Mauve Silver Flitter
Hax is nobody's friend. She described herself as an existential threat to Jack specifically, and treating her as such is the appropriate response. If she has anything to say in her defense, she can say it herself.
I have been making every possible effort at every available opportunity to sympathize, compromise, understand, inquire, discuss, and otherwise reason with her so that we could work together more comfortably. She, instead, has repeatedly demanded entertainment while we were trying to do other things, acted irritable without explaining herself whenever something doesn't go her way, threatened our protagonist's life, and refused to even acknowledge any issues with how she's treated anyone.
Except for one time, when she said she was sorry for "teasing" and then made excuses for herself. Which is just about the most backhanded, insincere, two-faced insult of an "apology" she could have given for her behavior. And by "behavior", I mean "death threats", which have been ongoing for more than half of the entire time we've known Jack.
I honestly wish we could have a better relationship, or that any of the better ways to handle this had gotten us anywhere, but at this point it's apparent that the only two options are to either address the threat she has chosen to make against Jack's life, or pretend it never happened, and the better choice is to call her what she is.