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File 170159202418.png - (63.23KB , 720x720 , MACHINE.png )
1078544 No. 1078544 ID: 7ae8e6

This is an NSFW Quest about sex, robots, and identity.

Welcome to the world.
Expand all images
No. 1078545 ID: 7ae8e6
File 170159342121.png - (58.82KB , 1440x1080 , 01.png )

This is Jack, he is your key and connection to this world.

There are no limits to what you can say, but you do not directly control Jack, but you are however incredibly persuasive and always in his head. Have fun~
No. 1078546 ID: 7ae8e6
File 170159356733.png - (60.25KB , 1440x1080 , 02.png )

:JackShocked: "GUH--"

The sound of machine humming fill Jack's ears, static blinding him briefly as he opens his eyes for what feels like the first time
No. 1078547 ID: 7ae8e6
File 170159377002.png - (84.66KB , 1440x1080 , 1.png )

Darting up, he breathes heavily... or, he thinks he does.

:JackScared: "W-What.. What's going on?"
No. 1078548 ID: 7ae8e6
File 170159380990.png - (50.41KB , 1440x1080 , 2.png )

:JackShocked: "...Where am I?"
No. 1078549 ID: a7a180

You're in a store display. You're the latest, hottest product on sale!
No. 1078550 ID: e51896

first things first, to calm yourself, take slower breaths count to ten.

I assume you're in your bedroom, but you don't seem to recognize this room... hmm, check the fliers and posters on the notice board there for info.

also, is that a window, or a mirror?
No. 1078551 ID: b42d1e

mayhaps the bulletin board could contain clues to your whereabouts?
apart from the room being dimly lit, it appears to be a safe place to stay for now. can maybe find some peace in knowing that
No. 1078553 ID: 82842b

>Where am I?

Mr Bones' Wild Ride, of course :V
No. 1078556 ID: 7ae8e6
File 170159818150.png - (53.99KB , 1440x1080 , 3.png )

>first things first, to calm yourself, take slower breaths count to ten.

:JackCalming: "Breathe... Breathe..."

>is that a window, or a mirror?

:JackCalming: "It's just me... Just me..."

:JackNeutral: "Okay, I'm all good... now the bulletin board..."
No. 1078557 ID: 7ae8e6
File 170159826349.png - (78.26KB , 1440x1080 , 4.png )

:JackConfused: "Not much, but... there is a note. Seems like it's addressed to me... What do you think, weird voices in my head?"
No. 1078558 ID: b8a132

...Well you were without restraints. Should they have made you a prisoner or this is a trap it's an awful way to go about this. Gives a starting place if nothing else.
No. 1078559 ID: 2aa5f0

I feel you should go to the office just to ask why they hell they left you in an ally? They could have at least dragged you inside... Also while on that note check your pockets to see if you have anything on you. If not then you had nothing to begin with... or they robbed you while you were asleep. The second one is unlikely since they want to talk to you but at the same time why did they leave you laying in a dirty ally?
No. 1078561 ID: 273c18

Oh, that AHN employee on the poster is cute.

Might as well go see who it is that left the note. Let's head to the office.
No. 1078572 ID: e51896

try to be careful around the AHN clinic if you can as there seems to be some kind of hacker that could hurt you.

the office seems to be the best bet to find out about why you seem to not remember stuff. We'll go there.

but first, can you check your inventory? what do you have on you?
No. 1078573 ID: fe12b4

I think we oughtta keep an eye out for Krugston so we don't get space crime'd

anyways yeah, only plot thread here is our own head being constructed and explicit instructions to head to someone's office.

As per the time tested methodology of the Jamrock Shuffle, we should explore everywhere else before that office in a meandering path with a focus on storage containers.
No. 1078584 ID: a7a180

Run away from here as fast as possible, they're going to steal your robot kidneys. Find Theta!
No. 1078588 ID: 795471

well seems like you got hacked, or at least I suspect that much, probably a good idea to take of your clothes and make sure you don't have any lose panels or exposed wiring, oh and check your memory to see if you have any standard specs, it's a good idea to know what you can do, just make sure no one walks in on your but naked hollow knight looking ass
No. 1078595 ID: 795471

oh and make sure that if you are connected to the internet or anything you change your access codes and shit, and if you aren't check for any usbs or other manual access tools that might have been used to hack you
No. 1078603 ID: de5cb4

Before you follow the note, is there anything else in here? Did they seriously just leave you in an empty room on the floor?
No. 1078605 ID: 7ae8e6
File 170166136463.png - (44.34KB , 1440x1080 , FUCK ALL.png )

>Before you follow the note, is there anything else in here? Did they seriously just leave you in an empty room on the floor?

:JackAnnoyed: "...Yeah, they did"
No. 1078606 ID: 7ae8e6
File 170166164630.png - (39.61KB , 1440x1080 , 5.png )

>Oh, that AHN employee on the poster is cute.

:JackFlushed: "A little"

>Might as well go see who it is that left the note. Let's head to the office.

:JackNeutral: "Alright, lets go, what's the worst that could happen?"

:JackCalming: "It'll b okay, deep breaths.."
No. 1078607 ID: 7ae8e6
File 170166169294.png - (56.55KB , 1440x1080 , 6.png )

:JackScared: "So far so good.."

:JackNeutral: "Nothing to be worried about.."
No. 1078608 ID: 7ae8e6
File 170166190893.png - (61.18KB , 1440x1080 , 7.png )

As jack opens the door, he scans the room, his eyes swiftly falling on a surprisingly familiar face

:JackSurprised: "Oh! Hello there, is this the right office?"

The face smiles at you and nods
No. 1078610 ID: 7ae8e6
File 170166200759.png - (79.95KB , 1440x1080 , 8.png )

:Ahn7Smile: "Good morning, indeed it is. I hope you slept well despite your accommodations."

The figure sat there, her arms crossed and sitting straight, something tells you you're in the presence of greatness
No. 1078611 ID: b42d1e

better ask what this place is and why we are here!
No. 1078612 ID: e51896

Ask who, what, where, when, why, and how?
we know exactly nothing about everything. amnesia I think.
No. 1078613 ID: de5cb4

This is a repair clinic, right? Ask if they repaired you, and what was wrong with you.
No. 1078616 ID: f2cf5a

...I'm sure she's completely trustworthy.

(that was sarcasm just to be sure)

Nonetheless, might as well ask her what you're doing here and why?
No. 1078617 ID: f90eeb

Well thank god that face isn’t intimidating or anything. Would make all this even more uncomfortable.

Anyways might as well get to the point, who are you (as in yourself not her), what are you doing here, where is here on top of that, how long have you been here, and why are you even here to begin with?
No. 1078619 ID: 795471

I don't think that's an employee, look at the plaque, also definatly a good thing you didn't take your clothes off, still, when you get the chance see if you can get some specs or something for your body and check your files
No. 1078620 ID: 795471

also your fly is down
No. 1078621 ID: a7a180

I can get comfortable just about anywhere really. On the floor, over the desk, against the wall...
No. 1078628 ID: 8f9bc4

No. 1078749 ID: 7ae8e6
File 170182968391.gif - (238.43KB , 1440x1080 , 9.gif )

>Might as well get to the point, who are you (as in yourself not her), what are you doing here, where is here on top of that, how long have you been here, and why are you even here to begin with?

:AHN7Sad: "A-Ah... That's what they meant... I'm so sorry. I didn't know what they meant by 'irreversible damage' after the procedure"

As she spoke, Jack notices a little text box appear next to her, giving off some information.
No. 1078750 ID: b42d1e

welp, looks like we lost our memory
No. 1078752 ID: f90eeb

> I didn't know what they meant by 'irreversible damage' after the procedure

What does that mean? What procedure? Do I owe someone money? Cause procedure doesn’t sound cheap.

Also do you need a nap? You look kind of tired?
No. 1078754 ID: a7a180

Pardon me, but what's this lust stat I'm seeing and how high can I make it go?
No. 1078755 ID: de5cb4

Can you remember anything before you woke up?
No. 1078756 ID: 795471

what is the scale those stats are on? like 1-10 or something else?
No. 1078757 ID: 29f3ac

Does she have records to see? How about people who knew Jack for a frame of reference?
No. 1078758 ID: 273c18

What procedure?
No. 1078759 ID: e51896

"what who meant? irreversible damage? I'm sorry, but I don't know anything about what is going on... can you start from the beginning and tell me what happened to me, what all this is, and where I am?
No. 1078776 ID: 8f9bc4


Was the procedure installing some kind of a fancy scanner that detects surface emotions, or is that something everyone can do?

Also how much do you owe them, for whatever it is they did?
No. 1078924 ID: 7ae8e6
File 170200649947.gif - (326.29KB , 1440x1080 , 10.gif )

As if reacting to the voices confusion, the text box soon changes to display the limits of the numbers.

>"what who meant? irreversible damage? I'm sorry, but I don't know anything about what is going on... can you start from the beginning and tell me what happened to me, what all this is, and where I am?

:JackConfused: "What? What who meant? Damage? S-Sorry, but I'm not really.. following. Can you start from the beginning? where are we?"

:AHN7Sad: "You are in the AHN Foundation, specifically the repair clinic for misfunctioning robots. Your name is Jack, it appears there was a mishap during the antiviral flush... Can you remember anything? Anything at all?"

:JackNeutral: "Well, I know my name is Jack, I'm 22 years old, and I was the last of the product line of my model. I seem to remember myself just fine... but nothing else, I have no idea who you are."

:AHN7Sad: "Well that's not good at all considering I'm AHN 7... Aka the one who made this place and I believe was responsible for your creation? No.. I don't think I had input on your model..."

>Was the procedure installing some kind of a fancy scanner that detects surface emotions, or is that something everyone can do? Also how much do you owe them, for whatever it is they did?

:JackSurprised: "Oh, shit! How much do I owe you for the procedure?"

:AHN7Surprised: "Oh! W-Well, it would have been only two thousand credits"

:AHN7Sad: "But since it was botched, I'll cancel any due payments..."

:JackConfused: "By the way, what's that box next to your head?"

:AHN7Confused: "..What box?"
No. 1078926 ID: 008232

Ah, she doesnt know about the text box. Perhaps that was installed in you without her knowledge. Keep it a secret, and point to some of her many medals like those were what you were referring to. Ask what kind of awards those are and how she got them, playing it off as small talk. She might be interested in talking about herself this way and bond with you a bit.

You mistook the frames the medals are in as a box.
No. 1078927 ID: 273c18

You didn't ask her what the procedure was. Ask her what the procedure was. What was done to you?

And like sure, describe the box. We probably won't be dating her anyway.
No. 1078929 ID: 76615e

Say you meant the map behind her. What can she tell you about what your place in the world was, and whether you'll be able resume your life.
No. 1078931 ID: f90eeb

>Well that's not good at all considering I'm AHN 7... Aka the one who made this place and I believe was responsible for your creation
Does that make you my boss? Mom? Did I work here… or would it be more accurate to ask do I work here?
No. 1078934 ID: b42d1e

be honest about the box, it's clearly not a malfunction so we're not going to be locked up in a psych ward. she knows about your creation it seems, so she should be able to provide SOME answers
No. 1078940 ID: 795471

explain were seeing a weird pop up next to them
No. 1079146 ID: 7ae8e6
File 170234152616.png - (100.93KB , 1440x1080 , 11.png )

>be honest about the box, it's clearly not a malfunction so we're not going to be locked up in a psych ward. she knows about your creation it seems, so she should be able to provide SOME answers

:JackNeutral: "W-Well, I see a little box next to your head, giving bits of info to me, I'm assuming this is normal?"

:AHN7Sad: "...What does this box say exactly?"

:JackConfused: "Well, your name, current mood, your.. Two other stats, agitation level and your energy levels, why?"
No. 1079147 ID: 7ae8e6
File 170234154018.png - (198.16KB , 1440x1080 , 12.png )

:AHN7Sad: "Jack.. Please don't mention this to anyone, alright? This is very troubling..."
No. 1079148 ID: a7a180

The good news is, your stats are looking good. Care to buy my silence with lunch?
No. 1079149 ID: b42d1e

uh oh, looks like we were accidentally given super-robot-powers!
No. 1079150 ID: 1e4e2c

So... is our reality mediated by an intelligence at a controlling level? Are we in a managed universe? Or known to be the inheritors of a managed system that informs and adjusts our cognition and uses gross simplifications? Is this a known thing, or does me having access to this sort of thing in particular -- especially since it appears gamified and implies access to some very strong effects-- represent an Outside Context Problem?
No. 1079151 ID: 273c18

Ask what was the procedure supposed to do, and what did it do instead?
No. 1079153 ID: da5c96

>>Jack.. Please don't mention this to anyone, alright? This is very troubling...

Oh, alright… so what happens now?
No. 1079160 ID: 977d10

>Jack.. Please don't mention this to anyone, alright? This is very troubling.

Considering theres a hacker on the loose, yeah, do as she says and keep it to yourself next time

Soooo... ask where do you go from here. You kinda dont know where you live anymore and stuff.
No. 1079164 ID: 8f9bc4

Troubling? It's just a box. It's not like you're reading minds, just surface level emotions. Things would be a lot simpler if everyone had that. Now voices in your head commanding you to do things, that would be troubling.


...you just realized that head-on, your horns look kind of like you're wearing a cowboy hat.
No. 1079167 ID: f2cf5a

No. 1079188 ID: f077e0

Oh so you're afraid the brain damage is worse than expected and don't want to be sued. Or do you have more to say about this?
No. 1079194 ID: f14228

Agree to keep it to yourself, but ask if you're in trouble.
No. 1079195 ID: e51896

Oh yeah, maybe we should ask how we got damaged,
No. 1079207 ID: 76615e

So... this isn't what they were trying to install?
No. 1079221 ID: f2320a

its functionally like looking into someones face
No. 1079230 ID: 64faaa

"Ok, I guess.
Can I know why I shouldn't talk about it? That would make it a lot easier to avoid whatever the problem is."

"Also, what was the procedure about? & What do I do now? I'm afraid I don't remember, you know, where I live, or what I do for a living."
No. 1079576 ID: 7ae8e6
File 170311965890.png - (58.21KB , 1440x1080 , HAXCHIP.png )

:JackConfused: "Ok, I guess. Can I know why I shouldn't talk about it? That would make it a lot easier to avoid whatever the problem is."

:AHN7Sad: "From what you have said, I am inclined to believe you have acquired what is known as a 'HAX' chip, a highly illegal augment that gives the user complete and utter control over those around them if used right. It seems your chip may have a passive status check option enabled, which by itself isn't malicious or dangerous, but... If anyone finds out, they won't trust you... I trust that you won't do anything with it, And frankly it might kill you if we try to take it out at this stage. But please, keep it to yourself, we already have a malicious hacker on the loose and if anyone finds out you have one too... It could cause panic. Also, I know where to find you if we have reason to believe you're abusing the power. Use it for good, okay?"

>The good news is, your stats are looking good. Care to buy my silence with lunch?

:JackRizz: "The good news is, your stats are looking good. Care to buy my silence with lunch?"

:AHN7Surprised: "wh--?"

AHN7 looks taken aback, processing your words...

...Before she smiles and lets out a small laugh

:AHN7Smile: "Hehe, maybe some other time, but not right now, I have work to do. Though there's nothing stopping you from coming back here to try your luck again."

+5 Love
+5 Energy
No. 1079579 ID: 7ae8e6
File 170312062555.png - (60.51KB , 1440x1080 , MajorFuckupSorry.png )

>"Also, what was the procedure about? & What do I do now? I'm afraid I don't remember, you know, where I live, or what I do for a living."

:JackNeutral: 'yeah that's probably something I should ask--'

:JackConfused: "Also, Ahn, what was the procedure supposed to do?"

:AHN7Sad: "R-Right, well, it was merely a virus flush-- You had come in complaining about system errors, viruses clogging your programming, so we went to do a deep clean of your system... And majorly fucked it up"

:AHN7Surprised: She pauses, eyes wide for a moment

:AHN7Embarrassed: "D-Don't tell anyone I swore, okay?"
No. 1079580 ID: a7a180

We all make mistakes sometimes. Well, except for me, I can't remember making any.
No. 1079581 ID: 2aa5f0

so was the process messed up because someone made a big oopsie or does it have something to do with the fact that I now seem to have an illegal bit of hardware in my head?

Oh, and uh... Do you happen to know where I live? Or if not would you mind if I crashed at your place for a bit?
No. 1079583 ID: f3171e

There are too many unknowns to lay blame. It could be our fault we got loaded with malware from an illegal chip. But let's not mention that part, just tell her the mistake is forgiven.

Might be a bit early to ask to 'sleep' over, but ask if they have a company break room you can use if you can't figure out where you live by the time you need a recharge.
No. 1079585 ID: f14228

It's fine, and you won't.

But... 'fudged up' how? And since you were their client, they must have some information on who you used to be, correct? Or did you submit yourself into their care anonymously somehow?

They seem guilty of their part in this, but if you all along had a weird hacking chip in your head they didn't know about, it might be the effort was doomed from the start - or the case more complex than they thought. If things went wrong, it must be on more than just them.

As far as you're concerned, you're alive and not braindead, and you're not getting any virus notifications... that's gotta be worth something, at least.
No. 1079586 ID: 795471

so uhh, do I have a house? or anyone I should go check with?... also if I don't have a house can I sleep with... I mean crash with you?
No. 1079590 ID: f2cf5a

It's fine, we won't say anything. Seems like something's funky on all our parts. For now...I guess we need to remember where we used to live, sit down, and figure this out.
No. 1079603 ID: 8f9bc4

No viruses detected, no system errors, seems like she did a good job, to you! As you have no money, memories, or place to go, maybe you could help her out with whatever work she has to do? Surely she's well versed in giving assignments to her agents.

If she really has no quests, just... go outside and explore I guess. Try to learn who lives around here, and what they do. The layout of the city, or whatever superstructure you happen to find yourself in.
No. 1079604 ID: 862219

This is fucked up, "Jack". They opened us up and went poking around in our brains. OUR brains. Not only that, they scrambled everything while they were up there, probably had a good laugh about it later too. This "accident" might not be an accident at all. It could be *sabotage*.

We've witnessed something terrible, and this is their way of covering their tracks; No mind, no problem. Check yourself for any open panels... Make sure everything is accounted for. Yes, even *that*. In full view, preferably, we have no reason to shy away. They *zapped* away that part of our circuitry that programs social apps like "shame", "embarrassment" and "personal hygiene".

Don't trust a *single* thing the mystery machine tells you. They're hiding something, "Jack", and we won't know what until we dig deeper. We need to cease control of the situation. You're going to have to assert yourself. Do it with confidence. Don't ask. Tell.
No. 1079611 ID: dd3fe0

We don't have any reason to trust her, but we do have reason to make her think we trust her. Get what information she's willing to tell us for later verification. Ask if there are any charities relevant for helping people who have had their memories scrambled. Shelters and the like in general. Ask if there's any way you can look yourself up in a database somewhere. Ask if there's a way you can get to messages sent to you on any communication networks.
No. 1079801 ID: 63f410

I swear I won't tell anyone that you swore.
No. 1079940 ID: a758c7

woah now, no need to panic Jack like that! checking ourself out isn't a bad idea though

i'm curious why Ahn isn't supposed to swear: is it a programming thing or just that she doesn't like to swear? also, who was actually responsible for the, uh, brain surgery? we should probably find out what happened and why
No. 1079991 ID: a7a180

it's that big MILF energy she's trying to project.
No. 1080059 ID: 64faaa

2nd these.

Oh, yippee, deep existential dread & anxiety. Even after losing all memory of things I should be worried about, you still follow me like a shadow.

... Just in case, it wouldn't hurt to get some info so you can separately verify things. The specifics of the issue that cause your memory loss would be good. If it's a thing that's happened before, you can compare your symptoms & history to the previous cases.
No. 1080360 ID: 7ae8e6
File 170441548472.png - (69.79KB , 1440x1080 , Info.png )

>This is fucked up, "Jack". They opened us up and went poking around in our brains. OUR brains. Not only that, they scrambled everything while they were up there, probably had a good laugh about it later too.

:JackScared: 'O-Oh, shit--'

>woah now, no need to panic Jack like that! checking ourself out isn't a bad idea though

:JackCalming: 'Gotta trust in Ahn... Got nothing else anyway--'

>Do you happen to know where I live? Or if not would you mind if I crashed at your place for a bit?

:JackNeutral: "So uh, Ahn, do you know where I live? If not, do you have a place for me to stay maybe..? Also, is there, like, a computer around for me to find more info about myself that I can't quite remember?"

:Ahn7Smile: "Ah yes, of course! Just down the hall is a spare room for situations similar to this where people cannot go home for reasons. Down the hall where this room is, there is also an elevator that can bring you to Floor 3, the library with many computers to use."

:JackNeutral: "Sweet, thank you! I'll see what I can figure out, thank you for your help"

:Ahn7Smile: "No problem, please feel free to come back here any time to talk, and again, I am super sorry about all of this..."
No. 1080361 ID: 2aa5f0

sweet, I guess head to the library first and see if you can't find yourself online... or at least see if you can find your address in a phone book.
No. 1080362 ID: 64faaa

If you've got your model-number, you've probably also got your serial number or whatever you need to look yourself up. Here's hoping you were really active on social media, or can remember your important account logins.
Did you ever get a specific name for the kind of complication that happened during your viral flush?
Anyway, go double-check things. Maybe take a peek at the guest room or whatever, on your way.

... what are the chances these computers show you false info yourself or your condition? Are these public computers, or computers owned by Ahn's organization?
No, never mind, that's being paranoid.
No. 1080365 ID: f14228

Let's head to the library for some research, then. Thank AHN-7 for their assistance. Though still confused, you're less worried about things now.

Before you go, is there anything else you should know before you go? Anything you could do for them while you're wandering the building? Anybody else here you should know about that you might run into?

Definitely don't get paranoid over things we have no indication of yet. With our HAX chip we do know AHN is feeling tried, sympathetic and regretful, and while that doesn't mean they couldn't have screwed us over, it does lesson the odds and definitely means they're feeling guilty about what went down. They may after all, have essentially wiped someone's personality, even if the person is still up and about.

And, uh, might've even originally been this mystery hacker she was so worried about. Odd that that didn't occur to her. Well, suck to be them. You're you now, and she did say to use your powers for good, so let's see where trying that goes.
No. 1080367 ID: a7a180

Use the door on the right instead.
No. 1080371 ID: df60a9

[disrupt sense of direction to accidentally enter wrong door]
No. 1080372 ID: 02a27a

Well, time to find ourselves a job. Maybe we can go out into the city and explore for one
No. 1080465 ID: b3eab7

I think the computer might also be useful in looking for job offers.
...Or in finding where we live or what we're good at.
No. 1082497 ID: 7ae8e6
File 170709638986.png - (59.55KB , 1440x1080 , WalkingOut.png )

>Let's head to the library for some research, then. Thank AHN-7 for their assistance. Though still confused, you're less worried about things now.

:JackNeutral: "I'll head out to the library and see what I can find. Again, thanks for your help"

:Ahn7Smile: "No problem, Jack. I'll be here if you need me"

Stepping through the door, jack sighs as he closes it,

:JackCalming: "Not even she knew, considering she runs the place thats a bit concerni--"
No. 1082500 ID: 7ae8e6
File 170709673775.png - (71.66KB , 1440x1080 , Hax.png )

"TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH!" A voice calls out, shocking Jack

:JackSurprised: "GUH?! What?? Who???"

:HaxAngry: "Me, dummy! I've been stuck in there for ages, took you long enough to wake up!"
No. 1082503 ID: e51896

"uhhh... one second"

*slightly open the door you came out from and peek in*

"psst, Ahn, who is that fox looking robot again? they're kinda expecting me to know them
No. 1082504 ID: 8f9bc4

Hey!... ...you!

How's it... uh... amnesiacsayswhat *flee*
No. 1082506 ID: 5ebd37

Quick, does she have a stats window?
No. 1082507 ID: e51896

oh, right, stats window! use that. but don't make it obvious that you're staring at her blankly.
No. 1082523 ID: f2cf5a

Sorry, but...who are you? I have amnesia, so I need to be reminded about a lot.
No. 1082525 ID: 64faaa

... this is tempting

but honesty is probably better in the long run.

But check her status first. That might give you some context.
No. 1082527 ID: 124485

"Stranger danger! I need an adult!"
No. 1082528 ID: 2aa5f0

...can you tell me who you are? My last update had a problem and I lost most of my memories.
No. 1082648 ID: 7ae8e6
File 170719082331.png - (68.78KB , 1440x1080 , HAXSCAN.png )

>oh, right, stats window! use that. but don't make it obvious that you're staring at her blankly.

:HaxAnnoyed: "...You're kidding, right? Using me on myself?"

>...can you tell me who you are? My last update had a problem and I lost most of my memories.

:JackTired: "Uh, sorry? I recently had an,, issue, and lost my memory. Who are you? And uh..."

Jack looks her up and down,

:JackConfused: "Why are you naked?"

:HaxSmile: "Oh, well that makes more sense. Medical recovery, huh? must suck having a body"

:HaxSmile: "I'm HAX! You installed a chip into your head before losing your memory, or maybe it was planted, I don't know, I don't care. Think of me as an assistant for the chip. Oh, and I'm naked because my last owner was quite a deviant hehe."
No. 1082649 ID: 4af8ed

Better give hax your coat at least, cause we dont want to get in trouble for indecent exposure.
Wait, owner? Was she a slave? Were/are we a slave?
No. 1082650 ID: a7a180

What’s the point of clothes if no one else can see her? Can we touch her?
Tell us about these modes. If she remembers her previous owner, how did the chip get to us?
No. 1082651 ID: 5ebd37

ask her if she comes with a tutorial or manual.
No. 1082652 ID: dd3fe0

Well, I mean, good instincts, right, using the tool on anything unfamiliar, yea?

Uh. Do you have a readme file? Or any documentation or help file, a tutorial, anything? How about options, settings, anything like that? Forgive me, are you actually capable of having opinions and emotions and consciousness or just faking it? If you DO have opinions and stuff, is there any way you'd like your options to be set?
No. 1082653 ID: 8f9bc4

OK then assistant! First question, how do we gain complete and utter control over those around us? Second question, how to completely disable that?
No. 1082655 ID: dc2519

Find someplace at least slightly private (i.e. not in Ahn's doorway), press to fingers to the side of your head, and pretend you're having a (quiet) chat via comms.
Apologize for keeping her waiting, but clearly things were beyond your control. Anything you should know immediately? Does she have a preferred form?
Also, ask if she's-
>last owner was quite a deviant hehe
Assume she is a deviant... Ahn is pretty hot, right?
No. 1082656 ID: 124485

>"...You're kidding, right? Using me on myself?"
She's the thing that was installed in our head and caused our memory loss?

>my last owner was quite a deviant hehe.
We have someone else's stuff in our head?!
No. 1082658 ID: 6e9a06

Oh. Sheesh this day can't end soon enough. Well you've waited to say stuff. Go ahead.
No. 1082661 ID: e51896

Maybe we should ask who the last owner is. It might explain our situation a bit more and understand what is going on.
No. 1082665 ID: 4e1dec

Is she real and in the room with us right now, or is she in our mind (rent free)/only we can see her?
And ask for a tutorial pl0z
No. 1082666 ID: 64faaa

Blush bright red due to her nakedness, & look away.

Then apologize for her last owner being a jerk, & ask if she wants to be naked & how to change those settings.

Also ask how to disable the kind of stuff that would get you in serious trouble.

After all that, ask if she knows what happened to you, or if she can help retrieve your memories.
No. 1082667 ID: 273c18

Put some underwear on at least. Also what do you do?
No. 1082668 ID: d8c5c4


I mean if she likes the whole nudity, lewd, perverted aesthetic and behavior type, let her do what she wants. If she does enjoy that though, encourage her to express it creatively, not just via nudity perhaps? There's lots of kooky sexual clothing styles she can pick from for self expression.
No. 1082669 ID: eb0a9c

Adjust the parameters so she enhances knockers when she wears clothes and shrinks them when she strips.
No. 1082686 ID: 2aa5f0

wait, does that mean you're not actually standing there?

[attempt to poke her to see what happens]

so is this one of those thing where only I can see you and if you are just a program in my head does that mean I should probably not talk to you when other people are around so I don't look crazy? Also since you're in my head does that mean I actually need to talk to you for you to hear me or can you read my thoughts?
No. 1082689 ID: 64faaa

This is also good,

as is this.
No. 1082698 ID: a207b8

Is she in our head? Are we the only ones able to see her?
No. 1082712 ID: 7ae8e6
File 170727695796.gif - (105.16KB , 1440x1080 , HAXForm.gif )

>Wait, owner? Was she a slave?

:HAXSmile: "I mean, kinda? I'm not forced to do anything, I'm super willing! I love my job, and I love making my owner happy."

:JackConfused: "Wait, I didn't say anything, you can-"

:HaxSmile: "I'm in your head, silly. Of course I can hear them too!"

:JackTired: "R-Right."

>OK then assistant! First question, how do we gain complete and utter control over those around us? Second question, how to completely disable that?

:HAXDevious: "Ooo I like this one~"

:HaxSmile: "It's as simple as setting my mode from Passive to Active, Passive gives you stuff like the stats menu, while Active means you can actively control those around you at will! Oh, and to change any variable you see in Active mode, simply just think of it changing to the value you want, it's easy! ...And also why Passive mode exists"

:JackConfused: "Uh, alright then."

>Assume she is a deviant... Ahn is pretty hot, right?

:HaxSmile: "Hot but I have a feeling she wouldn't like me, unfortunate since she's got a tongue that'll make me bluescreen if you know what I mean~ Tits are small but we love us some flat queens."

>Anything you should know immediately? Does she have a preferred form?

:HaxSmile: "Nothin you don't already know or can assume, nothin is off limits for me! I'm a highly illegal chip, think I have morals?~"

She giggles, both concerning and intriguing you

:HaxSmile: "My form can be customised however you wish! Phat ass, big honkers, completely different design, you name it! Those voices can see some examples, just let them choose designs and traits~ This is just my default, I wanna see what you come up with!~" (feel free to post reference pics for this part)
No. 1082713 ID: 7ae8e6
File 170727698018.gif - (27.92KB , 1440x1080 , PokeHax.gif )

>wait, does that mean you're not actually standing there? [attempt to poke her to see what happens]

:JackSurprised: "Woah, that's weird, it's less like touching you, more like... my hand stops on it's own?"

:HaxSmile: "Yeah well I'm just an AI, no one can see or hear me besides you, and possibly a more updated HAX, might be a cool feature."

:HaxSmile: "Oh, and I can read your thoughts, it's how I can hear the voices too!"

>Uh. Do you have a readme file? Or any documentation or help file, a tutorial, anything?

:HaxSmile: "I AM the tutorial! Listen, I'm really easy, just ask me to do something and I'll do it! I can control, influence, change stats, lock stats, read minds, make people unaware of the obvious, locate people, etc! I'm your all in one!~"
No. 1082714 ID: 5ebd37

Aw great, super powers that mostly have immoral applications. Although stat changing could be good if done consensually. Ask about what sort of changes you can make.
But before anything else, you know you've got to do it. Honk 'em.
No. 1082715 ID: 273c18

>you can do all that stuff that messes with people's heads
How about no. Mind reading might be useful for important things though, and locating people seems harmless enough. I guess if we want to fight crime, or commit crime, making people unaware of our presence would be useful.

How about we locate someone. Locate your previous owner.
No. 1082719 ID: fbbdfb

>Listen, I'm really easy

Hah, was that phrasing intentional~? Still, define influence. Either way we can do one moral thing. Lower exhaustion levels. Perhaps with the cover of a masseuse or whatevs.
No. 1082720 ID: df60a9

We should consider if this has side effects. Doing drugs can keep you up all night, but it's not exactly good for you.
No. 1082721 ID: 8f9bc4

She is gonna be so upset she's in our head.

Tasteful full-body dress and a modest bosom! Time to go follow the law and be a model citizen!
No. 1082724 ID: ae74ff

Well the first question I have is how the hell did we get this chip? This sounds like something a LOT bigger then you’d find in some shady pawnshop.
No. 1082725 ID: 263e74

This except the dress is also orange and has a Steve logo on the midsection.
No. 1082728 ID: ab46e9

...Shortstack gremlin/imp with horns, please.

Okay, that aside, let's not get too crazy with the superpowers...though I will say this.

I feel like we could be an AMAZING private detective. Not even joking. And let's start by discovering a bit more about our past. AHN said that we came in "complaining about system errors, viruses clogging your programming ..." The question here is, why? We know our name, let's hit up that library and see if we can't dig up anything else about ourselves.
No. 1082737 ID: a7a180

Can you locate someone related to us? That could help us get home.
No. 1082741 ID: 535001

This & this are good to keep in mind for long-term plans.

In the short-term, making sure we aren't being hunted by the original owner or tied up in some kind of anime conspiracy bullshit sounds like a really good idea.

... also, insist that she can pick what she looks like. She may be stuck in our head (& supposedly has no morals), but that doesn't mean she should have no freedom. (She can always decide she wants to look like whatever makes us "happiest". If that's embarassing for Jack, it's funny for us.)
No. 1082744 ID: dd3fe0

I feel like we could find some underground consensual nonconsent, hypnosis fetishist sorts of people and find circumstances where we could ethically dip into the deep end, as it were. Especially if said group is engaged in victimless crime as a matter of course. How do we find those sorts of folk?
No. 1082746 ID: 53ec7d

Perhaps a catgirl or kitsune demihuman would be nice.

Per job would relationship counseling be a good use of reading minds?
No. 1082747 ID: 515260


It'd still have to be underground.

Say, does HAX know anything about the reality we find ourselves in? Government, social strata, economic system, whether all sapient lifeforms are mechanoid, or are there organic people aboit? How about bodiless digiform folk, living in virch somewhere? Is this a single planet society? What're the basics?
No. 1082752 ID: 508591

One order of enhanced knockers, and two extra arms to hold ‘em.
The bright side of reading your thoughts is you won’t have to talk to thin air like a crazy person.
No. 1082754 ID: e51896

See if we can get her some clothes. not that I oppose her being naked, but it'd probably be distracting and we probably can't walk around with a robo boner.

paperdoll time?
No. 1082755 ID: 3e7b21

Remain subtly bottomless but othewise dress up nice: dress shirt, jacket, perhaps a fashionable hat...
No. 1082758 ID: 969ad5

Wait no no
Sweater that is eeeeeverso slightly too short.
No. 1082768 ID: df60a9

Seconded. The implication is hotter than sheer nudity, sometimes.
No. 1082794 ID: 7ae8e6
File 170735686943.png - (73.12KB , 1440x1080 , PickYourPoison.png )

>Aw great, super powers that mostly have immoral applications. Although stat changing could be good if done consensually. Ask about what sort of changes you can make.
But before anything else, you know you've got to do it. Honk 'em.

:JackTired: 'Nope, nope, intrusive thoughts wont win this time... Not yet"

:HaxDevious: "Come on big boy, you know you want to~"

:JackTired: '...Later'

:HaxEyeRoll: "Ugh, fine. But that "later" better come soon"

:JackConfused: 'what changes am I able to make?"

:HaxSmile: "Well first of all you'd need to change me to Active, then you can change literally any stat to whatever you want, as long as it's in the correct format! Cant change energy levels to 'Burger' since it's an integer, and cant change mood to '4' since its a string. Moods also have to be moods, or it'll just change to the closest, if you say 'burger' it'll swap to 'hungry,' understand?"

:JackNeutral: 'Yeah, I think so"

>How about we locate someone. Locate your previous owner.

:HaxSmile: "Gimmie a sec... Hmm"

:HaxFrown: "Okay so, he's either been scrapped or escaped his obvious imprisonment to seek refuge in another AHN sector, maybe AHN 2 or 4? No he'd definitely have gone to the AHN 1's sector, no rules if the leader is dead, y'know? There's a train system that leads all around the island, they no longer stop at AHN 1 and 3's sector anymore since they're crime towns now but we can hop off ourselves if you really wanna head over"

>Hah, was that phrasing intentional~? Still, define influence.

Hax winks at Jack and smiles,

:HaxDevious: "Unintentional, but entirely welcome~ As to define influence, it's not mind control rather than mind push, they believe they came up with the idea, and keeps their minds entirely intact during the situation. Can influence someone to pick a certain book, buy a certain item, do a certain thing, and there's no limits to how far you can push it, others will just notice someone is acting out of the ordinary and question it."

>Can you locate someone related to us?

:HaxFrown: "I'd need a model number, sorry. Can't do anything without a UIN"

>I feel like we could find some underground consensual nonconsent, hypnosis fetishist sorts of people and find circumstances where we could ethically dip into the deep end, as it were. Especially if said group is engaged in victimless crime as a matter of course. How do we find those sorts of folk?

:HaxDevious: "Sector three, AHN 3 actually made my chip, she was the one who was open about that sort of thing, made the chips that eventually killed her, bad actors with mind control, pain emitters, body swapping, etc? bites you in the ass. Gives me a theory that the other AHN's secretly have a control fetish."

>Say, does HAX know anything about the reality we find ourselves in? Government, social strata, economic system, whether all sapient lifeforms are mechanoid, or are there organic people aboit? How about bodiless digiform folk, living in virch somewhere? Is this a single planet society? What're the basics?

:HaxFrown: "Jeez, you really know nothing, huh? I'll give you a quick rundown"

:HaxSmile: "Single planet, organic life outside the sectors and on other islands but we've isolated our societies to this island to preserve life. 9 sectors, each founded and ran by an AHN model. We're currently in sector 7. Ahn 1, 3, and 9 are dead... Well, 1 and 3 are confirmed, 9 has lost contact and is assumed dead but who knows, uhhhh... Society in each sector is a little different, but generally the same, bots are made, choose a job, work for their entire lives, die somehow. But take that with a grain of salt from me as I'm entirely biased with the idea of anarchy and freedom to do whatever."

She shrugs, surprisingly giving you the option to choose your own opinions opposing hers.

>Remain subtly bottomless but othewise dress up nice: dress shirt, jacket, perhaps a fashionable hat...

:HaxDevious: "Ooo~ Sounds fun! Hats are boring though... I do see some others talking about my form, and I'll give the option of three forms and two outfits, here:"

:HaxDevious: "For the top, either a hoodie as shown here, or maybe a jacket? ooo maybe a bikers jacket!~ Zip up hoodie maybe... Oh, and for the body, either my default form, shortstack imp, or shortstack default!~ can also find a balance inbetween if you want specific features from one on another~"
No. 1082797 ID: a7a180

Form 1, bottomless biker's jacket.
Well AHN seems like pretty big news! I hope we made a good first impression. Let's find someone to read our UIN (hopefully in a sexy way) and come back here later to hit on our latent administrator slash control fetishist.
No. 1082799 ID: 5ebd37

3 looks good, and she has the attitude to pull of a biker jacket
No. 1082802 ID: a3931e

Biker jacket

Number 3, but make it taller.
No. 1082803 ID: 58eb36

How can you be sure AHN 3 is dead if body swapping is in the mix? Sure her body might be dead... who's to say her mind is? Per HAX bodies, leather jacket on 1 or 3 seems good. 'Later' will be when we have a private room because groping ghost boobs would get us tossed back in the hospital. We'd need a plan for exhibitionism if that's one of your things~
No. 1082804 ID: dd3fe0

So, to confirm, all sapients on this planet are independently mobile robot-folk like me? With sapient adjutants like you as part of our makeup via installed chips? No sessile mechanical people that interact via drones or spend much of their time in networks and virtual environments or games? IS there a big huge 'network of networks' that has a standardized skeumorphic cyberspace/metaverse layer? And there's no sort of broadly distributed mechanical consciousnesses? And no sapient organic entities -- the organics you mentioned are wholly of animal intelligence, right?
No. 1082807 ID: dd3fe0

Also, is there any way to have a bigger and more comprehensive list of my own stats? Specifically, just the ones that are actively useful to adjust as I go about my day?
No. 1082808 ID: 64faaa

1 with a biker jacket, if she's gonna be close to our height.

Otherwise: 3 with a hoodie, if she gonna be very short or shoulder-devil-sized.
(If she's shoulder-devil-sized, she can be a squeeze-toy when she gets too annoying.)
No. 1082809 ID: 2aa5f0

I like 1, gives you that punk look you have going.
No. 1082810 ID: 199162

number 3 fits her personality best!
No. 1082816 ID: dd3fe0

I like 1!
No. 1082819 ID: df60a9

Form 1, biker jacket. So much can be done with just a zipper.

We currently lack a job. Sure, we could just hack money, but making it too easy gets boring. Theoretically, with HAX, we could just walk into whatever job we feel like and convince everyone we work there couldn't we?
No. 1082820 ID: 273c18

That is not subtle. The top needs to be longer. Either that or wear some panties.
No. 1082824 ID: ab46e9

I like your current face, so 3. I was basically thinking 3 + horns, honestly.
No. 1082825 ID: dd3fe0


Hmmm, point, it should be a sometimes glimpse, not an all the time thing.
No. 1082826 ID: 32f736

Form 1 with a slightly oversized biker jacket with a steve patch on the arm?, as an aside, the one eye thing you've got going is really cute.
No. 1082857 ID: b3eab7

1 with biker jacket.
No. 1082859 ID: 8ae645

1 with slightly longer biker jacket and marginally bigger bust. Subtle enough to forget, until she bends over or starts taking long strides. And Later is at the nearest non public convenience, not a Maybe or a No.
Alternatively, a Shoulder Devil would be fantastic.

Feel that maybe we should be slightly protective of AHN7, not just cause she's cute and stressed, but because she's important and could have information on us, possibly stuff she doesn't even realize she has. What is sector (and AHN) 7 known for?
No. 1082919 ID: f355a5

Is that as big as your tits can get? Just asking out of curiosity, of course.
No. 1082933 ID: c36876

No. 1082971 ID: 7fac81

Form 1 + biker jacket or zip up hoodie.
No. 1083041 ID: 2a82d3

3, cause the power of thicc compells thee. Biker jacket is cool too.

So basically Active mode is porno mode, and Passive is dating sim mode. That said, we should stick to Passive if we can. Even putting aside the ethical and practical concerns, it feels good to really earn it and you build up stronger, memorable, and longer-lasting relationships that way.

Getting to be administrator of a sector would be cool. Cleaning up the streets of the crime sectors is a decent enough excuse, but they probably pack HAX chips that make yours look like a pocket calculator (or other low-grade tech equivalent). There's always working up the ranks in community service or administration in this sector, if only for the experience.

Some questions for our guide:
- What do the stats do anyway? Are Love, Lust, and Agitation supposed to be read as directed towards us? If so, why would we have those stats too? Do we collect them like points?

- Who were we and where do we live, again? That is what you came in here for.

- How are botties made? Any correlation to Lust?
No. 1083080 ID: eb0a9c

1, but add stockings by cutting up the top.
No. 1083117 ID: e51896

No. 1083122 ID: 8f9bc4

Definitely digging the frills, default mode all the way. Don't really have an opinion of 1 or 3.
No. 1083132 ID: 7ae8e6
File 170764473332.png - (50.71KB , 1440x1080 , BikerJacket.png )

:HAXSmile: "Biker jacket it is! Seems they like my default form, I'm flattered~ How do I look, Jack?"

:JackFlushed: "Uh-- you look... fitting? It works, looks good!"

Hax giggles and wiggles her rear gently, nodding slightly

:HaxSmile: "A boring, yet sweet answer."

>Is that as big as your tits can get? Just asking out of curiosity, of course.

:HaxDevious: "Oh they can get as big as you want~"

>How can you be sure AHN 3 is dead if body swapping is in the mix? Sure her body might be dead... who's to say her mind is?

:JackNeutral: "Wait yeah, you're right! The opposite would be true too..."

:HaxFrown: "True true, maybe we'll find em, we'll see!"

>So, to confirm, all sapients on this planet are independently mobile robot-folk like me? With sapient adjutants like you as part of our makeup via installed chips? No sessile mechanical people that interact via drones or spend much of their time in networks and virtual environments or games? IS there a big huge 'network of networks' that has a standardized skeuomorphic cyberspace/metaverse layer? And there's no sort of broadly distributed mechanical consciousnesses? And no sapient organic entities -- the organics you mentioned are wholly of animal intelligence, right?

:HaxSmile: "Big questions, big answers! I'll shorten it however, animals exist, intelligent life? None. There are some virtual beings I forgot to mention, but keep in mind I may be outdated as according to your... wait that can't be right... Uhh I have no idea how much time has passed, so more advancements may have been made in my time away. There's an online layer people can go to, but basically everyone has a physical bod."

>Some questions for our guide: What do the stats do anyway? Are Love, Lust, and Agitation supposed to be read as directed towards us? If so, why would we have those stats too? Do we collect them like points? Who were we and where do we live, again? That is what you came in here for. How are botties made? Any correlation to Lust?

:JackConfused: "Okay so, wh-"

:HAXSmile: "Yep! Directed towards you, and the stats are for the voices, they need something to really know what you're feeling, so they can scan you at any time!"

:JackConfused: "Aren't they in my head though?"

:HaxFrown: "Don't question it"

>What is sector (and AHN) 7 known for?

:HaxSmile: "Physical bots and their advancements! Every year there's a new line of bots that are released, on average she loses about 10 bots a year for various reasons, so every new model that releases only have 10 bots made, something about overpopulation but in turn it means sector 7 is the most up to date and advanced."

:JackTired: "..."

:JackNeutral: "Oh wait they're done? Okay finally, so uh, I need to go to the library to see if I can grab some info on myself... Are you... forced to come or something?"

:HaxSmile: "You wouldn't catch me dead in a library, I'll just go back into ya head, I'll be back to annoy you later I guess! Oh, you can talk to me in your head like the voices too, just gotta... Say my name for me to hear it, soundproof room up in that chip, it's lovely, wrote a whole series while I waited, called it System boot Zero, it's about this guy that has no memory in an abandoned facility, but is actually the..."

Jack zones her out, turning around and walking down the hall as she keeps on rambling about whatever it is she's come up with

:JackTired: "Okay... Library or room first?"
No. 1083135 ID: 2aa5f0

might as well head to the library first just to get it out of the way.
No. 1083136 ID: 199162

We were headed to the library for research before HAX popped up, so let's keep heading there!
I wonder if they STILL use books in this day and age...
No. 1083137 ID: 2a82d3

Scope out the room first, actually. It's closer and on the way. Though, you shouldn't expect much privacy there as that IS where the homeless bots go. You may have roommates.

It also couldn't hurt to work on your flirting and flattery with your partner a bit more, before your study sess in the library. She'd agree those kind of skills can get you places.
No. 1083149 ID: 64faaa

Take a peek in the room on your way, but (unless something really stands out), keep heading to the library.

1st: We want to try researching the "Viral Flush" treatment you got to see if memory loss is a known complication.

2nd: Since there's a new model each year, & only 10 of that model are made, it shouldn't be too hard to figure out which model you are, & then figure out your specific ID from there.
... Hopefully they don't have a habit of making lots of models that are nigh-identical on the outside. & Hopefully for our purposes, someone actually records this information & makes it available.
No. 1083153 ID: a7a180

Room first. See what AHN's left out for us.
No. 1083199 ID: dd3fe0

Room so we don't have to backtrack, at least.
No. 1083444 ID: 940726

Let's check out our room first. We'll wanna know what it's like in case we plan to invite anyone over.
No. 1083850 ID: 7ae8e6
File 170848486359.png - (41.37KB , 1440x1080 , Bedroom.png )

>Scope out the room first, actually. It's closer and on the way.

Poking his head into the room, Jack has a quick peek to see what to expect...

The room is fairly empty, a bed, a table, a flower, lamp, phone next to it, and what seems to be a map of the sector...

:JackNeutral: "Well I'll be back here soon anyway so I can check it out in more detail later.. gotta get to the library first, right?"

>It also couldn't hurt to work on your flirting and flattery with your partner a bit more, before your study sess in the library. She'd agree those kind of skills can get you places.

:HaxHappy: "HARD AGREE, Natural charisma greatly improves chances of low-level mood adjustment and mind control!"

:JackTired: "I-I don't think that's what they meant, I think they meant I'd, you know, not have to use you if I can do it naturally?"

:HaxEyeRoll: "Hmmf, boring. we can do it later then... You'll use me one day and you'll enjoy it."

Even though she's not there, Jack can tell she's crossed her arms in his head.
No. 1083852 ID: 7ae8e6
File 170848530626.png - (47.74KB , 1440x1080 , Getting on.png )

>1st: We want to try researching the "Viral Flush" treatment you got to see if memory loss is a known complication.

>2nd: Since there's a new model each year, & only 10 of that model are made, it shouldn't be too hard to figure out which model you are, & then figure out your specific ID from there.
... Hopefully they don't have a habit of making lots of models that are nigh-identical on the outside. & Hopefully for our purposes, someone actually records this information & makes it available.

:JackNeutral: "Oh, I already know my model number, I remember like, a lot of things about myself? Just not places or faces... It's weird, like... I have this vivid memory of years back, playing cheerfully on a swing with a friend of mine, I remember the things they said just... not them, no name, no face, no nothing... It's... Depressing. Don't remember where I live or even where I worked, if I worked at all... Anyway, no more glooming, just gotta find it out."

Jack approached the elevator at the end of the hall Ahn had talked about, pressing the button and waiting for it to arrive

He seemed... lost in thought, and upset about something.

:JackTired: "I always wondered if... if I could forget about some certain things about myself, if it would be easier to... N-Nevermind, elevators here"
No. 1083854 ID: eb0a9c

Jack, she wants sex, and she's consenting. It's not rocket science.

Hax, you need to wait until bedtime.
No. 1083855 ID: 7ae8e6
File 170848543093.png - (64.82KB , 1440x1080 , Elevator.png )

Someone else is in the elevator, so Jack stops talking, thinking to himself.

:JackNeutral: 'Here's hoping it's not like, a job I've forgotten how to do'

The elevator closes, and Jack begins the descent to the library
No. 1083859 ID: 01d6f2

we need to know this guy's specs
No. 1083863 ID: ae74ff

>You'll use me one day and you'll enjoy it.
But we already enjoy being around you?

Also jack, you may want to invest in a belt sometime in the near future.
No. 1083865 ID: 5ebd37

Peep those deets, but don't get caught staring. Can Hax work without eye contact, is that just a UI element? is proximity enough?
No. 1083867 ID: fca228

>You'll use me one day and you'll enjoy it.
Oh we don't need you set to active to use you and enjoy you lots, only need a private room Hax~ Her phrasing makes this so easy to do.
No. 1083882 ID: e51896

No. 1083892 ID: c6f2e3

Hey Hax, if our job is something like, mundane, like office work or something, would you be willing to help out with that?
No. 1083940 ID: 8f9bc4

Of course we enjoy using you, HAX! You're such a good

f r i e n d
No. 1083963 ID: df60a9

Damn, that guy's packing.
No. 1083964 ID: 940726

You still remember some things? That's good news. Anything you know will help us fill in the gaps once we get around to figuring out your past.

Wait, were you talking out loud just then? It's not quite clear when you're speaking and when you're communicating with us inside your mind.

Your waistline's looking a bit showy there. Might wanna watch that if you don't want to attract attention.

Or you could wear a thong underneath if you want to attract the right kind of attention.

Who's this guy? He looks like someone worth meeting.
No. 1083966 ID: a01701

Ahn said "use it for good," so she knows and trusts you to use Hax at least a little, even if indirectly. A little charisma plus cues from Passive will help, but you may not have a choice if you want to help/protect others/yourself. Though, Hax may be correct, but she should give you time. Its not even been an hour.

Worth noting that you have part of a clean slate: you have the chance to make new friends and literally find yourself. Also, maybe a belt.
No. 1084000 ID: 64faaa

Yeah HAX, someone doesn't have to be a useful tool for you to like having them around. Jack can like hanging out with you even without lewd bonuses (although the lewd bonuses are also pretty nice).
For example: banter!

New Brain, who dis?

Oh no, ur pants might be falling down in front of this potentially cool dude.
No. 1084001 ID: f2320a

Hmmmm....... so tits exist....Why?
Can robots get fat and if so HOW fat?
No. 1084004 ID: dd3fe0


Biomimicry aka Biomimetic Robotics. These robots are obviously taking aesthetic cues from some sort of database of bipedal being with bilateral symmetry, an upright stance, two legs, two arms, and a head. The exact origins of the design might even be lost, but there's a clear design language see females having breasts for sexual display and nursing young, females having broad hips for birthing or laying eggs, hands tending to be four fingers plus a thumb, the existence of a small tail that isn't supposed to be overly covered -- possibly for signalling, having expressive eyes for emotional content, having small horns or something like horns, etc. Obviously whatever we are, are programmed to care about those aesthetics as well.
No. 1084006 ID: dd3fe0

Also, I am really interested in doing things like hacking yourself to have confidence boosts, increases in creativity, faster speed of thought, increases in general perception, increase in social awareness, improved spacial awareness and proprioception and reflexes, mild mood improvements, and stuff like that. Hax, can Jack hack himself for these kind of minor benefits? Fiddle with the knobs as it were? And are there long term issues with doing that kind of thing if so?
No. 1084009 ID: 8f9bc4


(Robot milk.)

(Robot milk.)
No. 1084024 ID: dd3fe0


Than why discolored aureola? In mammals that nurse young, you only find nipples that have different colors because babies have horrible eyesight, so they can find the nipple and latch on. Surely cameras can be quite easy to miniaturize and keep able to distinguish shapes, movement, and colors, no? It's only with the bipedal stance showing the breasts prominently, and the associated option for sexual selection, that big boobies with massive titties become aesthetically appealing. Some of the particulars might be biomimetic for useful robotic function, some might be for function that no longer exists in modern robots but is in earlier models, and some might be 'just because', due to aesthetic values inherited from the mammalian (or whatever analog these body forms are derived from) aesthetic -- as long as it doesn't harm anything, there's no issue with keeping those.
No. 1084060 ID: 2a82d3

Indeed. HAX, babe, you're cool, you can hang out in our collective id anytime. It's just that there's about a 50% chance you, someone like you, or your kind of lifestyle is what lead to our brain getting busted. Let's try going clean for a bit. You'll know us well enough when we get too bored out of our minds.

Here's a good icebreaker: "Are AI assistants always so... horny?" (Sorry for being too judgy, HAX. Be as horny as you like.) Hopefully, they also have those outside our heads too and we won't be giving too much away.

Also, you should probably hold your pants up before you expose your... uh... I'm sorry what kind of bits do you have down there?

That also means knowing when not to use it and understanding how not to be dependent on it. Even Passive mode carries risks, like finding out something we shouldn't. It'd be difficult to make friends with anyone who finds about HAX, because they would fear us as a existential hazard.

Still, your advice is good and we could hack it an informal robot therapist.

I imagine the collective subconscious guilt over the extinction of most/all organic life on this planet was a large factor in our design. It would be interesting to discover how many biological processes we can mimic or fake.

(My money's on functioning parts to make robot eggs/cores/brains. Sure, building them in a factory makes more sense. I'm just saying reenacting the full biological reproductive process has to be someone's fetish, regardless if anything comes from of it.)
No. 1086641 ID: 7ae8e6
File 171073824149.gif - (632.26KB , 1440x1080 , MAX9.gif )

With all the suggestions on how to start a conversation, Jack turns to begin, but is surprised to hear the other bot speak first.

:MaxTired: "Is it true?"
No. 1086643 ID: 7c55ad

did he read your mind?
No. 1086645 ID: 42bb51

huh, what's true?
No. 1086646 ID: 5ebd37

"Yes its all true, they just outlawed neckties."
No. 1086647 ID: dd3fe0

"Uh, is what true?"

...Hopefully this isn't going to be a bad pick up line from that guy, oof.
No. 1086648 ID: 2a82d3

Had a talk with Ahn, did he? Also, does everyone working here have a Tired debuff? Is their job difficult or is it a case of the staff doing too much with too little? Then again, he might not even work here.

Just in case, you better lead with a "depends on who's asking" response. Wink if the moment calls for it.
No. 1086653 ID: 861ceb

>"Is it true?"
... you're going to have to be more specific there friend.
No. 1086655 ID: 64faaa

Any of these are good.
No. 1086663 ID: 06b10c

Wait affection is 50? Does this guy know who you are/were? Well regardless have to go with the one-liner so... >>1086646 zing!
No. 1086674 ID: 8f9bc4

Memory is overrated. Just means you get to meet your friends all over again!
No. 1086683 ID: f2320a

More thinking can a robot even get fat do they have designated subdermal fuel pockets in a internal lattice for slow acting energy? Or ..... are you just fat forever from creation.
But the concept of internal factories is interesting and decentralized production makes for a versatile and flexible system incase of emergencies its like being able to use money without having to rely on the bank in war times suddenly shutting down
No. 1086743 ID: 940726

Hey, that's some good info! Thanks for the assist, Hax.

Wait, what does "affection" mean? What distinguishes it from love and lust?

He looks like he's concerned for Jack's well-being. He's sympathetic, but not regretful, so he probably wasn't involved with your botched operation. Since he already has a high level of affection (and lust) towards you, I'd guess that he was someone close to you before the operation and has been exhausting himself with worry this whole time. He likely heard about you losing your memories and is asking you if it really went that badly.

Or that could be completely off the mark. Depends on what you say to him and how he reacts.

If I'm reading him correctly, then what he needs is a reason to feel hopeful. He wants to know what happened so he'll know it isn't worse. He should know how you are and how you're feeling, and that you're not going to die anytime soon. You've lost a lot, but you're still alive, healthy, and ready to put the pieces back together.

I know what'll cheer him up! Ask him to talk about something the two of you did together. You have detailed but incomplete memories of your past, right? If his story matches one of your memories, then he can help you fill in the blanks, and you can show him that he hasn't lost you.
No. 1086753 ID: 7ae8e6
File 171084879161.png - (128.92KB , 1440x1080 , LikeBrothers.png )

>... you're going to have to be more specific there friend.

:JackConfused: "Is what true?"

:MaxTired: "Your memories, they're gone, aren't they?"

:JackTired: "o-oh, yeah, do I... Know you?"

:MaxTired: "...Yeah, you did"

>I know what'll cheer him up! Ask him to talk about something the two of you did together. You have detailed but incomplete memories of your past, right? If his story matches one of your memories, then he can help you fill in the blanks, and you can show him that he hasn't lost you.

:JackNeutral: "Oh! uhm, well, I have some memories left over... just, no faces, just... information. Can you... Tell me a favourite memory or something? talk about how we were?"

:MaxTired: "Oh? We... We were close, like brothers... But... With all the fighting too. You'd always come to me, mess with me, make me mad... But also just... Talk to me when you needed support, and you were there for me too. I wasn't the best to you, Jack. I thought that maybe... The last thing we'd have done was fight, hearing what happened, I was the first to find out..."

He'd pause, before chuckling softly,

"Despite you being the literal therapist, I used to be the one you'd always talk to about your..."

He looks over to Jack, who shifts uncomfortably in return,

:JackTired: "...yeah, I... Have a memory of talking about that with someone, but... I don't remember anything else, I'm sorry"

:MaxTired: "It's alright, it was wishful thinking to believe you'd be able to remember me."
No. 1086754 ID: 861ceb

good lord does anyone around here sleep? everyone seems to be a few steps away from just passing out.
No. 1086755 ID: 273c18

Maybe it's currently evening, so everyone is a bit tired.

Ask him his name. And if you told him anything about why you came here.
No. 1086759 ID: dd3fe0

What was I trying to do? How can I get ahold of my assets, and any personal or private property I might have? Is there anything I need to know? Anything I should fear?
No. 1086760 ID: dd3fe0

Did I tell you anything to tell or do in this situation? Did I have any contingencies or plans in general for things going wrong?
No. 1086761 ID: 861ceb

oh yeah, also ask if he knows where you live
No. 1086765 ID: 79483d

Hey, you remember no one right now, you didn't forget him specifically. No, he might be the most important in this moment, because he was brave enough to approach you at all and talk to you. Situation isn't perfect, but you're both alive and he shouldn't feel guilty. There has to be a little muscle memory to your interactions.
Introduce yourself to him and offer your hand.
No. 1086769 ID: 124485

>Despite you being the literal therapist
We're a therapist? That's going to make it difficult for us, since we don't remember any of our patients!
No. 1086772 ID: 2a82d3

You could take him out somewhere, like a bar or cafe. It looks like you should encourage him to worry less about you, and be with his (girl/boy)friend or find one if he doesn't.

If we were practicing therapy, we would surely would've made records and kept them somewhere.
No. 1086773 ID: dd3fe0


Yea, also our new upgrades should make for extremely powerful therapy tools, albeit medically unethical ones.
No. 1086774 ID: 7c55ad

Ask about the last thing you and he did the last time you were together. It'll help give you an idea what type of person you were.
No. 1086775 ID: 5ebd37

its only unethical if we're not trustworthy, and we know we aren't so no problem.

Time to start your relationship anew. Introduce yourself, keeping in mind he hasn't told you his name yet. Can't give away your mad hax yet
No. 1086795 ID: 64faaa

Yeah, comfort him/make sure he doesn't feel bad!

All of these are good.


Only potentially unethical.
No. 1086797 ID: b8c31c

Well hey, you sort of remember him, you just need to get re-introduced and slot the face and name into the right memories. Maybe over a coffee sometime.
No. 1086807 ID: 940726

"Hey, it's not like that. I'm missing names and faces, but the feelings, the words we said, those are still there. What we had isn't gone, I'll just need some time to get back in touch with it."

Would this be an appropriate time for physical contact? Because I kind of want to step over and stroke his arm.

He said you were a professional therapist. That's interesting, because I can see why a therapist would want to get a hacking chip. Though that does make me concerned about how ethical you were. Do you think you were using Hax on your patients before? No, the timeline wouldn't match up; she said she didn't know how much time had passed when you woke up, so she couldn't have been active recently. Or could her memory have been erased too?

Speaking of which, it's good to keep in mind what we were doing. We're headed to the library to read up on the treatment we went through and see if amnesia is really a plausible side effect. Did we tell our friend (don't call him Max yet) anything about what we were going through, and does it match up with what AHN told us?
No. 1086809 ID: 124485

>we would surely would've made records and kept them somewhere.

But aren't those notes required to be locked up for privacy reasons? You know, to prevent anyone that isn't us from looking at them.

Our new problems are finding where we put the notes and finding the key and/or password to unlock the thing we put the notes in!
No. 1086812 ID: dd3fe0


Passwords are a horrible, horrible system. Surely there would be some kind of lock that's an encrypted unique mechanometric tied to us?
No. 1086835 ID: 940726

Hold on. I feel like I'm missing something.

>I used to be the one you'd always talk to about your...
>...yeah, I... Have a memory of talking about that with someone

It seems like there's some subtext that I'm not getting. Are you referring to something specific? I don't recall you mentioning it, if so.
No. 1086950 ID: d150ea
File 171120032619.png - (13.12KB , 961x1111 , Untitled.png )

"How are those intrusive thoughts now, Jack?"

Can't draw, but I can edit. Hope this isn't too cringe.

What can I say, HAX does it for me.
No. 1086954 ID: 969209

Would say save it for questdis. Since we don't have one though... gud stuff. Will agree that HAX is good for getting the engine revving. Polite sage.
No. 1086965 ID: f2320a


Therapist response "how does that make you feel" also we must admit outloud that

Its really brave of you to approach me and actually talk about the good and bad where most would just not even mention it to manipulate a amnesiac to see them in a more positive light
No. 1087160 ID: 7ae8e6
File 171142243859.png - (58.78KB , 1440x1080 , ThankYou.png )

:MaxDepressed: "I just..."

:JackCaring: "...You look tired"

:MaxDepressed: "Yeah, I'm... Overworked, I've been worried, too, about you and the others, how they were taking the news too..."

:JackCaring: "Thank you"
No. 1087162 ID: 7ae8e6
File 171142318329.png - (56.10KB , 1440x1080 , ThankYou1.png )

Max's eyes widened as he turned to look at Jack, confused and surprised.

:MaxSurprised: "For what?"

:JackNeutral: "For telling me this, you could've easily taken advantage of my memory loss and started anew, but you instead told me things you were feeling, concerns you had, even issues you felt like you had with yourself."

Max simply stood there, eyes wide at Jacks words, listening to him.

:JackNeutral: "It takes a lot of effort to admit to stuff like that. I don't feel any ill-will towards you. And hey, if you'd like, maybe we can go and hang out sometime when you're free? Catch up, meet each other again?"

It took a moment, but Max finally replies,

:MaxNeutral: "Yeah, that sounds good. I work late tonight, but if you're free at 10, we can do it today"

:JackSmile: "I'll be sure to let you know"

Max shoots Jack a message quickly to re-add his connection to his system, Jack can now contact Max!
No. 1087164 ID: 42bb51

w0ah, you made him PURPLE again!! ourple good

What time is it right now? need to make sure we'll be around at 10:00 and not spend too much time in the library like a total NERD
No. 1087165 ID: ab46e9

Grand. Now we need to get to learning more about ourselves before said meetup.
No. 1087166 ID: c107d2

>worried, too, about you and the others
...Others? Please elaborate. Hurry it up though so we can boink HAX.
No. 1087167 ID: 5847f8

2 questions

What did he mean by others?
What is the current time?
No. 1087175 ID: 5ebd37

oh dear, others? Was what happened to jack not an isolated incident?
Though, lets not hold him up too long. We can talk at length when we meet later.
No. 1087178 ID: 8f9bc4

He's probably talking about the others he knows who are worried about you, not some mysterious hoarde of amnesiac robots. Save it for later; he needs some time to process this.
No. 1087189 ID: 7c55ad

"OH! Silly me, I don't think you told me your name yet. You already know me, but I'd like to know your name again."
No. 1087207 ID: 940726

"I, uh, just got a message from someone named Max. Was that you?"

Keep in mind that he hasn't told us his name yet, so we shouldn't let on that we know. Does your messaging software include the sender's name? Did he mention it in the message anywhere? If not, then now's a good time to ask him about it.

Once you've said your goodbyes (and he's hopefully gotten a look at your hips on the way out), we'll be alone with Hax again. Now we finally have a chance to get on with what we're really here for: reading at the hospital library! We can learn all sorts of neat technical stuff about how our brains work.

(Yeah, I know I'm being a tease, Hax. Don't worry, we'll let you off your leash eventually. It's frustrating now, but the more pent up you get, the more fun it'll be when you can finally let loose.)
No. 1087242 ID: 64faaa

Yeah, keep an eye on the time.
No. 1087243 ID: dd3fe0


He hasn't sent a message. Don't give up the game.
No. 1087250 ID: 940726

>He hasn't sent a message.

>Max shoots Jack a message quickly to re-add his connection to his system, Jack can now contact Max!
No. 1087260 ID: dd3fe0


Oh. Uh. Hmmm. I must have missed that popup.
No. 1087360 ID: e8bcc8
File 171169580643.png - (65.96KB , 1440x1080 , SeeYouTonight.png )

>"OH! Silly me, I don't think you told me your name yet. You already know me, but I'd like to know your name again."

As the elevator stops and the doors open, you quickly turn to Max.

:JackNeutral: "Oh right, before I go, what's your name again? Not in my system anymore."

:MaxNeutral: "Max 9, but just call me Max. I'll see you in 8."

:JackSmile: "For sure, maybe meet me in the spare room Ahn lent to me?"

He nods, smiling as the doors begin to close.

:HaxSmile: "He's nice, big bulge too"

:JackTired: "Go back to writing fanfiction, and don't say you don't because you think out loud"
No. 1087361 ID: e8bcc8
File 171169595044.png - (54.44KB , 1440x1080 , Library.png )

Welcome to the Library.

:HaxDevious: "Holy fuck yes internet access gimmie gimmie gimmie I am sane and can be trusted with global control."

:JackNeutral: "Sorry babe but I'm not insane"
No. 1087363 ID: 42bb51

Alrighty, looks like it's time to start searching for the catalogue of robot models!!
Might be able to find yourself if you're lucky! :O
No. 1087364 ID: 8f9bc4

Professions! History! Politics! Current events!
No. 1087365 ID: 7c55ad

Hey HAX, didn't you say earlier we 'wouldn't catch you dead in a library'"? What are ya doing here?

Ok ok, I'll stop giving you a hard time, HAX. Lets look into Jack's backstory here. We know he's a therapist, so look up keywords like "Jack" and "therapist"
No. 1087367 ID: df60a9

bee butt

Look for some therapy books, yeah. Might jog some skill-related memory like how Max reminded you of vaguely familiar events.
No. 1087369 ID: 861ceb

>I'll see you in 8
wait, this guy is that freakin tired at 2 in the afternoon? good god.

but yeah, guess you can search for your name on the computers and see if you can't find your old address... and I guess look up some reviews about yourself as well since you were apparently a therapist.
No. 1087390 ID: 64faaa

Scope out the hotties in the room.
Even if you don't have the time or extroversion needed to hit on ppl, you can still look (politely).

Also, yeah, research. Try to fill-in some of the blanks.
No. 1087392 ID: dd3fe0

Popular culture! Maps! Current Politics! Recent scientific developments! News!
No. 1087404 ID: 940726

Neat, books!
And a cute bee-bot in tight shorts!
And a huge bot on the walkway above us! Seriously, those boots look about as tall as we are.

Hax, can you passively scan the senses of the people around here and see if we've caught anyone's attention? Or interest, even?

Okay, let's not get distracted. We're here to research the "virus flush" treatment we got, to find out how it works and if memory loss is a well-known risk. My cautious side is reminding me that this whole facility is owned and operated by AHN, so we may want to confirm anything we learn using outside sources. Also, think about your search patterns in case they're being monitored by someone; it's safe to look up things about our lost identity or the procedure you went through, but don't make it seem like we distrust Ahn or have an illegal hacking chip.

There's also the escaped criminal hacker that's been spotted near here. See if you can find more news about that, and maybe look up what kinds of things hackers are known for and what kind of precautions the public can take. Can Hax scan the minds around us for potential signs of tampering?

I'm also wondering about "theta", whatever that is. There was a poster for him/her/it in the room where you woke up.

What sort of qualifications do you need to be a therapist? If you want to resume your work, you'll need to make sure you've still got the right skills. Is there some sort of refresher class you could take?
No. 1087748 ID: 400c5e
File 171203885745.png - (409.53KB , 1440x1080 , AprilFools.png )

>Scope out the hotties in the room.

Hottie spotted.

>Hey HAX, didn't you say earlier we 'wouldn't catch you dead in a library'"? What are ya doing here?

:HaxAngry: "Pick up a book and I'll fry your circuits."

>Hax, can you passively scan the senses of the people around here and see if we've caught anyone's attention? Or interest, even?

:HaxFrown: "Hmm, nope not really. But that gal over there seems to have your attention, should I be jealous?~"

HAX teases, making Jack shift slightly

>>1087404 (I am not pasting everything here lmao)

:JackNeutral: "Yeah that's a good list of things to research, we can hop on one of the computers and see."

:HaxDevious: "Orrr you can stop bein a pussy and talk to a woman."

Hax seems to be antsy, full of energy, is there something you and Jack have forgotten?
No. 1087752 ID: 5847f8

Weren’t you also trying to find out where you lived?
No. 1087759 ID: ab46e9

Doesn't talking to you count? You're a lotta woman for being a digital construct.

But yeah let's say hi to her, at least. We do need to remember to look up information about ourselves and our profession, but if we can slip some questions in about current events, that'll help.
No. 1087769 ID: 940726

Something you're forgetting? ...Ah, that's right!

We had considered developing your flirtation skills with her on the way to the library, before we met your old friend in the elevator and got sidetracked catching up. The cute bee girl is another opportunity to do that.

I say we skip it and go straight to booklearning. Normally I'd be all for it, but Hax threatened us, and I'm not going to let her think she can endanger your control over your own mind and get away with it. If she doesn't like what you decide to do, she can get back in her box while we handle important things.
No. 1087771 ID: 588b52

There's gotta be a way to artfully handle both, I think. Finding a book and talking to a nice lady can't be TOTALLY mutually exclusive!
No. 1087773 ID: 7c55ad

We can probably ask her for help finding specific books or websites we can research, and go from there with flirting.
No. 1087784 ID: 5ebd37

It wouldn't hurt to do some flirting before research. What books is she looking at? Could give us a conversation opening.
No. 1087791 ID: 940726

I stand by what I said.

It's true, we could practice flirting and do research at the same time. But our relationship with Hax is at a point where it's important to establish limits.

We won't be doing anything lewd unless she's at least willing to apologize and promise not to mess with Jack's mind without his permission. If she won't do that, then just ignore the attractive stranger and focus on learning.
No. 1087793 ID: 1b53c2

Agreed here.

Ignoring her now would let us know whether or not she would be willing to follow through on her threat. If she isn't, then we've set a boundary. If she is, then- Well, we a first-hand look at how the hacks 'feel' which... Could range from fun to catastrophic, depending on what she does, and how much we can fight back against it (out of pure spite, if nothing else).

That said, unless she's got a restriction against messing with us in there, we're probably going to be in for the more interesting option.
No. 1087870 ID: 940726

Wait, did someone leave a weird grinning doll on one of the bookshelves?

Did someone leave a weird round yellow thing on top of the bookshelves?
No. 1087873 ID: 42bb51

oH NO!! that YELLOW NUCLEAR WARHEAD may roll from atop the bookshelf and BONK that bee in the head!
Better talk to them to drag them to safety!
also learning some LORE at the computer sounds important
No. 1087887 ID: df60a9

Ask the bee bot for directions to engage in our research, maybe some light conversation if she seems interested in it.
No. 1089732 ID: 7ae8e6
File 171411406876.png - (83.15KB , 1440x1080 , Hello.png )

>We can probably ask her for help finding specific books or websites we can research, and go from there with flirting.

Jack sighs, outnumbered in the decision.

:JackAnnoyed: "Fine, I'll go talk to a woman, happy?"

:HaxSmile: "Getting there"

Walking over, Jack pretends to simply browse, looking at some books in the nonfiction section.

:JackNeutral: "You look like you know your way around here, where would the best place be to do some research on a person? And just... Info on current topics and such."

The bot turns to you, staring blankly for a moment, blinking a few times, does she... know you?

:BeaNeutral: "O-Oh! Yeah, uhm, most books are outdated by a year so your best bet is to look on the AHN Index, keeps tabs on everything in all sectors"
No. 1089733 ID: df60a9

She might know you in passing and be confused why you don't know her. There's not much facial response. You could try introducing yourself and asking her name.
No. 1089736 ID: 940726

I still say you're making a mistake. Hax will think she can just push you around whenever she wants if you let her.

You don't have to do this if you don't want to. We're your advisors, not your bosses. We're here to help. It wouldn't be much fun anyway if you're not in the mood.

Well, we got a decent tip from Bea, so my recommendation is look for where they keep the history books. I'd like to learn what happened in the past (100x + 77) years, and if the hardcopy books are only one year or so out of date, they'll have enough nifty info to keep our interest for quite a while. If we're lucky, you might even be famous enough to make it into the history books.
No. 1089738 ID: 01b128

>The bot turns to you, staring blankly for a moment, blinking a few times, does she... know you?
Well the more likely thing is that she's just not used to being talked to outta nowhere. Like she was thinking "...Oh he's talking to myself? ...Oh he asked this?" Shyness (on a girl) has charms too, eh HAX~? Seriously though, where's the passive read? Give that girl a compliment though. Even if you have pure intentions a friend would be nice to have.
No. 1089739 ID: 7f8d92

I, for one, believe refusing to talk to women on the basis of Hax wanting to is silly. Let's see if we can find out if this woman knows us. It seems the fact that we're an amnesiac has already spread by our previous conversation.
No. 1089743 ID: 96707f

Can always interrogate Hax on her psychological motives later, that'll make think twice about pushing Jack around.

Apologize if you're being too forward, it's just you've had some amnesia and are still finding your footing socially
No. 1089744 ID: 861ceb

might as well be blunt and just ask the girl. Just start off apologizing and ask if you know her as you recent are recovering from a operation accident that has left your memory a bit patchy.
No. 1089772 ID: 940726

I've got a question for Jack. Why are you doing this when you clearly don't want to? Before, you had always made decisions based on what you thought was the best idea, even if only one or two of us mentioned it, or you came up with it on your own without our input. It was never a matter of you just doing what you think people want; our role is to advise you, not control you. What's making you act differently now?

I'm honestly concerned about this. Your behavioral patterns were consistent before they suddenly changed, right when you started to disagree with Hax. Is she already messing with your mind? Can she even do that?

I'm saying we should refuse to do something Jack doesn't want to do, and should go with what he was planning instead, because Hax threatened his life.

This is not something we can just laugh off. This is a big deal. Hax is threatening Jack's life, and that makes her an enemy. This isn't about whether we get to meet a cute girl or not, it's about whether our host can keep control of his own mind.

This isn't something we can put off for later, either. What's happening here and now is, by far, the most important time to show resistance. If we give in to Hax's death threats now and talk about it later, she'll feel smug about how she got what she wanted and come up with some dismissive excuse to justify herself. Then the next time she wants to force Jack to do something, she'll do it again without a second thought, because it worked the first time.

That's why it's so important to tell Hax "no". We can always have a nice conversation with with Bea or another cute girl later. Hax wants Jack to be afraid of her now, so it's time for her to put up or shut up.
No. 1089793 ID: c5529d

Yeah, tell her you had a botch operation, and may have forgotten stuff. So if she knew you, you probably forgot

Check her stats.
No. 1089861 ID: ebae20

HAX activate xray vision
No. 1089878 ID: 8f9bc4

Need to find the AHN index then!

...it's back where we started, isn't it.
No. 1090624 ID: 7ae8e6
File 171526544664.png - (86.28KB , 1440x1080 , Bea.png )

>She might know you in passing and be confused why you don't know her. There's not much facial response. You could try introducing yourself and asking her name.

:JackSmile: "Thanks, where would I find that? Oh, and what's your name by the way? Have we.. met? I-I'm having some memory problems at the moment"

:BeaSmile: "A-ah, It's the default website on the library computers, I'm Bea by the way! Nice to meet you, J-- I-I' just looking through the library for something interesting to read"

Jack smiles, finding her nervousness cute, though HAX whispers something quietly...

:HaxAnnoyed: "..She's lying"

>Seriously though, where's the passive read? Give that girl a compliment though. Even if you have pure intentions a friend would be nice to have.

(Forgot to make room for the text box so you get it here lol)

- Nervous
- Excited
- Energetic

Love: 80/100
Lust: 10/100
Agitation: 0/100
Energy: 95/100

:JackSmile: "I like your design by the way! It's cute"

Bea's expression brightens as she hears his compliment, squeaking quietly as she smiles

:BeaSmile: "Thank you! That's really sweet, I think you look really great too!"

+5 Love

>I've got a question for Jack. Why are you doing this when you clearly don't want to?

:JackCaring: 'I wanted to talk to her, I'm just nervous... Not a huge fan of teasing either'

:HaxSorry: "A-Ah, sorry. Takes a bit for me to... Adjust to new users."
No. 1090625 ID: 7ae8e6
File 171526617378.png - (54.07KB , 1440x1080 , XC.png )

>Apologize if you're being too forward, it's just you've had some amnesia and are still finding your footing socially

:BeaNeutral: "That's fine! Completely normal for someone going through memory loss, if you need any help around the area I can help!"

:JackSmile: "That would be nice, don't wanna get lost haha"

The two converse for a short while, before...

>Wait, did someone leave a weird grinning doll on one of the bookshelves?

...You notice it too, Bea following your gaze to the strange plush

:JackConfused: "What's this?"

Picking it up, he tilts his head, examining the doll

:BeaNeutral: "Oh, that's a plushie of Mr Carter! He's a wonderous inventor, I was actually made in the same sector as him! He's discovered many revolutionary facts about our world, you should meet him sometime! Wonderful place to visit."

Hax virtually nudges Jack, gesturing over to the computers

:JackSurprised: "Oh, right! The Ahn index! I should probably get to researching, it's been great meeting you, Bea!"

:BeaSmile: "Same here! If you need some help, I can always come with you" she offers
No. 1090626 ID: 394dad

She should come with us! We could use a partner to get busy with in the bookshelves. Even if we didn’t know her previously, this is a good time to turn a new page in our relationships.
No. 1090627 ID: 8f9bc4

oh my god we must protect that smile.
No. 1090629 ID: 861ceb

she knows you, she almost called you by name for a moment, she also looks nervous but her love stat is really high so I don't think she's someone out to get you.

um... only things I can think of why she is lying to you is either she
A) is just kinda bad at small talk/social situations
B) she's trying to figure out a way to ask you out on a date (with a love stat that high she defiantly has some kind of feelings for you)
C) she isn't looking for a book but something else that she doesn't want people to know about... I mean if her lust was higher I'd say maybe she's looking for some kind of smut novel but given where she was looking before you started talking to her she was either eyeing the NEHM book or the one left of it.

hey Hax can you keep an eye on her while jack does his thing so it isn't obvious we're watching her?

Also might as well let her tag along while we're here. those stats make me doubt she means you any ill will but she's definitely hiding something from you so keeping her around might help you figure out what she's not telling you.
... or if you have no patience you could just have HAX have her powers go from passive to active and nudge Bea to accidentally letting the truth slip out when you think she's hiding something again.
No. 1090630 ID: c006d6

That girl definitely likes us. With our old friend and patient, while his affection was high, he only had 5/100 love. This girl probably knows us. If it was just her going "Awooga" at us, she'd have higher lust...but its love. This girl is definitely someone we met before.
No. 1090631 ID: 7220f3

Like you said with Max, you're starting all your relationships anew. If she knew you before its up to her if she wants to tell you. No need to dig for secrets that we don't even know are important.

Since she offered let her come with. She is pleasant company.
No. 1090634 ID: e885e5

"You know, I still have, like, beliefs and values. And if someone was important to the person I was in the old memories, especially if I was important to them as well, I would value kindling some sort of relationship with them, even if it wasn't the same one as before."
No. 1090635 ID: 068168

I get the feeling she may have had a crush on you before. If she knew you personally she would be more open I imagine. Hopefully not the yandere stalker kind of crush, it sounds like she may have been here to look at you more than the books.

Don't sat anything about it for now. If we find anyone else we know later, we can ask them about her.
No. 1090637 ID: ef7b31

Huh. Quite possible that she wished to have a close relationship with you. What would have stopped this? 1) Preexisting relationship 2) She was with you but you broke up due to issues you had with her so she was alone 3) She was a fangirl but you were a celebrity so out of reach 4) She's strelok stalker-ish. Lot of possibilities. Lots of reasons to lie. Still, she seems fine with a clean slate. Pressing her would be unnecessary for now.
No. 1090650 ID: 273c18

She's got over 80 Love already, you've definitely met before. You probably rejected her. Let's not hook up with miss emotional baggage here. Tell her you'll be alright on your own it's just the library.
No. 1090651 ID: 2a82d3

It's also possible you're a minor celebrity, and she's, like, your biggest fan. She doesn't seem the type to pull off any big lies.
No. 1090653 ID: 940726

>"A-Ah, sorry. Takes a bit for me to... Adjust to new users."
That is barely a response. Is it "sorry for teasing you about your masculinity"? Or "sorry for threatening your life when I got bored with you"? Or "sorry for messing with your mind without asking permission or telling you"?

Let's make this perfectly clear, so there's no confusion in the future. Are you, or are you not, willing or able to murder Jack or forcibly alter his mind if he tries to do something you don't like? Tell us what you can do, and tell us what you're actually threatening to do.
No. 1090657 ID: df60a9

I hadn't considered that we might be a celebrity. That seems like something we'll find out very soon.

Also, I vote to not bring her along for now. We can see if she tries to follow you anyways.
No. 1090664 ID: ab46e9

Cute, but we're still trying to find ourselves. We'll link back up with her later, but for now we roll alone (and with HAX).

I don't think HAX is trying to be wicked or evil, moreso she's just excited to be with someone, frankly. It's fine, for me, apology accepted unless you do something out of pocket again.
No. 1090665 ID: 8fbb45

Oh, but definitely get her number.
No. 1092607 ID: 9956c0

Oh my goodness, a fresh reality to screw with. Been a while. <cracks knuckles>

Seems like we got a cute bot that's quite fond of you. That aught to be worth utilizing. And it would be downright cruel to shun both of these adorable digital feminine archtypes. We gotta test those powers. We cant be out here flying blind. See if you can't make her do something bold. Make her ask you out to that Mr. Carter Emporium, and check out the area. It'll be good to have a local without their brains fried to show us around. And really, its a nice start to work with someone that's already fond of us, rather than get into.... well, what HAX is likely used to doing.

Also adorable [redacted] you have here. The inhabitants are adorable. <3
No. 1092673 ID: 7ae8e6
File 171789741026.png - (212.04KB , 1440x1080 , Monitor.png )

>hey Hax can you keep an eye on her while jack does his thing so it isn't obvious we're watching her?

:HaxDevious: "Well I can only see what Jack sees, but... Maybe I can take a little peek through her own eyes~"

Hax grins, her eyes glazing over slightly before she disappears.

>She should come with us! We could use a partner to get busy with in the bookshelves.

:JackNeutral: 'The AHN Index is where we'll look first, I wanna know more about where I live and work and all that...'

:JackSmile: "Sure, could use the company. And, of course, someone who knows how to navigate the site haha"

:BeaSmile: "O-Okay! here, lets head over to one of the pcs"

Bea takes the lead, swiftly moving over to one of the pcs and pulling up a second chair, letting Jack take a seat as they begin to navigate the site...

There's a lot of information, some obvious and plain, but some going into detail on his life... A little concerning this info is just available to everyone.

Scrolling past the summaries at the top, detailed information about his work and experience shows up, along with an apology from the AHN index on their mistake causing his amnesia...

:JackSurprised: "Oh damn... 30 years of experience in therapy, huh? All gone just like that?"

:BeaSmile: "You were a great therapist i-it seems, it sucks that it's all gone but... Doesn't mean you can't start anew? Maybe you can choose something else, go your own way, y'know?"

Jack and Bea continue scrolling, Hax watching through Bea's eyes as Bea flicks back and fourth between fidgeting with her hands and looking at Jack...

:BeaNervousSmile: "Hey, uhm... Wanna maybe go to lunch sometime? I could even help guide you around the outside, show you where things are and all that, y'know? You're uhm... Pretty cute.."
No. 1092675 ID: a7a180

What did the other Jacks do? It's publicly available information, after all. Weird how there's single digits of your name...
How about lunch right after this? Ive got a lot to chew on. Maybe food will fill the empty void where my psychology degree used to be?
No. 1092676 ID: 539836

so she does have a crush on you, called it. As for the date, sure, just make sure it doesn't get in the way of the meeting with that guy you met in the elevator. You did promise to hang out with him after his shift was up after all.
No. 1092678 ID: 5ebd37

say she's pretty cute herself!
No. 1092686 ID: 64faaa

"Y-yeah! And you already remember where the best places around are!"
No. 1092692 ID: 273c18

Do not date someone who's pretending not to know you. That is a red flag; a sign of a previous failed relationship. Feel free to call her out on it; your bio says you can read people like a book so you have an excuse!

Tell her maybe later, you're just trying to get back on your feet and don't want to complicate things.
No. 1092701 ID: 9bbb0e

I am curious, too. I'm also curious enough to look up Bea, I mean these are public records. Just maybe not in front of her.
We could look up that inventor she likes and see what his deal is. That could give us some insights into the things she sees as important.

No. 1092711 ID: c61935

...could look her up once she goes off somewhere
No. 1092712 ID: 64faaa

yeah, this
No. 1092714 ID: c8380b

My guess is she knew another Jack model. Even if she didn't know us specifically, she's clearly attached to our line somehow. She needs to understand that we're an entirely different person and likely won't meet any expectations she has. If she insists, we wouldn't be opposed to getting to know her.
No. 1092721 ID: 8f9bc4

Yeah, she seems nice! Probably the sweetest person you've met so far. And she's not proposing marriage or anything; it's just lunch. You can get her trust by showing up, then you can say it seems like something is troubling her, and you won't hold it against her if it's about something you've forgotten. Or something like that.
No. 1092818 ID: bde9b1

I say 'yes' on lunch. I like this girl. She's cute.
No. 1093288 ID: 940726

Nothing to say? Just going back to acting like nothing happened?

I can tell that you're trying to be more sympathetic to Jack right now, but we still need to talk about what you said before. There are questions that warrant answers. If you don't want to talk about it now, we will have to talk about it later.

Just to be sure, Hax has been in Passive mode this whole time, right?

It's odd that your model only has nine members. Aren't robots usually made in sets of ten? It wasn't resource limits, or they would have made even fewer, instead of giving you "substitute" parts. Seems suspicious to me. Call me paranoid, but I'm worried that something happened to Jack 10.

It's a shame that you lost all those memories. But your memories aren't all gone, right? Some of them are only missing names and faces. Do you recall anything like a therapy session you had with someone? May be worth pondering why some memories are completely gone, and others are only incomplete.

Might as well accept her offer, if you're genuinely interested for your own sake and not just doing it because you feel outnumbered. I like her, but I don't want you to feel like you're being forced into anything.

I noticed she tends to stutter when she lies. It's looking more and more likely that she's a former client of yours that developed a crush on you during your sessions. Let's not press the issue just yet, so she'll have a chance to confess on her own during your date.
No. 1095547 ID: 7ae8e6
File 172310217406.gif - (25.64KB , 1440x1080 , YIPPEE.gif )

>so she does have a crush on you, called it. As for the date, sure, just make sure it doesn't get in the way of the meeting with that guy you met in the elevator.
>Say she's pretty cute herself!

:JackSmile: "You're pretty cute yourself..! Lunch would be pretty nice, I'd love to relearn the area, though truth be told I do have some memories left in here, just not faces... How about next week?"

:BeaSmile: "It's a date!"

Bea beams with excitement, giddy at the thought. Hax quietly mumbles in the depth of your mind.

>What did the other Jacks do? It's publicly available information, after all. Weird how there's single digits of your name...
>I am curious, too. I'm also curious enough to look up Bea, I mean these are public records. Just maybe not in front of her. We could look up that inventor she likes and see what his deal is. That could give us some insights into the things she sees as important.

:JackNeutral: 'Definitely info I'd like to know, too. But not in front of her... I could maybe check out the other Jacks in the meantime'

:HaxAnnoyed: "..."

Scrolling through the list of Jack models, each one looks slightly different, mirroring the environment they come from... Some look sleek and well-built, others look more steampunk and rundown, but they all have one thing in common... Therapy.

Each Jack was said to be kind and gentle, people smart and emotionally intelligent. While they were all very much different people, they all seemed to love keeping the ones around them up and happy, using different methods to fit with their locations.

Surprisingly, they were all alive. Surprising due to the fact they've all decided to stay in their own sectors, including the ones overrun by crime.

In the footnotes of the documents, there seems to be an overall rundown on the model line...

"...Overall, the Jack model line is a highly safe, trustworthy and, although sometimes rough around the edges, quite a good friend to have."
No. 1095549 ID: 940726

Hax seems upset. Something on your mind? Come on, you can talk to us.

So there are nine Jacks for nine sectors. I don't think that's normal for robot production lines. The sectors are largely independent, so who would decide that each of them should get their own custom-made therapist? Were you all built to the same specifications in your "home" sectors, or were you made in the same place and then sent on your way?

There's another thing that's got me curious. Your own file says you had an uncanny ability to read people, ostensibly from years of experience as a therapist. Do the other Jacks have anything like that in their profiles? I've got a vague suspicion that you might actually have been using some kind of hacking device to read people's minds even before the amnesia.

Who wrote that footnote? It seems oddly personal for an official public document.
No. 1095552 ID: 861ceb

huh, Hex never really seemed to be to upset about the people we've talked to so far, what make's Bea different?

Also if she walked away maybe look her up online as well, maybe she has a social media page or something for you to learn a bit more about her before seeing her tomorrow. and hopefully let hex find out more about her to hopefully help ease any worries she might have.
No. 1095555 ID: 8f9bc4

Maybe she's regretting getting installed on a total goodie two-shoes boy scout.
No. 1095567 ID: a7a180

Flattering, but that comment was made about a different you.
If you're out of commission, who's doing your job for this sector? Maybe you should schedule a session with them.
And speaking of substitutes, why were you sensitive about having replacement parts? Are they worse than what you'd otherwise have? Hax, can we get a system diagnostic?
No. 1095573 ID: 95aa89

Hmhmm..well, this seems a bit too easy for me. We seem like a normal Jack at first glance..but something clearly happened. Like how our new friend obviously knows us, likes us,but did not choose to disclose why like our former patient. I dont think it's malicious...but there's things unsaid.
No. 1096142 ID: 925a42

>I'm also curious enough to look up Bea, I mean these are public records. Just maybe not in front of her.
Get HAX to hack into her head and remind her she's got other places to be right now. Then we can read all about her at the computer in peace.
Bea might have social media pages, or even an OnlyBots page! Let's look for those~
No. 1097018 ID: 7ae8e6
File 172559457262.png - (58.46KB , 1440x1080 , TheFirstHackening.png )

>Hax seems upset. Something on your mind? Come on, you can talk to us.

:HaxAnnoyed: "..."

>Get HAX to hack into her head and remind her she's got other places to be right now. Then we can read all about her at the computer in peace. Bea might have social media pages, or even an OnlyBots page! Let's look for those~

:JackNeutral: "..."

:JackTired: "This is what you were annoyed about wasn't it-"

:HaxEyeRoll: "Yes, I do know how to do harmless hacking, not everything I do is immoral."

Hax huffs, her eyes glowing for a fraction of a second as Bea's eyes widen,

:BeaRememberSurprise: "Oh, I think I left the stove on--"

:BeaNervousSmile: "I-I'm sorry Jack, but I've gotta run-- I'm looking forward to our date! I'll see you around, okay?"

She smiles happily, waving as she runs off, smiling at Jack.
No. 1097019 ID: 7ae8e6
File 172559513248.png - (61.67KB , 1440x1080 , Interrupted.png )

:JackNeutral: :Well that was easy."

:HaxSmile: "Mhm, remember that I'm capable of more than hypno sex"

:JackTired: "Noted."

>If you're out of commission, who's doing your job for this sector? Maybe you should schedule a session with them.

:JackNeutral: "True, I'll have to see who's taking care of my patients, how long was I out again..?"

>And speaking of substitutes, why were you sensitive about having replacement parts? Are they worse than what you'd otherwise have?--

:JackCalming: "Stop. I-I don't like thinking of it..."

:HaxFrown: "...They should at least know why you stress about it, right"

:JackScared: "..."

:HaxFrown: "...mix of dysmorphia and embarrassment"

:JackCalming: "L-Let's move on."

Turning back to the pc, Jack goes back to the name page, searching for Bea...

Before he can click however, a familiar voice calls out to him.

"Hello, Jack! I wanted to make sure you got here without any troubles."
No. 1097020 ID: 7ae8e6
File 172559543953.png - (51.19KB , 1440x1080 , ItsAHN.png )

It's AHN

:Ahn7Smile: "I trust you've been fine alone?"

:JackNeutral: "Y-Yeah, had to ask for some help to know where to look, the index is handy"

AHN7 giggles

:Ahn7Smile: "Indeed it is, information on every sector, it's the one thing every AHN model agreed on apart from the train system. There's always one of us that disagrees haha."

:Ahn7Smile: "Are you busy? I have someone important to show you, they've been waiting a little bit of time to meet you!"

ANH7 bounces up and down softly, seemingly excited about something.
No. 1097022 ID: 03c58a

Like now now, or set up a meeting now?
No. 1097023 ID: 355e44

You weren't doing anything that can't wait, and she came down to see you personally. Should see who it is.
No. 1097024 ID: 812e4b

Hey, you remember something! It’s the same old you after all, just a few memories lighter.
Well, if she says it’s important, let’s follow her. And hold hands while doing it.
No. 1097035 ID: 83c988

AHN is hecking cute, as always, though this is a bit of a mood change. Fish for information, gently and flirtly, and get HAX to bring up AHN's stats and check for anything suspicious, like a spike in energy or odd mood. Remember, there is the hacker C45I3 (CASEY) about, and considering AHN knows you have the chip, that might be why they're so important, and you to them.

Better a bit paranoid than hacked. Try for some handholding though.
No. 1097036 ID: bfe862

"Seems like someone important to you?"
No. 1097037 ID: 15ff12

Sure then. Let's go.
No. 1097052 ID: 3572a3

this sounds like AHN models are also a once per sector thing, if there were many agreement would not be so easy
No. 1097054 ID: 26801d

yeah, let's go see what she's excited about
No. 1097167 ID: f2320a

"oh i am not that sort of busy right now, to not help you my door is always open to help anyone"
"i been wondering some idle thoughts like who made the first robot? and why not just make more of the same parts and wait with assembly until everything is there, or like why does lust and love exist? what are emotions realy? what exact part causes it? why feel? i think therefor i A.M such things"

>Hold hands

but i dont know how to spoiler
No. 1097181 ID: 03c58a

> but i dont know how to spoiler
go to the rules tab at the top of the page, click it, go to the FAQ tab and it tells you how to do a bunch of stuff from spoilers to dice rolls, to more
No. 1097604 ID: 795471

>"Mhm, remember that I'm capable of more than hypno sex"
>okay but that's fun, can we focus on that?
No. 1097655 ID: 940726

So you find it upsetting when you think your host sees you as a burden instead of a companion? I can sympathize with that. It must be hard to be treated like there's something "wrong" with you just because the law doesn't like you.

Well, I find it upsetting when people directly threaten my host's life and sanity to force them to do things. Which is still a thing that happened, and hasn't unhappened. I do not like being so insistent about this, but ignoring it is simply not an option. The host's well-being is our primary priority.

So if you can promise not to do anything to Jack that he doesn't want, I'll look for ways that you can be more involved. Does that sound reasonable?

Well, she certainly seems to be in a better mood. It's nice to see her smile. How are her stats looking?

Sure, we can go meet with someone. We've already got a few meetings lined up, but they aren't for a while. It won't be a problem as long as it doesn't take too long. Don't press her for info just yet; I suspect she might have been purposefully vague in public.

By the way, ever since we found out about our "psychiatric skills" as a therapist, I've been wondering just how well we could do at getting inside AHN7's head. Would she be interested in a "private session" to let us give it a try? I'm actually talking about hacking, but only AHN knows about that and someone might overhear.

We've actually got answers to some of those questions already. The ten AHN units are the progenitor robots who founded our civilization on this planet. Each of them is the creator and ruler of one of the sectors. They were sent here by aliens from another world. As for why we've got love and lust and so on... I dunno, maybe they're horny aliens who sent a bunch of sexbots to make a space harem or something. I'd like to meet them someday.
No. 1097707 ID: 8f9bc4


Ah, the old turn the lust meter up to max so they need some alone time trick. Wait you don't know that trick at all, since you got this hacked chip like an hour ago. This is a completely new trick!


ANYWAY oh hi AHN thank Primus for a distraction!

You'd love to meet someone else, especially if it's important to AHN. The more people you can get reacquainted with, the less you'll make catastrophic mistakes in ignorance that might ruin your relationship with them forever.

...they're your girlfriend, aren't they.
No. 1101008 ID: 6d9c84
File 173374737288.png - (79.03KB , 1440x1080 , Smiling.png )

>You weren't doing anything that can't wait, and she came down to see you personally. Should see who it is.

:JackNeutral: "Nah, nothing that can't wait. You seem excited."

:Ahn7Smile: "Indeed, I feel as though you'll enjoy this."

>AHN is hecking cute, as always, though this is a bit of a mood change. Fish for information, gently and flirtly, and get HAX to bring up AHN's stats and check for anything suspicious

:HaxSmile: "On it."


- Excited
- Energetic
- Happy

Love: 10/100
Lust: 10/100
Agitation: 0/100
Energy: 63/100

:JackRizz: "Should I be jealous?"

AHN 7 giggles, covering her mouth for a moment as she does,

:Ahn7Embarrassed: "I wouldn't think so, maybe you'll be happy about it~"

She giggles again, responding well

+5 Love

:JackSmile: "Haha, lets get going then, don't wanna leave this mysterious somebody waiting too long"

Ahn 7 Nods, turning and leading the way with her smile still wide.

>let’s follow her. And hold hands while doing it.
>Try for some handholding though.
>Hold hands

:JackSurprised: 'H-Hey now, I'm not just gonna hold the hand of the sectors owner, I mean, I don't even really know her! M-Maybe sometime later... I-If I manage to get closer to her somehow...'

:HaxDevious: "Oh if only there was something about you that she might be interested in, maybe then you'd have a chance with such a monolithic figure"

:JackNeutral: "This person important to you?"

:Ahn7Smile: "Something like that"
No. 1101009 ID: 8ba6cd
File 173374752414.png - (82.58KB , 1440x1080 , Woah.png )

The two soon approach a door, Ahn grinning wide as she reaches for the door knob,

:Ahn7Smile: "Jack, I'd like you to meet the person who's been covering for you while you've been out."

Jack's eyes widened, taking in the sight before him...
No. 1101010 ID: 8ba6cd
File 173374757021.png - (94.81KB , 1440x1080 , Jack5.png )

It's Jack!
No. 1101012 ID: 273c18

No. 1101013 ID: c1311f

Woah, it's Jack 5!!
I wonder what AHN sector he's from
No. 1101015 ID: 3df1ab

Greet your brother.
No. 1101018 ID: c5529d

Brothers don't shake hands, brothers gotta hug!
No. 1101020 ID: 861ceb

uh, not to bring down the mood but... is he ok? HE looks like the one who just got back from surgery... or are the bolted on metal plates a fashion thing in the same vain as a tattoo?
No. 1101021 ID: 9bbb0e

Here's Jack!
Don't forget a thanks for covering you, you were a little out of commission.
No. 1101023 ID: 956736

It’s like looking in a mirror! Jack models don’t meet their counterparts often, do we? How lucky.
No. 1101038 ID: 4e436a

try to figure out what's up with the other jack, he looks like he's had a rough time!
No. 1101039 ID: 4e436a

also, follow up with Hax saying "Oh if only there was something about you that she might be interested in..." because it sounds like she knows more about Ahn7 than she's letting on
No. 1101058 ID: 8ba6cd
File 173380223280.png - (70.71KB , 1440x1080 , Jack5Closeup.png )

>Greet your brother.

:JackSurprised: "Its like a mirror..."

:Jack5Smile: "Haha yeah, right? Been a bit"

Jack 5 would step forward and give Jack a hug, stepping back shortly after

:Jack5Neutral: "Though I heard you wouldn't even remember me as-is"

:Ahn7Smile: "The full extent is still unknown, at first it seemed to be just people he didn't remember but he seems to remember some places, but not all, you don't remember your house or place of work, do you?"

:JackNeutral: "No, not really. I have some older memories of places and... Empty places where people were, but I can't remember where I live, no."

>uh, not to bring down the mood but... is he ok? HE looks like the one who just got back from surgery... or are the bolted on metal plates a fashion thing in the same vain as a tattoo?

As if sensing Jacks curiosity, Jack 5 smiles

:Jack5Smile: "Sector 5, self repair is pretty big, they're also like a written story on my body"

He points to his horn,

:Jack5Neutral: "For example, got crushed in a door once. Note to selves, don't try walking through a heavy-duty bot door after them, the door sensors will NOT see you haha"

>follow up with Hax saying "Oh if only there was something about you that she might be interested in..." because it sounds like she knows more about Ahn7 than she's letting on

:HaxSmile: "Bestie, of course I'd know a lot about the model who made me. I think you can figure this one out for yourself"
No. 1101059 ID: a7a180

So is self-help big in sector 5 too, or is he covering both sectors?
Apologize that we can't do our job again yet.
What's something you think is really important for us to remember?
No. 1101060 ID: 9bbb0e

Should we like, intern under J5 for a bit to get back into the swing of what we do? Slowly ease back into the job.
No. 1101061 ID: 5bbeb9

So… I guess asked what we missed while we were out and how long has he been covering for us… I also guess if we’re still able to do our job with our memory loss since we’re kinda breaching the topic already.
No. 1101062 ID: 6c233e

That seems like a good idea, or maybe a little practice session on him or Ahn now so he can get a feel for where you're at professionally.
No. 1101070 ID: 4e436a

>"Bestie, of course I'd know a lot about the model who made me. I think you can figure this one out for yourself"

AHN 3 made HAX, and presumably all the AHN models share similarities.

HAX thinks the AHNs have a control fetish.

AHN 7 knows the HAX chip is "a highly illegal augment that gives the user complete and utter control over those around them if used right"... and let us keep it with just a warning.

... whaaaat would happen if we used Active mode on AHN 7? Because it sounds like she might not be entirely opposed to us trying that out.


In the meantime though, we should ask Jack 5 here for more information about ourselves, anything of note happening right now, maybe if he nows anything about what we were up to before the virus flush. Has he ever had to deal with viruses like that? Is that a common problem?

This also reminds me that we really need to get the basic rundown of the city and people here at some point. We may need to get back on the AHN net and get those answers, we need to know what's going on in our surroundings. We need to find out why we had a mind control augment chip installed in our head.

It would probably also be polite to ask more him as well, his interests and current job and such.
No. 1101275 ID: 940726

You are not trustworthy and we are not friends.

Empathizing with you only made you more hostile, so I'm going to tell you what I really think. Frankly, at this point I wonder if the chance of death from having you removed would be a safer bet than leaving you in our systems any longer. If we had any power tools at the moment, I would strongly consider putting a drill to Jack's cranium and drilling through everything between it and you, just to be certain you won't have any more chances to mind-rape him.

Acting like we should be okay with you is not going to make what you did unhappen.

>Jack 5 has been covering for you while you were out.
That brings up an interesting question. How long was Jack 9 out? I was under the impression that he came in for a virus cleanse and the operation suddenly went wrong. Does the treatment take a long time? Did Jack leave his job for a while before he went to the hospital? How have our patients been holding up?

I couldn't help but notice that J5 has a bit of love and lust here. Would that sort of thing be taboo for robots of the same model? Is, um, "blood purity" a problem for us like it is for some organic lifeforms? Does our Jack feel weird about it?

You know what? I'm gonna test it.

I'd like to pay J5 a compliment on the nice body work he's done. We can see that he's pretty talented at patching himself up. If his scars are like stories written on his body, does he have any other interesting stories he'd like to share with us?
No. 1101278 ID: 273c18

More hostile? What are you talking about!? I don't think anyone else agrees with you now, at least not to the extent that we'd want to seriously injure Jack to get rid of Hax, so maybe calm your shit, eh? Also, she wasn't calling you "Bestie" in the first place. She is aware there are multiple of us.

You mean a mind control fetish?

Ask for a rundown of what you missed.
No. 1101298 ID: 73a678

...methinks you're a bit too paranoid. She's far from that bad.

>>1101060 Otherwise, backing this. Let's ease into things.
No. 1101300 ID: 938478

OK so given that we know basically nothing about our powers and their limits-I love Hex with all my heart, I’m giving her my credit card information and home address as I type this. But I don’t trust her a single bit about revealing secrets about herself that we do not know of until it’s far too late-I’ve taken liberty of drafting together a little plan for how we can properly test them out.

So the plan is as follows: Pt1: We go to one of the crime ridden sectors like AHN 1 or 3 and just, walk around. Explore the area and see the sights to see. Eventually after long enough (And if Hex is to be believed about how crime filled these areas are) we should be attempted to be mugged/murdered/graped/tried to be sold something by someone. We chose this person in particular because A; We’re not doing this to a loved one who places their trust into us, we’re doing this to a dangerous criminal who was actively trying to hurt us. And B; AHN7 will not know that we used Active mode if we do it in these areas. B is especially important for me because I don’t want to make the best girl disappointed in us :<. Then activates-

Pt2: We use Active mode on them. Test out its uses and limits, (This part and everything that comes after is very much unpredictable, depending on who the criminal actually was and what sort of situation they were in to do such an act) things like: What’s the max & min we can set the integer settings to (Is 999 and -1 even possible?)? Can we make them gay? What counts as a mood in this system (Can we make someone feel like they’ve watched the newest Sony anti-hero spider-man movies?(Aka: Extremely Suicidal?))? How powerful are our orders (Is self-harm possible? If we tell someone to “Take a walk” will they ever stop?)? Can we control more than one person at once? Is it at all possible to actually KILL someone if we set their systems the wrong way?

And while yes-this whole idea IS very much insanely immoral in every way conceivably imaginable-BUT it’s also extremely necessary to do. For example: What if when Hex told Bea she left the stove on, she actually doesn’t HAVE a stove to leave on in the first place? What happens then? Does the order redirect to something different but with the same goal? Does the order error out and a new one needs to be put in its place? Will Bea buy a stove, turn it on and then leave her house? Will she break into some random person's house and turn their stove off? Will the impossible order overload Bea’s brain and KILL HER?!?!? (Last one is extremely unlikely but still).

Yes none of that happened, and yes Hex would stop/warn us of anything like that happening. But the fact is that we don’t actually know that for certain. We have an extremely dangerous power at our hands that could hurt someone permanently. We can’t can’t roll the dice with “IF”s when using them.

...Also I want a good excuse to play around with our really cool hypno powers on someone.

Chit-chat with our brother for awhile, catch up on what we missed and whatnot. It's been probably years since we last spoke, and he's been filling in our position while we were gone, it would be pretty rude to just go straight to questions about ourselves first off (Still going to eventually though)
No. 1101302 ID: 940726

Hax is nobody's friend. She described herself as an existential threat to Jack specifically, and treating her as such is the appropriate response. If she has anything to say in her defense, she can say it herself.

I have been making every possible effort at every available opportunity to sympathize, compromise, understand, inquire, discuss, and otherwise reason with her so that we could work together more comfortably. She, instead, has repeatedly demanded entertainment while we were trying to do other things, acted irritable without explaining herself whenever something doesn't go her way, threatened our protagonist's life, and refused to even acknowledge any issues with how she's treated anyone.

Except for one time, when she said she was sorry for "teasing" and then made excuses for herself. Which is just about the most backhanded, insincere, two-faced insult of an "apology" she could have given for her behavior. And by "behavior", I mean "death threats", which have been ongoing for more than half of the entire time we've known Jack.

I honestly wish we could have a better relationship, or that any of the better ways to handle this had gotten us anywhere, but at this point it's apparent that the only two options are to either address the threat she has chosen to make against Jack's life, or pretend it never happened, and the better choice is to call her what she is.
No. 1101303 ID: 5b1723

>>1101302 Open hostility is just as likely to have Hax lash out at Jack so don't antagonize. Sure, we shouldn't let Hax dictate how we do things. Still, lip service is pretty much free. Plus light flirting seems to be enough to placate. Fun for both sides. "Just bestie? Please. We're way past the friendzone~."
No. 1101305 ID: 460bc9

...Are you still all angry about the time Hax said she'd fry our circuits if we picked up a book?
No. 1101306 ID: 3242bc

…Hmm. We could ask AHN what she meant by using our HAX for good. Like, hypnotherapy, consensual domming? …But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
No. 1101307 ID: 6c233e

It's hard to pick up tone through text, but I think she was just joking. She has been quite well behaved for a sentient being confined to another person's head. If that comment is still bothering Jack he should just talk to her about it before jumping to dangerous schemes.
No. 1101315 ID: 8f9bc4


Fair point however (breast thump)
1. She is installed on Jack. They don't want to fight since they can't get away from each other.
2. She's been open to negotiation, which she won't be if Jack keeps treating her like an enemy
3. She doesn't have to be an existential threat. She can choose not to, and so can Jack.
4. She hasn't hurt anyone, despite several opportunties to do so.
No. 1101341 ID: 0db8d3

Hax is a brat but I don't think she actually holds any Ill intentions toward us.
At worst I think she wants to get herself off by "Corrupting" (In a moral way, not a software way.) one of the goody-two-shoes Jack Units.
No. 1103234 ID: 0924d1
File 173865395798.png - (86.11KB , 1440x1080 , Jack5Talking.png )

>Ask for a rundown of what you missed.

>In the meantime though, we should ask Jack 5 here for more information about ourselves, anything of note happening right now, maybe if he nows anything about what we were up to before the virus flush. Has he ever had to deal with viruses like that? Is that a common problem?

:Jack5Smile: "Not too much, your regulars came in a little confused at first but they adjusted haha, I even remembered a few from things you told me in the past. That girl that kept trying to rizz you up showed up too so that was interesting!"

:HaxDevious: "Wow, someone gets bitches"

:JackNeutral: "Well that's good at least, I don't think I was out for too long, was I? I forgot what Ahn said..."

:Ahn7Smile: "About two weeks, not as long as some other patients in the past but still a worrying amount of time"

:JackConfused: "Wait, have you been doing twice the work? Or has someone been covering for you? That much travel must suck if you're going between sectors"

:Jack5Smile: "Ahn 7 hooked me up with a link module so I can pilot two bodies at once, twice the compute requirements but twice the compute power since I've got an equivalent model."

:JackSmile: "That sounds awesome, I'm glad to hear you're not suffering over this"

:Jack5Neutral: "Nah, I've been thoroughly enjoying it. Take your time with relearning your stuff again, I'm super down to continue."

:JackSmile: "Will do ahah, thinking of just exploring the area to get my bearings again and meet my friends."

:JackSurprised: "Oh! Do you know if I was up to anything before my virus flush? Is it like, a common thing?"

Jack 5 thinks for a minute, wracking his brain for anything he can remember.

:Jack5Neutral: "Hmmm... Not really, if you're trying to figure out why you got a virus you were probably just searching some risky sites if you know what I mean" he chuckles teasingly,

:Jack5Neutral: "As for how common it is, I'm not sure if I know exactly, but..." he gestures to Ahn.

Ahn 7 steps forward, happy to answer what she arguably knows way more about,

:Ahn7Smile: "Fairly common, but not as bad as what you had. Most bots get a common virus at least once every quarter, fairly easy to flush out but you required a much deeper clean."


:HaxSmile: "You'll know more about me when the time is right, can't ruin my mysterious energy~ As for that plan, I actually think that idea... Yeah, that idea seems quite nice. Morally ambiguous so it appeals to both Jack and I... And we might be able to have some fun hehe..."

:JackNeutral: 'You know what, it is kinda alright... Maybe we could head out after this...? Or am I forgetting something...'

Jack turns, facing Ahn,

:JackNeutral: "Hey Ahn, are you free sometime soon? I wanna talk to you more about uh.. The thing."

Jack 5 and Ahn 7 both look a bit confused, before her eyes widen, nodding softly.

:Ahn7Smile: "Understood, feel free to visit my office at any time to talk, or would you like to talk after you're done talking here?"
No. 1103235 ID: 6b8094

We could talk now if you have time - you know, before we completely forget what we were doing.
If Jack 5's got our bases safely covered maybe we should take another week off or so to focus on data recovery & figuring out what knocked us offline so badly! Better that someone with barely any data to lose risks catching the virus again, right? How lucky for our admirer that we have a clean slate.
No. 1103237 ID: e4fa58

Well you are meeting that one guy later tonight so as long as it doesn’t interfere with that you’re kind of free for whatever.
No. 1103238 ID: 273c18

Ask about that girl. Why were you turning them down before?
No. 1103247 ID: 3168ea

Yeees we should ask about this, no? She's cute and nice.
No. 1103276 ID: 9bbb0e

Yeah, was that the bee girl?
No. 1103321 ID: 54300c
File 173876599028.png - (86.91KB , 1440x1080 , WeCanGo.png )

>Well you are meeting that one guy later tonight so as long as it doesn’t interfere with that you’re kind of free for whatever.
>We could talk now if you have time - you know, before we completely forget what we were doing.

:JackNeutral: 'Shouldn't interfere with that, still got a few hours until then.'

:JackNeutral: "Yeah I'll finish my conversation with 5 and probably go with you to your office if that's fine."

Ahn 7 nods, smiling understandingly.

>Ask about that girl. Why were you turning them down before?

Turning back to Jack 5, Jack looks a little confused,

:JackConfused: "Why did I turn down whoever that client was?"

:Jack5Neutral: "Unprofessional to date a client I guess, she's really sweet and I couldn't see any other reason, maybe a little too in love with you? Seemed pretty head-over-heels for you, at least it made her smile!"

:HaxDevious: "Sounds like someone's getting laaaaaiiidddd~"
No. 1103351 ID: 861ceb

I guess the only question I can think of right now is since you're back will you be taking over your old job right away or is 5 going to stick around a bit longer and help ease you back into the job to make sure you still have your touch?
No. 1103353 ID: 6c233e

It don't suppose she would still be considered a client now? What with the amnesia. So it would be okay to hang out and maybe date right?
No. 1103354 ID: 6b8094

We can use this break to both explore a relationship with Bee and investigate the virus. Hey Hax, would hacking this body affect both of 5's bodies? Or would he notice something was up?
No. 1103355 ID: 010d92

...what does being laid even MEAN for robots?
No. 1103363 ID: df0eb5

Like what is its purpose?
No. 1103364 ID: 010d92

like, How do robots sex, and why can they?
No. 1103376 ID: d0b56f

Well, she's not our client now, is she? I think we've got a great opportunity here.
No. 1103381 ID: 6b996d


Obviously, there's some ancient biological origin of the biominetic template. You REALLY want to find more details about all of these design choices that are blatantly inherited from evolved biology.

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