Blue Evening Lily
>Ask for a rundown of what you missed.
>In the meantime though, we should ask Jack 5 here for more information about ourselves, anything of note happening right now, maybe if he nows anything about what we were up to before the virus flush. Has he ever had to deal with viruses like that? Is that a common problem?
"Not too much, your regulars came in a little confused at first but they adjusted haha, I even remembered a few from things you told me in the past. That girl that kept trying to rizz you up showed up too so that was interesting!"
"Wow, someone gets bitches"
"Well that's good at least, I don't think I was out for too long, was I? I forgot what Ahn said..."
"About two weeks, not as long as some other patients in the past but still a worrying amount of time"
"Wait, have you been doing twice the work? Or has someone been covering for you? That much travel must suck if you're going between sectors"
"Ahn 7 hooked me up with a link module so I can pilot two bodies at once, twice the compute requirements but twice the compute power since I've got an equivalent model."
"That sounds awesome, I'm glad to hear you're not suffering over this"
"Nah, I've been thoroughly enjoying it. Take your time with relearning your stuff again, I'm super down to continue."
"Will do ahah, thinking of just exploring the area to get my bearings again and meet my friends."
"Oh! Do you know if I was up to anything before my virus flush? Is it like, a common thing?"
Jack 5 thinks for a minute, wracking his brain for anything he can remember.
"Hmmm... Not really, if you're trying to figure out why you got a virus you were probably just searching some risky sites if you know what I mean" he chuckles teasingly,
"As for how common it is, I'm not sure if I know exactly, but..." he gestures to Ahn.
Ahn 7 steps forward, happy to answer what she arguably knows way more about,
"Fairly common, but not as bad as what you had. Most bots get a common virus at least once every quarter, fairly easy to flush out but you required a much deeper clean."
"You'll know more about me when the time is right, can't ruin my mysterious energy~ As for that plan, I actually think that idea... Yeah, that idea seems quite nice. Morally ambiguous so it appeals to both Jack and I... And we might be able to have some fun hehe..."
'You know what, it is kinda alright... Maybe we could head out after this...? Or am I forgetting something...'
Jack turns, facing Ahn,
"Hey Ahn, are you free sometime soon? I wanna talk to you more about uh.. The thing."
Jack 5 and Ahn 7 both look a bit confused, before her eyes widen, nodding softly.
"Understood, feel free to visit my office at any time to talk, or would you like to talk after you're done talking here?"