Castle Brush
rolled 1, 3, 5, 7, 6 = 22
Whatever number I just rolled, Vos takes half that much damage from a mostly-dodged lightning bolt. Six or more damage from a single hit probably requires prompt and prolonged medical attention, more than nine damage cumulatively is going to slow you down structurally even if you're immune to pain, more than 12 cumulatively is incapacitating, more than 24 cumulatively is potentially 'sudden death' territory (in which case, make another roll to see if you can stabilize on your own), and it's all downhill from there.
Assuming Vos is still standing, where next?
So, breaking that down, how about this:
Phobia: Spoor of those bodiless hounds which lurk in the corners of time, such as deep yet bloodless wounds in otherwise normal flesh, stringy blue caustic-alkali slime, locked-room murder mysteries, sharp corners on convex architectural elements (especially when filled in with something more smooth and round which has cracked or been left incomplete), and ill-conceived efforts to directly observe the distant past.
Mutation: Appears normal when calm, but becomes blurry, and thus harder to sense or strike, when in the grips of passion, including most combat situations. 'Clipping' through solid walls or out of manacles is possible, but usually involves heroic exertion and a risk of injury. Berzerk rage, paralyzing grief, blind panic, etc. result in total intangibility for the duration of the insanity, which may be a lifesaver or a debilitating inconvenience depending on context. Clothing and other equipment comes along with, if it's touching and you honestly think it's rightfully yours.
Also, odd dietary requirements, and downright bizarre (though consistent) distortions of smell and taste, ever since a childhood incident that shifted some birthmarks around and made you left-handed.
Supernatural vulnerability: Bags of Holding, portals, and other technological exceptions to Euclidean geometry are treated as if wrapped in razorwire, though you'll need something far more exotic than heavy gloves for safe handling, and banishing or warding effects never treat you as 'one of the locals.' If you don't yet have any native realm to be banished back to, or are already there, I'll roll on the Fascinating Parachronic Disasters table or something.
Innate Power: Teleport anywhere within line-of-sight, including through windows, and even around corners with the aid of an appropriately-angled reflective surface, but no more than a few hundred yards per hop. Requires a fine sword with which to cut a hole in the air (or at least some edge sharp enough to cut paper, but the very thought of using any tool lesser than your ancestral sword feels gross and wrong on an instinctive level) and the tunnel stays open for a minute or so, allowing partners or pursuers to follow unless they're considerably larger than you. If your feet are glued to the floor or you've broken your spine or something, you might be able to open a hole and then fail to propel yourself through it, but you can't reliably do that on purpose. If you want to open a tunnel while staying in place, or for that matter, teleport several times in rapid succession, there should be some surface solid enough for you to kick off of as part of changing direction.
As for armor, plate provides the best protection against all conventional threats. Properly fitting it to torso and limbs, and maintenance and repair and so on, is just too expensive for commoners. Leather might have a small edge against exotic stuff like rust monsters or electricity, but how often does that kind of thing really come up?