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File 172780413065.jpg - (907.29KB , 1282x1181 , side quest 1.jpg )
1098087 No. 1098087 ID: 05f22f

This is a short festive story connected to the Rotten Apple quest. But this will work more like a spin-off to the main quest. When this is taking place, the future or the past, at the end of it, you will learn the answer to that question.
Expand all images
No. 1098088 ID: 05f22f
File 172780417165.jpg - (1.98MB , 2824x3175 , side quest 2.jpg )

A) Look around.

B) Pray for God's blessing.

C) Try to remember the last thing before coming here.
No. 1098097 ID: 27fceb

Ask the gods for help
No. 1098100 ID: 355e44

bah, gods never do nothin for nobody
look around
No. 1098102 ID: c5529d

No. 1098135 ID: e25c20
File 172786067954.jpg - (3.99MB , 2548x3168 , side quest 3.jpg )

You all may ask three questions each.
No. 1098137 ID: 47c854

Strategically the priorities are follows. Survival plus sustainable living. Past that understanding the situation plus finding ways to make the situation less difficult will be useful. However of the options we have only memory is time sensitive. Forgetting crucial details would be bad. Worse if they upend priorities. Perhaps we're pursued and have to move.
No. 1098138 ID: e25c20

Grand Marshal, sorry for not waiting for you but this will be a short quest for the whole October, every day will be another update.
No. 1098150 ID: 5de8cd

My tree questions are, who are you? Why are we here? And are there any other creatures here except for you?
No. 1098151 ID: 63709c

You don't mind if we just talk from here at the entrance, right?
No. 1098159 ID: 9eceec

So what is this place? Why are we here? Why should we help or whatever you need? Oh whoops.
No. 1098183 ID: b93ba2
File 172797222424.jpg - (7.34MB , 3223x4233 , side quest 4.jpg )

A) Try to refuse the unseen pull and go against it.

B) Pray for God's blessing.

C) Go deeper into the darkness.
No. 1098184 ID: b4b777

C) shrug, guess we're going in. Flashlight eyes, activate!
No. 1098188 ID: 27fceb

If we are going to deal with monsters let's ask the gods for help
No. 1098189 ID: c5529d

No. 1098202 ID: c0c314

How cryptic and evasive. Just quit being vague so we can figure out if this is worthwhile. Such non-answers will be met with skepticism to your motives and goals.
No. 1098228 ID: b93ba2
File 172803330745.jpg - (4.52MB , 3427x3255 , side quest 5.jpg )

A) Go towards the sound of squashing.

B) Go towards the sound of knocking on the wooden door.
No. 1098230 ID: 355e44

At least the knocking means there's a door between us, let's investigate
No. 1098233 ID: f67703

B. Lets knock back
No. 1098251 ID: 27fceb

Might as well go to the wooden door, that sounds like something that we can understand
No. 1098252 ID: b93ba2
File 172811801933.jpg - (7.60MB , 3508x4961 , side quest 6.jpg )

A) Fulfill the request.

B) Continue onward.
No. 1098262 ID: f5d4e1

We don't make such vague deals. Details on reward and who we'll be dealing with. Or nothing.
No. 1098273 ID: ed5f12

Wander around, and if we see someone, tell them that there is a door? You got it, boss
No. 1098277 ID: c5529d

A. helping is good. No promises because we might not find them as we don't have a description of what they look like.
No. 1098282 ID: 27fceb

If we are going to help the person behind the door we can check the origins of the squashing sound
No. 1098301 ID: b93ba2
File 172821448335.jpg - (4.94MB , 3488x4749 , side quest 7.jpg )

A) Ask her if she can help you find somebody called Death Seeder.

B) Tell her about the person who is locked behind the door.
No. 1098302 ID: c5529d

B. Hello, Lady Poodle. somebody sent us to ask you to help someone stuck behind a door, can you please help them out? We can't open doors. they're over that way. Thanks.
No. 1098306 ID: 355e44

B) Somebody told us to tell someone that there is a door, which apparently is a problem. You're someone, so that's that vague task taken care of.

So anyway, some deals guy brought us here, know anything about that?
No. 1098317 ID: d8325e

Hah. Swear there's a joke about a murder of crows here. Guess we're exploring. We're also taking odd jobs it seems. Got info about this place? Got an odd job for us?
No. 1098318 ID: 27fceb

A we should focus only on our original mission
No. 1098330 ID: b93ba2
File 172829733661.jpg - (2.50MB , 3510x3222 , side quest 8.jpg )

A) Go to the pedestal.

B) Go to the open drawer.
No. 1098338 ID: 2e5a71

B) uggggh, how do these people keep getting themselves stuck in drawers and closets? But we can't just walk away from someone starving.
Do you want out, or can we just slip some flat food in there to you?
No. 1098339 ID: 721934

Go for the drawer, I don't trust that lady
No. 1098367 ID: 824e4f

We don't eat. But we can probably feed they guy. Let's go to the pedestal, get whatever food is there, and feed it to the drawer guy
No. 1098375 ID: b93ba2
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A) Pick up bird corps.

B) Pick up the food from the pedestal.
No. 1098376 ID: c5529d

The bird corpse belongs to the crow. Leave that alone for the crow, and instead, I would pick up the food on the pedestal, since that one was meant for us, but we can't eat it.

though this is assuming the food is some kind of meat.
No. 1098377 ID: 721934

Might as well go and see what was prepared for us to eat
No. 1098378 ID: 355e44

I would pick up the pace (badum tish)
Lets see what's on the pedestal already.
No. 1098397 ID: b93ba2
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A) Talk with the strange person.

B) Get out of the room.
No. 1098402 ID: 98eb91


No. 1098403 ID: d0e338

Also I think I know what to do
We give those worms on us to the crow that is staring at the bird corpse to eat, and in return, we give that bird corpse to the teeth.
It's a puzzle
No. 1098413 ID: 355e44

But I thought we couldn't pick things up? If we move near the bird (living or dead) maybe the worms will switch to the tastier flesh. I imagine we don't taste like much, being sort-of ghosts.
No. 1098434 ID: 27fceb

I like this idea
No. 1098437 ID: ee5b31
File 172858365838.jpg - (4.37MB , 3427x4101 , side quest 11.jpg )

A) Pick up the bird corps and give it to the teeth.

B) Pick up the teeth and give them to the worms.
No. 1098444 ID: c5529d

So, those who have hands are gods. Understood. Thank you for the handy gift.

lets deliver the Bird corpse to the teeth. The bird lived its life, time for it to fulfill its circle of life by becoming a meal to something that is actually living.

and hope you enjoyed the meal, crow!
No. 1098445 ID: 63709c

A) I do want to see how loose teeth are going to eat something
No. 1098448 ID: 721934

Let us feed the hungry so that they can feed our curiosity
No. 1098475 ID: 6e6c88
File 172866502970.jpg - (4.71MB , 3368x4460 , side quest 12.jpg )

A) Escape the room through the passage.

B) Steal the knife that Lady Poodle is using.
No. 1098476 ID: c5529d

Hey, you started it when the food you offered tried to eat us. Now we're even.

Ehhh, A. Seeya! Lets get some distance away from them
No. 1098480 ID: 721934

1. Get the knife
2. Get the knife
3. Get the knife
No. 1098481 ID: c5529d

if we do decide to get the knife, we do it by slapping it off her hand, not trying to grab it. Because if we try to grab it from her, the worms will have a chance to grab our hand. a swift slap is quick enough to avoid it.
No. 1098495 ID: 355e44

yes, and even if they do grab it, well its not really our hand anyway.
No. 1098522 ID: 2539d2
File 172874650185.jpg - (6.89MB , 3436x4630 , side quest 13.jpg )

A) Take the gift.

B) Attack Hollow Heart.
No. 1098525 ID: c5529d

Ah, thank you!

we'll hold on to it, but won't wear it, as this isn't really our hand, and if it originally belonged to a dead person, they could be revived, and I'm not really sure if we should revive them or not yet.

though I think soon we're going to have to find a bag to carry stuff with. we're holding both a ring and a knife at the same time.
No. 1098526 ID: 355e44

Hmm, whats the catch? What are you expecting in return for this gift?
No. 1098529 ID: c5529d

I think we already gave him something in return for that gift by freeing Hollow Heart out of that door
Oh yeah, most importantly, thank you bunches for the ring
No. 1098530 ID: c6b2a1

Would it be meta to see his name has a title? Prince? Either way best to have more allies and less enemies. So thanks for the ring.
No. 1098542 ID: 27fceb

So what is your title, do you have one or more?
No. 1098578 ID: aad9f1
File 172883989325.jpg - (4.40MB , 3508x4961 , side quest 14.jpg )

A) Go towards the open window.

B) Go down the path along the plaque, deeper into the darkness.
No. 1098579 ID: 79d888

B) time to take up metallurgy, it looks like
No. 1098583 ID: 87f492

Just take a peek outside the window since the plaque path *should* still be a thing to do. What's the harm in reconnaissance?
No. 1098586 ID: c5529d

Go into the darkness. We don't know how long until that door will hold until Lady Poodle and her guards break in. Gotta get some distance away from her in this fun game of tag.
No. 1098588 ID: 27fceb

Go for the window, maybe that can be a way for us to see the outside of this place and possibility escape route. A short check and then go down the original path.
No. 1098595 ID: f5efb0
File 172891419762.jpg - (4.94MB , 3508x4961 , side quest 15.jpg )

A) Eternal beauty.

B) Forever weak.
No. 1098596 ID: 579a1a

Really seems like she got both
No. 1098598 ID: a66806

Oh. Oh that's twisted. Pretty clever but twisted. Detective skills says we see a beautiful flower in a pot which is a clue. Plus with how that was phrased, she probably killed herself. Hence the "same age." Were she cremated and mixed with soil she could be in the pot we see. So she got her beauty in death as a flower sort of. Should the flower die just put in a fresh one.
No. 1098600 ID: c5529d

that sounds about right
No. 1098610 ID: 27fceb

Go with this
No. 1098612 ID: eb0a9c

If that's true, then she failed. Soil that hosts plants loses its nutrients. She is ugly, and is still aging.
If we have to choose, I'd say B is the correct answer.
No. 1098618 ID: 2fa6b6
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A) The little girl.

B) The Shadow.

C) The Reflection.
No. 1098621 ID: 355e44

C) one generally doesn't live as long after they feel old, although feeling old is subjective so perhaps it is the girl who lives longest after all.
No. 1098659 ID: 27fceb

I think that the reflection lived the longest, after everything is said and done the time that we have left is the one that outlasted the others. You know when you grow up, you know when you feel old but you don't know when you are going to die.
No. 1098660 ID: eb0a9c

>What do you believe in
None of your beeswax.

>Who lived the longest?
Well, ultimately, the Shadow and the Reflection were Constructs, homunculi dependent on the life force of the girl. When the girl implanted her life force in the Shadow it was technically born, just as the reflection was technically born when the shadow implemented the girl's life force in it in turn. So logically, they would all age at the same time, and in theory, they would drop dead at the same time. Therefore, as the original girl had lived before both the Shadow and Reflection, and all died at the same time, the conclusive answer would be (A).
No. 1098663 ID: 5d4a41
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A) The first one is about you.

B) The second one is about you.
No. 1098665 ID: 6711ed

Well it's pretty vain and childish to expect strangers to be able to answer such a personal question about you, so (A)
No. 1098666 ID: c5529d

I think B. But honestly, we just met, hard to come to a conclusion by the cover itself if we haven't had a read on you yet.
No. 1098671 ID: e090ca

Hate to be crass but given the boobs you don't seem to be a young child who never grew.
No. 1098672 ID: 27fceb

Both stories have similarities but they go in different directions. Why do I get the feeling that the first story was what you wanted to get and the second one is what you got.
No. 1098682 ID: eb0a9c

You tell lies aplenty. If either of those stories described you, great. But I expect you to have an entirely different backstory.
And you sound like a creepy pedophile masquerading as a teenage girl.
No. 1098689 ID: 266419
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A) Is this your sex dungeon?

B) Is this somebody else's sex dungeon?
No. 1098699 ID: c5529d

One thing I know for sure, this is a kingdom.
No. 1098705 ID: 721934

From what we found out about this place is that original it was not supposed to have doors. So maybe this location was changed from what originally looked.
No. 1098707 ID: 355e44

Didn't that guy say it was a place between places?
No. 1098709 ID: 3d2536

Whatever it is I ain't getting paid enough to deal with this place.
No. 1098729 ID: 1d580c
File 172926146751.jpg - (633.32KB , 1976x992 , side quest 19.jpg )

A) God of War.

B) God of Love.
No. 1098732 ID: 99204e

God of War is me so can't be that one. Jokes aside... Hard to say for sure. Since our senses have been messed with and all, evidence is limited. Haven't seen much love though.
No. 1098735 ID: 63709c

Given the tenor of your little stories, I suppose love
No. 1098742 ID: 27fceb

Is this a corpse of the god of corses?
No. 1098743 ID: eb0a9c

I doubt you've portrayed that god's values.
No. 1098752 ID: c5529d

explorers are never really ready when they explore a new place.

god of love. it's subjective.

speaking of god of love, You seem very very interested in us, are you in love?
No. 1098758 ID: 1d580c
File 172933724982.jpg - (1.02MB , 2058x1593 , side quest 20.jpg )

A) It was my fantasy to live in someone's stomach.

B) I rather have somebody else live in my stomach.
No. 1098762 ID: 355e44

Eh, there's worse insides to be inside of. just a little dusty.
No. 1098764 ID: c5529d

hmmm... can you point us to the direction of where this dead god's hands are please?
No. 1098766 ID: 27fceb

I am just happy not needing to eat anything, on that topic what do you eat?
No. 1098767 ID: b3b0e2

Predator is a title that suits me well. Prey not at all. Great Devourer sounds like a fine addition to my collection of titles. Even if this means nothing you guys are seriously gonna tell a cultist of eating you're fine with getting ate?
No. 1098793 ID: 05aa5e
File 172941750220.jpg - (2.97MB , 2482x2606 , side quest 21.jpg )

A) Bobbie and her brother.

B) Abdle and his brothers.
No. 1098794 ID: eb0a9c

It shall be about Yerma, the wolf who strongarmed them into her army of the Durmned.
No. 1098796 ID: d78115

We don't have enough info. We know little of Bobbie's sibling. We know Abdle and Eldba but both fit what you describe. Eldba is strong in both. While Abdle may have sought strength of self (and still has that ego) he sought out Bobbie and listens to us. Perhaps it could be argued Bobbie *had* to seek the aid of others but it's a limited case. Her curse only happened once she teamed up with Abdle. So before that we also lack info.
No. 1098799 ID: c5529d

Gonna have to say A. I think I remember Abdle's sister working with others before, even if it's for her own benefit.
No. 1098811 ID: b42ebd

Both Abdle and Bobbie have to rely on others. I don't recall, what do we even know about her brother?
No. 1098845 ID: 27fceb

I would like to retract my previous question that I asked about your food preferences
No. 1098880 ID: a432db
File 172964163672.jpg - (3.99MB , 3510x4053 , side quest 22.jpg )

A) Say Hello.

B) Pray for goodbye.
No. 1098895 ID: cd13fd

No. 1098900 ID: 355e44

Lets all crowd in and say hi
No. 1098903 ID: eb0a9c

Well you seem busy where's the exit I wanna go dungeon crawling do you have a job we can do
No. 1098912 ID: e4e6e7

Well my foresight was good but it sucks to be right about this... Looks like strategy is going to have to be pushed to the limit here. Options. 1) Escape. Seems unlikely but perhaps a way can be found. 2) Hide. With a cat in a house mice can survive by burrowing in the walls. Laying low. 3) Substitute. Perhaps we can offer a service of higher worth. What if we lured in food? Would get more food overall by sparing us. Or perhaps we could make a mutually beneficial deal. 4) Stall. We have the Scheherazade gambit out of 1001 arabian nights. Or other stalling. We'd be good pets? 5) Outfox. Perhaps we are unfit meals. Give us predation and let us loose so we may fatten up (with the goal of either gaining enough power to defeat this thing, poisoning ourselves, or just being forever unfit as food). 6) Join up? Perhaps we have greater value as cult members? 7) Seek outside help by praying. Surely this entity has enemies we can seek the aid of. 8) Fight hard. Gives us a better chance than just letting this happen to us. Wolves, velociraptors, whatever example you like, get larger prey by using numbers. Predators that underestimate their prey can find themselves dead. 9) Since it's implied we live even if we lose, perhaps destroy them from the inside. We only have to win once.
No. 1098914 ID: 27fceb

At this point it can't hurt to try and talk to this guy
No. 1098931 ID: a432db
File 172972099898.jpg - (3.77MB , 3508x4961 , side quest 23.jpg )

A) Drop the knife, shake the hand.

B) Hold on to the knife, refuse to shake the king's hand.
No. 1098932 ID: 07b7aa

What if we put the ring on his finger?
No. 1098946 ID: 355e44

hand him the knife
No. 1098958 ID: 27fceb

Fist bump him
No. 1098963 ID: 004436

Give up the best means of defense on hand? How about no.
No. 1098966 ID: 2c51ec
File 172978687555.jpg - (2.08MB , 2329x3105 , side quest 24.jpg )

A) Pray for help.

B) Get ready for a fight.
No. 1098967 ID: 355e44

B) No gods or kings, only this knife we have
No. 1098969 ID: e01bc7

Well it does no harm to ask for help. Pointy guy can you send us to that place with those fascinating creatures?
No. 1098970 ID: c5529d

B. We got a knife
No. 1098971 ID: c5529d

Oh yeah, and we also got worms too
No. 1098973 ID: 721934

If we will fight a God might as well ask for help from some of them, what do we have to lose
No. 1099015 ID: 9a1c51
File 172988652315.jpg - (678.34KB , 1518x1484 , side quest 25.jpg )

A) You can do jack

B) Or shit
No. 1099016 ID: c5529d

Lets feed the poor hungry monster our worms

I mean, it can't eat us without eating the worms on us too anyways, and we saw what one did to a crow when we fed a worm to the crow, so... what would multiple worms do to it? yeah, methinks we'll be fine
No. 1099025 ID: 355e44

It can't catch all of us. Scatter!
No. 1099028 ID: 8e7e5b

Well if I'm going down I'm going down fighting. Screw how ineffective it is. Should we die it's mostly been an honor people. On the offchance we get swallowed whole don't lose the knife. Soft innards should slice up so nicely for us.
No. 1099038 ID: 27fceb

Well we're screwed, game over man game over!
No. 1099068 ID: 54b14a
File 172997853999.jpg - (5.94MB , 3271x4963 , side quest 26.jpg )

A) Go into the store.

B) End your own existence.
No. 1099070 ID: c5529d

A. we came all this way here, might as well. Unfortunately, we didn't bring anything, so all we can do is window shop.
No. 1099072 ID: 0ddb90

Hand lost so knife lost as well. WELP. So much for sliced up innards. We still have the spikes but the shop seems less risky overall. Other options are backup plans. Let's see what sort of deals he's set up.
No. 1099073 ID: 355e44

A) in we go
No. 1099079 ID: 27fceb

So that is what was the meaning of the rat king painting was, we are tied up. Well we were, that was our worm's job. As for the shop go into it, let's meet the merchant
No. 1099086 ID: c5529d

Yeah, I think the pic said we were also supposed to tie the hand up with the worms too, and stab ourselves with 4 other knives. We didn't do that, as we only had one knife. ah well, it was way too vague to figure out , and we didn't even know the worms can tie us up like that.
No. 1099099 ID: 54b14a
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A) Show what you have in store.

B) Show what your real face looks like.
No. 1099100 ID: d0e0b8

A) and how will that work?
No. 1099101 ID: c5529d


And which "story" are you talking about? there are multiple "stories" we are following, some which might need more of a second chance than others
No. 1099108 ID: 27fceb

Does the Sun Scorching Savior Solder name sound familiar to you? As for your mask, what does it hide? Who are you?
No. 1099114 ID: c5529d

Here's an interesting question I wanna ask you, Mr. Death Seeder,

so our whole existence's purpose is to follow the story of a person, but that would also mean that it was also the will of that storyteller to also meet with you here to decide whether or not to take your offer for a second chance to avoid a bad ending, correct?
No. 1099117 ID: eb0a9c

A) Shop encounter.
No. 1099118 ID: ad5cc4

Let me guess. Given that this is tied to the Abdle/Bobbie quest specifically one person fits the bill. Wormworks. So what deals do you have? What's the prices?
No. 1099121 ID: 479b62
File 173011454171.jpg - (6.60MB , 3508x4961 , side quest 28.jpg )

A) A new character.

B) Fighting death.

C) Blood offering.

D) Divine intervention.
No. 1099123 ID: c5529d

No. 1099124 ID: ec49bc

Leaning to B
No. 1099125 ID: 7e3c18

B definitely B
No. 1099189 ID: 36e02b
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A) So did we time travel?

B) Did you always live in this worm?
No. 1099213 ID: 27fceb

Do you have control over time and why are you getting more and more hands?
No. 1099214 ID: c5529d

but why did they make us forget?
No. 1099217 ID: d87590

Fascinating. Well if it's true. So this is a worm deity thing. Does wormworks have a connection to this thing? Or you since you have all this knowledge?
No. 1099220 ID: 0d2772
File 173033116486.jpg - (6.43MB , 3508x4961 , side quest 30.jpg )

A) Are you working for him?

B) Are you also his victim?
No. 1099226 ID: e0b1f5

Yes, you are Sun Scorching Savior Soldier
No. 1099236 ID: 355e44

I don't even know who I am anymore
No. 1099241 ID: 27fceb

Are you somebody who we know?
No. 1099242 ID: d195d3

Well you look like the mask we just got though that has a chance to be a coincidence.
No. 1099256 ID: 39d810
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Tomorrow you will see the scoreboard of how things played out during this event.
No. 1099315 ID: 39d810
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No. 1099318 ID: c5529d

The king didn't want a ring that can bring the dead back to life for a couple days? intriguing. Though to explain the reason why I suggested doing that was also partly a test to see if he would be brought back to life since he kinda looked skeletal, which I assumed meant he was deadish. So bringing him back to life for a couple of days would have made things interesting.

Silver lining, maybe it was a good thing we didn't keep the ring and instead leave it behind as that would mean our sun son would have had the ring, considering he took our knife with him

Also, I'm calling Sun Scorching Savior Soldier: Sun Son cause that sounds cute.
No. 1099320 ID: 355e44

I'm not sure getting a way to cheat death, but also a crazy new enemy, is really worth it.
No. 1099364 ID: 6ed133

I liked it, but I only fear that the side questions don't take over the importance of the main quest

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