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4297 No. 4297 ID: 9ded94

Taking the initiative. It's not like there isn't going to be one in here soon anyway.
2346 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 92231 ID: 3009b4

> Always overestimating Nan's strength, always overconfident, always too unwilling to flee or admit they were outmatched.

TGChan as a community seems to suffer from binary thinking. If the protagonist can win one fight, they think the protagonist can win ALL the fights, no matter how ordinary or unprepared you depict them.

>I don't know if it was just because she tended to be drawn to look relatively stocky, but I always got some impression off Nan that she was pretty stronk, comparatively speaking.

She's a lazy electrician and a goat. Neither are known as pillars of strength or ferocity.

>I feel like players lacking pattern recognition is to some extent inherent to the format, since the posts being spread out over time means that players don't perceive what they had seen and heard so much as a vague summary of past events if they aren't actively searching the (possibly large) archive with some idea of what to look for.

I have to agree there. It's more difficult to do a quest when details are strewn about and nobody updates the wiki.

>What I had an issue with was people pussyfooting around when it finally came time to act, always hesitating.
>Just focus on what's right in front of you instead, and worry about surviving, not getting 182 out of 182 points.

I think the players being so successful in Ruby Quest set that up, people seemed to think "Well we got both Tom, Ruby & Emo Bird out alive last time!" via the photo gambit.

>NanQuest is more an ontological and social puzzle.

That seems to be something TGChan itself has problems with -- the social puzzles, that is. I think it's because most games don't include real social puzzles.
No. 92232 ID: a19cd5

>She's a lazy electrician and a goat. Neither are known as pillars of strength or ferocity.

I mean, you are wrong on both accounts tho
Goats are kinda known for bein' brutish dorks, what with the whole headbutt display dealio and that whole association with SATAN, and electricians gotta be goddamn BEEF to work with ironworkers the way they do.

Also, the stockiness and overalls did lean towards nan being a bruiser.
No. 92245 ID: 55c1ca


"That seems to be something TGChan itself has problems with -- the social puzzles, that is. I think it's because most games don't include real social puzzles."

i think it's because most of the people here fall somewhere on the autism spectrum and have no idea how to interact with people socially in any instance

i personally loved nanquest but most of the suggestions were frankly embarrassing

in my opinion, tg should acknowledge this as a tremendous failure - not of author/artist, but of audience - and really take a good hard look at itself, its preconceived notions, and its dopey-ass habits, then shape the fuck up or accept the fact that you are grinding good ideas into dust
No. 92246 ID: 6e1234

No actually most of tgchan is just fine. The problem is that NanQuest had a much larger audience than most of the other quests on here as many people (especially from tumblr) came here just for Weaver's quests. And the larger the audience the more likely you are to get people who think it's funny to constantly make silly or stupid suggestions even when it's inappropriate.
No. 92250 ID: f68a09


Yeah speaking as a moderator the Nan Quest threads were always report-generating nightmares
And speaking as a quest author the suggestors in my stuff were always a lot more... reasonable. Most of the guys we'd call "regulars" were actually some of the biggest voices of reason in the quest (with a few exceptions)
No. 92252 ID: 2a7417

In this context, is being a "voice of reason"
a good thing or a bad thing?
No. 92257 ID: ad627d


>I feel like players lacking pattern recognition is to some extent inherent to the format, since the posts being spread out over time means that players don't perceive what they had seen and heard so much as a vague summary of past events if they aren't actively searching the (possibly large) archive with some idea of what to look for.
I don't know, in my experience Weaver tended to give us a good amount of time between posts (during updates) to look back at the story
Which in my opinion didn't take long to reread, at least if only reading the prompts that had been accepted.
No. 92261 ID: 3009b4

>Goats are kinda known for bein' brutish dorks, what with the whole headbutt display dealio

They're prey animals.
No. 92290 ID: 7aeb02

The Q&A session is announced! Yay!
It starts at 3:00 AM local time! Nay!

I'm definitely not gonna make it, much to my dismay, so here are the questions I had for the session.
Weaver, it'd be really cool if you'd touch upon them, although I'm sure someone else will ask at least some of them.

1. What would've happened if we told Maggie to stay at the mission instead of leaving to visit her mother?
2. Would Pablo risk his freedom to help out Kim in the end, if we had picked him as our companion for the finale?
3. Was it at all possible to save everyone?
4. The undies-Nan sequence started when we flashed a light at a monster; then, if we were reliving some goat girl's memory, then why did undies-Nan meet overalls-Nan in the same reality?
5. In the colored sequence with the Lightbringer (when he told us to be thorough), were we reliving Lorenzo's memory? If so, wouldn't that mean the Padre is the Lightbringer?
No. 92333 ID: 15fae4
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A little pre-Q&A fun.

Weaver's cooking is terrifying.
No. 92336 ID: a18bb6

I think I missed the Q&A. Did anyone take pics and would be willing to put them on here?
No. 92337 ID: defceb

It's still going on.
No. 92339 ID: 15fae4


Alright, I won't post any more, since there'll be more complete logs later, but I just loved this. Seeing the reactions flood in was golden.
No. 92342 ID: eec2b0

Here are the complete logs. They aren't edited at all.

No. 92343 ID: 15fae4
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No. 92405 ID: 6ba835


For those who would want it, here's the log edited to include only Weaver's messages and the messages he mentions or replies to (with a single exception I just couldn't leave out). Down from 5555 lines to 589.

Q&A session summary:
<Shea> weaver dropping all this profound character analysis to the background noise of everyone talking about asses
<Diesel> the salt from my tears are actually burning my eyes right now Im having a great time here guys
<papplemelon> again, late, but better late than never http://i.imgur.com/mb2S4tC.png
No. 92410 ID: 86e91d

Who killed Alan then ?
No. 92435 ID: ad627d

No. 92436 ID: ab5a55

It was probably Henry the first time around, but after we intercepted and gave him the pen, he stayed behind to write the letter instead of fleeing. Thus Anderson shot him instead.
No. 92466 ID: 7aeb02

Also it's cute how Weaver responds to TK about "The Fall" and then mentions his brother in third person (that he introduced Weaver to it). It's just so adorably tactful ~

I really gotta watch it some time though.
No. 92483 ID: 469e5e


Would be more adorable if TK's head wasn't so far up his ass
No. 92500 ID: 3777ae

haha yeah fuck that guy
No. 92513 ID: 7aeb02

So, who's Nan?
Since this is left to interpretation, here's mine.

Several characters in the story really, really wanted someone like Nan to appear. Father Velasco, assuming any shreds of his mind sirvived the demon possessing him, longed for another outsider to come, for another chance. Lorenzo imprisoned himself in the altar room for who knows how many centuries, and I bet he wished for someone to end the ritual proper. And let's not forget Henry, who was waiting eagerly for a chance to offer a goat sacrifice to whoever he thought would give him the reunion he sought.

There's not much in common between these three, except for maybe a long exposure to Naaloqomvi. Less so for Henry, but he's still been in the hotel longer than other survivors - his bloodlust being the reason for the their short lifespans. Maybe some of that supernatural force, the otherworldly nature of the evil from across the sea "rubbed off" on those under his influence. But not in any direct, readily obvious way that could be consciously used.

I theorize that Nan is the physical manifestation of their combined wills. Not a particular real person, but a spirit summoned by a common wish, she first mimicked human behavior by sifting through other people's memories. For how long is unknown - after all, we don't know when exactly she appeared in the hotel.

In the end she did grant all three their wishes (except Henry, but fuck him). She could've disappeared after that, but I like to think Nan wanted to regain her identity so much that she finally became a real person - the experience she went through gave her enough memories of her own to carry on. By the end she no longer needed to peek into other minds to be someone.
No. 92514 ID: 7aeb02

It is because Nan was summoned into existence with a purpose that she said what she said in the grand finale. Ending the nightmare, which was a common wish of Velasco, Lorenzo (and even Henry, although fuck Henry), was more important to Nan that figuring out how real she was.

It is also why the Padre says what he says: he mocks Nan's nature as a fake, ridiculing the attempt to banish him that she embodies. No doubt he knows how she came into being.
No. 92522 ID: 86e91d

Nice theories
No. 92544 ID: e114bc

You know, I was thinking about it, and there's only one person Nan could be. The nun. Why? Lorenzo recognized her. HE KNEW HER.

It's *possible* Nan became an electrician after the mission burnt down, so she's both identities. I'm not sure if the timeline matches up there though.
No. 92565 ID: 15fae4


The Mission burned down almost a hundred years ago, though. Lorenzo recognized Nan because SHE entered HIS memories.

We don't know who the "real" Nan is. It's as likely to be Electrician Nan as it is to be the Nan we saw with the husband. Nan ended up losing her identity amongst all the memories we travelled through, the pasts we changed.

"You're no one, Nan. And that's why you're special."
No. 92577 ID: e114bc

I really doubt that Nan actually looked like all those people she took the place of in those memories.

Also, if she did, then Henry should have recognized her as his WIFE.
No. 92759 ID: 1d157d

Okay so I just read the Q&A log, very informative. If we weren't there, is it okay if we ask a few questions of our own? I'm surprised no one asked about the giant in the courtyard, for instance...

Continuing on the "too hard" criticism, I feel like, while the pieces were there, there was too little time to figure it out -- not real time, obviously, but in terms of the number of actions players had in the quest. I did see a number of people making good suggestions to gather more information (talking to people, investigating loose ends from early on), but they never got the opportunity to use them since things moved so fast. I guess that was what you were going for with "it's messy, not clean", but it still made things pretty confusing. I felt like players were mostly just making stabs in the dark by the end -- like, you said you were very impressed with Nan's "it doesn't matter who I am" retort? I got the impression that the players said that more out of lack of any better options than true understanding and acknowledgement of Nan's character. If people have no idea what's going on or why, that really becomes the only logical response to the Padre's speech.

I believe that's also why people were so quick to jump to "out there" theories. Like I said, when reality is out to lunch, everything seems equally valid. There was time travel and weird memory flashbacks and the geography of the hotel kept shifting -- in that context the theories didn't seem unreasonable. It wasn't until things became more grounded in part 4 that more rational theories became possible, but I guess people still stuck to the old ones.

This could even be why players were so afraid to act -- if someone is placed in an extremely dangerous place that uses different and seemingly arbitrary rules of reality, of course they're going to be overly cautious. That's why I never made any suggestions, and tend not to make quest suggestions at all -- I know I'm stupid and don't want to screw things up by making the wrong decision when I don't understand things fully.

(If people couldn't figure out something as simple as light = memory though, that was pretty stupid of them, I can't defend that.)

>I don't fault players for wanting information and I don't think it was unreasonable to look into backstories and flashbacks. I encouraged it.

Ooh okay I did misinterpret that, sorry. I thought that was what you were referring to with the "missing the forest for the trees" bit.

>So few people bothered to just stop and analyze what they'd seen and heard, and instead of working with what we had ("okay, what's the pattern here?")

Okay, but then what was causing the blackouts? What was up with the time travel clock? Why did Anna look different the first time through, if that was Anna? How did Henry get to the saferoom so fast? People speculated about those things feverishly and desperately tried to find answers, but nothing ever came of it. I think players were using critical thinking, they were just applying it in the wrong direction. But the problem is, how were they supposed to know what was the right direction? There are so many hotel mechanics to focus on, but only one (light = memory) really paid off.

>Looking at it as "difficult" just proves you're thinking about it in too goal-oriented a way, that you're trying to shoot for some good ending or some plot reveal secret. Just focus on what's right in front of you instead, and worry about surviving, not getting 182 out of 182 points.

I don't think I thought of it like an adventure game... I saw it more as, like, a mystery novel or something, which sounds more like you were going for. But even though my sister and I discussed and analyzed plot points a lot, we were still left scratching our heads over some of the final reveals.
No. 92771 ID: 6bf0cf

but who was mooneyes
No. 92817 ID: 15fae4
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No. 92863 ID: 6d0774

Except Nan isn't no one, she just forgot who she was.

Thing is, Nan never takes the role of the person whose memory it is. She's Henry's WIFE. One of the NUNs in Lorenzo's place. The ELECTRICIAN in Kim's memory. The MOTHER is the only one no one else in the story was present for. Which means those kids have an abusive dad and negligent mom.
No. 93050 ID: e86756

Not the beast
No. 94884 ID: 9b3167

Sorry for the unrelated question, but does anybody happen to have a Cjopaze symbol around ? The one that kinda looks like a compass.
No. 94899 ID: 127033
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No. 95416 ID: 15fae4
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5 years ago today, an Electrician began her work.

Reminisce with me, won't you?
No. 95420 ID: 1f8505


Five years ago?!

Man, I'm old.
No. 95424 ID: 15fae4
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Oops, actually.
SIX years.
No. 130446 ID: db8181

It has nearly been a fucking decade my guys
No. 130447 ID: 62a65f

Celebrating 10 years since Nan is good, but you couldn't wait a couple of months?
No. 130655 ID: 0661c8

celebrating 10 years since nan quest!
No. 130659 ID: eeb7d9

Praise be the 10 years! PRAISE BE THE EMPEROR WEAVER!
No. 130676 ID: 9d50cc

You're two months early.
No. 130767 ID: bbd5f5

Under normal circumstances, this would be a great chance to reminisce about all the things Weaver has made in the past, from the time he started Ruby Quest on 4chan, to all the other art and stories he's made in the 10+ years since.

Right now, it's just kind of depressing.
No. 130824 ID: 9d2958

No. 132469 ID: 9d377e

I don’t relate. I took a nostalgia trip through my nerd niche shit (Including weaverworks) during the quarantine and it was exquisite. Sure time passes and reminiscing is just as bitter as sweet, but that’s life
No. 136380 ID: f30596

thank god questden has this archived
anyways hello nanquest from like 12 years ago
No. 137274 ID: 06756b

No. 140904 ID: 7ab863

Sad that this link's dead now.
No. 143302 ID: 5fa86a

shocked nobody commented here about it but nanquest turned 15 back in october so uh woohoo i guess!
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