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File 170159202418.png - (63.23KB , 720x720 , MACHINE.png )
1078544 No. 1078544 ID: 7ae8e6

This is an NSFW Quest about sex, robots, and identity.

Welcome to the world.
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No. 1097054 ID: 26801d

yeah, let's go see what she's excited about
No. 1097167 ID: f2320a

"oh i am not that sort of busy right now, to not help you my door is always open to help anyone"
"i been wondering some idle thoughts like who made the first robot? and why not just make more of the same parts and wait with assembly until everything is there, or like why does lust and love exist? what are emotions realy? what exact part causes it? why feel? i think therefor i A.M such things"

>Hold hands

but i dont know how to spoiler
No. 1097181 ID: 03c58a

> but i dont know how to spoiler
go to the rules tab at the top of the page, click it, go to the FAQ tab and it tells you how to do a bunch of stuff from spoilers to dice rolls, to more
No. 1097604 ID: 795471

>"Mhm, remember that I'm capable of more than hypno sex"
>okay but that's fun, can we focus on that?
No. 1097655 ID: 940726

So you find it upsetting when you think your host sees you as a burden instead of a companion? I can sympathize with that. It must be hard to be treated like there's something "wrong" with you just because the law doesn't like you.

Well, I find it upsetting when people directly threaten my host's life and sanity to force them to do things. Which is still a thing that happened, and hasn't unhappened. I do not like being so insistent about this, but ignoring it is simply not an option. The host's well-being is our primary priority.

So if you can promise not to do anything to Jack that he doesn't want, I'll look for ways that you can be more involved. Does that sound reasonable?

Well, she certainly seems to be in a better mood. It's nice to see her smile. How are her stats looking?

Sure, we can go meet with someone. We've already got a few meetings lined up, but they aren't for a while. It won't be a problem as long as it doesn't take too long. Don't press her for info just yet; I suspect she might have been purposefully vague in public.

By the way, ever since we found out about our "psychiatric skills" as a therapist, I've been wondering just how well we could do at getting inside AHN7's head. Would she be interested in a "private session" to let us give it a try? I'm actually talking about hacking, but only AHN knows about that and someone might overhear.

We've actually got answers to some of those questions already. The ten AHN units are the progenitor robots who founded our civilization on this planet. Each of them is the creator and ruler of one of the sectors. They were sent here by aliens from another world. As for why we've got love and lust and so on... I dunno, maybe they're horny aliens who sent a bunch of sexbots to make a space harem or something. I'd like to meet them someday.
No. 1097707 ID: 8f9bc4


Ah, the old turn the lust meter up to max so they need some alone time trick. Wait you don't know that trick at all, since you got this hacked chip like an hour ago. This is a completely new trick!


ANYWAY oh hi AHN thank Primus for a distraction!

You'd love to meet someone else, especially if it's important to AHN. The more people you can get reacquainted with, the less you'll make catastrophic mistakes in ignorance that might ruin your relationship with them forever.

...they're your girlfriend, aren't they.
No. 1101008 ID: 6d9c84
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>You weren't doing anything that can't wait, and she came down to see you personally. Should see who it is.

:JackNeutral: "Nah, nothing that can't wait. You seem excited."

:Ahn7Smile: "Indeed, I feel as though you'll enjoy this."

>AHN is hecking cute, as always, though this is a bit of a mood change. Fish for information, gently and flirtly, and get HAX to bring up AHN's stats and check for anything suspicious

:HaxSmile: "On it."


- Excited
- Energetic
- Happy

Love: 10/100
Lust: 10/100
Agitation: 0/100
Energy: 63/100

:JackRizz: "Should I be jealous?"

AHN 7 giggles, covering her mouth for a moment as she does,

:Ahn7Embarrassed: "I wouldn't think so, maybe you'll be happy about it~"

She giggles again, responding well

+5 Love

:JackSmile: "Haha, lets get going then, don't wanna leave this mysterious somebody waiting too long"

Ahn 7 Nods, turning and leading the way with her smile still wide.

>let’s follow her. And hold hands while doing it.
>Try for some handholding though.
>Hold hands

:JackSurprised: 'H-Hey now, I'm not just gonna hold the hand of the sectors owner, I mean, I don't even really know her! M-Maybe sometime later... I-If I manage to get closer to her somehow...'

:HaxDevious: "Oh if only there was something about you that she might be interested in, maybe then you'd have a chance with such a monolithic figure"

:JackNeutral: "This person important to you?"

:Ahn7Smile: "Something like that"
No. 1101009 ID: 8ba6cd
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The two soon approach a door, Ahn grinning wide as she reaches for the door knob,

:Ahn7Smile: "Jack, I'd like you to meet the person who's been covering for you while you've been out."

Jack's eyes widened, taking in the sight before him...
No. 1101010 ID: 8ba6cd
File 173374757021.png - (94.81KB , 1440x1080 , Jack5.png )

It's Jack!
No. 1101012 ID: 273c18

No. 1101013 ID: c1311f

Woah, it's Jack 5!!
I wonder what AHN sector he's from
No. 1101015 ID: 3df1ab

Greet your brother.
No. 1101018 ID: c5529d

Brothers don't shake hands, brothers gotta hug!
No. 1101020 ID: 861ceb

uh, not to bring down the mood but... is he ok? HE looks like the one who just got back from surgery... or are the bolted on metal plates a fashion thing in the same vain as a tattoo?
No. 1101021 ID: 9bbb0e

Here's Jack!
Don't forget a thanks for covering you, you were a little out of commission.
No. 1101023 ID: 956736

It’s like looking in a mirror! Jack models don’t meet their counterparts often, do we? How lucky.
No. 1101038 ID: 4e436a

try to figure out what's up with the other jack, he looks like he's had a rough time!
No. 1101039 ID: 4e436a

also, follow up with Hax saying "Oh if only there was something about you that she might be interested in..." because it sounds like she knows more about Ahn7 than she's letting on
No. 1101058 ID: 8ba6cd
File 173380223280.png - (70.71KB , 1440x1080 , Jack5Closeup.png )

>Greet your brother.

:JackSurprised: "Its like a mirror..."

:Jack5Smile: "Haha yeah, right? Been a bit"

Jack 5 would step forward and give Jack a hug, stepping back shortly after

:Jack5Neutral: "Though I heard you wouldn't even remember me as-is"

:Ahn7Smile: "The full extent is still unknown, at first it seemed to be just people he didn't remember but he seems to remember some places, but not all, you don't remember your house or place of work, do you?"

:JackNeutral: "No, not really. I have some older memories of places and... Empty places where people were, but I can't remember where I live, no."

>uh, not to bring down the mood but... is he ok? HE looks like the one who just got back from surgery... or are the bolted on metal plates a fashion thing in the same vain as a tattoo?

As if sensing Jacks curiosity, Jack 5 smiles

:Jack5Smile: "Sector 5, self repair is pretty big, they're also like a written story on my body"

He points to his horn,

:Jack5Neutral: "For example, got crushed in a door once. Note to selves, don't try walking through a heavy-duty bot door after them, the door sensors will NOT see you haha"

>follow up with Hax saying "Oh if only there was something about you that she might be interested in..." because it sounds like she knows more about Ahn7 than she's letting on

:HaxSmile: "Bestie, of course I'd know a lot about the model who made me. I think you can figure this one out for yourself"
No. 1101059 ID: a7a180

So is self-help big in sector 5 too, or is he covering both sectors?
Apologize that we can't do our job again yet.
What's something you think is really important for us to remember?
No. 1101060 ID: 9bbb0e

Should we like, intern under J5 for a bit to get back into the swing of what we do? Slowly ease back into the job.
No. 1101061 ID: 5bbeb9

So… I guess asked what we missed while we were out and how long has he been covering for us… I also guess if we’re still able to do our job with our memory loss since we’re kinda breaching the topic already.
No. 1101062 ID: 6c233e

That seems like a good idea, or maybe a little practice session on him or Ahn now so he can get a feel for where you're at professionally.
No. 1101070 ID: 4e436a

>"Bestie, of course I'd know a lot about the model who made me. I think you can figure this one out for yourself"

AHN 3 made HAX, and presumably all the AHN models share similarities.

HAX thinks the AHNs have a control fetish.

AHN 7 knows the HAX chip is "a highly illegal augment that gives the user complete and utter control over those around them if used right"... and let us keep it with just a warning.

... whaaaat would happen if we used Active mode on AHN 7? Because it sounds like she might not be entirely opposed to us trying that out.


In the meantime though, we should ask Jack 5 here for more information about ourselves, anything of note happening right now, maybe if he nows anything about what we were up to before the virus flush. Has he ever had to deal with viruses like that? Is that a common problem?

This also reminds me that we really need to get the basic rundown of the city and people here at some point. We may need to get back on the AHN net and get those answers, we need to know what's going on in our surroundings. We need to find out why we had a mind control augment chip installed in our head.

It would probably also be polite to ask more him as well, his interests and current job and such.
No. 1101275 ID: 940726

You are not trustworthy and we are not friends.

Empathizing with you only made you more hostile, so I'm going to tell you what I really think. Frankly, at this point I wonder if the chance of death from having you removed would be a safer bet than leaving you in our systems any longer. If we had any power tools at the moment, I would strongly consider putting a drill to Jack's cranium and drilling through everything between it and you, just to be certain you won't have any more chances to mind-rape him.

Acting like we should be okay with you is not going to make what you did unhappen.

>Jack 5 has been covering for you while you were out.
That brings up an interesting question. How long was Jack 9 out? I was under the impression that he came in for a virus cleanse and the operation suddenly went wrong. Does the treatment take a long time? Did Jack leave his job for a while before he went to the hospital? How have our patients been holding up?

I couldn't help but notice that J5 has a bit of love and lust here. Would that sort of thing be taboo for robots of the same model? Is, um, "blood purity" a problem for us like it is for some organic lifeforms? Does our Jack feel weird about it?

You know what? I'm gonna test it.

I'd like to pay J5 a compliment on the nice body work he's done. We can see that he's pretty talented at patching himself up. If his scars are like stories written on his body, does he have any other interesting stories he'd like to share with us?
No. 1101278 ID: 273c18

More hostile? What are you talking about!? I don't think anyone else agrees with you now, at least not to the extent that we'd want to seriously injure Jack to get rid of Hax, so maybe calm your shit, eh? Also, she wasn't calling you "Bestie" in the first place. She is aware there are multiple of us.

You mean a mind control fetish?

Ask for a rundown of what you missed.
No. 1101298 ID: 73a678

...methinks you're a bit too paranoid. She's far from that bad.

>>1101060 Otherwise, backing this. Let's ease into things.
No. 1101300 ID: 938478

OK so given that we know basically nothing about our powers and their limits-I love Hex with all my heart, I’m giving her my credit card information and home address as I type this. But I don’t trust her a single bit about revealing secrets about herself that we do not know of until it’s far too late-I’ve taken liberty of drafting together a little plan for how we can properly test them out.

So the plan is as follows: Pt1: We go to one of the crime ridden sectors like AHN 1 or 3 and just, walk around. Explore the area and see the sights to see. Eventually after long enough (And if Hex is to be believed about how crime filled these areas are) we should be attempted to be mugged/murdered/graped/tried to be sold something by someone. We chose this person in particular because A; We’re not doing this to a loved one who places their trust into us, we’re doing this to a dangerous criminal who was actively trying to hurt us. And B; AHN7 will not know that we used Active mode if we do it in these areas. B is especially important for me because I don’t want to make the best girl disappointed in us :<. Then activates-

Pt2: We use Active mode on them. Test out its uses and limits, (This part and everything that comes after is very much unpredictable, depending on who the criminal actually was and what sort of situation they were in to do such an act) things like: What’s the max & min we can set the integer settings to (Is 999 and -1 even possible?)? Can we make them gay? What counts as a mood in this system (Can we make someone feel like they’ve watched the newest Sony anti-hero spider-man movies?(Aka: Extremely Suicidal?))? How powerful are our orders (Is self-harm possible? If we tell someone to “Take a walk” will they ever stop?)? Can we control more than one person at once? Is it at all possible to actually KILL someone if we set their systems the wrong way?

And while yes-this whole idea IS very much insanely immoral in every way conceivably imaginable-BUT it’s also extremely necessary to do. For example: What if when Hex told Bea she left the stove on, she actually doesn’t HAVE a stove to leave on in the first place? What happens then? Does the order redirect to something different but with the same goal? Does the order error out and a new one needs to be put in its place? Will Bea buy a stove, turn it on and then leave her house? Will she break into some random person's house and turn their stove off? Will the impossible order overload Bea’s brain and KILL HER?!?!? (Last one is extremely unlikely but still).

Yes none of that happened, and yes Hex would stop/warn us of anything like that happening. But the fact is that we don’t actually know that for certain. We have an extremely dangerous power at our hands that could hurt someone permanently. We can’t can’t roll the dice with “IF”s when using them.

...Also I want a good excuse to play around with our really cool hypno powers on someone.

Chit-chat with our brother for awhile, catch up on what we missed and whatnot. It's been probably years since we last spoke, and he's been filling in our position while we were gone, it would be pretty rude to just go straight to questions about ourselves first off (Still going to eventually though)
No. 1101302 ID: 940726

Hax is nobody's friend. She described herself as an existential threat to Jack specifically, and treating her as such is the appropriate response. If she has anything to say in her defense, she can say it herself.

I have been making every possible effort at every available opportunity to sympathize, compromise, understand, inquire, discuss, and otherwise reason with her so that we could work together more comfortably. She, instead, has repeatedly demanded entertainment while we were trying to do other things, acted irritable without explaining herself whenever something doesn't go her way, threatened our protagonist's life, and refused to even acknowledge any issues with how she's treated anyone.

Except for one time, when she said she was sorry for "teasing" and then made excuses for herself. Which is just about the most backhanded, insincere, two-faced insult of an "apology" she could have given for her behavior. And by "behavior", I mean "death threats", which have been ongoing for more than half of the entire time we've known Jack.

I honestly wish we could have a better relationship, or that any of the better ways to handle this had gotten us anywhere, but at this point it's apparent that the only two options are to either address the threat she has chosen to make against Jack's life, or pretend it never happened, and the better choice is to call her what she is.
No. 1101303 ID: 5b1723

>>1101302 Open hostility is just as likely to have Hax lash out at Jack so don't antagonize. Sure, we shouldn't let Hax dictate how we do things. Still, lip service is pretty much free. Plus light flirting seems to be enough to placate. Fun for both sides. "Just bestie? Please. We're way past the friendzone~."
No. 1101305 ID: 460bc9

...Are you still all angry about the time Hax said she'd fry our circuits if we picked up a book?
No. 1101306 ID: 3242bc

…Hmm. We could ask AHN what she meant by using our HAX for good. Like, hypnotherapy, consensual domming? …But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
No. 1101307 ID: 6c233e

It's hard to pick up tone through text, but I think she was just joking. She has been quite well behaved for a sentient being confined to another person's head. If that comment is still bothering Jack he should just talk to her about it before jumping to dangerous schemes.
No. 1101315 ID: 8f9bc4


Fair point however (breast thump)
1. She is installed on Jack. They don't want to fight since they can't get away from each other.
2. She's been open to negotiation, which she won't be if Jack keeps treating her like an enemy
3. She doesn't have to be an existential threat. She can choose not to, and so can Jack.
4. She hasn't hurt anyone, despite several opportunties to do so.
No. 1101341 ID: 0db8d3

Hax is a brat but I don't think she actually holds any Ill intentions toward us.
At worst I think she wants to get herself off by "Corrupting" (In a moral way, not a software way.) one of the goody-two-shoes Jack Units.
No. 1103234 ID: 0924d1
File 173865395798.png - (86.11KB , 1440x1080 , Jack5Talking.png )

>Ask for a rundown of what you missed.

>In the meantime though, we should ask Jack 5 here for more information about ourselves, anything of note happening right now, maybe if he nows anything about what we were up to before the virus flush. Has he ever had to deal with viruses like that? Is that a common problem?

:Jack5Smile: "Not too much, your regulars came in a little confused at first but they adjusted haha, I even remembered a few from things you told me in the past. That girl that kept trying to rizz you up showed up too so that was interesting!"

:HaxDevious: "Wow, someone gets bitches"

:JackNeutral: "Well that's good at least, I don't think I was out for too long, was I? I forgot what Ahn said..."

:Ahn7Smile: "About two weeks, not as long as some other patients in the past but still a worrying amount of time"

:JackConfused: "Wait, have you been doing twice the work? Or has someone been covering for you? That much travel must suck if you're going between sectors"

:Jack5Smile: "Ahn 7 hooked me up with a link module so I can pilot two bodies at once, twice the compute requirements but twice the compute power since I've got an equivalent model."

:JackSmile: "That sounds awesome, I'm glad to hear you're not suffering over this"

:Jack5Neutral: "Nah, I've been thoroughly enjoying it. Take your time with relearning your stuff again, I'm super down to continue."

:JackSmile: "Will do ahah, thinking of just exploring the area to get my bearings again and meet my friends."

:JackSurprised: "Oh! Do you know if I was up to anything before my virus flush? Is it like, a common thing?"

Jack 5 thinks for a minute, wracking his brain for anything he can remember.

:Jack5Neutral: "Hmmm... Not really, if you're trying to figure out why you got a virus you were probably just searching some risky sites if you know what I mean" he chuckles teasingly,

:Jack5Neutral: "As for how common it is, I'm not sure if I know exactly, but..." he gestures to Ahn.

Ahn 7 steps forward, happy to answer what she arguably knows way more about,

:Ahn7Smile: "Fairly common, but not as bad as what you had. Most bots get a common virus at least once every quarter, fairly easy to flush out but you required a much deeper clean."


:HaxSmile: "You'll know more about me when the time is right, can't ruin my mysterious energy~ As for that plan, I actually think that idea... Yeah, that idea seems quite nice. Morally ambiguous so it appeals to both Jack and I... And we might be able to have some fun hehe..."

:JackNeutral: 'You know what, it is kinda alright... Maybe we could head out after this...? Or am I forgetting something...'

Jack turns, facing Ahn,

:JackNeutral: "Hey Ahn, are you free sometime soon? I wanna talk to you more about uh.. The thing."

Jack 5 and Ahn 7 both look a bit confused, before her eyes widen, nodding softly.

:Ahn7Smile: "Understood, feel free to visit my office at any time to talk, or would you like to talk after you're done talking here?"
No. 1103235 ID: 6b8094

We could talk now if you have time - you know, before we completely forget what we were doing.
If Jack 5's got our bases safely covered maybe we should take another week off or so to focus on data recovery & figuring out what knocked us offline so badly! Better that someone with barely any data to lose risks catching the virus again, right? How lucky for our admirer that we have a clean slate.
No. 1103237 ID: e4fa58

Well you are meeting that one guy later tonight so as long as it doesn’t interfere with that you’re kind of free for whatever.
No. 1103238 ID: 273c18

Ask about that girl. Why were you turning them down before?
No. 1103247 ID: 3168ea

Yeees we should ask about this, no? She's cute and nice.
No. 1103276 ID: 9bbb0e

Yeah, was that the bee girl?
No. 1103321 ID: 54300c
File 173876599028.png - (86.91KB , 1440x1080 , WeCanGo.png )

>Well you are meeting that one guy later tonight so as long as it doesn’t interfere with that you’re kind of free for whatever.
>We could talk now if you have time - you know, before we completely forget what we were doing.

:JackNeutral: 'Shouldn't interfere with that, still got a few hours until then.'

:JackNeutral: "Yeah I'll finish my conversation with 5 and probably go with you to your office if that's fine."

Ahn 7 nods, smiling understandingly.

>Ask about that girl. Why were you turning them down before?

Turning back to Jack 5, Jack looks a little confused,

:JackConfused: "Why did I turn down whoever that client was?"

:Jack5Neutral: "Unprofessional to date a client I guess, she's really sweet and I couldn't see any other reason, maybe a little too in love with you? Seemed pretty head-over-heels for you, at least it made her smile!"

:HaxDevious: "Sounds like someone's getting laaaaaiiidddd~"
No. 1103351 ID: 861ceb

I guess the only question I can think of right now is since you're back will you be taking over your old job right away or is 5 going to stick around a bit longer and help ease you back into the job to make sure you still have your touch?
No. 1103353 ID: 6c233e

It don't suppose she would still be considered a client now? What with the amnesia. So it would be okay to hang out and maybe date right?
No. 1103354 ID: 6b8094

We can use this break to both explore a relationship with Bee and investigate the virus. Hey Hax, would hacking this body affect both of 5's bodies? Or would he notice something was up?
No. 1103355 ID: 010d92

...what does being laid even MEAN for robots?
No. 1103363 ID: df0eb5

Like what is its purpose?
No. 1103364 ID: 010d92

like, How do robots sex, and why can they?
No. 1103376 ID: d0b56f

Well, she's not our client now, is she? I think we've got a great opportunity here.
No. 1103381 ID: 6b996d


Obviously, there's some ancient biological origin of the biominetic template. You REALLY want to find more details about all of these design choices that are blatantly inherited from evolved biology.
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