Purple Sandy Basket
Eeyfel doesn't know if it's a trick a lie or a test, but maybe she doesn't care.
This kindness is the only thing keeping a cold hollow feeling away
Distrust drains from Eeyfel 'yes, I would do anything for you Mistress, I am your loyal servant.'
Kalez smiles and strokes her head. 'I Believe you, and please call Kalez, I will be your mistress no longer.'['i]
Eeyfel voices her thoughts as they come to her [i]'I don't understand, I still wish to serve'
Kalez looks away as she guides Eeyfel down the passage 'you've served me as well as you can, but I failed you in your training, you weren't as strong as you could have been, I was too distracted, I never saw your worth.'
Eeyfel stammers in disbelief 'Mistress, it's not you're fault! I'm just a kobold I-'
Kalez interrupts 'please be calm, I will help you, come it's not much further now.'
They enter a large chamber, Eeyfel knows this place it's the elevator room that leads to the second dungeon. There's a worker she doesn't recognize, this makes sense Ulric won't be performing this duty anymore.