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137440 No. 137440 ID: 4ef090

For questions, comments, discussion, and general jibber jabber about the Slime Quest story, world, characters, etc etc.

Setting this up to make it easier to read through suggestions on the main board.

Also, there are some things I may not be able to answer in the format of the story. Ask about that stuff here! I can't reveal everything, but there's still some stuff I'd love to elaborate on/clarify.

Keep it friendly, please!

READ SLIME QUEST: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1002454.html
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No. 137441 ID: b01382

>Why did you do Slime Quest over and not continue from the first try? Is the First Slime Quest Canon?
>Would it be possible to combine Godkiller with our core, or the broken sword still in our core?
>Can we use Godkiller to kill small game to eat and grow bigger?
>Can we do magic?
>can we still do attacks similar to the first Slime Quest, where we could absorb nails and spit them out as projectiles, or hold a arrow shaft inside and thrust it forward as a surprise attack?
>What's up with the voidkin? Are they good or bad? Neutral? As good or bad as any other individual? Are they a hivemind?
>How is that cutie-foreman voidkin doing? The one that gave us the potion? Is he single and ready to mingle?
>Whats our favorite food?
>If we disolve in water, what happens if we fall into liquids lighter or denser than water? What happens if we fall into oil, mercury, and so on?
No. 137442 ID: 4ef090

>Why did you do Slime Quest over and not continue from the first try? Is the First Slime Quest Canon?

I just wanted a fresh start! I've had a lot of time since I first started SQ to think about the characters and the world they live in, and more concretely about the kind of story I want to tell. 1.0 feels disjointed and confusing, like I was trying to cobble together an RPG without any idea of what I was doing, which is true, because that's exactly what I was doing. 2.0 is softer, more focused on characters and feelings rather than numbers, and I like it a lot better that way.

The first SQ is not canon, at least, it doesn't matter in any way to the reboot. There's a couple jokes early on along the lines of "it feels like this has happened before" but those are just goofy references. SQ 2.0 is it's own thing.

>Would it be possible to combine Godkiller with our core, or the broken sword still in our core?

It's possible! But it would take more than just mashing the items together to make it work.

>Can we use Godkiller to kill small game to eat and grow bigger?

They probably wouldn't let you swing at anything less than a god, so probably not.

>Can we do magic?

Yes! But you need to learn some spells or runes first. Or you could try drawing something and see what happens.~

>can we still do attacks similar to the first Slime Quest, where we could absorb nails and spit them out as projectiles, or hold a arrow shaft inside and thrust it forward as a surprise attack?

Yes and no. You can still improvise with items for creative solutions, but I don't want to try and put too many numbers on things. It's more about the ideas and the feelings of things rather than the crunchy numbers of them.
Yes you can shoot nails out of your body. But should you?

>What's up with the voidkin? Are they good or bad? Neutral? As good or bad as any other individual? Are they a hivemind?

We still have a lot to learn about the voidkin in the story. It hasn't been established what their alignment is yet. Some people seem to fear them, others seem indifferent. We'll learn more as we get to know them!
Yes, they are a hivemind. The Void King is at the center of their unity, guiding them in a rhythmic flow called "Lockstep". We might learn more about that later.

>How is that cutie-foreman voidkin doing? The one that gave us the potion? Is he single and ready to mingle?

As far as we know, they're doing great! We'll get to see them again when we leave the mine.
They are not currently seeking a relationship outside of the Many, tho that may change as the story progresses.

>Whats our favorite food?

Currently, from best to worst, the ranking is:

1. Mushrooms from the Slime Hive
2. Grass
3. Glow Crystals

Queen Humphrey hasn't had a lot of options for food.

>If we disolve in water, what happens if we fall into liquids lighter or denser than water? What happens if we fall into oil, mercury, and so on?

I've scrapped the water weakness from 1.0. It seemed neat at the time, but I decided it would just be better to not deal with it in the reboot. You Can Get Wet in Slime Quest 2.0.
Slime is denser than water, so it sinks. I don't know what the relation to oil or mercury are, but I don't really foresee the story leading us to any large bodies of oil or mercury, so we'll probably be fine.
No. 137443 ID: b01382

What's up with the titan statue, or is it the petrified corpse of a slime titan? Can we merge our core with what remains of it? Would Godrender know about them? Godrender looks like a weapon that would had belong to a titan.
If the sword of the slime titan can be unpetrified, can it be combined with Godrender?

Is it possible to reverse what happened to the slime titan, or is it 100% dead?
No. 137444 ID: 2aa5f0

so when Humphrey and the queen's cores merged, were their cores both part of the original queen's core and they just slotted the broken pieces back into place or where they two completely different slimes that just have their cores merge into one new core?

Cause I'm still kind of confused if you were saying both cores were part of the old queen's core or if you were just saying slimes touching cores merge into one being?

Also when you had them merge did you plan from the beginning to have each core piece keep it's individuality or was that something you added after chat kind of freaked out a bit thinking they killed Humphrey?
No. 137445 ID: 4ef090


That's something we'll have to explore in the story!
The Titan is a petrified corpse, but it's also "Not Dead", but it's "Complicated". We'll learn more about the Titans as we travel further into the world.


They are two pieces of a whole, but they are also their own people.

I had the plan to have each fragment be it's own personality from 1.0. It's a "core" part of the story that I want to tell. Even when together, these personalities will not be erased.

Most slimes can fuse together, but the How and Why of it is unknown currently, by which I mean that I know the answer, but Queen Humphrey does not yet understand. Maybe someone in the world who knows a lot about Slimes could Teach them?~
No. 137446 ID: b01382

Does queen Humphrey knows what happens if she eats a voidkin?
No. 137448 ID: 4ef090

>Does queen Humphrey knows what happens if she eats a voidkin?

No. 137449 ID: b01382

Can the queen make herself look like something else, like maybe the unicorn doctor, or a dog?
No. 137452 ID: 2aa5f0

so how many races do you have in this world? I mean we've seen slimes, void kin, kobolds, bug people, a unicorn, maybe the mushrooms but I'm not sure they count.
No. 137453 ID: 48537c

Do you know what a gun is?
No. 137454 ID: 4ef090

>Can the queen make herself look like something else, like maybe the unicorn doctor, or a dog?

Basic shapeshifting allows them to alter their shape, but not their appearance. So they can take the shape of someone, but they'll still look like slime.

>so how many races do you have in this world? I mean we've seen slimes, void kin, kobolds, bug people, a unicorn, maybe the mushrooms but I'm not sure they count.

They've all had a very long time to mix together, so there are a lot of unique people in the world.

Animal-like people are considered "human". The bugs fall into this category.

Voidkin are darkness, typically branded with a large eye and bound with a garment of vibrant red.

Slimes range from small and jellyfish-like, to grand and vastly intelligent and powerful. The Queen used to be one of the most powerful slimes on the world.

The mushrooms are an artificial creature, and don't really fit into any of the above categories.

And there are a few others we'll encounter along the way.

>Do you know what a gun is?

Humphrey has occasionally seen people pass through town armed with guns, but doesn't know what they are or do yet.
No. 137462 ID: b01382

Does the internet exist in this world?
No. 137463 ID: 4ef090

>Does the internet exist in this world?

Sort of! You need a spell phone equipped with the right charms, or a computer to access it tho.
No. 137466 ID: b01382

Cr jrufdj Dee r7eir
Spell phones. You serious? Nice.
No. 137484 ID: b01382

Is the slime dragon we meet part of Humphrey, or is this a different dragon entirely?
No. 137494 ID: 4ef090

>Is the slime dragon we meet part of Humphrey, or is this a different dragon entirely?

We can't know for certain until we attempt to reconnect, but so far it's looking likely!
No. 137501 ID: b01382

How big are we now?

Can we tie a rope around the titan core and and use it as a kind of button to hold our neck cloak together?

Can we not combine the titan core to our core despite it being innert?

Are we combined with Godrender?

Can we combine Godrender with the sword remains of the slowly dying but petrified titan?
No. 137502 ID: 4ef090

>How big are we now?

About two Godrender's tall, roughly. Taller if you pull the tail in!

>Can we tie a rope around the titan core and and use it as a kind of button to hold our neck cloak together?

It's a little big to use as a button, plus you don't have any rope on hand.

>Can we not combine the titan core to our core despite it being innert?

You can try! Slime cores and Titan cores are very different, so the reaction may be unstable, even in it's current state.

>Are we combined with Godrender?

You are not combined, but you are connected. This'll be elaborated on in the text.

>Can we combine Godrender with the sword remains of the slowly dying but petrified titan?

Not in a fusion sort of a way. If you can break the petrified sword out of the titan's grasp you might be able to affix it to Godrender in some fashion, but that's basically two swords taped together, and that's less useful than it seems.
No. 137503 ID: 825eee

Now you say its less useful than it seems, but it would be cool. Kind of like what Thanos used in the Avengers movies, or Darth Maul's thingie.
No. 137504 ID: 4ef090
File 165484368675.jpg - (34.38KB , 250x250 , grafted greatsword.jpg )

"This seems disrespectful somehow.."
No. 137506 ID: 2aa5f0

so as we find our old parts and start to reform into our old self do we gain any new powers/abilities or is the only thing we gain while going small too big is basically being able to finally reach things on the top shelf?

Because nothing really seemed to change when we merged with Humphrey other then getting a chubbier tail and it's too soon to see if anything happened after merging with the sad angry slime dragon.
No. 137507 ID: b01382

Just noticed that the quest is over a year old. Congrats.
No. 137508 ID: 4ef090

Yes!! We are going to get new powers and abilities with each piece!

And we didn't get a lot from Humphrey partly because they didn't have a lot of powers on their own, and partly because both the Queen and Humphrey sacrificed half their flesh, making them both less capable. Joined together they broke even.

We can glow now, I did forget to mention that, and that probably becomes brighter with another piece connected.

This is actually a great time to ask, what would you LIKE to be able to do? I'm writing up the patch notes for QH's new abilities and want to include more than "Stronger" and "Taller" and "Shapeshift Better". What would be a neat/fun/useful power/quality to have in the story?
No. 137509 ID: 4ef090


Thank you!!! I'm so happy people seem to be enjoying the story and art. Thank you all so much for reading Slime Quest! I couldn't tell this story without y'all. <3
No. 137510 ID: b01382

Hold more stuff in our slime. I'm kinda worried about people jumping in our goop and stabbing our core. Maybe we should hold sharp things inside the slime like flechette? Maybe wear armor?
No. 137511 ID: 273c18

Splitting on purpose. Camouflage. Regeneration. Armor plating. Extendo-limbs. "Connection" sensitivity, like psychic powers. Fruit flavored slime. Sticky slime, oily slime, combustible slime.
No. 137512 ID: 2aa5f0

>What would be a neat/fun/useful power/quality to have in the story?
The ability to be able to split into multiple slimes based off how many cores we've merged. (so as of now we'd be able to split into three different slimes, Humphrey, the queen, and angry for example) while still being linked to each other so they know what the the other slimes know even if they're not in the same place. Useful for multitasking and giving the slime core personalities more screen time for shenanigans.

Other thoughts would be since our new core piece could make mushrooms maybe some kind of summoning power.
No. 137513 ID: 4ef090

Do you want mushroom powers? <w< there's room for it in the narrative, but I'm also fine with not having them around. I did write down some buffs and debuffs preemptively, just in case, but if people don't want a big mushroom hat, then I won't include it.
No. 137514 ID: 2aa5f0

>go back to bug people to tell them we've dealt with the mushroom problem
>when they ask for prof we infect them with new mushroom powers
>don't get why they all start screaming and running away while the bugs we cast mushroom on go around infecting the rest of the bugs
>shrug and just assume it's some weird bug custom and let them have their fun.

For real though wouldn't mind we we could summon a mushroom to do a thing. Could be fun.
No. 137515 ID: b01382

Are you telling me we could have a MUSHROOM HAT and not get MIND CONTROLLED? Hell yeah give us that hat.
No. 137516 ID: 273c18

Mushrooms is the strongest magic. Given the chance, I'll take it.
No. 137518 ID: 9a2966

Will there potentially be cool transformations associated with some of these powers as they're invoked? Think Humphrey-tail slime power = a more Humphrey shape, a dragon-slime power = a dragon shape and a heart-stabbed slime power = the 'regular' adventurer/knight shape.

As for powers themselves... eh. Got nothing immediately great, but I'll spitball some ideas. Seems more like generalizations of potential strengths, though.

'Void heart' slime - This slime-piece feels like the 'adventurous' one, poking at stuff, questioning things, getting into and outta trouble. Void powers are an obvious 'un to explore, but feels like they'd best come by way of interaction with void beings or stuff.

'Humphrey' slime - is bounce-most and glowy. Something jumping or movement related? Double jump, mighty jump? DOUBLE BOUNCE, BIG BOUNCE, etc. He's also the 'pretty' one, and with the glowing something charisma-relevant would fit. Like, HYPNOTIC TAIL WAG or PERSUASIVE POSE-STERIOR, hee.

'Dragon' slime - Could potential pull out some mushroom powers due to her association with the titan (and maybe with the aid of Godrender who now has all the titan's memories), so that's definitely on the table. Millenia of sadfeels and the titan connection can also have made her powers something darker or at least significantly different than the other two's.

On top of this, powers stemming from 'combos' of parts has some potential, I think! Was always a big fan of the Chrono Trigger combo attacks, and combo powers being developed and explored during the course of the quest sounds like it could be fun. What would a Void-Titan-Slime power look like, I wonder?
No. 137566 ID: b01382

Has the queen kissed anyone cute before? Any adorable crushes when she was younger?
No. 137569 ID: 4ef090

>Has the queen kissed anyone cute before? Any adorable crushes when she was younger?

I’m sure she kissed a lot of cuties in her time, but any crushes would probably be long long gone at this point. Probably.
No. 137572 ID: b01382

Bot unless theyre independant Void lads or other grand slimes i bet.
No. 137573 ID: b01382

You lnow how octopuses can fit into almost all spaces, with the limitations being their beaks? Can the same be said with Queen Humphrey? Can she fit through tiny cracks with the limitations being if her core can fit through said cracks?

Can slimes wear armor?

Can a slime eat another slime, or is that taboo?
No. 137627 ID: 4ef090


As long as they can get their core to fit, Queen can get their body through just about any opening.

Slimes can wear armor! Though they generally prefer to keep it easy breezey with lighter garments that let them move naturally and fluidly.

Cannibalism is generally frowned upon in slime culture. Not that it's especially harmful, it's just rude.
No. 137641 ID: b01382

How much food do we need to eat to grow mass?
Can we use our slime to heal?
No. 137642 ID: 762223

Is this a good thread to discuss Thread too?
No. 137643 ID: 2aa5f0

if a slime were to step on a grate would they be solid enough to be able to walk on it or would they slip through the gaps?
No. 137649 ID: 4ef090

>How much food do we need to eat to grow mass? Can we use our slime to heal?

I could have explained it better, but for brevity's sake I omitted the details. There are a number of factors that play into growth and regeneration.
Slime Hives are safe places that naturally energize slime healing. There's plenty of food, and the space is safe and comfy. Slimes heal and grow well in a hive, sometimes taking no more than a day to be restored.

Healing in the wild is much much harder. Cuts can heal over within a couple hours. Losing mass is much more dangerous. Slime cores on their own produce a much less potent natural energy than what radiates through hives, so it takes a lot more work. It can take multiple days to return to full size. And if something damages the core, that process can turn into weeks, months, decades, millenia, etc.

Also, there's an upper limit to how big a slime can get. The energy of a core keeps a slime together through a fairly tough surface tension. But the more slime there is to hold together, the weaker that tension becomes. Anything extra will just wash off until they return to a manageable size.

Which leads nicely into:
>if a slime were to step on a grate would they be solid enough to be able to walk on it or would they slip through the gaps?

It depends on what the slime wants to do, and how large the gap is or thin the bars. For the most part, slime tension allows them to stand firm on stuff like metal grates. If they wanted to phase through a mesh, as long as they can fit the core through, they can do it. They can also reach through meshes without necessarily traveling through them.

>Is this a good thread to discuss Thread too?
i dont see why not!
No. 137650 ID: 4ef090

... unless it's better to make it's own thread? But im fine with discussing Thread Quest here
No. 137651 ID: 2aa5f0

>There are a number of factors that play into growth and regeneration.
Slime Hives are safe places that naturally energize slime healing. There's plenty of food, and the space is safe and comfy. Slimes heal and grow well in a hive, sometimes taking no more than a day to be restored.

So does this mean if we go back to the hive the queen would get bigger since both she and Humphrey both lost a lot of slime to help out the bug girl? Or would she stay her current size?
No. 137652 ID: 4ef090

She'd probably get a little bigger, but not too much. Their tail would certainly get thicker for sure.
No. 137695 ID: 4ef090

i draw a lot of SQ stuff outside of running the quest, some of it is spoilerific, some is just silly. Would people like it if I shared some of the more innocuous stuff in this thread?
No. 137696 ID: 7ec758

I would like to see it!
No. 137697 ID: 15c72a

Yes please!
No. 137700 ID: cb1783

No. 137701 ID: 2aa5f0

No. 137702 ID: 4ef090
File 165829491325.jpg - (77.11KB , 1200x1200 , SQ early.jpg )

these are some doodles I did just before starting Slime Quest again. I think at the time I was just kinda doodling them for fun, but I was encouraged to pick it back up, and a few days later I actually started!
No. 137703 ID: 4ef090
File 165829492083.jpg - (224.69KB , 800x600 , map.jpg )

I don't know what got me to change the one antenna to two, but I think this was the last time I drew it that way. I like the new style much better.
No. 137704 ID: 4ef090
File 165829492711.jpg - (373.03KB , 1200x900 , fine dining.jpg )

concept doodle for Mirrow. Fun fact, i always referred to her as "Goop" before we picked a name for her.
No. 137705 ID: 4ef090
File 165829493516.jpg - (647.71KB , 977x1265 , geared up.jpg )

drew this while we were still in the mines, trying to anticipate what Queen's design would be after finding Mirrow
No. 137706 ID: 4ef090
File 165829494294.png - (18.83KB , 845x677 , retail.png )

No. 137707 ID: 4ef090
File 165829494825.png - (34.12KB , 1200x900 , rivals.png )

different ideas for a particular NPC, and also Some Clown
No. 137708 ID: 4ef090
File 165829495438.png - (196.30KB , 1200x900 , godrender 2.png )

This is more or less the final design I settled on for Queen post Mirrow
No. 137709 ID: 4ef090
File 165829496187.png - (168.57KB , 1200x900 , friends.png )

it's important to remember to laugh
No. 137710 ID: 4ef090
File 165829528960.jpg - (155.06KB , 952x602 , slimeselfcare.jpg )

noncanon saucy void interaction
No. 137711 ID: 4ef090
File 165829529483.png - (35.05KB , 410x513 , time to cry.png )

They've been through a lot
No. 137712 ID: b01382

Oooooh. A proper sword handle is a good idea. Increases the swinging range, and the handle within the blade could be used to leverage attacks or better brace against them. We should find a smith in quest later.

Unless is Godrender capable of self modifying his sword body? Is there any way we can upgrade him? Slimes can grow in mass by eating things, but I'm unsure if the same stands for Slime Titans or their sentient weapons.
No. 137713 ID: b01382

Just an idea, as the core is just about the most important part of a slime. If most slimes don't like wearing armor, what if we simply covered our cores in a layer of armor?
No. 137714 ID: e6cc4c

That's some goods arts! Poor Mirrow...
That complex Queen design DOES look good, though perhaps not the most pleasant to draw
No. 137715 ID: e6cc4c

Also, not gonna add to Slime Quest today?
No. 137719 ID: 4ef090

Godrender is modifiable! We'll run into something or someone that can do the job shortly.

I suppose that could be possible yes! Having a sort of mesh armor allows the slime and core to stay connected, while also providing extra defense. So yes! Some slimes probably do have Armored Cores. :3c

I spent half the day writing the update, and the other half drawing it. I should be able to finish it tomorrow tho!
No. 137722 ID: e6cc4c

wow that was a BIG update, I see why it took you extra time!
No. 137723 ID: e6cc4c

No. 137744 ID: 60ab46

Did we just get that much bigger, or is the titan a bit smaller now?
No. 137746 ID: 4ef090

We're a good bit bigger now. Queen woke up hella small, but they've bulked up a bit thanks to Humphrey and Mirrow.
No. 137749 ID: 2aa5f0

does that mean we'd finally be able to wear the guard's hat properly now?
No. 137764 ID: 4ef090

If we ever meet the guard again I'm sure we'll have an opportunity to find out!
No. 137771 ID: b01382

who has the highest silly dance score? we must know so we can beat them, unless it's us.
No. 137884 ID: cecb11

how's it goin?
No. 137931 ID: 7906fc

OUGH those double [1]'s neither of the Threads peeps having anything resembling a good time right now. Neither is dude(tte) 3, that purple mystery
No. 137932 ID: b01382

how do slimes reproduce?
No. 137933 ID: 7906fc

what IS at that purple dude(ett)s camp?
Is there anything stopping Queen from using her sword to try and summon(/ give purpose too) voidkin?
No. 137936 ID: 4ef090

>how do slimes reproduce

It's a secret I forget the answer to every time I think about it.
They manifest around/from crystals, which channel natural slime energy from the earth.

>what IS at that purple dude(ett)s camp?

Garland the Slime is there, and so is Wreathe the Doll. They each have a bag of tools, food, and offerings. Knowing the mountain better than anyone, they don't need to carry much, tho Wreathe gets themselves into enough trouble to warrant Garland carrying an assortment of woodworking tools to mend them with.

>Is there anything stopping Queen from using her sword to try and summon(/ give purpose too) voidkin?

Queen doesn't know how to do that, and it's not exactly something one can stumble through. But someone in the world has spent multiple lives studying void and would know a thing or two about it. Maybe we'll meet them and they can school us in the ways of the void!
No. 137937 ID: 4ef090
File 166084833195.png - (93.38KB , 534x917 , garland.png )

Here's a test doodle I did of Garland, I think she's gonna be a lot of fun. I really like the dynamic between her and Wreathe, and I'm eager to see how things go when they meet up with Millie and Chester.
No. 137938 ID: f43935

first time I've seen a slime with hair, assuming that's what it is. The dynamic already looks interesting
No. 137939 ID: 8483cf

Hear me out here. Millie and Chester are climbing the mountain, right? It'd be terrible to fall. So imagine how terrifying a battle cry it'd be for her to say...

"I, Garland, will knock you both down!"
No. 137940 ID: 2aa5f0

well, seeing how the first interaction between the two parties went I'm sure it's going to end with one party in a casket while the other moves on. I mean charging at someone with a blade with intent to kill only to get knocked down a freaking mountain and left for dead probably made it so both sides don't really have much to say to each other.
No. 137943 ID: b01382

>thigh highs
y-you t-too
No. 137995 ID: ffc1e1

what color even IS Queen, as far is I can tell/remember, they've always been drawn with a background color
No. 137996 ID: 4ef090
File 166199464884.png - (87.31KB , 474x462 , i dont feel very good.png )

>what color even IS Queen, as far is I can tell/remember, they've always been drawn with a background color

Short answer:
Queen is purple/blue, Humphrey is yellow, Mirrow is cyan, and Godrender is pink. I considered making it so that as they find more pieces the colors would mix but i feel like that would start to look gross by end game.

Long Answer:
It changes from panel to panel as an artistic choice, not necessarily a literal translation of their color. I like to do all kinds of different colors to fit whatever gradient I'm using for a scene. Some panels would look weird if the colors were the same, at least to my eyes.
If something does have a specific color, such as the voidkin red, I like to try to stay true to it, but I've broken that rule several times just with Soot and Godrender, so really it's a matter of how much effort I'm willing to put into each panel to keep those colors consistent.
No. 137997 ID: 4ef090

... actually that green isn't half bad
No. 137998 ID: 4ef090
File 166199825977.png - (58.56KB , 235x215 , Screen Shot 2022-08-31 at 7_09_59 PM.png )

you can't see it because there's a bunch of tables on top of it, but this is what the rug looks like in the HoneyHive
No. 137999 ID: ffc1e1

huh, I wonder, does(could) the current color change to whoever is in control? it feels like a fun idea, one that makes sense too
No. 138005 ID: 521246

are we allowed to create our own fan characters? ie. slimes based off of your worldbuilding?
No. 138007 ID: 4ef090
File 166206203820.gif - (86.65KB , 500x500 , 374.gif )

>are we allowed to create our own fan characters? ie. slimes based off of your worldbuilding?

Golly, im flattered as hell that anyone would look at my work and say "i wanna do that too"

i think that would be pretty neat and I'd love to see the sorts of things people made!! Despite what it says on my twitter, I'm not the authority on slimes or void or.. anything, so you don't need my permission to make a slime person with a big sword and a crystal heart lol.

Also, there's a lot of lore that hasn't been explained in canon yet, and some of it might not be revealed for a while. But if you still wanted to make something related to my setting, or unrelated but still inspired by it, I would be just so honored and humbled to know about it!

Not sure if it would be better to make a separate dis-thread for fan creations, or just post them here, but I guess we'll burn that bridge when we get to it.
No. 138011 ID: a7e3a3

what are some ideas of yours that you wish you could go into depth about, but can't yet at this point in the story? (By the way, I love your work, and it's super inspiring! keep doing what you're doing!)
No. 138015 ID: 4ef090

>what are some ideas of yours that you wish you could go into depth about, but can't yet at this point in the story? (By the way, I love your work, and it's super inspiring! keep doing what you're doing!)

There's a lot of stuff, story beats and characters that I'm eager to gush about. Some of it exists in the world but might not even fit into the story
In no particular order tho, here's stuff I'm dying to talk about, but can't yet:

Slime Queen's Real Name
The nature and origin of the Void
the Voidking's history
Slime/Void technology (soon)
the Afterlife and those who run it
the goddess as a person
Who Killed the Goddess
the rebuilding of the world
Slime University
Slime evolution
the "elsekin"
the "Primordial Slimes (or Worms)"
what slime magic is and who Mage Candyfloss was (soon)
The Evercraft
a certain bird's relationship with the void
a certain slime's origin
What Ever Happened to Vuota
Slime Queen's new final form (this is becoming less of a secret because I keep drawing and sharing art of what I expect her to look like by end game)
No. 138021 ID: a7e3a3
File 166216202345.png - (36.71KB , 993x1648 , Clancy.png )

Noticing your post about fan content, my partner convinced me to share this doodle I drew the other night. I think I'm going to call them Clancy and am really enjoying thinking out a story for them! I hope it's alright for me to have attached a photo here, and thank you for being such a big inspiration.
No. 138022 ID: 4ef090

AAAAAAA that's amazing!!! I love them! Is that their core on the tail?? that's so cool! thank you for sharing!
No. 138023 ID: a7e3a3

aaaa thank you! that means so much,,
yes! that is their core on their tail! I was laying in bed and had a thought about a pond-ish slime character and the whole lotus flower / slime core idea kind of clicked together :]
I'm very flattered you like them!!
No. 138024 ID: 9a2966

It's p cool, yeah. Lovely to see people whipping up some fun OC concepts from this setting.
No. 138025 ID: ffc1e1

actually I'm kinda curious, why is slime queen's Final Form different now
No. 138029 ID: 4ef090

>actually I'm kinda curious, why is slime queen's Final Form different now

The in character reason is that the queen's cores are new and different people, and that affects her ultimate form when they reconnect.

The out of character reason is I forgot what the original form was and ended up making something cooler for her to turn into.
No. 138034 ID: ffc1e1

>I forgot what the original form was
I mean, it's like the first pictures in the Quest! :P
but yeah it's cool, and gonna be cool too!
I just hope we get to be BIG, no, BIGGER
No. 138035 ID: ffc1e1

You could also explain the change in form with the Void Sword we have as a souvenir from when the void king stabbed all the titans
No. 138039 ID: 4ef090
File 166227047890.png - (1.07MB , 1800x2400 , Void Resurrection.png )

thing I drew on stream, so I guess it's not a secret lol
Slime queen doesn't know about it yet tho, so shhh
No. 138041 ID: ffc1e1

No. 138049 ID: ffc1e1

Been a bit since Thread updated, what's up?
No. 138050 ID: a9af05

It's called "real life". The quest author probably has something going on irl and that's preventing them from working on the quest.

Please try to be patient while waiting for an update.
No. 138061 ID: 4ef090

thread quest is coming i swears! it's just taken me a bit to work on it. I started it with the idea that it would be a side thing I could do around SQ updates, when I had the time and energy to do it, and I just haven't had the energy the past few weeks. Slime Quest is way more important to me personally, and gets significantly more of my attention. But I do have an update brewing, hopefully it's nice and people like it

They're gonna do a heckin smooch and maybe even a kiss.
No. 138130 ID: b7598d

did we ever get that honey slime's name?
No. 138141 ID: 4ef090

no we didn't, what should she be called?
No. 138142 ID: 2aa5f0

No. 138143 ID: f49688

Hard Candy
No. 138207 ID: b01382

what about.....holding hands, or saying they love each other? too lewd for this site?
No. 138208 ID: d76dc9

oh it's too lewd for ANY my good sir, sorry but you are banned from the internet
Honestly though I want a I love you in both groups eventually, melt my heart
No. 138348 ID: ba8c37

Wanted to say, Slime Quest rocks, and also there's something I wanted to ask in the thread but the time for when it was most relevant has sort of passed and I imagine it'd be a bit awkward to work in to a conversation now, so I'll ask it here: What is Humphrey's earliest memory? Like, where and when does he remember first waking up?
No. 138349 ID: ba8c37

Wanted to say, Slime Quest rocks, and also there's something I wanted to ask in the thread but the time for when it was most relevant has sort of passed and I imagine it'd be a bit awkward to work in to a conversation now, so I'll ask it here: What is Humphrey's earliest memory? Like, where and when does he remember first waking up?
No. 138381 ID: 4ef090

I'm glad you're enjoying it! thanks so much for reading along ^^

I think i glossed over it when they fused as just being a blur of rememberies shared between the two of them, but Humphrey's canon first memory is waking up in the hive. Their core was found somewhere in the mines XXXX years after the world broke and brought back to grow in the hive. Sometime later, Humphrey's core grew a new body!
No. 138393 ID: b01382

Who'a your favorite goober?
No. 138397 ID: 4ef090
File 166667874861.png - (460.55KB , 2808x1800 , the guys.png )

It's a cheap answer but I love all my characters, and im so excited to share even more of them in the future
if i absolutely had to pick a favorite it would be the Slime Queen, which also feels like a cheap answer
No. 138398 ID: b01382

Slim Queen is pretty fab. Yaaaaass Queeeen.

Would it be possible to get Voidkin companions, or turn some of the wild void into frens thanks to the knife in our core?
No. 138399 ID: 4ef090

Sure! Just depends on how wild void encounters go. We'll learn more about the broken sword and what it can do very soon.
No. 138424 ID: b01382

How big will our favorite slime will get when the mushrooms fully mature? Will we get that cute mushroom hat? Could we do mushroom based attacks where we shoot sneezing spores? healing spores? itching spores?
No. 138426 ID: 4ef090

i dont know if we'll get bigger, per se, but we'll definitely grow in different and interesting ways.
mushroom hat WILL happen, and there's a few other powers and passive abilities that'll manifest, but i wanna leave it a little bit of a surprise. :3
No. 138429 ID: b499ad

you using enchanting table(technically Standard Galactic) text >.>
looks like it's spelling BOUNTY!
we're both NERDS!
No. 138430 ID: 4ef090
File 166744967634.png - (10.20KB , 500x500 , 308.png )

YES!!! i love to slip standard galactic alphabet in whenever i can get away with it. I've done it a couple times already in the quest, like on Vuota's note and on the map.
No. 138436 ID: 308eef

So she’s going to get a mushroom bikini is what you’re saying?
No. 138438 ID: 9a2966

Nah. Mushroom mustache. That WOULD be a surprise.
No. 138475 ID: b01382

No. 138479 ID: 4ef090
File 166804847133.jpg - (195.57KB , 716x680 , rival time!.jpg )

OG tricky concept. Biggest change is the ears, the rest stayed pretty true!
No. 138480 ID: 7c11a0

We'll be entering combat again soon, and I'm not sure how I want to do it. What are some good suggestions for queuing actions and rolling dice? Preferably something that doesn't involve too much math homework

My initial thought was to do it similar to Thread Quest where I roll a d6 for every action suggested (based on majority for multiple conflicting suggestions) and build a battle plan based off of that.

Does that sound like a good idea? Is there a better way to do this?
No. 138489 ID: ceaf93

it is a good idea I believe, you can't have us roll because we will average every time
No. 138504 ID: b01382

How does slime S E X work?
No. 138507 ID: 4ef090
File 166864500660.png - (9.64KB , 250x250 , huh.png )

"I dont know what that is. "Sex?" Is that like, short for 'seconds'?"
No. 138508 ID: 15c72a

How is babby slime formed?
No. 138510 ID: 4e2df1

How do interspecies relationships work. I mean it looks like slimes don’t really have genders and apparently don’t have offspring the way most other species do and if I had to guess voidkin are in a similar boat. So do romances work between species normally or do they just go up to really good friends and stay there?
No. 138511 ID: 4ef090
File 166867736512.png - (17.82KB , 250x250 , lesson.png )


I've had a lot of different ideas about slime reproduction and such, and I've never really seemed to settle on one clear answer.

A few thoughts have remained consistent, and are as follows:

•The earth is full of primordial slime

•some of this earth slime crystalizes in chunks on the surface

•crystals resonate a natural power that draws more slime out of the earth and creates a simple slime

•simple slimes have no thoughts or souls, and wander about like jellyfish, mindlessly eating whatever tiny critters they roll over

•sometimes a bit of crystal breaks off in a simple slime and forms a tiny core. This coalesces over time, becoming larger and stronger, until eventually the slime gains sentience

•from here the slime continues to grow and become stronger, eventually growing strong enough to form limbs. These are called "upright slimes" until I can think of a better title

•upright slimes typically stop getting stronger at this point, but some can continue to become bigger and stronger, and eventually they become "Awakened"

•Awakened slimes begin to grow new features such as horns or teeth or hair, and usually some variation of genitals. Their bodies gradually grow larger and stronger until they discover a powerful truth about themselves, literally shaking them to the core, and causing them to become "Ascended Slimes"

•Ascended slimes begin to take on more and more features unlike those associated with slime, so much so that they can become entirely unrecognizable as slime. Things like bones and organs and such. From there they just keep getting stronger and stronger until their core can no longer support them, and they return to the earth

Grand and Elder slimes are not on the evolutionary path, nor are man-made slimekin or Titans, as they are all beings of creation rather than evolution.

The span of time between evolutionary steps can vary anywhere from decades to centuries.

TL;DR, slimes manifest from the earth asexually, grow up big and strong, and then return to the earth.


All the funny peoples can date each other if they want to and are old enough, I'm not sure what else to say about it lol. Not all of them can reproduce with each other, but that doesn't mean they can't love one another. It's not like slime and void explode when they touch.
No. 138512 ID: 4e2df1

So does that mean slimes and voidkin are basically the same with the only difference being slimes come from the earth and voidkin come from beyond it?
No. 138514 ID: 2aa5f0

>All the funny peoples can date each other if they want to and are old enough, I'm not sure what else to say about it lol. Not all of them can reproduce with each other, but that doesn't mean they can't love one another. It's not like slime and void explode when they touch.

sweet, no taboos about who we can and can’t date. All I needed to know.
No. 138515 ID: 823a1a

I would assume Humphery would know what Elder Slimes are? could you tell us?
No. 138517 ID: 2aa5f0

Radom and hopefully simple question. Slime color, can slimes chose what color they are or is it more like just being born with a certain color hair as in you're just born that way and have no real control over it? And speaking of hair, could a slime dye themselves if they wanted to?
No. 138521 ID: 15c72a

Can Grand (and Elder) Slimes become Awakened and/or Ascended?
No. 138600 ID: b01382

Would it be possible for our protagonist to include new slimes into the slime mass?
No. 138628 ID: 885f1a

Nice effect you put on the swords eye, just wanted to put that out there
No. 138630 ID: 02cfda

>Does Humphrey know about Elder Slimes?
Only one person in the story has heard anything about Elder Slimes, and it's not Humphrey.

>can slimes change their color?
Absolutely! Color is often determined by the minerals nearby, but slimes can change it if they so desire. It's probably not instantaneous, but they do have some control over it.

>Can Grand/Elder slimes awaken/ascend?
that's something we'll have to discover together

>can our MC fuse with other slimes?
kiiiiiiiinnnnd of. I don't want to spoil it, but it's definitely different from fusing with her own pieces.

>"Nice effect you put on the swords eye, just wanted to put that out there"
It's very subtle, but I'm glad someone noticed it hahaha
No. 138634 ID: 2aa5f0

>Absolutely! Color is often determined by the minerals nearby, but slimes can change it if they so desire. It's probably not instantaneous, but they do have some control over it.

Sweet, now if we ever need to do something sneaky we can just turn our color, wear a wig, and slap on a fake mustache. We'd be a master at disguise.
No. 138635 ID: 02cfda
File 167009966017.png - (567.27KB , 1113x662 , wonderful winterslime.png )

in the meadow we can build a snowslime
No. 138636 ID: ee342e

No. 138648 ID: 885f1a

Slimes covering their tail is a wonderful detail I never see, so few people remember to cover the tails of creatures with tail!
No. 138680 ID: 224608

How smoochable is Tricky?
No. 138681 ID: b01382

How smoochable is Tricky?
No. 138702 ID: b01382

Is Nemo/Humphrrey melting because of its hot outside, or because we picked to activate the mushroom powers?
No. 138732 ID: 02cfda

Tricky is small and adorable, so their smoochability is pretty high up there.

We're melting because "boy it's hot, are you hot or is it just me? I just feel really hot all the time, like I can't get cool or comfortable, I just want to be like in a dark cave where it's cold and wet and dark, that would be great."
No. 138755 ID: b01382

What would happen if our protagonist gave Tricky a big, fat, wet, smoochie on his cheek? Would slime magic happen, or would he get all embarrassed?
No. 138763 ID: 02cfda
File 167107305030.png - (25.96KB , 500x500 , kissies.png )

They're not really close enough for that kind of intimacy yet, so it would be pretty embarrassing.
No. 138765 ID: c5f793

Probably be even more awkward since Nemo is kind of melting right now so she’d probably just absorb his head by mistake
No. 138837 ID: 6bc5d5

If slime runes be cast as void runes, can void runes be cast as slime runes?
No. 138838 ID: 02cfda

>If slime runes be cast as void runes, can void runes be cast as slime runes?

Absolutely! Sometimes the effect is entirely different, sometimes it's only slightly different, but all runes can be mixed.
No. 138839 ID: 02cfda
File 167187114377.png - (106.00KB , 750x616 , AE395F6E-D827-4C1D-B42A-EE38C95ADFF3.png )

I drew this for thanksgiving as a goof but it applies to Christmas too

Nemo and voidking have to sit at the kids table and it’s awkward cuz they did kill Nemo, but they’re acting pretty chill about the whole thing.
Holidays with the family am I right???
No. 138840 ID: 3184a6

the kids table is slime quest's gulag.
No. 138870 ID: b01382

Would it be possible to seduce the void king?
No. 138882 ID: 0ba437

sure! im open to the possibility. Prolly won't be easy, but if it fits the narrative it could happen.
No. 138938 ID: b01382

What about....dare I say h-hand holding with the void king, or talking about our feelings?
No. 138945 ID: 0ba437
File 167330231934.png - (49.00KB , 611x460 , date night.png )

No. 139004 ID: 823a1a

wait that spellphone, it has a slow connection to slime and void networks, can we just straight up call the Void King!?
No. 139005 ID: 0ba437

oh, yeah I guess so! Tho the Voidking isn't technically registered as a contact, but if we can get that info we could call them!
No. 139031 ID: b01382

If we mess around with our sword core and necklace, could we prank call the voidking?
No. 139064 ID: b01382

damn, he kinda cute tho
No. 139081 ID: 7ba27a

Would it be possible to convert the void king into a domestic house husband?
No. 139085 ID: 0ba437
File 167583692198.png - (56.22KB , 345x638 , voidwife.png )

"oh... I can be husband instead, I guess.."
No. 139086 ID: b01382

Hmmm yea life is good
No. 139093 ID: b01382

Why did you make the Void wizard so sexy?
No. 139094 ID: 0ba437
File 167593374848.png - (213.25KB , 900x900 , TRICKSTER.png )

I just think fucked up mages with one eye and cheshire cat smiles are neat and fun to draw uwu
He's kind of an amalgamation of everything I love about video game clowns antagonists. Reckless desire for chaos, cool hat and robe, big hands for casting evil spells, bonus points if they are made of or are in control of a mysterious "Evil Fluid"
I hope that people love him as much as I do, the fucked up little freaky evil dude he is
No. 139095 ID: 0ba437

I've been waiting so long to reveal this character, you have NO idea. You also have no idea how much of this quest has been planned years in advance, and how much of it I've made up on the spot. It's been a wild ride. I hope it continues to be an exciting and enjoyable one.

Actually, on that note, I'd love to get some feedback! This is the longest I've ever worked on something, and I wanna make sure I'm doing it right. How do you feel about how things are going? Am I listening to suggestions and interacting with the audience well? How do you feel about the art style shifting so much? What sort of stuff would you like me to keep in consideration moving forward?

I'm having an absolute blast running this story, and I'm so happy that other people are enjoying it too. I've cried over Slime Quest several times in the process of writing and drawing it. Maybe that's a silly thing to do, but It's very special to me, and I want to tell it as well as I possibly can. I want other people to love my goofy characters and world.

Thank you for continuing to read Slime Quest. From the bottom of my heart to the top, Thank You. <3
No. 139096 ID: 15c72a

What if we had waited for the Guild? Would they have recommended going into the lake?
No. 139103 ID: 0ba437

Nope, we probably would have just gone to Snowloaf. The guild was mentioned by the crystal smith to fill out the world a little bit more and give us more things to do outside of the main objective of recovering our pieces, but it was not the ""intended route"". It feels reductive to say "we didn't go where I meant for us to go" because this is an interactive medium. You tell me where you want to go and what you want to do, and in return I tell you a story. I think that's neat.

I'm like a GM furiously laying down tracks before the players as we chug along and im having a lot of fun building the world this way.
No. 139110 ID: 15c72a

Hmm, how would we have met the void wizard then...?
No. 139111 ID: 0ba437

spoiler-free answer:
Don't Worry About It.

magic-spoiling answer:
Everything is laid out very loosely, until it's explicitly set in stone. Locations, items, people, all that stuff shifts around behind the scenes until it slots into place for the story. I have a general idea about the broader strokes of the story, such as key locations, what things are in them, pieces of history etc etc, but the details are fluid. Through exploring and talking to people we're solidifying all that information.
So the statue could have been anywhere, or if not the statue, information about the person in the statue. Some of this stuff is planned, some of it Just Feels Right come update day.
I started the story with a handful of key ideas, like a map with locations, but no roads drawn between them. We're forging those paths and discovering new places along the way.
I dunno. Maybe I'm revealing too much by saying this. Don't worry about it, the story is going to happen one way or another.

No. 139112 ID: 30b9f6

It's a legit fun cutesy-to-cutesely-serious story, you're doing fine, you're definitely not the only author who gets emotionally involved in they silly chars and That's Okay, as far as I can tell you're on the good end of listening to suggestions while still letting Plot Happen, the art style shifting Is Good And Fine And Even Kinda Expected, I have no particular considerations I'd want you to keep to, so... just carry on and have fun!
No. 139113 ID: 30b9f6

Ah, and the Rad Bad archetype is also a fav. Love to hate, etc.

No. 139122 ID: 0ba437
File 167623187402.png - (10.87KB , 243x274 , Screenshot 2023-02-12 at 11_56_38 AM.png )

can you tell what game I've been playing recently
No. 139142 ID: 40647d

that (oops) seems like a story all on its own
All for this reboot being as good as SlimeQuest's!
No. 139143 ID: 1d5bb3

I'm guessing either Cuphead or Pizza Tower.
No. 139145 ID: 8850b5

>can you tell what game I've been playing recently

No. 139157 ID: b01382

Damn, i wanna suck soul out of his cock. I assume he has one.
No. 139172 ID: 0ba437
File 167710666874.png - (60.32KB , 463x318 , Screenshot 2023-02-22 at 2_57_10 PM.png )

love wins
No. 139178 ID: b01382

Voidking husband is pretty good, but im a sucker for cute bad boys. Wait, is he a guy? They? She? Smooth kendoll?
No. 139186 ID: 0ba437

i haven't drawn a lot of nudity of either voidking or the prisoner, so I'm not sure just yet what the official bits status is. And since it's not a NSFW quest we probably won't find out in canon.
but if I ever draw it I'll be sure to let you know
No. 139189 ID: b01382

who needs lewds when you can have love?
No. 139192 ID: 0ba437
File 167735722792.png - (11.07KB , 277x210 , Screenshot 2023-02-25 at 12_32_56 PM.png )

so true uwu
No. 139193 ID: 2aa5f0

picture taken moment before he preforms a mortal kombat finisher move on her and rips out her core with a since punch.
No. 139214 ID: b01382

This is the only otp I need. Good by Void King!
No. 139215 ID: a758c7

what if i want both
No. 139314 ID: 6b2bf7

I was not expecting Voidkin to be able to have Mouths, if I knew there were able to be any other factors I wouldn't have even bothered making a plan!
No. 139316 ID: 0ba437

Nemo and the guild didn't expect it either. There's a lot they don't know about the wild void, tho we'll hopefully start to get some answers soonishly
No. 139343 ID: 800527

This quest continues to be excellent, also WOW WE FUCKING DIED HUH.
Very rare to actually see that happen in a quest, though its always a possibility. How much did you plan for us dying, with this current section?
No. 139462 ID: b01382

Oh damn, i cant beleive the husbando is like, super evil. I guess theres no chance of a romanve route ;n;
No. 139524 ID: 042212

The art and expressions >.> there are some FACES in this update
No. 139528 ID: b01382

Big sexy cat goddess lady of death makes me feel nice.
No. 139613 ID: 0ba437
File 168297580129.png - (381.53KB , 1200x900 , thread questers.png )

i promise i'll update it soon
No. 139615 ID: 2aa5f0

since when did Chester have a knife!?
No. 139620 ID: 6e7268

Millie's poncho is too short. His chicken dinner is out in the open!
No. 139624 ID: b01382

No. 139632 ID: 6e7268
File 168323666452.png - (1.66KB , 105x155 , tizona is derived from the latin word for firebran.png )

I think if Tizona is ever is restored, their hilt should maintain a bow-like shape and sprout a hilt and blade from it.
No. 139677 ID: b01382

In the husbando/waifu category, who do you think has the best chance?

-cat death goddess lady
-void king
-that (devishly handsome) jerk clown jester
No. 139694 ID: 273c18

Void King. Death cat is unavailable, The Trickster is evil, and Tricky is too young.

Bit of an unfortunate coincidence that Tricky and The Trickster have such similar names.
No. 139842 ID: 2c1245

Why is the sexy clown so evil? If we manage to collect all the slime parts, would we be strong enough to fight that sexy, sexy jester?
No. 139850 ID: 0ba437

the sexy clown is evil because all clowns are evil in their own special ways. <3 and I have a soft spot for the iconic bad guy clowns in video games (Dimentio, Joka, Javis, Jevil, Spamton, etc)

Getting our pieces back might make us strong enough to fight the Trickster! Or it might not. Who can say until it happens!
No. 139852 ID: 2c1245

Is dating the evil clown man possible, or will he ultimately stab us in the back? Can love prevail?
No. 139858 ID: 0ba437

far be it for me to stop you from romancing the clown. If you can somehow become close enough friends to justify it, I will absolutely let you date them.

I'll admit it's not where I see the story going, but I also didn't expect to die this early, so who really knows what can or will happen?
No. 139859 ID: 0ba437

oh, im sofia btw, Im on a different computer whoops
No. 139887 ID: 8f9bc4

Should we be getting into the complex agendas of the Trickster, the Void King, death kitty and such, or do you just want a simple battle of good versus evil? Because people are saying they know stuff that they don't, and it would be absolutely delicious crow to eat if they turn out to be dead wrong, if that's the sort of story you like to tell. But they want it a certain way, and if you just want Nemo to battle the Trickster that's okay too.

I guess either way I shouldn't try to poke holes in their assumptions. If they're right then I'm just being annoying and overthinking it. If they're wrong then there's no reason to warn them about it.
No. 139901 ID: 0ba437

It's not as complicated as I think some people think that it is, it just seems that way because I haven't revealed all the info yet. We don't know what relationship/history the void king and trickster have with each other, so it's not clear who's to blame for what. I promise it'll start to clear up sooner than later.

But yeah, I do also kinda just want Nemo to fight the Trickster because I think that would look really cool and feel really good and be really fun to draw, I'll admit it lol.
No. 139912 ID: 8f9bc4


Oh no no no I super want Nemo to battle the Trickster. Only question in my mind is how hard are we gonna be crying during their titanic final battle.
No. 139913 ID: 3e4c55

>Nemo fight Trickster
But would it be Nemo as they are now or Nemo when they've regained all their pieces and is whole again?
No. 139914 ID: 8f9bc4


Ahem, the titanic final battle, not the pathetic, squished like a bug battle. Nemo already fought that one.
No. 139917 ID: f5ab7d

Yeah, Nemo got squished like a bug twice. Once against the Void King, resulting in them becoming split apart, and the other time was against the powered up void thingy at the lake.
No. 139923 ID: 4235e0

If we manage to find all our parts and unit, could we merge with another grand slime and some slime titans to form some kind of slime megazord or a proto-slime god? Slime demigod?
No. 139999 ID: 8f9bc4


What do you think the Goddess was?
No. 140180 ID: a39c57

If the void is so evil why are voidlings cute?
No. 140181 ID: a39c57

Once we collect all pieces of the queen, can you do a gif of each piece holding hands and spinning like that monkey gif?
No. 140193 ID: 0ba437

Once we find them all I will absolutely animate them holding hands and spinning around like the monkey gif, and that's a promise
No. 140194 ID: a39c57

based. I kneel
No. 140282 ID: a39c57

Can you say 1 (one) out of context tidbit about a piece we haven't come across yet?
No. 140287 ID: 0ba437

the hat? It has to be, it HAS to be big.
No. 140289 ID: a39c57
File 169195407002.gif - (1.69MB , 220x255 , 182618.gif )

No. 140486 ID: bec65a

As we know that what happens when the slime's core shattered. But what would happen if the core disintegrated? (like disappeared completely) (dumb question, sorry)
No. 140549 ID: 2c1245

what would a half slime void baby look like, if at all possible to occur?
No. 140790 ID: a39c57

I know you said the extra eyed cats see without and within and that is very cool and poetic but what do they do, practically? Like can they see auras or like shoot lazers or just look in different directions?
No. 140791 ID: 0ba437

i started writing a short answer/long answer, but it started getting poetic, so here's the Short Answer:
Normal elsekin just use them as extra eyes. Nothin' too special. They're generally more perceptive because of it but that's all.
Those that practice Goddess worship do have access to some sort of power they call "The Goddess' Will" that they channel through their extra eyes. The limits of this power are unknown, but recorded effects tend to range from small miracles such as healing, to greater ones like divination. Since they spend so much time with those eyes closed, they're extra sensitive to light. Often you can tell someone uses Will Magic because their upper eyes are covered.
No. 140908 ID: 2c1245

I want to tongue punch the evil wizard guy's asshole.
No. 140979 ID: 0ba437

you cant tell if he thinks its hilarious or if hes so angry hes about to explode
No. 140980 ID: 0ba437
File 169774560189.png - (88.27KB , 500x500 , IMG_0341.png )

there was supposed to be a picture, heres the picture
No. 141016 ID: 2c1245

Fuck! Every time I see his stupid smile I just wanna blow his cock like how an industrial blow drier dries your car in a car wash, or maybe maybe attempt to suck the cum out his cock so hard he gets a testicular torsion. Maybe finger his asshole while I'm at it.
No. 142445 ID: a0c6c5
File 172086047928.png - (52.01KB , 247x184 , IMG_2127.png )

I accidentally made a sticker, you can have it <3
No. 142446 ID: a0c6c5

Oh neat pngs work on here?? That’s good information to know that definitely won’t be abused in future updates :3
No. 142587 ID: a0c6c5
File 172462823765.png - (51.26KB , 317x445 , CLIPStudioPaint_kKhg7fWIAI.png )

sam undertale
No. 142823 ID: a0c6c5
File 172758908553.png - (2.89MB , 2522x2696 , slime quest gaiden.png )

merry slime quest every pony

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