No. 92522 ID: 86e91d

Nice theories
No. 92544 ID: e114bc

You know, I was thinking about it, and there's only one person Nan could be. The nun. Why? Lorenzo recognized her. HE KNEW HER.

It's *possible* Nan became an electrician after the mission burnt down, so she's both identities. I'm not sure if the timeline matches up there though.
No. 92565 ID: 15fae4


The Mission burned down almost a hundred years ago, though. Lorenzo recognized Nan because SHE entered HIS memories.

We don't know who the "real" Nan is. It's as likely to be Electrician Nan as it is to be the Nan we saw with the husband. Nan ended up losing her identity amongst all the memories we travelled through, the pasts we changed.

"You're no one, Nan. And that's why you're special."
No. 92577 ID: e114bc

I really doubt that Nan actually looked like all those people she took the place of in those memories.

Also, if she did, then Henry should have recognized her as his WIFE.
No. 92759 ID: 1d157d

Okay so I just read the Q&A log, very informative. If we weren't there, is it okay if we ask a few questions of our own? I'm surprised no one asked about the giant in the courtyard, for instance...

Continuing on the "too hard" criticism, I feel like, while the pieces were there, there was too little time to figure it out -- not real time, obviously, but in terms of the number of actions players had in the quest. I did see a number of people making good suggestions to gather more information (talking to people, investigating loose ends from early on), but they never got the opportunity to use them since things moved so fast. I guess that was what you were going for with "it's messy, not clean", but it still made things pretty confusing. I felt like players were mostly just making stabs in the dark by the end -- like, you said you were very impressed with Nan's "it doesn't matter who I am" retort? I got the impression that the players said that more out of lack of any better options than true understanding and acknowledgement of Nan's character. If people have no idea what's going on or why, that really becomes the only logical response to the Padre's speech.

I believe that's also why people were so quick to jump to "out there" theories. Like I said, when reality is out to lunch, everything seems equally valid. There was time travel and weird memory flashbacks and the geography of the hotel kept shifting -- in that context the theories didn't seem unreasonable. It wasn't until things became more grounded in part 4 that more rational theories became possible, but I guess people still stuck to the old ones.

This could even be why players were so afraid to act -- if someone is placed in an extremely dangerous place that uses different and seemingly arbitrary rules of reality, of course they're going to be overly cautious. That's why I never made any suggestions, and tend not to make quest suggestions at all -- I know I'm stupid and don't want to screw things up by making the wrong decision when I don't understand things fully.

(If people couldn't figure out something as simple as light = memory though, that was pretty stupid of them, I can't defend that.)

>I don't fault players for wanting information and I don't think it was unreasonable to look into backstories and flashbacks. I encouraged it.

Ooh okay I did misinterpret that, sorry. I thought that was what you were referring to with the "missing the forest for the trees" bit.

>So few people bothered to just stop and analyze what they'd seen and heard, and instead of working with what we had ("okay, what's the pattern here?")

Okay, but then what was causing the blackouts? What was up with the time travel clock? Why did Anna look different the first time through, if that was Anna? How did Henry get to the saferoom so fast? People speculated about those things feverishly and desperately tried to find answers, but nothing ever came of it. I think players were using critical thinking, they were just applying it in the wrong direction. But the problem is, how were they supposed to know what was the right direction? There are so many hotel mechanics to focus on, but only one (light = memory) really paid off.

>Looking at it as "difficult" just proves you're thinking about it in too goal-oriented a way, that you're trying to shoot for some good ending or some plot reveal secret. Just focus on what's right in front of you instead, and worry about surviving, not getting 182 out of 182 points.

I don't think I thought of it like an adventure game... I saw it more as, like, a mystery novel or something, which sounds more like you were going for. But even though my sister and I discussed and analyzed plot points a lot, we were still left scratching our heads over some of the final reveals.
No. 92771 ID: 6bf0cf

but who was mooneyes
No. 92817 ID: 15fae4
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No. 92863 ID: 6d0774

Except Nan isn't no one, she just forgot who she was.

Thing is, Nan never takes the role of the person whose memory it is. She's Henry's WIFE. One of the NUNs in Lorenzo's place. The ELECTRICIAN in Kim's memory. The MOTHER is the only one no one else in the story was present for. Which means those kids have an abusive dad and negligent mom.
No. 93050 ID: e86756

Not the beast
No. 94884 ID: 9b3167

Sorry for the unrelated question, but does anybody happen to have a Cjopaze symbol around ? The one that kinda looks like a compass.
No. 94899 ID: 127033
File 144255094784.jpg - (349.68KB , 701x683 , Cjopaze.jpg )

No. 95416 ID: 15fae4
File 144447785203.png - (28.72KB , 400x400 , happy birthday nan.png )

5 years ago today, an Electrician began her work.

Reminisce with me, won't you?
No. 95420 ID: 1f8505


Five years ago?!

Man, I'm old.
No. 95424 ID: 15fae4
File 144451674558.png - (28.31KB , 1082x410 , 634532646462253.png )


Oops, actually.
SIX years.
No. 130446 ID: db8181

It has nearly been a fucking decade my guys
No. 130447 ID: 62a65f

Celebrating 10 years since Nan is good, but you couldn't wait a couple of months?
No. 130655 ID: 0661c8

celebrating 10 years since nan quest!
No. 130659 ID: eeb7d9

Praise be the 10 years! PRAISE BE THE EMPEROR WEAVER!
No. 130676 ID: 9d50cc

You're two months early.
No. 130767 ID: bbd5f5

Under normal circumstances, this would be a great chance to reminisce about all the things Weaver has made in the past, from the time he started Ruby Quest on 4chan, to all the other art and stories he's made in the 10+ years since.

Right now, it's just kind of depressing.
No. 130824 ID: 9d2958

No. 132469 ID: 9d377e

I don’t relate. I took a nostalgia trip through my nerd niche shit (Including weaverworks) during the quarantine and it was exquisite. Sure time passes and reminiscing is just as bitter as sweet, but that’s life
No. 136380 ID: f30596

thank god questden has this archived
anyways hello nanquest from like 12 years ago
No. 137274 ID: 06756b

No. 140904 ID: 7ab863

Sad that this link's dead now.
No. 143302 ID: 5fa86a

shocked nobody commented here about it but nanquest turned 15 back in october so uh woohoo i guess!
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