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1049788 No. 1049788 ID: 9ea24b

Gen 1 thru 3 mainline Pokemon and mystery dungeon red rescue team nostalgia quest. Potentially NSFW.

Discussion: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/135483.html
Expand all images
No. 1049789 ID: 9ea24b
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:pokefacetired: Wuh? Everything’s dark and itchy. Achoo! Damn allergies.

:pokefacethink: Is it nighttime? I was walking home from work after a long shift, and now I’m stuck in a bunch of–

:pokefacepanik: Tall grass! Ahhhhhh!!!!! Was I attacked by a Pokemon? I gotta get out of here.

You scramble out of the tall grass near the Pokemon daycare and get your bearings under a streetlight.

Are you a man or a woman?

Which Pokemon have you turned into? Generation 1 to 3 only. Evolved Pokemon will be demoted to their lowest non-baby stage.
No. 1049790 ID: e51896

You are Porygon!

You were male when you were human. so although Porygon has no gender, you refer to yourself as male.
No. 1049792 ID: 8483cf

Female, Vulpix.

With a bow.
No. 1049793 ID: 87e33c

I vote the most popular gender from other votes tallied together (I'm on team male)

As for mon, a Zigzagoon would be cute! Just a little fluffy trash mon.
No. 1049794 ID: d98cb8


Vaporeon. That is to say an Eevee right now and all.

If we're doing a potentially nsfw Pokemon quest we might as well lean in.
No. 1049795 ID: fb2164

Quaxly, maybe male, definitely B I R B.
No. 1049796 ID: 629f2e

Female, Smeargle.

Smeargle is great you guys.
No. 1049797 ID: 15c72a

No. 1049798 ID: fb2164

(i have just been informed it's Gen 3 only, so vote changed to anxiety duck Psyduck :V)
No. 1049799 ID: 36784c

Female Totodile
No. 1049800 ID: ad67aa


Larvitar, the little guy has such a bad attitude.
No. 1049801 ID: 6fde29

No. 1049802 ID: e51896

Also, just for fun, I'd like to suggest rolling for us being shiny or not. I know the odds are highly unlikely, but just for fun, lets roll the dice to see if we'll be shiny or not

(if i remember, pokemon in gen III is a 1/8192 chance, current gen is 1/4096 chance)
No. 1049803 ID: ae7ef6

Exactly! Seconding smeargle
No. 1049804 ID: ae4094

No. 1049805 ID: f2320a

why not the literal trashmon then?
No. 1049806 ID: e41255

Ditto! That way we can be ALL the pokemon.
No. 1049807 ID: fce62b

Male Zigzagoon sounds cool.
No. 1049808 ID: 90c451

Because Trubbish is Gen 5.

Counter: Espeon. Psychic powers are always useful, in more ways than you can imagine.
I suppose we'll have to settle for Eevee until we find any stones.
Also Female.
No. 1049809 ID: 15a025

No. 1049810 ID: bbb04b

Male; so I heard ya leik...

Mud! Kip!

Got a lot of love by association for this line after reading BoC.
No. 1049812 ID: 4e2df1

Female trapinch
No. 1049813 ID: 5d9787

How about a Cubone? The form could represent something about the protagonist, in this case it could be someone in mourning or in need of parental guidance.

The Smeargle option could mean the protagonist have an artistic inclination or the Sketch ability could be a greater goal of seeking specific moves to learn.
No. 1049814 ID: 83fb9f

Backing Trapinch here. Imagine.. Flygon my beloved.
No. 1049815 ID: 6fec12

No. 1049816 ID: 11f77a

Male, a shy Abra

you thought I'd suggest a female blaziken/torchic, huh? Yeah that's right--maybe I'm not so predictable after all!
No. 1049817 ID: e51896

If Porygon doesn't make it, then I'll vote smeargle. Though male instead of female.
No. 1049818 ID: d176bd

Male! Smeargle! A Smeargle can paint vulgar images wherever they want! And maybe pretty ones
No. 1049819 ID: 0bfc71

Male Trapinch!
No. 1049820 ID: 57ec6f

Give us the BITEY trapinchy lad!!
No. 1049821 ID: 6f23a7

Agreeing with female totodile!
No. 1049822 ID: d901ec

I am either in favor of Cubone, because it's full of tragic adorability, or Eevee, because it's adorable and can become one of many Pokémon.
No. 1049823 ID: 823a1a

Zigzagoon, no vote on gender
No. 1049827 ID: a7a180

Female, Ralts. You knew it was coming.
No. 1049830 ID: dd15aa

Seconding Trapinch, and voting for Male.
No. 1049831 ID: fec07f

Female Evee
Let's keep some options open for evolution
No. 1049834 ID: e5709d

Female Gardevoir
... I mean, duh.
No. 1049851 ID: 58dd24

No. 1049852 ID: f142b2

Male ghastly
No. 1049873 ID: 422cea

Male, because I associate with having a benis.

We are an Aron.
No. 1049887 ID: 9ea24b
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>Male Trapinch
It’s hard to see your body with your enormous head in the way, but you finally recognize yourself as a Trapinch, a Pokemon usually found in the desert to the north of Mauville, where you work.


:poketrapcry: All I have are these short little stubs…How am I supposed to tell people I got turned into a Pokemon? I’m doomed.

You are currently Level 20. You know Bite, Sand-Attack, and Faint Attack . You are a physical attacker and a ground type. You evolve into Vibrava at level 35.
No. 1049889 ID: 9ea24b
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You sit on your little orange butt and cry with frustration. You don’t care that the sound is probably attracting mean wild Pokemon, the situation is just very overwhelming.

:pokesmerface: Hi there. Are you okay?

:poketrapcry: Boohoohoo.

:pokesmerawk: Uh, are you hurt at all? I have some Oran berries I can give you.

You look through your teary eyes to see an odd Pokemon. A Smeargle? You might have glimpsed one once in passing, but they’re not native to the area.
No. 1049894 ID: e51896

Wait, this Smeargle can speak your language?! Does that mean they were turned into a pokemon too? Might want to ask. They'll probably understand our situation whether they transformed too or not.
No. 1049897 ID: bbb04b

Uhhh, you're a trapinch who can't use Dig? Gotta fix that, and soon! It's like your species' entire M.O! Assuming you don't solve your Poké-fication too quickly, that is. (Also, while coming off as a bit odd at first, I suppose you starting at Lv. 20 is just a product of being a grown-ass adult when you shifted.)

"Uh... N-no, just distressed. How did I get here?" Ah, come to think of it, you don't remember being in tall grass, so your geographic position has shifted at some point without you noticing, whether in body or spirit. Being in or even near Mauville isn't a given here. "Do you know where we are?"
No. 1049898 ID: 629f2e

Attempt to shake the smeargle's hand, and then immediately fall over because you aren't used to being quadripedal.
No. 1049900 ID: fe08e9

I don’t need an oran berry, I need a guide. Where are we?
No. 1049901 ID: e5709d

"I lost my pokeball."
No. 1049903 ID: 823a1a

"Where even am I!?"
also sure an oran berry couldn't be bad for you
No. 1049904 ID: a9af05

But what's our Ability? Do we have Hyper Cutter (prevents our Attack stat from being lowered by other Pokémon, unless self-inflicted by our own moves), do we have Arena Trap (prevents opponents from fleeing or switching out), or do we have the Hidden Ability Sheer Force (increases the power of moves that have beneficial secondary effects by 30%, but removes those additional effects)?

Do this.

Then this.
No. 1049907 ID: 9a2966

Calm down as best you can and realize you can understand Poke-speak now. Maybe there's hope after all!
No. 1049909 ID: 2aa5f0

say you are lost and ask who they are.
No. 1049910 ID: dd15aa

This must be a dream. That's the obvious explanation! Try to calm down and greet this not so mean wild pokemon.
No. 1049932 ID: 15c72a

Trapinch gets Dig at level 41 in Gen III. If we wait for that, we'll miss out on Vibrava's DragonBreath... Probably a bad idea, though if TMs or Move Reminders are in play the decision to delay an evolution becomes more complicated.
We'll get our next move, Sand Tomb, at 25.

Just get to level 45, Flygon has thumbs. Vibrava has opposable digits technically...

First, confirm you are where you think you are. Maybe you weren't just turned into a pokemon, but moved to a new location entirely.
No. 1049956 ID: 9ea24b
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>Pokemon abilities?
You learned all the basics in school about Pokemon natures, stats, and abilities. None of that stuff seemed particularly interesting to you, just a lot of crap to micromanage. To put yourself at ease you decide to just focus on levels, types, and moves.

Trapinch evolves into a green bug thing and then into Flygon, which definitely at least has fingers. That’s a good goal to shoot for if you can’t find a way to reverse the transformation.

>The power of denial
If you lie to yourself that this is a dream, maybe you can calm down? You take a few deep breaths.

Since you’re a Pokemon you can now understand all other Pokemon and vice versa.

:poketrapface: Who are you? Where am I?

:pokesmerface: I’m Smeargle, I live between Verdanturf and Mauville. Are you not from around here?

:poketrapface: Uh, no. I’m lost.

:pokesmershock: Oh no! That happens pretty often actually, because of the daycare lots of trainers leave behind eggs or ditch their Pokemon.

This Smeargle seems to think you’re an abandoned Pokemon. You need to eventually decide if you want to correct her.
No. 1049957 ID: 9ea24b
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:poketrapcry: I don’t have anywhere to go…

:pokesmerface: Oh, you can stay the night with me, I have a nice little place–


:poketrappanik: AHHHHHHHHH!!!

You’re not used to being quadrupedal, so you topple over from the shock of the ghost Pokemon’s sudden appearance.

:pokegensmile: Heheheheh! Couldn’t help but overhear the conversation. I’m part of a rescue team that helps poor lost souls like yourself, why don’t you come with me instead?

:poketrapface: No offense ma’am but that is sketchy as fuck.

:pokegensmile: Oh, but we’re Team Friendlies! We’re the nicest rescue team in all of Hoenn! We especially try to help poor abused Pokemon like yourself.

A. Start a battle with the Gengar (suggest strategy, gain levels)
B. Ask her more about Team Friendlies then decide whether to go with Smeargle or not
No. 1049958 ID: 823a1a

She only said that she lives "between Verdanturf and Mauville", nothing on where we are, technically
anyway ask her if she has an idea on something to do, like maybe learning moves like dig, or going somewhere
No. 1049959 ID: 823a1a

A. NO ONE starts a good conversation with laughing, Bite does not affect ghosts so Faint-attack so Smeargle can do something
No. 1049960 ID: c49673

ask them about each other
No. 1049963 ID: 30a1cc

Hit her hard with a Super Effective Bite! If you're lucky, you'll make her flinch and she'll lose a chance to attack you!

>Bite does not affect ghosts
Wrong. Bite is Dark type and Super Effective against Ghost-types.
No. 1049964 ID: 374d53

Hide behind the smergal. They are a normal type and therefore immune to ghost type attacks.

Also ask smergal if they know anything about team friendlies since they seem more familiar with the area… so uh B I guess.
No. 1049970 ID: a7a180

A, seize the initiative. You've never heard of a rescue team! Where's your Ranger partner, huh?
Sand Attack, it's not a harmful attack so you can judge their intent by how they react.
No. 1049971 ID: 15c72a

B. Who else is on Team Friendlies? (the biggest question here is, is this Gengar from PMD R/B, and does it take place before or after that game? ...no, this is probably an AU and it's useless to judge based on the games.)

It might also be interesting to see how they respond to you saying you're a human.
No. 1049972 ID: e51896

B. We're naive.
No. 1049974 ID: c49673

We should know where we are. Route 117, where the daycare is.
No. 1049975 ID: fec07f

Can everyone please just chill out and explain some more?
No. 1049976 ID: dd15aa

B. Please tell me more.
No. 1049977 ID: 5d9787

As sketchy as this explanation sound you can't just start a fight with someone offering help.
At least try the diplomatic path until the conflict escalate to the point violence becomes an appropriate response.
Tell her you appreciate the consideration but you will accept Smeargle's offer. You would prefer to ask around about Team Friendlies just to be sure she didn't just invented the name. You don't mean to offend, it just a very suspicious name.
No. 1049978 ID: c49673

What makes Smeargle more trustworthy than Gengar?
No. 1049979 ID: 5d9787

She didn't appear out of nowhere, laugh about scaring us and gave a team name that sound like it was made up to trick small children.
Also a ghost type referred to us as "lost souls". Ominous.
No. 1049980 ID: 15c72a

>attacking Gengar out of nowhere is kinda nuts
Don't forget, this is a tippler quest.
No. 1049984 ID: c49673

Too bad about the thumbs thing. That makes communication with humans harder. Unless you can sound out human language. Then you could just walk into the daycare.
No. 1049988 ID: e7c7d3

A.) it's pokemon rules. Time for a fight to decide things!
No. 1049999 ID: b01382

Please expleeeen
I cry very easily. I want my mommy.
No. 1050003 ID: 83fb9f

Say thanks to the Gengar. For now you just need a place to calm down, which the smeargle has already offered. Ask for a way to reach out to her tomorrow.
No. 1050004 ID: 40ce9c

B. Let's at least hear them out. They haven't done anything yet, they're a ghost, they can't help looking spooky.
No. 1050010 ID: bbb04b

B, but pessimistically: "Uh, thanks for the offer, but I don't see how you're the more trustworthy party between yourself and Smeargle here. Though, on the off-chance you're an honest-to-Arceus rescue team who're just struggling to overcome your scary branding and desperate for a gig, here's some advice: change the name. It sounds like something you made up on the spot to trick morons and actual children. You might as well be calling yourselves 'Team Free Candy' for all the zero difference it makes..."
No. 1050015 ID: 331768

A, these jaws were made for bitin’ and that’s just what they’re gonna do
No. 1050030 ID: bbb04b

(Also, in my defense, I forgot that Sand Tomb was its own move separate from Dig. I guess being close to the level requirement for that is good.)
No. 1050034 ID: 8f8464

She is one of the bad guys in the title image!

I want to attack so we can level up, but if A doesn't win, then let's ask her what her deal is.

And also ask them both if they are a boy or a girl. It's important.
No. 1050041 ID: 58dd24

Who told you those are the villains? looks like the main cast to me
No. 1050045 ID: e51896

For reference, Censor shipping had Ginerva, and Niccolo as silhouettes in the title, and they were partners to Elaine.
No. 1050054 ID: 180c83

The gengar really is sketchy af but on the other hand aren't we being, like, racist? Poke-racist against ghost types? She hasn't said or done anything bad, she just popped out of the ground and looks sinister (which all gengars do).
No. 1050125 ID: fce62b

B; No reason to start picking fights right now.
No. 1050136 ID: 9ea24b
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Both Smeargle and Gengar are female.

>Hide behind the Smeargle to protect from ghost-type moves
This is an excellent idea, you’ll keep it in mind if Gengar attacks.

>Bite is dark type and super effective against ghosts
True. Unfortunately all dark moves count as special attacks, so your juiced physical attack stat won’t help if you decide to start a battle.

>Ghost type bias
The Gengar is definitely sinister and you’re mad that she laughed when she startled you, but maybe you’re judging a book by its spooky cover.

>B, ask them for more details

:poketrapface: I’d like to stay with Smeargle for the night, but I also want to hear more about Team Friendlies. How many members are there? What kind of situations do you rescue Pokemon from?

:pokegensmile: We have three main members: me, Salamence, and Houndoom.

:pokegendrama: I myself was a neglected Pokemon! My trainer used me for a while and then stuck me in the PC for months. I got the opportunity to escape and took it.
No. 1050137 ID: 9ea24b
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:pokegensmile: There are plenty of Pokemon who are caught for a check mark in the Pokedex and left in a box, or trainers retire from full-time battling and don’t have the time to give their Pokemon the attention they need. My team gives those Pokemon a safe place to stay where they won’t be harassed by more trainers.

:pokesmermad2: They also make Pokemon fight each other for entertainment.

:pokegendrama: Why not train to get stronger? It’s easier to avoid being caught again if you’re at a higher level.

:poketrapface: Okay, thanks for explaining, I’ll just be on my way with Smeargle here.

:pokegenwink: I’ll be in touch, sweetheart.

Gengar sinks back into the ground and Smeargle sighs with relief.

:pokesmerface: C’mon, I don’t want any more trouble.

She leads you back into the tall grass to a footpath that leads to an unobtrusive dirt tunnel. The short tunnel opens into a cozy warren lined with bunches of medicinal herbs and neat stacks of berries. It’s dimly lit by some kind of oil lamp.

:pokesmerawk: I have a roommate, she should be asleep. I’m sorry you’ve had bad luck, but not all trainers are bad.

:pokesmerface: Help yourself to any food, is there anything else you need before we go to bed?

A. Ask to be taught the move Dig
B. Ask Smeargle about her level and moves
C. Ask about her roommate
No. 1050139 ID: e51896

No. 1050144 ID: dd15aa

A. It can't be that hard right?
No. 1050145 ID: 823a1a

C, may as well know who else is here, who is roomates with Smeargle
No. 1050146 ID: f4bead

No. 1050147 ID: 3184a6

No. 1050149 ID: a7a180

A. Assuming she knows how, that's a good idea since you're currently limited to Special attacks. When a Pokemon, do as the pokemon do.
No. 1050150 ID: bbb04b


B would be a sus thing to ask, and A seems unlikely to be something Smeargle can help us with (and also the product of a derp moment on my part, forgetting that Sand Tomb was a move that exists separately to Dig and encapsulates the average Trapinch's "M.O." far more).

First, though, do comment that while you're definitely not interested in Gengar's offer after things got elaborated on, you definitely made the right choice in not attacking her outright, considering she actually seemed halfway legit (as opposed to being 0% on the level).

"Seriously, though; that team name was godawful..."
No. 1050158 ID: bb6bd8

No. 1050162 ID: 53eab7

C, then A.

Also, we need to find Bill, the PC guy. It is said he once turned himself into a pokémon, funniest thing I've ever seen, but the managed to turn himself back. Maybe he can help us!
No. 1050165 ID: fc5f8a


Lanette runs the storage system in Hoenn. She could help get his attention.
No. 1050189 ID: 9ea24b
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>Overwhelmingly C
While it would be nice to learn a move that is both physical and actually good, battling is in no way your priority, which is also why you don’t want to press Smeargle on her history.

:poketrapface: Can you tell me more about your roommate? Since I might be staying here for a while…

:pokesmerawk: Yeah, okay. Eevee is a bit of a handful.

:pokesmershock: It’s not her fault! She was raised in the daycare before being released into the wild. Eevees are very popular with trainers, especially female ones, and whenever she goes out she has to be very alert and it’s made her a little neurotic.

:pokesmerawk: I think she really wants a boyfriend, but she also wants to settle down and pick an evolution too. Poor thing, I hope I give her some stability, but she could use more exciting friends.

:pokesmerface: Anyway, try to be patient with her, I spend most of my mornings painting in my room, so if you wake up early feel free to ask her to show you around.
No. 1050190 ID: 9ea24b
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You thank Smeargle and bid her goodnight. You make a little indent in the dirt floor and curl up tight. You fall asleep quickly and dream about taking an exam you haven’t studied for.

The next morning you wake up to a growling stomach, so you chomp down on a few berries. They’re surprisingly good, and you even find a bright red apple that’s sweet and filling.

:poketrapthink: Hm…I’ve heard of people turning into Pokemon before. Wasn’t there a famous guy in Kanto who made a machine that turned him into a Clefairy? The PC lady Lanette who lives near Fallarbor should be able to contact him.

:poketrapthink: If I go outside, I might run into a trainer or other wild Pokemon. I could fight either to raise my level or focus on stealth and collect useful items.

:poketrapthink: Well first I should decide if I want to take anyone with me.

Suggest activities for the day. Also select your partner, if any.
A. Go with Smeargle
B. Go with Eevee
C. Go by yourself
No. 1050193 ID: 3184a6

A. Go with Smeargle

She seems to have a good idea about the lay of the land and who you should be careful of and where you can find things so probably smart to hang out with her for a bit until you have an idea of how things work around here as well.
No. 1050194 ID: 8483cf

Be stealthy and collect items, we just said that battling is bad news.

Go with Eevee since she sounds like someone who would agree with the stealth philosophy.
No. 1050195 ID: bc4cda

B stealthy with Eevee. Follow her lead.
No. 1050197 ID: 322af8

A. Go with Smeargle
No. 1050198 ID: 5d9787

It's strange to be planing to hang out with Eve when you haven't even met her yet, but if we go out to fight she is the better option since she seem to want to evolve. I guess so do you.

Smeargle dislike trainer battles, might be worth asking her opinion on fighting in general. Her case is special among pokemons because of how Sketch work. Most battles must be less appealing for someone who have to be selective about the moves they want to learn.

We should get to know the neighborhood and get used to being a quadruped with a stealth items collection tour. Let's do this with Smeargle.
No. 1050209 ID: d67b05

B smeargle seems a bit of a homebody and she already said that the evee was looking for friends
No. 1050212 ID: 2d3a49

We could try to avoid looking like a wild pokemon by wearing something. Who knows how trainers and wild pokemon would react.
No. 1050213 ID: dd15aa

Fighting doesn't help Eevee much with evolving unless she gets content enough to evolve into an Umbreon or Espeon.

I say B. Introduce ourselves to Eevee, and take a stealthy approach to scout things out. Maybe if you can sneak up on a trainer's camp site you could take their phone to contact Lanette.
No. 1050214 ID: 41635a


Question, when Trapinch was still human, did he own any Pokemon?
No. 1050215 ID: 823a1a

B, Eevee being more neurotic is better for stealth, and she's likely to be a good fighter even should it fail, maybe still be prepared to back her up just in case though
I wonder what Eevee wants to evolve into
No. 1050216 ID: 5d9787

I always though that was a quantification of an emotional bound. Contentment make more sense.
Espeon and Umbreon are good options and don't require finding rare stones. Who knows how long the search would take.
No. 1050222 ID: 419be3

B. Smeargle is busy painting.
No. 1050234 ID: 9ea24b
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>B, look for items with Eevee
Smeargle is busy painting and you don’t want to take advantage of her hospitality to monopolize her time. Now that you know about Eevee, she sounds like a good partner to go exploring the surrounding forest with while avoiding humans.

You find the tunnel that goes to Eevee’s room and immediately get a snarling ball of fur in your face.

:pokeevemad: Get out of my room! Leave me alone!

:poketrappanik: Waaaah? I’m sorry! Smeargle told me you could help me look for items.

:pokeevesus: Who’re you?

:poketrapface: I’m Trapinch! I was abandoned near here by a trainer and Smeargle took me in.

:pokeevemad: Aghhh! We don’t need randos messing things up. You’re bright orange, you stick out a ton in the grass.

:poketrappanik: We can stay far away from the roads so trainers don’t see us.

:pokeevesus: Fine…Hold on a second.

Eevee emerges with a white silk scarf around her neck. It makes her look like more of a trainer’s Pokemon than a wild one. With her hackles lowered she’s about your size.
No. 1050235 ID: 9ea24b
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>Were you a trainer before becoming a Trapinch?
Nope, just a normal salaryman. Pokemon are expensive to care for and your tiny apartment wasn’t a good place to keep a pet.

It’s a lovely sunny day. The small lakes scattering the area glitter in the light and you spot several Surskit and Marill playing on the water. You spot a few grass and bug types as well, though you keep your distance.

You quickly realize that most of what you can find away from civilization are berries, apples, and seeds. Eevee makes you collect and carry everything in a bundle, which is extremely awkward without hands.

>50% chance to find rare berry/apple/seed item: Failure

:poketrapface: Is there anywhere we can trade with other wild Pokemon for better items? You must know some mons around here who are friendly.

:pokeevesus: What do you mean, better items?

:poketrappanik: Oh, uh, like potions or held items or maybe even evolution stones. Other mons have probably already picked up all the good stuff around here.

:pokeeveneut: Okay, but if anyone wants to battle us you have to do the fighting. I know a Zigzagoon around here who likes to collect weird things, but he’ll want to impress me by beating you up.

A. Agree to meet Zigzagoon and potentially get nicer items
B. Go home to the den and get to know Smeargle or Eevee better
No. 1050236 ID: bc4cda

Hmm. You only get 'experience' if you win, right? But, if you'll get an item out of it, maybe this is a good chance to taste defeat.
No. 1050239 ID: 8f6b87

>you're bright orange

Get a paint job from Smeargle

or get steve'd
No. 1050240 ID: 629f2e

A, let's try battling!
No. 1050241 ID: 90c451

A. You don't want to fight but if you have to then it's the only available fight that's a win-win. If you win you get experience, if you lose you can trade. Besides, it's probably safer than fighting some random wild pokemon, while he might want to beat you up he probably knows that going too far would have the opposite effect of impressing her.
No. 1050242 ID: 99ca7b


And then this:

No. 1050244 ID: 85d357

No. 1050247 ID: 381e6d

A. And ask if you need to lose or win to trade.
If you don't need to lose, try to win.
No. 1050248 ID: 823a1a

A, we need those items AND we still need to be able to fight, some practice agains someone who probably won't beat us up TOO bad should we end up losing
No. 1050252 ID: 763fbc

nothing could possibly go wrong with being a uniquely colored pokemon
No. 1050255 ID: 3184a6


we need to get stronger so we evolve, we need to evolve to get back thumbs, we need thumbs so thing will stop being so awkward to carry!
No. 1050257 ID: dd15aa

A. Go and job for better prices, we're on the grindset.

Steveing a Trapinch is as easy as two lines.
No. 1050274 ID: 9ea24b
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>Get Smeargle to paint you a duller color
>Nothing could possibly go wrong with being uniquely colored
A good compromise would be to cover yourself in mud and leaves. That way you won’t attract attention as a potential shiny and Eevee will be more comfortable walking around with you, though your disguise will be fragile.

:poketrapface: Let’s go visit Zigzagoon.

Eevee leads you back to the same area as Smeargle’s den, slightly closer to the road. You see some items sparkling in the entrance of another hole.

:pokeevesus: He never has any trouble from trainers…There’s tons of Zigzagoons in Hoenn. Oi Ziggy! Get your trashy butt out here.

:pokezigshock: Bweh? Hi Eevee! Who’s your friend?

:pokeevemad: He’s. not. my. friend. We’re here to trade.

:pokezigface: If he’s not your friend, we can fight. I need more experience so I can evolve soon. Nice to meet you buddy, I’m Zigzagoon.

:poketrapface: It’s a pleasure to meet more of Eevee’s acquaintances.
No. 1050275 ID: 9ea24b
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Zigzagoon backs up so you can enter the den and see his piles of collected items.

:pokezigface: Here’s all my stuff, look and don’t touch, please.

Mid-grade Items (can trade half the food bundle for one):
Revives, Hyper Potions, Gold Nuggets, Poke Balls, a brief look at Zigzagoon’s illicit PokePerv magazine collection stolen from humans.

High-grade Items (can trade full food bundle for one):
Rare Candies, mediocre TMs, Vitamin Drinks, a lengthy perusal of Zigzagoon’s illicit PokePerv magazine collection stolen from humans

Zigzagoon is Level 15, a normal type, and has a strong Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB) move in Headbutt. He takes you aside and politely asks you to throw for content so he can impress Eevee, and will give you a high-grade item on the house if you do so.

A. Battle to win – 75% chance success, +3 Levels if successful but can’t trade today, can trade normally afterwards if failure. Eevee will like you more. Zigzagoon will leave you with a little health if failure.

B. Throw – Free high-grade item, can trade normally afterwards. Eevee will like Zigzagoon more. Zigzagoon will leave you with a moderate amount of health.

C. Deter Zigzagoon – Take a quest for Zigzagoon’s missing issue of PokePerv. Zigzagoon will not try to fight you and will become your bosom friend once you get him the magazine. Can trade normally.
No. 1050276 ID: e51896

C! Lets do our first mystery dungeon mission!
No. 1050277 ID: 15c72a

B or C. We kinda need an offensive move that uses Attack stat, so basically any mediocre physical TM would be fantastic before we do any serious battles.
No. 1050279 ID: 823a1a

C. being friends with the shopkeep is a good idea, though also do say that thrown battles probably won't help him evolve, and an evolution will help him more on his goal('s assuming he cares about more than Eevee) than a thrown battle
No. 1050280 ID: 823a1a

since we can also shop... Poke balls se we can catch ourselves and not get caught later (I assume the plural means we get plural, but we should spend on two otherwise, for our friend Eevee... assuming we can't get Ziggy to Gift Eevee one), and a Revive if we can
No. 1050281 ID: c96f56

Pok'mon iz meant fo' fightin' and winnin'!
No. 1050282 ID: 00e87a

No. 1050285 ID: dd15aa

C sounds the most fun.
No. 1050297 ID: 90c451

A. Let's impress that Eevee and get that experience! 75% seems like pretty good chances.
No. 1050302 ID: b01382

B and C. Maybe he might impress Evee, and we can find him his thing too!
No. 1050304 ID: 529d6d

A. or C. We need more levels, so either fight him or do something that will lead to fighting.
No. 1050306 ID: 2aa5f0


it has been stated that our character's main goal is to get his thumbs back and rushing towards his Flygon evolution does help with this though I'm willing to go with C as well because as a former salary man he should know the value of having connections.

Though I do have one question, is pokeperv fulled with naked humans... or pokemon? If the later... why... why is such a thing published? Is if for breeders or something? If it's the former... this guy has... interesting taste, though it could just be a case of beggars can't be choosers since I doubt many pokemon make art much less porn...
make sure you knock before you ever enter smergal's room.
No. 1050312 ID: 9ea24b
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Is an online and physical publication featuring mostly softcore Pokemon pictures, from your experience. Sometimes the models wear tight or revealing clothes to make them more salacious. Weird how that works since Pokemon are usually naked.

>Pokemon-human sexual relations
Exist and are generally considered a bit deviant, but acceptable if healthy and consensual.

After carefully surveying the magazine stash, you take Zigzagoon aside and politely ask him where the infamous Eeveelution swimsuit edition is.

:pokezigblush: A-are you a PokePerv connoisseur too? Everyone always calls me a weirdo for caring so much about my collection. I just think the pictures look really nice and s-sexy.

:pokezigcry: I don’t have the swimsuit edition, I’ve tried to sneak into the Game Corner to grab it but they always throw me out.

:poketrapchad: I will steal it for you.

:pokezigshock: Really? That would be the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for me.

:poketrapface: Give me a day or several, but I’ll make it happen.

Zigzagoon blubbers his thanks so profusely that you don’t have the heart to smack him around, even if you’d like to impress Eevee. You trade half the contents of the bundle for a Revive, which you hold onto. You don’t want to give away all the food, that would be very rude to poor Smeargle who’s already giving you free shelter.

You’re tired and it’s getting late. The Game Corner in Mauville is your best bet for getting a copy of the magazine, though it usually has tight security and trainers gambling for a chance at rare TMs. You could also try some residences in Verdanturf, which will have a lower chance of having the key item, but also be easier to access.

You bid your new pal Zigzagoon farewell and walk with Eevee back to the home den.


:pokeevepanic: Eeek!

:pokegensmile: Heheheheh, my, already found another cute companion, Trapinch? You’re so popular, no wonder I’m enamored with you.

:pokeevemad: We’re not interested. Go away.

:pokegendrama: Such a possessive partner! Trapinch, have you thought more about Team Friendlies’ offer? You don’t even have to join full-time, just a visit to our base would be a great first step. I can show you there tomorrow morning, and you can even bring your darling friend. It’s such a good way to grow your strength.
No. 1050313 ID: ae4094

accept her offer, go alone, you'll get stronger, who doesn't want to get stronger and evolve, do it for the flygon fingers
No. 1050314 ID: e51896

Interesting, Eevee said we weren't interested even though this is the first time we've seen her interact with Gengar, and Gengar didn't even mention offering us to join team friendlies in front of Eevee before Eevee rejected her. I take it perhaps Gengar has been giving this offer to join her to Smeargle and Eevee before? or maybe Smeargle told Eevee at one point about Gengar meeting us while we were sleeping.

Lets ask Eevee what she knows about Team Friendlies and their reputation before we visit Gengar's base

And ask Gengar why she would want a weak pokemon like us to join her rescue team when we're not strong enough in comparison to her. We're smol.
No. 1050315 ID: 5da869

Eevee must have a good reason to reject Gengar's offer. Let's stick with Eevee and give a polite "No thank you" to Gengar.
No. 1050316 ID: bc4cda

We don't want to go. Why are you following us?
No. 1050322 ID: 823a1a

ask if we can bring two people, you already know 2 friends who would want to go together who you could drag with you, speaking of you should ask both of them for knowledge, probably say yes
No. 1050323 ID: e47ede

>Exist and are generally considered a bit deviant, but acceptable if healthy and consensual.

How do the pokemon and humans communicate?
No. 1050324 ID: 564b39

Smeargle already said Team Friendlies makes pokémon fight for entertainment, supposedly to "get stronger against trainers." So, yes, Team Friendlies has been busy.

Let's ask Gengar were their base is tell her we might meet them later.
Then go back to the cave and tell Smeargle and Eevee about our life as a human. If we are going to work together, we need to be on the same page about our goals.

And then we go buy the magazine for Zigzagoon with our salary.
No. 1050325 ID: 529d6d

Raid residences, it's easier and there is a chance you'll also find other useful things.
Accept gengar's offert, but go with friends (if they accept).
And once she is gone, ask Eevee what she knows about her and team friendlies.
No. 1050340 ID: e5709d

"You are bratty and ugly and I do not like you. Go away."
No. 1050344 ID: 708905

Just a visit could be ok, we could meet the other members and see if they're aight
No. 1050350 ID: bbb04b

"... Okay, I'll bite; since when were you 'enamored' with me, and why? I somehow doubt you just find Ground types sexy."

Either we poke a hole in her façade by making her improvise some unconvincing flattery for us, or she reveals a clue about the nature of our soul; that is, if we're still a human on the inside, it's possible that Pokémon (who are inclined to trust humans) - especially those with the ability to perceive someone's soul - may be keyed into a notion along the lines of "I inherently like this guy."

Regardless of her response, give a noncommittal "I'll think about it," then be on your way. Maybe you could consult the others on the pros and cons of hardcore battle grind-sets in a human-free controlled environment before making an actual decision. Obviously, the sticking point is deciding whether to trust that we're actually free to leave once we enter.
No. 1050352 ID: 2aa5f0

still trying to figure things out and getting a lay of the land, but might stop by at some point to see what it's all about (if only so you'd stop breathing down my neck)
No. 1050372 ID: dd15aa

This seems like a good set of things.
No. 1050378 ID: 9ea24b
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>Lose temper
:poketrapmad: Could you just leave me alone? I don’t want to be harassed every day about joining your club! Yeah it sounds interesting but the more you bother me about it the less I want to go.

:pokegenneut: I’m sorry.

:poketrapmad: You can tell me where your base is and I’ll go there if I want to.

:pokegenneut: It’s north of Mauville, past that odd family’s challenge house and before the popular camping area.

:poketrapface: Great, goodnight.

You stride away, little legs shaking from nerves. Gengar doesn’t follow and once you’re safely back in Smeargle’s den, you relax.

:pokeeveneut: That was impressive, telling that Gengar off.

:poketrappanik: You think so? Do you know anything about Team Friendlies?

:pokeevesus: Smeargle doesn’t like them and they give me a bad vibe. I’ve seen Gengar around but she’s never talked to me directly before. What makes you so special?

:poketrapface: Well speaking of that…

>Tell Smeargle and Eevee about being human
Better now than later. You call for Smeargle and she joins the two of you in the living room where you explain the situation, adding as many boring details from your previous life as possible to prove your claims.

:pokeeveneut: Okay.

:pokesmerface: Sure.

:poketrappanik: That’s it? You’re not more shocked?

:pokesmerface: I mean, there is some precedent. I’ve heard stories of stuff like that happening whenever someone pisses off a powerful Pokemon or some prophecy needs fulfilling.

:poketrapface: I don’t think either of those things are the case.

:pokeevemad: I’m tired! As long as you keep helping around the den I don’t care! Good night!
No. 1050379 ID: 9ea24b
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It takes a little while to fall asleep that night after a nice meal of berries and seeds. Your job will probably fire you soon, maybe they’ll issue a missing person notice after long enough? Your family is in Lilycove so they won’t know anything’s wrong for a while. You’re not optimistic that you’ll be turning back anytime soon, so you try not to worry about it. It’s nice to not have bills and chores and deadlines looming over you, though.

>How do humans and Pokemon communicate for sex purposes?
You don’t have any personal experience in the matter, sadly. Pokemon have human or higher intelligence and are physically stronger and/or have superpowers. They can understand humans, so there could be some kind of easily set up red yellow green system through growls or other noises. Of course there’d be impetus on the human to communicate verbally and pay extra attention to their partner.

>Did you own a physical copy of the desired magazine?
Nope, you were a pure digital consumer. Real modern fellow. You don’t have the keys to your third floor apartment anyway.

>Bring friends to Friendlies base
Only good friends will go with you on such an uncertain mission. Currently you have no good friends. If you try to go by yourself you’ll encounter at least one trainer.

Your last thought before falling asleep is that you think Eevee likes you more after you made Gengar leave.

What would you like to do the next day?
A. Active Action Item: Magazine Quest (pick Verdanturf residences or Mauville Game Corner)
B. Other (ex. Gather food to trade, train against wild Pokemon or trainers, visit the Friendlies base etc.)
No. 1050381 ID: e51896

Mauville Game Corner

I wonder if it's anything like Celadon's game corner where they are selling pokemon as prizes. Probably not last I checked, but if they are, maybe we can release them somehow as we get the magazine?
No. 1050382 ID: 8483cf

A, Game Corner
No. 1050383 ID: 823a1a

hmmm, Ziggy had gold neggets, no? we could try to go on a shopping trip with them, depending on if Mauville does business with pokemon, you don't much much communication to exchange money for n item, otherwise, a normal Magazine Quest it is, probably in Verdanturf, as stealing from a store is more difficult
No. 1050385 ID: 45ebeb

Train against wild Pokémon.
No. 1050393 ID: dd15aa

A. Maybe we can break into our old apartment. It's not stealing if we steal our own money.
No. 1050394 ID: e47ede

Maybe we should reconsider Team Frendlies, but as a client.

By the way, how did the stories of the other humans end?
No. 1050395 ID: 36784c


It'll be easier to sneak into places while you're still a tiny Trapinch.
No. 1050397 ID: 15c72a

A. We've got a bit of a break from the Friendlies, we can go visit them after this task is done.
No. 1050400 ID: 308eef

Sounder if we can still learn dig? Would make getting into the game corner easier.
No. 1050416 ID: cbd2f6

Do it for racoon bro. Who knows, maybe we might even find something cool.
Could we fight some pokemon along the way to level up?
No. 1050417 ID: cbd2f6

Do it for racoon bro. Who knows, maybe we might even find something cool.
Could we fight some pokemon along the way to level up?
No. 1050418 ID: cbd2f6

I dunno bro, i think she'a kinda cute.
No. 1050421 ID: bdba10

A. Verdanturf, it will be easier, you can try Mauville once you are more used to sneak around.

She does have a nice smile.
No. 1050424 ID: 9ea24b
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>Buy the magazine with money?
This is an option if you fail to get the magazine today. You could ask Zigzagoon for a nugget and then find a human who will trade with you. It’d be a pain to do because of the communication barrier, so you’ll stick with the thievery for now.

>Magazine from Verdanturf
You’re more familiar with the smaller town and people are generally nicer to wild Pokemon there. It’s a good starting point for your infiltration skills.

>Battle wild Pokemon on the way
You have a solid Level advantage over most of the locals, and after a brief explanation of your aims, a few agree to spar as you make your way west.

Your recently roughed up acquaintances, a Maril and an Oddish, snark that there’s a local Rescue Team that’s known for practice battles, and wonder aloud why you don't bother them instead.

You gain 2 Levels, putting you at Level 22. Your health is at two-thirds and you’re less popular with the locals.
No. 1050425 ID: 9ea24b
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Verdanturf is its usual green and flowery self. You scuttle between bushes as you make your way over to the line of houses by your apartment building.

>Sure would be nice to know Dig right about now
It’s true, property damage is an effective way to enter a home. You’ll have to look for open windows and propped doors to get entry to these darling single family residences.

The only house that meets these requirements is one you remember from your previous life. It’s home to a single mother, her older teenage son, and their Kirlia. Perfect!

The Kirlia is twirling around in the small yard while the mother gardens. The door is open so fresh air can get into the house.

What’s your approach?
No. 1050427 ID: dd15aa

The Kirlia might sense you. What if you charge up a Bite attack in your mouth to mask yourself with Dark energy and avoid leaving a psychic signature while you sneak in?
No. 1050430 ID: bbb04b

If you're planning to go through with the theft and there aren't any other house options, then yeah, this is as close to a good bet as you're going to get for foiling a psychic's senses. Be ready to run, though; it's possible Dark TE doesn't make your mind invisible, just unreadable. Don't just dismiss the humans, either.

If you make your way inside, the teen's room and (if they're male or lesbian) the Kirlia's resting quarters are your best bets for finding a naughty mag. Honestly, look for Kirlia's digs first; the kid is just as likely to keep all his goods in a "homework" file.

... Alternatively, we could just do the non-antisocial thing and ask the Kirlia about the kid. Although explaining what we need and why would make for an... interesting conversation, to say the least. Even if they do believe us, I doubt they would be too charitable about something untoward, if it turns out to be theirs. Of course, we could learn from them that this house doesn't have what we need without having to break in. Decisions, decisions...
No. 1050434 ID: 2d7b10

Be careful, the teenager is probably inside.
Talk to the kirlia and try to negotiate, you are free to go a lot of places they can't, maybe there is something they want that you can do or find for them.
You were neighbors, do you remember anything useful about them ?
No. 1050435 ID: a7a180

Where's the son? He might be in his room right now. Be very quiet, and try not to think too loud.
No. 1050436 ID: e5709d

The lil' Kirlia has psychic detection built-in. You can't sneak past her, so just talk to her and ask if you can trade garbage disposal services for her trainer's less-than-healthy stash.
No. 1050440 ID: fa2dd9

If we're talking to this Kirlia, shouldn't asking for help with our main problem take priority?
No. 1050444 ID: 71fa80

Try to sneak in. Best bet for finding the PokePerv magazine would be the teenage boy's room.

Be prepared for the Kirlia to notice you and, because you're a wild pokemon, you might need to battle him/her in order to not get caught in a ball!
No. 1050446 ID: 084179

Try diplomacy. Ask if we can have the magazine please.
No. 1050455 ID: 9ea24b
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>Kirlia random gender roll: Male
>Day of the week random roll (options based on two days ago being a work day): Wednesday

The son should be at school and most normal people don’t have Pokeballs on their hips to catch hapless creatures like yourself, so you should be okay unless you start causing problems for the mom.

The Kirlia is your primary barrier to entry. Psychic Pokemon are straight up busted and he can probably read your brain waves at this range. Still, polite conversation has worked well for you so far, and you scuttle towards the Kirlia, who turns to watch you approach.

:poketrapface: Hi there, nice day, isn’t it?

:pokekirface: …I know you. You’re that pervert who’s into Pokemon, I’ve seen the things you fantasize about my owner and me when you walk by. Why are you a Trapinch?

:poketrappanik: THOSE WERE PRIVATE THOUGHTS AGGGHHHHH. I didn’t even know you were a guy! I mean, not that that would change much.

:pokekirglare: You’re repulsive.

:poketrapmad: Look, tons of people have weird fantasies, it’s just horny thoughts it doesn’t mean anything. Also I don’t know why I turned into a Pokemon but I’m trying to figure it out.

:pokekirface: Maybe some other Psychic type was so disgusted by your desires that they decided to punish you and turn you into a Pokemon.

:poketrapface: Okay, but like what if I was into that? You see how people could be really into that, right? If there are Pokemon who can do that then they could charge a million Pokedollars for it and they’d be rich.

:pokekirface: Shut up.
No. 1050456 ID: 9ea24b
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Kirlia talks in a moderately deep monotone. You think you could take him, if it came down to a fight. That said, you’re missing some of your HP so the odds are worse.

:poketrapface: So Pokemon to Pokemon, Eeveelutions are super hot.


:poketrapface: Would you, by chance, happen to own the swimsuit Eeveelution edition of PokePerv? Or perhaps the young man who lives here has a copy?

:pokekirface: Maybe. Why do you want it?

:poketrapface: I have a dear friend, a good sweet pal named Zigazagoon, who desperately longs for a voluptuous Vaporeon in a bikini.


:poketrapface: A svelte Espeon spreading her legs and looking over her shoulder, teasing the viewer.

:pokekirglare: I hate you.

:poketrapface: Look buddy, I’m a little dirt bug thing just trying to do a good deed. Can’t you help me out?

Kirlia doesn’t seem to like you very much, how strange. What do you do?
A. Fight Kirlia (60% success without Revive, 100% with Revive, +3 Levels), and then search the teenager’s room.
B. Bribe Kirlia somehow (suggest)
C. Leave and come back later with backup
No. 1050457 ID: 308eef

What would the guy even want that we could bribe him with? Finishing his chores for him so he can grab the magazine and then have us leave as soon as possible so he doesn’t have to read our mind anymore? Could work since it seems like they just kind of read the mind of everyone who gets close enough so taking away the magazine might help so he does have to hear the son’s thoughts about the magazine for awhile. I mean sure he’ll probably find a replacement eventually but even a brief brake would probably be welcomed.
No. 1050458 ID: a7a180

A. Negotiation by Pokemon battle is the tried and true way.
No. 1050461 ID: 556cba

B. "Ask yourself Kirlia, do you want the kid to turn out like me? I can make it disappear and you'll have deniability."
No. 1050462 ID: 556cba

It's worth considering that the mother is right there. Starting a battle could get Rangers after us for being a nuisance mon.
No. 1050463 ID: e51896

That's actually pretty smart. Support.
No. 1050483 ID: d49f4a

Apologise for your lewd thoughts, and ask if it happens often. It probably does. It will probably get worse when he evolves now that you think about it.
Tell him you will keep an eye out for the stone he needs to evolve and trade it to him first in addition to getting rid of the magazine for him if he accepts. Unless he wants to look feminine when he evolves, you won't judge him, you'd really be into that actually.
No. 1050488 ID: bbb04b

"Again, thoughts are uncontrollable; what defines us is whether we act on them, and whether we feed or starve them. So, let's say the boy living in this house is feeding such terrible fantasies. Perhaps you should help me help him to not do that? Heck, this is kind of a long-shot, but I'll even keep an eye out for a Dawn Stone if you cooperate; you don't strike me as the type who's into being mistaken for a lady. I reckon the stray fantasies will only get more frequent regardless of which evolution you undergo, but it's probably gonna happen at some point, and at least Galades don't get missgendered."
No. 1050491 ID: 260607


Tell Kirlia that if he lets us take the PokePerv Magazine, he won't have to see those perverse fantasies coming from the teenage boy's mind. Or the mom's mind. You don't know who that magazine belongs to, but you'll take it so he won't have to be subjected to those fantasies coming from the humans he lives with.

>I'll even keep an eye out for a Dawn Stone
We shouldn't make promises we can't keep.

Also we shouldn't assume that he wants to be a Gallade. He might be perfectly fine with becoming a Gardevoir.
No. 1050495 ID: b01382

Damn thats smart, +1 supporting this.
As he's the kids partner, its in his best interest he makes sure his idiot buddy not turn into a perv like us.

But if negotiatioms fail then go with A, and use the revive.
To be fair, what people think and what people do are two different things.
No. 1050502 ID: 9ea24b
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Sorry lads, Gallade and Dawn Stones were introduced in Gen 4. If Kirlia ever evolves it’ll be into a Gardevoir.

:poketrapthink: Male Gardevoir…

:pokekirglare: You know I can literally tell what you’re thinking about right now.

:poketrapface: Does it bother you that people mistake you for female?

:pokekirface: Not really. It’s a 50/50 gender ratio for Ralts so there are plenty of other males. Most humans don’t think about having sex with Pokemon so that doesn’t usually bother me either.

>B, offer to take away the magazine to protect the youth
:poketrapchad: You wouldn’t want your owner’s son to turn out like me. Imagine having to be around him all the time at home! If he has the magazine, I’ll take it off his hands and leave tracks with my little Trapinch feet so they don’t blame you.

:pokekirface: Fine. But you have to take ALL the magazines, not just the issue you want.

:poketrapchad: I am willing to make this great sacrifice.

Kirlia checks to make sure the mom isn’t paying attention then leads you into the house and down the hall to the teen’s room. You make sure to track a lot of dirt inside, and even tear up some of his clothes with your chompers. There’s a hefty stack of magazines under the bed, and you buckle slightly under the weight of carrying them rolled up in your jaws.

Kirlia is now your tentative ally and can be visited if you go back to Verdanturf. Humans in Verdanturf will be on the lookout for a rogue Trapinch.

You hurry back home and drop off the duplicate magazines in Smeargle’s den. With your prize gripped gently between your teeth, you go to Zigzagoon’s hole, which is empty besides the piles of refuse. The scruffy fellow must be out running errands this afternoon.

A. Wait for Zigzagoon so you can enjoy the magazine together
B. Leave the magazine and go back to Smeargle’s den to rest and talk to either of the inhabitants
No. 1050504 ID: bf9b7c

A. The best things in life are enjoyed with friends.
No. 1050505 ID: c29e6e

A. Take a rest. And while it's hardly a sought after prize it would suck for someone to nab it while no one's here. Find the issue in question to present it to him when he returns.
No. 1050506 ID: 36784c

No. 1050507 ID: 15c72a

>and even tear up some of his clothes with your chompers
but why
why would you do that

A, and get a fuckin' Attack TM out of it hopefully.
No. 1050514 ID: f5a24a

A. With this many mags, we're bound to get a good deal, maybe even multiple items.
No. 1050515 ID: a7a180

B, cash this in later. Being alone in one place for long seems like a bad idea.
No. 1050521 ID: 2aa5f0

did... did you just carry a bunch of a teenager's wank material in your mouth?

No. 1050523 ID: 588bee

C. Wait for Zigzagoon to trade and talk but don't look at the magazines. They are for wierd teenagers.
No. 1050526 ID: 87e33c

A, Oggle the eevees, and pick a favorite just to have an opinion.
No. 1050527 ID: 90c451

It would seem that fantasizing about such things has put you at a disadvantage. If what Kirlia said could be true then maybe not having such lewd fantasies would turn you back?
Either way it would make you more chivalrous and less creepy to the psychic types. Then it wouldn't just be fantasies. Contradictory as it may seem, by stopping the fantasies they may just come true.
B or C. Maybe chill out with smeargle while resting off your damage. You are still hurt after all.
No. 1050530 ID: 7c0da2

A. Give him the magazine, pick up any reward and ask him if he knows someone who might trade the other magazines you picked up. No need to stay with him while he reads it, he will probably want some privacy anyway...
No. 1050532 ID: ba605b

+1 lets see if we can trade all the extra magazines we've obtained foor something, either with our new buddy or other pokemon he know.
If we can, we should see if we can trade for a vitamin or shake to make us stronger.

IMO im of the opinion that we should prepare for the scenario that we either stay a pokemon, or if we ever revert back into a human. For that i think we should get in contact with a pokemon that can speak english so we can get all the stuff in our appartment shipped back to our parents.
No. 1050533 ID: 017b2d

Who cares what the Kirlia thinks, he didn't need to be spying on our thoughts.

If we want to communicate with humans, I'm sure we could figure out a way to do it. For now, A.
No. 1050534 ID: a9af05

>Sorry lads, Gallade and Dawn Stones were introduced in Gen 4. If Kirlia ever evolves it’ll be into a Gardevoir.
Now I understand how this quest works. Anything introduced after Gen 3 doesn't exist in this quest.

Which also means that the Fairy type doesn't exist. So Kirlia is a pure Psychic type instead of a Psychic/Fairy type.

>what do?
A. Wait for Zigzagoon. We don't want someone else to show up and take the magazine when we leave it here.
No. 1050546 ID: 422cea

A. Consequentially have an existential crisis about your body shape and the location of your ding-dong when the time comes.
No. 1050548 ID: dd15aa

If only a kind friend would lend a hand. Or a toy.
No. 1050549 ID: 9ea24b
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>Did you just carry a teenager’s wank material in your mouth?
You gag at the realization, but it’s not like you had a choice. Even more reasons to want thumbs.

>Why did you tear up the teen’s clothes?
You wanted to create thorough proof that Kirlia wasn’t behind the theft. Really it was an act of goodwill.

>A, but give Zigzagoon his privacy with the pictures once he gets here
You settle down with the magazine and carefully turn the pages as you wait for Zigzagoon to return. Ah, just how you remember. If you had to pick a model to go out with, it would probably be Umbreon. Less likely to die accidentally from the super powers, though you heard about Umbreons spraying poison from their pores or something. At your current size most of these mons would be noticeably bigger than you.

Honestly you haven’t given much thought to actually having sex as a Trapinch. Do you even have external genitalia? Kind of a hard exoskeleton thing going on with your body. Oh no, what if you can’t jack off?

You start to daydream and then slip into a doze. You shake yourself awake when Zigzagoon comes shooting into the den.

:pokezigshock: Is that–Did you really–

:poketrapchad: Yes, Zigzagoon. The swimsuit edition is all yours.

:pokezigcry: Thank you thank you thank you you’re so nice.

Zigzagoon is now your good friend! You can ask him to come with you on chores or tasks. You can also trade for his items at half price.

After patting Zigzagoon on the back while he collects himself, you dip your head and bid him farewell. Night is falling fast and you don’t want to be caught out alone by Gengar.
No. 1050550 ID: 9ea24b
File 166977789841.png - (91.48KB , 500x500 , p23.png )

Back at Smeargle’s den, you spot the painter Pokemon poking through your leftover pile of magazines with the air of a bomb defuser.

:pokesmerawk: Uh, are these yours Trapinch?:

:poketrappanik: Yes, sorry, shouldn’t have left them out. I was helping Eevee’s friend Zigzagoon with something.

:pokesmerawk: Yes, if you could put them away...

You awkwardly stack the magazines in the corner and line them with a protective layer of rocks. Seems like Eevee is sticking to her room this evening, and Smeargle retreats back to the safety of her room as well. You eat dinner and settle down to sleep.

The next morning Smeargle shakes you awake. Your health is back at full.

:pokesmerworry: I just got the news, there’s a trainer in the area.

:poketraptired: Wuh? Aren’t there always trainers around here? Since there’s the daycare and stuff.

:pokesmerworry: No, this is a kid from a small town in the middle of nowhere who has a Pokedex, some kind of headwear, picks fights with the local ecoterrorists, and is training their Pokemon at a crazy rate. That kind of trainer. It’d be safer to shelter here for the day while they work through the Mauville gym.

What would you like to do today? You have no current action items. There is a high chance (75%) of encountering the kid at some point if you go outside.
A. Forage for food to trade with Zigzagoon
B. Visit a location
C. Spend time with Eevee or Smeargle (Smeargle will want to stay in the den)
No. 1050551 ID: bbb04b

Spend time with Eevee in the den. She should probably be informed that the thing you promised to help Zigzagoon with to facilitate future trade is taken care of.

Do make a mental note to head out tomorrow and make some apologies, though. Specifically, you should apologize to Maril and Oddish for how you acted earlier, then apologize to Team Friendlies for being too abrasive earlier.
No. 1050552 ID: c96f56

Let's spend the morning with Eevee and Smeargle playing a game or such.
Then in the afternoon, we can trade more PokePerv magazines to Zigzagoon.

Smeargle can probably also write us a "help me" sign explaining our predicament that we can carry in case we find a trainer or regular folk.
No. 1050554 ID: dd15aa

A game sounds fun. What's a good game we could play?
No. 1050557 ID: 823a1a

well, good news is the Capital T Trainers to from place to place quickly, so it shouldn't be long
Eevee! could be a good chance to how being raised in a daycare is like for pokemon, and get to know her
No. 1050560 ID: 308eef

C: smergal

Get to know the person that is basically letting you crash at her place for free.
No. 1050563 ID: 5499f4

> Play a game
If you can play one with both of them you should! If you have to pick one then pick Smeargle because they could help you with art.

> What game
You could introduce them to checkers, it's really simple and just requires some colored pieces.

If you wanted a 3 player game you could do some sort of mafia or werewolf-like where one person is a token with an X underneath it and you have a limited time span to convince the others that you're not the one with the X.

You could also play some form of jenga or dice stacking using the rocks, try to make as stable a tower as you can. To spice it up you could make it truth or dare styled where you banter with eachother and if you mess up you have to stack a rock.

Idk there's a lot of relatively simple things you can do, though the no thumbs part means that only some of them are viable.
No. 1050573 ID: b01382

I have a solution on how to avoid the trainer. We ask our painter friend to write a note in the thinnist line of paint that reads: please do not throw pokeballs at me, I'm on an errand to help my trainer.
How will we acquire paper? Well that depends on if any of the magazines have any blank pages. If there are blank pages then good, carefully tear it our and write on it.

Continuing off the assumptions that we can find a blank page, we could possibly take all the smut magazines to our raccoon bussom buddy to see what we can trade for them, maybe even warn him about the trainer so he doesnt get best up or captured.

Failing that, and we find not usable paper, and if we can't think of any good games, we could spend the day trying to learn the move dig so we can possibly upgrade the den to be roomier for everyone, as a thank you for letting us stay with them.

Honestly id really like the chance to speak to the trainer kid so we can use his phone to call out folks. Sure we got stub arms, but that doesnt mean we can't draw really big letters and numbers to communicate.
No. 1050576 ID: 36784c


You are a Trapinch that's not in a desert. That makes you unusual and will make the trainer want to catch you. You should stay in the cave and until the trainer leaves.

>write a note
You're assuming that Smeargle, a wild Pokémon, actually knows how to write the human language. That doesn't seem very likely.
No. 1050578 ID: cb1e51

C. Wait it out. Ask Smeargle if you can see her paintings.
No. 1050582 ID: edff6b

If Smeargle can't write, we have magazines to piece together a message from.
No. 1050584 ID: b01382

Maybe? Theres no harm in asking if she knows how to write or not. If she doesnt then maybe we could spend some time with her learning how to be literate....by reading the words off the soft-core porn mags
Yeah good stuff. At the very least, we could try writing very carefully on the ground, and ask her to copy our writing. Literate or not im sure she can do at least that.

If we had sciccors or knew the move Cut.
No. 1050586 ID: 61e859

she could just copy words or letters we point to
No. 1050587 ID: 36784c

She was visibly disgusted from looking at the magazines when we left them in a pile out in the open. What makes you think she would willingly look at those magazines to copy the words or letters we point at as a favor to us? She's only known us for a few days and has absolutely no reason to do that for us.
No. 1050589 ID: 3e9cdf

Spend the day with Smeargle. Perhaps you can work on painting a sign to explain your need to see Lanette.
No. 1050592 ID: 86d76e

lol then just write letters in the ground with our stumbs. Its soceasy even you could do it.
No. 1050594 ID: 08240c

She had absolutely no reason to let us stay with her.
No. 1050595 ID: 9ea24b
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>Trade more magazines to Zigzagoon
He already has all of the other PokePerve issues due to his dedication and supreme drive. You can trade your stock to different Pokemon, if they’re interested.

>C, time with Smeargle
You have a favor to ask of her, and you trust her warning about the kid enough to stay in for a day.

:poketrapface: Thanks for letting me stay here even when I’m not actually an abandoned Pokemon.

:pokesmerhap: No problem, getting turned into a Pokemon sounds much more traumatic anyway. I’d appreciate it if you kept hanging out with Eevee and collecting food.

:poketraphap: Can do! Say, do you know how to write in human language? I want to get a sign that says I’m really a human and that I want to go see Lanette.

:pokesmerface: I don’t, but you can write things out in the dirt and I can copy them onto one of my canvases.

Smeargle goes to fetch a small canvas panel that must be man-made from her room and dips her tail in a pot of dark ink. You scratch out the shortest message possible that conveys all the information which Smeargle painstakingly transfers over.


You can only carry one held item at a time. The sign has the property where it will confuse any human who sees it.

You thank Smeargle and lean the sign against the dirt wall by where you’re keeping the dirty mags to dry. It’s about the size of your head.

What do you do for the second half of the day?
A. Learn Dig with Eevee
B. Ask to see Smeargle’s room
C. Go out with your new sign (suggest what to do while you’re out)
No. 1050598 ID: 15c72a

No. 1050601 ID: 86d76e

No. 1050602 ID: dee951

How about, "I am HUMAN (TF'ed)" for that one sign? It'd be even MORE distracting, while being accurate, and they'll try and figure out what TFed is short for from context...
No. 1050608 ID: 7c0da2

Whatever you end up doing ask her where she is finding paint and canvases. Is she stealing them from humans?
No. 1050609 ID: 08240c

A, Dig first.

The daycare is a good place to start with the sign. Kind caretakers and a PC that should have a way of contacting the admin.
No. 1050610 ID: 5499f4

A: Dig because then even if you're kicked out you can dig yourself a home somewhere or even trade stuff with other mon to make them burrows, basically become a building contractor in small mon form for the ones who cant and want a place to sleep.
No. 1050613 ID: 2aa5f0

No. 1050615 ID: 08240c

I think Secret Power users would outcompete us.
No. 1050616 ID: 19ea25

A: Lets dig! A new world becomes available to us when we dig through the soil.
No. 1050618 ID: 322af8

I like B
No. 1050619 ID: dd15aa

Play in the dirt with Eevee!

That just means we need to get that too.
No. 1050622 ID: bbb04b

A, but it occurs to me that we're about at the level where we should be learning Sand Tomb. Kinda feels like we're jumping the gun. (Although combining the two moves to complete the ambush predator arsenal is a priority.)
No. 1050625 ID: 885f1a

A let's spend some time with Eevee! I'm sure we will have a reason to go out soon-ish and Smeargle's room is her room
No. 1050626 ID: 8483cf

No. 1050628 ID: a7a180

Learn to dig!
No. 1050639 ID: b01382

So guys. Are we gonna hook up our new buddy with Eevee?
No. 1050640 ID: dc1de7

If tbe paint womt flake off when it dries, what you can do instead is take the painted canvas off the board and weae it on your back like a cape, they show off the words to people. That way you can still carry other things. Better to not use it like a sack though.
No. 1050641 ID: dc1de7

Also, another idea to talk shop on with our two temporary(?) roommates is the topic of the perv magazines. They dont have to like them, but there might be other pokemon who want to trade for them. Would they know any mons who would be interested, or other social/trade mons who would know others who would be interested? Not today of course.

If yes, we ahould take Zigzagoon with us to help facilitate trade, as he himself is an expert of reading materials.
No. 1050642 ID: dd15aa

We could talk up our guy to help him score. But be cool about it, be subtle. Like how some of the Pokeballs he found could help Eevee keep from getting caught by trainers. Gives us an excuse to take her to see him again.
No. 1050643 ID: b01382

We could probably agree to be sparing buddies with him so we both can level up faster, and giving him a confidence boost will deff impress his crush (Eevee). Maybe make an offer to use his healing potions and berries for the sake of us both wailing on each other until we're stronger. Consider we're stronger than him, he stands to gain more than we do.
If we run low on healing supplies, we could always collect more berries, try to pawn off the dirty mags to mons/humans, or something else.
No. 1050672 ID: 9ea24b
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Eevee is curled up in a tight ball in her room, which is decorated with shiny bits of rock and dried flowers.

:poketrapface: Hey, let’s learn Dig. You should be able to learn it too.

:pokeeveneut: How are we supposed to learn a move without leveling up or a TM?

:poketrapchad: Sheer willpower. Also we both know how to dig in the dirt, how hard can it be to get good at it?

:pokeevesus: Why don’t we just teach ourselves whatever move we want, then?

:poketrapthink: Could we really?

:pokeevemad: No, doofus! Do you even know anything about Pokemon?

:poketrapmad: They all seem to have superpowers, can’t they learn a move without a dumb CD-ROM stuck in their faces?

:pokeevethink: …Smeargle can learn every kind of move and she’s a normal type.

:poketrapface: That’s the spirit. Let’s practice near the tunnel entrance so we can move the extra dirt outside.
No. 1050673 ID: 9ea24b
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Though you lack fingers, you partially make up for it in the digging department with sturdy legs and a strong jaw. You gnaw on the dirt to loosen it, then fling it behind you with your paws. Eevee doesn’t mind getting her paws messy and finds her own spot to carve into the tunnel walls.

You both work hard to dig deep and wide holes, even expanding the main den. Once you’ve practiced enough, you try to replicate the offensive effect of the move Dig by burrowing into the ground and popping out to scare Eevee.

Trapinch Dig learning (90% success): Failure
Eevee Dig learning (40% success): Failure

It just doesn’t click. Even Eevee gives it a few tries but can’t make it stick either. You collapse on your side on the floor, exhausted and disappointed.

:pokeeveneut: I still had fun, even if we didn’t learn the move.

:poketraptired: I thought it would work. It SHOULD work.

:pokeeveneut: Maybe you can try another time. Hey I noticed you got some of those PokePerv magazines that Ziggy likes.

:poketraptired: Yeah, we’re bros now. Might go spar with him tomorrow. Does it bother you that I like that kind of stuff?

:pokeeveneut: Not really. Grow up in the daycare and you see mons porking constantly and getting treated like objects. Everyone was well cared for but it wasn’t really a life. Glad I was released.

You’ve grown closer with Eevee thanks to your awful luck. You have the idea of catching yourself or your pals in Pokeballs from Zigzagoon so trainers can’t catch you, but it’s a fairly risky plan. Pokeball technology is not your specialty.

What do you do the next morning? There is now an ongoing 25% chance you’ll encounter the kid if you go outside. You’ll be taking your sign with you unless you’d like to take the Revive instead.

A. Level up by fighting Zigzagoon, Eevee, and/or wild mons
B. Gather food for trading
C. Go to a location
No. 1050674 ID: dd15aa

Let's train with Zigs and Eevee, Eevee wanted to get stronger too right? Bring the cape in case we run into the Trainer. We can find some food on the way home later.
No. 1050677 ID: 2aa5f0

Is the trainer still around? Not sure we should leave if they are.

also what did we roll? a 1? good lord
No. 1050678 ID: 33ebd0

It said ongoing, so probably from now on there'll be a chance we'll encounter the trainer

B. We can get a discount now, so lets gather some trading goods.
No. 1050681 ID: a7a180

B. You should ask around more about Team Friendlies too. Why do they rub Smeargle the wrong way but everyone else tolerates them? Is it good PR, or something else?
Maybe you could venture up to the desert to train. You'd blend in more there.
No. 1050683 ID: 7c0da2

B. Let's put that discount to good use and see if Zigzagoon got any TM we can use.
No. 1050688 ID: 15c72a

B. Even if we had learned Dig, having two Attack moves would be good, so being able to trade for a TM is good forward thinking.
No. 1050694 ID: 9ea24b
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>B, take advantage of those sick friendship deals
>Kid avoidance (75% success): Success
You head out alone with your sign and the empty bundle to collect berries, seeds, and apples.

>50% chance to find rare berry/apple/seed item: Success
You find a Chesto berry, which is firm and doesn’t smell very sweet. You decide to keep this berry for yourself.

On the way back toward Zigzagoon, you run into a few other Pokemon and ask for their opinions on Team Friendlies. The general consensus seems to be that the group is benign, but weird for encouraging battles since the life of a wild Pokemon is usually peaceful. Hm, it’s unusual for Smeargle to have such a strong stance against them, then.

Your good pal Zigzagoon greets you at his den and you exchange pleasantries.

>Zigzagoon is offering the following wares
Mid-grade Items (can trade a quarter of the food bundle for one):
Revives, Hyper Potions, Gold Nuggets, Poke Balls

High-grade Items (can trade half a food bundle for one):
Rare Candies, mediocre TMs, Vitamin Drinks

You ask Zigzagoon what all the TMs and HMs are and he identifies a handful of them:
Bulk Up, Cut, Flash, Taunt, Attract, Rock Tomb, Rock Smash, Bullet Seed, and Double Team.

You’re struck by overwhelming jealousy when you realize Zigzagoon’s paws function as mini hands.

What do you buy? You can spend your whole bundle or bring some food home to Smeargle. You can also ask Zigzagoon any questions.
No. 1050696 ID: bf9b7c

Attract is tempting but a little date rapey. Let's avoid that one.
Rock Tomb could be useful for dealing with any hostile flying mon like any Skarmory who come down here.
Let's ask our questions before we decide.
Does Zigzagoon know how Pokeballs work? If you catch each other will they stop working on you?
Guy talk, what does he like about Eevee?
Does he know any Bug types? We need to ask someone how Trapinch junk works.
No. 1050697 ID: 15c72a

Get Rock Tomb. It's good power, and super effective against Flying and Ice which are both types we need to watch out for. It's only 80% accuracy but it's still our best option of the set.
Then buy a nugget. Take the remaining quarter bag home.
No. 1050698 ID: d939b3

How do TMs work?
No. 1050700 ID: 55d211

Hmm, bulk up could be a good boosting move until we can learn dragon dance.
No. 1050701 ID: bf9b7c

I don't think gen 3 Trapinch can learn that one.
No. 1050703 ID: 10ed00

I kinda want to get 1 rare candy so we go up 1 level.
No. 1050704 ID: 15c72a

Oh shit you're right.
Of the list, we can learn:
Rock Tomb
Rock Smash
Double Team

I think Rock Tomb is the clear winner, personally. Double Team has some merit I guess, but a fight would have to last long enough for us to be attacked 4 times after the first buff for it to be beneficial on average. It's a 75% accuracy modifier with 1 stack, progressing as such: 3/4, 3/5, 3/6, 3/7 etc.
No. 1050706 ID: 3c1455

Personally think they're a holographic training program with some built in DRM that blanks the disc once the training is successful.

I think you'd need a Pokedex or similar device to even play them.
No. 1050723 ID: a7a180

Rock tomb, a nugget and bring the rest home.
These Pokeballs aren't full already, are they?
No. 1050727 ID: b01382

Ask Zig if he knows how pokeballs work. If we catch outselves, then we'll never be caught! Its genius!
Does he know anyonw we can trade the rest of the magazines we've acquired for?
I personally dont know much about the uses for gold nuggets, but has Zig considered pawning it off st a pawn shop or jeweler? Gold shop? Maybe exchange it for other goods in a human town?

Would he happen to have any cards in his stash? If he has some games we could all learn how to play them back in the den. Maybe he might get closer to Eevee?
No. 1050739 ID: 4169f6

>catch ourselves to make us uncatchable!
If we did that, would anyone know how to get us out of the pokeballs? Imagine how bad it'd be if we did that and someone gets stuck inside the pokeball because the pokemon didn’t know how to their friend to come back out.

Or worse, the dropped pokeball is still registered to a human and when we catch ourselves, we end up getting teleported into a random human's PC Storage Box!
No. 1050741 ID: cbc8da

Take rock smash, it's useful and will complement dig once you manage to learn it.
With both move nothing will be able to stand in your way! Dig deeper, into rocks, through buildings, sky's the limit... Until you can fly that is!
Bring the other half of the food home.
No. 1050746 ID: b01382

I wasn't sure if I was supposed to ask this here or in your discussion thread, but if we finally learn how to do Dig, would we have an easier time teaching our friends the moves if they don't know it?
If we learn dig, could we use it to dig up stuff like gold nuggets, crystals, and potentially cool things to sell or trade with other mons or possibly humans?
No. 1050748 ID: f02852

If we get cauht in a pokeball, wouldn't we be forced to stay near it? I think those things keep pokemon mentally incapable of moving or ditching them.
No. 1050749 ID: bbb04b

> Whaduhyaboyin?
Get Rock Tomb and use it right there... somehow. Not sure why people are pushing for a nugget. Isn't that purely a trade-good? We don't have anything we need to save up "value" for, assuming the suggestions are intentional, so... let's leave the spending at that.

> Smeargle and Team Friendlies
It's not hard to imagine what her particular beef with them is, actually. She's clearly not from around here, after all, so she's likely also a day-care escapee. From there, she was approached by Team Friendlies, ended up following the same misconception we were in danger of falling into, and joined a battle grindset-oriented rescue team without realizing that this was what she was getting into. I imagine that having Poke-Fight Club sprung on her (even if leaving off that detail was a genuine accident) didn't really endear them to her, given she doesn't seem into that stuff.

Still, might wanna ask Eevee or Smeargle about that sometime.
No. 1050750 ID: 58dd24

the nugget is for handing to humans in exchange for goods and services, since we can only carry items, not currency
No. 1050752 ID: 9ea24b
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>Rock Tomb
You pay for the TM and immediately suck all of the fancy data learning juice out of the disc, leaving it gray and empty. It’s a vaguely disturbing experience, suddenly you really want to throw a boulder at Zigzagoon. There aren’t even any boulders around. The ground shivers under your feet.

The feeling passes after you close your eyes and breathe for a few seconds. You’ve learned Rock Tomb! You currently know four moves and the next will have to replace an existing one.

>Questions about TMs
Technology sure is a crazy thing. You were able to smush your face against the Rock Tomb TM and learn the move so at least you know you don’t need a trainer to help.

>Can you Dig for useful items once you learn the move?
Sure. The most common thing you’ll find are Gold Nuggets. You’ll have a low chance (5%) of finding an evolution stone.

You’d still like to have a little human cash on hand even if you have the chance to get your own gold in the future, so you pay for a Nugget as well.

>Bros helping bros
:poketrapface: Can you look between my legs to see if I have anything there? I can’t turn my head at the right angle.

:pokezigface: Anything for my best bud. Hm, yeah, looks like you got a gap where your orange top shell and bottom gray shell come together near your butt. Have you not, er, gotten a boner yet?

:poketrappanik: No…Are you sure I have a dick in there?

:pokezigface: Positive.

You feel a little better.

:poketrapface: So why do you like Eevee?

:pokezigblush: Oh, well, she’s very smart and pretty. Even if she acts mean and tough I think she’s actually nice on the inside and if she really didn’t like me she wouldn’t visit.

:poketraphap: That’s great, I think she’s starting to warm up to me too.
No. 1050753 ID: 9ea24b
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:poketrapface: What do you know about Pokeballs? Is it true that they’re registered to the trainer that bought them?

:pokezigshock: Yes, that’s right! I get a little nervous having them in my den, actually, in case I sent one off by accident. They’re very shiny and red though so I keep them.

:poketrapface: What else do you know?

:pokezigface: I think Pokemon can throw Pokeballs at other Pokemon, but that’s very taboo and whoever’s being caught would try their best to escape. Once a Pokemon’s registered to a trainer other official Pokeballs won’t work on them, but if their ball is destroyed they’ll be vulnerable again.

:poketrapthink: If you’re caught, do you have to stay near your Pokeball?

:pokezigfrown: I don’t think so…Why are you asking?

:poketrapface: I’m wondering what would happen if I caught myself.

:pokezigshock: Ah! That might work but someone would have to let you out of the ball. If you want to try I could help, but I wouldn’t do that to anyone who doesn’t accept the risk.

Do you want Zigzagoon to catch you? He’ll let you out and keep the Pokeball in his den afterwards. Other Pokemon will be furious with him if they find out. Most trainers only have a couple Pokemon so you won’t be automatically transferred to the PC.
No. 1050754 ID: e5709d

The official Niantic stance of Pokémon reproduction is stupider and more traumatizing than pokésex.

Buy a pokeball but save it for later. There may be a large Pokémon you need to transport to safety. Or you could capture a particularly harmful pokemon.
No. 1050756 ID: 6e3b49

If you must, catch yourself by yourself and have Zigzagoon let you out. No need to make him do the catching.
No. 1050757 ID: ba605b

Ask our friend Ziggy if he has a backpack or backpack like so we can carry more things with us. When we evolve we promise to find him cool things. Would he accept an IOU until next time we return to his den to trade?
Would he like to come over and hang out with Eever?
No. 1050764 ID: 885f1a

you lave like, a thing going on in this area, you would rather not get carted away via trainer... mostly unrelated but what's stopping you from going to Lanette yourself?
No. 1050765 ID: bf9b7c

Let's catch ourselves and have him let us out after. We'll take the ball with us home so he doesn't get caught with it, we wouldn't want to get our best bro in trouble.

Smeargle wanted us to bring home food, she would be upset if we spend it all. Would Zigzagoon be interested in coming over for dinner and bringing some of the food we traded? We can wingman for him with Eevee in return and if he can get Smeargle to like him it would go a long way to getting Eevee to open up I think.
No. 1050766 ID: a7a180

So it's still registered to whoever lost this ball? ...No, this might complicate things later down the road. Ideally we'll just avoid Pokeballs entirely.
No. 1050783 ID: 00e87a

No to Zigzagoon catching us.
No. 1050784 ID: 15c72a

If pokeballs are registered to the pokemon that bought them, then... wouldn't that mean you'd belong to whoever owned Zag's balls? Is it even possible for someone other than the owner to let a pokemon out of a ball? Leave the pokeballs alone, IMO.
No. 1050785 ID: 36784c

No to catching ourselves.
No. 1050796 ID: f02852

You know, it's true! We could go to Lanette ourselves.

And we should probably avoid the pokeballs. That trainer might get a sixth pokemon at any moment, and we would end up stored in a PC.

If we don't go to Lanette today, we can probably go bond with Eevee and Smeargle. We'll need their help if we go visit Team Friendlies.
No. 1050798 ID: dee951

Well, you'd need to understand the programming of the pokeball. What exactly does it do to the pokemon? How is registration imprinted? What's with this 'pokemon are also energy' thing? How does the loyalty thing work? What's this you heard about Pokemon being able to get out of their balls whenever they want to, for at least SOME trainers?

Ugh. There's SO MUCH you don't know. And it seems Zigzagoon doesn't know a lot of the particulars either. That's not a bad thing, this is SUPER specialized lore. Does Zigzagoon know who might know all this weird technical stuff? Is there a pokeball hacker anywhere? Or has a Team stolen some proprietary pokeball programming information and put it on the black market, somewhere? Is there an 'Open Source/Open Hardware' Pokeball Project? And how does this impact the various and myriad 'primitive' forms of pokeballs?

Ugh. So much to figure out.
No. 1050800 ID: bbb04b

Don't catch yourself because there are too many unkowns involved here: registry of the catch appearing on the original trainer's PC account, you getting sent to the PC if the trainer has 6 pokémon, not being able to get out without the original trainer, and this is all on top of this being a taboo subject.

Guess that explains why the critters with basically human-level intelligence have never really tried their own hand at the whole trainer gig - aside from the obvious issue with the language barrier with their 'fellow people' and lacking opposable thumbs half the time, that is. (Not that pokémon shouldn't be treated with the same rights as a person... even if legal personhood (in the sense of having human licenses, income, and legal code applied to them) is sort of an opt-in situation for them, IIRC. Makes sense that most don't go for it; the boring human stuff like accounting, politics, and (Arceus forbid) bureaucracy should be left to the humans, after all - pokémon have the superpowers to kick their asses if they abuse those boring-as-sin responsibilities.) I guess humans are allowed to do it because they evolved (the boring way) right out of being able to do anything else but this one thing - training other creatures - really really well?
No. 1050801 ID: dee951


If the Open Source Pokeball idea doesn't exist... Is there a service where someone could order, say, bespoke custom Luxury Balls anonymously, like through human postal service? This HAS to be a solvable problem somehow!
No. 1050805 ID: 3c1455

But what happens to unregistered pokeballs that capture a Pokemon, if they have a failsafe to prevent an eternal imprisonment? Or what if it alerts the PC network after a while?

Surely there's some humane or government authority that lets neglected Pokemon go after a while. This might be only a temporary solution.
No. 1050806 ID: 3c1455

The possibility of a "jailbroken" pokeball sounds like some illegal technology that'd be heavily scrutinized.

I imagine only some villainous factions to be using those. Wink wink.
No. 1050810 ID: 463e93

Maybe things work differently here, but in the games pokeballs are found on the floor and given out by people. I really don't think they are registered to the buyer.

Pokeballs handcrafted from apricorns are still acceptable.
No. 1050813 ID: dee951


Would handcrafted apricorn balls be, uh, protective, though??
No. 1050824 ID: 3c1455

The pokedex acknowledges when you use a pokeball to capture something versus only having seen it, so I personally think you need the pokedex as a sort of ID and registry. Otherwise I don't know how secure they are.
No. 1050831 ID: 9ea24b
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:poketrapchad: Zigzagoon, there is simply too much we don’t know about Pokeballs and using them ourselves seems highly dangerous and uncertain.

:pokezigshock: Y-yes! I agree.

:poketrapchad: Let us avoid Pokeballs entirely.

:pokezigcry: You are so wise and brave.

Zigzagoon seems very relieved by your decision. You invite him over for dinner at Smeargle’s to make up for the stressful situation. Zigzagoon will no longer offer to sell you Pokeballs.

>Go to Lanette
As mentioned before, she’s near Fallarbor, which is quite a ways away. You’re not strong enough to travel there alone since you’ll run into trainers and some hostile wild Pokemon.

>Does Zigzagoon have a bag or backpack you can use?
You don’t really have the body shape to carry a bag.

You deposit the new goods in your corner of paraphernalia and call Eevee and Smeargle out for a communal meal. Afterwards you try to teach everyone how to play checkers with different seeds and a dirt playing board, to mixed success. Zigzagoon is nervous at first, but quickly gets into the game and chatters happily with Eevee.

Eevee likes Zigzagoon more! Smeargle approves of your social endeavors and appreciates that you brought home some food.

You curl up to sleep that night with a contented smile on your face.
No. 1050833 ID: 9ea24b
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Your dreams are confusing and take a turn for the worse where deep shadows pool around your stubby feet and suck the warmth out of you when you try to run.

It’s horrible. Even when you realize you’re sleeping you can’t manage to rouse yourself.


:poketraptired: Wuhhh?

:pokegensmile: Hi darling! I thought I’d check in, it’s been a few days and I haven’t seen you at the base and I’m just dying to have you stop by.

:poketrapmad: MRrrrrrGGGH!

:pokegendrama: Okay I’ll admit I haven’t been entirely honest with you, me and the other team leaders are holding a most improved Pokemon tournament and I think you’d make just the perfect nominee! I’ve been asking for delays in the hopes that you would come, but you must have been very busy.

:poketraptired: Ghmrrmmgh.

:pokegensmile: And I didn’t want to scare your little friends again, so I decided to use your dreams to follow up. Anyway, I hope you can visit tomorrow or the day after. Sleep tight!

You have 50% of your HP when you wake up in the morning.

What would you like to do today? There is still a 25% chance of encountering the kid if you go outside. Also, choose what held item you’ll be taking with you if you leave the den (Sign, Nugget, Chesto berry, Revive).

A. Active Action Item: Team Friendlies Base (You can ask Zigzagoon to go with you, you may encounter trainers or hostile Pokemon along the way)

B. Other (Gather food to trade, train against someone, visit a non-Friendlies location, get to know a Pokemon better, try to learn Dig again)
No. 1050834 ID: 463e93

Are there teams besides the Friendlies? We can try to hire an escort instead of training.
No. 1050836 ID: e51896

A. If anything, we can give them a piece of our mind for invading our dreams like that... especially since that was probably dream eater beacause we lost hp. We should probably also ask why their so interested in a weak pokemon who hasn't evolved like us.
No. 1050837 ID: bbb04b

Man, she really can't help trying to talk to people in the most unsettling way possible, huh? Must be a Ghost thing.

In any case, if we do head over, it'll be tomorrow, not today; we are not entering a tournament (likely with 'mons way stronger than us) at half health.

Let's have this be another stay at home day. Maybe tell Smeargle about the dream - but elaborate that you aren't holding it too hard against Gengar, given she seems to just be a bit socially inept - and maybe get her to tell us what her specific beef is with Team Friendlies.

Also, take another shot at learning moves in the den. I think we should shoot for either Sand Tomb (which I think is a stun-lock move like Bind or Whirlpool) or Dig again (which is good for cutting down on your opponent's chances to act against you). Maybe Dig, given we're only a few levels off from Sand Tomb. I don't think we need Bite and Feint Attack, so we'd unlearn whichever's weaker.
No. 1050838 ID: 2aa5f0

No. 1050839 ID: cf4e38

Gengar is awfully persistent with us in particular. And she showed up right after we transformed. I'm starting to think she had something to do with it.

Go see Zigs and see if he knows where we could het something to protect our dreams. Like a dreamcatcher or even a tinfoil hat.
No. 1050844 ID: a9af05

How close are we to evolving? At this point, I'd want us to evolve for the extra power, just in case Gengar's group tries to do something to us.

Do B and try to learn Dig. That'll help us escape from Team Friendlies if we need to.

And complain to Smeargle and Eevee to let them know about what just happened. They'll never experience that because they're Normal Types and Gengar's Ghost Type shenanigans can't effect them.
No. 1050850 ID: b01382

Stupid, sexy, ghost pokemon.
No. 1050851 ID: b01382

Wait, why do we only have 50%? Didnt we only lose 2/3rd hp when battling a day before ago? And we didnt get into a fight yesturday.
No. 1050852 ID: 885f1a

Ask Smeargle and Eevee why, EXACTLY, they don't like team friendlies
No. 1050854 ID: c29e6e

A. May as well finally humor her. See if you can get a favor out of zig and use one of his potions to not be at 50% for the trip.
No. 1050855 ID: c29e6e

I'm assuming that Gengar just used dream eater to do that.
No. 1050859 ID: f02852

50% life. I think this is our final warning that these guys won't take no for an answer.

Let's try learning Dig again with Eevee. Then tell our friends about this dream and ask for help going to visit these guys because they are dangerous and clearly won't leave us alone.
No. 1050865 ID: 7c0da2

B. Try to learn dig with Eevee again, it could be useful if we have to escape from team friendlies' base. But let's wait until tomorrow, we should not go there with only 50% HP.
And we should bring everyone we can when/if we go there, all our friends are immune to ghost trickery.
No. 1050867 ID: 36784c

B. Learn Dig
No. 1050883 ID: 15c72a

A. We have a decent set of moves now, might as well see what Friendlies are really about.
No. 1050884 ID: 9ea24b
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>Can you protect yourself from future mental attacks?
This would be a good question for a psychic type, like Kirlia.

>Go see Team Friendlies tomorrow
You probably should, but as always you’ll have a choice.

>Are there other rescue teams?
In Hoenn? Definitely. In this area you think Team Friendlies has the monopoly.

>B, stay in the den and learn Dig with Eevee
>But first, tell the pair about your dream

You summon Smeargle and Eevee and summarize your rough night with Gengar.

:pokesmershock: Oh no! She’s still bothering you?

:pokeevesus: Does she know you’re a human? She’s annoyed me before but she seems to be suspiciously interested in you.

:poketraptired: I don’t know. I feel like crap. Maybe she didn’t mean to but I took a lot of damage while she was doing Dream Eater.

:pokesmermad2: They’re irresponsible. Pokemon shouldn’t become that powerful unless they’re under a trainer’s watch, it’s dangerous. Then they get bored that other mons aren’t giving them a challenge and start fighting tournaments!

:pokeeveneut: They tried to recruit you, right? What happened?

:pokesmerface: I told them I wasn’t interested and they left me alone. I’m too pro-trainer for them since I had a good experience with mine before she retired and released me.

With that tantalizing morsel of Smeargle’s backstory, the painter returns to her room while you enlist Eevee for more dirt delving.

Trapinch Dig learning (100% success): Success
Eevee Dig learning (60% success): Failure

You’ve mastered the art of rapid, omnidirectional tunneling. Eevee congratulates you sincerely and you see her smile for the first time. Your friendship with Eevee is quite high, and she’ll ask you to do her a favor the next time you spend time together.

You’ve learned Dig! Please select a move to replace from your current four:
Faint Attack
Rock Tomb
Sand Attack

What would you like to do in the afternoon?
A. Get to know a Pokemon better (Smeargle, Eevee, Zigzagoon)
B. Train (spar wild Pokemon or Zigzagoon)
C. Visit Kirlia
No. 1050885 ID: 322af8

A) Smeargle. Talk to the painter.
No. 1050886 ID: e51896

A: Smeargle

Idea: Smeargles tend to have a comrade put a painted pawprint on their back. She doesn't seem to have one. maybe we can ask if we can put our own pawprint on her back for her as a show of friendship, and she can put a cool looking one on our back too.
No. 1050889 ID: 556cba

Forget Bite.

C. Visit Kirlia. The sanctity of our head must be protected! Maybe we can learn to use the Faint Attack as armor to protect against mental attacks in battle.
No. 1050890 ID: 5d9787

Forget Sand Attack. Bite might be redundant with Faint Attack but Sand Attack is a waste of a move for a luck base effect that never work.
No. 1050891 ID: 556cba

Never count out pocket sand, that stuff carried some TPP runs. Plus if we want to avoid somebody without hurting them it's good to have a support debuff move.
No. 1050892 ID: 36784c

>forget move?
Forget Sand Attack

>What would you like to do in the afternoon?
A. Get to know Smeargle better.
No. 1050893 ID: a7a180

Replace Bite, visit Kirlia (with Zigzagoon?)
No. 1050896 ID: fec07f

Forget sand attack, too unreliable
No. 1050899 ID: 29fb4e

A Smeargle

forget bite
it's a special move in gen 3 so it's useless to us since faint attack is stronger and can't miss and I don't think hoping for flinch tactics is a winning strategy when you're as slow as a trapinch is.
No. 1050910 ID: b01382

Train Dig and use it to search for valuables to either trade or use.
No. 1050914 ID: dc0bee

Forget bite, faint attack is just as powerful but can't miss.

C. visit Kirlia, you desperately need some way not to be at the mercy of Gengar. Bring the "I'm human" sign with you just in case.
No. 1050916 ID: bfccc1

your a physical attacker and bite is special based in gen 3, forget bite.
No. 1050926 ID: 9ea24b
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>Forget Bite
It’s a close decision, but you decide to keep Sand Attack for the nonviolent utility.

>Smeargle back pawprints
You remember something from a distant bar trivia night about how Smeargles stamp their prints on their pal’s backs and vice versa. Maybe once you have more exciting paws as a Vibrava you can ask Smeargle if she wants to.

>Talk to Smeargle
You want to get Kirlia’s help protecting your delicate psyche, but it’ll have to wait for another day. Your curiosity has been piqued and you want to finally uncover Smeargle’s history. If she’s a former pro Pokemon, surely she’s pretty high level.

You take the tunnel to Smeargle’s room, which you’ve never seen before. It’s a larger room than Eevee’s, covered top to bottom with canvases and completed paintings. There’s a trapdoor in the roof to let in natural light. The sun gleams off a small glass case on the wall, which contains two beautiful ribbons. You’ve heard of Pokemon getting ribbons for contests and other big achievements. Smeargle herself is mixing pigments in jars.

:pokesmerface: Hi Trapinch, are you feeling better?

:poketrapface: Yes! I also learned Dig so I can help expand the den and maybe make my own room.

:pokesmerhap: Great, it’s been nice having you around. Is there anything you need from me?

:poketrapwow2: Are you actually a super strong elite Pokemon?

:pokesmerhap: Haha, depends who you ask. My trainer used me to set up her sweepers in the Battle Tower, I have a very specific moveset without any attacking capability on my own. I’m fast, but that’s about all I have going for me stat wise.

:poketrapwow2: Cool…

:pokesmerface: If Gengar comes here to bother you again, I’ll put her asleep with Spore.

Looking around with fresh eyes, you realize that a lot of Smeargle’s paintings are of Pokemon battles against fully evolved mons. There’s a few portraits of the woman who must have been Smeargle’s trainer, smiling and hugging a Torchic.

Do you have any specific questions for Smeargle?
No. 1050928 ID: bf9b7c

Ask about her friends from her old team. And her trainer. Maybe you knew her! Not personally but from reputation. Do the portraits look familiar?

Could share about some of your friends and family too. Living as a Pokemon with your new pals has actually been great, a huge upgrade to wage slavery to be honest, but is there anyone you miss?
No. 1050929 ID: b01382

We're probably gonna go to that tornament, maybr get strong enough so we can evolve into something with thumbs or digits. Any advice on how to move fast and not get hit by things?

Ribbons are awards giving to artistic competitions, and she had two? She must be pro, power attacks or not. What was it like with her trainer? We dont really have much to go off from since we could never go on a pokemon journey. Must had been nice?

What's her opinions on Ziggy? He seems really nice, and I don't think anything bad could happen if he goes out with Eevee if it happens organically. Discountinf her dislike of his "collection" hes a cool bro.

Would she happen to know who and where we can trade the rest of these magazines for? We'd try pawning them off in a pawn shop in town, but that will have to wait until we evolve, since everyone is on the look out for us. Had to save a kid from reading soft core dirty mags.
No. 1050930 ID: b01382

No bills, no slaving away at a job under a boss that doesnt appreciate you, no 9 to 5 hours or ocassional overtime. Its nice nit having to work.
No. 1050932 ID: e51896

offer to model for her as she draws you.

(regret it when she has you to do dynamic poses for a long period of time that causes your limbs to become jelly)
No. 1050934 ID: 951b01

Right now we have a friend providing for us. That won't last forever. Giving up the struggles also means giving up the benefits.
No. 1050943 ID: bf9b7c

It's not like we're doing nothing. We're doing our part for people who appreciate it and help us in return, it's different from working for an uncaring system.
No. 1050957 ID: bbb04b

You probably have a question about how to conduct yourself in official battle, but you should preface it with some honesty.

"Okay, so, I have a good reason for doing so, which I'll explain if you'll hear me out, but... I'm thinking of entering the tournament."

"I understand your misgivings with wild pokémon training themselves up, but I think we both know that if I'm gonna figure out what happened to me and how it can be undone, I probably can't do it without venturing out into Hoenn at some point. (Not that being a pokemon for a bit hasn't been a blast! But my friends and family are gonna start getting distressed soon.) So, given all the dangers and unknowns that come with such a journey, it's not a matter of me wanting to become strong, but of needing to. I can pinkie-swear to you I won't let it go to my head, if you want."

And when she brings up the inevitable concern of you getting your chitinous ass handed to you:
"Yeah, I'm under no illusions that I stand a Snowrunt's chance in the Distortion Realm of actually taking the whole thing, assuming Team Friendlies themselves are participating. Which means I'm definitely gonna experience what it's like to be fainted for the first time; at least it'll be in a controlled environment, right? Point is, I know exactly what I'm getting myself into. It's the experience that matters, and I imagine the experience will be pretty good if I can win even one matchup."

Only after you've leveled with her on this (heh, puns), THEN you ask her for battling advice (with the caveat that you're aware she probably doesn't have nearly as much to give for solo battling as she would for team strategies).
No. 1050966 ID: c29e6e

Loyalties are always my issue. If you've got people that care about you and you care about back it would be kind of a bummer to leave them behind. Though in this situation it wouldn't be impossible to reconnect, just really awkward.
No. 1050967 ID: bf9b7c

As long as we could find a way to let them know we're okay and happy...
No. 1051003 ID: b01382

Awkward is manageable. That just mean family reunions will be extra fun.

I still beleive being poke is better than wage-slavery, but i might be biased since i worth +60hr a week. I mean our prospects are pretty damn good if we get to stay as a pokemon forever.
Medical insurance? Just pay a small fee and visit a poke-clinic and have a Nurse Joy check for injuries.
Food? Just go out inna forest and gather berries.
Money? Dig for gems and rare things, then sell them at a human shop.

Of course that isn't to say we shouldn't be prepared to return to the life of a human if our pokemon form is unfortunatrly temporary. If that comes to pass i think we should try collecting a pile of valuable evolution stones and other goodies to sell if we become human again. Because, you know, no job, so we'd need lots of pokedollars to stay afloat to either retire or find another job.
No. 1051013 ID: 87e33c

Yeah you should probably go to the tourney, but not to get stronger for the sake of getting stronger, no, you want freaking thumbs. Not being able to hold stuff or do anything with your hands is kind of a huge buzzkill even if your life is incomparably different from the one before.

Do you *want* to find out what happened, or are you actually fine just adjusting to this new life and chilling?
No. 1051014 ID: b01382

Besides our job it didnt sound like we had anything substantially grear going on for us, nor did we have a girlfriend. Just fhe job which was am means to income as far as i can tell, and some family. We could probably stay a pokemon and visit the family no problem if we had a notebook and pen to communicate with, or somehow learn how to speak human through poke-speech like Meowth did.
No. 1051015 ID: d4e11d

You'd want some cool typing based assistive speech device! Those things are great!
No. 1051016 ID: d1ab94

If- I mean when I become human again, if I started a Pokémon team would you be interested?
No. 1051019 ID: d4e11d


Eh, being a free pokemon seems to be a pretty cake lifestyle... It seems to be growing on you! Now if only you can solve all these difficulties you're presented with!
No. 1051020 ID: 9ea24b
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>To be or not to be?
You have to admit, besides the trauma from turning into a Trapinch, not having hands, being coerced into a fighting tournament, and the constant threat of capture, you kind of like being a Pokemon. Not having to work the ole 9 to 5 and meeting all these new folks is refreshing. Sure you feel bad for your family and friends who are probably wondering what happened to you, but until you get a good pair of thumbs and can write to them, there’s not much you can do without extreme effort. You’d still very much like to find out why you turned into a Pokemon.

You tell Smeargle more about your past life as a young salary man. She politely listens and expresses sympathy for the people who must be worried about you.

>Become a trainer if you turn back into a human
If you were involuntarily made human again, you’d think about it.

>Model for a painting
:pokesmerface: How about I try painting you once you survive your first visit to Team Friendlies?

:poketrapface: You think they’ll let me come back?

:pokesmerhap: Well sure, you still live here even if they want you to participate in their tournament thing.

>Speaking of…
:poketrappanik: I think I should go to their base, at least to gain some experience and learn more about Team Friendlies. Man, I’m going to get really beat up. Do you have any battle advice?

:pokesmerawk: I kind of don’t, sorry. My trainer had me watch a lot of battles for experience but I fainted a few times and it wasn’t too bad. The problem with wild Pokemon battles is that your trainer can’t retrieve you immediately and you could get severely injured if your opponent keeps going.

:poketrappanik: Ahhh that’s scary.

:pokesmerworry: Maybe bring a good friend with you? Zigzagoon seems like he’d go if you ask, he’s a nice lad, I enjoyed having him over for dinner yesterday. Other than that, try to talk to your opponents before a match to get an idea of what they’re like.

Smeargle changes the subject to her old team, which voluntarily dispersed around Hoenn, and trainer, who lives in Mauville with her family and buys Smeargle art supplies.

You’ve grown much closer to Smeargle! The next time you speak with her she’ll make her ‘good friend’ request.

Your dreams are peaceful and the next morning you wake up with full HP.

What would you like to do today? The kid is still a 25% risk.
A. Active Action Item: Team Friendlies Base (Journey north of Mauville, also decide whether to invite Zigzagoon and what held item to bring)
B. Other
No. 1051021 ID: dd15aa

Go to the tournament with Zigs. Bring your Revive just in case.
If the kid shows up we can dig an escape tunnel.
No. 1051022 ID: a7a180

You need to get stronger to reach Lanette and also have thumbs, so head to team friendlies HQ.
No. 1051023 ID: a7a180

Take Zigzagoon and have him hold the revive.
No. 1051033 ID: 15c72a

A, bring Zigzagoon, take the sign so you can confuse the kid if he shows up.
No. 1051046 ID: 9784d8

So she still sees her trainer. When will they meet next?
No. 1051054 ID: 19ea25

Take a revive with Zigzag so that you can properly be revived afterwords.
No. 1051080 ID: 9ea24b
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>A, Zigzagoon, Revive
You set out early the next morning with the Revive and a full stomach. After you explain your aims to Zigzagoon, he eagerly agrees to come along to the Team Friendlies Base, expressing some hope he’ll be able to train and evolve as well.

It’s a rare cloudy day and you even feel a couple raindrops on your back as you scurry north on your stubby legs. Once you’re past the daycare, you give Mauville a large berth as you offroad through the forest

Zigzagoon sticks right by your side, even though you’re sure he can walk much faster than you. With your combined presence, none of the wild Pokemon stop to chat.

>Kid avoidance (75% success): Failure
In fact, it seems very quiet compared to the bustle of Smeargle’s neighborhood. You strain your ear holes and hear the crunch of pine needles underfoot.

The kid jumps at you and Zigzagoon from behind a tree and sends out his Grovyle! Agh, of all the days to leave your sign at home.

A. Dig to escape (Zigzagoon will be KOed and the kid will leave the area)
B. Stay and engage the Grovyle with Zigzagoon (suggest strategy)
C. Call for help (75% chance to alert Team Friendlies who will come to your aid)
No. 1051082 ID: 2aa5f0

What does Ziggy know in terms of moves? Cause honestly the best battle strategy I can think of is spam rock tomb to drop t Grovyle's speed, have Ziggy us something to drop it's attack or accuracy... AND THEN BOOK IT THE FUCK OUT OF THEIR while the Grovyle is too slow to catch back up. Then once you lose line of sight dig a hole and have Ziggy follow you down.
No. 1051083 ID: 629f2e

B, engage!

You're higher leveled than Zigzagoon, but Grovyle's grass moves will be more effective against you. Keep this in mind, hang back, and sand attack. If Zigzagoon also knows sand attack, which is possible at his level, have him spam it too. If he doesn't. Growl would work too.

Grovyle can be anywhere between level 16 and 35, assuming this trainer isn't forcing him not to evolve, so you probably don't have the level advantage. Mixed with a favorable typing, you probably don't want to get hit. Giga Drain is the strongest grass move you'll need to watch out for, barring TMs.

After dropping his accuracy and/or attack real low, start attacking for real. You should stick to mixing up Feint Attacks and Dig so that the opponent doesn't know when it's safe to attack you.
No. 1051085 ID: 595bb7

He might have more pokemon, we need a escape plan

Rock tomb a few times to lower his speed, while zigzagoon growls or do attack reducing moves, then run away!
No. 1051086 ID: 53d46e

Pee on the kid's foot like a common Growlithe. He will never want to capture you again.

Otherwise, do B. Let's either try Bite, or put that Rock Tomb to the test.
No. 1051087 ID: 3c1455

We look like the world's angriest chicken nugget right about now.
No. 1051088 ID: 92796c

Do we have Arena Trap? What happens if the Arena Trap user flees?
No. 1051089 ID: b01382

B. Stay and engage the Grovyle with Zigzagoon (suggest strategy)
If we some how succeed, i suggest bulling the kid into sitting down and slowly communicating by writing words on the ground, and shaking or nodding our head.
I mostly want to try and ask him if he knows a pawn shop in town where we can pawn these dirty mags off to, or if he could sell them for us. Also stop acting like an ass and battling every rando pokemon you encounter. So of us have things we want to get done you know!
No. 1051090 ID: 3c1455

The kid's the protagonist they're obligated to understand exactly what's going on.

Yep, my logic is fool proof.
No. 1051091 ID: 92796c

We could try talking to Grovyle.
No. 1051092 ID: 7c0da2

B. Stay behind Zigzagoon, he doesn't have a weakness to plant types. Spam sand attack and tell Zigzagoon to start by applying any debuffs he has once or twice too for good measure. Once you can't debuff anymore switch to dig and faint attack, prioritize faint attack, you can't afford to spend half the battle underground.
Use the revive on Zigzagoon if he faints first, you really need to fight two on one. Call for help if he faints a second time.

And try your best to look useless, you don't want to give him any reasons to capture you. Try to look afraid and not worth adding to his team, that shouldn't be too hard, you should be afraid anyway because there is a chance you'll spend the rest of your life inside a PC if you lose. On the plus side, if you win you are entitled to the content of his pockets.
No. 1051093 ID: a9af05

Hinder the enemy's stats as much as possible! Use Sand Attack!

>Arena Trap
It was explained here >>1049956 that there are no abilities in this quest.
No. 1051095 ID: 224608

Why not beat up a child and his pokemon instead?

+1 you sound like you know what youre doing
No. 1051096 ID: 92796c

Even a lower level Grovyle should be much faster than us. We'll have to see how battles work.
No. 1051097 ID: 49246c

Call for help, you’re at a type disadvantage. You have maybe one turn before you’re at critical health. At least if you’re KO’d, you have the revive and he won’t bother catching you.
No. 1051098 ID: b01382

No. 1051101 ID: 556cba

B. No leaving a friend behind, and relying on Team Friendlies will just give them more leverage.

Follow >>1051083 and maybe talk to the Grovyle telling them you're on your way to a tournament and to leave you alone.
No. 1051113 ID: 9ea24b
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>Can you attack the kid?
Not while he has any active Pokemon.

>B, accuracy drop strats
You don’t want to leave Zigzagoon and relying on Team Friendlies is unappealing. That doesn’t mean you want a fair fight! It might be two versus one but the kid has beaten Wattson and probably made a lot of progress towards Flannery so you’re outleveled. If you can lower the Grovyle’s accuracy enough that the kid gets frustrated after three missed moves, you and Zigzagoon can run while he switches his Pokemon.

>Turn 1
:poketrappanik: H-hey! I’m a human who was turned into a Pokemon, don’t attack me.

:pokegrovface: What?

:poketrappanik: Yeah, I worked at Mauville City Lights crunching numbers. I can read human language if you want me to prove it.

:pokekidface: Grovyle, use Leaf Blade on that Zigzagoon.

:pokegrovconf: Sorry, I have to do what my trainer says. He wants to catch you so I need to knock out your friend first.


You’ve successfully wasted Grovyle’s first turn, letting Zigzagoon land an accuracy impeding shower of dirt on the Gecko Pokemon.
No. 1051114 ID: 9ea24b
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To estimate damage from moves, this calculator is used with all neutral stats and natures: https://calc.pokemonshowdown.com/?gen=3. Grovyle is Level 30, Zigzagoon is Level 15, and you are Level 22.

>Turn 2
Grovyle is much faster than both of you and tries to attack Zigzagoon.

>Leaf Blade (2/3 chance to hit): Miss!
You and Zigzagoon follow up with dual Sand Attacks, putting Grovyle at 2/5 accuracy.

>Turn 3
Grovyle tries to use Quick Attack this time, still aiming for Zigzagoon.

>Quick Attack (2/5 chance to hit): Miss!
Another two accuracy stage drops put the Gecko at 2/7 accuracy. You almost feel bad for him, he’s basically digging the grit out of his yellow eyes.

>Turn 4
>Leaf Blade (2/7 chance to hit): Miss!
The kid stamps his foot with frustration and holds out a Pokeball, which zaps Grovyle back into its spherical shell. You and Zigzagoon turn and sprint away into the forest.

You were extremely lucky to get away without Zigzagoon taking damage. You both gain two levels from the encounter, putting Zigzagoon at Level 17 and you at Level 24. Shaken, you continue north until you spot a large clearing full of scuff marks and other evidence of Pokemon battles. There are a variety of Pokemon milling around, but you don’t see Gengar.

How do you announce your arrival?
No. 1051115 ID: a7a180

Sand Attack! -Er, I mean, "we're looking for a friendly battle."
No. 1051116 ID: 556cba

And to think some of us thought Sand Attack was useless. GOAT move.

Wait for Gengar to appear out of something like you know she will and try to spook her instead.
No. 1051117 ID: 5d9787

That was impressive. I don't think I ever witness sand attack work in my favor. Maybe it's rng only bless wild pokemons.

Say hi and watch. See how their fights go before participating in one. Eventually someone will want to challenge the new guy and will have to explain the rules.
No. 1051119 ID: 623d9b

It may be a good idea to just watch first, they could have one of those "pick on the new guy" traditions so if one of them comes up to challenge or starts attacking or something say you're "waiting for someone first", if they keep persisting holding your ground can be a bad idea but so could agreeing so pretty much try to look unassuming but not harmless (we also don't want to attract bullies)

(Idea: change someone to somemon that'd be funny)
No. 1051121 ID: 623d9b

Alternatively you could just pretend you have no idea what is happening and just ask one of the roaming pokémon "what's going on around here?", in case suddenly showing up at a (potentially) known battlesite and just plopping down like you own the place and just watching sounds like a bad idea that someone incredibly suspicious would do.

After all it is evident you are not from around here (trapinches are supposed to be in the desert, right?) maybe that's why gengar kept pestering you to join, a sort of collection of every pokémon? Maybe look around and see how "exotic" some of these pokémon are for your area for future reference
No. 1051137 ID: e51896

you should probably warn them that there is a trainer lurking about.

I think I see a hoppip and a Shroomish over there.
No. 1051151 ID: dc2256

High five ziggybro. We couldda totslly beat that mon's butt if their trainer didn't switch out. We're two pretty cool dudes!
Also thanks for having my back back there bro.
No. 1051173 ID: 63f410

>High five ziggybro.
And then we immediately fall flat on our face because our limbs are too tiny for high fives.
No. 1051180 ID: 5499f4

This because it’s adorable
No. 1051186 ID: b01382

This is an adorable mental image
No. 1051199 ID: a9af05

I guess we just wait for Gengar to show up like she usually does.

Would Zigzagoon even know what a high-five is?
No. 1051208 ID: 9ea24b
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>Wait for Gengar to pop out and surprise you
>Don’t get picked on
The closest mons are a Shroomish and some round blue Pokemon you don’t recognize. They look at you and Zigzagoon curiously but don’t challenge you to a fight and continue their conversation when you don’t approach. There is no one currently fighting.

>In the meantime, perform the ultimate awesome friendship high-five
:poketraphap: We totally defeated that Grovyle with our strategy! You did great out there.

:pokezigshock: I was scared, but I couldn’t let my best bud be captured.

:poketrapchad: It was amazing. You’re amazing.

:pokezigcry: T-thank you, you’re very amazing too.

:poketrapface: Let’s do a high-five to celebrate, it’s hitting our paws together to make a clapping noise.

:pokezigface: Okay!

You bat at Ziggy’s paw with your stub, lose your balance, and fall on your big heavy head.
No. 1051209 ID: 9ea24b
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Gengar doesn’t show up after a while waiting, so you decide to engage the Shroomish.

:poketrapface: Hi, first time visiting Team Friendlies, what’s going on around here?

:pokeshroomface: Just hanging out, slow day. There’s supposed to be this cool tournament for me and Spheal here but the third Pokemon meant to come is tardy.

:pokesphealmad: It’s very inconsiderate of them. Salamence has been working so hard to get everyone excited and organized, getting food every day and saving all the Pokemon he can!

:pokeshroomface: Anyway, if you’re passing through you can have a bite to eat and get any rest you need. Trainers don’t come near here.

Spheal and Shroomish are both female.
No. 1051215 ID: e13b1d

Yeah that's me, sorry for the delay. We didn't even know about the tournament until Gengar told us yesterday, and we were in no shape for fighting that day.

Introduce yourself. Come to think of it, have you ever told Ziggybuns and the others your name? Do you even remember your name?
No. 1051218 ID: f89136

You were also just held up by a trainer battle don't forget to mention that.
No. 1051219 ID: b01382

That's me, but we got delayed by a trainer. We managed to run away tho. We're here now!
No. 1051222 ID: 19ea25

We just fought a grovyle! A trainer Grovyle!
No. 1051225 ID: 36784c

Let’s ask if they know where Gengar is, so we can go tell her that we’re here. If she’s not available, we can ask for Salamence and go tell him to tell Gengar that we’re here.

>claim that we’re the late Pokémon
No we’re not! Don’t claim to be someone else! However, if they’re still not here, we can ask if it’ll be alright to take their place.

But if we are the Pokémon they were waiting for, then we can blame Gengar for signing us up without our permission or even telling us that we were supposed to be here to participate!
No. 1051254 ID: a7a180

Oh, that sounds like it might be us. We're willing to fight whenever you are. Who recruited you to this tournament?
No. 1051257 ID: b01382

Oh my god Spheal is crying she is absolutely adorable!
No. 1051259 ID: b01382

Oh, right, Ziggy is like his own merchant. Keep this quiet, but how often do other pokemon trade for any of his magazines? If he actually get some trade for themz just offload all our pokeperv mags ro him so he can use those to trade with, as its probably more likely for pokemon to seek our his collection than we are to find someone who wants some. If he doesnt have pokeperv customers then i guess we just hold onto the mags until we do find someone.
Hmmm. Maybe we shoyld consider visiting a pokemon appearal store in the future. They'd probably have pokemon backpacks.
No. 1051265 ID: 2c7ac2

We are not the third pokemon, even if we think Gengar expects us to be. So don't say we are.
No. 1051266 ID: b01382

But it is us, why wouldn't it be? We did say we were coming today.
No. 1051270 ID: bbb04b

"It's possible I'm supposed to be the third. If I am, sorry for the wait - got held up by THE TRAINER, but me'n Ziggy here got away after frustrating him with accuracy stall strats."

"I mean, I would've come yesterday when Gengar first told me about the tournament, but given she conveyed the message by using (I think) Nightmare on me - it felt like she even refreshed it, I think - I wasn't really in a state to be fighting afterwards..."

"So if there's supposed to be three of us, does that mean Team Friendlies has five proper members? If the idea's to test our endurance and strategy as we advance without healing, I could see the tougher members seeding themselves all together on the opposite side of the bracket from us as a handicap..."
No. 1051294 ID: bceec2

I agree. Don't say anything.
No. 1051295 ID: b01382

But we are the third mon. Gengar has been hounding us for days, it can't be anyone else.
No. 1051299 ID: 36784c

It can definitely be anyone else.

There’s absolutely no way that we’re the only pokemon that Gengar has been hounding to come over here.
No. 1051310 ID: 9ea24b
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>You’re totally who they’re waiting for
>But you’re going to pretend you’re not with the power of denial

You think back on the chain of events that led to this day.

Night 1: Gengar first contact
Day 1: Food foraging with Eevee and meeting Zigzagoon
Night 2: Gengar second contact and Friendlies Base location
Day 2: Kirlia and the dirty mags
Day 3: Stayed in because of kid
Day 4: Trade with Zigzagoon
Night 5: Gengar mentions the tournament and Dream Eats you
Day 5: Dig and Smeargle
Day 6: Today!

You’re not late because of the kid running into you just now, you’re “late” because you didn’t want to visit the base since the second night when Gengar presumably nominated you for the tournament without your knowledge.

So you’re not going to say a damn thing about that to these mons until Gengar comes back and explains things to you!

>What’s your name?
Your Pokemon name is Trapinch. Your human name isn’t important when you’re a Pokemon.

Zigzagoon, Spheal, and Shroomish look at you with great concern as you furrow your brow with concentration and fall silent for a full minute while you think this through.
No. 1051311 ID: 9ea24b
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>Tell them about the kid
:poketrapface: I’m Trapinch, nice to meet you two. We ran into one of those super ambitious young trainers on the way here. He wanted to knock out my friend and catch me!

:pokeshroomoh: How did you escape?

:poketrapchad: Me and Zigzagoon lowered his Grovyle’s accuracy until the kid had to switch Pokemon, then we ran away.

:pokesphealoh: Wow, I would have been really scared. Trainers are rarer where I’m from but poachers come by all the time for fur. Salamence sank one of their boats last week and that’s when he told me about Team Friendlies and how I could get stronger to defend myself and the other Spheals!

:pokeshroommad: My trainer stopped me from evolving when I was ready to become a Breloom. I wanted to run away but I couldn’t because of my Pokeball. Houndoom freed me, but I was far enough from my home in Petalburg Woods that I decided to stay and train.

:poketrapface: Wow okay you guys have had very ethically straightforward experiences with Team Friendlies.

:pokeshroomface: That’s a weird way to put it but we sure have.

It sounds like Houndoom is the only bigwig around at the moment. What would you like to do while you wait for Gengar to return?

A. Talk to Houndoom
B. Spar with Zigzagoon for some last minute levels
C. Talk more with Shroomish and Spheal (suggest topics)
No. 1051312 ID: e13b1d

Don't want to tire ourselves out with B. Let's talk to Houndoom and see if he's as weird as Gengar is.
No. 1051314 ID: ba605b

No. 1051320 ID: 19ea25

Lets talk with houndoom. Get to know the other team friendly besides Gengar.
No. 1051333 ID: 15c72a

So the Shroomish hasn't gained another level since and hasn't had a chance to evolve? Well, that's a good reason to enter the tournament! (I bet the trainer wanted to get Shroomish high enough to learn Giga Drain before evolving)

A, get a read on them.
No. 1051336 ID: 316b57

I want to know how a "most improved pokemon" tournament is supposed to work. What's the baseline?
No. 1051338 ID: a7a180

You must be excited to evolve after this tourney, huh? It'll be nice to have fingers.
Spar with Houndoom.
No. 1051339 ID: bbb04b

C: "I'm just gonna say it's literally impossible to reunite me with my trainer and leave it at that for now. I've picked up a lot of strategy and trivia, though; it's possible your trainer was holding out for you to learn Giga-Drain at Lv. 45, which is admittedly a pretty wicked move. Even if that is the case, though, I know for a fact you can brute-force learning a new move if you use the right approach and keep at it."

Ah, misleadingly technical truths that'd make a Fairy type blush (if they were around in this generation). Maybe we can be more forthright once we get to know them well enough to determine whether their sour opinion extends to all humans or not.
No. 1051342 ID: e13b1d

Should we tell her about this?
No. 1051349 ID: 5d9787

If she agree with her trainer after understanding the reason behind that coice she can't evolve now. She need to be told so she can make an informed decision.

Spheal case is much more concerning than running away after a disagreement. Her family and friends were killed and skinned, that is a nightmare scenario I wouldn't expect in a pokemon story.
This is much more serious than Team Rocket Slowpoke tails incident. We should find a way to informe that ambitious kid about this criminal group.
No. 1051350 ID: e13b1d

That's a good idea. We could get Smeargle's help to make a sign and put it up in one of his known hunting grounds.
No. 1051352 ID: ba605b

No. 1051397 ID: 028e1d

Don't volunteer Smeargle's help if you want to do that. That's up to her.
No. 1051398 ID: 36784c


Absolutely. We shouldn’t volunteer Smeargle like that.
No. 1051399 ID: e13b1d

I meant for us to do later.
No. 1051402 ID: 7c0da2

C. Ask for gossip on Gengar. What kind of pokemons she brings and how, that sort of things.
No. 1051406 ID: 9ea24b
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>C then A
You have a few questions for Shroomish and Spheal after hearing their tragic backstories.

:poketrapface: So Shroomish, are you saying you haven’t gained any levels since you left your trainer?

:pokeshroomface: I could have, but I’m waiting for the tournament to start since we’re going to be judged on how much we’ve improved and met our goals.

:poketrapface: Who’s judging us?

:pokeshroomface: Houndoom, Gengar, and Salamence, of course. It’ll be subjective but it’s not like there’s a prize for winning that we have to worry about.
:poketrapface: Have you guys met Gengar? What do you think of her?

:pokesphealoh: She’s so nice and funny. I felt welcome right away because she was considerate about my situation and told us her own story. She’s trying very hard to get her contestant to come, but apparently he’s a bit difficult to work with.

:poketraptired: Right.

:poketrapface: Shroomish, maybe your trainer was just trying to keep you unevolved so you could learn better moves.

:pokeshroommad: That doesn’t change anything. I wanted to evolve and I made it clear that I was upset with her but she didn’t listen! Just because she’s the trainer doesn’t mean I shouldn’t get a choice. It’s not like Houndoom hurt her or anything, he just asked me how I felt about my trainer and then freed me by destroying my Pokeball.

:poketrappanik: Okay, sorry, I didn’t mean that like I was questioning your trauma. Speaking of Houndoom, do you know where I can find him?

:pokeshroomface: Yes, he’s in the big hollowed out tree to the left there. Most of the places to sleep and stuff are secret bases since several mons know Secret Power.

>Tell the kid about the poachers
You don’t think he can help since he doesn’t have access to Surf yet. Also you’re not sure he’d care.

Zigzagoon follows you as you walk over to the aforementioned tree, which is broad and weathered. There’s a large hole accessible on the trunk that you crawl inside. The wood’s been worn smooth by other Pokemons’ paws. The hole leads higher into the tree and opens in a dimly lit room lined with the emptied backpacks of trainers, no doubt taken for their useful items.

Houndoom is lying on a bed of boughs and moss, eyes closed. His sides slowly expand and deflate as he breathes.

:pokezigfrown: Is he asleep?

:poketrapface: I think so. Excuse me, sir. Sir!

You poke the sleeping canine in the side, between the bony back ridges and he stirs.

:pokedoomface: I don’t recognize your scent. Who dares disturb me?

:poketrappanik: Hello we’re just two Pokemon visiting the Friendlies for fun hahahaha.

:pokedoomface: Ask the others if you need food or healing. Leave me alone.
No. 1051409 ID: e13b1d

Well, it would be hypocritical to keep bothering him after we got so mad at Gengar for doing it to us.

Let's leave Houndoom to his nap and try to teach Zigs how to dance while we wait. He can wow Eevee with his dancing skills when he asks her out!
No. 1051411 ID: f2449c

Let sleeping dogs lie

Dance with Zigzagoon instead.
No. 1051412 ID: 7c0da2

If Gengar's contestant is a bit difficult to work with maybe she needs more gym badges.
Where is she actually? She wanted you here, she could at least explain this competition to you. And you could negotiate a payment for your participation.
No. 1051413 ID: 084179

Fuck bros, I feel like an asshole. Maybe we owe Gengar an apology next time we see her. Until then lets eat a berry to top off our health, maybe go look for the dragon dude to talk to if he's here. If he's not then let practice our dig move away from the fighting area, but alert our new poke friends what we're up to incase they need to grab our attention. Maybe we might find some goodies to share with our fellow mons?
No. 1051414 ID: 084179

I mean the pay the experience in fighting, potential level gains, the prize for winning. Seems pretty fair all things considered.
No. 1051415 ID: 7c0da2

I would agree if she had not forced us to participate. She invaded our mind at night and left us half dead, we should at least ask her to stop doing that in exchange for our participation.
No. 1051416 ID: a9af05

Apologize and explainypu wanted to ask him something since he's the only authority figure around because Gengar and Salamence aren't here. Then tell him that you're sorry for disturbing him and you'll leave him alone.

>Maybe we owe Gengar an apology next time we see her.
We do not owe her an apology. If she wanted us to come over so badly, she just needed to politely ask us, instead of randomly coming out of the ground and scaring us. But instead of politely asking, she invaded our dreams and left us at half our max HP.

Gengar is the one that needs to apologize to us for doing that.
No. 1051417 ID: 15c72a

Ok bye.
No. 1051418 ID: e13b1d

I agree, Gengar still owes us an apology. But I think a mutual apology would be the best for burying the hatchet. If she's willing to apologize for the Dream Eater incident and never do it again, we can apologize for being harsh with her.
No. 1051420 ID: 084179

It seems kinda inorganic or ask or demand for an apology, because if you're asking for someone to apologize for something they did, can it really be genuine?
No. 1051421 ID: e13b1d

You don't demand an apology. Just tell her Dream Eater fucked us up and not to do it again. If she apologizes, okay, we can move past it. If not then there's no reason to mend bridges.
No. 1051425 ID: f89136

Yeah I think we should probably stop pussyfooting around this. So far the team seems harsh and coercive to say the very least but, morality aside, considering the stories we've heard so far they probably have to be to go up against what they do.

>I wanted to evolve and I made it clear that I was upset with her but she didn’t listen!
Also while this is hardly an abuse, but theirs still the moral question of the trainer doing that with no small small amount power over the sentient creature that they possibly took against their will. Especially with things like daycares and pc storage.
No. 1051426 ID: f89136

This is also likely the route that will get us those glorious flygon fingers the fastest.
No. 1051434 ID: 45d2b6

Gengar's words in our last interaction suggest to me that she didn't get we were avoiding her and that halving our hp was an unintended side effect of her method of communication. Maybe it doesn't excuse her actions, but I don't think it was malicious.
No. 1051436 ID: 9ea24b
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You return outside with Zigzagoon, and find an empty spot to sit and collect yourself. You both nab a few berries from the food pile for an early dinner.

:pokezigfrown: Back when you were distracting the Grovyle, you said something about originally being human?

:poketrappanik: Oh yeah! Sorry I never told you about that. Smeargle and Eevee already know, but try to keep it a secret, okay?

:pokezigfrown: I will and I don’t mind, it just seems like Team Friendlies don’t care for humans very much, so if they find out you might be in trouble.

>The Team Friendlies moral dilemma
No matter what Shroomish and Spheal say, your own experiences with Gengar have been mixed and at least somewhat coercive. You’d like her to apologize for the Dream Eater experience, and you guess you could apologize for snapping at her the second night.

You’d also like to have the option to refuse, though there’s no getting around the fact that entering the tournament is a safe and fast way to gain levels and thus fingers. You sigh, finish your food, and teach Zigzagoon how to cha-cha real smooth to impress Eevee.
No. 1051439 ID: 9ea24b
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The sun is setting when a familiar purple ghost floats into the clearing. Gengar spots you immediately.

:pokegenhype: Trapinch, you really came! I was worried Salamence was going to lose his patience and dig you out of that burrow you’ve been staying at, he was getting quite impatient with me.

:poketrappanik: Eh???

:pokegendrama: We can finally start the tournament tomorrow. You can stay in my den or I can have Salamence fly you back home and pick you up the following morning. Do you have any questions dear?

:poketrapface: Yes, why did you volunteer me for this thing?

:pokegensmile: When I saw you crying by the daycare I thought you were the perfect Pokemon to grow, build confidence, and move past your old trainer.

:poketraptired: Right, I was abandoned. I am very sad about being abandoned. Can you not invade my dreams when you want to talk to me? It dealt a lot of damage and was terrifying.

:pokegendrama: Oh, I was worried about scaring your little friends if I came to you in person.

:poketrapface: Well they know about me coming here so they should be okay as long as you don’t pester them.

:pokegensmile: Certainly.

:poketrapmad: And you never gave me the chance to say if I wanted to even participate in this tournament, you know. That’s messed up.

:pokegenneut: Do you really not want to? I’ll try to communicate more clearly in the future.

This is your chance for a hard boundary with the Friendlies. You’ll still be able to visit the base in the future if you say no to the tournament. Needless to say this choice has a huge impact on the direction of your journey.

A. Yes
B. No
No. 1051440 ID: b01382

Yes to the tournament
Yes yo staying in their den to hang out and get to know them.
Apologize about being snappyz be the bigger pokemon.
No. 1051441 ID: e13b1d

We'll do the tournament, but she's still making excuses. Set a very clear boundary, no more dream nonsense. And no volunteering you for stuff without asking first. That's exactly the kind of thing Shroomish was angry with her trainer about.
No. 1051443 ID: e51896

Tell her you understand Salamence was probably really strict on her for getting you here based off of his impatience, which was why she was being bothersome to us, but she still needs to apologize for not respecting your boundaries. if she apologizes for that and the dream thing, signing us up in a tourney without our permission, and lets Salamence know you weren't too happy about them not respecting your personal space and being hard on Gengar, then Yes you'll fight in the tournament.

And we'll take Salamence's flight home, just to know about him, and we're still a little too upset with Gengar to visit her den.

Also, ask if you were indeed Spheal and Shroomish's missing teammate, or if that was someone else, cause that pokemon might be missing if it isnt us.
No. 1051444 ID: 7f2a90

Yes to the tournament, yes to staying with them, if only because the kid's still around. Do insist on not having to live there long-term.

Also, this is your chance to apologize: "Look, even if you do come off as a bit pushy, my words on that second visit were uncalled for. So, I'm sorry for what I said."

"Also, I feel like I need to clear stuff up. Yes, I was left in the day-care for the most part, and yes, I'm no longer with my trainer. But the reality is that... well, I'm just gonna say that being reunited with them is likely literally impossible, and leave it at that for now. One day, I just felt that whatever was tying me to them mentally just... up and disappeared, and I don't want to think about the implications."
No. 1051445 ID: e13b1d

Let's not go crafting a backstory. Should she find out later, it'll be easier to explain away if we let her have the wrong idea instead of out right lying to her.
No. 1051446 ID: b01382

+1 this except the background building
No. 1051448 ID: 96112b

>Your human name is not important when you are a Pokémon.

Imagine asking questions only when they are important.

This message brought to you by the human gang.
No. 1051463 ID: 084179

Do the tournament and get the apologies out of the way. We can't expect her to think like a human, because she's a Pokemon. Different thinking process and all that.
No. 1051470 ID: 7c0da2

Yes to this tournament and to staying here for the night. But, in the future, no more dream eating.
She can, I don't know, knock on a rock at the entrance of the burrow if she wants to talk? Not taking everyone by surprise would probably solve a lot of the communication issues.
No. 1051474 ID: 9ea24b
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>Very much yes
:poketrapface: I’ll do the tournament, but you need to behave yourself. Zigzagoon, I’m planning to stay the night, do you want to stay too?

:pokezigface: Sure!

:poketrapchad: But we’re not going to be here all the time. Tomorrow evening Salamence needs to take us back home so we can have a day with our friends. He can pick us up in the morning every other day.

:pokegensmile: Perfect, I’m so glad.

:poketrapface: Also sorry for being rude the second time you talked to me. I should have listened to what you had to say and we could have avoided all this miscommunication.

:pokegendrama: Don’t you worry, dear, I’ve been doing this for a long time, I know how some Pokemon get especially after a major life change like leaving their trainer.

Gengar leads the two of you to her treehouse, which is filled with life-sized Pokemon plushies, soft cushions, and decorative plants. She explains that tomorrow you’ll be fighting Spheal, then Shroomish one on one, with healing and rest in between. You don’t know the levels of your opponents and Gengar deliberately doesn’t tell you. Winning will net you levels, losing will make your opponents stronger in the future. You still have your Revive, which will activate if you faint.

What’s your strategy for fighting Spheal? Remember you know Sand Attack, Dig, Rock Tomb, and Faint Attack and are Level 24.

Whew, it’s been an awfully long day. Pick a topic to ask Gengar about before bed:
A. Humans
B. Salamence
C. Houndoom
No. 1051476 ID: a7a180

Strategy: Ice type. Rock Tomb. If they use buffing moves, go for damage. If they use ice moves, which are bad for you, use Sand Attack and hope they miss before spamming Dig.
No. 1051479 ID: 15c72a

I would've asked about their long term plans, but
A, humans
is good enough.
No. 1051485 ID: ba605b

Complement her home. Its very cozy, and thr flowers are pretty.
>be a little jealous that her home is nicer than your shoe box sized apartment

Talk about humans and her personal experience with them. Some good, some, and some in between?
No. 1051493 ID: e13b1d

Strategy: Opening up with Sand Attack to reduce the chances of getting hit, then use Rock Tomb for offense. If you get worn down, use another Sand Attack and then Dig for avoidance.

Topic: A. See what she thinks of humans.
Mention The Kid and ask if her team have had any encounters with him.
No. 1051496 ID: 003629

I can get behind this. We should really mention this to her. We're not sure if the kid os nice or not, so maybe they can beat up the kid and ask his mons if he's a nice trainer or not. At the very least can he get the kid to ask pokemons if they want to battle, instead of going straight into things? I just want to forage food and hang our with our friends.
No. 1051522 ID: 19ea25

Ooh I like that little Seedot plushie, but yeah lets talk about humans. You would want to know how they feel about humans in general, after-all if you start letting others know it may change how they react if they have a real "Hate all humies" attitude.
No. 1051530 ID: 9ea24b
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>Compliment Gengar’s home
:pokegensmile: Thank you dear, I decorated it myself.

>Humans, specifically the kid
:poketrapface: How do you feel about humans in general?

:pokegensmile: If an average person has several Pokemon that they treat well, I believe it can be a mutually beneficial relationship. You can understand how I feel about the kind of trainer that captures countless Pokemon and then traps them in the horrid storage system indefinitely.

:poketrapface: I take it you’re not a fan of the kid that’s passing through here, then.

:pokegendrama: That’s a dilemma because I’m not sure the child knows any better. He’s really very young, and our current policy is to avoid him so he doesn’t get obsessed with trying to catch us, you never know if the ambitious ones like that will get their hands on a Master Ball.

:poketrapface: Okay, any opinion about the people who made the PC? Uh, Bill from Kanto and Lanette up in Fallarbor?

:pokegenwink: The world would have been better if they had never been born.

:poketrappanik: Hahaha…Yeah…

:pokegensmile: I’ve personally never killed or permanently injured a human, as far as I know, but you’ll never catch me fawning over one.

:poketrappanik: Yes, very relatable, humans are uncool. Does your Team have any long term plans or goals?

:pokegenhype: WORLD DOMINATION!!!

:pokegenwink: I’m just joking, sweetheart, I’m personally very happy with our current rescue and training operations.

Gengar bids you goodnight and you curl up on a zig-zag patterned cushion, somewhat disturbed. Nevertheless, you quickly fall into a deep sleep.
No. 1051531 ID: 9ea24b
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The next day you take a moment to remember where you are before rousing Zigzagoon and going outside for breakfast. You spot a large blue dragon with red wings talking to Spheal. This must be Salamence. He looks awfully intimidating, but Spheal is rolling around his feet without a care.

Gengar floats out of the tree and quickly introduces you to Salamence, before nudging you towards the fighting pit. From a distance you see the two head Pokemon bicker a little before sitting on either side of the arena. Houndoom is nowhere to be seen.

>Fight with Spheal, start!
>Spheal Randomly chosen Level (between 25 and 31): 25
>Moveset: Ice Ball, Body Slam, Aurora Beam, Encore

You’re slower than Spheal and have a type disadvantage that’ll only get worse as you evolve.

>Turn 1
>Spheal: Aurora Beam
>Trapinch: Sand Attack
Spheal hits you hard with a chilly rainbow beam that leaves you shaking, numb, and on the verge of fainting. Salamence roars his approval.

You respond with your tried and true Sand Attack, which lowers the accuracy of all of Spheal’s moves to 2/3.

>Turn 2
>Spheal: Aurora Beam Successful Hit
>Trapinch: Extremely unconscious
Do you use the Revive so you can use Rock Tomb or take the speedy loss?
No. 1051532 ID: a7a180

Take the loss. That's too much to dig away from.
No. 1051534 ID: e51896

revive yourself. You can still do this!
No. 1051535 ID: 0097ed

Our odds against Spheal are better than against Shroomish, I think. Get up and keep trying.
No. 1051536 ID: 7c0da2

You're not going to win against a faster, higher level opponent with a type advantage without using objects. With the revive I think you have a chance, and you need to win and gain some levels to stand a chance against Shroomish anyway so use that revive.
We saw she needs 2 successful attacks to faint you. If you use rock tomb this turn and the next, you can maybe become faster than her, and get a last turn where you act first. Out of those two there is also a chance she will miss one attack with her 2/3 accuracy, so with a little luck you have up to 4 turns to faint her (and at worse 2 if she is still faster by the end of turn 3 and never miss). It's doable, you have a strong attack, but you should switch to using dig once you are faster for the tiny bit of extra damage.
In the future you should probably open with rock tomb against faster opponents.
No. 1051537 ID: e51896

Also, what was Gengar and Salamence bickering about?
No. 1051538 ID: a7a180

Revive brings us to half health. We aren't getting two turns against her.
No. 1051540 ID: 36784c

Just take the loss. You're not going to be able to beat her.

>she needs 2 successful attacks to faint you.
>if you use Rock Tomb, you could become faster!
We'd revive at half health and she'll still be faster than us. She'll only need to hit us once in order to win and she'll be able to attack us first before we can do anything.
No. 1051541 ID: e51896

Spheal might miss though, we did sand attack earlier.
No. 1051542 ID: 36784c

1 Sand Attack isn’t enough to guarantee she misses her next attack.
No. 1051543 ID: 7c0da2

Well, it would be better to win, but the tournament's about the "most improved pokemon", so maybe just doing our best and not giving up will earn us points? Anything's better than throwing sand in her face then fainting immediately after that.
And Gengar told the other two to wait for us all that time, we will look ridiculous if we can't at least scratch Spheal.
No. 1051544 ID: d155e9

Wow we suck. I know we’re weak against ice but damn. Wasn’t even a fight really.
No. 1051546 ID: 629f2e

Let's use the Revive. If we want to stay in, then we need a win. It'll take some real luck, but we do have a chance if we keep going.
No. 1051554 ID: e13b1d

Maybe we should Revive and drop more sand first instead of a Rock Tomb.

Believe in the sand that believes in you!
No. 1051555 ID: 084179

Revive! Momma didn't raise no bitch boy!
No. 1051572 ID: 87e33c

I think you should take the loss bc its about the "most improved" pokemon, if you start at the bottom, a literal loss, it'll be a better result later when you wipe the floor with them!
No. 1051573 ID: 9ea24b
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You’re not going down without even putting a scratch on your foe! Before the second Aurora Beam can hit, you chomp down on the Revive and wake up on your stomach with 50% HP.

>Turn 2
>Trapinch: Rock Tomb Success (80% move accuracy)
You grab the nearest medium sized boulder in your jaws and hurl it at Spheal, who yelps as it lands on her flipper. Spheal is now just barely slower than you since apparently stats round down.

>Turn 3
>Trapinch: Sand Attack (Lowers Spheals accuracy to 2/4 for all moves)
>Spheal: Aurora Beam Failure (50% move accuracy)
That’s it, you’re turning the tide of the battle! Some of the other Pokemon start cheering for you while Spheal panics and tries to roll the sand out of her face. You need at least two more hits to knock out Spheal, so you plan to use the more accurate Dig.

>Turn 4
>Trapinch: Dig Part 1
>Spheal: Guaranteed Miss
The ground is softer than expected from being packed down by countless battles. You burrow like a torpedo into the comforting quiet of the earth.

>Turn 5
>Trapinch: Dig Part 2
>Spheal Aurora Beam Failure (50% move accuracy)
A hush falls over the crowd as Spheal’s Aurora Beam goes wide. You’re guaranteed to win if you Dig again, and you think Salamence realizes it too.

:pokesalface: Stop, it’s over.

:pokesphealmad: I can still fight!

:pokesalface: You’ll have more chances.

:pokegenhype: Trapinch you did it! I speak for almost everyone when I say I’m very impressed.

Zigzagoon rushes over to congratulate you as you calm down from the excitement of the battle. The assembled Pokemon cheer and disperse, chattering about the entertaining fight.

You’ve gained 3 Levels from your lucky victory! You are now Level 27 and have the opportunity to learn Sand Tomb, a 15 base power 70% accuracy binding move that affects the opponent over several turns. Would you like to learn Sand Tomb? If so, what move would you like to forget?

You have some free time before your fight with Shroomish. What would you like to do in addition to healing back to full HP?
No. 1051574 ID: b01382

Good game good game, good hustle there Spheal. You're really strong, and were it not for the revive I'd be toast. If you want to get some cool items, might I introduce you to my friend Zigzaggoon? He's my cool bro and you can trade things with him if you got cool things to trade in turn.

replace Faint Attack. The near instat chance to hit is nice, but the damage is low.

socialize with Team Friendly. Our first impression of them might had been kinda meh, but they're pretty cool. Say, what if we (a small horde of weaker pokemon) just ambushed the kid, sat him down, and tried to explain to him that catching pokemon and locking them in a computer isn't nice? Nip this in the bud? The sooner we get this done, the sooner the doesn't develop bad characteristics. Plus if he does just have dozens of pokemon locked up we can convince him to release them. Maybe he'll even start treating his own pokemon nicer.
No. 1051575 ID: e13b1d

>Sand Tomb
Nah. Rock Tomb is stronger and can hit flying types, and Dig is more accurate and has better utility.

Be a good sportsmon and go over to Salamence's corner. Thank Spheal for the intense match and compliment her tenacity. It's nice to see Salamence wasn't willing to push her to the brink, too. You've seen trainers do that to their Pokemon and it always bothered you.
No. 1051588 ID: a7a180

You don’t need Sand Tomb, you don’t have to worry about Pokémon switching out.
Trade with Zigzagoon? You’ve used up your item. Maybe he’s scrounged something around here?
No. 1051591 ID: 2aa5f0

no to sand tomb yes to healing.
No. 1051592 ID: 7c0da2

Sweet, sweet victory!
Congratulate Spheal too, she fought very well.
After that if you still have some time try to dig around to find something potentially useful for your upcoming battle, medicinal roots, interesting rocks, anything.

Don't learn Sand Tomb. Damages over time would work well with Dig and the accuracy reduction of Sand Attack, but it don't do enough damages compared to our other moves and we don't really need the binding effect, we already have good options for running away.
No. 1051594 ID: 084179

Talk to Team Friendly. Mention how we saved a kid from future degeneracy by taking their not so small collection of pokeperv magazines. We still have the magazines, but we don't really know what to do with them. Do they know anyone who wants these or something?
Did Ziggy grab our anti-sleep berry? Dang we probably should had asked if he could carry that for us before we came here.
No. 1051625 ID: bbb04b

Yes to Sand-Tomb; binding is absolute turbo hax. I wanna say replace Feint Attack, because Rock Tomb is our answer to wretched birds and their Ground-immune feathered behinds; obviously, Sand Attack and Dig are both incredible when you can just buy ALL the turns for yourself. (Plus, I was only married to Feint Attack because I thought we would be fighting Gengar sooner rather than later, and Rock and Ground moves still hit her even then. (Does Sand Attack work, or are Normal status moves a no-go against Ghosts, too?))

> Socialize
"Hey Spheal, that was a good match; I had to use a revive, and even then, you nearly had me."

Don't mention how you were fighting with both a type and level disadvantage. If it gets brought up, it'll be by her or Salamence.

Also, maybe ruminate on the absurd rate you're gaining levels at.
No. 1051640 ID: 180c83

skip sand tomb, probably not useful unless we decide to fight trainers
No. 1051646 ID: b01382

Ask Spheal if she want to ever hang out with us and our roommates. We can give her directions to our den. Her Aurarabeam we pretty darn impressive. Were it not for our revive we would had been a goner! Like that seriously packed a punch, yowch! Where'd she learn that move from?
No. 1051654 ID: 36784c

>We can give her directions to our den.
Do NOT do that! Smeargle and Eevee were nice enough to let us stay with them, but they won’t appreciate us inviting random Pokémon over without their permission!
No. 1051656 ID: a9af05

>ruminate on the absurd rate you're gaining levels at.
Don't question something that's beneficial to us. Unless you want the quest author to set it to be more like the games and it takes us longer to level up.

I have to agree with this. Zigzagoon was allowed over because Smeargle and Eevee already knew him. Anyone else would be a complete stranger to them.
No. 1051669 ID: 9ea24b
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>Skip Sand Tomb
You’ve only been fighting Pokemon in one on one battles so you don’t see much point in such a low power move.

Your pal is empty pawed which means you’ll be going into your fight with Shroomish without any backup. This isn’t really the place to find useful items that trainers have dropped since humans can’t get close, and the Friendlies have long since dug up any valuable roots or rocks.

>Ambush the kid and explain morals to him
You and the other Pokemon can’t speak human and there’s no sign big enough to fit a good explanation. Anything short of cold-blooded murder would only make the kid more interested in catching you.

>Sand Attack
Is a ground move in this generation.

>High speed leveling
You’ll gain levels at a slower rate as you get stronger. Game accurate leveling would be unbearable and there isn’t any significance to your leveling speed.

Gengar sprays you in the face with a Super Potion. It smells like chemicals and soaks through your shell in a rather unpleasant manner. You’re back to full HP.

>Talk to Spheal
You really should not have won that fight, so you want to be a good sport and make sure Spheal’s feeling alright.
No. 1051670 ID: 9ea24b
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Spheal is talking to Salamence and a purple pig Pokemon standing on his hind legs.

:poketrapface: Hey, great fight, I would have been a goner without my item.

:pokesphealsulk: Why didn’t you tell us you were Gengar’s candidate yesterday?

:poketrappanik: Oh, I guess I wasn’t sure she meant me. There was a whole series of miscommunications, Gengar can tell you all about it.

:pokesphealsulk: Sure…

:poketrapface: Aurora Beam was a cool move, if you know what I mean, how’d you learn it?

:pokesphealsulk: All Spheal learn it.

:poketrappanik: Um, if you want to hang out with me and my pal Zigzagoon we can get you some of your own items. Then you’ll beat me for sure!

:pokesphealoh: Okay! You’re going back near Mauville tomorrow, right? Salamence can take me along too.

You feel a little bad for springing a guest on Smeargle and Eevee without notice, but Spheal can just go to Zigzagoon’s den to grab stuff and then leave.

>Offload your magazines
:poketrapchad: Glad that’s settled, would you or either of the gentlemons here be interested in a nearly complete set of PokePerv magazines? I happened to save a young human from degeneracy and gained a stash that I’m willing to part with for a price.

:pokesalstun: W-what?

:poketrapchad: Spread the word and tell anyone interested to contact me.

What’s your strategy for fighting Shroomish, a pure Grass type? You know she’s at least Level 23 since she could have evolved.
No. 1051671 ID: e13b1d

Let's try Rock Tomb to slow this time, then Sand Attack twice and some Digs.
No. 1051674 ID: 7c0da2

She has access to several status effect moves that she will probably want to open with, like Stun Spore. If we are faster than her, we should start with Sand Attack to try to stop that.
If she is faster we will need to slow her with Rock Tomb first then Sand Attack.
Then use Dig, unless you are hit with damages over time, in which case... Rock Tomb is probably better because I think Faint Attack is a Special move in Gen 3?
No. 1051675 ID: e13b1d

That's right, yeah. Faint Attack is only good if we need to hit through dodge hax or if we find a utility for it.
No. 1051676 ID: 1f943a

>spread the word
What a fucking chad.

Are you romatinally attracted to any of these pokemon?
No. 1051682 ID: f89136

Romantically? He's only been able to speak pokè for less than a week. That's barely enough time to even form a love at first sight relationship.

Carnally? Maybe. Though I'm sure he's got preferences.
No. 1051685 ID: e13b1d

If his taste in Pokeperv is anything to go by, Trapinch likes them vee shaped.
No. 1051737 ID: 02e7e9

Hmm. Leech seed, stun spore, super effective absorb.. more sand and a slow, dont think tryin to just outmuscle her with rock tomb would work, resists our stab
No. 1051747 ID: b01382

Damn damn i cant get over how cute Spheal is.

Second verse same as the first, hit shroom with another sand attack, then another, then spam roxk tomb until the problem resolves itself.
No. 1051789 ID: 180c83

>Glad that’s settled, would you or either of the gentlemons here be interested in a nearly complete set of PokePerv magazines? I happened to save a young human from degeneracy and gained a stash that I’m willing to part with for a price.

oh lord. can't believe this guy is going to let us ride his back.
No. 1051804 ID: 9ea24b
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>Are you romantically involved with any Pokemon?
Not yet, you’re attracted to Eevee but you don’t want to get between her and Zigzagoon. You think Kirlia and other traditionally popular mons are hot, but you’re open to dating anyone.

>Vs. Shroomish
>Sand and slows, the ole standby
Grass resists Ground, but not Rock, so Rock Tomb is probably your highest damage deal move anyway. Here’s to hoping your astounding good luck holds firm. You make your way to the arena and look around. Salamence and Gengar are there, but Houndoom is still missing.

>Shroomish randomly chosen Level 25-30: 30, oof
>Shroomish knows Mega Drain, Headbutt, PoisonPowder, and Leech Seed and needs two hits of Rock Tomb to be slower than you

>Turn 1
>Shroomish: Mega Drain
>Trapinch: Sand Attack
Shroomish latches onto you and sucks what feels like half your fluids through your shell and into her tendrils. You’re suddenly very dehydrated and vaguely turned on. You respond by kicking dirt in her face.

>Turn 2
>Shroomish: Mega Drain Successful Hit!
>Trapinch: Fainted
Shroomish has no problem sucking what little juice you have out of your body, and you keel over, defeated.

You wake up on the grass nearby with Gengar standing over you.

:pokegendrama: Trapinch it was so terrible to see you lose.

:pokegenneut: And boring. You need to get stronger so you can put up a more entertaining fight like that one with Spheal.

:pokegenwink: But that’s the whole point of the tournament! Improvement! Next time you fight Breloom you can cheat by bringing a friend.

Ah, it seems like the Friendlies are going to try and balance the fights as they progress. Also Shroomish has evolved into Breloom! Good for her.

You have an uneventful night in Gengar’s lair before getting up early the next morning to be flown back home. Salamence is outfitted with a sling that he uses to carry you, Zigzagoon, and Spheal against his chest. You kind of…like flying? You thought you’d get motion sickness but you feel fine and even poke your head out to watch the scenery zoom by underneath you. It takes about a minute to get to your destination.

Zigzagoon leads Spheal to his den to pick out some goods, leaving you outside Smeargle’s place. Salamence hesitates, shuffling his heavy clawed paws in the lush grass.

:pokesalstun: Grumpig is interested in your, um, collection, but he has particular tastes. Can you tell me a bit more?

You have six total magazines you can trade to others. What Pokemon are featured in them? Each magazine has a theme but multiple types of Pokemon can be in the same issue. Also, what do you want in exchange from Grumpig?
No. 1051808 ID: e13b1d

"Pokeperv: Orb Edition" is one of the more esoteric issues. Ever seen a Voltorb in a bikini? A Jigglypuff posing like a model? Most people bought that one just for the comedy, the novelty value. But the fans will swear by it.

>What do you want?
What sorts of things does Grumpig have to offer? We're interested in human devices for one. Dowsing Rods, Pokegear, that sort of thing.
No. 1051810 ID: 01efdd

By complete coincidence, one magazine features a Salamence, Houndoom, and Gengar. The theme is unclear.

We want knowledge. Ask if Spoink really die if they stop bouncing.
No. 1051811 ID: bbb04b

Well, there's the Bulk Up issue where pokemon body-builders - mostly bipeds - rip some cheap clothes solely using the titular move's gains and some flexing, with some wrestling and other feats of strength to help spice things up between pages. You're pretty sure that particular issue was mostly 'for the ladies' (even if there are some female forms represented), but you also wouldn't be surprised if it awakened something in some of the dudes out there.

It's mostly dominated by Fighting types; there's the obvious Machoke on the front cover, but the one that excited you the most was this Blaziken with just these absolutely thunderous thighs, and not the fatty kind. You could see the rippling definition in those things - those comfortable-to-wear shorts didn't stand a chance, and it doesn't look good(?) for the blushing Marshtomp whose head is sandwiched between them, either. If Grumpig is mostly into fellow psychics, there's a Medicham showing off its back during some intense zen waterfall training - you figure they had to've found a waterfall with a cave behind it to pull off that angle.

Weeping for the fact that Swampert only learns the move in Gen VIII, and all the really good 'mons in general for it aren't introduced until Gens IV onward.

As for what we want... Well, Revives are always welcome, but our biggest wish-list item is a Pokegear or some other device like that.
No. 1051812 ID: 5499f4

I don't have an item that I want specifically to trade for, but I DO have a suggestion for a magazine.

The Ghost type magazine, it features ghost pokemon in dresses, suits, all in varying stages of dress. Ever seen a Haunter in a gothic dress? Almost looks like a human!

It's mostly a fetish piece of them in ornate and nice outfits with the lewdness implied, very niche and less sexual than the others but for some reason it sold out nearly instantly so it's a collector's item!
No. 1051815 ID: 629f2e

"Pokeperv: Paw and Irreverence" an issue that features Pokemon with, and puts special attention on, paws! Includes Delcatty, Persian, Rattata, Arcanine, Furret, and several more!

"Pokeperv: In Every Color of the Rainbow" an issue that focuses on Pokemon of different colors, setting them in scenes highlighting the color they represent. Includes Scizor (Red), Golduck (Blue), Sandshrew (Yellow), Breloom (Green), Aipom (Purple), and several more!

"Pokeperv: Wanna be like You" an issue that features anthropomorphic Pokemon in scenes where they're clearly emulating humans. Includes Gardevoir, Cacturne, Hitmonchan, Hypno, Ampharos, and several more!

(I don't know if you can tell, but I'm having too much fun with this.)

I agree with Pokegear, though it wouldn't hurt to see what else they have.
No. 1051816 ID: 36784c

>Salamence and Gengar are there, but Houndoom is still missing.
I think I know why Houndoom is missing. When you went to meet him, he said, “I don’t recognize your scent.” instead of just saying that he doesn’t recognize you. I think that means that he’s blind and relies on his nose to identify others around him.

So the reason he doesn’t show up for the battles might be because he’s unable to watch them.

>You kind of…like flying? You thought you’d get motion sickness but you feel fine
That’s because your next 2 evolutions have wings. You didn’t get motion sickness because you’re destined to also be able to fly!

>Grumpig is interested in your, um, collection, but he has particular tastes. Can you tell me a bit more?
The Bulk Up issue mentioned here: >>1051811 .
No. 1051833 ID: f89136

>you kind of…like flying? You thought you’d get motion sickness but you feel fine and even poke your head out to watch the scenery zoom by underneath you.
Biology my friend. Your a Pokemon who's next two evolutions fly. Being able to get motion sick would be counterproductive to survival. Now that I think about it, we've talked about fingers, but had it ever occurred to you're going to have wings?

If I remember correctly it's not the bouncing, it's that they need to keep the ball balanced on their head.
No. 1051834 ID: b01382

The classic Evee and all its evolutions.
As for what we might want? Items that can boost our stats permanently would be nice.
No. 1051835 ID: dee951


The Forbidden Fruit

They didn't ACTUALLY show trainer/pokemon pokephilia. They had staged photo shoots that implied it. And articles about what trainers considered the most sensual pokemon, and a few articles with interviews of some of the more talkative types of pokemon about affection and pokemon massage. And a few anonymous interviews where people sort of talked about it without talking about it, like the tangentially associated concepts, like how to browse the Dark Web, or stories about historic pokemon/human marriage, and the like.
No. 1051836 ID: a7a180

Psychic Types: They Know What You're Thinking... Gardevoir, Medicham, and Kadabra are in this one.
In exchange? A permanent stat boost item like Carbos or Protein would be nice, but maybe a quick claw or hard stone so we can hit harder on our first turn and maybe put other pokemon on the defensive?
No. 1051839 ID: e51896

The Fursuit edition

its... just human furrys in sexy looking pokemon fursuits.
No. 1051841 ID: dee951


Not JUST Furries, though. There's Pokekin, people who believe they are reincarnated as humans from being pokemon in a past life. And it isn't JUST fursuits, it's body paint, tattoos and other body mods, various pokemon-themed fetish costumes, etc. etc.
No. 1051844 ID: 15c72a

>didn't actually show it
Why not? It's already established as legal.
No. 1051845 ID: e13b1d

Trapinch's opinion on this edition and related discourse might have changed recently.
No. 1051846 ID: dee951


Legal and acceptable, even for a smutty mag, are two different things. Going TOO far with socially unacceptable things might actually get new laws passed against it, and might get the magazine completely banned in certain areas.
No. 1051861 ID: 96112b

Yeah, most of the trainers are 10 year olds or stuck in a coma, they can't publish that.

I'm up for the fursuit or the read your mind editions.

Either that or the Condiment Edition, which shows the history of all the poketrainers of the Ketchup family, with a foreword from the esteemed Colonel Mustard.
No. 1051866 ID: 253f23

Of course, he is just asking for a friend...

Magazine : The "transparency issue".
It's mostly ghost types looking very ethereal and mysterious (and transparent), but according to a persistent rumor when you put a strong light behind some pages both sides can be seen at the same time and the resulting image is very different. It was suposedly done to avoid censorship.

Ask Sal... I mean Grumpig for a bag or something to carry more stuff with you.
No. 1051869 ID: e13b1d

I like this one as well, +1 to it.
No. 1051875 ID: a3d4a7


There are plenty of adult trainers!
No. 1051878 ID: a3d4a7


And the psychic one has an article about the subculture of psychics -- human or pokemon -- that use psychic techniques as part as consensual fetish play. Hypnosis, consensual mind control and charms, deep telepathy and empathy, manipulation of the senses, creation of mental shared virtual worlds, communal dreams, and the like.
No. 1051881 ID: 9ea24b
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Are mostly adults, from your casual observations of the gym leaders, elite four, and folks that you saw battle while walking to and from work. There’s a few youngsters, and weirdos like the kid, of course, but those definitely aren’t PokePerv’s target audience.

Zigzagoon has stat boosting vitamins and rare candies, so you’ll ask for something that’d be harder for him to get.

>Houndoom is blind
Hm, you don’t think so. Canine Pokemon are just more likely to use their strong noses to identify others. It’s odd he isn’t watching the fights, even the ones for his own candidate.

>1: The Bulk Up Issue
The most gay male favored issue, though straight women were also swooning over the rippling definition of Fighting Pokemon like Hariyama and Machoke. You have a special place in your heart for the image of Blaziken thighs wrapped around a flustered Marshtomp’s neck.

>2: The Transparency Issue
Ghost Pokemon! If Gengar knew her evolutionary line was so popular she would blush. There’s all sorts of fun to be had with ghosts half in half out of certain objects. Some of the pages even have a special coating that reveal more if you shine a bright light behind it.

>3: The Psychic Type Issue
Consensual hypnotism, emotional manipulation, dirty dreams, and telekinetic fondling. Your third favorite after Eeveelutions and Bulk Up. And it made you respect and fear Psychic Pokemon a lot more!

>4: The Forbidden Fruit Issue
The only magazine with a majority human presence. A mix of people dressed up as Pokemon, cuddled up against their partners in various compromising positions. It also features several detailed interviews with anonymous trainers who engage in Pokephilia. You were always caught between jealousy and admiration for the humans in the shoot.

>5: The Orb Issue
You don’t know if this was some kind of inside joke, but the editors somehow managed to make a novel concept sexy. A pouty Jigglypuff was your favorite from this issue.

>6: The Domestic Issue
Anthropomorphic Pokemon in classic household scenes, sometimes with unevolved Pokemon in the shot to imply a family. For the people who like to fantasize about having a nice stay at home Pokemon waifu, like a Gardevoir. The least lewd at face value.

:poketrapchad: …And that’s what I’ve got. Anything that interests you?

:pokesalpanik: I’m not–it’s for Grumpig. He’d like the Psychic focused one, I think.

:poketrapchad: Sure sure, I saw you guys loot trainers for stuff, have you managed to snag a PokeNav? You know, the map and phone device? Tell Grumpig that he can have the magazine now but he has to get me a PokeNav when I see him tomorrow.

You head into the den and retrieve the item. It’s a bit less worn than the others, guess Kirlia’s teenager wasn’t into all the freaky stuff. Salamence gingerly accepts the magazine between two claws and flies off.

What would you like to do today? There’s still a 25% kid encounter risk if you go outside the den.

A. Talk to Eevee to receive her friendship mission
B. Talk to Smeargle to receive her friendship mission
C. Other (visit Kirlia, collect food to trade, Dig for treasure, train etc.)
No. 1051883 ID: e13b1d

Visit Eevee! It's been a while since we hung out with her.
No. 1051884 ID: 565f31

We havent done much with increasing Smeargle friendship.
Do B.
No. 1051885 ID: a3d4a7

So you don't have the Eeveelutions issue or the 'Paws and Maws' issue?? Dang!
No. 1051886 ID: 2aa5f0

B. Talk to Smeargle to receive her friendship mission
No. 1051887 ID: e13b1d

We did give the coveted Eeveelution Swimsuit edition to Zigzag, it was the one he was missing.
No. 1051888 ID: 084179

C dig for treasure!
No. 1051890 ID: a7a180

No. 1051896 ID: a3d4a7


You and I both know that there's more than one Eeeveelution edition! I'm talking about the Frisky Fox edition, with the partial Eeveelution spread at the end, which is why they knew to DO the Eeveelution Swimsuit issue in the first place! After all the letters they got afterwards!
No. 1051900 ID: 084179

My personal favorite is the vapor eon editions from how "factually correct" they are....and especially the ones with Gengar.
No. 1051907 ID: 7c0da2

>6: The Domestic Issue
No wonder Kirlia wanted that gone...

B. Talk to her about meeting the trainer and tell her about your victory (and your defeat, but focus on the victory).
No. 1051910 ID: 629f2e

B, friendship mission from Smeargle!
No. 1051922 ID: dee951


A domestic issue AND a psychic issue? Ooof!
No. 1051956 ID: 96112b

What's a fox?
No. 1051961 ID: a3d4a7


A descriptor of a specific morphology of a set of pokemon and of a set of extinct animals that eventually turned into the aforementioned pokemon after learning how to use type energy. What, you aren't familiar with the theory of spontaneous mass animal to pokemon metamorphosis???
No. 1051966 ID: 96112b

I went to an Arceunism school.
No. 1051967 ID: e13b1d

In the Mewish tradition we're taught the Flat Birth theory. All Pokemon originated from Mew, who birthed enough of each species to reproduce and make more.
No. 1051968 ID: eab610

Mew needs to pay child support.
No. 1051969 ID: a3d4a7


Aren't there some Legendary and Mythical Pokemon that aren't just unique divine individuals and instead very powerful families of a few dozen immortal examples of the species? I bet Mew is like that. Probably tasked with de-extincting Pokemon species when necessary or something.
No. 1051970 ID: 7c0da2

They must have been very busy.
But where do humans come from then?
No. 1051972 ID: 9ea24b
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>Where do Pokemon come from?
>Where do humans come from?
>Is there a Pokemon God?
>Are there multiple legendary Pokemon of the same species?
Uh, you’re not sure why these questions are popping into your head and you don’t really have the answers to them. In Hoenn the important legendary Pokemon are Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza, and all they do is sleep, get woken up by ecoterrorists, make the weather weird, and then wreck Sootopolis.

>So you don’t have X issue?
No, sadly the teen didn’t have a complete collection. Zigzagoon does though, in case you ever want to go over to his den for some no cost perusal.

>B, Smeargle
You stroll back into the den and announce your return. Smeargle pokes her head out of her room to greet you, and mentions that Eevee is out collecting food. You summarize your exciting day, including your encounter with the kid. Smeargle oohs and aahs at all the dramatic parts and congratulates you on your victories.

:pokesmerface: Wow, sounds like you’ll be busy going back and forth to the base.

:poketrapface: Yup, but after clearing things up with Gengar I feel a lot better about Team Friendlies. I’ll be evolving in no time!

:pokesmerhap: I’m glad it worked out. Maybe I’ll even come with you sometime and help you battle.

:poketrapwow2: They wouldn’t know what hit ‘em.

:pokesmerface: You know how last time we talked I told you about my trainer? I’d like you to meet her and her daughter. We can walk through Mauville to her house this afternoon.

There is a 75% chance of running into the kid if you do Smeargle’s task, which can be delayed to another day. What item will you carry? You have a Nugget, one Chesto Berry, and the sign.

What would you like to do this afternoon? The options are:
A. Talk to Eevee to receive her friendship mission
B. Go with Smeargle to Mauville
C. Other (visit Kirlia, collect food to trade, Dig for treasure, train etc.)
No. 1051973 ID: 87e33c

How about dig some tunnels so you can get an increase avoid chance against the kid because jesus christ why is this kid STILL here?!?!?

Maybe have a really low chance of finding a treasure if you do this, but really this is just kind of crazy at this point that the kid hasnt left.
No. 1051974 ID: 2aa5f0

start digging dale gribble friendship tunnels around the place to be able to avoid going above ground and having to deal with the trainer.
No. 1051975 ID: 90c451

Say yes, but we need good camouflage and a good plan. We ran into that kid when we went to team friendlies and he may be interested in us because we got away.

Do we know of a place that might have a pitching machine? Maybe we can train in dodging poke-balls.
No. 1051981 ID: 6bc5d5

hmm collecting another friendship mission before completing the one you just got seems rude... perhaps ask smeargle if we should try to tunnel, or risk The Trainer
No. 1051984 ID: a7a180

Go with Smeargle, and bring the sign.
No. 1051987 ID: bbb04b

Take the sign - we won't know it doesn't work if we don't try. And go over your strategy with Smeargle; obviously, you should try to do what you did last time and just accuracy-stall him into the floor and escape when he switches. If he specifically does something to counter that or is particularly stubborn this time... use Dig, but to escape instead of actually hitting his pokemon, lol. Smeargle can follow after us if we do that, right? (Maybe check that she can before we okay this Plan B of ours.)
No. 1051988 ID: e13b1d

Agreed. Maybe not tunnels straight into Smeargle's den though, he can put the entrance nearby instead. Don't want someone finding one and wandering in.
No. 1051989 ID: 7c0da2

>jesus christ why is this kid STILL here?!?!?
We are Verdanturf's most wanted pokemon, maybe he is on a sidequest to stop us?

B. Bring the sign. And if you can dig an escape tunnel to avoid The Trainer, do it.
No. 1051993 ID: 96112b

No. 1052002 ID: 36784c


>jesus christ why is this kid STILL here?!?!?
It’s because we are a Trapinch, a Pokémon normally found in the desert, but we’re here in this forest. That is considered unusual and the kid possibly thinks there’s something special about us, so he wants to catch us because he thinks that we’re obviously stronger than normal Trapinch in order to survive in this forest while we’re surrounded by lots of other Pokémon that have a type advantage against us (seriously, there’s a lot of Grass and Water types here).
No. 1052003 ID: f89136

B. While ideally we will avoid the determined child, between the sign, smeargul, your ability to run away, and Gengars interest in keeping you around. There should be enough safeguards in place that he shouldn't be a problem.

Also. Ask smeargul if there's any particular reason she's inviting us. There doesn't have to be, her trainer sounds lovely. I'd mostly just like to know if she's cool with the fact we'll likely desperately try and make contact with another human.
No. 1052004 ID: 9e7f25

That human being her trainer
No. 1052012 ID: c89155

I would like to go with Smeragle, but...

Is probalby that the kid is now searching for you because you pull a clever move. Probably the more you outsmart him the more obsessed will be (that kind of kid takes losing very bad). I would bet he will have countermeasure against sand attack, so be prepared with a B plan.

Consult with Smeragle if is safe to get out and if she knows of a way to overcome the kid.

Also, Gengar don't inspire confidence to me. She remember me of a trainer with those tournaments. Not to say to stop the fights, but keep an eye on her.
No. 1052013 ID: b01382

B, but we dig there to avoid the kid completely, but take the cloak with us.
No. 1052014 ID: 629f2e

B, Take your sign and go with Smeargle
No. 1052017 ID: 19ea25

Lets go visit the kid with smeargle.
No. 1052038 ID: 9ea24b
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>B, with the sign and a helping of valid concern
:poketrappanik: I’ll go, but the kid is looking for me. I should be able to Dig away, but I don’t want to get trapped and captured if something goes wrong.

:pokesmerworry: That’s true. I can put all of his Pokemon to sleep, at least. Even him, if it comes to that, though it’s not very responsible to leave a kid unconscious in the middle of a city.

:poketrapface: I’ll bring the sign, but I’m not sure how he’ll react to it. Your trainer…she could contact Lanette, right?

:pokesmerface: She could send a letter. I don’t think she has Lanette’s PokeNav number.

:poketrapface: I’m sure she’s really cool and nice, but why do you want me to meet her? I could, uh, be secretly evil and seduce her or something.

:pokesmerhap: Hahaha, I doubt you’d do that. I think it’d just be nice if she saw that I had made some other Pokemon friends. Eevee would never risk going through Mauville and I don’t get out enough to make other lasting connections.

Somewhat reassured, you fetch your trusty sign and meet Smeargle at the entrance to the den.

>Dig tunnels everywhere
Unfortunately traveling aboveground is still faster than trying to tunnel through an entire city, especially with the electrified underground lines from the power plant to worry about.

>Why is the kid still around here?
There’s a ton of stuff to explore and trainers to battle in Mauville, not to mention the restaurants are good, the fancy bike shop seems to hand out their wares to trainers like candy, and that Trick House further south seems to have a new promotion every week. Plenty of reasons for the kid to stick around until he gets the fifth badge and can travel to Fortree.

Smeargle leads you through the grass alongside the dirt road heading into Mauville, tail in hand and head held high. A biker who’s taking a break to catch his breath stops to stare at you, but doesn’t get close enough to read your sign. The grass makes you sneeze several times.

As you reach the city, the first thing you see is the purple bedazzled Game Corner with its neon signs promising wealth, booze, and a sleazy good time. You watch a woman stumble out with her partner Grimer and blink up at the high sun, stunned by the passage of time.

There’s a small crowd around the gym entrance, like usual. Everything is so familiar but so much taller when you’re a quadrupel dirt bug.

Pokemon walking with their trainers stop to sniff you and make small talk. Since you’re not causing any trouble, most people seem to assume you belong to someone and have just wandered off.

>Kid avoidance check (25% success): Success!
You tense as you pass high traffic locations like the Poke Center but don’t spot the kid among his older peers queueing for free heals. Seems you managed to come through while he was busy elsewhere.

After about an hour's walk, Smeargle leads you up the sidewalk of a large house on the east side of the city, in a nice neighborhood. The Battle Tower must give some big cash prizes.

Smeargle knocks on the door and calls a few times. It opens to reveal a tall woman with green hair that matches Smeargle’s tail ink color pretty well. She has a toddler on her hip and soft pink lips. A muscular Blaziken pokes his head out from behind the human pair to glare down at you after nodding to Smeargle in acknowledgment.

Hot bird thighs. Cool trainer MILF. What do you do?
No. 1052048 ID: e13b1d

Try to make a cute sound and not spill your spaghetti over the hot bird thighs. There is a time and a place for everything, but not now.
No. 1052059 ID: a7a180

She has her father's eyes. Introduce yourself to the Blaziken as a friend of Smeargle's. How's city life?
You should probably show the sign to her trainer, it's kind of the Donphan in the room.
No. 1052070 ID: 15c72a

Eyes on the prize. Allow Smeargle to introduce you, and also present the sign. Once you've reestablished contact with human society maybe you can start to figure out why you were turned into a pokemon?
No. 1052094 ID: bbd86a

Ask our friend'a old trainee for help.
There is this one kid terrorizing some of the local pokemon and irresponsimbly catching, bagging, and forgetting the caught mons in the computer, and we want him to free them all and stop what he's doing. Can she contact an Officer Jenny? Can we describe the kid and one of his pokemon.
No. 1052111 ID: 084179

Hot birb thighs
>it's a dude
Guy or girl it doesn't matter. Hot bird thighs will always be hot bird thighs no matter the gender. Maybe if you befriend him he might be willing to gently squeeze your head between his muscly soft thighs, but that's for another time.

Endeer yourself to the family by trying to wave with one of your front legs, then promptly fall over because your legs are too small lol.

Do we own a gold nugget, or is Zigzagoon the one that owns the nugget?

Ask for our friend's trainer's phone info so we can help Smeagle contact her from long distances? Also because we'd like an adults help. No hands and all that.

Oh and ask if you can have a bowl of water. Gotta stay hydrated!
No. 1052115 ID: 084179

Should we try being cute overall to build our our rapport with the family? Maybe act excited and happy to meet a human that won't ball us, and the chance to contact some family?
No. 1052116 ID: 7c0da2

Say hello to the blaziken and make a friendly sound for the humans. Try not to stare.
Let Smeargle greet her friends before waving your sign, she probably wants to catch up with them. Show your sign once she introduces you.
No. 1052122 ID: 36784c

>ask the trainer...
Good luck with that. Humans can't understand anything we say and it's going to take us forever to write things in the dirt.

If only we had hands, then we could easily write things and communicate better!
No. 1052126 ID: 24dd1a

Maybe you can make a motion to get a writing utensil. She's a human, if she has to tape a pen to your paw or mouth temporarily for you to write in a notebook she also provides.. that wouldn't be too hard for her. It might be nice to talk to a human again. You can ask all your now incredibly pertinent questions about the nuances of pokeball function! Maybe she has a book on the topic, or can post online in an appropriate place??
No. 1052128 ID: 084179

it would take a while, but not forever to write things in the dirt. At most it might take a minute or two to write out a sentence, which is plenty of time to convey our message. Anything she ask that requires a yes or no answer can be done with a shake or a nod of our head.

If I were to get on my hands and knees and try to write an message with a balled up fist I can see myself getting it done quick.
No. 1052144 ID: e13b1d

Seconded. Let our troubles take a back seat to her reunion.
No. 1052155 ID: 084179

Ha ha ha ha how fucked up would it be if we were never a human that was changed into a Pokemon, but instead a Pokemon that was cursed into thinking he was a Pokemon in addition to receiving false implanted memories? Ha ha ha ha-
>existential crisis ensues
No. 1052156 ID: a649e5

Pop a boner
No. 1052158 ID: e13b1d

We should at least contain our boners to outside of the presence of children.
No. 1052161 ID: 180c83

we're not set up well atm to be lusting after milfs or birdmen. Maybe leave it on the shelf until after we evolve into something bigger than the toddler she's carrying around. Just say hi like a chill normal pokedude, send out that cute wholesome vibe.

But. Goddamn. How would a blaziken fuck a trapinch? What would he do to this little bug thing? We'd have to lay prone on his thighs and, just get to work down there with our mouth and forelimbs. Mechanical leverage and friction would be a challenge. Or would he grab the entire body and just treat us like a fleshlight, thrusting in and out for ease of use?
No. 1052162 ID: 36784c

I agree. No boners in front of the child.
No. 1052163 ID: f89136

Scrawl out a hello in the dirt if you're able. If not, just be courteous and friendly until you have a chance to to write a message some other way. Chat up the Blaziken, certainly he must be as friendly as smeargul, right?
No. 1052170 ID: b01382

Who ever said anything about sex? Them thighs are for admiring.

No. 1052187 ID: 9ea24b
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>Restrain lust
There’s an infant present and you need to make a good first impression!

>Is Blaziken the father?
You are not going to ask that question. Out loud.

>Maybe you’re actually a Pokemon who was given false memories of being human
You doubt it, there’s a ton of human specific knowledge rattling around in your head that a Pokemon wouldn’t be able to replicate, not to mention the ability to read and write.

>Ask the lady to report the kid
You don’t think there’s much she can do about him. He’s not doing anything illegal and she’s unlikely to run into him being retired herself.

>Allow Smeargle to introduce you
:pokeladyface: Smeargle, is this one of your friends? It’s so nice to meet you Trapinch, I’m Tracy.

She leans forward and offers her free hand, which you shake with one of your front legs, before toppling over. You right yourself and position your sign so Tracy can read it, which she does with a small frown. Smeargle greets her trainer with a side hug and points to your sign to corroborate.

:pokeladyfrown: You’re saying he was a human that got turned into a Pokemon?

Smeargle nods.

:pokeladyfrown: I’ve heard stories of that sort of thing happening, but it’s not very common. Trapinch, did you happen to anger a powerful Pokemon or are you involved in some important world-ending event?

You shake your head. You could spell out words in the dirt, but besides a lovely flower bed that you don’t want to destroy, there isn’t much free ground to write on. You mime trying to use a writing utensil.

:pokeladyface: Wait here, I’ll go fetch some things and keep trying to understand.

While she’s gone, Blaziken grunts and leans down to get a better look at you.

:pokeblazface: How long have you known this guy, Smeargle?

:pokesmerface: Little more than a week, he’s working to level up with Team Friendlies and helping around my den.

:poketrappanik: Hello! Nice to meet you sir.

:pokeblazface: At least he’s polite. Don’t cause my trainer too much stress though, she’s very busy.

:poketrapface: Of course.

Tracy returns with a bowl of water, paper, and a marker, which she tapes to your paw. It's incredibly awkward to write and your lettering is atrocious, but with that and your ability to answer yes or no questions you manage to convey your general situation and desire to see Lanette so she can contact her friend Bill. You write out your full name and Tracy promises to report your situation to the police, so they can inform your family.

Blaziken starts making impatient clucking sounds so you cut the meeting short after an hour. What arrangement would you like to set up with Tracy for if you visit her in the future? She’ll send a letter to Lanette and contact the authorities today no matter what.

A. Ask her to exchange Nuggets you deliver for battle items
B. Ask her to train you
C. Other (within reason)
No. 1052189 ID: e13b1d

A. We have a source of battle training already, so this will round out our access to resources.
No. 1052190 ID: e51896


Also, realize that the police will put 2 and 2 together and realize that the trapinch that messed up Kirlia and his family's house was most likely the one that got transformed into a Trapinch (you).
No. 1052194 ID: 2aa5f0

A. Ask her to exchange Nuggets you deliver for battle items
No. 1052195 ID: 7c0da2

A. It will be easier to get specific items that way, but we should keep trading with Zigzagoon for things he can get.
No. 1052203 ID: 96112b

It would indeed be quite nice to have a liason to sell and buy items from with her.
Do be polite and ask her the name of her baby and Mr. Tracy, because family is neat!

Also, Trapinch, did you drink or sniff a concoction made by a girl with a pointy hat?
No. 1052204 ID: e13b1d

Maybe we can ask her not to contact the police. We might have made some legally bad but definitely morally good decisions since turning into a Pokemon.
No. 1052212 ID: f89136

A. Also do be sure to bring a lighter note to this mention to her trainer lady how kind and generous smeargul's been. Between letting us chill at her place, hang with her friends, sharing her food, lending general emotional support, and the fact that she's the one that asked if we wanted to meet you in the first place, it's more fair to say that we'd have been much worse off without her.
No. 1052216 ID: dee951

So this is about setting up a long term thing?

A, then, for a long term thing.

But for the short term, or as a one time thing, I think we *REALLY* should make the effort to ask for some insight into all those pokeball musings and worries we had a while back!!
No. 1052219 ID: a7a180

B. One good source of training deserves another! It's a side benefit but it will help you improve even more, as far as the tournament's goal is concerned.
No. 1052223 ID: dee951

Another thing to ask. 'Where can I go to learn sign language, once I have the fingers?'
No. 1052226 ID: bbb04b

A: We've got a training arrangement already, thanks.

Hmm. If you evolve into a form that has fingers, and it's confirmed that that's what your former human self turned into... Sure, being reemployed by your former boss might be a bit of an ask (for both parties, given your lukewarm opinion of that grind), but other than that, IIRC, legal personhood is sort of an opt-in situation for Pokemon, right? I mean, you've heard of this one Delibird who operates an ice-cream truck in Slateport, and they'd need licenses to drive, own property, and conduct business, right? Hey, maybe there's even some channels through which these individuals could be paired with a Pokeball that's registered to themselves. (Granted, it's understandable why most don't opt in for all this, given all the hassles being legally human brings - accounting, politics, bureaucracy, being arrested and charged for Crimes(TM) as a human if you mess up, etc.)

Tracy's questions do raise an interesting point, though; why did you become a Pokemon? We don't remember anything weird happening to or around us... But then, there's a noticeable gap in our memory, right?

... I think we witnessed something we weren't supposed to, and the guilty party wiped our memory and transformed/transferred us so we couldn't blab. Or maybe we were too drunk to remember either way, but they either didn't realize that or didn't want to risk it?
No. 1052228 ID: 08d6dc


Bold of you to assume that sign language is common enough that anyone we meet will even know what we're saying.
No. 1052229 ID: 0c2c61


More arrows in the quiver, friend. More arrows in the quiver...

Also, pokemon learning sign language could totally start a movement!
No. 1052233 ID: 7c0da2

That's a good theory, it would explain a lot. What's a bit weird is that if it was done to prevent us from talking, why not kill us outright? Or erase our memories then kill us if they were afraid we would come back as a ghost? And why turn us into a pokemon at all? It only took us about a week to get in touch with another human.
Maybe they wanted to keep us around for some reasons and leaving us among humans would have led us to discover the truth? Or maybe it was just the best they could do at the moment?

So it would have to be someone able to eat your memories and who would have an easier time keeping track of you if you were a pokemon. Maybe someone who would then try from the start to steer you on a path more convenient to them. Someone with a low opinion of humans... Of course! Gengar did it! (it's a joke, I don't think she would help us get stronger if it was her and I don't know how she could turn us into a trapinch)

Anyway, maybe we should look into what exactly happened. You know, just to make sure the world isn't actually ending soon. Someone near the daycare may have witnessed something.
No. 1052234 ID: e13b1d

Maybe Trapinch spilled his spaghetti and tried to hit on the wrong human or mon and got cursed.
No. 1052242 ID: 9ea24b
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>Sign language
Once you have fingers it’ll be easier to write messages than learn a whole new method of communication.

>Why did you get turned into a Pokemon?
So far all you can confirm is that another Pokemon is to blame, because if a human could do it they’d be a billionaire. You did black out for a bit before the transformation, but you don’t think your memories were altered. Kirlia also implied it was probably a Psychic Pokemon.

You already have all the pertinent information. If you catch yourself it’s taboo, but then you can’t get caught by the kid or some other trainer. You decided not to bother with Pokeballs.

It takes a while to get Tracy to understand what you want from her, but she eventually agrees to purchase items for you if you bring her Nuggets. Blaziken is literally steaming as you also ask Tracy not to tell the police that you turned into a Trapinch. She’ll still report that you went missing because you turned into a Pokemon, just not what Pokemon specifically.

There isn’t time to write Smeargle’s praises, but hopefully Tracy can see how much the painter has helped you.

The sun is setting by the time you and Smeargle return home. Eevee seems happy to see you, but quickly retires to her room after dinner.
No. 1052243 ID: 9ea24b
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The next morning you wake up to the dirt above you shaking from heavy dragon footsteps. You groan as you hear Salamence stomp towards the entrance tunnel.

:pokesalface: Trapinch! It is time for me to take you to the Team Friendlies base.

:pokeevemad: Whoever’s making all that noise needs to SHUT UP.

You hurry outside to placate both Salamence and Eevee and spot Spheal chipper and rolling around in the dewy grass. She must have spent the night with Zigzagoon. When she sees you, she winks and shows you a diamond shape Revive.

Salamence sticks his long neck in his satchel and pulls out a battered PokeNav, courtesy of Grumpig.

:pokesalface: The screen is a little cracked, but it works.

:poketrapwow2: I almost forgot about this, thanks!

You go back into the den to deposit the device. The Chesto berry is the only item that might help you in battle today. You do not want Team Friendlies to see your sign. Do you take the berry with you or leave your hold slot open? Salamence will inform you whenever there is demand for PokePerv, so you don’t have to worry about bringing magazines with you.

You have two good friends you can take with you to fight by your side. Would you like to take Zigzagoon or Smeargle?
No. 1052245 ID: e13b1d

Take the Chesto and Zigzagoon. Sleep won't work on Breloom, and Zigzag wanted to get stronger too so this could be a good chance for him to train.
With Chesto we can avoid getting slept turn one, and with double sand attack we can put Breloom's accuracy in the pits.
No. 1052247 ID: a7a180

Take the Chesto because of sleep powder, and Smeargle for their famed setup abilities.
No. 1052248 ID: 5d9787

Wait, did Spheal and Zigzagoon... Ask him later.
No. 1052249 ID: 629f2e

Take the Chesto, and take Smeargle
No. 1052252 ID: 3184a6

take berry and take smeargle
No. 1052258 ID: 367633

>because if a human could do it they’d be a billionaire

Isn't a human being able to do that why we are trying to contact Bill?
No. 1052259 ID: 08d6dc

When you meet Breloom again, congratulate her on evolving. Don't hold any hard feelings over her kicking your ass.

>did they?
Don’t make assumptions. Because you know what they say happens when you assume? You make an ass out of u and me.
No. 1052260 ID: e13b1d

Doesn't seem too weird to ask as guy talk.
No. 1052278 ID: ad65e3

Take the chesto, and bring Smeargle with you.
Ask Gengar and Spheal if you can fight her first. With some luck if you win you will evolve and have an easier time against Breloom. And if you start with Breloom and it's enough to evolve you're going to be very weak to ice and Spheal will slaughter you. Don't tell that to Spheal of course.
No. 1052308 ID: 9ea24b
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>Isn’t Bill being able to change people into Pokemon and vice versa the whole point of trying to contact him?
To reiterate, you don’t think humans have the ability or desire to transform unimportant salarymen walking in the middle of nowhere without machinery. A Pokemon did it.

>Bring Chesto and Smeargle
You pick up the dry berry and go to Smeargle’s room.

:poketrapface: Hey, Team Friendlies are letting me bring someone to help me fight today. Since you’re so strong I bet you’ll help me win easily.

:pokesmerface: Sure, I’ll probably get banned after this though.

:poketrappanik: Huh?

:pokesmerface: There’s not really any counterplay to Spore and Baton Pass, which makes competitive battling with a Baton Pass team very one-sided. if the Battle Tower cared more about public opinion my trainer wouldn’t have been able to cheese through it, but luckily anything goes.

:poketrappanik: What?

:pokesmerawk: Yeah, Team Friendlies is not going to be very happy with me but levels are levels.

>Spore doesn’t work on Breloom
This is gen 3 baby, status moves haven’t been nerfed yet.

Salamence frowns when you emerge with Smeargle in tow.

:poketrapface: Gengar said I could bring someone.

:pokesalfrown: I’m going to have a word with her.

It’s a pleasant morning flight to the base, where Gengar greets you exuberantly while Smeargle stands to the side.

:pokegensmile: Oho, look who’s here to fight for my entertainment.

:pokesmermad2: I’m sorry to inform you that this won’t be entertaining at all.

:pokesalface: She’s right. It’s not fair to Breloom and Spheal.

:pokegendrama: What a crisis! Trapinch, what do you think we should do?

A. Winning is good. Let Smeargle carry you to a double victory for 5 Levels.

B. Give Spheal or Breloom your berry so they have a chance when Smeargle Spores. The recipient will like you more.

C. Fairness is good. Ask Smeargle to be a spectator, you’ll almost certainly lose both rounds.
No. 1052312 ID: dee951

Can you make it an educational exhibition round? Like, do a big presentation and speech about the various combos with no known counters, and end that speech with 'if you think we are full of it, challenge us, but this will be more educational than entertaining'. Present it as a way to encourage new house rules banning of the use of unfair combos in particular, NOT banning specific pokemon from participating?
No. 1052313 ID: e13b1d

D. Propose a double battle. Trapinch and Smeargle vs Breloom and Spheal.
No. 1052314 ID: 629f2e

B, give Breloom your berry and go in with Smeargle.
No. 1052315 ID: 15c72a

This is honestly the correct choice.
Tippler might not accept that though, so B isn't too bad either.
No. 1052316 ID: e13b1d

If we do B., let's not bring Smeargle to the Spheal battle. We won last time, so there's no reason to bring in a handicap. But we bring her to Breloom and give a Chesto.
No. 1052317 ID: 9ea24b

this is an acceptable alternative, i will count votes for D
No. 1052318 ID: a7a180

B. Let's all have a good time, follow the rules, and learn from a master of the Battle Tower.
No. 1052319 ID: 3184a6

No. 1052320 ID: 776400

We'll pay them back with food. Once we get levels and find nuggets, we'll share some of the good pokefood.
No. 1052321 ID: a7a180

This also works. It's awkward if they don't have someone to tag team with them in battle and we do.
No. 1052326 ID: 36784c

Since Tippler is allowing it, then I'm going to vote for D. Propose a double battle.
No. 1052343 ID: e5709d

D) Screw it, all four of you against Gengar. Let's see if she knows how to dance against a horde.
No. 1052347 ID: fde27a

Point out that fighting with Smeargle is unfair to your opponents, but fighting alone is unfair to you.

We could also fight only one of the two battle with Smeargle and give the Berry to whoever fight her. I'd suggest Spheal, this way we don't have to worry about her revive.
No. 1052352 ID: e51896

Here's an idea if we do double battles

we team up with Smeargle for Doubles

BUT instead of having Spheal and Breloom team up with each other, lets have Spheal and Breloom each team up with a member of team friendlies. That way, each of the weak participates will team up with a stronger fighter. Plus, we get to see how Team Friendlies fight too.

I feel doing doubles will still be a bit unfair if Breloom and Spheal team up with each otehr against us and Smeargle.
No. 1052355 ID: fec07f

Sounds pretty good
No. 1052357 ID: e13b1d

Team Friendlies are probably very high level. They'd waste us easily.
No. 1052362 ID: 36784c

If a higher level Pokémon participates, that lowers the amount EXP earned. I don’t know how high Team Friendlies’ levels are, but if the goal is to increase levels, teaming up with any of the Team Friendlies members would make it harder for Breloom and Spheal to gain any levels if they win.

It might be better for them to just team up with each other instead of one of the Team Friendlies members.
No. 1052364 ID: bbb04b

D (for "doubles") is an interesting alternative, so that's where my main vote's going; if it doesn't end up happening, my secondary vote's going to B (Spheal).
No. 1052372 ID: 9ea24b
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>Sleep lasts 2-5 turns in Gen 3, which is horrifyingly long
>Plan: Smeargle sleeps Breloom to avoid status, you take a ~70% HP hit from Spheal and do your move. Smeargle will then sleep Spheal and set up. Spheal and Breloom will win if they take you out, since Smeargle doesn’t have any attacking moves.

>Have Spheal or Breloom team with their mentor
When ignoring natures all the Team Friendlies are faster than Smeargle and you’d lose instantly.

>Spheal: Level 25
>Moveset: Ice Ball, Body Slam, Aurora Beam, Encore

>Breloom: Level 33
>Moveset: Mega Drain, Headbutt, PoisonPowder, Leech Seed

>Trapinch: Level 27
>Moveset: Faint Attack, Sand Attack, Dig, Rock Tomb

>Smeargle: Level 100
>Moveset: Substitute, Spore, Belly Drum, Baton Pass

SCENARIO 1: Accuracy Strats (this kills the quest author but based on previous battles it’s the option you take)

Turn 1:
>Smeargle: Spore on Breloom
>Breloom: Asleep (turn 1, will be asleep for 5 turns by RNG)
>Spheal: Aurora Beam on Trapinch
>Trapinch: Sand Attack on Breloom

Turn 2:
>Smeargle: Spore on Spheal
>Breloom: Asleep (turn 2) Accuracy at 2/3
>Spheal: Asleep (turn 1, will be asleep for 3 turns by RNG)
>Trapinch: Sand Attack on Spheal

Turn 3:
>Smeargle: Substitute
>Breloom: Asleep (turn 3 out of 5) Accuracy at 2/3
>Spheal: Asleep (turn 2 out of 3) Accuracy at 2/3
>Trapinch: Sand Attack on Spheal

Turn 4:
>Smeargle: Baton Pass Substitute to Trapinch
>Breloom: Asleep (turn 4 out of 5) Accuracy at 2/3
>Spheal: Asleep (turn 3 out of 3) Accuracy at 2/4
>Trapinch: Sand Attack on Spheal

Turn 5:
>Smeargle: Substitute
>Breloom: Asleep (turn 5 out of 5) Accuracy at 2/3
>Spheal: Aurora Beam Hit! Substitute destroyed. Accuracy at 2/5
>Trapinch: Sand Attack on Breloom

Turn 6:
>Smeargle: Baton Pass Substitute to Trapinch (Higher chance of living another turn than putting Spheal to sleep)
>Breloom: Mega Drain Hit! Substitute destroyed. Accuracy at 2/4
>Spheal: Aurora Beam Miss! Accuracy at 2/5
>Trapinch: Sand Attack on Breloom

Turn 7:
>Smeargle: Spore Spheal
>Breloom: Mega Drain Miss! Accuracy at 2/5
>Spheal: Asleep (turn 1 of 2) Accuracy at 2/5
>Trapinch: Sand Attack on Breloom

Turn 8:
>Smeargle: Spore Breloom
>Breloom: Asleep (turn 1 of 5) Accuracy at 2/6
>Spheal: Asleep (turn 2 of 2) Accuracy at 2/5
>Trapinch: Sand Attack on Spheal

Turn 10:
>Smeargle: Substitute
>Breloom: Asleep (turn 2 of 5) Accuracy at 2/6
>Spheal: Aurora Beam Miss! Accuracy at 2/6
>Trapinch: Sand Attack on Spheal

>Rage Quit
At this point the opposing team forfeits, morale broken. They could still conceivably win but it’d be a slog. The crowd boos and throws rotten berries at you and Smeargle to show their dissatisfaction.
No. 1052373 ID: 9ea24b
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And now to explore some other possibilities for the sticklers in the audience.

SCENARIO 2: Take out Spheal with two Rock Tombs and then deal with Breloom on her own, same RNG for sleep.

Turn 1:
>Smeargle: Spore on Breloom
>Breloom: Asleep (turn 1, will be asleep for 5 turns by RNG)
>Spheal: Aurora Beam on Trapinch
>Trapinch: Rock Tomb on Spheal, successful hit. Spheal is now slower than Trapinch

Turn 2:
>Smeargle: Spore on Spheal
>Breloom: Asleep (turn 2)
>Trapinch: Rock Tomb on Spheal, successful hit and knockout.
>Spheal: Revives and knocks you out. Darn.

Spheal has a Revive, so Scenario 2 always results in your loss. Spheal will always get a Revive hit on you when she’s slower to act, and since Breloom and Spheal both 2HKO you it’s unwinnable.

SCENARIO 3: Use Dig instead to avoid the slow. RNG says Dig will be a 2HKO.

Turn 1:
>Smeargle: Spore on Breloom
>Breloom: Asleep (turn 1, will be asleep for 5 turns by RNG)
>Spheal: Aurora Beam on Trapinch
>Trapinch: Dig on Spheal (setup turn)

Turn 2:
>Smeargle: Spore on Spheal
>Breloom: Asleep (turn 2)
>Spheal: Asleep (turn 1, will be asleep for 3 turns by RNG)
>Trapinch: Dig on Spheal (hit turn)

Turn 3:
>Smeargle: Spore on Spheal
>Breloom: Asleep (turn 3 out of 5)
>Spheal: Asleep (turn 2 out of 3)
>Trapinch: Dig on Spheal (setup turn)

Turn 4:
>Smeargle: Substitute
>Breloom: Asleep (turn 4 out of 5)
>Spheal: Asleep (turn 3 out of 3)
>Trapinch: Dig hit on Spheal, knocking her out, she revives with 50% HP

Turn 5:
>Smeargle: Spore Spheal
>Breloom: Asleep (turn 5 out of 5)
>Spheal: Asleep (turn 1 out of 2)
>Trapinch: Dig setup

Turn 6:
>Smeargle: Belly Drum, since Baton Passing to a underground target wouldn’t work
>Breloom: Miss on Dig setup turn
>Spheal: Asleep (turn 2 out of 2)
>Trapinch: Dig hit on Spheal, 1/2 chance to not knock out, fails to knock out

Turn 7:
>Smeargle: Spore Breloom
>Breloom: Sleepy
>Spheal: Aurora Beam on Trapinch, securing the win

RNG dooms you for Scenario 3.
No. 1052374 ID: 9ea24b
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>Aftermath of Scenario 1
You gain 5 Levels, putting you at Level 32 (you evolve into Vibrava at 35). You do not learn any new moves. Your popularity with Spheal, Breloom, Salamence, and the usual Friendlies spectators is at an all time low.

:pokegensmile: Wow, that was the worst battle I’ve ever seen in my entire life. Good job Trapinch!

:pokesmerawk: I really didn’t expect them to miss so many times…

:pokegendrama: Oh no no, don’t you worry Smeargle, you did warn us after all.

:pokedoomface: What’s all this fuss?

:pokegenhype: Houndy!!! You came out! You just missed the most soul crushing horrid battle of all time.

:pokedoomface: I thought we were being attacked by how much everyone was howling. If it’s over I don’t know why I bothered.

Houndoom slinks back to his tree. Gengar beams at you.

:pokegensmile: He’s been so gloomy lately, it’s really very nice to see him attend Team Friendlies functions if only for half a minute.

:pokegenwink: Smeargle you’re never allowed to battle here ever again, but feel free to come visit. Trapinch, you can still bring a friend next time. See you in two days!

It’s a tense flight back home that evening. Salamence takes off without even saying goodbye.

:pokesmerworry: Sorry, I hope they’re not too mad at you.

What do you do the next morning? Please add anything you want to say to Smeargle this evening.
A. Talk to Eevee to receive her friendship mission
B. Other (visit Tracy, visit Kirlia, visit Zigzagoon, collect food to trade, Dig for treasure, train etc.)
No. 1052376 ID: e13b1d

Don't feel too bad Smeargle, at least now they'll stop bothering you.
Collect some food and go visit Zigzag to trade. We could use a new Revive.
No. 1052378 ID: 629f2e

A, let's do some friendship with our good friend Eevee now!
No. 1052379 ID: b01382

B. Other (visit Tracy, visit Kirlia, visit Zigzagoon, collect food to trade, Dig for treasure, train etc.)

Dig for nuggets. Make it up to everyone buy saving up on nuggets, and exchanging them for tasty food to share.
No. 1052389 ID: e13b1d

Changing my vote to this
No. 1052390 ID: a7a180

A. Thanks for the help, Smeargle. We're at a double type disadvantage in this tournament, so at least we had a win. once we get out thumbs back, we can retire from the tournament ring.
No. 1052391 ID: e51896

This, we gotta do this as an apology
No. 1052392 ID: f89136

Yeah, A.
We haven't talked to her since we jumped in with the friendlies the other day so we ought to make sure she doesn't start feeling neglected.
No. 1052403 ID: 700a3e

Don't apologise, you got nothing to apologise for. They put you up against impossible odds, you can't win by just trading blows. If they don't like that maybe they shouldn't have chosen someone with a type disadvantadge against both their opponents.
They're only doing that for their entertainment anyway, Gengar said so herself. They're no better than the trainers they pretend to be training you to fight.

B. You need a new trick for your next fight. Visit Zigzagoon, train with him and ask him to be your partner in your next fight. With some luck you'll evolve and even if you don't you'll both be stronger.
Trade him the nugget for something useful (or several something if the nugget is worth a lot), you still don't have a counter to Spheal's revive and Zigzagoon could use a held item too.
No. 1052404 ID: dee951

You don't need to battle to entertain others. You don't need to battle for sport. What you need to battle for is to become stronger and more able to handle yourself in a dangerous crisis, to evolve a few times (fingers! flight!), and to unlock the useful moves of the sort you want to have for the rest of your life.
No. 1052405 ID: c03798

I say B, since you should gather some gifts to give people to improve your rep again. Like >>1052403 says you don't really need to apologize as such, you can be (politely) clear on that if they mention it, but you don't need to be apologetic to be a good sport. Like, hey, that sucked! But if not for you then me! Here's a little something for everyone, no hard feelings?

Maybe a little apologetic because I wonder if maybe there's supposed to be some gentlemon agreement about trading losses so everyone levels up or something, but maybe you'd better judge that.
No. 1052412 ID: 700a3e

Oh, and remember to thank Smeargle. She helped you a lot and it was nice to fight alongside her.
No. 1052422 ID: bbb04b

"Thanks for the help, Smeargle. We kinda both knew that was coming when I decided to bring you along; when you're a type-disadvantaged 'mon who gets 2-hit KO'd by both your opponents AND you're slower than both of them, it's to be expected that you'd pull out every trick in the book to try and even the odds, right?"

A: Hang out with Eevee.
No. 1052433 ID: 9ea24b
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:poketraptired: We didn’t do anything wrong. I don’t know how Gengar expects me to regularly win against two Pokemon I have a type disadvantage against. If she really didn’t want you to fight she could have stopped you. I think she had fun watching everyone else suffer though.

:pokesmerawk: Yes, she’s a mischievous one, isn’t she?

:poketrapface: If I get some nice items or treats for Spheal and Breloom I bet they’ll forgive me. We all know this is to get stronger, so it’s only fair I get to win sometimes too.

:pokesmerface: That’s a good idea. I bet they’ll even start feeling better tomorrow morning after a good night’s rest.

:poketrapface: Also, you were amazing! You stuck to the plan like a pro. Thanks so much for coming with me.

:pokesmerhap: Anytim–Well not actually anytime since I’m banned, but you’re welcome.

You sleep peacefully and wake up feeling more optimistic.

>B, Dig for Nuggets and other useful items
You feel a little bad for neglecting to hang out with Eevee since you started going to the Friendlies Base, but you want to take advantage of the deal you’ve set up with Tracey.

While digging, you will find two items per session with the following probability distribution. Nuggets (55%), Energy Root (20%), Revival Herb (20%), Evolution Stone (5%, digging near Mauville will always generate a Thunderstone). The chance of getting an Evolution Stone will increase by 5% with a decrease in medicinal plant rates every time you dig for items.

>Item 1
While tunneling, you smell a bitter herb and surface to get a look at its green glossy leaves. You nibble a bit and gag. The taste reminds you of the Revive, but much earthier. You bite off a leaf at the base of the stem and take it to your item stash in the den.

>Item 2
You return to the tunnels you had started and after going deeper find a shiny Nugget embedded in a rock. You clear the dirt around it, seize it in your jaws, and tug the valuable hunk of metal free.

What would you like to do this afternoon? If you’re active aboveground you should take your sign since there’s still the 25% kid encounter risk.
A. Talk to Eevee to receive her friendship mission
B. Other (visit Tracy to trade, visit Kirlia to flirt, collect food to trade/visit Zigzagoon, train etc.)
No. 1052436 ID: e51896

B, trade with Tracy, but see if Eevee wants to come along.
No. 1052437 ID: 38349b

A: Eevee time, talk about the fights, mention your digging and about if she'd ever want to evolve with a stone.

(this will be good info for the future in case we wanna get a super good trade with zig and he can gift it to her to win mega brownie points)
No. 1052438 ID: c03798

Eevee mission! Like Smeargle said, wait for tomorrow for further diplomatic efforts.
No. 1052439 ID: c29e6e

A. Eeveeveevee.
I'm very curious what task she may have for us.
No. 1052440 ID: e13b1d

A. See what's up with Eevee.
No. 1052441 ID: 3184a6

No. 1052445 ID: b01382

B, collect food and trade some of your food for some of ziggy's nuggets.
No. 1052447 ID: 6de783

No. 1052453 ID: 7a9389

Oh and please do ask if any pokemon around has a proper name.
No. 1052459 ID: ba1dc0


Pokémon don't have proper names. They have nicknames that are given by trainers.
No. 1052461 ID: 9ea24b
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>A, Eevee
You stay in the den and make your way to Eevee’s room, staying a respectful distance from the entrance.

:poketrapface: Eevee, you there?

:pokeevethink: Finally remembered I exist, huh?

:poketrappanik: Ahhhhhh sorry I’ve been really busy.

:pokeevesmile: I’m just teasing you. Me and Zigzagoon hung out this morning, which was nice, he told me about everything that’s going on. He wants you to bring him to Team Friendlies tomorrow so he can win a fight and evolve.

:poketrapface: That’s the plan.

:pokeeveneut: Speaking of evolution, um, I think I’ve narrowed down three possibilities for what I want to become.

:poketraphap: That’s great! What were you thinking?

:pokeevesmile: I still don’t want to be caught, so I was thinking about becoming a Jolteon since they’re quick and spiky and look fierce. Flareons are so hot that no human would dare touch me, and if I was an Espeon I could sense who was nearby and make them explode if they get too close.

Advise Eevee on which evolution she should pursue. She’ll need your help to get the Evolution Stone she needs depending on your choice.

A. Jolteon
Pros: Fast, good typing against Spheal
Cons: Frail, will exacerbate Eevee’s tendency towards moodiness

B. Flareon
Pros: Warm, fluffy, strong Sp. Def, good temperament
Cons: Hardest to evolve, you’ll need to go further north to Dig up a Fire Stone

C. Espeon
Pros: Easiest to evolve, Eevee just needs to level up during the day
Cons: Psychic types are scary
No. 1052462 ID: dee951

C! Espeon is great. You could also learn to Psychically tell humans, 'Go Away. I don't want to be caught.'
No. 1052463 ID: 0fb88e

While its true that psychic types are spooky, that kirlia was pretty cool, and its a friendship evolution, which usually makes it a lot less spooky.
No. 1052464 ID: 708905

Keep in mind if she can read our mind she'll probably figure out we were human
Which is why I'm voting B
No. 1052465 ID: 629f2e

B, Flareon! Espeon is cool, absolutely, but that coolness will just make her seem more appealing to trainers. The psychic abilities will help her avoid them, but a skilled trainer will take the challenge. Flareon isn't gonna be a popular wild 'mon, as there are better fire types, and if you wanted one you could just get an Eevee and the stone. Getting the stone might take some trading, but maybe Grumpig can get you one for more magazines?
No. 1052466 ID: 8483cf

No. 1052467 ID: dee951


Also, psychic types are spooky/scary, but it's a FUN type of spooky/scary!

There's a reason that psychic issue is your third favorite, after all!

Do warn her that she'd be probably able to both smell and sense your (and various other humans and mons that have a thing for eeveelutions, it's totally a cultural meme at this point) lust, rather than JUST smell it, so there's that to be aware of, if such a thing bothers her. Still, mental barriers and being able to turn off empathic/telepathic sensitivity is a learnable skill!
No. 1052468 ID: dee951


Doesn't she already know??
No. 1052469 ID: 5d9787

I though she would be inclined toward Umbreon, in principle dark types are about causing fear.

She didn't considered that as a Vaporeon she would have access to a different ecosystem.

From the option I would be inclined toward Espeon, but she must consider how psychic powers would affect her relations. She is very abrasive, would she be able to handle others having thoughts that displease her? Also she already know that two of her friends are perverts, she would be subjected to much more than glances at magazines.
No. 1052470 ID: dee951


If two of her friends are perverts, she, in principle, shouldn't *mind* that they have perverted thoughts. Also, such subjecting would only last until she learns how to mentally block 'loud' thoughts out. Is she mature enough to separate someone's loud thoughts and uncontrolled physiological reactions from their intentional actions?
No. 1052471 ID: 36784c


She already knows! We told her earlier!
No. 1052472 ID: 7c0da2

B. She lives in a forest, it would give her a good type against insects and plants, and setting things on fire is a good deterrent against trainers.
It is also the fluffiest, cutest option.

By the way, Trapinch, did you experience some psychic type related trauma at some point in your life?
No. 1052473 ID: 3184a6

A or C

Jolteon are pretty strong and electric types are fairly rare and let's us deal with water and flying types which have a bit of an advantage over us. Plus we get levitate as an ability when we fully evolve so we'd be able to cover her ground weakness as well

Espeon hit even harder than Jolteon but are a bit slower and psychic types are generally still pretty strong. bit more natural on type coverage team wise but it does double down on beating the shit out of poison types since ground is strong against that as well.

Flareon... Flareon should be avoided since we're going by gen 3 rules and in gen 3 all fire moves are special... and Flareon is a psychical attacker. It's best moves are it's none stab moves.
No. 1052484 ID: dee951


Re: Weird gen 3 rules!

Can't non-standard moves can be learned via sheer willpower and perseverance? Could these issues be mitigated by trying to learn a *specific* move from this gen that Flareon don't normally get? If so what move would that be?
No. 1052485 ID: c03798

C, for cykic! It's the most versatile option. Telekinesis can take the place of hands! Use clairvoyance-style abilities to check for danger! Communicate telepathically with humans to tell them to go away, and if they won't, block off their balls with barriers!
No. 1052486 ID: 426929

I mean, B might actually work for Eevee since Flareon is considered pretty bad, the crazy competitive trainers won't really go for her. C also works because Psychic types can do some gnarly things the games don't account for.
No. 1052487 ID: 7c0da2

I'm changing my vote (>>1052472) from B to C.
I forgot about fire moves being special... It's probably best for her if she can use her moves at full power, so Espeon it is. At least she won't have to wait for us to find a stone.

>>1052484 It's not just the ones she can learn. In gen 3 if it's a fire type move, it's special.
No. 1052488 ID: 36784c

>Plus we get levitate as an ability when we fully evolve
Reminder: There are no abilities in this quest. So we will NOT be getting the Levitate ability.
No. 1052490 ID: e13b1d

I vote for C. We can help her train once we and Zigzag evolve. She probably won't mind the horny too much, she grew up in a daycare so she's kind of desensitized to it already.
No. 1052494 ID: a7a180

C! Espeon's pretty, smart, and has a sixth sense for when humans are around. Just like Eevee!
No. 1052495 ID: f89136

She does know that we're human, yes. But she'll also be able to see the endless stream of dirty thoughts in your gutterous mind. Though she also did watch a multitude of Pokemon porking it day in day out so she may not care.

C. I'm also going to vote Espeon anyway cause it's my second favorite and I think if she could peer into people and poké's deeper thoughts she might actually have an easier time coming to trust them.
No. 1052496 ID: b90810

I'm gonna go with B because it seems it's the best one for this Eevee long run and it's also foofy.
No. 1052497 ID: dee951


Foof...? But Flareon doesn't learn explode! ;) ;)
Also, check the previous few replies about why Flareon is super weak this generation; no great stab moves, low special attack, and all the fire moves are special attack!
No. 1052501 ID: 19ea25

C: Mostly because it'll also let them read minds to discover potential threats.
No. 1052510 ID: b90810

Maybe, but it is the more tempered one, pun intended, and that would be good for Eevee's constant on-edge attitude.

And damn you, English language, you won't let me say fluffly in a cutesier manner, a pox upon you!
No. 1052519 ID: 9ea24b
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>Have you had some traumatic experience with Psychic types?
No, you just have a healthy amount of respect for beings that can mind control you or turn you into a doll or some other funky business.

>Flareon, a physical attacker, would be stuck with fire moves which are all special
It’s true.

>The lone Jolteon proponent
You could really use an Electric type pal to fight Spheal in the future but sadly the prospect hardly crosses your mind.

>Learning moves out of sequence
You’ve proved Pokemon can learn moves they’d be capable of learning either from leveling up or TMs if they practice a lot. This will be helpful if Eevee wants to improve her moveset after evolving.

>C, Espeon!
It’s a little uncomfortable that Eevee will be able to read your mind after she evolves, but you’ve already confessed to being a human and a perv and there isn’t really anything else you’re hiding. Also Espeon is hot.

:poketrapchad: Espeon would be great for both sensing and deterring trainers! You can tell them telepathically to leave you alone.

:pokeevesmile: I agree, thanks for the advice. I have a plan, we can go get Zigzagoon and I’ll beat him up. He’ll let me, especially when I tell him what it’s for.

It’s a short trip to Zigzagoon’s den so there isn’t a risk of running into the kid. Zigzagoon is very enthusiastic about Eevee Quick Attacking him while he uses Odor Sleuth on her until he collapses.

Eevee glows under the bright afternoon sun before morphing into the svelte purple Pokemon you’d seen only as an image until this point. She tosses her head and lashes her forked tail.

:pokezigblush: Wow…

:poketrapface: How do you feel Espeon?

:pokeespface: Good. Peaceful.

:poketraphap: Great!

:pokeespface: The sun feels nice. I will stay out here until evening.

:pokezigshock: Can we, um, sit with you?

:pokeespsmile: You may.

You’re a little stunned that Espeon seems so different from Eevee, but you’re sure she’s still your good friend. You can now bring Espeon along to the Team Friendlies Base and other missions! She’s currently Level 26.

To be honest, you have a good chance of losing both matches tomorrow even if you have Zigzagoon spamming sand with you, and if you eke out another win with accuracy dropping strats the Friendlies will continue to be pissed. Espeon doesn’t know any attacking moves besides Quick Attack so you won’t bring her yet.

What is your strategy for tomorrow?
A. Fight honestly and probably lose
B. Never surrender! Sand for life!

Also, would you like to talk to anyone there (suggest who and about what)?
No. 1052520 ID: ae4094

A, but start with a sand attack so you have a chance
No. 1052521 ID: c29e6e

A and then B. Unless we'll be fighting both at the same time again then A.

Ask Salamance about about houndoggo. I'm curious his thoughts on the reclusive pooch. Or Gengar more about herself, her thoughts and memories on how the team came together and what she did beforehand.
No. 1052522 ID: 8483cf

No. 1052523 ID: dee951

A! But put at least one Sand Attack in there, you're known for it.

And use this as a chance to learn and get better at the more subtle parts of a fight! Timing, positioning, the ability to move quickly and with explosive force, ferocity, the ability to judge how far a foe can move and where they might go to, all that stuff. And using things likes punches, kicks, bites, scratches, tackles, grapples, etc., that are only sometimes moves (like when they're powered by Type Energy), but can still be useful, even as not a Move, as part of a setup for an actual Move you actually have. Focus on learning and practicing 'how to fight' and getting better at that specific skill!
No. 1052524 ID: dee951

>But put at least one Sand Attack in there, you're known for it.

Oh, one interesting thing -- it's easy to perceive Pokemon battles as 'igo, ugo, igo, etc.', sorts of things, but to what extent is that actually true? Could one do a Sand Attack immediately followed by some sort of attack, in the same instant, as part of an actual attempt to break sequence? Some sort of... Cheap Shot or Sucker Punch sort of thing?
No. 1052525 ID: e13b1d

Compliment Espeon on her regal aura. Looks like Zigzag likes to be dommed, so he should be happy with it.

+1 to this
And to asking Salamence about what's bugging Doom. He seems really down.
No. 1052526 ID: dee951


Yes, she can easily end up with a house Zigzagoon, willing to do lots of stuff for her! He seems quite worshipful and awestruck, and very, very submissive and biddable. But they should openly discuss boundaries and goals and safewords and such before entering any relationship. Consent is key! And the two share an egg group, so that's something to keep in mind...
No. 1052527 ID: 084179

A we could probably think off some combos using dig to avoid attacks, then hit them hard with rock tomb until they're paralyzed.

While we're at team friendlies can we bring some foods to share with all the mons? Also, can we organize some of the mons to help us corner the kid and relay that what he's doing is wrong? Not that we got a psychic type friend she can relay information into the boy's head?
No. 1052528 ID: 084179

If we let ZigZagGoon beat us up would he be able to evolve faster?
No. 1052530 ID: e13b1d

That's true. If we decide to fight honorably at Team Friendlies from now on and start losing, we could trade losses with Zigs to level up instead.
No. 1052531 ID: 084179

Another idea I have is taking advantage of free Pokemon health care. What we need is: be within relatively close proximity to a Pokemon Center, have an abundance of food for energy, and...that's about it. The idea is we can continue to fight Ziggy so we both level up, then go heal, then keep fighting. Rinse and repeat until we're a high enough level. If we feel bad about taking advantage of the free health care we could give them gold nuggets as thanks.

Thaaaat or we can find some fairy pokemons that know the heal move.