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1078544 No. 1078544 ID: 7ae8e6

This is an NSFW Quest about sex, robots, and identity.

Welcome to the world.
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No. 1090624 ID: 7ae8e6
File 171526544664.png - (86.28KB , 1440x1080 , Bea.png )

>She might know you in passing and be confused why you don't know her. There's not much facial response. You could try introducing yourself and asking her name.

:JackSmile: "Thanks, where would I find that? Oh, and what's your name by the way? Have we.. met? I-I'm having some memory problems at the moment"

:BeaSmile: "A-ah, It's the default website on the library computers, I'm Bea by the way! Nice to meet you, J-- I-I' just looking through the library for something interesting to read"

Jack smiles, finding her nervousness cute, though HAX whispers something quietly...

:HaxAnnoyed: "..She's lying"

>Seriously though, where's the passive read? Give that girl a compliment though. Even if you have pure intentions a friend would be nice to have.

(Forgot to make room for the text box so you get it here lol)

- Nervous
- Excited
- Energetic

Love: 80/100
Lust: 10/100
Agitation: 0/100
Energy: 95/100

:JackSmile: "I like your design by the way! It's cute"

Bea's expression brightens as she hears his compliment, squeaking quietly as she smiles

:BeaSmile: "Thank you! That's really sweet, I think you look really great too!"

+5 Love

>I've got a question for Jack. Why are you doing this when you clearly don't want to?

:JackCaring: 'I wanted to talk to her, I'm just nervous... Not a huge fan of teasing either'

:HaxSorry: "A-Ah, sorry. Takes a bit for me to... Adjust to new users."
No. 1090625 ID: 7ae8e6
File 171526617378.png - (54.07KB , 1440x1080 , XC.png )

>Apologize if you're being too forward, it's just you've had some amnesia and are still finding your footing socially

:BeaNeutral: "That's fine! Completely normal for someone going through memory loss, if you need any help around the area I can help!"

:JackSmile: "That would be nice, don't wanna get lost haha"

The two converse for a short while, before...

>Wait, did someone leave a weird grinning doll on one of the bookshelves?

...You notice it too, Bea following your gaze to the strange plush

:JackConfused: "What's this?"

Picking it up, he tilts his head, examining the doll

:BeaNeutral: "Oh, that's a plushie of Mr Carter! He's a wonderous inventor, I was actually made in the same sector as him! He's discovered many revolutionary facts about our world, you should meet him sometime! Wonderful place to visit."

Hax virtually nudges Jack, gesturing over to the computers

:JackSurprised: "Oh, right! The Ahn index! I should probably get to researching, it's been great meeting you, Bea!"

:BeaSmile: "Same here! If you need some help, I can always come with you" she offers
No. 1090626 ID: 394dad

She should come with us! We could use a partner to get busy with in the bookshelves. Even if we didn’t know her previously, this is a good time to turn a new page in our relationships.
No. 1090627 ID: 8f9bc4

oh my god we must protect that smile.
No. 1090629 ID: 861ceb

she knows you, she almost called you by name for a moment, she also looks nervous but her love stat is really high so I don't think she's someone out to get you.

um... only things I can think of why she is lying to you is either she
A) is just kinda bad at small talk/social situations
B) she's trying to figure out a way to ask you out on a date (with a love stat that high she defiantly has some kind of feelings for you)
C) she isn't looking for a book but something else that she doesn't want people to know about... I mean if her lust was higher I'd say maybe she's looking for some kind of smut novel but given where she was looking before you started talking to her she was either eyeing the NEHM book or the one left of it.

hey Hax can you keep an eye on her while jack does his thing so it isn't obvious we're watching her?

Also might as well let her tag along while we're here. those stats make me doubt she means you any ill will but she's definitely hiding something from you so keeping her around might help you figure out what she's not telling you.
... or if you have no patience you could just have HAX have her powers go from passive to active and nudge Bea to accidentally letting the truth slip out when you think she's hiding something again.
No. 1090630 ID: c006d6

That girl definitely likes us. With our old friend and patient, while his affection was high, he only had 5/100 love. This girl probably knows us. If it was just her going "Awooga" at us, she'd have higher lust...but its love. This girl is definitely someone we met before.
No. 1090631 ID: 7220f3

Like you said with Max, you're starting all your relationships anew. If she knew you before its up to her if she wants to tell you. No need to dig for secrets that we don't even know are important.

Since she offered let her come with. She is pleasant company.
No. 1090634 ID: e885e5

"You know, I still have, like, beliefs and values. And if someone was important to the person I was in the old memories, especially if I was important to them as well, I would value kindling some sort of relationship with them, even if it wasn't the same one as before."
No. 1090635 ID: 068168

I get the feeling she may have had a crush on you before. If she knew you personally she would be more open I imagine. Hopefully not the yandere stalker kind of crush, it sounds like she may have been here to look at you more than the books.

Don't sat anything about it for now. If we find anyone else we know later, we can ask them about her.
No. 1090637 ID: ef7b31

Huh. Quite possible that she wished to have a close relationship with you. What would have stopped this? 1) Preexisting relationship 2) She was with you but you broke up due to issues you had with her so she was alone 3) She was a fangirl but you were a celebrity so out of reach 4) She's strelok stalker-ish. Lot of possibilities. Lots of reasons to lie. Still, she seems fine with a clean slate. Pressing her would be unnecessary for now.
No. 1090650 ID: 273c18

She's got over 80 Love already, you've definitely met before. You probably rejected her. Let's not hook up with miss emotional baggage here. Tell her you'll be alright on your own it's just the library.
No. 1090651 ID: 2a82d3

It's also possible you're a minor celebrity, and she's, like, your biggest fan. She doesn't seem the type to pull off any big lies.
No. 1090653 ID: 940726

>"A-Ah, sorry. Takes a bit for me to... Adjust to new users."
That is barely a response. Is it "sorry for teasing you about your masculinity"? Or "sorry for threatening your life when I got bored with you"? Or "sorry for messing with your mind without asking permission or telling you"?

Let's make this perfectly clear, so there's no confusion in the future. Are you, or are you not, willing or able to murder Jack or forcibly alter his mind if he tries to do something you don't like? Tell us what you can do, and tell us what you're actually threatening to do.
No. 1090657 ID: df60a9

I hadn't considered that we might be a celebrity. That seems like something we'll find out very soon.

Also, I vote to not bring her along for now. We can see if she tries to follow you anyways.
No. 1090664 ID: ab46e9

Cute, but we're still trying to find ourselves. We'll link back up with her later, but for now we roll alone (and with HAX).

I don't think HAX is trying to be wicked or evil, moreso she's just excited to be with someone, frankly. It's fine, for me, apology accepted unless you do something out of pocket again.
No. 1090665 ID: 8fbb45

Oh, but definitely get her number.
No. 1092607 ID: 9956c0

Oh my goodness, a fresh reality to screw with. Been a while. <cracks knuckles>

Seems like we got a cute bot that's quite fond of you. That aught to be worth utilizing. And it would be downright cruel to shun both of these adorable digital feminine archtypes. We gotta test those powers. We cant be out here flying blind. See if you can't make her do something bold. Make her ask you out to that Mr. Carter Emporium, and check out the area. It'll be good to have a local without their brains fried to show us around. And really, its a nice start to work with someone that's already fond of us, rather than get into.... well, what HAX is likely used to doing.

Also adorable [redacted] you have here. The inhabitants are adorable. <3
No. 1092673 ID: 7ae8e6
File 171789741026.png - (212.04KB , 1440x1080 , Monitor.png )

>hey Hax can you keep an eye on her while jack does his thing so it isn't obvious we're watching her?

:HaxDevious: "Well I can only see what Jack sees, but... Maybe I can take a little peek through her own eyes~"

Hax grins, her eyes glazing over slightly before she disappears.

>She should come with us! We could use a partner to get busy with in the bookshelves.

:JackNeutral: 'The AHN Index is where we'll look first, I wanna know more about where I live and work and all that...'

:JackSmile: "Sure, could use the company. And, of course, someone who knows how to navigate the site haha"

:BeaSmile: "O-Okay! here, lets head over to one of the pcs"

Bea takes the lead, swiftly moving over to one of the pcs and pulling up a second chair, letting Jack take a seat as they begin to navigate the site...

There's a lot of information, some obvious and plain, but some going into detail on his life... A little concerning this info is just available to everyone.

Scrolling past the summaries at the top, detailed information about his work and experience shows up, along with an apology from the AHN index on their mistake causing his amnesia...

:JackSurprised: "Oh damn... 30 years of experience in therapy, huh? All gone just like that?"

:BeaSmile: "You were a great therapist i-it seems, it sucks that it's all gone but... Doesn't mean you can't start anew? Maybe you can choose something else, go your own way, y'know?"

Jack and Bea continue scrolling, Hax watching through Bea's eyes as Bea flicks back and fourth between fidgeting with her hands and looking at Jack...

:BeaNervousSmile: "Hey, uhm... Wanna maybe go to lunch sometime? I could even help guide you around the outside, show you where things are and all that, y'know? You're uhm... Pretty cute.."
No. 1092675 ID: a7a180

What did the other Jacks do? It's publicly available information, after all. Weird how there's single digits of your name...
How about lunch right after this? Ive got a lot to chew on. Maybe food will fill the empty void where my psychology degree used to be?
No. 1092676 ID: 539836

so she does have a crush on you, called it. As for the date, sure, just make sure it doesn't get in the way of the meeting with that guy you met in the elevator. You did promise to hang out with him after his shift was up after all.
No. 1092678 ID: 5ebd37

say she's pretty cute herself!
No. 1092686 ID: 64faaa

"Y-yeah! And you already remember where the best places around are!"
No. 1092692 ID: 273c18

Do not date someone who's pretending not to know you. That is a red flag; a sign of a previous failed relationship. Feel free to call her out on it; your bio says you can read people like a book so you have an excuse!

Tell her maybe later, you're just trying to get back on your feet and don't want to complicate things.
No. 1092701 ID: 9bbb0e

I am curious, too. I'm also curious enough to look up Bea, I mean these are public records. Just maybe not in front of her.
We could look up that inventor she likes and see what his deal is. That could give us some insights into the things she sees as important.

No. 1092711 ID: c61935

...could look her up once she goes off somewhere
No. 1092712 ID: 64faaa

yeah, this
No. 1092714 ID: c8380b

My guess is she knew another Jack model. Even if she didn't know us specifically, she's clearly attached to our line somehow. She needs to understand that we're an entirely different person and likely won't meet any expectations she has. If she insists, we wouldn't be opposed to getting to know her.
No. 1092721 ID: 8f9bc4

Yeah, she seems nice! Probably the sweetest person you've met so far. And she's not proposing marriage or anything; it's just lunch. You can get her trust by showing up, then you can say it seems like something is troubling her, and you won't hold it against her if it's about something you've forgotten. Or something like that.
No. 1092818 ID: bde9b1

I say 'yes' on lunch. I like this girl. She's cute.
No. 1093288 ID: 940726

Nothing to say? Just going back to acting like nothing happened?

I can tell that you're trying to be more sympathetic to Jack right now, but we still need to talk about what you said before. There are questions that warrant answers. If you don't want to talk about it now, we will have to talk about it later.

Just to be sure, Hax has been in Passive mode this whole time, right?

It's odd that your model only has nine members. Aren't robots usually made in sets of ten? It wasn't resource limits, or they would have made even fewer, instead of giving you "substitute" parts. Seems suspicious to me. Call me paranoid, but I'm worried that something happened to Jack 10.

It's a shame that you lost all those memories. But your memories aren't all gone, right? Some of them are only missing names and faces. Do you recall anything like a therapy session you had with someone? May be worth pondering why some memories are completely gone, and others are only incomplete.

Might as well accept her offer, if you're genuinely interested for your own sake and not just doing it because you feel outnumbered. I like her, but I don't want you to feel like you're being forced into anything.

I noticed she tends to stutter when she lies. It's looking more and more likely that she's a former client of yours that developed a crush on you during your sessions. Let's not press the issue just yet, so she'll have a chance to confess on her own during your date.
No. 1095547 ID: 7ae8e6
File 172310217406.gif - (25.64KB , 1440x1080 , YIPPEE.gif )

>so she does have a crush on you, called it. As for the date, sure, just make sure it doesn't get in the way of the meeting with that guy you met in the elevator.
>Say she's pretty cute herself!

:JackSmile: "You're pretty cute yourself..! Lunch would be pretty nice, I'd love to relearn the area, though truth be told I do have some memories left in here, just not faces... How about next week?"

:BeaSmile: "It's a date!"

Bea beams with excitement, giddy at the thought. Hax quietly mumbles in the depth of your mind.

>What did the other Jacks do? It's publicly available information, after all. Weird how there's single digits of your name...
>I am curious, too. I'm also curious enough to look up Bea, I mean these are public records. Just maybe not in front of her. We could look up that inventor she likes and see what his deal is. That could give us some insights into the things she sees as important.

:JackNeutral: 'Definitely info I'd like to know, too. But not in front of her... I could maybe check out the other Jacks in the meantime'

:HaxAnnoyed: "..."

Scrolling through the list of Jack models, each one looks slightly different, mirroring the environment they come from... Some look sleek and well-built, others look more steampunk and rundown, but they all have one thing in common... Therapy.

Each Jack was said to be kind and gentle, people smart and emotionally intelligent. While they were all very much different people, they all seemed to love keeping the ones around them up and happy, using different methods to fit with their locations.

Surprisingly, they were all alive. Surprising due to the fact they've all decided to stay in their own sectors, including the ones overrun by crime.

In the footnotes of the documents, there seems to be an overall rundown on the model line...

"...Overall, the Jack model line is a highly safe, trustworthy and, although sometimes rough around the edges, quite a good friend to have."
No. 1095549 ID: 940726

Hax seems upset. Something on your mind? Come on, you can talk to us.

So there are nine Jacks for nine sectors. I don't think that's normal for robot production lines. The sectors are largely independent, so who would decide that each of them should get their own custom-made therapist? Were you all built to the same specifications in your "home" sectors, or were you made in the same place and then sent on your way?

There's another thing that's got me curious. Your own file says you had an uncanny ability to read people, ostensibly from years of experience as a therapist. Do the other Jacks have anything like that in their profiles? I've got a vague suspicion that you might actually have been using some kind of hacking device to read people's minds even before the amnesia.

Who wrote that footnote? It seems oddly personal for an official public document.
No. 1095552 ID: 861ceb

huh, Hex never really seemed to be to upset about the people we've talked to so far, what make's Bea different?

Also if she walked away maybe look her up online as well, maybe she has a social media page or something for you to learn a bit more about her before seeing her tomorrow. and hopefully let hex find out more about her to hopefully help ease any worries she might have.
No. 1095555 ID: 8f9bc4

Maybe she's regretting getting installed on a total goodie two-shoes boy scout.
No. 1095567 ID: a7a180

Flattering, but that comment was made about a different you.
If you're out of commission, who's doing your job for this sector? Maybe you should schedule a session with them.
And speaking of substitutes, why were you sensitive about having replacement parts? Are they worse than what you'd otherwise have? Hax, can we get a system diagnostic?
No. 1095573 ID: 95aa89

Hmhmm..well, this seems a bit too easy for me. We seem like a normal Jack at first glance..but something clearly happened. Like how our new friend obviously knows us, likes us,but did not choose to disclose why like our former patient. I dont think it's malicious...but there's things unsaid.
No. 1096142 ID: 925a42

>I'm also curious enough to look up Bea, I mean these are public records. Just maybe not in front of her.
Get HAX to hack into her head and remind her she's got other places to be right now. Then we can read all about her at the computer in peace.
Bea might have social media pages, or even an OnlyBots page! Let's look for those~
No. 1097018 ID: 7ae8e6
File 172559457262.png - (58.46KB , 1440x1080 , TheFirstHackening.png )

>Hax seems upset. Something on your mind? Come on, you can talk to us.

:HaxAnnoyed: "..."

>Get HAX to hack into her head and remind her she's got other places to be right now. Then we can read all about her at the computer in peace. Bea might have social media pages, or even an OnlyBots page! Let's look for those~

:JackNeutral: "..."

:JackTired: "This is what you were annoyed about wasn't it-"

:HaxEyeRoll: "Yes, I do know how to do harmless hacking, not everything I do is immoral."

Hax huffs, her eyes glowing for a fraction of a second as Bea's eyes widen,

:BeaRememberSurprise: "Oh, I think I left the stove on--"

:BeaNervousSmile: "I-I'm sorry Jack, but I've gotta run-- I'm looking forward to our date! I'll see you around, okay?"

She smiles happily, waving as she runs off, smiling at Jack.
No. 1097019 ID: 7ae8e6
File 172559513248.png - (61.67KB , 1440x1080 , Interrupted.png )

:JackNeutral: :Well that was easy."

:HaxSmile: "Mhm, remember that I'm capable of more than hypno sex"

:JackTired: "Noted."

>If you're out of commission, who's doing your job for this sector? Maybe you should schedule a session with them.

:JackNeutral: "True, I'll have to see who's taking care of my patients, how long was I out again..?"

>And speaking of substitutes, why were you sensitive about having replacement parts? Are they worse than what you'd otherwise have?--

:JackCalming: "Stop. I-I don't like thinking of it..."

:HaxFrown: "...They should at least know why you stress about it, right"

:JackScared: "..."

:HaxFrown: "...mix of dysmorphia and embarrassment"

:JackCalming: "L-Let's move on."

Turning back to the pc, Jack goes back to the name page, searching for Bea...

Before he can click however, a familiar voice calls out to him.

"Hello, Jack! I wanted to make sure you got here without any troubles."
No. 1097020 ID: 7ae8e6
File 172559543953.png - (51.19KB , 1440x1080 , ItsAHN.png )

It's AHN

:Ahn7Smile: "I trust you've been fine alone?"

:JackNeutral: "Y-Yeah, had to ask for some help to know where to look, the index is handy"

AHN7 giggles

:Ahn7Smile: "Indeed it is, information on every sector, it's the one thing every AHN model agreed on apart from the train system. There's always one of us that disagrees haha."

:Ahn7Smile: "Are you busy? I have someone important to show you, they've been waiting a little bit of time to meet you!"

ANH7 bounces up and down softly, seemingly excited about something.
No. 1097022 ID: 03c58a

Like now now, or set up a meeting now?
No. 1097023 ID: 355e44

You weren't doing anything that can't wait, and she came down to see you personally. Should see who it is.
No. 1097024 ID: 812e4b

Hey, you remember something! It’s the same old you after all, just a few memories lighter.
Well, if she says it’s important, let’s follow her. And hold hands while doing it.
No. 1097035 ID: 83c988

AHN is hecking cute, as always, though this is a bit of a mood change. Fish for information, gently and flirtly, and get HAX to bring up AHN's stats and check for anything suspicious, like a spike in energy or odd mood. Remember, there is the hacker C45I3 (CASEY) about, and considering AHN knows you have the chip, that might be why they're so important, and you to them.

Better a bit paranoid than hacked. Try for some handholding though.
No. 1097036 ID: bfe862

"Seems like someone important to you?"
No. 1097037 ID: 15ff12

Sure then. Let's go.
No. 1097052 ID: 3572a3

this sounds like AHN models are also a once per sector thing, if there were many agreement would not be so easy
No. 1097054 ID: 26801d

yeah, let's go see what she's excited about
No. 1097167 ID: f2320a

"oh i am not that sort of busy right now, to not help you my door is always open to help anyone"
"i been wondering some idle thoughts like who made the first robot? and why not just make more of the same parts and wait with assembly until everything is there, or like why does lust and love exist? what are emotions realy? what exact part causes it? why feel? i think therefor i A.M such things"

>Hold hands

but i dont know how to spoiler
No. 1097181 ID: 03c58a

> but i dont know how to spoiler
go to the rules tab at the top of the page, click it, go to the FAQ tab and it tells you how to do a bunch of stuff from spoilers to dice rolls, to more
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